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Grazy I’m so bored what should we do come on sit down with me and watch some TV yay okay let’s see what’s on the TV a sometimes I wish I was a mom oh Gracie don’t worry we basically already are we have to look after Lou and Sophie

Oh guys my stomach hurts I want something to eat now oh my goodness you see what I mean ice dinner isn’t ready yet oh hurry up there why can’t you just look after yourself oh I’m leaving Jamesy where are you going I’m just going on to walk Lou and Sophie Gracie

Keep annoying me they’re so immature oh what’s wrong young man why are you whining I just wish my friends were more like grown-ups more like grownups you say well I happen to have a spell for that what was that what did you just do have fun wait what oh my goodness all

Right I’m just going to go home and apologize to Gracie and Lou I guess that was kind of rude that wasn’t very nice of me okay let me go find Gracie and apologize I think she’s still in my house oh crazy hey I was just making some food

What’s up Jamesy I’m sorry for storming out I didn’t mean to be rude I was just annoyed it’s okay you should probably go apologize to Lou too he went back to his house okay can you come with me sure Lou where are you I’m just going to go in Lou

Lou huh wait did you just hear him that’s Lou I heard him he’s somewhere here at the front he’ll never find me James a look wait how is he fit in that battle Lou get out of there hey Jamesy wait why are you so small what Lou is

Turned into a toddler how this happened guys guys I turned into a toddler what’s going on oh my goodness what’s happening Jamesy we need to go outside and talk Gracie what has happened to those two they’ both turned into little toddlers well earlier in my room Lou started

Saying he felt sick and went back to his house that’s all I know wait that’s funny that’s about the same time that a witch cast a spell on me huh a witch Jamesy why didn’t you say anything about this oh no Gracie this is all my fault

Told no no well in the meanwhile we have to take care of Lou and Sophie they’re running around like babies yeah we’re going to have to figure this out talking about L stop acting like a little kid we need to figure this out but in the

Meantime we need to make sure they don’t get hurt I know literally nothing about parenting how do adults do this stuff kids stop running around and stand still yeah so fast oh I’m hungry I want a donut yeah me too all right Gracie I think we have to Tire them out we should

Occupy them with a game wait how about a game like hide and seek I used to play that all the time when I was a kid wait hide and seek hide and seek I love that game I like hide and seek stop being so hyper guys all right if you guys want to

Play hide-and-seek let’s play play hide and seek all right um how about I be the Seeker you fre little ones go and hide okay byebye 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 all right kids have you all hidden Gracie I’ve got no hiding spots oh Lou stop

Being immature I’m looking for you guys he’s not in the dining room there’s not another one’s in the kitchen either maybe they’ve gone upstairs let me see if I can find these little kitty Winks oh Lou are you in your little la come out to play no you’ll never find me

These going to be difficult to find they’re so small wait I think I see someone’s name tag who is that I’m coming in this room someone around this corner boom it’s sopie no I can’t see you so you can’t see me oh you’re so silly that’s not how this works Sophie

You’re been found now you can help me find the others okay okay all right let’s go find the others they must be around here somewhere maybe behind here ah Lou I found you as well no no no no no that’s cheating you knew where I was

The whole time I can smell you L you stand up from a mile okay but where is Gracie Not underneath the stairs well I know my house better than any of you so I’m going to go find her now well Lou I think I should take this house from you

You’re not old enough to own a house anymore no that’s not very nice wait a second I think I just saw you I found you you almost walked straight past me all right I think we should play one more round you know what I’ll be the counter this time okay mom’s

Going to be the counter this time kids let’s hide go guys go oh my goodness why is she counting there that’s super tricky okay I’m going to go this way come on come on come on no this is going to be wait Lou follow me Lou wait where

Are you going come follow me Lou Lou you should hide in there is that very safe all just do it get inside oh my God let me get in the campire go go go ow ow ow ow JY please just stay there if you want to

Win oh this is a genius hide sport yes all righty time for me to find you all oh no I’m super scared I know you guys have got to be downstairs somewhere it’s a mine field in here oh my goodness her name tet is right there where are you

Guys I don’t see you guys anywhere oh my gosh that was super close ow ow Jam huh Lou what’s wrong oh my gosh you’re in the campfire get out of here oh jamy told me to hide in here what that’s a fireplace why would jamy tell

You to do that jamy where are you I’m sorry I’m not very good parent he said it was a good hiding spot I trusted him I mean it was a good hiding spot okay well it’s time to go back upstairs looks like Jamesy isn’t up here isn’t down

There either yeah that’s super good a h Sophie where are you there you are you’re hiding in this little corner a you found me that means I win what Jamesy were you just falling behind me the whole time yep I was in the kitchen guys your dad is horrible at

Parenting did you know he put Lou in the campfire in the fireplace yeah that hurt really bad okay well now I’m bored of hide-and seek I want to do something else you guys are terrible parents oh my goodness kids just don’t stop complaining do they I want a pony a pony

Oh maybe we can do some sort of other activity uh uh maybe we can do a building battle wait twins wait building battle building battle I got building battle building okay let’s go do a build challenge then Jamesy are we there yet I’m so bored okay lucky for you twoo we

Are then we’re at the build Arena yippe oh my goodness all right kids I there’s a for everyone uh Lou you can be on this side uh Sophie you can be on this side yellow there we go now be safe don’t go anywhere stay on your side okay I’ll try

Not to I’ll go on this side and then baby you can go on this side okay I feel kind of nervous about leaving all those kids alone that be fine what is the worst that can happen okay I don’t want to be a bad parent all right guys and

Now we all have to build our favorite thing okay all right guys the win this build and I’m going to build a sword because I love fighting so let me have a look at this thing what does it look like to start with I need some dark blue for the

Handle I’m going to make it free by free like this I wonder what the kids are up to right now and now I can do the handle like this this is awesome there we go this is coming along I think this should be really good now of course I need to

Add the guard so people don’t cut themselves we go across like this and then we go up wait what’s happening where is this red wall coming from wait can I hear Lou laughing oh Lou you need to stop this right now otherwise I’m going to put you in time out you’ll

Never put me in timeout if you can’t find me where are you oh kids are so annoying Why did no one tell me being a parent was so hard your build is terrible your build is terrible oh Gracie I need some help over here what’s going on Jamesy oh can you please find

Lou and put him in the cage please Lou stop being a bad boy stop being a bad boy no no no okay I know exactly what to do I’m putting a bunch of cage traps all over the CR we got him Gracie that was a genius

Idea that’s not fair oh look at this little kid it’s invisibility right out all right I said we just leave him here for a few minutes of time out let me out let me let me out I need to do my build how about how about 5 minutes of timeout

That’s what he deserves besides look now you’re going to lose to the Build Challenge that’s your fault get for cheating Lou you got to learn your actions have consequences okay I’m going to keep you in there for a few minutes at least you can watch me build huh

Daisy this thing looks terrible what are you even trying to build a wrong way pickaxe now Lou it’s not nice you have to be nice to your parents okay they work really hard to just provide you with food and basic needs nope you put

Me in the fire pit I don’t care Lou I was just doing that so that you could win the hide and seek stop complaining I’m trying to build my sword right now I didn’t win the hideand-seek anyway besides your sword is terrible Louie take that back right now no Lou don’t

