Insane Battle: TITAN SPEAKERMAN vs Secure Minecraft House!

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Okay imp perfect soe just like that I pull us a new Treehouse wo this thing is awesome can you show me around oh yeah I can go ahead show you on the inside come right here zo and we’ll go right through our front door we’ll open this up and

Then it goes all the way down into our secret chamber which is also our basement wo this is so cool and of course since it’s me and you sharing this treeh house I made your side purple and I made my side green isn’t this so cool this is awesome and look at this

Lava wall yeah this is one of the coolest builds ever but actually I want to go ahead and add a fetch to the outside of build just to make sure no one can sneak in yeah that’s super smart we would hate any unwanted guest exactly okay let’s go ahead and head up the

Stairs real quick and uh wait a second Zoe what in the world is that thing over there uh maybe it’s our new neighbors wait it’s our new neighbor and why does it kind of look like the Titan speaker man I don’t know hopefully they’re nice okay let’s go ahead and close our door

And then let’s go across the street to greet our neighbors sounds good to me do you think we should bring them something uh n they probably don’t need anything they’re probably like stupid or something stupid that’s not nice okay I was was just kidding in uh wait a second

It says Titan speaker man Labs do you know what that means no I have no clue well this looks like a really really special door maybe we can open it let me try to use my super awesome muscles and wao look at that I opened this super

Cool door wao it says entrance wait it says entrance and oh gosh wait zo it looks like we have to jump down do you just want to jump down there sure let’s go okay zo let’s go ahead and jump down in 3 2 1 and oh my gosh and wao wait a

Second Zoe where in the world are we at now I have no clue but it’s kind of beautiful in here it is kind of nice but this place is also a little bit creepy creepy are you talking about the spider webs uh yeah I’m talking about everything the way this place is like

Totally cursed cursed what do you mean and where are our new neighbors I have no idea but how about we go ahead and explore around for a little bit sure wa this ISS experiment one fail and wait mine says experiment one fail to Zoe this must be a laboratory I mean I guess

That’s what the front of their house said right yeah I did say that but I wonder what they’re experimenting on yeah I wonder too but man it almost looks like this place is is a little bit abandoned like no one’s been here for years yeah but the lights are still on

And everything so people have to be here yeah maybe so and oh wait a second Zoe why did we just get put in survival mode I have no clue do you think something’s going to attack us oh wait a second Zoe look it’s a tight speaker B it must be

Our neighbors seriously where’s he at look they’re right down here and they actually look kind of friendly seriously that’s great news let’s see if they want to be best friends forever and ow what the heck Zoe they’re punching me what the heck stay back heathens oh gosh wait

Zoe don’t take them out they’re are neighbors yeah but they attacking us oh my gosh well I guess you have the diamond sword can you like punch them all and get them out of here come on zo there’s only like two of them left just

Take them out as fast as you can I’m trying two Dex I’m trying my best too I’m like punching this guy with my fist hopefully he’ll go away soon enough seriously you’re only punching him wait where are you I killed one wait I killed mine too I think we’re all good now Zoe

Sweet I guess we don’t have any neighbors anymore yeah I guess not but I don’t really like this place that was super super scary and I don’t want to see any Titan speaker anymore yeah we should probably head out and uh wait a second zo wait did you see these signs

When we first got here no what did they say I have no idea let’s go ahead and check them out it says warning warning warning warning Titan speaker man has gone Rogue subject is highly dangerous lab is destroyed warning warning warning zo what’s going on I think that we need

To get out of here this is not good oh no if all the tight speaker about to go in Rogue and they’re right across from our house we’re going to have to make some extra cool defenses order to protect ourselves then we better go okay

Come on Zoe quick we have to get back to our place Zoe I do not like this at all but quick we have to get back to our Treehouse and now we need to build extra cool defenses for our base yeah we need to hurry I don’t want to get attacked by

The Titan speaker man yeah honestly I don’t want to get attacked either he’s like a super strong skib character so what do you think we should start out with well zo I think the first thing we should probably do is build like some outer wall to our base maybe like a lava

Mode or something that sounds like a great idea so you just want to dig a mo all the way around our base and then fill it with lava yeah basically it’s all we’re going to have to do and why do we make it like two blocks wide that

Sounds good to me I’ll race you to the other side what you actually think you’re faster Block Breaker than beads away I’m like one of the fastest block Breakers of all time I know that I’m faster than you cuz you’re a Slowpoke well we’ll see about that I feel like

I’m already almost all the way around the Treehouse and let’s see where are you at and oh gosh so you’re still on the front I told you you were slow I’m practically finished so stop your yapping uh Zoe you’re not practically finished at all I’m literally at the

Halfway point and I just do not see you you don’t see me I’m already done Zoe you’re not done I’m watching you break it right now and you’re just going super slow oh so now you’re spying on me oh my gosh whatever zo just admit that you

Actually lost I don’t think I lost I think I won oh my gosh whatever it doesn’t even make a difference let’s just get this built out so we can place some lava down ooh I love pouring lava okay well if you love pouring lava so

Much why don’t you go ahead and fill the whole thing in okay that’ll be my job okay and I’m actually going to do this side because I think you’re really slow oh my gosh you are so mean to me Dax we’re on the same team here I’m just

Kidding Zoe it was just a prank okay Zoe just a few more spots left and honestly our little lava boat’s actually looking pretty good yeah do you think this is going to be enough to defend us well let me go ahead and test something out first

Why don’t we go ahead and spawn a pig in there and we can see the pig can survive o and then we can bigon exactly so look let me just go ahead and pick him up like this and then I can just drop him inside of the lava and yeah that pig is

Definitely burning a I kind of feel bad for the little guy and wait he didn’t even drop any bacon Zoe that pig was totally useless he wasn’t useless he was my friend he was your friend you didn’t even know his name what was his name Zoe

His name was Mr Pig his name was Mr Pig Zoe I feel like you just made that up no me and him go way back okay whatever you say it doesn’t even make a difference but let’s see what’s something else cool that we could build in and oh wait what

If we made like a huge wall out of dirt Dex dirt is not strong at all we need to use like one of the strongest blocks ever uh okay well what’s one of the strongest blocks ever we obviously have to use purple concrete and uh wait a

Second so wait why would we use purple concrete is it really even that strong it’s like one of the strongest much stronger than dirt well Zoe honestly I don’t really believe you so can I go ahead and test it out real quick sure do whatever you want okay let me just grab

Myself a nice block of TNT and I can place it on top of these purple blocks and let’s see if everything get destroyed or not come on purple concrete you got this and wa look at that it didn’t even get destroyed at all okay zo I was wrong this concrete is super

Strong I told you Dax I don’t know why you doubt me so let’s get to lining our B but actually soe since my favorite color is green can I make like one side out of green and you make your side out of purple that’s fine as long as you get

To work okay perfect let me go ahead and grab my lime concrete and then I can do this side over here Zoe do you think the tight speaks actually going to come attack us or do you think we’re actually save I think he’s actually going to

Attack us oh gosh this isn’t good at all why did he have to move it next door to us this is so dumb okay Zoe and perfect now our wall is completely done this looks so cool this does look super cool but I think that we can make it even

Cooler uh okay how can we make it even cooler can we add like floating pigs on the walls or we can add like laser cannons no none of that I think that we should put a firewall on top of our walls uh wait a firewall Zoe what do you

Mean by that so first you put some Netherrack down and then you just light the top of it on fire oh okay I guess that makes sense that is kind of how you make fire okay let’s go ahead and add this all the way around our base and

Actually this is going to be perfect cuz it’s going to be super hard for anything to get over even if they are tall enough exactly so you start placing the Netherrack and I’ll start lighting it on fire okay sounds good zo let’s see if you can actually keep up with my

Netherrack placing skills cuz I am super fast well that’s not fair you got to Head Start what in the world okay I’ll wait for you to catch up Zoe and then we’ll see if you’re fast enough okay Zoe now that you’re caught up let’s go ahead

And see if you can catch up with me you are so slow Dax what do you mean I’m so slow and oh gosh wait you’re catching up but Zoe you’re like missing a bunch of like Netherrack no that’s part of my strategy that’s part of your strategy

Zoe that doesn’t even make any sense I don’t like this game how come you get to pick the challenges what in the world you literally pick the challenge first you said that you wanted to light it and that I was going to place it I didn’t

Think it was going to be a challenge I thought we’re going to use teamwork we are using teamwork you’re just like a lot slower than me not everything is a competition Dex in perfect Zoe our firewall actually looks super good it’s going to be like impossible for any of

Those tight speaker men to get through yep I’m like a super genius for coming up with that idea you are super smart and oh wait Zoe I kind of just realized something what is it de we haven’t checked up on the Neighbors in a minute

Do you want to go ahead and check up on them and see what they’re doing right now now yeah let’s do it well I mean we did take out a bunch of them last time Zoe so I doubt there could be that many of them left yeah I’m sure we’re fine

But let’s just look just in case okay let’s go ahead and see and what the heck Zoe do you see how many tight speaker man there are it’s like they multiplied what in the world why are there so many and wait where did the lab go I have no

Clue maybe they ate it what the heck you actually think they ate the lab Zoe yeah I’ve heard of Titan speaker eating like objects and stuff and it makes them more powerful oh gosh this is horrible okay come on Zoe we have to added more defenses before they come attack us we

Have to hurry okay Zoe what else can we even added to make our face super super strong honestly Dax we need a door oh wait we do need a door so maybe we should make this a little bit bigger and wait a second Zoe I have an even better

Idea what is it Dax well I mean their door looks super cool so why I go in there and steal it that sounds like such a good idea okay I would be super super careful zo hopefully they don’t get mad at me or anything be careful Dax now let

Me just go ahead and make a copy of this and perfect Zoe I’m coming back hurry hurry hurry oh gosh that was really scary but let me see all I have to do is put this on the ground like that and then I guess we can fill it up a little

Bit with some more of our concrete and then now we have a super super strong door let’s just go ahead and try it out and wo look at that Zoe that was so cool yeah I’m super glad I thought of that good idea I’m just full of them these

Days yeah you are like practically a genius but Zoe we probably need to add like a little Bridge here that way whenever we come through the door we don’t just fall straight into lava yeah that’s a good idea but won’t that allow them to not fall into lava too well yeah

It won’t allow them to fall into the lava we’re going to have a plan for that Zoe it’s going to be super difficult for them to get through this door anyways okay Dak so what should we do next well maybe we can actually add like a little

Electric fence to the outside that way they can’t even get close to our wall ooh electric fence but how do we build that well all we have to do is grab one of these super cool electric fences right here and wao there’s even an electric friends gate seriously that

Sounds awesome yeah so like we can just enter it by opening it and oh gosh wait does it even work it might not even work how does this thing even work is it electrifying anything uh I don’t know but maybe we could get something to try

It out let’s say o let’s do a chicken this time ooh chicken wings okay let me just spawn this chicken right on the fence and what the heck he’s just floating above the fence Zoe oh my gosh he is so strong let me just grab him and

Put him back down and then I can punch him in and oh gosh he like died right away you’re just too strong you can’t be that rough with the chickens no I don’t even think it was me Zoe I think it was the electric fence really you think so

It’s not really looking like it’s glowing or anything uh well look at that Zoe I just pushed the chicken straight into it and he immediately died this thing is super strong I guess you’re right so we should start lighting our base with them yeah let’s go ahead and

Put a bunch of them on the outside and actually we do need a gate for the middle so let me just grab one of these super cool wooded Gates that way we can actually open it whenever we want okay just a few more to wake our way around

The house and Zoe actually since we have like this one block Gap here why don’t we add some lasers in that sounds perfect okay Zoe in order to put down lasers we’re going to need to do something extra special what is it Dax so basically you have to put this thing

Called a shield pad down right on the floor like that H Shield pad on the ground just like that okay and the next thing you’re going to have to do is grab one of these super cool cool lasers and just right click on it okay so I just

Right click it on that exactly and then it should start to glow and perfect it looks like you did it perfect and then I just place it down uh no Zoe actually what you’re going to have to do is go ahead and put a block like over it like

This wao that was so cool except yours connected to mine and I didn’t want to do that so I’m going to put mine there and you’re going to place a block next to it so yours will work wao that looks even better okay perfect but we’re going

To have to do these all the way around so first I’m going to add a big layer of Netherrack and then we can go back and add all the shield pads in that sounds like a good idea I’ll do the same thing okay so now that we have all the shield

Pads down let’s go ahead and go back and then we can add in all the super cool lasers wow this is going to look awesome they won’t want to mess with us exactly this is going to be like super super strong and actually I think I’m going to

Move this fence from the front up one more block that way it’s like super close and perfect soy we were able to get all the lasers place this looks so cool this does look super cool what do you think we should do next okay I’m thinking for the next thing what we do

Is place a bunch of sand outside of our base and make really tall cactuses that way it’s hard for all the tight speaker man to actually get through ooh cactuses that’ll be so painful if they bump into it exactly so I think what I’m going to

Do is first turn a bunch of this ground to be sand that’s a good idea and then we just place the cactuses on exactly so let me go ahead and type in this super cool command called set sand and look at that now this is all sand wao and how

Many cactuses are we going to put honestly I don’t really know let’s just put as many as we feel like and how high do you want to stack them let’s see maybe like 10 blocks does that sound good 10 blocks high that sounds crazy okay Zoe while you’re doing that side of

Cactuses over there I’m going to do this side over here and then I guess we can meet in the middle that sounds good to me we have like the most secure base I’ve ever seen Zoe it’s going to be so difficult for those tight speaker to

Come attack us yeah we are doing like super good okay Zoe now that we have all the cactus place I can go ahead and make it super tall how are you going to do that all I have to do is type in this Command right here and look at that

These cactuses are super tall now wao our base looks so sweet yeah look at this we have a firewall we have a lava moat we have lasers electric fences and we have super sharp cactuses I don’t even know what we could do better yeah I don’t know either but wait a second so

We’ve actually done a lot of stuff to the outside of our base so what if we do some stuff to the inside yeah that sounds like a good idea like a secret Armory room maybe oh we could definitely do an armor room and wait we can also

Have an area for like archers like bows and stuff wao that would be perfect okay so how about I go ahead and build my Archer Tower on this side over here and you can build your site over there okay sounds good to me and uh wait a second

Zoe are you making yours out of purple obviously cuz purple’s the best color well I guess that means I have to make my side out of green e Green’s like the worst color okay let’s go ahead and add a little area so we can get up so we’re

Probably going to need ourselves some nice ladders yeah that would be pretty smart we got to get up here somehow and then maybe we can have like an area in the Middle where we can just meet cuz honestly if there’s like tiny speaker bars on one side of the base I would be

Able to run around and shoot at them yeah that’s a good idea Dex so why do we make our main tow as a color of our choosing but we’ll make everything else out of Oak planks that way it’s like neutral sounds good to me okay now that

I’m up here let me go ahead and add in a bunch of these Oak planks and then I can connect our two sides in the middle and just to make sure we don’t fall off Zoe we should probably add fences to the outside of this because you know you are

A little bit clumsy I’m already on it okay Zoe now I want to have another little area that’s just a bunch of Oak planks and we’ll put some stairs that way we can see over the fence a little bit easier and then shoot a bunch of

Them with our bows that’s a super good idea but shouldn’t we also include some chests with the bows and arrows yeah we probably should include a chest do you see a good spot where you can place that and oh look right in the middle looks really nice exactly that’s what I was

Thinking so let me just grab myself a nice bow and then I’ll also grab myself some arrows and then we can fill the chest up with it I’m going to do the exact same in perfect zo our Archer a is actually looking super nice this is

Going to be so much fun whenever we actually get attacked yep and you know I’m like the best archer in town so I’m going to demolish those Titan speaker uh Zoe are you really the best Archer I think I’m the best Archer Dex don’t kid yourself I’ve won first place three

Years in a row what the heck why don’t we have a little competition real quick and the loser has to give the other person let’s see a stack of diamonds sounds good to me but you don’t even have any diamonds yes I do Zoe I’m super

Rich yeah I don’t believe you so what I’m going to do Zoe is put a bunch of archery targets down over here and we’re each going to have to hit them and whoever hits the most of them will be our winner okay but get your wallet

Ready okay let’s see there we go and so you’re not shooting from down here you’re shooting from up here that’s fine I can shoot from wherever I really doubt it but zo why don’t you go first let me see all that talk you been talking no

You challenged me so that means you go first ah fine I guess I can go first let’s see there’s Target number one this is so easy wow that shot was terrible what do you mean Zoe I’m literally hitting like the yellow every time because I’m super good no you’re really

Not that good just one more Target left and perfect I hit all five of them let me clear out these arrows and then we can see how good you’re going to do I think that last one you hit in the red Zoe that’s just not true at all it is

True and you removed the arrow so I couldn’t even check oh my gosh well I hit all five of them regardless I doubt you can hit all five of them and look you already missed the first one that was a warm-up Dex well you still missed

And I didn’t need a warm-up yeah you did I saw you practicing earlier what are you even talking about Zoe you’re such a fber perfect I got a perfect score uh Zoe it looks like you missed this one too it’s not even on the target Dax the

Whole point is to miss the target what in the world are you talking about you know you have to give me a stack of diamonds now fine but you should know this is my last stack of diamonds so you’re robbing from the poor uh honestly Zoe I don’t really care you shouldn’t

Have challenged me whatever Dax just think of me whenever I can’t afford a meal at night okay perfect Zoe now that we have the little archery area done I think we should add in another self-defense mechanism what is it Dax what if we add in the TV Med and they

Can help us fight all those Titans ooh that is such a good idea I love the TV man yeah the TV man’s super cool so first thing we should probably do is build a fence that way they can’t escape because uh you know they have to work

For us for the rest of their lives yeah they’re slippery little fellas let me just make sure to close this all the way on the tree so they can’t jump over and perfect this looks pretty good now I can add in the little mechanism that’s going

To put them in wo how do you even know how to build this uh because I’m a genius Zoe I know you are that’s why I’m so surprised so let me just grab a bunch of redstone and basically all we have to do is put down some sticky pistons that

Are going to drop the fence down whenever we press a button that sounds pretty cool so let me just break out all the ground right here and then I caness start running all the Redstone and let’s see you figure out where’s a good spot

To put the lever the lever okay I can do that let me just connect all of these with a bunch of redstone repeaters like this and a few sticks of redstone and then I can line it up wherever that lever is going to be at and oh you’re

Putting it all the way over there Zoe yep I’m going to put it right here okay I think that’s a pretty good spot let me just connect all the Redstone all the way over to that lever and then we should be good to test it out okay

Perfect now that it’s all connected let me go ahead and fill the top of this with a bunch of grass blocks that way no I could just easily break it all okay perfect that looks really good now let’s go ahead and test out this lever and oh

Gosh wait a second Zoe it doesn’t work what the heck why doesn’t it work oh wait it works now I must have just messed up wherever I was putting stuff let me try wao that’s so cool well now that we have that I guess we can

Actually throw it in the TV man yeah how many do you want to put in there m let’s do like five of those guys I think that’s enough to take out the Titans yeah they’re super strong let me just go ahead and spawn them in there’s 1 2 3 4

And there’s five perfect now we have a bunch of TV men and they’re totally going to defend us yes this is awesome okay zo now that we have the TV men and we have a bunch of other is why don’t we build that armor room you were talking

About earlier yeah let’s do it but wait a second Zoe before we actually build the armor room maybe I should throw some security cameras inside of there that way we can actually spy on the Titan speaker whenever we want that’s a super good idea go ahead and place them okay

I’m just going to run over there real quick and place a bunch of them make sure to close everything behind me oh wait you’re coming too yeah I want to come with you okay come on let me just go ahead and grab ourselves some nice security cameras and then we can walk

Right in there and oh gosh so it looks like there’s way more this time around this is not looking that good for us oh my gosh why do they keep multiplying I have no idea but let me go ahead and put a security camera down in this corner

Here and then I’ll go ahead and place another one down over here and now we can just run back to our base and we can spy on the whatever we want okay let’s get out of here okay let’s just check the cameras to make sure they actually

Work and wao I can see so many tight speaker man this is terrifying yeah this is terrifying but it was a super good idea I love that we can see them yeah it was super super smart but now we can go ahead and start building our Armory room

Out okay let’s go let’s just go down to our basement but I guess we’re going to have to get rid of our room Zoe it’s just taking up too much space yeah but we could still use the base of this place to be our Armory area so I guess

It’s not that bad yeah at least we don’t have to make a whole new room okay zo what I’m thinking we do is put your Armory area over inside of here and I’ll build mine on the opposite side that sounds like a good idea are you going to

Make us those automatic Armory machines oh yeah I guess we could get automatic Armory machines those are pretty easy to make how do you make them all we have to do is grab some dispensers and then we have to grab a fence and also a pressure plate and that’s practically all we need

Perfect now can you come on my side and build it uh no Zoe you’re going to have to build it for your da you have to build it Zoe it is literally so easy to build I think you can do this I believe

In you no I don’t want to do it you have to do it oh my gosh Zoe what are you going to do whenever we get attacked and you’re going to have to build something for yourself I have strength it just happens to not be building oh my

Goodness fine Zoe I guess I can build it for you but come over here and watch so you can build it next time okay I’m coming okay Zoe So what we’re going to have to do is Place some dispensers down just like this okay I’m taking notes and

Then of course we’re going to have to place them in every single Direction since we want a bunch of stuff to be inside this dispenser makes sense to me okay after this we’re going to need to fill them up so let’s see what type of armor should I use honestly you need

Like leather armor what I need leather armor Zoe are you serious that armor is super weak no that’s like one of the strongest you know what I think I’m going to choose some super cool gold armor because it’s super shiny and it matches my personality fine but I’m

Going to use netherite armor cuz it’s purple okay you go ahead and do that but you’re also going need to grab yourself a sword and wo this Frozen diamond sword looks super cool I think I’m going to use that also make sure to grab yourself a shield and maybe a couple golden

Apples as well well okay I can do that okay zo now that we have all of these and we have our armor and stuff all you have to do is basically fill up each one of the dispensers with the stuff you grab that sounds pretty easy okay Zoe

Now everything’s basically filled in the last thing you have to do is put a little fence down on this bottom dispenser with a pressure plate on top of that and then you can just walk inside of it and look at that I have all my gear wo Dax you look so cool yeah

Honestly I do look pretty cool I think gold armor was like the perfect choice since I look so flashy now yeah you look super flashy and how about doing that over to my side ah fine I guess Zoe I can do the same thing for your side let

Me just take off my armor real quick thanks de okay Zoe it’s basically done now you can walk inside if it to test it out real quick okay but be ready to see something beautiful let’s see it wo Zoe you look so cool I do look super cool do

You like my shield yeah this Shield is super cool where did you even get that from obviously the inventory wo that is so sick okay make sure to put everything back in there that we actually do have to fight you can just grab it real quick

Okay sounds good to me okay Zoe perfect now that we have all of our armor set up maybe we should make another room just in case everything goes bad that sounds good to me but is this going to be like a panic room or is this just going to be

Like a living room like a lounge uh a living room Zoe this is in case everything goes bad and we need to escape why would we build a living room I don’t know just in case we need to watch TV uh no we’re not going to be

Watching TV we’re going to build a little garage that way we can just drive away if everything goes bad ooh can I have a sports car yeah you can have a sports car of course but in order to get to the garage area I’m going to build it

Right here inside this lava just so it looks cool and oh God wait the lava’s flowing everywhere yeah you have to be careful I trying my best but this is super difficult I never built anything like this before this is your first time uh yeah this is my first time Zoe have

You ever built anything like that before of course they teach you that stuff like on day one what the heck then why aren’t you building this because I like watching you do it h okay fair enough whatever let’s go ahead and build a little garage area right about here and

We should probably carve a big space that way we can place whatever type of cars we want in it yeah that sounds like a good idea I don’t want your car dinging my car uh I don’t want your car dinging my car so you’re the bad driver

Here you’re the bad driver you got into like 16 accidents last week what the heck Zoe none of those were my fault though yeah you rear ended like four different people okay fine maybe it wasn’t my fault a little bit but you don’t got to bring that up I think this

Looks like a pretty good space but we are going to need a ramp in order to drive out so let me go ahead and start digging that out okay perfect Zoe I built a little way for us to escape why don’t you get a car and test it out and

Oh you’re way ahead of me yep I told you I had a sports car Dex okay go ahead and hop in and then see if you can drive with this ramp right here what ramp uh Zoe the ramp right in front of you come

On all you have to do is turn a little bit I’m going oh gosh you are a really bad driver Zoe that’s coming from you are you serious and wait it doesn’t look like you can get up that easy H let’s think maybe we need to add in ramps yeah

That would be a good idea okay Zoe I think I’m going to use this thing called the couch car it looks super super cool yeah it looks cool but it’s not very safe uh what do you mean Zoe it’s super safe no it’s not safe especially if

You’re going to be going up that ramp well watch this I’m going to go super fast and wa that was so cool and I got out so fast okay Dax I’m coming what in the world is that zo it looks like a minivan it’s a smart car uh okay thing

