Insane Megabase Detailing in Hardcore Minecraft!

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Okay we are live very cool let’s go ahead and pop out the chat copy the link paste it into the docs custom browser docs copy paste apply close docs YouTube chat and top chat goes to live chat and boom all right there we go now that’s

Set up and copy the link oh I didn’t change the thumbnail I’m dumb hold on I think I can change it after the fact um this is not the correct thumbnail though um what am I supposed to name it volcano Mega base is that the right one oh that

Isn’t the right one hold On uh there we go okay now the thumbnail is changed hopefully that works what is up guys what’s up Zach what’s up rat what’s up Billy what’s up riverb back what’s up Carl uh what’s what’s up anime what’s up Dr garbage what’s up Harris how’s it going

Welcome in who got first anime got first congratulations anime for getting first let’s go ahead and send out the notification at notifications live now uh more hardcore Mega base stuff and things smile all out of smile we’re happy today I am at least I can’t I

Can’t force you to be happy unless I unless I do what if I did Force you guys to be happy you guys are all happy now whether you like it or not anyways night got nightbot got me good let’s go thanks for a th000 FPS with

Sodium and stuff no worries wait you got 100K yeah I’m actually at 110k now dude my Subs are going up I haven’t even posted a video in like a hot minute what’s up void King how’s it going what’s up CC what’s up k41 oh where am I oh I took off my

Texture packs H it’s like be it’s like I’m naked my texture packs are so nice looking Dash equals W thank you what’s up Jitter how’s it going welcome to the stream I’ve been subbed since 24 mil weor for real you plan on showing all your mods I have shown all my mods I

Actually have video uh where oh actually I don’t go over all my mods but I have a video I have a couple videos where I talk about a bunch of the mods that I use so I don’t know if I’m going to do it right now but look at how good these

Spikes look guys look at those aren’t they beautiful aren’t these spikes like kind of a nice looking thing to have around the build I I like them at least and if you don’t your opinion is wrong so congrats on 100K thank you thank you Cece Cece is probably CeCe was probably

Like my 100th subscriber or no probably probably earlier than that honestly for those of you that don’t know Cece has been around for like a long time and she she’s probably been here since I had like under a 100 subscribers I would guess can I have a shout out

No how long is it the volcano how long is the volcano I don’t know it’s kind of a odd question wow it’s so big the volcano yeah that’s what my girlfriend has never said to me specifically about the volcano though not anything else yeah CeCe was on Twitch well were

You not also one of my first subscribers on YouTube too I would think you were also probably very early on in my YouTube you subscribers cuz I definitely like I imagine I got all my twitch followers to go sub on YouTube when I posted a video it’s so hard the black stone on

The volcano yeah for real Rock Solid volcano so yeah in case you’re wondering what I’m doing right now we’re building out uh we’re building up spikes and we need to uh we want them to be nice and sufficiently spiky so I’m just going to you know kind of sort of

Do I’m kind of making the spike random but also trying to make it spiky nice and pointy and sharp one of the problems that I’ve had with previous spikes that I’ve done has been that they have not been they haven’t been as uh as pointy as they should

Be um so hopefully hopefully we will hopefully this Spike will turn out well we’ll see I guess it does look a little bit oddly shaped so I’m not I’m not too certain about how I’m liking this one because I kind of didn’t make it like very

Round it’s kind of weird looking I don’t know let’s see oh yeah that’s not actually that’s not bad see I think the main thing is the tall to wide ratio needs to be you need to keep the tall to wide ratio good or else it looks weird

Or else it doesn’t look like a spike so I think we’re going to I think we’ll be fine I think we’re good um homemade pean jokes PG13 yeah for real will you ever do a hoplight stream or is that just not your thing um I barely know what that is I think I’ve

Watched like one video on it um it’s probably just not my thing but I also just I I like barely do PVP so it’s probably just not my thing oh it’s Billy’s birthday oh it’s on the e8th happy birthday early what are your thoughts on pickles I’m not a

Pickles guy I’m not a fan of pickles um sorry about that sorry pickle fans in chat my girlfriend loves pickles and I just don’t get the appeal they just don’t they don’t taste very good in my opinion but it is what it is you know not everyone can have the

Correct opinion which is that pickles are bad um so slot randomizer there we go now do I have where’s the rest of my that let’s sleep don’t spoil it yeah the FNAF movie was mid and that’s coming from a mega fan but it didn’t have enough horror the FNAF movie was pretty

Good it wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever watched in my life but it was pretty good I thought I think it was I think it was a lot better than I expected it to be honestly I don’t know why but I really thought that it was going to suck

And then it wasn’t it didn’t suck in my opinion the FNAF movies aren’t really horror games H or the FNAF games I mean aren’t really that much of horror games like I feel like yeah they’re kind of I feel like they’re kind of more so intended to like scare you for for a

Brief second so I don’t know I feel like making it not that scary wasn’t like a terrible decision I mean like I wouldn’t have been mad if it had been scarier but I think I think it was I think it was a pretty reasonable level of scariness

Um okay we’re going to go up by three now bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam cool and Fort wasn’t oh are you talking about the fort thing yeah FNAF are only scary on the first play that’s fair I

Kind of wanted jump scares yeah I feel like there should have been more jump scares but you know what it is what it is I I enjoyed the story of it you know I think I think for a FNAF movie they did a pretty good job and like I don’t

Know it’s hard to not spoil it honestly uh and talk about this kind of stuff but I think they did a pretty solid job I think adapting a game like FNAF into a movie is honestly a hard task because the game is such a it the

Game is like a very it’s a very um like tedious task that you’re just doing over and over for like a whole thing and like the story is what makes it interesting the story is like why the game is popular you know but how does that look oh she nice good

Good Spike good Spike I enjoy I enjoy this Spike that’s a that’s a solid Spike um you know the story is why people is why people care about the games um but I do and and the story is like the good part but it’s still hard to adapt

Into a movie because like like I feel like um my my biggest complaint about the movie why did he keep having the same dream over and over yeah I don’t know what’s up bloke is best you people still say POG I still say POG sometimes Dash

Is very kidnapp what’s up DTX how long have you been working on this um you can check when the first stream uh the first like volcano building stream was and whenever that was whenever whenever I did that first stream that was my that was when I started

This where do I put the next Spike do I put it do I put it here this is like a decent spot um I could also put it down here I don’t know though do you move everything in oh how do you do that it’s a mod

Is that a cobblestone oh my gosh what do you think you’re doing here young man hello what in the world are you doing who who said who said you could be here who said which one of you Chatters told this Cobblestone that it could be here cuz

Whichever one of you it was you’re banned you’re out of here um yo please respond what’s up September 9th was the first day oh word my dream is to drive a tricycle past a cop while drinking a juice pouch screaming you can’t catch me Jitter did

No my my own mod would betray me like that how could you I think I think a spike right over here would be pretty solid um yeah anyways yeah I like the FNAF movie though I know some people didn’t like it but those people are stupid and

Dumb it was definitely like as far as as far as a FNAF movie goes it was a good FNAF movie you know and it was a pretty solid video game movie in general like I think I think a a solid Testament to how good the movie was was

That my girlfriend liked it and she isn’t into FNAF she isn’t like a huge fan so like her liking it feels like feels like they did something they did it pretty well if like someone you know if non fans can still enjoy the movie I don’t have a ton of room to work

With for this Spike because I don’t want to go up too much so I think I think this one will be maybe a little extra spiky the ending was nice I liked how it was true to the books yeah when are you going to work on

The inside I don’t know whenever I get to it I like to I like to do it in the I like to do the exterior first cuz like I don’t know the for whatever reason for me doing the interior last is good because it like motivates me to

Actually do to actually do the thing like it means I have to like I have to if I want to get to the to the part that is in my opinion like the coolest which is like or the the most useful I have to like make it look nice

First and I I I do really like utility when it comes to builds that’s why this isn’t this isn’t like exclusively just a build for the fun of it it’s like mainly it’s main purpose is you know it’s it’s my it’s my base that’s like the the biggest purpose of it

So well that’s a pretty spiky Spike I like it are you going to put lava geysers on the in on the inside lava pool like the one that I fly through I wasn’t planning on it 19 days till Black Friday let’s go that is that’s the day that I’m going to buy lots

Of uh computer stuff I’m so excited I’m going to buy I’m going to get such an epic computer hopefully I mean you know we’ll see how it goes cuz there’s always a chance that I can’t get the stuff that I want but hopefully I will be able

To hopefully I’ll be able to uh to get all the stuff that I want to get and build myself a extremely beefy computer and like just think about just think about how good it’s going to be for my upload schedule if I’m able to edit without spending 2 hours like I don’t

Know if I’m able to edit smoother uploads will hopefully happen more frequently which would be sick I’m not going to say like way more frequently but it’ll definitely help it’ll definitely be nice having faster stuff and I’ll probably start multi streaming to Tik Tok as well and then

I’ll hopefully make more money which will be cool cuz I money money money money money money money that was my Mr crap’s impression money money money yeah so it’s going to be it’s going to be a good 2024 is going to be my year gang we’re going to get so much

We’re going to get so much done we’re going to hit a million subscribers it’s going to be great that’s my that’s my goal for 2024 I feel like I feel like it’s doable at the rate that I’m moving I feel like it’s definitely doable I just got to keep making shorts and

