INSANE LUCKY BLOCKS in Minecraft Skywars!!

Video Information

Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with the bodes and welcome to an awesome live stream today we are super excited cuz we have a brand new lucky block the Minecraft story mode Lucky Blocks now I can’t remember who put that in the in the brain of Mr CW

The developer but someone did recently and then anyway we got it so there going to be like all sorts of story mode you know what I think it came up and I think it was like a tumble weeds we did recently it might have been a stream it

Was me Jerry okay well yeah I think it was in a up yeah anyone but Luke could take credit for this uh but yeah I’ll take it so all right did it but stead that also me if things go horribly wrong this is all your fault oh that it’s Steve’s fault

All right well so I take credit no he take theame you take the blame I’m I heard I made I made it no you heard you get the blame so we got this and then right after that we’re going into a monopoly Minecraft live stream so it’s

Going to be a hectic crazy day um but I hope you guys are ready and and prepared for all the fun that will be coming right Steve right Steve tell him Steve tell him tell him about it’s gonna be so much fun we’re g to play Monopoly I love

Monopoly okay oh thank thank God I was makings to ruin Monopoly uh I was making sure that you had in the description there Steve you do have Target a player that’s the most important one I actually took it out I didn’t want to deal with it did you uh rearrange the description

Make sure Steve has one in there for discounted price for himself true um hey what no targeting no no no no discounted targeting no just you’re a coward Jerry well I know that but all right fine anyway uh if everyone’s ready let’s have some fun we

Got 100 people watching 100 100 let’s do it three two one banana all right I already got the pants wait what you already got the pants how yeah I built bro uh yeah well I got a diamond sword if that ain’t the most Minecraft thing my knowledge wish I got a God I’m

Going to die to V ultimate diamond axe what is this got ticket Diamond AE wait I add this for Luke’s sake oh I can’t use the command block what the oh the command block is it a tot CW it’s not no it literally just says in

The game used to create the Wither storm unfortunate for you creative mode is needed for you to lame wow boo oh I set my spawn point on the wrong Island there we go hey Jerry I think you should uh you know go into creative and make a Wither storm yeah do

It oh ah try it why not you think CW would lie to us magic man man man do you not think CW would lie to us man man man I mean I do but I also want to put them on the spot a little bit wait why is this Lucky Block so hateful

What’ you get just skeletons and zombies and I have no weapon well I had watching play a ravager right now I got Gabriel and a skeleton oh my goodness why are they all so bad and we got 200 people watching 200 200 200 and a reminder guys

Because we do film these I saw a lot of people commenting about at the other day uh because of that we’re only going to be reading out the stream tips at the beginning that actually impact the gameplay itself we’ll read the rest of them at the end of the segment if that

Makes sense so yes good very good thank you you guys are awesome and thank you foran for becoming a one month member poor Steve that’s all right got helmet okay oops honestly I am determined to have a good time this time oh me too Steve we’re going to Target you to

Kingdom Come buddy unforunate for of Steve’s enemy form of a menace okay here we go wait so wait would you just be taking oh my god do that actually just work all right I got rid of B did you float them off the edge yeah I

Put I put some water down and just sent them away oh my God had a coming dude uh oh I’m just surprised it was that yeah easy yeah let’s go Kronos a $50 stream tip said Steve is this fun that’s a targeted on Steve it really doesn’t have to be like

This I just want one time where I can have oh it does Steve oh it do one time where I can have fun Steve you mentioned want you mentioned fun and that’s they can’t allow that just one time guys violates the Geneva Convention oh hey I got a wither skeleton skull Steve you’re

Asking for it you’re asking do you think they can like stockpile them for the next one oh my God the like Minecraft Monopoly no no the next L targeted in Monopoly please tell me there’s a stream tip for that segment that’s going to say someone goes to jail cuz they’re just

Going to send you to jail not spend the whole video sending to jail mean you skip your turn and have to roll get out I think so I think yeah oh we forgot to mention a stipulation whoever loses the SkyWars gets pranked in secret base what all right why I think I know

Why Stanley’s gonna make an appearance y hold out sorry to be fair I didn’t know he wasn’t coming I take it back what a ha funny storm BL number seven with a $50 stream dip said no fun for you Steve that’s two targeting and then Jesus they hit it

Christor is that you Christ Frank O Conor with a $500 stream tip for six hot sauces and one Steve Target okay I thought there’s no way I was really started dropping four steam now Frank this is if that’s what you want that’s what you can get but we

Can also I’ll give you one chance to change as a 10 Targets on Steve you don’t have I Just Want to Have Fun not miss your chance don’t miss your opportunity frankco Conor and then $25 stream from Storm Wing said Jerry you’re awesome and keep doing good work dropsy

You’re awesome as well monkey you’re cool sorry got downgraded there stead you’re 7′ 15 in not 8′ 3 which is I guess a compliment is it not Cy keep blasting and Steve your buns steak bomb on Steve Jerome is just afraid to do the hot sauce that’s why he’s trying to push

It off on me I don’t think he’s afraid to do the hot sauce I think he’s afraid I don’t think he’s afraid to do the hot sauce I think he’s afraid to get prank I mean I have like an hour and a half Drive ahead of me tonight and then back

So I’ve got three hours of driving lat so exact that’s not going to be fun okay Franco Conor amended his he said okay three hot sauce and the rest are all on Steve so that is puts it to 350 so that’s seven plus two that that’s nine total now we’re at

Wow Steve you have nine of your 15 lives is targeting and then Dylan my dinger with a $50 STP dip said CPP lost them Target oo all right one cap thank you Frank O Conor for being such an awesome hold on hold on find Steve one cap yeah someone

Better be writing these down Al I have a feeling they’re all are we going to do these in order or we just going to L one is just heno yeah you have to do them in order so if Steve gets more we can’t get him

Out in one go we have to get cap after the first nine okay okay out number two habanero thank you Frank O Conor again for being so awesome and being our captain the live stream you’re sick dude number two this is H number three is Hoban Aro

Powder okay I got extra pants I hope I can find a book The Bob guy just dropped a netherite sword with sharpness three wow that’s kind of massive is the durability on it though cuz they’re usually pretty busted up doesn’t matter I want to take the ancient off of it the

Ultimate diamond axe 18 M damage one speed wow yeah it’s pretty nice all right number three here it is habanero a powder guys remember Steve’s only got six more lives only got six more remember drum’s got a three-hour car rider uh later today but St St I don’t think that’s you

Could quite literally ruin his entire drive but why not hour make the three hour drive into hour drive you know what you’re no Mike you you said you both I’m saying exactly why would we why would we say they can only do one I believe in

The chat they can kill Steve and make Jerome miserable wow I don’t know why think dr’s already miserable yeah starting off strong guys give it up oh I don’t know why that caught me wrong there and we got 300 people watching let’s go 300 300 that’s a Target

All right here we go I’m bound to have fun whether you guys Target me for every one of my lives I’m still going to have fun so you know what guys he’s putting forward quite the hypothesis here do we test it scientifically or I think we do

We have no choice for nine lives I mean he’s giving us a hypothesis that know has to be T Andrew with a $50 stream tip say Steve I don’t want about drive time I drive an hour 4 to work 10 to 12 hours uh drive then drive home every

Day so Steve that’s a targetting on you that’s 10 out of Steve’s 15 lives and then Kronos with a $75 stream dip said both is good bro Kronos come on then Adrian the meow with $150 stream dip said I love causing that two hot sauce that’s four through six now yeah

Hot sauces what will happen first the gauntlet or Steve losing all of his lives I think the gauntlet for sure hot sauc and that’s four is Ghost Pepper five is Ghost Pepper powder six is Scorpion pepper and ghost pepper oh I’ve have not gotten any uh

Gear yeah I only just now managed to get I got the sword boots I need the boots and that’s pretty much it h if I don’t find any more I got an extra all right man I’ve got spare pants Oh big then I’m just missing a chest

Plate oh I can tell this is going to sit well in my stomach cuz I didn’t eat a big lunch I just ate smoked salmon and almonds get him okay let’s see oh my God that’s the ghost pepper powder wow and number six scorpion pepper I can’t believe they’re going for both actually

Yeah they’re crazy you’re going to lose the race though Steve you only have five lives left pal God that’s all right it’s okay I got one of the lava traps that makes you fall and I used a water bucket to turn into obsidian and then I just

Opened a block down there and I got another lava trap I got is yeah honestly oh God the first one coming down storm wants a steak bombing on Steve and he wants to know if any of the Buddies have seen the seven deadly sins anime and who’s their favorite character

If they have I have indeed very I have motus yeah and good news sacred wolf with $180 stream tip wants to give dropsy and monkey a bonus life thank you wow thank you very much wow yeah that money could have been spent against Steve I I can’t believe

It that could have brought us a good way to take SP that could have given me that’s true dropsy will probably Target Steve with that extra life Delmar shout out to you for gifting 10 memberships love you buddy sorry I BR down your tree I heard

You were very upset about that on the community server for what it’s worth and this is genuinely true I did think that that was V Smith’s Because He bragged to us on the first day that like oh look at this tree so I thought it was his I

Didn’t know that was your home and that I destroyed everything you ever loved the tree was the only thing that Vernon built there I want no delare says that it like I’m pretty sure delmare was starting drama to Blade oh what what you okay so the tree

Was not also where they lived but like the very first thing they had done and that was like mostly what V Smith had worked on was like the base of that delmare AKA my boy of the ocean l literally did everything else yo I’m about to become har this timer over

Here all right here we go here we go amulet oh nice there’s a amulet that’s the totem of undying yeah yeah kind of looks like a steering wheel yeah it do it do it do do oh my gosh Steve has five more lives guys that’s all I’m saying I on the

Other hand think of it this way he has five lives for me to get through the gauntlet you know we’ve got seven through 13 and then plus Mr P that’s a lot of hot sauce it’s just much easier to just you know Target Steve yeah but what’s funnier

Here is it going to be funnier if we just Target Steve or is it going to be funnier if we target Steve and then make room to a bunch of hot sauce yeah I think we got to get the hot sauce there’s an upper limit to how much we

Can Target Steve so after the 15 are done you just go absolutely Ham on J Man the next one record like what if they can Bank them up what if they’re ping Bank them for the next yeah why not if anyone wants to keep running tab I

Mean yeah yeah we can B him for the next lucky block for Steve Co Bank those targeting get Steve will be targeted for the next 13 years I mean if you’re if you’re allowing people to bank most ridiculous dude how have I gotten boots that is all I’ve gotten that’s all I

Need you need a trade your boots well I’ve still got a stack of Lucky Blocks to go but I might end up trading you for those my God I have 18 lucky blocks left and I have the boots Steve I got I got a helmet what you got

For uh for trading boots I don’t I don’t need boots what else you got boots what is this thing um an amulet I can give you a mob spaw yeah I was looking at that I’m good what about the ultimate diamond sword I got one of

Those what about an amulet thank you for the 400 people watching and thank you to our captain of the live stream Franco Conor thank you Kronos as well thank you everyone has been doing big stream tips big things sacred wolf you’re awesome as well everyone’s awesome guys I can’t

Express enough without fans like you guys we couldn’t do what we do so from the bottom of my heart thank you for being such big supporters of the channel thank you for being my friends and thank you for keeping us alive and able to do

What we do each and every day you guys are to thank for that and I mean that thank you for the bottom of my heart for making this dream always come true each and every day let’s have some fun guys and let’s target Steve oh man once we’re done with a good

Targeting on Steve I can’t wait till you know Steve spends the rest of the time in jail in Monopoly hey top dragon ninja with a $50 stream if that’s a Target and on Steve what are we at dropsy what are we at what’s the scoreboard say is that

Uh if that was the most recent one then we’re at this let’s go he’s only got four more lives thank you top dragon ninja oh my God it’s all going down I got crushed by a slime it is going downhill very quickly monke you still down for the for the pants

Yeah I’m here I’m just uh there we go Professor pickle said how much to get a Lucky Block made completely based off stead oh no oh stead fast Bo nice that’d be fun thank you yep Ste what be your main weapon it’s just a sword that says

Would the Brain Cell come back Jerry fair fair could it could we do have the weapon already made there we go like fire aspect yeah I could be one I got to clear out have a Lucky Block uh give like uh what is it uh the inverted controls

In nausea and be conf and call it confusion yeah that could work okay I am now out of Lucky Blocks I have 35 still I’ve got a I got 41 18 I’ve been kind of flying through these I’ve only seen uh plate body PL so what what else you need stead uh helmet

And Boots of anything but what you got to trade for me I got both nothing dang it yeah I I like how thought that SC me I thought wow that’s a great bow Oh I thought you just got both was like no oh that’s uh that’s a problem but I

Let me know if you do get anything that you let you and I’ll I’ll help you out who hello Mr slime I’m in quite the precarious location here oh I see you with slimes oh God one of them took them there it is it’s ogre Steve zero

Coyote with a $200 stream Dip set four lives gone for Steve you guys couldn’t even let me have one oh Steve look at the bright side you can get a jump start on Monopoly dude you can load the pack up and everything you can be ready over

I’m not going down without a fight 15 targeting buddy now the question is we normally do in order but do we want to do it in order do we want to just do 15 on Steve and then one on I think we do the 15 on Steve because I think we just

Get it out of the way Steve is that okay nope bro why got all right so drum hear me out we’re doing this hard no we kill cap then right we take cap one stop us from killing cap first yeah he can’t stop us from killing cap first so we

Take cap out first and then we deal with the 15 all right I like that I like how did you get my B so we’re going to Target cap first and then Target Steve for 15 times thank you zero coyote all right we’re done you’re hilarious Dude Love It cap I’m I love

You bud but it’s got to be it worked as a good distraction from the hot sauce in we don’t care okay tring geez no I’m good but thank you for remembering h I’ve got 10 lucky blocks left Steve if you want to trade maybe for those boots if you do oh no

I’m good I got oh you got everything yeah I got everything I traded for uh the pants that I needed what do you got for me what do you need I got uh every piece of armor uh so do I you got anything like interesting items or a totem or whatever

It’s called the uh am am okay word uh uh okay where are we meeting at Joe’s uh I’m G just go to Mid I wouldn’t said what did you do to Mid yes what’s going on what haven’t I done mid there’s ravagers all over there’s zombies wither skeletons you name it

It’s here uh does anyone else have Wither Skeleton skulls by the way I got one but we need two more to there’s multiple of them around uh like not this like skulls but like the uh I’m also in mid your hold on I’m coming no that’s not there you are hello all

Right boots than and now Mony uh willing to trade for any experience bottles like oh well just the nick of time about all that magic he’s gone how does he do it I’m a bit of a magician okay what do we so the helmet I don’t need to enchant this needs

