Insane Minecraft Hack: Offline Dino Game Code!

Video Information

A All right I’m going to be real I didn’t time that but that was kind of fire how’s the audio balancing sound I’m not I haven’t really tested this hello hello welcome to the stream y’all we have this weird world here I wanted to create like a world to start

The Stream this music is loud oh my God that a little bit Yeah yall going to have to tell me how the balancing sounds on on the stream but I think I think it’s fine I’m looking at the audio balancing right now and it looks balanced mic is too quiet

We need to make the mic louder okay mic louder there we go how’s that sound I hope that sounds good welcome to the stream welcome to the stream oh I have that directional flank thing on now it’ll turn that off there we go welcome to the stream

Welcome to the stream uh it’s going to be a bit of a oh the Mr Beast music yeah I didn’t even really think about that I just grabbed some I just grabbed some Banger Delta Run music this is a new stream playlist so we’re going to see we’re going to see

How this runs we’re going to see how this plays and this world generation is whack but yeah this we’re not doing anything on this world it was just to start up the stream but yes today we are making the we are making the dino game from Google okay the music works the music

Plays great so I’ll I’ll explain the game plan in a moment let’s just get into a world real quick super flat generate structures off game rules uh respawn immediately on where’s the axium at oh somewhere yeah here it is do block gravity off trample Farmland off all the

All of this off all all of it off um take speed Zero Um set this as high as it will let me make it there we go what else would I need to do mob spawning right all of these off okay that should be good let’s create a world so the game plan here’s the game plan for today so for this

Stream slash video based on when and where you’re watching this we are going to be trying to make the dinosaur the offline Google dinosaur game in an hour and a half 90 minutes so I’ll be challenging myself to see how quickly I can make it in that period of time if I

Finish it early then I guess I’ll add some like extra cosmetics and stuff we we can add costumes for the dino I don’t know um but that should be the plan and then afterwards we’re going to get tbv G on and he will attempt to play the

Minecraft Dino game and we’ll get his reaction that’s that’s the game plan that’s the goal also thank you for builds for the $2 donation yes we are making the Google dinosaur game so I’m going to be real I didn’t really think this through but I guess we should start by building a hub

Now if I pull up a reference image here dinosaur game Google I believe it takes place in like a white desert I actually did like zero prep for this cuz I didn’t want any advantage but yeah looks like it takes place in a white desert so if I open this up this

Is what we’re working with so I want to create a hub first and foremost that’s kind of in this style let me heart that Don real quick oh yeah that’s right I need to turn on TTS for donations I forgot about that okay one sec um mechanics text to speech How do I text to speech donos as you can tell I’m very I’m very prepared for This is there really no way the makeas will only text to speeches Donos okay what if I open this dock real quick let me try this if I open this up can I click on a message and it’ll Dono or it’ll read theoretically let me send a message hey well that load in here see this is what I get for not

Preparing things at a time I’m very good at this whole YouTube thing if you can’t tell okay few a in chat sure yeah none of that’s showing up so I need to like repop out the this here po out chat let’s see there we go and if I click something will it

Read average got AG fire you need only 3.5k followers for 100k okay so Texas speach is working but it’s reading out every message this is complicated and yes we are only 3.5k away from 100,000 subscribers which is is insane I genuinely like don’t know how to put that into words that is crazy

Okay well I guess until we can figure out that text of speech thing I’m going to take out this message in the in the top corner there say goodbye but we’re just we’re just going to hop right into this then so we need to build like a white

Desert type thing for a hub so I’m thinking we go white white concrete powder that’s like a white sand we’ll build a Hub of this we have handy dandy axium here have to go through to skip the tutorial I know how axium works thank you um help ke binds basic invert

There we go all right so we will grab a painting tool we will set it to White concrete powder and we are going to paint this world white like that there we go increase the size of that perfect here’s our little Hub area now we want

To surround it with some rocks so we’ll create a big big old boundary around it like this there we go welcome to the desert here is our well the start of a hub the start of a hub let me pull up the pull up the stream deck here

We should probably get a pole running let me get a pole running start a pole what is your high score in the dino game actually that’s not yes or no pole know we’ll add options there we go we’ll add four options one option will be never played which I’m sure you’ll be

Lying if you’ve never played we’ll do less than 100 um in between I will do less than 500 and then we’ll do well no no we’ll do yeah less than 500 and then we’ll do a thousand or greater and then if it’s anything more specific you can tell me in the chat

There we go that’s a pull look at me knowing how to do this YouTube thing all right can I minimize this no I can’t oh I can perfect okay with the world painter app is World painter is a different app world painter is this right here but what I’m going

Using in the game is I’m using Axiom it’s a mod that just makes building easier speaking of let’s smooth this out did the music just end on me what the hell City Escape n you got to keep playing there we go City Escape has left the chat it

Ended again it’s back it’s back okay there we go no idea what that was about here we go this is a hub this looks good and then I guess in the middle we can do some detailing if you will with the yes I know how these tools

Work there needs to be a way that just like disable the tutorial cuz that gets annoying there we go Boom for rain I like this this looks good where are the clouds why are the clouds so high I can barely see them how do I move the clouds

Down can I not lower the clouds sodium’s weird so what we’re going to try to do for this stream is we are going to attempt to yeah we’re going to attempt to go through the full process of how I create a map so you you can kind of see the

Behind the scenes since this is small I’m not expecting this to take long at all so normally when I start with these I build up a I build up a little Hub me it’s all selected already we’ll create some we’ll create some shattering here where’s it at here it

Is not air we want to do stone there we go or we’ll keep it more just in the middle so we have a central area and then we will grab a diamond block that’ll be the spawn point we’ll put it right here set World spawn game

Rule uh what is it spawn radius zero there we go SL kill perfect I am here game rule keep inventory true all right we do got some spamming in the chat rimpy if you would like to if you would like to get him into another world go

Ahead oh my God why does the music keep stopping YouTube don’t do this to me keep playing thank you all right let’s a little platform here here is our little spawn podium what way do you face this way okay this will work quite nicely so I’ll create a little pathway using these I

Guess increased range yeah that’s good so I have a few options here so I was originally thinking about just going like 2D or 3D like I do with all my other Maps but I’m thinking I kind of want it to be a hybrid of the two that makes

Sense I’m thinking it’ll be like a physical screen rather than it taking up the whole world will build like a little screen that you’re playing in kind of like the old the old type of thumbnail I used to do if you were a bit OG like

That I’d say eight months ago with like the Mario and original Sonic thumbnails like maybe we do something like that I think that could be neat right so you spawn in here follow this path up to here and then we will build a little step up area where

You’ll be able to go and play that sounds s like a plan yeah I’m not really the craziest Builder so if this doesn’t look outstanding I know we’re just trying to create something that works we should probably set a timer okay let’s set a timer for how