Stuff this is not going to be your year dang I hope they discount the parts I actually want me too buy Subs on Black Friday I don’t think that they uh I don’t think they have sales on Subs also Oh you mean like you can mean like YouTube

Subscribers I don’t want to buy Subs I feel like I feel like it probably costs more money to buy subscribers than it would cost in terms of like if you just spent a little bit of time working on videos and stuff I feel like you would save money by just like making

Content that’s a good Spike if I’ve ever seen a good Spike before that’s a good Spike bam hello Enderman what do you think you’re doing uh I’m waiting for the 24 2024 GTR to drop what is a GTR where did you get the totem bunny um

It’s it’s in uh I got it from uh cheetah cheetah 3D cheetah something he’s in my uh it’s the totem the texture pack is in my Discord you can get it from there if you want all right we’re finishing up the spikes today and then we’re going to work on a couple more

Um you know we’re going to work on a few more lava streams because those are probably the most important thing I love the name of your tools for real when I hit 1 mil Dash is going to mod me me who says that who said that you’re a

Funny guy you’re funny that’s that’s a funny idea that’s that’s comedy right there that’s that’s a good joke that’s a good joke you agreed to it a while ago I don’t think you’re right make geodes on the volcano like amethyst geodes or what I don’t think that’s true Mitchell but

But um prove it to me and there’s maybe a small chance that I uh maybe there’s a small chance that I keep my word but I probably just won’t keep my word I don’t care if I agreed to it a while ago top F dragster is reopening in

2024 the ride gave a woman a permanent brain damage oh man I know about Top thr dragstar I’m excited to go on it when it reopens I didn’t know didn’t know about the permanent brain damage thing gosh dang that’s unfortunate for her man I almost said rest in peace but

She’s not dead but um that sucks that’s an unfortunate thing to happen to you on a roller coaster do you have any building tips for us uh uh no see people I feel like people don’t realize that I’m not that good at building I just build things that are

Big so they’re a lot more impressive like there’s like no detail at all on this mountain and it’s not that good because of it but like it’s huge so it looks good nonetheless but like feel like people forget sometimes that I’m not actually as good at building as you guys

Maybe think I am it’s just a matter of it’s just a matter of like I build it really big and then it looks really impressive but there are plenty of people who build who build better than I do in like and they you know who build a

Lot better than I do except they just don’t make it as big so it’s not as impressive I don’t know I building tips would just be build something that you like building because if you get bored of building something and then like you know you stop then you

Didn’t even and you know you got to build something you want to build because if it’s something you’re passionate about it’s really easy to like force yourself to um it’s really easy to like force yourself to to keep going until it’s perfect you know if you if you’re building something that

You don’t really care about you are going to be a lot more willing to just like say you know what that’s good enough and then move on to another project so me and my girlfriend have to go to her brother’s wrestling all right see you later you’re better than me at

Building thank you what do you mean you’re not good at building that Basalt Spike looked nice well I mean yeah I have I have like things that I can do well I just don’t know if I’d say I’m like overall good at building you know I feel like a lot of people can

Build a Basalt Spike though as well maybe not everyone but feel like there there are a good number of people out there who could build a assault Spike maybe I’m just being humble I don’t know but I feel like I feel like I’m a solid Builder I’ll

Definitely say I’m like a like a decent Builder I guess I’d say I’m a good Builder but I’m not like I don’t know I’m not that good at detailing things that’s like my biggest my biggest thing that I need to work on when it comes to building it’s I don’t

Really spend that much time detailing things a lot of the time and so they wind up being looking not like like they wind up looking like a bit lifeless like my Pillager Village I wish I hadn’t made it flat that’s that’s my thing and maybe it’s just that I’m very hard on myself

Because you know it’s my build I have a lot of time to think about what I want my build to look like and like I think that build I did a really good job detailing it actually but I wish I hadn’t chosen to flatten the whole area

Beforehand cuz now it looks it looks like odd it looks kind of odd you know you know I don’t know that kind of stuff is uh is stuff that I still need to work on I think I’m hoping I mean this is the goal the goal is that this will be my

Best build yet and I think so far that’s probably be that’s probably coming true feel like this is probably my best build yet yeah that’s a good Basalt Spike you are good as good as grean I don’t know about that but that’s kind of that’s kind of

Crazy as a coaster Enthusiast I got to say don’t worry Dash two top thr top thr draer is safe now they got a new manufacturer that’s made over a th000 rides isn’t it zampera who’s doing it I’m a coaster Enthusiast too man I know it’s safe I don’t I don’t doubt that

It’s safe at all honestly like the odds the the thing about roller coasters is that the odds that that you like get injured or die on a roller coaster are like so so slim I’ve been on so many roller coasters in my life and I’ve only

Gotten injured once and it was an injury that lasted me like I don’t know a couple weeks and then I and then I and it wasn’t you know I didn’t have to go to the hospital or anything for this injury so and also it’s kind of my fault

That I got this injury so I can’t you know I can’t really say too much what happened um when I went to Hershey Park a while back I went on Sky rush and I didn’t like hold on and so I kind of got thrown really hard to the side and uh

There was there’s like you’re going real fast and you go around this turn at the beginning that’s like a really sharp turn and I just got thrown to the side and heard like every bone in my back crack and I I thought I had broken my

Back but I did not I had not broken in my back it was just it was just uh just very painful you know all the wind got knocked out of me and stuff and they you know you’re supposed to hold on that’s why I say like it’s kind of my fault I

Do I do think that Hershey Park should definitely have better restraints on that ride because um cuz it’s pretty bad if you can like almost break your back if you don’t hold on I have always thought that like if a ride really required you to hold on in order to be a

Safe ride they would make it so that so that you can’t like you know you can’t not hold on you know or they would yeah like like there are some restraints that like are over your shoulders or something to like stop you from um to from like lifting your hands up too far

You know I always assumed that like a that yeah that like amusement parks would would do something like that like if they you know if they needed to uh if they needed if they’re if they’re dangerous you know you fix that Hershey Park did not do that and

So it was a bit of a shock to me getting injured on a ride because I’ve I don’t know I’ve never had that happen before but it does say to it does say to hold on so it’s not like you know I I definitely couldn’t like Sue Hershey Park

I would I don’t think I’d have I mean you also fill out like flyers that say like you know if you die it’s it’s not my fault you’re the one who filled out the waiver so you know I definitely wouldn’t have any case against them or anything like that but

But my point is I don’t know I was I was talking about something I had a point maybe did I have a point I don’t actually think I really had a point all right slot randomizer how long are you going to stream for I think I’m streaming another like hour or something Um yeah I’m streaming another hour and like 30 minutes an hour and a half more uh should you use the schematic mob it’s a building mod I have it I have it I’m just I don’t really need to make all the spikes identical so I’m not I’m not using it right now you

Know what I’m not going to bother breaking that I have the I have light matica but um I don’t know I kind of want the variety between between the spikes I think they’ll look better if I do them you know if I do them by hand

Probably and it’s pretty easy to make a spike you just kind of make a big tall shape and then you cover it with these random blocks like fortunately a bunch of mods that I have are able to help me like um you know I’m using tweo in order to to

Have it randomly select items from my hot bar so that I don’t so that I’m not placing the same block every time you know and it looks looks quite good uh but without tweo I wouldn’t wouldn’t be able to accomplish that oh I just realized I have

That’s why I haven’t like noticed when it’s becoming nighttime because I have my brightness all the way up by accident dang that is a lot thank you are you going to get the silence trim or not I don’t really care about armor trims that

Much I’m not going to go out of my way to get it if I find it you know if I if I happen to get the silence trim while uh while in like an ancient city I’ll glad use it but I’m not really crazy about

Like go I’m not going to be one of the people who goes and tries to get like every ancient every armor trim on every piece of armor and stuff just doesn’t seem doesn’t seem like a fun thing to do and it’s also not an original thing to

Do so I I wouldn’t do it for that for those reasons ever since I got banned on YouTube live I’ve been streaming on Twitch and I hate my life yeah twitch sucks exactly what are you trying to get to anime dang that’s a nice that’s a good-looking Spike look at that pretty

Solid Spike if I do say so myself it would actually be so it would have been like really cool if I had built um my thing in the ice spikes biome and I had like replaced some of the spikes oh no they would just melt due to the

Volcano they wouldn’t like turn into Blackstone but I was thinking it could be really cool to have like black stone spikes I’m a new sub cool welcome in the man who tortured hoglands I’ve tortured a bunch of mobs at this point the man who tortures any mob that annoys me a little

Bit or even mobs that don’t even annoy me particularly but if if people request them you know like I’ll probably do a creeper one soon that’ll probably be the next one I do just cuz I don’t know I I know how to do it I have ideas and stuff what’s up

Amanda how’s it going are you going to post any more videos on this world or you just going to live stream oh no I’m definitely going to post more videos on this world I just have uh just the videos take so much more time than live

Streaming does so I don’t get to do I don’t get to uh post videos as often as I’d like because they take a long time to make I actually spent a bit of time earlier today everyone uh praise me for spending like an hour editing today I yeah I was fortunate enough

Today to actually have some time to edit which is lovely like believe it or not you may I mean you might think that I’m like super not productive but I’m actually a very productive person and I get a lot of work done but I also have a lot of work you know and

Time my time is is very limited like all the time so I can only you know I can only get so much done in a day and if I want to get out like a short form video I can’t I can’t do both short form and long form