Looks totally stupid I think my couch car is cooler no it’s not cool at all what if you crash uh what if I crash well I won’t crash cuz I’m a professional driver Zoe well Dax statistically since you crashed 14 times last week that means you’re probably

Going to crash again sometime soon uh statistically since you crashed uh it doesn’t make a difference Zoe I’m a professional heikes I’m just speaking math he’s so mad okay Zoe well now that we actually have our cars let’s go ahead and put a few of them down just in case

They break for whatever reason sounds good to me and Hey Zoe that was going to be my side but uh I guess we could share a side am I supposed to know uh because I own everything you don’t own anything well I own those 64 diamonds you gave me

Earlier it was actually 65 that means you can’t count uh let me go ahead and check in Zoe I have 64 in my inventory it was 65 that means you lost one whatever it doesn’t make a difference okay Zoe now that we have a little car

Area I have one more thing I want to add in what is it Dex well after we escape we’re going to need to wa to make sure those tight speaker man don’t take over our base yeah and how do you want to do that what if we put down a bunch of TNT

And then we blow it up that sounds like a great idea can I blow it up now no Zoe you can’t blow it up now we still have our house right now goofy oh my gosh don’t call me goofy so what we’re going to do is have this little area lead us

To a little Shack that way we can press a button all the way over there and just blow up everything sounds like a blast okay let me just go ahead and stack this like 40 blocks deep and this is where we’re going to build our Little Shelter

At all we have to do is grab some obsidian just to make sure nothing actually breaks and then we’ll put a bunch of reinforced glass around that way we can actually watch everything that’s going to be so cool kind of like a viewing area exactly it’s going to be

Totally awesome but uh hopefully we don’t have to get to that point honestly cuz I would like to keep our house yeah our house is super sick just to make sure no I can break into this I’m also going to add one of those super cool hanger doors from earlier Zoe wow that’s

Going to be super cool and this looks super secure okay but now we need to add in that button I was talking about that’s going to release a bunch of T so why don’t we go ahead and grab a nice little panic button o I want to push the

Button can I push it uh Zoe it doesn’t do anything right now so I guess you can push it but you never not push it later okay I’m going to get all my pushes out now and now what we’re going to have to do is run some Redstone all the way

Underneath our base where we can to put a bunch of TNT at wo that’s sounds deadly yeah it’s going to be super super dangerous but it’s going to be so cool to watch let me run all the Redstone underground and then we can put a whole

Bunch of TNTs wa this is going to be so destructive it’s going to be so awesome I kind of hope they take over our base so I can push the button what the heck so I could have like put a button anywhere for you it’s not that important

That they take over the base but I do want to see it blow up okay well that’s fair enough I guess okay Zoe I think we’re like right underneath our base right now so this is where we can to make a whole room out of TNT wo a whole

Room made out of TNT that sounds crazy yeah it’s going to be totally awesome it’s definitely going to destroy everything oh my gosh that sounds so cool I wish we could do that right now uh no Zoe we can’t do right now remember we saw have to try and defend our base

Yeah you’re right but let’s go ahead and fill this entire room up with a bunch of TNT okay not the whole room is made out of TNT let’s just reconnect this Redstone and perfect whenever we’re ready we can hit that big panic button everything should light off o I’m going

To race you to the panic button Zoe you’re not pressing the panic button right now we don’t want to blow up everything yet if you beat me there first then I won’t uh well already here zoa you lost dang it let me just cover this up to make sure no one accidentally

Trips it and perfect our base is going to be so cool this is going to be so cool I agree okay Zoe perfect I basically think we have everything built out maybe we should check the cameras real quick and see how the Titans are doing that sounds like a good idea let’s

Check let’s go ahead and see it wait Zoe a bunch of their base is broke what the heck the base is broken why oh no they must be escaping Zoe quick we have to get to the armor room and throw on all our stuff okay let’s go quick get down

There get down there I’m hurrying all we have to do is Step at our super awesome systems that I built and honestly you might want to grab a few extra golden apples just in case everything gets crazy out there wait you packed golden apples uh of course I did I could

Actually give you some sweet can I please have some yeah let me just go ahead and grab myself a whole stack and perfect there you go Zoe there’s a bunch of golden apples thanks dexs okay quick now let’s get back up to the surface and let’s go ahead and take out all these

Titans we got this easy and honestly I’m probably also going to let out all the T that way they can actually help us that’s a good idea okay let’s go ahead and see and oh my gosh so there’s so so many outside how are the cactuses holding up the cactuses look like

They’re doing pretty good but we’re going to have to fight all these guys if we actually want to win what the heck one of them just exploded and it took out the fence wait one of them exploded how is that even possible I have no clue

What in the world is going on I think these guys were that strong they keep pushing me into the cacti Kad you have to fight your hardest you’ve ever fought before we can’t lose through these guys our base is so cool I’m trying Dax okay I’m taking out this huge group over here

But man there is way too many right now we’re going to have to do this really slowly if we want to win yeah I feel like I’m being jumped honestly so it probably would have been a smart idea to give ourselves TNT that way we could

Just light it up and blow them up while they’re in huge groups I’m trying to eat some apples I need to keep my strength up come on so if we can do this we’ve been training to fight these guys for practically our whole lives right yeah

We train every day for at least 9 hours exactly I train every day for at least 26 hours 26 hours there’s only 24 hours in a day Dax what do you even mean well I train so hard I make more hours Zoe Dax that doesn’t even make any sense but

I’m not going to argue with you right now okay perfect I took out those guys and Zoe it looks like you took out all your guys yep I’m super talented that 27 hours of trading really paid off and oh wait a second wave two what does that

Mean uh Dax turn around uh why and oh my go soe there’s so many more now what are we going to do quick we have to get inside and now we can use our archery Tower to take out a bunch of them oh perfect we get to test out our archery

Skills exactly oh my gosh the way the TV men literally aren’t doing anything they’re being absolutely useless yeah what a bunch of of bums ah we should have spawned in the TV woman what were we even thinking about I have no clue she’s so much more powerful than them

Okay perfect now that we have our bow and arrows we can just sit up here and we can start sniping a bunch of them this is going to be so easy okay let’s do this come on Zoe and W it looks like our lasers are doing a bunch of damage

This is actually perfect this is perfect oh man we’re totally going to win this and we’re going to defend our base we’re not even have to use that TNT a I wanted to use the TNT and oh wait a second zo what does ultimate wave mean maybe that

Means this is like the least strong wave the least strong wave I hope so let me see if our TV men are fighting and Zoe what the heck all the time speaker man are inside our base no way what in the world are we going to do there’s so many

Of them and wait I don’t even see the TV men they must kind to taken out seriously those guys are so weak oh no zo this isn’t good at all honestly I think we should just get out of here and light up all the TNT let’s do it okay

Quick we’re going to have to sneak down around all these tight speaker B but be super careful there’s so many of them we got to run they’re attacking oh gosh I’m eating all my golden apples I don’t want to get hit quick I’m going to close the

Door door behind us and oh no I can’t get inside what do you mean you can’t get inside they’re all defending the door but don’t worry I snuck around them in perfect now I snuck inside okay I’m getting into my car okay quick I’m going

To get into my car too come on Zoe quick hop in your car and let’s get out of here we have to go super fast and then we have to get to our secure place and press our panic button I’m coming Dex come on Zoe come as fast as you can oh

Gosh there’s tight speaker B close come on Zoe where are you um I’m having some issues parking what in the world are you even talking about parking you’re not even out here yet I’m trying oh my gosh I’m coming back to help you I can’t

Drive it oh I’m coming what in the world are you even talking about it oh my gosh so you’re literally Stuck in the Middle right now I know I ended up sideways somehow okay I’m trying to clear out the path through I’m fighting all the tight speaker right away quick get out here

I’m coming de oh my gosh okay Qui get to the secure room and I’m going to press the button okay I’m coming okay Zoe we’re going to press the button together in 3 2 1 oh Zoe this is going to be absolutely crazy I wonder how much

Damage the TNT is going to do I have absolutely no clue do you see anything uh no I don’t see anything but oh gosh wait I can’t even move and oh no Zoe look at all the destruction out there did our Treehouse make it uh Zoe I don’t

Think our Treehouse made it at all look how destroyed everything is oh my gosh this is such an unlucky day wait a second it looks like the Titan speaker head is completely destroyed and wait I don’t even see any of the speaker anywhere seriously that means they’re

All gone yeah I think we actually ended up taking all of them out wow zo this is perfect we were actually able to defend our base well I don’t think we actually defended it that great considering it’s all destroyed and perfect Zoe our house is finally complete wow this looks so

Good but Dax what is that uh what are you talking about it oh my gosh Zoe what in the world is that thing I have no clue but I hope it’s not bad news well it’s on our property we should definitely go check it out let’s go Zoe

This kind of looks like the YouTuber cash yeah it really does okay well let’s just head up these stairs and see what we can find and oh my gosh wait there’s like a bunch of mutant cashes inside of here Zoe oh no Dax did you read this

Sign wait there’s a sign up here prepare to cry this is the end once dark comes cash will come for your house what in the world Zoe this is not good news oh no if they’re going to come for us at night we have to quickly get back and

Build some defenses let’s go let’s go we’re running out of time Dax I’m so scared we just moved into this house now we have to defend it yeah we definitely need to start building some defenses before it gets dark zo cuz that’s going to be really bad well what should we

Start building h let’s see Zoe what do we just start off by doing like a lava mode or something what a lava Mo Dax okay Zoe So what we’re going to do is go into our inventory and we’re going to grab oursel a lava bucket and now what

We can do with this is just build a ginormous lava pool all the way around our house wow that sounds like it’s going to be super safe but is that going to catch our house on fire oh yeah I guess it could catch our house on fire

Well before we make the lava mod maybe we should make our house a little bit stronger yeah that sounds like a great idea but how are we going to do that let’s see what if we just replace these like Oak blocks or a bunch of netherite blocks netherite is that super strong uh

Yeah it’s like one of the the strongest blocks in the game so we can go ahead and just grab these and start placing this where all of our wood is and that should definitely do the trick in perfect Zoe we just replace all of the W with this awesome netherite blocks yes

But Dax there’s still a bunch of wooden blocks here oh yeah there are a bunch of oak logs well what if we just get like some bedrock and replace that for this is bedrock strong uh yeah Zoe Bedrock is like probably the strongest Block in the

Game how do you not know that I’m just asking Dax you don’t have to be rude about it okay Zoe now that that’s all built out our house shouldn’t catch on fire anymore so we can go ahead and start bu out the lava mode okay but I’m

Going to build mine faster than you’re going to build yours wait do you want to race around the house or something yes okay let’s see come on Zoe I bet I can beat you Zoe if you can beat me in this race I’m going to give you like a whole

Stack of diamonds how does that sound good but can you give me the diamonds even if I lose uh no you’re not giving the diamonds if you lose why would I give a loser diamonds just because I’m a good person Dax uh no losers don’t get anything and Zoe I’m already like all

The way around the house where in the world even are you I’m taking my time trying to make sure it’s really good uh yeah it looks like I already won and you didn’t even do it right Zoe here let me just help you you out and now that we

Have like the basic lava mode built out we have to place all the lava everywhere so Zoe make sure to make everything even we can’t have uneven lava that’ll just look gross okay Dax I’m going to go ahead and fill in this side okay and I’m

Almost done with this side but man there is so much lava and it’s all like clumped together and looks ugly how’s your side looking Zoe mine looks amazing I really doubt that but I’m almost done and then I’ll come check out your side okay and perfect I just finished the

Last blocks let’s see how your side’s go Zoe none of this looks right at all how does it not look right Zoe can you not see that it’s not even at all you have to like Smooth all this out I’m doing that well you were doing it too slow I’m

Going to help you out okay fine thanks Dex in perfect Zoe our lava boat looks so good is this going to be safe enough Dax uh probably not Zoe I think we’re going to need a lot more stuff than this what are we going to do well what if we

Build some type of like hidden falling trap hidden falling trap what’s that well here let me show you real quick okay Zoe well since this is kind of like an open space and we need to get across we have to build oursel like a little Bridge across this and from here we can

Go ahead and make that falling trap I was talking talking about oh this bridge looks so cute I mean it’s just a normal Bridge though but what we got to do is like break all the ground right here and we have to break it all the way into the

Void so you want to go ahead and help me with that real quick let’s do it all right and I’m breaking this side to the void and yeah basically all the cast is just going to fall down this huge pit that we have set for them and now Zoe

The next thing we’re going to do is Place some TNT down just like this wait Dax isn’t that going to blow up our house oh no Zoe that’s why we built everything into the void so what’s the zombies in the Cashes come across we’re going to have these pressure plates here

So what they step on and they’re just going to fall straight down okay I hope you’re right well look if I’m not right you can just test it out real quick Zoe why don’t you just walk over the pressure plates won’t that hurt me no Zoe you’ll be fine okay all right and

Boop there you go right to the void bye Zoe oh no I’m dying Dax you just said that wasn’t going to hurt me well I mean you’re back aren’t you so you’re perfectly fine no I had to respawn to get back in the game uh okay Zoe whatever well we should probably build

Another one of those falling traps on this side just so that all the cashes fall on the ground on both sides that’s so smart okay let me place down the gravel and then I’ll throw on the pressure plates and this is going to be like the perfect trap to ever Zoe yeah

Dax this is awesome now what should we build H let’s see what if we make like a fireball cannon fireball Cannon how do we build that okay look this is what we’re going to do we’re going to grab some dispensers from our inventory and then we’re going to place them all

Across our roof just like this and now that these are all on top of our roof we’re just going to go ahead and put some Redstone down just to connect all these dispensers and finally what we’re going to do is just put down a little lever right here that we can both flick

And now once you flick this you can go ahead and shoot Fireballs why don’t you go ahead and do it Zoe okay and boom look at that oh gosh Zoe we just hit the statue over there wow that was awesome can I do it again uh no probably don’t

Do it yet we don’t want to make those guys mad here we go no Zoe what in the world are you doing hopefully they don’t come maybe I’m scaring them so they don’t come later uh no Zoe probably not do you see how big those guys were yeah

But we’re stronger okay well since you already probably made them mad I think we need to build up some more stuff what if we do like a little snowman trap snowman trap that sounds so C cute okay Zoe So what we’re going to do is basically make like two big guard towers

On each side and each one of these guard towers we’re going to place down a very old snow manad a this sounds so fun yeah it’s going to be fun for us but it’s really going to suck for those mutant cashes they’re going to get completely destroyed good they deserve it and

Perfect Zoe and I decided to use this super awesome mutant snow golem instead of a normal Snow Golem just to have extra power a this guy’s so cute hopefully he’ll keep us safe yeah hopefully so but I’m going to go ahead and build one on the other side just to

Make sure we’re perfectly safe and perfect zo we have two snow golem traps now this is going to be awesome and wait a second Zoe did you just see it get darker oh no deck they’re going to be coming soon wait maybe we should go back

And check up on them real quick yes let’s do it come on Zoe we have to get up here quickly and oh my gosh Zoe they got even bigger oh no we have grown and soon you will have no home wait what is that what the side says oh no Zoe it’s

Getting darker and they’re going to attack us any second now Dex we have to go okay quick hurry with them a way better defenses those guys are huge now STX those things were so big what can we build to stop them well what if we go

Ahead and place like some lasers on the outside of our build lasers how are we going to do that okay let me show you real quick Zoe So what I did was grabbed a redstone block and then a block called a laser block and now if I place that on

Top of the Redstone we get these super cool lasers wao those are super cool are they going to stop them uh yeah and they’ll also do a lot of damage and they don’t necessarily stop them so we should be pretty protected with these awesome and Now Zoe we’re just going to go ahead

And place these all around our house so I’m going to go ahead and do this side and you can just work on the other side side okay here I go and perfect I went ahead and built my side and Zoe wait you haven’t done anything wait speaking of

Zoe Zoe where in the world are you uh Zoe I don’t see you anywhere what did she just leave me in wait no way she’s inside the house taking a nap Zoe get out of bed what are you doing oh my gosh Dax hi I was just taking a little nap so

We have to defend our house why are you taking a nap because I got tired who can fight a battle when they’re sleepy oh my God so we have to build the fences those things are going to completely destroy us so you’re just over here sleeping

Sorry Jack oh well I guess I’ll go ahead and build your side for you thank you so much in perfect zo okay I went ahead and build all these laser around so you’re being a lazy bum and taking a nap that is not nice but it looks good from up

Here yeah yeah yeah whatever Zoe okay well now that we have these lasers we should have like one more wall defense on the outside I agree what are we going to do what if we just get like some cactuses andl them all the way around our build that sounds awesome okay well

First we got to get some sand from our inventory and then we just to start placing a bunch of it down across our house okay I’m going to go ahead and place it on this last wall and then we should be good to build like a ginormous Cactus wall ginormous Cactus wall yep

It’s going to be so cool and it’s definitely going to stop all those mutant cashes I sure hope so okay Zoe and now that we have all the sand built out we can to start placing cactuses all across our base so make sure to place a

Bunch of them okay and I’m almost all the way around the house Zoe we should be pretty protected sometime pretty soon hurry Dax I think it’s getting darker okay I’m trying my best Zoe and I think just one more set and perfing zo look at our huge Cactus wall this looks so good

Yeah I really doubt out this mutant cast is going to be able to get through now what do you think no way our house is going to be protected for sure this might be pretty good Zoe but I don’t know what else to build and we still

Have a little bit of time left do you think we should get some pet wolves to help us wait pet wolves that’s a great idea Zoe they can defend our house okay let’s go ahead and get W wolf for me and W wolf for you so good so I’m just going

To put my wolf down here and then I’m going to tame him with a bow just like that a I want to do the same all right zo well here’s a wolf spot egg and you can take this boat and do the same exact thing okay okay okay well I’m going to

Go ahead and dye my dog’s color green just cuz it’s the best color ever no way I’m going to dye mine purple cuz purple is the best color ever what no way Zoe Dax I found these chocolate muffins and if we feed them to the Wolves they’ll

Get huge wait no Zoe you can’t feed them chocolate muffins what are you doing and oh my gosh wait Zoe he actually got huge what in the world these guys look so powerful good puppy okay can I get some chocolate muffins and feed my guy with

Them maybe if you ask nicely please Zoe please sure awesome thank you so much Zoe okay now I’m just going to give him some chocolate muffins to come on and oh my gosh my dog is huge too Zoe this is perfect I know there’s no way

That those guys are getting in here but just in case they do get in here Zoe we should have some type of Armory room I agree we need some armor okay well how about we go ahead and build this in our house and maybe we can just make it go

Underneath our beds to be super cool okay so I built these stairs going all the way down under our beds and now I have to make us a little Armory ooh I can’t wait to get diamond armor it’s going to look so cool yeah we should definitely make this room look kind of

Cool though and I want my side to be made out of green since obviously you know it’s like the best color ever um I don’t really agree with that but do we have time to make it look cool uh yeah so we have plenty of time why not make

It cool I don’t know it’s like we’re in a crisis or something ah n we’ll be fine don’t worry about it okay Zoe now that we’re inside of here I’m going to place this two different armor STS where we can throw our own armor on and you said

You wanted diamond armor right yes it’s going to look so good okay well I’ll go ahead and grab some diamond armor for you and go ahead and put it on your stand just like this and wao this looks awesome this does look awesome since I

Wanted my side to be green I’m going to go ahead and split the Middle with this black netherite block and on my side I’ll make it out of green I’ll go ahead and make your side out of purple awesome I love purple okay and on my side I’m

Going to use this super strong netherite armor just to make sure I’m super prepared for all of this sure it might be strong but it looks super lame a whatever Zoe well we also need to go ahead and put oursel in a chest with some food and maybe like a couple

Weapons or something that’s smart but I did say I want this room to look nice so I’m going to go ahead and bring some blocks back here and just Place some lava down just so we have a nice lava wall oh good it was getting really

Spooky in here well now I’m going to go ahead and placees down two chest just like this and you can put whatever type of gear you want in your chest I’m going to go ahead and use like a diamond sword and I’m also going to get myself some

Golden apples and maybe like a few pieces of Dynamite Just to spice things up that sounds exciting well Zoe what type of gear did you put in your chest I put like a wooden sword a wooden Shield just a bunch of wood wait a bunch of

Wood what in the world let me go ahead and see and oh my God Zoe there is so much wood in there what is wrong with you nothing’s wrong with me I’m ready to battle okay well maybe we should see how close it’s getting to night time before

We spend too much time down here let’s go okay let’s see and oh my gosh Zoe it’s almost night time it’s so scary okay well we need to build one final thing Zoe just in case everything goes bad what are we going to do we should make a self-destruct button

Self-destruct button for our house that we’re trying to protect uh yeah Zoe I mean if they take over our base it’s not going to make a difference either way okay okay let’s do it well what I think we should do is go ahead and make us a

Little platform up here so come this way what we’re going to do is make a little course that we’re going to have to run in order to escape and I’m thinking we’re going to build oursel like a little platform over here well I’ll give ourselves like some alely with fireworks

So we can just fly away this looks great yeah but this is going to be escaping from so hopefully it doesn’t come down to this okay so inside these dispensers I went ahead and put a couple elytras and inside of the chest we have fireworks whenever we need to escape we

Can just run this is definitely going to work but this is where the self-destruct button is going to be just in case stuff goes bad Zoe hopefully it doesn’t go bad but if it does at least there’s fireworks what I’m going to do is make a

Big Oak log thing right here and I’m going to grab something called called a panic button and now once we hit this panic button a huge TNT is going to blow up the entire world wow this red button y so don’t hit it Zoe oh oh sorry sorry

Oh no Zoe it’s so dark outside quick we need to go back down and grab all our armor let’s go let’s go they’re going to come soon okay I’m getting all of my netherite armor come on quick grab everything out of your chest Zoe I’ll grab my physics dynamite and my super

Cool diamond sword I’m going to be so overpowered okay Zoe quick let’s get up there we have to fight everything come on Zoe I’m coming I’m coming oh my gosh Zoe there’s so many of them out here ah we’re being attacked okay quick try to fight everything oh gosh I can’t even

See there’s so many mutant cashes I know I’m trying to stop them but they’re surrounding me what in the okay quick I’m throwing some Dynamite down let’s go good job Dex okay I just took out a bunch of them but man Zoe there’s so much more over there what are we going

To do oh no our house okay we have to keep fighting Zoe come on Zoe there are so many oh my gosh what in the world is wrong with this place come on Dax we have to fight them dude there are so many I don’t know if I can take take all

These guys out you have to try it’s our house come on come on where did these new ones come from they look like mut Enderman I know this is so scary oh my goodness I’m getting jumped by all them you know what if I blow up this stupid

Head over here come on come on blow it up Dax you’re going to make them mad by doing that oh it doesn’t even matter anymore Zoe I’m blowing up their house and they want to take out our house come on come on take them out any Zoe I think

We need to retreat back to the house there is way too many of them okay let’s go okay make sure not to step on any of the pressure plat Zoe and wait where did they go they must have already stepped over them oh no quick jump over

Everything and get inside the house let our dogs fight go go go I just left Zoe they’re all in our house what in the world is this no how did they get in I have no idea I’m going to go shoot the fireball canons come on let’s go let’s

Go wait it’s too high for them it’s not even hitting them oh no I think it’s time to hit the self-destruct button but you already want to Le zo are you serious I’m scared Dax okay come on just get out of here then make sure to grab

Your elter and your fireworks go ahead and step with the pressure plate grab the fire and I’ll hit the self-destruct button you can leave okay Zoe now that you’re out of here I’m going to go and hit the self-destruct button quick hurry Dax jump off okay Zoe I’m out of here

Boy I want to watch this self-destruct button go off yeah I’m ready come on come on let’s see what this does I think it’s coming from the sky and oh my gosh Zoe it’s about to destroy everything be careful oh no at least it’ll kill the

Monsters uh yeah it killed all of the monsters it looks like but our house got completely destroyed that’s okay at least we’re alive wait a second Zoe your dog’s still alive live yay Mr Puppy what in the world but I definitely think we’re going to have to move houses cuz

Everything is completely destroyed Zoe I know but it’s okay we’ve done it once we could do it again it’s our brand new house it looks so good it does it looks amazing but Dax what is that uh what are you talking about Zoe and wa wait that

Looks like a huge toilet a huge toilet we better go check it out oh gosh why does this always Happ us okay and it looks like there’s even a little door at the front so should we go inside yes let’s go ins inside okay let’s see and

Wait there’s some signs here and there’s a big pit and wao there’s a bunch of skimy toilets inside oh no skimy toilets why in the water are they so small okay let me read these sides real quick for now we are small fries but at night we

Rise we will multiply and grow in size Zoe what in the world this does not sound good deck oh my gosh they’re going to grow become even bigger at night time quick we have to get back to our house and defend it okay let’s go we have to

Hurry Zoe the first thing I think we need to do is get rid of this super weak wood door because look anyone could just break it super easily yeah that’s super smart but what are we going to replace it with let’s see if I go into my

Inventory and I type in this thing called a keypad door and I put it in the front I can put a super secret code and look you’re not even be able to guess the code Zoe let me just type in this super secret code and boom you’re never

