Insane Hardcore Minecraft World – 3225+ Hours!

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It’s the colonal what’s up everybody how how how how we Doing James un 321 has redeemed First Thecore furnace one is here Now I’m placing the Shocker box look at that box it has eight Corners Massive Oh That sounded good to me I like destruction destruction is the best it’s not about the build it’s about the destruction just delet uset delet oh this is looking good astronomical is Here destruction destruction is the Best I can hold this mouse better than anyone could hold this mouse mainly because I wouldn’t allow them into my house to hold this mouse but nonetheless destruction Yeah I make great backgr 95 is here music we’ll go with that welcome in everybody how you doing oh let me let me get the focus in on the camera let’s see if this works all right maybe maybe we maybe maybe ah it seems out of focus there we

Go it figured itself out all right uh oh no music no music we’re coming close to the end of Christmas music time dude uh so we better better make sure we get every millisecond Nano frame out of this song out of these jams my dudes what’s up James redeeming first they Ray thick

Furnace Here Comes Johnny astronomical and Nina welcome in everybody um what’s up I I I don’t I guess I’ll call you star cuz your name’s emojis uh what is up everybody how you doing oh there was Tara as well but I think that was before stream started uh

What did the autofocus spam it’ll figure itself out it’ll it’ll settle in right it’s got to this is this is horrible actually horrible come on it’s what it’s supposed to do is it’s supposed to actually be able to identify my face and then keep me in Focus but it

Seems unable to do one of those things uh give me a second let me see if I can fix massive we’ll talk about why I miss streaming a minute Focus mode man all right am I in Focus uh I don’t believe so oh okay what the heck is this dude I’m gonna I’m

Graph one novels is here okay I should be permanently in focus at a certain at at my normal distance all right um but what’s up everybody yeah we should be good we should be good now um what I I miss anything in chat uh right so I was feeling like absolute crap um

On Thursday yeah Thursday dude after work I just uh like I got a little bit like upset to like okay so after work I went to go pick up groceries right and in the car on the way to the grocery store I was like oh my stomach’s feeling

Weird and then you know I got the groceries I brought them home got them all put away and then I was just like wow my stomach hurts pretty bad and then like by the time it was by the time I put that message in that I was canceling stream

It was just like yeah I’m not going to be able to stream and I was in like very bad pain uh like stomach ache of who knows why um and then it lasted like all night and then all day yesterday I just wasn’t feeling it wasn’t feeling good I

Slept like all of yesterday like I fell asleep at like 3:00 p.m. and then I didn’t wake up until over an hour after stream would have ended or stream would have started so magic had already canceled stream and everything I just was not feeling good out of nowhere yeah stomach thing probably

That yes we got to do your TNT today right I was just going to show the uh the purple biome progress cuz this is what we’re going to be working on today so right here chat uh we we went with this blue path through the purple

Biome um and you know it’s it’s a look we got a little bit more to do here right we got this little u-shaped thing path going here and then we got this little piece that juts off to the white biome and then the purple biom path will

Be done yeah we’ll get it in next time we’ll get it in next week yeah we’ll get we’ll play on the S SMP sometime next week uh I talked with the mods probably next Saturday uh um yo thank you for the 23 months Tinsley if I missed that welcome

In graph Ando as well um yeah all right so TNT I yeah yeah yeah I didn’t uh remember on what was it Tuesday and then Wednesday was wifey Wednesday and then Thursday was Thursday Friday I didn’t stream today’s the first day back on uh so where are we at they Ray under the

Moss chest okay under the Moss chest like up up there or like down here under the Moss chest like right there do you want me where do you want it being close H up here right Here cuz you had mentioned by the thing you Bob so all right that is they rais TNT uh there is now an audio for a lot of Channel Point Redemption that didn’t have audio before okay so uh here we go if it’s closer than normal I might have like zoomed in

Unintentionally while trying to get the focus mode fixed oh yeah it definitely is zoomed in a bit Yeah cuz you can’t see any of the ceiling yeah it is what it is uh it’s not bad I’m still Center uh I did do a TNT sound indeed or

There is there is a TNT sign I don’t know yeah it looks good I don’t remember what I went with honestly your attention please big bro being here are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment all right so let’s go over to the blue biome and figure out what’s next

Oh we didn’t ever do the stairs yet uh we’ll do all the stairs at the end I think uh our next step should be should be this section here or do we want to let me get some Netherrack and straighten these out we’ll actually go do the Netherrack for all these little

Side pieces right we’ll take all the side roads all at once so let me get some Netherrack let’s head over here duster Jordan 96 is Here is that what we want the curve is that a good curve no is that a better curve yeah that’s a better curve that’s a better curve um okay yeah today I’m feeling like mostly better I woke up this morning and I was I felt like like my what the first

Thought that went through my brain this morning was like I feel surprisingly okay that was like the first thing that I thought of when I woke up this morning was like I’m surprisingly okay okay does that make a nice curve yeah it does that’s a decent curve right

There um all right so then I want this o that doesn’t line up perfectly H cuz I kind of wanted these to be like exact rep mirrors one two three four five I’m going to do four no three two one yeah a gap of three okay Okay is that an exact mirror no what’s different ah this here we go and what that means is that this is actually going to have to come back and be two blocks thick but that right there is an exact mirror good good good Good tomorrow is Christmas Eve and it’s also a Sunday so I will not be streaming uh we are working on the paths actually do we have any mods that want to write in a command or write a message about the blue the blue paths and the

Purple biome Etc and then pin it um or do any does anyone in chat want to Rite um want to write something and I can pin it if there are no mods yeah it’ll look good ngie that’s what we’re going to do oh that’s the wrong Button all Right do I want to straighten that out a bit because it goes to it goes 322 3 3 32222 32 32 I don’t know if I’m a fan of That okay how’s that look yeah that’s more of a better curve yeah that’s a better curve for that area cool so Netherrack placement uh is done uh time for us to now uh dig out let’s start here so what we need to do first chat is dig out

Everything that is directly adjacent to the Netherrack and I am not going to bother trying to pick it up then we come up the other side do the same thing is that Phantom’s attacking me it sure is am I wearing my Thorns armor I am you know

What here we go extra Thorns damage to you all right then we come through and anything that’s touching Corners with the Netherrack also needs to be eated I’m just going to let them die by Thorns chat that’s my strategy for Phantoms is to just let them die by Thorns armor uh

Good all right actually is this um oh mobs can spawn there oh there are two new emotes in the twitch chat today um what red I don’t know you’ll have to find out uh um you’ll have to just find out what has sounds been people redeem [Applause] them all

Right okay they didn’t pick up too much in my inventory let’s keep it going I’m intentionally not getting the ones that are like diagonal right now I’m trying to make sure we uh do this in steps so I don’t miss something you know I actually don’t care about these

Phantoms they’re just eh they’re just here now oh it’s just one he’s dead all right and then we continue on through with the diagonal bits redeem stretch I I don’t think anybody sent me a good idea for stretch there is actually a a a a chat in the Discord uh to give suggestions

For sounds so if you guys have suggestions for sounds uh uh please uh suggest away um oh good okay I need to go this way now okay excuse you sir Sir all diagonals okay get yeated please okay and then we can come through to here rip out the the Netherrack MH then we come through to here rip out the middle that was under the Netherrack the whole time it’s just Netherrack of the path something like that I don’t know

Um Yep this is the diamond yeting Shrine indeed uh does anybody no we don’t it doesn’t look like we have any mods in the pin a message then okay if someone in chat wants to write a message about us uh you know decorating the uh purple biome with blue

Paths etc etc I’ll pin your message who wants to be today’s pin all right let’s get up in the air make sure it looks good full way both sides yeah that looks pretty pretty good pretty pretty uh like good curves you know um all right oh I don’t have wings

On before we go to the the next part I just want no actually I want a full stack with me excuse me come on someone get let’s get a let’s get a how I let’s get a uh more uh enthusiasm more emotes more more excitement uh oh what is oh I dug out

Underneath there I did not want to oh so this is going to have sand underneath it I need to make sure I don’t Yeet any of that sand all right the project command is not being updated we’re just looking for a message to pin bro can’t you tell I’m busy here um

Okay all right sir please Yourself Dead all right now we continue on doing the diagonals um all right let me see we’ll pin NG’s there for now all righty did did anybody use the new emotes did anybody see the new emotes uh that Darcy made that I finally put that I finally

Put in the in the chat uh chat there’s a new um there’s a new hype train emote and there is a new uh um a spill emote I did have to uh here the hype train one Darcy to make it um the right like resolution and stuff cuz it was it was

Way too large of a file size um so yeah the hype train one is like uh you a golden train uh driving on the pink slime planet and the spilled and the spill one is literally this water bottle with the lid unscrewed off Spilled Out water so it’s

Great yeah I yeah I had to I had to crop it because the FI so emotes on Twitch have a maximum file size of 1 Megabyte uh even the animated gifts and I think you sent me I think the train one was like 20 three Megs or something like

That so I had to I had to like crop it and scale it down I well the reason I cropped it is because if I scaled it down without cropping it it got way too Pixy to tell what it was so I zoomed in on just the train when I cropped it

Ah so I got I got it looking I got it looking good I think uh for you know so it gets the intent across of what it is um all right yeah it only took me like two months I know I was uh I was in a call with gron earlier today

And it just it just clicked in my brain and was like oh man I haven’t put those emotes on so I just like did that earlier today um all right let’s take a look at this that looks look looks like a good decent curve right there all right

Next Step let’s go get some blue wool and we’ll do it to all of those of those side ones put in the blue wool not your fault you had nothing to do with it I don’t know what we were talking about but something reminded me of the emotes while we were

Talking a man we’re about to be out of blue wool you got to be kidding me dude um actually I do want a little bit of the Netherrack with me in case we encounter a stair Bea is here Becca welcome in and also welcome in gron unless I missed your messaging

Earlier I need my shears in my inventory my hot bar I have an automatic sheep farm and we collected literally all of the blue wool out of it but we can just go get the white wool dye it blue if we needed if we need more

Yeah actually that’s what I was um maybe that’s what we were talking about I don’t remember um but I have a lot more um emote slots I have an absolute boatload of emote slots and I don’t know what to do with them like I didn’t know what to do with

Them before they added all the new animated slots and now that we have them um um uhhuh I got I’ve got uh I I was I really specifically want to get some tier 2 and tier three emotes because I have tier 2 and tier three Subs who right now are only

Getting one emote and they they you know if you’re if you’re on a higher tier sub you deserve to get some higher tier emotes but right now I like kind of empty in that Front like I say I want them Darcy but I don’t know what I want I I I just know the the slots deserve to be filled yo thank you for the gift Anonymous absolutely massive abomi yeah I’m going to just what the Moss no we’re out of blue wool

Well um looks like we need to go get more blue wool then huh uh um all right let’s go let’s go over to the ship we’ll get a full shocker box of white wool then we’re going to have to go trade at the villager trading hall for a full shulker blocks of

Lpis and then we’ll what am I what am I doing and then we’ll have to uh craft it all up okay full shocker box of white wool any blue flowers none that are renewable I might have like a stack of one or a stack or another right but it’s

