Insane Minecraft Hardcore Comeback VOD!!

Video Information

Oh Hi hello everybody hello hello hello how are you guys how’s your day so far happy Friday it’s Friday today right indubitably oh my God helloo hello hello I hope you guys are having a great time I haven’t opened the Tik Tok chat yet so you guys are the favorite Child

I’m I’m talking to you guys first before I before I I go live on Tik Tok God I swear but hello y’all hello hello I hope you guys are doing great I am figuring out some things actually um really cuz oh God y’all I had such a rough day not gonna lie

Um so yeah so yeah let me say hi to everyone real quick in chat um Let Me Close Twitter because I don’t need that hello Kelvin Gusty ninja Ren Moon um Raven uh uh uh floof death kids hello hello nelas uh um um um I think that’s it who got first to

Congrats death kids on the first today oh my God oh my God hello y’all hello hello how are you guys how’s it been so far cuz we’re special you know what technically speaking yes but don’t tell them that okay they’re warming up on me they’re warming up on me that’s the

Thing anyways I had such a rough day today cuz Okay this morning I I was in bed right well I played some Christmas S&P with Chris chisone yesterday um and what do you call it that lasted to like 6:00 and I said wow my sleeping schedule is kind of effed up even though

It’s supposed to be effed up like it’s effed up effed up twice you know so what I did was um I tried to stay up like I tried to I tried to do an all nighter um for for today and I failed I failed cuz around like 2:00 I

Said okay this is usually when I wake up when I when I sleep um when it’s the wrong time so I might as well like lay down and um just just rest my back and then I slept like a few minutes later it was it was not great I woke up like at

7:00 and I was like so sad cuz I wanted to do so many things but I I kind of like found a way to make that work so I did my skin care before stream and I’m going to put do my skincare a bit after stream like a few

Hours after stream I think that might work I don’t know we shall see we shall see so yeah that’s kind of um the reason hi I don’t think you’ve ever streamed this early before any reason I’ve always streamed this early what do you mean I think like

Um this is what I’ve been like this is the starting time ever since I started streaming I don’t know I don’t know Chief um maybe you’re just not here around this time when I stream uh but hello though welcome welcome shooting star welcome to the stream jammies

Raised indubitably so we’re going to do jammies at midnight and since it’s a community thing I’ll just get a consensus from chat um of what songs they want bear in mind that there are some songs from the current like if you do exclamation point Jack it does not pop

Up and well the updated list does not pop up and stuff so yeah is there a daylight savings in the Philippines no there is none that’s why I bet like some people um usually start like 20 minutes later like 9:30 it becomes 9:40 right I

I assume it’s like that yeah no I I make sure it’s like it’s Filipino time even though I hate it it’s in my blood you know it’s in my blood okay I think it’s time we bring in the the youngin the youngans the Tik Tock Chatters um let’s see if it works though

Let’s see if it works um go live okay Gaming Minecraft Minecraft test stream go live oh Tik Tok chat is working now I got to check I always got to check man cuz I’m not sure but yeah um the list on the jam sessions it’s it’s that’s not

Updated yet but we did go through it last Wednesday um to figure out some things here and there so so um oh boy n it’s all good I did a Tik Tok stream yesterday and it was all fine I’d say um it was actually

Fun and dandy uh so I have to go it’s good shooting stars thank you so much for popping in I appreciate that a ton plus like I don’t think there’s a lot of carryover from from just yesterday’s stream I realized there really isn’t a lot of carryover like if you go on to

Tik Tok versus um twitch and stuff yeah no very very interesting the jammies planning oh N na it will be fine it will be fine nothing to stress about honestly well I hope nothing to stress about it’s just a simple Jammer s and then after the jammies today um

E after the jammies today we’re going to open up another Community thing and see how fast that goes as well um we can pull the songs we can but there’s just too many so I’ll get a consensus and then maybe if I don’t see a five song

Consensus um in chat I might as well just do a poll so 30 again um I might make it higher for now honestly just to just to make sure because yeah laugh in it uh what’s the thing for cookies there’s no cookies Moon um my my alerts and everything connected with another

Bot is broken currently so cookies are not working I might even say we might even lose the cookies if if I don’t work on it soon well I don’t know actually I don’t think we will I’m just being dramatic as always you know um let’s see

Let’s see uh PR PR PR PR PR oh that’s why the bot does not work yeah the bot doesn’t work Rosal bot has not came into the stream for like few weeks so yeah that’s fun that’s fun askma Cookies N you should be fine um hello pantam hello hyper welcome to

The stream you’re so cool what the freak oh my God bro is so cool what the why are you guys being so nice what the what’s going on am I missing anything um did something happen um I don’t know actually um let’s see also Mom has not

Gone home so if she does get into the stream today all of a sudden laow I’m just going to be silent for like a minute or two God rosly B is on holiday vac oh yeah and since they knew that I’m going to do um a stream or a subathon next

Week or the week after um I told them to take a break now and so once that happens they’re all up and running right right we shall see it’s my cookies bro what do you mean I’ve already eaten all of them what do you mean what do you

Mean um hi Klo welcome to the stream as well welcome welcome Robo silly quit the job no Robo silly would never quit the job hello Richard as well welcome back to the stream welcome welcome hello Teressa hello hello robot is on strike not enough cookies paid well to be fair

I don’t pay anything I just eat them all up so hi gotu hi welcome to the stream welcome welcome um hello Teresa as well well is on strike oh I read that already so just on vacay just on vacay for now um I’ll have to figure out some things

Here and there like living arrangements you know hello mom here go oh my God probably just on Baraka oh my God I don’t think Robo can afford a barakai trip um I swear I wish I’m also in vac aren’t you going in vac in like a few

Weeks my phone is not on the Wi-Fi strange Pia part two oh my God can I talk about this real quick oh my God Pia was announced to have switch version in next week I think oh my God I swear I swear they announced it yesterday in the

Game awards I was watching the game awards from my bed right and then all of a sudden I saw Pia crazy I’m so happy I love Pala I love paa also thank you so much for the likes y’all on Tik Tok I appreciate that Ros it’s been a while since I saw hello

Welcome to the stream then welcome welcome I love Pala oh my God I love Pala too you can pre-order now and switch Yeah I’m so happy I’m so happy not gonna lie I’m excited I’m excited uh they’ll release it on mobile that might be the direction that they’re

Going not going to lie are you looking down on Robos silly she Pro Robos silly is is my baby my baby um don’t you worry don’t you worry I would never I would never I’m here but I can’t hear anything cuz I’m steady it’s all good don’t you

Worry one bit thank you so much for the 300 likes sh you thank you it’s like earthquake every day you know I saw this theory that said that technically this could be the big one technically not saying it is I don’t want to cause chaos and and Havoc everywhere but like maybe

The big one is just little earthquakes for a long time you know but I don’t I don’t know if it’s true so we’ll see okay that was mums that was crazy uh last time I saw you on Twitch farming ancient debris oh we’re doing that today again we are going to

Um what do you call it it’s going to blow up the nether today we’re going to play on my usual hardcore world today not going to lie not going to lie mobile would be nice maybe I could attend cake parties now maybe of course like I think

Mo the hard thing about mobile is how they are going to make it optimized cuz you know you know it might be a bit heavy hi Matt hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome y’all um have you watched no I have not I have not Richard

At all actually so I haven’t been here in a long time but last time I uh was you just got your new JG how is he he’s pretty good he’s pretty good oh that was a few months ago huh yeah know pebby pebb is great I love pebby um so yeah

You need a powerful phone or bath Graphics that’s true either or maybe not even maybe you need like a good phone like sash gen but still have bad Graphics isn’t that just like the curse of playing on mobile though um I’ve seen people play like mobile games on like an

IPad like to make it better running so honestly that could work it’s difficult for cheaper phones that makes a lot of sense to be fair um let’s see I’m super excited for for Pia though I swear I literally I saw it pop up in the gamer

Rewards and then I was like you know you know that Leonardo decao meme where they’re like pointing at the at the screen that was me that was me hello Alexander hello hello welcome to your stream um so yeah we’ll see we’ll see 3 gigabyte RAM

Oh pain Pat Pat I mean there are a lot of budget phones now right like budget phones are good quality as well like I’d like to say the phone before my current one was really really good um yeah there’s thank you so much for the 500 likes on Tik Tok I appreciate

Ton am I supposed to be encouraging spamming likes y’all spam the like button and so we get our name out there is that is that something I remember doing that last time I did a Tik Tok live eons and eons ago okay I’m I’m saying you guys point at me I just point

I’m just telling you guys I pointed at the screen um smash the like button now just kidding just kidding how are you I’m all good I’m all good I honestly feel fully rested which makes me think um this sleeping schedule might be perfect for me but I don’t know

We shall see we shall see also the Tik Tok stream right now is a test stream mainly because um next week I’ll couple the Tik Tok streams with actual post but we’ll have to see we’ll have to see um so yeah spam the like button thank you so much for the 700

Likes oh my God that’s crazy that’s crazy I’m not buying Samsung anymore two times surpriser this than xiaomi I mean I am a Avid I’m an avid Samsung user before I was even an Apple user Samsung was the goat was the goat well they still are now I just don’t use

Samsung anymore um so yeahoo I do it all indubitably 900 likes thank you so much can we get that up to 1,000 1,000 likes oh my God we just hit it that’s crazy is that how is that how um what do you call it how ticktockers do it I I actually don’t

Know I’m a Samsung sheep no yeah my whole family before we were we even thought of doing or getting into the Apple space we were such Samsung sheeps y’all I swear I’m so glad I’m done with work for this year wait really oh my God I swear that’s good

That means you’re on holiday now after this katsu let’s go no Oran I will not do that actually I will not thank you so much for 1.6 likes oh 1.6k likes the future content oh my God I must won I’m so happy honestly I did not know content creator of the year is

Just like a sideline award though like I was kind of disappointed by that not going to lie like they they announced it during the the pre pre-show I was going to say pregame o i was the pre-show I was so sad like dude what what the heck

What the heck man oh my God oh my God so yeah I don’t know um I like Motorola it’s cheap and mostly re I like the mostly reliable part god I swear I swear um thank you so much for the donut heo thank you thank you I appreciate that a ton I

Swear is doing it again doing what I’m assuming not reading Tik Tock chat again I’m very sorry um I’d like to say if you were in my shoes there are two different chats playing in right now with multiple topics going on at the same time and um

I’m trying to keep a conversation with all of them so it’s kind of hard not going to lie plus like I’m working on there’s a lot of things I have to note down here like OBS audio things and all that Halu so it might be a bit hard for

A little old me who’s just like just wants to Vibe you know so I’m really sorry if I I seem to ignore messages and stuff like that I really don’t I’m just trying to accommodate every single person here which is really hard to do so yeah um hi I’m new hi

Heo heo from a different from a different world is saying hi what the heck heo Jesus Christ I swear um let’s see let’s see I use my phone enough to marry anything more you know what I get that though like if I was a content creator

Cuz like when I was in uni I barely used my phone I think that’s kind of the reason why my phone lasted that long anyways um because I barely used it I was either on a laptop working on something or reading something so it was great but at

The same time like now it’s super changed because I kind of need my phone so yeah who I’m not on Tik Tok okay y I swear can Tik Tok chat see yes no not yet I think on the well I hope on the gaming Scene It does pop up but we

Shall see we shall see if it does so yeah um cuz I made it so Tik Tok chat can see you guys but not vice versa unfortunately I can’t do that that’s too many things on the screen y’all um I won’t speak to gug cuz I don’t need that to prove I’m f

Smile um no oh God I forgot my patience needs to be high anyways um yeah no I don’t want to unfortunately he I can’t see twitch chat yeah that that’s that’s purpose oh well yeah I was going to say yeah yeah Tik Tok chat can’t see stream

Uh twitch chat but twitch chat can’t well right now no one can see each other they can only see themselves mhm in the gaming scene which I don’t know if it’s going to work but we shall see if it does um 3.1k likes thank you so

Much for the 3.1k likes rien don’t be mean I swear I swear um I have an auto clicker in my phone Ro do you want a million likes oh God I swear I swear I don’t even know if that’s possible this isn’t twitch Hi D [Laughter]

This dude this dude th this feels like deja vu man that’s crazy thank you so much for the twitch follow Celestial thank you thank you appreciate um bust out the mirror and put in a window wait what I only have my Nokia phone surprising it didn’t break

After it fell many times I mean that’s just that’s just how noia phones work they’re supposed to be durable they’re known to be durable you know I gave the stream Al like did I do it right yes thank you so much just yep just just the the emote of the thumbs up in

Chat need to know twit chat I mean if if you guys want do you guys want to see twitch chat on Tik Tok chat I mean I don’t mind that can be easily arranged not today maybe in like a few days if when I stream again I think I’m going to

Stream again Sunday on Tik Tok I’m not streaming Saturdays so yeah my new R days has become Saturday and I haven’t officially said it cuz I do these like I do these weird streams on on Wednesdays anyways so it’s technically not a rest day at all it’s just a chill

Day it’s just a chill day um Bo Boop have you seen the kid who wait what well I assume like the NPC people do a lot of money like I I I can see that I can see that from how much people are giving in for them to do

Random stuff it makes sense you know hydrate thank you sticky I will hydrate I will hydrate thank you so much for the 3.5k um Tik Tock likes that’s crazy that’s crazy um I don’t have my button I was about to press my button for drinking I miss it

Not going to lie don’t you worry I have my stream deck has been out of like like it doesn’t work well it doesn’t have the buttons like it’s on right now but it doesn’t have the buttons for it to work also you guys don’t hear this okay sorry I just unplugged unplugged my

Thingy hydrate thank you I’m a hydrate you know what I do need hydrate though I’m actually fully rested cuz I just woke up like from from a rem nap as not a rem nap a REM sleep you know yeah no it’s great it’s great I feel great you can actually see it as

Building blocks not going to lie building blocks um hi K hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far we’re having dinner right now no Hi heos family oh I’m shy now I’m so shy jeez I say oh uh the one

Who has a face mask but it’s broken no I’ve never seen it I’ve never seen it um actually have you guys been seeing the number of covid cases recently that’s kind of terrifying like everyone’s being advised to wear a mask again um but I’m not sure super shy super Shy God one of these days I’m going to I’m going to do a a K-Pop song and you guys wouldn’t be ready for it oh God I swear I am kind of well honestly I do like K-pop I just don’t say it a lot I just woke up after dinner

And jogging oh my God I well good morning good morning K oh my God also thank you so much for the follow as well Lang thank you thank you appreciate it so cupid I am I hate how multiple people said cupid in the chat sure I’m kind of honestly no but at the

Same time y’all can dream [Laughter] right um let’s see thank you so much for 4K likes I appreciate to oh my god let’s get some likes let’s get some likes y’all oh my god um let’s see how do I like on Tik Tock oh God I actually don’t know how to

Do it on Tik Tok like I know people spam it and everything but I just I is it oh you like just just press the screen multiple times oh you can see me myself like the screen yeah no tap the screen tap the screen y’all you should try it multiple

Times now yeah tap said screen tap tap tap tap tap tap you know no no no God I swear tap not not so funny is a banger it is though got to admit wrong stream wrong stream uh you can like more than once oh yeah you can like more than once and

Stuff and I from what I I don’t know if it is the same now but from what I know is the more likes like the more they’re going to put out your content I could be wrong though um cuz I remembered when I used to do Tik Tok lives eons and eons

Ago during Peak Filipino times um I would get like 100k and even more it was crazy um please F I hate how I get these references though it makes me sad it’s it’s very telling of of what I do God I S yo you make me laugh you make

Me laugh um Auto clicker I guess some people could do auto clicker um on Tik Tok huh well are there I don’t know actually um wait this isn’t Tik Tok Dad I said wow you know there’s someone on Tik Tok who kind of said the same

Thing you know I don’t know if if you guys know each other you might you might be friends I don’t know thank you so much for the twitch follow destroy thank you thank you appreciate ton almost 5K likes weird D God this dude um thank you so much for

5K oh my God oh my God that’s crazy jeez oh do I have my Minecraft World open let me check the mou um I don’t know what to press oh that one uh this one it’s not I got hoodie it’s a work of art okay that should be fine

Then um who’s on oops I can people smile people smile what do you mean burp I need to burp oh God hi Matt oh my God Matt is also in a different universe that’s crazy uh you want us to auto click no I don’t think that’s allowed I

Don’t know um Dan has no Dan is is not not the pie VIP um who has py VIP right now Dan’s VIP is is is is very true oh polari has it POI has it huh Dad it’s nothing it’s nothing uh yay you’re live hello hello welcome to the

Stream welcome welcome my bad not it’s not good it’s not good um uh make use a little no it’s so good at the next slide slide what is this a PowerPoint no at the next scene you guys can see twitch chat I think we shall see

Oh God I’m kind of scared but we shall see um you know what let’s get into some Minecraft whoa that’s crazy wow ew I don’t like how I did the post it though at the bottom it’s fine I’ll fix it off stream that’s the thing

Yay is it working is it good now you guys can see it’s Minecraft hardcore and then you can see twitch chat for for Tik Tok viewers there’s a dog oh you guys probably don’t hear it but um you can see twitch chat at the top right yeah

Okay fit chat you guys are very just normal hi Tik Tock yeah t twitch people say hi to the Tik Tok people God I swear I swear I I tried to um hello Tik Tok where Jesus Christ uh because it’s all good don’t you worry don’t you worry I’m

Blind no it’s fine okay this is my hardcore world oh oh I’m wearing Christmas smpp stuff um hi a everyone say hi Tik Tock that’s so cute you guys are so adorbs oh wait I also need to have my task manager open just to see if my PC is struggling struggling um so

Yeah last forever oh what’s broken oh reset love okay so this is my hi Matt in the other Universe God I swear okay what what should we do today I actually don’t know um what I should do let’s turn that on real quick it weird I’m watching on

Twitch and Tik Tok but Tik Tok is muted I mean nothing wrong with that thank you so much for the for the ttch twitch follow dark G thank you thank you God Mar gos hello um okay uh let me slip real quick oh so it’s so dark let me

Make it lighter I can’t it’s blurry it’s blurry oh it’s probably cuz it’s small huh okay noted noted I shall prep that up also thank you so much for the for the twitch follow as well um loveo thank you thank you and thank you for the rose

Death kids thank you thank you make it bigger I can’t make it bigger now I have to do it off stream if ever that’s the thing so I’ll just note it I’ll just note it if ever um let’s see is it all good is it running well this is what we did last

Time we just added this around it I know it looks weird but it’s meant to what we could probably add here our land lanterns and Jacko lanterns as well oh that would be nice okay we’ll try and finish this cuz we did the interior of this last

Stream ow um but yeah and we did kind we got a lot of stuff not going to lie just hanging out here we got a lot of things so yeah is there Gambit today yes there probably is um we’ll blow up the Nether and then what do you call it we’ll go

We’ll go somewhere else smile oh Minecraft is so loud actually don’t know can’t stay for long oh all good don’t you wor thank you so much for popping in I appreciate T do you have a sniffer egg I have something even better than that actually I have a

Sniffer right there oh God I don’t have my usual render distance cuz I was like you know what let’s run my PC a bit better um Frank I have some sniffers right here hello um Gamba Gamba hype and du you should make a small Tik Tock sign wait what do you mean Frank

Frank uh sniffer you don’t like the sniffer oh God what else should we do here I do think we need to finish this area maybe add some trees around it as well just to make it feel a bit more natural looking um but I’m not quite sure these sounds

Weird I have not played Minecraft for a long time oh I do have a mod that makes it like I can I can um I have more different sounds do you prefer Tik Tok or twitch you want me to be real I do prefer Tik Tok I’m

Twitch I do prefer twitch mainly because I’ve been on it for a few years now now uh but what do you call it I am trying to Branch out and and stream on a site that I know I’ve left behind for quite some time now so yeah a big Christmas

