Insane Funny Minecraft Animations – MUST WATCH!

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Today we’re watching the craziest Minecraft animation that you’ve ever seen with every animation it gets crazier and crazier and you won’t believe the crazy ending starting with Alex okay what what she just I guess she just spawned here this is her first time jumping into Minecraft and uh yep that

That’s how that’s like realistic Minecraft if you went to a tree and punched it it would actually hurt your wrist and dude she just punched down the whole tree she’s living the real life Minecraft and look at her hands dude okay that is just a terrible idea oh

Yeah now there’s zombies did she craft the sword though nope she’s running and the zombies are running too and girl you better be careful oh nice nice hit okay uh-oh that’s bad it didn’t it barely did any damage oh she’s she’s a goner oh did

She just break her leg oh my gosh that is brutal oh my this is the craziest Minecraft animation ever jeez she literally just fell into a cavern and broke her leg I that’s not even possible in Minecraft but apparently oh oh my gosh she’s like very very hurt

Dude where is Steve Steve needs to save her this is only the first animation of many but she just had an apple as you can see she’s very hungry she hasn’t had anything for days she’s waiting for a Steve to come save her but she just

Spawned in this new world and oh no no don’t don’t do it you may be hungry but you’re not that hungry Alex oh no that’s why you never want to eat no no no you never want to eat rotten flesh girl see that’s a very bad idea it’s just not

Worth it and day after day is gone by she’s losing her mind at this point at this point oh no oh no oh oh jeez look this is the wor this is just beginning this is literally like the saddest story of Alex but it’s raining now which is

Really good cuz now she can drink some water oh yes that’s really good for her she can survive but oh she’s also crying you’re wasting oh no it’s a whole new day she’s wasting perfectly good water from her eyes because of the rain oh jeez she’s literally about to just not

Make it dudes she’s slowly breathing barely alive oh now they’re spiders oh God you got this Alex don’t give up holy smokes what the heck was that it’s Steve no way that was flipping awesome and oh we have a returning Warrior this is a warrior returning home after a long

Day as you can see he’s taking off his iron gear and he’s getting ready for bed and let me tell you who else has a dirty room like this and is is that armor rack moving wait a second hold up hold up wait a second that armor rack is

Moving Steve is sleeping he went and saved Alex and now he’s back home Alex is resting and no no no this oh this is almost like Toy Story when the when when the toys come to life the armor rack came to life and where where is he going

Oh my he’s in the chest what the he’s looking at Steve is Steve pooping right now what is Steve doing in is that the bathroom oh jeez you better no no no is the armor rack is about to watch TV this is a first this is legit of first I’ve

Never seen an armor rack want to watch TV that is definitely something new and he’s trying to figure out what the how how is Steve not hear all this the creeper sees this he like what the uh hello I’m just cleaning dishes the armor rack is now reading okay wait

Steve didn’t go to the bathroom he went to his bedroom because he fell asleep on the couch he went to his bedroom and the armor rack is just awake during the bro he’s making so much noise how does Steve not hear all this and look at him did he

Just fart he just farted how does an armor oh uh-oh oh this is dude Steve has to notice there’s no way Steve does not notice all this is happening yeah there’s no one home zombie oh jeez the house is a mess oh wait a second oh no Steve’s going to notice wait what

Are what he put it all back together before Steve noticed what oh Steve just died Steve just died what how how did that just happen Okay luckily it’s a brand new day 6:59 in the morning and we are slicing up some bread is this toast wait we’re making toast

Right now oh my God yep why are we okay we are getting into this right now we are toasting bread as if our life depends on it and why does he have so many toasters oh my dude what the okay we just we’re look at us go we are

Toasting toast you see this is what happens when Steve dies other Minecraft players take over and they lose their mind Steve can’t die cuz then you lose your mind to toast it is not that serious apparently this guy just really likes toast you just ate but now we’re looking at different

Ways to die fishing now I know you’re thinking Gary how could you die by fishing well I guess we’re about to I got a big one that’s a regular siiz fish girl that’s a regular size fish just pull it in just wringle it in what you

See it’s just a it’s this is it yes that’s all you got it’s so small you’re just a complete waste of time oh my gosh that’s so mean oh oh my H what what was the purpose of that why did she eat that so far for no reason

And there’s a waterfall oh she’s dead remember how I told you guys this was a way of die fishing Edition well this girl’s about to probably die because there’s a waterfall and she’s on a wrinkling little tiny Wooden Boat which by the way these wooden boats would not

