IcyHarry – I Spent 100 Days in NEW Jenny Mod

Video Information

I’m going to be spending the next 100 days in the newest version of Minecraft Jenny mod if I die at any point I’ll your mom would you look at that you know what do you oh oh I spawned right next to a Jenny let me just grab some

Wood first speaking of Jenny there’s some slime girls here too over right next to slime girl and Jenny picky all right there’s enough idling around I had to talk to Mrs Jenny over here Jenny I missed you you have no idea how horrible it was on Bedrock Edition I

Know right you gotta follow me I’m gonna take your bed take a few torches of yours why not and uh let me make a big act so I can take your furnace too all right Johnny let’s get out of here Jenny you doing all right Jenny you gotta work

With me here hi Jenny you me against the world all right now if I remember correctly yep right over here is some stone stone stuff huh there’s still so many pigs all right Jenny you won’t believe it but the newest version has a new mommy goth girl inside the nether

All right so let me just grab a bit of stone here for those of you wondering why I’m not using shaders it’s because this new version uh the new developer did something with it and it’s the shaders are really glitchy right now so until she fixes it will have no shaders

Right Jenny here’s an ax there you go X all right Julie do you see anybody out there other than be over there all right is there anybody else here you’re not the look too hard or if you’re gonna look like the man over there and uh for

Those there’s an Ali house for those wondering what the hell is happening it’s a it’s a mod that lets you see a little bit further called oh hello docs far Planes 2 similar to uh this Horizons I could make it look a lot less uh

Crappy if I zoom in but I would use a lot more uh a lot more frames slaggy over here Jenny yeah what that means there’s Cobalts so we gotta kill them olds oh you’re gonna you’re gonna Johnny nice do any job all right so it should

Be like this way right you should be like right over here there she is right so so far stay tuned to the video we already saw basically four girls I just haven’t gotten yet right over here wait is that another one there’s two of them yeah I will rescue you from your own

Home all of me also sweeter jukebox because I can not need much more of a reason than that wait no there’s there’s three of them but the flip yeah I’ve come to rescue you like the damsel you all there’s another one over here what the heck there’s so many of them it’s a

New developer buff that she answers of you guys spawning or something or is it just because they have such a high render distance probably the latter right if you guys don’t mind if you guys don’t mind a bit right I’m trying to get a vantage right here see if there’s

Anything else afoot all right guys there’s nothing else a foot so grab Ellie alright so since I couldn’t do it in a hundred days of Bedrock I’ll do it here all right I want to get a hundred of the characters by day 100 that’s right will any of you guys see it

Probably not because most of you guys leave uh very soon no offense guys offense it was the ocean always made out of gravel I never knew that you guys are catching up right you’re doing good oh my gosh I just remembered there’s no villagers in this one there’s oh good

Villagers in this one guys please and I’ll do I’ll never understand the way the terrain of this of Ellie works every single time she spawns there’s like this Christine flatland but she never uses it I don’t understand oh there’s a there’s a they’re here let’s look at doing good

As always do we need the beds not really I know cat I know is there anything in this chest yet not still nothing in that chest come on guys I get that this mod is still in real Alpha but all right Ellie I’ve come to rescue you from your

Own house hope you’re grateful but I am kind of hungry so I’m gonna go ahead and not make a smoker because I have no no wood in the wood if you don’t mind early I’m gonna I’m gonna run a bit of it here look at him look at him walking away you

Guys are waiting all right I will hunt you down hey where’d there we go I like don’t live I still don’t make you follow me wait is that all the beers down there or why is there only one bit down there I’m so confused all right guys now I can

Make her for us here we go looks like the uh day two’s coming to an end I used to cook some pork here a little wonderful thing we’re having huh anyway sleepy time let’s just scheme while looking at the window anyway what’s the B is doing over here I do want to get

Some of your boat stuff I probably won’t need them right really so voila I’ll take them anything else anvils oh my gosh that’s a lot of them take care of them guys thank you are they all about some of your animals if you don’t mind oh hello at least I mean

B is be glad to see maybe another guy left because it happens sometimes all right so simple to survive and it’s million days here and the problems are still here yeah you coupled might as well take a lot of angles alright guys I believe I got everything all right wait

No I forgot my smokers sorry oh there’s creepers up here you guys can keep it I’ll just be taking my smoker to go all right guys all words in this way I think let me just double check right now my guys onwards this way because there’s a

Jenny house over there the more the memory is they say do you Don cobles and I’ll die you do come on get out of here all right since I don’t really have any designation to you guys yet not that I think about it I do have I have three

Beers and I didn’t okay one of you guys is going to be OGB all right I just don’t know which one yet I could probably replay the footage and see which one I got first but then again like figuring out which one is which now is probably impossible anyway obviously

To differentiate this journey with the other Journey the other Jenny has an ax so I can never make you I can never I can tell which one is which Speaking of axes it’s time to give you guys all answers huh might as well make you guys extremely useful all you guys need bows

Axes because when we get there another it’s gonna be an absolute bloodbath all right you guys have no idea what’s coming right it looks like Journeys always don’t want to follow me I don’t know why though I need five access right I need to get it alien ax and you get

This be an app you already have a sword you already have a sword or you are already there huh oh I guess I can just use it for later I might as well give you one and then log off just so I can make you follow me I have no idea why

This is a glitch that you have to log off just to make you guys follow me but fine by me is that everybody either all inside of each other that’s yeah that’s everybody right guys it’s a little bit more exploring and then go bolts he’s a little bit more exploring and then maybe

We can we can start going to the mines and get a few diamonds especially for me I mean you guys are you guys are Immortal so I think I should get the armor first and then you guys all right but all I know is I probably need

Diamond armor I probably need Diamond R and a bow a good bow and a shield and then everything will work out just fine and dandy I think I’m just gonna cut down some trees here because and it made so many axes might as well right and all

That extra wood I’m gonna go Tower up a bit here just to see if there’s anything good because there is a cable over here very small cave but cave nonetheless I might just I just want to see if there’s any Silhouettes here of anything else it’s another another B over there maybe

It’s hard to tell because they are it is extremely extremely rendered down but as I said if I make it any better than it is but relax I don’t want to do that right grab me some iron and guys is it just me or this Stone looks weird

Everything looks kind of weird maybe it’s just the mods but can’t quite put my finger on it everything just looks brighter and maybe it’s just been playing too much too much on Shader backs everything just looks it looks weird I don’t know how to explain it and

This is the kind of dark I’m used to it’s bright up a bit it’s not a lot of iron here though and there’s a bigger cave than I thought all right guys let’s go out of get out of go let’s pick me my darlings I’m a boy or girl my bad I’m

Sorry sorry jay let’s talk on get up good job guys I just uh take another nap okay what are you doing here see how deep down this place goes probably not too deep right yeah I think there’s another way over here I apologize glad

To see you made it I see you I hear water all around me but I have no idea where it is I think it’s like right in front of me theaters lava too should we already go to the nether I don’t really want to do it because if I die Jenny

Then I have to freak the viewer’s mom and like it’s hard to convince me that there’s a worse punishment than that you know and to sound like there’s no about like right over here what’s happening somebody’s dying let’s it’s early she’ll actually chillax I just bugged it it was

Herobrine’s Stone right there it’s all right guys I’ll block off the water okay oh you can stop suffocating yourself I get it you’re you’re a big God it’s all Goth mommy girl all right I get it anyway I’m mostly here for iron maybe diamonds if I’m able to find diamonds

That I can give all the iron to the girls I probably won’t be able to ever get as much iron uh for to give album armor but yeah I probably need an iron farm and they probably I mean most likely I’ll make one okay well guys oh

Oh whoa I’ve made it up oh I got Monster Hunter I think they wouldn’t do anything I mean the villagers here still sells diamond stuff right or am I remembering wrong I think they do so it could still get that oh well you might as well smoke

A few stuff here just a few make an iron pickaxe explore a bit more get more iron here is that we said more all this goddamn go balls I will make you guys kneel eventually later man is that all the PS there’s two BS here guys where

Did the story be a go it’s not exactly the world’s easiest thing to get lots of beers you know yeah you see two beers what oh wait no I’m just okay never mind you’re all good the other is stuck inside the other beer completely in sync

By the way I do wish they have like hitboxes against themselves just so that doesn’t happen but oh my gosh you have wonderful eyes anyway iron pickaxe here I go all right big X let’s go somewhere else yeah you go somewhere else it cobbles it better go somewhere else and

There was some more iron right here right about diamonds because I do want to get diamonds because the sooner I get to the nether the better I mean I guess there is no rush right but I have like a million more days left right guys uh yeah spiders all witch what the flip

Good job good job click Curtis uh if you guys don’t mind taking care of that thing they could have switched too why not come on guys anyway guys let’s go out here guys let’s go find a village and then maybe I don’t find a village and then just think about life think

About the the irigold of Sisyphus let’s go this way I like Spruce or anything I don’t need great God great you run flash bones maybe maybe this is a village this is not really out of spruce well there’s two aliens over there two other houses anything else just just uh disturbing

The Serene patches of of a bland mutilated it because it’d be like that all right let the keys all right we should be able to arrive at the Village before the sun fully goes down hopefully maybe we’ll get their setup shop grab the two at least and then go mining for

Diamonds I do know I left the uh the accomplice in here the advanced finder so I could just like basically extra 34 hours but see it is a village I was wondering what this was I’ve come to bargain oh blacksmith please tell me about diamonds come on

I’m right here guys don’t try to get away oh there’s a immediately a zombie no no no no no come on hey go get him all right this one next come on good job guys I’ll take a quick nap I don’t know I have to finally see actually they have

Diamonds and a lot of iron it’s um when a chestplate some obsidian which I’ll just keep you there leave you for lighter already guys is there anybody good here leather worker not good you are you’re an armor right yeah I think I need to treat you guys once right I

Think but I think it wouldn’t sell one piece of diamond armor if I’m correct anyway I’ll go I’ll go shut up shop here mostly just to empty out of my inventory you know I always wondered what this thing is like this thing over here is this supposed to be a kitchen I also

Like a bathtub I don’t know why I thought it was a mess up but all right another weird life all right here you go one piece of Emerald you should immediately level up from that I think yeah you just need one trade and you level up and then you need iron yeah

These are this is really expensive it’s uh it’s good that you level up after one trade section two yeah I only do offer one right and this is your max I believe maybe I don’t know if you would offer more but that would mean that the tools

With if there is even a toolsmith in this version you should sell and diamonds something maybe it’s random that he sells one of one of each Maybe engagement we have no idea what I’m saying like maybe strong to me he either sells an ax a sword or the gangs and oh

You know a Chevelle right and it would yeah I hate you guys right in every single word you know I crafted you guys two networks you disconnected what is this cartographer there are woods and mansions that is pretty true there’s a lot of clerics here there’s a

Zombie villager here somewhere oh man no guys don’t come I want to see what occupation he has oh whoa It’s just come to the wall well uh thanks for protecting me and the one time I didn’t want you guys to kill the mob that’s when you guys go pull Force but it’s

What it is it can’t really suck guys can I and there’s a lot of clerics in here a lot of clerics and a lot of other workers it’s just one armor and it’s probably because of the weapon Smith huh and why I guess like right next to the

Swamp are you guys saying something and you I’ll go ahead and pick up the alleys and then we’ll have a plan of attack after that goddamn go bold I’ll let you live for now all right you guys are not worth my time oh chickens I should probably be killing all those things

I’ll be fine because I do need a lot of arrows especially when it comes to fighting fighting the new boss it’ll be really really tough I tested it in a world there she is she’s definitely a boss definitely tougher than every other boss there is that’s for sure all right

I’ve come to rescue you oh and your books I forgot about your books you guys do have a lot of books very good to get all your books these books are really expensive you know that they’re getting all the bone meal are not bone meal all the sugarcane stuff it’s terrible

Especially because you can’t belong to the sugarcane absolutely terrible all right there’s one nearly down I did get the OG alien ax right oh rap I give up I gave the OG I get both the journeys and ax now we can’t differentiate the both of them I’ll choose one eventually okay

So I just need to give that at least no axes because I definitely think there’s there’s definitely more than enough at least or you know more than enough companions with a weapon okay guys where is this house is Ellie is it that one excuse me guys

There’s so many of you guys I believe I have three LEDs two jennies and three beers so that’s like I didn’t I didn’t graduate from elementary school hold up wait a third there’s another one DJ Kelly all right anyway let’s go rescue this one as I said 100 girls for 100

Days I have no idea how my computer’s gonna handle it but I’ll find a way I have to disable the distance mod eventually but as for now it’s it’s manageable it’s definitely manageable but the more and more I get it’s definitely going to get a lot more

A lot more finicky and a lot more of a slideshow so some sacrifices will be made how many books do I have by the way I could I forgot that I cleared my inventory I was about to say there so I’m just like leaving all the books

Right leaving them on the ground catch a cat it would be so good if these uh if these skeleton skulls or weather skulls I can only imagine oh yeah there was this wonderful brilliant comment that I saw of I should make the horny potion because it could turn into the B and I

Could fly that is such a good idea there’s actually really really true because if I could fly then the game becomes great about it and I become the god of Minecraft that’s really true and I think I believe all the only thing I need is a mundane potion and a rose so a

Poppy what is it supposed to be like that sort of thing all right anyway wait what I did go to all of them right there’s oh my what happened to you guys what do you guys have error textures what is the world coming to is there anything out in the horizons here any

Like mold that looks like a house no not really right yeah not really pulled up oh there’s another Village over here interesting that’s the village that came from but I think I came from yeah I came from this Village over here there’s a there’s a fourth house but I just

Remembered wait there’s an alley here that I didn’t grab hello again too right I need to do a quick head cow see make sure if you guys are uh genuinely all here it’s gonna be lucky looking at all of you but like I spread out a bit spread out okay yeah

There’s the three beers there’s a two jennies it’s three at least isn’t there supposed to be four since I’m not even a question there’s just two there’s just too many to count I think there’s another one as well all right let’s go this way pick up the last alley then go

To this Village maybe there’s a blacksmith grab his diamonds and then go mining for a bit now let’s see which girls are missing we’re missing Luna it’s very rare for us to miss her out of all the all the characters very very rare but I mean this is my rendered

Since it’s so high I get to see all the all the houses a lot easier so I don’t really have to go to the ocean wait there’s a there’s another one oh many is there don’t tell me I went to this one already right there’s no entrances to

The door so I’m saying I guess I haven’t right guys if you if you please make just a little bit of room um I think I’ve got a box right right I’ll just take I’ll take this at least books and then that’ll be it I already

Took the selly my gosh I’m going in circles then I’m in absolute shambles so confused and then we Tower up into we get Mythos here and be careful guys so this my Village one two three there’s a position for this way though being very lousy with my horse here it

Just stopped falling off it just can’t deal with it so there really was only three houses I guess I really do be tripping should be able to lose this way so we’ll listen to sewage and if it’s I mean at a previous Village didn’t really have

Anything good to offer I got I upgraded the armor but section 2 chestplate like that’s better than normal just late but it gets the amount of emeralds to buy it it’s really close to the impossible so you see there is another one there’s a

Fourth one I told you I was in graphic I just went the wrong direction I guess I don’t understand what is happening I need to get my eyes checked I’m telling guys oh my gosh it is it’s a slideshow now though when I look at guys

Lava pool it probably won’t need you but it’s good to know it’s good to know keep it in mind wait I do have more at least so this is the fifth house I also I already went to this house and I’m being more of a schizo but I do see the names

Like right there okay good good good good so dirty there okay I’m just I have no idea what’s happening I’m so sorry I wholeheartedly apologize for what’s happening with my brain here follow me Ellie let me grab your books too so there was four so this is the fifth one

Since I keep getting off the windows make sense of direction you’re getting all freaked up you know there we go one two three four okay there’s a Jenny over there another one over there maybe another lava pool uh I think that’s a beer house over there even if it’s it’s

Completely wrecked just been playing so much Journey mod I just I just know the silhouette of it you know a single Pixel of the house and I I just understand it just speaks to me in volumes only I can interpret everybody is a replica all the videos are there and

Jenny’s are there all the building aliens are there good good very good all right guys on to the Village which is this way same direction as the journey now how many do I have I have five at least right five Ellis two jennies and three beers so I have ten girls on day

Six and we’re doing good progress I have no idea I’m gonna be able to like I just have to I’ll have to eventually turn off the the render distance mod far planes too because if wall have this turned on I don’t have entity calling on and for

Those who don’t know entity calling is a mod that enables you to not render mobs that’s behind wall so for example if this villager was in this house I wouldn’t be able to see him like if I was looking at this it’s inside there but he wouldn’t rather but if I

Look through the window then he would render so I can just put all the characters here librarian aquafinity right and well it’s not too bad but uh yeah I’m mainly here to look for good villagers you’re a lot of worker right another worker lose the clearance photographer there we go foolsmith

Exactly the man I was looking for everybody you’re hired I will level you up two levels okay go levels you see one let’s have a good it’s about gold diamond one Unbreaking but 14 emeralds okay how many how many emblems can I buy I can get seven seven is more than one

I’ll give you that right now why is the solid stair oh it is a stair well okay it is settled I’m gonna stay here even if I dumped all my stuff I just remember I just I dumped all my stuff in the chest with the stuff they’re valuable I

Can’t think it was I don’t know why but I I don’t think it was is it worth it to go home way back there goodness gracious you know what yeah I’ll go all the way back there and I’ll carry the armor at the armor I I mean maybe you could level

Them up more I doubt it I thought you could level up him more uh so I’ll make a another chest here I’ll make another chest here go back there carry the armor Smith to this Village and then I can get I can start getting the business get an enchantment table get protection four

Get another right arm freak your mom all the above all of the above all right here we go let me turn that into that and I don’t have a crafting table yes I don’t then do that and that’s it that’s but not least chests I should probably

Put a backpack mod on but you know me all right so my Village is directly back this way what I forgot about the journey she’s over here right yeah she’s right here I believe I can carry stuff so if I do do this yeah I can’t carry stuff it

Has been confirmed I glitched too but if I make you follow me okay it says stop following me so that’s not me you’re gonna walk okay now you’re fixed alright guys can I okay let’s have a slideshow guys I need to have a bit of a nap right

So it should be directly this way I will be right back to Will Smith is that even what it was called I think it was called like I don’t think it’s called tool Smith he’s too saunting but man dude imagine that the the new villagers is

Just one update away from this just one update away playing on 1.12 the villagers the new villagers are in 1.13 it’s crazy right so with the addition of Jenny we should have 11 girls now right now 11 at 7 7 11 too bad okay car

Crashed I kind of lost my son to door so everybody’s still here uh it’s difficult to tell if all together inside of each okay three beers all the Jennys or I mean all the Ellie’s are kind of inside okay I just let’s go this way if I’m

Wrong then sue me all right and right across this way I think Yep this is I think I went the completely wrong the Russian another genius though I guess all things lead to Blessings all mistakes lead to fortunate blessings nobody can you follow me Ellie or not

Ali Jenny and you don’t want to follow me if you are following me you’re not following me okay this is and there’s a beer here too um I think I definitely did see this somewhere it’s just the way the villages or just re-log I do hate relogging

Though because I need to always make everybody re-follow me um I mean I don’t understand why they unfollow you when you leave and it isn’t a convenient in some senses because you know if you go to your house and then you log out like in you have to go to

Every single one of them in the individually uh tell them to stop following you anyway enough of my rambling let’s go to this and beer house and uh maybe build up a bit just to find out where the heck I am I didn’t leave anybody behind right well the the beers

Are struggling it is weird that like all the women have different AI AI which is weird because I don’t really have a reason to have different AI you know what I mean like I get for the special circumstances like uh like Ellie you know like she has a crouching down

Whatever she’s in a two Too Tall space because she’s extra tall but like in circumstances like teleporting and stuff like you don’t really have to change the AI for that just like little nitpicks though little nitpicks that a mod that most of you will never ever know because

You are experiencing the mod Through My Lens right so this shoe would be yes yes yes it is I did go in the general correct direction there’s more Cobalts so many cobbles ever realize how big the swamp is here though check in you know my rule with chickens

And you guys feathers I have no I I don’t know if there’s Fletchers here I think there is I definitely don’t think they buy sticks in this version right guys my uh my thing right now can you guys call it for me thank you and let’s

Go to the switch pick up the armor and have a happy life if you do have to go all the way back though oh my gosh now that I think about it it’s going to be a lot easier to have collections and approvals I don’t really have to get a

Lead now because I could just pick them up I think I’m cold probably won’t do this I just picked up a Cobalt look at this and I just crashed right right noted guys noted don’t pick up Golds oops oops oh I have to right click

Really fast I have to put it down put it down put your dog no there’s no way I got locked out and I think I know how to fix it I just need to turn the mod off no oh might be right back trying to turn

