Insane Gaming Gorilla Hits 200🔴 Minecarft & Roblox!!

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Hello everyone uh welcome to welcome to Nevada and today we’re going to kidnap kids using a school bus anyways today we’re just going to play some Roblox origal on stream yeah very original like all my intros no it’s been sarcastic join me join me on Roblox right now or you’re going to get

Decapitated join bro I want to see you play the game no join that isn’t an option for you you’re a person on the stream join I have an option no you don’t you don’t have free will join join me on Roblox right now or you’re going to jail hello

Pony okay yep Bobby immediately goes to that okay anyways we’re going to be playing some very normal Minecraft Woodman is gone he L left I literally I don’t I know if he’s talking anymore anyway welcome to Minecraft no mods no nothing yep no mods I don’t even think Woodman’s there

Anymore I think he left he did leave hey you sure yep that is Minecraft after all guess I’ll be in my server bro why did you leave because you’re Bing me you’re bothering me CU I want you to join me on the Roblox

Game it’s a lot to ask what if it is a lot to ask it’s a Roblox game game you’re getting upset over me not joining a game yes I’m very upset what I’m very upset you won’t join my Roblox game Jo okay then be upset then join

Join join join like it like I don’t feel like it no what the heck unloaded Chun unloaded chunk bro okay if you say no oh if you Sayad your trunk what oh I found the flowers that don’t exist in regular Minecraft anymore we’re just playing regular Minecraft that’s all we’re

Playing totally are you watching my stream yeah I mean that that’s what I just want to do I just want to watch your why are you just going to watch my stream when you could be involved why does this run lower FPS than actual Minecraft bro okay

Good yeah um basically we have pirated Minecraft on Roblox this is legit just a ripped Minecraft version that’s the better clone I’ve ever seen yeah it’s probably one of the best ones can I play yes or no it’s literally play with fans or no it’s like

It’s like road to 200 but yes you can join you just got to find go go in your friends list hello Bobby what are you doing here Hey but it’s get the actual Steve texture and everything that’s wild that is so cursed his head just immediately faces up bro you got the better art coordinates in the Java chat this is cursed get out me red stone in that version I was you were kicked from The

Experience error while handling input from s was my CPS too high they genu they probably thought it was like Auto clicking or something that’s funny real Minecraft better though this is a good option though oh I’ve been banned it seems as if the developer has

Sent me to the strict ekin of the void and I’m forever inclined into this deep deing zone of death so you’re perm banned now I’m perm banned from a from a Roblox SMP let’s go guys at least there’s still single player here I don’t even know if you could join that I

Can you can’t like you’re actually banned I can I can join single player oh okay hey it’s my single player world I don’t even know if it’s saved do you think it saved it does see my items are saved my items are saved my builds don’t hey look there’s

Mobs that’s another reason not to play if your builds don’t save it doesn’t matter because your item safe that’s the more important part I get the Christmas lights set up outside did that earlier today no idea guys herob Brien is in my world look herob Brian is in my

World I posted it on Tik Tok go Follow Me @ Catholic Texan Catholic Texton underscore and also go follow my main my main Tik Tok cuz for once my Tik Tok is actually growing it took a while but uh with slideshows I’m growing my actual like main Tik Tok

Account the only problem with ti to is it’s like it’s easier to go on there but you’re less recognizable because people just scroll un past and they rely on the AL dude do you even bro they do that that is not how take you have creators people are just

As recognizable chooses a video for you all right so it’s makes it less likely that you’d be as recognized I mean bro just doesn’t like Tik Tok we get it you’re anti to account just anti- Tik Tok we get it you just don’t like the app just St Tik

Tok I was just saying I remember seeing a video game theory covered it and it was about like uh the whole thing with Tik Tok versus the YouTube shorts thing it was YouTube shorts is worse yeah Instagram reals is just better if you if you’re not going to

Want to get Tik Tok just get Instagram reals it’s better and it’s better than YouTube shorts both those two are better than YouTube shorts I’d prefer I’d prefer Facebook reals over YouTube shorts bro the only problem with Tik Tok is is just you know and also YouTube

Shorts is that it’s it’s your your account becomes less recognizable even if it’s a big following cuz I remember seeing some stuff about uh what was it there was some Tik tokers that showed up to like a a twitchcon kind of thing I don’t remember the full details but but that’s

The gist of what happened that they showed up and not many people at all like nobody wanted an autograph there’s probably a better firstand accounts on that one though I’m going to look at them look at the pigs they literally can’t swim their AI gets broken into the water

Yeah you’re going to code Minecraft I mean that’s probably one of the hardest things to code CU there’s so much stuff well this is the early version so it’s probably less less hard if they could optimize it and add more updates yeah this would be good but I think Roblox would take it

Down cuz that there’s been several versions of this game that have all been reposted this is just one of the ones that’s currently up but there’s been several versions of it that have just been taken down over the over several months it’s just a constant re-upload and deletion of this

Game because it’s too much like Minecraft anyways we’re going to go find diamonds you there Woodman yeah I’m existing doesn’t sound like it what did you do do today that was productive I want to know uh I posted on Tik Tok I besides that I posted to Instagram besides that those were my

Productive things nothing nothing but online stuff yeah ouch what do you mean ouch bro I’m a content creator it’s just what we do I know but you got to have a balance earlier today a balance it’s a literally Christmas break I literally can’t do anything else I know but I I’ve been

Destroying my mental health by being chronically online myally online I was a Discord mod for 5 years and I grow a deep stale depression I grow a deep depression because every every morning I’d wake up on Discord and talk about kid you’re just portraying it like a Goofy Goober like you

Are goofy goober saying that weird accent I’m going to call that the Goofy Goober accent cuz that’s that’s something I can make fun of I don’t know that’s a SpongeBob thing I don’t that’s not what I sound like kind of kind of yeah no not really What if I just be like twitch streamers and I just react to Tik toks the entire stream that’d be productive I get to turn what I do every day into a live stream well whatever and people actually watch that you see like all those people I did normal

House like I I you know I watch the dishes take out trash did basic stuff that you got to do take care of the house and they added hunger to this game that was not there bro and I socialized with my family unlike you most likely unlike you most like yeah

Why why do I need to socialize with my family bro you need socialization I’m socializing right now I’m talking to you in a Discord call yeah but that doesn’t that’s not that doesn’t count as much as like a like doesn’t count as much if it’s in person it means a lot

More for all you know I could be some 30-year-old man talking in my still I wouldn’t care what I wouldn’t care really I wouldn’t really care why why would I care why do I have the need to care if you’re 30 years old it’s just a joke is a was man is 30

Years old and he’s talking to kids on the internet guys no I’m just trying to crack a joke and then now you turn it serious I’m not turning it serious this just joking back even though I wouldn’t really care if you’re 30 bro like you being 30 has no change

Whatever 30 yeah I wouldn’t care if you’re 30ty just saying that ching Speed Run grooming speed the chat is crazy listen man I learned from dream I’m just joking nah bro got personal training lessons I’m just saying that just to be funny I’m not really serious we get it we get it

Oh going to be the but of the joke though dream he became the punching bag good keep himing but kind of not because of the stuff he what like how he was dealing with his situation was kind of poor guys I didn’t really do all that

Which I mean he did it supposedly his thing was edited like a Game Theory episode that was like the first thing people on Tik Tok wrinkled out to make you trust him even more hey guys trust me it was it was meticulously like very carefully lab baked edited so well that

You would almost have to believe him wow guys it’s almost like he put effort into his editing maybe he was telling the truth Maybe by that logic could I technically become a famous Minecraft Youtuber and support like communist still he’s maybe less controversial in my eyes Kim you’re ever looking for like

A for like a gaming influencer to like that you can use to show all your people you know you get to use oh North Korea has gaming content too contact me bro I will suit you up and I’ll make my like I’ll make like my videos like very

Supportive of your regime and I’ll be like yeah guys we beat another bedw Wars game all with the power of the of the democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Bo just like that you got millions of get a Kim dra email me bro I will set

You up not not in the bad way I don’t want to get I don’t want to get assassinated but like I’m just telling you if you need some guy to like uh to like make gaming content for your country to not to make it seem a little better uh you know uh

Set me up bro I can be I can be the danant TDM of North Korea to all the North Korea children come on bro make sure you br this stre I’m not privating this I mean what is the cooked mutton texture look at my inventory why is it a

Stick it’s just a good as stick it’s a stick I cooked beef jerky bro how do I eat this why can’t I eat it I don’t know I can’t eat it you left click I’m left clicking what do I got to do to eat it right click I

Bro B’s calling it a meat stick I know I see that but genuinely Kim Jun email me bro it’s like a I’ve read I saw something it was like a couple years ago they made this like knock off let’s get the slm gy bro bro I I North Korea made

This like Sonic the Hedgehog like uh cartoon knockoff and uh it was like something like North Korea like propaganda stuff for the Youth or whatever it’s like North Korean cartoons you know I’m just saying like just like M like like let’s say let’s say Kim Jon he has they they

Have they have Tech in North Korea somewhat Tech you see those like those like brow those like computers and phones they have well what if what if you just uh I just made gaming concept for North Korea and I like can like like let’s see um I already work well with my

Intros like like and subscri guys like And subscribe or else uh you’re going to get publicly executed by the North Korean government and face the supreme justice of the great leader Kim Jun like bro I’m perfect for the role what makes what makes you think people would care about your content

Well because it’s North Korea there’s not much competition there’s not there’s not much competition in North Korea bro there is no big Creator in North Korea bro Who Am I who am I going to go up against dream I don’t think they’re going to want him there that’s for sure

Bro still if you force them to watch your St well they wouldn’t really care it’s the only thing they’d have and I’d be like I I don’t know it’d be a good it’ be a good wor e think you know North Korea gets to North Korea gets to be

Seemed less less you know less you know uh not developed and they get to have something that’s similar an option it gives you more value if they you know they see more value in you if you give them an option bro I’m just saying I’m just saying they should they should they

Should let me make content for the country like they should make some fake YouTube website and it’s just like all my videos right there you know K-pop I hate K-pop too North Korea sign me up bro I hate K-pop North Korea hates K-pop what is with this K-pop stuff I don’t

Understand it K-pop it’s like Korean it’s Korean pop singers I just realized I said I hate K-pop I’m gonna get jumped by like 15 people on Twitter I don’t know I’ve just imagine imagine like dream St but like 10,000 times worse imagine like dream stance but they have

The ability to like to like suici okay no I’m not going to finish that word to like to to like to they just have the mentality something they they have the mentality of like World War II Japanese soldiers to just like not surrender everything for the great country of

Japan you know and but like imagine them as like a bunch of like no life uh no life people on Twitter exactly that’s literally the entire K-pop fand up no consequences right true yeah Balby understands like there’s so many there’s so many of our friends there are just a

Bunch of like K-pop stands in our IRL not saying there’s anything bad about it my best friend’s a K-pop stand woohoo guys look how inclusive I am look how I am with the times I’m curious how long does it take before like even as a small Creator to actually get an actual

Stand uh see you had a couple back on omelet arcade not really what do you mean I didn’t have any Woodman stands you got funny memer my my my my poror ch disappeared did you see that did you see that they just vanished what oh my goodness now I can

Eat you just damaged bulby I thought I was your why am I eating the sword why can’t I eat the sword this is why you don’t play knock off Minecraft what did I do I’m not that’s cool I thought I was your best friend you are okay you’re one

Of my best friends but I have a I have a you know who my you know who who my best friend is hey look at this I’m eating a sword who is your best friend go go oh someone name them I can’t name them that’s a public name I can’t say that my

Sword broke trying to kill this invincible what just happened it exploded what is happening my Minecraft is broken your Roblox is broken my Minecraft what is going on Direction robblox bro the North Korean government got pissed over what I said and is now dosing my Wi-Fi what is going on where

Is this zombie going what is this my sword my sword broke and then came back to life swording anymore my sword broke and came back to life and I it’s dead again security measures no even break the door what my sword came back you’re getting trolled bro I keep on eating my

Sword the herob bride update bro what is this my Minecraft isn’t a your Minecraft isn’t Minecraft back no tab options smooth hand true music true bobbing true that’s that’s oh enough of my knockoff skill issue Minecraft there’s eight people playing this made by awaken ugc it was created November

29th what is emergency response I saw this game it’s apparently like Red Dead Redemption online I’ve never played that I probably should though we’re going to play some good old fashion slide house tumble and drink some Coca-Cola hello who is this guy bro who is not a furry

YT oh you’re playing that house Crasher game yeah it’s better than crashing cars hey I know where you I know got a massive update actually bro what to defending is nobody knows Roblox game immediately what do you mean nobody knows car crushers 2 Guys car crushers 2 for the PlayStation

Car crushers do for the PlayStation 4 guys shut up guys I can’t wait to play car crushers to new funky mode new funky mode I don’t the game has 38,000 people playing right now actually 3.9k they have over 9 just regret siblings almost a billion what are you

Talking about I I don’t have to deal with that gig just came in the room hey do you have a charger for my nobody works laptop and then she’s just like thanks whenever I told her to leave because I’m live streaming like bro you think that’s the kind of family I want

To socialize with though bro anyways my car is crashing because like I I usually have like quiet around me I don’t have siblings to interrupt me yeah cuz your Mr my my sister moved out I’m I’m Mr I’m got to move out once I’m 18

Bro what is your plan bro what is your backup plan well let’s be honest I’m going go to college I’m going go to college I’m not leaving Texas though never okay what are you going to study in college uh that really just depends uh uh I still haven’t developed my my high

School mentality fully you still didn’t even know you need to start thinking about it though as the years go on hey hey I’m getting a call I’m getting a call hold up U muting myself if you don’t like in the next 3 seconds I will go to your house and nuke it I’m

Just slj I’m just joking but please do like the Stream BR I just realized it’s me it’s just me this man must be having a long conversation station but is AFK that’s one of the things I wouldn’t do on stream I wouldn’t just go AFK and just continue streaming like who does

That you got to keep people entertained well unless you got like a PE break or something then you’re good you got then you have to he’s probably answering his mom or something he’s proba going I’ll get this SED out vote for president Donald Trump 2024 make America

Great again buddy is back yeah my grandma called she basically just called to say that she dropped off like pop corn and some uh tamales so I I went to go now some tamales some tamales I forgot why did you just disappear and you because she called me and she’s like

Hey I dropped stuff up and I went to go get some freaking some freaking caramel popcorn you ever eat caramel popcorn Woodman it’s amazing uh haven’t in years anyways right now as I’m on the verge of drunk driving down a mountain filled with deadly rocks and Roblox what

Is that what is that in the background I don’t know stream delay no what is that thing oh now I see somebody’s glitching the map maybe who is that who just pulled up in the in the in the gravitational force Destroyer 2000 bro where’ I put my

Phone bro where did I put my phone where did my phone go he’s so angry like where my phone you know you can find it if it’s still on and connected to the Wi-Fi just go to Google find my device and click ring then you’ll find

It oh bro it was on your oh my goodness I’m dumb it was in the most obvious spot uh let’s see YouTube let’s see the chat you even notice I’m on my phone right now I’m not even on my PC that’s why my mic is probably terrible

I’ll play yeah I’ll join yeah Dino is the worst how is Dino the worst I mean like what’s the door what what’s up but just get walked in on do I hear somebody dying in the background hello go go you there I think he disappeared he disappeared again bro got robbed that’s funny

Lights I summon the go go of the gorilla the cursed dude bro got robbed I did not get robbed what do you mean I got robbed y look look it’s Luigi it’s Thomas he just disappeared he is running at a good three FPS bro has Luigi I saw that for a

Second oh ho ho blue Mon oh ho ho monkey I bro I like blue and monkey are forever attached thanks a lot gamer boy you you you caused all this you’re just tossing the blame to somebody else bro no cuz he’s the he coined that phrase bro he always calls

Me Blue Monkey and that’s why that’s always like inbb into my mind it’s accurate like what else would he call you it doesn’t matter look at that Minecraft house I like how I can like X-ray vision bro what are you eating some some Ritz chips or something

I don’t know Sun Chips you’re not eating Sun Chips I don’t even know Ruffles are you bra dead I don’t know what chips you’re using I just told you what I got I got caramel popcorn oh it sounds like like you’re eating a bag of chips going like bro bro

Stop no I got to eat popcorn you’re somehow managing to control your character and eat at the same time that is wild I would never the crispy this is that what your stream is now is it’s just you eating eating food and doing nothing technically I could do

That yeah but that’s lazy way of making a Content not really what are you talking about have you seen streamers do that they in their chair all day eat chips that’s pretty entertaining BR that’s pretty entertaining what content is that it’s garbage you need actual good commentary

Like you need you know actual good gamepl something if it works it works BR if you manage if you manag to make a bag if you’re like if you’re like freaking Pokemon man you’re managed to like make a bag doing nothing you know he just sits on his butt all day doing nothing

But he’s live streaming it so people must find entertaining it must be something that works so you can’t put the blank a situation where there would be funny if it was a fat guy sitting in his chair eating MCH on chips they would probably bully him though I’d feel bad

But I mean those streams work out I wouldn’t say that’s the best content to watch because you’re watching somebody slowly destroy their life that’s what saying I’m just saying there’s better things than that to do yeah like be a Minecraft I don’t want you ended up like one of those streamers

And you just munch on chips all day and do nothing back in my day I used to I used to actually put everything of my content I used to I used to sit there and I used to uh um play some Minecraft play some CS goo play some play some play some uh

Super Mario 3D Land and was I’m going go back oh what think he voice critical don’t compare me to that guy that’s what my chat says nah I’m gonna ban you for that I’m not calling you I’m already in a call he doesn’t want more chaos than he already

Has if I put you on call they’re going to take down the street because they think you’re like a four-year-old Pony oh yeah that for sure YouTube has a weird thing your your your your video your stream has been removed for for minor safety reasons that’s literally what happened to me one

Time and they took down my stream and I’m guessing it’s those moderators are like huh this guy’s doing something this guy’s doing something fishy and then they took down my entire Channel dang so I’m not repeating history here message retracted what did he do I didn’t even delete it Pony what did you

Say bro what did he say oh it doesn’t matter my house went in the shambles bro bro the the chip eating sound I know it’s popcorn but still it’s I like chips oh you got to rustle it too call Gigi call Gigi Gigi is busy cuz we got family over but yeah

Sure you got the family over for the holidays let’s go are you ever going to do a Christmas special go go hello hey live no he keeps leaving L walk into the room with this man I literally walk into the room it’s ringing Pony Pony it’s ringing your call

Was ringing she declined bro it’s because she has one of our uh step cousins in the room each time you’re leaving it’s triggering me go go blood is doing ASMR no I’m not yeah that is ASMR this seems very fitting for the the activity we’re doing right

Now think Donald’s logo I saw it fell I know I saw that too I just didn’t point it out we’re going to do some eating at my McDonald’s bro you’re purposely making the noise now like you’re purposely going you’re not keeping your mouth shut when you chew yeah you’re the next

N oh wait that would be funny though yo should I try should I try mukbang but all I mukbang but all I mukbang is popcorn what if you did that to your character just for one episode I know you did the funny thing with the 3:00

A.m. video video last time what if you tried to be Nic aado avocado and we at anything like I do or something no like you get easily offended and cry about it what if you did that top 10 ideas nobody wanted it’s a good idea though I called Nic aado avocado at be

Better health nowadays at least the last I checked I called Nic COA avocado at 3:00 a.m. gone wrong I don’t think the behavior has changed it’s just his weight has gotten better no I’m trying to get in the house yo hey hey let me in the house no die the house just

Combusted no ah I’m running I’m running against the forces of gravity bro gravity ain’t going to stop me will eventually okay no no no no no no no no we’re just going to dodge that house you got to jump oh yeah you’re right that work you’re running so fast you’re smoking up the

Track bro he’s running so fast that he’s he’s making smoke oo is The Flash that was a comment somebody commented on my J easy video better better editing than the flash what if you just do that type of content for now that’s literally my business plan I’m just going to I’m just

Going to go over there like I’m going to I’m going going to fight all the all the great 3: a.m. characters whoever exist and I’m going to actually kill them I’m going to hunt them all down I’m going to summon them all and I’m going to I’m

Going to I’m going to destroy all of them I’m going to burn every single dotexe character down none of them can stop me bro none of them can stop me the 300 a.m. Grand Master 3:00 a.m. Grand Master I’m finishing I’m finishing the genre I’m killing the Gen by killing

Everyone that’s the game plan bro oh anyways let’s sit in the modern house wait that gave me an idea what if you just play like the exe games and that isn’t that isn’t what bro I don’t know anything goes in a 3:00 a.m. challenge guys I called Woodman at 3:00 a.m.

