Insane Build: Freddy Fazbear in Superflat!

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Um another another day another live stream a um this is it appears for uh it’s another live stream I guess wa um but yeah uh welcome to the creeper live stream um I I guess I just self-promote there I don’t think any of the people even in

The Discord server are online let alone would watch creep gooper build Freddy Fazbear for a third time but I mean so far the streams have done progressively better I also stream for like 12 times longer but um yeah sounds like a great time in my opinion man I I don’t know

I’m just trying here at this point I don’t even know what I’m doing really um yeah uh we finished layer 16 we did do that that’s good uh but layer 17 is going to be it’s going to be very interesting not really honestly it’s a pretty boring layer now I’m looking at

It I mean all all the ones lately have been relatively boring as as all if layers are considered you know um oh my God soone blue I hate I hate y’all um stupid I don’t I also don’t like this I’m going to get rid of all this

Eventually probably the among us to even though I love it I like it it’s just too much right now where did that b even come from what um but yes uh at some point I I can’t wait for the streams where I’m just working on the interior you know that’ll be

Fun but for now we have to work on this so it’s just a normal two and then one two three yeah we’re still expanding outwards but eventually will’ll collapse in on itself kind of near the top but then we’ll have to work on the head which is not which I am not looking

Forward to at all to be honest what oh no yeah we’re fine um one two three then one two three and that should be fine I think it’s actually going to look decent um from here on out it’s G it’s going to look better progressively should I

Honestly maybe just work on the stomach for a while like it’s something to think about that’s always something that I could do you know like do I need to no but like I mean I I could do that I could just work on the stomach for now then

Work on you know like progressively change up you know what I’m working on but I’m not I’m not going to do that right now mostly because with how I’m currently doing it 3D printer style it would be stupid kind of um no yeah let’s just let’s just work on

The actual thing okay so we go three one one two three one two three um one two three one two one one one two one two this is weird I don’t know when I what when this happened but I I’m going to assume that was supposed to be

There one two three four five six seven eight okay yeah we it is collapsing on itself now uh a bit in in like the back area at least which is in oh and the legs I yeah that should be expected oh hi Dad I kind of forgot that you existed for a while

Since Chon P kind of kicked the bucket and then it formally did hello welcome welcome to the stream um currently in the super flat world right now you know that’s not supposed to then we just do one this actually a relatively simple build you

Know we just got to oh wait no there we go see now I get it now I understand kind of not really LOL wait what I say so I like just woke up like like 20 minutes ago which is a while but you know it literally just took a very

Short shower and that’s literally it so um we do three there we do four or five one two three four five one two three bit confused on what’s going on oh yeah because now we’re kind of like leading out of the legs and going into like actual body body of Freddy which

Isn’t decreasing in size as it becomes more circular it would be increasing in size or just not doing anything I think um trying to understand what I’m building right now but it’s very difficult um I’m confused a bit right now but yeah it should not be going out this

Much or should it yeah no no it’s fine it’s fine I think I think I got that wrong though which is a bit interesting um okay then it goes one two three four five six and it just kind of goes there one two two great I know incredible incredibly engaging content three four

Five six wow guys look at this it’s it’s so engaging oh my God the the mini CCC is going to love this one um and then we just kind of got go like that two I guess we’re more curving in the oh yeah wait where’re yeah that like barely exists

Anymore there was more of a hard Arch earlier yeah I wa let me build on from that instead of doing this because I feel like I made a mistake at some point right now um yeah I did it at some point I’m I’m sure of it because this just feels wrong

Right now I think we yeah we do that one two three four five basically that should be there for sure but I don’t know um we go like that and then we have that and then we go like one two and we go like one two three and I don’t know how this

Happened yeah this this is bad I I don’t know what happened here but it’s not looking great let me go back to where it kind of works more yeah like over here um actually should meet up if this was it all correct I don’t know a lot of

This is is just jibber jabber I’m going to be honest um okay and then we go one two three four five six uh yeah that’s fine um go like that okay I think I know what what’s going on right now maybe probably not um God I don’t know what’s happening at

All right now go one two we go one two again yes then we go one then we go one two now we’re completely in line for where we need to be basically yeah there we go okay fixed it fix it okay have uh and then I think I’m gonna

Then do it on the other side and then connect it with just that and then I should that should be able to maximize the amount of successes and minimize failures and just make everything all good again 16 does that and then 17 I keep that then I go up by two as

Well over by three in this direction up by four which is interesting uh up by two up by two going wait I this doesn’t make sense wait a second huh it goes up by a lot yeah that that goes up by a noticeable amount it’s so weird oh wait wait I could let

Me go up here and just on each end I add add one or two add two to each end okay um nope I that did not work um two is it really gonna do that I I don’t know but seems like it might interesting interesting that’s

That’s all I have to say about that um yeah there’s uh three or it goes down by one yeah so in so in like the like very back of Freddy it’s still like yeah there still still getting larger what is this what is how that’s so close I don’t even

Know how it failed there um I don’t even know what happens how is this humanly possible I’m just gonna there we go I don’t care that much about it this side this is where we’re gonna succeed no failures no no nothing okay am I am I sure that’s two it might be

One or less that was two that was two that expanded by um then we go two over here two over here two over here one one one and then another one my goal is to at least at least get to um four I guess no um 20

Like I like I was thinking okay so it takes like two hours to get um oh yeah by the way my skin appears to be a certain someone but that’s that’s okay um but yeah two how is look at that first for the first time ever this actually lines up de wait is

That oh no it doesn’t finish it um I’m fine with sleeping right now I think it’ll help my being able to see anyway time to continue working on Freddy or okay most of this actually stays the same like I yeah like most of this stays the

Same like um this three block over here stays the same uh this uh this turns into a two block but yeah all this all this ISS the exact same for this layer I guess I hypothetically could and like that would be slightly faster but that was if I was like I don’t

Know I don’t even know what the hypothetically fastest way of doing this would be anyway um yeah that turns into three one two three but in exchange instead of having a six here we have one two three four five okay sure one two three one two

Three one two and it goes back in place wow one one two one two one two three four five six and then perfect and that’s another layer done maybe possibly honestly relatively easy layer the layers are getting easier but that’s because we haven’t had to deal with the

The real challenge being his actual head we’ve only been dealing with stupid body oh yeah wait no it’s not done yet got to finish this which is relatively easy and uh what one oh wait why was I like that whatever um yeah that is okay I I was confused

For a while there I was like oh God what did I do wrong but nothing it turns out I might bu the whole stomach I really want to right now um 18 we expand it both sides by one block one I even know why I said I said one there

Um but also yeah okay get two there and then three on this side somehow I guess we then take that spot where like there was like something going on but now there’s not really much going on it’s a bit of a confusing mess right now no no actually this works yeah this

Works okay um you know I’m going to continue going up 19 19 it stays the exact same which is honestly nice in fact most of this level stays the exact same 20 20 expends another block out but the whole thing kind of does in a way one two which is

Interesting oh and then it goes back to like that state that’s interesting two one two three four two oh no it’s five whatever one two three four five one two three I mean this is just this is just a relatively easy part to build on its own

So I’m just taking advantage of that 21 22 so there we go from two to six can’t enjoy building this um one two one two one two one two three four one two three four but then in exchange we have a one over there but then on this side we have

Two which makes sense with the current you know little thing that’s going on we’re okay we’re currently transitioning wa actually I gotta I got to look at what oh no building the arms oh God that’s GNA be so bad actually probably not GNA be terrible but like once we’re done with

The legs that’s when we’re going to have to build the arms that’s G be so bad um but we’re going from 22 to 23 only on one side it goes by one what interesting that’s that side honestly considering it’s currently uneven then three then it actually goes into two it’s