Enchant this doy need an enchant as well doy dooby do okay protection one that’s good Protection One Protection One good can the axe please tell me oh it only gets Unbreaking dang that’s not Cherry I think you should uh do the command block thing at the end see if it actually

Works I don’t know what the command is though for it dang I just wish I could get some more bottles you think it comes preloaded with the command inside it could because you wouldn’t be able you can’t really place your access so it could I’ve got a mob spawners I’ve

Got some blast protection Gabriel Warriors leggings yeah Lucky Blocks or time is up I’ll give you an amulet all right I’ll take it I’ll meet you in mid nice oh God I forgot that the uh the arena changed oh oh yes say obnoxious things that take five years to kill yeah and

They do that weird like jumping thing that makes them hard to hit dude it’s actually like the Arena’s actually hard now all right just remember dropsy monk you guys have an extra life oh that’s right I was wondering why they had 16 on I forgot I forgot about that monk G

That’s actually pretty sick all right so we’re going to kill Target Cappy first and then Target Steve for the rest of them good luck is all I have to say good luck why do I feel like I mean we can like just part ways for now if you want yeah part

Ways kill each other I’m not going down without a fight I was bound to have fun today it’s Steve’s day off it’s Steve’s fun day all right oh now that’s what I like to see the buffing horn big fan big fan all right nice there I’m dead all

Right Cappy’s died let the attacks begin Steve it did you really oh what did he do Luke does he just he’s in the nether he’s in the nether God I can see the portal so we have to find him y’all don’t scare me me we should we just have

To kill him once we really really should we could just kill him take the portal in the yeah we got to yeah yeah we got to down now I’m going in guys be careful he could have trapped it already don’t go in without someone you think he would have planned that b

Yes if he’s acting like this yes I have one light or I have no lives that aren’t targeted what do you expect from me I think he’s definitely set up in there okay so how do we get oh God it’s everywhere jeez something broke this you don’t want to

Yeah how you doing buddy guys it’s down there it’s worse than you ever could have imagined no it’s not good it’s not worse something said it’s pretty bad in here said it’s worse I kind of figure somehow I’m not saying you didn’t expect it fire cutless I got him mon got him I

Guess oh now I’ll be here yeah hey so he just flew away of course hey can you guys hold on drum I have an idea stand back I think all right I’m doing my side mission you guys got a way to reignite this me and monk are stuck no I’m a

Genius fire arrows work oh that’s sick big brain all right let’s get out of here dude you’re kidding me you’re kidding me that monk Island that’s so funny dude why is there a another portal outside my goodness this guy hey thank you the 500 people watching you guys are amazing

That knock back was insane Cappy great thank you zero coyote as well thank you sacred wolf thank you Delmar thank you of course to our cat for the live stream frankco Conor thank you to storm bless thank you Cronos thank you to all of our awesome fans top dragon ninja you name

It you guys are what keeps this channel running and without you we couldn’t do what we do thank you to all of our amazing awesome and generous fans you guys are the best that anyone could ever ask for keep it on the DL oh thank you hello dropsy if I show you something

Will you promise to give it back to me never mind Jerry’s here he won’t later got like knock back 97 on his sword if you saw what I have you would not let me keep fine cat don’t don’t worry about where is he ow what is that dude what is your

That is some illegal knockback dude what are you talking about what is your knockback ah he’s flying guys cover your water sources that’s what I’m doing right now one on your Island he’s swimming between them he’s swimming between the two over here no he flew off he flew off

In the direction of mineing your B that one okay yeah he’s at monks right now when I said I was doing my mission this was it ah good thinking Dr Drum you’re a bad person what did I do I gen don’t without that uh without what did I do

Seriously you pushed me off the bridge what oh running behind me too close you legitimately pushed me off there he goes oh I don’t have anything to block it off with ah I got know more Block it’s rough when all I got is Obsidian to block it off with to be safe

Wait like dude that’s one way to do it n respect yeah we got to get rid of that water spout on yours now Jerry I guess yeah there’s water on yours I have blocks with me I’m mining the tree at my Island for more Blocks he’s leaving where’s he going now where no

Not doing this you don’t get fireworks from the lucky blocks I’m not doing this no you did you cheat no you don’t there’s definitely you literally do not I did it’s not in the Luke table Steve that’s in the Luke table though that is cable I appreciate that was a good joke

That was a good one that was great big fan big fan oh did you get all of these okay all right where is he told you I’m not going down without a fight today you’re not fighting you’re just hiding I was going to say it’s not a fight

Running I think I’ve been fighting quite an awful lot you’ve been losing he he’s been fighting but like I my sword is stupid guys this is oh c didn’t lag yeah right uh no I was just I was struggling check this out wait wait let me let me see that okay

Can I have one of those not the fun one but I have one of those that’s that’s nice is crazy right um checking for water spouts don’t see any I’m back in the nether oh my God all right where’s the nether portals let’s start breaking them someone take this man’s Visa

Away like his like passport passport revoke his passport no long I think the only one thater travel and see the world that’s stream you can just straight stream tip to kill H thank you B Smith for the $5 stream tip uh that wasn’t me who burned

It you’re going to have to ask Delmar CU he was just kind of on a rampage and he burned it down I don’t know I took care of him last time I’m sure it’s lavance of the wait wait don’t break it don’t break it I have to go in there oh I

Thought you at the other one there was two’s base yeah oh that’s funny so where is the C’s behind do we have to build a staircase up to that what that expion you’re so obnoxious where is he still nether yeah he’s still in the ne yes fireballing me from the stupid

Ceiling from the heavens it’s kind of the opposite of where we are right now I’m going to build up to this I’m building I’m making a staircase up to the thing behind ste’s base well be careful there’s a chance he could come through that I think again is

He coming through it right now yeah he could end up there I saw him yeah yeah go something okay you mind if I come back through why did you give him fireworks uh you’ll come through the other one I think it won’t reactivate one over here he’s right

Ah the lava though look live dead we got this hold on I’m I’m working on it just hanging tight for a sec all right it’s going Jee yes dead has fallen what did you just fall no I was but I’m alive oh that’s awkward now we know how you feel about Stead

I’m in quite a precarious situation here by the way where are you this nether port will will put me in a situation is what I’m say yeah all right I’m leaving I think okay or not all right he’s only got 12 more targeting left guys yeah I might die

From this one though 600 people watching let’s go I was on I was on his Island I literally couldn’t escape we got this we got this okay boom ow what is oh oops I misclicked that’s what happened I got why am I taking damage hi Ste I’m back home welcome welcome back from

War proud of you all right now Steve where for thou St he was last on his Island yeah from what I know all right I’m coming wo nice if I had gotten that hit off on you though you would have been gone oh my God cap I just looked at your

Sword oh wait did someone tell you no I just you can hover over you don’t want this smoke Y no I don’t but I don’t have an option I’ve left your Island you don’t have to check behind that wall you don’t have to check behind there yeah

Okay you doing he left your Island dude oh dude he didn’t leave my Island nothing oh oh he away yep that knock back is funny yeah going mid he’s in the trees in the description Brooke or Brook said I’m surprised there’s no Dono to clear a player I mean that’s literally

The equivalent of just Banning them right like you lose you lose like yeah where is he dead he’s up in this tree up here ouch ouch I think I’ve lit myself on fire more than I’ve lit anyone else on fire he’s flying out he’s flying to My Island he’s going probably back

Through the nether portal is he I don’t know he went over towards my Island that’s the only thing like came back through the portal yeah he’s up on on the like Pathway to it actually no I’m I’m on the pathway oh you’re on the pathway yeah I just came

Through it so I was finishing he went he went that way somewhere I don’t know what happened there’s someone on Steve’s Island and I don’t know if that’s Steve that’s me he might have no yeah there’s Jerome Steve right now yeah you targeting on Steve I’m trying to get up

To the ne portal I’m back in the nether I hate the to tell you guys yeah see I kind of figured I figured yep fennel with a $66 stre Luke you caused this now you solve it fair this is what you get for giving him fireworks Luke get in

Here and you have to Target him so that’s the that we always Target Luke because we want to not cuz we have to he has card I don’t see him I whenever Luke comes into the game with moderate gear I don’t Target him but that’s like once in a blue moon when he

Comes in with his stupid Arrow of instakill he blade gives me that doesn’t get him right here he’s a clown oh he’s getting clowned well luk give yourself a life and get in here Paler you created this mess now you’re cleaning it up nine times for us nine times yeah that’s how many lives he has left yeah oh I hit him off but I think he probably got his yeah he’s yeah mid look I got to try to like take some fights here and eliminate some

Lives got dropsy once and I got I think I got jum as well got my where do we go I don’t know where he’s at I don’t know where he’s at Dr where are we uh why does this keep happening to us head I don’t have that many building

I’ll I’ll leave I’ll I’ll set down some water for you and then I’ll my totem we’ll do we’ll do all right I got to move over one to the right over here all right oh Jesus Steve you’re kidding me I’m just going to follow cap and assume he knows where he’s going

Let’s go cap I’m following well he was he was he I was fighting him I hit him off the edge so he lightered somewhere we have to try find what do you want me to do monkey I’m getting targeted by the entire I know but your water fight I

Said wait where’s their water I got you R’s Island I’m to swim up cuz the new nether portal is on a lava trap at his Island got a very weird location is the water G you miss me Steve yeah the water’s gone yeah I did miss you

Hi friends oh my God who’s running again you hit me off the edge what do you mean I’m running you literally hit me off the edge he’s losing his mind guys you literally hit me monkey you took antra rocket and flew off like a C I’m having a blast right

Now if you hit someone off you know guys you can keep adding the targets for the next time I do a lucky BL I wouldn’t complain Steve out here speaking Japanese genuinely he did not give me a lot of well I kind of hit that though for

Real kind of been trying to use them Sparingly got you a dollar you want the dollar Steve he got me he got me ow get him get him boys yeah he’s on the run again he’s on the run again down I don’t see where he went though oh we need there’s still water flowing from

That Old nether port that’s why don’t stop doing that oh hi Luke hi hello hello you got blocks you need me to keep Arrow there you go D there we go just a regular Arrow come on guys we’ve got eight more of those that’s all my

Building blocks you guys got a lot more Target dude I got a Netherrack I was BR I think that’s his yeah that’s his base you trying that what’s wrong guys ow Steve we could be I too I no we can’t Luke I know we can’t I was just lying

Back I’m tagging you guys in I’m on fire just run through the fire I can’t burn this St this is Steve’s is this the island I got one they ran where’ he go uh he’s going off to my base okay took off I did just see the mob

Spawner works so that I’m just crazy crazy that was crazy once that was crazy once you’re crazy do you think right down I am crazy now you’re crazy now over yeah I think so too get him um I’m in I don’t see him oh I see the break the portal just break the

Portal I got literally 35 obsidian from Lucky Blocks right down there hold wait monk stacking it monk from right here if you e Pearl we could probably land on the platform next to it and make a little like boundary there you knowy how does he know how to make a

Proper nether portal I don’t understand practice you do understand the concept of targeting have lives I think you just I have no idea what you’re talking about dude I think you slip monk I hate to tell you this because Jerry was walking away yeah dude I was not there

You’re such a BT I have obsidian oh man what’s up monk how’s it going how’s the fight going I got betrayed by Jerome all right how do we you have any sticks yes I did trying to light Luke an obsidian nether portal why I oh you got he’s not in the ne anymore

Yeah oh man do you know how long it took me to make this p mon long enough for me to go in long it come back out wor hey hey that’s not it’s and Steve Monk remember Luke Luke Luke yeah monk he spawns over here over here yeah he spawns over here okay

Um this is awkward isn’t it oh wait hold on this you know what I think I I know a better way to handle I went back to the Nether Again guys nice okay so I I hope that you’ve encapsulated it I hope so too so uh where’s the latest Steve

Squatch he said he was in the ne again he’s in the nether Hey cap do you got any grapes I mean pickaxe I do have pickaxe okay can you do that good good huh no not down there okay I went through one of the the portals by the

Way I don’t know which you’re just why do you do this huh why do I do what why do you do this Steve do I do what what I do cobone to the portal Dr look we have a we have a plan what look at our plan yeah you

Might want to come over here and see this the plan very in where he spawns oh oh smart yeah got to kill me first yeah be real nice if instead of stabbing me in the back metaphorically wait hold up isn’t J’s nose supposed to give you extra Hearts

Yeah yeah yeah why do I not have extra Hearts it’s bugged you bad I have three Jerome’s noses and I have no extra Hearts yeah you have more noses than Jerome does yeah what’s up with that Steve no yeah just I already put that up don’t worry okay yeah we we’ve already been

Discussing it with CW in the other chat sorry believe it or not I’ve been fighting for my life I don’t ouch quick get get him it worked he ran and I just thre my SW off the edge one more time him one more time he’s over at my

Island circling past going towards monks right now going over to Jones Roger Dodger I think you do back under the middle is he is he at myland div he went towards your island or underneath he’s definitely going to the nether again he’s on he’s underneath my Island think he might have enough

Obsidian to make another targeting for a life hey hey hey that’s yeah no that’s not the rule I did not yeah you didn’t kill you mug what do you mean is killing someone you fell out of the not my fault you fell dude yeah like what are you

Talking about I still have the piece of cobblestone that you under me he’s flying away from my it in the air on the way down hey he’s right here mid going to mon Island oh sorry thank you [Laughter] dropsy where is he listen all you guys

Got to do is take him out and cap and I got the rest is oh jeez mon in the ne I was he’s a light R in the ne of course Okay so so not I went far enough to eat like and I’m still fighting him is that what Luke said he said

Eight he gave a toal no he gave me a total of 16 what you gave me a total of 16 fireworks oh ni here he is here he is he’s coming don’t let him get away get him you better not let him get away this time oh that’s a good hit

Heit he has like spawn invincibility for a second got to shut shut us in with them shut us in with him next time back over at monks and climbing the pillar up okay Target someone else we can’t yeah we’re legally bound here Steve yeah like this is contract laws here now Steve

You’re trying to get a suit out here Steve wait Luke Luke I have an idea I have an idea yeah what’s up this side come to this side build it out so build so we put it with water around there right so it has

To spawn out more and more and we get a spawn to come out to here cuz if you cover all that with water it’ll just find the nearest block so you feel me destroying nether portal entran so if I Supply you where you at actually I don’t

Know I got something for you that you can do it let me see is there a way to get him to yeah is there a way to like if we water this up significant will make him go in the middle you’re you know this is very I was going