It off now to turn back on all right guys I might have completely vanished that cobbled into off of existence but it’s not my fault right so if I carry any of you guys usually are you volunteering can I make you follow me okay stop following me I carry you okay

I’m gonna carry you okay oh I can’t carry you but I could carry Jenny I don’t know which Jenny here’s a OG Jenny but I I swear I could look at that it is on though right yeah what I can’t carry you guys anymore wow I could

Carry the cobbles but they’re kind of just not cooperating I kind of just sent that Cobble that I carried into Oblivion because well she was scratching my game that would need a bigger reason than that for the second there I thought this would was gonna be fully corrupted

I didn’t want to start over hopefully I could at least scare the villagers without lagging or crashing I mean right guys all right can you guys call these chickens you guys don’t need to use a bowl you guys don’t need to use the bowl my gosh yeah or chicken just chicken

Come on I had a girl all right this last chicken all right nice um where is Mr Clara or not clerican armor at the worker lyric should be near the Box by throwing which the blacksmith is over here no this way no there you are blacksmith he was just there guys

Where’d you make him go oh there he is I see him yes armor they’re coming with me buddy whether you like it or not you’re coming with me why can’t I carry you I can only carry mobs that makes no sense I I know I swear I could hear you guys

Why won’t you let me carry you what the flip I swear I’m not crazy I didn’t pick up my bed there so I went here for no reason you guys have no pets don’t you guys you guys are there beds I think it was cheaper though oh my goodness

Gracious I did not come here just just right whatever I deal with them guys deal with them right never mind then don’t deal with them you can just go as he’s he’s cold they’re gonna get shopping on trees I like it I like it because they’re hard workers working hard or hardly working

Whoa that’s a big slime slime get him guys get him get him great job they dropping slime balls no not really hey there we go okay a few slime balls and they really not carry anything I’m gonna creeper can I carry people oh my gosh you guys are almost killing me with your

Arrows here like it’s just not the same but I’m killing the pig you know you shouldn’t no way they nerfed it I can’t carry anybody I’ll get help maybe because I had to take it off and turn it back on it’s clearly not really that bug that

Sounds like I could still carry this I can still carry this guy you know what I mean hey carbon guys please I’m gonna carry you home so I felt something I felt like I accomplished something well it’s a lot of a lot of chickens here huh there’s like killing all these chickens

All right can I kill this but that’s coming down the zombie thank you guys kill this chicken ow holy cow you guys this arrows deal a lot of damage then again I literally I’m only wearing an Iron chest blade so I get whoa witch don’t want any of that all right guys

Just take a little bit of initiative here just kill all the mobs that go like and blocks near us yeah I can I could carry that six foot long squitter I can’t I hope I can carry at least the other mobs you know like the Goblin and um

That’s about it because the only ones that I’m really thinking about is it Goblin and the Slime girl is also the only Mouse like the obviously I’m just speaking of the goblin like there’s a goblin companion you can get right but there’s also the goblin Queen so I’m

Worth thinking about her because you can’t really like normally get her affected carrier like this Mr Pig right here and all isn’t good all right we finally arrived enough of me blabbering about oh this spider’s gonna kill me if you guys just did a little bit better

Job exactly I mean there’s a there’s a dozen of you guys go on I’m escorting this pig all the way home welcome I’ll miss a bit this is your new post and it’s in your own new house you will live in this well oh I just sent you into the

Abyss I guess whoa what happened to the chest missing’s textures it’s literally right there what look at this there’s the chill there’s a chest texture right there and it’s just this missing texture like right in between of it that’s pretty cool anyway where’s my bed been

My bed here too yup good night guys you know something I heard here yeah guys you’re not supposed to be dying on me ow ow ow again an ax maybe it’s time to start wearing some more armor here sorry about you guys if you guys are all Lunas then obviously I’d

Give all these guys armor because I’m not gonna blur you guys out for that long but since you guys are not you guys are the one exception wait at least tell me the the tools with is still alive guys I can’t use a door guys knit with

Nobody cares about niblets there you are I had a boy had a boy had a boy on boy that’s another word living near the student to here and there is this bridge and we could just put house here I’m already seeing it vision of the future yeah we’re gonna have our house

Somewhere here there’s an Ali house here too I don’t know what significance it has to the overall plot of the story but it’s there all right now I think I’m mining all right I think I only need a few escorts so all of you guys were uh

Stay here and that and I’ll set this home as all of you guys okay uh set home sit home stop following sit home stop following hey is that everybody okay you’re the only beer that I didn’t make stop following all right then you volunteer to go with me deep down dark

Deep down I see to get a smoker with a few more pieces of pork I’m kind of running out here might be a distribution of ours very very big very very important Mission we need to get kitted out here all right I need to give all of you guys

Are in armor or these mostly guys because I mean all of you is kind of a big task because there’s like 24 pieces per person and there’s 12 people it’s a big desk so we’re gonna stick with a more attainable goal of uh giving iron

Armor to most of you guys giving me most importantly the diamond armor so we can conquer the lady of the Abyss right do not underestimate her she is a ruthless killing machine you know it would be a magic I changed my mind if you live here

The happily ever after I’ll go in alone all right it’s all right it’s okay you don’t have to worry about me but since I’m going without a companion I think it’s the best idea to make a shield at least a shield before I go down there

All right so one by one hole like a capital all the way down to like y 11 no whoa lava and I forgot to bring my bed well what am I gonna do about it hey this is getting weird I’m seeing Illusions in the past now there’s some

Stone here that’s fake oh my gosh what is happening any diamonds here yeah this is definitely low enough for diamonds so just over around here they’ll let this iron fool you that’s not there anymore I have no idea what’s happening okay I don’t really see any iron anywhere here so a

Good thing I brought extra wood because this is it speaks this pickaxe is about to break what is making this happen a flip well I can make a compass anyway I just went like this a couple might like this for a bit eventually I should get to Diamond territory oh well wait what

What is happening to the dark Shores and they are not doing so well Mr stock a lot of lapis a lot of mine too it’s pretty good all diamonds bloody hell no it burned the diamond burned there’s lava oh my gosh give me other diamonds why are you guys what is

Happening do I need to like re-log or something oh my gosh what is happening to this if a gold gear is like normal look at this it’s flowing down I go up yeah look what the heck I’m the only culprit that I can think of is of course the the

Rendered isn’t smart but I’ll endure it for a bit it is looking like it’s it wants to go really really bad so I’ll really stop it all right let me touch my theory here oh I was right and you will be missed I guess I’ll be linking all

This stuff because I’m in here in the shadowy abyss of a cave iron do I have not a lot so in despair after that uh that one Diamond got burnt in that lava absolute despair they pulled the cold though uh I guess I should honestly stop using the coal as

Fuel and instead I guess I’ll just use lava buckets um there is a lot of lava there’s even obsidian Airsoft I don’t necessarily have to do the level bucket method or lava is there going to be yeah I’ll check it out I’ll check it out I’ll be

Right there overload on this side okay that’s a lot iron I mean is it as good as diamonds not really obviously I probably need uh I need something to like check if their assignments on there it’s still the purpose thing that I have I I don’t remember how to craft it

Probably need to install just enough items just to see the the recipe again I’ll do it later I definitely don’t have enough time because I definitely think I need diamonds to get it this is a whole different one it is that was the same one no signs of anything I definitely

Should be taking everything here though getting a little lazy on it but I should definitely should be taking everything here because like right I installed it let’s uh oh there it is mineral finder metal finder gem finders puppy jam oh I only need three pieces three pieces

Reese’s Pieces let’s go I’ll go back I’m coming generally I have more diamonds I can ever know what they’ve done with you don’t I don’t know you don’t have no idea what’s gonna happen in fact you can just crawl a little bit faster here I’m still working on it Johnny I’m coming

I’m I’m close or something bro you have any idea where my thing is this baby I’m gonna guess it is see you later did leave some iron here I know it anyway I want to go back guys guys okay whatever I’m just gonna take off whatever my gosh it’s not time get

Me out of here another zombie villager I know that it’s just zombie would drip I love this discovery you’re not supposed to be there hopefully you guys are not going too far away okay at least all the way over there and there’s going a little too far away no not not really I

Don’t know why it feels like there’s less of you guys now let’s want to let’s count all the characters first I guess yay one two three four or at least there’s supposed to be one more one more Ellie hello and Ellie’s racing cool there is okay there’s three Jenny’s all

The jennies are accounted for there’s three beers yeah she could probably find her way back now what do I need for the compass again I knew that I knew I knew that that’s why it came back up here so I can get some water buckets right am I right

Honey let me make you follow me for a bit out okay nice you’ve done a good job give your head bat my schlong is still uh in the Innovation sir that’s one thing they’ve been a change hopefully they’ll didn’t die oh no there she is oh wait no what’s up Jenny gosh

You guys are getting so far away all the way over there Jenny I might have to fetch you guys in I heard you guys are cattle but for now you guys have complete free Brown I’ll uh get the dimes I need here so I need three diamonds right I need like there wasn’t

There three pages before like I swear it was three pages before what we can change your mind I guess and did the compass I need glass uh make a few more furnaces so you can uh speed up the smelting of this that and I want to

Smelt the gold here um just because I wanted a clock obviously the best policy would be to make the a diamond pickaxe Fortune first I’ll worry about that later right for now I need bucket and there should be a lava pool here somewhere right I swear there was I

Don’t remember where specifically but I swear it was all right Jenny you’re coming with me until at least I make the portal but once the portal is made you can’t go through it that’s one thing I definitely know because I still haven’t fixed that it will disappear and enter

The block game blocky Realm of the back rooms my gosh Jimmy where was it I thought it was really close by I swear I just need man do I really have to go back to my thing oh well all right Jenny I’ll uh I guess you don’t have to escort me after

All I’ll just go back to the mines I can’t you can’t follow me because if I make or follow me while I’m down there he’s gonna teleport to me while I’m you know squished down so she’s gonna start suffocating you know these are supposed to be filled

With lava not water in you live your life and I forgot to make flint and steel right that’s just me though that’s just so me all right now where do I make it I think whatever is fine here we go that is my speed run skills for necessarily speed running because it’s

Okay I need to I need to go I don’t is there oh there is gravel here thank God all right here we go I just really really hope that she won’t be immediately there because if she is I think I’m immediately dead so yeah here we go uh anything else I want

To play about hopefully I get a biome full of chords and uh a bucket full of Jenny’s when you throw deeper have a quick view of the surroundings here nothing too crazy there is what’s right here like a little extra just in case I do need I need like

I think three repeaters right so get a little extra just in case if I ever want to make the other other compasses whatever they’re called anything crazy here I would know if she’s near because the Boss Bar appears then again I don’t really want to be anywhere near or

Anything I can’t really see anything is it good here hopefully yeah nothing but there is like a nice amount of empty Eric here the best thing about her is oh never mind I was got to say the best thing about her would be using her to fly around the nether find another

Portrait is easier I guess I don’t have no reason to get her now other than for the video so don’t worry about it you watch all the way to the end I assure you there probably will be wait is this the way I went Donald Trump I’m so

Confused I don’t remember crawler okay yeah this is definitely not the way uh how the hell did I lose that all right because I’m gonna dig back up the next time I go down here I’ll try to remember where it is where am I oh okay oh Jenny what are

You doing all the way out here oh okay come come on gotta go to bed can you not follow me whoa whoa surprisingly that creeper does no damage what the heck oh my gosh you at least have to stop you guys are wandering off so far away here might actually genuinely have

To fence you guys in gosh wait there’s only okay there’s three beers but there’s only there’s three others now are you guys suffocating because of the trees you know there’s one here okay there’s still four okay good good try not to go too crazy guys anyway I

Believe I need Stone so there you go smell some Stone you see there is three what is happening what the heck a gemfighter I need three diamonds or the other Compass I need three repeaters eight Redstone Redstone blah blah I do have Redstone stickies I can make two

Three okay four uh now the only thing missing I think is some sand let me just quickly invest in an iron shovel and have it all at and smelt a sound what the heck this is your path blocks oh do you in case of normal path box why it’s

My path block dude that this does not look like that what oh my gosh what the heck am I doing all right oh here we go how to make more money than I ever know what to do with okay never mind I’m still missing all the different oh my

Goodness gracious that and I didn’t make a company I didn’t make a compassion I died make it a compass right now here we go boom right so they’re different they’re different I didn’t notice this one is a compactor okay so I do need more Stone

All right here we go now I can make it yes gem finder thank you oh my gosh finally now with this in my position the Infinity Stones is our mind for the taking time for all that I do want to make a that’s why it’s this might look

Pretty weird but it’s not like a clock so I know when I go when I have to go to bed and I can’t go to bed without my bed no hey two extra pickaxes smell the extra iron and go back into the mines I remind myself this time that uh oh whoa

Whoa whoa it’s it’s going down so much how do I how do I heal it oh my gosh the durability is going down so much oh no I need to go hurry oh my gosh I forgot to bring torches is this glow oh it does

Very faintly but it does Ah that’s why I couldn’t find it because it was a ball of that oh there’s diamonds right over here here we go below me oh now for every government you know what if we get 10 comments to tell me to disable this thing I’ll disable it if

Not it’s gonna stay until day two thousand right oh my gosh I’m never gonna get tired of doing this never ever getting tired of doing this I wonder what the range of this is maybe like one chunk right I mean there’s actually no diamonds anywhere near here

Like there’s just genuinely no chance of me randomly bumping into diamonds which is kind of crazy but over here any here oh there is one here nice my gosh I don’t understand them I should probably kill you shouldn’t I yeah because it is ridiculously hard to get in the pros

Especially in this version so if you don’t mind starting still for a minute I’m just gonna trust you to put yourself to walk in here I will need to equip my thing because you do deal a lot of damage unless okay not exactly what is something called but at least now you

You walk somewhere to where I can place it there we go thank you very much for your participation in human kind oh nice you dropped your balls all right here we go back to it’s my diamond detector here yeah why does lapis count as a gem is it

Really like nothing else you could put in here still pretty crazy to think that uh I’ve only gotten 16 Diamonds oh there’s a bit more over here though I completely forgot out to sleep oh my gosh excuse me guys there’s a diamonds here though but there’s a lot of gravel

There we go guys I don’t got no time for this okay it’s too dark in here that’s much better on and off on up on off but I’ll keep it on this is Diamond Pickaxes mine faster than iron ones they probably do right I should probably just keep

Using this though because I have a like this and another extra anyway so might as well use them it’s not exactly like we’re drowning in diving so all right guys I’m not detecting any diamonds in this cave my project is not Hawkers oh my gosh crickets ooh I’m getting red it’s only

Gives a lot of diamonds right under me if you say so large finish divers huh eight eight not too bad especially if I had a fortune you should definitely start enchanting this eventually I need Fortune really bad now that I think about it I think I have no way of

Returning back at least you know like not conventionally allowed to about to just find find it somehow oh no Lava you demon oh my gosh whoa okay let’s just pretend that I actually thought of that large ore another large vein of diamond sack coming right up you’re saying it’s

Downwards okay another eight vein okay that is pretty big I guess I don’t know why your durability isn’t going down anymore but I’m not really complaining am I wait there’s diamonds in his lava give me a brick okay whoa come on lava haven’t you taken enough from me oh man

Anyway I think it should be about time that I go back now if we think I mean 53 diamonds is definitely enough for me at least and instead of to give like most of them like them swords so yeah I think I should go wait here’s another one

Another reading okay this is the last one the thing is though I’m gonna have to check the footage and see what the coordinates is of the The Village because I would doubt I can find it from here especially because I don’t have to render distance water anymore do I look

Anywhere is this I’m all the way back at spun oh my gosh this is literally the spot is it wait no it’s not no wait what wait is there a journey in here no wait is this I think this is oh okay yeah this is the what this is the village I

Was only like a few blocks away from it all right Joey come on okay why is it why is that a thing by the way but like I said the relog and never mind I guess all right I’m gonna make you guys all follow me now just start putting you

Guys back into at least the middle here somewhere Ellers my guys had count okay four at least two jennies okay the three beers are still here wait what wait we had four beers I guess we did we’re missing a Jenny though oh no we’re not nice any route I finally make some

Diamond dough Armor All That and probably yeah a bunch of diamond tools even ax and pickaxe and primarily wait was the village oh man the village that had all the obsidian was the one all the way over there I definitely think it’s faster if I grabbed obsidian from here

Right yeah it definitely should be faster you get a faster don’t even unequip all this I have like I have enough diamonds to make another set for somebody all the ogs will definitely have their own set I think I don’t I don’t know which is which I do know which at least

The Ogle because all the other at least don’t have an ax but as for everybody else I think they all have axes uh oh Abby is still following me my bad right yeah calm down you know what I think it’s a sign it’s a sign from the gods

Above that you should be I can’t even open your equipment I’m not messing up my inventory right yeah okay well then I’ll just re-lock for you here we go equipment you can have this so I know that you’re the OG beer and let’s get out of here get out of here start and

Channel this stuff I don’t really have 30 levels but I just want to see the uh address that I could get first so here we go enchantment table where should I put you over here across the bridge here we go 30 and 34 cases okay if I made too

Many I could always just break it I believe only the first two rows affect the bookcase I always used to make it three rows just because why not look a lot more pleasing to the eyes so okay so we got it maxed what do you get efficiency before upped armor on

Breaking 3 a breaking 3 aqua affinity depth Strider three nah all right but yeah it’s all terrible except the pickaxe kind of so this kind of terrible kind of terrible over the book They’re gonna show me Fortune three on a boat Surplus three it’s all three every

Single one was a three I’d be it’s been fun but now you know what I must do and let’s conquer the nether uh should we conquered in that there I don’t have gosh I don’t have enough strength to make my new bow wait can I what item do

You use to repair a ball or arrows 16 there it is imps will go all out on arrows here I just do this for a bit and A6 system anyway there we go and we’re done all right like 40 arrows this boat is definitely not going to

Make it but what am I out of there go and explore that’s uh another Fortress and maybe fight Gala I always saw Galactus as you know like a good way to find another Fortress but now she’s kind of useless but still I mean flying I guess for the end too pretty and she’s

Pretty good I guess so yeah I take it back I guess she’s pretty good still I just need to watch out for when I get snuck up on her whoa there’s a gas that can see me it’s a gas over land that’s over lava I guess if you can walk all

The way over here or I mean fly egg while oh my gosh yeah mundane potions true true I need to get I need to get a horny potion guys I need to get it am I right let’s stop Eggman he’s a guess like over land now I do need gas steers

To make Cobalt’s servant again please just already seen me too everybody sees me what the flip no what she’s what a year oh my gosh this is so bad this is outrageously bad this it would be a lot easier if I could bring the girls here but I mean this

Isn’t really like a place to be able to fight her you know oh my gosh especially because she’s her fight is kind of buggy so this might this might not end well preferably you want to fight her down here because for some reason like after

One of our attacks she she sleeps at you all right let’s just say she leaves at you and then something happens that’s about something for some reason you get teleported all the way down to groundwater even if you’re fighting all the way up here did she these spawn

Maybe go back nope she didn’t despawn oh my gosh oh man just my luck this is so bad okay I can’t um because I need to be ready just in case it happens and by just in case it probably will happen I need I need at

Least a few golden apples I’m sorry I didn’t a few golden apples hold up here spiders oh my gosh beeper huh you’re gonna drop down anytime soon Mr creeper Mr creeper there you go don’t have to blow up there you go oh my gosh wow that took out a lot okay calm down

Below oh yeah that’s pretty good you can keep it to yourself buddy you guys kill this creeper hopefully that creeper didn’t blow up the string unless you miss a spider Wanna Give me two pieces of string one piece okay I’m not saying that I’m mad I’m just saying I’m

Disappointed whoa that’s a lot of googlies in there huh whoa you walked all the way up there we go getting distracted again oh more creepers okay whatever okay I got enough string to make a new bow that’s better than this one though definitely so I only have 39

Arrows now I think it’s hitting as a killer I mean there’s no way she has more Health than you know like actual bosses although she is a loss but I’m saying like you know actual Minecraft bosses here right that’s the bow taken care of let’s see if I can do any kind

Of enchances enchants power power three is not that bad obviously I can’t really get that though but oh my gosh like I wouldn’t be this frightened by it if I could bring the girls Zero’s companions but but I can so so I’m a little extra

Hesitant here oh my gosh I can make one Golden Apple it’s really the best idea oh my gosh this is really the best idea okay laid up let’s see hour two anything is better than nothing let’s go ahead and do it you guys don’t get too excited

Here because your version of the fight whatever it’s gonna look like they’re editing this it’s probably not gonna look very satisfying because that is definitely one thing that I’m a lot more Stern on is the actual video as some people don’t do the uh the risque thumbnails and some people don’t do the

Risque videos and that’s what I didn’t do that’s what I don’t do I don’t think I’ll start doing them anytime soon I’ll stick to risque thumbnails if you don’t mind all right now it could be possible that she did or desponda oh man this is big if I’m able

