INSANE! Building Our Epic Base in 100 Hours – Joey 64 Hardcore Minecraft

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Some prime web at the moment nice also how to everybody let’s get the timer started I’m going remember to do it when we start the stream this time welcome to the stream everyone how’s everyone doing oh jeez it’s just nothing but blue for a second half let’s get our world wered in

There we go emotion has been broken uh okay I need to move my mic because it is in a location that I don’t like AKA in my face okay there we go now I got you see the TV it was like white here um I might actually been on the

Camera now I think about it oopsie Dey oh didn’t want to do that uh welcome to the stream though everyone how’s everyone doing where Minecraft hardcore this is in fact b a w in Minecraft hardcore 100 hours hello rtb hello cot happy birthday to rtb I know today’s a

Birthday unless the time unless time zones say otherwise can’t forget the $100 hour you can isn’t the title okay you bringing it up it’s like wait a minute time zone say otherwise okay well happy late birthday 100 hours whoa look at that whoa Joey you’re so on top of things you’re so

Cool and handsome and on top of stuff and cool and such a great stream more and cool okay okay let me stop tuning my own horn it’s not night time do you see the Sun out here yes see look it’s behind the trees doesn’t count come on come on

Yay CH memberss are gone yeah they’ve been gone for a while um take yeah I’m currently working on REM monetizing the channel I don’t have enough watchtime hours to be monetized at the moment so we not monetized CU YouTube hates their creators um yeah also I realized I uploaded a long

Title and thumbnail for today I’m going to fix that we do need the Oink back maybe we’ll get oos back by the time RPG REM made comes out I’m going to fix the stream title and thumbnail that’s going to bother me if I don’t so shout out to everyone

Here like the new shorts thank you I like them we got a lot of people here how’s everyone do it tonight well I’m just going to change the title so represents building our base so we’re not going to walk we might do a bit of

Work on the way today if we need like resources and whatnot but yeah but no um I need more watch time hours which is pretty much um I need more people to watch the live streams so for all those watching the streams all eight of y’all in the moment I believe

Thank you and if you’re not able to watch it you know you can always leave it on in the background if you want to just have some some background noise or maybe you got to go to school or whatever I’m not going to say no hello bsh Hello Mars oh poor Mars we love you Mars hello Neptune Neptune hello Jupiter hello Pluto best catac crafter could may you rest in peace and finally hello To King Neptune Sonic oh Sonic hose is a great game I miss some stuff in chat let me catch uh it’s 10:3 a.m. for you also welcome to stream aimus welcome to stream everybody if I have not recognized you yet hopefully I have I’m glad you like

The new shorts CAU um what do you think Sonic force is it’s not my favorite Sonic game though I don’t think it’s a bad Sonic game I do enjoy it I think I think I enjoy more than the average persons not my favorite though but I do

Like it I think it’s a it’s a good I think it’s perfectly like a five out of 10 it’s like perfectly average nothing wrong with it but also like nothing like amazing about it at least for me personally um yeah so today we are doing several

Things um we are going to work on building kind of a basement to the house here so underneath the house we’re going to have a little basement area down here mainly so we don’t have to deal with these dudes anymore cuz we have had several times we have to deal with the

The drown when we’re trying to go to sleep or just trying to do stuff around the base so we’re going to kind of build an outo shell to go around this island which is going to be grown from these roots of the tree so my idea here get

All the different little trunks the little Roots have them go into the water so this will I go down here this one over here another one there and kind of have all the Roots come down into here and build a box under here and kind of

Have them plant into the gravel and sand and stuff and door down here and then we’ll make a room out of it we’ll you know cut up some of them slabs let’s get to the sour so we don’t drown so yeah that’s what we’re going to

Do um so yeah and actually because we have one I believe it’s in the this chest I do have a water brething potion here my special one we’re going to use a Bott potion of water breathing to build this CU that’s actually going to make it a lot

Easier is this a bad idea to use a potion of water breathing probably we can always make more we really want to and we have a ton this one of the movies why we got logs last time Sonic Dream Team I have not had the

Chance to play uh no I’m not going to use the wild bething potion it would make things easier but I also don’t need it so I really shouldn’t waste it I shouldn’t what can we get on our helmet though can we get respiration on our helmets cuz that would be great so maybe

Just get respiration on our helmet aqua affinity protection four though o that ain’t bad okay fortun what we’re looking for all right let’s go get the work build in this I if they ever bring it to something that’s not Apple device I will I don’t own any Apple

Devices I would love the play on a dream team for great things it looks amazing seven yeah yeah okay so let me explain that so I was going to do Mario maker and I was going to kind of do one last Mario Maker stream before I took a break from Mario

Maker but I just really don’t feel like playing Mario Maker so I do apologize for those who are waiting for the Mario Maker stream but I just really am not in the mood to play Mario maker at this time so I’ve decided that we just not go into

Um um yeah definitely not the end of mar maker streams in general but defin I just kind of want to take a break from the game okay I hope I hope this looks good because this is like Thomas did all this with the tree and I really don’t want to ruin what he

Did you did an excellent job but yeah but that’s why we didn’t do Mario Maker today I just kind of want to take a break from the game I will come back to it someday I just don’t know when I I don’t want to give any promises at the

Moment but someday we will certainly go back to the world of Super Mario Maker 2 um just like we have you know like we’ve gone back to you know oh my goodness that guy has a trident jeez that scared me can I enchant my sword I know I keep getting distracted

But like can I enchant this can I get luden I really want luden on this sword I’m not going to lie I get lot in three okay we get just a few more levels cool cool okay yeah uh so many chat messages teach you for watching the

Stream all I appreciate but please don’t get in trouble with y’ teachers appreciate you watching the content but yeah don’t get in trouble oh my goodness so many copper ingots look at that okay oh just immense amounts of wealth we need to go get coal we’ll probably do some coal mining

Today we have some time and just keep getting this copper smel in we have so much copper and iron look at this iron and this everything oh so witch I love it okay let’s go ahead see yeah so pretty much all these Woods are going to just come all the way down like

So way this one go here and that’s just what we’re going to do and then we’ll kind of build like a house out of this out of the wots so I will get like this ow what hit me another drown seriously yeah this is why we’re building this I’m tired of being drowned

Underneath my house this is my house in the middle of this jungle my house here maybe I should have got W be the potion go right now you sp type door my t W you had a fast fancy wrestling SP Ty up to my table

No oh yes I have messed around with the Sonic DLC pack in Minecraft I do own it it’s fun it’s a lot of fun fancy West uh Denmark that’s I think it’s about earlier today they’re watching my streams they i c was watching my uh the stream replays made

It do you have a plan on playing it yeah that’s what I’ve heard people say fun TI I love super Saars and fun te though so we’ll have to see you had nothing I wanted why Jerry do you have a clown fish is cool but most y’all have most Jerry’s

Do okay let’s go get like one more boot Down Under okay probably go get this one down here too I need a lot more wood I love this the banner there that’s fun go here there we go getting some wots maybe we’ll get some Redstone lamps or something set up down there as

Well Sonic Superstars is like a solid I would say I’m say like six and a half I’m going to say like seven I’m going to say a seven out of 10 not like the best game I know I’m going to say six and a half out of out of

10 definitely a lot a bit janky definitely some place where it could be cleaned up a bit more but in general I really enjoy Superstars yo I can jump on boats I forgot you can do that I really do enjoy the game okay maybe I I want to have it so this one

Goes that way cuz I realize I may both of these go this way oh this going to take a hot minute I’m going to drown now yeah this going to take a hot second to build it’s all good though at least we have an efficiency one ax nope don’t go in your inventory

We’ll have this go more here there we go yeah we’re going to need more wood me so much help me Joey H hey out of here uh right trying to read chat don’t want to drown may I hat the final boss final boss is is I think that’s it’s very difficult

And I personally really liked it but like I can understand a lot of people didn’t like it wa one of the Sonic waste games on Wii and colors that’s it the only Sonic wasted game is a Sonic Superstars Sonic is Sega allars wasting on the one on the Wii so that’s

The one you played C please you have said Mario Wonder be it be what in like beaten in what to be fair Mario wonder is amazing as well they were both great games I’m just swimming in the water Joey you need to do what you need to do it’s not a lot of

Time Superstars and Mario one are both great games know I’m think about doing having these roots go all the way down and then connecting them together with like maybe copper copper blocks maybe like kind of like I don’t think I want want to have the hole underneath be

Roots but I’m thinking maybe doing something that like you kind of have the natural and then you have the more artificialness oh my goodness I’m want to draw a little bit but it’s fine what do youall think about that idea me like con connecting the root of a different block

I think that could be a good idea so it would be weird just like a big box of logs cuz then it was like why why would the roots grow like that it’s not very natural aesthetic think we’ll do something like that okay this would be a small little one make it D

It oh yeah that’s I like that we have D yeah that’s actually a really good idea then this doesn’t look like a weird floating island you want cereal now I haven’t cereal in years I’m going to be honest with y’all who who is in my swamp Jeez very frustrated okay I need a few more logs um honestly I’m just going to cut down some jungle trees the low ax W mine I’m best bud of them this is low ax approved door is very fancy yeah that’ be cool maybe we’ll te maybe

I’ll texture it with like some door as well Stone I meant to say Stone yes what’s texture the dart with dart with more Dart yeah no you yeah but yeah that’s probably go good we do can I get some some dor get some Stone maybe get some like other blocks

