Insane Minecraft Hardcore Mode: Can Phoenix Flare Survive?

Video Information

Hello hello hold on I just discovered a thingy where is it hold on where’ it go it’s right here I promise hold on where’ it go wait is it like was there actually like levels to this shit hold on there shouldn’t be levels no uh I don’t know how to fix this whoops

Refresh refresh man I want to show all the cool people my thing hold on I can do this I promise we’re going to play Minecraft in a second I want to figure out how how I I fix this know to fix shit am I going to have to call an

Emergency in here emergency meeting this hold on I got to hold on I had a surprise and now it’s not working do I actually have to have this stupid thing up this entire time where did my bookmark go all bookmarks is that it no where’ it go hold fuing load up Minecraft while

Figuring out how thing work look at the pretty thingies go on hold on I might need to call someone in here help me hold on on the fuck is that ringtone I broke it broke what I don’t know how I don’t know why it’s not working now the PNG yeah

Just reopen the browser I did and it’s not working Discord call what you remember I said you have to be in a Discord call oh man so just make a private server that’s just you and join a dis join a voice Channel that’s all you have to do that’s

It yes literally it yeah how come it’s still not popping up even though we’re in a Discord call right now um it should be popping up give it a second to refresh mine took a second to refresh when we were in here man yeah you got to be like in a

Private Discord call man that is dumb it’s dumb but it’s it’s it’s the easiest way trust me the other ways are way harder to get it to do what you want it’s the easiest by far so just join a Discord call and it should work

If it doesn’t just open up the the page and it it’ll work like on a web browser or something yeah I did tech support teex support tech support at the ready what you or someone else yeah I’m tech support apparently yeah well you just help do this the so yeah

Support all right shit is it good no I’m pressing apply and it’s not doing anything you live right now yes can I just pull up your stream to see what’s going on yeah there you are it’s still not up oh well I’m just looking at Minecraft the fuck is Teddy

Tran May me are directly here to find a Cameron got G oh yeah that’s how you say that listen I’m just stupid all right um yo give me uh give me your actual Discord stream like stream your stream your obs Discord real quick okay hold on there it

Is I stream your whole screen I did scream my whole oh that’s right hold on I forgot I might set up my fourth monitor tonight nice I’m going to close Minecraft this is getting annoying with the music um this is what it looks like bitch fucking move it up to the top of

The stack what this no go down put it back where you want it click on that and go up like hit the arrows at the bottom what arrows at the bottom those yeah you need it to be at the top there you go okay it at the top

All right open up the click on properties sorry boys I saw I saw you in there Derpy how’s it going dog um okay open it up in the web browser copy and paste the the code again just copy and paste the link control a control V nothing it’s just working

Um scroll down a bit Ah what you mean ah like what does that mean lock it oh wait there you go go ahead and quickly okay you’re fine now finally what what was wrong with press lock press the lock simp there you go lock well actually put it

Where you want it first and then lock it so that way you can’t it does it hopefully can’t fuck up I don’t know what the fuck you clicked um yeah put it wherever you want it and get it set up how you want it and then if you ever

Want to edit it you got to unlock it but otherwise keep that bitch locked okay I can that way it’s just in the same spot that’s what I do with my model so oh all righty you good now Tex Support over yeah and I how would you

How would you rate this call on text support I I give you a dollar on a scale of give me a dollar out of a dollar okay cool yeah um so then I would go into a like a voice channel on like Discord something yeah so just like like yeah

Just join a join like a private voice Channel like nobody else can join okay yeah like join that all right all right got it oh shit uh I forgot that that’s my joint oh my God I forgot about that oh did you did you really forget about that I forget

About it every time and it makes me so happy when I hear it every time it’s so fuck fny my God all right I’m pulling up I’m pulling up your stream it should be there yeah it’s still working if it if it stops working um it’s probably just something with like the web

Browser um so all righty all right thank thank you all righty boys if she dies make sure to clip it fuck you man that’s help job anyway good luck Al I’m waiting on part two I’ll catch you guys I’ll catch you all later bye bye I need to hang up on this

Boo I don’t I hang up fuck I don’t know how to hang up I’m assuming that I did cool all right cool all right fine all right we’re fine yep we’re fine okay Yep this is the PNG I finally got it working hopefully it looks

