INSANE Art Fails! 🎨 Draw with Me Challenge!

Video Information

hey everyone it’s love star welcome back to my art Channel um I hope you guys are having an awesome day today today I wanted to tell you guys some stuff about my new Minecraft series that I recently just posted the first episode for and um yeah so this video is just going to be us talking so feel free to put this on in the background as usual and we can just have a little chat while I ramble on for probably way too long but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this little talking video um anyway I am first of all super excited to make this video because I’ve been really wanting to make some more content for my um second Channel which is obviously this Channel and yeah I I just first of all wanted to say that I really appreciate all your guys’ support and that I’m really glad that a lot of you show interest in my art and like my characters and stuff I think that’s super super sweet and just really heartwarming so I just wanted to tell you guys that because yeah it just makes me feel so happy that we have like so many people in our community who are also like really interested in art and yeah so um I just wanted to tell you guys about my new series so you’re going to be watching two speed paints today um this first one is I would consider it kind of like the first initial concept art I made for my um my new series which is inspired by Celtic history um it’s a Minecraft Let’s Play called the forest dweller and um um yeah it’s kind of a mix of like history like real his real history and also just fantasy Minecraft stuff um so yeah I I will talk about the art a little bit first so this piece um is my first ever drawing of like something that was based off of the series right and it’s of my character my little Minecraft avatar um and I wanted to kind of capture the the mood and the tone of the series which is definitely um it was supposed to be kind of mystical little bit dark not in like a spooky way but just kind of in like a more I guess like foresty realistic sort of way um however so yeah the the challenge with that theme is that it really kind of contrasts with my typical art uh or style um as you guys probably can tell I’m a very like Vivid colors purpley pink blue hues kind of person so I really gravitate towards more vibrant magical looking art that isn’t very toned or toned down or earthy um but my new series The Forest dweller definitely was a little bit more toned down and earthy because of course it’s supposed to be just a little bit more based off of reality um and so I had a very specific color palette in mind when I was kind of envisioning how my m series would be um and it was definitely not a color palette I was very used to drawing with um so you’ll see throughout the speed paint me really struggling with the colors because I actually had to um restart um the color like process of this piece multiple times it took me a really long time to get to a place where I was happy with the colors and even so I think ultimately the the main thing I didn’t really like about this piece was the colors even at the end as much as I love the final result um because it’s very I included teals and purples and kind of like these um like desaturated cool tones I don’t think it match the vibe of the series very well I really love the color palette but it just didn’t really match my actual Minecraft Let’s Play So ultimately I didn’t really think this was a good representation for my series and even through doing color corrections I just wasn’t happy with it I don’t know why it was really hard for me to kind of get to um I don’t know maybe I was just doing it wrong honestly but I just couldn’t really color correct it properly where I was happy with it and I feel like that’s just probably one of my shortcomings when it comes to my art is that I am so limited on how I think about color palettes I really do just gravitate towards very similar colors and similar Styles in general with my art like you’ll notice that a lot of my characters even have very similar like visual elements like maybe similar hairstyle similar colors similar maybe outfits or like fashion styles or whatever all these visual elements they kind of are pretty similar across multiple characters and personally I don’t really mind that because they’re my personal OC’s so obviously I want them to be like a representation of my interest but from like a like a character design perspective obviously this isn’t great because you want to have diverse characters that all kind of have their own unique personal traits and visual elements and honestly this is like a um conscious choice that I make um I know that a lot of my like art artistic elements that I usually draw are pretty similar but I’m okay with that because it’s just what like to draw but then when it comes to drawing pieces like this where I wanted to represent a different type of style or Tone It kind of was my downfall because I just wasn’t able to find a good color palette and the thing is I could just have easily done a very realistic color palette for this that wasn’t really like the issue but I had this issue because my character’s hair color is purple and kind of like my my brand band I guess is purple like everyone kind of you know Associates The Color Purple with me in a way because I just include it in like everything basically and obviously I didn’t want to change my my like Avatar’s hair too much I obviously have brown hair in real life but I wasn’t drawing myself I was drawing like this character who lives in this different world um which is a representation of me but still you know their own character um so I wanted to keep purple in this color palette in some way so that was another issue is that purple and kind of like the other colors that I wanted to use I just couldn’t like I couldn’t make it work so I ended up going with a very um teal and purple mystical looking color palette like this piece gives me mystical Forest Vibes