Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 250+ Days in #shorts

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hello one two one to mic check mic check and we load it in it works it’s the right it’s the right picture it works I didn’t go live doing something different and weird AUD on come on and I’m not stretched I did something I’m so new to this listen I’m just here to play Minecraft I out to stream what do you mean oh guys I missed y all so much I had such a stressful like 20 hours it wasn’t even stressful just emotional I’m so happy to be here and play Minecraft and see all of you hello edits Wolf Girl bass a place gaming Giga hello hello hello naggie by the way I know naggie was there hi naggie hello Howard Omar neepy hello hi everybody hello has your Migra gone yes sir I feel like a brand new person I feel so much better so I don’t even know what happened don’t get me wrong it’s so weird because I’m always aware that I’ve had a migraine so a lot of a time for like the next day if you have migraines you know if you’re light sensitive you know where like I have to just do this with like my right eye because like even though your migraine’s gone in your head it hasn’t so you so you’re trying to like compensate and just squint for no reason but um I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m excited to see you guys it is warm in my room Suki has not hang out with me the whole the whole day I mean that Suki was not friends or a part of me or nothing she slept with me in the morning well like last night in the morning and when I got up she’s gone and slept in the wardrobe the whole day literally the whole day just like wolf girl I have something but you may have something better so you do need to show it to me I’m light sensitive and sound sensitive on migraines is horrible horrible see sound affects you sound doesn’t affect me but light okay maybe you’re right maybe you’re right okay I take it back I take it back I like silence I like silence I can’t listen to like TV or anything yep no I take it back you’re right I didn’t even consider that I was thinking like what do I do when I have migraines I need Darkness I need cold something whatever it’s to hold to put on my head and like my big big thing I it’s like a psychological thing when um my comes on I got to like ram my head into my pillow and I usually just cuddle my pillow and just focus my energy on like that rather than the pain if that makes sense hi bruer never get migraines or headaches knock on wood cuz I don’t wish it on anybody you got 5K now I do I do I don’t know how I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what happened I don’t know what happened I’m so scared I’m so [Music] scared three weeks ago I had no subs oh no hi crazy dragons dny deito headache he’s still here he’s still here he’s hanging out it sucks I hate headaches horrible a play thank you remember me of course I do guys I have a great memory I have a really really good memory but hi hello don’t forget to uh don’t forget to click the like button guys don’t forget to click that like button especially right now get those click the dots click the thumbs up the more likes we get the better basically sets us up for the whole stream so um they they all really matter like truly you know so uh and I I want to I want to hit I want to hit 10K before the end of the month that’s my that’s my goal so um if you wantan to if you want to help me get there you should click that like button bruer I’ve been grinding I have just been grinding honestly that is that is absolutely all I do Sophia you having a good day by the way Sky Block server seems quite worky quite twerky I messaged two bars to make sure because I haven’t got admin on there and I kind of need there and um so I didn’t want to rush I didn’t want to rush and go like yeah yeah let’s do it because just in case it’s not cooking I don’t want to we’re listen Just Go With It Just go with it I’ll tell you when it’s ready and it’s 150% ready Bruce are you doing a what now naggie gamer boy hello baby how how are you buddy that was a lot I’m doing great gamer boy how are you doing just came back from the store what’ you buy service crossplay yeah Java and Bedrock thank God thank God because I’m so so excited to actually be able to play with everybody and go and see like what islands that you guys done oo gamer boy chocolate or sweet sweets get go sh I’m so excited I am so excited chicken nuggets I like chicken nuggets I do can we just quickly acknowledge this this is my wall of Pride um this is this is the wall the wall of Pride I brought these home gamer boy I need the name ringa did you actually what a name though what a name who uh what was I I need the I need the thought process I need the thought process you looked at ringa dinga and you said yeah is that is that it is that literally like that’s all she wrote Brer are you lying to me is that legit thank you uh I need Stone cuz we need to fill up we need to fill up that hole we need to go and fill up that hole I got to go but I’ll be back okay you go you go you know where I am I’m I’m here like all the time for some reason I just cannot get an I didn’t didn’t I fixed it it’s always meant to be like that always um foodie foodie foodie where’s my foodie at but where are my tatoes where are my Tes you’re not lying I believe you bruer I I’m not here to argue cuz that’s that’s facts that’s facts got to go bald you go wait you’re going bald just cuz or I’m so confused on where I put my potatoes I cooked them hello hello yeah I found some here that’s pathetic I’m air frying chicken nuggies I had a cam bear today but it was more more cheese than cam bear that makes sense Brian welcome back it was very just cheesy not camberry was very just normal I don’t know it was confusing um we’re just going to fill this up because there’s literally no point for us to have this as now we got the elevator so uh we’re just going to do a quick little fill fill protein shake with flavor cheese love cheese yeah static wolf girl yes yes yes look look this is my spawner you guys look spaer spaer lovely stuff isn’t it lovely so I’m just going to fill this in so things can’t really spawn in here vanber okay okay okay first is Nafi second is M okay I probably didn’t pronounce that correctly I need to look this up one sec I need to look this up [Music] uh bed date filled cookies okay okay and then the other one dessert shredded with dough crust sweet cheese filling top of rose water flavored simple [Music] syrup damn so that’s like okay I would say I would say I think one of like the coolest desserts in general like the coolest type of food is Middle East desserts I am sorry but like no other country does it better with the amount of like just deliciousness they make LG you’re going for legol a 51 we’re only in 23 hey yo guys can we uh can we speed it up and hit that like all I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to need them and I’m going to need them quick date dough with cheese don’t forget that is so so cool they taste good I bet they do I bet they do like we don’t have anything like that like here like we have nice food but like you guys have like you guys have gone out you guys have gone all out that sounds good it sounds good dude anything like any pastry desserts anything like that I’m all over you have a farm for me what are you doing what farm is that a farm that you want me to make on Hardcore I’m back Ginger gamer welcome back I hope you had a beautiful day hello it scared me Christopher hello thank you kelp what am I going to do with kelp though best name is cheese gamer gamer you’ve taught me something you have taught me something today it’s crazy crazy see how how the time’s changed it’s gone from me teaching everybody to everybody just teaching me we need more coal by the way you know that’s the farm guys that’s the farm I want I want a coal Farm preferably because um this is uh I’m I’m running out by the way I need I need to make a list I want to get cats I want to get cats today I need to get Co and I need to start building my Farms that’s the plan no life kid I hope you’re having a good day Ginger games you love my channel my channel loves you gamer boy damn you scalp it’s always a fuel source oh Kel blocks are aren’t they Kel blocks are why was I not doing that I completely okay I’m smart you are cuz I’ve been struggling with coal so bad and I don’t even know where I put the last kelp I’ve had um no how do we do it Kel blocks kelp how did you make Kel blocks I don’t know Pikachu in the back dying he just he hanging out he just hanging out bruer it is py mine cook the kelp but that’s the problem I don’t really have enough coal to cook the kelp see see my issue again hi hi again hi hi Anthony make the farm first PB mine were you banned you blocked my of your Channel cook the kelp then you craft the block and how long does the block cook for hi Lauren py mine did you get banned for a reason did you say something very very silly by the way guys because we’ve just started I really really really need all of your help for us to achieve something today and get ourselves closer to the 6K um I will sound like a broken record but if you are here right now and you haven’t clicked the like on the stream it would be really really really appreciated if you could all do that for me um is this hardore word yes sir yes sir if you could all click on the little dots here everybody click on the dots a little dashboard will come up you can click the thumbs up the more likes we get the more YouTube knows that you guys make may be enjoying your time here what day you on I am on day 268 need observers piston and kelp hi el PB man thank you thank you it’s very nice of you Lauren I hope you’re having a good day but be in mind just don’t spam just don’t spam and we’ll be best friends zoa hello so observers piston and kelp is that something that I am actually able of doing or do you think I don’t have the brain capacity for it I am very stupid Gabriella hello Logan my day was good how was your day I’m just plugging in my keyboard you guys Zola thank you so much for the sub too everybody thank you thank you Dotan you’re the best I’m so glad you enjoying them thank you thank you thank you you can use lava for fuel as well but lava doesn’t have an Infinite Source right today’s goal I need to build my Farms I want to plant more of my trees so basically I wanted to live in the jungle but I messed up I moved to the Jungle I moved to the Jungle but I moved to like the smallest jungle biome which is here right it’s just that’s all the biome and then it was like a little outskirts here and so I had to stop Landing all these trees to give myself more of a jungle look vage yes I can’t spell go away it’s vage hi Jess lava doesn’t have an Infinite Source 99 99 items per bucket is it really how could just do that you’re French hello French I’m I’m Lithuanian gamer boy I appreciate it I’m just really really bad at following instructions of building Farms that’s honestly I think like my biggest biggest weakness when it comes to Minecraft I’ve always been like a builder Explorer Builder I’m happy going like fighting things that’s fine but when it comes to actually like Redstone for example no clue no clue how to work Redstone I probably could learn gamer games I’ll see you later it’s gamer games no it’s not Ginger games where’s Bud uh butd finishes work in 40 minutes so El say is going to be here next like 55 have French test on Thursday you got it you got it you can use lava with dripstone but takes long so recommend making both bye Logan good luck go get those wins in fornite zoa I love you too okay F thank you you play on lunar I do because I can have my [Music] wings um but uh PB mine you will be able to play with us I was oh oh that puts a span in the works that’s put that puts a span in the works raid raid you guys should we do a raid I don’t know I’m deciding I could go and since in the jungle you could use bamboo though it’s not that efficient you guys know a lot no everyone’s perfect lady I appreciate you ra horn moment nah get those cheeks clapped I could do no CH FR uh no um no comprehend um we don’t we don’t speak French around hi Chris you saying no don’t I need it for an achievement edits don’t worry don’t worry if it helps you I somehow play but it doesn’t feel like I have get away I can always kill them at the end of the day I can kill them and just drink my milk but I I really I kind of need it I need it for my achievement I need it for my achievement Chris I’m debating did you hit the like button more totems how many more do I need give the cheap Emerald prizes in villages it does it does um I’m going to get rid of them I’m going to get rid of them I’m going to pop some milk I’ll do a raid later I’ll do a raid later because um oh you guys need to be bred you guys are looking sad in there infinite totems why you in there I don’t I think my fire kill killed him lovely my fire killed him didn’t have to worry about milk I W it it for 1 minute and finished it a raid that’s an no bow right listen look power five punch two Infinity flame I’m breaking three it doesn’t really get juicier than that does it and I built that on my hardcore within like the first couple of days Juicy Girl yes okay so also I was thinking we have we have a little Farmhouse here we have a little Farmhouse here I want to build a stables I’m thinking what’s the drink it might be an energy drink but I don’t want you to know so I have to put in the cup so that way you don’t get inspired by drinking really bad stuff I got water here though water is here yall should drink water water water is good for you look after yourselves water RJ how are you I promise I’m drinking everything I needed it I didn’t have I didn’t have time to make my coffee you got to you got to take what you’re given I say fill this in your French Zoola I know you have told me that you’re French many times we know we support it that’s great gamer boy come on now what do you think of me it’s 4: it’s 400 p.m. we’re not drinking no booze right now which day is it I am on day 268 cat thank you so much for the sub by the way welcome in and jur day thank you thank you Gatorade we don’t really have Gatorade in UK it’s 600 p.m. somewhere if you need help help with the Redstone for the kelp is there like tutorials I would love to do it I honestly would love to do it I just don’t know if I got the brains to do it you don’t have Gatorade do we have no we got we don’t have Gatorade in UK do we no not really I’ve had it like I’ve had Gatorade in like Florida no no you’re dumb you can buy like some like weird limited edition ones from like American stores but like no we don’t can I guess where I’m from gamer boy hello Sweden helloo Sweden oh boy apple juice you got apple juice I was thinking of buying some yesterday I went to the store eyed it up but my problem is if I was going to buy it I would drink the whole two liters and one sitting and think nothing of it Redstone for the kelp is easy do you promise I’m willing to try it I’m willing to try it but if it’s hard I’m going cry I like this thank you Martin thank you I love apple juice so good so good okay okay guys I do I do have a very important question which actually means a lot to me also by the way I’m going to need that 31 likes to hit like 50 in the next 5 minutes um if you haven’t clicked the like button and you are on your phone right now please please please click on the three dots right here click right here little menu will pop up click the like button but if you’re on your phone and you want to be more Jazzy you can hold you can hold the stream with your thumb a little menu pops up then you can like it you can like it at the menu you can like it at the dots if you’re on the computer you like it as the normal video Nadia you like my room thank you so much it took me so long to cook this it took me so long daen how you do hello more subs do you think the next number has to be five 5 2222 is this how it goes from now on we’re going to do like random numbers the best one is going to be 5555 Tristan how are you nice to see you a friendly remind of the rules H ha she doesn’t need my alts whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don’t need no alts what do you mean we’re cooking we’re cooking um okay okay so sleep it’s night Raj I don’t want to say that next goal five one one two bruer I appreciate you I might I might I actually might do I kind of want to learn it I want to be able to like achieve cooler things here because I’m very I’m very much manual labor in all my hardcore worlds but I don’t ever rush things like I enjoy Gathering things and going on Journeys Witch is a WI which where there’s something no no I was trying to move something [Music] oh oh that’s my can you stop guess what I carry milk on me haha s see guys hardcore moves those hardcore hey did they you don’t like French women H mama no I’m not mama I need I need more dirt I need to take this hill off basically we’re going to try to trim this cuz our Stables are going to go in here no no mama mama not here babysitter here no mama Christ alive go help me from Belgium hi Belgium hi galmer galmer hit that like button we’re so close to 50 let’s go can you build a statue skin I’m going to do that on our Sky Block server I could probably do it here I want to I want to make a whole skin for me like I want a Vicky skin so not a pre-made skin I want to I want to make something that’s like me me me milk in Minecraft what’s wrong with milk and Minecraft Vicki’s a pro Vicky has played Minecraft guys for about 10 years too many some may say what do you do to make Minecraft more fun very very much depends um well it depends what you want to achieve so I am a very very big fan of Hardcore I come out with different challenges to do so for example once I am fully fully set up here uh my next plan is going to be a I’m doing I’m doing Bingo I’m going to be doing Minecraft Bingo what that means is that the community sets tasks for me to do um how will that go we don’t know but uh bingo you know you can find so many different things on on what to do for Bingo um focusing on completing every challenge for example we are doing we’re going to be building a zoo but chat is going to decide what animals I’m going to have to bring um some will take you know going through a never some will take me flying them like the camel there’s there’s so so many ways of I’ll playing and if you’re ever running out of ideas come and ask me and I will tell you what I think you should do for the day um I’m always I’m always filled filled with stuff that’s one thing I can tell you about guys is Minecraft whenever whenever you want to do anything just holla holla at me I’ll cook something up for you guys you hit my sub go already hi HR Cody have you killed the dragon [Music] yeah shees that’s my egg thank you so much for my sub go I feel like we have to go bigger and stronger and we’re saying five two two two two two two two bunny Hi bunny you’re new welcome in hello hello cool I cooked I cooked the dragon you mad lad Tony hello what did I do what why do you not speak English um what LG Legend when does your Sky Block server come out so I messed more I messed around on it today everything seems fine I just need a few things removed and I haven’t had time to get together with two bars to get those things changed so realistically if I can speak to him tomorrow if not Thursday latest hi Zay hi random Aussie hello blue VR what’s your favorite car oh is that for an edit is that a Discord server yes sir Vicky yes sir yes sir okay um my cow escaped this is not ideal and edit please ask no no gamer boy how well how well do you know Sky Block how well do you know Sky Block hey guys do I have anybody that uh that’s quite familiar that’s quite familiar with Minecraft servers hopefully I come back to 6K you’re dreaming big you’re dreaming big hi gone how have how have you been hi shark zooo uh no favorite color pink um get a quest three I’ve got a I’ve got a two I got a quest two I really want to I really want to play some VR games on on stream but I think I’d be doing that on Twitch hi Stein how you doing are you playing on PC yes sir yes sir yes sir I know very well I’ve been playing a lot of years I played from modded service to vanilla and Sky Block I’m going to have to keep you around I have questions for you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you guys saw just two of them right where did all of them start spawning in sir you was to chill hey do not open my door they at my door hey the noises they make um by the way I completely ignore Tony if Tony said anything else Tony did you