Insane Hive Minigames LIVE! 🎉| Doctor Wasabi Boxing Day Bonanza 🎁

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Oh uh nfield says yo welcome now how you doing what sry death hey this is such an early stream is it oh no it’s only it’s like only it’s 20 minutes to 11: so I know I thought i’ get a stream out of the way you know first day after

Christmas um I did say I was going to stream so I may as well do it now um I’ve I finished the video off which is nice I’ll be ready for in the New Year’s so yeah also welcome to anex and now and everyone hopefully there’s a good um

There’s a good uh viewer count yeah it’s only 645 oh I see I see fair enough Fabian says hey what’s up hello Fabian long time I See damn streaming at 1:45 p.m. well usually I stream around midday but I know obviously cuz it isn’t Christmas but it’s still boxing day so there’s a lot of stuff going on so I’d rather stream now than do it then cuz it’s very noisy and you guys will be able to hear

Uh all all my family is asleep right now like 10: p.m. in my time so this is good how was your Christmas it was good it was very good um obviously um I’ve reset my sleep schedule um which is nice I’ve been able to wake up early do some

Lovely work um apart from that it’s just been very very chill um I spent time with family just you know watching TV um went to bed around 6 uh 7 had a good 12 hour sleep also also I don’t know about you folks um this is by

Far the best uh gift of the um the 12 thingy uh I get out for school 9 9 a.m. and I was confused oh fair enough fair enough yeah like for those who got the um the final box uh present for the 12 days of hi misss or whatever you want to

Call it um it’s like a stack of pancakes which is very nice excuse me cuz I normally get out of 12:30 after enough I got the pancake hat had to nice nice like do you it’s very like I I like it and the hive Custer models are always

Um quite Polished in my opinion so yeah um that concludes yeah like the f is that it’s um it’s a pancake hat you see you got you got a little Fork on the side you got the the syrup you know you got a little bit of

Butter on the top um normally I don’t eat butter um cuz obviously in bulking um but I didn’t play for days and that’s what I miss I I can’t tell if you I’m disappointed or not oh no I was raging about pancake app oh dear lord right so

Uh I love how the Christmas Day reward is a pancake and not Ed Christmasy I was thinking that um I didn’t really say anything at the time but I was thinking pancakes like it should have been like a Christmas party okay if we’re going for the Christmas like theme

Then it it should have been like a Christmas pudding or a mince pie or something like that but I do appreciate the uh pancake cuz it’s look how cute it looks but um anyway I’m going to switch to my um party hat cuz you know it’s there always a party

Uh hold up let me um go max out my race cool cool party hat okay nice uh I thought I would have been a Santa hat that’s also a great suggestion yeah also um how is my mic quality it’s not it’s not trash is it um

This one make sure I’m not reverting to um my normal mic uh laser jet says hello hello laser Jet Okay right um how’s everyone doing um an early stream yes we’re doing an early stream um it’s still boxing day so there’s quite a lot of going on so I’d rather stream now than later on when all football’s on and uh stuff like That uh but uh Ladi V gate is De that’s how are you Jo Gates I I I haven’t SL J so long um but anyway uh the thumbnail is up that’s good um let me close that let me just make sure was actually loaded on the uh on the

Thing yeah folks um just to give you guys an update in terms of uploads I’m going to make sure everything’s recorded for New Year’s um so the uploads may be a bit brief but however I’m planning to supplement that streams uh as long as I’m free until New Year’s so

Yeah okay thank goodness it is there cool right let’s close that fantastic uh can you invite me to party IGN earning opray okay I I was trying to make sure what I was okay right earning Osprey the the the Microsoft name is getting all sorts of

Wacky okay right let’s see him uh I was about to join hi but we had a power Cur so I have to wait like 5 minutes or something for internet to reboot our fair enough to fa enough um earning Osprey 89 yeah so we’re just doing some

Uh some Quest grinding I will be doing a giveaway for all of the quest points in New Year’s Eve or something like that anytime between now and New Year’s Eve um uh I’m not on hive or MC ah fair enough fair Enough yeah let’s see what is on today’s uh quest list to do uh we we have survival games open 28 chests any play games hide-and seek use 10 emote tauns block party use one color teleporter murder mystery play three rounds Death Run play four rounds Bridge Wars deal 50

Arrow damage gravity finish one map with no deaths Ground Wars kill eight players SkyWars use five knockback boom boxes death run be the first to finish and of course Capture the Flag spend 1,000 gold D Bloons so those are the quests for today um again we’ll kind of gradually

Grind through this um I quite like the any playful games uh we could start with okay so here’s what we’ll do we’ll do any playful games that way way we can do some SkyWars and then we can do some Survival Games depending uh stuffless I’m using my mobile data like

It’s fine tax it it’ll take like five minutes uh we’re not going anywhere so don’t worry That’s good cool um yeah we’ll do any full games uh then most likely we’ll do the uh survival games one then we’ll go on to M mystery as a sort of pallet cleanser and then we’ll go on to uh whatever else uh hold up save the any

Games now you just saw now you just saw me open it look it’s look fortunately now there’s quite a diverse range of quests so I don’t think we’re missing out if we do it uh when I get on to Carry I don’t need to be carried there there’s great grace in accepting failure now humility that’s it humility right um dot dot dot now wait what did he say okay Now bad now don’t make me get to spray out yeah funny thing I actually got um ad limited on one of my streams I think it’s because I said something bad but I’m not exactly sure um uh now why did you unad me W the T

You suck a PVP but the good thing is now I’m having fun and that’s what matters Okay right let’s start the Games Shall we uh I don’t even know how I even have you Added oh goodness me okay we got Fu let’s go invite now yeah now I’m afraid we can’t really I don’t like to wait that long especially doing the start stream so we’re going to start I keep forgetting they’ve updated the Lobes Grove have I have I seen this map before ooh I haven’t okay Okay prob good Okay pretty good selection so far we got ourselves an iron helmet and a iron chest plate and to be fair I either play fortnite than Minecraft was about a year ago I said MC because at the time or wasn’t bard of MC look it happens with

All games um the the important thing is to just space out how much you play because if you play too much at one point you’ll just get burnt out that’s with any game Destiny 2 Minecraft Fallout whatever you got um no matter how creative you can get it

If you do stay within a certain point you will get burnt out so it is important to be aware I think yeah some people think it’s good to be burn out because it kind of forces you to play different different games uh my gu lit F oh goodness man yeah um

Uh is anyone over here no there is not okay uh we seem to be quite desolate over here oh there is someone over Here I Missed okay right it’s a oh okay good good we got a spell we also have a golden apple let’s go and I don’t have my pickaxe in you can tell Howen sprayed um not sprayed played uh Minecraft SkyWars in quite a while oh goodness me I don’t know it’s weird I feel oddly

Refreshed today um it might just be that of reset my see schedule that might be It okay who’s over here oh I yeah yep you going to you you you going do that Champ oh that that was that was really [Laughter] stupid Oh well Pride come for fall of fall quite literally uh recu excellent idea uh last risus says tax I gave you might get but the very next day you you got I what what is this what what is this nonsense like I I’ve heard this about um

Oh sorry got my internet back could you please get an invite of course of course um oh Grove again oh wow uh yeah of course let me invite You okay I’m going go uh get m real quick okay I I I I don’t know if that’s like a joke or it’s some Weird Al the song yeah um I’ve seen the meme reviews Do It um yeah lessons and meme culture that’s it so it’s quite I know it’s a bit weird

Um however it’s not as weird as the Baba buy 2 song which I’ve seen on shorts since I I was just blown away a bit uh why MC says um oh wait that’s not a that’s just a pointy ey Emoji in any case welcome why haing how is your

Boxing data going it’s h still weird though I’m exploring the culture of gen Alpha yeah that’s not that’s not a good idea maybe some things aren’t worth looking At I it all kind of um Yeah new generation is just uh uh dog well I assume they say that about every Generation now the big one is Millennials but apart from that I I I it’s basically like the same thing over and over it’s it’s very cyclical pattern if you uh if you get me okay right let’s see how ospring very good oh almost full diamond let’s Go okay our sprey is heading towards Center um he oh he’s about to engage leand who is significantly overpowered in him uh yeah true I think Boomers need to be little more well I didn’t say that but no just kidding um oh ooh Osprey has the upper hand on the

