Insane Hardcore Minecraft Project Tunneling! 😱

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[Music] oh my god dude tired oh my eyeball feels weird asgore my dude how you doing this morning for me afternoon for you man how you doing how you you doing how you doing you’re doing good how’s that uh how’s that temperature mod coming for you you [ __ ] didn’t dude oh my God like got automated call oh my God okay let’s load the game cool cool automated call are you going to time stamp every time I get a phone call show you the house all right all right give me a second I didn’t do anything really with it I haven’t I haven’t finished it I honestly don’t know if I want to keep the the theme for it yet but I do have an upstairs no no item orders yet this is it it’s just this there’s a spider on my ceiling his name is Dave Dave you better be bro how you going to attack me this my house get out of here that’s it for now ascort you’re disappointed because of no item orders it’s just a bare house dude I’m not even finished with it yo what’s up namas how you doing this morning I don’t know if I like the Wallace either I’m not going to lie fluffin all good my dude I appreciate you stopping in and saying words up my face I hope your video goes well I’m doing great man and why black pays oh pays I don’t know I’m just playing with stuff dude I’m not a builder I’m not an architect well it’s morning for me how are you doing this evening over there on that side of the world yeah asgore I’m not a huge fan of the walls either but what I’m going to do is I’m just I’m going to keep it um and then like as I get better at designing I’ll change stuff it’s all trial and error that’s what this whole game is it’s all trial and error for me I think it looks it has the shape it has the shape of a house and that what’s important I want to put some like separation like beams like right here I’m not going to make everything from Deep Slade dude but I do want to build a villager trading Hall fully automatic namas I’m glad you’re doing good man I’m glad you’re doing good I want to build a fully automatic trading hall probably right here um but I’m out of like all of my building materials so that’s what I have to that’s what I have to do today I’m going to build more tunnel BS and I’m just going to find a good spot and I’m just going to go I I need to get some Cobblestone I’m not out of deep slate I’m not anywhere close to being out of deep uh I’m getting there actually I’m getting there I got like half a double chest of deep slate the the trading Hall is going to be made from Deep slate uh it’s going to match this right here it’s going to match the breeder it’s going to be made from Deep slate and um Crimson stem and Spruce yeah of course it is everything over here everything in the industrial that of my land is going to be industrial it’s going to it’s going to be made of deep site um I’m also running dangerously low on paper so sugarcane farm should also be going up today uh and I don’t really think this trading Hall is going to take me that long to build um the one I found by moring is relatively simple um and yeah so I just need to grab some food and then we’re going to fly somewhere and find a mountain and then we’re going to build some more tunnel BS and just go at it until we have like a full sh shulker box of stuff I can’t fly too far because I’m almost out of rockets and that makes me sad I could actually you know what what I’m going to do is um I’m going to grab a stack of gunpowder that way I can pick up sugar cane while I’m out and make rockets that way you’re already tired dude me too I just woke up and I’m already tired my God we have so much we have so I’m not putting Subway servers on my stream that will never happen I don’t steal content I’m not a Content stealer all right um there’s a Snowy Mountain this way that I want to go check out cuz I also need coal what is that yeah there’s like a whole Ravine right here that I never knew existed oh what is this yo I never knew this existed either H that’s neat exploring for the first time yeah ooh coal I need a bunch of that yeah I’m running out of like everything that I have so rip sheep what happened to the Sheep oh that gray one yeah can can I just can I just get the coal please nah I’m not going to save it I think me saving it would do more harm than good um cuz I would just put a lead around its neck and fly off with the elytra and just yank it that’s fine that’s fine they’re going to be be like are you talking about a [ __ ] pixel in a video game you weirdo and you’re going to be like no it’s a whole collection of pixels dude you aren’t oh I don’t have my arrows I don’t have my arrows I thought I had my arrows I don’t need to bother you I just I just need coal and I’m also looking for like a decent cave to uh set my tunnel B up in cuz we need coal and we need a bunch of cobblestone and um the tunnel Bo is probably the best way to achieve both of those it’s also the most fun way oh God I missed I’m a Potato I didn’t miss that time yeah of course dude feel I’ll actually feel free to put it in general chat in the Discord anything y’all build and um then uh later on today I’m going to make a uh Minecraft channel in the Discord and then y’all can y’all can feel free to put screenshots of whatever y’all build up there yeah yeah yeah right now for right right right now right now send it in general and then um I’ll make that Minecraft Channel and that’ll be that’ll be the channel for screenshots of builds and whatnot or like ideas you know like anything you guys like think I should build in this world you guys can throw that up there as well D these guys just won’t leave me alone hello creeper stop ow my God there’s so much when will I kill the warden I don’t know I might not kill the warden well I think what I’m going to try and do is use the warden to make a mob switch uh that way I can cuz I want to drain an entire like lava lake in the nether oh the Zaza Farm oh I forgot about that I got to go to a spruce forest and get some uh some some bushes how do you get bushes again you have to do you have to collect them with shears like ferns I I think they I think it’s ferns that I’m thinking of I think ferns is what they’re called shears yeah so I got plenty of shears so I’ll have to go get some of that and then I got the end rods already so and then I need um some clay pots also yo o I need some of this too I want to figure out a way to set up a uh or if there is a way I want to see if there’s a way to set up like a fully automatic lava Farm can I hey hold up whoa we don’t talk to we don’t talk to me like that can I use a dispenser to uh grab lava out of a cauldron will that work like a dispenser with empty buckets no damn it well the automatic lava Farm is um dead in the water see what else is out here did I bring my bed okay I did oo a meow oh there’s a spruce Forest right there pogs what is this oh it’s like a like a simple little A-frame my wife wants to build me one of those I said no but no that looks cool I like the Cherrywood and the Deep slate or wait it that was Blackstone wasn’t it what else is out here here’s that snowy mountain that I was talking about Blackstone yeah it looks really cool with cherry I like the I like the contrast on that I think Cherrywood also looks good with Spruce hey goat hello goat I wish I had a lead I want to take this dude back to my house and name him Tom Brady I haven’t really explored this world that much what is that the [ __ ] is this oh it’s a portal rare to Coast that’s fine dude that’s fine I’m still going to do it but like I mean we can have our own opinions and still like each other that’s fine let’s put building blocks here uh random stuff here y I appreciate that dude I appreciate that how are you doing today man how you doing today you having a good day what time is it for you like morning what is that what is what asgore all right all right exploration I haven’t explored this world like at all oh dude you can’t quote what I said bro I always forget every time it never fails I forget what I say yeah dude it’s all good man I appreciate you popping in you know I hope uh it’s night time you said it’s nighttime for you damn it’s like early in the morning for me regardless whenever you go to sleep man I hope you get some good rest I hope you wake up feeling refreshed and uh have a good night dude have a good night I’m a mess I stream every day except Thursday sometimes on the weekends um ooh this looks this looks good I like this I really like this I like the I like the way this looks you too buddy get some rest have a good you know wake up feeling nice and refreshed and uh maybe if we’re lucky we’ll catch we’ll catch you next time I really like the way this looks it’s not it would take a lot of terraforming I’m not going to build my tunnel board here yo I appreciate that dude I appreciate the Fate man you and me both we both have fate I’m looking for like a very like a specific type of cave I don’t want to have to mine out a whole bunch but I need um probably like a 30 by 30 area that’s pretty clear yeah good night brother I guess let’s keep going we got jungle there’s a lot of dark oak forests in this world yo the biome generation in this this world is insane I’m so glad I got this seed I’m I’m really glad this is the seed that I actually beat the dragon on and I didn’t use it I didn’t lose it I didn’t lose the world I don’t ever want to lose this world dude hold up where the [ __ ] am I no I’m kidding dude I got my compass I want like like a circular Quarry type situation to build the tunnel boore in there’s a village over here it’s a dirty nasty Savannah Village though we don’t like those we don’t like these Villages o what is that Arrow of water dude the generation in this world is ridiculous bro there’s three villages right next to each other dude oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up what baby yes I need Coral fans and I didn’t bring any nor do I have a silk touch anything hey a sh what are you doing down here I don’t have a silk touch anything to get the coral fans with I’m going to burn this Forest down I will dude don’t temp me I guess I guess this is one of the ones that doesn’t have hey I think I found it I did get out of my way paper yes and a berry treasure map burn it oh I already know where a birch Forest is I don’t actually think I’m going to ignore Birch this time though um I want to try and use it in a build I want to try and use it in a build and usually I just completely ignore it um but I want to get better at building and you can’t get better at building if you completely oh I’ll burn one of them for sure I’ll burn some of it but uh I want to get better at building and you can’t get better at building if you completely ignore certain uh types of blocks it just just doesn’t work obsidian except no I’m not doing it I’m not keeping the Sandstone I do need a bunch of sand though I know one of the things that I want to build is going to be made out of concrete so okay which way do I go this way one of the things I want to build is going to be made out of concrete so I need a bunch of sand thas that’s fine I’m going to use it anyway the thing about me is I’m I’m not starving I’m not starving for views I’m not starving for follows you know what I mean I’mma do what I want period the end so I got to go get my Coral fans this was a mistake hey Village yo with four clars I just wasted that a village with four clerics dude what is this Hogs me what is this Hogs me there’s a lot of portals around here you spelled it wrong apparently I’ve already been here efficiency 5 ho good for literally [Music] nothing oo um h o gs m e a d like me that’s not how you spell it namas is it now I’m questioning myself y’all got to stop doing this to me dude it’s so easy to get me to question myself like I might seem confident but I’m not I have no idea if I’m going the right way I think I am I’m fairly certain I am can I make oh I put it in my shulker box I thought I could make more rockets in the air oh it’s me a d e look at you namas you’re so freaking smart dude yo I’ve been here hey yo I’ve been here too who built all this I know I know I’m a genius it’s okay except where’s my Coral fan that that’s not a coral fan Coral fan cool just throw that in there with all the tunnel B stuff and um make some more Rockets while we’re here all right cool [ __ ] now we can fly let’s go this way this time I need to do some more enchanting I want to I need to try and get a get silk touch on something and right now I’m looking for like a nice open basically hole in the ground right that’s big enough for a three wide tunnel boore hey a shipwreck I don’t know if I’ve been to that one yet Splish Splash yo go in I have I have been to this one now I’m [ __ ] cuz I have to swim damn it so I’m looking for like a like a big ass hole in the ground that’s big enough for a tunnel boar um on Cobblestone level so that I can get a bunch of cobblestone because I have no Cobblestone and I need smooth stone for what I want to build and you can’t get smooth Stone without cobblestone have I been here yeah this is a big ass portal I have not give ow ow really and it starts raining damn it what’s this over here Emerald I wish we had silk touch we need silk touch yeah get me out of this rain [Laughter] it started raining as soon as I started lighting all the trees on fire though so I don’t know how well it’s going to do God there’s so many Birch forests in this world and dark oak yo another Mansion what y I barely ever find one of these let alone two in the same world where did all my arrows go I had a bunch of arrows somewhere okay where’s the [ __ ] secret room in these o nope I think I found it never mind that’s a giant chicken isn’t there usually something inside the giant chicken though no dude I don’t know I don’t know how to I don’t know how to navigate mansions I want that armor trim though what’s it called the it’s a Vex armor trim I’ve seen a lot of jungles too but I haven’t found a jungle temple yet what if I use the tunnel board to blow up a mansion that probably that would probably turn out really bad l h for for go see if we can find a desert there’s a monument I don’t I dude I just I wish monuments had better loot hey another shipwreck and two blacksmiths in this Village what okay the ocean changes color right there oh good you have a good day namas I appreciate you popping in or a good night it’s nighttime on that side of the world not really finding what I’m looking for whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this is that brick no it’s not I thought that was brick down there I thought I found another stronghold I was like what the generation in this world is really cool um except for right now I’m not finding it what I’m looking for I found something that was pretty close but not close enough let’s diary I’m looking for like like best case scenario I’m looking for like a Stony Mountain Range