Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Starter Only Pokémon!

Video Information

Today I’m going to be spending the next 100 days in starter only Pixelmon the only Pokémon that I am able to catch and use are starter Pokémon now I have a few goals in mind for my 100 days and they of course are firstly to find myself two

Shiny starter Pokémon secondly to get every single St of Pokemon I possibly can throughout the 100 days and finally take on the legendary syyro trainer with a team of level 100 Pokémon now will I be able to complete all these challenges by the end of the 100 days stay tuned to

Find out you know what we’re going to switch up and we’re going to pick our boy chest pin there we go we have a shiny chest bin to start us off in this 100 days look at our little boy hey I figured it’d be a great idea to head

Around the spawn area and find as many of the treasure chests as we possibly can so with that we have opened up as many Treasure Chest as we could possibly find and oh oh my gosh we’ve been given so many stter Pokémon bro we’ve just been given a Charmander

And a froy I mean I guess I’ll take it I mean shout out to Phantom 2K 21 for the two starters I appreciate it sir hey and with that we can now open up our new lucky blocks Okay so we’ve got ourselves two uncommons and six common lucky

Blocks and Dad Punda has just sent me a squirtle what these guys are crazy right now okay so I I literally the guys asked me on the server what I was recording today and I told them I was recording a starter only video and just like that

We’ve been given a b perfect Tor Chi we’ve got a squirtle level 93 for some reason a Froakie level 12 and a Charmander level 15 now I am going to go ahead and keep hold of these guys but if I do find more of them in the wild I

Will of course go ahead and catch another one of each of these just to keep it fair for the video but without about that I’m going to go do my lucky blocks real quick so we’ve got number one boom and we get an upgrade straight

Away let’s go and what wait what no okay what and with that we catch ourselves an aolon from our first Lucky Block that broke oh my gosh the start of this 100 days is actually going insane right now what we already have a full team of star

Pokémon in the first few days this is crazy okay let’s open up the next one boom we get a swellow next we get a Greninja what oh my gosh and finally we get another upgrade what is going on what is this oh my gosh okay let’s open them up no I’m done no

I’m done I’m done I’m actually done what is going on this is the luckiest I’ve ever seen it before a shiny Greninja okay we get a Kev Durant we get a frost moth a Cubone and finally a shiny Roserade okay we’re going to go ahead and defeat all of these guys because we

Don’t need them now I can’t lie to you guys this has been a very insane start to the 100 days and with that I mean I better go ahead and check out my PC now we’ve already got our two starter Pokémon of course being I mean we’ve got

Two greninjas and a froy which is pretty insane but we have got two shiny Pokémon with chest pin and Greninja oh my gosh don’t worry guys though because we have so many stup Pokémon to catch so there is a lot more catching to come next I want to create some sort of

Museum or Zoo which has every single base stage Evolution starter Pokémon so by getting dupes like this is actually quite good because now we can use this froi for the new zoo that we will go ahead and create eventually but for now I’m going to explore a little bit more

And see if I can find any more starter Pokémon so I have just been running around looking for a place to live and I’ve come across P’s base which is a giant flat area now for our zoo we need a massive area inside of some sort of

Mountain I was thinking and I’m pretty sure that this is going to be the perfect location to do so and to help with making the giant Zoo he’s given me a full set of thunder armor including a never right pickaxe which mind Stone relatively quickly so we can now spend a

Little bit more time burrowing into the mountain and making a giant area for all of our new starter Pokémon my idea for this one is basically that I want have a bunch of areas just like this one with a bunch of glass in front that will have

All of the stter Pokémon inside so for example we’re going to have the water Pokémon we’re going to have the fire Pokémon and also the grass Pokémon in each of the different areas so I’m going to make up a bunch of areas right now and then we will be back just quickly

Guys I am currently in a race with n 10% to hit 100,000 subscribers before the end of 2024 make sure to hit that sub button it takes 2 seconds and I promise you won’t regret it and there we go Okay so we’ve opened up a massive area in our