it doesn’t give me real Forest Vibes and yeah I mean at some point I just kind of lost the plot I guess so yeah I like the piece I think it looks good I just don’t think it works with the tone of my Series so ultimately just didn’t really use this piece for anything I originally was drawing this um for actually I was going to use it for my thumbnail art um you know like in my mermaid series I have my mermaid art that I drew in the thumbnail or for the movie specifically not the series but um I wanted to do a similar thing with this new series I wanted to include my art in the thumbnail because actually art was going to be an important aspect of the actual um episodes um where I actually include like little speed paints of me like doodling and sketching in my little Journal um but yeah like it just didn’t work I I first of all like I struggled to color correct it so it fit the actual like Minecraft screenshot that I had um and I just didn’t like the composition like even though I made thumbnails for this and everything in like actuality it just didn’t work that well um so it’s fine I guess that’s not a big deal but yeah I don’t know when I finish this drawing I was just not very satisfied with it um not that it was like a bad drawing I actually really like the piece I think it looks pretty good but yeah it just didn’t fulfill the purpose I needed it to which was to be kind of like um visual asset that I wanted to use for my new series it just didn’t work so now this is just kind of a thing I guess like it doesn’t really work for the series unless it was for the specific like little magical forest that’s kind of near my like house in the actual Minecraft world there is like this little mystical bright glowing Forest which I guess that could technically fit and in that case I would see this piece representing at least that part of my world but that’s not the main focus so yeah at the end of the day just had to kind of for move on from this piece um but ultimately I think it looks pretty good I am really happy with the background I like hand drew it from scratch which is something I normally don’t do because I just freaking hate drawing backgrounds they’re so painful but I really need to start learning like I need to get better at drawing backgrounds and not always like relying on like I guess uh what’s what’s the what’s the word um photo bashing like and kind of painting over different already existing elements so yeah I drew this completely from hand and I’m proud of myself because I think it actually looks really good and I really love the colors that I added in the trees or like I guess the this the uh oh God what’s it called the the stems the the tree barks whatever oh gosh um and I also really love like the atmospheric lighting I included some um like soft little glows and like little wispy particles and I really love how it looks I love the combination of like the the green the teal and the purple I really really love the colors um and I I think overall my character itself looks pretty simple but something about it is very satisfying to me visually I really love how it turned out I think this is an overall pretty good piece pie I also really love how the um the fur coat looks I really love the texture on that I don’t know it looks fur Co to me um yeah and I I like the composition as well I kind of wanted to use some of the little trees in the foreground to frame the piece and I think that adds a lot a lot to this piece it makes it look a little bit more framed and yeah so pretty cool I like it um so I guess that’s all I had to say about this one but as you know obviously I kind of still at this point wanted to use some sort of art for my thumbnail so now I wanted to start on my second piece which is um honestly when I first started this piece I was not sure what I wanted to do I kind of at this point didn’t know how I would frame my next drawing in the thumbnail I kind of just wanted to play with different ideas and I restarted the sketch multiple times because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing ultimately I decided on this kind of like M side profile kind of like turned away pose I I feel like in this pose my character really looks kind of like a recluse little Forest creature that’s like oh what’s that noise and turns around and sees like some some weird thing anyway so yeah I just wanted to kind of play around with something I didn’t have like a specific end goal in mind with this next piece I just kind of wanted to see if I could make anything better than than my original um drawing um so yeah I I wanted to also include some like leafy accessories so I gave myself like this little leaf crown with flowers and like little like green leaves flowing through my hair and also on my coat and um I really love that concept I think it looks really cool because it makes my character look more kind of like lived in I guess or you know like they’ve been spending time in the forest and they’re kind of like one with the with the nature or whatever um however at the end like the end result I don’t really like how it looks I think I just didn’t render the leaves very well and I also really don’t like the brush I used for it it looks streaky and kind of like like a dried up marker was used to paint the leaves um you’ll see that towards the end I suppose but just not not happy with how the leaves looked oh gosh I also um I okay so one thing I did like was the antlers I I actually used a reference of like real deer antlers and I really love how they look in this piece that’s probably one of my favorite Parts is the antlers look really good and uh lorewise my character doesn’t actually have antlers I would assume this is actually supposed to be kind of um a reference to something that will be like later on in the story but they’re not real antlers they’re like you know accessor Ser that my character wears they’re not real just wanted to clear that up because it’s not like on my Minecraft avatar in the series yet