sh I don’t remember how the biome separation Works they changed it and now it’s confusing for no armor trims rude these guys suck what was this over here this looked pretty close this looks pretty close to what I’m looking for [Music] H I think this would I think this will work actually yo what’s up Jen how you doing today you know I think this I mean it’s a lot further than I wanted it to be but I think this will [Music] work my god dude I’m getting cold forever [ __ ] yeah yeah I think I think it’ll I think this will work right here it’s that Cobblestone level probably just need to like build a little platform for it and I need to check the other side of this to see if it cuts out anywhere anytime soon which it doesn’t look like it does I don’t think it does long time no see I know dude it’s been forever it’s been forever Where Art Thou I’m kidding I hope you’re having a good day I hope you had a good night last night got some rest woke up feeling nice and refreshed because we’re doing some tunneling today I’m running dangerously low on like everything so I have all my shulker boxes with me and I’m not going back until they’re all full I think see do we which way do we go I think we go this way I think this would be a good direction Jen did you get into anything interesting last night did you have did you have a good night I really hope I remember how to build this thing that’s good I’m glad you had a good night I think this might be enough space I’m not sure let’s uh let’s keep going a wee bit like you have no power that’s not good oh because of the storms damn that’s crazy what part of Florida do you live in like Central is I lived in Central Florida I lived in um Lakeland and mberry for like [Music] years it was fun I really liked it I really like Florida all right let’s see if I remember how to throw this thing together I have any room in this one no I do not oh you’re like far Northern like way Northern Florida that’s crazy so you can just walk to Alabama yes you can almost walk to Alabama yeah cuz there’s like Highway in stuff huh that you got to go go down uh um I really didn’t bring my torches I didn’t bring any torches at all oops that’s crazy yeah I lived in uh Central Florida like Lakeland mberry area for a while I worked at the um I lived in val Rico too I worked at the Brandon Westgate the I worked at the Red Robin and PF Changs there um and then I got my job at the Macaroni Grill there before it closed down it was fun oh wait no I think that’s right place that there slime block slime block top slab and then make an L like this I think that’s right yo welcome back sword how you doing today I think this is right and [Music] then you come off to over one Redstone break these not good and good that’s an odd combination how do you achieve that where’s my sticky pistons there they are this one goes here uh regular piston goes here slime blocks slime blocks slime block server there Observer there those should be looking at the same block I really hope I remembered how to build this I really don’t feel like looking it up you don’t know well regardless man I apologize you’re not doing good but I also hope it gets a lot better for you and I’m sure it will oh oh that’s rough that’s rough you just got to ignore that kind of thing some people are real shitty dude I’m sorry to hear that and then um this is the part where I always get confused how does this work uh temporary block like that okay and then the note block goes here with an observer and a solid block right I feel like I feel like that’s right the diamond camo which camo is that I did the interstellar grind I haven’t done the uh the zombies camos um I feel like I’m getting close I feel like I’m like right there I know this goes like that bre this break that one then an observer goes there break that um I don’t remember if anything is supposed to go on top of this block yeah dude sometimes dude people say things they don’t mean all the time that’s how I live I I I don’t really take anything to heart you know what I mean I mean I’ve been told that same thing plenty of times myself I think I think this is it I think I think this is it I just need the rail cart and the TNT I really hope I built this right I did it all from memory and I’m nervous about it need one of those too I think I’m I I’m thinking it’s right though I think I’m good where’s my regular Pistons at there they are yeah it’s all good dude how other than that what you got going on how you doing I think that’s it I think I just built a tunnel boore from memory without looking it up [ __ ] genius Let’s test it not working what did I do wrong what did I do wrong I did something wrong uh apparently I can’t either I did something wrong I messed it up and I don’t know what I did I wanted to build this without having to look it up but I I guess I have to look it up real quick I forgot damn it I broke it what how is it not in my history I just there we go oh my God I broke it I did it wrong I did it wrong man I don’t think I did all of it wrong though I think it’s I think it’s just the trigger I think the trigger is what I messed up on oh that’s right there is something that goes on top of the Slime right here and then another slime block there how do I only have one viewer I don’t know man it’s all good oh yeah yeah dude these things have to be perfect all the time or else they don’t work I fixed it boom this is my favorite thing in the world I did it I fixed it it works yo pr appreciate that this is my favorite way to mine in the entire game now that I know how to build these I just getting I need to restock on getting I need to restock on all my stone I used all my stone and I got to finish my item sorder and um I need stone for that love Froman yeah I appreciate that I have no idea how to say your name so I’m going to call you ha I hope that’s okay but I appreciate you being here man and witnessing me build this awesome machine from scratch it looks like it’s going to fit perfectly inside this tunnel too give me all of that you’re just going to eat some popcorn dude me too yo let me have some this thing is so easy to use let me uh get put all my tunnel board stuff back in the right shulker that that look at dude I already have four stacks of cobblestone dude this is ridiculous I don’t need the andesite in there though that’s not part of the machine let me grab an empty shulker box and this is where all of this is going to go oh my god dude there’s a way I don’t know how to do it but there’s a way to where you can make one of these where you ride on it like right here and you just go with it I don’t know how to do that though it’s like a different design yes dude I can’t wait for the new copper blocks to come out I have so much copper I want the um the copper I can’t wait for the next update what do you guys think about the new update the new mobs and the trial Chambers and all of that average what don’t you like about it I mean I’m not like super excited about the new mace or the enchantments but I think the new mobs are cool and the trial Chambers I’m more excited about like the quirky stuff like the new blocks the different breeds of dogs and all of that the different breeds of wolves are something that I’ve been wanting them to add into the game for years like probably a decade oh yeah dude they’ve nerfed it into the ground yeah it was way too overpowered especially for like PVP and stuff like that I’d be mad I’d be mad if I got one shotted by that someone just jumps on my head and I die can one shot anything I know I know I saw a video of uh someone oneshotting the warden with it and I was like no dude they’re not going to keep it like that there’s no way there’s no way they keep it like that it’s like when a new gun comes out in Call of Duty and I use it and it just fries people I’m just like no dude they’re not going to keep it like this there’s no way they’re going to keep it like when the HRM 9 came out dude that thing was disgusting bro or the retti oh my god dude the retti [ __ ] conversion kit meta was my favorite and then they just couple days later [ __ ] yanked it dude I was so mad oh I was so angry that’s why that’s kind of why I stopped playing Call of Duty as much as I used to look at my tunnel oh my God I got a tunnel I’m just going to go around the world making tunnels everywhere the new Cod right now like out of 10 I would probably give it like a solid seven I really like it um what I don’t like about it is the way other people play um a little bit of background I used to play uh Black Ops 3 competitively like I I made money uh and I would play like wager matches and stuff like that on a regular basis and the way people play is just so bad dude it’s so infuriating and I blame that on Modern Warfare 2 no dude no no no no no no no I I played wager matches I did I competed I’m not a pro no ooh this a pretty good way to find caves too but like so I mean I’m not against I’m not against playing as a team right I played competitively and so like I get the whole concept of teamwork and then when ranked came out in Modern Warfare 3 uh this year that’s all I played was multiplayer ranked and that’s because like whenever I’m playing ranked I expect people to play a certain way whenever I’m not playing ranked and they start playing like this is a this is a a hot take in the Call of Duty Community right now but stacking I get it you want to play close to your teammates but the best way to do that is to just play close enough to your team to where you can help your team if they get in a situation or if they’re down you can kind of reposition and revive them and all of that the amount of times I’ve been I was playing rebirth Island dude and ran into a room a small room and had four people in four different Corners all watching the same door is disgusting it makes my stomach hurt makes me want to throw up that’s what I that’s what I’m talking about whenever I start talking about stacking you know what I mean like team play isn’t a bad thing it’s just they’re doing it wrong and even the pros even the pros will tell you that Cod mobile never played it I’ve never been a much of a mobile gamer I do know that whenever Cod mobile first released there was a whole plethora of problems with it and that’s pretty typical for a Call of Duty it’s a com combination of all cods that’s crazy no wonder it runs so shitty did they ever fix like the the graphic um anomaly like whenever you EG execute someone on COD mobile it looks like like both the players are just standing like this and you just walk up behind them and stand there and then he dies oh my inventory is full yeah dude I saw a video of that I swear to God they look like [ __ ] gii Jo’s I don’t know dude Activision makes me makes me laugh man like it would be so easy for them to just revert Cod back to what it was back when it was good and they’re not going to do that yeah I don’t I I wouldn’t think it would be especially on mobile because you got to think like there’s not really enough players on mobile to have a solid skill-based matchmaking right and now they’re banning people for that too they should be ashamed of themselves with what they’ve done to Cod is this one full it is oh my God dudee I’m going to have so much loot when I leave here don’t play with me zombie I got a a blower uper machine yeah dude with the introduction of like Ai and all of that and in Call of Duty it’s just gotten bad man they can play COD Mobile on PC that’s crazy how are they pulling that off oh no oh the Chinese version of it okay do I have my shovel I do [Applause] they’re going to like you can play COD Mobile on PC and they’re making that glow that’s so weird dude welcome back Jen I appreciate you finding your way back oh my god dude go away this area is for authorized personnel only I need to find a bunch of name tags I wish you could make name tags yo how much gravel is here oh my god dude this is the only thing that sucks about using these um is if you run into a bunch of gravel like that like you have to clear it every time otherwise especially if it lands right here TNT will shoot forward and then it’ll hit the gravel and it’ll bounce back blow up the machine your friend said Minecraft is Just for Kids absolutely not that’s not true my entire family is a Minecraft family dude me my wife and my two kids all play Minecraft Minecraft is a game of infinite possibilities it has its own like quantum mechanics in the game and like you wouldn’t be able to figure that out as a kid at least I I wouldn’t be dude I was a dumb kid no it’s not modded I have data packs installed but no like actual mods and the data packs are literally just like one like one of my data packs is um it allows me to build tool racks uh which is really cool so I can hang my tools on the wall um one of them allows me to make my item frames invisible and then the other one allows it has it makes my coordinates pop up on screen whenever I hold a compass that way I don’t have to do the uh whole F3 thing but that’s it and then I have the custom totem resource pack I eat arrows for breakfast all good swordman thanks for popping in dude I hope your day gets a little bit better and uh next time we see each other hope you’re having a fantastic day not just a good day it better be fantastic or we’re not friends anymore see you dude this thing does such a good job dude oh it is oh my God yo thanks for telling me that there I guess um I should probably go back home then and heal it right that’s what I should do I mean I think I have quite a bit of Cobblestone now that’s what I wanted that’s what I built this thing for was so I could replace all my Cobblestone I got a bunch of andesite and gravel out of the deal too so pogs there let’s go ahead and place this one down for just a second that way we can break this down and and start going home and hopefully we don’t die on the way there welcome back nit oh my God no oops I forgot breaking the Observer right there would set that TNT off I don’t have my Axe make sure I have every thing what’s your question what’s up you don’t belong there yeah we made a pretty good little tunnel there though how did I come up with the name I have really bad ADHD and my thinking constantly a mess um also so my inventory in Minecraft constantly a mess my chests constantly a mess so that’s out that’s that’s it that’s it now whenever I get new people that come in and and follow me um I can say hi I’m a mess and then they automatically know that I’m a mess oh I need my compass all right I have Unbreaking three on my elyra so I should be able to make it home we’ll keep an eye on it tiger Village I love these things these are my favorite where’s the TTS um blurp it it goes through blur ow ow I’m stuck go away yeah there should be a um like a blurt thing somewhere on screen I think it’s below the stream screen my god dude oh my god dude uh those are Channel points yeah you use Channel points um if you check them while there’s a Pokemon on