Insane Hardcore Minecraft Lush Cave Build – WaxFraud

Video Information

Oh Well howdy you everybody thank you for stopping in hope you’re having a great day get ready for a lot of building it’s going to be fun man welcome in hello hello hello good to see everybody I’m going to hop in and we are in all right welcome in guys how are you

We are back in the ancient city we have some Lush cave building that we’re going to do a lot of custom cave building so if you’ve never built any custom Lush caves I guess uh you’ll be learning maybe hopefully something but uh we’re going to run around the sides today and

Make sure everything is looking good we got the Iron Golems looking good here piter plants sunflowers we got the bamboo going up everything is looking A- okay except we need we need to get some more of the park benches like these guys on the other side maybe some more of the

Animals and some more vines on the walls but uh yeah we have a little bit of work to do to say the least we have a little bit of a field right here that I’d like to turn into a little bit of a jungle I’m going to start placing a lot more of

These Jacko lanterns around town so I guess we’ll get that first let’s get some of the lighting done and then we’ll go around and place some of the uh foliage but welcome in guys how you you doing welcome welcome welcome I should say what’s up to some people howdy

What’s up Ricky how you doing Magpie what’s good thank you for stopping in uh soup what’s good Supra what’s good tatted what’s good Coco what’s good ghost what’s good Amy how you doing Spears what’s good Pam how you doing welcome in everybody I really hope you’re having a good day and thanks for

Choosing to chill here with us get some Jackal Lantern up here don’t have to use as many torches that way I don’t really mind the creeper grass as much down here in the hardcore series I’m usually not about it but uh in this series probably be a little bit more about it just

Because of the uh the fact that uh there’s no creepers that can spawn down here anyways so what’s up pig how you doing totally forgot about the other pig that we need to bring down here too oops there goes a rocket didn’t want it we’re on the back side of the big disco

From episode 55 I’m just going to be probably getting some lights up here it’s about time what would be cool is if a lot of these guys started growing more I have a lot of yeah we have some of these guys right here if they started just getting

Down here a little bit more it would create more of a foresty effect that’s what we’re looking for just do this right here boom just going to start breaking some of these random blocks along the wall that don’t really make sense this Lush cave will come together

Guys if anyone’s wondering what we are doing we are in the middle of restoring the entire ancient city if you haven’t seen the past couple episodes on the hardcore series uh feel free to go check him out if you want to but yeah man thanks thanks for being here guys

Welcome in also thanks for leaving a like on the stream if you liked the stream smashed obliterated the like button thank you it really does help out um appreciate y’all man I should turn down the music just a tad bit huh so I can hear what everyone’s talking about there we

Go if I get another one down here maybe boom hey minks dude thanks for the Super Chat appreciate that a lot I hope you’re doing well thank you thank you yo thank you for the generosity I hope you’re doing well I’ll add you in the uh the Super Chat book

Later actually have a couple names to add so actually this is what we did on the last stream right here if you guys were here for that thank you um I’ll actually fly up and show you guys real quick what we were doing and it’s right

Here big old stables and I haven’t moved to the horses in here yet we’re doing that on the YouTube video I have about maybe two three more minutes worth of stuff to record for the video and uh then we can finally get episode 56 out

To you guys episode 56 is going to be out tomorrow by the way so that’s going to be really fun let’s go this way but yeah thanks for stopping by the stream y’all hope you’re having a great day first things first let’s get rid of the rest of these jack-o’-lanterns

Yeah thanks again Ms uh hi from France well hello I hope you’re having a great day thanks for stopping by if we don’t need these torches here if we have all the Jack lanterns against the wall Boom we got this guy here love it now we don’t need that torch okay remember we’re going to come back with a few of the mushroom lamps as well want to leave that little cave closed we’ll go here or here just want to go home hey don’t be

Working too hard hopefully you’re doing well thank you guys for popping in by the way if you were here on the morning stream welcome back in thanks for the support I really do appreciate yall again I hope you’re not working too hard today hope you’re chilling taking it easy there goes for everybody

Man all the lurkers out there hope you’re doing well too keep this in the back keep that I’m going to actually turn the rest of this up here into some Moss there we go boom boom more of the path to do here that’s fun let’s get that out

Boom okay over by the barn that we had worked on on another YouTube stream we have plenty of buildings down here like I think we’ve done six streams down here this sheep is all the way back here now that’s crazy there you go buddy wonder if they’re escaping I hope not

Okay we got that gotcha let’s go up the wall here you know what let’s do this we’re going to start bone mealing over here as well ah man bone mealing is super satisfying let’s get all this out let’s get a jack Lantern in the nope that’s not a jack’

Lantern and this is not my axe what’s happening what’s going on let’s do this boom and boom we’ll hop down today everybody just popping in right now hope you’re doing well what’s up everybody howdy howdy hope you’re having a great day let’s go here and here we’ll start getting a little bit

More of the mushrooms out but first I’d like oh my God we have some lava up here too that’s crazy just never really ends okay we’ll get this boom gotcha over here is where it starts getting a little sketchy cuz up here is not the ancient city anymore down here

Is but up there is not so that’s where I start to feel a little uneasy cuz a creeper could pop out at any time which is not nice that’s not a nice thing wait there’s a villager over here where oh he’s what are you doing why get out what are you doing buddy

Okay we’ll take that I’m going to have to bring a lot more glowstone over here sorry glowberries over here let to start popping them out this way two three four boom boom get this there we go all righty not bad this is is what this was an area that’s pretty much done we

Worked this on a Long play we can get some lighting over here boom there’s some areas where bamboo is like struggling to grow like this spot right here I wonder if it’s just because it needs a little bit of help okay that’s a lot of the Jackal lanterns I don’t have any

More I don’t have any more of the uh sea pickles on me so let’s just start using these mushroom blocks let’s just let’s use them sparingly just run around cuz these add a lot of color to the world but I don’t have I guess I do have 24 extra

So let’s just run around make sure we get all the lighting here first then we’ll turn all of these walls into some Lush cave this going to be nice dude I’m very excited I hope this sheep ah why does everything get stuck in here what are you doing

Get out there you go there you go buddy Danny C hey yo thank you appreciate that thank you for the Super Chat I hope you’re doing well today how’s your Tuesday treating you should go this way I should probably eat also it’s adding a lot of light on the ground

Which is great for me I just uh I hope I don’t run out if I do run out though I guess I’ll just run back home I was hoping that I didn’t have to do that though not the biggest deal I’m just uh slowly approaching 8,000 days in this

World and trying to get the walls done as fast as I can the interior of the ancient city is virtually complete I’m going to run around and get some of the small details done like that little ceiling area right there oh yeah that’s holding that’s holding in water so we’ll probably leave

That there’s some stuff that’s just holding in way too much water and it would take me days you guys will see in the video that’s coming out tomorrow um part of the ancient city is uh there’s uh it’s it’s going to be a struggle so we’re probably going to have to save a

Little bit of it for another episode uh that comes out later in the series I kind of want to go back to the starter base though and start working on a couple of builds over there just for a little bit we got a cave right here let’s just do this boom

Boom okay that’s wild we got this there’s a chicken up here what’s up buddy that I can get back there if he wants to okay so yeah up here’s another area that we should probably light up a bit I’m just trying to keep this area safe boom

Boom so I’ll do that that and then we can go over here boom boom hold up a second there it is hey Kitty creative corner thank you for becoming a member appreciate that thank you thank you feel free to join the member server if you’d like to there’s a

Link in the Discord actually for that thank you thank you welcome in okay so got plenty here hold up let me put this this up there it is Jam Jam what’s good Gar what’s good and see slow day at work today so you’re happy to watch some friend builds look gorgeous dude thank

You for the kind words appreciate that we got a whole cave back here all right let’s just do that Okay Okay we’ll go boom and get another one right here it’s crazy we have so many on the wall let’s go there okay no more on this side probably key word is probably let’s go here I think we’ve done a lot of work on this side we’ll bring some more flowers