Make me do more punishments I can put some lava in your head right now if you keep punishing me I swear I’ll poop in this cage no Lou don’t you dare poop in that cage Lou stop it Jamesy I did an accident what’s that smell Gracie come back I need your help

Again it’s hard being a single parent what’s going on what happened what is that smell I don’t like the smell of this Louie has pooped himself and he’s jumping all at the poop oh my gosh I guess we have to let him out we have to let him out no maybe

I need the toilet now maybe we should just leave him in there as a punishment oh never mind I’m just going to wash him yeah get that escaped all right let me go to the restroom and then I’m going to finish my pill all right let go back to

Your side it’s so hard being a parent it’s so hard it’s not long now hopefully they turn back to normal size soon we should go and find that witch later on Gracie I’m sure she can fix this for us yeah but it’s hard to because they keep asking us to do things

Oh my gosh Lou’s trolling my build now Jamesy what what’s happening oh What’s happen oh this K tastes like poop oh that’s because it’s poop on your feet Lou stop it yeah Lou get out of here right now go back to your side otherwise I’m going to put you in the cage again

Fine wait wait wait why is he crying oh let’s go wait what’s happening oh wait I think don’t be’s trolling him now see Lou that’s what you get you get what you deserve that’s the Golden Rule well that’s not fair I’m soie started it I’m going to ruin hers now no no

H what’s happening guys what’s happening again oh no I’m going to blow up your base now what you started it water water it water it oh oh goodness bear okay guys this is enough building let’s just have a look at everyone’s build um Sophie what was

You trying to build I was trying to build a teddy bear but Lou blew it all up so Sophie does really like teddy bears wait Sophie did you know that our plushy has literally launched really I want one I want one yep so we look what

Our plushy looks like doesn’t it look so cute oh can I have it for my collection yeah okay you can have one the link is in the description yay all right well anyway I guess that will help so she should be so sad now now that we’re

Buying her a plushy yeah it’s okay you don’t need this teddy bear we’ve got you a better one let’s go see Lou wo Lou F she destroyed my entire build what was it supposed to be Lou it was going to be a really cool red dinosaur it looks kind of good Lou well

Done nice job buddy well anyways I think we should go see mommy’s build it’s obviously a cake I love making you guys cakes oh my gosh yes what even is this in the middle it looks disgusting it’s a cherry Lou it’s literally red why do you not like it it

Look like a chili I don’t like spicy food I don’t like it it’s fruit Lou I don’t care you put me in timeout you’re a bad mother oh whatever okay guys let’s go see Daddy’s build no um Jamesy are you serious come on what is this this is

Amazing this is a diamond sword I think this is pretty obvious what this is it’s not the best honestly I think Lou was better than you and he’s a toddler this is such a weak sword it looks like a pencil okay kids let’s do a vote which

Build you think was the best you can’t vote for your own I think mommy’s build was the best it looks super yummy at least it looked good I’m like d okay enough of this I have not dragged you all this way for you to St my build that

Was a long walk Jamesy sorry looks like they’re mommy’s favorite okay guys what should we do next I want to see animals can we go to the zoo please please please please please I don’t know gra Gracie I don’t know the zoo is so expensive it’s like 200

$200 that’s so that’s so cheap money doesn’t grow on trees Lou I have to work hard for that money if enough people buy our plushy we can totally afford a ticket to the zoo okay let’s just go then yippe all right kids we’re finally there the zoo is just out here yes yes

Woo I’m so excited are you guys excited wo guys look at this look at this massive frog wait come on it’s I want to take a picture of you guys I need to remember this a PCT all right kids kids kids yes get in front of the zoo sign

Get in front of the zoo sign help me my goodness this one trying to eat me Lou get on the pen right now before something bad happens not supposed to go near wild animals there’s a fence for a reason get next to the zoo s we’re try to get a

Picture yeah now let me take a family photo okay sit down there and smile wide okay say cheese cheese cheese awesome okay guys let’s go inside the zoo who’s excited me me me me all right let’s go in wo look at this guys it’s an AEL lot

A they look like kitty cats they’re the cutest ever these are terrible they’re just like any other cat I want to see better animal oh Lou we’re going to see more animals stop complaining oh over here we have some cows look at this there some cows Lou isn’t this really cool

Boring they’re stinky like Lou Gracie Gracie yeah this city zoo they didn’t even get the name correct yeah what this is an an Arctic for such a rip oh the Arctic f is over here guys wow There It Is Well look these are the gray wolves they’re pretty cool yeah those are so

Awesome and llamas do you guys love this wait where’s Lou gone Lou where are you Lou oh no we’ve lost him we’ve lost him look at this animal look at him go that’s not an animal Sophie that’s your brother look at me yeah get out of that

Cage right now there could be a dead the animal down there I don’t think so I think the only animal in there is Lou crazy crazy what is Lou scared of he’s really scared of snakes oh oh I got an idea Lou Lou quick there’s a snake get

Out of there snake snake come on come out the cage come on come on come on okay there we go that worked oh my goodness you got scared Lou all right let’s look at some of these other exhibits there’s chickens there’s pigs there’s even sheep Guys these animals

Are so boring I want to see deadly okay how about you guys have a look at these crocodiles James he hates crocodiles all right guys let’s leave this one I am kind of scared of crocodiles wait what are these things they look so silly these are Striders they live in the

Nether wo that’s so cool right guys and that’s lava don’t get too close cuz it’s really really hot speaking of eating I’m hungry can can we get an ice cream I want ice cream what it’s okay kids we already have ice cream at home here oh

No I don’t want this I don’t want steak I’m giving it to the crocodile oh my gosh L that was the food we packed oh no all right uh Gracie where could we find ice cream in this place there’s got to be a concession stand somewhere let’s

Look around yeah I’m looking around oh ice cream over there Gracie over there ice cream come on kids there’s an ice cream stand yes ice cream all right where can we get some decent service where is it waiters here oh no it must be a self

Serve oh I’m getting so crazy I can’t take this anymore it’s okay everyone just get your ice creams yes yes yes e there’s no strawberry ice cream there’s only mango ice cream C aart from the mango they must be sold out with the rest guys mango ice cream or nothing

I’ve had enough of this whatever I don’t care stop being so picky kids all right kids you’ve got your ice cream what do you want to do next Gokarts Gokarts you guys want to do some go cing go go okay I think these are supposed to be for

Display but I guess we can borrow them all right all right guys we can do three laps around this middle bit okay we’ll see who’s faster okie dokie oh my gosh you guys are so small you can barely even reach the pedals 3 2 1 and go I been the

Lead wait Sophie are you last no I think Lou’s behind me you guys are so small oh my goodness I got hit with an LD Guardian okay I’m taking a shortcut did you just see that of cheating whatever he crazy come on come on I can take him I can take you Lou

Dad’s going to take you not going to happen I’m going to get this corner nice and tight there we are oh oh that was oh that was good you stop me no near yes your old man still got it huh oh oh okay oh no I broke down oh no oh

Come on let me see if I can start the car we are going to pass you no Sophie got in front oh wow it looks like we are losing to our kids they’re so good at this aren’t they Jamesy wo wo wo wo wo I’m losing control

Oh my goodness well that’s the end of the race guys well done Lou well done Sophie you guys won good work all right should we go see the sharks then sharks I want to see sharks so over here we have an elder G and this thing’s so

Strong don’t get I throw this in it Lou that’s not going to do anything against him yeah oh my goodness you’re a public nuisance wao guys look at this look at these sharks wo these things are scary wo isn’t this worth coming for this is called a hammerhead shark yeah wao guys