Base right here now if we head on inside we have a bunch of different rooms right here we got all four different rooms for all of our starter Pokémon obviously there’s only three types but I do have a fourth area now the reason I’ve got a fourth area is because I figured we

Could put our special shiny Pokémon into one area as well okay now in order to build up all of the areas we obviously need a bunch of different materials for the fire area we create some sort of like volcano maybe I think would be quite cool looking Okay so we’ve got

Like a little rocky area right here what we’re going to do is get a bit of lava and we’re going to pour it down from up here and then hopefully it will just lead down into like a little pool of lava down the bottom right here now

Hopefully if we grab ourselves some lava now we’ll be able to have it flow down and it will look like a perfect little lava area ow no and with that I’m actually quite happy with the new area that I’ve created for my fire type Pokémon now all

We have to do is collect up the fire type Pokémon and then hopefully I’ll be able to place them all in here just like this and there we go okay perfect so we’ve created the Water Area made it nice and watery I’d say you’ve got obviously Squirtle who has sat inside of

A rubber ring cuz we obviously have our boy Squirtle right here we also have our froi which we got earlier on who is set up on a tree and then if we spin it around we now have Charmander this guy right here and also our Tor Chic sat in

The fire habitat now the last one that we need to get hold of of course is our Empoleon we need to get hold of a Piplup so I figured the best way to go about that would be just to breed or we can try and find one so for now we’re

Leaving pipop out of the habitat now we’ve been building for quite a little while so what we’re going to do now is spend a little bit of time out of the base and we’re going to go out and have a little hunt hopefully we can find something cool we’re going to head out

And try and find any new stars Pokémon to introduce used to our habitats okay so I’ve been waiting around for a Chimchar to spawn but instead of getting a Chimchar we’ve managed to get ourselves another Charmander another Charmander are you crazy what ah okay well I guess we’ll go ahead and catch a

Charmander anyway if we can um what can we do to damage this thing I’m thinking maybe we go into the shop and we buy ourselves a bunch of quick balls there we go perfect oh no not my Charmander woo W let’s go baby come on we have got

A Chimchar right here let’s go ahead and catch this guy finally after days of searching Chimchar has appeared is that no way is a wild Charizard that just spawn to oh my gosh shame we already have a Charmander but that is still very cool to see anyways I need to stop

Getting distracted I also bought myself a fishing rod thinking you know we can do some fishing in the night get ourselves a froy little did I realize we really have a froy I mean we have technically got three now while I was exploring around a little bit though I

Did find something just around the corner the Dark Forest during the daytime is where a Snivy spawns so that is the next start of Pokémon that we’re going to be looking for is of course a Snivy now I don’t know how long it’s going to take to find Mr Snivy but we’re

Going to spend a little bit of time here having a little search around and hopefully we can come across a new stter Pokemon hang no way no way have I just spoiled that no way wait what Chikorita right there and I saw something through the little

Forest bit there if you can see it it’s a Snivy oh my gosh let’s go we need to quickly catch these before every Pokémon despawns oh my gosh and there we go we have caught the Chikorita now let’s head on over to the Snivy and catch that as

Well and we we won’t catch the Snivy cuz we murdered it oh a that’s such a shame man rip well I guess it’s time to head back we’re going to put our Chimchar into the new enclosure and there we go Chimchar is now sat happily inside of the fire

Enclosure hey that’s so sick I’m actually so happy with the enclosures although I am now thinking they are probably a bit too small for the Pokémon that they got hold like obviously there’s nine different Pokémon that need to fit in here and I think it’s going to

Get very clustered very quickly when we get more than like five or six so maybe we should extend these at some point during this 100 days same with the water one I don’t know how we’re going to fit all nine starters in here now what we

Need to do here of course is make ourselves a new enclosure for the grass Pokémon so I figured maybe we go out and hunt a couple more starter Pokémon and then we come back and continue making our enclosures oh my gosh so we literally just randomly rtpd out into a

Spruce Forest and I’m pretty sure if I’m seeing that correctly there’s a rowet over here let’s head on over there it is oh my gosh I I I did not expect to find that I was trying to find a desert biome there we go we have caught the level

