INSANE! I Found the Ultimate Adventure Map | AvidMc Ep. 5

Video Information

We go we go again hello hi hi everybody I’m back I’m here sorry I was just messing with my audio settings I know I already streamed today um but uh I’m here to stream yet again which is not something to get used to but I uh my stream with Josh ended a

Little early he was pretty fast at beating the dungeon so I decided uh why not why not stream a little Dremel today so we go again double stream POG let me know if you guys can hear everything I’m just checking yep desktop audio looks good Minecraft audio looks good we’re here quackit hello

Again Taco I’m sorry you’re sick but I’m glad I could be here for you today um so uh yesterday and in the last stream we uh we raided this Castle but we’re not done we’re nowhere near done with this Castle I know for a fact because Kiko told me

The developer waterf flow hi good to see you another stream goie yes Munch you can sleep today you can sleep today holin just stopping by say I can’t uh watch the start of this might only be able to watch the VOD but congrats uh I wish I could know when I subbed 17,000

Subscribers my waterf flow sir may I ask you to stop removing my sleeping ability hey look you can sleep I encourage you to sleep um you should sleep but uh I I first off I saw we were about to hit 17K so I was like whoa that’s kind of a

That’s kind of a big deal um second off my my stream with Josh ended a little early we may have already hit it I don’t know I’m not look really looking you guys can tell me um but I am uh I’m super excited that I can stream twice

Today it’s a quiet it’s a more quiet day for me at work so thank you hello welcome everybody thank you for being subscribed magic I forgot about an online school thing because all these streams and I missed it magic stop don’t get in trouble don’t get in trouble don’t get

In trouble we’ve got some stuff to do we’ve got some stuff to do there is we’ve got two really important things to do today first first and foremost uh we are not done with this this Castle I know for a fact because Kiko told me there are pants there are boots and I

Think there’s a shield so so yeah I’m I’m uh I’m going to go find all those things Munch Avid how can we sleep when you’re streaming sleep while watching the stream okay there are vods I try to repost I post the vods how many Subs do

Do I have left last I checked it was two um this is for YouTube by the way I am simultaneously streaming on Twitch uh which I’ve just started to do recently um and uh yeah we’re we’re about two two away which is pretty amazing pretty amazing how can I sleep when you’re

About to do 25% oh that’s a big deal huh okay so apparently this Compass is a big deal which all the more reason to get more gear um I know where some are there still jerks around hold on a second where I was shot that’s not cool man we’ve got excuse

Me does anybody see where this guy is oh I my feel of view is set way low hold on a second I was taking I was doing the screenshot thing that’s got to be disorienting we’ll go to normal um who is shooting me not 2K or 200 two yes

Two Cryer hey I’m sub since like two months ago so still excited about your Venture map thank you thank you for being subbed uh taco man no worries if you can’t say the whole thing oh boy Al Wu comments already um I suspect I suspect a couple

I suspect there are there’s a couple of of little juicy bits of loot in here and all we need to do is get high enough to find them uh I mean in like the height sense of that word um so let’s see if uh let’s see if I can

Build up a little bit and see if I can get up there lemon hello welcome juwel the lazy says I just relogged and you have beaten 177,000 subscribers congrats I really hope hope I am not beating any of my subscribers no I get what you mean thank

You uh thank you so much guys I appreciate it so cool um things have been kind of wild the last couple of days with the traps video coming out um that that was well received so thank you for watching if you watched it and uh that has directly led to like two or

3,000 I don’t I think it’s 2,000 Subs kind of nuts um here are some bad guys I see a couple of bad guys and I see some Towers I want to get into that that’s that’s what I saw uh the like right when we entered and I want to get in

There congrats on 17K thank you oh my goodness yes I totally mean elevation when I say we need to get higher I handed that joke to you you can’t just keep using it yeah those red leaves are nice whoop all right hi I see a chest see go to tallest

Tower open chest I don’t even know like how you would have gotten here anyways all right let’s see what’s inside oh my we need a shield why does this Shield have knockback okay wait when it’s in my off hand I gain additional armor that is very cool uh dralam Rose to power

Through purely defensive tactics allowing the prosperity aaham to speak for itself while keeping his enemies at arms length this classic design is emblematic of the his uh swordless strategy cool no need for this junk anymore goodbye stupid Shield stinks uh look at this thing knockback on a shield that is very interesting

Okay how do you play this map also congrats you deserve it check the video description I believe on YouTube at least um I believe uh it is all there and I relistened to the stream yesterday the volume on the music was a little loud so I for me at least I don’t

Need to I don’t need music blasting though but uh if you guys want it higher or lower please let me know this is this is a stream for you it’s less so than for me well I mean I get to enjoy myself um okay let’s go down the tower in the

Way they intended I’m going to set my respawn point take another bed with me it’s kind of the Dremel strategy constantly have a bed so you can cheese the dungeon oh Wooh there’s a Thing um I guess I’ll I’ll just break the entire wall to get to that um Iron and some scales it’s all right I guess interesting we haven’t actually been up here Before uh Avid congrats on the 17K you deserve more by the way have you ever played Vault Hunters I have never played thank you first off thank you so much uh I have never played Vault Hunters looks very fun looks really fun um chunk loock was um inspired if you don’t know what

Chunk loock is it’s a game mode I made with my buddy quilby uh that was heavily in I you heavily inspired by Vault Hunters um and the idea of like having to sacrifice items um to get into the to get into the Vault same kind of idea hey Avid any

Adventure bot news you want to share Adventure bot not a lot of people ask about Adventure bot um for those in my Discord um please just let me slice you I should use my shield um for those in my Discord I made I’m a programmer as

You guys know and so I made a Discord bot that is a full-fledged um card collecting game essentially um and uh and and I constantly update it and there’s all these crazy things that I add to it and it’s really fun um people have a lot of

Fun with it so uh any news on adventure bot I will tell you um I am trying to make it so that combat is more meaningful oh uh I want combat and like hit points to matter cuz right now the combat system is is just very basic your health

Doesn’t really matter all that much the damage you do is kind of crudely calculated so I want to I want to make combat more interesting um let’s see uh I asked about Adventure vot is a superior I glad you like I’m really glad you like it

Yeah I saw a chunk lock very creative idea thank you so much Munch Avid uh says have you ever heard of Max stuff if not you probably watched a command block tutorial of his he makes many I have not heard of Max stuff I should totally check them

Out this is a room filled with bad guys and I’m going to I’m going to thousand scars their face which by the way I need to be really careful oh that’s just an armor stand excuse me hello come over here um my thousand scar sword is not

Doing great is this an iron sword does anybody know hi can can I just slice you th scars hello um are you going let’s see uh I was literally in adventure bot when you started talking about it nice glad you guys like Adventure bot thousand scars

As a stone sword that makes it very easy to repair cool also hi Kiko Avid you’re raiding a random castle and trespassing and somehow they’re the bad guys you make a very good point hi fire protection book I already found the cool Shield by the way Kiko hope you’re proud of

Me breaking the their whole castle um I want to find the pants and then we got to do 25% that’s my goal today my goals are what on Earth is this I’m on the other side of some kind of like false painting oh wait it’s just double doors fascinating look at this

Room it’s like a little plushy that’s going to be a lore book I will definitely read private bathroom oh how nice look at that get to look out over your kingdom um hi uh it intentionally has low durability so you don’t spam click it because that gets op quick uh without

High the damages makes total sense makes total sense uh glad you like chunk lock Orchid uh Orchid Lily um yeah somebody asked if I’m going to make you use for gold I have planned uses for gold and Adventure bot they’re coming this is suspicious ha I’m a

Genius what is that oh this is how I got in cobwebs inside of the walls that is like insane detail like people may not have even gone into the wall and yet you put a cobweb there unless this brings me into the wall what is Stone of

Agony do I want that that seems like a bad thing I should really uh Kiko says I should really try chunk lock with some friends yes it’s fun it’s a challenge I’ll give you that is a is quite challenging um what is this Stone of Agony a rare stone with with

Inordinately High potentia um which seems to ease your suffering when you hold it up to your ear you can hear a single voice sobbing in a storm at sea why would I want that um yeah Luke uh to your point I want that okay I want the the screaming

The stone that just screams at me seems uh fantastic oh look at the sun setting there’s a chest I will be getting Uncle AAR got me a new Dolly I told him I was a big girl and too old for dolls but I really like her she sleeps by my bed and

Keeps me company it’s nice to have a friend whenever I get sad and start to cry I reach over and hold her I just wish the crying would stop when I stopped E ew why would I want that it’s a secret tool that’ll help us later that’s disgusting this doll is weird man I don’t like this room I don’t like this room one bit this is a very spooky situation whatever this is I don’t want any part of that I will

Bring my stone of Agony with me but I don’t want any part of that uh let’s see this guy I spent many good years as the grand Council representing aquaroma in the ISO IC Coalition and it and it all was always in lock step with the dusin parliament not anymore uhoh some some

Uh some drama between kingdoms yes when insam fell the situation was much less than ideal for me politically but Cersei was still so young it seemed like it was time to move back to my family compound but then came ezzahar gan from the tunnels beneath anel and rapidly he was

Gone from suspicious Tomb Raider to one of my best friends I’ve never met a smarter man in my life hey this talks about the tombs delightful flowers and toys y even now uh he’s mysterious yes long years of experience make me weary of his treachery to this day however his

Suggestions continue to be wise um though Parliament may not like it I have support of his this region even if the streets of dusps the people are flying uh are flying are new and cell colors when I recover from this illness oh an illness thoughts about how to expand our area interesting interesting

Okay cool this is a very interesting spot that I’ve found this like locked away study and then some child in a room upstairs I feel you know what I think we should let this kid out can the kid get out I feel like weird I feel bad yeah

You can get out kid you’re free don’t stay here and leave that creepy doll this thing’s messed up I don’t like it love how the first St of the stream is people neglecting responsibilities to join don’t forget the streamer neglecting responsibilities to stream that’s what streaming is all about neglecting

