INSANE! 1000 Days as GOLDEN GORILLA in Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I spawned into the amaran fields as a golden gorilla now it looks like I’m a gillionaire well a baby gillionaire anyway but I bet with my hard work I can get bigger stronger and even shinier my golden gorilla voice was a little too loud though because it

Attracted the attention of someone who wasn’t so nice a strange green man and a crown emerged we is me the great and glorious Goblin King all will bow to my excellence oh uh hi Goblin King uh your highness I’m Zozo the golden gorilla no no no no

No no this simply won’t do you’re too shiny nobody should be shinier than my crown I can’t help how shiny I am your highness and I promis that I didn’t mean to offend you I don’t care what you mean I’m the Goblin King and what I want I

Get and you’re going to be a lot less shiny once my Folly sick boys have beaten you senseless and buried you beneath the Earth suddenly some ogres emerged and started stomping towards me all I could do was run from my life and get out of there but I could still hear

The Goblin King’s shrill voice behind me you can run but you can’t hide we’ll never give up Zozo never I kept running until I couldn’t hear him anymore guess I’m going to need to topple the Goblin King if I want to get any peace around here on day two I started exploring more

Of the amaranth Fields it’s pretty nice out here but I guess looks can be deceiving if the Goblin King his ogres are running around here and I’ve only got 10 Hearts I’d better find something to eat and fast luckily I stumbled on an apple tree I used all of my baby gorilla

Strength to shake the apples down from the tree and gobbl them up that really hit the spot I love apples good choice for your last meal then get it because you’re dead meat shiny boy I turned around and saw The Goblin King’s ogres charging toward me uh-oh I don’t think

I’m ready for a fight but but I guess I don’t have a choice they attacked me and I tried my best to fight back but they were way too tough for me and there were so many of them it’s only my second day it can’t already be over for me no hang

On little gorilla I’ve got this a gobber jumped into The Fray fighting off the ogres long enough for me to get away from them follow me let’s get you out of here before more of these Joker show up by the way my name’s Greg i’m Zozo on

Day three I followed the friendly gobber to his campfire thank you for saving me don’t sweat it kid any enemy of the Goblin King is a friend of mine he hates me just because I’m shiny and golden don’t take it personally that attention hog can’t stand it if anyone else is

Special that’s why so many of us are trying to overthrow him everyone deserves to shine not just that so-called King here I got someone you should meet the gobber introduced me to a goblo sitting near the fire I told the goblo that that I was The Goblin King’s

Latest Target tough luck Zozo sorry to hear that but you’re in the right place if you want to end the Goblin King’s regime we’ve been working on it for quite some time and I get the feeling you’ll be a great help you’ll need to get a lot stronger first though thank

You can do that yes I do that’s what I like to hear first things first you’re going to need a base get to work building one I’ll send Greg along to help you out thank you so much don’t ever let them dull Your Shine Zozo from

Day four to day five I got to work building a base before I can build anything I’ll need some wood and some tools I gathered enough wood to craft a wooden pickaxe then use that pickaxe to gather some Stone now I can use this to make a full set of tools I’d better

Hurry up so I can build my base before it gets dark I crafted a set of stone tools and then it was finally time to build my base a room for me and a room for Greg there looks pretty good it’s small but I’ll have time to build more

Later Greg come check out our new home sweet digs kid I like it great place to hang my hat for a little while but you’re not wearing a hat well if I get a hat I’ll have a place to hang it hey kid look out behind you I turned around and

Was jumped by a garch this time though I had a sword to defend myself I flopped back and managed to defeat the nasty creature hey I did it oh I feel kind of funny suddenly I grew bigger and I felt my heart’s increase to 30 awesome I

Yelled with excitement and a blast of fire came out of my mouth careful with that fire breath buddy don’t burn the house down sorry from day six to day eight I took my new set of tools improved strength and super cool fire breath and went out exploring I traveled

To the Jungle where I spatted a poor innocent little KO being attacked by a Shater hey cut that out the Shater didn’t listen so I had to make him listen with a blast of fire breath he got pretty angry about being burned but I had my sword ready to go and we

Battled it out the shadower was tough but I was tougher and I managed to win the fight you’re safe now little KO thank you I’ve never met a hero like you before but I’m afraid I’m still not safe I was trying to run away from a bigger batter monster when that shadow near

Attacked me see my house was invad Ed by a Reaver he kicked me out and said if I tried to come back he’d kill me could you help me get my home back that’s terrible of course I’ll help from day N9 to day 10 I followed the little KO to

His house and sure enough there was a huge scary looking Reaver standing guard outside hey I told you to clear out of here maybe you didn’t learn your lesson last time do I need to tell you again with more pain the only one who’s going

To get hurt around here is you you what you’re here to fight me H you’re tiny like a little gold statue of a gorilla you don’t scare me well maybe this will I opened my mouth and shot a blast of fire breath at the Reaver but he didn’t

Even Flinch a thanks I was getting kind of chilly now it’s my turn uh-oh he launched himself at Me Knocking me back he was way too strong I don’t think I’m ready for this fight I’m so sorry little KO we’ve got to run but I promise I’ll

Come back and finish the job once I’m strong enough I ran away as fast as I could the little KO right by my side until we get your house back you can come stay at my base with me from day 11 to day 12 I escorted the little KO back

To my base I’ll need to build another room so he has somewhere to sleep I got to work and before long I had added on a room for my new guest here you go I hope you’re comfortable here thank you so much I wanted to give you something in

Return for letting me stay here but I didn’t have anything with me so I hope you don’t mind but I added something to your base come take a look he showed me a brand new storage Hut I figured you could keep things in here uh weapons I

Guess or whatever you want it’s great thank you now you get some rest I’ve got more work to do wait before I do are you the golden gorilla that the Goblin King is trying to get rid of I sure am oh I’m so sick of that Goblin King he wasn’t

Always in charge you know he came here a little while ago with an army of ogres and scared everyone into listening to him no one even knows where he came from or if he’s a real king at all no wonder he’s so worried about being outshined

Thanks for the info little KO my name is ly just by the way I’m Zozo nice to meet you ly went off to take a nap and I headed into a nearby Cavern to do some mining I gathered some iron ore perfect for upgrading my gear I used a furnace

To smelt the ore into iron ingots and crafted an iron pickaxe and an iron sword I still feel like the base is missing something as I was brainstorming I spotted a herd of sheep grazing nearby hey sheep why don’t you come live with me I built them a sheep farm to live in

And HED them inside not too bad if I do say so myself from day 13 to day 15 I was trying to come up with ideas on how to grow stronger I decided to talk to Greg and get some advice hey Greg I’m running out of time to get strong enough

To defeat the Goblin King what can I do well kid when I want to get stronger I get out of my comfort zone try going somewhere new maybe fighting some new enemies you’ll never grow just staying in the same place all the time great idea I’ll go back to the Jungle that was

A pretty intense place I traveled back to the jungle and started exploring the unfamiliar terrain while I was walking I spotted some familiar faces the ogres they were too strong for me before but I think I’m ready to try again hey remember me Hey look it’s the golden

Gorilla let’s get him boys I opened my mouth and shot fire breath at them engulfing them in Flames ouch where’ you learn to do that I didn’t answer their question I just drew my iron sword and attacked again this time they were the ones who weren’t prepared and one by one

I defeated them all I did it I did it hey what’s this there was a health potion on the ground they must have dropped this well Finders Keepers I drank the health potion and right away my hearts increased to 60 woohoo I was doing a victory dance when

I accidentally shot a fireball hey that’s new I’m on fire here from day 16 to day 19 I followed Greg’s advice and kept exploring my journey took me all the way to the desert it sure is hot out here I wish I had a nice Shady Tree to

Sit under oh and some coconuts but instead of coconuts I found a book the book of information information about what I guess I’ll see it says the Goblin King was once a lonely little Goblin underling the lowest of the low one day he had enough of being bossed around he

Snuck up on the leader of his kingdom destroyed him with a sneak attack and stole his crown now he lives in fear of being seen as the fraud that he is and having someone take his place wow I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t trying to

Kill me get that gorilla I was suddenly ambushed by more of the Goblin King’s ogres but with my new fire Fireball attack they didn’t stand a chance I burnt them all to a crisp and vanquished them hey I’m getting pretty good at this whole fighting thing from day 20 to day

22 I traveled back home to my base time to go back into the mines and see if I can upgrade my gear some more I entered the mine and quickly found some iron ore after I smelted into ingots I was able to craft an iron chest plate with my new

Attack my new strength and this armor I think I can finally fight that Reaver so I traveled back to lyall’s house where that nasty Reaver was still stomping around like he owned the place back for more can’t get enough of the taste of the feat you can’t just take people’s

Houses I’m going to show you what happens when you do I hit him with a fireball and this time it worked it knocked him back while he was recovering I got my sword and rushed at the Reaver swinging my blade as hard as I could he

Attacked me but I came back at him even harder a couple of hits later he was down we he well look at that you’re getting stronger I see it was the Goblin King he was watching me from behind a nearby tree I’ll have to send stronger

Minions to get rid of you it seems no matter I will I always get what I want you know only because you sneak up on people you’ll never win in a fair fight well we’ll have to S out that won’t we I have grand plans for your demise Zoo such Grand

Plans and with that he disappeared from day 23 to Day 26 I ran back to my base as fast as I could my encounter with the Goblin King had shaken me up a little bit but I was still excited to give Lyle the good news about his house

Lyall Lyle guess what the Reaver is finally gone really that’s amazing but oh no what is it it’s just I’ve been having so much fun staying here with you guys do you think I could keep living here instead sure stay as long as you f with that settled I ventured back into

The mines to look for some more iron ore after I found enough I smelted it into ingots and crafted a new Iron helmet and a pair of shiny iron boots while I was trying on my new armor Lyle came to see me hey Zozo as a thanks for everything I

Built a perimeter wall around the base to help keep us safe so nothing like the Reaver attack ever happens here I went outside and checked it out that’s amazing I feel safer already from day 27 to day 31 I headed back back out to the desert to continue exploring in the

Harsh climate I was kicking around the sand getting lost in my thoughts when I saw something a silver Lobo sat under a palm tree hey you’re the gold guy who beat up all those ogres I sure am well that was super neat of you if you’re

Still in a heroic mood I could use some help any chance you have a place I could stay for a while the Goblin King doesn’t like how uh how silver I am and I’m scared he’ll send more ogres after me he’s doing the same thing to me for

Being gold that’d be happy to help follow me back to my base you can stay there the silver Lobo and I headed back to my base and when we got there I’d take a second to Shear my sheep and gather some wool hey this gives me an

Idea I decided to hang some decorative banners on my base just to spice up the place these really class up the place sweet baners kid but sorry to interrupt goblo needs our help who goblo the goblo you met him when I saved you now it’s your turn to help me save him quick

Let’s go from day 32 to day 8:35 Greg and I traveled back to the goblo campfire to see what was going on when we got there a whole horde of ogres was making a mess of the place goblo was way outnumbered goblo we’re here to help oh

How sweet baby gorilla thinks he could save his friend well you’re too late loser I shot a fireball at them destroying them in one hit but when Greg and I rushed over to check on goblo he was already halfway gone thank you for coming boys but I’m afraid they were too

Much for me I I don’t have a lot of time left zo zo you can finish what I couldn’t defeat the rest of the ogus I will and just like that goblo was gone from Day 36 to day 39 I didn’t want to go home after losing goblo I needed to

Get my mind off of things so instead I traveled to the Jungle to look for some bad guys to fight or someone to help I just need something useful to do are you talking to me there was a Rouge tomato suddenly staring at me no I was talking

To myself ah well could you be talking to me if you’re trying to be useful I need some help sure what’s going on well I need help taking on a rattlesnake near here he’s really messing up the neighborhood kicking everybody out I need some muscle to get him to lay off

You got it it didn’t take me long to find the rattlesnake he was hissing and pacing back and forth looking for trouble well he found it and trouble was me I took him out with a few quick fireballs and a finishing move with my sword your rattlesnake problem is all

Taken care of thanks you’re a swell guy not like that freaking the crown who came through here earlier the Goblin King yeah that’s him said he’s trying to recruit new goons to help him get rid of some Golden Monkey or something sounds like a bad scene and seems like the kind

Of guy who doesn’t ever fight his own fights but still wants to act like a tough guy if you’re not a fighter just admit it to yourself that’s what I did and it worked out yep thanks for the info yeah forget about it from day 40 to

Day 43 I left the friendly but kind of weird Rouge tomato behind and walked back to my base when I got there Greg was waiting for me and he looked excited about something I kid I thought we could both use some cheering up so I added

Some couches to the base for hanging out and I was thinking maybe we could invite some more friends to stay here with us absolutely the more the merrier great my other guy friend should be here soon a little while later Greg’s friend arrived and settled in nice to meet you after a

While the silver Lobo I helped out before came to find me you’ve already done so much for me but could I ask for one more favor I left my favorite book behind and I can’t go back and get it without being attacked by some really scary monsters could you go look for it

For me I’ll do my best to get your book back we can put it on one of those shelves when I do from day 44 to day 49 I drudged out to the desert to look look for the silver Lobos book I don’t see

Any books I just see a ton of sand I don’t like sand at all it’s so coarse and rough and it gets everywhere as I was digging through the sand looking for the book The Goblin King ran up from behind me tremble in fear it’s me I’m not

Scared of you oh but you should be you think I’ll only stop with your demise no no no no no no silly Zozo I’m going to get rid of everything shiny in this land every living thing that silver gold diamond That Glitters and shimmers brightly my crown will be the only shiny

Thing left and then no one will doubt my authority as king or you could try being a kind and just ruler are you kidding me that sounds terrible sorry Zozo but I have to run bear with me what sorry I miss smoke I have a bear with me enjoy

Fighting my bear bye the Goblin King ran off and a massive hulking grizzly bear ran in from day 50 to day 53 I faced off against The Goblin King’s Mighty grizzly bear the grizzly bear charged at me I fought back with a fireball and jumped out of the way before he could scratch

Me with his claws but the bear was tough and he came at me again this is my hardest fight yet it was difficult and the bear was much bigger and stronger than me but I was better at dodging and I had firep powers that most Bears don’t

Have and all of that helped me win in the end pH that was a close one I’m glad I made it ooh sparkly the grizzly bear dropped a diamond on the ground during the fight I should take it with me I bet I’ll need it later from day 54 to day 57

I continued my search for this Silver lobo’s Book she said there were scary monsters involved but I haven’t seen anything but sand and that bear but that wasn’t normal for this place I’m pretty sure finally I happened upon a spectre I don’t think it’s that scary but I bet

That’s what she’s talking about hey did you take someone’s book the Spectre didn’t answer me it just started attacking well I guess that’s your answer Fireball I blasted the Spector with a fireball and I totally vaporized it sure enough it dropped the book what’s this book about anyway seems like

A lot of trouble for one little book oh it says my diary on it no wonder she wanted it back I ran back to my base and delivered the book to the silver Lobo thank you thank you thank you you’re the nicest golden gorilla I’ve ever met not

That I’ve met any others there used to be more of you I’ve heard and other gold creatures but the Goblin King has been getting rid of them ever since he took the throne it’s just terrible well I can’t let him get away with it anymore

From day 58 to day 62 I expanded my sheet pen to make room for even more sheep there now you guys can spread out a bit more and have some room to roam they didn’t say anything back but I think they were happy about it next I

Returned to the mines the diamond the bear dropped got me thinking I want to craft some some Diamond gear I gathered some diamonds and used them along with the diamond the bear dropped to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword now I’m even shinier than ever take that

Goblin King when I climbed back out of the mines and went back to my base Greg was waiting for me welome back kid since we’ve got more folks staying with us now I took the liberty of letting them invite even more friends over hopefully you don’t mind of course I don’t mind

You know what I say the more the merrier from day 63 to day 66 I tried to decide where to go next I need to keep getting stronger so I can stop the Goblin King from carrying out his evil plans what should I do next zoo I just got a letter

From my friend in the Lush Tundra she said that there is some kind of dangerous creature out there making trouble and it might be working for the Goblin King if you play your cards right you could get fighting experience and some information all at the same time

Wow that’s like getting two things with only one thing awesome I traveled to the Lush Tundra and a huge warped toad left into my path uh-oh this must be the creature making trouble I got my sword ready and was taking a deep breath to unleash some fire on the toad when she

Spoke wait no I’m Alex loy’s friend I’m the one who asked for your help you’re Zozo right oh sorry my mistake so if you’re not the one I’m here to fight who is from day 67 to Day 70 Alex the Warped toad led me to the danger she had told

Me about a warped Moscow hovering menacingly above the ground there it is think you can help I sure do time to squash that bug be careful that’s one mean Moscow I listened to Alex’s warning and I approached the Warped Moscow slowly but as soon as it saw me it

Started buzzing aggressively and swooped at me I had to dodge and counter with a fireball the Warped mosow couldn’t get away in time and the fireball hit it Knocking it down I took my chance to finish it off right then and there I did it your Moscow troubles are over Alex

Thank you so much ly wasn’t kidding you really are a hero I’m just trying my best I only hope I’m going to be enough of a hero to take on the Goblin King from day 71 to day 74 I decided to explore the Lush Tundra a bit more I

Already came all the way out here I might as well get a good look as I was exploring I spotted a sign that spelled out z o z I didn’t know what that means but it’s almost my name that reminds me if you want to see more Zozo videos you

Can find them by searching zo zo I arrived in a new part of the Lush Tundra and saw a chest there oh I wonder what’s inside when I opened it there was nothing in there oh that’s disappointing sorry to see you so sad Zozo just kidding I love to see you sad

You’ll never beat me I was so angry I shot a fireball at the Goblin King but he dodged it and attacked me he was still way too strong for me to fight him and win just you wait I’ll get stronger and then you’ll know how it feels to

Lose I didn’t want to but I had to get out of there from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base when I finally got there I was so mad that I locked myself in my room can’t believe I

Had to run away like that I’m such a loser I heard someone outside of my room and when I went to check the silver Lobo was standing there sorry to interrupt but I wanted to show you something I’ve been heading on to the base want to come

Look okay I followed her and she led me to a new Watchtower you built this for me I wanted to cheer you up it’ll help keep us all a lot safer in case the Goblin King tries anything sneaky that’s so great thank you I feel better already

I’ve also got something that might help too Greg came over and handed me a novelty hat it’s silly but I told you a home is a good place to hang your hat so I got you a hat when I put the Hat on I felt a lot better and stronger too

Before I knew it my hearts increased to 100 I jumped for joy and I jumped way higher than usual wa a jump boost thank you so much from day 79 to day 84 I ventured back out into the Lush Tundra to look for the Goblin King now that I’m

Stronger I want to try and fight him again I looked all over but didn’t see him anywhere I did see some black death though close enough for now still an evil force I can test out my new Strength on I fought the black death and beat it easily when I did I was

Approached by a grateful rat that was very impressive fighting I couldn’t help but notice your shiny diamond sword someone dropped this and I picked it up to keep but I think you should have it here the rat gave me diamond leggings this is perfect from

Day 85 to day 89 I took my new diamond leggings and traveled back home to my base when I got there I was shocked to see ogre stamping all over the place tearing it down no get out of here oh no did you think we wouldn’t find you smash smash smash smash the

Whole place to bits I shot a fireball at the ogres and they ran off into the fields ah no you don’t I chased after them as fast as I could as I was pursuing the ogres a rat jumped in front of me quickly could you tell me the way

To the Lush Tundra my cousin lives there I pointed him in the right direction thanks you’re a pal with another Good Deed done I continued my Chase from day 90 to Day 94 I tracked the ogres all the way to a castle this must be Goblin

King’s Palace I better not get too close I’m sure he’s got guards all over the place I’ll focus on these Jokers for now I decided to shoot a fireball at the guard of the castle entrance that’s what you get for messing with my home OU get

A boss is the Goblin King here no no he won’t dirty his hands fighting you little gorilla that’s my job a plague Beast emerged and came running at me he attacked me before I could do anything and the blow knocked me back uh-oh this guy is really strong this won’t be easy

From day 95 to day 97 I continued my battle against the plague Beast it was by far my most dangerous fight yet I’ve got to make it through this I can’t let the Goblin King win he’s already won fool there are only a handful of days

Left before his army will sweep the land imprisoning any that dare to try to outshine the king no I won’t let that happen I used my jump boost to jump out of the way of his next attack and blasted him with a fireball then I came

At him with my diamond sword and finally turned the tide of the fight I was going to win for my final attack I jumped high and hit him where he least expected it it seems I underestimated you perhaps you will win after all if you can best

The Goblin King himself s in a one-on-one fight that is I will no matter what I’m going to do whatever it takes to defeat the Goblin King once and for all and just like that the plague Beast Was Defeated on day 98 I returned to my base with a renewed

Sense of purpose this golden gorilla is going to win I just know it I’ve come a long way and I know I still have room to improve but I feel like a real hero now brighter stronger and shinier than ever first the silver Lobo spoke to me you

Are Zozo here take this health potion for help on your quest I believe in you we all deserve to shine and you shine brighter than anyone I’ve ever met that means a lot thank you and then Greg Hey kid I’m proud of you don’t leave without

Your head okay I would never and finally Lyall remember the Goblin King only wins fights by sneaking up on people don’t let them sneak up on you and you’ll be able to defeat him thank you for believing in me I’ll try my best on day

99 I set off on my journey to the Goblin King’s Castle I passed through the Lush Tundra on my way and remembered my success there I was able to help so many people and if I can pull this off it’ll help so many more finally I reached the

Castle it was crawling with ogre guards I’ll never get through all of them without the Goblin King finding out I’m here if he does he’ll be able to sneak up on me as I was trying to come up with a plan Alex the war toad jumped out of