Like in the same day most of the time because I don’t have enough time for it that’s why I’m that’s why I’m hopefully going to get a new pc soon and it’s going to help speed up things and it’s also going to uh it’s also going to

Make um I’m going to hopefully get some editors and stuff going so that I can get stuff tortured every mob in Minecraft and got absolutely nothing out of it maybe I should once I maybe once I in like in like 2 years once I have once

I get around to torturing every mob in Minecraft um maybe once I’ve gotten to that I’ll just do what like camman does and make like compilation videos of my shorts and it will just be like you know it’ll just be a short it’ll just be a shorts compilation where I torture every

Mob okay how does that Spike look a little stubby on the top I would say I think we’re going to make it like one taller is he going to torture a Minecraft dog um you wouldn’t torture a bunny yeah you’re right I wouldn’t torture a bunny

My torturing of the bunny would be I gave the bunny like 1 million carrots and uh you know that’s totally torture I would Pro I was actually thinking though shiru I would probably just do a i tortured every I tortured every um I would do an i I tortured

Every monster in Minecraft compilation you know cuz mob every Minecraft mob is just hard like that’s so many there are so many Minecraft Mobs I’d probably do every monster intense Pets only if allowed looks like a blob on the bottom what looks like a blob on the bottom Bunny

Gets fat from 1 million carats and explodes jeez that’s dark guys you know what’s you know what’s crazy has anyone I don’t know I don’t know how many like Marvel fans we have in chat has anyone seen the the trailer for Echo it just dropped like yesterday or something and it actually looks

Shockingly good that that’s that’s why like I don’t know maybe it will actually be good I remember hearing that there were like test screenings that were getting like test screenings of Echo and everyone was like this is terrible and it was like so bad that Marvel or and like Disney was

Talking about like scrapping the whole project but like the trailer dropped and like it actually looks pretty solid it actually looks like maybe it maybe it has a chance to to be good you know I mean I don’t want to get my hopes up cuz secret Invasion really

Made the the show look like it was going to be good and then it was the worst Marvel show that’s ever come out so um you know maybe it won’t be good but echko from OverWatch no there’s a superhero named echko Disneyland and Disney World both fell off

Hard I think um I I think the thing I don’t think they fell off I think they just have competition now like I’ve always been a believer that Universal is better than Disney in terms of like you know in in amusement park stuff but that’s a pretty good Spike I’ve always

Been a believer that Universal is better than Disney in amusement park uh terms but I do feel like I feel like um what do I feel like I don’t know honestly I feel like uh the I feel like it’s uh like they Disney didn’t get worse Universal just got much

Better the staff are all jerks now and the and the dark rides are creepy I don’t think the staff the staff at Disney are jerks I’ve never seen I’ve never interacted with a mean Disney person EO from Amazon yeah what’s up monkey I hope I hope you’re doing okay

Imagine if people figure out my YouTube username is my Minecraft Bedrock username why would they care congratulations I don’t like Infinity War endgame because of how many of the good Heroes died I think I think Heroes dying is very important I I’m I’m not I don’t think

I’m alone in that either I feel like like killing off people is is really important to make to make movies and stuff feel like they have weight to them and feel like they matter if the heroes win every time it’s just it’s just not that it’s just not

Good you know I’m I’m a very I’m I’m hardcore hoping that in stranger things season 5 people die like I want I want them to kill people because otherwise like like if everyone gets out of that season unscathed that’s going to be stupid it’s going to be like wow the the

Big bads of stranger things kind of suck couldn’t even kill a single person like that’s embarrassing for them you know anyways that’s my opinion I want them to kill people Dash It’s not that deep you don’t have to go down this path not you dash I’m talking about what

They aren’t jerks they just fed up with some influencer breaking the rules and making their jobs hard are you talking about Disney still I feel like I missed messages I mean I I typically do so I think I’m I think I’m just a little lost right now

How’s that Spike I think I like that Spike look at that who would have thought I made a good Spike um all right I’m going head out see you later stranger things season 5 comes out in 2024 right I don’t actually know when it comes out

Maybe I I maybe you know what’s crazy to me about stranger things man um season season 4 of stranger things was like every episode was like an hour plus and like stranger like the the people who made stranger things made a made like like eight movies or no maybe

Like seven movies worth of content in like just a couple years like that is incredible it is incredible how much um like how quick quickly they made such a good season I know they had extra time and stuff because of Co but why are you not reading my comments I don’t know I

Just didn’t read them can you fly into your volcano I can I’m not going to at least not right now but yeah I’m pretty sure it comes out in 2024 word I I’m looking forward to it stranger thing is is so good but I do

Feel like they need to kill people and I I think I think like Iron Man’s death in like here’s the thing okay so with like endgame you know spoiler territory spoiler warning but honestly if you haven’t seen it at this point it’s kind of on you but the deaths of the characters in

Endgame were very worth it and were very much very much made the movie have like a strong emotional impact you know but the thing the thing that was uh the thing that was like a problem from killing off the characters was that they didn’t they haven’t at least replaced

Them with like more characters that we love you know I mean they’re not they have with a few and there still are some characters that are very loved in the MCU but they’re not doing as good of a job as as I think they were expecting I

Think they were planning you know like we kill off some of the main characters but we replace them with characters who are just as good but they’re new but then they replaced them with some characters who were not just as good and we’re new you know and it’s like oh it’s

Kind of kind of bad these characters are not that interesting or whatever you know the new character replacement is so bad it’s not awful but some of it is well like I don’t think it’s all bad like shangi is really good um uh what are the other characters honestly moonight was

Good Loki is pretty good like and I I know Loki isn’t a new character by any means but they’re like kind of making him into like a new character cuz he used to be like evil all the time now he’s like becoming kind of different they’ve like changed him a lot so now

He’s kind of a different person you know no spoilers for Loki season 4 if you haven’t watched it yet but you know he’s a little bit different um is this enough spikes we do have quite a few spikes around I like them um who else did they add they

Introduced like ant man’s daughter who’s you know I don’t really care at all about her but she’s not bad seeing Tony Stark’s actor retire is kind of sad he retied did he I didn’t even know that H shub back what are what are other characters are there other characters

That I’m forgetting about that uh that that they introduced that are like good like they introduced a lot of them I think um I think Kate Bishop as like you know the female Hawkeye isn’t terrible I think the show Hawkeye was terrible but I think but I think she is

Not bad Thor’s adopt she’s adopted is she adopted I don’t remember that at all she I don’t really care care about honestly oh was it was was she like what was she Marvel is mid no one tried anything new we wouldn’t have the characters we love today yeah I think in

I think in some ways um we just need to give Marvel the time to like fix the characters and stuff um so and that will be that will be like the biggest thing that they can do is just like we just need to let them do

Their thing and work out the Kinks with the characters cuz like for a while people didn’t like Thor you know and then they and then people loved Thor and then people no longer like Thor or like you know it takes it takes some some adjusting of stuff in order to make a

Really good character so they’ll get there I think Scarlet Witch is a nice villain Scarlet Witch uh was a good villain I think I think uh that movie wasn’t as good as it could have been cuz if you think too hard about it it kind of falls apart but it’s

Okay I’m here what are your other two wishes what other two wishes said he’d be retiring after endgame a year ago sadly you mean Oh you mean retiring from Marvel movies not retiring from I thought you meant retiring from acting cuz he was just an Oppenheimer like a couple months ago

Um I think that that realistically I think realistically Tony Stark is for sure going to be in another movie and it probably will even be Robert Downey Jr Tony Stark like I just I just tend Ah that’s gone I knew it was gone but I just I just feel like

It will I just feel like that’s going to happen because I don’t know cuz why wouldn’t it um I feel like there’s a there’s a high likelihood that at some point in the future Marvel brings back Tony Stark but probably just for one movie probably not for probably not for like ever you

Know do you think Symbiote Spider-Man will show up in Tom Holland Spider-Man 4 that’d be cool can wait until Marvel makes a movie about Minecraft Steve interesting Genie gave you three wishes and you wished for me that was the worst wish I’ve ever made um I haven’t been here in like two

Months didn’t Spider-Man die no well like kind of I mean in like end game you know he died and then undyed but not really do you know my Minecraft Steve’s Powers he’s just like the strongest man in the world or something like that isn’t he isn’t that Minecraft Steve’s

Powers he’s just like ridiculously op um okay I feel like I feel like uh a lava stream that goes down this way would be good but but or a magma you know a magma block trail that sort of goes we have this one that goes that way so maybe we

Have one that’s coming down from here or yeah maybe it’s coming down from here kind of goes this way goes around here goes that way branches off here goes over this way and then we could have maybe one that goes over this way like that that’d be cool so let’s do that

Steve’s power level is 1 billion word Spider-Man one is about Peter Parker Spider-Man Miles Morales the side game the second game is about Peter isn’t it about miles and Peter aren’t they both in it I actually don’t know though like maybe maybe it maybe you’re totally right and it is mainly about

Peter I haven’t like watched people play the game that much so I don’t know um oh there’s my magma oh I kind of want that bam they’re both in it but Peter is the main character oh really okay um yeah yeah I don’t know I feel like I

Feel like Marvel I feel like people are kind of counting Marvel out too early like I don’t know about you guys but I’ve seen I’ve seen I’ve seen Marvel themselves saying or I’ve seen like R rumors and stuff about Marvel potentially um ending after Secret Wars and it’s like

