ilmango – Minecraft News: 1.18exp3 New Mob Spawning Rules

Video Information

[Applause] Hi guys welcome back to another snapshot video the third experimental snapshot of the 1.18 version was released yesterday to a couple changes to the world generation again we’ll take a look at those later but what most people around me talked about were some changes to mob spawning so let’s check that out first

So there were two major changes to the system first i want to talk about the one that was far less controversial i think most people would agree on that it’s a good change and i also think this way so it’s basically the introduction of a individual mob cap for every player

Instead of just having a global mob cap so with the old and the new system the global mob cap is basically a race by 70 for each player so if you have one player on then at most 70 mobs would spawn around the player if there’s two

Players on in different areas would be 140 with three players 210 and so on this was always only a global mob cap and now we have an individual one as well we got a little info party in the back that yeah shows one possible scenario so if the old system if you had

Player one flying at the maximum world tide high up in the sky uh he was further away than 128 blocks from yeah any block that also means he had zero hostile mobs around him and was contributing zero mobs to the global mob cap the player too that was mining underground

Would have the complete mob cap filled around him so he would have 140 mobs around him instead of the 70 that he would usually get if he plays alone so he was just facing far more mobs because the other player didn’t contribute anything to it in the new version so we would have

Player one flying at max worldwide he has zero player zero mobs around him player 2 still facing the usual amount of 70 mobs per player so the change is pretty good this also means if player mob would be afk high up in the sky at a small form

That player 2 wouldn’t take up the entire mob cap for himself and the mob form would actually work like in single player so in case you’re playing on a busy server let’s say hermitcraft comes to mind we usually always have somebody on the server playing

Then uh you could run your mob cap like you would yeah run it in single player what player 2 does would not affect your mob form so there’s actually a pretty good change let’s say nobody’s really arguing against this in case you’re wondering if the new system would affect mob switches the

Answer is no so there’s still the global mob cap even with the new system so in this case it would still be 140 mobs so in case you have 500 strikers loaded somewhere they would by far exceed the mob cap that means there would be no new

Hostile mob spawning around any of the players so the mob switch system would not be affected by this now let’s take a look at the second part of the changes that is a bit more controversial a lot of people take issue with those changes so first i’ll try to briefly explain the

Old system and how it worked right so here we are on the intervention a couple hundred blocks away from the main end island and we got a spawning platform at the lowest possible block at y is zero so if i would kill the enderman here wouldn’t take long until they respawn

Back so the mob spawning is just incredibly fast at the lowest layers because it’s basically the only block that could be selected by the spawning algorithm to spawn the mobs here if i would actually add a platform 100 blocks above this one so i’m just gonna add some glass blocks 100 blocks higher

That no mobs could spawn on then you see that the mob spawning will be a lot slower because the chance that the enemy would actually spawn down here is a hundred times slower as you can see the mob cap is still not filled up it just takes forever until the right blocks are

Selected so what the system did previously until the latest snapshot was that yeah it tried to spawn mobs between the lowest and the highest block so the highest block could also be this one it could be gaps in between so in case you had a yeah the highest

Block was at y5 there’s basically a 20 chance that this block here would actually be selected for mobs to spawn on if you only had a single block then it was 100 chance that each spawn attempt would select this block to spawn mobs on so in case you have additional

Blocks 100 blocks above then you only have a 1 chance they would that mobs would be selected to spawn on top of this block that’s why that’s why it was beneficial to remove blocks for your mob farm and try to build it as low as possible but

It only made sense if you removed every single block above your spawning platform so let’s see the difference again if i yeah get rid of the glass platform high above bam immediately we got a lot more spawning i switched to the latest experimental snapshot version with the new mob

Spawning system so let’s have a direct comparison how the spawning platform in the end dimension would be affected and later explain how the new system works okay let’s get rid of the enemy let’s see how long it will take until they spawn back we can see right away

Of the old system it only took a fraction of a second until the mobcap was filled again now this is just significantly slower mob cap is still not filled we still got enderman spawning it’s just way slower and we also don’t have any glass platform on top

And additionally a glass platform on top would also not affect the spawning rates at all anymore you can see they would still spawn at the same speed everything is just slower so let’s take a look at what the new system does instead of randomly spotting mobs between zero and the highest block

It tries to spawn mobs per sub-chunk so in the old system we had spawn attempts that were made per chunk so the chunk is a basically a 16 by 16 region and it goes up to the sky and now the new system the spawning attempts are made per sub

Chunk sub chunk is basically a 16 by 16 by 16 section of the chunk which is indicated with the blue lines here so here we basically got the first one then here’s the next 16 by 16 by 16 and so on so in case of a 256 hybrid you got