Interesting then it goes from one two three four one two three we’re going get a bit of a t-shape right now now kind not really more of a triangle but why did yeah why did I say a t-shir but I don’t know what I was

Going with I was going for I don’t know what I was saying um okay I could see that that actually looks pretty good actually looks way better than I expected it to man I can’t wait for for me saying so for the first time ever I actually felt

Good about blah blah blah yep y y y you know as as I do as I yap yap yap yap in my videos I tend to um okay creepy will burn the past stop yapping so dumb um one two three four and then we do a one two three for whatever

Reason yeah okay um interesting I don’t know if this this is just because the I don’t want the entirety of like the Torso to just be this color but I don’t think it will be because the arms exist although a lot of it is a lot of it is this

Like okay so we’re on to level 24 and then 25 I think is where we’re going to end that goes to two two one two three four all right we actually ran out of wood what that was unexpected I thought I felt like we had like a pretty good

Amount of wood and and I didn’t think we really need that much but I guess this just gives us more time to see from the bottom yes this is what I wanted it to look like although it’s a lot bigger than I honestly wanted but other than that pretty much exactly

What I want it’s so stupidly large that’s literally like literally in the video like before I actually started like doing anything I even said guys I’m doing this most because because I want a smaller base you know a cozy nice little just relatively small base but still

Large enough to No it’s it’s it’s a big base I could fit a lot of things in here which is good it’s also easy to rify it’s not iine the room is going to be pretty circular in nature or maybe half circles that could be cool I don’t I don’t

Usually build semicircle rooms but that could be fun o you know K I don’t know why K would be involved but this this basically the same basically yeah uh yeah it’s l the exact same oh and then that’s where the arms begin I’m not ready for that right now

Um yeah okay so we’re done at uh level 25 five then what L are we on again um 17 just finished 16 17 18 run run ler 18 we’re on L 18 it’s fine honestly most of this just stays the same well that’s how most of it goes but you

Know there he is okay and sleepy time I’m just like sleepy wus for real on Gog five night is this where you wna be literally two words have been said in chat this entire stream this is going to be a great a great stream definitely wait that’s actually kind of

Interesting it goes one two oh so okay so it switches basically that’s interesting two three four I don’t know we’re g to make up that oh right there okay never mind you can’t have anything interesting I guess two two two like no matter what we do it just

Ends up with us being basically in the same place oh wait that’s something one two three counting with creeper again four five chat this is incredible I’m so happy um one two three okay I don’t know what happened here this yeah know I’m pretty sure that something happened this was not meant to

Be like this so one one two three two three four and then it went one that went oh wait one two three four one two three four it goes one and I got and then I got confused at some point we supposed to go two again to

Even it out and then we do the thing okay thank God because I was kind of getting tired of placing it like these well I mean not I already did but I checked earlier um that makes a lot more sense like yeah it even did the same thing one two three

Would you imagine we’re back in the same thing we were earlier one two one two three four except this this is actually a bit interesting because we go like that then we go like that which is not how I expected to do that at all that actually seems like it would wait

Huh I gotta gota look at what happens over here one two three four five one two three four five five then one two three four I don’t know where how I counted wrong there but I did at some point that’s okay one two three one two one two

One and of course got got mixed up in the I’m confused at how that happened but it worked out so I’m not gonna just not gonna care um then over here is where it really gets like something um two three one two one two one two

Three one two three one two three there three threes one two one two three one two three three four five two just three more one twos one two one two is that the real creeper go oh my God is that the real Lamb’s way time is it for you right

Now Lambs you got to go to wait actually it’s a pretty normal time actually never mind good for you L’s life why is Big G not but yeah what I for whatever um forgot that Big G’s sleep schedule is just really bad hi Lamb’s life oh my God I know you um one

Two three four how is you doing I’m doing doing well how are you doing Mr Lamb’s life I’m actually a bit confused on what happened here but it’s actually kind of working out so I’m just I don’t even know I want a question or not or like

What I want what the course of action is I don’t I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now Everything feels wrong okay we back we back um I’m currently trying to figure out what’s going on here I think that’s fine yeah that’s fine

Um one two three oh great now no okay open and one okay never mind we’re returning to the formula um just doing the same thing but like backwards and like flipped and all all goofy like um I don’t think it’s any different one two three four five six seven eight oh

It is that’s interesting but then we do that it’s oh no we do that then wa what that just trying to connect this man four three two one one okay I I’m just I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t even know what this is I’m gonna be

Honest um it’s definitely something uh but that’s that’s level 18 done 19 uh 210 voxal actually increasing the voxal count for the first time in a while but um I think I’m actually going to start off with like this little place there we go okay one two three one two one two one

One two three truly an exhilarating activity I wonder why people don’t do this more okay I do this I think then you do one one two I don’t know why it’s going out now um I guess I’ll use this corner the corners are always pretty solid okay the corner actually gets more

Solid it was like pretty flumsy there but makes a lot more sense now um I guess there a general Corner then that becomes like an actual corner I think that’s that’s how it goes yeah that’s how it goes um and then one two three four five three four then we

Go I don’t know how that happen but I’m I don’t care enough to question it I want to go sleepy time good night I think we’re doing it faster this stream I think I feel I feel faster I feel faster for once um one two three

Four then we go up to two and then we go up to three we go up to two then we go I don’t even what huh do we really end up going up that much oh wow we do that’s crazy 12 um one two three four one two three four wow that’s that’s

Something wow um one two three four I don’t know how that happened what it’s whenever you get like these lines of just like I don’t know all these diagonals they’re killing me um this corner I’m going to use to stabilize myself um I can assume that that’s what

The corner is going to be but I got to yeah the corner is kind of obvious sh from three there to three there one two three one two three four five three four five wow I try to act excited right now but like there’s not much to be excited about right

Now I don’t even know what that was um did we do one two and one two I don’t know why why it’s like that but it is oh my God and then it huh how does it even happen like that that’s just not adding up one two three four there we go we’re

Doing so much so many things wow we’re doing so much stuff and it’s things are happening technically um then we do one two three we do another one two three another one two three interestingly they we do a one two then we do it one two three and then we go back to

Normal one two three four five six seven eight okay I’m I can’t wait to run out after dir because run after is basically only good thing right now um because it means I’ve done more yippe um but I still have a lot more more to do on this stupid project one two

Three one two ow wait one two three four there we go look it’s a thing wow one two Three one two one two three one two one two Three one two three four five six seven that’s so cool the fact that this is just slowly like the sphere is sphering in currently we’re on level on layer 20 that’s like prob like 18% or something I don’t know I’m not going to math um it’s at least like 1% I don’t

Know God this sucks okay three two one one I don’t I don’t trust this that much there’s no mistakes so I I’m at to trust it yeah and then okay and then we go back on track it appears um yeah three one two three four one two three four five six seven

Eight one two three one two one two one two or not I me gu one two uh one two one oh God I lost my place a I let me just go to the corner and just do that um is the corner the exact same that

Would be nice if the corner was the exact same it it is basically the exact same oh my God that’s so great I love that it’s weird but no actually actually that’s not terrible two one two two three I don’t I don’t know where the issue went but I don’t

Know one two three four five six seven eight no wait what whatever there we go are you build are you building the pizza Plex no I’m building the Freddy Fazbear plush and that’s the only thing that I’m building um and inside I’m is going to be my

House because you know because I was like well I don’t really have a house and I was like well I mean this is going to be relatively small so I could probably use it as a nice cozy house but no it’s it’s um actually one of thear larger projects actually no it’s

Probably one of the like mid tier size I’d say like of course the world’s largest Among Us is the largest than the dirt rooms this is probably third then yeah third fourth Romanian Church oh it’s going to be yeah it’s this is only like a bit of the body it’s not even the