Look at this one there’s Dolphins what they’re so pretty and good gorgeous yeah that’s super cute dolphins are boring Lou stop saying they’re boring you’re always bored okay then I’m bored I want to go out now okay I’m bored too let’s leave what a tiring day Jamesy I know

Let’s go outside oh kids look it’s getting late we should probably go home soon oh my gosh come on I’m scared all right I think it’s just through this Village oh no guys there’s a zombie apocalypse all right kids I need you to go back to the zoo me and Mom will

Handle this go quick a I want a sword I want a hell no get out of here Lou you’re just a toddler you can’t deal with these zombies stay back stay back this this is so not fair this is so boring I don’t make the rules you guys are kids you

Can’t fight these zombies There’s far too many of them it’s too dangerous oh you guys time even get along even when we’re fighting a zombie apocalypse to save you yeah do you want to die okay just a few more zombies and there we go yes good work work James zeve we make

The best couple team ever high five oh that was so boring I don’t want to be a toddler anymore me neither let’s find that witch I want to be back to normal okay good point all right let’s go find that witch and see if we can kill these

Two a witch would be somewhere in a swamp let’s go towards the swamp there’s one this way let’s go wao Dad what’s that massive sword over there wow that means there was once a massive Warf on this mountain that’s so cool James stop telling them lies that’s not a lie trust

Me my dad told me that wait guys look there’s a swamp and wait look at that massive building over there do you think that might be the witch that did that to me no way come on guys we have to go down this might be the answer

Woohoo oh my god did you just see that graas he just jumped like 20 blocks he’s being way too Reckless all right guys let’s go find that witch H ow who punched me me me me I want go faster be Beres can I eat them no do not

Eat BL berries no get away they look so yummy stop it stop it stop it they could be poisonous stop it don’t you know bright colors usually mean they’re toxic they but they look yummy Lou drop it Louie drop them right now I have tomatoes you can have those I’m getting

Out of here yumy St right now huh she ate them JY look what’s happening I feel a bit sick let’s go find that witch and kill him right now Gracie wa guys those are toxic mushrooms stop being naughty come on the house must be around it somewhere oh

It’s just there well almost there guys that’s the hunt that’s got to be let’s go inside you think the witch has yummy cookies inside no easing witch’s cookies a all right Sophia Lou I want you two to stand right on this bridge it might not

Be safe in there for you two okay oh stay right there no moving all right Gracie let’s go inside yeah let’s get out of here come on we need to save them asab okay Gracie let’s look around this place maybe we can find that witch oh no

Look at this the skeleton taging from the ceiling yeah no this is weird and look she captured a bunch of fairies I have to set them free I have to set them free careful gra they might be deadly Gracie oh I’m dizzy I’m dizzy okay let’s quickly get are they carrying Lou’s head

Do you see that oh my goodness just ignore them it’s a spell it’s a spell okay look at this okay hello anyone home I mean this is her bedroom for sure but she’s not here what is going on if she’s not here then they’re going to be stuck

Like this no no no this is her house look this is her bed she’s got to come back at some point but it is really late we have to find somewhere to sleep okay yeah let’s camp out for the night maybe she’ll be here to okay good point but I

Don’t want to fall asleep in this place it’s too spooky yeah let’s get out I’m being attacked gra let’s get outside wait what’s the witch in there what’s the witch in there I’ve got some bad news kids did she have cookies no there was no cookies and there was does know

Which which means you’re going to be stuck for Todd us for a little bit longer but don’t worry we’re going to wait around here until she comes back wait Jamesy behind you all let’s run run run run run run all right I’m going to build my tent here you guys build yours

Next to mine okay I’m building mine with these Tomatoes all right Lou stop doing that all right let’s do this my tent’s going to be awesome there we go okay James Z it doesn’t matter how it looks it just matters if it actually works okay it will work there we go that’s my

Tent all right let me do the floor and there we go that’s my 10 completed let me see everyone else’s Jamesy look I put a campfire out here in the middle there we go that will keep us warm uh Sophie yours is a bit cramped Lou yours is

Sideways mine looks so good gra you’re sleeping on dirt I guess mine’s the best what Jamesy yours looks silly okay it doesn’t look silly mine is clearly the best anyway guys let’s go to bed oh that’s some really nice benches you’re putting down Gracie I know right all

Right guys uh do you want to do a quick story before we go to bed yeah story time story time okay guys we should probably go to bed soon it’s getting really late no I don’t want to go to bed I’ll have to go to school again oh you about to go back

To elementary school Lou no no no but also since I’m a toddler now I can buy more plushies and nobody can judge me that’s funny you get it no graci I really need to get these two back into teenagers my life is going to be so much

More stressful having to look at this one yeah yeah yeah get out of there Lou it’s the same for Sophie as well they’re all a bunch of little brats yeah all right let’s go to bed and then we can wake up and hopefully find that witch yeah good night everybody good

Night oh good morning everybody good morning bab no I’m still a toddler I thought it was all a dream okay let’s go find that witch I do not want to stay around anymore all right guys same deal stay on the bridge me and Gracie will going in as adults okay oh

It’s so not fair I don’t all right Gracie let’s go all right let’s have a look around for this Witch she’s going to be in here somewhere Gracie oh it’s the same fairy and it’s still holding Lou I can deal with this thing and there

We go it’s now gone don’t worry wait oh my go you hear that I swear I just heard a witch huh it must be upstairs come on come on oh my goodness it’s the witch oh why hello there young man and I see you brought your little lady friend too oh

Yes it’s my girlfriend anyway what happened well you were complaining that your friends were behaving like toddlers so I turned them into actual toddlers so you would appreciate them more oh my goodness that makes so much sense oh you know what I’m starting to appreciate how mature they were when they were

Teenagers yeah look what you’ve done now it’s all your fault okay wait you know what I admit it I was wrong my friends aren’t that bad okay please turn them back to teenagers please all right fine since you have learned your lesson all right here I go I

Aam oh I really hope that works let’s go outside come on it’s got to be turned back now all right crazy let’s go outside and hope that it worked jamy Jamesy it yes it worked W we’re back to Power Ball I’m so glad oh my gosh I love playing these video

Games I love Minecraft yes JY JY JY JY what you want to go on a walk outside yeah in the sun C shut the door no no I’m going to stay here and keep playing Minecraft it’s much more fun you haven’t touched grass in a week whatever I wish

People would just not come in while I’m trying to concentrate playing video games I want to be left alone okay I can finally go back to playing my video game perfect hey Jamesy no I don’t want to come outside I play my video game just

Leave me alone oh fine well I was going to ask if you wanted to play video games but since you’re so grupy I guess I’ll just leave you alone okay whatever this is so annoying why am I always the one who gets interrupted by playing games

But I never see them playing games it’s so strange you know what I’m going to go find Gracie and ask her why I never see her playing video games so let me walk over to her house oh Gracie Gracie are you you home Gracie Gracie where are you

You’re not in your bedroom okay let me check her kit oh can I quickly find her diary is her diary anywhere oh my gosh wait she’s a Nintendo switch here she must be playing video games but I don’t see her Xbox anywhere okay maybe she’s

In her kitchen it’s a mess in here what okay she must be in here somewhere I bet you she’s hiding from me wait a second does this bookshelf look a little bit sus to you guys look at all these ones but then this one this looks weird the