Going to be able to get inside now Dex you probably did something stupid like 1 2 3 4 wait no I didn’t do 1 2 3 4 what in the world are you even talking about Zoe what how did you guess that are you

Serious ZX it was 1 2 3 4 oh my gosh okay whatever it is 1 2 3 4 but no one else except me and you is going to know it now okay let’s hope the toilets don’t know numbers oh wait a second so we also have these super weak wood blocks look

How easy I can just break these there’s no way we’re going to be able to survive with this stuff yeah the toilets are going to break them super easy hey I have an idea H okay what are we got to do Zoe why don’t we build it with

Netherite what in the world okay that’s so smart netherite is like one of the strongest blocks in Minecraft yeah I know it is that’s why we need to place it everywhere okay come on Zoe quick we don’t have that much time left before those toilets come at us okay I’m going

To start building out the walls and Zoe there is no way those stupid toilets are going to get in here now yep I had like the best idea ever honestly Zoe that was a really great idea I don’t even know how you thought about that what do you

Mean you don’t know I’m super smart uh yeah I guess you are wait a second Zoe we still have these super weak oak logs on the top of our house we need something to replace those well what if we just grab like the strongest Block in

The game which is bedrock and we replace it all across our house wow this looks so good and it looks super sturdy there’s no way those toilets are getting in this looks so good Zoe your house is going to be so safe it does look super

Safe but I think we should light our fence part on fire so they can’t get over wait that’s actually a genius idea zo oh my gosh okay put the fire around all of these it’s going to be perfect and uh wait a second Zoe I think it got

A little bit darker oh no Dex that means that they’re going to be coming soon okay quick we should probably went over there and check up on them real quick yes let’s go let’s go come on Zoe run okay come on let’s just walk up it oh

God Zoe they got even bigger no not bigger do you think they’re going to get much bigger than that yeah they’re probably going to get bigger and they’re probably even going to mutate and wait a second what are they even call their friends to help them out oh no that

Would be like the worst case scenario okay quick soe we have to run back get out of here go go go Dax I’m so scared what are we going to do uh let me think real quick soe and wait a second I have the perfect idea what is it what is it

What if we put a bunch of lasers around our house that sounds awesome but how are we going to do that okay so we need to go into our inventory and grab a block of redstone and then we have to go ahead and grab oursel a little laser and

Let me show show you what this does okay so we go ahead and put down the Redstone and then we smack this laser on top and wao Zoe look at that wo that looks awesome and you think it’ll keep them out it probably will but we need to make

This like super super organized so how many blocks is this away from our house it looks like it’s about seven so let’s do seven blocks all the way around our house sounds good I’ll race you to it wait you’re going to race me okay zo way

I’m definitely going to beat you come on I have to win this oh gosh I can’t believe forgot the count I think I went a lot more than seven this is not good you might actually catch up Dax you’re not very good at this okay I’m going to

Start building out the side of our house and then I got to place all of the redstone blocks down come on Zoe I’m definitely going to beat you no way you’re going down I’m practically almost done wait how are you already practically almost done oh gosh I got to

Catch up somehow come on come on I’m almost to the end Zoe I’m definitely going to beat you aha Dax I’m done wait how in the world are you already done Zoe you’re so fast I know I’m just in a big hurry cuz I want us to be super safe

And you’re kind of slow can you pick up the pace okay I’m trying my best Zoe stop bullying me but hey now that we have all these lasers down this actually looks super super cool yeah but I’m not sure if it’s quite safe enough what else

Can we do H let’s see wait what if we build like a fireball cannon at the start of our entrance Fireball Cannon how are we going to do that okay so we’re going to have to grab ourselves some dispensers and we’re also going to have to get some normal Redstone and

Redstone repeaters and then of course we’re going to have to get the Fireballs okay Zoe So what we’re going to do is line up a huge row of dispensers at the front of our house just like this okay okay keep going and now that we have

This all we have to do is put some redstone on the top of these we’re probably going to need a few random repeaters because the Redstone signal will just run out sounds like a good idea to me okay and the last thing we

Have to do is just oh gosh I broke it so you didn’t see that are you serious ZX get it together okay I’m trying my best but the last thing we have to do is fill all these in with a bunch of different Fire charges okay I’ll go help you with

The other side all right sounds good and then I’ll just meet you in the middle and perfect it looks like it’s pretty much done now Zoe yeah but how are we even supposed to launch these oh yeah we could have like a little lever on the outside but that would probably be

Pretty hard when we’re getting attacked so why don’t we go ahead and build something underneath sounds pretty cool okay so what I’m going to do is go ahead and run it like this and oh gosh wait a second there was Redstone connected and we just hit the toilet Dax what are you

Doing they’re going to get mad at us oh gosh that was just an honest mistake okay I have no idea what we’re going to do maybe we do just need to put like a lever at the front of this and we’re going to have to hit it through the

Walls okay so we’re going to do is have this little lever here and then whenever we’re ready we can just flick it like this and oh gosh I just shot a bunch more fire at the toilet Dax are you serious well it’s all good because we’re pretty defended now so I don’t think

They’re kind a attack us just yet but do you think this is enough defense uh we could probably build a few more cool things and wait a second Zoe what if we built a few TNT kids that sounds awesome okay well I’m going to build my sign

Over here and I think I’m going to build my sign out of some lime concrete since everyone knows that green is the best color ever more like the worst color ever what what color are you going to use Zoe purple obviously oh whatever we’ll go ahead and build your side over

There and perfect Zoe now we have our giant TNT cannon towers built out yes but but how do we build the Cannons oh you can just come over here and check it I’ll show you how to build it real quick okay so we’re going to need a little bit

Of TNT and we’re also going to need a dispenser and some Redstone of course okay so what we have to do and we’re going in that direction is we’re going to add in a few different dispensers like this and then we’ll go ahead and smack down a block put another dispenser

On the top with a slab and then we’ll do the same for the other side and now of course we just need to add some water into the inside just so it doesn’t blow everything up and we’ll just smack in this Redstone and then we’ll go ahead

And put a bunch of TNT inside of these and lastly all we have to do is put down this lever and Zoe whenever you’re ready you could just press the lever and we can test it out ooh I love switching the levers all right let’s see how our TNT

Canon does and here we go come on please go super far and oh wait it went straight up in the air Zoe Jax what’ you do uh well obviously that’s not going to do anything good let me just test it out one more time maybe you just like

The lever wrong or something and here we go and no it keeps going straight up in the air what in the world Zoe seems like you’re not a very good Builder okay well maybe if I just add in a bit more delay like that maybe it’ll work let’s go

Ahead and flick the lever again come on come on and wait this one looks way better and wait it just oh gosh it bleber Cannon are you serious Dax stop messing around we’re going to get our house destroyed oh my gosh this is horrible I don’t know why the Canon

Isn’t working we have to make a few different modifications to this thing okay so I’m going to go ahead and added a few different modifications and hopefully this one will actually work Zoe hurry up Dax it’s getting dark okay I’m trying my best just hold up okay I’m

Going to add in some dispensers to this side and since it was kind of flying straight up in the air what if I just go ahead and put like a slab on the top so I can’t do that anymore hey that’s actually a really good idea I hope this

Slab actually works yeah I hope it works too but we got to add in some water right here and then I think I have to throw in the lever and let me make sure all of this works okay perfect and Zoe I think this should actually work this

Time but since you Fleck the lever last time it didn’t work I’m hitting the lever what no fair I love flicking the lever too bad I’m hitting the lever and please work this time oh gosh I think the slab might be a little bit too low

And wo look at that one that was awesome that works so good okay this is going to be like the perfect T can to take all those stupid toilets hey Dak since you did so good on your side how about you go build one on my side oh fine whatever

Zoe I guess I can go ahead and build your side yay and perfect there you go Zoe I would ahead and built you out one of these TNT cannons thanks ZX this looks awesome yeah it does look pretty good but I kind of just thought about something how in the world we were

Supposed to get up there uh that’s a good idea um should we use fans or something yeah we could use fans zo that’s actually a really good idea good thinking so if we just go ahead and grab a few Diamond fans and place them both

On our side like this we should be able to step on them and just fly straight up and wo that was so fun wo this is awesome this is actually a really good idea and then if we ever just want to jump down we could go ahead and just fly

Down on the fence and we probably should put some water down here just so we don’t break our legs when we fall that’s a really smart idea and Zoe wait I thought of another really good idea what is it Dax why don’t we also just build build out some wooden planks like this

And then we can put like a little archery area up here so we can shoot all the skimy toyss with our bows and arrows that’s such a good idea and I’m so good at archery yeah but we’re going to have to make sure not to cover our fans

Because I don’t really want to smack my head on some wood oh yeah I didn’t even think about that yeah so let’s make sure just to leave a little bit of a hole for the fan so we can fly straight up and now we can go ahead and add in some

Fences like this just to make sure we don’t fall off and of course we have to go ahead and put them on both sides because you are kind of clumsy and honestly I’m kind of clumsy too yeah yeah you’re way more clumsy than me what

No way Zoe and perfect now that we have this built out we need to go ahead and add in a few chests just so we have our bows and arrows so why don’t we just go ahead and put one over on this side and I think I’m actually going to use some

Lightning arrows for my stuff Zoe what are you thinking of using I’m going to use the explosive arrows wait the explosive arrow that sounds so cool okay we should test them out real quick let’s do it okay Zoe whenever you’re ready just go ahead and shoot the bow and

Arrow let’s see what it does here I go come on come on it oh go so you just blew a hole the the toilet good more holes in the toilet stop stop stop you’re going to make them mad get out of my way Dax no we’re not ready to fight

Them yet Zoe you can’t blow up their whole toilet look it’s leaking water everywhere oh darn what in the world is wrong with you okay no more bow and arrow for you right now what that’s not fair let’s just go ahead and test out mine since mine isn’t nearly as

Destructive it’s just a little bit of lightning see yeah mine’s way cooler than yours but I guess I can hold off for a little bit okay good go ahead and put it back in the chest because we can’t be blowing up the toilet just yet and zo I think we should actually added

Some mines to the front of our house that sounds awesome how far should we put them uh probably put them a little bit closer to their side versus ours because we don’t want it to blow up our walls that’d be really bad that would be really bad and just to show what these

Do let me go ahead and spawn in a little zombie just to test it out and I’ll put this guy here and boom look at that Dex it exploded on me uh yeah and it made a big entire hole across our whole base that probably wasn’t the best idea ever

Quick so we have to repair this go ahead and grab some grass and start filling it all the holes okay I’m going I’m going okay now that it’s fixed we can go ahead and add in Min but just make sure not to step on them otherwise it’s going to

Make a big explosion like the last one I’ll go ahead and add in a few mines over here and honestly I think this is a pretty good amount I don’t want to add in too many where it blows up our house that would be really bad that would be

Super bad and that was such a big explosion yeah but look how cool these mines look these are pretty awesome yeah I kind of can’t wait till they step on them so we can see how big the explosion will be and uh wait a second Zoe did it

Just get even darker outside yes it did that means they’re going to come soon let’s go check on them oh gosh we should go check on them real quick hurry oh my gosh so wait there are so many different skiy toilets in here this is not good

They called in their friends wait they even have the infected speaker oh go Zoe this is not looking good for us we need to go back and put up some more defenses okay quick Zoe come on run run fast and wait a second Zoe we should add a little

Lava bat on the outside just to defend ourselves a little bit from all those toilets that is such a smart idea Dax okay we’re going to do like two block and we’re just going to build this all the way around our entire house quick so

Go ahead and fill in that time we don’t have much time left okay I’m going I’m going and perfect so this looks so good our base looks awesome it does look pretty awesome but what if we put a secret Armory room inside our house wait a secret Armory room that’s a great idea

Just in case those toilets do break through we’ll have the stuff to be able to fight them exactly got to put in our super secret code oh yes our super secret code 1 2 3 4 and perfect we can walk it and wait Zoe did you just do it

At the same time I did are you serious Dex quick run in so we run okay now we have to build our secret rout I’m thinking we should build it somewhere right about here Dax this isn’t very secretive if it’s just out in the open

Oh yeah that’s true so why don’t we grab a few different ghost blocks like this and then we’ll just cover it up but what do ghost blocks do well zo if you just step on top of these you’ll just fall straight through because they’re not real blocks wao that was super cool yep

And then we’re going to go ahead and add some ladders on the inside like this just so we can climb down and climb up and now that we’re down here Zoe we can go ahead and build oursel a little Armory room this is so cool cool we

Should have this in all of our houses yeah we definitely should this is a great idea and I’m going to make my side super cool by using purple blocks wait you’re going to use purple blocks on your side what in the world okay I’m going to use lime blocks for my side

Don’t get your stupid purple blocks on mine and honestly Zoe this looks pretty good to me what do you think this looks awesome I love my purple side okay well we’re going to need a place to get armor at and I’m thinking we just build it in

One of these walls right here what do you think sounds good to me so we’re going to go ahead and need some dispensers and we’re also going to need a fence and the last thing we’re need is a little pressure plate and then what we’re going to do is put oursel a little

Fence on the floor like this with a pressure plate on top of it and then I’m going to go ahead and grab some armor I’m think I just go ahead and grab some diamond armor since that’s like one of the strongest armors in the game sounds

Pretty weak to me wait sounds weak to you Zoe what armor are you going to use wood obviously Zoe there is no such thing as wood armor what are you even talking about what then what’s the brown armor uh that’s just leather armor that is not wood armor oh that’s the super

Strong one ah sure Zoe if you want to use leather armor go for it but now let me show you little Contraption does if I just walk into it like that I’ll instantly get all of my gear look I have full diamond armor that was so cool can

I try uh yeah you can try but there’s no armor in there right now since I’m wearing it all so you’re going to have to build your own over there a can you build it for me a sure Z I guess I can build it for you and perfect zo it’s

Basically all built out for you so whenever you want to test it out you can just walk into it let’s do this and wa look at you you even have a bunch of leather armor and I even gave you a netherite sword I feel so cool yeah but

Make sure to take that off because we’re only going to need to use it whenever we fight all those stupid skiy toilets a I want to wear it all the time no Zoe you can’t wear it all the time and Z I think actually have one final genius idea what

Is it what is it just in case those Skippy toilets do take over our house we should probably build a little area that drops like a nuclear bomb on our house that sounds awesome okay so the first thing we’re going to do is build out a little like roller coaster area just so

We can escape I hit the Armory no I’m going to go ahead and build the roller coaster out this direction oh gosh so uctr the lava are you serious Dax get it together okay so we’re going to have to go a little bit further than that because we obviously don’t want to go

Straight into lava that would be really bad okay and now we should be able to dig towards the surface and perfect oh gosh zo it got even darker no that means they’re coming okay quick we have to finish our little roller coaster and of course for this we’re going to use a

Bunch of powered ra since it’s like the fastest rail in Minecraft W this roller coaster is going to be super fast do you think I could uh ride it earlier no Zoe this is only for an emergency you can’t Rite it earlier are you serious what’s

The point oh fine okay you can test it out whenever we’re done yay yay okay let’s go ahead and build this out super far because we can’t be close to those skimy toys if everything blows up okay zo now you can test it out there’s your

Little B cart go ahead and hop inside and test it out yay here you go W this is so much fun yeah but it’s not really going to be fun if we’re running away because that means our house is going to be blowing up yeah I mean I guess it

Won’t be so much fun whenever it’s chaos but it’ll still be kind of fun yeah I guess so Zoe but now we need to addit that final destruction button so quick we have to run back inside okay one thing we do need need to add in though

Is a little chest just so we can have a bunch of mine carts in there ready in case we have to escape that is so smart and I’m going to add in like a million M carts just in case we happen to lose like all of them for some reason if you

Agree Zoe that if everything gets crazy we’re going to press a button that destroys everything right yep let’s put that button okay so what I’m going to do is get oursel a bit of glass and I’m also going to grab oursel a panic button

That will light off a TNT if we have to go okay Zoe and behind the glass is going to be something called a death raid TNT so make sure not to hit the button otherwise everything will get destroyed so I can’t push the button now

No don’t hit that button I swear if you hit the button I’m going to lose my mind wo wo wo man I didn’t say I was going to hit the button I just said that I really really want to no don’t even walk near the button just go away somewhere else

Ow well Zoe now we need to go ahead and grab all of our armor and we should go check back up on those stupy toilets okay yes let’s do it all right let’s go ahead and go up and oh gosh we covered up our entrance right quick we have to

Break these blocks okay we’re just going to go up here and go through our super Secret close blocks and perfect now we can just leave through our super secure door okay Zoe we have to cross this Minefield but do not step on any of these mines that would be super super

Bad you know I’m just going to go around yeah that’s probably a good idea but I just ran through the middle since I’m super cool you are super cool I’m just going to hit a mine wait no don’t hit a mine Zoe okay let’s go ahead and check

On all of these guys oh gosh Zoe I think they’re ready to fight oh no wait zo they’re all running at me oh gosh quick back up do not come in here do not come in oh God zo wait they broke out back up

Back up run Dax oh my god there are so many chasing me Dax you’re taking them away from the mines okay quick I’m running back towards the mines come on come on come on I cannot get hit by any of these mines and they’re so close oh

My God okay those mines did a lot of damage but there’s still a bunch of them left Zoe what are you doing Dex what do you mean what am I doing I’m fighting them what are you doing I’m trying to stay alive Zoe there are so many of them

Quick hit the fireball Cannon ah Dex I’m in front of them oh gosh just keep running get away then get inside get inside wao do you see how big this infected speaker is so quick help me take a come out Zoe there are so many infected speaker men now oh gosh this is

Horrible Dax are you okay yes I’m doing good but quick I think we should run inside and get to our archery Tower okay let’s go let’s go okay I’m going to go ahead and use my fan and fly up and perfect let’s go oh my goodness wait

There are so many skiy toyss outside quick I’m going to hit my Cannon please do something it’s so wa wait did you just shoot our own platform no that was that was them what in the world zo what are you doing shoot them not us I’m shooting them I’m shooting them kaban

There are so many oh my goodness and the cannon isn’t going how I wanted it to oh no my explosive arrows are a little too explosive wait what does that even mean Zoe how can your explosive arrows being too explosive it’s just doing a lot of

Damage but to our house oh my gosh okay well stop shooting it then but it’s so fun no zo you’re destroying our house just use my arrows or something and wait one of the skimy toilets broke through Zoe oh gosh I got them don’t worry yay

Zoe there are so many outside of our house this is not looking good for us don’t worry my archery skills are going to save the day so your archery skills are blowing up our house what are you talking about and they’re blowing up all

Of the mobs is it there’s so many left I don’t think you did anything okay well then what should we do I think we need to go hit the button zo there’s no way we can defend our house with these guys okay let’s go let’s go okay quick go

Through the water downstairs and oh gosh they’re right in front of our house get through get through nobody type in the passcode quick I got them just type in the passcode hurry Dax go go get inside get inside oh God there’s so many did

You get in no Zoe I’m not in can you hit the password from in there and I’ll try to run through through DX hurry oh my gosh I made it in he wait zo there’s a bunch of them inside quick we have to fight them off not for long come on come

On take them out take them out come on just a few more hits and my goodness these guys are so strong I have no idea why those guys are so strong but quick we have to go through our secret tunnel let’s go okay here we go and then make

Sure to grab one of these M carts you know I’ll go ahead and put one down for you so you can get out of here thanks get out of here Zoe I’m going to press the button okay okay okay I’m going to go ahead and press the button quick got

To get out of here come on I’m getting out of here Zoe quick run run oh gosh there’s so many out here hurry Dex it’s going to explode what in the world there’s sobody still over here Zoe okay make sure to back up super far cuz the

Explosion should come in any second and there it goes oh my gosh Zoe do you see that yes that’s crazy it just destroyed everything but oh gosh there’s still so many of them left are you serious quick zo we have to take out all the survivors

Come on I’m going I’m going come on come on zo we have to beat them all up get them out of our house I’m trying Dax I’m trying come on come on we have to take all these guys out okay I’m going to go ahead and shoot my bow and arrow at them

And this should be perfect to take them all out keep shooting your explosive arrows Zoe this is perfect don’t hit me with lightning deck I’m not going to hit you don’t worry I’m a pro with the bow it’s zo look there’s only a few more left come on we can do this quick

There’s only two more ski to left in perfect Zoe we won we won we won we did it Dax let’s go but uh Zoe look look behind you oh no is that our house yeah I think our house is completely destroyed we’re probably going to have

To move dang it but hey at least we took out all the skimy toilets heck yeah and perfect Zoe our new house turned out super good it did turn out super good and look what I found wait is that golden Freddy’s Zoe where in the world

Did you get that from that place behind you wait what place behind me and who what in the world that’s Freddy’s pizzeria isn’t that awesome it’s so cool inside oh that’s not good at all there’s a bunch of scary animatronics and that are probably going to destroy our house

No no no no Dex it’s perfectly safe let me go show you oh gosh Zoe I have a really bad feeling about this okay and wao Zoe this place is super creepy on the inside I think it looks super cool you found this golden Freddy in here

What in the world is wrong with you nothing’s wrong with me Dax I was just exploring well I mean it looks like there’s really no animatron around here W Zoe look at this wa are those the ruined Five Nights at Freddy’s characters oh gosh zo I think it is and

Wait they even left some signs down here what does it say what does it say for now don’t bright but once bright turns to light we will make you sleep forever without a fright so what in the world they’re going to come attack us this is

Not good we have to go back and protect our house come on so we have to get back before I get super dark outside XX what’s the first thing we have to build well what if we go ahead and upgrade our doors because these are just some basic

Wooded doors and and literally anything can just break them down that’s a great idea what are you going to replace somewhere what if we just go into our inventory and we grabbed something called a scanner door a scanner door what does that do look at this Zoe if I

Go ahead and break our super weak wooden doors and I place a scanner down as soon as I stand in front of it it’ll just recognize my face and let me in WoW Dax that doesn’t work for me though what gives oh you can go ahead and put your

Own down and then it should work with your face and there you go Zoe good job that was so cool well that’s only the first step of upgrading our super cool house we’re going to need to add in a bunch more stuff what else are we going

To add well what if we just make like a super big lava M on the outside of our base so the mobs can’t jump over it wao a lava moat that’s a great idea okay so you can go ahead and take this lava bucket and I’ll use this one and we can

Start just breaking a bunch of blocks around our house and making our lava mow ooh I’m going to beat you you think you can beat me around the house Zoe no way I’m super fast at this no you’re not you’re a Slowpoke okay come on I’m

Already almost to the side of the house how’s your side looking Zoe I’m practically done you’re practically done I feel you’re completely lying and yeah Zoe I don’t even see you at all where are you I’m far away because I already finished H uh Zoe none of your side is

Broken and you even missed a bunch of blocks do you want me to help you out a little bit yes Stacks I would love some help and perfect Zoe now we have this big Lava Moat area built out but we have to fill in with a bunch of lava all

Righty well let’s start pouring all right make sure to make it all even we can’t have the lava looking super ugly Dax that’s not the priority right now we have to defend our house I don’t care it has to look nice Zoe and perfect Zoe look at this our lava boat looks super

Cool this does look super cool but what else should we do to defend our house well the first thing I think we need to do Zoe is build ourself a little Bridge because like we can’t get across this lava it’s too far that is a great idea

Dex okay let’s go ahead and grab some of these smooth stone blocks and then we can just build oursel a little Bridge like that and perfect look at that Zoe now we can get across easy peasy but couldn’t those Five Night at Freddy’s characters get across too yeah they can

Get across so maybe we’ll have to build something a little bit later on to protect this part okay but what are we going to build next we do have a lot of random blocks here what if we just got like some hidden mines and place those

Down ooh I love hidden mines mines for this we’re going to be using Stone mines so go ahead and just break out a few random pieces of these smooth stone blocks and then we can put these mines down but Dex I don’t really know how these work oh so basically all you have

To do is step on them and then they’ll just blow up so you’re saying if I step on it I’ll blow up uh yeah pretty much so don’t step on it and uh Zoe you just punched one what in the world is wrong with you what the those mines are really

Powerful yeah I told you that Zoe quick we have to rebuild this before those characters come out sorry Dax I just wanted to see what it looked like okay and perfect now we have a bunch of these hidden mines but make sure not to hit

Them Zoe I will be so mad at you okay okay I won’t stop being so hateful wait a second Zoe I think we should add a few more mines but we need to be super secretive about it how are we going to be super secretive okay you see that

Little Pizzeria over there um yes that huge Pizzeria yes I see it okay what we’re going to do is walk inside and place down a bunch of these Stone mines so as soon as they try to walk out everything’s going to blow up wao that

Is sounding so cool let’s do it let’s do it quick Zoe come on come on we have to be super fast I’m going I’m going I have our legs okay now what we’re going to do is break a few of these blocks here and we’re going to replace them with our

Minds and this is going to be so funny to see wow this is super sneaky okay I’ll placed out a few more like that and perfect this looks super good this does look super good but what else are we going to do oh wait a second zo I

Actually have another really really good idea what is it what is it okay what I’m going to do is go inside of here and I’m going to grab ourselves a little camera ooh a camera so we can spy on them exactly so let’s go ahead and place out