screen yeah then the pokeballs will be there um and then we have that game linked to the Discord so you can keep track of all the Pokemon you catch and and it’s actually really cool I like it I like the way this game is set up do they not have like an actual Smith in this Village apparently not that was about to leave too this is the dumbest TIG of Village I’ve ever seen uh give it a gift if you have enough Channel points to use the gift um the gift will lower the Escape rate down to zero oh that’s unfortunate this is a different village but there’s no blacksmiths though there’s a crazy cave right here though holy [ __ ] look at this oh God oh my God oh my God okay nope I need to quit bullshitting I need to get home my elyra is almost broke where he even is home though it’s this way all right I think we restocked pretty well on Cobblestone and other types of stone yeah you get more uh Channel points by doing random things like you got I think you got 300 for following me you get hey here’s this uh mansion that I found yo what’ you refund what game did you refund yeah and then you get like more Channel points for random stuff hey yo jungle temple for like random stuff like subscribing gifting Subs all of that this is my first jump jungle temple I found in this world give me these all of these it’s all mine armor trims [ __ ] yeah neat we found a jungle temple you refunded raft why raft looks like such a good game I want to get my wife to play raft with me but she literally is terrified of the ocean so she refuses is that an ail tree it is there’s a lush cave down there I hope I can make it home before this breaks I think I can can it’s only a few thousand blocks oh yeah that’s rough dude I want to get raft let’s stop and see if these guys have an armored trim for me what are you doing up here dude oh you just fell goofy no armor trims though I’ll take these trip wire hooks all right you guys suck see you later I bet you there’s some fossils here I want to build a rail gun and blow this desert up yeah I think that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to build a rail gun and blow this desert up yo a desert blacksmith that would have been bad you know what I have somewhere one of those this probably isn’t going to heal my elytra like at all little bit it was probably worth it who knows we’ll find out there’s another blacksmith right here this world has so many blacksmiths in it that one’s a dumb blacksmith though all right we got about 5,000 more blocks and then we’re home namas I finally built a house yesterday almost 500 days into the world and I finally have a house it’s crazy ain’t it yeah it’s ugly come on elytra don’t fail me now let me go up higher and I need to go back this way a tiny bit yeah dude I can’t build houses I don’t know how to do that [Music] dude I really just don’t want my elytra to break before I get there that’s the only one that has Unbreaking and mending on it and I’m also not a big fan of falling out of this Sky hurts my feet you know it’s not something I like doing te I have like 2,000 more blocks to go or less than that I have like 1300 blocks to go I should be able to make it without my elytra breaking yes I made it look at my land it’s going to be a real [ __ ] building a wall all the way around this stuff though that’s going to suck give me mobs yo my elytra is already almost fully healed let’s go dude this is the best mob farm on the entire internet I don’t care what anybody says I’m about to there it is right there doesn’t have a door on it yet but this is it so far I’m going to change the walls eventually man that’s it what is that monstrosity dude I don’t know how to build I told you this man I can’t build anything I think I have a spot for Spruce I do I have a spot for all of this let’s just throw that there oh I have a spot for those too [Music] Jesus dude I have so much copper now ah we going slap that in [Music] there and then all of that much Coal’s left in there that’s not going to be enough I don’t know what to do with the dripstone stuff right now cool my God I still need to sort through all of [Music] this damn it dude this right here is where my name came from all of this where the hell are all my books at there they are all right now after this starts or is finished sorting through I can start building the rest of my item sort and the trading Hall I want to build a fully automatic trading Hall so I can just infect and cure the villagers as I please which I found a really good design for one that’ll let me do that uh by mors the same YouTuber that designed my iron farm Minecraft Minecraft Jake how you been man yo it it took me a couple days I don’t check my Whispers on Twitch very often so it took me a couple days to see your message uh on there but I did message you back and I apologize that it took me so long is that why they weren’t working what when did that happen now it’s working that must be why they weren’t working before week in North Carolina hell yeah dude how that go this one’s not working now why isn’t that one working well at least there’s that you didn’t make a complete fo of yourself maybe just like a partial full I make a full of myself every time I play Minecraft all right all my redstone’s still here I how did that did I just forget to place that Redstone there or did I accidentally break it I think I might have accidentally broke it I don’t [ __ ] know dude I built the best mob farm on the entire internet Jake no I’m not I am not [Music] do I still have oh I don’t think I do let’s see what this music disc sounds like I’m still waiting for an other side disc I want one of [Music] [Music] those I just realized I don’t have mending on my sword yet what am I doing [Music] oh my God my pickaxe will never be full health oh I lied I’m flying still I need to build an incinerator up there I don’t feel like doing it though okay we need to start building stuff I can’t just fly around all day Jake on uh your hardcore server are we are yall allowed to make tunnel BS this thing better be done yeah yeah it uses a TNT duper I know on some servers they’re restricted like you’re not allowed to use that’s the one kind of a duping you allow okay but no like sand duping or anything like that okay and obviously no duplication glitches I don’t I don’t use duplication glitches either but TNT dupers are so useful yeah I know on like some servers like you you’re not allowed to build the tunnel boards at all cuz they lag down the server if you uh build them too big um and then some servers you’re restricted to like a certain amount of tunnel boards like a five wide or three wide or something like that I was just curious okay this is clogged up somewhere yo oh wait no there’s not supposed to be a hopper there where is this getting clogged up at what’s going on here it’s not clogged up what’s going on you’ve never had anyone try oh that’s why this is why it’s clogged up there’s too much there’s too much being sorted dude tunnel BS are so incredibly easy to build the hardest part about them is getting the coral fans uh because you have to find like a specific ocean and then also have silk touch which I almost messed up when I cuz I like I went when I went to build mine I went searching for the warm ocean and I completely forgot that you need silk touch to get dead coral fans but I got super lucky because I found a silk touch axe in a chest by a ruined portal on my way there so I was like [ __ ] yeah dude pogs I was so lucky cuz like it’s like three like 5,000 blocks away I didn’t want to make that trip back and forth just to do some enchanting and try to get silk touch there we go we’re working again wait did we did we break it again no no it’s not broken again all right and we’re back up to stock on Cobblestone now we need need a bunch of wood wait where’s my axe at where’ my axe go I think it’s in here it’s not ah there it is was in that one all right let’s uh grab a couple of these and go get some wood yeah dude 100% man I’m down to uh join y’all server like whenever uh I didn’t want to just like join your Discord out of nowhere and then you know try to explain that I got an invite I was I would rather just you wait till I talk to you again to see if the invite was still open I don’t want to be intrusive you know what I mean I think that’s weird when people do that cool absolutely is it the the link in your uh panels on Twitch Google hot dog water welcome back Jen how are you doing today yeah dude I was actually looking up like um uh because I want to figure out how to host my own uh hardcore server and I was looking up hard hardcore servers and found your guys’s server hot dog water popped up at like the top of the list by the way I can’t find a server provider that supports hardcore though makes me sad you’re not biased I mean there’s not it didn’t really seem like there was a whole lot of Hardcore servers out there um but yeah like whenever I looked on like Planet Minecraft and then there was another there was another uh website that it took me to your guys’s uh server was at the top of the list on both of them and you guys do like 100% vanilla like no mods or data packs or like resource packs or anything like that it does seem like pretty hard concept to make work especially if you get like a lot of people in it you know with the whole especially like the whole voting thing okay okay you’ll have to explain those to me whenever I join up I think that’s going to be fun though that’s going to be so much fun gamep play is totally vanilla see the reason I was asking um is cuz like right now I’m playing on like semi vanilla I have no major mods um where’s my crafting table at like one of my resource packs just allows me to make these which I think are really cool or it’s a data pack not a resource pack so it just allows me to make tool racks for my tools yeah I’m dude honestly a lot there’s not a lot of people that know about the tool rxs data pack and I think it’s so cool dude like I think more people should know about that cuz like you can hang it on you can hang them on walls and stuff too like you can hang it right there put your tools there it it it’s just decorative you know what I mean there’s literally no use to it and it gives you absolutely no Advantage it’s all just decoration but I think I think more people should know about this data pack oh you know what I should have started cooking some Stone before I left no damn it I have I have some stone that should have enough maybe that should be fine for now which way is home this way nobody pay attention to my ugly ass house I don’t build houses I’m not an architect my wife does all that okay how many let’s see five five 10 20 5 10 15 [Music] 20 so I need 40 of each I need 40 repor I need 40 repeaters and 40 comparators to do one section I’m not going to have enough stone for all of that you got to get the [ __ ] out cuz I need this and I need some coal I got to get this item order finished eventually Throw Some Coal in there and then um we need Redstone [Music] torches there’s some there’s the rest and then we need quartz we need some quartz for the comparators I think that should be enough 18’s a decent start now I just got to wait for all of this oh I should have done that before I left dude this is so annoying I want to put this there okay and we need to worry about a floor I don’t want to use Spruce planks for the floor anymore so unfortunate there and I think the repeaters fall they do they break not good okay so we’re using Spruce h M damn it Story of My Life I’m always out of the thing that I want to use the most it never fails if I want to use it chances are I’m out of it I should have stopped at that Spruce forest and got a bunch of [ __ ] spruce from it while I was already there W I didn’t notice how big this Cliff was oh my god dude chopping down trees sucks I’m going to build a tree farm but not yet and probably not anytime soon nope no phone calls yet this might actually be a pretty good day I’m actually expecting a phone call around 3 uh that’s when my wife gets off work and she’ll probably call me on her way home I hope I don’t get struck by lightning in midair that would really suck the leak the leak not the leak dude I really should have thought about the flooring before I built all this cuz now my [ __ ] item sords are going to break whenever I put the flooring in that’s really going to suck you need to get the [ __ ] off my land [ __ ] yeah yo what enchantment do I have on my bow that lets me pick my arrows up I I I never got that you know what I have Spruce saplings why the [ __ ] did I fly all the way out there to get some Spruce I have Spruce saplings what the show the show up bag L BB that’s what enchantment does it I had no idea all right do I have a Discord I do I do have a Discord let me if you would like to join it I will put the invite in chat for you I don’t have a command for it because of graphic designers and all of that they ruin everything there you go hello I am a graphic designer would you like to buy my art get get out of here banned it’s so annoying dude it’s the most annoying thing in the world my God all of y’all everyone in both chats is a graphic designer you guys are going to be the death of me yo that tree grew already what it’s fast all right let’s get to work oh my God not my twitch designs uhuh no way my God efficiency 5 is life I hate having a really good world where I have God Armor and God tools and then start in a new world where I have wooden tools makes me sad well yeah I know that and stone tools suck too [Music] yeah I’ll keep it right here oh no I forgot wait a minute there we go other than efficiency and Unbreaking Fortune’s good despite what anyone says Fortune’s still a good enchantment for your shovel uh especially if you’re doing like Flint heavy stuff and uh I think I did too Jake I’m not sure I kind of just do it out of Hab it and then I get stone and then immediately throw everything away um yeah if you’re doing like anything with Like Flint Fortune’s great to have on your shovel especially fortune 3 because uh every time like every gravel you uh mine with fortunes 3 on your shovel will give you flint and steel it’s not like a like a percent chance it’s every single gravel it’s cool you judge people for that yeah that’s okay Axe and sword um for sword it depends like you want you really ideally you want two different swords don’t ever put Bane of Arthropods on your [ __ ] sword that’s something that I judge people for um if you’re fighting the Wither you want to Smite five if you’re fighting the Dragon uh you want a sharpness five and then like sweeping Edge for is really good for like certain farms uh stuff like that like I need sweeping Edge on my sword sharpness sharpness does more damage against everything as a whole Smite only does more damage against Undead mobs like zombies wither skeletons and the Wither I just I go sharpness all the way yeah I don’t really care for sweeping Edge either unless