say anything else can I search for Tony’s name Tony no he oh oh oh he said there she is sup and then he goes you mad lad okay well we never know maala Li go 51 we got Lego of 51 and we on 41 guys listen listen I don’t make up the rules I don’t make up the rules but I’mma I’m going to listen I’m going to get you all of you to just do something for me because this is super important and it’s free okay and listen listen I can’t it’s free how hard is that free things are hard to come by and legit won’t let me join the server I don’t know what you’re doing bro what are you trying to do I am playing want to play VR no I’m currently going to be playing Minecraft I I want to I want to play this this is good this is good but yes a quick thing a quick thing hello nice to meet you my name is Vicki I stream Minecraft on YouTube every single day and I also stream on Twitch um I’ve been creating content for years and uh today marks my one month on YouTube hi does it count do I count myself as a as a YouTuber now so if you don’t know how to like a stream on YouTube um you could hold the screen yeah yeah yeah and click the thumbs up up right there you hold the screen click the thumbs up if that’s too complicated click on the three dots and then click the thumbs up that’s all you got to do that’s literally all you got to do it’s a free way to support my channel and I I don’t really ask for anything else from you apart from that like the more likes we get quicker the more YouTube tends to push us out for the algorithm journey and basically all adds up and it means a lot um so well if you could all just you know that would uh that would be very very joyful um Let me let me have a look let me have a [Music] look uh congrats on the one month thank you thank you please please please make sure you are somewhat of age before you join the Discord I will not be uh supervising you and um we’re just a a bunch of adults hanging out you know chat rules thanks for the chat rules am I of age probably real reality yeah mentally it depends who you ask yay the award you’re looking for is Hooligans not wrong ah let me out lovely vix got tier valerin aim shows listen that is one thing that is one thing that I’m good at is bowing but only when I’m not nervous gone you’re going to be able to play Minecraft with us as of the next like 48 hours I’m GNA have to I’m G to get all of you to just hang tight for a minute hi Darren miss you miss you miss you love you love you hope you’re having a gorgeous day hi cow cows I’m just deciding how I want to do this because this goes into a cave I know what I could do Sky BL server Sky BL server is going to be coming out and you all get to [Music] play B whenever I have time I would love I would love to I would love to I currently have about six gaming sessions promised to people uh but I realized I since the beginning of a month I streamed uh 50 hours on YouTube alone then I worked for 50 hours and I’m somehow running out of sleep Dam baz got eated it’s fine is that flying Sky Block I think you’re going to be able to unlock it I’m just waiting for two bars to wake up I want to say yes hi flash how you doing had a very long work day but now I’m chilling in a hot buff watching the best YouTuber I am the best YouTuber it’s me it’s me okay we want to do this on 64 hi cow cow so I’m just going to take this off trying to join but won’t let me I don’t know what to tell you I know scream to somebody in chat I’m just I just play Minecraft bro I just work here who yeated me the [Music] audacity the audacity uh-oh blame Lan Lan are you having a nice day thanks Wolf Girl macala your biggest mistake bunch of actual actual degenerates I wish I was lying my day is definitely better now that I’m here well I’m so so glad to hear that I had a I slept so poorly I struggled to fall asleep when I did fall asleep I just slept so unwell just me like you know it’s just one of those days where everything was just m gamer boy peaky blinders you’re the pey blinders guy baz you’ve got this Oscar thank you so much for the sub welcome in welcome in I need to go eat enj your food I’m not a djen you it’s you don’t talk you don’t talk in Discord enough to join the djan side gamer Boy Hey listen we all make mistakes I might do something with this wall instead I woke up early day because of construction noises I slept through all of my alarms all of them you name it you name it was I was a um I was a very very big fan of my bed this morning except for two alarms like don’t get me wrong even saying sleep slept through them probably not the case because it was more of it was more of the fact that I no I did sleep through one I did sleep through one then one i s SED and then I was like I’m just turning them all off rer you did I woke I woke up today because my blood sugar was crazy diabetes I almost missed my tattoo appointment did you get a tattoo what’ you get what’ you get I swear to God if it’s an infinity sign I’m burning that off your wrist bro imagine it’s not thank God thank God H gone no I’ll be playing I’ll be playing with everybody tomorrow I’m honestly I’ve had so many just I’m hoping I’m hoping Sky blog is going to be up and ready properly tomorrow and then we can we can do some serious serious gaming tomorrow hope it’s a butterfly tattoo oh stop it I’m sorry if anybody out there has a butterfly tattoo you made a mistake what a creepy creepy looking things okay I want to I want to quickly talk over that I want to talk over that tattoos Need to Breathe Right tattoos need to breathe I cannot begin to stret dress that enough as not even somebody with a medical degree but somebody with common sense why on Earth are people keeping their wraps on for longer than like 12 hours your tattoo needs to be washed with water soap and left to breathe and it stresses me out I went to the gym few weeks ago and there’s this girl that had her leg WRA for the last week what do you mean why are you keeping your your your cling film on for that long guys whenever wherever you get a tattoo do not let anybody keep your cling film on your leg or wherever for longer than a day Max Max it should just be there for the day in the evening you should be taking it off and letting your tattoo breathe you should not keep anything on it for two days one day you’re crying you’re crying for an infection keep it clean keep it breathing let your body do its thing frustrates me imagine a week Imagine a week of wearing that oh bro Stein hit me hey o Darren you want to go matching lad of a people in the back horrible horrible Chris you should not be keeping been on for 2 days no no sh no sh don’t people get the second skin thing now gamer boy cool a little andd bum cream goes a long way for a big tattoo I I used I used baby um baby cream of some sort for my for my leg a wolf girl you’re smashing for your appointments you’re smashing I see you Stein and now imagine keeping the plastic on and going to the gym and sweating for hours every single day Imagine by the way we’re three likes away from hitting our like goal I’m just saying I’m just saying there’s no reason for the B there’s no reason the body can’t heal just fine without baz welcome back sweating with it wrapped going to the gym listen if you are the if listen it’s Ivor if you’re bad desperate to go to the gym if you’re bad desperate to go to the gym don’t get a tattoo or if you get a tattoo like do people listen listen skip gym no Chris you should not be going you literally should not be going gyms are one of the most unsterile disgusting environments and you should never be bringing a tattoo that’s just be made anywhere near it nah guys like let’s look into the actual idea of what a tattoo is you’re literally you’re literally injecting ink in your skin no Chris you should you should not you should not be making yourself sweat Chris you should not be making yourself swear Chris it’s l it’s not it’s not EXC it’s it’s not the gym it’s it’s not sweating it’s literally it’s the sweating part that will it’s nasty nasty dirt gets in sweat then you sweat it your tattoo doesn’t like it you then you start getting block like blotches of ink because your body’s trying to reject the ink it’s just there’s so much to it and before she still goes out in for hours or did say a few hours for some reason it looked like four for me I hate that love heart I hate that love heart because it blocks me and your Skin’s sticky gets it gets dirt stuck to it people are just crazy people are crazy gamer boy you are preaching to the wrong wrong choir here blue VR ah I love when I can’t read the end of a sentence because of the heart I usually ignore the first first like the newest message until why are you screaming come on there until it’s gone like pushed up I’m always lazy me too I hate it I hate it I hate it I wish I could remove it I kind of got to delete them for bad I know do you play bedw Wars no okay I haven’t seen you all day I haven’t seen you all day say hello everybody that’s coming in to see me say hello everybody in chat thank you so much say thank you everybody thank you for coming to see me hi everybody what’s your cat called Suki s u k i Su is the best guy Suki is the best guy look she’s here hi Justin Moore thank you so much for the sub welcome in enjo your stay hello hello hello hi Su okay I take your eye Bogies out you’ve been sleeping all day Pizza yo pizza Welcome Back hello hello hello hello oh [Music] Suki I never asked I may forgot why is Suki after who is she named She’s named from the original Avatar the the origin why Suki because I tried any other name and it just wouldn’t stick I tried everything she’s just a Suki she’s C sat on my lap she literally is just a suuki wouldn’t have any other way did you see the new one I saw bits of it I saw bits of it the galmer we yes wee I saw bits of a galmer but um I’d like to watch it oh yeah no support that fully she’s just a Suki I don’t know I I can’t I she could couldn’t be anything else I need watched the seven deadly sins no but let me just do I have it in here uh no there’s an anime that I want to watch I saw it on my Netflix and I forgot the name of it and it actually looked really good and I was like H Stein I don’t think those Discord Hangouts will ever happen like nobody is ever free ever and whenever I’m free in the evening nobody like I okay listen I don’t want to be I don’t want to sound like a crybaby I don’t want to sound like a crybaby but I’m also going to make it very very valid point I stopped doing movie Hangouts because people sto showing up and I did the movie Hangouts so people would like make friends and hang out and talk and whatever and then when hi Petry and people just stopped showing up it went from like 15 to 20 of us to literally like three of us and then I was like you know what like guys there was no point for me to carry on doing this because this this whole thing was for people to make friends and we’re all like friends bass B like every anime gone no Jesus at twitch gone I had I had a few I had a few nice people at twitch comom that came in and say hello to me and took photos of me that was very very nice I’m just deciding how I want to do this do any any of you here see the vision photos of you or with you with me where people were like oh my God I know you I remember you how are you doing can I have a photo one of those hi Brian haven’t watched a movie for over a year I um is anybody here from the UK pet tree you were one you were you were there like my first or second stream I’m deciding if I want to put like last here no I say I’m just going to I’m just going to fill it up I’m L just going to fill it up I’m from UK so I I have this crazy proposition and I need everybody to listen I’m not kidding by the way I’m not kidding and I just don’t want I just don’t want it to go to waste so Story Goes I if you live in the UK and View cinema is on your radar whether it’s by your house whether you live nearby I whatever game boy thank you for the like you Legend patry and you’re are my friend I have I have like 10 cinema tickets that expire on the last day of this month March also what that means is that I’m not going to go to the cinema 10 times in the next two weeks if anybody here is actually serious of going to see something in the cinema I will be more than happy to give you some of my tickets because I don’t want them to go to waste Suki I didn’t spill so um hey it’s me DOA hey DOA DOA do me a favor do me a favor um who is who is a in sources Community from from UK not Ireland but like England do you actually sing sometimes does does cross does cross like to go to the cinema by the way can I get a new Li go of 66 please thank you um DOA DOA listen oh you’re going to go for 69 that’s funny I’ll let you take that I’ll let you have that one I’ll actually let you have that one um basically basically FL twist they’re all tickets to Kung Fu Panda no Tony they’re lit like they’re just you you you you just oh my no um you pick you pick what you want to watch hello everyone I can ask him basically basically basically okay Tony DOA I I I’m of Lloyd’s if you’re in UK you know I’m a Lloyd’s Bank uh with Club Lloyds CU apparently if you have lots of money they give you tickets um anyway I don’t have lots of money but they gave me a bunch of cinema tickets and I’ve never used them up and Y edits hello hello bunny let’s go and um story goes is that I I don’t want them to go to waste because well I got them and if there’s some movies in the cinema that I know people want to see AKA um if anybody needs some cinema tickets and want to use them up before the end of the month uh please let me know there you are DOA toony enjoy um I just don’t want them to go to waste Jun is out right now that would be cool if somebody can grab those and go watch it Dune is out I I I want to go I’ll ask him just say y this crazy Vicky lady you know that one from the foreign one say like she’s just she’s trying to haggle some cinema tickets for free for me and I don’t know what to say to her and I don’t comprehend what she’s saying perfect that will that will do it that will do it I hate popcorn do you really I I only don’t like it because it get suuck my teeth I want to watch a new June can we go see it Nike said June 2 was dope like worth I’ll I I mean I I’ll go I’ll word different yet by Camp perfect favorite song I truly truly don’t have one honestly everybody asks me that like at least once a day and I truly do not have one I couldn’t even like name you 10 artists like 10 top artists I am just a glass half full of all all all times it’s never it’s never fully full it’s just half full I enjoy everything I’m just happy of everything didn’t you was uh was very good chat yes watch Chris well if you want some cinema tickets I got them for free so um just just come over to UK come over to UK and I’ve got you so this is where my farm is going to go took some of the Hill out you see static wolf girl I just I can’t deal with it being in my teeth can’t do it and it’s only fruer welcome back it only started bothering me like eating popcorn after I’ve had after I had braces before I had braces I didn’t get food stick in my teeth and ever since I had braces um now everything gets stuck in my teeth Lan yay I am first place you you did you did you you whipped it up in fortnite I ate spaghetti like a few minutes ago what did you have on the spaghetti like you can’t just tell me you had spaghetti and not tell me if you if you had cheese or you had a spag bowl or you had you had carbonara or you had like a chicken pasta something so many ways of having of having spaghetti meatballs you see there we are are you streaming same time tomorrow yes sir I’m always here I’m always always here okay this very noise me I could have put a water down but I didn’t want to okay I’m all about the manual labor up in here all about manual labor okay a making chicken dish in the SL curtain moment should be done whoa pictures pict just pictures hi Crystal you don’t have to spam Crystal I have I was halfway through talking Crystal stop saying hello Crystal I see you loud and clear do not spam it’s okay one message at a time is good that way I can see them all please please please and thank you thank you everybody thank you thank you iron thank you for the sub welcome in enjoy your stay uh let’s have a look let’s see let’s see let’s see [Music] okay we’ll get pictures only be there five hours I cannot wait to see a love spaghetti do I so do I did you make the CP no I’ve been I’ve been clearing out my area because I want to build I want to build my Stables how long you going to stream I am going to be here for another 4 hours roughly fortnite’s mid if you stick around for like four minutes it’s it’s in my vocabulary I have to inform you that I won’t be stream today tomorrow tomorrow what you cooking tomorrow what’s going on tomorrow a quick reminder by the way if you are just stopping in and you haven’t clicked the like button this is your perfect opportunity to do so um if you’re new well hi uh my name is Mickey I stream uh Minecraft on YouTube every single day and uh we are pushing for 10K subs for the end of this month so so so if you would like to help me cook it up the only thing you can do right now is hit the red button that says subscribe up top and and and if you click on the three dots somewhere here on your phone if you click click the dots you should be able to click the thumbs up the only thing you can do for me and my stream on YouTube is to literally subscribe and like the stream um that that’s all I can I can literally ask for I that’s it that’s literally it you can just like the stream and help me cook hi chess bger fluffy P you subscribed you’re a legend thank you I’m running as one of the uh bigger Dutch communities for a game I invited five close friends over there and they’re coming over to eat for okay and share the stream you tell them hi Wasim Morgan by way I love you I see you how you doing are you doing good hello thank you so much thank you for coming in thank you thank you thank you thank you we’re a couple of days by away from literally being able to apply for a YouTube Partner you’re doing well I’m so glad to hear I miss you I love you all the time I hope you know hope you know what up to you too you’re a legend fluffy Pauls how is your day cooking up oh this is cute I’m giving myself some inspo to see what I can build uh oh I nearly spilled my drink I nearly spilled my drink oh this is cute I like this you good I’m glad I am so glad to hear hello hello hello hello hi James hello hello thank you so much T you guys are the best I I want to build I want to build a stables I want to build a stables uh I had some ideas on how I want to do it I had some ideas but um this is kind of cute uh uh 10 11 13 14 14 * 2 is 28 28 wide I can do this and then one two three four five six seven eight listen just improv in it improv the whole thing easy I can do this couple days from partner Shi well we listen we hit we hit uh we hit 3K watch hours we did hit 3K watch hours so that’s really cool hi King a quartz Mansion only only if other people can come and live there with me you love mods can never be a mod that’s why I love mods oh you love you love blonde apparently I’m very itchy might my t-shirt’s been like can I go on my ever count you do whatever you want honey you you are your own person you want to go on the ever count you go on the ever count um just my my path thingy hasn’t like changed over it takes it says it takes up to a week to update up to a week YouTube it’s not that hard to count yo we hit 3,200 watch hours by the way so we are 800 hours away from hitting 4K it’s crazy and 4K is the max we can do technically POG just smile away will you say hi hi football why wouldn’t I say hi I’m not rude I’m not weird I should be um okay let’s let’s go get let’s go get myself set up I’m thinking build it across here yes long s short sit down smile and wave because Vicky is about to Chef it up how how I don’t know will good will be good but I can’t guarantee you cannot guarantee you anything but what I can guarantee for you is is fun maybe Beast stes hello I’ll help good I’m always doing good honey I hope you are doing good too how do you like the stream click on the three dots click right here click the thumbs up how many retweets to get to play OverWatch comp with me just ask I’ll play I’ll play OverWatch with you I’ll play comp with you but I come guarantee you that you’re going to have fun I’ll I’ll love it I will love it I don’t know that you will hi spoiled milk oak oak oak uh Stone stone stone stone I need stone cutter I have normal Oak I need Spruce hello Maro hello thank you for the one thank you for the 170 Subs past 1K by 