Seven rowet hey let’s go so we’ve just come across a jungle biome now I’m pretty certain if I am correct in saying so the starter Pokémon we want to look for here is going to be a tree coast my favorite starter Pokémon of them all okay so daytime inside of a jungle so

Let’s wait for daytime and then we’re going to try and find a treeo so as the sun is rising now I’ve managed to find this platform that is right above the jungle area and it’s flat so it spawns a bunch more Pokémon on it so I guess

We’re just going to sit on this platform for a little while and hope that we can get a Treo to spawn just running around on bottom to see if I had any spawns down here and I heard there it is yes I thought I heard a too let’s go we we

Have found a Treo sat in the tree right here holy let’s go my favorite starter I’m actually so hyped for this one come on let’s try not to murder this one like we did with the Snivy cuz that’ be awful and there we go we have caught the level

15 too holy that was good okay perfect let’s head back to the enclosure there we go perfect so now that we have four different grass type starters I think it’s time that we start making the zoo for them problem is the zoo here is kind

Of well I don’t want to say small um but it is not going to be big enough for what we need so what I’m going to do is go ahead and expand this out real quick 3 2 1 and there we go we now have a new

And improved water area right here with a little icy area with some snow we’ve got a lot more back room now and the room itself just looks so much better for all of our water type starters now now we just need to continue with our new fire area so let’s just stand right

About here and there we go look at this let me know in the comments what you guys think what do you prefer the fire area or the water area now this left to do is figure out where we want to do the grass area problem is we don’t really

Have a lot more room so I think we’re going to have to spend a little bit of time doing some Excavating and there we go Okay so we’ve mined out a massive area for the new grass place so what I’m thinking we do so we’ve got the corridor

Here for the water and the fire and then you head out down this Corridor and then you have a massive area here which is going to be a pathway from here to here where you can see all of the area where the grass Pokémon are but before we go

Ahead and start building the grass area I figured it would be a good time to head out and maybe search for another starter Pokémon now I’m thinking we go for a Piplup because a Piplup is going to be quite an easy one to find on the

Snow biome so we’re in the correct biome we just need to find ourselves a river or a frozen beach now does this count as a frozen River Frozen River there we go okay so we are in the correct biome let’s just wait around here and hopefully we can get ourselves a Piplup

So another way that we can go ahead and get ourselves some stter Pokémon is of course by going onto the GTS so we do have a syndic Quil on here which we could go ahead and buy but for this challenge I am limiting myself to only

Be able to buy one starter Pokémon of each type so we could go ahead and get ourselves a syndic Quil but is synd Quil going to be the hardest one to find probably not so we are going to save our starter Pokémon from the GTS for now

Okay so it’s been night for a hot minute now and I have not actually seen any pip plops spawning I’m probably going to quickly do SL home and reset the spawns is there any pip plops in the wait oh my gosh wait no way wooo let’s go caught ourselves

The little soble in the quick ball right there hello sir welcome to the team instead of finding a pipl we found a soble and instead of finding another pit plop after that we find a Charmander which we already have oh my gosh all right so what we waiting for a pip to

Spawn I managed to get myself a hold of a couple Lucky Blocks so let’s go ahead and open these bad boys up hopefully we can get a starter Pokemon ah no a single starter Pokémon I mean we we’ll take it I guess it’s not really that good though shiny tart is great

Shiny goo is great but it’s not a starter Pokémon so that is a big rip right let’s continue our search and hopefully we will be back when we find ourselves up what well yeah I guess we won’t be back because we found a pip plop guys um

Bro he finally we have ourselves a pip plop and a subel now we need to go ahead and get ourselves one more fire type Pokémon then we’ll head back and continue building our grass habitat right I kid you not what is going on like I just

Spawned what is going on so there is a Bulbasaur right here I was literally just over there looking for a pipl just off in the distance over there and as I’m traveling to find a Savannah Biome for my fire type starters I have just come across a Bulbasaur and a tiny caty

But we don’t we don’t care about the caty anyway we have come across a Bulbasaur so let’s go ahead and catch this boy right here oh my gosh I actually cannot believe that we have caught ourselves a Bulbasaur and it looks like our Charmander is about to