Colors is different let me try clicking on it and what is this a secret gaming room okay let me go down this ladder hopefully she’s not down here is this a secret area what oh my goodness it’s a secret gaming room she has a big PC

Setup and a plushy next to it this is crazy there’s loads of stuff everywhere and she even has this awesome art this is so unfair wait who left my secret door open oh oh she’s coming I need to hide I need to hide oh my goodness let

Me hide in the corner no no no no no no I don’t see anyone in here huh JY crazy uh I found your secret gaming room what are you doing in here you’re not allowed to Snoop why were you hiding from me I wasn’t hiding and I’m sorry I I just

Wanted to be able to play games without being annoyed oh my goodness this is not fair I feel like you don’t like me oh no I’m sorry I apologize what can I do to make up for it you know what if you have have a secret gaming room I

Want a secret gaming room too you know what let’s go make one for you but we have to find Sophie first oh yeah we’re going to need her help this is going to be the best ging room ever okay that house is so cute okay I’m going to go in

All right we have to find Sophie where is she wow it’s so yellow in here it’s really bright yeah it’s like my house but different color okay so she has a TV over here but there’s no gaming consoles or anything so this can’t be her gaming room or anything uh in her kitchen

Selfie are you here selfie selfie are you here well her washing machine is on so she must be around here somewhere you’re right she’s got to be home yeah okay let’s have a look in her bedroom she’s not in her bedroom either what about her closet her plushy closet no

She’s not in here oh wow there’s so many Plushies in here surely she won’t mind if I take one right wait Gracie we’re releasing a plushy very soon too then she can have ours yeah she should totally buy it’s only $30 that’s crazy but maybe she’s outside in the garden

I’m going to have a look maybe she she’s in her garden I’m checking around the back he’s not there Jamesy I already checked oh my goodness wait Gracie yeah we should check inside the house she might have a secret gaming room like you no way would she really I don’t know but

Maybe let’s have a look anything suspicious guys do you see anywhere I don’t see anything there isn’t wait Gracie huh do you see this yeah it’s a little bit different it’s a trap door go down go down keep going Gracie keep going wait is that Sophie Shamy shush

She has her headphones on let’s scare her three two one what are you guys doing here we found your secret gaming room but how did you guys find it I made sure that it was super hidden well why were you hiding from us oh I’m sorry it’s it’s

Just a little embarrassing that I like gaming so much Gracie isn’t that a bit hypocritical you also hi from Sophie well Jamesy I wasn’t hiding from her I was hiding from you cuz you’re a menace okay well Sophie to make it up to me I

Want you to help me build my own secret gaming room that sounds super fun I totally want to join in okay uh let’s get to my house but wait guys I don’t know how to build a big gaming room you know what let’s just go ask a

Professional builder oh oh oh Bob from The Village we can go towards a bob yeah Bob the Builder guys guys I see the village look there’s some smoke let’s keep going we need to find Bob the Builder oh my goodness guys do you see what the other villagers have done

They’ve been deforesting this is bad for the environment don’t cut down the trees okay Bob’s house must be around it wait a second is that ra wait why is the raid starting no we don’t have any armor quick come in here come in here there’s a chest maybe there’s some loot in there

Oh my goodness everyone get on the armor get on the armor have some swords have some swords guys craft craft craft Qui I don’t have any chest plates they craft some gra we need to protect the villagers we can’t let Bob die he’s our only hope for building my gaming room

Wait guys over there is the villagers help me get rid of B kill them attack got him oh my goodness they’re right there get them we need to pretend F they’re stuck in here those silly pill there we go guys the next raid is coming they’re all here find them they might be

Coming from different sides check the other side of the village yeah let’s go I found them they’re over here get them get them get them let’s go oh my good there’s some ones with axes be careful they are a lot more powerful oh no oh no

I need to eat some oranges I need to eat some oranges to heal up oh I’m scared JY what if I die don’t die I need you come on ooo f finally that round’s done guys but there’s going to be another round where is Bob I wonder where he is okay

Next round spawning everyone spread out then we can find where it’s coming from it’s probably to come from this end though get him get him nice work there’s still 10 left ravager ravager two of them oh my goodness oh no there’s a ravager and a go gem Golem guys be

Careful don’t take too many hits otherwise you’ll die oh my goodness I almost died just now oh no I have two hearts luckily they’re stuck in a tree this is good for us trust me I’m getting a lot of I killed the ravager a I’m stuck nice work Jamesy oh but this Golem

Is going to kill I killed the B Jamesy you’re so handsome and strong I now where are the last two all right guys the next wave is spawning I’ve got a high point so I can see where they’re coming from uh I don’t see them anyone

See them Jamesy I see them I see them but yeah they’re over there they’re glowing oh no there’s another gemstone Golem oh no let’s all Target him don’t let him get any damage get him oh no kill the ravager uh uh behind you behind you oh my goodness there’s more come on we’ve

Almost got them all just two left I found him he’s got an axe be careful where is he I got him okay guys we won we did it vict we Heroes you guys okay let’s find Bob oh Bob Bob where are you guys I found Bob’s

House here where oh my gosh right here Bobby hey guys what do you want well we need to help Jamesy build a gaming room you came all this way for a gaming room yeah it’s really important and it has to be super duper secret okay so first find

A big area to build it in then you want to change all the walls and make them really colorful oh okay like this color no orange is better yes yes Bob you’re so right that’s not true Bob whatever keep going then you add in the lighting okay and then finally decorate the room

Sounds good to me okay thank you Bob thanks Bob yes kobby if you need anything else okay Bobby byebye let’s go home okay guys we finally made it home come on we got to find an area to build it okay um h a big open area but I think

We should put it in the corner right wait how about underneath the stairc oh my gosh I’m Harry Potter I’m going to get rid of this bookshelf right here and then I’m going to oh that doesn’t look good how about you do some ghost blocks instead like me oh that’s genius look at

That no one’s ever going to find that am I not doing a staircase we’re doing ladders and then we can do a staircase just like how me and Sophie have it okay let’s make this all orange it needs to be orange a dang it are you sure no I

Don’t have a ladder right here to get a perfect okay Sophie let’s put in the staircase these stairs are really bright orange yes cuz orange is the best color and look I’ve made the room as well is this big enough for you this is wonderful okay guys we should probably

Make the Ws or orange now as well but the whole staircase is already orange I think it should be yellow huh no it should not be yellow yeah it should be pink actually you know what let’s play a game and whoever wins gets to choose their

Color okay that sounds like a good idea wait should we do a horse race oh that sounds fun I’m in the mood for racing let’s go back up then okay whoever wins the horse race gets to pick what color my gaming room is going to be okay guys

Let’s build this horse race I’m going to get some stairs out I mean uh fences I’m following you Grace where are you going I’m confused where’s all this fire come from oh there was a dragon here earlier but I slayed him like the fast queen I

Am did okay let’s do some uh obstacles now Sophie help me okay okay what kind of obstacles do you want yes let’s build a pit and I’m also going to put in a hay bale wall like this so we have to jump over how about some lasers okay lasers I

Don’t mind lasers I’m good at dodging those I’ve even put some lava so we have to dodge the lava no how are we going to dodge lava we’re going to have to jump right over it yep that’s how it works uh I’ll put the lasers down then oh help