Hiding and started attacking the ogres Alex you came to help me we toads believe in reciprocity you helped me I help you now get inside and finish this Alex led the ogres away Han I began to sneak into the castle on day 100 I crept my way into the castle that’s where I

Saw the Goblin King looking at horses I thought about attacking him but I realized that would be wrong I’m not like him I want a fair fight hey stop horsing around around H what what’s happening oh Zozo I see you’ve come to my Palace to turn yourself in no I’m

Here to fight you fair and square no tricks a Goblin King always has a few tricks up his sleeve suddenly he turned invisible and I lost sight of him uh-oh he’s somewhere in here trying to sneak up on me I listened carefully and when I

Heard him moving I used my jump boost to jump out of the way of his Ambush ha gotcha I spotted him and launched a fireball out him it hit ow ow owow no you’re not supposed to be so good at this I’m supposed to win I always win

Not anymore I attacked with my sword next he fought back but I was Stronger than him I had learned how to defeat the forces of evil and after a difficult fight I finally did the goblin king crown fell on the floor at my feet if I

Were like you I’d take this but I don’t want to be king I just want to go home and hang out with my friends I’m ending this reign of terror here and now and with one last Fireball I finished him off it was finally over I did it time to

Go home hug my friends and take a well-deserved nap from now on things are going to be good as gold on day one I spawned as a golden Hydra W this is amazing I looked around and noticed that I was in some sort of cave I ventured

Out and immediately saw some scary dread Knights there he is catch him no thanks I scurried away the men following after me you’ll come back here they started shooting darts at me ah one Dart hit me and I lost some hearts wait I only have five Hearts this is insane I hurried and

Tried to get away but the men were too fast they surrounded me as I felt my eyes start to close perfect everything is coming together and with that I passed out on day two I woke up in a cage oh oh where am I I looked around

And noticed that there were more cages around me but most of them were empty I almost didn’t notice the Frog sitting in the cage nearby he Blended in with the floor really well I was waiting for you to wake up come on we got to get out of

Here but how even if we can get out of the cages I don’t know how to get out of the prison I know a way out but you need to be the one who unlock the door I looked closer and examined the gate I began to hit it with my heads but that

Started to make me feel dizzy the Frog laughed at me oh no no use your fire spit fire spit I did what the frog said and I spit at the lock but it wasn’t fire it was golden little orbs I left the cage and started firing away at the

Frog’s cage until it opened too thanks don’t mention it I’m Zozo by the way I’m Freddy Freddy and I made our way over to the exit and broke through the door up the stairs we were home free on day three Freddy and and I hurried as fast as we could away from

The underground prison while we were running I spotted some pigs and chickens and hurried to gather their meat before they could Scamper away I gathered up their meat and shared some with Freddy we both chowed down thanks zoo and I got to say that Prison Break was amazing I

Didn’t know you could spit gold neither did I in fact I didn’t know much about anything except that some evil guys were after me Freddy and I agreed to go our separate ways I went further into the forest to explore maybe I would find some other hydras little Hydra I turned

And saw an old troll walking slowly up behind me he looked hurt would you mind helping me I was attacked and need to get back home before it gets dark of course we slowly made our way to his home a little cottage next to a river thank you little Hydra please come

Inside so that you are safe there are all kinds of monsters outside the guy seemed nice enough so I stayed with him for the night on days four to 5 I woke up in the Troll’s house he had cooked some stew for both of us thank you what

Did you say your name was I’m Horus just a poor old troll trying to make his way in the world Horus seemed better than yesterday but still very tired is there anything I can do to help you actually I’m more concerned for your safety you are the golden Hydra after all the

Golden Hydra a prophecy was given many years ago by a great SE she said that a golden Hydra would be born and it would be his Destiny to either save or destroy the land is that me I believe it is what should I do build yourself a safe house

Gather materials strengthen yourself as much as you can you need to be at your best Horus gave me some stone tools and a full stack of Oak planks use these to start I hope to hear from you little Hydra be careful who you trust I left

Horus’s house to find a good place to start a base I found a nearby lake on the plains with some nice level ground I used my stone tools to gather additional material and started working on a modest Japanese style gold Hydra base it may have only been one building for me so

Far but there was plenty of room on the planes for this base to expand with more buildings and features it was all coming together when I heard some men yelling there’s the Hydra get him it was more of those evil dread nights not today you

Goons I spit my orbs at them and they all turned to Gold oh wow that is not what I expected just then I felt power rush through me and I grew into a larger Hydra now I have 11 Hearts nice I’ll beat whoever controls those dread

Knights in no time on day 6 to8 I ventured from my base to gather more information also I wanted to see if I could find more creatures that needed Shelter From The Mysterious villain and his man I came across him tortoises who immediately tried to run away hey I’m a

Friend they looked at me wearily you aren’t working with the sorcerer no a sorcerer is that who’s commanding all the dread Knights I have nothing to do with him look kid it would just be better if you left this land it’s not safe for you the tortoises slipped away

Leaving me confused I decided to go back to horus’s house to ask him about it a great sorcerer has purged this land and intends to use your power for his purposes he will stop at nothing to get you that’s awful what should I do there

Is a cave nearby that has some armor and tools that we could use I was on my way there the other day when I was attacked that’s a good place to start sounds like a plan on days 9 to 10 I hurried to the cave that Horus mentioned and went to

Explore sure enough there was a chest hidden behind some rocks just as I was about to open it a great hairy spider came rushing Out gross he attacked me and I was too slow to spit my golden orbs I took quite a bit of damage ouch I

Hurried and slithered from the cave this is too hard I can’t defeat him by myself hey are you trying to get rid of that spider too a wolf came out from behind a tree yeah I am why do you want him gone he took some of my armor I’m trying to

Keep myself safe from the sorcerer’s Goons me too maybe we can work together we came up with a plan and went back down to the spider’s Lair the wolf distracted him and I shot my golden orbs at him he turned immediately into a gold statue wow we gathered the materials in

The chest and I gave the wolf the reptile armor be careful out there Zozo Zozo I’m Lex thanks Lex take care of yourself on days 11 to 12 I returned to Horus at first he was happy but when I told him that I’d give Lex the armor

From the chest he got really mad the other animals don’t matter little Hydra what matters is that you’re strong he was acting really weird but I couldn’t blame him he was probably scared of the Sorcerer And just wanted us to be safe you’ve done well but this isn’t enough

Now you must travel to the black forest and gather more strength potions left there by wizards of Y this is important little Hydra don’t trust anyone besides me defeat anyone who stands in your way I left the house wondering why horse didn’t want me to trust anyone else he

Was probably just paranoid as I made my way to the Black Forest I saw some more of the sorcerer goons traveling along the river I tried to be quiet and Slither away but they spotted me it’s the Hydra grab him I dodged some of their darts and shot my golden orbs at

Them they tried to escape but after a few shots they were all statues nice I soon reached the depths of the Black Forest hoping to gather the potions horse want wanted on days 13 to 15 I plucked up the courage to enter the Sinister Black Forest at first there

Didn’t seem to be anyone there but I kept looking wanting to find those potions after just a few moments I saw a family of hoglands gathered around a campfire harmlessly warming themselves why does Horus want me to defeat these hogins they seem really nice I slithered

In and the hogins were taken back I don’t mean you any harm I’m just curious if you have any armor the hoglins were cautious but one answered me are you going to try to steal it from us like the others others what others a Sorcerers men they have tried to steal

It before they want all the armor taken away from the creatures in the land so they can’t fight the sorcerer what that didn’t seem right I needed to talk to Horus about this on days 16 to 19 I traveled back to horus’s house I arrived and he seemed happy to

See me but when I told him I couldn’t get the strength potions from the Black Forest he immediately turned angry don’t you know what’s at stake you needed to get those potions you need to get stronger why is it so important that I’m stronger you are not fulfilling my

Expectations I need to think this through he told me to leave I did more confused than before when I arrived back at my base Freddy Frog was there hey buddy it’s been a while Zoo I’m so glad you’re okay I hope that you met the sorcerer how did you survive what do you

Mean I haven’t met him all the creatures have seen him hiding out in the woods he’s disguised is a simple old troll wait was he talking about Horus I heard he’s planning an attack with his goons today he’s going to the village in the plains I had to see for myself if this

Was true it couldn’t be Horus could it I went with Freddy to the village in the plains like he said when we got there I saw the goons being led by a very recognizable troll I looked closer and realized it was Horus you manipulated me Horus turned toward me oh Zoo you

Gullible little Hydra you are too quick to trust but you’ve been a hindrance time for a change of plans you had no right to do that to me and you have no right to steal from innocent creatures and people I charged at him spewing golden orbs he easily outman Ed them and

With his powerful swing threw me back into a building before I knew it I blocked out on days 20 to 22 I woke up with Freddy looking down at me oh good you’re awake you need to help the villagers I got up and followed Freddy to the Village some of the buildings

Were on fire everyone move away from the buildings I hurried and spewed my orbs at them extinguishing the fires it was definitely not what the villagers were expecting W this is amazing how can we repay you it might not be safe here anymore you can all live at my base with

Me I have lots of room the villagers talked amongst themselves for a little while then readily agreed we made our way to my base and then gathered some needed supplies for the new houses it was hard work but in no time everyone had a house of their own thank you Zozo

These look amazing on days 23 to 26 I went back to the cave where I originally spawned it must have been important so I figured that I should investigate I entered the C and it seemed very normal I was hoping to find some sort of clue

As to who my parents were it had been a crazy couple of days and even though I had friends I wondered if I had family all of a sudden I heard a noise coming from deeper in the cave I explored further and saw another Hydra but she

Was being attacked by a group of skeletons get away from her I slithered down and started shooting the skeletons within just a few moments those bags of Bones were gone I turned to the Hydra but but then I felt a power surge through me I grew and then I leveled up

Into an adult Hydra I now have 18 Hearts I let out a large breath of golden fire zoo the Hydra looked scared of me no need to be scared who are you I’m your mother my mother I’m so glad I found you where did you go I laid an egg and went

To find some food but when I came back you were gone I was so worried about you how about should come live with me I have a base and it’ll be much safer than this cave she happily agreed and we made our way in that direction on days 27 to

31 as my mother and I left the cave we happened to P Freddy again hey Zoo do you think you could help my family he directed me toward a small Al Cove nearby that had been broken apart what happened the sorcerers goons tried to break our Al coov after we refused to

Leave we managed to escape before anyone was hurt but we don’t have have a home now the frogs looked very sad so I offered to build them a new home on my base really that would be great thank you so much with the frogs and my mother

And toe we continued on our way to my base once we arrived we got straight to work building a pond for the frogs and placing down a bed for my mother I also noticed that the villagers had planted crops and gathered some animals they even made a nice path connecting all the

Buildings thanks guys you’ve done some great work here it was also starting to come together I will get that golden Hydra if it’s the last thing I do he is the key to all of my plans what would you like me to do Master I want you to

Follow him make sure he is met with challenges he needs to reach maximum strength by the full moon it’s vital that you do this Yes Master on days 32 to 35 I want wanted to return to the underground prison where Freddy and I were held if Horus wanted to befriend me

Why did he capture me in the first place that’s a good question maybe there are some answers at the prison I asked Freddy if he wanted to come with me and he readily agreed we made our way down the tower where we had escaped and noticed that there were Iron Golems

Standing around this time that’s new and they don’t look like they work for Horus I wasn’t expecting you to come back here I flipped around to see one of the Iron Golems standing right behind me are you one of the guards not exactly I bared with some of horus’s goons that are

Corrupt they agree to give you to me as a bargaining chip we weren’t expecting you to escape so quickly however so you’re not my enemy you just want to sabotage him basically so perhaps we can make an arrangement to stop him what do you have in mind I’ll be in touch I have

Some research to do just look out for a message from Puck The Honorable honorable you captured my friend Freddy sorry what can I say I like frog legs I heard Freddy gulp behind me don’t worry I won’t eat your friend but we’ll be in touch Zozo and just like that he left

Without even saying goodbye not very polite but okay on days 36 to 39 I went venturing into a nearby cave to find some iron ore that could help buff out my equipment after I found enough I built a furnace smelted some iron ingots and finally made myself an iron sword

Iron pickaxe and some armor cool looking good I went digging deeper and even managed to find some diamonds yes jackpot this will be great for some upgrades before I could start crafting I heard a noise and something hit me I turned and saw a skeleton moving around

Trying to shoot me again I spewed my golden fire breath at him nice the skeleton froze but not before dropping his bow I picked it up and realized it was enchanted infinite Arrow sweet I returned to my base with the supplies and the bow hoping to upgrade

Some of my items and the houses one of the villagers approached me Zozo do you think you could help me with something sure what is it Bradley and it’s about our home I thought I had gathered everything when we came here but I left something important there would you come

With me I don’t feel safe going by myself of course let’s go on days 40 to 43 Bradley and I ventured back to the village on the ples we hurried to the house to grab his item what is it you need it so badly he rummaged around his

Room under his bed and then whooped in Victory got it is that a paintbrush yeah it’s my lucky paintbrush are you serious it’s important to me I shook my head what a weird kid but hey at least he has it now all of a sudden I heard a noise

Outside shh I think there’s someone here I looked out the window and sure enough there was some of horus’s goons rumaging around but they weren’t alone they were being led by a terrifying Yak this time we tried to sneak out quietly but Bradley made a noise and they spotted us

Smooth Move Bradley the goons charged us and I started to spew golden Fire Within just a few moments we had nearly taken out all of the goons the henchmen just stood watching us then after a moment he ran off with the remaining men coward we looked around and noticed the goons had

Dropped a few healing potions before I had Frozen them into gold nice now we have a little bit bigger of a potion stash just in case sheesh that was awesome was the paintbrush worth it Bradley absolutely on days 44 to 49 Bradley and I traveled back to the base once we

Arrived I found a note on my door Puck The Honorable sent me a message to meet outside my base near the river it didn’t take me long to find him I’ve been doing some research about Horus and his plans I I think that if you were able to

Create a certain item you can overpower Horus great what is it an amethyst sword it’s the one thing that will harm Horus even if he reaches the full extent of his magical powers and it may just save your life what do I need to do you’ll need to gather two amethyst crystals and

A stick that’s all you’ll need to make it though I can’t promise those crystals won’t be guarded by an incredibly dangerous mobs great sounds like a walk in the park what you expected saving the world to be easy no I just wish I hadn’t been duped by Horus in the first place

Don’t beat yourself up kid you’ll get the hang of it HCK handed me a paper with some instructions on it this should help you and just like that he left again I need to tell him it’s polite to say your goodbyes on days 50 to 53 I followed the instructions Puck gave me

To find the crystals it said to go to a cave and consult with the ancient being I realized that it had led me back to the cave where I had fought the giant spider as I entered I noticed that the spider was still there Frozen in Gold he

Must be the ancient being I wonder if there’s a way I can reverse it I went up to the spider and tried to shoot an orb at him nothing a fire breath and also nothing then I tried to punch him suddenly he turned back into his normal

Self he looked down at me angrily how dare you freeze me I’m sorry I was manipulated by the sorcerer to steal your items but you did steal of them from the wolf he softened a little I did I was desperate and needed extra protection clearly it did not work what

Do you want I was told that you have information about amethyst crystals yes I was once a guardian of a great multitude of crystals but I was forced to leave when the cavern was ambushed by an evil Warden it has been a great many years since then can you show me where

It is I cannot when I desired to go back it was is no longer there some sort of Shifting due to Magic I thanked The Spider and left the cave it was just another dead end on my way back to the base I noticed more of horus’s goons

Fighting a wolf hey that’s Lex maybe he’ll want to help me I approached as he finished the goons off hey remember me Zozo you’re alive yeah I am and I’m trying to defeat the sorcerer I could really use your skills would you want to help me I don’t think I can Zozo I’m

Good at fighting his goons but he’s too powerful I think you’d be better off on your own before I could even argue he ran off into the distance well that was underwhelming maybe he’ll change his mind on days 54 to 57 I went exploring a little more I found myself close to

Where I had found Horus that first time I wondered if he was still at his house I decided to investigate when I got closer I heard voices the master needs some atoms taken to him make sure they get this safely it was the henchman I

Had seen earlier the Yak he had a few goons and he was dragging some chests of things it seems like a good opportunity to attack hey coward the henchman turned toward me you just can’t get enough can you he sent the goons forward to attack I maneuvered around them easily and

Within a few moments most of them were gold statues the henchman got mad before I knew it he attacked me ouch how is he so fast I felt my heart’s dwindling he slashed at me again faster than any other human I had encountered I tried to

Breathe my golden fire at him but it was in vain I need to get out of here I hurried and slithered Away retreating into the bushes look who’s the coward now the henchmen ran off I didn’t dare follow him I was too weak and needed to

Go back home if I can’t defeat just one henchman how am I supposed to defeat a sorcerer he managed to take out a few of your men Master but he could not withstand my blows he is not even close to being ready yes he is weak but he

Will get stronger just keep attacking send out as many men as possible their disposable we’ll do Master on days 58 to 62 I made it back to my base I was met with a much needed surprise zoo we made you something sweetie my mom led me to

The edge of the base wa is this a statue of me it was a Hydra but it wasn’t completely gold it was more of an orange color actually it’s a statue of your father my father I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn’t know if you were

Ready he died right before you were born he was trying to protect us he couldn’t wait to meet you Zozo I looked up at the Statue it’s amazing it’s not done yet we still need some more quartz for the teeth would you like to help bus of

Course I headed to the desert where I had previously seen some ruins made out of quartz and collected those materials for the Statue after giving the quartz to Mom she quickly added the teeth to the Statue and now it truly looked magnificent on days 63 to 66 I woke up

To someone calling my name I went outside it was Lex hey Lex what’s up I went back to that cave with the spider and to my surprise he wasn’t a gold statue anymore oh yeah I should have warned you no harm done he actually told me that you were looking for a cavern

With amethyst crystals in it I think I might actually know where that is really show me Lex led the way to a small desert we finally arrived at what looked like a rock formation with a door great let’s just push open the door and head inside we tried to push pull and roll

But the stone didn’t budge I even tried my golden fire on it no luck maybe there’s a special combination or code word maybe but I have no idea what it might be it was disappointing but now I knew where it was at least I could come back to it later let’s head

Back how about you stay with us you don’t have to be alone Lex he sighed I know I was wrong and scared but I know you’re our best chance at stopping the sorcerer thanks for not giving up on me of course that’s what friends do Lex

Smiled and we headed home on days 67 to 70 Bradley approached me again hey Zo do you think you could help me with something else is it another paintbrush Bradley no actually I wanted to practice shooting with the bow I have do you think you could help me with some target

Practice of course where did you have in mind there’s actually an archery area near my old house maybe we can even bring some of the stuff back to the base that sounds like a great idea we headed back toward Bradley’s old home when we got there we noticed some movement

Outside the houses hey those are the tortoises I met earlier they told me to take a hike maybe we should go then I noticed the tortoises were fighting each other over some food I approached carefully hey friends remember me you again we don’t need your help hyra you’re just making things worse for

Us the Sorcerer And His goons have driven us out of our homes and now we hardly have food the leader came toward me and snapped his teeth I don’t want to hurt you he snapped at me again and I had no choice but to spew golden fire at

Him after he turned into a statue I punched him he quickly came back to life looking surprised why did you do that like I said I’m not here to hurt you in fact we would love for you to stay at our base it’s safe and there’s plenty of

Food there’s no need to fight each other thank you Hydra we are in your debt on days 71 to 74 we made it back to the base this time we were met with an unwanted surprise my mom rushed out to us Zozo they’re attacking the the base

We need your help I slithered over and saw the yak and his dread Knights waiting for me hey you don’t belong here the henchman looked at me and just like before attacked in a Flash I still wasn’t strong enough but I knew I needed to protect my friends using all of my

Strength I let out the largest burst of golden fire I could muster not bad hyra but not good enough come and find me when you are ready I’ll be waiting with your precious friend friend and before I knew it the henchman left I had managed to staty his goons but he escaped again

Wait what did he say about a friend I slithered inside as fast as I could and realized that my mother was nowhere to be found mom mom he took her and I had no idea where she went I retreated to my house blind with rage and then I started

To cry this was all too much how was I ever supposed to defeat anyone like this I stayed in my house for a while not letting anyone in finally after a long time I heard a knock at the door Zozo it’s Lex we have something to show you I

Reluctantly left the house not wanting anyone to see me like this but they needed someone and I needed to be strong for them Lex showed me that they had fixed up the crops bred the animals and improved the security by building some walls great thanks Lex that’s not all he

Turned me toward the St stat of my dad and I realized there was a smaller version next to it it was of my mom you’ll get her back Zozo we believe in you I didn’t know what to say I just nodded and you are sure he is getting

Stronger Yes master he is almost to his full form excellent then the plan is working the mother will eventually bring him to us good work thank you master on day 75 to 78 Puck The Honorable left me another note I met him at our customary spot

Next to the river hello again Zozo what do you want Buck someone’s in a hurry I have important information and a gift for you I hear you are having some trouble with hores henchman I have some important information his whereabouts he actually lives very close to Horus it’s

A b Hush Hush but I have my ways he handed me a map and I went to grab it be careful Zozo you don’t know what you’ll find there give me the paper Puck do not lose yourself along the way remember what you are fighting for I know what

I’m fighting for Puck my mom has been taken by those creeps and I intend on saving her then I’m going to put the henchmen and Horus in the rightful place Puck handed me the paper good boy now go get your mother back on days 79 to 84 I

Raced to the henchman’s house if there was a chance he had my mom I was going to find her and defeat him once and for all I followed the directions and found myself outside of a large wall inside it was a modest looking house this is where

