ibxtoycat – Skyblock But There’s An Infinite Number Of Islands

Video Information

Hello I’m a VX toy cat and welcome to infinity Skyblock this is a map which has been highly recommended by a large number of people and it’s one of those maps that is very fun and full front on the store animation question what’s so special about this we’ve seen bad sky

Blow up maps before but if you look at this one you can see what makes this so special it’s Skyblock but the islands aren’t just 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 50 there is a ridiculous number in each direction a functionally infinite number in each direction obviously minecraft wolves

Have their limits but until that point you should see a near infinite number of sky blocks which gets me super excited in his white we’re trying out today is it going to be worth the money let’s find out and I guess you can call it like store saturday live let you know if

Minecraft store content is worth the money given that you can’t find out yourself so with that said let’s do this shall we let’s I guess that’s all we need to set up actually let’s sell on cornets if they’re not already I hope they are cornets on we do not have

Coordinates on well that is that is a tragedy we’re gonna have to unlock the template options and we’re gonna have to actually not we don’t need corners we can we can do better than that it’s gonna be great I really enjoy the sculpt says I I’ll be mention it’s 9 yeah the

Number of recommendations I’ve had four have been pretty high and again when it comes to store content that’s a rarity especially you know this is this is quite a highly priced one too so it’s gonna be exciting I got myself I can offend to Barry today in case you’re

Curious about my drink you see something blue and you’re concerned my local store sells American like drinks at like pretty high prices they couldn’t firm out two dollars but obviously it’s important honestly there’s so much sugar that there’s a banging going on there so this is survival Skyblock it’s just survival no

Challenges or story elements and this includes active story and challenges I like the of the option I’m also very confused by this dark room we’re in like oh it’s obsidian that’s very weird and oh look there’s bees Amla in the background the poster how cute but yeah

So anyway um I think we should go over survival because challenges sound fun but story sounds not so fun especially don’t go infinity why play infinity square block to not play and you will upgrade the sky block generation have a goal to work towards so that this actually in okay that’s very interesting

Recommended I need your help okay I’m gonna see if there’s a new portal this also thank very much for the subject wicket taxes concat $2 as cheap as I guess it depends on your perspective compared to all the other drinks it’s quite expensive compared to

What you might ok so there’s six six of these things oh it’s complete the monument a voice book the Skywalk would complete money would be cool so you get more islands generated by this place infinity crystals in the hopper below okay so we’re gonna go get the Infinity

Crystals sounds fun to me so yeah I’m looking forward to this one hopefully all of you are two of the thirty million blocks sadly on bedrock there’s technically no limit like there is actually a limit because the world stops generating properly but they’re functionally isn’t so a sky block you

Have been here before they know me so yeah this is beautiful just lost go block with melon some some flowers and lilypad and presumably the law from the water that we need to make this work collect a log so the game’s gonna be giving me quests as we go along which is

Actually not what I expected I was expecting to just like free roam straight into this one but instead we’re gonna be given the option to we’re gonna be like following your quest which is actually kind of fun I I don’t know if this is necessarily minecraft enough

That’s gonna be the best thing but it’s exciting it’s something different and that’s why it’s worth sticking that’s why it’s worth giving a wall I should say crafter wooden pickaxe is that easy enough for you now the game’s just being mean to me at this point

I got me a wooden pickaxe yeah creative cobblestone generator these can be hard you want to get one shot is the game gonna teach me or does it I wonder actually like wait you want to get one shot you see what okay it’s gonna teach

Me make it flow into a TD Pole dig your trench to away from the have a lava flow towards the running water so we need to use the wood pickaxe there and then we place that there and then we remove this boom now we have lava here I believe and

This makes stone there if I’m not mistaken so place blocks there and there now we’ll use the lava bucket and again it’s been forever I always mess these up it’s very easy to make a mistake okay and now we’ve got a cobblestone generator because there’s only so much

Cobblestone you have in the world so if you want to build out to the next Island which in this case is non-existent you need that also those wooden axe in here the whole time very embarrassed about myself brah who’s snoring yeah the voice-acting does sound

A bit like snoring oh here’s a fun fact the original gasp voice I think they’ve changed it since but the original gas noise was just c418 s cat is the cat noises played in Reverse which i think is an adorable fact also yeah that melon should not be okay you know I’m gonna

Have to remove these fires real quick I’m just gonna grab me the melons I’m gonna prefer I probably should have done this like a different direction so this didn’t happen but it’s fine so um craft a crafting table can’t proceeds to break wood game can’t tell

Me how to live my life things that can have instructions for me so what’s the last thing the chat told me next you need a stone pickaxe okay I can do that but yeah it’s a really interesting format for a map again this isn’t something you this is something you

Don’t see on the job maps so much because I mean like for obvious reasons but it could be something that she justifies being a marketplace map as opposed to something else and that sounds interesting to me so it is time I’ve gathered enough powder generate and

You scale off you it could look like anything also because it’s infinite it’s gonna be different every time it sounds like maybe it looks like yours maybe a certain by him maybe the ores are all diamonds so yeah that’s that’s the encourage Oh okay so

We got a desert one so we’re gonna need to get a lot of a lot of cobblestone for this you don’t have to use cobblestone I guess but we’re gonna use it anyway got to get that roasted the melon safety first good luck sis chica Bob I am very

Excited I’ve I have mentioned by the way I don’t think I have actually I was gonna mention it early but um this maps by [ __ ] Bob the reason I’m excited about this one is because it’s it’s by it’s by someone who tends to make good survival maps

Like a lot of store Maps they focus on the story aspect which you know I’m sure some people enjoy but it’s never been my forte whereas I like survival maps the seen one like this is great also was on your no context from earlier apparently was kicked to make room for you long

That sounds like a thing that might have happened but I’m glad you enjoy it pixel it’s definitely not pixel it’s definitely Plaxo but yeah I’m very I love me some good survival content and that’s why I’m excited potentially for this so let’s get our way onto the island

So as you X course as you explore sky blocks I’ll gain information about them I enabled more to be generated see if there any valuable ores that can be mined so it sounds like we have to follow the game for a bit again that’s that’s interesting cuz this is combining

Survival and story which on the surface oh no we lost the dead fish you gotta save those be on the surface it sounds oh geez okay that’s the bomber let’s fill that it and let’s grab the yours but ah yeah I’m a surface it sounds like a questionable idea but I think again

What I’ve experienced so far I’m optimistic about the way this is gonna go I’m convinced by the end I’ll be invested I love combos go on all the Infinity cause it’ll be great I’m a huge fan thank you for stream since Niko knocks it I do it just for you Niko

Knocks it and the other several hundred people who are watching a new sky block has been generated could it be an infinitive crystal so we have to get our way up to there which we can’t do without going back to the first island I mean we could use sand and we

Could stack ourselves up but I want to make it like a repeatable system so I’m gonna make some stairs or even just you don’t need you stairs you need to just make slabs whatever let me show you how to staircase up without making stairs so your life’s trimmers are addicting now

It’s concerning since mr. Shawn thank you very much mr. Shawn you know I stress how unsophisticated I am drinking out the can like a common day common day I don’t know what pleb bit pick an offensive word let’s pour it into a cloth shall we look how fancy

Look at look at this blue liquid it is very blue as absurdly blue yeah I love American drinks because they have so much sugar in like it almost hurts to drink almost and then BOOM we’ve now got ourselves a straw Roble drink its but for the sophisticated

I don’t even know I’m saying put your stuff in a chest now I like to live my life on the edge if I’m not about to die at any given moment if I don’t lose everything it’s not even worth playing to me that’s my that’s my attitude on

This one so yeah here’s my clever it’s not actually that clever but here’s my in my head a clever strategy to staircase up between islands what you can do is you can use blocks so you place a slab and then you place a block then a slab then a block and it allows

You to have like a staircase again it’s really tricky to do this about the strong blocks of wires whereas this allows you to effectively have a staircase though when you’re done actually looks not bad either I know we’re not gonna quite make it so uh saplings oh yeah the saplings uses metal straws

To save the turtles no I I hope the metal straw kills turtles as well I just I just want a reusable plastic straw that’s all I want in my life you know Oh in grey infinity crystal and we press the button oh the crystal Walter only

Has the power to bring you here once brick give me the infinity crystal place it in the hopper nearby I mean you know I I’ll have to suspend my disbelief and say this isn’t infinity crystal can we’ve just used a I guess you have multiple colors whatever okay that’s fine

And then a she lights up or something right ooh even better than lights go it’s got wrong effects super exciting Scott grand miser upgraded base Plus also the islands get different when you get okay so that’s actually a reason for us to exist I put those just a plot

MacGuffin or something that is super interesting actually I like that I like the sound of that so yeah Morello island here I want to see where this is in relation to the world I’m sure it’s its own little island but like I want to believe it something that is

Super cool actually so let’s go back home I want to believe there’s some little Easter Egg on this island like there isn’t going to be it’s clearly meant to be like a hub place but you’ve always got to look right you’ve always got to believe this is like a postman

Ops world you know if we mentioned panels again I have to mention our having i think he was justified oh look at that okay so actually wait that is my map down there right no it’s not but there is something happening down there there is wait okay I need to know we

Can’t break blocks here so if I go down can I place blocks I probably can right okay next time I come back here I’m coming back with blocks and I’m gonna try and climb down to the world that is my new idea because if I bring water as

Well you’ll get great there are but I mean I ain’t disappointing losses jiggy Bob hey I was correct and my guess that the random hub area isn’t that gonna have some secrets so yeah the the wall generation I don’t know how like in normal gameplay we’re gonna get new

Islands but I do like the idea that like our islands get we can generate many schedules at once I’m assuming it will follow you in each direction so I can go that way that way or that way and when you get to an island it will generate free more that’s my guess

And maybe you’ll get better when we get more crystals or just the islands will change but still I like that is like all new square blocks generating so that is not okay so it’s nicely the free directions like a guest well maybe it is actually wait any this way there’s one

That way so now we can kind of pick from the islands and we can be like emerald ores great but I mean right now it’s not a pig is kind of great though I wonder if it follows us yeah that let’s let’s try out this let’s try sir I need to know

So uh are you streaming this until you complete it or whatever or how long uh I don’t know how long we usually stream these days because it’s Stream less happy shroomless everyone where I’m streaming every day until my sanity wanes um cuz it’s stream las’ oh okay so