Cool and it glows a little bit when I talk and it it say a little bouncy bounce as well let’s get Minecraft out I did have Minecraft up I just got annoying trying to hear what people were telling me to do and also having the fucking music playing

So just better for everyone you know also elf what do you mean Phoenix face reveal I had plenty of videos of me sitting down on like some weird looking like like couch thing in in playing videos all right single player Phoenix does something and it’s coool we’re

Going to the nether unprepared because I said so I didn’t expect so many people to be here as soon as I started uh streaming uh thank you for that especially since it’s did that when I was still setting up so I appreciate that guys don’t do that again

Though give me like a five minute buffer period right don’t just hop in all right I need this I need some buckets can’t feel me I recognize a paid actor if I you’re really going to sit there and be like the the person that’s

In my uh the the merch videos that I do is not me you think I pay some sad sad to sit through and and unbox buzy pot merch that’s really sad I would never do that to some wonder what will happen yeah yeah we’ll be fine all right you okay

Hun cool uh did you hear me earlier a a Teddy requested a Cameron gat what where hold on let me pull it up Teddy Teran excuse me I was directed here to find a Cameron Gat what does that mean God I want Teddy’s gach so bad can’t you not say

Anything about him now or is that Andy he said it first not my fault wait over leaving already we just got started wait a I thought you meant you give me Monopoly money if I die damn it I could have been rich in Monopoly money all

Right let’s find a um find a lava thing Al so I didn’t realize that my uh switch thing is still up a little bit it’s just behind the wall you know what am all right let’s find a lava pool let’s get this shit taken care of let’s

Go to the Nether and then cry where we spawn because that’s what I do all the time I know I saw a lava thing around here somewhere man not in the mood for gambling who the fuck are you what did you do to L not in the mood for

Gambling Cameron do you hear that not in the mood for gambling I’m always in the M gambling yeah I know right stop betting on hell I’m going to die right just enjoy the adventure that’s all that matters maybe the maybe the real Minecraft hardcore mode was the frzy made along the

Way if I know it’s like far out because this is like part 20 now of me trying to do this and whatnot but like I love for you to get to this part of the compilation and just be like you spent uh 10 minutes trying to fix their PNG YouTuber thing

All right I swear I saw lava and now I can’t find any I’m burnt out Elf oh I’m sorry that’s me though oh shit he left the room I should have asked him for some Arizona Iced Tea my throat needs it well looks like I’m going to have to drink this alcohol my

Bad sh I’m going to be busy as fuck tomorrow I have two wat pad reading videos I have to get done I got one with Gummy and then I have one with Jolene I’m very excited for both um me and Kay have not picked out a book yet

Though so I’m uh I’m a little scared about what we’re going to pick cuz I think the last time I had them on the show uh we read the Clone High one and if you’ve seen us read that you know it’s [Applause] bad so I don’t know what to do with my

Life right now is that lava hold on scratch scratch wait what’s my armor oh that’s not the I got a leather tunic iron leggings and boots and then I got a gold helmet with Unbreaking three I say I’m pretty decked out right now yeah and then anyway we’re going to go

To the nether I don’t know if I mentioned that yet I think it’s a good idea ow oh there is lava who the fuck is texting me he yo ice bucket challenge ah who the fuck oh it’s Reddit not important why didn’t want to waste the armor that I got

Man reduce use recycle in this house come on there we go oh oh I didn’t mean to do that where’s my thing you know am that girl I’m grabbing the oh shit doesn’t a Mexican dog just just respond to just Spanish war and whatnot oh my God there’s so many

What is happening there’s so many monsters I forget that hardcore mode means playing on hard hard mode there’s so many basic some I probably should do that yeah No sorry I wasn’t muted which I hope I didn’t get muted they were talking and I didn’t want to interrupt oh shit oh I told him to speak quietly I still fell award yeah well he was just he was just helping me out with my resume yeah

You’re going done I I just I just came in or I just wanted to him to come in here and be like that template looks good but instead he’s like you should do this you should do this I’m like I’m like I’ve been working on this ship for

Like an hour and a half already submit it did you submit it oh not yet go ahead and submit it before you I’m going to take some of his advice I’m not just going to throw it away oh what but this is wait have back I’m not going to have a