Tree I already have one but that might be the goal next time three four um don’t want to T three four five also is the game loud um I can make it lower if ever just cuz I know my settings are kind of effed up

So I’m gonna I’m going to um yeah I’m going to figure it out um don’t get ads am I protected probably where you’re from and all that jazz or yeah cuz in case you guys don’t know that’s just our accumulated time that’s a thing yeah thank you so much for the Rose cashy

Thank you thank you sh um okay we’re going to put these back here thank you so much for the follow as well Dre thank you thank you looks like a sticker is it better I don’t know actually I thought it would look better as a sticker but I don’t know Turtle for

Kakey ooh okay I will I will for sure do that um let’s see okay because I place it there it should be fine two stacks of TNT I forgot how I usually do this y’all not going to lie um oh how many updates are added to Minecraft since I don’t know

Like they do one almost every year I’d like to say boink boink one two three uh oh God I think this is one of the reasons why I’m scared to go live on Tik Tok cuz I am not going to focus on a lot of things since I’m playing hardcore

Uh new nether min area we probably need a new one have you seen the new FNAF movie no I have not I have not um FR Gamba time chat Gamba on the twitch let’s go oh my God use your channel points everyone we’re going to see how much we get this time Um oh hello y hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome uh the way let so go oh my God I don’t like how there’s fog I’m a Filipino condolence God hi twitch people you guys are a lot yeah I love there are a lot of people on Twitch they’re kind of cool

Epic puggers um I thought you would say both what do you mean what do you mean um oh for what I prefer it Lau well if you want me to be be honest I can’t just like say oh I don’t have a favorite favorite platform at all that’s just that’s just

Yeah um we’ve had two name redeems to okay oh can I have Axel a okay noted how do you guys have so much Cho points y’ll terrify me sometimes SMH um let’s seeo boop boop boop boop boop boop boop let’s see do you want to see the FNAF movie

Um it’s not something I would like to do smile like it’s not um my goal that’s for sure oh also there’s fog how do I turn off fog um thank you so much for follow zeru the twitch follow thank you thank you appreciate a ton

Um thank you so much for the like as well thank you thank you thank you so much for the almost 6K likes y’all kind of Epic kind of pogers um sorry I’m looking for fog because I don’t like how I don’t see anything properly fog I see well pH region doesn’t allow

You to use CH points that is very very true dark gamer you’re kind of spamming not going to lie um let’s calm down on it if ever cuz if if you don’t calm down on it you will get burned from the chair and we don’t want that now don’t

We um I just went ter rain fog is that it I don’t know if that’s it man that was at 100 uh ah okay this one indubitably what I think it’s the dark there you go yes sure we’ve done it ooh hey is this twitch or Tik Tok live

Both actually there’s a twitch version there’s a Tik Tok live version um sorry I’m trying to say it’s not oh yeah there’s probably if it’s if it’s banned then there might be a reason for it not going to lie oh also wait wait X um shulker box no hot Keys tweaks

Joker dude I don’t know Sher no is it mini hod mini hod is the Shuler one right Sher preview there you go that makes life so much easier um are you alone in Minecraft it is a single player world yes um it’s my single player world I’ve had

For like almost three years if I’m not mistaken um dude that’s so loud sorry I I changed my settings pressence footsteps just lower that real quick cuz it’s annoying there there you go hello Ashlin hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome are how you been that Tik Tock

He is slacky on the button hey it’s so good it’s so good don’t actually voted with the VPN of Singapore which do yeah mhhm I usually use like us or something um that’s a lot of texture packs oh these are mods actually the texture packs are a different story which are

Still a lot to be fair um just to make the game look nice um we let’s go down here real Quick I don’t know if my Minecraft is running smoothly ow oh uh is that Quest thingy at the top it is cuz what do you call it it just what do you call it I just loaded it back up does that make sense so I lost my

Minecraft um a few days ago in the reset uh so I had to re like I saved all of my instances to somewhere and then I had to put them back in a world so yeah is that the orig sound no it’s not I I presence footsteps is a mod that

Adds like a few sounds to these thingy Bobbers and stuff so yeah you’re you’re burning wait really God I swear uh my phone’s gonna die it’s all good better charge it up it pains me every time um you hit your head in the ceiling I might as well do it all the

Time just kidding um how long have you been playing Minecraft I’ve been playing Minecraft for a few years now like I started mid pandemic so um it’s been a while mhm my chats are now like 5 seconds late ooh Pat Pat Pat Pat Uh you should make a

Small Tik Tok logo nah I don’t want Too what the what huh you guys see that weird weird I tell you ah a get away from me Al it’s so loud Jesus Christ um the game thinks you’re a rookie because you reinstalled Minecraft no yeah exactly um do you watch no I do not I don’t know what that is

Actually your hearts yeah I lost no Hearts that’s so crazy what the that went through him man um God I swear um why is this what I’m using that’s better I’m not existential I’m just barely getting by right here real quick hello oh the strafe the strafe um that piglin scared me what’s

With that animation it’s a texture pack it’s a texture pack um f3g I don’t know where the chunk borders are I wasted my time up up I don’t even let’s go right there real quick I’m not existential I’m just fairly getting by Roose is making another small small goal

Of a netherite beacon yes no just kidding I would go insane if I needed to make another to be fair but um I think the reason why I’m doing this is cuz the Techno Monument needs a few stacks of of of ancient debris Moes so I got to do

That first actually um hello Dwayne hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome and don’t be sad it’s all good that’s just normal I’d like to say um 15 how many games you got um I don’t know honestly a cat oh my God what’s with you guys using Channel

Points you guys terrify me I mean sure I will third name no yeah what is going on man I swear oh I’m still wearing my elytra oh I’m so not used to playing Minecraft anymore I could die today y’ that’s the thing boop boop the debris you borrowed

Yeah the debris I borrowed to just get the netherite beacon thank you so much to TW Tik Tok follow it’s my first time seeing different background behind your character yeah yeah I I made a new one I made a new one um just kidding H don’t

Die R oh I wish there were moments to be fair um bigger incentive to die in Minecraft in Minecraft um let’s see she’s Rusty again yeah I’m Rusty I’m Rusty are you live on Twitch yes the chat that you see at the top right is

Actually twitch chat um so yeah I have a question give me a short xas song um Have Yourself A Merry Christmas Yes um I have to go bye thank you so much for popping in do you stand eug jeans I’m not a fan but I do think their music’s kind of

Nice I’d like to say um oh I’m so someone remind me at midnight we’re going to do jammies um I have a question might seem strange how are your lungs are they in pain bless you thank you I appreciate that t oh thank you thank you for the bless

Yous I appreciate that um how many texture packs are there like not a lot to be fair like not as much as before cuz these are part of the mods like everything under this is part of the mods so 1 2 3 4 5 six just six

Nothing wrong with that I’d say I’ve had more before Oh big tunnel I don’t know where I’m going anymore but I’m still upset well I’m so sorry about that but I just said the truth you know and sometimes the truth hurts mans you know no no no no uh the mods are texture

Packs no there so basically there are wait you know what maybe I should have explained it um I hate it but it do be like that sometimes um blinkink your laugh so cute thanks you lost in the nether or something no um well it may look like I’m lost I’m just

Looking for a place to blow up um everything because I blown up everything already around this joint so um I need to look for a straight line to place all this TNT cuz it’s it’s the easiest way and safest way to do this blowing up stuff what are those yellow lines are

Chunk borders actually Ro is lost accidentally got into endgame without ever punched a tree no KATU no hello Doby Hello hello o delicious prank prank prank prank R sequence skipping isn’t that a speedrun term hey yo Rosaline knows speedrun terms that’s crazy Um oh that’s another that and so they can’t get through um what’s your texture pack it’s a lot if you see anything you like then just tell me if ever um I cheat in Minecraft nope oh I knew you’d follow me dumb person um I assume that’s going to be a dead end we’re kind of we’re kind of pinched man we’re kind of pinched we don’t know where to blow things up um hello Evelyn hello hello welcome to the stream

Welcome welcome how are you how’s it been been so far I suggest you follow the main quest no I never follow the main quest I don’t know what you guys talking about prank prank um Gosha is saying hi truly trly I’m just saying this but uh

In your character so cute to me a thank you appreciate T um hello Oreo welcome to the stream as well welcome welcome um and survive lava inly I do know this I I do have a netherite beacon Um let’s see but what if row is on what if the main quest is the friends who made a long the way God I SAR I think she only did the main quest and challenges no yeah honestly like Challengers was was the ultimate Challenge as so might say I’m

Curious about your tagal accent what corn beep God I don’t have a talug accent I’m very I’m I’m actually British I don’t know if you guys don’t know this I’m British I’m from Brighton and I God that’s horrible I haven’t I haven’t done my British accent in a

While um so yeah also English only we keep it English only in chat that’s why I don’t really speak theal tomile so yeah um thank you so much for follow Doby thank you thank you appreciate T um okay wait I just need oh wrote I’m from the UK M God I Swear um I do think the British accent is such a pretty accent that’s a thing that’s why I’ve always been well I’ve always wanted to learn it so yeah it’s Friday a’t it roseal is probably the most unsettling thing especially when you’re used to the stream real oh yeah

Like even I am very unsettled by it to be fair because I I it feels weird you know it’s like when someone calls you by the wrong name you know how like you have different names per person or per group of of or type of of community and stuff yeah n it feels

Weird it feels weird man um hello Rivers Lake hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome how are you how have been so far um let’s see I’m back welcome back do you have a Taylor Swift song um no I don’t I remember the subathon wait what happened during the subathon tagalag is

Just a different clone maybe maybe uh what Filipino dish do you love I love lumang Shanghai it’s my my favorite thing in the whole entire world I can eat so much of it actually if I could um but yeah free shipping God I swear okay I think I like this place

Um me start placing TNT down um to not making or else watch no it’s fine you know I’m terrified when like a group of y’all come in I remember this one time there was this family who came into the stream and I was like like they’re on

Different accounts by the way they’re on different accounts and they’re a whole ass family and it it was it was terrifying it felt like I was meating the family like it’s kind of it’s kind of yeah I’m not saying you shouldn’t but it’s yeah um hello Billy hello hello

Welcome to the stream welcome welcome twitch is broken for me oh twitch does have a lot of requirements like you have to have a what do you call it you have to have a phone number and stuff so yeah uh M lobat it’s all good don’t you worry don’t you

Worry gotta go bye dark thank you so much for popping in you don’t have God Su I swear I don’t have a Taylor SI song I don’t know what you guys talking about um let’s see oh hello I need you guys to step out of the the area please please for

For fine you stay there you’re loss um let’s go right here thank you so much for the follow thank you thank you appreciate T um ow I’m getting toasty Shanghai is my favorite if I’m in the mood you know Shanghai is great I can eat like so much lumang Shanghai

Honestly uh been good having finals oh good luck with finals I mean after finals a little little inspiration for you guys you get a little break from everything which is great um let’s see lur I’ll be back at jammies it’s all good should be at midnight I’ll be singing for you guys

If it makes you feel good I’m not sure if you want me not sure if you need me BRB it’s all go go for it K appreciate um I feel like I want to make your character’s hat uh and wear it cuz it’s so cute go for it honestly I think

I love it are you going to use the weird I don’t think so that’s the thing yeah I’m going to just use my normal mic for now I think I’m going to use that once it’s karaoke streams you know cuz it feels like karaoke but jammies I think

I’m just going to have it um nor same same scene oh God that might be a problem because I’m doing Tik Tok as well oh no I didn’t think this through man that’s rough that’s rough okay um let me try and think about my options real quick hi cud

Hi welcome to the stream welcome welcome do you own any squish M I do actually I have one um on my lap right now cuz um it was given to me by my brother um I love it to bits I don’t know it’s name I just call it kabut which is mushroom in

English cuz it’s a mushroom um so yeah so yeah mhm mhm mhm would you rather eat Shanghai for the rest of your life or never eat it again I think the smart answer to that is to never eat it again Um but I would miss it a lot because there are a lot of things that are just like Shanghai is just wrapped fried wrapped pork and Fixins you know like you can find other things with the same things in it um but of course it would feel very weird If

Ever I don’t know it blew this place up too no yeah let me cuz if I move to that scene it won’t pop up maybe it can wait let me try adding here never mind I think I can actually no that’s the wrong thingy a bobber

Um oh I’ll work on it later yeah I think I can that’s super good um so jammies is still a thing let’s go oh my God I swear can I draw your character yeah go for it as long as you say it’s me um and all that jazz rinos

You know know no know uh we definitely going to win this one smile we’ll see I mean we’re at 7even I haven’t blown up stuff so that’s kind of good I got to go um my it’s all good D thank you so much for popping in I will

Be haunting your Tik Tok stream o I don’t think I’ll be streaming tomorrow by the way I’ll stream on Sunday um cuz that’s when I usually like I don’t really um stream Saturdays anymore are you blowing up the place to look for ancient 3 yes that is what I do

Majority of the time at the start of in my streams cuz it’s just fun you know it’s just fun to blow up things I’d like to say um let’s go Mario did I do that good he um ooh kind of getting lucky you’re a pickaxe about to break nah that

That’s so far far away I’d like to say um netherite pickaxes are really durable that’s the thing um B what do you me oh my God I’m going to cry I’m going to cry going to cry I thought I did a great impression what do you

Mean Jesus Christ I swear uh what if it’s break oh like what do I do when it’s break I just don’t stream I usually either just sit around um as like my rest day and stuff um or I would probably fix some things on my stream if

Ever do you use or did you use gacha at all no I don’t think I’ve ever thank you so much for the follow Don thank you thank you appreciate ton um but yeah I I don’t think I’ve ever um used or played gacha in a way

Where I used money into it you know like real life money um cuz yeah that’s not my cup of tea not going to lie Chief um Ooh that’s not really good now isn’t it how many do I have 23 um okay let’s add a thingy above just to signify that we’re here let’s go here what’s your favorite game this game right here Minecraft um H I don’t know I love this game to bits

But I haven’t played it like consistently recently because I’ve been playing other games which is really good like it’s a much needed break from Minecraft every now and then I’d say uh is the little chick or duck you’re holding um an accessory it’s a totem

Actually so if I die or if I lose all my hearts in this world cuz in case you guys don’t know hardcore you only get one life um so you got to you got to Make It Count play it straight don’t look back don’t hesitate type be you

Know um but at the same time like when you have a totem that you’re holding when you die or lose Hearts you actually get it all back so yeah ume Shanghai toasted or toasted toasted I think so I think I’ve always preferred toasted anything to be fair um besides

Minecraft and poo what games you play guys want to know what I played yesterday I was I was so close to streaming that as well oh my God and I bet you guys would judge me majorly for it but like you you’d get why I stream

It you know like I wouldn’t mind the Judgment because I i’ i’ take it you know it was fortnite for Lego fortnite dude Lego fortnite is so fun though I was playing it with Chris chillzone yesterday and like it’s so like Minecraft oh God I swear of course i’

Actually play I’d play that too no yeah like it’s so freaking fun I do recommend it if ever like it’s free as well so yeah it’s so good it is so yeah I was super close to streaming it today like I told I told Chris chillzone that I might

And then he’s like no way no way we’re going to get a Ros fortnite stream maybe next time maybe next time not not today or yeah maybe not today maybe not tomorrow uh maybe Sunday how about that um no one is judging thanks I appreci that you played she played P

Last night right yes I did I did indubitably um let’s see Brank BR B I did act I did realize that Chim isn’t beside you yeah um trying to figure that out cuz chim’s stuff is kind of broken so yeah in lore though Chim is just sleeping or working on something else

Fortnite Friday fortnite Friday we could do that oh that would have been so perfect though what the heck now you’re making me want to uh I am Filipino yes KZ welcome to the stream what’s your favorite color lavender is my favorite color um bye bye Richard

Thank you so much for popping been in appreciate um I swear I swear I was playing it last night gave me Minecraft Vibes no yeah no cuz Chris chillzone asked me right um while he was on stream do you want to play Lego fortnite and I

Thought I thought it was a shooty game you know I thought I needed to go PE PE PE PE you know and have actual a but um after some time well I started watching someone else play on their stream and I fully realized it’s not not it’s just a full like Survival

Game and I I was in shock I was in shock so I I messaged Chris chillon again and I said hey so um that invite of yours I think I think I’ll have to say Yes actually it looks kind of cool so yeah what’s your favorite song in 2023 um I don’t know

Actually something from AJR oh 2085 from AJR is probably my favorite currently um really nice song truly recommend it um very soon it’s all good don’t you worry I do appreciate ton thank you so much for popping in I appreciate T I swear um oh I hear the TNT blowing up that’s not

POG Now isn’t it um when your Birthday never no my birthday is the 15th of June I am a Gemini mile um also I wonder if I have my toolbox on me I do uh what is this silk touch silk touch silk this one silk touch How many cinnabuns we on 10 actually that’s kind of good we got to remember that you don’t have to UMO prank prank prank PR prank prank prank so many netherite tools yeah got to make sure you know with all the um things I want to do in life it makes

Sense is like start of classes no yeah that’s literally the reason why I’ve never had a party at school um cuz you know how like when you were a kid you’d always like there are some friends of yours who do parties at school and stuff and they bring in like people from uh

Jollibee or McDonald’s and they bring these huge boxes and stuff and I could never do that because it was either too early for school or too late for school so yeah I got sad I got sad uh hi Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Chad what kind of texture pack is that um depends on

What you’re seeing um just tell me which one you’re you’re talking about then I’ll I’ll point it out for you um let’s see I haven’t played Minecraft since I was five oh I mean like I don’t know if you saw the castle a while ago that’s

One of that used to be one of my um objectives another OB itive that I used to have as well um well I make up my own goals in this world so that’s kind of how you play Minecraft anyways like you just make your own goals and see where

You go follow the waves and stuff and funnily I’ve played this world for two years now like actively so you do have things to do all the time if if you just know what you’re doing uh with that yellow border oh that’s not a texture pack actually that is

A um vanilla feature called chunk borders where you turn it on with f3g um so yeah is to punch a tree yes according to ow according to means raft hi gut man more grinding for more netherite I’m using it as decorative blocks now gutty that’s why I really want to get It no I’m sorry no here um that has been the goal recently oh there’s the entrance I was looking for it uh oh my God the flex no yeah the flex to just use it as decorative blocks man also thank you so much for follow as

Well Ena I don’t know how to say Ena welcome to the stream welcome welcome uh your favor color or pastel color is my favorite color I mean technically my favorite color is pastel got a gamb and something goty that’s true as well like chat’s just or my community in general

Is just used to the gambas for netherite um after 2 years of doing it so if we can’t remove that right she’s so rich she for bridging okay I’ve never like had that clip to be fair but yeah we shall see we shall see um what age are you I am the

Good old age of 23 years old like that one Taylor Swift song um I also used to being Phil you know sigh God I swear uh with the yellow oh the with the yellow border um sorry this one if you find it um texture pack by

[ __ ] I think if you just search that up um then it pops up if ever that should work um cuz I personally I just searched up ancient debris border and that was like one of the first few that I saw uh I didn’t know you live streamed I always

Live stream what do you mean uh is 22 no I was actually talking about anti-hero God I sorry can you speak Filipino I can but I won’t um what was the first game you were very interested in stardew maybe I think stardew was a big one to my

Childhood Nintendo dogs maybe was also another one um Cooking Mama har I I would say Harvest Moon but like you know um rosal’s age anti-hero exactly God I swear um I love ancient debris with the yellow borders no yeah me too I find it really hard to find

Ancient debris like my eyesight is not that great so I kind of need this so yeah what was your first game honestly I don’t really remember remember do you guys remember your first game I think my first game was probably like Sims 3 or or something on the Wii cuz my cousin

Had a Wii and we would visit him all the time before um um I I thought Ro was trouble trouble trouble God that’s so wait did I blow it up I’m so bad my aim horrible um hi W oh my God W beloved hello how are you how’s it been oh my