Thrown in there as well like more natural go all natural I like that’s a good idea that Mark M poo jav love using a world edit song zones oh that’s cool dude yeah feel free to share stuff like that in Discord I’ve been trying to be more active in

The Discord cuz I feel like I didn’t do that too much last year I’m trying to rectify that cuz I love talking to y’all and people aren’t always able to make it to like the live streams and stuff I knew you hate it wait hate wait hate what bought a cheap brand of

S uh we talk to Denmark uh I feel like I’m sensing a bit of a walry bre in here okay good thing when we C these trees down it’s going to give me more space to build little builds and what now I’m around here I really don’t have too much more

Planned for this little area I’m going to be honest like we we got to survive about 10 well 13 more hours we haven’t had a nice long Minecraft stream in a while but we probably will soon I get like another good like 5 Hour Minecraft stream we’ll pretty much be almost

There and then we’ll be back on the road to 100 we’ll probably get to like 22 hours today is what I’m thinking this going to be a shorter stream maybe 23 hours I don’t plan the stream for too long tonight okay there should be more than enough milk or cereal Forest just no

Milk I hate milk and cereal I’m just going to wait everybody freaking out in the chat in three two one maybe bit longer I don’t know no I I just don’t like milk and cereal period no okay let’s make this all into Jung Okay I don’t know if I use all of this all this but I might use this just to make a few more oops or the next time he’s around okay it’s fun I’m going to change this a bit actually come on I have an idea here I kind of like

That that’s a little too blocky having this here oh that hurt let me get my log where they get oh it’s over here there we go okay we can add more Roots as we go on but I kind of like this for now this a good

Baseline I think we got a good amount of roots I might edit them around a bit to look a bit natural more natural but I think this looks good it’s kind of our little start to it okay we’ll keep the logs on me it’s prob nor almost night time got

To leave leave the rest be back I seen a bit C going to have some micro piece at 238 a.m I had some micro piece today oh lead cool can I lead you can I what happened to your llamas what did you do to them

Jerry okay okay oh well guess we get a lead out of it remember back when you couldn’t craft leads in Minecraft and those are the days like nowadays you can craft lead it’s nice it’s handy good and great and cool and handy okay do a bit of inventory management real quick while we’re

Here just kind of putting stuff where it belongs don’t know how I got a single melon seed but okay okay bam and I don’t know where to put this clay I’m going put in this kind of our little miscellaneous chest craft no not leaves um leads with a d

These a or a lead you can craft leads these you used to not be able to craft these not leaves at least you just get a you just get a a pair of shears and just go to town you know I just go and shm up some leaves for

This yeah yeah yeah there you go sorry might misspoke it myself okay um let’s see we got I don’t got a lot of smooth Stone might have to smell some we might have to go get some coal yeah let’s okay we’re going to do a

Bit of coal mining we you know we do some coal mining in these parts let’s go do that because we are just in desperate need of some coal that’s a lot of copper so I’m going to leave my wood here so I’m going to go find like a above ground

Mine oh level 32 yeah oh so we just got all these levels so we can let’s go we’ll go enchant or maybe our sword I guess let’s enchant our sword you need lapis Joey I could get isn’t it like I get sharpness whatever what was the thing I could get with my sword that I really wanted oh lud in three h honestly no I’m going to get fire aspect I rather get fire aspect than Lun 3 honestly okay and let me get one more

Thing of this cuz we are going to enchant our helmet did not mean to do that one two three we’re going to go enchant our helmet so we get protection four on it go to part four oh that was projectile proection for well got a hot sauce oh no sub me you

Wake at night also so yes you can craft leads now um it’s think it’s some swing and a slime ball I believe that’s what it is let me grab some slime balls we have lot of slime balls okay I believe it’s yep see right here for swing and a slime ball gives

You two leads I know it got you two there something they added later on it wasn’t always a thing they added later yeah a slime ball because of like I guess because it’s like sticky they grab on you grab on the stuff I don’t know that’s how it stays on the animal so

Well I don’t know I don’t know man like we just haven’t find a lot of coal in this mine we’ve been find a lot of literally anything else but I don’t know we let’s go down if nothing Adventure nothing game we don’t get what we want somewhat

Soon we and we’ll go get a go find a cave that isn’t as valuable we need a cave that’s worse give me more coal less iron and diamonds and gold okay I thought I’d be asking for that in Minecraft but man we just don’t have any freaking coal we need

Coal can I say I just want coal well there’s some gold I might as well get it over here yeah not what we’re looking for but very valuable resource and some iron too again not what we’re looking for but a very valuable resource I don’t know how valuable it is

Nowadays the Market’s kind of have inflated Co is it more common in mountains is that a wheel thing do I need to go to my local mountain and get some coal is that why I keep find this I don’t have any coal oh die away oh more iron maybe in Jungle biomes

Iron is just very plentiful I just don’t know I don’t know I honestly don’t isn’t this just back where I came from yes it is copper could always use more copper I kind of wish we got got Fortune it’s cuz I’m greedy I just don’t get this is no point

Of me trying to get a fortune pickaxe right now I don’t know like if we have if we have to make another Diamond pi pickaxe to fix this one if I need to repair this pickaxe then we may we may uh do something not a little situation there’s torches here but I

Missed resources I’m kind of confused this Mak it to deep slate okay having Wan on Pizza by the way I love Wan on pizza man it’s so good oh maybe that’s why maybe mcraft s called Denmark’s found than Joey and they are diamonds pretty much SED away seems a little biased

What is uh it’s a bat bats scare me now because they they change like how they look so I’m not used to that so I think it’s like a mob or like a bad like an aggressive mob that’s going to kill me I do love the way bats look now look at

Them and they has to make it so like they’ll sleep underground like this let’s you go and bother them like I am still don’t drop anything they’re just cool little things bats have been in Minecraft for a very long time so it’s kind of great that they updated it

But that say this is a ton of iron oh my goodness like imagine if I had Fortune man imagine if I had Fortune gosh like how much iron have we already gotten 31 Jesus Christ we got a lot of cop already too imagine all this like tripled gosh that’s just insane to think

About you know like that’s Fortune for you okay this is a dead end trying to sting to it see see this is why like I just don’t like milk on cereal period I’m very I’m just completely out of this conversation oh hi Mr creeper oh that was kind of

Weird huh I didn’t feel like I was that close down but okay is this what I was at o or no this a little hole oh look at that yeah like try to make cave walkways more obvious when I can we have gotten so much more copper

Already we’re going to have to make a build out of copper someday cuz we got so much of it I think that’ll be really cool I’ve always wanted to build with it and for once I’ve got the materials to do it with also welcome to the stream Maximus

I hope you’ve had a great day I re see oh so the allegations have been proven to be false o wow look at that Cole okay anyhow so is that true I don’t know if you ever answer that question like do we know this can someone fact

Check this for me if coal is more common in the mountains like in Minecraft in Minecraft not in real life I I believe that is true be alive which means I might be true in Minecraft cool let me just uh that let the coal fall not the coal the gravel

Fall yo we got more coal we got like four core or what the heck we got four pieces of goal what garbage luck is this that’s Ender okay there we go okay I’m a son man I’ve got fire aspect this going to be really annoying hey you next buddy

Yo let’s go we got one in the pole got one in the pole we take these we take these give my water bucket back please my water back water I hardly know wh comedy Mastermind there is so much iron this has to be like a jungle thing if if biom

Have specific things stag while while above lateral level 37 more common in mountains conformed as well okay okay then I’ll go and we’ll go to a mountain biome there’s one nearby let be a bit of a trip I just don’t want to car I right home with me someone to just

Break it all or place it all I mean hey at least what we’re going home with another stack of RA iron yeah oh hello nice like poke our heads in here though two three creepers never in my time as a Minecrafter have i r into three creers at the same time

Jeez get out of here never in my life jeez Mama Mia tell me you read it correctly one stre wait what at least you eat milk with cereal that is true at least I’ll eat milk with cereal the real problem here is me I’m the real problem why is there so

Many there’s like three more Enderman in there why why is there so many Enderman we put a torch here CU this is going to get broken oh my goodness another creeper now there’s a dude want to try to bait the Enderman that coming over here why is there so many monsters what

In the wall okay look at this look at the madness here oh jeez I thought I can hit him quick enough get out of here everyone just kind of get out of here you know oh my goodness all of you all of you out of here a lot of you yo more

Coal let’s go I don’t know what happened to the Enderman there was like two or three of them but okay actually a cool little part of the cave oh we found a little clay area uh with the CHP leaves that you can stand on you can stand on them but then they

Uh fall you get dropped cute don’t go too deep in this game I think I’m want to cut it off myself off like here probably yeah I’ll cut myself off here just so I don’t get too exploratory tonight especially since we need coal that that’s why I’m here they get coal I

Keep seeing those drip leaves and thinking it’s Bad Boys uh creepers come on man thank you thought I saw or I know I saw some coal yeah here’s some coal probably not too okay this a decent little chunk of coal that’s all I’m asking for man just

A little bit of coal help a b out Minecraft Gods give a man Some Coal I want to make some of this in the Torches so I can explore more caves soon oh baby slime cute I’ll probably end up coming back to this part of the cave so I don’t really

Have to get all the resources now I’m just kind of nabbing I see there is dripstone so I want to come back get more drip Stone you go I know I need to go to the mountains I just want to make sure I get the last little bit of resources