Over probably should get a little bit of this right here boom it’s not we don’t need more light over here I’m just trying to cover up the wall that like look there’s this is crazy there’s part part of it this is it’s all underwater all of that it’s all underwater very

Overwhelming we’ll get it done Though that bamboo right here needs a little bit of help we’ll go right here bam what’s up buddy all right wait yeah there we go the Bamboo’s growing it’s growing Rowan official Shay dude thank you for the Super Chat thank you guys appreciate that a lot thank you thank

You the lava is just dripping on this area let’s get some of this over here boom we’ll go we can take this out and move this way get some of this up here Bam Bam okay we don’t need the torches on the wall if we’re using those there we go let

Just keep torching this up Roston 98 dude thank you for becoming a member appreciate that welcome in welcome in pretty sure you already joined the sub server but remind you reminding you to get in and on the uh holiday event if you haven’t started a build

Yet okay we don’t need any more lights over there we can just get one of these boom all right all gone perfect let’s run this way okay nope yep got it got it boom this is going to be a little bit of work back here okay so let’s just run

Down this side we’ll go bam run down this side again go bam boom let’s go oh my God that was all Stone that’s crazy we’ll turn this back actually wait no we wanted that to be there never mind we’ll go here Boom gotcha hold up a second that’s what I’m looking for let’s keep keep doing that boom Nice don’t make sense let’s get this off the wall a little bit of skull up here it’ be nice to remove that hold up see you later skull it’ll be nice to get the glow Berry down here too but just the The Edge needs a little bit of love real quick boom

Boom let’s just get that I know how else we go this way beef what’s good how you Doing let’s also do this so I can grab some of the skull nope there we go it’s going to be some that we’re dropping when to do that we’ll go up here we’ll get one we’ll go back and get we’ll actually hold let’s expand for a moment all

Right the acacia trees are the real move okay so this goes all the way down here we could make a little Lush Pond over here again there it goes there it goes not bad okay so we have a perfect little area for the pond what’s up pig how you doing

Actually if there’s a way to get stay right here buddy stop moving stop moving please hey hey stay there nope one two no no all right it’s not worth it we’ll just find him in a Bit so we’ll leave this here get a small pond going go back up this way we got bam we got Boom wait actually hold on we have a couple more bone meals we should use Okay we got all that probably come back with a little bit more as we make a field here but uh we’ll use this we’ll go down here and use that get rid of some of these torches on the end we can actually there’s cats over here oh I think that was disco

Cat that was disco cat for sure well I didn’t need to do that I’ll take this guy whoa there buddy okay we got you up here then I’ll probably run all the way back this way and put one mushroom right here let’s get this actually this hallway doesn’t necessarily need a

Mushroom but we’ll put one in anyways and then we’ll put one here for safe measure and one here for safe keeping Jack a lantern couple more of those never hurt nobody let’s just run this way real quick we’ll grab you bam get this nope we’ll get this guy gotcha gotcha here

Run around the back all right we still have a couple we can use let’s just go here oh you know what I have another crisp I’m trying to crisp it up by the way guys if you’re just here if you’re just popping in right now I mean welcome

In thanks for stopping by uh right now we’re working on getting all of the walls turn from a like a skull wall into a lush cave wall so thanks for popping by and actually I’m realizing right now there’s a bunch of clay pots behind me

That do not have any flowers in them so we’re going to have to change that but here comes a crisp well that was a weird One you can already tell that that’s going to be unanimous 13 out of 13 mhm Roo what’s good how you doing thank you for stopping in let’s go here wait did that go the right way yes it did that pig is still in this area which is good

We’ll go back this way a little bit more lots of amethyst to still place but uh maybe on the other side I think we’ll just do an area over here where we’re let’s uh let’s actually just get some of those trees up over here yeah that’s looking nice we get some bamboo

Over here as well to help clean it up perfect I forgot about all that okay so this is actually going to so I forgot about trees on the side too we have a lot of the lighting done I guess let’s just do this there we go we still have a couple

More obscure items that we can use sunflowers as well but uh let’s work on getting those trees in the background I guess we got one right here not bad okay okay let’s get some more trees hooked up some more foliage looking nice the bad lands again over here I can see bum bum

Don’t even know how that happened that’s weird okay let’s go over here going have a little bit little bit of tall grass that was a lot of Tall Grass my goodness sheesh let’s get you over here boom boom we’re going to need a little bit more of that maybe gotcha nuts

Okay we got trees let’s throw the egg let’s get more bone meal right here okay that’s going to continue up that way there we go not much more we can do there I guess let’s just try this got it more trees more trees more trees whoa just got stuck inside all

Right let’s do this no creeper grass around here we have to get this guy back out wait hold up let’s get rid of these sunflowers we might just make one big Pond over here I’m not sure Yet but I’m loving all the decoration a okay got to be more yeah I was going to say we got to have more area to put sunflower over here at least this will be a nice area hold up we’ll get a like some trees going we got that

In more sunflowers real quick we got to get these out of the inventory we got you nope yeah got to get the back over here done a bit okay let’s go boom and then Bo Boom We got four left right here gotcha new the channel but absolutely love the builds thank you I appreciate that welcome in I hope you’re having a great night appreciate that a lot thanks for stopping in guys yo you know what if you’re paying attention put a 47 in the

Chat let’s see who’s paying attention today thank you for the kind words though I really do appreciate that means a lot and thanks again to all the new members this week appreciate y’all remember guys we do have a holiday event if you are um a new member or if you got

A gifted membership definitely feel free to join it’s sub server event if you need a if you haven’t had the chance to join any Community server before feel free to hop on there um I do want to thank that last stream there was the the generosity was insane so I just wanted

To thank you guys again um appreciate all of the the gifted memberships from last time that’s it was just it was nuts so thank you guys I I appreciate y’all let’s go this way a bit we’re going to go in here and then I believe there are a couple others to do one

Two three yep around the sides more sunflowers let’s going this way gotcha that guy’s stuck again dude you don’t have to be stuck in there I don’t know why you’re doing that he doesn’t have to be stuck but he remains stuck we got got a new sheep over here let’s head back this

Way nope nope okay head back to the walls over here we got one two two three we got one 2 3 4 5 6 another one another one we got you oh that was it okay let’s put this guy back beautiful I’ll take that back thank you very

Much want to be able to see where the horses are at when we’re over here okay so this shulker box right here we do have More use more pumpkins the Bell can go over there too there there we go we have all of these to place around the edge as well all right let’s get the flowers going Again one two that’s crazy okay gotcha We got you let’s just one two three four okay keep hopping one 2 3 one Two gotcha here one keep it moving o it’s getting every time we every time we run around we just have a different resource and it gets a little bit more Lush every Time 60% of the time it works every Time H oh puppy barking at what we ask we do not know we got that back we got this back okay that’s looking a lot better let’s run this way let’s make it in Here I’ll take nine Nine’s not bad at all we got rose bush over here rose bush over there boom more rose bushes I’ll take them all all right now we got some lilacs let’s go here boom want a cave like that I mean you can make a cave like this you just got

To keep on place you have to place a a lot of stuff a lot of resources but uh you can do It okay we’re have to go back around here get a couple of these flowers we don’t have to get too many back here but I don’t want it to be like a unspoken for land let’s go this way boom I want this land to be not unforgotten One 2 3 four Boom we’ll just run around this Way all right lilacs are here to save the day let’s hop up here real wait a second boom not enough glowberries lilac lilac lilac lilac Lilac one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 let’s get all the bone meal out let’s bring all of this back where’s the piie there’s a piie One two okay let’s run up this way lilacs back Here boom gotcha gotcha we got 14 left 14 13 12 that’s 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one oh never mind One one two three four five get some more glowberries for this all right we have a lot to go out here one two three let’s get a lot of this got one two 3 4 one and two and three four okay we got all of this still have 22

