Insane Minecraft Adventure: Deadly Tombstone & Neural Networks in All The Mods 8 #4

Video Information

So you thought four episodes in I might have given up on the bees right right I can’t possibly do even more I’ve got at least stop and do infrastructure or something right right yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right this is definitely not an episode about bees hello everybody I’m Martin welcome to

Another episode of all the mods eight where every episode is about bees except maybe parts of this one but first we should go in through and talk about the couple changes they made because clearly there’s some new stuff in here the main thing was setting up a bunch of iron

Furnaces here that are powered off of my excess wax because I have thousands of it and it has virtually no uses outside of candles or as fuel so I’m using it to process all of the ores into ingots here as well as to cook up some bamboo in a

Botany pot because I’m using a whole lot of that dried bamboo in my buildings outside over there so you know that makes things a lot easier I also added a couple more drawers on a couple of materials we now have Redstone and glowstone cooking as well as nether

Quartz so all in all I actually had a pretty productive week working on this stuff I also changed the layout of this a little bit and changed the colors because people were making fun of my rainbow eucalyptus and for frankly I didn’t think it went very well with the

Red and the floor here changed out the railings on the side to make them not be a poopy colored dark oak probably need to work on the roost but I still need to add a second layer here anyways so the roofs have to get torn off but we are

Not doing that today we are letting it fade tonight because we need to have a very uncomfortable talk about death and by death I mean we’re going to talk about corel’s Tombstone today which is one of the odd additions in this pack because most people will run into it the

Very first time they die which in this pack from what I’ve seen happens very very quickly just through random mishaps if not something intentional or you know the occasional random scary mob that pops up because there is some uh there are some dangerous stuff if you don’t

Have gear that pops up pretty early like the Wild and mouse or Mars Nouveau but as I showed way back in the first episode this is one of the mods that has its own skill tree and you can either access it via a an assigned hotkey or

Via the command line command TB GUI and it brings up the perks list which shows you all the things it can do and one of the more important things you can do is just straight up stop you from losing XP on death which you know seems kind of

Important right but it does a bunch of other things like a chance to give you an improved grave key which will let you teleport straight to your grave which is a dubious use if say you were killed by a warden Your Grave is still in the extra a currently spawned Ward

Not the smartest of ideas and things like extracting enchantments from equipment and putting around to books this lets you pull more of them off at a time but the one I’m most kind of interested in is Necromancer over here which gives you a chance to become Undead somehow and I don’t actually know

How this one works but I’m apparently not evil enough for this now I do want to point out one of the most important parts of the screen at least when you first come into this is to hit the configuration screen because this lets you set up your personalized gravestone

Which lets you set colors and text and stuff that I this I can’t modify unfortunately but it does let you change the type of grave that you drop to be frankly relatively fancy but I’m going to go with this more mundane one right here and there’s some

Settings you can change in here but the important part is the variance that you hit save and you get a present and that present always gives you the essence of undeath now you can get these by killing Undead at a very low rate I believe but

You need this to get started on the pack by making a decorative grave so that you can pray at it to help you get more XP faster so I think let’s try to put one of these together real fast probably this one right here we need some white

Marble which we can make with bone meal grave dust which we’ve been getting from killing Undead and stone however this is only the first step we also need an anchor prey which requires more grave dust thankfully I had 12 a gold some gold and some sticks which is not all

That expensive and now we have that as well now we just need to place the grave down somewhere I think I’m just going to put it by my portal here for now drop it down like that and we should be able to right click this with the ankh to pray

Which got us some more knowledge not a whole lot but you can do this every half hour or so I think and every half hour a soul might pop out of this I believe which might give us which gives us some more options to do oh every three hours

It’s on cooldown for quite a while that’s interesting anyhow we have some other things we need to do because we should go get a skeleton and maybe a zombie spawner so we have Undead to bash we’re also gonna have to go make a kill room somewhere that that part’s going to