Responsibilities no it’s actually a very very quiet week I work from home it’s a very quiet week ooh I found a secret chest with some scales finally replenishing our scale Supply after a while I feel like uh we might have depleted our scale reserves pretty substantially hello Adam and welcome uh

Luke says you should make gold in adventure bot um be able to buy one time use items from the shop that’s a great idea I have lots of ideas for gold that’s very cool I have lots of ideas for gold we will figure it out one

One Day at a Time with Adventure bot it’s just something that like when I get time to work on it I do but uh time is always so limited you know I try to try to be smart about how I use my time but I love Adventure bot it’s always there

For me whenever YouTube makes me mad which isn’t often but so sometimes it does um Adventure bot is like I’m coding Adventure bot tonight uh gold I guess I can put gold in here diamonds in here this like a little pouch of goodies bundles are awesome for early game

Uh let’s be honest Adventure bot is the main attraction wow that’s a big deal uh for some it is for others it’s just just an annoying ping ping bot in Discord and they can’t figure out how to turn the pings off and it pings them every hour you can disable the pings it’s

Quite easy um okay yeah so we’re going to keep heading down there are two more pieces of gear I want to find in this Castle cuz I believe there’s a full set of armor and our armor is not great I want at least pants I want to find some

Pants so let’s see if we can do that let’s see we can do our best and I’m clearing out this Castle I’m I’m a completionist I want to see what happens if I uh well nothing really happens but I just want to destroy everything in this Castle cool creeper welcome no you’re

Not late you’re not late well I mean it’s my second stream of the day if you missed the first stream then you’re you’re late for that one Malin says Adventure bot is life play the note block with the head above it uh meins this is Minecraft

1.19 or sorry this is 1.7 it doesn’t have that yet but that would be cool that would be a very cool feature yeah imagine that Kiko if you guys ever update Dremel to the okay I see where you are now if you ever update Dremel to the latest um heads onp any

Head on top of a note block can make a custom sound which is pretty cool mine CW maft um that’s my best way to pronounce your name hi and welcome welcome to the stream Dremel is planned to be ported uh to the latest version yes cool I feel most bad for the

Data Packers in that deal than I do anybody else but I imagine you guys probably aren’t using anything Minecraft is really great about uh helping us upgrade between versions so this is me being sarcastic it is not Minecraft broke all of Chunk loock all of it by simply changing the name of

Where you can set a scoreboard um like where it displays sharpness three that’s actually pretty good I’m like finally finding decent uh enchantments around sharpness 3 is not bad lemon thank you for the $1 super chat over on YouTube I appreciate you Sky Knight you know how when you

Display a scoreboard with nothing in it it doesn’t show up yes numbers in his wor entities oh yeah I’m sure I well first off spoiler waterf flow second off um I’m sure those are extremely frustrating to Port I feel bad for dinner bone so I’m going to just take care of

That Super Chat detected there’s a Super Chat coming through look at the dab on this guy uh Kiko there are a lot of additions changes to commands that massively expand the possibilities oh yeah like you guys don’t even have the slash damage command like that’s fundamental did I get my horse back no

That’ll be a that’ll be a mission for someday I don’t know I’m not going to say today but one day we will all right I’m eager to find these pants I’m eager to find these pants there are some pants apparently some very special pants and I want to find

Them before we move on uh because today we are going to be following this Compass apparently this is like your you’re 25% of the way done with dremel Compass so that’s that’s going to be my goal today is to try to get to uh to that Compass after we gear up a little

Bit because I’m a little nervous about our gear situation um we’re in the Library um Aid how do I make motion to my entity oh it’s so frustrating to make motion so frustrating there isn’t really like a motion command in Minecraft so either you need to install a data pack that helps um which I the name always escapes me uh but it uses creepers

Essentially to like explode precisely precise explosions oh I can still hear a witch um and that that’s one way to do it not ideal in my opinion where’s that witch probably up there yep Delta that’s right it’s called Delta y thank you slash motion don’t tempt me I want

That I want that so badly but they won’t give it to us yeah it’s called it’s called Delta is the data pack Library um or you know if you know that people are going to be obsidian why is Obsidian everywhere do I really want obsidian for stuff I’ll just grab it um

If you want to push people up into the air giving them like levitation 50 um for a couple of ticks with a scoreboard and then taking it away is a really nice way to give them vertical motion really good for like springboards and stuff oh hi Royal Alchemist sharpness two

Book I’m really uh I’m really trying to figure out where is there secret no really trying to figure out where these pants these special pants are me when Avid isn’t using the rose whip vile Thor vile Thord I can use that the only thing is uh this long sword is

Uh Unbreaking like Unbreaking 10 I think it actually is in completely invinci uh Unbreaking um which is really nice new I got a new follower on Twitch thank you thank you for that um okay isn’t there velocity sub command nope nope there’s no way to impart velocity on a player with a data

Pack unfortunately we want it but hey guys look I’m not going to be all down about it cuz we wanted slash damage because there was no way to damage somebody with a data pack and then we got it and it’s like better than anything it’s better than we could have

Hoped in the way that it works so I have faith I have faith Starbound stream I love Starbound that’s one of my favorite games I have a lot of hours in Starbound I played that so much with my friends um my only issue with Starbound is it does eventually get kind of stale

Um at least the last time I played it like it was basically just like okay up upgrade your gear okay upgrade your gear go to the next planet upgrade your gear scan every scan every like house in this area okay good now upgrade your gear Now

Scan every house again um I did like uh some of the dungeons they were really fun I miss beta Starbound beta Starbound was kind of scuffed I mean it was it had even less like to do but it was fun even if the slash motion command never happens making ways around is

Honestly part of the charm of making command blocks it’s true though I will still I will still take a a built-in um Kiko I ask for your help if you give me a warmer colder on where I can find these pants I really want these pants I’m a I’m a

Completionist or if anybody knows where these pants are I’m going to keep looking though maybe they’re up there oh oh this is an entrance waa this is so cool that’s the normal entrance how to get in uh both the boots and legs are below ground not in the below the castle heck

Yeah this is why we have a developer in the chat so I can get streamer cheats uh did you know you can enchant any item in creative mode with Justin Anvil yes I do that a lot to make items shiny I do do that a

Lot um speaking of an anvil I need to find an anvil at at some point let’s go down into the so not in the Crips but they are below the castle so I can only assume it’s in some of these areas both the boots and legs are below

Ground not in the Crips just below the castle okay below the castle these are the Crips so we’re not going to go there I hear a ravager where is that this brings me up so I’m going to assume that’s not below below okay uh question in chat have have

You added a desert themed quest to Avid Adventures no I haven’t that would be fun though oh dang it it’s just regular stuff but I guess I’m grabbing obsidian now so I guess I’ll grab what is it red tyrite bricks is that important it’s just it’s just Nether

Bricks a broken staircase too at that interesting Blue Desert that’s Adventure bot lore uh what’s Starbound I only played Avid adventures and nothing else Starbound is kind of like what if Terraria was in space kind of the good way to think about it I’m hearing things and I don’t

Know where I’m hearing them oh hello okay oh yeah hi hi we’re going to have another run in with a ravager guys and this time I have at least set my spawn oh my oh yeah but I can at least hit him from here yet again I am playing uh M

Minecraft while listening to Avid yay I’m glad you’re at least listening to me thank you for being here Avid Adventure secret cow Quest when H I love Diablo I remember playing Diablo 2 with my friends oh we’ do like like land parties and stuff it was so fun yes oh a diamond a

Saddle I probably don’t need this player head I’ll keep it okay this is our Diamond bundle this has got to be where something special is the ravager noises gave it away I assume right why is there just a dropper here is this what they were feeding how they

Were feeding him they’re keeping this like poor ravager alive what is this what on Earth this isn’t a thing is it I’ve just found yet another way out of the castle like some kind of like drainage pipe something tells me there’s something here but no seriously how does the

Hammer work it’s like vein Miner basically it’s like vein Miner really this is very un unrel to have this thing here but no I guess the reward was the the diamond from the ravager it feels like there should be something here but I’m not seeing any blocks that look

Minable it’s just a cool thing it’s just a cool little thing I’m fine with that Avid equals very smart don’t uh don’t make assumptions that’ll cost you I want to find some pants servants lament maybe these get me some Pants poor Duchess doesn’t know what hit her such a sweet girl doesn’t deserve to be thrust into politics so young you just can’t be prepared for how Cutthroat it is hard to say if handling such much power to the Regent was so w was wise on

One hand she can relax a bit but on the other who knows what that nasty git will do uh even more control with even more control old duus wasn’t a good person by any means but he was no ASA virtual help us all oh poor girl so

Sorry okay juwel the lazy I created a new Twitch account to subscribe to you thank you I don’t know I’m trying out the twitch thing it’s kind of fun to just Simo stream um Aid something weird if you Google a YouTube channel it says followers not subscribed in the search

Preview I have no idea what that means I have no idea what that means if I Google what there’s a down oh yes you’re stuck that is very unfortunate therequired thank you for subscribing Panda Pro aha we found a memo okay we are actually we’re actually going to find a

Piece of gear that we’re looking for here I am back suddenly I have time how’s it going well we found this memo let’s see it’s a puzzle while great food F alone can make a delicious meal a secret to to a truly memorable Feast lies in the drinks if

You make sure to take your time and creatively and carefully consider each option when opening the wine chest inspiration will surely strike okay grap food alone can make a delicious meal the secret to a truly memorable Feast lies in the drinks take your time and carefully consider each option while opening the wine

Chest okay wine chest wine chest that’s a wine chest that’s a wine chest Franky’s lucky vintage Fran sorry not Franky Fran I like Franky uh so these are trapped chests um which is not like I’m not thrilled about that um I have to be careful I see two chests oh there’s another red

Stone this one is it it’s not Poss well I mean I can just yeah it’s not possible for that one to be hooked up to anything but it is trapped interesting these are not like Redstone components they’re aesthetic guard dies sub added yeah that was pretty good