Better if I just have if I just have a little bit of them it’s better to keep those for decorations than it would be like there’s no two tall flowers that give blue dye right that I could just bone meal that’d be awesome if I

Could so my way of getting blue dye is trading P Dustin all right so let’s start with one two 3 four five six seven stacks of iron it’s going to be I think I’m only going to need to do two rounds of trading I don’t know I don’t know what

The payoff is I don’t know if it’s one for one or one for two when it comes to uh lpus I think it’s one Emerald gives you two Lis is that right chat or no is that the cost for Redstone I got a World Tour on my

YouTube channel if you want to check that out link is in the bio right now we are working on our paths in the purple biome and I need resources I think it’s one for one too I think it’s Redstone that’s one for two um or two for one or whatever you want

To whatever you want to say yeah darn lapis is more expensive so that means it’s going to be what four to get a full Shuler box of lapis it’s going to take us four rounds of trading it’s not horrible that is going to be two full Minecraft

Days depending on if we’ll get a second trade this day or not oh he had a name what was his name Zopa thir okay dude okay dude who named that one that uh that villager is really uh really playing up to to the new uh meta here on [Laughter] Twitch uh very Carefully let me place this down let me get out a new box oh my God yeah it’s going to take four 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven stacks I am going to need to sleep as soon as it hits 1830 Like I I don’t even know if the lapis guys had time to uh uh to refresh their trades before it uh no actually they should have all had time cuz 5:00 in game was only 30 seconds ago and I think it’s between like 9 to 5 in the

Game so they should all be ready are you ready nope they didn’t get to refresh okay darn 30 more seconds oh no we can just sleep it must be like thundering thunderstorming or Something I have tons of them you should check out my world tour if you can want to see everything I’ve Got what what I miss trophy room oh my God all right Becca we’ll get you in the trophy room as soon as I’ve finished buying up all of this lus okay still no sound for Trophy Room you know honestly we could do it right now since we’re waiting

Anyway you want an enchanted book oh those are my rare ones give you a bane of arthopods five um all right let’s get you up in the trophy Room why can’t I pause the music Um okay I’m Becca there you Go all right how much was that how much did you how much did you pay for that like 89,000 enchant uh Channel points we’re getting another god tier homie up on what the heck up on the marble Monument no Trophy Room trophy room right away immediately after Redemption here

We go up on the wall H Becca GG with that enchanted book Dude actually I think you’re the first enchanted book to go up on the wall you are congratul locations first enchanted book all right hopefully our villagers are ready to trade now oh floor up Yep they’re ready to trade let’s get it you know I had all those Bane of

Arthropods books laying around and you know you guys know how how often I use those so you know I was real lucky I had a few [Laughter] spare H cost 91k for you all right so the that means it’s uh she she paid 90 I thought it was 89 I don’t

Remember you paid 89 wait if it costs 91 why’ it go up 2,000 H oh shoot I know I know why Yeah all right good catch good catch let me fix this where is it okay now it should be 990,000 all right all right y That’s exactly half a shulker box we got to go down and do two more rounds 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 oh my God wait NG don’t you already have one Wait you don’t you got a player head instead okay Lots of emeralds all right I’ll wait until we have to do the the night time sleep where we have to kill a few minutes of time um that’s when we’ll go up and do yours cuz we still have I think we’re not I think this is this is our second

One of the Minecraft day right so we’re going to have to wait until the next morning in game to be able to uh you know I did not real I did not uh consider that anytime we’re here like TR waiting for resources we’re going to have to be sleeping like every single

Night and it’s just going to chew through our days oh my goodness so if there’s something that we decide needs lots and lots of stuff we’re just going to be chewing through our day count oh my god oh 69 levels nice oh let me uh repair my axe real quick

I don’t need to hold it anymore I should repair my uh my shears next all right can I get another round of trades in with these guys down here 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then 48 that’s exactly that’s exactly the number we need yes I

Can get another rounds of trades in here all right shears are full now now I will I be able to get another round of lpis trades in on this Minecraft day is still up in the air oh I’m sorry homie let me let me buy all your emeralds I didn’t mean to whack

Him you know what we need to do is there a is there a data pack of any kind that lets you see villager Health like it’d be like really cool if there was like a data pack or maybe even a resource pack where I could have just

A like if it’s a data pack I’d like a hotkey if it’s a resource pack I could manually turn it on or off that lets you like see how much health your villagers have that would be amazing anybody want to like go on a little

Hunt I think I would most prefer it to be like a data pack with a hotkey maybe a mod if it’s on curse Forge and I I can include it in the kernel pack but I don’t think just let you see your villager health I have a lot of shovels I need

Repairing ah it’s too late for that now oh we can do another round here wonderful I usually only repair the stuff in my inventory cuz it’s easy enough I don’t uh I did get to repair all my armor though I don’t normally go out of my way to

Repair stuff here even though like I definitely could but this is the only time that I get to stack up in levels in my inventory right all my other XP Farms we go there specifically when we need to this is the only time I actually get to

Stack up levels and it’s good to stack up levels for when we need to do like a bunch of enchanting or more more likely a bunch of time spent on the anvils you know so uh no no no it’s good to just stack up the levels right now cuz when

We need to when we need a tool and we got to just chew through 30 levels to get all the books on it all at once you know that’s the there we go this should be a full shocker box it is all right let’s go upstairs

For NG I’m going to check NG I don’t believe you that you don’t have one yet so wait scooter I thought I saw scooter twice no I think it was spark them that I saw all right yeah I don’t yeah yeah you’re good okay all right wait what was

Yours an Ender Chest okay easy enough I already have that in my inventory too Um all right for another homie to get theirs in the trophy room today going with an Ender Chest on up Here this one was 90,000 Channel points directly after Becca another god tier homie massive ly up on the trophy room Wall boom there you go NG GG you know what you’re going to be an upside down in Chest congratul locations my dude all right there we go sure was next person to get up on that wall is 91,000 Channel points all Right I I know he’s tricked me into getting more than one uh he’s the only person that’s ever uh has ever done it and I don’t even think he did it intentionally but he got me to put him up there and it wasn’t until a later stream that I figured out he had

Two and then the mods decided it’s funny to just let people try and trick me um so they wanted me to leave him up there all right so we got to turn all of this lapis into blue dye yes I I’ve I I asked if if people wanted

Me to like you know make a spreadsheet to track him you know yada yada yada I could probably set up kernel bot to keep track and automatically refund people and the mods are like nah it’s it’s better if we if we leave it the possibility of someone like tricking you

Into getting two and I’m like wow I hate you two guys and then here we here we are um all right it’d be funnier if it didn’t exactly I know I don’t need to craft an entire shulker box of blue Wool by the way but the way that I do things is by

The shulker Box you know so I I specifically want to try to get a full Shuler box of it if I can and my resources do allow for me to do this especially it’s going to make it easier chat whenever we come to do our next build in the purple biome and we

Already have like a bazillion uh blue wool sitting in a chest like it might be enough to for us to not need to go get the resources right all right so let me grab like nine Stacks that’ll be more than enough I think oh let me grab some torches

Too oh wait I don’t I don’t actually have torches with me I’ve just been using the ones from my inventory box yeah Chad if we get a 100 new followers by the end of stream we will burn a diamond in the diamond yeting Shrine right here um

So for sure if you’re whatever platform you’re on make sure you follow Good perious dudes yo how many uh likes do we have on Tik Tok let’s set a like goal for the day uh someone want to fill me in on our current like count and then uh we can go from there if not I’ll probably just say uh let’s

Try to get 10K likes so if you’re enjoying the stream tap on the screen let the algorithm know you’re having a good time we’re at 1.7 yeah let’s go for 10K 10K we can do it if you’re enjoying the stream Tap Away my dudes Tap Tap Away 10K it’ll give you your thumb exercise and it’ll help me out win win win win all right good so that’s all the blue wool placed in Next Step all right Next Step chat I’m actually going to bring a little bit of blue with me just in case I need it for

Any reason uh next step I want to bring two stacks of each of these slabs like two full stacks and then I want to bring one stack of each of these stairs and that should be enough okay all right this is what the heck My Stream deck’s not working uhoh give me a

Second let me uh restart my stream deck software all right we’re good um stream deck quit stream deck all right should be good let me start it up Again okay is it working yes and back to Minecraft uh we are putting the blue paths in our purple biome oh I think I just opened marbles uhoh I think I pressed the wrong button and I just open opened marbles yep go away oh

No all right good I Al afford it here we go so right there needs to be a stair oh this is that’s going to have to be a full block and those two are going to have to be full blocks literally only one stair needed okay uh

Um okay then mad zero is here welcome in homies how is everybody doing perfect got a couple extra spare blocks to ye eat the other one okay let come over here and repeat let me uh let me top off my stacks here good uh it’s a macro in my stream

Deck actually you’re right it’s one of my it’s actually one of my twitch moderators um I have uh I have one of my twitch moderators is here uh just manually scrolling my mouse wheel for me okay something’s not right here like this there’s no way in heck that that’s was hold

On let’s figure this out yeah okay so I missed a blue wool on the other side um hold on uh yeah okay blue wool oh shoot and then this area right um got to break these got to break these so this one should be that and this one should be that and then

Right bring those up bring these down turn this on and they’re just going to go like so good uh um all right okay full Stacks again oh shoot my torches are in the way nope we’re going for uh the the blue wool here is the path

Block all right is that good I do I know I am going to need to place some torches down down is this uh let’s check it out yeah okay that’s even that’s even you know honestly I don’t know if I like the path going all the way into this corner like

This what do you guys think should it maybe like cut across here or something then these should uh go back to being purple what do you guys uh I think that honestly does look better kind of cutting that corner off and then honestly honestly as well putting putting that right

There yeah that’s that’s a better yeah that’s exactly what this is supposed to look like see this I feel like is just too much blue and then we bring it to here and it looks good all right let me go grab oh I I have a little bit of purple concrete with me

Cool so that’s the intended okay so we figured that out now so that can go there we’re going to have to wait what’s the okay so it goes in front of there and then to here and then all of this goes purple then and I’m short One good good good and those will remain stairs cuz they’re up against the area there in which case honestly this one should go back to to that and we can have there you know what we’re do doing just a bit of terraform in here so I’m fine with this yeah that’s better that’s

Better all right getting a little nitpicky there but uh we’re good we’re good all right time to fly over to the other section yeah we had to get rid of the stair it was good when we had like four of them but when it once we started separating

It from the wall definitely became a problem uh this is all flat ground so we don’t need to worry about any stairs or anything like that we are running low on Cobble deep slate but we’ll be good I think we’ll have enough to finish this

Of course it places like 10 in a row of Cobble deep slate that was another light we just covered up and another light we just covered up love that oh got to break that one when we’re done all right good we did have enough let’s go break this one

Let’s check this out in free cam yeah that looks good that looks good all right now the only thing left to do is the stairs we have to add the step in this is over 13,000 days I think we actually passed 13,400 earlier this stream um All right so next up right blue carpets and warped fences those are our two next things we’re also going to need the shears so right here we come in with this I’ll also grab the blue wool cuz we might as well and that’s our step it’s an invisible little step I mean