You I’m put lasers like this this is going to look amazing too bad Lou’s on a vacation today with his parents he could have loved these lasers a lot I know right okay and at the end over here I’m going to put black and white lines the

Horses know when to stop wait what’s this over here oh that’s a way to trick you but looks like you already found it it’s a dead end that’s so mean are we ready to horse race now we sure are okay I’m temping this one this one looks awesome he matches me we’re going

Already look at us go oh my God he’s fast he’s fast he’s fast but he wait he can’t jump oh this is good now I’ve got an advantage yeah but I’m super Speedy I think I’m going to win we’ll see about that I hope you guys are ready Sophie

Should we do two laps two laps sounds good to me three 2 1 go jump jump jump oh yes I made over yes I been over come on come on come on Sophie’s in the lead what oh I almost went into the dead end oh get over these lasers come

On if your horse dies then you’re going to lose oh I’m not good at dodging the lasers yes me so we did the first lap Gracie are you okay no my horse is on fire do you think I’m okay you fell in a lava lake you’re such a rookie my horse

Just died now I have to make this on foot oh my horse is on fire too he Sophie going to win I my two left no way she must have cheated I didn’t cheat yeah she didn’t cheat Jamesy she’s just a really cool girl oh fine whatever

Selfie one will make my room yellow and orange that sounds good to me great power good job Sophie okay we’ve made it back to my room and we have to make it stinking yellow how about we do yellow and orange stripes what I mean I guess

So kind of like the flame so we have one yellow stripe like that the next type is going to be orange okay I’m going to color in the floor to Orange concrete and the ceiling can be yellow conrete yes and do you remember what the Builder

Said wait what did he say again I forgot after walls we have to do lights okay let’s do the lights what lights can we do I found some orange lights that I think you might like look at this oh my goodness they’re adorable I think those

Are the ones I have in my house I’m going to put them everywhere those fit really well put them everywhere but guys I don’t think these types of lights are enough we need some different sources of Lights okay what kind of sources how about we do a building challenge where

Each person has to build something that gives off light o that sounds like a great idea Gracie oh okay uh Sophie you go in that corner Gracie you go on this one and I go on this one over here I’m going to build a lava Fountain this is

Going to be awesome so I’m going to stop here then we’re going to do this okay you know what I’m going to switch this to orange instead like this and there we go that’s amazing and then I can put in a lava bucket at the top and this is my

Custom light source are you guys ready oh I totally ready mine is awesome and there we go I think this is perfect you guys ready now yep okay I’m done let’s go see Sophie first what is this so I made a giant glowing mushroom oh my

Goodness you made a mushroom I mean hey it’s orange Jamesy don’t you like it yeah I like it keep it away from Gracie though she might eat it let’s go see mine now okay what’s this what is this look it’s a pink pixie and she see the

Jord giving off light why is it pink it’s too pink I don’t like it what well what about yours huh this is dangerous Jamesy why are you putting lava in here this Co it’ll be fine it’s safe lava what if I what if I ah it’s

Hard don’t go inside of it it’s a volcano oh my goodness I feel like this is a danger Hazard but whatever makes you happy I guess whoever the best one is we should build more of them which one’s the best exactly um well let’s all

Give it a vote and we can’t vote for ourselves uh I vote for Sophie I vote for Sophie as well oh well I guess Sophie wins yay who’s who you going I vote for Sophie um I’m not sure Gracie’s pixie is really cool but so is your lava

Fountain oh thank you let’s build more of selfie mushrooms okay I think I’ve got the gist of it I’m going to copy and paste this there’s a mushroom here’s a mushroom who’s a mushroom W Jamesy careful you want to leave space for your gaming PC as well oh yeah guys are we

Going to build that now yeah let’s do that too okay let’s build up right here first I need to build the sofa so I’m going to build a giant 360 sofa room like this that’s amazing yep and to get in I I putos of these stairs like this

What about this Jamesy do you like the TV in the middle oh my goodness it’s great but let’s have a bigger TV set up I want a quadruple TV monitor setup like this wo wo that’s a lot of TVs uh now I need a place to put my console on stuff

Let’s put a table under the TV you can put your console there does this look okay sure and let me put the Nintendo switch right here boom amazing okay now I need to put down my gaming PC setup should I do that somewhere else yeah maybe somewhere like right here in the

Center yeah no let’s do it over here on the edge oh you’re the lava wow you’re you’re feeling really risky yeah wait we should make it more modern look and then for my chair I’m going to use this it’s a froggy chair what that looks so silly

Jamy how did you sit on it uh look I’m set right now hey let me sit on it I want to sit on it I’m going to sit here oh I guess I’ll sit behind you and watch you like a backseat gamer and then I can play

Fortnite well I think that means my gaming room is now done yep I think it looks amazing okay oh Jamesy Lou has been so stinky lately and irritating I know he’s been so annoying I don’t know what’s wrong with him he keeps driving me crazy this is why he will never have

A girlfriend I know white Lou’s been single for like years now we’ve been dating for ages and he hasn’t even like gone on a date but even if he could find a girl who would it even be H I think Lou and Sophie would be kind of cute

Together oh no no no Chris you’re totally wrong Lou and Sophie would never work together they’re too different we should try to do a game show and see what Lou’s type actually is okay that’s a brilliant idea let’s get Lou a girlfriend let’s go get sopie sopie

Sophie oh hey Jamesy hey Gracie what’s up look we’re running a game show oh my goodness okay l l stop looking at um your lamp but guys what are you doing here we need you for a game show follow us a game show I love games okay guys

You all need to answer date marry or kill Gracie you go first who are you going to date marry and kill well obviously if I had to choose I would marry you J oh I’m blushing right now and then I would date Lou and K selfie sorry selfie oh my goodness all right

Selfie you go now uh well fine I’ll marry Jamesy date L and kill Gracie H you would marry Jamesy why would you say that why would you marry Lou and then date me okay I’m not going to say anything anyway my turn now um I would obviously marry Gracie my wonderful

Girlfriend and I would probably date sopie and then kill Lou you would dat sopie JY how dare you that sag get in the water all right Lou your turn oh I I am kind of shy though wait why would you be shy Lou unless you

Had a crush on someone sat next to you well fine fine fine fine I’ll pick now yeah go Lou well I would marry Sophie date Jamesy and kill graci yes you would date Jamesy and then kill me and wait wait no no no no no I didn’t mean it I

Didn’t mean it I made Grazy I made Gra so funny Li you’re funny wait where are we huh we’re so small find your friends oh my goodness this is a hide and seat game no way this is like a tiny City since you’re the one who has married the

Most you should be the one to find all of us okay okay I’ll be the one to find you guys this must be part of the game show all right ready you’re right 3 2 1 go hide a 10 99 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and go I’m

Looking for you guys where are you JY you’re never going to find me I’m in such a small cubby hole I’m looking for you guys there so many big trees and Baboo stuff this stuff is crazy well I’m hiding in play sight but I still doubt you’re going to find me

You guys AR how to stay in the same place I’m looking for you oh I think I see someone wait you see me I don’t see anyone I’m in a radioactive place right now I’m going to find you guys where are you oh I just saw a name tag I just saw

A name tag oh no you didn’t no you didn’t oh who is around here where are you I see another one I’m chasing after you if I punch you you’re out by the way oh I see selfie selfie I’m chasing after you oh I’m not going to go back to you

