Insane Minecraft Build Hacks!

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today I’m going to be showing you some 1.21 build hacks ranging from very useful like this fence all the way to the most cursed build hacks ever and at the end of the video I’m going to be making a house using only new blocks to show you just how good these build hacks really are this is chiseled copper and because of this cool X design on the sides of the block it actually makes a really nice crate if placed with some other crate looking things and if you place these blocks in a 2X two like this and then Place signs all around the sides you can make an even bigger and better you can also mix in some of the BR new copper trap doors on the side of the crates and you can even change the middle block to make some empty looking crates or we can just remove the Block in the middle completely and we get a cool little animal house I promise I’m going to let him out guys if you want to make a more Humane Pet house you can place some trap doors like this add some Carpets on the bottom and then put the new heavy core in the front which kind of looks like a food bowl and if you want some more food for your pet you can place a chiseled copper like this and put a sea pickle on the top and it kind of looks like a melon or something we should probably just stick to the actual melon though I don’t know if I cooked with this one you can place some copper trap doors on top of campfires like this to make a cool looking stove and now we can cook the melon if we want and if you want to make a chair to sit down and have a meal here’s one chair design using the new trap doors and here is another this chair is a little bit goofy in real life it would be like 3 m tall another new block coming in 1.21 is the crafter which surprisingly has a lot of different building use to start you can make a stove by by placing the crafter on top of some campfires and then adding a few more kitchen details like this and you can also use a crafter as cabinets if you place it facing this way instead who knew the crafter was The Ultimate Kitchen block the bottom of the crafter can also be used as a roof so I guess that makes it the third time it’s used in this kitchen and if you place it on the ground it kind of looks like some kind of mat that is meant to keep the floor clean might as well just build the whole house out of Crafters at this point more household items that can be built with a crafter is this PC where the crafter is used to monitor or you can go all out and build a flat screen TV using two different angles of the crafter like this don’t mind me just sitting on my crafter couch watching my crafter TV you can also place a crafter like this and then put a few seats around it to create an actual functioning game of tic tac toe okay how am I losing to myself and if you want to protect your house from Intruders you can use the crafter as a keypad like this if you place a tough wall with a trap door on each side and then add a crafter on top and place a few more details like this you can make a telephone booth looking thing like this and if you look at this side of the crafter it kind of looks like a face which means you’re actually able to build the crafter man like this now I know why we installed the security on the first door this guy is not messing around coming up next we have a few build hacks that are pretty tough tough bricks look kind of like stone bricks so you can mix them together to make a nice looking pattern just like how chisel tough and Polished tough go together nicely if you place them on the floor you can also use the top of chiseled tough bricks to make a really satisfying floor design like this this is so cool it almost looks like it’s 3D and if you take the side of regular chiseled tff and place it in a cave it kind of looks like old transcriptions on the wall this doesn’t really work the same with chiseled tough bricks though it kind of looks out of place these brand new chiseled tough blocks can be used to make really nice looking pillars because of their Unique Designs and if you want to make a fence out of tough walls it actually looks really nice mixing them all together you can even put one more block up on some parts like this and then place a heavy core on top and it kind of looks like a light that isn’t on if you pair the new tough walls with a few iron blocks like this it looks like some kind of power station thing that would probably look good on top of a building or something and I also found this robot guy you can make which uses all the new blocks in the build including the heavy cores for the eyes I don’t know why but it kind of looks more like a frog than a robot speaking of heavy cores the heavy core is actually a really useful block for builds well it probably is for someone who actually knows how to build but still you can place it on top of a table like this and it kind of looks like a mug or a thermos and as we saw earlier if you place it in an item frame it kind of looks like eyes which is especially scary if you just place it around a dark cave like this I’d say I sure hope no one’s watching me but this is a video so I hope you are a mace is made from a heavy core and it kind of looks like a utensil when it’s placed on the table from earlier and if you want to use the heavy ks’s eyes without an item frame I accidentally built this crab out of tough you can also build this crab out of copper if you prefer your crabs to be cooked before you put eyes on them remember what we could have had instead of the armadillo now obviously our crab is pretty cursed but there are some even more insane build hacks coming later in this video but first we have these copper trees which are just oak trees except the leaves are replaced with copper grates and if you really want to 1.21 ify this you can replace the logs with a tough block of your choice to really make this look like a 100% real tree you can also place a bunch of water beside your tree like this and you can even make one of these water lies with a copper trapo and a coral fan on top why is this thing called a brain coral fan what is Minecraft hiding from us whatever they’re hiding is probably in these pipes which you can make out of copper trap doors like this and if you want to just make a bridge out of copper trap doors you can do that not really sure if this is a build hack though it’s just a bridge copper grates are really useful is since they are SE through you can use them to make Windows like this guys I swear I’m not in prison and if you want to use them for something that looks less like you committed a crime you can make some fences by mixing them with other copper blocks as well you can also just switch the grates out for a trapo for a different window design and this also works with the fences although it looks a lot easier for trespassers to climb them now the copper bulb is a new block that emits light and you know what that means lamps you can make this simple lamp design using either oxidized or normal copper plus some similar colored fences like this or if you want to be fancier you can place some copper blocks as a base like this put a tough wall above it here and then add some fences on top of the wall and finally a slab A trapo and A bulb like this now this is a better looking lamp than the first one but if you want to be even fancier you can make a double lamp like this and honestly I think this one is a little bit too over kill I mean why do we even need a third Lantern in the middle and with these lamps you’re probably going to want to add a road underneath them so that they have something to actually light up and if you want to add a sewer entrance you can move two of the stairs so that they are facing like this and then add some copper grates underneath to look like a cool sewer entrance just make sure that you don’t accidentally drop your phone in it now it’s almost time for some cursed build hacks but first we have this Copper gear which can be made using some of the new copper blocks and if this gear is too much for you you can shrink it down a bit like this if we remove the trap doors you can also place a copper block on the roof of a cave and then place a wall and a fence underneath to make an artificial dripstone like this and this actually comes in both colors as you can see although the oxidized one looks more like an icicle than a drip Stone another thing you can hang on the roof is a copper bulb like this to make another type of lamp and if you want to build a copper staircase you can now add some copper grates underneath the stairs and also put some copper trap doors on the sides for more detail if you want to add some scary Windows to your house you can use the new trial spawners as an ominous window design like this and this can also be used as a fence design if you have some kind of Haunted Mansion or something a trial spawner can also be used as a bird cage if you right click on it with a parrot spawn eggs so it traps the bird inside of course this is except for the fire and the spinning and the fact that it spawns parrots okay that one was kind of bad I’m not going to lie an ominous key can kind of look like a painting of a tree if you place it in an item frame on the wall of your house and another thing that can go in an item frame is a breeze Rod paired with a blaze rod which is meant to look like the hot and cold on a water tap something that’s less of a build hack and more of a cool trick is this wind charge launcher which you can make by angling four dispensers full of wind charges towards you okay I don’t know how it turned infinite but I’m not complaining it’s kind of like a trampoline now if you place some copper bulbs like this and then put some tough in the middle you can create a portal to the secret copper Dimension and now it’s time to show you some absolutely cursed build hacks that should not be used ever mainly because they’re really stupid first off if you throw a wind charge and then use the new SL take freeze command you can make a really cool smoke effect that you can use in your builds although now the entire rest of the game is frozen so this might not be that useful you can also trap a bogg in some sand like this and it will make it look like someone died while traveling the desert when an armadillo rolls up into a ball you can use this opportunity to use the armadillo is a soccer ball that you can even play with using a knockback sword like this and a rolled up armadillo can also look like some boxes on the ground or on some shelves depending on where you place it just like earlier if you put a bogg in some powdered snow it will look like somebody died while traveling in the snow the only problem with this one is that the bog actually does die in the snow eventually and finally if you spawn a breeze in some water it kind of looks like a jellyfish okay yeah that’s enough cursed build tax that one was insanely stupid this is a street drain that is built bu using the new copper grates as well as some tough blocks and it’s a shame that you can’t water log the copper grates as this would actually be really cool and if you just place a cober bulb in the sky like this and add a lever underneath it can look like one of those floating lanterns that are for Chinese New Year I think I’m probably wrong about that don’t get mad at me you can also switch the copper bulb out for one of these frog lights like this and then you can place either oxidized trap doors or regular copper trap doors on the outside for another one of these lamp designs as well and now with these trap doors you can also use them as a curtain thing on the side of your windows instead of using them as Windows like we did earlier and if you want to make another lamp like we haven’t made enough already we can place some of the new tough blocks like this and then put a copper bulb with copper trap doors around it like this and another weird lamp design I’ve seen is this copper bulb on top of a dragon egg with some buttons on it so you can actually turn it on and off and somehow I forgot the fact that these new trap doors can be used as railings on the side of like a factory upper level and you can also Place some copper grates to make a nice floor to go with the trapo railings as well and we can finally make a power station using some of the blocks like this to complete our Factory for these next build hacks I decided to go find them in the new structure the trial Chambers and the first one is just using these copper grates as like an entry to a tunnel type of thing you could also use these copper grates as like support beams on the roof similar to how they are used in the structure here and there are some really cool mixes of tough blocks used in the wall design of this structure which isn’t really a build hack but it’s still pretty useful to no I also found out that you can actually water log these grates which makes the street drain from earlier look a lot better now that I know this and you can also build the face of a breeze like this if you ever wanted to do this although I’m not really sure why you would this combo of blocks looks pretty cool in the middle of a fountain and you can use these trap doors to make little hidden tunnels inside of your builds as well the end of this tunnel looks pretty cool especially with the X in the middle it kind of looks like one of those things you have to turn to open a vault door and probably my favorite Mojang approved build that I found is a secret room in the trial Chambers which isn’t a build hack but I just thought it was cool that I found a secret room there’s also another secret room this is so cool and that concludes the trial Chambers build hacks I’m honestly surprised I even found any now that we’ve seen all these different build hacks it’s time to put my skills to the test because in the next 20 minutes I’m going to be building a house using only 1.21 blocks I started by making an outline out of only copper blocks mixing some chiseled copper and trap doors in as well and then I started building a wall using all different types of tough kind of like how they do it in the trial Chambers I then built a roof using more of these copper blocks and once I finished the outline of the house this is what it looked like I’m surprised this even looks good next I added some windows out of the copper grates with trap doors on the side and I used the new tough slabs and walls to add a little bit more detail to the front of the house we’ll just pretend I did this on the other sides as well now let’s fill in the floor with one of the tough patterns from earlier and I’m also going to add a staircase using the new copper grates underneath and the trap doors will act as railings as well next I decked out the bottom floor with some of the crafter build hacks from earlier and then I built a crafter TV on the top floor like this to finally give the outside a bit of detail I added some copper bulb lamps like this and then I made a road like we saw earlier so I could use the storm drain build hack then finally I added some detail that doesn’t use 1.21 blocks but it just makes the house look a little bit nicer overall yeah I guess the 1.21 blocks are actually really useful I somehow made a house that looks really good also the different Co blocks are intentional I definitely didn’t use normal copper instead of waxed by accident this is a TV that sort of looks like plankton for some reason and to build this you need to place an item frame with a glass pane over a stone block and then you have to throw two Trident at the top like this you can also build a laptop using a similar setup except using a pressure plate and trapo instead another household item you can build with a pressure plate and trapo is a chair which is basically just a laptop on top of scaffolding there’s also another chair which you can build using any type of wood but it’s a little big and there’s this chair you can make as well which actually looks pretty cool just make sure you don’t fall through the cushion while you’re sitting on it something that is in almost everyone’s house is a chandelier what you don’t have one okay maybe it’s not this fancy but I’m sure everyone has a small chandelier that can be built like this with signs all around the outside of it it’s more like a lamp I’m pretty sure but calling it a chandelier makes it seem fancy if you want to build a kitchen you’ll probably need a fridge and luckily you can build one using quartz some item frames with this slab in it and some banners and if you even want want to take this a step further you can place a dispenser behind the banner and then put some food in it so it’s more realistic speaking of food you can use a waterlock slab to make pasta like this and you can also use a dispenser to place some armor stands inside of a slab and make a tiny grill cooking meat like this if you eat too much food you’re going to want to use the bathroom and luckily you can make a toilet by placing a diamond helmet as water under a stair like this and after using the bathroom you might want to light some scented candles which you can make really long by placing an End Rod underneath finally you can make make a garbage pin that actually works by placing a bunch of paintings around a cactus and if for some reason you want a large clock in your house you can build one by placing some slabs on the side a slab and sign like this a block with an item frame on top and then a bell in the middle it’s supposed to do that every hour this very large trophy that definitely wouldn’t fit on a shelf and a super large rifle that is made out of wood which really has me questioning if it would work you can also make a witch pot which is just a respawn anchor with trap doors around it and you can make a dragon head that looks like it has a sword going through it and you can even add ketchup that’s definitely what this is if those builds weren’t random enough you can make a guy who got locked up using item frames and an armor stand like this and you can make a Lego brick if you manag to get your hands on some colored heads if you didn’t like the idea of killing the ender dragon earlier you can just make a regular upside down sword like this and by placing a carpet underneath a block like this and then putting an armor stand through it you can create a chest board by giving it a chain helmet and putting a pressure plate underneath it if you build a cube of ice like this and then put a Steve armor stand inside of it you can push some ice on top of him and make a man who is freezing to death you can also make some cracked ice by placing glow Len on top of it and you can build a penguin by using some concrete like this a beak and then placing some banners on the front and the sides you can place a stair in a slab like this some signs on the side and a fence gate on the back to make a sled and if you want to give this sled some power you can attach a dog to the front of it like this come on hurry up go faster if you need more power for your sled you can put some stairs like this add a carpet on the back and then Place some fence gates on the side to make a reindeer okay now this thing should be super fast we got Rudolph pulling it reindeers help deliver gifts so here’s a gift made from a kelp block and candles and here’s a happy kid who just got what he wanted for Christmas I’m not going to let that happen I’m a hater you can make a small tree by placing aelia leaves on top of a dead Bush and you’re even able to make that tree Dead with some Mangrove roots on top instead you can make another cool plant by placing coral on top of some water logged slabs and if you want to make some bull rushes you can place some glass panes like this with a brown candle on top you can also make another type of bull rush like this as seen in my previous build hack video another outdoor build is the swing which is made by placing some upside down lightning rods like this and then putting some trap doors underneath you can also place four trap doors like this with a water locked slab in the middle and then place an egg and some coral on top to make a nest you can even put this in a tree to be more realistic although it looks very unnatural there are a lot of bugs outside and and you can make one of them by placing a button through an item frame like this you can also make a water cart whatever that is by placing some slabs like this with trap doors and some fence gates on the side and then some barrels and a sign on top and a trip wire as a faucet like this another thing with wheels is a wheelbarrow which is made with these three blocks and you can even fill it up by putting some compost in the middle you can place a candle on top of melons and pumpkins to give them a stem or you can use a sea pickle depending on how big you want it to be you can also make a pineapple by putting this Vine thing on top of a shroom light like this and if you want to build a cake you can place a piece of dirt and put some snow on top and then you can add redstone on the top as a strawberry this cake probably tastes really bad though it’s made out of dirt apparently fish barrels are real and you can make a salmon barrel with a raw copper block and some trapd doors on the side or you can change it out for a raw iron block if you want to make a Cod Barrel instead another type of barrel is a honey barrel and this time I’m actually not sure what that is I’ve never heard of a honey Barrel before if you want to make your dinner table look more realistic you can place a pressure plate on top of an item frame and place some food in it to look like a plate like this and you can even add some condiments on the table and place some sea pickles on the side which kind of look like cups so much detail just for you to eat all the food in 2 seconds if you have a dog you can build a small dogghouse by placing five trap doors like this with a couple more trap doors on the top and you can even place a dog bowl on the side to give him something to drink another dog bowl you can do is this design using a decorated pot and pairing them together looks like both food and drink if you don’t have a dog you might have a cat and there’s also a cool cat structure you can build first place a Scaffolding in trap doors like this add some fences on the back and then place a couple Carpets on top and then you have a nice place for your cat to live you might also have a parrot in which you can also give a house well sort of in order to do this build you have to push a piece of glass over top of the parrot which is probably seen as animal cruelty so something you can do that is less cruel is this bird bath which uses a water logged slab and some signs on the side or you can place a hanging sign like this as a perch you are also able to use a Bell if you don’t think the hanging sign looks good enough and you can also build a cage which is slightly less evil and it’s built using fences like this a slab and a trapo on top and a chain and Scaffolding attached underneath this build also exceeds the build size limit for this video but I’m just going to let it slide cuz it looks pretty cool the last build in the pets category is the snail which I’m not really sure if it counts as a pet snails are also really slow so the fact that it doesn’t move might actually not matter something that for some reason isn’t in Minecraft balloons but with a colored block a fence and a little animal cruelty it is actually possible to have balloons in Minecraft another thing that is also not in Minecraft is Hot Springs but that can be changed by placing some trap doors and some campfires underneath a pool of water you can also do the same technique by placing campfires under lava to get some Smoky lava and this time you don’t even need the trap doors I would be careful when swimming in this one though because it might be a little too hot if you’re tired of how the regular TNT looks or just scared of building with it in case something something like this happens then you can actually place a barrel like this and put some signs on the side that say TNT to make an old looking block of TNT you can even highlight the signs in white to make the text stand out and add a candle on top to look like a fuse if you aren’t afraid of using TNT to build you can also place a bunch of TNT like this and then put some candles on top and they will kind of look like individual Dynamite sticks you can even light them if you want but just be careful you don’t accidentally misc if you do set off the TNT by accident it might be possible you need to build a gray and luckily you can do that with three podel blocks like this an anvil a skull of your choice and a couple of flowers and then you have a tiny gravestone for whoever died as a result of your TNT accident another random build hack is this super thin ladder which is just a ladder placed on trap doors and something really cool you can do is Place trap doors alternating like this with ladders on each of them and you can make a one block spaced working ladder these tiki torches which you can make using bamboo fences and if you want to add some extra detail you can attach a mob with a lead to the top but obviously you will have to you can also make one of those bull rush things that are found in swamps and if you want to make corn you can place a bamboo fence on top of two bamboo sticks instead you can also Place some bamboo fences alongside some real bamboo to make it look like dead bamboo and you can even take it a step further with some Oak fences which look extra dead if you want to sell some bamboo on the black market you can place some signs around the bamboo blocks and it will look like it’s packaged up or you can also stack a bunch of bamboo rafts to make a pile of bamboo another cool thing you can do with bamboo is place an item frame underneath a bamboo button to make a block of cheese but this is probably some pretty moldy cheese there are a lot of things you can make with a decorated pot such as this pillar design this tiny lamp or this palm tree which you can even mix with some of the different designs to look like carvings in the wood but something really cool you can do with these pots is if you place one of these in the ground and then you put a carpet on top of it it kind of looks like a pet bowl for your dog or your cat or your person you can also place a pod underneath a moss carpet and depending on what’s around you it can either look like an antill or a land mine if you place these pots with a bunch of gold they kind of look like money bags and if you place them with some TNT and then light a candle on top of it it kind of looks like a bomb that’s about to explode speaking of bombs you can also hang one of these pots from a chain and then put a campfire under it like this and it kind of looks like a cooking pot you can also build a faucet type thing coming out of the ground and then place a glass pane in a podt underneath it to make it look like it’s being filled up with water another cool thing you can do is Place some pots in a palm tree and they will look like coconuts and you can place a pot as a base for a street light like this or you can even place it at the bottom of some bushes which look slightly better than a cauldron you can also place a couple of these pots on top of a house and if you combine this with some cobwebs it actually looks like a chimney but one of the most interesting uses for these pots is to make a punching bag that you are actually able to use in game okay you can’t really use it but you also can’t tell me I’m not punching it now obviously those hacks are cool but it’s time to show you some of the most illegal build hacks known to man if if you apply this armor trim to a leather helmet and then place it one block deep on an armor stand you can use a piston to push a bookshelf through it and it kind of looks like a stray book sitting on top of the Shelf another thing you can do is dig out a big hole and then fill the whole thing with string and after that you can do a little bit of animal cruelty and cover the whole thing up with carpets to get this rug design huh that’s weird it looks like my rug is moving something else you can do with the sniffer is you can place some blocks through a sniffer nose and then add a slab and some signs on the side to get a really interesting cushion design or if you’re really balling you can use a sniffer snout as a base to make a golden sink another thing you can do with a sniffer nose is you can place it in the roof and then put a couple of fences and an