Long have I been live 10 minutes okay we’ll set a timer for 80 minutes and that’ll be going right above my head there it is oh I put I wanted to put 80 minutes that is not 80 minutes oh wait oh okay I see it wants me to put

One hour and 20 minutes and then it’ll and now it is off the screen of course why wouldn’t it be we’ll move it to fit on the screen there we go okay that works I’m I’m a good streamer I swear I’ve done this before door is that centered that’s

Centered yeah I think this will work this is fine what am I doing we have axium that’s right we have axium might as well use it there we go look at this Minecraft building right here boom and then we’ll have a big old two block Center two block Center will work I

Guess like this right here and we’ll put a play button on top of it and then we’ll put the logo like the dinosaur game right there and there will be a big old play button right here but I say axim is better or worse than world edit

That is a good question um I’d say world edit and AUM are two very different tools and I’d say none replaces the other I’d use axium for some very specific things like terrain I would never use world edit for terrain and I’d use world edit for a lot more like

Meticulous building for if you’re example trying to say making the interior of a house right I’d say world edit would be infinitely better for that axium is meant for more big scale and I’d say world edit works better for smaller scale I do have both on here I

Do have world at it so I I I like to work with both one none trumps the other they are both very useful tools I will say the one thing that does bother me is that the extended range with Axiom oh it does oh it didn’t used to

Work with world at it oh that is so handy okay it doesn’t look like it does with right clicking but it works with left clicking in the past it used to just break the block and ignore world at its existence it looks like they fixed that so I actually have no complaints I

Lied my bad I forgot that was a thing all right let’s see so we have this build I say we make the cactus I don’t have a resource pack or anything prepared for this at all so we’re going to just be working from scratch here how long do we have we

Still have plenty of time the music is still lagging Out YouTube what are you doing what if I pause it and then give it a few seconds and then play it again yeah I’ve been having a weird bug with YouTube recently where sometimes when it plays a video it just gets stuck and

Won’t start playing normally until you pause it or rewind it it’s nothing to do with internet at all it just occasionally happens with some videos and it has been bothering me a lot will I ever play FNAF um yes and I am planning on streaming it sometime

Next month for the release of the new FNAF game yeah I have still yet to play any of the original FNAF games but I did go I did buy them all if you were looking at my Twitter so I do own them I’ve still yet to play them all

Right so I guess let’s start working on the actual area where we’ll be playing and I guess we’ll just do that off to the side here so I guess let’s start just by making a big old keyboard I guess that you’ll be standing On here we go here’s our keyboard then I guess we’ll use CA lanterns for the different keys it’s not really going to look exactly like a keyboard but it’s fine we don’t really have all the time in the world there we go yeah that works okay and then we’ll

Grab that’s something slightly smaller than a block but not a pressure plate it’s like super flat I don’t know these look good you know what sure these can be our these can be our Keys and then what we’ll do is we’ll make our computer screen up here yeah there we go oh my God what am I doing down there we go boom here is our TV screen so here’s how I’m thinking it’ll work it’ll be positioned kind of like this I would

Say and then you would simply jump to jump and sneak to sneak think I should move it like one B there let’s that look yeah so if we’re in F1 and I’d say our fov would be a bit lowered so say our fov would be normal it would be positioned like This yeah jump to jump and Crouch to crouch I think that works I’d say we should give it maybe the slightest bit more room like three on each side just to make it feel a bit more a a bit less cramped if you will there we

Go and then f one jump to jump sneak to sneak I think that works I think that I think that’s a pretty good plan right there and we’d have the dino hang out over there will this be a video yes on the classer studios Channel I am planning to make that a video

There okay white concrete I guess will be our H actually how does glow stone look for this glow stone create Shadows can’t tell I don’t think it does or what if we just this like to B yeah okay so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to use this a bit farther back to create the illusion of a perfectly white background because if I tried to actually make it cover the whole thing there’d be like shadows and stuff but this makes it perfectly

Consistently white and what I do is I just double double this up that create Shadows okay this is fine we’ll do it like this there we go and then we will clean up everything else on the outside there we go there’s our screen still Shadows if I put glowstone

Here are the Shadows on the glowstone doesn’t look like it okay then we’ll just make this glow stone and then music froze again why wouldn’t it freeze so we make that glow stone okay music come on I will restart you there we go here’s our screen and

Then we will grab the white concrete powder to put over here as the floor so it might be neat to try to do this without resource packs cuz I’ve never really done a resource packless map before I mean I totally could but it would make the dinosaur very annoying

And I don’t really have a crazy amount of time H I’ll think about that so there’s the ground I guess let me pull up the reference so yeah the ground does take up a great like a good majority of the screen and then it has

Like a certain pattern on top so what we could do is we could grab another another block for example we’ll grab we can grab that yellow concrete powder that will be textured to look like a moving moving top texture meaning that we’d want this to

Just be a solid white so let’s set this to what block will we not be using we can set it to Raw block of gold there we go and then this will be a raw block of iron or we can use wool cuz there’s a lot of

Different colors of wool cuz I believe there’s like 13 different speeds you can get in the dinosaur game and there’s like 16 of these so we’ll use wool I guess set pink W there we go all right so this looks good now we just need to like use a resource pack to

Make it look perfect there we go okay well I guess let’s make a data pack and let’s make a resource pack what is going on in chat oh my God you know what we’re just going to not look at chat and we will continue on all right let’s get a resource pack

And data pack going so I think I’m just going to make a new resource pack for this so let me open up my instances multi MC folder here and we will go to let’s go to here let’s just grab the MC meta for this cuz I’m not going to

Want to write a new a new MC meta so we yoink This MC meta and we will go to where is this uh oh yeah instances music oh my God I’m going to lose my patience with you YouTube can I like just go on YouTube music and have this

Not be a problem is that something I can do you know we’re going to give that a try we’re going to go on to YouTube music one sec music doyoutube Doom shut up YouTube no no no longer using you get out of here here stream music play there we go okay we’re going

To let this play we’re going to let this Loop we going to lower the Volume and we are going to let this play instead cuz I have lost my patience with YouTube also nugget May thank you for becoming a member welcome to the welcome to the gang also I do feel the need to point out this this will be um download will

Be given out to all members for this map this isn’t like a large scale project so we a going to do likeo I’ll just give it to members because the memb the members deserve something for being like the best I’d say I’d say that’s pretty i’ say that’s pretty fair also 88 likes

Quick reminder to like the stream because it does help you get pushed in the algorithm it does a lot more than You’ think so we we we appreciate liking the stream around here all right back to making resarch pack music is still very loud shut up or

H I’m going to lower the music on OBS and then just simply lower my Google Source on the mixer because I don’t think it’ll let me go I don’t think it’ll let me go any quieter on like the interface itself there we go let me know if the music’s

Unbalanced cuz you know I I don’t I don’t know also thank you for builds for the $2 Denver Colorado I don’t know if that’s a meme I am so out of date with internet memes but thank you for the $2 I need to make a donut board that’s