Be a little bit more problematic now in this pack you can actually safely remove spawners with a silk touch pickaxe which my brass one is so we can just grab this and Boop there it goes one of the things we’re going to want to do to set up this

Mob farm real fast with these spawners is get a mod fan to push them towards us because we’re going to want this to be a manual kill Farm because I’m going to one that has to kill them I believe to get the experience I think this will

Work at least but we will try all right so I’m gonna tight little cramped kill box here in the small mine that I’ve gotten near my base I’ve got a fan set in the back and a Redstone light and this is all turned off I’m just doing this via normal Redstone circuitry here

There’s a signal that passes over from the lever over to here to turn on the light and it comes back here and inverts a redstone torch to turn off the fan if I flip that switch back over there it’ll turn the light off turn the

Fan on and we should be good to go I was also going to get fancy and put in some sort of accumulator or something to gather all the drops and then I realized I don’t need to this is a manual kill box I’m going to be standing right here

And everything’s going to die right here so I just set up a hopper chain and then a chest to dump it all into the other neat thing about the apotheosis spawners is they’re upgradable and you can add things to them to increase the stats on them right now the only thing I can

Realistically actually do is lower the Min spawn time with sugar because sugar is super cheap the rest of this I don’t really have I mean I could add Redstone control but I don’t really need it to turn it off I can just use the light to do that but there’s some interesting

Things in here like ignores conditions which requires the dragon egg or ignores the players or turns off the AI things like that alright so I gave this a quick test it appears to be working just fine uh the main thing I did have to change was adding a second row of Hoppers

Behind the first one because things are getting bounced back a little bit so stuff was lending back there the biggest you should think I’m going to run into is that equipment drops in here so this storage is probably definitely not big enough but I’m also not seeing any uh

Grave dust or Essences of Undead yet I also don’t know if this Wither Skeleton spawner is working or not which I mostly put in here just in case I could get skulls out of it early okay yeah equipment’s definitely a problem because we’re already jammed up and the grave

Dust is sitting right here so I’ve already gotten one it just didn’t make it over so I need to do something about how we’re going to be storing this up because I’m actually going to want to keep a lot of this stuff too probably disenchant it I may just want to look

Into the industrial foregrounding enchantment extractor although these machines aren’t all that cheap to make so I need to be able to make plastic which I don’t think I can do and I need these Advanced machine frames which require pink slime among other things Corral does have its own innate way to

Strip enchantments but I don’t know how quick it’s going to be we’re still learning how this works well the good news is I don’t think we need to manually kill those mobs I could set that up as a proper mob for them once I have the materials to do like a mob mesh

Or something and then we can do that but the equipment’s still going to be a major problem it’s still very very full very very quickly in there so I need to stop and think about that but now what we need to wait to do is see if we’ve

Got a sole on this and that’s going to take a little bit so I gotta wait around it is kind of spooky at night though because if you go into the compendium here there is quite a bit of information about this pack although unfortunately a lot of the descriptions aren’t massively

Helpful but one of the things you can do with the grave soul is enchant various items and this is the list including Magic books on items in your main hand I believe I’m gonna have to test that out to see if that works and they do also

Have the means to disenchant items which that’s what I need it looks like there’s a book of disenchantment that lets you do this but it looks like this book book uses an awful lot of grave dust to get the items off so I don’t know how viable

This actually is although it looks like I do have a productive beep eventually that does create grave dust so well this is all very confusing and I uh I don’t feel like it came out of that even more light than I was before so I took a

Break while I was trying to figure out how the grave Souls work and this is the part that episode where I break the video making magic for you because you probably saw the previous episode of thumbnail and went hey Ard nothing in that episode looked like this room well

That’s because I made the thumbnail in between making these episodes yep I did this right now so uh I’m moving right along so uh did you know that Redstone bees emit Redstone pulses because uh I sure didn’t that made my uh beehive build here kind of a mess