it’s a particular type of farm like my RAID Farm I need sweeping Edge for it otherwise it’s just a really high chance of the evoke spawning in Vex and I hate Vex so much I don’t know how to fight him I have no idea how to effectively fight of of Vex I just I run away me neither Jen he was just messing around he was just messing around he’s uh oh you want a masterpiece oh my God it’s going to be expensive oh axe dude and nothing really I mean sharpness if you’re using it to fight mobs but for an axe all you need is uh Unbreaking mending um and efficiency I know people that swear by Bane of Arthropods for an Axe and I just dude I have no idea what they’re even thinking generally I try to go for sharpness is because it’s good against everything it kills spiders that’s it’s literally just for spiders that’s why it sucks you won’t be able to see these anyway so I’m happy with that can’t see the stone through this can you no good bad of oern Bane of Arthropods is that what you’re talking about JY it kills spiders in one shot that’s it it’s like Smite is for zombies but for spiders instead it’s stupid it’s stupid with a sharpness five spiders are pretty much one shot anyway and if you really need to be able to kill spiders in one shot probably shouldn’t be playing hardcore that’s just my opinion though I need to fix my shovel do I have another shovel anywhere I can make one but I think I have hey I had some comparators nice I need those I’m just going to make one I’m just going to make a shovel and then we’ll go enchant it and see what we get yeah dude sweeping Edge is so [ __ ] annoying I’ve accidentally killed stuff that I didn’t want to kill a sweeping Edge Ops where the Ops at who’s got Ops in here did you just copy my hashtags from the description I had an axxe oh I goofed again oh why do I do this every time my God ascore I need a better enchanting room I’m going to put an enchanting room in there that’s going to be my new no no I’m going to build a tower I’m going to build a tower for an enchantment room y I want problem solved yeah I’m going to build a big ass tower for my enchanting room what do I build it out of I’m thinking Blackstone like a Blackstone Tower thinking like black stone with like either warped stem or Cherrywood accents I think that look cool shovel efficiency 4 yo can we get efficiency five hey we got Unbreaking this time I don’t have an anvil I suck at this game I need more Rockets how am I on day 500 and I don’t have a sugar cane Farm yet this is embarrassing Savannah we’re not going to have another day like yesterday do what you’re supposed to do don’t do anything else 13 13 that’s fine now I have efficiency five [Laughter] I got to get all the bushes man and a place to put it it’s going to go up there get me yeah I still got to get all the bushes I got some of them just I haven’t gotten all of them yet how many comparators and repeaters did I say I needed 80 of each of them we need more Redstone torches how do I have so many sticks in so many different places the hell hey I had a shovel right here damn I messed that up there we go let’s go ahead and get this knocked out let’s just make a few stacks of these a all right while that’s cooking we can get this done [Applause] people 2 yo I can just barely hang on by a toenail as score everything disappoints you nowadays it’s got to look good and deep slate floors and deep slate walls will not look good not everything is going to be deep slate Same by cuz I’m not making everything deep slate it’s got to look good man got to have contrast oh yeah I forgot to do that namas I don’t even know if I’m allowed to do that Oak looks good Oak does look good but I use Spruce for everything else here so I’m using Spruce for this too where everything is deep sleep no dude that’ be that would look so weird all right this out as much as we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] running out of everything except for dirt apparently holy [ __ ] Jen I appreciate you see asore it looks fine so hard to find ores where oh if everything was was deep slate yeah dude that would suck I think deep slate looks good but it has its place how far am I going to have to come out probably all the way out here huh probably like all the way out here you got a dog what kind of dog did you get I love dogs tell me about your dog [Applause] that’s strange you you just got a dog I I’m so confused uh I don’t think this is enough room at least is better than your house 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 two three four five 25 blocks half blue pit and Australian Shepherd dude pities are so adorable I have three dogs um 16 17 18 19 20 one two three four five I have to come out all the way to here damn it oh your parents got home and you brought a and they brought a dog that’s a nice surprise I love dogs I have three dogs I have two pitbull mixes and a um German Shepherd like coyote situation going on or like German shepherd husky coyote something like that okay this is how much room I need back here holy [ __ ] oh that’s crazy this is going to be big my God why does everything I do take so many blocks I’ve never concentrated so hard on placing dirt I’ve never had to concentrate that hard on placing dirt what do you think I should ask for my birthday okay are you talking about a stream deck or a steam deck they’re two cuz they’re two different [Laughter] things ascore just listed off everything a stream deck namas do you stream my description yo one of my twitch viewers um the other day or like last week he [ __ ] decided he was going to put the entire script for one of the Shrek movies in my chat and it was so confusing namas if you stream then get a stream deck those are useful I need one I’m actually supposed to get one for my birthday this year but I don’t think I’m going [Music] to oh yeah see I would get the stream deck because you’re more you’ll get more functionality out of one of those than a than a Funko Pop ah yes it this that’s why I don’t have one yet I mean if you just if you get one of the small one oh my God I didn’t bring it out enough if you get one of the small ones it’s only like uh I think it was I think it’s like 150 right now I want to get my wife a steam deck I think steam decks are so cool cuz it’s like a Nintendo switch that can run Windows 11 on it and you can play Minecraft I want her to play Java with me that’s why I want to get her a PC wait what and the Minecraft new update gives you infinite d diamonds that’d be crazy you know what else gives you infinite diamonds tunnel BS the I would get I would get the uh the six the six button one especially like if you if you just need it because uh of your 0% keyboard and you’re not streaming six buttons is all you’ll ever need I need more SP the autoc crafter yeah dude I don’t know how to use that thing I’m excited for it though I’ve seen a little bit on it but I haven’t been like really keeping up with this update like I usually do I really need to open a uh snapshot world and go check it out but probably not going to do that subscribed three share what is that is that a what is that supposed to be Jen I appreciate you subscribing though super cool super cool of you I wonder if or when my shears in here are ever going to break this thing has been running and the last time I checked the durability on my shears they were all still full yeah Nas I think the six button one right now is like 100 or less maybe I don’t know I haven’t looked at them in a while that time I got kidnapped what do you what who kidnapped you I’ll fight him jealous why didn’t they kidnap me huh I probably wasn’t pretty enough to be kidnapped let’s just let’s be honest yo I saw this log and it like lined up perfectly I was like wait didn’t I just chop that down that was so confused this is going to be a big ass pirate chest make a shitty building like my house you know you’re really the only one that doesn’t like it namas I mean we can’t all be like cookie or green or shulker craft ah I’m not going to lie dude I wish I could build like cookie or any of those guys yeah I remember that that’s my tutorial on my um on my design for the cow Crusher [Music] ow [Music] [Music] God damn oh my God [Music] better be careful you’re getting kicked out of school I’m out namas give it a gift oh yo dude you’re not catching that with a regular Pokéball no way oh God not my fault I take absolute zero responsibility if you get in trouble for that [Music] damn unfortunate namas yeah for like full Evolutions like that you’re not going to be able to catch them with Pokéballs oh my God not you too you great balls or Ultra Ball like a higher ranked Pokeball we master ball master ball catches everything wait it’s Saturday how are you at school oh wait you probably have my son has a Chromebook that he brings home for like virtual days and and such oh you use the Ultra Ball too master ball would have caught it how do you even make a texture pack I don’t know how to do that make one for me well namas you got to Rack them points up man I know it’s hard cuz you want to catch them all like just be glad I haven’t gotten any of my like old viewers back in here cuz I’ve got multiple people with like 5050 to 100,000 Channel points just sitting they’ll throw master balls all day you want to see a really big hole sure you want me to beat the game in a deep slate World 100 days hardcore deep slate all right you really think so yeah I appreciate that JY I have cats I don’t need them anymore you know I can actually do a mega tree right here cuz this little Hill is going to get leveled anyway so I’m not worried about the podil all right let’s let that grow where’s my stuff let get started on these Okay so I want three blocks in between these aisles one two three so we’ll do this one then yo someone named Notch joined the Discord what wait did you send it to me like like directly where did you put it who is Notch oh okay yo I was reading your about me and I was like wait what Notch X welcome to the Discord oh my God that’s crazy that goes down to bedrock don’t it yeah no I was Jen I was reading your about me on Discord and I was like hm seems a little sus you don’t know what you’re about me is oh my God it’s crazy so if you didn’t put that then what the [ __ ] is that about it says this user is suspected to be part of an online terrorist organization what the [ __ ] did you do oh it doesn’t go down to bedrock yet what did you do Jen why is Discord warning me about you skip a block skip a block or one two three four nice oh I’m going to need so many more chests yeah that what’s that about I’m out of chests already are you serious I think it’s being serious I’m out of chests nothing did I figured that’s what what it was hey I have chests right here nowhere near enough but I have a crafting table in one one of these shulker boxes there it is I have no IDE how you can code mods into Minecraft I I know how to add them but I don’t know how to code them I don’t I don’t know how to like create a mod adding them is really easy all you have to do is put them into the mods folder in Minecraft oh I I don’t that’s really cool though I have no idea how to do any of that okay where let me get let me get a little little station going on here damn it it’s in the way I’m just put it down here there we go grab these and these YY what’s up Omar how you doing today om you got anything interesting going on today no I don’t I have no idea I’m assuming it’s in the settings like the security and privacy settings on Steam but I’ve never had to do that your roller blading session dude I haven’t done that in [Music] forever oh my God I forgot about the most important thing in the [ __ ] build my God I’m G have an aneurism it’s okay guys it’s okay Hoppers I forgot about all the Hoppers um he’s popping in and out talking about asgore yeah he’s popping in and out today he’s mad that I haven’t built a a a Zaza Farm yet and then I’m not building everything out of deep sight it’s a it’s an illegal farm that I probably shouldn’t talk about while I’m live no the other day I showed him um my wife and I’s realm oh my God cranking 90s what’s up bud how you doing today bud no no no no it’s a it’s a plant it’s a plant farm that I probably shouldn’t talk talk about while I’m live but I showed him my other my wife’s in I realm um where I have one built oh dude the fam’s doing great man appreciate you popping in and saying those words to my face bud there’s a sheep you’re stuck get out of there you’re welcome oh my God yeah grass Farm there we go no no not in this world my wife’s too scared to play hardcore I keep forgetting stuff no me and her have a realm that we started on uh Bedrock on our switch gles and um cool so I got plenty of iron I have that I got iron no problem all of it I have all the iron that reminds me I have to actually go check to make sure my iron Farm’s not filling up yeah me and her started a realm uh on our switches and I did a bunch of dumb [ __ ] in it and I built a weed farm yeah yeah know that’s that’s exactly what it is I thought it’d be funny I thought it’d be cool and it was turned out real cool oh namas were you here when I was showing that off this so funny [Music] do you guys really want to [ __ ] see it oh my God you guys are crazy my God all right all right all right give me a second give me a second I’ll show you guys but it’s going to be real quick because I got to get this [Laughter] finished so I trans I took a copy of the world that we started the realm on and I transferred it over to Java so that I could play it on the PC and uh yeah near it’s right here [Laughter] it’s my weed farm but yeah that’s what that’s what asgore’s mad that I’m not building um I’ll give you guys a little sneak peek I’m going to build one of these in my hardcore World here pretty soon that build one of these this is probably the coolest thing it’s it’s it’s not a farm it doesn’t produce anything it’s just for me it’s just for looks this is probably one of my favorite things I’ve ever built yeah it’s for looks and it’s for fun and then everything else all these houses were built by my wife same thing with this little village right here my wife built all of this [Laughter] Pizza phone and where is asgor I wonder what he’s doing right now he’s probably sleeping yeah that’s that’s my ZaZa Farm oh well I didn’t know you having fun you still playing your temperature mod you haven’t died yet that’s crazy dude I would die all the time in a temperature mod I would die so fast in a temperature mod ow are my tootsies [Music] [Laughter] dude that’s their um about me on Discord it’s weird what am I looking for these yeah got plenty of comparators now oh I need more Redstone though oh my God yeah I saw that and I was I was worried oh guys I got got invited to a private Hardcore Minecraft server so we’re going to start doing some server content pretty soon that’s going to be fun I’m so I’m so excited for that I still want to figure out how to get my own