Be able to go ahead survive a waterfall drop like this and as you can see she’s not going to make it unless she made it wow I’m alive that you’re alive that’s great uh-oh where’s my boat the boat the boat look up she survive going to have to try harder than

This okay yeah she just died to a shark just like that but luckily we’re now oh it’s a hummingbird this is way to die by a tree oh no oh gosh didn’t she learn her first lesson never oh wow that’s a really good that’s a really good painting actually what the heck what

Kind of pecking bird does that I don’t know why I said it’s a woodpecker I don’t know why I said hummingbird you guys are probably roasting me in the comment section right now oh you better move you can move you have enough time but move the pig move the pig second if

I keep running with the tree I’ll be crushed by it but if I take one big step to the side I’ll get out of the way in time but what about the pig there you go now you’re safe but the pig is not safe you just left the pig all alone

There what wait a minute no shot she just got crushed oh my God that wait she’s alive How I’m pretty sure she was allergic to bees as well and whoops speaking of next time Among Us in Minecraft huh no Alex no it was it was him okay um who who found the body did it was Steve I walked into the room and there he was standing

Next to a body I saw it happen right in front of me and you can see the guilt in his eyes too look at his eyes yep I see his eyes I guess you can’t see his eyes cuz of the helmet but imagine it would you guilty unless I don’t know Alex

Seems kind of sus Steve what do you have to say for yourself I saw Alex V yeah like they’re that’s not going to work why does that always happen okay hi Alex didn’t expect to see you sleeping what happened to your leg oh my gosh her leg

Is injured but she’s beating apples and potions and Steve’s been taking good care of her because well she got injured in her last time going to the mines and as you can see Steve is sort of in love with Alex and everybody knows that Steve loves Alex but you guys didn’t know that

Steve is also a little crazy yep he just sent her flying yep it’s time to wake up dudes as you can see we are starting the day off with a nice solid prank it’s always good to prank your friends in Minecraft because that’s how you make really good

Friends right oh no Steve what are you doing by that ledge Alex if I was you would be very careful don’t trust Steve for what is that did someone die oh no well that’s uh yeah okay that’s why that was there it was a prank we are literally

Getting pranked left and right Alex is not doing too good but now she’s building all right this is very nice oh nice diamonds we’ve got diamonds iron ore iron blocks Cobblestone dude we are looking or stone I should say dude go grab that you can help your oh of course of

Course another prank dude Steve is on a roll right now at this point Alex should even believe him there’s no way that Alex gets pranked again because every single day it’s like she’s getting pranked and it’s almost unfair oh no more pranks come on Steve you blew up

Her house why would you blow up her house guys I just want to say that I think Alex might lose it at the end of this animation and the next animation gets even crazier and now she he’s on a mine cart oh no this oh guys she now has a diamond sword

And oh my oh my yo oh oh she’s going in oh my she’s going to kill Steve she wait it’s way too peaceful yeah wait they’re just now if you thought that was funny this is the Village attack okay this is the ultimate Minecraft cartoons that we

Have been told to check out it’s apparently one of the best animations that you guys have to watch so he’s now going to go ring the bell in the village to wake up all the villagers but he’s realizing Hey where’s everybody at no one’s waking up and [Applause]

Oh why did so many villagers oh my dude did that Iron Golem just break the entire house it looked like okay he’s fishing uh you don’t need this oh my okay that’s awkward oh nice he’s he’s is he smoking the Potions you’re not supposed to sniff the potions like that

Dude we got the librarian the village is looking flawless everything’s going exactly according to plan and oh and the Farm’s growing too dude this is going great everyone’s farming everyone’s living what could oh that actually worked good good job little guy man now of course nighttime approaches when night time

Approaches in the village things can go very wrong all the villagers Rush inside their homes and everyone goes asleep it’s a peaceful loving Village unfortunately there just isn’t enough beds for everybody as you guys know most Villages don’t have enough beds for everybody but this family has enough

Beds but why are we zoomed in on his face like this oh God what someone just someone kidnapped a little boy someone’s kidnapped the baby oh no oh is that bro oh my God what dude this is the craziest Minecraft that I ever seen my life the zombies are attacking the village and

The villag are hopeless oh my God they’re all going eat not the blacksmith did he just jump in the lava he would rather jump in lava than be eaten by a zombie in all the villagers being eaten dude well yep okay the whole village oh

Oh they’re all D yeah no one oh my god dude the poor villagers dude you can get out of here farmer is that the baby is that he’s alive yes oh never mind he’s a baby zombie villager well I guess this is all that’s left of the peaceful Village once

