I’m Dating Minecraft?! Crazy Storyteller ALICE Ch.

Video Information

Good morning good evening depending on where you live it’s me yeah I’m moving again cuz I’m not in a crappy Wi-Fi situation Anymore fun more morning F evening but hi how you guys doing I’m holding a knife you’re supposed to answer did you guys miss Me second what wait I did unmute myself right oh no but I haven’t unlearned in this one week I have a KN and I want to know where you guys missed me I honestly you don’t need to be worried um there’s no incentive to say something specific or

Anything hello n hello me hello po six um I’m going to quickly ping everyone before I F wait I should probably have do it on the bluei thing okay um Bingle posting it Here okay right now I forgot blue I’m doing it now I have not uploaded anything on social Med I’ve been so quiet you you guys notice but I’m quiet probably not cuz I’m always quiet I’m a loser I don’t post I don’t know how a social media thing is

Rocking it’s so confusing to me young people in the internet very confusing I don’t get it boom and then we need to tell people on the dish but yeah I’m a professional I’m telling you guys this on all the channels even on the M uh Microsoft fridge or Samsung fridge or whatever

Fridge is that exist maybe that’s a Minecraft fridge who knows maybe there is uh you missed you good good good good good good are you should have missed me oh I would get angry and sad I would probably be more sad than angry but but still uh

Okay I ped everyone so you guys can’t tell me when you forgot to ping me what no so you guys can’t tell me when I forgot to ping you sorry I’m I’m I’m I’m stupid my brain has died and missed one week which is a great example why I should not stream entire

Weekend uh 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep sleep spread across 36 hours that’s not you problem M sakes you should maybe get that fixed unless you forgot to ping me uh well uh I would never want to ping you so that BRS completely Fine no yes you did miss me and there’s no relation to a knife good K I don’t see why I should be any relation to an KN or anything and switch match launching one day maybe one day you need to get me to uh 100 million Subs um then I’ll promise

You guys you’re going to get a fridge match I’m going to have a collab of some fridge company and you’re going to get your l fridge one day it would be the most original I think collab when it comes to merch Ever Youtube history if you ask me

I don’t I don’t think any YouTuber brought out a Fed fridge for much if you all ping each other and you’ll let everyone know easy true um so why you not pinged everyone in your friend list but real ISS back I mean you know Word of Mouth you

Guys you need to work hard booklets you need to spread the word that you called leader I mean a um friend that you like a lot it’s definitely not a leader of a cold but you have accidentally joined is back Alice fridge now with frozen office on

Action yeah actually office on will be in the fridge the live out to you guys so I don’t have to deal with him anymore Frozen sick B yeah I know I’m I’m pretty I’m pretty sick I know I’m pretty amazing we’re going to play Minecraft

Today I didn’t know what to play so I was like let’s play Minecraft I guess probably next week we’re going to do AVN Cod cuz I don’t want too many right actually yeah it might be Avalon code I don’t want to have too many streams that

Are not Avalon code I want to finish series I only have three finished series and that’s not good I should fix that damn okay how’s it looking for fruit thing I have strawberries with me I have strawberry food I’m going to eat them cuz I’m

Hungry and I pray to God that I will not get juice all over my keyboard I did you guys know but my favorite food appears well love that’s a you problem me because I can’t fix every situation and every problem in the world to be

Honest anyway um Let me let me move to a gaming screen that oh my God we going to game oh my God yo oh my God I wanted to find like how you do um I know what n has for the Minecraft model and I try to like maybe find

Something similar I could couldn’t find it so I’m going to be around Alice today breaking the CBE brush with my amazing roundness because I am the Minecraft Ribbit see it even says Ribbit it’s it’s completely on F of a bun buns um Let me let me start for why is

Forio saying it broke that’s fine don’t worry about it everything breaks eventually don’t worry about it we’re all going to die anyway so who cares about a bit of Screams scuff am I right guys you you guys never can say my quality is bad if I never give you good

Quality that’s how I deal with yogur I always get the cheapest yogur because if I do it it tastes not good but if I buy the expensive yogurt I’m like oh no oh no it’s like one year more expensive and now I want the one more expensive one

No and that’s how I get you if you never get used to Quality and always just settle for cheapest option then you can’t say that you’re settling for the worst quality cuz you don’t know better ah capitalism don’t we all love it okay let me play our wall new world of

Alish Chad is Frozen On My Stream is it still frozen no that’s fine that’s fine you guys don’t expect good quality right you guys don’t expect anything uh yeah it is frozen why are you frozen how how everything dayare you be frozen that’s cringe and I don’t like you being

Cringe can I we started boom boom maybe maybe turning it on and off the’ll fix it recently you’re into a shower shop what I bought a red SHO what a Sell Shop yeah I have no idea what that is but good on you uh a fruit of a Nona micana I have

No idea what it is a broadly flowering evergreen tree that does not explain anything to me but yeah those of us with money like capitalism Alice well I’m a poor person so I don’t like it that’s how how system works doesn’t it look isn’t that such a

Like you you stand up from your bed right you stand up from your bouncy bed but you get a concussion and when you look outside and it look so cute look isn’t this adorable man I am truly a con why does wa I should probably put on my

Headphones I always forget to put on my headphones because I am stupid I Stu Us in the fridge instead of off on um I mean is it cooler for you guys wait I’m going to turn up I think I could turn up the game volume it’s time to see me once again

Question how to make a crafting table hope you guys enjoy it h night you long time to see how you guys how have you been doing um I’m going to warn you already night Bing if you know Minecraft I don’t know how to make a crafting table I’m

Very stupid I don’t ever really play this game so don’t expect anything except frustration watching me yeah it’s definitely not flamable what is you talking about is this you know what I should make a campfire right inside of the I mean what could go wrong am I

Right guys except I would probably bur myself before I actually bur my house down actually KN myself okay okay wait I should look in the crafting thing what can you craft I have absolutely no idea what I want to do hello crafting what can you craft what

Should I do I have zero plans today except making everything prettier maybe oh maybe I should make a um a thing in a pond or like a b so you can look in a pond I I need I need a bit of time for my creative juices to flow

You know uh all a genius you know takes its time I just without looking I took out the tea thing and it’s spold it everywhere it’s fine um I can just clean it up uh I don’t have anything to I don’t have a tissue so I’m just going to clean

It up with my sleeve it’s fine now my tea uh my sleeve is going to smell like tea so this is my perfume it’s actually just perfume guys fantastic H spy yeah I’m comy so we we need to get a farm true we need to get a

Farm so I can get more wool where than killing the population we don’t need a shield uh offense is my shield as you guys know yeah we should make a farm actually like a proper like Animal Farm pink pink candles would be cute too I’m currently looking I want to make

Lanterns too so I need a lot of iron nuggets um c what does this sming table do I don’t know what it does ni I never I’ve never I didn’t know sming tables were thing now what does it do you guys what what does a Fletching table

Do if you die sheep with die you can see a pink wool from it oh it’s good to know what is your loom am I stupid I feel so stupid honestly I I’m I’m so Confused okay I think we need first and foremost we need to get some more stuff what does the culton do we need iron first and foremost we need to GA more iron I should probably eat um shop we Need that and then I need to um how do I open just open my inventory good um I’m smart I know um I know how to eat this is definitely not a guess why is the stream [ __ ] still not showing I don’t I don’t know what it is