1K past 5K by the way we are hoping we can hit apparently apparently we said we’re going to hit 10K Subs by the end of the month um we have we have been cooking I will say I will say we have been going up about 500 Subs every single stream so I’m just saying is possible grass is green you what’s OverWatch do you not know OverWatch pew pew it’s a free game do you like my user I mean I I don’t like spoiled milk but I bet you’re a very lovely person um there over watch hi hi return return return return G hello hello hello uh here here here here here here I want to keep I want to bring my stone cutter never watch do you not like OverWatch the first time watching your stream well welcome in and J stay I lost my stone cutter I don’t know if I took it downstairs it is it downstairs [Music] every time no hello it’s chaos see I I um I will say though I never played the first OverWatch I’ve never played the first OverWatch I’ve only I’ve only played the second one I remember I had a really good time I had a really good time um I got a bunch of content out of it because all I did all I did was just die and where is my stone cutter I uh move H [Music] noral I can hear the thingy I can uhhuh uhhuh do you have any pets funny you ask you know why you know why it’s funny you asked pet on table pet do nap hi hi pet Hello pet you okay pet her name is sukii hello little pet hello little baby I love you hello I love you I love you local supporter you’re the best I don’t know where you guys were here here who knows perfect Morgan should love that should love that have C and his name is I don’t even know how to try to pronounce that [Music] uh okay slack yep you know that sound am no you’re not halling okay okay no that was that was me that was me I need to get back to work love you all I love you your subscribe animation need to be updated to your current profile pick I want don’t lie I completely forgot football what if you’re trying to make me say something bad supporter thank you thank you thank you somebody from my stream gifted it to me for for for my Christmas present a year ago I love it so much it makes the room look so much more like warm love it love it love it okay I need we’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got that that um got that I don’t really know how I’m doing this yet by the way so I’m going to just have a little I’m going to have a little play around I’m going to have a little play around I feel like it should be here cuz then I can clear out all of this area should it be here Morgan I’ll see you later is that a m pillow in the back it’s Danny DeVito Wasim I’m doing good how are you hello hello nothing good come comes from the notification no it didn’t if it helps you it didn’t I muted it uh turn to thing do I want it to start here or do I want it to end there I say start there spoiled milk bye-bye I need more dirt I’m going to I’m running out of dirt dirt hi Camila welcome in welcome in welcome in guys we’re four likes away from hitting our like goal by the way so if you are just stopping in and you haven’t clicked the like button please please please consider clicking on the three dots in the top right corner on your phone or holding the screen with your finger it’s going to give it a little prop a little popup thing and you’ll get to you get to click the like button ghosted kid remember does that mean you don’t want to play it anymore I have likeed bye thanks milk bye um football no I don’t want to I’m a rally hello hello strawberry did you click the like button but the person who said his cat name was that that’s because his d word and that’s what it’s hard to say local supporter thank you so much thank you you see that’s all I wanted to know I just wanted to know what that word meant cuz some people make you say silly stuff you know hi elen hello W well hopefully we can cheer you up I’m going to build myself a really really cool set of stables and um we’ve got this strawberry Macy you did DOA when I’m done when I’m done what are you you’re working today right Zid you love me I love you I love you what do you mean today is Tuesday in it tomorrow tomorrow is Wednesday you’re very cool not as cool as you I am not as cool as you strawberry you are the best s by the way hi S I hope you’re doing good nice to see you I’m off today amazing amazing amazing when I’m done streaming you want to cook guys me and Dona me and Dona now me and DOA have been uh have been working towards my my sword and shield Pokedex and I am 60 entries away from getting from getting my shiny [Music] charm hi Trey Andrew that’s okay that’s okay you’re never late I’m just early I feel like I’m going to need more I feel like I’m literally going to need to fill all of this in that that means I’m going to need more dirt I literally imagine that imagine that I am literally out of [Music] dirt haha countdown that’s funny can I get a like go by the way of uh 88 I like a squish mellow thank you he’s hanging out okay people keep on saying people not 88 what’s fromong with 88 87 okay sorry Malia a lot of people have said that I don’t even know who she is really W I don’t really have one a lot of people have said that apparently I somehow remind them of of the fortnite girl called stick to DOA and he’ll take you to the Moon I know DOA DOA is Legend legend born and raised I’m just trying to see where I can get some dirt without like destroying my surround area um is your room messy no not really I’ve been trying to tidy up more and keep on top of things I feel like when my room is tidier I feel much better mentally I feel like I’m more motivated to do things so I’ve been I’ve been trying I’ve been really really trying to keep my stuff tidy wolf girl no no let me Gaslight myself into thinking what I’ve been doing okay please please gone that’s okay Malia don’t be sorry brucer welcome back hi people Andrew don’t ever don’t ever don’t ever think you can came in late Andrew I you none of you none of you have to be here you come in when you do you’re never late only come in when you want to don’t ever feel forced like you have to be here you farted oh damn as far as far as nothing came out after you’re fine hi anni’s hello Lily I miss you too darling I hope you had a beautiful day oh J it’s fine it happens it happens did anybody see you do it fishes hello hello Vicky is the greatest can’t see you I can’t see it I can’t see it I cannot see it I can guys look at it look at it Lu food is done a shnap are you going to do more lives I stream every single day so yes of [Music] course I’m good I’m good that was fun you think Minecraft vanilla is boring really well I I like I like Minecraft musu look look and also we are we’ve hit 75 likes woo not rude or anything hey it’s fine dude you like what you like you like what you like I got itchy leg corpse hi corse muso are you working today hi Tony hi Tony this I need to fill this bit in take this tree down and we have enough space to build my to build my farm need to work on 5 a.m. starts but that means I get to see a gorgeous face at the beginning of my stream bruer they’ll grow up eventually exactly Brewster they’ll grow up some people just like to say things like that for attention or to be different just to you know get back to work the audacity corbs I’m working Michelle that’s okay I’ll see you soon take care take care have a beautiful day bruer yeah some people do crazy things sir yes sir hi be how are you hi Jamie play Roblox the second feel like I should put glass on there hi moo is the Sky Block up yes and no yes but um two bars hasn’t sent me as an admin and he only just replied to me uh um ja what’s wrong Gillian you did guys I got word I go word from two bars hi an hello Gillian thank you for the sub wow nobody pronounced my username like that before I’m sorry I don’t know why I did that um guys the server the Sky Block seems to be pretty much done that means I am I am 98% sure we’re going to be streaming Sky Block tomorrow on a server our own server that is cross platform compatible meaning that if you play on your PC on switch on Xbox Etc whatever whatever whatever you’re actually going to be able to come and play with us I cannot stress this enough that a lot of a times people want to accommodate or do this and uh we’re actually you play on switch you can join on switch I play on whatever see you’re easy Maria are you having a good day hello hello how can I join so tomorrow I’m going to give you all the IP I’m going to give you the IP it’s going to be open server just to see how we get on if I need to turn on Whit lists eventually then that’s how it’s going to go but uh I’m hoping I’m hoping it’ll be it’ll be okay for the time being hi 509 Game Boy welcome in sorry for the gaps it’s okay 5,214 Subs scary I’m all right thanks I’m glad you are I’m very very glad you are so the bedro be is different to the Java yes yes yes perfect I love you two bars I love you by the way I hope you realize you have you you’re going to bring a lot of a lot of happiness for a lot of people ah what day you on I right now I am on day 272 272 um I like your squish Malo thank you dome by the way hope you’re having a lovely day uh m alpha please do just say like hey by the way crosss uh you fing going to the cinema anytime soon or do you have do you have vew v no View cinema nearby and then he might say yeah or he might be like I hate the cinema and then you’ll be just say like if he does want it I I lit I’m just stacked in cinema tickets that’s it like that’s literally what it is I’m stacked oh no I need to fill this in here I’m just stacked on cinema tickets and Vicki’s trying to give them away two bars you want to go to the cinema do you stream all day I stream at around 4/5 p.m. UK’s time every day Game Boy is that is that 136 hours roughly no views near me what we watching anything I got tickets just for the view and you you do your own thing only view I need to zo okay that’s gorgeous what you doing I’m going to build Stables I I found some inspiration I need a big big area I’m going to build this huge huge inside stable like it’s going to be like with a fence maybe I’ll need to bring it closer I’m thinking like here I’m thinking here um we’ll cook quick question do you play fortnite uh I used to fortnite was the reason why I started streaming because uh I started streaming fortnite on uh on Twitch because I was really trying to make some friends that would play with me and then I came I made too many friends just how how it goes Check Discord not as good not as good look as it tastes it looks banging though dude it looks banging oh the mashed potato is that homemade Mash tell them it’s homemade Mash Penny Fred hello Penny Fred I ain’t going to lie go to by myself with dime well two bars if you got VI do you want a couple tickets they expire they expire at the end of the month so this is why I need to be used up um let’s see lovely penny Okay Penny why do you only play Minecraft I only play Minecraft on YouTube I stream variety games on Twitch but unfortunately um YouTube’s YouTube’s not the biggest fan if uh if you um if you stream variety of games and I love Minecraft so I am more than happy to just be streaming Minecraft I need more dirt y’all have energy to go outside no why do you think I’m giving away my cinema tickets I’ll be back in 10 of course hi sof hey hey welcome in good to see you good to see you um I’m literally I’m I’m just going to get some dirt and I didn’t want to like destroy my surrounding area perfect hi hi by the way guys 82 likes we are 18 likes away from hitting those triple digits so if you’re only just tuning in please please please consider clicking the three dots right here on your phone or holding the screen with your finger it’s going to give a little popup you can click the like button there the more likes we get the more YouTube tends to like us and just that’s it tends to like us two bars I got you I’ve got you no that’s ABS fine because I I just I don’t want them to go to waste and I’m not going to use up 10 cinema tickets I think I got like 11 I’m not going to use them up I’ll go once I can go once I’m not I’m what else I’m going to be going every 3 days to see what do you see what I mean and that’s still like what seven seven quit eight quit safed easy oh am I full there’s like no films I want to see in the cinema um the Doom one looks good I’ll say that I was I was looking at I was looking at that I didn’t I didn’t even know it was it was on now but we live we learn CR s we actually did I didn’t even know we did one keep saying it’s 1,000 subs and it’s not 1,000 it’s 5,000 now and my brain cannot comprehend that we are somehow on 5,000 Subs I I cannot say it I’m like woo look CR it’s you crazy I don’t know what I want now I’m panicking new sub goal F you saying I don’t think we’re going to hit 5,500 I don’t think we’re going to hit 5,500 today that’s 300 that’s okay that’s 250 sub to go maybe that that good Lan push let’s go all the way in let’s go all the way in thank you everyone are you ever going to make long form yes I just want to make sure that whatever it is that I want to do is perfect I feel like me doing long form is really really going to either make or break my stream realistically so I I want to make sure that whatever I’m putting out moving forward is like chef’s kiss flan I know you w to I know you wna R um CR7 uh I’m playing a solo world we are we do have a server for Community but uh I would definitely definitely not trust anybody on uh on my hardcore world it would just take one one idiot to try and kill me and I’m just not in the mood bye Vicky bye corpse what are we building I am building I don’t know yet I’m building I’m building this Stable horse thing and uh I don’t know I don’t know SW away for now one okay so one three six no three four five six seven8 nine 10 uh 11 I’ll cook I’ll cook bear with me I’ll cook hardore long form would be good see I just never know what people would be expecting to see though you see what I mean because I think a lot of the time people just come and watch my streams when I’m doing hardcore hot tub videos fantastic we’ll figure out once it’s done exactly no I I found some inspiration I was like oh I could build something like that and um I don’t know if I can yet hi preppy hello hello gone welcome back you broke the stream and it said the stream has ended but it was still going did that sa for you did it sa for anybody else quick question always bye-bye bye-bye Andrew hot up videos Predator he’s trying to be funny he’s trying to be funny I’m a very very boyish girl I I I just like to be at home and play video games you know that’s that’s all I do that’s that’s my that’s my thing I’m a new sub I know you are so hi Janet hello Janet who [Music] who nice you’re s nice nice nice Pizza fire I know I know hi bud hello Bud hey bud love you only been here for like six [Music] minutes oh my God actually actually look I said whoa sub go butd said love you wifey hi Liv hi everyone we making the zoo no got ignored I’m so sorry I don’t know I don’t know I swear I I swear on my life the budb is so real I swear on my life I do not do it on purpose hi Marie how do you do like Bud I hope you know I really really hope you [Music] know I never ever just ignore you ever like I don’t know I don’t know the same color blue you Sophie and two bars both both got that blue picture Marie got a blue picture you all got that blue Vibe you all literally just blend in and I’m just picking and for some reason I’m not picking you in my head I literally don’t see you like Varan I know I know it’s Varan just by Homer Marie I am I literally I I don’t think I’ve ever really ignored Varan but like I just see I just see this the Homer and I know it’s him there’s zombies somewhere one so one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 so I want um now that’s a little bit too big here and then going to do a little gate which me ignor nah you budw me when I tell useful stuff oh yeah unlucky bud I know should I I should get a blue picture no preppy thank you whatever you were going to say thank you Vicki SI seven what you making I’m trying to build these staes looking thing how’s it going I don’t know um I don’t know honestly at this point just smile and wave at two maybe Ser seven yeah of some sort haven’t decided how exactly they’re going to look um there’s zombies underneath this we need to light it up build the five story survival home I I want to I I want I I want to build this a Bam Bam like what like my Stables I’m going to build really really cool Stables here I don’t need here wa wa wa wa way Brian I am having a good day you having a good day I didn’t realize there was a sub count up top we’re cooking I don’t I I get too scared to look at it so I usually cover up of something I have to so it’s really dumb on YouTube like your your likes and your concurrent viewers are like staring at you of like all times I’m not kidding by the way like they are staring at you and um there’s no way to like click on them or turn them off or do anything so I I tend to like move things around on my monitor so that way I can see my likes but kind see my cure viewership but um I just don’t like knowing how many people are watching you know it’s scary can you do me a favor no you do me a favor and click the like button but that actually might be better that actually might be better by the way Tony did you have a nice day by the way I will say though I will say we hit we hit 3,600 views for the stream in under two hours on it SHO Tuesday of all things and I need to highlight Tuesdays Wednesday Thursdays a much slower days in general so it’s they going to look fire they will they will they will I just uh um I need more here here lovely stuff lovely stuff do I want Spruce or Oak kind of feeling like Spruce Gates uh kind of feeling Sprucey let’s try thank you for all my horse by the way oh my God Titan Titan camera hello how you cooking you having a good day how do you change your profile picture in your YouTube uh settings we got the goal we don’t have the goal below me though we got the goal the light go we got the leg go King Slayer 5 five five five sir okay dark cry hello hello how you cooking yeah Dylan let’s not do that leg go broke um what Li gold should we go for Brian I’ll see you later is this hardcore server if this is Hardcore one 124 nah pizza that’s way too high that is like 40 likes away that is that is 40 likes do you have a public server I do have one coming out tomorrow 111 111 sounds more promising 111 sounds bye s yeah 111 sounds more promising than uh than4 does it work on bat mode sure sure bye Sophie um but I need I dark R can I have a can I have light go after the 99 so like 99 like goal and then I’ll pin you I’ll pin it I’ll pin it I’ll pin it uh lanterns King you lying yeah Lan dark R you cooked you cooked no no back welcome back I am I am very very much vibing by the way I am vibing with the whales they are cute cute [Music] cute King Slayer nice I I I don’t know how many I have I don’t know it’s there whatever number it says there Hi I’m the pin you feel like you made it feel like you made made it ooh Sophie okay okay I like it that pops that pops I’m vibing I’m viin Marie you you you’ll have to come next you’ll have to come next CR welcome back welcome back welcome back nope um how many should we do boo here here and then lovely gone Amazing Potter how are you Potter hello we got [Music] 4,240 hi wood I’m seeing so many people I’ve seen four I’m so happy hi Thomas hello spoiled milk by the way welcome back in hi hi hi everybody thank you so much for the likes by the way 91 thank you for the subs Andrew don’t have to give me a countdown Andrew you let me know when we hit 5,300 hi Courtney hi aii hi everyone hello hello hello hello hi hi hi hi hi uh um that is okay three four five six seven where’s the uh there there there thanks guys Pikachu’s skute he’s just chilling he’s hanging out he hanging out I like him what you building I am building uh these very fancy very fancy yard Stables so uh this is going to going to be the house here all the Stables here decorate all of this you know make it make it a bit more Bou you know we got we we’ve got stuff we got stuff it’s got to look good I really wish you guys could like see it properly spoiled milk don’t do that don’t do that we already have 90 likes 124 wasn’t that high how four was pretty high I don’t think we will hit 124 King Slayer messy wish I could see too do I want to know what you’re seeing your hands hurt what did you you do what did you do let’s see let’s see how else we can cook how else we can cook is that maybe they’ll look fire they will they will I just don’t really know I don’t really know how I’m