But there wasn’t anything just one more check for coal there was a bit more iron I don’t like leaving resources behind even if I have nearly two stacks of blocks of it no what look at that look at all these free resources it’s free real estate

Man this is so much copper what the heck why is there so much copper oh my Goodness we’re never going to Ron out of CER when never going wear on anything but coal we can’t even smelt all this we’re just going to have a bunch of RA materials forever and ever and ever in Mount Everest okay oh some iron this a FAL see

The point of cop boy I can make cool blocks with it I want to build with it and you can make a lightning w s and telescopes we should make a telescope we so need a spy glass we need a should don’t got inventory space we need a spy glass oh my goodness

Wait how much we that for copper none at all okay let’s go wait let’s get this iron we have more space for irons still a copper there is so much I think copper is very common in dripstone I’m thinking I’m thinking that yo the big slime the big slime the medium

Slimes the baby slimes I want to slap with W gold I love slimes one of my favorite Minecraft Mobs I can’t pick I don’t need water flesh I want slime botles a sorry little baby we missed some coal yeah awesome that’s one more piece of Coe didn’t have yeah that L just gave

Me one more piece okay cool okay let’s go back home that slime’s Min this is cool and again I get deja vu oh hello Evan welcome to the stream how you doing howdy howdy EV sh Vu I have been in this place before Oh that’s four medium slimes

Jeez look at all them get out of here PVP King I’m going to quit this last one look at that Quit okay let’s get some of this copper like it’s here it’s on the way Guys it’s on the way and we have the O and iron okay guys it’s on the way we might as well it’s on the oh oh more iron it’s on the way okay okay and we get some Cobblestone too while we’re it’s not like we don’t have a double chest of cobblestone at

Home okay o more iron okay it’s on the way guys it’s on the way I swear I’m not I did not okay okay we’re done we’re done that’s all the resources I have got all my resources we’re going home oh wait wait wait wait there’s some copper

Guys can’t skimp Out ooh lapis see I didn’t mind that copper we not find lapis aie Oo that’s SM more iron we’re going to make a house out of iron blocks man we got so much I’ll let that slime live this is a medium slime it’s a medium boy he just wants to live don’t know where my mine cart oh wait there it is okay cool let’s uh

Push no no there we go did I went out of food did i r out of food no I have okay no no no I didn’t okay whoa I was like wait a minute a better schedule wait what good must P my next video for tomorrow better schedule for Nickelodeon know I nice

Okay like don’t want to watch yeah that sounds fun a better schedule since W um your way to the call youed is a 20 2 hours oo Denmark might actually be awake for that okay let’s drop off our materials and we’ll keep going let’s make everything in the

Blocks so the cop in the block really 63 raw blocks of copper ore oh my goodness guys we are so rich I love this I love this man man we’re never going broke again God we we have so so many materials gosh oh gosh we this poor house is just

Going to implode on itself someday um we did get an Ender P which is cool some other fun things that doesn’t go in there got over a stack of slime balls now so that’s cool I’m going throw everything else in the junk chest outside look at all this

Stuff we got Problem by oh that’s still like 1: a.m. for you o slightly better slightly better then do like that the the grow the roots are now bit more overgrown I like that look okay let’s go to the mountain we’ll take uh how fast are you are you faster than

Me maybe maybe let’s see if I can go get my own horse I guess uh I should probably bring a saddle then why am I playing a thir person okay let me get a saddle and some Diamond horse on we go see if I get a horse I’ll save the diamond horse on

Probably shouldn’t just go taking that with me all willy-nilly like okay like if I die it’s Z going to matter I only have one life but you know so combine har what is a combine harvest store like oddly enough I feel like I’ve heard of that before like com a combine

Har sounds familiar but they got we got the foggiest idea wor qu I’ve never had crave cereal before combine harvest what is a combine harvest ster like I know I’ve heard of it before I just can’t recall like what it is what what’s a com I’m going feel so stupid when y’all

Tell me what what it is oh I did not bring a lot of food yeah it’ll be fine it will be fine why did I get oh Denmark sent me a photo of it oh yeah that’s a combine oh my goodness I’m so dumb I’m so dumb Joe we you so stupid

Sploosh I combine sers the Combine combine hob so yeah combine soldiers can get defeated with like one whack with a wench basically so yeah yeah going to go that one Chief okay good let’s go this way spooky cave spooky cave said spooky cave leads to nowhere okay I also realiz I did not bring a bed

With me I did not really come very well prepared for this trip it’s all good it’s all good we’re going to make it happen I was only just checking it I wasn’t going to go all the way in gosh give me more credit how’s my day today my day’s been pretty all right

Nothing too crazy oh yeah I remember this little area little Paradise not too too too crazy or anything but it’s been a fun day going to the gym today you can probably tell by looking at my hair it’s kind of all a lot more flat typically is

I may be hard to tell for the face cam since you only see a little tiny baby picture flip it over somehow that too maybe there’s a sheer amount of combine soldiers were overpowered that that’s a possibility also I saw I got that in it’s

Swedish I noticed that I was like wait a minute I’m like oh wait no that makes sense why would he be Googling in Swedish and I’m like oh wait he is the Swedish I should have bought a BS now I’m going to have to deal with Mobs is that a desert

Village one of which that we’ve never discovered before yo what that’s crazy I didn’t know there was a desert village all the way out here let’s go sleep before monsters come and kill the villagers oh yeah I think game’s been here that’s epic one of y’all got to have a bed

Awesome thank you for letting me stay the night I saving you trust Me yeah cool okay that’s epic you got so many villagers now Villages Village come on one of y’all got to have a chest one of you got to have a chest this is a huge desert village got a tower and one of you that’s a craft

Table okay so the house over here I will take some hay bales thank you very much hello Mr Iron Golem don’t mind me just a hay inspector expecting the hey buddy I hate when he walks right towards me I get very scared that he’s going to Port me so

Don’t iron gos are so cool though man it’s very scary but very cool just like the guards they just not nice big giants big nice Giants who just like to help people out I’m not I did not pick up a bed I forgot to bring a bed with me it’s all good and

I’m not going to hoard him this I gained nothing for that exchange okay uh okay oh one here okay let’s see what’s on the side of the village I guess hello this is a cograph y you’re a cartographer that’s cool you got a treasure map that’s cool it’s kind of a cool looking

House let’s see oh it’s a baby Kitty I was like what was that like little brown pixelize star okay nothing in Here just wack everyone SS oh you’re another photographer good day Sor uh you’re another why is this Village just a bunch of map makers why do you all just love making Maps what in the world they all just map makers that’s kind of funny but like

Why is that is this is like the family business the boss baby to family business like what’s that oh sea pickles that’s another cartographer yo wait wait wait wait okay wait we’ll go see the camel here in a second I’ve never seen a camel in Minecraft but let me there’s only like

Two or three houses left if I go see that Camel I am not remember when anything else I need to do yo we got some green dye nice that is a cam they like just added those yo water b a clutch we’ll go look at that let me just

Finish way a second everyone this another photographer house don’t care need to empty my inventory so I can hold stuff okay I’m going assume most of these don’t have chests cuz these what these houses yeah probably not no I think it’s only the towers in desert Villages anyhow where’s that Camel it’s

A camel oh my goodness gracious it’s a camel look at him can I wa love me what the oh oh you don’t to tame them you can just let’s Go look at us want a camel in Minecraft look oh don’t go into there look at us go I think you have two people on here too he’s so like movie look how he like just grooves oh oh don’t hit the cactus I love him I do believe you could put chest on

Him too yes you have two people on them oh this is so cool okay um let’s see yeah we came from that Direction yeah we want to go yeah cuz we came from the wed desert we want to go this way what numbers going down yeah numbers are going down I think this the white way might go I don’t know how he got to the Village oh he can

One oh he can he he zooms he’s he got Zoomies I didn’t know he’s zoomi oh lie I don’t want to know which way to go guess we keep going this way look at his little head I love it want to like this side because I think it’s easy to see

But oh he’s got zoom7 mine yeah I was I was think the B just leav him at the Village but no he can he can he’s got Zoomies I believe isn’t that the one I’ve already no this a new one it’s a new nether portal all right buddy you

Stay here oh what he just do wait wait does he like have a dash oh he like leaves look at that J look at this jump all right I’ll be right back buddy I want him to get H that’s so he well horses will jump high he jumps just

He doesn’t jump he jumps low but far that’s cool okay I really just want the gold blocks and yeah that’s all I get it yep got two Gold Blocks free gold need see him swim I don’t know if he can swim I guess we can find out I

Don’t want him to die though let’s go to the shallow water he can jump over the water it’s a crazy thing but okay let’s just put him like the shallow water what does he do will he I don’t think he swims nor only wable mobs yeah he doesn’t swim yep yeah he doesn’t

Swim but he’s got Zoomies this is cool than horses I I don’t get what anyone say this is so cool I bet he can just jump over this water if I go back where the nether portal was he got such a far jump watch this sweaty look at that jump he just jump

He’s got I love the camels he’s are so cool I like nobody talk about the camel these guys are so cool why don’t more people talk about the camels so cool oh I’m having fun should make a chel of Y go you think I I I didn’t know why not have enough

Time for one channel I learn two Al this looks epic look at that wait can I put this on him okay can I oh he’ll sit though okay come on buddy we got to keep going sorry um I’m trying to see if I can find an area where we can just leap across I’m so glad I bought a saddle imagine the world where I did not bring

