Insane Minecraft Crazycraft with ThorneBusch!

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oh [ __ ] about to kill you I like a [ __ ] silverfish oh my God I understand how the bat flying works now you have to spam space bar holy [ __ ] you fly in the air yeah it’s a Ser [Music] like oh [ __ ] so this actually drops another eight scps when he come didn’t realize that I’m at the EMC some [ __ ] iron no cheesy oh B works the same way for mhm all I broke your glass [ __ ] to watch even load finally been loading how do you H how do you EMC you asking the wrong person bro it’s uh control alt delete okay alt f4 usually works for me oh TR how do how do you use this transation table bro what the fck like hieroglyphics or some [ __ ] oh [Music] [Music] dude hello every different I’m I’m recording with Shader on I don’t know if you guys will like it or not this is just a four Redstone four uh glow stone and one diamond and that gets you the philosopher stone and one philosopher stone four obsidian for stone gets you the transmutation table uned it with diamond block it’s at 47 million EMC also go ahead um especially GNA get really bad when we go over here here we go all right as long as the item has an EMC valy which is those yellow letters there and the and then pull it out beside it so what you can do which one this song this it’s just like it’s just like e it’s like EDM music like not copyright oh yeah okay yeah I’ll play right now I leaked myself I leaked myself like actually like uh this song that comes up on it this one this is actually an anime I think well I I don’t know the EDM ver but yeah okay buddy now I watch my [ __ ] video again hello everyone hello and that’s it actually going off where’s this nugget go br [ __ ] is you what the hell am I digging into a spider spawner what even is it supposed to be why is it got like a Facebook skin Oh the uh [ __ ] my my Skin’s a [ __ ] well it has like a bunch of like goggles on it and [ __ ] actually like a bunch of like relics on it so that’s that’s why it’s like like a [ __ ] floaty and [ __ ] then my that’s my hat is a [ __ ] pointer oh it’s like it’s like a [ __ ] Mouse clicker or something it’s called like foam oh no it’s foam finger is what it’s called and my Skin’s [ __ ] crackhead SpongeBob [Music] did I just throw something in there by accident I don’t think I did maybe a backpack yo these things are cool oh I’m so close so close to arriving what I have arrived I arrived just use all the rotten flesh no way that’s insane we had like 15,000 yeah that’s insane dude it’s so much just to make this [ __ ] armor I’m not even done making it either that’s insane it’s so [Music] absurd who the hell is this guy who are you [ __ ] Daryl the angry [ __ ] kill yourself Daryl the angry that’s what he’s called bro got to clean my inventory real quick L key were watching B Zilla in science Zilla F at Meo this is funny funny I know oh my God oh my God too hidden fors the hidden literally a [ __ ] like big ass pamin features 510 rechargeable rights with ink super increases r increases RZ the last increases wait this is a real thing you’re reading yeah there’s there’s like there’s like two of them he’s got like two two of the same like you know design things but like just like different colors or whatever yeah he got an all black one and this one like cow like white or some [ __ ] increases RZ increases jiz yes includes micro USB Cal adap yes sir epic cheeses might spawn the W soon I wantuck I watch you f probably one shot it true I might hit it pretty hard I want to kill like chaos Dragon I think it actually slammed me last time they one shot me yeah I thought I was going to actually like you know be like I thought it was going to be like a challenge type [ __ ] yeah but it just molested you yeah like it was like cuz it was like hitting me through the ground and it wasn’t doing damage I’m like okay so I like went outside L got inst it I’m like what the [ __ ] nice I was like surprised got my [ __ ] back it’s funny but suck I was like like over 20,000 blocks away and then [ __ ] end Jesus ass my think what the holy [ __ ] why did you make such a big hole I have no clue what was it the ray gun my God so that’s what B talking yeah make you don’t have that [ __ ] in your [ __ ] hop bar when you’re in the house yeah I know I make sure I don’t set it off inside this should be funny it would be if it it be tragic oh I have 647 73 or 71 oh my God demolishes everything I finally broke it I’ll have to go farm more 117 minus 71 negative negative on 65 66 65 negative 65 117 – 71 117 – 71 no you said 16us defitely what he says 16 – 7 won the first I said might just [ __ ] picked it up no you you’re you’re a liar check stream check stream bro yeah check stream bro oh he said we it sounded like he said what’s 17 what he [Music] said he got doneit he was like okay do you whoa sniff my booty I’m stealing all your levels no please that’s cool I I might need some actually it’s there for that reason where is the uh where’s the the book place in the front where in the front over here oh right there um oh I need to go kill I need to get more on flush actually I’m EMC some so I’ll give you literally a Chad if you go M me a titanium nugget yeah I get a Chad for that yeah for a singular titanium titanium nugget let me see let me see actually do not why is worker exploitation and enchantment yeah it decreases like [ __ ] decreases some for villagers okay it’s pretty funny though um yeah yeah I’m GNA go mine [ __ ] chiz real quick I’ll be back I can EMC some round flesh that way I can just you know just get this [ __ ] for free real quick I need 46 more I just got 20 off that one so I probably need at least like like 10,000 more rten fles not really but probably a couple thousand it should be that hard to EMC let’s see let’s see heading on my sword I want the head of everything so they’re both at 52 or 524 22 288 R flash 32 oh my God so many random tests over here I might get some I get 7,946 round flesh go that’s in the chat right there boys Jesus quick ma here quick Ms yeah where’s the red an I don’t remember like tus 25 to do this let’s get to work come on a and I got to grind my [ __ ] homework I’m going to cheat on all that you know it yes [Music] sir I’m cheat all that [ __ ] like I do my girlfriend many of cheat huh cheat on that like I cheat on my girlfriends with an S cuz I have many of them cuz I cheat with an S Jesus this SI of a [ __ ] spun my God I just air stri this building it’s completely gone sound I’m crazy crazy that was crazy once that was crazy once oh yes whoa what’s going on what’s going on I wake up wake up a oh let’s go it worked wake up why are you sleeping literally I’m [ __ ] speed running to to the bottom of the dimension if I just won’t run to an ore please no am I collecting these items oh it’s raining and I’m not at the B it seems I left my [ __ ] backpack in a chest somewhere at the house wow I’m an idiot way to go Billy Willy it’s a [ __ ] back that use a [ __ ] do all that [ __ ] I’ll give you please please come and bring me it please what do you want I didn’t know where I left it look key go the go the am I no I have it on me I me just full oh nice I’m just crackhead I’m sorry no it’s okay um this is a shitty ass a crow loose in the base wait how is this not smelting yeah wait give me a name tag I need to name him uh what you naming him I don’t know what should I name him it’s a crow what am I naming the crow I’m trying to man something that’s not going to immediately get every stream you do [ __ ] deleted yeah me too um mommy milker mommy milker no I like that you can you can name what you want Seth he is he is a rat fetard this my yes my Siege name all right um mining a little bit of iron I’m [ __ ] why we have [ __ ] onek and 105 blocks CU I felt like having some all right rat petard flying around make sure things are getting deleted I just found some titanium but T it more hell is a Wither Catalyst block um I’m going to grab him I want them I don’t think it’s King yeah it does let’s see what they are oh they come in chunks not blocks there a lot of them it’s four you’re full oh that’s why I’m just getting random Wars because I forgot Bo of the [ __ ] like you get Bo in the earth and like whenever you m Stone it just [ __ ] randomly gives you ores no it doesn’t okay buddy is your is your name boo oh no yeah okay all right buddy random juice we should be good now and I bet you I’m going to go back and start do that lag [ __ ] again I’m going to cry seems like it’s not let’s go you just keep punching me every time I walk by that’s my trid this is my fist this does nothing what are you doing I’m critting you with my fist stop me going to break my armor stop no just got get struggle on everything don’t matter oh I should do that Jing in my butt oh we have no indestructible no I got it all oh it stopped raining I wanted to rip around what do I need again oh bro fly through the air I feel like dream holy [ __ ] dream feel like a a crazy weird battle file I don’t remember what the dream was man talking about dream oh oh sorry no it’s not actually I’m just making no it might be actually I’m not sure I doubt it bro I was watching [ __ ] this guy that Omar met playing Siege was showing me the complete dejen side of twitch it was this [ __ ] playing league but the league screen was like the size of your face cam and the rest of it was just her ass it was she was laying on a bed like it’s it’s like twitch is devolved into absolutely garbage no yeah there’s a lot of twitch meds going on right now yeah that’s that’s what most critical calls him yeah the twitch meta twitch meta yeah crazy twitch meta bro it works I’m pretty sure I probably seen the same thing like this [ __ ] was like playing like fortnite or something she had like a [ __ ] a TI yeah that’s it and fortnite’s Tiny like it’s not not even be happening well people start getting banned from that so his other girl found a [ __ ] or his [ __ ] found new meta not girl this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] found new meta where like uh like you take your ass or whatever and you still have you’re fully clothed but it’s a green screen you know what I’m saying and they just watch your so they’re Prett much just watching your ass as you play cuz it’s it’s all your [ __ ] it’s all time [ __ ] funny screen your ass just so you can continue to like [ __ ] hot tub stream without the hot tub literally I’m like like no way people are funny like this kind of like meta is funny you should do a hot tub stream Sam I bet you bet you pop off true just [ __ ] take a [ __ ] with b tub NAIA yeah exactly sell your gamer girl sweat sell your gamer boy Musk probably if that [ __ ] ever happened I don’t even know oh it’s a compressed creeper think I wonder if I can survive it well it won’t go off on me I for just like she really pretty and she and