Left probably need a little bit more can I do this wow that just goes straight up there um let’s get back down jeez that really just goes out there back down we go 25 that’s my here 30 that’s not bad at all hold up that was really nice all right let’s

Go back start eating some food Magpie what’s good thank you for stopping in I don’t know if I said what’s up yet blue and purple piit plants maybe yeah we do need more pitcher plants for sure I’ll have to go back and more torch flowers so um before this yeah like during this

Stream I’m going to go back home to the pitcher plant farm and the torch flower farm it’s much needed tried my best to make that look wacky and wild let’s go this Way we have nine left over here I think we’ll go this way we’ll get a couple more of these around town but uh bamboo time one 2 3 oh I can’t jump let me out let me out I heard a spider Danger let’s go this way bamboo can grow here and here also here and there and there One two okay this is a little jungle that we made back here I like this we’ll keep adding stuff got more bamboo to add to this side three We’ll add the path over here too one two three four six seven then around the front we go

Eight not bad do we have two to take over here let’s drop these guys out of place thank you very much I’ll take all the bamboo sir we got 24 to put back here we got boom what just happened we got that we’ll go up here that chicken is just roaming Roman

Free okay so that’s quite a bit of bamboo for now I’ll take that pie keep it Moving got it okay we’re going to have a nice little jungle back here got it now we can check in between all righty should get one here yeah we’ll just keep that in boom egg okay campfire I think we need so we’re going to get more piter plants maybe more rose

Bushes let’s get a couple just to see what’s needed in where we’ll get rose bushes here wait here walk around the side for a moment boom boom boom okay got all that let’s go back to the red stone or sorry the orange we have an orange shulker box back

Here we do have some torch flowers just keep them along the path for now boom we must eat G what’s good stigan what’s good Lex what’s good melain what’s good hey little red how you doing thank you for stopping by the stream hope you’re doing well all right we still have some of

This wait no that’s an empty Shuler box Okay there’s going to be some places where we put campsites probably like in these little areas back here that’d be nice there’s nothing there let’s grab that shulker box again savist what’s good Evelyn what’s good if I miss you guys’ name feel free to say what’s up again it’s good to see

Yall in the chat thanks for stopping by we’ll have to get that moving I have more barrels to use if we want to I probably should I need some of these and my puppies barking always bar always barking always barking let’s actually just put this over here can’t stop won’t stop barking

Darken never okay let’s get uh maybe some more trees around that backside that would be cool we’ll do this let’s go get some of the Spruce Wood then we have it right Here let’s use this get some stairs going okay so there’s some wells around here that we can start building to make this area look a little bit nicer so we’ll go in here whoa there we Go puppy’s name is Arlo yeah an Australian Shepherd poodle mix anytime anything’s getting delivered to the house he’s he goes berserk he goes nuts anytime anyone steps near the front yard he’s not having any of that get some barrels here upside downstairs right side upstairs might have to come back here with some

Lanterns do I have lanterns on me let’s see I absolutely do okay so we got that guy in we’ll get some water in all of these we’ll come back with the chains too chains and water and glow stone for those I believe we have one more well back here or is it back

Here wait is it in the back no way build something back here yeah that was it right there Stigan thank you for the kind words I appreciate that thanks for watching from the beginning of the series thanks to everybody that’s done that appreciate y’all man it really does mean a lot there we go here’s one right here to do yeah this uh this project right here in

Particular has been pretty nuts it’s it’s been taking almost a month to get all of these done like all of these projects done here and uh since we got to the ancient city it’s going to feel nice to get back into the starter world or like where like the starter house

Area and finish that little that little island you know it’s it’s just going to be nice ouch my feet boom boom and boom we got one we got two we got three and we got four this will add a lot to the Lush caves and I actually might add some

Campfires with some trap doors on those sides of the the walls too I think that’d be pretty nice that’s this is the one pig that survived too I don’t know if you guys saw episode 55 this is the one pig that survived the other pig is not down here did not survive

Unfortunately so we got that guy let’s get this guy here let’s go one one bom we got one right here Noah the sock hey thank you for becoming a member of the channel I appreciate that welcome in feel free to join the uh subscriber server or the the membership server if you’d like

To thank you very much that means a lot um the the link for the the server whel list channel is going to be in the Discord if you want to join super kind of you thank you welcome in let’s go this way let’s go here oh there’s no crafting table back

Here so I’ll just add some to the ground boom you’ve been got let’s get this guy Up One 2 3 oh no three four one Lantern remaining yep I definitely missed one over there you are correct chat has never been more correct I must go over there and fix it it’s time for a fix let’s go this way and that’s good that’s good let’s get this guy right here in

Boom boom and where’s the last guy right here trap doors so many cats behind me or villagers I mean got to go this way boom boom there we go appreciate that there’s a server that’s fun yes yeah anybody that’s a anybody that’s a twitch subscriber or a patreon member or

A YouTube member uh you basically get whitelisted into uh a subscriber server and uh you it’s you don’t you’re not required to keep your subscription you just have to once you get whitelisted you’re you’re whitelisted forever boom wait boom yeah so feel anybody feel free to join if you want to

The the link is in the Discord and the Discord link is actually down below can I get a tree right here is it going to let me nope not happening what about this guy nice that’s what we’re looking for beautiful beautiful let’s go back this way

Yo Amanda Hansen hey dude thank you for the Super Chat my goodness when is Arlo Army Island puppy Island going to get the Redemption it needs you are so right dude maybe I should work on that the next episode maybe I should do that H that’s a great idea actually

Amanda you know what I put a one in the yet if you think puppy Island should be episode 57 if you have any other ideas let me know cuz I like that one that one’s fun I haven’t haven’t given much thought to that Island as you can as you can tell

We haven’t uh been doing much work to it at all got it dang Stevie wins the numbers game Stevie with the dub NOP doesn’t work what about in here no we already have the trees actually that’s fine we go this way I have an idea we’re going to

Get this this boom boom boom boom boom boom boom we should just go over one well I don’t know what’s happening now actually hold on now this something’s something’s happening let’s do this this this gotcha gotcha gotcha like a well right here would be suitable we’ll move back to the outer

Layer walls of the Lush cave in just a moment we got to get this guy out we go Bam Bam Bam Bam okay we only have six stone brick walls left we need more is that really it that’s really It that’s really it okay keep all these guys boom and boom thank you very much stone brick walls that’s what we need Oh no Gotcha okay let’s Go I am wondering you know what let’s actually start using just a little bit more bone meal from up here let’s just throw a little bit of we have so much Moss starting to overflow just make a little bit of bone meal just a little bit more cuz we’re

Going to need more rose bushes I believe we’re back here for the stone walls though Let’s get 64 of them hey thanks again for the super chats and the channel members um you guys rock man thank you very much seriously thanks for the support um yeah it means so much thank You D Got that in okay maybe get some tree right here beautiful be beautiful if we turn back around we can hit up that well that we were working on be this is awesome okay all of this pathway is working oh my hey Evan welcome back in thank you for the gifted memberships

Dude um yeah I was just saying earlier thank you I don’t I didn’t know if you were here earlier on the stream I was saying thanks for last stream and um welcome back in dude thank you so much for the support guys if you get a gifted

Sub say thanks join the sub server or the me if you get a gifted membership sorry join the membership server I’m always saying that Backwards Subs on Twitch members on YouTube dude Evan how are you doing today thanks for stopping in appreciate that I really just ran way past this thank you thank you I appreciate the generosity have to go get some more stairs like this yep more stairs here we go oo I just got a

Lift we’ll get all these Wells done we’ll go get some pitcher plants and some torch flowers we should make some beds Too we made it Oh I thought we’re going to make it let’s go this way in here and boom there we go not bad Absolutely love this community glad to be a part of it dude thank you so much appreciate the kind words appreciate the positivity I don’t I feel like I said that word pretty weird just now positiv positiv I like put a d on it instead of a t that was strange dude thank you