A few cameras inside of this pizzeria real quick this is awesome are you going to put it by the animatronics yeah it doesn’t look like they’re moving yet so I think I can just smack one on the ceiling there and honestly I don’t want to go deeper into this I think that’s

Good enough yeah I think you’re good let’s get out of here okay quick Zoe and now we’re going to R back to the house and once we get there we can check out our cameras okay but tax it’s getting darker oh gosh it did get darker okay

Quick we have to hurry up Zoe what are we going to do what are we going to do okay so let’s just go ahead and look inside of our cameras and wo Zoe look we can see everything inside wo that’s so cool okay okay and wao I can even see

The animatronics from here this is the perfect setup what are they doing uh they’re just standing there looking kind of stupid they’re not doing much that gives us a chance to set up more traps and speaking of traps though wa I actually have another super good idea

What is it what is it what if we just place out a bunch of lasers outside of our house to defend all the mobs ooh lasers are so powerful and what we’re going to need to do for this sey is put a redstone block down like that and then

We can smack a little laser on top wa that looks super cool and it’s definitely going to do some damage yeah but I think we need to make it a little bit more powerful so we should definitely upgrade it how are we going

To do that all we have to do is put in this mode upgrader and as soon as I go in here I can set to something super powerful like beam and wo look at this Zoe wao the laser got 10 times bigger wait Zoe we have to place these all the

Way around our house be super fast okay I’m going I’m going and perfect Zoe look at these lasers our house looks so secure right now it does look super secure but how do we get inside oh yeah that’s probably a good question that we need to figure out well what if we just

Go ahead and break the laser at the front here so we can walk ins side there you go Dax really using your Noggin but you did talk about how earlier the mobs can just jump over this so what if we make a little trap right here ooh I love

Traps what are you going to do TNT traps with redstone trapo uh actually I have another idea Zoe what is it what is it you have to tell me right now okay what we’re going to do are break these two redstone blocks right here and basically

We’re just going to put some lava below them what’s the point of that okay look at this Zoe now we’re going to use something called a ghost block and it’s basically to look like a redstone block but it’s not going to be real at all ooh

I see what what you’re doing so them when they step on the Redstone boom lava exactly and we’re going to have to be smart enough to know that we have to jump over this so make sure not to fall in the lava no we’re pretty smart Dax oh

Wait a second so I actually have another great idea that we could do what is it what is it well just in case the ruin characters do happen to take over our base we probably need a little Armory area ooh Armory to have our armor and our weapons exactly so let’s go ahead

And build what inside of our base ooh underground this is going to be awesome okay so what we have to do is dig out like a big hole underneath here that can fit our armor so let’s go ahead and break out these walls here and it doesn’t need to be super super deep

Since it’s only going to be us two and no one’s coming to help us at all that’s very true but can we make my side purple uh sure yeah if you want to make it purple I guess you can make it purple then that means I have to make my side

Green which is obviously the better color ooh green that’s disgusting okay whatever zo but quick we can’t be arguing about this we have to finish this room you’re right you’re right okay let’s get building okay Zoe now that our sides are both colored in we need to go

Ahead and build our little armor area well how are we going to do that okay what we’re going to do are use these dispensers that I have right here and basically we’re going to make a little pressure plate so as soon as you step on

It you’re going to get a bunch of armor how does this work okay let me go ahead and put down a pressure plate right on top of this and now I have to fill in with armor and I think I’m going to go ahead and use diamond armor since it’s

Like one of the strongest armors in the game then for our weapon I actually have this new thing called Bonnie’s arm and look how cool this thing looks wao is that actually Bonnie’s arm yep and it’s like super super strong so I definitely have to put these inside of my dispenser

I’ll just go ahead and fill all of them up with armor and then you can go ahead and test it out once I’m done and perfect zo they’re all filled in so whenever you’re ready you can just step right into that pressure plate okay here

I go and look at that so you have a bunch of armor and wait a second that looks like Bonnie suit from fight outs at Freddy’s what in the world is this Dax you said you put in diamond armor uh well it must be a strong or something I

Don’t really know why that happened but I guess it’s pretty cool well I want one on my side Dax do you think you could build mine oh yeah I can definitely build it for you real quick let me just go ahead and break out the walls like

This and put down the dispensers and you’ll have one in no time don’t worry Zoe yay thank you so much and perfect Zoe our little area is basically built out but now if we want to escape we’re going to have to cover this up what are

We going to cover it up with well let’s go ahead and grab a few hidden ladders from our inventory and basically if I go ahead and click right here it might look like an oak block but it actually acts like a ladder and we can just go up

Without any trouble it’s super easy that is super easy and super sneaky yeah but wait a second Zoe before we build anything else we should probably check up on those Finas at Freddy’s characters oh yeah that’s a great idea why don’t you check the cameras oh yeah good idea

Zoe uh wait a second Zoe they all left the stage oh no that is not good what if they’re coming over right now well it isn’t completely dark yet but I can definitely see all the ruin Freddy’s and sun and moon walking around this is not

Good we have to put up more defenses okay quick what’s something else we could build and wait what if we build like a fireball launcher Fireball launcher I’ve never built one of those how do we do it okay quick come outside so what we’re going to need to do is get

Some dispensers and for this I would to make the Fireball dispenser a little bit higher just so we can take out everything pretty easily that’s going to be super cool okay let’s go ahead and build out a few rows of these and we can smack our dispensers on top and

Basically once this is done we can just put a bunch of fireballs inside I’m going to go ahead and fill it up and then I just have to get some Redstone to run across all of them okay and perfect now that all these are added in we have

To smack some redstone on top like this and then of course we’re going to need a big lever to light everything off wait but shouldn’t the lever be inside our house so we can push it in a safe position oh yeah that’s probably a good idea okay let’s go ahead and run the

Button all the way this way and basically I can just added some blocks to do this now whenever we want to we can hit this big button right here and boom it should shoot Fireballs look at that Zoe that was super cool Dax but you hit the pizzeria I think you’re going to

Make them mad oh gosh they probably are going to get super bad okay let me just turn this off real quick and we’re not going to press that until they start attacking us speaking of them attacking us I actually have another super good idea Zoe what is it ax well we’re going

To need a few different guards so what if we get like some mutant snow golems and have them defend our house that sounds super cool but how are we going to summon them okay well let’s just go ahead and first get some fences and we can build them on the outside of our

Base just to make sure they don’t escape now all we have to do is get the M Snow Golem egg and boom look at that we have M Snow Golems now wo these guys look super cool and they look super powerful yeah they’re super super strong let’s go

Ahead and build one on each side of our house just so we have a bunch of M Snow Golems totally cool and whenever they’re ready to fight we’ll just go ahead and open these little trap doors right here so they can get out and fight everyone

For us oh yeah that’s the perfect idea Dex well I feel like we’re going to need a few more different traps and oh gosh Zoe it’s like completely dark outside this is not good that means they’re coming soon okay quick we don’t have too much time left we need to build a few

More things okay what are we building well for one I think we should have like a big panic button just in case they take over our base I definitely think we should add that let’s go ahead and grab oursel a panic button and we can put it

On the wall right here and now once you press this zo way a big TNT is going to light off so do not press them I want to press it so bad no Zoe you cannot hit the big red buttons wait Dax but if that’s going to blow up everything how

Are we going to get away oh yeah that’s actually a really good point so okay quick let’s go to the Armory room real quick okay okay what are we doing in here inside of here we’re going to build ourself a little Escape Route just like this so we’re going to dig through all

The dirt and then at some point we should get close to the surface and perfect just like that we made it all the way to the surface but we are going to need to get away so what if I give ourselves a little plane a plane that

Sounds awesome okay so all I have to do is smack this plane down right here you’re and perfect whenever ready to leave we can just hop inside of this and Escape honestly I’m ready to leave right now yeah but Zoe we have to defend our house we can’t just give it up that

Quick okay okay you’re right well let’s just go ahead and go back and see how everything’s looking over there okay let’s go let’s go a Zoe there’s a bunch of them us on our base already oh no DS we better go put on our armor quick run

Down there as fast as you can Zoe grab all the armor you need okay I have my super cool Bonnie armor on and I also have my Bonnie arm I can definitely take them all out wait Zoe did you use my side I literally made you a side for

Yourself oh sorry Dax here go okay quick hurry we got to go back up there and fight them and wait I’m going to release all of the snow golems to help us out hurry hurry okay quick I’m going to go ahead and shoot these Fireball cannons

Come on please do something oh gosh we might have put it too high zo it’s not hitting any of them are you serious Dex come on zo we have to try and fight all of them off oh gosh there is so many this is ridiculous there is so many and

They’re so powerful come on come on we have to take them out oh gosh there is so many quick I need to back up to heal a little bit Zoe this is not looking good I don’t think there’s any way we can take out all these guys is it time

To hit the big red button quick so we get back to the base but make sure not to step on the ghost blocks otherwise you’ll fall in lava oh no I just got exploded come on do it quick get inside stop messing around I’m not trying to do

Quick get down to the armor room so we can get out of here okay okay let’s go okay zo I’m quickly going to hit the buttons come on quick get out of here run get to the plane hurry up Dax okay hop inside Zoe come on we have to get

Out of here oh my God Zoe the the TNT is blowing up everything wao that is so crazy what in the world our house is completely destroyed now there goes all of our hard work to protect it wait but somehow our snow golems are still alive I don’t really understand that that’s

Cuz they’re super powerful but not powerful enough to save our house yeah but hey look the pizzeria is like basically completely destroyed well at least that’s a good thing yeah but I definitely think we’re going to have to move houses look everything’s completely destroyed Zoe yeah but at least we’re

Okay oh my gosh Zoe our house turned out so much better than I thought this is the best build ever yeah this does look good but Dex what is that uh what are you talking about Zoe what in the world whose ugly face is on top of that toilet

Right now I have no idea but let’s go check it out oh we literally just moved here there’s already a stupid toilet R across the street from us well I’m not really seeing a way inside but I have no idea how in the world has thing got here

Zoe this is like one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen it is pretty weird you would think that we would see them build this or something yeah I have do I idea but I guess they’re not really causing any harm to us so maybe we could

Just go back into our house like nothing even happened it wait a second so wait I just found like a fake door or something get over here ZX what is it what is it look I told you I found a secret door and oh God zo wait do you see inside

What’s in there what are those these look like a bunch of skimy toilets holy quaca moly Zoe what are we going to do I have no clue but do you think they’re going to attack our house oh gosh probably Zoe there’s at least like five

Of them in there quick we have to get back to our house and build some super strong defenses okay let’s go let’s go okay Zoe I think the first thing we need to do is get rid of this super weak wooded door cuz look anyone can just

Break it I just punched it in like one little hit wow you’re so strong Dex uh yeah I am pretty strong but we do need a stronger door so what if we get like a security door security door how does that work so if I go into our inventory

And then I type in keypad door we can get this super strong keypad door that no one can get into except us but we’re going to have to put in a super secure passcode and I think we should use like 1 2 3 4 no one will ever guess that

Right Zoe that’s super secure okay so if I type in 1 1 2 3 4 just like that and boom the door opened up Lo look at that now we can come into our house I want to try okay we’ll go ahead and type in the

Passcode you can come in with me wow that was so fun yeah I mean it is pretty secure but Zoe that’s definitely not going to be enough to stop all those skiing toilets there was at least like a thousand of them thousand of them that’s

So many but what should we do next I think the next thing we should do is go ahead and add some lasers to the outside of our house ooh lasers those are super deadly and since we’re like super rich I want to get some diamond blocks and

We’re going to build the first part of the wall out of diamond blocks and then put the lasers on all of these wow that sounds so fancy so we’ll build up like five different blocks and then we’ll Place some Redstone all the way across

And then we have to do these at all four of the quarter so let’s go ahead and build this all the way around the house Zoe okay I’ll do it right now okay I’ll go ahead and place like the last few blocks of redstone and then Zoe we have

To go ahead and get our lasers to put on all of this Redstone but how do we put the lasers on all we have to do is go into our inventory and we type in laser and now we have a super cool laser block

And I’m just going to put it on all of these redstone blocks so we can have a super strong Shield around our house wao we’re going to be surrounded by lasers that’s super cool and oh wait a second I almost forgot something we have to make

Sure I put redstone on the bottom so we can have like two things of lasers it could be like extra extra powerful wao two things of lasers that’s Double the Trouble yeah I don’t think any of those stupid skim toys are going to be able to

Get in but let’s make sure to place all the Redstone down all the way across our big old house okay now that we have all the Redstone down everywhere we can go ahead and smack a laser on the top and we can also put one on the bottom so

It’s extra secure what in the world that is so cool I know it’s like the coolest thing ever well I’m going to go ahead and place all the redst on the top and why don’t you do the same thing for all the bottom on Zoe sounds like a plan man

We are going to be like the strongest house ever there is no way those skimy toilets going to get in right Zoe you’re exactly right okay I’m almost all the way around the house and then you’re placing them on the bottom and then we’ll be super super secure K oh my

Goodness Zoe all these lasers look super super powerful I don’t think any of those toilets are going to be able to get it through these Ultra strong lasers yeah there’s no way that they’re getting through but what other defenses should we do Dak well I think the next thing we

Should do is like a super cool lava modat that would be super awesome right that would be super cool okay so I’m going to go ahead and grab us a lava bucket and then I think we should break like two blocks away from our lasers and

Just make like a h pool of lava all the way around all the way around our lasers well yeah of course though we need to make sure to defend ourselves so we have to put lava like basically everywhere so you go ahead and do that side and I’ll

Go ahead and put the lava on this side okay sounds like a plan and wao Zoe doesn’t this look super super secure it does look super cool there’s no way that they’re getting over that lava but should we go check on the toilets we haven’t checked on them in a while oh

Yeah I mean I guess we haven’t checked on those in a while so maybe we should have over there look what they’re looking like right now okay and if I remember correctly I think there’s some hi doors right here and perfect look at all the skippity toyss and Zoe what in

The world happened to them what changed I they’re like super tiny how in the world did that even happen honestly I’d rather them get a lot smaller than a lot bigger what did they combine to be like one big ski toilet at the end and then we can’t defend our house because

They’re too huge and ripped one giant skiy toilet that’s sounds like a nightmare yeah that would be a nightmare but let’s just hope for the best and maybe we can head back to our house and just build some more defenses what do you think Zoe yeah I definitely think

That we need some more defenses but before we go back to our house let’s maybe put up some cameras wait cameras what in the world are you even talking about Zoe and what the heck is this where did you get this from don’t worry about it Dax but I’ve just been keeping

It for in case we ever need it okay well I guess if it’s a camera I can put one down here and then just click on it and oh my gosh look so I can see myself in the camera that’s so cool honestly that’s kind of scary but we should go

Ahead and put a few more cameras around so we can see all the way inside of this place that’s so smart okay I think three cameras is enough let’s go ahead and get back to our base and we can build out a few more different defenses let’s go we

Have to hurry we don’t know when they’re coming over yeah we don’t know when they’re coming over but I want to go inside and just make sure all the cameras work first so let’s go ahead and pop inside of here and now I can look

Inside the cameras and oh my God zo look at this we can see all the skimy toilets from here that’s insane we have like full eyes on them all times this is going to be the easiest defense ever uh Dax it got darker what are you talking

About Zoe it got darker I don’t know what you’re talking let me type in my super secure passcode 1 2 3 4 and oh gosh it did get darker Zoe what in the world this is not good do you think that they’re going to come when it’s dark

Outside well obviously are there toilets and they’re stupid so that means they’re going to come when it’s dark this is not good what defenses can we put up and zo you know what I actually thought of another really good idea that could probably help defend our base what

Should we do Dex let’s go ahead and grab some flint and steel and now if I go up on top of all this Redstone we can just light it on fire and we could have like a huge firewall to defend us wao Dex that idea was fire okay that was

Probably the worst joke you’ve ever made Zoe you should go like sit in the corner for 10 minutes and think about what you said fine please Zoe don’t sit in the corner and act like you’re in trouble I actually need help with this can’t believe Dax made me sit in the corner oh

Cuz I said his joke was good oh my gosh whatever Zoe okay well I’ll finish out the firewall by myself and perfect I finished off our super awesome firewall Dex can I come out of the corner now so I never told you you to stay in the

Corner yes you can come out of the corner now yay I’m not in trouble anymore oh my gosh you were never in trouble and wait a second speaking of trouble I think I can have something that can get the skiy toilets in trouble Zoe what is it what if you build like a

Few different guard towers around our base at a snowman so they can throw snowballs at the toilets that’s so fun I love snowball fight uh Zoe this is like a snowball fight to the death though this isn’t like a normal snowball fight so there’s nothing fun about this okay

Okay I’ll be super super serious okay Zoe whatever well let me go ahead and build us out a few different fence towers and then I think we can throw some snowman in the middle but we have to make sure they’re a little far away from the fire because we don’t want them

To melt that would be really bad that would be super bad okay I’ll throw on a few slabs like this and then we have to grab our snowman and this is going to be the perfect thing ever and wait a second sty I have an even better idea what is

It a what if I put a mutant snow golem on top because they’re like extremely powerful wao this guy is Jack yeah he is pretty Jack let me just see what he’ll do if I put down a zombie and maybe he’ll take him out super quick and oh

God gosh he just hit him with an ice cube what in the world and oh he jumped off his platform to beat him up no he fell into the lasers no he’s perfectly fine and look I could just pick him back up like a little doll and then I can

Stack him back on his platform like that and now I’ll go ahead and add a fence around so he doesn’t fall off again I was just about to do that okay but we should probably build like four towers around our base because we want all of

Our areas to be super covered so let’s go ahead and do that real quick okay and I’m going to go ahead and add in the last platform back here and then we should have like the perfect snowman triangle to take out all those skiy toilets ooh I’m a make these snowmans

Thick wait what are you talking about you’re going to make them thick Zoe what the heck are you even holding right now what in the world Zoe you just made this guy like super big I know doesn’t he look amazing super thick I mean he does look pretty amazing but then all the

Skiby toys will be able to see him and they’re going to get scared and like run away which I guess might work in our favor exactly I’m intimidating the skibby toilets okay well if you want to make all the snow bit bigger you can go

Ahead and do that then Zoe I’m going to think of our next trap okay all Zoe I have the perfect idea for our next trap this is going to be awesome before you do that you should probably check the cameras and see what the skiy toilets

Are up to oh you know what that’s actually a good idea Zoe let’s go ahead and click in here and what in the world Zoe do you see all of this right now what are they doing there are so many ski toilets wait I see parasite toilets

And I see super long leg t wait there’s like a whole Army in there and wait our snowman jumped off as a platform what the heck is wrong with him no maybe the fence isn’t big enough to hold them oh my gosh he got too thick but there was

Like a trillion skiy toilets in there this is not looking good for us this is not good because then they’re going to combine and make one giant skib toilet uh Zoe and wait a second it looks like a couple skib toilets got out over there maybe we should just take them out real

Quick I have a better idea Dax uh what’s your idea Zoe let’s go grab them wait you want to go ahead and grab some of these skiy toilets yep let’s go okay well I guess you can grab that guy and I’ll grab this guy and are we just

Heading back to our house yep we’re heading back to our house with our new pet toilet uh okay well this is going to be kind of weird I want to do is use them as an example wait Zoe what in the world are you been talking about use

Them as examples we’re going to string them up above lava so the other skiy toilets know what we’ll do if they get to our house wait that is actually pretty evil but I love it zo let’s go ahead and do it real quick so the first

Thing I want to do is break out a little hole and put these skiy toils inside of there so that way they can just stay inside of there while we’re actually building the fire trap and like you said we’re going to need some lava and we’re

Also going to need some Rail and this is going to be so cool let’s go ahead and build it in the front too because we want all the other skiy TOS to be able to see this right Zoe you’re so right okay Zoe and now that we have this built

Out I’m going to go ahead and string them from the top like that and this is perfect and wait where did your skiy toilet go well you see I got angry and then I beat him up you know what I don’t even care about skipping toil that’s

Perfectly fine but now we have our prisoner hanging up this is too funny Zoe this is pretty funny and kind of creepy I feel kind of bad I don’t feel bad at all we hate these guys but quick we need to build out a few more traps

Before it gets super dark and then they come over here and probably destroy us what are we going to do well zo I think we’re going to need a little Armory room just in case those skiy toys break through our walls we’re going to need to

Fight them that is such a good idea let’s go build it okay let’s go ahead and go inside of our house and I’m sorry Mr thick snowman you’re going to have to move thank you very much it wait get out of the way you stupid Snowman hey don’t

Touch him okay okay I’m sorry Zoe but I’m going to go ahead and type in the passcode now and now we can go inside and let’s go ahead and build our little room inside of here that’d be pretty cool right that would be pretty cool like an underground room exactly so I’m

Going to go ahead dig down here and then we’re going to carve oursel out a little room we’re just going to have some armor and some nice things that we could use to beat all the toilets okay Zoe and what we’re going to need to do to get

Out all of our armor is build a little dispenser area so let me go ahead and design some dispensers that all our gears going to shoot out of wow so if we walk through there that means the armor is just going to appear on our body exactly it’s like super super quick and

Also pretty powerful to do okay and now in each one of these dispensers I’m going to go ahead and throw some armor a shield and a weapon that we can use and I’ll give you some super strong diamond armor since I know that’s like your favorite color ever right Zoe blue isn’t

My favorite color ever purple is oh well I mean blue and purple that’s pretty much close enough right I guess so I guess it’s the thought that counts okay zo I put all the gear inside of there and now you can go ahead and test it out

By stepping on that pressure plate right there okay here I go and wao Zoe you look so cool with all that super shiny diamond armor I know I look amazing okay well I need to go ahead and build myself one and I’m going to put it right over

Here on the opposite side but make sure not to steal any of my stuff Zoe okay I’ll try not to okay Zoe now this is all built out we need to go ahead and added some ladders just to make sure we can get up and down from here cuz we do not

Want to be stuck down there during this crisis yeah that would be super smart okay let’s go ahead and head back outside and maybe we can add in a few more traps before it gets too dark okay let’s go we have to hurry yeah it is looking like it is getting super dark

Outside so I think we only have time for like a couple more traps okay what are we going to do Dax well the first thing I want to do is add an electric fence to the inside just in case they do break through all our stuff they’re going to

Get zapped by this electric fence that’s super smart let me just go ahead and show you what this does if I put like a little Porky Pig right here it gets instantly Zapped and turned into bacon that we can eat oh man I really love

Bacon but I feel so bad for that pig I hate Pig so I don’t feel bad doing it at all DX you have to be nice to the pigs uh well I just kind of put one in an electric fence so I don’t think I can be

That nice to them anymore oh my gosh and perfect Zoe now that we have all the electric fence out I think the last thing they do is build like a big TNT Bob in the sky just in case they take over our base we can destroy everything

That’s perfect because if we can’t have our house then nobody can exactly Zoe we’re going to be so stacked you fools really think that’s going to take us out what what who was that uh Zoe there’s like a ginormous skib toilet on top of the toilet what the heck is that thing

No way where did he come from you fools really think that that tiny base of yours can really defend from all of my skiy toilets uh yeah our defenses can defend our house and why are you even talking to us buck teeth wa did you just

Say he has buck teeth he’s going to get mad and probably like blow us up Dax he’s already mad we can say whatever we want you fools just wait till night time comes and we will destroy you okay Zoe quick night time’s almost here we have

To build our final thing which is that big TNT dropper I told you about well let’s get to a deck okay Zoe in order to make our big TNT thing we’re going to have to make a big redstone elevator and basically the way we make that is is by

Placing a redstone torch and using a block and then placing another one so the signal can carry up to the sky okay and we’re only using this in case we lose right oh yeah if we lose we’re going to light this all off and make everything get destroyed so we probably

Won’t need to use it because we’re going to win well I don’t know you just said the skibby toilet has bucked teeth he might get mad and bring like a whole entire Army to destroy us but yeah hope for the best Zoe Dex those skibby toilets are losers we got this okay Zoe

And basically now what we’re going to be doing is adding in some Redstone and Below all of this Redstone is going to be a bunch of TNT that’s going to drop on our house wo this looks super cool but we have to be really careful because

If the TNT blows up too early then we’re going to lose everything oh yeah that would be really bad so make sure to be super careful while you’re up here Zoe I am super careful Dex you’re the one that usually trips the TNT early what in the

World I don’t even know what you’re talking about but let me finish building this real quick now I can go ahead place all the TNT on the other side I’m just going to use a command for this because I really don’t feel like placing individual pieces of TNT that’s super

Smart and lastly I just need to add in a few different repeaters to make sure the signal carries all the way across and then we’ll add a button on the inside of our house that we’ll call our panic button okay Zoe So if you press this red

Button right here all the T will drop so please make sure not to press it early cuz I would cry really hard what Dax you want me to press the button no Zoe you better not press the button I swear if you press the button right now I’m going

To freak out jeez Louise it was just a joke okay Zoe well now that we have the panic button installed I’m going to go ahead check the cameras and just see how everything’s looking perfect what do you see uh Zoe wait I don’t see any skary