she she’s just like like and Sh and this tell I went through like already like okay [ __ ] flesh yeah this should be enough how do I do anything with these fossilized things oh you put them in the incubator with like water I [ __ ] wow it’s actually ROM iron and a [ __ ] like uh incubate him where’s the incubator do we have one yeah you should I want to make a WTF uh actually can unfortunately it’s one thing that’s not it’s one of the things that is in this mod oh I can’t make the what the flip bro yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying like it’s like when you when you try to um when you try to do it it’ll be like this is not in this mod yet or some [ __ ] oh yeah fossilized pararo can’t do that either yeah if I break it next to you then you get it haha rat fard hanging out in the warts I give him seeds e seeds come here where’d you go can I breed you what do you eat what mod is he from so close I’m so close got a speedrun bumpkin seed Bumpkin seed yeah are you happy now are you picking it up I think he is picking it up I have my particles off so maybe he loves me maybe he doesn’t oh or maybe I’m just picking them all up stupid [ __ ] vacuum backpack [ __ ] off you’re supposed to eat these [ __ ] he doesn’t like the pumpkin seeds for that I don’t like him 10 [ __ ] creeper heads holy [ __ ] how’ you get this I killed a bunch of compressed creepers and I have beheading creeper Effigy complete I even get these [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m just going to cover the wall and heads I want all the heads song’s just crazy yeah head wall this song was crazy all right you go crazy head wall you like I will collect more heads I’m going to coat the house and heads and there’s nothing you can do to stop me [ __ ] it is actually some of them actually have like benefits to the enchantment table oh really yeah like the Wither heads give you like more like Quant it’s like for like power and [ __ ] yeah then where’s the mob grinder come here why is why is there wolves spawning in here that makes me so sad take my backpack Away by accident that was a nice one I throw away by accident put the amus these aren’t the heads I want I want cool heads you have a hat I did it again let’s do it again stupid ass so I get this park on I see if I can hurry up and do a caner before why thing so [ __ ] hard to kill like M down SL you oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] there’s so many mobs spawning off these guys it’s like [ __ ] a million silver fishes and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] silver yeah I want he was a CH guy I think like start lagging me all over the server or some [ __ ] I have enough baby oh my God this about to be [ __ ] insane like don’t understand one does not understand one does not Dam NE diamonds holy freak bro n i was one off I miscalculated no oh bro another rubies holy [ __ ] rupes I misal I’ve got to SC and Sh and let it all that’s actually unfortunate I got to do this um many more do I need six three L three nuggets bro oh my mouse is done just spawn guy inside the house how why am I poisoned the [ __ ] is this some B really I don’t know why look a Boss Bar that tough mini boss you’re about to [ __ ] [ __ ] yourself look up the cursed armor so look it up oh it it doesn’t exist or it’s it’s it’s Cur Cur th CH 15 I just made a full set H like how op I am now let me hit you with this thing I don’t even do any damage oh my God no I literally cannot like I can hit you occasionally like it won’t let me hit you it’s going be like you know sound exact I have a I have like a 75% chance to block the D incoming damage [ __ ] psychotic isn’t that insane Bro Look the sword does 500 damage by itself I’m actually about to put an indestructible on it real quick on every indestructible unless you’re disenchanting your [ __ ] yeah disenchant [ __ ] I see I see that’s crazy all right well you did that I’m going and [Music] quits I just change believe I am going to go play Siege while you do work I got curse armor now should be ganging hell yeah all right later gang I see you later let’s [ __ ] go Nom is so op it’s absurd I see to get more op your oh so that’s that is oh so those are what shocker shells are [Music] for oh Sher just that down huge [Music] we need another star for that I don’t wipe I don’t sh what said I don’t it’s insane actually genius it’s me let’s go and I got green hearts dude I’m actually [ __ ] juic right now it’s absurd holy [ __ ] someone’s going to queef did you hear that let’s hurry up and uh speedrun this real quick [ __ ] tired see these speeduns oh oh stre academic dishonesty better I it’s um this is probably the most wordy one to seen in my life H like I’m [ __ ] like reading a book right now yeah all right well yeah so no we moving across the above figure from longer to Shorter wavelength basically such frequency type how you character between wavelength the frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional um say frequency increases wave like decreases yeah they inverse proportion why [Music] not which the falling waves had the shortest wave wavelength gamma long Rec between wave speed wave speed speed light speed light the back can we disc fraction distinction will become clear speed of the light sees about three * 10 the E therefore this case in minute wave the wave comes C lamb whatever that is where [Music] C see if we already yep yep yep yep let’s try a few examples see dude why is there so many [ __ ] parts for this damn question oh [ __ ] it’s question one still who’s doing that what is the wavelength in the radio well how many 6 megahertz how manys is that me6 like all right what is the length in in meters 96.7 that’s it is I can just do the formula idiot I’ll think we’re in that so wait do this have to be a mega HT hurts just Hur so L equals it’s not even right what am I doing I’m like [ __ ] I’m thinking I’m an idiot hold on I need to find the the length so I should just [Music] this [Music] these people [Music] some nanometers some meters the [ __ ] is that [Music] I again e how do you I do you this is [ __ ] inside the little [ __ ] sh’s a 2.7 6 not even right but what the [ __ ] what is the frequency in hertz wavelength of 535 nomers should just be sorry yeah I was it all right brother for Rel me you so yeah wait so how do you get this [ __ ] insert man get the [ __ ] out of you man get the blck out of here man leave what I got they tell me it’s [ __ ] wrong suck CH BR all right you something you’re my EX always a new vle too e e for um com holy [ __ ] I’m kind of in a speedrun mode but there’s still so much to do probably get done though where are they hold there’s NES 10es so but but they are so like they don’t get but she hopefully sh okay yeah wow G gave bucks what is like like viewers whatever he was just like dang doc I wish I had the you know the feels like you dude I wish I was just like you and uh the guy was the doc was like will yeah Will you’re done okay you never will he’s like all right so he’s like I don’t know what you want to say and then a guy doned him another 50 bucks and was like yeah you’re right that’s my dad like what yeah you’re right you’re right like who says that b bom and [ __ ] another 50 like what game is this sh oh well you know love it love it just wrong numbers out here just [ __ ] fabricating numbers on my head I wonder why sh just [ __ ] wrong let’s go I’m I’m just going to skip that one magic field strength what what [Music] what waking up with that immediate I [ __ ] up Adrenaline Rush has got to be worst feelings out there that is true you know what I’m saying like that’s like most like that’s like that’s a [ __ ] adrenaline rush like what do I do your [ __ ] Hearts just like some cartoon [ __ ] for real bro we we were talking about I was talking to know about like like uh like cartoon like characters and some of like cartoon characters like that like I got popy like [ __ ] like [ __ ] [ __ ] characters out there like bad tank a I was [ __ ] you like made a chain and anchor with his [ __ ] like Navy Navy battleship chain and anchor just [ __ ] punched that [ __ ] and made it in chain swallowed a gallon of paint [ __ ] spit that [ __ ] on boat in like literally 10 seconds and was [ __ ] who does that like I’ve not seen one [ __ ] like anime I swear like the sun think he like flies to the Sun or some [ __ ] like no [ __ ] like puts it back in its place don’t [ __ ] or would not believe it like swear you like did some [ __ ] like that just so you can like keep [ __ ] like Galaxy and ERS and [ __ ] I’m like what the [ __ ] I’m literally going to look up [ __ ] like I swear I might be capping but I swear he like moved the Sun or some [ __ ] like top three like pop five moments top three pop five popey compil wait oh top three funniest moment I gotta watch that too there top three funniest moments in this top three poby meets the Sailor oh he meets the sin dad dude this guy literally just absorbs everything they’re like swinging back and forth on a [ __ ] e and like beating the [ __ ] out of each other every time they meet back punch each other some more definitely wait best Popeye fight ever final what some guy commented Pap I invented all of monkey deffy’s techniques several decades earlier literally though like when he flexes his musle it’s like Lally a [ __ ] like golf size muscle fact his [ __ ] forearms are like literally the biggest forearm I’ve ever seen that [ __ ] K makes so much sense now now that he says that yeah literally that [ __ ] is actually like yeah cuz like CU like but everybody’s lining up to see this [ __ ] bro yeah no shot like right now on the one piece like Leia obtain the power to [ __ ] like do what he imagines pretty much what he imagines he could do it yeah you know what I’m saying what popey is popey matches he does look I’m about to tell OD he stole that [ __ ] bro like you’re L copying a papa you L copying Papa as everyone tell yeah literally that’s like it’s like every everyone’s G to be like bro you’re right be like you check out the new one pie yeah one just com Me by bro [ __ ] watch if you watch one pie you might as well watch i’mna say that [ __ ] that’s actually no dud this guy literally like squeezing the absolute piss out of popey and then he like mid squeeze just like just [ __ ] then starts beating him up with his face with his chin on his face the budd’s like it’ss punched in the face instant [ __ ] black eye yeah I got to rewatch all this popey [ __ ] [ __ ] actually oh [ __ ] he’s ping out the spish he punched it no way he saves the spinach he said let me eat this spinach first he’s holding on to a tree bch with his [ __ ] pipe with his mouth with his [ __ ] pipe literally bro literally held on to the smallest [ __ ] tree branch known what the [ __ ] popey on some spinach is literally not even popey he’s literally [ __ ] [ __ ] god this [ __ ] is