The head yet which is going to be even larger and I’m not looking forward to building it’s it’s going to be something the Cobra FR accused me of um using creative in this world so that’s mostly why I’m streaming I’m gon to be honest I mean also because it’s kind of boring um

The process of course not how um anyway moving on three two don’t I I don’t know gave up by counting a while ago one two three four one two three the survival as well she yes complet survival yeah um one two three that actually ended up working pretty well wow

Um and then the next Slayer yeah okay the next slayer’s over there but yes this is all survival um but yeah it’s it’s gonna be it’s going to go great I love surel super flat kind of it’s It’s a Love he relationship mostly um one two three love counting the creeper Gober counting

Streams are incredible um why is I oh God time to sleep I’m in peaceful right now that’s mostly because like a lot of this got exploded when I other people join my world because I was like oh Big G I need some company and then instantly an explosion happened I was like okay

I’m I’m putting in peaceful I’m not dealing with this oh wow this Parts exactly the same like most of this is It’s how most of these are it’s just you’re mostly placing the same blocks but sometimes you’re not and then and that trips you up and it’s like oh I I don’t like

This but oh well like you can do anything about it that’s how I feel about most things honestly I I don’t know um TR over here my mental state hoping that this just makes sense suddenly it kind of does yeah okay I’ll this this works enough yeah okay this is

Fine although luckily I’ve been able to get quite a few layers done relatively quickly I’d say like the first stream I was I like barely got anything done this stream has been a lot better like substantially better I’d say um two three four there there there I’m hoping to just get more layers

In total done because I got 10 layers in last stream so I’m hoping to hopefully get 11 layers done this stream or more ideally but I don’t know this is a tough thing to just sit through doing it for hours and hours but that’s most of my

Life and most of my YouTube content is usually just sitting through doing a certain activity for long periods of time over and over again like it’s really the world’s larest Among Us that’s really watching all of Stampy’s lovely world it’s really um like all

That what time is it right now oh no I have time I have time I have time um I would have got this wrong so oh oh oh yeah I definitely have gotten this wrong a lot there’s there’s no doubt about it that I’ve made a lot of mistakes during this but

Like some of them probably have had a lot of consequences on the like Integrity of this build honestly but I hat to say but I don’t care see for um like I think it’s the inside’s actually going to be a lot smaller though when I like because I

Don’t think the walls are really going to be like this especially I’m going to need to either break a bunch of Blocks place a bunch of blocks or just something to even these out because of how many mistakes I’ve made like you could you could see like that wall that

Wall over there so weird looking right now as it is but oh well oh wall um I let me let me check yeah I’ve definitely gotten it wrong I think I’m I think I’ve mostly gone past actually even trying to make it perfect because for a while I was like okay I’m

Going to make this perfect no I’m just hoping that it looks like what I want it to now I freestyle a bit I suppose it’s a plush so it not going to be perfect it going to be not perfect yes yeah I guess that’s how we’re going to get away with it then

Yeah I mean I mean by the way if you think that I’m just doing this like freehand now I’m I am not at all I mean I didn’t think that you thought that but look i h yeah um one two three four then it’s raining welcome to I don’t know England

Or just the entirety of Great Brain I imagine except for like I don’t know whatever it wasn’t going to be funny anyway um uh um see this see this is a situation I’m in so often is where I’m like what but there’s two lines and they’re both intersecting but this isn’t how it’s

Supposed to be but it’s like should I just do that are you gonna put put the color outside or replace dirt block um neither because here’s the thing right is um I’m placing the colors because I like dirt is probably the only block that really works for Freddy like except for M even

That mud doesn’t look any better none of the wood types really fit it is well uh brown wool is a bit too dark in my opinion for this it’s like no I’m just placing them normally um but if I was I probably would be replacing the blocks and I probably will

Have to replace some just because I like kind of zone out or something whatever um I’m I’m gonna be honest I do not feel like actually looking at whatever this is supposed to be I’m just going to assume you know it’s Pro it’s I’m probably gonna end up doing something like

This wa know actually this is a very key part of the build never mind I have to get this perfect wait that’s so interesting oh so that’s what it does it doesn’t terra cotta um Lamb’s life Lambs Lambs lambs the only way I could get terra cotta

Is um Lambs terra cotta like is the one single block that would be better but I’m in a super flat and getting large amounts of Terra Cotta is either impossible or basically impossible um because like the only way that I think there is to get terra cotta

Is by trading with one kind of villager that I can’t get so I need to uh get a so I need to do the thing get a golden apple get a witch to throw a potion on a zombie villager just hope that that villager is a Mason and then

It might and then it might give me that one type of terracotta but if it doesn’t then I then I don’t and it’s and you could only get like probably like eight per trade and you can’t reset the trade and get it again because there’s

No table for it so getting any amount of terra cotta would be either impossible I either impossible or basically impossible so it so Lamb’s life right I love you but no but but doing that like um I also don’t even have enough golden apples for that and I

Don’t know if there would be enough gold in this world to do all this so I’m keeping it dirt even though I kind of hate that I I’ve committed too much to the project to give it up already because I’m like oh I don’t want to use dirt again but I

Feel not worth a headache yeah not at all worth it not worth the headache not worth the effort if I even want to think about it like there’s a lot of blocks that have to rule out for big projects like this like I could use mud for something

Like that but even mud is so annoying to get um like uh wool is so annoying to get I don’t even know how I got that much yellow wool I’m going to be honest I forget it wool is so annoying to get dyed glass glass and glass is actually relatively

Easy because of trading but like there’s a very limited set of blocks that I could use it’s like it’s really like wood dirt Moss well basic got types of wood be I have them um yeah dirt dirt Works Dirt Works dirt works I’m I’m fine with using dirt I’ve never been opposed

To using dirt before um to solve any problem because dirt solves basically all problems in my world um but yeah while I while I would love to use something like terra cotta I don’t have the ability nor the want to do that um see like I feel like it kind of

Sounds like I’m annoyed by that but no I think the limitations is what I like about super flat and you know challenges like this is um when you’re building you know you’re very limited dirt wood Stone basically all I build with yeah but I don’t even have

Stone you know I would kill for even a single Cobble actually no well I’d kill for like even a single lava I’d kill for right now in this world like oh my God I could get cobblestone and with Cobblestone I could get like everything I could get stone I could get Pistons

Obser well not observers no I could build the crafter I don’t know I could I probably I don’t even know um I don’t know what the crafter’s recipe is but like oh my God like not having Stone in this world really is just the sing oh wait the

Guy what do you have in store literally nothing useful I I’ve had dark oak in my world for literally the longest gray isn’t even a good color that would be the only thing that I would buy if I had it on me oh wait actually calp is decent

But I’m not buying CP I have no use for it I could smelt it oh damn it’s a stream limited yeah it’s a very um very limited mode um like even the amount of work you you have to do even just to get water in this game mode is insane

Uh at least to me when I did it first time about this is even my first attempt I’ve done I’ve done so many attempts at this challenge I’ve just given up because of how difficult it is to get any resources and even now that I’ve basically maxed out like everything that

You could really get in the mode like like my blocks are still pretty limited but I guess it’s changed the way that I think about Minecraft as a game in a way um like I think I think I think of it more how long have

You been doing this for um this world I think I’ve I’ve been on it for almost a year at least it’s been like 11 months or so since I uploaded my first YouTube short about it probably the anniversary has to be soon because I know I started daily

YouTube shorting in December which was probably a massive mistake but oh well could be worse um not really it’s not it’s not really much worse you could do for your channel than daily uploading YouTube shorts for like two months um so hug and well done I mean I I I like the

World I think I think the only issue the only thing that I like don’t like about it is that it kind of lacks a theme I would have given up a ages ago yeah I don’t know I’ve always wanted a long long term world but I think the issue is