Evolve and here we are we have made it to the correct biome we’re looking for which of course was a Savannah Biome syndical and Tepig are able to be found in this biome so we’re going to have a little look around see if we can find

Any of those and then we’ll be back well what is going on we we go to a biome we look for a certain Pok PK and then we don’t find the Pokémon this is actually crazy like we found a Victini what what we’re going to go

Ahead and try and catch this guy real quick here we go no are you kidding me I was throwing quick balls at the Victini so I kept on leaving the battle and then re-entering the battle to get it I left the battle just a second ago and the

Victini has just disappeared what no I think we just lost the Victini no oh that’s so sad man what broh well never mind I guess we won’t be catching ourselves a Victini let’s continue the hunt for cinder Quil or Tepig hey and there we go we have found ourselves a

Tepig let’s go ahead and try and catch this guy real quick on the fall of the next day we have finally managed to catch the boy Mr Tepig right here even though it’s a female so the girl Mrs Tepig is the correction there now we just have to wait for daytime I think

Let’s have a little look real quick Mr squil is in the daytime in side of the oh so that one actually spawns in the bad lands we’re in the savannah so we’re actually going to have to be RTP out into a Mesa biome in order to find that

Guy so we’re going to head out find a Mesa biome and hopefully we can find ourselves a Synder Quil and finally we have made it home to our base unfortunately we weren’t able to find any of the Pokémon we were looking for but what we can go ahead and do is add

In our new additions to the zoo and there we go so we’ve added in the PIP BL right there in the icy area and then there is a sub on the tree and there we go we have our boy Tepig sat right there as well actually I think it’s a Mrs

Tepig so our girl Tepig is sat right there as well in the fire enclosure now we have four in here and four in here and I got to say this is really starting to come together like you can see pretty much everyone from this angle right here

And I am loving it ooh okay so I’ve just logged onto the server and there is a random tournament starting so let’s go ahead and join this up okay so this is the team that we are going to be going with we have of course SE King Kabutops

Uxie Sil Val and it is a bug type we have a ROM wash and a Cartana I’m thinking we replace seeking we get a com o ooh okay I’m happy with that all right so we have got our team right here uh who do we want to start with I think

We’re going to start with uxi just a U-turn out and see what happens here here we go okay eventually and we take down marada there we go GG’s now we just need to wait around for the next round of the tournament to start and we are back in the second round of the

Tournament two hours later a that is a GG’s right there unfortunately we do get taken out of the tournament GG’s to razor for taking me out there we now need to get started with building our next habitat which of course is the grass one we’ve got a bunch bun of

Pokémon ready to go in here so let’s build it 3 2 1 boom there we go we have it created the grass type habitat we’ve got a little area up here as well which has got a bunch of fences where you can have a little viewing area of all of the

Flying type grasses Pokémon that we get so for example like our rowet which will sit on top of the trees I made a lot of progress on this base so I think that it’s time that we head out and look for some more grass type Pokémon but first

Things first we need to add in our grass type Pokémon into the habitat and there we go we now have our shiny Chespin and Chikorita having a little talk over here we have little Bulbasaur as well and we also have our rowlet and our Treo up on

The top area so all these areas are really starting to come together now and I am loving how all of these have turned out so far I’m very happy that I made a little bit more room cuz it looks a lot better now but we haven’t got too much

Longer left of the 100 days so what we need to do now is head out and try and find find as many starter Pokémon as we possibly can so we need to get ourselves nine starters in total for each type we obviously have five for our grass so we

Are four more on that one we need five more on the water and five more on the fire now one way that I thought that maybe we could go ahead and do this would be to go ahead and create some sort of War Zone team that we can use to

Head into the war zone and hopefully find some more starter Pokémon okay so it looks like this season of the war zone is actually OU which means means that we can bring in a lot of very powerful Pokémon so what we’re going to do is head onto the GTS see what starter

Pokémon are on here real quick okay so from what it looks like the only starter Pokémon on there that we don’t already have is a score bunny and a cinder Quil and if we check our balance real quick we have 69k so we can go ahead and