Toyss right now where in the world do they all go Dex look they’re outside wait what are you talking about it oh my goodness wait so they have us completely surrounded quick get to the Army room and grab all of your armor let’s go okay

I’m going to go ahead and jump on my side and have full diamond gear and we have to take them all out Zoe we cannot lose this battle to the Skiby toilets let’s go Dax we have to hurry quick Zoe let’s go ahead and get through our gate

And start fighting all these Skiby toilets off there is so many of them I hear them hitting the lasers I am getting completely jumed jeez Zoe there are so many what in the world did we even do to deserve this you fools really thought you could defeat us I told you

This Army was going to destroy you any second what in the world zo I told you made him mad and now we’re getting completely jumped I have like 50 skiy toilets behind me just try harder Dax I don’t care what buck teeth has to say

Okay quick I’m trying my best oh gosh I think I need to run back inside and grab some golden apples Zoe do you need some yes you better grab me some too okay come on let me get back down to our Armory room and go inside our Spencer in

Perfect I have a bunch of golden apples now I’m coming back out hurry Dax there’s a whole bunch of people out here I know and there’s like a million skimy toilets out here oh gosh wait some of them even in our front yard what are a snowman doing they’re freaking slacking

I made them thick for no reason oh gosh and wait I fell in the lava but it’s good I got lava resistance Zoe wait where are you I need to give me some golden apples I’m kicking butt over here Dax okay wait I’m coming over there and

Why are there pigs on the battlefield what in the world is going on they’ve helped us you go Zoe takes some golden apples oh God I’m getting jumped by all of them I’ll help you Dex oh my gosh and wait Zoe are Snow Golem is getting completely beat up I’m trying to help

Him this is not good come on come on let me take a few more of these guys and jeez there are so many and oh my goodness I have like 50 of them chasing me right now Zoe well Dax beat them all up I can’t beat them up they’re too

Strong and there’s way too many of them Dax is it time to hit the button quick I think we need to go outside and hit the button they’re completely destroying all of my armor dang it I really wanted to stay at this house quick zo we need to

Take out these last few guys in order to get inside our house be careful Dax don’t die oh my God I’m getting Zapped Qui let me drink some more apples and oh my goodness zo I almost died come on go inside and hit the button okay perfect

I’m back inside we’ll take out these last few and then we can go inside of our house and hit the button quick zo we go inside I’m going typing in the code come on come on I’m taking them off your back and let’s go let’s go okay Zoe I’m

Going to go a and hit the button and once I hit the button you have to make sure to run to the basement cuz everything’s going to blow up okay let’s go let’s go okay I’m hitting the butt and quick get into the basement I’m

Going I’m going oh my gosh Zoe this is going to be so so crazy and what in the world all the TNT just blew up crazy where did they come from that was crazy do you think all the ski toilets are dead oh my gosh I hope so quick let’s

Get out there oh yeah zo I think we got everything look at that the toilet is completely destroyed yeah but Dex our house is completely destroyed too oh gosh everything is destroyed Zoe I think we’re going to have to move houses dang it not again and perfect Zoe I think our

House turned out looking really great this thing is awesome it does look really good but why are there so many Enderman soldiers around Enderman soldiers and what the heck Zoe look at this little thing this thing is disgusting uh it’s kind of grossing me out wait Zoe are you attacking it’s zo

No you can’t hurt it oh my goodness Zoe you just took out an Ender Soldier what’s wrong with you it was giving me the heie jeebies I needed to get rid of it oh my gosh whatever Zoe and wait a second what in the world is that thing

Over there I have no clue let’s go check it out uh Zoe there’s a bunch more of those Ender soldiers over there should we just leave them alone no don’t worry about it I got it no so why are you taking them out what why do they get mad

At us and send like a whole Army to attack us a they won’t do that these little guys uh okay whatever Zoe but this looks like some sort of Enderman head why in the world is this right across from our brand new house we just built I don’t know just our luck some

New neighbors move next door well I don’t see any door we can knock on or anything Max I found an entrance wait did you just say you found an entrance where in the world did you even find an entrance at and what the heck are these like hidden doors pretty crazy right

That is really crazy but oh my gosh wait Zoe there are so many inside of here don’t worry about it D I’ll go get them all wait no Zoe please do not attack them I don’t want our neighbors to be mad at us and it’s like a whole Army

After us H I’m going to go take a couple of them out oh my go Zoe what in the world is wrong with you uh wait a second Zoe did you just hear that uh what was that Dex that sounded like a big lightning strike and oh gosh wait all

The enderes Disappeared oh no they must be sending an army after us Dex oh my gosh Zoe but it’s okay Enderman can’t attack us till night time so I think we have a little bit of time to go defend our house we better go put up some

Defenses okay quick zo we have to run back okay Zoe we’re going to have to defend our house before they mate and come for us at night what should we even do first ax well the first thing I can think of as soon as I see our house is

We have this super super weak wooden door that basically anyone could just break inside of yeah we should change it to something more powerful well what if we got something called a retinal scanner out of our inventories a retinal scanner that sounds crazy yeah a retinal scanner is basically something that

Tracks our face so as soon as I stand in front of it the door will just open up for me yeah that’s super cool Dex but it’s still a wooden door and anybody could just break through oh yeah that’s probably true so why don’t we just go

Inside of our inventories and we could use something called an iron door which no one can just punch through that’s perfect I need a retinol scanner too oh yeah so here you go here’s a retinal scanner for you and you can just put it

On the other side of the door so both of our faces get recognized this is awesome yes this is definitely like one of the most secure ways to get inside of our house there’s no way those Endermen are going to be able to get inside after

They mutated you know what we should do next uh what’s the next thing we should do Zoe what do you have cook it up in that brain in there we should make a ring of lava around our house so they can’t get through wait that’s actually a

Really good idea but wait Zoe didn’t you know that Endermen are afraid of water water I had no idea yeah they’re like super super scared of water so we should probably make this whole thing out of water that’s such a great idea okay Zoe So what we’re going to do is break out

Two blocks wide so the Enderman will have a tough time going and then we’re going to break like eight blocks in the other direction just so we have it go all the way around our house sounds good to me I’ll even race you you’re going to

Race me you really think you can beat me all the way around the house Zoe I think there’s absolutely no way that you can beat me just watch Dex you’re going down okay well I’m going to go ahead and stay breaking all of these grass blocks on

This side and then I think I’m going to go back and do all the water last after I break out all the ground oops I went a little too far I went past eight blocks but I’m practically done with my side deck wait how are you practically done I

Haven’t even put it in water yet and wait it looks like you haven’t done any water either so that means I can catch up and win no way let me place down all this water over here here and I have to make sure it looks all even because we

Don’t want uneven water that just looks disgusting yeah that does look pretty disgusting um speaking of uneven I don’t think it has to be perfect uh wait a second it looks like we completely messed up our counting but you know it’s like it’s okay we have to defend our

House we can’t worry about it being absolutely perfect exactly exactly let me just break out a few of these blocks and then I’ll fill it all in with water and our huge water circle is going to be awesome there’s no way the Ender will be able to jump over this that’s the whole

Point just protecting our house it doesn’t have to look pretty or anything you know what Zoe this actually looks pretty good there’s going to be no way that those mutant Enderman can jump over this water it’s too secure yeah this does look pretty good but I think we’re

Going to need some more defenses in order to protect our house yeah you’re probably right we are going to need some more super super cool gadgets but before we start building some more I’m going to go check on them real quick just to make sure they haven’t mutated at all ooh

Good idea let’s see what’s going on okay and this place looked a little different there’s these weird lanterns but it looks like none of these little guys mutated at all so I think we still have a bunch of time left Zoe uh Dax I don’t know if that’s right come look outside

Uh what are you talking about it wait a second did the sky just get darker yep it’s getting darker that means that they’re going to be coming soon oh gosh quick okay so we’re going to have to build a few more defenses and stop worrying about these guys we have to

Make sure our house is super super strong since it’s getting darker and they’re going to come soon what’s the next thing we should do Dax well what if we use these things called lasers to defend the outside of our house lasers how do they work okay so what we’re

Going to to do is put a block of redstone on the ground just like this and then we’re going to get this super fcy thing called a laser it just smack it on top and wo look how strong that thing looks wo that looks super cool and

We’re going to surround our house with those yes we’re going to be putting a bunch of these around our house so those Mutant Endermen won’t be able to get inside if they try to get inside they’re just going to get zapped by these super strong and hot lasers and if they don’t

Get zapped they’ll just fall into the water exactly Zoe your house is looking so good okay quick before it gets too dark let’s go ahead and place a bunch of these all the way on the outside of our houses okay let’s do it wow Zoe look how

Cool all these lasers look there is absolutely no way those those mutant Enderman are going to get inside of our base yeah it looks super cool but we need some type of entrance in order to get to our house oh yeah honestly I didn’t really think of an entrance we

Can’t really walk through the lasers whenever they’re active that means they’re going to zap us and just completely destroy us so we’re going to need to build some type of cool entrance right here okay so what are we going to do well let’s see what’s something we

Could do wait a second Zoe what if we got like some ghost blocks and place them all around here as like a hidden floor that’s so awesome okay Zoe So what we’re going to do are grab these ghost blocks and we’re also going to grab a

Water bucket and just place a bunch of water below cuz if any of those mun Endermans fall in they’re going to fall into the lava and take a bunch of damage that’s such a good idea but how are we going to get through okay so watch this

We’re going to go ahead and fill up the ground right here with ghost blocks and make sure not to step on these cuz if you do step in them you’re just going to fall inside since ghost blocks aren’t real and then the next thing we’re going

To do Zoe is build ourselves out a little Bridge just like this but except we’re going to know that we’re going to have to jump over if we want to make it inside and then what we’re going to do is round out the edge of where our ghost

Blocks is with all these lasers just so we know where we have to jump from and C Zoe you just fell inside side if you were an Enderman you would already be gone I was just showing everybody what not to do uh yeah I’m sure you were Zoe

But see now we have all these blocks right here and this is the end of where the path is so we have to jump from right here to make it inside okay here I go come on Zoe you can make it inside please don’t fall in the water and oh

Gosh you fall water right away Zoe if this was a real battle you would already be dead that’s not nice Dex well it’s the truth you’re going to have to do better if you want to survive and honestly Zoe I think this makes our house pretty strong I don’t think

There’s a lot of chance that those mutant Enderman can get inside yeah the chance of them getting in is pretty slim but just in case they do I think we should build a hidden armor room wait a hidden armor room would actually be a really good idea okay let’s go ahead and

Use our scanner so we can get inside and then we’re going to build a hidden armor room inside of here awesome this is going to be so cool and what I think we’re going to do are use more of those ghost blocks so we know where everything

Is but no one else will really know where it is and for us we’re just going to put it straight inside of the middle right about here perfect and what are we going to put inside our armor room well we’re going to have a bunch of super

Overpowered armor so we can fight off all those Enderman but first we’re going to have to actually build out the room so let’s go ahead and start digging out a little area where we’re going to put all of our nice armor inside of and also

So we know how to get back up I’m going to place out a few ladders just so we know exactly where we have to go up from and just so we have a little bit of different coloring in here I think I’m going to set all this Bedrock floor to

Be diamond blocks just so we could show those mutant Ender that were super super rich yeah diamond blocks are pretty cool but Dax can you make my side purple wait why do you want your side to be made out of purple Zoe that doesn’t really help us at all because purple’s like best

Color ever and I think that I would feel a lot more confident in battle if my side was purple okay well I guess I can make your side out a purple concrete but if you’re going to have a purple side that means I need to make my side out of

Lime concrete ooh lime I mean to each their own but lime’s kind of a weird color all right well I’m the one building it out Zoe so you probably don’t want to talk trash to me otherwise I won’t build you out a purple side ZX I

Just wanted to say thank you so much for making my side purple yeah that’s what I thought and perfect look at that Zoe now you have your nice little purple side and I have my nice little lime green side over here this is awesome but how

Are we we going to include our armor in here oh the way we’re going to have armor is by using things called dispensers and pressure plates ooh that sounds super cool but how do we do that okay so what we’re going to have to do is place down a few dispensers up like

This place one in the back and then Place one on the side now inside the middle of this we’re going to place down a little fence and I’m also going to put a pressure plate in okay Zoe now that we have this whole Contraption built out

We’re going to need actual gear to put inside of there what type of armor are you going to put inside Dax well first I want to go ahead and grab some nice diamond armor since that’s basically the strong armor in the game we’re also going to need to grab oursel a sword a

Shield and I’m thinking we also grab a few golden apples just so we have a bunch of strength when we’re fighting off the mutant Enderman yeah that’s super smart so now what we have to do is fill in each one of these dispensers with all of our gear and once it’s done

I’ll let you test it out by stepping on the pressure plate yay I get to go first okay Zoe now everything’s placed inside of there so you can just walk straight into that pressure plate to test it out okay here I go and wao look at that Zoe

You have all your armor on and you look super super powerful do I look super good in my armor yes there is no way any of those mutant Ender are going to be able to hurt you but just to make sure you also have armor when this happens

I’m going to go ahead and build you one on your side do you want diamond armor or do you want to use something else diamond armor is pretty cool but I think I want something a little stronger like leather armor uh Zoe you know that leather armor is nowhere near as strong

As diamond right ja stop being silly that’s not the truth at all uh okay whatever I guess I’ll just make your side out of leather armor if that’s what you want okay and perfect zo your side built out you can go ahead and test it

Out real quick if you want to okay here I go and wow look at that you actually look pretty cool you have this really strong leather aror on and your shield and you even have a netherite sword netherite sword Dex this is a leather sword uh Zoe there’s no such thing as a

Leather sword I don’t know what you’re talking about this is a leather sword okay well let’s go check back up outside and see how dark it is let see if we have time to add anything else hey let’s go okay Zoe let’s go ahead and check

Back up and oh gosh Zoe I think it got a little bit darker that means we’re running out of top time it’s it’s not good what other defenses do we need to do Dax I’m honestly not too sure but before we edit some defenses maybe we

Should go see what happened to the Ender maybe they’re like transforming now that it’s getting darker or something okay let’s go let’s go make sure not to step on the ghost block zo oh gosh he fell straight into the water man I really forgot that those are there oh gosh so

It looks like all those Ender mes turned into Endermen you know what comes next this is not good deck okay quick let’s go ahead and close these doors on them so they don’t escape and we can go back and build a few more different types of defenses before they ultimately turn

Into their mutant Enderman form what else should we add Dax well first off I think we should go ahead and add some mines into this field it just in case those mut Enderman do step on them they’re all going to blow up that’s such

A good idea but I hope I don’t step on any of them yeah if you step on any of them it’s probably going to be a big problem cuz we’re going to have a lot of explosions go off everywhere this battle is going to be crazy and perfect I think

Our Minefield is actually looking pretty good over here Zoe how do you think your side’s turning out and Zoe did you just step on a mine I didn’t mean to Jack I swear oh my goodness quick we have to clean all this up Zoe it’s getting darker we can’t be messing around by

Stepping on mines I’m sorry DX I didn’t mean to okay and perfect now all that’s cleaned up we’re not going to mess with mines anymore because you keep stepping up Zoe you’re getting too close back up do not step on the again again don’t yell at me I’m scared okay well if

You’re scared don’t go anywhere near the mines cuz you’re going to blow up everything and then they’re going to get mad at us and destroy our home do you really want that maybe maybe what in the world is wrong with you come on Zoe get

Back here we have to build a few more things man I honestly have no idea what we’re going to build we’re really running out of time here Zoe Dex did you ever realize our house is made out of wood oh yeah I mean I guess our house is

Made out of wood do you think we should upgrade that we should definitely upgrade that what is so weak uh yeah maybe we should get like some obsidian blocks since it’s like nearly impossible to break obsidian we can break all this wood and replace it with super strong

Obsidian that is such a good idea and I love obsidian cuz it has a hint of purple in it uh yeah I mean I guess it is purple color but go ahead and help me start placing all this obsidian everywhere we need to replace the whole

Entire house with it wow this is going to make our house super strong you know what Zoe there isn’t an obsidian slab but just to make you happy why don’t we replace all of these slabs with these things called purple slabs and they’re basically The Color Purple per slabs

Those are awesome I love the color all right well I’m going to go ahead and replace this entire roof with these perp slabs and Zoe while I was building the roof I also thought of another great idea that could help protect us what is

It de why don’t we go ahead and put some electric iron fences all the way outside our base just to have an extra layer of Def fence so those guys can’t get in that sounds like such a good idea and let me just show you what this does if I

Go ahead and get a nice little piggy and put him right here and punch him into the fence he’ll get zapped and turned into bacon no not the piggy but I do love bacon so let’s just go ahead and place a bunch of these electric iron

Fences all the way around our base so we have an extra super strong layer of Defense there’s no way that those guys are getting in yeah hopefully not but if they do I’m pretty sure we’re strong enough to beat them back and wow Zoe our house is coming together great this is

Going to be like the best battle ever I want dogs uh what do you mean you want dogs though Zoe I want doggies you want doggies why do you want doggies for doggies to help defend us oh I mean I guess we could use wolf to defend us so

Why don’t we grab a few different wolf spawn eggs and I’m going to make mine green how about you just make yours purple so we know who’s is whose that sounds so cool a purple doggy and we should also probably get some name tags so we can give them names what do you

Want to name yours Zoe I’ll go ahead and make you a name tag mine’s going to be Mr doggy you want to name your Mr doggy it’s a dog it’s already called Dog why do you want to name it Mr doggy Mr doggy uh okay well I guess that’s a good name

Let me go ahead and name mine also what should I even use for my dog’s name how about I just go ahead and use some inspiration from you and call him Mr Puppy Mr Puppy okay Zoe now that we both have our dogs I’m going to go ahead and

Put my name tag on him so he’s Mr Puppy and you should go ahead and do use for Mr doggy Mr doggy this is going to be like the Ultimate Defense ever I’m so happy with Mr Puppy and Dax you know if you give them cake they grow extra big

Uh Zoe that’s not a thing you can’t feed dogs cake look behind you uh okay Zoe wait what in the world your dog just got so big Mr doggy uh can you go ahead and give my dog some cake sure here you go Mr Puppy what in the world I can’t

Believe he got big that is so awesome wait Dex it’s getting super dark I think we’re running out of time oh God Zoe maybe we should build like a self-destruct button just in case everything goes bad while we’re fighting those mutant Enderman that’s a super

Good idea let’s do it and what I think we’re going to do is make like a huge TNT roof so the first thing we’re going to have to make is a redstone Tower Redstone Tower how do we do that okay Zoe in order to make the Redstone Tower

Go all the way up to the sky we’re going to have to place a redstone torch down like this and then another block of obsidian on top of it and a piece of redstone and we’re going to build this up super super high so we can make our ultimate self-destruct button waa this

Is super cool yeah but we have to make sure to make it super high and we also have to be careful not to light it up because that would be super bad okay and I think this should be high enough Zoe So now all we have to do is place a

Block on top and then we’re going to make a huge obsidian line all all the way in the sky this looks insane I’ve never seen anything like this okay and now that we have all this set up here what I’m going to do is stack this out

Super far like this and then below this we’re going to place down a bunch of TNT this is where we have to be really careful Zoe because if it accidentally blows up our whole house is going to get destroyed early that sounds a little risky yeah but we should be okay as long

As we don’t let this touch any of the Redstone signals and perfect now that we all all the TNT lined up what we have to do is get a little piece of redstone dust and we’re going to place a of redstone across every single one of these blocks Zoe So once these are

Activated all the TNT can drop yeah basically that’s how it works Zoe so let’s go ahead and fill up every block with this red stone that’s insane our house definitely wouldn’t survive that explosion okay and now we have all the Redstone place we’ll add in a few different Redstone repeaters just to

Make sure the signal can actually carry out across all the TNT and perfect Zoe this is basically all built out and it looks pretty good um I actually don’t think it looks good at all I think it actually looks kind of wait you think it looks kind of kind of ugly well what

Else could we even do Zoe why don’t we make a TNT block at a different color of wool oh that would actually be a really good idea okay so what we’re going to need to do is grab some red wool some black wool and also some white wool in

Order to make the TNT so what I’m going to do is build out a few red block layers like this and I’m also going to build it super high so that way we can actually make our TNT perfect Zoe this is actually looking pretty good but in

Order to make it look like actual TNT we’re going to have to make a big white stripe in the middle okay so let’s just go ahead and carve that out then and wow you can already see this is looking so much more like TNT but the final thing

We actually have to do is spell out TNT on the side so that everyone knows it’s a big TNT explosion wow this looks so realistic okay so now we have TNT spelled out on one side Zoe but we’re going to have to build this all the way

Around so let’s go ahead and spell TNT on each one of our sides sheesh this is taking a lot of work oh gosh and we don’t even have enough room on this side all it says is TN but I mean I guess that gets the point across right yeah

Good enough for me and perfect as soon as you look around all of this we have we have TNTs spilt out everywhere so no one’s going to want to mess with us okay Zoe now that our whole TNT block is built out we’re going to need a button

In order to activate everything ooh I want to push the button right now uh Zoe if you push the button right now our wolves are going to get blown up so I don’t think you really want to do that no Mr doggy Okay so I think I’m going to

Put the button right here on the inside and then we can go ahead and connect Redstone to the outside but make sure not to press anything too early that would be really really bad okay okay I’ll keep my hands to myself but Dax we push the button how are we going to get

Away from the TNT so fast oh well don’t worry I’m going to make a big Redstone clock that takes forever to activate so we have enough time to get away okay Zoe and now that the redone is all connected we really have to make sure not to press

The button cuz it’s going to blow up everything okay okay sounds good to me but we do need a way to get out to watch everything have explode so I think we should make like a little t a cannon that shoots at super high in the air ooh

I love cannons so what we can do is go ahead and break out some area here and place some ladders on the inside of our house so we can have have our TNT canon okay zoee and the way we’re going to build this out is by building ourselves

A little platform right here that we’re going to have a bunch of water in TNT on so let me go ahead and start carving all of this out and then on the outside we’re going to have all of our dispensers that are going to displace

The TNT next we can go ahead and run a bunch of redstone across all our dispensers and then on the middle we’re just going to fill it in with water and lastly we’ll just put a bunch of TNT in each one of these dispensers and then

We’ll be good to go okay zo and if you want to go ahead and test it out just jump right here in the middle of the water and I’ll go ahead hit the button for you hey I’m in the water okay and here we go let me hit this in any second

Now you should go flying into the air cuz of the TNT wo yeah and you went super super high but I’m also going to probably have to move this over because you did hit your head on the TNT part yeah that wasn’t very cool okay and I went ahead and moved everything down

Into this corner now I’m going to go ahead and put the Redstone down and then I’m going to test it out to make sure it works perfectly fine and here we go there goes the button and I should go flying into the air now and and wao look

How high went Zoe wao that was super cool can I go again uh yeah if you want to jump in there and test it out you can but I’m over here in the air I’m going to build us out a little tiny platform that we can land on and wao look at you

You just went so high too I’m going to land on you all Zoe you can’t land on me over here in the sky is where I’m going to build us our little platform that we’re going to land in and of course I’m going to place water down here that

Break our fall and perfect there goes the water that we can land in and this will be the platform that we can watch everything get destroyed on oh gosh Zoe and it’s super dark outside which means those mut Enderman are going to come attack us any second quick let’s run

Inside and grab our gear okay let’s go let’s go come mod go ahead and step into your dispenser and grab everything you need and wao I look super cool over here wow I look super cool too and actually I think I’m going to go ahead and snag a

Few more of these golden apples just in case things get crazy out there now we have to go ahead and check up all those Ender BS away come on we have to be super strong when we go out there and oh my goodness Zoe look at the mun Enderman

Over there they look so scary this is not good they’re coming to attack our house okay quick so we to go ahead and try to fight some of them off I’m going to go start attacking them okay let’s go let’s go oh my goodness they have like

20 hands and wao it just threw me in the air what the heck is happening oh I can’t see anything it’s completely dark now are you okay no I’m getting completely jumped Zoe please help me where are you I am getting jumped on the outside of our house and wait you’re

Fighting them over there too but it looks like you’re doing okay yeah these guys aren’t even that tough oh God so there is way too many I’m going to quickly run back to our house cuz I’m super scared now I can’t see anything but they’re coming to our house de oh

Gosh oh wo a bunch of our minds just blew up quick I’m going to let our dogs loose and there we go Mr Puppy is fighting the mutant Ender hurry Mr Puppy hurry come on take them out take them out wait he’s hurting my dog oh he just

Killed Mr Puppy no Mr Puppy oh my goodness Zoe this is not looking good for us these mut Enderman are so much stronger than us wao he threw me up on the house come on keep fighting keep fighting and so you should probably let your dog lose so he can fight as well

Come on here we go and ow they’re pushing me into the lasers ow I’m on the electric fence this hurts so much you okay Dax I have no idea I can’t see anything and they’re making me super slow and look they’re even on fire but they’re not even taking damage That’s

How Strong these Mutant Endermen Are Dax I think it’s time to call it what you want to get out of here already yes but make sure to grab Mr doggy Mr doggy I don’t even know where he is that’s your dog you need to grab him Mr doggy where