I I gen don’t I don’t know how to fix it B will just appear again it just doesn’t why why I don’t know why is this fixing it do you guys post something it’s not appearing anyway still why I I can’t recreating it but I don’t know if it will fix it I’ll

Try uh where is it right now yeah I don’t think this is the issue cuz I made a new thing with no settings on it as well and nothing is appearing I don’t know if I can fix it then oh that’s annoying wa what can I do I guess I could this is

Going to look really awful well if I do it do I want to risk doing that I kind of I’m thinking yeah know visible and unvisible I tried red it in the BR Why why no it doesn’t want to work I don’t know why a filter on it something weird now everything’s normal yeah I don’t know what’s happening like it’s up to date even without like my uh look on it if I just have a default cheat box it doesn’t show

Up yeah I guess YouTube is a bully I’m sorry guys but you know to to maybe uh Sol issue a little bit I’m just going to be so big that you guys can’t see chat even being missing then hopefully it will appear again just peek between my bunny and see

If it appears at some point again that’s how we going to do it I’m sorry IO thank you for Pat right thank you for Pat yeah I don’t know how to fix It uh it looms up for making banners fabric so but I thought I could already make a banner oh AR just because I do game development doesn’t mean I know how OBS works also I’m doing more of Art and Design and narrative and not programming I do have hours to do that for

Me regardless you guys are here for me anyway not for chat right chat’s cringe am I right guys you guys would rather see me right let’s see uh here I’m going to show it to you I think here I can already make a banner so why do I need a

Loom I can already make a banner it doesn’t make any sense to me I think you need to refresh stream I I kind of don’t want to do that I don’t think I can do it cuz I set it up so if I close my

OBS it will kind of you know end the Stream So if you guys want I can end the stream right here and where War the current bit rate is slow recommend I know but if I keep it up then uh you guys on YouTube will kill my stream and I don’t want

That no you don’t want you have to decide guys you have to make the difficult decision no chat what do you guys prefer being carefully this is going to be a lasting decision this is only stream you’re going to get this weekend you’re going to have to wait Hour Week choose carefully

Okay while this is happening I need to think about I think I can clear this path and use this as like a farm place you know we need to we need to clear up our space right now because I don’t want to move I like this place I think it’s cute Wait what is this is this are you kidding me are you kidding me last stream I looked everywhere firing it was right at my house just pretend it’s a member stream and you can’t see chat on screen anyways yeah guys I actually have members unlocked tlight to all of you guys um

Actually have uh actually YouTube is my my dad so I actually have nepple power and I was able to go beyond the requirements and get members already and this is actually a secret member stream and you might be wondering but it didn’t pay for it Alice you did uh you might don’t know

But your bank account straining steadily thanks to Papa YouTube yeah my uncle works with YouTube oh noar just don’t check your bank account guys this fraud has to go on to make this work YouTube story T yeah YouTube’s my middle name why do you think I’m so funny and

Cracky why do you think YouTube’s not just uh putting me on any freaking recommended list I feels my power I feels but my know uh it fears but people will get to know that they have nipple baby right here on YouTube unbelievable that be cringe so we have to hide

It you will miss Alice I will be too long to you better miss me I always I’m going to get angry I don’t know why I got a dirt I forgot that I already have dirt okay we need to make this this can be like an auditorium I actually went a

Farm you know what be cute to have like a little round thingy um I don’t know it’s called and then there’s like a little um roof and like a little seating area I think that’d be cute for inviting friends that I don’t have Chad is Expendable true true let H

Someone else tomato I should have won pool I’m surprised no one wanted for cucumber I also want to say every single thing on theist is actually a fruit I F I knew that tomato was a fruit I did not know that cucumbers were fruit but there are apparently classified as fruit I

Also thought that strawberries are actually berries but they’re not they are actually fruits in a fruit yeah no uh strawberry is a fruit that has fruit in it which I didn’t know and I don’t know what to do with this information but now I know and you guys will have to know it

As well hope I’m hope I’m s what well hang you something everyone comesy to watch the chat on screen the game is just a bonus no it really how you feel guys thought we had something special come this I’m going to time you out a six I’m going to time you out for

This comp leish I gu oh yeah called maybe I have a knife in game how do you know how do you know if I don’t can I sleep I mean it’s already like Mom I want to go to sleep it’s soon new cousin Alice actually I’m Sho okay let’s not p a

J no way no way oh hello spider I don’t sorry I need to equip my Ane SP a knife what’s up cringy me don’t give me a kiss I don’t want to I don’t want to have a kiss kiss is very disgusting I need to kill another

Tree guys don’t look at the the forestation okay uh I don’t have I don’t have my a with me but it’s fine congrats on my V Alice next time I will make a birthing stream just for you guys berries are fruits and no there something in fact biologically consider different things I

Think it’s sad that I Googled it actually strawberries are not berries where fruits so I do think that means it means that different five from 600 600 Subs I don’t know I I’ve been eding uh the realm of 600 for I think five months now I don’t know it’s been a while um

Since we’ve been very close to 600 I will be genuinely shocked if we if we get over it we we are mining d this is how you do it right you play Minecraft only using the the pickaxe right cuz you only mine you know people misunderstood the

Misunderstand the uh the title you might think mine as in mining but mine is actually from the German word mine uh which means my so this is actually MyCraft which means Minecraft is actually about me I know I know AB us of shorts and shorts vertical streams give me ideas bro

I’m my brain is too tired just doing this and telling you guys I want to do short content I’m like oh my God I want to do short content man I realize I have no idea what I should do because I don’t follow Tik Tok I don’t look at YouTube

Shots so I don’t get shot like for short uh I don’t get it so I’m just constantly like how do you come up with ideas for it I think it’s it’s so fign to me I feel old just looking at it yeah we need we need a better space to go for

Offish you are a shortgun shut up I have a knife I have a knife just because you’re not on chat and you’re not on stream you think you can pull this on me me fish H what glitch what glitch are still have a knife I know where you

Live don’t don’t temp me to do Unthinkable I will do it I will do it you don’t want to challenge me this say to be dir which all has to become dirt I don’t like the cave aesthetic at my beautiful wooden house be sure to stream a horror game if

You you know what if we do if we do uh maybe we’ll we will stream some sort of horror game and a for game I mean game that is slly uh potentially scary not an extra horror game I think yeah actually all Stu and disappear I don’t know what I’m

Doing we can we are safe OBS is protecting us no are you telling me that OBS is going against me it would not be a surprise but still I don’t appreciate your sentiment uh I got distracted actually I want it but I don’t have space for it where would I make it

Oh I should you know what I what do I want to I’m currently thinking all the stuff that I can end but I don’t know where to start I’m getting overwhelmed where would I put a cheap Farm H we’re just expanding in a mountain I guess bye Nightwing thank you for tuning

In hope you enjoyed me being miserable I hope you have a great rest of the day if you use a shovel and left click on garage it will make a PP what like will just get rid of the dirt andway I’m confused wait I know how to g i I know