going to do this uh [Music] [Music] uh King Slayer no thas what’s so nice I me to say thank you you see dude I did say that didn’t I I did say what a dark cry said I missed out do not be mean to Vicki people are being mean to me it’s fine I I’m used to it I just smile and wave a it just smile and wave I was Potter hi Potter hi Bor smile way for hands blackon yes you do thank you thank you so much for telling me that I appreciate you I’m trying to look at this and see how it can spin this I don’t know SI 7 met that’s amazing no it didn’t flan I’m see oh you were hyping me up you we I love your hair thank you Bor amazing dudee you see they’re just all attacking me aren’t they they’re just all all attacking me we need I’m going to need this gone Absol shooting though it’s me again hi Ram forgot iron I’m sorry I’ll be honest forgot um do you I didn’t follow I followed you back on Twitter didn’t I can you send me there so I see uh I need more dirt I lit just need to fill this in if I can fill this in I’m chilling do you play fortnite sometimes not on stream stream on fortnite don’t get on and people are really mean we are 94 likes by the way guys if you could all all please please please come together and turn into 100 I’d appr appreciate you so much so so much it’s been an hour by the way since I’ve done you a little little Vicky tutorial so in case you guys want a little Vicki tutorial hi welcome in my name is Vicky I stream on YouTube every single day um that’s all I have for you my hair has done something today I have a lot of goddamn hair going on um so hi hi hello hello hello hello if you could all please grab your phones that you’re probably watching on now click on my stream wow and hold the screen with your with your finger you’re going to have a little popup and you can click the like button here or you can click on the three dots right here and click the like there I’m just saying I don’t make the rules but the more likes we get the more we get recommended to the uh the algorithm of the YouTube and uh it really adds up it really really adds up so um if you haven’t uh liked so far it would be really cool if you have if you if you do if you uh if you have already I’m very very grateful that you have thank you much appreciated it means it means a lot a lot to me um thank you for for for supporting me and watching me and hanging out thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we have 5,250 cooking um yes board King Slayer nice uh Lan are you st no Lan is Varan Stein Stein hi Ida you a Potter I know you told me you have told me you a Potter I remember my memory is amazing the best voice in streaming right here Ray are you lying sometimes I feel like I have a radio voice hello everybody and welcome to 97.2 FM where we are going to be listening to Selena Gomez’s latest mix yo anybody anybody can take me on for for a uh um a radio job Ray you are the best the you are the best the best the best I mean but see have a radio voice and a radio face that’s TV face come on come on now no I don’t play Roblox got that I got that face for radio you could be the six Spice Girl I thought there was only four of them who’s the fifth one leave the radio face to [Music] me H there’s five Spice Girls are you capping like legit my my Teletubby my Teletubby that I that I had growing up I got it at the age of two I got I got two and um it used to sing the so tell me what you want what you really really want I’ll tell you what I want what I really really want and uh my telet he had that and it was the coolest thing ever cuz you would have to pop the batteries in in the back and screw it you know put the batteries in stash it back and then at the age of two and three I used to walk around like so tell you want you really really want I tell you what I want you really really want tell me what you want what you really really want I tell you what you want you really really want I want to I want to I want to I want to it went like that you’re welcome it was a really it was a really really fun it was a really fun time my life Pizza we haven’t hit it yet we’re in that 99 we’re 99 we need one more like uh you know uh spoiled milk spoiled milk do not do not sub with new accounts um it doesn’t really benefit me whatsoever we want to make sure that we have real and real people only I think you found your new Dono audio yo clipped and shipped clipped and shipped hey are you playing on Bedrock um we do we do have a server coming up for Bedrock tomorrow so I will be playing 99 for me now nice Smiler tomorrow yes tomorrow yes do i do I have any more dirt is that it like I have not a single piece of dirt I could have finished this build I could have genuinely gum and it it but guess what no guys no because well Vicky over here doesn’t have any dirt to fill in the holes exhausting this is exhausting Sarah tomorrow you absolutely can our server should be up and ready and ready ready ready for everybody dark R you had your turn you had your turn um pizza’s going for one two4 pizza we can try it pizza we can try it if you think if you think that little Vicki over here can hit the 124 likes I’ll let you have it I’ll let you have it but but pizza pizza if it all goes to shame if it all goes to shame I’m being the front you had your fun can I share yes you know little vic you Vicky spice so tell me what you want what you really really want you what I want IR [Music] woo I am cooking cooking cooking cooking cooking I am cooking cooking cooking cooking cooking GS and chat say hi hello hello hello hello hello hello check it out [Music] YouTube said you can’t play music but they never told me that I couldn’t I couldn’t do this yeah what are you building I am building uh these Stables with like an entry you know saw it two days ago in a row neppy you are all forgiven as as far as you click the like button right now you’re all forgiven it’s all water under the bridge click the like button and we’re even we’re absolutely fine don’t worry if you die I donate red I hope in game it’ll be fine Pizza deep breath just summon the likes Pizza dark cry help me I don’t want to see what happens if it fails oh you’re adorable Pizza we’ve got this we’ve got this pizza right cook I appreciate you spoiled milk thank you bunny welcome back welcome welcome [Music] back I’m thinking maybe here maybe here maybe here lanterns that’s s of vibe you know I’m thinking I’m thinking this this will look good I need a new shovel can I redo can if I take these out right if I take these out and then do this and then I put them back in that be fine right yeah lovely cat thank you for the sub welcome in thank you Pizza fire behave bye nepi I’ll see you soon do you stream daily yes sir stream every single day apart from well every day but I think I’m going to drop down my Sundays Sundays is a very very very hard day uh YouTube algor room hates me um usually everyone’s busy so time is no when near as fun in chat as is because uh a lot of a time a lot of a time it’s very quiet so I I think I might start avoiding Sunday Sundays is just not an enjoyable day to stream same as Saturday though I don’t know I haven’t decided hi leanda how you doing hello hello thank you so much for all the new Subs by the way guys thank you thank you thank you thank you for the likes thank you for the subs welcome in welcome in if you’re new here hi my name is Vicki I stream Minecraft on YouTube every single day and then I stream on Twitch not Minecraft pretty much every single day I stream everywhere I work full-time I stream fulltime I do absolutely everything AKA basically if you want to support my crazy crazy Journey on on YouTube H today marks my day 30ish um it’s I’ve been I’ve been on I’ve been on YouTube for a month today so um if you want to sub or like my stream that’s really cool cuz uh well it’s it’s it’s apparently my celebration month if you will then there goes my Sunday morning NOA maybe maybe maybe twitch maybe twitch cat you might have to refresh say my name say my name and so what’s the actual lyrics about that by the way I need I need the lyrics I need uh cuz I got it wrong last time come on Destiny sh come on through okay say my name say my name if no one is around you say baby I love you there okay I can do this thank you thank you that’s your name you’re welcome wolf girl thank you thank you thank you thank you thank [Music] you you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I don’t know what I’m doing what I’m doing I don’t know what I’m doing what I’m doing I’m trying to build a block I’m trying to build a block check it out I’m building building on on I’m building on my incraft building building things things trying to copy some builds I I swear to God I’m fine I’m not losing my mind I am I am I’m losing my mind it’s hard hi Aiden hello hello 31 stream I to try my server I would love for you to try mine huh try this okay um like this and then it was a three a three a thing a three a thing a three a thing a three a thing guess that gives me a does that give me plenty of room to do what I want to do no it doesn’t does it does this need to be [Music] longer I can probably push it back a teeny tiny bit hi sandor what time live stream tomorrow tomorrow live stream 4 pm UK time if you need me to convert anything please please let me know Sarah pretty sure you got answered by chat [Music] though yay after school what’s 4 P.M in farenheit blue thanks jck it means a lot to me than t [Music] t w w w sing a song no you sing a song for me Georgie questions 8K Subs easy easy end of the week end of the week you have a server we have many we have our latest latest creation coming out tomorrow Sky Block yo Dominic weirdo of course I remember you hello weirdo hope you’re doing good hope you’re doing good hi Thomas play fortnite that’s not a question what’s that is not a question sir that is a demand and that’s a big no from me sundor no sheesh sheesh Dominic thanks feeling very cute weirdo yes of course I remember you by the way of course of course I do my memory don’t suck as much as you guys think it does uh that’s a five that’s a five that’s a five that’s a five oh let’s before I do this let’s go see how much normal Oak we have normal normal noral you have McDonald’s Ang McDonald en your day it’s small lunch time going to have a beer with friends you have the best beer with friends how old are you I am 26 years young yes young do you play Roblox does so does Minecraft have emotes yes I have a challenge for you I don’t want it weirdo 10 out of 10 so good I had it for leftovers the next day oh I’m so glad you remembered 26 you look 19 yeah I still have it in me you will never need wool again I think I have a problem did you actually get it legitimately or where are you ding summon dark cry you sussy why where where did you get it how old are you again 26 can you find a Zombie U I will find I find a zombie as soon as soon as I’ve stopped cooking on here oh my God stop asking me how old I am I’ve just told you literally just told you honey thank you weirdo how was your day did you have a nice day um hello everybody by the way just want to say a really really big thanks for all of my Subs it I hear a Skelly it’s so much appreciated thank you for all my support thanks for my likes uh I can’t believe that my YouTube has actually been like growing and I’ve been meeting new people that is truly a really really weird weird experience for me um I didn’t really didn’t really comprehend that that this would happen so um I’m I’m very very grateful um thanks guys what are you making I am building I’m building nice tables I’m building nice Stables oh I didn’t even get to see that message only have to sheep but doesn’t she Shear shears time lots of time you Lally just Shear in them no lie she so cool no you no you we haven’t hit hey Andrew we haven’t hit the purple I go yet you subbed and liked thank you you need to ask a question I I might give you an answer I I just might my I feel like this might need to get pushed back a little bit uh 1 two three four five six 7even eight one two three four five six seven yeah if I want to I could and I do wna so I’m just gonna do this do that I need a little bit more room I need a little bit need a little bit more room H there Alis I hope you’re having a good day static wolf girl is the best we love static wolf girl we stand and we love static wolf girl every day every day I’m telling you hello by the way thank you so much for the subs welcome in welcome in enjoy enjoy is that hardcore hardcore I have been playing hardcore for many many years of my life hello thank you thank you hi Charles I set the light goal too high no you got this King Slayer I don’t do math I think s my Maj for Crim Justice true education okay okay yeah I sometimes I miss University sometimes sometimes I do good night good night milk okay now what uh how do they do this uh I’m trying to comprehend I’m just having to do my own twist on this I suck at even attempting to copy builds my brain can’t comprehend so I just look at it and I just run with it thank you is it Jillian or Gillian Sarah well Sky blocking coming tomorrow oh my God the new Bob the Builder that was my name for a very long time hi Steph long time no see how you doing don’t forget to hit that like button Everybody by the way if you are just coming in especially it would a really really really really I’m going say it again really really really mean a lot to me Steph I did did denyce step I went and said it Gillian with a G or a J G G versus G Gillian or g j Jillian like a j j j see I’m a free independent human being hit that like button my independent human being um I already did that I know you did I know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 okay okay [Music] okay I am losing my brain cells a minute by minute alisar we haven’t hit the original light gol come on we’re not there yet Gillian hi Gillian I wanted to make sure I had your name excuse me ma’am you have been excus ma’am what you cooking what you hi Liam Liam did you click the like button you click the like button as your means of saying thank you for me wasting such Co such energy you did well there you are you’re the best I said your name and we’re now friends Liam it’s crazy how that works isn’t it it’s crazy crazy how that works hi cow cow she’s the a Alisa they all they all do amazing they all they all do amazing uh 1 two three four five that needs to come out Marie we haven’t done it yet can we join you can join tomorrow I’m currently playing uh I’m currently playing on my solo world for Minecraft uh hardcore but uh tomorrow we open up a sky block server which is going to be bedrock and Java compatible so basically what that means is that everybody can come and [Music] play Upside Down hi upside down how you cooking Gillian Gillian Gillian thank you for the 111 likes by the way what a beautiful number what a beautiful beautiful number hi again hi you guys are funny you guys are funny two three four seven thanks yeah it took oh 600 mil listen listen I’ll I’ll I’ll cut you a deal I’ll cut you a deal let’s hit 5,500 tomorrow by tomorrow and we’ll we’ll we’ll take that 10K by the end of the month not the 600 m we’ll just take the 10K and be very very happy Rari is it Rari hello thank you rizet sounds like a tiny little Pokemon hey little rzl I’m gonna I’m GNA call I’m gonna I’m gon to call I’m just listen wrong chat wrong chat wrong chat I just play a death match against a dude named naggie uh where’s naggie uh what you doing I’ll find [Music] out Alister thank you I’m gonna find out do you play Roblox no big detective he said no no it wasn’t him how long have you streamed for today I’ve streamed for 2 hours 18 minutes in my entire life I’ve streamed for about 6,000 hours and I’ve started streaming for a half years ago rler is ret rizzler and then the ultimate form is Jer do you play any games that are Minecraft I do I do I do but I play all of my games unfortunately on on Twitch YouTube is not the biggest fan of me streaming different games so I’m just focusing my energy on a single game here you know naggie fishes was doing a death match and uh he had a naggie he had a naggie and he asked me he asked me if if that was our naggie but we didn’t think it was I was just checking I was just checking there he is a fake and this a of me um let’s see hi friends hi hi naggie we hit 111 likes naggie hi be hi gone welcome back everyone what’s your dream career a a full-time content creator does that give cooking hot come on I got you there didn’t I that was good that was so good you you you genuinely thought that was the real deal right you thought it was the real deal what happened to your hair what’s wrong with my hair what’s wrong with my hair yo drift Gods here full-time Spice Girl yeah what’s wrong with my hair and you’re going to make me paranoid something wrong with my hair I don’t know I wished it I you played this for long thank you Blues I I I have an addiction to Minecraft something wrong with my hair Suki Suki I’m I’m I’m fixing I’m fixing my hair Suki don’t look at me like that I can’t see myself I mean it’s a bit it’s a bit crazy sorry guys my camera has a screen there so I had to like come and have a look don’t upset her she will spiral don’t upset me oh stop crying I think you can be a full-time content grator maybe one day when when we hit when we hit 100K here when we hit 100K here then then yes how about that a me suuki oh that’s awkward that’s awkward Terraria I like Terraria I played that before I like Terraria [Music] um I don’t know if I’m doing this correctly maybe maybe maybe maybe damn just like that laying Violet upside down you’re welcome is that for Inky I be I beat the twins boss earlier okay so you’re cooking then gilean we hit 114 likes I didn’t delete it I I I haven’t done nothing I I haven’t done nothing the little flowers are going to go in here that goes there we need more fences chocolate and crisp SC is dinner anything that is food counts as dinner I I’m I’m fully fully fully your side there okay now the rest we really tried to improvise Pizza just got delivered okay so you’re you’re you’re telling us you’re eating good tonight then Tony that’s so funny gummies sc’s dinner if if it’s gummies if it’s gummies or nothing else then it’s gummies that’s Giga we hit 200 I’ll tell you guys we we hit we hit our our like our like record yesterday we hit our like Tony you make me laugh I hope you know by the way how is s doing is he cooking is he having fun how are those subbies coming along for him 51k 51k they up so fast oh never felt can I get pinned next you of course SC once we hit that one 124 you can give me a li go of 137 don’t know why I just feel that number on his own love them oh bless that’s so nice to see that’s so nice to see Ni it’s blue you just got to start streaming honey start streaming see what’s happening I want to check something that wasn’t going to hit 10K before we know it can we have a 10K celebration though or is 10K like not a thing that people celebrate I was checking Lego I was checking how many likes we got yesterday we did we had the most like liked stream which stream we had 28 218 that is most our most liked 10K is worth celebrating hi Alan been popping stream for why now I still know the objective hardore Minecraft uh the objective live normally things are harder mobs are harder if you die you lose everything you have to go from the beginning hi Penny objective is to not die you make a hi you make a silly mistake you die and you lose everything that you worked for or built hi Suki does that make sense oh I have I have I have never right I’ve killed the dragon and everything can you guys keep it down please Omar I’ll keep it down once we hit 10K Subs how about that okay um I need to start working this out I’ll keep it down when I hit 10K Subs I’ll do you a deal Penny you’re getting a cat that’s amazing do you know when sure how about Minecraft build channel for Discord there’s a Minecraft channel in Discord anyone play pubg yes s m should go you should go into stream now and say uh hello um Vicky told me that you are a pro pubg player is that true and then listen to his 20 hour story on how that is true no my shovel yes yes and you also you should also say that I heard that Domino’s is your favorite type of pizza could you care to elaborate you’d love that you’d love that you would be so so grateful that somebody remembered this favorite his favorite pizza come me gold sup gold sup gonna go enchant my pickaxe my axe my shovel why are some people blue the blue people are people that I have known for many years and they come over from my twitch community and uh they’re here to mod they’re here to give me oh a silk touch they hate