The henchman stays quite a Cozy home home he made for himself I snuck around to see if he was inside but I didn’t see anything suddenly I felt a gust of wind the yak was standing right behind me come to retrieve your mommy coming after me was one thing but involving my mom

Was a step too far your mother gave you everything and you still can’t save her I’m going to beat you Yak for her I felt the power grow within me and I leveled up into a fully grown Hydra with 50 Hearts I got bigger stronger and even

Gained the claw strike ability no this isn’t what was supposed to happen horse promised me I wouldn’t be defeated by you be careful who you trust henchmen and with a swipe of my claws I defeated him he burst into golden Sparks and was gone Zozo I looked and saw my mother

Coming towards me she’d managed to escape mom did he hurt you I’m fine I’m so proud of you look at how strong you are you look so much like your father did I’m so glad you’re okay come on Mom let’s get you back home Oh and before we

Go I found this while I was imprisoned I figured you might want it it was a golden key on days 85 to 89 my mom and I arrived back at the base everyone was so happy to see my mom and they ushered us over to the statues we almost finished

It while you were gone but we wanted you to put on the Finishing Touch Freddy handed me a few glowstone blocks which I added to my dad’s statue completing his fire breath it was perfect and I have more amazing news Freddy the Golden Key my mom found at the henchman’s base I

Think it’s literally the key to getting into the amethyst Crystal Cave the henchman and Horus must have known that the amethyst sword could foil his grand plan that’s why he had the key to unlock the cavern I’ve got to get over there now I rushed out of the base toward the

Desert as I arrived at the door I felt my heart leap this is it it’s finally coming together I used the golden key to open the door here I go I made my way down the dark tunnel which eventually opened up into a Cave System inside were hundreds of glowing amethyst crystals

All being watched over by a warden this isn’t going to be easy I got right behind it and before it knew what was happening I let out a large burst of golden fire he let out a terrible scream but he didn’t turn into a statue I took

A swipe at him with my claws instead this time he screamed in agony I kept swiping avoiding his blows as best as I could my hearts were dwindling but after just a few more moments the warden was gone yes I hurried and collected as many amethyst crystals as I could hold before

Hurrying out of the cavern time to end this Horus on days 994 I exited the cavern blinking in the sunlight nice to see you again little I Hydra I looked and saw Horus standing right in front of me I was about to swipe him into Oblivion when his magic froze me in

Place please none of that I just want to talk I stared at him what could you possibly want to talk to me about you’ve gone out of your way to torture me don’t you see Hydra I have strengthened you you have become the golden Hydra of the

Prophecy all thanks to me you you had nothing to do do with it oh don’t even think for a minute that you would have accomplished anything without me I made sure that you had difficulties so that you could learn I made sure that you would eventually get the potion that

Would bring you to full power you sabotaged your own henchmen he was disposable at best but think of what we can do together little Hydra we can rule this land together of course it’ll need to be destroyed destroyed before it can be built back up but we can accomplish

That if you follow me never this is your last chance watch the world burn around you before I possess your mind or willingly serve me I hissed at him very well somehow Horus made all my amethyst that I’d worked hard and suffered to collect I’ll disappear be sure to be at

Your best by the full moon little Hydra in the meantime enjoy my wrath I heard horse laughing and then it all went dark on days 95 to 97 I woke up to pitch black where am I Horus must have buried me underground I looked at what I

Assumed was up and started to dig it wasn’t too deep but by the time I saw sunlight I was exhausted I’m getting really tired of him I tried to catch my breath but then I noticed a note on the ground next to me it read say goodbye to

Your honorable friend my blood turned cold as I raced toward Puck’s dungeon no no no please don’t let me be too late when I got there the whole place was demolished I looked around hoping to find anything and I heard a groan from beneath some rocks Puck I moved the

Rubble and saw him on the ground he was in really bad shape I guess Horus figured out who my sources were you’re going to be okay Puck let me help you up Puck coughed don’t worry about me Zozo go protect your mom and your friends he’s

Heading to your base next and with one last breath Puck The Honorable passed I let out a giant Roar as I mourned my friend but I had to get to my base I needed to stop Horus before he caused any more destruction on day 98 I arrived

Too late what was once my base was now in Ruins I ran around frantically mom Lex Bradley Freddy I didn’t hear anyone answer I slumped down and was about to give up when I heard a small voice Zozo I looked up and saw my mom limping towards me Freddy limped alongside her

Mom Freddy where is everyone else a lot of them didn’t make it out Zozo Bradley and Lex managed to run and hide with me but nobody else was fast enough we’re lucky to be alive I let out another loud roar in agony Puck was gone all the

Villagers and tortoises were gone I had tried so hard to protect everyone and I had failed I felt my whole body slump hey everything is going to be fine do you know why why you are the golden Hydra and you are going to put a stop to

Horus and his destruction mom slipped me something it was a key Horus dropped this before he left it must be to his base I looked at the key in shock you are going to get get back your amethyst crystals finish the amethyst sword and you will put a stop to all of this

Promise promise on day 99 I headed to horse’s base it had massive black walls and inside there was a huge Tower raising High into the sky I carefully entered the front wall gate to my surprise the courtyard was completely empty I explored a bit and located a

Back door probably for the goons and I used the key to get inside Freddy you’re the best I snuck up the passageway and went to open the door to the main chamber a dread Knight spotted me immediately it’s the golden Hydra I quickly took him out so much for being

Stealthy I was a Hydra after all a golden one at that it was hard to keep a low profile I opened the Chamber and to my surprise only Horus stood inside smiling at me did you really think it would be that easy Hydra but at last your day early what exactly was your

Plan here give me back the amethyst crystals and nobody has to get hurt Horus no I was prepared this time I smacked him back with my claws and grabbed for the crystals before he knew it I was down the passageway stop that Hydra I made it back to my base and

Hurriedly crafted the amethyst sword out of the two amethyst crystals and a stick it was time to defeat Horus once and for all on day 100 I made my way back to horus’s base perfect a dramatic ending just like I wanted Horus was waiting for me outside are you ready for your reign

Of terror to finally end Horus you’re exactly where I want you Zozo when this battle is over I’ll take control of your body and use you as just another tool to take over this world not if me and the amethyst sword have anything to say about it this time I wasn’t playing

Around he fired a m iCal energy blast to me but I was so strong now I tanked it and ran right in oh no I may have made an arrow here but that time for talk was over I ran in and hit him with the amethyst sword again and again weakening

Him a little more each time he Unleashed his guards on me but they were taken care of quickly many sword swings later when Horus was on the edge of defeat I stopped attacking and stepped back for a moment you can’t win I am an all powerful sorcerer silence is golden

Horus with one blast of my golden spit Horus was turned into a harmless golden statue forever more at long last the creatures of the Overworld can breathe easy again on day one I spawned as an itty bitty fire Godzilla this is rad but wait I’ve only got three hearts what

That’s not rat at all but when I focus real hard I can make little fires look I just set that tree on fire oh it looks like I upset the baboons who were living there they’re coming after me I better hight tail it out of here I ran off deep

Into the forest being a tiny baby fire Godzilla wasn’t working out great for me so far maybe if I can get bigger and stronger I can use my powers to help people rather than just burn their houses down that’ll help me make some friends around here maybe that big tough

Warped mosow will be my friend hey I’m Zozo I’m pretty new around here want to hang out he hey not so fast buddy you want to hang out here you got to pay the to empty your pockets little fire Godzilla but I don’t have any money then

I guess you better come with me Zozo if you can’t pay you got to work that was another Bridge I’d already burned I needed to run before the Warped mosco could get his big buggy hands on me I grabbed a few sticks from the forest and

Hid in a cave these would make some pretty good torches with a little bit of my fire so it won’t be too dark in here I proceeded to place down some torches before deciding to go to sleep for the night I’m going to need to get a lot

Stronger if I want to laugh last out here this place isn’t kind to baby fire Godzillas like me on day two I woke up in the cave to find my torches had gone out overnight it was so cold and dark what if there are spiders in here I

Should get moving I left the cave and entered the forest to explore my surroundings wow this Forest is huge so many trees so much wood to burn I needed to be careful in here or I’d set everything on fire when I build my own base it should probably be made out of

Stone I needed to break down a couple of these trees and gather some sticks and wood to make a wooden pickaxe perfect this will be great for mining stone now I needed to find a good place to build my base maybe somewhere around here wait has somebody already built a cabin here

What’s Happening Here a druid rushed out of the cabin hey hey keep your distance friendo I just finished this place I don’t need you burning it down I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to burn your cabin down I just needed to find a place to make my

Base base what are you one of loar’s guys what no I’m Zozo who’s lochar he’s a necromancer he’s trying to raise an army of the dead he and his boys have been harassing people about money around here lately the Druid returned back into his cabin after bidding me farewell

Money that sounds just like that warped mosco from yesterday he must have worked for this locknar guy I better start mining for Stone near the druid’s cabin he’d probably make a decent neighbor by day three I started Gathering materials for my basee I used my wooden pickaxe to

Start mining stone in a cave next to the druid’s place hope he doesn’t mind a little construction noise hey keep down that rocket Zozo I’m reading now that I know there’s a necromancer out there building an army of the Dead I should probably go pay attention to home

Security first of all I took the time to clear out an area and build a big stone wall this should keep out that warmed mosow if he tries to hassle me for more money and I won’t be able to accidentally burn this wall down either

While I was at it I needed to get myself a weapon maybe I could use some of my spare stick sticks and wood to make a wooden sword hopefully I don’t burn it to a crisp now I’m looking well prepared while I was making my way towards the druid’s cabin I noticed something

Crawling out of the forest it looked like an elder skull better take care of it before it gets too close to my base don’t you know it’s rude to trespass Mr skull let’s go Haya with this sword the Elder skull was no match for me after I

Hit it a few times skillfully dodging its attempts to hit me back it went scuttling off into the forest again nobody beats fire Godzilla and clearly that fight made a big difference because I was starting to get bigger and stronger I had five Hearts now and I could let out a terrifying

Godzilla roar on days four and five I decided to go a little further into the forest to mine some more stone for my base the wall was nice but it wasn’t exactly cozy I needed a roof over my head I already used some of my spare

Stone to make a stone pickaxe but when I ventured out into the deep part of the woods I ran into an old enemy the Warped mosow you really thought you could get away without pay paying the toll you really have no idea who you’re dealing

With kid you don’t want my boss to have a problem with you your boss is he a necromancer huh you’re smarter than you look Zozo my boss lochar The Necromancer he’s going to come take over all this soon enough and if you’re not with him you’re against him I’d never be the guy

Who wants to take over a forest by force I made burn stuff down sometimes but I’m still a good guy then I guess I’ve got to destroy you the Moscow came in me so fast I was knocked back off my feet I pulled out my wooden sword and tried to

Parry all of his attacks you can’t hold me off forever Zozo but I was a little faster than he was even with my wooden sword I was able to get the jump on the Warped mosow and defeat him looks like I can handle myself decently now I should

Probably spend a little more time out of the forest though on day 6 to8 I depleted my mind in the forest at least I was able to find some iron ore though and craft myself a cool iron sword and an iron pickaxe let’s just see someone

Try to mess with me now but after getting attacked by the Moscow I wanted to get away from the forest for a while I decided to take a trip up to the mountain and enjoy that clean Mountain Air and I can’t burn anything down up here either it’s perfect but suddenly a

Mountain troll approached me and it seemed like he didn’t want to share the mountain with anyone this mountain isn’t big enough for the both of us even if you are the puniest fire Godzilla I’ve ever seen I’m just visiting man you don’t need to be so mean about it how

Dare you you call me mean I’m going to crush you into dust for that he was so big and he started chasing me my only Advantage was that I was much faster than him so I could keep my lead that’s where my iron pickaxe came through with

My iron pickaxe I quickly mined a big hole in the ground then carried on running with my trap set I decided to taunt the mountain troll by calling him a Slowpoke he ran up to me not looking down until he fell into the hole and he couldn’t climb back out little help in

Here I think you’ve earned yourself a Time time out mountain troll on days 9 and 10 I decided to travel further up into the mountain until I found a mountain cave hidden among the rocks maybe there will be some Treasures hidden in here better take a look I

Walked into the cave iron sword at the ready using the natural light of my fire to light the way that’s when I hit the jackpot gold R deposits now that’s what I’m talking about I started to mine the Gold when suddenly despite my fire it started to get extremely cold inside of

The cave it sent a chill down my spine hello there little creature I turned and that’s when I saw him right there staring at me it was lochar The Necromancer somehow I could feel the power coming off of him it was time for me to even the score and use my fire

Godzilla roar but lochar just laughed and response be quiet boy do you have any idea who you’re dealing with wi my Army walks the Earth every flame like yours will be snuffed out I wasn’t going to take that sitting down I ran at lochar with my iron sword and prepared to hit

Him but with one strike from him I was thrown back across the cave you’re so weak it’s pathetic you’re not even worth destroying yet Perhaps when you’re a little stronger and with a flash lar was gone and I was left terrified if even my fire Godzilla roar did nothing what hope

Did I have against him but it wasn’t all bad I noticed then that I still wasn’t alone in the cave there was a fire villager waiting in there too when locknar was gone he ran towards me I can’t believe you survived lochar has been going after all of the flame

Creatures in the land but why what have we ever done to him he’s a necromancer he’s trying to raise an army of the undead and everyone knows the weakness of the undead is fire he needs to destroy us because we’re the biggest threat to him then you’re not safe here

Either you better come back to my base so we can figure out a plan to stop this on days 11 through 14 I started expanding my base to make room for my new fire villager friend just like me he was perfectly suited to a fireproof

Stone House I built rooms for him and me and another room where we could hang out together but this took a lot of stone and I soon needed to leave the base and mind more I returned to the mine near the druid’s cabin and even though it was exhausted it still contained some

Materials while I was gathering more Stone I suddenly felt that cold feeling again oh no does this mean The Necromancer is behind me again not quite white Zozo I’m merely one of his servants he brought me back to life so I will serve his every order including

Destroying you it was the Black Death a plague doctor brought back from the dead I drew my sword and prepared to battle but by then the Black Death was already on me he hit me and took out some hearts this guy was way more powerful than me I

Ran further into the M hoping to find some kind of Escape Route but the Black Death was gaining on me I needed some kind of advantage wait is that a chest it was a chest maybe something in there can save me I opened up the chest and found a fire aspect enchantment inside

This would give my sword flaming strikes perfect I quickly used the Anvil next to the chest to apply the enchantment to my sword take this black death boom that got him the Black Death was set on fire and went running back out of the cave fire really does scare off the undead

Safe from the Black Death for now I traveled back to my base and started making the wall even taller but now knowing just how effective fire was against the undead I made some flaming torches to put on the wall this should keep out any uninvited guests on day 15

I went to check on the fire villager and make sure he was settling in nicely I know from firsthand experience it isn’t easy to be a fire creature I find it very comfortable in here Zozo thank you it’s much nicer than having to stay in

Some damp old cave all day so tell me what’s the deal with this lochar guy everyone’s been telling me that he’s trying to raise some kind of arm Army of the undead who is he everything you’ve heard is true but there’s more people say that lochar is over a thousand years

Old and because he’s already dead he can’t be destroyed centuries ago he was defeated by a legendary hero and locked up in the swamp of vess but somehow he came back again and he’s trying to finish what he started all those years ago making an army of the undead so

Powerful that he’ll rule the world forever can the legendary hero come back back to defeat him it sounds like we really need him right now that was a long time ago Zozo the legendary hero is probably extremely old now if he’s even alive no if we want to defeat lochar The

Necromancer we need to find a new hero like who well like you Zozo you survived an encounter with him and saved me back in the cave no way have you seen me I’m just a little fire Godzilla the only reason I survived was because he said I

Was too weak to be worth destroying I stand no chance against him in a real fight do you think I could survive a fight with lochar I think I’d need to get a lot stronger first on days 16 to 19 I started putting together a plan with the fire villager if lochar is

Destroying fire creatures because he knows they’re a threat to his Undead Army we better gather up as many fire creatures as we can great idea Zozo if memory serves loar’s Undead minions were keeping a blaze prisoner in an underground Cavern near here then I guess I better go rescue him after our

Of searching the forest I found a secret entrance to an underground area sneakily hidden among some trees hopefully I’m not too late to help the blaze down there I rushed through the entrance I made my way into the insides of the underground Cavern and took a look

Around trying not to draw too much attention to myself I saw a lava river running through the bottom of the cavern so my fire wasn’t too out of place here wait are those wither skeletons they were a bunch of wither skeletons were scattered everywhere along the path

Leading deeper into the cavern they must be guarding the prison C s where the blaz is I ran in with my new fire aspect sword and started to fight them off as I went deeper and deeper into the cavern after I took most of them I Unleashed my

Fire Godzilla roar it scared some of the wither skeletons so bad they ran off faster than their bones could shake clearly all of this fighting was worth some pretty great XP because I grew to almost twice my size with almost twice the armor and twice the hearts maybe I

Can be strong enough to take on lochar with the right training but first I broke open the prison with my iron pickax and freed the blaze thanks for getting me out of there it was really starting to get stuffy don’t mention it buddy how did you get captured well I

Was out here searching for the kther of light when I got ambushed by all those skeletons you were looking for what the kther of light it’s the weapon that the legendary hero used to defeat lochar all those years ago it’s said to be the most powerful weapon against the undead in

The world wow then I should probably start looking for it too come back to my base I want to know more on day 20 to 22 Blaze and I returned to the base only to see it being attacked by a hord of zombies even the Torches IID added to

The walls didn’t seem to scare them off locknar was making some really tough Undead for us to face thankfully with blaze at my side the fight didn’t last long with his flames in my fire sword we were able to take on the zombies and send them back from once they came so

Long you Undead meanies it feels so good to be free and fighting again glad you’re back in the groove Blaze but while the zombies weren’t too difficult to defeat this incident did make me realize our base needed some better defense or at least something to scare off potential attackers that’s when I

Had a great idea for the Statue the perfect thing to keep the undead away I started working on the base of the statue with excitement this is sure to keep the mobs at Bay once it’s done can you tell what it’s going to be and if you want more Adventures like this

Subscribe to Zozo cuz believe me the best is yet to come with blae here at the base I’ve still got to do one more thing had a new room for him with me blaz Blaze and the fire villager alog together we’re a fiery force to be

Reckoned with on days 23 to 26 the base came under attack worse than ever before I woke up to find the base surrounded by mutant skeletons who were bigger faster and stronger than even wither skeletons I ran out with my fire aspect sword and started attacking them one by one each

Mutant skeleton took several hits with the sword to down these guys were tougher than any grunt enemy I’d faced so far A little help here guys luckily for me Blaze and the fire villager there to help with the three of us working together we were able to drive off the

Remaining mutant skeletons back into the woods that’ll teach you to attack our base skellies oh look one of the mutant skeletons dropped a bow that’s perfect I needed a good longrange weapon for my Arsenal H what should I do next Zozo yes please now we fought off the mutant

Skeletons you should start exploring the deep dark woods for the kther of light we need it to defeat lochar The Necromancer good idea Blaze I journeyed out into the deepest darkest part of the forest knowing it would be the exact kind of place where lochard’s minions

Would be waiting for me and I was right but I wasn’t the only one there was a fire Elemental being surrounded by mutant zombies the strongest zombies yet lucky for me I had my new bow I pulled it out keeping a distance as I fired arrows at the mutant zombies they seemed

So shocked by my surprise attack they retreated further into the dark of the forest i’ had saved the fire Elemental want to come back to my base little buddy I’m collecting fire creatures he seemed eager so we headed back to the base I built a new room to house the

Fire Elemental and built in a new base defense large holes dug into the ground around the base so any stumbling zombies thinking of attacking would fall right in I’m feeling safer already on days 27 to 31 I started off by asking blae to tell me everything he knows about the

Kther of light seeing as it may be our best chance to defeat lochar The Necromancer it’s an ancient weapon Zozo supposedly created by a powerful group of sorcerers for after there was ever a great evil they needed to strike down the legend goes that only someone pure

Of heart can wield the kther to a being of evil it’s useless but how can I find it even the most powerful weapon in the world is only useful if it’s in our hands h perhaps the legendary hero would have hidden the kther in the last place

The undead would think to look the nether oh no the nether that’s one of the most dangerous places out there but I guess if it’s the only place I can find the kther it’s off to the nether I go with my sword and my bow I set off

For an old nether portal in the woods it’s now or nether yeah bad joke sorry on the other side of the portal it was all flames and lava a fire Godzilla honestly looked kind of at home here what didn’t look at home was a huge scary pigas Running straight towards me

You must be Zozo I guess you’re here looking for the kther of light Brave kid and I guess you’re here to find the kther too before I can find it you’re a smart kid too but I’ve got orders direct from lochar only one of us is leaving

The nether let’s go I tried to draw my bow but the pigas was too fast for me I was lucky enough to pull out my sword just in time to counter his attack before he knew it I hit him back and eventually managed to hit him in a way

And made him touch lava and due to that he screamed a bit and moved away You’re tougher than you look but I’ll get you next time you little twerp and with that he ran off into the depths of the Nether on days 32 to 35 I traveled deeper into

The Nether leaving the waist and entering the Crimson Forest wow this place is super scary if the legendary hero really hid the kther here he must have been one tough Warrior the nether has some of the scariest mobs around but I was surprised to see a familiar face

Amongst all the trees in lava it was a baboon just like the one I met on my first day here hey aren’t you the one who burned down my tree I’m sorry Mr baboon it was an accident I’m a fire Godzilla sometimes I burn stuff down whatever it doesn’t matter now what are

You doing in the crimson Forest I’m looking for the kther of light to defeat lochar The Necromancer wait you too he attacked my family with some zombies I heard that kather might be hidden in the soul sand desert Let’s Travel together we have better odds sounds good to me Mr