How to play shovel you better not betray me meish um no it does not do anything you betrayed me meish I’m going to play Minecraft now hope you enjoy it uh you will definitely be better than whatever I am doing yet it doesn’t do anything because you lied to

Me it’s so cringe right click oh yeah this isn’t cute I like the grass athetic I like my greens also also me said left clicks I’m not stupid I followed the instructions and keep it training I take zero repercussions I’m inoc I’m be how does s play though oh it’s

Cute I should maybe expand in this direction I can make like a little a little tunnel underneath a grassy bus expand okay I’m I’m going to do bed I’m going to make a little tunnel okay we’re here and I’m going to do it right here I hope you enjoyed being miserable yeah

I’m very Hospital hospitable you will never find a streamer who’s As Nice And as kind to me to that chat right right you guys right you guys yeah I’m very nice I would never do anything like threatening my viewers or anything you know that’d be cringe who would do that not

Me I just 12 years out of dip honestly I don’t know when when was the time when I played different Minecraft it was definitely so thing is I played with n and stuff but that’s why I did like basic stuff because I didn’t have to start

From SC R for survival so I wasn’t confused as much also I think they used like an older server so I don’t notice the difference that much as well I’m going to make this cute later Al is very hospitable a hospital yeah I’m very hospital I’m also very uh grocery shop you

Know how far do I have to beak there’s a lot of digging when I’m currently doing okay I think I’m reaching around the side I did it and then and then I can maybe make something here and then I can expand from office this is good this is good I’m

Vision let me go here I’m going to have to go sleepy sleep oh I could make a p potato Blossom so true I’m going to eat my strawberry now I’m I’m starving which makes sense because I sends you to the hospital which is her so it’s unlimited viewership true that’s what I should

Do it was not from all these strawberries that I ate I bought new you want but you know I was shocked sometimes in the grocery store where I go to some of the strawberries already have mold in them and I’m like shouldn’t you check that before offering for someone to buy

Them rabbit because what if someone doesn’t know you know then what you know okay we need to make this entire pathway a bit cuter cuz it looks very much like a not okay first foremost we should definitely make it that’s bunny bunny drum scare oh my god oh iron

Give me iron I juster all Iron after yesterday’s after last time’s Fiasco honestly currently uh Minecraft is a lot nicer to me than last time European food stand I don’t know I’ve never seen that in place where I am I think just the people who work in red

Shop are kind of in um very incompetent cuz they’re like fire people so rapidly as well we need to make this small whing how do I make this small whing looks scary wait I’m going to need another strawberry I have Multiple and I’m here to drop in a bit to say hi and we’ll be preparing for finals okay I have good luck for the finals and thank you for dropping in kumaki thank you very much for tuning in Tores I I would definitely say sign what yeah I was thinking do you

Guys think of would be cute if I make this out of out of wood yeah I do think wood fling would be good right CU this is kind of depressing maybe we can do the checkboard thing again hello it’s me Alice I’m here back for deforestation wait I should maybe make

An X first boom boom boom sh gamer shum back I need an A you can yeah I’m going to add wood force just for ENT to make it findable yeah I might um do some torches next to it like at the entrances and maybe in the middle cuz it gets very dark outside and I’m a Col today guys I ate a salad that’s the

Only meal I had today the strawberry with I just day I was technically supposed to um work on an assignment but I didn’t have the the time I didn’t I did have the time but I was so exhausted yesterday I couldn’t today I spent my time cleaning my room like propa really like Deeply You know I also think it’s good and for those who don’t know um the Discord I said I bought like a bookl it’s not actually a bookl it’s more like a miniature set like the same company met of the um Garden housee book noqu from and I was thinking to keep it for

My birthday stream like saave it but I think it’s I think it’s good but I started earlier cuz it’s very much like a lot more difficult but very iier you just prepare like a lot of small things in advance and then just combine them all

Together in the end so I might do the combination thing as a stream I don’t know how much progress I can do for Birthday I have not eaten today day it’s very hard for you yeah it’s Like I don’t know if I can’t painting is going to be yeah this one has paint and I was so surprised I was so confused why I saw a brush in it and also was like we have a to that are not included in there was a

Precision knife and I was like don’t worry I have my be hands that should be enough right I think I have a Precision knife there also something about tweezers I do not have I don’t maybe I have tweezers my father Papa Alice when I moved away right for studying he like

Brought me like a small building kit uh you know to fix things in my house as if I had any idea how to do that so may maybe there’s one in there and not twers what what’s it called I don’t I don’t Know yeah let me look players yes I know engineering so one thing that I’m wondering is should I do the checkboard Pann again I think that might be cute right going need to get rid of the bottom L of this do I have know okay I need to make a pickaxe real quick

Yeah it’s p PJ Pizza bread sticks last that I don’t think you have pizza here I tried Domino’s here like a long while ago and the Domino here is not good I think like long while ago my brother Alis brought some dominoes from Germany and that was way better there You that’s what I needed umom I have treasers I think well my eyebrows you know but bsh needs to be maintained and bush bush Bros okay should we do the checkboard thing let’s just see how would be like I think it would be cute just looking at from this perspective

Oh yeah wasn’t now you’re saying it I I think I lost like a collab of domino and Miku right I how soon Miku appears in like most unexpected places did you guys see that one video of like of the McDonald’s d s training game that was really interesting I just realized I’m really

Stupid this is not how it should face no no come back to me um I’m having stupid this should be okay I I need I need an axe again how do I cook stu stuff like cake and stuff by the way do I need something for them want to make cakes and

Stuff some point oh man I need a lot to make it blue archive isn’t that a gutra game Prett sure it’s a CRA game right oh gosh there’s a lot of g games with a lot of people’s phones but can’t be run on a lot of people’s phones nowaday it’s really

Weird I remember when we good old days arra games head crappy Graphics crappy gameplay that’s it they made I I kind of am tempted to maybe I don’t know if I can do it on stream it would be very weird right but I heard they made a laugh life remake

And I’m like from my app and laugh life was my first freaking g game cuz I am a fan of LA series so I kind of I kind of want to check it out L live sh uh shift two or something I remember I was so proud when

I went was able to beat a hard mode game and then after a while I was just playing on X but only it kind of has a cute aesthetic I don’t think I ever played neop Pats I have heard of neop patch so often because people talk about it I don’t

Even know it looks like wait I’m going to Google Me patch this is a game it doesn’t look like a game um I don’t even see game play here I’m so confused did you guys play this I wish yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of this

I I have no idea what was this y new petol Switch what huh I’m so confused I I’m so confused okay how do we decorate this lamp I did some n yeah my first instinct was it looks like nft to be honest stock market for kids didn’t a lot of children games had

That I played a lot of games on girl school games I don’t know if you guys know that website it was really cool until they added like a lot of weird pregnancy Beauty things uh at that time I already left side which probably is good

You get it in your pet and then you play mini games to get clothes and food and money for your pet I think what’s it called there was one where you play could make your own movies you know and you were a celebrity kind of went into that

Direction can I just do it no I don’t get weed like this right how do I get weed I’m clearly stupid I just know how a flash Bas yes I do I played girl school games it had flash games on it but it was more for girls like with