That I think you either get really into or at least from my experience I either on every like SMP or survival world I either just instantly go for netherite and just only care about progress or just only make builds and whatnot but I think the good thing about Superflat is that it naturally

Encourages you to do both because the tech trees take so long to actually go down right um that it encourages you to build in your spare time because you have a lot of spare time between you know lightning strikes or between you know waiting for iron or copper or gold or whatever

Whatever it is right like you have just a lot of time to you know just chill which you know naturally I think leads to more building happening than in your you know normal survival world if you’re like purely going for progress I don’t know I want I want to start a super FL

SMP um I wanted to it failed because I trusted wful for some reason because I was like well I don’t want to buy a realm I’ll ask wful but then people instantly griefed Wall’s house then it just ended and I was like oh w w so yeah yeah I got to I

Get that yeah I mean honestly I think legitimately the ideal like like like I I think if you make a good super FL SMP it could be really really engaging but I feel you have to have a bunch of people who are actually interested in like you know building on the side and

Whatnot and interested in you know pursuing that personally myself I only ever go up to the iron part a few times because I enjoy building more yeah I I mean here’s the thing about super FL is that really that’s kind of the most

You can go up to for most of the game I mean sure I have Diamond now but like it takes so ridiculously long to get that and if I was s a super FL I probably wouldn’t even go for Diamond I’m going to be honest I guess the issue with s smps for

Me is that I enjoy my single player world so much and whenever I build something in an SMP I’m like oh well I kind of wish that I spent that time on my single player world like I guess the only time I didn’t feel that was was during honeycomb because

During that I was kind of taking a break and I was like well I might not even return to super flat so I guess I could go all out I don’t know I’m I’m not good at committing to like multiple multiple Worlds at once I get a couple of builders on super

Flat bet you would see some cool stuff oh yeah definitely I just don’t really have like many builders in my DMs I guess or many people in general people do not DM me that often um see I don’t even know what like who I would get for an

SMP I mean like probably I just invite like whoever in cm plus I’d be like heym plus interested and then i’ I don’t know because like I wouldn’t I don’t know I’d definitely try to be like very involved in the I mean I think I’d be definitely

Very involved like if I’m I feel like I’m involved enough in other smps that I could be like yeah probably I imagine yeah honeycomb was first SMP I I was so I didn’t understand what was going on but chill I did a lot more on I saw you

Online all the time on honeycomb I don’t know what I have no clue what you did ever but but I always saw you online and I was like wow there’s actually a hi YouTuber who lost on and then I checked her Channel and I instantly just saw GTA

5 and I was like oh this isn’t a hive YouTuber that makes sense which not another thing I kind of doesn’t but that’s okay but honeycomb being your first SMP is is wild um honeycom was kind of my first non uh like not kzin or like CM plus SMP

Like we’ve had a lot of SMP in the like kind of CM plus sphere um but honeycom was my first like act like real SMP I would say that had like other people who actually cared who weren’t like my best friends or whatever wow but like I don’t know even though my

Experience on honeycom probably wasn’t wasn’t the best experience to be to be completely honest like I I appreciate the S&P it was a good s SMP rixel ran it objectively relatively like pretty well I like I I think it was ran relatively well I think it was fun for the most

Part I I would join season 4 if I get invited which which I I know I won’t but but if I was to get invited i’ I’d definitely join I a lot of fun on my like two weeks there I got smuggled onto honeycomb wait who smuggled

You didn’t really see any I didn’t really see anyone was problem oh were you were you a bit of a loner yeah know I think the issue on honeycom was that I I really got I kind of just got put into um fenia which I don’t know I I don’t know if I

Would have liked being more alone or like what my like what my ideal scenario would have been but I guess I wish I just met more people because I don’t know I met a few people though it was it was fun you know um let me see how this

Is curving in kind of like the legs are almost kind of done not really done in any real way but stuff is happening definitely two three one two one two three I’m pretty sure I’m this is intentional and it’s supposed to be like this yeah oh my God I actually

Got something correct for once this is truly a milestone in creeper gber history I think by the time I joined a lot of the story had died down oh yeah definitely I by the time I saw you active I was part of Mexico yeah that makes sense I don’t

Think actually I think a few people from Mexico were like a bit active but yeah but I I kind of wish that I teamed up with like um maybe Mexico or something like that or I guess maybe go get Empire because that would realistically make more sense for me

But I I just want to meet to meet more people honestly because there were a lot of cool people on the S SMP and that was kind of my only chance to be like you know what I kind of want to be be like somewhat a part of the

Hive Community but then after that no interests never again I’m still although I still of course want to be in honeycomb but that’s more of a joke than anything I’m going to be honest because I do not think that’s happening one two three four I very interesting interesting build four one two three

Four I need more dirt I think I kidnapped someone at some point on the S SMP I don’t know but yeah realistic I was more part of Gog Empire even though I was like a part of aena completely I I don’t know I talked more with the go

Empire people I feel like like well actually kind of want the C Fang but other than that yeah I don’t know yeah I don’t really know what I am I play hi a fair bit but I also do other stuff and I’m just not stuck on one

Thing yeah I I can kind I can kind of tell you kind of just do whatever and I mean honestly more power to you I respect that FNAF movie review who asked episode 14 but yeah yeah know D I I know I I haven’t watched your many of your

Videos mostly because I I just don’t really watch live content or oh no no God where did it all go okay guess I have to go to to to the sleepy wus I fig what C W says is it really just like oh okay oh never mind stupid um yeah

Yeah I don’t even know what happened to Honeycomb after I left honest well not after I got banned multiple times I I just kind of assumed that it died but is it like technically over did the finale ever actually happen or because I heard that there was like a

Finale of some sort of some kind but I I wouldn’t know you know I don’t even know if you would be involved in that I regret not bringing a horse with me every time I go over here I’m regretting it actually no there there’s a nice Trail that’s nice is it place doesn’t

Even is that 300 300 I think finale of what of honeycomb like the end like did they ever I thought there was like one last event I saw um they where I saw it post on like honeycom Twitter of there like being like a hole or

Something there was G to be like a final event yeah yeah yeah I know that I know I know that was planned at least because I asked rixel if I could be unbanned for that and then rixel stopped talking to me and also didn’t rap in ga’s

Plan which is very sad I want to get Rexel for rap Gog though I’m hoping that yeah I got griefed and stuff oh oh that’s yeah kind of sums up a lot of the I guess oh wait there’s wait there’s a horse here yeah I could just take this

Horse back oh my God guys I knew this would happen it was all oh never mind there’s no saddle becauseas I put on a donkey and the donkey oh my God never mind it’s over never mind it’s and I don’t happen to have a saddle

On me because why would I what would I need a saddle for I regret a lot of my decisions made about now wait Andro agent do oh my God I never even got to kill him this is so sad horse goes Burr yeah basically mostly how it

Goes hon I don’t even know what I’m going to build off I mean probably going to build the inside of like my house but I don’t know T5 I don’t know I don’t actually know when I’m even going to end this world I don’t plan on ending it anytime soon

But like I know I’m going to have to eventually you know and I don’t know what I’m going to do for the end then there not really any I guess not really like there’s not really like a boss I could be or anything sadly I do think that Minecraft probably should

Appeal more to super flat more of a test for other challenges like you know Sky Block limited size worlds because most things that apply here also apply there like you know as someone who like has tried playing in a limited Siz World multiple times like if you don’t have villagers

You’ll use a lot of the same methods that you use in super flat to get villagers like even if you have gold you’ll still um use a witch to throw weakness and all that it’s like I feel like a lot of you know I I kind of miss when

Minecraft would add you know mobs that either would be in the Plaines biome or didn’t depend on biome but I I don’t think we’re GNA get any more Plaines mobs in a while considering how Minecraft is currently going which I mean it’s not necessarily a bad thing it’s just