Guys sopie you can’t run forever oh God she’s hiding this is not good I found you oh she’s on the other side of some glass get out of here no you got saved by glass Sprint Sprint spr I see you oh guys H behind Where Are You Look

Backwards Look Backwards see how close I am I see everyone ring around a Rosie Sophie I got you Sophie I got you Sophie I got you what wait where is she go oh I guess she going back to the home now I have to get

Lou and Gracie now where do you guys go oh my gosh look at Jessie Lou we both avoided him it was so easy that’s crazy where are you guys he’s coming back he’s coming back are you guys handed over here where are you I don’t see you guys

Are you in the water no I can’t get up there no oh I just saw you Gracie I just saw you got you tag tag T I got you Gracey I got you you can’t hit me what you did yeah sorry Gracie I got you now

I need to find Lou where are you stinky poo well I’m actually closer than you think you just can’t see me cuz you’re dumb come here come here come here come Here tag I got you wait why did I just get TP to where are we yeah this looks crazy this must be the game show arena and we’re just on a random Island what in a deserted island this is scary wait did you guys see this board over here

Yeah what is this it says bad ban Skiby toilet and reain friends we have to choose who we’re daing Mar killing out of those Free People next all right guys and I think in here yep there’s rings for marrying flowers for dating and and where’s the knives gone who took them

Well there’s only one knife but you can have it Jamesy oh don’t worry there’s more knives in there now Lou you go first oh seriously yes dating Mar and killing Skiby toilet rainbow friends and Bam ban H well I guess I’d have to choose to marry rainbow friend okay

Marrying the rainbow friends and then what uh I would date b b and kill skiy toilet why would you date bad bad well I know he’s a bit mean but skiy toy looks like murderers it’s just because he’s red isn’t it well maybe but Skiby toilet is

Stinky just like you Lou just saying you’d be a brilliant boyfriend to Skiby toet I’m sure of it no no no no no I refuse to believe that okay anyway Sophie go next oh this is tough okay let me think oh Mary skippity toilet yeah wait why why would you bury Skippy

Toilets gross Skippy toilet evil well I think I can make it calm down and be nicer you know also it’s funny okay she’s Maring a toilet guys I put that on my wall I’ll date the rainbow friends wait why I’ll kill band ban why what cuz band band’s a big meanie okay that’s

True he has done a lot of bad things to us now that I think about it yeah B’s red do you not like red sopie I don’t like meanie oh graci that’s a deal breaker yeah if Sophie doesn’t like red then well she could never like Lou yeah

Le’s never going to get a girlfriend anyway well I would actually marry band Bad what what about me sorry Jamesy but have you guys ever even played guard to the bad B bad B’s the one who helps us oh wait true true okay fine fine and then I’m rainbow

Friend and kill skipping toilet y why cuz skipping toilet’s gross why would I want something to poop on all the time okay fine fine fine fine fine well at least if you needed a toilet there’s always one not that far away Jamesy you need that for your explosive

Diarrhea shut up well I would marry bad B I love a tore Red Man anyway no offense Lou um I would date rainbow friends they seem pretty nice and then I would also kill Skiby toilet cuz uh we hate Skiby toilet in this world well I guess the only person who’s different is

Selfie here why would you marry that toilet because he’s funny wait where are we we’re in the desert give toilet is Man fight wait they’re going to Spa skiny toilets oh my goodness guys quick get some Loot and some chests oh this is because you guys I wanted to kill him

Quickly get armor and weapons he’s going to Spa in any second stop taking a got nothing JY here here you can have this you can have this I need a sword anyone got a sword behind you baby behind oh thanks graci thanks you thank you thank

You thank you okay I’ve got sword and some arow you need some food food food food I’ve got apples wait guys look over there SK toilet SK toilet does he do a lot of damage ow ow he does he does quickly kill him be careful guys oh no this is not

Good yes we’re killing these skiy toys oh my goodness he’s hit me from everywhere wait I’m losing HP so I sa I’m why are you attacking said I you oh my good Sophie I’m I’m sorry we should have listened to you we should have married him as well yeah I’m sorry and

We’ll just kill him easy wait guys there’s more of them spawning ZB kill all the Skippy toyss first kill the skiy toyss first there’s so many of them put the mut obious fing me up in the air oh no guys I’m trapped so much Dam I’m trapped I’m trapped

Someone Save Me Someone Save Me please com surrounding me there’s so many get me out of here I can’t see anything a PO him skiy to it and I have a carrot from somewhere don’t worry I’m fighting the mut zombie because these skiy toilets are in my way

I need to get to The High Ground I need to get to The High Ground come on where’s The High Ground oh over here over here I’m going to shoot the zombie shoot him he down he’s down what is he going to come back up is he going to

Come back up no everyone shoot him from afar it’ll be easier shoot him from afar they coming for me the baby’s giving toys the baby’s give toys oh my goodness ow ow ow they’re coming from all sides oh no I’m have free Hearts I’m have free

Hearts one more G Apple that will get me up to normal Health again come on Gracie let’s get rid of this little swarm over here yeah don’t worry watch out guys watch out power we killed the zombie I did it let’s go yes what a czy

Just a few more scoy TS to go oh yeah oh my gosh I’m kind of low I’m kind of low I need to eat up no you’ll be fine you’ll be fine I believe in you sopie how could you marry this guy well you guys made him mad uh well you married

Him I’m just saying you’re marrying a psychopath yes we did it oh wait where are we oh gosh we’re back at the arena oh no that means we have to do another round of date Mary kill okay who are we doing this round um

We’ve got cash go M what I have no idea what I’m going to put for any of these oh my goodness we have to do it against the cashmir and Zoe and thing Squad well come on let’s grab your stuff from the chest I’ve already got everything ready

Yeah get some knives get some flowers all that good stuff all right um I’ll go first this round so who should I marry who should I date and who should I kill okay J you better not say Mia oh um I’m going to marry Mia J no did you want me

To marry Nico I don’t like that I’m afraid you should marry cash instead no I don’t want to marry cash anyway uh who am I going to date I’m going to date cash because he has more followers he I’m a gold digger what James you’re such

A clout Chaser what he can pay for my dinners I don’t have as many subscribers as him anyway that’s terrible Shi you guys you do the same anyway and then I’m going to kill Nico sorry Nico well Gracie you should go next well obviously

I would dat cash H wait what what cash I mean I would marry him you marry him so um wow his voice is so handsome and I really love his red clothes so cute wait wait wait jie stop I’m sorry guys calm down did he also has a Bugatti

Shut up anyway uh you know Lou you don’t understand when Sophie picked a marry ski told you you got jealous right not really Jamesy you know why why because I’m sticky too oh my goodness Gracie this guy he smell pretty bad oh no if you want to get a girlfriend you have to

Shower at least once a week anyway Gracie finish your turn well um I guess I would date Nico he’s kind of cute as well huh and I would obviously kill how dare you marry her andd kill her no I can’t marry her anyway F me and Gracie clearly aren’t getting along right now

This game is very divisive anyway uh I think we should have Sophie go next okay well I think Gracie was pretty big brain I’ll also marry cash yeah JY JY cash is red cash is red Lou let’s go give fish what wait this means you actually

Have a chance Lou all right and then after I marry cash I guess I’ll date ni and then I’ll also kill Mia wait why are you copying Gracie yeah why you copying me you have the right idea besides cash is closer to my type I think