TR T up games I played a lot of treasure games and like uh uh you know Papa or like Mama Pizzeria I don’t know Papa Pizzeria was it called these kind of games I play V small oh it’s not fully grown if I was fully grown but yeah I also like played one

With was like I don’t know planed movie star or whatever I’m currently thinking um how I’m going to do with s cuz this is kind of should I also do it vers wood but like gradually you know like this in this pattern just adding wood I think might be

Cool let me just try it out on one side damn I love how is a modern game and was still clipping now maybe if I do it like this might be you I don’t know yeah I could also dig inured that’s true I like the gradual uh change well

Um and of want to replicate that we just want to be do yeah this is just going to be a bit of trial in there to see what sticks you need too many locks for it you can’t tell me what to do yeah we aren’t any Flash game

Websites anymore I played like you know pool yeah that was like a game with like a lot of my friends obsessed so I tried it out and I never get got it I was like I don’t get it you guys are confusing me you know I was my my

Experience Ro I have not tried Roblox I kind of don’t want to ever try Roblox to be honest everything that I’ve seen about Roblox makes me really not want to play it that makes sense I had to play uh install Java to like install a game too and I was like

How F do I do that old school Roblox was cool I played a little bit of Club Penguin I know my brother was really into it so when Club Penguin was going to close I was like oh no brother you have been used it’s all it’s over okay how do I decorate

This oh I think actually it being kind of more open from the inside is kind of cute and then we’re going to make a wall here the question is what kind of wall do we want would this be cute I don’t know I got a new recipe forish there hanging signs no way

Wait it’s hanging signs too oh I can make a to it’s good to know oh that’s cter definitely need one of those but I need iron for anything I need too much iron for everything so how what you how do I make a wall what kind of wall do I want to

Have question for I need to expand the pattern you I need my Minecraft picke it’s time to mine we are never going to go into the minds this is a true Minecraft experience any any game that in existence will always have fashion in its endg game and if you disagree that

Just means that you have not succumbed to the truth yet you in denial probably go de to sleep the scripting and your limitations of old Rolex also added to a charm I can see that you know what I played a lot to make games when I was

Really young I think it was a vario rare thing vario ink or something I make games in it I wish I really like doing it I don’t know if that’s relatable to any of you guys I need a new Pickaxe Sh more pickaxes I will make torches later you can’t tell me what to do you guys can see everything on stream fine right hopefully yeah I think you guys can see it fine so don’t complain if you want T this and play the game yourself and cringe

Okay I I’m just going to do this so I don’t have to P Line Rider I have no idea what that Is I want to try out so many games I’m too Greedy and it’s always very fun cuz when I talk about the games I like or I want to play again most of the time my game well when you know study everyone’s like the heck are you playing I’m like you don’t understand what to BR us you know a I was like y

I’m playing Avalon cone we’re like what the heck is an Avalon con you know it’s not my fault you’re cringe and don’t understand Culture okay now listen if um I wonder I would rather say ver than sh I due to bullying I was just stuck on my home all the time cuz I didn’t want to leave which left to me just doing whatever so I had no one to talk to me boom boom boom

I’m terrible at communication because of it as well I’m like I I can’t breath for room I I don’t understand people so like that’s why I also don’t like really I have anxiety talking to people sometimes because of it stairs for death I could maybe add some stairs here

You know to make this a bit smooth on the best short Movie stops I didn’t know we made movies flash BR so much wood in this economy let’s have two PA of stairs I think it’s should be fine and I should maybe make a gate here so

Like it’s very obvious you there a room here I should maybe wait until I decided what I’m going to do with a with a um thingy so let me build a gate first actually I need fences for that one more I can’t have any dark wood fences

Right that’d be cute but I don’t think I can what if I do this can I make fences aish no right I was curious but I guess not I want it to be like this yeah maybe like this I need more f I like uh I know what I can use pressure

Pads but I I do just like opening doors I don’t know I like I like it damn I can’t make sticks out of those it’s cringe you more I don’t have any wood left okay like of an easy uh to Pro can browse a playable replacement for FL just sucks

Yeah I don’t know just make a game in Microsoft presentation like wheel Gamers can you really call yourself a gamer if you have not played a game made in Microsoft slides M poine can I put the sign on I want to just test it while I try doing what I want to

Do can I put a sign on a fence if I can’t that’d be so cringe I can okay okay no wait it’s not going to be sent at all I just make a double thingy right give me it’s so cute okay this tree has to go but that’s

Fine cuz I need I need more wood anyway cuz it’s right in the entryway you all have to play Jeopardy and I have never played Jeopardy in class um have I even played Jey by itself J I have never played Jeopardy I don’t even I think I saw some

YouTubers playing so I roughly know how it goes I don’t know I don’t know fully are you played tail tail do game similar to V isn’t tail taale I thought tail taale uh got bankrupt something Dam I think I eliminated the stem that side I believe you’re making me do

This bro how how much stem is did I do it okay I destroy the tree boom boom boom and when I need torches soon I will just burn no I’m too scared too scared I’m going to burn my own house I want to make pink candles at

Some point I think I’m going need Bex but I don’t know how to get Bex a honey whatever you know what I mean t now I need coal time to brunch some wood I guess cah what is cahoot cah I have never played cahoot either but huh you guys play games and school

That’s cringe wait I do have Tores I’m stupid I already have torches when you find a beehive put a campfire under it to calm the bees oh okay might try that cuz there’s a lot of bees around here Tor should I place it Here or should I place it on top of them like this now it looks like we gateway to Hell I think having them on top looks a bit menacing maybe I’ll do it for like uh my caves you know so to uh really make clear a dangerous

KN and then can label this way if you go this way you will get this and once I can make a hang sign I might put it in here instead you played a lot of C I don’t play I didn’t play COD games I for some reason was collecting wings club cards

From okay I still need to think how I’m going to make this the place inside I still haven’t decided yet guys the walls inside are kind of Ming don’t We yeah for mink Club bad cards I was surprised okay I’m going to try the a beef thing simply because I want to make a candle for some reason the feminine urge to make a candle Campire I can make bread too I make bread isn’t that amazing wait I’m going to store something in case I die cuz I’m stupid yeah I don’t want to lose my bucket I truly do cherish my bucket my bucket and I we are one in the same yet

Different we have left for multiple universes greater one and only I don’t know what I’m saying I didn’t need all this bull crap H she you can you can stay sh right here I’ll F St if I lose it I kind of really don’t care we don’t need ma for canons I like

To you guys I thought we did but apparently we only need honeycomb see there so many beehives around here hello bee what’s Up boom it’s Spinning I did not do this to your home if you think that I did this to your home home you are mistaken can I now take it like should I just click or right click or left click something drop I’m stupid if something Dr hello bunny this didn’t do anything am I stupid

Oh I don’t get anything out of this should I I need the she well I took them away why why do I need she for this I’m sorry but I didn’t think any Tre rad Alish and should I read chat or should I read your messages cuz man I might ignore you

Just to just to prove a Point oh oh where is my God we did it Gamers we did it don’t be upset might have stole it it’s a free market just complain to my manager who doesn’t exist her name’s Karen you want to talk to her don’t talk to me