End Rod underneath it to make a l okay this one was kind of a stretch you can still see his face something you can do with a camel is you can place its head through a roof and it kind of looks like one of those beheads you see on a wall in some rich guy’s house and you can also spawn a camel on the ground and then Place some sand over top of its head to make it kind of look like a little Sand Dune coming out of the ground you can even place a saddle on top of the cam to make it so you can sit down on the beach with a towel beneath you now those were definitely some illegal build hacks but they still aren’t the best build hacks in this video this is a pumpkin this is a melon and this is an eggplant okay it’s not actually an eggplant it’s Cherrywood with a sea pickle on top but it actually looks pretty close another melon trick you can do is Place bamboo planks with glow lkan beside a pumpkin and it kind of looks like a dead pumpkin also if you place a bamboo Block in a field of melons it kind of looks like some kind of squash everyone has seen these trap doors being used as a fence but you can actually use a hanging sign to make a pretty cool fence as well speaking of hanging signs you can do some really cool things with them such as this one-way door which works by hanging a sign from the top and then hanging another sign underneath it you can also make a little doggy door on the side of your house like this or you can place it in front of your brand new Cherrywood dogghouse as well staying on the topic of farming you can place two fences in the air like this and if you place a hanging sign underneath it it will look like a shovel that is sticking out of the dirt you can also replace these fences with lightning rods or end rods to make different types of of handles as well if you want to make a table you can place some hanging signs like this to make table feet and you can even make the table legs a bit longer if you like things that are longer hanging signs can also be used to make a broken jungle Bridge or useless ladder depending on how you see it and you can place them in a pattern like this to look like a gate that is restricting your access to something something I bet you’ve never seen is a stoplight in Minecraft okay you’ve probably seen one I just didn’t know what to say but by placing a red sign an oak sign and a blue sign like this it can kind of look like a stop light even though two of the color are wrong another thing you can do with the different sign colors is hang them over top of a campfire like this to make different stages of meat cooking but probably the most interesting hanging sign hack is this parrot perch design I’m just kidding it’s actually a working swing which can be made using two chains like this a hanging sign on each side a trap door on the bottom middle and then a boat as a seat and after you do that you have a working swing well you can’t really swing on it but I mean I’m sitting on it so it kind of works you can also make another swing by doing the same thing as before except instead of placing one trap door you place three on the bottom and then three on the back to get another really cool swing design this time you aren’t able to sit on it if you’re trying to be some type of super villain all you have to do is Place some Redstone behind one of the chiseled bookshelves and then you can attach a couple regular bookshelves to some sticky pistons to make a secret door inside of your library something else you can do with chiseled bookshelves is build a cool floor design like this and you can even make the bookshelf look like eyes when you put a slab in front of it if you place the bookshelf with a stone slab in a cave it kind of looks like something is staring at you through a crack in the wall but that isn’t the coolest thing you can do with the chiseled bookshelf if you place a bunch of bookshelves beside each other you can actually build things using the books inside of the bookshelves I guess suspicious sand isn’t the only thing that sus in this update Minecraft 1.20 adds a piglin head and what can you do with it well to start you can place it on top of an armor stand but that’s boring instead if you want a piglin in the Overworld you can place a piglin head on top of a sign and it will kind of look like a tiny piglin and if you really want to be him you can make a hanging sign float attach two signs on the side and then add a banner on the back and a piglin head on top to create the boss piglin his outfit kind of looks like Lord farquad if you want to build some tiny birds you probably wouldn’t think of using a piglin head but because of the floppy ears it actually kind of looks like birds in the sky of course you have to make sure not to look at the other side though if you place a piglin head on the ground and then put a bunch of redstone around it it looks like a piglin was just decapitated and if you take it a step further you can build up with some fences and place some chains and hang a red sign under it to make it look like a guillotine just chopped off its head have you ever wanted to build a giant snail you probably haven’t but you can by placing a cherry slab a sideways Cherry log and a nether brick wall with a couple of candles on the top now we have giant snails to go with our giant spiders another giant animal you can build with Cherrywood is a pig if you place two upside down stairs like this and add some slabs on the top you get a pig you can then add a button on each side for eyes and a cherry button for a nose and a tail for extra detail speaking of pigs you can also make pork with Cherrywood if you place a sideways cherry log and then attach it to two fences using chains it kind of looks like a piece of ham is being cooked over a fire another cool Cherrywood build is this garden fence which can be made using an illegal trapo technique that I didn’t even know existed you can even climb this thing if you try hard enough so that’s cool another thing you can put in your garden is a cherry tree but not that one that one is lame if you use Cherry fences as logs and pair it with a Alia leaves you can make a really cool looking miniature tree something else that looks cool is this trapo window which you can make using bamboo or Cherrywood trap doors depending on your build in Minecraft 1.20 a pink boat will be added but if you think this design is boring you can actually make your own pink boat instead if you place some slabs in the water like this and then add a fence in the middle you can move two boats as close to the fence as possible and then add some trap doors on the side and a flag on the top to make a better looking boat the only problem is this boat doesn’t really move if you place a netherite upgrade in an item frame you can use it as an upper down arrow for like an elevator or something I don’t really know this single Warden who really wants to kill me but he can’t so he does this which is cool and all but it isn’t satisfying so what will happen if I spawn 100 wardens and have them do the same thing oh my God I’m pretty sure I went so high that it bounced me and sure that was satisfying but not as satisfying is cutting down bamboo in this bamboo only World which I actually can’t stop doing and what’s even more insane is watching this from above just like covering the entire world in skull which you can do with the help of a couple million ravagers in a skull catalyst and now we wait as the entire world turns into skull wait I wonder what would happen if I added even more of these okay I think I broke it there’s a literal ravager Fountain coming from the sky oh my God this is a chest full of random materials which if placed a bunch of times like this you can break all the chests and watch all the items fall out which looks pretty nice but the best part of this isn’t the items falling it’s picking them up which sounds super satisfying I could literally do this for hours something else you can do is place a bunch of shulkers full of netherite above a lava pool and then when you break them this happens and if you use a command block to place an infinite block like this and then you use another command block to give yourself a one durability pickaxe every tick you can infinitely break pickaxes which makes this very satisfying sound uh-oh I think I’m sick I’m throwing up pickaxes this is working quicksand in Minecraft which can be made using the secret formula first you place some soul sand on the bottom then you place some water above and then you place some cobwebs on top of all that and after that you need to just Place some sand on top that’s ready to be dropped in and now you can drop the sand and watch it all fall into place which is pretty satisfying after that you have a working quick sand that you can’t escape but that’s not the most satisfying part if you remove the cobwebs like this and then drop some more sand on the top you can make this really cool bubbling effect which looks like it doesn’t even belong in the game this effect can also be used in a square like this which looks pretty nice especially when all the sand and gravel breaks at the end or you can drop a line of sand and gravel like this which kind of looks like a worm when it first drops another thing I found that looks pretty cool is this concrete powder turning to concrete like this and I also tried it in a line which looks pretty nice as well this is a village that has a massive amount of dripstone above it which is already kind of cool to look at and I’m going to be dropping the dripstone on the village using this machine here oh my God I think my PC is going to explode hopefully it looks good on replay cuz I literally can’t see anything okay somehow we actually had a couple of survivors this time but I’m going to add a layer of anvils Sand and Gravel the drop on the village as well and now let’s spawn Timothy hopefully he survives okay first let’s drop the anvils that was much less laggy now let’s add some sand it’s looking like bikini bottom down there and finally the gravel okay there’s no way Timothy survived all that oh wait he’s actually right here honestly doing that had me feeling like I was 9 years old again so let’s try some things we all did as kids in Minecraft first I’m going to be burning down a forest [Music] okay this is taking forever I guess I have to do it the oldfashioned way now that’s some good Forest burning what about blowing up a ton of TNT I think this was a mistake if you make a box like this and then place a repeating command block to spawn zombies you can make an infinitely dying zombie that’s not what I meant to do what you can actually do is spawn a bunch of zombies inside of the box and then you can kill them all with a sweeping Edge 100 sword and it’s honestly pretty satisfying I wonder what happens if we make the Box even bigger okay that was so much better another satisfying way to kill a bunch of mobs is with a piercing crossbow but this crossbow isn’t going to cut it it only killed four of them we need a Max piercing crossbow all right and let’s kill the villagers in three 2 1 okay it didn’t reach the end but we’ll just pretend it did what happens if you break these plants that go up to Sky limit it’s literally raining twist Vines now let’s do the cactus okay that one actually looked kind of nice what about the sugar cane whatever this thing is and finally bamboo Bamboo definitely has my favorite sound out of these but something that might sound better is a massive dripstone hitting the ground okay let’s just use this genius Redstone timer to make sure we don’t miss the sound and now we fall all the way to the bottom I like how it just gets faster the more that fall apparently if you place a bunch of end crystals inside of each other it looks really satisfying but it doesn’t seem to be working for me so I guess we have to use a command block I think we place them on the wrong block but it’s definitely working this thing actually looks so cool I can’t believe this is in Minecraft wait I wonder what happens if we touch it for this next one let’s build a giant cactus farm and yeah that’s pretty much it just watching them pop up all over the place is really satisfying another satisfying thing we can do is Place skull sensors in a row like this and then we can fill all the empty slots up with TN and now finally if we drop an item on it it makes this really cool pulsing effect oh yeah I forgot it would all blow up for this next experiment we are going to need a massive pyramid so let’s build that okay that literally took me almost 30 minutes and I didn’t even finish it but now what we can do is Place water in the middle and watch it all flow down the pyramid was that worth the 30 minute wait probably not we can also drain all the water as well but it’s definitely not as satisfying as watching it flow down the pyramid earlier we dropped a bunch of anvils on a village but I wonder what it would look like if if we dropped it on a regular World okay it kind of just started I didn’t mean for that to happen but yeah that was still pretty cool now let’s take a break from experiments and check out some of the most satisfying maps in Minecraft these are seven colored rings made by Bosa winks and when you fly through them one after another it’s actually really cool to look at just like this massive spiral made by amoke which looks especially cool if you fly through it with an elytra like this this is an island in the shape of a mobia strip that was also made by amio which I honestly have no idea how it works but it’s definitely really satisfying to look at and another thing that I don’t understand is this Penrose triangle made by Alis Scot which also looks really cool from far away wait I wonder what will happen if I turn it into sand these next three builds were made by adamax ep and these are more like Illusions but they are still really satisfying to look at especially this one which will probably make you dizzy if you spin fast enough if you put a Jeb name tag on a sheep it makes it rainbow so I wonder what will happen if I make a big pit and fill it with Jeb sheep this is pretty normal I see this everyday in survival okay now this is insane you can barely even tell that there are sheep in the hole next let’s create a sand only world and see what happens oh wait I have to break the block first there’s a short amount of time before it becomes way too laggy so now let’s make it laggier with concrete this would probably look so cool if it wasn’t a slideshow next I decided to make a sapling only world and watching them grow was actually really satisfying I can’t move on until all the whole are filled another experiment similar to this idea is making a drip Leaf only world I honestly had no idea what would happen with this one but it’s probably one of my favorites so far and the last World I made was a cactus only world but it didn’t really go well so we’ll just move on if you place two slabs like this and then you push them together with a piston you can make an illegal slab so I wonder what it would look like if we copied the build a bunch of times to make a wall of illegal slabs honestly I’m not sure if this is satisfying but it’s definitely pretty cool and also really laggy picking up a ton of XP can also be pretty satisfying okay it just won’t stop it’s been doing this for like 5 minutes and for the last experiment I decided to put some bees in a nest a lot of bees okay if we set it today they should all come out at the same time oh my God yeah I don’t even know if that was satisfying it’s kind of unsettling actually so you want to know what’s in Minecraft 1.21 all the new Mobs new items new places you’ve come to the right place today I’m going to be showing you everything new coming to Minecraft 1.21 so far so first you want to visit the underground tunnels in Minecraft we got the trial ruins trial Chambers I keep getting them mixed up this place adds a ton of new blocks and features which we’ll talk about later and just like the underground tunnels we got homeless people I’m joking by the way no offense to the bog a new mob that looks kind of like the Stray but like swamp Edition I think it’s a few updates too late this skeleton variant spawns in swamps and instead of normal arrows it shoots poisonous arrows at you which is exactly what we needed another mob that can poison you last year they gave us the big sniff man today we get the bogged but the bogged isn’t the only mob in 1.21 another mob being added is the armadillo last year’s mob vote winner allegedly I still don’t know how it even won there was some voter fraud or something the first thing you’ll notice about the armadillo is that it’s really scared of you yeah whenever you get close to these guys they just roll up into a ball so the only way to actually get close to them is by crouching they do make a really good soccer ball though if you don’t now if you want to breed some armadillos you have to give them some spider eyes that’s kind of a weird item for that I guess whatever and if you want to harvest some scoot from these guys you can take a brush and rub them with it I don’t know how my man isn’t bald yet and with these scoots you can craft dog armor using this recipe similar to real life you can now dress up your poodle however you like but of course in game your dog actually gets some protection from it well I don’t know maybe they are similar cuz I wouldn’t mess with this guy you can combine dog armor with any Dy to give your dogs all sorts of drip and now we just need dog chains dog watches dog shoes but this isn’t the only update that dogs received as you can now find different breeds of dogs depending on what biome you’re in you can get a rusty wolf in the jungle a striped wolf in the Badlands snowy wolf in a Grove biome the Ashen wolf in a snowy tiger the woods wolf in the forest a chestnut wolf in the old grow Spruce tiger and don’t confuse that with the old growth Pine tiger that has a black wolf and finally we have the spotted wolf in the savannah which kind of looks like all of the wolves mixed together kind of like how the new mob the breeze looks like the blaze because I think they’re related or something I don’t know they both drop rods when you kill them but do you want to see something really stupid why aren’t they both the same model in your hands anyways the breeze attacks you with some wind stuff kind of like the big bad wolf and they are found in the trial Chambers you know the structure from before and if you put the breeze Rod into a crafting slot you can get these wind charges which allow you to do these really cool Rocket jumps yay another thing you can do with a breeze Rod is combine it with a heavy core and when you do that you get a mace not to be confused with the stuff you spray spray the mace is the newest weapon in Minecraft and at seven attack damage swinging as fast as a sword this weapon is basically just a diamond sword that is until you find out that the maze does more damage if you fall and then hit something with it you’ve probably seen people one-shotting the warden with it but if you haven’t here you go yeah basically this thing is kind of insane but it doesn’t stop there because you can also enchant your mace to make it even more powerful the enchants are reach which has something to do with armor I honestly don’t even know what it does wind burst which gives the effect of a wind charge every time you hit something which is actually pretty funny when you realize that you can fly with it and finally we have density which makes the mace do even more damage when you’re falling now I can just jump off the diving board to drop the warden I don’t even have to go up that far but as I said before the mace is made using a heavy core and you’ve probably never heard of this retextured head block that unfortunately you can’t actually wear on your head and that is because the heavy core is found in the new trial vaults in the trial Chambers these vaults work pretty simply first you need to complete a trial by walking up to one of the trial spawners and getting it to spawn some mobs the spawner will spawn a few waves of mobs before finally gifting you an item which has a chance of being this trial key once we have the trial key we got to find one of these things which is the trial Vault and then you right click it with the trial key to do even more gambling until we eventually get a heavy core guys we’re going to get the heavy core eventually and never give up something else you can get from these is the brand new bad Omen potion not exactly what I was expecting to get out of the vending machine but basically how this potion works is it replaces the bad Omen that you used to get from killing a Pillager with a flag now you actually have to consent to getting bad Omen first by drinking the potion once you drink The Omen potion you can start a raid like usual or you can visit the trial Chambers and start an ominous trial from what I can tell the ominous trial is a little bit more difficult than the regular trial and when you complete an ominous trial there is a chance of getting an ominous trial key which can just open the ominous vaults which look like the other vaults but just more scary drinking a potion with eyes is definitely a little weird but fortunately there’s a few potions being added that are a little bit less weird the first potion is a wind charge potion which you would think is made with a wind charge cuz of the name but no you got to use the whole Breeze Rod to make a batch of these potions and when a player or mob is affected with wind charging it will just give off one of these wind charge effects when it dies similarly the weaving potion which is made with a cobweb causes an entity to drop a few cobwebs when it dies the oozing potion is brewed using an entire slime block but if used properly you can actually spend slime balls to make slime balls as entities will spawn slimes after they die if they are affected with oozing unfortunately this potion effect doesn’t work with slimes though so we can’t get an infinite slime glitch going the last potion is brewed with a stone block which makes no sense how that’s even doing anything I mean how are they brewing a whole stone block and this potion is the infested potion this potion should actually be renamed the annoying potion as it gives a 5% chance of spawning a silver silverfish when taking damage which obviously doesn’t sound that bad until you get hit with the infested potion yourself I guess now I’m the silverfish man speaking of new stuff in 1.21 there’s a few new things that you can only get from trial Chambers to start we have the new armor trims this is the bolt armor trim and this is the flow armor trim it’s based on the Wind guy I guess but it actually looks pretty cool unlike some other trims there’s the flow Guster and scrape Pottery shards which can be found on pots around the trial Chambers as well and finally The Vault can give you a flow or gust or Banner pattern if you’re interested in those going back to the trial Chambers there are actually a lot of new blocks being added which are used in the making of this structure starting off we have the most obvious one which is these tough bricks that are basically all over the structure tough bricks are crafted by using four tough to make polish tough which then can be used to create tough bricks with the same recipe there are also these chiseled tough bricks found in the structure which seem to give it a little more detail and there is just regular chiseled tough that is mixed in with the other new blocks as well each one of these tough variants including regular tough also comes with new stairs slabs and walls and overall I think it’s really cool that they actually made the tough block have a use as it was just some random block that you find at Deep slay level before but tough isn’t the only block that got a bunch of new variants as there will be a lot of new copper based blocks in 1.21 as well starting with this block that is seen all over the new trial chamber structure which is called the copper grate the copper grate is unlike any other Minecraft block we’ve seen before as a it’s sort of like a full block fence another unique copper block that is being added is the copper bulb which sort of works like a redstone lamp but it’s a little more advanced as it emits different light levels based on how oxidized the copper is the copper bulb requires Redstone to activate it if it isn’t naturally spawning and if it starts becoming oxidized you can right click it with an axe to un oxidize it which I’m pretty sure isn’t a new feature but I never knew it existed so I’m putting it in here there’s also a new block called chiseled copper which features this x pattern on it that looks super cool and there are copper doors and trap doors being added as well which are the second type of metal doors to be in the game the difference between iron doors and copper doors though is that you don’t need Redstone to open them you can just rightclick them like any other wooden door instead there also seems to be a handle looking thing that kind of looks like a key slot and I think it would be cool if they made it so you can lock these doors with the new trial keys if you play Minecraft you probably know what a crafting table is and if you don’t then I don’t really know what you’ve been doing but now you won’t even have to use crafting tables anymore because there is a new autoc crafter coming in Minecraft 1.21 you need these items to craft the autoc crafter and once you’ve crafted this thing you can right click it and place items inside it similar to a regular crafting table the only difference is that you also have to use Redstone in order to complete the craft you can’t just take it out like a crafting table the crafter only crafts one item at a time meaning you have to spam it to get your items out but this shouldn’t be a problem if you’re using it in some kind of redstone machine and not just pressing a button like this unfortunately this is the only Redstone I know how to do so I won’t be using the crafter another thing you can do is toggle the slots on and off making it possible to automate recipes that don’t take up the entire crafting area and obviously you can use hoppers and droppers to fill this thing because if you couldn’t it would kind of be useless another thing you can use hoppers and droppers to fill is the decorated pots that were actually added in 1.20 but now have a few new features being added to them to start you can rightclick decorated pots to fill them with a single stack of items which wasn’t possible in the previous update the only problem with storing your items in a pot is that you can’t get them out without breaking the pot so they really have more mming use as they can be used to hide items you can also now shoot decorated pots to break them and this not only works with arrows but this also works with any projectile including projectiles that are shot by mobs unfortunately the breeze can’t break them though you can stack decorated pots up to 64 which wasn’t a thing before you used to just have to have a full inventory of them and overall I think these changes are pretty cool it’s definitely a lot better than how the decorated pots were before another mob related change that is coming to Minecraft 1.21 involves bats the mob that has been in the game for years has actually gotten a new texture added to it similar to the Vex changes that we saw in the last update the bat also has a new flying animation which looks a lot cooler than the old bat and it can also hang underneath blocks although I’m not sure if this is a new feature it might have been in the game before overall I think these bats look pretty cool and I hope they continue updating old mobs in the future because some of them could really use an upgrade you’ve probably heard this noise when an Enderman teleports away from you but in the new update this noise is going to have another use because now when you throw an ender pearl and it lands you will hear this noise as well this means the days of silently Ender pearing on people are unfortunately over the/ tick command is a new command that can be used to manipulate the speed of the game and if you type SL tick rate and then a speed you can actually speed up or slow down Minecraft without the use of an external program like you had to before and you are also able to just completely freeze the game if you do/ tick freeze which can be kind of cool I mean look at this red cow another thing you can do is SL tick Sprint and then a time which will make