They do follow me it seems like there’s a there’s a radius around you which is being generated um that’s a cool concept it’s like again it’s like when crops at natural generation it seems so let’s grab our let’s let’s do a little bit more mining I wanna get

Some iron going in fact I have to iron I’m sure there’s a bird iron ore in this island but I just missed we’ll go back and get that inal we’re gonna make an iron pickaxe cuz I don’t know mine the slow way anymore hey there we go and

Then we’re gonna we’re gonna like what we’re gonna do been mining so we can actually go to a place place I like your beard says coke and Lola thank you very much Cogan I like your bid too unless you don’t have a bed in which case I think that’s sad you should

Have a beard Cogan unless you can’t have a beard in which case you know what I think that’s sadder isn’t that society dragging us all down there’s no way we have complete in a single stream I’m sure you make some good progress I just have the map crates tell me I can’t

Finish in a single stream that sounds like a challenge if I’ve ever heard one challenge accepted let’s speed run the map let’s do let’s go okay so this is gonna be my Center at my base island it’s you know it’s my roots it’s where I started place a stone block here I guess

A little furnace yeah I think we can do this you know I reckon Eric and that’s gonna be great we’re gonna set up some we’re gonna set like a tree area up here too so let’s destroy some blocks and let’s try our best to you know we want to like

Have plenty of places for trees to grow safely so don’t like along this pathway like one to the left right one to the left one to the right one to the left couple of trees I don’t this is actually far enough for them to grow if one grows

About the oh geez that cow sucks be you buddy and then probably another tree over in that corner we’ll deal we’ll do the results later for now it’s mining time my favorite time I like your shoelaces I tried to wear shoes about shoelaces one of my incompetencies is is tying my own

Shoes I hate to admit and I I also have this real terror because like shoelaces become undone for reasons I can never work out like what is the actual it makes sense if you were actively like pulling your shoe off your foot and they came undone but they come undone at

Random times and you don’t know until it’s too late right so like I’ve got this real terror because I go on escalators a lot I don’t know more than the average person but I’m on escalators a fair amount the time and I’ve seen what happens if like your

Shoes get dragged into escalators so I try not to have shoelaces because I’m just I’m terrified they’ll get undone without me realizing and then I’ll get dragged into an escalator machinery okay now we can make an iron pickaxe let’s do this I am pickaxe yeah look at this now I can

Mine even faster and I can get the gold ore as well I never tie my shoes I tuck them in yes but like that’s what I usually oh look at this this is this is so much faster than stun what an upgrade I have a magic not that doesn’t come

Undone you know I reckon that’s uh I don’t know I don’t know if that’s true that can’t be it it has to be a has to be an exaggeration of the facts anyway so we need to get my first instinct is to get more water because we can make an

Infinite source boss oh wait there’s another island with a bum there we should go to that one first because again the the goal of this map I’m assuming is to get all six of those crystals and the challenge has been laid that we can’t do this today so you know

That that to me is pretty good motivation to do so let’s play some there as here as well as between these and as well as over there then we kind of bridge around that’s not what I wanted to do at all oh okay it’s almost gone so you always

Be careful when you’ve got blocks like saplings because they count towards your thing then oh okay that’s why you’re like bridge this way around and then we’ll do the same over here now that we can kind of like repeat this pattern later but for now we should be

Up to grow trees also walk between islands and also do stuff it never ever comes on down on its own as soon as you want your shoes off you just pull it like an o1 on I never wait actually maybe this is weird actually do it I

Don’t I never untie my shoes to take them off is that normal is that what people do is that how the real world works so tell me Internet oh we should talk melon farm in case we start starving too so yeah there’s some basics actually wait right

My theory is the Eifel gets so good that we won’t need a melon farm because we’ll have like a cow farm or something is that the shirt when you got robbed at the airport says dr. Whammer a good memory I got robbed on the weight from the airport

Besides that you nailed that’s that you nailed it okay we’re gonna go to that island just to satisfy my curiosity also we’ll get the gold on the way because I don’t think it’s important yeah but you never know when something like that changes always won’t be ready be a step

Ahead of the game I never tie them just not okay right yeah I I thought I was like crazy for a second there like why would you do anything else it’s my logic so yeah that island looks suspiciously like this one oh it just has a chest this time it

Doesn’t have a blocking Menace no Jesus I forget how minecraft something works scares me every time let’s go over here we need to get some coal or some charcoal so we can make torches because I do not like the idea of mob spawning also there’s another one I guess so I

Think you’ll find dumb pretty well at this whole grabbing the Infinity core thing unless that’s not that’s maybe just the first condition to like start the map Pina is it closer to the blue crystal way banister generates up and that’s gonna go geez hey there buddy you meant to be there okay

You can walk off the edge okay that’s that’s nice I don’t know why it exists also you get additional biomes from this one but also this place is getting more dangerous so let’s get out there diamonds under the island says Alex Harding are you right about that one let

Me give that let me give that a peek let me confirm or deny your suspicions oh there are diamonds under the island you know there’s like one of the fun things like I’ll admit there’s a bit of fun to it like I would find it fun if I was a

Chatter so I can’t like I can’t criticize it too much but like it’s like kind of fun to troll a stringer and be like oh yeah think of the thing that could be real but is not already zone oh okay I get the diamond I did let’s be careful on

This next one shall we so yeah this is this is a nerve-wracking stuff come on okay we got that one we can get this one too I’m shocked oh no he can’t know about breaking this block and now I’m gonna have a prison room blocks a claimant very forever

Third diamond okay we got a don’t pick X now if you want it I’m sure there must be some on the other side that’s my like you don’t make non non uh scented islands right it’s got to be the same on both sides oh no my assumptions about the world

Have been shattered today this is the worst way to mine diamonds what’s the drink today I noticed it’s blue what’s the worst drink that I could have that would be blue I want to pretend it’s that instead like oh actually it’s Kirikou Curacao the weird like juice made from the weird oranges

From the that island with off the same name in the Caribbean if you don’t know secure so Curacao I don’t know how you said but that Island we all know the one Windex okay I’m drinking antifreeze to Gert today guys I’ve got some bad news for

You also bad news for the llama too apparently how is that wait one sec look what we’ve just done how is this even okay let’s just look at this for a second hmm my assumptions about this world was shattered today I mean clearly right the hard way a shield potion drink antifreeze Smurf

Blood period blood only in the advertisements in real life it actually isn’t blue this shocked me when I first found out but uh okay so let’s mine small stone blocks and then let’s work out our next plan of action so that we actually make a diamond pickaxe chat we’ve got three

Diamonds diamond pickaxe or diamond sword and shovel I think it’s clear that on this map diamond pickaxe is the way to go right but if anyone disagrees I’d love to hear wait until you pull on that Mel Strasser aw Peter okay can we talk about something real quick real quick I want

To talk about the number of people who tell me oh I would like a metal straw but they kill you imagine being that worried diamond host has everyone in chat well you know that’ll teach me to ask the internet for advice but um everyone has this slander this absolute libel against the against

The metal straws because they’re like ah well I would like I want a type of sure that won’t kill me thank you very much I know why they talk like that that’s how people who don’t like metal straws talk that’s you but you know how few people

They kill like you could use the same logic for the most ridiculous stuff like people die if like you know cholesterol intake and you’re still eat you’re still going I don’t know you you eat at a place with high cholesterol food right but you know why you do it anyway

Because it’s enjoyable and now imagine the risk was a thousand times lower than like high fat high sodium whatever whatever your buzzword is that you hate you know every diet hates different local food but like there there are lots of things that you know alcohol look

This blue Fanta is just all sugar it’s literally just sugar but 81 percent of my daily intake but you know why you can consume these things because we take measured risks or you’re an idiot and you don’t take measured risks and if you’re an idiot don’t take measured risks well

Pretend that straws don’t kill you I don’t like measure straws because using your mouth takes no effort yeah that’s they’re wet they’re more tensile so they’re easier to shrink from than plastic and paper straw so much cheese in the paper straws I would rather die than drink my paper straw

That’s not true but I’m gonna pretend it is okay so now let’s make us selves a stack of slaps combine these stacks together put that up there and let’s go looking for the next Island because I want to know how the world generates actually wait I think it’s smarter to

Keep going in the same direction that’s my thousand like you play hoping we find the next oh man these llamas put me on the edge oh I mean they put themselves on the edge of it don’t okay so oh that Island just appeared oh wow the islands

Appearing what is causing them to it can’t be rendered issed I was over here would you date a girl who mispronounces Alicia as I like a lighter also take out tax Thank You JP honestly there’s quite a few minecraft sins but should definitely close y’all on the watchlist

I think a light row you got you gotta tell her on the foot on the on you know second date like hey you know it’s actually based on its you know it’s based on beetle wings look up the word etc etc and if she says actually I don’t

Think you need to look upwards because that’s the Sauron speaks in my universe that’s gotta be an incident breakup right there mr. JP this is little Electra erasure okay so um paper straws on nerve paper straws on no I I cannot stand the idea that paper straws are

Helping anyone in any way the only people who like paper straws are people who don’t like straws it’s like I match it okay let’s let’s imagine I hate something I hate bread but I can’t just tell people don’t eat bread cuz no one’s gonna listen to me so I’ll convince

People that good bread is bad for the environment but you know really bad bread like Edna I don’t like I think like white bread toast is the saddest toast in the world so I’ll say if you gonna have toast has to be has to be you know like brown bread toast or

To be actually like most bread for toast right no way also you have to have white bread toast I messed up for that one I destroyed my point midway through saying saying it cuz I was focusing on the game but like if I say yeah you have to have

White bread toast now it’s the only type of toast that isn’t bad for the world and yeah it’s paper straws for a sad excuse for several you’re right no one likes though Jesus I guess now they’re attacking me now they’re apparently not very well but also did you see my why

Might why is it a bucket okay Ike I need to get out there by way oh yes who’s ready to save a village also thank you but can also go cat is a quick as yes as a cult phrase I would agree that at this point it seems to become on which you

Know I’m a big fan of personally thank you poppy fish I am sick and not feeling well well she don’t French toast also love you toy cat can we see you shirtless also subdued I don’t know who that person is but thank you very much