C right I can make a beehive what do I do if I make a beehive genuine question what happens if you make a beehive oh I should have left a fire I guess I could do it you can move be this oh well maybe at some point for now I

Want to make a candle I’m going to have to go to get my string I didn’t know you need strings fine candle and I need pink Dye then I can make pink candle how does the candle look I don’t know where to put the candle each peanut can only have so many bees there’s like five beest well I kind of just place it and if I don’t like a placement uh and destroy it

We go back into my thing I just want to know that real quick before I place it should I should I just make it dark I like I would like it Dark and not the bean thing with candle oh it’s not still not fully grown jeez you’re taking yourself some time to grow my mind you should be able to get okay want to try and see how it looks like I don’t have it’s fine I’m just I just want to know

Guys what if you make a ritual so not for any theorious reasons you guys I would never but what if we make a ritual sh I am having a vision you guys I might be visioning oh my God and we need to make a few

Campfires we need a lot of Bex for this uh agenda that I have okay can you can stay stay there sure who am I just save it you can’t let’s go let’s get him one and a one and a two and a three um two I cool one number one

And you get a campfire and you get a campfire okay we have three campfires that we can place a sec and actually I want to see how it looks like in the dark now but light adds to it doesn’t it you could use red stones to draw the

Lines yes all right I guess if you say I can do it then I shall try you can add multiple candles on one block oh good to know summoning to summon the AL in real life yeah to summon the true craft of Mine Craft of mine sounds like craft of

Mine which means power of my my power it’s all connected oh I’m sorry be I know you are trying to do something man I’m I’m sorry I took your flower I didn’t mean to I I just wanted to put a campfire are you okay I don’t think I don’t think

Be can handle the situation right now I think I killed for B are you okay b b are you okay I’m stupid I’m trying to play it even though I don’t have it equipped but be died I didn’t know how to live with this information if this

Treatment and there no we have so many be honestly and now now I can do it give me more give me more More I have G the farm these rabbits are really stupid see I’m not like those rabbits I’m smart um maybe I should make whereever the G B I should make the Shing shle here and then I’m going to make it a stand for books and guys guys I’m going to make a book

Like a summoning book in front of it I’m having a vision I’m visioning again candles I make cand I I don’t have so many strings for I need to get strings how do I get strings is it simply for killing spiders and nothing Else this is really what I’m forced to do thank God I don’t have to worry about losing pink dye oh no whatever I I to do I don’t think I I’m going to have enough die to die all candles pink guys so I can just Place multiple oh I can ooh Ooh all this starts cold in Minecraft it only took two streams one stream too uh too much if you ask me if you put the campfire in the ground a bit you can add a carpet on top so the Beast can actually catch themselves on fire I listen this is world of survival

Of the smartest which means if it’s stupid enough we’re going to have to deal with consequences if you screw around you’re going to find out if you get salmon and get cat they bring you things when you sleep oh there’s no cats can you you can’t tame a rabbit you guys

Said which I think is very much like obviously bunnies Can Be Tamed Right think it’s very cring of them tell we on it so the only way I can get string is it for fighting spidies do I have to why have I so many bees around you yeah I’m definitely going to go and make some farms around here at some

Point I think it’s good that I made a paway I can’t run I need I need my bread I need my drwing bread my certified drwing bread and I need to clean B up a bit more I uh I want a bid for first shift at thetion at work recently which should

Making it alive it should make making it a live streams easier when we moove me oh it’s good but Che no sleeping brow streams but she forgets to ping which right I should not be bothering you guys you guys should bother yourself to watch me but no genuinely congrats I

Guess um my brain died for a second right breath I can make two more canons but I need I need more Canda power so what I’m going to do I think it’s just find spidies I don’t know I don’t know where to find spidies this a problem wait this it was

Here hope far does just go I didn’t know I had a tunnel here already oh I should I should maybe bring some torches I’m going to go into the min I have I have three I should maybe make some more yes I know I would like to have torch I need more

Coal why do you want my coal Dark Places yeah we’re going to need me going to need some torches I think boom I’m going to eat more of my all feet and strawberry now it’s you guys why did 25% of you say I should rather end stream if I don’t have chat

On screen what is the meaning of this what is your meaning of this wait can I not have a pool on stream like show on stream I don’t think I can I know I think this is just I was godddamn twitch people cuz everything’s just for twitch people not for us YouTubers men

TCH make a careful decision guys I didn’t start again honestly yeah it’s it’s kind of annoying and Tre still hasn’t appear guys what if I tell you but I only recently like in last half a year it took me uh it was like around a half a

Year ago that I learned what the word oi means yes it’s me with for 3 years yeah oi I I I know what that means I have noi but the miror I’m married to the ground Love of the Game let you know what love knows noow boundaries there’s only water

Here I mean I could just see if at some point one spawns I guess the decapitated freaking trees I need I need a pickaxe I need to find a good mine where I can grind one Stu did you turn no cuz we already have uh a spiders but we don’t appear that

Often yeah a feel at least like we’ve seen some spiders already why is every Pathway to Cave so freaking scary this one looks Normal this one doesn’t look unhinged let’s try this one what’s the best that can happen am all right guys oh that’s freaking out Jesus how how does this make sense this I feel like I got a really effed up world can I just say that wish just gaps of

Death irania and I don’t know how to feel about that I’m I’m 100% not going to die not because a monster killed me but because I fell to my death because of a goddamn ho damn look at all the cool yo I can do speed to make some more torches

Yeah I need to R um I should maybe protect myself a bit more if I panic have to leave I’m I’m going to die otherwise let me let me make a PA it should have been here long ago well that’s better wait there just Loops no it’s not what I

Want just make a Stairway To Hell cuz I mean we know that there’s hell onne bu very evidently I mean we can right nothing stoping me not wor I can have yeah we should just stick straight down right right game I stump for me yeah I can’t see anything can you

Guys still see anything or is it like really dark I know this that games look a lot dark on screen sometimes on stream I still can make stuff out I assume you guys can’t see anything I’m digging just so you guys know I’m I’m digging don’t you love the straight up black screen

Gameplay I mean you guys said but you lost seeing no game play so shouldn’t I reach the hole slowly but truly you know shouldn’t D am I being stupid what happens if I just stick straight I mean use a torch you want to see the game that’s

Cringe what’s next you also want to play the game okay I feel like this doesn’t make any sense this is crossed in so many ways I need a new pickaxe There’s any spiders in my area could you maybe notify me so I can kill you I’m very much appreciate of the Donation uh of your death it be very pogers as we El is like to say wait there’s a tunnel here too my God I’m discovering so many tunnels was after a place where just this random gases the grow I need a Pickaxe is this still not grown when does the weed grow hello I want no I don’t need a uh I need a pickaxe and let me just make one more just to be safe let’s go into the other cave bab because it one’s more close

By we don’t need to see only Al knif yeah exactly you guys have said that you would prefer not to see any gameplay so I’m just fulfilling your vious I have I’m still reminded of what you guys voted for the Avalon code stream you make your thoughts loud and

Clear so you guys shouldn’t complain when I abide to your wishes let go straight on is this shap is this scary you guys can see a right look this is kind of scary is this fine is this fine right let me I don’t think this is safe it this goes down way too