hardcore server going but I think it would be pretty cool for me to Join This Server because they have um no no no no that’s not how that’s not how the server works ascore we uh basically we play the game like just work together on stuff and it’s a hardcore server but so like whenever a player dies they can’t respawn until the world is reset and then and the world reset is controlled by a vote in their Discord and stuff like that but I’m not worried about that CU I don’t die um you you’d have to get an invite for it it’s a private like invite server for um like content creators probably die on the first day who knows I might I might too okay so this is going to be a big ass item sorder oh my god oh this thing is going to be massive dude that’s Jin my god dude this thing is going to be so [ __ ] big why do I do this to myself [Laughter] so like you after 100 days in Lego fortnite yeah dude this is me all the time in Minecraft every project is too big [Music] why can’t you play Minecraft Jen who are you talking to oh yeah why don’t you get Minecraft on your console [Music] I need more chests I need more chests now um yeah I think I think so that’s a big tree you got Bedrock for free on your console I had to pay like 40 bucks for it [Music] oh okay yeah om doesn’t have a PC do I have mending on this I do yeah yeah that’s how I got it on my PC too I paid for Java and then I got Bedrock for free but I still had to pay for Bedrock on my Xbox which really sucks like it’s it’s kind of stupid because it’s all Microsoft now I think on the way down from here we check on the iron farm I only have one chest and it feels fills up pretty fast and if it gets clogged up everything [ __ ] up yeah exactly like I think if you just buy Minecraft on one thing like I bought Java and got the Java Bedrock bundle I should just be able to download Bedrock on my Xbox I shouldn’t have to pay for another [ __ ] copy how to track down someone online nope I have no idea are you a killer D’s trying to track down someone on Discord man man’s trying to get paid [Music] namas you got om worried bro this man’s scared for his life now up Jen his uh Discord name is namas the minion oh my God why do you want to taste someone else’s phone that’s gross I don’t care if someone handed me a brand new iPhone and said here it tastes like nachos I’m not licking that [ __ ] I don’t know where his hands have been all right because pizza is pizza look at my iron farm going dude this thing just works all the time all right we’re not full yet [Laughter] stop making fun of my [Applause] leak H every thought about that think you’re so cool cuz your phone tastes like pizza that is pretty cool I’m not going to lie the leak the leak he’s got a leak [Laughter] need phone liquor wait what my mic’s not working what check check it is two [Laughter] oh what no you don’t but say I was confused dude because I know I didn’t mute my mic I wish you could bone meal sugar cane I think that’s so stupid that you can’t what did I need more of why did I go get all this wood I needed chests and more hoppers wait all right what time is it 2 o’l all right give me a couple minutes I got to uh it’s right here I got to go make some lunch for my kids and I’ll be right back give me just a couple minutes all right I’ll be right back for for for o ready to eat I have more music discs right here and there’s my ink sacks I was looking for those yesterday huh I forgot I had stuff in here read your song damn ascore are you playing in a snow only world what the hell what do you mean read your song om ooh there’s a phasmophobia oh yeah Notch this is um a channel that so I’m in the phasmophobia Discord um and I follow their update Channel so that their updates get linked to my Discord as well that’s what that is fasm phobia is fun I might do a phasmophobia stream this week I don’t like to studying I don’t like to study studying is not what I do your mom is going to use Kung Fu what the [ __ ] your mama going to whoop that ass I feel it though man I’d whoop my son’s ass too if he failed he’s too smart to fail I’ll be right back Beau now e for Det I’m going to whisper things to now about crunch chocolate bars because apparently This Whispering thing imagis Roy now Dr deant this e oh my God I just [ __ ] up so bad Omar you have a good night man I appreciate you popping in fall asleep get some rest wake up refreshed guys I just messed up so bad can’t believe I just did that oh my God go you how many more chests did I need I think I only needed 20 yeah [Music] oh I guess not I needed 40 duh cuz they’re double chests all good ni that is perfectly fine I’m going to be getting off of here in about 30 minutes anyway got to work on some videos for the rest of the afternoon have a good night man I appreciate you popping in and hanging out with me for I’m to oh Town Square oh my God what the [ __ ] is that Jin all right let’s get get this done before we get off of here and let’s go hell yeah oh my God can I get up anywhere Jesus all right let’s let’s try to get this pumped out real quick for every one of these should have a redstone torch need more repeaters another Cat come here key come here kitten I win now come over [Music] here for [Music] te te your on for okay okay I did I thought I forgot to put this back block on that side back all right w [Music] e where did I put my Rockets oh a big streamer what’s up little bunny how you doing today there they are Jesus yo this thing is massive I need more paper little bunny how you doing today thanks for popping in and calling me a big streamer makes me feel good I like feeling good I still don’t have a sugar cane Farm almost day 500 and still no sugar cane Farm all right we got this side done now all we got to do is build one more section right here and that’ll be the whole item sorder just being a twitch streamer’s [Laughter] headache I don’t have a headache so I don’t know who you’re talking about what do you like to do tell me a little bit about yourself how do you stumble upon my channel oh I love it I love Minecraft what are you playing do you play Minecraft what’s your favorite version you a Java or Bedrock person or both oh God please don’t say that you’re lying you’re [Music] lying I think tomorrow we build the sugar cane Farm sugarcane farm and a trading Hall I think is are both going up tomorrow yeah Java is the best 100% I agree oh no I forgot I had water there no okay so this has to stay here [Laughter] I forgot forgot I had water there I’m such a goofball dude how do I forget I have water there you’re the nightmare of every twitch streamer well if you are really are a graphic designer you’re 100% right unless you’re like a professional graphic designer you know what I mean there’s a difference there’s a difference between graphic designers and gfx scammers I feel like you know what I’m not going to do that cuz I’m going to bring the spruce out here actually do I have any more Spruce I don’t I don’t have any more Spruce I need more Spruce there’s a Golem on the loose oh wait no he’s not he’s in the cage I’m no scammer duh well then how are you every twitch streamer’s nightmare if you’re not a gfx scammer boom mind blown I win this is easily the most massive [ __ ] item sorder I’ve ever built I’ve ever seen I’ve never seen an item sorder this big it’s crazy this thing is going to be huge all right where am I at what do I need what do I need where am I at at the very beginning I need chests and a lot of them how can you be a professional um well like there’s people who like Design Graphic like Graphics actually for a living and then there’s people who come into small streamers twitch chats and they’re like say like three words and they’re like hey actually I’m a professional graphic designer and I have some ideas for your channel give me your Discord and I’ll send them and then they never listen they never listen I always tell them 100% I’m not looking for anything and then they’re like well send me your Discord I’ll send me I’ll send you send you my work anyway and I’m like dude I’m not interested I don’t know how many oh I have chests I don’t know how many different ways to say that by Art that’s pretty much what they say be like I’m a graphic designer now buy my stuff I mean I’m no graphic designer myself but like I do make my own graphics oh God was it a gra was it a gfx bot [Laughter] oh Twitter is so funny to me yeah they’re annoying [Music] dude I’d fight with them too I fight with them here no no no you’re out of you don’t go there you’re out of place my friend okay I need more chest Now where’s o I’m running low running low low oh my God so what do you do little budny if you’re not a graphic designer scammer well the good graphic designers have a reputation so people come to them you know what I mean like they they do their own streams advertising their own art on their own channel they don’t infiltrate tra people’s discords and that’s the most annoying thing about it is when people join my Discord and then they start dming everybody in my Discord trying to get them to buy art it’s just disrespectful it’s unprofessional oh I need more chests here we go again it never stops I always need something I always need something if I need it I’m out of it and I need to go get it it’s just how it works it’s how my life goes I don’t know I just feel like a profession wouldn’t bug someone about buying their art I feel like they would just give them the option and then be like oh no cool you don’t want it cool all right I’m not going to bring it up anymore let me know whenever you want something but no no they don’t do that these twitch Bots man [Applause] well I mean right off the bat you already seem like an actual person you know what I mean so like that’s a little bit different I mean I’m really not looking for anything but you seem like an actual person and you and and you’re respectful it’s not like like typical I don’t I don’t even know how to explain it I don’t even know how to explain like your typical twitch gfx person guy most of them don’t even seem like they’re actual people damn it why why can’t I do this right [Laughter] now beop I am graphic bot bars yo that could be a wrap mixtap 2035 for what saying he don’t seem like a bot yeah dude no no problem it’s real obvious oh my God it’s dark it’s real obvious oh ads yeah are we back okay okay yeah no it’s real obvious when when whenever someone’s uh like the bot Behavior it’s extremely obvious you know what I mean uh and like honestly dude like I appreciate artwork and I appreciate uh you know people’s creativity I respect that I think it’s amazing um it’s just the the gfx bots on Twitch and kick is even worse oh my God that’s why I don’t that’s why I stopped streaming on Kick cuz it was like literally I was getting no engagement whatsoever at 100% of the engagement I was getting was a gfx bot which is a bummer yeah yeah one that’s exactly that’s pretty much what it was which is a huge bummer cuz like you know aside from the fact that they come in all friendly and you know like follow the channel and tell me I’m doing a great job and then you know like I find out that they don’t mean it they only said that so I would be more comfortable buying their art you know aside from all of that um I do want to be like I want to befriend a actual like professional graphic designer um that way I have someone to go to whenever I do want you whenever I do need some stuff mate you know what I mean and it’s so hard to find that nowadays cuz like you can’t even put it on Twitter like if I put if I put on Twitter that I’m looking for a professional graphic designer then all of my comments are going to be nothing but graphic designer Bots and it’s like it’s frustrating but that’s the world we live in you don’t use kick I stopped trust me people think the uh Bots are bad here on Twitch they’re even they’re a thousand times worse on Ki yeah I learned the hard way not to mention graphic designer or Graphics or anything like that on Twitter you know and like I’m I’m still a new streamer so I’m still like learning my way around the space you know what I mean and a lot of a lot of people take advantage of that and that’s it’s disheartening what am I looking for I need iron and I need a bunch of chests kind of like a newer streamer I’ve only been streaming for a couple years and I’m I and I’m still I streamed for about a year and a half and then I took a a break so uh about six months of a break and then I just started streaming again a couple weeks ago I need oh my God I need Rockets I’m a big streamer yeah I’m a big dude this is going to look so cool when I’m done this is going to look so cool when I’m done I need more Rockets though hi big dude I am little dude I need paper oh I need paper all right the side quest my sugar cane grew oh no and I am a little bunny all right I need I’m going make some rockets and then uh go get some more wood oh yeah I got plenty of gunpowder so how long have you been into graphic designing bunny y since childhood nice so did you like did you like go to art school or like any like take any special classes that have to do with gfx cuz like I dabble in it but i’mm nope I’m not an artist I tried like making my own like profile pictures and stuff like that and the one I have right now I’m happy with uh being my Minecraft skin and all of that but eventually I want to learn more you know what I mean yeah I didn’t even know this little cave was here apparently he did though oh hell yeah what’s your favorite like style what’s your favorite style of of drawing like I know you’re probably versatile and can do multiple Styles but like what’s your favorite Style and now you’re a bot why cuz I’m asking [Music] questions that’s probably not going to be enough oh you can do everything you don’t have like a favorite though like I feel like every artist has their own favorite style like I’m not even an artist and one of my favorite styles of art is uh like the real creepy uh like Tim Burton style kind of I saw um oh so you do like you design like websites and stuff what is ux I know UI is user oh user experience duh never mind that was a dumb [Laughter] question do you do any like coding or like it it anything because a lot of um UI and ux designers uh they work in like HTML and CSS and all of that oh my God this thing is going to be huge that’s crazy oh welcome back Jen hold up give me a second my wife’s calling me hey baby up oh yeah did you have a good day million to do today and to catch up oh yeah model is changing and uh I’m going to be getting a team now oh a whole team yeah pref people team but not as a mer person like singular in [Music] now and then he did an entire section by himself and can’t do an inap it takes him literally his shift babe I told you when he started he was [ __ ] slow like you see how much this dude getting like yeah babe babe babe babe I know you’re angry and I know you’re passionate about it but I’m live so just kind of to have yeah no