the game go super fast until the chosen time is up and this is definitely one of my favorite things you can do with this command as it can help a lot with making time lapses so far in 1.21 we’ve seen some pretty cool features and I’m excited to see what more has added in the future snapshots apparently if you drop a totem of undying on the ground and land on it you will live all right so we got our totem here and let’s just drop it all the way down and let’s just fall down on top of the totem oh my god that actually worked what apparently you can MLG into a cauldron all right let’s just go up on top of the cauldron and we’ll fall all the way down and no this one does not work I still would have died apparently naming a rabbit toast changes his skin so let’s just get our toast name tag and we’ll place a rabbit like this and let’s just name him and yeah it actually changes his skin I’ve never seen this skin before that’s actually pretty cool apparently an Enderman can stand in a cauldron so as you know when you put an Enderman in water it just TPS away like that what if you put an Enderman in a cauldron wow he’s actually just standing in the water he doesn’t even TP away can fish breathe on land with water breathing all right this one sounds really stupid there’s no way this will work but let’s try it and now the fish has water breathing so let’s see if it suffocates okay yeah the fish is taking damage and he died this one is false apparently a gold pickaxe mines faster than netherite so this is how fast netherite is able to mine Stone and this is how fast gold is able to mine Stone this is actually true it’s noticeably faster but for some reason when you put efficiency five on both of the pickaxes the netherite one becomes faster I don’t even understand how that works apparently you can make glowing signs so if we just take our regular sign here and we get a glowing sack apparently this will make it Glow no way it actually makes it Glow how did I not know this exists apparently you’re also able to die signs all right so it’s the same thing as the ink sack and yeah this one works as well this is so cool you guys should definitely do what it says on the sign by the way it’s not me telling you it’s the sign apparently you can tow a boat with a lead so we have our boat right here and let’s just right click it with the lead and nothing seems to be happening right now but what if I put a pig in the boat and then I put a lead on the pig okay just takes the pig out of the boat this one isn’t true Apparently one block of water is able to hydrate crops that are four blocks away so let’s just put our water here and we’ll just ho all this dirt and yeah it’s hydrating the crops all the way over here even though the water is here can you smelt an iron door into iron nuggets so as you know you can spelt golden iron tools into nuggets like this as you can see I have a nugget right here but can you do this with iron doors no it doesn’t look like anything’s happening this is false will a baby villager jump on a bed so let’s just spawn a baby villager like this and apparently he’s supposed to just jump on this bed randomly okay well right now he’s following his parent so we have to take care of that and now let’s see if he jumps on this bed okay he’s standing on the bed and yeah he’s jumping on the bed this one is true apparently throwing an XP bottle upwards gives more XP so let’s just throw it down first and we got exactly one level and now let’s try throwing the bottle upwards and we got a little bit more XP this one might be true but it also might be random so I’m not really sure if it’s true or not apparently there’s an easy trick to find diamonds 100% of the time so if we go to the middle of a clay patch like this and then we go six blocks south apparently under the seventh block there will always be diamonds so let’s just mine down like this and we found gold but that’s not diamonds so let’s keep Mining and we’ve hit the void and there’s no diamonds I don’t think this one is true apparently a hoglin can survive a 50 block fall so we have our hoglin here and I’m sorry buddy but you’re going off the edge and no the hoglin did not survive this one is false apparently you can sleep underneath lava without dying so we have our lava bed here and let’s just sleep in the bed and wow this is actually working how am I even sleeping in here speaking of dying in lava apparently witches can’t die in lava as well so let’s spawn a witch and she’s dying right now oh wait they actually drink the Fire Res pot in lid this one’s true witches can’t die in lava apparently the top of a desert temple fits a full Beacon perfectly so let’s just fill in all of this with netherite because you know this is a perfectly legit Beacon and yeah now we have a perfectly fitting Beacon I guess we know who really built the pyramids apparently you can use a Sweet Berry bush to clutch and yeah this one is true I took no damage apparently a shield can block splash potions so let’s put a harmful potion in this dispenser and let’s just hold our Shield out like this and this one is false I still got hit by the potion even though I was blocking it apparently foxes can make a four block jump so let’s just put a chicken up here and we’ll spawn a bunch of foxes down here and yeah they jumped up and got that chicken immediately this one is true apparently you can walk over magma blocks and campfires without taking damage if you have Frost Walker boots so let’s just make the frost Walker boots and yeah the Magma’s true I’m not taking any damage but what about the campfires yeah this one is also true that’s so cool I never knew this existed but now this makes me wonder if you can walk in lava with frost Walker boots and not take any damage okay this one is not true you still die to Lava if you have Frost Walker boots on apparently you can mine a beacon with your fist so let’s just mine this thing and yeah it still drops the beacon even though it takes a while to mine it this one is true apparently if you kill a zombie pigman in one hit the other ones won’t attack you so let’s just one hit this pig man and yeah they’re not attacking me this one is true can you put a pumpkin on a villager’s head with a dispenser so let’s just trap our villager and we’ll put a dispenser here now let’s add the pumpkin to the dispenser and let’s see if it puts this on his head yeah this one’s actually true the Villager is wearing a pumpkin now apparently you can trap a warden by quickly placing wool over top of him so let’s just start spawning our Warden like this and if we place wool like this apparently this traps the warden and yeah this one is true the warden is just kind of Trapped in Wool now that’s so funny apparently you can put out a campfire by right clicking it with a shovel and yeah this is true it puts out all the campfires instantly apparently if you right click a villager during a raid it will sweat so let’s just right click this guy and I swear I just saw water particles coming from him yeah there’s water particles coming from him this one is true the villagers really do sweat during the raid apparently a dolphin will pick up diamonds so let’s just throw some diamonds to this dolphin and he’s going back for them I think and yeah the dolphin is picking up diamonds that’s so cool even throws them back to me it’s just like an laay but underwater will a zombie chase an invisible villager so we have our zombie right here and let’s just make this villager invisible and we made the zombie invisible too okay we have to redo that all right let’s just try this again and yeah he’s chasing the invisible villager this guy has some really good eyesight I guess will a grindstone remove a curse from an item so let’s just put these pants in the grindstone and no it literally does nothing it just keeps the curse of binding on it apparently if you trick a skeleton into lighting TNT it will make Creepers drop a ton of music discs so let’s just get the skeleton to shoot the TNT like this and he shot the TNT so let’s see what happens and yeah they dropped a ton of music discs that’s so cool I had no idea you could get music discs like this apparently you can milk goats okay I don’t know how I’ve never heard of this one but it actually makes sense so let’s see if it gives me milk and yeah the goat actually gives me milk how did I not know this is true can you put two parrots on your shoulder so let’s just tame our parrots like this and we got one parrot on our shoulder let’s go for two okay I don’t really know if this one’s true he doesn’t seem to be getting on oh wait it actually worked he got on my shoulder right when I thought it was false okay I guess this one is true you can dual wield par so can you get three parrots I don’t think so he’s just running away from me will a totem of undying save me from SL kill all right so let’s just SL kill and no the totem of undying did not save me unfortunately apparently throwing an instant health potion upwards will give you more Health than throwing it down so let’s just throw a potion down like this and as you can see it gave me two hearts so now let’s throw one up in the air like this and it still gave me two hearts this one is false apparently a witch can’t die to instant damage potions so let’s just rain instant damage potions down and yeah the witch is just drinking instant health and it’s countering it this one’s true can you make suspicious stew with a Wither Rose so let’s just put all these things in the crafting table and yeah you can make suspicious stew with a Wither Rose this one is true will lightning turn a mushroom cow into a brown cow so let’s just spawn a lightning bolt and yeah it turns it into a brown cow but not the brown cow you would expect it’s actually a brown mushroom cow will a baby piglin ride a baby hoglin so let’s get our baby hoglin right here and we’ll spawn a ton of baby piglins and now let’s see if one of these guys rides the hogland okay nothing is happening so far oh and one of them actually is riding on the hogland this is true and wait multiple of them are stacking on top you can make an entire piglin stack with this this is so cool does soul fire do double the damage of regular fire so let’s just stand on the fire and as you can see it did half a heart to me but now let’s try standing on soulfire yeah the soulfire does one heart and the regular fire only does half a heart this one is actually true I have no idea apparently a flame bow can ignite a campfire and yeah that ignited the campfire this one is true can you walk on powdered snow with frost Walker boots okay so this one would make a lot more sense than magma so let’s see if it’s true and no it doesn’t look like it’s true I’ve sunken in the snow apparently new emerald armor was added in 1.20 so obviously there was no new emerald armor added in 1.20 but you can put this armor trim on a full set of diamond armor and as you can see it kind of looks like emerald armor even though you can still see the diamond a little bit so I’ll say this one is partly true I guess apparently if you breed two different colors of sheep it’ll combine their colors so let’s just breed these sheep and it should make a purple sheep and yeah this is true now we have a baby purple sheep this is kind of cool apparently you can Farm crops in the nether okay I’m not really sure why this would work but let’s just give it a try okay and it kind of looks like these are hydrated somehow okay I somehow placed one seed but I’m not able to place seeds in these ones that’s so weird so I guess this is partially true I guess I’m not really sure if this will actually grow apparently Hostile Mobs can’t cross over rails so let’s just Place some rails on the ground like this and we’ll spawn a bunch of zombies and yeah it looks like they can’t get me past rails this one is somehow true apparently items can sink through mud into Hoppers so let’s just throw some diamonds through here and yeah it looks like they sunk through the mud apparently if you ride in a mine cart and then sleep in a bed it’ll make you sleep on the floor okay it doesn’t look like it worked I’m pretty sure I’m still in the bed this one is false apparently there will always be a lush cave underneath an aelia tree so let’s just try to find an aelia tree like this okay and we finally found aelia tree so now we just have to mine underneath this so let’s just start mining down and yeah we’ve landed in a lush cave this one is true apparently the warden can’t kill you on carpet so let’s just stand on a carpet like this and it’s already looking kind of bad I have the darkness effect okay the warden is literally standing right beside me there’s no way he doesn’t kill me right okay yeah he’s getting angry okay yeah that one’s false I don’t know who thought of that there’s no way that was going to work apparently you can make infinite water with only one water bucket so if we place a block like this and then mine out four like usual and then we place our water right here apparently if we put kelp on these blocks it’ll make an infinite water source so let’s just put kelp all over here and it did change the water so let’s just break this and yeah now we have infinite water from only one water bucket that’s so cool will a totem of undying work in the void so let’s just fall into the void and no the totem of undying does not work in the void unfortunately apparently Iron Golems don’t take fall damage so let’s just push this guy off and let’s see if he takes fall damage no he actually didn’t take fall damage this one is true I guess that’s what happens when you’re made of iron you’re just Invincible can you mine lapis ore with a stone pickaxe so we have regular lapis and let’s just break it with a stone pick and yeah it actually dropped the lapis this is true but now can you break a deep slate lapis with a stone pick as well yeah this one also works I guess you only need a stone pick to collect lapis is a diamond and a turtle like the same texture so we have our diamond right here and we also have her turtle egg and yeah I can actually kind of see the similarities like they have the exact same shape and the shading is kind of the same as well I don’t know let me know if you think these are the same texture or not in the comments I’m pretty sure that they are apparently if you dig straight down at your world spawn there will always be diamonds so let’s just start digging straight down from where we spawn and there was no sign of diamonds anywhere this one is unfortunately false can you survive a fall by landing on a watermelon so the logic behind this one is because it has water in the name and no it’s not true it was pretty obvious it isn’t true to be fair apparently you can run over a one block Gap so let’s just get a running start from back here and no I fell in the lava all right let’s just try it a few more times and wait I actually just ran right over The Lava somehow this one is true but it only happens sometimes s so I would still be careful if there’s one block of lava like this apparently you can survive four anvils dropped on your head so we have four anvils up here as you can see and let’s just break the wood block that’s holding all these anvils up and yeah I somehow survived four anvils getting dropped on my head although I’m stuck in the anvils now so I’m not really sure if this is a good idea anyway apparently if you throw diamond armor into lava it will turn into netherite all right so let’s just throw a full set in here and yeah this one is definitely not true if you fall for this you deserve it to be honest apparently netherite armor can survive lava though so let’s just throw our netherite armor in the netherite armor actually swam back up this one is true can you combine two different types of stairs by putting them in the border so let’s just place our two stairs like this and we’ll put a piston behind them and apparently this will combine both of the stairs yeah this one is true and this is so weird like look at the two stairs mixing right here I’m pretty sure this is not supposed to happen apparently turning a shulker invisible will make him lose his show yeah this one is true and this looks so weird there’s literally just just this little head right here apparently you can spawn a giant slime so apparently using this command I will spawn a giant slime so let’s just try it oh my God this slime is massive yeah this one is definitely true I would not want to run into this slime in my world this guy is huge and along with a giant slime apparently you can spawn a giant Magma Cube as well and yeah it literally works the same as the Slime and I actually have no idea where he just went he just flew away like look when he jumps he just completely disappears this one is definitely true do zomb Pigmen Crush turtle eggs so we have our Zombie Pigmen here and yeah they’re literally just crushing the turtle eggs that’s kind of mean I don’t know why they would do that will a skeleton turn to a stray if you trap it in powdered snow okay he’s shaking and yeah he turned into a stray this one is true are you able to turn the Wither invisible all right let’s splash him with invis and no we can still see the Wither and honestly that’s kind of good the Wither would be absolutely terrifying if you could make him invisible if you smelt a wet sponge and you put a bucket underneath apparently it’ll fill the bucket with water yeah this one is actually true I guess if you need water and you only have a wet sponge this is a good way to do it can you put a shulker box into a shulker box nope you cannot I’m clicking as you can see and nothing is happening this one is false apparently you can mine a dragon egg if you put it underwater okay so as you know you can’t normally mine a dragon egg so let’s see if this works okay no the dragon egg just teleports away this one isn’t true if you throw a trident with loyalty on it and then you fill your inventory apparently it’ll chase you so let’s just throw our Trident really far away like this and now let’s fill our our entire inventory up quickly and apparently the Trident will just chase us and yeah the Trident is just flying around me this is so weird look at what it does when I stand still this is so funny apparently you can’t blow up a Nether Star so let’s just light this TNT and yeah this one is true the nether star just flew away but it didn’t explode will lightning turn a red mushroom into a brown mushroom similar to how it does that with the cows all right let’s just summon a lightning bolt and no this one isn’t true the mushroom is still red will looting work if the sword is in your off hand so let’s just put this sword right here and we’ll hold out another sword and let’s kill the mushroom cows with our diamond sword instead all right that one just dropped two beef and one leather what about this guy all right one beef and one leather I don’t think it’s true looting would give way more apparently if you type excited Ze into the crafting table it changes your language and yeah wait everything is completely different I’m pretty sure it changed my game to Pirate language what is this can a blaze light a campfire so let’s just get this Blaze to shoot at us okay yeah he hit the campfire and it actually lit it up this one is true apparently you can infinitely Tower with powdered snow buckets so if we place one like this and then we stand on the top and then we place another we can grab the first Bucket from the bottom and then build up like this and then we can just keep doing this and as you can see this is true you’re able to infinitely Tower with powdered snow this is kind of cool apparently there’s a game rule that will completely disable the warden from spawning and yeah this is true there’s a game rule called do Warden spawning and if you set it to false the warden will no longer be able to spawn in your world can a bee survive a hit from the warden all right I honestly have no idea how this one would be true I mean how is a bee going to survive an entire Warden okay it looks like the warden’s found him oh and he’s getting angry and no the B did not survive a hit from the warden this one is false will a camel protect you from taking damage from a ravager so let’s saddle up our camel and we’ll just go and survival like this and no this one is not true I’m still being hit by the ravager if you jump on a cactus you can jump two blocks high all right so we’ve placed our Cactus and our two block jump and I’m assuming I just have to do this and hopefully I’ll be able to jump two blocks all right I don’t really know about this one but I’m pretty sure that this works with fire so let’s just keep trying it come on surely it’ll let me jump two blocks I don’t know maybe I’m just bad but I’m going to have to say this one is false it’s not working for me apparently skull can’t spread in water so we have our skull catalysts right here and let’s kill this skeleton and as you can see the skull spreads but apparently if there’s water here it won’t spread so we have to try this all right let’s just Place water all over the skull and we’ll put down another skeleton and this one’s not true I’m pretty sure I saw it spread yeah this one isn’t true it’s spreading underwater apparently if you give an laay an item it can’t explode so we have our lay right here and we’ll give him a diamond and now let’s place a ton of TNT all over the place and we’ll just put some diamonds here so we can go get them and we’ll light the TNT the TNT didn’t really hit him but I didn’t see him take damage he just kind of got blown away so I’m going to say this one is true apparently if you ender pearl and then go in the end it’ll send you back to the Overworld okay and we’ll just throw an ender pearl all the way over here and now let’s go in the end and it should TP us any second okay yeah this one is false it would have tpd us by now apparently all cats in a witch hut spawn as black cats so as you can see there’s already a black cat right here and we’ll spawn our cats in the witch hut and yeah they’re all black cats that’s so crazy and as you can see if I go over here they’re just normal cats so it’s literally just the witch hut wow that’s so weird apparently in the new update you can summon the White Enderman with a command so I’m typing the summon command and I don’t see anything coming up for White Enderman this one is false apparently ancient debris resembles an old warped log so we have a warped log here and as you can see this is what it looks like and here’s an ancient debris beside it apparently this is supposed to be an old warped log it doesn’t really look like it on the sides but the top looks pretty similar so I don’t really know if this one is true you guys let me know if you think this resembles a warped log or not I honestly don’t know apparently there’s a secret room under the village well I’m pretty sure these Village walls have been in Minecraft forever so I’m pretty sure I would know about this if there was a secret room and let’s just mine the blocks out under here I mean there’s a cave down here but I’m pretty sure that’s not a secret room this one is false apparently there’s a secret new deep dark villager so let’s just spawn a villager and no this is just a normal villager there’s no new deep dark villager in this game I’m sorry sorry apparently there’s a secret room hidden under the igloo so if we break this carpet here there’s supposed to be a hidden room somewhere under here wait there’s actually a trapo and there’s a ladder down to the bottom what’s down here and yeah there’s actually a secret room down here and it looks like there’s a thing to cure a zombie villager down here and you get this chest with a golden apple so all you need is a weakness potion oh wait you can actually get a weakness potion here too so you can literally just cure this villager right here that’s so cool apparently sniffers can sniff for seeds in the end so we have our sniffer right here and let’s see if he can find some seeds all right he’s sniffing the air this might be true okay he’s been sniffing for a long time and he hasn’t found anything yet I don’t think this one is true apparently there’s a new bat in the new update so let’s just spawn a bat right here and yeah this is actually a new bat this looks so cool apparently you can now put items in a decorated pot so we have our decorated pot right here and let’s just right click it with these diamonds and it’s doing something okay now let’s right click it to see if they’re in the pot okay I don’t know the pot’s just kind of wiggling maybe we have to break the pot and yeah the diamonds came out of the pot this one is true you can put items in pots now can can you break pots with arrows all right let’s just shoot the pots and yeah this one is true but it only drops bricks it doesn’t drop the pot and just to be clear you can break pots with every projectile not just arrows can you give a snow golem fire resistance all right so we have our snow golem right here and let’s just splash him and yeah he has particles but does this actually work and yeah the Snowman is just swimming in lava and not dying this is the weirdest thing I’ve seen does an evoker turn blue sheep red all right so we have our blue sheep here I don’t really know why this one would work but let’s just spawn a Roker and he’s doing something and the sheep actually turned red what why doesn’t this guy like blue sheep can you survive a 50 block fall with feather falling four boots so let’s just put feather falling on the boots and now let’s just fall down this 50 block platform and no I died apparently putting a pumpkin on your head stops Enderman from attacking you completely so we have our Enderman right here and let’s just put a pumpkin on our head and now let’s fight the Enderman okay yeah he’s hitting me this one is definitely not true the Enderman still attacks you when you have a pumpkin on your head it’s only good for looking at them apparently you need silk touch to mine a chiseled booksh shelf okay so we have a silk touch Axe and a regular axe wait it actually doesn’t mine with the regular Axe and it mines with silk touch why is that a thing I’m assuming that’s a glitch cuz that’s really weird can a sniffer egg float yeah it can float is there something the sniffers are hiding from us wait will the egg hatch in the air okay yeah it does I’m sorry snifflin I didn’t know it would work can the new Mobs go upside down okay so we have a dinner bone name tag and yeah it works for a sniffer and it also works for a camel this looks so weird can you breed bees with the new pink petals yeah you can but the only reason this works is because they’re a flower can you put a baby sniffer in a boat so we already tried with a big sniffer and it didn’t work but yeah it works on a baby sniffer this is true wait maybe you can grow the sniffer in the boat no never mind it just gets teleported out another mob that can’t fit in a boat is a camel but yeah it also fits in a boat as a baby although the same thing happens when you grow it unfortunately can you bounce off of a slime so obviously you can bounce off a slime block like this but does it work on a slime no it doesn’t work but I don’t understand why they are both made from slime balls thees string make lava quiet so I turned subtitles on and right now you can see the lava sound is being made so let’s put some string on the top and yeah for some reason the lava sound is gone that’s so weird can you shoot through a bamboo trap door no you can’t the giant hole isn’t real I guess what about a cherry trapo yeah if the bamboo one didn’t work there’s no way that one was working striking a villager with lightning makes it a witch yeah this one is true and it really makes me wonder what striking a person with lightning lightning does do parrots dance when you play music yeah wait they’re going crazy unfortunately this doesn’t work when they’re on your shoulder though does frost Walker work on armor stands so let’s just make this device real quick and yeah it turns all the water to ice that’s so cool oh and I also just noticed that ice has a melting animation I’ve never seen that before can you light two end portals at the same time no only one of the portals lights but I don’t really know when you would need this anyway can TNT boost an ender pearl okay I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to do it yeah I don’t know if it made it go any further but it definitely got boosted do frogs eat silverfish no it doesn’t look like they eat these guys this one is false can you ho dirt on top of a chest to open it so we