to give me a little hand bye bye Alan I’m getting the cat next week I wear orange or white that’s so cute that’s so cute please uner the Paw you know he’ll come back swinging yeah I know I know it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine me me me and me and SS me and SS broke up today we decided that we just shouldn’t be friends anymore um can you kill the warden no not doing anytime soon no not ready to die I’m absolutely absolutely not ready to die who no one what’s that what I’m building I’m I’m trying to build some Stables I tried to use some inspiration then I got so confused and now I’m just building hi aaan how do you you do hello hello hello to you we need to grow more Spruce by the way when you finally f up harco we should go find Warden and see if you can survive let’s be real I have never never in my life fought the warden solo never let’s be real death by Warden what a way to go hi Liam uran how you doing by the way um gold thanks thanks for the compliment I got more sprues darling I got more more more uh do we that’s fine Sarah Melissa Pizza we’ve got this guys we’re 10 likes away listen listen listen make my dream come true to make pizza’s dream come true Penny you’re the best if you haven’t clicked the thumbs up on the Stream you can do so by clicking on the three dots right here if you on your phone click the Dots here click the thumbs up you can also hold the screen with your Thum hold the little dashboard coms up you can click the thumbs up there if you’re on your computer you can click the thumbs up there me Ian did you click the thumbs up see I don’t make up the rules it’s the quick tradeoff it’s a quick tradeoff there no I cannot say there Ian Steph it’s cuz people F people hate me listen people hi Dominic Elis anyia I don’t know did you like the stream did you click thumbs up you’re my biggest fan are you lying are you lying they always lie they always say I’m your biggest fan but usually it’s the last message they ever s in my chat I never see them again Ian can we keep that in English got to go to hockey practice go crush it crush it crush it crush it I believe in you I believe in you uh um hi [Music] Suki I’m back no lag damn and you just brought us luck we hit 6,000 views for this stream hi Suki are you liing my arm Dominic airan deal just just didn’t our level on an Inky upside down and it didn’t evolve wow wow wow Med gaming thank you so much for the sub welcome in welcome in welcome in guys we are under 200 Subs away from hitting 5.5k so every single person that contributed so far thank you two bars being there done that four likes away doable in next two minutes you you hate your internet I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m trying to decide how I want to do this um I’ll be back shortly of course Pizza Fire Imagine one day we can we can do that in a single stream one day how long you been working in this Minecraft world um 277 days Minecraft days IRL days couple of weeks not even couple of weeks i’ say but I got my beacon I got my wings I’m living it and now the horrible weather came on just exactly what I needed Max well we’ve got this me thank you I’m rich I know look cooking cooking you guys cooking cooking that gold does look good though because that’s just all apples aan I’ll see you soon take care take care take care take care um I don’t know if I want to do this at the back maybe oh I might I might change things as I go but right now right now we’re we’re just straight out we’re just straight out cooking cooking what am I cooking I don’t know I’d love to tell you I’d really really love to tell tell you but you’re just just click and see what happens in it click and see what [Music] happens cooking a Sho my YouTube crashed I’m so sorry Sho Sho glitter thank you thank you thank you click the three dots you tell them you you tell them um this I don’t know maybe [Music] wait wait wait wait what about Vicky what about Vicky you guys are lucky that you know her trust me they’re not lucky they’re no I am a very very ex oh no I’m a very exhausting person bye Annie D God killing it killing it I don’t even know what is this meant to look like by the way I don’t know favorite video game hard question hard question of all times I would probably have to say I would probably have to say run escape as for right now won’t lie I’ve been loving bold as gay I’ve been actually loving loving Boulders gay that’s been like that’s being a good one it’s been a good one the board welcome back welcome welcome back laran great amazing amazing I am an elf a very a very very hot elf very Maxwell AKA gold I think I think I should you hit the gold we hit the light goal let’s not go so high next time that was scary that was scary got me panicking I’m an I’m an elf I’m an elf hi hi JS you know what I’ll take that gone just like that Sarah in 125 now would you adop me if I was a real cat yes no questions asked no questions asked nothing where you came from you just G get adopted straight in no that’s to race but to class oh oh sorry I’m I’m like I’m like yes I am I’m a fighter I have to be I have to be yeah I am you threw me you threw me I’m like what was I doing the last round last time you think therefore you are thanks C CR Z huh Sarah it’s lying me thank you Melissa close enough um trying to think what I can’t even like explain to you what I have achieved because I don’t know I don’t know like where like I don’t know what’s the quarter of the story line what’s a one of the story line I’m just living there like I figured out there was a camp yesterday I went I went to my Camp yesterday gone if you are if you are the absolute best of course you will if you are the absolute best of course you will um what if is that here here true [Music] though but yeah I I’ll I don’t know what I’m doing yet I don’t know what I’m doing yet you’ll have to you have to give me you have to give me like another like 3 weeks and I can try to tell you what I’m seeing favorite color baby pink and also don’t forget don’t forget laran I am really beyond beyond thick like scary scary scary thick not good thick like like brain not work thick so I was going to make a thick joke I knew it I knew it gone thank you can you join my game tomorrow you can tomorrow you absolutely can today you can’t today I’m playing on my Haro uh solo world but uh tomorrow tomorrow be my guest like this is this good will that cover everything I need to [Music] cover you’re back one second craft is back too and Trey’s back where’s the cartoon grandpa that was behind you you mean the one and only Danny deito I do not disappoint he waits for me can you join on mobile you are going to be able to join the sky block server on mobile everybody please say hello to my my good old friend Danny deito um if you don’t know Danny Deo well you should just Google Danny deito or go and ask your parents mom who’s Danny DeVito this is Danny DeVito do you need Discord you won’t need Discord for the um the Sky Block no Gillian Gillian Gillian Gillian I have 37 Pokemon you know what you know what by the way dova just to let you know how much she likes to take it away from me you know what he said to me well it doesn’t really oh you still cheated you still cheated with DOA and I was like well I didn’t though some some of the Pokémon I lit need to trade to get can I join a Bedrock yes Gillian welcome back Marie welcome back by the way thank you guys thank you guys somebody said nice build I appreciate I appreciate I appreciate so much uh I don’t know what I’m doing I’m trying to get some inspo I’m trying to get some inspo but is that inso working no not really because I still don’t know what I’m doing I cop the I copied the fence and now I just got lost and confused and now I just don’t know what I’m doing well DOA I’m glad I’m glad you think so I’m I was upset dude I cannot believe you said that to me can believe that cheated I had to trade to get some of the Pokémon I’m in the UK four p.m. in the afternoon after school yes I’ll be here tomorrow at your time at uh at 400 p.m. 4 p.m. UK time this is when I go live and you can come and hang out after to school drift yeah you [Music] can guys all of you all of you can build majority my biggest biggest way of learning how to build when is Easter the last Sunday of March I think it falls on like the 31st yeah it falls on the last day of the month 31st of March just subscribed let’s go kitty it’s huge that is huge and I’m grateful and we are look at this look at this thank you everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you you’re the best you’re the best also if you’re stopping in please click the thumbs up I don’t know who else to tell you click on the dots right here right there South Africa 6:00 p.m. South African time unless Chris have your hours moved not yet we’re going to be an hour AP soon Chris did you know that thank you for the subs thank you thank you I got a blanket on me lab because it’s cold I what yeah Chris we’re going to go forward by an hour remember you and I used to be an hour apart for like half a year and then the other half a year with two hours apart you’re with me we had the discussion every single year because for half yes one hour learning finally the whole moving thing is just a necessary it was necessary hundreds of years ago and now carit hi it really is not necessary now but I don’t know what I’m doing I honestly don’t know what I’m doing no no no no no quick reminder by the way quick reminder the only donation I want from you is your free like that thumbs up that you can click on the video that is all I ask for if you want to go extra click the sub button too that’s also free I do not want anything anything from you just click the like button and sub that’s literally it 1 second craft do I have any pets I do I do and she’s right here sleeping right next to me right here hi baby oh hi you okay sleepy bear baby Big Y hi hi baby you okay are you okay okay little one this is Suki she likes to just sleep on my desk the whole the whole day sleep away MC Alpha sorry I have too many who do you mean DOA a got FL on Cross is going to let me oh cross is going to let you borrow okay okay okay okay thank you thank you [Music] thank I appreciate you I appreciate you Suki where you going where you where you going I have too many MC Alpha try to be funny Sarah thank you Sarah thank you I tried to be [Music] funny I too belong to the streets M ala who did you mean though cuz who who did you mean cuz the real boyfriend ain’t watching hi Carolyn I just joined your server you you did why is it bothering you I don’t know I I I I it’s it’s a weird thing in my brain it’s a really weird thing in my brain I need to like know answers of things else like he eats me up inside like horribly horribly oh Danny Danny come here Danny it’s come and hang out come here baby you stand right here protect me she’s not comfortable I’m never comfortable it’s fine I’m always on edge and very very anxious and nervous it’s just my life um I just got a smile and W um it’s good it’s good bye Melissa I’ll see you soon take care thank you for the sub by the way thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you wait can I have a little look can I have a little up hi fiz we haven’t had the heart to tell of it Zach’s not real she just talking to a Danny cutout the whole time actually imagine I was that I was that tapped imagine shoot me be DB with me bro be dumb with me that’s when you just say see you see you you just say goodbye you you say how is it looking yeah you guys are doomed Jesus what would you reach what would you do if you if you reached 1K people people watching you know what I would just have to I would just have to really really put my back in it wouldn’t I think I’m joking you got to do what you got to do in this this in this Biz joking am I I be more worried why I hallucinated Zach being real L imagine all of us all of us just saw that cardboard cut out actually like be a thing and we’ve all literally just gastl ourselves into thinking that he existed just imagine we all wake up and now the N was real just like just like that that’s it that’s that’s it that’s sounds like a movie didn’t say that that’s such a monkus that is such a monkus off star how are you helloa who’s Zach asking the wrong person how about you I’m doing good I’ve tried I tried to sponge of this build couldn’t do it oh no I need to take these out couldn’t do it now I’m panicking I’m panicking I’ll lose me job um I just don’t know I wanted to look just don’t know I just don’t know I just don’t know so for now we’re just is going to who is off star off star the real the one and only off star what do you mean it’s it’s my it’s my it’s my new friend in chat hi baby where did you come from um hi Suki what do you want Suki what do you Suki look Danny deito is unhappy Suki come here oh oh hi Evan can I please be admin no Mr Cupcake how you doing hi Su oh no it clicked I tried to I tried to do this everybody says hello to Suki hi Gillian say my last name go like the stream first you done you going to go lay down you want the Hair Band want to go get the hair band though go and find it serious question does your cat burp no she froze up all the time but she doesn’t burp um but she froze up because she’s allergic to everything but again everything you name is she’s allergic to it I play Minecraft but I know to go to different uh servers uh on the phone there is a way there is a way I won’t lie I won’t lie I actually I actually kinda kinda W to buy Minecraft on my phone is that bad nah it’s not bad is it are you such a good Builder no I’m not I’ve just been playing I’ve been playing this game for like eight years it literally literally is just eight years of doing something that’s what people do to me about like streaming like hey Vicky how did you uh uh H know how did you just find it just streaming so natural five years I’ve done it for five years you guys five and I still do this Tony how did you know Benny that’s okay and then and then you want to Juice It Up like this and then and then Juice It Up Like This like that like that like that like that like that uh um did that go here here here not here here here beautiful oh I need more Oak cupcake no you’re missing one I am thanks thanks thanks ok oh Skelly skell Skelly y that aim though that aim is unreal unreal Vicki unreal had a really good oh Darren is it the one we all know is it pretty huge is it pretty huge today 5696 5696 mask kid are you nah you crazy hi Camille oh yeah nice Darren finally thank you which part which parts thank you I need normal Oak normal Oak normal Oak noral if I’m a kid Camila my big big ask from everybody just please do not mention your age stay safe on the internet what you do is it’s none of my business if you guys want to watch I’m very very honored very nice thank you but hi [Music] maximiliano thanks mods a reminder if you are going to be talking of your ages you’ll most likely you will most likely get timed out or banned it’s little Lally for your own safety I don’t I don’t do this lightly I just cannot stress to you how scary the internet is like talking to a brick wall guys it’s not a challenge for you to type your name in chat if if me or the mod said hey don’t mention your age in chat it’s literally for your own s safety like I cannot stress this enough that it’s literally literally literally for you and you only I’m not doing this to be difficult I’m doing this because I know what the internet’s like Camila I really wish I knew what that meant yay should should this go higher here or like I just don’t care I’m like can you join my server tomorrow our server is opening and you are of course welcome to join oh over there I don’t know bro I don’t know I don’t know just trying to see how else I can sponge off this you’re going to build a pokedex well I used to build I used to build a lot of a lot of uh Pokemon stuff like a lot and uh I was kind of I was kind of thinking was kind of thinking of doing more Pokemon stuff just doing like Pokemon builds I I don’t I don’t know I don’t know if I’m also very stupid so I I don’t know I don’t know I hate making decisions I just hate making decisions I’m just clicking buttons hi Arrow little sticky outy bit hi Ela hello hello thank you everybody but for hanging out with me today so far I appreciate hey yo hey yo what was that game called we all played the hotel hotel oh my I to have I used to have my computer help me quick habo thank you thank you you thank you oh Tony you’re just so cool what’s going on you’re just like out here you know just knowing everything just saying it how it is I’m still not bored of watching you that is one of the nicest things you could have said to me you know why because a lot of people go oh my God I am so bored BR why are you here then that is not in the right place um nope I played that two whoa whoa whoa two years ago when I was in a clinic I used to play that I was like I was like [Music] 10 Alexis we’re killing it that’s why we’re killing it madx Maddox you go first then I go Alexis you liked thank you thank you thank you you’re the best I appreciate so so much thank you thank you thank you Alexis thank you does anyone here have hasbin hasbin Hotel no because you said has been and then I could not remember what other game I was thinking about um could you care to elaborate then I can do the stairs for me inside if I want to gorgeous I want room tour I swear to God my room is literally like 2 m by 3 m you can barely fit two people in my room it ain’t going to be it ain’t going to be a tour it would like hey welcome yeah that’s it uh Camila if you’re talking about my Minecraft no because I am playing a solo world this looks sick though thank you I’m very happy with it I’m very happy but this is this is all the space all the space I can work with I do not uh I do not have a lot of space in my house Alexis beautiful I love it yes room that’s how it go oh wow a desk it took me it took me a good year to get my room to like looking the way it did these plants um I forgot that like they’re they’re cooking they’re cooking right now and they need water and they drink a lot a lot of water and I was just looking at them now like do we need watering again it’s not about the size it’s how you use it exactly exactly it’s this tiny room but we made it work DOA ma you’re just you’re magic you’re just magic you know that do people tell you that OMG so if you had to know where your mind went I don’t know where your mind went honey but I am talking about the size of my room a golden hour I think I think my golden hours are very different to your golden hours Lan like that one laran loved that one unless he didn’t get what I meant then he did not like it I got he got but and I’m quiet cuz I don’t know what to say oh I’m sorry I’m sorry Elsa you’re funny I’ll stick around I like you right up my street humor there are zombies underneath my house and I hate this um where is that random hole here but they sound closer they sound like like they inh here oh my God my stepdad’s here wow hi crack fan hi ham DJ I’m you you hi and you are you okay my little lady are you okay oh you want to come and see a look oh baby what a hard life sport boy how you doing oh what do you want what do you want from me H did I hurt your back did I hurt your back did you get mad at me I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t realize he was so close to my desk I’m sorry love you love you am I still in timeout no sir going to play some Minecraft to build amazing go go and build those blocks sport boy Suki is making biscuits on my stomach right now Kevin Kevin aren’t you like four years old Kevin are you like six years [Music] old I found it oh no Kevin is like I’m a bye Kevin you absolute child Suki you’re ripping up my shorts should get Suki little drum to play she’s currently playing on my stomach and sliding off the chair and I’m having to hold her back sport boy calm little Minecraft dova again the best sukii you’re sliding you literally slide I know you like this but you’re sliding you will literally fall like if I let you do this it’ll be game over oh there’s just a lot for no reason there in it ow Oliver I will not be eating the plant anytime soon Oliver you absolute weirdo go and tell your mom there go up to your mom bring her Cactus and say eat when and then come back and let me know I just really want to know for research purposes let me know I’m joking how was that joke in what regards in what regards was that a ha ha for you some awful joke if that was meant to be a haha don’t go to Stam comedy jokes are getting weirder just don’t know which part was meant to be funny sport boy you’re also weird bro stop saying