straight comedy it’s actually bro I got you gota watch this what the [ __ ] butd he twisted his [ __ ] arm like 10 million times and then punched him and then he [ __ ] literally when he punched him his [ __ ] fist like to him and he’s fun bro like what the got got you gota watch this sh is actually C I’m not even like finished watching it yet it’s all div by two and we come up with a value about 20.7 so 20.7 standing unit gassing it up either but like buding guys thanks for tuning in hope that helped by the way check out some moreos or if you’re taking some [ __ ] Tokyo type [ __ ] right what the [ __ ] calculated what the [ __ ] you dead or you could probably just look it up on YouTube you want to watch it now I’m watching the is strong man compilation papey yeah [ __ ] it’s lit it’s it literally starts off papey as a kid like a [ __ ] baby he’s literally doing [ __ ] without even thinking about it I didn’t see you text me I SAR oh this yeah so cute is he look so mad hey what’s up G gang just doing unfortunately what’s up papy and now he’s like the like literally the [ __ ] strongest L the goat strongest dude alive the [ __ ] goat the goat it’s in bro he invented goats bro what was that he invented goats I don’t feel like think got their name Me Maybe maybe he thinks it’s a but don’t forget to then Square the rap yeah I know my pencil my pencil my pencil take his you said [Music] that every time tou it don’t like the noise 0.25 it’s her cousin apparently like literally just I hateth this gu crazy well I the uh we hate you are 10us 7th that’s a constant divided them by the spe the light which is also another constant I did that wrong oh we it’s literally P literally p want to go with the whatever find the magnetic key I can test this so let’s see 1.63 time J che che che what the hell this is equal to you your I used to watch them all the time I just like their it’s wrong anyways doesn’t matter what you do it’s wrong literally 10 to Theus 6 and that’s in terms of Tesla all right I visited two time this 318 average intensity that we found multipli by 4 Pi loots and we get about 300 we need that in met so multiply it by 10us 3 it’s just like some randoming like what like random like I don’t know whatever don’t it’s in mil Abu why billions of people why we don’t know wa were you saying this it’s in your remember when he was that perod after he was no but like literally one of them kind of funny I was like she that’s right I just forgot to [ __ ] make that watt not Millow wat is that what I did up here oh no it’s SW I don’t know why I got that wrong divided them by three so we have the average distress H what Papa still watch yeah what [Music] what oh [ __ ] supercharger on the steamboat no [ __ ] way papey just got he’s just got it [ __ ] made he’s literally going fing like last one to the D over here I’m going to use that cuz it’s a lot do you pop is probably like one of the best shows to [ __ ] back in it I like actually [ __ ] watching this [ __ ] addicted easier I was addicts divid by the peak magnetic field strength should equal the speed since I want to find the electric just cross multiply that out pipe is so where the [ __ ] you make that the strongest [ __ ] I’ve ever SE [ __ ] make like shit’s made out of like [Music] [ __ ] what’s the what’s the strongest metal tungsten BR so there’s going to be 10 I multipli by our magnetic field strength that we just found 1.63 and what you should do is you should do all the substitutions and kind of prove to yourself why that kind of isn’t it stronger than diamonds wa well Diamond’s the hardest thing but yeah it sh it shatters easily you know what I’m saying’s just looking it up but uh but [ __ ] um like tungen it’s more malleable so it won’t like shatter like diamonds if it put you know what I’m saying it just just bend so that’s kind of B yeah because like that’s why like you can like you could pound a diamond to an anvil but if you turn upside down and then hit the point it would shatter you know what I’m saying uhhuh yeah but like you you don’t have if you did that to a Tungsten thing it would just like Bend and [ __ ] so it wouldn’t really break or shatter weird took it out yeah it is weird it’s very [ __ ] this number is times the speed of light what do you mean scared of nothing you just take a fresh dookie I can smell it like what are you doing weird so the power over half I don’t know why he does that DIY you should be full of energy you 25 which that power is being supplied so the power over just see like the average view count they have like on their like just literally just like all would like penguin like penguins like his average [ __ ] like viewers or like views on a video is like Lally over a million he’s fing he’s up there like that’s [ __ ] crazy you not like like just having that many views on one video like that one like that one video that you were just had up was like 1.8 million views on an 8 minute video about really about how the thumbnail is the internet is unusable without ad blockers and he got and he gets 1.8 million views on like what it’s all in the AL room stopped working [Music] that’s divide by 2 pi met and you got to square it div um yeah until you start the can you push it back so my Xbox get kicked off thank you sure you should Absolut sh is most interested again chokes like does a back flip those are the units of intensify to so now all we have to do is basically just plug this on in square root of my co I by my other Co Epsilon KN so there’s going to be square root of two times that intensity we just found a 4.42 root and that’s a constant .5 * 102 Square two times this [ __ ] looksy easy that’s what I’m saying shit’s too easy oh now it’s ke’s turn he just bites his [ __ ] though biting on the there’s like some B over there he biting on he the [ __ ] side that’s his like plastic over those things key and like he just like he’d sit there and he’d [ __ ] he’d sit there and he’d [ __ ] like Lally just put in the plastic with like he’ bite it once and then like let go and like bite it again and he like and he would put like a million so just 2 * 4 would about 8.85 10us 12th this is like watching them keep Jo yeah yeah come on probably hear him chill or eating if the Sun is suddenly turned off chomping on some cat food oh wait how long it’s second it’s about eight minutes and all that wait what what the sun suddenly turned off so okay well it want the exact answer given this [ __ ] off it should be about eight minutes cuz we would not know it until oh light stops coming oh okay answer’s easy speed of light well yeah because because you you’re right though it t that’s how long it takes eight minutes for the light for the light to travel the from the Sun to her on to Earth yeah because just like the distance right yeah cuz [ __ ] so far away so yeah so if if it literally turned off we wouldn’t even know until yeah eight minutes eight minutes later eight minutes is [ __ ] crazy like and even even we will still be we will still be orbiting like the sun would be there because gravity is like almost the same as like the speed of light right so like we will still be Orting it the same but the sun’s not even there then as soon as like eight minutes goes we just [ __ ] just like dip just leave like T and it’s just like yeah we just start we just start going straight and just going then we’re like a [ __ ] meteor in in the earth in the sky physics how do you set this up all right the 11th and yeah that would be crazy imagine like dark as [ __ ] like would we like all literally wouldn’t we like freezeo no not at first but it’ll take a few like it’ll take a few months then like it pretty much be like snowing all time right it’ be [ __ ] crazy it’ll be like wet it’ll be like wet and rainy seasons and then eventually go to like like snowy Seasons then it should be like snowing all the time start actually like snowing oxygen because so cold snowing oxygen and like the only way you would be able to get oxygen is like to like scoop up your snow and melt it in your house type [ __ ] like no [ __ ] figure that out it was crazy if you did a video on it was kind of [Music] interesting that’s actually crazy someone actually like wrote a book on it like way back when like like like a whole scientific book it’s like it’s not like a science like a science book it’s more of like like he’s writing like a first person story of what of like someone that that happened to someone you know what I’m saying like an explanation book no more like it’s kind like a novel like you’re just reading like like the [ __ ] haard or some [ __ ] yeah I mean you’re like reading an actual like story book and like but like like a diary or something yeah but but it’s all like scientifically like factual you I mean so like the dude like the dude like goes out in like a [ __ ] special suit CU all the auctions like PR much deete on Earth it’s all like snow down he like Scoops up snow melts in his house so like you could breathe in his house type [ __ ] he’s like burning oxygen it’s like I’m like what the [ __ ] it’s like insane that’s crazy so like you saying like that’s pretty much what it’ll be like like that’s assuming if you live that yeah know like what would be the first thing you do the sun just [ __ ] up and went yeah yeah if you’re [ __ ] if if you were [ __ ] sleeping you wouldn’t even know you know what I’m saying you just think the sun’s G GG You’ be like oh the sun has never came up but like if you’re like in China or some [ __ ] and like the sun L turned off to like like daytime or whatever you know what I’m saying everyone’s like that like that that’s how be panicking but people are like at night time won’t even realize yet until the news hit yeah literally he boys up too what you talking about physics physics hey what’s up corporate Republic Nick what if I was doing some Minecraft but I’m uh doing some homework before 12:00 what you should they want the exact 500 oh yeah just chilling billing bu billing bu bu big billain big Bill then to the three four five six seven right and 3 * 10 8 and the same thing except in this case we’re not going to have that we’re going to7 five Sam this guy been one of the two for three slime hotels hell no the [ __ ] do you know what he’s talking about is he talking I know who that is either hell no give me all that [ __ ] three times 10 by what are our numbers here he’s like hello hello makes me feel you can hear it like no I can feel it no but what the [ __ ] I have so many I had 15 questions the whole time I’m not going to finish I’m not going to finish but I could if I speed run there was a slime sweets and Mexico the [ __ ] a slime Hotel talking about like Nickelodeon or something yeah look at it isn’t his two microwave frees 9 2500 have to be in HS not that repeats it’s my best guess he’s making me tweak lamb isal just imagine just walking into a hotel instantly no