Man I do I don’t think it’s like the worst decision but I feel like feel like they could still make it work like they have time they have many years before Secret Wars and like to to make us love these characters again you know and y’all are just going to like

Give up so early and like not and not bother to make us love the characters like I mean I guess that’s one way to go about it but yeah that’s my that’s my Marvel rant I don’t know I hope I hope that I hope that they start making cons more consistently

Good stuff again cuz there still has been good stuff from the MCU but it’s just not as consistent as it used to be you know and that’s kind of a problem for at least a lot of people you know you don’t want to waste your time watching something that isn’t that good

Or that that might not be that good for a while Marvel was kind of the king of at worst the movie would be fun at best the movie would be like really really good at that’s my opinion for for a while Marvel was really good at making

At making at least pretty good movies and then you know occasionally they would be occasionally they would be like like average like even movies like uh Captain Marvel and stuff I wouldn’t say were like really bad they just weren’t that good ah jump bro Disney is Mak Elsa and Frozen 3

Gay nothing wrong with that but just make new characters uh I don’t really care at all about Elsa I don’t was she I don’t know I why did I am I wrong I thought she had like a like a prince boyfriend or something in the earlier movies oh

Wait no Elsa was the one who like didn’t is that the other one I don’t know I haven’t watched any of the Frozen movies I don’t think they end them MCU before we get a live action Miles Morales I’ll be upset see I I my thing

Is I really feel like they can just if they want to instead of like so okay so anime they’re not going to like end the MCU straight up cuz it’s such a Like Money Maker they would just reboot it and like reset the universe or like move

Us to another universe or something like that but I I just feel like I feel like they could just do more Standalone stuff if they like really think like oh man we screwed up and we’re not having characters and movies that people like anymore they could just make like just like I don’t

Know try harder first of all um and then and then also just like make um I don’t know make take some new characters and and try again you know you don’t have to reset the whole universe I guess if you well I guess the thing that no I don’t know it’s so dumb

Because cuz Marvel’s Whole Thing Marvel Marvel like Iron Man was not a popular superhero until until um Marvel started making movies about him so it’s pretty dumb in my opinion to like make it’s pretty silly to make new it’s pretty silly to uh to like reboot the universe and make new stuff

With Iron Man because there are a million superheroes in Marvel and they can make they can make them good you know marvel has done it many times with characters that I had never heard of and they make a really good movie of them so I don’t know why they like feel the need

To reboot the universe so that they can use their most popular characters like the issue isn’t the lack of good characters it’s the lack of good like writing right now you know if they reboot the universe and they do Iron Man again people will go see the Iron Man

Movie but then if if the writing is terrible they’re going to be like oh man this the original Iron Man was way better I’m not going to go watch the second Iron Man movie see you later Challenger so there’s now two kids in my classes debating over Elsa versus Moana

And they’re crying trying to explain why their opinion is right oh dude you know what’s funny the the new OverWatch character just looks like uh The Rock in Moana whatever whatever that guy’s name is did you guys see that new Queen Queen Elizabeth the first movie coming on

Netflix they made her black not a joke H they should really do a Flash movie that’ be crazy they should do a Flash movie I do think they should make new characters instead of race swapping but like I get why they do it uh why make a

New character when you can use the name of an already established character see I think I think what they did with Spider-Man or with Miles and Morales is Kind of Perfect where they took an existing character and they made him and they gave him his own story you know

Miles Morales is so cool like like everyone loves Miles Morales you know he’s such a good character and he’s so well written and and he has his own powers like that are that are a bit different from Spider-Man to make him like a a more unique

Person yeah I don’t know I feel like like I feel like ideally you change the character but that’s the other thing or like ideally you create a new character but it is hard it’s easier said than done to do that my um one thing that I think is that

Um one thing I think is like you can you can tell you can yeah like I was saying before basically the problem is not the characters it’s the writing like you can tell entirely new stories about the same character if done well but you can also tell you can

Tell stories about a character and do it terribly you know like Thor Thor 2 or Thor 3 I mean people really didn’t like that movie despite the fact that the movie beforehand was like everyone was like wow what a great Thor movie and then the next one everyone’s like wow

This Thor movie sucked and it’s like you know they just told it poorly it would have been it probably would have been able to be its own thing or be I don’t know where I’m I’m I’m so lost I’m so tired right now I can’t I keep just like starting sentences and

Then like forgetting what I’m saying halfway through so apologies for that I don’t know I don’t know if that yeah I don’t uh Dash pump 4 should make YouTube videos that would be cool yeah for real he should that’d be crazy imagine Dash pump 4 making YouTube

Videos I’m not sure if that was like a slight at me for not posting videos recently or if that was just like a joke because I already do post videos um hopefully it wasn’t like you being like wow what if Das B 4 release new videos I’m trying man I’m trying um okay

Let’s I don’t really need all these Gold Blocks I don’t I definitely don’t need that why do I have so much powder snow what do I have all this powder snow for honestly all right I’m just going to put that there rate the movie Batman The

Dark Knight I haven’t watched in a while but I remember really liking it I remember that being like a really really good movie I hav’t haven’t watched it in like a hot minute to be honest but I’m pretty sure that was like a fire movie all right I’m going to break that

And I’m going to drink this and throw it why do I have so much powder snow do you can’t just cut off my I don’t think you can do that I don’t think you can like get a get a sussy quote of me if you just like cut off my

Sentence mid sentence feel like that’s kind of Cheating seems that seems like it’s cheating oh I have to get redstone and stuff since I like I like the I like what we’ve been doing with the volcano erupting I think yeah I think um we could have I think we’ll have it be right here that it comes out Of Bam Bam Bam and now we put that there hold on actually we’re going to put this bam bam bam bam bam bam I didn’t need to do that um oops all right we need to get out of here for a second so I can get my red stone

What happened to all my Redstone I swear I had a bunch of redstone didn’t I guys wh which one of you took my Redstone dang it dang it man someone stole my Redstone what what happened to it see if only I could just stream 24 seven then I wouldn’t forget

Things I didn’t take it all right thanks for not taking it volcano looks good thank you I agree what is all this for oh is this for the uh ah I think that that was for the the farm oh there we go found stuff found it found it guys

Don’t worry I guess you guys didn’t steal my Redstone what’s up Jam how’s it going sorry I got a little a little hungry looked tasty dang this guy ate my red stone that’s so mean so rude of you why would you do that I wanted that redstone um

Okay now we just mine our way down oh I don’t have dang okay hold on I need to I need to put some stuff away I forgot that I’m I’m not even like to the part yet that I would need stuff for right so let’s go ahead get my GL

Glowing chest there we go or my lighting chest I mean there we go and now block that off okay now we can you know light up the way down am I going to break my way out of the mountain by accident oh hello hello zombie what’s up homie huh Interesting excuse me rude get out of here H you were one of the best YouTubers I know thank you this guy in my stone did I say that the most awesome sauce YouTuber is billion surprise toys Dash sucks yeah that’s so true I love billion surprise toys

Man I wish I was billion surprise toys I totally forgot about them I totally toally forgot that billion surprise toys like existed you know whatever happened to billion surprise toys BST if you will not BTS don’t be confused BST can’t wait till Dash gets tons of views and subs and all comments and

Replies will be my channel is better than Dash use tweo I do what’s your favorite Farm I’m really proud of my Enderman Farm design I wish like I don’t know it’s I want to come up with more like simple Farm designs but it’s so hard like I’ve

I’ve tried trust me I’ve tried to come up with more of like the you know insanely simple Farms cuz those I feel like are a they’re like helpful to the most people and B they do well you know cuz people cuz a larger P portion of

People are going to want to watch an easy tutorial than a really really hard tutorial or than a than a farm that’s like going to take hours and hours um I think I’m actually at the right y level okay we just have to go straightforwards but it’s so hard to

Come up with Farms but believe it or not it is quite tricky um kids these days use automatic weapon switch oh I know I know I can but I don’t feel like it inste it’s only available switchable hot bar slot to two wait why would I do

That make it only available like only able to switch to two finally got Advanced features enabled for my channel so now I’m going to be uploading 2,000 times a day oh my gosh bro your videos are going to get five views per because you’re posting 2,000 times a day I can’t wait

It’s really hot bar saving then you can put all your items in inventory and keep all your weapons in one slot really oh interesting I didn’t know that that’s so that’s so interesting I’ll have to try that maybe so it just it just switches that’s actually fascinating oh there we

Go uh 1,000 time watch time equals money what am I too late too late for what for stream no you are not right on time but you there’s still there’s still a good amount of time left in stream so don’t you worry bam bam bam bam bam bam Bam bam bam bam oh uh I Fallen I Fallen guys help bam okay there we go um you’re an absolute Giga Chad Dash thank you I choose not to help not to help with what a dang I was so close oh no I’m not I I actually still have a good bit I

Forget no it can only go down it can’t go up so I need to then do Bam Bam Bam Bam and how did I do this H it’s embarrassing who does that what kind of monster my staircase just has a two uh thing like that SMH SMH my

Head oh okay so I guess we have to come up here and then we go up here and then we go bam there we go okay so we’re going to take a lava bucket and put it right there and then put that there put that there break our way out of

Here um and I think that’s good let’s sleep Dash so 2,000 videos Time 5 five views on each vid 10,000 views 10,000 views times was time equals money I don’t think you that’s not really how the I don’t know what the watch time has to do with anything but Das remember