To say just break not grunder of you guys I mean you’re the one running away that’s the least we kind of have no choice yes Steve yeah it’s very grunder we’re kind of St doing this yeah it’s grunder be grunder it’s a gr World wow stop a Grundy grund world

Oh he’s over on uh what color is that yeah he’s on light gray Yow get him I think Jerry would the amount of times he PE I kind of hit that though oh wait C what what you actually did really hit that I hit that though for real oh

Where’d you go that was a good one well you knock knocked me off the edge with it don’t even I hear you running don’t even it wasn’t me got me using audio cues in Minecraft I hate it here I’m going to turn on narrator so I

Can hear yeah I might have to do that approach I’m going turn on the the setting that subtitle yeah I’m turning on subtitles so I can hear player approaching oh I see him fire where which island which island fell down a little bit yep that’s

The end of me where is he oh where’s his Island he’s in okay did nobody wait oh we’re all over here okay where is he hey guys he Port there he’s in he’s back in the nether fighting me again okay but just kill still in there I’m working on it I’ve killed him

So many times in here how do how is your Shield still active I hit you with an axe multiple times it’s not an actual axe Steve that’s he is really know it is bro can I could tell you why he can you break this huh huh with the pickaxe no I could do

This though oh wait maybe not more of an upward angle okay Cherry hey dead lock me in here oh this is something else it really is the worst part is I went to elytra after him but he’s already gone oh my God one of you exploded the ne

City hi dropsy this is nice knowing you Jerome all right The Showdown we’ve all wanted Steve hello Steve where he on caps oh kill him we got to take him out he’s trespassing all my land get off he’s long right and how many arrows you got

Over there it’s an Infinity bow so a lot you got Infinity how did you get infinity one of the hero bows yeah all right oh I didn’t even see one of those bla you good you good bla bla that’s bla we think funny but no good over

Here everything good at home like Jesus man like this a kids game like my God like Jesus Oh My go so uh the wild C be sits in weight we just need to take him out one more time and then the one V one of the

Century is going to take place is he still over there draft who’s he going to One V one Luke yeah nobody’s coming over no I’ve been waiting for the past like four minutes to do that there he is he’s over there what is the rainbow Lucky Block

Did I miss something oh that it’s two slabs pushed together oh okay I broke it there was nothing good he he’s over there on my Island yep we’re just kind of letting him ow yeah I mean you guys aren’t really doing damage with the bow so well

I’ve missed like seven ender pearls to try to get to you so come on guys kill them man kill him come on I’m gonna go over there and then he’s going to fly away so you guys be on the lookout yep his tires Rob oh my God what careful

Don’t let him get it’s okay I’ll live why is Mickey Mouse about to slash his tires oh on man we got to go to the newest Disney movie Steve yeah let me cross the bridge come on over ha Donald get the Rope Donald you guys got to stop get

Better at shooting tell me about your War buns hey you got a AOE attack me Jerome I need you to either him or I’m killing you pick one I can’t I don’t have any building blocks I’m out of Ender Pearls and I lost my water wow that is goad list there have

You considered mining more blocks have a stickers you’re not you when you’re hungry who gave you that you just started using that time I promise you what he I just haven’t used it because I don’t have Infinity on a I don’t have infity Steve do to them what noble 6 did

To the Covenant at the end of the take them all he died no six Dies at the End bro he’s a hero a dead one I thought survive I’m just saying I actually I actually think he lived they something released about that that they he lived

And there’s going to be like a Halo Reach two or something yeah no that what anyway Steve’s uh puking steak go get him yeah how long is this steak puke for well we missed one so I’m going to let it run out a little bit longer what no that’s fair

Yeah drops it for moral support H I have one of those too why did you a sign that it says generator well I mean map well where’s the generator you just did there hang on I’m sneaking up on Steve hi Steve oh my goodness he actually was

Big ow he hurts ow you’re not helping whoever did that you’re hurting me I’m helping I swear I’m helping oh wait I had an ambulet I forgot no he’s he’s on the run all right he’s on the move on the move right I did I did my job if you didn’t have an

Amulet I wouldn’t have ran St I was getting third partied by my own team I think he’s going towards monks yeah I I Ed the I’m so sorry I that Lord Grim with a $25 stream tip Lord Grim I’m sorry man I was I’m so like just that’s

Why I gave him a ding Steve he said steak bomb for Jerry for Christmas get Jerome soap to clean his stinky feet ashd dropsy Vlog question that already came out dude yeah Lord Grim that came out like maybe he’s just excited no he had three question marks oh yeah that’s out

Dude can I have my steak bomb now Luke one second my mechanical keyboard Keys flew out I think he’s going back into the nether yeah yeah he definitely is I’m back in the nether now now you can have your steak b oh you can see me it’s another flying away again yeah he’s

Flying over everywhere you puke would you get peanut for Christmas you make a hole close it back up inad I can’t yeah okay I got it I got it he doesn’t deserve that I’ll close it up but like unless you want to just be chilling in here but like he needs to

Die I’d rather not get in your way eventually you know eventually I’m actually rather happy with this I’ve got a mob spawner infused Shield so oh my God slowly but surely trying to get back up I’ll make it there eventually can you put some water down I am on

Fire have you been in the dome for this whole time here yes yes oh my God locked we got we got to kill Steve’s Cap’s been been amped up for this fight for a while out of the portal and he’s in his I’m out of the woods yeah I’m out of the

Woods yeah I’m out he’s over at CS Island again yeah I’m at Cap’s Island no get him that might not reach cap hey uh if you were to just keep yeah hey monk if you were to keep any uh amulets around like spare amulets would you hide them

Or put them right on your Island I I’m going to do something crazy okay well yeah I found one at least where I found him kill him where is he where he’s got a totem where is he um uh cppy outside of Cappies I Pro his totem I Pro his

Totem nice finish finish him offish Steve if you if you equipped an elytra so help he did you that thing has to break soon right no not unless you repair imagine can you I guess if you have you can yeah you craft them together tear his wings [Laughter] off oh my goodness

Soly oh my God cat Steve come back into the nether let’s get this over with I would love to monk I would love to wow a nice C thank you thank you he left was left luk can you take care of the water down there look he literally left dude team

Cherry maybe he’ll come back oh man I don’t know if I have enough building blocks to get back we’ll find out my logic when sitting in the nether for 30 minutes but he actually does come back don’t worry monk it’ll all he’ll be here some point luk it has been worth it

I’ve killed him like seven times Dr starting to get the Zoomies you got to get this on quick yeah drum drum Dr ball where there he is where is he monk I have the utmost trust in you if you take him out I’m going back to watch

Cap One V one I’m in the dome yeah the thund yeah I’m just waiting at the Dome watching I’m this is the most anticipated fight all got mon had the win one luk I don’t want wi you’re right what Luke what’s up with that the seven wins in a row what’s going on

You know one was going to lose eventually imposs don’t worry monkey I’m sure you’re a big bad pvper over there you are just so strong why did you Flex for me bro Flex oh my God got him again so strong so B I’m using an ax I I know my shield was

Up you got you got I I know what you mean now now that you mentioned it Steve sometimes I’ll pay more attention to the uh by the way I really want to just again thank our captain of the live stream Frank O Conor Frank you’re amazing thank you for supporting the

Channel and it’s because of fans like you that we’re able to do what we do each and every day so from the bottom of my heart Thank You Frank you’re amazing and just yeah that’s all I got dude thank you so much go ahead all right whatever someone asking I’ve been

Destroying I don’t know which are I just Reit the one in my there’s some portals that are like no I’m so disappointed if that Dome doesn’t work he’s like a cat he’s got like bones of of mush he just went through the only hole in the old when

You took the stairs did he seriously just get out of the Dome after all that press there was someone I mean to be fair it wasn’t I did but it doesn’t matter I’m literally I’m I’m dead what did you out of fireworks I’m out of fireworks I had no building blocks left

I had nothing all right I’m coming back now you must die ow ow ow no no no nothing dud you had a vant Last Stand in the nether go I had a lot of fun I’m not even going to Li yeah no it was was good

Just good battles for every time I would try to set up a like a trap for you I don’t know if you the other every time I did they would spawn in another one and I was like all right well so monk to be honest I ate a Notch

Apple before I came into the nether AB exctly what will happen next time you face me in Roblox boxing cap well that explains you didn’t K better you didn’t kill me yeah I had so you’re to from the top yeah exactly going to hold you down OU

Tropy and from the top ropes we have steadfast games oh my God the knock back dude I stand by it I said I was going to have fun with this one I had fun it’s so nice to see the sky again I didn’t he you but I’m going to

Say but I’m going to say good fight okay oh man Luke you are horrible why are you running yeah oh cuz there was three you guys all think staring me down oh you got blocks hi Luke oh no hi Luke what was that BS on your axe ha

Garbage that a yes or run no he doesn’t me I don’t have any I don’t have any knowledge of any kind yeah I know I was wondering why I was exploding that wasn’t me me Ste what’s going down down what’s going down down down Rising Blade

With $25 stre for St to get a steak a bomb all right sorry St got to go got work to do great now I’m going to with the lava having a steak bomb things are going well for you stud that really is God come on dropsy I’ll be back down

There in a second no no no take your time please I can’t see burning well I mean there’s lava down there you just throw up in the lava yeah I am that’s what I’m doing but I still can’t see got nice moves thanks said I’m on my way

Back I gotta check up onstead how how you doing that great that’s good got lucky block so I think that’s what did it why do you have to why do you do this Luke like guys tormenting under the you’re not really Tor you’re kind of just being a

That’s I’ve been dying so much that’s fair you took a lot of the bullet for Steve so yeah yeah we had a Notch Apple during our last fight in the nether Lambo with a $90 stream tip Sy Drome this is for you always saying how good

The Wither sword is and then throwing it away any time you get it um come here come here wait I’m confused so so I got a Bonus life look down here look what did you do give me a bonus life lamb second don’t release de I’ve been tormenting releas oh my God okay

Whatever play I saw nothing yeah I got a Bonus life thank you Lambo Lambo you’re awesome dude thank you so much buddy time to take it away I was never here no I was you must go back take one of your oh you think you can get away from this Luke you’re

Lucky you’re lucky I F luk yes that was fun let’s do that again next week what is happening we’re not does he know and Dem liby Strat oh I didn’t have the elytra from you know is that good for you for still having one of the highest light uh

Lives I’m proud of you I’m mon in the ground you want to do this Luke I just I just just Rec oh my God guys chill relaxes have a lot of lives 12 rela relax you got a higher number want to see relaxing how’s this for relaxing she

Shot me in the knee I don’t like this were you relaxed every time you killed me earlier what do you mean every time this is for trying to water bucket me off a cliff over hunting down Steve a real low blow I’ve done you no wrong ridiculous

I’ve never seen that level of projecting before that is a lie yeah have you ever seen this level of an axxe to your head I’m against swear got like sharp five on that sword Shar two and it’s serving me nothing against cap he’s too powerful yeah cuz cap has sharp three

Cap behind you I was serious ow I’m not doing anything there we go I’m an honorable man you think I would do that while C up got knock what do I get out of it oh sorry what do I get if I give you one oh my God cap it’s just like

Rob that’s not worth much considering you ter begging me but I’m also a cheater so if I’m your ally uhoh ow you’ve poison po who is poison drops you ow that’s just lucky blocks you Luke if you can get out then I will J I’m loving the Cappy’s box in comments

Oh my God Cappy that’s just like you just love it when anyone get made a fun of besides you yes it’s for on hey at least at least you own just monkey yeah I’m busy hold on okay I’ll respect the One V one oh dang Lucky G me with second hit probably this

Is really bad she’s really good at juking ow I can’t get to hit it my inventory thank you myv oh jeez she kept likeit ow I lit myself on fire with my own arrows this back funny if we get down to two people and they give me another life

And I win even though I got targeted for 15 lives ah you wish pal you’re going get brought in life just so you can buy another did you just I don’t want to talk about I want to talk about a I watch that happen I don’t if somebody literally brought me

Back just to have me targeted that would be ridic that happened You’ fold quicker than Cappy in a boxing match in Roblox okay I don’t want I hear it dude paper hands over there easier than a lawn chair pillow old cat and pillow hands you got the hands of a of a sad

Dog oh my God I don’t even know what that means I don’t know what it means but it sounds I got business to take care of here okay I understand I understand all right now we can what you I already took care of my bit oh what what is ow

What wow what was that happened I don’t know I I was being raised up into heaven oh lucky blocks I think it was the all my good deeds God was just giving me an early [Laughter] ticket I think that’s the hardest drops he’s laugh over jeez all right Dr F the

Concept of J go I know it’s fine it’s fine I’ll just no dib’s on his six lives actually I’ll split him with Steve he was just giving me the early ACC to the sky di I was getting the Early Access VIP ticket to but you know it’s fine dang low

Blow oh I’m going to die I’m sorry why am wall you guys are you kidding yeah no oh no Nathaniel Titus just revoked your ticket he said drops I’m [Laughter] sorry oh my gosh there we go see how that’s how you win with class Jerry you wouldn’t know anything about

That what the welterweight Class C what she we probably in sweet berries or something I know I was no offense Jerry but you’re probably like the feather of featherweights hey wow he’s the champion of Thea insulted on behalf of featherweights there was a while where I

Was working on extra hard and cutting a bunch and I was actually like while at my strongest I’ve ever been in my life got myself down to 149 lb and I was like if I keep going I could join like the like the like what is it the ultra

Feather weight or whatever which is like 135 I was like if I really wanted to push this I could totally do it yeah oh my God how many drumes noses did you get just one and even then it doesn’t work half the time if I have my shield it’s not active

Bro how could you you were just St standing there dude never you know what Michael Jordan says you missed 100% of the shots you tried to take there I mean I don’t think that’s what he says but I know I was cuz you’re a slippery man I I don’t

Know what you want you’re covered in grease Jesus I don’t I did to all you guys today man the web the web into fire like what what no I fell a p oh my God man a $25 stream tip said hey Dr I’ve joined team C from the pack

In school I love the buddies and just wanted to show some love for the best Bo of fish fish fish and check box number four wow so you you’ve watched across like a decade dude thank you so much he was a steak bomb on drops I was just giving you some that

Was hurting cuz I got suspended in cobweb over fire no I ate it after I died that’s so dumb that’s the worst game mechanic big can’t get I got to waste hising God Apple I’m just I’m just swinging I’m just swinging I saw just comes in covered in GRE if it

Isn’t if it isn’t my favorite bronze teer box from no way you’re such a butt Dr God it’s so hard to follow dropsy cuz I can’t see where the blocks are I can’t either I’m sorry guys it’s all right cap I remember my first rookie division