Are you oh my gosh so they just took on Mr doggy quick get to the TNT canon so you can get out of here no Mr doggy Okay go ahead and jump in I’m going hit the button for you I’ll meet you on that platform here I have to go light off all

The TNT hurry Dax hurry I’m trying but these Mutant Endermen are so strong okay Zoe I’m going back inside and I’m going to light up the butt and get ready to see a bunch of Destruction soon as long as they pay for what they did to Mr

Doggy and here we go I hit the button quick I’m going to run back up there before everything gets too crazy run Dax run let me go ahead and light off the TNT and I should be flying into the sky any second now here we go in perfect I

Landed in the water now the TNT should go off any second oh my goodness Zoe did you see all that TNT that just lit up that was insane do you think they’re all did oh no Zoe I don’t think it worked there’s still so many left what in the

World are we going to do I think it’s time we pull out our secret TNT wait what the heck is our secret T and what in the world is that don’t worry Dax it’ll destroy everything oh gosh I guess we’ll see uh Zoe is this the TNT you just placed

Down what in the world is it doing and wao look up in the sky oh man I think this going to be bad oh gosh I just fell but good thing we had all those golden apples and I didn’t die wo those golden apples really came in clutch and look

Our fence is still here wow our fence is still here but Zoe wait do you notice what else isn’t here the monsters yes I think we took out all the mutant Ender with that final TNT good job Zoe yay we did it we did it but Zoe I think we’re

Definitely going to have to move houses look at our entire base it’s all destroyed that’s okay I didn’t like the last house too much anyways and perfect Zoe we just finished up our brand new house this thing looks so awesome yeah it does look super good but Dex what is

That behind you uh Zoe what are you even talking about and what the heck is that that looks like some type of giant toilet it looks like a giant skibby toilet oh my gosh and it’s straight across from our house quick zo we have to get over there and check it out let’s

Go well I’m not really seeing an entrance inside of this it’s just like a big toilet I have no idea how this got in front of our house this is like the weirdest thing ever Zoe uh Dax I found a hidden door over here wait what are you

Talking about you found a hidden door Zoe that was like a bunch of white wool and wait what the heck you did find a hidden door exactly follow me in let’s see what’s going on what the heck there are so many different skim toilets in

Here oh my gosh look at this there’s a bunch of spider toilets and holy toilets and there’s a bunch of normal toilet Zoe I am so scared this is not good do you think they’re going to attack us I have no idea up and wait look there’s some

Signs here and they have some fancy words on them should I probably go ahead and read it yeah go ahead and read it out loud okay it says no need to fear your end is here oh gosh this already super scary okay once night appears you

Will cry wait it just ends on you will cry that doesn’t even rhyme at all oh no I hate crying well the SK be really stupid because this doesn’t rhyme at all but wait if they’re going to come for us at night zo we have to get back and

Defend our brand new house come on Dax we got to go put up defenses quick run well Zoe I think the first thing we need to do is get rid of this wooden door because look look at this this is basically like a piece of garbage yeah

That door is pretty puny okay so what we’re going to do is break that wooden door there and then we’re going to get something called a scanner door and we also have to grab a couple scanners if we’re going to be using it wow that

Sounds super cool so if I go ahead and put this scanner door right down here in the front and then I put one of these retinal scanners down as soon as it scans my face it’ll just let us walk inside the house but Dex it looks like

It’s only going to work on your face oh well yeah because that one’s lined up for my face so if I go ahead and give you one of these as well and you place it down on this corner you can do the same exact thing Zoe and perfect Zoe

Look at that now your face is right there so if I look at it it will let me in but if you look at it it’ll let you through there a secret door wow that’s super cool what else are we going to do well that’s the only the first step that

Thing definitely isn’t strong I hold all those toilets there’s like a million of them over there so the next thing we should do is probably add in like some super strong Lava Moat so when they fall into our Lava Moat they’ll burn to a crisp pretty much Zoe so let’s go ahead

And break out a few different blocks and then we can go ahead and grab some lava and then we can start placing lava all the way around our house and I’ll go ahead and do this side over there and you can do that side over there Zoe okay

But I’m going to beat you what you really think you can beat me around the house way I’m like the fastest lava Placer ever look at this no way Dax you’re like the slowest person ever uh Zoe considering I’m already like almost all the way across the house I think I’m

The faster lava Placer and why are you like all the way in the floor do you like fall in or something um maybe okay well let me go ahead and place down the breast of the lava and this should be looking pretty good and perfect Zoe our

Lava actually looks pretty good I think this can take out all the skary toilets by itself Dax this lava mode sucks wait what are you talking about this lava mode sucks Zoe this lava boat looks super super awesome this is just not going to be enough to fight against the

Skibby toilets I think I’m going to have to call in my friend the speaker man wait you said you’re going to have to call on your friend the speaker man what in the world is he going to do for us well first I have to make a shrine so

Then he comes wait you have to build a shrine oh my gosh so way I love building shrines I want to see it no way Dax I’ll get way too nervous you need to go inside otherwise he won’t come wait you’re going to make me go inside while

You build the shrine well I guess that works I’ll hop inside while you build it it better be super cool Zoe it will be just go inside and dump okay Dax you can come out my shrine’s all done oh finally zo you’ve been taking forever I can’t

Wait to see how bad of a build you made and what in the world so you actually built this thing yep doesn’t it look amazing how in the world did you even build this this is huge yeah it has to be pretty big so he can come well I

Don’t really see him anywhere yet zo where in the world is he well we just have to wait for the lightning to hit and then he’ll be here wait what are you talking about and wait what in the world the speaker bed actually spawned in so

Way you weren lying at all I told you Dax me and him are tight it’s it’s so cool but wait is he going to help us actually defend our base because we obviously need a lot a lot of help um of course he’s going to help that’s why I

Brought him here hey Mr Speaker can you please help us defend our base from all those skippity toys because we’re going to get absolutely destroyed well I’m sure I can help you guys out but that’s going to cost you at least 64 diamonds wait Zoe your friend’s trying to take 64

Diamonds from us I’m completely broke do you have any diamonds on you of course I have diamonds well if you have diamonds can I just have something Zoe of course you can have all of them oh my gosh thank you so much okay Miss speaker man here you go here’s some nice diamonds

For you and now you have to help us defend our base okay I’ll meet you guys over there this is so cool Zoe your speaker man’s actually going to help us defend your Bas there’s no way we’re going to lose now exactly and those ski toilets won’t even know what hit them

Okay Mr Speaker man now that we’re here and you said you would help us out what’s the first thing that you can actually do to help us upgrade our base well the first thing I think you can do is add in some super cool lasers wait

What in the world even our lasers away I’ve never heard of anything like that before I don’t know Dax but just listen to him this guy knows what he’s talking about okay m Mr tide speaker red well can you go ahead and give me some lasers

So I can at least see how they work yes of course here you go take this Redstone and take this laser and once you place it down I huge laser will be created okay and you said if I go ahead and place it down it’ll work so let me put

The Redstone here and then I’ll put a laser on top and oh my goodness Zoe wait do you see this thing gosh Dex that’s so cool oh my gosh thank you so much Mr Titan speaker man okay we’re going to go ahead and place these all the way around

Our house Zoe you got it I got it okay Zoe and since we have all of these let’s go ahead and place them all the way around our house and I’ll go ahead do this side and you can do that side and I bet I can beat you all the way around

Because I’m way faster than you no way Dax you lost last time uh no way I lost you didn’t even finish what are you talking about um I’m pretty sure I won okay whatever Zoe well I’m already going super fast and then all I got to do is

Put down the lasers and honestly Zoe I still can’t believe you built up that super huge build that’s like probably the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I know I’m probably like the best builder ever yeah you’re at least one of the top five Builders ever but I don’t

Know if you’re number one yet I definitely am number one but whatever Dax and oh my gosh look how how cool these lasers look Zoe our house looks extra defended now yeah it does look super defended but I still don’t think it’s enough yeah probably not and also

You know what I didn’t realize Zoe what did you not notice it’s going to be super difficult for us to get inside so we should probably make like a little bridge over here or something that is such a good idea but don’t you think that the skibby toilets are just going

To go across the bridge you know what they probably would go across the bridge so what we’re going to do is add in some ghost blocks to the front so that way they’ll just fall the void and they accidentally walk into it h that’ be so

Funny so let me go ahead and grab a few ghost blocks like this and then we’ll just cover them up and there you go go ahead step on it zo so we can make sure it works okay here I go and perfect look at that you just fell through the floor

Oh man but just to make sure that we know where the ghost blocks are I’m going to add in a big gold ring around this just so make sure we don’t step into any of the ghost blocks when we’re trying to run through dang DX you’re

Super rich I know I’m like a super ultra Rich genius but yeah we should probably go talk to your ti speaker B friend again and see what else he has for us okay let’s go okay Mr Titan speaker we actually need a little bit more help cuz

We don’t think those lasers are enough first thing I recommend you do is go check on all those Skiby toys to see if they got bigger because it’s getting darker wait it’s getting darker it literally looks the same outside what are you talking about wait a second it

Just got darker out of nowhere Zoe what in the world this guy’s like a super ultra genius or something I know he’s super smart we better go check on those toilets okay let’s go ahead and head over there real quick wait guys before you go over there I need to give you one

Thing uh okay what is that one thing you want to give us just so you don’t have to keep running back and forth I’ll go ahead and give you some cameras to place inside oh my gosh Zoe he just gave us cameras okay quick let’s get over there

And place these cameras inside so we can spy on them wow this guy is super nice he’s like a spy with these cameras and stuff now if I remember correctly you can just open these doors here and oh my gosh there’s still so many skim toilets

Okay quick we’re going to go ahead and place a few cameras inside of here so we can spy them from the safety of our own home and with these cameras we can hide behind our walls and spy on them exactly we can hide from the safety of our own

Home okay quickly let’s go ahead and run back and check out all the security cameras okay let’s go ahead and look inside our cameras and wait a second zoee it looks like they got a lot bigger what in the world just happened yeah it does look like like they got a lot

Bigger but this is so cool that we can see them from here oh my gosh this is not good so okay since they’re getting bigger we’re going to have to get bigger and better defenses so let’s go back and talk to the tide speaker man cuz maybe

He can help us out sure let’s go okay Mr tide speaker man they are a lot bigger over there and we need a lot more help if we’re actually going to win well the next thing you guys can do is add a big Fireball Cannon to the top of her house

Oh my gosh zo we a fireball Cannon would be like the smartest thing ever that sounds super dangerous okay let’s go ahead and get some dispensers and we’ll also get some fireballs and we’ll just put them on top of our house and then we’ll have a big lever that we can press

To shoot them so cool how do we do that well what we’re going to have to do is put some dispensers on top of our house just like this and then I’ll go ahead and fill all of them up with some Fireballs that way we can just shoot

Them at them that way if they get past the lasers and the lava M there’s no way they’re getting into our house exactly and we can even shoot them with Fireballs before they even get that close since they’re super powerful and the next thing we’re going to do is

Connect some redstone on top of all of these and then we have to build a little Contraption to make it go down and we want to put the butt inside of our house just to make sure another those skim to let accidentally pressed them so let’s

Go ahead and run the Redstone like this and now we can put a little panic button on this wall right here so now Zoe whatever you want to you can just hit the big red button and shoot all those Fireballs Out ooh I love hitting the big

Red buttons and wao look at that it just shot a bunch of fire and oh gosh so we hit the skiy toilet they’re probably going to get mad at us well they’re already going to attack us STX it’s not like it’s a big deal if they get mad

Okay that’s probably pretty true but we should just add in a few more things before they actually okay so you know what that’s actually pretty true and we’re going to make our base even stronger that way it doesn’t even matter we do but what’s the next thing we

Should add in Zoe I actually have a really good idea for another little trap we could add in what is it Dax what if we just go out here and place like a bunch of Mines all the way across the floor so whenever they step on them

They’ll all just blow up that sounds super deadly and they’re definitely going to fall for it exactly let’s go ahead and place a bunch of these mines all the way around but zo make sure not to step on them or hit them because it’d be really bad if they all blew up right

Now okay I’ll be super careful I’ll place a few more down over here and a few over here and this is going to be like the perfect trap ever they’re definitely going to fall for it right Zoe they definitely are and wow look at this Zoe our whole mind feel is complete

And this looks super super cool this does look super cool and I can’t wait to watch them explode and wait a second I actually thought of another Ultra jeta’s idea that you’re definitely going to love Zoe what is it we should go ahead and add some Iron Golems to defend our

House I love Iron Golems okay quick we’re going to go ahead and run inside and then we’re going to use all of these little feds areas to put our iron golems in let’s go ahead and break out this wall here because I want to make it a

Bit bigger and this should be super cool and I think we should also add a little contraption that drops the wall so the Iron Golems can go out whenever we open it wao you know how to do that with red stone oh yeah of course I’m like an

Ultra genius let me show you how to do it Zoe okay Zoe the first thing we need to do is break out some of these grass blocks and then we’re going to place sticky pistons on the bottom of them but we also have to make sure our carve on

The ground so we can add in some Redstone torches that will actually activate this okay and the next thing we have to do is put down some Redstone repeaters like this and then we’ll just grab some redstone dust and now if we connect a lever to one of these it

Should work properly let’s go ahead and test it out it oh my gosh Zoe look at that it actually dropped the fenes so now whenever we put the iron go in there they can get out whenever we drop it that is insane I’ve never seen anything

Like that but we need to go ahead and put this lever inside because we don’t want just anyone to press it so let’s go ahead and run some Redstone back to the inside and perfect now we have all the Redstone connected so once we go ahead and press that button from the inside

This will drop but the next thing we need to do is actually add in those Iron Golems I was talking about and in order to spot some Iron Golems you have to throw in some iron blocks like this and put a carved pumpkin on the top of it

Wow these guys are definitely going to defend our base yeah and I think we should have in three different ones of them just to make sure we’re Ultra secure yep I think that’s pretty thorough but now let me go ahead and test it out if I go ahead and come

Inside and I flick this lever it oh Go ZO I think I broke the Redstone are you serious Dex let me go ahead and see it oh this is a pretty simple fix since the Redstone doesn’t go far enough we just have to get a repeater and make it super

Strong and perfect look at that now it works okay Zoe and now that we have all that built out we should probably check up on those skim toilets once again so let’s go ahead and use our camera to see what they’re looking like now oh my gosh

Wait a second zo they look completely different now what in the world they’re glowing oh no that can’t be good oh jeez zo this is not looking good for us we’re really going to have to add some Ultra strong stuff and we’re going to beat them Dax it’s getting darker I think we

Need to build an Armory room just in case they break out early wait what in the world it actually got darker okay Zoe that’s actually probably a pretty good idea so let’s go ahead and run our side of our house so we can build an Armory room and in order to build that

Armory room we’re going to have to carve out some blocks underneath our build so I’ll go ahead and dig us out a little tutle right here and this is where all our armor is going to go okay Zoe in order to get our armor we’re going to make a little Contraption out of

Dispensers dispensers how does that work so what we need to do is added a bunch of different dispensers like this and then we’ll add in oent and then we’ll smack a pressure plate on top and now we can add any armor of our choice on the

Inside and I think I’m going to give us both diamond armor that sounds so cool and then when you step on there the armor is going to automatically be on us exactly Zoe so let me go ahead and get us some armor some weapons and maybe a

Few different golden apples so I can give you an example okay Zoe I went ahead and filled all of them up so you can go ahead and step on that pressure plate as an example okay here I go and oh my my gosh look how cool you look Zoe

You have all diamond armor on now I feel so cool right now and I feel like I could take on the world yeah you probably could and we really need your help if we’re going to fight all those Skippy toilets but I got to go ahead and

Build another one for the other side um Dax how about instead of doing that you just add a chest with some super powerful stuff oh that would actually be a really good idea okay let me go ahead and get a chest and then we can grab some really cool stuff like some golden

Apples and we can get a few pieces of dynamite that we can throw at them oh what type of dynamite are you going to put in there oh I grabbed some lighting it and zoee do you want an example of what it does yes okay quick let’s go

Back outside okay Zoe so basically if I go ahead and throw one of these lightning dynamites a bunch of lightning will get spot into our world and wao look at that wao you almost hit my Shrine oh yeah but I mean it’s not like it’s going to do damage to your Shrine

Your Shrine looks super powerful it is a Titan speaker man after all it is super powerful you guys need to have an extra explosion bomb wait what in the world is an extra explosion bomb I’ve never heard of anything like that before well for some reason if the skimy toets happen to

Take over your guys base you should have an ultimate destruction button that destroys everything oh my goodness Zoe that’s actually a really genius idea your friend’s super smart I know just like me uh yeah for sure but we’re definitely going to need some TNT so I

Need to go ahead and get a bunch of redstone so we can make this TNT Tower okay Zoe so I’m going to put this super cool panic button on the wall and I’m also going to add in a sign that says Ultimate Destruction so we don’t accidentally press it what you want me

To press it de no no you can not press it yet this is only if we happen to lose our base but I haven’t even build the TNT thing yet so it won’t even do anything yet oh dang I love hitting the red button but what we’re going to have

To do is make a huge TNT Tower and the way we’re going to do that is I placing a redstone torch and then an oak Plank and then a redstone torch and so on to the very top wao does that carry the Redstone signal so we can light the TNT

Exactly Zoe that’s exactly how it works so let’s make sure to make this super high and then we have to add a huge row of TNT at the top and now once we’re at the top of this we have to place out a bunch of Oak plakes that way we can put

TNT below it and all the TNT can light up and now below all of this we’ll go ahead and add in some DNT and now zo at the very top of this we’re going to add in a bunch of redstone and we need need to make sure also added some repeaters

That way the Redstone signal doesn’t get carried away okay and perfect Zoe now all of that is placed the last thing we need to do is add in a little clock just to make sure it goes super slow and the way we make a redstone clock is by

Throwing in these Redstone repeaters and putting them to the tick of Flor so it goes super super slow and of course since we wanted to go really slow because we want to escape we’re going to make like three rows of these now we have to add some Redstone going all the

Way to the button over here and we should be good to go but then when we light this up don’t we have to have an escape rout oh yeah but I haven’t really thought about what we’re going to do for an Escape roof yet you any ideas Zoe um

What about couch cars wait couch cars would actually be super cool so how about we build out a little Railway over here and then we break out these and we can add some couch cars to the corner over and just so we know this is a big

Road I’m going to make this all out of black concrete really far away and you said you wanted to add in couch car so let me go ahead and throw two of them on this side and boom look at that Zoe we have awesome couch cars we can escape on

Now these are so fun I love couch cars and oh my goodness wait a second so wa all the skiing toilets broke out this is not not good but it’s okay cuz they’re going to hit the mines first yeah true but we need to go ahead and go inside

And grab all of our armor so we can fight them off let’s go okay let’s just go ahead and hop inside of here and oh my goodness I have all the diamond armor now I’m so overpowered Dex they just did the mines wait I heard that it sounded

Super crazy oh my goodness all of our minds blew up zo there is so many of them out here ah Dex I’m on fire oh my gosh make sure to eat the golden apples though we have to try and take them all out it’s not working come on we have to

Keep fighting them come on come on we can definitely win this Zoe and wait a second your speaker man friend’s getting jumped over there by our house come on he needs to try harder come on fight them all I’m going to keep throwing these lightning dynamites and hopefully

It does a bunch of damage oh gosh I just zap myself now I’m on fire this hurts you have to try harder I am trying my best wait a second I’m going to let out all of our Iron Golems quick I’m going to run back to the house I’m going to go

Inside and then I’m going to release all of them let me just flick our little lever oh gosh the skimy toilets are in Our House Now Zoe no how did they get past the lava I have no idea but there is so many of them this is not looking

Good tax I’m being attacked come on keep fighting them oh gosh I fell the lava but thank goodness I have these golden apples I won’t die just yet okay I’m going to jump over this and perfect oh my goodness Zoe look how many of them

Are in our house right now this is not good you see all the ones following me this is not looking good oh gosh Come on keep taking them out keep taking them out these things are so powerful I’ve never met ski toilets that are this strong and wait a second the holy

Toilets are flying oh my goodness what in the world are we supposed to do about this I don’t know should we shoot on the fire cannons yeah but I don’t even know there’s so much fire everywhere I don’t know the fire cannons are going to do

Anything for us I think it’s time for us to get out of here Zoe there is no way that we can beat all these sking toyss back even with your speaker man friends help Dex I’m stuck I’m being cornered oh my gosh wait I’m coming back to the

House wa I’m going to help you up by throwing a bunch of lightning Dynamite wo come on come on keep fighting them and Zoe I think you need to get to the couch car and get out of here I’ll press the big red button quick Zoe get out of

Here I’m going to press the big red button right now I’m going Dex but you have to hurry come on come on let me hit it I got to get in my couch car and get out of here and wait a second I don’t think I have time for the couch car I’m

Just going to run hurry Dax the TNT is lighting off oh my goodness all the TNT is blowing up zo what in the world wao the TNT took out everybody but look my Titan speaker man is still alive oh my gosh our friend is still alive thank you

So much for helping us of course I hate those skimy toys just as much as you guys it was a pleasure let’s go Zoe but I think we’re going to have to move areas because our entire house is kind of destroyed man why does do this always

Happen and perfect Zoe our brand new house looks so good yeah it does but Dax what is that uh what are you talking about whoo whoa whoa what in the world is that a giant toilet Zoe yep it sure is and this is not good do you think

They’re going to attack us I have no idea but they’re on our property we should go check it out yeah let’s go check it out and wao there’s a bunch of different scary skimy toilets in here Zoe this does not look good for us and there’s signs what do the signs say okay

Let me go ahead and read it the toilets will rise once night you will cry you have 15 minutes before we come for you what the heck Zoe they’re going to come attack Us in 15 minutes 15 minutes that’s no time at all what do they

Expect us to do I have no idea but quick we have to get back to our house and build some super awesome defenses let’s go okay Zoe we only have 15 minutes what’s the first thing we should try and do first let’s start out with making a

Wall of dirt wait a wall out a dirt Zoe do you know how weak dirt is it’s super strong what are you talking about no Zoe we cannot use dirt let’s use something a little more strong Dex get off my wall of dirt oh my gosh no zo we’re going to

Break this and we’re going to use Bedrock that’s way better that is a lot better good job Dex so let’s go ahead and build this all the way around our house and quick zoy we do not have that much time before those skiing toilets come attack us I know Dax I’m going as

Fast as I can okay let me throw in a few more pieces of bedrock and D away look at our Bedrock wall this is so secure this is awesome do you think this will be good enough to keep them out I mean probably not look at that one toilet

Over there it’s like an astronaut toilet I’m pretty sure it could just fly over this and completely destroy us oh no not an astronaut toilet what are we going to do Zoe I can only think of one thing that could probably help us right now

What is it I’m going to have to talk to my friend the speaker and see if he can help us out to defend our base oh he will definitely help us go ahead and call him up uh actually my phone doesn’t work the only way we can go to talk to

Him is by going into The Nether which is super scary are you serious Dex I don’t know if we have time to go all the way to the nether yes we have time zo okay quick I’m going to go ahead and build us out a portal and then we just have to

Jump inside okay well hurry let me go ahead and build it like this STX you can’t build a portal on the floor yes you can this is a special portter that takes us to the speaker bed all I have to do is light this up in any second now

We should be able to jump in come on Zoe quick we have to go okay Dax we made it but where is this guy there should be a speaker Man head somewhere around here come on zo we have to look for it and uh Zoe I think we found it but oh no

There’s a bunch of Buzz toilets defending it what are we going to do we have to get to it Dax we’re going to fight those Buzz toilets okay come on to let’s get down there and beat all these bus toilets up I should have an emergency diamond sword inside of my

Inventory and perfect Joy let’s go beat them all up we got this Dex come on we have to go super quick I doubt we have that much time left be careful deck oh my gosh there are so many Zoe but I’m sure we can take them out together come

On yep we got this they’re going down so easy these guys are weak come on zo there are so many jumping me oh gosh help me hurry Dax you got this oh my gosh they are all chasing me Zoe what are you doing I’m just kind of walking

Around no one’s really attacking me Zoe stop walking around and help me I’m getting completely jumped by all of them I’m so scared I’m coming to the rescue deck come on there’s only a few of them left and then we should be able to get inside that tight speaker man head are

They all gone no they’re all jumping me zo what are you talking about are they all gone oh I was just about to take a nap that was super easy wait did you just say you about to take a nap and don’t worry zo I took got the last one

No thanks to you good job Dex I knew you could do it okay but now we actually have to get inside of this zo do you see anyway inside yeah actually I think I saw a door over here where I was about to figure out where to take my nap wait

You saw a door and what the heck there’s literally a door right here why did we just run straight in there come on in and and oh my gosh Zoe look at that it’s the Titan speaker man oh my gosh Dax ask him if he’ll help us uh Mr Titan speaker

Man we need a lot of help what are you humans doing here well we’re under attack by a lot of skiy toilets right now and we are really hoping you could come help us defend our base well I’m sure I could come help you defend your