Like you get one pixel of height but half a block a step it’s great uh the only other place we have steps is this little One good right here it’d be cool if carpets could stack like snow indeed it would but we’re not in that Universe where that was ever added to the game so can’t rely on waiting for Mojang reach dude yo thank you for the follows perfect oh another step here all right

Chat this end here bothers me does this bother you as well should I fix it is basically the question so we had a three wide a three wide path that terminates to a two block wide staircase thing but also the path like comes up to the very

Edge I guess okay we have two options we have two options we could one make the path four blocks wide and extend out the biome a little bit or just just trim it in I I honestly didn’t think of this before but just like actually trim it in

And make the path two blocks wide yeah I think that’s our move just get one more slab and put it there but like do we have a problem with these slabs being right up against the shore cuz on this side they’re not right up against the shore you know

I’m going to go get some purple concrete to widen out the right side and then we’ll get some slabs for the left side yeah we we’ll make it work well the path is three blocks and the tunnel is two blocks right so we got to make it line up one way or

Another I need uh let me grab some slabs all right and then the other thing I’m going to need is some purple concrete good no uh so all right throw that down there actually we literally only needed one um so I feel like right here should be made a purple block as

Well um and that’s fine so everywhere where a slab is up against the ocean on this side is got land between it then we’ll just do the same thing right here is that that looks a bit too forced if you’re asking me so what I want to do here is

That that looks a bit more natural what what what’s our thoughts on That yeah I think that does okay W all right The hump on the bottom left a little smaller I don’t know what you’re talking about um yeah I think it I think that’s a decent curve like I don’t know what you’re talking about hump on the bottom left but like this curve continues on a really good curve so like this little

Addition doesn’t hurt the Curve helps it and then this curve gets straightened out a bit where like it would go over a couple more right if we were keeping at three blocks but we’re not so I think this is good um the purple I have no idea what you’re talking about

Um it’s good it’s good yeah oh good my coaster was stuck to the bottom of my water bottle when I picked it up all right gas nug 1234 is here gas welcome in Omi all right so we’re done with the purple biome then let’s get up in the air real

Quick make sure there’s nothing we haven’t missed uh oh wait no we still need to do the lighting got it got it we need to go get the lighting other otherwise the purple biomes paths are completely done right so let me go get some pearlescent frog lights and purple

Glass you haven’t asked a question that I can see in my chat history bro um all right yeah that’s kind of the vibe we’re going for um let’s see where we’re going yeah love the new emotes pesent frog lights are right here I’ll bring two stacks unlikely I’ll

Need more than a single stack but just in case right cuz I did have to place down a boatload of torches and then I’ll bring two stacks of purple glass as well even even it out you know stocked up on lightning rods it’s already protect oh don’t sleep don’t sleep don’t sleep Um all right oh okay I also missed underneath some of the steps right we we didn’t do that sweep where we came back in here so we got to punch out all the Torches replace them with lights and then you know I’m I’m going up one side

At a time so we’re just following this side right here anywhere there’s a torch punch it out and then wherever it gets dark place in a light and then if we see anywhere around a step it’s like the center of this good anywhere around a step that we might have missed get

That oh a lot of dark spaces over here huh um we do have a dark spot there so that means it’s pretty dim around here I’ll throw a light I’ll throw a light like in here yeah that that brightens that up by one it took it from a zero to a one oh

We got the same kind of problem over but we have a light literally right there I screw it we don’t need to address it oh we’re going to be putting one here anyway uh this world is over 3 years old blinkx 97 is here welcome in homie how you

Doing all right keep it going wait was there nowh I need to address any blocks yeah I’m feeling mostly better glad to be able to stream tonight everything looks good around there oh yeah so if you were asking about the lightning rods chat in the entire purple biome and black biome for

That matter we put a lightning rod inside of every Beacon um so we have made sure it is safe for wool to exist welcome in homies yeah so they protect much larger than a single Beacon’s coverage range so by putting one in every Beacon it ensures that like we’re getting ample

Coverage for a path made out of flammable blocks you know uh because the black biomes paths have Mangrove slabs for the steps so any biome where we’re using a flammable material we have to do that honestly any biome where we use a flammable material for any build honestly every beacon in every biome

Should probably just have a lightning rod in it just for funsies you know but uh I don’t feel like taking that on for uh it’s it’s been a hot minute since we popped the totem um I think there’s a playlist of all my totem pops on Tik Tok

If not there definitely is on YouTube link is in the bio if you want to see them I’ve only popped nine totems in this entire world um and for the world being over 3 years old I think that’s a decent uh a decent a decent amount you know not too

Many but it’s also not like very little I would like to say like oh I’ve popped like two or whatever but the map with the paths I’m sure it’ll look great yeah I missed the torch no I didn’t Oh way back here okay we are putting in these paths right now we’re just putting the lights around them that we had to punch out we’re finishing up actually with the paths here in the purple biome cuz we’re just just now going around the edges and

Making sure that I I got all the lights in and stuff like that come over to this side that gets really dark but it’s still not not light enough for something to actually spawn or not dark enough for something to actually spawn notice the moon oh yeah dude that’s part of vanilla

Tweaks to have the QB moon and the sun too the sun is also a cube it looks good for the it really fits the game oh my phone a I let my phone charge all the way to 100% dang it I try to keep I try to stick to the 8020

Rule on charging my phone and I accidentally let it get charged to 100 cuz I was it was down below 20 so I Char threw it on the charger at the beginning of stream and now it’s at 100 dang all right dump all this junk into here yeah look at that I

Only needed about half a stack of Lights though I grabbed two stacks just in case it was closer um all right yeah the numbers were light levels so I could see when I needed to put in a light um so there it is that is the purple biomes paths

Complete um oh chat when we get to decorating the purple biome I don’t know what we should do here but uh who remembers this exists um let me go and free cam so this uh this dead Bush on a floating sand block spawned in there was

Like a there was like like a lava pit here or something right and it caused like some floating sand to exist above the lava pit and one of those floating Sands had a dead Bush on it so we so we left it there when we were like you can

See where ground level used to be before we uh ret terraformed this place right so like this is just here and I don’t know what to do with it I don’t know what to do with it I’m just going to leave it there I guess it does have its

Own dedicated lightning rod to protect it from getting burnt by lightning um encase it in glass I kind of want to leave it like I don’t I don’t want to encase it in glass because then it kind of defeats the the purpose of you’re hiding away the fact that it’s

Actually like floating I don’t I don’t know unless I put it inside of like a really big box I feel like there needs to be some sort of build in the future around it I don’t know oh good we almost got a full we almost got all our torches

Back all right chat so with the purple biome done do you guys know what the next step is the next step is you guys in chat get to vote for which color biome are we doing next uh we are down to two options just the green and the white biomes do I

Have any mods in um actually you know what I will the 8020 rule uh is for whenever your phone gets below 20% you throw it on the charger and then when it gets to 80% you take it off the charger so you keep it between 80 and 20 um so

That way cuz your the batteries degrade fastest when they are below 20 or above 80% all right we’re going to do some polls um can’t do it on no worries I I’ll get the polls I’ll get the polls uh just to make sure that they’re identical yes lithium ion doesn’t handle

Being full or empty so we have um wait is there a poll going on right now what is is there a poll going on right now what the heck um all right I’m going to end that on Tik Tok uh there there’s been a poll going on on Tik Tok for 22

Minutes what the heck um all right um all right mods don’t play around with polls uh today all right um let me see which biome are we doing next all right um I’m going to remove purple from the options here and I’m going to give you guys five

Minutes all right and then I got to start a tick a twitch pole white and green okay 5 minutes there so start and start all right so polls are live on both Tik Tok and twitch uh make sure you vote in them we got the white biome here we got a uh and

The green biome here so I’ll talk through these while we while you guys go ahead and do your polls basic while you while you guys figure out uh what you want to vote for uh the white biome uh you can see here the path has

Got to go like up and then it splits and heads over to the bees and then it goes here to the Stray and to the cave and then connects over to the purple and then goes up to the subway uh and then the green biomes equally complex in like

Pathways cuz it goes uh to The 500 Club then it goes over to this intersection to the vine farm and the sugarcane farm then it goes around to the to the cactus farm and then also to the cactus smelter and then down to there so like there’s a

Lot of Pathways in both of them uh both of them have to deal with steep to parts of terrain that we haven’t had to deal with yet but the white biome is steeper um and I don’t really have an idea for what the white biomes paths are going to

Look like but the green biomes paths I know that I want the main path to be like mud bricks like the part you actually walk on should be mud bricks and then we’ll have to find a slab to complement that um so you guys will will need to vote

For either white biome or green biome for which one we need to do and then we’ll figure out pallets so there’s going to be more poles figuring out pallets um icy or snowy uh I don’t think snowy is the right move because all of the paths should have some contrast I

Don’t want to do a white on white right Um yes we we put in the steps for the purple biome mhm um so I don’t know if we do a blue it can’t be dark blue cuz we literally have blue paths right here inside of the purple one right so we could do like a packed ice

Thing but do we want do we actually want to be like sliding around on the paths I mean it’s not that big of a deal we’re not gotten to the path to the bridges yet S I don’t know if I want to do another wool I don’t I have no reason

To and we’re not picking right now we’re picking the biome I don’t we’re not trying to figure out the path colors yet we’re picking which biome we’re doing next um so keep your suggestions for once we’ve decided which one we’re doing and I’m asking for them so we’re going

White versus green biome right now is what you guys need to vote in on the poll if you’re on Tik Tok the poll is here uh somewhere about there uh and on Twitch the poll is in the chat doesn’t have a good history with ice oh my God it’s true you’re banned uh

Chat make sure you’re following if we get to 100 followers by the end of stream we will burn a diamond in this diamond Shrine right here didn’t know that I’m Live Well I’m right here is my end fire is it on fire I don’t have an end I I haven’t

Done anything in the end I have no inspiration to do anything to my end Island that’s not a project I have contemplated all right looks like we got about a minute left on the pole in both platforms um all right white biome versus green biome so they’re both complex biomes

They’re probably both honestly the yeah they’re probably both the most complex biomes paths we’re going to have to do um then but pallet wise I know where we’re starting in the green biome at least so um welcome in chil how you doing still got about 20 seconds on both

Polls we’ve got we’ve popped nine totems and you can check out uh all of them on my YouTube channel there’s a playlist mud brick and bamboo oh NG that’s a great suggestion uh but from what I can tell green is not going to win cuz both platforms about to end right

Now and yeah so on Tik Tock uh 20-6 White biome wins and on Twitch 19 to1 white biome wins so we are doing the white biome next of course it’s the one that I don’t know with the I don’t know what I want it to look like um so let’s

Go uh let’s let’s go put my empty let’s put my shulker boxes in the unloader and then we’ll start talking through some pallets for the white biome all right yeah I think everybody wants an ice biome path I’m not opposed to it like to like using packed ice or blue ice or

Something um let me grab a shulker box and we’ll I want to hear you guys’s other suggestions Though I want to hear other suggestions other than just the two variants of Ice uh a yellow path no no um but salt for the white biomes someone else said like uh dead corals oh wow you guys are giv like some so so like Grays with it

Okay yeah we can we can grab some of these and just see how it ends up you know um dead coral that is a a very very interesting design Choice the problem is I don’t have much of it and I I have honestly no idea how long it would take