The zombies attack you guys know it’s only Minecraft and when Minecraft stuff happens this guy’s the only villager left legit everyone else has been taken by well I guess the zombies and then a Steve comes along and he starts robbing the village of everything that was left literally he just steals all the

Emeralds he steals all the loot he steals everything look at him look at him go that’s you by the way that is you stealing everything in this Village even taking the Bell you see and there’s this poor one little villager it’s like super sad depressed he’s seen War literally

His entire Village was destroyed and then Steve comes along and steals everything all this guy had left was his farm now that’s gone too and what wait the Villager is getting a good idea he’s curing the zombies dude he’s what dude no way the farm the farmer kept his

Baby the farmer kept his baby he’s going to save his baby dude this is genius the Villager is dude he’s going down to the mines he’s collecting gold when have you ever seen a what when have you ever seen a villager collecting anything never oh

God oh let’s go dude he just slice that zombies head in half oh he’s going okay you don’t need to go in the nether man you just need to oh okay you don’t okay he is going in there he’s eating some blaze rods he’s just stealing the blaze Rod’s

Leg and now he’s collecting apples very peaceful apples getting the potions going he’s looking like he’s straight out of Breaking Bad making golden apples and nice now all he has to do is feed this to his baby son and speaking of son the Sun is Rising now dude this is the

Most epic animation we’ve ever seen in our lives this is absolutely fantastic as you can see the sun’s Rays affect zombies oh yeah wait oh no did his son Break Free his son broke free oh no wait no don’t Steve Ste Steve Steve this is just a villager trying to

Get his son don’t do it dude it’s not worth it oh my what the the Villager and Steve are going at it oh he’s got arrows he’s throwing arrows shooting those arrows Dodge him nice oh God it’s a gold sword versus a diamond sword in any normal situation the gold sword would

Never win but this guy is fighting for his family and when he’s fighting for his family you know he means business and now they’re fist fighting and oh no the rays are slowly approaching on the sun which is in a boat right now he needs to move the Z the baby zombie oh

What the oh my gosh bro he just got sent all the way up in the sky this is legit like an anime fight no no no no no we’ve got to move the baby we’ve got to move the baby Dude nice oh well uh-oh uh-oh that’s not good dudes you better feed him a golden apple quick you better move them or or it worked he saved his son dude no way he did it for some of course beautiful lighting that is needed now Alex is decorating this house to make it

Perfect because a perfect house means perfect results but she needs more Redstone and the only way to go get redstone is to go farm it but of course Steve is up to no good now everyone knows once you’ve built a really nice house the last thing you want to do is

Have it blown up by one of your friends and oh no no that oh he’s in trouble he is in trouble dude Steve Holy Smokes oh he built a bunch of traps goodbye Alex it was nice KN you oh nice dude oh Alex means business dudes

Holy smoke Steve get out of there quick she’s after you and she’s not taking no oh a horse an apple horse go horse go oh yeah I think Steve might be done for unless of course he has more TNT of course why wouldn’t he have more TNT

Dudes I swear this is one of the most epic animations you could possibly find on Al is that a TNT launcher oh my bro guys yeah I don’t know dude this is like a full-blown anime look at look at this look at her go yo does she finally

Get him oh the epic moves going in going in this is so well done yes wait for it wait for it Steve I knew you had it coming yeah you better beg for forgiveness that’s right water oh yeah oh but the animation doesn’t stop there because guess what Alex is now

Tending to her beautiful Cows as you can see these cows chickens and the farm need to be tend to now Steve is a troublemaker did she just kick that chicken what did that wait okay she’s going to make okay I see you Alex she’s

Out oh yep yep what how did is she stuck in the fence how do you even get stuck in the fence like that of course Steve is a troublemaker and he’s currently eating a golden apple oh no this is a terrible idea yeah do not prank her again Steve what Steve Steve really

Really you you’re going to are those po he’s throwing potions and chickens at her even shooting arrows at her butt this is a terrible and throwing water buckets because she threw water and lava on him last okay really Steve really you’re you’re going to regret holy that’s what you get Steve now of

Course Alex was tending to the chicken the cows but now she’s tending her Farm a farm she built that’s actually an automatic farm that’s pretty awesome as you can see that Steve’s automatic farm but she has a regular non-automatic Farm she does everything on her own while

Steve is sort of you know a prankster a trickster and of course he sort of does automatic mining too as you can see he has an automatic Cobblestone farm he has tons of cobblestone that’s being farmed yeah it’s making Alex a little bit jealous she even goes and fights