or anything and uh yeah so I included those I really like how those turned out and the last thing I wanted to add was actually a little butterfly on my hand so yeah I wanted to include that because it’s actually kind of s symbolic to um the first episode like me drawing the butterfly and anyway let’s not get into those details too much um so yeah I really liked this composition I think it was starting to look pretty good but it kind of all just fell apart that’s so dramatic but at the end I don’t really like how this turned out either which is so annoying because like what the heck this is already my second attempt it it’s like very rare for me to not like a piece in the first place that I made like usually my art success rate or like satisfactory rate is pretty high like I don’t typically make pieces that I’m that I’m like super disappointed in but I will say this one I don’t like and I think the main reason why is honestly like the leaves that I added I just didn’t paint them correctly they look so ugly to me um so I use like um photos that I compile together of flowers and leaves to kind of get like the base going and then I was going to just paint over them and that’s what I did but like I just think I used the wrong brush for this like honestly I just really hate the texture that this brush gives the leaves or gives gives the leaves um that I used so not happy with how they turned out also again I have this issue with the colors this color palette I think I like way less wanted to honestly just kind of go with a more playful color palette this time I knew it wouldn’t really match the theme of the actual series but I kind of wanted to just see how I could how I could combine kind of purple and green together cuz purple and green is not something I usually work with um and I honestly kind of hate it I don’t like like how the green is so vibrant and the Purple in my hair is so vibrant it just clashes so much I don’t know if at this point in the speed paint you can see that um but you will see it at the end or eventually yeah just the Colors oh God I really don’t like them um I really like how I rendered like my face and my hair and the antlers like I think the that is fine but the leaves kill me they’re just not they’re not good they’re not visually appealing to me at all I think they look like a mess um so yeah I I I wanted to kind of go for a very like loose painterly look and it just didn’t work so yeah not really happy with that I also really don’t like the colors here even though I was like very meticulous about using specific colors and I was trying to use um inspiration from like actual different artworks that have kind of purple and green together but I just I don’t know how this just total fail total freaking fail um I will mention the background really quick I’m again not sure if you can see that just yet but one thing I do like is the background I actually used a photo that I got from unsplash um which is like a um free photo website where you can find photos to use and it’s great I use it a lot for like references and stuff um and I wanted to use this Forest background I found on there so I I applied some effects on it and I I was going to paint over this but ultimately I just really like how it looked I think even though it was a photo it just worked well with this piece it didn’t really look too like Photo is and then my drawing too drawing is if that makes sense I think they kind of work together at the end and I also love the effects I applied on it and yeah I really love the background I really love how the character looks but oh my God the leaves I just wish I could remove them I if I really cared I would just paint over them and just fix that drawing but at this point it doesn’t matter like it really doesn’t I’ll just leave it like this it’s fine I honestly I had the suspicion even while drawing this that I wasn’t going to end up using it for my thumbnail or anything so I kind of was just like e whatever I’ll just draw this now um but yeah again I don’t feel like it represents the series at all I just think this is too vibrant too colorful too like meh um but yeah these these two pieces even though I honestly don’t like them that much um they still were the original concept uh concept art concept drawings jeez that I did for my new series and they were fun to draw I’m glad that I documented the process at least um maybe even that was one of the reasons I struggled is sometimes I just when I’m drawing and recording I get pressured man I I think it’s like subconscious because I just I usually don’t think about it much like when I’m recording my process like I don’t really get that stressed out but I I noticed that like the pieces that I have been recording lately I’ve not liked them as much and I don’t know why that is like I don’t know why because when I’m drawing I’m not like actively thinking like oh oh I’m recording that’s scary people are going to see this and judge me like I don’t really think about that but like it’s just this weird correlation that the drawings that I have been recording I just don’t like them much like this is already kind of like the fourth the fourth drawing I can think of that I don’t like that I’ve recorded um not including my Giani one from last from last video because actually I really like that drawing but that’s Giani I’m like good at drawing Giani cuz I’ve drawn him like a hundred times um he’s just an easy character for me to draw but when it comes to more of these like complex drawings that are a little bit more out of my comfort zone I I struggle like genuinely I think maybe that’s the thing is drawing things that definitely require you to move or me to move out of my comfort zone they put a lot more like subconscious pressure on me and maybe that’s what kind of you know made me kind of fail at these I don’t know like I’m not trying to make excuses like at the end of the day I just kind of failed and that’s fine not every drawing is going to work out but I have a