No I’m just use the AI of your voice no that’s not ethical you use it because it’s my voice now I have a clone of your voice I’ve never used it in a video and I want to because I need your permission to do that and it’s not even a good clone

Either my voice is should unclonable yeah but like I wouldn’t use that without your permission bro Where is that Ms paint at fireplace bro Woodman are you there mhm welcome this is the Bro think it’s baby y [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah like bro this is the only kind of stuff I see in my chat we dropped to two viewers congratulations [Laughter] everybody hey let me in the house bro

Are you even there you’re not even talking anymore bro is silent bro is deing why are you deing what why are you defend well because you were making so noises how how was that sus you consider everything sus bro I don’t know us Discord it sounded weird yeah

That that noise that is not a noise that an alternative voice that I use at time I don’t like it blood does not like my alternative voice it’s cursed that’s the whole point of it is to be cursed ah I’m dying Mye beac like the Chinese bro I am yellow yellow yellow yellow

Yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow you know what you should play you should try playing Kuma the what the hell is that you never heard of K coer oh yeah I’ve heard of that I’ve played that yeah I haven’t played that in years it used to be fun but uh there

Was a problem with it it would like overheat the PC any time I played on it like I played it on the MacBook Air before school I played it on the MacBook Air yeah and like you can play it in your browser last I played it if I remember

Right uh but it like really heats up your computer like it’s will Woodman get a Macbook this Christmas no wa that was years ago that was like sixth grade whenever I played on the MacBook good times but uh except for bro when you were in the sixth grade I was probably like

Seven in sixth grade the most popular game was either K or was the best I don’t even know if you’ve heard of it have you no probably you ever played B oh it’s one of the best things I have like a old map from why is it not loaded

You need to play B Dio this is a good game I played it in the sixth grade like five years ago check this out check this out look at my stream it’s still funny to this day I’m playing GTA check it out I’m playing GTA are you

Playing ra mod or something no I’m playing GTA they should add that map look it’s GTA it’s GT GTA 5 in in Roblox kind of that’s like very rough it’s a rough version of it the rough Graphics of it this is the full this is the full map in Roblox it’s

Like if you it’s like if you play GTA 5 but like on really low Graphics but I mean they had to do that because you know the map is so huge no I’ll get GTA 6 when it comes out but that means you’ll have to buy a PS5 I have a

PC it’s not going on PC until two years later it’s it’s the Rockstar formula bro all right that you know how you know when GTA 5 went out when it came out it came out in 2013 but to consoles first and then like two years later in 2015 it

Came out on PC that’s how the guess in 2025 I’ll start making GTA console but then two years later it’s going to come out on PC most likely all whatever I don’t care so basically expect it in 2027 good luck I’ll just mod my switch and get it on there

Nah it probably wouldn’t even run that well that wouldn’t even be fun though because you would have a head start and I would I wouldn’t even have that I don’t even have a console like that why don’t you get a think it’s going on the switch either I

Don’t it’s probably not but someone’s going to like someone’s going to like pack it or something they’re going to post it on the home brew the home of the Brew like one FPS if I’m correct some guy ported GTA to the 3DS I could play it on

There it’s probably like a 2d version of it or something you know like a top down shooter what are you what are you even doing in that game right now there’s no vehicles you just got a weapon that’s it kind of lame besides that the that they have a

Actual map though that’s the only cool someone make this a genuine working game oh wait you do have vehicles there’re just two yeah it’s it’s un oh I died what I died oh you fell of I saw okay stream delay I don’t know the GTA map in in uh

Uh ra mod is more functional though even though it may not look as good mod raise mod you’re actually gonna go in there aren’t you bum I’m going to go get some water real quick you’re gonna leave again leave me to entertain this sh N I did not sign up for this this man has to get water he has to get confronted by whoever is in his house uh I don’t know and then he has to

Get called by somebody then he has to go get popcorn or whatever I don’t know wild you got your water and then he just smacks on the on the screen dude I hate when I do that dude I literally did nothing I literally did nothing I just remembered

I you had to know way I left I was walking down I was going to put my water down on the desk and I just randomly I randomly remember Eminem Godzilla minion AI cover I saw that video bro it’s on Tik Tok it’s it’s someone someone made an AI

Cover I thought you were laughing at me I thought oh oh what did you say mind oh I I said something that was kind of funny but it could have been taken way out context I thought you were laughing at that I had my headphones off I was

Laughing at whatever the heck I thought of I don’t know you left at anything bro the closet Tickler would make you laugh not really you came up with it’s just a m it’s just an image of the little Minecraft kid where it just says Tan t n ooh L see

I’ve never played this mysterious skyscraper that sounds fun why does an image bring significance to you it it it was so out of pocket it’s just so random that it was funny this is scary like your m I said scary not [Laughter] divorced oh and know you can actually change a Sky Box you looks like you have most of the add-ons I have bro you copying me by buying all the stuff I have wild Wow Let’s go inside The Skys scraper there must be wonders of joy in there okay I have a big I have an idea

This is a pretty okay hold up I got a funny funny idea so you do have the M you did M the other day that is not what I wanted to Spa that’s what you spawned in last time I did not want to spawn in the AI plan

You spawned in the AI fighter jet ah ah leave me be leave me be you screwed yourself it lags it lags really bad when it shoots yeah don’t spawn that in ah you’re bullying left you did that was your stream is struggling but has the water bottle eating water bottle at

ASMR why do you eat ice as well that’s a weird thing what’s wrong with eating ice that’s literally the most normal thing I’ve eaten you’re eating ice right now I’m not eating ice right now do you remember that image that that uh that was screenshoted hold up I just poured water on my

Keyboard I just have to disconnect my I don’t even think I have that anymore it was it was so cursed wait I need I accidentally put some water on my keyboard so I need to remove my f keys because that’s where they are bro the other day I was gamer raging

Playing SkyWars and I was I would I was actually smacking my keyboard with my hands I was actually that bad I was actually mad and I smacked it so hard with my hand I punched it and all the keys flew everywhere so I had to I had to pick up

A bunch of the keys and put them back on the keyboard and so to this day I have lost my rewind key which is not really a useful key I didn’t really need it lost a speci key well my keyboard has a thing where you could and pause and Rewind and go to

The next track on it has that bro has the Spotify branded keyboard I need a new keyboard get one for Christmas really right now is an opportunity for Christmas and I don’t know it is but I I can’t ask for anything else otherwise i’ be asking too much unlike you you’re the

One that can ask too much no I don’t even ask too much yeah I lo I lost my rewind key old I keyboard yeah it is old it’s from the 2000s it’s a good keyboard though I like the ergonomics of it the ergonomics it’s not as noisy as your

Keyboard yeah that’s what I like about my keyboard it’s clicky I don’t like clicky keyboards I don’t like clicky keyboards what do you like soft quiet keyboards soft keyboards h no no not exactly needs to be it needs to have a balance you need to it needs to go up

And down fine you can’t just be mushy that that ain’t right but it can’t be clicky either what’s wrong with clicky bro that’s literally The Meta clicky is now that’s literally what all the big YouTubers have well I ain’t no big YouTuber I’m a poor YouTuber I’m a poor you that’s what

I’m saying take advantage or I guess you’re an adult you can’t really take advantage anymore I I can’t take advantage my years are gone good thing I still got a couple so I get a job I can afford something like that then this is exactly why I Mass spend on

Amazon I’m still able to I still don’t like cuz one day what do you mean I you why why what is so bad you’re exploiting your parents so I’m not going to be able to do that once I’m like an adult so might as well do it while I

Can it’s just not right though how is that not right it’s right some of the stuff you they can say no they can say no they can say no they don’t choose to so I’m good just just try not to spoil yourself too much is what I’m saying I’m not

Going to dude I don’t even I I spent like hundreds of dollars on Amazon I I don’t spend thousand $100 that you could save or spend it on video equipment that I could be using now maybe but your chat is dying M’s like I can’t process this

Understood I’m putting all my keys back where they go where did the hell did my y key go I lost my y key let me turn the lights on you you lost your key now bro where is it it just disappeared oh it’s right you

Lost a key on your keyboard now or key there we go wait did you actually lose okay see now we can play the rise of the mods see what is what are the chances oh yeah I need to plug in my keyboard again cuz I disconnected it yeah don’t accidentally pour water on

Connected it connected it bro all right it’s not heating up that bad it’s doing all right what are you talking about my uh my my computer H what is this pool rooms that looks cool do I sound better yeah what did you do what do you

Think you join on your PC or something yeah my PC mic is way better yeah it is a lot better that sounds a lot better what were you on earlier your phone yeah my phone or my new phone my old phone for some reason has a better mic and I don’t know

Why I really can’t tell course you you can’t anyway welcome to pool rooms that isn’t even that big of a map why did I spawn here but it has the pool rooms yeah what what okay so the floor is in actual water mhm what you think your fans watch you for

Mostly I don’t know is it because of your personality is it just the content that you make or else they just watch me there’s some other deeper reason that you’ve ever thought it doesn’t really matter they watch me that’s what matters I’m sure there’s something else that you’re just not seeing that’s already

There bro I was trying to find hidden lore and why my subscribers exist yeah why why does it matter well it’s important right if you want to gain more subs you know have more people care about you in some way it’s hard to get people to care about you all right

Unless you like blow somebody out of the water with something you know until you how I i’ die from water politics yeah probably I’m going say I’m going say that I’m going say that politics I’m talking about politics politics that’s that’s why my that’s why my fans like me so much

Politics I would probably think it’s the cursed things that you no bro it’s politics what do you mean we figured it out already I was just hopping just politics I was just now hopping on Roblox and you left Rays mod so I’ll just close Roblox then yep

You’re on Blox fruits I’m closing Roblox BLX fruits the game that you got a no life in to get anywhere real I mean just like styo he literally spent like the entire like the entire fifth grade school year completing this game for what reason I don’t know to get

Max level on a on a on a on a one piece game bro then then what and then what nothing bro just you just wasted your life or that’s what he did I mean that’s what you’re doing right now kind of not really cuz I’ve literally this is the

First time I’ve been play I’ve played this game in like weeks bro like I I put more hours in it than me yeah cuz you don’t play stuff you play Minecraft and uh that’s about it no I’ve played other stuff I played g b man G remember that mobile version it’s a

Very good car game I mean I play Roblox dud you don’t play good Roblox games what are you talking about you play uh oh never mind I’m not going to make that remark again what were you about to say I’m not going to make that remark I’m

What were you about to say I don’t know what is your favorite Roblox game then what’s your favorite Roblox game then probably raise mod that’s the only thing you play no that’s not the only thing I play I’ve played car crushers 2 for a while that’s car crushers 2 car crushers 2 it’s

Fine I’m perfectly happy with it and and an OG game that I rarely play but I I used to play it back in the day natural disaster survival that’s a good one and then spray paint that’s a good one that’s a really good one if you’re getting in the Arts

Mood like I chair of games oh defeat the boss they added a little Minecraft health bar to the bosses it’s hard to be entertained on Roo right what do you mean BR that’s you bro no I’m talking for about you when you get on roo you instantly switch to

Another game yeah cuz this is what the live stream is about it’s about switching between games it’s about playing playing a lot of games on one stream m b SC wild I I have a feeling you’re getting destroyed by this nerd maybe I may be wrong never mind you’re actually getting some good

Hits on him got him he looked like a challenge at first I just grief on spray paint bro you’re the kind of players that make the game un fun yeah bulby is one of the the trolls the literal troll loud you can deny that you were doing that earlier and

You I would play bedw Wars but do I really want to play switch well play bedw Wars you haven’t played that in forever because season 9 ruined the game season 9 ruined the game they ruined the game bro they they they scrambled it they destroyed their absolute game they

Messed up the game play is all I’m saying is that what ruined it I want to know I don’t know I don’t bro basically they did a bunch of updates that made the game like unun for like all the old players so it got really like what what

Kind of what kind of change it was something between it was something with like the emeralds and the Diamonds if I remember what sad told me but basically they ruined the game well I want to know kind of how what ruined it I don’t know either I just know that the game isn’t

As fun as it was and all the content creators for the game are practically dead at this point play another game and see I don’t know let’s play another game let’s play another game see you Roblox we’ll be back some other time you need to give it a

Chance you need to give it a chance no wait oh you Clos Roblox what the heck nah bro your stream is it’s like offset too it’s like zoomed in what is this it’s been oh my goodness you don’t even see the full window you see like oh

That’s bro got triggered fix it no how am I going to fix it bro look at this why do you not stream the full window cuz why do I need to because it cuts off things so I can’t put it un professional yeah you can it’s because I don’t want that little top

Thing but the top thing is different I don’t want the top or the bottom thing but well you can get rid of that with F1 if you hit f11 after after you go into the game just fix it you you made it worse no I made it better bro that’s worse nah

Bro I think this is how I’m going to stream from now on here we go we got a big border make sure it snaps we got a big border now all right let’s play some Minecraft uh what are you doing what are you doing this another stream is going to be

I don’t even want to be on your stream any just use the Minecraft just use the YouTube Zoom feature and you’re good no that doesn’t work on desktop oh my goodness that is literal pixels when you zoom in I can’t view it just gonna play some Minecraft not

Not even going up 500% on the web page does it it doesn’t even do that you’re just ruined your stream it’s just pixels what I was trying to say is Make It Go full screen and make it snap and that’s how you would fix it there OBS should automatic there you

Go you fixed it all right and if you don’t want to have the bars press f11 there you go did you not know that before if you keep doing that I just what did I do you m you mocked me you’re like I’m practicing my Animal Crossing Impressions what do you

Mean I don’t know play play the server or something play cubecraft play Hive I haven’t played that in forever I think Cube Craft’s kind of better because I I just got I don’t know Hive felt stale for me they’re still a good server it’s just it just kind of feels stale for me

Cubecraft is what I’ve been playing though just just personal opinion all right no harm in regards wa it’s so cool it’s like a logo wow I don’t like I like the old spawn better what are you talking about blood is not Tom what do you name what do you

Mean by Tom Nook that’s that’s from Animal Crossing it’s because I start I’m practicing my Animal Crossing Impressions you’re still eating yes are you okay no you’re giving me Emotional why do you get so triggered I’m just eating popcorn it’s not even I’m not even doing like ASMR on purpose anymore I’m literally just playing I’m literally just eating just the sound it was funny earlier but now it’s just getting on my nerves oh wow I’m the hunter die

Oh hey nuh you don’t just combo me what’s good little bro welcome to the team you can’t join him beat him wait that’s not the way it goes what did you say I said you can’t join and beat him bro come back here I am not going to Cod prop I’m

Going to try to I’m going to try to ignore your eating the best I can what is not young [Applause] Sheldon who is that blood is not young Sheldon bro who is sh it wait you’re serious yeah who is that never heard of I’m confused Boby you can’t keep getting

Away with this bro would triggered by eating bro doesn’t want the Africans to eat bro I didn’t say anything about Africans bro you’re just adding to that get you and your Tom Foolery out of here bulby before I time your ass out nah bro triggered him but seriously you don’t know you

Don’t know who young Sheldon is all jokes aside it was just a joke though don’t take it serious you don’t know who J Sheldon is bro we’re going to have to educate you yeah that’s exactly who that’s that’s the exact word that would describe BBY is Tom Foolery that would

Describe bulby in a nutshell yeah sure let me turn fancy graphics on so my leaves don’t look triggery I don’t know who the heck young Sheldon is bro actually young sheld who the heck is that bro does not know young Sheldon whenever I search that up P pots comes up who is

This who is that there some kind of crazy actor an American Coming of Age television series created by Chuck what is this like what the heck noise that you’re making you you like you can’t make this stuff up bro you can’t make this stuff up what the at thisam it’s your

Dream you genuinely searched up shed who is that I’m confused what is this 2017 sitcom what is this you laughing about what the noises you like burn your head in up what was that all right we’re back you lost it I lost it I went I took off my headphones