Though appreciate it thanks for coming here thanks for coming in spreading the love remember guys always say thanks to your uh member gifter gifted member membership gifter just throw the thanks out and the love shall be received boom and boom and boom and boom also join the sub server man hop on

In Bam Bam Bam and Bam okay so we have a little bit of trapo action right here right there right there and right there up we go not bad we’re going to have to come back and get some water in there with the chains and I believe we just have some

Wells on this side that’s what I believe this is what I believe to be true we got that we got that well done we’ll go over here and get this well or we can just get another one right here golden Snoopy yo thank you for the

Super Chat yo thank you what’s up Snoopy thanks for all the amazing relaxing content sir wax Miss fraudulent hey that’s my grandfather’s name you just call me wax thank you Snoopy shout out appreciate the Super Chat I’ll be getting you I’ll be getting your guys’

Names in the book uh Evan I actually uh had to get your name in a different book um for the other stream and then uh you guys will see it’s just a regular regular thing the hul of appreciation is where we’ll stop I actually ran out of

Time to get there last time I usually try to go for about a 3 hour stream on YouTube on average uh last time I did have to cut it short a little bit ran out of time we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 what happened here what’s going on what’s going

On we got one we made it seriously thank you so much for all the generosity guys it’s nuts I wonder when YouTube is going to add something like a not a hype they won’t call it a hype train but you know what I mean um like anybody that’s been there on on

On Twitch I don’t think YouTube like doesn’t I I don’t think has anything like that they’re not necessary but they are fun let’s go in here and in here but yeah anyways guys if you’re just dropping in right now thanks for popping in appreciate you for choosing to come

And chill with us today thanks for obliterating smashing destroying the uh like button it really does help out send the stream to people that haven’t been here before that might want to join the community so thank you guys if you do appreciate that y you get to go in a book yes you

Do Snoop playing Minecraft along to this and getting to do wonders for your focus voice is super Pleasant thank you for the kind words I appreciate that can you get a can you download the map you sweetly can yeah the World download came out episode 50 uh anybody that gets a gifted

Membership anybody that uh subscribed themselves or has a membership themselves you have access to the world downloads those are actually accessed through the Discord as well can I hop up here yes I can no I jump up here there we go oh we made it I need to get some Spruce

Fence whoa that mushroom almost took me out you guys saw it you guys saw it let’s get this out boom 12 no we need more there we go put all this back grab whatever this is that’s 12 okay that should work put a little bit of the deep slate

Back Zoe what’s good thank you for stopping in Tommy what’s good thank you for stopping in hi everybody no one what’s good Raider what’s good how you doing I believe we just need to head out this way for a second one second I’m glad we did this cuz we have

Get the spruce trap doors up here Anyways let’s go here one 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 we’re going to need more stairs who’ have thought not high not high we use 12 16 we use 20 set we use 20 there’s 20 stairs that go into this I didn’t realize how many stairs we were

Using on all these got you right here we got boom bo bo bo boom one two and then we got boom and boom and boom and boom keep going for even more light gotcha gotcha got you over here and got you over here let’s go yeah also guys we just hit 177,000 Discord

Members wanted to thank you guys for joining the Discord if you did um it’s become a pretty large server so thank thanks for thanks for joining appreciate yall this this community rocks man and uh the server is such a fun place and you guys have you guys have turned it

Into that so I just wanted to thank you guys for always being here and always being cool more Spruce stairs please let’s do this bam that’s a lot of stairs but is it enough it should Be it should be um we also almost forgot to do this one perfect we made it and and we made it again boom boom boom and boom with a Boom and a boom with a boom upside down stairs with the stairs right side up we only have campfire room for two one more now we can get more though up here we go where’s the trap doors well I didn’t realize we were also running out of trap doors one two three Yeah I was going to say this we got eight right here um I believe we can do this oh we have barely enough now this is awesome beautiful work we got one we got happy to see you live hey well happy to be live thanks for stopping in I always appreciate the

Uh the opportunities that I have to be able to get the chat with the community live and uh yeah just so thanks for being here I do appreciate it thanks for leaving a like on the stream does help out quite a bit send send it out to other people that haven’t

Seen the stream before so thank you if you did that you don’t have to you certainly don’t but thank you if you do let’s see we got one more bam okay love watching videos they are relaxing voice soothing thank you Betty I appreciate that I hope you’re having a great Day we got one we got two we got three we got four we got five okay now we just need a little campfire setup one right here if we want to do another one right here we should beex dude thank you for the Super Chat yo guys hold up I’m

Trying to give that a heart right there thank you for the S thank you for the first Super Chat I appreciate you um guys thank you so much for the support man it’s thank you for the generosity it’s unbelievable appreciate that two one one two one two and one more

Okay we’ll go here bam and got you we can get one on this side Too last little set of stairs that’s wrong you shouldn’t be there buddy oh my feet never stay updated on the videos just watching whatever I mean that’s fine you do you you do whatever you got to do you don’t have to it’s it’s definitely not a requirement to stay

Updated you might be lost with a couple things here and there but you probably should you’ll be fun twice in one day with a tree yeah dude I I love doing two days it’s always fun let’s get this in Ricky with the Super Chat dude thank

You shout out Ricky thank you thanks a bunch dude it won’t let me hard it it just says it just put a big Peach there so I can’t it won’t let me heart it for some reason it’s just a peach that’s kind of booty oh no no no wait what’s happening

Why can’t it’s not I’m paralyzed hold up let me jump there we go let’s see here one two three 4 five 6 s 1 2 3 4 Bam Bam Bam never ending we had barely enough oh we need two more campfires and all of the trap Doors no there we go nope yep got you got you wait got wait gotcha gotcha and missed it but now we got it going up got him I think we had one more back here two more one oh we did it we came back and got it what do you

Know what do you know no but for real what do you know almost forgot about this little almost forgot about these two guys how could I six um of course okay we’ll come up we need more stairs we go make more let’s go this way here real

Quick whoa whoa there we go we made it one 2 3 4 6 s eight okay trap doors is also Up Up and Away up up and away we got the bone meal back here how much did we just make not that much actually let’s how far did we start going this

Way a whole Barrel let’s start bone mealing got it all we’ll start making beds let’s get the stairs and the trap Doors got this right here ooh hour and a half into the stream that’s crazy if you’re paying attention put a 92 in the Chat backs with the dub let’s go Dude okay let’s let’s go over here we’ll finish these guys oh I actually did forget oh no we want Oak signs there we’ll get that done in a little bit let’s finish this before we get the campfires done let’s not start doing two things at once let’s just uh

Let’s take it easy let’s make sure we come back let’s finish these two roofs come back and get the chains glowstone and water in all of the wells let’s go up and of course we don’t have our stairs on us yet what was I thinking CRA where’s a crafting table

Right here that’s what’s happening what’s going on I think these cows and sheep are conspiring against us it’s uh it’s a valid fear that I have deep Dragon pulling out the Deep multiplication just start using some of these when you use all the barrels I’ll take this guy thank you very much

Let’s go o campfires forgot about him let’s do this though at least I don’t know how do I have any on me of course let’s Go let’s get this guy one two three or we got this we got you we got you let’s go down we got one we got two we got three and we got four so let’s get this guy done on this end that was a very Swift jump I’m glad

We made that up quick all right we got one two three hey guv it’s it’s not something that’s like Auto it’s not the World download doesn’t automatically come to you you just have to you when you if you join the Discord if you have your YouTube hooked up to your

Discord um then you’ll notice that you have access to a channel called world downloads and you you click on that you click on that channel and uh you just click on the World download that you want my feet yeah it’s not something that uh we automatically send to you it’s something

That you have to download yourself see keep going backwards a bit right here one Lantern gotcha gotcha man I’m thirsty here’s this little last part right here one two and three nice do I run back up here did I run out of campfires I absolutely

Did but that means I ran out on the one before this what’s my favorite song I go back and forth a lot I actually don’t know the answer to that right now if we’re missing any campfires anywhere I guess we’ll find out pretty soon let’s do our thing right now let’s