Backup world for this if I die that’s it I’m not going to cheat Mama a rais no bitch mhm Alo like this is a single player world randomly generated if it gets corrupted oh well then I’ll just get a new one but if this is like like I like have

Like a shit ton of things going on in this world and I have like a shit like a big base then I’ll back it up all right but like you have like a shit yeah I have a shit okay I need to find a lava pool and then

Once I do that then we can go to the nether cuz I only have three pieces of nether thing right now look at all that it’s pretty cool need feed myself bitch fuck you the back up it means everything you’re having a pseudo armor if the one

Time one break yeah I guess you’re right I just read back up everything I’m like ah no I’m not where is the lava pool right pass a coup on on the way oh shit you know what I could have done something else oh there’s lava over here I got an

Idea all right this is a big brain idea someone will say wow Phoenix that was such a big brain idea and then I’ll be like yes it was person I made up prer to go to the end before getting diamond armor yeah dude all you need is good armor

Beds and a lot of Ender Pearls or some shit that’s what you need for the end okay I have an idea so what I’ve learned from is that another Village or is that the same Village that I just came from well I’m going to find out in a second

But anyway so I saw this little thing that like if you put a Collen underneath dripstone with water on top it gives you water so why not do that with lava uhoh okay I got I got the lava okay is that the same Village I

Came from or no I don’t think so that means more loot for me to grab okay also I don’t know if you guys can do this I know I can do it because I was playing around with some shit but if there’s like like in a moment in the

Stream you could just clip it clip all the funny moments and my funny uh I mean stupid shit that I’ve done while while playing the game wait I one of these actually give me just both of them you don’t get you guys don’t get rights all right yes okay no rights no

Bitches they got melons but you know what maybe maybe they get some rights here the sticks what stick hey what theck oh Compass that’s going to work when I go to the nether okay there’s nothing in that house no nothing in that house okay real quick sorry I’m coughing a lot I I’m

Trying to get this fucking mucus out of my fucking throat suck ass anyway out of curiosity people send me clips to make myess yeah send if you have funny moments from the stream send it to at Elf or at random on Discord but anyway I’m getting distracted from

My point has anyone seen the amazing digital circus yet on on YouTube it’s so good and want to share my thoughts with someone on it so has the one of the three people in here seen the show or I guess seen the pilot for it I was laughed in rubber room rubber

Room with rats rat made me crazy crazy I was crazy CRA once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was crazy once they put me in a room a rubber room a rub room with rats the

Rats made me crazy I’ll shut up now okay so this is not my original Village so I’m going to head back the way I came cuz there ain’t shit for me now cuz I robbed this bitch oh you seen the amaz the amazing digital circus yeah yeah I just sat down and

Watched it with my boy before uh before I got on I loved it dude and uh fun fact the guy that voices uh JX uh he is the original voice actor for angel dust and has been a toast pilot also he voices uh shit what the fuck is their

Name they they voice n from murder drones and then they I don’t remember the character’s name it’s the grayc cat from lack a daisy they play that guy as well yeah they they keeping Michael on their uh roster okay I did not come from this way where the fuck did I come from

Where did she come from where did she go hope that anytime make a noise it’s just gonna yeah I can’t wait to see where the show goes I really want to buy a plushy they have two plushies available right now uh the pomy and Ja but I don’t know which one to get

Okay or am I hold on I got I got you man hold on set a timer for seven minutes all right cool I got you all right got to figure out where my house is you guys think I’m in a bread I don’t think I have enough bread the

Oo whoa hold on I got to look at this I want to get one of the pomy but it’s pretty sure they didn’t sell it in my country oh you can always try hold on hold on give me a moment I need to look at something I need I don’t know if I

Should am I allowed to just send this shit on on hold on Save hold on I’m looking at something I’m not saying what it is make a TR s it’s the right person that’s the last thing I need that to happen hold on what how do I do the Markus spoiler

Please okay thank God hold on here’s the timer to three minutes God damn it set a timer for three minutes of the little details in there for just the one episode is really good yeah yeah yeah I can’t wait to see it become a full thing and it’s

Dark over here giggling an idiot over the shit that I’m looking at hold on where the fuck is my house is there a lava pit right there hold on we’re going over there I promise lava and I think I wrote down the coordinates in my house