And I fle to the other side of the room bro it’s because BBY said nah bro his young shed’s Dad n that’s crazy did he leave no I’m still here [ __ ] this is the first time I heard you swear I lost it bro what’s wrong I

Can of course you’re going to lose it you’re going to lose it every time why is my terrain still building bro because your internet is not interneting you’re right let’s reload Minecraft that won’t solve it I don’t think maybe maybe not like bro what the eating

You want me to grab a bag of popcorn and go turn up my mic all the way and just just have an entire sh where I just go make stupid crunchy noises who is Raging at popcorn what’s up how much popcorn do you have a lot

Of get rid of it burn it burn my popcorn no don’t let BBY have a voice you just cancelled man from having rights he doesn’t deserve them he doesn’t deserve rights slj SL CH SL I don’t know it would just be too chaotic that I be honest my Wi-Fi is being slow like

You know it’s only a joke yeah clipped whatever what are you going to do with that guys Woodman stopped me from having rights ban him you can’t r canel or cancel bro you don’t have an audience is the thing okay whatever I’m just joking around I’m not being serious

You’re just going to get mad over just a joke it’s it’s honestly it’s up to go go if he wants to allow you in the call all right I’m being serious now I’m good with only Woodman in here right now and that’s what go go is saying so

Oh wait yeah you should hop on Nether games I just noticed that you haven’t played on there in a while BBY tries to cancel anyone kind of like me back on omelet arcade I’m confused he’s saying you’re not the one who’s mad I’m I don’t I don’t know what he

Means bro he’s not the one who knocks bro I don’t know I don’t even think I have a career anymore anyway because I haven’t uploaded in a while so I’ve been kind of moving on to other things I mean occasionally here and then playing the games but then I’ve been

Studying mostly it’s you know I’ve been interested in this whole R Ohio G Among Us what what did you say what did you [Laughter] say you’re being like 3:00 a.m. go go I’m already in my 3:00 a.m. mood and it’s only 5:37 bro what why do you do that like you have

Different moods like you got the 3:00 a.m. mood you got the the tryhard gamer mood and then you and then you got the I don’t know sarcastic mood and then you get the irritated mood you got a lot especially the cursed one where you just don’t make sense at

All that’s hard to deal with sometimes bulby has a lot of fomo right now if you’re missing out saying let me Play Nom Nom n Nom Nom n I don’t have merch anymore I don’t got merch to plug yeah what happened to that I lost the account that had the merch so if you’re going to support me don’t buy my merch let’s go oh know bro the chips I mean

Popcorn what is that that’s the cup that they’re in take a break here’s a reminder to take a no bro ADHD Save Me Let Me Drown out the popcorn ADHD save me it’s crazy Donald Trump if you can hear us Donald Trump yeah I wait huh you confused me for a second

Donald Trump if you can hear us Donald Trump if you can hear us save us save us Donald Trump Donald Trump if you can hear us bro no hey guys here’s the here’s just your daily reminder to make the to make good friends just uh apply for mod on a on a

Minecraft server and just become friends with the owner it’s proven to work at least like two times uh in this case it worked for go go he yeah do you want a little backstory on that one yeah you go tell them your side I no I want you to tell them your story

I’ll tell them a million times but yeah sure n yeah yeah go with it so um it was one day it was one day I was looking for omelet arcade servers to play and I found this one it was called PVP leggings and I joined legs no I joined

It it was very fun and then eventually everyone left but I was still playing I don’t know why there was nothing to do I was just like walking around and I was like huh the owner is AFK I think I’ll just like find a really big bug in his

Server and I did turned out using the emeralds I could like glitch myself into like the command block area and I was spamming the like command broadcast thingy that he had and so and so um over time uh I spammed it for quite a while and Woodman

Was just like who’s doing that and you tpd me to you I forgot I’m dead why did I expect myself to respawn and you like tped me to you and then and then I’m like can I have mod and you’re like I forgot what you said but you was like something along the

Lines is uh I I only allow a mod to to close friends but I’ll see and so I sent you my YouTube channel and I was like oh I’ll send my YouTube channel channel to him and he’ll see if I’m trustworthy and then you actually gave

Me mod and then uh one of those and then I the second day I mod you you were hosting PVP ultimate and that’s what I was on we were playing I remember there was a few people there especially like Ron and not kit Kate those two I had them on they were on

There that’s what I remember it was fun yeah yeah those were the days you follow you followed me on Al arcade and then from then you just I I kind of saw your stuff that you posted you saw my stuff and it just slowly grew together I would

Say I forget what was your first server it was I forgot it was something PVP I had a lot of servers there was just one PVP that was not my first server that was some that was just that was one that was one of the early ones though still

It was one of the early ones but it wasn’t my best one it was go was go go PVP the there was another go PVP that it was just the same map I just used your commands and like your stuff and I and I reskinned

The whole thing I like gave it its own Arena and its own kit system different from PvP Legends yeah that was that one it had a really good spawn I liked it yeah and so did is this how you actually like ended up being friends with me is

Like yeah cuz like you you got inspired from a Skippy video right not really I think it’s kind of more coincidental how we how coincidental how um both us and uh scampy and babble Halo became friends of the exact same way oh hey that was a genuine successful combo I’m proud of

Myself coincidental i’ say yeah coincidental extremely coincidental because I literally like I wasn’t even thinking of that video I forgot that video existed for quite a while until I rewatched it and then I like realized oh I became friends with Woodman the exact same way I just I just wanted mod and it

Was probably for some of the same reasons cuz I was just like oh yeah I can troll people on the server once I have admin once I have admin on my favorite server yeah that’s going to be so much fun yeah yeah it’s very much coincidental bro my question is was it

Very much fun yeah it was fun being admin on your server and then I abused it too much and then you got M and I abused it and then you like yeah I remember one time you spawned in too many creepers creeper event and then you

Added new tags you got to have a certain role to start building stuff is what you yeah I was trying I was making an early version of what I have flushed out now you know oh my goodness you destroying that nerd for a brief second bro they were healing me bro

Why oh they’re trying to heal themselves but they heal you wow he’s going to use up all his pots eventually yeah he’s going to run out yeah keep using his speed he does not like what you’re doing my best bet is he was on controller he was doing too good to be a

Mobile player i’ had a mobile the I’ve had mobile players absolutely destroy me a couple times because the reach all have to do is hit you once and just keep the combo going and then it’s over especially like better Rock like if you’re on Java it’s a little different

Oh no we got to try hard bruh but he’s untouched we got another E kid try hard bro maybe n this might be a good this might be a decent match look at this guy I don’t know what do you think techno that’s scary bro any guy with that skin

Is is probably like what is his name what is his name does it have a Que in it no it does not it might be a try I don’t know okay seems like he knows what he’s doing yeah it’s going to be a tough battle for you

Buddy he set himself on fire and didn’t me so I I think you’re wrong on that one never mind and he it seems like anytime I say something like it it like goes the polar opposite how are you whistling so like when you yawn do you accidentally whistle sometimes no never

Happened or is that just me cuz I don’t know how to whistle I’ve I sometimes whenever I yawn like I think it’s just the shape of my teeth or something in my mouth mouth I don’t know I’m able to whistle randomly sometimes it’s weird uh it just happens naturally I

Can’t really another one of these try hard skins bro why what is with the the E boy skin bro there’s a whole video on how how Minecraft skins got less creative over time oh and I forgot I saw that yeah I saw that too see we got recommended the same stuff

Seemly yeah it was a little weird like I wish people weren’t blob skins as much hopefully maybe this might be my my new game mode I’m just I seem to be doing all right at it I don’t know it’s good practice Yeah it’s better to practice because I can actually win some instead

Of freaking High pixel duel where I get killed in 3.7 seconds bro not even joking well bro you ran directly into the fire except you could get tossed in this version though you could get tossed in the air that’s one of the weird things about Bedrock is that you just get flung

Up in the air and you know like you just don’t care okay this guy’s got an Alex skin that’s how we know they’re good why are you saying Alex uh tryhards I’m guessing I’m guessing this is the new try hard skin meta that’s what I’ve noticed like every time

I play with my normal skin I get targeted but every time I play it could be a PlayStation or or switch player that just illegally access servers through like some third party app I don’t know it could be someone like that and judging by how they barely did

Anything to me I’m going to I’m going to bet that uhoh another EB boy skin I don’t really like I don’t like the EO skins they’re just so weird it doesn’t like it looks copy paste half the time some of them unless you’re a big YouTuber it’s not it’s not iconic

Yeah your skin is more original than any of those am I seriously goingon to B I seriously bowed that guy oh here he is again I got a fast forward oh nope stream delay yeah I don’t know we you say my would you say my skin is original yeah of

Course your skin is pretty original I don’t know where you got it from did you just make that yeah yeah that it’s probably original yeah I found like a a blank wood skin and like edited it very heavily and you know you know there you go you got

Woodman then have you ever noticed that like my skin it has an H on the back I not notic that why is that for I want you to figure it out uh it’s for it’s for hamburger ah well it looks like the Hypixel H oh bro I didn’t that’s oh we

Got someone with a genuinely all right skin it’s the duck skin it’s a little bit better I got I got the Hypixel h on the back of my skin I really don’t know why it’s there it’s just there I just decided one day I would

Select a skin with that it it that was a part that I did not edit the the H on the back that was already there so I had a template of my skin and I edited over it and made it more how I wanted it dude am I just not dying I really

Don’t know what happened to the original wood man skin before I was plank skin no not that the this the the still the new version it’s just like before I started editing it I don’t know what happened to that it just like disappeared uh oh

Sumo so in a way I guess I archived my own old skin kind of why did I say uh oh Sumo that was nothing bro yeah no uh the the oak skin that still exists where is that bro that one did you steal that one did you like

Got from like that one I stole the the old oak skin because I remember one day you were just changing your skins you’re like huh I’m going to use this and I was like oh all right I wonder know why I think that was World smpp whenever you started changing it

Right no it was whenever I was hosting still I remember somebody pointed out one time that my skin had no clothes and so I felt naked and so did mine like I changed M from then on from then on I decided to get a skin with a a suit

And I stuck with it ever since what do you think what do you think yeah I like SK I like CL I like the Cloe skin more like Skippy he’s naked his skin then he has the duck skin that one is a naked yeah but like his normal default is

Weird the and the thing I don’t like about it is it’s always Derpy face like I don’t know that it just kind of threw me off whenever I finally someone new they got a twitch logo hey there’s twitch streamer I’m streaming right now and they got keyboard and mouse this is

He’s going to break my win record this is it this is the fight that kills me that’s crazy he’s going to win bro he’s going to win I bet you I bet you I bet you he’s going to win I don’t know wait do you think they’re streaming what is

Her name uh it is whatever that is uh NOP it doesn’t even show anyways I’m fighting right Lobster what the heck was that FPS let’s see if they’re streaming I I’m going to look you you keep battling hey yep they got me low they like spam me within the first 5

Seconds of the game bro um I’m looking what is their name again I don’t know Bob still up yeah that’s ex that’s exactly I don’t see their thing hey nether game just a suggest add Java combat to this game yeah they’re going to kill me they’re going to kill me add like sword

Blocking that’d be so useful oh wait there’s somebody that was live for a second no when can I find this person I want to find the person that was that is one V oneing you really badly are they alive no i s i I don’t think I can find them

On Twitch bro ask them their twitch name so hey what’s your Twitch because I I kind of want to see what they yeah yeah I want to know I want to know so I can pull up their stream I actually stream oh BR bro what was the twitch logo

For okay then ask what that’s for I like thisin all right heal up bro I thought he was an actual twitch streamer bro all right whatever wild I thought it was genuinely streaming also this just the sword that like spams for you bro what do you mean the sword they just

Have like a auto spam thing bro like you just click and you get like 30 clicks so you just click can hold apparently anyways yeah there was his name so yeah hey we got another default skin I’m going just do Insane Mode I think I want to do that vote for

Insane we just streaming bro we’re just a chill stream where we just fight people this is the game I should play more when I stream it’s a genuinely fun yeah hey if you haven’t already leave a like on go go stream he would appreciate it I would appreciate it and if you

Don’t I’ll kidnap your family again the out of pocket thing another win who’s going to who’s going to be a challenge oh this guy’s wearing blue he’s got to be a challenge I like this dude’s skin I like this dude’s skin it’s something I would have worn back in like 2019

Bro it’s Steve skin no like this other guy’s skin other blue skin you blue skin I had something similar it’s not this but it was something similar hey hey I told you I told you I told you bro it’s good ah RI my win streak there it

Goes I’m doing nah bud just has reach nah he’s good he’s good he’s good this guy this guy killed my win streak good for him cool oh you got him again didn’t you yeah I got him again again with the Sumo bro he’s just destroying you hey he’s he’s going to make you

Not oh come on you’re just going to keep getting him over and over gu B skill-based matchmaking is he only selecting Sumo is this all the selects for Sumo I don’t think you’re you’re doing you’re not doing something vital especially to Sumo what you need to do

Is uh jump whenever he hits you you need to jump it like it it’s called cancelling your knockback oh hey that help pretty sure yeah is it actually helping every time he hits you you you have to jump immediately after ah sort of helped he still killed

Me it h well it helps a little bit why is he only selecting Sumo bro yard Insane Mode yard and insane mode please Zumo mode has won with one vote he’s just over selecting Sumo bro this is some admin or something no they just have a rank or

Something probably that just lets him select all the modes that’s pretty dumb yeah it’s dumb he just wants to destroy you in Sumo just leave that Lobby I’m going keep on going until I get someone else all right I’m in a lonely Lobby he’s probably going to join it

We got a technoblade skin guy oh no they’re try hard I’m just joking what they just fell off wait I’m I’m I’m looking at the instant replay suum one with one vote this guy just goes around instant gave up this that guy’s just gonna go Sumo it’s just a

Given Allie wants to play is Sumo today all G to play is Sumo it’s the only game I’m good at like like Skippy he’s like oh I’m good at Sumo Sumo and only Sumo yeah I know yeah dude I’m a die hard fan what

Do you mean what do you mean do I know that yeah I don’t really like what uh Skippy has been uploading recently on his other channel skip uh the that feels like a low effort Channel at this point like if you look at that channel the

Editing on it is O hot garbage it’s made for kids completely like it has the Mr Beast ass style that’s overused style isn’t it yes it’s like very high paced in the first 30 seconds hey guys yeah yeah in today’s video Mario Sunshine Music bro like he he uses the

Same formula but it’s like over edited hey guys in today’s video we’re going to invade the gos of strip blah blah blah is real is real like bro yeah yeah exactly like that but like he but on his other channels he puts he try he’s been trying different other content why did I

Just keep on Bo that guy that his older kind is just way much better though it’s funnier it was funny it was good it was good it was better paac too but as much as I like the 100 Kids In A Box series that’s what ruined his creativity yeah it’s you do something

Over and over again and you run out of ideas all you can think about oh I’m going to do this I’m GL you can’t think of anything new that’s what happened to me with bedwars yeah yeah it lasted only so long until it just faded out and then he and he

Tried rebooting it again but he it was just a second Channel you know yeah actually let me go back and look at the channel I’m going to see if anything has improved for it anyway he only has a million on that channel it’s his views are averaging in the last 10 to 12

Days uh yeah no he’s getting 50 to 60k views okay only one video got 100K views on on that channel let’s be honest his channel is doing worse than but then his then his older uploads from like five months ago had 300 500k you know 100K when’s the next

Account dropping but like the the newest on he’s uploaded like 20 hours ago only has 54,000 views it’s been a and the one posted 3 days ago 7,000 views the one posted 6 days ago only got 117k views and then the one from 9 days

Ago got 76k views 10 days one from 10 days ago got 41k views so it’s kind of in variation it’s just like it’s not as good like the thumbnail too on his recent one isn’t that good I’m going judge it really hardly though cuz all right so the title is I

Trapped 100 kids with one heart each and then he has his little character on a stone block with a grass background and then he has one heart as text underneath the the Minecraft heart that’s really big on the SC on the thumbnail that’s his thumbnail and it’s like highly

Saturated like the rest of them I don’t think that one peculiar thumbnail is doing too great for him cuz whenever I saw it on the YouTube homepage I didn’t even want to click on it it just didn’t appeal to me his older style was way better I’m going to show you a thumbnail

It was like just in a long you know you know an example of one of an old thumbnail is you he had a thumbnail it was literally his video was titled do click me I am very friendly and it was just a stretched out it was literally his Minecraft Bas but just extremely

Stretched out to fit the YouTube thumbnail proportions that’s literally all it took to make a good thumbnail and then he did and then and now he just makes oversaturated oh today’s video I I I committed I committed War cribes oh today’s video yeah yeah and I think you could

Just say that for mine Channel most if I scroll up his most recent thumbnails are mostly overly saturated and it’s really stupidly bright I don’t like it but then you go back to his videos like years ago like maybe three years ago and it probably it probably has a couple million views and

It it was simple and it worked okay yep hacker that kill or a guy bro like it may have been slightly cursed but that was the point you know that was what made it good guys that was what made it good yeah I’m level 55 on

If he just kept doing that it would be better for some reason there seems to be this certain style where you take a screenshot in game there’s a few things that are normal and then there’s just a few things that are bit off and then it

Works I don’t know why it’s it’s kind of like the dream style of thumbnails you know what I’m talking about when when he did the manhood series his thumbnails like were really good for some reason it had that similar style is what I’m saying and it worked because it was

Simple enough everybody could understand it what do you think and I think his older ones did better cuz the thumbnail actually complimented the uh the title the title complimented back and forth mhm he did two he he tried reiling the same idea wait hold on there’s two

Videos right after each other both uh one is four months ago one is 3 months ago and they’re right after each other so he took like a month off after uploading this next one it was called I trapped a 100 Youtubers for $110,000 that was 4 months ago and then three

Months ago I trapped 100 Youtubers for $25,000 same thumbnail same idea just slightly different the second one got 2.3 million views the first one got 1.1 million views it worked but like like really I don’t know I don’t want to be overly too judgmental of Sky’s content

Because then again my content is garbage too um it’s just the way he used to do things if he would go back to it it would be so much better oh that’s my that’s my take on it what are you doing now are you done eating