End very good oh Osprey uses an ender pearl to catch up with him can he seal the deal oh she’s got a knock back Nemo can she overcome this ooh and he has very nice play by Osprey um considering he’s much less armored than she was

GG uh I’m going get a camera out to record this fight do not worry I will record it Myself That that’ll make a good YouTube shot let let me see what time that was 1 minutes Awesome yeah I don’t know about you um but my shorts been doing quite well which I’m quite pleased with um oh obviously when oh wow that guy got launched excuse me oh yeah it’s it’s always good cuz when you’re busy with stuff like work or uni um short to like that happy in

Between gr bro GG let’s go paisy paisy corn I I I’ve seen this man Before Okay let’s see what map we can do uh we have ice pillars Grove again wood Pine I tell you what let’s go for ice pillars cuz that’s basically the um the very fast-paced map isn’t It Okay I not pretenting to play a drum Bine okay right let’s go um diamond boots nice yeah we’re pretty well established here um okay I didn’t jinx it thank goodness oh no by luck folks it’s some of a commodity okay chain leggings not bad not bad ooh oh oh wait no it wasn’t a diamond chest plate you Fool uh Romania boss says hi welcome Romania how you doing doing well I Hope that was um something uh doing pretty good nice but Nice woo oh no Osprey took out Sage stay back celebrated Christmas with my family nice got Target It come on Please oh It was not to be or shall I say merry boxing day Merry boxing day Indeed bro ospr is on the wall path at the moment uh now says I’m back welcome back nowah how you doing wait I already ask him that any um okay TF uh what’s up what’s Up okay o lucky gamer versus Osprey o no no uh I drank lots of tea on Christmas I uh I drink lots of tea anyway oh goodness me right uh what is it one yeah one more game um we’ll go on to survival games better about milk oh goodness me don’t don’t answer Romania I think ooh easy peirs let’s go volcano tax is kind of hovering over Romania um I made um Red X phones redo and there oh my goodness um I made red X’s phones redo series of the glamrock animatronics um but Monty was so hard

Yeah Monty is quite difficult as a as a character cuz it’s so different from the other designs cuz cuz I don’t think they’ve ever done an alligator before a Scot I mean um without milk yeah tax you you would be horrified how much milk my family goes

Through come on I’ve got the armor Advantage please let’s go H gosh I don’t want even want to know well allow me to Enlighten you so obviously I’ve got milk and my teas which I’m somewhat addicted to but I managed to burn after exercise so I’ll have like five six seven eight T’s a day um what else I’ll have my protein

Shakes which is like um basically a smoothie protein powder milk bananas um what else what else yeah that’s about it oh no my my brother has sonone his porridge um ta is Horrified uh life L never drink tea of milk why not why not push boundaries Bro you have milk like once a month bro that that’s unhealthy milk is good for your Bones yeaha excellent excellent excellent Excellent come on there we go uh milk makes me hyped up really that’s very strange Romania I know it may be because I’ve like Had I think it’s cuz I’m la oh that explains it I fair Enough I was about to say I was like what did milk do to you as a Child okay oh switching out for a diamond sword very good very nice very nice okay the in instinct is starting to show itself again uh but I can have cheese another darus is oh oh so it’s like a a mild lactose intolerance okay that’s fair enough cursy milk maybe try to experiment um

Obviously there’s different types of milk um there’s oat milk um there’s like different types of regular milk like skim semi skims I I have no idea what sounds I’m doing right now Prime fire says hi welcome Prime how you doing how you doing my man no no no no I refuse

I refuse get off me oh Al milk so yeah I kind of does but you sort of have to experiment yeah I’m not doing that that is such a bait move oh yo Prime sup I just woke up so yeah nice almond make milk tastes like bird well a chicken oh chicken

Milk milk with Taste of chicken oh sorry milk with Taste of bird H I know well I think we’re getting sidetracked no I no let your bird well a chicken is a bird oh some more some more gamey like a like a pheasant no like lit okay for one I’m not like toast

Intolerant uh to milk sometimes uh expir but yeah that’s a that’s a that’s more of a due diligence actual flying bird yeah yeah chickens can fly it’s like in peasants I don’t know what kind of point you trying to Make okay I think all spray is trying to knock me off uh I tested that fairy that you tested it just thrw a Chicken no you can’t do it you can’t tempt me um I for a chicken in the yet once not go well I might to say yeah it depends on what kind of chicken as well cuz um a lot of Wilder chickens wild chickens they they can fly it’s

Just that when they get domesticated if they’re pluged and faned then it’s pretty hard for them to fly cuz you know they got all that weight um fmr festers also hello there hello F hiding are the the adventures you must go on Tacks okay right we got 3 minutes on this game ospr is obviously trying to trap me which I I’m not I’m I’m not going to go for it you are you are dealing with a being of absolute cunning you know indeed indeed yeah yeah yes yes yes

Ooh come on let spray ah you know you want to look he either loses the match because the the time would have expired or he uh I just realized how long this game is going on for yeah um ospry keeps trying to trap me also that tear is cold oh that’s that’s

A it’s it’s all right it’s just I don’t like culture uh a lot of people like iced coffee but I I can’t understand it like coffee is meant to be served hot you know it’s very much food craze oh no I’m poisoned oh my goodness face me face me you

Coward sorry I have some advice um you should choke the Chicken Guy into the void like I did that chicken no no I’m going to get FR into the point oh goodness me look it’s bad to die standing then be thrown into the void by a knockback Nemo some excellent advice right

There right let’s go uh cashing that Quest Joy uh it’s goofy guy MC says hi yo bro my guy goofy how you doing I’m a Goofy Goober indeed indeed how you doing are you having a good Boxing Day Okay right the next Quest is um as follows open 28 chests in survival games uh I’m good how about you dog I’m doing good I’m doing good I had a very productive morning um obviously my sleep schedule has been reset so I’m not staying up till stupid o’ in the in the

Morning so yeah um it’s just a case of working now Christmas is gone the my work week has begun so yeah it’s uh just a case of uh grinding till New Year’s Eve I I suppose yes um let us go into survival games oh very nice 184 players that is

Encouraging uh it’s it’s such a PO luck um when you’re playing Survival Games cuz it’s either got a really full Lobby or no one’s playing it you know uh coffee your tea um I’ll go for tea um I I don’t drink coffee unless I have to um the first time I drank coffee

Proper was so in a while I mean was like a day two days ago I was Hing it with like my bacon I felt I felt like a trucker idiot like I only eat bacon and drink coffee you know Cofe so yeah it’s um I I I I’m very

Much YouTube video fan I don’t drink either but I’ll drink I know none breaking tradition there yeah usually I’m much more of a tea guy um you know as for me saying I drink eight te’s a day but well let’s forget that but um yeah

Um if I had to I drink tea um I I don’t drink coffee unless I have to just an excuse for people to say that well I’m you can say that about everyone can’t you come on oh oh okay right we we managed to get two chests give you excuse okay yeah Yes okay right let’s see who’s left uh okay we got paisle we got Osprey we got um Global steak uh yeah my parents are addicted to tea like they get a headache if they don’t drink it well I I don’t I’m not like if I don’t get it I’ll I’ll a

Headache like I’ll just be a bit more tired than usual um again it usually happens when I’m at University cuz I don’t get a chance to drink tea um as much when I’m you know out on campus doing stuff it’s only when I’m at home while I’ll start to like pile on the

Cups if that makes sense oh goodness me right uh one second folks I’m going to get on some deodorant cuz my armpits like really one Second Let open the window to get that that leak out uh biscuits or cookies uh probably Biscuits h okay let’s see how Pais is Doing okay not bad he’s just kind of uh Meandering his way around the map very good very good oh that breeze is Nice very good very good uh cookies but biscuits are good too nice yeah it’s like it’s basically the same thing but one’s crunchy and one’s cheery um it it’s like the same family of you know like pastry confection Bakery yeah baking that’s It okay o easy PE versus Paisley let’s see how this goes on okay they’re pretty evenly matched but let’s see who wins Oo um when cookies and biscuits give BFF oh God uh done the quest very good very good um I’ll spray I’ll have to um do it again this way n bro you had to be using more Hearts well you might have had um you might have had a golden apple um that