Base but it’s going to cost you 64 diamonds what the heck Zoe do you have 64 diamonds on you I’m completely broke heik Stacks I thought you said this guy was your friend yeah I can lend you some money but you need to really start making some more oh thank you so much

Though this is super super clutch okay let me just go ahead and throw it to the tide speaker and and there you go can you help us out now sure I’ll help you two idiots out yay Zoe let’s go quick we have to get back to our portal your

Friend is not very nice yeah he’s been going through a really bad breakup but it’ll be okay okay our portal should only be a few steps here and perfect it looks like I found it now we can hop back in and start building and perfect

Zoe we made it back up to our base but now we really need to start building stuff we don’t have that much time left tight speaker man what’s the next thing we could build we have you two try adding in lasers yet uh Zoe have we

Tried adding in any lasers no no lasers yet uh do you have any lasers that we could borrow oh my gosh you two are completely useless look here you go and wo look at that Zoe it looks like you gave us a couple of lasers that we could

Use come on quick we have to go put these down okay let’s go okay and I’m pretty sure all we have to do is put down a block of redstone like this and the laser on top and oh my gosh Zoe look how cool this looks that looks awesome

And are we going to surround our entire house with that yeah we probably should Zoe how about you go ahead and do that side I’ll do this side over over here and I bet I could beat you around the house yeah I seriously doubt that but

We’ll just have to see I guess we’re having a race let’s see who’s the fastest I’m already like halfway around the side of the house I bet you’re nowhere to be found yeah I’m practically done DX so I would not brag you’re practically done so wait how in the

World are you practically done already because I’m super fast uh okay I guess we’ll see about that and boobs way I’m basically done and it looks like you’re not even done yet so I’m basically the winner now whatever Dex let me just go ahead and help you fill in the last one

Since you’re super slow okay just a few you more and perfect our base is actually looking really defended Now Zoe yep but we need to keep working I’m so afraid that our house is going to get destroyed yeah we do need to keep working and wait a second Zoe I just

Realized something what is it Dax how in the world are we supposed to get inside with these huge lasers here ooh maybe we should use some fans wait a fans a great idea Zoe let me go ahead and get us let’s say an emerald fan what does that

Sound like that sounds super awesome and we can definitely get through the lasers like that okay so what we’re going to do is put down one Emerald fan here and basically what you’re going to have to do is just run on it like that and then

I’ll put some water down over here that way we don’t actually break our legs whenever we try to come inside yipp that was awesome but do you think you should put a fan on this side yeah I probably should put a fan on this side let me go

Ahead and add one right here to the front of our door like that and now we can get over super super easy that’s awesome and of course I’m going to add in a bit of water just so we don’t fall and break our legs and perfect that

Looks really good well even though we have these lasers we should probably do something else Zoe yeah we probably should uh wait a second Zoe did you just see that yeah was is that lightning it wait a second it looks like it got even darker oh no we must be running out a

Time this is not good how are we supposed to protect our house okay quick we have to talk to the tide speaker B hey you look at me so we can get something done oh you annoying humans what do you want now hey we hired you so

You have to be super nice to us we need your help with some more defenses well let’s see have you tried making Archer Towers yet uh Zoe have we tried making Archer Towers no no Archer Towers yet okay I guess we can go ahead make some

Archer Towers thank you so much Mr TI speaker man yeah whatever let’s go ahead and get rid of this nether portal because we honestly don’t need it anymore and then we can probably build Archer Towers on each one of our Corners that’s a super good idea and since my

Favorite color is green which is the best color ever I’m going to go ahead and make my archer tower out of green concrete and I’m going to make mine out of purple what purple is the ugliest color ever Zoe why would you want to use purple cuz it’s the best color ever okay

Whatever and Zoe you know what we’re probably going to need what is it well since we’re going to be in the middle of a battle we need a quick way to get up there oh so what are we going to do like an elevator or something yeah we’re

Going to make a water elevator so so let me show you how to make that real quick okay we’ll go ahead and grab some Soul Sand like this and place it there and we’re also going to need some signs and we’re going to need a whole lot of water

Zoe wow this is super cool how do you even know how to make this because I’m like a super ultra genius but let me show you what happens whenever we fill this all up with water okay Zoe now this is all filled up with water all you have

To do is walk inside and then it should shoot you to the front so why don’t you go ahead and try walking in there okay here I go and wo look at that Zoe you got to the top so quickly wow that thing really shoots you out that was awesome

Now we need to finish out the rest of our Archer Tower so let’s go ahead and add some sides and then we should go ahead and add in some fences just to make sure we don’t fall off like you just did yeah that’s a super good idea

Dex and perfect now that we have our whole towers built out we’re going to need some bows and arrows let me go ahead and add in a chest on my side with a bunch of bows and a bunch of arrows and I’ll go ahead and do the same thing

For your side over there Zoe sweet and Dex you are so lucky because your girlfriend is like the best Archer ever uh are you the best Archer ever Zoe yes I’m like super skilled well why don’t we go ahead and test that out let me go

Ahead and grab a little pig and I’ll spawn it down here and if you can hit this big I’ll give you a stack of diamonds okay this should be easy peasy let’s see what you got Zoe I’m pretty sure you can’t do this okay here goes

Nothing and let’s see and a you were so close and now you don’t get a stack of diamonds that was a warmup that was a warm okay fine you get one more shot and a you hit it fine I’ll give you that stack of diamonds yep I’m going to be

Rich and here you go I take your stupid stack of diamonds now well you owed me diamonds anyways so you still owe me some whatever I’ll get you them eventually okay Mr Speaker man we went ahead and build an Archer Towers what’s the next thing we should try and build

You should probably build a fire cannon at the front of your base to stop all those toilets whoa Zoe did you hear that a fire cannon that sounds super crazy I don’t even know how to build one I think I know how to build one it’s been a

Really long time but I guess I can try my best to make one all we need to do is add in a few different dispensers like this and then we’re going to have to get fireballs and line them all up with fireballs and now what we need to do is

Get some redstone dust and line it up across all of these and then we’re going to have have to make a lever all the way down here that we can just flick that lights off all the fire cannons okay silly and you can go ahead and test it

Out whenever you’re ready you can go ahead and hit that lever and see what it does okay here goes nothing and wo it just shot a bunch of fire and look it even hit the toilet over there yikes do you think that made them mad ah who

Cares if they get mad we’re totally going to wi with a tight speaker man now yeah you’re so right and actually speaking of destructive stuff Zoe I have a really great idea for something else we can add what is it Dex what if we grab some mines for our inventory and we

Fill up the whole floor in front of our base with mines that sounds super awesome okay let’s go ahead and put a bunch of these down all the way in front of our base so now once those Skiby toilet steep on they’re all going to

Blow up wow that is such a good idea but Zoe you have to be super careful if you step on these mines they’re all going to blow up early which might accidentally blow up our base ooh but I really want to step on one why would you want to

Blow up our base Zoe because I like to see the explosion it’s kind of like fireworks oh my gosh you better not step on these Zoe yikes what if Mr Pig steps on one Mr Pig oh God Mr Pig just stepped on it oh my gosh now it smells like

Bacon in here oh this is absolutely ridiculous though you know how about we get rid of the mines and we just replace this all for a bunch of lava that’d be pretty cool that would be pretty cool so Mr Pig actually did us a favor and perfect now that’s all filled up with

Lava let me go ahead and break this other mine over here and this should be pretty much good I think this is better than the mines anyways what do you think Zoe I think it’s way better than the mines okay so right now we have Archer Towers we have lava we have fan

Entrances and Fireballs I wonder where something else we could add in ooh Dax I know what we should do okay well then what should we do Zoe we should spawn in some Cameron ninjas so they’ll help us defend our base oh my gosh this is the

Perfect idea if we have a bunch of Cameron nin just walking around they could totally defend our base yeah these guys are super powerful and a whole bunch of them will definitely save our house but you know what Zoe we should probably put them all in a little pen so

They don’t run a muck on our whole entire base that’s probably a better idea right yeah that’s a pretty good idea so what we can do is get some fences and place them all inside of here and then we can have a little button that actually lets them out whenever we

Want them to come out wow that is such a good idea but in order for our thing to actually work what we’re going to need to do is bring up the ground here and then Place some sticky pistons down that way we can actually activate them

Whenever we want to wow you are so smart Dex okay now we just need to add in some Redstone torches so these guys can’t get out and then we should be pretty much good to go but now we need to connect Redstone to a little thing and Zoe did

You just take out one of the camera ninjas that’s okay I have the spawn egg so I could spawn in a whole bunch of them if I wanted to okay I guess that is a pretty much a good point let me go ahead and get that lever ready let’s go

Ahead and run some repeaters into the back and then we’ll also get some Redstone Dust like this and then we can cover it all up and then we should be pretty much good to go once we get a lever let’s just place the lever here

And see it perfect look at that Zoe it actually worked perfect that worked perfectly now don’t take this guy out Zoe I’m going to lift them back up I’m going to be super nice and then I’m going to put it back in his cage okay

Dex but I think there’s one up on the tower wait there’s one on the tower what the heck hey you get down from there get back in your little cage ooh I almost killed him oh my goodness we cannot kill any more of our soldiers okay okay hey

Okay zo I actually thought of something else that we should probably do what is the Dex well just in case we actually have to fight these guys in close range we should probably have a little Armory room so we can get a lot of cool gear

And defeat them all that’s a super good idea so what we need to do is get a bunch of ladders like this and then we’re going to place them all the way down into our basement where we can actually build out our Armory room okay let me go ahead and build the ladders

All the way and once we’re down here is where we can actually build our Armory room you know what Zoe our Armory room is looking a little bit boring why don’t we spice it up by adding in a of lime blocks everywhere ew lime blocks yeah if

We wanted it to look ugly what so this literally looks so good come on just help me and add these to the other side okay no I’m going to add purple on this side you know what fine that can be your side over there this is going to be my

Side which is obviously the better side and perfect Zoe this room’s actually looking pretty good but you know what I think we should add in what should we add some automatic armor dispensers but Dex do we have enough time for that uh yeah I think we’ll have enough time for

It I mean it’s Armor after all so we’re going to need it either way okay okay so in order to build this what we need to do is put a bunch of armor sets in each one of these little dispensers and we should also probably grab a shield and

Like a weapon too that’s probably a good idea and I think for my side I’m going to go ahead and use diamond armor since it looks super super cool what armor are you going to use Zoe I think I’m going to use netherite oh that’s a super good

Idea I think that is the strongest armor in Minecraft so that was a good call Zoe thanks deack and now what we need to do is put a little fence right here in the middle and perfect now that should work but let me go ahead and build out your

Side and then you can test it out sweet let me just go ahead and add in the fence with the pressure plate and perfect zoee you can walk in and wao it looks like I got a bunch of your armor already how do I look honestly you look

Super super cool Zoe you can definitely take out all those skibby toilets I’m ready to defeat them hey you two come back up here real quick uh Zoe was that the Titan speaker man yikes your friend is really bossy oh gosh he sounds really

Mad let’s go see what he’s up to it woes away it looks like it got even darker outside this is not good this is not good at all do you think they’re coming soon uh probably so Mr Titan speaker man what did you want I think you guys need

To build out one final thing uh okay well what’s that final thing we should build out you should make a huge Redstone contraption that lights TNT from under their base oh my gosh you are a total genius Mr Tight speaker man thank you so much yeah yeah whatever

Just go build it man this guy is so mean Zoe he is he’s your friend not mine yeah I guess whatever but he said he wanted us to build like a huge tunnel with some explosions on their base so what if we make a tunnel for underneath our Armory

Room where we can blow up their entire build that’s super cool but how do you know if we make it all the way to their base well what we’re going to do is dig in this tur tunnel all the way down and once we think we got far enough I’m

Going to dig up a little bit to see where we are it is a little bit risky but I think we’ll be okay Zoe okay let’s go ahead and check how much progress we’ve made Zoe come on we should be close it w zo wait this looks like the

Bottom of the toilet really oh my gosh it does look like it okay so what we’re going to do is get in a really really cool TNT that will completely destroy everything what TNT are you going to use oh what if we get this one called the

Death rid that sounds super crazy that does sound super crazy I hope it doesn’t also destroy our house yeah hopefully not but let’s go ahead and put the TNT down here and then we can run a huge Redstone signal all the way back to our base that we can eventually light up

That is so good I’m so glad we hired your friend okay Zoe and now what I’m going to do is cover this up right here and then I’m going to put that panic button down and whenever we’re ready we’re going to hit that panic button and it’ll completely destroy that whole

Toilet over there perfect their base is so going to get destroyed yeah and honestly I want a really good view of it Zoe so we should probably make a way out that we can watch it that’s a super good idea plus we don’t want to get caught in

The explosion ourselves exactly so let’s go ahead and break out little area over here and I think we’ll have like a little mine cart system that’ll take us up to the top kind of like a roller coaster yeah exactly it’s basically going to be a roller coaster it’s going

To be super super fast and super awesome wow that does sound super awesome I kind of hope that we blow up their house super early just so I can ride the roller coaster honestly I completely agree with you let me go ahead and add in these roller coaster railings and

Then I got to make it go super far and then we have to build it all the way up into the sky okay now the roller coaster is coming out and all we have to do is build it up into the air and then we

Should be good to go but just to make sure it doesn’t take any damage I’m going to make it out of Bedrock since we all know Bedrock is like the strongest block ever but we do want to view of the destruction so let’s make sure to go

Super high above our base okay this looks like the platform where we’ll watch everything at so let me make sure to add in some fences just so we don’t fall off and then I’ll add in the Redstone railing and then we should be good to go Zoe this is awesome you did a

Really good job Dax thanks Zoe you did a really good job too okay Mr TI speaker I think we built everything we can is there any other suggestions you have no this is all and my time has come I have told you guys all I can best of luck in

Your war and wait a second so wait he just completely disappeared what the heck your friend wasn’t even going to stay for the whole battle ah and Zoe it’s completely dark outside which means they must be coming any second this is not good should we go put on our armor

Yes quick come on we have to grab all our armor as fast as possible go ahead and run into your little thing and get all the armor you need and wao I look super cool in full diamond armor Zoe I bet you I’m going to look cooler in mine

You probably are and wo you do look way cooler in that netherite armor thanks de okay Zoe let’s go check out what they’re doing make sure to hop on the fan and land in the water and oh my gosh Zoe there is so many of them this is not

Good and I didn’t see any of them fall into the lava what in the world come on zo we have to fight them off we must defend our base let’s do this wait there’s a bunch of knife toilets and spider toilets oh gosh there is way too

Many this is already not looking too good for us Zoe um Dax it looks like you’re getting jumped I am getting jumped what in the world are you doing I’m trying to save you but you keep running away so fast oh my gosh please don’t help help me out this is horrible

These guys are so scary I don’t want to fight anymore I’m helping Dex come on you got to keep going okay you’re right we do need an offend our base we can beat them all up we can totally do this man you’re running really fast yeah

Because there’s so many do you see how many are chasing me yeah I guess that’s what adrenaline will do to you but I can barely keep up come on zo we can definitely take all these guys out there isn’t that many left yeah there really isn’t and they’re not really attacking

Me at all they’re just attacking you what the heck why do they always attack me this is so messed up sorry Dax come on only a few left and so I think we’re actually going to defend our house this is awesome and it’s going to be a first

Time for us come on there’s only like three more over here we can take them all out and we’re going to be the ultimate winners woohoo and we didn’t even have to use any of our other stuff in perfect zo we took them all out which means we’re the ultimate winners yeah

But Dex who is that on the top uh what are you talking about whoo whoo whoo wait is that the Gman it really looks like it this is not good he’s huge you fools you only took out the first wave and I have hundred of waves to come and

Destroy you you better be ready cuz in the next 30 seconds everyone’s coming wait zo wa did you just hear that Dex we have to go oh gosh Come on quick back up into our base I want to see what this next wave looks like and oh my goodness

Zoe look at the next wave of skiy toilets there’s so many out there this is not good should we start firing the Cannons yeah quick fire the Cannons and I’m going to let out all the Cameran come on guys you need to help us out what the heck Zoe they’re fighting us

Dex what’s going on I don’t know but come on we have to fight them all off I don’t know why they’re betraying us now Dax this is not good good they’re in our house this must be because you hit them earlier Zoe no no way come on we have to

Take them all out there’s no way we can lose these stupid cameramen Dex there’s two attacking me on the tower oh gosh this is horrible we have to win this somehow though Zoe keep fighting I’m trying but they keep attacking me and they’re not dying oh my goodness there

Are so many this is horrible I don’t know why they’re betraying us now this is not good and oh my gosh Zoe perfect we took them all out is it even worth to shoot Fireballs anymore there’s so many of them out there no I think it’s time

To light the TNT you think it’s time to light the TNT oh gosh Come on zo quick let’s get out of here let’s go down this stairs and then there’s a chest with a mine cart and go ahead and hop on it I’ll meet you at the top and then I’ll

Hit the button okay I’m going run zoy run I’m hitting the button I’ll be right behind you go go go go go we have to go as fast as possible I’m going Dax okay and our nice little roller coaster should take us to the nice viewing point

And then we can see the TNT go off and here we are the TNT should be going off any second now now and oh my gosh wa wait do you hear that yes and it seems like something’s coming from the sky yes I think the TNT should be liting off any

Second now and we’re totally going to defend our base this is going to be so crazy oh my gosh here it comes wo that was huge it’s taking out everything I think we’re going to win completely took out everything Zoe that was so cool that

Was so cool but Dax you took out our house wait our house got taken out oh my gosh our house is totally toasted man all of our hard work for nothing okay I guess we’re going to have to move houses then and perfect Zoe with that I think

Our house is basically done yep it looks super good but uh Dex what is that behind you wait what are you talking about whoa wait what in the world is that it looks like a huge toilet this is not good do you think that they’re going

To attack our house I have no idea Zoe but we have to go check it out and wa wait Zoe this looks like a bunch of different skimm toilets these guys look so scary and they look super realistic this is not good what in the world and

Wait there’s Z is here too yep what do they say it says you two have messed up at night we will turn you into toilets you have 15 minutes deck I don’t want to be turned into a toilet oh gosh that means we only have 15 minutes to defend

Our base quick so we have to get back and make some defenses well right now Zoe our house is looking a little bit weak what should we even add in to help defend it I know exactly what we need to do we need to make a wall out of dirt

Wait a wall out of dirt Zoe do you know how weak dirt is it’s not that weak it’ll help defend our house no zo all those SK toys can just break this dirt we need to use something a lot stronger Dex we’re wasting time stop breaking my

Dirt wall no we should just use Bedrock cuz it is way way better and way stronger nothing can break bedrock okay let’s use Bedrock all right go ahead and make a Bedrock wall on that side over there and I’ll make one over here and then we can race all the way around the

House to see he’s faster okay you’re so going down okay Zoe we set to put down a few more blocks and then our huge bed wall should be complete and perfect Zoe this wall actually looks pretty good I think we could be really well defended

With this thing yeah but I think we need to do some more stuff so do you have any ideas well I do have one idea maybe we can hire someone to help us make some even cooler defenses who do you want to hire maybe we could call the T woman and

Get her help that’d be awesome ooh I love the TV woman but how are we going to call her up well the way the way we’re going to hire the t is by using this super awesome phone right here waa Dax you have a phone you must be rich

Yeah let me go ahead and call her oh hey tvw are you there oh hey is this Dax yes it is Dax and tvw we really need your help right now we are under attacked by a bunch of skimy toilets oh my gosh that does not sound good yeah I can

Definitely help you for uh stack of diamonds wait are you serious you’re going to charge us to help us of course I’m going to charge you helping isn’t for free oh whatever just get down here and help us out okay I’m on my way Dax

What did the TV woman say well she say she’s going to come help us out but we have to pay her a stack of diamonds do you have any diamonds on you yep I do have some diamonds oh perfect okay you have to give it to her when she comes

Here and oh my gosh Zoe look at that the T woman actually came to help us out yes and she’s even prettier in person Hi TV woman hi Dax hi Zoe what do you want to start with uh I have no idea we literally hired you to help us what are

We going to start with we need your help Zoe I don’t know how you put up with Dax but I think first thing you guys could do is probably change the blocks that your house is made out of change the blocks that our house is made of wait

They are pretty weak blocks and if they break in they’re totally going to destroy that’s a great idea TV woman yeah I know I’m super smart so how about we go ahead and get some obsidian and get some bedrock and let’s go ahead and make these little pillars over here at a

Bedrock and then replace all these Oak plakes to be made out of obsidian that’s a great idea DX okay come on we have to do this super super fast cuz we have no idea how much time we have I know I don’t want to be turned into a toilet

And perfect this is already a lot more upgraded but we should probably also change up this door since this is just a wooded door and literally anyone can break this with like one Bunch yes I was thinking the exact same thing so how about we go ahead and get ourself a nice

Iron door and we can place it right in the front here and we can even have a little butt that opens it up wow that’s super Hightech okay so let’s put this butt in here and then you can walk inside and then on the inside we’re probably going to do like a little

Pressure plate to go back out yeah that’s a good idea so once I put that down it should be all perfect and look at that our house is all upgraded now but Dax what else should we do um maybe we should go ask the TV woman yeah we

Probably should ask the TV woman hey Miss TV what’s the next thing we should probably build for our base do you have any good ideas well every good base should have a lava moat wait a lava moat like a big pool of lava around our base that’s actually a really good idea lava

Surrounding your base will surely stop the skibbidy toilets from getting inside okay Zoe let’s go ahead and get oursel a lava bucket and then we can start breaking out all the way around our Bedrock wall in order to make like a big lava pool this is going to be awesome

Exactly with this big lava pool it’s going to be be super super difficult for any of those skiing toilets to get inside since lava is super dangerous after all okay and perfect just like that our huge lava boat is built out and man this looks way cooler than it did

Before Zoe yep it looks super deadly but uh Dax says lava MK can keep the skibby toilets out is it going to keep us out oh yeah it probably is going to keep us out huh I wonder what we can do and uh wait a second so wait did it just get

Way darker outside oh no that means the time has passed and they’re going to be coming soon okay quickway like you said we’re going to need somewh to get inside since there a bunch of lava here so why don’t we make like a little bridge that

We can get inside of perfect okay so let’s get some Oak plakes like this and then we can just build oursel a little Bridge across you know we should probably have a door in the front just to make sure those toilets can’t get in as well ooh a double door that’s going

To be awesome okay how about we get something even better and we can get like a scan ofor since sors are super super strong that sounds like such a good idea and then we are the only ones that can use the doors so what we need

To do is put one retinal skater on this side over here and that was for me and you can put one on the other side and then I’ll put an iron door here and once we look at it it’ll just open up this is like a super high-tech way in order to

Get into our base so this is going to be perfect to keep those ski toilets out this is perfect that was such a good idea Dax but we are a little bit clumsy so let me go ahead and extend this bridge out a little bit and also put

Some fences on this side just to make sure we don’t fall in okay T but our base is looking pretty good but I still feel like we need some more things in order to defend our base what’s the next thing we can probably add in yes you guys definitely need some more things

The Lava Moat won’t be enough so I think that you guys should surround your base with lasers wait lasers Zoe do you know what in the world lasers are no I’ve never used a laser before TV woman what’s a laser I just dropped the laser on the ground so you guys can start

Surrounding your house with them uh okay well I have no idea how to work this but I guess we can go ahead and figure it out Zoe let’s do it so it’s supposed to be a laser so what if I put one of these blocks on the floor and then I grab some

More blocks to stack up like this and then I connect it with another one that work and oh my gosh look it actually works wow I’ve never seen anything like this but this is probably going to get a little bit higher because our wall is

Pretty tall so what if we make this like all the way up in the air like this and then it should be pretty much better to defend our base wo this is going to look so cool when we have all the lasers surrounding our house it uh wait a

Second so it didn’t work why in the world did it not work Dax you’re terrible at building lasers what the heck do you mean okay let me just try and put another one down oh wait it worked that time maybe it was just a little bit too tall weird okay so I

Guess that’s one two three four about four blocks high as how much TW can build the lasers all right well we should probably put these all the way around our house like the TV would suggested it quick so we have to hurry let’s go and perfect zo I went ahead and

Added all the way around our base and man our base is looking so much cooler now that we have all these defenses yep it looks super good do you think that there’s anything else we need to add Zoe there is always more cool stuff we can add let’s go ahead and figure out

Something else we can throw in wait a second Zoe I have a really good idea for something else we could do what is it Dax what if we made like a big Fireball wall right about here so we can shoot a bunch of fireballs at those skiy toilets

That sounds super awesome but how do you make a fireball wall okay so what we’re going to need is some dispensers and we’re also going to use some Fireballs so let me grab those dispensers and then I’ll grab some Fireballs like this and then we just put them all in the front

Of our base and connect them with a bunch of redstone wo that sounds super cool okay I went ahead and added a bunch of fireballs inside and now I have to put the redstone on top of these and you have to leete all of these to go to One

Singular button just so we can press it and light everything up o can I press the button oh yeah sure you can test it out once I connect everything yay that’s going to be so much fun it just to make sure we can actually see everything