Get some water wait hold on I need this boom Jim bazillion what’s good water break dude yeah I’m getting I need water right now it’s time for a sip welcome in everybody hope you’re having a great night Roy hey glad to uh he that you got back into the game game’s

Fun it’s a an extremely amazing creative Outlet all right we’ll go up and get the pitcher plants in a moment let’s just get all this back into place here okay looking good all right let’s get water I might need to get another yeah let’s get another um bucket and more bone

Meal no not this there we go I’ll do that and then we’ll take these boom I do want some of this back and you know what I’ll take two stacks because I can we’ll put some of the barrels back because we should we should put these back some of the

Lanterns keep them here just in case we got you to put back okie dokie got 1 2 3 4 let’s let’s get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the oak up here we have 1 2 3 four 5 six 7 eight let’s get 16 I guess that’s

All we need cuz we have oh no we’re going to need not 16 we need 16 plus eight more okay so we’ll get these that should do it for the campfires and then we have that for the campfire as well the stone brick wall I guess we can just put back for the

Moment beautiful any more of these I do not have we can get some cherry saplings around town though not a bad idea start getting some of this put away turn some of this into the bone meal [Applause] keep this here keep these with me boom wait boom boom

Boom this is what’s going away we can get the verant Frog lights back up and running all the chains wait hold on let’s put this back I’m going to take all these items home this [Applause] stays we have so much going on okay grass I’ll probably take back we do

Need some of this though one 3 4 five let’s grab this let’s go one two sir sir stop that 1 two three and where’s this we’ll go one two okay wait I wanted one more bucket let’s put some of these away and this perfect okay so much skull on us all the

Time thank you for the gifted sub hey thanks for being here chill here long enough and you never know what’ll happen um I need one more bucket just one bucket where are me buckets there we go let’s grab some of this water right here we’re back let’s go run all the way

Around oh here’s a small area that I kind of ignored that we don’t need to I’ll come back to it let’s head back wait I guess let’s just do this first well over here then we’ll move to the middle do I have the chains on me oh

Boy I do use a little bit of the ochre frog lights instead of no wait we’re not going to use the Frog lights we use glowstone let’s fly back glowstone was the one thing that we need we made it we got it ouch okay let’s just do this then guys why are you

Here get out get out get out get out please and thank you appreciate you okay got it we have one more well over here to do oh no never mind no we did not no we did not that was a lie it was all a lie it was all just one big

Li well hold up we need water hold up we need water gotcha hello from Barcelona well hello hope you’re doing well thank you for stopping in hope you’re having a great night we got one we got two bam and Bam that should be everything get you down we got boom and

Boom let’s get you you you you you not bad we need more water let’s do this guy right here one two three four five not bad dude not bad at all all right let’s go this way back on the path we have a well over here to fix one water two water three

Water not bad let’s head around here nice okay got to keep it moving and then if we have this we do have some Oak signs let’s go one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nice so this area is not too bad I like this

Now we have a little bit of a cool area for the campfire to chill let’s go back this way water back up and running one two we got boom and boom boom boom and boom and boom well that’s just wrong wasn’t supposed to be like That okay so we got all those in now we just need to get these guys back more water here that’s crazy okay well we need one more who have thought not I drive safe Ricky be careful out there there’s a lot of goblins a lot of ghouls stay Safe one two 3 four and five nice we got sir you are not supposed to be in here there you go buddy one two one two three 4 okay I don’t think I have enough chains to do the next one that’s crazy that’s Wild I don’t have the next I don’t have the chain have one two and three and then four I need I need to go I don’t have enough to do the next two oh my God I need to get water Gotcha and got you well at least get the water in but we’ll have to come back and replace or I get all this fixed with chains up we have right here boom and one two three four five nice there’s going to be so much water available down here never ending water availability

Okay one two one and two and three one two that’s all we got all right so we need two three four five six chains basically that’s all we need six chains throwing it we’ll go back and get six chains let’s do this first real quick Okay now we need to make the beds then once we make the beds we can go get the pitcher Plants let’s get those chains done first though we’re going to have to so I’m going to have to go get chains as well as the torch flowers and piter plants we got a couple things to grab we got one two three four five not what I wanted to grab let’s grab there we

Go one more bam wait a Second never mind let’s get that path done real quick so we have a little bit more room that was a little strange to navigate through that was crazy all right so we’ll go back here we have one two three one two let just get a barrel in there another Barrel never hurt

Nobody how many stone bricks do we need I only got three on this side did I bring 11 for some reason did I not get them in here huh I don’t remember bringing that many but it is the way it is and we got them now let’s make the

Beds then we’ll get the chains torch flowers and pitcher plants ouch we also need some glowberries probably should get a couple more of them we do have all of the bone meal here to get more nice that’s a Chain got that guy in so 11 chains not bad let’s go put these way yeah let’s just put these back chains ready to go this guy too so let’s get how many beds let’s get nine so let’s get 18 or nine beds would be 27 and then let’s get some wood boom got Him trap doors do not got them where are they at that’s a lot of trap doors okay so we’re back in no let’s do this so we got 43 left there we go okay so back here we going to have some beds we already have one right there

Looks like we probably have some back here I think we did yes okay back here is going to be the way to go then we’ll get a bed pretty much everywhere okay gotcha gotcha and gotcha do we want to put a bed right here of course we do let’s do it we got

One two BO boom and we got one two now we have some of this stuff to put back we should go put this back over here okay more beds precisely five of them let’s get more of them down here oh I did have wait where’d that other bed

Go I had a red bed but where did I put it oh I know where I put it never mind never mind it is in the underground area of the portal itself so I I forgot about that I’ll have to go grab it or just make a new bed actually first

Person to name a color that’ll be the the new bed color when I go back home I’ll just make a new One two beds left we’ll get a guy back in here if he wants to be okay get some barrels around town just because love it barrels everywhere M get a couple more of these around town that ain’t right sir that just ain’t Right just a right okay got all that in get these guys back we got boom we got Boom love me some trees let’s get this out of here actually get some trees In H um I’m thinking now let’s go back here and get some of the trees if we can I don’t know if it’s possible we’re going to try back here though beautiful beautiful it’s exactly what we’re looking for what about right here no no yes boom all right so that’s going to make

It more trees making it back here lovely now we just got to make a tree pop right here which we just did Got it beautiful let’s get a piture plant right here when we’re looking that way or at least like right here that’s better now we can go this way with the bamboo we got one and two okay Perfection let’s throw what do I what do I need the most

So out of all of this I’m looking for going take that out we’ll take this out we have a bunch of stuff put back together two hours into the stream dude two two hours just goes by so fast when we’re streaming live guys got to remind you again thank you for liking the

Stream thanks for being here smashing the like button obliterating it whatever you did to that like button man thank you appreciate it thanks for stopping by it does help out send the stream to a bunch of people that have not been here before and may

Or may not want to be a part of the community so thank you thank you thank you it really does help out I think we got a lot of this taken care of the one thing I’m looking for now probably just go get some Stone to make that pond over

There just one little mini Lush cave Pond one little mini Lush cave Pond never hurt nobody so we’ll do this I leave all the Cobblestone upstairs I might have indeed I did we got a pond going all the way back here here you know what we should

Do oh this is almost the back all right hold on we got this right here if we go here I think this is the yes it is this is the Green Room that’s awesome okay so we can do that we have a secret Escape right Here I’ll have to get some stairs hooked up right there with a door so nobody takes it that’s going to be fun though okay I don’t have um I mean I could is there a crafting table there is not let’s just do this then Boom Okay we got this let’s go a little bit more of this way let’s go one two three four five whoa there let’s break this this this and this that’s perfect Okay so in order to do the rest of this I guess we’ll just have that’s the only water source for now I guess until we go over here boom we’re going to have a nice little mini Lush cave Pond gotcha gotcha keep them moving over