Timing okay I just have to think carefully if you make sure to take your time and carefully consider each option when opening the wine chest inspiration will surely St strike think carefully why should I think carefully when I can think in nausea age dwine oh listen to that I hear a piston opening

I’m not going to cheat this time I won’t cheat I mean you know we’re in survival mode but okay listen to this where is it somewhere down below only one of them does something it seems why is there a piston nausea and regen gross hello viid welcome thanks for being here

Um I’m sorry what whoa oh it’s some kind of timing circuit I love that in Dremel you guys chose to use Redstone for a lot of this stuff so okay so this connects the circuit which is going to give me some amount of time to get somewhere okay I’m not going to break

It I am curious where the someware is I heard two things open that time because what’ll happen here I think let’s see let’s see if I can guess what’s going on with this Redstone he’s a regular pick don’t need to use my crazy Hammer um oh I broke a I

Broke a torch that I can fix that uh what direction are they going okay oops I broke my puzzle uh they are going in this direction right no No 2 three four okay we’re going in this direction okay okay yes oh aha okay okay okay check this out wait for it yes something

Opened over here I heard something open oh it’s like over here where was it hang on you have to keep it open for a certain amount of time I fixed the Redstone just wait open your ears yes yes I found the boots I am now stuck

Uh yes I found the boots are these good uh plus eight attack damage and plus two armor is that better than our Fe feather falling mending boots that appear to be it has a lot more armor and the attack damage is nice though I like the feather falling I feel like we have

Two pairs of boots the like we have good I think we have good sets of armor for situations but this is good better attack damage I’ll just stay kid it out for now that’s pretty cool all right leg time we are not going to Skip Leg Day eat some

Food yeah maybe you need to wait and consider your options agreed what is the map you’re playing how do I play it this is Dremel it is in beta you can get it in the description of my YouTube video Don’t cheat I didn’t cheat I learned I didn’t cheat I learned there’s

A difference I used a little bit of breaking I broke a few things to learn okay so there’s one one more puzzle this is where we got one of the things and I definitely cheated for this one yeah this one I just like totally destroyed the Redstone it’s fine um so

My guess is there’s one more puzzle so we are just in here which is the wine uh wait were we just in here yes this is the wine room okay that brings us all the way down to the catacombs one pair for fighting one pair for exploring Jewel uh big brain time

Yes you’re right that’s a great idea might want to remove some junk from your inventory you don’t say you tell me what’s not worth it in here once I find a horse I’m going to need the saddle you always need building blocks I don’t want to get rid of my

Maps I have a I guess I could use my uh shulker box okay I’m going to guess the last special item is in the library maybe in this thing down here let’s see if we can find something wait a second no this brings me to the Alchemy area where are these

Pants craft them together the blocks are fine yeah I agree why do I need two bows well one has Unbreaking they’re bad they’re both bad bows I hope to find a better bow as some point but I like they’re both so low durability in my

Brain I guess I can I just do this but then I lose Unbreaking it’s not a big deal it’s fine yeah good call save the bow okay where is AVID how do you know the law of Dremel and about the armor do I know the law of Dremel and about the

Armor no I do not the walls the walls where is where are the pants there’s a pants puzzle and I want I want them I want them it’s in the library yes okay I’m in the right place is there like a vault the walls in my inventory oh I do

Have walls in my inventory yes 10 walls what you don’t think we need walls we could be building something congrats to 17 cray thank you so much congrats to 17K I said 17 cray thank you means a lot thank you I uh I already streamed today and I was

Like I’m going to do another one cuz I feel really good and I’m really liking streaming lately I feel like this is not the right way I’m sorry guys I’m going around in a wild wild goose chase here but I need pants I need these pants I

Say we don’t give Avid the answers but hints if you know I’m fine with that that that basically means you’re giving me answers cool Flopper hi and welcome to the stream friend welcome to the stream H can the barrel carry your gear in Supply um not sure Avid I didn’t cheat

Also Avid looks at the Redstone ignores trying to Solve the Riddle the riddle was what yeah okay all right look I’ll give you that but I used I solved the red stone doesn’t this seem interesting what’s back here oh it’s oh okay oh wait this is good

Stuff it is a vault it looked like a vault to me um this is amazing this is the I can break it this is um it’s Emerald or but it’s been re retextured to be this to be dragon scales and this is how we buy stuff yeah I found a

Thing I found a thing turn that into scales lots of scales guys we’re finally replenishing our scales after buying everything last uh last stream we’re up to oh my gosh we have over a stack of scales now that’s a lot of scales I can’t carry anymore okay I

Guess you’re my scale wow uh I guess wow that is a we have a lot of scales okay just going to try to finagle some of this stuff um I guess I’ll Splash myself with this a diamond some iron and some lapis not what I was looking for but I’m not really

Complaining observe as all the scales are gone by the end of the stream are you saying I have a spending problem also look at me I’m a genius I just kept mining through this and look where I am now what on Earth where did I end up what even is this

What uh cool maybe I’m on to something maybe just maybe I’m on to something also speaking of scales I think there’s a scale block at the throne magic says okay I’ll go take a look thank you what is this where is this bringing me it’s an exit

Okay and if I swim up here where is this going to bring me besides to death to drown sewers sewer I hardly know her terrible terrible aha ah okay not exactly what I was looking for but also that’s pretty cool o I really wish okay the pants are

In the library that’s what Kiko said so I’m going to go back to the library Unless somehow the pants are like in this mysterious sewer I love those jokes good good you know there’s a town in the uh where I grew up but also there’s a town There’s a city in UK

Called Manchester that one get me every time Manchester I hardly know her what does it mean to manchest somebody so many questions rata Coleman hello and welcome I’m sorry that you entered the stream with such a terribly stupid joke yeah here we are making it making

Them a sky Knight it’s like oh I’m so disappointed in me all right Aid your task don’t cheat at all no Redstone peeking explain to me how if I’m in survival mode and I do something that’s cheating explain that to me this is very cool you’re like breaking through this

Vault this is very cool okay our pants are in the library where in the library if I wear pants where would I be in here we’re looking for like a memo we’re looking for a memo any guesses anybody aha all right good guess everybody we did it very

Proud of us for just opening a chest profit in power from Far Northern schools of magic my guess is these are books or like or there these lecterns I’m just thinking I just want to look I’m not cheating hello okay all right okay what are you working on in

Avid Adventures uh I will be working on a Boss Next I think I haven’t started on it yet um okay what are the order the dusty memo the order order order profit and power which one is profit and power or oh maybe those are acquired thank you for subscribing you are amazing profit

And power it must be must be words okay we’re looking for three words aha because these three lecterns need to be turned to a certain page and those words are on each of the three pages now if Kiko was nice profit and power would be something profit in power profit in

Power profit in profit power profit and power okay profit and power maybe it’s twice in this book existence elaborate Revolution is propped up by corrupt huh uhhuh truth the same Primal everything aspects alchem science they’re committed indeed Fon probably inherited it not thinking twice um profit and power is

Here okay all right that’s the first one next one we are looking for from Far Northern from Far Northern that name is MW study ancient Romans kept a large castle made primary of diorite yuck gross Castle mostly built upon a portion some later during the century destroyed on a vaccination

Site we’re going to get this we have to read I can’t believe it it’s my my arch nemesis fell years later well approved Memoir captured the moment returned to the site nothing much remained of the old white walls okay come on Far Northern where is it we see dragged out

Curse artifact pile set a blaze I’ve never seen a hotter fire even with white pipes renamed the castle renamed of the balance where continues to be infl excitement nothing this confidence hailing from the far Northern from Far Northern okay that’s two of the three schools of

Magic I don’t even really have to guess on this one right pants there’s just pants oh it’s the great gift of pants on the ground yes I feel smart for that one schomas taco man yeah it might be schomas I mean every time I try to start

Schomas I go on a six-month like like break so I’m not sure if I uh if I have the will in me the willpower in me to do that um so so we’ll see uh sorry one second okay all right let’s take a look at these pants recently recovered from the

Crys of alaroma these abic guard leggings were built by the blue Exodus to allow the wear to perceive detain and silence and archinist before they can utter a single word it’s kind of the running theme don’t want these Diamond pants anymore they’re junk I guess I’ll put them in my runic

Vessel what else is in here let’s try to clean up our Inventory uh amethyst Shard let’s see Amethyst what what don’t I need I don’t need two empty glass bottles polished andesite probably not probably don’t need this book about the Crips we already found um what’s in here there’s some stuff in here let’s see we can put some of our goodies

Always good it’s always good to organize yourself bundles don’t work in the way that I expect them to uh okay we have a lot of scales I’ve already said this but we’ve got a decent amount of iron um the next AV Adventures boss needs to be a dragon do that with

Command blocks I don’t I think there’s only one person in the world I know who could do that with command blocks q and O nice I say it’s a pretty tough riddle hey thank you I’m not the dumbest person alive sometimes sometimes I am that’s why you all face

Pal at me uh this player head is more of a collectible thing I guess I’ll stash it we have a map of Dremel we’re already going to need our second uh runic vessel but we’re way short on we need another 10 of the uh of the runic

Catalysts Stone of Agony I’m going to keep that in our shulker box as well and these spare pants uh this the best we can do it’s the best we can do let’s pick this up and we are out of here guys we’re going to we’re going to the

Compass now it’s Compass time remember that time that Avid said it’s compassing time and he compassed all over the place I memd myself did you like it duid would be proud if he heard me say that yes I’m getting pity laughter Munch says yep that uh just command blocks ain’t happening for The

Elder one yeah Munch uh you guys want to see a dragon boss go check out the winner of ACC 2 that’s a dragon boss for you that’s a stupid joke all of my jokes are stupid jokes I aim I aim to make everybody just sigh collectively I’d

Recommend setting up a few chests at a tower that you can return to to dump your random junk in that is a great idea Kiko that is a great idea next Tower that’s going to be our home Tower next time one that we find do we have a bed we do have a