Might have been one it looked pretty average to me so sometimes um they make crackers yes crack jcks okay okay right we got Sage we got um Paisley and we got Osprey oh wow Z knows what’s up okay another win for a paisy he must be on low Health okay we got uh mosy you know M on down okay let’s see where ospre is very nice very nice okay really they’re sort of in the same area it’s sort of in this uh Lake uh SL Bridge area let’s see where stage is I’m a goofy level in

Every single hi game mode I’m level one fair enough it’s better than level zero cuz half the time it it’s usually in just build um actually no that might have been why my stream got out limited um you can usually tell which ones are troublemakers by the level like in just

Build it’ be like level zero I’m like okay uh cuz I’m a new Hive player I’m a former Java 1.8 playing by way nice man nice for only oh jeez I remember I had Java way back like 1 Point whenever they added horses I think that’s when I got

Minecraft Java it was on this this garbage um laptop um that we had but um we eventually settled for legacy Edition um and then I kind of went from there uh now it says guess what uh what’s up I Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 nice nice oh no Sage killed by Osprey again I

Think you might think uh he has a grud h foro the whole time I was I was targeted well ta it is it is sort of a Hunger Games game mode Uncle now G car you the M well Uncle now is not here if probably do a little bit of trolling

Well you did that anyway but in a in a Wholesome Way of course ooh oh well they they’ve redone the death match Arena nice okay Paisley coin versus money Ralph versus uh oh wow it’s only oh sorry only Osprey versus Paisley let’s see who wins okay ospro Osprey getting in a

Lovely bit of combos py running but obviously it’s no match for the ospray of earning 89 okay right one more game um we’re going to do this as long as it takes until I get this Quest done so it will be your best interest to let me do

This uh Ultra says hi welcome Ultra how you Doing just don’t go near me if that makes sense cuz I just want to get as many chance as possible um uh I’m right nice nice man are you enjoying your boxing day that is a toilet I I I can’t believe uh Oreo’s uh chocolate or Oreo strawberry Oreo

Strawberry that does not sound particularly um I know that doesn’t sound very good I’m going to be Honest I don’t care if you’re playing up Uh tax is ew strawberry Oreos yeah that sounds like a pretty Psychopathic thing to eat okay 5 out 28 let’s go any chest in Here Okay here’s uh one chest there’s another uh I me the high support any other version of 1.20 like if you have minecraft8 you’re going be able to join Hive yeah very much um with the uh thing easy PE says hi welcome easy PE I saw you in the

Game oh goodness I do apologize if I’m somewhat uh lacking on watching the chat just need to make sure I’ve got all these uh things uh but I have Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 yeah um Hive is very much part of the regular Bedrock guys now so they have to update every time um they

Do okay what am I going up here I invite me to party of Course it’s weird okay right uh let me invite easy oh wait no they’re North America okay now very Good I got a new iPad and actually controller the iPad actually can handle Minecraft nice uh and I invited the ultra too ah fair enough fair enough oh as a player no no no no no no no NOP I refused thank you bro how help um in that

Uh what was I going to say yeah oh please oh this is a good one and I’m pretty sure there’s someone following me maybe bro I’m hiding in a corner fair enough fair enough I do not blame me okay here’s hoping I can actually get this Quest done

Oh sh don’t tell anyone oh yeah as if someone’s going to track you down by that comment like you know uh I don’t want to update my MC cuz it’s laggy on the latest versions really H how was strange um it might be obviously not to

Doubt your own point but um it’s always good if you are having lag problems to check like what sort of settings you do have on the game because sometimes it’ll be something like that I I remember I used have some lag issues on my console um for later versions and

It was so stupid um some of the Solutions okay more chests I need more chests 23 okay4 no no no no no no no no no no no no why everyone running well it’s a very good uh it’s a very good strategy for Staying Alive 25 26 ah very good yeah look at this my my animation is not working is

That like a hive thing or a very strange okay any chest here no uh Dr Minecraft adds new things every update for the old versions well yes and no look it’s it’s hard to explain but you should be able to have Minecraft on without internet and it should be fine

Um I think one of the good ways to check out if it is your internet or if it’s just your game is by playing it without internet on single player um if it if it lags then then it might be a processing issue um again I’m not an expert so

Please please take my advice for a pinch of salt and yay I did the quest thank you right uh the infomation I got about 1.21 is to break blocks and new copper blocks trap doors and doors thank you for the info happy to help look honestly let me

Tell you when Bedrock uh The Better Together update first launched it was so buggy um but over time it did get better sorry I just kind of choked my tongue here um it did get better over time um so it’s it’s always a case of narrowing

Down what problem you have whether it be swinging on your own like computer or machine or whether it’s the game itself oh Uh I heard Bedrock is getting shaders maybe maybe um it’s it’s always been one of those things uh sorry did you see something change about yes I saw the change now I’m not going to oh my goodness he’s got a troll face uh wait did Bedrock not have shaders before um

It’s been an ongoing issue because um Mojang it the S been flip-flopping on it like yes we will get shaders no we won’t it it’s sort of been in the background um I will will ADM excuse me o oh goodness Me oh goodness right let’s uh sorry I just had to yeah yeah sorry I just like I was going to do something else but I just saw like that there’ll be a sh how are they spinning they’re on PC I Think okay Right it’s like a little show isn’t It I found him an NA oh they’re on tour three people in full spinning keyboard oh that’s good uh can we do um CTF 1,000 gold oh wow um if you think you’re up for it um yeah yeah sure I don’t see why not right okay guys right we’re going to do

The capture flag for Paul may God have mercy on our souls 1,000 gold good Lord um yes CTF okay good good good good okay how many people do we have in the party we have we have five we got uh Ultra Ultra yeah Ultra aoli uh naah me

Sage and Osprey you can spend by going to keybo keboard and mouse and putting it full keyboard gam playay and click your left AR thing and it’ll make you spin half F enough imagine getting 1K gold nice nice can you invite me of course of course I can there we go

Wait oh I thought it was like the Roblox face can I get an invite to the party of course um what’s your name um good thing you said that before we started um is it literally your YouTube name let me see if I can save some time

Put that in it’s oh it’s yeah it’s I I do appreciate that um it’s goofy MC invite to the party there we Go awesome right into Capture the Flag we go my my God have mercy on us um and that’s how I turned on AIM assistance Jake yeah that’s what I thought JK who’s all spray again um that’s Paul uh yeah uh so so the Paul Stevens is ospre so

Yes right let me put on my um my t-shirt again sorry I I was waiting for the uh um anti Sprint to absorb uh let’s see here okay let back to front there we go uh B says hello lad I’m going to um go away again and now I died in lava silly

Now what you like uh same I think it’s cuz I’m using a 16 uh times pack which doesn’t make my game oh that that may be it any sort of text pack that processes a lot higher than normal ones it will be a bit it will be a bit um hard to

Process y Bing o ooh ooh Ooh Ultra has taking a flight I beg your pardon they’re part of our team uh ctle says every every country balls from themselves oh that’s funny uh Hey CLE how you doing you having a good uh Boxing Day Ah let’s go oo I feel the Intensity the combo the combo I can’t take it it’s too Powerful uh yeah except MC on my phone won’t work oh that’s s i to hear that one of them is 100% cheating how can you tell I know I don’t know man a lot of people say it’s usually ironically it’s always on this game it’s like you know Like get him he must not be allowed to escape and that is the good Lord Uh could someone take could someone check up on that please I can’t win against these people are too good look just stack as much coins as you can well you know winning does not matter only getting the quest done they dog doo you can’t say that what what about the the spirit of

Fellowship and the the a good game game sportsmanship that’s it uh Dr Wasabi says uh Prime yeah what’s up what’s up all right time to spend all my D Ah come you I’m I’m ready to you’re already to HBC I must protest okay diamond sword excellent excellent 200 out of a th000 so hopefully we can get this done in at least a few Games anyway uh apart from that comment uh how are you doing HPC you doing you doing well oh another 200 let’s go okay spend 300 250 oh snap yes oh snap Indeed okay so they’re all legit fair enough fair enough no man shall take this flag as long as I defend It take him take him l Okay right that actually works out pretty well uh leave uh live streaming videos byab makes my day better well I’m happy to do so Romania happy to do So okay okay uh yeah I was go you might need to I’m going to have to now what are you doing no that’s not a good idea it is not a good idea to leave me alone bro he just missed the other flag W right um yeah easy you watch the flag while I upgrade please right uh iron armor let’s Go uh vouch uh vouch what oh hello Hello Oh the uh yeah the thing about to end one second computer computer Play the album arcade from my music library your album arcade on Amazon music uh I can’t be like 2017 2017 oh goodness Me Uh what’s the most nostalgic Minecraft music in your opinion oh there must be um a lot of the Legacy tracks um from Minecraft obviously it’s still C418 but I don’t know uh cuz they always had like a special collection of Minecraft music ooh that’s smooth very smooth it’s so