feeling that maybe recording them is also kind of part of the issue so yeah I don’t know just kind of came into my head head and maybe that’s why but yeah um I I think I do ultimately want to maybe retry and to draw like a proper illustration that represents the series and you know what maybe then now I actually recorded my first episode and I have the whole video you know posted and I I figured out the theme through editing obviously maybe now I’ll be able to draw it more accurately cuz they have kind of like a more solid image of how the series looks that also could be another reason why um is because before I didn’t really have an in-game reference of how the series would look but now I do so I have a feeling that maybe now I can make a better attempt and even just use like a screenshot of the actual game to kind of help me pick out the colors and see how I can work with them um but yeah I just not very happy with this with this piece um I think I like the first one more definitely like the first one more um but yeah none of them worked out for the thumbnail ultimately I just included my Forest dweller logo and just left it at that just wanted to make something simple but still keep it eye-catching and I I actually really love how the thumbnail looks um I think it’s pretty artistic just because it has like my custom logo there um so I like it still it’s not my original VI Vision but I think it looked really good at the at the end um but now I just have these two pieces that I’m kind of just like meh about but I’ll see it as a learning opportunity next time I have time I definitely want to make another Forest dweller illustration and have it just properly represent my series and yeah I definitely think it’ll be easier now that I have the first episode Down um kind kind of probably how my mermaid series um I made the illustration kind of already towards the end I was working on it I think during 90 80 days maybe or something maybe 90 days and I love how that piece turned out probably because I had a solid Vision already of how my world looks and how I wanted to represent it through ART so yeah I’ll give it another I’ll give it another shot when I can but anyway I just wanted to show you guys that because they are you know first two drawings and I do have the footage of me drawing them so I might as well you know show you guys my fails um but now that we talked about the pieces I also wanted to mention some of my thoughts on actually making the first episode so if you guys are interested in the actual Minecraft series this might be fun for you to listen to um however if you’re here only for the art and you haven’t watched the series or you don’t have any interest in Minecraft or whatever then maybe this will not matter much to you but hey you can hear me ramble about it why not um so I’ll have to say making that first episode was kind of a pain in the ass um I’m not surprised I knew it was going to be a challenge because it was my it was so different what I was trying to do it was so new to me the whole entire the whole entire aspect of of the series is just completely out of my comfort zone I had so many working elements there I had to first of all educate myself myself on Celtic history I did so much research I did as much as I possibly could honestly um with just the online sources that I could find and I I also read a book about Celtic history um and I wanted to learn as much as I could but I was super nervous because I didn’t want to you know misrepresent the the um history I didn’t want to you know spread misinformation or just you know not know what I need to know it was nerve-wracking because I’m not an expert I’m not a historian nothing like that I’m just you know a casual learner and I wanted to I wanted to portray the series in a way that kind of shows that that hey I’m not an expert I’m not like this scholarly Druid that existed in those times I’m just you know this random person who is interested and kind of wants to see how I can Implement Celtic history into Minecraft and how that can work um but yeah I was nervous I was really nervous because I didn’t want anyone to be like oh this is so ignorant or you don’t know what you’re talking about or you know stuff like that because I feel like you know honestly the whole premise of what I’m doing could ruffle a few feathers even though I don’t really consider it like an offensive thing that that I’m just kind of you know retelling history based on my own uh you know personal education that I gave myself it’s just it’s a slippery slope that could maybe get some people upset because maybe I misrepresented something or you know there’s just possibilities there and I was nervous about it but I really wanted to give my best effort in trying to portray everything correctly um so yeah I I did as much research as I could and I’m still going to be learning more obviously this is kind of like you know um a process um but my character in the actual story they’re learning through a book basically I mean to be fair in the story it’s a firsthand Source a primary source coming from an actual Celtic person adress um but I don’t actually have any primary sources I just have the research I I can find online and you know whatever books I manag to get um which honestly I don’t have like much money to spare to buy a bunch of books which I wish I could because those are probably the best things for me to learn from is actual books about Celtic history um but yeah I tried to you know learn from you know online websites and it’s kind of you know it’s a little bit risky because sometimes you know the internet lies or it’s not accurate but that’s kind of what I had so hopefully it’s it’s at least somewhat uh passible I don’t know I hope it’s accurate I really do hope it is but yeah I’m I’m not an expert so I wouldn’t really know so yeah it was kind of you know a challenging Topic in itself to kind of recreate through Minecraft but I wanted to I really wanted to try I didn’t want to let that