Monsters all on her own as you can see she’s gaining XP getting all the the rotten flesh that she needs where’s Steve yeah oh we’re baking a cake look at Alex baking a cake okay oh nice very nice frosting on that bad boy layering it up real nice making it real tasty

Okay okay oh she’s going to give it to Steve as like oh they okay so she wants to be nice you know Steve has been doing a lot of pranks lately so Alex wants to give him oh she rebuilt her house unless that’s Steve’s house I’m not sure whose

House this is but it looks very nice main no zomb uh-oh oh no oh no dude okay why why would he have an automatic Arrow launcher oh no that is the okay now he even has this is a literally a really fortified base for zombies and skeletons when she’s just

Trying to deliver him take is that an iron gold oh it’s oh this is the worst she just wants to deliver a cake oh look at the inventory change a rope throw in the Rope around the Iron Golem wrapping her up easy captured she just wants to deliver cake is it that hard

Hello okay Steve she just wanted to give you cake dude yeah oh oh night time has come and with night time come some pretty scary monsters but Alex isn’t afraid Alex knows that she has to do what she needs to do to stop these dudes from attacking

Her brand new base zombies skeletons yo you got this you don’t have a sword Alex Bro what oh my God are these are these zombie ninjas bro this is oh my yo that’s what I’m talking about girl build yourself that iron sword and get to work

Yes chop them up show them you mean is that a iron or that’s an iron armored zombie bro what imagine if zombies actually went this hard like if you were actually out there oh my dude what this is an epic battle this is this is a dual

Wielding swords oh baby that’s what I’m talking about yeah you’re a goner dude oh my this is epic holy smokes dude that was awesome oh my gosh it’s like a real dude oh my I where’s Steve though oh my gosh it’s a raid yep you better run pal now

All that automatic farming isn’t going to help you here you better use all the tools you have to stop this raid from happening cuz they will kick your butt he’s got a diamond sword oh gosh they don’t look very friendly oh gosh they they don’t look very happy at

All yeah you you got to stop them dude oh he got hit he got hit you see where’s Alex when you need her dude you shouldn’t have been pranking her so much uh-oh arrows coming oh yo let’s go okay oh okay Alex means business oh my oh my

Gosh Alex is in it to win it dudes oh this is epic this is freaking epic go go go dude she has to protect Steve he can’t protect himself she’s not happy dudes she’s only got an iron sword though oh but she’s putting in work why wouldn’t she get the diamond sword that

Steve had oh man this is beautiful absolutely beautiful oh oh yes this is what I’m talking about this is what she got shot in the arm oh that’s bad and her sword broken oh it’s over it’s over unless Steve it’s up to you dude what did he do

What what did he even Oh my he built a TNT launcher let’s go oh oh oh oh oh that is epic look at her armor okay that is so awesome oh oh she looks so cool look at her oh my look yo they successfully defeated the raid okay that is actually pretty flipping

Epic yeah I don’t think wait why did Steve dude really really Steve you can be friends with Alex you don’t always have to blow her up dude ah the trend oh okay and okay we are starting off with all the monsters getting destroyed by Alex and she’s farming hey look a

Slime oh okay that that is gross she’s just grabbing the SK she’s got slime balls okay that is so smart oh no oh the frogs are gathering outside of her house you don’t want to mess with the frogs this oh it’s in her house it’s in yeah be very afraid stay away stay

Away right now Mr Frog we don’t want any problems we’re able to fight zombies spiders even slimes but no the frog is an enemy we don’t know what to do with do we shoot the frog is it friendly is it we missed we missed every shot it’s attacking okay it’s coming after us

We’ve got to fight it that’s the only we’re getting surrounded now we are literally getting surrounded this is not good H Steve is sleeping Steve had okay there you go Steve has just woken up Steve get the diamond sword and take out the frogs there’s two

Of them yep she’s what huh what a hero what oh no Steve no he’s pranking her that is okay that is actually messed up he is a bull yep now he’s getting beaten up now he’s getting beaten up by Alex you see that’s what happens when you prank your

Best friend you don’t want to mess with Alex now you’re homeless Steve now you’re stranded outside all by yourself with no Alex and he just broke his wrist you should not be punching trees it hurts he’s punching trees at night now there’s monsters around he’s got one

Little light he’s homeless you see you gave up your house with Alex because you were being a prankster and yes dig down that’s right that very smart you see what’s uhoh no no you never want to go in the dark Ravines dude don’t do it we’ve got skeletons zombies creepers