16 of those right so new system tries to spawn them up in the highest sub chunk if it succeeds or not it goes to the next one and tries to spawn mobs again until the very bottom additionally there’s only a 24 chance that a mob spawning attempt succeeds

So this would also explain why the spawning advisor is so much slower so it still tries to spread all the spawning attempts in a sub-chunk between zero and 15 so between 16 blocks so compared to the ideal scenario that we had before where only a single block

Was possible to spawn mobs on basically had a hundred percent chance with the new system we only have a one in sixteen percent chance that a certain block would be selected and additionally there’s only a twenty four percent chance that the spawn attempt succeeds in the first place so that’s why a

Spawning platform at y0 with the new system is roughly 64 times slower on the other hand if you have a spawning platform build up very high in the sky the spawning speed is faster than with the old system so the spawning speed is roughly the same as we saw with the

Spawning platform at y0 but yeah it’s four times faster than with the old system so with the old system we had a 1 and 256 chance that exactly this block would be selected and now it’s still roughly 1 in 64 chance for a successful spawning attempt for comparison’s sake i switched back to

The old version and we can indeed see that mob spawning is just significantly slower we only got a single pack of enemies spawning by now probably take half a minute until the mob cap is filled now of course there’s a question how the new mob spawning system would affect

Normal gameplay and i’m afraid the answer is not at all so if we take a look at a normal world here the number of hostel mobs you would encounter around you is mostly affected by the mob cap as you can remember there can only be 70 mobs around a player

And usually it doesn’t take long until yeah the game has spawned in those 70 mobs usually takes less than a second if i quickly kill all the hostile mobs around me second later they already spawned in back so this is basically the same with the old in the new system the

Number of mobs you encounter is basically the same even in the new mountain biomes the changes to the mob’s spawning system won’t be even noticeable or significant because the most spawning was already quick enough there so the problem might have been that the spawning attempts are

Spread between -64 and in this case 185 so roughly a 1 in 250 chance that a certain block was selected by the mob spawning algorithm so we can directly compare this so i’m in the latest snapshot with the new system you can clear the mob cap real quick

And do it again after a second as you can see we got 64 entities again so it takes roughly one second for new mobs to spawn in let’s compare that with the version from last week the game didn’t really like me opening the same world in the old version so that’s why i

Went to a similar area the high mountain so we can compare directly i’m gonna kill all the mobs and one second later we got 120 entities again so it’s basically the same the spawning algorithm is fast enough to supply the player with enough mobs so it’s really not

Noticeable but why was this change made in the first place according to the patch notes this change is intended to make spawning more consistent in the updated overworld but as i’ve just demonstrated changes aren’t noticeable at all furthermore i have the suspicion the new spawning algorithm might not be as optimized as

The old one so if the old system we only tried to spawn packs of mobs per chunk and the new algorithm tries to spawn packs of mobs for every sub-chunk i think more calculations need to be made for that so the performance might even be worse for

That but i’m not really an expert to judge on that mulching developer king bilox offered a bit more explanation of his twitter post so he said those changes attempt to solve a few problems long term design upkeep mobs spawned less at surface than the 1.17 and mob forms they can’t be

Moved like which shops are nerf compared to 1.17 okay i’m gonna pick out point two first mob spawned less itself is that in 1.17 the reason for this is quite simple we just have bigger caves now and the chance for mobs to spawn underground is

Just a lot higher so if you have a big cave like this one here it just has a lot more potential spawning spaces so if you’re standing at the surface the game tries to spawn in mobs until the mob cap is filled which usually takes like a second and if the

Available spawning space is underground yeah just higher than the ones above ground that means more mobs will be underground that’s the reason why there are fewer mobs at the surface so the changes to the current system wouldn’t really deal with the problem only partially because the game tries to

Spawn in mobs the highest sub chunk first and then goes down if the mob cap will be filled yeah by the first spawning attempts then it stops the spawning attempts so after a while the first couple mobs would start to despawn and the game tries to fill up

The available mob cap again from top to bottom so there might indeed be a slightly higher chance that mob that mobs would be at the surface but i don’t think it would really compensate the much higher spawn rates in the caves i think another approach to solve the

Issue with insufficient mob spawning at surface level would have been a more direct one could for example use the height map so if the potential spawning space is the highest block it only has air blocks above then mobs have a 100 chance to spawn if it’s yeah a block

For other blocks above just can easily check if the height map then we only have a 25 percent chance for the mobs to spawn so this way the chance for mobs to spawn at the surface would just be a lot higher next point mob forms the company of the