Fight you know J you’re really trying to make me spend more time with you but like dang where’d she go she’s running why is it still going it was only one it’s been more than 30 seconds what knock back was that jeez I’ll tell you he’s got insane

Knockback been long enough he has look it’s sharp three knock back two it’s insane admit it he hit a home run with me like he sent me out of there oh there you are I’ve been chasing here on the map for 5 minutes I’m sorry I

Can’t I’ll take that over falling off oh my god you’re kidding me stop making me land though so I’m fighting he’s such a mess did you just buffing horn yeah come here all right let’s see where are you guys where are you oh my God stop running away you Ed the buffing

Horn fight me you coward I did I proed two totems I feel good about that or I’ll take care of this monk oh oh my God what do you have punch 500 uh kind of and the blink that how’d you get a blink that two I got two tickets for once she

Here’s a one way a oneway ticket to the Los bra come on man don’t don’t make me do this don’t make me do this do what I know it was you C too it was insane knockback chasing down Jerry kept the back the I landed like three MLG Waters while fighting

You explosions are weak dead bro oh that’s you imagine your last life and you don’t even look behind you oh no monk monk don’t do it imagine talking all that smack and then losing I’ll wait I’ll wait monk all right right I’ll take it back I’ll take it

Back oh I nearly had really trying to hit me up God Dr laughing uh after laughing tot I think no it’s not he’s in a cobweb look at him look at him look at him he a no dropsy you need to die you got eight lives we’ll kill each other after your

De yeah me and monk can get down to breast taxs now all right now let’s well I’m dead back to business ow Budd oh my God not this again St liby I’m just going to walk away C did you seriously just run away no I flew away you

Did I don’t I don’t want to be over there anymore I don’t want to be over there that I swear to God you put me another yes I did I’ll blow up my own Bridge I’ll do it got you out of Luke’s torture pit and this is how you repay me CH have

No my own good question oh I’m in the nether team up on drop Seven Lives over there dude I’m trying but cap keeps trying to pick a fight with me can’t stop this man ow I could monkey I could oh almost got me with that one that was a cobweb monk needs back

Up ain’t that the story of this video where did huh I think the story of the video was Steve gets targeted 15 Times I like that story can we tell it again maybe next time stead maybe next time I left your Island on Dragon Ball Z someone’s still there I hear him opening chest yeah it’s probably Jerry honestly who would ever oh it’s not actually dead hi where is

She on her Island where’s Rachel okay let’s get her I hav I had to respawn want this I was aiming for Jerome and oh wow that was oh my gosh wow I know okay you think I have dignity oh c no I’ve never ACC please I’m a man of

Dignity you seem willing to let go of it all too often Jerry ah what is it have fun with my uh stone block the boulder man I kind of needed the those building blocks do I have you can take some from the stones front of your uh

Base drops uh there any in there yeah no there not what do you mean there’s like three huh there’s like mind your tree dropsy oh no I meant just like blocks I could readily use not like oh like mining I’m scared not like putting actual effort into it

Oo now’s your guy’s chance to build a bridge and get over that’s really funny the the M Dr I can’t believe that no I can I can I’m want to go did he betray Ste no yes I would never betray Ste yes you no what happened is he watched stead slip

On barbecue sauce this the hand you can’t even like use this excuse slipping you don’t want this didn’t even extend a hand started this oh God it burs Jesus where is he started this and then said oh God accept the pal okay that’s fair ow I’m not accepting nothing

Okay dropsy okay accept an apology from you why would I give you that I wasn’t coming over there for you I was coming over there Jerry what a lame way for it to end I hit you midair falling back down that was pretty cool for me of more oh God he do

Please cap one I’m scared of most dude really yes it’s got knockback 92,000 I’d be afraid too oh bruh I don’t I have we talk about this right oh I’ll wait up till you’re distracted wait Dr is that you you’re so D send help I’m dead I died I’m just sitting

Here laughing at you predicament right now CH you have nothing good fight dude good F I have a water bucket and a light I mean I can maybe fly across to a to dilation let me tell you how you can do this trapped on my Island oh

Oh oh your boy grew a brain today I’m so proud of you all right it’s dead well today 30 seconds ago wow you might want to grab some building blocks though man that’s just like a crazy impersonation dude how’ you do that I bless still can’t make it better get those building blocks

God I hate this I don’t want to say I told you so but I told you so what is that just heard someone that was me oh you got me you got that’s it it’s over oh yeah it’s over eliminated I guess I kind of see that one

Coming you you you the next Target cuz stad was hanging out here I was going to kill him I like what you’re doing with the place dead thanks chunga chunga all the explosions going on the uh my knockback sword was the result of meting four of the ultimate

Swords God steady the a it for someone like going up against monkey oh you sorry har you burnt that bridge what is this because I hit you off with a steak in the head yes it was a mistake mistake dude you made the mistake made mistake it was just a

Mistake it could have been anyone yeah but it was probably going oh ow ow ow those lucky blocks are gutting de you got to you got to make some moves man this is all I can do because drobes already like gone oh already gone you writing me

Off I mean if if I’m done you’re done third party man all right stead listen if we combine our forces this could this this could work you guys can go to the nether that was idea I was waiting for it that was a good joke thanks I

Tred I see her sound the alarm there she is oh wow that’s a strong sword oh you stepped into my lava she three shot me ow stop it knock it off Steven wow that wow what an experience wait how do we decide who the loser is is it just technically his

First one out I think Steve and did a prank yeah Cherry how do you feel about parkour I mean you guys know what’ll happen if we do parkour it’s going to be over in like five seconds I’m not going to see anything see normally I’d say it

Should be Steve but after that last death it might be Jerome that oh oh this is cool oh it’s Christmas Monopoly yeah nice this is cool can I go pee now I’m embarrassed I’d love to go pee honestly you’re in charge Dr so like I think you

Make the rules here I want you to know he already took his headset off good perfect well hello blade chat load him up yeah load him up with hot sauce let’s get it he’s got a drive today yeah got drive today chat loading him up and

He’ll be so happy if he comes back and sees that you guys wanted to support him so much that you gave him you know 20 hot sauces what hot sauce are we on right now I have no idea I think it’s like six or seven right yeah I think

It’s six or seven something in something in the mids this map is cute yeah it is um right I just have to change the thumbnail change yeah know I like this map I think it looks really good jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the oh it’s good to see

That the jails are in the correct spot yeah go to jail and jail oh God what who who’s whose instance is this why who’s this sio why view bobbing is off oh those definitely then that’s Co does that roro yeah like hey I’m sorry I say if chat is enter then it’s

Mine but yeah no I I know it’s not you blade I can always tell when it’s you with roro I tend to expect some really weird keybinds cuz she got PVP set up oops I’m expecting you know Sprint to be like you know sorry space welcome back you have 952 hot sauces to

Do uh come again it’s only a slight exaggeration there’s no how many does he chat right now there’s none what are you talking about I know yeah that was a slight exaggeration what Steve you’re a liar no it’s an exaggeration how do you exaggerate from Z when you exaggerate from zero to 900

That’s a lot yeah it’s it’s a slight exaggeration yeah you said slight why is $50 release all players to jail send player to jail and Skip next turn that’s already in there Jerome this is how we end up with duplicates player go no but you put it way too much I want

This to happen all time that’s what it is every time yeah it’s well now it’s cheaper Steve cuz you’re going where you belong we’re putting you where wait did you discount Steve’s jailing or did you discount discounted everybody oh okay okay but it’s primarily going to be time to

Find yeah that that is the hope you know that’s the end goal we’re all rooting for here you know I hope they send Jerome to jail for that one I hope they bankrupt you that’s your last dollar yeah that is a door no no no guys come check out the presents

What for Cappy for dropsy for Steve forste Monkey for Jerry aha guys you need to see dropy pres oh it’s Betty I got Betty wait there’s stuff in I got oh no what oh wait and wait and Roo made this you spicy banana Mony got a spicy banana

Christmas yep yeah Merry Christmas buddy I hate you she got a SP ladder Roo I have no clue what you gave me I I don’t know what I got did you break it no it’s still in there got a trink no it’s not C wheel oh uh it’s this it has a command

On it I’m trying to do real quick oh I love STS so much oh I got the babysitting stick uh you probably put Minecraft the particle command is a uh yeah but because of the thing there you I think Ste got the best gift of all oh fast I love ste’s gift yeah

Unfortunately my my gift is useless cuz everyone plays in creative mode oh here I’ll get you something even better Steve oh really I’ll think of something uh I forgot everybody’s in Creative I can’t hit anyone was mine but it’s still funny I mean it’s just easiest to play Creative

Mod lied to me yeah what do you what do you mean Lou stop lying to people what do you mean you got to stop lying to what are we doing all right you guys ready to play some Minecraft roll what is it SL roll d62 okay yeah all right I got my command

Ready D6 okay I got my command ready as well H monkey’s out he loses no why’ you do this J you know what this is Jerome this is my babysitting stick well do you normally beat do you normally beat the children you’re babysitting cuz think that’s what you’re

Supposed to do you got some explaining to do I think you look this was my gift I was gied and you decided to beat people over the head with it well well you know did you notice the a you wearing a tape we won’t be able to

See it hold hold on it’s so it’s beautiful there’s an ornament on his tail oh that’s fun e all right my turn ready all right all right all right I’m going to roll I got a 10 a what a poop it’s not even doubles I got normal Monopoly normal

Monopoly yeah just normal oh thank God yes remember guys only you can jail Steve the whole time or is someone else there I got a seven one two three four five six 7 chance advance to nearest utility I’ll buy it I’m buying the editor’s real nice dude for

$150 wasn’t there supposed to be money I like I didn’t get you didn’t get money that’s not that’s a small problem that’s awkward because if I run the command again it’s going to give it to everyone well I mean the only person that’s bought stuff is Steve so this is a good

Catch we can all get rid of our stuff and then I got money oh that works I got my ones can someone give me am I invisible how many do you need the noral the five there you go oh than thanks I’m keeping them Five bank oh that’s cool Roo if that breaks

The I’m putting it on you no it’s just a sound in a particle okay good it’s so fancy all right Steve where’d you go I’m at the editor that’s cool all right cap roll d62 I got a nine oh yeah it’s a nine anyway how much does this cost uh

120 I sent him back to go Jerome you you are poopy dang 120 crazy isn’t it crazy nice you’re almost there you’re almost there you were almost there Dylan Dylan minger with a $50 stream tip said Steve go to jail and you miss your next turn

W wait it’s $50 for me to miss a turn as well yeah I I changed it up before we started I said player jail and Skip next turn Jail jail jail just skip the turn anyway no because now he has to skip next turn guaranteed cuz

Otherwise he can just pay $50 and get out immed okay that’s and that’s a big enough nuisance if you’re about to pass go and someone’s like go to jail it’s like oh well now it’s a bigger nuisance what you going to do about itar what you

Going to do about it my face Jerome idea idea to if they donate for it this time we use this I like it I like it yeah Blade with a $50 stream tip said I pick Monk put him in jail you lose your turn too monk get

Exactly you ain’t G to start rolling get in there get in there I’ll open my own 140 behind you hey roomy hey what’s going on um your your rest you can’t talk to me like that you got everywhere with face Steve went to the beach with a paper bag on his head

Problem seven eight what’s going on man I would like to buy this for $100 oh dude we’re neighbors hi all right monk it’s your not turn it’s Jerome’s turn don’t mind don’t mind loses his turn wait you missed something Jerome what did I miss did

He what you give me one second Miss give me one second watch him trying to you miss something uh Roo I adjusted you’re aerate and if I find you’re a degenerate if I find out that was with my credit card I’m going be very upset wait what did he do he I

Just yeah you did I’m scared because I gave them my credit card earlier today because I was having some trouble with the royaltyfree music thing that we use so yeah yeah it it was your credit card Jam tell me it doesn’t look like Steve got tan

Everywhere but his face so whose turn is it are they’s in jail then it’s Steve and then uh I got doubles so we’re the only ones going this this turn I get short stream or we already skipped yours cuz you would have gone after

Me oh then I go and then I roll again oh yeah I got six one two three four five six a beef Drive 200 ahous can you give me change for a 500 chat you need to send Steve back to jail repeatedly he got to come back or bankrupt him either way gotta

Take care of this guy Steve dead y you’re Dar 12 and Doubles okay I need my skull as well say oh my goodness I’ll see you guys later yeah I I still haven’t even rolled again uh bro ste’s booking it’s amazing Steed has made it around the board and I haven’t taken my first turn five six I’ll buy it oh my

God all the blues are gone just that problem Blues are gone that’ll be $100 dad oh thank I didn’t want that okay I would have taken it when do I I know you would have that’s why once monk is done uh oh thank you Mr

Go um okay diday me are you good M yeah that was it okay uh cap where are you oh is it my turn again no no I’m giving you your player head oh thank you yeah all right all right go ahead drop sorry you’re good

Uh I got a three so I owe stead $10 hey let’s go makeing go dude yeah thank you thank STS to win look open the door making moves I can’t pay only way this is going to happen I hope wins gets banned I don’t even care about myself as

Much as I care about Ste I just always want stead to win it’s a treat when stead wins it is all right nine one two three because it’s like a rip in the SpaceTime Continuum y hit me hit me with those big words right now manay me wait

Hold up I’m I’m curious why did Monkey get out of jail before me though cuz you took your turn before you got jailed so you had to wait for another turn around before you uh you had the one that got skipped uhhuh yeah don’t worry it makes sense Steve I promise

Dr wait wait wait wait in jail wait wait wait wait wait wait make sure you’re doing you don’t just free people they have to the rules of jail apply you either have to pay 50 bucks oh so Monk’s still in no no mon paid me Mon Mon all

Right I’m just making sure we’re on the same page thanks I need to know how I was the first person in jail and the last person out of jail how does this make sense wait did monk lose yeah monk lost his turn yeah I lost lost his that

Round it was the first round but already did his so he lost the second round does that I promise you Steve it makes sense all right makes no sense turnense andeve strain yourself Steve um yourself yeah no Steve guess what what someone in chat said I’m finally that’s my turn it wasn’t it

Wasn’t doubles it does make sense chat it does make sense because it was just how the order ended up that’s all I spent the longest amount of time in jail here you go Luke that’s that is true but of turn uh right let me

Roll s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Community chest doctor’s fee pay give me your money man can I have 50 bucks back nope you overpaid okay I used to play that rule with my sister if you couldn’t give change you kept the money that’s cruel that’s that’s fine for like

Properties but if it’s like hey I need to break a 50 it’s like what exactly yeah it’s like n sorry if you didn’t work that out with the beforehand and you couldn’t make change he red a red AE with a $25 stream tip said steak bomb for Jerry uh let rip let