Deep this is okay can I do this I don’t know I respa okay guys I might wait I should probably leave for raw iron in my chest I might die this is does not look like a safe place for Al yeah we need hot signal in my area

There should be there should be a a mod for my Minecraft V like C spiders in your area you know spider nearby oh I need food I’m starving I don’t have any food I have rotten flesh I don’t think that counts right I’m going to have to kill a

Rabbit what’s up RAB D do it’s me your worst mistake remember me remember how I killed your entire family after the incident yeah I don’t forget you know what you did you know what you did to me you know what you did to me don’t run

Away don’t run away you think you can just get away if few mistakes not f fing you actions have consequences M actions have consequences valice doesn’t forget valice remembers let righty none of you safe for me is this my revenge over that guy are there I should probably wide

Room sometimes this how life goes we Strong Survive and we we die and maybe maybe that’s beautiful yeah um I’m titling this Alice original uh please don’t or copy or I’m going to Shoe like like Mighty Ellis one said what the best Could Happen true I mean something bad happening to me no way it doesn’t happen cringe things don’t happen to me that’s Alice Alice bism yes um so if you want to know more about Alice bism uh it’s pretty easy you

Just need uh to go in and subscribe to my live lessons um cuz I’m going to work as a life coach now and it’s just a qu um guaranteed results definitely not a scam in fact um if you can get money through following the course and you can

Get even more money if you get more people to follow the course isn’t that amazing I know I know it sounds crazy but that’s genuinely how it Works jum jump too much freaking pleas okay um I’m should probably protect my sh Yum Yum Yum Yum and C wash too alist you guys are trapped in here with Alice and the knife Alice and you are trapped in here with me n i mean I can just time you out so I

Wouldn’t say trapped guys should I free you from a six I can do so I have a power okay let’s go gaming I don’t want to go to a scary game I don’t want to go to a scary K but I mean I have a knife you know I have a knife

In think I have two I love how it just completely gets covered by my big knife as it should what the rest can happen nothing can kill me I’m a still gets deeper ites how don’t mind if I take the iron though thank you all Iron can I eily get up oh no

Um right I’m going to this is fine right guys this is not terrifying in all a void guys I’m going to get your Void thing look you have a scariest thing of a cish should feel you so true in fact um unless actually test it out we going to

See me from a a perspective of uh an enemy see where that’s me in the corner I’m very frightening to monster right this POV if you monster and you seen Alice in the cave this is what you’re going to see it is all you want to see it’s very frightening isn’t

It I’m just frightened at idea outfit uh it all depends on whether or not you remember to I do have them enabled but considering everything’s not working it wouldn’t surprise me if my cold doesn’t work as well cly I might have to genuinely restart everything nothing can kill me I’m Alice

The same Alice started six kitchen fires shut up we don’t talk about the Sims incident there was only one sim stream there always only been one sim stream and if you say otherwise you a liar why does this is scary it goes deeper I can’t look look this doesn’t make any sense you

Guys um um is this okay oh no no come at me bro come at me you think you can kill me you fool nope no ouchies no ouchies let’s go why do I not see any this is terrifying I want lie to you guys I don’t know I might die

Here where is a creeper I know it was creeper you this is a cool looking C I will give him that right you need light again just because of you guys I’m going to lose all my torches what is this oh nothing I guess you got to be it gets even

Deeper wait is there a world core I think we’re going to reach think we’re going to reach a world Co at this point I don’t know guys is that even a safe space to go down I don’t think there is it looked like there was but it

Isn’t wait no I can if I cross the river what the r i can happen there’s a creeper I should not forget the creeper I should get rid of a creeper first and foremost sh anyone likes you creeper why are I so many has an army of creepers right

Now no it sucks I’m going to die oh um I might have done an oopsie I didn’t see for oh wait let me just make a PA are we taking BS uh we can’t do it we can bet is Alice coming out you know you know you should be believe us right

You should believe right I have already forgotten the way back so I’m putting I just know I have to follow the light I’m going to activate Mo El andless I’m going to Lear that I should just follow the light this is not scary at all I’m not terrified at all

O I still haven’t seen a spider like I need the spiders I’m only here for the spider I don’t need War I just want strings for my summoning Circle this is getting scary I’m just following this really TI dark pop guys I don’t know about this one stre Sor Don’t Mind If I

Do last time I struggled so much to find you and now you’re just getting into my hand huh oh this is just seems like it’s just a one way street you can go back no one else loaded Chad you people should believe in yourself oh diverging pop this a smart idea probably

Not but we we like to innovate we don’t like to play it safe what is making with noises I don’t like creepy noises please no creepy noises oh oh no um on me Mr skeleton huh idiot what’s he going to do now nothing which what a f I still have one single

Spider I don’t think this is fine I I just want the spider uh let just away it’s scared back on of me it’s not fine I jump so much you guys can see it but I was I jumed I jumed I I jumed physically let go out of me I need I

Need a c I scared back out of me that’s not cool oh oh oh oh um um um wild no no no it’s too many what was it song I don’t like no I just want to kill spider strings no no no no no no no

No no no I didn’t prepare I didn’t prepare myself well no no I one more you suck no one likes you oh no no I didn’t mean to fall I didn’t mean to fall um I’m a live FL fine is all going to K I still one where I one where why are

I so many creepers there just one Spidey why do spider not spawn this is not Okay I want leave off my Spidey you want to fight I can take you on bro I can take you on you think I can’t take you on and you’re a fool see you can’t even swim you idiot no wait you can’t swim you can’t swim there so many monsters why are

There so many monsters how is this fair I don’t think this can be considered fair to be honest I think this is insanely unfair I think this is not strategically planned um oh were two people who said no who are you well the two people who said I wouldn’t come

Back ah so that was an interesting stream you guys I hope you had fun hope you enjoyed the game I spawn and there was a creeper my My oh oh now there a spider in my own tunnel you got to be kidding me oh you got to be kidding you no no I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I don’t care anymore no SC you and your freaking spider stuff I don’t care anymore I don’t care

Anymore oh it’s me an impression us I have for some stuff this is me this is my home and yeah life sometimes doesn’t go away you want life sometimes is cruel but you know there one thing I think we can take away from this we’re all going to die anyway

If it’s all for you make should you rest sleep don’t stress yourself I’ll eat don’t die but remember you’re going to die anyway so that’s really matter if it’s late for you go sleep don’t die and don’t forget you’re going to die anyway so does it really

Matter I’ll CH a f I’m going to stay a home move a bum by to offl screen I go

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Minecraft loves me now (delusional)’, was uploaded by Storyteller ALICE Ch. on 2024-02-18 17:10:38. It has garnered 35 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:37 or 7597 seconds.