that why are you saying that and repeat ow Suki that hurts so much that hurts so much don’t do that that was horrible don’t do that again that was horrible she literally like need me I mean it need oh Suki Suki Suki I love you I really really do I’m very grateful for all that Sugar you gave me but you also really really hurt what would you look at that all the coal is here I don’t like you that Hur dude that was actually like one of the worst ones ever from her there’s too many of you don’t tell there’s like another another spawner here or summon imagine we find another one in that sort of distance you know what we call that mad I’m going to go have a little look cuteness aggression dude my leg is sore like that was actually like rough she scratched me Suki does not scratch enjoyer that’s so nice of you to say thank you bye masked you’ve got it you’ve got it I believe believe in you I’ll see you soon you take care and have a beautiful beautiful rest of your night is that it thanks bro you’re welcome bro poor Elsa Elsa trust me it feels like she does it honestly feels like she does hty herty Big Time hty these these are like never ending are they you love me no you don’t you’re lying you’re lying hi gold welcome back do you put mods on Minecraft uh not on my hardcore worlds on on some others I do but I’m I’m more I’m more of a vanilla plug-in spayer in general um mods are fun but uh I think this is like the most nostalgic for me this this hits this hits perfectly have I been here doesn’t look like it dude can you see what I mean like these little little like what is going on here Elsa two dogs what are the names what are the names oh my God and the ficial juice world is back sup su su can I show you the house I can as soon as I go upstairs I’m just currently right underneath my house I was having a quick look because I heard I heard some action and uh I was a little bit it was a little bit concerned so I just wanted to investigate oh anything else yeah lovely no not lovely hey get me out of here aan welcome back sa what are you saing for what did J do hero and ktina okay so you you’re like fancy fancy I’m the sole person to call a dog like doggo hey have you met my dog oh my God yeah what’s his name oh doggo my friend had a cat named doggy see my sort of my sort of person I’m going say something answer it okay um it depends what you’re going to say to me if you’re going to say something nasty I ain’t going to answer if you’re going to say something that I can answer I will 100% answer okay we did we did some lighting up that hopefully should be much better wow hi hi victorus no Eran don’t ever ask that don’t ever ever ask that wait I gotta I gotta check this out real quick 47 Pokemon so basically at the [Music] End by the way thank you so much for all my subs today he thank you so much appreciation that’s so sick you guys that is sick have a bear plushy and his name is Herbert goodam boy godamn and shed I haven’t Tony that’s what we call chefing it up uh uh five more likes so we hit 137 easily done easily done that’s a perfect reminder hi everybody if you haven’t liked the stream it’d be really really cool if you could please please please click on the dots right here in the top right corner and click the thumbs up if you don’t want to do that you can hold the screen with your thumb with your finger you hold the screen a little POA will come up and you click the thumbs up the more likes we get the more YouTube likes is basically so uh it would really really really really mean a lot to me if you just if you haven’t done so already Guess Who’s Back sofa’s Back N lag hello dude I’ve been working and streaming like 70 hours a week you would make a kill a flat attendant Tony Tony I wanted to do it I wanted to do it but then I had to move to go and live closer to the airport and but that’s pretty much where all stopped because I didn’t have any money and I couldn’t have afforded to do that and live by myself I kid you not I really really really wanted to be a flight attendant as like my midlife thing to do I was like yeah I can do it like that’s actually something that I really really wanted victorus where are you from sukii hi hi let’s oh we have done it we have done it by the way what’s your booty that is your booty hi Stein did you keep to keep us entertained please full force Ste full force I need I need chat and I need talk Emily of course gone how about 10K how about 10K I’m playing bow well then goodbye Stein don’t bu talking to me or asking me for a favor ever ever um I needed I needed some twitch people here I did but if you guys want to be like that don’t need it goodbye I mean it hi J hi Jacob time let’s not what I was asking for victorus uh testing testing hi gibbo hi Jacob oh Tony easily easily absolutely easily Suki want say hello so we’re saying hello Suki SU [Music] Tristian hello how are you I’m doing good how are [Music] you uh Tristan always always gone okay can we do 140 um that’s probably that’s probably not going to cook should we say should we say 150 is it me or the stream scream is frozen I think it’s just you seems to be working for me hi hi Suki hi Ela it’s okay I’ll see you later I’ll see you later please take care please take care thank you so much thank you thank you thank [Music] you I do want to say by the way I I really really big thank you to every single person that came from twitch and actually actually engaged in conversations with me for hours I really want to highlight the fact that you guys are literally the best the fact that you guys want to come in and help me normalize the chat and not just dump and leave you know it means a lot cuz um to put it to put it lightly to put it lightly coming onto different platform and like losing all of you from chatting is like a very very hard pill to swallow and it makes me like not really want to go on Twitch because like I don’t think I have that friendship with a lot of people anymore so the fact that fishes no fishes i k you know 80% of people 80% of people who want like Phil come in and say hey I’m here and then I don’t see him again and at that point I’m like bro just don’t bother don’t bother and saying we’re here ain’t going to make me go like yes cool that told me everything I asked you 10 questions today Stein you didn’t ask a single one a single one you see what I mean CU I thought you’re here I thought you’re here talking to me and I’m like and you’re like sorry I don’t know me I’m not here so like I just I was chatting I was chatting and I’m basically you know how are you I’m doing good thank you for asking I I do need a new PIN message I do victorus you keep on saying that can you drop there uh what else do I need I don’t know oh but yeah so my I just wanted to say a very big thanks to every single person that kept me sane to actually have a conversation me talk to me normalize my chat so it doesn’t make it seem like I’m losing my mind talking about Minecraft all the time um thank you for asking me how I’m actually doing thanks for caring about my days um it’s nice to talk about you know something that’s not Minecraft it’s nice to know that you guys still care and um but oh would you look at that would you look at that the first one in three and a half hours Vicki how are you a thanks for remembering I’m doing awful I had a really bad day I had nightmares I slept awfully I woke up many times I had a really bad day at work I have I have lots of different paints but you wouldn’t have a clue would you no boom neppy I appreciate you by the way neppy thanks for commenting on my videos I I see you I see you I get my little I get my little comments pop up I get my little comments pop up um and I it’s always says neepy neppy replied neepy messaged neepy but yeah I just want to say neepy I see them and I Jacob stop spamming I have I have nightmares at my friends die it’s really fun so good so good gone love you Sophie Sophie Sophie asking asking somebody how are you is not a personal question but but but everybody says there everybody says there and it doesn’t count doesn’t count do you know how many people actually go and try to like say hey Vicki do you want to hang out honestly pretty much nobody because every single time that conversation happens is because I’ve initiated it for example see what I mean see what I mean majority of a Time literally majority of a time any any gaming session that I mods can we do something about that one by the way thank you Jesus Christ my man’s posted the same message literally like 11 times so far um I don’t miss having nightmares I do miss having dreams just don’t remember anything from nights anymore do I want to know why what wh what are you taking hey dark right it is what it is it is what it [Music] is Tristan of course enjoy enjoy your food I hope it’s super super good hope it’s super super good Tony no way that’s really really crazy like that’s like as severe as it gets for you like that’s like M boggling ones aren they like what I have many weird ones I have weird ones I have have I’ve had many many dreams where I die and people by the way I need to highlight that I need to highlight that people always say oh my God you can’t die in your dreams you can I cannot tell you how many times I’ve died in my dreams I cannot tell you how many times my friends died in my dreams I cannot tell you how many times like everybody in my life have died like in my dreams that’s like such a like normal dream for you of people dying I didn’t realize like I thought that’s like a normal thing for everybody to have find two ice creams I made I have mango chocolate mango Mango’s my favorite fruit don’t ever don’t I put chocolate next to Mango with me bro I know Joshua I know and dark cry of course I do of course I do oh sopie for me that’s like literally every couple of weeks rck YNS kid you not literally like every couple of weeks Joshua no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t people people need to stop lying to me people need to stop lying to me a B I feel last time I was rolling my ankles every couple steps I was trying to run oh wow so you have those types of Dreams oh wow okay that’s really intriguing I want what causes them for you if I have a dream of dying it’s like that one Tom Cruz movie where he keeps reling the same day so just step in the loop of dying till I wake up okay my one my one usually listen listen and it’s it’s it’s weird it’s weird this is my dream this is my dream don’t really walk around telling anybody this I get forced I get forced to go skydiving yeah I get forced to go skydiving and they just make me jump without a parachute every time every time that’s it every time and then I fall I fall to my death and then I just splash and then it’s dark and then I wake up every single time I really want to go skydiving but I just got to make sure that my pirate is actually on my back hi [Music] band preppy lots of love to you Emily how how can I help you got stab the dream oh damn Darren I always want them dream spaces same setting but every dream continues where the last dream left off oh that’s pretty cool too that’s pretty cool too I sometimes dream of me but I can like in a way like loose to Dreaming but I can never leave my room room it’s really odd I can think I can think in my dream and I can walk around and look at myself I can never ever leave the room can never ever leave the room no matter how much I try I would always try to like Wubble Wubble the door and I would it’s odd it’s odd because like I don’t think I’m me but I’m looking at me sleeping and I’m trying to run away from me and I’m trying to like open up doors and whatever and get out and I can’t get out because I need to be quiet but the door won’t open and Vicki is sleeping and I’ve tried to run away and I’m like I can’t get out bro can’t get out and then and then I start moving and then I start moving and then I go up to me and then I wake up I dream it depends depends I Can Dream in third and first a lot of a time I dream first person that is a therapist job I have a lot right do you yeah guys everybody do you dream in first or third person first first that’s crazy dude my dreams are crazy like crazy wow relaxed I haven’t seen him forever I hope you’re doing good how is your week hello hello what have you been cooking up the real relax is here hi new 10K Subs you know what’s crazy if my list is correct we need nine more Pokemon I need to I need to I can go and Hunt some I can go and Hunt some my dream is puppy chasing me and mom’s trying to kill us and I can’t even I can’t even sleep in my dream it’s so scary that’s not even a dream that’s a nightmare Alfie do I want to know oh no I forgot the I forgot the oak I forgot the oak dating app update as dead as my love life oh no oh no not good at all like ad spoiled milk make sure you get some rest soon one sec guys my door’s gone off my door is this okay Suki one sec hello um it was uh it was Amazon um can we just quickly talk about the fact why has why has Amazon in particular like normalized deliveries at this time hi Sally bye milk Emily slime Rancher relaxed have you been working how’s my cat fantastic ring ring Amazon like what like how horrible like dude it’s 8:00 p.m. gone thank you people more lik it to be at home I don’t I just feel bad for them like I just feel bad like it’s it’s a it’s long hours it’s such such long hours and like delivering at this hour horrible horrible I just feel bad for them dude I I don’t care when I get my package I just feel bad for them um I need to go use the bathroom real quick and I need to get myself some water because I got a headache coming back I mean I hope those people are doing aren doing God awful shifts I do I do know we don’t pay a lot because I know somebody deliver F Ison around here and I know they don’t get paid a law so yes DOA let’s go guys I’m going to be back in a sec I’m going to get some water and then we carry on building e [Music] hola who do we have here glitch gamer how you doing hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello fam how we doing this evening I feel like we need to get a poll going we need to we need to get a poll going if I tell you no no Alfie no Alfie Alfie no no um wow what an inspirational what an inspirational poll that is you all so welcome what would you do without me over I are you I mean it’s what time are you going to bed are you happy for like midnight trade my time 8:00 p.m. for you damn airan cuz cuz why why why would why why would you even want to make that why could you make like a a Cool Edit why are we what’s going on what’s going on um I might do like the same back uh then I can put a window in here I can get this right it’s 7 it’s 7:51 nun to gorgeous Camila we know you’re the best Mr toes AKA NRI Mr to bye-bye [Music] bye gorgeous here y’all then here lovely lovely stuff I don’t know what I’m doing yeah just gone I think I think we’re cooked I think I think we’re cooked that’s my guess yes I think we’re I think we’re cooked oh my goodness ly how are you how long has Vicki been live for 3 hours and 50 minutes damn Vicki’s live for another hour and 10 minutes hi come here then come here you want to come St on my lap that one come on then come s my LP can do it oh you can do it want to come sit here where’ you want to sit my lady where’d you want to sit you want to sit on my lap you want to sit here thank you so much for all the subs today by the way thank you you think we can hit 150 likes uh well I thought I thought we could hit 5 and a2k Subs so we’re both wrong we’re both wrong games none well the problem is you need to like now so other people can find their way to the stream you see the problem you see the problem hi Zeno hello hello hello hello hello hello a quick reminder by the way if you are just stopping in and you want to help me um please please please consider liking this stream by like pressing the thumbs up you can do so by clicking on the three dots right around here if you’re on your phone and click the thumbs up the more likes we get quicker the more YouTube tends to push you out of the algorithm and um basically um please like the stream um all you got to do is Click Three Dots and click the thumbs up that is it the dots the thumbs up and if you want to be a little bit different you can hold the screen with your thumb if you hold the screen the little popup will appear you can click the thumbs up there uh is it INX the real INX the real INX basically that is all you have to do it’s a free way to support my stream and um it it very very very much helps me grow so um if you uh if you would like to um if you would like to do a little a little clicky [Music] clacky a little clicky clacky it would mean it would mean the world to me really and then if you don’t want to do that well that’s that’s cool but don’t don’t tell don’t tell me I don’t do anything for you Tony you’re funny you’re funny funny DOA deal I don’t even know if I’m copying this correctly by the way I’m not I really really struggle copying things uh copying is not my uh not my speciality um zenko could you please not spam take that as your final warning I my chat is not busy don’t worry I will see every message I’m reading them as they come inrix I hope you had a nice day gone I appreciate you fishes how was your day at work today uh so we have that on the one we have this then we have that right correct gorilla hello hi sweaty fortnite goat hey lined up with this so here yeah fantastic now what gone Brian you’re back hi Brian hello hello hope you’re having a good day welcome in welcome in welcome in andrex I’m playing my hardcore world still I am still still playing my hardcore world World dova Again by the way you really didn’t have to do all of this for me and I hope you know that I’m very very very grateful I’m excited I’ve never I was never going to achieve it by myself anyway so the fact that uh you are willing to help me it really really means a lot to me I hope you know thank you I was truly truly was never going to whip that out by myself maybe in like 5 years gorilla I hope you had a nice day by the way welcome in yo what’s going on but how is the server doing which one we’ve got two we haven’t opened up one till tomorrow rg20 hello hello welcome in dark cry a lot of us andrex um I’m not quitting twitch people quit on me so I had to I had to start streaming elsewhere I’m still I’m still streaming on YouTube when I can but uh unfortunately my my twitch seems beyond saving and we’re doing a new server we’re not doing it we’ve done it Millie tomorrow tomorrow you’ll be able to play with me because our Skye BL server is going to be open I wasn’t going to do I wasn’t going to do what I’m doing right now but I’m kind of I’m kind of vibing with this instead andrex is going to be Sky Block proper proper Sky Block you’re oh look an animal you are invited if that’s something you would like to play but I know it’s not to everybody’s Street what’s wrong with the twitch Channel with what with my with my streams well first of all first of all um twitch has turned off majority of my go live notifications like literally like my go live notifications only exist to like 100 people so I’m somehow a twitch partner with literally literally about 200 to 300 views a stream and to give you a difference to give you a difference yesterday I pulled 15,000 views on Twitch on on YouTube today so far I pulled 8 and a half thousand I pull in I pull in more individual views on a single stream on YouTube than I do in about a month on Twitch and TRS you all going to have your own Island are you proud of me I got 43 out of 45 you killed it insane you killed it I’m proud of you gone i d i d That’s SW difference yeah if you you can tell by the way you can tell um if you Lally go on my twitch and bods you will have a little view bottom right that’s how many individual clicks my streams had and then if you go on my YouTube and click on live and have a look at my views and have a look how many individual views my stream had here Hi elene and then they go why don’t you grow and then people come in and go hey Vicki uh your stream hasn’t grown I’m I’m a I’m a I’mma fill you in on why because cuz I don’t know I truly don’t know once you partnered here it’s going to be a game changer on YouTube um I’ve done the hours I’ve done the hours I have literally hit the hours I need to hit YouTube partner I’ve done it I’ve literally gone and done it but the problem is is that it takes up to a week to update so it’s just like shrug wait I I know look at this look at this we’ve been pulling like it’s just it’s crazy I’m so so happy Veronica how are you DOA you’re mad you’re actually insane mad like right now right now on my on my YouTube Journey