have dirt and we have a chest and as you can see it can’t be opened and yeah hoing the dirt makes it open this one is true can piglins use a totem of undying here you go man take the shiny object I think it has to be a baby because the big ones are already holding something and yeah it actually works the baby survives with a totem you can light a campfire by setting yourself on fire all right as you already know don’t try this at home no it doesn’t work I set myself on fire for nothing can you jump nine blocks with these three potions so we have speed slow falling and jump boost and yeah it works I jumped nine blocks apparently mobs can’t climb aelia leaves so I am able to climb these leaves just fine but yeah the stupid zombies can’t get in this one is true apparently two wardens can’t kill a witch so let’s put a witch in a cage like this and yeah the the wardens attack the witch but it never dies because of its potions it’s true can you put powdered snow inside leaves so everyone knows you can water log leaves like this but what about powdered snow logging no you can’t it’s false can a zombie piglin spawn riding a Strider so let’s just spawn a bunch of Striders yeah it’s true and he even has a fishing rod thing to control them as well can you trap animals with trap doors so if we put a bunch of trap doors like this and then spawn some sheep inside they shouldn’t be able to escape yeah they can’t follow me I guess we know why they’re called trap doors now does reinforced deep slate protect you from the warden okay so I already have Darkness this isn’t looking good okay yeah he hit me this one is not true you can run underwater with mud this one sounds stupid but yeah it’s true LA’s drop items on note blocks okay so if we give him a diamond and then throw some diamonds over here he should drop them on this note block yeah it actually works that’s so cool can a dog survive a hit from the warden so in order for this to work I have to tame him and yeah it’s true the dog survives a hit can you make an iron golem underwat no you can’t what about a snow golem okay yeah the snow golem works but I don’t think he’s making it out of the water what about a Wither yeah this one is definitely not possible I can’t even place the heads do ocelots attack chickens this one is kind of weird but it’s true oh and they even sneak up on the chickens when they are really far away that’s kind of cool apparently a dog’s tail shows how much health it has so as you can see his tail is all the way up now let’s do some animal cruelty and yeah his tail is all the way back down and you can even see that I healed him and his tail went back up this is true can fish live in Mangrove Roots okay that one didn’t work but yeah it works when I click on the bottom he’s inside of the mangrove Roots do pumpkin stems always face West so if I place one pumpkin down it’s kind of facing west it’s more Northwest though and yeah each one of the stems faces the same direction this one is true what about sunflowers do sunflowers always face the sun when you place them so it looks like they’re facing the sun right now but let’s try moving the Sun and no they still face the same way this one is false can you use eggs to break leads yes you can and this works with pretty much any projectile except for fishing rods for some reason they just do this apparently bats don’t drop XP all right let’s try to kill this guy with a Bow Wow first try yeah he didn’t drop XP this one is true can you kill blazes with water bottles so I’ve heard of killing blazes with snowballs but never water bottles yeah it works but it’s going to take a lot of water bottles to kill one of these guys so a sword or an axe is a way better method can you use Frost Walker on a boat okay so I have Frost Walker boots on and no this one isn’t true but why would you need a boat with frost Walker anyway do llamas attack wolves okay the wolf is literally sprinting away and yeah it’s true I didn’t know llamas had any enemies except me of course can you put a boat on top of your head so let’s just break this block and yeah I have a boat on top of my head now fashion has really been taken to new levels can you put armor on a villager yeah he’s taking way less damage now this one is true does stained glass change the color of a warden Sonic Boom okay let’s just provoke the warden again no this one isn’t true it’s still blue do Anvil’s bounce off slime blocks all right let’s drop the Anvil no they do not unfortunately can a group of wardens Blast away the ender dragon all right let’s spawn a ton of wardens yeah it’s true they sent him flying apparently nether fences can’t connect to other fences so if you have two types of wood fences they’ll connect like this but when you place nether fences it doesn’t work that’s so strange apparently you can’t sleep while poison also don’t try this at home no poisoning yourself yeah this one is true it just kicks me out of the bed can you shear a goat for a goat horn I doubt this works it makes no sense yeah you can’t do this you just got to wait for them to Ram Into You Can You Escape Phantoms by going underwater nope it looks like these guys can swim as well if they weren’t already annoying enough I guess the only option to get rid of them is by sleeping do foxes get stuck in snow when chasing chickens first it’s the ocelots killing chickens and now it’s foxes everybody hates these guys but yeah they get stuck in the snow for a second when chasing them that’s kind of funny apparently gas can’t swim okay it’s definitely not true he is still chasing the underwater can you look at Enderman through glass so this is me looking at an Enderman without glass not good and this is me looking at one with glass yeah he doesn’t attack me anymore it’s true does naming a Vindicator Johnny make him attack all mobs this one is kind of strange I don’t know what Johnny did but yeah it’s true for some reason he goes on a rampage can you stack two types of slabs so apparently if I put two slabs like this against the world border and then push them together it will make a cursed slab yeah it does that’s so weird do cats take no fall damage I’m pretty sure this is a thing in real life so it’s probably true yeah it’s true he just eats that fall will tadpoles follow you if you hold a slime ball so we know that this works with frogs and yeah it also works with tadpoles this one is true can a warden survive a Max height fall yeah it’s true he survived I guess cats and wardens are the same thing do potions of healing hurt Undead mobs yeah it’s true and the opposite works as well you can heal Undead Mobs with harming potions can you breathe underwater with torches so everybody knows you can breathe underw with doors like this but what about torches okay it kind of works but the Torches break so it’s not technically true can you bridge to the outer end Islands so obviously I could sit here and Bridge like this but that’s boring I’m just going to fly instead yeah it’s true you don’t even need to kill the Ender Dragon to get here although it’s probably faster that was like 1,000 blocks apparently camels can make a 12 block jump yeah it’s true they need this guy in the NBA but now let’s see if a camel can protect you from the Ender Dragon this is kind of a weird situation how would a camel even and get to the end but yeah it actually works but it’s not looking good for my camel are beehives more common in Cherry Grove biomes okay there’s literally three of them right here it’s definitely true does weakness stop you from being able to attack mobs okay so I can still attack mobs when I have weakness but when I punch the mobs it doesn’t work so this one is kind of true apparently you can’t attack a camel’s head this one seems kind of weird I’m sorry camel if this doesn’t work oh it’s actually true how is this possible can you put armor Trims on an elytra no you cannot what about armor Trims on a a turtle show you actually can and this thing looks really cool I’m definitely going to start wearing Turtle helmets can you breed camels with cactuses all right let’s just feed them both some sharp objects and yeah somehow this one actually works do all camels run the same speed so everyone knows that each horse moves at a different speed but does this also work for camels okay it’s been 10 seconds and he made it here now it’s time to try a different camel okay it’s the exact same speed this one isn’t true using the seed sniffer spawns you near a ruin with a sniffer egg in it okay we got a ocean but it’s not a warm ocean this one is false do hanging signs fit less text than a regular sign so there’s 60 characters on a regular sign and there’s only 40 characters on a hanging sign this one is true is there a secret room in a desert well no it doesn’t look like it what about in a jungle temple I mean yeah there is a hidden room but it wasn’t added in 1.20 so I’m going to say this is false can you shoot projectiles through a nether portal okay it doesn’t seem to have gone through but let’s check there’s no way to really tell we need a wall and yeah there’s actually arrows on the other side this one is true do piglins wear mob heads there’s no way this one is actually true this looks so funny wait what if you use a piglin head on a piglin okay this one is really cursed he has double ears powdered snow stops you from burning in the nether don’t try this at home guys and yeah it works but you don’t get to keep the snow it’s a onetime use wait if it stops burning in the nether you can probably clutch with it as well yeah this one is true and it also doesn’t melt can you light a nether portal with a bed this one is true but it’s just the the explosion doing it not the bed does a cursive binding book get stuck in a bookshelf no it doesn’t I can still take it out do jukeboxes emit particles when you play music yeah this one is true I’ve never seen this before can you die from dehydration in Minecraft obviously there’s no thirst meter in Minecraft but apparently with this command it will say you died of dehydration yeah it’s true I guess I got to start drinking some liquids can you make a giant cherry tree okay it doesn’t grow into one giant tree and yeah that doesn’t really look that much bigger than normal either our Emerald more common in Cherry biomes I don’t really know how to test this one but I’m seeing some emeralds so at least they do spawn in a cherry biome I have no idea if they’re more common here though does a camel fit in a boat no it does not this guy is way too big what about a sniffer a sniffer also doesn’t fit in a boat this is sad he’ll never be able to become a pirate apparently there’s a new way to get command blocks so if you click on options and go to controls you can enable operator items Tab and yeah now when you’re in Creative there’s this new tab with all sorts of blocks you had to use SL give for before does a sniffer eggs survive being hit by an anvil so if you do this to turtle eggs this is what happens so I wonder if the same thing happens with sniffer eggs yeah the sniffer egg somehow survives that’s insane but the Anvil doesn’t drop this time what about TNT okay it’s not that strong rip sniffs does water logging a skull Sher stop it from making noise yeah it’s not making noise I wonder if this also stops the warden from spawning no it does not does killing an Elder Guardian drop an armor trim okay nothing so far and yeah tide armor trim these guys can also drop fish which is kind of weird I don’t think they are fish is there a hidden gold Block in the new Trail ruin structure okay so I definitely meant to do what just happened and I don’t really see any gold blocks here I’m going to say it’s false do diamonds spawn under the middle of Trail ruins okay so this looks like the center let’s dig down there’s no diamonds it’s false everyone knows you can name a sheep Jeb and it turns rainbow but does this work for a sniffer no it doesn’t what about naming a camel no this one also doesn’t work I guess we’re stuck with regular Mobs Can piglins Open Doors wait they actually can that’s so cool can you break bamboo blocks faster with a sword okay so this is with a fist and this is with a sword I don’t think it’s any different apparently XP bottles can make a block of redstone or glow yeah it’s actually glowing and that’s a lot of particles you can also just do this by right clicking it though the XP bottles don’t really matter apparently there is blue magma in Minecraft 1.20 oh my god there actually is no way it’s definitely not fake do torch flowers emit light just like torch is oh wait I probably need to turn off full bright no it’s still really dark in here the torch doesn’t mean anything can you use a brush on a dragon egg so when you write click a dragon egg normally it teleports away but what if you use a brush no it still teleports away I guess you can’t clean your dragon eggs can you put armor Trims on horse armor no unfortunately you can’t give your horse some drip if you put a flower into a crafting space it turns into a single color of dive but apparently you can craft a pitcher plant into two dyes yeah this is true I guess the flower is just so big it gives you two dies instead is rain invisible through black glass so this is what rain looks like through regular glass you can still see it and this is what it looks like with black glass this one is true I wonder if it also works on snow yeah it does can you dye the highlighted part on the new decorated pot no it’s still yellow this one isn’t true is there a new Bamboo Village in the jungle biome okay so when I use SL locate I’m not really seeing anything that would be a Bamboo Village and I’m also not seeing anything in this jungle this one is probably false can you smelt netherite armor and tools into netherite scraps so everyone knows you can do this with gold and iron armor and tools but it doesn’t seem to be working with netherite armor or tools so it’s false I don’t see why you would ever need to do this anyways so that’s probably why can you dry a wet sponge using a campfire okay so you can’t place the sponge on the campfire so this is already not looking good yeah the steak is cooked and the sponge is still wet I don’t think it’s true is there a new Cherry dimension in 1.20 yeah I think it’s kind of obvious that this one isn’t true wait never mind guys 100% real Cherry dimension sniffers can’t drown because their eggs come from the water okay he’s sniffing the water maybe this one is true never mind this is definitely not true I’m also not going to help him out of the water I’m a hater you can plant mangrove trees underwat so if you place a regular sapling here it just breaks but yeah the mangrove propagule can be placed underwater our Phantoms afraid of cats so let’s place a bunch of phantoms down and now we’ll get some cats and yeah the Phantoms don’t seem to be attacking me also this noise is terrifying what is that can you clutch on a sniffer so these guys look kind of soft so hopefully this works okay it definitely doesn’t work this is false can you put horse armor on a camel no you can’t and even if you could you wouldn’t be able to use the saddle so it would suck anyway are villagers able to sleep in the nether yeah this one is true these guys somehow don’t make the bed explode whoops I didn’t think that would happen apparently the warden isn’t actually blind so in spectator mode you can see what any mob sees by left clicking on it and that includes the warden who is definitely able to see from what I’m seeing apparently you can’t name a mob name tag yeah so you can’t even name a name tag name tag but you can do it like this so I guess it’s false oh wait I actually just found a way to do it technically does a potion of luck change the loot inside a chest so this is the loot in the chest right now and now I have the luck effect and it’s the same loot in the chest this is false you can make a mine cart that infinitely moves so apparently if you stack a bunch of mine carts in each other they will never stop moving yeah this one is true and it’s also really weird why does this work apparently a camel can survive a 50 block fall sorry man I got to do this it’s actually true it’s somehow lived but now can I survive the fall while riding a camel okay this one isn’t true the camel did not absorb my fall can a camel prevent you from being hit by mobs this one is true they’re not hitting me but I’m curious if this also works on the warden okay it actually doesn’t look like he can hit me wow the warden’s getting a little close naming your seed cherry blossom spawns you in a cherry blossom biome it’s true but it’s the smallest cherry blossom biome I’ve ever seen are all sheep p pink in a cherry blossom biome this one isn’t true but let’s just pretend it is it looks a lot better this way can you undye leather armor using a cauldron wow this one is actually true and you can also dye wool that is already dyed this one is true as well and you can do it with every colorable item just to be clear apparently you can swap your elytra out without opening your inventory this one is true but you better carry a water bucket with you just in case does a bamboo raft move faster than a regular boat so this is me riding both of the boats it doesn’t look like the bamboo one is any faster this is false can you clutch on a camel you can clutch on a horse so this should be possible as long as I don’t mess this up of course and yes you can do it this makes up for him killing me earlier you can die a camel’s saddle nope this one isn’t true but it would be cool if it was apparently mobs can’t jump over hanging signs so I’ve placed a fence of hanging signs around me and now let’s see if all these zombies can get to me okay they can this one is definitely not true if you place a hanging sign like this apparently mobs can’t follow you through it and it’s true who knew zombies were this stupid the nether portal animation is fixed in 1.20 so this is what the animation used to look like and now it’s supposed to stop the animation from playing again when you go through yes this one is true can a piglin head prevent you from being attacked by piglins no it can’t we’ve already seen this they don’t accept me what about if you wear armor with a gold trim on it nope it appears I still have a five star wanted level what about if you wear gold armor with a trim on it okay this one was obviously going to work they got a respect a man with some drip a piglin head flops its ears when it’s powered by Redstone this one is true and also kind of weird does this mean mobs are powered by Redstone apparently a dragon head can now open its mouth this one is also true I honestly have no idea if this one is new or not though I don’t usually wear a dragon’s head there is a new Vex in Minecraft 1.20 so this is what an old Vex used to look like kind of scary if you ask me and this is the new Vex this one is true it kind of looks like an evil laay speaking of evil alls does the new vex attack aays okay it doesn’t really look like they attack each other they’re just chilling does a sniffer egg hatch faster on Moss so here’s my egg on Moss and here’s the regular egg now we just wait and yeah this one is true the egg on Moss hatched way faster you can make a sniffer carpet this is actually just from my build hacks video it’s not really a myth no sniffers were harmed in the making of no actually they were I’m not going to lie can you ride a sniffer so my right click says you can’t but this command says I can but since you can’t do it without cheats I’m going to say it’s false you can heal camels with cactuses I can’t imagine this one is true because of what I’m seeing right now okay never mind he somehow eats that that’s true you are able to sprint on camels this one is true but you might not notice it if you use toggle Sprint since it just Sprints by default can sniffers dig for seeds in the nether he’s sniffing the air I wonder what he’s got a hold of okay just ignore that I don’t know how that got here yeah this one is false he isn’t digging for anything apparently there is a new built-in resource pack yes there’s is high contrast mode but all it really does is edit the UI nothing else changes jukeboxes can emit a redstone signal let’s just pick out some quality music here yep this one is true and I may have also summoned Herobrine if you punch a decorated pot it won’t break yes this one is true it just drops the pot instead of the shards and speaking of shards can you copy them like an armor template no this one unfortunately isn’t true you’re going to have to find these manually are you able to craft a plain pot using just bricks okay it’s a good thing I’m bricked up for for this myth yes this one is true I now have a lot of plain pots apparently you can get the ward armor trim for killing the warden okay this is taking way too long I’m just using the command no he still drops the skull thing whatever it is the new damage looks like Bedrock yeah this is true unfortunately I don’t really like how this looks also you can apparently change the amount of shake when you get hit okay this one is also true and this looks even weirder honestly it kind of looks like I’m in spectator can you get apples from a Cherrywood tree Okay so far this one isn’t looking good yeah I broke all the leaves on the tree and not a single Apple this one is false apparently you can now edit signs okay yeah I already knew this one was true and along with editing signs you also able to write on the back of them and you can rightclick them with a honeycomb and it makes it so you can’t edit them anymore that one I actually didn’t know that’s pretty interesting do chiseled bookshelves increase enchantment levels okay so we have filled them all with books now let’s see if it increases the levels nope this one isn’t true can you fill chiseled bookshelves using hoppers yes you can do this and apparently you can also put plants in pots using Hoppers okay I don’t think it’s true there’s a new cherry blossom villager variant no there isn’t which means there probably isn’t a cherry blossom Village either but it would definitely be cool if they added one because this biome is a little boring can you use silk touch to mine suspicious blocks okay so we tried it on gravel and it didn’t work and it also doesn’t work on Sand this is false apparently there is a new potion of luck in Minecraft there actually is a potion of luck when applied Plus one luck I don’t really know what that means but hopefully it doesn’t turn me into a leprechaun can you transport pets on a camel so I don’t really know how you would do this I’m assuming my dog would just get on the camel and it isn’t so this one is false are you able to swim on a camel okay it’s kind of working but he’s sinking slowly and yeah it kicked me off I want to say this one is false but it’s also kind of true because he can swim for a second so I don’t know if you put a mob head above a note block it will play a sound from that mob yeah this one is true and it works for every mob including the skeleton that was definitely real another thing you can apparently do is optimize your world yeah this one is true but I don’t really know what it does I think it’s supposed to be for older worlds cuz it didn’t really seem to do anything can a sniffer survive a hit from the warden okay so we have our sniffer and our Warden we just got to wait for this guy to find him he’s kind of blind okay the sniffer died in one hit this one isn’t true but what about a camel can a camel survival Warden we just got to wait for this again oh and it actually worked a camel can survive one hit from the warden camels really are just built different does spawning a cow in a cherry blossom biome make it a MIP no it does not is there a secret room in the desert temple yes there actually is in the back corner and this is what it looks like are there new potions in Minecraft so the potions aren’t new but all the colors are changed and I’m honestly not a fan of this like why is night vision green who did this you no longer have to spam Place paintings yeah all the paintings are now selectable by their variant so now it’s a lot easier to get which one you want this isn’t really thing in survival though so you’re still stuck spam placing them if that’s the case is the bundle in Minecraft 1.20 there is still no bundle in the creative inventory but you can still give it to yourself with a command I wonder when they will finally add this thing apparently hanging signs don’t break when you break their supporting block yeah this one is true how is this even possible this is definitely an illegal building technique apparently armor stands now have arms okay so the logic behind this one is that it has arms and a smithing table but no the armor stand doesn’t have arms is landing on a sniffer egg break it no either the sniffer egg is really strong or I’m not heavy enough it’s probably the first one can you ride a baby camel no you can’t unfortunately but can you put chests on a camel you also can’t do this but you’d think a mob this strong would be able to do that apparently frogs follow you if you hold slime balls okay so I don’t think this one is 1.20 related and I also can’t even tell if it’s true yeah it’s probably true he seems to be following me there is a new way to change your GUI scale apparently if you hold control and scroll at the same time time it changes your GUI scale okay so nothing is happening right now but what if we try it in the options menu now it’s working yeah this one is true but you’re already in the options menu so it’s not really that cool apparently harming potions ignore armor so that did 5 and 1/2 Hearts now let’s put armor on yeah it did the same amount of damage I guess armor is just useless apparently you can trap and kill the warden with powdered snow all right he’s trapped and it’s working he’s dying okay this is kind of sad I’m going to help him out apparently you can repair an iron golem oh I can’t hurt this one sorry bro wait it actually repairs him I almost certainly thought this one was fake it sounds so stupid apparently you can sleep underwater let’s just make it night wait how does this work bro I’m amphibious or something what you can make a two block jump with a bubble column I’m going higher but it’s not two blocks oh you have to run at it for it to work and it’s actually pretty consistent when you have the timing hitting a mob Through Fire sets the mob on fire nope pretty sure I would have known about this if it was true you can shoot fire arrows through the bottom of a lava culton wait it works you just have to angle it right this is sick as you know you can block a beacon by placing a block above it but apparently the Beacon’s beam can go through bedrock here just with stone as you can see it blocks it now we’ll try Bedrock what I guess stone is stronger than Bedrock now that’s so weird reinforced deep slate drops with silk touch this this is going to take a while I better not be getting [Music] trolled we’re almost there and it did nothing nice apparently you can put thorns on an armor stand so I have a full set of thorns three armor let’s put it on the stand no I’m not taking any damage I kind of wish this one was true though it would be cool prismarine blocks change colors all right time to stare at a block it actually looks like it’s changing I think this is true yeah there’s actually a huge difference between the two Striders can protect you from baby zombies let’s get on this guy and we’ll go survival yeah they can’t hit me I’m Invincible no baby zombie can ever kill me again apparently you can light two portals inside of each other all right we have a weird portal a that would have been so cool moang please add this in 1.20 we need double portals mobs can’t kill you in sugar cane let’s put some zombies and a skeleton now I will set my game mode I don’t think it worked this would be cool if it was true though you get more experience from Fortune so I have a default pickaxe and a fortune 3 pickaxe no fortune gave me almost 10 levels and I got less levels with Fortune this one isn’t true spiders can climb the world border not too sure about this one oh wait he’s doing the thing spider climbing the world border where will he go actually when will he stop this is getting dangerous apparently spider also infinitely climb the world B apparently you can ignite TNT with a fishing rod now we just fish through the lava yeah it works I guess there is a reason to fish in lava now apparently you can also pull TNT towards you with the fishing rod yeah it works I have no idea why this would be useful but it’s cool