Insane Luck on Live Stream!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yo so I’m still kind of sick right now all right my stream late is just checking for a second also the thumbnail was just a practice thing I was making also apparently I was like practicing in lobbies and apparently main par is also in my Lobby that makes sense I’m in versus one hold up let me get a drink like usually there’s at least one YouTuber in this Lobby I just hopped in lobby one and then M joined and he’s like here he’s probably streaming or something I don’t know I’ve been practicing for some reason ax tools I thought it was actually pangy I might want to leave this live everyone’s just trying to join like main par thing so there’s nothing I can no one’s going to do with me let me turn up my oh yeah now I can see stream what is this my d also I I fix some of my settings on my computer uh concerning my CPU it’s like running a bit smoother that’s WP me what does wp mean all right I’m going to look it up I’m going to see what WP means what does like w w oh well played okay I’m going to go Lobby to that should be better yeah yeah I didn’t even check this kid that’s on me all right I just got to eger really hard hold that that was the kit was just random and I realized it I all I had to do is play like AXS or UHC that was just weird why do a kit like that if you’re not even let me do this Knack sword this is going to be annoying all right I think I know what to do use the KN back oh wait oh I forgot it was strength too I don’t I think I should have double gaap oh my teammate should healed he should have healed yeah we’re we’re going to lose they’re not breaking any Shields if they’re good at comboing they should like immediately try to get a shield break well this sucks wait is there even a another round like what am I waiting for oh yeah I’m going to put that poison away all right first move he’s going for a a crit chain oh is my aim good or is it bad I’m GNA replay My Stream also the stream is a bit weird because like after I fix my GPU it wouldn’t let me uh stream my Minecraft to my OBS full screen so I just had have my uh subscriber goal there I will never update because OBS is weird so yeah probably mute my mic whenever I have to like call or something that’s cool crap he almost got me there all right hope I can get him all right you already hit me dud I just need a I don’t think I even need the sword I just need a punch and Crystal cuz the not back on the swords too much thank you that guy must not be a crystal player would put that much KN back on a sword for Crystal oh cart all right we have blocks but I want to use those blocks hold on how did that get me low I wasn’t even near it man I was kind of oh was there too yo he just CR how was he not damaged from that yo this guy sucks is there Turtle Master oh I see he’s relying on the turtle turtle Master yeah dude this is annoying I got to save that all right dude what is going on uh let’s play that one I don’t have any music on for some reason is my OBS even Dro to frame all right it’s good Let me see what it looks like real quick the stream quality decent could it’s been better h i could have upped the bit rate because of my like new GPU wow I was trying to find some lo I didn’t expect someone to join my duel is you didn’t even get to see what I typed oh I think he’s mad I’m trying to like help dude [Music] you need to take time to like strategize all right uh-uh I didn’t mean to make that guy mad I was just trying to like tell him like not to aggro too much cuz he started aggro me even when he was low it’s like even though it looks like I might lose I was just going to like immediately uh retaliate after I lose a bit of my health which I did Oh I thought I had him dude I missed that last shot I was just going to crossbow him to death like spirited now that was crossbow spam oh my gosh all right I should probably take this more seriously I just wanted to see his he looks like we got a shielder here that’s some unhealthy aggro by that I mean like AGG gring when you’re over low like turny knock them off you I’m knocking off he’s fine but like tragar in that low honestly at that point I would just P away see I had to knock him away to do that yeah I just did it I just pulled a spirit in I just pull a spirited on him I hope he doesn’t add that to a dude oh my gosh is there anyone VC right now it’s middle of the school day I don’t even know why I’m streaming did he just all right that was annoying he knocked me down while I was poting I think you might have popped a g a early I need pop the soup wait bro is this guy lagging cuz this or his movement is just weird dude yeah I’m dead [Music] that one was close all right so this guy kind of agros oh yeah he just popped a g at and it looks like he’s quick to Pearl I’m just going to get him to use up all his pearls all right we’re about even and where is he is he AFK oh he’s got to leave I wish I could handle all God apps like that also main person still on do you think he’ll accept a duel for me using that kit I think I don’t think he would accept the do anyway but if he did he would probably leave now I’m think about it like you would never accept that kind of d I just wasted a ton of time do this quick do this quick do this quick all right I don’t think I need uh the sup at this point I’m just going to try to Quick drop just in case oh the game’s laging all right any drop frames no my gosh I set my bit rate higher because of the CPU hold up let me test