A bit sad for um my Niche specifically but but in the grand scheme I think it doesn’t really matter I guess um where am I what am I doing that goes like okay yeah this is fine four yes okay okay perfect I I love what

Is I don’t know what I’m doing right now I’m concerned more than anything one two three four five six wait what how did I huh I’m very confused how I made a mistake at some point with counting one two three four five six how did I fail at counting I’m

I I don’t even know what to say that was just abysmal I’ve never been so sad in my life um but yeah pretty sure Lamb’s left probably good for him um yeah building that’s that’s fun oh wait no oh God I wa no huh I didn’t finish this

Yet okay well okay well we’re still on 21 then I I did not notice I’m just going I’m not don’t care next thing yeah okay next one 22 gotta got get to at least level 27 getting to level 30 would would be nice right now honestly um

Then we do one then we do is that accurate not really who cares what is going on I’m whatever I’m just I’m just gonna hop around to this part and just hope that maybe from here it gets better I I just have the wandering Trader chapped right now bro is not getting

Out at all um interesting developments though I mean as as you know the sphere is kind of you know as the circles get smaller as we go more up I wonder it’s definitely yeah we’re definitely at that point it should you know this the top of the sphere should be soon you’d

Think but maybe you’d be wrong maybe it’d be I don’t know I don’t know like it’s it’s an exponentially like closing thing I’m pretty sure for the most part like once it starts it should should be going faster and faster which I think it is yeah it is like this is

This layer has been very interesting I don’t know one two three four oh my God it’s you Sagittarius issh that’s an interesting name hi one two three four five six seven eight wow counting wow guys this is insane I’m I feel like I count to n one two whatever we’re keeping it that

Way no there’s no way hi hello one two three four five six seven it really is a I’m not convinced I feel like at some point someone you’re building fatty exactly see you get it um despite my best judgment here I am what am I doing with myself

Um if I place that but that no uh then it goes like that but then it goes out and I don’t know why just it’s not adding up it’s this doesn’t make sense wait okay no I gotta I don’t know what happened but anyway um moving on I don’t know what we’re

Moving on to but we’re moving on to something I so this go from a six to three two off the top one off the bottom there we go four three one two two one it’s a very interesting experience it’s probably not it’s definitely not the like it’s definitely

Not like a difficult thing to build on paper what you need is is structure oh yeah definitely I definitely like something like that is that like better matica I need that desperately but I’m on mobile so I don’t think so I so I think I’ve given up on that well

Thing yeah I I know what it does I yeah that would be great but no I guess not but I don’t see that happening anytime soon oh well I’m I’m not in a correct mental state I can make it using your files I no no we’re not doing

That what you mean no because I want I don’t know see for I’ve committed to not using late MAA or or anything like it so Al and honestly at this point if I was to do it I think this is so off of like what it’s supposed to

Be by now that I I don’t even know if I would want that like it’s not going to look anything like what the render uh is so yeah it’s over um oh well I don’t I’m so conf I’m okay so I’m trying to understand understand this right now but it’s not it’s not

Going well oh wait no it doesn’t make sense still no wait um you know what it’s fine I’m sure that nothing’s going to go wrong if I just ignore my problems long enough eventually it’ll work out yep ignoring my problems and eventually it’ll work out ignoring problems has never gone

Badly oh no on the path oh I just realized it’s going to spawn so many mobs no oh damn oh when I get when I get back into non- peaceful mode this is goingon to be this is literally going to be a mob spawner basically oh my God that’s going to be terrible

I could probably torch it up yeah I guess that’s really all I could do because pathing it would just kind of ruin everything like imagine I build this just to ruin it with paths I guess I would need to cat inbox Discord has some not Discord YouTube has some interesting

Emojis the YouTube house emoji is definitely one of one of one of the it one definitely an emoji of all time I don’t know what I’m saying um but okay now wait no oh this is going great trust no it’s not what the am I doing um one two three four and

Just everything past that yeah this is this is going so badly right now I’m I’m I don’t care I’m I’m just going like that I’m not breaking all of this I don’t care if it’s not accurate Freddy is Freddy’s gonna be so deformed oh my God I could just like no class View

Today no there is no class for me today weirdly enough I I don’t even know why there just isn’t let’s see right I said I said that I’m building Freddy Fazbear Minecraft and they were like nope we got to call off class it’s over we can’t do

This the real creeper Gober needs to build Freddy Fazbear in Minecraft super flat so luckily and that’s what I’m doing very very realistic um but yes we are are you sure you’re not accidentally skipping there’s a good chance I am oh well well I can’t stop now anyway oh

Well if I am I am if I’m not then I’m not this is more important anyways build building fetty Fazbear in Minecraft is thousands of times more important than having a future because what is my future without having Freddy Fazbear in Minecraft super flat it doesn’t

Exist anyway um we’re all going to die in like three seconds anyway so what’s really the difference I I love streaming on um I gotta okay then we go one again for some reason then we just do that then that somehow actually worked for once and this I’m just going to assume

We just do this because we probably do this part usually is the exact same every layer um and that’s this layer done wow layer 22 23 I don’t know I’m not checking but it’s definitely a layer is done yippe 20 layer 22 is done time for layer 23 I’m enjoying myself definitely

Um yeah there it goes then we do that I wish there were more straight lines in this build but also like I purposefully chose this because I was like oh well I don’t want any straight lines because straight lines are bad I’m pretty sure I know like there has to be a reason

YouTube made it so thumbnails don’t have any straight lines or I guess straight edges they have straight lines still but I guess technically they do because that’s how pixels work but do I care no so that’s okay um yeah this is this is pretty simple sleep sleep sleep sleep and that’s all

We need in life anyway anyway moving on um I just got a call the funeral is happening soon but I am not showing up this is more important two three yes this is fine there’s a realm I’m in that I think you’d be interested you’ll be interested in what is this

Realm okay oh my God I hate this right now yeah this doesn’t make sense it’s not adding uh no it’s still not wait what no that doesn’t make sense why is it like this the numbers yeah there’s no way this there’s no way this is eight blocks it can’t be whatever it’s called

Scotland and it’s and it’s a feudal system that that’s not what I expect you to say but I mean I’m I’m interested oh oh God that didn’t really tell me much about the actual SMP but I can’t act like I’m not at least a bit intrigued

See I don’t really know what I’m going to do after I build this on this world so I’m owner is King top all people own the land civilians have jobs and work do you really have that many people to have like that whole system though hi creeper oh my God hello Sam

Whome welcome to the creeper go bro live stream where I’m failing to build Freddy Fazbear on Minecraft super flat the owner recently came to me asking for help help with what I’m I’m about to start school because the realm died after his Discord got Mass reported oh yeah

Yeah any reason why it got Mass reported or was it just happen stance or did it just I reconstructed the entire economic system doesn’t sound very feudal actually I guess debatable okay okay this doesn’t make sense it’s not adding up I don’t I’m building something wrong I don’t know

What but this just this can’t be right because it’s it’s a sphere and you can see that the sphere is like enclosing on itself right now for crashing it oh oh three years it’s existed for a while then like usually reals don’t exist for like I’ve been a part of a few rooms

That lasted for a while but like three years that’s like I don’t I don’t get like I’m not an expert on spheres but I feel like I have to be doing oh and I went to a weird spot is that where I am going from that to there

Why do you think I’d be interested in it in it has pre Village and pillage structures oo yeah that’s old that’s really old oh well it’s not I guess not that but like it like that yeah that’s yeah that’s pretty old like all things considered

Why do you play on a phone creeper you know why because that’s kind of just what I started playing Minecraft on it’s I don’t know at least for me when you play on something for like seven oh God no it’s not been 25 oh my God no there’s no wait wait no that