he’s kind of stupid I feel you that’s good yeah know it it sounds like it I hope so yeah that’s up to you Bab you just got off work so go home and relax they’re doing fine yeah we’ll be home around normal time yeah uh do me a favor when you get home take that uh pulled pork out of the freezer and put it in the stock pot on um they leave it in the bag just fill it up with water make sure it’s submerged um on like medium heat don’t turn it up super high and then let that heat up fall out that way we can eat it when we get home uh yes uh yeah can yeah we going to do uh P pork baked potatoes I think we’ll be fine [Music] uh they only have the Tubb I you for minute okay well the day is starting to get busy your dad just said he needed my help with something okay see later all right I love you too baby you too baby bye okay all right so I’m going to throw some cobblestone in the cooker and then I have to go help my father-in-law with something real quick you’re learning coding and stuff you’re a CSS student wait CS what’s CS like culinary school I went to culinary school yeah no you were good you were good I just I I’m not going to ignore my phone my wife phone call you know know what I mean I’ll get in trouble for that I’m going to finish the house we started Jen um I don’t know what I’m going to do with it yet though I don’t think I’m going to finish it today I’m working on I need to get this item sorder all put together and then um I think tomorrow we’ll do like a big ass sugar cane Farm oh wait no I’m not going to be streaming tomorrow tomorrow’s oh computer science I’m so [ __ ] stupid like culinary school tomorrow’s Mother’s Day which means I’m spending it with my wife and my mother so I’m not going to be streaming tomorrow yeah I started taking um some it courses like online classes um but I ran out of money and couldn’t pay for them so unfortunately that is a nogo now but I really like it um the only experience I have with uh like HTML for like actual coding uh you’re going to laugh at me but I designed my own Myspace page when I was like 12 using HTML and CSS and that’s about it that’s that’s all oh hello how are you you guys think I can take this dude I think I can take him I think I can take this dude where’s he at oh he’s moving I think I can piss him off from here oh I did it I did it the [ __ ] away from me oh I fell I fell you like my charact you talking about my totem that’s my skin I’m A Derpy Zoro where did he go did he give up what the hell dude where’d you go well she’s just going to pop out of nowhere watch I don’t like that did he die I don’t think he died there’s some coal right here that I missed though I guess he’s gone I don’t know go up to my mob farm real quick and then uh I’m going to go see what my father-in-law needs help with so just I’ll just be back in like a couple minutes oh you know what I should probably stay closer to the furnace that way it Cooks ow I tried I tried to go right into the door I’ll be right back she the botom stop not sorry about that guys I had to help my father-in-law with a motorcycle tire and also give me two seconds I’m going to mute my mic for a second because I got to handle something [Music] wait a minute what nah no not right now asgore not right now you think the Enderman was that watching really GG no oh wait hold up there we go no man she’s not listening she’s just not listening I had to I had to let her know that she needs to start listening yo Ender’s back hell yeah dude let’s get it my dude let’s go bro you ran up on me SK toilet no no so all right I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll tell you guys I’ll tell you what she did we have a very strict rule at our house and me and their mom follow it as well so it’s not just for them but we do not eat food in the bedrooms that’s it it’s real simple just don’t take food into the bedrooms we don’t want bugs that’s what she did and then she lied to me about it so it made it worse and it would have been a real simple just grounded from her switch and TV hey he died GG’s my dude grounded from her switch but she just refuses to listen so it kind of adds up he pops up from nowhere I believe it I don’t even know where he came from that time I was gone I didn’t think think he was still going to be here let’s see where we’re at on our Stone cooking though eating and well eating in the bedroom lying about it and then she started throwing her switch and all of that so it’s just she’s just pissed no dude no I wouldn’t let her do that you got me [ __ ] up uh what did I need I needed comparators I think oh I need repeaters too I need them both see 20 40 so I need 40 of each God damn so I need 120 Stone Jesus dude this is going to take forever oh wait hold up I need repeaters first this isn’t going to be enough but it it’ll be a good start neat uh yeah I got one and you totally missed it I even told you what time it was going to be and everything and you still missed it I told you wife my wife was going to call me when she got off work hell yeah flavonoids tell me all about them tell me all about them flavonoids and also tell me where my quartz is found it the leak the elac oh wait no I meant [Laughter] leisk I’m tired of running out of sticks I’m really tired of running out of sticks am I in my own room yeah yeah I’m on uh bunny I’m on YouTube too no it’s my own room I have my own room at uh my in-law’s house I have really really bad internet at my house and my in-laws have really really good internet so they told me I could set up my PC in uh their spare bedroom and stream from here then I they gave me a key to the house and I just come over every day oh yeah oh yeah mhm they did what you think I break into my in-laws every day that’d be crazy that’s too much work [Music] only 19 are you serious these things take so much did I put repeaters on this side too oh that’s what I was supposed to [Music] make whoops um it was at 307 so 27 no 23 minutes ago don’t listen to my math my math sucks cool this side is almost done oh wait wait my God why does she have the TV up so loud my mother-in-law is watching TV right now and I can hear it coming through my headphones which means it’s being picked up on my microphone right now you know what I’m building a super smelter yeah two different ones to be exact one of them is going to be nothing but blast furnaces and the other is going to be nothing but furnaces m damn it dude why am I always out of [ __ ] man oh this annoying you’re bored I’m sorry all right now I just need comparators [Music] how many comparators do I need I think um [Music] 16 so 16 32 48 pieces of stone this is fantastic this is fantastic yes I do love super smelters what is this bro you made a meme about me what the [ __ ] dude I love this I love this so much I’m saving [Laughter] that oh that’s awesome wait a minute I know I hit save where’ it go what the hell I don’t know it should pop up eventually asore that’s awesome dude I love that asgore you got a Twitter or X whatever you want it’s Twitter it will always be Twitter you don’t got a Twitter Trader is the most ignored mob in all of Minecraft you talking about like villagers nah I’m making a in Hall tomorrow I got a bunch of villagers I got a whole villager breeder I even have an upside down Golem named dinner bone they love me yeah you’re the one that said traitors are ignored I don’t know what you were talking about I think you were talking about these villagers though which I have been kind of ignoring them I was really hoping to level this dude up so he would sell me ender pearls but he doesn’t wait a minute you were one zombie flesh for an emerald sir why are you more expensive why’ you raise the prices on me you’re going to have to do something about that before I do oh yeah his the wandering traitor duh I I forgot about him and yes he is the most hated mob in all of Minecraft I kill him he’s only good for free leads it’s the only thing he’s good for ow okay I need five more comparators and then a bunch of Hoppers then a bunch more Hoppers which I think I have chests think I have a bunch of chests somewhere he’s ignored again oh yo I had Stone right here the whole time why didn’t y’all tell me I had Stone right there you guys hate me ha done with the comparators and repeaters yeah I kill everyone that every one of them that comes onto my land I don’t like him he’s good on like super flat worlds but that’s it there’s no need to have him in a regular world no mercy mm Asar I was asking if you had a Twitter because I was going to put that Meme up on Twitter and tag you in it that’s the first meme anyone’s ever made of me I’m glad I did something mem worthy for you all right and we have enough Hoppers for this part but not that part almost enough Hoppers for that part oh here you go as Gore wife’s calling again hey baby hey B don’t you have software or something to take like if I were to send you images of items that we sell that I if I were to put together like a diagram of like things we already sell that we could use for hermit crafts would you be able to like cut out those little images so we can make like our own image from it like from pieces of pictures and stuff yeah I want to I want to send this like make like a diagram and like have like the SK for each item so we can prove then like we already have the items we just have to make it Market it towards the hermit CRA for them so what you want me to do you’re going to send me a bunch of pictures of items and you want them to be cut out yeah kind of like make like their own like little sticker versions so like isolated yeah I can do that yeah okay yeah I can’t do that for my phone I don’t think um no it’s real stupid phones I have [ __ ] on the PC so I can do it in that so if i s you a picture of a tank and then all the it you would be able at least put like the tank in the middle and then do like lines like items coming out like little bubbles like kind of like a little web uh you’ll have to explain it to me tonight so I I know what you’re talking about but yeah I can make something okay just want I want to be able to show like an actual visual of it yeah I think the the problem I haven’t gotten a response from my last essay sent him about the hermit crabs but I’m pretty sure he’s doing his own research on them probably getting with his higher up about it too so I don’t know I don’t know he’s a corporate guy so you can’t really trust him I if he doesn’t do anything about it I’ll just go over his head and then I’ll go over their head and then I’ll go over their head I’m pretty sure something will get done about it it’s just I want to I want to prove to them that we don’t have to go and find other products we already have majority of the products other than the [Music] sand it’s easier than you know than they may think okay well I’ll send you the pictures then and then um I’ll show you what I need I make sure you have actual software yeah yeah all you need is a GNU um image manipulator that’s exactly what [ __ ] is that’s basically what I need yeah okay well just I’ll show you when you get home then I just wondering okay baby I love you too bye it is going this way I was going the right way what are you wait 4 hours 54 no dude it’s said 5 hours 35 are you talking about the when the phone call happened yeah 535 yeah yeah 5 hours 35 the only thing that sucks about this item sorder is the amount of chests that it has costed me the amount of chests and Hoppers that this thing cost me is ridiculous dude what was the last call uh I don’t know I okay you’ll have to scrub through and find it you’ll just have to rewatch the whole stream so you can find it oh God ah I didn’t know it ended there boom and that’s it oh we still got to do the red Redstone for this side oh yeah oh yeah this should be able to sort every single stackable item in the entire game let’s see 5 10 15 20 40 80 120 160 sorting slots holy [ __ ] dude you’re hungry now what made you hungry what are you going to eat I’m hungry too my cows are also hungry [Music] [Music] m [ __ ] tacos oh that sounds good oh you found it asgore it was at 454 yo can we just take a second to appreciate how big this item sorder is this thing is massive should it is ugly it is I’m going to build a big pirate chest around it and I guess the base and like these little pillars on the inside those will be deep sight [Music] with deep slate stairs right here or probably not deep slate stairs probably do like Spruce or Oak stairs there yes yes I like it this has 1060 sorting slots holy [ __ ] that means I need 160 item frames all right neat let’s throw this in here just throw that in there eventually I’m going to have to get everything in these chests moved over there somewhere I need a filter there we go we’re going to need more let’s grab two more Stacks just to be safe filter and all of these should have stuff in them oh all of these should be lit up they are wait what do you have no you don’t go there yes all right this is the most boring part about making an item sorder ever for e I’m going to need more dirt I didn’t realize this was going to take that much holy [ __ ] go to sleep maore bunny what kind of tacos are you thinking about and tacos sound so good 8:00 a bit ago yeah dude that’s what happens when you play Minecraft I swear it was 8:00 in the morning like 10 minutes ago oh my god dude it’s 11 o’ that’s crazy [Music] bro for am I going to need another stack of dirt oh my [ __ ] god dude I am I’m going to need another [ __ ] stack of dirt [Music] I’m actually not even sure if one stack will be enough 69 420,000 hell yeah dude I love that that’s how many dollars I wish I had yo for real though once I hit that number in Subs on YouTube I’m stopping no one’s allowed to sub to me with five to spare H the outro music you going to bed what your last word the leak I [ __ ] knew it go away asgore I appreciate you coming out and hanging out man you have a good night Sir get some rest wake up feeling nice and refreshed um and then this will probably get finished Monday yeah um I’m not going to stream tomorrow I don’t know if you were here uh when I said it but I’m not going to stream tomorrow because it’s Mother’s day so I’m going to be spending the day with my wife and my mother but I will be right back at it on Monday [Music] it should work I locked every [Music] Hopper Maybe yep it works just takes a minute sweet yeah I went an hour longer than I was supposed to I think I’m going to go ahead and call it here appreciate you guys hanging out with me today it was been super fun um Monday if I’m lucky enough to get you guys in here we’re going to build a villager trading Hall over there and a big ass sugar cane Farm somewhere probably right here I’m thinking the sugarcane farm goes right here I don’t know haven’t figured it out yet but we’ll figure it out Monday when the time comes have a good night I love you guys tell someone you love them cuz they love that and I will catch you guys next time see you laters