Here I believe we did it all except for this area okay that’s a pond now we just need to go down a Level let’s grab all this Okie doie Let’s uh let’s just go down one more layer we can turn this into a nice little aelott Pond if we want to actually that’s probably what this will be this will probably be the Exel Pond love that though so Alex got the

First color for the bed so it’s going to be blue let’s keep moving this way get a little bit of the Cobblestone down here we got to go get more sea pickles too one two three one two three oh I need to breathe it’s breathing time Hold up we got one going to have to to breathe again also I’m going to have to bring my Cobblestone back over here L the slab right there boom so it’s all broken in the middle okay so now there’s a little bit of space for the exotel to swim around

Probably get one or two down in here we get some bone meal here too and we will clean this guy up I would like to get a campfire setup right here too let’s just go one two 3 four five boom we’ll get some trees around here all this is going to be bone

Meal cool all right so let’s go get the bone meal then We back I would like to take all this away let just bone meal all of this in there take away all this boom boom boom the concrete I believe is just out to the side just put this in here though nope I’ll put it right here die right off to the side as

Well gotcha and gotcha okay looking good let’s get the Redstone back over here or is it over here boom I am going to do this though we got 1 2 3 4 and then let’s get a couple more of these going one that’s all we

Needed so we got 12 let’s get 1 2 3 4 boom boom boom time for more bone meal creative Donna what’s good thank you for stopping in more Moss blocks over here never hurt nobody get a chicken right there what can we get under the ground

So little bit of that let’s get some of these we’ll go 1 two three three did it cool let’s fly all the way back to this end we made It one two three and four and campfire one and two and three and four oh I actually just thought of a one better place for a campfire I think I should do that before I forget as well oh that’s I’m not trying to type anything here hold up except for maybe

On the back of this stair we’ll just do a we’ll just do a smiley face right there only you guys know that though for your eyes only only you guys will know to find that on the World download um okay wait did I miss one did I bring 13 I must have brought

13 okay let’s go in here one two three we got one we got blue right here we’ll just go off this guy boom and Boom hold up we have little bit of this to put In H all right so we have all of this covered up except for with the bone meal I guess let’s just go boom and Boom okay we’ll get this out we’ll get you and then more over here as well we don’t need Those throw that well hold Up we did it That’s probably enough light but you never know boom I do have the bone meal ready to go and where the sea pickles right here they are ready to go as well boom boom let’s actually just get some right here too one 2 3 four five wait five okay that guy’s got

His and we just got one more jackal Lantern right here boom boom and boom all we needed that’s all we needed get the C pickles right here okay so everything else is going to be a tree m I like this little corner down here this is cool

Now I want to fly up and get those fixed let’s go back here though just get up into the sky float down gently let’s head up here a little bit I know we’re going to have couple of glowberries to turn on here we got you boom couple of these guys are growing

Downward let’s go to the side one two three one two nice beol absolutely beautiful okay yes all right let’s go get pitcher plants pitcher plant why did I why did I think I forgot how to say words right there pitcher plants Also let’s get uh torch flowers Also let’s get some

Chains piter plants torch flowers and chains is there anything else that I I mentioned that I needed that forgetting Now we got that in we got a couple more of these that we can put over here well now we got to do this this and that we go get some Jack lanterns right here a lot of the chickens are over here now I Guess baby chicken okay so we got up here we’ll have to get more bone meal did I did I not grab any oh no we used it all that’s what we did I believe I left the shoulder box all the way back here didn’t I the orange shulker

Box wait where did I put that Orange shulker Box oh no it’s going to be back this way then no chicken allowed wait I’m just hold on where did oh it’s right here okay perfect oh God I got to not do that I got to really not do that all

Right let’s get these up we can get some cherry saplings everywhere we’ll get the cherry trees up in about that’ll be nice cherry trees out there let’s get you in right here the rest of these can get put back except for this okay um let’s get a campfire here one two three four

Five that’s fine let’s just go here we made it okay okay we got that and I don’t know if we need any more cherry saplings over here but we got them now we’ll keep using these we’ll take everything else back all right let’s eat it’s piter plant time and torch flower

Time let’s go this way going to head out so I can stay longer love you guys have a good stream skips you have a good rest of your day as well thanks for stopping in when you could appreciate you a door for the green room um I actually yeah yes you’re right

Door for the Green Room I’ll go do that that’s something that yes thank you for reminding me of that let’s go do this real quick more bone meal please thank you that’s a whole stack okay so everything else comes back this way bam you go in all right more torches

Right here and we’ll get these in here well actually we need these now hold up a moment yep one two three four boom boom let’s get that back Out 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 let’s get two campfires which I believe I have with me yep all right let’s do this real Fast one two three 4 One Two Three nope that is just that’s just wrong that just ain’t right it just ain’t right organized chaos with the shulkers oh yeah as soon as we’re done I mean I’ve been down here those those have been my that’s been my storage system

For like almost a month as soon as we’re done down here I’m going to move all of that back we’re going to get to working on the auto sorting system tunnel and oh man it’s going to be fun it’s going to be a good one we got this right here we got bam

Okay that’s ready to go we got you looking good and then I believe there was this area that I wanted to get done to walk around right here okay 1 2 3 4 one two three 4 gotcha and gotcha and gotcha also got you got you got you right

Here might have got you right there perfect okay put everything in back we even have a rose bush right here let’s go all right now we can go back let’s go to the pitcher plants the torch flowers we also might as well go to the hall of appreciation as well

Let’s go Bam Bam Bam put this one torch right here back got you in got you guys in there we go looking good let go home we made it Nathan what’s good how long you been missing the stream this is why you like twitch more you don’t have to worry about missing anything

Um well I mean it’s the same thing on Twitch it’s just we just go live and then the the notifications go out on the on Discord the exact same way but you didn’t miss much we’re we’re getting the end of the Lush Cave System ready um for basically just transforming

This ancient city it’s almost entirely transformed now we’re back though I need to get Rockets food pitcher plants torch flowers and chains um okay let’s go in this way but yeah welcome in Nathan good to see you probably good to see you food dog what’s good thank you

For stopping in Phantom what’s good Amiel what’s good creative Donna hope you’re having a good day tatted hope you’re hope you’re doing well hi everybody man I hope you’re having a good day thanks for stopping in thanks for choosing to be here tonight with us so many

Poppies um let’s get the chains first and then let’s get the oops there we go that was that leaf really got me good we’re going get the chains first and then we’re going to walk over and grab everything else I guess we don’t need that much let’s just do this boom got one Two that’s a lot of chains that’s a fair amount of of them okay so we got all these we’ll put these back I don’t think I’ll need any more than this but uh I needed the chains for what I think I was just running low that’s why I needed

Them what was the main reason for needing the chains let’s go this way right here what’s good Santa thanks for being on that cake let’s go get everything else that we need day are we on day 7,981 that’s insane we are we out here that’s a lot of work man uh let’s

Get all these sniffers oh we got Phantoms coming up at me hold up can I sleep here let’s sleep it’s a lot of chains oh yes it is oh yes it is Phantoms are going to try to come at me but uh not any longer let’s get this let’s just go to

The pitcher plant farm what’s up Buddies oh these are ready okay perfect thank you piter plants what’s good so many who needs a reason to have that many chains I mean I thought I needed them for a specif it would be nice to know why I needed them in the first

Place maybe I just needed more maybe I just that I was low Let’s uh I should have grabbed the piter pods I don’t know why I did not let’s go over here too let’s just grab the torch flowers while we’re here oh these are still growing oh my

Good oh my goodness let’s go plant all those pitcher pods then down we go beautiful picture pods get ready to be planted from twitch what’s up hey well thanks for popping in from twitch over to YouTube means a lot thanks for stopping by both of the night streams or

Both of these streams this is this is the technically the night stream and earlier was the the regular stream during the day was it for the wells I think we got them done in the maybe it was for the wells I thought I had completed the