For their 91 pence I hope you get well soon I love that is those gonna become the new phrase I hope you get well soon paper straws to me or as bad as scratching a chalkboard oh the islands over there okay so these islands are pretty close to each other

It’s it’s pretty simple stuff it seems I think I’m taking way longer than I should to do them but that’s fine we can do things our own little thing oh this isn’t our island it that’s our island okay more more island for us let’s turn this into a little spruce

Farm so place some blocks around here so we can scoop it up now let’s break the tree drink of your mouth yeah right babe I mean clearly people choose not to drink of their mouth in the same way I could say don’t eat toast no one’s gonna not eat toast by force

You have bad toast then really I’m like yeah they’ll teach you your monsters enjoying something I don’t don’t you know this is the Internet how dare you enjoy something that I don’t personally enjoy like this is not the place for that friends paper straws the worst to

Get to where in your mouth they stop being paper straws halfway through the drink and then you need to get another one and then after certain number paper straws u2p at the point anyway you can’t reap drink a Frappuccino milkshake a straw I’ve always wondered actually I I agree

With this but I drink everything from a straw anyway like I literally drink water from a straw why is it the milk based drinks like even coffee tastes better with a straw right there’s a reason when you get like you know a vanilla blah-blah-blah-blah-blah scheana when

You get one of those it always comes with straw I don’t know why that is like it’s gotta be some food science I just don’t know what the Food Sciences sadly so let’s make two stacks at leaves cuz we don’t need normal blocks anymore and

Let’s go to the next Island where can I get that map it’s a bit on the marketplace right now it’s being advertised to you on your home screen you can play minecraft bedroom it shouldn’t be hard to miss microplastics so cat put a block above the llama to

Limit cobblestone loss oh that’s clever you up at a half-step ler yeah that’s that’s that’s good good tip friend I mean I lost your username I try to I try to say the usernames oh Jesus of people who are helped when somewhere so encourage people to be nice rather than

The opposite of nice so yeah that’s oh we got off first village wait can we build our own little we might be a bit around la village later that’d be nice any wait we’ve got another infinity crystal so the local generation gets cooler and more different every time and

Then off we’ve done enough of these the rarest of the rare oh you get a diamond block in exchange for it that’s so weird I do want to have a look I’m sure once you do this like the challenge of slots generate but I am super curious about

What’s next so oh wait I didn’t actually get it wasn’t infinite crystal it was just a block okay that’s where I got the diamond block in exchange I feel ripped off I feel like that should have been one of them six blocks but that’s fine okay so there’s a village over there

There’s some crops over there and there’s a bee over there I would like to be over there with him wait I would like to be over there with that yellow fuzzy mob there we go that’s better pretend I said that the first time pretend I’m that funny off-the-cuff

Thank You Internet okay I got the highest grade date based class congratulations I next time trick song they should be explicitly drunk with straw I’m not gonna use one see what it’s like yeah I want to try drinking uh I’m gonna try that actually I want to

Walk out cuz obviously I can tell with every drink I drink I know why it’s better with a straw it’s easier and it’s just it adds some some floss or something but it’s also it’s super interesting to me also I think the camera is slightly badly sent a take away

There we go like I can I can sense a lot of me being off-camera today well so I can’t you’re so funny off-the-cuff okay thank you thank you Internet I try my actually no I don’t try I’m that funny but I don’t need to try but you know um

It one day you’ll be as funny as I can be with my bee puns I’m glad to mention see I’m gonna go to that day oh wait there’s emeralds down there there’s emeralds down there let’s shoot cane over there which I guess I want but I want to find the next infinity crystal

Maybe I’ve gotta explore enough islands before I’ll let me do that well maybe it’s like a time thing or I’m not really actually sure I guess we’ll find out won’t we that’s just bridge up to here nice stuff why did Susan take the kids I’ve got a

Whole video that way where minecraft is better than your ex-girlfriend for this exact issue so uh something about fizzy drinks with straw it’s gonna be something like um it’s got a help with the carbonation in some way or something along those lines I don’t know how I

Don’t know why I don’t even know if it does but yeah yeah when you have a tasty drink adding a straw I know it’s like uh and I’m it makes everything better just got stuck in the the bushes there so what we need is a stroke made from

Whales we can all be Welshman we can all be well shall we drink I mean if you want to be Welsh when you drink just uh I know I want to make fun of their accents but it’s too easy I’m gonna do that let’s let’s save ourselves the pain

So yeah we have a we have to find at least three more crystals the process of finding them is a bit weird that I don’t know if we know what it is so we’re gonna break some oh wait we want to lose limit loss or place a block there and

There in theory this is meant to limit the number of blocks that can go to the right total string for straws maybe if Turtles could learn from drinking strollers then the world would be a better place put the Block on the lava I think you’ll see that I did that right

Here I think we put one over there on top of this it might help to just use a pasta noodle to the straw I’ve seen a lot of places do that it’s clever right it’s food waste instead of waste waste oh my okay this is my real favorite type

Of stroke edible she draws they sell these are types of coffee cup I don’t know if it’s just in the southern hemisphere but I’ve heard about it from New Zealand but um they sell these types of coffee cups that are edible to genius right why don’t we just make everything

Edible if it’s one-time use make it edible like thing about pizza how do you hold a pizza with the crust crust edible clever right imagine we have pizzas out the crush you have to bring a plate with you it’d be a whole mess you’d have to

Get four no it’s a hand food thing you like that imagine if the box is the McDonald’s the McDonald’s thing right imagine if that you know the McDonald’s fry box the red one we’ve all seen it with the red M the yellow M I think it

Is imagine if that was edible it it looks like it should be tasty right it looks like it’s probably tasty no matter that’s a giant potato like a join hash brown you’d be hyped you’d be like I want to eat the fries to get the hash brown on the box

Edible straws I’m not vegan plastic straws are vegan right I mean sorry I’ll pasta can I send you a picture of me drinking what bottle in the shower to your discord also you know pronounce my name correctly but it’s funny pop pshhh pufferfish you don’t pop a fish

Sorry that’s who you are I’ve every named you okay so we’ve got a bunch of blocks when you try but should we don’t succeed become a Welsh and you get you need funding the so professional Wang that shall December you okay I’m upset I’m upset I put on the shirt then I was

Like oh my Christmas shirt I love how people get upset when I wear this but it’s Christmas now now I’m just being festive I hate it I’m very upset by though I’m upset by the world’s normalization of Christmas this is cultural appropriation don’t you know

This is this is my season that you guys are all celebrating right now and I’m I’m deeply disappointed Uruguay is the best country ever what did you just call me sorry I hat sit at sea you’ve been repeating it non-stop so there’s a pizza place of New York that makes the box out

Cheese bread seat these are these are smart ideas everyone should do these things and if you can make that a global change then people wheat less pizza because they leave the box and then all for some we’re not for hung all these boxes away although pizza box is made

From paper cardboard which isn’t such a big deal but like let’s not pretend that’s a thing I I think everything should be edible my one I won’t I want the supermarket to be like a willy wonka factory you should be able to walk in there and just eat everything the Shelf

Should be edible sorry for ruining your season yeah please please everyone apologize and uh and hope your whole thing keep the bed for next Christmas you might have enough to be Santa I assure you I’ll never be able to grow a beard that looks anything like Center ok

Chat so how do we find the next island we just go back this way and we hope it spawns I’m actually not sure about that like if all the generation followed me around but I’m less and less sure the more I travel we could also start cacti

Farming you never know when you’re gonna want more cacti you just you never know so let’s take some cactus actually let’s just let’s just keep an eye on trophy now we don’t need to plant them necessarily like free free is plenty I’m sure so when we walk this way new

Islands don’t generate so they don’t follow us they are generating in a specific order I want edible toy cat it’s a toy cat live stream but the entire thing is edible the phone you’re watching this on right now actually edible if you ignore those rare earth materials and the

Magnets and the screen which is made from glass and a few other things then this is in fact an edible stream so eat your phone right now that is my advice to all of you watching take nook to the island so you don’t get my perfume oh that’s clever that’s clever okay yeah

That’s my plan I’m sure it’s gonna reapply it to us but okay so that the cow I saw was I don’t know whether can I saw was we do need to like start collecting animals though be my phone tastes nasty again I’m just gonna wait out the internet because like you know

If you guys are weirded out by the truth then you’re the problem not me but what I really love to do what not love to do what I will do given the occasion is I’ll totally like put my phone in my mouth Oh see so it’s something about standing on a new block

New island the desert it seems at least Thank You Jessica poor so thank you for streaming currently grading part part of 177 final exams this is making the grading get faster a hundred and seventy seven I always heard in school okay wait um I used to hear it like when I was in

Year six or something like teachers have mentioned like oh yeah they’re grading you know SATs this year and I was like oh that’s nice it like one of them explained to me like all the teachers mark each other’s kids SATs or something like that I was like oh what a cute

Little system and then I learnt they got paid to mark them but they they don’t get paid per hour they’re mocking they get paid per but oh Jesus paper or something like that and to me that sounds like the most perverse incentive system in the world like mark

These papers as fast as your conscience allows and then we’ll give you some money because then you’d get really good at marking them fast wouldn’t you I already so I would personally so there’s another B over there I reckon we should have to stand on a bunch of islands

Until eventually we get one also the islands I have a challenge because that has a stray on it which is not an intentional feature of the desert and this probably is a desert biome so that probably is not meant to be that let’s go back to using these oh Jesus

Okay that’s it no let’s not do this let’s not do this let’s not do this I have changed my mind about that one so let’s just go down to this island and then stack back up in theory that is a clever thing to do I don’t know Biogen oh no you monster

Oh you give you stuff okay my bad I figured I’d be clever that skeleton threw a arrow in my plans yeah if you if you pull the stream and that’ll be in the perfect way to end this like yeah you know I’m so bitter with you mister think it’s uruguay says

Thomas al melian you know I’m being funny sorry I know how your country has said but also you can’t spamming it so gonna you know insult you as a person alright okay here we go so now okay maybe it’s not about islands you know I don’t even know anymore I fought on you

Maybe it’s time based wait let me work it out yeah forty minutes just happened so maybe it’s every five minutes you get new islands it’s an infinite in that way mine cross not very good at time tracking there so I have to imagine it is island based but