no question like you make your reservation [ __ ] instant SL that’s [ __ ] be like like some I feel like somebody pranking that happened show TV TV show yeah would be’ be some like Johnny Knoxville type [ __ ] right that’s the W Jack I’m about to watch me some jack I haven’t watched that [ __ ] in Forever This sh is actually comedy I did just see like this video of like johnnyville like hosting some show or something like that no it’s not like jackass they’re doing be doing like a lot of YouTube [ __ ] and like he’s got a podcast and [ __ ] yeah he like drives from his like lives in his constant anyway guys thanks for tuning in I think it’s like I think it’s called like the got one it might have been called like the list podcast or something no I think that was his uh uh maybe but I uh I want to say that was his tour like but I could be wrong cuz I do remembering I like I do uh remember something that called it like called that that has to do with sta for sure I just I can’t remember exactly what it was did you mention Nickelodeon maybe yeah my friend dude perhaps I know I know it’s a [ __ ] resent frequency of water I don’t feel like calculating though this one should be easy solving this question can be a little right what I’m going to do here is just erase that GG I want to do some serious math I just don’t feel like doing but I’m just going to [ __ ] uh in order to solve this question we’re going to need to use Snow’s law so we’re going to for and for lind’s law he said something makes me think you can’t see didn’t I say his profile picture looked like Nickelodeon no we can see your profile picture my buddy said it looked like Nickelodeon it looks like it’s got the it actually just Nickelodeon flag or something with like the Nickelodeon logo it might be oil it’s 1.4 colors so we solve for we’ll now direct our attention to the second half of the diagram and again we’ll plug in all the information into Snell’s law so that we get Theta Prime to be 22.3 yeah that’s exactly it I couldn’t have said it any better okay you’re c yeah big old G big old gut all right but it’s last year I took a CIA test granted it was for kids it was pretty easy so I decided after like a year oh so I calculated for that then I got to do the same thing for this dude I already did this in class right can’t can’t wait till I get a new M but I’m like so used to like my head [ __ ] mic’s just like my [ __ ] ear constant then I put my [ __ ] my my a20s on it for my PlayStation and it’s nothing like I was just like so not used stupid ass my ear like 247 it was actually like I can’t Brokey yeah like I could like the way it broke I was just like backwards backwards curse you oh I have [Music] some gee thanks is this like the Tostinos cheese I’m confused bro I’m done I should have started this earlier in the week I used to eat this time I’m done I’m done for I’m officially ksing in Minecraft in Minecraft yeah sense also I love to get slime buddy you you be the one to get slimed buddy you will be the one who like that [ __ ] buddy my middle name is slime of course you’d be the one who gets slime buddy typal typical typical typical slim these bibs amazing like how you put slime poured on me in presen sees I know that was funny I like that little addition no but I thought BR I thought you watch some they talk about some other slime buddy I say whoa C me what up shine about me in come me in coach I’m there I [Music] swear you see that Meme of Travis Kelsey like he’s like when uh like when he shoved uh when he shoved Andy Reed during the Super Bowl and it was like it was like a snap of like like a screenshot of like him like mid shove he’s like he’s like bro you gotta put me in or else Taylor’s gonna write a write a hate song about me or break up with me and write a hate song about I that’s actually funny there’s like I hear conspiracy theories how it’s like it’s like scripted I’m like what what the [ __ ] Super Bowl I wouldn’t doubt that in [Music] a like came out in like 2010 said it fell in like the entertainment category and not the sport category which I mean legally means they can [ __ ] script it imagine like this m that’s good [ __ ] that’s good [Music] [ __ ] bro dude cracks me me I said SL say what it means if people would thinking me some susses that’s why I had a definition but we wanted to be sus yeah we knew it was sus all along yeah that’s what I’m saying all right I’m probably help out of here boys I’ll see you later see you later GT get on earlier tomorrow so we can play [ __ ] Seven Days to Die brother yeah I mean I was was trying to get on earlier but then I was like man I’m just [ __ ] feeling like laying here smacked and I was like to go get a [ __ ] printer then it started [ __ ] no all facts don’t come no facts I feel it now yeah yeah if you can [ __ ] seven days oh yeah yeah cuz Noah be getting off pretty early so yeah I know he do yeah he’s a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] he’ be getting off at like 9 everybody be getting off at like 6:30 buddy dead ass yeah bro buddy be going to B at like seven damn not actually but damn you like it no yeah it’s like damn bro it’s 11 o’clock on a Saturday you going to sleep like yeah I’m like what I’m saying it’s like 10:30 and you’re getting yeah but at the same point I mean he’s he’s just used to go to bed early so I understand it type [ __ ] but respect it it’s like come on it’s a weekend I don’t respect it I’m I disrespect it actually he’s 100% disrespect that kind of [ __ ] right there he said I take that as disrespect he said oh yeah the thumbnail of this video is related to the Slime no way thumbnail isn’t a thumbnail like Squidward and SpongeBob yeah the oh [ __ ] boy Splunk Bobs [ __ ] or some [ __ ] what it says yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] blobs now I’m just op as [ __ ] and cheatting all everything in just I feel like you just as how see Stephen can’t refuse it I could just [ __ ] kill him all right I’m hop out boys I’ll see you see you play some seven days with us tomorrow you poop [ __ ] yeah I’m not playing yeah never my life yeah I actually uninstalled that game all right just didn’t have the heart tell now it’s just time to get more op you know what I mean yes sir did you get that sword yet yeah I’m fully Ked out actually I gota see if I can disenchant my other uh my other gear let me Discord noise every time I hear it like what is that is that you yeah bro okay okay well I guess I just can’t enchant it yeah thumnail contains first hold up I am think I’m aware that oh yeah it does have is that one is that is that one is that when to take or Squidward gets like [ __ ] up in the time machine or some [ __ ] bro yeah yeah thank you honey see that video or that huh oh it’s cold is that what you said oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you said actually might throw this [ __ ] yeah is this what this isn’t what I was talking about but this is I mean just as good I was talking about that can [ __ ] like the whipped cream cam oh I know I think well I was saying like you know I some crackers with or some [ __ ] is that okay yeah I love this this is just as good I was like I think this is like dayare for like lunches in high school like just nachos and I I’m pretty sure they did that Sam didn’t they do like nachos and cheese yeah I us should get this all the time a kid and I opened it and yeah this is [ __ ] gas now dude my brother my older brother when I was younger like middle school or whatever he would [ __ ] like come home like I like now that I think about it like I but he would come but like ripped and he’d literally just like open up the fridge make up some kind of dip concoction and he’d have he’d like L throw like salsa beans cheese [ __ ] chili more cheese hot sauce like all this like in one [ __ ] heat it up and just eat that [ __ ] like and then he’d be like bro try this bro this shit’s amazing I’m like that [ __ ] looks like [ __ ] ass I’m like where the do in D that [ __ ] looks like like fing ass he’s like bro don’t knock it till you try it I’m like whatever give me a chip it actually wasn’t even that bad like half the time honestly it just Tes like you know [ __ ] like chip dip it’s like a souped up chip dip wait why I why did I disenchant my pick but I’m just going to [ __ ] need it again damn it oh good chips and dips sound pretty good right now key it’s actually uh pretty good right now wait your game is Stu that doesn’t even exist in Minecraft yeah brother it’s a mod this n bro know what doesn’t even know what a mod is what you say says your game has stuff that’s not even in the game yet or it’s not even in the game said your game M upu yeah know even know I’m playing modded buddy this is this is all just un unforeseen right here never never before seen literally sami’s just uh he’s just he’s just playing God’s role right now he’s the forer more cheese it’s close loose go lay down okay I’m probably just gonna take some more pizza for oh look at loves crackers yeah R crackers the round yeah it gota be the round one look at himo he’s like give me a [ __ ] piece [ __ ] it’s way too big split it in half you gota like come up to a [ __ ] big ass piece please let’s go baby let’s go let’s go like the baby or let’s go yeah let’s go this [ __ ] looks like [ __ ] looks like the Skull King sword bro dead ass looks like the one looks like the one he made save guts oh yeah true kind of does Blasphemous the Blasphemous blade whatever it’s called I have no idea the life can’t remember huh I did you spray get way over here so be will be other good roow serum oh looting would be good yeah looting is always a good one like what you can go on my sword experience boost yeah oh explosion bro that dude that would be [ __ ] is that like how it is or like am I just [ __ ] the explos pry rare or ass increases the explosive power of the grenade launcher what grenade launcher what the explosion one the [ __ ] I don’t even know where’ you get a grenade launcher bro Max assembling it’s all it is just 32 iron what how is it just [ __ ] TI throw some holding hmer Mobility icy Hunter Hunter’s booty what’s infinity um your AR you going your arrows never run out oh [ __ ] so like you can only put that on I I have endless qu around so it’s pretty much the same thing yeah but uh it works with any any Arrow type okay I’m going do lightweight also low key you’re lucky I’m not on my [ __ ] is this even like I mean I can understand how it’s like what might you know like all this like mod stuff yeah what about it what about it huh your mic was laging what the my stuff like I I understand like how some like PC stuff but like I feel you should play some of you can play mod but it just has to be like like coded differently that’s why not many people do it because it’s easier just do it on Java and no one really wants to do it for console you get like like Bedrock mod School