Popcorn bro wait BBY that’s a good idea I trapped 100 kins on Epstein Island wait that’s a good idea what is that actually build that build like a recreation you want me to recreate FD yeah sure it would be funny sadly I don’t see that I don’t see

That on my screen for what that would be funny though I can see it Bobby says I trapped 100 kids on EP on that’s what he said that’s a good idea though it’s kind of funny yeah it’s it’s it’s good because it’s so UNH unhinged 100 kids on FC now now think

About it that’ be kind of funny that would be funny yeah I don’t know what are you going to do with your content all I’m going to do it works and so far the thing that’s working is my 3:00 a.m. content that seem to make people laugh

What do you think about make sure just make sure it’s not cringe and it’s actually good then you’ll then you won’t have to worry about hate comments hopefully what do you think about my my my my I called J easy at 3:00 a.m. it

Was Goofy it was a good call back to the old 3:00 a.m. video that was now lost it no it’s not lost it’s saved on Tik Tok oh I gotta see that one again cuz the voice you made on it was hilarious I can’t replicate no not That bro bro got in my SkyWars Lobby how did bro end up here nah I played so that I can just destroy kids on their phones now I got to be worried about bulby bro bby’s going to stream snipe you bro he stream sniping me hey hey Lifeboat ban this guy stream

Sniping that’s what Ninja tried to do oh what is that text I could do better fight like bro bro I can’t break chest wow such [ __ ] hey go go swear confirmed I cut myself I cut myself off from swearing the last two seconds bro I I swear I swear earlier and you didn’t

Make a big deal about it I rarely do though how is this man got a rank on this game how does Bobby have a rank on life Minecraft he’s a no lifer but paid they should bring Minecraft Mondays back that revive the game Minecraft I forgot what what

Exactly did they do on there like I never was really you no no not really I’ve heard of it as all and I never really imagine MCC but it wasn’t as like I can’t really judge I can’t I can’t really judge MC I know it was extremely broken

See look this is the fight bro was staring at the floor while trying to punch me I’m going let Bobby live yeah he was hitting the floor I saw it I mean I could just do kill counts kill compilations yeah that worked for me back on my old channel that actually

Worked I did like the huge kill count where I was just killing people on all sorts of servers that worked for me it’s a simple editing style and I get stuff done the the strawberry SMP trolling was a good video I missed that it was all right it

Was horrible quality but it was all right yeah it could be improved but the idea was good it was funny you get the laser eyes the thumbil like triggered the Nerf World video that was a good video did good compared to bedwars I thought people actually wanted that but they

Didn’t no I I knew they didn’t exactly want that all I’m just saying that because at the time I wasn’t really you know High pixel’s I mean not H High pixel this is not Hypixel bro Nether games no this is uh this is a Lifeboat bro I haven’t played a Lifeboat

In years or at least in a few months it feels like years what happened to your ape survival thing that thing is still on the Razor Edge I think I just got bored of it because it was that little Minecraft phase because I was on break and I was

Like I’m on break and I can’t do anything I’m going to play on my Razor Edge and then I got like obsessed over playing Survival on the Razer Edge cuz it’s like oh wow cuz it’s a handheld it’s a handheld but I’m still like in I’m still in the handhelds I will do

More of that content if anything new drops I am going to do uh I have a vlog that I’ve never edited I went to the zoo y’all want that yall want y y’all want me you’re spectating me how did you die what did you die to there’s literally nothing but kids on

Their parents’ phones that had you died and they’re they’re touching their glass screen for hey this man was liter what the blood is blood is The Flash he died the hacker killed himself he had a car accident oh my good I see I see that replay but is flying on my screen

Uh no did he die you’re staying by so you okay okay wait did the hacker die no wait he actually died I think he got banned no it’s because I killed him I I like did damage to him and then he went flying into the floor and he died ain’t

No ain’t no way he was so unskilled like how bad is it for you to die like you’re a hacker right and then you die to some random gorilla to some random gorilla how bad do you have to be at the game oh they got Deathmatch I forgot instantly

Roasted you have to be absolutely pathetic to you know to lose that badly and even that thing stays on the floor but they didn’t okay whatever wasn’t even a fight bro yeah it wasn’t District eight wins the map you know I think you’re getting way better

Now you’re you’ve gotten quite a bit of practice now I’m just going to play here I was trying to get into Hypixel stuff but nah it’s too much of a sketchy place I was good at it for a good like few months but then no like like it’s just

Like over sweated it’s I mean I was having fun on it for like like during that time where I was just able to play during like Christmas break and all that and then I just quit Minecraft and I lost all my skill the thing is I was

Able to regain my skill on Minecraft Bedrock not Minecraft Java though that play style is so strange and alien like to me I’ll still I’ll still go on Java for other stuff probably just not combat yeah but then they’re changing the Minecraft Combat on uh Bedrock soon it’s

Going to a little bit different it’s I’ve heard it’s going to be better actually so who knows I don’t really know the only thing I know about it is that it’s supposedly the the you get to still spam it’s just you know you choose to the Lash yeah that was

Dumb uh probably reset oh wait they just updated the map did you see that it’s Christmas thing now did you just catch the Christmas update I don’t know wait what I think it was like that already no it was different right wait let me rewind wait no it was not on the Christmas

Update they had a different map you just saw the lobby change in real time that is rare they just updated M but this is not a fortnite event it is not that big of a deal okay well that’s cool though that they just updated it in

Real time at the exact moment you were streaming how rare is that that is rare I didn’t know that’s how servers did that so they can just periodically update the map whenever dude I love this map though without reset it what is this it’s like a sun you ever see those like

Level two Society replications where it’s like this is what a fully Advanced hey I was trying to give you peace my guy anyways I’m out get targeted oh oh Bobby is chasing you isn’t he I have no pearls so I have to just go down the stairs BBY stop targeting go go that’s

Evil that’s stream sniping that’s banable offense no it shouldn’t be banable yeah should be why you get banned on fortnite for stream that’s fortnite this is not fortnite bro do you see battle buses here you’re in last you’re in the last standing mode though I mean it’s still

Stream sniping though you know doesn’t targeted oh it’s kind of evil though you’re getting targeted I stream sniped omelet people back in the day the yeah but that’s different that’s not an actual server and know I just I’m just saying Bobby don’t don’t stream snipe it’s it’s it’s

Wild please let him play the game all right he gave me he gave me a gapple I’ll let him live he gave me a gapple he gets to go the final One V one kill everyone else and then one V one each other oh know unless go go dies to somebody

Else oh you’re dead wait no he’s third partying he tried to teleport his way over here he’s third party he’s going to janitor you never mind maybe this man really decided he that’s one of the things I the most is when you you just get a clean kill on

Somebody right but then you’re like half health and then somebody just comes in and janitors you they just clean you that’s what techn was say he says janitor that means it’s cleaned it’s kind of it’s that’s one of the moments I hate the most is like whenever somebody just they kill you

After you get a kill oh no bro that what did I do bro I told you I was going to let you live and you attacked me stream sniping BBY attacked me bro I still killed him yeah L stream sniper he’s probably mad at you wait use the iron not the

Gold I have no iron stuff but it was in that chest no it wasn’t yeah it was iron legs that’s chain leggings oh never mind I couldn’t tell because the quality is so bad what what is your quality set as bro HD 1080p why is my quality bad oh it’s your bit

Rate what’s my bit rate hold up let me could be better but it’s fine let me is it is it visible no it was just because you were in a dark setting it’s good now yeah this is a very dark map anytime anytime you go into a dark

Map like you YouTube loses the video data like it it becomes blotchy on the screen you know what I mean yeah it’s just a given it’s CU YouTube realizes oh hey since it’s dark over here you’re not even going to see this so I might as well just save up on

Bandwidth you know and just draw less pixels on this screen that’s exactly what YouTube does uh that’s how they’re able to keep up with so many videos being upload to the platform and being played back for ultimately free will be refilled in 5 minutes think

About it think about it they got to be able to compress your video without you realizing as much as possible did you know that I did not know that that’s very cool yeah YouTube does some really cool stuff there was a dude that uploaded the same video like like a 100

Times and you could see each stage of the compression of it and it got wild there was some pink glitching on the screen it was it was crazy so yeah so every time you do upload a video to YouTube it does get slightly compressed I don’t know if you knew that

But that’s just a given even if it’s 4K it’ll get compressed what is going on in the background I hear yelling I hear some Family Matters some child some child is screaming District 2 consider yourself eliminated how are you still alive wait there’s four people

Okay that guy was like two hit last guy oh there’s an outside bro I’ve just been staying here the entire time what do you mean wait there’s an outside wait how big is it it’s not that big a just look around though Bud’s knocking on the door someone’s

Knocking on the door that’s not my door though hello and then they just knocked go to no they got The High Ground I hear child no it’s actually better if you don’t have the higher ground I got the higher ground I meant like they have the lower ground so you

Need the lower ground you almost died you need to gapple up real real quick oh if you have the lower ground you’re able to hit somebody easier I don’t know if you knew that I’m gapping oh my goodness I was so wait is that the final One V one this is the

Final 1 V one oh I didn’t know the game does that I low cool I’m way too low to even be handling this fight I know you’re good now let’s go okay let take this bro it it looks like the the the and we got him ohri 19 wins the match that’s me

Bro that’s wild I noticed something whenever you eat the the golden apple you only get two extra Hearts but in like a vanilla World on Bedrock you would get like more than that that’s it’s like a Java feature like wait what that only happens look at you eat a

Golden apple on Java if you eat a golden apple and Java you get two hearts is Lifeboat trying to be like a parody I mean ccraft does this as well I’ve noticed it I wonder if they’re just ja it’s probably because they want to be able that they want to make it all

Server compatible for different versions I think it might be like a Java server but they just put geyser on it or something no it’s no what they’re doing is that they’re making it available so that you can play on all versions because whenever the 1.6 nether drop nether update dropped uh when netherite

Was added they didn’t add netherite to the server I would it would go you know how you’re in cubecraft and going to spectator yeah no but you would go to cubecraft and they would have they would have their freaking um they would have their spectator mode which wasn’t like the actual spectator

Mode now it’s literally just um creative mode and so they would put you in creative mode you could open the inventory and look at the creative menu but there would be no nether right that’s because they’re like making it a compatible for different versions of Bedrock Edition and you could play on

Different versions of Bedrock that’s why they wouldn’t do that oh so that that explains just to keep everything that it’s just to keep everything server compatible that Golden Apple thing that’s a new addition to the game so oh well well the golden apple it I it just it still doesn’t explain

Why it’s only two hearts and not like the rest of your heart bar you know what I’m talking about though right yeah yeah it’s a little odd it like some of this stuff just looks feels like a Java server kind of to me kind of but got the keyboard ASMR are you

Done with the popcorn yeah I’m done with the popcorn of course I would have been Munch finally oh there’s finally done going your phone has volume yeah all right what was that about my mom’s leaving what else that’s about it they’re all going to the mall but I

Don’t want to go to the mall I’m parasal wait what is Bobby talking about he said whoa Woodman I’m confused it’s because you said something that could be taken out of context whatever well if somebody slanders me oh well legal action don’t never drop music oh wait don’t ever drop music what

Don’t ever drop music then you’re going to get sus remixed immediately CU you’re a Minecraft Youtuber Nah if you got to drop if you got to drop music then it’s got it’s got to be it’s got to be so good my make it my my my fake Woodman

Account no my fake Woodman account that you got deleted hacker that you got deleted that you got taken down yeah I had enough power to take that channel down bro had enough power to take the channel down well it’s cuz you were you were like you made a sus video of me and

It was like very inappropriate it was posted on YouTube how it was it was it had in the title STD you were wild for that and then you you I don’t know I hope nobody saw that like bro if you have stuff like that in the title it’s obviously going

To get Tak it out you’re losing it again but’s dying yeah don’t ever do that again if you do that I will make a sus of you what do I have to take out of context a lot what a l like what the the weird screeching noises that you make all the

Time yeah that that’s just cursed yeah I know it’s funny imagine if there was a way for you to like control my my computer I thought what do you mean you like I share my computer through like the cloud and you control it it’s dangerous no it’s not it it would be so

Delayed but we could like play two-player games on like web browsers you ever play tag it’s like a flash game oh you’d have to find a software that would allow extra keyboard inputs from the internet I’m pretty sure paret could cover it I don’t know that that just reminds me of you just

Trying to to play Cool Math Games Fire Boy and Lava Girl what multiplayer bro yeah multiplayer you would have like a software that would just capture my keystrokes and add how am I going to win this what how am I going to win this fight you see those

Guys I don’t know you’re not going to win Oh either I’m gonna have to plan this extremely smartly we’re all chasing each other in circles like some cursed Merry Go Round bro that is not a fair fight you this is not a fair fight you have a d you have a

Freaking axxe you’re you’re going to get janit in here in a minute seems like you’re getting janit okay I made an escape for them to fight each other and for me to slowly recover wait for them to fight each other until you go back bro what the heck Pearl out

Of there bro Pearl to the ceiling or something I don’t know the pearls ain’t helping bro oh wait you got their gear yeah but the thing is I can’t really change while the guy’s like right over there yeah all right maybe I can yeah okay we might be able to clutch

This up we might be able to clutch this up we might dude to my odd circumstances we might be able to clutch this up you need to equip the the iron bro the chain mail I’m pretty sure chain mail is worse right chain mail’s better and anyways District s wins I won another

Game bro it looks like you’re going to win despite my I already did win you’re just delayed wait oh you actually won that yeah I’m just good that is wild despite my very odd circumstances I still managed to win which I find surprising there’s a hacker in the lobby

Hacker bro it doesn’t matter they’re gone now it doesn’t matter I won hold up I’m going to go I’m going to go use the restroom so I’ll be back you you’re leaving again wow I that’s is the fourth time I’ve left fifth we’re like fifth this squeaky eye door

Bro I was kind of thinking earlier if I were to get back on PVP ultimate and just add a Christmas update but I was like I been cut up and other stuff and I like I don’t know should I maybe I kind of ran out of creativity for that

Project uh hopefully inspiration will strike back and I’ll get back on the grind of it again you know yeah but like honestly this was a good stream so far how long has it been it’s been bro I hear the toilet flushing it’s been like two hours hey

All right I’m back I I heard the toilet flush the toilet flush your walls are so thin I know I’m going go get a Coke BR fine I’ll get a Coke I’ll get a Cherry Coke to be exact came they might not be yet I don’t know I have chips of

Hoy I got chips of Hoy bro why do I hear myself bro what is that bro bro okay bro that’s him you bro is talking in the background you can hear him he’s having a talk with his family about reasonable matters that I do not know of I can hear that bro

Okay I’m out it’s just a what happened I heard Deep Family Matters another day another victory for the OG’s taking down the sweats the Impostors among like that lives in my brain rent free are you there what is going on also why can’t I hear myself your mic your

Your stuff is like this cursed I can hear myself hello hello Hello what is going on with your mic what are you doing bro bro was trying to troll me hello there creeper wearing Steve head wearing chain M and iron I can’t even say anything cuz it’s bro Woodman fix your stuff this four you got to start running

For me buddy that’s not going to make it any easier like I said not going to make it any easier well that’s crazy bug the door with no exit out oh wait no there is an entrance bro what am I doing I don’t know where Woodman went I don’t know what he’s doing

Oh there’s the echo again that was pointless tell you what I’m play some music what is going on what is this wood mandore dude y’all hear this still alive what is going on I can’t hear myself anymore I think that’s good I’m just wondering what’s going on cuz I heard

Voices no I hear myself again it’s just worse I hear a mouse clicking is someone there dud someone is there shouldn’t have come here you shouldn’t have Bobby come back all right let’s do this we better to kill this guy go on bro go on BR I want you to try

I want you to try I said I want you to try BR District n wins the match no surprise for for for what happened the heck what did what did I just hear what is going on in the back why can’t I hear myself do what is going on what was that

In the back what I could hear voices and I could hear myself where were you who was who are those people talking bro what do you mean I could hear people talking what what do they say I couldn’t I couldn’t make it out but I could hear people talking

Bro I had my headset on my mic so I guess that’s why it was actually were you like talking with your parents cuz I could hear you the what I could hear you and like other people I was just talking to my dad I was talking about that I had the

Christmas lights set up and I was like oh yeah you can go look at them and you know I was like hey you know go check him out and I was fixing food so bro makes food I don’t make it but bro fixes himself a plate with his fine dining wine Cuttery exactly

Responsibility Independence it doesn’t seem like you have a whole ton of that whole ton of that last part what are you talking about you’re 18 and you have a bedtime you’re 18 and you have a bedtime little bro you do too I don’t I I sleep at like 4:00 a.m. at at

Times I half the time have a bedtime half the time what do you mean half the time half the time okay sometimes I feel tired more than others i s my own bedtime bro grown-ups can have a bedtime I don’t know it just seems kind of kind of strange

Bro I think I think I would right now you’re living with your parents you who who stays up you stay up yeah what’s wrong with staying up you lose your ability to focus mental health I just wiped two people oh that was BBY get destroyed I just 2V1 those two cuz they were

Fighting I saying taking that sword because I don’t want anyone else getting one RP BBY how do I get up back ah how long were you listening uh quite a while I can’t make it out but it was like muffled voices like bro I forgot to mute excuse me that stinks

This is one of the stinkiest burps have you ever had one of those bro was no he wasn’t he didn’t even know who you were B no no no he was there is there are these guys this guy was just targeting bulby he was just chasing him

Oh I thought he was talking about youy that’s funny yeah yeah Bobby said Echo cuz you could hear you could hear me twice you you should have muted me temporarily come on bro fight me this guy’s to scared to come down hey careful what you say saw some other name tag it’s gone

Now anyways anyways anyways anyways oh I don’t even know how he got up here did he just teleport up here anyways I’m still playing this game you there yeah bro he Bobby was asking like oh I want to get in VC please there’s no telling what he would be saying if he

Got in VC though be say find more with you in BC bro dream St skin what wait you’re got another we got dream stand skin over here he’s all put away what was that about me no this guy he has a I think he has a dream skin no it’s

Red he just got sandwiched in between two people you’re not we got AER than BBY this is it this There Goes My win streak or not I guess hackers are just really bad at hacking you know this server has really for for for hackers I’d expect these guys to be good they’re