Us to get it but doing like a mixture of dead coral would would be sick um but just from a resource Gathering perspective I think I’m going to say h it’s not an option Um Soul Sand no no no no no with Nether wart on top someone suggested Cherry Um no I don’t think green would look good I do kind of like the idea of no that’s way too much effort We can try try throwing down a pink base I think it might actually look good maybe maybe have a bit of a darker pink base there too um no we’re not doing anything white um not doing anything Green in the white biome um where else do I have Soul Sand to run

On I don’t feel the need to have it um let’s go look at these cuz I’m pretty sure that one of these is like going to be good enough I I like all of these pink biome has a much darker pink path I think a light pink on white could be a good

Compliment uh no I’m not feeling purple um oh that actually worked out great with that corner there and then same problem here all right so we got we’ve got six options here all very different Vibes um smooth Basalt no I kind of like the directionality that uh Basalt has

Um all right hold on we have I want to figure out from chat right now what kind of vi just kind of Color Vibe you guys are thinking so I’m going to start a poll on blue gray or pink okay so I just want to figure out what

Color you’re not not the specific block like have a favorite block sure but I just want to figure out the color vibe that you guys are feeling all right um so ask a question what color vibe for the path uh we’re going to do blue gray and I need to add a third

Question option I mean or pink and I’ll give you guys 5 minutes on that let me start the get the one ready over here on Twitch as well so this is going to be both a Tik Tok and blue ray pink uh five minutes on both platforms starting

Now all right what Vibes are you guys looking for you looking for Icy Vibes for Bas salty Vibes or cherry Vibes you know um what Vibes do you think fit the white biome best while we talk through it this is what the white biome looks

Like by the way so like if you want a more zoomed out perspective we got the big flipping Mountain uh with the Christmas trees on top but the path’s not going up top so don’t try it or don’t think about it but we do got this

Little uh we got this stray down here pixel art we got big beehives over here let me actually actually be easier to show it here one more one more zoom out these are the three colors we’re choosing for between but we got the big be’s over there big Mountain you know

Um no it’s not an option these are these are our three things we we’re voting on right now all right all right it look looks like both platforms kind of are feeling feeling the same all right build another tent yeah we’ll do another uh another tent uh when when all the biomes are

Done when all the biomes are done we’ll do another tent oh thanks moderators I don’t know what was said but good job guys uh yeah the tents will be Done in a minute when we’re done with the biomes what are we doing we’re doing a poll so if you’re on Tik Tok there’s a poll button here we get to choose the next Vibe for the path blue gray or pink we got about half of the poll done yo

Welcome in Raiders how are you doing Echo M with the raid welcome in we get a shout out Mods hey yo massive absolutely massive of you dude make sure you drop a follow chat how was your stream what were you up to today if you’re new here my name’s Colonel I’m a pink slime make sure you vote in the poll uh we’re figuring out

Our path we’re uh we’re figuring out our path path for the white biome uh what pallet it should be so we got all our other biomes paths here um the green biome and the white biome are the last to be done and uh we’re figuring out if

We want to go with a blue and icy Vibe or a grap but salty Vibe or a or a light pink Cherry Vibe so if you’re on Tik Tok the poll is here if you’re on Twitch it’s in the chat make sure you put in your answer for the poll uh so good

Working on your little Christmas Village uh well that sounds awesome I got a little Christmas Village that I built last year uh up here let me let me show you guys your Christmas villag in up on top of my Mountain we got a little Christmas uh gingerbread house and stuff he great

We’re not building the path up the side of the mountain the Mountain’s too dang steep for that uh but we got a little gingerbread house all right back down here cuz the pole is got about a minute left I think uh hardcore hit 1,000 days g g my dude

If anybody’s got a raid and run from the stream take care of yourself do whatever you got to do if you’re going to be sticking around make sure you make sure you yeah I don’t know what I’m GNA say I was I don’t know what I’m going to say

Make sure you vote in the Poll it seems like a very vocal minority of chat wants me to wants me to have ice paths that I slip and slide on [Laughter] cuz the polls in both on both platforms are very skewed towards Basalt but everyone in chat is talking about blue and ice all righty my dude all right on Twitch the poll is over 55% voting gray and uh on Tik Tock it it’s the same story I don’t get an

Actual percentage but it does look like yeah gray great wins with a with a l large margin as well okay so so now we’re doing this a bit little bit differently than we did the other biomes cuz we’re voting for just col color schemes right now excuse me God I got the hiccups

Whoa whoa he’s got a shovel oh my god that hurt so bad all right we’re good uh all right let’s get these out of here you double dipping the poles all right ban them ban them I’m really surprised I’m really surprised that cherry was the least

Favorite of out of everybody on like I I thought it looked good um all right uh shil I think it’s you that’s wrong if both platforms disagree with [Laughter] you um all right so now we need to figure out something you know what I just realized we don’t have any slabs out of

Basalt uh you know the only one of these that had slabs was Cherry planks okay wait I might I may need to um re-evaluate here with you chat um Let me let me just let me let me just plunk these down real quick I have I have something I want to bring up

Before we move forward with this okay all right I have something I want to bring up before we move forward with this this biome is going to have a lot of stairs right there’s there’s not going to be just like steps every couple blocks right this is going to have actual

Staircases right this is going to be an actual staircase not needing slabs but needing stairs um and then same over here right like this is going to need actual stairs um o like look at how steep that is right there um we don’t have anything

Gray that has a stair oh we need we need to consider this chat like we can’t I don’t think we can work around it I don’t think having an option that doesn’t have a stair is is is there Cherry stairs on the basalt invisible steps with gray carpet

That’s not that’s not good enough like that’s a slab equivalent that’s not a stair equivalent andesite okay we have andesite let’s bring in andesite um yo thank you for the follows all right Stone smooth Stone doesn’t have stairs um but let’s see so right andesite is an option I don’t think we’ polished

Andesite here I don’t think we do polished andesite we could try normal Stone we could try cowbell Stone if you guys wanted to wanted it a bit darker um but I feel like those are too bright I mean there is bricks do we have stair yeah we have bricks we have there

Is stone bricks these are lighter Grays though then there’s always deep slate deep slate is close to Basalt but we’ve used so much deep slate in these paths you know actually wait if you place raw deep slate like we don’t have any like actual just normal deep slate maybe maybe maybe

That but then then again you don’t get you don’t get slabs unless you make it Cobblestone so this is off the table cuz there’s no there’s no stairs or anything but you know I could I could bring in Cobble deep slate too um you guys voted gray I don’t think

I want to go with any of these variants okay let’s take these up and see Stone variants mix it with a randomizer okay like all four of these you think oh you know I could I could get behind that stone and andesite mixture Um so Cobble deep slate is like probably our closest dark gray and then if you guys wanted to go randomized I feel like these are all pretty similarly right I feel like it’s good honestly it’s bright maybe not the brick though all right hear me out then if you guys don’t hold on if you guys don’t like the brick being in it we always do have the option of of using the bricks as like the slab

On the side I don’t I didn’t bring slabs with me but so we could we could take the brick out of the pallet and use that as our Slab cuz then it would give us a more structured side I don’t know Mossy for even more variety see I don’t know if that now is like too beig and boring but like at the same time I I think it’ll be fine that’s a good structure to it

Right uh because yeah cuz here it it it’s structured on the side using the uh using the bricks and then it’s all the like unstructured raw stuff in the middle for you to actually walk on and they all have slab SL stair equivalents so I feel like it’s just a

Win-win I feel like that’s our path yeah okay no clay clay doesn’t have slabs so no oh Jesus it’s got to have slabs and it’s got to have stairs to be eligible so okay let me uh actually so Stone andesite Cobble and then stone bricks are going to be slabs gotcha I really

Like that pallet actually oh man this Cobblestone is not uh instant minable but the others are okay good all right so let’s go get a shulker box of each of those four materials um and then we can come over here well actually o we’re going to

Need all right we’re going to need a lot more oh oh man we can go grab cracked bricks as well oh that would that will help actually so we actually Need we don’t need to use any full blocks do we yeah we yeah we do this world is over 3 years old in hours it’s over 3,000 hours cowbell Stone andite and stone bricks oh boy we don’t have very Many it’s not even another full stack we’ll leave that in there all right so stone bricks be crafted out of just normal Stone I believe yeah three Stacks Perfect all right so those are our main blocks but we’re going to need slabs and stairs of each of them you know what I’m going to do Because okay I got this I need to go Get do I have a lot of slabs or stairs not quite enough okay and then Cobblestone have a bit of stairs slabs actually screw it just going to take those back out good that’s the right amount all right next up is andesite one stack of stairs and absolutely boatloads of slabs love

To see it oh oh wait then I need normal andesite right here 2 3 4 5 6 78 that should do it oh nope I needed one more stack perfect you’ve been sick lately yeah I’ve been sick too so feel that all right the next up is over

Here oh shoot I actually don’t have like any of those let’s see if don’t even have a full stack of stairs we do have a full stack of slabs all right so then over here back with the normal Stone to uh throw that back cool C all

Right so now we have enough resources to craft 18 stacks of slabs and nine stacks of stairs of all these materials wait what oh boy these were not supposed to man I crafted them wrong man also how did I get the math I don’t even know what I’m what I’m doing right

Now right throw all that in there screw it um so these need to actually be going to stone brick slabs right so we need to go get more of that these all need to be going to stone brick stairs oh I missed a St a stack

Here Perfect all right so then these all need to be going to andesite Stairs you can craft one kind of slab to another kind of slab I don’t think you can oh we missed two stacks here oh wrong box all right so four stacks of stairs and the rest into cobblestone stone or into slabs R Wallace is here welcome in

Homie good and then all of these go to stairs so all of these are good all we need is six more stacks of stone all right and these all need to go to stone brick slabs I think my problem was I just did it in the uh Flippin crafting

Table so threw off my mind there we go uh fight night tonight yes yeah yeah yeah mhm but that’s not for a while we’re only at the halfway mark of stream give or take all right so instead of doing a full shocker box of each of

These like last time I ended up doing 2/3 and then one3 because yeah all right then let’s grab this and let me grab just a little bit of Netherrack um I’m also going to want to bring torches I also want to top off my torches in here bring like three stacks of torches

For funsies and I think for extra good measure just in case we lose some or what have you I will bring a stack of white concrete powder good all right I think uh that’s a good starting spot o o rain that that is a big oof which one’s andesite this one

Cobblestone smoo Stone there we go cool all right so that’s all our materials let’s start off with getting some Netherrack and um actually leading this path in a good proper good proper way okay see chat do you like it having does that seem like organically

Curvy or do you want me to like more kind of like squish it to make it more of a gradual curve or do you like the organic kind of uh diagonal to curved you squiggle you like it the way it is Gracie in Minecraft uh there’s no really

Real way to tell but I I think I’ve gotten like probably 9,000 hours in Minecraft give or take all right yeah that’ll that’ll do better yeah this is where it gets pretty brutal cuz we don’t really know honestly I would like this to have a bit more of a curve to it

Yeah that’s a good curve there all right let’s follow this let’s keep following this around um you know honestly three three three three 4 three four five yeah honestly yeah we we could bring it back in then it goes back out uh okay there’s lots going on here here we go