Right that’s right that’s something I need to do let me let me just put the names down on a sign for now so I can make a fancier Dono board later nugget M um D1 and then we have four builds sorry lowercase bcore $2 let me scroll up and see that

Dono from the earlier part of the stream and it will not let me scroll up okay I will go dig that up later just leave that there for now okay this looks good so let’s go back to resource pack offline dinosaur game Minecraft resource packs new folder uh dino

Resources taste in the MC meta taste in the MC meta do I not have the MC meta on my clipboard okay pain um Freddy’s 2 Minecraft res box we’ll also grab this here so copy instances dino game Minecraft resource packs Dino resources paste MC meta version 18 Dino offline dinosaur

Game also thank you nugget May for the gifted sub or not sub oh my God this is YouTube thank you nightmare for the gifted membership yeah this is YouTube okay let me write that one down as well can I just put like X2 yes there we go

Also we’re almost at 100 likes that’s crazy uhoh bit rate’s dropping that’s not good bit raid’s back never mind we’re fine okay so the reason I brought this pack. PNG over here is cuz if I open this with Photoshop you know what we are going to turn off

My screen for a moment because I don’t want to leak any future projects if I have them up in my Photoshop file open yeah probably just I did that okay open and we will open up this icon and then we will go into file explorer we will drag in the dino icon

Okay we can bring the screen pack welcome back there we go here’s our dno icon perfect down save and now we’ll create a new folder called Minecraft CRA a new folder called oh wait no it’s assets then Minecraft I know how resource Packs work I swear I’ve done this before assets Minecraft

Textures block there we go and then we will go and we will create a new texture in good old block bench how do you do I go file New Image there we go 165 16 and we’ll just call this sky and it will be a solid white export not exported as a PNG

Excuse me oh wait yeah that’s right save as and then we will go the resource pack Minecraft textures block and we will save it as glow stone go in game refresh and if I did this correctly I didn’t do it correctly oh God what did I do Minecraft glowstone blocks okay I did

A typo somewhere check Minecraft research acts assets Minecraft textures block that is that is right okay one Sec oh wait I need to put the resource pack on that’s probably an important part of having resource Packs work hey look it works that’s crazy H I’m I’m good at this I I swear I gotta move the timer over don’t I okay Sonic music is fire I

Agree all right put that back all right we have the sky cool and that looks like a pretty seamless white border that worked now what’s the ground look like dinosaur game Google is it just wet as well it’s probably just wet as well it is just W as well okay we can

Just make this on Them Stack perfect okay so now the only thing we need to edit is the ground right there now I can’t help but notice that Shadows are also being cast on this is there any way around that yes there is I just need to make this a block as

Well what block what other blocks glow glow like I no they’re called like shroom lights yeah there we Go they don’t give This you know what it’s fine this is fine turn off ambient occlusion yes I know a million people have said that it doesn’t work on the newer versions it’s sad but it’s the truth I could use glass ah yes okay glass it is SL slash replace near 40 black

Concrete red stained glass boom boom and then in here or in block bench rather I will make a brand new black texture and I will save this as red stained glass boom boom boom there we go I’m so good at this all right blow Stone and Redstone

GL so now I just need to make this this is going to be a bit trippy so this is going to be an animated texture cuz it needs to be moving left to right and it’ll be moving at different speeds so let’s let’s get to work on

That it’s white and then we have like a kind of darkish gray going across the top okay you know what yeah we we’ll use this as a test so save as and I believe it was pink yeah there we go that’s the dino game we all know and loves so now I just

Need to make this move left and right look at that wait am I using data packs I will be using data packs I have not started yet though right now we’re just starting on base textures but that looks like the dino game right there but I’ve ever seen

It and it does have a top texture okay looking good now let’s make a move edit in Photoshop there’s 16 so we need to go to Canvas size set the width to 32 and we need to do 16 * 16 which is 256 boom all right so this is how we make it

Animated this is how we’re going to do it we’re going to copy paste this here merge down cut to new layer copy and P this down move it over one copy and P this down move it over two copy and P this down move it over

Three copy pastes down move it over to four so on this is how we make the ground Mood and then we’ll simply speed it up based on the speed they are Going and we go image C size set it from 32 16 and crop off that other side and there we go we got our animated T here so we will go we will merge this save and when we reload it should look all funky and weird but that’s intentional it’s meant

To look all funky and weird cuz then we can go into the resource pack I go into Five Night at Freddy’s 2 and steal another one of the MC meta files from Here here it is and then we will go back to our instance of the Dino game. Minecraft resource packs Dino resources assets Minecraft textures block paste rename this to Pink wool. PNG go inside and the current frame timeline is is one so we’ll just leave that we’ll reload and

Theoretically it should just start moving yeah there we go that is a slow moving ground but it’s a moving ground which is important for the dinosaur game because the ground is meant to move so the question is is this accurate to the speed of the game well I guess there’s only one way

To find out time to go on YouTube and look up a video of the dinosaur game Dino game Google hey look there’s a YouTube video of someone playing the dyo game all right music shut up where’s the music at what we have a dino game to watch I don’t know who you are but all I want to do is see you play the game play it

Go that’s way faster that is way faster than this this is so slow okay um we got to speed that up tremendously can I make it like decimals justes the frame time go into decimals I don’t think so but we can try1 uh reload that probably won’t

Work that didn’t work okay what if I said the frame times is zero will that also not work okay um I need to think of a different way of doing this one that is moving way faster than I would have thought music come back we got to we got to speed this

Up so how would we go about speeding it up oh yes yes right okay so at the moment we have it covering a full texture but if we can easily make it four times faster by just making it a fourth that repeats so instead of doing

This we can go Boop and then like boop boop right this Right yes and then we can add a little bit of variation I guess like that all right no no no no no I’m thinking about this wrong cuz this moves side to side like we wanted it to but we can’t make it move fast enough we could try like removing some

Of the frames but but when it gets like super fast then it might just look bad all right let’s start by fing the frame time back to one and reloading yeah all right I guess we can remove every other frame see what that does it’ll probably it’ll probably look

Fine now but when we get to faster speeds that’ll probably just look really Bad you guys we can start with this I should probably read chat you guys probably have some good ideas oh God okay uh thank you Metron night for the $50 holy crap see this is why I should read chat there’s always something going on in chat did I miss any other donos I

Hope not met row night $50 holy crap okay Done okay I’m looking I did not miss any other donos look at me go I’m a good YouTuber my faster speeds it won’t be noticeable I hope you’re right I hope you’re right we’re going to have to try we’re less than an hour in and we haven’t even started on the mechan

Actually you know what the ground should probably wait we should probably make the dinosaur himself cuz I feel like if we get distracted on this we’re just not going to have this done nearly in time so let’s bring this back and let’s make the dinosaur now on Google I did find