Horrible these are just toolbox players who install speed and then they can’t even fight me bro I just wiped a hacker I I wiped three hackers I wiped the floor with these toolbox users bro you should just call it hacker Wars Episode Wars at this point I’m just targeting

The hackers I’m probably making these guys they’re hacking and they can’t even win against basic PC players like I’m not even a professional and I can wipe these guys apart nah bro did not just hit me with the ender pearl District 4 wins the match of

Course what skin was that anyways it is a dream skin bro of course and was bro got tossed around and it was nothing the hacker got absolutely bullied another day for me to just stomp on these guys bro what were you doing mostly while I was gone I was

Playing I’m more entertained by this lifeless mobile server than anything else bro I think I just like being good and I’m good on here oh yeah cuz I’m the world’s best I’m the I’m the world’s best life I don’t think I don’t think there’s many PC players on there yeah

I’m the world’s best Lifeboat player it’s a it’s easy I just conquered a unconquered nation see I’m not I’m not the world’s best cubecraft player I’m not the world’s best hi player but I sure am the world’s best Hive player bro no you mean Lifeboat player I mean

Lifeboat player yeah Lifeboat bro until I log on oh genuinely nah BR no then we’re evenly matched r you’re being a part of a positive Community is that should I just buy stuff from here now show my support a little maybe I want to buy this what is

This that’s a zombie apocalypse if you really like the server yeah I’m going just buy it to support it to show hey I’m a dedicated player this is my server now wait I could buy that stuff I got 120 coins one of their things was uh low enough that I could probably buy

It I’m might take a look on there I kind of want I kind of want SkyWars rank on the stats under maintenance bro H say stats under maintenance uh let’s see they’re probably fixing it U let’s See lock players who can block people in here bro mhm oh wait here’s a classic here’s the classic game this game Zombie they’re fun too I be cubecraft has too much PC players for me to be good at what do you mean they have way less PC players than

Hive I know but it’s more fun on here cuz it’s barely any PC players cuz all the PC players are focused on the two big ones cubecraft and Hive and maybe Nether games they’re focused on that and then Zea too what happened to that server oh yeah I forgot we’re fighting

Zombies what were you what was your plan I don’t know I was like what am I playing I I just dropped in here back whenever I used my free trial of nintend Nintendo switch online and I would just play this game for hours while I had it

For one week I would just kill a bunch of and then your triy bu try right now if I really want to I’d get it again but I don’t want to and they got their own little custom zombies it’s kind of it’s kind of not worth it cuz you have a PC

Now and yeah I have a PC it runs way better on both of those other devices than it will ever on the switch that’s the sad thing good let me have it got some points uh shop like your phone probably runs way better than the switch obviously can I get some uh

Armor yeah armor no armor yeah I got some armor Bobby is demanding VC let me in let that reminds me of the the the lyric in muffin where it says let me in you remember that bad boy h no don’t remind me of that monstrosity of a song

When he was in like the fishey doorbell scene or whatever the heck it was he said let me in his like face is like super close up and awkward to the camera don’t remind me of that song ever again bro what’s wrong with it it’s horrible how it’s the it’s first of all

Cg5 made it there’s nothing wrong with him making that cg5 makes makes horrible songs he used to make good songs and then he fell off and now he makes literal garbage what are you talking about oh yeah I forgot you’re not in a Tik Tok culture yeah whatever you wouldn’t get

It you’re just hating on him because other people hate on him that’s exactly why no cuz he kills memes cuz he makes stupid songs that’s that’s what he he makes stupid he makes stupid songs about and then he kills memes like literally it’s a thing on Tik Tok you wouldn’t

Understand because he deleted the app because he got hate from that and he made a response video on his second Channel and he he was upset and he directly follow people out for saying stuff like that that you just said for killing mem he’s not the mean killer is

What he said yeah he is no he isn’t it’s just in the sound and just because someone else says it doesn’t mean it’s true just because cg5 said he’s not the me meme killer doesn’t mean he though he not he doesn’t kill memes memes just naturally die

Off like the whole Grimace thing that was going to only last a week anyway dude fight the skeleton what are you doing I was just sitting here letting the skeleton hit him an average meme like will last about a week if it’s not you know overly

Crazy I would trust me W I would not be going to America’s Got Talent what that show is garbage what bro is there bro got map I don’t see that bro where did you see that I don’t know where you seeing that either where did what do you mean

America’s Got Talent what is that in my YouTube stream chat no no where did he say that he was just trying to compare that to me he was like no you ain’t in that I wouldn’t be in that I wouldn’t need to be in that that’s like that’s Hollywood that’s that’s freaking

Doctor’s office shows bro yeah that’s the kind of stuff I watch while I’m waiting to get like my kidneys removed bro that yeah that’s stuff that you turn your brain off to to watch the same with like Jeopardy bro and those like 50 million sitcoms that I confuse for the same

Show not comparable to that bro was not America’s Got Talent like bro this is easy it is going to be easy right now and then it’s going to be like horribly Bud’s comboing the zombies what round is that round seven wave 10 okay look at these models bro they’re cool yeah they’re cursed

Kind of I like them yeah they made that in block bench I’ll guarantee finally a new sword I don’t have enough for diamond armor how’ this guy get up here bro oh curing bulby what is he telling you is that in Discord in the chat in the chat I don’t

See it yeah I removed it it was two messages he sent behave yourself BL is America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent America does not have talent bro we we honestly need help as a society as a

Country watch what you say you’ll get executed I don’t know nobody knows what you’re talking about Baldi I literally can’t even see his messages he says blood what are you talking about bro the last thing I should see in the chat is literally just VC exclamation mark

Exclamation Oh yeah I see it now Woodman is not the mean Cur oh hello British monkey hello we’re just playing some Lifeboat yeah cuz it’s the only server I’m good at now is crigger what uh nothing he just is Triggered probably swearing I can picture H anyone bro I’m literally talking to you British monkey there okay it’s not on Nether games what what do you mean what happened in Nether games this is not Nether games this is life boat is their player account low or something

What happened to Nether games bro this is life oh he’s talking about how how Nether games lost my server uh I was playing it earlier but I I like Lifeboat now this is my new main server cuz I’m cuz I’m good at it I’m the I’m the best Lifeboat player

I’m might switch to it because you are enjoying it nah bro it’s my server you you can’t play on it you can’t stop me from play it how I just can I’m going like become friends with the mods here and they’re just going to ban you from Ever playing on

Here nah imagine if I do though they wouldn’t do that I know did I know did you get trash on NE games uh no I’m still all right at it I’m still at the skill level that I was before I think I just like cubecraft a bit more though I

Was playing Nether games earlier it’s just it’s just that I just wasn’t feeling like it cuz I was playing Duos and I was doing good I had like a genuinely good win streak of nine another yeah NE the games just has too many hackers though honestly I dare you to watch skib toilet

Episodes on bro brain rot brain rot that has single-handedly destroyed it destroyed generation Alpha I wonder bro the guy who made this the fuk boom ruined the generation bro he ruin the the the president of 2087 is watching skibby toilet right now guys the the stupid songs that come after it as

Well you know what I’m talking about like the the the attempted Funk song that they tried to it cringe I respect the art that you know he’s trying to make like a cinematic thing it’s cool but it’s just not it’s a it’s a wrong concept it’s been ruined

Try again with something yeah it’s just been yeah yeah I get that we beat the gameing wait he made it copyrighted now we beat the game we beat no way he actually copyrighted it bro bro copyrighted the I would do that too if I made something stupidly famous yeah off all of

It just sell all the merch to anyone that that you know makes off brand stuff Sky buddy teits oh I remember this Sky Block uh on Lifeboat I’ve made a genuine Island I used to play this like genuinely kind H pixel Sky Block it’s better how it just is I like it

More I used to play this like unironically it was on my old account it was like go go sgg something I had a genuine Sky Block Island that I was doing good at do you think you could log into that and I and I bought stuff no I

Forgot what email was even on you should probably do a deep search one of these days and do not find it just try a bunch of different emails why is my thing isn’t working bro laggy okay I don’t even know what I was thinking with the generator bro generator is not even

Working H there we go it’s just that items are a little bit laggy on sky on Lifeboat so bro hey we got Redstone British monkey ask is is can you play servers on Minecraft trial Edition sadly no you cannot answer no the answer is no you cannot play servers on MC sh Edition

Yeah if you’re playing the tri version you’re out of luck you got to find a AK you only get yeah you got to get like an APK is the trial version even still a thing on mobile yes yes you can still download it where is on the Play store

You can only find it through APK methods I’m pretty sure but they still update it I think so maybe might be wrong you can play it on yeah you can play it on now Dogg I played uh actually I don’t know what’s going on now Dogg needs to fix

Their servers bro if they fix their servers it’d be genuinely good it’s like you can you can still find cracked versions I I don’t really want to directly promote on how to get those but you have to search for it well I just don’t want you to get terminated or

Anything I’ll post another there are ways no no it’ll get removed there are ways to get it it’s APK file and that’s all I’m going to say all right there are methods that you can still play online I’m know I’ll be right back cuz Xbox is

Like I mean you essentially have a free account be right back it does suck oh yeah but there are methods but I don’t really want to say on how to maybe on Discord but I I I don’t know don’t incriminate me now there is one thing I remember not

Saying I think it was on Twitter he said something about like to First enjoy the game you must pirate it and so what what I think he was saying was people how people have experienced Minecraft the first time they usually pirate it first and then years later they eventually buy the game

So then it’s okay if you plan on buying it in the future then it’s all right well bro mojin I know but like I’m just saying sometimes YouTube can delete a stream a video for even just mentioning it cuz that’s what happened to one of goo’s videos one time the the

Media fire link he sent one time it got like deleted or whatever um and the APK didn’t work after that you just got to find a what’s it you just search up Minecraft APK uh but be careful because you might come across uh wrong version or whatever uh the current version of

Minecraft should be 1.20 51 so search that up but this will only work if you’re on Android if you’re on iOS good luck I don’t know the methods for those guys but if you’re on Android you’re in lucky you can do it that’s the gist that all you need is

The APK and make sure the APK works and just sign in make a an account on there through Microsoft and then you’ll be good what do you mean best cracked Minecraft launcher there’s better ones than ta launcher ta- launcher is a virus actually uh well no not virus it’s

Spyware actually there were some people debunking it and and trying to make sure it’s not but they were wrong okay so yeah search for Minecraft 1.20.1 APK and you’ll probably find the result br all right I cannot promote any external links from then on Just for goo’s Channel

Safety but uh hope you buy Minecraft in the future bro this is like the fifth or sixth time he’s left me just to the stream it’s wild bro imagine Bobby’s still here wild message request who is this get a lot of Stu okay nothing new is going on on

Discord I cannot PR what mby it’s not gonna happen go go has literally said earlier in the VC or earlier in the Stream he said that he just doesn’t want you in the VC at the moment you don’t remember that okay whatever you cannot participate in any criminal bro I’m just saying

That just to keep my butt Covered but uh hope you get Minecraft eventually though at the moment well I don’t think he’s going to do that for this stream yeah it’s later yeah sure sure sure buddy okay uh you know I’ve been seeing some weird stuff going on on Twitch or at least in

That era right now right now now that website is not familyfriendly I don’t I don’t want to stream on there anymore CU of stuff they allow on there that’s wild I don’t know if y’all heard but there was a lot of stuff going down on there there was there was people uh

There’s this sort of trend going on where people stream topless it’s wild I don’t know that’s why I don’t want to stream on Twitch anymore I’m just going to keep doing the YouTube stuff kind like go go is Pok yeah no no don’t go to Twitch ever I can’t TR you

Can’t trust them after the stuff they’re allowing on that platform there’s a dude that got banned I don’t know what his name was but he got banned for not even censoring himself and he just had no clothes on you know and he did a twitch stream on there it was wild that

Happened the other day or so but let me look it up on Twitter Twitter of the ud oh uh yeah but there was a lot going on on there so I I don’t feel comfortable if I were to you know stream in there no

I I I would not wait let me search it up well maybe it’s not on there okay bro in politics and trending on Twitter right now uh hash Trump smells bad is trending right now what the the heck Twitter is wild for that no yeah I was fixing to say twitch like

If you go to their art section or even uh uh what is it called the just chatting section like like not logged in like I’m just saying not logged in you will find a bunch of stuff you will not want to see and and keep in mind the

Twitch uh they advertise yourselves as 13 and up friendly like even even if it says it warns you with one message a 13-year-old could click past that message and see something that they might not want to see on there uh I hope twitch gets sued for that though cuz like this this

Basically you know I I can’t even Des describe it because you already know but it it’s not appropriate for people that are generally on that website that shouldn’t be allowed you know if they want to stick with their rules I’m just telling you don’t go over there right now

Don’t what what what what else is trending in on on the Twitter besides Trump smelling bad U there’s a lot of random stuff Geometry Dash yeah because 2.2 came out Christmas Eve Eve whatever the heck that is trending hey launchers oh hey do you want to do

You want to know what was trending that I was talking about earlier what # Trump smells bad is trending on Twitter right now there’s 60 2.7k post about it bro why you’re just hating on him bro give me the nerd Emoji accurate what are you eating now you

Good hello I’m eating chips Soo cookies you already ate no yeah you did you ate popcorn yeah but I want chips of Hoy cookies can we play crack C sometimes I already have Minecraft why would I play uncracked I thought you had Minecraft it’s not that hard to get on Bedrock

Edition with like a new account without even buying the game all you have to find is an APK that works it’ll probably say like Xbox patched or whatever you literally just need blue stacks and to download an APK yeah it’ll probably say Xbox working or Xbox uh unlocked or whatever that’s what

I used to do back in the day until I bought Minecraft you know to get a little taste of what it was like but never describe anything like that ever again what whatever I’m confused what do you mean Say Never just never say a taste of

What it feel what it would feel well how else what I explain your mind is just Twisted wait you’re right yeah am okay just I hate saying that I was but I am just literally all you need to download is blue stacks and you can get

That on PC and it’s not that hard to download yeah and you just get a working APK and all you do after that is you create an account through the signin process in the game why are you screaming I just died and I lost my B’s in your game I know he

Is what do you mean give you tutoral you just got to find it on a website literally okay so so so so so so so I’m not going to I can’t share links though because you know you can share him he’s in Thug Cher Central he’s in Thug sugar

C that’s just our group chat so just send him that that’s been the most unique one though it’s it’s always the group chat that’s the usually where it has the most unique name I don’t know why fine let me search up something that I know you could probably trust let me

See uh Minecraft ABK so all you need to do is just download blue stacks and you’ll have like an Android phone on your computer all right I’m looking oh remember monster NPC yeah do they even work anymore I don’t know uh they might you got to be very

Careful on the website though I’ll be honest uh it can be dodgy on this on that website but this should be it there should be a download somewhere on there no I don’t see it hm it’s just a post I guess I got rid of it I don’t

Know oh wait never mind I see it dear visitors our portal we W tell you that bit what what I think they’re moving their thing so you can’t download it no all I do is just post about it they don’t give you any downloads anymore I think they got in trouble with

Uh they had a download they had a download once but it would just send you to the Google Play Store oh yeah it seems like they got caught also one of the sketchiest websites is nine Minecraft don’t ever go to that website a lot of stuff own is stolen and could be

Viruses there apk’s Hub yeah you could probably get you could probably get it with uh what was it it was some other site that I had Happy Mod Happy Mod Happy Mod has like ha clients into their APK so well you can download a modded version or you can find a right

Version you see what B said what go read something weird is going on with my stream where I can’t see other people are talking okay well okay well be said I thought thugs Shaker Central was the server that linked government documents yeah that is the server it’s just we

Just named the group chat after it I don’t I just I don’t know why but I just named the group chat after it where did he say that in my stream chat yeah he well doesn’t up for me it doesn’t say he said that maybe stream chat is just being slow

Today go build myself a little house or at least try to that link might work or it might not I don’t know but it’s on mcpd so there’s a chance but if you can’t get it go to Happy Mod and Download Happy Mod there is no there’s there’s this thing called

Like soft Sonic I think let me check the site it’s where I get all my apks from now I have alternative methods like uh such as telegram those are even more better because they’re private yeah it’s called Softonic download and discoveries you can download apks from here just search up Minecraft

Yeah just you know Minecraft Launcher Free custom launcher for Minecraft Minecraft Pocket Edition 2018 bro what is this guy well I’m just going to tell you if you want to be able to play with us you need Minecraft they got Minecraft Earth on here and Minecraft dungeons Minecraft Earth will

Not work they got Minecraft dungeons here well 1.20 51 is the current version of Minecraft right now that’s the latest release that we’re all on rip you I’m downloading Minecraft dungeons free APK waitall from Google Play no something went wrong try again yeah it probably got taken

Down well it’s it’s like cat and mouse with this game so you you got to find different links and sometimes they’ll work sometimes they won’t and you got to be ultra careful and make sure you don’t get a virus TL launcher I never get that Javid has it

He he is that bro is there any alternatives to teal launcher uh I think like what POV launcher also uh what was it multi MC I think might work as well uh Soler I think I think that’s a correct client there’s plenty of other launchers other than T launcher bro T launcher

Okay good luck British monkey British monkey do to you bro what imagine it actually works cuz I I remember in the past it did work cuz there’s people that whenever they make whenever they make these apks you know they have to take out a security feature

On it that says oh your license expired or whatever so I could make apks maybe maybe you’d have to be really smart with what Minecraft does you’d have to get the latest version and you’d have to figure out the verification system it uses and bypass it because uh

Minecraft uses Google Play services by default to tell if you purchase something so like if you’re signed in sometimes it will connect to a server and it will check if you bought the game and that’s why sometimes you’ll get a license error thing yeah so I think if

You remember remove the ability for it to check or whatever it would be fine that’s what people used to do in the past there’s no telling what they have to do now but you could probably dig into the files and see what they did no we a we a’t VC and

Bulby it triggers him I know it but uh yeah honestly it’s easier to play cracked on Bedrock I think than Java in some instances I think so anyway right what do you think go yeah definitely if you want to play on servers it is wait on mobile on mobile I

Think pove carries POV is a little it makes Java a little easier yeah it does for sure bro my chair makes a sweey noise mine does too I I need a new chair honestly but I a get you can’t free up space BR I got blue Stacks okay now you just