God I hope you’re doing great jeez um let’s see I’m doing better how about you I’m doing good as well I’m doing good oh my God W can I just say my sleeping schedule is so much worse now and it it feels like I’m opposite of

Yours I mean opposite of hours you know opposite of ours uh how did mine get better and yours get worse oh no oh no no yeah it’s I mean it’s worse from the usual but I don’t mind it you know oh God I swear we’re never we’re never going to

Be at the same um what do you call it time zone even though we’re literally in the same time zone God I have to to oh God I S has been playing some Shooters help okay I haven’t I’ve just been playing Lego fortnite okay um hello cial

Hello hello welcome to the stream is yours night oh yeah it’s like 10:55 p.m. my time um for real my sleep schedule got a bit better that’s good for you guys I envy that too she’s warming up not she’s warming up no I am not warming

Up I I have not played valerant ever I haven’t even opened it I did open up fortnite though which was great you’re a Filipino aren’t you I am Filipino is it night there yes you know fortnite like actual fortnite no I’ve just been playing Lego fortnite you know the Minecraft in in in

Fortnite God but I do have fortnite to play now I guess if if you want to play and if our time zones um kind of you know Jesus Christ way uh is less stressy than Val that’s true though I prefer fortnite over valow like gameplay wise

And also while I’m playing it as well cuz I feel like Val has a lot of things I have to memorize and know before I actually bully feel like I’m doing it well yeah I still scream but it’s def less stressful I would mind that

W God I swear I swear can you say fairy bread fairy bread um where am I so what time well W um I’m actually awake at the morning and this is where you’ll you’ll discover how effed up my sleeping schedule is I’m awake at the morning and I sleep around like um

Two I think I think that’s what I’m going to try and go for now as a sleeping schedule so yeah let’s freaking go man how do you say talug talug I say it like that and so I I am not sused out by the Filipinos actually actually I should if I don’t

Want to be sused out by the Filipinos I just say Tagalog huh um yes yeah say fairy bread I’m not parrot though that’s the thing I’ve said it once and I’m not going to say it again I like to see um going say this again but your character is so cute thank you

Pan I feel like have more of an accent than you um hey yo I mean nothing wrong with that I’d like to say on my Chest Believers man oh God got to love it man got to love it uh yes sometimes she just wakes up right before stream yeah that’s the thing it’s rough it’s usually a nap that’s the thing like I don’t I don’t know if you guys know the difference between a nap and and um

A REM sleep but usually the ones before streams are naps but they become REM sleeps and it’s kind of concerning you know thank you so much to the follow as well thank you thank you can I yell it um let’s try not to I I would I would

Prefer you don’t smile um so yeah also thank you so much for the 7K likes appre that typical super epic super pogers um uh I have sleep medication you know that’s the dream Believers Ain’t No Way death kids are also you know death kids you have such a high track record

That’s crazy uh what’s your first pet is it still alive um I guess so I think so I’m not quite sure actually um I could probably check I wish I could sleep without it Sonic insomnia is not the move W I swear um oh my nose is so

Itchy Ah that’s horrible uh improved after my friend taught me that’s super good then super good I do think I still have a tagalag accent I just turn it off when I speak English you know uh don’t you guys have that where you just turn off certain things from your brain

God I swear cuz I do that all the time actually do we get 18 intuitively but of course of course we’re going to accept it once I get home cuz imagine I die right if I die on the way home technically speaking doubters win so um it’s not wrong um let’s

See uh just Make Her Say phillow products that’s true I think like that is the Str um let’s see oh I don’t think I’ve been in here you never die though I could die today I could die tomorrow I could die anytime I’m just as human as any Minecrafter can

Be you know um I need to go see bye to thank you so much for popping in appreciate that ton don’t jinx it but how if I want to I want to jinx it no just kidding I don’t want to die in my hardcore world I would cry I I I

Wouldn’t stream for a week if I died in my hardcore World actually I don’t know actually we’ll see um hi Bessy welcome back welcome welcome walking around and sing my song i’ say damn cute and sing along um how lucky are we see you get to be

You I’m like get to be me two years hardcore would be a waste truly but I mean that’s just how hardcore goes though I think like going into hardcore without having the mindset of you could die any time is kind of dumb like cuz I’ve seen people who are

Super affected by their hardcores and and I feel that I feel that honestly um but like I think the only way that you could stop that from happening or like lesson that from happening is to be like prepared mentally that it could happen anytime you know that’s the thing

That’s the thing hello reani hello hello welcome to the stream hello Athens as well your voice so beautiful thanks I appreciate T um I don’t know actually if there are more places but we did get 23 which is super good already um let me just check around here real quick uh I

Got to go by Moon thank you so much for popping in appreciate T okay I swear life listen you could oh my God I swear I’m going leave the stream running a thank you I appreciate that okay let’s roam around a bit oh my phone’s fully charged hello Ren hello hello as well

Welcome to the stream does twitch chat want to see Tik Tok chat that’s my question I don’t know how I’m going to make that work to be fair like Tik Tok chat might anything n you guys are fine you’re like the older older sibling who doesn’t need to to see the stuff you

Know God I swear I mean if you want to just oh no actually um I’m new in your live hello then welcome to the stream hope you’re enjoying your stay so far um okay I think I’m done we’ll go to the thingy and bobber uh let us see our brother

Um I’ll have to figure it out though cuz it’s easier to bring in twitch chat onto Tik Tok cuz that’s just a source right but bringing Tik Tok chat to um twitch I think that’s kind of hard also thank you so much for the Roses as

Well user and o odari thank you thank you appreciate a ton can I see your wings oh give it a second oh I’m not wearing my wings uh I can wear them they’re Cloud wings uh Cloud Wings cuz I’m a I’m I’m in the clouds my brain is always in the

Clouds uh oh my got hi hi welcome to the stream cute yeah I love my wings honestly they’re super nice um which way do I go oh I just cracked my neck that felt great oh I see the entrance up there um Cloud wings I could check resource back yes

Cloud Wings by Eevee is is the name I think I just got it off of planet minecraft so you can check it out oh you’re in your Christmas clothes yeah I I forgot to change well should I be changing though that’s the question here like I don’t think I should cuz it is

Christmas time but I might change variant you know cuz I have multiple Christmas skins and I think it would be very cute if I changed to one whenever I felt like it you know um dress up like your Pia character my Pia character currently is um I wore

The thingy a bobber again what it called oh crap I don’t remember anymore the one with the bear yeah I have’t examin Monday so still awake I mean Monday is still a long time from now um you can study and stuff that that might be the best action honestly that really

Up to you to be honest yeah I’m just extra I actually got all of those commissioned last year and I only used one of them hi pay hello hello welome to the stream welcome welcome um let’s go at here blinkink blink there are people who don’t know about the default oh there

Probably are people don’t know about the default skin I still have it though don’t you worry I mean I I got all my skins made from one person so it makes it so much easier to just have like a person there um let’s see also thank you so much for for for the

88.7k likes that’s pretty pretty epic pretty pogus um you have more of a cowboy accent oh sometimes it does pop up like I like like doing Southern Accents cuz they’re fun to do um I would love to see CH oh that would be Ador honestly oh my

God can say it’s all good aens thank you so much for popping in I appreciate that a ton oh that sucks oh that sucks oh that sucks I didn’t crit any of those God I say okay it’s a I don’t think I went the right way um o my my movement it’s ass um child I think it’s this way I’m right I’m right I’m right I know this place like the back of my Hand and then there should be a way right here yes sir see I know this place I love your laugh it’s so cute thank you appreciate ton um every Tex track I watch yeah go for it go for it um thank you so much for the 99.3k likes oh my God we’re

Almost at 10K y’all smash that like button if you guys want you don’t have to but if you guys want go for it um let’s go here is your P tuber a whole body model I’ve never seen the whole thing out of character it’s not cuz um yes

Prices of course you guys will never see the bottom bit so why would I pay for one you know that’s the thing I really want your penguin texture Oh you mean the the totem one that’s a custom one unfortunately you cannot get that one um

It’s kind of the reason why when I was figuring out if I should get a full model a full body model for a vtuber or should I do a half body model cuz I don’t really see the point you guys don’t see the bottom bit unless like I’m

Doing something from far away you know um rip I’ll find another version there probably are to be fair like you can buy variations of totems and stuff um so yeah also thank you so much for oh popping into the Stream lucky thank you thank you appreciate

T um thanks for the likes yall thanks for oh my God we’re at we’re almost at 10K oh my God what do I do at 10K there’s usually thingy abers for that um thank you so much for 10K likes oh my God oh my God I appreciate that t can

You speak to gag yo that’s all I’ll say cuz I think that’s funny um okay okay black black black black black okay um Rose I’m sorry I’m sorry can we get a ban on this Ros Lee person that’s crazy oh okay this way we go um your voice is

So cute thanks I appreciate that t actually let’s go this way real quick now bye You know what you know when I did the stream yesterday on Pia everything was 100 for incenting so I really do think it was just Pia like I can my PC can handle multi streaming now um based off of what I can see on my on my stats but poo was

Just effed up yesterday I do think I got to admit that Pala is unplayable right now now that’s the thing um it’s unplayable mainly because of the issues with the with performance and stuff like the memory leaks the graphics um the bugs here and there it it’s it’s not great um I wish

They fix it though especially for the switch um stuff hi patch welcome to the stream welcome welcome def clone real Road doesn’t say single word in Filipino oh God I swear your voice so cute thank you I appreciate T that’s all I remember oh that means I Lov you um

That’s the thing um I think fix oh yeah I saw that they’re adding premium um outfits right they’re adding also snowball fights or something like that I I don’t remember I hope it fixes today as well I won’t play until like tomorrow just to see cuz it was rough even off

Stream my PC was 100 pering when I would just press Escape like I would face palm every single time I actually press press it cuz I am so used to it at this point um so yeah I just had a streak oh thank you so much for the streak oh I see I

See sorry um many things are happening but yes thank you so much um oh oh she wants me to be loved oh oh she really really does okay I want her 23 I think that’s pretty good Believers oh what what is it called Believers win yes

Sir um I would like to fix my pew pew let’s look if I have string um real quick now I don’t think I have string not going to lie I might have to kill some spoter ooh I don’t think I have any oh God they Nerf pum mines really wait they

Did how like that specifically or just like pum mining I told you they were going to Nerf it like it doesn’t make sense if they didn’t that’s thing annoying man it’s annoying oh God I swear that sucks man that sucks um thank you so much to Tik Tok

Follow thank you thank you appreciate that a ton I mean I don’t know but all Iron nodes can come wait really wait are there sure pum nodes or is that like vice versa as well cuz that’s kind of that’s kind of annoying well I don’t

Mind like I need iron like I realized in this whole Spiel of things um just a chance wait really so you mean to say like iron is not or pum uh nodes aren’t a thing anymore cuz that’s sad that’s sad um ow I’m going to kill this spoter that has

Regen I need that string um believe one right individually what happens oh uh right now we’re looking for string just to fix my bow cuz it looks like it’s about to die and I don’t want want it to die randomly um we just got to find some

Spoter or in a place that’s safe uh they are so but they can oh okay huh interesting very interesting hello janica welcome to the stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far payout incoming ooh Minecraft Gods HT us they’re actually so nice oh stop it uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh okay

Whoa that’s so many I just need string man fine I’m leaving uh bo Bo Boop wo why am I doing this yes sir okay that’s enough string I don’t need a lot anyways uh you reach 15K uh I’ll help you reach 15 a it’s all

Good don’t you worry if you want to go for it you don’t have to honestly uh where’s the twitch chat I mean sometimes people just don’t talk you know that’s just that’s just what happens sometimes that’s all good that’s all Good let’s see I like how the mods do more mobs do more ma damage in lava oh yeah for sure well like I do have fires during those times so they’re adding got typ oh no way y oh that’s so not good for my wallet oh no oh no

Um let’s see it’s more of a balance I guess yeah we vibing Tik Tok chat and doly sometimes it’s slow in the chat sometimes it’s it’s fast and that’s just normal you know oh I just made two oh that’s rough yes sir um is it Chuckles no it’s a it’s Chim my

Little guy gotcha let’s go no not let’s go no not my comfort Comfort game gotcha SMH what was I doing um let’s throw this out oh let’s also fill with this real um okay be with me just for a little bit stay with me uh there’s like five in the

Pool and you won’t get what already own so oh oh that’s actually interesting where you from I’m from the Philippines horn Ray is still here all that Halo and Jazz arenos um okay I think did you build all that all these homes in Castle alone that’s crazy first

Time watching oh hello gamecraft hello hello yes I did build this this world is kind of old so um yeah I did build it all myself um yeah I love it I love it to bits I actually don’t like how everything’s not loading how I usually

Load it die it’s fine though I can turn on shaders let’s see how good my PC is with shaders let your power shine oh I think it is on high let’s put on medium man SMH M head wo Philippines yeah I am from the Philippines whoa that’s better this is my world with

Shaders on we wow so pretty I swear I swear D in a while with shaders yeah I feel like I mainly stream without shaders cuz just I think it’s generally better for the eyes for me like it’s just too much like I feel like I have to squint sometimes if

I have shaders on um which is not great so hello sheepies um let’s see I actually don’t know what to do like what did I say I was going to do I remember at the start of the stream I said I was going to do stuff oh I’m

Going to decorate this a bit more I’m going to grab some Oak saplings some uh Oak saplings bone meal Tor not torches um lanterns maybe and then maybe some torches for and some iron okay I remember that right uh you guys watch the game awards I did I did

Actually um it was really fun I loved it I loved it kind of disappointed that they make content creator of the year like just the sideline award but hey they be like that sometimes uh did you kill the dragon I did multiple times at this point I think I’ve done it

Like 20 something times oh actually no I have not um thank you so much for the twitch Tik Tok follow as well thank you thank you why don’t you use the mod that makes everything load without pressure on the PC I think it’s called distant Horizons

Oh I use a variant of that actually um I use something called Bobby I don’t know how similar they are but yeah they’re they’re super super nice super nice I like it I think I like it better I’m not quite sure though like I haven’t really tried distant Horizons though um lanterns torches

Um bone meal crazy party at mousy stream though I got a free sub no yeah it was insane man it was insane like props to iron Mouse though like deserved it she deserved it man uh was her thank you oh yeah her thank you was pre-recorded for sure like she knew

Beforehand um and then let’s grab some samplings which is this way could risk it all for you sapling oak sapling okay um so to let oh I need shears as well might as well get iron huh okay that should be enough for what we need to do every nominee had a pre-record speech

It was funny yeah I swear I swear that was great did you make that house I did I did is my little humble abode um I’ve been so good I’ve been so good this year PR it’s Soul Sand yeah there’s Soul Sand around the carpet where you

Saw a while ago do I put it like around here I guess so like I’ll just put it around this place that’s fine right um let’s see let’s see plop plop plop plop whoa why are there holes here these Endermen I have so much Enderman griefing I swear

Whoa quink um hi under Josh hi welcome to the stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far um prank prank prank prank prank PR prank I thought though quack had a big chance of winning crater over here to be fair spren quacky all amazing amazing people um and have big

Communities have done a lot for for in the past year so I think they all deserved it to be fair um let’s see let’s go here who did you vote I didn’t vote for anyone like but if I were to vote it would be cracky just cuz I you know

Makes sense owner of the of the current SMP that I think has done so much um and stuff like that so yeah do you do lives every day I do accept Saturdays recently so yeah I do more consistent ones on Twitch though if you want to check that out um but yeah

Currently I don’t do satday so tomorrow I won’t have a stream but the next day there might be do you prefer Ro or Sally I don’t mind it to be fair um You can call me Sally or row or or s or oh I don’t freaking know just a

Variation of my name man uh no stream it’s okay though yeah I won’t stream tomorrow cuz it’s my break day got got to love my break day oh tall boy tall boy um I was a bit confused why Cy was was it because of qmp yeah qmp I think well

Qmp has done one days I’d like to say it was it’s great it’s great your voice is so pretty thank you I appreciate ton sorry um I was drinking me matcha love your singing thank you so much thank you thank you give me some diagnosis of why I’m so

Hollow is still me instructions I promise I’ll follow um I could not believe iron most won like what no yeah I mean I fully believe like I think she fully deserves it like have you seen the content she’s been putting out recently and the charity stream she’s been doing

It’s crazy like honestly like I do think um she is deserved of her of her award that’s the thing mhm and it’s kind of uh really inspiring that a YouTuber like her you know um one something big like that makes you think that maybe that could be me one day you know that’s

The thing that’s the thing um hi little light hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome I like your hat by the way thank you appreciate ton um is it a mod yes I use bushy leaves is what it’s called I assume yeah Bushy leaves um to make it look

Nice it’s what do you mean what do you guys think the game yeah it was balers gate balers gate had a sweep man it was crazy I mean well deserved I don’t play it I’ve seen people play it and honestly it is a good g game so I see why it won

All the Ws and stuff like that I’m just glad that that breath of the wild had won had at least one win cuz I mean tears of the Kingdom oh I’m so sorry uh face reveal nah let’s see amazing content indubitably indubitably also thank you so much for the 13k likes I

Appreciate ton uh didn’t win any yeah they were like nominated for so many as well well like it to be like that sometimes you know I don’t think um a game is fully fully dependent on the awards but hey God I swear Um let’s go right Here I just want to like have a grass for where the walkway would be uh so I think I could like add something like here I would use x I mean you can do exclamation face reveal but it doesn’t pop up like the command on on chat so

Yeah did you know Minecraft would used to be cave game I did know that I did know that actually um thank you so much for Tik Tok follow as well thank you thank you okay let’s go right here okay sir okay I guess that’s fine now Um okay I think that’s good hello I’m back welcome back okay that that’s pretty good that’s pretty good um I do want to close that and then light everything up here cuz there aren’t a lot of lights um I could also grab some Jacko lanterns okay go here um thank you

Galaxy I appreciate ton or do you prefer Ava can you speak Filipino I don’t want to um I can but I won’t well thanks for the Bitties 3D welcome to the stream welcome welcome um also thank you so much for follow why don’t I see the follow on Twitch

It’s not popping up on the chat but that’s fine I guess um it’s not for thank you so much for follow as well 3D thank you thank you appreciate a t um I would like to sleep actually thank you so much for the follow as well on Tik Tok I appreciate T

Um wow okay I think what we’re going to do now is we’re going to make all of these into Jacko lanterns just to add lighting to all of the stuff here so yeah oh my God I look like aren’t a lot of Tik Tok streams like this where they’re trying to fill

Up the box of like diamonds or silver or not silver iron or something like that God I swear okay let’s grab shears let’s see this real quick uh and you blow them up with donations exactly exactly I assume honestly from what I’ve been seeing like I think they’re all

Just pre-recorded at this point right like um I don’t know honestly I don’t know uh okay blink break all of these and then you make these into Jackal laners oh my God uh there’s even a wait really I don’t know that I’ve never seen that one

I guess I’m just not in um fortnite Tik Tok I didn’t know you can do that oh the what exactly um I guess you guys are just learning what if row is pre-recorded I mean haven’t we had this theory for this for a long time now like it’s just a known fact it’s

Been so long hello [ __ ] hello hello welcome back to the stream is there a way that I could hide that um thank you so much so follow as well Shiro thank you thank you appreciate that uh what if R is AI oh that’s so much better actually

Look at look at them just going by with their day cats or dogs I do like both but um of course I do still prefer dogs cuz I’ve been dog around dogs my whole entire life uh I’m from Brazil can you say hello to Brazil hello I love Brazil Brazil looks

Awesome um but yeah I do prefer dogs but I’ve had both already so hello vasilic hello hello welcome back to the stream that good corner there you go uh let’s see B okay and then let’s do this that yes sir okay one more maybe I’m thinking this

One that aha o so bright now I love it I love it maybe this one um okay B that good is it bright enough um I think it’s bright enough maybe one more it it could never be too bright right oink I think that’s good um okay next what we do is