Smooth our upgrade very good very good uh ARA math very good great track great track not right now obviously a lot of people on myth that C418 doesn’t make music again but um you know Lena rain is also a great artist I want to make that perfectly clear um 75 arrows there we

Go okay we got about 240 gold left to buy which is very good very Good Distract him distract him get him take him uh what’s the most nostalgic moment in ruin well it’s not really Nostalgia cuz it’s quite new but um I don’t know it’s seeing candy get out was quite nice in my Opinion I like candy candy every day candy candy candy yeah okay it was at 760 okay right let’s get that up shall we speed berries okay now we need to clean 200 I’ll fix my OCD I’m I’m just kidding I don’t have OCD um uh Jakey says I’m back how was your

Christmas Babi hope it was great it was it was thank you um I’ve just started building the Lego Globe uh so looking forward the repetition later on nice man nice yeah jaky i’ been I’ve been doing well um obviously a totally the day off for Christmas uh very good very good day

Have plenty to eat um I’m pretty sure my stomach has been like 70% full for the past 3 days so um it’s been good it’s been a very hearty time um I’ve i’ say I’ve enjoyed it okay I another 100 another hundred de Balloons if your statues if I make your statues not in the middle uh what What’s the context like if they’re not yeah if it’s not like essential too uh my grandmother gave me four plates of yummy steak and salad bro let’s go it’s interesting to see what people

Eat during Christmas because some some people um they like the more traditional dishes like turkey and you know stuffing and and whatever but um some people you know they just kind of make good food in general in in that respect I’m so yeah I think he’s speaking for most most People let’s go okay nice I can’t eat anymore yeah my Ser jaky but the good thing is you had a good time yay let’s go Quest update there uh traditional Aussie Christmas contains heaps of seafood mainly prawns and O prawns and oysters I mean does it matter if it’s not in the middle yep it as long as it looks good and looks very similar then you should be fine Um okay let’s see okay wait a minute oh wait we’re taking the flag I ate lobsters once but it’s kind of good you know well we’ll Sea Food in general is quite good for you goofy stop it I I can’t believe I I see said that Um I’ve done I’ve done my quest how about you No there uh can I play of course you can of course um we may let’s see here guys sub for cookie Indeed uh her Romania The k Uh do you think you get YouTube rank um I’ll be honest I don’t really I don’t really think about it cuz well everyone knows you know the meme is that I will play Hive but I’m not a hive Creator if that makes sense um so you know I’m not really looking for Creator

Rank so to speak um but it it is a shame but it’s it’s just one of those things uh One V one was sorry maybe maybe um it it depends how many people we get at the end of the video but live stream I mean so first of all we are

Near yeah we’re nearing our break so after this game I’ll go collect my winnings my my quest points and then after that we’ll take about 10 15 minute break and then we’ll do some questing and then the the last half an hour 20 minutes we’ll do a lovely Uh custom

Match uh depending whether you want to do Simo or death tag or what have you um the only game I play in Hive if just is just build fair enough fair enough the brightest place at TNT that that was Blue oh oh hello Caleb do it now uh my cat is so silly if he’s hungry he licks me on the nose oh fair enough bro you can’t get that close to you that’s respawn there we go GG game over draw a draw I’ve never had a draw before Goodness Me GG’s yes GG’s

Indeed invite me awesome awesome uh we will be going on break I just want to um can I rejoin yeah of course uh goofy we’re going on break anyway so if you want to do anything for like 20 minutes for like 10 15 minutes then that’s

That’s just it Ultra hop on z i take oh goodness me right um let me hop on the thing I’m like no look you better H with that you’re not late no I got to go in a couple minutes before dinner fair enough let me catch up with the train stop the Train no stop stupid okay there we Go uh zika is on maintenance ah F enough F enough wish I get on the train right let me Um right for for all of your goodness I’ll I’ll mute the chat just so there’s no h rat stuff going on uh yeah folks um I’m going to go on a short break um just obviously to get a tea go to the toilet and then come back I’ll be back in about

I would say 10 12 minutes um but yeah folks if you guys want to wait then that’s fine um if not then obviously thank you for watching um I will leave you with Harris h and his stream beats so so yeah I’ll be right Back oh my Legs I’ll do what I want [Laughter] Tax Oh A Oh N [Laughter] [Laughter] n [Laughter] Oh [Laughter] n [Laughter] N E E Oh [Laughter] He N N N N N N N right I am back folks I had a door oh watch see at the same point hi Wasabi oh Ry oh so good to see you you are a welcome site indeed right um also welcome welcome welcome one and all right let me let me see what’s been going On yeah Rossy yeah Rossy indeed it’s been it’s been a while isn’t it um easy p oh go good Lord right your chat okay okay right let’s get back into the swing of things shall we Rosy okay right but um anyway how you been Rossy you been

Good good nice nice right okay uh Romania the the YouTube video fan is Rania guy MC Perfection I see hi now yeah how how you doing Rossy you doing you doing well um I haven’t seen you in a while to be honest I know I know you been like

Doing stuff but um it’s good to see uh yesterday well yesterday was a pretty good and bad day how so sounds like a pretty interesting Duality okay right murder mystery let’s go now Rossy would you like to play some M Mystery uh me and it’s goofy guy were all best friends now nice uh start first round then I’ll go on hi High for cour right let’s go e hotel we’ll go we’ll go Village so it was good because Christmas obviously fair enough fair enough how

You do what was the what was the bad bit obviously if you don’t want to share oh dry throat um if you don’t want to share then obviously that’s that’s fair Enough uh that’ll be our channel name if we all combined Romania and gy did a Fusion dance oh goodness Me uh it was bad because my arm is still broken and I was a little angry when someone told me I didn’t exist of being whoa someone went up to you and said That H I’m uh I’m sorry to hear that R see that doesn’t sound pretty uh real the same level oh nice nice uh and he said they because I removed their message for stelf promotion Bro yeah but it doesn’t even make sense logically like obviously now there has been some um discussion at least from people I know in the LGBT community about people who are asexual I’m just like I don’t care that’s you do you uh with instruction from the streamer I

Must add sounds like a s loser Rossy this is one odd thing to say like um actually you don’t exist because you don’t like to have relations with people but that doesn’t make any Sense what uh what what what streamer was this if uh if you don’t mind me asking obviously it wasn’t the guy who said it but what what stream were you on uh Minecraft good says hello hello Minecraft good hi dang it this was a Momo stream

Momo oh yes I I think I know what you’re talking about I haven’t really been in uh in his uh streams um are they usually quite Rowdy um no look um I know it’s like a sliding scale of like particular polite live chats you know like maybe mine comes to

Mind um but then you go to like no no actually fa f f is pretty good oh no but it it it’s always that duality of like really polite streams on hive um to just UT de gravity his streams usually fine I F that’s good good um it’s it’s

Obviously quite bad that’s one said that to you um I imagine they got timed out or no uh only issue is he has mods people oh oh yeah so he’s he’s doing the the squad of B his thing isn’t he I I oh that’s good I I love I love how me

And Rossy had the exact same thought like that sounds like Boo um uh and the person who said it was no he was a Oh bro he was a moderator and he said that why does the pin message say yeah I I I just got back

From my break one second then we changed to your PIN message yeah that’s really bad Rossy um I’m not going to set like you should probably have a like a talk to Momo about that I see you hold now this may be me overthinking things but

You hold quite a big Sway in the hive community so hopefully he can uh address that cuz that’s pretty bad Prime fire what what did Prime say I was actually like Friends of the guy too really oh um yeah obviously have my SYM I seems very strange uh White PVP says hello

Oh easy PE how could You uh why do I join the hive to see three people spinning yeah they’ve been at that for quite a while um we saw them about halfway through about five minutes ago uh now four yeah um because spinning is super yeah I’m going to make a um a short on