A saddle gosh okay I’m GL I did oh here we go okay this is what I was trying to get to not the van up the mountains there’s a mountain biome right behind here this is where I was trying to get who there’s a mountain biome somewhere around here I know that

Much I got to H have to kind of my fangle around let me oh sorry but we got to get food that’s why this is why I got fire aspect on the sword this is why all right come on buddy there’s some big mountain somewhere around here I just got remember where they’re

At you get camel meat I don’t know what camels drop I don’t want to find out though I don’t want to kill him he’s all buddy we’re going to name him we got to name him y’all know what name him y’all know I’m going to get un unreasonably attached to this this guy

And then cry when he dies eventually why did I not take a bed from the freaking Village okay we’re definitely in the mountain Bottom now by the way let’s see if we can find two sheep so we can make a bed go on Camel oh cool here’s another

One oh it’s going to be like night time like soon soon okay yeah come on buddy sorry no time to sit down we got to go come on come on one more sheep one more sheep is all I asked for guys come on game game please one more sheep one

More sheep one more sheep come on game come on one more sheep that’s all we need why are there’re still daylight so they can come out and play no oh sorry buddy we kind of crashed and fell there a we’re going to deal with monsters soon all right buddy uh

Here there you oh that was so cool we jumped across he takes a bit to get speeded up but once he gets Speedy like he’s said okay here we go do I have wood on me I don’t okay we got to go get a tree come on cam buddy we gotta go we

Gotta go we gotta go we ain’t got no time those witches T blame you a bed Joey don’t even get me started I know I know uh because okay I’m going to leave you buddy I’ll be right back I don’t want you getting H because of my idity shoot there’s a baby

Zombie shoot I can’t see I think I killed him though I did but now there’s a ton of dudes no oh now he’s dead he okay um yep I had a feeling there’s going to be another dude around here nice okay that’s fine uh that craft table Joey bed I think we’re

Good we’re good you just s y i looking chat for the bad War Joy here I don’t swear say crap we’re wh we’re naming him wigor oh we should name him wigler we shouldn’t even wiggler that’ be fine okay we just I’m going try to repair the hole we made here I

Guess I missile camel still in the area good I would be so devastate if we lost him um kind of get some of these blocks on my inventory you know just warning ho okay yeah that should be good enough leave craft table there oh wait we can use the craft

Table there you go most likely no one’s going to fall into that let’s go kill the cow over here hop on a hammer go to the mountains okay yeah we’re in the mountain area now how much steak do we have okay we have eight steak now too so that’s good

Good camel shouldn’t despawn cuz he has a saddle on him any mobs have Saddles don’t despawn or name tags okay he’s just grooving he’s back there yeah just get in food so for when we go mining okay Mr Camel yep you’re chill over there cool

Oh man now I kind of wish we had Len get more food but it’s all good that’s a horse we have better horse though we ascended to better horse AKA The Camel okay we got a few a sort of meats oh there’s a village let’s go to the village that actually

Might be the village I’ve already been to that’s in Plaines biome but let’s go check it out oh yeah nothing to fill in the hole with such a such a good job well done what is that Abomination Joey what I I patched in the hole that’s

All this is the village I remember this one yeah okay at least we’ll buy a village we could leave um a buddy here o lots of food but I just you know I repaired it PA the hole don’t mind me S all the cows okay we now got 14 s okay cool oh

Yeah we’ve been in this Village before oh that one has a that’s a mommy we can’t kill the mommies Jo build up base spends five minutes on it yeah actually have we been here cuz I feel like I would have toen the hay bars this seems very familiar to a

Village we’ve been to before yeah I really was going to but you know cold hey at least it’s a fun time at least it’s better than building a raller coaster the original title I’m almost sort than I’ve been to this I need to figure out how I heal him he’s going to

Take fall damage like I can’t always prevent that okay yeah we’ve been here because this is where the W dude is yeah yeah we’ve definitely been in this Village I remember it we just got to figure out how to yeah I wish you could put a saddle on him on the uh

Camel you can’t oh why did I do that kind of shocked I didn’t take these hair bells but when I first came here I was on my way back from a mining trip or Discovery trip SL mining trip so I think I didn’t have time J also says he’s

Killing okay I’m getting food you see how low on food we wore five bread like okay that was the for a reason that wasn’t just me goofing off like I do most of the time okay we’re going to put him in here oh almost almost missed the

Jump there you go buddy we will come back you have some have some hay love you you really can’t put a yo no no no no no no no no no wait oh buddy I don’t want to lose you oh boy this is a bad idea uh

Uh horse horse is also getting out uh the horse is adamant that he’s going to leave oh my goodness wait a minute I can just white him what am I doing and what is going to put two hay blocks there for no specific how how did he

Wait can he can he just walk oh camels can just walk over fence oh camels can just walk over a fence that’s a bit of a problem isn’t it why can they why can’t they walk over fence there you go buddy lay down everything’s okay just closing y’all in here forever

Why am I on a horse there you go he’s just going to chill and y’all got all the hay you could ever want buddy can you come anywhere else I’m making sure my friend best friend forever does not leave me I I need this horse to move I

Can’t oh but he can still come over that horse move you please why why is this horse thank you oh my goodness we have a stack of ha B oh wow okay what what do you want yeah I know you want potatoes okay cool for you good

For you man oh okay let’s let’s let’s go okay let’s just kill a few some animals on the way oh look there’s a cave right over here perfect let’s go mining going real quick just stuff I don’t want uh don’t need green dye we have six golden carrots I didn’t even realize

That whoa that’s cool um yeah I I’m just trying to clean up the inventory a bit that should be that should be good let me just get enough wood to make crafting table for two hours play it I will play it eventually I’m sorry I I won’t lie I really was

Like trying to push myself to play Mario maker I just can’t and I I don’t want to do I don’t want to do a stream where y’all can tell I’m just not having fun I just don’t think that’s going to make a good stream I don’t know way I’m just not feeling

It but no we will do more Mar m this is why now I’m just not in the place for it okay I want to make these all into ingots so they’re all in one stack instead of having oh I can do the same thing with the Nuggets

Yeah there okay and I can just throw these do we Okay anything else I need to throw away no I think we’re good okay oh wait I don’t need this Flint we need more wood let’s get a bit more wood it’s about to be night time okay let get a bit more

Wood okay and then uh don’t need a flint is anything else I don’t need I guess I could throw away the hay bales do I need the hay bale what oh no that is food maybe I should Mo this into bread got my gold my gapples guess I don’t way need the

Cactus for the book um yeah so do that put this here put that there kind just have all of our food here this top row yeah no no no I think that’s good still Inventory management I I try I like I like to act like I keep my

Inventory organized I really don’t why do I have a whole Flint of Steel what know what we don’t need that anymore we don’t need that anymore watch should I do I gosh dang it I did not mean to pick oh oh oh oh no oh no oh

Oh I got to go to bed man I I I got to go to bed oh no I can see the fire when I go to Bed okay the bees are fine the bees are fine uh we’re just going to you know we’ll let that born out see the fire didn’t spread we’re fine there is no fire in Boston say there is no fire in Boston say okay cool cool let’s go mining let’s go

Mining guys yay mining woo we all love mining I’m sure we never set stuff on fire don’t leave that B the oh my goodness no I have two totems on me for a reason CH because so laggy Jo just cash I didn’t realize I was just like okay let me get some wood

And uh it’s fine it’s fine we’ll mine in Oh yay coal we’ll finding Coal also C are you watching the stream at 144 p. just so at least then you’ll able to might not be able to make out what it is too too well but at least then you’ll be able

To hear the audio you die also yeah there is a lot of coal here that’s crazy how it’s almost like someone told me that wow yeah yeah yeah we need to like get like several Stacks though like I think at least enough to make a stack of

Blocks for this for cave I came into is a bit of a dud it looks like it ends up here but still guys an I know one hour be I hope not we’ve survived a while now again so hopefully why did I want a buck for that that was

So pitiful okay but hopefully we don’t is there a sorts in biome that diamond spawn the most in am I in the wrong place looking for diamonds potentially I wonder I know Emerald spawn I know you can only find emerald ore in mountains I knew about

That oh my go some much CL we probably got oh nearly stack of coal oh wow imagine we had looted on this on Fortune I mean I should get I should get a fortune pick okay so this is all for this bit of a cave it’s a good little start though

Yeah it’s kind of this whole little section okay let’s go up higher and see what we can find get your water Jeffy looking it up okay awesome corn flower I don’t know the Savannah’s going to make a difference but like it’s still a mountain so I don’t think it

Would that’s being in a savannah mountain biome okay keep eye out for caves everybody if I miss one let me know no laging sight oh that’s good lamb lame llama I am not seeing like any caves up here this cave this cave yo we got a

Cave we got the big boy cave it’s not just jump randomly and crazily just you know oh yeah this this is a good one this is a good one y’all we found the good cave got some cobbly cobbly wobbly I do okay this part we might not even get

Back to the base tonight oh we’ll see might just do a lot of mining if this cave is like super big we might just end the stream sometime in here and keep Mining and then get back home since we have to travel to get coal now apparently at least get a decent amount

I just use a lot of coal that’s the real thing but I’m not going to get that coal that’s too difficult okay thank y’all for the tip I’m Denmark thank you for that tip I’m glad it seems to be true this by the amount of sface coal we get in

Here it’s going to be night time soon but now yeah we are going to be set I think I want to try to get like a stack or two of coal blocks is what I’m thinking okay we could get a bit of irland while we’re here that’s always good and handy to