Rip it’s beginning to look a lot like Luke did you pick up Builder Lane uh I did not dang I think I accidentally punched the uh the thing then oh no okay uh you good over there yeah you okay I’m just ping got my frames are

Just abely T whenever I look in that direction okay jokes on you you just never stop looking in that direction oh but I do and then suddenly my frames are better wait where did the rest of these reindeer come from what do you mean wait a minute then

You said Builder land yeah yeah uh I thought punching them in Creative was fine but I guess not Roo like it worked on the other ones no you got a middle creative to get it otherwise it’ll just delete the M well yeah it happened to dancing King

Yes is this your property yes this is do you want it my property Nows I mean that’s has AO has a thing a menu that gives you like everything so okay learn to mark your properties he’s a wizard uh which one was it uh Builder’s Lane it’s a

Yellow but like someone can take their turn up I’m trying to it’s st’s turn right in the meantime maybe I should have given myself the baby sitting stick yeah what’s the open theu again uh all righty big oh Vis someone send Steve back to jail please yeah so I can visit someone send

Jerome back to jail someone send this man than no you I’ve done nothing but spread holiday cheer that’s just a blatant lie you puked steak everywhere L I’d like to buy property you can ask C I’m nothing but a bundle of joy Right uh here is 100 and then here is 2 3 480 thank you you may have problem you’re welcome you got to back up a little bit and I’ll hit the enter button all right I want a nice Fair clean fight oh you have oh no I do not want a

Clean fair fight oh hey Jerry hi all right my turn five five and stead feet games Ste Fe games Mr intern one moment please copy send them to jail how dare you all right I can’t believe he just’s feet you’re want to fix dancing can I get 500 5100s

5100s 5100s that’s what I paid you the 5 sorry that’s it’s all gone no CH all right I own steed’s feet I don’t think you want that huh the one that’s empty I don’t think you want if I can if people will pay me $20

Rent I okay with it concerned as this is my turn I’m rolling all right would you look at that no need to question more into that one two three four five 6 s all right bone street was2 I’ll buy it uh I need a lot of money back I need $280 back please

280 jeez jeez L later ler beef my turn your turn seven one two three four five six seven I don’t want to stay here let’s go it’s paying off already okay R6 times I’m just happy I got another turn without going to jail four five six nice I think you lagged there

What happened can can you do it again uh give me a minute to percolate on that there you go I got Marty’s railroad real talk though I love percolated coffee isn’t most coffee percolated no like there’s a percolator like you could buy one and just make it that way what is that

Mean I think it’s just dripping like it’s a different way to make coffee yeah pretty much yeah it’s just like coffee pot coffee no it’s really no like it shoots up and down it’s really cool to watch jokes oh you’re talking about the like the siphon coffee yeah I think most

Chat please send Steve to jail thank you it would make my crimbus turn is it I actually rolled doubles so oh go in I I bought the triple roll dice from the from toad he spent Rob yeah so uh Luke’s left toe that’ll be $60 why are we selling body parts I’m

Going specifically feet and Toes Dr did you notice that yeah what do you mean Cherry’s nose is on the board too all right there go dope and give me the money for passy Goto that’s right yep now yeah should I just use my same rule Ru again the what the

What wait you don’t oh okay hold on I don’t care what you do I’m just going to I after what I’m seeing I’m rolling this I lost count oh my God you guys reply Yes red aen with a $50 free dip Steve to Luke I was already here I just

Got here how much okay $14 just like could hear anything over I gave you three oh that’s fine here’s one I already know it’s my turn thank you red aen Steve’s in jail all right dropy all prise try hard Lane that is all the way around the board so I get

200 I don’t own it but uh I ow dead $10 get the toilet wo but I got 200 out of it so I’ll I’ll take that trade dude here you go stead here’s $10 back from the r yeah thanks that’s all you all right my turn’s done all right I

Got an eight could you move off DE or Steve move off did you just call me Ste yeah hey guys guys all right another place I’m good look at me with my slightly larger head in mustache it’s so beautiful yes so beautiful all right my turn is done good job Mom Jerome all

Right one is slightly too big four five slightly six seven I really don’t like okay cap I’m angry I’m actually just no I’m gonna pass up I actually I I’m not buying this green property cap your turn ah fine dude I hate the green properties I really do

Doesn’t it go up for auction now I got another six it doesn’t seem like we did that with monkeys one over here oh I didn’t knowy SK three roll again one two three four I in my turn and nothing was accomplished wow do you draw four though look at my head

Put but bigger mustache so hold up Jam went and then Cappy went right yeah okay so I’ve already skipped the turn yes okay next time it’s then it’s youro that’s why I just wanted to make sure I don’t want to no they’re my feet

Luke oh my God I’m not paying for my own feet has to pay me rent on his own feet dark Raven with a $50 stream tip for not having a license for a schn of that size to jail furry man you got you got a cell mate now hey

There Jerome all right so next so after monk uh we skip Jerome and go straight to Steve yeah I’m paying to get out dropy it’s your turn now right just wait wait hold up what thought you said it was my turn one two no I said you have a cellmate now oh

Uh Luke can you give me my $50 back oh yeah what’s up I told you it was a good investment that’s my turn so it’s we’re trapped forever did you give me $50 I I threw it on the ground and then I punched wait doesn’t Steve have

To miss a turn in here I’m on drone missed a turn one it was Monk’s turn still two we already skipped Steve’s turn from last round we only skip yours this round money yes it is to jail all right Steve I will charge you both rent you don’t owe me 50 I didn’t

Oh my God it actually lagged for a second did that happen for you no no no I I took it back it was on the Flor oh are you asking if ience lag sometimes one I’m sorry man three $180 I’m taking it okie dokie not before I turn it

Upside down Steve no can I have money back oh no so I owe you 320 320 yeah trying to make sure that you didn’t take the money that L was thr on the floor second again y eight one two three 4 One Two Monkey Steve I need you over

Here I getting more rent on ste’s fee y oh my gosh I hate this it’s free real estate it’s such a lucrative business so this is my turn that I missed right uh yeah you missed your turn and then Steve just took his turn so then someone send Steve back to

Pleas hey Jerome I got three give me one second how does freedom feel Steve you saw nothing I’ll show you in a second nothing I’m just kidding uh you can look over4 what Jesus Christ what’s up I’m busy mooning Jerome huh I’m showing him what Freedom looks

Like Freedom’s got a crack in it cap did you give him his money yeah I gave him his money did you roll doubles or no you roll I did not roll doubles all right stead please take your turn I will I will gladly take my turn happen

Two go home five six seven someone just bankrupt please bankrupt Steve already get him someone take him away he can’t Steve you have an early weekend are you done someone said I’m buying this you can roll on please someone someone send Steve on an early weekend please yeah please I think it’s

I think it’s almost my turn if you care about the Buddies wellbeing them out please said what did you just give me and a big thank you as well to our captain of the live stream from earlier on in the Stream I really do appreciate you buddy

Um just thank you so much thank you to all the awesome fans out there who have been stream tipping and donating and keeping this channel a live without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day and so just genuinely thank you for the bottom of my heart

Frank O Conor especially our captain just thank you you’re awesome the page you I’m keeping your ones and fives now no wait did you buy it for $26 he gave me $26 $26 right because because I was this one nobody and then I gave all right dropsy what’s going on let’s I’m

Buying shampoo works and then I got to roll again cuz I got doubl here one and here’s I’m going just try andak you out Qui my dude thank you so much okay go ahead it didn’t even work all right I got that and now I roll again I broke it

Oh man that was funny three four five six 320 your thing handle 1,000 clicks a second second is insane 28 yeah all right uh my turn’s done all right let’s Boogie nine okay okay it’s almost my turn finally let’s see if can hand second yes I need the monies please Luke

Money Luke please are you almost done in jail yeah soon L finishes his turn my turn is done as long as L like people’s freedom doesn’t in the balance what am I paying you didn’t Luke I still have $600 bills someone please bankrupt Steve send

Him away okay can I go please can you open up where where’s my money there’s your 50 bucks let me out of here are you has no chill okay roll five I’m gonna buy a biggie bag buy it um here’s 200 big bag is a great deal

Though and before I my turn does anyone else own a railroad yet I don’t think anyone’s got any yet I own one it’s pretty hot all right that’s my turn all right my turn 11 one three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 want a bomb that’s a

Lie Cappy owns a railroad what I own a railroad you outed Marty’s railroad oh Marty’s railroad I’m sorry it was yeah it’s great I didn’t know yeah I mean I was all excited I was like oh I’m going to a railroad I owe you money cap good hey

Kat what hey K what I’ll trade you this pink and then you’ll have two pinks uh for your railroad okay but after Steve pays me yeah yeah your money’s on the ground bro you making me walk to get my money well I’m staying at your place so yeah making you’re using the railroad

You’re not staying anywhere Jerry I’m staying in the rail roomer he ready to blame Jerry constantly infuriates me what all right here you go C here scream Place get scammed kid C C You belong in jail all right cap your turn thank you for Marty’s railroad yeah yeah yeah yeah I I’ll

Ceremonially rip your head off of there okay I got a five uh get that bald head out of here all right you have this uh you you also messed this up over here so okay so that was a five one two three four five iio dropsy uh

$14 see air delivery via Cappy follow the sound of the imminent explosions my brain short circuiting from all this today here uh keep the dollar I guess this is the day the Buddies break Jerry okay that’s my turn I got a seven one two three four five six seven I’ll buy Jerry’s

Forehead hey Jerry what did the interrupting bomb say it’s a lot of real estate dead yeah I know right what did the interrupting bomb Oh my gosh I’m needed stead that’s six did you just buy this [Laughter] green you dead miscounted 15 this is where you’re Landing buddy oh

I’ll give you 500 you give me 150 back oh do I have anything dead once all right you you owe me the Ula tax of $100 dead give it up oh my yeah like H tropy please go I’ve almost made it around the board one whole time jum roll I got a

Three uh Hey stead uh can I buy this yes my goodness dropsy uh Ste hey Ste I will trade you my blue for your pink don’t do it don’t do it tra so you want the pinks then I already yeah I already have two of them so you

Full disclosure you would be giving me a monopoly you remember that time cap let you drive his Lamborghini and when he saved that cat in a tree then I named it steast yeah he named the cat said fast yeah because it reminded me of my favorite guy ever that’s

Right I’ll think about it no I tried to C I’m roll well I mean my favorite guy ever is John Stamos so didn’t even realize Steve stve what’s up I’m on a Ro I’m at Utah drive right now I need to pay you rent I’m on my way all right I need one

Back I see I got double swim going in here how about one punch seems kind of mean dude well he only said he needed one back and he didn’t specify oh you’re a sweet $150 after I paid Steve 14 there you go anyways I get to go again I’m not in

Jail this is shocking quick jail him slash roll D I’m going to roll a d00 dice is that okay okay that’s okay yeah I’ll accept that anyway dropsy I owe you $14 you got a three on a d00 around he just looks back you look back disappointing just walk away there you

Go yeah Madison with $100 stream tip can we send stead and Steve to jail where they belong what what get in there you know what you did all right so then it’s and then it’s my turn you both were said was one space away M thank you so much send

Them to jail off of their heads this is my turn skipped right now yes Steve I promise you we are keeping track send them to the stocking oh God five I owe you we to throw tomatoes at them uh8 nice can you give me two single dollars back

Jerry no actually only have I actually only have1 you know what you broke you can keep it just take the dollars from mon no Luke give me some money call me a broi here spending on some new boxing you pillow case paper hand pillowcase that goes around here origami

Cuz I’m cuz you’re a cultured human being like a bacteria four two three four two please and I apologize look I’m going to buy this bro I really need these I guess not here’s 50 and 60 thank you I’m going to grab this well no thank you please stop buying

My uh I am done all right bam but that little piggy went to the market and this little piggy went home explosive Gardens I don’t need it don’t you though okay who’s keeping track of how long they’re in jail for by the way I don’t want to accident let

Them after your turn Steve gets to go oh after your turn both of them get to leave they’re released if they want to that what how cuz they have to pay 50 but but they it was that round skip SK yeah we just SK I literally immediately he’s not done cooking all

Right well he can stay in there until got stream tip to keep him in there another turn that’s my turn all right out Steve 40 50 did you pay 50 bucks Steve oh wow he that’s literally what I just counted out go ahead Ste I don’t think he paid three

50 fingers wait a minute this was $49 Sten no I’m kidding I owe you money cool you know what I think Cap’s okay with Steve being out of jail are you 10 bucks yeah give me money it’s right here it be your turn unless Steve roll doubles two three nope you didn’t all

Right cap go three one two 3 I monk did not buy this place oh you $22 iy didn’t buy it monk didn’t buy this oh you didn’t buy it no okay could you hand me back my 20 okay then how much is it 260 260 yeah yeah uh

Duh okay 260 there you go all right yeah now uh monk because you’re on this Square he um you’re kind of at the mercy of cap nah okay uh Ste you want to pay 50 bucks and get out I just realized I still haven’t made it around the board I keep going to

Jail yeah same Jerome that’s so unfortunate same this is the second furthest I’ve made it and then I roll Luke yep go ahead why would you I mean dou I hope someone sends you to jail now I hope you get halfway around at least sweet

Wait I can go faster four one do it two three why’d you hit J oh my God I really don’t like this st’s paying me R for His Feet Again Jerry we need to have a talk about who about my feet being sold to this man

Dude I didn’t I I wasn’t the one who watching your feet off bud maybe you got to keep better track of your property that they’re they’re attached what do you mean well then how did he get his hands all over did I get your nose by

That how did you let him put his hands all over your feet he’s rubbing your feet he’s got your nose rubbing your feet stead how do you let this happen RB yourse how do you let this happen can I make a trade sorry I’m still using my

Turn so don’t move on yet I know Hey cap how could you let this happen can I enact a I don’t know how can you let him rub your feet in my nose so we share a lot like the other Brown what interests you I have a light blue I have a orange

I believe that also shares with you y out here trying to make trades I haven’t even made it around the board yet yeah okay um here is light blue property now I’m I’m okay with you getting this Monopoly because it’s just a video [Laughter] game uh all right Luke I over here BL

He’s letting monkey wait where’d it go did you throw it yeah I did you heard oh I put it back that’s funny I thought I put my face there uh okay uh let’s see so none are safe all right I would like hotels please yeah can I unar

That like is that an option no there you go thank you sir you need to hear it’s not what you want to hear it’s what you need to hear not this what you need to hear I don’t think never what I needed to hear yeah can it be my turn now well it’s