Actually buy one of the St Pokémon um but I think for now I am going to hold off okay so we do have other Pokémon right here so let’s bring in the gasly and the Tyranitar and then I think we’ll bring in ROM looks like the team that we

Have right now is actually going to work so let’s head over to our chests real quick we need to grab out an exp all let’s put that thing on so if we head over to the warp training area we can spend a little bit of time leveling up

All of our Pokémon to level 100 and then head into the war zone and hopefully we can find some new starter Pokemon so now that we’ve got our team to level 100 I think that it is time that we try and head in to the war zone let’s go in now

240 seconds hopefully we can find ourselves a couple starter Pokémon and here we are the new war zone map it looks like we’ve got a Christmas theme this time looking good although it really does remind me of the last one that we had so maybe it’s similar I’m

Not too sure who have we got over there we’ve got a random guy over there I ain’t going to fight him if he does not fight me hopefully we can chill together though actually you know what we’re going to take him on we’re going to take

Him on and see if we can beat him here we’re confirming our team and this is a really cool new layout I actually love this so much holy okay so we are up against a brish first I’ve got a feeling that this is a throw team I’ll be honest

Um we’re going to take it on and see what happens here cuz let’s be real who brings a bruus into the war zone looks like Greninja is pretty much going to sweep this entire team which is amazing we don’t really want any of his Pokémon um so I’m might just leave it and

Hopefully it won’t make me take one let’s just wait hopefully we can just leave it I don’t really want to take any of this guy’s Pokémon cuz I feel bad so we’re just going to leave it and wait the 15 seconds hopefully it doesn’t steal anything but if it does then that

Is a rip okay it gave us a t SC okay that’s fine ooh okay so we have ended up finding a reloom which is kind of good because we don’t have a groy yet but I am just going to go ahead and catch this

Guy just so if we do lose a Pokemon in the war zone we have another one that we can bring in we have a player who’s like sneaking around watching me as well I don’t know who it is though there we go we caught ourselves a re boom perfect

And there’s a cell stealer that just bored oh my gosh wait we need that we need that oh my gosh I mean it’s not a star Pokémon so we can’t actually use it but that is still very very cool there we go okay we caught ourselves the cell

Stealer no I keep finding starter Pokémon and I found a ret which obviously is not what we need ah this is so annoying man I I think what I’m going to do though is I’m going to go ahead and just catch a bunch of starter Pokémon so that we can actually turn our

War zone team into a full team of starter Pokémon because right now we have got only half a team of starter Pokémon so if we can catch a full team that will make our lives a lot easier but unfortunately I’m just not seeing a lot of starter Pokémon usually when I go

Into the war zone on these videos I see so many starter Pokémon but of course when I actually need them they just decide that they don’t want to spawn which is really really annoying but I’m sure that we’ll be able to find some very very soon I hope

And we find ourselves a primarina as well which is a huge starter Pokémon and a wait what a DIY has just spawned in the war zone please be on me please be on me okay come on we need to catch this primarina quickly where is it where is

It I don’t think is on me guys no there’s a shiny over there but I don’t want it I want the diany nobody’s gone into the battle with the DIY just yet oh my gosh wait there’s a guy right here it could have been him oh no where is the

Diany there’s a septile right here it’s a shiny oh now we have to we have to stop for the shiny septile oh my gosh we’re catching this guy holy and the diany just despawned as well that is so sad man no but we did catch ourselves a

Separ which is amazing o okay so we have just managed to come across a score bunny which we don’t have yet so we’re going to go ahead and try and catch this guy as well there we go perfect we have captured a score bunny you know what

We’re going to fight him we’re going to fight him and see if we can take him out there we go okay so he seems to have a very good team but he does have a Toro which is actually kind of huge he does have a lot of grass types though so

We’re going to have to be very very careful here um let’s go into our Charizard to start with here we go so we do take the L here and he does take the shiny Tyranitar which is completely fine what we’ll go ahead and do is add on the