Oh Jesus what is happening here I don’t even know um I mean yes it’s going to have an entrance but no not like today with the paths it’ll get its entrance in due time h um I’m out of I’m out of Netherrack wow okay so we really were sparse on our Netherrack

Placements pre Dylan all right I’m going to grab more Netherrack uh let’s get up in the air and see how these curves look now that I’m filling them in and actually straightening them out oh yeah those paths have good gradual curves to them and stuff I like it

Right good gradual weavess is what they needed that’s what they’ve got let me grab my torches as well cuz I know I created a spawning space in at least one spot yeah so chat wanted me to have a path going to the subway but I genuinely don’t know how we’re going to do

That cuz like it gets really Steep and there’s actually no reason to ever go there we kind of just laid it out um maybe maybe this gives us an opportunity to give us a little bit more lore and the path can kind of just end right here

The path can kind of just end right here and we could uh be like uh like put a sign that says climb at your own risk or or or something like that that just puts a little bit of like hint of you you know you got to get up there on your own

The road’s not taking you any further kind of deal Yeah I feel like that’s the move whoa whoa Um all Right so then I feel like it should kind of end like right there yeah all right so then next up that’s the subway Aon Um so we do a bunch of Twos um yeah the 15,000 day World Tour is going to be something all right oh gosh so that’s that’s really funky up here where we kind of go over and then back feel like we shouldn’t but then again I feel like this should kind of be like that right and then

Honestly is that a better curve dude yeah that’s a better curve I mean it’s less of a curve but it’s a better curve right yeah that’s good yeah we try sometimes all right um thank you for the follow by the way I just heard all right so the next stop is this

Split here we never we never bothered with going this way okay so we did a lot of redundant little curves that is this is a perfect diagonal that we threw some weird funkiness into so I don’t know how I like that curve but yeah it feels like it’s a bit too

Diagonal for too long um should it stay perfectly diagonal chat or should I try to more give it more of an S curve what do you think he I’ll leave it as is for now we are putting in the paths all right let’s get this I’m just starting by fixing the

Existing path layouts and then we’ll see or filling in the gaps of the existing path layouts and then we’ll see if we need to make any modifications chat all right let’s go back and look at this how does it look yeah I’m okay with that part of it

This part is definitely way too straight so let’s get over there [Applause] um so three three two two two three 3 2 two two and then we need to bring these to each other that’s more of an S curve did I go too aggressive I think I did I think I did

Go too aggressive okay I’ve got it Yeah yeah that’s a better S curve right there right so it comes off of here off the Y and then yeah it really curves and then curves back there we go right so that’ll leave room for the build we have planned here eventually like my plan is the reason we have no

Path to the top of the mountain is cuz we’re going to have like a like a ski lift that takes you to the top of the mountain it’s just going to decorational but that’s going to be like our the lower way of getting to the top as you

Ride the ski lift and so down here at the bottom there’s got to be like a lodge or something so we got to have room for that and we can make it make sense for the path to curve around to get around the ski lift lodge area right

So perfect perfect that’ll be that’ll be exactly what we need that looks way better true and the rest here this does have a little bit of Ziggy zaggy back and forthy but it’s not that that big of a deal um okay so now the be Farm entrance chat what do

You so what do you guys want to see here do you want so my we don’t have an entrance to the bee farm unless you’re flying in through there right so there is no reason to have a path go all the way up to it but at the time of laying

Out the paths chat very much wanted me to run a path up to it just like with the subway Aon but you today don’t want me to run it to the subway Aon do you want me to run this up to the bees because we could do it up to the

Bees right but then it would kind of just be like a dead end I don’t know what are you guys thinking I need opinions do we could I go up to the side of the farm up to the side I don’t know what what difference that would get us

Um maybe just up to the lowest point to so to like to here I mean this it’s like steep regardless like this is like steep to be running a path it’s extremely steep to be running a diagonal path uh uh yeah uh I don’t I don’t see myself

Being able to run a diagonal path up to there so maybe we can figure out a path to take us up to like this corner or something but then what’s what’s the point of that going to be right um you sent me a pick and Discord uhoh what channel I don’t see

It you did not send me a pick Tinsley I’m like 97.6% sure that you have not sent me a pick nope I do not have a DM from you there it is oh no no no I don’t I don’t want to have a path going to the actual

Entrance and that is way too steep we’d have to be talking ladders to climb up to climb up this you would have to actually have ladders more than just stairs right stairs aren’t enough to get you up this kind of Hill but yeah so uh she Tinsley gave the

Recommendation of Cur in the path and going up here connecting to the side and kind of bridging over to this but this is more than steeper than stairs right this is this is this is steeper than stairs in multiple occasions so yeah um could I move the entrance I like the

Entrance being where it is uh do a ski lift to it I mean we could kind of just like bring the path to like here like bring the path up to up to like here to this big to where this last big flat section is and then

Kind of just maybe throw down some benches and uh and you know maybe put some beeh heads down and then find a way to write a b pun on a sign you know maybe something that says like I can’t believe you have to fly from here or something just some actual horrible dad

Joke be puns uh kind of just expand on the lore again just absolutely cop out on the path and double down on the dad puns all right this is it that that’s the move more reasons for me to have Dad Dad jokes in the in the world

Um yeah then we can just kind of have some sort of like wider path area with benches or something here and then yeah and that’s a decent curve that’s a decent curve um yeah I’ll take I’ll take the suggestions from chat on the p later cuz the bee farm is more than just

In those two buildings there’s actually the giant bee up here that is part of the farm so there’s three things you can Farm using bees right you can Farm honey bottles right which can be crafted into blocks which are inside the bee nest you can Farm honeycomb which can you know

Make honeycomb blocks or whatever uh inside of the which I have inside the Beehive but then you can just breed bees to make more bees and that’s what’s inside of the bee up here is the bee breeder so we have three different bee farms inside of three bee themed things

Already next to each other it was like amazingly brilliant stroke a genius I had uh sorry yeah all right cool so now we’ve got the basis for our path um perfect yeah that’s a really good like clean curviness to the path I really like that I’ve gotten into the groove of

Just making them look natural and not like needing to use mini HUD or whatever uh that looks good honestly all right so chat it’s about the halfway mark of stream it’s actually a little past the halfway mark of stream uh I need to use the restroom probably refill my water as

Well sounds really empty sounds like all my ice melted actually uh so we’re going to take a quick break we’re going to head here to the uh pirate sheep farm yeah we’ll need like probably a like a half dozen puns of B puns so I’m I’m I’m here for it we’ll we’ll

Uh um all right all right chat so I’m going to throw on words on stream um for you guys let me open up a tab uh if you guys aren’t familiar this is a chat-based mini game that we play in the twitch chat so if you’re on any

Other platform come on over to Twitch uh link is where you expect it to be uh for whatever platform you’re on uh this is a chat based mini game where it’s going to give you some letters and you’re going to get to guess words out of them

There’s points to be had high scores to be set um and I’ll be right back in just a few minutes BRB for f P All right I’m back chat all right on time for a game flipping over all right GG Tinsley on that dub let’s get back right into the mince raft oh God I thought I was hearing a creeper but it was the shears preach dude yo preach all the follows today

Chat if you know if we get a 100 followers by the end of stream we will burn a diamond we’re nearly halfway there and we just passed the halfway mark of stream so it’s not impossible also if you’re on Tik Tok and you’re enjoying the stream make sure you’re

Tapping on the screen every occasionally let the algorithm know you’re having a Wonder flipping full time uh yeah all right so all right chat how do you want to see me do this do you want to see me dig out like do you want to see me do a step for

The entire biome at once do you want to see me like dig out the edges of the around the Netherrack for the entire biome and then remove all the Netherrack and then you know remove and and then place in the path for the like the whole biome at once or or what what

Do you guys I think that probably will be our best way or do you want to see me do it section by section cuz I don’t really even know how I would divide up the sections at this point um P dude uh exclamation mark World Tour if you want see everything

I’ve got or everything I’ve done step by step like do one step to the entire biome is that what you’re voting for for so first I have to go and remove all of the powder that is directly adjacent to the Netherrack on either side or on any side

Directly like side by side to any block of Netherrack 21 World eaters oh boy all right uh I’m going to I’m going to take it this way so right we’re just going around the whole set of paths removing anything that is directly side by side with the Netherrack sorry if I get a bit focused and I am a bit slow respond to messages it happens so just uh patience my young Padawan we are building some paths right now jeez these multiple height areas are so weird but we’ll make do we will make do

Oh man so many lights are going to be affected great I love it when we do that oh I don’t want to do that block yet that block will need to be removed but not part of this step and I don’t want to do things out of order because then that will mess

With my brain when it is time for me to do those things right a very methodical approach to this another light bites the dust and if I do things out of order it will will trip up my brain at a later step all right that’s good through that

Whole spot let’s get back to the last intersection and I think we’ll always just choose the shorter path whenever we reach an intersection so that that way we can double back sooner if that makes Sense oh so here right we’re going to meet this up and head our way over towards this guy cuz it is the shorter path um right so I don’t exact yeah I think I think what this means is going to have to happen is something along those lines which that’ll be fine all

Right so we can double back to the intersection here and keep it Going another light hath been yeated Jesus yeah these paths are really going to be like the curves themselves like aren’t bad like I made sure those are good but it’s once you start adding the height to it they get they’re going to be tricky to to maintain uh-oh yeah I saw that happen we got a

Hole there now great um great good actually we’ll just assume this is where our entrance is going to be now there someone wanted a better entrance for the cave boom there it is I just did it so much better ain’t it it’s three times as wide so that means it’s three times better

We are building some paths there we go there we go a dang it that’s the second time I’ve punched through the Moss uh all right we’re going to go to head over to that part first I think that is the shorter of the directions actually I don’t know it’s fine though

Regardless it’s the straighter of the connections welcome in thank you for the follows homies all right Y and right just one more section not done yet and that’s up to here so everything all right yeah the height differences are going to make it crazy blinks um all right so now that is

The base width Dugout around him let’s get back to the beginning and repeat uh why do I have a piece of Netherrack where the heck did I pick up a piece of Netherrack from hope I didn’t break one somewhere um I do want to have some on me though for the off chance

That uh I I need to oh I have those two gaps I need to fill on the floor all right so now what we need to do we broke everything that’s directly side by side to the Netherrack now we need to break anything that is caddy corner to it um

So anything that is diagonally touching right where the um and this will give it its uh very equal uh width no matter the Curve all right so we’re going to go this way cuz it’s the shorter of the two from the main split I just heard a witch yeah witch

Giggles was in my subt title must be under must be underground yes we already picked the color palette earlier in stream and I did it a different way than we had been previously and it seemed to work out good I actually got useful input from chat

Unlike the last two where it ended up just being like yep that’s not a good option which you hate that when you go through all the rounds of poles and stuff and it just ends up being like ah that doesn’t look good um my hand feels like it’s falling asleep um All right right uh I was actually thinking of that just a minute ago of doing a schematic of it um just in case um like I don’t feel like I I feel like it’s like I don’t need it because of like I know how the I know that I’m

Doing it right is the thing like I don’t feel like I need it because like I have the feeling like this might not work like I did in the last biome like I know this pattern works but my problem is is with the height variations going on I