We um try and do these MC time and do release Moes it’s been a while it’s been a while um I just into Rose I don’t mind that I think a lot of people actually call me that so don’t you worry he’s all goob

Okay um do I have right on okay we have to wait till night time to confirm that a lot of these places are not fully lit but we should be fine oh Ros Le hello ashy hello that’s me that’s my name don’t worry H it

Out um do this thank you so much for follow J J fluid thank you thank you appreciate um do you know her thank you so much for the sub with prime Ender bot with the 19 months that’s crazy that’s crazy man oh my God thank you thank you appreciate

T I swear sorry I’m fixing my posture uh long time no chat hello welcome back to the stream then thank you so much Ender bot for the continued support bro do you know what we haven’t done in a while what exactly oh no I’m scared for what you’re going to say mega god

Um let’s do this real quick hello CH hello hello welcome to the stream as well welcome welcome okay Kenny row oh we could do Kenny row ain’t no way okay let’s let’s do Kenny r i I’ll take it I’ll take it honestly thank you so much to the follow

As well on Tik Tok time Um oh I have so many items let me just BL okay I don’t need those so I know you’re a Filipino that’s great to here I know too are you live on Twitch I am currently yes um the top right chat is the twitch chat so yes let’s turn on the

Shaders um hello Jan welcome to the stream welcome welcome how you how’s it been so far the m hand catcher okay we do 5 minutes so at 11:40 we get out of here hi Parish hi welcome to the stream as well welcome welcome y’all um hello Shanny welcome to

The stream do you like horror games I don’t um I hate horror games actually they’re the bane of my existence um I don’t know I’m quite jumpy so I don’t really like them and why would I put my myself in a situation like that you know that’s the thing that’s the thing

Um let’s see so B uh doing overtime how’s stream so far stream’s going great I’d like to say like I’ve been enjoying quite a lot I’m kind of glad to be back in hardcore um I haven’t done it in a while so it’s it’s straight change to like do hardcore

For like every day for 2 years and then have it so well have it change to more like almost every like once a week or two week or two a week you know it’s very strange and it’s it’s I’m glad to be back like it feels comfy to be back

You know um so yes so yeah um you have mods in there like yeah I I do have mods like in my Minecraft also thank you so muchmores for the follow on Tik Tok um let’s see horror games good some are some are just for you to be jump scared

Which I get like that’s that’s supposed to happen and I don’t really like that so yeah I’m not here yeah I totally I totally didn’t see your follow or anything uh FNAF I have played FNAF before but the first one I I finished it um but the thing is FNAF

Became more of a a rhythm thing like um you have to do a certain thing at a certain time and then you have to do this you have to do that like it didn’t really well yeah it wasn’t really big on the horror after some time if you get

Used to it uh so yeah FNAF is easy some are right I I I don’t actually play the others like I have zero clue on how they are so yeah um we fishing just got back in Du Mega over here um redeemed Kenny row which is just me fishing for five

Minutes um so that’s fun um thank you so much to Follows on the Tik Tok y’all I appreciate ton um how can I download m inecraft I downloaded it from the moang website actually just noce a zombie oh yeah uh Minecraft is expensive it is if

You compare it to other games but I do have to say that um it is worth it like it’s a good investment to save up for cuz imagine right you you pay for Minecraft and then you have it free for the rest of your life as long as you

Remember your account and then there’s like constant updates every year um and you can like fully customize it as well if you play Java so I think it’s like a really really worth it um investment if you’re really into the game and if you watch a lot of people

Play the game so yeah you play lethal company no I don’t um I’m scared I I yeah I’ve watched people play it but I myself have not yeah thank you so much to Follows y’all um this is a test stream for all the people on Tik Tok I

Probably will um just cuz I have never really cuz I’m streaming as well on T twitch so that’s two streams at a time so I have to see how good my PC is you know um the official one will probably start on Sunday and stuff which I don’t think there’s anything different I’ll

Probably just have like um goals and everything I don’t know we’ll see also thank you so much for the 15K likes I appreciate that ton oh this is the last one this is the last one uh the mvo is the zombie n God I Swear attention grabber he is trapped he is trapped um he’s trapped by a glass pan and and slabs he shouldn’t leave and he shouldn’t hurt me unless I go near him so he has pretty strong stuff as well so yeah sure yeah if you get the reference you get

The reference you know I’m not going to tell you guys what the reference is okay um don’t Comfort I don’t last upload in Tik Tok was 11 yeah I have been slacking on the uploads on Tik Tok not going to lie but I do plan on coming back to be more

Consistent so yeah we’ll see we’ll see like no promises on there but um it’s a want more like and if I don’t do it then we shall see we shall see um you kidna baby zombie I did what’s the name of so oh you can only get this at the Mojang

Website unfortunately like there is Minecraft PE I think which is also official so you can probably check that if ever um I’m just waiting for your upload well don’t don’t you worry I will have an upload soon bye soon maybe Wednesday not Wednesday Tuesday I’ll try Sunday actually actually no yeah I think

Sunday would be a great time to do it now that I think about it um hi Angela hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far sorry I had just to check something okay um oh why did I sleep I needed to wait for the thing

Okay it’s fine um what was I doing before this oh I was just placing these guys right just to light up everything um it’s fine you’re a bad habit and I’m a bad boyfriend okay let’s go you play I no I don’t play Roblox I think I actually don’t like

Roblox I think it’s not a great game okay I say that I just don’t like how things happen sometimes when Roblox so I try and not play it on stream at least Um let’s See I think that’s pretty good already I I can’t I can’t like think of a way to add more lighting to here anyways so oh how are the oh I should probably connect this flooring to the other side why did you say that cuz I can say things um boink

Boink got me high but thank you so much for follows well Nathaniel thank you thank you appreciate ton uh okay I think cuz Okay my one concern is how will I connect all of this this to this floor right maybe I just stop this thing right and then have it

So it’s kind of just breaking so this is more of the downtown area of the of the of the church not the church what is it called of the um houses and stuff that could work I think we’ll see we’ll try it I’ll remove it just cuz I kind of let’s

See prank prank prank prank you’re about o it’s raining the sky is Sad is that good okay in my opinion but uh I hate the players not the game itself kind of thing oh yeah truly I I agree I agree like I think that’s where I stand as well with that like I think Roblox is like actually it’s really good cuz a lot

Of people make games there a lot of there’s different types of game plays as well there um but I just don’t like the people on it sometimes um cuz yeah I had a friend who had really bad experiences with with people from that place so that’s kind of why I

Don’t I don’t like playing it on stream um do you agree with the new mob no but can’t really do anything about it like I think it’s still a cool mob nonetheless like um in itself like the armadillo is pretty cool but if you’re choosing it mainly for the dog then I

Think that’s dumb cuz the dog is dumb smile I’m saying I’m saying so many things this stream what is your favorite animal I love penguins penguins are my favorite animal I love your building skills thank you appreciate ton um go right here real quick okay let’s remove these cuz I

Don’t really want Stone stuff there okay um let’s just place a temporary like flooring towards there cuz yeah cuz I think for the rest of this area I’m just going to have flooring like this just to make it feel a bit more seamless I guess I don’t know

Uh is happy to the art Millo well it really isn’t kid you who’s playing Minecraft Now isn’t it oh my why am I still so bitter no I just personally think the armadil was the dumbest one cuz um what do you call it yeah if it’s based off of uses dogs

Still need to work on their AI cuz they will run into lava or run into your your sword and stuff and they’ll die still that’s kind of where I stand with that um I love how you’re prefer with dogs IRL and hate them in game no yeah cuz they should be like

If you’re if you want to keep your dog safe keep them indoors you know like don’t bring them to an Adventure man that’s the thing um if you truly wanted to be safe but no you want to bring him to the wild where where even you can be

The killer of your own dog you know that’s the thing oh God what if the crab wins oh if the crab won I would have been happy still like I chose for the penguin but I wouldn’t mind the crab cuz the crab has a lot of uses in itself as well yeah

Uh I like all animals please that would be cool to be fair but I know it’s like not their focus anyways like um a good thing to note during the mvo and stuff that it’s not their main priority during that whole update like there’s this whole themed update that

They’re planning and then they’re going to add the mob like they’re working on other things so they’re not necessarily going to add every single thing there you know um so yeah it’s like the people who voted for AER because they might be useful with redstone but no one uses a that’s

True like everyone just just really chose because of a what if and and I don’t really like that but hey you can’t really do anything about it you know um if your dog is a friend why take it to Danger good dog friend doesn’t need dog armor exactly exactly like all my dogs

Are indoors they they don’t roam around because roaming around is unsafe it’s unsafe um what kind of mods do you use I use a lot of mods I’d say like um these are all the mods they’re all just to make my Minecraft a bit more smooth and stuff

Thank you so much for the donut death kids Jesus Christ I swear um um so yeah your house cute thank you I appreciate T what if pumpkin wants armor pumpkin can’t carry armor that’s the thing pumpkin is curled up in a bed that’s like three times her

Size right now oh my God yeah I fully realized how big her her bed is today cuz she was just laying in bed the whole day right and she’s just at the corner of it like it’s a s it’s a rectangular bed and she’s just at the corner and

It’s so like oh it’s too big it’s a too big bed man I love it though also thank you so much to Tik Tok follows as well thank you thank you um hello Henry hello hello welcome to the stream I think this is good enough foliage I don’t know thank you so much

For the follow as well Jan it thank you thank you appreciate T bye thank you so much for popping in as well appreciate that and thank you so much for the follow as well dumpling boy thank you thank you um I’m like thinking what I can what else can I do

I’m waiting for night time to um come just to see if there’s like any dark areas that I need to light up oh maybe in preparation we can grab some Moss carpet actually what are you going to try Lego fortnite I already played it off stream I mean we did there

Was this thing where um we joke that I would do it next Sunday I was supposed to do it today to be fair but got lazy got lazy honestly um was WR okay what do I need I need Moss carpet which I think is around here bump bump has a little king-size

Bed but Dogo Edition no yeah exactly especially for her size doesn’t make sense that a dog that small has that big of a bed you know but her mom wants it the thing is though I saw this Tik Tok of um someone who sells specifically doggo beds right and she gave a

Chihuahua a what is it called she gave a chihuaha AA a cat bed cuz Chihuahuas like to curl up when they sleep like cats cuz they’re so small and they want to like keep heat in so that’s like the preferred or the better um thingy AB bobber for them spoiled little pumpkin

Oh yeah for sure she’s like the little child here you know no no no no um wow your house is so cool thanks I appreciate that ton I love my house uh have joined the stream officially broken steam o patat wonder I mean I hope you got your the

Games that you like though that’s the thing and I hope you enjoy them um cuz that is vital like I do think it takes a lot in me to purchase a game because I am quite picky with them I don’t really just buy any game especially if I don’t

Know if I’ll enjoy it so yeah um okay boink boink Don’t Look Down The Edge I’m on the edge with you okay it’s just time to light everything up around here cuz yeah is a bit dark how many days have you been playing this world I’ve had it for 9,884 Minecraft days um I started this in 2021 as well um so almost 3 years old

Can you speak Filipino I can but I won’t cuz I don’t want to um oh my God that was so loud Jesus freaking Enderman um let’s see Hello Tiano welcome to the stream as well um it was worth the money I got black mes remake Hades uh aquarium

Ooh all I I have two of those games and I’d say they’re actually super fun yeah um yeah I’ve seen you play last time yeah I play a lot of this world this is my favorite world umop say but how if I don’t want to

Jes CH I swear you know what I will say it but only because you ask nicely you know um actually no never mind I fully say no I will not do it um that better it is dark on the walkways I don’t like that how do I think that uh against the wall

Let’s do that real Quick I should like I was supposed to wait for winter sale but the promotional discounts got me first I mean I assume that would be like a bigger and better like discount right cuz cuz it’s it’s the people themselves doing the discounts right I don’t know it means

Good night I know what it means don’t you worry um I just prefer to speak English on stream actually um and I don’t really like speaking tal because I’m shy that’s kind of the reason why uh I would play with you but I’m Bedrock this is actually a single player world

So you really can’t but I mean there are ways I know um stuff like tubet is about to have things that um you can play on both Tik Tock I Tik Tok on bedrock and Java Rosie I saw you live on Tik Tok I am I

Am I am live on Tik Tok right now I just you know I wanted to try it to see if I can and you know what I do I can um oink when we first met what are those numbers these are light levels actually I’m just checking cuz if there’s

Something like that right um if there’re zero like that mobs spawn in as you can probably see with a creeper over there so what we’re trying to do is to get them to Green um just to make sure they don’t spawn in uh cuz I don’t really want mobs to spawn in at

All actually okay I think we’re pretty good uh let’s turn that off let’s turn that off let’s turn bye for now people bye Flo thank you so much for popping in I’m chewing gum right now uh and it’s good that’s good to hear that’s good here oh I get it

Yeah boink boink okay I think this pretty much done oh I wanted to place these on the on the Watermelons cuz I think that would be cute like piles and stuff okay um let’s go right here and the fishies Blue Sky to High Let It wash away let

All the memories pass by always fall side always yours and always mine even though I died love this song such a banger uh friends uh oh it’s almost midnight it’s almost jammies should I be singing or prepping it up now oh God I’m shy hello Um friend prank prank let her cook let her cook he P the gameer rewards yes I did I did they announced that there’s going to be a switch version it’s crazy how we were literally just talking about the switch version and how it might be late for

Um like it’s going to go out next year and stuff stuff but they announced it as soon as game awards came out it’s crazy it’s crazy um okay ttch chat y’all get to choose what songs I’m going to sing for the Jamerson um choose five songs and then I’ll choose from there

Sir what’s your favorite animal um penguin I love the penguin penguins are cute b b b B let’s see ow I just cracked my neck man that’s hardd okay let’s close that when are you going to play P again I don’t know maybe next week I don’t really have like

A set schedule on what to what to do so um it does just rotate around or revolve around either paleo Minecraft sua any comfy game I find just chatting it’s usually just around those S my little island life without uh line without a hook Amnesia okay two more songs

Please oh baby I am a when I’m without you I need you here to stay broke all my bones that day found okay Tik Tok you’re not going to get anything on screen I think I’m sorry for that oh actually cash cash money babe that’s

Just all I worry about you know what I got to do you know what I’m doing getting cash cash money babe I think I do this you won’t see anything Lama oh that’s okay tiktock chat you guys can still hear me I’m just I’m just going to add certain thingy

Ofs like sh Source clone new uh let’s clone the Jamies think where is it J jammies wow oh my God Tik Tok already sees it that’s crazy man let’s do this okay and then let’s let’s uh there you go and then let’s also change my model like So so so scuffed man so scuffed well I’m lazy to fix things so this is going to be the most where is my veto tube um there you go yes sir okay I’m changing I’m changing on on regular screen sure okay I think that’s better now yes

Sir this is the jammies scene y’all I’m going to be singing for you guys um there you go there is that right yipp oh my God okay twitch chat is ready um real changing name to come s for real for real God I swear okay um the songs that

We’re going to sing are my little Island little ulele cords um line without a hook oh baby I am when Without You Amnesia I don’t know how good this is going to sound on Tik Tok to be fair but L if it does sound bad just go to the twitch yippe um lemon boy then if no one is

Choosing anim individually uh this wayoo booop man I miss the Jammy donations no after this I’m going to turn it back on so jamm’s never complete without my little island okay we can do I would like oh God five songs y’all we have three currently I have four lemon boy is one

Of them I actually didn’t finish the lemon boy from last stream huh I’m sorry about that um hello lightning Craig hello hello welcome to the stream um have one song Left yes one song to pick we do have uh Can’t Help Falling in Love Sophia boys will be bugs would you be so

Kind or Anthem uh love like you everything stays um Anthem we could do Anthem first song first song how it feels to be Alone okay let me just do the we can end on would you be so kind um then we start with oh lemon boy second to the last Amnesia uh can go there Amnesia is the first song oh God terrifying I tell you terrifying oh I still have Spotify playing but I know

You guys don’t hear it Um it would be easy three minute stream and everyone loses their streaks after that that’s just how the cookie crumbles baby um I grab capb other inst Min ow oh that might I just arrived yeah I did po oh my God I’m so happy it’s on

The 14th I don’t know if I’ll be playing it on stream to be fair like I most probably if I’m streaming it it’s going to be on this on the PC but I’m going to be playing it more now cuz it’s on the switch I’m so excited

Excuse me thank you so much for follow as well yeah sh hello Jades hello hello and thank you so much for popping in um oh good now I know um there you go you from us no I am from the Philippines is it cross progression

Yes that was one of the first things I had to look up cuz I was also kind of kind of curious CU of course like I would like to play my own world in multiple thingy ofers um okay first song we’re going to sing is um the microphone doesn’t

Think the the guitar is a thingy bobber a this sucks man Oh does that work well well I’ll just I’ll just Guffy do this I guess cuz my thingy of bber is just good actually I can probably fix that but I don’t want to uh is nightbot sub to row uh Yes nightbot actually has a um uh nightball actually has a here three sub

Forever okay Anyways emote mode that’s fine I assume you guys are just to put emotes in chat that’s wow cuz I don’t have a button for emote mode uh where was I anyways I’m just going to do it well it’s going to be very scuffed jammies Anyways I drove by all the Places it felt even are somewhere lonely Even it Li what we how could F cuz I’m not fine at all remember you told me you I remember make and the dreams behind you didn’t them like every single wish we ever made I wish I could wake up with a and forget about these stupid little

Things like the we felt fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape I’m not fine at All oh God is rough Manures feel alone all my friends keep asking why I’m not around you’re happy say you mov on it’s hard hard to hear your name when I haven’t seen you in so long it’s like we never what cuz I’m not F at all told I remember make down your and the dreams behind you didn’t them like every single wish we ever made wish I could wake up with amnia and forget about these stupid little things like the way it felt to fall asleep s next to you and the memories I never can escape I’m not all

Oh where am I if today I woke up with your beside me like all of this was just some Twisted dream I’d hold you closer than I ever did before you never s way you’d never hear me say I remember the day me you Remember dreams behind you didn’t them like every single wish we ever made wish I could up Amia and forget about these stupid little things like the way felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never Escape I’m not it All Down a such a nice song I don’t know how scuffed that sound on Tik Tok to be fair but that’s fine I don’t really mind okay a little note to stuff I need to set up a microphone that has a less um limiter Noise Gate I think is what I

Have for the bottom bit um and so you can hear the the thing Bobbers a bit more um y Hello Sid hello hello welcome to the stream we’re currently doing a jam session but we’ll go back to Minecraft in like four songs so yeah oh God I sing one’s worse I Think next song Oh a. look at my lock screen there’s but OD off so cep 11 a.m. work away but I’m still in my head of I do so Un I could I the kind of place I go My’s inse there’s have God won’t be crying on my little Ever treer at 73 and I’m Happ never off if I could Leave it’s just just a Place on my little island there’s no one to no one can hurt me and no leaves won’t be a can’t be insecure I have to be sure won’t be crying on my Little at loen there’s again wonder what it’s like to St for a while my little yeah yes sir yes sir um I hope you guys enjoyed this second song Oh POI I think it’s a Mei problem honestly like it’s my microphone settings um yeah yeah a my filters my nose gate is

Too um ha I think for when I play instruments but when I’m talking it’s working so I think I have to make a whole so this jammies is going to be very very scuffed um the next one might be better we’ll see um I’ll I’ll have to fix some settings here

And I think that’s the case I’m still alive hello Finn oh I hope you’re okay Jesus Jesus okay next song we’re going to sing oh yes Sara um it’s going to be after this um this thing after this current song is going to be Uh next song we’re going to sing is line with that hook I hope you guys Enjoy I don’t really give a dam about way you touch me when we’re alone you can hold my hand if no one’s home do you like it when I’m away if I went I hurt my body baby would you love me the same I can feel all my bones coming back and