This spreadsheet let me find it here it is uh I have no idea how accurate this is there’s some textures here I didn’t even know where a thing um these are the ones we care about though are these pixel accurate they are not okay what are the ones we care about

We care about Dino Dino foot up and dead and ducking right okay so I guess we can crop out everything else sorry ice we’ll be using that dyo as the dyo I’m afraid let’s crop this let’s get rid of the versions We don’t want Goodbye one is okay so it looks like there’s three different walking ones then there’s a damaged one and then there’s two ducking ones okay and it looks like they all have that white outline interesting interesting okay how big are these pixels so we can get AC

Crop down to the right side okay they’re both two so we need need to start by getting rid of all this excess space uh oh what am I doing get out of here then we will go down here and we will do that crop that out there we

Go and then we will go to image size and we will okay how can we cut it in half if we’re if I move this over one and CW that extra pixel out image size there we go is that really not okay so half of this would be 208 we do

208 these all like perfect pixels now they are why’ the music stop oh the web page crashed okay well it’s back okay you know what not going to question it we’re just going to can you so let’s get rid of all this blue stuff oh what happened here oh this is

Probably the eye oh the eye isn’t probably designed to have the extra pixels removed okay that’s fine we can just add the eye back there we go looks like nothing ever happened he also doesn’t have his white outline we’ll give him his white outline as well for the consistency there you

Go perfect so here’s all our Sprites how big are one of these Sprites 22x 24 okay so I guess we’ll just do 24 by 24 for all of them would these fit in 24x 24 no not even close Okay so these guys are going to need to be done a bit

Differently for now we’ll just start with the standard walking and running animations so if we pull up the gam playay here okay so he has an idol When jumping so this is his jumping Sprite this is his walking Sprite this is his dead Sprite and this is his

Ducking Sprite sounds good okay new we’ll do 24 by 24 and we will start by making the idol or there’s not really an idol I guess it’s is um you know we’ll see where is it at so we’ll yoink this guy put him right in here and we will export this

Into here and we’ll just call it Dino still and now we will go back here and we will copy this guy remove him P him in here and we will call this one Dino Run we will go back here we’ll copy this one remove this guy P him in here and

We’ll call him Dino dead and then we have this guy who was a bit different we’re going to need to extend the canvas to 30 by 30 size 30 and move this guy down this guy will be Dino duh and now we need to put them on a

Model so go into blockbench create new Java item and we will create our Dino player guy so 24x 24 I guess there we go import Dino put them there make all of the other sides invisible and Center him yes there we go go to display go to head you will be

Facing this way rotate him around make the dyo a big boy move him forward move him down okay might need to make them a bit smaller but this is just for testing purposes export as a model go to the resource pack assets create new folder models and models create new

Folder model and model add Dino still and in the resource pack we’ll go borrow the code from FNAF again Fess Fess Minecraft resarch packs assets Minecraft models item and what we want is the carbs pumpkin dino game where it at Minecraft resource packs Dino assets Minecraft models then we’ll create a new

Folder called item and then item we will put carb pumpkin and then here we will simply remove all of this pre-existing code down to only this first one and in here we will put model Dino still go in game go in F5 and

Reload uh and oh yeah I need a I need a carved pumpkin get oh my God oopsies me out of axium give claer carved pumpkin custom model data one put this on my head Hey look it’s the dino he’s a bit big but he’s here yo it’s the dino

Right we’re definitely going to play with perspective a bit here um is there’s no way we’re actually making him fit in there so I guess we can try making him a bit smaller moving him up see how that looks all right so he’s he’s on there um am I Center how do

I is this a one block Center tripping 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 five 6 7even eight this is a one block Center okay so the most you could get up is here and you’d be here taking the dyo there that’s not good enough so I want

To move the dno a bit closer which theoretically should make him look farther away yeah okay Mo him even closer fresh okay give them a little closer all right let’s set up a proper command and now we need to make this guy much smaller okay we’re making progress he’s

Almost there maybe a little bit smaller and down move them down more um how far down is he on the actual game okay he’s like below it that’s good to know okay maybe a little higher there we go and then a little further inwards okay there’s our Dino look at

That oh that’s actually so cool and then for the ducking we’d make his his ducking pose see this is this is the look this is what we needed then we just need to code the obstacles how far is in is the Dino on the actual game okay he’s like as far to

The side as you get so this is good this is what we’d want to see so if I want effect give cler invisibility infinite to true then I turned off my unlimited reach look at that I’m the dino I’m controlling the dyo then give myself effect give classer jump boost infinite one

True now I can jump like the dino how high does the dino jump in the game show me the dino okay there we go I’d say I’d say that’s pretty concise I’d say that’s pretty close you know what I’m happy with this then we just need to make the obstacles

Come in and we need to put a score counter there can we do that in half an hour absolutely let’s make this guy run and if we’re going to make this guy run that means we need to get started on Z data pack so let’s start by getting some glass surrounding Us in

Glass just to make so we don’t move by Accident let’s make the play button let’s make the title as well let’s let’s do all of that now the the offline Google we will make this and this I guess the offline Google dinosaur game we will make this in our gray that is in the wrong spot there we go that’s a

Logo going to edit this a little Bit there we go looking Good save As save text boom boom select transform scale all selecting Center super tiny oh get that pivot transform there we go Perfect the offline dinosaur game file converts to Java item there we go rotate this looking good then we’ll export this as title text and in here we will add title text title text save in game reload and we need the card pumpkin where’s the texture at that texture did not load

Okay there we go there’s the title so now let’s get that on an armor stand and if we’re going to put it on an armor stand we need a a data pack so let’s make a data pack template data instances um online oh what did I do undo offline dinosaur game Minecraft

Um and then data packs saves dinosaur game oh we can delete the welome to the stream World dinosaur game data packs paste Dino data pack open this copy Visual Studio file open folder paste and daax done daax select folder open I trust the author I made it uh

Minecraft okay this looks good load Dino data pack loaded Go game SL reload load boom Dino data pack loaded speed okay and then under setup do file and we’ll call this title screen MC function okay and we will want it to be up here in the center right Here uh that is 84 sub block 84 4.0 then we will go on Google and we will go to the armor stand generator say hello to the armor stand generator um the armor stand generator will be invisible blah blah blah no gravity Etc um enable equipment Under head we will do a carved

Pumpkin for the custom name we’ll do title and then we will lock the slot interaction with the loock the slot interaction with everything there we go and then we will copy and then we will go into the data pack we’ll do kill at e type equal armor

I’ll Zoom this in so you can see have equal armor stand name equal title and quotes and then below it we will add here and under this we’ll do tags um custom why is that not working ID count comma T why is that not working what’s it not

Like oh there’s the slash okay that explains it tag custom model data 2 and for the cord ordinates we will grab these coordinates and we will go and put these coordinates here save in game reload function setup title screen there it is it’s tiny though we got to make it nice