fear stop me fear of people like criticizing or whatever because you know at the end of the day I don’t think what I’m doing is wrong or anything and I think it’s okay for people to make mistakes or you know be incorrect be misinformed and then people can you know just chip in and say hey this is actually incorrect this is you know blah blah blah this is what’s right and I feel like maybe this series is a good way for us to all learn if people know more than me they can obviously leave a comment and say what they know and hopefully at least I can help educate some people a little bit just about you know some basic Celtic history I’m not delving into all the little nitty-gritty details because that’ll be just way out of my comfort zone I don’t think I’m ever going to be like at the point um where I’ll be able to confidently talk about like the details but just yeah I wanted to give an overview at least to kind of give people the rundown of who the Kelts were and stuff like that just kind of how they live their life based on what we know but yeah so I I did try to represent my character in in this way so I I gave them access to just one little book one little Book of Knowledge and that will be my way of basically learning through of learning about the Kels and kind of figuring out how I can live as in a Celtic way in Minecraft so using maybe the same farming techniques they used or you know eating similar Foods or you know having certain animals in the you know husbandry aspect of things or you know using certain weapons uh stuff like that so yeah and at the same time learning about them and seeing how everything works and also of course there’s going to be mentions of Celtic mythology which is also a huge freaking sphere that I don’t even know if I’ve scratched the surface on but I do know like the basics at least I think so yeah that’ll also be another aspect and I’m pretty excited to delve into that but yeah it’s just kind of yeah it’s like a new thing for me so I was pretty nervous about the whole like history aspect and kind of you know being well informed and um so that was one challenge there were many others um unsurprisingly because that was not the only like new thing I was trying out I also wanted to include art in this series so in my first episode I included my little speed paint of me drawing a butterfly in my Sketchbook so I wanted to make this as immersive as possible so what I did was I made this um photoshopped image of a journal and um I think it was on a tree stump so I wanted to make it look like it was actually my character like drawing in a journal my journal that I have in the game and just kind of putting it down on like a random tree stump and sitting down to draw for a little bit and yeah I like how that turned out I think it looks pretty immersive and the one page of the journal has like this random little thing on it I don’t it’s not even Celtic related it’s just part of the original image I found but then I photoshopped the right side of the journal to have a blank page which is where I’m going to be drawing so yeah I wanted to kind of make illustrations based off of the actual let’s play so the first episode of obviously I had this like little kind of spiritual encounter with this mystical butterfly and it kind of was like my sign to take on this Celtic Legacy that it just like gave me I guess and I wanted to draw it to kind of commemorate that moment or you know to remember how that butterfly looked so I just basically drew a fully Black Ink drawing and I wanted to use just line art because obviously in the world I I would assume I only have like a pen pen and no no colors or anything no paints so I wanted to make it look like it was actually my character like drawing something and I really love how that turned out I think it was pretty cool and it gave me like a little chance to do a voice over and kind of like think or explain my thoughts to the to the viewer and yeah I like that I like that concept A lot it was something really new to me but I knew I really wanted to find a way to include art in this series because um one of my first ever Minecraft serieses that I did on my art Channel I mean my Minecraft channel was um it was just a vanilla let’s play of me kind of getting the hang of YouTube basically it was very old I’m never watching this videos um but what I wanted to do when I first started my channel was actually like do speed paints of my Minecraft world and kind of like combine art and Minecraft in a creative way and I did that for a few episodes and um yeah obviously my channel was really new back then so those art speed paints would get like literally almost no views so I thought that at the at that point it was just way too early to do something that kind of time consuming cuz I would spend a really long time on those sweet paints and I don’t know I just didn’t feel like it paid off like no one really cared but I knew that this was something I really wanted to do at some point I wanted to really find a way to include art in Minecraft or or combine those two elements together and it’s difficult you know it was hard for me to find a way to do this but I think that I I I definitely like the approach I did with my Celtic series my Forest dweller series um I think it’s a really like uh immersive way to do it but yeah that was I’m really glad that I did that and it it was like it just came to me so randomly like oh right I need to do something with art I should totally try to you know do some sort of speed paint thing so yeah that’s another thing that I had to figure out but I really love how that turned out um and it obviously adds more work that I have to now make a whole drawing and record it and then include a speed paint and whatever but I like it I think it’s a really cool concept and I hope that other people enjoy that part of the series um of course I wanted to make it very like not not not take up a huge amount of time because maybe some people they don’t really care to watch