something this might crash the stream real quick but it’ll be right back on in a couple seconds see all right I’m back let me see this real quick I’m going to watch my stream on my stream CU my CPU is so high I wonder if I can stream higher and higher bit rate might call my FPS to go down yeah yeah let me see this o yes I can stream higher bit rate finally oh but I just lost 154 frames never mind not f finally I mean divided by six that’s like less than 3 seconds 154 60 * 3 is 180 yeah that’s like a bit less than 3 seconds it just got worse never mind I think we might switch it back what I’m just going to H lower it was 8,000 last time I was going to raise it to that much I might have just crashed my OBS oh all right I should be back on so yeah that kind of failed you know trying to like change the bit rate change the rate also am I loud enough I I just I just heard myself on stream I need to like be a bit louder or’s the music just sorry I just coughed where’s the music like too loud wait hold up what oh is this going to be like a Simo kit yes sir oh but there’s L is there any all right this guy’s about to be get cooked you don’t even want to know he doesn’t even want the smoke oh I like his cape wait how do you get a cape like that all my years of comboing has led up to this oh he said wait you okay we you are brother you use Essentials oh I’m laging I don’t know if he’s did is he platforming right now nah bro no no one building oh wait he just Crystal me about to see the secret technique I hope the secret technique is not dying I think I got him oh wait he’s just selling over there what do I have what do I have I guess I could try to do this and if I drop I I can just slide over there yeah there any food oh yeah I don’t even hold oh oh you I think actually did you survive hold up I just go for it actually no no no oh how the tables have turned oh bro might be dead hold on I’m going to drop TT D on I might have to build up higher because I don’t know when it yeah it takes a while to oh he’s using jump boost wonder if you got left dud that LA scared me they call me the stick the 1.8 stick Master you know like The Knack stick fights H where is I don’t know if I did that right it’s probably going to fire back at me where did the other guy go H see this might be enough distance drop te but he’s over there what what items um what no this can’t be how I die no no no please the lava is the way the Die With Dignity all right I’m just going to Pune into the void all right I on p. Club I’m definitely getting it rolled I haven’t played op yet I’m going to play so casually they’re not even going to know what to do I’m just running and hitting him now he’s going to start going for crits I’ll combat that by getting like the first two hits and then critting him out too ooh someone takes to me I’m watching you on your TV that’s scary that’s my sister I don’t like how I like because it’s because I’m sick it kind of like hurts whenever it flashes me after you kill someone [Applause] I hit him with the small hit all right oh it’s this guy is wearing an emo skin this is going to be harder yo no how did I know this all right just got to get behind them I think yeah this is not looking good next round I’m not going down with that I’m lagging I need to get got to not let him put me in a piece put me in a no please please no I’m lost I [Applause] lost [Music] uh you know what I ALS also wanted to build and practice building at some point but I’ll do that later let’s see this they just left Minecraft but why I I only got like two hits on him oh why did you leave oh wait that was I I I didn’t organize my key right that’s usually where my ax is yeah I’m losing this round actually wait I don’t even think there’s rounds oh wait there is put that right there all right hooray all right oh there’s a new mode oh wow this server is not full oh oh my gosh I just comboed did they forfeit maybe I’m just like that all right I’m going to check my Discord for a second all right there we go all right let’s see UHC classic oh it’s already done this guy’s waiting for me to pick [Music] something all right [Applause] this is the only mode where I would probably X SP a [Music] [Music] how did I miss that no I don’t even know how I missed that all right uh no no no high five all right I won hoay oh look I can see all my I didn’t mean to join us how do I leave this pit there oh there’s people down here there’s people down here they’re like a gang they’re like a gang oh my gosh I got to run there’s a whole gang down here oh I got that person I’m going to leave no please let me out of here I’m being ganged I’m being ganged this is the most random Super Smash Bros for all over here oh got him I meant a pearl get healed up I’m back I’m stoling this kill where’s this I hate dogs I’m joking dogs are my favorite animal I didn’t even hit him right there why I even look up and try to hit him a no come back here oh all right I you know I never even see people in here I can’t believe there’s actually people in this Pit All right so I can see all my death I’m about to cough hold up oh I didn’t even M my mute my mic that time I’m still kind of sick I meant to like chat mute my mic oh there’s an OP oh all right time to sneak away hurry very quickly I’m out all right I’m going to wait for this fight to conclude and I’m going to swoop in all right all right since no one’s fighting that dog I’m going in for the dog all right crap crap they found me get the kill get the kill get the kill get the kill