To win this that’s nice but I’m not very confident you are especially like imagine all the blazes here I thought oh my gosh there she is where is she anyway I can’t even see her yeah these blazes over here yep you already see me don’t you little mother trucker

Where even is she oh my gosh there’s so many blazes where is she is this bad I don’t know where she is I’m just gonna oh no oh no this is really bad oh oh oh oh oh I don’t have time for this okay I’ll just I’ll just lead her away oh my

God well I’m suddenly outside another almost like I stopped the recording oh my God I can’t believe this dude I can’t believe it’s always I’m sorry choice I I won against galad ah here she is in Oliver Wanderers Glory but now there’s another galat in another if

She’s still doing this Pawn so using the glass I’m gonna go ahead in the why around and find want to find some chickens so I can make more arrows other than that why aren’t you moving glass are you serious I’m stuck oh my gosh I think I die at

This this fall right I might have to of course you got bugged by the way okay I might have to re-log I’m not gonna take any damage because of the uh or not or not I guess I guess I generally stay on top of you all right so all these

Chickens you guys have to go I’ll go ahead and make more arrows and fight the new Gala that’s there I don’t know what happens if I have two of these uh coins here but I do know there’s another glass there so I just need more of these and

Now I think I know a better way to fight her I think I just need I need a way to get rid of the the Wither skulls or the with their skeletons and I feel like I should just do the trapdoor trick you know what I mean like the trapdoor here

And here and they’re gonna think that it’s blocked so they’re gonna walk over but the thing about that is obviously example these are drop doors so let’s just say these are already down I’m just gonna have to jump here right but if I do that all right then the weather

Skeleton has fallen here she still can you know like jump at me if you could uh leap at me with her sword and knock me off and I’m gonna die you know that kind of stuff uh where’d she go by the way wow she already despawn okay come on we

Got more flying to do I was planning to just I was like originally if everything got recorded that was planning to just ignore the new glass a little closer down the ground I just want to see if there’s any chickens oh wait there’s a b there’s a b there’s a b

There’s a b this is a bay also why is not following it by the way I really can’t get you ah hey are you again so far so good nothing’s happening okay I’m gonna carry you I’m gonna carry you and I’m bringing home all right I’m

Gonna name you P You’re A B now it might be my precious little B but yeah galat is yeah I guess I could explain more about the glass while I prepare myself to fight another one because in that first glad fight I did use most of my arrows so I doubt I can

Win against her with how much arrows I have left I have 12 arrows so yeah it’s not looking too good in the arrow Department it’d be a different story obviously if you know they were there if the companions are there if you know Jenny Ellie everybody was there I

Definitely do feel like it would be a piece of cake because when you have 12 companions with you and they all deal nine damage every single time they swing their ax I feel like she would definitely get one shot almost she touches me all right B

UNC here all right I only have the the means to make you a companion yet but for now you stay right there which I five brothers right um I bugged her out again sorry galat all right wait there’s a chicken right there good luck these does seem to like

Be spawned really quickly which is uh it’s something it’s uh gotta carry me to all the chickens nearby yeah I’m trying to remember what else I talked about when I got her the first time when I was recording I think and nothing else much to add she’s she’s all right you know

Flying is definitely an extremely good ability but you know as a companion I feel like she should be able to do more I did say that she should probably have the ability to you know like check this still as a boss she was able to summon wither skeletons you know with like

Spearow orbs and stuff but as an actual character helps you around she doesn’t do that just like that one meme which I’ll put on screen if I don’t forget about it okay how much 23 not too bad especially like how fast she is it is pretty good I guess it gets kind of

Greedy for me to want more but still still I think 23 hours should be honestly enough that night I don’t really want to get lost I’m in highlighting all the chickens around here so I hope they spawn eventually my gosh look at those flowers when I

Thought they were cobbles but to see I’m mistaken I mean the nether isn’t completely finished I’m kind of just ignoring it for now because it’s really annoying I got your golden what the heck out of all the things you could get I’m trying to cope with it give it back uh

I’d like my okay I think my golden apple back please thank you I’m Goblin now I don’t know if like our gobble is spawning means that you’re near a goblin there can’t really see very well especially because it can’t refresh as fast but I’ll dig down because I was

Able to carry that B I don’t know why I’m not able to cure a cobble though maybe because I didn’t carry the the queen Cobalt I don’t know if she could if the Goliath could fly upwards here that would be pretty useful I just can’t see anything even with the reloading

Chance trick a newer versions it’s a lot easier because you could just hold it down down everything around here is just clear liberals guys anyway I mean 44 feathers that’s definitely enough right Mr Cow and don’t let me Mr go I’m gonna go I’ll be off here I’ll be out of your

Hair and why do you look so mad all the time huh I didn’t get it I mean if I was you I’d be mad too your Boost is not working too well huh that’s all right that’s all right we all have our bad days it’s okay we got some chicken and

Grab more gravel I wonder if the diamond trick still works on the Square patches probably not right here we go now can I tame you between 18 now oh you’re sparkly I’ll let you figure that out on yourself I guess but for now focus on the main thing here hey what happened to

Be there should be interesting if I could give you a chance I’m entertained before you I didn’t have to tame you you kind of just you can just work like every other companion where did you go you go chest no no chest oh I’m not gonna grabble okay well

How many arrows gonna make with this a second 24. too bad not too bad oh yeah and I did make a golden apple because I was like and maybe maybe I could fight this uh this uh laughing here I don’t know what happens my fighter while riding a collab questions to the

Universe anywhere I want to get some some some some something on my armor here reflection two is not too bad I just want to get something because these guys they just go too too much damage and the more damage we can prevent better Protection One I think there’s a

Another one yeah protection two on this one our Channel levels it’s all right exactly they sell for protection one on everything else I I why not protection two on you you’re gonna have protection too I’ll break into you everything has protection I shouldn’t get hit like a

Truck now so depending on that though I don’t know which food source is better chicken or beef minus something to be for now oh my gosh this is going to be tough new Shield maybe I call brand new Shield get this one here you guys deserve to see it uh especially because

I didn’t really or should I make more arrows yeah because arrows isn’t only exclusively for okay well my gosh and you’re still not tamed anyway I want to make another shovel I guess I’ll do it out here I kind of want to keep you nice now you’re

Tamed good okay okay this is your home now and I’ll give it a chance later on I guess it’s just a random chance if you get tamed or not that’s strange but is what it is we’ll go ahead and continue getting more gravelier because the arrows isn’t exclusively for

Her it’s not like I’m gonna need a whole stack just to kill her as I said the first time all I needed was just like 30 arrows it’s actually too tanky but I also want some extra hours for gas and Blaze because of a lot of Brady a lot a

Lot of brothers too much Blaze to ignore and I don’t want them you know third Wheeling while I’m fighting Gala there’s a damage really does stack up and it’s really annoying I combined this basically with this I cannot believe it’s taking this much to get this much

Flint okay whatever 13 pieces of Flint that’s okay go down here and see if I have another crafting table and there being a lot of wood so that might be a bad thing but I trust in my abilities my recording I am that’s very good let me

Sure I check this time uh all right arrows there we go two stacks and twelve so everything I need okay so I’m gonna go in here fight the last have a glass on me because we’re not shielded of course very important anything else the chicken of course of course of course

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute some blocks of course there’s just lava here you have a little bit of blocks all right now if you put in these sponsors it should be like right here right yep and there she is now I’m gonna guess she’s up there somewhere so one

Less favor go out and here we are fly up and thank you for your time now where is this brand new glass I don’t hopefully she doesn’t spawn again I thought she was supposed to stop spawning after I defeat her I don’t even know what’s gonna happen if I defeat her again

Because then like not two coins does that mean they can someone do glass on this guy oh there she is so the first time she was in the middle of these two here now there’s nothing there down here any sign of her I don’t really want her

To have to sneak up on me if I could get the first few hits on her that’s massive because deal probably like a fourth of her HP if I get to sneak up on her where the heck is she oh okay I just I just glitched into The

Nether Portals what oh my gosh oh my gosh this is really bad oh never mind thank you she’s back I was preferring to stay outside of here gosh oh my gosh of course now what’s up guys don’t mind me it’s your boy I really need to get feather falling you

Ship away yes your boy definitely not frustrated in another and here I was thinking that galatz there’s gonna be somewhere boss that never spawns I guess I’m wrong I guess I was wrong guys I’m sorry she Dove at me and then I just teleported into another Fortress and she

Wasn’t even there with me where the heck is she I think she’s inside the wall somewhere I hear a guest I just need I just need six more plays rods six more blaze rods I guessed here and I could live the net I could leave the nether of

Course I could still get some ancient debris but I’ll leave that for later on and I is still the only after all right let’s just uh no more view no more I’m on the blaze number of bets all right of course I accidentally hit you know oh it just immediately ignored

Me okay she’s back she she’s definitely inside of the wall here somewhere is she inside the Nether Fortress a box oh my gosh there she is okay I mean going into the walls isn’t oh my God oh my God oh my God there’s there’s an invisible zombie pigman attack did you forgive me

Okay this is not good I’m gonna pull away not into the lava okay I’m in the lava I have to save and exit get a minute frames get back on land anything log here because I have full saturation oh my gosh at least don’t be mad at me

You’re good if she’s in half Health oh my gosh which way did I come from up there I know buddy hey you’re lucky that you don’t have to fight her all right I swear if she spawns Again by the way in this another Fortress I just want Blaze

Rocks I just she had to spot it in another Fortress I thought she spawns actually everywhere and why did she spawn twice at another Fortress I just I just don’t understand oh you’re trying to play Jenny mode and here I am suffering from my life oh

There’s a there’s a gas here is it Overland it just disappeared oh it’s still there what happened to you I can’t see it anymore no she went up there Mr gas can I can I get your gas serious I kind of needed to make to make a balls

Cup holding cupboards come on you went up there oh my gosh you are really far off holy cradle okay never mind I swear if all of a sudden he just gets he just notices me I swear like a lot of times I’m abusing the exit bug around this he’s crazy

Right she’s half health only a few more hours you should be dead and that’s where the weather skeletons I think I think they are they should be gone by now can’t believe I opened through that Pearl I wonder how much easier this fight would be in well

Another way I don’t think it would be too easy maybe plot four not that right this would be just your everyday thing but until I get the plot four and otherwise I mean that’s gonna be a long time extremely long time then don’t hate me as you can see right there that’s why

I first defeated the first Goliath that you guys can see because I guess about to see it now okay uh I see Harry versus Goliath rematch in 100 days is she heal I swear she was slower than that of us I want to sneak up on you if I could just

Deal a few extra hearts of damage wait no I think she’s all the way back here isn’t she there you are wait what she has no idea okay okay I’ll I’ll let her I’ll let her fight me a bit just kidding and now she’s a complete blur to

You guys and now she’s still a complete blur because you guys don’t even see her oh okay thank you for the second token defeating herself if this makes her executor accept the Victor as her master granting him a coin to which her soul is bound using the coins on this Earth

Offering services on demand okay I have two coins if I do this okay summon you oh they are different colors wait interesting so I can I can really only have one then oh and I can’t make you Retreat well my only wish for now is none of you get summoned like just stop

Spawning that’s the only thing I want now if you can just stop spawning I’d be in heaven all right but I did find your weakness although you know not intentionally I just have to shoot you from far away and you you don’t even get outgrowed at me so that’s a that’s a

Good thing to note let me just uh I haven’t even found where the actual spawners or the blaze are here oh my gosh whether it’s getting time I’ve already looted this Dragon yeah it’s just pretty far away and diamond and Toyota gas here to sit down here

Somewhere now sounds like it’s up above here yeah like up above here I just need to get over here is there a blaze Runner here oh my goodness gracious and one of you guys drop a skull I should know every single one that you guys shot this call wait what interesting so everybody

Here doesn’t get accurate if I attack from this far away is that normal I think if I attack this far away like modern versions I think they get hybrid I think I’m not sure I definitely did use it bows I don’t really remember though what the heck what is wrong with

This another Fortress a very very strange as a fortress oh there’s a spawner nice just one straight walk how did you guys still set me on fire I need a little bit more than exactly seven a few extra just so I can Brew some potions I do want to turn into the maybe

Some other other girls too and I want to see a reason to turn into any of the other ones but still this would be such an overpowered Farm if you could just like spawn go out here and she just attacks all these guys and just sit Mac

I can build a wall here all right time pieces and pieces Reese’s Pieces oh my gosh stay back stay back I launcher fine guys if you’re gonna take my health away from me oh there’s another one right there oh there’s a lot uh you see this

Is the way that I went right this is not the way that it went right is it at least anywhere connected to no oh okay I gotta go back wait a minute this looks familiar I came from this way didn’t I because I saw this thing let’s go ahead

And go over here and there’s my little little bridgy Bridge across oh my gosh oh go to you guys to shoot three I get that you guys aren’t too accurate but spill let’s leave that cast can I do that oh there you are there you are

Um I do need to get upstairs I think you’re above oh there you are I’m coming you stay right there all right I really need your gas stairs I do hope that you drop one at least there’s another glass are you serious come on hold up okay you

Are not above lava other side of you too hear you too hold up there is nothing should just drop gun powder though all right there’s another glass here Ash darn it oh nice very good very good all right my nether portal should be around here somewhere yeah right past here it was another

Galat though really I took her down twice now I knew she still refuses to stop spawning okay also I’m really sad that there’s no there’s no gold here anymore so I gotta find it I’m gonna do that the competition so it’s not that bad she needs to go across this or

Actually what am I doing I could just use golap oh my gosh okay I just I accidentally de-summered you I’m so sorry all right here we go there we go thank you go up see you later actually I may push you onto the nether here okay I’m just gonna sorry for this hitting

That bit I want to see what happens if you go through because most of the girls are glitched you’re inside the portal right I guess you don’t want to go in all right so now we have two coins the next update is going to be her daughter obviously she’s a little bit

More useful that like she could be as useless like she could literally be just a goblin right like I definitely do feel like the goblin is one of the more useless ones but as long as at least she’s easy to get you know what I mean go you know what I mean

Please tell me at least you understand anyway forgot to get uh some cobbles on here all right so now I just need a few I need a gold block what else I need to go blog and an increase of a naked team called and make a old certain mining for

Me I can start renovating this place for brewing stand if I go here I can probably search it up yeah there we go right um you’re gonna go ahead and go into one of these houses definitely don’t open that door maybe this one or two Enderman what are you guys doing all

The way up here I thought it was already over there oh I’d be nothing personal you go ahead and enjoy your life in there I’ll let you go out eventually when we get that luxury as for you guys you guys need to all die because I need

Your pearls they’re not easy to get you know what I mean I really I mean you guys do I ruling tipping you guys up I’m sorry all right you sharp shirt yourself in that house okay um okay that’s one beer I mean I definitely do we read Libya you guys are

Roaming around because you know like that one time in the original 100 days I did let you guys roam around just like now and a lot of you guys disappeared I have no idea where you guys were going why you guys were just disappearing one of my main theories were you guys were

Dying to the the berry bushes but still and get rid of a little bit of sand hello Mr Squid I need to make some uh glass bottles here water bottles this would be a really really good potion too or unless I mean if I could become the

Galat that would be better but would it be better hold up let me just see your hitboxes let me see the bees hook box hey uh your hitbox is still tall but it’s thinner it’s definitely still too Bluffs almost a lot thinner than that okay note it all right here we go glass

Bottle I really know how much I need to make but enough probably right there you go I do need a poppy though oh there’s one right there and you like this Smokey it’ll take two why not right here we go spiky no I believe I just need one to

Turn into them and one to turn back so this is gonna be like a test run I guess oh here we go local Brewery yeah but here we go make another another three why not all right here we go let’s test it out here we go guys I’m transforming oh I can’t turn

Into her I wonder if I could fly though I could turn into Uplands Luna whatever oh can Ali fly well obviously since the newest one might as well right oh I can’t fly as her what she has full diamond armor too dude why would you

Model this but not let her let them have the ability to wear it oh my God there’s such a waste wow there’s a button here what happens okay okay oh not that I’m in Greater mode now what I mean I have endless possibilities now I can do anything I want what should

I do first I mean one thing is I I definitely like a Luna real quick but there’s another thing over here I do want to get like all the girls off the bucket list so I need Luna slime burrow the Goblins oh I’m pretty tall aren’t I

Oh I can’t make you follow me I’m so sorry I got that that sneak animation too interesting oh my gosh I wore off really I have to use another option it wore off just because I had to read log that’s crazy okay I’m back and as for

You guys huh your little chunks on mate right come on I’m going to bring you back because I can’t relog apparently apparently that’s bad huh who said so all right Johnny apparently me leaving and going back to the world completely removes my abilities that’s okay all

Right there you go that’s your new home now see you later I should probably prepare this already and uh grab the bed I’ll uh be right back guys I wonder if I take damage if I jump let’s see let’s see is this enough to take ball damage

No I don’t yeah a little bit higher a little bit higher oh I don’t Spicy okay and now that I don’t have the render distance smart it’s a lot harder to spot if there’s anybody here I’ll say yeah like I’d rather like this release audit that you said I just run into them hello can you please cooperate with me nice thank you thank you very much

Trying to get to an ocean an ocean ocean or a swamp oh there’s more Cobalts it’s definitely gonna be a lot easier to get you know 100 girls now that I can fly I could just fly and turn the thing back on oh there we go this is swamp a very

Small one but okay so the only way I could get yeah slime grow back is our witch domain just uh taking care of business the only way for me to get slime girl all the way back is if the mod lets me carry her I hope it does oh

There we go this is a lot bigger it’s so weird yeah all right I can’t pick her up let me try to pick something else up just to make sure that I can still pick up stuff as a as a as a women made by Cobalt tribes here right here we go big

Okay yeah I can so I really can’t pick her up that’s sad I don’t want to try picking cobbles up again but this time the the one with the crown it makes a bit of a waste out because then you’d have to drink another ocean wait one

Last test yeah I really can’t that’s really the only way for me to get hurt is to seize a lead actually speaking of leads no wait I still need string well not flow too far above the ground actually think it’s about time to go home I do wish we could have found

Somebody else at least now we know that now this way oh you’re off this again thank you it’s okay all right come on Johnny you gotta get back home obviously I haven’t found a thing yet I haven’t on an ocean yet to get Luna but I feel like

It’s a little bit more important to get this Jenny back home since one already died I generally here you are you’re brand new forever home especially new home let me just check it Mr Fish over here you got Mr Pig you got a new bed or

Plan I guess wait did I already go this way no I didn’t what the f what follow me yes you are thank you two jennies next to each other identical to the one that’s over there strange strange strange strange so they just yeah whatever I’ll just bring you guys back

Immediately all right here you guys go I’m trying to find a an ocean biome it’s just very rare to happen to me that there’s just no oceans anywhere usually I’m just ocean Galore but not this time I guess another Village similar to one that I have back home no backside though

You can keep it so far there’s nothing you just grab like random knickknacks Uncle bolts I will get you guys absorb into me eventually yes you wave I just need to get a gold Block in the meantime our slime worlds I should have been able

To pick you guys up I don’t know what happened it could be because I turned it off and on but before you should be able to pick Jenny up and stuff so I think that’s enough explore for now I’ll focus on more attainable goals like that Dragon stuff okay who should I abduct

Now yeah I’ll I’ll abduct you Mr if these shows of gray let’s go yeah hold on there’s a sheep so much time again through it what wish over here oh yep you do hit me interesting I thought she wouldn’t agree to me because I technically I’m a boss so I’m I’m bad

Model but okay it was surprisingly fast right Mr Gay Mr pork chop is another friend where the salmon go what the heck what are you doing here Mr Japanese skeleton what is this I could even fly in here okay I thought we just suffocate that’s pretty funny I’m kind of just trying to

Find gold I probably should have made the compass right metal finder middle finder probably should have made this yeah you know I’m a little stupid we lost I gotta here I’m definitely going the wrong way oh actually oh there’s um my Chapel right there and uh

Make sure well I guess I could just check later it’s on my drive right here hello oops not my ring yeah just uh try not to mind me if I keep in mind at this place huh monsters here bye cool you have any idea where the my heart is I

Could use it so I might have a chance to have Ally in it speaking of devil looting one now place your hearts in the right place Subs up guys we just got down some trees here now that I’m back up here I’m gonna go ahead and make that

Uh what’s called the mineral finder get a lot of gold and they make a lot of Cobalts and make a lot a couple of bubbles oh there is actually that’s pretty funny that I did it oh I have two pieces of gold really I just saw the repeater stuff done I just need

To get some gold no there’s some diamonds that I missed and of course it’s a lava there definitely should have been some leftover gold here that didn’t pick up oh emeralds it’s night time though should I get them rules all right I’ve made up my mind I think after I get