like a speed paint so I wanted to make sure that it was pretty short overall and that at least you would get some sort of lore throughout the process so I I of course did that voice over where I kind of you know explored my thoughts of my character in game like how I was thinking how I was feeling so it was still an important part of the episode even though it was just like a speed paint rather than gameplay but yeah I like how that turned out um another thing I had to do was figure out the freaking replay mod and oh my God don’t even get me started cuz here we’re going to get into the more technical parts of the Minecraft modding aspect of things but so I have my mod pack that I made for this series it’s a custom mod pack that I make from scratch and I always use for my mod packs Forge and 1.9.2 that’s kind of like my stable my staple version of Minecraft for mods mod packs um so I I wanted to try out replay mod because I wanted to include more immersive um or more cinematic I guess uh speed paint or not speed builds you know just seeing the process of me building things from a more like outward perspective which I I wish I could do that for my mermaid series But ultimately I’m glad I didn’t even try because my replay mod because I’m running Forge and 1.9.2 there’s no official version for that combination on the replay mod so I had to use kind of like a port I think it was for that specific version but it just doesn’t work properly first the first problem I had was that it wasn’t rendering any of my replays and I I I spent a really long time trying to figure out why this was happening ultimately I discovered that it was because I was running rubidium which is the the optimization mod that I use for my mod packs I use rubidium for instead of like OptiFine or whatever um so apparently that’s a freaking conflict with this specific version of the replay mod so I had to switch it out for OptiFine which kind of sucks because as we all know by now OptiFine is not very optimized compared to other um performance-enhancing mods so I was kind of bummed about that because I knew I would lose a littleit bit of performance there but whatever it works I guess but then I had this problem where when I was like rewatching those replays all of the modded blocks in my world were Incorrect and for example let’s say I had like this modded pink flower right in front of my house like in my little uh flower bed in the replay it would show up as like this random yellow block or whatever like something completely off right so all of the modded blocks were just replaced with other modded blocks the incor like an incorrect moded block so everything started to look super weird and the thing is I didn’t even notice this until I already finished recording everything and looked at the replays I didn’t know this was going to happen which in hindsight I probably should have done more tests I was doing tests but apparently none of the like I was doing it in a region where you wouldn’t really notice because there were no like obvious modded blocks there so I just completely missed this and then when I looked back I was like oh my God my replays are ruined these are unusable they look so weird um I didn’t record the first person footage of me building because I was relying on replay so I thought I was going to just completely lose the whole process of me building my house and the first episode and it’s such an integral part of Minecraft Let’s Plays is building your first house ah so I was freaking out I got super super upset and scared and like what the hell am I supposed to do I was honestly like really panicked and um you know at first I was going to do something really drastic I was going to try to recreate my mod pack on fabric so I can use the the correct version of Replay but then as I was compiling my mod pack I realized no this is never going to work I’m missing so many mods because they don’t exist for fabric and whatever so it was just not going to happen at that point I was kind of debating on just accepting my fate and and just using those replays anyway you can still like tell what’s going on but it just looks weird because some of the blocks are just so yeah I mean if you watch the episode I included a little tiny disclaimer there like hey this is really bugged so things are going to look weird but I decided to include it anyway because it wasn’t like totally broken at least the vanilla blocks were in place so that was fine um still I’m really pissed that it was super just buggy and broken and also like my my character animations were not rendered at all like I was just kind of standing still without my legs or anything moving even as I was walking around and stuff it was just weird it was weird and I I don’t know how I’m supposed to fix that I don’t know if there is a fix I think that’s just kind of an incompatibility thing um but yeah that’s another thing that was really challenging um but I made it work you know not perfectly of course now my replays are just going to look really silly but I guess it’s fine I would still say it’s a little bit more satisfying to watch like a speed replay of the building process than just watching me kind of do the cut up little building Montage I did in my mermaid series it gives you a better overall perspective of what’s going on so I really I really wanted to include those replace but now people are just going to have to kind of deal with the fact that they look a little bit silly um but they get they get the job done you know it’s not perfect but it doesn’t have to be it’s a Minecraft Let’s Play It’s not like a movie I need to remember that I am putting sometimes way too high of an expectation on myself um yeah it doesn’t need to be perfect like honestly at the end of the day if I put too much pressure on myself to make everything super super super high production or whatever I’m just going to burn the freak out because I was so close to burning out on my mermaid series because it was so much work so I really