Probably spiders too oh yeah just get out of there don’t wait what he he killed he got diamonds what how did he go and get diamonds his first time going in the mines okay that’s a pretty good deal he’s got one Diamond literally one just

One you need a rabbit oh no no he’s trying to kill the he’s hungry now all right I see what’s happening poor Steve because he has to go out in the world no longer has Alex do everything for him dude that bunny is moving fast it’s running he’s losing all his health

Collecting berries it’s a rough life for Steve out there in the wild and now he’s hungry he wanted rabbit but he can’t have rabbit as you can see he only has a few things in his inventory but he should be able to craft something he has

Plenty of iron ingots wait a minute what is he about to do that no no no a pressure plate oh it worked it actually worked okay this is going to be great oh my is he wow that’s wow guys I am very impressed he did a very good job wow now

He just going to eat all that by himself that’s that’s a lot to eat Steve he’s lonely that’s what happens realization just kicked in multiple seasons are going by and Steve is alone he’s been living in this area all by himself now Alex is still mad at him oh my oh my

Yo oh dude that that’s he’s got all these traps set up dude I am very imp depressed but you’re still lonely that’s the reality of the situation pal yep I know it just hit you you got all this food you’ve got all these diamonds all

This iron but no one to share it with that’s why friendship is important oh wait a minute is he guys he might be going crazy I’m not going to lie to you I think he might have just made this y okay yeah guys he’s going crazy he’s literally going okay his best

Friend’s a snowman his best friend is literally a Oh my he just landed it yes okay I’m okay Mr Pig oh Goodbye Mr Pig did you see that Mr snowman I bet you did because you’re watching all the time and look at this automatic oh wow that’s very very nice automatic

Wheat he’s catching fish why why is he naked guys he’s drying his clothes okay that makes sense but now Winter’s over and oh no guys did you see all the snow melted do you know what his best friend is made out of oh jeez who’s going to

Tell him who’s going to wait how is it still huh how is the Snowman still it’s still alive is the Snowman actually real wait he’s going back home no way oh the Snowman oh that’s so sad oh that that that just happened the Snowman just melted right before his eyes he

Just lost his best friend twice now he lost his best friend once with Alex and now oh oh oh that oh that’s so sad he has more trap set up but guess what after after years of him doing this it’s not as cool as it once was look at this

He’s still sad and lonely and that’s why you need to go apologize to Alex Steve you can’t constantly be pranking her she will come back you just got to apologize for being so silly dude she’s really scared of frogs oh speaking of yo wait dude this is the moment this is y

Yes he found her and she ended up getting hurt and this is his moment and as you can see she’s currently in bed so that means Steve brought her back to the house and helped her out he gave her potions golden apples and even made her soup he really cares dudes he really

Cares okay this should fix the relationship this should uh uhoh what oh no Alex you’ve got to be kidding me Steve Steve you’ve got to be kidding me you can’t break her dude he didn’t learn he did not learn his lesson he he’s still pranking Alex and look at her she’s

Terrified to go outside now she’s like do I go outside what do I do Alex be very careful at any moment oh that’s the Snowman R the Snowman oh no oh you’ve got to be kidding me dude oh my God Steve you are such a prankster okay this is not good now Alex

Obviously is just a appreciative that Steve helped her right I’m giving you guys a little bit of education and background to all this story because there a lot to unpack here it seems like Alex is really grateful that Steve helped her but she’s tired of the pranks

Yep she keeps getting pranked and Steve is having the time of his life similarly to when he was hunting remember when he was hunting those those rabbits and all those cows he’s just doing it to her causing chaos every day shooting arrows at her oh my he’s using the same pranks

He used on Creepers on rabbits on cows on Alex look at all the arrows look at all the fireworks yeah that is not good she is going to lose her mind she’s going to go crazy look he’s oh you see what I mean I told you she’s chasing him

Oh that’s bad wait what does this switch do oh my God more arrows oh that’s it that’s it she’s got she’s reached her final form dudes it’s oh this is epic okay Steve no what what oh what no sh wa what’s that button I cannot believe it now I’m

Wondering how she got in that position and obviously she had to run from zombies and I can assure you that it was probably scary but oh what the nice she slapped the zombie in the head but oh he survived cuz it’s a wooden axe and she fell in the Ravine

Oh that’s how she broke her leg now right now she doesn’t have Steve the sa her you guys saw Steve found her later but she was alone in this cave and hungry it looks like for a very long time she’s trying to fix her leg and oh