Lou let’s go first B yeah stop playing around boys come on Lou it’s your turn to pick okay well I’m pretty dead set on this one I think I agree with Jamesy really yes St SM and kill Nico W the boys and the girls really have the same

Ideas huh wait wait wait Lou I thought you would want to date Nico first I mean like come on you always do Nico Impressions no no no cash is red and I like cash that was a really difficult decision to make I wonder when we’re

Going to get TV to the next wait we’re there we’re there already wait it’s so big here wait what race for the ring for the ring no wait look at the and there free Rings whoever gets there gets a free winning ring I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I

Need a ring for Gracie was is going to spend loads of money on this this Park’s easy get off for the parkour ARA oh I’m totally going to win I’m totally going to win I made it so far I made it so far hit me up you guys have

No chance I’m not going to you get P I’m getting this wedding ring I need it for Gracie noit good good yeah good good I fell off no no no oh my goodness let me do this again guys I’m making it oh my goodness L I’m com for you little little

Poop face I fell oh my gosh Come on maybe I can kind of cheat this yeah I think I can as well wait yes I cheated it as well come on come on come on no and I’m up I’m totally going to win this oh I think I’m getting it I think I’m

Getting it wait so up you guys must suck oh my goodness I just fell that Lou I’m going to get you I’m chasing after you no I just it no way come on gra come over here I’ll catch you come on come on come on wait no you’re totally going to push me

Off jamy it took me so long to get there well I’m going to get this ring I might pull and Shop it at this rate I’m getting so far I will make this jump look at me look at me look at me guys look how cool I look wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait a second wait a second that’s so annoying I get to keep the ring I get to keep the ring I get to keep the ring give me in jamy you’re supposed to propose to me no I’m not proposing to you we have to finish this

Date Mar kill game first oh come on okay what are we going doing this round look up look up another dat Mary kill game but this time it’s with creepers zombie skeletons creeper zombies I don’t not want to get everyone near a zombie excuse me well guys I’m taking out the

Flowers okay well I’m going to take out my stuff now Rings flowers well if I had to pick I would obviously marry the zombie wait what why that’s so strange no no no because the zombies are the closest to Being Human and don’t you know you can cure zombie villagers like

What if I C zombie to being human again why is Gracie actually SM than I think smart Gracie I knowbody I know and then also I would date the skeleton cuz I mean they also used to be human they’re just a dead person you know well and

Obviously I would kill the creeper cuz e who wants someone who blows up on you all the time well now it’s your turn Jamesy go go go um no I don’t want to go first let you go first oh fine fine fine fine I kind of agree with Gracie on this

One though what wait what I would marry the zombie date the skeleton and Kill The Creeper cuz I don’t like explosive women yeah that’s crazy after she has too many tacos yeah anyway I think I’ll go next I kind of agree with you guys but I’m going to change it up a little

Bit I would marry the skeleton instead wait why well um I haven’t fought that far through uh oh I know why Jamesy it’s because you don’t like the smell of Rotting Flesh actually Grazy that is a good point I was about to say that well you know nothing a little bit of perfume

Can’t cover up Lou no it smells so bad I mean the room would just end up stinking like Lou hey anyway maybe that’s why you wanted to marry the zombie as well I’m going to date the zombie and then Kill The Creeper you know what I think Jamesy has

The right idea Kill The Creeper for sure wait is that also because you hate the smell of rotten flesh Lou hey yeah I think the zombies are kind of smelly so I’ll date it but I’ll marry the skeleton well I think that’s some really good

Games I wonder when we’re going to get T be to the wait what where are we now wait we’re in creative mode W this is so cool wait what is this it’s a giant creeper the creeper is sad building him a friend guys we all killed

The creeper now he’s sad look at him he’s crying everywhere okay no wait let’s make this Build Challenge we all have to build the creeper a friend and whoever has the best build is the winner Yes sounds good let’s do it okay um I’m going to the

Orang side there’s builds in the chest as well guys all right let’s start the 5 minute timer now no no okay I’m going to try and copy this one guys and make it one as good as I can all right guys they don’t know this one I’m actually going

To secretly copy and paste the creeper that’s already been made well since we all decided to Kill The Creeper I think I’m going to make him a little little girlfriend wait Grazy what are you doing by the statue oh just um I really need to use the restroom and I’m just looking

For the toilet totally not typing in position one right now oh oh Gracie oh let me help you out um over here over here get in the toilet over here there we go you can just go over here instead of going to the build creeper okay guys

I haven’t copy and pasted it now I just have to put it on right over here but I need some way to distract everybody to make sure they’re not looking in my direction wait everybody everybody stop right now wait what’s going on I need to build look there’s a giant monster in

Over there in the distance look look look what there’s nothing over here what guys do you see anything it just looks like a dation is in the ocean I see the ocean only all right Gracie I’m coming back what’s going on wait a second guys look at Gracie’s build it’s so

Good did you do that so fast well while you guys were gone I just um I started doing a little bit of speed speed building it’s my new uh skill that I’ve acquired wait a second guys crazy clearly just copy and faed that build I have to do something about this okay

Nothing a little bit of TNT can’t fix I’m going to sneak over here oh grazy’s right there I have to be super careful oh it’s Hollow okay I’ll put one right she’s right there ah one over here one over here I think this should be good

This little smile that I added it so J uhoh guys run run that’s TN tou to guys where did graci statue go what’s going on over here why is there a giant crater Gracie is sad Jamesy you’re terrible now I have to rebuild all of this and then also build my creeper back

In I’ll teach you a lesson for cheating Gracie I would never do that shut up ah yeah yes I’m totally going to win this I have an OP strategy oh my gosh look at this cute little guy I gave him a little blush on his

Cheeks is just give I kind of want my cre so much better than this one look I basically made him exactly the same but just a lot lot all righty I fed it back in oh and then I’m going to put a little pink crown on top to make it a little

Bit more original and a lot cuter look at this it’s way cuter now but I need to troll Jamesy oh hey J wait what do you want I’m building my creeper oh nothing I just wanted to come over and say hi nothing suspicious or anything this is sauce

Gracy this is s gra wa there fire up here no no no stop it right now stop stop stop stop I spent so long building this creeper and we only have a minute left oh my goodness Gracie has no life now that I’ve got the whole outline done

I just need to add his face which um I’m not sure how to do this hey Lou sorry to uh butt in but I wanted something really cool to show you I’m right behind you by the way wait seriously where oh hi oh it’s this just this harmless little

Thing um let me just go up a little bit it’s not going to be a big deal or anything oh it’s just this thing that I um I’ve always wanted to test out uh wait what are you talking about what is that now there’s water on your side of

The build um you know what let me just bring it a little bit closer no no no no no no no no don’t do that look your entire build is covered with water now and then we got my creeper is looking amazing no one can possibly beat this thing and in here I’m

Going to put a ton of creepers to surprise them it’s going to be so hilariously funny okay guys whose creeper statue are we going to look at for first I kind of want to show you mine guys I think it’s pretty cool come on Lou what is this well this is a

Little cute creeper and I gave him a crown because he’s a king and deserves all the love in the world I had to say this is pretty cute don’t you think Gracie well I don’t really like these gold lampos they look a little bit too

Um fancy you know what I mean well Lou you also um copied me cuz I need a crown too ah you guys both the crowns okay okay well Lou I had to say yours is also the smallest creeper wait what’s that TNT well this won’t be the smallest