Wells but maybe I just needed that one more oh wait did I have all these I did I forgot about that let’s go to the torch flower farm and see what else is needed over there oh I forgot about these stacks of hay hay bales hay bale Stacks is that’s a good good One okay wow not that many that are ready to go oops I guess I haven’t been flying over here very often so I mean I guess that makes sense where’s my hoe oh it’s right here got all the they’re going to start changing very Quickly pretty much as I just roll through here they’re going to start changing we got one if I can get if I can run away with at least like 20 of these then that’s great got one two one two three four five we already have 16 not bad

17 18 19 20 that’s not bad at all 21 Okie do oh that just goes and the potted plants we got this guy 22 that’s not bad okay we have couple stacks of these with the pit the torch flow is ready to go I guess we’ll just put these in here

And put the pitcher pod back torch flowers let me down well I thought they’d be grown by now I just haven’t been over there so we’ll just have to go back again Uh we can put these in here though oh actually what I might have to do is go back to the tube let’s turn that off and go to the live let’s go here I’m just going to turn off all sound okay cool so I need to bring these

Back we’ll just bone meal these we could get a little bit of mending done yeah let’s do that let’s mend real fast to the Toolsmiths so let’s go this Way hold up we move in if you’re paying attention put a 38 in the chat hello tool Smiths how you doing let’s just sell these real fast we’ll be on our way there we go okay We got you right here and you right here that’s not bad I’d like more mending please thank you for Everything one last little bit of mending right here it’s been done lovely added with the dub though that’s crazy added with the dub I’m trying to go back here oops give me one second boom okay sorry about that I just had to refresh a few things uh sometimes

My mic has a little bit of issues just a few of them so I have the chains that I needed I have the you know what let’s get one more ender chest one more me pop in here real quick bam there we go that’s what I was looking for

In my notes it’s showing I have everything done I have to show the cow from the tower which I did okay not bad not bad at all okay never mind I think last thing to do let’s just uh let’s go take all of these back home then start planting them around that’s

Exciting oh wait we could stop at the hall of appreciation let’s do that real quick Hall of appreciation then we’ll go back and you know what by the time we get out of the Hall of appreciation I bet now we are actually a little bit out of I just slammed into everything we’re

A little bit out of the way of the torch flower farm actually that’s probably why it doesn’t go up let’s push this down gotcha I need to look I need to take a look at all of the people that have super chatted today and get them in the book real Fast and we are at the bottom by the way if you guys haven’t seen this before this is the Hall of appreciation this is where we usually go um on each stream I try to get here for each stream if I can’t then I am super

Sorry um but we go back we have a few of these today actually we have the chats we’ll go bam so wow yeah we have members today too I need to get um minks in here we got Evan in there we got minks we have Danny C thank you Danny

Appreciate that Shay I appreciate you for the Super Chat as well we have Amanda right here and oops that’s Amanda Hansen thank you Amanda appreciate that let me keep moving down we have Evan again thank you Evan oh there we go that’s for the gifteds uh we have

Beex with the Super Chat Ricky with the Super Chat thank you Ricky I appreciate that okay we got everybody in we got boom super Chatters the YouTube members I’m G to get you guys in here real quick um we have Noah thank you for becoming a YouTube member

Rosta thank you for becoming a YouTube member appreciate that also we have Kitty’s creative Corner appreciate you for stopping in becoming a member and let me make sure everyone’s here hey Healer not support yo thank you dude let’s get up in here um that was very good timing

Welcome in I hope you’re having a great day welcome to the book of super Chatters that was great timing dude thank you for the Super Chat I hope you’re having thank you dude um actually so the fat five today goes to Evan boom boom thank you we also have

Another one down here I forgot about this from yesterday we made a new book but I did not actually add Evan’s name to this one so we’ll go right here boom thank you for the dirty 30 yesterday that’s just or two days ago sorry it’s insane all

Right all of the emeralds can go back I should buy some lanterns possibly or no we’re out of Courts what do I need to buy go to the masonry I’m not sure dude thank you though guys appreciate everybody anybody that became a YouTube member Got A Gifted membership feel free to join the

Sub server the membership server it is where the big holiday events going to be happening and uh we have a giant giant snowy Island where everybody can build if you want to and if you want to be a part of the community server feel free to hop in It’s just in the Discord

That’s where the server wh list link is going to be man I’m thirsty I need some caffeine shout out everybody thank you so much appreciate yall welcome in welcome in Alpha what’s good nice to see you anxious what’s good Haley what’s good hello everybody Welcome

In maybe maybe if I go back over here slowly let’s just run back a little slow just walk back hold on I need to go to live chat there we go hey thank you so much appreciate that just again thanks what mic do I use I use

A whoa I just just had a brain fart there I could not remember anything I use a Blue Yeti for a second I was like wait what do I use I use a Blue Yeti it’s a USB mic let’s go back over here there’s got to be a couple more of these

Guys got eight of them to replace see there we go we got one 2 3 four five 6 seven and eight that is plenty let’s put the emeralds back where they belong how can you get whitelisted so in this in the Discord there is a channel called server whitelist if you have your

YouTube or your Twitch or your patreon connected to your Discord account then you will you’ll see that you have access to a channel in my Discord server called the wax cord um you’ll notice that you’ll have access to a bunch of different channels there’s the sub

Server chats and um as well as a few others but server whitelist is one of them as well as world downloads so if you want to hop in there feel free let’s get some of these put back oh hay bales almost forgot the hay bales it’s going to say we get the

Pcture pods put back or picture plants put back but the hay bales are going to beware it’s at did I grab them all no we didn’t now we did you have a Blue Yeti no matter what software you use can’t get it sounding crisp I mean you don’t necessarily need

To use a specific software to get a mic sounding crisp um there’s just there’s always a few like tricks that you can use try putting a noise gate on your mic uh try using a compressor that fits well with your voice if you have a higher

Voice then you might need to change your settings a little bit compared to someone with a lower voice um um you can try looking up different audio settings on YouTube or something there’s a lot of people that will help you change your audio settings mine are

Very simple I just I just have a compressor and a noise gate on mine um to try to minimize the clicking sound from my keyboard and uh minimize the noise that my dog makes when he starts barking so um he’s a lot louder than he sounds on

Stream but it’s cuz I have a noise gate on so you can like you can you can still hear him a little bit For some reason it’s not showing up even though you were gifted a sub if your Twitch just connect try to message a mod uh well me messaging a mod is not going to get you whitelisted you you just have to have it connected so I would just keep trying to get it connected

Um I would yeah I mean I would just I would just try again you just have to have your Twitch account hooked up to your dis your your Discord hooked up to your Twitch or your YouTube or your patreon um if you’re not if you don’t see those channels uh like the server

Whitelist channel that means you just you just didn’t set it up so you just got to keep trying no actually we can just do this um yeah cuz if you message if you message a moderator then all it’s going to do is all they’re going to do is tell

You exactly what I just told you right now we got that guy in what’s up chicken what’s up other Chicken we got this guy here doing well all right let’s keep walking back amazed how well you’re able to keep the mouse and keyboard sounds non-existent I mean it’s not me it’s not me it’s just the noise gate I’m not doing anything you just just simply just

Put a noise gate on your mic and it will reduce and just give it maybe do it a little like try recording a couple things do some testing and uh you’ll find that the the noise Gates almost all of them they work very well and reducing any like a lot of the clicking

Sounds nope not this one we’ll go here okay got it now I need more of this duck what’s good thank you for stopping in there’s pitcher plants now well yeah yeah we got piter plants torch flowers hay bales we got everything in here man everything we could ever ask for hey anybody that’s

Popping in right now welcome in thank you for stopping by thanks for smashing the like button if you did I’m actually going to put that out here just a quick notification for the people that don’t have the sound on there we go I had this earlier but it

Stops there we go thanks for smashing the like button helps out a ton there we go okay so seriously guys thank you though it really does help out um if you’re if you’re here right now chilling thanks for hitting that like button let’s get one more right there get these