So we’ll we’ll pick the direction to go in soon last holy shit that is a lot of things that is so many things oh my God no no no W hey how everyone else is a going so far it’s going good for me no fuck off go fuck

Yourself man maybe you should just keep track of it yourself just saying okay you know about am stop telling me I’m going to die it’s not fun damn I’m really thirsty oh my god oh there’s nothing in here I think there’s a little bit I did not fart dude that that was probably

You no you okay yeah on you it’s fun watching you die Minecraft dery I mean this in all sincerity fuck you hey that three minute timer went off I think your thing’s ready oh sorry I only want to stop and take a sip but I’m afraid that a creeper just going to

Come down and explode and kill me oh yes peaceful Minecraft music is what I need no you don’t know me you don’t you don’t know me I do what I want whatever Whatever I just wanted a drink that isn’t alcoholic that’s all I want in life oh I have plenty I’m going to go back now all right where we head back I wrote down my coordinates on a little piece of paper also Drew Sanji on the piece of paper as

Well you’re probably is an emot what are you talking about I am not there’s literally videos of me with my face plenty yeah you can somewhat see on the doors too that like uh that the people kind of live in and whatnot that there’s a lot of people that were there before that

Are crossed off now oh I got to head this way yep I got to head this way for a while all right I got I got boots Al s was pretty good oh thank you I appreciate I drw it while I was at work waiting for permits to go through for inspections

And shit so thank you appreciate That a female kler yeah so I see I really want to see what the new intro song is going to look like what oh I drew I put it in the art chat in the in the Art Channel I drew a little thing you know what yeah a lot of cats

Are dumb but cats are cute and they make up for there a lot of cool benefits to cats like uh like like if you’re a person that kind of like travels and whatnot cat’s perfect you know not for like bringing with you or what not it’s

Like for when it stays at home cuz like a cat knows how to portion out its food that way it does oh shit oh my God is he going to blow him up like for like when you go on vacation right you can leave a thing out of food of like

Um or to eat and whatnot and maybe you just come have someone come by like like once once or twice in a week just to check up on it making sure it hasn’t like got out like for some reason and shit right but like a cat knows how to

Like to eat like when it’s hungry and that’s it but like a dog all they like is if you put food in front of them they go after it and they eat the whole thing you know so then you have to constantly bring someone to take it out and then

You can’t really can you potty train a dog I know there’s like little peats but like they they have to go number two at some point so I think I don’t think they’ll do that on the pat so um know I feel like it’s a

Lot more effort with the dog than it is to just leave your cat at home there a skeleton over there fuck get out of my bed also my the cat that I have is really nice and cute her name is Miller she’s a cute little cat and uh my

Whenever my dad watches the football game he puts his feet up on like the uh like he sits on the couch and he puts his feet up on the like the the the what are they called coffee table and he puts his legs down and Crosses a bit and then

My my cat will go up and lay kind of like in between his like leg fold and just sit there and and lay and just like have a good time with my dad until like she doesn’t get frightened or anything when he like yells about football and

Like baseball and shit which is she just she just lays there and chills it’s very cute also it’s what’s pretty cool is that like like comparing the uh the genetic what are they called again it’s genetic is it genetic mutation when you like for example you know like dogs come

From like wolves and shit like that but if you look at a wolf and then look at like a dog like like right now they like are so different because they’ve been like bred for specific things and like like through generations of breeding and

Shit like if you look at a cat and like a bobcat there’s like barely any differences because cats aren’t that like far apart from their original like blue print so they still have most of their instincts it’s just like this one tolerates humans more and his breath to

Tolerate humans more and this other one just hates everything and kills everything on site also what am I oh yeah yeah yeah fucking nether portal oops D you should yeah get a cat dude they’re really nice and friendly what’s really good is you should get a kitten cuz then um cuz then

You can you can’t you can’t teach a cat well you can treat a cat some tricks and whatnot it’s possible it’s just a lot of effort since they’re not made like that but you should like um you to train so that way they’re like they’re around people a lot more you can

Train it to not like he somewhat train it to not scratch or um do stupid shit and like get a guy and also like after a while like the cat will imprint on you to like the point like if when you come home and if it’s happy to see

You that means like the cat really likes you you know okay where is let me put away a bunch of crap wait Give me the pork you knowbody in that girl me in five minutes take my fish sticks out all right hold on set a timer for five