wither immunity worker exploitation what yeah it’s for like [ __ ] for like reduces like [ __ ] pretty sure vpal might be good cuz I think it pulls our enemies to me performs powerful attacks decapitations Venom I’m just putting [ __ ] on at this point might as well put fire aspect on what else what else think the cats are playing or maybe it was just Gizmo acting up act up you can get snatched up act up you need to put Thorn some my [ __ ] too I can hear my [ __ ] mic cutting why the [ __ ] is it doing like that’s actually annoying as [ __ ] like it it keeps doing it I can hear I hear that [ __ ] is it just because like my mic [ __ ] or something like that ass or I think just the Discord isn’t like [ __ ] uh a Discord [ __ ] like audio pickup thing sometimes won’t pick it up like your voice you know what I mean cuz trying to like it’s trying to do it’s trying to like do it by itself and like Auto like auto adjust it but sometimes it won’t oh okay okay yeah I guess yeah it makes perfect sense cuz that’s how Logan’s mic is like sometimes he’ll be talking but like just cut out half his sentences huh yeah like I’m no know what you said be like uhuh uhuh I guess this is probably fine for now yeah can come back maybe like put some fortune on that B I’m G to put fire protection all my [ __ ] yeah fire protection I can’t put regular protection Dum ass I just put thorns in my [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] St armor yeah damn bro I’m [ __ ] stacked yeah I’d still slam you buddy okay buddy try again try again again where’s protection damn bro I just blundered but it’s all right where’ you bler I could have I could have put bigger enchants on it for protection cuz I didn’t put I didn’t put the books in before which had like better enchantment like cuz like what what this thing does what this Library does like so like if I have like this air infinity book right I like throw it in this library and and like every single book we had is in here and like it’s saying I have the ma the max level of air infinity at scene was level one so like that’s that’s all of them so like with [ __ ] like how like like how big any of these are like blast protection that the max level this one SCS level eight and I have 358 points storage so like each time I click this once it gives me like it’s costs one point and that’s like blast Protection One right and then I I can just I can like tells me if if I want level five it’s just stch to level five it’s like eight points or something [ __ ] I can keep going up I can go up to level uh level eight well if I sh I can like shift click that [ __ ] too and like just get like the highest enchant right away you know what I’m saying oh [ __ ] and like if I [ __ ] like just combine if I combine these two real quick you know I mean and then maybe it’s like level n yeah I mean so see that’s a level n in chant now I put that in there now [ __ ] this should remember yeah the Max L scene is level nine so I can knock and just like get level nine en chance out right away yeah mean that’s what that smart yeah too so it’s kind of nice so like [ __ ] why does he I had books for that [ __ ] and I just didn’t f i just [ __ ] I [ __ ] blundered so had better enchant but I didn’t yeah you blundered just go burn all the Diamonds oh you hungry still no oh say should I what do you mean what should you do with them oh those um get more shells what are some food I can need there’s two that can go there and then just do like just do the whole [ __ ] like stop like maybe like okay well you gota you you your options are but then you reach the overall I mean I guess you can do that but I’d rather have it look like this than like this you know what I mean what how your stuff I wish never put them safe yeah I wish that’s what you want we can’t like take them all I can but like well sounds like you know how to do it you do it don’t know how to I just see you do it how you explain it literally just now is exactly you just fill it one time and then you fill it once time however much takes that’s yeah you you want to spill you know with the blade go over it with the blade you know once or twice and then it’s not going to hold anymore after it dries if it sinks if it’s big enough it’ll sink if it’s not then it’ll look if it sinks you have to put coat but the holes are literally [ __ ] like 56 bit it’s not they won’t sink shouldn’t unfortunate okay but you you you got the right idea though like it’s that’s exactly how you would do it and then before you uh before you admit it though you to no you just take your blade just real quick and then that’s it no what are you there’s nothing there to sand what are you talking about sand what out oh you don’t sand them up you don’t have to why did you do that I I sanded it after I batched well you didn’t say after no I I was literally talking about before you patch you said don’t you sand it yeah after I however big the hole is if it’s a big hole then it’ll dry long if it’s not it’ll dry quicker these will dry quicker or if you want it to dry really quick take a hair but hair dry to it and it’ll dry up no does Mud dries mud dries with heat yeah I know but it’s not going to heat that one specific spot on the a haird dryer would just dry them instant not instantly but minute or two work yeah you can FaceTime me when you do it I try to talk to you okay more than more than like two on there and think and think you can that take it out and be like stupid oops move go lay down what’s 15 times three like 45 or something just barely have enough B perfect 45 or something am right 15 * 3 yeah how’d you get that wait so you said you did or didn’t have enough and it takes 40 40 like two inches on eachus Arrow and like depending on whether you hit a stud or not because the drive the tap G or whatever the [ __ ] the drywall screws or [ __ ] D say you smack them in with the hammer don’t even need this okay helium Flamingo that’s was flying around you were flying or that’s how that’s how you can fly without having the blaze course he is that’s actually crazy I didn’t even I didn’t know that’s actually pretty I thought the flamingo is part of your I think he has why Gizmo’s definitely leech the goggles yes sir look at that Shield looks like the Doom Eternal boss fight shield no not really I do this he was just we can make r you should have brought some more chips what what oh okay um yeah I know I hate it why does my mom have it on a Le belt does three who the hell does that and then when I get out of bed I’m instantly yeah I I actually dread getting out of bed that’s what I talk about I was want like or something because like when I get out of bed my feet on the floor it’s not like because it’s [ __ ] ice cold so Lally the only reason why I went like if I would ever like you know like I would want uh I just would want at least carpet on like my that too even pick it up I pick it up probably every other day and it just clumps up under the bed like tail fly off when they lay on the floor they they lay on the [ __ ] I like it’s exactly the car thick the longer kind of thicker carpet not that short hard [ __ ] got that’s that’s what we have you it okay yeah yeah g down the brown carpet No but like it was outdated whole house was that shitet that was in the hallway really yeah dang they changed because CH the hardwood well I told my dad I was like like I don’t know this we had like a distinct trans and like that was like literally my room was done like the day or two so my dad wanted to make then we painted it gray you can take this up though and put some chips in it if that’s what you want that’ be good for work I could just do we do there lids for these no we got to get some the rubber the rubber [Music] Woods yeah exactly easy to [Music] clean what is it yeah I know they’re all gone I had like four of there there’s only two they’re probably [ __ ] like under a couch [ __ ] yeah probably like Narnia when I was taking a [ __ ] earlier I was thinking this [ __ ] earlier I was sitting in the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye I see and I look and it’s a [ __ ] spider like look the left corner and the inside of the sink at the at the very bottom there’s a spider in there did you punch it I tried he wasn’t as big I tried [ __ ] beating his ass but he wasn’t [ __ ] come out he didn’t want the beef I was [ __ ] like picking I was like cuz like he’s literally just like it’s literally like a three inch deep like little like I just like seen him walk into it but I tried tried like like kicking the [ __ ] entrance and see if he would like running out or some [ __ ] [ __ ] then I’d stomp his ass real quick unexpected D now I’m [ __ ] uh now I’m choed brother but he’s got he’s got the beell literally though good being being beaten up on K just R oh I thought he was like beating up on I got this Ops ring D that [ __ ] looks crazy that actually like a dope ring you got two more yeah I got a couple more I found all those items by the way so they can thank me I’m taking what I want take what take whatever how you how’ you even get all those just like you guys just make can you like find them in there yeah I was when I was in the end I was [ __ ] raing just like little like small Dungeons and all I like everything I found all that [ __ ] yeah every everything in these like first like two ch like what I found pretty much what and everything in like [ __ ] inventory I lied to yout what’ you say okay that Beetle looking one uh Beetle [ __ ] actually I might put this one in put different talsman in so I can like bury different talsman Tails no way I can literally bury myself if I wanted to what huh pop right back out actually insane that’s that’s actually crazy dude this this other one’s actually sick as [ __ ] too that’s act like I never heard of that yeah that’s the Scarab does this this will just let me like do it anywhere I want what how do you do that well that still cryst was saying [ __ ] you like just it’s like a 25% chance of just like someone to Star when you attack somebody it has to be a night of of of sumon yeah yeah cat slippers too yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] no dude a [ __ ] star few that’s crazy have you ever SE like you actually like haven’t iten like no oh like oh you just got it type [ __ ] I had but I just didn’t have a I needed a belt to like equip it because you need a belt to have a tails you mean right what are you doing I might go kill the [ __ ] chaos Dragon BR no BS the sold of B is kind of cool too it’s like you absorb like mob souls and you do more Health but the more you absorb or some [ __ ] it’s a relic I’ll never forget that little it’s a walking Relic it’s a [ __ ] walking Relic everything’s here so Prett much everything op okay opan I got like the most OP items in the game right no dude that fist looking one fist it’s the fire Gauntlet the fire Gauntlet ke