It maybe like a Tik Tok uh Jakey yeah Jakey Jakey dream he is man oh speaking of dream um has anyone seen his uh video that he posted um I I know he posted a video um I have watched it um what what what you guys thoughts in

It uh the it’s goofy Romania ball nice uh could you invite Jackie pens to the party of course of course I Can I hate when I do that uh that you’re on the wrong region No there we Go uh pfp hm yeah what do you guys think of his video um I I want to I want to know what everyone else thinks um Little Santa hat oh that may be why they didn’t do the Santa hat because there already is one I haven’t watched it fair enough if if you want my summary about it it clears up like 80% of things like the the most serious stuff after all it

Doesn’t really absolve him of being a a douchebag but you know Um but it is clear that he’s kind of lost t er as his main sort of tough if that makes sense it will be your uh PP but with a smile not fair not fair Okay just collecting coins nice nice nice and by the way why I am sorry while I am collecting all these coins uh if you could uh please like And subscribe to my channel um so just saying I don’t do hive mini games as my main content but I do loads of

Other stuff including uh City episodes Minecraft City episodes uh Minecraft tutorials just general indie horror and of course Minecraft content so if you do like that then obviously I am the man for you so yeah that man is walking by suspiciously and that guy just walk away from the

Pipe with a grve stone which is uh mighty suspicious if you ask me maybe some uh some stuff is happening happening is a fot some crates of apples uh Merry boxing day yes merry Boxing Day scat how you doing um are you out of the

Hospital by way uh what do I call my channel it’s goofy GMC is Minecraft B showcases like uh Minecraft s statues of YouTubers Minecraft stuff yeah he he uh he builds a lot of my tutorials could I have a party invite after this game of

Course of course you can how silly of me to even think of not inviting you earlier yep all clear fantastic here man I Hospital trips always just like the The Architects do their best to make it seem as okay he’s got though I was about to say motor has open the flood valves

No so some pmu just goes washed away hey let’s go uh yes I do appreciate Wasabi for inspiring me to do YouTube nice but Nice but that Romania I’m telling you there’s a great markting statues um obviously I know you’re do my statues but um like see if you can do like uh YouTubers like every like a dream skin a you know a technoblade skin obviously God God bless

Us all um you know um the famous videos like that um do really well um if you do a good detailing make it more detailed than others uh the Youtube fan let’s go POG champ yes I po CH POG champ let’s Go for real for real yeah like um there’s great demand for it are you from plushies you Know Uh you get what you want Wasabi on my channel fair enough but look all I’m saying Romania it’s a it’s a good Market it’s a good Niche there’s thousands of famous Minecraft youtubers who have their own niches so you’ll be dipping into each of them uh because was tells

Me what to do well no I’m just look I’m giving you advice that that’s all I’m not your manager okay we’ll do one more murder mystery game oh goodness Me um it’s goofy says I’ve heard Hive has a thingy called custom service is there possible you can make one of course um we’re actually doing one uh very soon very soon um it just depends what kind of custom game you want us to

Do um usually we do Sumo or death tag or something like that um cuz I want to see what it is basically it’s it’s just a custom made game of the game mode so it could be a custom made SkyWars game or a custom made murder mystery um or what

Have you um usually it’s so people can One V one um on The Hive server but if there is a big uh demand for it there’ll be a big game a big group game of SkyWars or treasure Wars what have you um but just hope people going to have a

Good time um there’s you can adjust the rules um if you’re the owner you can adjust the settings of the rules so it it’s just a a nice way to change up the Games uh goofy says woo H Sumo I know but what is death tag it is essentially um the the setting is put in so you have half a heart and you’re only given I believe only andte blocks and there stuff to move you around um so the idea

Is one one hit from a player will will get you so it’s basically who can survive the longest uh I’m back from dinner nice tax what did you have for dinner was it was it tasty was it scrumptious that begs the question are you cuz you’re in Australia or New Zealand or whatever

Um is it still Christmas day for you or is it boxing day that sounds interesting it is it is um it can be quite a quick game mode though so we might do two um no I’ll tell you what I I I’ll tell I’ll tell you what

We’ll do um we we’ll do death tag and as well as that we’ll do um can I get an invite to the party of course you can of course bro I just got mured by a lady in a pancake hat uh yes let me let me let

Me invite you end the boxing day oh fair enough I I always remember that um Australia is basically the their time zones just completely absurd That’s good okay easy uh Clapp I beg your pardon now can you do SkyWars after death tag because SkyWars in Hypixel is fun I want to see what SkyWars looks like in high yeah of course um actually we’ll be able to do one more Quest so we can do um

We’ll be able to do some SkyWars um I need to get some knock back aoom boxes uh Rossy says peu oh did you um nice Rossy Rossy with a big iron on her hip I’m so cool I killed an innocent as then you’re not inoc are you

Jackie oh goodness me right let’s go play some uh SkyWars use five knockback boom boxes let’s go right so that is our next quest uh use five knockback boom boxes then after that we’ll do a CS uh I think the only videos of my not so watched all the

YouTuber builds well yeah cuz a lot of them are like my builds which is you know a given but um it is interesting to see the different things uh different interpretations of builds I think but yeah uh can I get an invite of course wait didn’t I invite you pretty

Sure I did it’s goofy MC there we go invite S let’s go uh my Ig yeah D I’ve invited you right let’s go into SkyWars shall we uh can I please get reinvites too of course of course now um folks what game mode will actually get me the most knockback boom boxes like if we go into

Um uh SkyWars uh Mega will that get us more boom boxes do do you think cuz we yeah we’ve got about six players so it’s uh pretty pretty much Given cool cool right let’s go right guys if you do have um mega boom boxes if you break enough gold it can okay fair enough yeah more ORS fair enough fair enough um so guys if you do get a knockback uh boom box uh req I got a glitch Really oh I see why am I in the Nera one second there we go Never loading screen oh No uh let it let it join you might be having some trouble join like you’re there but you just need to let it Load y you’re there uh why did the m thingy turn into a grass loading screen no cuz you’re you’re never um it’s a just just rejoin just rejoin Rejoin is this supposed to it it happens sometimes it just depends on on how much processing power you are um it might be to do with your pack I don’t know but um yeah you might unfortunately you’re going to miss this one game but it’s

Okay because we got a few stuff left to do Uh Minecraft says oh my God guys he’s totally hacking I don’t pack uh no don’t worry goofy look it happens sometimes when the the servers strain too much on your device it will fail to load in when you’re joining a game it does happen it’s quite rare but it usually depends

How much processing the game is actually doing um so yeah guys um if do have any knockback boom boxes just uh hand them over to me I will confiscate them for reasons let me just um sorry rate my channel from one to uh 10 um yeah i’ say

It’s about 5 6 out of 10 like it’s always the it’s just one of those things uh for real I’m flying without anyone hitting me oh yes yes yes yes okay very good ah no not those Bean boxes melon I’m sorry that’s was really mean We thank You [Laughter] let’s Go oh no that wasn’t very lucky ah no my extra hearts hey let’s go yay I did it thank you guys uh if you get a knockback Bo box this game CU I wanted to play SkyWars I just want to see what it is okay fine f f um it

Basically the knock bag boom box it just propels you um a certain point so you could use it to get yourself onto an island or without using block bridging methods never mind what’s up he’s my boss I’m not your boss stop saying that Uh can I get of course my life it’s uh back whole soul Fame Bro imagine if if I was a lawyer for like Minecraft players that would not go well now urano if we go by the saying you are what you eat then my client is an innocent Man uh rainia says We no Sage bro imagine being toxic in Skywars like it’s just a game petition to kick to right look the guy the guy who killed you he got too arrogant don’t wor they got they got him we like cheese oh gr it we forgot the crackers uh what up tell me a statue of

Yours and I’ll make it Minecraft well look I tell you what I tell you what Romania I could give you a list of YouTubers to build come on Rosie don’t don’t pressure her easy it’s but it’s Boxing Day we’re supposed to relax you know we got Burger Bger a Rossy go Rossy mode Indeed bro what’s up oh wow we’re all dead it’s because he press it’s because he prees me he pressed be to fall off the edge okay the guys the the people spinning are gone okay right folks um let us do our custom game now so let us create

ACS uh we’ll do death tag first yeah we’ll do solos uh we are the amazing the crazy digital cers indeed right Cod only right so that is the code uh Rossy could you be a um a helping hand so to speak and put that in