Baboon we traveled together to the soul sand desert which was every bit as Bleak and Barren as the name suggests I then noticed lochar the Necromancer standing on top of a floating island hello again Zozo was it nothing about you was particularly memorable you’re all smug

Now lochar but you won’t be when we find the kther and defeat you you won’t be able to find anything when you’re dead suddenly the ground below me and Mr baboon began to shake I drew my bow and fired at lochar but he didn’t even Flinch it was useless if we couldn’t

Escape we’d be done for that’s when I had an idea I turned and fired my bow at one of the gas that should get the attention of him and his ghastly friends with locknar preoccupied with the gas Mr baboon and I ran away back towards the nether portal that was some quick

Thinking back there Zozo you really saved our skins I couldn’t have done it without you come back to the base with me you can join our anti- locknar Squad and with that we exited the Nether on days 36 to 39 I returned back to the base with the baboon I built him a

Little Treehouse because he didn’t find the stone Fortress as comfy as me and my fire creature friends I gathered my new basem mates together the fire villager Blaze the fire Elemental and the baboon I needed to hear their thoughts on my hunt for the kther it wasn’t in the

Nether waste the Crimson Forest or the soul sand desert if the kther really is hidden in the nether where could it be you’re telling me you didn’t check the basalt Deltas the basalt Deltas what’s that it’s the most dangerous place in the nether Zozo if the legendary hero

Really didn’t want the kther to be found that’d be the best place to hide it the most dangerous place in the nether I can’t go there yet the rest of the nether was already dangerous enough if the kther was really in the the balt Deltas I needed to get stronger to get

There and I needed a little more inspiration that’s why I started working more on the Statue I must say it’s coming along quite nicely from Days 40 to 43 Blaze approached me knowing I was feeling nervous about going back into the nether look Zozo the nether is a

Scary place I know I used to live there but sometimes when you can’t fight your way through you need to sneak but Blaze I can’t sneak I’m a fire Godzilla I’m too easy to spot I know I know but that’s where my new plan comes in

There’s a potion recipe hidden in a book I left in a lava canyon near here if you can go get it for me I’ll make you a potion you’ll find extremely useful so that’s exactly what I did I found my way to the underground lava Canyon it was

Really hot down there but thankfully fire Godzillas don’t mind the heat there had to be a chest down there somewhere someone left a book down here on its own it just burned up but my thoughts were interrupted when suddenly a huge serpent tried to grab me it it was a heck of a

Jump scare I’m not on the menu so Slither on by you reptile I managed to hit it and knock it into the fiery depths below that will teach you to mess with a fire Godzilla as I continued to explore I saw the chest tucked away in a

Corner let’s take a look inside a book jackpot I then proceeded to leave the lava Canyon and make my way back to the base I gave the book over to blae and he made me a potion this right here is a potion of invisibility it might make

Your journey into the basalt Deltas a little less dangerous thanks Blaze this is perfect on days 40 to 49 I made my way back to the nether portal deep in the forest here goes nothing after landing in the nether I made my way through to the basalt Deltas my friends

Weren’t kidding when they said this place was dangerous it looks impossible to even build here I took the potion of invisibility and started to sneak through there were Shear Cliffs everywhere I had to be careful so that I didn’t fall help me please someone help

Me oh no is that an iller what’s he doing in here and why is he surrounded by Enderman I can’t just leave him like that I need to help him even if it means wasting my invisibility still keeping my distance I pulled out my bow I opened fire at the

Enderman causing them to teleport away that gave me a window to get the eler out of there come with me if you want to live me and the eler ran for the hills until we were out of the basalt Delta and back in the much safer Soul Sand

Valley thank you g stranger you saved me how can I ever repay you you can tell me everything you know about the kther of light I needed to defeat lochar The Necromancer white the kther of light that reminds me of an old poem I used to hear all the

Time when I was a kid who seeks the kther Brave and true Venture into the forest blue the forest blue wait that sounds like the Warped Forest it’s the only place in the nether I haven’t checked come with me we’ll go find it on

Days 50 to 53 me and my new friend the iller made our way into the Warped Forest one of the slightly nicer parts of the nether I might have even enjoyed it if we we weren’t ambushed by that pigas I fought earlier hey lookie here it’s that dweeb Zozo name calling really

That’s just uncalled for man no Zozo what’s uncalled for is you being here me and the rest of loar’s boys have already found thether and it’s far away from here you’re going to get destroyed in the nether for nothing that’s it you’re going down pigas but pigas pulled a

Dirty trick he didn’t go for me he went straight for the iller taking him down immediately no you can’t do that I can do whatever I want let’s Tango Zozo we clashed again but this time I was Stronger than before I dodged his attacks easily and with a few

Well-placed strikes from my fir sword pigas was done for with him gone I was all alone in the nether again maybe pigas had lied about them taking the kther I had to explore and find out there was a Bastion Remnant an ancient ruined Fortress nearby and it seemed

Like the exact kind of place the legendary hero might have hidden the kther instead all I found was a great Beast cowering in the shadows is the pig gone that guy dragged me along with him to help him find the kther most of the rest of our team was destroyed by nether

Mobs it was horrible it’s okay I defeated the pigas he said he made you work for him do you have any idea where they may have taken the kther uh tough to say I think pigas mentioned something about taking it back to the camp he probably meant the one in the Wasteland

Back outside the nether perfect so at least I know where to look next let’s get out of here wait before you go you deserve a reward for taking out that jerk pigas I was going to use it myself but here it’s a knockback enchantment your strikes will knock back your

Enemies now oh finally some good luck from Days 54 to 57 I returned to my base and started making some adjustments I added some guard towers so that we could spot any incoming threats faster just as I finished repairing and adding the knockback enchantment to my iron sword

The fire villager staying in the base approached me looking very worried Zozo I need a hand I’ve been looking into it and I’ve seen that a mutant Zombie is skullking out in the forest outside you should probably go take care of it while I’m working on an extremely important

Potion this would be the perfect opportunity to try my new knockback ability I ran out into the forest and just as the fire villager had told me there was a mutant zombie making its way towards our base I needed to put a stop to it come on mutant zombie you’re no

Match for me and I was right with the knockback enchantment on my fire sword I defeated it in no time and headed back to the base great work Zo and here’s your reward I made a potion of slow falling when you take it it eliminates fall damage you never know when that’ll

Come in handy on days 58 to 62 I continued work on the Statue I was really pleased with how it was coming along can you guess what it is yet suddenly I heard the baboon yell out in panic from his Treehouse guys something is coming towards us I looked out and

Saw a mob coming towards us creepers courtesy of locknar The Necromancer this is bad this is really bad but before before we could do anything the first wave of creepers had already hit several of them exploded taking out huge chunks of the defensive wall and others started

Crawling through the new gaps I decided to rush in and finally get rid of the creeper Menace they started exploding again taking out chunks of the base by the time I managed to turn the tide of the fight huge portions of our base had already been destroyed when I had the

Advantage the last surviving creeper ran off back into the forest the fight was over for now we need to start rebuilding immediately BL fire villager wait where’s baboon that’s when we realized the creepers had blown up baboon’s treehouse with baboon inside of it from Days 63 to 66 hungry for fiery Vengeance

I followed the last remaining creeper back into the woods you and your friends aren’t going to get away with destroying Mr baboon I chased him into the forest and saw him disappear down into an underground Cavern I was so angry I didn’t even think about how dangerous it

Could be to chase a creeper into an enclosed place I hopped down into the cavern but the creeper was nowhere to be seen instead I found a book laying on the ground containing a secret note invade the base and Destroy them all any survivors must return to the camp in the

Desert g a w go a w who’s that wait the camp in the desert that’s where they must be keeping the kther of light it was only then that I looked up and saw the creeper crawling quickly towards me no time to think on pure Instinct I

Pulled out my bow and fired Boom the creeper exploded taking out a portion of the C lucky for me thanks to the quick reflexes I was out of the Blast Zone from Days 67 to 70 I traveled for 2 days all the way out to the desert it was a

Really tough Journey but by the end I finally saw the camp it was a cabin surrounded by campfires with a ghostly figure floating around it it looked like the ghost of an ancient warrior lochar The Necromancer must be able to race skeletons zombies and ghosts wait ghost

Of ancient warrior that must be go a w the one who wrote the note he must be a pretty big deal as I got close I noticed there was a gorge in the desert just outside the camp better not fall in I drew my bow and fired at the ghost but

Predictably the arrow went straight through him that’s when he threw through the air and lunged at me he didn’t even talk he was all action I managed to dodge and strike back with my sword but he parried this guy was a better fighter than anyone I’d ever faced I didn’t even

Know if I could defeat him that’s when I had an idea if I’m not strong enough to beat him yet I can still trick him before he could attack me again I quickly drank my potion of slow falling then when he attacked me again I jumped

Back and fell into the gorge to him it looked like I fell to my Doom but thanks to the potion I was just fine when the ghost finally floated away I climbed back up to the top kther of light here I come on days 71 to 74 I was finally able

To make my way into the cabin being guarded by the ghost of the ancient warrior except the kther wasn’t there the cabin was empty all I heard was was the echoing laughter of lochar The Necromancer he was always a few steps ahead once again it all been for nothing

I made the long Trek back to my damaged base empty-handed on day 75 to 78 I came back to the base and noticed how damaged it really was it was still heavily damaged from the creeper assault and I needed to start the repairs immediately so I did just that I felt terrible

Knowing that now Mr baboon is gone I didn’t need to rebuild the Treehouse as I finished up the repairs the fire villager approached me hey Zozo I just wanted to say I’m sorry you didn’t find the kther but I know you’re strong enough to beat lochar anyway I figured

This might help that’s when he handed me a diamond sword with fire aspect the strongest weapon I’d ever had my hands on wow thanks fire villager it may not be the kther of light but it’s the next best thing and it turns out that the diamond sword couldn’t have come at a

Better time because suddenly the ghost of the ancient warrior had returned and he was flying at me guess it’s time for a rematch but this time I didn’t need any cheap tricks to take him down using my new diamond sword I dodged his blows and struck him again and again until he

Burst into ghost vapor and disappeared I immediately started growing larger and larger as well as doubling my hearts but it wasn’t just that with my new size I gained Godzilla strength making all my close-range attacks three times as powerful just then the fire villager ran

Up to me you did it Zozo you defeated the ghost of the ancient warrior that’s amazing wait Zozo I found this where the ghost vaporized it looks like a notebook the latest note read lochar is nearly at his full power the final arrangements are being put into place destroy Zozo

And the Druid wait the Druid from the cabin he’s involved in this too on day 79 to 84 I knocked on the door of the druid’s cabin to find out how he was involved in all of this just like when I first met him he wasn’t eager to have me

As a visitor keep your distance fire Godzilla you’re even bigger than last time and my house is very flammable I don’t want to burn your house down Druid but I know someone who does I’ve seen instructions from lochar The Necromancer he wants to destroy me and you what does

He have against you G logar again I thought I was done with that guy what do you mean I defeated him a few hundred years ago and sealed him away I figured he’d stay gone for good but I guess not wait does that mean you’re the legendary

Hero I was sure but then I retired to become a druid it’s a much easier life and besides you should be fine as long as you have the kyur he won’t be that hard to defeat but he has the kther oh oh okay this could be bad after our

Conversation the Druid led me back out into the forest to find another nether portal he’d hit another weapon in the nether all those years ago as backup if ever the kther fell into the wrong hands but when we arrived at the side of the portal it had already been destroyed

This isn’t good if lochar destroyed the nether portal it means he doesn’t need it anymore he’s reaching the full height of his powers what do we do now well from where I’m standing the only option is to an arrow shot out of the woods hitting the Druid and destroying him

Before he could even finish his sentence no this can’t be happening I turned to see a small gang of skeletons emerged out of the thicket behind us as they ran at me I made short work of them with my diamond fire sword but now I was out of

Options and out of time there was only one thing left to do I need to find the swamp of viess and destroy lochar myself on days 85 to 89 I made my way out to the snowy Landscapes of the north where I finally found the great Beast I’d met

Back in the nether as far as I could tell he would be the only one who could tell me where to find the swamp of viess and finally track down locknar the Necromancer himself I know where to find it but it won’t be easy it’s Beyond the

Forest but you can only go at night and that’s the thing that creep is strongest at night so if you’re going to take him on you better be well defended that’s a useful tip thanks great beast from Days 90 to ’94 I decided to take the great

BEAST’s advice and armor up I used my iron pickaxe to mine some diamonds and turn them into a full set of diamond armor helmet chest plate leggings and boots but I didn’t want to stop there I needed some enchantments to really make sure I could take a punch from lochar

And his evil Army of the undead I gave myself the protection enchantment that makes my armor twice as durable against close-range attacks and projectile protection which kept me safe from ranged attacks let’s see lochar take me on now from Days 95 to 97 I finally finished the statue its flame could be

Seen from miles away and should keep all the bad mobs away from my base once and for all it was a Beacon of Hope for all fire mobs a bright brilliant Beacon that could be seen from miles away and that’s when I realized why I had to take on

Lochar and his Undead minions I could either use my firw to destroy like when I accidentally burned down Mr baboon’s tree or I could use it to be a Beacon of Hope to fight back against evil whenever I can because it’s the right thing to do

So it’s exactly what I was going to do on day 98 I spoke to the fire villager in blaze about my plan to attack the swamp of violist and finally take down lochar you can’t do this alone Zozo you’re strong but lochar is so powerful and he has an entire Army he’s right

Zozo why don’t you let us come with you surely we’ll be stronger together I can’t put you at risk like that you need to stay here as backup in case lochar defeats me in his Undead Army Escape AP but I can’t let that happen trust me no

Matter what I’m going to defeat lochar and put an end to his evil reign of terror with that I exited the base but was suddenly stopped by someone I haven’t met before uh can I help you he said nothing and dropped me a note and

Left the notes said if you want to help me defeat lochar you should subscribe to Zozo and check out our other Adventures you can even suggest what you want to see next down in the comments H all right I’m sure with the help of you guys I’ll actually manage to defeat Loch on

Day 99 following the instructions of the great Beast I made my way to the swamp of vness in the dead of night it was every bit as creepy as I’d imagined M tongue low the mossy skeletons minions of lochar were patrolling back and forth I didn’t have any more potions of

Invisibility I needed to fight my way through okay skellies come get me I want to speak to your manager that got their attention suddenly waves of Mossy skeletons started running at Me While others fired bows at me from a distance frk with my enchanted diamond armor I

Could deflect most of the damage and my enchanted diamond sword could destroy them in one strike each but that wasn’t the problem the mossy skeletons may have been weak but every single time I defeated them more just kept coming out of the fog don’t you guys know when to

Quit they are the least of your worries Soo it was lochar I could hear his voice but I couldn’t see him it was like he was everywhere around me if you survive this Onslaught come a little further and meet me in my Crypt it will be the last

Thing you ever do I wasn’t going to let him get away with that no matter how many skeletons he threw at me I keep fighting to the very end with my sword at the ready and my Flames brighter than ever I moved in towards the Crypt of

Lochar on day 100 I fought through the mossy skeletons and reached the Crypt which looked like a big rickety pile of ancient stone but there were stronger enemies waiting for me there mutant skeletons and mutant zombies came running at me but my sword was ready I hit them again and again sending one

After another down but just like the mossy skeletons more of them kept coming I’m really starting to get sick of you guys I Unleashed a mighty fire Godzilla roar that could be heard across all of the swamp of vness and it knocked out all of the undead at once it was just me

And the Crypt so I pulled out my iron pickaxe and started destroying it just despite locknar but just then I fell down deeper into the Crypt oh my gosh there it is that’s the kther of light this is where he’s been keeping it I grabbed the KY

Now I was ready to take on lochar I wouldn’t be so confident Zozo boom lochar appeared behind me more powerful than he’d ever been before do you really think you can be to this lochar began to grow as his power increased becoming a huge monstrous super Necromancer like

This he really did look like he could take over the world but I wasn’t done yet and do you really think you can beat this I summoned up all of my power and channeled it my Flames got brighter As I Grew taking in the power of the kther of

Light I became Ultra fire Godzilla with 30 hearts and almost unbreakable armor you can’t do this it isn’t fair life isn’t fair lochar let’s go lochar threw everything at me hitting me again and again but getting nothing now it’s my turn with one Mighty swing of the kther

With all my power behind it lochar was destroyed once and for all never to raise another undead minion again safe at last last I returned to the base to celebrate with the fire villager and Blaze things were finally looking up for all of us on day one I spawned in as a

Noob dragon with a gang of angry villagers surrounding me hey look another Dragon we better get that nasty Beast before it gets us what mister I just got here I don’t want to get anyone more draconic lies you’re not going to pull one over on us let’s get them boys

The gang of villagers all started to chase me across the valley I didn’t understand why they were so angry at me I was just a baby Noob Dragon I only had five Hearts luckily I was still pretty fast for being a scaly Noob and I managed to outrun them reaching the

Aspen forest and leaving all those villagers to eat my dust with them gone for now at least I took a moment to rest amongst the trees and Catch My Breath o these guys sure know how to roll out the Welcome Wagon I have no idea why dragons have such a terrible reputation around

Here and I didn’t get much pondering time before I could pick myself back up and run off I was surrounded by those same villagers again they caught up with me and emerged from between the trees completely surrounding me tag him and bag him boys One Last Dragon out here

Makes our Villages just that little bit safer on day two after the villagers captured me they took me straight to Dragon jail and threw me into my cell they didn’t even take time to hear me out what about due process don’t I have a right to a trial those are human

Rights Noob dragon and you’re not human darn it at least I wasn’t alone in my cell there was also a borl looking Komodo dragon lounging around I was happy to have someone in the same boat that I could talk to hey I’m Zozo all those villagers captured me pretty much

As soon as I arrived just because I’m a dragon I don’t understand nice to meet you Zozo I’m Carl kodo Carl I’ve given up on trying to understand why the humans do what they do I’m not even a real dragon I’m just a kodo dragon I can’t even breathe fire breathe fire

Wait Carl you’re a genius I am I mean thank you I’m happy to finally have my genius recognized I turned to the door of my cell summoned up all of my might and blasted a fireball at the door it wasn’t all that powerful but it was

Powerful enough to at least set us free let’s go Carl before the villagers realize we’re gone you don’t have to tell me twice buddy Carl and I ran out of there going our separate ways now we both at least had a Fighting Chance out here on day three after escaping from

The dragon jail I fled to somewhere that the villagers would have a lot harder time finding me the black forest by the time I’d gone deep enough into the forest to feel safe from the villagers I was so hungry I could barely stand it I guess using my Fireball power and then

Making a daring Escape really works up an appetite there wasn’t a huge amount of food around but I at least gathered up as many sweet berries as I could eating some and storing the rest away for safekeeping suddenly a huge Shadow passed over I looked up and saw

Something amazing it was a huge fully grown Ender Dragon sewing right above me when she spotted me she turned herself towards me I look so tiny compared to her hello little one I didn’t expect to see another Dragon down here even a teeny tiny new Dragon such as yourself

Hi Miss Ender Dragon my name’s Zozo and I’m pretty surprised to see you too people aren’t very kind to us dragons around here ah so you’ve encountered all the cruel small-minded humans who are out here threatening to ruin our way of life you’re lucky you escaped with your

Life wait you know about all of that please tell me more I’d love to understand everything that’s going on here you’ll understand it all in due time fly with me little one and I’ll take take you back to my Lair so me and the Ender Dragon used our dragon wings

To take off into the sky at least it’d be a lot harder for humans to get us up there from day four to day five I flew with the ender dragon all the way back to her draconic lair in the wooded Red Rock mountains as we flew over I noticed

That there was an unusual number of Endermen wandering around the mountain I figured they must have been there with the Ender Dragon we touched down near the top of the mountain and that’s when the Ender Dragon started telling me her story you see we dragons once ruled this whole world

The natural home of all dragons is the end but the end isn’t a very vibrant place instead we dragons came here and helped lift up this world to Greatness but some creatures especially the humans were ungrateful for everything we did for them they decided instead to hate us

And Hunt us to near Extinction just because we’re the rightful rulers of this world that sounds horrible look can I do to make it all right again miss Ender Dragon we must reclaim our territory piece by piece Zozo you can start by finding a good place to build a

Base here take these tools the Ender Dragon gave me a set of stone tools and I flew off again I searched from the skies until I came across a guanna shield biome this seems like a good place to hang my hat I flew down and started using my stone axe to clear

Trees and make space for my base this also gave me enough wood to make a decent start on actually building it to I took a break from my building to appreciate the scenery when I saw a gang of villagers wandering through the forest searching for me I swear I saw a

Dragon fly through the sky around here we need to find it before it does any damage but this time I wasn’t going to settle for being captured I blew another Fireball and it exploded right next to them they scattered immediately after that then I leveled up thanks to me

Using my dragon skills I had 10 Hearts now and and I’d gotten bigger not as much of a noob now am I from day six to day 8 I was exploring more of The Gua Shield when I happened upon a sadl looking raccoon wandering through hey raccoon is everything okay you look a

Little glum of course I look glum my home just burnt down I’m the only one who got out oh no that’s terrible I’m so sorry what happened was someone being careless with matches no no someone else did it or something and I know I’m not the only one there are a lot of

Incidents like this some places getting burned some folks are getting poisoned you better be careful out there and with that the raccoon wandered off I knew even more now that something horrible was going on out here was it something I could fix in less than 100 days the day

After the Ender Dragon returned floating in the sky she had some things to say to me Zozo I’m afraid I have grave news the humans are working together with some of the other creatures to wipe us dragons out completely we need to find and Crush their resistance movement completely but