Last time it happened regardless good grief that was scary okay new sky blocks that’s forty two thirty although that’s since I start stirring their dinner oh there we go there’s the new there’s the next one so we need to get back up to there which is easy enough to do it’s

Gonna get some blocks I don’t mean will need red sand but like it’s nice it’s nice to know it’s here now we can next to this make a staircase up okay so same thing as before block slab oh wait no slab and then block my mess this one up what else block slab

Lock slab and I mentioned that you use one half locks layer this is the most efficient way to do it is what I’m saying if you don’t do that explain your thoughts on Uruguay no I’m gonna just I’m just gonna keep being mean to your country name so when you swing your spam

Nationalism for your country you get you get this in return I’m just kidding uh uh I hope hope everything’s well in Uruguay I knew what is happening says Daniel Sydenham so um this is a live stream it’s where right now you can watch anything happening on the Internet so

You watch someone else play video games but it’s okay because in exchange I go through lots of pain and I you bananas for you and if we do that for long enough then you choose to give me money and that makes this a sustainable living

So yeah I hope that makes sense to you hope the hope you’re all caught up of the world as it is right now and I hope we can get to this next island pretty easily I do have to wonder how they generate it could be time-based it

Genuinely could be but it’s hard to be certain on that one so yeah we’re running out of snaps we won’t get there in time also these guys gonna mess my plans we’re gonna try and go to the left of them just like this messes our plans

All system all the stream was laggy for me because you became sands so you became sand well oh ok that was weird we find another one all we do perfect so now we know the next to all these well blocks are and now can do the same thing block up stand

Lock up stack etc etc so yeah it’s gonna be based on like distance explored maybe they don’t reach the Pacific island it could be that but the odd time it happened randomly some I’m so honest but I’m looking those we get further away the islands get wackier

More and more destroyed more have weird things on them it kind of it makes it really feel like it’s it’s really interesting to discover it’s like I know it makes it feel like the further you go the better things get so you can have a base in the center will also feel like

You need to explore also the mystery is part the fun it’s interesting to listen someone who’s more technical than us I sometimes when I’m doing stuff like this I feel like I’m the opposite more technical also I’m gonna try and do two at once now I don’t know if the game

Will even let me but I want to get I want to do that other one at the same time as this one that’s just this actually probably was less resource effective than just not doing this but whatever it’s fine how much this is map cost and store do you think it’s worth

It I’m gonna leave that judgment till the end cuz it’s hard to be perfectly sure right now I’ve enjoyed my time so far for my spot like there’s a there is a bit of a mystery building which is always fun okay so we jump from here to

Here I think we can make this jump do you think we can check there’s a big void if we don’t okay we can that’s good it’s always always enough all this Fox is how cute can this chat is cancer ah that’s I think that’s the word you’re

Looking for there is this is a live stream chat on YouTube no I I’m pretty consistent in saying that like 90% of chat sucks but I’m here for the other 10 well maybe eighty eighty percent eighty to ninety percent of chat sucks I’m here for ten percent that doesn’t and that’s

Why I’m that’s why I spend so much time trying to read the chat so I can find the 10 percent like you get a comment that just says die and then you get on that says what do you think about the USSR and there are opposite ends of the

Of the spectrum of what you expect I guess our own minecraft live stream that cancerous chat so I can I have a question how much more meth is healthy so you know I just oh that’s from the same person who asked about the USSR see they’re deliberately asking bad

Questions unless they’re yeah Midway for a meth binge and they’re like you know what I don’t know did the doctor recommend one method a to keep keeping away or was it five I’m gonna throw some more blue in my drink it’s just such a beautiful color

Of blue like I know that some people look at this and go that’s so unnatural hmm I look at it and say that looks so tasty all right recipes probably do it honestly the one thing about Skyblock is there’s always a lot of like cobblestone generating so bring it bring your drink

Bring a podcast bring a bring a you know YouTube video bring a YouTube livestream buy your favorite internet cat who has a terrible beard and things will be great that’s some good looking blue actually chat yeah dude do you like MOT like brightly colored drinks or do you think

Though Jesus they look terrible bye I’m gonna do some more a and Q tell me your thoughts chat I want to hear them chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug indeed I guess question mark it’s like dyed water I think I drink dive water like waters got this problem

Of being water has a branding issue you know we can fix that branding issue dyeing it cuz you know what I don’t want to die but I do want my drink – I like prolly conference a miracle epic it’s not the best endorsement it’s ever had

But you know I’m sure I’ll survive that one water is the superior drink yeah I usually drink water when I’m streaming I try to get some sugar me to get my like brain moving cuz my brain doesn’t move much otherwise but I mean I guess my brain doesn’t move much regardless died

Tea is the freakiest drinking experience I’ve had that sounds pretty fun actually dying tea will solve questions may get to the 20% says Boyd oh yeah your question right there no I don’t even know like sometimes it’s lame questions right sometimes it’s just supportive message a advice a thing something

Interesting you know I know like live stream trance that’s very complex experience it’s like a conversation it’s like what’s the best thing I should ask on the first date and the answers like depends on the date the situation and I know how much they like blue drinks but

Yeah you know really what I’m saying is we’re on a giant first date right now and you guys are bombing except ten percent of you we’re nailing this do you are YouTube’s choose the twenty percent so YouTube has a feature which tries to hide the worst chat in my experience it

Doesn’t look but let’s think the young generation is random you had it desert I got a tree oh yeah that’s something I assumed based on the game but it’s cool to know that you did get different islands like I I like that it’s different every time you

Play so there’s no like common expert wait I swear I grab bronze we have one so this is a yellow crystal and this is a blue infinity crystal and they are both colors I am missing oh no it’s another blue crystal which means it just

It’s just a duplicate of the of once I get diamond block again I guess see I get a second diamond block and the yellow one isn’t friendly so you can’t find duplicates which implies that even the cover crystal you get is random how interesting both of that flavor Fentress that looks good

It’s berry as far as I know it’s only in the United States so we got on additional biomes I love the way winter mode makes the trees look very fun little feature we literally need water to survive what better branding laughter you need necessity is the best branding oh I

Would love to own a water like a bottled water company now and just have the branding you need us you will die unless you drink this because it wouldn’t be misleading right loud be 100% factual advertising campaign what do we got here can you say f birds against weekend you

Know the birds bad have the birds not had a rough enough climb this last week and they don’t had a rough enough time okay so my plan well I don’t even know I want to go to the old you skybox perfect thank you puffer fish what’s your opinion on viewers puttin their issues

On streamers on buses off stream so okay here’s the thing right a streamer can always choose to respond like someone in chat recently has probably said something overly like I’d not okay wait we had a super chat that was like I’m grading papers I could have

Just said Oh sounds rough easy you know actually because it’s a super chance bit different but like if you put that normal chat I can inquire asked more I can give my thoughts or I can not I feel like it’s very much it’s a bit different to a normal conversation because oh so

It see it was when I landed on this island so it’s got to be it’s got to be based on Islands visited is what I am gathering from this although we need to get back home so that’s let’s do that first I guess let’s be lame

No girl this is hard it’s really really tricky to place a block on the side of the block like when you’re standing on it but we did it just fine so now we place thing there slab again here’s a non-cancer comment check out have you and everyone has a Merry Christmas me

Too actually I hope everyone has a great Christmas unless unless your name is Jerry my name’s Jerry I hope you get obn name change for Christmas you suck to get taxes Eccleston hey bang give the toy cat tax man I love that that’s just what we call it I’m just I’ve just

Accepted that as a fact I love watching you walk around randomly on the Skywalk trying to trigger something I do know that my assumption my is my assumption Jacob oh is that when you the island bounds let’s say it’s like a seven by seven area when you tread on any of that

Those blocks so like when I just stand on this island that gives you a chance of trip I don’t think if I stand here long enough it does although maybe actually now but no I think it’s like I have to just stand on as many islands as

I can kind of bring them into my network of islands I can easily reach which is a fun little concept I I have to imagine this maybe it’s more complex than that but maybe it’s not what whenever I think things are more complex it always turns

Out like I know actually it’s a pretty basic algorithm which just trying to work out this also we haven’t found any better food sources yet so that’s a thing also yes we’re gonna we’re gonna try and get cow farm going which means I need wheat so let’s also get a we’ve

Fungi so you know we’re doing more it’s my favorite part of Skyblock I be extra cat how much of bedrocks code is from console very very very little federal starts its life is Minecraft Pocket Edition minecraft console stuff is like as minecraft 360 and every console

Version is kind of a weird Oh like this video on you’re literally inhale oxygen I should start an oxygen company oxygen you need it or else I would love to have a company that like I’m sure that this is against most advertising rules in most parts of the world I’d love to have

An advertising slogan that’s like do this or house again probably has to be elite putting wood there is a bad idea given the weights next to lava but we’ll see what happens I’m sure only good things every so many islands maybe as opposed to just new islands yeah that’s

My thinking like every other every third island but also I think there’s a time-based element to it could be both time and island base or it’s just mine based and it coincidentally is happening at the same time as Islands I’m not sure which I believe right now I can’t own a

Toy kappa hope you having a good day and week would make my day if you read this there’s a Lisa Corolla I’ve never heard song called Lisa before but I have now thank you for that thank you for the chat message their friend or friend debts may be okay so we’ve got 13

Dirt blocks let’s make a little wheat farm between because if that if that way is on tree farm this way can be our wheat farm like next knitter berries so like on one side actually we need more water first we still don’t have a second water source block I’m sure we saw one

So that’s pretend we’re going to find water eventually and then that’s okay I can ask do this we’ll have water be underneath the walkway so we’ll have like yeah okay this is this seems really stupid right now please trust me on this one chat but I think smart move right

Here it’s place my things along here use my hope and do all of this and then get some seeds going I think we need more than 13 seeds this to work but I think this will go just great and now when we get an infinite source we can everyone’s gonna be wonderful I

Understand you okay it works okay perfect my my plan is in action cloudy or stones they said I’ve got work have a great stream oh my friend has just arrived in Australia you might accidentally bump into him and you’ll never know I think that I think I’ve

Always thought this is beautiful like if you don’t know somebody you might find them anyway wait you hear that oh it’s the Fox all the Fox left the island I think went down there maybe because it was originally whatever this focused focused okay it’s a pillager hate the