Bed don’t you mean acc3 oh I do mean acc3 thank you yes I mean acc3 okay we are going to follow the oh hi Bumble boy hey uh we’re going to follow that direction if only we had a horse if only waterf flow didn’t convince us to ditch

Our horse last episode cuz he he said you’ll find another horse I got special armor for that horse I cared about that horse you sound like my dad and that’s not a bad thing my dad he’s a great dad he’s very funny he’s just as funny as I

Am which means he’s ridiculously funny um and my dad my dad has a bunny uh this is a good story by the way it’s a it’s a good story it ends well and and my dad my dad’s also very uh oh runed Catalyst my dad is also very frugal so he he

Doesn’t want to spend a lot of money um and he was moving across the country and he realized realized that um the cost to move the bunny was roughly what it would cost to buy another bunny now I’m not saying he bought another Bunny and left

The other bunny but he did have a conversation with me where he mentioned this and I was I was like Dad you’re not going to just buy another bunny when you get across the country right uh he did not he did not but that is my dad and

Those are the types of jokes that my dad makes he’s like I might as well just buy another bunny so that’s what waterf flow made me do with my horse and uh and I got I got to say excuse me I got to say you know it’s not

Just another horse I can’t just get another horse and give him armor that’s our horse that’s our horse uh Saba says you in you inspire me to continue working on my Minecraft S&P thanks a lot hey that makes me really happy and best of luck with uh whatever you’re working on wow

This is so pretty oh wow I love this I love this so much your jokes are stupid because you’re a father a father Yes I am a dad and I make good dad jokes it is kind of like the day your first child is born you get this you your brain grows exponentially

Become infinitely smarter than everybody else and so that way when you make jokes uh you’re the only one that gets them mhm yep uh sunken ship I’ve made a terrible mistake there’s ice why is there ice under a sunken ship I need a door I’m taking damage I need a door I

Want to check this out there’s like ice and watermelons Avid did you see my joke I don’t think I did Avid there’s a way I can find the settings you’re using for complimentary shaders uh they’re kind of complicated yeah it’s like this crazy file that Whimsy gave me um I will have

To dig it up and I also will have to ask him if he’s okay if I share it because I know it’s like kind of special for him there are melons in the water yes there are Poseidon’s Curse guys should I try to get into this boat do you think

There’s anything worth it I didn’t see a chest or anything I don’t see much going on in this boat oh wait uh that’s something though oh I need to I need okay I’m going to die I’m going to die this is dumb that was not smart this is not smart I need a

Door they are watermelons yes Aid here’s a joke for you I’m going to read it first ghost walks into a bar and asks for a glass of adult beverage uh I I’m filtering a little but the bartender says sorry we don’t serve Spirits it’s pretty good sure I get that uh Joshua guess

Says sure I get that I strugle to find good settings and these are are amazing I thought I’d ask I will double check with him and I’ll post him in my Discord if he lets me um yeah cuz Whimsy was nice enough to share this well he didn’t

Technically he he would have if I asked him but he wanted me to do a collaboration with him and so he sent me all of his settings and in that included his amazing shaders and I was like I’m going to steal these shaders and now I have

Them scale block I know I see it I see it I just have to mine it that’s what the that’s this is what I want uh they never put adventure map in Minecraft I play Just online to download huh oh oh I’m drowning I’m drowning do you guys remember in old Minecraft when

Uh when you started drowning every damage tick would pull you further down and you would just like if you started drowning you were probably going to drown what animal are the scales from they’re from dragons they’re from dragons yeah old old Minecraft used to be pretty hardcore pretty pretty hardcore it was fun

Though okay we are heading towards wherever this Compass is pointing through the beautiful flowers the giant uh lies of the valley also I didn’t check the throne room for the scale block darn it I guess I’m going to have to miss out on those sweet scales but that castle that we raided I

Mean I got close to like a stack and a half of scales so I don’t feel as I spent a lot of scales yesterday whoa okay wow oh oh this is so cool these giant flowers sponges those are rare oh my gosh cool wow the landscape is beautiful I agree I

Agree since you filtered the other one here’s here’s another better joke okay here we go uh I was just looking at my ceiling not sure if it’s the best ceiling in the world but it’s definitely up there you guys are going to love when I

Have a face cam so I can look at you and I can show you how disappointed I am I’m just kidding oh wow that’s a bad one though you find scales underground because they physically carved out the world of their Giant mountain siiz body that’s so cool

That is so cool what what cool lore where are you going Avid I’m F I’m following the compass I’m following this to these coordinates uh that is what is our that we found this Compass yesterday um and apparently it’s a big deal it’s the 25% Mark Dragon fossils Eternal Tic Tac I

Love you hey look we’re we’ve just met um are you sure thanks for no I appreciate you stop thanks for stopping by I appreciate you the compass is pointing behind me oh no kidding oh God okay let’s keep moving you guys ever watch farlands or bust you guys ever watch farlands or

Bust hey it’s numbers hello chat what’s up Avid I missed the rest of the stream uh no worries uh dude I uh I got all the CP keeper stuff and I got even this really sweet uh Shield so I feel pretty kidded out now I feel like I’m

Ready to take on um what’s that place called again the the W it’s a bunch of waves of dudes and they were all coming after after me estrus says just passing through but I’m happy to be that I’m one of your subscribers thank you so much for being here thanks for the comment

And thank you so much for subscribing I appreciate you I really like this field this is so pretty this is so nice yeah so I anyways any of you uh ever watch farlands or Bust farlands or bust it’s a it’s uh Kurt JM uh he was in

Minecrack um he was in farlands or bus before Minecraft but he was trying to walk all the way to the farlands in Minecraft like oh one of the versions I need to go to that really quick guys I need to I need to go to that there’s something up there I need

To just okay maybe it’s not special it just looks like there’s a okay I can’t compass compass Focus me me Focus me I watched a little bit he’s still going right yeah he is still going it basically turned into like a vlog with a guy uh Kurt JM um walking to the

Farlands in I forget which Minecraft version still has it but he basically uh is restricted to that version and he’s walking like millions of blocks and he’s been doing it for like close to 10 years now Taco thank you so much for stopping by uh I’m going to go on this pipeline

By by the way this looks Co donkey with stuff what gemp gemp do you have an owner who is G um we’re best friends yeah yo guys we got a g we got a g um crazy enough though Kiko uh somebody beat Kurt to it uh so as

Crazy of a goal as it is uh he somebody got there first but Kurt is Kurt is still going to do it he’s just taking his time um we got a gemp so and Je has storage in his butt so uh we’re gonna we’re definitely going

To hang out with je for a bit see how far je can take us yeah somebody did get there first I forget who of course it was some kind of streamer content Peak mekins yeah content Peak juwel says I have a joke infinite mathematicians go into a bar

The first one orders the beer the second one orders half uh half beer the bartender fills two glasses of beer and says you have to learn your limits oh gosh it’s a math joke o hurts hurts so much gemp be careful why is your name

Gemp oh my oh je this is not good for you uh great now we have another animal that we need to take care of constantly we’re going in later nerd hey I said later nerd leave what are these guys Undead archers dpan okay all right G we’re going to keep

Moving ditch G how dare you how dare you you ditch je you can you play Dremel you find je and you ditch him and you tell me if you still feel the jump is very wide and you tell me if you still feel the same way after you find

Him I found him wanding the Wilderness he’s just a regular old donkey but he needs help he needs us guys what was that sound oh it’s a goat okay we just got to move ow this bridge is very clearly not a safe place for anybody hi ow I’m sorry

Je I’m sorry oh this is bad okay je hide stop shooting him hey Jerk je where are you going goodbye yes man I’m taking some hits okay surely there’s something good here for us oh that’s cool what oh Fire charges that’s such a cool touch oh I love that I love how

Much you guys use Redstone I know I’ve already said this but I love how much you you guys use Redstone in this nice whiff DD what are you doing here are you here to wish me a a congratulations or are you going to pick on me the whole time like you always do

Working cannons yeah I agree they’re so cool working cannons 10 out of 10 we’ve already lost jum hi oh look at the like the auroras and stuff behind him it’s so cool galaxies um this is awkward procrastinating you you’re procrastinating that’s not like you

D this is not this is not okay we’re out of that this is going to get me killed surely don’t call me shirely yeah I took his soul it feels like in Skyrim when I use that weapon it feels like in Skyrim when you do like the soul steel ability or whatever iron

Sword iron boots it’s just regular junk uh I’m going to check up there though see if there’s anything else for me ow uh uhhuh please allow me to pillar I am just so I’m so good at this game okay here we go oh somebody’s in a cage we have to help

Them hey a runic Catalyst just a few more uh like nine more and then we can get ow we can get our uh we can get our next Shuler box uh okay I’m going to take a peek who’s in here oh it’s a poor drari let’s save you there you go good

Luck you’re free now where you go do you know where you’re going to go are you good congrats Shirley on 17K thanks big jump oh that’s so pretty oh oh my goodness guys look at this oh so cool map of the area I love that they do this come on

G uh can I feed him carrots to heal him do you accept carrots no okay cool oh uh je we got a problem you’re you’re not the problem it’s you yeah yeah okay let’s save him proceeds to dunk him in the river I mean it’s better

Than the situation he was in as long as he can swim he’s better off I’m not loving um like the whole nighttime thing but you know what je I’ve got you so I’m going to just kind of just going to keep moving please be nice don’t shoot

Don’t Shoot Me Munch has finally made some progress on my map I’m reworking the vehicle I made for it gosh I should be sleeping though good night good night Munch and good luck on the vehicle that you’re working on um for your map very exciting could be worse the Villager not

IQ smart possibly not two monsters I super hate is creeper and Enderman I think skeletons are the worst skeletons ra pretty much anything with bows they’re way too accurate like I think they need a stormtrooper Nerf for skeletons oo I found a fancy thing surely I can get something here