Where would we start Ender Dragon I need information first and foremost make your way to the jakaranda forest I believe there may be some people of interest there find out all that you can and while you’re there if you can find an old chest of mine I left an echol

Locator inside it’ll help you find caves without any delay I set off to the jakaranda forest from day 9 to day 10 I flew away from my base and made my way towards the jakaranda forest hoping to find some information and if I was lucky the Ender Dragon’s old chest I landed in

The forest and started searching thankfully it didn’t actually take me long to find the chest that the Ender Dragon told me about plus thankfully there was an angry Crimson Phantom guarding it the owner of this chest told me I could have what was inside it sir

Oh yeah well I don’t care it’s my chest now and if you want it back you’re going to have to fight me for it the fight began and because I was still technically a real Noob Dragon the Crimson Phantom was stronger than me his attacks were powerful and he seemed to

Be good at tanking mine I pulled out of the fight and tried to collect myself I was worried the Crimson Phantom was going to attack me until a phantom Fox ran in and distracted him for me hey Crimson don’t you know why you shouldn’t fight with Dragons you gets burned this

Was just the distraction I needed to fire a fireball at the Crimson Phantom destroying him for good thanks for the assist Phantom Fox no problem Noob dragon with the Crimson Phantom gone I easily searched the chest and grabbed the echolocator the Phantom Fox was still there waiting for me see want to

Come visit my friend the Elder Guardian I think he’d like you sure he might be able to help me with some information I need we traveled deeper into the forest Until We Came Upon the Elder Guardian all three of us sat down to chat and I asked the Elder Guardian if he knew

Anything about the human resistance groups resistance groups where have you heard of such a thing I don’t know of any resistance groups just people trying to do their best to survive Hard Times interesting I’ll report back with that from day 11 to day 12 I flew from the

Jakaranda forest back to the wooded Red Rock mountains where the Ender Dragon was waiting for me well do you have anything to to tell me about the resistance groups our continued survival depends on it Zozo I spoke to some people and the funny thing is nobody seems to know about any resistance

Groups just people trying to survive fools all of them fools do I have to do everything myself gather up some iron from a cave to create some iron armor then find a remote Village to the south of here you’ll see evidence of the human resistance with your own eyes since you

Seem to have so little trust in me I had no idea why the Ender Dragon seems so so mean and angry with me all of a sudden but I figured I still better do what she said I flew down from the mountain and used the echolocator to find the nearest

Cave I headed inside and started mining until I found some iron ore this would be perfect for armor and tools but when I left the cave some angry dread thalls were waiting for me can’t you guys give me a break I’ve been having kind of a rough week they didn’t listen instead

They attacked luckily for me it was easy to make short work of them with my fire breath attack now I need to go find that remote Village from day 13 to day 15 after searching for a couple of days I found the remote Village that the Ender

Dragon told me about but it seemed so peaceful it was a small isolated Community guarded by a single iron golem it didn’t even seem bothered by me being there like the villagers that had first imprisoned me a lot of what the Ender Dragon told me doesn’t seem to add up

Something’s wrong I need to get out of here and find out the truth from day 16 to to day 19 I flew back to the wooded Red Rock mountains to get some straight answers out of the Ender Dragon only to find that she wasn’t there this whole situation just keeps getting weirder and

Weirder I’m starting to get a little worried honestly I flew back to my base turning this whole thing over in my mind when I noticed someone was already at my base waiting for me it was one of the villagers from that little remote Village that the Ender Dragon made me

Stake out oh gosh I hope you’re a nice dragon because that evil Ender Dragon is attacking my Village and I need some help wait the Ender Dragon oh no don’t worry I’ll go over there right away I flew back to the remote Village and saw to my horror that the Villager was right

The Ender Dragon was flying above destroying everything I flew in and tried to reason with her Ender Dragon why are you doing this these people aren’t part of the resistance you gullible fool you barely deserve to call yourself a dragon there is no resistance there are only we dragons and all

Inferior species you can either be with me or against me I’m not going to let you hurt innocent people Ender Dragon then you’re against me the Ender Dragon blew one of her poisonous purple Fireballs at me and everything went black from day 20 to day 22 I woke up

From being knocked out and found that the Ender Dragon was gone but she’ also destroyed the entire Village and left no survivors except for one Iron Golem who is left without anything to defend I feel terrible it was my duty to defend them and now they’re all gone because of

Me it isn’t your fault Iron Golem it was the Ender Dragon’s fault come back to my base with me we’ll work together to defeat the Ender Dragon and avenge everyone she hurt yes that sounds like the only way that I can bring my heart some peace the Iron Golem and I went

Back to my base I let him stay in my house and made sure he was happy here thank you Zoo this looks like a wonderful place to stay and while I was there I built a smelting furnace where I turned my iron ore into iron ingots

Built a few new pieces of armor and an iron pickaxe I’m going to use all my might to become an experienced dragon and take down the Ender Dragon for all she’s done from day 23 to Day 26 I decided to take my new iron gear out for

A spin if I was going to become a mighty enough Dragon to defeat the Ender Dragon I needed to get to work and explore some new areas I ventured out to the desert and started looking around then I spotted a Vex piglin attacking a commoto dragon wait a second I know that Komodo

Dragon komoto Carl I’ll save you Zozo thank goodness I thought I was a goner I rushed over and started attacking the Vex piglin but it was really strong yikes this is going to be a harder fight than I thought the Vex biglin knocked me down oh no Zoo look out Carl I can’t

Defeat this guy by myself I need you to help me how can I help I’m just a kodo dragon you’re the real deal I couldn’t even free myself without your help just trust me if we work together we’ll be much stronger than we are by ourselves

I’ll give it my best shot kodo Carl jumped in and attacked the Vex piglin while I was down attacking him and saving my life thanks for your help see you I knew you were stronger than you thought you were thank you for showing me that and helping me save myself hey

Let me give you something to say thanks he gave me a kodo dragon spit bottle oh uh thanks I guess I know it seems gross but you can use this to make a potion Resistance potion it should help protect you oh cool thanks from day 27 to day 31

I took a stroll through the Beautiful beautiful rose fields to catch my breath after that fight with the Vex piglin seeing all those flowers definitely put me in a good mood while I was stopping to smell the roses I saw a herd of sheep they were wandering around and looked

Pretty lost so I told them to follow me back to my base once we got there I built a pen for the Sheep to live in here you go you guys can stay here as long as you like oh Zoo you’re back I’m so glad I wanted to show you what I did

While you were gone the Iron Golem showed me some bookshelves he added to the base awesome thanks meanwhile in the wooded Red Rock mountains the Ender Dragon was up to no good with a frightening Ender Blaze standing by her side I’m so glad you see things my way

Ender Blaze with your help no one will dare oppose me ever again my pleasure we Ender being should be in charge of everything and if you’re the one who’s going to make that happen I’ll do anything I can to help from day day 32

To day 35 I left my base to go explore the Enchanted Forest I was just taking a casual stroll and looking around when suddenly a group of warped moscos spotted me oh no a dragon quick let’s get him before he burns down our forest they rushed toward me and started

Attacking me hey wait I’m not here to burn anything down I live in this Forest too that’s what the dragon and our last Forest said but he was a liar I bet you are too wait a sec second the Ender Dragon she lied to me too it’s my

Mission to defeat her so she can’t hurt anyone else really you promise I promise my name is Zozo and I’m a nice dragon if that’s really true then you should come with us I followed them to a warped toad who was sitting under a tree well I certainly didn’t expect you boys to

Bring me a dragon I’m here to help I swear my name is Zozo I don’t like the Ender Dragon any more than you do well as the old s and goes Fight Fire with Fire having a dragon on our side might be the advantage we need to end the

Ender Dragon’s reign of terror the Ender Dragon isn’t used to battling his own kind you see she’s tricked most of them into working with her I’ll tell you anything else that I learned and help you however I can Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 I decided to work on upgrading my

Armor I went down into the mine and started digging for iron I found enough to craft the rest of the armor I needed and I even found a couple of diamonds too I gathered everything and took it back to my base I used the iron I mind

To complete the rest of my set and when I was finished I saw a raccoon at the entrance to the base hey are you Zozo that’s me oh good I heard you’re trying to learn more about being a dragon so you can get strong enough to stop the

Ender Dragon right I am are you here to give me dragon lessons or something nah I’m just a raccoon I could teach you how to find food in the trash but I think you’d rather talk to my my friend she’s a lightning dragon and she’s not too

Fond of the Ender Dragon either if you’re not busy you can come with me to meet her I’m never too busy to learn let’s go from day 40 to day 43 I followed the raccoon to the araria Savannah she’s really excited to meet you oh jeez but I’m just a noob Dragon

I’m still learning yeah but you were brave enough to stand up to the Ender Dragon that’s a big deal here she is I saw a huge tough Lightning Dragon suning herself in the middle of the Savannah it sure was a sight to see you must be Zozo

I’m so happy to meet you I know you’re looking to get stronger and learn more about being a dragon I’ve been a dragon for a pretty long time so I hope I can help that would be awesome can you help me get better at breathing fire before

She could answer an Ender Blaze jumped out from behind a tree and landed right in front of us well well well look what I found a couple of traitors working together who the heck are you I’m the guy that’s going to teach you a lesson about opposing the Ender Dragon the

Ender Blaze fired a missile at me and I just barely managed to dodge it help the Lightning Dragon gave me some of her power to fight the Ender Blaze I felt myself get bigger and stronger too but just when we thought we defeated him he kept attacking you’ve done a great job

Here today Zozo but you need to get out of here I’ll keep this guy busy go from day 44 to day 49 I flew back to my bed face I hope the Lightning Dragon is okay I didn’t have too much time to think about it though because the Warped toad

Came to see me Zozo I have some news my research has pointed me to a weapon that I believe will help you defeat the Ender Dragon it is a netherite axe a powerful axe made by combining a diamond axe with netherite ingots oh I have some diamonds already excellent and you have the

Amount of diamonds required to craft a diamond axe what well no I need to go get more diamonds then hop to it young dragon time is of the essence I get it hop like a toad very funny this is no laughing matter Zoo much is at stake

Good luck on the encouragement of the Warped toad I headed down into the mine and started digging for diamonds phew all this mining is hard work but it’ll be worth it when I finally defeat the Ender Dragon it took a while but I found some diamonds enough to make a diamond

Ax now I just need to figure out where I can find a netherite Ingot from day 50 to day 53 I started my quest to find some neite ingots and build the netherite axe I ventured out to the crab Gardens to see what I could learn when I

Got there a cleric came up to me greetings little dragon are you a friend of the Warped to I am what can you tell me about a netherite axe well the Ender Dragon is vulnerable to netherite weapons according to stories I have heard she isn’t able to melt them with

Her fiery breath the way she would ordinary metal weapons the combination of diamond and netherite makes it indestructible to her that’s great news do you know where I can find some netherite now that I’m afraid I don’t know I wish you luck though okay well thanks for the info I started to head

Back to my base as I was walking a fireball hit the ground just a few feet away from me hey what gives I could see a fire dragon just up ahead I’m so sorry I wasn’t aiming for you I was aiming for those zombies sure enough he was

Fighting a hord of zombies want some help with that yeah I’ve got this he shot another fireball out of his mouth and blew up the rest of the zombies without any trouble at all wa that was awesome Z do you want to team up with me

And help me fight the Ender Dragon no thanks I’m good sorry kid but I fly solo good luck with uh whatever you’re doing though sounds like you’re going to need it from day 54 to day 57 I explored the crack Garden some more if I were some

Netherite where would I be just as I was searching the Ender Blaze popped up behind me again I don’t know about netherite but it looks like there’s plenty of loser right here because you’re a loser you tiny Noob Dragon ah the Ender Blaze is back I drew my weapon

And got ready for a fight but he was still way bigger and stronger than me oh no I can’t beat him yet and you never will all hail the Ender Dragon May her fire cleanse the land of all weakness I didn’t have any choice but to run away

As fast as I could next time I see that guy I’ll be ready meanwhile back in the wooded Red Rock mountains the Ender Dragon was floating back and forth it’s all coming together marvelously soon there will be only dragons and those who serve us any of my kind that refuse to

Join me will be dealt with swiftly all else will be burned to Ash or reduced to nothing but dust from day 58 to day 62 I went back to my base to check things out and figure out my next step when I got there I noticed something was different there

Were walls wow this looks great the Iron Golem stepped forward glad you think so my mother always taught me that a good house guest helps out however they can and I had some spare time so I built some bigger walls thank you I still think that Spas needs something else

Though maybe something decorative yeah like a statue I know I’ll build a statue of an adult Dragon to remind myself what I’m working toward when I look like the statue I’ll know I’m done growing up I gathered some materials and started constructing my adult dragon statue then

I added some banners to the base to spruce up the place even more next I used my diamonds to craft myself a diamond axe what a great day I one step closer to having what I need to defeat the Ender Dragon I just have to stay

Brave and keep going from day 63 to day 66 the cleric came to visit me at my base Zozo the time has come for you to gather the remaining materials for the netherite axxe in order to find netherite you must enter the nether okay um how do I do that through a portal

Dear Dragon there is one I can lead you to and once it is operational you will be able to travel through it to the nether oh okay neat follow me Zozo I followed the cleric out to the snowy blue tiger this is where the portal is unfortunately it appears to be broken

You will not be able to pass through it until it has been repaired a bummer how do we fix it that I cannot tell you I will return to my research and see what I can learn in the meantime explore this area and see if you can unlock the

Secrets of the portal for yourself I never could have dreamed becoming an adult Dragon would be so much work but I was ready for the challenge if I needed a working portal to help me complete my quest I would find a way to make it work

From day 67 to Day 70 I wandered around the snowy blue tiger looking for clues that might help me fix the broken portal Zozo is that you buddy oh hey kodo Carl what brings you all the way out here I came out here to visit some friends but

I ran into an ice dragon causing all kinds of trouble freezing my vacation house oh no let’s go see if we can stop it I followed Koto Carl to his vacation home and sure enough there was a great big ice dragon stomping all over the place hey what are you doing cut that

Out you you work for that infernal Ender Dragon you can’t tell me what to do I don’t work for her anymore a likely story ice to meet you little dragon prepare to be frozen in your tracks then the ice dragon rushed at me and attacked I had gotten a lot stronger and better

At fighting though and I was able to defeat him and knock him down please listen to me I don’t work for the Ender Dragon anymore in fact I’m trying to stop her but I need help to do it if you join me maybe we can stop her once and

For all that would be more productive than taking out my rage on this random vacation home you know what I will join you from day 71 to day 74 I returned to my base and found the Ender Blaze had beaten me to it he was launching Fireballs at everything in sight and it

Already knocked down one of the walls completely no stop that if you want me to stop so badly you’ll have to fight me what if I’m not strong enough I guess I’ll have to try anyway I attacked the Ender Blaze but he knocked me down he’s still too strong what do I do

Perish he attacked me but I dodged it get away from our base you Fiend The Iron Golem attacked the Ender Blaze but the Ender Blaze grabbed him I’ll take take this smell you later foolish baby dragon the two of them teleported away in the blink of an eye he kidnapped my

Friend no that was too far I needed to get strong enough to beat the Ender blades so I could save the Iron Golem who had helped me so much I won’t let you down Iron Golem no matter what I can promise you that much first I had to

Repair the damage to my base I rebuilt the busted wall and added a guard Tower and a fence for Extra Protection in case Ender Dragon sent any more I to attack me looking at my hard work I couldn’t help but feel regret for not putting in all these security features earlier

Meanwhile back in the Red Rock mountains excellent work Ender Blaze without his little friend to help him Zozo stands no chance not that he had one to begin with there is none mightier than the Ender Dragon in all the land and soon everyone will bow down to me from day 75 to day

78 the warped toad came to see me at my base Zozo I heard about what happened I’m so sorry little one but all hope is not lost I know I just have to work harder and you just need the right equipment I’m sure you know by now the diamond weapons are more effective

Against the Ender Dragon but they’re also most effective against his Ender Blaze as well I brought you this and it should help you in your quest he handed me a diamond sword than thank you do you know where the Ender Blaze might have taken my friend yes that was my second

Gift you didn’t give me a chance to show you anyway here it is take this map and it will lead you there you’ve come a long way already zoo I know you can do it thank you armed with the map and my new diamond sword I headed off to

Confront the Ender blades for what I hoped would be the last time from day 79 to day 84 I followed the map to the Ender blazes base give me back my friend you monster he came out of the base to face me I could see the Iron Golem

Trapped behind him oh I’m a monster am I and you aren’t for betraying the Ender Dragon who took you under her wing and taught you what it means to be a dragon being a dragon isn’t about hurting innocent people and being a bully she’s a liar and you’re a loser please feel

Free to fight me again if you’re so eager to taste defeat once more I drew my sword and attacked as fast as I could he blocked my attack with ease and I started to get worried oh no is this new sword enough to defeat him of course

It’s not he hit me hard knocking me down it was looking like things might be over for me when suddenly the ice dragon slammed into the Ender Blaze not so fast I thought you only worked alone I usually do but I’m not going to let the Ender Dragon ruin everything for Our

Kind let’s teach this guy a lesson here take this he tossed me a dragon enhancement potion which I drank quickly wo tastes gross even though it didn’t taste good the potion made me transform into a full grown adult dragon and I gained Hearts not such a little dragon

Anymore now let’s handle this Ender Blaze with the ice dragon’s health and my brand new strength and size we were finally able to defeat him and free the Iron Golem from day 85 to day 89 I headed out to the Badlands to collect some terracotta I could use to finish

Off my statue it was perfect timing finishing the statue of an adult Dragon when I was finally one myself I returned to my base and put the finishing touches on the statue that looks great then the cleric came back to see me zoo I have

Great news I know how you can fix the nether portal take these obsidian blocks and use them to repair it then you can go through and collect the netherite you require awesome thank you so much I took the obsidian blocks and ventured back out to the snowy blue tiger where the

Broken portal was waiting for me I used the blocks to fix the portal and then I was ready to enter the nether wow this place is kind of spooky I looked around for a while and I saw some ancient debris oh that’s it if I get that

Ancient debris I can get some netherite but as I ran toward the ancient debris an Ender gas jumped out and attacked me I don’t have time for this get out of my way with my new strength and size it was easy to blow that Ender Gast away then I

Grabbed the ancient debris and headed back through the portal now I have everything I need from day 90 to Day 94 I emerged from the portal and was back in the snowy blue tiger but my good mood didn’t last long because the Ender Dragon was waiting for me hello again

Zozo you’ve grown I see not a noob Dragon any longer you’re a mighty Beast now join me come and work for me again and Together We Will Conquer this puny land no I’ll never never join you fool me once shame on me fool me twice well

You’re just mean if that is your choice then so be it hey what’s that behind you when I turned to look she snatched the ancient debris out of my hands hey give that back no I don’t think I will I’ll give you something to keep you busy

Though as she got ready to fly away she dropped a cage on me I was trapped from day 95 to day 97 I used my fiery breath to destroy the cage so I could Escape yay I’m out but now what should I do I know I’ll go see the Warped Toad and ask

Him what to do I travel to the Enchanted Forest and track down the Warped toad when I arrived he was lying on the ground dying who did this to you the Ender Dragon she attacked me I don’t have much time listen to me she’s taking

What she stole from you back to her base you’ll have to go there and retrieve it thank you for your he terorism Zozo goodbye no I’ll make her pay for this I swear on day 98 I returned to my base and was greeted by a horrible sight my

Base was completely destroyed while I was gone she must have come here too curs her this is terrible I looked around for my friends that were living there but they were gone oh no what do I do my base my leader my friends she took everything from me not everything I

Turned around and the the ice dragon was there I’m sorry you’re sad Zozo but I can help if the two of us team up I think we can take down the Ender Dragon together what should we do we’ll gather up our weapons and supplies and we’ll

Head to a base together then we’ll fight as hard as we can okay let’s do it on day 99 the ice dragon and I journeyed into the wooded Red Rock mountains where the Ender Dragon’s base was ready not really but I don’t have much of a choice

Let’s give it our best a shot hello traitors come to groble at my claws the Ender Dragon rushed us both no we’re here to take you down ha funny joke but I’m finished laughing time to taste defeat time for you to freeze the ice dragon attacked the Ender Dragon but she

Dodged the attack and came back with an even harder hit she knocked the ice dragon down and he didn’t get back up no I attacked next but the Ender Dragon was still way too strong I did get one good hit in though and she dropped the ancient debris with no other choice I

Grabbed it and ran all the way back to my base there I was finally able to craft the netherite axe when I did I felt the strength coursing through my body and when I looked up the ice dragon and lightning dragon were back you’re alive sure am and I’m ready for round

Two on day 100 the dragons and I returned to the Ender Dragon’s base we can’t let this lady keep keep giving dragons A Bad Name let’s show her what it really means to be a dragon alt together we attacked the base the Lightning Dragon and the ice dragon work

Together to fight off her minions well I went inside to find the Ender Dragon your days of stepping on the little guy are done ready to lose again so soon if you’re so eager then let’s fight well I’ve got this now I pulled out the netherite axe and she actually looked a

Little bit scared how did you get that with a lot of help because unlike you I believe in kindness and friendship and kicking your butt I ran at her with the axe and started fighting this time I knew I was strong enough before long I delivered the final blow and the Ender

Dragon fell to the ground finally there can be peace between dragons and the rest of the world on day one I spawned into the middle of the Black Forest as Herobrine Minecraft’s spookiest Phantom well a baby version of Herobrine anyway but why am I here I was on some kind of

Altar with a Sinister robed figure standing and staring at me yes yes my plan worked this is the growing sign that my powers are growing plan Powers who are you and what’s going on here you don’t know the name of your master boy I am Dorian the drowned Necromancer Master