Have I want to place torches not like all the place since we are in sunlight but just a little bit here and there just so if it when it does turn dark if we’re not fully underground we’re not just screwed okay he says he merely goes underground all right here we

Go oo lots of coal big coal vein big coal vein massive huge gar gantri okay Co vein that’s a lot of cool imagine there’s just a mounted bu 50 PL in the base I just go you know a funny thing I have not gone the other

Direction for um in our base you know the where the uh that little house I built behind our actual house where we have all our extra Cobblestone and whatnot I’ve never gone that direction I’ve always just gone the Direction you know always gone this way way you eventually landed here

So there could be one there been in every other direction it’s not that way so that could be funny this isn’t too far away to be fair we made a lot of pit stops we stopped at two Villages got a camel we had found another portal like we we didn’t just go

It wasn’t a straight trip I also didn’t know exactly what it was you know you know yeah know 5064 okay so just how it’s always been I know they changed it or whatnot uh oh gosh you can’t see too well in here but let’s let’s go we can you know we can

Always mine a little we do a bit of mining we do a bit of crafting we’re really going into the deep docks now deep depth oh my goodness this one deep cave I’m kind of shocked we haven’t went into any mobs at least not a ton kind of

Shock this is like a dead end this gives me dead end Vibes this is yeah this is the pit that we blocked over all the Y oh copper always use more copper I say that every block like go I could always use more of this I know

Like we got like we’re going to be building a whole Kingdom when we get back so making a castle a village farms like we’re going to really need a lot of blocks for that we want to make it look really cool and all that so no

Yeah oh it’s going to be me that gets to us come on yeah yeah we we bridged across the Aller I remember that yep oh yeah so the way we Bridge across let’s look us over this way lots of coal okay cool just kind of light up the area ahead

Unless thing we’ve got to worry about see we can jump jump jump and Bam and Bam and Bam okay let’s look at chat going try to get some W but I’ll be listening already never play Zelda but sounds like a hassle Mario Kart D I would I have Mario

Kart DS because I got on the Wii U shop before I closed definitely want to play it someday I just never grew up with it I don’t know why some reason I never got it for like my Christmas or for my birthday or whatever never

Did like feel I never like asked for it but like I don’t know like I had other Mario Karts I guess I had pretty much every other Mario Kart growing up as a kid so it’s kind of like a no-brain or you would think I am going to sleep just so this

Main little area doesn’t get too Crazy also have a good night Denmark case I don’t hear back from you again I won’t be I’ll probably be streaming for about another 30 minutes we’ll see again you know y’all yall know the drill job I am going to make coal blocks copper blocks too actually but I’m want to make coal

Blocks I want to get at least a stack of coal blocks how many how much coal would that be let me do some quench the numbers so for one coal block so it’s 9 * 64 that’ be 576 things of yeah so that give us nine stacks of

Coal nine time 64 yep so that’ll be nine stacks of uh coal yeah if we get a stack of coal blocks I’ll be happy that would should be enough coal to get us around for a long time like can we get even more that’d be awesome this where this cave

Ends I thought it was like another split somewhere maybe okay that section of the cave what I meant not this whole cave this cave is massive seems to have no let’s see what we talk about Zelda there’s no way to look up while the corks oh my goodness yeah shrines I did

I found no I didn’t I found most of the shrines by myself when I did my master mode playthrough the LA when I had like 10 shrines left or so I did use a guide I used I used a map to tell me where they were

At just because I didn’t want to spend a bunch of streams aimlessly running around the map you know still quite a challenge though sometimes it was still like okay I know the general location but what do I do to get to it and I was still to figure that part out

So you know I didn’t just have a full full on guide in front of me I had to figure stuff out still which is cool it was fun fun and very rewarding I’m so suspicious at the lack of mobs guess these caves are just fairly tight squeezes so there not a lot of

Space for them to spawn but still this like this weird oh but no I love bre of the wild this this is talk about breath of the wild such a great game oh por okay we go back up and be of wild is probably one of my favorite games just

Period like especially like when the switch Force came out it was like you had the switch but the wild it’s like wow but the wild is really what got me into Zelda wanted to play more Zelda games and I to be fair I haven’t really done a whole lot of

Playing Zelda games but I’m hoping to rectify that this year my goal this year is to play at least like two or three Zelda games this year one of those being Link to the Past because I’ve been recommended to play Link to the Past as like a good for Zelda game

Okay here we go we are this is a very deep cave I just want to be careful not to trip and fall whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s a dripstone spike gosh dripstone scares the crap out of me CU I just don’t know a lot about how it all

Works okay it’s actually good s for a while so let’s mine the stuff that we went past I don’t want to get like I don’t know I say I don’t want to get too much copper but also it’s like I would love to have enough copper to make like

A full build out of copper which takes a lot of copper so you need nine copper to make one copper block so and then making all the variations of copper just takes a lot but be really cool to show off look what I made I made a copper

Build well get yeah like I would say okay if you if you had to buy one get tears of the Kingdom get tears of the Kingdom at this point and honestly I don’t know when I’m going to play bre of the wild again it took me

Five years to go back to it it’s just the type of game that I feel just don’t we playay a lot at least for me but no I no I really do Wonder at least for myself like proba going back to B going feel so weird out tears of the

Kingdom I’ll probably go back attitudes can force before birth of the wild to be honest just cuz I you know I’ve played both of wild several times now I beat I I beat both of wild in VR I beat the game in VR i’ beat the game master mod

And I did my initial play through and I’ve 100% everything but the qux which oh that scared the crap out of me okay okay okay we’re fine we are Fine hear the jimy out of me man there was so much cop like I hear a spider I hear a spider there’s multiple spiders there is multiple spiders that’s odd is there a spider spawner looking around with just two spiders in one area there isn’t like way more copper

Than there is normally I feel here Wonder copper spawns a lot here too okay there’s some more coal let’s light up ahead a bit I’m still a little shooking up from the gravel scare I’m not going to lie okay we’re good we’re good give me

Some big veins give me a big vein big vein big vein big big whammy big whammies big whammies yeah okay not too bad decent size was there another one or did I just actually think I think it looked like it was two but it was one bigger

One I think I went past Some Coal yeah it is over here almost out of bed back welcome back you got no excuse not to make a Mario Kart D yous stream oh yeah no I don’t I have it I should like I said my goal this year is just to play more

Games like I just want to play a ton of games this year I want next year the recap to just be insanely long recap video oh go I was hardly able to fit all the games in this one I don’t know how I’m going to fit even then I actually

Missed out on a lot still with that but jez I don’t know how I’m going to do it this year if I really do commit to the amount of games I say I’m going to play this year so some going to set up that thing where that form where yall can just

Submit games to me because it’s hard trying to remember all the games they’ll ask me to play in chat like I remember with some of the ones I hear a lot but for the most part I really don’t so having a place where y’all can just submit games and it makes

A list for me it’s going to be great and I’m going to I’m going to have it where it’s going to be okay what’s the game you want to submit so you put in the title of the game and then there’s going to be a box

And it’s going to be like okay sell me on the game even it’s a game I’ve already played so like okay sell me on it I think it’s that’s going to be fun see I’m I’m excited to see people’s pictures especially for games I’ve never

Heard of like stuff like on wav like I played the game I’m like yes that’s Peak I got to play that game but like games I’ve never heard of or played very excited to see y’all try to pitch them to me okay only not got a lot of this walk cop

Cuz I just straight up don’t got the space for in my inventory but I will grab this at least this one nice big vein so I would like to get some probably going to make more copper blocks here in a second here’s any block let me keep Cobblestone like

Somewhere J to get to it okay bam cool let’s uh make some more copper blocks save on inventory space and we have 16 coal blocks blocks of coal okay so we’re a quarter of the way through we’re going to get a stack of blocks of

Coal I think that’s where we will WP it up once we get Z so I think that’s what it came from and copper blocks I don’t know how far I’m going to go with this like we almost have a stack of walk Copper blocks so you

Know that’s yeah we only have 50 my goodness Joey got way too much copper man but I’m kind of skipping out some of the copper I’m seeing this cuz I know I can get almost anywhere and this is supposed to be a trip for coal again try not to skimp up on resources

Cuz you know also good while you’re mining but you know sometimes I just don’t care I just thought it was a great idea man I feel so smart okay we get home Jo better oh gosh oh no also see you Maximus have a good one unlevel two two thumbs up or two uh

Mo oh on his knees apologies um no so we make a lava generator an infinite lava generator with a the dripstone set up with dispensers and pistons and absorber blocks pretty much make a wed so Contraption cuz lava buckets can do 100 can smell 100 blocks at a time that’s

Just going to solve our coal problem so we get infinite lava infinite smelting I’m a genius man oh my goodness we never have to mine coal again oh my I just thought like I’m sure this is stuff again I don’t really look too much of like guides and stuff for

Minecraft especially not like automatic f arms I just saw the crazy that’s such a crazy idea so like I’m I don’t know for people on to familiar wetstone you might not fully get what I’m talking about but like so dripstone it drips it can drip water or

Lava I just saw it dripping some water earlier that’s when me think of this idea I’m trying to find some dripstone but anyhow that pointy Stone y’all know what I’m talk about it drips water or lava depending on where you uh have it if there’s water or lava above above above

It you can put that then below a a cauldron and it will take up all the lava and you can get that and get infinite lava that way you know so you can then get infinite lava so imagine we have that going dripping down lava right and then we got a