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—‖ MUSIC CREDIT ‖— Regular OST: Daystar – SOSO / https://youtu.be/any_Ha0SdX8 OST for Starting Soon, Intermission: Storybook (Prod. by Lukrembo) / https://youtu.be/t7CE-lIUE8U Ending Screen OST: Daystar – Little bunny / https://youtu.be/qn5-caUy2xc

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    Insane TNT Minecart PrankVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT Minecart Trap’, was uploaded by yomikester238 on 2024-01-14 00:29:04. It has garnered 2194 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. This is how to build those TNT Minecart traps you’ve absolutely seen before in any Minecraft form of content! Enjoy some knowledge!!! ________________________________ Social Platforms 👕 OFFICIAL MIKESTER MERCH — https://yomikester238-shop.fourthwall.com/ 🔵 Join the Discord!! — https://discord.gg/WWMtBtvwzH ✝️ Daily Scripture — https://www.verseoftheday.com/ 💬 Here’s my Twitch — https://www.twitch.tv/yomikester238 🐤 Twitter — https://twitter.com/yomikester238 💰 Any Donations 😀 — https://streamlabs.com/yomikester238/tip 🌎 Planet Minecraft — https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/yomikester238/ 📷 My Instagram –… Read More

  • Mozzay’s EPIC secret project reveal!! | Minecraft Hardcore #6

    Mozzay's EPIC secret project reveal!! | Minecraft Hardcore #6Video Information This video, titled ‘semangat proyek kita masih banyak | Minecraft Hardcore part #6’, was uploaded by Mozzay on 2024-05-01 10:12:07. It has garnered 3154 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:40 or 10840 seconds. Chill livestreaming, don’t forget to give it a thumbs up Enjoy Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXtT… Donate https://sociabuzz.com/yazzom69/tribe Spek PC Ryzen 5 5600X Asus ROG B550-A Sapphire Nitro+ RX 6700XT 12GB PNY XLR8 16GB x 2 RX7 SSD M2 NVME 1TB Midasforce SSD SATA 240GB Corsair RM650 80+ Gold Dont forget Like & Comment 🙂 Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Bedwars with Akatsuki Texture Pack & Pika Bedwars

    Unbelievable Minecraft Bedwars with Akatsuki Texture Pack & Pika BedwarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars | Akatsuki Texture Pack | Pika Bedwars’, was uploaded by ZyLosTz on 2024-01-09 10:18:55. It has garnered 87 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:16 or 436 seconds. Texture Pack:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SCNYbl_F4A #minecraftbedwars #minecraftbedwarsasmr #minecraftbedwarstexturepack #minecraftbedwarsgameplay #minecraftbedwarsserver #minecraftbedwarsmontage #minecraftbedwarstips #minecraftbedwarsitsfunneh #minecraftbedwarslive #minecraftbedwarstechnoblade #minecraftbedwarsvsrobloxbedwars #minecraftbedwarstipsandtricks #minecraftbedwarsprestonplayz #minecraftbedwarsbutyouonlygetoneblock #minecraftbedwarstexturepacks1.8.9 #minecraftbedwarsand #minecraftbedwarsandromedabridging #minecraftbedwarsandroid #minecraftbedwarsandrobloxbedwars #minecraftbedwarsandskywars #minecraftbedwarsandrewtate Ignore Tags minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,bedwars,minecraft,minecraft bed wars,hypixel bedwars,minecraft bedwars gameplay,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars,fiizy minecraft,fiizy bedwars,fiizy minecraft texture pack,fiizy bedwars texture pack,roblox bedwars ranked,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,blockman go bedwars,prestonplayz minecraft bedwars,bedwars tips and tricks minecraft,minecraft clutch moments bedwars Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Meme Discovery! 😱 #shorts #trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Meme Discovery! 😱 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘I just found a meme in Minecraft 😊 #shorts #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-03-06 23:30:20. It has garnered 11574 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. I just found a meme in Minecraft 😊 #shorts #trending #minecraft I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up and subscribing to my channel. Your support means a lot to me! (Thank you so much!) Shader: Complementary Shaders – Unbound KEYWORDS: 🔥 The Nicopro does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pranks & Rage – ANGRYGINGE Series!

    Insane Minecraft Pranks & Rage - ANGRYGINGE Series!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANGRYGINGE MINECRAFT SERIES (Part 1)’, was uploaded by Funny Clips on 2024-02-27 10:00:19. It has garnered 10191 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 08:24:33 or 30273 seconds. ANGRYGINGE MINECRAFT SERIES (PART 1) Fortnite Creator Code: Kingyytv Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@youtubefunnyshorts24 Read More

  • Ai Akashi’s Insane New Year’s Minecraft Adventure!

    Ai Akashi's Insane New Year's Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】あけおめ❕新春特別マイクラマップでお正月遊びしちゃお❣【#GAMABOOKS ✖ #えにでぃあ】’, was uploaded by コマンドAI 赤石愛のほうそうきょく on 2024-01-14 15:33:32. It has garnered 241 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. I love Akaishi! I’m Ai Akaishi! Today, I’m going to play a special new-years custom map with people of GAMABOOKS and AnyIdea✨ It looks like a MOD, but I made it with commands❣ I am Ai Akaishi, a command-driven AI from Minecraft. Today, I play a special new-years custom map with people of GAMABOOKS and AnyIdea✨ ✨Everyone at GAMABOOKS, Meguru Moroboshi https://www.youtube.com/@meguru.gamabooks https://twitter.com/boshi_megu Chika Bankintan https://www.youtube.com/@chicako_books… Read More

  • Insane Elder Lives 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Elder Lives 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by RadicalElder on 2024-05-31 09:00:48. It has garnered 17217 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:43 or 8923 seconds. 🎬 ABOUT THE VIDEO Catch up on my 2000 day hardcore world with this collection of ALL episodes 11-18 with special commentary, new information and one easy way to watch it all while you’re playing Minecraft, studying or relaxing before bed. Seed: 700077540 Remember to subscribe so you catch new episodes and claim your 100k Dragon Egg. This world includes over… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request YT

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - PPL Request YTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,637’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 13:09:01. It has garnered 514 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,637 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • SentiBlock

    SentiBlockWelcome to SentiBlock, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! If you’re tired of the same old servers (and who isn’t?), then SentiBlock is the place for you. With its unique blend of creativity, community, and excitement, this Minecraft server will keep you coming back for more! Why should you join SentiBlock? Well, let me tell you. First and foremost, our community is like no other. We have a tight-knit group of players who are always willing to lend a hand, share their creations, and engage in friendly banter. You’ll never feel alone on SentiBlock, as there’s always someone online to chat… Read More

  • Astros Reach SMP 18+ Long-term Community-focused Events Whitelist 1.20.4

    ✨ Hello, everyone! Astros Reach is looking for new community members 🙂 Astros Reach has been in business for almost 1 YEAR! (We will be celebrating our 1st Birthday this month). We never stop looking for new members that want to join a tight-knit community and share their love of the game with us. If you’re looking for a world that will persist through the updates, a server that continues to write its own history every day, or just a chill place to play Minecraft, you’ve found the right place! ✅ What Astros has to offer: Long-term vanilla world that… Read More

  • Alterationmp (1.18-1.20.4)

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.alteringsmp.pro:58975 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Memes #32

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Memes #32Why did the creeper visit the therapist? To work on his exploding anger issues! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy!