The chat please uh now that pfp makes me think you’re a 40-year-old man oh that’s quite Funny good Lord Death tag there you go death tag confirm thank you Rossy okay we got Jackie we got Sage now of course we will be um sorry about this I’m just uh making sure my remote isn’t stick drift very good technique this we got five people uh g v say hi welcome G how you Doing so yeah folks that is the Cs code um obviously we are playing death tag then I’m thinking either cops and robbers or a nice little game of um let me run downstairs quickly it will take like 30 seconds on the Goof is level

Here indeed uh all I can see is just you looking bopping your head and it looks crazy fair enough fair enough okay right we got 1 2 3 4 5 six very good very good uh what’s cops and robbers it’s essentially uh murder mystery but

Everyone is either a cop or a you know a a murer so um it’s basically a shootout um it’s quite a fast game mode so it’s why I sort of decided to split this into two game modes um cuz death tag is quite a quick game mode so

It SS the reason that I’ll just kind of dibs on being a cop well it’s actually it doesn’t really matter cuz they they’re both basically the same role um it just that someone has a bow and everyone has a um a Frable You heard nothing uh I haven’t been on Minecraft for months fair enough man look everyone has to take a break at some point um I I sometimes take a break from Minecraft and other games um it just depends what’s that you know okay we’re going to

Wait for one more minute and then we’ll uh we’ll start so yeah we we we’ll start in about 30 seconds just to make sure the the thing I’m saying is is locked really oh yeah you’re using a Bedrock chat we need more players come on Jo that’s Right well six plays is quite I know six plays is quite decent why are we on a ship oh no this is this the the spawn stuff what is this uh sorry want to play a bit of survival absolutely not that sounds awful n sorry I I I don’t have time um

To be fair um I need to make sure all of my builds and tutorials for next month are basically done uh a flying ship indeed attacks my PP makes me how many years EU yes thank you thank you right we we we’ll start now um breb yes

Breb um what kind of map are we on Let’s do let’s do the ginger bre Down okay right let’s go wait a minute tag okay Start what’s how we go aab mode uh set teams we’re in a party no no it’s fine um the parties don’t really count in cs’s I’m going to be destroyed the Sheep Ain that all huh I have half a heart yeah that’s the point Yeah just don’t don’t fall off the edge or fall from a great Distance uh no way so does know a is this going to be another like inappropriate reference Sage H uh I was playing survival in Minecraft and I kill the End Dragon nice but nice uh what no what what is that Common it’s a thing I think any Australians know what it is uh fair enough oh ooh okay dude I can’t get to Mid yes you can I’ll save you no easy Pez easy FZ stop it so I’m a professional at survival Nice what’s your skin oh it’s the the face up thing isn’t It where did that come from oh it was the Mr banana I No he’s still doing It uh because I’m a world right now vulture a f enough F enough he’s at my Island yeah try not to um uh Camp finally he Left no oh no I must plan my next move very carefully even though my slightest move could uh could ruin Me I must be very tactical about how I do this He’s at my Island he left is everything okay um Easy come on next SMP stream um oh that that isn’t getting recorded for in a long while yeah uh Joe the guy who runs it he’s um he’s obviously having his Really there you go Rossy I want to PVP normally like This Cover no oh uh well well done goofy he took me Out oh he left oh rep easy P one one BC need aim slow paying first hit for game mode look he’s all in good fun now I’m sorry that it’s okay look I had to do it I know I know I had to do it rule one of SkyWars don’t take SkyWars Seriously uh next stream on the cat J Fe yeah I’ll be honest I don’t think I’m going to do any more streams on the S&P not because it’s not bad but Joe bless his heart he he’s had some issues where he hasn’t been able to get

On so my ability to stream on the S SMP is relatable if not congruent it’s dependent that’s the word it’s uh dependent on how many many times Joe’s on and because Joe hasn’t been on really um it it sort of put a stop in my tracks

Uh so to speak um which is completely reasonable he’s had some stuff happen which is I can’t really talk about but um you obviously he’s having fun for Christmas uh you know with his family and uh stuff like that so it’s just you know let let sleeping dogs lie I’m fine

Of not streaming it um it’s just a shame because obviously we spent some time on it um but again it is one of those things one second um computer computer by the way you have a new comp do you want to hear it no computer oh my goodness

Computer computer Play the album arcade from my music library your album arcade on Amazon music tag says computer I knew you going do that why do you make me sound like some kind of cocky Pub singer right let’s see what Jackie is doing oh no more infinitely uh arus maritimus 88 says yo

Welcome assus Okay let see what uh Hey dark yo cre not long time no see I’ve been looking at your Tik toks man they’re doing good man how you doing okay Sage is is here in her Fortress of Solitude sending the army of Romania balls blood girl sky castle indeed Okay we got goofy I’m back wel back Rossy how to survive 101 oh that’s great yeah they’re not fighting they’re just making they’re just making chairs and Castles this is a Joke excuse me uh can I join yeah of course uh we’re going to do one more CS what was that goofy build in front of me it is a castle uh by the way uh que how’s your Tik Tok going um I I I’ve been seeing it on um on my feed

Uh when I when I upload but it’s it’s good to see you getting some those good Numbers uh drinks a cup of tea oh don’t say that you get tax worked up where where is tax oh he’s over there completely opposite from where she Was come on tax do no te come on fight we got one minute left after existing from 1,11 you got annihilated in 2023 a ad best friend Jackie left the party uh I’m going to stop playing for now fair enough man fair enough I hope you enjoy your boxing

Day oh that’s quite a good Pro Design actually oh it’s yeah it’s in the wall yeah that’s quite good obviously it’s not detailed but the the the main concept of it is quite good come on Sage well I’m going to eat some breakfast fair enough man I’ll probably get some lunch myself yo

Welcome it’s goofy gg gg okay right um one more game let’s see goofy you Menace oh bless okay CR server we’ll do M mystery um so yeah let’s go change access code to code only there we go this guy was I beg like normal players op1 don’t right we’ll do

Um uh as says let me join yeah of course U the code’s there so um Rossy if you can put that in the chat it would be great appreciate goodness me thank you Rossy right we’ll wait for people to join and I’ll put in the the settings first one in yo let’s go it’s goofy Rossy nice very nice very Nice there’s none of Romania Bulls in the world oh bless it’s it’s Reby F oh goodness man that that radiator is boiling okay let’s get out the uh the hats shall we hat Mount um what what what is it costume yeah that’s fine right oh excuse me it’s a Freddy fazar sorry no way I’m doing that again okay right so we

Got Ry bosom left your party no Rossy is everything all right wait that’s I Clos MC it’s okay it’s okay don’t worry well we we’ll keep this on for another 3 minutes so then we’ll start the Game send in the army of Romania balls yes with Cups of Tea petition for Mania to change his name to Chad Ball Uh C say explod hello C how are you doing oh mother mystery yes get in C get in before before you Explode how long until you’re supposed to start I want to see if I can join uh we we’ll be keeping it open for a good let’s see um a good two three minutes we look if you’re just for you cup dog I’ll be willing to wait as long as it isn’t like a

Ridiculous time okay Ross’s joined very good let’s see who’s in here we got mated power Rossy Sage quch uh goofy easy and C sounds like a very goofy cool name bro C is a very valued member of The Hive Community petion for taags to change his P

PP what if I won versus all you not happening now Minecraft Live uh I’m good but tired uh I also levels up like four times in a week nice uh how do I join uh you just got to put in the code like so um so you basically go/ CS you go to enter invite code and you

Put in the pin comment which is uh the one that Ross you sent so yes okay right we got um yeah we’ve got an uneven so we’ll have to okay we only had a warning yeah sounds good uh Hey tax what was my flag they’re both the Same Romania they’re both the Same uh-huh it’s like all good all good all Good uh now sorry one flag is Romania and it was Chad oh sorry um on my uh p PS4 sorry PS5 it just I love how I tried to put on um my costume and SLO two identical costumes called dog I thought you promised me that will’ll do SkyWars

After death tag not my my mystery no no no death tag was SkyWars want see what SK was look like what it’s essentially that yeah yeah we we did um yeah we did Sky Mega and then death tag and then M mystery 10 minutes left yes oh yeah man loaring resources all