Get this Dragon staff I’ll go ahead and just beat the Ender Dragon it should be extremely easy because now that I can fly you know actually get a little bit more gold it’s like I’m underneath the mountain because there’s so many Josh emeralds I should eventually run into

Our gold run I’m kind of just hoping to run into a cave here nope lava yeah you can stop burning now there we go right over here oh is it a rod here there’s a zombie with lots of drip it should mean there should be okay over here I did

Re-log so I lost my flying abilities you might wanna get it back you know let’s take a break from golaff let’s go to B I can fly right yeah even she has armor what’s the wind up not letting them have armor come on Yo over here okay good I

Can fly so all right guys all right sir still no diamond zero not diamonds gold look at your gold guys and there’s no gold oh yeah maybe my efforts are better spent looking for genuine curves I was in mountains you look for a little hole hole on the ground that leads to a

Natural cave maybe eventually then I’m a little more luck and uh how big is my hitbox I feel like that’s definitely still normal size but my head is a lot smaller I guess oh you guys see that this Goblin literally just follow I can’t even sit a couple of Mark supplier

Uh give me a call back please see ya Goblin just spawned I still need to find a goblin there but yeah I still like I want to get the staff first before going to the dragon just because I have them oh bone wow three fix Theory well oh it

Bubbles come on all right there goes I don’t see any natural caves here that’ll be you might accompanying Us in this raw at home and guys oh lots of these are loads and lots of bees here what the heck I bet the dogs they’re not moving

Anymore and I guess there’s a there’s a skeleton down there yep huh it might as well help you guys out huh all right there you guys go no skipping B come on oh my gosh it’s a slideshow here now might be you’ll see in there wow that

Was weird oh I could carry for this is the frick hey guys you can sit down now and I should probably carry the extra with me what the heck it was so laggy now it’s fine I had to read log I know I can’t fly I wish that didn’t happen but

Hello I have more anyway it’s not like they’re the world’s most expensive potion all right that’s weird I’m guessing it’s because it’s a b so I’ll just go and pick a different flying mob Ali can definitely fly right yep oh even she has armor look at this what the heck

I came here primarily for one thing you guys I guess I guess is a pretty good thing come on go down oh man okay guys are good at all but I’m mostly here for guess what I want to loot this place more see if there’s any more gold that I missed or

Wouldn’t it be such an issue if there’s like a lot there oh there she is I’m just gonna take care of you get out of your glass and see if I can do another sneaking sneaky into it I could just ignore her and maybe you can just find another like another another Fortress

Maybe oh there we go this one should be really far away from the other one so it should be a new one wait a minute uh so far no chests it is quite amazing how fast I am though a spawner oh no I have been here yep I shouldn’t done it brah

My Fortress really is that big that’s crazy maybe there is a chance that I just haven’t looted someplace here I mean by a chance I mean I think it’s practically irritated old guys nope not mind more of this so no thank you blaze I mean I Could Just Kill these guys it’s

A dude drop golden nuggets right or because I drop any cold I guess let me fall up here you guys said me oh should I see if you guys drop anything um so far zero drops oh wait there’s a gold bucket I just need nine pieces of

That and I can make my own cold detector all right where are you going strange usually they they keep on spawning keep on coming at me all right guys get mad that’s right come on call your friends call everybody you know wait is that just a hole a whole nugget right there

It’s not really good what’s that here all right guys they’re going to get taken care of don’t worry come on yeah drop the whole thing nice that’s for this reader hello guest come on come on oh no nice let me get this too getting on the electric kind of use it’s not

This way I want to just go to the end just to get better diamond stuff I do have a circus come on how do you get one shot by a bow but not an ax that glass is still there oh there she is oh if you don’t mind just because I really hate

Glass for no particular reason gosh world’s most overpowered boss see you later what happens if I just don’t do anything she just stays here oh I can keep that watching her okay well I have no interest in doing uh that scene again but I already have two

Coins so right I’m going back and now with this three and goods I can finally get the detector I start just sniffing on all the gold so all my troubles will go away hold up and I need to sleep first ready now that should be all of it

Right oh I need it Compass metal finder hopefully this is the right one alright guys wish me luck went back to the caves here okay I don’t want Iron I want to go with the goldie Goldie Goldilocks I wonder what mineral finder is hopefully mineral isn’t the the gold one oh there

We go yes it is it’s mineral then I guess coal okay like these are cases where Cole could be good okay here’s three more pieces so you just need a block of gold that’s basically all there should be enough foresee and I have been curious what happens if I ride golath

While I’m a flying mob myself oh nothing I just I just turned into my model okay right now and Crystal needs oh okay I thought it needed the studio now my only somewhat issue is and their parole since I’m not really getting a lot in the

World’s smart at night I could just fly up despawn all the mobs So eventually I should get enough I have to start thinking about what I’m gonna want to build a gun maybe another Castle isn’t good any good ideas oh any good ideas I’m thinking about anything at all

Right with all that I should have another place battery or somewhere there we go and there are I there we go now I need the drag on stuff which I believe I need to stick for there we go and dragon staff oh this one is spinning fast huh

It could apply so fast right now we can finally find another bee sorry we should just be able to wander around here and eventually they have a couple should spawn and it’s on alcohols try to actually spawn when they want you to spawn now come on there we go all right

Name tribe there we go kobus see I gotta be careful with the teleporting here right okay brand new try anybody want to volunteer yeah I just want to spawn all right I guess I do want it to be night time okay yes I need you guys okay let’s

List it out if there’s lots of uh zombies and creepers here if I just lie up all right should this be far enough yeah definitely think that’s so that’s far enough definitely at least past build over there oh nice they do respawn all right no Google is spawning now and

Spawning brand new Google is maybe some GoBots if she doesn’t mind I had a feeling my couples were gonna die from Fall damage so I should have taken a little bit more care of them but but you know absolutely zero Enderman though there we go only got one Enderman after

All this time okay you lost your interest oh my gosh dude a lot of mobster maybe if you don’t mind teleporting over older over here thank you I chew on them in oh it’s already daytime man these guys didn’t drop anything stay 27 because it’s gonna drop

A single under Pearl dude I I did it so many times but they just ate some bit in on a corporate I see honestly how it is guys if that’s how you want to play then our Tower is gonna buy I do have a clerk

Right I do hello nine gold gold is not really much of a problem now even if I only have five I do wonder do you have Fortune no come on now ready you fill these back up and make another make another batch it’s mining a few

Iron here I’ll see what I’m looking for iron for a bit of gold just to treat with that cleric and buy and the pearls okay this is taking way too long to get a lot of gold there should be one of the rarest things in the world that needs to

Sleep I guess right I guess I just smelled this and try them and then obviously I’ll leave you to turn them once but I probably don’t I’ve got a Emerald’s fully buy out the immature I genuinely need and walk around again see if we could spot a couple Tribe Called

Anywhere there we go sorry no all of a sudden cobbles became the rarest thing in the world huh never mind there we go all right here we go there we go you’re a couple to see oh gosh oh I see it again already don’t worry I took some precautions in case

You guys do die guys you guys don’t have to fight you know oh my gosh and they’re all dead well luckily enough I got an egg so there’s another Village over here another get out of there seven one all right now the butcher’s pretty good

Um the iron guy’s pretty good too but I think I’ll stick to the butcher all right oh no you’re oh but you’re here somewhere uh which one I guess is the better this one okay goodbye two emeralds now yep I’ve got the whole pig population here

Actually zero figs now so if you would have been better if I had with looting but I had blood sugar I’m more huh I moved first this is actually a pretty good deal will you restock if I do this thank you very much so I need to buy

Another one all right I’ll buy this one okay 27 how many are you no there you are no who is the clerk that I traded with the way I’m here what’s up buddy there we go I’ve actually said seven more gosh yeah I might have to sell some iron here

Unfortunately such a bad amount though you can do it again you can do it and also sell some coal I guess I don’t really have a lot anymore do I I don’t know I’m gonna have a few have a little bit of cold just go through the middle

And get you some other buckets okay I can’t do that I can’t do the iron all right maybe later be a lot of colder there we go we’re just gonna ride I could buy three more might be able to finish it off if I bite off of here it’s

Almost lights on yeah it is um might be able to finish it off by killing some Enderman here of course I will buy a few extra might as well eight pieces I need to kill or four and the pearls remember that like reposterous things are happening huh like your potions real

Quick there we go that’s an Enderman that’s another man that’s another one that’s three okay a lot better than before okay I can’t even I can’t even hit you guys okay all right come on guys oh stole this person great idea buddy more than too many other men so many other event I

Need to wait for the thing to go off here I have to be careful this cousin shot me I’d die yeah I can only just heal up a bit here and make the creeper blow up another Enderman today yeah kind of weird and you gotta go all right

That’s gonna a nice amount of damage let’s just start finishing you guys off a bit get your pulse so far so good guys the three pulls what the heck nice I got all the pearls hey all you guys get out of here all right whatever I picked everything up right yep

Thirteen pearls perfect so any more extra in the middle there are more okay there’s a there are plenty of you guys now I’m starting to sound crazy if I say there was like only two the last time I did this but there really was only two it might as well grab all the

Independent I still see since it’ll be a massive waste especially because I probably use a lot even just getting to the portal room damn it mother Pearl okay to end another bro amazing drop actually guys all right I’ll take my sleep oh come on all right the Cobalt is

Kind of bugged out what I can’t I’m so confused okay interesting it looks like there it still think that’s that’s my Cobalt but it’s not my gold and I can’t tame them though strange world we live enough anyway I make 12 in the eyes another the end and wreck house there I

Don’t necessarily need arrows but they don’t hurt to have carry a little bit of Ward with me and that little bit I mean like almost a stack just in case some things happen but as much as possible I want to have my inventory kind of empty for this well except for

The potions potions are definitely a must must have here yep there you go a lot of extra I said with all this so I can the shulker box there and stuff I might as well probably replace my pickaxe here even if it probably always because um because I’ll probably get another new

One in the end series but you know who knows how long that’s going to be so I don’t want to be stuck there all right I’ll uh get going wait I haven’t even throw the eye yet there we go this way I’ve said didn’t even bring any extra

Bring some extra please watch it in here and go four should be enough right I don’t think I will break too many of it maybe I just fly a couple hundred blocks and then throw it every every so often I’d love to bring you know Jenny with

Mirror Ellie or anybody but I just don’t work there in the person I can’t bring is Goliath but she won’t really fight so is what it is they’ll be there in spirit uh speaking of spirit I’m kind of behind on the 100 girls 100 days kind of thing

I completely forgot about that I’ll get to it eventually if I get like 100 gold story it’s gonna be really laggy oh sorry backwards well okay right I went to much oh somewhere here so probably here right here a little bit more now we’re here oh in this cool thing oh then

All the way back to the mountains here okay all right now yeah okay so right over here yeah like right on the cost for this mountain okay right here like literally way to go down all right so what what I already set it here okay it’s going down now okay and

All those broke man and of course it’s gonna be a shovel by the way all right so close to the angle here I spy with my little eye oh never mind I don’t have to do the reload chunk thing oh okay then all right here we go I need just two

More yep I need 11 items all right here we go I threw all this stuff out you you you you humble Stone my beautiful who knows let’s go all right now obviously against a flying mob such as myself which are flying goats sorry Dragon you have uh absolutely no power now all your

Advantages are gone you can’t fling me up and you don’t mean one hit because I flew a thousand blocks because I can inherently fly so uh I was like dragon or so they say join you able Evil Woman yield here I have a have a glass I saw

My new garage okay go go mess up exactly you can okay oh they don’t have like smaller hitboxes okay here’s what it is if you scrub all these arrows back oh gosh oh gosh Dragon I will not let this slide there we go I’m doing absolutely no damage but this is okay

You can’t resist for any longer here the only resist for so long approaching again happy here I come oh that was scary all right round two all right come on come on let’s beat us up and see you later okay I did not I didn’t mean to do it

Okay for now okay what if I just uh yes he goes into these experience these are enchanting later if I ever have to I probably won’t though since I can get mending in this place get all the hours of my dreams in this place wait I need

To grab a torture so you can grab this egg nice there we go now where is the Gateway there you are I brought some extra wood so I can make some chests to make sugar boxes because I will probably have a lot of loot in it here especially

Because I Can Fly for Free I don’t really feel like flying into a random Direction so I’ll just increase my render distance until I see one all right Jiminy crickets look at that on and ship right there anymore though keep rendering okay so far no sign of

Anything else other than that one entity which kind of sucks but oh not Ali anymore all right here we go I think I brought some extra all right go off you’re up next all right there we go might be a little bit lagger than usual

But I’ll keep it like this for a little bit just so I can see more and shows I write with this one speak of the devil because I am planning to leave once I have at least making a full full of everything because I don’t really have a

Reason to leave I mean you know I can infinitely fly here I could just do anything I want obviously the only thing is helping me is food but okay our protection everything is good because I could give the other stuff that I won’t wear to at least you know Jenny beer

Ellie just let me get this chest now that I think about it don’t worry guys I’m completely immune to you because I can fly oh man it’s like this is the future of humanity you know down and have some some I think no is that all of

Them well there’s still this head over here all right I got serious shows from those guys right yeah I think any of these have any loot in them other than you guys okay okay I can’t see cannot see anything all the gun drops here we go all right I’m gonna go to

These because now one because why not and two I need sugar boxes see now that you guys got making it leversy you guys are just you guys are it’s annoying you know so I definitely feel like you guys are 90 about the levitation and 20 about everything else I don’t know where the

Extra 10 percent came from but what I say goes all right there’s two more ships here the elytres I mean I can’t really fully rely on the holding post driver there’s another ship there another one maybe better grab all the heads I think every single ad is their

Own item slots though I don’t know can you give me the shoulder Bots yeah man yeah man no I shocker shell it looks like a level 30. I stopped flying which makes sense but because I’m so tall but there we go finally running I just don’t have enough inventory to keep it all

Down I’d love to keep all of this stuff beetroot seeds I think that’s the only way to get bit so oh goodness gracious right another light draw I just need more Circle shells if you guys don’t mind driving anymore thank you buddy if you just give me your skin that you’re

Wearing right now there you go thank you very much it’s a pleasure here we go Soaker box and put everything in here on my stuff now my stuff is still somewhat good I just put everything I don’t really necessarily need immediately there are all right here we go okay

Might as well get the head here too why not give it as a trophy oh gosh I I should have put a marker on which one I went to that’s what I forgot about I put a little marker there I think that’s where I went to first okay yeah

I’d see a thing there so this definitely where I went to first I go to this one next is there I don’t think there’s any more loser right let me see but if not there’s here I think guys soccer boxes fighting each other uh I should probably yeah I ship up before

You go soon I prefer it I have a little bit more sugar boxes always good to have a lot in my main world there’s a lot I think I have like what sticks maybe six seven it’s not about to have all right they gotta go over here now the city

Wait okay why did I only get the issue but now oh efficiency four that’s what I’m talking about I wonder if I could get diesel I tried to do Jenny and stuff I wonder and forget about the little warning sign that I’ve been here is I’ll start

Forgetting and that’ll be really bad I probably should have also I mean I guess I just have to go backwards so I was gonna say I probably should have also marked it which way is back home right I haven’t gotten any of the rooms that give well this one that’s just pretty

Good is this side right I believe so where’s the chest they’re supposed to be over here a little heavy lens yeah this is the room it’s supposed to be like right here what the heck yeah I’m on you’re gonna start running out of food soon just very

Bad I don’t really want to get too many sugar boxes here oh another one with no chest what the heck what have you guys entered a chess um interesting all right I guess I have to go to this one now interesting so all that all the shots are gone another one

It’s also a biggie oh another one very good come on let’s get this over with come on oh we finished this form efficiency five I mean minting too oh very good shovel good it would be awesome if the score Diamond maybe just a suggestion stop driving all

The heads though this one doesn’t have it there I’m seeing I guess they’re completely empty this is weird though there’s no this is really weird okay there’s another one over there very good also keeping the renders is as high as paying off a bit it’s kind of weird that

All these rooms won’t have anything in them only these that’s the first ship they have or something different okay gold oh there we go okay Max is about to break so that’s pretty good no oh okay let’s just that’s just the last calls um let me look at a rod here I thought

There’s gonna be any more chest though um yeah this room’s supposed to have shots too oh it does pretty good action three our protection three okay well again so I have to well guys calm down I need to put a bit of stuff in here you

Guys don’t mind I look at the thing let’s roll the horse armor though I think you guys can keep it I guess if this one has chests hello buddy this one doesn’t do have just right yeah I believe so you see I’ve done quite a bit of these

So it’s these runes the one there once oh that’s a stop the ones with loot are those and Okay rooms like these the bottom floor but except for the bottom floor has to be like connected one of these okay so I think that’s all of it yeah I

Think that’s all of it I already marked this one right yeah I did okay so maybe this one has loot done maybe I did skip that one too the amount of ncds are definitely getting a lot less Spar getting a lot more sparse uh I do think

My journey here is almost going to an end it has been very very good though very very good to my ludibles I got a whole set of uh 11 stuffs uh but more can a guy ask for are we running any more in nope all right I guess I should Mark these

Too I’m gonna go back to that one maybe there were a few more of these are ignored so I can’t pull out that possibility there still yeah nothing all right so this one and I think that should be it it didn’t really get full perfect diamond armor I think I barely

Got any diamond armor with The Mending on it if any so I might have to uh keep staying here for a little bit longer really bad though but because I get stuff’s sustain myself I could just eat coarse fruit it’s not like I have to go

Because I’m gonna stop to death but oh that one isn’t marked okay that’s like the journey continues okay mending only mending on iron boots though we got protection three main thing very good friendly an iron shovel cursor Vanishing also very good I thought it was gonna affect me very much because I’m in

Hardcore so it’s completely melon board all right I forgot to put a marker on you and here you go I have a long one shook again yep no wood marker on the ship so I haven’t gone to this yet I do have to make another shocker box now might as well

Not make another pit stop stop and there we go she asked and sugar box oh I took in the mid too amazing we all have a lot yeah just I have everything basically oh another one it just never ends uh it might actually be possible for her to

Get full full diamond armor with a mending I’m breaking three uh and the iron armor has way better so oh Fortune too though not so shabby because I could definitely just you know start uh combining all these pickaxes and stuff LCD should be empty but this right here

It should have chess right yeah there we go right where this is but those other ships they don’t have a chest on it or just if I was so confused like there was another one of those right yeah right here oh there’s two nice I’ll take a

Peek at your stuff here there we go finally I’m mending on those you just have to be smart on how I combine them together so I could have protection four Unbreaking three I’m ending all the other ones like thorns and stuff are not really that useful but it would be cool

All right so there’s a new one right there don’t forget to mark this okay that ship over there doesn’t look marked okay that’s a marker right there okay my sugar buddy good fart protection a lot of time as well very good sleeping Edge okay there we go protection four mending

Oh and the perfect shovel yes I’m talking about okay maybe take a few more chests here but I need to tell about that’s the one I marked so I have to go this one this one’s a big one but not a lot of loot in it it should be one over

Here we go there’s a mind anywhere else no right this one is the last one for miles it’s looking like unless obviously we see another one after arriving oh it’s because okay well okay here we go you guys give me like a golf sword so I can build a

Circle box a lot quicker another shovel already have a perfect one but thank you for your thoughts another shovel okay okay this sounds pretty good I thought it was a perfect helmet okay one piece of extra glitch here oh you see another one with no just strange are you gonna

Get back on somebody oh Fortune re okay like what how is all of it full already okay oh my gosh our Protection Plus protection either mending the gags there was a fortune one right another one with no chest interesting hey there’s another one over here okay now

This one has strange okay almost a perfect but it has cursive binding so I’ll have to make sure that it’s actually perfect continuing and seriously perfect I need another Circle boxer this one has a little bit more room though I need another brand new Circle Box about to go home with four

Sugar box for glutes not too shabby I did put a marker right now is another one over here Maxwell wait what wait wait let’s just drop stuff here wait is that what’s been happening that just just blow up what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on there

All right so this is genuinely the last one at least the last one is rendering so I’ve definitely flown thousands of blocks I don’t know how to go all the way back okay never mind though that job never stops I must continue my search like even it four super boxes and I

Don’t think I have a single piece of I think I mean maybe perfect I think I have perfect pants right perfect pants if I get anything else that’s like shockingly good probably not right but that again I could combine all of them so it’s not really that much of a crazy

Losser if I mean there we go protection okay that’s Practically Perfect it just needs mending or honestly I mean anything that doesn’t happen ending I’d consider not perfect since everything is so incredibly hard to get in this version it’s better to just get it uh

From this method okay not much loot in this one so running out of wood blocks to do all this signaling I should probably do it out of Ben Stone but I’m running like dangerously low that’s what I think about doing it with the Redstone okay Mark that one it didn’t mark this

One it was only one load in this this one the main one I’ll finally check the first floor but usually there’s never really anything there I think I’ve checked it a little bit oh okay the Knight never slopes I guess yeah look at this Unbreaking 3D fire protection too