R booom and we now need to get our re boom back leveled up and then we’re going to head back over to the war zone and of course if we head into the war zone Bank as well we have a bunch of new Pokémon that we can go ahead and claim

Of course we have the rowlet we had the primarina the septile and the score bunny let’s go and then what we’ll do is head back into the war zone and hopefully we can get ourselves some new starter Pokémon mug Kip wait do we need mug Kip okay I think we actually do need

A mug Kip so we’re going to take that okay finally we actually found one that we we genuinely need oh my gosh an U has spawned in the war zone somewhere as well why does this happen every time that I’m catching something come on is the aifu on us I

Don’t see it anywhere oh I see it oh my gosh oh my gosh I see it let’s go okay now we actually need to try and catch this guy oh my gosh that’s two legendary Pokémon now that we found whether or not we’ll be able to catch this thing is a

Different story but we’re going to try our very best hopefully we can catch it problem is we don’t actually have like a m ball or anything so it’s not going to be an easy catch but we’re going to try our best to catch the U every time that

I’m in the war zone and I’m doing a challenge that doesn’t involve legendaries I always seem to find so many Legendary Pokémon which is so sad wait wait this guy might actually be able to just give me a master ball oh wait wait but do I have to leave the

Battle to get it oh no it’s right there there we go thank you drip my guy I appreciate that Mr alolan Raichu which I think his name is drip catron so thank you very much to you sir shout out to you if you do see the video I very much

Appreciate it let’s go and there’s another mug Kip and there’s another pit PL BR let’s go into our war zone bank and we’re going to drop off the U and the Mudkip there we go yes come on I actually I can’t lie I’m very happy with what we’ve got so

Far like we’ve come out with some pretty good stuff what we’re going to do now is well I mean let’s Chuck these guys into their habitats real quick and there we go we have our Mudkip right there and we have our score bunny right over here as

Well oh we’re getting so close this is looking so so good I’m so excited let’s head back into the war zone now and see if we can find a couple more Pokémon hey there we wait oh no there’s a heat tra but there’s also a Turtwig okay we’re

Doing priorities guys priorities we go for the Turtwig we go for the T and then we go for the Heatran there’s no way another Legendary Pokémon has just spawned on me that is crazy and it despawned it doesn’t matter because we got the star Pokémon right because

Turtwig was the priority right there I’m sorry guys I failed I didn’t get the Heatran but ooh there is an Eevee now I am going to go ahead and catch this purely because we have obviously let’s go Eevee and let’s go Pikachu so technically speaking Eevee and Pikachu

Are also Starter Pokémon we don’t have a habitap for them but I’m going to go ahead and catch them anyway come on there’s got to be something else I mean either way we have caught a decent amount of STS Pokémon through using the war zone so that is always super helpful

And it has helped us a little bit and given us a pretty big Boost Plus it’s been very entertaining for me fighting a bunch of different players as well so shout out to anyone that I did battle win or loss really appreciate you actually being a good sport and taking

The battle okay so I managed to log onto the server today and got my daily reward which ended up being five common Lucky Blocks so hopefully we can open these bad boys up and maybe we’ll be able to get something good we’ve got D Punda with us today looking like an absolute

Legend with his drippy stuff on right here the Discord Nitro like poke band I guess you call it which looks amazing daraka Leba breaks in toric and jolk they’re all like yellow and orange Pokémon like the odds of that is crazy but we did manage to get two Pokémon

Although I’m pretty sure if we head back in here we already have Torchic but I think what we’re going to do now is head back into the war zone for one more time because it’s been a while since we’ve been on the server so let’s go to the

War zone check it out and see if we can find anything cool Okay so we’ve made it into the war zone I don’t know if we are going to be able to find anything but if we find some players maybe we’ll fight them see if we can get ourselves some

New startup Pokémon but if not after we spent a bit of time in the war zone we will actually this time head out and see if we can find some wild starter Pokémon hey there we go we have found our first starter Pokémon that we haven’t already

Got which of course is a tood di which we can go ahead and add straight to our water enclosure which is huge I I’ll be honest I didn’t think I was going to find any more star Pokémon but I will definitely take it let’s go no we didn’t