Minutes all right and I’ll put it right by the mic that way everyone knows it’s your fault Sue games all right let’s get a flint and seal okay let’s then just dump this shit in here all right where am I going to put this right here perfect you guys are so

Great so I mean like I grew up with cats you guys are going to laugh about it but I had a had a cat is um first ever cat his name was Pepe but unfortunately for me I didn’t know how to pronounce the word Pepe cuz that’s very complicated to tell you’re a

2-year-old and like shit like that so what uh what I end up calling the cat was Pee PE so from now on that cat’s name till the day it died was Pee PE we never ever called it Pepe ever again because of me where the fuck am I I was like why is

It raining oh oh my fun fact I was stupid when I was young and kept poking the cat named pit and you know if the name is pit bull it’s not a nice cat and it may not Scrat either oh oh whoa whoa whoa what thank God I fucking moved hi little guy

Hold on oh oh oh oh can I not go through this but are they good is that good why also like cats have like the funniest names like I feel like there’s like a criteria for naming dogs and whatnot but like when it comes to like naming a cat

You can name that shit anything like for example PE PE I mean even like my my my cats that I have now they don’t have normal names like the one I just mentioned Miller that she’s named after a beer you know Miller Light and I have another cat his

Name is Guinness also named after the beer so yeah cats don’t have normal names what so who the fuck names their cat fucking Pepe anyway that’s just a weird name I’m going to tell my dad that the next time I see him I really hope the zombie Penguins didn’t see

That do you say you’re G to name your cat egg salad that’s a bombass name if I ever get a like my own personal cat I can name it like sauerkraut sauerkraut’s a good name all right where where’s my tiara shift that shit down in the G you

Know nice uh the ones I have uh On’s an inside cat the other one’s an outdoor cat I think they he just started getting used to the outside and Whatnot cuz well we they just moved so I kind of like packed him in the kennel and then brought him so he was like chilling in the garage for like ever all right what the fuck is up here over there I still want to die from like a like a weird guy you

Know all right your fish sticks are ready uhoh on stop it don’t remember these coordinates uh sorry bro I don’t know you where where the fuck is the bitch sit still so I can hit you with this uhoh uh oh oh look at that all right we need to find another

Fortress ready to get my ass Ki dude damn dude there lot of penguins around here oh the worst goddamn biome wait wait hold what the fuck is that that just deep s oh okay I thought it was the uh what do they call basculin thought it was that for a moment

I was going to freak out Little M cubes over there there just a little babies little babies just kill them and run oh my neck my back what do you mean eat oh thank God I brought all this bread with me I don’t know what I would do without it proba be

Dead come on here oh that’s a gas I was like oh that’s a weird looking building over there all right where would another Fortress be in this world oh oh there’s a there’s things around here that I don’t like what that was weird okay why are you call me an ass I told

You that you’re fish oh my God it’s a basculin is this a cool one is this one guys look what I found cool dude they where the big boinks Phoenix beware yeah the guys with the axes right that’s what I got to be worried of hey hey

Cameron cam what kind of basul Legion thing is this hang on I’m in a boss oh you’re always in a boss what do you mean Phoenix no uh Phoenix yes Phoenix yes go in there here let me let me go on the other someone someone get them get away from me okay we’re

Fine thanks that is shit that shit is deadly for Diamond gear now dude dude here’s my strategy all right there is no strategy I go in get stuff I leave that’s the strategy I think you me the do with the axes not not that you didn’t say shit

Elf look how pretty this is dude now is it just the shit in the building and I just got to be careful with the guys with the axes because they don’t care if I’m wearing gold or not they they’ll rock my shit anyway and they have black shirts and carry axes

Okay yep there there’s one right there I don’t know what kind of basul Legion is this one of the Dangerous Ones what what I I didn’t do anything also that’s a basian not a dude you know I can’t read dude that be fucking pushing up your nerd glasses

And being like well actually to me all right yeah bro you haven’t even G me a chance dog watch me this watch be the the greatest thing I’ve ever done all right are you done with your boss yet no am I mean I don’t know the types of

Bastion anyway want don’t know if you can look at this and be like oh you’re fucked well me you’re probably fucked either way thanks my own boyfriend you’re very welcome oh oh I see a double chest over there nice okay here here’s the strategy all right I need a there is no