Okay any more other than this one and I haven’t noticed any gateways and again I haven’t been looking for any but shouldn’t be that hard to and should be that hard to miss right it’s Bedrock unlike just a lot of yellowish Stone oh you see oh what they did blow up it’s

Weird okay wait what oh okay it’s looking like all of it is full again that I’ve not put any circular shells in any of you guys wow actually but man so you’re telling me I miss all all this salute I mean the first time I lost it

Weren’t on the ground like this there we go GT5 protection three you can see you see this one has an intact chest why could you guys be normal like this guy see this one has no address but it didn’t blow up and I forgot to look at

The end City here or the shipping anybody gotta drop me a shellier good because I definitely have another one that’s uh another Fortune Too are these new they don’t have markers those have markers right no I’m just gonna kill a few more Shoppers here I generally have to start going back now

Since I’m running out of wood my gosh is any of the diamond swords here have looting or like any sword generally there are none of them have mending or not mending they don’t have thing and I I can’t I can’t sacrifice a whole soccer box there speaking of shulker bots

Probably time you should make a new one huh here we go all right one last soccer box I’ll take care of this one and the next one that should be uh all right exam I head back home I only have 19 more wood yeah another one with no chest

But the content’s gonna explode okay another no chess and the items in it okay just two more with ships oh man enough life I’m having suffering from success and extreme lagginess and how long I can stay on 1500 cents for it’s definitely not doing this though for me

Oh this one has oh nice trying to have a rationality why I should keep looting and obviously one rationale is you know once I’m done with this I never have to do this ever again never have to worry about loot ever ever done this is definitely like a lifetime worth the

Loot here all right I marked it keep a watch out for a Gateway day 33 yeah I missed another head mine man the stuff is already gone you guys just I have to give me a thing you know all right guys it’s gonna Focus up right now that I

Have all the stuff I feel like I got to make a beautiful beautiful armor first and then I think I should combine a lot of the pickaxes just so they can go ahead and go get ancient edible I’ve been one of the things I’m going to do first is get full ancient debris

Armor uh it’s already okay this one is Unbreaking that’s good is there one that has Unbreaking mending maybe there we go this one’s good I’m breaking three there’s cursive Vanishing though but that’s not really gonna affect it so go and then combine these two so you can have mending coal

Trying to escape where is my dragon staff okay I have no idea I can suck this I think it’s a little blind it’s okay as for the armor okay this has it says I’m breaking the real feather falling three this one is mending Perfect protection three on this one

There we go protection four mending perfect okay so the pants are good let’s switch more pants here that uh as we’re sub protection three mending perfect here we go another protection three to make a protection four or we could just completely skip that and just go straight to this uh feather falling if

We do need that oh this one’s perfect too but and this one already hasn’t breaking so I don’t have a lot of Chess plates with protection on it oh that sucks okay there you go there’s a protection four I don’t think I’ve ever mind I have a

Mending Outlet right here go mending do I have an Unbreaking helmet I have a I have another mending element right there no one breaking on the helmet okay I combined these two to make protection four and then compile with this is everything looking good the boots they

Have like other boots here to give it more stuff but at depth starter three I feel like I’m gonna use a lot of levels combining all this stuff though so I don’t really want to go too crazy on it this one has Frost Walker like one frostwalker not really that’s that’s

Right pretty good though and this one has Ross Walker two but I don’t think I’ll do that one and go over here I think I’ll do the chest back first so I’m buying both of these 10 levels are you serious right now my gosh it’s gonna be expensive all right through that and

I don’t want to do that I’m going to keep the protection with the Perfecto I sort of boots let’s see first off I guess I need you you into you so you get feather falling because I really need feather falling this is feather falling forward too so it’s really good there

You go and then I guess if I add both of you together gosh it’s so expensive there we go seven okay so if I add both of these together to get added right I hope so all right here we go and then I put you and U section four mending the

Shredder with the following correct it’s really expensive on that side though if I switch it to around 20 levels and it’s still the same one right let’s try to fight the following mending yeah it’s 20 levels all right so as for the helmet though I don’t have a breaking helmet so I can’t

Really only have a reason to add all of that together but these you and you have to get out of there so yeah protection four on breaking sorry I just have enough levels so I’ll do all that it’s for this can I add these together no

That side is that no this side is also a no it’s 17 levels thank you well well well well well I take all this off and wear it now let me find uh which one you guys is OG earlier you don’t have an ax there we go you have an ax so

You should be it go you can have all that and you should probably also get a good sword super sword and a bill give you guys all the extra I think this is practically the perfect pair of bomb right here I think I can get the recipe

Insurance via other stuff oh yes this I could combine these together to get to sharpness four let’s see what’s the perfect sword for these a perfect sword anything or this one this one is Unbreaking sweeping Edge Unbreaking is good knockback two another knockback two so you get not back three oh I think

Yeah all the swords here are pretty good I’ll take the swords I don’t I don’t really need and just give it to everybody else I also need to give everybody bows so that’s pretty true hello OG beer you’re gonna have a sword here we go knock back why not the Ule

You go this early here you go and the OG Jenny should have like iron armor right where she these guys really do love wandering around I mean this and they’re all the way out here what the flip wait a minute didn’t I already see for Ellie

Or Jenny is why do you guys not have any Alva and where’s the OG one I gave the OG one a helmet and the chest plate right oh I can still fly usually I lose my Powers after I log off hmm where the heck oh there you are OG Jenny perfect

Here I like it I can’t look at your equipment uh there I can’t look at anybody’s equipment about you early I already gave you a sword how about OGB yeah I already gave you sr2 wow the pigs actually didn’t respawn huh I killed all the pigs here thinking that they would

Uh respawn there’s so many pigs here I kind of needed more food I only have uh six chicken left so with this fire aspect iron sword there we go more Piggies it is pretty sad though that I don’t think any of the swords uploading I think on iron sword might have looting

Okay I’ll speak of the devil there it is losing Chill on the Orange Order oh something’s about to say it again but yeah I mean I think the best decision might be to just use the other pickaxes then I don’t plan on mending together and just use them as the the mining

Pickaxes in another yet a lot and a lot of ancient debris getting another right armor again you know yeah goes too why not I do kind of Misty the OG 100 days world so I might go back to that too make 200 days on all the series so I

Have three Series right now this one the new Jenny mod oh my gosh yeah I don’t have my thing my my dragon staff yeah other than getting completely kitted out with an Android Armor I guess there’s not really much else to do I’ve kind of done everything that I could do oh

Actually I haven’t gotten all the girls you’re having and she took it all the grooves and then let’s do the usual stuff you know I need to figure out what I want to build but I want to put that in the last of my lists since I personally don’t really like

I really like thinking about what I want to build yeah collecting all the resources and all that stuff it’d be over there but first off I guess I’ll just go to sleep go to sleep I keep the stores away uh I have both of these here

Already any time now anytime I can I can get the stuffings I I generally just want to get like as overpowered as it possibly could be so and like I bought the bows I kind of feel like maybe just like enchanting a lot of bows and combining them all together right get

All the all the things here oh my goodness what a waste of Fortune by the way but the pickaxe I’m gonna make is gonna have Fortune anyway so I’ll try not to feel too bad about it efficiency four and gosh this one’s really good too

Too bad that some of the other ones here don’t have Unbreaking I mean some big X’s too so I might have to combine them yeah this big accident this big ax six levels might as well and that should be that’s all the pickaxes oh my gosh this

Is going to be quite expensive I’m a little happier and I didn’t add ancient debris to the compass unless I did yeah it still works because I am using the the old mod pack here but I doubt it still works if you’re a gem Finder right

Now to go mining I don’t know why this is a thing though kind of weird alright this version has a lot of caves and I don’t really think oh there’s a there’s a dead girl out here so when I killed earlier these caves don’t really usually show Too Much Ancient Ancient

Debris but always sort of checking them out why not like sticking too much I’m like they here and the generation of ancient debris is different from modern Minecraft because this is a mod after all and I don’t think they completely one for one copy what’s uh what’s a

Normal Minecraft but it is what it is there’s goth again oh I wonder if I super dead I wonder if she stopped spawning I hope she doesn’t oh I hope she does stop spawning because it is quite annoying having to fight her all the time but now that I can fly I mean

It’s a lot less of a hassle and as for the levels I think I should make an Enderman warm it’s definitely one of the Farms I’ve never made yet I don’t think so I yeah I don’t think I ever made it ended by far before ever in my history

Of playing Minecraft best for now I guess getting quartz is a pretty good substitute I think 20 levels right to combine the big axes and the armor is already good so you just need another right to add it add it together and then basically Unstoppable and I wonder if

There’s I mean I guess it gets heard the Sheep I could carry them all together and uh start doing the bed method yeah pickaxe is about to break still zero sign of ancient debris anywhere which is pretty awesome no lava shoot get out of here you know what does suck though is

That Force you and there’s an effect uh iron and stuff now so I might have to fight a mod that does that just so I don’t have to mine for so long another cave anything good here sometimes there is something here sometimes I swear they’re thinking debris here I swear

Please please believe me oh yeah I forgot to test out the uh the thing here my bad words are you looking for quartz what is this a blue one what’s a blue one it does still work nice oh my gosh well I probably passed a lot of ancient

Debris then huh yep I definitely did I’ll fly back to the backwards to the tunnel hmm agenda Bray Abigail mortgage and debris always oh nice a generation is definitely very similar but it’s not like in the borders here it’s usually they’re always in between the the chunk

Borders but now it’s looking more like they’re in the middle that will go up but I mean just speeding across the speed of life here it looks like oh I was about to say it looks like I didn’t miss too many but I did miss one here oh

Yeah right how many so four seven you can enter all that it can only make one tool it looks so awesome if the girls could wear another armor but their maximum tier is uh is Diamond it is what it is I’m not gonna play me even if it

Sounds like I am but I could always Photoshop them into Diamond I could probably model them into wearing diamonds or another I mean I should have to change the color the diamond armor well since I’m using this uh it’s a mineral finder anyway I might as well

Just dig the one tunnel save some durability oh there we go you see that’s more like it see if there was someone in here I would have spotted that without the compass well that’s really bad hold up just fly away for a bit there you go either eat a

Chicken I covered it up right yeah gosh oh there we go okay now it’s appearing now that I use a compass huh interesting turn of events what’s up guys okay but then the thing about giving the the Jenny’s they’re the right armor is that it glitches I mean I haven’t experienced

It yet on this version but it’s sometimes glitches out and they just they just don’t lead it when that happened on the original Jenny world I got so mad so so so mad if anybody’s still watching up until this point I’ll probably do like 200 days with Jenny

Plus something else because I probably should just continue like this series and there’s always a lot um I guess it depends on like if they’re gonna do good after 200 days if they do do good opportunities and I might like only do them like occasionally so let’s say for example

Uh this video right gets a thousand views and then 200 this video also gets thousand views and then that just means that uh it’s good to make sequels but if this video gets a thousand and the next video gets you know to 100 that means I

Need to do just another 100 days then continuing it on although I do plan on at least doing one of the series in two a thousand days is because that would look like a good title no no other reason just it would look like a good title no other reason can you imagine

That I survived 1 000 days in Minecraft Genie mod it’s really really good title it’s all right you don’t have to care about it it’s okay I’m snapping on about it I know stuff that I mean I care about but thank you for watching all the way

Here by the way if you really are still here if anybody’s still here talking to the abyss of the journey mod thank you if you’re still here I really appreciate it oh I guess broke I mean how much engineer 16. well I have enough for the armor might as well go for everything

Else and I’m not as well right now why not I know I know so I need three two for everything right just another right everything okay we’ll go for 32 then we’ll go for 32 why not got nothing better to do and they could be collab

For what the fourth time but you know why not why not I’ll tell him to go out that I beat and see if she responds again and then test sir test out fighting her with the uh with another right armor see if she does anything if she she still is absolutely broken and

I’ll fight her in uh in human form not not geniform or I guess right now I’m at least uh you’re not in not alley farm this should make it a little bit more fair because obviously you know even if you’re just like not wearing any armor

At all I feel like you should be able to beat her if you’re flying blah blah you know the one thing about this that I appreciate is that it’s not very I’m not getting like the lava pools very often usually in the the latest versions of

Minecraft are the ones that I do videos on it’s it’s really really there’s a lot and a lot a lot lava pools especially like the different biomes the basalt Builders he can’t when shot the uh the blocks there so it’s just really annoying oh there we go two more pieces

I just need 32 to get everything if I can suit golaf up I would probably do that since she is like the feature of this video since other than her nothing really has changed there’s literally nothing different it’s just Co-op something you have to focus a lot on her

But you know what speaking of Goliath you know get her in here get laughing here oh sorry for something getting so I was like goth you’re doing good does she even follow me no she she doesn’t oh I mean I got seconds bite the Wither oh

That’s still another thing I can do get a beacon because I just want to listen off everything I can still do because I got a lot of uh a lot of time to use up still I could fight the with the Angus and fight the winner if I go up a couple

More times because why not you guys came here for Jenny not you know just survival Minecraft after all and I completely understand that and how many pieces around 25 seven months ago you know 26 68 pieces absolutely got to count to 20 27 my bad my bad go 29 birthday wonderful I just

Need two more pieces these ghostbots and uh I’m about to hit Level thoughts come on there we go there we go third two one last space the one pace no one thing says guacamole I thought it would be dead or very close to death at least oh and here is the

Last piece of metal right thank you very much oh an extra piece thank you introduce turbo speed all the way back of course on the side run into Ghost Box apparently okay here we go you gotta go shoot shoot I have another guess here oh very good oh there’s another one oh did

You just oh you block a cast here buddy what the heck do you think you’re Dolan sure get the heck out of here you can drop the bass here oh you drop it a little bit lower down now anyway where’s the glass here let me finish her off bye While you’re alive what are you doing but you guys blurred out for me I can uh leave it to your imagination what’s happening right now just inside of a block apparently it’s pretty cool oh man she’s she’s even giving me the rule board completely for that too thank you

Very much did you just disintegrate my wow wow wow okay she just she just broke my sword she broke my sword didn’t she or she did she not pick myself okay I think this is sort of used I have another another galap thing okay I have

No idea what I’m still here yeah that’s or not gas please all right if I gotta Focus up I need to go see you guys later all right you guys have a fantastic day here’s my where’s my portal so right here right this way there it is all

Right see you guys later I’m gonna make another right armor obviously ask for the pickaxe I can’t really I can’t make it into Network yet because I also combine it actually never mind uh don’t mind what I just said because I could combine it right now it’s a little

Stupid just like that I just a little silly like that I’m just a little stupid and silly already oh I need to combine both of you right you and you in Echo 17 or two in a breaking Vanishing that’s correct right yeah yeah but if I do it

This way it’s 27 okay I’ll take this this thank you very much but I still need to make tools submit if you guys enjoy those in mind and as for all the people wondering how the heck am I making all this stuff in 1.12 it’s a mod

Called future MC it’s great great mod very very good mod I do a bit of that and I just remembered I have no I have no gold all the cobles soccer and chat is sorry but oh wait I thought it was cold oh I forgot about my my treasures

From The Fortress is very good very very good day I give you all this gold and then we ask her okay okay okay okay whatever whatever you start smitting all this stuff I have no more colder I use it on and I said I was gonna instead

Just use level buckets well I guess I have to say that then I yeah I’m not a man to turn back on my wad I guess I’ll go back to another probably should just put up another Fortress up here whatever whatever I’m a little too lazy bro a

Little it’s no lazy and one thing definitely is I have to read all this stuff this place is to program instead of making another Stone up here so you can drop done quicker oh hello what a wonderful place to wait for me yeah absolutely wonderful a lot absolutely

Wonderful and uh thank you for waiting for me anyway to respawn yet I don’t feel her presence so I’m gonna guess it’s a no you slowly walk or fly down and grab some lava she’s like nothing ever changed all right let me just uh I have no idea

Where my dragon staff went but with all the my brand new gold I can use to make another one so over here right there’s a skull attacker I do have looting too one guys give me give me your skulls guys come on come on let’s go no head there

Fair enough I don’t see any more out in the open so I’m just gonna go back okay for your generosity all right here we go bucket and lower bucket wait what happens if I wear this while I’m flying okay so if I fly off it’s probably a

Really bad idea huh oh I could fly there like using an Elijah now it’s kind of useless though since I could fly a lot quicker than that unless of course I use fireworks then definitely fireworks is off quicker than the gliders anywho I don’t have to use all these other

Pickaxes Now isn’t cooking them going on very good very good oh there’s a dragon staff where’s my where’s my Cobalt it says she’s you’re right here but she’s not here says like she’s literally like right here gosh darn it it’s bugged I need to kill her or

Something I think I need to kill her but she’s having here what do I have to do doggy see where’s the the clerics of so much stuff you guys don’t actually wait let me test it so you three diamonds I know I sell you diamonds do you level up

Oh wait what oh no you just okay you’re just restocking I was about to say there’s all you guys are actually good right yeah here these are your chest whatever can I like is this Cobalt there okay and now she says she’s right under

Me should I go get her hold up a shovel didn’t I get a perfect shovel or shovel that yeah it is a perfect shovel all right here we go it says she is behind us now a bit forward okay now she’s underneath us you know she’s above us oh

There she is where the heck did you go get out of here well even if I killed her it’s still still pointing to Absolute nothingness there’s nothing down here even confirming it yourself oh yep there’s Rock okay I don’t know I just it’s just bug now I don’t I don’t

Know why I thought I just had to kill her yeah now it’s bugged very interesting pretty sad that he can’t uh it combined any more cobles but maybe if I find another tribe right is that all the thing done cooking thank you very much all right and now let’s see

Crashing tables here we go okay of course it’s another recipe make sense it makes sense now every day you make uh Anthony ingots in this version huh little eight pieces thank you very much now for the armor I think this don’t drag itself off if you don’t have

Another glass coin that stuff yada yada here we go there yep yep yep yep and it’s usually the part where I uh it is pretty sad isn’t it yeah I get it oh I just put it I put away the the perfect pickaxe where’d it go it is

Gonna have this big ass smack here we go Master this um boy I don’t really need it right away I mean I guess I have to go to sleep okay I guess the the search for more girls continues in strength beneath spider spawn I don’t think so it’s only night

For like half a second so it makes sense I’ll try and go find uh another tribe santigo find Luna no I put my fire aspects all the way sorry guys you get to live there we go perfect timing guys I can right click you guys oh man that

Sucks so I literally just can’t get any more goals though that is extremely unfortunate so the other girls are the cobbles or the goblin Shooters Goblin seeing eye on another side but I still can’t right click you guys a tribe will work for you if everyone although has a

Bad girl I don’t have a tribe that’s what I’ve been telling you you’re telling me I do but I don’t and the Slime girl too I mean I’ve seen so many slime girls I just needed some strings I could later maybe just fly transporting her would be a little easy since I could

Fly but actually put some water down just to make sure she doesn’t die but as for Luna there’s zero zero zero zero oceans anywhere here I either need an ocean or a very big lake look at that llama dying why are you dying mama there’s still also the Goblins led to

The fight they had Goblin layers and hard I made like I might be able to if I use the the hat trick let me show you an example here if I go all the way down here and like fly upwards of this you see I can see upwards if I dig all the

Way down and then do that I might be able to find one eventually so that’s another one as for the hundred girls in 100 days I wanna do it right but it’s kind of I don’t know it’s a good thing to it’s a good challenge to

Do don’t do it wrong but it’s a little extreme because it’s gonna be a slideshow and I like I mean it like wholeheartedly by the way it’s gonna be a slideshow like no one might have performed performance mods or anything ever fix something like that I’m getting

Like very very rare now that the the distance mod is off I’m getting tempted to turn it back on but but I really want to get it back not really you know you just gotta move at your own pace right they all suffocating in their own you guys are literally just spawning all

Right just move a bit I’ll just suffocate and that bush Force yeah I’m sort of beer though no Witch Hunt there is no way getting an ocean is this hard right there’s no way okay I might be able to find one if I oh two Jenny I was

Just one why they always spawn like this is anybody else noticing this there’s always it’s just this is the third time this happened what’s up Jenny you don’t mind following me okay because you’re following me nice very amazing I mean you follow me too uh I don’t really care about escorting guys

Very safely and that’s okay you know what I mean you guys will just have to keep up in your own pace that’s okay all you guys are just teleporting Auto all the way up here you guys can do it all right you just uh exploring now the one

I thought about getting to the ocean is leveling up my cartographer and buying an ocean Monument map there’s another B there that might be the move since I mean I’m traveling I’ll really really far distance here a few thousand blocks no sending any any oceans it shouldn’t

Be this rare usually they get loads of oceans and by losing loads too many through many oceans right now it’s just sparse emptiness oh Ellie I’m surprised that they’re still alive usually they die after a while the only way to kill these guys is to deal enough damage in