Of the undead and you are my servant servant I didn’t sign up for that I don’t even want to be a ghost I want to have a body what you want doesn’t matter without me you wouldn’t exist and unless I choose to give you a body in the next

100 days your spirit will fade away into nothingness bow to me boy never and my name is Zozo with all my might I jumped out of the Altar and ran off off into the forest as fast as I could I didn’t want anything to do with Dorian the

Drowned Necromancer and his plan to get more power I need to work on my plan getting my body back when I was convinced that I’d lost Dorian I hid under a tree for the rest of the day as a Restless spirit I couldn’t even get any rest being Herobrine sure isn’t easy

On day two I decided to further explore the Black Forest it was dark and spooky the exact kind of place that a scary Spirit like me would be summon if I wasn’t a ghost myself I’d be afraid of running into a ghost around here and oh

Jeez I only have five Hearts I thought ghosts were meant to be more durable than this but I didn’t have time to wallow in self-pity for long because a gang of frightening dread litches emerged out of the trees why is everyone around here so Eerie we serve our glorious Master Dorian the drown

Necromancer he gave us new life so we owe everything to him oh that’s just my luck and I guess you want to kidnap me and take me back to him for his Sinister plans huh we didn’t expect you to already know this I guess it saves us some explanation time at

Least in the name of Dorian we come and dare your soul The Dread lies punched me with no weapons and very low health I didn’t have any hope of fighting back against them instead I turned around and ran as quickly as I could my soul my rules the Black Forest seemed dark and

Infinite so at least it wasn’t difficult to lose those nasty liches the downside was that I’d gotten lost myself and as I wandered through the forest getting more and more creeped out I ran into a siren oh another ghost how exciting wait you

Can see me of course I can see you I’m a psychic Sarah the psychic siren General Services place to meet you so you’re not going to try to steal my soul like everyone else I’ve met steal your soul heck no I’m a huge supporter of spirits

Rights come with me my new ghost friend I’ll introduce you to my boss finally having met someone nice I followed Sarah the psychic siren through the trees on day three Sarah led me through the forest Until We Came Upon a small cottage a sign outside read psychic

Services for all ghosts wow I had no idea this kind of place existed Sarah there are more ghosts in this Forest than you think it’s got to be someone’s job to take care of them and help them along their way suddenly the front door opened and a geomancer stepped out Zozo

Meet my boss Jerry the geomancer Jerry I found Zozo here wandering through the Black Forest like a Restless Spirit he needs our help is that a fact it’s nice to meet you Zoo tell me how did you find yourself in this difficult situation to be honest I’m not entirely sure I was

Summoned and bounded by this guy called Dorian the drowned Necromancer and he told me that if I didn’t didn’t serve him I’d Disappear in 100 days it’s gotten me pretty worried that’s concerning I’ve heard of many cases caused by this Dorian fellow a truly dangerous customer I’m going to put

Sarah on your case she’ll come and help you build a base and get situated and together we’ll get your body back thank you Jerry and Sarah I’m feeling better already let’s go Zozo with the mission to get my body back decided on Sarah and I journeyed for further into the forest

To get started from day four to day five Sarah and I explored the Black Forest until we discovered an area with a nice flat terrain so Sarah what do you think we should do first I’d say cut down a few of these trees that’ll give you some

Of the wood you need to build a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe great idea Sarah I cut down a tree and made a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe from there I mined enough Stone to also create a stone pickaxe Axe and a stone sword it’s difficult to hold this stuff

Being a ghost but I’ll try my best that’s the spirit Zozo I cleared enough space in the forest to start laying down a basic base collecting some extra wood along the way it started off with a pretty basic setup with just a room for

Me and a room for Sarah oh this is a nice setup Zozo I guess living with you technically means we living in a haunted house yeah I guess so say this is probably a pointless question to ask but is it possible for ghosts to eat because I’m getting really hungry right now

You’re in luck Zozo I have an enchanted Apple that ghosts can eat in my inventory right now enjoy Sarah gave me the apple and I ate it instantly I felt my power starting to grow I had 20 Hearts now and I developed a new ghost ability warping from place to place this

Is fascinating Zozo I feel so lucky that I’m getting to see it from day six to day 8 I went wandering around the nearby Twilight Valley looking for more rare Enchanted food as a ghost my ghostly hunger was really difficult to satisfy and Sarah didn’t know how to enchant

More food it kind of sucks to be a ghost I still have a lot of the downsides of Being Human plus a bunch of new downsides but while I was wandering around the valley I heard some commotion and ran in to see what was happening maybe I can help someone in the distance

I saw a Vindicator Chef one of the most powerful types of chefs in the world being attacked by a nasty gang of skeleton vanguards a chef huh what a stroke of good luck I used my new ghost power to warp over over there and pulled

Out my stone sword with all my focus and determination I fought all of the skeleton vanguards until none remained it was only me and The Vindicator Chef you saved my life sir I owe you a great debt what is your name I’m Zozo Zozo a strong name for a strong hero I am

Victor Victor The Vindicator chef and if you do a favor for me I will repay your kindness by any means necessary that sounds like a good deal what kind of favor would you like me to do follow me and I’ll show you I followed Victor The Vindicator Chef deeper into the

Twilight Valley excited to get him on my side from day N9 to day 10 Victor took me to a clearing in the valley where a huge mutant skeleton was waiting oh jeez that thing is a monster you want me to defeat a mutant skeleton I Believe In

You Zozo seeing you take down all those skeleton vanguards makes me completely confident in your ability to slay this Beast go forth uh thanks for the vote of confidence Victor I stealed myself as best as I could and warped over to the mutant skeleton it immediately started

Attacking me and I started attacking it back but my attacks were barely doing anything and its attacks were taking way too many hearts off of me I got to get out of here I warped away from the fight and ran back to Victor telling him the disappointing news oh well I’m sure you

Tried your best nonetheless I suppose we’ll go our separate ways no hear me out I could really use a Vindicator Chef back at my base you’re the only type of Chef who can cook the type of Enchanted food I can eat how about you stay at my

Base and I promise I’ll come back and defeat this mutant skeleton when I’m strong enough that sounds like a good deal to me lead the way dear Zozo from day 11 to day 12 I return to the base with Victor The Vindicator Chef I know

It isn’t much but it’s home I’m going to make you a room thank you Zozo I’ll get working on a little something of my own in the meantime I got to work Gathering up new materials and started building a new little Bungalow for The Vindicator Chef to stay in while crashing at my

Base what do you think Victor this is a nice little room Zozo thank you and you can come and see what I made for you too go and check your room I walked over and saw that Victor had made a high-end Kitchen in my base perfect for cooking

Up the kind of Enchanted food I could eat this is amazing Victor I’m getting being hungry just looking at it but the kitchen is only one side of the equation Zozo I need some good quality ingredients perhaps we should build a farm on the base that’s another

Excellent idea I decided to build a little enclosure and went out into the black forest where I found a bunch of chickens it wasn’t hard to her them back to my base I can taste the eggs and fried chicken already when I returned to my room to relax I found that Sarah the

Psychic siren was waiting for me with some new information I did some research into Oran the drowned Necromancer Zozo and found some interesting information he used to be a flesh and blood Necromancer terrorizing the Overworld by raising the undead until one day the people rose up and drowned him in the

Ocean somehow Dorian returned and he’s been acting on his evil plans ever since wow this guy is really scary from day 13 to day 15 I returned to Sarah once again and asked her what she thought I should do in order to get my body back back

Right now Zozo knowledge is power the more we can find out the more likely we’ll be able to help you get your body back head out to the Twilight Valley and see what you can find out that’s an excellent idea Sarah I journeyed out into the Twilight Valley which reminded

Me of the time that I’d failed to defeat the mutant skeleton why is nothing ever easy around here but my difficulties were only just getting started one of the dread litches who worked for Dorian the drowned Necromancer came from behind me ready to fight me I serve my glorious Master Doran the the

Drown Necromancer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it let’s just fight fine the way to take all the fun out of this I battled The Dread with all my might he was a formidable opponent but in the end I defeated him all the same and that

Gave me the XP I needed to level up again I got bigger stronger rose up to 40 hearts and gained a new offensive power lightning strikes finally some actually cool Ghost powers from day 16 to day 19 I found my way into the wooded Badlands where I continued my search for

Any useful information that could help me defeat Dorian the drowned Necromancer and get my body back during the first couple days of my search through the Badlands I didn’t find anything but on day 19 I happened upon a Dusty old book hidden out of the way yay reading I love

That but it wasn’t just a fun reading experience that would engage my imagination it was also a book that contained some critical information about Dorian the drowned Necromancer it read like all Cardinal Undead the drowned Necromancer has a beard of ice therefore he must spend most of his time

In the freezing cold and he has a severe weakness to fire so that’s two useful pieces of information Dorian has a weakness to Fire and he must be hiding somewhere cold I can’t wait to tell Sarah about this but my celebration was shortlived as suddenly a couple of dread

Lies and pushed me trying to get revenge for their friend I defeated back in the Twilight Valley thankfully this time I had the power of ghostly lightning in my hands I fired some lightning bolts at The Dread litches until they were destroyed I’m getting my body back no

Matter what from day 20 to day 22 I continued through the wooded Badlands feeling strong and confident about all the information I’d found recently I ran into a nasty gang of hungry spiders and used my new lightning ability to zap them these spiders are hardly a threat

To me now I decided that now was the perfect time to upgrade my gear too I searched until I found an underground Cavern and looked around until I found some iron ore I mined the ore and smelted it into some ingots creating an iron sword and an iron pickaxe now I’m

Stronger than ever come to think of it I have some unfinished business to take care of now remembering the debt I owe to Victor The Vindicator Chef I returned to the Twilight Valley and hunted down that scary mutant skeleton I agreed to defeat when I saw the mutant skeleton I

First Unleashed a lightning strike stunning it then I ran in and struck it again and again with my new iron sword until it was no more a Herobrine always pays his debts from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the base to let Victor The

Vindicator Chef know that I had paid my debt to him by defeating the mutant skeleton I can see that you’ve gotten strong just like you promised you would that’s right and I plan on becoming even stronger Victor they’ll start calling me Victor too because I won so many battles

But that’s my name Zozo won’t that get confusing true I guess I’ll just stick with Zozo after my talk with Victor I went to the underground Cavern where I could mine for more iron with my iron pickaxe I was able to mine the iron ore

In no time in the same area I found a treasure chest with a bunch of iron ingots that I could use to craft a full set of iron armor I’m like a Ghostly knif I went back above and went to see Victor The Vindicator Chef again he said

He had some news to share with me Zozo I’ve made an addition to the base that I think you might really enjoy he showed me a relaxation room that was perfect for ghosts like me you did a really good job on this Victor we ghosts might not

Be able to rest in peace but at least now we can relax about it it was no trouble at all friend from day 27 to day 31 I was out exploring the same area of the wooded Badlands where I defeated the dread litches I came across a farmer who

Was jumping for joy at the sight of me that’s not the usual reaction people have for Herobrine so I went over to ask why he was in such a good mood what’s got you so happy Mr farmer it’s because of you Zozo those dread litches were a

Real snake in my boot but ever since you defeated them I’ve had no worries glad to hear it slaying evil monsters and improving lives is totally my thing well there is one small worry when those dread lies were still around one of them scared off all my sheep I needed them

For wool I’ll help you out you can even come live at my base if you’d like that sounds pying Zozo I led the farmer back to the base then set off through the Black Forest to find some sheep so I could gather the wool that the farmer

Was looking for taming them was easy enough and soon there was enough wool to go around afterwards I decided to do some decorating these Herobrine banners will show the mobs that this is home to one Mighty Ghost with the decorations done I found Sarah the psychic siren

Waiting inside there you are Zozo you have to leave the base with me now it’s an emergency what’s going on come on I’ll explain when we get there from day 32 to day 35 I left the base with Sarah and traveled through the Black Forest along the way we were ambushed by a

Small gang of dread litches why does this feel familiar I should have seen this coming I am a psychi after all we we serve our glorious Master Dorian the drowned Necromancer they really do say it every time don’t they Sarah they sure do hey don’t diss our catchphrase or we’ll have

To get mean well meaner The Dread litches began to attack so I zapped them with my ghost lightning strikes none of the dread lies I had fought before had seen that ability so it took them by surprise and I was able to quickly defeat them traveled on and I soon

Noticed that Sarah and I had come to the place where Jerry the geomancer had resided before this time it was completely destroyed and the area was full of dorian’s dread litches hey this is Jerry’s Place get out of here it looks like we were too late Zozo this is

Exactly what I foresaw in my psychic Vision I knew what Sarah meant when I saw Jerry backed against a corner he had tried to fight The Dread litches on his own but he was about to die zoo is that you it seems I won’t be able to see you

Get your body Beck Jerry I’m sorry we got here as fast as we could don’t worry about me Dorian will surely pay for this make sure you and Sarah protect each other we will rest well Jerry I was so enraged by Jerry’s death that I destroyed the dread litches with my

Lightning strikes until there were none left in the area from Day 36 to day 39 I made a return trip back to the Twilight Valley it hadn’t changed much since the other time I was here but there was a fisherman at the local who I hadn’t seen

Before hello there I’m Zozo well hi there Zozo I’m fishing no I’m just kidding my name is Fred the fisherman and I could use a hand sure Fred what seems to be the problem I know I’d be able to catch more fish if I had some Twilight worms as bait but they’re all

Way up there in the higher parts of the Valley can you go get a couple for me you can count on me Fred I climbed up the terrain of the Twilight Valley enjoying the view along the way with all that happened recently it was nice to gather my thoughts for a moment the

Moment didn’t last long though because I was attacked by a giant even though it was big it had gotten the drop on me I took a few Swings with my iron sword to make it think twice then I warped back a short distance and hit it with a few

Lightning strikes I closed the distance back into melee range and finished it off with my sword soon after I returned to Fred the fisherman with the bait he was looking for happy fishing hope you catch a big one thanks I only came here to the valley because the fishing in the

Ocean ain’t that good anymore ever since that drowned Necromancer Rose from the sea people have been afraid that he might have left a curse on it he is really evil that Dorian a curse on the place he was drowned sure sounds like him from day 40 to day 43 I was looking

At the base after coming home from my short journey and noticed that it had been redecorated to look even spookier which for ghosts and spirits is incredibly cool this place looks amazing I predicted that you would like the changes Zozo Sarah was this you I do

Like it but what was the occasion I wanted to invite some of my siren sisters to come live at the base the new look is so they’ll feel right at home is that all right with you of course if the other Sirens are anything like you then

We’ll all get along nicely a while later the other Sirens that Sarah had mentioned arrived at the base it was right at the time she had predicted that they would arrive hello everyone make yourself at home friends of Sarah our friends of mine thanks for being so understanding Zozo living at this base

Together always works out when we compromise sure the more the merrier soon after I greeted the sirens the farmer who was also living at the base approached me so that we could talk well hey there Zoo you’re just the ghost I was looking to see I have another job

For you if you’re willing of course I’m always willing to help a farmer in need I heard from some other Farmers that there was a mutant Enderman running around and ruining everyone’s crops if you could take care of that mob you’d be helping Farmers every Everywhere You Can

Count On Me from day 44 to day 49 I took up the farmer on his request and traveled to the Tiger Mountain that mutant Enderman who was causing problems had to be around here somewhere but it wasn’t just mobs I had to worry about Dorian was here on the mountain too

Alongside a mutant zombie well well well if it isn’t the Herobrine who defied me how has the spirit been fairing you’re probably close to fny away into nothingness by now you wish Dorian my ghost form has only gotten more powerful and I will use everything I have to get

My body back easier said than done Zozo you really think getting your body back will be so simple I was counting on your ghost to become a vengeful Spirit wait what do you mean do you think the Restless Dead can return so easily to

The way they used to be why do you think I still carry the the curse of undeath after the villagers drowned me it’s because there is no way back to life for us evil spirits it can’t be have I been getting stronger for nothing yes embrace your rage and frustration become the

Monster Herobrine and forget about reclaiming your body my Undead will help you become what you are meant to be Dorian the drowned Necromancer disappeared into a fog leaving behind the mutant zombie to battle me from day 50 to day 53 I started my battle against the mutant zombie that had been sent

Against me my lightning strikes were proving effective but because of what Dorian the drowned Necromancer had said I was starting to get worried about using my ghost Powers I switched my sword and hacked away at the mutant zombie I didn’t use my warp or my lightning strike it made the fight a lot

Harder but I had to believe that I was more than just the monster Herobrine I am going to get my body back no matter what the mutant zombie Was Defeated after a big struggle and it dropped a Spellbook once it was defeated I took a moment to examine it and I saw a

Flashback to dorian’s Revival he had just emerged from the ocean as a drowned Necromancer and was looking to get revenge on the people of the world for what they did to him casting down lightning strikes in his wrath he researched the legends of other powerful undead beings and he eventually came

Across the story of Herobrine it looked like he didn’t just steal my body to make into a ghost he wanted to make me just like the dangerous and evil herobrine from the stories maybe then he’d finally have someone else as tortured and wicked as himself to hang

Out with from day 54 to day 57 I resumed the farmer’s quest to stop the mutant Enderman in the tigga mountain I found the mob in the process of a rampage and with some nervousness I approached can I actually defeat this mutant Enderman without my ghost Powers the mutant

Enderman sprinted at me and swiped at me with its powerful limbs my hearts were getting low and I was still weakened from the fight with the mutant Zombie is that all the great Herobrine can do against me I thought you were more powerful that’s what the story said

Believe everything you hear I may not be the same Herobrine that is feared by everyone but I am Herobrine myself when I said it out loud it made sense I could use my ghost Powers because I was the one in control of them and I was using

Them to help take this ow lightning strikes hurt I thought I could be the scariest but now I’m done for my ghost Powers made short work of the mutant Enderman he dropped an item upon his defeat which turned out to be an antler headress with this headgear equipped all

Of my attacks would gain greater knockback what a neat upgrade I returned to the farmer at the base and told him that I had defeated the mutant Enderman it seems that I can always count on you Zozo as a reward for getting rid of that mutant Enderman I’ll tell you a secret

About doryan the drowned Necromancer what do you know about him I was there when the villagers drowned him in the ocean his last words were a curse to everyone he said soon you’ll all feel the loneliness that I have felt what did he mean I don’t know but he probably had

Something real evil in mind when he said it from day 58 to day 62 I managed to hurt some more chickens into the base just to make sure we had a big enough food source for everyone then I made my way deep into the underground Cavern so

I could do some mining for better materials I used my iron pickaxe to dig until I struck diamonds and mind myself enough to create a diamond pickaxe I equipped the new tool and kept mining diamonds until I had enough to craft a diamond sword leggings a chest plate and

Boots this new weapon and armor would serve me well in battle against the undead forces of Dorian the drowned Necromancer with my first pieces of diamond armor and gear and toe I returned to the base and there were now floating lanterns of ghost lights around

The base I even found that a new room had been added Sarah had been hard at work making our haunted house into a haunted home this is just my way of saying thanks Zoo you’ve really been a friend to everyone after we lost Jerry the geomancer I feel like I could stay

Here for a very long time thanks Sarah that means a lot too because for ghosts like us a really long time might mean eternity from day 63 to day 6 6 I was down in the underground Cavern making some expansions to the mine when Victor The Vindicator Chef came to see me hey

Zozo I heard that you were still looking for your original body there’s a biome nearby where you may not have looked yet oh really well I’m glad you thought to tell me about it Victor I went back above ground and traveled to the place that Victor had told me about the wooded

Badlands I looked around for any signs of necromancy magic or a gravestone anything that might lead me to my body that’s when I noticed a scary Gorgon sneaking up on me boo hey don’t say boo to me I’m a ghost that’s our thing sorry sorry I thought it would be fun to

Startle you I didn’t mean any offense it seemed like she meant it that was a relief because I thought I would have to fight this Gorgon you’re a lot nicer than you look I could say the same thing about you you’re the Herobrine aren’t you sort of I’m the new Herobrine my

Name is Zozo Zozo huh I’m Morgan you could still help me with a Herobrin Quest right I think so what did you have in mind H you agreed this way a new ghost friend from day 67 to Day 70 I followed Morgan the Gorgon through the wooded Badlands to find out more about

This Herobrine Quest she had mentioned so aren’t you curious about this Herobrine quest of ours Yes actually I was waiting for you to tell me more well according to the scary stories about herobrine he is supposed to be the most powerful Undead because of his ability ability to rebuild and Destroy rebuild

And Destroy yes Herobrine can destroy and rebuild the world however he wants and anyone who is able to control him would be able to gain the same power I don’t have that kind of power not yet that’s why we’re on this Quest you need to regain your power by facing down

Another being that herob Brad fought that’s why we’re headed to the lir of the dread Beast we soon arrived at a part of the wooded Badlands where the dangerous mob known as The Dread Beast was known to have her Lair come on out dread Beast I am Zozo the Herobrine and

I challenge you the dread Beast soon emerged and roared with anger you think you’re Herobrine please I battled the real Herobrine in the past you’ll never be as powerful a ghost as him we’ll see the dread Beast charged in but I knocked her back with a couple slices from my

Diamond sword combined with the increased knockback from the antler headdress she tried to resist and chargeing me but I warped out of the way and brought down lightning strikes until she was defeated from day 71 to day 74 I thanked Morgan the Gorgon for helping me learn more about the Herobrine from the

Stories and left her to travel further across the wooded Badlands in search of my body I was starting to get the hang of this new spooky Herobrin story and I was also starting to think it was going to end up being a pretty good one but

It’s not the only story that you can find on this channel so you should look for my other videos by typing zo zo into the search bar I arrived at a rundown structure in the middle of the wooded Badlands I thought it maybe had something to do with how my old body