Glitch farms were nerve compared to 1.17 it was indeed the case they’re about half as fast as in 1.17 the reason is yeah the game tried to spawn mobs between the lowest block so the newer version minus 64 and the highest block so in case of the width from 1 in 128

Chance approximately and if the new system would be like in the old version roughly 1 in 64. so the which charms would be if the new system be just as fast as 1.17 i feel like it would have been better to change the witch forms individually than

To change the whole system for them could have for example increased the bounding box of the witch form by 100 percent and then the farmers would have also been just as fast as in the old version that only leaves us to talk about point one the long term design of

Kiev thinks is probably intended for the case that if mulching ever intends to expand the world height again maybe five years maybe even go lower with the mining or go higher and even at higher mountains maybe in 20 years even at a realistic himalaya region to the game

Just 10 000 blocks high then the old mob spawning system would indeed not work properly but the new one kind of would so i guess they want to prepare for that case already next let’s talk about why a lot of people don’t really like this change to the mob spawning because it

Affects the whole meter of building mob farms so first of all the changes hardly affect any changes to farms that are built high up in the sky and don’t require a perimeter so they are slightly buffed you need to make them a bit smaller now don’t need

As many spawning spaces as before as long as they were built above y64 or above ocean level so in case of this one here you could make it slightly smaller and still get the same rates it was by the way also already possible to build up epic farms high up in the sky

That don’t require a perimeter here’s for example a mob form we built about six years ago during 1.8 before we actually knew how the mob spawning exactly works simple times back then but we even achieved over 100 000 drops per hour if a farm was built at sky limit so

You could already build epic farms yeah high up in the sky back then so what i’m trying to say is nobody ever was forced to make a perimeter to build an efficient mob form we’re also seeing this right now in a cycroft blitz server we don’t really see a need to make a

Perimeter to get enough item it’s just something extra we could do but if the new system it wouldn’t be necessary at all anymore to make an epic perimeter like this one here in order to get better spawning rates this is the one we made the ps4 series removed every

Block down to bedrock and build them up from as low as possible to benefit from the better spawning rates with the new system the mob form down here in a perimeter would be just as fast as one as you build up high in the sky there wouldn’t be any difference there’s no

Need at all anymore to make a perimeter which was a really nice end game goal and offered a lot of content for a lot of players players made systems efficiently remove blocks etc this wouldn’t really be necessary in a lot of cases anymore so the new mob spawning arif is

Basically just another case where a game gets easier and easier for no real reason and interesting end game goals are removed without replacement at least in the current form so the game gets ease and easier and what i mean there is that if you build your mob form

Hype in the sky you can now make it maybe 20 to 30 smaller so you need to spend a little bit less effort to get the same rates but you had a really interesting part making a perimeter stuff like that which is extra nobody ever needed it but in case you want to

Spend the time you could do it that’s basically almost completely removed one exception would maybe be a slime farm uh you need to build the farm yeah low because that’s where the slime spawn so that would be one of the only scenarios right now where perimeter definitely would help you

Increase the rate significantly but you could also run the normal slime form and still get enough slime for pretty much every project already so to sum it up the additional of an individual mob cap is definitely a good addition to the game the other change to the mob

Spawning hardly has any effect on normal players but for players that are really interested in mob farming they are mostly considered detrimental to the enjoyment of the game let’s also go over the other changes in this snapshot that were mostly affecting the world generations according to the patch notes

The biome placement was tweaked in order to prevent situations where desert would generate right next to a snowy slopes biome but i still found some examples where this happens the patch notes it was also mentioned that it still can happen so it is a bit unfortunate so sometimes you got a

Desert and there’s other biomes sprinkled in between they would allow snow layer generation there is a for example a forest biome since it’s high enough there’s some snow generating here it’s actually snowy slopes it’s on the border okay so you can still have desert right next to snowy slopes

Also in between that is a bit unfortunate but i think at the end stuff like this will also be fixed the next thing to talk about is red sand it generates more frequently in the badlands by now and as you can see here we even have some proper red scent

Deserts so they can get quite large the couple changes that are kind of hard to show so recording the patch notes the stone shore biome so here we got an example is less likely to generate and then the others and beaches were tweaked to make them more inclined it’s

Also possibility that pinnacle outposts generate in mountain snow and villages can generate in the metal biome i think it’s the same type of village that would generate in the plain spirum so the same type of architecture here we actually got an example of a plains village that has the same type of houses

We also have a new biome here is the stoney peaks biome seem to suppose the top of a mountain around warm biomes so here we got a desert and badlands biome and then the stony peaks on top this is a basically the same as the snowy peaks just without the snow