Need to find an APK that works what version are we on wood man what version 2050 okay so just search so literally just go to Google search up Minecraft uh APK 1. 20.5 I’m thinking Happy Mod will probably give him a happy mod Happy Mod is for

Like hack stuff though so like it’ll probably no you can find a you can find a vanilla version on there too did you not know that oh another alternative is crafting and building it’s more a little bit more legal it’s worse but it’s it’s a little bit more

Legal does it even work it does you can join servers and everything but and you also have like unlock stuff from the marketplace you have their updates are slower aren’t they yeah they are slower because they have to yeah they are really slow up they have to patch it because that’s their custom

Version I wouldn’t recommend using that though man what do you think Minecraft would be if it was free it would be way better anyone could they’d have to they’d have to add Marketplace to both versions though if they wanted it to be free yeah if they wanted to keep a reasonable

Revenue I mean I think they make enough as is right they make enough as is I mean if they made it free they would make it would make a lot of stuff way better oh yeah it would make we would have way more players the game would be more

Mainstream I think any alternatives uh pove launcher it’s Java Edition just go to the Google Play store but we but he wants to play on Bedrock though Bedrock well Bedrock okay well that’s bedrock with the Bedrock version of of being cracked you can play online on server

Yeah you can play online just make a Microsoft account on ja on yeah on Java you can’t as much it has to be a crack server all for to work on Java but I’m better it doesn’t have to be I’m G look for some good uh Minecraft all you have

To do British monkey is you just got to make a Microsoft account and sign in on their on the working APK of course bro is there any like ways to run like Android Straight like just a to download an Android version and just run it he still needs AP we literally told

You methods to get it get Happy Mod there I’ll find one for you happy oh my goodness I have I have a version switcher thing but I don’t that one takes directly from the Google Play so I don’t think it would work for them um I’m just saying like it should

Work like we gave you like options here I’ll let me let me turn my OBS off by bye you’re all in Pitch Black we literally told you just get Happy Mod it’s it’s an app store all in Pitch Black and you can once you install it search for Minecraft oh do you remember

AC Market mCP AC marketnet what is that that that was like thing right no that was before that was before uh Happy Mod that was Happy Mod before Happy Mod AC Market I think the owner got sued or whatever it work I used to use that as well they have they

Had working apks in there I don’t know if they still do stuff let’s see AC Market oh yeah this they’re still around yeah AC Market it’s the little green robot no way their website still works yeah look they have Minecraft in there they’re advertising It oh my goodness look I found a link this should work too here I’ll paste it there you go BR I sent you a link on this you guys got a little background music while nothing is on my screen I’m doing some top tier investigation what are you investigating

Apks I usually just get them from YouTube for I usually just get them from YouTube because they got the media fire links in the description and the comments so and sometimes those expir I know or they get taken down it’s like oops there’s a problem or whatever found it found what found an

APK for you British monkey I’m sending it to you I already sent him one but I don’t think he’s Discord on there okay try it and it should work if it doesn’t you can just find another one it will probably Work where did you find that one on YouTube it’s on media fire okay cool does it say Xbox is working uh yeah supposedly these should work okay all right British monkey here you go try this go to your blue Stacks you got curse Forge why do I need curse

Forge curse Forge is a launcher and a website bro like dude I don’t need curse Forge he was like oh get C Forge I had Cur Forge before bro that’s Java some one other person is streaming he’s got two viewers uh I guess I got to subscribe to

Him what are you talking about some random guy he’s like live streaming hold up let me like I don’t see it uh there we go I unblocked My Stream wait hold on bro the stream is so delay on me all right now I see it who is this guy

Subscribers oh I think I saw that guy before he just streams Minecraft and gets like two viewers there’s probably a lot of people like him out there that have a bunch of subscribers but get no he got he’s got a better setup than me bro he’s got the

Whole like wall thing bro look at how he’s streaming he’s streaming like with the the Minecraft window he doesn’t even bother him he’s doing good for himself keep the good so briti did it work is APK working yes or no uh I can’t even type the good Work pixel Master Kira Gaming you saying Anything is it installing I’m Andrea oh my goodness the SoundCloud at least it’s not like Spotify where I got to wait five hours just to listen to music again want a break from the ads want a break from the ads like bro no yeah Spotify exactly why I switched to

SoundCloud I’m kind of tired of Spotify I might switch to SoundCloud dude SoundCloud is way better I have a I have a modded version of Spotify though that has no ads Minecraft the Pillager update I wish that was real the coolest thing about Android is like you can have modded apps exactly

And all my iOS friends are like I literally have Spotify I was literally talking about like updating to like uh Google pixel and they’re like okay like bro stop yapping like the Google pixels they have good cameras and they’re Android which means you can like install whatever the heck you want generally

Yeah you’ve had a good Stream So far what what are you searching oh you’re on Sun Club let me make sure that it’s like that it’s like Loop Rich monkey does your Minecraft work please work trying right now that’s all I heard I haven’t said

Anything bro I closed it I’m so used to being able to close SoundCloud and not have any issues with closing it just minimize it yeah you had four likes on on stream earlier and then it went down to three I wonder who could have unliked it definitely not bulby

B what are you humming to the music I’m playing on stream oh I have your stream muted but I’m watching your stream just so I don’t hear two Goos just so I don’t hear two Goos this Crazy what is this thing that I’ve been seeing he labeled that he labeled the APK Woodman APK it’s not my APK but it’s one I found raay V anyone there’s this thing called gun Arena I’m going to try playing it Uh I’m predicting hot garbage in three two One I don’t know it’s still loading isn’t it got in so my Graphics down is a little too high there’s no telling what it looks like is it is is it a well fleshed out game or seems to have pretty decent all right movements wait I know this map

This is some this is some stolen map bro or I think like a free use map I this is there is a similar map there is this thing called War there’s this game called Warface for Nintendo switch all right it was basically like a Cod for Nintendo switch and it was really cool

This is this map is similar or at least it reminds me of something hey oh it’s cuz you’re using blue sex you’re using x86 bro Wild it work on your phone though I’m pretty sure no he has iOS he has iOS yeah he is a Apple user oh well no wonder the ABK didn’t work iOS you’re supposed to use it on your computer download blue stack it has to be either it has to be Android or blue

Stacks which it runs why are you trying that on iOS of course it’s iOS doesn’t work it literally stands for Android something k no it I don’t know it’s like Android APK stands for something else but I don’t remember it’s like Android something and there’s ipks but they don’t work the

Same yeah they’re different a APK Meaning Android package whatever yeah it’s a APK it’s a file type like a kind of like MSI for like Windows you know but for Android you know uh it contains the code and resources for Android apps it’s often referred to as an app basically or like a container for an

App it has all the resources to install the app basically okay so what it’s called is Android package kit file format that’s what APK stands for so it’s basically its own app file format IPA will not work bro that’s something worse I am that’s like a the trickle out hi this is from

Specialist if your home is Orion your and low water pressure don’t let things get worse call repipe specialist today at 8ip we’ll repipe your entire home in file IPA document used to test iOS applications even before it even is a fully functional app whereas an APK Android application package software installed on

Android okay so an IPA is like an APK but for iOS seems like but you can’t use them yeah it’s it’s like Dev stuff except unless you’re the unless you’re in the EU then you can use them it says an IPA document is similar to simple I don’t know what is

Okay in simple words it is a file that we installed on iOS devices and use as an application you just have to have like special permissions I’m pretty sure to use it which you probably don’t by Default so Apple does have their version of APK but it’s not as great there should be like a APK to ipk con converter no that wouldn’t be a thing because there there are two different platforms they’re developing for well there could be a you got to you got to

Think of the hardware too that it’s developed for you can’t just convert that has to be separate cuz in Android APK it’s designed to run for only Android types of devices and that’s a lot of variants and a lot of different things and iOS you know ipks that’s that’s

For only iOS say that’s hardware specific to them too oh well I said ipk it’s ipk I I’ll just call FK to make it simpler yeah you need to be trying us on Blue Stacks not not on your phone yeah unless it’s Android then you good you are destroying a

Lobby number I’m number three oh I didn’t even notice three is my number my lucky lucky number it’s my favorite number that’s where that’s where a three and dragon bus 3G was it was like my luckiest number there’s another meaning behind it though 13 s I’m back I’m I’m number four it’s

Because I have 13 kills Oh Ke Bard ASMR what are you going to do for Christmas Kevin uh be with family what do you think you’re getting uh I don’t know I know some of the stuff I’m getting like my switch stuff I want I really was focus it on the switch this

Year yeah I don’t know what I’m getting but it’s probably going to be one or two big things and that’s it nothing crazy cuz I kind of already have what I need what was that on your screen was that somebody hacking just flew I do not

Know just let me know British monkey if it’s working probably taking them Forever he said hey go go quick question what’s the question what’s the question what’s the question he hasn’t said it yet this one comes from my mom is what he said what okay yeah what is It it’s taking him a while have you talked to your dad sort of I don’t really I mean yeah I sort of talked that’s more person I know I know he left uh he left to Mexico a few uh he left in Mexico a while back he

Went to go um visit uh his uh family over there in Mexico I don’t know he left he left to Mexico a while Back is he going to come back he’s going to come back he’s going to try and come back after what did he leave uh he left because he hasn’t been there he went he originally uh left whenever I was around like six and then

He came back when I was I think nine and then now he’s like uh he’s leaving again for a while not for not for as long as he was gone last time he’s going to try and come back after Christmas you know it’s a struggle it’s a struggle December 26

Is the APK working I want to know yeah British monkey cuz if it is just sign in and make a new account it’s free by the way to make an Account imagine British monkey isn’t Taking this monkey there should be some work arounds if it is taken like a one instead of the ey or at an other score or whatever British uncore monkey I think That I just want to know is is the game installed is it working you’re doing pretty decent top five To four situation let’s go that game looks fun it Is um he gave up on the APK I can I’ll drop a tutorial it better be enlisted though why not I posted several for your Channel’s sake though I posted several and there’re so your channel terminated I won’t people post that all the time and they get they they’re all

Right okay your funeral if it gets deleted what will you do if what what will you do with your channel just start again nothing’s really stopping me from starting again bro all your fans are just going to disappear and they’ll only know they only know you because of me again cuz

They’ll have to revive your channel again cuz that’s the only thing I think that’s helped you a lot is cuz like you know I stuck around with you and gave you the extra promo cuz your fans are fans of me apparently and so like if one of us if

One of our channels or whatever happens to get deleted you know they can always resubscribe to one of the others I am kind of glad though that I I helped you uh get your original fan base back yeah yeah that would have been a real struggle if we didn’t do That what y’all trying to play I’m playing Gun Mayhem whatever this game is it is Mayhem for sure there’s a flash game by the same name that I used to play a lot at school I wonder if there’s a browser on Roblox roox used to be playable in a browser it was laggy

Though you think they should go back to that Windows 10 operating system bro hey press f11 it’ll make you go full screen you you’ll be able to see more you’ll be able to see more though I already clicked F 11 oh look at this I’m playing I’m playing Windows 10 Oh Windows 10 simulator Mexico Just a moment yeah don’t give it your real password though 464 oo scary downloading files just accept oh that’s so creepy we’re getting everything ready for you it’s so accurate the Microsoft way like that’s exactly what it sounds like Microsoft does everything for you almost There there you go Windows 10 simulator yeah your internet ain’t going to work though search up YouTube on there probably won’t work though to be honest no key Wi-Fi neighbor Wi-Fi you’re connected to the neighbor Wi-Fi wait no that doesn’t work saved websites what you your film is probably

YouTube your film is probably YouTube I’ll be honest bro what wait does that actually Work no way how to fix your Computer I know why it knows your name cuz it’s your Roblox Name it’s a simple scre this is so weird image Generator oh wait I can just like insert my images oh that’s cool what do you mean what do you mean you can actually dark sight fre programs free Minecraft Premium yo we’re downloading free Minecraft Premium on Windows 10 wait you can actually do that no oops your imported files are

Encrypted to see if you see this text but you don’t see want a oh oh that is funny remove the from must you deleted your computer n I’m all right I’m download the other virus as well it looks like you’re downloading a virus get a virus simulator Robux generator

Download I think that’s the point of the game you just download stuff uh Roblox the one file s bro click on it click on the exe I’m guessing these send me to actual games maybe I’m guessing this is going to teleport me to the actual game yeah it probably will that’s cool I think the virus Is trust me you don’t want BMS buddy bro oh Ransom to Who What are you doing I’m sending you a message nah it’s no that won’t work are you trying to send me a virus on there bro No guess the calculator works yeah that’s easy man speaking of calculators I have a literal calculator button on my keyboard it’s that sophisticated there is video it actually once you’re hooked you’ll do anything to get more uh I’m put do do if config in the command

Line over oh wa no no no do ip config on the command line I want to see if it works just one more and then I’ll quit that’s what I keep telling myself or it should be IP face config what well that’s enough Windows oh wait wait do it without uh

Space and then it should work oh bro you exited web browser imagine that works Windows 11 to install us you get all the badges Bro product that’s my imagine imagine it actually gives you a real One like I’m not doing this super bear Adventure this is a mobile game this is a game on the App Store you can play this why is this a Roblox game now they ripped it they RI bro it’s not even as good what the heck I can’t even like slide or anything

Bro it’s curs it’s kind of funny though how they’re able to rip off a game they ripped off a mobile game that’s a rip off of like Mario 3D platformer it’s not even that good how good do you how good does your mobile game have to be to get ripped off on Roblox Netflix simulator probably works digital role no for one minute is my bad play it I don’t even know myself on I edit yeah this my new profile yeah this a smiley Face oh dang what great content are we going to watch Today what is that it’s probably Community made it sure is Netflix brother advertising their bunnies from Roblox Del 1997 where what what is This bro what is your laugh a [Laughter] Festivities [Laughter] update right no way I’m playing Teletubbies the game bro I’m in teles the cut soon up in the hills and far away Teletubbies come to play up in the hills and far away Teletubbies come to get oh what n you know what you were about to

Say what the heck ah my game my game what what happened it’s laggy it’s just so realistic bro what is this it’s just telletubbies that’s what happens when you don’t have a GPU I said it down bro it’s a tby bro you’re yelling in my ear a tet

Wait to leave my no cuz Teletubbies was legit my childhood Bro is this just a recreation of the Teletubbies map really yeah who who plays this who role plays on here bro there more players on this than your knockoff servers like what happened to your Creations they’re all gone because they’re they’re play they’re on my other account so they don’t really matter

Anymore oh wait what happened to them like the they still exist they still exist somewh why don’t you update them well would I they were fun right yes only using free assets wait let’s play on there I don’t know find find your game on there go goore s GG YT steon

Tired bro I’m tired me too this is Hell uh all right let’s see V profile then get off stream if you’re tired no all right let’s see uh we got hey okay yeah that’s that’s my wait your old profile how are you going to get back in

On there I’m never going to get back in I’m just going to go look through is it cuz the is it cuz the the G the Gmail goty deleted yeah I remember the last moments of it though like keep boxing H what like keep boxing hell I’m confused we got new Battlegrounds I

Don’t like this one as much as I experience inste as private look at these I genuinely set I genuinely put effort into these IGN the and you can’t even access your own game I can’t even Roblox how dare You work together what happened to your other game your go-kart game that is on mk7 rblx yeah I want I want to play on There yeah this guy it’s funny how you have so many Roblox accounts mk7 Creations super bloxy cart super blocky I want to play on this seven visits let’s play check your games after this no check your games after this yeah check this out all right let’s play it

This is when I go those games that you made pick a platform this doesn’t even work anymore okay what do you mean it doesn’t work anymore the the slingshot doesn’t even work I don’t know why I add platform that supercharges your selling online oh yeah hey the no PVP thing is

Working weak tools and limited Integrations would have helped to know this join the millions of businesses growing on this Mario Kart basically it’s one of my only good I actually made this map kind of stolen though but it’s fine there’s very he just blew up the guy

Just blew up right next to me I don’t know how he blew up the cart control is getting better no yeah like the cart it you can’t you can’t do it the cart immediately like blows up if you try and shoot it yeah I know you have to get out

Of your cart I should update this oh it just got flipped I’m going to mute my freaking I’m going to mute my SoundCloud enough of it I remember the controls being Jank but this isn’t half bad I should get rid of these weapons because honestly I don’t want them

They’re just wait what did you just remake this I’ll just log onto the account I mean I have some unfinished games that I could be doing cool I have an drift I haven’t unfinished uh Mario Kart uh not Mario Kart I haven’t unfinished Mario 3D Land cop that I was

Working on yeah what happened to that I’ll get my reference but it’s going to take like a while I I think I won still haven’t made a thing if you win so ow he hit me I guess he won it’s like a game you would see in like 2007 not 2023 bro

True you didn’t even code anything as the thing you I just added the little Racetrack and the the mushrooms and whatever whatever not and the carts and the safe Zone and that’s about it cuz let’s be honest that this game really need anything more I got him I

Killed him oh yep my cart can tilt but it fixes itself yeah this is the best game even for being so buggy but you got three players yeah I know it’s you I know that’s you Coy yeah I know uh Coy and British you remember my first creation PVP ultimate Ro that is

Cursed yeah make the original Mario in Roblox I’ll try yeah see the thing is I didn’t code on my version either and I wasn’t very smart at ROBLOX at the time but I don’t know you never know I might get into Ro alterntive that if you

Got few a few of your buddies and some imagination yeah go ahead and play this game oh yeah wait the the slingshot thing doesn’t even work anymore pretty proud of this map still h a bunch of free assets that’s fine if you made them yourself it would

Be more impress I made these little hails that’s the only thing that’s original I wonder if I can get out of the map you can’t there’s invisible walls oh wait how did you do that I just got them they’re free models I’m going to go check out my other

Games Well for now I guess your game is a PVP battle somebody is playing music outside my house he’s gonna kill himself bro the physics are so bad wait what game are you playing now I’m go check out my other games like what other game I don’t know

Beau uh let’s see bro you only got one up vote and that’s me we got La zombies beta this one I can play oh hey hold up wait I wanted to go see the banners bro hold up hold up let me see look look at my stream last zombies look