Because I had doors and these guys can open doors so I guess they now get to be walled in forever with the glowing bees permanently best friends forever alright so I finally figured out the grave souls and it turns out I just wasn’t patient enough they just take time to recharge

It’ll have this purple glowing orb on top of it when it’s ready I don’t know if they’re guaranteed or not it sure seems like they probably are to some extent I’ve also seen rumor that there’s blue versions of these that count as two Souls but they do get consumed on use so

To disenchant something the first thing you need is a book of disenchantment which is a bunch of grave Dustin then a book and some lapis you hold that and you’re off hand then you take the item you want to disenchant in this case I’m going to do this iron helmet which has three

Enchants on it turn and face the altar and then right click it and it strips all the enchantments off and gives you a book for each one of them which given that it only used up one book to make the book of a disenchantment is actually a pretty good deal given like the

Enchantment extractor from industrial foregoing requires a book for each one you want to take off so that’s actually pretty neat this is actually pretty decent I don’t know how easy this is to automate it it may not be at all I I actually can’t even think of a way off

Hand since you have to have something in both hands right now but to scale this up what we’re going to need is more of these gravestones the problem is we need more of those Essences on death and I have killed a lot of skeletons and zombies and I’ve gotten nothing from

Them for that now that said my sword has neither looting nor sweeping on it so I’m not exactly well set up to go farm them and honestly I probably should automate it and I’ve got a couple options there’s the mob masher from Mob grinding utils which is basically the

Same as it was from dark utils and all the other versions of this in the past where you take it and you add upgrades too to get better drop the stuff I might do that I can’t remember if this requires power or not but it should work

The problem is killing all those mobs durians a ton of armor and I haven’t found a good way to dispose of it shorted using a diamond upgrade from pipes and the problem is you have to list every single item you want to keep in the filter absolutely do not use

Diamond another right pipes upgrades I discovered this after I made this episode we’ll go into it more next episode sorry folks and while I haven’t found the essence of undeath yet so I’ve got a chest up there to test out the drops but like until I get the essence

That’s uh that’s not a no-go there is also hostile neural networks which is a remake of another one called Deep mob learning which lets you set up a box that simulates killing the mobs and generates Loot and this is actually relatively cheap to make in theory it

Doesn’t look like that bad but you also need to make the absolute fabricator which requires well another right and I haven’t found netherite so I might go look for some netherrite real fast to see if I’ve got so I also may not have enough power to run this but it might be

Worth checking into this my other problem is that I don’t know if it drops the non-vanilla drops when you use that I will have to test that to find out so I guess give me a little bit to try to find some nether right-hand uh I guess cross your fingers because this

Could take a bit alright so I found five pieces it took a bit and I made a squeezer because that’s the closest I can get for more multiplication on these right now it only gives a chance on the second piece but it’s a pretty good chance and we only need four anyways for

Single Ingot but at least it’s cheap to make smashy smashy well I think I might have found another bug the actual squeezer I could never get working I could always get it down to the last Stomp and then nothing never spit out not when I was

Using the ancient debris and not when I was using mineral logs to try to use the drying Basin right there so uh I upgraded the electric one let’s hope this works better toss that in watch it stomp it down here and out comes our netherite scraps and

Thankfully we only need four of these because I actually want to hold on to the extras for now because there is actually a bee that can make another right but you need netherrite blocks to pollinate for it which I guess we could make these more but I would rather have

As much multiplication as I can out of it before I start making this but there we go our very first nether riding bit and you might think this would be a momentous occasion being 119 and being relatively new to me but um I swear I’m like the last person on the server to

Get another ride and it’s super easy to get once you have things like the digital Miner so uh I guess hooray that I finally have another right but we’re going to need a simulation chamber a loot fabricator a deep learner and a model framework so we’re going to put the loop fabricator