yeah you do like you could do like fire damage when you punch I have the power gun the Power Glove it’s called where I just do like more damage I PCH thank you yeah and I was nice and prepared a little yeah I got huge B of chips too nice I hate when you run out of chips before you do and you know I’ve been for all those chips be’s [ __ ] ass I saw her take three containers full back to her office all day today just the chips too CH like well sometimes like she’ll just sometimes I’ll walk in there and like she just she got the whole bat it’s like like stashed in there yeah shees it like really got the whole wonder where it goes sometimes yeah me too I think she’s EA well clearly he’s not grabbing them that’s a crazy it’s a [ __ ] crazy cave these caves are like actually crazy I mind that first G but I just want to [ __ ] slam some real quick yeah I tried to I even like that thing L took like Dam damage from attacking me I wasn’t even H in the beginning but actually well just cuz I just took all pizza today no like just oh well I just grabbed I just grabbed the whole thing a pizza it’s your pizza Dam it’s a [ __ ] that pickax go crazy some you know CU it’s mods moded there’s like other [ __ ] uh yeah this not it’s like lit like there’s like so much more [ __ ] in the gamey orang like this is actually this is actually I’m not sure how much of a better pick and get actually but yeah that pick is [ __ ] nuty oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying not really but GG yeah just switch to a blaze see like that that’s [ __ ] that’s cheese right there yeah true that is some cheese it’s just it’s like his uh he can like it’s like these talismans that he’s able to use and it like gives him like [ __ ] superum abilities and but no buddy is like Crea like where’s Bol at bro and like no it is cool SP actually black a did i s you D on the bed go kill the we swear boy you good boy how do I even get black you a dick boy oh there’s some right here smelt it I got to give the old SCH that’s why like this no go go lay down go what he always in his I’m like e I see now I going do do skin T it kind of look cool just destroy that’s that’s kind of nice [Music] what I made me an old boot do we have one mini mini mini Tonka got some CH tell about that wait five different words come by I didn’t want to say any of them um all about that dick in my but no what’s that what’s that song with six where nck got that wet yeah py got that got and [ __ ] I just remember 69 that got that super that sh I forgot about that I really want no friend music’s notuse oh it’s called beep with the Nikki and his what’s his nose I love that ke looks around like boss why just oneit all these things real quick I swear look at ke behind you this is his crack hour you’re ran really you know how much that cost me you know how much that run me I I think what like the the yous sets are like probably my favorite like just Lego sets in general so [ __ ] I love how just I love how just how [ __ ] big they crazy what you can do with Legos and [ __ ] true is true though some great [ __ ] Legos which one oh the pyramid Giza yeah that one’s actually pretty alls her was in her was in Temple yeah that one is actually cool I like all and like the Tranquil [ __ ] no say I don’t know if you’ve ever seen like like YouTube videos of of like people like this it’s like this one dude like he like does some [ __ ] with like he like builds Lego things but like it’s like literally like 3D [ __ ] and it like moves around and [ __ ] and like like it’s like impossible builds or something like that you think but like he like the way he like builds it and [ __ ] he can like open this [ __ ] up close it turn it into a [ __ ] close it like this [ __ ] random [ __ ] it’s actually cool as [ __ ] first time I seen one of first time I seen one of his videos I was like he’s like twisting some [ __ ] he’s like twisting it around and [ __ ] like that like it looks normal as [ __ ] and then he like grabs it and then he just starts like mind [ __ ] your brain with it it’s actually pretty cool watch I think you’re talking about huh like a black yeah another yeah I like the black or like maybe yeah just the black feel like nobody has black moccas alter of the Seas I have to do that yeah I’m talking to you they have these I don’t I like the black inside like mine Hest saying these aren’t even that bad yes they are that’s how literally every like after a day of wearing them almost like a fan have oh yeah how much 54 bucks interesting 50 55 yeah probably 56 that yeah Sam’s getting ready to go beat up his boss be up you tring figure I’m just trying to see what what quest I need these are all quests yeah I have like almost but some of them I already have done they didn’t save over to Steven server like this one I have done didn’t save over cuz you needed this to make to make the sword I have now internal sword that’s crazy yeah you needed that sword just just to make my sword like that was a handle pretty much oh yeah pretty much so okay [Music] on I might I might um my explor in stronghold end there’s two in strongholds yeah I think that’s SC you kill every fish from chaos awakens what some of this is freaking me out really not uh with I’m sping the weer I mean like I’m just bored you man go test the sword yeah it’s just it’s too simple at this point really like reading a book reic Apple damn it’s all right reic apples do I don’t know strength resistance and H look at this dude justly I’m go right next to Vision these gang MERS damn there’s some big ass [ __ ] tree all right I need go above Y2 boom some [ __ ] lost a couple of frames there whoa whoa whoa whoa with just one hit it bro [Music] BR yeah I’d still SL you got a one you got to one one Ste I more Dyan BR yeah I I did it I I I want use my I want use my uh weapons yeah just tell them tell like yeah just crafted this new sword it’s all right I just want to see how much damage I do and just [ __ ] hit him like proba break his [ __ ] bro what kind of Shield n B work of the flame I say what my Shield’s going I think my shield probably the best one some cool sh your Shield yeah I just don’t know what it’s better cuz the dude I had to kill a God to [ __ ] get the sword no [ __ ] The Blaze God literally so what can I do with this [Music] one dark NE star contrast Essence from toon can concentrated should I make that Soul Stone totem dying was that even so I think I just I I don’t know Invincible yeah they could just Invincible I might make it say [ __ ] it got enough fck it why not hey make another one well make a few M as well that’s right click toggle I guess I don’t even need these ones in my inventory all a okay okay B I’m about to get a little more op than before I just keep getting [ __ ] more op it’s just too simple so make sure at least keep one other star and not delete that what I thought I had green hearts or something [Music] wowe actually insane me hearts so I get enough this I gu [ __ ] I don’t even know what that means I got Green Arts I just know it’s a lot bro holy crap yeah it’s GG it’s Lally over like I don’t even why I’m playing anymore jezz n what’s even crazy there even better start a new run better armor than what’s on me right now damn it’s called un botanium BR like how do you even crazy OHS become neutral this this Le is [ __ ] almost three times big than my chest plate right now what does it say immune to all damage sources using lav and like even lava itself my [ __ ] protection from damage and sources like wither magic resistance immune protection against shock limitation attacks imion NAIA no crash damage with flying with lra water breathing you like everything that charms anyways no crash damage no I take no fall damage anyways oh okay is that what they call it crash damage yeah well when you’re like when you’re like flying in a lights or you hit a wall or something you take oh like uh like when you were like around so you g [ __ ] kill now where the [ __ ] you just pull that big chicken out just have sit in there yep a couple hours it’s the best time to eat it all right got to com real quick that C up you got to quit grinding bro wait so wait what’s that gold [ __ ] around more like hunger immunity or something taking a taking a pisser no yeah right got one yeah like eating something slight you run for like seconds you go back down like hour burn it up she kind want that BL saturation but I have a [ __ ] infinite food source I I eat yeah I got um this is this this I’ll show you actually my food backpack um as you can see doesn’t even eat these actually this been in my backpack for like years this is my infinite food sorcerer it’s the infinity hams but uh so you get it restores all 10 of your hunger bars and uh you get three uses and it takes 60 seconds to recharge but since I got three of them then it just kind of like and I got three of them and I got [ __ ] um the light meal this one like this one doesn’t have to be recharged but it gives you like only gives you two hunger bars and one saturation with like perfect refresh time sadly I never have to eat yeah literally so you just like eat this one eat this one eat this one if you had to yeah post like I have the feeding upgrade on so L just feeds me from the backpack I don’t have to like take that [ __ ] out and eat it and it’s instant there’s no there’s no animation so I L I just run around and have to eat yeah L just long as you have it on yeah I’m just [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying bro I might I might have to [ __ ] quit grinding I’m just too [ __ ] far ahead now you got play Doom actually might do a run real quick play do before the while they all catch up might have to actually but yeah Stephen you can uh work on the farm and [ __ ] like you know do whatever you want I’ll just be chilling make what make whatever you want I don’t need it yeah I don’t need anymore do actually to put these um it’s just too simple at this point I don’t even know what to say Minecraft’s just too easy the only me chunk of this might homies [ __ ] a giant map Bo that’s not even the thick of it really yeah this is a you should see my [ __ ] end map bro I literally have it like I zo up the here it’s like [ __ ] down here type [ __ ] like no [ __ ] it’s like 30,000 blocks away but yeah this is pretty big but you can go pretty far out this map’s huge like guess you know what I’m saying holy [ __ ] like a Millie blocks left and A Millie blocks right actually don’t supp like that map does even show all of it it’s like it still goes like past that right sick wet just as far as just just as far as you can zoom out it’s actually crazy why my lag wow I think we’re chilling now I think we’ll call there and wait wait for everybody to get on and be like yeah yeah one one V5 me just [ __ ] slam slam slam slam me one3 me Richard Sten D I use my fist I’ll use my relics yeah all you got do is use a