Monks so almost no uh drum how many railroads do you have two two all right I you 50 bucks yeah did you see what happened while you were doing your thing what happened dropsy has hotels we haven’t even made it around the there’s a Browns they’re the Browns

Don’t don’t fret too much still 250 and 4 your boy just rolled a 12 and so it doubles I’m definitely this is going to be the one this is totally going to be the one that gets around the board no I’m going I’m going to be I’m going to hit go here

We go they can’t stop Don’t Stop Me Now I really hope you land on drone’s seven I made it one two three dang four five so close you go send him to jail oh dang I did oh cap just well he just has the card he doesn’t get the money

Yeah I’m sorry man I was just BL you’re too late I already passed go but you know I will I do have to go to jail still so I lose my next turn hat blade Punk already pass go look at you blade it was Loading you lost wait was that right that’s not right two three what’s not right is that you’re out of jail seven eight n I’m on chance right I just bought this hey each play oh my goodness Luke I’m going to need money can I have those in 50s yeah two

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to just stop there I was looking at stuff go ahead Mr chairman go ahead and pay everyone yeah wait you’re you’re paying or you’re giving Jerome bail money oh hello I’m here Fork it over Stevey what are you what are you thinking uh I just there’s one property

On here I really want before I do that so like I’m not saying like outright no just give me give me a little bit give me it’s time to go around the board fair enough you’re not even going to question the fact that I shorted you

For anything why would you admit to it yeah why would you admit to that like the $20 on a string just put pulled it back is it my turn just admitted the fraud one two three five I stead $26 yeah Madison with a $50 stream tip Steve goes to

Jail $24 where you belong you sicko Luke I was all you teleported where is your grunder now Steve are you in Creative really you have no honor yeah he is you lack class you did you get them no it’s fine I’m a to five but not any five or anything

Like that since when I need four more dollars hold up do I know some I think we got to beat him up now there you go clearly Jerome yeah thank you look into my eyes oh right dropsy don’t you get away from here what are you mind your own business I’m I’m on

Just I really can’t tell after all this Sten you’re specializ three four five six hey I caught you peeking drops I also got doubles by the way what she called me thinking you should buy this you own one green already right yeah yeah that make

It trade with dropy and then you get a monopoly it’s like that’s crazy wait kind of kind of nut seven I got you with that wait Jerome Look at me now Look at my head oh dropy dropsy got look dropsy now you can look got your nose got your nose yes

That’s pay me for’s nose wait Roo with a $50 stream tip said I wants to be there with you guys get in here mon no I wanted those beat him up beat him the new guy beat him up beat him up beat him up beat the new guy beat him the new

Guy fire what do you have gonna beat me up yeah huh in your place Steve that threw a wrench in the yeah yeah I do that sometimes made me weak you have no toilet water why would you take the toilet water you sicko yeah what is wrong with you I burned a

Minute I’ve become weak in jail monk skips uh drum you want to get out yeah here’s 50 bucks get me out of here gets worse monk one of them is an animal and the other one fire Rod all right it’s not worse it gets worse monk oh great I got

Steve the Koby with a sick hey it equates to $50 US what Steve in there for another go of it oh Steve sorry you’re skipping this turn why it’s okay though Steve I got 14 bucks with your name on it don’t spend it all in one

Place at the commissary there you go is that your turn Dr yeah it’s my turn all right we skip Steve Fork it over pal okay uh five one three four five I feel very bad for T inam yeah so you would have passed go so

You get 200 as well yeah buddy then I owe monkey $20 yeah money for stead Feet uh cap are you making a new trade I got paid for Dr I don’t think people are open for the trades that I want I I want I’ve got three possible uh monopolies hear me out about them I can have I can work with the blues the pinks or the

Yellows MH so if anybody’s open a trade it’s about any of that hit me up uh hit me up in the meantime stead take your turn Kappy ended his turn with five cards face down all right I’m all the way over here now so you got to go seven more yep

Two six and seven yeah yep God wait let’s go we’re going to allow that after come on C did that may up that’s just top top deck stacking Luke hey up I don’t know to tell you said Luke you’re going to top deck stack I’ll

Allow it Ted pay up wow this game’s a scam now swing by the prison game was a scam from the start no the scam it’s a scam now the game was rigged from the start stead you’re you’re going to have to come get it monk I’m not prison

Instead Dum to be you get over here come pay me for your feet no pay monk go ahead all right break this and 10 one two three four five six seven eight n 10 good trade for C I’ll buy this here’s that that that thank

You all right monk are you paying to get out or no yeah give me your money here you go thanks let me out here pal go ahead go ahead all right eight one two three eight I dropsy $14 instead you owe me 20 you get it from your place what

Oh me you stole my head off the wall that’s great can you give me one back no all right about that about the deal dropy what are you thinking what are you what are your thoughts on the matter I could use some trades I’ll be honest yeah I’m I’m looking for trades right

Now Jerome uh dropy do you have the pinks or blues at all I have blue uh if you give me your blue and some money I will give you the yellows you don’t want the yellows uh no they’re too expensive to like get houses at this point I’d rather

Have the blues dude cuz then I actually have a trade I can make with Stud you can have the Monopoly you gave me one I’ll give you one you have you saw what he did I just thought you’d be more proud than that uh probably me I’ll

Trade you sold me I would never all right never there’s not enough money you already have not enough money in the world you’ve paid me upwards of $100 for your own feet Madison with a $50 stream tip said since dropy my favorite buddy she could pick who goes to jail dropsy

Can I make a case uh could you look behind you real quick dropsy uh yes just look at look at what Jerry just did oh my God I didn’t do that what you have no what put him in jail put him in jail I was right here put him in jail

You think I would rip Rudolph’s head off you do that you be honest with me right now did you do that to rud did you do that to Rudolph I didn’t do it to rud put him in jail no I only rig him to blow I only riged him to blow that’s

Like blaming the guy who made the burrito not the guy who has the blow out of the gas station bathroom we all know whose real fault it is I I loaded the burrito but I didn’t put it down the go Jerry I don’t know how you could put

Jerry down crazy mon did you go or dropy where you belong I’m pretty sure it’s Mon’s turn now oh my God all right um uh let’s see uh three you’re all sick every Customs Avenue sure I don’t know wow 220 220 two 20 thank is dry yes business deal yeah all right

Steve you getting out Steve what happened to your nose uh I hold on Jerome I just went what happened to Steve that trade wait for the oh what happened to his abs Len here hold hold on hold on hold on hold up is dropsy going are you

Doing no I think they’re trading uh yeah we’re just trying to tr are sorry one second I was like I should I think I should be out of jail now I’ve been can I can I add another 50 cuz I I’m I’m broke right now why not big rolling or paying oh my

God you just had them I’m we are skipping drums we passed monks or not past monks we just did monks and then turn cuz dropy did you just say your turn is over no my over then it’s my turn TR over I just paid to get out of jail I’m just trying to figure out if

It yeah we’re done yeah quick donate now before he rolls seven one two three all right I got community chest receive $100 there you go Steve barely floating by go can’t believe I got for Rudolph video evidence youed the most important IED him but I didn’t most important R I

Would posit that stuffing Rudolph full of TNT is a pretty big crime in the first place okay rent is 26 I owe instead $26 hey Ste could you break a 100 ha I I would need I would need uh $74 give you 75 yeah give me 75 okay yeah give me 75 man bet you got a dollar in change yeah totally get scammed bro get scammed here you go chat can you just Perma ban or all of them please end the video right there there Ste your turn stead

Uh dropsy I really like the new skin nice scarf too what’s up Luke is it my turn yeah your someone let me out of prison no you’re staying there start throwing prison recepticles out instead do you want to try to trade dropsy for her green but which one’s the real

Dropsy dropsy I’m going to go with the one that doesn’t have that has a tail the one that has a tail is a real one wait I’m confused wait hold on what I thought I had all the blues throw everything out of the cell Loop do you wait no we you

You Dr much I gave why you move the entire content swear I owned this one already I bought this one that was first property yes I have this one though every proper he gave me two that’s the problem those were both mine yeah I need to have I only own two

Railroads I already bought this I this my first property no not the one you’re talking about I think I traded instead for something else earlier do he have it trade the cards all right I have the card yes you know he been giving Ste because I got his let

Me see the card yeah I got your nose and your forehead this is okay dead as compensation you’re proud of this okay as compensation here’s I’m going make you pay me for both of them give it give it to dropsy thanks manay there you go everything

Over did you just get scammed out of a $100 in a property I I I apparently did earlier on in the game I don’t know I swear I bought that cap had the other stuff that’s why we were confused something something went AR no don’t do that nuts

Roasting you guys remember that but why did I have it though trees better be in fire Jerome Fro I’m in jail I don’t want hear you you’re all sick you blame me for everything that goes wrong G it’s because you’re a horrible person oh my God the buddies are getting mother today

Jesus Jerry um also said I only have I have green and orange and then utility left I mean it it doesn’t matter now because that would have been my only part yeah okay uh we’ll we’ll try to work something out in the future but want to hold on to this unless you want

To buy it for cash I’ve been I I have like ,000 to my name dropsy oh wow all right know he wouldn’t be able to Mr can I have a toilet back I got a pee you can suffer got is it see who wins that

Um meet me in between I’m not jail so you lose all around Jerome a little concerned ke Drome that is not a good place for a toilet mind your own business Luke all right imagine being in jail little bit of ins my new toilet there

You go you know what it looks great make it all better make it all go away all right you best you best replace those thought it was dr’s turn did’s turn once is done and then it’s my turn still working out some stuff you gotta replace those cap it’s

Taking years drops he not getting anywhere we’re not getting any houon oh man my turn’s been I don’t just just give him some time I swear I promise just give him some time what is happening don’t worry about it I worry about yourself yeah mind your owns wor

About myself best neighbors mind their own business oh is he done now yeah he’s done okay cool I’ve been done I don’t know what’s been been waiting for all right fine back alley deals insider trading we’re doing it guys seven eight this is how you make a [Laughter]

Monopoly hello sir thank you uh did you want any houses or hotels on your thing uh yeah actually um let me do the math quick all right I’m going to go while she’s doing that six seven uh dropsy I owe you 28 wait hold on wait and then an

Extra bip okay chat it’s not too late to bankrupt dropsy please chy yes pay me $2 good news Jerome can I F your bail has not been posted yet give me $50 good news Jerome your hopes and dreams have all failed you pay me finally free all go ahead Jerry yeah

Someone send him to Jerome’s nose now send him to Jerome’s nose and then send him to jail cap I owe you $6 wow yeah that’s what I’m talking about give me that money J Slam Steve uh can I have four doll back you no unless drum’s making trades I don’t know no I’m

Leaving I don’t have much to live for here just like no five six S8 n Cappy I owe you money yeah give me that money Steve um I would if I had the money to give Mr intern Mr intern yes why I need cash back how much did you just give me

100 I see what that is now how much am I giving you two three five there you go I give you like what did you need I was distracted by uh $40 I need a hero is what I need please yeah cap here go I got an eight one two three four

Five six seven eight I owe monkey $50 for what this no you owe me $10000 I own the I own the set no you don’t yeah I do no you don’t Dr cap I own it what a coincidence I am you money knock your block

Off okay yeah yeah I owe you 100 you said yeah 100 okay bam that’s my turn all right I hit any of your properties I’m just gonna bankr my dude you have to try well like I’m not going to tell you to mortgage everything but you have to try how much how much

Seven50 450 can I just like IGN this yes that’s pay me for no nope pay him pay up I have to pay this yes you do look at him look that’s why I’m saying do I have to yes you do oh hey what’s up hey on the train I dropped the go

Ahead give me the money I got you don’t I’ve already tried that pay me a 100 yeah I’ll buy it okay all right dropsy has a railroad now did you think I would stop just because I was decapitated dropsy how much for that railroad I’ll give you my only red

Maybe I don’t have any Reds dude I’ll give you the red and in $100 I I don’t want the red I don’t have I’ll give you $300 then instead of the red oh that’s fine I said does he own all of these no he6 ST go ahead bud St get this train here

Can and then I got doubles so I’m going to go bam four again one two three four pleasure doing business advaned to stead feat games and I pass go doing that let’s go how much money has been gained from stead Feats Game Dude aot keep the go money I want to house on

Drum’s nose please this is a sign dead you have to Rebrand you could fit more than a house oh my God could more than house there dude especially like I can’t imagine the shoe size too I mean he’s 8 foot three like oh he’s actually got ballerina feet it’s impressive really um

Jerry your turn finally 12 all right that brings me oh that green property I didn’t want earlier uh I owe stead $26 Jerome yeah what would it take to buy actually all right I’ll start saving is it my turn I think it is Steve unless someone

Sends you to jail Punk or one two I’ll send myself to jail Jerome oh still not passed go really yes I have not passed I I got to go anyway uh cap turn eight one two three four five six seven eight okay I want my money give me my

Money where you are where’s You Luke give me my money are you high oh how much did you get $200 yeah I haven’t rung the chance Bell yet nice oh gotcha okay that’s why I didn’t yeah now give me more money beep it’s my turn don’t wear it out my

Turn my turn yeah skip everyone no no skip everyone kill everyone uh stead go ahead uh we can understand how you would lose track being like caught up in such important DMS Jerry yes yes one two three four five and six oh hey guess what oh dropsy Mr thousand

Owes you some money oh uh 550 please five you’re going to be give me 50 back oh God why why oh he said you need a 50 back yeah 50 here’s 20 and 10 thank you dropy you can take your turn after that one I’m dying oh yeah

Yeah what is the come to I don’t today is the day all right y can we can we just one by one bankrupt the Buddies please can we just drop on itop owe oh wow really paying it back huh yeah paying it forward like most million do you good dropsy yeah all right

Monk Luke seven I’m so glad I get to go out of jail soon maybe I ow Ste $26 once again where is God you got to stop you got stop I’m just saying I’m making things fun for everybody right now you should not be against that oh my God I need

HR arey you guys ready for the weekend I think I’m going to have a good one I was born ready actually I’m ready for the weekend oh yeah definitely rolling 12 oh I got doubles so I dang you’re kidding I was so hopeful well I get 200 for passing go

But then I immed drop 450 here can I have 50 bucks back dropsy yeah here you Go’s 20 here’s 10 um oh wait you need three do I go this turn or do I get skipped I don’t remember I’m still going oh I had double Steve you watch yourself

One two this wasn’t a Dono jail so you can pay to get out or roll go you it’s pretty give me another 200 dude I I just want to pass go one time that’s all I want yeah go buy yourself some new suspenders

Luke can I come can I can I go go ahead buddy by man not sure if you earned it but you’re definitely pay for it Jerome I owe you money that’s what I like to hear how much do I owe you what is it the railroad yeah 100