Whenever we light it off I’m going to replace a little bit of this Bedrock to be reinforced glass cuz I want want to see where all the fire is going to go you are so funny Dex of course you want to watch the Firefly okay now at the end

Of this Redstone thing over here I’m going to place the Panic mud and whenever you’re ready Zoe you can go ahead and flick it just to watch all the Fireballs go off okay on your mark get set go and wao that was so cool and it

Shot a bunch of fireballs at the toilets yikes that was right at them do you think they’re mad uh yeah but they’re already pretty mad cuz they’re going to attack us anyway so it doesn’t really make a difference now okay then let’s do it again oh so wait don’t shoot that

Much why not you know what do whatever you want to do again and speaking of stuff that actually do a lot of damage way I have another really good idea what is it Dax we should go outside of our Blas and place down a bunch of Mines that way whenever these skimy toilets

Step on them they’ll all get exploded that’ll be so funny they won’t even get to our base yeah but hopefully we don’t step on them or anything that would be really really bad it probably cause a lot of damage to the whole area yeah we’re both kind of clumsy okay let me

Just put this one here and that one there and I think this is pretty much good to go what do you think Zoe I think these look awesome okay well since we have this I guess we can go back and Zoe what the heck did you just do oh no Dex

I fell on a mine oh my goodness and look at this now we have a huge hole here what in the world are we even going to do I mean we could fill it with like acid or lava or water yeah I mean I guess we could fill it with a bunch of

That stuff now I wean really don’t have a choice do we nope so actually I did us a favor and perfect so I went ahead and fill this all up with lava so this looks a lot lot more protective with all those mines anyways right this really does

This is such a good idea I am so smart hey guys I actually have another good idea oh well what’s your idea TV woman I actually have a bunch of TV women friends that said that they would help fight in your battle wait they’re going to actually help us fight oh my gosh

That’s so clutch wait where are they they’re on their way they’ll be here in a few minutes oh perfect this is going to be so cool Zoe I know Dax we really got lucky with this TV woman and before they get here zo maybe we should make

Out like a little area where they can all hang out good idea Dax then we can release all of the TV woman when the skibby toilets try to attack us exactly it’s going to be the perfect idea but we should probably have a little system that brings down the wall right right

Yeah probably so how are you going to do that well what we’re going to need to do is get ourselves some pistons and we’re also going to need a bit of redstone and then we can just light it all up together to pull back okay I’ll just

Connect some Redstone to the back right here and then we can cover all this floor up and then we can test it out with a little lever let’s just go ahead and test out our little lever oh my go Zoe look at that this is perfect that

Does look perfect Dax you are so smart I don’t even know how you know how to build everything it WS away look at that all the TV water here they’re totally going to help us with this battle this is awesome how did we get some so lucky

I have no idea but you know what we should probably also build Zoe what is it Dex we should go ahead and build an armor room inside in case they actually do break through our walls ooh that’s going to be so cool can I have diamond

Armor uh yeah I guess you can have diamond armor if you want okay let’s go ahead and have a ladder going up back to our normal base like this and then in our army we can actually add in a bunch of cool stuff that’s going to help us

Out this is going to be so cool can we add snacks in there uh snacks I mean I guess if you want snacks we can add snacks woohoo okay Zoe in order to get our actual armor we’re going to make a little dispenser Cannon seriously you

Know how to make a dispenser Cannon yep all you have to do is put dispensers around a little thing like this put one dispenser on the floor and then on top of you have to put the fence and the pressure plate but we need to go ahead

And throw stuff inside and you said you wanted diamond armor right yes diamond armor it’s like my favorite okay let me go ahead and grab you a bunch of different diamond armor also grab you a diamond sword and I bet you want golden apples too right yes for a little snack

Okay let me go ahead and throw in all the armor and the last thing I’m going to throw in is going to be your shield now I’ll go ahead and put the pressure plate with the fence and then you you should be able to step in it and see how

It actually works okay here goes nothing and wo look at that Zoe now you have diamond armor on instantly do I look super cool yes you do look super cool and I’m going to go ahead and build mine on this side over here what kind of

Armor are you going to put inside let’s see what type of armor do I want to use in wo what about I use some super shiny gold armor that’s going to look so cool and perfect it looks like my side is basically built out now so this is going

To be a pretty good army room for us Zoe this is going to be awesome and we’re definitely going to fight the skibby toilets okay I really don’t know how how much time has gone past so we probably should go check outside and see how dark

It’s gotten okay let’s go and oh my goodness it is so much darker outside that means they’re going to come for us any second now that’s not good we should go ask the TV woman what last minute changes we can make to our base yeah that’s a good idea okay TV woman we’re

Already rning out of time what’s the more things we can add in really quick to help us out I think the last thing you guys need is to put a self-destruct button wait a self-destruct button wait that’s a great idea yeah we definitely need to do it but where are we going to

Put it and wait what if we just run like a big big button to go all the way under our base all the way below that toilet and then we could light off a super huge TNT that’s going to be so cool okay let’s go ahead and break down in our

Base out here and now we the Dig all the way to where that toilet is let’s just go ahead and break out all the way in this direction we have to be super super fast cuz we’re running out of time oh my gosh this is going to be insane if we

Actually have to use our self-destruct button yeah but it’ll totally be worth it to get rid of all those toilets okay let’s go ahead and check how far we are I think we might be under the toilet by now come on let’s see it wo zo look at

That we’re right underneath the toilet that is insane this is exactly where we need to put some TNT okay so how about we fill up like a huge room with a bunch of TNT and then we can light up Redstone all the way back to our house to light

It up perfect they won’t even know what hit him so let’s go ahead and grab ourselves a bit of TNT and then we can start to fill up this entire room with a bunch of TNT this is going to be awesome yeah it’s going to be a super huge

Explosion hopefully it doesn’t even go all the way to our house that would be really bad yeah that would be super duper bad I actually really like our house and was zo wait I have an even better idea on top of all of this TNT

What is it deck we should throw in one special TN and this one’s called TN 500 to completely blow up everything wao that’s going to be super crazy okay now that this room is all filled up with TNT let’s go ahead and get some Redstone and some Redstone repeaters so we can wire

It all the way back to our house okay the redstone’s wired all the way back here now all we need to do is get oursel a little panic button that will press in case everything goes crazy yeah but DX shouldn’t there be some sort of Escape Route for us oh yeah there probably

Should be some sort of Escape Route why don’t we go ahead and build something real quick what are you thinking well the first thing I think we’re going to do zo is build a yourself out a little tunnel all the way underneath our base

And this is going to take us to a little airplane strip an airplane strip I don’t want to have to fly a plane Dex well we’re going to have to F A Plan and there’s a bunch of TNT going off there’s really no other way to get out okay okay

And perfect now we’re all the way from under our base let’s go ahead and light up a bit of railing that way we can just hop on a b car and get through super super fast ooh kind of like a roller coaster oh yeah basically it is like a

Roller coaster except it’s going to be even faster than most roller coasters o that sounds so much fun let’s go ahead and get some railing like this and we’re basically just going to run a bunch of power rails because like I said I want it to be as fast as possible okay and

From here is where our little raing is going to be with the plane so let’s go ahead and get ourselves a black concrete so we can actually make a plate strip and of course every little plate thing has a bunch of these yellow blocks in the middle so let’s go ahead and add

That and then we can go ahead and add in our super cool planes let’s just go ahead and smack down one plane there and I’ll smack down one plane right here and then we should be pretty much good to take off wao these look so cool yeah

They are super cool but now we need to go back underground to our base like I said this is going to be a little Minecart thing so let me go ahead and add in a chest where we can get some Minecarts to take off and oh gosh wait

Wa it is so dark outside this is not good this that mean they’re coming soon oh no Dex look outside what the heck there are literally so many of them quick so we have to go get all our armor okay let’s go let’s go run back into the

House go down to these dispensers and get your super cool armor wait I don’t even remember what side mine’s on zo do you remember no I just know that I have diamond armor okay let me just go ahead and walk in here and see it oh perfect

Look at that I have all my gold armor and I have all my diamond armor and actually I want a few more golden apples let’s see where did I put these and oh perfect there’s all my golden apples now I can eat a bunch of these and destroy

All those toilets let’s do this okay all we have to do is run back up to the surface and then we can start fighting all them off and I probably should let out all the TV over here to help us out yes that’s a good idea Dex and then we

Just got to go through our door here and let’s go so we can take them all out we got this hey none of them are falling in the lava uh yeah none of them are falling in lava and wo these guys are super super freaky wait some of them are

Even fighting each other what the heck is going on I don’t know it doesn’t seem like they’re very eager to fight us uh it definitely is a little bit weird and wao these ones are super freaky these are like TV toilets this is pretty crazy

Why are they so tall I have no idea I don’t really like this but come on we have to take them all out come on Dax we got to attack them okay I took a up you with these and man these on with the bow and arrows are really annoying and I

Just hit one in the lava and he got taken out that’s pretty funny come on we can take them out there’s really not that many left we’re actually doing pretty good so far Zoe we are doing pretty good okay I’m taking out one in the back of the toilet and wait there’s

Still a few of them in and wo this is like a zombie one that one looked really creepy that one was pretty creepy I’m glad we killed him super quick wait there’s just a few of them in there but zo did we take all of them out are we

Like pretty much safe now yep we’re pretty much safe we got to break in so we can kill the last of them okay let’s go ahead and break into this toilet here and then we can jump the last through them and then we can go back to our

House and relax and wao wait that one just blew up what the heck serious oh no I hope that explosion doesn’t cause the TNT to go off oh that would be super super bad but hopefully he doesn’t do that oh there’s only a couple of them

Left we could do this yes and perfect Zoe we took the ball out now we can go back to our house and relax let’s do this it’s party time okay let’s just go ahead and hop back inside our base and I’ll start making us some food Zoe uh

Dax there’s somebody out there wait what do you mean there’s someone out there and wao whoo whoo wait is that the Gman yeah that is not good he looks super scary what the heck are you doing here G we can totally take you out oh you might

Have taken out the first rate of all the Skiby toils but I have hundreds of waves left wait zo wait did he just say he has hundreds of waves left no way this is not good deck I told you fools we can definitely take all of you out oh my

Gosh so there’s so many more now this is not good Dax and look they’re coming behind you we better get back to our base quick come on Hop inside I’m going to start pressing all the Fireballs right away we have to take them all out

Do it Dax come on come on we can definitely do this but oh man I really don’t know there is so many of them out there W wait they’re right in front of our base too that is not good start shooting the Fireballs wait a second

Where did our TV woman go did they get taken out while we weren’t paying attention no way they were too strong for that oh no Zoe this is not looking good and our stuff isn’t even affecting them That’s How Strong they are Dex how

Do they even get in I have no idea they just opened our door and W wait they blow up the front gate Zoe this is not good should we go back into our house oh my gosh that’s the only thing we can do right now Zoe Retreat get back inside of

Our base let’s go let’s go oh my God wait they blew up the front door so wa what the heck is happening this is not good okay so we have to find someone to get to our basement we have to get out of here and press that button come on

Dax I’m inside I’m trying my best Mother’s lot of them fighting me off let me just go ahead and Bridge myself over so they can’t attack me come on I have to be super super fast and wo I fell back down hurry Dex I’m trying there’s

Way too many though this is not looking good for me I’m just getting jumped out here okay I made it back in go all the way down the ladders come on so we have to get out of here I’m trying b dex one of them’s following you what the heck

There’s so many of them Zoe go ahead and take one of the my carts and get out of here I’ll go ahead and press the button okay I’m going okay now that you’re out of here I’m going to go ahead and press the button I’m coming right behind you

Zo I quit get out of here and get on the planes Stacks are our airplanes are gone wait our airplanes are gone are you serious yeah do you have any more oh no just back up as far as you can cuz this is about to be crazy what the heck who

Took our airplanes the T should be letting off any second now Zoe I’m actually really scared to see what this does and wa wait the ground just blew up what the heck was that and wait it just took off all my armor what in the world

Just happened do I still have my armor uh yeah you still have your armor on it oh gosh things are still blowing up Zoe back up back up oh no okay I think everything’s done blowing up maybe we should go check out the D now yes it

Looks like our house is still standing I would hope our house is standing it was made out of bedrock and stuff but wo look at everything below our house everything is just completely destroyed but wait I think that toilet got completely taken out but yeah you’re right our base is completely destroyed

Zoe a man all of our hard work done for nothing yeah this does suck a lot let me go ahead and build to the top of it and see if I can see anything but yeah hey at least the base of our base is still grounding but we should probably move

Because there’s like no ground around us anymore yeah and there’s lava everywhere and these r blocks floating so we probably definitely should move and if you guys enjoyed that video and want to watch more Dax and Zoe make sure to click one of the videos on screen bye guys

This video, titled ‘TITAN SPEAKERMAN vs The Most Secured House In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-13 15:11:42. It has garnered 934 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:53 or 10973 seconds.

TITAN SPEAKERMAN vs The Most Secured House In Minecraft!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx

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    The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!Video Information 哈喽各位大家好 我是油哥 欢迎收看史上最好的咒术回战模组 时隔几个月 咱们心心念念的咒术回战模组 也是迎来了好几次的更新 最佳的许多咒灵咒术师以及术士 并且在第 24 版本的时候 作者直接将模组移植到了刚更新的 1.2 0.1 版本 当然说了这么多 可能有一些观众完全就没有关注过 咒术回战这个模组啊 甚至连我的世界都不太了解 单纯就是动漫或者漫画版 所以我们这个系列就从零开始 逐一介绍每个角色的术师以及玩法 喜欢这期视频的观众朋友们 不要忘记点赞评论和关注 废话不多说 我们即刻开始 当我们刚进入存档的时候 系统会自动送我们一套咒术高专制服 还有一只虫 四虫可以为我们解决掉饱食度的问题 只要把它吃下去 我们的饱食度就会永远都是满的状态 那最重要的就是本术士选择书了 打开这本书 我们就可以挑选深的术士了 由于大部分角色的术士都有做出的 所以我们就根据动漫角色的出场时间 一个一个来吧 上期说的肯定是我们的主角小智 虎杖悠人选择了虎杖这个角色之后呢 我们就会获得一套虎杖的制服 穿上之后还是非常帅气的 那虎子这个角色并没有深得宿舍能使用的 只有最基础的体术招式啊 不过他的基础属性 buff 就会比其他角色 像攻击力啊 防御力这种啊 说到体术啊 现在作者已经做出来了攻击动作了 整个攻击过程咱就是说非常的丝滑 算不仅有刺旋 还有扫腿 再也不会像之前那样 每个动作都是单纯重复的 挥手显得那么突兀了 并且配合 1.20.1 的全新抖动特效 让玩家在第一人称体术打斗的时候 非常有战斗感 说白了就是让你在挨打的时候更沉浸式一点 当然除了攻击手段之外 现在的闪避效果做的也很不错啊 只需要在后退的时候按住空格键 就会触发后跟翻 翻越的距离还是挺 并且还可以连续翻五下 随后就会进入五秒的冷却时间 基础体术方面大概就这些 接下来我们来讲讲如何咒力 并且提升我们的术士等级啊 最简单的方法就是不出咒灵 获取名声 名声达到一定量就会升级 直到成为特级咒术师 猛猛干就完了 当然不排除有个别玩家想走捷径 快速提升等级啊 没关系 作者也贴心的为你们想到了进城推荐信 没错 只要使用了推荐性 便可以不费吹灰之力提升一个等级 怎么获得呢 百夜香这个生物只要击杀他就有机会掉落 但是就非常非常的低 我劝你们还是趁早死了这条心吧 补充一下 想要从一级术师升为特级 需要特级晋升推荐信号 这玩意也可以在百叶箱上获得 那当我们提升等级之后 不仅会增加我们的重力 buff 方面也会随之提高 而且还会解锁新的招式或者术士 值得一提的是… Read More

  • “INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft – must see!!” #cricket #minecraft

    "INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft - must see!!" #cricket #minecraftVideo Information eu sei que tu é galinha Então vem cá mamã vem cá mamã vem cá [Música] [Aplausos] [Música] [Aplausos] mamã Calma calma This video, titled ‘would you do this ? #cricket #minecraft#youtubesearch’, was uploaded by Cricket_with_shivansh on 2024-04-29 05:20:35. It has garnered 10098 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱Video Information we’re showing you an update on my server so this is what it looks like now I made a custom logo for it if y I think y might like it this is a big version of it I don’t know I was just going crazy with the glass got our balcony we got a helipad let’s go to the bottom and that’s where to start okay so we got my friend my one of my friends [Music] rooms um we got my room we got my other friend room you got the meet the meeting room which… Read More

  • Minecraft Live SMP – CRACKED Server 24/7! #exciting

    Minecraft Live SMP - CRACKED Server 24/7! #excitingVideo Information नहीं यो गाइस व्ट्स अप सभी लोगों का एकदम गुड वाला मॉर्निंग भाई बहुत लोग मेरे को यह बोल रहे हो भाई तुम यार मैंने बैन किया गाली देने के कारण ठीक है भाई कोई गाली दे रहा है सर्वर के अंदर मैंने बैन किया तो भाई पहली बात तो मैं यह बता देता हूं कोई भी अगर सर्वर में गाली दे रहा है तो भाई उसको बैन अगर हुआ ना बंदे का बैन का कारण मैं नहीं हूं ठीक है तुम लोग को मैं ये बता देता हूं पहले तुम लोग सोच रहे हो कि भाई मसन… Read More

  • Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventure

    Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventureVideo Information God why why do I always leave that on turn off turn off no no God why why do I always leave that on that I should change the alarm honestly maybe to like the seaside one I don’t remember the name it’s an annoying ass alarm uh did I leave the TV on man I must have must have just passed out I really got to start sleeping in my own bed uh is grandma back yet doesn’t seem like she is is she oh doesn’t look she’s back yet strange is there anything the fridge I… Read More

  • Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shorts

    Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shortsVideo Information ты точно не сможешь найти все отличия за 5 секунд если ты смог то напиши комментарий и поставь лайк This video, titled ‘Попробуй Найти Отличие На Этой Картинке 😇🙂 #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Mega Show!! on 2024-04-07 08:01:00. It has garnered 10123 views and 324 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom – ESL Birmingham ’24” #trending #esports

    "EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom - ESL Birmingham '24" #trending #esportsVideo Information why did you go for these items CU in the end that was a pretty long game 54 minute game when they played against lgd gaming and ended up with bkb satanic silver Edge disperser blink so wanted to utilize you know disperser was his pretty much way to move around the fights cuz later you don’t have enough slots but want to see what he’s going to be doing nowadays cuz disperser is not that popular item so want to see how he’s going to approach I assume you still want to be able to deal some… Read More

  • Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore Minecraft

    Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information stream isn’t available [ __ ] the [ __ ] you mean no it huh I’m going to I’m going to refresh the screen uh hello now you can see what I can see oh let me add my yeah let me add this [ __ ] hell yeah now you can see my heart rate on here too super super good [ __ ] all right uh looks like I’m live uh let’s see anything live chat uh okay so I could do one of two things here I could use U as a music playlist or… Read More

  • FrinkaMC – ATM9 Survival – Modded SMP ATM9 Custom

    Join our ATM9 Minecraft server! Experience the excitement of our All The Mods 9 custom modpack with mods spanning magic, tech, exploration, building, and more. There’s always something to do! Benefits include: Strong server hardware 15K world border (expansion possible) Interactive world map MC2Discord integration Community-built spawn area We prioritize player experience with constant monitoring and maintenance to keep lag at bay. Join us and be part of our passionate community! Server Details: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥They may not be the best speller, but at least they have a score of 4 in meme crafting! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1 In the world of Minecraft, beta 1,7,3, Our player’s adventures, for all to see. Building a house, in the snowy terrain, Facing the darkness, with torches to gain. Obs was acting up, recording was tough, But our player persevered, with spirits high enough. Gathering wood, making tools in a rush, Surviving the night, in a bunker they must. Creatures lurking, in the shadows deep, But our player’s resolve, they will keep. Exploding creepers, and foggy nights, Yet they continue, with all their might. The sun rises, a new day begins, Our player’s journey, never dims. With each challenge faced,… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes! Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the party? Because they heard it was going to be a “digging” good time! #minecraftmemes #partytime #shovelready Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video that challenged viewers to find the difference in a Minecraft scene. It got us thinking – what if you could experience a similar thrill in a dynamic and ever-changing Minecraft server? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community and constantly evolving gameplay, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine exploring a world where surprises await around every corner, where your skills and creativity are put to the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Starter Wood House

    EPIC Minecraft Starter Wood House Minecraft: A Beginner-Friendly Large Wooden House Introduction In this Minecraft tutorial, the player showcases the construction of a simple yet spacious survival building. The exterior features a farm, pasture, and stable, while the interior includes a kitchen, bedroom, and living room. Key Features – **Materials:** Oak logs, oak wood, white glass, spruce doors, and trapdoors are used for the foundation and structure. – **Aesthetics:** The build is enhanced with Complementary Shaders for lighting effects and the Faithful×32 texture pack for visual appeal. Construction Process 1. **Foundation:** The base is laid out using oak logs and filled with dirt for… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Storage Hack – Hermitcraft S10E10

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  • Proving Scary Minecraft Lies Wrong

    Proving Scary Minecraft Lies WrongVideo Information these are the scariest Minecraft lies you should never test starting with a seed sent in by Joey the Brit on Discord who says I know this sounds crazy but a villager on the seed is seriously messed up just look at this screenshot oh actually I thought it was going to be a video we only have a screenshot okay we have a regular looking Village here we got the Golems this m oh wait a second oh when you see it you see it look at this wait what is this tell me you guys are… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Parkour Challenge! 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Parkour Challenge! 🚀Video Information मैं बात कोई शानी लिख दू के तेरे पे कहानी लिख दू के मैं खुद ने राजा लिखना चाहूं तने मेरी रानी लिख दू के सिर पे हार मैं लपका किसी का सहना नहीं तबका ये चुड़सी देख के रना क जा फूक देवा सबका दे ले मैं तेरा हो गया तू भी मेरी होएगी के तेरे आखा तू रोटी मेरी पोगी के अरे मेरे जसा डिटो तने और को नहीं पावे छोरा कोका है य कोके नन खोगी के बताओ This video, titled ‘Minecraft ✨ Impossible🔥 Parkour By @AnantPlayYT’, was uploaded by AnantPlaysYT on 2024-05-08 18:00:06. It… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: DJ vs. Monkey in Epic Build Battle

    Ultimate Showdown: DJ vs. Monkey in Epic Build BattleVideo Information hey what is this colorful thing lying on the ground wait a minute is this a drawing of Spider-Man but why would anyone leave this drawing here it’s very strange oh Mikey’s coming here too hey Mikey hello JJ I see you’ve already noticed this Spider-Man drawing I’ll take this may I ask why you need this picture it is very interesting to me I’m preparing something JJ I’m almost done and I wanted to call you but since you’re here then follow me and I’ll show you everything okay okay let’s follow Mikey and see what he’s… Read More


    ULTIMATE 24/7 MINECRAFT SMP SERVER ft. BILTU | JOIN NOW!Video Information बात करते हैं सारा गड़बड़ हो गया भैया बहुत मुश्किल से इतना अच्छा बना रहा थाम हो रहा था खास त आ ग बू भाई तुम आ गए कौन मार रहा है कोई नहीं मार रहा ुड लगा दिया तूने हा थोड़ी बत [संगीत] लगा फूड दे दो फूड फूड चाहिए ले तीन लेयर का रखना ठीक है चल जा ऊपर से वो लेजर लाना पड़ेगा ठीक दो विलेजर लाकर उसको ब्रीडिंग करा ले अब पता है नोटिफिकेशन नहीं जाएगा ऊपर जाने के लिए करना पड़ेगा इसम आपको एक रोल और देना चाहिए क्या यबर काम है ना… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge with Steffi!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge with Steffi!Video Information [Musik] Dream under the moon remember more Shadow inra dark Wh you can’t lose you can lose with fire in your [Musik] stand to the sun and R you can [Musik] letross [Musik] [Applaus] [Musik] [Applaus] [Musik] again from where [Musik] you there [Musik] [Musik] you through the sun and you [Musik] can [Applaus] [Musik] let [Musik] jo Leute seid ihr am Start alles gut bei euch habt ihr Bock auf einen wahnsinnig wundertollen Stream ja ich glaube schon oh falsche Szene moin Leute freut mich dass ihr mit dabei seid und moin Steffi ja hallo kann man… Read More

  • Insane Upgrades at Mob Museum + Epic Wither Skull Hunt! 😱

    Insane Upgrades at Mob Museum + Epic Wither Skull Hunt! 😱Video Information [Music] la n n [Music] it’s so all under control welcome welcome welcome everybody back to the channel and uh welcome back to a brand new stream where I am not late everybody don’t ever say that cuz I’m not the music’s working the camera’s working and bad’s audio is working hello there we go it’s definitely working awesome yeah welcome everybody to a very out of breath Chazzy boy stream there’s a lot of you here and I uh I already don’t have any breath in me Vindicator welcome back Rosa welcome back BG potato welcome back… Read More