Get the totod do cuz we got kicked from the war zone cuz we ran out of time no no no no no oh no okay we need to head back in br oh that’s really not good come on please okay we’re back we need to hopefully find it there’s a ret there

Are so many Pokémon right here oh my gosh um toad o go go go go go come on please no we are glitched what do you mean and now there’s a celester that just spawned I it’s right there wait can we get it let’s see or

Are we glitched yes we got it let’s go let’s hit it with a quick ball hopefully we can catch a CER I’m pretty sure we we already have a caler though right uh let’s hit it with the dragon claw hopefully we don’t murder it okay

We do no damage it that’s good hey there we go we caught the cell stealer let’s go that is huge I think that’s our second cell stealer now and luckily the toadal is still here but we can’t fight him no what is going on come on please

Please why can’t I fight I’m so confused come on toadal why can I not fight why you not fight hopefully we can come back in and get that tood doal because we still have not caught the stupid tood doal okay let’s go to the war zone Bank

Let’s claim our seller stealer there we go and then we’re going to head back in again hopefully we can actually do stuff now and not get bugged because we’re just wasting money at this point okay we are back into the war zone now we just need to try and find that toadal

Although paa just wait I one just spawned on me no way yes let’s go honestly the luck on that is crazy oh no there’s someone here is he going to try and fight me is the question okay he seems to be friendly which is good okay we’re good we’re good

Woo woo we just need to catch this toadal there we go we caught the toadal finally and it doesn’t look like there’s any other star Pokémon around here that we can go ahead and catch so let’s continue looking okay so we have found another Legendary Pokémon which of

Course is a yuie it doesn’t really help us too much though so we’re going to try us to catch it but I don’t think that it’s going to be very good and no my war zone time has ended so I don’t even get to catch the yuie no

Just three Lads sat on a chair we’re just um we’re just getting some screenshots right now for the guys um and we’re sat on some stupid frog chest so shout out to Caleb and of course D Punda um yeah anyways um let’s get back to what we’re meant to be doing

Anyway which of course is heading back over to our Zoo area and we can chck in our new new Pokémon we have completed Gen 2 gen 3 Gen 4 not quite Gen 5 we’ve done Gen 6 not quite gen 7 not quite gen

8 and we’ve got just the one on gen 9 so we’ve got a bunch of starter Pokémon now we just need to catch 1 2 3 4 5 six more starter Pokémon and then we have completed all of our challenges for this 100 days so let’s go ahead and add all

Of our new Pokémon into their habitats there we go our water habitat is now up dated with of course Mr quy right here doing his hair and toadal sat up on the ice up there we have completed the fire area as well adding in Lon and our fenin

And of course Mr cindil right there as well um we didn’t actually get any new grass Stars so uh we’re not going to add anything to this one so we are still looking for a Snivy and an oshaa so let’s head out and see if we can find

Them he finally we got ourselves a spawn we we got ourselves a Snivy to spawn in the ultra space which is one of the Pokémon that we need of course for Our Generation 5 starter Pokémon now that we’ve got this guy all that we need to

Do is find ourselves an OSHA and then we’ve completed gem five and are one step closer to completing all of our goals and there we go we have found the OSHA finally which we can go ahead and catch now completing our generation 5 starter Pokémon that is a full six

Generations of starter Pokémon all that we have left now is one more in gen 7 one more in gen 8 and two more in generation 9 we are so close guys so make sure to stay tuned to the end to see what all of our enclosures are going

To look like with all of the starter Pokémon inside oh my gosh okay so I haven’t found well I just found a fenin I haven’t actually found the biome I’m looking for yet but I have just come across a paradox Garchomp called the iron rocket so we’re going to go ahead

Get into a battle with this thing and we’re going to try our best to catch it because this is very very cool looking and hey I mean even if we did catch it maybe we’d be able to trade this with another player to get a starter Pokémon

I’ve set the server a little task if anyone can get me two of the Pokémon that I need they will receive the iron rocket in exchange there we go okay so we have received two of the Pokémon we need a shiny groi and a popio from dunda