wanted to make sure with this new series I included more of balance so that’s why I wanted to make it a let’s play and kind of more of like a roleplay cinematic thing so I wanted to do both but keep it balanced so that it’s fun it’s interactive it’s artistic it’s creative and it’s it’s kind of roleplay but it’s still a let’s play at the heart of it speaking of role play um guys first of all we are over the fact that role playay is cringe or whatever we are over that I do not consider roleplay cringe maybe some roleplay themes are cringe maybe but role play as itself is a really cool concept I think it’s awesome I’ve been role playing like all my life since I was a kid we all do obviously we all play and make pretend or whatever so I really wanted to try it out for my Minecraft series and I’m really glad I did because obviously telling a story was going to include some role playing because I’m the only person playing so sometimes you need a little bit of play pretend and honestly I love that I love that I included some parts of me playing and kind of just you know playing pretend and feeling this role that I’m actually living in this world I think it really um takes kind of inspiration from me when I was a kid playing Minecraft because all my life I’ve really been into single player I I would mostly play on single player and I would love to just role play in my head and be like Oh in this world I’m going to be I’m going to be like a playing Crash only Survivor stuck on this little island and I need to survive blah blah blah or I would make little plot lines for myself and then just roleplay in my head and I love doing that it was so much fun you know it was like a fun way to occupy your time when you were just a lonely little kid playing Minecraft all by yourself really sad ah whatever but yeah I I think that part of the series my four Stoler series really took like inspiration from my past self and I really like that and I think people also enjoyed it I I saw a lot of comments of people saying they really enjoyed kind of the mix of let’s play and role play because usually you either get one or the other with Minecraft serieses you either get like a fullon role play or you get like a let’s play so I kind of wanted to try doing both and I really love how it turned out um but yeah so to kind of summarize I had a lot of challenges to overcome with this new series but I just I’m really glad I attempted it you know I’m really GL glad I went through with this idea and gave it my best shot and tried even though you know it wasn’t perfect I even had some issues with the video being too dark which is also another little problem I think that was mostly YouTube thing because when I was re-watching the the video it looked fine to me even even though I actually struggle with that a lot where my recordings sometimes look way too dark because it’s super bright in my room but like my video looked fine to me I was able to see pretty well but I think on YouTube it just kind of frecked up whatever that’s actually a really normal thing with Minecraft videos is that YouTube makes it way too dark so I have to fix that in the next episode I’m probably going to adjust my Shader settings so that everything looks a bit brighter but yeah despite all the little problems and challenges I had I’m just really glad that I tried and I’m really happy with the end result I think it turned out really well and even though it’s not perfect I really love the first episode I’m really excited to do more um definitely a little bit nervous still because I I just yeah it’s kind of it’s just so new you know um I need to figure out kind of like a system to just do everything and yeah but I’m super excited I’m actually going to be recording the second episode today hopefully um but yeah it was really fun and definitely less less like when I when I kind of got the the the hang of things it was definitely much more fun editing this than it was my mermaid Series so that’s something I’m really happy about because I really specifically wanted to make sure this series wasn’t going to be as just painful to make as my mermaid series was but anyway I think that’s all the thoughts I had um I really want to try to make a new illustration for this series soon something I’m pretty excited about um not sure if I’ll include it in the actual episodes it might just be a thing I do for this this channel maybe um we’ll do like a little follow-up I guess maybe a few episodes later where I kind of discuss things again um yeah this series is just I have a lot to say because it’s just so new to me this is such a different concept than anything I’ve ever tried before and it’s kind of like a combination of my fairy cor series and my mermaid series because my mermaid series was definitely very story oriented and very kind of more like high production my fairy cor series was more classic let’s play very old school um and I kind of just combined both of those things into my new one and also included art and like history and everything so yeah it’s pretty new but hopefully people like it I hope that you know it’ll reach new people because I feel like it’s interesting and then that maybe like more people will like this series so hopefully um that comes true I really do want people to see this so that you know my hard work pays off I guess and yeah so anyway I know this was a really long video but I hope you guys enjoyed it and was I hope I was able to kind of keep you company for a little while I do hope you enjoyed the first episode of my series if you did watch it and stay tuned for maybe another illustration that hopefully I like more than these two but you know what I I like the first one I do it’s a nice illustration just not for the series but anyway I think that’s all I had to say finally but yeah thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and I will see you all next time oh and be sure to leave this video a like if you want to see more content thank you very much all right bye