Doesn’t make sense yeah we’re just going to say seven years yeah like I’ve been playing mic my phone casually or non or less casually for seven years so it’s I mean real I me was more like my my sister’s phone but like yeah for a

Long time and it’s kind of hard for me to really transfer to like any other anything so I just well you like travel you like building and now non-military people can actually make bank because the economy isn’t interesting yeah yeah sounds interesting I I join uh seven yeah this is definitely seven three

Two two two one two one something oh my god wow it’s it’s there wow incredible banana wow that’s a word anyway um but I don’t I still still don’t understand this try it farmers can make a lot pretty quick you can set up with just a box of bone

Blocks interesting rhyme scheme oh god um I I’m currently trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong with Freddy fat wait what okay no wait I am doing it right why is it like that though no I guess this blocks do need to be there yeah never mind that does make sense

When you’re ask me to try it but I don’t like have the invite link or anything can’t really just join a random SMP unless for unless unless I do have the invite link for whatever reason okay the the shape of this sphere is is definitely an interesting one goes out from one two

Three goes out another one two three one layer 23 one two three in case anyone cares about layer of this Bron I don’t imagine anyone does because there’s like no one here except for like two people but even then I think at least one of those two people have left oh

Well I gotta go love your vids creeper thank you good good good night goodbye I don’t know Pro tip when you mess when you mess up you got to change the layer below in order to not have yeah I know but like I know I should be doing that but oh my God

This right I’ve I’ve not built something like this in a while okay this is my numbing so I probably should be doing that up Freddy Fazbear is what we’re going with so like that I feel like the issue with these 3D builds is like it does

Affect way more like um like I have made like I’ll make like tiny mistakes when working on map Arts but like usually it’s not noticeable uh unless I guess you have the I don’t get it I got I got a look okay I think this this might just be a case of

May on the right thing I don’t know what I’m doing right now um you know what I don’t know what I’m doing so I’m just going to move over here and just act like that never happened because somehow that’s actually somehow worked kind of not really but

You know it could act like it’s worked ooh interesting double layering again okay that’s interesting any reason why you’re building Freddy what led you to doing this was the significance to fedy to what extent will it make your super flat world better okay so Reon reason I’m

Building it one me and Big G have the inside joke where we just send um Freddy fazar doing the default dance gift to each other over and over again uh two I need a house and I mean and I just want to build like a funny house and on it

Would be something that would be nice to have a house in because it’s it’s like it’s going to be large but at least I thought it was going to be too large to the fact but like I could make like all these separate rooms very easily also

I’d have circular rooms or like I guess more circular which I think would be cool because I don’t usually build like more circular looking things to what to what extent will it make your super flatb better not really better but like it’ll add more and this

Kind of has been a part that hasn’t had anything yet um you GNA live in Fetti yeah so you get it he like I don’t actually have a house I’m homeless technically like uh ignore the fact I have a massive Romanian Church I have like a house over there I have the world

Larest among us out of you I have well that’s that’s someone else’s house I can’t just steal his house so yeah I’m that’s the plan at least which I mean is it which when you say it like that it’s a bit interesting but least aued creeper Gober stream be

Like I’m gonna live inside Freddy fast anyway um three four five I love building so much this is definitely something but but yeah I do plan on living in here as long as things don’t start going wrong which I know they’re going to start going wrong instantly although I I think see my

World is pretty incohesive right now like if you just look at it me take a break to look around my my silly world like um I guess it’s better to just show on the map instead instead of walking around my entire super flat world randomly um yeah if we

If we look at it it’s a it’s a bit incohesive like randomly you just have it tapering off into a world map into sleeping wus into a chess board that I don’t play chess oh God I don’t know which way he supposed to go think it’s that way into the world’s largest Among

Us character which is almost as large as my as the entire rest of my super flat world to the dirt rooms into it’s an interesting world I I’ll say then way I don’t think Freddy shows up yet I don’t even know if you would be

Able to see know you should uh he would be like Freddy would be like there would he I I don’t actually know um I’m just gonna grab Maps I guess just see what happens oh never mind is’s going to be very visible on the map okay I God

Yikes that’s that’s more detailed than I thought it was going to be yeah that’s something uh yikes yeah I didn’t expect it to be that noticeable on the map because you know it’s it’s all it’s all the same color everything Fredy jump scare yeah from vertically very interesting anyway

Um uh yes but this base is very circular like a lot of my other or most of my other things like um the other big build that’s relatively similar to this the Among Us is very square or I guess more rectangular but you know same thing basically

Bare I spent 100 days inside Fetti here’s how it went it’s been 100 days working on Freddy fazar honestly how um actually I could do a video like that oh actually that’s that’s actually a good idea like not like not inside but like because I’ve streamed every second working on

This so far yeah I have um it’s like 33 ah I could do that but that would be terrible to edit I could do it I could do it whatever um I’ve slept most nights I’d say so it’s probably probably only going to be like 20 hours done six I I don’t

Know I’ll figure that out I’ll figure that out eventually I’ll figure out the plan right if I’m not able to release the the ibuilt Freddy Fazbear video then I’m going to release that instead maybe I’m I’m ow ow like I’m pretty confident I’m not going to be able to release it but still

Working on that one more but see if we get two videos out of this project that would that could be fun three just one more and then we do one and then we do two and we do one then we do one then we keep doing one and now we’re to the

Place where I hate uh one two one then we ignore it let me just act like this is how it’s supposed to be because I am not working on that and we finished him oh my God we technically finished layer 23 yippee and layer 24 is a lot smaller I’m

Noticing like uh instead of 208 blocks we’re placing we’re only placing 204 that’s four less oh my God that’s something yeah um two and then the blocks going to go go on the outside then we do that the inside is is a bit silly I I don’t even know what I’m going

To do with this in hindsight I do not need this much living space could have just made like it could have just like copied like a small like Cottage off of YouTube and it would have looked nice it wouldn’t have looked super I could have just made like a simple

YouTube short and gotten like 20 times more views than my full and then you build farms and stuff and maybe a whole pizzer invite some friends to the world and simulate for that maybe I I shouldn’t do that um I don’t think I’ll be able to

Fit the entire FNAF any any of them any of the FNAF Maps yeah definitely not sister location definitely not um definitely not the pizza Plex definitely not um try not the FNAF 2 location yeah know I I don’t think I don’t think I’ll be able to fit a

Pizzeria in here I hate to say it plus nothing t for originally um I was going to make a video building the FNAF thing in m in Minecraft but one the issue is that I don’t have many like gray blocks which is what a lot of it is

Made out of so it end up being made out of literally gray wool which is one a bit annoying to get honestly uh and two wouldn’t looked good I feel like um so and then and then two is just not original so that’s why I’m building this

Instead instead of a whole Pizzeria but I guess this this also buil to be my home the PTI probably wouldn’t although okay honestly I could for my bedroom I could build the FNAF 4 thing although I don’t know why I’d be living in like a three-year-old’s bedroom 8-year-old whatever same thing basically

But T I don’t even know how how old creeper Gober is canonically that’s not creeper gber that’s not the creeper gber that’s not this guy I keep forgetting that I’m wearing this that’s not I have too many I have too many skins I don’t know how old creeper go

Canonically yes did not Cur Ro G jump scare did not expect not expect it more gray blocks from stone cutter dude and how am I supposed to make that actually don’t is there a way to make a stone cutter if there was then is there a way to make a stone cutter in

Super flat because I don’t get I don’t have like diorite or stone or deep slate or tough or anything else I don’t think actually I’m I’m G to test there’s one block that I have I forget what it’s called um drip Stone I don’t think if you’re able