Strategy what did you just remember do you know wait I have an idea come here oh wait I don’t like this go away please oh oh shit uhoh this is a bad idea I’m sorry oh shit I don’t have a shield what a hello Mark I don’t have a shield anymore I did

Not think any of this through what do I do now I just go back and go get a shield yes my thing’s fucking up oops trying to eat my bread there we go yeah let’s let’s head back let’s go get a shield and then everything will be hunky

Dory will’ll go and go into the basy legion as well what that’s not fair I just you just spawned in I hope you B die what okay hey does anyone remember where spawn was stop shooting shit at me you got stop shooting at me oh all right oh there’s an Enderman right

There no no you know cuz they’re smarter than me right now oh there’s my NE portal how the fuck do I get down there oh my God there’s a lot of Endermen around me holy shit you no I am the girl do you have arrows I have

Two what I bring a bow with me before I uh go in that basy Legion is that what you guys are saying probably make a new sword while I’m at it huh I am unprepared oh my God bro I’m just trying to get home bro Video Killed the Radio Star video

Kill the radio stuff where the fuck am I supposed to get down what did I just realize oh eating sorry that Hab it video kill the Radio Star video kill the Radio Star look at that I went to the Nether and actually Liv the game more bread let’s

Get thingy who the fuck just came into my house what the fuck okay hey get out my bed I got more arrows I don’t have any uh a bow but I I guess I have plenty of things to make a bow so oh my God I’m so smart the first time

I try to make a bow I might have to go dude I had to wake up at 62 and I’m still streaming might actually might call it early like early one well I’m going to about I’m about to go back to the bask Legion don’t you want to see how that

Ends you want to see how messed up my this is going to be do I have everything am I good to go in there bring a boat cuz then I can just trap it all right take two we’re going in video kill the Radio Star video kill the radio stop SMH dude

Flaking no I’m kidding go to bed dude be fine you could watch the VA tomorrow fine let me set up have a good sleep I will at you on Discord when I die so you’ll see the exact time when that happens all right look good for a scoop I’ll keep you in the

Loop all right go get sleep I’ll be here H actually one of those things like this stream ends when I die in Minecraft and then that’s just like 20 minutes BR I just set in here you know but in the oh okay he left it’s fine I don’t I don’t

Care everything in the ne wants me dead I can make that jump those were the days what kind of fucking name is that also is that like a a big room there’s nether Ro we can make potions you going to get a Coca-Cola base I’ll be here without a Coca-Cola but

What what no no you okay oh there’s a chest right there Hi little guy hey just don’t don’t tell the big hammer man that I’m here all right I know there’s one there how many spawn in here they there’s only like these guys will keep spawning

But aren’t there like only four of the guys with axes these for a while you’re welcome that’s the point of streamers that hold on should I like put a American flag in the background while I talk about this shit just been like I’m that’s that’s the point of being a

YouTuber to distract all those who need a distraction from this world on I’m got to I got to wander through here with my sword I think they’ll get mad at me if I take the gold oh there’s a chest right here no no no no

Where it said brw on the side you guys can’t see it but it said brw where the fuck is the brute at he can’t get me from up here right hold on putting on both headsets oh I hate this well have fun you I’ll be dreamly have fun with the Life Death reaction

Thanks where I heard him and it spooked me also I didn’t like the the the nether noise video kill the Radio Star really want to go down to that one but I feel like I’m going to get shanked there’s that one I hear the brute on that side but I don’t see him he’s probably at the bottom nearby oh there’s a hogland I guess they’re close to the red Forest guess that makes

Sense I really want to go down there and see what’s in there but I’m also afraid at the same time no well maybe on the way back that time I going to die stop it okay Tiara shift time you fuck off I’m hearing the gas sorry h ping brutes oh kill me now

Bro on I’m scared be honest as shit with you guys I’m a little scared that I will die here I’m hearing them and I don’t like it how many spawn in here four and I’ve only seen one and then heard several oh damn dud that that was it and your bitch ass is

Weak did he die no he did not die dude yeah hold on uh oh did I shoot the piglin by accident maybe I should not have done that I’m a little scared someone give me fucking words of encouragement okay they’re not angry at me cuz if they were they would have shot me by now G here oh I wish I had more blocks wait I have these oh you see that guy oh there’s