    Minecraft's Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy! In the world of Minecraft, mobs roam free, But one stands out, as solid as can be. The Iron Golem, strong and true, Protecting villages, with a heart so blue. With arms of iron, and a head of stone, He’ll defend his people, never alone. Against the dangers that lurk at night, The Iron Golem stands, ready to fight. So next time you see him, give a cheer, For the most solid mob, with nothing to fear. In the world of Minecraft, he’s a true delight, The Iron Golem, shining bright. Read More

  • 🔥🐖 HOT PIG clutch 😱 #minecraft

    🔥🐖 HOT PIG clutch 😱 #minecraft Why did the pig bring a clutch to Minecraft? To make sure it had all its essentials for a night out in the mines! 🐖💼 #minecraft #pigclutch #nightout Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Zero to Hero! Ep1 One World!

    Ultimate Minecraft Zero to Hero! Ep1 One World! The Ultimate Guide to Starting from Scratch in Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the series “Apenas Um Mundo” where the player starts a survival world using one of the best methods available – utilizing villagers to create future farms within the game. Utilizing Villagers for Success One of the key strategies highlighted in this gameplay is the use of villagers to establish farms. Villagers can be a valuable asset in Minecraft, offering resources and trade opportunities that can significantly boost your progress in the game. By creating a sustainable village with various… Read More

  • Foeslayer in The Hive: INTENSE SURPRISES AHEAD

    Foeslayer in The Hive: INTENSE SURPRISES AHEADVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live but ITS GOING TO BE SUPER FUN!!! COME WATCH’, was uploaded by Foeslayer on 2024-06-07 17:45:51. It has garnered 100 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:52 or 4432 seconds. The Hive is a Minecraft server that people love. Normally I play Cubecraft but HEY time to try something NEW. We’ll probably play like Bedwars or Skywars or Deathrun or Block Drop or Hide and Seek or Build Battle or Turf Wars or Survival Games or Murder Mystery orrr uhhhhhhhh. I can’t remember any other. OOOH The Bridge!… Read More

  • Fata Poster Gaming: Cave #1 Loki Craft

    Fata Poster Gaming: Cave #1 Loki CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘remember your first time in cave#in a Loki craft and Minecraft and very scary 😍🥰😁😄🥰🤩 trending short’, was uploaded by the fata poster gaming channel 2.0 on 2024-03-24 14:05:02. It has garnered 542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • DRONIO – 😱The Round Minecraft World 🗿 #shorts

    DRONIO - 😱The Round Minecraft World 🗿 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Мир Круглый 🗿 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 06:00:31. It has garnered 5239 views and 756 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN HIGH QUALITY… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in HAWAII Hardcore Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in HAWAII Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in HAWAII in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by SmittieKing on 2024-06-07 14:00:02. It has garnered 31542 views and 1338 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:54 or 4314 seconds. I spent 100 Days in Hawai’i in Hardcore Minecraft and here’s what happened… #minecraft #100days #hardcoreminecraft ➡️ Watch my other Minecraft Hardcore videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFCEhoaiP6vtectjASvAKZvJ3XYHrFiM&si=tKHfd7KPIoy5lDYK ✅ Map Download: https://www.patreon.com/collection/584726 🟪 Modpack Download: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/smittieking-hawaii Video Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft 100 days in Minecraft modded ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Channels Mentioned:… Read More

  • Win Every Game By Disconnecting Players in Minecraft!

    Win Every Game By Disconnecting Players in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Only I Can Win If The Player Disconnect’, was uploaded by ClenchedVoice65 on 2024-03-23 14:15:22. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:11 or 311 seconds. new video lol subscribe pls like comment favourite game. Random Tags …………………. minecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft update,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft 1.19,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge mod,minecraft funny,minecraft build challengeminecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro… Read More

  • INSANE FAKE Minecraft Games?! Watch DokuSeus14 Test!!

    INSANE FAKE Minecraft Games?! Watch DokuSeus14 Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Awful FAKE Minecraft Games!!’, was uploaded by DokuSeus14 on 2024-02-28 23:54:24. It has garnered 1897 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:34 or 574 seconds. In This Video I Play & Test FAKE Minecraft Games!! Apply For My Modded (Boss Quest) Minecraft Series: https://forms.office.com/r/C4LYzcbUw3 🎮: GAME: – (Minecraft Classic) – https://gameforge.com/en-US/littlegames/minecraft-classic/ – (Voxiom-io) – https://www.crazygames.com/game/voxiom-io – (Mine Clone 4) – https://www.games.co.uk/game/mine-clone-4 – (Pixel World) – https://dinosaur-game.io/pixel-world – (Bloxdhop-io) – https://www.crazygames.com/game/bloxdhop-io 🔔: MAKE SURE YOU LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON 🚩: SUBMIT A VIDEO IDEA: • https://forms.gle/KZYu1BNPsNQPjfha8 👕: CHECK OUT… Read More

  • Unlock the ULTIMATE SWEET T π Secret!

    Unlock the ULTIMATE SWEET T π Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Final Yearning’, was uploaded by SWEET T π on 2024-01-08 18:48:25. It has garnered 30 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:55 or 475 seconds. Just some footage from a private Minecraft server that I share with some friends, we may not mine for a while, but we’ll always yearn for it. ❤ Socials ❤ ❤Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sw33ttpi ❤Twitter: https://twitter.com/SW33TTPI ❤Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/sweettpi.bsky.social ❤Carrd: https://sweettpi.carrd.co/ ❤VOD Channel: @sweettpisvodchannel #vtuber #twitch #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable new Minecraft project on Nevergame.net!

    Unbelievable new Minecraft project on Nevergame.net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Nevergame.net | Projekt Schiff’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-18 01:08:08. It has garnered 112 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:22 or 3922 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ https://dsc.gg/x-cross ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ https://discord.gg/dreamwyld ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be happy… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT DISCOVERY: RED ENDERMAN REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUELLA VOLTA CHE TROVAI UN ENDERMAN ROSSO NEL MIO MONDO DI MINECRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Zeraura_14 on 2024-04-11 10:45:32. It has garnered 189 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. Also in those days of February 2018 I made a video in which, in the same world as other sightings, I spotted a strange little man with the eyes of an enderman, something I had never seen, and I called him the Red Enderman, or the Red Strange Enderman. He was walking around, and he seemed similar in… Read More

  • ElohimCraft

    ElohimCraftSomos un servidor encargado de brindar a nuestros usuarios diversión, entretenimiento y sobre todo, calidad de jugabilidad! ElohimCraft fue fundado en el año 2017 y estuvo muchos años inactivo, sin embargo estamos ahora presente y con mucho potencial para brindarles muchas horas de diversión y estabilidad! play.elohimcraft.com Read More

  • HexArchon SMP: Custom Worlds, Items, Mobs, Skills, Abilities, Enchants, Boss Fights, Dungeons, Quests, Land Claiming, Furnitures, Heads, Events, Dynmap, Wiki

    HexArchon ☄️HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and other areas to explore. 🔗Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki 📖Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique with quality gameplay. Community feedback is valued, and player enjoyment is the top priority. Community voice & transparency We value community feedback and transparency in decision making. Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Players can choose their playstyles and progress with various abilities and stats. Trust & respect We aim to be transparent, honest, and trustworthy. Dedicated updates Constantly adding… Read More