Alright that’s all for today thanks guys for watching and see you next time bye [Applause] [Applause] You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft News: 1.18exp3 New Mob Spawning Rules’, was uploaded by ilmango on 2021-08-11 18:30:22. It has garnered 168651 views and 10153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:46 or 1246 seconds.

new mob spawning rules explained

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    POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage POV: My friend still won’t stop bragging about how I saved them in Minecraft by stopping time. I guess I’m just a time-stopping hero now. #humblebrag #minecrafthero Read More

  • Fireball War in Minecraft

    Fireball War in Minecraft Minecraft Fireball War: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe When it comes to epic battles and exciting adventures, Minecraft never fails to deliver. One of the most thrilling events in the Minecraft universe is the Fireball War, where players engage in intense combat using fireballs as their primary weapon. The Excitement of Bedwars Bedwars is a popular game mode in Minecraft that involves teams of players competing to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. The addition of fireballs to this already intense gameplay takes the excitement to a whole new level. Hypixel Bedwars: The Ultimate Challenge… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • Nether Portal Entrance Room Build!

    Nether Portal Entrance Room Build! Minecraft Hardcore: Building an Entrance Room to the Nether Portal! Welcome back to another thrilling episode of the Minecraft Hardcore series! In this exciting installment, our intrepid player takes on the challenge of constructing a grand entrance to the Nether Portal. As they delve deeper into the hardcore world, the fusion of creativity and survival becomes paramount. This episode is brimming with adventure, featuring the crafting of an impressive gateway to the Nether and an epic mining expedition. Designing a Majestic Entrance Join our player as they meticulously gather materials and design a Nether Portal entrance fit for royalty…. Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness – Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1

    EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness - Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Shipyard w/ Drydock Pt.1 (Minecraft beta 1.7.3)’, was uploaded by syncc on 2024-05-10 01:00:32. It has garnered 561 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:02 or 1562 seconds. Thank you for watching the first part of this mega project, I wish I could’ve gotten more done in this video but life has been hitting with some personal stuff going on. Have not had much time to play, and the footage was taking up a bunch of hard drive space so I figured you guys would probably enjoy a video regardless… Read More

  • Unleashing Light Power in Minecraft

    Unleashing Light Power in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Obtained the Power of LIGHT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArctixNation on 2024-03-16 20:55:08. It has garnered 12269 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I joined the Divine SMP, a Minecraft server where you can control different spirits and I want the strongest one, Light. Credits: @flxshed (Thumbnail) @JustBK_ (Overall Support) @Merffinn @MugmV2 (final fight) @Encade @Korwick @justgapple Thank you! Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This… Read More

  • EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTime

    EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пов: ивент дед мороз на FunTime #grief #anarchy #minecraft #рекомендации #прикол #мем #fypシ #funtime’, was uploaded by Meshikc on 2024-01-28 17:16:27. It has garnered 1567 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Chip Chip Chip Chip Oak Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip dubi dubi daba daba Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

    ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To X-Ray On Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by ChrisspyLegion on 2024-01-08 20:00:19. It has garnered 13423 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Whats going on my Legion🛡️ Welcome back to another video LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE ANIME AND GAMING CONTENT 🙂 The X-RAY Follow My Twitch 🙂 Donate Donate$ChrisspyLegion Donate Join my Discord #anime #animes #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftaddon #minecraftpocketedition #mcpeaddon #minecraftaddons Read More

  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

    Azen Gaming's EPIC Invisibility Prank - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friend – Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Azen Gaming on 2024-05-12 11:18:02. It has garnered 139777 views and 1273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:21 or 741 seconds. What kind of prank can we do with her next? @PepeSanTV @sheyyynplayz Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Morph Parody #azengaming #Invisibilityprank #pepesantv #sheyyynplayz #minecraftGHOST #Minecraftph #Minecraft #MineraftTagalog #MinecraftSMP #omocraft #roblox Read More

  • “Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE” #SMP #aternos

    "Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE" #SMP #aternosVideo Information This video, titled ‘3K Kab Honge | Minecraft live stream in Hindi | 24/7 SMP | JAVA + PE #Minecraft #SMP #aternos’, was uploaded by Optimum Timex Gaming on 2024-01-14 13:44:45. It has garnered 160 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:48 or 8868 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE STREAM ❤️ GUYS YOU ARE ALSO READY TO CHAT WITH ME JOIN US QUICKLY AND BROTHERS SHARE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT You Can Watch Videos Early And Much More Benefits Join the Membership and Enjoy : MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK : INSTAGRAM… Read More


    EPIC WIN WITH MY BRO IN MINECRAFT BEDWARS! 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MY BRO CAME IN WITH FINISH FOR THE WIN!#minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-10 13:37:04. It has garnered 11018 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More