you can put a boat in a mine cart wait what why does that work I’m pressing W and going backwards this is so weird wait what if I put a boat in a mine cart in a mine cart oh it doesn’t work apparently you can dodge Sonic Boom nope still no oh you can it’s just hard because you have to do it really fast Undead mobs don’t burn underneath cobwebs so I trapped a zombie and a skeleton in a hole let’s set it today wait they’re actually not burning and as you can see these guys are burning this one is somehow true this doesn’t even make sense apparently Ghasts can’t see you behind cobwebs I’m trapping myself in cobwebs I don’t think it worked guys oh not the underwater bed apparently rain kills Snow Golems FL weather rain wow I’ve never seen something die so fast yeah this one’s true you can kill the Ender Dragon with snowballs I can’t tell if I’m missing or if it doesn’t work yeah I don’t think it’s working it’s weird though because they aren’t even hitting the dragon coal blocks last longer than nine coal in a furnace time for some waiting nine coal finished first I guess it’s actually worth it to craft coal blocks holding control while using Pig block gives you a chest with the same items now we have a ton of useful loot loot in this chest and we just hold control yeah it actually works awkward splash potions stop fire damage don’t try this at home guys nope I’m still on fire you can’t spawn a wither in a snow biome this one is true I have no idea why but it does work apparently you can MLG into a cauldron okay I got to line myself up perfectly nope that’s unfortunate apparently if you hold Crouch you can MLG on leaves in 1.19 all right I’m holding Crouch nope it still water logs it can you burn water logged leaves it won’t let me set them on fire yeah it doesn’t look like they can burn apparently polar bears attack foxes I think it’s true but he’s going to have to catch him I don’t think the polar bear is fast enough all right I’m going to cut the video before the fox gets hurt oh apparently you can give a boat a name tag let’s name it something cool and original oh yeah I have to crouch it’s not working maybe we have to name the boat guys please just do it no it still won’t work it’s just a boat apparently deep slay ores give more XP okay we got eight and a half levels from regular and we got nine levels from Deep slate since the amount of XP you get is random I don’t think this is a big enough difference for it to be true you can fish in a cauldron oops Yeah there’s no way I’m fishing anything out of here you can’t fish in a cauldron but can you put fish in a cauldron nope it just goes on top although sometimes the fish will go in The Cauldron for a second killing a Wither skeleton with a Charged Creeper always drops a skull oh we got to be quick here there’s one there’s two there’s three either my luck is insane or this one is true you can smelt nether gold into a gold ingot wait it’s smelting yeah it works I guess this should have been obvious but you do only get a few nuggets from breaking it so I wasn’t sure apparently you can clutch with a skull vein ow no you can’t Hostile Mobs do not spawn in mushroom biomes it’s night time and I don’t see anything spawning all right there would definitely be mobs by now this one is true apparently you can’t milk a mushroom cow nope you still can and you can also milk them for soup you can make a car in Minecraft so if I put a pig in a mine cart it’s supposed to be like a car well I can only move backwards and I move very slowly but I guess it’s a car just like you can break an end portal frame you can break bedrock with a giant mushroom nope the Bedrock is still there I wonder why it works with End Portal frames and not Bedrock apparently bees can pollinate Nether wart no it doesn’t look like it if you give a wither skeleton a bow it will shoot fire arrows so if I type this crazy command I get a wither skeleton with a bow and yeah it’s shooting fire arrows that’s terrifying you can use gold nuggets as fuel in a furnace no you can’t I think you can in Bedrock though apparently if you give a fox Frost Walker boots it will turn water to ice we just need him to touch water nope it doesn’t work I’m going to need these back apparently you can’t lose hunger on a boat okay I’m giving myself hunger 200 it doesn’t appear to be working but if I don’t have the hunger effect it seems to be true apparently there’s an infinite flower glitch yo we’re printing money wolves hunt down skeletons so if I put this skeleton in a box oh get out of here so if I put a skeleton out of sight apparently a wolf will hunt for it I don’t think it’s working maybe it has to be my dog n he’s just vibing if you put a jebor name tag on a dog apparently its color becomes rainbow so this should happen just with the collar instead no it didn’t work it just names your dog jab apparently Endermen are not able to teleport out of a two block hole all right he’s in a two block hole nope that happened instantly the warden’s Sonic Boom ability apparently ignores armor here’s me using no armor okay it did 2 and a half hearts here’s me with full netherite now wait it did three hearts it did more damage what okay apparently you also can’t block Sonic Boom with a what no way as if the warden wasn’t already powerful enough does Mud dry out in the nether no it does not well at least not instantly can mud be used to put out fire damage time to set myself on fire don’t try this at home nope I’m still on fire apparently 1.19 added jungle Villages okay I’m using SL locate and these are the only Village types available there are no jungle Villages there aren’t jungle Villages but apparently there are jungle villagers wait no way that’s so sick apparently there are also swamp villagers what no way it’s like a non-mean looking witch why are these in the game with no Villages you can use reinforced deep slate to trap the Wither now we spawn the wither will it get out no it seems to be stuck even in survival it won’t come get me but I guess this would only be useful if you could mine reinforce deep slate but it’s still cool if you place your own shrier it can’t spawn a warden so I’ve placed my own shrier and yeah it’s been three times and nothing has happened this one is true apparently there’s a new portal in the deep dark let’s light this wait what okay obviously I’m joking this is a texture pack apparently you can heal vex’s into La by giving them milk all right I’m giving him milk and nothing is happening this one is fake can you use goat horns to call goats over to you eh he’s looking at me no it does not work he’s not coming over here do you need silk touch to mine a skull sensor all right nothing dropped with no silk touch and it drops with silk touch this one is true okay I found out I’m supposed to use a hoe and not a pickaxe I don’t want to hear it you can now Place water inside of leaves so just like a sign or slab I should be able to do this on leaves yes it works and it doesn’t even flow out either that’s so cool swift sneak makes dive mining faster so that was me mining without Swift sneak and yeah I mean I move faster but it doesn’t make me mine any faster so I would say this one isn’t true if you spawn a frog in a jungle it becomes a poisonous frog all right here’s the smallest jungle ever spawning a frog nope it does not seem to be poisonous apparently LA’s can mine diamonds for you so if I give an LA diamond ore it’s supposed to mine diamonds for me nope this obviously wasn’t going to work but it can collect diamonds for you if you listen to the new music disc in the deep dark it spawns Herobrine okay we have our jukebox and the music disc let’s see I don’t really see anything around here oh my God there’s nothing Herobrine was removed a long time ago guys right the new music disc can be used to light the portal in the deep dark nope nothing is happening and this disc is scary I’m turning it off you can’t spawn a warden on the surface well since you can’t spawn a warden using your own shrier it’s impossible for one to spawn on the surface frogs will eat magma cubes and drop a frog light oh this one’s true not these guys though they’re too big apparently you can find skeleton skulls in an ancient city dang I really thought one would be here oh there’s one over here it’s true blowing up ores now gives you experience I think I Ed Too Much TNT let’s try just one and it works the XP dropped furnace mine carts Now work like regular furnace blocks all right I’m right clicking it and nothing is happening let’s try with food in my hand still nothing this one doesn’t work apparently tadpoles are scared of Axel AOS W the Axel going crazy it doesn’t look like the tadpole is afraid though the warden is lava proof apparently it’s true the warden is even more powerful than I thought you can use water to silence skull sensors yeah it’s making no noise but there’s still the pulse thingy and as you can see the Redstone works but it’s making no sound apparently the MU Bloom was added in 1.19 oh guys look it’s the MU Bloom no way no way apparently mobs now spawn inside of Nether Portals so I’ve built a portal on the nether roof so they should have the best chance of spawning here okay this one might be true but it’s going to take forever if it is can Al use a totem of dying we’ll just put some lava nope we’ll put some lava wow this guy’s fast okay we finally got him and it worked he use the totem to survive that’s crazy you can place structures with a command in 1.19 all right SL structure doesn’t work okay it’s slpl structure and yeah you can place any structure just like this just like this now you can beat the game in super flat there are new secret paintings in 1.19 so you just do this command and this should be a new painting yeah it works there also three other new paintings you can get with this command apparently you sink in mud just like powdered snow I don’t appear to be sinking it does lower You by like 0.1 of a block though using Riptide on a trident while riding a boat makes you go faster all right let’s get in a boat nope I can’t even use a tridon in a boat it doesn’t even let me right click the Fletching table can now be used to make tipped arrows all right I’m right clicking on it and nothing is happening let’s try it in survival still nothing even with an arrow it still doesn’t work this one isn’t true apparently tropic iCal fish spawn in mangrove swamps I’m kind of lost in here this biome is so cool oh wait those are tropical fish right yep so it’s true Minecraft now apparently has directional audio so you go to music and sounds and yeah there’s directional audio and as you can see it works well as you can hear it works also I’m not sure if you can hear it properly on the video but I am confirming it works can you distract the warden with XP bottles he does seem to be distracted by them but it doesn’t seem to work in survival you can name locations with a banner so you just name the banner and then you right click with a map that didn’t work oh so it has to be an existing map yeah that’s really cool actually apparently you can put a chest in a boat now so if I right click this boat nothing happens but you can craft it now I have a chest on my boat that’s sick you can find diamond armor in the ancient city nope nothing there’s iron armor still nothing there it is diamond leggings curse of binding but it’s still diamond oh hello Warden apparently you can spawn fireflies with a command I’m using SL summon and there are no fireflies there’s a game rule to disable the warden there actually is a command for it and as you can see no Warden spawns this is really cool well if you’re a baby I mean I would probably use it though apparently baby pandas can sneeze out a slime ball we’ve got 1 million pandas here I’m hearing them sneeze but no slime balls okay so apparently I have to spawn lazy pandas yeah I’ve been waiting for a while and there are still no slime balls so I don’t know you can use a book to spawn infinite Dimensions so all I have to do is throw th the book in here nope we’re still in the nether okay so this was actually from an April Fool snapshot I’m stupid there’s a secret Redstone Room under the ancient city there is one okay I already knew this but maybe some people didn’t so here you go perfect place to get random Redstone stuff apparently Vines and glow Len can be placed on Soul Sand and it looks like you can I have no idea why you couldn’t do this before 1.19 apparently walking on wool makes the skull sensor not hear you yes so this is one of the main features of the skull sensor and as you can see it is true apparently there are alligator in 1.19 of course there are alligators in 1.19 that’s one of the main features apparently mangrove trees don’t have saplings mangrove trees do not have saplings you have to use these weird propil things to grow them instead apparently the bundle has been added to 1.19 so there is no bundle in the creative menu but I can give it to myself but since there is still no way to obtain it I would say this is false apparently mine carts with an attached block now stay together when you break them oh it’s actually true I’m pretty sure this never used to exist that’s cool apparently you can use cheats in survival without enabling them so as you saw I made a world with cheats off yeah it does nothing I don’t know why this would work apparently there’s an advancement for killing a mob near a sculp catalyst let’s just kill this guy quickly yeah it spreads as the advancement apparently there’s also an advancement for having every Frog Light in your inventory yep there’s also an advancement for that apparently the end portal frame texture is now different all right you guys tell me if you can see the difference I’m sick of all these new Minecraft updates like what even is a loom when when did they add this they added it almost 7 years ago what am I doing so for the next 100 days I’m going to be playing Minecraft Alpha One of Minecraft’s oldest versions also my game updates every 5 days that’s probably pretty important on day one I did the regular Minecraft stuff I cut down a tree got some stone tools and then I punch sheared some sheep and made a full set of wool armor just a normal first day in Minecraft you might have noticed there are a lot of things you can’t do in this version like sprinting crouching dragging items F5 well you can 5 but it kind of looks like this but there are obviously some things that you can do like building an epic house collecting every block and finding the rarest item that’s the stuff I’m going to do but right now we’re just going to find a place to build a house so I don’t get murdered by mobs I found the perfect place to build my house and I built a giant pillar into the sky to Mark the area but then there was a problem I I don’t know how to get down from here I decided to do a ladder MLG and I obviously landed it no question there I replenished my health bar and cut down a few trees in the area and then I started digging out an area to build the most epic house in Minecraft okay the roof’s still kind of missing it’s work in progress for the rest of the day I searched for coal and I just couldn’t find it so my only source of light for the night was just this furnace yo who let him cook on day two I found out you can make smooth stone slabs from Cobblestone and then I added a roof to my house hardcore YouTubers be like I’m just kidding this is the house it looks a lot better don’t worry this is only like 1% of what it will be at the end of the video I managed to get some coal so I lit up my house with some torches and then I built a floor out of stone slabs I also made a chest to store my blocks because I’m collecting every block this is what we have so far not very much after that it was getting dark so I figured it was time to go caving I basically got a five-star wanted level the second I step foot in a cave there’s also no audio in this version so things like this creeper trying to exterminate my bloodline are very common So within less than 10 minutes I was walking back up to the surface on 4 and 1/2 hearts with no food it looks like caving in this version might actually be hard but that’s okay because I like things that are hard what do you mean by that on day three I was supposed to look for food but instead I started mining some sand cuz I need it for every block I’m sorry about that edit guys I have a sand addiction after the sand it was Pig murder time and then I cooked some pig and some glass oh yeah I also never mentioned that cooking pigs gives you steak in this version kind of weird I spam H holded some grass to get some seeds and then I planted a little farm on the side of my house not the other half though I don’t deserve that yet after that I added some windows to my house and put a little pathway in front and then the house was actually looking kind of drippy confidence is what you need to go caving in this version and also a large amount of meat so since I have one of those I think it’s time to go caving again [Music] okay I managed to mine a lot of iron as you could see but what I’m mainly looking for is some diamonds I need 10 to collect every block and I also want to get Max drip at some point in this video but right now we only have zero I do have full iron though for the rest of the day I just kept caving yeah that basically summarized my caving experience on day five I decided the cave life was not for me and it was time to strip mine I found a weird glitch that almost killed me but other than that I found nothing I heard 90% of miners quit before hitting it big and I joined the 90% making my way back up to surface for the rest of the day I did some stuff like mining more coal lighting up the entire area around my base and making a hole to collect some passive mobs to breed does my hole look good yes or no then I just continued making the front of my house better and I watched the sunrise cinematically day six is secret Friday that’s what they used to call the updates also it’s not a secret it came out 13 years ago in this update they added snow and ice to the world generation and I need snow for every block so I went on a journey to look for it the information I lacked at this time though was that you need a world that was in Winter mode to find these two blocks so basically I was just completely wasting my [Music] time I’m pretty sure there aren’t any biomes in the game yet so everything just kind of looks the same but even if everything looks the same there’s still something about it that looks so good it’s probably the fact that everything has thumbnail level saturation on it on day seven I made my my way back to my base I tried to lure some sheep into the hole I made but then I realized that you can’t do that in Alpha you also can’t breed mobs I don’t know why I didn’t think of that I spent most of the day upgrading the front of my base even more and then it was back to the caves again why are there so many animals in the cave I found nothing really while caving just the coal and iron like usual and then I got jump scared by a creeper since diamonds don’t seem to be an option right now I decided to just work on my house on day eight and for this next build we are going to need a lot of wood so I started a mass deforestation I was cutting down every tree within a 1,000 Mi radius but don’t worry for every tree I broke I was planting them back all right now that we have all this wood I honestly don’t remember what I was going to do with it oh yeah I was making a m shaft that’s what I was doing with the [Music] wood mining mine that’s a pretty sick name next I replace some stone with Cobblestone and gravel to make the mine look a bit nicer and by the end of day N I was finished the shaft and then it was secret Friday it’s still not a secret I’m reading a list of everything added right now this list includes boats cactuses clay reads bricks slimes bookshelves and your mom get it I’m sorry but that isn’t all the updates and the last update is a very controversial one the goofy F5 has been removed and it has been replaced with fortnite F5 instead I’m pretty much finished upgrading my base for now so I think I’m going to hunt for some of the new blocks because I’m still missing a lot of them so I guess it’s time for us to hit the water I don’t think that’s what that [Music] means okay we found some cows that’s not really a block but it is new something about these cows just does not look right for the rest of the day I kept searching for the new blocks first I found some reads and then I found some clay right after and finally I found a stray cactus in the open not really sure if cactuses belong here at the end of the day I made my way back to my base and crafted every block that I had resources for okay we’re only actually missing 19 blocks the only problem is some of them aren’t even in the game yet on day 11 I made a gold block and an iron block kind of forgot the texture used to look like this and I also crafted some bricks I used to love bricks when I was younger okay that sounded kind of sus I planted a cactus and made a sugar can farm and then I crafted a block of TNT all right now there’s only 15 blocks left and most of them are in the caves so it’s time to go back you might have thought the mobs were bad the first few times I went caving but the last update on day 10 added something that I was not ready for they’re literally hitting me through the walls apparently Alpha V 1.0.11 is the Slime apocalypse update so instead of dealing with that I decided to strip mine the rest of the day I found nothing on day 12 I got tired of stripping I mean strip mining so I decided to take on the slimes I almost died immediately everything was okay though because I actually found a method to exterminate the Slime I continued exploring the caves and I was actually feeling pretty confident despite having one armor bar and an infinite amount of slimes attacking me eventually this confidence got the best of me though because I died to slimes okay technically I didn’t die to slimes I accidentally laughed myself and I don’t really know which one of those is more embarrassing all I do know is I only have 5 minutes to get my items back oh no guys this is really intense I wonder if he will get his stuff back these Stakes are insane I got my stuff back I’m honestly not sure how it didn’t burn though for the rest of the day I continued exploring and I still found nothing so I went back up to surface so I could at least craft some of the blocks I’m missing I crafted some rails and an iron door which puts me two blocks closer to collecting every block I also forgot to save an iron ore to put in the chest so we’re still missing one of the easiest blocks on day 14 I wanted to stop my crops from being trampled so I remade my farm there are no fences in the game yet so this will have to do I also crafted a bookshelf which was another block that I’m missing and then I captured a sheep I think it’s about that time in the video where the YouTuber gives the mob a name that’s his name that’s what I’m naming him after naming my new pet sheep it was time to go caving for the 400th time I’m going to save you the details on this one getting annoyed by slimes check strip mining time check diamonds check wait that’s out of the ordinary it was only three diamonds so I decided to make a pickaxe and because of this pickaxe I was able to mine some obsidian another block for the list of blocks bro can this guy just shut up already I also found diamonds again and then I went back up to surface because it was time for secret Friday it’s still not Friday this update added chickens and music discs but none of those are important what is important is the Jukebox because we need it for the blocks yeah I made an irresponsible decision and wasted one of my two diamonds on the jukebox but I mean it’s progression right I’m sure I won’t regret this in the future this update is also supposed to fix the Slime problem I hope that is true I decided to go find a chicken for some reason I don’t know why it’s not like I’ve never seen one before and after finding a chicken I came back to my base to find my sheep was dead so I made a grave for it okay it probably just despawned there is nothing that would kill it in this game except me it wasn’t me I swear on day 16 I found that slimes are definitely not fixed I hit the strip mines again and in my notes it says not sure if I found diamonds too lazy to check I’m not checking I’m just kidding I actually did check and I found three veins of diamonds in the same strip mine I don’t know how I went from zero diamonds to this on day 17 I crafted the coveted diamond block and this was huge because every block that required diamonds was now found now we only need to get full diamond armor on the next day I found some diamonds and then I found more and after a little bit of M I found another big cave this time with no slimes I must have won the Minecraft lottery or something cuz I found two more Diamond veins back to back and on day 19 I headed back up to surface feeling like I had just robbed somebody’s tomb I figured that I had done enough caving for now so I went around harvesting my farms and smelted some iron I also decided to make middle pieces and now I was halfway to full diamond so that’s pretty sick for some reason this armor also had me feeling crazy so I went out at night to fight some mobs it feels like I’m playing fortnite right now oh no I I think someone died here I spent the rest of the day watching the sunrise and then it was day 20 okay things are getting serious now because this is actually the update where Herobrine was first spotted hopefully we don’t run into him fences and Spider jockeys were also added in this update but most importantly they finally fixed F5 no more goofy running and no more fortnite I made some fences to replace the bootleg fences I had on my farm and for some reason they just don’t connect to blocks after that I noticed my cactus farm was getting kind of crazy so I figured it was time to transform this base a little bit more I have a plan to build something huge on top of this mountain but for now let’s start making this area around it look a little bit nicer wait that chicken is crazy with it from Days 21 to 24 I was just building I made a big pathway going to the bottom of the hill and then I built a new cactus farm I also made a bunch of these walls out of wood and Cobblestone and then I tried to place some stairs yeah apparently you can’t do that in this version I added a few more details to the walls and then I added a layer of Oak Planks on the outside of the farm as it was getting dark I finished the perimeter and I was able to take a look at my progress while waiting for the sun to rise the lighting makes it look awful but I’m actually happy with how it turned out so far the house on the top has to go though and it will in the future on day 25 I was tired of building but luckily it was secret Friday and the compass was added yay at the beginning of this video I told you I was going to find the rarest item and I never told you what it is I mean you could probably tell what it is but if you can’t for some reason it’s a golden apple now that we have a compass I I can go search for some spawners which is the only place you can get it we also need mossy cobblestone from a spawner for the blocks so I’m going to go look for one of those I found nothing on day 25 and on Day 26 I was still searching for a spawner the only difference is this time I actually found it why is there no mob in the middle it’s just a spawner spawner I looted the chest and found nothing I decided to mine all the mossy cobblestone in case I need it for a future build and then I continued my search I found a cave so I explored that and I also found some diamonds and on day 27 I found more diamonds I also found more diamonds again and after finding those diamonds I was able to make full diamond so now we’ve officially completed one of our goals well it wasn’t an official goal but it still makes me feel good so it counts on day 28 I found a new cave there was nothing in it so I found another new cave there was nothing in it as well so I went and found another cave there’s still nothing in any of these caves I’m starting to understand why the golden apple is the rarest item on Cave number four I was able to find some more diamonds I found like four veins in a matter of seconds and it honestly looked like I did some mining off camera I decided to make all the diamond tools including the hoe because I was balling like that it’s nether portals with the corner