Might lose a sense of feeling for like where the path was supposed to be because of the the mixture of height coming on right like uh cuz this is going to be very oh my bro bro just scared the crap out of me dude holy all right then uh wow

My water bottle feels like the straw is like clogged I can’t get anything out of it um Jesus my nose is like super tickled as well I’m like having all sorts of problems my hand is like falling asleep here maybe I should sit back down so

That way I’m not putting weight on oh dude you can see right here on my wrist is red and that’s like right where my vein is you know like that goes through your wrist so I was like kind of leaning forward putting weight on my wrist stopping blood to my

Hand yep that that was perfect that’s why my hand was falling asleep problem mystery solved uh yeah yeah my fingers are tingling while I’m trying to play that’s exactly what I want stream yeah yeah imagine my arm just like falls asleep and I kind of just like face [Laughter]

Desk uh all right so that’s good that’ll do it yep yeah yeah carpel tunnel as well all right so everything caty Corner good all right back to this way oh my goodness Phantoms it’s just two hey look at that Thorns for the win oh jeez I missed I missed some here yeah I

Did follow this shorter path okay short path’s good oh I don’t have wings on I went to just double I just went to go Glide down to here and it didn’t work I have no intention of sleeping so we’re just going to be dealing with Phantoms they don’t scare me

Anyway I have thorns on they’ll die before I do excuse me I’m breaking blocks here if they hit me right while I break a block it ends up uh like ghosting the block back into excuse get the flick out of here dude it’s about to be daytime you’re going to burn to

Death oh my God can I have like a higher level of thorns please can I have like thorn Thorns Infinity you one hit me and you hit me and die instantly one hit that’s the level of thorns I want uh hey look at that I hear him burning

Nope not burning yet okay get out of here dudes all right um I’ll go this way okay uh I I watched Leave the World Behind and no spoilers but have I seen it I have not heard of it let alone seen it Um started watching that earlier and kind of fell off halfway through Leave the World Behind who’s in it when it come out what platform it’s on Netflix I should watch It Um all right so now we’ve gone through and made the path wider all right so actually here if we wanted to make a schematic now is the time so area Editor um Obama was a producer for that movie uh that sounds fake but he also does kind of like do his yearly like these are the books I’ve read kind of thing so like I I’m inclined to believe that like he Might um all right no I pressed the oh I’m such an idiot chat I did not mean to click that move to player that was a complete flipping accident H all right so first off right here so that’s plenty high for everywhere over here it’s plenty high for this area

Here and plenty high for this area here good and it’s good in this direction it’s good in that direction it needs to come out of a bit just a couple blocks to get that Loop and then all the way to this corner here okay gotcha um good all right that’s the entire

Schematic for the white area paths uh area editor save schematic white paths save there we go and now we can turn that off so now we have all of the Netherrack saved uh for the time being now we can come back through and rip out the Netherrack everywhere [Applause] you know that’s [Applause]

Um what was it called oh uh Julia Roberts Ethan Hawk Kevin Bacon and it came out very recently what’s it called uh Leave the World Behind no not not heard of it not heard of it um post uh a poster of it or um whatever they still yeah movie poster in the

Uh in the Discord in the movies channel of the Discord magic and I are always looking for something to watch together so tag her in it and if she wants to see it I’m sure we’ll watch it your watch time hasn’t changed konel bot’s connected let me check konel bot’s

Here oh crap nope I have to reau authenticate him good call good catch good catch um me generate a new token yeah so the the Cent robot has to connect two different ways one connect to chat so he can type and one connect to chat so he can monitor chat um and or

Monitor with with admin perms and uh so he wasn’t connected that way uh he he is now good call thanks for pointing that out Time to eat The good news is is that if Colonel bot’s ever not tracking your time he’s also not tracking anyone else’s time and I don’t know why that’s good news but it is so like no one’s going to pass you or anything like that Right all right just about to finish getting the Netherrack out and then we can go get rid of the middle stripe of concrete perfect man why does it feel like this is clogged or something dude magic just washed this today maybe she’s stuck a poison pill up in there you put it in

The Discord cool cool yeah right so now we get rid of this uh middle stripe here and uh right you know we did lose out on a lot of concrete we let despawn by doing it this way way but you know that is a uh a okay in my

Book you know what that piece is [Applause] fine yeah we’re going to be filling all that in with like Netherrack or something anyway um honestly I should go get moss because Moss is our fill-in block Netherrack while we have a lot of it and

It is kind of useless and we did let an absolute bazillion of it despawn it is not renewable unlike uh unlike Moss So Many Lights indeed yeah oh yeah that path looks good even width through the curves I love it all right uh let me empty out my inventory quite a

Bit and yeah we’re definitely going to need to go get moss at some point I mean maybe I should have been using moss this whole time instead of nether but at least in the uh green biome it would have been impossible to to track the Moss

Right I mean I don’t have any excuse for any other biome other than [Applause] green this is our white biome all right I watched ancient city renovation the other day uh an ancient city Village oh my goodness that does sound like a cool idea that’s another

Light we’re going to have so many more torches to place [Applause] down all right so then [Applause] here Perfect all right and now we officially have the paths like dug out they are ready those are the final paths locations love it okay even more Netherrack there um

Cool let me go get some uh some moss and then yeah we can go start placing the paths in this is moving quick dude I don’t need a lot of moss but yo thank you for the roses my dude Absol absolutely massive of you homie God I’m going to have to rewash

That out like get one of those straw cleaners throw it back up there figure out what’s happening cuz that’s like really clogged all right uh I’ll bring a couple blocks of moss with me bring like three um and then right we just I think I just want to

Have this much of the full blocks with me right now cuz I I don’t exactly know how I want to do this oh wait shoot we’re not mixing in stone bricks bro almost messed up big time there um okay so here we go okay and then this part gets filled in with moss

Then we go on top it like this yeah yeah it’s building it’s it’s moving fast for now um o what do I do here oh I missed got them all right um I don’t have any torches with me oh here they are or here where they would

Be is that the yeah that is the same same orientation um there we go m uh yeah tonight will be uh a a Fight Night for marbles there will be predictions all right thank you for the rose absolutely massive dude okay so here chat this is

Why I brought so much Moss with me because this all actually just needs filled in solid here cuz we always do to the highest of the natural order of things so all of this here I need to throw in a torch right there all of this here needs filled

In and then it just doesn’t step down at all here and it’s going to have that kind of elevated uh wall like we had around the uh Barrel right if you were here for the very beginning of the pink biome you’ll know what I’m talking about

If you weren’t you’ll find out I hear more fantoni oh my goodness okay what got him I’ll take that though ah not going to bother picking up those blocks until my inventory is run out or until I’m running back once this path is done is here Panda welcome in me how you doing

Okay one of them has run out again why is Cobblestone the one we’re using like by far the most huh it is what it is well excuse you Christmas Eve Eve party oh boy who’s got the egg dog chat a macro um all right so yeah we need to obviously have a bazillion

More items in that in my inventory that’ll do And I will get myself another stack of moss just for funsies um all right let’s get back over where we left off all right um oh shoot it is Christmas Eve yeah it’s it’s midnight EST right right it is officially Christmas Eve for those in Eastern Standard time or if

You’re in Europe it’s been Christmas eve since probably before I started the stream huh huh all right same dealio over here where this just needs filled in and brought up to the level of the highest m ah then over here chat all this needs brought up to there right right right

Right oh and then here oh we we’re going to we’re going to go up for yeah okay we’re going to have to go up just for that little bit bit there I’m okay oh no and then what do we do here I’m not going to have them step

Down yeah this is all going up this is all going up just to make things easier uh yeah all the way all the way across going up yeah it’s just going to make things way cleaner not having like a step up and down right next to each

Other um good and then yeah over here honestly I want it to be right there in that direction and then right these are almost already straight okay good we are putting in some paths we got to get back to over here all right oh I missed that that block of in that

Corner was Moss need to top those off again there we go hey there’s some pillagers over there who don’t seem too happy by my existence but you know what that is not my problem but you know what I will do to ensure that if they I don’t even need to

Fight back I don’t even need to fight back if they decide to open fire they will ye themselves with thorns guys I I I have to I have to just recommend to you that this is a bad idea okay you’re you’re in my way of my build all right so you’re you’re getting

Yeated cuz you’re in the way of my build gosh I can’t believe the nerve of some people dude they just spawn in and think they own the place man that’s my job I spawned into this world and I own the place gosh oh um there go and then there were two

So they’re not going to accidentally shoot each other at this point I don’t think they’re both just going to oh there was now there’s one yep just my Thorns armor is just picking them off slowly but surely look at the arrows oh great I look good today is a marble prediction night we

Know it’s almost like I make the schedule saying when that’s going to happen all right all right good all right let’s walk back because I do need to break that block um good stuff oh I don’t have wings on oh that does oh man that looks good right there though obviously we don’t

Have the stairs in yet or the edges or anything but uh good m do we have any mods in uh that are going to want to make the prediction it’s not going to start for another 10 minutes or so what is up with this thing dude oh Jesus um no it seems

Fine when it’s just air that fixed it I think there might have been an ice cube stuck in it that I kind of flung out I think that’s what happened there might have been an ice cube that had been lodged in it all right going to lose all your

Coins well then just you know choose the uh winner and that won’t happen oh right there happens every time when well just just you know what they say about gambling you know I actually I actually don’t know what they say about gambling but I’m assuming you’re supposed to just double

Down um H you know what we need to do we actually need to run through this with moss first uh it’s not a mod it’s just a a macro All right let’s go get more moss and just deal with the rest of the stairs I I think that’s true astronomical it must be the only way to come out ahead in gambling is to never start looks like we’re heading this way good I got some performance mods and stuff

Like that but all the gameplay mechanics are vanilla you can check out all the performance stuff in the colonel pack Linked In the bio good right there that’s the height prediction addiction wow you’re banned for for uttering those words all Right dude thank you guys for the follows my dudes oh we’re over 50 follows we’re halfway to uh burning a diamond at the end of stream Chad if we get we get another 50 follows before the end of stream we will burn a diamond uh in the shrine over there so

If you’re not following make sure you do so on any and all platforms that you are not following me on yet how come I’m always running out of the Cobblestone first Jesus it’s like there’s a strong favoritism to Cobblestone in this pallet cuz it’s in the middle um you know what honestly

There we go all right any are any mods in that want to do the prediction I guess I can I can uh I can do it CU I didn’t see any mods respond in the last 5 minutes uh so we’re going to need to start the

Prediction here in about 3 minutes or so um let me grab more of the these blocks I don’t know how much I’m going to be able to place while the prediction goes on but we will make do um so we’re going to do first um I’ll go up to five people

The first five people to type B’s in the twitch chat will get to uh be in the prediction all right let me get this started while you guys roll it in manage prediction uh if you’ve never played in one before um just uh you can sit out

This week and figure out what if you want to do it next week um who’s going to do better in marbles it looks like Mark Panda was number one second was Gracie 517 third was Dusty Jordan 96 uh fourth was Ray okay Ray and uh Wallace

Um you can vote for yourself it doesn’t matter and then do we have a fifth Contender we need one one more person to type be’s in the twitch chat you have uh until it hits 9:15 really cold fingers it is all right 15 minutes it’s on the clock there’s your prediction chat make