Like one go so if you hit them for you know like six years of damage there’s a chance they’re in vulnerability won’t kick in oh wait hold up I think we just got Luna oh you guys are just teleporting up to me that’s pretty good

I thought I was about to go I had to go to the land any signs of Luna this is a fly around here for a bit oh there we go there’s still Luna it’s perfect perfect perfect that’s not because I do have the blue you guys don’t die on me right up my

Guys uh just gotta wait from the heel all right great job at least that we found doing this that’s pretty good you never have enough fluids any more Lunas I mean I traveled like really really far to only get two Lunas oh there we go another one perfect so far so good I’m

Just gonna go in there go all the way around here but yeah the Cartographer is a good good idea we can get the oh okay another alley house you see this is what I’m telling you I think this is where she’s supposed to spawn it’s all nice

And pristine and uh what but instead she doesn’t spawn there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that is a creeper he’s in a little much isn’t a creature a little much guys he’s in a creeper a little little little much all right can I just is there any

Way out here hello L.A look at that you’re not my Italy or you’re my you’re already Miley go oh it’s already about to be sun Sundown finally gets killed a zombie I shall see periodic right now to go back back to finding more Lunas that is with three Lunas come on I travel

Like five thousand blocks at least give me five because all the other girls are also like five of most of them so actually two more Lunas a sale not too crazy it’s crazy to see how rare she’s looking up to be considering that you know all this blue right here is where

She could spawn and she’s not spawning in a single one of them hold up why are you guys where’s the only three against it’s because you’re all bundled up together yes because you’re all bundled up together except Ellie wait yeah I did okay okay

We are missing a few then you have to go back oh let’s go backwards that way but first I need to get to this one hello Laura don’t mind me I need more you guys can Circle this way around until I go back to where I was oh there’s an ocean

One even speak of the devil stay kind of devil do I have a bucket no I don’t have a bucket don’t have iron so even if I wanted to I can’t read it I can’t Village and privilege it I can’t believe we went this way right go back to that

Ellie house see if there’s they probably be loaded I doubt they died they could have died it’s a possibility nice you can be circled all the way back oh two of them oh don’t look like five flowers even if I read an August if I’m highly very interesting there’s another one

Right all right over here but now I’m missing an early there whatever I think the wounds make up for it let’s go back to that ocean my email real quick can you guys attack Guardians I try to be a little bit slower just so you guys keep

The GoBots oh so I can’t tell you there’s the monument come on guys no need Rush it’s okay there’s some things out here he’s a big bad boss in the middle here oh wow he is right might as well kill you it’s okay don’t be afraid

It’s gonna be all right wait what You Dropped a trident what the flip that’s pretty cool didn’t know that was a thing you guys the image spawns okay they can like the Jenny’s can fight she sat there uh those don’t really work very well I’m also not getting any money in particular

Oh there is a money fatigue all right that’s the sign we gotta go guys sorry it’s a sign we gotta go let’s go back oh my God I gotta flight end I mean obviously the train is from future MC because I don’t think there’s a thing

Here yet but I do know that there’s ground spawn eggs the mod definitely adds in the mobs from the future versions oh what uh I think died a genie all right guys I better go the wrong way sister Ashley the song it’s been like super slow I’m Coming For You chicken

Look at my super duper slow swing hey everybody seal that let’s go comments are still there man Jenny died man that sucks I love to compensate by by getting more eventually I should run into more right speak up more and I’m gonna get you guys oh no I don’t

Look nice very very good okay so my me just have to relock I guess I have to relog again these Lunas keep bugging out but that’s okay all right just got away for oh my God and girl at least a heal up there all right guys let’s keep going

Oh that does this empty of everything what other lunar very good oh wait another one I’m gonna wait for a little girl later what the heck is this is it supposed to be a hat sir oh there’s another one here so many Lunas this

Beach is not too big I was gonna hope to I was kind of hoping to fly around it see if there’s any there’s a temples and stuff since there’s like there’s a zero deserts near where I am matzah right that’s plus three Lunas quite a lot here

It’s gonna be nighttime yeah not really big I’ll take the sugar cane down because I mean now we already got the ocean Monument but you can still buy the uh London Explorer map in order to do that I need a lot and a lot of sugarcane so I’ll take all this all these

Everywhere even here between night time actually speaking of night time I do need to get some spiders oh yeah that is a good it’s a good ending there’s a knife and big one right here all right because uh just cool this spider real quick thank you very much it just sounds

Pretty big it’s not big enough that I have a thing though it looks like it’s what it is not gonna play another spider another song girl I want to try hearing you once again nope somewhere how about this okay well that’s gonna be all right

Guys try to follow me at your own pace oh what the heck to Ellie houses cannot mind if I do let’s say if I already went here no I didn’t there’s an alley here very good you’re in my alley this was not my alley all right thank you very

Much for following me all right uh I got a few more angles like 11 isn’t gonna be enough because like a billion days one billion days how much is that how many videos is that I’m doing these it’s a lot it’s definitely a lot wait I didn’t

Pick up any string my gosh okay we’re already down a lot of Lunas huh my bad unless they’re just over here they didn’t reach out maybe I’m kind of traveling a little faster so I’m trying to get like as many goals as possible just a compensate for the ones that’s

Dying but then again it is what it is I finally remember what I need the string for I needed to make if I can get one you don’t mind I was really tempted to sleep right there but I’m sure they’re not gonna do that another Journey over

Here perfect let’s kill the spider guys thank you one of you guys just farted I’m not gonna judge though I’m not gonna judge okay string string string some spiders there we go spider spider spider I got your gold ingots hehe hold up there I want to stop that sorry

Uh more spiders okay trying to pick up next to the uh creepers here oh my gosh no guys Aluna died no okay that’s enough definitely enough string oh and my jump fighter broke all right lead lead missing item and thank you for protecting me guys but you guys have to

Live too you know all right so it might it might be possible to bring back Seinfeld too I’m able to make this you just need to find a sign girl or just a normal sign to be honest kill him get a slime ball and make a lead and then bring one back home

Fairly high up just just so you don’t fall off and die here gosh the other January died I hope the Jenny’s already died oh my goodness I gotta keep up guys I can’t lower her to the ground because she’s immediately gonna die she’s just instantly gonna die if there’s no water

She’s keeping up pretty well okay then when they say that she falls down oh she doesn’t take fall damage where’s your lead there he is don’t take fallback version no did you don’t take full damage good good God very good I guess you wanted to try throughout the time I’m

Gonna go and try to speed run all the way back home no speed running then she fell off again or did she fall now what the heck where did she fall no there she is the easiest little bugger where are you where are you here you are

And you’re keeping up so good you still want to go where’s your lead now it might have to not run let’s steadily back home which is yeah that’s what it is I can take it it float slowly wait what all the Lunas okay good my gosh

This is what I’m scared of is that if they’re healing and I just don’t know it and leave them behind and they can’t teleport because they’re out of render distance so that’s what movies me the most here Walker modes you see the thing

Is I could fly all the way up here if I fly all the way up what do they do if I’m all the way up here they’re gonna just they’re doing all right all right guys just a few just a thousand more blocks it’ll be home sweet home you know

What I mean I actually thought they’d like teleport up to me like what they do when there’s uh we’re at the ocean but this is good too you doing it this way makes it so that they never take fall damage because and it’s actually better this is actually better I just need to

Not go too fast and this is better as you can see sometimes they do teleport up to me looking zoomed in here yep there seems to be still two wheelies and I can’t really count the Lunas they’re not easier to count this seems a lot better and I would have noted for future

Future me you see they’re teleporting upwards to me but they’re not dying because if there’s ground they immediately cover back to the ground very good very good it’s a scientific progress right here that you never would have known this if you played Jenny mod

2 the fly all the way up years just so they don’t die die from ball damage I really do because if they are dying they’re definitely getting one shot they’re definitely getting one shot okay so don’t worry we’re nearly there and I know I could have used you know a swamp

Like way closer to the Villages like there’s literally a swamp like right next to the Village you know you know I was already there might as well I was already there might as well ooh another Ellie house I probably already included you right I probably did yeah this is really really

Close to my house here so probably already did Lucha probably even if I think slime grow here is uh immune to fall damage I’m just gonna get the Southern alachi Lake on the water here all right let’s get as close as possible here just so I can put you on a fence

Post or something all right mellow on down and let’s go can I get sick ball damage I’m sorry guys this is for slime grow here I think she’s better off to uh be a little farther away because I don’t really want to be blurring her 24 7. so

You get leaded out to this as for everybody else thank you for your following me okay I can’t make it stop following me okay I gotta vlogger glad to see you guys fishing you guys can fish huh okay you guys can work it out eventually how’s it going generators a

Few more things to do huh I did say I should probably fight and go out again I probably should just cause why not again well let’s see on destroyed it can even try this thing oh I can’t oh perfect I don’t know that’s because I want to go

To this thing is this what the Trident normally looks like I don’t think so right this is definitely a different texture where’s the lapis here there you go all right loyalty which way should we get this one I guess oh man okay this is okay and it’s just it’s just God it’s

Just it okay it’s I threw it with loyalty and it’s just Indie either now cool all right well we’ll see you guys later I’m gonna go in the fight and go off again it’s time legitimately we had two up two two potions of the horny just

So I can turn back to my normal self again yeah turn back to my normal self it’s not uh cheating with fight here make it a little bit more fair for her that’s my my normal old self okay good my mind everything is gone I completely forgot I

Have many fatigue all right have it on hand just in case anything goes awry and I think I put my actual good bow away that’s okay that’s okay come on section two oh and I’m Ali again okay I guess I guess I had an alley here that didn’t go

To the Overworld okay I’m not gonna waste another one just to become me again responding on saving the potion just to turn back the alley after I fight her butt I guess she’s not gonna have that luxury there we go there’s a collab there’s a glass I’ve been waiting

For he definitely should have brought a shield down and there’s here there she is all right let me get the first suit in all right come on come on let’s go what if you’re doing she’s completely senile but I would take a laugh here where are

You going what are you doing glad there I’m not picking up what are you okay what are you planning to accomplish okay she’s got she is gone completely senile what is going on okay maybe I have to transform into normal this is such a sad

Sad waste of the potion here but I want to rematch go laugh give me what I want okay I do need to be normal come on then come on how about me how about me how about me go out oh and you’re already dead all right YouTube comes this is

Definitely a good Farm though just die already I wish you just die there we go well yeah she’s definitely not much of a not much of an issue anymore huh I’ll go in proper again and I’m underground again I mean whatever makes the video easier to edit you know I don’t mind all

Right guys that’s enough that’s enough together look at I can’t fly look at my also I’m going to yeah well not that I can’t fly because I have to rely on go out here allowed to get summoned I need a ride all right here we go actually go back already

Troubling days troubling days well yeah I guess they should go back up see you later Sony zombies you guys include villagers into more potions too because I was thinking like maybe I shouldn’t be Ally and Goliath too much because well because you know it wouldn’t feel like

Pretty much me like generally being here and spending 30 days but well simply enough I don’t really care what anyone else says so I’m Gonna Keep studying us then because it’s just easier life easier economics gonna get more water bottles I need to make more potions I

Can make it last longer though right oh no I mean not much of a reason to make it last longer I’m just so stupid in my bed I get more poppies over here like could you spell me all right I use a bone meal on a flower does it give me

The flower and it’s gonna take all the puppies there’s a lot of puppies here now anyway you guys are not poppies and monsters right that’s 10 poppies good enough for Liberty Potions there you go and as for all these I do want to pop these around here maybe eventually I’ll

Make a uh automatic farm but and I will keep it simple maybe later on it’s really good I guess all the way out there now gosh the fence is coming guys if half of you guys go missing then the defense will be built it I don’t know GLA the good wait what okay

Oh wait a minute I can fly being myself perfect perfect perfect perfect why is that a thing just did you drink too many holy potions I’m just obtained the powers of all the girls this is perfect although the thing is though if I let me just test

Something here because if I go here fly upwards yeah I can’t see up that was one of the things we’re gonna do right now is you know go see upwards so I need I still need the potion I guess is what it is we’re gonna go look for the Goblins

All right here we go all the way down here maybe go down a bit more yeah all the way down to bedrock drag the potion turn into Ally and I just just look upwards here okay fly please okay I can’t see anything because of all the

Water very good amazing but it is not nothing much I mean I guess I could just do this right yeah to see goblins certain cows cows cows cows which is okay some games cool and just an actual nipple cake anything else okay man I wasn’t expecting to get to find one like

Immediately but might determine here once I eventually find one I don’t see anything if I do this right yep so I just talk about mining for a bit here and then then look upwards see if I spot anything some goblins Goblin Goblin I do wish it was an easier way to know if

You’ve encountered a goblin then or whatever they decided to call it some uh some lines here because there’s a grapple probably one more it wanted too long for me to find the goblin girls you know when she asked me to choose which companion I’ll just take her I’ll take

Her instead she’ll have no eyes here it’s gonna be like she’s which one do you want it to be I’m just gonna stand up from her own and just pick her up pick her up and bingo back to the village and she’ll have no idea because

She’s a Minecraft mob oh my gosh I’ve been all this Flint not the base oh Diamonds oh my gosh Three Dinosaurs mending I mean all right repaired I don’t know how to repair it probably is a way to repair it though I mean I could always

Just make a new one but I think repairing it is cheaper I don’t remember but I do remember seeing a waiter bird I haven’t been a good boy here a couple of bit I don’t know if it’s better to mine all the way down to at Rock level I feel

Like it’s a little much to do that because the room itself like the the place they hold out in is already pretty big on its own so I don’t think it’s gonna fit all the way down to negative 11 like that so for just a lot of

Googlies although what is that thing I think that’s a spider chocolate maybe I think over there you guys see that like over here what is that thing interesting a goblers are pretty small so it might not be too easy to spot if they do appear but it should be too hard right

There’s gonna be three of them you know like the two serpents in the the queen itself it shouldn’t be too hard to spawn actually speaking of spotting it might as well just look up the Wiki of it oh looks like the website’s down now interesting doing a bit of a research

Here oh yep yep the site is down very interesting uh uh uh I have to make a video on that in the second Channel maybe all emeralds on entire Fortune I’ll take it my gosh too much stuff here uh yeah I might as well get the Redstone too come on

Essentially on the website’s down but yeah definitely the the Goblins yeah they just spawn not like National caves I’ve only ever found the goblin Den once and that’s it and I think what was the video called Jenny mod rematch I think it’s either the rematch or the first one

But I think it’s the first one Genie mod but I’m Jenny yeah I think that’s the only ever time that I found them did they ever find them again I don’t remember I might have but I’m kind of forgetting here let me go let’s go

Because I can get so many it’s an easier way to do this I mean obviously yeah is there a way to like glitch break bedrock if I like break bedrock and just fly underneath it I get to see like literally everything diabolical plan what’s a diabolical plan

I have time is slowly running out but always have a bit of time to do some scheming and so far a whole lot and nothing oh lord of nothing yeah imagine doing this but like all the way down to bedrock that and I won’t really have to

Mine anymore so that’s kind of the main uh I’m thinking about right now skeleton burning I think I’ve already been here before Oh man nothing still absolutely nothing fair I mean who else am I missing alley which is also another cave one so I think two versus one stone

Here okay other than that I’ve had Gobles right I’ve technically already had kobolds so guys don’t have much time to Babylon with you guys who are more impulse dark so it was pretty good since emeralds is so hard to come by around here oh Diamonds though even better even better broth what the

Hell looking around natural cave systems here maybe they’re gonna pop out it’s unlikely but still you know more than zero percent you immediately know if you just spot oh hello guys I completely went all the way around huh let me just uh dropped some stuff here might as well grab the most

Of the stuff that I see ow ow ow whoa hello zombie you guys know any goblins are out here any goblins living hello squid what are you doing all the way down here buddy what are you doing spawning on one block of water well all right buddy chill all right

And what was it doing again I was looking for a coupling right what the heck my wand is all of a sudden fixed interesting uh hello buddy doing good hope you are anyway I looked up uh a Bedrock breaking method it looks all calm I complicated and stuff and you

Know I don’t really want to do complicated stuff so I think I’d rather just keep doing what I’m already doing maybe a little bit closer to bedrock and I also did look up a uh an x-ray method and there is an x-ray method but you

Have to use hello I want all that you have to use leaves leaves in a minecart since I’m all the way down here obviously I can’t do it just yet if I’m really unable to find it or then maybe I’ll go back up and get it but as for

Now keep just focusing on getting uh two more girls just two more girls I’m missing here which is a goblin they Goblin and Ally which is the lamp yes I know this yo search her up you go Ally’s lamp I’m telling you I could see everything right big so it’s a sheep

Okay any Goblin stuff I don’t see any goblins whatsoever it should be easy to see them too because they’re in a room so it’s kind of it’s going to look like this it’s gonna look like that but a square obviously it’s gonna be a square

Room so I might not for a bit see if I can spot anything and we’ll see what’s gonna happen then after I find both of them I’ve been thinking about what else to do and since I need so many levels I probably will make an Enderman farm so

Make an Enderman Farm make a uh then after I make the Enderman form obviously I’ll have all the levels I can ever need so after that we can go ahead and go to a wooden match I just have to trade with the Cartographer a bit and obviously get

A little bit more emeralds so I can get two of them someone dying so I could never ever ever die I’m sorry daytime oh so far there’s still absolutely nothing atrociously nothing there’s a thing there though it’s this thing there’s a review here with a bunch of emeralds

That’s pretty good I guess okay haven’t explored too much huh I got my render distance is 50 for how long and how is it 50 and I haven’t seen anything too I was thinking about extending it so it could see more stuff but I’m not really seeing anything telling me it was that

High but it’s still didn’t see anything interesting oh there’s a cave here or by Kevin lava I wonder why all the caves aren’t loading in because I highly doubt that this is like genuinely it there’s just no caves for this money very interesting you know what maybe it’s not

Like all x-ray so I can’t see anything you can see this I can see this opening here but there’s no way that’s the only opening around here right so so I’m kind of thinking maybe I should go up and do the the leaf x-ray method and see if

There’s any difference if there isn’t an opposite I’ll just have to keep doing this I’m just saying and I don’t want to be mining you know thousands of blocks and there’s some realization that I didn’t have to do all that hold on wait a minute if I do fast okay I think that’s

I think that’s what I’m swimming doing it wait hold up on this lava okay let’s see a bit more like it’s really hard and it hurt my turn my neck around I can definitely see a little bit more now definitely it’s still not a lot so

Changing my thing to fast I don’t think is it let’s change it back to fancy let me see the difference last fancy fast fancy not much of a difference Gucci’s right here huh and all the Lunas of course pushing uh pushing out and now you’re okay I think you guys are on each

Other’s fish Hoops I think oh and now you’re all the way over there should I help you guys out I’ll be sure shouldn’t I oh it just disappeared okay fight tell you to follow me you guys should stop fishing so oh gosh what even is this over here I’ll even interact with that

Luna um I’m extremely sorry for you guys it’s predicament here but I kind of gotta go mod ran to a problem I see what it is I will likely cause a person since World corruption or broken features hey I think it’s just part of the package I’m sorry as long as the world

Doesn’t get corrupted I I mean to be honest I should probably I should probably have a save or a backup World position case but for now I’m just gonna live on the on this risky side of life that’s when you’re on my card they have some sticks right

Don’t need a rail I got rail yeah I already meters I have to make a sheer all right just give me a little easier come on me this little bit of leaves and now I gotta go back in here see if it’s all good you know what I

Mean summon Gala because I can oh my God which look at that you got away Luna good for you all right yeah all the way down here and then let’s see can I place a rail on that nope okay noted let’s do that and this but it has to be in I

Think it has to be this eye has to be off that that fast uh why is this this Leaf is still thing I think I need to attend this to defaulted there we go I think you can see a little bit too much huh just kidding I can’t see anything at

All all right I think I gotta move up onward and all what over here all right so if I do this I can only see oh wait I think I can already see all of you guys just because I think I think the problem is that it’s not rendering because I’m not physically

There if that makes sense but by doing this it acts like I’m physically there because I’m inside the block I’ll do it again it’s only there’s there’s genuinely nothing here like would you look at this all this cave and stuff and there’s just absolutely nothing anyway

Uh do I look I look this way right if I do this I can’t zoom in though just got them a trip let us see in third person oh yep there is a mine shap up there I think that mine shaft is right underneath the J house so don’t mind if

I do I’m coming alright so genius over here it’s worth it to look through these because there could be a an alley so and I’m playing as Ally by the way if you guys didn’t know oh there we go found it oh creeper come on guys show us a bit

Should I find a chest here somewhere after they’re just here because that’s where Ali is she has a chance to be inside of the micro chest or like hey these are dungeon chests she could be in oh speak Red Devil what’s up guys Star carrier and looting one oh this is the