Two oh God if I use a sword then I’m going to hit the piglins though oh oh oh oh shit was that was oh my God oh God oh they got pissed off at me real fast oh why did I think that was a good idea oh God I don’t feel God pretty sure the area over there was like some kind of treasure room thing you know what I already pissed off a lot of them I’m going to go down and get that chest that I saw it’s a typo it’s a typo it’s a typo

What’s a typo I’m not talking to you Sage okay sorry this night this night troop event is riddled with the most shit typos literally the the Run duration stuff at level two is all you need oo nowhere does it say that it extends runes you think I just shoot them from here

And they won’t notice me that ain’t going to work okay come on where’s the crown I think you they don’t see me yet but maybe I can get away using your pig Breen as a shield oh shit I didn’t mean to kill that one oh shit I didn’t mean to kill that

One wait did I kill that one I can’t believe I actually killed that one holy shit I’m actually goated for once why you even step up to me if you’re just going to run away like a bitch oh my God this fucking bitch fucking come over here uhoh oh shit woo we’re

Fine where’d he go come on bitch hi buddy yep there it is I don’t I do I don’t me any harm look at that shit over there there’s nothing up here that could kill me right cool I don’t think I need the bone thing look at this shit double all right that

Does how cool this is bro I don’t like the um what is it called the noises oh oh oh I need to get out of here bitch fuck you this one yep bitch see you later bitch haunting this guy fuck that guy uhoh I have this efficiency ax oh that’s not the axe

Is that all that’s in here feel like I’m missing a lot more chests than I’m uh that I’m thinking of but I’m a little too scared to just like go through and just go face to face with the man with an axe so can I just turn on like the X-ray

Pack don’t I have that hold on Cameron don’t I have the X-ray pack I don’t think so oh I don’t I thought it came with the uh the the texture pack that was with the lighting no oh why not why not oh oh guess what I found H ancient de debris hell

Yeah only need a few more another yay now how the hell do I get back up I was going to review this later he’ be like wow you you you suck why did you think that was a good idea and I’m be like I don’t

Know like that uh a shit it was like a teen thing that uh like a high school did it supposed to be like awareness about like uh buckling up he’s like let’s go to the mall all right I’ll drive put your seat belts on YOLO and

Then they show her getting thrown out of the car cuz they got into a car accident and then she dies in the hospital and they’re like we told her to buckle up Look at that all right look at that we took care of a bunch of guys with axes and did things and other things and X Y and Z we did pretty good and we’re right next door to the uh the the Blue Force it’s very blue NE has

Enderman so we can do a little boat thing that’ be pretty good I have a looting sword we can use the Looting sword I have a lot of I have a fortune one diamond pickaxe now and uh an Unbreaking three as well where go how I myself other way other way

How do I get down I got down there go swe s swe all right look at that we did it we went to another and I didn’t die but we still need to found another Fortress cuz uh they don’t just give away blaze rods also got another Golden Apple which

Is pretty cool and we got this stuff which I think yep you put in these let’s give you just one that’s it all right let’s grow some in this nether WP cuz we need some potions so the money was a gang we love casting spells I don’t think the villagers will

Uh bother with the uh Netherrack which is good a seedy place this counts as seedy this is fucking another rack another warts I’m going to head to bed we made a lot of progress no one really thinks that you’re just going to find a thingy so all

Right I got to get one of those thingies for what they’re called uh the ones that do the uh the armor pattern and whatnot we get that going thought I was find diamonds in the uh the the the basculin thing but it’s okay we found a lot of tools Golden

Apple almost netherite stuff so I say it was worth it this was fun next episode we’ll find the uh we’ll go fourth try to find the uh the nether fortress cuz that’s what I really want really badly a lot wow what a surprise okay well thank you guys for watching this was

Fun hopefully I don’t know if I’ll Tor the live stream cuz I have two w pad things to get recorded So who messaged me four goddamn times actually technically it’ be three Jesus Christ okay all right well thank you guys for watching I’m going to go uh

Thank you guys who joined thank you anyone who’s watching the the VOD later on appreciate that but see you guys Byebye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live: How long can I Last in Hardcore Mode Pt 20’, was uploaded by Phoenix Flare on 2023-10-19 14:42:42. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:21 or 5061 seconds.

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