Your deleted stream no I don’t remember that Dash is your favorite game Minecraft it is indeed yeah but you won’t get money from five views on a video yeah you I don’t think I don’t think you would even get I think YouTube would only like pay you if you got like I

Think if you hypothetically get five views per video I don’t think you would get anything I think think you’d have to get like at least 1,000 views per video in order to do that oh look when I look over there it’s all blue from the sky and my face gets

Illuminated I’m always late to these I don’t know everybody keeps complimenting you so I’m going to say it Dash You’re horrendous looking dang that’s not very nice really hurts my feelings guys why would you say that um yeah you’re so right you’re so right the only person that I know that

Would disagree is your mother she thinks I’m very sexy but you know that’s that’s just one woman’s opinion so who I I guess should probably listen to the general general public you know anyways does she that may be yeah she does trust me I would know she tells me um Dash I’m at

Work cool good good for you I guess thank you for working this guy’s contributing to the general good of society imagine cringe all my homies just sit and play Minecraft in their dorm rooms and we you know we really make the world a better place by entertaining 20

People nah I’m not making the world a better place but I do I do be um entertaining 20 people so you know that’s that’s something at least ah stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it oh no oh no the lava’s moving too fast maybe I stopped

It oh my I can’t stop it it’s gone I have no idea what that is is YouTube you are making the world a better place that’s crazy I don’t know about that but you know what it is what it is jeez oh jeez H I need to stop this

Lava I think I at least wouldn’t say I’m making the world a worse place Dash you should make a Halloween fish statue no we got Halloween fish back oh it’s November I didn’t even think about that um no I have definitely failed I didn’t even I didn’t even I

Didn’t even try this year how much Blackstone have you mined I don’t know a lot you’re making my world a better place uh you’re welcome I haven’t minded actually that much it’s the fifth I didn’t try and also I have a girlfriend so it’s it’s a little bit

Different it’s a little it’s a little bit different my guy it’s not like yeah yeah it’s a little it’s a little different I think it’s a lot more acceptable to fail if you have a girlfriend I mean I’ve I I have failed like year after year or Year anyway but it’s a lot

More acceptable to fail when you have a Girlfriend oh oh okay I’m I’m not dead anymore good Bam Bam Bam anyways it’s got nonfamily friendly real quick it’s all right youn um I appreciate the 20 of you that are watching though that’s actually like pretty solid that’s a that’s a lot of people imagine 20 people watching you that’s

Like a whole classroom like I’m basically doing a class presentation right now you know class presentation on Minecraft Minecraft class presentation okay so basically we want to we want to make the lava not flow weirdly and it’s flowing weirdly so ow you are the math teacher thank you Dash’s tvma streams are

Awesome that’s crazy YouTube DH how old do you think the majority of your audience is um 6 years old no I think I think as far as Minecraft content goes I probably have a older audience than than most Minecraft youtubers so that’s good at least I definitely don’t have a a

Particularly old audience cuz it’s Minecraft but I my audience is probably older than like the audience of some people you know so that’s that’s something you know that’s something I think we’re going to try and get this one to go this way now I think that will work right

Um pushing 11 do you have any hardcore tips because I’m starting a hardcore world don’t die that that’ be my my biggest and best tip try not to die um you know maybe survive as well would be a good idea surviving um not dying would also be a good

Idea H what else what other what other Pearls of Wisdom can I drop here uh anyone else any any Chatters you guys any idea you guys got any hardcore tips and tricks um play the game yeah that’s a pretty good one You definitely want to

Play the game in order to uh you know not like if you’re going to play Hardcore Minecraft you got to you got to play the game that’s true that’s a true true fact Um quit while you’re ahead for real what’s the worst ride you’ve been on as a fellow Enthusiast worst ride oh Green Lantern at Six Flags uh Great Adventure easily I got to go eat dinner bye see you later Billy it’s just it’s just painful like it is kind of fun but it is

Also quite painful very painful ride okay I think I need to I think I’m going to let the lava flow so that we can just like make sure I make sure I uh am covering everything fake your videos like every other hardcore YouTuber ah yes that’s a good idea except for dash

Palom of course make your videos like every hardcore YouTuber other than Dash bum 4 um I beat the Bedrock Wither on Pocket Edition that’s kind of impressive what update do you think is best minus the nether update yeah I think the nether update is definitely one of the best ones I think the pillage and Village update or village Village and pillage

Pill what whatever it’s called whatever order they say it in I think that one’s an update that gets slept on I feel like that’s a really good update hey Dash what’s your time zone I’m in Eastern Standard Time Of course not like Dash yeah yeah yeah good good just just had to make

Sure they got to know the people need to know that Dash pom does not fake his videos except for you know all of them but but like yeah man it would be really hard to fake my videos since I stream everything well I guess I kind of do

Fake my videos in terms of like when I I forget to record stuff a lot and then when I and then I have to I have to go back and try and uh get shots that I forgot to record but other than that I don’t really I don’t fake anything cuz

I’m just a hero like that I’m going to do that it can be three wide oh no how did it go this way what started spreading this way who who let you do that ah you silly goose ah see that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen because now it’s just

It’s just a whole sheet of it’s just a sheet of lava the lava sheet is so hard to avoid though cuz the lava loves to just be in a sheet sheet formation the volcano is going to be sick thank you I should be studying right now but Dash

Start has started stream so if I don’t get my high school diploma it’s Mr P’s fault dang you’re going to blame that on me oh my gosh that’s crazy hey Dash sorry I’m kind of late no worries except sat why would we be teaching misinformation what out of all hardcore

YouTubers this man is my favorite right next to sand dition that’s that’s a that’s like big that’s a that’s a big name to be put next to thank you I love sand dition bro these vids are fake you use creative then upload pngs of Hardcore hearts and you use

Creative bro I use creative so much that digicraft had to had to tell me I use creative twice try swapping between elytra and chest plate every every now and then you can even use twero hotkey for it I know I can you can even just put it in your freaking thing

But I don’t really need my elytra that much like most of the time so I’m in some honor classes for my high school but I naturally don’t need to study wait until College one thing that I have found very interesting and kind of great about college is I don’t know anyone in

College who is like I don’t study like even the really smart kids in my classes still like need to study so just just so you know like it’s not it’s not like it’s good it’s good that you don’t need to study but it will you’ll probably eventually need to study

People think it’s bad to become a YouTuber and drop out of high school when have when half of the world’s population never went well I think I think it’s good if you can to get I don’t I think I think dropping out of high school is a bad

Decision I think you should try and get a high school education because think about like cuz I don’t know you’re just kid like you’re stupid you’re stupid um without a high school education people are just dumb like you need you need you need a like some education you know college education education isn’t

Necessary but High School is pretty is pretty important for like basic things like um the reason that I mentioned that have I done this lava yet this or is this just like does this lava just happen to be really good like a lot of like actors and

Celebrities and stuff are just like kind of dumb because they never cuz they went to high school and then graduated and it’s like or and didn’t even graduate then they just dropped out and they are now acting and they don’t know like basic things and so the issue is if you

Don’t if you don’t go to high school or if you drop out of high school some basic stuff that you probably should know you might wind up not knowing because uh you know cuz you dropped out of high school um it’s not the worst thing in

The world but it’s definitely not in in my book it’s not the best decision you can make the thing the thing is too um not all like actors stay being actors for their whole lives it unfortunately doesn’t work out like that kind of job doesn’t just like keep it doesn’t work

Out for everyone you know some people you know they get one big role and then they never and then they’re not able to like surpass that role so they wind up having to you know they wind up having to get normal jobs and like then you’re kind of

Screwed because now you don’t have a you don’t even have a high school education like there are plenty of jobs that you can get with a high school education there aren’t that many jobs jobs that you can get with without a high school diploma you know feel like a

Lot of them require High School educations from what I’ve heard I don’t know I’m not an expert on college versus High School degrees and such but I’ve heard that you need at least high school for a lot of stuff AP is like advanced advanced AP is hard

Yeah Dash you were almost on par with my favorite hardcore YouTuber which is Luke the notable I kind of take that as an insult because I I think Luke the notable is very boring but you know what that’s okay I know college will be like the military school especially for aerospace

Engineering dang you’re doing that I just do the bare minimum to get straight A’s they are all low A’s fair enough you’re stupid thanks Dash everyone is stupid my girlfriend got mad at me the other day for calling uh kindergarten kindergartener stupid but like that’s what they are they’re

Dumb like like you’re when you’re a child you’re stupid you’re an idiot it’s just the truth like you’re just you’re just not very smart when you’re a child you know and I was like what are you what are you getting mad at me for that’s just true high schoolers and and like middle

Schoolers are dumb they make stupid decisions they do stupid things getting a getting a high school degree is is a good idea because you will hopefully not do as many stupid things ow ow ow stop it ah stop it did I do that why is this lava weird Luke the notable is more

Entertaining than you well that’s okay I think in maybe streaming but I wouldn’t say for videos Luke the notable videos are kind of generic but then again that’s very subjective that’s okay if you if you think that that’s okay you don’t have to have the right opinion I want to start

Streaming do you have any tips no no I do not grind fortnite one don’t that is an interesting tip grinding fortnite is an interesting one as well personally I don’t know if I’d recommend grinding fortnite but you know I’m not I’m not the authority on on streaming see I’m yeah I’m definitely