blocks from here on on day 29 I actually found another spawner but all it had was nothing again so I decided to go back to my base day 30 is secret Friday and you might have noticed that sound was added this update also brought us crouching and the ability to change your sensitivities so this is a pretty W update oh yeah and there are also fishing rods they are completely useless and you can stack them that’s it I have these objectives I need to complete and one of these goals is to build an epic house no offense to the house we have right now but it’s just not epic I know I said I was going to put something better on the top of the mountain but right now we are not doing that instead we are going to build it right here so let’s start [Music] terraforming okay this area is looking pretty good so now now it’s time to build the house for some reason when I was younger I was obsessed with these modern houses so I’m going to be building one of those I started to lay out a foundation for the house starting with the pillars and I ran out of stone pretty quickly so I went and killed some pigs I don’t think those two are related and then I started adding some stone slabs on the outside so if you can’t tell by now this build is going to take a lot of stone on day 32 would you have guessed that I started the day by mining stone I finished the bottom layer so I started building the pillars up even higher after that I filled the entire floor with wood planks except for the front section cuz that’s going to be a garage why do I need a garage in my Minecraft house I I don’t know why do you not subscribed yet I also have to place 1 million torches on this build or we will get some unwanted visitors the pigs are fine I’m not talking about them I’m talking about these guys day 33 was slightly different cuz instead of mining stone I cut down a bunch of trees I also filled in the rest of the first floor and moved on to filling in the second floor and at the end of the day I smelted even more Stone and then I started started on the roof the roof is interesting because it’s going to take me 10 times more slabs than the rest of the house on day 34 I finished about two layers of the roof before it was Stone mining time again but first let’s take a look at the house this is how the house looks right now I think it’s missing something today I had a method I cut some trees before the sun went down and then I spent the rest of the day mining cobblestone while it was dark outside I was also killing both birds with one stone by strip mining to try to find diamonds it was almost a bad idea though because well you can see on the video I apologize to any blind viewers I just landed a sick MLG and trickshot the lava sounds were Photoshop day 35 is a crazy day it’s secret Saturday yeah for some reason they dropped the update on a Saturday this time not for me though it’s not Saturday this update added the nether pumpkins the clock fishing oh yeah and the game looks completely different this was the first update with biomes which means different color foliage like the grass and stuff it also means we can finally get snow I made a clock for some reason and then I went down to get obsidian to visit the nether I didn’t really want to go to the Nether in this version because it’s kind of useless but if you already forgot I’m collecting every block and there are three new blocks in the nether also I lied on day 28 we’re not building a portal with the corners I collected some Soul Sand and some Netherrack and then I collected glowstone which is super annoying because it only drops one dust in this version and you need nine of them to craft the block instead of four I got everything I needed from the nether so I went back and added the three blocks to the chest now we just need to get a pumpkin and a snow block I ended end up finding snow pretty quickly which was cool but you might have noticed that my house has no walls and that is because the walls are supposed to be made out of snow so this little amount of snow up here it’s not going to cut it we need a snow [Music] biome I continued searching for snow and I found a pumpkin on my way there I also found an area that had every single biome like basically connected including a snow biome so I started mining snow and I mind snow Yeah I mind snow for the rest of this day slowly filling my inventory with snow blocks even when it got dark I was out there grinding I was also getting harassed by spiders after another almost full day of shoveling I felt like it was time to go back so on day 38 I made my way back home and added the new blocks to the chest oh yeah I also had to craft a Jacko Lantern apparently those existed in Alpha after adding the blocks to the chest I officially collected every obtainable block and now I just need to put them somewhere to display my greatness but for first we still have to finish the house we were working on I finished the walls and then I got attacked by some zombies they’re just jealous of these dirt stairs for the rest of the day I worked on finishing the roof and I also added some doors to the house hopefully that will keep the zombies out on the next day it was update day but unfortunately this update added nothing important as you can see the house is looking pretty good so far but it still needs some windows this is me mining the sand that is going to be used to make those windows this time I don’t have a sand addiction I started placing some of the windows and then more of these guys showed up I swear the second one just spawned out of thin air these guys are out to ruin my house on day 41 I mined sand again and I finished the first floor Windows the next day I finally finished the roof and I used the extra Stone I had to put an outline around the house for some extra detail I also got more glass so I added some glass on the edge of this balcony and I finished the windows on the second floor I also added some stairs up to the second floor and I added some Stone railings on the side the stone looks really bad I’m actually going to remove it on day 43 I took another look at the house it’s honestly looking pretty good at this point at this point I could say I was finished with the exterior and it was time to move on to the interior I built a wall to create a little room at the back of the house and then I started moving some of my stuff to a storage area I also started to replace the garage floor with gravel as a kind of a road I don’t know there aren’t many blocks in this version the next day I cut down some wood mined some gravel expanded the road out a bit and terraformed the lake in front so at least the road doesn’t go into the water eventually the road just ends though and that makes no sense but I don’t care day 45 is update day and this update added only one thing portals well they were already in the game but now you can kind of just place them I got distracted and spammed portals everywhere which probably isn’t a good idea because I can’t really break them it takes forever after that I built a little fishing dock on the lake and then I took a look at my progress it’s looking pretty sick I added some stuff like this couch made out of a very comfortable material this table and this epic water feature on day 46 I went back to the nether to get Glowstone and the gas wouldn’t leave me alone I also don’t know why I got glowstone I don’t remember using it in this build at all I added some paintings around the house like this one which costed me $1 billion at an auction that’s why I have two of them right beside each other I also found some evidence of me placing the glowstone so I guess I did use it next I put some flowers outside of the house and since there are no beds in this version I decided to make my own bed out of my favorite sleeping material Gold Blocks a full gold bed is a crazy Flex I also wanted to add a motivational quote to the wall something like you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take or opportunities don’t happen you create them let’s get this bread on day 48 I was pretty much finished the house but I’m still missing a garage door and unfortunately Home Depot doesn’t exist in this version so I have to get the stuff to build that I wanted to make the garage door out of iron blocks so I decided to spend the next few days caving mainly to get a bunch of iron but also to try to find a golden apple because we still need that so on day 49 I did some caving and on day 50 I did some caving as well this was also update day and all it really added was coordinates and on day 51 I was still caving and from Days 52 to 54 I caved now did I find a golden apple in that time well let’s see during that time I found four spawners and none of them had a golden apple but I did find enough iron to finish my garage door after that I stared at my completed house until the sun rose and it became day 55 it’s secret Friday but this update added nothing and that’s kind of what there is to do today nothing I obviously still need to find a golden apple but I’m not spending the rest of the 100 days doing doing that that would be boring instead I think it’s finally time to do something about the old boring house on top of this mountain okay so basically I want to build a castle SL museum for all the blocks I collected earlier in the video but in order to make this castle and yes it will literally be this Castle this is my inspiration I need to make this hill a lot bigger so I spent the rest of the day forming the Terra and on day 56 that’s also what I did on day 57 I continued filling in the mountain but I ran out of dirt so I Min dirt for the rest of the day and on the next day I finished filling in the top of the mountain but obviously the sides need to be filled too so I started filling the sides as well this is so fun man I love filling things I managed to fill the left side which was the smallest and now you can see it actually looks pretty cool well it looks like a normal Mountain but that was the goal I also finished the backside so on day 59 it was time to start working on the big side this side is huge so it’s probably going to take a while I pretty much immediately fell off the side and blew a creeper and then I went and mined more dirt because I ran out running out of dirt in Minecraft twice is crazy I got grief by skeletons while filling in the wall and on day 60 I was finally finished filling the wall it may not seem like it took that long because of editing but it literally took me 5 days to make that mountain five Minecraft days just to be clear also today was update day but it still adds nothing there were no good updates after the nether one on day 61 I’m putting a picture of the castle on the screen again to remind you the materials to make this Castle basically don’t exist so we’re going to improvise on the materials I use if improvise means come up with the stupid idea of using clay and Bricks then I guess I improvised let me tell you why this was a stupid idea while footage from four whole Minecraft days plays in the background basically Clay is very rare that’s it that’s why it was dumb after returning to my base on day 64 I only had 14 stacks of clay yeah that definitely won’t be enough to make this Castle day 65 was the last update of Minecraft Alpha and you guessed it it added flying pigs no it actually added nothing again now that I had the materials for the castle or at least I thought I did I decided it was finally time to remove the original house also I had to get rid of the Grave for the sheep or whatever his name was is this messed up after removing the house it was time to start making the gate at the front of the castle I’m pretty sure I finished building up these pillars out of clay and on the next day I put some cobblestone on the roof of them okay that looks really bad I tried to fix the pillar but it somehow looked even worse so I just put it back to how it was after that I started making the wall the next day I did the same thing until I realized that smelting clay takes forever so I started building those castle wall type things on the top next I decided to make a side building out of snow I have no idea why I did this I don’t have much snow left I also started building this Tower except instead of being white I’m making it out of wood cuz wood is easy to get I ran out of wood at least wood is easy to get because on day 69 I just mind wood all day I also didn’t make a day 69 joke because I’m not immature and childish Day 70 I was mining stone and that’s basically what I did for the next 2 days mixed with some more wood mining it’s also kind of kind of funny because I thought this would be my last time mining materials Day 72 I built up some Oak log pillars on the side of the Tower and then I built the Tower up this continued into day 63 where I also started placing some slabs on the side for detail but while I was doing that tragedy struck I tried to build a little room on the top of the tower but then I realized I hit the height limit yeah apparently the height limit in Minecraft Alpha is only 128 blocks so for the rest of the day I mined everything down and then I did everything I just did and built a room in the middle with another ugly Cobblestone roof on the top on day 74 the tower was finished I decided to work on another side building and at this point it’s been almost 20 days and I haven’t even started the main Castle yet I don’t understand how I keep missing every MLG I took a quick break to cook some food and by the end of the day I was finished building the side building so on day 75 it was finally time to start building the main building I built some stairs for the entrance and then I started building up the front wall this is what I had near the end of the day it’s kind of dark on day 76 I put a roof on the castle and then I started working on a little building on the side this is the last building I swear this building was basically the same as the other ones and after finishing it I decided to add a tower coming from the middle of the building I’m using Stone this time I’m never mining another piece of clay again I spent the rest of the day building the tower and things were starting to look good so the next day I placed some walls on the other sides and then I made the roof of the castle a little bit longer I don’t really remember why on day 78 I ran out of wood honestly I’m surprised it even last lasted this long and while chopping trees I got to take a look at the castle from afar yeah that will probably look good when it’s finished this was also the day that I decided to turn the Minecraft music on I don’t think I’ve ever once listened to the music in Minecraft I would usually just get my ears blasted after opening my game and then I would disable it but something about this Minecraft music Just Hits different when you were playing the oldest version on day 79 I built a stone tower on the other side of the main building by now you’ve probably seen too many walls I’ve done a lot of placing walls so just know that I was pretty much finished the exterior at the end of the day so I did a quick Castle check again pretty much the same as before on day 80 I finished building the right side Tower and I actually completely finished the exterior it looks kind of dumb because of the clouds but this shot is too good not to put in the video the next day I started filling the floors with wood and I started with the second floor which was easy because I left space for a little balcony thing to look over the first floor there are going to be four floors in total and I finished both the second and third floor pretty quickly so I moved on to the first floor which was kind of funny because there is a giant cave underneath the floor that got created when I terraformed the mountain on day 82 I was still filling in the first floor because it was a full floor and then unfortunately I ran out of wood again I remember saying on like Day 70 that this would be my last time getting materials which just wasn’t true at all but somehow I’m not really bothered by this everything is just so slow in Minecraft Alpha but for some reason I’ve enjoyed playing this version so much more than any modern version of Minecraft I mean I’ve been working on a single build for almost 30 Minecraft days which is like 10 hours in real time and I’m not even finished yet it’s the most fun I’ve had playing survival in probably like ever on day 83 I was back to filling in the floor I finished filling in the final floor which was extra annoying because there were clouds flying through my face every 2 seconds the next day I finished flooring the other rooms that weren’t in the main building of the castle and then added some windows on one of the side buildings to give it some extra detail the problem with these windows is that they don’t have Windows in them though so to keep the Medieval theme I want to use fences as Windows I was totally wrong about using fences as Windows for some reason they don’t connect to the blocks so instead I just added some railings on the inside of the building and then I decided to just use glass to make the windows the only problem was I only had 10 glass and 38 sand so it was sand mining time on day 85 I added some interior to the front Towers while waiting for my glass to smelt and then I placed Windows all around the castle so many windows you can call me Bill Gates no one should actually do that after that I finished the interior from the beginning of the day and I also might have accidentally killed a Pig technically I didn’t touch him this one isn’t on me I needed snow for one of the first buildings I made so on day 86 I went looking for some snow there’s something about this version that just reminds me of the first time I played Minecraft in one of my earliest memories of playing Minecraft I had like this creative world which I built a giant castle in well it probably wasn’t giant I was like 9 or 10 years old but I would work on this build every day and one day I remember I somehow died in my creative world don’t even ask how that is possible and I completely lost my builds because I didn’t know what the cords were so I just cried for hours and hours over losing my Minecraft world I was loving the craft so much that I cried over Minecraft on day 87 I filled in the snow on the wall and then I used the extra snow to fill in the parts on top of the castle that I never filled in after that I worked on finishing the brick wall which is funny because it was the first thing I built on the castle and it’s the last thing that got finished I also added a gravel path going towards the entrance and then I threw in some fences for extra detail I made a fountain in the middle of the courtyard I think is what they call it and it took me forever to make this water flow properly because I’m stupid I added some glowstone on top of these fences but I ran out so instead I put torches like this on the other ones to light up the area on day 89 I put a farm and some flowers in front of the castle and then for the final part of the build I started building a mixed Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone wall on the [Music] side I’ve officially finished the castle it took me 35 days to build this I want to say it doesn’t even look that bad considering the limitations of building in Minecraft Alpha it definitely looks better than the modern house no offense I just said no offense to myself but yeah I’m pretty happy with how this thing turned out it’s definitely better than anything I could have built when I was 10 years old we should also probably get rid of this pillar in the top right but it’s been there since day one so at this point I’m just going to leave it now obviously I built this castle with a purpose and that was to put all the blocks I collected earlier on display So I placed a bunch of lame blocks on the first floor and then I put some slightly better ones on the second floor and then some decent blocks got put on the third floor and finally I placed the most wicked blocks on the top floor obsidian mossy cobblestone iron block gold block and diamond block and that’s it that’s every block in Minecraft Alpha in a museum now you might have thought we’ve done it all because I built a castle but you might remember that I still have one objective left I still need to find the golden apple now this Castle took forever to build and I’m going to be honest I don’t think we have enough time to find a golden apple but we have to try I ended end up traveling thousands of blocks and went through a bunch of spawners trying but honestly I kind of hoped I didn’t find the golden apple because for one this would just seem scripted if I find it on day 99 but also finding a golden apple doesn’t actually mean anything to me I mean after all this is Minecraft Alpha there is no objective in the game no Ender Dragon no achievements other than a slight outline of what you’re supposed to do you really can do anything and maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be so on day 99 I didn’t find a spawner but I did return to my base and on day 100 I did the corniest thing you can do at the end of a 100 days video I watched the sunrise one final time completely naked well Steve has clothes on by default but you get what I mean and at the end of the day I decided to visit my old Minecraft world from when I was 10 okay I don’t think this is the same one but it’s the replacement world for the one that I lost and as you can see there was a castle it was much better than the one I built today obviously I mean look at this genius architecture I spent the rest of the day looking around at all the amazing things I built and I even found a sign hidden in all this mess Burger King this is supposed to be Burger King yeah that says a lot so a while ago I wait no no no a literal year ago I played Minecraft Alpha and I guess I forgot to make a part two so today we are back playing Minecraft Beta And if you haven’t watched the first video already basically what I’m going to be doing is updating my game every 5 days until we reach the last version of Minecraft Beta And in the first video we did a lot of different things like building this giant castle we collected every block and then I stored them all inside of the castle so what I’m going to be doing in this video is very similar we’re going to go out and find all the new blocks and items that were added in Minecraft Beta 1.2 Minecraft Beta 1.2 added a couple things such as the cake the dispenser lapis lapis blocks obviously because they’re made from lapis note blocks Sandstone Spruce Wood Birchwood and dyed wool except for brown for some reason you can’t get brown wool yet the items it added were bones bone meal ink sacks charcoal Dy and sugar and there’s also now colored sheep and Squids which you can do something pretty cool with that I’ll show you later in the video a couple random things is hovering items shows their name now apparently that was added and eggs can be thrown but I don’t even remember there being eggs in Minecraft Alpha so we’re going to have to go find some eggs as well so I’m going to start off with the things that I can craft right now and then we’ll go look for some of the other blocks I honestly left the last video pretty poor I basically used all my diamond stuff to build this Castle I remember I made like six pickaxes and like 20 shovels at least so I’m not really sure what we can make right now I have some sand so I guess we can make Sandstone I think it’s just like this my God I forgot you can’t drag stuff in the crafting table you have to click one by one okay so we got our Sandstone that’s one block down and I guess we’ll just put it with the sand for now we can also make a dispenser probably but I don’t even know how you make a dispenser to begin with I’m definitely not looking up the recipe okay so we need a bow and red stone I’m not sure if we even have any red stone I’m not going to lie we can make a bow though okay we actually have a lot more stuff than I remember we still have 24 diamonds left and we have the rest of our tools okay we do have Redstone so let’s make our bow and let’s put our Redstone like this and yeah that’s how you make a dispenser okay we’ll just put this with the Sandstone for now we can also make a note block wait this is how you make a juke box I really don’t know how to craft anything in this game okay so a note block doesn’t require diamond it’s just a redstone using a lot of redstone right now okay so we make a chest and we put red stone and now we have a note block and now I think the last thing we can make other than the dyed wool but we’ll do the dyed wool all at once later is a cake which once again I have no idea how to craft a cake I’m going to guess I think it actually needs a bucket of milk okay we do have an egg eggs were real I think you need egg wheat sugar and a bucket of milk not sure what order you put them in the crafting okay so you actually need three buckets of milk I do not have that right now so we’re going to have to go find a cow also hope I have some iron I’m not seeing any iron in these chests all right let’s go look for some cows it’s also turning dark outside I kind of forgot you can’t sleep during the night in this version that’s kind of annoying okay where are the cows we got some pigs right here I’m actually going to kill this guy really quickly i’ rather eat the raw food if I don’t have to heal okay there’s cow there’s a cow over here hey that’s one okay that’s two and that’s three I guess the cow has infinite milk all right let’s go back to this other house we have and we’ll craft a cake and then after that we can go look for some of the other stuff all right there’s already mob spawn everywhere all right here’s our crafting table and we put three wheat on the bottom like this an egg in the middle and I only got one sugar okay we have to go get sugar canes I already died sheep spawning guess we can cross that one off the list pry sure the only sugar cane I have is all the way over here I really don’t want these creepers blowing anything up so we’re going the long way all right now there’s like 30 cows before there was only one okay and all the sugarcane is down here I don’t think I ever used this Farm in the video as well I think this is literally the first time I might as well harvest the whole thing and now we’ll make our sugar and we can put the weat on the bottom like this in the middle sugar like this and three milks on the top and yeah that makes a cake took about 5 minutes to make a single cake but we did it all right let’s put it with the other stuff now we have to look for the new spawning blocks which means we’re going to have to travel pretty far away from this home because I explored a lot of the chunks around here I remember there was one way that I haven’t gone yet but the problem is I don’t remember which way that was I’m pretty sure it was this way through the ocean which makes sense I don’t know why I would want to go through this giant ocean so I guess we’re going to travel that way spiders in this version are so annoying all right let’s get a little bit of wood and we’ll make a boat and we’re just going to hit the water the one good thing about being in the water at night is at least the mobs can’t spawn here but it’s really annoying considering I literally can’t see anything in front of me right now it’s probably a little bit better on the video because I’m going to enhance the brightness but I literally can’t see anything hey we’re not going over there we got three spiders on the island I’m assuming I didn’t go this way yet but I also might have I just don’t really remember at this point regardless we’re going to have to travel a pretty long distance to find these new blocks anyway okay what is going on over here oh there’s a few too many mobs on that island this boat is the slowest thing ever why is it not turning we’ll just stay in the water for now it looks like it’s beginning to turn daytime yeah traveling at night in this version is kind of horrible I’m not sure if you guys saw it on the original 100 days but you can’t see anything and there’s mobs everywhere so you basically just have to hold W and walk past all the mobs okay yeah I’ve definitely been here before because this terrain generation looks kind of old oh there’s some squids down there I don’t know if you can see them I guess I can show you what I was going to show you with the squids so you see these squids here remember how we needed milk earlier for the cake okay apparently you can’t milk the squids I was pretty sure you could milk