And the simulation chamber bin or base for now and we’re going to take the model framework and right click a skeleton with it then we’re going to shift right click the Deep learner and put the model in here and from now we’re gonna go kill some skeletons I think we

Could do more than one at a time we could probably do zombies as well I probably should go do that real fast but to give you an idea of how this works you once you have it you then just start killing mobs and looking at this you can

See it’s a faulty model with four or six data collected and we need to get it to basic before we can put it into the simulation chamber and there we go that was pretty quick now here’s the part that could go very very wrong I probably

Don’t a lot of power for the simulation chamber but I guess let’s find out now you’ll notice that when we open this up it says model accuracy 12.08 that’s because we need to train it some more but now that we have it in here we can train it without having to kill stuff

Ourselves but you notice that it says it needs prediction matrixes which are frankly pretty easy to make at this point so we can just slot those in and it says it’s starting here it does look like maybe our power can just barely not keep up I might be able

To increase our pipes to fix this but it looks like we’re good to go for at least a while here but you noticed that you use the prediction Matrix and then kicked out some generalized Overworld prediction which however is not the skeleton prediction we had wanted other

Than that I’m looking at the skeleton prediction this looks like it can only do vanilla so I probably should have looked ahead here huh but these also let us make other random bits and Bobs so I don’t think this solves my problem unfortunately you know what

This is what I get for not doing my research folks so I guess I’m going to keep killing stuff manually and or create an actual manual one but uh I learned a lot today and this is actually pretty neat mod and still has some actually solid uses because we can plug

In all sorts of other monster models to get some basic loot out of them because like why farm shulkers when we can just toss them into here and get it this way seems like it still has some pretty good uses overall eh anyhow uh I think that’s

What I’m gonna call it for today folks we didn’t make it as far as I would have liked but um this is actually still from really good progress and we learned a lot today so if you found this episode interesting entertaining please consider like or subscribe if you’re new as

Always I’m Ard thank you for watching and have a nice day

This video, titled ‘Starting into Corail Tombstone and Hostile Neural Networks – Minecraft: All The Mods 8 #4’, was uploaded by Ard on 2023-01-14 17:00:26. It has garnered 8096 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:52 or 952 seconds.

In this episode of All the Mods 8, we go off into left field and start working on Corail Tombstone. We start out setting up a decorative grave to work with grave souls for disenchanting, move on to making an apotheosis mob farm, and then end by setting up Hostile Neural Networks without first looking in JEI to make sure the drops we want can even be gotten by it. Oops.

#allthemods8 #atm8 #moddedminecraft #minecraft #letsplay

00:00 Intro 01:32 Starting into Corail Tombstone 04:29 Setting up a Skeleton Farm for Grave Dust with Apotheosis Spawners 09:15 Disenchanting with Corail Tombstone Grave Souls 11:28 Hostile Neural Networks for Mob Drops and Failing to Read JEI

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    🍌Parotter's Memorys🍌 - INSANE Axolotl Pranks!! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Foolish Axolotl best funny minecraft ANIME😂’, was uploaded by 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 on 2024-01-12 10:00:17. It has garnered 7598 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hi I’m Parotter! welcome to my foolish Axolotl channel😍 ~~~~follow please😘👌~~~~~ 📸Instagram : 🐔Twitter: 💖sourcev My anime uses the voices of many Hololive talents→ Please also check out their content😁👍 ~SFX credit~ OtoLogic on-jin and more, check it!!→ #shorts #hololive #MINECRAFT #Parotter #minecraftmemes #axolotl #Minecraft #tiktok #tiktokmeme #blender #herobrine #cute #crazy #fool #funny #maya #japan #animation #japanimation #anime #gaming #game… Read More

  • McSwiggers Survival

    McSwiggers SurvivalPure Survival. Have fun. Don’t hack. Server started on Saturday, August 12 at 9pm ET. Server still new. Invite your friends! Don’t be rude. Have fun. Join the Disc… Read More