Villagers not a big fan so um yeah there is water over there the easiest way is probably oh wait the shoot can have water as water oh there’s lots of water again there’s water is not a problem we can fit sauce our way it’s a power all those diamonds over there as well

Service said this but who gave the world and would you ever give a world downward see the state of Minecraft bedrock piracy is a really interesting one because there’s not really any enforcement against it it’s more just like probably don’t be doing that as the guidelines right now but I don’t I don’t

I would never support someone piracy there’s a channel you might enjoy called dictionary obscure serers is it all about weird ways to be sad like oh did you know sometimes this does that eat the diamond blocks oh so now we have 18 diamonds chat what do you recommend

Sleep full sailor farmer or something else let’s grab the diamonds from there really nerve wrecking every time I do that I don’t we fall off we don’t dice us it seems mostly fine now we’re gonna try and take as much dirt as we humanly can there’s not a birch sapling I think

It might be okay that’s probably a bad idea but it’s fine get this stirrer yeah this this we need a lot okay and now let’s go back to our island it’s because I don’t think mobs naturally generate on this which is actually like on the when I first bought it I was like

Ah that’s a shame but the more I think about it it’s actually like a really pleasant Skyblock experience it’s like focusing on the pure parts of it you know like maybe they get spawned in later like it’s called a quest or whatever but for now it’s kind of nice I

Like it okay so now let’s stack up this way we’ll start with this is our base block so if we place a slab okay this is tricky let’s place it with on this they do that right I didn’t do that right whatever that’s just snack up and let’s do this

So we now have just two more crystals to get we’ve got a bunch of diamonds 20 to be precise yeah 20 diamonds so I think definitely we want like we don’t want us do we want a sword okay maybe they do spawn naturally I think I just got lucky

Does that mean I have to start making charcoal I’m not looking forward to that that’s true beer now we’re gonna take some water we’re gonna make a little infinite source should we use let’s just do it here so this can be an infinite source island ten Diamond hoses gee Bay you know what

I don’t know why I bothered asking the internet and now we really quickly take this water because it’s not necessary goodbye a lily pad you will be missed put those in there with all this garbage like you know I read Sam sounds nice but

Do we need it right now so how do you win says noseby mosby I mean in Minecraft can you really ever win no there is a story that we’re trying to Chris Lally vaguely I am anyway Oh every time we break these we get like three berries and we can plum like aisle

Six I already have free and now we can plot those back and have a low barrier island go into oh we just harvested that one without having to just rip that might be nice not ready there’s been so long since I’ve used berries in any survival way I don’t know if you can

Tell that so yeah here’s my club plan the walkways gonna double as the water for the crops you can do this in survival we’re having to happy having to have it be like infinitely flowing over the edge we just have to have water like every few blocks and we can do wonderful

Stuff hates okay I find your lout extremely charming hey Thank You Dasha I would love to know what you mean by lauche I’ll keep my eye for a downtrend chat but thank you for finding my Louch appealing my stream mile after mile off maybe that was just the laugh knows miss

Reading it wait no slouch you know what I could I could take this seriously and say thank you but instead I’ll make fun of the word lounge and say chat you know I’ve been mean sense for a while I like all of your lashes – oh Jesus at what I just do that

So he’s Welsh you know – ik Lily as well this is oh no no this isn’t what you want okay this is bad this is generally speaking not good thing so now we gonna wait – okay this is bad this is very bad there we go it’s all better just remove

That fire and we’re all good made a big mistake but it’s better now I mean besides the wood coming away so place it cobblestones slap there you know I’ll pick up the cost unblock I feel compelled to and let’s let’s get back to this so protect be careful what you’re

Doing apparently Pepsi has a better taste you know okay here’s here’s the fats right so many more people like Coke and Pepsi but Pepsi is the one that tastes better when you do blind take tests taste tests what do I say butthis here’s something super interesting to me about the divide is it

Proves to me how valuable marketing is because Pepsi is a drink that like the coke branding is like it tries to go for tradition coke is all about this is the drink that reminds you of the last time you’ve had it all the first time you had

It all Bob it’s a drink you know it’s always there you drink a lot of coconut a Pepsi’s are very like all of their marketing you see this like think about the like think about the ad where they tried to argue that by drinking Pepsi you are helping protests or whatever in

America like that their whole thing is like this is the rebel drink you know this is this is this is a new way of doing Cola and that’s why an unlicensed drink to me at least pepsi goes flat faster I can’t imagine that’s true I don’t know if it’s not true why can’t

Imagine is be should be edible you should try it sky block as a realm experiment oh that’s such a good idea such a good idea oh man you’ve convinced me you’ve convinced me I’m gonna do that at some point I’m gonna forget see songs gotta remind me in like a month but that’s

Such a good idea Pepsi is more sweet yet cook is more sour but yeah more people claim they like Coke whenever whenever it’s actually like taste tester though people like actually I’m not also Coke gets way more like deals like if you’re on a plane or something you’ll only have Coke

Products it’s kind of wacky to me that’s true but like coke just like if you’re a fast food place only coke products I don’t know why but I do know that it’s true so let’s replace the berries with the dirt on both sides make a nice

Little probably dare to I guess make a nice little thing and then slowly we’ll get enough seeds to make this a work I’m never void inviting you to a realm when I know I’d regret I’ll admit that’s it’s gonna happen for more people than it doesn’t I recently finished the most

Recent realm thing I’m gonna do another one because so many people invited me to their realms this time I think you’d like well maybe I should do a second video for the second batch then gamification this YouTube is disgraceful says Amelia that’s why you have to smash that

Notification bear am i right okay so next step is to how do we get back each okay there’s a staircase there next step is definitely that next island I don’t know why like we we go through oh geez okay we’ll come back with this we’ll come back well we’ll wait till he’s gone

I don’t know how mob despawning works in this map I imagine it’s like the rest of Minecraft but for now we’ll do this later I’m not a big drinker but the cinnamon flavored coke is pretty smooth oh yeah I love the flavored versions of both way more than the original iced I

Can’t believe it’s 20 to 20 19 so much 20 20 oh wait I’m just gonna start saying it’s 20 20 and then in two weeks I’ll be right and you guys be stuck saying it’s 20 19 by X then it’s 20 20 and people are still drinking like you know normal

Flavored coke what’s wrong with people do you guys not know we’ve done better we’ve invented we’ve invented these amazing drinks and you’re not trying them you know it’s I I don’t know why you wouldn’t like we it they taste like vegetable fat or whatever you know we

Have non vegetable fat flavored drinks I can’t stand I’m brewing I’m Scottish basically treason I you’re clearly not Scottish that’s that’s littering oxymoron I don’t like I am brew oh so you’re from a part of the world far away from Scotland it’s the only way to take

That cherry cooks the best okay so my personal favorite is cherry Pepsi Max but I’ll also accept the Nilla I’ll accept pretty much any very naturally like the only the only brand that does bad parents is tango every every version of tango sucks every version you might

Think notes why can’t I reverted no every version every version so see we’re gonna be eating berries for a while and then after the berries run out we’re gonna start your own flesh and then we’re dead so we better hope we find another cow hey thank you David

In 2020 I’m talking in 2020 I’m currently whoa this is the most stupid recurring joke and I love it so thank you very much letting me know that you’re Welsh David and it is 2020 and you are in fact Welsh I mean we’re all Welsh on this blessed day as I’ve

Said before normal coke is caramel flavored no it’s definitely vegetable fat flavored that’s that’s how it goes that’s that’s how it be okay so I’m a little worried about the pillager there I’m a little worried but you know you do when you’re worried about things you

Ignore them and you hope they go away no flavor caller in Israel says my arm will live oh you’re like this at yeah no this is this is something that varies so much between countries like the number of parents you get food like okay so like I

Go to America a lot enough that’s come up if it has then wow if it hasn’t been a did you know I’m cool and cultured I see different countries but so I go to America a lot and one of the things I’ve noticed is like okay instead of jumping

Across here shall I jump over that I can do oh maybe not that was a bad idea okay and now we can swim up like a dolphin but yeah somebody some like in America there’s like so many more parts another yellow one so this will give me

A block of gold is my official approximation okay throw it in there yep it’s a go block so go block diamond emerald coal block red stone what do you think you get for a purple duplicates done well that was a shame amu scope so it’s worth doing for the new spare

Blocks assuming that’s related which it has to be probably so now oh wait okay that’s where we’ve already been I think yeah that is I guess it’s render distance base that just looked like the schedule of generation so my plan is I guess look at the time down there like jump across

Yeah we’ll jump down and then we’ll be able to like connects back to our system somewhere else is that like is it because I just trim the new island or not I really don’t know please do a playthrough we can in mine blocks will be staying directly above them I think

That sounds more interesting in theory than in practice you don’t get anxious over the void once you play enough maps of the void you realize it’s a big cuddly boyd it loves you really so this is a great way to find diamonds oh there’s two of them again oh so this

Is a duplicate eyelet I think we’ve got our first one does it have the birch that’s not quite the same so maybe then I wonder if the islands of individually Mayo or there’s a witch on that one individually made or if it’s like a situation where they’re like rough

Templates but then they kind of make their own stuff like I wonder if you will eventually find a duplicate Island because statistically yes but I wonder when so let’s just knock him off sideways while he’s not looking dunno why you decide to catch out but bedrock

Am i right okay jump down here I’m gonna try my best okay if I lose the diamond don’t blame me check oh no I think I lost it always thought chose not to do a lot diamonds okay chat you can decide armor or something else

I am Welsh from Kathie Lee it must be where to be well should have your country mentioned so much on these streams must get pretty surreal like wide all these people claim they’re me Dasha says go down it’s 2:30 a.m. I met laughs I’ve been watching the streams

But not two dates that but today it’s the first time catching its life I’m Russian but also Welsh I mean Russia oh really is a part of Wales if you look on a map pretty closely but um no I’m glad Dasha alright yeah I guess this

Room so late and that’s why you catching it we definitely catch different audiences depending on what time of day we stream and I find that in tensely interesting okay let’s let’s let’s leave a gap here you know I’m worth it let’s I can do it I can do