Don’t call me surely surely I can get something oh yeah there’s the chest up there okay cool neat this is very pretty I love these just little like uh I guess I would call them like statues it’s not the right word strad Chad music disc should call it

Chad uh fire protection lapis I have some room for I don’t think I need pink dye I’ll take it they’re cororo puzzles basically yeah I like that Frosty congrats on 17K thank you so much thank you thank you I really appreciate you it’s been a fun road it’s been a fun

Road almost two years on YouTube coming up in J uh January was my first video I ever uploaded uh aan if you could add one thing to Minecraft what would it be and it can’t be a command ooh I think there needs to be more automation create mod does a good job of

That I know that might be everybody’s answer but uh you know create mod just seems to have a little bit of extra stuff that Minecraft is missing um it’s it’s unfortunate that it probably will never be like that trains are cool better Minecarts um Frosty says that’s really awesome I wish you luck

Thank you so much Frosty I appreciate you uh we’re getting autocrafters how much more automation do you need autocrafters are is a great is a step in the right direction I think that’s fantastic we’re getting we’re getting what we need I love that autocrafters are awesome I’m not complaining I don’t

Play that much survival autocrafters make me want to um so this is kind of a place where we can be uh I’m going to put jamp in a hole and we may never see him again but at least I feel good that we kind of

Saved him you know and like we can keep him for later and I’ll take the diamonds I’ll I’m going to rob him basically um and then we’re going to be on our way uh so J I wish you luck J excuse me J and I will see you uh maybe never but

I’ll remember you here mules horses and donkeys are regenerating Health when a player is riding them is that a thing I didn’t know that what crafting recipe would I add a crafting recipe so like a crafting recipe to an item that cannot be crafted is that what you’re asking cuz I don’t

Know if I know Minecraft well enough to like come up with an informed answer for that uh lol jamp this guy’s in in Tech J is like a security software uh for Mac that’s why I call them J is that what you named your horse I

Named I did not name the Donkey I found the donkey and his name is Je thank you very much clearly I’ve been here renewable tough that could be cool again I don’t play enough survival to like have an opinion on what blocks I wish were craftable um maybe one day I would

Like to do more survival if I could ever uh break into that space I would I would very much I would love that the Terminus okay so allegedly the closest I know where I’m going cuz I’ve been told where to go the Peaks I need to go to

The Peaks the Peaks the Peaks hey we haven’t unlocked this one either Pal’s Heath interesting wait we need a to do a hardcore series I did I did a 100 days in junk lock and it was hard was really hard probably not worth the amount of

Time that video took maybe one day it’ll get views that’s not chunk luck yeah that’s fair it was fun I like hardcore I’m actually not bad at it cuz you just got to play carefully this is so pretty let’s take a look at the Sunrise let’s watch the sunrise

Uh crank the music make a moment out of this oh wow well we’ve got a day ahead of us what is That purple are we we’re heading in that direction my guess is we’re heading towards that well I hope you guys are ready got an adventure Ahead turn it down to 19 so I don’t mess up my computer too much Okay beoop clicking a bunch of stuff okay let’s go down we go hardcore shrouded aisles series cool idea Abid Adventures hardcore mode I want to do a series eventually where I play my own map eventually when it’s done when is that guy ever going to finish why is AVID so slow top Google

Search why is AVID so slow at making his Adventure Map this is one of my favorite VI biomes it’s very boring but very nice and scen at Kiko yeah I I love it it’s gorgeous I love it just feels very realistic um reminds me of a lot of like a Lord of

The Rings kind of vibe um if one of your boss fights was in vanilla which would you pick I don’t feel like any of my bosses belong in vanilla um because many of them are just like all of them really are tied to like a very specific structure so it none of

Them really feel vanilla um but my favorite one I got a couple favorites I like a lot of my bosses I like a lot of my content which is not a bad thing um Al is a fun one for me especially dark path Al I love that boss oh hello oh

Hello some guy don’t have time for stream just jumping in and say hello hello some guy 100 traps hardcore yeah yeah no no thank you is Minecraft uh is your Minecraft game Bedrock or pocket no I’m on Java yo congrats thanks KD I appreciate you okay this is where I did a

Thumbnail I’m excited let’s turn down the music now now that we got our epic moment in there oh my oh my this is where we are this is this is where the compass is pointing I love with this Shader how uh the reflections you get off of quartz

When there’s like just enough light look at that look at how cool that looks looks amazing what does this do oh up we go okay am I in adventure no I’m not Adventure Mode wow this is beautiful I did peek at this uh wait we are kind of near our horse as

Well I did peek at this when I was trying to get a thumbnail so I I haven’t actually been here but I’ve kind of like been here uh let’s see yeah I had the idea of squishing stone with the falling an anvil that’d be kind of fun no don’t turn the music

Down I can turn I can keep the music up I just don’t want it to be too loud for people there put it right there what is this absis attempting network reconnection network reconnection success Hollow database back online I think we did a good thing we just did a thing parkour oh my

Gosh okay okay um looks like we can go up that Tower this also looks like something maybe some lore take a quick peek survey drones are truly a Marvel of abic engineering these autonomous surveillance units are made of pure reite Ren renati catalysts and were one of aom’s first technological innovations

This technology is so old it was actually used to help locate the tier oh which supplies all of our Primal energy crazy doesn’t this seem like a like a murder thing murder spot this is a very Christmasy almost sounding song so I’m going to switch swi that um I don’t think there’s anything

To do here that is very pretty we continue I assume we were going to get to the big the big dome at some point Josh this map is huge have you this map is like 10,000 by 10,000 blocks dude it is gigantic and hello Josh good

To see you buddy so the last episode was CLE clickbait I fully intended to go here and then the chat made me not so blame chat it’s just easier oh last stream was my favorite YouTubers combined oh wow thanks man yeah Josh is pretty awesome I mean yeah I’m pretty

Awesome let’s go check out what’s going on over here this is such I love purple you guys know I love purple it’s my favorite color so whenever I see purple I get happy a primal Pearl let’s grab that grab shamad quartz probably not uh not too important but these membranes I’ll

Take and we have some more lore we initially thought the amount of energy at the mountains was too minuscule to do anything with until we set the drones to perform further analysis it turned out to be far beyond our wildest dreams a source of energy so immense that our Empire would never uh

Want for any anything who the construction of the uh primary energy collection facility may have resulted in the frost Fang catastrophe and Incredibly frigid Northern temperatures but in the end it was the best thing for our Empire whoa they caused like some kind of global Ice Age D are you playing

Any other games right now or locked into Minecraft any you’d like to play wonderful question you know if I were to play a game that I wanted to play I would be playing Rim World which is a colony management game where we get to harvest

The organs of our enemies and it is so fun it is so fun uh Josh does this map have unique gameplay elements I always thought it was a big custom train map for in vanilla survival uh it has a lot of unique gameplay elements yes um weapons custom weapons and armor um

Bosses uh I haven’t gotten any bosses yet but I’m excited to see those there’s so much Rim world is an awesome game um yeah Rim world is an awesome awesome game uh and I would love to play that oh hello the only problem is I just I it

Might so YouTube is kind of a thing where sometimes people feel like they’re locked in um to certain types of cont subscri acquired thank you for subscribing and you is the goal thank you um yeah YouTube sometimes tends to pigeon hole creators which can be a little frustrating as a

Creator thank you for this eyeball I do not want this I do not want that I do not want that where does this go oh oh yeah that makes sense this is very epic music so many different ways to go like what is that we’ll find out oh there are dudes there are

Oh hey man that’s not cool sneaking up on somebody like that gosh jump scare um but yeah if I were to play a game it would probably be Rim world because I love that game I’ve sunk so many hours into that game still seems like a Disney movie kind of music

There got to I got to tweak this playlist make our stairs again block that there uh we’re going to keep heading towards this main looking building over there cuz it’s looking magnificent and the Sun is setting and I want to get there before that that happens so we can

Look over the terrain like a superhero oh my goodness oh my Goodness and a jump we’re going to get up to this mountain and we’re going to watch the sunset we have to watch every sunset together chat that’s my rule that’s it’s not realistic but we’re going to try and we’re going to turn up the the render distance and we’re going to majestically

Watch as it sets checking in for a minute before going to sleep Bedrock is intentional over there I assume I haven’t looked at it yet adios adios I made it to the thing I made it to the thing all right let’s go inside this facility I assume uh I assume there’s

Some scary stuff in here so I might set my spawn Eternal Tic Tac I just subbed hey thank you so much I appreciate you you’re in the top 20K gang first 20K first 18K aha this Bedrock is intentional got it I can’t get in there yet that’s what he

Meant so my guess is I need to go down to that thing the other thing that looks like a like a main area uh I’m going to put a bed here and I’m going to sleep and we’re going to check it out but yeah guys thank you so much if

You’re already a subscriber um the fact that I have reached 177,000 isn’t is silly I know there are there’s a long way to go um but it is oo that scared me it’s it’s kind of amazing um you know I’ve been at this for 2 years which either

Sounds like a lot to some people or not very long to others um but I am ridiculously thankful um for you guys and all the support that you’ve given me um to get to this point so thank you and we have a long way to go we’ve got a lot

That we still want to do this music feels especially epic and I feel like I’m giving some kind of like heartfelt speech like just before we charge into battle together but you know what I’m going to lean into it charging into battle is just something that we’ve done over the past two

Years and I’m just excited to charge into battle with you guys another two years after how’s that sound because there’s something I guess I have to keep going if the song keeps going because there’s just something inside of me that makes me want to do something bigger than

Myself I mean that’s all it content creation really is is you’re making stuff for other people cray thank you so much so I thank you guys I thank you so much and thank you for 17K look at that I timed the music and everything I’m a professional what’s my goal you ask oh

This is such a good timing too DD what’s my goal my goal my the sky is the limit my friend 17 mil I don’t have a goal I’m never going to be done I mean I’m never going to be finished with whatever I’m trying to do