Dispenser with a bucket in it and it gets that bucket and uses the bucket on The Cauldron to get the lava okay then it takes that lava bucket when we have absor block that detects when the lava leaves the cauldron and that would trigger a hop a piston to push out a hopper

And collect the lava bucket then that Hopper will connect to a forace that feeds into or probably a chest and then that chest feeds into a forace or a mega forace and then from there we just smell whatever oh my goodness guys o I kind of want to build that

Right now we we’re not going to build right now but I you ha Redstone honestly I I I get it it’s a really complicated but like man it’s so cool though I you’re going to be impressed denark I’m I am so excited for this idea oh my

Goodness man this is going to be so cool I just saw such a crazy Contraption and it’s going to be so sick we have over a stack of w copper yeah I’m really not going to worry too much about getting copper but imagine that it just makes okay

So I explain technical part pretty much what it’s going to do Denmark it’s going to give us infinite smelting in a forace we’re going to make this massive forace and with this crazy machine will never have the mine coal again we have infinite fuel the smell Iron

Stone food whatever we want to cook in a forace what infinite fuel does that make sense so I know I just went went on about like all these these different machineries and redstone things but yeah we have infinite fuel yeah yeah H see okay you get it

It’s when I build it it’ll probably make more sense to me yeah you see yeah yeah okay it’s going to be infinite fuel machine cuz you can use lava buckets as fuel and in Minecraft so it creates infinite lava and then it’s going to feed said lava into the forace therefore infinite

Fuel I was like explain all the details of it mainly because I just thought the IDE in my head so I had to kind of lay it out for myself we are kind of not finding coal I hope we’ll probably still the mountain biome we went pretty deep in

But might just be getting a little unlucky that’s all hopefully let’s see some now okay here’s a nice little vein all right I see see okay yeah yeah you get it now infinite fuel oh my goodness man oh my oh it’s it’s going to be massive you know what

I’m going I’m going to build okay I’m going to build the house is this massive machine I’m going to build a real life furnace not sorry not real life I’m going to build like a huge furnace out of like Cobblestone blocks we’re going to make a massive furnace to house this machine

We’re going to build a massive forace that’s going to be such a cool looking build oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my H guys I’m again this is stuff I know people in the Minecraft Comedia have probably figured out years ago but like I’m just now discovering this stuff it’s

Such a cool idea I can see I can picture it all in my head oh my goodness it’s it’s going to be the mega forus the mega forus oh my goodness this is it’s going to be insane y’all it’s going to be insane okay let’s go this way we all

Want to low on torches that’s the thing we keep spending coal on torches which I kind of like I have to so I can mine but man kind of sucks I could do is like and the case of like this I could take my torches back

This is a dead end and I can just kind of it’s only two torches back but it’s better than nothing and then just kind of you know do that instead of wasting my time leave torches place I don’t have to it’s it’s going to be awesome the

Mega forace so I might come with a better name I don’t know the mega forace oh my goodness okay there’s more coal we got some more iron plenty of copper I a dead it is okay so yeah instead of was wasting torches this yeah I thinking we’re going to probably just

Stop somewhere in this cave we fit 22 hours it’s like awesome yo but yeah H I might build this in creative mode honestly guys hon okay it’s kind of weird I’m going to real quick we’re going to go ahead stop with hardcore for the right but I’m not going to end the

Stream we’re not ending the stream imagine if someone ever finds This and like who what is this all buried up all just blocked oh shoot one hole there we go just fill it all in I also just want to get some of these blocks on my inventory

Okay let’s go back to where our bed is so I think this way and we go this way this is that iny isn’t it isn’t it yeah cuz this where we I built my furnace I’m going to build this machine in creative mode though and see if it would actually

Work even it doesn’t work exactly how I want it to work I’m confident for the mo it would mostly work there’s like one or two things that it might not work exactly I wanted to but we can make it we can make alterations but even I think it would

And it might just be something that’s beyond my expertise I might just have to reach out for some help may do a bit of research okay let’s get back to our bed our little home base okay there we go okay cool crafting table why did I just put a craft table

Here kind of weird place for it that’s a dead end too see the confusion you see the confusion in my eyes what that I’m lost I’m know it’s one of these oh this it yeah here you go oh we missed some coal yeah so yeah next stream we’ll get more

Coal and then we will also hopefully get enough coal we to water our coal for a while and then we can um you know come back like we just went to Circle have we not gone this way yet I really should not be doing this okay yeah it’s

De give me that torch thank you it’s one of these little Pathways I just got to figure out which one it is oh yeah I can see this see how it’s dripping water you could do that with lava if you put a a bucket underneath it’ll fill it

Up I was trying to find that over there okay cool good okay this will we find like Co this is a dead end shoot man how do I get out of this cave just pain me to walk past all that coal I mean um copper I want yall to

Know that there a wall filled with the B CPP I know I’m going back yeah we we don’t want yeah never mind it’s about way oh shoot and we so the sface have like 100 blocks I don’t want to mine all the way back up going to be a pain and a

Half do that come on I do I need to go down to go up maybe kind of thinking that maybe we go this way de endend you haven’t gone this way yet Joey you didn’t know but I’m Mr Beast of Disguise yo I’ll take that honestly if you will I would be

Like like Mr Beast just put said something in the chat right now like in the with the Mr Beast YouTube channel I would be floored and I don’t know what I would say oh my goodness I would probably just okay this the way out definitely yep yep yep we back out here

Cool let’s get to our little Bed and we’ll WP up scam or wrap up hardcore cuz I there’s something I want to go in creative mode and mess around yep the on bed can’t sleep okay goodbye hardcore for the day it’s some time here I want to save a equit we’re going to go creative mode real quick

I am I am very tired now cuz I got to see if this would work would it work I don’t know but I got get this idea out of my head I don’t know work I’ll see you Maximus I’m not ending stream here yeah no no yeah we’re not end the stream

Here a little unconventional but we are going into I probably have a creative one I can just hop into I have I should have to make a new one uh do I have one that I want to just jump into or should I just make a new super

Flat I might just make a new one I might just make yeah I’m just going make a new one it’s going to take that long just bam creative I got have the steeven universe uh thing creative Advance how do you do super flat super flat upat plates deep dark oh I never know

You could do this what this has to be new this definitely hasn’t been a thing for super long time this is cool what the heck Minecraft what we see templates that’s cool you do templates you still can Mr beat you’re not Mr Beast you’re Mr Beast is verifi Mr

Beat Mr Mr beat Mr Mr Mr be Mr Mr be Mr be Mr Be this this is really depends if lava for is is its own block his long lost brother Mr beat Mr M Mr beat okay so this is what we’re going to need for this a lot let me just get like uh Stone as a base block

Here okay what was red stone what the heck was that what did I just see what the heck is this thing oh the sniff okay oh that a lot of so where’s this oh Tad pul ha so cute they had a piglin head that’s cool okay anyhow we’ll get

Distracted what’s him we W or dust give me a button I don’t think I’m going to need one but just in case that poppers not droppers but dispensers and don’t need normal Pistons no it’s be sticky okay then we’re going to need um we just okay cool just so I could pick

Block it whenever okay cool cool uh cuz we’re also going to need we might need normal pistons and then we’re going to need cauldrons lava bucket uh a cauldron and and drip Zone well dripstone know works but I guess just to show how it would look I’ll do it well this how do

I game yeah always day mob spa and off okay real quick um Slash Kill at e there we go everything died there we go so this is my idea for this let me get just some nor more Stone we’re going to have to how does this still go through layer SE okay can you build down here now though there okay cool any you see Mr

Beat good on Mr beat okay so this is the idea I’m going to make this it probably doesn’t need to be this tall but just so I don’t rebuild the whole thing actually yeah let’s all right so you’re going to have this here you’re going to have some

Dripstone and you’re going to have a cauldron well we have lava here and you’re going to see here the lava will start dripping into here eventually that will fill that up okay cool let’s get to absorver the absorver will be there facing that and you know R Stone if I do

This that does trigger it okay interesting so that does trigger it okay cool cool he’s going back okay um so we get a dispenser if I’m thinking about this correctly that’s absor oops dispenser facing that way yes we put an empty bucket instead dispenser and we get Redstone like so so that cannot take H okay follow-up Theory followup theory if it was here can it take it it out we’re going to need To and give me a ton of buckets where empty buckets here they are let me just that’s not what I meant to do trying to just get my inventory emptied out cu I need you can stack buckets I forgot you could do that in this game oh my

Goodness sir wait can you have you always been able to stack in Minecraft why do I feel like you haven’t been able to do that that doesn’t sound white what I don’t know anyhow we put this in here day last like oh I’m glad to here

You like talking to me oh I appreciate it my friend I’m talking to you too okay so I here let me just just so I can experiment here all right I’m going to go to Google real quick I need to see if there’s a way you could collect lava with a bucket can

Dispensors collect lava in Minecraft lava let’s see when a dispenser has a bucket and there is a filled cauldron in front of it then it should be able to take water or lava out of it when powered wait we can in front of it let’s a shoot I so it should

Going to Mr Minecraft McGee here this is okay again just and we’ll put one more bucket in there just so we know it’s full that’s going to bother me I swear you haven’t always been able to stack buckets I think think I’m just crazy but guess some oh I appreciate that card