It I was gonna do it but as I was saying that I just I was undoing it so give me a new giving you thing it’s cool to see the wall generation and as you go along because it’s definitely following me that’s that’s a fact like I’m glad I’m

Not paranoid because this world generation is following me bro I’m in London and Welsh troops just seized Burton Palace sent help oh no the whaleship seized Buckingham Palace that sounds like a event that happens so yeah I wanted like if we can’t reach the edge then place to me

That that’s one of the triggers like if I reach this island and then they bridge out and there’s nothing that would be interesting a hat yeah it is it’s gonna be that base too so we’ll just keep on walking this way until stuff happens I’m live I live in the PST see your

Stream template we noon to 5:00 so I can watch all of them unless you have a like a middle of the day commitment I’m assuming okay that I’m over there looks really interesting just cuz it’s got a ladder on I’m sure it’s uninteresting when we get there but I’ve got a try

I’ve got to believe at some point in time was coming isn’t the same as capitalism that’s a very confusing comment so I’ll just say whoa man what if like communism was the same as capitalism and and that would be my opinion so let’s just place the brought block in front of

Us then we can make a bunch more slabs because we need more flows because we’re already going up and down that much now let’s keep on going until we reach the ends I I’m looking forward to like finding the like the last couple of crystals cuz I it sounds like cuz I said

Challenges rather than like challenge it sounds like there’s gonna be more things when we get there and I’m super curious about that be yeah again super so far I am I’m at least curious if nothing it’s also a thank you very much jiggy Bob for these $6 57 Canadians of chat

Very strange amount but a support baguettes support I’m glad I appreciate that you’re playing infinity Skyblock thrilled that so far at least you’re enjoying it you’re a tough critic I do I always feel bad that like it’s probably more than half at this point of my place

Maps right I’d say like white why is this a thing that exists well I guess it is mostly like a thing of like I I wish that was away from me to know if a map would be enjoyable to me like to sort my maps I would enjoy so that’s that’s why

It tries to do I’m glad it’s something that you appreciate on the other end of that and I’m glad I I wonder I wonder if it’s like interesting for you to see this through the lens of someone plate like it’s almost like her what’s the word like a play test for you’re seeing

My actual hearing my thought process as well what are you hearing about coke and how you should only drink it if it’s got cherry flavoring in there so it sounds like it’s a double win really obviously that that’s the part you care for all you know the map things kind of

Secondary of course okay so the way it’s generating we haven’t found one of those things in forever I think they must be pre placed like I think the islands are random oh wait no there’s one over there then what oops I just well ignore the

Words I was just saying and we’ll have a good time I just start doing it the up way it’s much huh I could do that the whole way I probably you wait that’s the Strand focus block slab actually we don’t need to snap we and just place a

Block probably here and there we go okay so I reckon we can get back there on the way home yeah I miss that Island entirely although they can’t generate multiple of them so it’s not like I was just missing it but still pretty embarrassing always embarrassed okay I’m

Gonna drop some of these on the floor if I’m not careful so let’s not do that and let’s also combine the slaps together hey Thank You Dasha do me fear dying kids sometimes so you can meet toy cat oh wait oh man oh no let’s not bring that up again I kill

Me now kill me now least I wouldn’t have to go to my own hospital bed I would drink decaf instead if it was full fat instead of diet I mean just most people who think about their caffeine intake probably are on diets I guess I’m actually pot welsh like my great-grandfather’s welsh Oh

Your great-grandfather watch the live streams – Diddy oh that’s very cool so cat can you explain oh we got you blocks over here did I use my full blocks and said oh I used my full blocks that was quite done given what I’m about to do umm stream

With toy cats I would love to do a collab with twig cat with okay sadly she’s a bit of a drama queen yeah I think initially is just boundary based but then there’s also something else to it or I just missed something oh wait we can use two slabs together

Wait here’s my club plan you can use two different types of slabs and you can do this entire genius you know I need to make a video just to use this one tip I look like this is gonna look pretty interesting too right yeah look at that that’s great

We got the green one which we have got before I know that for a fact on it so yeah once we get this okay so that’s an emerald block I don’t need to get in there tell me about that I get an emerald block now exciting let’s turn it

Into emeralds let’s turn the damn blocks in stands as well so we’ve got a lot of all the all the resources now it’s a shame I wish you could tell what it was gonna be oh wait maybe you can maybe each block has a different every yeah like color has a different like

Temple thing that seems possible to me so maybe because I definitely have seen this one before huh super interesting okay let’s keep going let’s find another island I’m gonna just keep on bridge in although now we’ve kind of reached an edge so we’re gonna bridge the opposite way

That’s my genius man I’m British and I ride benefits to school interesting comment oh man oh jeez that was good okay oh no it does look pretty cool from underneath nah see that was actually a more efficient way to get on I don’t know if there was any punishment for

That but oh I saw this [ __ ] cobblestone here you know really that was a good thing now I’m glad that happened and now let’s make a diamond chestplate so we don’t get in this situation again let’s also make a sword so we can actually fight back put it

Next to this and let’s do this Wales complain about being The Forgotten country of the UK well forgetting Northern Ireland and you can’t change my mind so here’s the thing northern island is actually a country in the UK this is the most controversial thing every time I say it because it

Sounds like I’m just being disrespectful to Northern Ireland but northern Island is literally not considered a country like if you look up the National another international like it’s the the UN statistics body they count northern Islanders of province and the UK government never actually calls it a

Country like the UK is a country of countries asterix and a province I’m Israeli and we never mind I’m Australian I ride kangaroos to school I was happening I’m so confused explanation police is Daniel mail I’m playing extreme Skyblock so it’s a map where is this guy block sorry I’m

Playing extreme scale would be funny if I was playing that one I’m playing infinity Skyblock it’s a it’s a map with Skyblock but the islands go an infinite distance nearest an infinite distance in each direction it’s pretty fun have one person drink both of coke or five sit coke what is that

Comment piper help what is your comment i wish i could understand thank you very much the super chat though thank you for paying your toy cat tax I think I missed a meme I think I’m being I’m very confused and there’s a fellow meme that I’ve just missed here

Hate okay what’s your opinion people spend the same message in chat every chant I’ve noticed there’s a look if you spend the mesh’s open over again so it makes me glad that we have the slo-mo turned on so it’s kind of like you know what I guess they’re playing when the

Rules are oh I’m just like picking up blocks at this point I guess I’m glad they’re playing within the rule of slow mode appalled me really doesn’t like it but it’s like if you have something important to say I don’t mind you repeating it it’s just

A lot of people over estimate the bow you thought they have to say and that’s fine like I mean to everyone to you the things you have to say the most important thing the world that’s pretty standard I think so we all chat is just the flow chapter

Beats at the point of purpose of the First Amendment says ultra spire okay you know I know you’re joking I hope you’re joking if you’re not joking I’m gonna make fun of you but um or if you’re not joking like you just made funny for self really but um just in

Case you’re being serious first of all I live in the United Kingdom we don’t have a First Amendment in fact we don’t have any amendments nor do we have a constitution you know maybe you disagree with that but that’s down to you second of all the First Amendment is not like

You don’t have to force me to give you free speech you can’t rather or you can I mean you do what you want but that’s that’s not how you know it’s it’s not free speech if you take away my freedom to to use it and yeah I’m gonna

I’m not gonna go any further I’ll just uh you can now say like I was joking and we’ll be happy we do have Constitution so we take we have a constitution in the sense that like there is a thing like all of our stuff together it’s like it’s unwritten

Or whatever right but like it’s not called a constitution which I mean like if you I don’t know to me I never liked the augment that you can have something that’s not called a thing and it was also is the thing so it’s like if that

Like you know can you be Welsh if you don’t know it you’re Welsh if you call yourself Scottish are you still Welsh and yes in this live stream you are but make ask a box of enobarus also people can read each other’s islands that’s not a terrible idea I don’t hate that

So yeah which gonna we’re gonna bridge towards the edges real fast we find more of these goofy islands like that one over there which I’ve been to we want to find like that that we haven’t been to I’m waiting whatever I’m mad my face turns red okay so this is the first time

We’ve reached the edge of where the map looks like it she’s aren’t new islands and it hasn’t done it so the world is basically guiding me in a direction well maybe it is time abased I’m just gonna keep bridging this way you know world can’t stop me now it’s okay I was nice

For the third time from toei casters egg drop soup I’m glad you enjoyed that so um this is really weird I I was so sure I worked it out finally and then it turns out I haven’t it’s all a lie so we’re gonna go this way and see

If it makes new islands appear because it could be the my my confusion that this is quite high but everything and I guess I guess that’s part of the mystery okay there we go that that was definitely based on me visiting an island I landed on the island and it happened

Just nothing useful happened which is sad so now we’re gonna bridge back across wait remove this gonna bridge this way you found her in Mike on about the island and it wasn’t he rejected horribly this is such a good day so slow chanting you’re welcome you’re welcome okay so

Now we go to a novel island more oh there’s a there’s a Ravager on that whatever they actually don’t know the Ravagers are actually could I always get their names mixed up you could pursue any party the plant give us a written constitution and I’m totally not against

That I’m not totally against that I find that quite interesting I wonder how they didn’t like I never looked at their performance and like this last week’s election and wonder if they did well because they’re one of those like weird ex parties almost it’s like are they exist isn’t that interesting go look

Into that there’ll be a fun little second channel dive okay so this is a list of which over here not anymore there’s not all this corals here – and emeralds so yeah I’m gonna be gonna be robbed you hear I’ve lost I lost myself and I worry okay wait darn it yeah

That’s I think the third ramp you go in each direction the more broken the islands are getting that could be a coincidence I will admit so we’re gonna try to go back to spawn I’m gonna go the last direction as we’re reaching the we’re reaching the end of like my my stream

And I’m worried like or not but I said we do this who’s your favorite world leader and why Putin right because he boots the bike what if I was to make a joke I can do it I can do it I’m sorry wish I could

I failed you chat pretend I made a funny joke about your favorite world leader okay let’s let’s go back now so besides my food failure which I’ll admit was a pretty big fail and my my lack of understanding how this one works I wanna see the same thing we did before

We just stack up back up snuck up I love that as a little tip such a cool one so efficient so cat reaches the farlands in Skyblock I if I wish it was practical to reach the sky Landsman like a weekend the sponsor like I think if you go far