As a Creator I’m never going to be done um and there are going to be tough times and there are times when we grow and there are going to be times when you know we stop growing and people forget and then we come back and we just keep picking ourselves up life is

Long life is long we have an ecological disaster report here so we should probably read that there’s no goal it’s just continuing pretty much or there can be micro goals along the way but there’s no for me I mean I’m there’s no like number that’s going to make me feel it

It I mean yeah do I have I have 100K in my head I would love to see 100K but there’s a long way to get there and so we get there one sub at a time um an ecological disaster has struck uh is this talking about with the frost Fang

Oh yeah the skirm between the frost ring tribes and the abam over the land surrounding Mount yavi tensions have been high homy tazan a member of the tribes used his unlimited potentia to push back abic forces but something went wrong homy managed to create an intense blizzard that increased the size

Severity until it grew out of control that blizzard has enveloped the entire North cool uh wow okay the land surrounding the mining operation at Mount yavi have become uninhabitable casualties are estimated in the tens of thousands oh my goodness we have the technology to withstand the cold it is the option of

This intelligence officer and as the the operations in around Mount yav can be safely increased to scale wow cool very cool aan have you played the outer Wilds no no I have not not a big surprise says life is just a string of goals we put

Ourselves one after the other why are my eyes watering I mean yeah life life is what we make of it um we we need to be realistic in what we’re trying to achieve because setting goals that are too big will mean that we may not be able to achieve them and

There’s a there’s a bit of a mental there’s a mental health component to not achieving goals and so we have to be careful with creating objectives that are achievable time bound um you know reasonable but otherwise um yeah I mean we’ve got a lot of time to do what

We want to do in this life and a lot of people feel like life is short I think life is long what is this it’s very shiny what is what is this okay we have found something and there’s Bedrock so I’m going to assume we need to get this like

On hey Avid I finally made a stream welcome green green Necromancer welcome welcome welcome not a big surprise and often times a matter of being able to switch between goals especially if you have ADHD hello that’s welcome to my life that is My Life Third how many more

Quests do you want do you have planned for the shrouded Isles non-quest content you want to add to it great question dird you’re you’re really giving me these softballs today um shrouded is is going to have n quests in total main quests um the next Quest that I plan to

Work on though it’s not the next thing I’m going to work on is is uh the Frozen keep um I guess now that I think about it the Frozen keep is going to be the last Quest so I take that back the quest I’m going to work on next would be clouds

Rest part two Cloud’s rest part two um Cloud R part two will happen we destroy B the people of the deep are this unintended sort of component that the old one could never have anticipated and they rise up and with the help of our Adventurer they they annihilate bile

They just blow his body apart with an AI powered super weapon it’s going to be a really cool Quest um Vengeance the people Rise Up from the ocean and they they get Vengeance for their lost Brethren um I’m excited for that Quest and then uh the quest after that will be

The Frozen keep which is the final quest um not like final that’s the final of the main story and then I’m just going to add to the adventure map forever probably provided you guys let me I like softballs D no thank you uh Kiko says outer Wilds is a mystery

Solving puzzle game set in a miniature Clockwork solar system with the specific design goal to divide expectations of game design it’s very very good is that the one where you have like 7 minutes to save the universe or whatever oh hello oh hello doors doors doors is that the one where you have

Like a certain amount of time to save the universe and if you don’t then you have to try again cuz that sounds really cool my friend played a game like that and he was telling me about it and it seemed really cool uh we’ve got some more lore

Down here Odun Odun peering into our future I watch and wait Odun Odun all will be dust all will be Ash let us drift together drift to the Genesis o Dunes I sit and watch I peer through The Hourglass watching the inevitable crafted from stolen energy who are we to

Try to stop it this energy source is highly controversial it seems you guys I want to go in here too much too much levitation the game is set in a Time Loop yeah that’s really cool yeah I’ve heard about it it’s really cool hello oh there’s a spawner back there

Wait can I farm this like uh these eyeballs then do these guys are these always holding it wow that seems maybe they’re not as good as I think but that’s pretty op I’m going to break it cuz they’re annoying and break the whole floor in the process uh

Okay more of these Primal pearls are they what are they used for does anybody know in chat what these Primal pearls are used primarily used for like I’m I’m I’m I’m a collector I’m like a packrat so I’m grabbing everything but I just don’t know like what’s useful they’re ender pearls got it

No okay I can survive not H I can’t survive missing one spot I’m a packrat let’s get this one try throwing them yeah that would make sense I just didn’t know if there was like a craft they’re special sounding ooh orange armor o researcher Aria’s Discovery

Log okay let’s see what we can learn what we can glean such a a strange Word okay entry one I’ve discovered a strange effect that corresponds to a certain class of runes those which transmute materials it seems for a mo for the briefest moment it affects objects the affected objects takes on appearance of the future version before actually physically transforming curious

Entry two when I mentioned a glitch to her on a routine visit CSO 3’s eyes lit up and she immediately called over senior researcher VL I cannot say I’m terribly pleased about my workstation being taken over by VL um but he seems so excited that I kept I felt complied

To let him take my place I hope I’ll get a cut of any profit um of any profit that comes uh from my Discovery entry three salir has been completely recommissioned by dos viml combine his stasis technology stasis we were in a stasis with my findings to create what we are calling

The temporal engine device that projects future versions of salir to the mind of an observer f fascinating oh look at the reflections off of this gold pressure plate is like very shiny somebody just polished that thing like this morning somebody’s coming through here polishing all the all all the gold and quartz

Everywhere voice mod time maybe next time prismarine Studios yo what’s up Avid how are you today I’m doing great how are you hope you’re having a good day so uh we have this Tower we need to get to the top of that we have this Tower

Over here our goal is to try to get into this big one and I uh I still do not yet know how so we will see whoa it’s kind of fun funky nothing in here oh this looks important hi let’s free the Pig this is rude hey

Buddy hey what are you doing with a pig give me that no no be nice to the pigs what on Earth okay uh I guess I’m going up hang on let me oh no not yet not yet I think there’s a holot Tex you miss in the tower with multiple floors

My audio’s glitching out uh hold on a second my audio’s glitching out my mic is crackling interesting okay I haven’t done anything give me one second check check check check I’m going to try to does this sound any better let me know I’ve switched over to a different input am I still

Crackling crackles on your checks now is it crackling yeah what that’s weird okay hold on a second Hello am I still crackling crackle crackle crackle and pop crackle crackle better I’m good no on good good okay oh man my audio interface gives me a lot of grief it gives me a lot of grief okay I got to okay uh velir gory and I are working together on a

Contingency plan for any sort of catastrophe that would sweep aaham we’ve got permission from Adel to receive some Red Dawn assistance in animal exper no animal experimentation before we actually start putting drari in these pods that’s mean animals are sweeties we got to be nice yeah I missed the hollow deex okay

Yeah my what did I miss it it’s in here right up in this building I assume or uh sorry this big uh Bedrock building I know I have to go back here and that looks like that’s the way to get into the facility oh hi oh oh boy oh I’ve lost Minecraft

Sound what’s my favorite animal I like dog dog are cute I like dog how dare they experiment on animals yeah hang on I can’t hear Minecraft so I’m going to have to uh tweak my Minecraft audio settings options music and sounds because I imagine you guys can’t hear it either

Um it’s somewhere in here I thought controls chat settings accessibility that’s so weird cats are better than dogs team cat cats are better than dogs dogs oh come on I have a very cute dog I have a very cute dog too and I guess I’ll I’ll tell

You guys while so he hurt his paw um not that long ago and a year ago and it’s been this thing where it just like didn’t heal for a long time what am I doing um where is the audio output settings am I like totally a dummy options access

Ability uh yeah so my dog has had a paw thing going on siden what’s going on thank you for being here um and so what the problem is that it hasn’t really healed correctly and uh and and apparently we got it X-ray and the vet wants

To the vet the vet wants holy cow I really should get my audio fixed here there’s no audio set output settings as far as I know no kidding um okay hold on a second oh I see what’s going on one and two here what the heck are you guys hearing

Minecraft sounds did you hear the creeper explode cuz if you’re hearing it I don’t care as much but if it’s me if it’s if we all can’t hear it then I would be super bummed out music and sound in top right no you can’t hear Minecraft okay options yeah

Music can sound but it doesn’t say where I can uh it’s like when I unplugged my audio like Minecraft got a little funky nope no okay it might be worth just restarting Minecraft hold on a second bear with me and I’ll tell you a story about my poor puppy right while we

Do this so my puppy hurt his paw um about a year ago he was playing frisbee he plays frisbee he’s very active loves to play Frisbee and uh he like jammed his paw and I believe he may have broken or not like he’s basically had a hairline fracture on his outer pinky toe

Um so he like his nail would bleed and it was very gross and I felt really bad for him cuz he loves Frisbee and he loves to be active um and so uh we tried to take him to the vet there’s the sound tried to take him to the vet and she

Like didn’t they like didn’t take it seriously and so they were just like yeah you know we’re not going to x-ray it we’re not really going to look look at it um and so that was it or so we thought well not that much later like maybe a couple weeks later he was

Playing you know with us we were doing some tug-of-war um and we were on the carpet and he uh his nails started bleeding again we were like oh no like he was really in a lot of pain um this map is called Dremel by the way check out the description of the

Video if you’re curious um but anyways uh so we were like whoo this is not not good and I started to get really freaked out cuz he he was limping like pretty bad and I was like whoa like I’m super scared for him um and he can’t do

Anything that he loves and that makes me really sad so I took him to the emergency vet and they x-rayed him and they didn’t find anything like I was worried it was going to be cancer or something crazy and they didn’t find anything but they like knocked him out

And they they cleaned it out and all that and um and then I thought it was done like they gave him antibiotics they were like yeah it was just a really bad infection um and his nail like can’t grow grow back correctly and so we just need to like give him some antibiotics

And he’ll be fine um and so that was kind of the story and then not 8 months later which was like this week he’s playing frisbee and the nail starts bleeding and I’m like no like this can’t like I thought we were out of the