Good death tag War skyar yeah it’s basically a custom game mode of SkyWars the second is Romania very nice very nice uh but why isn’t there any chests and only I I know cuz it’s a custom version of SkyWars uh can we do another SkyWars Mega um I don’t think we’ll have time unfortunately okay right let’s see here um if I can get the comments out of the way yay we have um 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n okay right um let’s go right game settings uh set

Rolls roll mounts so how how many people are in here um there’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine so that’s four okay right so that’s four yeah four and four and four four which means someone’s going to have to be someone’s going to have to be

Innocent unfortunately uh wait what’s that makes a splot noise no idea okay right um interacts coins there map we’ll do Castle town oh we could do very Garden or ghost house I I tell you what we’ll do we’ll do office party coins AFK kicking uh innocent detector

Maps that rolls world time um yeah that should be 10 players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh right you are right you are okay right let’s go May everyone have the best of luck All cops Surs yes Indeed I’m so sorry C Duck I’m so sorry Ow go bro goofy just two remain two Remain okay this is Yeah be Co cool which one is M oh no he backed up too much gu the flag of kazakistan I’m I’m not doing that bro I need to let dog out so I found enough Rossy fa Enough second flag is Molly i f enough F enough probably GG to everyone now that that fun no oh goodness Me okay okay right XD Ray okay choco Wizards let see that one second Folks I don’t think we have any want to raid which is um unfortunate anyway um I’m afraid that has been it for today’s live stream a wonderful uh boxing day uh just celebration really um so folks I just want to say thank you for watching the stream we’ve had a wonderful time

Unfortunately there is no one to raid uh which is kind of a given given you know there’s like no one on this since this boxing day but um I just want to say thank you for watching um obviously um if you do like what I do please like

This video And subscribe um I do everything from Minecraft City episodes to Minecraft tutorials uh just general indie horror and Minecraft content so if you do like that then I am the person for you um obviously here’s hoping you all have a wonderful boxing day my name

Has been Dr Wasabi I been you pleasant good morning a good afternoon and good night and of course as always God Bless bye

This video, titled ‘Hive Minigames LIVE | HAPPY BOXING DAY! 🎂 | Playing with Viewers ☕’, was uploaded by Doctor Wasabi on 2023-12-26 13:01:01. It has garnered 158 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:10 or 7810 seconds.

Come on down as we grind quests and play Custom Matches on the Minecraft Hive Server! If you would like a CS, please prepare one beforehand as to save time. Thank You! #minecraft #hivegames #minecraftbedrock

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  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

    Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide Unlock Limited-Edition Capes in Minecraft! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add some flair to your character? Well, you’re in luck! Minecraft is offering limited-edition capes that you can easily obtain. These exclusive capes are available until May 31, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to customize your avatar. The codes for these capes will expire on June 30, so act fast to secure yours! How to Get the TikTok Cape The TikTok cape is a trendy addition to your Minecraft wardrobe. To get this stylish cape, simply follow these steps: Visit the official Minecraft website. Log… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2

    Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero sets out to fulfill their dream. Building a barn house, block by block, Surviving the challenges, ticking like a clock. With creativity and skill, they craft their abode, In survival mode, where dangers unfold. Each block placed with care, each detail refined, In this virtual world, their imagination shines. Gaming is their passion, their escape from reality, Exploring new horizons with boundless vitality. With each challenge faced, they grow stronger, In this digital world, they can’t wait any longer. So join the adventure, into the unknown, Where creativity… Read More

  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

    Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain creator in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on creating original and entertaining content, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the sole official channel associated with the creator. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized reproductions and lack the creator’s endorsement. Viewers can… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

    Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes that jive. Updates and news, all delivered with flair, In every verse, the essence of gaming is there. From funny animations to unique experiences, Each video brings joy, no room for grievances. With characters like Stress and OdoKentang in play, The world of Minecraft comes alive in a playful display. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the channel that’s key. In every frame, unforgettable moments unfold, In the extraordinary world of animation, stories untold. Read More

  • Crafting a King: Act 3

    Crafting a King: Act 3 Act 3: “Birth of a King” Prepare to witness the epic tale of the birth of a king in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we delve into the exciting events and features of this thrilling adventure. The Rise of a Monarch As the story unfolds, players will witness the transformation of a humble character into a powerful ruler. The journey to kingship is fraught with challenges and triumphs, making for a captivating narrative. Embrace the Power Experience the thrill of commanding your kingdom and making crucial decisions that will shape the fate of your realm. With great… Read More

  • Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues!

    Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues! Minecraft Escape Room Adventure with @batscove Introduction In a recent Minecraft escapade, our protagonist was tasked with running an escape room challenge by the enigmatic @batscove. What followed was a series of mind-bending puzzles, parkour challenges, and a race against time to unravel the mysteries of the Matrix. The Lingering Potion Puzzle The adventure kicks off with a potion-making conundrum – the elusive Thick Lingering Potion. As our hero navigates the intricacies of brewing, they find themselves entangled in a web of ingredients and enchantments, all while bantering with @batscove about the Matrix. The Enchanting Table Dilemma Next up,… Read More

  • The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft Expeditions

    The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft ExpeditionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Uncharted Expeditions | Day 2’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2024-04-08 23:37:34. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:11 or 15551 seconds. Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on April 8th 2024 — Watch live at Read More

  • Wizmo Gaming Survival: Semi-Vanilla PvE Economy Build

    Join Our New Survival Community! IP: MC.WIZMOGAMING.COM DISC: About Us We provide a nostalgic Minecraft experience on our lightly modded, semi-vanilla server. No pay-to-win features ensure a fair playing field for everyone. Unique Features • Shared spawn area for building • Plugins like treefeller for quality of life improvements • Player shop system for trading Protection Full block protection and rollbacks available. Ask a staff member or post on Discord for help with land protection. Shop Easily create shops to participate in our growing economy. Just click on a chest with the item you want to sell or buy…. Read More

  • || Mineland Network » 1.8-1.20.6 (PvP 1.8)➥ Become a real HERO ➜

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this a repost? Again??

    Minecraft Memes - Is this a repost? Again??Looks like this meme has mined its way to the top with a diamond score of 886! Read More

  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

    KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, KosmiKrime is the name of the game, a true gamer’s dream. With an animated intro, two years in the making, This Hardcore adventure is sure to be breathtaking. Join us on June 1st, for the grand debut, Witness the epic journey, with a crew that’s true. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into Minecraft, with skills that can’t be beat. Join our Discord community, where mischief is abound, We’re up to no good, causing chaos all around. Follow us on Twidder, for updates and more,… Read More

  • Minecraft RTX: When your graphics card can’t handle the heat! 🔥

    Minecraft RTX: When your graphics card can't handle the heat! 🔥 “When you finally get Minecraft RTX but your computer can only handle it at 1% graphics… looks like I’ll be playing Minecraft in ‘Potato Mode’ for a while #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less!

    Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less! Unlocking Minecraft Hacks with Meteor Client Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than the Meteor Hacked Client! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to download and install this powerful tool in under 2 minutes. Let’s dive in! What is Meteor Client? If you’re familiar with Minecraft hacked clients like Wurst, LiquidBounce, Raven B+, and Aristois, you’ll love Meteor Client. This free and open-source client is designed to enhance your Minecraft experience with a range of features and functionalities. Plus, it’s regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest… Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning – Part 2

    15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning - Part 2 The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey Through 15 Years From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon In the vast world of Minecraft, players have been crafting, building, and exploring for 15 years. What started as a simple indie game has transformed into a global phenomenon, thanks to the dedication of Mojang Studios and the vibrant Minecraft community. Minecon: One of the pivotal moments in Minecraft’s history was the introduction of Minecon, where developers and players came together to celebrate their love for the game. These events provided a platform for fans to connect, share their creations, and get a glimpse… Read More

  • Shocking: Nico’s Sister Has a Crush on Me?!