At this look at the banners of for the game mhm I’ve never heard of this game what this one I made look at the banners little like promotional Images Oh wait why am I by myself I just joined you no it’s because I left to go look at the promotional

Images on my stream look at it you’re back I’m looking at BR what is why just I think I remember this this is like apocalyptic onein back join back it’s because we played that one zombie game and it wasn’t for mobile so I made my own hey does this work on

On people I’m pretty sure it does it is not oh it does I see it does not meant to okay whatever oh okay let’s let’s not useing use it on each other and just use it on the zombies yeah what is this map the school map it’s not really nothing much but a

School map I don’t know where the zombies I accidentally left clicked there’s like no audio let me turn Vol where are the zombies I don’t know they should be somewhere but they’re apparently not I don’t know where they are how are you not dead oh I think I see

One I’m going through the doors they don’t oh there’s one right here how I get G just step over it he’s he’s attacking me wa where did you go I’m killing this one slow zombie that’s stuck over here wait the gun doesn’t even kill you look you’re like low Health

Right it it can’t even kill you the slow zombie takes a lot of bullets to Hill the kill this legit looks like looks at my looks like my school after dark bruh that’s wild is there anywhere else we can go like an outside or anything

Nah sadly this was all it got to until I gave up is this a is this an is this an actual stolen map or is this yeah this is this is I it was too small so I put two oh there’s one behind you I put two

Of them together I see the outside it’s just a base plate how did you die I didn’t oh con you died no you just died on my screen I didn’t die I’m alive you keep redying your game’s broken your head is floating who keeps dying I’m going to leave and rejoin yeah

We’re done with this game this is cursed you like died several times developer goo s ggt hello I am goo I’m a bedwar content creator I have a YT called goo gaming go sub like bro that’s the most basic thing I could have ever made you’re so

Basic your skin was better bedw Wars brick battle bro easy. G like it’s literally the actual name of them but it’s like spelled differently yeah I just found a game on on freaking I just found a uh doomspire brick battle that I was able to download and so I just stole the

Game bedw Wars brick battle does it even work supposedly it should it’s a little laggy oh no this is laggy bro what did you do I’m guessing it’s the constant uh generators that just generate nothing they’re generating bricks that I can’t pick up oh so wait yeah no that’s

Lagging I remember this this is some fortnite type battle bro we’re just jumping and shooting each other at the same time oh wait do you remember remember this l oh yeah bro or you could just keep spamming it because it had no cool down this is wild this is chaos

Just rocket launcher spam anything else it’s so loud yeah this was my game you’re supposed to shoot the towers to get them like knocked over I don’t even know if that works though yeah it does you can shoot the towers and if you get your Tower shot down you you

Lose what tower are you on I’m on red red yeah I’m on yellow I have the ability to fly with my sword wait how does your sword give you fly abilities because you can spam it and it gives you a little boost whenever you hit whenever you attack with it so I

Can like sort of semi float around yeah it is laggy I’m leaving this bedw Wars brick battle is a game mixed with old and new fun fighting experiences like bro what kind of title what kind of like brain dead title is description is that bro best game up voted something went

Wrong there is an account where I had a lot of games on my old old old OG account more even more OG than the one I have right now old who is coy coy is uh one of my friends he’s British monkey this is an old account view full profile this is a

Really old account when I say old I mean it’s old you played when was it made s my badges you cannot see this users’s inventory scoll all the way down 2019 2019 dude like my account these are some people I don’t think I have added anymore there’s another

Account then G ggs GG ggs a lot of GG’s accounts my join date was 518 2019 can VC we’re not we’re not V seeing right now this is another account that I don’t know bro do I have creations on Here all these friends I’m on here GG’s on here and that’s my old account but bro there’s my old Sky 14 skycore 144 PVP real is what heck of a name here here it is go goore SG real add uh YT this was my OG OG account I think I

Have still have some groups I’m I’m logged in here let’s see all dismiss I don’t need a break bro why am I following the official Roblox on here bro let’s see Creations I thought I had games on here bro guess I don’t uh let’s see my first actual join

Date of Roblox is 11:23 2018 but my account got hacked a long time ago and it still exists this other account that just has an extra t to the name that’s a that’s a freaking now. account when I was playing jungle MC or jungle games um Minecraft and Roblox this game

Is uh practically this this this thing is dead don’t buy my merch from here you’re not going to give me anything you can still buy it it’s appreciation but I’m not I think I still have the shirt from that right yeah you do that is your shirt s posted July

12th yeah basically no one is on here you need to you need to remake my shirt and make it better Affiliates store I don’t know why the game isn’t here I don’t think the game was Associated to the group or something where is the game what happened to Jungle Games know let’s see

Creations nothing zombies and then just that’s it I swear I had more we have new Battlegrounds I don’t know what that is about let’s just check my favorites here we have jungle Paradise remember you’re you had the jungle server on there yeah it is here I

Have it oh there it is wait click on it click on let’s play on there sad I’ll never be able to update this and I’ll never be able to I’ll never be able to access this it’s just archive just welcome to Jungle Paradise make sure to try the Minecraft version the

Minecraft version Never released okay the Minecraft version never release is that your actual Discord server no that is not my Discord server he’s self advertising self advertising I know oh yeah the golden apple oh and you get the parkour oh Oo please don’t PVP in the lobby bro ah I forgot about the launch the Minecraft guys they kill you everything is anchored for some reason I had a script that made everything anchor so those characters literally can’t move the giant trees and everything this could be

Improved I don’t even have admin on my own game anymore oh this is garbage H go away bro is shooting at me this this gun is garbage got some hits on Coy ah dang and then we have my semi working parkour I don’t think it works if I’m correct I had this parkour

On the Minecraft version too and you can’t bro the coin is just cracked what is that he was doing the stupid Mee thing and not using range that’s annoying and then I have a survival which is the green portal the green portal is cursed I’ve never gone through the green

Portal go through where are yall we’re in the green portal bro I just realized you had the whole portal and it was just upside down I’m g go back through it if I can go to the green portal yeah you have to reset that’s in order to prevent people

Getting their weapons into the regular spawn I’m sure I can get back in right come on no you got to reset that’s literally dep I I almost did it just reset bruh nah Never why is this one tree so gigantic though be Honest hey I did it go the green portal oh no I only went back to I don’t know what what I was trying to do here I was trying to make like a Minecraft game and I never did who is Cookie lover is that a person fake NPC I have

49 visits for I 48 visits reset okay I’m going to One V one the queenny this is oh what’s this this is one of my only good games what is this you can’t even fight through here let me into the VC broh never all right Creations my Piggy game please play

Bro what did I just join the uh the inventory thing isn’t working bro your game is broken C what am I playing bro what is this Cory what do you have me playing I unlocked the door let me out talk about getting spawn killed Cody what do you have a playing

Bro why is it after me yes I got the I got it working red key I can’t do anything I broke the game how did you get out no leave right now ow these weird models what is this game okay then we got uh let’s see we

Have piggy I can’t even do anything Piggy game high effort please this game is torture no bro we got Piggy game high effort please play how did you get out I don’t know is this this the same game copy paste wasted did I just join the same

Game except the the wood isn’t even like I can’t even do this I can’t do any of this terrible I’m down voting it get Negative votes I I I got out no don’t negative vote this this was just like it’s garbage okay that was literally just the game get Negative voted now game

His name is literally just called piggy negative vote this game this one is literally just the same game bro just this is the same game it’s just that I spawn in a different area what am I playing no it isn’t no it isn’t I just spawn in a different

You spawned over there oh oh I I survived finally what is this Game and and the pig sounds are C too follow me okay bye why is the squid gang girl in here she’s inside the boat that’s good game girl she’s inside the boat can that thing kill me Co is taking me somewhere ow it killed me do not this thing won’t kill

Me oh wait there’s a barrier hi Mouse oh he’s why did you activate him I didn’t help see that over there yep ah bro we done all right what other games does uh what is this game bro this is terrible there’s random barriers everywhere what is this bro

Sneezing well that sure was a game a terrible one it was all right BVB ultimate was way better than that negative vote down vote all right you know guys we’re going to create my our own game let me make a game bro no you got to have ROBLOX

Studio open St I’m pretty sure you already have Studio you gotta open it of my stream is doing good after like three hours yeah what has it been oh it’s been four hours actually of streaming that is wild that your longest stream probably imagine downloading a 4our stream what is that

Noise but what are you what are what are you doing what are you spraying is that whipped cream you just got a whipped cream look yeah I totally do that totally or do you stink and you’re just spraying on spray on deodorant bro stop is that an air duster that’s an

Air duster isn’t it how you’re gonna ruin your [Laughter] mic bro I’m moisturizing my hands oh it makes it so that I’m I’m big better at playing you just hit you just hit Peak viewership just then you had seven viewers wild log in oh yeah I can definitely know your login

Details I can still see it I can see it no you cannot bro I’m watching my stream on my phone I’m just trolling you all right guys let’s see uh let’s make a let’s make a game viewers what kind of game a Mario game a paradise g a condo game I get

Banned gamer boy just said hello you filthy animals it’s exactly what he would say so the challenge is to make a game without coding experience at all but actually make it good all right let’s make some you can model though you can actually model your own stuff too or

You can use other people’s scripts but the challenge is make a game without coding be honest I really don’t understand Roblox coding system even though it’s the easiest thing in the world I would be more of a modeler I think he need experience bro yeah that’s for sure command block

Experience watch go go get a virus from roox Studio let’s scale seems like the new catchphrase is what’s up you filthy animal you see in the shut up gam boy nah don’t tell him to do that bro that’s wild that a right listen to the British boook no No what are you making now hold up I got a big brain idea but but guess that in the keyboard I’m out I’m not making this game I thought you were making a game not this one you haven’t even started nah I got a better idea we’re going to steal a game oh

No uh close place no I don’t know if you knew this go go but you can add other people as like collaborators to a project so I could open the same thing up in studio and work on it as you work on it in real time did you know that but you

Have to add somebody as like a contributor like you have to add them to like a team and studio for it to work though have you ever thought that like having like a Dev team there are some games that have that you have the ability to download look at

CH I can’t bro you will use I’m going to put I’m going to add some sand in your tea man that’s actually disgusting thing bro you use water for cereal be I can’t even read that because the stupid Emoji because your dad never came back with the milk ah brain dead

Comments that’s the exact way to point it out Peter Griffin Tycoon that’s a good one you should just play that Tycoon yeah make a tycoon game go goes Tycoon okay so we just need uh tycoons PL Tyon no not a PL I just need like a tycoon like just like basic Tycoon like a tycoon with nothing on it just basic Tycoon but it’s happy happy spam this Emoji the whatever it is it’s face blue smiling whatever the heck that is it’s so generic

I encourage you to spam the F blue smiling Emoji what the heck my w and E my w and E keys are like interchanged bro I got to pull some keys out today because I need to swap these two they’re in each other’s places okay the W goes here I was like

Why am I typing w you the E goes here let me put my number keys back everybody’s spamming the Emoji no bro this is my channel meme now yes we started a meme blue smiling face cult this is my this is my channel now this is this is your your known for meme

Oh no it’s not letting me there’s a rate limit crap even for a moderator there’s a rate limit what the heck it’s annoying British mering I don’t see it all just see is text the Blue Man Group right true what are you searching goo every time go go dies in Skywars

We’re gonna spam this what do you think what honest reaction what do you think honest reaction yeah g a whole 12,046 episode Saga bro wait wait wait a wait a minute I just have an idea so like if you die wait no no if you die

It’s this Emoji it’s the it’s the it’s like the surprise with the fingers Emoji or whatever the heck like if he dies in again do that you guys are starting my own memes no it’s me okay whatever is I don’t think they heard me but whatever oh this is not very white eyes

Is whenever go go dies in a game of SkyWars or whatever or if he loses grass but virus has scripts I don’t know put it in there for fun that is not what I want is now you get a ver good luck with that grass

But wow these are all not what I wanted bro of course you know wait I’m curious what model system does the uh um uh do robots use I’m curious cuz I could probably put like an actual the the correct Minecraft block in there that’s the thing that’s why I got

To learn how to model stuff because then and block oh my goodness it’s curs block bench somay you’ll go far I hope you stay there you minty monkey is what gamer boy said giant go go when he becomes like blue gorilla what is this emoji wait this Emoji is called Can’t even see it what is this Emoji blood is not Frieza Emoji is that I can’t even what does this mean face face purple sweating what the yes I found it this one duplicates it what do you mean this Minecraft block it duplicates itself look at this why do

You need that cuz I need a floor uh I see where you’re going with it okay that makes sense so it has like a script in it that makes it okay that’s cool your chat is going wild right now what is this wait what is that emoji is that inappropriate I can’t

Telly be careful what you’re saying bro go go can you look at the chat I don’t know what that what character that is well I guess not he’s going to leave for like the the eighth time on his Peak stream you know of game development dude stop stop

Y’all are wild for that for for now just just keep spamming this Emoji okay I don’t know keep yourself entertained are you back is is is Buddy back Peak Peak stream now I got to come up with with mine and do do I have my Emoji I don’t know we’ll figure it out

Next round n he’s the goat he’s the goat YouTube did pretty okay on their emojis I’ll say the goat yeah go go the goat bro imagine that somebody on YouTube go go the goat why are you saying ban like ban Emoji Jo goat I spinning the ban

Emoji hey go go look at your chat they’re going wow I’m back your chat is really engaging right now they are happy yeah he ain’t dead hopefully not I I was carrying your stream not gonna lie okay I’m back you finally got your water I got Coke you got Coke again

Yeah I got to take advantage I don’t drink Coke that often fine I’ll go get some coke I’ve been carrying your chat by the way be right back I get some coke as well cuz you’re getting Coke I have is bro no what what is that plane or what the

Heck n bro y’all are Wilding I need to Anchor this right how do I anchor this again Model oh it’s anchor anchor on I guess I think that’s how it is oh my goodness okay I think I’m final way back hello Earth to go go BL not NASA what is going on I don’t know bro stop spamming the 911 uh Noah no way no way are you losing your

Sanity hey guys we’re going to make a kid-friendly version of GTA I was at a Coke so I got some Sprite this is my game called Grand Theft m cart Grand Theft Minecraft Grand Theft Minecart no Minecraft let up hold up I need to this like a adopt and raise pretty

Good chill with the Osama Bin Laden emojis yo we can’t say that name I’m pretty sure we well I just said it so oh no this map has a virus in it I’ll be honest chill with this has the virus this has the virus bro I install the virus on my

Computer spam spam the blue Emoji for for happiness yeah what did you do wait did that actually spawn in junk yeah that spawned in a whole ton of dumb stuff that shouldn’t be spawned in that’s funny sure bunch of adopt me stolen assets I’m looking for that like

Freaking those are best moment and like role play this is why you do not use the free asset store from Roblox because you more likely more often they’re not going to get a virus no this is this is like bro but for rle plays huh I going to make a role play game

That’s the most successful genre I think it’s like freaking like paradise like you make a city step one step two you make jobs uh and that’s about it oh wait no no no step three you make a money system my get no what did you do some out of bucket stuff my Roblox

Crashed that’s what you get for using free assets oh no bro go go said 91 what he’s going to be attacked by X oh bro what yes it just disappeared where did it go rip rip the map is this is all right this is to teach you exactly what

Happens when you use the free asset store from Rob shut up we don’t need a mom right now come on this is a learning this is not a learning moment this is I lost the game dude control Z undos like it undoes stuff control Z control Z control Z you

Know 10 views no not exactly that’s going to translate even more it’s going to be like 50 by the end of the stream oh what is going on I’m breaking my I’m losing my I lost one viewer I’m losing my sanity breaking a Roblox oh my goodness excuse

Me there’s not a redo button I’m screwed oh wait no there is a redo not really you didn’t even get that much progress bro this is why you model your own stuff you know is there a control X that read that just deleted everything yeah rip even more rip you’re just destroying your

Game just get a basic base PL you should probably check and make sure there’s no scripts installed at all right now this one has good reviews that’s how you know it doesn’t have a virus are you sure about that yeah cuz if it had a virus in it

There’d be bad reviews on it then why did you put the ones with bad reviews on it anyway cuz who cares I mean you obviously do I just want a game that I’m able to troll in you know cuz this is going to be my little like game where people can role

Playay in and it’s all just going to be an elaborate it’s troll yeah okay so first of all you’re going to be like one of the only admins or something being able to troll destroy the map yeah I just need a game that I can trol on like

Would wouldn’t it make more sense to make that in Minecraft like make a role play game in Minecraft bro yeah what’s wrong with that I guess it’s a genre that isn’t talked about that much in in life anymore I don’t think anyone has really considered that too heavily but you

Probably could do that also this game doesn’t have a floor so I guess I just got to put the Minecraft what are you trying to do bro let’s say what if you build it in a Minecraft world right you build it on Java Edition and then I import it to

Blender which I know how to do and then you can import that as a model and put it in Roblox you know you can do that right I’d rather just this and Rob probably a long step but you could probably do that if you want it to have the Minecraft

Style I don’t know it suits you why is my camera so like freaking dying I don’t know okay first of all let’s get rid of this stupid base plate this thing spawned in its own base be careful with the Emojis bro something for for once for once oh my goodness

You get the whole city and everything I guess you’re I guess I just need a floor but that’s gonna this is so cursed I saw just uh put in a little part but that’s your brand right it’s be curs yeah but I want this for like kids

To actually like try and play this they’re not going to want to play like this thing you never know it’s so funny though that it deleted your St I got to zoom in but it’s so crazy are you going to learn from it though that it actually is just going to keep

Deleting your stuff this kind of makes me want to stream maybe some other time to take my audience bro yeah for sure guys make sure whenever Woodman streams uh spam him give them something to do give them something to do you know this sucks dude this map was not it I

Need something better you just you’re getting ahead of yourself is all that is you just got to take let’s start let’s start from scratch you need to take your time game development is a long notorious process all right it’s tough you got to start small first and build your way

Up I know I thought it be the same way but o That’s Sprite ex me BR I I ran out of coke so I had a Sprite blood started drinking Sprite okay let’s take something else Let’s uh let’s leave this because uh I don’t know what’s going on 99

Hours yes let’s leave you’re going to lose your sanity more if you keep trying to devot this quickly you need to meticulously plan it out like oh this is how the city is going to look this is the layout you know all right guys so we’re just going to have a bunch of