So let’s go ahead and Pokey gift the Pokémon there we go we’ll give him number six there we go sir thank you very much there we go and now with the help of Punda we now of course have a poo and a groi which means the only two

That we need now are the spatio and Fu Coco and then we have completed every goal in this 100 days let’s chuck all of our Pokémon into their enclosures and then we’re going to head out and try and find the last two starter Pokémon and

There we go Okay so we’ve added in the Poo swimming down in the water right here and the groi is just chilling up here our shiny boy on the tree now we just need to find two more starter Pokémon oh my gosh we are very very close guys there’s a chair here now

Apparently as well in the doorway which is great out okay so we have found both the biomes that we need after a little while of searching we’re going to spend the rest of today in this Birch Forest right here okay so we’ve been back and forth quite a few times now waiting for

Both of these St Pokémon to spawn and nothing has come up just yet but while I was waiting I decided to have a little look on the GTS to see if I could find any of the Pokémon that we need on here since I haven’t really bought many off

Of the GTS yet unfortunately there’s only like cender quills and they’re all like battle perfect so they cost an absolute Fortune like 50k but I did manage to get myself a rare Lucky Block that was on the GTS so I figured we could open this up and see what

Legendary Pokémon we are going to get here we go 3 2 1 boom and we get ourselves a cub Fu from the rare Lucky Block let’s go ahead and catch that guy hey I love that we’re still not going to use it anyway finally yes the model

Looks so Derpy but we finally found the sprig Tio that we were looking for let’s go oh my gosh it’s been so many days searching for this thing to spawn and finally we get it now all there’s left to do is try and find the F Coco I’ve

Stolen P’s bike because I want to ride around really fast and hopefully I can get the F goo to spawn Faster by riding around on the zoom bike come on F goo where are you any F Cocos no F Cocos come on F Coco please surely there’s got

To be one around here we’ve spent so long looking I don’t want to look anymore and we are getting very close to the end of The 100 days now I really don’t want to end this with one Pokémon missing so please F Coco just appear yes

Finally woohoo we found the F Coco oh my gosh that was a long time holy we finally found our F Coco that we were looking for just need to go ahead and catch him now and there we go crit capture oh my gosh we have done it let’s

Go ahead and take all of this stuff back here we go we’ll park up the bike nice and neatly we need to put the final two Pokémon into the enclosures and then we will be done and with that we can now go ahead remove this chair we can open the

Doors let’s open them up here there we go we can open the doors up to our enclosures now let’s head on inside so you walk in on the left side here you have all of the water type stter Pokémon and this thing looks amazing we’ve got

The pop her down there we’ve got all the guys on the ice we’ got some Pokémon up on the logs as well and you’ve got Squirtle in the room ring now you turn around and you’ve got all the fire type starter Pokémon including our boys up on

The volcanoes we’ve got all the areas in the trees in the savannah area then you head on over into this area right here which is the grass area we’ve got a little underneath of all of the trees you’ve got some grass type Pokémon playing with each other and then you

Head up the ladder and you can see all of the other grass type Pokémon hidden up in the trees up here and with that we have finally completed this 100 days of collecting every Star a Pokémon

This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In STARTER ONLY POKEMON In MINECRAFT PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2023-12-22 18:34:22. It has garnered 9217 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:28 or 2368 seconds.

🟢I Trapped EVERY STARTER POKEMON Within 100 DAYS In MINECRAFT PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟢

🔵Server IP🔵

🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴


🔴How To Download Pixelmon🔴

🔵The mods I have are:🔵

Journey Map, Optifine, Pixelmon, PixelmonExtras.

🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢

✔️My Friends (Make Sure to go check them out!):✔️


🔴Gin PKM:⚪️


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  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

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  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

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    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruh

    Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruhVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa (With Every Minecraft Cat)’, was uploaded by PigmanBruh on 2024-01-04 11:00:15. It has garnered 4356 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Don’t worry, it’s just some silly cats vibing to “dubidubidu” by Christell Animation made with Blender, the open-source 3D modelling, animating, and compositing software. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java #minecraft #animation #memes Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More