I’m crazy motion M learn how to live by it’s a cur and it’s grow you’re a pond and I’m an ocean all my emo feel like explosions when you are around and I found a way to kill the sound oh baby I am a when I’m without you I need you here to

Stay broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake was it something I said to make you feel like you’re a bird and oh and if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the tide

I said no I said no listen close it’s a no the wind is pounding on my back and I found hop a heart attack go last it is p now I’ve got it you can’t have it baby I am when I’m without you I need you here to

Stay broke all my bones that found you L was something I said to make you feel like you’re a bir oh and if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the darling when I’m where am I darling when I’m fast asleep I’ve seen this person

Walk oh God what watching me saying is it worth it is it worth it tell tell me is it wor it oh God totally memorize the Chords there’s something and there’s nothing there nothing in between and in my eyes there is a tiny Daning over lady and I am just a boy he’s singing she she’s a lady and I am just a line without oh baby I am a wck when I’m without you I need you here to day broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the L was it something I

Said to make you feel like you’re a oh if I could take it all back I swear that I would pull you from the oh my God oh my God I hope you guys enjoy that next song we’re going to sing is lemon boy yeah for people in Tik Tok who are

Recommending songs um there’s already a a set song list um in the twitch Yeah There once was a bit sweet and they called him lemon Boy he was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed and like weed do we only came and grew back again so I fig this time might as Welly started to get along together I helped him plant his seed and the lawn in bad weather it’s actually pretty easy being nice to Open Bo so I got a citrus friend but soon his bit sweet start to rub off on me smelling like lemon would be pretty neat I found out that my friends are more of the Sa and they weren’t too keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie so lemon boy and me we just got to get Together I helped him plant his seeds and we m in bad weather it’s actually pretty easy being nice AIT boy like so I got myself a citus friend but what if IUN out of FTI what if the crows are out of rain what if lemon boy won’t grow no longer what if beaches dry of sugar oh well the Wales start to beach themselves T shell St away from their spines it happens all the time itens all the time lemon boy and I we’re going to live

Forever like a little around whereever LEM and boy and I we’re going to live forever like a little we’ll get around whever it’s actually pretty easy being a bit boy like him theit Boys in town were theit guys around and I call myself a such Friend amazing um thank you so much for the Tik Tok follow thank you thank you appreciate that ton oh my God oh my God Last Song of the jammies for today and I’d say a classic a classic in the community um is stunning what thank you appreciate on

Um yeah last song of the jammies for today would you be so kind or the anthem hope you guys enjoy y oh God cap one I have a question might seem strange how are your lungs oh are they in pain oh my God cuz Ming then kind of

Why I kind of like it though you want to try oh would you be so kind still me you see I’m trying I know you know that I like you but that’s not enough so if you will please fall in love I think think it’s only got to be some butterfly

Somewhere want to share cuz I like you but that’s not enough so if you will please fall in love with Me let’s write a story me in my book you’ve got to join me on my page at least have a look all my manners need some time let’s swap chest today my help you the side oh would you be so kind as to fall in love with me you see I’m trying

You know you know that I like you but that’s not enough so if you will please fall in love I think it’s only fair there’s got to be some butterfly somewhere want to share cuz I like you but that’s not enough so if you will please fall in love with Me Oh do me f let your heart d a little do me a fav let your heart dries a Little oh would you be so kind as to fall love in me you see I’m trying you know you know that I like you but that’s not enough so if you will please fall in love I think it’s only fair there’s got to be some butterfly somewhere want to

Share cuz I like you but that’s not enough so if you will please fall in love with Me oh my God to be honest five songs hurt my hand so bad um but maybe that’s also because I’m not used to the uke anymore pre-recorded damn I I wish I was it would have been so much better God I swear but yes I hope you

Guys enjoy that five song limit you twitch folk you guys happy with the reward now don’t don’t um uh please don’t fully do this again cuz I’m going to cry Jamies who Jamies um 30 let’s make it 35k right 35k 30 Days please don’t put everything cuz I will cry BF BF

Uh great start there you go thank you so much for a follow as well johnning thank you thank you appreciate uh do you think 5K will stop us well I think if I give it a week or two it’s going to stop like you guys are going to stop wanting it

Again very pogus okay uh let me just play this and go back to the gaming scene oh let me also change my person this I’ve become SCH again uh we never stop she’s draining the points exactly that is that is the point that’s the point of all this

Honestly oh um so there’s a new community challenge that was added thank you so much for follow as well elu welcome to the stream welcome welcome okay back to Minecrafting I hope you guys enjoyed the jammies um I honestly love I see what is happening yeah oh my God oh my God uh

With an iron fist exactly so there’s a row line without a hook cover anywhere for a thank you V hello V welcome to the stream jeez haven’t seen you in a while I hope you’re doing great um there are plans yes there are plans to get them as

A full cover soon I’d like to say we shall see we shall see oh I also let me open my Tik Tok um just to oh you guys Tik Tok can’t see you guys anymore that’s so sad okay wait let me fix that give yourself or you don’t know how

It feels to be alone Bank bank bank bank bank bank oh the chat broke on on the thingy abber I don’t know what happened browser d I don’t know actually like huh critical scenes gaming huh which one is it is it what’s this I don’t know what this is what that’s

Fine twitch chat’s not working on on Tik Tok S I don’t know why and it’s just on the Tik Tok as well strange I tell you strange let’s see uhoh that’s fine I guess fish spin fish spin um okay it’s not that dude well the browser source is like non-existent so I’m like

Confused monka that’s fine I don’t know what happened it just broke um anyways let’s just go back to Minecraft um is not caught by night bot I don’t know actually what’s the largest mine I think it’s Netherrack you ask me uh times mine yes more than half a

Mill baby one day it’s going to be more than that okay we go back what were we doing before all of the thingy AB Bobbers drop it uh pretty much done with that and I’m pretty happy with its surroundings as well I think next we do this um ooh o free shulker

Num let’s go that way uh how addicted netherite hunting is yeah I love I love blowing up everything in my nether like my um hardcore world let’s go right here let’s break all of that real quick now I don’t need them no more but also place that there uh Cinema

Rolls I do I do not cinnamon rolls cinnamon rolls I can’t speak God I swear I mean I do love my cinnamon rolls and Cinema roll I think Cinema roll is cute I wouldn’t say she’s my or it’s my favorite um San Rio character though I don’t know I think my favorite

Is H I actually don’t know if they’re a Sanrio character let me recheck real quick um uh is I’m searching it’s pretty cute cinal is cute oh okay okay um apparently wait no huh actually don’t know well my favorite person I thought it was huh I’ll just say it I thought my

Melody was part of San Rio they are okay Jesus Christ My Melody is my favorite San Rio character I think cuz growing up I was given so many My Melody things by my aunts and uncles I don’t know why they I guess they thought I liked it but

Because I had so many I was just like gaset to like it again Go sir when you chat Minecraft Roblox it’ll be showing on stream exactly it’s crazy it’s crazy um if you blow up using TNT will that count as mind I don’t know actually cuz like um technically speaking if you blow

Up a what’s it called if you blow up something with with flint and steel or even with my bow and you blow up a mob they get mad at you that’s the thing so it’s technically still yours but I don’t know if that’s also now let’s test that you let’s test it we

Could test it um let’s test it in the other world right here don’t mind them um let’s see um okay let’s look at the statistics items mind right actually zero everything is zero let’s grab TNT mhm and then let’s uh get a flint and steel we’re doing science we’re

Doing science y’all lint and steel okay and then let’s go into survival mode just to make sure cuz it might be different you know uhhuh so if I do this run away is that considered in my statistics it’s not there’s no dirt so you mean to tell me the half a

Millie I’ve done on my hardcore world is just by hand that’s crazy wait maybe maybe we try a flame bow maybe that um so you did more technically technically yeah uh maybe it’s different if it’s a bow what is it called um uh Anvil forgot the name and then a bow just me

Bow okay okay mhm we remember it’s zero still from last time okay oh I don’t have an arrow give me a second oh God Arrow St please thanks for the follow Andrew appreciate um little Litt thank you Finn for the 100 Bitties oh my God what is

With this little little Litt thank you so much I appreciate ton you don’t have to super nice of you super nice um my beud what was I doing oh statistics items yeah no it’s not counted that’s crazy honestly oh I logged out of my world while the I keep breaking my

Storage system y’all it’s not great one of these days it’s not going to run well make me cry um you go uh it’s just by hand exactly kind of scary not going to lie uh let me just load everything up real quick just cuz just cuz in the meantime let me see

What’s wrong with my scenes cuz like it’s strange how like my vertical scene is not working anymore so strange insane insane indeed um that’s not it okay these are together how about this I don’t know what this is properties oh it doesn’t say anything oh it’s probably just Brock and then die yeah

N you Tik Tok chat can’t see twitch chat anymore unfortunately and it’s brocken I don’t know why but I hope that’s okay up up up up up let me good evening good evening from Tik Tok oh God it’s not fitting how do I have 600 what did I

Do like I don’t actually know what I did to get 600,000 on my Tik Tok like that’s insane to me I mean not on my Tik Tok God on the thingy abber what did I do oh I guess I have just letting me Um who’s Brock and he’s a nobody I’d like to say Okay um what are we trying to do before the jammies feel like we’re we’re just lost in the sauce man lost in the sauce oh I would like to add um trees around here I think yeah the nend means nobody man you

Mind like every time you explode the nether that’s true but like that’s crazy still if you ask me cuz that’s just like a small bit honestly I don’t think that’s a lot that’s still insane to me um the nether roof hole I don’t think so the nether roofle isn’t that big as

Well like the um stuff for it isn’t that huge so I don’t know I don’t know um can you sing for us already sang today so unfortunately you missed it you just have to come back to my other streams next time indubitably oh hello Gusty yeah you also missed it I’m

Sorry um okay let’s grab some saplings real quick just cracked everything in my body that was horrible okay Clover strawberry Slice of Life of um you didn’t need Nether Bricks before no I never needed Nether Bricks before so it’s kind of scary how it’s 600 plus it makes me think maybe before a

Certain update maybe TNT also was included you know like cuz it doesn’t make sense if it isn’t um does that make sense sweet like honey sweet like honey honey sweet like honey let me just put trees around here B strange huh yeah I I honestly I can feel those sua points depleting sua

Points how so how so why sua um I’m not a Java player no me too I actually don’t know oh B boy me take those Oh short boy um Medium as a good Pipino let me I don’t know what you just said oh no I’m confuzzled confused um prank prank prank prank prank

Prank because before and after you sometimes do a bit of netherite mining that’s true like when I look for an area but I didn’t think it would be that much honestly like that’s insane a 600,000 worth like I think honestly in my brain I thought Stone would have the

Most because I know I i’ I’ve mined a lot of stone because of um the castle like the castle has a huge area that’s um just mined out I thought it was that because of that oh I don’t have theed the needle um summer day like a summer day oh I have so

Many that’s not pogers now isn’t it um I do want to oh the person I’m lurking oh the person I’m lurking for is still there never mind um there you go I have a friend who’s doing a subathon right now and I’m a support I’m a support in every way possible that I

Can um okay we need more bone meal bone Meal I fly down electric would be so cool honestly know I love the lore of filza cuz it has an elytra in it I know it sounds so shallow but like I just love the flying stuff man I love the bird lore cuz I bird too I bird too go right

Here okay let’s go right here Research approaching peeper uh they you can put on a horse a pegasus that’s actually so cool honestly I I would love that but would that be a bit too op I’m not quite sure Um there you go oh these are very tall boys like they’re not supposed to be this tall man uh it’s basically the same thing as regular Electro flying know I guess so but like huh it could be an option like it wouldn’t remove a lot of things from

Minecraft it would just add like another way to roam around the world you know that type be a faster way to roam around too cuz like imagine right um you’re flying with a pegasus um when there’s water and then when you’re on the land you can just

Like throt everywhere you go so that would be cool uh maybe oh yeah I feel like the return maybe of a Pegasus would probably be it would fly slowly um cuz it has to have huge Wings if it’s know actually G to work but yeah uh what’s there what’s

Spinning oh he’s spinning oh he stopped spinning that’s so sad I forgot thought I have some important horses here huh um in the Philippines just to watch your stream hello then I’m also from the Philippines um let’s see and they can add an enchantment that you need on the elytra

Just to put on the horse that would be cool yeah know I do think that maybe adding ways to decorate your elytra would be great first like especially that they added the trims already for regular Minecraft and stuff um oh whoa that guy just just grew in front of us jeez Po oh my du lingo is screaming at me to do Duo why Um I should probably get a few stacks of the thingy of um let me grab this and this maybe a new boss a new boss would be amazing like I think a boss that you’re meant to kill like as much as I like the warden right

But it was meant to not be killed so what’s the point you know that’s the thing you don’t even get good loot from from a warden if you kill it you just get brownie points and tell the world that hey I’ve killed a warden before you know that’s it like

Having um some sort of cool boss that drops cool things like the the Wither I think the Wither is one of the best ones cuz the dragon doesn’t really drop anything cool but it does allow you to roam around more I don’t know uh quick statistics related to number of blocks um

Mine specific if they use a tool that nor oh so TNT counts cuz like TNT still drops items right if we’re thinking of that logically interesting not really I don’t know interesting also I removed this CU was ugly I would have not mind if it was at the side

Um but I want it to be kind of clear at the front just a bit clear um not considered as a tool oh you know what you have a point right there there wood there I don’t think so uh are more useless than now that I

Think about it I guess so yeah like you only have to defeat them once and nothing more is that a greenhouse kind of it’s a barn Barn um a barn Greenhouse I’d like to say just just filled with the important mobs that you guys named and stuff so Yeah let’s go right here let’s see if this breaks down I I kind of oh is there anyone connected I don’t think there are that’s good we wait and see um I do know some people making wither Farms as their XP Farms so that could be something Jesus Christ I

Swear uh but what version of Minecraft is it oh it’s Java 1.20.1 yep beacons are useful beacons are useful as you can probably tell there um I love beacons they’re actually super cool and awesome and pogers um let’s see on the left that’s my totem actually let’s

See I don’t know what to do maybe I try and do this cuz Okay the next course of action for this side of land is a farm area like this area right here is going to be Farm area this area right here is going to be Farm area I just have to

Define where the like walking areas are and then everything around it is just bar Farm area so I’m not quite sure let’s sleep first uh this Auto wither farm for large XP orbs inductively sounds like a thing they would do not going to lie um I saw a cool one on gl’s server

Glorious um glorious was was so freaking awesome honestly oh oh I’m bad at my bow they won’t die if I don’t kill kill them whoa I heard that oh anyways let’s make a walkway this should be easy right um flowing lines is what we’re going to go for oh mhm oh too short

Um coolest Farms I’ve seen are the wither Skelly Farms my favorite Farm is still the what do you call it copper Farm a simple yet very efficient Farm I want to try it again now that I have a better PC not going to lie um maybe straight first okay

Right and then it curves out well I would like it to Serpentine a bit wait no oh crap feel like I should make it blocks first cuz I’m I’m having trouble so it ends here like the straight um and then it goes this way and then it curves into here right um and

Then curves into here yes sir Is that good is that good Serpentine it’s good but make sure you have an off button yeah it’s awesome I love it we I want to be barely hanging on hello working age hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome um thinking of going making it

Go to the side like this and then have a straight line we could go for a y here yeah holding and We like that what don’t why be smart there I don’t know actually let’s see wait um cuz what I could probably do is make the curve a bit this way but that would be near never mind um is that path to se it’s fine I’m

Going to if it is too steep then I’m just going to make stairs that’s fine nothing nothing to worry about um barely hanging on I don’t like this this why cuz so I can probably make it go like this way I want to be dancing and

Dreaming I feel like I feel like we can move this a bit farther right starting here hello bye blessy thank you so much for popping in I Appreciate Um we go go here I don’t like how small this round is let me fix that more natural now what do you mean I want to be hello Vanessa welcome to the stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far B hanging on you lose

Control I don’t know how to feel about that um oh I kind of like that actually and then it goes that way and then the patch what do you mean the patch this one what do you mean I’m confused Hello Co Prince hello hello welcome to the

Stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far um okay I think the shape is pretty Goodink blink blink blink blink so okay we make the path that way and then everything else I guess like um A good rule of thumb is we try and do a I want say a farm maybe a few blocks away so like starting like here maybe and then there’s a small

Patch of farm right here uh a small patch of farm right here yeah I think that would be nice I guess like defining where the farm ends with what block what block would be nice Spruce block thank you so want you to follow I appreciate it umw pow pow pow let’s grab some Slabs hello I follow thank you so much for the follow Mouse Fury thank you thank you preon welcome to the Stream we’re currently just mapping out certain things in our well in my castle area um some pathing if you will to connect everything cuz I think that’s kind of what’s lacking um

Show oh when you’re looking at me you got me mesmerized um there’s going to be something here so where do I start it I guess I can start here first blow my heart away one two three like here oh God this is going to be let’s just let’s just trust my

Gut cuz I actually don’t know I mean like having no straight lines would make it feel a bit more natural huh Sir baby close your eyes when you’re looking at me okay good oven oh my heart away break this like that and then we can break that and then we can do this mhm and everything within here is going to be Farmland yes thises that Mak sense yeah we’re

Going to make we’re going to make major Farmland Within These slab areas um to make it like this is the agriculture area that’s the thing so everything in there maybe in here will be um farmland everything here will be Farmland as well um oh actually let me real

Quick I found her now I find her thank you so much for the 20K likes on TiK ToK by the way I appreciate a ton that’s actually so much Jesus Christ um let’s see I don’t really want to speak to G honestly like I can I just prefer not to

Not going to lie Chief so that’s why um she gets married tomorrow oh and I’m going down that’s perfect go I heard that too near too near we put it like here lucky me a ghost she’s a Caro he got lost how he gets married tomorrow oh and I’m going down okay so everything in here should be oh we can hide the water under here as well oh that’s actually so smart okay

Wait let’s let’s see how this first patch goes and then we’ll see what we can do after that cuz um of course we don’t want to make a huge plot of like just spruce slabs and then not like what it looks like so yeah um it’s a server

Actually it’s a it’s a a what’s it called single player world so you can’t really join it unfortunately Um let’s grab a hoe and then a bucket of water would be oh I have a bucket of water okay good Thank you death KS for the heart oh my God thank you thank you appreciate jeez okay That okay go here also thank you so much for follow as well Planet Mafia appreciate that ton o maybe it’s not smart to do that uh okay water thingy one two three four three okay that’s it oh my God going rough man um and then we can place These and we’re going to see what this looks like from afar this might lag the area out to be fair um shouldn’t be worried oh what’s the new jammies thing oh so basically Louisa um from the old jammies where one person is the one who redeems jammies and they

Choose the three songs and stuff I’ve changed it and so it’s not an everyday thing where the community has to pitch in um a maximum of 2K CH points per day um to get me to do jammies and the price right now is like 30k or 35k I

Don’t remember what I placed um just to make sure I don’t do them every day cuz I think that was the uh thing I did not like from before where I would sing almost every day for you guys like don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it but um I did

Grow kind of annoyed at the fact that it was nice nice I like it yeah I actually like it as well to be fair right now everyone’s kind of just like putting in so much because we did have a drought of maybe what like a few months of uh no

Jammies which is understandable I don’t really mind uh 1 two 3 4 okay one two three four so everything until here is watered M on your Side oh I should probably okay I I think it’s smart if I just make a water source here Frank Frank yay every summer Time don’t have to try I fall in love every single time every day is summer time every day summer time there you Go oh so much mobs it’s like it’s n or something that’s crazy I feel like I’m going to regret like not sleeping so I think we should sleep soon actually let’s sleep up here Uh seep seep seep seep seep seep seep seep I’m like thinking well I don’t know I don’t think people need it to be fair dude stop being mad at me um are you playing Roblox no it’s this game indie game called Minecraft 1 two 3 four