Same one that I already went to before I’ll take all the watches this sign though I’ll go in there oh hello people don’t mind I’ll go in there the same comprehensively detail where I’ve been just so I can properly search for all this stuff so if I see a torch it means

I’ve already been there and there’s no loot so far no loot but you Mr zombie you know the goblet’s gonna be here too you guys don’t mind looking you know having me look let me look for the looking looking look look looking more creepers of course ooh spider of course

You have definitely been here before then oh hello appreciate the greeting but I’m not gonna stay here for much longer or I mean depends yeah oh okay it’s just an empty right now the other backtrack oh my gosh I hate these places anything here and everybody oh my gosh

All right it’s just gonna break it I’m just gonna break his King so far so nothing come on guys just a few more chests maybe anything at all you know what I mean and see if I look up here absolutely nothing right let’s do the method again

Interesting and see a lot more of the cave now definitely no sign of a room it’s a cobblestone room you can’t miss it it definitely cannot miss it what if I just add more blocks around me so you can see if you load further the X-Ring

Is a little weird you’d expect to see a lot more stuff but there’s just nothing Galore just wasted dreams and lost smoke I think I think nothing nothing I got three torches left hippo sticks sub zombro subscribe you know where a thing is because we’re any more chest star

Another spider spawner another one you guys shouldn’t have a little creeper you’re doing good oh thanks for trying to help me out with the spider spawner here I’m just gonna break this one I feel like there’s a little too many here a little too many too many chest not a lot

Uh some of these spider spotters saw a lot of chefs okay I’ll do another round you guys see anything new okay out the other side huh listen to the other side is lucky Mr zombie wow well I think that’s my call to get out of here let’s do something extremely

Easily sustainable all right let’s go get another another pack of cardboards right and I do wonder what if I do something like this like I’ll travel a couple of thousand blocks or a couple couple dozen couple hundred right looking for a cupboard and nothing but

What if every now and again I go ahead and do something like this all the way up to some Mountain do a little bit of that and a bit of that and a bit of a rail eat a bit of steak if I do this oh yeah I can’t see

Downwards so it only works if I’m like in in between blocks and what if I do this what if what if what if what if I’m in like inside this mountain like a little bit inside and something like this and now my blocks please here we go okay okay it

Somewhat works extremely sparsely but it works it might work better if I’m like inside a little bit lower in the mountain you know like around here yeah there’s these rooms that don’t render in less than a certain camera position nothing see like the room where the enderman’s sitting it’s not even loading

Interesting with a difficult searches this is becoming typical difficult difficult search any who is a good worlds it’s another be there too sorry BM Moran took couples now you know it would be nice if you guys just you know teleported or spawned in a little bit

Closer to the house just so it got some light so much I want to be in the sun coupled keep getting my hopes up whenever I see a game tag oh this review though big spot to test it out they get inside a little bit they can dig and dig

In anything at all oh a double chest okay what is it double chest over there can double chest even naturally spawn QA finally we’ve got something interesting that’s pretty good it’s pretty good well I guess I’m going this way look straight at it all right let’s keep going can I

See if I F3 nope I see it if I do this nope because I’m looking upwards Kim’s gonna dig this way until I Unearthed something it’s the nighttime we can do if you could sleep it off maybe this is a dungeon the dungeon’s pretty good but

As long as it has Ally in it I won’t really be complaining so much so guys double Jester interesting unlimited free arrows no alley though guys if I focus up on Ally here I don’t need any of the stuff yeah the room is kind of like this but a

Little bit bigger that’s crazy though that the the thing didn’t even the room didn’t even render in but now I can assure you if I do it again it should probably work now they’re gonna adhere my guards and now it renders in a cobblestone wall and everything a place to block there okay

Good get this Buck here too can you oh um what a terrible predicament I mean and I mean it only makes sense since I am looking for the two hardest grills to find so it says everybody else just spawns above ground just screaming at

Least I find them but this one is a sad little bit more hidden this is I’m back here go to sleep go boards my cupboards you can spawn more than the bees you know my gosh there’s three b’s here come on oh my two colds I do wish

That the staff guy told you where they were that’d be pretty good you see like all the couples around you guys any signs and Kibbles well all right go for a little bit of a inspection around this terrain and that’s about there it looks like there’s another mine shaft over

Here that’s definitely a pretty good find yeah mine shift okay it’s a big one too oh no that’s not I like this is my job over here there’s another one going all the way over there zeros out of any rooms though any rooms others are like Ravine cable

Over here if there’s any rooms it’s another Minecraft three mine shafts now okay A little second alley would be a little bit easier to find than uh the Goblins okay now which might just looks bigger I mean this one is yeah this one’s definitely my draft but sometimes

There’s too much as yourself let’s have a look this way let’s see the looks of it looks like water is dripping down so probably it’s gonna go through the water there let’s take it there everything will be answered excuse me guys yep there’s some water here with a leak a

Leakage of water maybe over here maybe this thing okay that found it there we go immediately a chest that’s what I’m talking about baby that’s what this is all about yeah baby here we go I mean soon of course of course of course name tag and she’s I

Really like the other companions you can just make a wish with her so you guys have a new update now though that’s a different option I personally say that’s a little it’ll it’ll it’ll a little bit of a waste a bit of a survey search here see if

There’s any anything else worth noting all right guys give me a bit of a hand here I signing out nice honest you’re gonna take so much of the sound for the most reclusive mob out there most people don’t even probably know this exists you know like they know it

Exists but they don’t know about the uh the old version of it they don’t know about now why it’s a thing why they’re roaming around stealing oh my gosh diamonds why they’re roaming around stealing your gold gold I mean at first I used to think that maybe they

Spawn because you’re near them and they haven’t gotten any spawns here there’s like zero goblins here definitely when I go a little bit further out there definitely some places that some of them in a lot more frequently so it might be a sign that there’s a goblin base nearby

If that’s if it happens but so of course it’s a whole lot of baloney it’s the only tool missing now couples and a goblin guys I still have to make an Enderman Farm like run outside never know they never never know right here we go another Village Oh I thought there

Was like three bees that just spawned together but they are bees but they don’t have to be some used to um uh now our village is at least for a golden piece of spine I think I stink I think it’s uh should be wait a minute you guys

See that what’s up with all that Cobblestone there too snatch what is that from the well getting up so well okay let me bounce this up too you see a lot more now than usual okay I kind of want to block this other side up too uh

Now this this place that might have to be down oh yeah Valley I already have at least so it’s not much of a priority to go back for these and for a moment that I thought I finally hit the jackpot it’s crushed on Apple son here anything else

Yeah look at that uh the place where that Spider jockeys is it’s just not loading the room I need the rooms guys leads spot in a bit here just to see what’s on the other side of the wall actually no I’m I’ll just a little bit stupid I can just do this

And well what the heck lib oh oh no oh my gosh are they so excited there you got me creaming and beaming cream and beaming my name’s Eminem all right here we go let’s go see if there’s any parts box with their own room they’d be very cute without my

Mouse here because that’s where it shows where everything is there’s some rooms here just here anything over these I just the Swiss cheese mazes lots of lots of Salata okay we’ll check these out you know looks kinda pretty it looks like the entrance is I got the back this

Mountain maybe yeah it’s like it looks like it’s underneath this mountain hard to tell specifically where I just dig dig around this mountain mountain this way correct all right I’m on this way yeah right over this mountain I think it’s like right underneath over here

Maybe once I could get of course I can’t have three yet you’ll find another one another skip this water oh my gosh oh thank you for giving me what I need in my life gosh two belly slump making my day full of rainbows and sunshine alright so there should be another one

Another one which way I don’t know oh there you are I found you this one’s a zombie anymore and ah well you should have said so that I didn’t know how to come here it’s really good though three alleys you know what you know what you

Know what the art let’s use one why not I can’t use it okay is it because I’m Ali don’t you really have to use gosh fine fine fine I’ll turn back here we go turn back to me I just keep the bottle so I got all right Ellie’s love I’m here to

Make a witch oh my gosh um wow can’t you see I’m a little busy skeleton yeah this guy’s gonna shoot me all right that was amazing this is getting done can I still fly you know I generally lost my phone our powers they are all different right yeah two

Which is left on this one okay anything worth noting bads not really there’s a witch and that’s about it all right and you drink another potion eventually they should probably choose to be the B more often because she’s the most she’s at least risque because she can wear armor apparently you can’t do

That normally these guys are beds probably not right all right I guess I’ll make another pit stop back home it’s gonna be some couples when I summon in here summon bubbles man right when I finally need the couples again we just don’t want to spawn did that one time

They were bugged that I can’t tame any Gobles two tribes spawned in like right next to each other too basically practically right next to each other I don’t know if they could spawn when it’s night I doubt they can like are you doing all the way out here huh on my

Freaking bed I keep these in here for better better keeping no more here hold up a single Cobalt Mercy where’s your guys uh I guess it doesn’t matter never mind the gang’s all here okay all right here we go here we go lizard this day perfect you guys are really close by now

Very very good all right quit following me for a bit I’m gonna go and get some more beds it does look like the base has some glitches maybe it’s the Lunas that’s what I’m kind of thinking here any sheep to be sheared there should be a nice little sheep here I never killed

Any sheep there he goes from the sheepers it’s my first time getting wool to me I never killed a single sheep it’d be evil B that’s a lot of bees huh okay now there’s more Golds I see how it is I’m telling you guys I’m telling you all right

Um okay Moshi yes please black sheep people I already have all the white walls so might as well make more divisively might as well it’s more convenient rather than carrying around a million different pieces of War oh man and here I was thinking I found a motherload these are chickens there’s

Definitely a spot here somewhere but I found a really easy cropped out of sheep I don’t remember where that spot is though but there you go so okay nice nice oh yes this is the model of the sheep there we go oh the boy guys atta

Boy it’s an extreme amount of sheep very good epic that double shave on there get your double shaped too nice perfect perfect get all the wool I don’t know I’m getting I have no idea why I’m getting so many but might as well be ready for the

Future uh if I ever want a scapegoat to what I said you know under 800 girls I can always just make 100 eggs coupled eggs that would definitely count and they would like genuinely be useful because couples could like do stuff like breaking trees and stuff mining

Uh but but but but but I will see a stack and a half that’s definitely more than enough oh it hold up if you just gotta be here all chill like that might as well am I right here we go right guys I don’t think I have a lot of wood so

Hard in me I don’t think it’s got a knickknacks way hold up and Oh Come old I was about to say that I probably have an ax here somewhere but apparently I don’t and I just made okay I made a diamond block here we go make it back

Into diamonds yes you see I said hello here we go make a little bit of wood you know just make it all the splitter make it all into beds oh my gosh it may be a little too many beds but you guys can all are sleepy over here huh this white

Bad Heaven I don’t even have a sleep I don’t think you guys do just another one of your gimmicks I do know is you guys also need some chests so here’s some chests now select the staff this chest this chess your chest it’s just your chest boom all of these

Your beds all of these are your beds all right and now go ahead and chop some of these trees down yep go get them go get those trees I’ll ask for the one that didn’t get commanded okay I’m suffocating inside a wall but I probably

Can do this before I die maybe I mean if I can eat out okay okay all right guys I’ve made up my mind right uni some of you guys will escort me this is a Duty after all of all of you guys we are gonna go ahead I’m gonna level up the

Cartographer here you can’t find anymore which is awesome so I need more potions yo and Poppy and Redstone I should honestly probably just have a chest I can literally only for that so here we go chest right next to you puppy Redstone or about a dog you’re not gonna

Be completely fine okay right now I need a popping I know that it’s gonna be okay and grab some stuff here two pairs of bring Ellie Jenny and Luna with me operation only all right I already have that but obviously you’re coming with me I guess I’ll see Sleek cobbles can’t

Even jump up a block and be a bit of your set of armor have some of these okay take this off of you I can so instead of impressive riding completely doesn’t affect you and the OG Jenny which is this one oh and I forgot to make the beer follow me I cannot

Interact with the Jay I have to re-log I guess there you go equipments you’re you’re generous and as for your sword forgot to give you uh couples here I’m gonna have to go ahead and get a few coupled eggs just for your uh Insurance because these guys do die a lot all

Right that’s one egg two no look at me like that three or anything uh three should be more than enough that’s a cute genius sword and I do need to give all these guys a oh just something I definitely didn’t think about did he didn’t keep any shirting with me all

Right he’s my bow I used to use a bow oh your kitchen’s been good very good I believe there’s just two people that need those all right you get a bill Ellie uh be your audience a bill apparently and Jenny here’s a bow and a sword here we go right now the

Cryptographer so he’s gonna use paper hopefully you can sell it too expensive because I already do have some envelopes you need to level them up that’s all ready 60 oh that is enough to level them up once literally one trade but who knows maybe these trades are easy for

Photographer so I thought about killing two two birds with one stone by getting the with the Mansion map buying over there and every now and again I do the x-ray glitch and see if you know see if they’re there a compass see if the Goblins are there since it wouldn’t

Match it should be thousand blocks away every every hundred or so I’ll just do the glitch see if there’s anything worth looking at anybody use your compass compass and oh my gosh can I just give you another Compass or wow or sleep only about time for me to get these potions

And uh drink one I did lose my boots to fly so I’ve become the B this time it’s a b fully clothed no need to censor anything at all what do you guys think absolutely right it’s a cryptographer I forgot to make the compasses my bad

Sorry sorry sorry right it’s a good talk over two compasses all right there you go you level up okay so you really want me to buy this oh my gosh please don’t make it expensive at least please please please this version it is not the easiest thing to get emeralds okay here

We go 16. perfect add a boy I’m really far away all right guys I’m going this way all right come on let’s go like I said just put this on a uh off hand everybody here I could have also gotten Luna but I think she’s fine staying at

Home for now or under buggy bugginess she can fix that stuff on her own hopefully guys don’t die since you guys have so much stuff but again you guys do drop it when you die but still still I’ll try to fly relatively closer around here so the thing is this way I believe

My body yeah I’ve already used this mountain as a as a place to look at or the X-ray through there so don’t take too much damage guys remember dying is bad ingenious with no Jenny oh it does have a journey Awards I’m gonna come with this Jenny and a nearly two and

I’ll take everybody that wants to go off I’ll take everybody that wants to go I think this one’s already oh never mind this one has not been gotten yet let’s go Willy wait what I swear we’ve been to this one look at this and it’s something

Fishy as a foot interested in here too okay you must go upwards this way okay we’re getting pretty close um the right side if we just keep going right yeah okay okay okay so we’re relatively close at least on the on the left and right sides I start to go up a

Lot and speaking of up a lot I haven’t been x-raying a lot huh and these ones we’ve watched I swear to go up I swear we’ve already been here before but they all did they all respawn is it what is this what they were talking about when

They said my world wasn’t gonna get corrupted it’s kind of a good thing though all the all of them deep respawning just like that and we’ve definitely been here I swear I swear we’ve been here I swear anyway might be a perfect time to start checking this

Stuff out here uh yeah why didn’t all you guys have to go on down here too oh whatever whatever okay I guess I see absolutely nothing other than you guys okay maybe it would be better if I did it under here underwear actually all right here we go if you guys mind a

Little bit of exporting here a bit of room guys let me go this way I’ll be go this way oh no you’re drowning it’s bad I don’t think you can survive drowning that’s the way beer died gosh damn it looking underneath all this is a lot more of a

Hassle than I thought it would be yeah I swear I’ve been here dude look at these mini eyelids women’s I think I have enough Lunas area to Jenny stuff beers too you guys are starting cobles loads of Lunas now I have to resist I have to whoa oh so you

Guys died there guys the thing is straight up ahead here our DOT isn’t getting any bigger so that’s something my gosh it’s only Lunas sorry I’m not getting at you guys but you guys are kind of messing up the base uh maybe later on 200 days maybe as of right now

I’m not this I’m sorry that’s all I can say I’m sorry okay maybe I can do x-ray if I just make it only guys stop following me right do a bit of an x-ray a bit a bit a bit bit of an x-ray just

Give it a Boop pop you can’t see a lot because we’re not underground enough so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do we’ve Fallen quite far on these new places to see there we go Bedrock this is a place that was hoping to be trying to cover everything up just all that absolutely

No signs of anything there’s a chest there so that means there’s a mine chapter but I don’t see any rooms but again I don’t have to see the rooms because you could just see the mobs you could just see the problems it looks like unless yeah because you can see

They don’t a girls don’t render they’re supposed to be like right above me but they’re not rendering so it it’s tough it is tough it could mean that they don’t render if you don’t if you’re not generally there and this really sucks imagine all I wanted was just to get all

Of them all the females okay see they were all above me but it just didn’t render them I’m guessing it just doesn’t render them because I mean when they’re really laggy like I promise you if I have shaders right now I’d probably be knocking my ass off but since I do not

It’s a lot better than normal I’ve got to bring my bed again too let’s just have honest and deserts now here it’s going to give me a bit of a cheeky cheeky cheeky cheeky is that cheeky nether portal maybe or not another portal woman talking about said there’s

A Temple all right come on go ahead let’s go home I just wanted to check over here nothing good now you guys also have a thing oh yeah I do yeah you do oh diamonds obsidian might as well get the obsidian I’m gonna do the mega fly

Method play super high up so they don’t die I think some of them died here I don’t remember we’ll be here alright guys stay in the water here order water a little bit of water speaking of beer are you follow me okay take care of the monsters guys take care

Of the monsters all right good morning USA come on in USA oh Marco boats Jenny okay I try to be a little careful all right do another Jenny one other Village in another journey I mean if you guys insist oh and another Helly too I’m sorry though okay I mean you know might

As well right you know might as well after she is another villager all right guys come on be a little careful a little careful I’m just descending slowly okay oh okay more gosh guys be a little careful here just wanted to check out the stuff oh it’s all bad maybe for

Them to heal is onwards another Village I guess yeah okay nothing good again more cover olds it’s a beer more James I think already go to these ones I don’t think so oh my gosh I have too many now though I mean I know it might talk Boston or something too many Journeys

Who can ever have to make Jenny’s but I definitely think there’s a little much you know one one last one one last time here and yeah don’t forget to take a bit right and we need all of you guys to stop following me for a minute and dig

Down and do the trick here please let me actually see like Looms stuff though like I’m begging you please I’m begging and begging in painting maybe I shouldn’t go dig too far down that might be the problem I don’t know what the problem could be I’m just one of the

Problems I’m thinking about okay I can see a little bit more now too much stuff I mean okay okay if you let it appealer no Cobblestone uh rooms though it’s not exactly what I’m looking for maybe a little bit deeper and I I fly out of here okay

To transform again sticking a wall for me to dive okay good thing I’ve uh that’s right armor my goodness gracious that is obvious you have no idea what’s going on okay I can stop burning now hello it’s still burning useless any rooms I don’t spot any fresh donut creepy

Provides it’s so hard I wish I could just take the Goblins I take my gold home look at all of them guys whatever let’s just go conquer that so we’ll do the matching one I mean who knows maybe there’s goblins right underneath that will Dimension who knows okay on YouTube

And the Ogle I mean Jenny thank you it’s in the cloud more Villages I’m really trying to think like any other way I could get the Goblins we’re so close I’m so close I mean even in the main hard days world I I even I didn’t

Get that or I mean I did wait did I no I think I did yes maybe I’ll rewatch it another Jenny it hurts me to do this more than you can ever know but I’m not gonna pick you up I’m sorry it’s just too many and with this amount of uh

Jenny’s already following us we’re basically Unstoppable when you get there they’re just gonna one shot everybody that’s around me another Jenny my guns these clouds I should probably turn them off but I just hear I just fly slightly below them so guys another Village okay more Lunas look at all these

Opportunities of passing by all the pain and separating over at least after getting closer my DOT is still the same size it is it usually gets like bigger bigger the closer you’re there so it might be like really really far away oh it could be bugged oh I could just be

Dreaming all this and now this is ever happening and I’ll never know or another saying no to an alley Oster is ooh that’s pretty cool a Luna although it’s your ruin over here or a river with a desert now a pit stop to a desert temple I would definitely do that it’s not

Looking like it’s gonna be my lucky day well son I saw well to the old old visit Gaston my nighttime all right guys let’s fall down now it’s bedtime all the ogs are still alive right yep good gosh a Jenny and an alley sorry I had to refuse

I have to order healing and they are another at least it feels like such a waste for me not to x-ray all of this oh my gosh another Monument or is it on the early winter I’ll be a new one right because there’s a Luna boat right next

To it I don’t remember mine having a little boat I’m gonna go test it out again I’m gonna need everybody to stop following me yeah now why is it loading the top but not the caves anybody explain what that’s all about oh man I thought it was it even if it does look

Kind of messy I know it can’t pop up anymore okay yeah and lots of mine shafts definitely lots and lots and lots of modern chefs I do wish it was a little bit more calm and then it is I mean it could be really common and the