To actually Iron Golems haven’t spawned in a while I don’t even know if I have iron but yeah um yeah I could but like realistically the the process is so annoying and I hate doing it so much I it’s not worth it I and I do it until stone cutter but

Like and also just trading for all my stonish’. I’m goingon to hate Five Nights at Freddy’s after this still have to beat the second game get like two blocks yeah I get two blocks per villager like that’s the issue is that like I’m never gonna like um like Lamb’s

Life earlier like said that I should bu have terra cotta and like I think I could get colored terra cotta but not actually the normal terra cotta that I would be using because that’s the one that looks the most like Fetti right do you not have school not that apparently you don’t

Because you’re in my stupid stream chat weird person thing um but yeah wait actually let actually I feel like it will show me how many VES are on level I’m L 24 oh so there are about 30,000 so there are about 31,000 blocks I need to place right

So you could probably figure out how many how many villages I need to get to make Freddy at terra cotta but I don’t know I feel like it’s only color terracotta I don’t know if you can just get normal terra cotta from villagers I’m pretty sure it’s

I don’t even know what the chance is and then like if if you can get just nor although could you undy terracotta with like a cauldron or something I feel you might be able to do that so it might stupid and then you can’t smell anything you can’t smel clay because

Like tically I I could get clay relatively easily but can I smelt it no CH why would I be able to do that that would make sense that’ be unrealistic then the blocks from there go over here I need to have the new Micra key I I need to like get more

Bookmarks I have no bookmarks but I’m going to need to bookmark the Minecraft Wiki and that’s kind of that that’s the that’s that’s the only thing I really have a search engine for is for the Minecraft Wiki the only real application I love I love the Minecraft

Wiki the Minecraft Wiki has saved my life multiple times I feel like feel like if I didn’t have the micro I would have died by a heart attack uh soon um what layer are we on layer 24 oh my God this sucks um so one two three four five that’s wrong okay

This this stays the same two three four five six I don’t know how this I’m I don’t care I’ve given up on this specific part a while ago so that’s how it is just a few blocks magically disappeared Freddy’s going to be like a bit goofy but that’s

Okay actually wait is there anything like on top of here that changed it looks pretty similar no literally a few blocks that’s a four two two two one two one two two three let me look goes one out on both side it’s good for you I think I’ve only I’ve only be the

First game I haven’t actually downloaded any of the others okay well I’ve downloaded FNAF 2 I’m probably gonna be at some point I don’t know though FNAF one’s the only one with normal Freddy anyway so doesn’t really matter currently hearing alarm which is probably not great I think someone died oh

Well Freddy more important anyway it’s fine I swear to God if this person dies while I’m buing Freddy I’m GNA kill him again need to die myself just so I can go to the afterlife to slap them or something I don’t know you cannot disturb my Freddy building right now how dare

You it’s okay I’m not I’m not very that Disturbed anyway it’s fine um get a life you Hive play I’m not a hive player I am that that I’ve never been so insulted in my life oh my God can’t believe that you would call me a hive player that’s too far you can’t

You can’t just throw around insults like that that is too far what the nah you cannot you cannot say that that is that’s evil honestly Big G is a hive player yeah sadly I’ve been trying to convert him but sadly it hasn’t worked yet trying to get him to improve

Himself I mean bag Bago cool I don’t think he likes you anymore I hate to say it but I think he kind of despises you calling him Bago cool his nicknames get worse every day poor poor whatever his name is anymore I don’t even know this this is the first stream in a

While but he’s not been here for he’s gonna randomly show up to my house or something three three and there we go oh my God okay I don’t I I’m not reading all that I ain’t reading all that I hate to say it but nobody is reading all that I

Mean actually someone probably is but you know one two three four three four five six seven eight nine 10 two three four five six seven member what do you that you’re not in the world I can’t give you member can’t make stone cutter in super

Flat oh a wait you can’t make it have dripstone that’s so sad someone told me that you could and I was like no you can’t just checked I don’t think it’s possible yeah I didn’t think it was possible either P when gaslighting me what do you mean it’s completely

Possible to build a stone cut no it’s not my god um I can’t with drip Stone yeah that was basically my only hope is dripstone like mud which wouldn’t make any sense honestly like mud bricks let’s close things just so I can get um dirt dirt bricks

I know maybe don’t know why bricks would work Sandstone I get sandstone and red Sandstone anyway layer 25 you continue on with the trend of the feet getting smaller because that’s how it works these spheres yeah yo what’s up oh hello olac welcome to the stream I’m creeper Gober and I’m struggling

Physically and mentally for the same reason but also different reasons um this is I really wish it I was high white while doing this I think it would all just make a lot more sense but sadly drugs are bad so no that was that was close I was here

Yesterday yeah there you were two three four five six five concurrent viewers is crazy one I don’t believe that which is a bit sad but it’s my God my Channel’s so dead this is terrible I could never get that high you’re saying that but you’re probably like excc or something we have like

CHR oh God I look in there when the ambusher gets ambushed wow that’s great YouTube YouTube live streams Friday instead of doing doing this oh I’m just not gonna ask I don’t I’m anyway anyway moving on three three wait no that’s not three wait oh I’m at wait I’m at to foot

Three two one two three one two three four oh wait no that that needs to be there for some reason wait I got to do that and then oh wow it’s perfect kind of um five then we go over here it’s one two then we go over here and it’s one

Two three you go over here and it’s one two one two we go over here and it’s one two then we go over here and what oh my God it’s that I think what oh yeah it is and then we go there Freddy Fazbear grind is real yeah yeah this is this is

Real oh my God this is Israel oh my god um anyway moving on 24 two three four five I I’m losing my ability to count right now one two three four that actually kind of work work too well how do you have so much dirt um it

Was from digging out like an entire map art sized area uh 128 by 128 wait wait how much did that actually even give me 128 time 128 is that enough oh that’s not nearly enough for oh God which gave me 16,384 dirt but probably a bit less

Because I don’t think I mind out every bit of it oh wait no but I but I times that by two because I so so would actually be okay that’s enough I have I have enough dirt and actually like it might be times three in

Some area okay no no yeah I have I have enough dir for this but yeah I got it for mining out stuff for the wus map art oh there we go okay I wonder if did anything change okay nothing changed on the top section wait we could we could speedrun

This come on um I think I’m gonna stop streaming at 9ine for me which is in a bit okay but yeah I mean the dirt honest the dirt isn’t Gathering dur isn’t ever the hardest part of a project it’s always building the actual thing in my in my

EXP experience because getting door is actually kind of fun especially when you have like a good shovel which I do thank God if I didn’t have a good shovel life would be ruined by by these projects even more than they actually are because these do have a serious effect

On my mental stability and it’s not a good effect I know shocking uh there we go there we go there we go there we go we just keep going and we don’t stop for real onog let me let me quickly do this to stabilize the current situation oh that actually goes to like

A think that makes a lot more sense I’m trying to figure out what I’m even to do here so four there would yeah that that stays the same and then just everything else one two three one on on goog for you know like like I said this last

Stream but yeah every every single time I do a stream are just one of these project you could really see my mental stability just plummeting as it goes on it’s it’s great I love it I love it I love this project it’s GNA be cool when it’s done

Hopefully I hope it’s going to look decent probably not because of how many mistakes I’m making but T I’m gonna the arms are going to be perfect trust because like they’re going to be separated from the body for the most part for most of it so I they’re going

To be perfect Trust trust the process see I’m gonna this I’m GNA end up having like holes in the body for technically I don’t know um L I’m going have enough rooms to get like to make like a room for everyone wow hopefully at least most of them I

Imagine I’m going to make semicircle R is because look how large these spheres are too large break him down me make him like better I don’t know um one two Three see there we go we’re we’re doing it um like I should be playing FNAF music right now but most of it’s copyrighted so actually do I care about cop copyright and not that much um I don’t even know what like I play The Living Tom half songs that I play I

Don’t even know um like uh who else makes FF another Living Tombstone does I don’t know who else made like actually good ones I think JT maima the JT thing made like a few but they weren’t really that good I don’t know I probably should but

Um yeah okay that’s it and guys the layer is done oh my God and finally everything’s beeting up and being all nice together 26 is where we have to start building the arms and it’s going to be so bad oh my God the just starts the circles

Okay yeah um yeah we’re GNA do that next stream guys stream is over next stream we’re going to be building the arms of Freddy Fazbear and of course everything else because the legs aren’t even done yet oh my God but

This video, titled ‘Building Freddy fazbear in Minecraft Superflat’, was uploaded by CreeperGoBrr on 2023-12-05 04:20:22. It has garnered 38 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:10 or 8050 seconds.