This video, titled ‘Tunneling For Large Projects In *Hardcore* Minecraft Java | Resource Packs | Datapacks’, was uploaded by aMess on 2024-05-11 21:30:46. It has garnered 37 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:53:49 or 21229 seconds.

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    Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft's Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, S5João brings stories, both new and old. With his Omnitrix in hand, he’s ready to explore, Crafting and building, always wanting more. From Monday to Saturday, his videos shine bright, With updates and memes, bringing joy and delight. So hit that like button, and don’t forget to subscribe, To join in the fun, where creativity thrives. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Discord too, For more gaming content, just for you. So leap into the verse, where the story sings, With S5João, where Minecraft brings. Read More

  • Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates!

    Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates! Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21, also known as the Tricky Trials update, has brought a plethora of exciting new features and improvements to the game. From data-driven enchantments to new paintings and jukebox songs, players are in for a treat with this latest update. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer! Commands and Gameplay Enhancements One of the key highlights of Minecraft 1.21 is the introduction of data pack improvements that enhance gameplay mechanics. Players can now enjoy a more dynamic and customizable experience through the use of new commands and… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Building Tricks

    Master Minecraft Building Tricks Exploring Minecraft Building Techniques for Beginners Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft building but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will explore some essential tips and tricks to help even the most novice players create stunning structures in the game. Getting Started with Minecraft Building Building in Minecraft can seem daunting at first, but with a little practice and creativity, anyone can become a master builder. Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic building blocks available in the game, such as wood, stone, and glass. Experiment with different combinations… Read More

  • Block Boyfriend Quest: Minecraft Love X-Factor

    Block Boyfriend Quest: Minecraft Love X-Factor In the world of Minecraft, a qualified boyfriend is rare, One who faces fear with his girlfriend, showing he cares. Exploring a haunted map, with weapons in hand, Protecting her, making her feel grand. But alas, in a room filled with loot, The girlfriend gets scared, giving him the boot. He tries to save her, but she pushes him away, Breaking up, with nothing left to say. In the classroom, the teacher plays a game, Students try to avoid homework, it’s all the same. From sneaky reports to skipping class, The teacher catches them, they can’t surpass. But in… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest mods in the Minecraft community. While watching a YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you might have realized the endless possibilities and excitement that come with exploring new content in the game. One way to fully experience these new mods is by joining a thriving Minecraft server like Minewind. Imagine diving into a world filled with unique gameplay features, friendly players, and exciting adventures waiting to be had. The Minewind server offers a dynamic and engaging environment where you can unleash your… Read More