Woods and so I brought him to the vet oh also if somebody can tell me where the misted hollow deck is that would be greatly appreciated whichever direction you can best tell me um but yeah so I’m like oh no so I bring him back to the

Vet and the vet’s like looks at it they take x-rays they send him to a radiologist they’re like yeah there’s still a hairline fracture I’m like what like it’s not healing it’s in the building that has the two elevators okay thank you um and so they’re like we got to take the toe

Like we’ve got to remove his toe and I’m like what I’ll continue the story in a second ever since we started harvesting energy these strange tall Inky creatures have Inky have strowed the realm in the night we’ve managed to capture and perform autopsies on a handful and they seem to

Have a core composed of Primal energy we been calling it a pearl they have strange properties when you throw them I’ve oh it’s ender pearls happen if we threw one into the temporal engine I see why you would want me to have read this I doubt VL will let me gotcha

Yeah so my puppy so now so we at this this was a couple days ago and the vet’s like yep got to we’ve got to amputate his toe um and I was like no like no way like that seems and she like well given the chronicity of it you know it’s

Chronic um like this is just kind of the standard protocol and I was like well we didn’t even know his foot was broken back then because the emergency vet says it wasn’t well apparently they went back looked the x-rays yeah it looks like his foot was broken so holy cow like and I’m

Like how long is it going to take to recover 4 months like will he ever bet get to play anymore she’s like I don’t know it’s like dude the guy’s like only 6 years old you know like I don’t know I so we’re going to go

Get a second opinion as we go up here we’re going to go get a second opinion um and see what the right thing is to do for Bernie that’s his name he’s a he’s an Australian Shepherd poodle poodle mix and he’s like the best puppy ever um he

Is awes I call him a puppy he’s 6 years old he’s awesome awesome he’s he’s the best dog um and uh I’m going to do everything to uh not have to cut this poor dog’s toe off but I don’t know I sorry if this is too

Much for some people but like it’s been it’s been it’s been in in the back of my mind basically continuously for the past like week and uh I just can’t stop thinking about him and he’s like he’s awesome and he’s okay he’s not in any pain like or at least he’s not

Indicating he is and so it’s hard to say what the right thing is to do I’m sure it’ll turn out well to ouch but uh it’s it’s hard to figure out what the right thing is to do for him because I do want to trust the vet you know it’s not like

I’m like trying to deny her you know her experience but also like I know my dog and I know he wasn’t in pain for eight months like is it possible he just re-broke it and like can’t we just you know heal it can’t we just get him to be

Stationary for a bit thank you guys I appreciate that he’s my buddy my puppy had to do that with his leg oh I’m so sorry pups are the best he’s here with me right now and he’s got he’s just all brown you I I post pictures in my

Discord there’s a picture of him in my IRL Channel he’s the sweetest pup he’s got a big old mustache um he’s awesome uh yeah he’s he’s awesome I love I love this dog he’s like my best friend uh okay all right I don’t want to bring

Anybody down I just I love my dog you need to stream more I love this oh thank you um yeah I don’t normally let people into my personal life too too much so uh it’s nice of you to say okay so I think this is the thing that I need to throw

The thing into uh so let’s do that with my ridiculously full inventory yet again uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yep okay we have these we throw the Primal Pearl okay uh huh oh oh there’s a timer why is there a clock there are Enderman everywhere what is happening I have to go

Upstairs I assume the entrance is open for some limited amount of time the Pearl Fizzles away in my well okay great okay wait this is all a desert now what on Earth is happening this is cool this is really cool big jump oopsies what are you playing I’m playing

An adventure map uh called Dremel it is what I believe to be the greatest Minecraft adventure map ever created created and it is still in beta and if you’d like it it’s in the description of the video and I’m not sponsored or anything I just happen to

Be a massive fan does this world have keep inventory yes it does and the developers usually here hanging out so you can ask their thoughts and opinions on it wow this is cool guys we’ve been transported in time presumably to the Future presumably to into the Future

Okay MLG I am so bad at this game also this is very cool I agree I agree I am like I’m super blown away right now this is only 25% of the way through the game also we’ve done like six like three-hour streams and we’ve only gotten

25% of the way through the game oh oh oh uh I think we ran out of time Neato okay let’s try that again what does MLG stand for it stands for Major League Gaming it is a dumb thing that I say sometimes what is the theme of this map

Um gosh it’s so hard to Encompass it’s so big it’s like you might as well just call it a game it’s like a full game like how Skyrim like what’s the theme of Skyrim okay I guess I could say it’s like Skyrim’s like Norse dragons and

Stuff uh I’m 25% of the way through so I honestly I could not tell you yet what the main theme is though I know there are different races of people like the drari there are Dragon people um and we are we came out of a cryostasis pod and

Uh we are just trying to figure out what’s going on with this world we’re trying to help this world in every way that we can as far as I understand what’s the goal I don’t know what the goal is my goal is to explore oh actually I know what the goal is we

Have to restart like this uh we have to restart the AI there’s like a system there’s like a a connected database SL like technology that’s been turned off um and we are trying to reconnect um that system by finding like all of these towers all over the world and turning

Them on goal is to explore yep that too Kiko Kiko 100 uh by the way for those who don’t know in chat is is the the lead the lead on this is the person um all right let’s try this again now that I know we have a fixed

Time let’s see can I go which way can I go that gets me there faster maybe this way is faster this is so ridiculously cool that we’re basically like traveling through time taking a little bit of damage but that’s okay it’s these Enderman guys with these yellow eyes we’ve seen them around

They’re not like main characters as far as I know yet but or they haven’t been but I’m sure there’s something big to them grimo gu hello and welcome Mo hello and welcome hello and welcome we are playing some Dremel today I okay uh I need I am

On a timer so I’m kind of like panicked I can’t place blocks I’m in adventure mode I should have known oh no oh don’t tell me this is like a two high wall all the way around oh are you kidding no no oh this is really disappointing I’m going to run out of

Time again they might drop pearls yes but I can’t use pearls I tried uh can I go this way yes I can I can go this way oh there’s quite a few of them in here what’s up guys what’s going on can I go up through here or am

I totally stuck I might as well start over I think I have to start over that’s okay hey for the dev is this a fature Escape located in the end or just really far away I believe the end Dimension is disabled I can answer that uh I answer

For the dev no um I believe this is the end Dimension is disabled so my guess is this is somewhere far away in the Overworld or maybe you guys have your own custom Dimension it doesn’t look like oh I guess it would make sense that it’s the

End maybe that’s why oh I see why all the Endermen are spawning everywhere I’m running out of time okay we try again that is so cool that it teleports me back to the same spot like however you guys have done that is ridiculously cool that is so cool all right we have

One we have a couple more shots at it I think uh I have quite a few pearls in my inventory so let’s try again let’s try again I’m getting a little better every time world edit and commands it’s the moon made of cheese it’s a custom Dimension cool yeah uh how

Did you get the pearls I’ve been slowly collecting them but also some mobs in this area have been dropping them I think I have more pearls in in here I have nine more yeah I’m fine we have plenty of chances at this all right to the Future let’s go let’s go let’s

Go okay what’s the best way to get down from here without dying I’m in adventure mode uh I’m going to go for it worth it again worth it carrots my best source of food and we’re like how many hours into this is there music that I’m missing or is that my

Music cuz the music like really fits this area whatever’s playing right now oh my goodness uh t pping back to the same spot is very simple cuz you just use relative coordinates that’s true yeah if you have kind of like a relative spot that you’re you’re doing it from that’s

A good point I love this area this is so ridiculously cool I’m also having trouble getting up I feel like I might not get it again this time there are two twoo high walls no matter where I go I can’t hear your music it’s too low okay I’ll fix that let me just

I’ve been careful not to blast the music but I know it I know some people prefer it louder some people don’t okay I I’ll change it once I get here diagonal jumps you think I’m that good I’m so bad at this game all right come on

Now uh uh uh here oh my gosh wait oh there oh no I’m so scared I feel like we’re going to run out of time I think I’m inside okay and we are now time slipping and we are in hey cool nice work everybody nice work uh let’s play This

Creepy music you asked for music and see what’s going on in this area cool Time Lord did you guys already drop a like on this stream thank you Cay for the reminder drop a like if you’re enjoying the stream everybody drop a like or subscribe if you’re not

Subscribed think about it we are in this uh very cool facility that is like a fchan or something I want that we’ll get that in a second I’m just kind of looking around first I don’t grab the thing I I I take my time boink boink and we have a researcher no

Am gnomes rant I’m going to unsubscribe then resubscribe I don’t think that’s that’s not what I meant wait is this a doctor who reference this is absolutely a tardis is it you remember the first story location you went to the big ruins city of avsar yes I do remember that yes I

Do blue Exodus showed up on our doorstep today asking us to take care of this fragment of Primal energy serpent only knows what it’s for apparently it’s part of the Dead a deal brokered by Chief scientist officer Thea and general cus for us to store some important artifact

I don’t know why blue Exodus can’t handle their own blasted toys they have more than 10 times the budget that of the dos and Sal here only has a fraction of that everything is going to uh slow down for us if we need to spend half of our power budget on stasis containment

It for some weapon this the weapon so we’re trying to construct a crazy weapon um we have to con find all of the pieces from across the world um the just show uh abom cares uh way more about military than anything might actually uh help people Neato I’m surprised only 31 people are watching hey uh you know streams tend to attract different people you never know this morning we had more and that’s just how it goes uh let’s see ruin membrane I feel like I’ve been taking these even though I don’t know if I need

Them there’s so much stuff so much stuff okay let’s read this uh this lore over here we thought it best to keep the fragments separate at least until we found a suitable method to charge the weapon if it were to be activated prematurely the consequences would be

Dire I can rest easy knowing its fragments are in Secure locations we left the other fragment in The Exodus Depot where it was originally forged with K’s invention once we were ready we can take both fragments and reattach them to the hilt oh heck yeah within the

Repository under Absol yes I want I want to do I want to make weapon look at this thing look at it spin oh it’s so cool can I have I left left Primal fragment blade I don’t have the right so I believe this is the first thing uh wibbly wobbly timy wiy stuff

Exploited the temporal engine cool The Cutting Edge of this half spearhead slices through tough canvas on contact you probably shouldn’t hang on to it for too long cool the myth Breakers blade I subscribed for your dog oh thank you Bernie says thank you how are the kids kids are good

I am so excited I am oh okay up the stairs yeah all these Doctor Who references where’s your dog’s YouTube channel he has an Instagram but it would dox me if I told you guys so I can’t where are we going where are we going oh hello oh

Whoa oh yeah hey it’s another Sunset guys you know the drill ladies and gentlemen that is going to be today’s stream I thank you all for joining and I will see you all in the next one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Celebrating 17,000 Subs on Minecraft’s Best Adventure Map | Ep. 5’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2023-12-07 11:40:36. It has garnered 818 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:03 or 7143 seconds.