got the kill got the kill wait I have a kill streak or is that my pop one no that guy’s not F no please no please wait that is my current kill streak that one guy I tried to fight him earlier he’s just watching and he he’s he just going to run he so I can’t really find him do I leave this pit is there actually any way to get out of here like now I’m thinking about it there’s literally do I have to log in and log out oh I’m being ped no all right finally I got out of here it I think Crystal’s very easy to get out of so I think the best way see whenever you load a kit someone would want the best armor right well I’m just going to say it diamond armor is better just watch like watch watch oh someone’s behind all right it looks like you can anchor oh no there’s too many other people fighting with people I’m trying to fight what the heck hold up there’s a floating Crystal with it damage me I’m going to fight this person this part this seems very deadly I’m going for this person no don’t steal my kill please imagine getting beat by someone in diamond armor I mean that would be a shame that’s why I wear diamond armor it’s actually like a mental play like they’ll go for you cuz you think you’re weak but if you play as good as them and then you’ll fry Plus Crystal like immediately pops you no matter what armor anyway only thing it’ll oh that way did I get the kill all right the meat button worked that time all right I’m pretty sure if I walk slowly in here just just tap this person all right I can’t help I noticed there’s a ton of emo skins I don’t know what we’d call that but that that looks pretty emo yeah that looks pretty emo yeah that looks pretty emo yeah that’s definitely emo that’s definitely emo and that’s definitely emo that’s definitely an emo skin hopefully no one heard me say that right I think this guy might have heard me say it wait how did he just dodge my hit midair earlier oh my God gosh I’m being rolled no someone heard it someone heard me called them em oh I might have to turn myself down oh that’s a bit too loud oh yeah I’m losing this round all right I’m going have to play this in a really scummy way if I want to win all I’m doing is dodging his hits but a lot of people don’t like it whenever someone Dodges like a combo or a crit it’s like watch he jumps up Dodge it I step back he jumps up Dodge it he jumps up he jumps up crit him [Applause] myself a lot of people hate that cuz it’s kind of annoying all right oh I can’t get over this guy’s face oh my this is a masterpiece right there hold up let me just get a zoom in on that Al I can only do that Zoom with this mod so oh and also y’all want to see a cool texture pack hold up this one right here it makes my character have like eyes and it makes my character blink yeah that’s weird I’m pretty sure it’s the Virgin without the animations but just eyes but like hopefully none of y’all will ever see this monstrosity also it’s funnier when you look up because it looks like this it’s pretty it’s pretty weird look it’s only when I remove my mouth up and down but it there’s also that Hideway animation and that’s a texture pack oh now my character looks boring I don’t know who’s in here they’re going down never mind I’m going down I I Reg I regret every decision I made I regret every decision I made got leave oh he’s going for anchors no I’m dead I’m dead I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m going to be dead I’m going to be dead no you’re not using that on me you just blocked me up all right I think I know what to pull on him this right here he cannot Pearl directly on me if I have two of these in the way cuz the hit boxes are so large dang you just cannot hit him up and he has a shield and I have no XP and I’m screwed and I lost all right time to head over to another server let’s see yeah I dang this matchmaking is not work can’t even dig down a hole I thought that would uh I thought I had to in Totem all right after one more match I’m going to either go to my my building server or my building world or another PVP server like MCC or hoplight where stps even though it’s probably dead right now I mean there’s like no matches open right now I’ll take that how was this person uh did they get some of my PO potion too uh all right let’s see what server I don’t think I have a good serice I’ll try MCC all right let me install this all right I’m opening this chest I have any other hats [Music] also hold up I want stop this music new Minecraft music there [Music] here’s the new Minecraft playlist that he just made this is for the Ry child up there wait this is Battle box I hate battle box I’m out here me to join Sky now [Music] [Music] might turn this resource pack off be default oh that is huge be f [Music] [Music] oh someone’s over there I’m not going to go my team need got help all right we are dominating right now we just got to stick together are we all still alive I mean one of us is dead but like all of us here all right we just got poison doesn’t all right that guy got knocked off should all be fine [Music] I wanted to help him I was not trying to steal his kill though oh there’s only two of us left we got to stick together dude oh my gosh we just got wiped from behind all right I think I stream for a while I guess I’ll hop off to build and stuff just realize how boring that would be on stream unless if I’m like actually good at building it won’t take me like two hours to think something D this music is really chill I might keep listening into it all right see you