Enough and than ever you probably good right I don’t know I just wish you could in Soviet Russia you aren’t Welsh Welsh is you know nice actually wait by bringing a liter of mending and I’m braking and then I bring enough pickaxes with fortune and also

Mending I reckon you could do it I reckon you could reach the Far Lands if I wait I forgot a million blocks and like a certain number of hours and I flew and did it I can’t really reach the Far Lands in survival that’d be a

Bungalow X gram and that’d be fun fish for mending oh yeah wrong everyone loves a good fishing for mending stream it’s okay how’d you feel about the recent volcanic eruption in boquete in New Zealand looks very serious now I reckon the eruption was good that’s my hot take on this on this volcano

I reckon that volcano should have erupted erican those those innocent tourists definitely deserved at night it’s pretty sad it’s going places isn’t it look at it it’s time to frame my face it’s like one of those I know it’s it start to become something it’s starting to become something I don’t have it’s

Like become something good but it’s time to become something you feel that where you are scratching your face you need to shave alright I love this feeling it’s it’s just it’s so satisfying it’s taken me 24 years to get to this stage but we finally made it son was to

Reach the pylons pirate in the portal eating boat method oh yeah yeah I dunno you can do it using bugs and stuff but I feel like not many players reach the bar lands like legit and I think I think I’ve been using an Electra and just having enough fireworks

To do it I would say that counts as legit personally you need a lot of fireworks though so I’d know I it would also take literally like 24 hours I think I’d have to check how long it took me to fly back and do it because it took

Me eight hours to reach 70,000 blocks in the nether but that was so cat I don’t wanna be Welsh Oh God don’t do this to me I’m sorry I made you well there’s a automated script that is talking to Steve to taking Steve to the bar Lance

Oh yeah I saw that I saw that I saw it when it reached the Far Lands – I thought I was pretty cool assuming it’s happened already which I think it has it took like a hundred days I was there at the very end

I gave 99p fire that was like that was a good good super chat right there I was on Twitch it was I guess those string naps yeah I used stream labs you hear that Internet I actually know how to give money to stream as I don’t even know what I’m

Doing at this point fault lines are real bruh exactly real amazing so would you rather one person drinks a bowl of coke or five people only have one sip oh it’s like the it’s the trolley problem for Coke which it’s like instead of being bad it’s good so

Cat what’s the welsh pope of the welsh cult who’s the Prime Minister of Wales right now they’re probably uh they’re probably a nice gentleman they they can be the leader of the cult show they probably earned it so we’ll go this way Oh God I don’t understand what makes the

Islands generate I’ve got a dirt so if we place all of those blocks and now we’re going to another island just so he can so we a stand on this island and then we gonna go to the edge no that’s not it okay let’s jump around on

That tree let’s do that I think that’s that’s a solid plan damn that beard oh Jesus have you watched the mandalorian I haven’t sadly again I refuse to get Disney Plus even bro show the oh geez sounds like one I’d like I am gonna refuse that one okay

Give me a new thing okay it’s not gonna see ya they all this broken over here though let’s that’s positive progress it’s like all right i’ma head out and do some well Schwing says don’t lunatic 7x have a wonderful day mister dope lunatic and I hope you are blessed with many

Many Welsh things where you go what’s 100 in Welsh I think it’s something bad if I’m correct is that like the thing we’re like in a lot aegeon languages like there are numbers they’re unlucky and lucky and stuff like in Chinese fours unlucky because it sounds like death oh we know in Japan

They give cats the students because Kit Kat sounds like good luck so it’s like when you’re studying they’re like good luck cute cat gets all cats or I think that’s adorable personally I also wish I was the manufacturer of kit can so I can take advantage of such a delightful fact

You know I just I just feel like I I lucked out all the upset locked out I locked in when I made minecraft videos instead of Kit Kats okay here we go let’s do this another Island never well generate no – Oh what do you know about astrology do you believe in it

I think astrology is to put this politely pseudoscience know it’s like I know people like to believe in lots of things you can believe whatever you want you know and that thing can be dumb and sure you don’t like so yeah it’s definitely number of violence you can

See that I went to this island and then why were there violence generated they were all pretty boring Islands though so yeah this is a really interesting no okay now new islands didn’t write this way too this is a crazy and fling map I feel

Like you could play this for a long time and I think it would be great for all of that my overall review having now played about 90 minutes or so of the map I would say this is a really really cool survival map it has a little bit of

Story but not enough to like make you roll your eyes as 90% of minecraft maps might make you do it has a really really fun premise okay I messed that one up as a fun premise it has a fun payoff it’s a fun map overall and I would recommend it

To you right now yeah right now check out this map it’s good you’re gonna like it I would say as far as the value thing goes if you’re looking for a survival map to sink your teeth into if you’re that person who loves minecraft survival but never knows what to do this map

You’re always pretty certain what’s – you’ve always got a challenge to work towards and that’s something a lot of people lack from the base game but yeah as far as like I would say it’s really cool if you like that here if the Minecraft generation not being good

Enough right now and being better mixed with scribe look mixed of the survival concept of like oh yeah your euros walking towards something better and then also of a little bit of story in there I don’t really have any big bolts I’d save the map I’d say the biggest one

I mean the randomness of it is a strength of my opinion but it’s such a weakness here like Eva it’s a weakness or I’ve missed the the the yellow brick road which I do in most adventure maps I’ll admit I so yeah the randomest has its ups and

It’s downs but the idea that you can collect instead of the blocks being in the places you expect this is a Minecraft map that mixes them up and that sounds fun enough to me so yeah I actually wait I’m gonna try and I think it said you can ogre for the bomb once

But I want to go for the portal again just before we go and we’re gonna see Britain’s and real sweet cats lying it’s true I pretend I’m from the UK just so more people watch my videos there is no such thing as Britain it’s a big scam I think it’s such

Although the bunt goes away but um yeah it’s a pro see new scale option right here so I don’t even know at this point I want to believe but yeah that’s um you know the the developer behind it himself or the map maker says it’s part of the

Mystery I think that’s a fun little thing and maybe you agree but um yeah this is a map it’s available in the store right now also if you check your marketplace there’s a little there and yeah I’m gonna give it a recommendation as far as it’s a good survival map it’s not and

It’s less than extreme Skyblock that pretty good thing you know this again you can see on your mark place button because minecraft decisions this is less than extreme Skyblock I want to I want to confirm that’s true but if so well this is search scale over night is it

Gonna be true it might be okay so training search Skyblock I knew what I was gonna search which is suspicious so it was 830 I’m not mistaken how do we actually search okay we have to search anyway because I guess guy block there we go give me all the sky block maps

Game so extreme sky block I’m pretty certain it’s okay one why’s it in realms bus but it’s mine I’m pretty certain it’s 999 coins I’m like 90% sure I’m pretty sure that therefore means you can get it for less than that so yeah solid map would recommend thank you very much

Watching this live stream video review bluffing and if you liked it like the video if you shared it share the video that doesn’t make sense but subscribe if you’d like to see more of these live streams and I’ll get I can afford some new Fanta very a fuse ik Oh hit that hit

That a notification bell and also I’m streaming tomorrow because stream us is gonna continue day 8 of 12 and we’re gonna see you in the next Remus good bye

This video, titled ‘Skyblock But There’s An Infinite Number Of Islands’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2019-12-16 00:57:25. It has garnered 82632 views and 2626 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:18 or 5658 seconds.

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    INSANE NEW BOSS IN MINECRAFT! Wither Storm Birth!Video Information This video, titled ‘Birth of Wither Storm | Minecraft: Story Mode Season 1 #minecraft #minecraftcharacters #gaming’, was uploaded by DrHg on 2024-02-16 17:00:48. It has garnered 122 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. The Wither Storm Fight in Short Version Minecraft Bedrock DLC Minecraft Angry Birds DLC Minecraft Minion Minecraft Spongebob Minecraft Batman All Boss Minecraft Bedrock Skin Pack Minecraft Batman Skin Minecraft Batman Mod Minecraft Mod Minecraft Modding Community xp farm minecraft 1.20 bedrock gold farm minecraft bedrock 1.20 best minecraft seeds 1.20 bedrock raid farm minecraft bedrock 1.20… Read More

  • Unbelievable Surprise in Vines and Visions SMP (Watch Now!)

    Unbelievable Surprise in Vines and Visions SMP (Watch Now!)Video Information [Music] yay it actually let me go that’s good long probably to actually allow me to do that hold on the screen’s going to be tiny just deal with [Music] it yes oh no oh you got to be kidding me Minecraft don’t do this to me right now why are you kidding well wait yep okay guys we’re going to deal with this again because it’s stupid I’m telling you guys there something about the mod pack because it doesn’t do it doesn’t do this with other mods it don’t it I’ve never had issues actually streaming… Read More

  • Quest for Ultimate Power in Minecraft: cdotkom Ventures!