Um I downloaded again sargy cuz I really haven’t reached end game of it I get that like I think a person should at least try and get to endgame once in their life um so yeah so yeah I thing is before all the updates

And stuff I did get to end game and then they added it so there was more to end game that I did not know anymore Um what mods do you use at there I have a long list of mods actually so if you have anything that you’re curious about I can and I can just say it in or like if you see anything in the Stream um I can tell you guys what it is what it’s

Called what it does um but yeah it’s kind of long uh it’s just to make Minecraft better on your PC especially if you stream it every day yeah no it’s not the bestest um one two three four oh okay going boink bo bo I can’t reach

That not the fear uh it makes you a better player that also true M depending on the mods you have okay one two three Four okay just sometimes I don’t play it anymore cuz I uh got lazy grinding I get that don’t you worry mhm understandable really my PC broke yesterday I’m so sorry to hear about that um I also had that problem recently one two three 4 I put the water there Frank Frank she

Said some one you another girl that looks like You not true it’s just another girl that looks like you um how many dragons you kill in survival mode a lot already I think like on smps I’ve there’s this one SMP that I run I’ve done it like 20 something times there um because there was an achievement for it here I’m

Not quite sure actually I think I done it a few times here I’m not quite sure if I by how many though I fell for someone you just another girl I do think the dragon fight by with experience becomes easier so um yeah yeah mhm mhm mhm uh one two three

Four I can place it here yes Sir okay uh does it have stats it probably does to be fair lazy honestly but since you guys really want to know uh ender dragon three times yeah I think that was was when we thought that dragon versus dragon was a vanilla achievement and we killed it like

Once and then boom I actually don’t know why three h strange but on challenges I did kill it like 20 times that was rough rough on the on the brain cicle not going to lie um want to question Uh first add an eons yo maybe they your country is getting ads now that’s the thing that’s the thing this year oh my God oh my God oh it’s Christmas time that’s the thing no but I’m scared because I have a phobia in dark I mean you can up your your what’s

It called thingy yes words I’m great at them scw you Apple was it an Apple ad oh God yeah no it’s because of the Christmas season I can already tell also thank you so much for the Tik Tok follows y’all thank you thank you Um uh one two three four okay Mea let me grab some more seeds we and no depression oh that might be dumb who who Panic the Panic Jesus Christ oh wait what do I need I need um boink boink boink boink seeds is what I need uh I don’t even think they have twitch there now that I think about It let SLE we I actually I don’t I I feel like it’s going to look better once we add the the pathing and stuff um and when it’s fully grown I might remove these to be fair just to make it look better cuz yeah kind of rough

Looking uh not going to lie they have com a computer that could run twitch there maybe maybe um oh thing yeah this is farming Sim baby me just placing plants everywhere oh it’s come to this huh well I want it to look pretty so yeah oh are these not

Watered oh cuz why did they go away um water God okay okay I don’t have that much to be fair wheat doesn’t need water that’s the thing it’s just going to take a while to grow um but it’s still going to grow anyways So I don’t have that ooh I think our problem for next time is going to be seeds wait does it yeah well you can you can grow it without water um you just need sun and tilled ground um let one 2 3 4 is it rude to ask this I’m contemplating

I think a good rule of thumb for situations like that is that if you’re questioning if it’s rude then it might be that’s the thing you know you know you know no know I don’t know if that’s a good way to judge it though cuz you could just be very

Cautious of of what you’re saying and stuff um but at the same time you know it really depends that’s the thing that’s the thing just doing it if you get banned uh you’re banned ain’t no way are you planting wheat seeds I am I am I’m trying to have

Wheat all around this area cuz this is the um agriculture area of of um my space of my spawn and I would like to have a design of wheat throw in and stuff um yeah are you live too on Twitch yes I am unfortunately the twitch chat on on

Tik Tok is not showing but yeah I am talking to randos on the internet on a different site God I swear um yeah cuz to weren’t causing enough lag MH exactly mhm I would would like to make it pretty we shall see should be fine right I think my bit

R’s just going to be affected um everything else should be fun and dandy actually um we know I don’t have oh my God I’m not drinking my matcha dance in the living room okay Umic and my TCH oh there’s water here already okay I was like I need to place water or okay three four actually a friend of mine um it’s a redeem I did earlier about naming cat oh yeah uh what about it I’m not going to do it right away that’s the thing especially

Cats um mainly because uh I don’t have a lot of cats so I’ll have to explore a bit out to find some that’s the thing um so so I mean it’s G to happen but not today okay let’s go right here are you scared at the urban legend in Minecraft

No I actually am not I actually think Herobrine should show himself so I’m less lonely in this world you know that’s my thing I’m not scared of no Herobrine that’s the thing mhm mhm uh no rush also for the turtle n don’t you worry don’t you wear one bit I wasn’t rushing

Anyways no yeah hello uh co co welcome to your stream welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going um let me sleep cuz I can’t be asked to deal with the mobs today he definitely wasn’t indubitably I do think that um maybe oh they spawn uh call me Coco okay thank you for telling me appreciate die did he drop anything no nothing of interest um the one thing I don’t like about working with with tilled soil I can’t jump around I just got to walk

Everywhere that’s so sad are in the Philippines or in another country I am from the Philippines orang R is still here all the H BL and jazero he ha um okay one two three four okay one two okay um my back are you beside no I am from

The lazon island but I’m not going to say where cuz um that is doxy and we don’t want that we got to keep our Internet safety up high Smile oh one two three four oh oh I’ve thought of a way yes sir uh what mods you got ooh it’s a long list if you’re in the Discord it’s there but if you see anything that Peaks your just just ask me I guess and I can just

Point it out for you cuz it is long fio I’m not answering any question of the sort y’all I just explained that I won’t be saying where I’m from because we try and keep Internet safety high in this channel that’s the thing that’s the thing and

You guys should know that too um don’t randomly say where you live on the internet because there are weirdos on here and and they might do in like very not good interesting things on what do you call it with that information so just saying never say your your details

On anything online that’s the thing I’ll join the Discord yeah there you go there you go um welcome to the F have Jesus Christ I’m back Hello Luigi hello hello uh I guess oh yeah it’s under row info if you want to check it out like

Majority I think that’s 80 90% right I did change things here and there recently um but Yeah and info must be protected exactly exactly mhh oh yeah I see a lot of people especially in like this is this is the reason why I’m kind of confused but I guess like relativity is one thing but I don’t like the fact that a lot of Filipinos just go

And throw where they’re from in a random chat cuz that’s just kind of sus not going to lie not going to lie I live in Earth guys indubitably like you can say you’re from the Philippines nothing wrong with that like I think they’re not going to pinpoint you based off of a freaking

Country you know um Internet safety is best in Indubitably uh thank you so much for follow Marvin thank you thank you appreciate joh I live in Jupiter exactly we keep we keep that on the download you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying not to scare you guys you know but I’ve been on the internet for a while and

It’s terrifying um yall live on earth what’s that oh god oh where’s the slab that I just broke I guess I don’t have slabs um I just got my Mao Happy Meal order let’s go oh oh my God I kind of want to get McDonald’s Mackie

But I don’t know trying not to eat as much um fast food recently especially that I know Christmas season’s going to be filled with food again I live in my house exactly Exactly let me throw random things I don’t need okay uh um I would like no you want oh you know what that’s true though I’m scared I’m going to palpitate though if I drink that so I’m really not used to coffee at all and my sister tells me it’s really good because

It’s like Arabica Coffee and Stuff um but I’m just scared I’m scared now I’m scared to drink coffee because it makes my heart hurt well not necessarily heart hurt not to scare you guys or anything but it’s just I palpitate really badly and I don’t like that um one two three four my

Body is not used to caffine only matches nowadays uh something I have to complain about their veggie burgers are horrible like veggie like veget the ones that are not meat I’ve never had one do that’s not available here I think yes but it’s sweet too sweet you can drink it like

Water oh so it’s like a juice I like a good juice not gonna lie you know you should live stream at YouTube I could to be fair like I could just get restream iio and then and then easy peasy lemon squeezy boom stream on YouTube but the thing is right I don’t

Necessarily have a YouTube audience yet so I think it would be a waste of resources on my end so yeah maybe in the future once I post things there but for now yeah know um how do they mess up such a simple concept it’s vegetable concrete on a

Burger Oh you mean the vegetables on the burger yeah no I don’t they’re not great huh hi professor penguin hello hello have you ever streamed on cake no and I never will um one two three four if twitch goes down right now I will just go to YouTube why you’re Filipino also hi

There found you oh hello hello yes I am indeed Filipino um born R still here all that Hollow blue and Jazz arino actually um so yeah so yeah in the first time this is my face what do you mean um let’s go right here real quick that’s made from vegetables and

Falsely marketed as a burger that’s so sad sounding honestly Gusty fat fat oh no oh no um also thank you so much for follow as well as sleepy burrito I don’t know if you guys are hearing the emote sound now that I think about it not emote sound the alert sound it’s

Quite simp simplistic I I’ve I’ve changed them to simplistic non-minecraft sounds why cuz I’m a comfy streamer now oh my God I told Chris chills on that that I don’t consider myself a Minecraft streamer anymore um what do you call it but I consider myself a comfy streamer and the play

Valerant well they they can be comfy serers I’ve had I’ve had people who um I watch play valerant and it’s quite comfy how long you been playing this hardcore world over two years now I’ve had this actually it’s going to be three in May so two and a half currently I think can

Join someone on YouTube that’s self-promo but there is someone on YouTube but I’m not going to talk about M um let’s see what’s your fave instead of gaming well I like just chatting I just like talking I think I’m quite I’m I have a

Busy mouth I talk a lot all the time um that’s that’s all I do uh o the someone individually individually one two but I would like to say I don’t think that person would like you guys mentioning those things randomly in other people’s chats I’d like to

Say um let’s see you miss one did I miss one oh yeah you’re you guys’s eyes are so much better than mine the best veggie burger uh from nandos oh I want to try nandos I heard a lot of good stuff about nandos how’s valerant comfy that rage

Inducing I think it really depends on the person like I used to watch this person who is like super chill and I mean super super chill and I think they’re super awesome um so yeah there’s something under there I’m hiding things did you watch the FNAF movie no I did not

Um what is [Laughter] that nandas I miss nandos is it as good as they say uh one more near the border oh oh God how do you guys see that maybe you got it no no you’re right you’re right GC let’s see is the best because it’s not dry like sand

Interesting oh God I mean that is the worst I have to admit like as a chicken kosur I do like good chicken oh good individually uh while live streaming I don’t think that’s a thing just terraform it true one two three four here H from Nando I still have

Picture of me noming the chicken oh my God I need to sleep thank you so much for popping it appreciate F okay let’s go right here um oh there’s another song I was thinking of adding to jammies let me note it down you want the pig of you Ning on some nandos or just the nandos just the nandos god I swear prank prank prank I should go to

London and you know um what do you call it a friend of mine joke that I should go to London just to watch the stardew valley um concert and honestly I looked into it too expensive man too expensive I could never I could never um but that would be

Awesome fun fact oh yeah it was fun in South America mhm Africa oh my God I I didn’t say that right I’m sorry sou Africa I remember someone said that in my chat and I was also amazed cuz I thought maybe it’s because like a lot of

The people I used to watch are also British um I thought Nando was from the UK one two three four I guess it must be no I can’t be mean anyways um Frank I was also surprised to be honest Really boink boink boink boink airplane ticket back and forth from is already a V2 that’s so true man that’s so freaking true it’s like 1,200 um and that’s just economy as well um and then like of course the luggage as well God a lot what mods do you use

Here oh um I have a bunch honestly if you if you have anything you like or you you see that’s pretty cool you can ask me if ever um but yeah the full list is in the Discord if you want to check that out out um oh Yeah let’s see oh my God it’s perfume when did you start your live streams I’ve been streaming for 4 hours now so 4 hours ago I guess it’s the easy way you can say it one two three four oh oh uh this is my villager farm are you 20.1 20.1 I think yeah

M uh oh coming Oh I thought I could I could do something there um Bob the Builder we can we fix it Bob the Builder yes we can I love Bob do you use shaders I do but I don’t like turn them on all the time cuz it hurts the eyes sometimes

Man hurts eyes like as much as like it’s so pretty and stuff uh not not this late at night not going to lie dud not going to lie um but yes um hello Mount munchie welcome back to the stream oh or welcome to the stream welcome welcome how you how’s it been so

Far um you never ever ever so bright my eyes right yeah that’s kind of the reason why I don’t like using shaders all the time as well like as much as it is pretty sometimes not just great for the eyes um I need more seeds honestly I want to change this not

Going to lie like I’m find it it’s nice but I know you should watch FNAF while liveing I think I shouldn’t um thank you so much the Tik Tok follows I appreciate a ton you guys won’t regret the Tik Tok follows I will be posting more very soon um so truly recommend

Following if you haven’t already oh my God R littering indubitably I I litter loiter everywhere um oh I don’t have a lot of seeds um Pap is amazing Builder a thank you appreciate your builds are amazing thank you oh slays at the other at the other

World um crazy are you pooy I am I am Poo b r is still here indubitably yes sir God on the other side oh God that sounds interesting on the other side uh let’s see I hate that Raven I hate that it’s a good thing I read that in my head first

Before saying it out loud you’re even a mod as well SMH SMH god um is this a solar world it is it is a solo world um what’s your favorite mob a blue axe lle I have a few um well they’re there actually um these are my favorite mobs in the game two

Axelos the rarest Axel type um yeah fix your house me cuz I’m good at it man I did not chat much much the stream oh well I got to go it’s all good don’t you yes you don’t have to that that’s the thing as long as you’re

You’re all fine and dandy thank you so much for popping in I appreciate oh the builds are all yours that’s so cool thanks appreciate one two three four so I can probably hide one here the sacrifices of the field no you’re not don’t look at my number of Axel killed y’all uh could

Have clipped that almost M also thank you so much for follow as well Jane you thank you thank you appreciate ton H don’t want to be a soft boy anymore got to be yours Uh Hardcore Parkour you know what I miss playing mcci mcci okay and I don’t know why won’t wear the cat ears I won’t wear the cat ears um haven’t played in two weeks big S big same honestly well I haven’t really loaded lunar client so I I don’t

Have a chance to play I wish I did though uh one two four W to be yours um I want to be yours hello me or you w who welcome to the stream welcome welcome how you guys how’s it been so far and thank you so much for follow I appreciate

Po you so why are you Filipino you know I ask that every single [Laughter] day [Laughter] die God I swear deep thought no yeah do you live in the Philippines I do I do live in in the Philippines God you know I asked that you know why was I even you know brought

To this world as a Filipino sorry you probably we probably were asking something different um but yeah um why do you stream at midnight um cuz I want to mhm mhm not Tik Tok shirt hi professor penguin uh why it’s yeah are you still awake cuz it’s a

Friday and I’m an adult and I can do whatever I want honestly no yeah I just like streaming at this hour so that’s kind of the reason why I’m awake right now um I would ask the same thing as well honestly why are you guys

Awake kindness say um oh why did I play twice you could say bad spawn what two ads so yeah I think it just glitched um let’s see felt you know I I I get it I get it you question every day why was I born in a [Laughter]

Filipino or GC oh fat fat uh even if I have school exactly how if that’s also my reason you know that’s the thing God it’s okay GC that’s that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes prank prank prank prank prank um where face my fears I’m these

Tears okay and of can I do a face reveal I want to see it well my face no that’s a thing that’s a um thought you’re not Filipino oh I am Filipino Oh weird how it’s doing cuz I found a Filipino stream that somehow stream past midnight oh

Yeah um well usually right I do stream around this hour anyways right like it’s it’s just the norm cuz of course when it’s the morning I’m working on things and then I don’t really want that so yeah but we’re looking at a face right now it’s strange cartoony on stream no yeah

That’s just that’s just my face mhm Ro just looks like that with a bird on the head exactly um what’s your work row this no I yeah I’m a content creator at heart oh um oink um the morning live at night some people are just like that you know um that’s

What skincare can do exactly you become so Flawless you don’t look human man got to Sir um I will we sent the Mediterranean food as well ooh I love Mediterranean food that sounds delicious now you’re making me hungry I swear I swear Oh Sister silly brought me Mexican

Today cuz it’s like what she ate with her friends and she brought it home and of course like I’m not going to say no to free food [Laughter] y’all so yeah it was shrimp delicious I love it I love it hey get out of my field bro oh my God you

Tramplers get out of my lawn sleeping I swear wait you have twitch I am mainly streaming on Twitch Roose is a hardworking professional cozy streamer yes um I do mainly stream on Twitch and this actually like um my second Tik Tok stream like consistent Tik Tok stream so

I’m planning to do it more consistently um to co- stream or multi stream or simcast twitch and Tik Tok for now cuz those are the only places I have content on and plan on posting content on so yeah maybe in the future YouTube I’m not quite sure um so

Yeah I just wanted to say that the Tik Tok set is looking clean thanks I appreciate that T there’s just like wonkiness here and there but I I I do like it thank you so much Professor Penguin actually now that I’ve been working on scenes right the Minecraft one or the gaming one that I currently have is looking very lackluster Man compared to everything else oh it’s just a game that type feet you know it doesn’t feel anything special anymore so I don’t know

I don’t know how to improve it to be fair I have Twitch in my phone but I never use it it’s all good I mean like if you do prefer Tik Tok um I will prioritize and I have to admit this I will prioritize um twitch though because yeah

I actually start stream on Twitch first and then start stream on Tik Tok because you know life I just prefer that sometimes that’s the thing that’s the thing um do this real quick we got the leftovers why why you say we you’re on T

You’re on Twitch too so I watch a lot of streamers they didn’t have twitch oh are they like Tik Tok streamers that’s pretty cool Um let’s do one two three 4 blink blink blink so ask me how many hours I watch Twitch as any as any self-respecting person I lied oh God you know what I would do the same as well honestly um if I were to R it would be

Unfinished as staring at you would be oh wow that’s cheesy but thanks I appreciate it one two three four Um um I think that’s just there you go uh friendly reminder twitch recap is a thing I thought still at the end of December or is it now I don’t I don’t know actually cuz um I also saw that it was going to happen but I’m again not sure when it’s going to

Come out um one 2 three four oh prank prank prank prank my last twitch recap made me question my existence no way oh my god well to be fair I also like my viewer one I also question as well like to think that I stream and then I’m all

Like I have this much as well on this person I already know who my number one is like it’s so obvious man on who it is and I just I’m just fully accepting at this point um what I’m curious is to see you guys’s like if if I am on your

Twitch recap um I would like to see how much that’s the thing that would be awesome so if you do get me on your Twitch recap I would love to see it like post it on the Discord or um post it on Twitter and tag me or whatever I would

Love love love love to see it um can you speak Filipino yeah I I I’m fluent in galag I’d say I just don’t speak it on stream cuz I’m shy that’s a thing that’s a thing I could trauma dump all I want on stream and talk about it but yeah I

Don’t really I’m not really comfortable in speaking it around people I don’t know um my twitch recap would consist of row then row uh we can do a twitch recap reveal on stream yeah I’m going to get one as a streamer as well I think um so I’m going

To see like what how much you guys um do watch my streams or something like that I think that would be awesome can put in Tik Tok please oh yeah for sure don’t you worry one bit um I probably will anyways I think it’s going to be a

A uh do you get to see the top chatter I don’t think so um let me look at my old one like the one from cuz I did post it before um on my Twitter let me let me check how it looked like um wait you’re live on Twitch too

Yeah right now I am live on Twitch hello welcome back to the Stream up I’m all goob I’m all goob I’m playing some Minecraft right now we’re just looking at well I’m looking for an old document old document old photo oh oh no oh that’s me as a viewer oh okay okay so

From last year’s twitch recap I get to see how many times I’ve streamed in the year how many hours you guys watch so like depending on how many people are there and stuff like how many times they watched me and all that Hal or how many how long so basically everyone’s