This video, titled ‘I’M LIVE’, was uploaded by Luckywildcatz on 2024-05-15 07:40:26. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:03 or 4983 seconds.

Ur a poopy face

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on and there is revenge, griefing, stealing, scamming, and war! A Minecraft SMP with the lifesteal plugin, OP enchants, OP enchantments. Minecraft SMP content inspired by Dream, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, Ph1lza, Tommyoutit, Tom Simons, Wilbur, Wilber soot, Tubbo, JackManiFold from the Dream SMP. This was not a Minecraft challenge or a Minecraft but, or a Minecraft manhunt vs 5 hunters, Minecraft speedrunner vs assassins, Minecraft but Water rises, Minecraft but lava rises, This was absolutely insane and hilarious. This video was super funny. This video was not a 100 days in hardcore Minecraft challenge, similar to the ones made by LukeTheNotable. This was not an I spent 1000 days In hardcore Minecraft challenge. Nor was this an I spent 100 days in modded Minecraft from ForgeLabs. This video was also not a 100 players simulate civilization in a Minecraft world for 100 days. This server has the lifesteal plugin, custom enchants. This is not hermitcraft / Dream SMP / One try SMP / 2b2t / anarchy server / TikTok SMP / Doomsday SMP / Demise SMP / this in fact is not the lethal SMP / lifesteal smp, this is the Deviant SMP. A server with the lifesteal plugin meaning when you kill someone you gain a heart and they lose a heart. Minecraft 1.18 the caves and cliffs update is Crazy! There are tons of new things like axolotls, massive caves, diamond method, 1.18, the warden. Applications are now open for this small YouTuber SMP. Public lifesteal smp. Minecraft public smp. This server is similar to the last life SMP with Mumbo Jumbo and Grian. Hardcore Minecraft is very difficult. PvP Minecraft SMP. Epic fail. Toy review. Tips for new YouTubers. Tutorial. How to. Fail. Funny video, hilarious. Prank. Are these your drawings? Miles morales. Gwen Stacy. Meme. Spider man. Spider man no way home. Spider man no way home Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield confirmed. Tobey Maguire. Andrew Garfield. Mr beast. MR beast recreated squid game. Squid game. Mr Beast Squid game.Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. Lifesteal smp season 3 smp applications open now Smp applications open now Minecraft smp Minecraft smp for small content creators apply now Minecraft lifesteal smp season 3 apps open applications open join smp I played in a Minecraft SMP, or survival multiplayer server similar to SMP Earth, Dream SMP, or Lifesteal SMP (lifesteal smp season 2). Survival and PVP Minecraft content inspired by TommyInnit, Dream, Technoblade, Clownpierce, Rekrap2, Grian, and other Minecraft content creators. This a whitelisted lifesteal server. Similar to the Lifesteal SMP, Lifesteal SMP Season 2 and Lifesteal SMP Season 3, because when you kill a player you permanently steal one of their hearts. This is like a Lifesteal SMP Application

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  • Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem

    Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem Minecraft – Episode 1 – Did it for the Meme Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with Clifton3D in Episode 1 of his gaming series. Join him as he delves into the realm of creativity, survival, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Minecraft Universe As Clifton3D ventures into the vast landscapes of Minecraft, he encounters a world brimming with resources, creatures, and challenges. From building intricate structures to battling hostile mobs, every moment is an opportunity for adventure. Building Blocks of Creativity In Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Clifton3D showcases his building skills by constructing elaborate… Read More

  • Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant in Minecraft?!

    Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-07-10 11:00:42. It has garnered 80679 views and 414 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:48 or 10848 seconds. Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant In Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! – Follow Louie’s Channel! – Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code Fun

    Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘I coded more of ur STUPID ideas to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Element X on 2024-06-15 14:00:26. It has garnered 1565019 views and 31885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:53 or 833 seconds. Click this link and use my code ELEMENTX to get 25% off your first payment for That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose. I coded your horrible ideas to minecraft. i dont know why your ideas are so horrible. But i just do them because it’s painful and fun. Bruh… Read More

  • Unbelievable gameplay in Minecraft – Must watch now! #viral

    Unbelievable gameplay in Minecraft - Must watch now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t worry I’m here @minecraft @shorts @viral’, was uploaded by RenderLegendOP on 2024-05-01 06:33:55. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Don’t worry I’m here @minecraft @shorts @viral thanks for watching 😍❤ minecraft #minecraft shorts #shorts #minecraft short #gaming #minecraft animation #realistic minecraft #minecraft tiktok #minecraft rtx #minecraft gaming shorts #minecraft viral shorts #shorts minecraft #minecraft meme #minecraft memes #cash minecraft #minecraft challenge #minecraft but #minecraft mod #minecraft mods #minecraft funny #minecraft hacks short #minecraft viral video #minecraft but challenge #minecraft trending shorts #minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery in Prehistoric Minecraft 1.0 by lilB2k!

    Unbelievable discovery in Prehistoric Minecraft 1.0 by lilB2k!Video Information This video, titled ‘Prehistoric Hardcore Minecraft 1.0’, was uploaded by lilB2k on 2024-06-04 06:08:11. It has garnered 42 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:45 or 13185 seconds. #live #minecraft #lilb2k I AM ALSO LIVE ON TWITCH @lilB2kk Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35

    Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY WAY TO BUILD A MODERN HOUSE (#35)’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-03-12 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:48 or 1188 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #easy #house #tutorial #song #MinecraftMadness #EpicMinecraft #MinecraftAddict #BlockbusterMinecraft #CraftingMania #MinecraftMayhem #PixelatedParadise #BuildingBlocks #Minecraft →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =) →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=) ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉👈 👉👈 👉👈 👉👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the… Read More

  • Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone Age

    Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone AgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore In The STONE AGE!’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2024-02-24 15:00:39. It has garnered 204781 views and 7290 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:05 or 3605 seconds. I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore IN A STRAIGHT LINE! ➡ Use Code PAULGG For #GFUEL ➡ Check Out my 100 Dyas In BETTER Minecraft ➡ (I Survived 100 Days In BETTER Minecraft Hardcore (Full Movie) Check out the first 100 days In An OCEAN WORLD! ➡… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshorts

    Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire vs Minecraft❓#shorts #ytshort #viralshort #comparison’, was uploaded by Short creater 07 on 2024-07-22 13:10:38. It has garnered 503 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Free Fire vs Minecraft❓ Comparison Free Fire and Minecraft are vastly different games, catering to different audiences and offering unique experiences. Here’s a comparison based on several aspects: Gameplay Free Fire: Genre: Battle Royale. Objective: Be the last person or team standing by eliminating other players. Gameplay: Fast-paced, matches last around 10 minutes, focuses on shooting, survival, and strategic positioning. Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #Shorts

    Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tiktok hack #minecraft #hackminecraft #shorts #hacks #viral’, was uploaded by Itz4ffanshortz on 2024-03-07 18:29:50. It has garnered 11663 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!

    EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Bot coito, Insanamente 2 de Metal, Platica Y No sé xd’, was uploaded by DanMDxD on 2024-06-19 17:13:01. It has garnered 121 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:19 or 5599 seconds. Join The Channel Discord: Minecraft god. Questions about me, dragon ball, anime, series, movies, video games, manga, tastes, etc. xd whatever the fuck you want. I love you so much Dragon ball, Minecraft, Halo, Resident evil 4, Halo. Sometimes we talk, react, watch discord, play xd whatever Live from the channel where we talk and react to… Read More

  • AstralPixelmon

    AstralPixelmonA aventura Pokémon que você esperava chegou! Venha se juntar a nós na Rede Astral e embarque em uma jornada épica repleta de desafios, batalhas emocionantes e a captura de Pokémon incríveis. Read More

  • Oakleaf SMP – Origins Mod – Community, Creativity, Fair Play

    Introduction: Welcome to Oakleaf SMP! A Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server focused on fostering a vibrant community and encouraging creativity while maintaining freedom. What to Expect: Community and Creativity: Join a welcoming community where collaboration and creativity thrive. Fair Play: Respect others’ builds, no hacks or cheats, consensual PvP. Origins Plugin: Experience Minecraft like never before with unique origins. Helpful Features: Informative Discord channel, active moderators. Server IP: We welcome new players from all walks of life to join our server. We are not whitelisted, so feel free to visit anytime! Join Us Today: Discord Channel: Java IP:… Read More

  • 🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑

    🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑The NightCraft 2.5 minecraft server is the second and a half season of the original Vanilla+++ minecraft server, we have rethought the server pass system, so now almost anyone can get on it! If you have any questions, you can write to the discord – telegram – or at least on twitch when I stream there – (2) night_sculptor – Twitch Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – vertical half slabs are garbage

    Minecraft Memes - vertical half slabs are garbageWhoever thought vertical half slabs were a good idea must have been building upside down! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Stone System: A Messy Quest!

    Minecraft's Stone System: A Messy Quest! In Minecraft’s world, the stone system’s a mess, Caves, sandstone, Nether, and Prismarine, no less. Exploring the depths, facing challenges with glee, In The End, a new adventure awaits, you’ll see. With music like Penguin and Pyramid’s beat, And Coral Rise from Minecraft Dungeon, a treat. So dive into the game, let your creativity flow, Minecraft’s world is vast, with endless stories to show. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe, Like, Share!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe, Like, Share! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Turning into Warden in Minecraft?! 😱

    Turning into Warden in Minecraft?! 😱 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a variety of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft #1 – Spike Viper

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft #1 - Spike ViperVideo Information This video, titled ‘GETTING YAR BOOTY in Minecraft (1.12.2 Pack) #1’, was uploaded by Spike Viper on 2024-07-18 19:55:54. It has garnered 692 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:53 or 953 seconds. yar harr harr i be pirate Join Valour: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Twitter: Official Vooperian Merch: [ Supporters of Vooperia ] NodeCraft: Fast & Reliable Game Servers Use coupon code SPOOKVOOPER for 30% off your first server below Read More

  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Seed at 3AM

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Seed at 3AMVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-06-07 16:00:17. It has garnered 265768 views and 3905 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:15 or 3735 seconds. Day 10 – We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM.. w/ @Darkomode Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • She’s CRAZY in Minecraft 🤯 – Hinglish Solo Stream with Turnip

    She's CRAZY in Minecraft 🤯 - Hinglish Solo Stream with TurnipVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hinglish Minecraft : 😍 Excited stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by The 𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 girl ⚠ on 2024-06-06 06:27:37. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:48 or 1668 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Aaliya Thakur ♡ FF Lover 🖤🤞: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with… Read More

  • Exploring Hidden Treasures in Old Minecraft Maps | Insane Subscriber Special

    Exploring Hidden Treasures in Old Minecraft Maps | Insane Subscriber SpecialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft Maps | 50K Subscriber Special Stream’, was uploaded by Dialko on 2024-07-07 21:09:00. It has garnered 5632 views and 414 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:36 or 10296 seconds. Exploring the old console edition tutorial world (TU9 tutorial world) and then playing the classic map Herobrine’s Mansion! Thanks for 50k! Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Chaos ft. Rose! Watch Now!

    Insane Hypixel Chaos ft. Rose! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Chaos with Rose! {Minecraft Gaming #1}’, was uploaded by Payton Tracy on 2024-04-28 06:05:25. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check Roses Twitch out its Rose_The_Light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Video Was for me to get back in the groove of posting and learning how to edit videos… Obviously I’m still not very good but I’m going to keep trying to get better, I hope you enjoy the video though it was a lot of fun to make. #minecraft #hypixel #minigames Read More