And big display head armor stand rotate it 180° or wa it’s not what I what’s the that’s what I’m rotating okay whatever root oh wait that was translation there is rotation okay and make it like that move it slightly down move it over and make it big save Go game reload resource pack

And boom title there it is uh maybe rotate it a little more down like that offline dinosaur game the dinosaur game text is kind of hard to read might want to make that a different a different um different exture color we’ll do this there we go that looks

Better still can’t help but feel it’s a bit small I did Max it out didn’t I I did how do I make this feel bigger move it a bit closer into to edit oh it’s also not scaled up all the way here we go scale save in game

Reload the offline and maybe I should put the dinosaur above it just hanging out I think that would be funny what am I 24 24 Zero select these clear import Dino slap them there why is he not there oh I see Perfect transform Center X and he can hang out on top maybe if it’s smaller there we go and he can hang out right on top in game reload there he is there’s the boy that’s what we like to see position him maybe just a little better so he’s not droing there we go

Reload the offline Google dinosaur Game this is what we like to see all right now let’s make a play button back to here put all this out play we will make it this convert where’s convert at there it is actually I’ll just go into here clear this out file import um open projectscraft title file Center

And then we will remove all these other textures and we will save this as play file xort the block and we’ll call it play and here we will go and we will add it to the code AS custom model data 3 play there we go and then we will put it right Here and in here we will go here we will have it kill play load this in copy paste set the name to play model data to three go in here copy the coordinates oh my God speed okay go over and set this to that and then we will go

And we will set it to a marker save reload and then I guess in reload we’ll go to load and then we’ll just do function um setup title screen slash reload oh yeah I start to reload the resource pack and there’s our play button now we just need to like post it Properly Reload uh not centered is it it’s also a bit big that bit down all right here comes City Escape again please do not lag out you know what this is fine I like this you come up as like the offline Google dinosaur game then you right

Click play now we need to summon an inspiraction And summon interaction these coordinates and we will custom name play and then we will do a with of5 no how this format that worked save game reload why it stop City Escape I swear to God every time every time with City Escape it’s always City Escape it’s always City

Escape it always screws me over welcome back City Escape oh my God okay play that is very there’s a with and there’s fight okay interesting I guess we’ll do a width of one and then we’ll just do two of them there’s a width of one I’d say that’s about the right

Size let’s just move this up I guess height of8 okay what’s it not like about the height is that not a valid typing no that’s fine why is it complaining I don’t know is that up one go game reload boom there is our interaction entity close

Enough and now we got to make it actually so under code new file interaction MC function and under code we’ll also do new file start game. MC function and under here we’ll just do power raw a game started save interaction now I got to go borrow code from anaf again

Feels like I’m going here a lot saves for that’s at Freddy’s data packs data pack data uh code functions interaction where’s it at here it is copy paste copy why oh start game tick execute as any interaction if they are right clicked run um code interaction reload right click game started it works

I am smart okay so you right click play and it starts the game so now we just need to make the game start cool we need to make this glass invisible okay Um New Image exports no don’t do that save as glass reload the resource pack there we go and we’ll grab that one TP command we will go to start game replace start game with this command reload so we go over here and we press this button it should start the

Game look at that that’s crazy okay it should also put also need to do some scoreboards here so load scoreboard objectives add is player dummy and then under Start game we’ll do scoreboard or we’ll do this in yeah we’ll do scoreboard Players set at a is player zero execute

As um at e type equal interaction name equal play um sort equal nearest to limit equal one add itself run scoreboard Players set um at P so it’ll be the nearest player is player one so that’ll make whoever right clicks it or no we won’t do that we’ll just make whoever right

Clicks it the player so we get to interaction and we will say whoever right clicks run scoreboard Players um set at he play one would that work how do we execute as the target you execute as Target uh execute On Target h we’ll do what we had before that would definitely be a bit more precise but we’re not really this isn’t a server here so being that precise doesn’t really matter then we’ll just teleport everyone there game mode Adventure I a scores equal is player equal one and

Then we will set everyone who isn’t a player into spectator we go in game reload play there we go now we just need to lock our camera this way so execute as at a scores equal Player = 1 and then we’ll do X rotation equal 0 y rotation equals z and then say

Hi I’m not saying hi if I tell we’re back to this position and then run this command I still don’t say hi does it need to be like netive 180 or something you be surprised a negative 180 on both still no h we’ll start with one at a time let’s just start with

X that’s a zero nothing is happening set it to 90 nothing is happening set it to 180 nothing is happening set it to 270 nothing is happening set it to 360 nothing is happening great do I need to put like distance or something this equal one No these rotation commands are like the worst thing ever it’s the one thing that just absolutely destroys my brain’s ability to Work where’s the view lock for this I’ll just steal an Ask view Lock Thank you new file vula MC function Boop Zoom this out a bit so I can read execute at anyone who is players one remove this 0.0 0.0 at at cell okay run say hi saying hi not saying high that worked perfect uh we don’t need this we just

Simply need to run set scoreboard V lock okay we need to make the V lock scoreboard add V lock dummy we’ll set it to one we’ll do scoreboard Players set at a view lock to zero make sure it only does this to the player and then we will do execute as at

A scores equal is a player um and who has a view lock of zero run TP and then we will simply run the teleport to this command copy paste go in game reload that didn’t work oh yes right we got to run it pick execute as at a scores equal is player equal

One itself run scoreboard or run function um code view lock game SL reload there I am now forced to look this way and I cannot turn my head I should also probably make a position lock as well I can do that now instead of doing X and Y rotation we’ll do X =

Um 89.5 y = 50 or not y y doesn’t matter Z = 98.5 distance equal .1 that’s not working I need to swap these maybe 98.5 and and 89.5 no okay what’s happening this Time you know what it’s fine cuz if you move and then rotate your camera it fixes it anyway wait chat’s freaking okay one second what’s happening zman was here this is what I get for not paying attention Okay one second time to check out what’s happening zman YouTube what is it

Zus all right let me try to find this channel this is what I get for not reading chat I get two zoned in scrolling up zus okay zus YouTube I’m struggling to find this channel if anyone would like to put an at I will at Z okay there we go thank you thank

You Oh my God I am such a good streamer okay SLC SL found it okay this guy I think it was a raid nope lock m is telling me go check out this guy oh oh okay you know what subscribe oh that’s so fancy there’s a new animation

Oh I did not know that okay thank you zman for the raid back to speedr running this I have 8 minutes left okay probably going need to extend the time Nova hey claer I am a community manager over ATZ man10 64 Channel we just wanted to show some

Support uh yeah I get it I try to be as active with chat as possible when I’m doing these time challenges for like coding and stuff keeping an eye on chat isn’t always the easiest cuz I get very zoned in with these coding projects but thank you all for stopping

By now back to coding all right so we have the dinosaur now we need to make it turn you into the dinosaur so under Start game we’ll do effect give at a g equal is player equal one and visibility infinite 255 true we’ll do item replace entity a scores equal is player equal