Bucks 100 but how many do you own three Fork it over go back to your side of the map well did you there you go I just dropped it all right that’s it for me okay I’m good okay I got a seven one two three four five 6 s uh iead uh

$24 dead way to go what games oh from your pinks oh yeah the back alley deal oh he owns all of them I’m sorry S I owe you an extra 10 from earlier when I landed on it here you go yeah yeah I thought C replaced

Him he did I’m just dumb I didn’t realize yeah we cried okay okay we criming out here oh also could I drop $700 worth of houses on thank you Madison with a $25 J since you didn’t do it to Rudolph you can pick the steak bomb see Madison said that because I

Didn’t do it to Rudolph I get to pick the steak bomb on someone because I’m a good person who have bom no it’s going on dropsy because she accused me of blowing up Rudolph you did blow up Rudolph I did blow up Rudolph so house is over here Luke yep

I’m just doing a steak b I think that’s four houses if you go home and get diarrhea steeve is it the burrito maker fault yeah no not each four each is a lot of money it’s you for having the that’s 50 each so that’s four hous got

You Jerry okay where do you want the two houses uh on the farthest one shm was it my fault or the shrim Taco’s fault there you go oh god oh Lord oh no if it’s shrimp tacos it’s a your fault or with the God’s fault for making you that

Way all right uh stead did you just go or no I yeah I’ve been sitting here on this roof I’m just gonna say it’s your turn do you remember what the turn order everything’s been a blur after the like 17 foot picture thing what or whatever I don’t know

What’s going I don’t know I’m losing it I’m losing for his own good can someone bankrupt stead so he can early two I’m lost roll a two buddy two please or three 11 that’s listen man I I can’t I can’t help you I know that’s four five six

Seven8 n 11 good you got a community check here you know what you’re coming up on again W look at that buddy you’re really making some money doing well for yourself go ahead dropy okay big break that Jesus I got doubles for four one two three exuse me

Oh it’s my birthday I need $10 birthday drop I’m not giving you any more money well you owe me $10 then you’ll die here you go thanks where where are you oh there you are there am you is that I’m gone Luke hold on don’t bully me 10 dead Luke what uh for

Birthday oh mon uh this isn’t too bad actually yeah actually it’s not I need 200 please you’re G to tell me to stop after this one Jerome but you’re also going to secretly love it uh J yes what what are you doing you go oh thank you uh jome you

Owe me $10 there you go how many times are you going to collect $10 for yourday it’s your turn from everyone get it from everyone all right my turn unacceptable five I think that might be I own this railroad dang it you bought it from me you were

Praying you were praying for the hotel weren’t you no I was praying that that would be my last railroad but it’s across the board I had doubles but it’s fine oh sorry you guys just kept going it’s okay what my turn yes someone send five one two three four

Five day off nice proud of you cap Jam I’m making it across the uh go this time I’m going all the way two you’re not even close Okay uh Utah drive for hey the only thing I own $28 uh it’s only 14 okay sh we’re too honest there I’m going

To deduct a dollar oh I don’t blame you I actually don’t have any more single dollar bills it’s fine cap one dollar isn’t gonna break the bang you think that but Cap’s beening a lot of dollars so far no almost broke yeah your turn nine oh well yo cap $110

Nice P out of mool I rather pay you the monk yeah way instead it’ll happen thanks John Stamos get out of here first don’t push it Jonathan Coleman no that’s you that to Steve you’re your turn all I heard was actually okay let’s go pretty much back I’m coming back all

Right five he wasn’t positive he could make it through four five 50 I’m assuming there you go yeah 50 did that not show up on your screen don’t spend it all in one place Go’s too big all right uh are you good if you adjust it or if you play in full screen

Mon man I do play in full screen luk man you’re weird zero coyote with a $50 stream tip to jail Steve Steve Luke don’t TP me I’m already here oh God all right well I I think I’m done TP I’ve been I literally wait for make something where you belong what’s

600 yeah I’m I’m telling it it’s a if I even if I did stay I would lose literally everything I own to uh to drops you right there so that’s it for me SP it’s been a pleasure yep you’ll make good money off of stead feet games oh wait did you

Have two of the Reds I had two other red jome you’re never getting itome has it we can still come back we can have the come back I’ll take care of the blues for I’m just glad that Steve’s not going to pass go at least at least there was

Something an entire Monopoly stream not pass and go that is actually crazy that was dropy and monkeys out so that I feel like my turn all right I’m going I’m lost all right that’s my turn I’m just visiting jail hey punk punk okay I got two one where are you

Belong drum 18 hit him was one of these um I was I going to all right hit you I also need the roll again so oh okay I got you have the railroad you the ra man all right creative gives you a little extra bit but if I do would you trade

That for the red yes Community chest I inherit $100 congratulations try to roll a three dope dead I got 11 oh my S 8 9 10 11 oh don’t don’t pay me for that I guess uh uh I still oh yeah 200 okay yeah so then I’m going to

Buy uh two more houses over there on the uh the one ones yeah you have to they have to be oh gotcha you’re not allowed to stack them all on one property unless you’re playing with like a Special Rule yeah not unless Mr could you get off Cap’s roof I don’t know

What thank you uh stead go ahead bud if you think you can do it I believe in you don’t look at me don’t look at me like that two three four five proud of you said you’ve done it look at Jerry I found a gift of you oh no all right dropsy go

Ahead uh I got five one two three four five 330 not bad cap you get some Ms yeah I do hey Cy B I’m going down P Lane give me the money you’re all gold um Jerome can I buy the red off of you no okay that’s fair I want that

Red you Roman I have nothing let’s just keep the few properties oh Monk’s out yeah it’s your turn yeah Monk’s out for rubbing that in died how was I not the first person out I have been because you’ve been in jail the entire time you spend 90% of the game in

Jail pal yeah let me dog being the first one out there you go Steve I need a dollar back least I’m not a repeat convicted felon oo uh out buy houses while they’re doing that uh one moment I think it’s St now forth that over kid yeah um for for him

To do what stay in jail another turn yeah why even bother Steve stay where you belong I’m going six all right drop what’s that’s my property uh over here you ran you flew right past me the blues get out of here hello what’s up uh

Can I do three here and two here yeah and here’s that W off my property that’s a lot of money this is where I am this is where that’s why I gave you $14 all right what’s up Steve what’s going on I didn’t say nothing yeah you

Took your turn though right oh I’m proud of you good job oh it’s supposed to be three total extra it was five for uh at 200 each so thank you okay done you I got a seven one two three six I’m doing it going to get around said you should really buy some

House this my dude I can’t he doesn’t have Monopoly I don’t have the enough well actually I might have enough money now but I don’t know the pinks yeah yeah but I don’t know because dropsy is right ahead so like I can’t buy anything until

Like I make it through roll the die I’m coming I’m coming step fast one two take my money oh 10 puts you on the first Brown buddy oh well I guess should take my money yeah oh wait give me back one of those 20s one yeah just one of those 20s I

Owed you 20 all right and 250 Perfect all right you good St yeah all right so comfy uh dropsy go ahead yep I got to run back to my spot all right break this what is life outside of Monopoly zero coyote it might get hard

To keep track but if you want to time it perfectly believe me I would not be upset about that all right uh Monk Is out so drum thanks for bring that one up again thanks for just remind me of that old chest I shouldn’t have just rolled there

Wasn’t it monkey’s turn oh Monk Is Out actually he out yeah monkey I didn’t realize he was out okay oh okay God monkey all right yeah that’s unfortunate I hate you all I I mean I couldn’t imagine being sorry I I couldn’t hear you for being out yeah people can’t

Talk wait where was I even now I have to recount everything I’m all sorts of disoriented where was I I was over here we’re all disoriented what do you mean okay y That’s my turn with Exodia and face down attack position I are you roll do that no means abolutely

With $50 stream tip back to jail Steve get he already rolled though where land get I wasn’t done yet so I’m just going to jail get all right all right okay so I guess it’s my turn then yeah I got four one two thank you Dylan

Oh you $100 cuz you have three railroads right Jerry I thought we only two oh I have three but you trying to rip me one of these days I’ll make it across to the go here you go thank you oh wow you are missing one you’re not even going to come close

Steve all right uh stead go ahead try not to roll five oh two three four five wait what what said one two four one before you’re You’re gone you’re bankrupt you’re dead I mean yeah guess May Mo n no knes oh Steve don’t worry even if you

Don’t believe in yourself know that JP how are you missing be dropsy owning the whole Board St in jail you had it time no I have the one that I have you’re one of I tossed both of them someone ran by and picked it up what one what C are you missing dropy

Big head uh I have nether placed Drive Boomer Drive yeah it might I think what happened was it I wasn’t fully out of my inventory when I dropped it do you still have it and I hit Escape no it just broke pinks you had the pinks

And the greens dropy huh oh Boomer Drive card thank you yeah thank you me yes that’s 100% me I I’ll square up with you any day of the week in Roblox boxing all right I I’m lost whose turn is it I got to run back definitely not mine

Where was I she’s like I’m in jail again right here this is the most cracked Monopoly we’ve ever done oh yeah I want to go home nine one two three four five six seven8 n please and then I’m going to buy houses on those pinks no which ones the pinks

Okay um let’s see I would like to petition for the jail to get bigger there’s no safe place right there 100 so um did you just say there’s no safe place in jail is an illusion Steve I’m getting hit by a dead person Steve it’s jail start with that can I get

Three houses on bned how many houses on each sounds like a you problem three should be $900 yep okay cool sorry I can’t I can’t hear over the people yelling Japanese it’s okay Steve seeing dead people in jail it’s kind of crazy yeah there’s a lot

Going on who um Jerry no no it’s monkey’s turn but he’s out so oh monkey’s out yeah yeah monkey Mony dud I didn’t know monkey was out he disconnect all right I guess it’s my turn that monkey’s out I got he’s gone D you can’t you

Can’t 52 hold up did he leave the Discord yeah he got disconnected me oh man talk about a sore loser wow well he’s back now yeah no I saw him join back into the Discord he’s crying wow T was just lagging I was just clear so Jerry you just went so it’s

Steve you want to get out of jail put it back in immediately that’d be hilarious I do want to get out of jail please please do you have change for 500 oh wow you where where have you been keeping that Luke I haven’t been able to buy

Anything you know what that’s fair go ahead bud get out of jail four yep one two oh hey three four yes uh 500 please Stanley no oh Stanley’s still here 1 two three 4 50 60 70 80 and here’s my property I’m out okay okay cool I thought he was going to do

It had I not the $50 was the difference going to could morgage something could you I could have but I would Steve you’re out without passing go yep I’m out without passing go yeah Chad congratulations you did it Chad you did it one two three four five six I ow

Dropsy uh $18 18 bucks hello just take the 20 are you all good after that cap yeah I’m good all right all right stead I don’t know how you’re still in but go ahead what he’s not wait are you still in no you’re not if there’s any if there’s any left I

Need to replace yeah oh I got to go back you know what be a mad person at least be intentional about saw man I really like that person when they were alive I’m just in my f wheel no he’s still here he’s just in his presence three four five six I’m done

All right uh monkey’s turn monk go ahead oh my god oh sh you didn’t hear monkey monkey’s out he’s out what yeah monkey’s out dude all right then I guess I’ll monks out it’s your turn yeah I guess so all right nine be right on go so I’ll take my $200 please

I’ll end my turn with dark magician in face down attack position caby uh so Jerry you’re going to get $18 before I like yeah seven one two three four five six seven I’m in jail now no here take this and this I don’t care about the $2 I have exact wa cap I

Have exactly $2 please no okay take my $2 please I have exactly two $1 bills you you actually teleported me away before I could pick up my $2 oh my God my $2 no I got it I got it kill you all right uh dropsy I think it’s your turn

Now ke I really don’t like how you just staring at me half your face was covered by the bar so you’re just like give me buy $2 where’s my $2 I want my $2 I’ll kill man give me $2 10 11 I’m done nice all monkey roll monkey monk go

Ahead he’s full mut or not not full muted but he’s just muted this I mean I don’t blame him I mean what is there for me to say it’ll go around all right you guys hear something visiting jail that’s the end of my turn visit cap nice cap you

Getting out of jail you’re where you belong ow you’re where you belong Hey cap you uh you getting out of jail yeah I am getting out of jail okay what’s up $50 over there oh you picked it back up cool yeah I think game’s the game man you know what gam go

Ahead uh nine one two three four five six S8 nine mine that’s my turn go ahead drop yep break this this is a game that never ends it just goes on and all my friends all right uh monk go ahead oh like a hot second it stopped being

Funny but then it came back for me all right end of my turn should do cap go ahead wait J you skipped monkey go on okay I got a six with two threes one two three only oh no it’s the last ra the final railro don’t give it to the last

Railroad Cappy I’ll buy that off of you for $600 my God don’t search Roblox in the gifts on Discord oh Lord oh no oh no do I want to know bet nope give me that money give me that Dash he’s never seeing this oh oh well put your skull in

There oh yeah okay then I need to roll again I’m concerned I got 12 one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 wow $1,100 you need to watch you need to watch watch my watch what just said to the end take my money okay I tried to give you hold

On this to the end what the hell huh okay hold on wait do I hold on wait did you bankrupt someone someone take those I I myrup anymore yes I bankrupt okay all right well Jerome my turn it is up to you no it’s drop’s turn but cap is

Bankrupt huh sorry I was uh where was I over I understood I can go now hold on no um I’m sorry can you replace the ones that have cap with mine yeah sure okay thank you just we can keep the show on the road okay I got doubl for eight one 2 three

Four five six 7 eight nearest railroad passed go so I get $200 okay I’ll be there soon that was golden 10 out of 10 jopy I actually don’t I’ve replaced one thing with your head so far hun I I rep other yellows and oh you got than you okay hun yeah

You for him to give one to me and one to you all right well oh drum Demands a 100 he’s going to land on one of dropsy squares and dropy is goingon to be like 1,500 yeah go on well I’m just for God oh true monk can you Monk you’re not

You got to log back on if you want to roll all right I’m still banned pal I’m banned you haven’t been banned for like 30 minutes all right drop go go ahead I immediately know why I’m placing this down anymore I’m just going to it’s going to

Be like uh oh I also rolled those and did not go again but I did it again so four one 2 3 four do some someone rebuild Rudolph godilla oh my goodness somebody did rebu wa who rebuilt who rebuilt Rudolph I did Rudolph the red when did

You have time was that when you weren’t rolling uh you are you are something else is it my turn my turn it’s a bad person all right hello I need al Five the last real oh you own this one oh yeah that’s mine I think it out