That looks brutal dudes that looks very like like it hurt a lot oh gosh okay multiple days look like it went by she’s running out of food that was her last Apple she’s hungry another day’s gone by she’s at this point missing Steve she’s pretty much given up hope and she knows

Not much can happen The Last Resort she can eat this very very rotten flesh and you guys know when you eat rotten flesh you throw up that you never want to eat rotten flesh that is very bad very she she’s still alive though she’s surviving through days and nights but as you can

See she’s running to her ends meet oh oh yes yes eat the but those are also rotten flesh okay did she survive she surviv another day and it’s raining rain is good she can drink the rain water but guys I know for a fact that she is still

Hungry she may be getting some thirst but yeah she’s crying she knows that this might be the end multiple days have gone by no one’s come to save her because her and Steve got to that fight and she’s mad at Steve and she’s stuck in this Ravine but wait she’s dreaming

And spiders that’s bad dude I don’t know if she’ll be able to go ahead and survive the what that’s when Steve came oh dude that okay this makes a lot more sense now but wait I can’t believe he would launcher in this Sky we’re in a

Village these are villagers oh no oh are they about to prank oh they’re about to prank villagers don’t do this the poor villagers oh yep I knew it they’re going to rob they’re going to rob the villagers that is messed up yeah Alex yeah good idea you know what everyone

Robs villagers Steve is an expert at robbing villagers but guess what when you rob villagers you can get caught but you got to be very sneaky and don’t get caught look at him filling up this bag with all the loot yep Alex know that it’s wrong she’s like he’s like watch

The door and get that chest oh jeez okay what’s in the chest anything good emeralds Emerald really okay now we’re in business now oh out the window this is The Big Heist the big Moola oh they’re going to rob the farmer they’re going to take all the

Crops dude these animations are so good man if you guys enjoy it be sure to drop a like we are not done yet they’re taking all the potatoes I love potatoes okay now now you see look how happy Steve is he is so H what now oh oh they’re taking the enchanting table

They’re taking the enchant he’s brushing his teeth they’re robbing him as he’s brushing his teeth that is messed up that is they literally robbing everything look at them just taking everything in the room they took all the bookshelves his whole house is empty look how happy they look oh no oh that’s

They wait they just took the Iron Golem’s iron no that’s messed up man that is and they took the Bell they might as well just take the whole house and they did they literally took the whole house are they going to take the villager’s bed too no

That that is messed up dude literally left him just like that they took all his wood oh that is messed up that is messed up all nice see this is where the villagers they get their Revenge the villagers they’re riding My Little Ponies into the sunset where did they

Get My Little Pony from and that guy’s on the toilet and oh they’re all dead a village which seems very peaceful and very normal until you realize Alex and Steve are looking to the Village to go ahead and steal things from this Village and you guys know when there’s

Villages involved you want to run up in the houses and steal everything right right drop the video like if you agree Villages normally have really good stuff diamonds iron swords all types of weapons and oh this villager left this door open that’s great for stepen Alex

And Alex wants nothing to do with it but there’s a chest we’re taking everything everything inside this chest we’re taking with us because this is how we’re going to win and beat the Ender Dragon oh yeah Alex go open that chest that yep open that one what what emeralds that’s

Perfect okay this is a dream come true we now it’s time to go yep we’ve got to leave put away those emeralds it’s time to escape they have to leave without being seen and cannot do any Dam damage they just stole the they just stole all the carrots this villager worked very

Hard for those carrots and as you guys know it’s time she stealing all the potatoes dude this is oh my this is the best whenever you steal from Villages it’s a good feeling when you have all this free food because you don’t got to worry about nothing oh he just found the

Library he’s going to steal all the books this is perfect and oh my God this guy’s just brushing his teeth they’re stealing everything from the chest and somehow they’re they’re inside the dude this guy’s just brushing his teeth and the chest is gone now okay someone’s going

To notice that all the stuff is oh oh no oh my iron golem down oh my they’re now they have iron and they stole the Bell they were literally and they’re stealing the entire house wow this guy is sleeping in it okay this is just wrong

Are they going to leave the bed or they he’s pooping you’ve got to be kidding me this poor guy he was just trying to go number two and now he has no yes villagers uprise run yep it’s now Sten Alex versus villagers and they’re riding on My Little

Ponies well uh-oh and that’s how the village was destroyed yep but luckily they’re back at the house and they’ve just gone ahead and realized wait a second the oh my this is a this chest is aive wait oh oh my it’s eating everything holy oh dude this this is the best animation ever