relic I go on the ground they can’t even hit me you go [ __ ] like Mo right now yeah de [ __ ] go the wall [ __ ] go down [ __ ] to St on their [ __ ] head know what saying sold them out hit them once hide and then [ __ ] they’re like and then the [ __ ] like like [ __ ] Ron boss fight [ __ ] elen ring comes out of nowhere [ __ ] [ __ ] kills him [ __ ] run down forgot about that that’s how he came with the second wave yeah after you got him like half there was supposed to be a [ __ ] halfway point for the Wither but they just one hit him even matter yeah that’s actually crazy he he like turned around oh comedy this is the emulator F Oh I thought it was you oh I know what that is D thato is terrible this is the original bro oh [ __ ] yeah I know but like even the even the it don’t even look like it don’t even look like this bad on Xbox they they make it look good this is like the original oh okay yeah they make it like yeah I’m not going over there but I get slam every time I go to that corner yeah because you I know exactly oh get if you did go the shot is bro I don’t know to do bro why don’t you sprint what are you doing bro you know do walk in their face am I [ __ ] supposed to shoot him buddy you can shoot you can shoot him from like half a mile away sure bud you know how to sprint you can Sprint in this you know yeah just [ __ ] awkward with the controls use the [ __ ] uh what’s it called the arrow keys oh that’s the only way get better and there’s a secret over there too not really a secret dude it’s so hard to [ __ ] aim bro turn your sense down turn your s you turn [ __ ] up bro you’re looking half a mile away from to good so I like how it tell you get [ __ ] on bro I was able to kill the second guy oh my God okay I got to I got to lock in for these bu doesn’t dude these damn controls okay buddy controls piss ass Rock literally PE really a piss ass rug this [ __ ] on but like that as though you do want like you do like keep your distance cuz like the pretty much the closer you are the [ __ ] more damage like literally any he thinks he’s cracked oh there we go dude why are you voting a game there we go can can you just like left click and then like it just restart don’t know you can you can shoot that top guy from the doorway right there yeah yeah yeah I’m Le I’m Le [ __ ] on [ __ ] slammed [ __ ] slamed literally pixels bro they actually are is sad it’s so turn my damn DPI upy there’s a button on the left column you hit it and then run out and and then you sprint out Qui you how do you press buttons how do you interact uh like whatever it would be like whatever your a but wait is there not even a [ __ ] thing oh you got it you got it you got it you hear that noise I that means you got it all right I’m we got the shot on what the what is that [ __ ] on [ __ ] on oh my God I’m farming what was that they’re just respawning oh my god dude I’m actually cracked with a sh oh here we go here we go here we go chainsaw 4 dude what was I even looking for I forgot oh yeah like interact or whatever [ __ ] save F2 save F5 details Ru view load quick save quick load increase view open space bar double click Mouse button two Joy button two run is yeah run your uh run is no I switched my and you can you can strafe what why actually it’s like um all Arrow wait a minute try that out try uh try F quick I missive oh [ __ ] yeah whatever you just did work yeah that’s how that’s how you I knew you I was saying I there’s no way game load oh my God like I might like change his controls okay where where the [ __ ] control I’ll make a [ __ ] like like a keyboard can play like like a bot and the the [ __ ] other thing like original Doom Maps it’s like they’re all [ __ ] they’re all one plane like so like you go up the steps or like you go up some stairs or [ __ ] and like turn a corner and whatever it’s like literally it’s not like that’s not like the map never goes over top of each other you know what I’m saying yeah like it’s all in one it’s like all one like plane field actually Sam I think those dudes just [ __ ] respawn it’s the same dude cuz that dude that you just killed literally just got that yesing earlier I thought they were respawning dead ass when I was playing I was like bro where did they just keep calling I got to [ __ ] do this I’m sure work this is the [ __ ] this is the keyboard cam right here I’m really looking at your [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah right there right there right there right there you got you got a fish so I got [ __ ] use the damn [ __ ] uh up and arrow up and down key yeah oh see if to use the [ __ ] arrow keys so it’s up it’s up and down and go forward shift is run all is the strafe so like I’m not even sure like what I’m pressing like and then like the space bar is like how to open [ __ ] like you can Al you can also turn with your mouse but you can also turn with the keyboard so I guess you’re mute you can probably play like this or some [ __ ] but I don’t know how to shoot but the same time it’s kind of like right here that be a perfect strafe time opportunity might getting shot from like I’m like confused in my [ __ ] where I’m like I’m touching that uh that wall that you just got that potion from that’s the secret after you hit the gu i i a strafe can I change can I change controls oh you got you got to be maybe maybe not it’s OG that’s what I’m saying yeah why do got to get used to that’s why it’s hard you know what I’m saying I probably got put like this [ __ ] just cross your hands just cross your arms go forward oh my god get [ __ ] on dude second stra if I pressing [ __ ] or I’m not even pressing oh there we go now like not get confused of one impress yeah yeah I know I thought [ __ ] play in Minecraft for so long I’m like thinking like shift is [ __ ] [Music] all like a bot no that you got to hit that button that’s how you get out there sh and then uh strafe strafe this is too hard bro dead let me change my [ __ ] bang why he’s getting so LED my pinky is so far away I know feel like the [ __ ] pink happen need like an extra two Ines on your pinky actual though and the other and the other thing I like about like the original Dude like the aiming system because you can’t look you can’t look Bly yeah so like literally it all comes down to like everything being on the same plane like Lally anything if it’s direct it doesn’t matter if it’s below three time you just you just don’t miss if you’re if I mean if your curs was like you know right over like the middle of like where they would be or some [ __ ] you know like even if they’re above you but you’re still going to and they can be like a mile away too and like got like pistol there is like a like a Max bullet range but it’s like it’s it’s pretty [ __ ] far oh wait oh hold on just figure it out okay this is going to be hard but it’s easier oh [ __ ] budd’s turning on the okay okay yeah that’s look at him he’s learning he’s learning now get go get this shot hit the button and boom I just see my sensitivity go crazy I see HT my songs the grind this tomorrow lowy yeah know about to hop off [ __ ] I L need my screen sounds to go crazy BR that’s it that’s literally ass nothing you did on the screen size literally made it anything other than like the like confused uh that little [ __ ] uh what you call uh little show Peak B oh [ __ ] he’s here still all right dude I’m getting addicted low key though what is it addicting is cuz it’s [ __ ] hard that’s that’s what makes I always try to tell people play do they just don’t get it they just don’t get it oh it’s so wait you don’t you don’t even have a what do you mean I just noticed that what do you have a center do or some [ __ ] yeah on Xbox not this one buddy this one you just [ __ ] straight iron sights you’re chocked literally now I see like I see May maybe see like maybe they’re same Secrets or some [ __ ] because like there usually there would be a button on the end of that like right where you just look on that face and that door would open to the right so you can get out there to get that shield and [ __ ] I don’t know cuz on the Xbox there was a button I just turned too slow bro I just need to turn not yet you know what I’m saying wait turn that I got to turn that graphic detail up bro yes sir what happened to the OG this is the OG still I guess it’s probably graphic changing you know what I’m saying yeah I mean that does kind of look yeah that was yeah I just got to this [ __ ] turns way too slow bro yeah that [ __ ] is [ __ ] dummy slow [ __ ] dead before you literally you already have move forward I could do mouse button too move backwards down there so I can set it up like this what the [ __ ] is stength this this is straight so this this is turning go back and for but this this is strafing but I can’t turn when I do this you know what I’m saying yeah you can’t you can’t [ __ ] that’s why that’s why I always try to Sprint but you sprint when you’re [Music] shaving but you just can’t turn like like this yeah true but no but no yeah I guess I guess I guess that’s you know when you turn around and [ __ ] like it there’s a less of a chance that they’ll hit you like or something you know so like it makes it easier to voice sprinting and [ __ ] when you’re invits especially like especially like Street like the shoty guy the pistol guy the Imp that throw the Fireball the kak demons and [ __ ] like that those are more easy like because you can see you can see the [ __ ] coming at you like with the shotty guys and like the those pistol guys they’re just they’re just harder to [ __ ] Dodge because when they shoot it’s like they [ __ ] they just they just instantly hit you see look at these Che bro what’s up with the angles I know that’s that’s what I’m saying like it’s all the angles look at these angles bro that’s what I’m saying I about the angles bro I don’t even know how he hit you that first time he [ __ ] he was dead ass behind that [ __ ] but I hate picking up those blue but so you go to pick him up and but you literally only have like 5 Seconds makes no difference especially night I I only give me 1% no yeah this game is [ __ ] hard BR all right I’ll be on this tomorrow I’m be off too yeah I’m be at work at 6:30 GG yeah let me know you I’ll probably gra over this L key let the boys catch up yeah while the boys are catching up that sh fun though like I’m to like use those controls you know what I’m saying it’s just hard yeah yeah like once you get locked in get literally probably like and you just want to [ __ ] keep playing G I’ll catch you on the flip I’ll catch you on the flip G later I’ll let you know when I’m all right but yeah let you know later later all right I see you tomorrow de just than for turn in [ __ ] Minecraft [ __ ] Doom tomorrow we got the [ __ ] curse baby and we got the [ __ ] D we got the [ __ ] emulator loaded up right now buddy we [ __ ] slam kids dude love y deuces