Not that much of an authority on streaming I don’t h i don’t average like a million viewers you know I know Minecraft and I’m I I would say I’m like a reasonably strong Authority on like content creation not necessarily streaming how do I make quality vids my

Vids are absolute crap right now look at other people’s videos and then try and do what they do but do it better um that’s that’s what I do I try and just like do other things a tip for streaming is to not only stream if you just stream you won’t yeah you don’t

You and don’t do videos or shorts you won’t get viewers pretty much true almost like there’s like a small chance you can especially if you have like a crazy personality like if you have like a really really good personality there’s like a chance that you can but you know unless you’re unless you’re

A very rare case you’re probably not going to get many viewers unless you make videos outside of streaming it’s very true streaming is really hard and really competitive um so yeah be aware that you might not get many viewers I have 100,000 subscribers and I average like 20

Viewers on my streams like that I don’t know what percentage of 100,000 20 is but that’s like that’s like 0.01% and you know you get you get the point streaming is hard not a lot of people want to watch streams it’s competitive uh cuz yeah there are like a

Billion people who want to be streamers um but not that many people actually want to watch streams so you know Dash what do you feel when your videos get thousands of views but your streams only get about 30 20 is a generous number um um my average I think across

All my streams is 20 I don’t know about right now but my average is about 20 viewers most of the time like I haven’t been streaming a lot recently so I think my average is probably not super good right now but um oh is this a lava bucket or did I

Place a bucket here oh I did interesting huh in your dreams dang you’re so you’re so cool bdd I wish I could be you back then when streaming was first introduced to YouTube it used to rank in thousands of Subs per stream viewers big as you now it’s

Useless what time is the stream ending um like 25 minutes I have a nerd Emoji pfp because it matches my horrendous personality in the real world I don’t have the attention span or energy for streaming that’s fair X AO I don’t really mind because I don’t know cuz streaming is

Like watching a stream is not for everyone I don’t watch streams so I am a streamer who does not watch other people stream I just don’t I don’t have the attention span to watch someone else stream um for some reason I like streaming even though I do not and probably will not

Watch other people’s stream Pretty much like largely I don’t watch other people’s stream occasionally you know but pretty rarely I watch other people stream so it’s not for everyone and most of my subscribers are from shorts which like you know shorts viewers are going to be even less inclined to watch a a

Live stream where it’s you know shorts viewers have like the shortest attention span of anyone so like it makes sense that my shorts audience isn’t going to watch my videos much if I was like all if all of my Subs were from like full length videos I think I’d be a little

More disappointed about it but I don’t know I think as I’ve I think over the years I’ve kind of realized that streaming is I don’t know streaming is I feel like less viable monetarily than than YouTube videos because so few people like in order to be in like streaming doesn’t

Get as many views as a video does that’s just the truth and therefore it’s streaming is much much more um like viewer like the viewers need to give you money and that’s it’s so hard to get viewers to give you money like you know people watching an

Ad and giving you money is is reasonable to do it’s a lot harder to get people to like you know personally go into their pockets and give you money so as much as I think it would be fun to be a streamer primarily and not

Have to you know do any of the boring editing and stuff I’m okay with I’m okay with just like doing editing and making videos and stuff cuz that that does seem to be the thing that that will actually be viable for me speedrun something mhm I love your streams pretty entertaining and it’s

Nice you interact with chat frequently thank you I will ask again I’m curious do you play Monster Hunter I don’t know what that is anyone have any shorts ideas no I have an idea I have an idea how how to get you more viewers what’s what’s

Your idea I love editing videos but I don’t like editing shorts it feels so formulaic and I don’t like it as a creative person I tend to agree with that I do think editing shorts is a little less fun than editing Longs I feel like there is there’s

Definitely more um um more you can do creatively on a long than a short um I think I think I the main reason that I don’t like doing doing Longs as much as shorts is because it’s like it’s like you can’t tell a story as much you know you really it’s a lot

Harder to tell a story when you have a minute than if you like have a whole you know you have a whole l long amount of time and like I like I like getting to like tell a story you know a short you have you know you got 60 seconds Dash

Your volcano looking nice thank you I believe it’s on PC now oh really I’ve never heard of it honestly but when you get redeem name can somebody change it after you name it yes hunting dragons and other fantasy creatures interesting play Roblox or something else to give more variety on the channel

No I I don’t actually think that that will get me more views to be honest with you in the past when I’ve played other games I’ve actually gotten less views so my two cents is that I won’t get more views by playing other games because people are I don’t know

People aren’t interested in watching other games or something from from prior experience with trying other games people want to see Minecraft you know people people at least my audience is into Minecraft and wants to watch me play Minecraft and not not as much Else I will eat a defenseless animal no don’t do it it’s so Defenseless oh oh no ow ah leave me alone lava oh I’m out of magma ouchie um wear Frost Walker boots I know I can I just don’t have one I don’t think yeah that’s Chula uh content creation must actually suck as a job like imagine working 20

Days on one video and it doesn’t do well cuz the YouTube algorithm sucks I tend to think that um the you I mean I’m not entirely sure like this isn’t always the truth but the YouTube algorithm doesn’t is usually pretty good like like I feel like so as much as I

Will sometimes complain about the YouTube algorithm I think that my videos that don’t do well like there’s definitely some reason why they didn’t do well and it’s just that I don’t necessarily know what it is so it seems like to me it seems like oh man the YouTube algorithm

Must hate me but like there’s definitely some reason that my video flopped or whatever but also that’s that’s why I’ve been saying man and it sucks that this is the case but shorts are so much more sustainable than than long form content they just are because when a movie when

A movie gets made and it took 2 years and it flops it loses millions of dollars when someone makes a YouTube video and it takes a month to make they lose and and it flops they make they lose some money when you make a short

And it flops you lose like 20 bucks like H I hate that it’s the way that direct that content is going but like shorts are so much more sustainable for a small Creator than Longs are not to advertise or anything but I made that seems that seems like that does

That honestly recording the video is the easy part for me I’m bad at editing yeah recording the video is not like recording and like um building stuff usually doesn’t even take me as long as the editing does the reason I play bloxs fruits on Roblox is because they got a

Massive update that’s cool all right see youat later quarin X um that’s unfortunate alter Rock not to advertise or anything but let me straight up advertise yeah I mean I’ve done that too like I have plenty of videos that haven’t done well and I still to this day think they’re think that they’re

Pretty good I think um I think that sometimes I feel like sometimes a video can do well even if it doesn’t follow the YouTube formula but when you’re small it’s more important than ever to follow the YouTube formula like I think that’s kind of how it how

It is it’s like the YouTube formula is real important when you’re a small Creator and then one as you get bigger you can kind of mess around more and you can do stuff that’s more like experimental on YouTube and have and maybe have it go well you know not

Trying to I’m just trying to relate to you oh okay fair enough all right no worries a lot of YouTubers actually play plenty of Roblox games and they blow up I don’t want to play Roblox though I also already am like fairly popular that’s that’s why I’ve been

Saying that I’m going to switch this world to to a survival world once I hit 5,000 days cuz it’s like I don’t really have to game the algorithm as much anymore as I used to so like that small boost in search results from adding in Hardcore Minecraft to the title is

Probably not as necessary as it used to be and I can probably you know I can probably not do that um when I was four it took me one year to get 12 Subs now that I’m in kindergarten I’m making 10 Subs a day dang you got 10 Subs a

Day and bro is also only in kindergartener that’s crazy Dash I’m a small Creator but my recent short got about 150 views is that a good start I would say that’s a fairly Good Start I mean everyone’s got to start somewhere my my first couple shorts did really

Poorly um yeah I don’t know I think I think that just cop oh there’s a there’s a freaking look there’s a bones there’s a bones down here there’s a rib cage that’s cool I think that copying other people um but doing it in your own way

Is kind of the Strat like you might have to edit things in a way that you don’t really want to edit you know but it’s kind of it’s kind of just the move it’s like like my my shorts where I um where I like torture a random mob that’s like

A good example for that I have of like playing the YouTube algorithm but then trying to do but trying to do it my own way it’s like very much me doing doing and editing something that I want that I think is you know I think it’s funny and

I think it’s I think it could do well but it’s like it’s a Bit it’s me doing something that I think could do well but I have to edit it to it’s like okay no it’s like it’s like I’m editing the you know the short form content style and whatever but then I’m adding My Own Thing by like doing something that I don’t see anyone else

Doing you know I’m not I don’t see other people really you know torturing Minecraft creatures and so it’s like I’m doing it in my own way so that’s kind of what I would say is the Strat for for like for like when you’re when you’re early on in YouTube

Especially you don’t have to do exactly what you don’t have to do exactly what other people do you just have to do similar enough that it’s you know that it will do well I don’t know time to copy Dash just copy me but do it in your own way and then

Boom getting 1K views per short nice when do you think M or do you think Minecraft needs to add Warden portal to in the ancient city I think it would be cool I think it’ be cool when you name an item can someone change it yeah just

Put dashes vids with Subway Surfers yeah the fossil is real how do we make Iron Golems spawned by villagers in Bedrock Edition I have no idea if you would rather play Minecraft maybe make a new channel and post PVP stuff and use all of your short stuff

Like the witch where they no I think I think I’m good I feel like I’ve I’ve decided that I don’t really think that I don’t really think anymore that making multiple channels is the way to go I feel like some people have like shorts channels