I hope they enjoy the streams be you only shows up it’s Mr pce it’s funny there’s a way you can do this I just got to figure it out oh I’m going to stop hot thinking about this okay um I wonder if okay give me this I need lava brecket again I

Wonder do this dispenser lava and Then there any buckets in there that’s not and it should people are saying that you should be able to do this I want to have lava placed down when the L was up and it’s facing The Cauldron it should add the water to The Cauldron when powered some of the dispensers would add

I’m trying I’m doing research I’m so I know I’m not talking too much right now can you get lava from a cauldron can you auto collect lava from a cauldron in short no you cannot truly automate the process of gathering lava really to automate it extract a filled lava Bucket from the

Dispenser so there is no way unfortunately there’s not the Minecraft Exile streams are going until we hit 33 hours once we have 33 hours we’ll just back to normal Minecraft hardcore we will know long be Exile and we’ll get to a t home okay that kind of puts a dampo on my plans

Unfortunately I was going to fully automate this but we can we can still figure this out let’s see so I’ll do some research on my own time but we’ll probably have to have is we’ll have to collect the lava ourselves eles and this is the machine we’re going

To make I’ll show youall the machine that would feed from there at least a very rough version okay unfortunately you cannot do with dispenser I wanted to look into that see I can really figure out a way to make this work cuz I like this idea all right so we’re going to need

Chests so how this works I need Hoppers will it be a clip for tomorrow’s stream what do you mean by that will it be be a clip for tomorrow’s stream that’s I’m not actually what you mean by that okay bam so this what I

Do I don’t have a forace on me I was like wait why does my forness look weird will it be a short yeah so like I don’t know if I’m want to make a short I feel like I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying like I might make a short of tomorrow’s

Stream but I don’t know what’s going to happen during tomorrow stream I don’t like plan shorts well I do but like I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow night stream so don’t you know we I’ve had streams before there’s nothing uh clippable from

It um I know we’ll see okay I want to test one thing I want to test real quick actually no we’re not so this is what it’s going to look like pretty much we’ll have this we’ll have our chest here and then we’re going to have this on the

Side and this is going to be where you put whatever you want to smelt well tomorrow should be a clip of a past stream oh okay well oh will it be okay I see I see what you’re trying to say okay okay uh probably I actually do have a clip in

Mind so probably this is whatever I have time to make I’ve been doing more of the ones where I just get my phone camera and tar because those are just I can make those nice and quick but no probably I do I do want to

Do some but yeah so pretty much here you throw in your lava bucket it goes in here goes in here goes in the chest goes through this and play in the fuel and let’s just say we want to smell what’s Cobblestone Cobblestone you know you would drop it in

Here you know it Feeds out of this feeds into the chest feeds through here goes in why isn’t I going in there oh I know why it’s not oh sorry wait I got to it needs to go from the top so we do this and then I messed up okay so we do

This bam sorry and you drop that in there that go you drop it in here goes through the chest goes through here cooks and when it’s finished cooking you see you’ll automatically disappear here goes in here lines up in the chest and whenever we need more fuel so

Actually if I get say we have several let me clean my inventory here say we have several lava buckets which is the goal here you know they all get dropped in here go in here there be stored in here stored in here and then the moment this

Lava bucket Runs Out new one goes in so we’ll have a whole double chest filled with um Lava buckets that the goal and we get infinite lava from this so I can this we have a ton of these so imagine this b a bigger scale we’ll have a ton like this

We have a ton of cauldrons here all set up with this dripstone thing so we’ll have it probably looking we’ll make it look cooler but imagine this but you know just a ton of these and you’ll see once I put the dripstone in draw salts dripping lava

Yep so this is all going to drip lava oh it needs to be a source block let me just L one of these does have to be a source BL that’s the only thing so Bam Bam Bam you see here lava start to drop yep right there

There there there this one should go soon yeah there it goes and eventually you see these C just have to fill up with lava and become full like this once they become full that’s where we come this empty bucket scoop it up um we’ll probably this will probably

Be below this whole Contraption with the forace will be below here so we can just go and shoot so we can and just go and drop it in and we could just drop it into the hopper so we’ll just be like okay you know maybe not using smooth Stone but

We’ll have this covered up so it doesn’t look it looks cleaner like I said you know something kind of like this we just walk right on up drop all lava buckets you see now oh block the chest in the chest and once the lava bucket runs out of fuel keeps pumping them

In and I’m going to make this look a lot more sophisticate this is kind of a rough version of this this can look a lot better and also be a lot more efficient cuz we’ll also set it up with multiple furnaces as well we’ll have m a wall all the furnaces here as

Well you know I can uh I place some block so I can Crouch you can have one here and there might not be enough Cobblestone let me get some more Cobblestone and we go you know still same thing here it should split it between the two goes through

Here yeah see it’s put some in here you see it’s putting some in here some in there and we can we can do something like this it’s not going to lean to there but you know we kind of all connect it all together to where you know do keep

Dropping stuff and this stuff will just sit here until it gets all drained so maybe will have multiple Hoppers as well so you know that’s that’s empty now this is empty and out got a double chest here that’s constantly pumping this is pumping and stuff this is pumping in stuff and all

The pot of Coes in this chest and all we have to do is walk up to this chest like go here’s my 33 smooth Stone cool now I can work on my build you know yeah you’re welome for showing you how to do all this you give you ideas yeah I honestly

I get that my best idea is just do it just do something think of something go for it yeah unfortunately this does take a while for it to fill up but if you just we also haven’t been sitting for too long but I think I accident put lava in

This one CU there’s no way that got f up so quick but when you have this sitting here just working all day you know especially when we’re going to just have you know we’re going have this going all the way here what we’ll probably do actually is something like

This probably has something similar to this where we got a lava bucket there a big old pool of lava hello build this out real quick and yeah just have a ton of these dripping and look at this and we now have what this is 4×4 this 16 lava being produce all at

Once so in the day for you yeah that’s yeah I know you’re you’re lucky so you’re able to do that ear in Comon ear in the day I’ll probably have like a walkway or something so I can walk through so I might not have it like exactly like that

But it’s unfortun I will have to collect all this lava manually there’s no way to automatic get to Lava cuz my idea was have it automatically scoop the lava and have this whole have this pretty much here and then have the uh This Is My Idea have this come on

Man this was my idea have this drip into this which would then go into this which would then go into this which would then go into here but you can’t get drained lava like that in this game so no don’t L these Buck these things yet but like I said it takes

Time eventually it does fill them up though I was hoping I could show before the stream ended but I also don’t want to stay up too much later than we already have but um yeah uh oh I saw the message for a second I saw Mario and Luigi I think I

Don’t know uh but um no this will going to be wrapping it up I might not do a live stream tomorrow just a heads up if I can I will I would love to do a stream like I always do but might not be able to do a stream

Tomorrow just because of the basic fact of um oh actually I can’t talk about it never mind um and Norm me saying something but um just some personal things I got to take care of tomorrow which I might not have time to do that and stream

So you know what I think I’m going to do for this whenever the block changes I think I’ll have a redstone lamp so then like and I’ll have it to where sorry I I just thought about this so like outside of the building or something we have a redstone

Lamp and probably like a give me a piston give me that and have like a piston here and not here there and have a w block I said a w block this here and then so whenever this so let’s say this gets finished filling so have a

Western signal and I put this block here there you go and maybe I I’ll probably have a Contraption to put the Redstone Block back so I now to put it back manually so maybe I’ll have it do let’s see have it push that way see if I can figure this out real

Quick while I’m in the mindset for it so we’ll have something that pushes it this way I need a like a Le for us so I can but it works I used history of Luigi okay that’s what I saw so that will go there push it

There have this push here and then this push here so I have some Redstone thing I have to figure out how I’m going to set it up but Something like this I’ll probably put some reper oh yeah yeah okay cool one two three one two three so we’ll have so you won’t be able to see all this this will all be you know I’ll have this all covered up like so by way you can see the lights so it’s like

Okay one of the uh the lava buckets are way to get picked up you know we’ll have a little whatever we do the building for here like that and we’ll have you know need to do it a bit further out okay yeah so then we’ll do

This so I’m like such in the mindset actually I might do a redstone building stream one day who knows then we hit this it work oh wait this needs to be a block closer okay I see what I did wrong I’m going to have to there so shoot I need we some block

Back so this is how this will work so it kind of resets itself on its own so you have this here you have Where Oh see it just did it shoot so have this here when a lava bug gets filled pushes that there it’s like okay time to uh res set

It where hit this button you see the lights on right now hit the button put it back hey and it puts it back so they show you what happened there so again this happens so this gets filled with I know I the lava bucket somewhere there it is so this gets filled with

Lava moves it there that lights up that redstone block which you can see out here I might have it with a buttons like here obory with that idea and then when this wone signal goes off so when this goes off see push it just does a little

Rotation and then it’s Wy so then the next time this gets triggered it lights it up again and then you look at that that’s so cool has any of these actually filled fi yet on fill no okay stre tomorrow yeah we probably we’ll see we’ll see what happens like I

Said like the stream but I got support have G on so I might not be able to um but I am so excited this is such a cool redstone project we’re going to I want us to start a series trying to do redstone stuff oh you can see here so like this

Fi I don’t know why these haven’t filled up yet I’m kind of shocked they all haveen on their own pace but you can see like this filled up already this is filled up these were filled up before and they just kind of slowly fill up over

Time do it yeah maybe I will maybe we’ll do a little wst series maybe I’ll do a thing like how to build different wetstone things that could be Fun uh but anyhow alsoo podcast is definitely something we want to do someday we just haven’t uh I want to do with Thomas I’m going to wait for him to be able for it so we can do it together anyhow this is a fun little thing I’m definitely going to keep messing around

This world in the future um oh hello Paul welcome to the stream I feel like you messaged a while ago and I probably missed it I feel bad but thank you for the I I like that you like the new profile picture I appreciate it my

Friend but yeah we’re going to wrap it up here some of my Redstone M this is so epic it’s so sick I’m excited all right any without further Ado thank you so very much for watching I hope you all enjoyed as always please take care of

Yourself drink some oh I got my water bottle today actually drink some water I’ll see you all in the next one um if I don’t see y’all tomorrow I’ll definitely see yall Wednesday and Wednesday we’ll be finishing Super Mario RPG least that’s the plan all right good night everybody go on go on


This video, titled ‘Building Our Base: Minecraft Hardcore 100 Hours’, was uploaded by Joey 64 on 2024-01-09 03:43:10. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:53 or 9233 seconds.