  • Nerdcrafteria Network – Multiple Game Types – Family Friendly – Vlog Brothers – DFTBA – 1.20.4

    NERDCRAFTERIA Welcome to NERDCRAFTERIA! Server IP: Minecraft version: 1.20.4 NERDCRAFTERIA is the official Minecraft server by Nerdfighters, for Nerdfighters! Players work together to create a fun environment with multiple worlds to enjoy! NERDCRAFTERIA is owned by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers. Join us for a family-friendly gaming experience while supporting a good cause! Motto: DFTBA! Visit our Donation store to contribute towards The Foundation to Decrease World Suck. More Information available on our website, Discord, and server tour video. We hope to see you on the server! Read More

  • Hideout SMP

    Hideout SMPwelcome to Hideout SMP! – the ultimate Minecraft 1.20.4 server for those who want a perfect mix of Survival multiplayer and minigames. Connect with us via die IP and immerse yourself in a world full of adventure and fun!Main features of our server:Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Community and collaboration:Experience the true SMP feeling in an active and friendly Community. Build, survive and explore together with other players. Economic system:Trade, buy and sell! Use our sophisticated Economic system to increase your wealth and rare itemsto get hold of. Protection system: With With our land claiming plugin you can protect your area… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper craters are the spice of life

    Looks like Minecraft is the only relationship this person will be building! Read More

  • Unbelievable Tornado Chaos // Minewind

    Unbelievable Tornado Chaos // MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘The tornado incident // Minewind’, was uploaded by W0O on 2024-06-11 01:32:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: 100 Days, Desert Isle, Modded Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: 100 Days, Desert Isle, Modded Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a challenge was set, Surviving 100 days on an island, you bet. Zombies everywhere, a true test of might, But our narrator’s here to shed some light. From day 1 to 25, the struggle begins, Gathering resources, fighting off sins. Day 26 to 50, the tension grows, But our survivor’s spirit only shows. Day 50 to 75, the stakes are high, But with determination, they reach for the sky. And finally, day 75 to 100, the end in sight, Our hero’s journey, a true delight. With music from Epidemic Sounds to set the tone,… Read More

  • “Surviving Minecraft: The Ore-Deal Escape” 🔥😂 #shorts #meme

    "Surviving Minecraft: The Ore-Deal Escape" 🔥😂 #shorts #meme Looks like those 0.001% are the real ORE-gon Trailblazers in Minecraft! Read More

  • Invading a Nether Bastion in Minecraft Hardcore

    Invading a Nether Bastion in Minecraft Hardcore Exploring the Nether and Raiding a Bastion in Minecraft Hardcore On the ninth day of their Minecraft Hardcore adventure, the players embarked on a thrilling journey into the Nether, a dangerous dimension filled with lava, hostile mobs, and valuable resources. Armed with their wits and gear, they braved the fiery landscape in search of rare materials and new challenges. Into the Nether Stepping through the portal, the players found themselves in a harsh and unforgiving environment. The eerie glow of lava and the distant sounds of ghasts set the tone for their expedition. Armed with potions and enchanted gear,… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a trending YouTube video titled “Kurt Müslüman !” which seems to have caught the attention of many players. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the diverse and engaging community that exists within the Minecraft universe. As you watch players explore new adventures and embark on unique quests, you may find yourself wanting to join in on the fun. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its… Read More

  • EPIC Skyrim Bingo Challenge w/ STRYDERMANN – Part 1

    EPIC Skyrim Bingo Challenge w/ STRYDERMANN - Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Skyrim Bingo Time Part 1’, was uploaded by STRYDERMANN on 2024-06-09 07:10:11. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:18 or 7398 seconds. its minecraft. thats what you need to know Join the Discord – Follow me on Twitter – How Long will I last? Check out for the live stream Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hacks: Viral Tricks!