  • 49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk

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  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

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  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

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  • 15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

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  • Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in Minecraft

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  • Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!

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  • EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!

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  • DemonjoeTV’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)

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  • MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don’t Miss Out!

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  • Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!

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  • MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack 🤑 #minecraft

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  • EmeraldLand


  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

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  • Minecraft Memes – 9 froggies for the price of one plz!

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  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

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  • Minecraft meme: When you accidentally punch a villager #oops

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

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  • Becoming President of Paradise Island – Minecraft

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  • Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER – Louie and Pip Build Challenge

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  • Minecraft Origins: The Complete Story

    Minecraft Origins: The Complete StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Origens do começo ao fim (e pq acabou)’, was uploaded by Ablau on 2024-03-25 14:00:06. It has garnered 104 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. [CC✔️– 🇧🇷 🇪🇸 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇯🇵] Let’s remember the entire history of the Minecraft Origins kingdom and try to find out why the series never came back. CHECK OUT AND SARAIVA LIKE! 🔗Links mentioned_______ 🐦🧶Jazzghost thread 🔗👉 🎥✂️Full excerpt from Jazzghost about the disappearance of Minecraft Origins 🔗👉 📜🐦🧶Wayback Machine da Thread pt.1/4: pt.2/4: pt.3/4: pt.4/4:… Read More


    INSANE ARROW DODGE CHALLENGE! Herobrine vs ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘DON’T GET AN ARROW CHALLENGE! #2 Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – funny minecraft animation #cartoon’, was uploaded by toonz CRAFT on 2024-01-15 23:12:28. It has garnered 30643864 views and 2654050 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – Bow Challenge! #minecraft #animation #challenge #cartoon Read More

  • Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!

    Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world’, was uploaded by Souza Gamerz on 2024-04-12 21:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world #technogamerz #minecraft #gaming Instagram : souza_Gamerz8 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Follow Us On Instagram Shorts Channel : About This Channel This Channel Is Full Of Indian Gaming , commentary,gaming related tips and tricks and gaming techs etc etc etc. You Can enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!

    EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!Video Information This video, titled ‘COURT EVENT DAY | Cobblemon SMP (ep6)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-05-30 05:03:33. It has garnered 4301 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:15 or 16275 seconds. The best Minecraft Pokemon Mod is here – Cobblemon SMP I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get cool emotes and a chat badge, become a member – Tip here – Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get FocusFuel here – Use code… Read More


    I BECAME CHAINSAW MAN in Minecraft?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became CHAINSAW MAN In Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KanesAce on 2024-04-11 17:25:18. It has garnered 196259 views and 3338 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:06 or 2406 seconds. I added chainsaw man into Minecraft.. ANIMATIONS BY – @reflectedwastaken 8 BIT CHAINSAW MAN OPENING KICK BACK COVER – KICKBACK ELEVATOR MUSIC – MAIN MAP USED ––japanese-modern-city-world-/ ZOMBIE DEVIL MAP AND ENEMIES – (other builds were handmade so not available) MODS USED – #chainsawman #mod #Minecraft Read More

  • VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye Level

    VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye LevelVideo Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #magic #eyelevel #art #eyegame #duet #mindboggling #smallbusiness #eyesgame’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-04-22 01:24:04. It has garnered 301 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #shorts #tages #minecrafthelp #helpshorts #emozgaming #emozgamingshorts #trendingshorts #trend #emozshorts #minecraftgamingshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftalwayshelp #alwayshelp #helpingshorts #helpingdog #minecrafttrend #minecraftshorts #minecrafttiktok #minecrafttrendingshorts #ytshorts #minecraftsad #minecraftsadshorts #storyshorts #minecraftstory#Minecraft gaming ki link #minecraft kese khele #minecraft download #minecraft video #minecraft long video# #gaming ketigty me sascirab kese badaye #long videos viral karne ki tirk #1000 sascirabar kese pura kake #1ksascirbar kese… Read More

  • Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With Viewers

    Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (Customs With YOU)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2024-04-20 02:44:46. It has garnered 555 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:34 or 9574 seconds. Hive Minecraft With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!! 2k Texture Pack!! thumbnail made by @ItsBluesYT • memberships – • join the discord – • follow my kick – • follow my twitch – • my second channel – @ServerExtras Music provided by The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and… Read More

  • INSANE Realistic Travel in Minecraft #2!!!

    INSANE Realistic Travel in Minecraft #2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Travel – Minecraft #2’, was uploaded by PROT31Nn on 2024-05-14 15:14:28. It has garnered 8841 views and 421 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmod #survival #minecraftmods #challenge #beatingminecraft #diamonds #minecraftrealistic #minecraftsurvival #camman18 #minecraftspeedrunner #camman18shorts #minecraftbutchallenge #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftmanhunt #camman18minecraft #minecraftbuticanttouchgrass #cavesandcliffsupdate #cavesandcliffs #howtosurvive #newminecraftchannel #grian #fastestdiamonds #enderdragon #minecraftupdate #craftinginminecraft #craft #craftee #newminecraft #crafter #crafty #craftingrecipe #crafting #custom #diamond #familyfriendly #customitem #customitems #emeralds #tiktokcamman18 #camman18tiktok #camman18twitch #camman18clips #minecraftbutyoucanttouchthecolor #gaming #minecrafthitmen #custommobs #custommob #minecraftearth #minecraftbutrealistic #speedrunnervs #mods #camman18minecraftyoutube #minecraft117 #realisticminecraft #tutorial #mumbo #minecraftanimation #minecraftfacts #building #asianhalfsquat #howto #minecraftfunny… Read More

  • Mistik Iridyum

    Mistik IridyumMistik Iridyum sunucusu bir avuç arkadaş topluluğunun kendilerine basit bir aternos sunucusu açmak yerine Devasa bir OP Skyblock sunucusu açmaya çalışmaları ile çıktı. Samimi arkadaş ortamı, sürekli güncellemeler ve bol eklentiler ile bize katıl! Java: or (ya da) 1.8 – 1.20 Bedrock: or (ya da) 58222 1.20.x Read More

  • Team BaerCraft’s Modded SMP Servers

    Creators & Community Creators & Community A warm, diverse, and open Discord & Minecraft community that welcomes everyone and is the home of the Minecraft modpacks BaerCraft, Trash Panda Craft, and PokeASub plus their official multiplayer servers. We host additional Minecraft servers, such as a rotational server that rotates community-voted modpacks every 3 months. In total, we usually run about 4 servers with more to come in the future. Our community also talks about a lot of other games and topics! Both developers are experienced and active in development by creating new content for players. Our staff is knowledgeable, fast,… Read More


    TIPPER SMPWelcome to VIPPER SMP, a premier survival Minecraft server based in the United States! Join our vibrant community of players as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible creations, and forge lasting friendships. With our verified server status, you can trust in a secure and enjoyable gaming experience. Dive into the ultimate survival challenge and explore boundless possibilities in VIPPER SMP today Read More