One armor. head with carved pumpkin custom model data one reload we also need to make an end game function so new file end game do let me see function game mode Adventure at a scoreboard Players set at a is player zero and I guess I shouldn’t put this underneath it then kill a

Oh yeah also clear at a as well clear at a Reload function code end game boom and we are back here go over here click play go on F5 we are dino love the dino now we got to give him his different Animations if we try to move it won’t let You all right so I guess now we can try adding some obstacles and stuff let’s give that a try so the player we first need to get the player’s position so we’ll put an armor stand right here BL there we go yeah right here how would I go about

This okay start game summon armor stand and these coordinates and then we do custom name text player and then in end game we fill it kill at e type equal armor stand name equal Player yeah we’re probably going to have to extend the time on this one maybe possibly a bit too over ambitious but we are making good Progress Google play five I don’t see an arm stand and I maybe just forget to reload yeah there it is okay uh we need to move the little armor scle over don’t we it’s a bit too far actually the head is the Dino’s hit box right so maybe

That’s maybe it’s better we leave it there yeah okay so how do we make it jump with the player so we’ll have the dinosaur jump he isn’t jumping high enough oh yeah we need to give player jump boost that’s right effect give at a scores equal is player equal

One jump boost infinite one through and then we’ll simply make the armor stand jump when the player jumps yeah there we go that’s a lot more of a hefty jump right there pretty sure the whole hit box thing is pretty sure the whole thing is

The hitbox yeah it’ll be a bit harder to track the pixels I think we’ll just do where the armor stand is maybe move it a little bit farther back so it’s more like in the middle of the dinosaur let me try something execute as um at a or is

Equal is player equal one and S run DP at e type equal armor stand yeah let me add another half hour to this timer here 30 minutes at time there we go actually as you understand name equal player and then we will do it from here so

How yeah so that’s three up and then we want to move it like what 10 that way and then 10 this way yeah there oh my God I am so good with numbers okay we’ll try 11 maybe 11’s not it let’s try 10.7 10.7 looks pretty good 10.8 maybe

10.6 I’d say that’s a good hit box for our Dino fow right there I’d say that works if I turn on hit boxes that’ll be the Dino’s hit boox I think that’s a pretty good hit box I think that’s the best Weir going to get it can I please

Stream me making FNAF 2o I have no idea if I’m going to be streaming that or not it will depend let’s see so I also need to let’s try 2.5 still a bit High 4 3 2 do flat one 1.8 five okay it’s 1.5 so this is the

Command we’re going to want to run constantly that will make the armor stand follow the player so we’ll put this in tick Go game slash reload there we go so it’s not exactly perfect but okay I feel like this is worth explaining so while it looks like it’s a bit delayed

It is important to keep in mind that Minecraft does have interpolation so while it might look like it’s delayed it is practically like spoton as far as the game is concerned yeah it looks like it’s a bit slower going down which I guess if anything is just more generous to the

Player but I think this will be our Collision detection for the dyno itself now what we need to do is occasionally we just need to make something come in go to the side and then once it gets off the screen it’ll go bye-bye uh you could add an invisible

Silent parent onto the hit boox if you really want this perfect nose I could but that sounds like a lot of math and I’m not really a math guy to be fa fair so we’re probably H let’s make him run let’s start by making him run have Dino still import texture Dino

Run Dino Run file export Dino Run in the code we will have Dino still we will have Dino Run we will have Dino Duck and Dino dead Dino Run Dino Duck and Dino dead 6 five4 also quick reminder to like the Stream yo we got to get this in the

Algorithm we got to get it rolling what are you doing doggo go back to bed I’m live go sleep thank you let’s see so let’s import all the remaining textures we have Dino Duck and Dino dead so Dino Dead’s pretty easy that’s just still right there Dino dead and I guess Dino

Duck yeah so we’re going to have to increase the size to 30 and then this is going to take a bit of positioning to get right I guess we’ll leave it like this for now and then we’ll position it better once we have the time so now

Let’s in the animations do tick EX execute as at a scores equal is player equal one at self run code animations oh run function code animations the function um claer I understand this is the most likely a bit of an odd request but can yeah of course um my Discord is

C1 us3r like that all lowercase or you can just join my Discord server I think the link is in the Stream by all means go ahead okay and animations let’s go to the load scoreboard objectives add um we’ll do crouching first we’ll do minecraft. custom

Colon uh what is it sneak time there we go and then in animations we’ll Dober players reset at a crouching and we’ll do execute as at a scores equal um is player equal one and then we do crouching equal one or more um am I not accepting friend

Requests oh I’m probably I probably have it set to mutuals only yes sure I will send you a friend request add friend what was it Nova Dev I think I don’t remember yes my memory is impeccable I am so good okay crouching run instead of execute as we’ll do I item

Replace no we do limit equal one why is it not like this oh entity remove the limit equal one I guess entity armor. head with carved pumpkin custom model data then I suppose was duck is five there we go so if we go in and we reload and then we attempt

To yeah there we go so that’s the ducking it definitely is a bit low though so we definitely have to bring our guy up here all right thank you I will take a look at DMS after the stream Nova oh when ducking his head goes forward ooh

Okay know I will keep that in mind and then we’ll do if crouching equals zero set it back to one reload oh not one crouching equals okay we’ll just do set at a crouching zero rather than reset and that should fix it yeah there we go that brings them

Down and now we just need to make it animated Photoshop new layer make it this color I guess canvas size set the height to 60 lock it to the top merge down copy paste bring this down go over here copy the other Dino running spr right paste that in Scout

Stop arcing I’ll put you outside in a minute um merge down delete that all right want go outside you weird dog man get out of here wild goodbye all right back to dinos so this should be right if I go file export as PNG set this to Dino Duck go into

Here this isn’t the right thing um block copy paste Dino duck. save Go game reload the resource pack and duck okay that’s very fast but yes yes it works set Dino Duck to four reload okay maybe a bit faster than that so it’s like three run our Dino Boy okay we’ll do

Two go yeah I’d say that’s good run can he duck and jump at the same time you know what I don’t know but in this he can and I guess when ducking we’re going to want the hit box to move down right so we’ll go into

Tick and we’ll just copy and paste this command Swap this out with this and then set this to crouching equals zero and if crouching equals one or higher move the hit box down by one down all right it’s not moving down enough let’s try moving it down by two more down

All right that’s T is pretty good yep that is working Cool he can duck it jump at the same time and but it makes him fall faster this is going to be a video just not on the main channel it’s going to be on classer Studios this isn’t a big enough project to take up like a 20 minute video

Unfortunately the videos on classer studios are similar to the main channel the main channel is more to just be kind of like it’s more to be entertaining while the second channel is a bit more technical which goes into a bit more me does that make sense I think that makes sense