    Shocking: Nico's Sister Has a Crush on Me?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nico’s Sister Has a Crush on Me’, was uploaded by Coolgamersminecraft6 on 2024-06-02 16:07:22. It has garnered 848 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:54 or 1314 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #nicoandcash Today, Cash is in a bit of a pickle… Nico’s sister, is IN LOVE WITH HIM! Cash and Nico will both have to find a way to get her to stop crushing on Cash before she’s stuck like this forever! Socials: #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash Coolgamersminecraft6 sister Welcome to coolgamersminecraft6 Read More

  • EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101

    EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixel art #shorts’, was uploaded by IC 1101 GAMING MCPE on 2024-01-13 08:30:05. It has garnered 4697 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #ic1101gamingmcpe #chapatihindustanigamer #loggyhindustanigamer #loggy if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I will do it for you Video SEO::: minecraft viral tiktok hacks worlds smallest violin,minecraft shorts,shorts,minecraft build hack,world’s smallest violin,worlds smallest violin,minecraft… Read More

  • Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraft

    Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by Allay Gamer 2.O on 2024-04-01 00:53:37. It has garnered 40 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:11 or 3611 seconds. 🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp JOIN OUR DISCORD ⫸ SUBSCRIBE MY SECOND CHANNEL ⫸ IGNORE TAGS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftindia #minecraftpakistan #livestream #livehindinews minecraftpublic smp minecraft public smp minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp 24/7 minecraft public smp 1.20 pocket edition 24/7 minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic WARRIOR LEVELING/MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Gods Bicep on 2024-05-22 14:55:20. It has garnered 641 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:06 or 10566 seconds. JOIN THE CHICKEN COOP CLUB TODAY!: / @godsbicep SUPPORT ME DIRECTLY BELOW AT MY PAYPAL: Read More

  • “ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!” #minecraftsquad

    "ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!" #minecraftsquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Triệu Hồi Bubba BubbaPhant Trong Minecraft #minecraftshort #xuhuong’, was uploaded by King Craft on 2024-03-20 11:06:11. It has garnered 17859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make tower#minecraft #shorta’, was uploaded by Gamer Demon on 2024-01-12 10:14:32. It has garnered 1216 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shorts

    Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Annual #Minecraft Journey CALLED ME IN! LMAO #shorts’, was uploaded by TheSlaY3R_ on 2024-01-13 16:45:00. It has garnered 2464 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. uwu ———————————- I’m live on Twitch at least a few days of the week if you wanna hang out: Twitch Schedule: (Eastern Time / EST) Start Time: Before or by 9pm End Time: ~12am (I post when I’m live on Discord) Social Links: Discord Community- Read More

  • Minecraft’s Dark Secret Revealed – Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktok

    Minecraft's Dark Secret Revealed - Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktokVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stop mining like this in Minecraft [DARK] #shorts #tiktok #minecraft #gaming #mining #mine’, was uploaded by DARK on 2024-03-06 14:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Welcome to DARK, your go-to destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into our world of tutorials, epic Bedwars battles, captivating gameplay, thrilling 100 days challenges, and so much more. Whether you’re a beginner looking for building tips or a seasoned player seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures, our channel has something for everyone. Join our vibrant Minecraft community as we… Read More

  • Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power – Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power - Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-05 07:30:19. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy |#minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope… Read More

  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

    Welcome to SalveCraft! SalveCraft is a thriving Minecraft community with players from all around the world. Whether you’re a master builder, redstone expert, comedian, or content creator, there’s a place for you here. Our server operates similar to HermitCraft and focuses on creating a fun and entertaining environment for everyone. Current Season: Season 2 (Started 05/20/24) We are always looking for new members to join our community and liven up the server. If you’re interested, reach out to us or join our Discord server for more information. The application process takes place on Discord. Discord: Join our Discord server We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sculk Shrieker be like: Vibin’ & Snitchin’

    Sculk Shrieker’s main goal is to be more popular than all the other Minecraft memes…and it looks like it’s winning with a score of 26! Read More

  • Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥

    Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥 “I made an iron golem in Minecraft, but now he just stands there judging me while I try to mine for diamonds. Talk about a tough crowd!” 😂🤖 #minecraftproblems #ironjudgement Read More

  • EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await!

    EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await! Welcome to EDS BOY: Your Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Welcome to EDS BOY, a mystical realm where blocks come alive and adventures unfold! Dive into our pixelated universe, where diamond pickaxes gleam, creepers lurk, and redstone circuits hum with magic. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a curious newbie, this channel is your gateway to epic quests, jaw-dropping builds, and heart-pounding survival challenges. Uncover Hidden Temples and Tame Wild Wolves Join us as we explore lush forests, treacherous caves, and towering mountains. Uncover hidden temples, tame wild wolves, and outwit those pesky skeletons. The world of EDS BOY is full… Read More

  • Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans

    Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans The World of Minecraft: Exploring Bedwars, Skywars, and More! Embark on an exciting journey through the blocky universe of Minecraft, where adventure awaits at every turn. From intense battles in Bedwars to thrilling challenges in Skywars, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Bedwars Step into the adrenaline-pumping arena of Bedwars, where teams compete to destroy each other’s beds while protecting their own. With strategic gameplay and fast-paced action, Bedwars offers a unique multiplayer experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. Key Features: Team-based gameplay Resource gathering and base building… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱

    Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Escaping Rooms in Minecraft (And Real Life😩)’, was uploaded by Jervy Ras on 2024-04-21 09:39:10. It has garnered 63 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:29 or 6209 seconds. I have joined a small Minecraft event because it looked like fun, @savvysoggy is the creator of it and it is in the honour of one of his friends! I am not planning on winning all 10 rooms but I am going to try my best to make it far! Official Discord: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: Read More

  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

    Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I summoned herobrine 😰 #gamergirl #gameplay #herobrine #minecraft #minecraft2024 #horrorgames’, was uploaded by Tanu Gaming on 2024-04-13 05:19:30. It has garnered 2799 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. About This Game Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮

    GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS ON A RANDOM CHUNK IN MINECRAFT HARDCORE 🥹’, was uploaded by Great Is Back on 2024-03-18 11:17:23. It has garnered 249 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft gaming channel! Join us as we tackle the challenge of surviving the first day in hardcore mode. Watch as we gather resources, build shelter, and fend off mobs in this intense gameplay series. Don’t miss out on all the action – hit that subscribe button now! #Minecraft #gaming #hardcoremode Subscribe for more epic adventures… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)

    Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft… nya??? (dies of cringe)🌠’, was uploaded by Jelly Ch. 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-02-02 16:10:04. It has garnered 6435 views and 747 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:52 or 10612 seconds. … 🌠Your super cute alien idol princess, is invading!! 🌠 I’m Jelly Hoshiumi, Phase Invaders’ SUPER CUTE SUPER FUNNY SUPER PURE shooting star 🌠 from a faraway planet! ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Donation Page✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ Jelly really appreciates your donations, but they’re not required to enjoy the streams! Unless stated otherwise, all donations are final and non-refundable, so please donate responsibly :3c ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Social Media✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ Youtube:… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Modding Builds – New Year Fashion Show Tutorial” #viral #trending

    "Insane Minecraft Modding Builds - New Year Fashion Show Tutorial" #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new year fashion show modding builds tutorial#viral #trending #minecraft #gaming #youtube’, was uploaded by carryminy PC gamer on 2024-01-08 09:01:20. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMG

    WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMGVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Minecraft Mob is that? #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-24 17:00:20. It has garnered 100 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and I would… Read More

  • “Minecraft SHOCK: Erik’s MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!” #shizo #clickbait

    "Minecraft SHOCK: Erik's MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌳 EINFACHE BAUMFARM! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-03-17 12:00:42. It has garnered 29712 views and 1400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. 🔥 Subscribe to me or a creeper will explode in your camp! ► 👕 Merch: (Advertising) ► 💬 Discord server: ► 💥 TikTok: ► 📷 Instagram: ► 👑 Twitch: ► 🖥️ YouTube: @ErikOnHisPeriod ★☆★ More info & links ★☆★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● 🎧 Background music 🎧 ●•٠· ► 🎶 EpidemicSound: * ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● Minecraft ●•٠· ► 🎮​… Read More

  • INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shorts

    INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Builds Ep. 68 | #shorts’, was uploaded by EcoSMP on 2024-02-12 22:29:29. It has garnered 5714 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. This timelapse shows us building a beautiful Victorian fantasy medieval cottagecore house in Minecraft. Our friend, Lindolas_Official, has been kind enough to let us create videos of his creations. Please show him some support on Planet Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecrafttutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftidea #minecrafthowto #minecraftmedieval #minecraftfantasy #cottagecore #minecraftjava #smp #minecraftsurvival #minecraftaesthetic #minecraftstarterhouse Music Courtesy Of Mojang Studios Read More