Villagers everywhere you know you know what you should do you should make uh a bunch of cubes and put them on a map on a base plate and then carve it out as you’re modeling the buildings that’s how I would do it definitely didn’t give you the most useful tips

Killer Freddy but but I’m I’m going just stop playing with the the text killer Freddy I mean British monkey green monkey killer Freddy goodness Obby checkpoint animated in sound are you not going to learn the free asset store is a mistake nuh-uh it is only using if you have to no don’t

Rely completely off bro be scripts and everything respawning coin large city this better be the GTA map or something all right this would work you’re going to lag no actually I’m not probably has million different scripts in it you got the Lord City now you’re skipping so much time that

You could have used to learn development this is for a live stream bro you’re not actually thinking that I’m going to go over here and learn how to code come on come on like no well actually no modeling is the first thing you want to do not coding coding is the

Next Woodman is the type of Uncle to say his nephew don’t be so picky if there’s a hole there’s a goal what what do you mean what do you mean by that game development takes 9,000 power I can’t read the rest of that rise of Kingdoms nah brsh

Monkey get out of here hey hey hey don’t ban him one minute could be times in Uncle what do you mean you just lost half your viewers for a second hey if y’all haven’t already please like the stream he would appreciate it it also helps him out I

Think someone’s at the door just to BS the two time he leaves stream just to me the heck Woodman do we like it what are you talking about turns out no one is at the door yeah you’re hearing things you’re hearing things you’ve streamed so long you’re hearing things yes that’s just going

Insane no you’ve already gone insane I’ve seen it multiple times this stream you guys all know there is the three: a.m. version of go go it comes so every often hey okay no what did they [Laughter] say n bro 10 minutes this time 10 minutes no you can’t be spamming that

What minut is like a parrot bro he’s just putting y on the timeout Corner yeah go in the timeout Corner little Timmy one man could be a mom something on the timeout Corner little Timmy little British monkey I’m going to call him little Timmy for now it’s more funny that way all right

Enjoy your time at little Timmy like bro that’s funny Woodman doesn’t like pre speech what are you talking about he said something inappropriate Come on everything’s cool just minty Turner should be his name it’s a what are you dting about I can tell some of you have not liked the Stream so do it or [Applause] else what is this stream we’re gonna make this all fortnite fortnite yeah what is going on in that little fornite

Fortnite okay it’s fortnite time fortnite fortnite guys he he’s he’s hopping the bandwagon from Minecraft to fortnite content now fortnite is gonna be forever fortnite guys goodness fortnite forever bro okay never you s you sound like speed you sound like Speed what is this what did I do you destroyed it I’m auga lagging in the tager control Z will save you or I mean it should this is not a job for control Z did you install another did you install another virus okay go go go is speed confirm look guys

Not really though speed did something uh earlier what was it there was a clip that blew up of him like bullying some dude in this other game what was there was this other I forget the name of it what was it it was the newer game that

Was trending you know what it lethal company yeah like he was streaming this game with another dude this other disabled kid he like laughed at him and he made him cry which is a little bit too far for Speed should be can even hear a goblin voice out of here so weak

No go one Obama should be in fortnite agreement seriously what’s up y’all it’s your favorite stream and today we’re going to be playing some Roblox sound like Dobby from Harry Potter no dude why no sane person makes that noise you you are the mind of the three-year-old you’re

Acoustic it doesn’t make any sense it’s not of vocabulary you’re acoustic you’re acoustic definitely not what is that sound what was that you’re acoustic you’re acoustic nobody understands your definition of acoustic you’ve lost your mind I’m only here to stick around and make jokes fortnite fortnite I play Pokemon go every day

3:00 a.m. I play Pokemon go every day I play Pokemon go every day feel what the hell is that emoji this what I feel right now bro I play Pokemon go every day I play Pokemon go every day I play Pokemon go every day I play Pokemon go every day this is

Gonna get clipped I go every day losing my mind stop what my game isn’t gaming go go gaming you’re done you’re done we’re all all getting deleted delet deletion I’d say it that way if I deleted something should I be in fortnite N would that should be a fortnite

Re no what what what would be my superpow what would be my perk what would be my pay to win option would I be able to crank 90s instantly or an instant Woodhouse no what do you mean nothing I I can do something I think nothing I think you

Should just be a regular skin in fortnite how would you stretch that on a fortnite character you just do you’re worth 100 v-bucks hey that’s better than none that’s better than being a free skin sure that means anyone can wear it you okay buddy obviously not take another sip of that coke and

And maybe maybe you’ll feel better okay I’m already done with my Sprint I’m going to go get more no I’ll be right back that’s what’s making you crazy actually I’ll be right back is it zero sugar Coke no it’s just the original that’s why it’s loaded full of sugar you you’re

Not even using the zero sugar bro I drank two weeks a worth of sugar shut up M you’re a generated what with a CH I thought you to go get a drink why do you have a back rooms map on [Laughter] her I bet I bet you the half of the

People here actually know all the people here are probably concerned foral wellbe like what is go what are you doing we’re here because we’re concerned for you Okay we get It what song is that go go Earth To Go Go zombie he you’re gonna end up privating this stream aren’t you if you listen to yourself you go back and listen I don’t think he’s aware right now but he will probably end up privating the stream what do you mean

Tangly oh yeah yeah better be careful British monkey yes this has been the most chaotic go- go stream ever go go and Woodman it’s wild bro my ears I am I am moderating chat bro do not go wild I think he left my friend Tom’s Family only is Wireless for home

Internet so it could be mad slow when everyone’s online but we we get fast reliable internet from exity you better be on your best behavior it just leled up this is a Christian Minecraft stream F reliable internet on the for just $ 19999 a month for 12

Months with the one-year contract Go to t0g call one a store today reques people autop bank account restrictions apply equipment tax and broken to the point where it’s just sounds it’s nothing it’s nothing but Woodman now and some occasional we exactly I’m watch forward they’re watching me why why is

This they like to see you spiral in the m i Am public to the whole world BR collect yourself for once the suspense is killing me the echo can’t I feel I’m like laughing but like I also feel bad for Mexican cartel got to go go yeah for sure I got to that very cinematic don’t answer that budy nobody answer that okay never Mind are you done laughing I’ve laughed so hard my lungs are at lungs my lungs are merely flesh merely organs attached to my soulless body there is nothing left you just became a villain gamer boy is recording you bro everything you say it will be held against you Absolutely it’s home it’s all that it’s all all he playing the play the fat Sumo game scroll [Laughter] Up public to the H is this is not my fault this is not my fault I know your name this is where go loses to sanity episode one cannot Escape me Jacob Woodson of Alexandria like you sound like Dracula if if if he was near an onion okay never mind that he’s chewing on onions hey hey get out we don’t want Clothes Me I save go go say save this guy all right SA there’s nothing we can do but just Spam that I guess nooon nooon there’s nothing we can do it’s all Napoleon’s fa nooon think wman think what will you have in another 30 years uh my life hopefully you will have

Nothing but empty ESS in an ended ceiling voice constantly ravaging through the drums of your Ears No you [Laughter] you y fall you’re falling you’re falling pick up your phone youring what was that Ohing me into the insanity realm what will you have after this stream what did what did you say I’ll still have my pts pills you’re You’re bro why are you playing that soundboard I’ve never LED so Hard I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape I can’t escape you can’t Escape 5,000 Years let me out let me out no I’m not letting you out this is the sound of your ride home with this is the sound of your ride home get away from me awkward isn’t it yes only wood Vapes of nicotine you w know the real cost of Vapes I don’t know about

This all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay right he’s got the scent wait nope that’s just the bacon in my pocket apply for a Navy Federal

Credit Union auto loan online at a brv all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay shut the welcome back to my eating plain

Lithium iron ASMR here we have a nice piece of iron let me rub it against the Mic Take oh my goodness days of summer vacation just Ed you’ll never get it back What did I Do that’s funny what happen What what happened what happened what Michael don’t leave me here Michael that’s the whole situation right now all at four all at four I can end it All Buddy left oh you’re shutting down Windows yeah we’re leaving you guys bye-bye everyone no yes byebye Woodman Woodman bye bye bye bye bye bye bye there is nothing he can do to save you there is nothing he can do to save you he is not here Woodman is not here

Woodman is not here only you and the endless void of your mind it’s all over it’s all over it’s all over it’s all over and yet I am here sitting ending slowly fading away there is nothing I can do I have reached my end hey guys welcome back to another

Minecraft video today we’re going to be playing the new brand new bedw war mode that nether game just added uh so yeah uh like And subscribe and or I’ll kidnap your dad let’s get right into it all right so first we’re just going to load up Minecraft here we

Got we got to we got to try out the new mode for He e [Laughter] a I like 200 or something all right I think that’s good we’re in the perfect spot right need to be sh you real how useful have speed W oh my goodness I you know me you troll me a oh a stop using tower roll for a second there that was PE man PE ultimate was one of my first more meable servers it was thep server I ever made on the platform called arcade PP what p is we need to go back in time and explain what arcade will return let arcade will return what for anyways let’s get back into some Roblox

All right next game we’re done with the whole trying to make a game project I think uh lost a little too much trying to do that U let’s let’s play Multiverse battlegrounds all right so we’re we’re going to be uh Iron Man this game is really fun because uh I think it’s a

Fun good Woodman hello who is coming bro what why are you saying that for all of us nah bro no one is coming to get y’all I don’t know what they’re talking about me neither bro I left to go like freaking do something I come back and

They’re all like yeah I had to go get some water and take a b break anyways I’m on this game remember this where are you I’m flying around playing as Iron Man I’m bullying Santa right now bro the ski toilet yeah Steven Universe get out of here bro you ain’t nothing freaking Iron Man bro oh oh you’re is that you yeah I’m the gray one I just killed another Iron Man I just bullied Stretch Armstrong bro blood wants to fight me Iron Man came out of no Spider-Man

Came out of nowhere and tried to fight me bro Santa just left Bro think he can outrun me nah double kill let’s go who’s going to win guy from fortnite or guy from fortnite bro thinks he can strategize bro thinks he can strategize is crazy BR I’m getting bullied I’m getting

Bullied like green arrow getting bullied by Green Arrow right no way Green Arrow get your [ __ ] out of here bro bro he froze me midair nah bro we ain’t doing none of these Shenanigans bro I’m telling you what do you mean warn us there’s nothing going on what are you all yapping about

Bro there’s nothing what are y’all doing bro what are y’all talking about what are y’all talking about bro bro bulby you’re going to the jail for that one what did he say he said restri I don’t know what bud is talking about what is bro talking about is

Crazy all right I guess uh that’s enough Roblox we’re going to go react to some videos on on Opera GX my favorite website yep is this about clones whatever all right so we’re just going to hop on YouTube we’re going to react to some funny videos yes what about the

C I thought I saw you sir what do you think about this color oh W check it out it’s changing what is that check this out yeah this is crazy no way yo look at that that’s so crazy that is cool that is cool bro that is amazing

Bro this is crazy that’s the best game in the world dude this is amazing dude he’s no way he’s destroying that kid bro this is crazy ah bro the editing is crazy dude look at that whoa that is dangerous bro nah bro that is crazy look at that

Look at that look at that look at that bro look at this nah you can’t be serious oh but he did he did do it oh the payback is crazy dude the payback nah bro the payback oh bro clutched this is crazy y’all see that y’all see that y’all see that clutch that’s

Crazy chat chat that was a crazy clutch ain’t no way he can’t top that right maybe oh no yo oh comeb back yo that is wild y’all see this y’all see this dude no way this is amazing yo once in a lifetime this the best moment so far yo yo yo yo

Hold up hold up hold up yeah yeah no way this is crazy can’t believe he survived dude oh bro bro bro clutch clutch back clutch back yeah 360 no way 360 no scope crazy crazy this is amazing wow yo yo no way bro no way yo yo Bobby Bobby said Bobby said Bobby

Said this is crazy this is amazing this is the best stream of my life some Asian kids said uh Mentos are good and uh gamer boy said here’s a hot dog y’all this is crazy chat thanks than for being a good sport for coming to the stream

Man yeah thanks for day yeah yeah yeah thank you thanks for saying hi hi you guys are awesome yo y seeing this this is crazy yeah yeah yeah dude this is crazy this is crazy yo this is this is the peak video the best video we’ve ever seen no way

Bro a BBY Bobby just asked a question this is this is uh Sparta uh grapes and apples wow very supportive grapes and apples yeah uh he’s eating some jelly right now that’s pretty cool some jelly some jelly some jelly yo yeah I I I agree I agree some

Asian kid we must we must you know Feed the Homeless you know that’s that’s what that’s what yo Mr Beast Mr Beast no they got him look at that Mr Beast yo I show speeding away the best C yo speed and I show speed oh my goodness couldn’t even Edge

To this clean up bi by fants bro I’m going to buy his own yeah whoa no way no way y’all better download Mr Beast Ram you can download R from Mr Beast yo also get like a terabyte go we got to check this out that’s the best PC giveaway ever get a RTX

6090 yo that thing’s wild yeah let’s go down yeah yeah yeah I’m going download Ram too all right what we want what we want we can get look they’re all free Mr Beast made get it all free we can get four gigs we can get eight gigs let’s get 32 32

Gigs yeah I’m doing the same y you pick I pick yo we’re getting Mr Beast Ram thank you Mr Beast thank you Mr Beast thank you Mr Beast person ever yo all right all right let’s keep on watching yo bulby said Bobby said Top Hat Mr Beast omg omg best hot dog ever

Great choice thanks deman for the compliment yes go go yes go go and I look really swell today all right all right all right but here we go here we go here we go we got we got even crazier ones oh bro look at this s let’s watch

Another video yeah we’re going to watch a different video this is yo check this out check this out check out this look at that look at that dude this is crazy oh no way they are downloading free Ram from Mr Beast y way dude yo this is really going to help me with

My Minecraft PVP skills look at how he’s aiming look at how he’s aiming though he’s winning this guy is better than technoblade no way bro look at him go Ain’t No Way 4V one clutch up is crazy if only I had the skills of this

Guy if only I had the skills of this guy yo I wish too is this a w clip or what bro bro he’s cooking in block game ain’t no way bro wait now the game is fortnite what is that how did that transition the transitions are crazy oh now he’s in Lego

Fortnite he’s swinging Onre why why is he doing that huh oh you got a kill what the heck GTA oh my goodness yes GTA 6 early GTA 6 GTA 6 oh uh some Asian kid said Kung Fu Panda is amazing I agree I agree they

Need to make Kung Fu Panda 77 yeah dude they’ve already had this GTA clip is crazy GTA 6 looks crazy nah GTA 7’s coming out soon better we’re going to get a bit more RAM you know and download some R download more RAM for that download more RAM yeah download RAM for

Free because Mr Beast your py will thank you yo no way bro yo look at that I got I got Ram too dude look at this amazing video this is the best video dude it’s look at that it’s got 5 trillion views the heck dude it it’s asley Rick

Jones yeah this is my favorite Ashley Rick Jones [Applause] video it hurt you this is amazing bro this is Peak cinema this is Crazy I like those little dance yeah it’s crazy it’s going to be the most remembered song ever yeah dude this is going to be like PE this has to play Someone played this at the Super Bowl I’m glad this was 14 days ago this is crazy Dude oh let’s check this video out no way look at that oh let’s check this video out yo no way look at this wow this guy is a true streamer yo look at this bro this is crazy here look at this bro this is crazy hello hello this is amazing hello

Hello this is amazing it is hello dude this is crazy I can talk with them yo what’s up hello what’s up I can talk with them yo what’s up dude this is the best stream ever dude this is the best stream ever it is this really is the best stream

Ever I know that’s crazy the best this is crazy dude I know that’s crazy real though real though crazy dude this is the top tier stream of the century I’m telling you this is the top tier all is all is okay all is okay like the

Stre all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all

Is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay all is okay is okay all is okay all is okay yo check out this crazy little stream bro yeah

Hold let’s go the beginning who’s this who is this oh that was a video we watched earlier hey yeah glad he glad he’s watching it yo he’s watching it too he’s enjoying it Pardon me this is interesting H dude this is amazing this is such a cool stream this is awesome all is okay all is okay all is okay okay it’s okay yo this is crazy this is crazy stream look at him look at those details he’s really playing that game abely

Stunning look at this game he’s playing I am blown away by that yeah yeah and this is crazy dude I think I’m going to take a break see you later goodbye goodbye chat I will thank you later goodbye yo I better share this to all my friends and family dude this is

Crazy hey check this out this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing no they are [Laughter] not this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing good job bumster you really did a great job

This is amazing this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing oh oh no such kind comments oh wow great job this is amazing that’s crazy that’s no way that’s insane this is [Laughter] crazy okay wow such cinematic Masterpiece that I am watching wow such a funny remarks arth arth arth this is

Crazy wow such amazing content I have seen oh boy oh boy such a fun stream this is okay said help he said help he said we can catch it on hisat on his of catch yeah yeah I know my streamow resolution all oh wow such silly conspiracies this man must provoke [Laughter] told wow what a wonderful stream I am watching such perming amounts of Industry such work of art wow look at that how wonderful what a sight of stars help me okay now he said h Start what [Laughter] Watch need okay would EST knew oh no one what the hell oh he’s typing me in chat communicate the two chats and talk either this is or Cod probably is consider I mean it probably isn’t here’s the order how thisen so it attacked goo first so we attack go one

Of which was in the Stream earlier in his VC why attack then appar it’s coming after oh un so here’s the the [Laughter] I join back next stream guys we’re going to be reacting to more fun stuff like this maybe even play some some Roblox we’re going to have some fun times you

Know thanks everyone for joining this stream and I’ll see you guys next time you know uh like And subscribe uh follow my in Instagram follow my musically get just um see you guys next time enjoy goodbye

This video, titled ‘ROAD TO 200🔴Minecarft&Roblox!!’, was uploaded by Gogo da gaming gorilla on 2023-12-24 04:37:16. It has garnered 83 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:50:46 or 21046 seconds.

#gogogaming #mcjava #mcpe #mcyt #minecraft #smp #survival #gaming #roblox #robloxbedwars #invadedlands#bedwars #nethergames #pvp My user is GOGOdagorilla54 @Woodman3

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    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More