Got that when did you get that cap landed on it I paid him 600 for it then he landed on my property and bankrupted Jerome after I’ll give you my red for it have it I need an Al you why won’t you die what what is going

On Jus C you think you’re going to bankrupt me you think you’re going to bankrupt me 150 nice it’s me versus you drops and you’re going bankrupt all right uh 150 please fine then my turn I rolled a six Jerry how could you uh do you own all the green you do

Own all the green 52 tearing Rudolph apart from the inside I need 150 from my building okay what’s you act like you actually need the 150 I do I need more houses I trust you J take the money take the money can I have uh singles yes there go

Dieo oops I just dropped something I don’t know what I dropped though oh it’s block drop it’s your turn again yep 10 1 2 three four five 6 7 n 10 are you going to pay yourself or you just uh you want some houses on here all right nine I landed on

Go can I have $200 thank yes you can all right I will roll six 1 2 3 4 5 five six 100 to tax oh now he’s here fast 12 that’s the utility isn’t it Steve’s gone right it could be much worse Dr I own both of them so it’s 120

Yeah there you go how could it be much worse Steve that the worst it could be is rolling a 12 when she owns both uh you could red you could have rolled an 11 and instead command block 2 could have been worse end end this I’m trying I just need him

To what you say to me punk tiny oh wait oh wait I was here I’m sorry I still got you were at the tax 1 two three 4 don’t make me take my mus seven uh 100 to me and then 100 to him oh that work intimidating can I buy

Houses for orange Dr this is for you yes Orang how much do how much does one house cost per orange huh how much does one house cost uh 300 per house uh you just blew up the item frame or wait 36 yeah oh uh can I get four Josh Howard you have to believe I don’t think she’s

Going to win you got to believe in me buddy you got to believe my turn you said four on each yep yes Jerry you can go yes thank you mon you just had aare 12 Unity chest wait what is it I can’t read the your assessed for Street

Repairs $40 per house 115 for hotel huh jokes on you I’m broke uh you didn’t read the fine print drum it was $200 per railroad go ahead dropsy seven could you imagine you know what’s funny is that card if dropy got it is probably Jerome’s wind condition

Uh yeah it is I cannot afford that go ahead Jerome Dr she can get this potentially in her next roll and you win I’m going to try something two three four five six seven eight o that’s two houses 330 B can you do it can you do it Jerry

Jerry yeah I have $1,100 dude I’m rich oh I okay you told me broke what yeah that’s what I tell people so they get off my case uh can I have $10 back look that’s what he tells people so they don’t expect anything from him exactly ah interesting interesting go ahead drop

Monkey gets it the question why he keeps taking $1 from every don’t hit it four five oh you almost did it are you turning all them upside down jer jer seven one two three four five six seven no shot go ahead drop and monk have just been in ste’s present this whole

Time it’s fun dude hey I own this one nice yep yeah don’t don’t mind that lightning us instead summoning the Lightning Dragon get out of jail free he nice okay dropsy roll anything but a seven and you’re fine oh well I rolled a six so two you’re pretty you’re getting

Pretty close to these yeah you know I miscounted all right my turn it’s okay nine one two three four let’s go thank you yeah five rail nice go ahead dropsy you guys are just nine which puts me on go drums a Survivor dude yeah for

Real you can have the red if you want for that railroad n coward seven one two three four five why now does utilities actually matter I have 30 bucks no yeah man break his knees 20 and 10 all right go ahead uh before I go can you put the

Remaining hotels on those oranges your’s 300 uh doubles for 12 so hello hey you want to blow up the server just for fun how’s it [Laughter] going Luke did you put double anothers at a time on the four slot you’re one before the railroad on the other side of the board

Yeah the infamous that one my red so we’re good all right go ahead and a 10 hold on mind you dou sorry was that another doubles was that doubles two three no four five six are you lying you have to tell the truth the whole truth

It’s a four and a six nothing but the truth go ahead J I can screenshot it if you want me to one two three four five six seven uhoh at long last oh what’s going on man he owes you $1,000 but wait if I mortgage my properties and then I

Hope you guys have a yep have a great rest of your day and weekend everyone I’ll see you tomorrow I have to do a bonus weekend live stream something special around 3 pm Eastern Standard Time so I’ll see you guys tomorrow uh with that but otherwise have a great

Rest of your weekend I see the server closed before we could do Shenanigans huh and thanks for joining us today woo

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-12-15 22:52:41. It has garnered 13925 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:37 or 11737 seconds.

Minecraft Story Mode Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP:

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  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3 News

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge for Beginners Explorando los Desafíos de Minecraft para Principiantes ¡Hola, aventureros de Minecraft! En este video, vamos a explorar lo desafiante que puede ser Minecraft cuando eres un principiante. Desde sobrevivir la primera noche hasta encontrar recursos esenciales, descubrirás los obstáculos y las estrategias necesarias para superar los retos iniciales del juego. Hablaremos de cómo manejar el hambre, evitar mobs peligrosos y construir tu primer refugio seguro. Si eres nuevo en Minecraft o simplemente quieres recordar esos primeros pasos difíciles, este video es para ti. ¡No te lo pierdas y suscríbete para más contenido épico sobre Minecraft! 🚀🎮🗺️ Superando los Retos… Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL SERIES: GANESH ADDON 2.0 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Crafting Diamond Armor and Mining Diamonds Exploring the Modern House In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player finally reaches their modern house after days of being away. As the evening sets in, they are exhausted but excited to explore their new abode. Mining for Diamonds Venturing into the depths of caves, the player embarks on a mining adventure to find precious diamonds. With determination and skill, they gather a total of 17 diamonds, along with other valuable resources like iron ore. Crafting Diamond Armor Back at their crafting table, the player sets out… Read More

  • Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10

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  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

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  • Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise

    Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a player who opened a shop, so bold. From zero emeralds, they made millions, it’s true, With a Super Pickaxe, mining blocks through and through. Roaming the world, gathering resources to sell, Their shop thriving, a success story to tell. But beware, for a thief tried to rob their store, Yet they prevailed, cutting down forests galore. Upgrades bought, licenses acquired with glee, Even selling stone shovels, earning emeralds free. Cheating the system, their profits soared high, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams can touch the sky…. Read More

  • Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises

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  • Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed!

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  • Top Mods for Minecraft 2024!

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  • EndersCraft

    EndersCraftEndersCraft it’s a server survival y FFA netherite which features purchasable ranks with the same in-game currency and several ways to have fun.There are ranges like: Endermite, Shulker y EndermanEnglish:EndersCraft is a Spanish Minecraft server that comes from Mexico. Its a custom survival server with homes, shops, jobs, ranks and a lot more. Best of all, EndersCraft is not one of those pay-2-win servers! Add it to your list and come explore this beautiful Spanish Minecraft server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 30+ Hours of Pain and Sweat for this 💀

    Minecraft Memes - 30+ Hours of Pain and Sweat for this 💀I hope your boss doesn’t find out you spent 30+ hours building something in Minecraft instead of working…unless your job is being a professional Minecraft builder, in which case, carry on! Read More

  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • “Surviving Minecraft: Dodging Traps Like a Pro” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Minecraft: Dodging Traps Like a Pro" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Trying to avoid traps in Minecraft is like trying to avoid responsibilities in real life – you think you’ve got it all figured out, but then BAM, you fall right into a pit of lava.” Read More

  • Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC’s in Minecraft

    Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC's in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring Custom NPC’s Mobs As Minecraft players continue to explore the vast possibilities of the game, custom mods have become a popular way to enhance gameplay. In this article, we take a closer look at some of the custom NPC’s mobs used in videos, adding a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Mods to Enhance Your Minecraft Experience One of the standout mods is the Guard Villagers by “almightytallestred.” This mod introduces vigilant villagers who are ready to protect their homes from any threats. With this addition, players can enjoy a more dynamic and engaging village… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Minecraft Crazy Build Hack… #105 Description: 🌟 Ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! 💡🔨 In this in-depth tutorial, we’ll guide you through a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Like, Share, Subscribe… Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Are… Read More


    SHOCKING MINECRAFT UPDATE REVEALED in Hindi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Update In Hindi | What Would Be The Next Update Of #minecraft #shorts #update’, was uploaded by TRG__boi on 2024-06-01 21:23:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft 1.21 Update In Hindi | What Would Be The Next Update Of #minecraft #shorts #update •First Youtuber To Show … Read More

  • Nightmare Minecraft Party

    Nightmare Minecraft PartyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Terrifying Party You’ll Never Forget #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 01:00:14. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Gameplay- Itslpsn Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More


    🔥 EPIC WAR PREP! CRXSSGAMING MINECRAFT ANARCHY S1-E2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy S1-E2 WAR PREPARATION’, was uploaded by CrxssedGaming on 2024-05-07 22:13:13. It has garnered 106 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:40 or 280 seconds. In this video I’m doing Minecraft anarchy, and this is season 1 episode/part 2 if you don’t know an anarchy server basically means no rules except for a few we have created. In this episode I am getting prepared for war that will be happening next episode! Minecraft Server Rules 1. No Combat logs 2. No hacks 3. Must give cords to player when asked… Read More

  • Epic Transformation of Minecraft Village – Little Dude!

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  • Mind-blowing ceviche recipe will change your life!!!

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  • Unveiling Mystery of Witch Carnelian – Kadacraft 6!

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    INDIAN TEKEN GAMER CRUSHES MINECRAFT with 200 IQ! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯’, was uploaded by Teken Gamer on 2024-03-18 10:30:03. It has garnered 1230 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯 INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ INDIAN GAMERS INDIAN GAMERS REACT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT VIDEO MINECRAFT VIDES MINECRAFT 200 IQ VIDEO INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 MINECRAFT 200 MINECRAFT BEST VIDEO MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ #minecraft #youtubevideo #minecraftvideo #gaming… Read More

  • Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱

    Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Encounter 💀#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by White_official on 2024-05-28 16:01:05. It has garnered 10508 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine ,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game, vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine clock man, clockman, true story bro, titan clockman, jack bhaiya dance on gamerfleet song, triggered insaan, jack bhaiya degree, speakerman,speaker man, true storiestuffeRELATE titan speakerman, jack bhaiya dance, jack bhaiya doctor, huge stuffed pink… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream – You won’t believe what happens!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE-Minecraft N Chillin’, was uploaded by Zapzzz on 2024-06-04 01:39:45. It has garnered 2811 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:03 or 14343 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD- Twitch- Read More

  • LiosNetwork

    LiosNetworkWelcome to LiosNetwork, a survival server based in Germany with an English-speaking community. Join us for a thrilling adventure filled with custom items, boss fights, the ability to create nations, and a player-driven economy. Explore our immersive world, claim land for your nation, and engage in epic battles against formidable bosses. With a friendly and supportive community, LiosNetwork offers an exciting Minecraft experience for both new and experienced players. Join us now and become part of our thriving community! Minecraft version: 1.20.1. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelisted – 1.20+

    Welcome to Universal Tranquility! If you’re looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join, look no further! Whether you prefer to work with others or alone, you are welcome in our community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join our DISCORD server and check out our SERVER WIKI for more information! Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Enjoy all of vanilla… Read More

  • Intransigent SMP

    Intransigent SMPNew hardcore survival server opening for beta Multiple version compatibility We have constant updatesFriendly & Mature Staff teamWE ARE IN BETA We are looking for staff !DISCORD : a few weeks of hardwork, im finally ready to open my server for players to test it out and let me know downsides and upsides, I take suggestions and Extremly active. I hope you join my SMP crew :)We have- Thirst- Seasons / Temperature- Severe weather ( Earthquake,Tsunamis, And more!)Daily rewards and votes 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – PICK A SIDE, NOOBS!

    I’m on the side of the villagers because they have better trades and don’t blow up my house with creepers. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧

    Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧 In Minecraft, water is faster than lava because it’s always trying to make a splash! #minecrafthumor 🌊🔥 Read More

  • Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP

    Explosive Moments in Tinker World SMP Exploring the Explosive Fun of TNT in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, there are few things more satisfying than the explosive power of TNT. Whether you’re mining for resources, defending your base, or just looking to have some good old-fashioned fun, TNT is a versatile tool that can add a blast to your gameplay experience. The Joy of Destruction One of the most appealing aspects of TNT in Minecraft is its ability to create chaos and destruction in a controlled environment. From clearing out large areas for building projects to setting elaborate traps for unsuspecting players, TNT… Read More

  • Minecraft Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft Teleportation Trick Exploring Villages in Minecraft Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to discover villages in Minecraft? Villages are bustling hubs of activity in the game, filled with various structures, NPCs, and opportunities for exploration. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft villages and learn how to teleport to these fascinating locations! Teleporting to Villages Teleporting to a village in Minecraft can be a quick and efficient way to explore new areas and interact with villagers. To teleport to a village, follow these simple steps: Open Minecraft on your device. Press the “T” key to open the chat… Read More

  • FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel Skyblock

    FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Hacker Offered Me 1,000,000,000 Coins – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-05-24 20:00:15. It has garnered 1282 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #hypixelskyblock I’m really curious how many players Hypixel has banned for macroing/hacking in Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!

    Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft horror ain’t even scary…’, was uploaded by Laynce on 2024-05-09 15:08:53. It has garnered 1935 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:25 or 10105 seconds. I am really hoping to eat my words. I’ve been on the hunt for a properly scary minecraft experience. Reallly hoping today is the day. I want to feel FEAR. Music courtesy of C418 BISECT HOSTING: ** Use code “laynce” for 25% off! ** 📸 Socials ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! Testing CRAZY NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing NEW DUPLICATION GLITCHES in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by KYLEBIRK MC on 2024-05-28 15:30:06. It has garnered 609 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. In today’s video, I decided to hop in to Minecraft 1.21 to test whether or not any current duplication glitches work in that version. And, to my surprise, the result was not what I was expecting… If you enjoyed this, please consider clicking the SUBSCRIBE button. I’ve got many more tutorials in the works, and you won’t want to miss them!… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥

    🔥EPIC Live Minecraft PVP Legacy with Lonny🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft PVP Legacy’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-16 18:56:28. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:56 or 2876 seconds. Playing Minecraft Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival,… Read More

  • Snowee’s Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!

    Snowee's Memory Gone! Epic Minecraft Mystery!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-03-31 16:00:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Flamee LOST His Memory In Minecraft! Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend … Read More

  • Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌

    Unbelievable: The Ultimate Size of the Universe! 😱🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘¡El Verdadero Tamaño del Universo! 😮🌌’, was uploaded by Papelitoyt35 on 2024-02-28 15:00:26. It has garnered 396793 views and 18202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. #shorts #curiousdata #universe #minecraft #reaction #reaction #universe Read More