squids I guess you can’t yeah I guess I lied I don’t know well basically what was supposed to happen was just like a cow I was able to milk the squids apparently they added that for some reason but it doesn’t look like it works in this version maybe it’s like one version after this or one before I don’t know either way we actually need to kill some squids because we need their ink sacks for the wool yeah okay we got eight ink sacks that’s pretty good okay I see like a dead desert over there I don’t know if that’s a new desert or an old desert I’m probably going to go that way though okay why is the skeleton holding a bow like that and why does the fire look like that I don’t remember that happening before that’s looking a little weird oh yeah he drops bones we actually did need bones that’s good what we’re looking for right now is a iGo or a birch Forest I’m actually not sure if Birch forests even exist thinking about it we’re looking for a birch tree at least yeah I guess the best way to go would be over here I’m not really sure we also kind of have to remember where our base is so I can’t really go that far away I just forget you have to break the boat you can’t just like leave it okay we got a cactus it’s another type of dye but I’m pretty sure we have to smelt it and here’s another dye yellow dye okay there’s some snow up there so that’s different yeah pretty much all I can see right now is just oak trees though I’m pretty sure I haven’t been here yet I would probably see some torches or some blocks we’re definitely going the right way okay let’s get this Rose and that’s another D and then we can combine these two and make orange but I probably shouldn’t be doing that is I have like no room in my inventory okay yeah I’m not really seeing any new trees anywhere just a bunch of oak trees everywhere we still need to cave for some lapis as well so I was hoping to find these trees quickly because once we find these trees we know we can find lapis in the caves because we’ll know it’s new terrain but right now I don’t even know if this is new terrain it probably is but I don’t really know I don’t really remember seeing any ice in the original video I’m pretty sure ice was in the game by then I just don’t remember seeing any okay I hear a zombie here there could be a spawner if you don’t remember I was looking for a golden apple which can only be found in spawners and I didn’t end up finding it so we are still looking for that okay I don’t think I’m finding this we have to move while we still have daylight because we need to find these trees if we don’t find these trees while there’s daylight well we’re still going to keep looking it’s going to be dark which isn’t fun we shouldn’t have to travel that much further okay there’s just random sugar cane on the land and just a bunch more oak trees it looks like okay I swear I don’t remember going this way so there’s got to be some new trees oh this looks like a spawner it doesn’t look like I’ve been into this spawner yet cuz yeah dirt over the chest I don’t know that loot isn’t really promising is that really the only chest okay like that was the only chest and it just had like nothing in it but there’s dirt over top of the chest so I’m like 90% sure I haven’t been here yet also the color of the grass and the leaves looks right which it didn’t over there so I’m not sure if that’s just this version or if that had something to do with me being there and now this is new either way it’s more than likely new if I hadn’t checked that spawner either that or I just missed the spawner okay yeah there’s a crafting table here so turns out we’ve actually been here and what I was just saying is there’s actually coordinates in this version so I can go wherever I want I kind of forgot about that I thought it was like the first versions I was playing where there was no cords okay yeah we’re just going to get rid of one of these buckets okay so we’re going to go more this way because if I put a crafting table there I probably bed that way so we’re going to go more this way then that sucks that I’ve actually explored all these chunks I know there was one way from my house that I hadn’t gone yet and I guess this was the wrong way it’s crazy the things have become difficult on this version it’s taking me like 15 minutes to look for Birch and Spruce Wood and speaking of the Birchwood I actually see some right here I saw it before that but I was just saying that so yeah it looks like we haven’t been here yet and yeah that looks like a real desert as well unlike the stuff we were seeing before so now we just need Spruce Wood after we get this yeah I see a ton of birch trees that’s really good okay let’s just Harvest a few of these and you can’t make shears yet which sucks because we can’t get Birch leaves yet we’re going to need to get those in the future when they added shears okay and it’s also turning dark again it literally took us a full day to get birch trees that really showed is just how different old Minecraft is cuz by now in modern Minecraft I could have technically beat the game I mean me personally I probably wouldn’t have but somebody could have beat the game I’m sure somebody could have beat the game in beta too except you can’t beat the game yet that gets added later yeah if it’s going to be dark out right now we might as well go look for the lapis and then we’ll go back up for Spruce Wood after it doesn’t seem like an optimal thing to do but if it’s dark on the surface it’s also dark in the caves so it just makes sense okay we have to find a cave first without dying see there’s two too many mobs this is what I was talking about like how is there this many mobs doesn’t even make sense there’s like 30 skeletons 20 spiders that’s getting hit by a zombie and there’s creepers right there I don’t even remember it being this bad okay we found a cave finding lapis shouldn’t be that hard okay we we kind of have to not die though yeah we we have to not like I shouldn’t be doing that and this isn’t really a cave so I guess we’re digging down we have like 10 minutes to find this hopefully we can find it I can actually see my y level now which is helpful and yeah we found a cave okay that’s good some gold we don’t need gold though we just need lapis a version where lapis is almost completely useless that is what we need I don’t know why I’m mining coal it’s not helpful actually it is cuz we have to make torches soon okay yeah there’s like literally no mobs in the cave it seems all the mobs spawn in the surface at night and then there’s just nothing in the caves all right never mind there’s one zombie actually okay I didn’t know lapis was the new diamonds okay come on there’s got to be lapis somewhere if we can’t find some lapis then we’re actually in trouble I also might just be in loaded chunks again there’s no shortage of caves though it just seems we’re missing the dark blue diamonds unfortunately I’m actually going to find find some real diamonds before we find lapis also doesn’t help the caves are pitch black so it’s difficult to see where I’m going okay I’m just going to stop trying to MLG all right never mind we actually just found lapis I was about to complain again and we found it and you get a single lapis from mining a Lapis or okay so we’re going to need a few more of those cuz we need to make the block and then we need to dye the wool and we probably need some to mix to make other dyes so yeah we’re going to need like at least 15 luckily there’s lapis right here right no there’s not okay pretty sure the lapis just spawns lower down in this version so yeah we just have to stay low to get more at least we didn’t find diamonds before caving and this is so weird like okay there’s more lapis here I hear a lot of zombies there’s just a lot of mobs in general I was thinking there might be a spawner there but it’s probably not okay we have six lapis I was saying the caves in this version are kind of weird though cuz like they don’t feel like they ever end but it’s really difficult to find out where they continue like get super dark everywhere and the places the caves continue are usually like one block holes it’s really weird okay I got to stop taking damage every time I take fall damage it breaks my armor which is kind of weird that’s not how new Minecraft works at all it should be daytime on the surface pretty soon and that kind of sucks cuz we’re not even halfway through finding our lapis so we’re probably going to miss it I honestly didn’t think finding these items would take this long actually it’s only been 40 minutes so far I actually expected it to take like an hour I feel like it’s going to take longer okay yeah we’re kind of running into like part of the cave where I just don’t know where to go anymore oh we found more lapis see this is the problem the caves are so dark I almost didn’t see that and it’s just a one vein of lapis anyway I actually wish I didn’t see that we got to go to where the zombies were we can find it I can hear it but really find it we can go over here this place is dark it’s just dark cuz I haven’t put a torch it’s we’ve been here this is where I found the first lapis I hear like a lot of mobs so either the caves are just really weird with spawning them or it is daytime okay I almost died to that creeper because I can’t really see anything if I didn’t hit it I would have died there’s like 400 mobs in this one spot it’s better be where the lapis is and we’re out of torches again oh what are you guys doing okay yeah just fight each other who’s going to win oh you fell in a hole okay yeah just stop the fight yeah look at me again yeah you’re gone let’s eat this okay just need like eight more lapis apparently that’s difficult okay we got more like come on okay there’s just every mob down here wait I was thinking I could have got a music disc from that I’m actually not sure if I have any music discs I probably do I don’t really remember getting a music disc I know there’s a juke box in the game cuz we crafted it on like day 10 there’s got to be music discs right and if there is I probably have one but I actually might not lapis could not be harder to get and I am serious about that like it actually could not be harder to get it’s super rare right now and you only get one per or it actually couldn’t be harder to get okay we found some diamonds I found diamonds before we finished our lapis and there’s like 13 zombies protecting this okay why do zombies even drop feathers I don’t really understand why they even dropped them I’m not sure if they still do it’s like a rare drop or something or they just don’t I actually don’t know three creepers really just trying to find some lapis if I had known lapis was this rare I would have kept looking for the Spruce Wood I can’t lie this is actually like not funny anymore like where is the lapis okay I guess we’re strip mining and looking for a new cave yeah at this point I’m not sure if there’s lapis in that cave at all I’m also running kind of low on coal which means I’m going to run out of torches soon hopefully we can just find this quickly okay there’s some kind of cave here okay there’s more diamonds here just another one vein and that’s it I never thought I’d be disappointed to find diamonds but now is the time I guess okay there’s more cave here we’ve just been here already and maybe there’s some lapis I missed these creepers man okay like the creepers in this version are actually unironically scary like I almost died again there was no way of knowing that creeper was behind me oh there’s more lapis that we actually missed okay this is good now we have nine it’s just a really disappointing number I can’t lie I’m still not even sure what y level it can spawn at I think it should be able to spawn up here why is there so many mobs in the corner okay like we just need six more lapis I think it’s just too rare I mean at least we can make a Lapis block I did want to get all the wool as well I mean I’m not giving up though back to the strip mines we have about 5 minutes until it should be daytime so yeah it would perfectly work out if I found six lapis like right now and we just find more diamonds but once again it’s a one Vin just not having luck on either side right now oh strip mining like this reminds me of the original 100 days but like not in a good way not in a good way at all I was strip mining for like at least 20 days and 20 days because there was no beds that’s got to be like almost 7 hours I was strip mining for like 7 hours and I remember it took till like day 15 to even find any Diamonds oh looks like we have a spawner actually that’s really good there can probably be lapis and spawner chests okay yeah that’s pretty much useless got some bread though yeah that was a pretty useless spawner chest was really hoping for some lapis which is a weird thing to say the problem with caving for this long is I can also end up back in the old chunks cuz I didn’t go that far okay I’m hearing more stuff this way this does look like a new cave guys’s just going for like a water slide or something oh there’s another one down there is there any lapis even down here I’m just not bothering with that somehow a zombie died here there’s more diamonds yeah we’ve also got two Creepers a spider she got everything blowing up how is it blowing up that is enough creepers yeah there’s another one back there I we we found five diamonds so far and nine lapis how many mobs can there be we got I have some lapis in here right nope more diamonds okay I’m actually starting to think that I’m caving in the old chunks because there’s no way I found as many diamonds as I found lapis that just can’t be right literally accidentally found more diamonds okay yeah I found more diamonds than lapis at this point I’m just going to assume that this cave is in my old chunks because there is no way this is possible so I’m going to dig up and we’re going to go look for a new cave and look for some Spruce Wood because this whole caving thing is getting very boring okay it’s not night time we’re also not in Old chunks cuz there’s birch trees right here so I’m not sure what is up with the lapis rates in these caves I guess let’s just look for some Spruce Wood and then I’ll decide if I want to go find some more lapis or not okay I’ve placed blocks here so I feel like I’m going in and out of old chunks there’s a lot of birch trees here but I also am finding blocks so I don’t really know yeah not really any birch trees over here so we shouldn’t go this way like look at the view from up here it’s not very good got a giant cloud in the way it’s also just isn’t good in general I don’t know what I was cooking up there okay yeah I don’t see any birch trees in this direction either but I am going further away from my base right now I feel like there’s no way I’ve been out here yet it also might be possible that there can just be a forest with no birch trees I don’t really think about that like that is a real thing I’m not sure if this version is that advanced yet dud look at those mountains over there this version has such nice terrain sometimes like a lot of the terrain just looks pretty bad but then there’s just mountains like that like yeah we got mountains like this this looks pretty bad but then the mountains that were over there there which we can’t see anymore those are good all right what just happened to my boat it’s not at all what I expected let’s just hope we can stay in the water for most of this because I’m kind of tired of the mobs after caving I’m thinking if I get to like X of 3,000 there’s really no way I’ve been there yet at this point I don’t even know the right direction back like if I didn’t have F3 I’d just be lost so there’s no way I traveled that far cuz this was in the early days when I went this way if I went this way I see snow which is really good if we’re looking for Spruce Wood yeah I think those are spruce trees you can probably see them better than I can but we’re about to find out if they’re spruce trees I’m 90% sure there’s SP trees which is very good that means we can just go back and look for the lapis again and then we can hopefully be done with exploring I really just want to go back at this one I’ve seen everything I’ve seen it all again it’s been a year since I played this world and now I kind of remember why I stopped it’s looking heavily guarded yeah there’s a lot of guards out here okay this is can you stop like it’s just a few mobs down there we’re just going to okay we only have eight torches I’m I’m about to bridge I’m bridging in beta I don’t think anyone’s ever speed bridged in beta before to be fair actually beta they definitely have CU a lot of people actually play this version okay let’s just get the wood from up here three logs is looking like enough okay yeah six logs might actually be enough there’s like a million trees over there the problem is we have a whole horde of mobs under us do not want me to live it also looks like we have some kind of spawner maybe over here okay we have to kill all these mobs first I don’t know how I’m going to do this okay the creepers aren’t blowing up I was thinking one of the creepers could blow up the spiders are the most annoying cuz they can actually catch you I’m just going to make a run for it let’s find our way to this Cave thing and hopefully we can get a few more lapis it’s just a water cave okay that is fine cuz I’m 100% sure we’re in new terrain so I’m digging down should probably mine some of this coal cuz I’m actually almost out of torches okay so let’s Dig Down hopefully we find something at least like two more lapis just turning around to see if Herobrine’s in my strip mine all right I have so had enough of this caving we’re going to go with the nine lapis we have and we’re going to make all the wool and we’ll try to get a Lapis Block in the next video but I have just I’m tired of caving I’ve been caving for a long time and I really don’t want to start again so we’re just going to get a bit more spurwood on the surface and we’re going to head back that seems like a good idea at this point I know that I said I was going to do it but like come on I spent like almost an hour to get 9 lapis let’s just get a bit more spurce wood for now I’m not really sure if I’m going to use it to build anything I’m also pretty sure there’s some type of like chunk unloaders that you can use that will unload the chunks around my base which might actually be useful if I’m going to keep updating like this some of the terrain we were walking in at the start is literally from like the first version of alpha when like the grass is all super green and there’s just like three blocks and that’s it God I’m tired of making boats I wonder when they actually make it so that you can pick them up because I have to have made like a 100 boats and it makes no sense in this version you can’t even like leave the boat without breaking it too and when you break it it just turns into some sticks and some wood it’s also funny looking at F3 going back to my base I actually get less FPS in Minecraft Beta than new Minecraft actually I’m not sure if that’s true it might be similar I know on like 1.8 I get like two times this at least though you think you would get better fps in Minecraft Beta than anything else but I guess the game just wasn’t optimized enough back when it was made I mean 1,000 FPS still isn’t anything to complain about I’m not complaining about the FPS even more water ahead even though the water is fast at traveling I just hate making the boats so I’m walking in the land at this point oh we get to go to the real desert I’m not sure if deserts were actually around in like the first versions that I played I think they were added pretty soon but yeah it’s nice to see a different biome than just forest and there’s where I made a boat Before Time to make another boat yeah we still have a way to go okay chicken just randomly spawned out of thin air I don’t know if anyone saw that and now there’s like five chickens here mob spawning in this version is also so weird yeah this isn’t that good beta rain though I remember one way I went in the first 100 days a bunch of like giant mountains and it actually looked really cool okay it’s just a giant hole in the world wait maybe we can find some lapis with this hold on do you guys see any lapis I honestly don’t really see any lapis yeah I’m not really going to walk on this cuz I don’t know how like chunk errors work in this version that’s not really a chunk error I still am not going to walk on it though at this point if I had to reset my world I lost all my nine lapis I’m going to be mad that nine lapis took forever I had to work for that nine lapis I can’t reset this world so we are not walking on there okay why does the boat do a 180 every time I get in it too there’s so many things wrong with the boats still remember when there was no sounds in this version or when there was no sounds in the alpha video that was really interesting like the creepers were like 10 times worse hold up we got a one block Gap we got a walk in okay the boat can’t go through I thought that I could get the boat through but I guess not I I’ve used so much wood on boats but I remember when there was no sound in Alpha creepers I was Finding in the caves now already sneak up on you you actually couldn’t do anything about the creepers back then dangerous area up ahead for the boat we’re going to have to go around got to watch out can’t drive my boat into any blocks oh there’s another boat crafting table over there that’s how you can tell where you’ve been you see the crafting tables you know you made a boat I’m sure there’s like diamonds under this just looks like there’d be diamonds under there doesn’t not I’m not checking we got a gray chicken we should be pretty close we are pretty close I can tell by the quartz but like yeah I was just saying stuff okay now it’s turning night time cuz I’m being stupid and here we have some interesting terrain we got these uh Rand Chunk erors from New Generation got a little bit of sand here sand with no Sandstone you never see this yeah we got these don’t really know what you call them coming out of the ground here and that’s how you know we’re almost home hopefully you can get around this though okay looks like we’re building up turns out even with F3 I’m actually about to get lost please not the spiders man come on and the skeletons and the creepers just everything like we’re going swimming it’s only a few creepers going for a nice little swim here give up I swim faster I see a house over there so that means we’re almost home unless somebody else built that house could be Herobrine’s mansion now that’s definitely the house that I built even though it’s dark I can tell we got the whole like Coast Guard Army here I’m just not allowed to go back home going to make like one of those railroad tracks I’m pretty sure that was a really common thing in this version is like people made like giant railroads I’m about to make one of those so that I don’t have to swim across the water or boat honestly boat is just as bad that’s why I just haven’t made a boat like just just let me get home you don’t have to guard me from getting in the water like this guy’s been chasing me the whole time too this spider has been chasing me the entire time through the water but if we just went through one of the 20 Nether Portals right now does this not look so sick in the dark I won’t lie this build is pretty terrible compared to like modern builds it still looks really cool also for anyone who didn’t watch the video I built the entire Mountain that it’s on basically which took forever in that pillar that pillar’s not getting removed I’m not removing the pillar I don’t remember why but I’m not removing the pillar oh that’s where the mobs are I keep hearing mobs and I’m just I don’t know where they are we’re back at the base and we have almost everything we needed let’s make some things we’re making bone meal um making a few furnaces because apparently there’s no furnaces in this room I think you smelled this into dye literally I don’t think I’ve ever made green dye before this is black dye and then we make gray dye you can also make light gray dye okay we already have the red we should have got more flowers I didn’t realize that we can go get more flowers though I probably have flowers actually we got our green you can put green with this you get lime and then put lapis with this we get light blue you merge the you merge these two okay cyan now I think what we’re missing we’re just missing purple I think I’m not really sure we could be missing something else and I just don’t know we got to have a couple red flowers right okay I don’t think we do okay we have our logs we can’t make anything okay only have logs that’s good to know those are complete apparently Oak planks are still the only planks in the game we need charcoal that’s random but apparently charcoal was added in beta I don’t even know if that’s true like that doesn’t feel like it’s true yeah apparently it is and yeah these are different we have charcoal now um okay so we need to get some red flowers and we needed a Lapis block we’re not getting a Lapis block this video though cuz that is apparently too difficult okay let’s find some red flowers that aren’t part of the castle we got red flowers down there I don’t think we need that many I only think there’s like pink is there even another purple I don’t know this will definitely be enough yeah enjoy burning buddy this will definitely be enough to make every wool and then we can maybe try to find a place to put all these blocks in the museum although I’m not sure if that’s possible I think I built just enough spots for like everything we can actually check I mean we could put some stuff here there going to be a spider on the top floor again probably oh yeah we can definitely put some stuff in the top floor too like I reserved it for some of like the best blocks we can definitely like put like all the wool here yeah we can definitely put some stuff up there and some stuff back on the bottom we’re going to have to build more of this when more blocks are added but right now we’re fine so let’s make a bit more of this we do this and this we get this we do this and this we get nothing that is really weird that makes sense that is not what I expected but that makes sense okay so we have our wool we obviously have white already okay one of this this one of this orange yellow purple pink lime green I threw the that’s not what I meant to do light blue blue and S okay that’s all the wool now let’s grab all the different blocks got a cake Note Block dispenser Sandstone this wood this wood and we’ll just grab some of this and let’s put these in the museum oh we put them on top of stone hopefully we have stone don’t have stone okay we’ll smelt some Stone and right now we’ll go put the blocks up and then we’ll one 2 3 4 5 6 that’s probably fine put this here this here this here not block dispenser and cake okay so we got some random blocks in this hallway now that’s pretty good and now we’ll go up to the top floor and we’ll put down our wool I really got to find the spider okay we’ve got a cloud right here we need 13 [Music] blocks okay that works we can kind of put them I guess and our rainbow torches here for now so nothing spawns yeah that looks fine and let’s just go get our Stone our Stone should be done we’ll replace all the wood with stone yeah our stone is definitely done that actually was pretty fast or I was slow I don’t know which one hopefully the cake yeah I knew that was going to happen I’ll go get another cake after this knew that was going to happen I still did it just on the chance that it wouldn’t yeah let’s just break all of these and then we’ll just put Stone under it and now we have to go get a different cake what do we need for a cake again we need an egg that is actually problem oh no we have another egg that is not an issue apparently I have two eggs we do have to go get that milk again and I threw those buckets out no I have enough buckets okay I don’t even feel like leaving my house I see a cow here I’m I’m coming back for this guy I keep hearing this guy over and over again now you know what let’s just put our house back and made it like this yeah okay and now we can just throw down our cake okay now we are done well except for the lapis but we will get the lapis block another time yeah I guess that concludes episode one of Minecraft Beta this is a completely format of video than I’m used to making so let me know what can be improved or if you just hate the video or if you like it