Hello friends! Let’s continue our playthrough of the HIGHLY anticipated Drehmal 2.2 Map. Let’s see what the hype is all about!

► Get Drehmal




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  • Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!

    Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘construirea iglului de pro in minecraft vs fana nebuna..’, was uploaded by RafaelG on 2024-01-11 17:30:14. It has garnered 688 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🔴 *ENTIRE VIDEO CLIP :* 🤑 ENEBA – *THE PERFECT PLACE FOR CHEAP GAMES:* 🔥 Like, Subscribe! 🔔 | 🍿 Enjoy watching! 🥳 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Subscribe: 🍀 ►Secondary Channel: 🍀 ►Contact: [email protected] 📧 – For Business inquiries 💰 ►Devino Membru: 🍀💰 ►You can donate here: 💰 💳 (I appreciate every donation!) ►Discord Community: 🔊 ►TikTok:… Read More

  • Epyckej Minecraft Serfer

    Epyckej Minecraft SerferTired of the same old SMP experience? Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Do you want something new and exciting? Join EPYCKEJ Minecraft server! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pro, you’ll find a warm welcome here. So come on in and let’s start building some unforgettable memories together‼️ Java 1.20.1 + Bedrock Latest Read More

  • Kingdom Of Arcadia – Realms, Mature, 18+, Community, Bedrock, Discord

    The Kingdom Of Arcadia Realm Welcome to The Kingdom Of Arcadia! We are looking for more players to join our realm that features light role play and world-building elements. Our trade economy and lore date back to 2019, documented through in-game books and historical builds. We are currently looking to repopulate the world and welcome everyone to create their own cities. Earn a seat at the castle’s round table to vote on big decisions. We also play other games like Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, and Modern Warfare 3. We are looking for adults only and aim to foster an accepting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Constructive criticism: you suck at Minecraft.

    Wow, I didn’t realize memes had scores now. Does that mean we can trade them in for prizes? Read More

  • Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here

    Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here In the depths of Minecraft, a horror map awaits, The Orphanage, where fear dominates. Shadows lurk, friends turn to foes, Every step taken, danger grows. A chilling narrative, a tale of dread, In the darkness, where fear is fed. Worse than Herobrine, Cave Dweller, or Siren Head, This horror map will fill you with dread. So brace yourself, for the scares that lie ahead, In Minecraft’s first horror map, where evil lives and spreads. Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and swords, while Minecraft girls are just running around with a flower in their hand? Priorities, ladies! Read More

  • Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video

    Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the realm of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Discover Exciting Features From building towering castles to mining deep underground for precious resources, Minecraft offers a wide array of features to keep players engaged. Create intricate redstone contraptions, tame wild animals, or embark on epic quests in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Imagination With its sandbox-style gameplay, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Mansion Madness

    Minecraft Mansion Madness Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios and published on May 17, 2009, is a sandbox video game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson, the game allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world full of endless possibilities. The Origins of Minecraft Markus “Notch” Persson and Mojang Studios introduced Minecraft as an Early-Access title for PC in 2009. Since then, the game has expanded to various platforms and consoles, receiving regular updates with new content to keep players engaged. Gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft King Strikes Again – GXC’s Devastating Depression

    Minecraft King Strikes Again - GXC's Devastating DepressionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cobey – The King Of Minecraft Brainrot…’, was uploaded by GXC Is Depressed on 2024-05-10 18:00:17. It has garnered 1007 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. Modern minecraft suck man 😔☕️ ===Shoutouts=== Channel’s Artist: Channel’s Banner Done By: @JeffSkyward Weasel: @DeWiesel ===Music Used in this video=== -glue70 – Coral Fumes -jinsang – Summer’s Day [v2] -You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version) -C418 – Droopy likes your Face – Minecraft Volume Alpha -Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld Theme -Terraria OST – Sandstorm [Extended] -Persona 3… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey’s Door!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey's Door!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-01-18 18:00:24. It has garnered 586 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds. How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – Read More

  • Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!

    Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘чутка попинали аквыча | PvP Funtime’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-25 15:28:59. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from scratch,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

    "SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!" #texturepackVideo Information This video, titled ‘making SHINY mobs in minecraft #texturepack #minecraft’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-03-02 19:09:47. It has garnered 283 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:59 or 8639 seconds. – Donation Page: – Discord Server: – My Site: Read More

  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

    Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando a TEAMs TOXICOS #minecraft #bedwars #humillación’, was uploaded by Dar 090 on 2024-04-30 02:59:32. It has garnered 682 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #illustrationartists #ilusión #tellybridge #tecnoblade #mrbeast #tecnoblade #soycubo #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #dragclick #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #puentes #tellybridge #tellybridging #dragclick #dragclicking #chifruit #dracula #haker #pokemon #haks #rompeladompe #relax #relajante #relaxing #spreen #shorts #haker #freefire #darkhcf #minecraftguide #hcf #minecrafthowto #pvp #holyhcf #minecrafttutorial #primerpvp #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelduels #gratis #combos #combotage #combopodcast #asmr… Read More

  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

    Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker SwordVideo Information This video, titled ‘GrafBonze kauft HACKER-SCHWERT für stolze 20.000.000 €’, was uploaded by Abge on 2024-04-15 11:00:18. It has garnered 1065 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:13 or 793 seconds. Citybuild Server » Do you like the episode? Play now on the Minecraft server! #minecraft #griefergames Simply click on multiplayer, enter the address and connect. Choose your city build & make sure you get a plot of land to start with /plot auto. You can get to the farm world with /warp farm world to farm for building and trading… Read More

  • Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – EP. 1

    Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 - Minecraft Jumbled Chunks - EP. 1Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-18 06:14:38. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:13 or 10573 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN – Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥

    ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN - Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIERNES HOT DE L4D2 FORTNITE MINECRAFT CLASH ROYALE con SUSCRIPTORES 🥵’, was uploaded by CesarHDv on 2024-04-06 04:35:16. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:39:00 or 20340 seconds. Playing GTA 5 STORY MODE, FORTNITE LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ROBLOX 🤑 YAPEENME XD playing Fortnite and Minecraft RooooAHHHHH :v My friend code on Steam: 993910620 My Discord server: FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL NETWORKS SO YOU ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE CHANNEL NEWS: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok: #gaming #minecraft #fortnite TAGS… Read More

  • 🔥 Yaezer’s Insane Late Night Livestream!

    🔥 Yaezer's Insane Late Night Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LATE NIGHT Minecraft, Roblox & More! Join Yaezer’s Epic Livestream Adventure!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-16 15:45:03. It has garnered 5364 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:07 or 20887 seconds. Welcome to Yaezer’s livestream extravaganza! Dive into the enchanting worlds of Minecraft, embark on thrilling adventures in Roblox, and explore a plethora of other exciting activities with us! Join the fun as Yaezer navigates through a mix of gaming delights, showcasing skill, creativity, and endless entertainment. Interact with us in the chat as we celebrate crossing the 1000… Read More

  • The Analog Network

    The Analog Network| Discover The Analog Network 1.20.1 | Freshly Wiped Server with Player Shops, Warps, and Dynmap! Vienminer & Timber for Effortless Mining! Custom Generation Awaits! Join the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Today! Read More

  • Off The Block – Semi-vanilla SMP with Jobs & Skyblock 1.20.4+

    Welcome to Off The Block! Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative. Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull. What are you waiting for? Join today! IP: WEBSITE: Read More


    Hello PlanetMinecraft,My name is VkzoI am founder and lead developer of Dream World RPG! I want to personally welcome all of you into our new project.The server will be Vanilla for the time being as we work on building the server. Be sure to hop in for early access gameplay, and to stay up to date with our latest server updates! I am proud to be apart of something new and I hope to see some of the talented players of PlanetMinecraft around the world!If you are interested in helping out be sure to apply for staff through our Discord!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition"Looks like this meme needs some mining for more laughs! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition

    Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft because I couldn’t find my way out of a tower. #struggleisreal” Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

    Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250 Mastering the Redstone Farm in Minecraft! Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their exciting Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series as they delve into the world of redstone farming. In this episode, they tackle the challenges of creating an efficient redstone farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Exploring Redstone Farming Redstone is a valuable resource in Minecraft known for its ability to power various mechanisms and devices. By mastering redstone farming, players can automate processes, create intricate contraptions, and improve their overall gameplay. Key Elements of Redstone Farming: Redstone Dust: The foundation of redstone farming, used to transmit power. Redstone… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

    Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms: Join Me On My Quest! [EP. 1]’, was uploaded by Lux And Tux Live on 2024-05-26 03:12:04. It has garnered 317 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:22 or 5602 seconds. Support the channel: Discord: 🏮 Catch Me Live!!! 🏮 Mon – Wed – Fri 5:30pm EST Livestream Playlist: Equipment: [Affiliate Links – TY if you use the links] GPU: CPU+MOBO Combo: RAM: Watercooler: Case: Keyboard: Mouse: Monitor: PS5: TOTK Switch: Gaming Chair: Contact for… Read More