Seen my a bunny oh my God hello cute little bunny what are you doing out here all alone you know we were just at a village and we raid the village and now the chest is sort of breaking through everything no oh my God he’s eating

Everything wait a second he’s in the oh that’s the funny okay that is just wrong that is just wrong at the end of the video I grand opening world’s first glass mum okay the whole museum is now destroyed okay there’s Bedrock is he going to he just ate through he’s literally

Eating through everything oh not the nice little look how happy he’s on the train he’s eating pancakes oh God oh God and a donut oh jeez this is bad the chest is about to eat everything oh he’s getting bigger he’s legit getting bigger and bigger as he eats bigger

Things karma that’s what you get Al Steve that’s an iron pickaxe dude that’s a pickaxe du you can use it to mine Stone and diamonds diamonds but be careful not to dig straight he’s already digging straight yeah he’s he’s already G he’s Alex he’s already gone Steve Steve wait

Don’t do that the first rule of Minecraft never dig straight down never dig straight every he’s dead he’s he’s alive yes he survived okay guys he didn’t survive run dig dig dig wait no no dig to the side Steve dig okay you see that’s Alex better not have that’s why you don’t dig

Straight down dudes oh my gosh and he’s not going to respawn told you yeah yeah so it up jeez now luckily after learning never to dig straight down Steve noticed that Alex is sleeping she’s sleeping Steve no no oh good you’re awake so uh I found something super duper cool I want to

Show you but you know whenever you’re ready I’ll be out here waiting you see he just woke her up to show her that he found something cool if someone did this to me I’ll would be very mad because I love sleeping that’s it what is it it better

Be so huh what an ender pearl is looking for someone wait is get all the way over here Alex introduce you to the ender pearl that is pretty cool this I can throw it as far as I want and yep yep there Boom Baby Boom baby sized

Teleportation yep how cool is that oh can I have a go unless let you break it okay Alex like that’s going to nice dude what was that what was it oh nothing nothing BR it see everything is completely fine definitely not cracked totally broken look what before you say

Anything I need to make clear I plan this what what part of what happens you have that is going this is what happens when you have a broken Ender pear is he a creeper it’s all really and you don’t get it you almost got it one more you

Done something with your hair you look different oh my gosh Alex you’re so funny no one I can’t wait to see what you come up with next oh God is that chicken about to eat the other part don’t you dare oh no he’s a chicken this really cra cracks

You up cracks you up I like that one a lot actually oh what is that a command block wish something interesting would happen wait did Steve tur is that a why is there a blaze chasing a villager did I just do that wait uh uh he’s a command block uh I

Wish I had a cool hat okay I did command blocks can wish anything I wish uh I wish I had a burger a burger oh oh I wish I had a tongue a tongue oh what what what about hands oh what’s happening I I wish this all would

Go away there we go you you need a body get a body well that didn’t go quite to plan let’s try something else H I wish I had more friends whoa I am fabulous command block friends get a hat I wish all my friends had cool

Hats too boom taxi I’m not a taxi how’ you do that I don’t know I just wish for things and they happen oh no I wish there were dud dinosaurs with and a sombrero with red boots oh I wish someone would save us what Dan no I wish I could

Run he’s a chicken he’s a chicken command block I wish I could run super fast there you go there you go he’s a cheetah now oh God why not just get rid of the dinosaur oh my gosh I I wish everything was back to normal there you

Go holy he almost died I wish something interesting would happened did he just turn into a mine cart oh man look at these new Wheels they’re light Lightning Fast Lightning Fast mine cart the same as before though yeah spoken like a true amateur these are like custom if you say

So talking Minecarts you want to race racing Minecarts no not really no I no I uh it’s racing time 3 2 1 get ready start your engines because you’re about to see the most epic race of a lifetime I’m excited okay is it three two one

No okay I my money is on the the the guy with the flame see Flames always make things faster that’s how it works okay what is is silver even is he just a standard boring mine cart look how come he’s I think he’s going too fast by the

Way I’m just silver is just taking his sweet time you know he’s enjoying the scenery it’s a beautiful day in the Overworld and blue is flying literally silver is like not even even close he’s trying his best but his best really isn’t that good if you think about it

And blue is just like I’m going to win but how is he going to slow down uh-oh uhoh oh my God he almost killed the Sheep the Sheep’s in the way the she sheep hey oh slow and steady wins the race oh uh well I hate you that’s oh why is