This video, titled ‘Art Fails and Reflections ☆ Draw with Me’, was uploaded by LuvstarKei on 2024-05-14 18:27:56. It has garnered 249 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:13 or 2833 seconds.

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to do a draw and chat with me video where I discuss my new Minecraft series “Forest Dweller” and the artworks I made to go along with it. Unfortunately, things didn’t really pan out the way I hoped. So let’s talk about it!

Let me know what else you’d like to see on my channel in the comments. And don’t forget to like and subscribe! 💜


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🌸Music Credits: All music featured in this video is composed by Stream Cafe Spotify: Coffee:

🌿My Gear: Drawing Tablet: Headphones: Keyboard: Microphone: Mouse: Mousepad: Gaming Laptop: Camera: (I use affiliate links and may earn a commission!)

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Art Fails and Reflections ☆ Draw with Me

art journaling,journaling,art sketching,art and chat,art hang out,draw with me,cozy art,cozy art vlog,cozy artist,art diary,draw with me digital art,art commentary,sketch with me,art qna,artist qu0026a,aesthetic art,anime art,art speedpaint,digital art speedpaint,photoshop speedpaint,anime speedpaint,art process,starting a website,my art website,art website,opening an art shop,art shop,chat with me,draw and talk,draw and talk with me

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  • INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC Hardcore

    INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days on a ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Milesy on 2024-05-10 17:00:44. It has garnered 10292 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:16 or 3196 seconds. I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore! Dare to embark on the ultimate Minecraft journey? Discover the secrets of surviving 100 days on ONE CHUNK in Hardcore mode. We must use ingenious strategies as we push the limits of survival. Can we conquer the odds? Follow My Social Media! (There is only one): ∘ Twitter –… Read More

  • Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!

    Insane New Features in Minecraft 1.21 Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Update Showcase’, was uploaded by Slimeboy228 on 2024-03-11 20:09:40. It has garnered 3337 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:23 or 683 seconds. Hey! this is my redone version of my previous showcase more PG, more editing, new recording software, and different tone. Hope you all enjoy! :). Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars gameplay 2024?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDWARS In 2024?!’, was uploaded by Aimsey VODs on 2024-03-01 22:00:02. It has garnered 5315 views and 275 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:12 or 9432 seconds. This was streamed LIVE at: Stream Date: February 29, 2024 – Aimsey’s Socials: Youtube – Twitter – Instagram – TikTok – Tumblr – Discord Server – – Managed by: #aimsey Read More

  • 🔥 24/7 Minecraft Madness! Join Now! 🔥

    🔥 24/7 Minecraft Madness! Join Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 || Minecraft Public SMP Hindi Java + Pe || m#inecraftlive #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Neo Playz yt on 2024-02-20 01:51:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 || Minecraft Public SMP || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe || m#inecraftlive #minecraftshorts my Discord link … Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FAIL: Exploring Nether, Tragic Death & Valuable Loot

    EPIC MINECRAFT FAIL: Exploring Nether, Tragic Death & Valuable LootVideo Information This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Longplay – no comments – Exploring the Nether and I died! Important materials’, was uploaded by RESPAWN BRAZIL on 2024-05-26 10:52:21. It has garnered 36 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:21 or 4041 seconds. Relaxing Minecraft Longplay – no comments – Exploring the Nether and I died! Important materials. A 1 HOUR GAMEPLAY TO THE SOUND OF RELAXING MUSIC WHERE I EXPLORED THE NETHER AND ENDED UP DYING TO THE PIGS THERE. Welcome, here I produce old-style gameplay from the beginning of YouTube, that is, without many memes,… Read More


    MINECRAFT PIXEL ART: SUBSCRIBE for SECRET BUILDS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBSCRIBE THAN COMMENT #minecraft #mcpc #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Ragas YT on 2024-02-13 11:15:02. It has garnered 2787 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART IF YOU WANT YOUR SUBSCRIBE THAN COMMENT #minecraft #mcpc #shorts #ytshorts Read More