    Quest for Ultimate Power in Minecraft: cdotkom Ventures!Video Information [Music] fellas how are we oh man this this is kind of crazy this takes me it’s been a while and by a while I mean like what 2 days it’s been 2 days since I’ve been on the air two two whole days I hope we’re all doing well I hope we are do are all doing well oh this music this music is so great this music is so great where did your username come from me I thought of it uh yeah might need to uh oh swe actually no no I I can slouch… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! SPIDERMAN PIXEL ART in Minecraft PART 9Video Information This video, titled ‘SPIDER MAN PIXEL ART ( PART – 9 ) #minecraft #gaming #shorts @UjjwalGamer’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-11 03:30:22. It has garnered 2132 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 @MRINDIANHACKER @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @YesSmartyPiesFans20 @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @fukrainsaanlive4744 @imbixu @upflowgamerz @BBKiVines @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming @ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @sinotalgaming minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

  • DefevTowny

    DefevTownyDefevTowny – Economic Towny War / DefevTowny is a towny war server on a 3000×3000 and expanding 1.18.2 world. The server has many features like mcmmo, jobs, chestshop, and more! Start your own kingdom today MCMMO, Dynmap, Essentials, Jobs, Brewery, Chestshop Read More

  • Classic Prison – pve 1.20+

    Billionaire Prison Billionaire Prison is a classic prison server run on the latest version with custom builds and plugins. Join us for: AH Player Shops Cells Custom Enchants Stock Market Gambling Crypto Custom Fishing Crates The server is still in development, join our Discord server for daily sneak peeks: https://discord.gg/JnVxNTcERS Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – distracting boys with Minecraft skills

    The girls may have diamonds, but us boys have a score of 741 on this meme – who’s the real winner here? Read More

  • XP Galore: Minecraft Mobile’s Ultimate Mob Trap 1.20+

    XP Galore: Minecraft Mobile's Ultimate Mob Trap 1.20+ In Minecraft, the mob trap is key, To gather resources and XP with glee. Build it in the ocean, far from land, Where monsters won’t spawn, it’s all planned. Start by building it at sea level, With blocks you love, make it special. Choose a spot where mobs will fall, And build a farm that will enthrall. The best way to build a mob trap, Is to use water to make them snap. Lead them to their doom with ease, And collect their drops, if you please. Remember to light up the area, So mobs won’t spawn, it’s a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Duo: Dream and Bedwars

    Hot Minecraft Duo: Dream and Bedwars Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Discover the Excitement: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecrafts Next BIG Story [TRAILER]” that left us on the edge of our seats. The cast of characters, the unscripted dangers of the prison, the missions – all in Hardcore mode! But wait, this is not your average SMP, it’s something more epic – it’s KosmiKrime Minecraft Hardcore Story! As we watched the trailer, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await us in the world of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob

    Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob The Mysterious World of Minecraft Mobs Since the initial release of Minecraft, the game has been filled with a variety of mobs. But have you ever thought about the mobs that were removed from Minecraft? Well, let’s dive into these fascinating creatures that once roamed the blocky world. Rana Mob The Rana mob was the first mob added to Minecraft in the 0.31 Alpha version on December 19, 2009. This unique creature brought a new dynamic to the game with its presence. Steve and Blackseve Mob Following the addition of the Rana mob in version 0.31, on January 29,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft PE Beta Release!

    INSANE Minecraft PE Beta Release!Video Information ओके तो लेट्स गो ओके ओ लेट्स गो ओके ओ भाई कितना डैमेज दे रहा है वन शॉट व्हाट भाई सब गोलम को मैं वन शॉट कर रहा हूं ये बहुत तो गाइस फाइनली आ चुके है m के अंदर एक और अपडेट तो आ गया भाई आ गया m के अंदर फाइनली गाइस आ चुका है m 1.2 1.0.21 बीटा अपडेट तो गाइज इस वाले अपडेट में बहुत सारा कुछ ऐड हुआ है सारा सब कुछ मैं बताने वाला हूं इस वीडियो को पूरा देखना एंड तक देखना और लिटरली भाई इस वाले अपडेट में ना मेरा… Read More

  • The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!

    The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!Video Information 哈喽各位大家好 我是油哥 欢迎收看史上最好的咒术回战模组 时隔几个月 咱们心心念念的咒术回战模组 也是迎来了好几次的更新 最佳的许多咒灵咒术师以及术士 并且在第 24 版本的时候 作者直接将模组移植到了刚更新的 1.2 0.1 版本 当然说了这么多 可能有一些观众完全就没有关注过 咒术回战这个模组啊 甚至连我的世界都不太了解 单纯就是动漫或者漫画版 所以我们这个系列就从零开始 逐一介绍每个角色的术师以及玩法 喜欢这期视频的观众朋友们 不要忘记点赞评论和关注 废话不多说 我们即刻开始 当我们刚进入存档的时候 系统会自动送我们一套咒术高专制服 还有一只虫 四虫可以为我们解决掉饱食度的问题 只要把它吃下去 我们的饱食度就会永远都是满的状态 那最重要的就是本术士选择书了 打开这本书 我们就可以挑选深的术士了 由于大部分角色的术士都有做出的 所以我们就根据动漫角色的出场时间 一个一个来吧 上期说的肯定是我们的主角小智 虎杖悠人选择了虎杖这个角色之后呢 我们就会获得一套虎杖的制服 穿上之后还是非常帅气的 那虎子这个角色并没有深得宿舍能使用的 只有最基础的体术招式啊 不过他的基础属性 buff 就会比其他角色 像攻击力啊 防御力这种啊 说到体术啊 现在作者已经做出来了攻击动作了 整个攻击过程咱就是说非常的丝滑 算不仅有刺旋 还有扫腿 再也不会像之前那样 每个动作都是单纯重复的 挥手显得那么突兀了 并且配合 1.20.1 的全新抖动特效 让玩家在第一人称体术打斗的时候 非常有战斗感 说白了就是让你在挨打的时候更沉浸式一点 当然除了攻击手段之外 现在的闪避效果做的也很不错啊 只需要在后退的时候按住空格键 就会触发后跟翻 翻越的距离还是挺 并且还可以连续翻五下 随后就会进入五秒的冷却时间 基础体术方面大概就这些 接下来我们来讲讲如何咒力 并且提升我们的术士等级啊 最简单的方法就是不出咒灵 获取名声 名声达到一定量就会升级 直到成为特级咒术师 猛猛干就完了 当然不排除有个别玩家想走捷径 快速提升等级啊 没关系 作者也贴心的为你们想到了进城推荐信 没错 只要使用了推荐性 便可以不费吹灰之力提升一个等级 怎么获得呢 百夜香这个生物只要击杀他就有机会掉落 但是就非常非常的低 我劝你们还是趁早死了这条心吧 补充一下 想要从一级术师升为特级 需要特级晋升推荐信号 这玩意也可以在百叶箱上获得 那当我们提升等级之后 不仅会增加我们的重力 buff 方面也会随之提高 而且还会解锁新的招式或者术士 值得一提的是… Read More

  • “INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft – must see!!” #cricket #minecraft

    "INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft - must see!!" #cricket #minecraftVideo Information eu sei que tu é galinha Então vem cá mamã vem cá mamã vem cá [Música] [Aplausos] [Música] [Aplausos] mamã Calma calma This video, titled ‘would you do this ? #cricket #minecraft#youtubesearch’, was uploaded by Cricket_with_shivansh on 2024-04-29 05:20:35. It has garnered 10098 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱Video Information we’re showing you an update on my server so this is what it looks like now I made a custom logo for it if y I think y might like it this is a big version of it I don’t know I was just going crazy with the glass got our balcony we got a helipad let’s go to the bottom and that’s where to start okay so we got my friend my one of my friends [Music] rooms um we got my room we got my other friend room you got the meet the meeting room which… Read More

  • Minecraft Live SMP – CRACKED Server 24/7! #exciting

    Minecraft Live SMP - CRACKED Server 24/7! #excitingVideo Information नहीं यो गाइस व्ट्स अप सभी लोगों का एकदम गुड वाला मॉर्निंग भाई बहुत लोग मेरे को यह बोल रहे हो भाई तुम यार मैंने बैन किया गाली देने के कारण ठीक है भाई कोई गाली दे रहा है सर्वर के अंदर मैंने बैन किया तो भाई पहली बात तो मैं यह बता देता हूं कोई भी अगर सर्वर में गाली दे रहा है तो भाई उसको बैन अगर हुआ ना बंदे का बैन का कारण मैं नहीं हूं ठीक है तुम लोग को मैं ये बता देता हूं पहले तुम लोग सोच रहे हो कि भाई मसन… Read More

  • Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventure

    Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventureVideo Information God why why do I always leave that on turn off turn off no no God why why do I always leave that on that I should change the alarm honestly maybe to like the seaside one I don’t remember the name it’s an annoying ass alarm uh did I leave the TV on man I must have must have just passed out I really got to start sleeping in my own bed uh is grandma back yet doesn’t seem like she is is she oh doesn’t look she’s back yet strange is there anything the fridge I… Read More

  • Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shorts

    Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shortsVideo Information ты точно не сможешь найти все отличия за 5 секунд если ты смог то напиши комментарий и поставь лайк This video, titled ‘Попробуй Найти Отличие На Этой Картинке 😇🙂 #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Mega Show!! on 2024-04-07 08:01:00. It has garnered 10123 views and 324 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom – ESL Birmingham ’24” #trending #esports

    "EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom - ESL Birmingham '24" #trending #esportsVideo Information why did you go for these items CU in the end that was a pretty long game 54 minute game when they played against lgd gaming and ended up with bkb satanic silver Edge disperser blink so wanted to utilize you know disperser was his pretty much way to move around the fights cuz later you don’t have enough slots but want to see what he’s going to be doing nowadays cuz disperser is not that popular item so want to see how he’s going to approach I assume you still want to be able to deal some… Read More

  • Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore Minecraft

    Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information stream isn’t available [ __ ] the [ __ ] you mean no it huh I’m going to I’m going to refresh the screen uh hello now you can see what I can see oh let me add my yeah let me add this [ __ ] hell yeah now you can see my heart rate on here too super super good [ __ ] all right uh looks like I’m live uh let’s see anything live chat uh okay so I could do one of two things here I could use U as a music playlist or… Read More

  • FrinkaMC – ATM9 Survival – Modded SMP ATM9 Custom

    Join our ATM9 Minecraft server! Experience the excitement of our All The Mods 9 custom modpack with mods spanning magic, tech, exploration, building, and more. There’s always something to do! Benefits include: Strong server hardware 15K world border (expansion possible) Interactive world map MC2Discord integration Community-built spawn area We prioritize player experience with constant monitoring and maintenance to keep lag at bay. Join us and be part of our passionate community! Server Details: IP: play.atm.frinkamc.com Discord: Join our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥They may not be the best speller, but at least they have a score of 4 in meme crafting! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1 In the world of Minecraft, beta 1,7,3, Our player’s adventures, for all to see. Building a house, in the snowy terrain, Facing the darkness, with torches to gain. Obs was acting up, recording was tough, But our player persevered, with spirits high enough. Gathering wood, making tools in a rush, Surviving the night, in a bunker they must. Creatures lurking, in the shadows deep, But our player’s resolve, they will keep. Exploding creepers, and foggy nights, Yet they continue, with all their might. The sun rises, a new day begins, Our player’s journey, never dims. With each challenge faced,… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes! Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the party? Because they heard it was going to be a “digging” good time! #minecraftmemes #partytime #shovelready Read More

ibxtoycat – Skyblock But There’s An Infinite Number Of Islands