And others don’t I kind of think that um that keeping everything under one under one channel is the way is the move and I don’t know if that’s necessarily true but in my opinion it’s the it’s the move opinions on banana Laffy Taffy I like banana Laffy Taffy it’s pretty good

Mid pink better I would agree pink is better but banana Laffy Taffy is still solid I guess yeah I don’t know maybe mid is valid maybe maybe mid is is reasonable why do you put magma underneath the lava when you don’t really see it because the lava is turned

Off and on so sometimes sometimes when the lava isn’t around you will see it I think I honestly am going to turn on the uh the tool thing tool switch ah it seems so nice it seems nice oh wait but I remember actually getting kind of an

Annoyed with it when it would break blocks that I didn’t want it to break you know so I don’t know there’s there’s a chance that I decide it’s annoying again I forget what my re like I forget what my problem with it was last time but I remember having some issues with it

Oops opinions on pineapple Pizza um I have not tried it actually that’s my opinion do you have a religion like am I religious or like did I create my own religion because yes and yes I created my own religion based after me and I’m the God no first one I am not

Religious Dash I hate playing the YouTube game sometimes but it feels really really good when I do it right and I get a decent amount of views I personally am not a huge fan either of playing the YouTube game but I think I think that uh I think that

The thing is you have to you you have to stay true to yourself while playing the YouTube game cuz the the biggest thing that you want to avoid when it comes to playing the YouTube game is you don’t want to burn yourself out because you’re making content that

You don’t like making right you never want to get to a point where you’re making this content and you’re just making it the way that you’re making it to get views like when I edit my videos I consider the algorithm and I consider what’s going to be like engaging to

People but I also consider what’s going to be funny to me and like what would like what I would watch you know like it doesn’t necessarily need um not everything needs to be done for the algorithm and and a lot of the time I’ve found that when I do something for

The algorithm it just makes the video overall better you know like like the algorithm the algorithm is set up in a way that it to to you know make your videos better and and it kind of It kind of does a pretty good job at at for you to make better videos um

So I don’t know when I make my videos like yeah I do some stuff that I might not normally do and I like cut stuff from the video that that maybe I would want to include in there but I also I don’t know it’s kind of you have

To make sacrif sacrifices if you want your video to do well sometimes sometimes you have to make a sacrifice or two you know and as long as as long as it’s not like a huge sacrifice you know it’s probably fine I love sacrifices jeez okay sure is good good for

You oh I want to uh you know just do that okay now I have to head back up here and fill in all the black stone that is missing oh man you know what will be so nice once I switch off of Hardcore um I’ll be able to use my I’ll

Be able to use my off hand slot I’m so excited to be able to use my off hand slot again like that’s going to save me so much time it’s going to be epic um yeah anyways though I don’t know I forget what I was saying I was talking about the YouTube

Algorithm I’ve been I’ve actually been working a lot on okay here’s here’s the thing that I’ve kind of learned recently or like come to the realization of the YouTube algorithm is obviously important but one of the things that you should remember is that a lot of the time when you’re

Playing the YouTube algorithm it’s not like you’re not really you’re not like doing this just for the YouTube algorithm it’s like when you’re doing these things it’s like to make the video itself better and and that happens a lot of the time like the video being better in certain ways happens to correlate

With the with the YouTube algorithm liking your video but like what I’ve noticed I’ve been working a lot on like like phrasing of sentences and stuff and like making my videos um I don’t know making them more engaging and stuff like that and like making them uh like not

Give away everything so that people have a reason to stick around and watch stuff like that right and the interesting thing is that it just happens to be like it happens to be a lot of the time that it’s just good storytelling it’s like the things that I see in these videos

About like how to make your videos do better are like you know just like elements of making the stories themselves better cuz ultimately a YouTube video you are probably telling a story story of some kind you know so having a story that people can follow is going to help in the algorithm you

Know I spaced out my beacons wrong dang dash is your main source of food golden apples it is doesn’t offhand also work for the shovel and Blackstone what do you mean oh yeah that’s what I was that’s actually exactly what I was thinking I was

Thinking it would be so nice to put a to put black Stone in my off hand and uh you know be able to not switch back and forth I better survive until 5,000 days if I died before then that would be so sad cuz I do want to get to 5,000 days

Before I make the switch I don’t know why I just feel like it’ll be better that way um I just feel like I want to for whatever reason um yeah oh the I forgot the lava Doesn’t Even Flow down this way very much it’s going to get stuck this way it

Does flow down so we want to make sure that the lava is actually going to make its way down it’s a good idea feel this world is too good to lose that’s that’s what I think I feel like I don’t want to lose it I would be so sad if I did I’m

Just going to convert it to a survival world and it’ll be my like my lifetime survival world and I’ll maybe eventually get rid of it I’ll maybe eventually stop playing on it if I like run out of projects but I have so many projects

That I want to do and I don’t want to die um yeah fortunately the like the reason I’ve talked about this a bunch of times but the reason that I started doing hardcore was because I was playing the YouTube game now I have enough subscribers that I

Feel like more than in the past at least I can stop playing the YouTube game a little bit and not have to I’m not as like concerned with uh you know with losing views because my I now have some following and stuff you know Think feel like I’ve missed some I just don’t know which ones I’ve Missed ah why is the lava not flowing down this middle one there we go oh my goodness as long as there’s updates I will play the same world no matter what hardcore used to be a big deal now nobody cares hardcore worlds are pretty sad if you lose it to BH just imagine

Having years of progress and losing it to lag or something do I only play Survival yeah what’s up Bottle Pop how’s it going quality over quantity yeah dig craft I I don’t know what you’re doing honestly I would rather watch a YouTube only upload once every few once with a

Banger than a YouTuber that uploads all the same time with a crappy video Yeah hard content is just too repetitive these days yeah I feel like um I don’t know I feel like the other thing that I don’t like about hardcore is that if I die in

Hardcore right if I die in this world I’m going to be set back so much in terms of like like imagine me dying mid project on this world right I wouldn’t be able to make a video about this project I would make a video about me dying and I guess I would briefly

Mention the project I was working on but I would then it would then take me months to get another video out and like it’s already been months since my last video came out but now it’ be even more months until the next video came out so yeah someone needs to find a new

Gimmick it’s all 100 days or hardcores or SMP see I just I think I think that people need to stop doing gimmicks like I just don’t I I just don’t try and do a gimmick because the gimmick are what the like doing a gimmick is what makes it

Boring like or well doing the I guess it’s doing the same gimmick over and over becomes boring like if you do if you do if you come up with a new original gimmick for every video which I wouldn’t even call them gimmicks cuz it’s usually just like the title you know it’s like

But like you need some reason to click and people need to stop making the same video over and over somehow it still works though that’s the thing that’s crazy to me is like people be making the exact same video as each other and it works so I

Mean I it makes sense why they why people do it but Dash how did you make your main source of food golden apples uh Farmers for apples and my gold farm for gold anyways guys I do have to end the stream thank you guys for hanging out PE peace

Out everyone I will see you guys next time which I don’t know when next time will be bye guys see you

This video, titled ‘Detailing the Volcano Megabase in Hardcore Minecraft!🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-11-06 02:24:10. It has garnered 703 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:28 or 7408 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. egg (10000): Gamble points for a free gifted membership. I will throw an egg and if it spawns a chicken, u get a membership! void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

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I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

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    EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱Video Information we’re showing you an update on my server so this is what it looks like now I made a custom logo for it if y I think y might like it this is a big version of it I don’t know I was just going crazy with the glass got our balcony we got a helipad let’s go to the bottom and that’s where to start okay so we got my friend my one of my friends [Music] rooms um we got my room we got my other friend room you got the meet the meeting room which… Read More

  • Minecraft Live SMP – CRACKED Server 24/7! #exciting

    Minecraft Live SMP - CRACKED Server 24/7! #excitingVideo Information नहीं यो गाइस व्ट्स अप सभी लोगों का एकदम गुड वाला मॉर्निंग भाई बहुत लोग मेरे को यह बोल रहे हो भाई तुम यार मैंने बैन किया गाली देने के कारण ठीक है भाई कोई गाली दे रहा है सर्वर के अंदर मैंने बैन किया तो भाई पहली बात तो मैं यह बता देता हूं कोई भी अगर सर्वर में गाली दे रहा है तो भाई उसको बैन अगर हुआ ना बंदे का बैन का कारण मैं नहीं हूं ठीक है तुम लोग को मैं ये बता देता हूं पहले तुम लोग सोच रहे हो कि भाई मसन… Read More

  • Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventure

    Lose your mind in MilkLusion: Epic underwater adventureVideo Information God why why do I always leave that on turn off turn off no no God why why do I always leave that on that I should change the alarm honestly maybe to like the seaside one I don’t remember the name it’s an annoying ass alarm uh did I leave the TV on man I must have must have just passed out I really got to start sleeping in my own bed uh is grandma back yet doesn’t seem like she is is she oh doesn’t look she’s back yet strange is there anything the fridge I… Read More

  • Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shorts

    Insane Challenge!! Spot the Difference Here 😇🙂 #shortsVideo Information ты точно не сможешь найти все отличия за 5 секунд если ты смог то напиши комментарий и поставь лайк This video, titled ‘Попробуй Найти Отличие На Этой Картинке 😇🙂 #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Mega Show!! on 2024-04-07 08:01:00. It has garnered 10123 views and 324 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom – ESL Birmingham ’24” #trending #esports