Okay now let’s make jumping Detection scoreboard um scoreboard objectives add Jumping execute as at a scores equal um is player equal one if block below um 0.1 below them um is air run scoreboard player set at self is jumping or jumping rather one and then we’ll just set at a jumping to zero and then we will go

Reload SC like this so This sidebar jumping currently set to zero it is not turning into one I do this oh I forgotten itself itself that would be important reload still not working was it not working execute as at a if the block below them is air yeah that should work

The block below me is as a matter of fact air and it it oh oh wait oh oh wait oh oh wait there we go it is one it is zero there we go we are now actively detecting if we are in the airon not then we will simply have this

Be jumping equal one and if jumping equals zero then we will do the Running Animation which is number four reload so we are now doing the Running Animation even though it doesn’t look like it and then if we’re jumping we’re yeah there we go go all right let’s make the Running Animation Run we go uh canvas size from 24 to 48 anchor to the top go over here grab the second running pose go back paste move move this down file export is PNG Dino Run save file explorer block Dino Duck copy paste rename din run. Ki Go game reload are we

Running we are okay we’re running we’re duing we’re jumping there we go we are are moving and we have the armor stand to count as our detection and I guess while ducking I should also make the armor standand move a bit forward since the head goes farther up I can do that

Reload there we go looking pretty accurate uh yeah it’s going to be infinite no reason not to make it infinite all right how far into the stream are we we just hit two hours okay I’m going to need to let um dvg know we are taking a little longer than expected

There we go and add some more time to the timer timer is technically useless at this point but who cares cool I guess now is the time to all right let’s making the ground move a bit quicker cuz it is moving very Slow what’s the sure okay we’ll just remove um every two of these I guess goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye good oh goodbye there we Go this should be super three times faster theoretically if I did this Right oh want to my mute toggle this looks good this is much faster I’d say you know what I’d say we’re making good progress I think it’s time to add the obstacles also does this pixel like glitch out like this on the actual one cuz it’s bothering me and I am going to

I am going to fix it what’s going on up here okay let’s just there we go Dino Run save boom okay um and then refresh the resource pack and there we go we are now dino running I guess the only thing now they do is add some

Obstacles now are the obstacles on my Sprite sheet is a question um where is yeah why was I checking There what is the timer for also thank you for the $5 Metron knite the timer was originally for me to construct myself to see how long um like if I could do it in a certain amount of time but at this point I guess now it’s just decoration cuz I’ve extended it like

Three times why can’t I Ohop I also need to add the I need to add the anti F5 screen as well and then I also have to put like a black screen behind here so you can’t do that I do think the timer helps me like move more efficiently though so I will be keeping it Around all right so I got to keep on doing this I’m spamming control Z okay that’s not working close US Open it back up where here it is there’s no enemies on this this is useless okay dino dino game sprites on Google the spriters resource is there more next

Sheet there is wait what what are these things I thought it was just a cactus what is happening I have made Pokemon what are the Wither skulls they’re meant to be keys we’re going to remodel them to look like Keys oh thank you Metron night for

The what is that workers I think workers is tier 2 membership thank you let me write that down oh my God I cannot pipe there we go I’m going to need to add a second Sign Metro kns here two if that’s not tier two let me know I’ll fix it the cactuses and the birds are the enemies that’s what I thought there was like other stuff in there it was confusing me okay well I guess let’s put these in Photoshop see what we can

Do all right are these pixel accurate if they’re not I’m going to be bothered they are okay so here’s the cactus how many different types of cactus are there 1 2 3 four five are these next to each other or not are these next to each other or not is

It like one one two and then 1 two 3 how’s that work I’m assuming it’s one one 2 1 2 3 let me look at the video so there’s one small uh he died okay there’s one two and then there’s is there three or is there just two variants of the

One guys do know L scaling okay there is the okay it is one one two one two three I am oh tier three okay noted will’ll fix oh my God I cannot there we go here not for all right also all members who have joined from this stream if you go on

Discord and connect to your account you should be able to join the the what’s it called the membership Discord where I will be putting this map download so that is a thing just letting you know what are my opinions on the new 1.2.3 scoreboard feature scoreboard

Feature do this stuff what I didn’t know about that I did one second one second I’m pause everything excuse me excuse me you better not be capping right now you better not be capping right now Paul’s everything Paul’s everything where’s where where’s the where’s the patch

Where’s the patch where’s the pat scoreboards scoreboards scoreboards scoreboards scoreboards scoreboards scoreboards where it at where it at where it at uh 20.3 PR release scoreboards scoreboards scoreboards where’s it at where’s it at I don’t see anything for scoreboards am I being lied to there’s nothing on here for scoreboards I don’t

See anything for scoreboards it dropped in a snapshot what snapshot wait a minute wait a minute pre-release one new data P was I was waiting for them to do that thank you appreciated all right all right where’s where where’s the scoreboard stuff I see they fixed two scoreboard bugs

Uh downloaded packs are now stored and downloads this directory with the okay yeah I will look into this more later you DM me it okay I’m looking I’m looking this isn’t a 1.2.3 snapshot is it I thought this is a 1.20 21 snapshot okay here we go um data pack version 25 commands

Scoreboard uh each entry can now have a custom display name to okay okay and the score is reset the whole objective is removed okay is it this is a okay I’m going to have to look into this after stream that is very interesting okay that is noted however I’ve been

Live for like two hours I need to finish this game so we’re going to finish this game okay H I guess we’ll do um obstacles. MC function and then under tick we’ll go execute as a scores equal um is player equal one add self run function code obstacles there we go and obstacles

We will do some random chances which we will get from the FNAF data pack where is poster at or you change poster yink paste uh Delete delete we’ll do one through 30 yes one through 30 and then if it matches do um will be and then if it matches we will summon

An armor stand on we’ll copy this run summon armor stand here but instead of 10.6 we’ll do negative 11 um no gravity 1B and then we’ll do custom Name OB then under tick we’ll do execute as at e type equal armor stand name equal OB add that’s self run PP add self uh this way and then we’ll do we’ll do like three then we’ll do if it is at s if block beneath it is air

Run kill and sell reload reload will that work I see no armor stands appearing so no run function obstacles okay and obstacles uh check this if it just 30 run summon armor stand I guess as a scores equal is player equal one at itself why don’t you use tags tags confuse me

And sometimes they work sometimes they don’t and I’m want a time crunch here so I just don’t have the time to go crazy speed is that not working okay what if I run the command by Hand okay that works summons obstacle obstacle goes through obstacle dies that was the plan and why is it not Running guess we’ll do 1 through 30 maybe we’re just getting terribly unlucky reload no it’s not working why is it not working run function Obstacles check for random value of 1 to 30 if the random value matches 30 or 1 through 30 hey you know what what if I just that’s a thought so that works let me move it a bit farther off to the side 12 So yeah the obstacles are going and they are going Through why is this value not to working Then I guess we’ll just do this to test if this works I don’t know what’s happened why is this not working what the hell t for a value put the value between one and two what if I just make the value one now we can do the high score the