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Crazycraft’, was uploaded by ThorneBusch on 2024-03-19 05:49:47. It has garnered 33 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:04 or 13624 seconds.

18+ (I do not promate any behaviors shown in this stream!) Was good Shit stains watch me smack some dabs and rage at warzone

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  • Crafty Grading: Teacher’s Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft

    Crafty Grading: Teacher's Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From teachers marking exams to trees being chopped, Every update delivered, never a flop. With humor and wit, in every line, Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure to find. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Each video a joy, never a trap. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With rhymes that spin and stories that sing, Cube Xuan’s channel, the true gaming king. Read More

  • Don’t stress, just craft #minecraft

    Don't stress, just craft #minecraft When you’re trying to play Brawl Stars but end up getting distracted by Minecraft memes instead. Priorities, am I right? #gamerproblems Read More

  • Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft – Join Minewind Server Now!

    Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft - Join Minewind Server Now! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about a fantastic Minecraft server that you absolutely need to check out – Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft AMA video like the one titled “Minecraft AMA, Şansımı Siz Kontrol Ediyorsunuz🍀” and felt inspired to jump into the game yourself? Well, Minewind is the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and test your luck! With a wide range of game modes and challenges like Minecraft Manhunt and Minecraft Hardcore, Minewind offers an… Read More

  • Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned into the glowing Ancient Forest as fire Mario wooo I must have eaten the fireflow to get all this fire power also explains why I have really bad heartburn I’ve only got 10 hearts and they’re all burning but I was distracted from my heartburn by a loud buzzing noise I looked up and saw a giant mosquito hovering above me hey you got 10 Hearts do you bet there’s a lot of blood in those hearts and sucking blood just happens to be my specialty the name’s Mazy Mazy mbor pleased to… Read More

  • Unleash Your True Power

    Unleash Your True PowerVideo Information अगर आप नेदर राइट का आर्मरर लावा में जंप कर जाओगे तो आपको थोड़ा टाइम लग सकता है मरने में और अगर तुम लकी रहे तो तुम जिंदा भी बच सकते हो लेकिन क्या इससे प्रूफ हो जाता है कि माट का सबसे स्ट्रांगेस्ट मटेरियल नेदर राइट ही है तो आओ ना टेस्ट ही कर लेते हैं तो चलो सबसे पहले इसे लावा में फेंकते हैं यहां पर तो ये बच जाता है लेकिन यहां लेकिन अब इसे हम फायर में फेंकें यानी कि आग में खैर ये तो यहां भी बच गया शायद ये टी एनटी में… Read More

  • EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2

    EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who are these is that all you’ve got [Music] does that pay to be nice or [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] that you can raise your head depend our skill please report the battle by tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh sh sh [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don’t have time to all Futures can be changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] depends on our [Music] skill [Music] [Music] [Music] walk [Music] w [Music]… Read More


    INSANE NAMALSK ONLINE STREAM! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘НОВОГОДНИЙ СТРИМ NAMALSK ONLINE | QUEST’, was uploaded by Saprano Production on 2024-01-02 22:52:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Happy New Year! Donat – #minecraft #minecraft #trolling trap #challenge … Read More

  • 48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!

    48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!Video Information okay watch storm remember we don’t want to just die of um Whatchamacallit cuz last time the only reason I pretty much died was because of Zone and panic there’s another Med kit here if anyone wants to take it but I’ve got three so we got one each right now I’ve got six uh Shields I need some who’s got good amount of AR ammo just asking I don’t know I should be streaming are are we all good for ammo oh yeah okay after we do that we go all the way up here after we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRAL

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRALVideo Information माफ्ट पर आज मुझे सिर्फ शुद्ध हिंदी का प्रयोग करना है आज का हमारा लक्ष्य होने वाला है हीरे प्राप्त करना मुझे यहां पे स् नहीं नहीं पैदा कर दिया गया है और सामने एक गांव है कुछ लड़कियां नहीं लकड़ियां तोड़कर अपनी कारीगरी मेस तैयार कर लेते हैं ये मेरी जुबान आज इतना क्यों फिसल रही है ये गई मेरी कुल्हाड़ी और ये बन गई मेरी कुदाल मेरे भोजन का बंदोबस्त भी हो गया है इस लोहे के राक्षस को मारकर लोहे की कुदाल बना लेता हूं डाम हीरे तो अंडे के काम आएगी निकल तेरी भैंस… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him Walk

    Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him WalkVideo Information This video, titled ‘he just walk’, was uploaded by beelåhaj🐝🦈 on 2024-05-09 14:25:21. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #mrbeast #minecraft #pubgmobile #art #anime #asmr #music #memes #sigma #edit #education #roblox #respect #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #ytshorts #upsc #usa #india #instagram #islam #omletarcade #onepiece #online #pubg #pakistan #podcast #attitude #animals #army #amazing #animation #artist #subscribe #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #song #status #shortsviral #shots #dance #drawing #dog #diy #funny #freefire #fyp #foryou #food #funnyvideo #fypシ #fortnite #fun #football #gaming #gameplay #games #game #garenafreefire #gamingvideos… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS – Join NOW!

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS - Join NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with VIEWERS JOIN !!!!!!’, was uploaded by DeepCrafted on 2024-03-26 13:31:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE IGN: DeepCrafted #Minecraft #minecraftjava #hypixel #minemen #viral #live #DeepCrafted TAGS: lunar client, … Read More


    Insane: RANKED BEDWARS player DESTROYED!Video Information I challenged this toxic ranked bedwar player to a fireball fight you’ll never guess what happened were you alive when Marth Luther King was I don’t think so you’re not winning this by the [Music] way no no no no no no way all right bro I’m locking in what I’m going to do is I’m going to okay bro thanks for watching subscribe for more Minecraft videos This video, titled ‘I DESTROYED this RANKED BEDWARS player!’, was uploaded by mxrlw on 2024-01-14 20:36:59. It has garnered 6205 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Bloom SMP Semi-vanilla SMP Survival English Java Bedrock Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP: Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti-griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded but includes gameplay enhancing plugins. Please keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone, our mod team will keep an eye out. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spice up Minecraft for fun!”

    Forget diamonds, my favorite thing to mine in Minecraft is memes! Read More

  • Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness

    Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness Join the fun, hit subscribe and like, On Flash_Playz, where gaming takes flight. Minecraft, Roblox, and sports cars too, Adventures await, for me and you. Craft and build in blocks of Minecraft, Roblox worlds, where fun is unmatched. Racing fast in Asphalt’s delight, High-speed thrills, day and night. Subscribe now, join the gaming crew, Flash_Playz awaits, with fun anew. Rhyming news and updates galore, In the gaming world, we’ll explore. Read More

  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you’ve been playing on peaceful mode the whole time. #rookieerror #minecraftfail 😂🤦‍♂️🔷 Read More

  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

    Naimarra's Mischievous Farewell The Minecraft Segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” Introduction to the Minecraft Segment The Minecraft segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” offers a unique and creative twist to the overall narrative. It showcases the versatility of Minecraft as a platform for storytelling and collaboration. Collaboration on the Beneath SMP Server The animatic was created for the Beneath SMP Server, highlighting the collaborative efforts of the creators involved. The teamwork and creativity displayed in this segment are a testament to the vibrant Minecraft community. Character Voices and Storytelling The voices of Jack and Mikir, portrayed by… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Are you ready for an exhilarating experience like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey full of excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trending

    UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trendingVideo Information minha culpa se eu pegar seu namorado Foi ele que falou que era descompromissado e todo mundo sabe que eu gosto de dotado doado dotado This video, titled ‘MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-01-15 12:44:25. It has garnered 2726 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming Read More