Sure you vote in it uh who will do better in marbles tonight now it is encouraged that all five of you enter all six races um there’s no punishment if you miss them but uh because there is more than two of you but it is encouraged that you try to be in all

Six races will start right after the prediction ends at 12:30 Eastern betting on yourself is actually encouraged because it means you’re going to be more likely to actually make sure you enter into all the races right uh o it’s getting dark cuz we’re covering up all the lights again with the Cobblestone

Running out first my dudes oh you know it’s actually fine oh God I missed this part huh yeah I’m going to just break that that’s fine a singular block like that I’m I wasn’t going to allow a single block to cause a step up and step down right behind so

A crap that’s actually us out of cobblestone again it does look like we’re actually going to get to finish this Step the thing about voting for someone else is that if you’re in the prediction is that you’ll never actually feel the satis the satisfacation satisfaction of winning um because if you vote for someone else and you win then you’ll be like a man I didn’t get my points and

Then you know it’s like or I lost my points but but my name’s at the top at least right uh and then if you voted for someone else and and they win uh then you’re like ah but like you know I don’t get my block on the monument or whatever

Right so it there’s just yeah come on Phantoms give me some peace my dudes oh boy so I need to break that block oh All right still got 10 minutes left on the prediction chat make sure you get your votes in oh what the heck don’t know how that one ran out so quick just start a spider did you guys yeah I saw I just see saw the subtitle said spider as

Well must be a cave underneath us hey yo thank you for the gifts my dude all right that’s actually all of it in right there chat uh let’s check it out from the air I mean that’s not the path done we still have to do the edges and then adding in

The stairs and stuff like that but uh yeah so that’s oh shoot let me come in here with a torch there’s definitely a dark spot right there lots of dark spots around here all right so then right next stream oh you guys wanted me to get cracked stone bricks mixed in didn’t you

But there’s no cracked slabs or stairs is there is there cracked stone brick slabs if there is I will do it but if there’s not it’s not it it’s not worth mixing it in the like for the 10 blocks of full stone bricks anybody can anybody weigh in on

That is there crack stone brick slabs I don’t think there is these two boxes can go to the unloader I don’t think so either let’s get up real high in the sky see if we can get a full look at the white biomes paths bro this went surprisingly good so

Like yeah so we have the main path comes from here splits and goes over towards the bees but we cut it off before it got too tricky before the bees right and then cutting it off before the subway Aon and the bees is actually what saved this if

We had tried to make those go up such a steep angle diagonally we would have had a horrible time so cutting those off early is what made this like actually doable uh I think the only place we’re going to need to use stairs instead of

Slabs even is is going up to the cave and potentially this area maybe but like I think I think it is it’s uh going to be good so I like it and even though it’s such a light gray there’s still plenty of contrast because the white was so bright you

Know all right back in here cuz we got a couple boxes that need to be put into the unloader oh it’s still unloading the other boxes really wow a lot of stuff going on in here empty boxes how many did I need four more I’m sure we’ll see a little bit of

Complication once we uh your attention please are there any Polar Express passengers IM me of refreshment ah uh I’m sure we’ll run into some complications when it comes to the uh like edges with the stone brick slabs and stairs and stuff like that because some like one wall will have like a two

Block drop at the same time as having like two blocks right next to it you know so like there’s going to be some issues uh there but I’m I’m sure we’ll be able to work through it uh how many days over 13,000 days um all right need Refreshments true true true

What’s up Zopa how you doing Omie yeah we still got to give it the edges like this but you know it’ll be good I do think the paths are coming out like honestly the paths in the purple biome in the white biome are are going

To look so much better than they did in the pink biome when we started uh so there’s that’s kind of like a downfall of starting in the pink biome is that like our worst paths are in the pink biome uh right but a lot of the uh White

Biome is going to have like this un overhang kind of part here right uh that’s that’s going to happen in a lot of spaces um but it’s perfectly Fine uh I’m doing I’m doing all right feeling better than the last couple days m you like it the most actually well like color palette wise I think it’s gorgeous but I feel like the way the the paths flow like the like the organic that the white biome and the purple biome have

Because we didn’t use any light matica schematica and because we figured out and honed a way of just drawing a line with Netherrack and then tracing that to get the uh to get a path that feels like equal width and curvy at the same time

Right um my favorite build uh uh uh uh my Wither Skeleton Farm check out my world tour on YouTube um all right so we’re going to be getting into marbles on stream Chad if you’re not sure what this is this is a a chat-based miname that we’re going

To play on Twitch um this is uh if you on any other platform make your way over to Twitch if you want to play with us the winner gets to put a block on the marble monument in my hardcore world uh so that’s a build that goes from Bedrock

To build limit and then back up again uh where the winner gets to put a block on here every single stream uh if you want to leave your mark on the monument make sure you come over to Twitch and play with us links are where you expect them

To be so we got some drops let’s go uh open up some of these uh Dev chests we have 50 5 so we should be able to open like three of them uh purchase confirm purchase confirm purchase confirm I’ve been getting all the drops recently so um

Let’s let’s open these up and chat I need you guys to write in chat what I win because it looks like a lot of time it looks like recently like you don’t often get what you win so I want to track it so what um whatever whatever it

Shows is my win someone write it in chat and then we’re going to double check and make sure that it’s actually in my inventory all right uh did I get Tony’s skin yesterday no I I got the dev chest but as you can see I didn’t um all right

Open is it still up for grabs I had his tab open the whole time um yo barano with the raid welcome in Raiders how was your stream what were you up to ah we got to do it is what it Is massive massive all right let’s open the next one that one was a duplicate so it’s not that important I already owned it uh let’s see what we got the next one chat oh give me the V3 pink ah it’s gone ah another dupe another dupe two Sans two canans

Um all right and the third and final one give me something that’s not dupy preferably something pink um oh oh oh oh oh my God three dupes all right doesn’t even matter dude I own them all already yeah doop doop doop yeah no no new skins to add to the inventory um all

Right let’s race then tonight Grand Prix it’s going to be six races is total we’re doing standard Maps the prediction is closed it looks like all right so we’re ready to start uh remember if you’re one of the five people in it is recommended that you try and get in

Every race I mean regardless if you’re in the prediction or not you’re going to want to be in every race am I right exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in the first race of the night if you are on any other platform

Find your way over to Twitch link is in the bio panels description Etc uh all you got to do is type exclamation mark play was do it did I miss uh barst saying what they were doing how their stream was um thank you for putting that message

Shile oh shoot I never claimed uh NG’s points for the trophy room I will claim those now all right 10 seconds if you’re not in yet let’s go Dudes All right nether Hub nice dude oh you’re in the lead oh no Colonel bot dang it colonel bot absolute hacker come on Colonel bot fall out of the map get yeated Zopa in the lead down the middle down the middle just barely holding out from

Thick oh getting a bit of side to side action and falling off oh my God Zopa still in the lead somehow not anymore look at oh is still in the Le oh my God I thought it was for sure it’s Thick’s lead now it’s Thick’s lead now did my mouse just die it

Did going to let that just charge uh I’ll talk about whoever I want to talk about all right there we go now I’m in a spot I can just leave the mouse to charge you can Taco About Me O I had tacos for dinner today dude uh but I

Still don’t have my appetite back fully yet so like I ate half I made myself two tacos and I ate half of one um and that’s still the largest portion I’ve eaten in 3 days I’m down 5 lbs I’m doing Great um I won oh my god dude wait I didn’t even see that br bro but I didn’t I didn’t like weigh myself when I got sick right but I know what I weighed last time I weighed myself a couple months ago and I’m down

5 lbs from that I don’t know if in that’s from the last 3 days or if that’s uh you know when I got sick or if that’s just like I’ve been losing weight slowly but yeah um I should I should get sick more often dude if I’m going to lose five pounds in

Three [Laughter] days um all right chat exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in the second race of the night oh someone’s got an absolute Banger for their entry music let’s go dudes 30 seconds on the clock I just I just well my stomach was

Hurting and even now that my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore today I still have no appetite like I just munched on snacks like like I ate like graham crackers and fruit um but like uh some macaroni salad but just stuff that I could just eat e small

Bites of and like when dinner came I cooked dinner it smelled amazing I wanted to eat it and then like I gave myself a portion that you know would have been it would have still been a light portion for normal um but I ate a quarter of like I made myself two like

Small tacos and I ate half of one of them so like H I don’t know now that I think about it I don’t I think the leftovers are still sitting on the stove and I probably need to throw him out probably didn’t even like unless magic put him in the fridge without me

Noticing probably just going to zoom over to the end cuz I need to put my mouse on the charger sorry all right astronomical in the lead pizza and sandwiches like it sounds good like I just I need to eat something before I go to bed tonight

Saltines I know like uh God what was it uh like put like breaking up Saltines and putting them in soup or something that’s always good or those little like um crackers that are like yeah I I don’t know what else other ones I’m thinking about oyster crackers right that’s the one

Panda but like even just breaking up Saltines and putting them into soup is just as good sometimes better cuz at least those are salty I remember like I haven’t I haven’t done that in absolutely ages but like I feel like it was at my grandma’s like they would

Always have crackers to break up and put into your soup and we’d have tomato soup and grilled cheese oyster crackers they’re just like little ones that are just like that little big and they uh um you don’t eat soup without oyster crackers yeah I can’t think the last

Time I well the amount of times we have soup is very very low uh but I can’t remember the last time I had exclamation I play the twitch shag good you in the third race of the night yeah well okay I think like I think uh tomato soup might be a good exception

For putting oyster crackers in it right because you got to you got to have a have a liquidy soup to dip your grilled cheese in right and like that’s the only kind of soup that I can remember myself making in the last couple years sh maybe I should have made myself

Some soup while I was sick dude bro do people eat soup when they’re sick because they don’t have appetite for solid foods but they can just drink a soup oh my God I need to stop being so dumb honestly how am I supposed to remember to eat soup when I’m sick I’m too

Sick haven’t had grilled cheese and tomato soup in ages you’re making that for lunch tomorrow so magic specifically bought some uh bought like an extra loaf of bread this week so that I can uh I can make some uh grilled cheese uh you know and we can each have like two of

Like you know feeding feeding like two adults and a kid a meal of grilled cheese is like most of a loaf of bread like especially if I’m going to eat like two or three Magic’s probably going to eat two my daughter’s going to eat one that’s that is most of a loaf of

Bread you know um I don’t know if I want to make them out on my Blackstone or we have a old George Foreman Grill the George Foreman will probably get you like better like on both both sides but it’s such a mess to clean up Campbell is always better honestly

Yeah for for for tomato soup I’ve never heard of homemade tomato soup honestly astronomical gets the dub we have a old one what um but they they do cook evenly and like and like that’s what’s good about them but like and grilled cheese is is like the

One uh thing we use it for but we haven’t touched him in ages who fell off I don’t know um at least you should add basil garlic powder and onion powder to the grilled cheese or to the to the uh soup probably to the soup I do usually add garlic powder and onion

Powder to like everything you don’t like tomato soup bro tomato soup is delicious mean obviously you can add spices and stuff to make make everything taste better but tomato soup is very delicious all right ex Mark play the twitch CH if you the four stream race of