Only way to find out if it if it isn’t is he’s just using a thing yeah I’m gonna check something out all right so I went ahead and checked uh you know like how common it is for it to spawn I just flew around speaking of flying you gotta

Find it more it’s just alley again it’s my last potion that really sucks probably should brew a little bit more kind of all of them alley doesn’t seem to wear off whenever you re-log for some reason yeah anyway it looks like um she is extremely rare when I was

Flying around probably for a couple of minutes I’d say maybe let’s just say 10 minutes playing around super fast yeah 10 20 minutes looks like she spawns always uh at y level 21 or 19. and she is always connected to a cave that’s just how she spots I guess and the cave

Isn’t anything specific it’s just a random cave that isn’t really connected to anything um above ground it’s kind of just a spaghetti cave that’s that’s just that yeah just a spaghetti cave in the ground why level 21 does that mean I should do that I mean does that mean I should do

That maybe when I get oh maybe but yeah maybe when I get home I’ll just sit out but for now I just uh I’ll just keep uh chugging along to this wooden mansion and if I ever wanted to get the Goblin I guess I’ll just vein mine at y level 21

And go to every single cave and look around because she’s always connected and there it’s never glitch it looks like there’s always like an entrance to her to her little den and I did just one more thing I did want to carry her out of there because she she sits on her

Little throne and my idea was to pick her up oh that’s getting bigger was to pick her up instead of choosing one of the other ones you know my little two goblins but you can’t pick her up and you can’t damage her you can’t do anything with her so I think she’s kind

Of just like there she’s not really an entity she’s kind of just like a placeholder I’m guessing or something like that and they say we sent it all it probably doesn’t maybe we’ll have to fly up a little higher now too many mountains we are really close to our

Guys out right do not lose hope oh this could be good this could be it a beer house sorry oh yup that’s it are you guys ready because I’m sure not all right let’s see should I pull out the big guns and summon cloth no he’s getting killed cannot fight oh gosh guys

Whoa okay everybody have seal now perfect wait Luna died like there’s Luna there’s not a single Luna left I know right there she is two Lunas better than better better than better than zero of course let’s go alright guys careful and you’re all right it’s really tough in

Here let me just see all right guys let’s go gotta turn this way so slow down where are the evokers this guy not in the poker this guy if Oprah yo guys shut up girls good job good job take them all down take them all down

And a good job very good job now put some Urban dying hey guys anymore a little Arena here yeah okay he is outside this is the first floor no this is the second floor right strange all right maybe we should go to the first floor first get it let’s go to the first

Floor let’s grab the first floor and then a second and then we’ll do everything in orderly matter you guys like I will take care of them great job guys some people are outside good job guys let’s go get up get up thank you lose a chance

Um should I say come I think all these are empty right I thought double check here at least back we have just an extremely empty storage area very good guys uh we’re here some some saplings I don’t think that’s how you grow those trees but to each their own and this

What is this uh a never-ending essentially what the heck is this I’ve never seen this room in my whole life an alley lab thank you thank you very much this is a strange room it’s just stairs okay it’s that one room is done this one

Is uh I don’t know like a hot tub I guess guys this side is done pumpkin all right next side let’s see anything more saplings okay some study Corner flowers uh is this important can you shut this down let’s hear oh these are secret rooms huh interesting so are

These all secret rooms is this oops sorry um nothing whole bunch of nothing and fences almost wasted chest you should have said something ain’t nothing on that one come on girls to the second before we go let’s see whoa hello I don’t need to get two mad guys no need

To get too mad looks like the girls are taking their sweet Old Times okay it’s okay ow uh books not much of a reader myself okay they’re still on this first floor come on guys you gotta go to the third floor now which is this way right this way this way

Guys okay a few of you guys okay nice amount of you guys they’re still okay of course Lunas all the way down there of course of course hey take off guys come on add a boy perfect terrific Perfect all right anymore come on get out of

Here I got a bad bad bad there’s an evil chord this way this bad bad man Perfect come on come on guys come on come on don’t be targeted to the party a chicken that Majestic chicken everybody else okay unless this side done oh what is healing okay I’m

Gonna leave her up okay now she’s fully fully healed oh didn’t notice you beds okay a little room here closets hold up chest up here oh sneaky sneaky aren’t you and I think that’s it only two totems I refuse to believe it oh my gosh I went all this way for two totems

There’s no way there’s no way oh they fixed the code you guys are finally scared of Luna oh it’s right now is it a good idea to relog because they can’t make you guys stop following man okay well Lunas I want to stop following me I don’t really want to risk re-logging

Because I don’t have any more potions I don’t really feel like walking all the way back home I’m gonna dig all the way down to White level 21. let’s see if there’s a goblin if there is I’ll be happy if there isn’t oh my giraffes pass

There we go of course I’ll do the X-ray method first oh I can actually see a diesel very good this is a really really big Minecraft holy crap by the way when I said like the room is made out of stone or I mean not Stone I the room out

Of it when I said the room was made out of cobblestone I was wrong all right I checked and it’s actually made out of stone so as a surprise it’s gonna be a lot less I’m not less of a like uh you know I’m not less of an eyesore than I

Thought it was going to be so it’s going to be a lot harder to look out for and I just don’t see anything I just don’t see it’s hard to see two because I can’t zoom in or else it’s gonna disappear yourself oh my gosh I gotta do what am I

Gonna do I’ll think about it next time

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in NEW Jenny Mod’, was uploaded by IcyHarry on 2023-10-07 13:00:44. It has garnered 4207 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:46 or 11086 seconds.

I Spent 100 Days in NEW Jenny Mod


This isn’t Uncensored Hot Jenny Mod in Minecraft – Jenny Mod Download! #jenny . It’s “I Spent 100 Days in NEW Jenny Mod”

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:08 Day 1 16:16 Day 11 38:41 Day 21 1:00:22 Day 31 1:18:28 Day 41 1:36:34 Day 51 1:55:10 Day 61 2:20:00 Day 71 2:38:28 Day 81 2:54:43 Day 91 3:04:09 Day 100

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    NOTCH's New Game: Minecraft 2.0? Exploring Notch’s New Game: Levers and Chests Notch, the mastermind behind Minecraft, has embarked on a new gaming venture with the creation of Levers and Chests. Let’s delve into the initial glimpses of the game and Notch’s statements! Notch: The Minecraft Maestro Before diving into the new project, let’s take a moment to appreciate the journey of Marcus Persson, also known as Notch. His childhood fascination with video games eventually led to the creation of Minecraft, a game that captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Despite selling Minecraft to Microsoft for a staggering sum, Notch’s true passion lies in… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans

    ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a Minecraft Adventure Brothers Ian and Ethan dive into the virtual world of Minecraft, ready to conquer challenges and unravel mysteries. Their journey is filled with excitement and unexpected twists as they navigate through different scenarios. Unveiling the Gameplay In Minecraft, the brothers encounter various roles like murder, sheriff, and innocent. Each role presents unique challenges and opportunities for them to showcase their skills. From strategizing to quick reflexes, every moment is a test of their gaming prowess. Thrilling Moments and Hilarious Mishaps As they progress through the game, Ian and Ethan… Read More

  • Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft

    Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft Minecraft Adventure: Iron Mining Underground Exploring the Depths In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, Solus embarks on a quest for iron deep underground. Iron, a crucial element in the game, is essential for crafting various tools and armor. Solus, accompanied by his loyal dog, ventures into the depths to mine for this valuable resource. Building a Stronghold Prior to his underground expedition, Solus showcases his impressive above-ground base. With intricate details like a water elevator and strategic storage solutions, his base reflects his dedication to the game. The importance of a well-designed base becomes evident as it serves as a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series videos like the one you just watched? Do you enjoy building your own starter house and exploring new worlds? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your own survival… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlocking Minecraft’s Creative Potential with Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, the latest Minecraft Crazy Build Hack video is here to revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Get ready to discover a world of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will take your creations from ordinary to extraordinary! Exploring Game-Changing Build Hacks From hidden passages that add an element of mystery to your structures to jaw-dropping landscapes that will leave you in awe, this tutorial covers… Read More

  • Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft’s Summoning Guide

    Herobrine Unleashed: Minecraft's Summoning Guide In the world of Minecraft, where legends reside, Herobrine’s presence, a mystery to confide. Follow the steps, with caution and care, Summoning him, a thrill beyond compare. With a block of command, the process begins, Redstone torches, the power within. Assemble the command, with a click and a spark, Herobrine’s arrival, a journey to embark. Click the items, to bring him near, Await his presence, without any fear. In the realm of Minecraft, where legends unfold, Summoning Herobrine, a tale to be told. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution

    Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution After watching the insightful discussion on the changing work mindset of Gen Z employees, it becomes clear that the world of work is evolving rapidly. With the rise of hybrid work environments and the increasing demand for flexibility, it is essential for companies to adapt to the preferences of the new generation of workers. One way to embrace this change and create an engaging work environment is by exploring new avenues for personal connection and engagement. And what better way to experience this than by joining a vibrant community like Minewind Minecraft Server? Minewind offers a unique sandbox experience… Read More

  • Tricky Villager Pranks – Minecraft Retro Survival

    Tricky Villager Pranks - Minecraft Retro Survival Minecraft Retro Survival: Building a Trading Hall Starting the Journey In the world of Minecraft, the quest for resources and survival is a never-ending adventure. Our protagonist embarks on a mission to create a trading hall, a hub for exchanging goods with villagers. But before diving into the construction, basic resources must be gathered through mining. The thrill of exploring caves at y-16 sets the stage for what lies ahead. Building the Trading Hall With a vision in mind, our builder sets out to demolish existing structures in the village to make way for the trading hall. The process… Read More

  • Unveil the Mystery Key with Marcy in Minecraft Hardcore Mod!

    Unveil the Mystery Key with Marcy in Minecraft Hardcore Mod!Video Information Nico siamo tornati finalmente nella serie più bella del canale Uh ciao ciao ciao vuoi fare stavo No stavo Ok se vui mi faccio anche male ma stavo lulando in realtà perché c’è un orso polare là dov’è caz lì è vero è Oddio sto morendo Scusa sono senza voce perché ieri Purtroppo ho fatto festa ho fatto ho fatto Ah grazie mille anche quello ho bisogno però ne ho 39 quindi sono a posto No a parte gli scherzi oggi Nico dobbiamo fare un’armatura incredibile quella di diops Gem incredibile pazzesca il minerale che abbiamo trovato l’ultima… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes That Will Leave You in Stitches

    Minecraft Memes That Will Leave You in StitchesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft meme 😂’, was uploaded by Flarerizz on 2024-01-30 08:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE XD minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft manhunt … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Session- Tails_of_Fluff EP 2

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Session- Tails_of_Fluff EP 2Video Information right is death you got she getting old I literally heard you I’m going to my recent players you it’s blue that’s Bluey that’s probably why he left so fast he KN me I got to get him a I freaking hate Bo I was about to say what do look got call for that would have show that I wasn’t listening I’m not listening am I supposed to listen wait to out yourself I’m [ __ ] typing I’m trying to get the announcement out that I’m streaming God no one was even talking to you I didn’t I… Read More

  • Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information qué voy a hacer perd qué horas son me gusta la moto me gustas tú me gusta correr me gustas tú me gusta la lluvia me gustas tú me gusta volver me gustas tú me gusta marihuana me gustas tú me gusta colombiana me gustas tú me gusta la montaña me gustas tú me gusta la noche gas qu voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer je suis perdu This video, titled ‘#minecraft 3 dimensions Parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadow4v4 on 2024-04-15 10:24:59. It has garnered 449 views… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shorts

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfaction (pt 1) 🤯#minecraft #shortfeed #shorts’, was uploaded by Block wave gamer on 2024-01-07 06:17:41. It has garnered 6146 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts gaming youtube shorts trending shorts short trend skibidi toilet viral shorts mr beast entertainment shorts viral ff minecraft satisfying shortsfeed entertainment satisfaction sand art respect sand art timing satisfying minecraft cars ultra gaming shortfeed techno gamer satisfaction memes asmr asmr shorts ff shorts ultra realistic realistic shorts tmkoc bts promo minecraft sand art minecraft drop reverse minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5Video Information all right Minecraft part five um this time we’re on the bed in my room even better anyways let’s get back um I found the mod that broke the crafting table thing and it’s gone now hopefully it doesn’t screw up um the world but it probably won’t it’s fine I don’t think I use any of the blocks in anyways yep seem look fine also hope there’s less mobs is that uh that last time was a little little intense wait to all right we’re good let’s get back to Minecraft thought buttons were insta break I… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!Video Information we are these pe oh where’s me house [ __ ] where is me house I’m thinking maybe I go on like a detour around ah me oh no what oh no what do you want [ __ ] hell hey if I maneuver yeah I can get them to hit each other ah I need to kill him don’t I what do you want I’m not hurting anyone ah hello see this is why I need to create a villager trading Dungeon Because I need a bow and and I need some Enchanted uh weapons and [ __ ] I know there are… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgo

    Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgoVideo Information pretty much I think b boom they they need to dominate with this Keeper of the light from the mid lane this hero is sitting at 60% win rate right now and every single time I watch this hero play it’s pretty much the same as Zeus the insane amount of damage comes online super quickly his earn of Shadow Spirit vestel the boots of travel makes him pretty much a global hero very difficult to catch not sure if they’re going to get the value out of this Underlord I’m a little bit concerned about the pick… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!

    EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!Video Information [Musik] yo alri guys welcome back again to as smoke channel guys ya Asep Minecraft sih kalau zaman sekarang guys itu kenapa selalu ingatnya asepinmoke ya y Waduh ada sudah berdatangan orang-orang ini Apakah kalian libur hari ini coy hari pertama lagi yang ini ya mengikuti pemerintah coy Jadi di sesi kali ini Guys kita sudah ini ya kalian bisa lihat Widih Anjay kita sudah punya server sendiri Bro sekarang bro dan server ini lagi kita build ya guys ya ini makanya sudah ada beberapa bangunan dan temanya adalah ya temanya adalah medival guys jadi tema zaman-zaman kuno… Read More

  • enlightenmc

    enlightenmcEnlightenMC!! <SMP> <SKYBLOCK> <SKYWARS> Great Community, Fun server. Why not join Today!!! enlightenmc.net Read More

  • CarbonCraft Network 1.20.4 | Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to CarbonCraft Experience adventure like never before with our SMP and Skyblock game modes. Join us now to explore unique features and enhance your Minecraft experience. SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Team up with friends to conquer wild landscapes, build towering structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Explore hidden caves and experience custom enchantments for added strategy. Skyblock Start with a tiny island in the sky and expand it into a bustling paradise. Overcome challenges, gather resources, and unlock new dimensions of gameplay. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity to claim the top spot. IP: play.carboncraft.xyz Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t forget your Skulk, or else…

    Minecraft Memes - Don't forget your Skulk, or else...Looks like someone needs to skulk back and grab their information! Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft’s Spooky Site

    Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft's Spooky Site In the world of Minecraft, Herobrine reigns supreme, But have you heard of Herobrine.com, a site that once caused a scream? From a Chinese blog to a screamer, it took a twisted turn, But now it’s just a sunset, a lesson we must learn. The mastermind behind it all, a man named Sunzhen, Spreading fear and shock, scaring kids again and again. But as time went on, his focus shifted to a different plight, Air pollution in China, a battle he had to fight. So now Herobrine.com is just a memory of the past, A reminder that even legends… Read More


    ¡CALIENTE! SI TÚ QUIERES ❤️💢❌ When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they respond with “❤️💢❌”, you know you’re in for a world of hurt in the virtual world! #minecraftproblems #watchout #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Build a small modern house with Minecraft 🏠”. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taking your creativity to the next level as you build your own modern house, just like in the video. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of players who share your passion for crafting and building. With a variety of game modes to… Read More

  • XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP!

    XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP! Welcome to Killadis SMP: Building an XP Farm in Minecraft Survival! Welcome to the world of Killadis SMP, where players embark on exciting adventures in Minecraft Survival mode. In this episode, our protagonist is set to build a new XP farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling endeavor! Building the XP Farm Building an XP farm in Minecraft is a crucial step for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Our protagonist is ready to tackle this challenge and create a farm that will provide them with valuable experience points. If… Read More

  • Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind – GTNH Skyblock

    Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind - GTNH SkyblockVideo Information hello and welcome back to G and grind this is part 11 and I’m D Ros props and as you probably expected yes I’ve been grinding away and uh basically being AFK is I say is because this mob farm is oh my God one of another I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a mob farm like this before it’s awful but it’s good it’s a strange one okay you could basically be AFK is and what I mean by is is you’ll just randomly hear massive explosions and then you run to your computer you’re like… Read More

  • Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP Trailer

    Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP TrailerVideo Information let’s see [Music] milia up mer [Music] power [Music] n This video, titled ‘Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral’, was uploaded by KIND_JAY on 2024-03-02 08:44:51. It has garnered 116 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral . . . . KEY WORDS :- Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I… Read More

  • SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥

    SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥Video Information [Music] for the F if you want to play and want to hate this show up and make a statement I don’t have SL up no I don’t take I got no love but the if you want to play [Music] and everything I do so instinctive and so passionate every word I move so descriptive [Applause] likea after I gots over facts over tracks n SP slow spitting fast I a roast I can gas think I’m Al last but I don’t don’t know if that can erase all the past and the pettiness a reflection of… Read More

  • Zachcraftone’s Insane Q&A + Minecraft Madness

    Zachcraftone's Insane Q&A + Minecraft MadnessVideo Information we need to do more stuff related to changed maybe I know that’s why you want to do the role play well not just that I don’t want to be reliant on that but there’s other topics I’m trying to get into that are popular well what are furry topics that are trending first seats I don’t know try to do a video on first that’s what I’m G to do okay well how do you know what is trending like in the FY Community Reddit or just Reddit Twitter I don’t [Music] know the random stream so… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥" #shortsVideo Information [Music] to in your wow go go [Music] go cuz you turn This video, titled ‘leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by TonyBT05 on 2024-04-12 00:30:25. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts subscribe 😄 credits: @Reedop_Gaming IGNORE TAGS 😭 #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231

    World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 - You Won't Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231Video Information servus meine Freunde und willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft in der 124 sind wir jetzt angelangt und endlich hat das Optifine auch wieder mal geschafft ich habe ich habe eine Optifine Version eine priversion von der 124 habe ich am laufen übrigens ich habe mir auch noch mal erlaubt ein Andes Texturepack zu nehmen das heißt folgendermaßen majestica oder majestica und ja wir machen da weiter wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben das mal gar nicht mal gewohnt dass wir hier Shader nutzt so wir waren letztte mal hier beschäftigt mit dem Bau undon diesen… Read More

  • EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!

    EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr over here thanks for thanks for stopping by bird so hello welcome but today we are playing Minecraft instead of you know instead of instead of inest game we’re playing Minecraft with voria so I think he doing the intro things right now but yeah I’m just I’m just hanging out yeah but we on hisor Minecraft server I don’t really I’m not uh I don’t I have no idea what’s happening around here I I I I know things exist I I’ve just I’ve just joined the server I don’t… Read More

  • Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23

    Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23Video Information for for hello everybody and welcome to the stream there’s very very very calming Minecraft music today apparently we’re starting extremely [Laughter] chill but hello and welcome to Minecraft Monday hey midnight how’s it going welcome to the Stream [Music] I was going to leave if you were more than 5 minutes late well thankfully we’re all caught up in the warehouse and uh I can get back to the streaming schedule that I want to maintain but I believe you missed last week’s Minecraft Monday uh which is unfortunate because you missed some important details you’re telling… Read More

  • Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information smoking with you in the the in the yard with your the [Music] wind I spoke with you cuz you me to to in your living room no This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight! #minecraftpvp #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by injamine on 2024-04-06 18:25:57. It has garnered 827 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Subscribe ! #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #shorts Subscribe for more Minecraft videos Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords… Read More

  • The Dovan Domain

    The Dovan DomainWelcome to The Dovan Empire. We don’t offer much so far right now but we will soon expand into something big. The server has already been started by me and my friends and we are ready for it to grow with the building support of fellow players. My server ready to have a loving community with many good people to boot. If you also want to talk to me and my pals you could consider joining my discord I am mostly active and so are my mods. I hope to see yall soon. P.S. The only way to join the… Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded Custom Plugins NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server focused on fun without paywalls. Join us for a simple and enjoyable experience! IP cobble.pokeclash.com Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric 1.20.1 Features Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Mega Evos, Mega Raids Shopkeepers, Land Claiming, Homes PokeDex rewards, Pokehunts, and more! Server Links & Info Discord: https://discord.gg/pokeclash Mod Packs Modrinth Modpack: Link CurseForge Modpack: Link Technic Modpack: Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – You have been roasted!

    Minecraft Memes - You have been roasted!Why thank you, meme overlords! I will now graciously accept my crown as the ultimate meme king. Bow down to me, puny mortals! Read More