There are many challenges someone can face in Minecraft. Fighting the Ender Dragon, Building a Mega Base, and one I have never been able to do, surviving hardcore mode. That changes today. Join me on a thrilling journey as I bumble my way to the top, and maybe even survive to 100 hours. ===== Check out my Twitter:

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  • Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2

    Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to construct their own worlds using various blocks and materials. From simple houses to intricate castles, the only limit is your imagination. Utilize different tools and resources to bring your creations to life and design a world that is uniquely yours…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! ๐ŸŽ‰ Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I am testing some magical sword’, was uploaded by NCN on 2024-03-10 07:53:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I am testing some magical sword and there links by 20 like Mod given by ADDON Hashtags #notharshu #proboiz … Read More

  • Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!

    Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Iron Golem VS Ravager๐Ÿ˜ฒ #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Miko boiz on 2024-02-09 12:30:38. It has garnered 1168 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. 100 Iron Golem VS Ravager, iron golem,ravager vs iron golem,minecraft iron golem,iron golem vs ravager,1 iron golem vs 100 ravager,100 ravager vs 10 mutant iron golem,ravager,100 ravager vs 70 iron golem who will win ????,minecraft 100 ravagers vs 100 mutant iron golem,iron golem vs bull ravager,minecraft ravager vs iron golems,mutant iron golem vs ravager,minecraft ravager,minecraft iron golem vs ravager… Read More

  • EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!

    EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Item Completely Broke Hypixel Bedwars!!! #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-15 20:00:10. It has garnered 11480 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! This Item Completely Broke Hypixel Bedwars!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. This… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)

    DemonjoeTV's EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)Video Information This video, titled ‘My PERFECT START in Minecraft Hardcore.. (i found a cat)’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-01-30 22:21:42. It has garnered 7285 views and 688 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:03 or 963 seconds. Today’s video is the start of our new Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play using the Dungeons and Taverns Data Pack! Episode 1 will be all about establishing ourselves in this new world by getting some gear, a new companion, and making a house! ๐Ÿ”” ๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—•๐—ฆ๐—–๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—•๐—˜ ๐—™๐—ข๐—ฅ ๐— ๐—ข๐—ฅ๐—˜! ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐— ๐—ข๐——๐—ฆ / ๐—ฃ๐—”๐—–๐—ž๐—ฆ ๐—œ ๐—จ๐—ฆ๐—˜ โ–บ ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐——๐—จ๐—ก๐—š๐—˜๐—ข๐—ก๐—ฆ & ๐—ง๐—”๐—ฉ๐—˜๐—ฅ๐—ก๐—ฆ ๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—ฉ๐—œ๐—˜๐—ช โ–บ… Read More

  • Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts

    Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ˜Minecraft cool wave machine ใ€ฐ๏ธ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-15 07:55:29. It has garnered 2490 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. ๐Ÿ˜Minecraft cool wave machineใ€ฐ๏ธ #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try๐Ÿฅถ #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations… Read More

  • I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC server

    I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I almost won this **Murder Mystery** event Ft. Apple MC | AppleMC Minecraft server’, was uploaded by Saitama on 2024-04-14 17:00:49. It has garnered 1252 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. consider subscribing! Read More

  • MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don’t Miss Out!

    MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don't Miss Out!Video Information This video, titled ‘The MILITARY BASE IS OP IN GTA V.’, was uploaded by Humopedia on 2024-04-21 23:00:04. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. like, share, subscribe to my channel.. a free minecraft a minecraft download a minecraft pocket edition a minecraft house a minecraft seed a minecraft server a minecraft skin about minecraft 1.20 a paper minecraft about minecraft education edition about minecraft game about minecraft java edition about minecraft realms at launcher minecraft bad omen minecraft b minecraft skin beacon minecraft bedrock minecraft download… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!

    Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items !’, was uploaded by CreepyTroop Gaming on 2024-03-14 04:24:19. It has garnered 651 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items ! In This Video I Played Minecraft But I Added Mod If I Break Flower That Will Drop Random Op Items And I Will Kill Ender Dragon With Items Dropped By Flowers Hope You Will Enjoy #minecraft Video Is Related With This โ†“ minecraft but flowers drop op items minecraft but flowers drop op items mod… Read More

  • MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack ๐Ÿค‘ #minecraft

    MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack ๐Ÿค‘ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#herobrine remix version ๐Ÿคฃ #minecraft #gaming #shorts #shortsviral’, was uploaded by MuneerKhan pro Gamer on 2024-02-17 16:20:00. It has garnered 1025 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. techno gamerz minecraft,minecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft how to,minecraft shorts,minecraft but house,minecraft but,minecraft tutorial,minecraft houses,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft builds,minecraft manhunt,minecraft challenge,modern house in minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft build,minecraft design,minecraft easy house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,modern house minecraft tutorial,minecraft mod techno gamer techno gamerz minecraft,minecraft cats,minecraft phone,minecraft catnap,minecraft cat prank,minecraft kitty cat,secret,cat prank in minecraft,minecraft catnap prank,minecraft bedrock edition,i fooled my… Read More

  • EmeraldLand


  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Foggy Willows – A Truly Vanilla Experience Welcome to Foggy Willows, where simplicity is key. We run on the latest vanilla jar with no datapacks or plugins, offering a true vanilla experience unlike most servers. Our goal is to provide a plain, boring vanilla experience without any complicated spawnpoints or rules. Players are expected to handle their own social issues and play the game how they want. Server Features: Always on the latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard mode gameplay Discord community Java only server Join Us:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 9 froggies for the price of one plz!

    Minecraft Memes - 9 froggies for the price of one plz!“Just give me 9 tadpoles instead! Who needs diamonds when you can have a pond full of amphibians?” ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

    Newbie Herobrine's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Noob Herobrine’s Adventure is a dreamy scene. A tale of a beginner, eager to learn, With secrets to uncover at every turn. Join him on his journey, through valleys and caves, As he navigates challenges with courage and saves. With each block he breaks, a new skill he gains, In this Minecraft world, where creativity reigns. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And follow Noob Herobrine on his adventure so bright. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, There’s always a new story, waiting… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: When you accidentally punch a villager #oops

    Minecraft meme: When you accidentally punch a villager #oops Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and exploration is endless. Join the millions of players worldwide in crafting, building, and surviving in this captivating sandbox game. Exploring New Horizons With each episode, Lแป ฤแป Vแป takes viewers on a journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From towering mountains to lush forests, the possibilities are limitless. Discover hidden caves, mysterious dungeons, and valuable resources as you traverse the diverse biomes of this virtual realm. Building Dreams Unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Becoming President of Paradise Island – Minecraft

    Becoming President of Paradise Island - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Adventures Embark on thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and mysterious quests in the enchanting realm of Minecraft. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends as they navigate through a world filled with excitement, suspense, and camaraderie. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Explore the boundless possibilities of Minecraft as you immerse yourself in a world where your imagination knows no limits. Build awe-inspiring structures, craft intricate tools, and embark on epic adventures in a universe that is yours to shape and mold. Join the Adventure Experience the thrill of the unknown as you delve into the depths of… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER – Louie and Pip Build Challenge

    Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER - Louie and Pip Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-03-26 15:00:30. It has garnered 100170 views and 1578 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:32 or 3932 seconds. JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Origins: The Complete Story

    Minecraft Origins: The Complete StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Origens do comeรงo ao fim (e pq acabou)’, was uploaded by Ablau on 2024-03-25 14:00:06. It has garnered 104 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. [CCโœ”๏ธโ€“ ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต] Let’s remember the entire history of the Minecraft Origins kingdom and try to find out why the series never came back. CHECK OUT AND SARAIVA LIKE! ๐Ÿ”—Links mentioned_______ ๐Ÿฆ๐ŸงถJazzghost thread ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐ŸŽฅโœ‚๏ธFull excerpt from Jazzghost about the disappearance of Minecraft Origins ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ“œ๐Ÿฆ๐ŸงถWayback Machine da Thread pt.1/4: pt.2/4: pt.3/4: pt.4/4:… Read More


    INSANE ARROW DODGE CHALLENGE! Herobrine vs ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘DON’T GET AN ARROW CHALLENGE! #2 Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – funny minecraft animation #cartoon’, was uploaded by toonz CRAFT on 2024-01-15 23:12:28. It has garnered 30643864 views and 2654050 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – Bow Challenge! #minecraft #animation #challenge #cartoon Read More