There a villager in him what Pistons what the oh they have faces too wait okay they both have faces oh they’re talking blocks you even lift do you even lift bro you just say to me yeah do you even lift do you you think I don’t lift they’re pisses hell yeah I do

Heck yeah you want me to prove it prove it I said it show us what you can do push it push it this is awkward he’s not he’s not really doing a good job is that the best you can okay wow wow that I told you that’s very

Impressive now you try that is really that’s a that’s you got this you got this I believe in you what the heck is that Houston it’s an astronaut problem what uh-oh Spork Spork Houston mission accomplished

This video, titled ‘FUNNIEST Minecraft Animations! YOU WONT BELIEVE!’, was uploaded by ReactingToGaming on 2023-10-21 15:00:35. It has garnered 22362 views and 278 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:32 or 3032 seconds.

FUNNIEST Minecraft Animations! YOU WONT BELIEVE! ⭐ Click The 🔔 Bell! 👈🏼 👍 Drop The Video A Like! 👍🏼

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  • Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation – Must Watch!

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  • Glory4Glory

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  • CleanSMP – SMP 1.20.4, Money system, Survival, Java, NO Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate Showdown

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  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

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    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: Wind Burst Player Bounce Change Wind Burst Enchantment The latest Minecraft Pre-release 3 update brings exciting changes to the Wind Burst enchantment. This enchantment now allows players to bounce 7 blocks up per enchantment level. However, at level 3, players will bounce a whopping 21 blocks up, posing a risk of fall damage upon landing. Players are advised to have a target locked in or other means to mitigate the fall damage before hitting the ground again. Data Pack Version 48 Update In addition to the Wind Burst enchantment changes, the data pack version 48… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

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  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

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  • “EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650” #shizzoclickbait

    "EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650" #shizzoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 12:57:03. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:02 or 242 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

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  • Insane Secrets: Modern Underground House Build Minecraft

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared Merlin

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared MerlinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MOB World 2 Ep 3’, was uploaded by Jared Merlin on 2024-03-27 02:46:29. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:31 or 3271 seconds. You can also find me on… Facebook: Instagram: Video created & edited with Microsoft Clipchamp Opening sound provided by Pixabay Read More

  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

    Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4Video Information This video, titled ‘EXPLORING A CAVE | Minecraft Survival | S1 EP4 | VOD | READ DESCRPTION’, was uploaded by SquirtNugget1 on 2024-05-24 07:30:03. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:31 or 7771 seconds. ✨Welcome to my channel!✨ Here is a Minecraft Survival VOD series where I explore a new cave! I find lots of new things around my world and more! I even found some cats and you won’t believe what I named them! I hope you enjoy this VOD! If you would like to watch any of my… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames - WIN big prizes!! 😱" #lastgametitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonOyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yüksek ödüllü Minigames // Guard Çekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-12 15:53:59. It has garnered 36 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨

    EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build 🦊🔨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Cute Fox House Build Tutorial 🏡’, was uploaded by Krafter on 2024-01-12 16:00:31. It has garnered 152 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. In this Minecraft Tutorial video, you learn how to build cute fox house in 2024 + interior . If you enjoyed it, drop a like and subscribe to my channel for more!🤍 —————————— ᐁ SOCIALS ᐁ —————————— Discord: —————————— ᐁ MUSIC ᐁ —————————— song i used in background : —————————— ᐁ Chapters ᐁ —————————— 00:00 intro 00:40 layout 00:49 head 02:49… Read More

  • MinionMC

    MinionMCJust some basic survival multiplayer world to play on and have fun. Come join if you want some basic vanilla smp just for fun. Read More

  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

    Welcome to Dark Hearts 20+ Bedrock Realm! This bedrock realm is looking for players ages 20 and up to join. Our realm is about a week old and features cool mods such as one player sleep and shearing sheep for OP loot. Currently set to peaceful mode with survival and keep inventory enabled, we plan to adjust difficulty and inventory settings as we progress. Join us for long-term fun! Rules: Main Rule: Ages 20+ only. Maximum of 20 players in the realm at once. No direct invite link; provide your gamertag for a manual invite. Respectful behavior is a must…. Read More

  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

    GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]GenuineMC is a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server that is run by an amazing community! We have attracted individuals of various ages and nationalities who have all found themselves at home on our server. Their voices have helped shape our community and have helped us prosper for 11 years as a Java Minecraft Community. Their voices have allowed GenuineMC to become what it is today!As a team, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for new and current players. We also strive to meet the needs of every player, as well as listen to their personal comments about our community…. Read More