Accumulated watch time days watched I guess you know I CCV um chat messages how many chat messages and Stu I do see top emotes I think oh Channel points um can we see uh I’ll probably post it if ever uh total followers total Subs top categories that’s it honestly

Um you do see how much you’ve chatted in chat like you see your top number like top 2% of Chatters in my chat and then you see hours watched message sent emote sent bits cheered stuff like that like that’s you guys’s though not mine um so we shall see we

Shall see definitely top this year yeah I think it’s Ro juice probably P for life will you be streaming that later I don’t think so um pia has a update today and I think it ends in a few hours so I can’t really play it today maybe in a in

A few days um that’s for sure uh you probably my most watch we shall see yeah you guys I guess you can see how top chatter you guys would be also thank you so much for follow as well Alia thank you thank you appreciate we’ll capture my fishon Shenanigans yeah

Most probably most probably umop is live now and tomorrow and the next day oh I won’t be live tomorrow slay I’ll be live on Sunday I think um or even tomorrow oh god oh hello Ayah hello hello welcome to your St no yeah I’m not streaming tomorrow it’s a

Saturday um maybe maybe Sunday Sunday I don’t know what I’m playing yet uh but it would be pretty cool and awesome and swaggy oh I wanted oh I don’t have anymore oh it’s fine we’ll just keep what can I do to get more seeds oh there is

A easy flower farm that I know that just uses um pistons and stuff yeah would I see how many chats I did on your stream yeah I think so I think you can um hello MLD hello hello welcome to the stream hello hello y’ um oh hello welcome to the

Stream then do I call you Wu w wo or I don’t know actually uh where’s mine though well you’ll see it maybe in the next few weeks I don’t know exactly when they’re putting out but they have kind of hinted that they are doing it so just

Call me me noted thank you so much for telling me um one two three one two three four here I’m not existential I’m just y y w did I say that right he’s throwing seeds like oh my God I swear um yeah no stream tomorrow I’ll probably be working on the channel Point

Stuff for that not going to lie since you know it’s kind of sad to not have Channel Point redeems so yeah we shall see how that goes not going to lie not going to lie one two oh I wish I did it nearer let’s do it here um hi celestial hi welcome to

The stream welcome welcome how’s it been so don’t forget the cookies of course yeah and I’ll I’ll tell you guys the good or the bad news if like um we lost everyone’s cookies cuz that could be the case I I have to admit um like it is there like I

Saw it’s not on a cloud basically so it could be gone um I hope it’s not though we shall see we shall see uh everyone take note today of your cookie account on Twitch oh you can’t even check your cookie account honestly like it’s connected to the app so but

I’m going to I’m going to hecking try that’s for freaking sure um water Jesus Christ 07 no no don’t don’t 07 yet there’s like um yeah what time did you get off of Lego fortnite just honestly Chris Shone I didn’t spend too long on it like um I

Just worked after that’s the thing um I’d say I stayed on for an hour after maybe um Okay I think I like that yeah let’s see bo bo would you guys watch a Lego fortnite Stream I’m I’m curious cuz I mean I could set that up for Sunday M but of course I don’t know we’ll see um what’s Lego fortnite it’s like Minecraft [Laughter]

Basically it is kind of similar to Minecraft so um You’re Building creating stuff um and yeah Ro got her first skin and it looks so much like Hair Skin exactly Chris chillzone gave me a skin cuz I am I am skinless in fortnite I don’t play fortnite enough to justify buying skins

So H I’m too biased to watch fortnite due to its old repug ation maybe maybe but I love Lego games and fortnite things look great it is really good like I’ve played it a bit already I just like in my brain do I have six hours of things to do there you

Know I don’t know um my brain is not yet like um sure on that fully I’d like to say but Um let’s see right Here let’s no I don’t like that okay uh got to go bye meow thank you so much for popping in I appreciate ton maybe you can do three hours is on two games maybe that could be the case like I don’t mind that um hello Spike welcome to the stream

Welcome welcome how are you how’s it been so far Um okay I think what I’m going to try and do now is going to make the path a bit better looking cuz honestly it’s coming together but I don’t fully see it and I think it’s because I haven’t done the pathing and once I do that I think

It’s going to look better um we shall see Though let’s go right here can I pin you in Tik Tok I made a new video uh nah sorry blink blink uh go right here hey K blinkink blinkink blink blinkink blinkink uh Let’s go right here oh the curve is a bit small I wish it was a bit outwards B more like here like that Uh okay remove that right and then we break this like so but we also add new water sources here okay don’t fall into there okay is it night time oh it’s terrifying sleep sleep sleep sheep sheep up up up up give it up give it up give it away

Um okay and then we go right here grab some water oh I just cracked my neck man water slab oh that’s fine laab and then and one two three 4 y I don’t get Tik Tok I have subs and Tik Tok like like people can subscribe

But I don’t know how that works like I don’t think you guys get anything from it to be fair um cuz I have to set it up but they allowed me to do that I don’t I don’t I don’t know what to do with it I’m

Confused door stuck God I I don’t know how to feel um I’m just saying mods apparently can’t delete messages we can only ban oh I give you guys full access strange oh I don’t think you can delete messages to be fair s like if you do that you

Directly just like I can’t even delete messages like once it’s out there you can’t really do anything except like stop them from doing it again I think I could be wrong I I don’t I just saw what the heck the jammies is at 22k God yeah I don’t want to ban people you

Can um mute them if ever I think that’s like the best case I think muting as well is like timeouts where they’re timed out for a certain amount of time um needs to improve a bit yeah no I agree like the moderation stuff for Tik

Tok is not that great for now sure you can like set up words that are not allowed I think I could be wrong as well I don’t really know um but yeah makes sense I’ll take notes don’t you it is confusing isn’t it um all these lifetimes that only I

See take it to this place between where I’ve been and where I’ll be Turn Back Time uhoh got a Hwind um memories I know know you can have like a bot account as well where whenever someone mentions a certain word it just pops up with like oh it’s this you know um to stop like people keep asking things but honestly it’s less today like the most asking I’ve got is

Like my resource packs and everything I think that should be fine oh know I don’t know we learn we uh learn every day time don’t over the Signs now I see thank you so much for the Tik Tok follow I appreciate turn back time got to hit rewind what am I doing I need slabs um there you go that should be enough oh got to hwind the next big like building that I

Think I need to make is somewhere around here so basically this area is kind of done well this area the there’s something supposed to be here um but everything else supposed to be so that’s kind of strange uh are making my thumbs strong wait why cuz you’re chatting slay I swear I

Swear oh my eye scratching it m mm maybe I shouldn’t do that I did put retinol in liking oh next update they add a new dimension there are theories as to that happening to be fair like um because of the portal that there’s at the well there um that spawn in the ancient

Cities and stuff it makes sense that there would be a new one but at the same time know also thank you so much to follow as well thank you thank you on Tik Tok I should start specifying where it is smh um if it makes you feel

Good I’m not sure if you want me not sure if you need me to Aha I’m here um and you can’t stay awake forever this a weird shape um it is too thin here so we might have to uh start maybe here or curve starts here uh Minecraft Dimension

Wait they should add The Ether ether I’ve never experienced The Ether actually like even if um I know a lot of people find The Ether mod very nostalgic I’ve never played it before um that good I think that’s pretty good it’s thick thick now okay um next we

Start making the thingy from here to here here um have you played one block I have mhm it was actually supposed to be a video that I scrapped cuz actually like I could probably refilm it and then go like this is my first time playing one block something like

That godness throw back to when I kept fake tutorials to access the ether Dimension oh my God if MC and fortnite collab we need a fortnite dimension in MC from what from what I’ve been seeing I think fortnite’s going through the path of like they have everything kind of like Roblox type beat

Where you can make games and and do whatever if you feel like you know smart though smart um I’m not sure if you want me not sure if you need me maybe it starts here and then BL BL BL BL blop blop and you can’t wa Forever um you know what I want to play I want to play Lucky Blocks I’ve never played it before and I know it’s kind of like um of course terrifying but would be cool um did you know there will be a Minecraft movie there is actually and

There’s been like announcements of uh um a few artists or or actors who are going to be in it and kind of interesting not going to lie really yeah n um like Jason Mamoa is in it I think I could be wrong um so yeah lucky blocks were awesome yeah no I

Only fully watch Lucky Blocks From a Tommy in it video that’s it why do you have a duck on your left hand that’s my totem so if I die accidentally without me thinking I just spawn right back in um also thank you so much to Follows on

Twitch and Tik Tok I swear thank you thank you appreciate T oh god Um have you got the casting call for the Le no God I think it’s a live action I I’m well I’m going to be so disappointed with it it if it is but I wish it’s something more like animated styled Minecraft not like um not like usual YouTube video type beat things you

Know oh no I just want it minecrafty not the usual it’s they’re going into a dimension of Minecraft or something oh God that would be horrible jesz wait this isn’t mixer D Smit done you are you are an interesting one imagine they are literally liveaction Vlogs that would be

Awesome well also horrible but I would still watch it I watched all the Herobrine conspiracies oo I love your Ry um this swe if they make it’s some kid playing Minecraft in their Computing that’s a whole movie a three-hour long tutorial and it’s just like it’s just

Gameplay of of the actors trying out Minecraft that’s insane man that’s insane what a waste what a waste Um see later morning 9:00 a.m. it’s already 2: a.m. I have so much dopamine o i mean maybe calming down um would help out with that like like watching some ASMR playing some games like cozy games just to lower your your heart rate or something like that

Um cuz sleep is very important I’d say the sleep before an entrance exam is quite important um so yeah um I do recommend like maybe look looking for music that you can listen to and stuff um thank you so much for follow as well Kendall thank you thank you appreciate t uh Big

Brother Minecraft Edition that’s basically what Carl’s doing right oh my God Carl’s Lost Tapes or something it’s actually such a nice watch I I like it it’s like a survival of but in Minecraft I like it I like it uh can you play Minecraft N I think it’s a cringe game actually um Um to be fair a game show with people playing Minecraft would be a solid TV show why isn’t there stuff like that already like technically speaking um that’s what we see on a daily basis on this on this app um so yeah I don’t know I don’t know um woohoo Okay that let’s that it’s too it’s not it’s too blocky it’s too blocky says Ros Lee while she plays Minecraft the blocki game on earth Jesus okay let’s do this um let’s go right here real quick now what do you talk about it’s my totally original idea that I’m going to pitch to

Microsoft for Millions M you can try you can try honestly that’s the thing um thank you so much for the follows y’all thank you thank you is this the farm outline it is yeah so there’s going to be Farm all around it I’d like to

Say um to make it cool epic pogers I want to yoink my friends’s resource pack for wheat cuz that looked awesome um but I don’t know actually we shall see Um I do think we have to have a shirt area that is not going to be Farm like I don’t know I don’t know honestly we’ll have to think about where it’s going because there is an outline already for the whole Kingdom like this line right here this Stone line is where

The walls are going to be um but like um are we going to move it to the walls maybe I’m not quite sure though we we shall see we shall see um kind confused on on the placements and stuff but this area right here like this full area right

Here um I’d say like this chunk this chunk um is going to be just plain farm and then maybe I might make this empty area here like a little Park area you know like that roundabout where horses roam around um I forgot what that’s I’m not a horse

Girl I don’t know I don’t know these things but um yeah I’m going to add a little roundabout maybe here just to fill up empty space and then put Farm all around it as well so maybe it just might be this until there until like

Here um because this area is going to be a whole different area as well um I am thinking a carousel no no no like um how do I explain it it’s when you ride on horses like actual real life horses I guess it could probably still

Be called a carousel um it’s just like a dirt area where they can roam around there and and and walk uh Circle you know you’re so right slay you’re so right um so yeah I could play something like here maybe for that um that would be

Great um let me grab some Arenas that’s what maybe Arenas maybe I don’t know actually it’s just going to be a small little area though um okay maybe we figure out the circular bit now oh like a horse riding area yeah like a horse riding area like if you’ve been to

Places like Tay Thai an equestrian facility yeah yes mhm of that sort indeed indeed um something along those Lines and like Baga too yeah like Baga exactly exactly I wonder why like there are a lot of horse riding activities in like colder climate areas is there like a correlation to that and so like they don’t get tired as much is that it um

Also thank you so much for your Tik Tok followers y’all I appreciate that a ton um for real yeah n yeah n oh my God have I ever told you guys how I almost broke my arm from the bagu one so when I was in bag well that’s basically the whole story but

Um um what happened was it was my first time ever ever like ever in my whole life to ride a horse by myself and I was so excited like of course it’s my first time you know it’s it’s super cool I would usually have like someone who

Teaches me on the back of my horse who’s like also holding the rins and then um I didn’t know how to stop the the horse at all so like I was trying to weave through the traffic of everyone CU they were a bit slow and I wanted to go a bit

Faster you know and um I I kind of let go of the reins of it too much that it went super fast it went super super fast like it kept running and I couldn’t control the horse anymore I panicked I let go of the range which is dumb you’re not supposed to do

That and like I was screaming already and like it was going towards um this wall and I didn’t know what to do and it’s a good thing like um the handlers they were chasing after the horse already and they jumped on very fast and they stopped the horse and I’m

Just like oh I don’t want to do this anymore I don’t want to do this cuz apparently like if if they went near like the edge of the circle he would have either thrown me or just like um madebe hit the wall or something like that and it was it wouldn’t have ended

Great so yeah that’s where I stopped riding horses God you’re living on the edge nothing wrong with a bit of excitement you know what that’s true but also Mom Z dad’s Z basically the whole Su family did not like that um also thank you so much to the

Twitch follow as well Phoenix thank you thank you appreciate I fully lost my phone when I was riding a horse the trainer found it on the floor miles back returned it to me oh that’s actually so nice that though that that they’ returned it cuz sometimes sometimes you

Got to admit um they don’t come back um so yeah it’s super good okay I think the next thing we’re going to do is finish also thank you so much to Tik Tok follow as well I like this pathing I got to admit I don’t like the

Spruce um I might have to remove it just to make it look better didn’t even notice I lost it so holding on the horse de Al oh God that’s terrifying it’s a good thing they gave it back then Jesus Christ cuz yeah no that’s my my worst

Nightmare as a kid was to lose my phone um and I did that’s why like I i’ say I’m pretty good at find or keeping a hold on my phone wherever I go because you know I got to take care of it I got to take care of it man

Um okay let’s let’s make the pathing for this to go down um I think that would be smart that requires though what slabs did I use here a mix of spruce and Oak apparently let me grab some Oak then ow thank you so much for the follows oh

My God you guys won’t regret the follows I promise I promise well I don’t promise anything and so you guys don’t um expect anything what is this oh my God okay wait I’m just checking if a person there you go You know what I realized Minecraft on the Tik Tok is not that smooth as the one on Twitch not going to lie and the thing is it doesn’t seem like an OBS thing strange I’ll have to look into that not going to lie um cuz yeah no

Like um comparing the ones I see on my on my uh phone to the one I see in OBS it does seem that uh the one on the OBS is fine but the one on the phone looks so Bland God maybe it’s just like the encoding that I have to look into

Uh you’re just scared for the Future got a let me out of here you’re just scared mhm good nap I’m awake now good morning Bevy I hope you’re okay hope you got a great nap and stuff that’s the thing that’s the thing prank prank prank have you seen the new update um I heard there’s a new update

It’s today right it looks all right to maybe it’s a refresh rate being different maybe yeah well to be fair I run my twitch at 60 FPS and I run my um Tik Tok at 30 I might have to up it to 60 maybe that’s why it’s like being kind of weird

Um so yeah it’s going to be a bit heavier on the PC though so we’ll see we’ll see um my thing is Minecraft is running really well right uh Minecraft is really running well with all the stuff that’s going on like Minecraft twitch Tik Tok they’re all

Doing great right um but the thing is once I play Pia it’s a whole different ballpark it’s a whole different story cuz is just not optimized right now you think it would be better optimized if I played on the switch I mean I assume so because the the load is less on the

PC um so that means like and I’m just I’m just using capture anyways for for the switch anyways so maybe switch is the way to go it won’t be as good graphics though though so yeah how interesting we don’t want the PC to crash oh for sure

The PC won’t crash um I’d like to say it’s just strange I don’t know what’s going on um also thank you so much for follows on Tik Tok as well thank you thank you appreciate that ton uh okay I would like to remove some blocks here to make it a bit more

Of a consistent slope uh okay if we do this hello broki hello welcome to the stream uhhuh okay that good yes I think okay Um if you’re singing Filipino thanks I appreciate That um I could also wait I need to add more dirt here I might have to get more dirt at the house again so it is going a bit of a 90° turn I don’t really want that I wanted a straight and left type beat

So how do I fix that uh maybe if I put it here right um let’s remove this and remove that and remove this Oh wrong thing I broke by the way I miss jamm’s converting is wobbly wibbly time it’s all good don’t you worry um it

Did happen around the 3our mark I’d like to say yeah um so if you want to check that out mhm oh I haven’t done this announcement I completely forgot I’m back to posting my vods on YouTube I think yeah um I’m trying to that’s for freaking sure I’m going to uh

Post the twitch vods on YouTube not the Tik Tok vods um because I think it would be really good cuz I want to I want to look back on it you know um I want to look back at the streams and see how I’ve improved and all that Halo and if I

I need a little archive place so Rosy vods is going to be where I place them jamm’s good background music for me to be a academic weapon good luck on being an academic weapon also good night slay thank you so much for popping in I appreciate a ton actually I swear I

Swear um y’all the grind it’s crazy well yesterday I just I don’t know I said to myself you know what might as well cuz like especially with all the changes that’s been happening on my streams it just makes sense to have some sort of way to keep those noted right

Um yeah the grind does not stop um thank you so much to Follows y’all I was scrolling through and I me around and singing my song I’d say damn cute and sing along after I hoped after my nap P would be back up oh did

They um um make it longer cuz isn’t that supposed to be done like 30 minutes ago um I was just waiting for someone who’s who plays a lot of Pia to tell me what’s new and stuff like that well technically he already did it but yeah oh it’s so cold in my room

Sorry my fan is making it cold what they never see I was scrolling through and I saw me Around i’ damn cute and sing along um it can be a time capsule exactly yeah it could be a time capsule for the future um just where my vods used to be you know know know know um it was supposed to be 30 but extended o I want

The mushroom outfit I haven’t seen the outfits actually I heard there’s just a few or a bunch that they’re going to add plus agacha and stuff that they’re going to add so that’s pretty awesome kind of excited um six new outfits why don’t you play on multiplayer well I do play on

Multiplayer it’s just that I just keep this to myself like you know there are just really some days where I keep um I just want to build whatever I want and make it pretty and um Just Me Myself and I type be and see my own progress um don’t get me wrong

Multiplayer is super super fun I just uh do just love hardcore single player yes this is a single player world um I do play on smps though I’m currently in a few of them uh so that’s pretty good sometimes private worlds are so nice no people messing with things exactly exactly

Mhh plus like I think it’s the best way to figure out how good or bad are you at Minecraft that’s the thing um cuz I’ve I wouldn’t say I’m great at it but because of this hardcore world I can see where I’ve improved and stuff which is great

Um see can you sing something in Filipino you can check out my Tik Tok I posted there some Filipino songs um I’m just going to extend these out to make it kind of better for a steep hill uh dude you know there’s this thing that I can’t get out of my head it’s this like coffee I drank in when I went to my hometown it was like a caramel popcorn

Flavor and God it was so good you have a YouTube channel I do but I haven’t really posted anything on it if you want to follow it I do have plans to it’s just that I’m trying to level things out on my current things so yeah

Um I did just announce I’m going to post my vods for these streams on Ros Le vods that’s also a thing um this could be disaster ah the basilia song your voice inredible thank you appreciate ton Bo boink boink I actually don’t know a lot of OPM

Songs so I’m really sorry um kind of the reason why I’ve struggled with that series on Tik Tok um cuz I don’t really know a lot and I feel really bad like a lot of people suggest things but like you know nothing really sticks with me so I feel like interesting