they go they go by View hours by View hours 3,000 View hours yeah so 3,000 watch hours to unlock membership super chats blah blah blah and 4,000 hours to unlock ads in the last 28 in the last 28 days I’ve done 3,400 watch hours and I only got 2,200 [Music] unlocked um because I’m like a week behind can you change your profile pick back what’s WR of my profile pick now Veronica no this is don’t no Veronica guys everybody everybody let’s just have a quick conversation not a single streamer wants to participate in a car edit true trly I’ll just be I’ll just be honest with you I don’t want to so we’re not far away Tony we’re not far away sorry for having a meltdown on all of you by the way an hour ago life’s just hard sometimes a little bit who wants to watch a car I did no not me Jessica don’t have be sorry your all profile picture was very good um I liked it too but apparently I had to have a profile picture that fit my scene more now mown what’s new INX by the way sorry I’ve just spoke about that server literally for the last like easily 10 streams every single like 20 minutes so I just don’t want to talk about anymore it’s a sky block server hopefully going to be open tomorrow it’s going to work for bedrock and Java including phones and Nintendo switches everybody’s welcome to come and play hopefully it’s going to be open tomorrow had to have a few things fixed tonight tomorrow with two bars and then I’m going to announce it on Discord and on stream hopefully hopefully hopefully tomorrow that’s H there there oh I’m trying to F how to do this elen I’m I didn’t do nothing I think you said something a quick reminder by the way sometimes when you’re timing somebody out mods they can still see you in chat you could could just tell them like hey Sophie there is your warning for doing so and so cuz like you know elen elen you’re absolutely fine you’re absolutely fine let’s move on um mods don’t time anybody out for for no reason if they if they say anything if if somebody says something silly like you might get a little you know you might get a slap slap so please please please make sure you uh you know you’re behaving oh so I did it differently see I did it on that wall not on this wall what kind I like it the [Music] Bruiser games none Bill Tong is hand on heart one of my favorite things to eat but also it’s so so expensive in UK I can only buy it for myself every few months I haven’t had it I haven’t had it in like months truly Emily we like having you around aasha by the way I hope you have hope you’re doing good bruer of course I haven’t of course I haven’t i’ I’m building though look at this it’s coming along we to do a roof here thank you for all the new Subs by the way welcome in welcome in if you are new here hello hi hi my name is Vicki please please please consider uh giving a like or subscribing or just enjoying your stay um DOA you’re just the best the best I stream I stream literally every single day um I’m here I’m here I’m cooking it up I’m you know just hanging out it 149 for me 149 thank you for all of my likes by the way you guys I just don’t know I feel a bit I feel a little bit a little bit overwhelmed a little bit overwhelmed you know just a little bit let’s try to sponge of this roof how did they do the roof here DOA DOA he would laugh at you if you said that cuz I don’t think you think I don’t think he thinks that I don’t think he realizes the strings I have to pull for that man in advanced I have to throw everything I have and every single every single um favor in the house um oh my God mine why are you spamming uh let me just quickly do something let me just quickly do something oh that’s sick [Music] uh okay okay okay okay okay hi guys hey yo guys can we hit 100K so I never have to do this again 200 Lio no sha dark right no mm- um there’s probably a few people there’s probably a few people that we can find that will have it for you uh this one this one this one this one hello hello hello Alicia how you doing hi can you friend me we I just did by you showing up literally gone are you having fun with your emotes I love the fact I’m just letting you run with that I’m literally just letting you run with that flimsy anyways Miss Vicki I was just scrolling YouTube shorts while I was working that’s okay it was nice to see you thank you for coming in hey gasha how was your day by the way uh what are you going to do now need to try and build the roof for this place but how does one do that I don’t know I do not know mbu how you doing 52 likes you guys are nuts you guys are nuts I think we’re going to hit a 10K view stream today that is madness I feel very deflated I need to pick up my energy ah wakey wakey trying to wake up Alicia hope you’re having a good day Emily I don’t want to do that I really don’t want to do that please don’t make me do that I beg you I beg I beg of you don’t make me do that time for a monster no I can’t have one it’s 8:00 p.m. I cannot I cannot poor poor Vicki poor Vicky will be written off hydrate hey Trix I’m having a good day hello hello hello hi viral clips well then relaxed that’s okay that’s okay thank you for the lurks guys they do all added up for my juicy juicy watch hours had to put conscious effort to it it was better than yesterday tomorrow will be better I hope that’s the case because I felt that my day was so much worse today I’m in those moods where if you poke me a little bit too hard I will cry I will a little bit do you like coffee I love coffee elen go liay down darling how about you go and lie down I’ve I’ve been sponging of this build picture so hard I’m not even usually that want to sponge I found a picture and I was like yeah I’m running with that thank you for the subs by the way thank you too bar show Tiger’s here show tiger thank you I don’t know what did you see what I’ve done did you see it it made me really really sad yo pimp Savage hello how do you do Mr Savage are you cooking you’re Jack now you got to change you are Jack gorilla tag lover Jack okay you’re going to get 5555 I don’t think we’re going to get 5555 today we are we are 160 Subs away we should have the most crazy 40 minutes of stream and the only way we would would do that if we somehow we somehow just hit 170 likes in the next like 5 10 minutes for algorithm to give us a very very big push thank you show tiger remember if you haven’t like the stream click the like button just saying if you’re on your phone click the three dots click the like if you’re not on your phone at the bottom click the like if you’re on your phone and you want to be fancy hold the screen click the like anything helps TSA welcome in you’re gonna do the underdog clutch up a come out of nowhere come out of nowhere uh I would like to push this back I think would I I don’t know probably uh what if I do this do do this um get rid of this do that get rid of this Nova keeping all my fingers crossed ja I’ll see you soon take care take care have a beautiful rest of your day thank you so much for stopping in hello hello hello I clicked twice you’re the best you’re are the absolute best 155 likes thank you I love you good gamer let’s hope she behaves Delisa we’re all good we’re all good what do you think what do you think about my build let me show you what I’ve been doing I’ll show you what I’ve been doing I need to get rid of all this make a little more room cuz I’m just building rock right on the edge here gone cooking my fear of women is gone yeah you are just improving day by day hi Sarah guys look it’s coming along is galmer here I don’t believe so I haven’t seen her in a long time I just hit my activity go on my SmartWatch while opening my gin bottle I think it’s telling me something I respect it though I absolutely absolutely respect it yeah I’m on doing so great she’s still Sicky ain’t she kneecap yo yo yo kneecap kneecap Pikachu oh GMA darling bless you hope I hope hope you feel better soon hope you feel better soon uh any normal Oak [Music] nope Jason how you do my wife is so bad right now sorry I’m sorry sir good gamer if they wear don’t worry I’ll delete it for you nobody will know chisa did you have a nice day I hope you had a lovely day Charlie you’re Duan nice Duan I have a feeling it wasn’t TSA I did thank you for asking thank you thank you I’ve been building a way I’ve been building a way of Minecraft so it’s been lovely eggy by the way if you’re still out there um I’d like to play Minecraft with you sometime soon that would be uh that would be lovely that’ be uh very very lovely hi Anonymous nice to see you again I hope you’re having a good [Music] day how many farms do you have I’ve not been on this world long I don’t you mean like I got spe Farms like you know I got I got a few spawners I got three spawners one right there underneath my house one right there underneath my house do you guys want to do you guys want to see my luck let me just show you quickly something so um if you if you have’t if you’re new here maybe maybe you are who knows uh hi hello can I have a new Li go by the way can I have a li go 171 Delisa we can be besties don’t worry Savage technically yes but I think I just need to launch it [Music] tomorrow liol 171 no one oh guys all of you have wrong we need liol Sophie thank you Sophie I needed a little flame I needed a little summon summon some just gave me numbers some gave me a I like it like it I just pick by the way thanks guys I pick every day I tried to pick a different one you guys ready I’m going Show You by the way 9,000 9,000 day 9,000 9,000 anyway are you guys ready are you guys ready are you guys ready so I move yeah I know egy I know I know watch this watch this random seed right completely completely random seed that I generated on stream live this was the first seed we’ve got and this the first seed we ran with just we just ran with it yeah we are at minus 580 plus 871 I’ve just walked swam fam away like parked up here and I was like I like it Savage I will and I was like I like it this is good this is good goone I’ll see you later so I build my house I build my house yeah let me let me show you for a second let me show you for a second I do kind of want to have a look at the chords though watch this yeah watch this so I’m going to build a zoo I’m going to build a zoo and I’m going to bring every animal from every place around the globe into my Zoo um so the zombie spawner is around here just there and this is not the first so the first one I saw was this one I was in the mines underneath my house walking around you know searchy searchy searchy mind you this is at my house right at my house bro look yep perfect lovely stuff I just cooking up here and now thought I thought this was pretty good you know I thought I had a pretty juicy deal here I thought this was already pretty juicy but no no no my my world said hold my beer I’ll do you one better and I was like fantastic fantastic what do you have for me what do you have for me right I’ll show you guys I’ll show you I need to put an elevator here by the way this is just stupid this whole thing is stupid anyway anyway so I found this one and it did me good it did me good it carried me it carried me to the dragon it carried me for the Wither it carried me through every bit of XP it carried me through Max Enchanted you know netherite gear no Stein so like loving it right loving it and then and then I was walking around I was walking around and then then I found another one right at my house right good gamer you sure can so right at my house again perfect would love to see it just another another spawner amazing amazing but you go surely Vicki surely you already got crazy good luck you already got insane good luck what else do you want Vicki what else so not only do I have a spawner here not only do I have a spawner under there somewhere my my world set hold my beer I’m going to show you I’m going to toisa by the way I’m going to show you this is my this is my dragon head there you are TSA it moves if you put it I learned that if you put it on a redstone block it moves but you can also power it with a uh you know and the pink beak and that n games none CHS so a pink Beacon because games none said I had to have a pink a Le a lever there you are nice and cool M so two spawners complete random location for people that think I’m lying or something by the way every single piece every single time I played on this server has been streamed from the beginning to the end Alfie we’re fine a redstone torch up the dragon head maybe Sophie knows so I uh decided to plant my trees yeah as you can tell my jungle here I wanted that jungle I wanted to live like this but it didn’t work out so I’m now collecting jungle saplings and I’m planting my trees you know I’m creating more of a jungle scene yeah creating more of a of a of a jungle scene and um this is my first portal I built this path I decided I don’t want to use it just looks pretty but it’s nice for me to fly and you know see hi Sebastian you guys ready you guys ready so I was wandering around you know mining my business I came to get some trees just came to get some trees right are you all listening y all taking notes yeah yeah and I was like perfect lots of trees I’m having fun yeah yeah I’m having fun and I’m digging around and I’m digging around and I can hear just a I can hear mobs I can hear mobs and mind you I’m listening to these mobs at like 100 right my my y value is at 100 I’m like where are they it’s daytime I can’t see them so you bet yourselves guys you bet I looked around I looked around and I found another another another spawner another spawner at 98 I have never in my life found a spawner above ground never I played Minecraft for eight years I love Ryan Reynolds and then this bad boy this oh El goodbye and that’s all she wrote hey Darren that’s okay that’s all she wrote nice delis enjoy it’s a baby game’s done so there we are and it’s juicy it has great spawns I built myself like a little whatever this is need to sort this out we can clean up actually probably build a little house here so we’re safe whilst we’re doing it and we can AFK in there if you want to oh edits hi why are they cute they’re not zombie baby zombies are not cute you do not comprehend how many hardcore lives it cost me Baron you subbed and you clicked the like you’re the best you’re the best I don’t make up the rules but I’m just saying that is that is what the best people do you know this this is this is what the best people do the best people sub and the best people like the stream and if you don’t know oh this is looking cute and if you don’t know how to like the stream you need to click on the three dots right here right here here click the dots click the dots click the thumbs up the more likes we get the more the more YouTube YouTube likes us simple as literally literally that and um so every like means the world to me truly like I hope you guys comprehend my appreciation because it is very very appreciated and and noticed and just everything it means it means a lot so thank you guys for Lio 171 I know we are 162 what should you do in Minecraft oo what should you do in Minecraft good question are you playing are you playing creative are you playing Survival I need normal elk don’t think I’ve got any hi Jack oh oh whoa whoa whoa who is here Maxwell that was gold right make Suki build the cat I’m running out of beds survival what gear you got liked and subscribed I appreciate you thank you thano there go look at this look at this you guys Chef up hard today you guys Chef up hard that’s what 320 subs today that is madness madness I’m telling [Music] you we need normal Oak we need normal Oak we need noral Oak where’s Suki sleeping on the desk oh why are you still here you’re not meant to be here and you’re not meant to whoa whoa whoa the speed on him the actual speed on him build a base of only wood no glass stone you’re are you just trying to make them build something very ugly Madness this is Sparta Lily hello Lily hope you’re having a good day thank you for coming liked and subbed I know you did you said and I said I was thankful appreciate appreciate Savage perfect we will we absolutely will [Music] [Music] hey VI hey gone again hi hi hi I think I think I’m doing this correctly no Dylan hey Dylan how you do hello hello thanks so much for coming in t t hope you’re having a lovely day perfect I need another row another row another R hello we’re cooking cooking cooking boom one two three boom one then you go here and then you go one two three then you go boom no you don’t do that I lied I lied you right click you right click boom you click there you click there there there then you click there then you do this voila and then and then and then we could probably go up one more do this and then just run it through like that lovely job oh you spooky me you spooky me we hit four 5,400 Subs Suki why you cele she how’s your migraine so much better so so much better no good gamer what did what have we done why how was no this is this is Zach this is Zach good gamer good gamer my boyfriend’s name is Zach my bestie’s name is sace Alfie you’re not yeah I don’t go when did this happen cuz I wish I was invited I don’t know if I like it yet Source wishes hi Joda how you doing how do you know cuz there’s not a normal way of just basing somebody’s looks right like I might think somebody’s really really really pretty but somebody else might not agree with me vice versa I might think something’s not really pretty and somebody will think it’s the best thing ever beauty is a very very very subjective on opinion there’s some some people that I think are insanely insanely gorgeous and then if I go hey do you think this actress blah blah blah is really hot and they’ll be like no and I’m like what do you mean no they are and they’re like no the audacity what do you mean see good gamer no his surname is mavit if I was pretty would my ex-girlfriends leave my life yes absolutely people don’t leave you cuz you ugly people leave you cuz you can you might not be a nice person or you may be a wonderful person and they weren’t a nice person see what I mean there’s honestly trust me when it comes to people leaving your life the last thing people do is base it up on your beauty that’s a very very first opinions thing that’s a very much first opinions thing do you read books I do me and a friend arguing over him being obsessed okay sure yeah you see Aaron see point point I think that’s awful his first name is SA his first name is sauce so close to a Lego we got 162 we got 163 thank you they were a nice person so was like and sometimes people move on people move on I I’ve been I’ve been in two other relationships before I met Zach hello my last relationship will live together um it’s just how it goes just how it goes you guys Alfie you’ve had more relationships than a lot of us bye Dylan it’s also the first thing you see great some PE some some are really pretty like there a YouTuber called Vicki and then some others are just kind like just not pretty hey Daniel hello gone Amazing did nobody notice we hit 5,400 I did I I I I’m the only one that was like hey Daniel hope you’re having a good day like relationships are just that’s just how it is how it is sometimes people go have you done stream of Zach I have I have I have but are you having a good day he was a poo poo head bud I think that’s saying it lightly that’s saying it that okay listen that just sounds like you know like the floor wasn’t mob’s Vibe now that man was I think it’s against OS gone nothing zero things the most boring boring day I was looking forward to streaming the most Lan I will fill you guys in a lot it’s weird because a lot of people here no because everybody was there like everybody was there no good gamer I only want the likes the likes and the subs we got this oh yeah must boom yeah don’t get me wrong I tell everybody I’m I am I I have my problems I have my problems but I’m not I am not I’m not a mean person that could never stoop to that level ever ever and that’s the difference you know um I need more torches good gamer don’t say that Alfie do I want to know are you sure Veronica you came back uh Veronica I like you you’re lovely we don’t want to do no edits we just want to hang around have a little chat chat see what’s going on my dear what’s sping do my it’s a pleasure it’s a pleasure to see you gone no we don’t want that Veronica we’re absolutely fine Veronica what is your plan for the rest of the day what you doing see it’s going to why I haven’t really tried relationship before starting therapist just doing a burden people I feel that though no that’s fine I feel that but that’s fine because you working yourself Lally you’re working yourself and like that is truly truly