High score will be the easy part that’s just a simple scoreboard that goes up every second why is this random number not working what if we do run to at a high will that work will my chat get flooded with high no why not why is the random value command not

Working oh wait there’s no scorebird value called math wait a minute I’m dumb your what does is ADD math dummy there that’ll work reload flood me with armor stands or not or not or or Not math where’s math at math control F math the exact same line of code yeah why that not work reload that should work maybe it’s just cuz it seems to be roll one through two reload now there we go now we just got to make that much less

Common all right essentially got to make it move at the scale they do in the actual game all right looking better see we now we’re starting to get a random flow of obstacles summoning yeah and then you’d hop over them right yeah hop hop H H oh they’re summoning higher okay we

Got to make them all summon on the same y level 55.5 or not what y value is that on is it 58 possibly maybe answer is no it’s not 58 what am I currently on 55 okay so it would need to be higher up so like 52 reload 53 54 possibly yeah they’re going to make me get up and check myself oh there there they are 54 was 54 cool let’s make them less frequent 20 all right is this is playable no that’s still way too common and I feel like we’re not jumping high

Enough let’s start by making them less common let’s do 40 40 is way too infrequent okay we’ll do 30 see sometimes they’re generating too close to each other I feel like there should be a delay every time one is generated Mak it so they don’t summon right next to each

Other so maybe if we just made them each individual cactuses that way when they put two two two next to each other it would be more reasonable first things first they are moving way too slow let’s speed these things up speed are WEA this is the dino game we all know and Love guys I’m playing the dino game in Minecraft this is crazy Oh cool let’s make the cactuses so we’ll start with the small baby Cactus shut up there we go export small Cactus one why am I here small Cactus one we’ll set that to a value of seven we’ll start by making them all small cactuses one no block mat

Cameo no way we’re all big fans of no block mat here all right let’s see so when we summon an armor stand under obstacles we’ll do I guess we’ll just steal it from this here armor items copy we set it to seven and we will go in here and we will

Go not create texture but import texture and we will import the cactus and will drag and drop the cactus we will make the cactus there we go we will put the cactus in the middle and we will go to display head where’s the cactus at there it is and we

Will remove any weird translation we had go we want it to be locked to the top of the armor stand so I guess we’ll set each value of these to one and put that in there that’s our Cactus okay export small Cactus one save Go game Reload there we go there’s the small cactuses now I just got to make them lower down like what5 guess we got to make them invisible invisible one B go in the game reload Hey look it’s the small cactuses that’s crazy okay um bit further down press oh I’m right here

Obstacles 7 go in Minecraft slash reload maybe one more down let’s try Eight there we go let’s make these much less common we’ll do like what 40 and then we will make a big double Cactus and since this is just a like since this is just meant to be like a small type of map thing I think we’ll

Just add the timer and call that a day cuz I have stuff I need to go do unfortunately I do have a life outside of YouTube so I think that’s how we’re going to go about it let’s make the big cactus we could try doing a part two of this

Tomorrow if you guys are interested going and then add in all of the features I didn’t get to add today but yall want to watch that potentially by chance so I guess we can add in then this guy trust me I’m more dedicated to the YouTube than you’d think no block Matt

Can vouch I put in way too much time on YouTube stuff but I do have like basic life and hygiene that I am going to have to go P to yeah you want to see one tomorrow okay we can do a stream tomorrow at the same time to add in all

Of the stuff I didn’t get to finish today so I guess we can just spend the rest of today adding in the cactuses and then we’ll call it done and we’ll do the rest Tomorrow I think that’s a plan big Cactus one boom edits import texture big Cactus Boop oh it thinks it’s an animated texture oh no oh God one sec actually wait it won’t think it’s a big texture because there’s no yeah okay this is just this then let’s just get the size right it

Was what was the size of this 25 by 50 / 5 would be 5 and 10 in the music and it did come back music 25id 5 is five and 10 there we go transform scale Center make it a big Cactus character is in the center of the project transform

Scale oh my God stay in the middle boom transform uh Center y transform scale all right that’s as big as we’re going to get it maximize UV export big Cactus one make sure it’s still at the top of the there we go all right throw the big cactuses at me

I probably need to reload there we go there’s the big cactuses this is what we like to see jump jump jump jump okay yeah we’re definitely going to have to make it so they don’t move nearly that fast cuz I am not making it over all of those um we’ll them down the0

Five here they come yeah there we go well here is our dino game or at least for today tomorrow we will come back we will add in all the other cactuses we’ll add in the highest score We’ll add the birds and we’ll add nighttime mode that’ll probably that’ll probably be the plan

But this this is the dinosaur game we have made it I guess the last thing to do would be to make that one armor stand inv visual invisible what am I saying invisible and then we’ll call it a day and I guess we’ll also make ourselves jump a little higher as well

So we’ll to jump one and we will where is that armor stand at and we will make this armor stand invisible save SL reload function code end game go back into the offline Google dinosaur game here we go here is our dinosaur game for today oh I did not

Make the glass box high enough we’re going to make that glass box a little higher and then we will be done the cactus in the ground are not moving at the same rate yeah I’m going to have to change this speed of the ground at some later date and by some

Later date I mean tomorrow for now I’ll be calling it here so once again thank you to all of these amazing people for donating during the stream we will be back for tomorrow to add in the other cacti the high score and the birds and yeah that that is get

Out of here timer you didn’t you didn’t do anything for us he didn’t do anything thank you for watching guys I will see you tomorrow at the same time the live stream um how do you decide custom model datas for data packs that aren’t Maps I’d say just make it some random

Number because you can make it any number from like 1 to I think a trillion so just make it like 5 billion 800,000 to no other no other resource pack will be we’ll be using that number so you don’t need to worry about confli conflicting with any other resource packs okay use

Barrier blocks can’t bear blocks um prevent you from going in F5 mode all right that’s all I have to say goodbye I’m I’m you know yeah yeah yeah goodbye bye bye bye bye bye thank you for coming bye subscribe like the stream bye end stream I’m pressing the end stream

Button this is it this is it I’m pressing it right now I swear I am I’m pressing it I’m doing it I it’s going to happen I’m going to press the you don’t know

This video, titled ‘Coding the Offline Dinosaur Game in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Clouser on 2023-11-27 13:08:26. It has garnered 2791 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:15 or 9195 seconds.

Making the Dinosaur Game COMPLETELY in Minecraft with NO MODS —————————- Join this channel to get access to perks: —————————- Twitter – Discord – —————————- #minecraft #dinosaurgame #google _________________ 00:00:00 – Starting Soon 00:10:35 – Starting Stream 00:16:39 – Building 01:10:33 – Coding —————————- Comment other games you would like to see me make! —————————- Music used: Epidemic Sound Library —————————- I wonder what this link does?

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  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

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  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More