This video, titled ‘213 Minecraft Build Hacks You NEED To Know!’, was uploaded by Eider 2 on 2024-04-13 10:52:45. It has garnered 290817 views and 2322 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:31 or 10111 seconds.

In this video I’m going to be showing you 213 build hacks in the new 1.21 Update.

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  • “Unbeatable Minecraft Strategy to Crush Mobs 🎮” #gaming #minecraft

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    Welcome to Civ SMP! Civ SMP is a new Minecraft 1:1500 earth server that offers various ways to earn money, such as jobs and player-run shops. Explore the dynmap showing all towns and nations on the map here. Join our small community by connecting to our discord here or directly to the server at Read More

  • The ‘Minelanders [1.20.6] {Player Shops} {Plot Protection} {SimpleClans}

    The 'Minelanders [1.20.6] {Player Shops} {Plot Protection} {SimpleClans}⛏ Welcome to the ‘Minelanders! ⛏ Server address: ml.newmineland.comVersion: 1.20.6OverviewThe ‘Minelanders is a semi-vanilla survival server. We believe that Minecraft can be a political game as well as a creative and PvP game, and our server is intended to lean into that. This means our server includes this general structure:* Griefing is allowed, except in protected player plots* Stealing is allowed, everywhere* Player clans can be created for a small in-game cost, with access to clan chat.* Protection plots can be purchased in four sizes for not-so-small in-game costs- The world is restricted to 6,000 by 6,000 blocks, to encourage… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bye bye Minecraft Console Edition!

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  • Blaze it up with Minecraft Memes!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Upgrade & Blaze Burner!

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  • 🔧 Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Mastery Guide!

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  • Elly Fakes Death in Minecraft

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  • Insane Tricks on Day 2 of Minecraft Survival #EpicStream

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: YOU control hearts in Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE: YOU control hearts in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But You Control The Hearts…’, was uploaded by dayta on 2024-03-23 10:32:46. It has garnered 10413726 views and 644056 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft, But You Control The Hearts. This was HILARIOUS! dayta does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2022! Today dayta plays not Minecraft, But… Read More

  • Ghxsty’s EPIC Minecraft SMP with FRIENDS! 👻

    Ghxsty's EPIC Minecraft SMP with FRIENDS! 👻Video Information This video, titled ‘👻Minecraft SMP!!!! Chilling with friends !!!!!!👻’, was uploaded by Ghxsty on 2024-03-09 19:17:02. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:09 or 5829 seconds. 👻Im livestreaming a minecraft smp (vanilla) and hope you will come join the smp 🙂 if you want to join the call with me join the dicord 👻 this is for something dif but plz join the discord 🙂 👻Discord: Read More

  • 🔴Shocking Reveal Live! Mining in Minecraft Amikatsu #15

    🔴Shocking Reveal Live! Mining in Minecraft Amikatsu #15Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] MINING AGAIN – MINECRAFT STORY OF AMIKATSU INDONESIA #15’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-31 01:15:13. It has garnered 206 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:03 or 5883 seconds. Link saweria : – no subathon- subathon: Rp. 1,000: 1 minute Rp. 5,000: 10 minutes Rp. 10,000: 30 minutes Rp. 20,000: 1 hour Rp. 30,000: 2 hours 30 minutes Rp. 50,000: 5 hours Rp. 100,000: 9 hours Subathon time only stops if: 1. no longer live 2. called by parents 3. disaster 4. power outage 5. sleep This… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Chaos! Prepare for the madness with BlueRainCloud

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Chaos! Prepare for the madness with BlueRainCloudVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Chaos’, was uploaded by BlueRainCloud on 2024-02-07 00:29:58. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:05 or 19385 seconds. During this stream we start on the Jungle world. Made some progress on the build before going mining and sadly dying to a skeleton. Then we started another world and was trying to mine. I then got blown up by a creeper while talking about smps. We then decided to take a break by going on Breaking Point SMP. We chatted with a friend and got some… Read More