Back let’s get the pitcher plants around town I think I needed more of them over here let’s not do that there we go boom Okay looks like we already got pcture plants back Here do we want more though probably not that’ll be it actually well let’s go around the front they do look nice hey an iron golem made it over Here no I composted one that’s not good wiie what’s good Alpha what’s good noie what’s good eigor what’s good thank you for stopping in uh what are the shaders texture pack I’m using complimentary reimagine shaders and then I’m also using fancy 2.0 GUI overhaul uh you can get that from curse

Forge I’m stuck there we go gotcha gotcha we’re going to have to get these horses down here still I have not forgot the horses we should go well I’ll go grab the a aelott too we’ll have to get that done uh let’s go around here get a couple of pitcher

Plants in we got you you you you you you got a lot of them and a door for the backside of this I did forget about that let’s go to the door of the nightclub hold up we got this in still got 11 left

Over wow okay we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 one two we have so many picture plants now we’re about to run out but I’m glad that we have all these let’s just put this back got Goa gotcha gotcha boom boom boom boom boom it’s pitcher plant Mania let’s get you wait right there not bad we’ll move these around the back backside too we get an egg thrown up get back down here buddy what are you doing that’s a chicken right there that’s what I’m talking about what’s up Buddy how do you keep away from mobs so well well I’m in the ancient city there’s no mobs spawning down here uh let’s go around the back and get a couple of these up I just got pushed we should get this Up excuse me Buddy It Just two of them to put right here next to the horses we got one two three four five six and then we’ll get one down Here we got all those yay all right so we got the pig back here too pitcher plants can go behind the barn or the behind the stable we have a lot of pitcher plants on us now um let’s go here back this way actually wait I do have an

Idea that would have been a bad place to try to fly out of let’s go over this way some more pitcher pods or pitcher plants this way because I didn’t have them too often back here beautiful keep doing it okay gotcha gotch You got this guy in we need a couple more end rods and mushroom blocks I believe a couple more that’s actually going to help this out a lot couple more end rods couple more mushroom blocks we have eight Left all right let’s keep this Away righty so I guess we just needed the mushroom blocks there’s so many people that are CRA way crazier Builders at this game I like to think like I’m pretty mild like it’s a pretty basic building with just a lot of decoration on it but uh there’s some people that are

Extremely talented like extremely gifted at the game uh just the building intuition is nuts took me a while to just figure out how to get like the frame of a roof how much do I have over here oh we do have a bit that’s not bad let’s grab a stack

Gotcha let’s get these torches back boom and boom one Ender Chest if I have one available I do let’s get a little bit of water while we’re here just going to stock up on all the rockets and all the food before we go back down okay we did it let’s see do I

Need oh we need a little bit more of that loot from back there that guy’s ready to go I pretty much just needed the the mushroom blocks how many though maybe just 10 let’s just do 10 Roofing is hard Roofing is hard takes a while to what is going on with these cats

Man why you up in why you up in the glowberries you don’t need to be there dude you don’t have to be there but I mean he can he can stay there if he wants doesn’t have to be there though let’s grab this right here good to go let’s go down stairs

Ha oops acally just hit the weather for some reason the weather just pulled up on my computer it’s uh it’s dark outside is what the is what the weather says how did I get rid of the warden um I mean I just had a I just I I

Sat down I just I had to talk we had a talk and we worked out our differences and uh he moved out and um you know it it it was it was tough um but it was a mutual decision for the for him to just be gone you know

Um well it just needed to move on weren’t necessarily compatible let’s go this way and get these guys Down gotcha gotcha We got one two well these three need to lead into something how could I have missed that so that was I’ve missed that for a while let’s go this way and then let’s run it back over here we have a few end rods to put over here but I can’t even run through

That why why did I do this hold up let’s do this real quick I only have three available let’s get one more chiseled that’ll help out plenty that’ll help out a bunch I don’t know why we didn’t do that yet um I just wanted some of those over here actually Right back here this is perfect all right so we got you you bam how many more do we need the world may never know we may never stop putting them in here let’s just get one more okay that is good enough for now in this little area let’s just do

That let’s get one more over here too boom and boom you’ve been got you’ve been got do we need to run around to the other side let’s check one last little check over Here yo 3 hours of a whole stream that’s crazy guys I’m going to say it again since we’re hitting the hour mark thanks for leaving a like on the stream it really does help uh send the stream out to a bunch of new people that haven’t seen the stream before so thank you

Appreciate yall if you do like the stream and um yeah man just thank you thanks for being here if you’re not uh smashing or obliterating the like button you just want to gently tap it that’s okay Too n but for real thanks for being here guys I think we have a couple more to put right here and that’s it oh the door the door I forgot about the club door all right let’s go back around this side one Spruce door

Ouch be if you have a good rest of your day see you on the uh on the twitch stream this is it this is the door right here that we need boom six of them all six of them hi dang it that hurt that hurt oh I didn’t

Grab the stones hold up if I have to grab the stones or I will forget I will forget let’s grab these uh right yeah just go one two three right over Here 1 2 3 gotcha Perfection now we can go to to the club we’re going clubbing it’s time to go clubbing gotcha and we’re in the club these guys are just hovering over what seems to be they think this is the way out or something I’m not sure what that they

Think this is but I’m getting in here and I’m going to do this okay actually you know what I can’t get out so we’ll just go like this boom so no one can necessarily get in there I’m going to put a pitcher plant right there beautiful we got torch flowers to put over

Here keep these out keep this out wait boom boom gotcha keep the glass with me oh there’s one chisel that I needed to use to fix that little thing h a one chiseled we did it we got the chiseled we’ve done it we got the chiseled oh I’m remembering now there’s

Four plants that I needed to plant hold on let let’s get four aliums NOP let’s get two corn flowers and two aliums then we will be done with this tunnel moonar what’s good Dirty Dan what’s good thank you for stopping in what enchantments do I have on the elyra

I just have mending and Unbreaking I think that’s all you need if you have anything else on if you have anything else on there then I think you might have too much let’s go back this way though where them plants at there they are all right we got alium alium

Chicken cornflour cornflour let’s go dude let’s go well guys I actually am going to have to call it a stream that’s it that’s going to that’s going to have to be it thank you for being here we got disco Golem right here we got Rave cat

In the middle we got disco cat somewhere up here these guys are just fighting over the ability to be the DJ thanks for popping in guys this was a super fun stream appreciate yall for stopping by thank you thank you thank you I just wanted to remind you guys thanks for

Doing something or sorry thank you uh for doing something nice for somebody if you do it just uh just do just having some a kind act out there spread some positivity um I’m really jumbling up on words right now I need to eat food I’m getting pretty hungry dude guys thanks

For being here you guys rock seriously like thank you for all of the gifted memberships all the REM memberships anybody uh who resubbed anybody who’s a brand new subscriber here welcome in dude welcome in uh feel free to join the Discord if you want to and uh yeah thank

You guys also if you’re a member join the sub server also you have access to the world downloads thanks for being here guys seriously it this was fun I had I had a great time and uh I’m I’m just I have not gotten like at at all

Any any like sense of being tired of this the live streams uh on Twitch and on YouTube like at the same time so I’m going to keep doing these two days for as long as I guess my energy can keep up so guys I’m going to hit that offline

Screen thanks for being here appreciate y’all you take care of yourselves and uh yeah man bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Building Custom Lush Caves in Hardcore Minecraft – Survival Let’s Play 1.20’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2023-12-06 02:27:13. It has garnered 19410 views and 607 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:30 or 11430 seconds.

Hello! Welcome to my live stream! Today we are custom lush caves in the ancient city in my hardcore 1.20 let’s play world! Thank you so much for joining today! I appreciate you all for the support!

Follow me if you want to! – Discord: – Twitch: – Twitter: – Instagram:

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The seed for this world on Minecraft Java version 1.19.2 is [-8850548917418553236]

The coordinates for my starter house are X = -600 , Z = 500

#minecraft #hardcore #letsplay

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  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More