truly the best thing you can possibly do like hand on heart the absolute best thing you can do is what you’re doing right now n guys it’s Oh no just realized you can go you can go for there okay okay okay okay we need to go get those fences we need to go get those fences money count next dat for long even a year see I respect that though I this is why but but but but correct correct correct I am agreeing with what butd said in chat I’m agreeing with what butd good gamer shut up fishes um no I agree I agree with bud I feel like a relationship is like a year dating is like anything up to like a year you know so I if it was somebody that was like you were just with for a few months then I would say oh somebody I was seeing or somebody you know mean but if it’s a relation you say an ex if it’s actually been like a relationship I don’t know does it make sense no that’s the way I would phrase it I don’t know um where’s my spruce it’s so relationship until a year oh oh that’s not what I’m saying I’m just saying like in general it just feels like I’m not counting anybody I was with for like three months chisa congrats a whole year it’s got to be living on the prayer though a’t it you got to you got to you got to sing it you got to sing it I’m getting a lot of zombies spawnings a lot can we join you can join tomorrow I will have a sky block server opening up for everybody for Java and Bedrock spoter how do you feel about situationships then horrible horrible horrible the most toxic and horrible things to get yourself into not worth it don’t do it no no no no because always there’s always one person Head Over Heels the other person with the arm stretched out like no no silly silly silly silly I mean great great for a life experience if you really if you really want to build it oh Darren see if that’s different though let’s talk when you’re like 18 19 you know a situationship is someone not respecting the other I think it’s just is silly silly silly silly what do you collect I’m scared to tell you I I collect mugs I collect mugs I have over 100 mugs may you try PP oh by the way anzo I see you hello hello sorry I ignored you I saw your name and I know I did not I knew I was happy for a conversation uh sometimes not often but sometimes I don’t mind P I collect mods in my basement too correct correct correct hi Suki um fence yeah I collect I collect mugs how become mod you don’t want to that you don’t you absolutely do not want that one that will be a worse decision of your life you’ll have to oh thank God oh that nearly cost my build I would have been livid bro I would have been livid can you change your name to mug lover nope let me let me love let me love my mugs in peace I had to start putting them in boxes now because we had too many and every single cupboard of my house is full of mugs it’s really bad thank you for the subs guys you just yeled what did you do what happened what happened what did I miss out on we need more off the stone fence think you’re living in the dream you probably are wakey wakey oh because of the creeper that was horrible that was horrible like my heart stopped for a sec that was truly truly horrible because I was thinking like I don’t want to have to rebuild what disconnected this time is a real one I kind of want I kind of want more now that now I’ll get in blocked in VI’s basement I don’t know what I’m doing by the way I would love to highlight that truly I I don’t know so please please pass your judgments pass your judgments slightly I don’t know what I am building whatsoever um okay let’s see world famous Minecraft streamer oh my God it’s me oh well I’ll be back in 20 be safe waffle thank you thank you thank you I need to really get rid of this okay let’s see let’s see let’s see as school as it gets as school as it gets no it’s raining it’s waning waning I got pins and needles in my fo everyone clap clap clap clap oh for saw sorry two seconds let me uh let me quickly uh do something do something clicky clacky Hello sup Jesus I I’ll be pretty lit in about an hour don’t worry I’ve got it um what was I checking I was checking Chucky checking Chucky Chucky fever client of lunar I won’t lie I’ve only switched to um lunar recently I never I never used it before I was uh I was very very much um Forge kind of gal I had to think of that for a second and uh tuor was like why didn’t you use this and I was like um I don’t know I don’t know what this is and um gate no gate okay that’s awkward do you remember my old name Lucifer I do I do only because the show Lucifer for some reason I know many reasons I don’t I have personal I have personal reasons to not like it Jesus finally somebody did it finally somebody did it hi reggy Tony are you only here to hang out because sace is here now JK little little little does he know you were here the whole time I need sticks server no I’m currently playing on my hardcore solo World we’re going to be playing on a server tomorrow what time is it for you it’s 8:55 p.m. thanks for reminding me though cuz uh I do not have too much time on my hands no it’s cuz Coco melons over okay listen make all the jokes you want make all the jokes you want I was having this very very depressive period of my life where I just didn’t get off my sofa for about two weeks a couple months ago and um that’s a lie probably like like October and I watch CoCo melon for a very very long time and it’s actually pretty good look behind you I don’t want to I kid you not cocomelon like I see why the kids are watching it DJ how you doing cocon can boost the fs very good I love a name Lucifer very pretty name Darren I just don’t like the show Savage you’re the best the best the best the best the best back from the lur hello hello welcome back I came to get something sticks I wonder if Vicky plays fortnite Vicki uh doesn’t Vicki used to that was that was why I’ve started streaming fortnite is literally the sole sole reason why I’ve started streaming I’ve now watched a show the show was ruined for me what’s WR watching Coco melon well I first of all I’m I’m 26 F no I don’t I’m sorry such a pain you are such and such a pain and don’t need a fence boo unlike unsub I’m leaving could it help myself yeah I know I know that’s the gay I need a fence that hurt me what uh bass being being my little my little yeater come on now we always knew that was going to happen you ior listen I was how does the saying go I need the saying you either beat them or join them right there we are I dare to look behind you oh no it’s Danny deito in the house again oh no I should not have looked wow my bad Dany Deo stop stop naughty boy I made you look you did you did you really did you have sic stream [Music] today stop it step you know Jesus Christ um no no I didn’t had an okay stream had a nice beginning had a really nice beginning I had lots of lovely people here just in general today but my my mental was cooked Stein you good do you play fortnite no I mean I cooked I cooked a Minecraft does that help you should play fortnite don’t want to do that the stream below yours is someone scratching lottery tickets for 600 people well I’m what’s the point why why do I bother come back Danny come back Danny why do I bother tell me my point you you speechless too [Music] speechless my point DOA DOA I have a tarot card lady I can do that for you do you want me um do can I do you want me to draw you a tarot card why are you shating on Zach for Zach if D deito he’s a he’s a man of very very few words I feel like stream elements oh the St bro okay right bedtime I sorry I forgot you’re a pensioner I literally forgot that you were a pensioner what’s that like I’m not going to talk to you more cuz you need to be up at 5: not even you start work at 5: I’m just going to leave you be how long you be in this world Minecraft days 286 days do you have any step relatives yes I do unfortunately if this is why I don’t appreciate do not appreciate the step bro jokes no no no no change color of sign no but yes you guys this is this is where Vicki cook today not a bad cook if you ask me probably going to log out and go go watch some Coco melon Vamp you’ve just caught me in the last couple minutes so you did pretty good was stepo no DEA you’re fine that was funny I’ll give you that that was funny can you actually change the color in it no you’re leaving already we just got here um I got I got stuff to do IRL unfortunately like a lot and um I only got very few hours to do it can you get one of the clamp on lights next time who who so next time you go up you can be in a rave oh clap oh boy yes no no she’s here before hour was already just give me late I mean um sauce okay full netherite when well I don’t need it I I’ve got my mag skar and I don’t really like using never right tools apart from my pick I think I think it’s a pretty big waste for anything else uh I I prefer I prefer doing this I’ll show you I’ll prefer doing this this is my survival world and this is my little server that nobody’s on right now and um I I would rather do full never ride beacons instead of full never ride tools if you get me it’s my only Flex in life so let me ride that please thank you thanks Ste I will need it forever block the big houses off netherite you love Cod mobile don’t ever say that again wrong type of manager um now I think you’re all good sauce I think you’re all good thanks Savage especially that it’s my second one it’s my second Beacon uh I think we’re going to be playing Sky Block [Music] tomorrow um that leaves me on Thursday then I’m think I’m going to do a beacon for a couple of days uh I’m I still need what 60 under 60 blocks have you eaten today yes I had some I had some cheese I another a tusco sandwich no I I didn’t leave my house I didn’t have enough time to go outside else it would have been it would have been a tusco meal deal Shadow smile can we talk soon do you play Hypixel sometimes Savage I look forward to it I look forward to it just pure cheese yeah melted melted cheese just some cheese I don’t want to discuss my my eating habits with you guys I eat every couple of days today is my day where I begin eating too much you know we’re fine tomorrow I go for a nice big meal guys I don’t eat a lot I do not eat a lot I literally eat a single meal a day at best we’re good we’re good I survive on water favorite food if I had to pick an actual meal would be a steak all over a medium rare steak with butter garlic butter preferably mushrooms cooked in the steak juice you know love mushrooms garlic butter steak proper proper chips oh that is if you blessed me with that I’m done I’m done this is perfect then if I was being like hauh it has to be Pizza I love pizza I used to live of pizza I’m talking like four or five pizzas a week the fatty Inside Me loves the pizza and I used yeah by the way thanks sauce thanks sauce said I miss the Vicki that would ah sa said I miss the Vicki that would smash Pizza yes I used to order Domino’s large pizza I eat the whole thing can’t do anymore are you leaving now I am I am you’re the second person day who tells me she didn’t have time to go eat anything so it seems to be a good day for that we’re just having a little food strike by the way Vamp are you having a good day I love you and I miss you you’re generally a good person thank you I’m I’m pretty I’m pretty nice people tend to say that well a lot but enjoy a meal tomorrow um I know that I know that Zach made I know that Zach made some food so I’m going to I’m going to tried to entertain that we’ll see you tomorrow we will um you’re the only person stream I like to watch for hours when your life much left protect this woman that’s very kind of you to say thank you I hope you enjoyed your day guys I’ll be live tomorrow at 4 p.m. UK’s time which is apparently uh 10% of my streams are from South Africa in the other parts Norway and Sweden so um 400 p.m. my time is 6 6 p.m. for South Africa you’re welcome you’re welcome and why a lot of you are going to bed now uh and um the other part for Norway in Sweden that’s an hour ahead that’s going to be 5:00 p.m. your time uh just saying uh so if you if you need any other math let me know but um I’m going to go and overthink my life now regarding the sky block server and then think is cross I can have everything functioning properly so I don’t have to stress about it and then we can all go play sky tomorrow I will I’ll be honest I won’t be able to help you on Sky Block last time I play Sky Block was like full free three years ago then I got bullied off the server that happened um so it’s going to be it’s going to be people in chat that’s going to have to help C Evan it’s Danny deito only streamer on here worth a damn you talking about yourself you’re talking about like YouTube right so that’s you are you related to Ryan Reynolds of course she is she’s a sexy sexy girl Charlie 11 12 a.m. for me Charlie so good to see you get him out that’s so nice go thank you good gamer see you later C so good to see you mods thank you thank you Everybody by the way thanks thanks thanks thanks but as always sorry for ignoring you laran wolf girl out there somewhere Sophie thank you so much for carrying you guys did amazing relax it was really good to see you B thanks for chatting today was nice thank you he daddy daddy deo’s daddy daddy deito that’s scary I don’t know if I want to go with that I have to live with him in my house fishes love you were you playing fishes uh Val with Stein if so that’s really cool can I join next time stand a procedure but I will listen but listen but nobody has this privilege listen listen but nobody has this privilege look I can go on Facebook messenger and send a hello Justice for wolf girl wolf girl I thought I thought wolf girl is wolf girl wolf girl did I not say wolf girl wolf girl I love you I’m losing there see you are very correct I can go on Facebook and message but go get some nandal for me love you I love you too I’m going gone I’m leaving I’m just a very very slow lever I just like to say goodbye to everybody 4,000 times why you thereare you like that hey babe you could see he can get it I’m leaving um goodbye thanks guys thanks bye love you love you I love [Music] you wolf girl as always by the way I’m I’m going to need to see those tattoos I love you tell zaka said hi I will don’t leave I’m sorry I’ll be back tomorrow I’ll be back tomorrow thank you thank you for all my likes by the way 165 likes we near hit 10,000 views for the stream which is really cool leave bye-bye streamer bye-bye bye-bye I’m probably going to be off on Saturday so I think we can do some gaming gaming times on Discord with everybody links I remember you I’ll be back at 4 P p.m. uk1 I’ll talk to Vamp in Discord love you thanks guys it was very nice thank you everybody thank you thank you thank you you’re really good at YouTube really lyns links honey honey it’s posture bedtime baby time to go lay down time to go lay down your My Stream is not for you my stream is not for you I ain’t I ain’t about to get emailed by your mom shouting at me I’m sorry can’t do it can’t do it talk to you in the bit yes do in I don’t do math 2 hours and 50 minutes there I’m cooked I’ll speak to you then bye bye I hate leaving later bye bye-bye guys thanks so much for hanging out with me thank I hope you guys enjoy yourselves because I did it was very nice thanks for always making me feel so whole and not alone and it’s it’s just nice so um my hair is really puffy today I don’t know what these are naggie told me I should have these I had my hair fully down and then naggie told me this was the look so um and then somebody said what’s wrong with your hair so I’m not going to listen to naggie doing my hair anymore kind of awkward hey what happened to your hair I don’t know what happened to my hair naggie told me to put it up so I did um it’s just too much that’s the problem naggie is right thank you by the way 5,400 it’s probably going to dip down be under 5,400 well I’m just saying uh that is that is cooking I like the bits I usually curl these so they look more like I missed the hats don’t worry don’t worry not tomorrow Thursday the hat comes on Thursday it’s because of the hair washes you got to fall in the Hat after a couple of days but uh love you love you everybody thank you so much for hanging out with me today I will see youall tomorrow really really means a lot but all of you Alfie don’t be sorry we’re friends we’re okay just don’t do it again and don’t spam I appreciate you thank you everybody for finding your time to come in and say hello to me like literally that is the coolest thing you guys can possibly do um I can’t I can’t make you come in and watch Ever So the fact you choose to come in watch me instead of doing something else that’s really really meaningful and that’s a law so thank you and uh bye-bye big hugs I’ll I’ll go and chat you guys up in Discord and uh as always I said if you are off age uh you’re are more than welcome to join my Discord is Vicky Vicky I’m just Vicki everywhere and um bye love you love you Rebecca let’s talk s please bye bye-bye byebye byeee bye bye you ready are you ready I’m leaving [Music] byebye bye bye bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE – DAY 250+ #shorts’, was uploaded by Viiki on 2024-03-12 21:27:36. It has garnered 9753 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:15 or 18675 seconds.

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Our Incredible Playlist is made by the artist GameChops! Check them out on Spotify!

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  • Nothing mc

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Troll Stream

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  • EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!

    EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft 24/7 sever app #anime #music #phonk #bassboosted #bass #naruto #animeedit #minecraft’, was uploaded by UG EDITZ on 2024-05-09 12:57:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. your question minecraft video 1 (1.7%) mrbeast 1 (1.7%) news 1 (1.7%) not your type 1 (1.7%) notgamerfleet 1 (1.7%) pizza 1 … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!

    Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Withers Fights Ur-ghast. 2 Withers Vs Ur Ghast – Twilight Forest #minecraft’, was uploaded by MATTHEU GAMING on 2024-01-14 01:25:45. It has garnered 185 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers 😱

    Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 4 In Minepur Minecraft SMP! with @rio_gamer @Xashrein @vasu008 #minecraftlive #minecraftindia’, was uploaded by Katsura on 2024-03-06 18:10:52. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:17 or 13937 seconds. ✨Minepur SMP: Day 4 Thumbnail by @vasu008 ♥ Hello everyone, and welcome to Katsura’s channel! I bring you the best in entertaining gaming content right here. I stream games such as Valorant and have a great time playing with my friends. You’ll find thrilling gameplay, epic plays, and hilarious moments on my channel, all accompanied by my friends’… Read More

  • INSANE mash-up! Don’t DISTURB me 🔥 #shorts #YTshorts

    INSANE mash-up! Don't DISTURB me 🔥 #shorts #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t disturb me 😵(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-22 02:47:42. It has garnered 10132 views and 280 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Don’t disturb me 😵(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft#minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #mashup #trending #viral #gaming#viral #memes #youtube #suscribe #views #viral @breakgamerzz8064 Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Break Gamerzz… Read More

  • HEROBRINE IS WATCHING – Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraft

    HEROBRINE IS WATCHING - Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral credit by- @LostEdge’, was uploaded by CHILL SWANIK on 2024-04-12 11:49:55. It has garnered 20220 views and 1149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral @LostEdge wait for end Share the shorts with your friends! Have a good day. 🙂 Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,… Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraft

    Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind-Blowing Bed Wars Showdown! 🤯🎮 #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-05-09 15:59:31. It has garnered 3823 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ TIKTOK: ➡️ TWITTER: ➡️ INSTAGRAM: ➡️ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: ➡️ DONATIONS: Read More


    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK 🏦 IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? 🌞 #MinecraftLife” Read More