The no D if you want to win a block on the marble Monument today by the way the block to win is blue ice if you don’t have one already all right I’m done talking now who is that is that Grayson or G I think that’s G with the Music it’s Gia you put you put seasoning in your tomato soup so in case you start bleeding and spill tomato soup on the area you can tell the difference between the blood and the tomato soup so it’s actually a safety precaution putting extra seasoning in your tomato

Soup okay okay I I buy it I buy it it’s a good it’s a good song G it’s a good little Bop wait a new Eminem song Lace it no way dude put like actually I haven’t heard of it so if it is if it is real I

I I need a link to it put a link in the music channel in the in the Discord like ASAP I’m going to listen to it right after stream link it on like YouTube music or something for me cuz I have YouTube music gon’s hacking gon’s hacking confirmed oh my

God when did it come out is it like a new single for a new album or is he featuring on somebody’s song like if it’s a new single oh my God that’s like big big hype he hasn’t released a new single like without providing a an album like like

Cuz the last whoa gron straight the last couple albums have just been Surprise album drops and there hasn’t been singles released C how [Laughter] dude um Grayson hacking hard confirmed dude oh my God oh wow there’s still a a bit to go on this map oh and how the mighty have fall

Actually he got through pretty clean honestly yeah I thought he was going to get stuck I thought it was Game Over dude oh oh my God wait you’re ahead of the local record Grayson I’m just going to keep pointing things out until you get yeated well local record passed you

Um and he still takes the dub though wow Grayson I gave you all the negative Karma I possibly could you were just destined to win that race Grayson confirmed Hacker yeah it was it was so close to being a local record honestly yeah dead last well you’re not dead yet the firewall hasn’t caught up to you but I your your chances of not being yeed are very low yeah yeah yeah your chances of survival very low meiku yeah yeah just just

Dropping yep you’re You’re gone GG grayon on that DB dude uh all right next race of course there’s still more races exavation Mark play the twitch jack up the fth r all dude I’m going to stand up All right chat let’s go 30 seconds on the clock let’s do it exclamation mark play in the twitch chats all you got to type if you’re on any other platform find your way over to Twitch link is in the bio in the panels in the description

Etc you know what to do type exclamation mark play and have yourself a wonderful time by the way a winner will get put on the marble Monument today and if it’s a new winner your block will be blue ice that will be your block for now and forever if you

Win never going to place blue ice sorry about that all right oh Zopa with that Founders badge color oh my god dude uh driving simulators where they send different cars off jumps and it tells you the chance of survival that’s just meiku yes I I do know what you’re

Talking about I have seen those uh but that’s just Miku the percentage was like 0% oh the local record’s already ahead of you guys Ray rayan rayanna yeah Ranna in the Lead stops at 11:59 I have their tab open literally right now I don’t see a message about like oh oh I just claimed another drop right now oh I got it I just claimed it yep I had I literally just hadn’t clicked claim on it I I I have

It ABR to the dub GG all right GG Abron X on that dub uh this is the Sixth and final race of the night chat so make sure you get in exclamation mark plays all you got to type Zopa somehow beat me to getting in how do you do that [Laughter]

Bro uh exclamation mark play Let’s Do It Pro gamer Pro Gamer Strats countdown is on less than 20 seconds chat make sure you get yourself in the sixth and final race of the night my dudes uh all right you think you beat me too wow wow I should ban everybody who thinks they’re faster at typing exclamation mark play what’s crazy is I

Don’t even type exclamation mark play I have a button on my stream it does it for me all right that’s enough parcel tongue for today chat ah rip Dusty well we’re following Dusty to his demise astronomical in the lead oh my what the oh Jesus okay gron

In the oh my God gron again bro hacker man hacker man gron man oh astronomical guy yeated gryson was like ha second place you’re not allowed to be that close to [Laughter] me all right I’m in second bro I’ve already got a W under my belt this isn’t good this

Isn’t good uhoh everyone’s just like oh okay here we are what the Zopa whoa really cold fingers in the lead now whoa okay gron back in the lead bro is just hacking I don’t even know dude at least it pushed me to third at least it pushed me into third whatever just happened

There um I hear a fire I see a fire all right GG gron stealing another job great out of context clip then clip it dude um wow Grayson just hacking up a storm all right let’s go check out the Podium third place goes to really cold fingers oh my God wait you’re one of the one of the predictions second place is me and in the lead G wait that was the top three of the last race just in a different order wow wow GG gson just sweeping that first place right there

With two wins 174 um dang gron uh and then really cold fingers uh does the best in marbles so that is uh really cold fingers who who else Riot okay r Diana Wallace was in fourth right there dude um Dusty in seventh okay then um Gracie in

15th and Mark panda in dead six out of six races zero points Dead last wow that was crisp um all right let’s pay this out choose outcome really cold fingers complete prediction let’s get some numbers in the chat would you win would you lose and let’s go uh get gson his

Smooth Stone on the monument um excuse me gr um you have 20 wins we’re taking you up to 21 your last victory was 7:15 wait you won last stream no that was two streams ago today is 7:17 all right two streams ago Grayson wow dude wow all

Right all right let’s get you up on that marble Monument homie um you won 97k dang you went all in wowza what was the payout rate for for these winners Today one to six so you got 6 and a half times the amount of points you put in no way yeah the return ratio was 1 to 6.65 so for every point you put in you got 6.5 points wow wow oo rich don’t spend it all in one place or Do now you got 69k nice 117 goes to Miku and two others dang so Miku stole like almost 100K of that 117k wow all oh no I need to get my leather boots on just to place a block on top of That is powdered snow by the way chat all right GG gron with your dub on your smooth Stone actually look oh look at you here with your your other one it was one in the other one of it was gron someone gron someone gron and now you’re now just starting literally one block

Above that gron someone gr flipping hacker dude all right why level no idea I’m already gone uh chat we got over halfway to burning a diamond today love to see it um all right anything to put away over here yep another Phantom head and yeah we got more empty shulkers good

Good good good all right chat that is going to be it for the night chat um good progress finished up the purple biomes paths to their entirety and then we uh and then what we do uh then we did the entire uh or we start we mapped

Out did and did like three quarters of the work for the uh White biome so tomorrow’s well tomorrow Sunday I’m not going to be streaming um I am by the way I am planning to be live normal time on Monday Christmas Day night or Christmas night um not Christmas Eve tomorrow but

Uh you know uh on Monday I’m planning to be live um we’ll finish up the white biome paths uh maybe I I do think we will have a Redemption uh to get an armor stand in the Christmas Village so I don’t think we’re going to do any additional

Building in the Christmas Village but I will do a Christmas armor stand Redemption so make sure you’re here Christmas night if you want to get one remember the Redemption is going to be cheap so more people can get it but we’re just going to flood that area with

Uh uh with stuff I don’t think we’re doing a Christmas build maybe we’d build another gingerbread house or I don’t know uh we already built a snowman so like that’s in the black biome though uh let me see who’s live to send over a raid to um all

Right um anyone in my recommendeds playing hardcore Minecraft I can’t tell oh yeah they’re they’re playing hardcore they got hardcore hearts all right let’s check this out um all right we’re going to send a raid over to Queen of drama uh playing hardcore says Christmas

Eve stream 6 hours so uh they got a while to go uh here is a RAID message for you to copy and paste when you get to their Channel thank you so much for the awesome stream today chat uh make sure you copy and paste it uh so you

Spread some love when you arrive over there um thanks for the follows I just saw one come in thanks for being in the prediction uh thanks for the raids uh thanks for helping in the polls uh and the subs you guys have been totally massive and on Tik Tok thank you

For the gifts uh the follows the likes the shares on all the platforms I’ll be live again Monday night um there will be an SMP stream next week uh so make sure you guys are my camera is very crooked look up look at look at the ceiling bro it’s just very crooked I

Need to I need to figure things out but uh yeah I’ll see you guys and I want to know I want to hear what Santa gets y’all on um on Monday night stream all right we need a we need a a haul you know a Christmas Hall uh status report all right see


This video, titled ‘Purple Paths! | Massive Minecraft #717 | 3225+ Hour Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Colonal on 2023-12-24 06:19:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

More of Me ===== Broadcasted live on Twitch: Discord Server: Check out …

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  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

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  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

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    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!

    EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAC Season 4 – Two Sides – Episode 193’, was uploaded by Pretty Depressed Productions on 2024-03-22 20:30:01. It has garnered 5861 views and 629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ Social Media Links Discord Link – ​​✯Behind The Scenes✯ ​ Thumbnail Artists – Pluless DamienCandle Editor – SpookyPooky ✯People Who Were Here✯ Dylan (Dylan and Candy) KainaBunny (Circus Baby) Steele (Blank) HandfulJake (Red and Wilford) Keldo52 (Blue) Pluless (Yellow)… Read More

  • Skeletanarchy RLCraft

    Skeletanarchy RLCraftWelcome to Skeletanarchy Minecraft! Which includes RLCraft on, Better Minecraft 1.18.2 [Forge] on, and Vanilla Minecraft on The servers are all Anarchy, there are no rules. The players do whatever they want, whether it’s creating communities, building amazing structures, or bands of griefers destroying everything, or literally anything Read More

  • Turtle’s Crossing: Creative 1.20, No Plots, WorldEdit, Dynmap, Whitelist, 18+ Preferred

    Turtle’s Crossing Turtle’s Crossing is a creative server started on 1.20 large biomes world generation. We welcome all kinds of builders, and look to create a community where members can relax and enjoy building without having to worry about complex tiers or thematic restrictions. Read More

  • AardvarkMC

    AardvarkMCBRAND NEW MAP! Started in 2024, aims to be a sanctuary among servers for balanced survival PvP economy and provide the space for great builders to bring their dreams to life! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Unknown player uprising!

    Minecraft Memes - The Unknown player uprising!The Unknown player must be really good at Minecraft if they have a score of 54… or maybe they’re just really good at hiding their identity! Read More

  • Resource Rush: Wither Storm’s Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Resource Rush: Wither Storm's Hardcore Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With the Wither Storm looming, danger within. Gathering resources, preparing for the fight, In this hardcore mode, survival is tight. Uncut and epic, this series will unfold, With twists and turns, stories untold. The final boss awaits, a challenge so grand, Will our hero prevail, with sword in hand? Stay tuned for more, as the journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. With the Wither Storm lurking, ready to strike, Our hero must be brave, in the darkest of night. So join us now, in this… Read More

  • “Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂

    "Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 “Why did Japan and America start playing Minecraft together? Because they heard it was the only way to bridge the cultural gap and avoid any more awkward trade negotiations!” 😂🎮🇯🇵🇺🇸 #minecraftdiplomacy Read More

  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod – Part 3

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod - Part 3 Exploring the Challenging World of Better Than Wolves Mod in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the challenging Better Than Wolves mod. In this third installment of the 100-day survival challenge, players are pushed to their limits as they navigate through a harsh and unforgiving environment. Survival at Its Toughest The Better Than Wolves mod introduces a new level of difficulty to the game, testing players’ survival skills like never before. With limited resources and increased challenges, every decision counts as players strive to survive each passing day. Key Features: Resource Scarcity: Players… Read More