Um how about it’s raining in Manila no way I don’t know that song actually I think I heard that live once um do you use a mod to see the status of your armor yes I use inventory HUD plus it makes me customize where I place the armor thingy a bobber I can

Actually show my inventory at all times if I wanted um I also moved the potions as well to here to make it like a bit more seamless and everything super nice truly recommend it if you want um what am I doing here dir is what I need

Um maybe I need a Shuler I’ve been getting so much dirt so uh the game there you go um are you in Manila I’m not in Manila I can assure you that I hate Manila actually with a passion but I am not going to say where I’m from cuz we keep

It on the download y’all no government information should be shared on the internet that’s the thing that’s the thing we must be we must practice a little thing called uh uh internet privacy yes sir um your builds are incredible thank you appreciate time let’s go right here um boink

Boink we can go down up in the oh not that we go right here take a shot take it up a notch okay we do this hello JD hello hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome uh drop yourself duck will save you exactly MH that’s just how a totem works if I go

Down to like zero Hearts it will it will save me from fully dying but of course I’ll be low health so I have to be careful can you tell me where you’re from are you from the Philippines I am from the Philippines uh but that’s all I’ll

Say up up up oh I’m so hungry it’s fine thank you so much for follows appreciate that time let’s go right here okay is that good I guess guess So um you know I wish I have a PC so we can play together that’s if we’re in the same smps um PR PR PR PR PR that good I guess so it is kind of weird let me let me just F uh let me see what this looks like from

Afar uh like you’re from other country no I’m full Filipino born raised still here Al the Jazz rinos and Hollow Balo uh if you don’t believe me ha that’s all up to You I don’t like how it’s like block step block step I wish there were more variation to it cuz it doesn’t look that great um all that I’m see is guess that’s fine I mean it’s not too bad but your accent is so pooy giving pooy

Giving I guess I I don’t know what you mean but thanks monka Um okay I do think we need to change this cuz it’s a bit too near to the actual um if just joking away h H this is too near to the actual I mean to be fair it’s too thick as well I don’t like how thick it is maybe we remove

These uh like I don’t necessarily need that then maybe we make that curve inwards like that is this Minecraft it is it is Minecraft I love Minecraft uh about you just talk to my boss he’s a professional yapper oh God not not the professional yapper dude I swear I get that so

Much I mean like I’m also like I Yap a lot but like when it’s in a professional setting I try to keep it short and sweet you know that’s the thing I don’t want to waste you guys’ time um that’s is that elytra it is it is Um he can turn a 3 minute conversation in 30 minutes oh God that is like crazy I mean if you think of as long as you’re paid for it then that’s fine right like you’re You’re gone for 30 minutes and you like they just pay for for they’re yapping um which is

Great paid to listen to a yapper exactly God when you’re a little kid H I don’t remember honestly thank you so much to Twitch follow dark Pao thank you um I don’t know like I guess I never really had one growing up not going to lie um I think I like this

Yeah okay let’s try and do this one as well this one should be simpler uh thank you so much to Follows on Tik Tok as well I appreciate all my dreaming is not Enough uh the sun will r guys oh oh she wants me to be Lov oh oh he really really does okay I think that’s good yes sir okay that’s good um let’s see what that looks like from afar and then yeah oh I went away way and it just spawned in so many

Skeletons oh we need a way to light things up that’s kind of going to be a problem huh I wonder how like we can have scarecrows of some sort we can make scarecrows and they light up oh my oh you can make it probably with a jackal

Lantern I’m just thinking on how to do the oh I how about a banner maybe wait let’s let’s try a banner and then a jackal Lantern on top uh um that might make it look nice scarecrow yes not the Crower I swear you know what if I make the crore

Official then I’m not leaving the keny allegations huh I can already tell like people are just not going to shut up about [Laughter] it um um what do I need to do I need to grab um Jacko lanterns which are right here I’m not mistaken no jackco lanterns

Are light sources if I’m not mistaken um the sun will rise oh never mind they’re not light sources what are they I have I don’t know oh they’re here Jacko lanterns Banners are you proud of Filipinos um no I think Filipinos in some ways have have good and bad

Qualities um you got to admit you know it’s toxic positivity if you if you always think that you’re Filipinos are like the better you know people or something that no I do think that there are some qualities that Filipinos generally have and are quite the norm that I don’t really

Like um so yeah I am like proud of our our area like the country itself um what we have here like um the animals the the landscape um I think those are very beautiful those are very um I’d say those are very nice but everything else yeah you a Filipino I am Filipino

But you are Filipino exactly doesn’t mean I’m Filipino I can be proud of it you know like I’d say I myself am I’m proud I’m Filipino but am I proud of like actually there are days honestly I’ll just say that there are days where I’m just like oo it’s kind

Of I I don’t want to say that I’m Filipino because some things that other people do that um say that they’re Filipino and they do this it’s kind of embarrassing and I just cover my face you know that’s the thing um so yeah not necessarily too proud but it has its moments Um don’t stay with me another night um are you going to live stream tomorrow no I am not Saturdays are my break days where I usually either work on things or hang out um off stream with like uh either my family or my friends so yeah I I’m probably not going to

Stream a Dev said few more minutes ah no this going be another hour for sure it’s okay BBY you got this you got this uh where’s the middle here oh there you go how about Sunday I think I will be back Sunday yeah um I don’t

Know what I’m going to play during that time to be fair um but we shall see thank you so much for the twitch follow as well reuss thank you thank you appreciate time uh wait this just a tester with me another night not addressing the allegations what do you mean Raven what

Do you mean uh not going to lie you made me miss Minecraft sex or last K yeah it is it is I’d like to say um that’s why I keep playing it honestly also I’m going to search up how people do scarecrows scarecrow Minecraft cuz I’m

Not oh oh how do they do it oh strange really oh addressing the the no I will never address them actually I don’t know what you’re talking about oh that’s so freaking cute oh my god there are really cute designs here Um okay I think I know exactly what I want to do my tummy is growling I’m hungry I’ll just have wait for breakfast I think Um okay I need need hay bales and I need um carpet yellow carpet yellow carpet hay bales fences is what I need just simple simple scarecrow stuff I think that would be very cute do you have full Enchanted nerite yes I do um right there MH uh I can risk it all for

You let’s place all of these cuz I have too many things in my inventory now and it’s a mess a mess I tell you uh water oh I need to get water oh oh is Here There You Go sir now let’s go here um that took two hours to get just for

The netherite mhm mhm I mean like if you know your strats then I think it’s easier to find certain things um so yeah so why please tell me why yellow oh I would probably need string huh oh God I just found string where is the string oh string is a

Redstone thing I think yeah it probably is huh oh my God that’s why I couldn’t find it the string is a freaking Redstone thing oh how long have you been streaming today um 5 hours and 14 minutes actually yeah um might end soon

Uh I got to admit uh but I’ll be back on Sunday if ever um same time same place you know I could use Redstone minor but I was lazy that’s true that’s true I mean to be fair I’ve tried red stone like an auto Miner and just TNT TNT is just so

Much better um banners what did I need okay I have hay I have this I have that and then I have okay a Sunday a sunny Sunday when Rose streams ah Professor penguin too nice God I swear um hello Pikachu hello hello welcome to the stream as well Um okay so according to this thingy a bobber um what they did was they placed this at the bottom um still getting higher it’s where the hell is the Karma although checking the weather they’ll be isolated thunderstorms better sa better safe than sorry then jeez thunderstorms are terrifying uh well I don’t like thunder in general like a dog okay and Then uh three hi supie hi welcome to the stream welcome welcome I’ve been so good why am I feeling empty I’ve been so good I’ve been so good this year um I’ve been so good where still getting higher I’ve been so good where the oh it’s raining oh speaking of

Thunderstorms it looks like there’s there’s rain here in Minecraft now huh uh Oh oh okay um am I crazier than other patients Does that look like a hat oh it’s so cute so goofy looking too God I love it man uh no I didn’t mean to do that freaking Minecraft I’ve been so good this year nice builds thank you got time uh I’ve been so good where the hell is

The karma oh I didn’t mean to do that too okay oh yay I do think his arms are a bit a bit small I wish they were a bit thicker not going to lie but I guess we take it like there’s no other way to do a

Scarecrow um how about you play robo nah I don’t like Roblox are you building oh I’m just honestly just adding foliage to um the surrounding areas here like I’m pretty much done with the buildings here at this corner of the Kingdom I just have to connect all of them and make

Them feel a bit more um together and a bit more flowy and stuff like I made a walkway um I’ve decided to have this walkway kind of break down a bit or like make it broken a bit and then have it just a dirt walkway since this is the

Agriculture area it’s just better um and then um yeah we’re just going to add like wheat there and stuff I do think I want to change this though I don’t know what to we’ll see uh let’s see H doesn’t that mean that the tour is going to sell

Though that’s been wasting but after an hour it sounds like complaining wait I do like there’s this cute one that’s made out of bamboo oh that’s actually so freaking cute oh my God let me copy that sir but it requires some stuff that I don’t have so let me grab Plus let’s

Sleep while we’re there um I’m done with work until January let’s go oh my God KATU that’s amazing Jesus Christ I swear um I can spend time with people who I know can read unlike at work oh pat pat you get a break you get a break that’s actually super good though that’s

Insane now you need a break um all right slabs oh god oh wait I have slabs on me I think it’s just there need this one um your world’s grown so much time is zoom in truly I know grown quite fast and kind of proud of it to be fair but

At the same time like yeah um please explode stuff usually at the start of the streams I explode stuff so if you’re really that or if you really want to see that then I recommend um coming at the start uhuh then oh that’s so much cuter actually I

Think it would be cuter if we were stairs though God I need to go back again yeah at some point earlier in the year I got an email saying hey you uh uh you have too much holiday time take some I bet that’s great honestly what game is

That it’s right there at the bottom right it’s Minecraft hardcore Um let’s see I’m thinking oh this one um yeah it’s been F almost a half an hour po will look good oh that might be you’re kind of right to be fair yeah it would give like a definition of some sort um might be a bit too tall though let’s try it though

Um nothing wrong with trying out oh I like that yeah uh I do think Oak is a bit light but we’ll take it it’s comfy here in the chat it is I mean me gaming right now it feels great like um nothing much is happening we’re just vibing you

Know might be a bit too tall if we add something at the top but we can try nothing no harm in trying um [Laughter] Jesus it’s a bit too tall not going to lie thanks for the recommendation though um it’s not your fault I like that I like that ton

Actually um I’m thinking of making him Spruce though like um I got to admit it looks nice shapewise but like it could be better on the color because it’s very pale that’s a thing maybe I don’t know what’s your favorite shoes bricken stocks or Crocs I like when the dogs are

Out no just kidding um no but honestly I do like my sandals I think they’re the number one shoes I wear cuz it feels comfy compared to have having them stuffed into shoes the whole time yeah no I don’t think so Chief um is hard to

Make a world not really um you just have to have determination and hard work to make it your world and make it pretty like yours um I’m bored of Minecraft I try and the Stone Age God I swear yeah I think sprucing it would make it better but I

Do like the [ __ ] it’s very scarecrow like plus it gives off light that’s super how do you even make the whole a lot of planning I like to say a lot of planning and figuring out things um I first built this and I just felt like

Huh I kind of want things around it so that’s what I did um also thank you so much for the thank you thank you appreciate I’m so oh it’s like five and a half half hours should I end stream wait let me let me finish just

One thing she has a lot of time in her hands I mean yeah if this is what I um do six hours a day for how many years now then it makes sense that this happened you know like I bet if I was still in

School um I would still be playing but I wouldn’t be playing as much as now that’s for sure um download Roblox no I I don’t think I want to play Roblox like I I think I would play it one day but not on stream just cuz um I’ve heard a lot of

Horror stories from fellow content creators about streaming Roblox sometimes um p is best game truly p is back oh my God I guess I have something to play after the stream um there you go that is so much better I think yes sir oh that’s actually so much

Better it it kind of like um a bit more highlighted in the in the thingy bobber I’ll take it I’ll take it um yeah oh that’s actually super nice let’s do a little flyby and see what we can improve upon for next streams and then we’ll figure it out

Okay I’m liking where the direction is going I like the um shape of the walkways that we’ve done um I do think that we probably need to add the thing here just to make it feel a bit more complete cuz I want it to feel more complete right now um like

The little walking thing for the horses and then complete the whole of the wheat farm around it just to see how big it actually is going to be I think that would be really nice um what do you call it and then yeah I think that’s pretty good I think we’re

Going to add more of these like guys all around just to add more Pizzaz to the area um un no yeah Gusty exactly that that’s the reason why like a friend of mind said to never stream it um and I’ll take their advice man oh I also kind of

Um need to break this down a bit more make it feel like oh there it was supposed to be added road but you know um like worn and torn type be you know um very weird for an update to be on Friday maybe there were just too many

People who were complaining about the lag and the bugs and everything Bey it was just horrible though like your graphics were stuck too too high and like um you couldn’t fish properly it was just the it honestly I was very annoyed before the game awards yesterday

I was very annoyed at Pia cuz like it was unplayable at all like I was just annoyed every single time um I think that should be good yeah and then I just want this farming area to be done and then we can make another thing here and then make it feel more seamless

Actually no after this farming area I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to make the walls um just to make it feel a bit more complete cuz yeah that’s what we’re missing that’s what we missing you know there was an update minutes ago yeah

Exactly I’m probably going to play after stream so yeah I think uh you built that solo is thatp oh it’s solo yeah this is all my world um is a good decoration I already have a windmill there as you can probably see that’s the thing um it’s a

Windmill and then under that there’s a farm you’re good thank you appreciate t uh a TR vist honestly okay I think I’m going to end stream here cuz it’s almost uh 5 and a half hours I’m going to end stream on Tik Tok first uh stick by twitch

People um but thank you Tik Tok people for coming to the stream I will be streaming again on Sunday so make sure to follow if you haven’t already um because yeah I will I will stream on Sunday again maybe uh maybe Pia maybe twitch I I mean maybe Minecraft I

Do like Minecraft so I’m might as well do it so yeah so yeah but thank you everyone for coming to the stream see you guys on Sunday okay bye all bye now that they’re gone God I swear hello though y’all welcome to the stream welcome welcome um

It’s just you and I you guys and me let’s go I’ll probably like they’re gone Jesus Christ they that was an experience no yeah thing is like I’m kind of happy that there isn’t a lot of um overlap of viewers you know like people who are on Tik Tok won’t really

Go on Twitch you know that type beat um cuz you can tell that they’re very different like they’re they’re very different type of people um they’re different type of of culture I’d say so um that’s why they’re like that you know know know know but I’m glad there

Isn’t much overlap you know but we can’t say much cuz Minecraft streams also attract some interesting kids so yeah I think yesterday’s stream for Paleo was actually really good that’s the thing we had a lot of people asking what the game was but aside from that um nothing much honestly nothing

Much um so maybe it’s just the Minecraft General like Community but I don’t know I do enjoy streaming on Tik Tok I think like I get to know a bit more of what I’m marketing towards when I’m when I’m playing or when I’m posting on Tik Tok so yeah

Um I do think if you guys just I know you guys are good Chatters anyway like if anyone comes into the stream and be a weirdo in chat you guys will like M no no so yeah watch Tik Tok as I’m watching the live Series right it’s all good

Don’t you worry um is p free game it is it is a free game actually um so uh truly recommend it if ever so yeah uh got to keep doing the field VI exactly yeah that’s kind of the reason why I wanted to stream on Tik Tok to just

See what the audience was like or what I’m dipping my toes into you know um it feels great it feels great um so yeah I might continue that again I wanted to raid a good friend of mine who’s having an Allon right now um that’s the

Thing I wanted to raid Lexi but they’re playing lethal company are you guys okay with that uh yes we are good chat exling exactly maybe have some rules on screen for Tik Tok I don’t know if it would help they don’t read um so yeah it’s fine like I don’t

Think there are too much interesting people that come into the Tik Tok anyways like it’s very repetitive that’s for sure um and if there’s one or two people are being weird I just like turn them down and say like ah stop so it’s pretty good it’s pretty good

Uh also someone gifted me I was confused out yeah it’s cuz it’s Lexi’s Alon today uh I love lethal company okay let’s let’s read Lexi beloved who is doing an olon right now um but I don’t need comfort but thank you everyone for coming to the stream today I really

Appreciate it feels nice to to be back to hardcore um I won’t be streaming tomorrow as it’s a it’s a Saturday but I will be streaming on Sunday I don’t know exactly what to stream though I might stream Pia if it’s running better um I might stream

Minecraft if ever as well I don’t know we’ll see sua maybe that could also be one we’ll have to see we’ll have to see but yeah I will start the raid to Lexi there you guys go um here are the raid messages um first one being the non-sub

Raid and the second one being oh the second not not popping up but is supposed to be a a thingy a bber raid but let’s see there you go um but thank you everyone for coming to the stream thank you mods for modding thank you lurkers for lurking

Thank you everyone for tolerating me um I do appreciate it and stuff I’ve been enjoying streaming a lot more I’ve been super consistent with it um as you probably can tell I do want to improve my streams a bit more um and channelo stuff should come back maybe Sunday I’ll

Have to see of course I’ll probably inform you guys if ever um like we need to do anything so yeah so yeah but thank you everyone for coming to the stream today if you guys want I might be posting some stuff on Tik Tok actually if you haven’t already make sure to

Follow it um on Sunday and then yeah we’ll have to test the waters and stuff so yeah thank you so much everyone for the continued support I really do appreciate it son H I love you guys so so much you guys are awesome have a merry Merry Christmas or

Happy holiday or happy rest um and you guys have fun at Lexi’s now okay bye all bye and everyone who didn’t joined ra thank you so much for popping in appreciate T I’m going to end stream now though cuz I’m tired okay bye y’all

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE IS BACK!!! – Roesalie Full VOD [Dec. 9, 2023]’, was uploaded by RoesalieVODs on 2023-12-10 23:39:27. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 05:35:31 or 20131 seconds.

🔴 Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at

Welcome to our captivating Minecraft Hardcore adventure! Join us in this thrilling journey through the blocky realm where survival is key. In this VOD, experience the fusion of survival challenges and creative building as we navigate the unforgiving Hardcore mode.

Witness the enthralling moments of our gameplay where we not only strive to survive against the hostile environment but also unleash our creativity through intricate and awe-inspiring builds. From towering structures to intricate landscapes, watch as we craft and construct in this perilous world.

Catch me in my other socials!! Twitter | Youtube | Tiktok | Twitch |

Tune in to witness the fusion of survival and creativity in our Minecraft Hardcore stream VOD! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more engaging content. Join our community and share your thoughts on our daring builds and survival tactics.

#MinecraftHardcore #HardcoreSurvival #MinecraftBuilds #BlockByBlock #GamingCommunity

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    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

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  • "INSANE Hive custom servers LIVE with viewers!"

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  • 😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥

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  • Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!

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  • TurtleWorldSMP S2

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  • Torrent Network: Lifesteal MMORPG, Survival, Creative, Quests, Boss Fights

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  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

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  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness!

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    EPIC MINECRAFT MOMENTS with OnlyAfro - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #5’, was uploaded by OnlyAfro VODS on 2024-05-20 10:52:31. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:22:25 or 19345 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion – Epic Gameplay!

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  • 🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFun

    🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋’, was uploaded by Kunj Ujjwal on 2024-03-21 06:01:43. It has garnered 13874 views and 286 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. 🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋 In this video we’ll walk you through: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftskins #minecraftps4 #minecraftcreative #shorts #minecraftshaders #minecraftworld #minecraftmods #minecraftgamer #viral #minecraftanimation #minecraftyoutubers #minecraftfunny #kunjujjwal #shortsfeed #shortfeed ABOUT OUR CHANNEL Our channel is about Kunj… Read More

  • Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!

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