    Minecraft TikTok Hacks: Viral Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT VIRAL TIKTOK HACK || MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS || TIKTOK HACK || MINECRAFT HACK#shorts#viral’, was uploaded by Anurag99gamerz on 2024-01-11 00:45:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shortsfeed ,#minecraft minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft viral tiktok hacks minecraft viral tiktok hack minecraft tiktok hacks in hindi … Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel Skyblock Dupe Trick Exposed!

    Ultimate Hypixel Skyblock Dupe Trick Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free hypixel skyblock dupe’, was uploaded by devious duper on 2024-05-27 18:05:03. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:08 or 128 seconds. Dupe link: [youtube] search tags: hypixel, hypixel skyblock, minecraft, hypixel minecraft, minecraft skyblock, minecraft hypixel skyblock, hyperion, terminator, gdrag, golden dragon, level 200 golden dragon, ender dragon, 1b, 100m, warden helmet, judgement core, necron’s handle, necron’s scroll, warden heart, claymore, dark claymore, will water prism, willwaterprism, refraction, ratfraction, thirty virus, average sweat, rage train, pigical, presnt, agromc, masskill, xzap, timedeo, theoriginalace, technoblade, dream, itsprix,… Read More

  • Ultimate Epic Showdown: Steve vs Mobs 😱 #minecraft

    Ultimate Epic Showdown: Steve vs Mobs 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘STEVE VS ALL MOBS😈 | #minecraft#gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by TOTEM_PLAYZ👑 on 2024-02-13 13:11:54. It has garnered 2560 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft free fire call of duty clash of clans bgmi pubg techno gamerz ujjwal anshu bisht niz gamer mosambi total gaming BY TOTEM chapati hindustani gamer proboiz95 yug playz psd senpai spider mr lapis its dip Bebu mc addon dream smarty pie technoblade pewdipie junkeyy trigerred insaan psd extras live insaan vikspot Ron9ie devXd jack bhaiya hindustani gamer loggy gamer sourav joshi vlogs piyush… Read More

  • Minecraft God Mode: Insane Weapons VS Enemies

    Minecraft God Mode: Insane Weapons VS EnemiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fighting Enemy in Minecraft (The weapons I made it in Creative)’, was uploaded by DonliQ on 2024-03-12 07:56:06. It has garnered 42 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:58 or 598 seconds. Even Minecraft also suss to me Read More


    SHOCKING RETURN! Rotjoch UNLEASHES FireRed #1Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ZIJN TERUG – Pokemon FireRed #1’, was uploaded by Rotjoch on 2024-02-09 14:00:08. It has garnered 1307 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. ➤ ➤ Click here to subscribe: ➤ My Minecraft server: ➤ My upload schedule: ————————————————– ————— Also follow me on: ➤ Twitter: ➤ Instagram: ————————————————– ————— All playlists: Minetopia: Viewer’s folder: Random video`s: GTA V Funny Moments: ARK Survival: Hello my name is Dylan! You may know me better as Rotjoch. On this… Read More

  • Minecraft with RexaPLG + Special Guest 🐘 | Live on Anya Marshall Ch.【POLYGON】

    Minecraft with RexaPLG + Special Guest 🐘 | Live on Anya Marshall Ch.【POLYGON】Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | 【 Game 】Minecraft ครั้งที่สองในชีวิต Ft.@RexaPLG | ANYA 🐘 | Minecraft #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Anya Marshall Ch. 【POLYGON】 on 2024-04-17 17:50:50. It has garnered 2389 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:54 or 11454 seconds. Donate to Ania here. #thatsnotmyneighbor #Anya #VTUBER #polygonproject Vforgeshop : Credit BGM used ————————————————– 🐘 Anya A. Marshall YouTube : Facebook : Twitter : TikTok : POLYGON HIGHSCHOOL MEMBER ———————————————— 🦖 Tiara Rexa YouTube : Facebook : Twitter : TikTok :… Read More