    "EPIC Showdown: OG vs BetBoom - ESL Birmingham '24" #trending #esportsVideo Information why did you go for these items CU in the end that was a pretty long game 54 minute game when they played against lgd gaming and ended up with bkb satanic silver Edge disperser blink so wanted to utilize you know disperser was his pretty much way to move around the fights cuz later you don’t have enough slots but want to see what he’s going to be doing nowadays cuz disperser is not that popular item so want to see how he’s going to approach I assume you still want to be able to deal some… Read More

  • Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore Minecraft

    Escaping Osu! Jail with Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information stream isn’t available [ __ ] the [ __ ] you mean no it huh I’m going to I’m going to refresh the screen uh hello now you can see what I can see oh let me add my yeah let me add this [ __ ] hell yeah now you can see my heart rate on here too super super good [ __ ] all right uh looks like I’m live uh let’s see anything live chat uh okay so I could do one of two things here I could use U as a music playlist or… Read More

  • FrinkaMC – ATM9 Survival – Modded SMP ATM9 Custom

    Join our ATM9 Minecraft server! Experience the excitement of our All The Mods 9 custom modpack with mods spanning magic, tech, exploration, building, and more. There’s always something to do! Benefits include: Strong server hardware 15K world border (expansion possible) Interactive world map MC2Discord integration Community-built spawn area We prioritize player experience with constant monitoring and maintenance to keep lag at bay. Join us and be part of our passionate community! Server Details: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sister Roasting My Minecraft Skills with My Friend🔥They may not be the best speller, but at least they have a score of 4 in meme crafting! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1 In the world of Minecraft, beta 1,7,3, Our player’s adventures, for all to see. Building a house, in the snowy terrain, Facing the darkness, with torches to gain. Obs was acting up, recording was tough, But our player persevered, with spirits high enough. Gathering wood, making tools in a rush, Surviving the night, in a bunker they must. Creatures lurking, in the shadows deep, But our player’s resolve, they will keep. Exploding creepers, and foggy nights, Yet they continue, with all their might. The sun rises, a new day begins, Our player’s journey, never dims. With each challenge faced,… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes! Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the party? Because they heard it was going to be a “digging” good time! #minecraftmemes #partytime #shovelready Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video that challenged viewers to find the difference in a Minecraft scene. It got us thinking – what if you could experience a similar thrill in a dynamic and ever-changing Minecraft server? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community and constantly evolving gameplay, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine exploring a world where surprises await around every corner, where your skills and creativity are put to the… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Storage Hack – Hermitcraft S10E10

    Unlock the Ultimate Storage Hack - Hermitcraft S10E10Video Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey guys oh man ah am I excited to say these words again welcome back to another episode on the hermit crafty with your goatee I’m Bey finally oh my God man I tell you guys I don’t want to whine too much but food poisoning holy moly I think it was the first time I really caught a food poisoning I’m going to quickly tell you the story we got so many things to do though so I want to keep it short to the point Easter time… Read More

  • Proving Scary Minecraft Lies Wrong

    Proving Scary Minecraft Lies WrongVideo Information these are the scariest Minecraft lies you should never test starting with a seed sent in by Joey the Brit on Discord who says I know this sounds crazy but a villager on the seed is seriously messed up just look at this screenshot oh actually I thought it was going to be a video we only have a screenshot okay we have a regular looking Village here we got the Golems this m oh wait a second oh when you see it you see it look at this wait what is this tell me you guys are… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Parkour Challenge! 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Parkour Challenge! 🚀Video Information मैं बात कोई शानी लिख दू के तेरे पे कहानी लिख दू के मैं खुद ने राजा लिखना चाहूं तने मेरी रानी लिख दू के सिर पे हार मैं लपका किसी का सहना नहीं तबका ये चुड़सी देख के रना क जा फूक देवा सबका दे ले मैं तेरा हो गया तू भी मेरी होएगी के तेरे आखा तू रोटी मेरी पोगी के अरे मेरे जसा डिटो तने और को नहीं पावे छोरा कोका है य कोके नन खोगी के बताओ This video, titled ‘Minecraft ✨ Impossible🔥 Parkour By @AnantPlayYT’, was uploaded by AnantPlaysYT on 2024-05-08 18:00:06. It… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: DJ vs. Monkey in Epic Build Battle

    Ultimate Showdown: DJ vs. Monkey in Epic Build BattleVideo Information hey what is this colorful thing lying on the ground wait a minute is this a drawing of Spider-Man but why would anyone leave this drawing here it’s very strange oh Mikey’s coming here too hey Mikey hello JJ I see you’ve already noticed this Spider-Man drawing I’ll take this may I ask why you need this picture it is very interesting to me I’m preparing something JJ I’m almost done and I wanted to call you but since you’re here then follow me and I’ll show you everything okay okay let’s follow Mikey and see what he’s… Read More


    ULTIMATE 24/7 MINECRAFT SMP SERVER ft. BILTU | JOIN NOW!Video Information बात करते हैं सारा गड़बड़ हो गया भैया बहुत मुश्किल से इतना अच्छा बना रहा थाम हो रहा था खास त आ ग बू भाई तुम आ गए कौन मार रहा है कोई नहीं मार रहा ुड लगा दिया तूने हा थोड़ी बत [संगीत] लगा फूड दे दो फूड फूड चाहिए ले तीन लेयर का रखना ठीक है चल जा ऊपर से वो लेजर लाना पड़ेगा ठीक दो विलेजर लाकर उसको ब्रीडिंग करा ले अब पता है नोटिफिकेशन नहीं जाएगा ऊपर जाने के लिए करना पड़ेगा इसम आपको एक रोल और देना चाहिए क्या यबर काम है ना… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge with Steffi!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge with Steffi!Video Information [Musik] Dream under the moon remember more Shadow inra dark Wh you can’t lose you can lose with fire in your [Musik] stand to the sun and R you can [Musik] letross [Musik] [Applaus] [Musik] [Applaus] [Musik] again from where [Musik] you there [Musik] [Musik] you through the sun and you [Musik] can [Applaus] [Musik] let [Musik] jo Leute seid ihr am Start alles gut bei euch habt ihr Bock auf einen wahnsinnig wundertollen Stream ja ich glaube schon oh falsche Szene moin Leute freut mich dass ihr mit dabei seid und moin Steffi ja hallo kann man… Read More

  • Insane Upgrades at Mob Museum + Epic Wither Skull Hunt! 😱

    Insane Upgrades at Mob Museum + Epic Wither Skull Hunt! 😱Video Information [Music] la n n [Music] it’s so all under control welcome welcome welcome everybody back to the channel and uh welcome back to a brand new stream where I am not late everybody don’t ever say that cuz I’m not the music’s working the camera’s working and bad’s audio is working hello there we go it’s definitely working awesome yeah welcome everybody to a very out of breath Chazzy boy stream there’s a lot of you here and I uh I already don’t have any breath in me Vindicator welcome back Rosa welcome back BG potato welcome back… Read More

  • EPIC 4x Blood vs 3x Ice Battle! Who Will Win?

    EPIC 4x Blood vs 3x Ice Battle! Who Will Win?Video Information kestikleri kaçıramadım zaten genelde benim gibi Oğlum bu çocuk öldü öldü öldü öldü helal lan sana [ __ ] koyduğum bayıldı öldü bir kalp öldü öldü bir kal bir kalp öü gelbes Nasıl keseceğim o zaman Kes öldü öldü Kanka tespit dedim öldüm ya ATM misin sen k This video, titled ‘4x Kan 3 x Buz kan buz la adam kesme nether sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by PhoenixYouTube on 2024-04-02 21:02:32. It has garnered 1288 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:48 or 108 seconds. rozzy rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build: Parrot House Madness! #minecraft

    Ultimate Gamer Build: Parrot House Madness! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Parrot House#minecraft#game#gaming#gameplay’, was uploaded by BG_ Galaxy_Gamer on 2024-02-16 23:30:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. active and passive voice in hindi ca r songs bhutiya short ayush video minecraft portal skibdi toilet herobrine charmander fruits gta … Read More

  • SCPMinecraft

    SCPMinecraftHello, Welcome to SCP: Minecraft The Best SCP Server You will find! We have: Custom SCP’s! Playable SCP’s Good Moderation Completly Vanila Teamchanging Nice Community! Game Nights Read More

  • Gods101 – Factions 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    Welcome to Gods101! Experience intense PVP and PVE action on our 1/1 Deaths till Raidable Faction server. Raid rival factions, defeat bosses, and level up your skills to become a God in our world! Check out our trailer here. Join us at now! Read More

  • Squeek’s Minecraft Server

    Squeek's Minecraft Serverv1.20.4 (I do not know why it is listing as 1.20.5) server is only live while I am! It is a classic 1 hour deathban server. If anyone dies on the server, they are banned for an hour. I am not immune to the deathban. Come find and kill me if you so desire. It has happened once before! xD my Discord for an updated schedule and to receive notifications for when I go live. I stick to the week-of schedule I post every Sunday. You will have every opportunity to plan to play along with everyone else! Deathbans are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Watch out, Minecraft style: WATCH OUOHHH FROM THE TOP ROPES!

    Minecraft Memes - Watch out, Minecraft style: WATCH OUOHHH FROM THE TOP ROPES!Looks like this meme is not just mining for compliments, it’s also diving off the top ropes for laughs! Read More