  • Divine Origin SMP

    Divine Origin SMPHello! This is a continuation of an old Origins server from 2021 and 2022 that I hosted and became a fun community. Now it’s back. – Server is running fabricmc with lithium and starlight for performance – Griefing is not allowed. – hosted in Western US by shockbyte (may self-host later but currently using this) – Carpet mod is installed so TPS and Mobcaps and other information can be visible. – NoChatReports is installed because chat reporting is terrible. – Mods you must install ( currently) are Origins, Extra Origins, and Pekhui – Dm me on discord to get whitelisted… Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Join HearthCraft SMP Today! HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us and be a part of our community today! Key Features: Server never resets – World dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more Level-up System, Land Claiming, mcMMO, and more! Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Difficulty: Hard Connect with Us: Website: Discord: Rules: IP: Statistics:… Read More

  • animal crossing

    animal crossingWelcome to our Minecraft server, where the charm of Animal Crossing meets the creativity of Minecraft! Step into a blocky world inspired by your favorite villagers and island life. Whether you're designing your dream home, creating lush gardens, or exploring custom-built islands, there's always something new to discover. Join us and bring your love for Animal Crossing into the expansive realms of Minecraft. Embrace friendship, creativity, and the joy of crafting your perfect virtual paradise! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft facts slaps hard

    “I guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that high score!” Read More

  • Drama Unfolds: CaptainSparklez 2 Windmill

    Drama Unfolds: CaptainSparklez 2 WindmillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Windmill saga’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-12 12:00:12. It has garnered 941684 views and 79580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Full vod: #shorts #minecraft #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Qurbani Quandary – Cow & Sheep Shenanigans!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Qurbani Quandary - Cow & Sheep Shenanigans! In Minecraft, I bought animals for Qurbani, Cows and sheep, for Eid, oh so fancy. Butchered them with skill, in my butcher shop, Crafting meat and wool, nonstop. If you want to play, just aim for likes, Join my world, where the fun spikes. Let’s build and explore, in this pixelated land, Together we’ll create, something grand. So come along, and join the fun, In Minecraft, where the adventure’s never done. Qurbani animals, now part of the game, In this virtual world, where we make our fame. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Firestorm

    Minecraft Meme Firestorm Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

    Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation) Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, available for all platforms and editions. 🤩🙌 New Features and Enhancements The latest update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is something for every player to enjoy. Some of the key highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 update include: Enhanced Shaders: Experience the game like never before with the best MCPE shaders available. Check out the Best MCPE Shaders video for a visual treat. Increased Render Distance:… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

    Minecraft Museum Build Hacks Exploring Museum Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a touch of culture and history to your virtual world? Museums are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and knowledge within the game. Here are 8 museum building ideas to inspire your next project! 1. Fossil Museum Unearth the past by creating a fossil museum in Minecraft. Display various dinosaur skeletons and prehistoric artifacts to educate and entertain your visitors. Use the minecraft fossil blocks to add authenticity to your exhibits. 2. Dinosaur Exhibit Bring the Jurassic era to life with a dinosaur exhibit… Read More

  • Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!

    Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spellbound Caves CTM Speedrun (1.16.1)’, was uploaded by Happysnackers on 2024-06-12 02:24:50. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:43 or 1423 seconds. Map by Vechs: Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with Dexoppp

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with DexopppVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing 🎮 Minecraft Bedwars 🛌 ft.@Dexoppp || dex op’, was uploaded by Gamer Boy Saif on 2024-05-12 10:53:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Playing Minecraft Bedwars ft.‎@Dexoppp || dex op •Instagram … Read More

  • INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱

    INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft /Sky Block /Eagle Joined The Party /Part 5’, was uploaded by V1kingTiger on 2024-03-09 07:43:55. It has garnered 70 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Like and Subscribe Gamer Kitty:… Background music: Read More

  • New Minecraft Pixelmon Surprise

    New Minecraft Pixelmon SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pixlemon! (Surprise)’, was uploaded by The Gaming Luca on 2024-01-31 05:05:04. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:32:40 or 16360 seconds. Hi and welcome to the channel. My name is Luca! Annor and I run this Youtube channel. Hope you enjoy! Our goal on this channel is to put a smile on peoples faces and entertain those who need/want to be entertained. We are really goofy/dumb sometimes but serious when we need to be! Stop by and say hi and have a conversation with me! We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Sapnap’s Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJanke

    Unbelievable! Sapnap's Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJankeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Sapnap Survived The Minecraft Community’, was uploaded by itsJanke on 2024-06-15 07:51:03. It has garnered 5416 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:44 or 584 seconds. Sapnap is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers in the world. One of the creators of the Dream Team, and one of the first members to join the Dream SMP. Today, I am going to be looking into the controversies that surround around people close to Sapnap, including GeorgeNotFound and Dream. Also, the one major controversy that he caused which sparked noise within… Read More

  • GameBotPocket – I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)

    GameBotPocket - I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)Video Information This video, titled ‘Hoarding all the wealth on my Minecraft Server (YOU CAN ACTUALLY JOIN THIS TIME)’, was uploaded by GameBotPocket on 2024-02-28 00:27:04. It has garnered 80 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:35 or 10655 seconds. I made a public Minecraft server yahoo IP: I do read YouTube chat but cannot display it on stream. If you want your messages to be visible on stream use the Twitch chat. Please don’t spoil Minecraft 1.21 or any Minecraft snapshots. Thanks 🙂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Who Wins? Animation!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Who Wins? Animation!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD | Animation’, was uploaded by Scorpy on 2024-02-26 12:00:09. It has garnered 2098 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:24 or 1824 seconds. NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD made a WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA House build in Minecraft! Easy Minecraft Builds with Noob, Pro, Hacker and Scorpy server! 👇 Subscribe for more 👇 👇 Check much more cool videos 👇 ► Instagram: Hello, my name is Scorpy and today Noob build… Read More

  • 🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament – INSANE VOD Edit 🎮

    🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament - INSANE VOD Edit 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Most Average Minecraft Tournament Player Experience (VOD Edit)’, was uploaded by PizzaBuff on 2024-05-12 14:00:18. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:14 or 4514 seconds. Woop woop, MCT, woop woop, gonna P-V-P, woop woop, gonna be on stream, woop woop, please sub please! Check out/support my teammates RGBWolf, Blinci, and JamesGames! -TIMESTAMPS- 00:00 Start 2:51 Clockwork 11:24 Spleef 23:50 Footrace 32:02 BREAK 37:48 Capture the Flag 44:20 MECHA 57:41 Parkour 1:10:37 Colossal Combat #minecraft #tournament #pvp #gaming #videogame #live #livestream #vod Read More

  • KingBoozle’s Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!

    KingBoozle's Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!Video Information This video, titled ‘From The Most Useless Minecraft Item To The Most OP…’, was uploaded by KingBoozle on 2024-04-08 16:23:03. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:47 or 1187 seconds. Today, I tried the April fools potato update. This included a new place, biomes, items, new structures and a boss. Will I defeat him watch till the end. Tags: Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18… Read More

  • LukeCraft

    LukeCraftLukeCraft är en svensk Minecraft-server som ägs och drivs av lucastheb0i. Servern är en survival server och har funnits uppe sedan 3 september 2023, och vårat community växer mer och mer med tiden. Det är ett trevligt och hjälpsamt community av spelare som finns på servern. Om du har någon fråga eller fundering så kan du alltid kontakta mig här: [email protected] Read More

  • Purgatory SMP – SMP Modded – Whitelist

    Welcome to Purgatory! Purgatory is an ever-growing Vanilla++ server where you can join or create a town/village to live in. We use fabric for mods like Origins and other fun mods on our 1.20.2 server. Join our Discord server to apply and become part of our community of happy sinners! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting be like 🥵

    Because even Minecraft blocks move faster than your WiFi connection! Read More

  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

    Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan creates, like a masterful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. No pirated copies, only originals here, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel, is crystal clear. With daily videos, filled with fun and delight, Subscribe now, and join in the light. From funny MC moments, to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s content, is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And explore Minecraft, in a whole new light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

    Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition Minecraft Redstone Build Idea: Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! Are you looking for a unique and creative way to enhance your Minecraft builds? Look no further than the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! This innovative build idea utilizes a lectern and a book to open a door, adding a touch of magic to your creations. Subscribe to @Retro-Revival for more inspiring Minecraft tutorials! Door Opened with Lectern! With the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial, you can impress your friends and fellow Minecraft players by showcasing a door that opens with the simple interaction of a book on a lectern. This interactive feature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & Chill

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lofi & ChitChat Let’s Play Minecraft | SMP Quest Day: Stronghold Hunt & Secure | Cozy Chaos Crew’, was uploaded by Lofi Explorer’s Channel on 2024-05-26 06:08:38. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:15 or 14115 seconds. Come join me as I follow a few of the Minecraft Chill and Build SMP Crew to Find, Clear and Secure a Stronghold. Cozy Chaos Warning is at hand. Read More

  • Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!

    Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER TNT MEME 🤣😂#short #youtube #herobrinesmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-01 09:30:00. It has garnered 533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. VILLAGER TNT MEME minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft project a minecraft mod… Read More

  • Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #short

    Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art #short #minecraft #minecraftpixelart #pixelart #anime #short #shortvideo #sasuke’, was uploaded by Sukardi Yanto on 2024-04-29 06:36:56. It has garnered 2754 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Tag: minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixelart, pixel art minecraft, minecraft pixel, minecraft stitch pixel art, minecraft pixel art pikachu, minecraft pixel art tutorial, pixel art minecraft tutorial, how to make minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixel battle, heart minecraft, how to make pixel art in minecraft, minecraft mapart, minecraft pixel art tutorial heart, minecraft pixel art tutorial luigi, minecraft,… Read More

  • Dominate Minecraft with Switch’s Ultimate Mod!

    Dominate Minecraft with Switch's Ultimate Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Oldest Mod…’, was uploaded by Switch on 2024-06-11 21:00:28. It has garnered 1416 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Me and my friends (tried) to beat The Aether Dimension twitter: Switchery_ ign: Switchery People in the video @nezoshoki @reuwick @T2K_Smirky This video was heavily inspired by Kunai’s The Story Of Minecraft’s ERROR 422 / Rekrap2’s Minecraft Aether Speedrun (former) World Record / WelcominTV’s I Spent 100 Days in the SCARIEST MOD in Minecraft. Unlike ParrotX2 and his Lifesteal SMP Series or School SMP Series, MumboJumbo… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!”🏠🔥 #Gaming

    "Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!"🏠🔥 #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-16 20:17:53. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:19 or 16519 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More


    EPIC GAMER DESTROYS BloxFruit with GUNS LIVE! ?Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #12 2200 – 2350 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-28 18:58:43. It has garnered 258 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:56:55 or 17815 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More