Might have lived yeah I can feel it I was definitely here before I was a ghost but that’s what you are now so why try to go back Dorian it’s you still chasing after the past Zozo you will become my Herobrine and I will use your powers to

Rebuild a world where everyone is as lonely as I’ve been that’s a a terrible thing to do and I won’t let you get away with it I tried to lightning strike him but he was immune to the damage when I swung my diamond sword he struck back

With his own weapon doing far more damage than I could do to him fool you actually thought I wasn’t prepared to fight you you’ll get a bit stronger but your ghost form will still fade away before then I do hope you help me achieve my lonely world what else do you

Have to continue on for Dorian the drowned NE romancer spared my ghostly life probably because I was still important to his plans one thing’s for sure I need to get stronger than he ever imagined I could be from day 75 to day 78 I kept thinking about how I should

Face Dorian the drowned Necromancer he had been a Restless spirit for a lot longer than me and maybe I’d have to become just as evil as him to have a fighting chance but I don’t want to be evil I don’t want to be that kind of Herobrine seeing that I was down Sarah

The psychic siren came to my room to cheer me up so though I for saww that you would be sad so I made sure to give the base an almost invisible Enchanted Mist so it’d be hidden from attacks that way nobody will disturb us without us expecting it that’s really good Sarah

Thank you let me tell you Zozo in my professional opinion as a psychic I don’t predict that you’ll turn evil I hope I can live up to your predictions I went outside for a bit to get some air and shortly after Victor The Vindicator Chef joined me with a fresh new magic

Cake that he had just baked give this a try zoo I think it might just pick you up thanks Victor I gobbled up the gake and felt a transformation coming on I doubled in size and my heart gauge increased to contain 80 Hearts Victor sure knows how to cook from day 79 to

Day 84 I went back to the wooded Badlands to see if I could face Dorian the drowned Necromancer again I knew this whole thing would be over if I could just shut him down Dorian wasn’t here himself but it seemed like he might have used some of his necromancy to

Mobilize a few random skeletons to fight me with my lightning strikes I was easily able to blow away these weak Undead I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of searching I’d done here so I examined the structure more closely that’s when I noticed doors that led to a dwelling where a pink pixie was

Staying hello there I’m Zozo do you know anything about who used to live here yeah I do there was a village here that was destroyed by storms a blizzard and a thunderstorm there was only one surviving villager and he was really alone was that villager Herobrine yeah this is the place where Herobrine’s

Story began the land has been cursed and plants have never grown as well here since it’s just like that curse that Dorian put on the ocean I’ve got to put the hero in Herobrine and find a way to lift both of those curses this may help

You in your journey Zoo pixie gave me a netherite helmet an extremely durable piece of armor that would certainly give me a Fighting Chance the next time I saw Dorian from day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base excited to show my friends the awesome netherite helmet I’d been

Given instead I found a bunch of dread lges invading my base trying to find and attack those same friends oh I can’t let this slide I don’t want to overuse my ghost Powers but for the sake of my friends it’s a risk worth taking I started firing lighting blasts left and

Right destroying them quickly and dropping their morale the rest saw my skills and took off running but I wasn’t going to let an attack on my own base slide I came running after them while chasing them I ran into a troll who seemed to be crying as much as I wanted

Revenge I didn’t want to leave a clearly distressed guy on the hook like that so I asked him what was wrong I’ve been working on my novel but I can’t seem to get through it I’m losing confidence in myself you can do it Mr troll just

Believe in yourself and try to get past the first draft I’ll be excited to read it when it’s done thank you kind stranger I’ll never forget this from day 90 to Day 94 I followed the surviving dread lges into the snowy Plains it was freezing I remembered what I had read

About Dorian before he needs to be cold he must be hiding somewhere out here I’m on his territory now but I couldn’t afford to worry about that just yet I needed to track down and defeat those liches eventually I caught up to them they must have gotten exhausted and

Stopped I finally had my chance you guys are going to pay for attacking my base oh Zozo you’re so naive Dorian knew everything he predicted exactly what you do and now you’re going to get destroyed you’ve never been able to destroy me before what makes you guys think you’re

Going to be able to do it now oh it won’t be us Zozo it’ll be him a huge terrifying dread Knight stepped out and the dread litches all ran off he must have been one of dorian’s most dangerous henchmen yet even as a ghost I think I’m

Going to ache after this one from day 95 to day 97 I went head-to-head with the dread Knight and he was as fast and as powerful as I’d feared and as the battle went on I was worried I might be doomed until I got a second wind and fought

Back with all of my might soon enough I defeated even the terrible dread Knight the deadliest of Dorian the drowned necromancer’s henchmen I’m stronger than I’ve ever been but does this mean I’m doomed to become evil and end up serving that monster but my worried thoughts were interrupted by a new discovery when

The dread Knight Was Defeated he dropped a notebook containing instructions direct from the enemy destroy Zozo he is Unworthy of the title of Herobrine return to the ice cave when you are done if you need anything extra to finish the job check the chest behind the broken

Boulder so now I knew that Dorian was hiding in some kind of ice cave and that note about the chest really intrigued me I searched the snowy plane until I found a boulder that looked half shattered and then I found a chest behind it and inside the chest was a battle axe this

Belongs to Dorian I can’t wait to give it back to him on day 98 I returned to my base to tell everyone who’d helped me how all of this was going to unfold for all I knew it might be my final chance to speak with them guys I wanted to

Thank all of you for how much you’ve helped me I never could have gotten this far without you this final part is so dangerous that I have to do it alone Dorian is more powerful than ever but I’d rather be destroyed than let him use

Me as an evil tool there’s no way he’ destroy you Zozo you’re too powerful and too good-hearted and in the end the good guys always win and the bad guys always lose here here after you defeat him Zozo I’ll bake a mighty cake that we can all

I’ll enjoy ah and I’ll Farm all the best quality ingredients You’ got this zoo I have full confidence in you you’re all the best I’m going to defeat him for you all of you and I’m going to get my body back on day 99 I ventured back to the

Snowy Plains with everything I needed to finally take on the big bad Beast of a necromancer who stole my body it’s time for me to show you the door Dorian didn’t actually take me that long to find the ice cave that was dorian’s Hideout because I spotted a large guard

Force of dread litches waiting outside keeping a lookout talk about an undead giveaway there were so many of them and they looked better armed and armored than usual Dorian must have known I was coming and put them here to slow me down before the final battle it’s an

Ingenious plan what can I do I think I may be of service I turned and saw that Morgan the Gorgon was behind me Morgan what are you doing here sorry for following you I was going to yell boo again but it didn’t seem like the right

Moment I feel like I’ve been missing out on all the action let me distract these Undead creeps and you can go in there and take down the big bad guy sounds like a great plan Morgan let’s do this on day 100 while Morgan was distracting The Dread Lites outside I entered the

Ice cave and found Dorian the drowned Necromancer waiting for me you made it through my servants how it’s because I don’t have servants I have friends oh spare me all that self-righteous foolishness you can’t talk your way out of serving me I brought you back I bound

You you belong to me Zozo and nothing will change that I’m going to keep fighting no matter what for myself and my friends and when I’m done all you’re going to be is a bad memory then let’s see time to go back to the void silly little ghost I Unleashed everything I

Had onto Dori in not giving up even as he fought back against me I could tell as the battle went on he was getting weaker and weaker I pulled out the battle axe the battle axe that Dorian had left for his dread Knight to destroy me I’m sure the void will welcome you

Dorian and with one more strike Dorian was no more there was a tremendous Flash and in the moment that Dorian was destroyed my body was Return to me wow it feels amazing to be back on day one I spawned in is the Grim Reaper then I

Noticed I was Tiny and I only had three hearts what is this nonsense I looked around and saw that I was in front of a castle ooh this looks interesting I’ll take a look inside I opened the door and called out anybody home maybe one of my friends lived here or something I

Started wandering around and found myself in a throne room what is that I saw a man with a mutant wither skeleton he was holding a scythe wait I think that’s that’s my Scythe how did you get it the man screamed in Rage and pointed at me destroy him a bunch of zombies

Came out from the back room and I gasped in shock without even thinking I fired an icy blast that froze some of the zombies solid huh that’s interesting I guess this is because I’m as cold as death I ran out the door and down the stairs as the zombies followed me that

Was not what I was expecting and why does that guy have an army of zombies that’s not right I found a small cave and decided to sleep there for the night tomorrow I’ll find out what’s going on on day two I left the cave to go

Exploring I walked for half a day until I found my way to the atum forest I don’t really have a home so I guess I’m going to have to make one I started collecting some wood to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe after some additional Mining and crafting I had

Some simple stone tools and weapons well it’s better than nothing I had been working so hard all day so when I stopped I realized realized I was hungry what does a grim reaper eat I found some cows and pigs and cooked up some food for myself it didn’t do anything to help

In fact it made me feel sick gross I need to find something else I noticed that it had gotten dark suddenly a group of zombies popped out and started attacking me with my new stone sword I was able to take them out easily they had dropped some meat and I stared at it

Hungrily maybe this will help me I ate the meat and sure enough my hearts were restored I feel much better now I made it back to my base and worked on a few more things before heading to bed on day three I went back out to find more

Materials for the base it was safe enough but I wanted to make some improvements it turned out to be a nice day I hope nothing too crazy happens today I realized I had spoken too soon because just then I heard an awful crash I ran to see what the noise was when I

Saw dread Queen fighting a bunch of zombies hey leaf for be I rushed forward with my weapons the zombies started to attack me when I remembered my trick at the Castle I fired out some ice blast and froze up some of those nasty zombies the others

Noticed and started to run away nice job death it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you did you shrink who are you I’m famine do you know me I’m sorry no oh this must have been Lord terror’s doing I knew he was up to no good I was so

Conf confused at this point famine could see that I was overwhelmed you are the Grim Reaper or death I’m famine and we have two friends war and pestilence we establish order in the world but Lord Terror as he calls himself started messing with stuff he’s been infiltrating The Villages and turning

People into Undead that’s horrible those Souls need to be freed and move on I thought that’s what you were planning but nobody has seen you for a while now I know something bad happened you’re smaller and you don’t look like yourself this is a lot to take in how about we

Get back to my base it’s not a castle but it’s safer than out here sure famine and I made our way back to my base just in time for the sun to set on days four to five I helped famine make a little home at my base I was driven out of my

Home by the undead I guess Lord terror is getting more powerful as the days go on the house wasn’t too fancy but famine seemed to like it and she thanked me no problem anything for a friend I went out to look for some more supplies when I

Saw a group of skeletons near a cave entrance I’m death surely they won’t want to harm me as I approached they seemed friendly but then they started shooting me with their BS hey we aren’t enemies honestly I didn’t know anymore I was just a baby after all I used my

Sword to attack and soon enough they were all gone hey what’s that I noticed a bow on the ground and I picked it up it had an enchantment and a flame on it nice this will come in handy on day 6 to 8 well out in the forest near my base I

Gathered some meat from some more cows and pigs famon got hungry a lot after all I’m going to keep working and getting stronger Lord Terror doesn’t stand a chance against me is that so I looked and to my surprise it was Lord Terror he had a few zombies around him

Let those innocent souls go you don’t have a right to keep them here Lord Terror laughed and swung the Scythe around I’m the Lord of death now little Reaper I won your Scythe fair and square what are you talking about he seemed tired of talking so he swung at me

Instead wa he was fast I tried to dodge him but he kept getting hits in I beat you once I will beat you again I got to get out of here I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me as I did I heard Lord Terror laughing from behind

Me that’s right little Reaper run away I will see you soon enough on days 9 to 10 I made it back to the base famine could tell I was hurt and she tried her hardest to help me it’s okay de you will grow stronger and eventually beat Lord

Terror he’s just a silly little monster trying to steal other people’s things I felt a little bit better after our talk but I still felt exhausted oh I almost forgot I have a surprise for you she brought me outside to show me a statue she was beginning to make Sada It’s

Great Famine is it a tent no silly do you really not know what it is I looked again can you tell what it is I also made some other upgrades while you were gone she showed me the lanterns and a small archery range wow you’ve really

Outdone yourself it’s the least I can do for a friend famine was awesome I was glad I was able to find her I hoped our other friends were doing okay I would go looking for them soon on days 11 to 12 I had a vivid dream I was a fully grown

Grim Reaper with my Scythe at my side I was living in the castle that I had escaped from on day one everything is as it should be not quite I looked and saw Lord Terror except he looked like a normal villager I believe we have a game

That needs playing death with his dark Powers Lord Terror began to steal away my energy and my ability he shape shifted into his mutant Wither Skeleton self as I became a sad little baby Reaper ah I woke up in horror at the nightmare I had just had I rushed to famine to

Tell her about it she shook her head so that’s what happened I knew you made a deal with a dying human but I didn’t know you lost all your power in the process that can’t be it why am I back but as a baby why can he control the

Dead famine shook her head maybe our friends know I think it’s about time we go find them them on days 13 to 15 I went out to explore I was hoping to find war or pestilence but they didn’t seem to be anywhere I hope they weren’t captured or anything I realized I was

Back in the area where I had seen famine for the first time there were a bunch of zombies Milling around still I guess they just expected her to come back get lost I drew my bow and defeated them one by one I didn’t realize it until now but

I was releasing their souls from their bodies I was freeing them nice I managed to release all their souls when I felt the power coursing through me I grew in size and became an older Grim Reaper I’m bigger and I have 30 Hearts I realized I could also now turn

Invisible for short periods that’ll come in handy I can’t wait to try this out later on days 16 to 19 I found a cave and decided to mine for some more materials this looks promising hopefully I can find some iron in here as I was venturing deeper into the cave I saw a

Group of skeletons standing standing right on top of an iron deposit it looks like I’m going to have to take care of that I drew my bow they noticed me immediately and began shooting come on guys I just need some iron after just a few more shots they were all gone their

Bows and arrows scattered around me I mined the iron without any more trouble and got to work I smelted the iron into ingots with a furnace then was able to make a new sword pickaxe and some other tools yes things are looking up on days

20 to 2 2 I started to head back to my base when I noticed I was being followed I went invisible briefly and waited for them to approach then as the figure approached I turned visible again and jumped out whoa whoa whoa I’m a friend

He was a crimson Wizard and the red of his outfit made me think of anger which then made me think are you war in the flesh I thought you looked kind of different you’re uh not as tall as you used to be I told him what happened and he

Whistled sounds awful hopefully you can get your scythe and your Castle back those are pretty sick thanks no problem I invited him back to my base and he happily agreed I thought my house was a fortress you know being war and all but those pesky and dad got inside and

Started breaking everything so I left good thing I ran into you we were nearly to the base when we saw famine running toward us oh hey famine she didn’t even acknowledge War Death no Terror ism outside he is threatening to take down the base wait what sheesh it’s like I’m

Invisible stay here I’ll go see what he wants if I need help I’ll call for you war and famine got to catching up while I approached the entrance sure enough Lord Terror was there with my Scythe I believe that Scythe belongs to me see now little Reaper I won this fair and

Square you agreed to the terms I don’t even remember what happened and you’re just a human you can’t be death that’s my calling you’re wrong the witch gave me the ability to win this power which Lord Terror screamed and charged at me I dodged him and used my ice blast ability

To try to stop him it didn’t work for some reason what in the world he laughed and lunged at me again I slashed him with my new iron sword I actually managed to hit him and he looked at me in shock I was about to hit him again

When he slammed a scythe into the ground pushing me back I’ll be back to finish you off and with that Lord Terror ran away what a coward I’ll say I looked and saw Warren famine looking out from behind the trees I did manage to wound him though so that means I’m getting

Stronger yeah but you have a lot of work to do on days 23 to 26 I chatted with war about Lord Terror you definitely need some upgrades if you’re going to fight Lord Terror and beat him I can think of a few things that might be useful to you like what well you

Definitely need to upgrade your sword iron is all right but you need some diamonds and an enchanting table to improve your attack okay where should I go War told me all the places where I would find the supplies it wasn’t a short list this might take a while you

Wanted to De feat Lord Terror and get your Scythe back right of course I do then get to it I started Gathering materials for the enchanting table and managed to make one all by myself good job death thanks if you think I’m doing

A good job be sure to join me on all my other Adventures just search zo zo on days 27 to 31 I went to check on famine I hadn’t seen her while I was gathering supplies and I wanted to make sure she was okay hey famine how are you liking

Your house it’s great look what I’ve been working on he led me to the Statue which I could definitely tell was an hourglass you’ve made some great progress yeah well I’m not quite there yet I wanted to add something special on Top it’s a surprise could you get some

White and black wool for me sure I made my way outside to find some sheep to bring back to the base I found an abandoned Village and spotted some sheep and pens perfect as I went to collect them I heard something approaching a horde of zombies were coming toward me

They must have been the villagers that used to live here you guys need a rest and I’m so sorry Lord terror is doing this to you I used my weapons to release the souls from the undead I was much more powerful and helped them all in

Just a few moments hopefully you can all be at peace now I gathered the sheep and managed to bring them all back to the base it wasn’t easy but I knew that famine would appreciate it on days 32 to 35 I went to gather some more food for

All of us Fork seemed like a pretty safe bet I know the pigs will be easy to find but I need to wait until dark for the zombies I decided to set up a little trap for them and sure enough they fell right into it impressive death who is

That you don’t recognize my voice shame on you you old friend then I saw someone step out from behind the mushrooms of course I didn’t notice her she was a mushroom Lord she Blended in pestilence did you shrink yeah I shrunk I told pestilence what had happened and she tsed in

Disapproval now why would you do that death you are too clever to be outsmarted and depowered by some lonly Wither Skeleton that’s the thing I think Lord Tera cheated me he mentioned something about a witch I think that he somehow won because of her well the only witch I know of is famine

Hey I’m just kidding I’ve heard of an apothecary that lives here in the swamp maybe that’s who he went to this is great information pestilence agreed to take the food back to the base while I looked for the witch hopefully she could give me more information about Lord

Terror on days 36 to 39 I journeyed further into the fungal patch in search of the witch I thought for sure that I would find her but I didn’t see a house anywhere where in the world is she I looked around some more when I saw a

Group of rabbits they were acting kind of strange a little too organized maybe they’re her benchman or something I should follow them H actually they’re probably just stocking up on food oh silly of me to think that they were working for the witch then I noticed that the rabbits all gathered together

Again they seemed to be examining each other’s food okay I should maybe look somewhere else then the rabbits all bounded toward a large mushroom and disappeared wa where did they go I quickly followed after them running straight toward the mushroom on days 40 to 43 I ran through the fungal patch

Chasing the rabbits what in the world Intruder a large group of rabbits came bounding toward me what are you doing in our lady’s realm did you have an inquiry is this where the witch lives the rabbits gasped you dare call her such a rude name she is an apothecary of great renown

Sorry I just need answers I don’t mean her any harm you look like you do then the rabbit started jumping at me hey I didn’t want to hurt them so I just tried to swap them away as nicely as I could death what are you doing here I looked

Up to see a friendly witch friends no need to harass death I I’m sure he has a reason for being here the rabbit stopped attacking me and quickly surrounded the woman who are you I’m Amelia I was wasn’t expecting you for quite some time I’m not here to collect your soul I just

Need to know why you helped Lord Terror Lord Terror he stole my power and made me regenerate he took my scythe and is using it to keep Souls captive in their Undead bodies Amelia gasped and started to shake her head that was Logan Turner I gave him a

Potion of luck he said he needed it in order to fulfill his last dream before he passed I had no idea he would use it for such an awful thing she seemed genuinely upset I can’t undo what’s been done but maybe this can help you she

Went inside her house and came out with a potion what is this a potion of strength you will need that in order to get your Scythe back thank you I look forward to seeing you again but hopefully not for a long time she waved goodbye as I left her realm returning to

The swamp on days 44 to 49 I returned to my base pestilence famine and War were having a good time together I noticed they had improved their homes as well as the wall of the base you’ve been busy so of you my friend did you find the witch

Apothecary and yes she was very nice I told them the whole story and showed them the potion that’ll be useful later I’m glad you were able to find her probably gave her quite a scare though just a little bit we all laughed and chatted for a little bit before famine

Jumped up oh come look at the Statue I went to look and sure enough famine had outdone herself on top of The Hourglass was a skull that looked just like my face wo it’s amazing you’ve been a great friend to us steth it’s the least we can

Do we admired the statue together for a little while longer and then went to bed on days 50 to 53 I woke up to a loud crash I hurried outside to see what it was and there were zombies everywhere I could see Lord Terror standing on the

Edge of the Wall come and fight me yourself Logan don’t call me that he snarled at me and then swung the Scythe it nearly knocked me over but it also knocked out some of the undead time to be freed my friends I used my iron sword

On the group of Undead freeing them from their cursed bodies it took a little while but I eventually got them all you can all be at peace now just then I felt a pain in my back I grew taller and gained more Hearts I looked in my back

To see what the pain was and realized that I had grown dark feathery Wings what oh this is amazing I flew up for a minute to survey the damage this is going to take some time to fix death I looked and saw famin and pestilence running toward me I lowered myself to

The ground what’s wrong Lord Tera took War the undead were just a distraction no I slumped to the ground I thought I could protect everyone but Lord Terror was too clever he needed to pay on days 54 to 57 we all worked hard to fix the base we gathered supplies made the walls

Taller and added extra security measures including a small not after working all day we sat down to chat about our next move there’s no doubt that Lord terara took War to the castle why do you say that oh yeah you don’t remember there’s a massive dungeon in the basement it has

Cages traps and all sorts of things we actually used it to meet there sometimes for brunch sounds lovely it was we should do it again soon Damon cleared her throat sorry but but he’ll be there for sure there is a back entrance where we would come in quicker that way

Pestilence gave me directions and I wrote them down I needed to find our friend before Lord Terror did something awful but first I needed to prepare on days 58 to 62 I went mining for more diamonds I needed to make some better armor and weapons for myself since I had

No idea what I might face at the Castle I wasn’t having any luck and was about to go search another cave when I saw a glimmer just up ahead diamonds I walked forward and felt something fall on me from above it was a huge hairy spider

And he had brought some friends I’m a friend no need to hurt me the spiders kept attacking and I had no choice but to defend myself soon enough they were all gone now on to the Diamonds the deposit was actually really large and I managed to make armor plus a new sword

And a pickaxe sweet I felt just a little bit more ready to go save war on day 63 to 66 I noticed that part of the statue had been damaged during the fight I didn’t want to finish it without War so I just admired it with all its Burns and

Marks I’ll save you War I promise hello Mr death sir I looked and saw some of Amelia’s rabbit friends gathering around me you aren’t going to jump on me again are you no sir we need your help Amelia has been captured by that Lord Terror man we don’t have the strength to get

Her back could you get her back back the rabbits looked very concerned of course he has my friend too he’s probably keeping them in the same place oh thank you Mr death sir I’ll be back soon in the meantime you can wait here with my friends they can help you they agreed to

Stay while I rescued Amelia this was going to be a little bit more difficult but I was determined and hey if you like what you’ve seen so far don’t forget to subscribe we love having you here with us on days 67 to 70 I followed the directions to the back door entrance of

The dungeon it was hiding behind some trees and bushes good job me for thinking ahead I entered quietly and made my way down down down I didn’t hear much for a while so I thought I was in the clear what was that I turned a corner

And saw a swarm of zombies blocking the hallway they saw me and started ambling toward me get back I used my wings to fly over them I fired my ice blast at them from the air freezing them solid peace friends I lowered myself in front of a door and opened it carefully death

It’s about time you showed up Warren Amelia were stuck in cages and I quickly broke the bars to free them how did you know I was here your loyal little friends told me they really are the best aren’t they sure are let’s get out of

Here on day 71 to 74 we made our way back up toward the back door that I noticed a lever I hadn’t seen before it was hiding behind a pillar I wonder what this opens is that a wise idea it was my house I’m sure it’ll be fine I released

The lever and a trap door opened I went inside and saw a chest in a small room there’s a chest well what are you waiting for open it I opened it and inside were netherite ingots gold diamonds and some other ingredients for enchanting wow I climbed back up and

Showed War hey you can finally make that sword we’ve been talking about right we continued out following the stream of daylight on days 75 to 78 we finally made it out thank goodness I was beginning to think that Lord Terror would hold us there forever not so fast

Lord Terror came around the corner Scythe in hand you dare take my witch and my strongest Soldier I am not a witch then I would never fight for you we brandished our weapons as Lord Terror snarled why won’t you just die he swung the Scythe but I managed to Dodge I then

Swung my sword and hit Lord Terror he stepped back then swung again he was fast but I was an equal opponent now I could sense his fear no no no no no no he slammed the hilt of the Scythe into the ground and blasted us back somehow

Through some dark magic he stole my potion of strength and drank it on day 79 to 84 we all watched in horror as Lord Terror grew and grew and grew he was enormous oh no we need to go Lord Terror laughed as I picked up my friends

And flew away with them this has to end soon or Lord terror is going to take over everything on days 85 to 89 we arrived safely back at my base famine and pestilence came running out to greet us okay you better not cry cuz I’m not good at dealing with emotion Amelia saw

Her rabbits and they all jumped for Joy it’s it seemed like things were at least a little normal for now death come we need to fix that sword of yours War took me to upgrade my sword and then showed me how to enchant it wow this will really help War thanks for everything

You’ve done hey I love conflict but not when it involves my friends it’s the fire aspect enchantment it’ll give your sword a burning edge this will help you to get your Scythe back how Lord ter doesn’t always have the Scythe with him he likes to hang it up in the main

Corridor and just admire it I heard him talking about it while we were captured this is great information War if you can fight him off long enough to get the Scythe back that’ll be the key to stopping Lord Terror for good I agreed and went to show my friends they oo and

A before famine spoke up come and see what pestilence and I did with the help of the rabbits it took me over to the Statue which now had wild flowers growing all around the base on top was the skull now with flowers and a touch of flames wow guys this looks awesome

You are the Lord of death but we know you have a soft side I do like flowers I stared at it in awe I really did have amazing friends on days 90 to 94 I traveled back to the castle to retrieve my Scythe if I did it while Lord Terror

Was unaware surely I would be able to defeat him as I approached the castle I decided to just hide next to one of the pillars inside the throne room and stake it out I could see Lord Terror back to his normal size thank good goodness he was standing around admiring the Scythe

That’s mine I waited for a long time before he fell asleep I quietly opened the door and snuck past him grabbing the Scythe from the wall I expected to grow into my full form but something was wrong Intruder Lord Terror started to charge at me I brandished my new sword

And smacked him backwards he brought out another potion and drank it before charging at me he was incredibly fast and I could barely see him as he struck me oh no my hearts were fading fast since I couldn’t defend myself I ran away taking the scthe with me it won’t

Work for you little Reaper you are too late I didn’t know what he meant but I flew away before he had a chance to attack me again I need to fix whatever he did to my Scythe otherwise I’m dead meat on days 95 to 97 I brought my

Scythe back to the base and had War examine it I don’t know what to tell you it looks noral to Me Maybe ailia will know I took it to her and she examined it this is my fault Lord Terror forced me to make a binding spell he is now

Bound to the Scythe by an enchantment how do I break it I’ll have to make a counter spell but it will probably take a few days it might even break it do it she worked tirelessly trying to fix the scythe and I did what I could to assist

Her I really need this to work on day 98 I helped Amelia with what I could but she said I needed to wait for the result I made my way outside and admired our base and the statue it had been a difficult Journey so far but I was glad

That I had found my friends made some new ones and grown stronger even if my Scythe didn’t work I knew that I would defeat Lord Terror somehow hey we’re really glad that you’ve been here on this journey too be sure to subscribe and search for zo zoo for more videos

Also comment below on what my next adventure should be I can’t wait to see what you say on day 99 I went to look for Amelia she looked a little discouraged I don’t know if the spell worked you’ll need to wield it in battle

To see well then I guess it’s time to go fight Lord Terror I’m sorry about all the trouble I’ve caused if it wasn’t for me none of this would have happened maybe but I’m glad it did I got to find my old friends again build an awesome

Base and meet you you’re an awesome Apothecary Amilia which but who’s keeping track go give him well you know I smiled as I flew off towards the castle Scythe in hand as I landed on the steps the door was open for me the undead were nowhere to be seen But Lord

Terror stood on the steps sword in hand potion in the other you can’t defeat me we’ll see about that I took my scythe and slammed the hilt into the ground causing everything to shake I felt a surge of power and I was connected to my weapon again I grew taller my hearts

Increased and my wings and further you have cheated death Logan Turner and for that you must pay Lord Terror drank a potion and he grew taller as our weapons met there was a brilliant burst of light it’s not fair I Am Lord Terror the new Grim Reaper I earned that title I lifted

Myself into the air letting the SC swing down with a mighty Force you stole that title I am the rightful Grim Reaper and now you must move on Lord Terror screamed before the Scythe made contact and in a burst of smoke he was gone on day 100 I flew back to the base

Triumphant and glorious in my final form everyone cheered as I descended and they even tried to hug me you’re our hero the world is finally right again and that was the honest truth

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a GOLDEN GORILLA in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Golden Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-17 02:15:01. It has garnered 16003 views and 279 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:04 or 12664 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Golden Gorilla in Hardcore Minecraft! Infused with the power of gold, I’m the shiniest gorilla ever created! But it’s upset the ruler of the land- can I destroy him before he destroys me?!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a GOLDEN GORILLA 0:30:11 100 DAYS as a GOLD HYDRA 1:08:40 100 DAYS as a FIRE GODZILLA 1:46:57 100 DAYS as a NOOB DRAGON 2:22:39 100 DAYS as HEROBRINE 3:01:12 100 DAYS as the GRIM REAPER

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  • Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial

    Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where cows roam free, I’ll show you a farm that’s easy as can be. With 1.20 update, new features to explore, Let’s dive right in and learn some more. Dipesh Indian Gamer, the man with the plan, Bringing you tutorials, making you a fan. Cow farm tutorial, a viral sensation, Trending video, sparking admiration. In Minecraft PE, version 1.20, Creating a cow farm, plenty of plenty. From survival mode to creative design, This tutorial will make your farm shine. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, Building a farm, no need to shirk…. Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest

    Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Our lo-fi beats create a peaceful home. Moonlit melodies and lunar dreams, Study sessions filled with calming themes. Join us on a journey through the Minecraft night, With Steve and Alex, everything feels right. Echoes of the moon and whispers of space, In our playlist, you’ll find a tranquil place. So subscribe now and let the music flow, For a day filled with joy, wherever you go. Relax, unwind, and let your mind soar, In the world of Minecraft, forevermore. 🌙🎶 Stay tuned for more lo-fi vibes, As we… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenges Minecraft: Exploring the World of OP Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with OP challenges that will test your skills and creativity to the limit. Dive into a realm where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are boundless. PC Specs for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Equip yourself with top-of-the-line PC specs to enhance your Minecraft gameplay: Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12Core, 24 Threads, Up to 4.8 GHz) Motherboard: ASUS CROSSHAIR-VIII-Formula RAM: 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo RGB DDR4 4000MHz Graphic Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim 24 GB SSD: 1TB Samsung… Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

    Minecraft: Sly Country House Build Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Countryside House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft? In this video tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a charming countryside house using easily accessible materials in survival mode. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft construction! Building Your Dream Home Creating a cozy abode in Minecraft involves gathering resources, planning the layout, and unleashing your imagination. With the help of Bsl Shaders and the Faithful texture pack, the player showcases the process of crafting a picturesque countryside house that blends seamlessly into… Read More

  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

    Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute Unlocking Minecraft Capes: A Quick Guide Are you eager to get your hands on all three exclusive Minecraft capes? Look no further! In just one minute, you can learn how to redeem these coveted items without any hassle. Let’s dive into the details: 15th Anniversary Cape To claim the 15th-anniversary cape, simply head over to and follow the instructions provided. It’s a quick and easy process that will have you sporting this special cape in no time! Twitch Cape For the Twitch cape, you’ll need to have an account on Twitch and watch a stream with “drops” enabled…. Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

    Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Building Challenge: Today’s episode: Our adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress at the peak of the challenge! Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition: In search of rare resources: Deep in the forest, our team delves into efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Peril in the Dark Caves: Discovering dangers and rewards: Venturing into the depths of dark caves, our team is prepared to face… Read More

  • Minecraft Farewell: Slick’s Moving Day!

    Minecraft Farewell: Slick's Moving Day! In AquaVerse City, Slick’s birthday was grand, But his friends’ pranks got out of hand. They blew up his house, not once but twice, Leaving poor Slick feeling not so nice. But wait, a surprise was in store, A cake house as big as a door. Forgiveness and laughter filled the air, As Slick’s friends showed how much they care. So let’s toast to Slick, our Minecraft star, With a cake as big as a car. Happy Birthday, Slick, may your year be bright, Filled with joy, laughter, and gaming delight! Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack

    EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack The Viral Build Hack in Minecraft: Exploring New Possibilities 🌟 Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as players dive into the latest viral build hack that has taken the gaming community by storm. From challenging tasks to exciting discoveries, this Minecraft adventure promises endless fun and creativity. Unveiling the Viral Build Hack 🏗️ Discover the secrets behind the viral build hack that has captured the attention of Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Unleash your imagination and explore new ways to construct impressive structures with this innovative technique. Key Features: Minecraft Challenge: Test your skills and creativity with… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMP

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMPVideo Information [Music] no [Music] n n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream we are about to have a little bit of uh fun in Minecraft today uh playing a little bit of uh mini games in Minecraft as you guys know there are so many mini games in the server that uh we can enjoy So today we’re just about to have some fun playing some mini games uh… Read More

  • Meet Maira: The Most Enchanting Voice in Minecraft 🎶❤️

    Meet Maira: The Most Enchanting Voice in Minecraft 🎶❤️Video Information if I woke up without you I don’t know what I would do thought I could be single forever till I met you usually don’t be falling be falling falling fast you got a way of keeping me coming back to back I just found out the only reason that you loveing me was to get back at your ex lover but before you leave usually I would never would never even This video, titled ‘who is the voice best please comment ❤️ #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by Maira on 2024-01-08 18:51:30. It has garnered 51 views and… Read More

  • Condemned Vanilla

    Condemned VanillaAbout Condemned Vanilla We are excited to announce that we are adding a Minecraft Trails & Tails (Vanilla) 1.20.1 server to our network! The server will be towny based with golden shovel claims as well. We have a mining world available for our players to find villages, explore fresh ground, and more! Read More

  • HexArchon SMP Custom Worlds Items Mobs Skills Abilities Enchants Boss Fights Dungeons Quests Land Claiming Furnitures Heads Events Dynmap Wiki

    HexArchon HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique gameplay features such as Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and more. Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique, putting quality work into gameplay, listening to community feedback, and creating an enjoyable experience for all players. Community voice & transparency We value community input, transparency, and open discussion on server development. Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Players can choose from various playstyles and enjoy a wide range of abilities, stats, and custom items. Trust & respect We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pov: Luckiest Minecraft player ever

    Minecraft Memes - Pov: Luckiest Minecraft player ever“Who needs diamonds when you have a dragon’s superior fragments? Pov: you are now the envy of every minecraft player in the server.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua’s Hide and Seek

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua's Hide and Seek In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cuihua’s adventures are like a dream. Riding motorcycles, stealing watermelons with glee, But six years later, speaking Mandarin with me. Love like a kill, no longer entwined, You hopped on his BMW, leaving me behind. Facing my questions, you couldn’t reply, Kneeling, kissing, tears in my eye. My darling, where have you flown? Leaving me in sorrow, feeling alone. But I won’t let this sadness linger, In the world of Minecraft, I’ll be the singer. As I narrate the tales of this pixelated land, Crafting rhymes with a steady hand…. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🧨 Read More

  • Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you tired of fake backgrounds and looking for a genuine and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about creating and exploring in the world of Minecraft. With unique gameplay features and a dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Let’s craft, build, and survive together in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. See you in the game! Read More

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • 7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from Harrydallama

    7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from HarrydallamaVideo Information picture this you start a brand new Minecraft world play for a few hours and then quit never to play again well it is time for you to enjoy Minecraft again and I’m going to go through some tips and tricks on how to enjoy Minecraft again so welcome back to the Survival series if you’re new around here this is the series where I don’t cut so if you want to just leave this video on in the background I would really appreciate it as it really does help out the channel we’re back here on my… Read More

  • Insane Dutch Gamerz Challenge

    Insane Dutch Gamerz ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘CAN YOU DO THIS 😈💀 #viral #shorts @SenpaiSpider @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by DUTCHER GAMERZ on 2024-04-14 10:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CAN YOU DO THIS #viral #shorts #minecraft #dutchergamer #viralshorts #dutcher @YesSmartyPie @DREAMBOYYT … Read More

  • 🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More – Join Now! 🔥

    🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More - Join Now! 🔥Video Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Gamers so OBS crashed but how you guys doing fortnite won the vote fortnite did not win the vote door stream not tonight thank you most likely door stream tomorrow most likely tomorrow I very cool fortnite only won the vote because I applied two of my votes to it it did not actually win bro why do you want fortnite so bad do you actually want a fortnite stream Gamers none of you even like fortnite I legitimately couldn’t care… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptain

    Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptainVideo Information इसको मैं मार रहा होता हूं तभी मैं देखता हूं बाहर में कि रासियों के पीछे बहुत सारे यहां पे पीछे पड़े हुए थे तो गाइज इसका हेल्प करने में जाता हूं एंड पीछे से सारे को मैं मारने लगता हूं एंड रासियो भी यहां पे मार देता है सारे को बट सीरियसली गाइज बोलू तो इस वाले मेंशन में मुझे बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा था क्योंकि मैंने अपने हाथ में टॉर्च लेकर के नहीं आया था जिससे मैं कहीं भी टॉर्चस प्लेस नहीं कर पा रहा था और चारों तरफ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था बट गाइज… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GET OP ITEMS FROM DIRT in Mine Craft!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं कार 4 सेल सिमुलेटर तो जैसा कि आप लोग को पता है कि हम लोग अपनी कार शोरूम techno-economic बेचनी है तो अब जो सस्ती गाड़ियां मिलती है ना मैं वो सब नहीं खरीदता हम लोग सिर्फ bmw’s सु गाड़ियां खरीद के लाते हैं तो आज आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं चैलेंज लेने वाला हूं 10 से भी ज्यादा लगजरी कार्स सेल करने का लेट्स गो ज्यादा टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करते फटाफट… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trolling

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT logic short video 😱#minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-23 08:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT logic short video #minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short @Happy_Goldsmith @MrBeast … Read More

  • EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trending

    EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trendingVideo Information bye dream wait what oh my God what This video, titled ‘Dream boat clutch 😳#viral#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Hand #minecraft #mobbattle #mobbattles #shorts’, was uploaded by MMB Battles on 2024-04-06 23:04:32. It has garnered 1790 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

    Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!Video Information [Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if… Read More

  • BLOODBASH – PVP/PVE server 1.20.1+ Eldritch Horror theme

    BLOODBASH Explore a mysterious world full of secrets and dangers Features: Killstreaks Events Different perks Ingame item shop An interactable map with secrets Several unique and interesting items Player trading Weapon enchanting (custom enchantments) PvE boss encounters DISCORD: Join our Discord community SERVER IP: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecrack: Offensive Edition

    Well, I guess this meme is “offensive” in more ways than one with that high score! Read More

  • Craft Your World: Minecraft Custom Core

    Craft Your World: Minecraft Custom Core In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players can now choose, with no constraints. Every aspect of the game, from start to end, Is in the hands of the player, a power to bend. From the blocks they place, to the mobs they face, Every decision made, with style and grace. The possibilities are endless, the choices vast, In this new world of Minecraft, where freedom is amassed. So join the adventure, let your imagination soar, In Minecraft, where you can choose everything and more. With Adispot as your guide, leading the way, You’ll discover new realms, every… Read More

  • Spicy Banana Meme 🌶😂 #shorts #minecraft #trending

    Spicy Banana Meme 🌶😂 #shorts #minecraft #trending Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well! 🍌😂 #bananahumor #fruitjokes Read More

  • Ultimate M134 Weapon in Minecraft!

    Ultimate M134 Weapon in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the Timeless and Classic M134 Green Field Texture Pack: Terms and Conditions The Green Field Texture Pack offers a unique visual experience for Minecraft players. Before diving into this immersive world, it’s essential to review the terms and conditions provided on their website. Make sure to adhere to the guidelines to fully enjoy this exciting addition to your gameplay. Mods Used on Curseforge Guard Villagers by “almightytallestred” Enhance your village’s security with the Guard Villagers mod. Protect your NPCs and structures from any threats that may arise in the world of Minecraft. Yes Steve Model by “Tartaric… Read More


    ZOMBIFIED PIGLIN AMBUSH IN MINECRAFT 1.20 ZOMBIFIED PIGLIN ATTACKED ON US IN MINECRAFT 1.20 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of creatures and challenges. One such encounter is with the Zombified Piglin, a hostile mob that can be found in the Nether dimension. These creatures are aggressive and will attack players on sight, adding an element of danger to the game. Surviving in Minecraft 1.20 Version 1.20 of Minecraft introduces new features and updates to enhance gameplay. From building structures to exploring different dimensions, players must navigate the world carefully to avoid dangerous mobs… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Journey: All Stickers Unlocked!

    Epic Minecraft Journey: All Stickers Unlocked!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is absolutely amazing! – Minecraft: 15 Year Journey [All stickers found, Full playthrough]’, was uploaded by AusTkiller on 2024-05-25 16:00:27. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:47 or 10367 seconds. Happy 15th anniversary to Minecraft!! This map is a very fun museum of the past versions/updates in Minecraft. Even if you aren’t interested in the history of Minecraft, it is still amazing, and you should check it out!! Huge shoutout to @OrevilleStudios for creating this amazing masterpiece of nostalgic museum! Also, @OrevilleStudios, if you ever watch… Read More

  • Minecraft in 2024: Mind-Blowing Updates

    Minecraft in 2024: Mind-Blowing UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘this will be minecraft in 2024 🤯😱’, was uploaded by UltraLio on 2024-03-06 21:00:21. It has garnered 2970 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. this will be minecraft in 2024 🤯😱 Subscribe ➡ In this video, I showcase the newest mob ever in 2024 called the tuffed golemed in Minecraft. Minecraft, but I discover what it will be in 2024. ⬇ My Playlists ⬇ Minecraft Longs? ➡ Minecraft Speedruns ➡ ⬇ Some KEYWORDS and related INFO ⬇ UltraLio creates Shorts and Long Form Videos… Read More

  • Aphmau EXPOSED: 10 CRAZY Lies in Minecraft!

    Aphmau EXPOSED: 10 CRAZY Lies in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ’10 LIES about APHMAU in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-30 19:15:02. It has garnered 2978890 views and 38143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:13 or 1213 seconds. Eenie, meenie, miney, mo, catch a liar by the toe! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg ★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas ★ Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Date: Obtaining Elytra in End Cities!

    Epic Minecraft Date: Obtaining Elytra in End Cities!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring End Cities and Obtaining Elytra in Minecraft!#shorts’, was uploaded by 👉Destiny’s Date on 2023-12-18 18:05:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bungalow Build in SMP!🏡FT. Friends!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bungalow Build in SMP!🏡FT. Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-17 20:09:45. It has garnered 18 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:19 or 16099 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More