Explosion it might be back up back up uh nice try Lou anyway let’s do Sophie’s next Sophie tell us what you’ve done here well since we all decided to Kill The Creeper in our game I thought maybe I could make him a little girlfriend me too I give mine a little

Bow and some cute little blushies she’s all ready to go on a date any wait grae look at yours yours is crazy well mine is literally an exact copy of this one so obviously they would be the best of friends not to mention I also made her

Smile it’s a girl as well so they can be girlfriend boyfriend if they like yours might be my favorite if you didn’t cheat sorry hey Jamesy I just wanted to impress you because I wanted you to marry me instead oh my goodness Gracie we need to talk about this after this

Game okay this is my creeper as as you can see he is exactly the same as this one but bigger he’s one and a half times the size he’s so old he doesn’t look very happy or friendly anyway guys let me show you the inside apart from him

Being giant he also has a many surprise inside look at this Creepers the creepers Jamesy yep yep yep and also this guy has another surprise let me show y’all yep if you just press the button that’s up here look what happens well it’s supposed to go Kaboom why is it

Not J I think it went Kaboom it did go Kaboom I think mine’s the best anyway what’s supposed to happen now that we’ve done this wait a second look the creeper stopped crying no way he must be happy with Sophie’s build what wait R wait we’re back to the

Building freom we must have been successful wait but there’s more characters now look at this Ender Dragon wither and Warden oh my goodness we have to date marry kill with of these dangerous hostile bosses anyway um I’m going to go first well I’m going to I’m going to marry the warden because

He is the strongest boss out of all of them did you guys know that anyway I’m going to date the Ender Dragon because he is what allows us to go to all those end cities that have op loot so you know maybe the ender dragon has a massive

Stash of it no way that that makes Aon of sense you would kill the Wither yeah the Wither I don’t know I don’t like him that much I don’t use Beacon so kill him well if I had to choose I wouldn’t bury the Ender Dragon because he’s obviously

The cutest uh Gracie the Ender Dragon is a girl wait what it is yep it’s a girl it’s a her yeah you’re not allowed to take your choice back now yeah you had to stick that afraid I guess I would marry her because well she’s big and

She’s also black and beautiful and she has purple eyes as well yeah exactly just like me so gorgeous anyway well I guess I would date the wiers since you know they’re kind of cute as well and also they look really similar to the Ender Dragon and then I would kill the

Warden well anyways guys I’m going to pick next okay Lou well I kind of agree with Gracie to be fair I would marry the Ender Dragon oh my goodness you guys are all simps for the Ender Dragon I’m going to dat the warden oh why Lou because

They’re big and strong and I love big strong people okay okay okay and you’re going to kill the Wither yeah of course I don’t like the Wither three heads dead I don’t know I just don’t like it okay it’s my turn it’s my turn okay I think

Lou has the right idea this time really what twinsies oh couples oh couple goals # couple goals # couple gos all right I’m going to date the warden cuz the warden has really cool glowy spots I think that’s interesting but I’m going to marry the Ender Dragon cuz she can

Fly around everywhere and that sounds really really fun she’s basically a free Uber and then that just leaves killing the Wither waa wait guys I’ve just realized something every challenge we’ve had to do is to do with who we date marry and kill wait all of these are

Bosses that means we’re going to have to fire a boss in this next round no where here no oh is this going to be against a wer oh no no no look at all the Soul Sand quickly yeah this is definitely a wether get some blot out we’re going to

Need it Go Go 32 gold apples and all the armor okay I think we’re good to go is everyone ready to fight wait guys come over here wait what there’s a sheep why is there a cute little sheep oh look how cute he is so weird looking he’s so cute Hello sheepy

Wait a second wait run shoot the river shoot the river Lou run away from him on the first phase you need to get him to half HP so that he goes down we need to K him with the arrows okay don’t worry I’m shooting him

All the time like I must be so good at aiming who’s he targeting right now targeting me I’m just thinking all the damage he’s targeting Lou this is exactly how it’s supposed to be trust me me too this is not nice all right he’s about to go into his Attack Phase there

We go now he’s going to chase you Lou this is the perfect time to use the swords everyone use your swords now I’m coming over uh sorry sorry you get in the way oh it be hitting Gracie oh persy hitting Gracie oh pery hit gra ow ow ow

Ow ow he’s just going for me R he must have smelt you first so that’s why he’s going for you yeah he because I said I’d marry the Ender Dragon he’s almost dead he’s almost dead guys don’t let him Escape I going to get the achievement yes I got the never

Star wait we’re back we’re back guys oh that was crazy okay Lou me and graie need to have a quick chat with you come over here come over here okay Jamesy do you think you know who Lou’s type is now no I have no idea Lou Who is your type

Wait is this the entire reason we’ve done this game yes we’re trying to see of you might be a good match with sopie well looking at Sophie’s answers I’m pretty sure short she like stinky boy so I’m not going to shower for the next month oh no Gracie this wasn’t the

Intended outcome I can’t wait to give Gracie these pink flowers she’s going to love them oh this is so adorable a thank you so much Lou this is going to be perfect no problem why is Lou giving Gracie Diamond gifts all right that’s enough I’ll see you later bye Lou oh my

Goodness what is going on is Gracie cheesing on me Lou let me go inside and confront her Knock Knock knock hello hi Gracie what are those flowers for uh they are they’re for my sister yeah not for you they’re for my sister oh okay uh so Gracie uh do you have anything to

Tell me um uh I mean I guess I’m going out later tonight with Lou and Sophie H and you’re not inviting me huh um it’s just a friend thing and I’m sorry we didn’t invite you we’ll just invite you next time okay are you sure there’s

Nothing else you want to tell tell me yeah no there’s nothing else I want to tell you and nothing’s wrong now if you excuse me I have a friend I have to meet so I’ll see you later uh okay bye-bye Gracey little does she know I’m going to

Follow her I’m convinced she’s cheating on me with Lou this is the worst day on the world all right where’s she going where is she going wait is she going into Sophie’s Garden okay let me follow her she’s up to no good I’m convinced of it where is she going she’s heading into

The city now we’ve been walking for ages she’s fighting our crocodile as much as I want to go and save her right now I think I’m going to stay back wait she’s crossing a big road wait is that the theater and is that Lou oh my goodness

Are they going on a date now as well okay I have to get close and listen to their conversation okay let me sneak up to the doorway and see what they’re talking about hey Lou I can’t wait for laser tonight but let’s go watch the movie first yeah come on let’s go I

Can’t wait my goodness Grace is definitely cheating on me this is getting me so angry okay let me sneak my way into this theater Maybe I can get in okay let me go and sneak in and see what that’s do make in the cinema um excuse

Me sir I need to see your tickets ticket oh my goodness I don’t have a ticket oh you need a ticket to get into the theater oh fine I will leave all right guys I have to sneak my way in this Ticket Master guy can’t stand there all

Day surely wait I have an idea let me go get that crocodile and bring him into the cinema then I can sneak my way in oh my God he’s chasing me okay this is perfect but also super scary at the same time Time come on crocodile come on okay

Almost there just a few more steps oh my God take it Master there’s a crocodile in the cinema ah what a crocodile oh I don’t get paid enough for this I’m out of here oh my goodness the crocodile person is leaving this is perfect okay let me sne into the cinema with Gracie

And Lou okay I think it’s just in here oh yes they’re watching the trailer right now okay sometimes I just feel like Jamesy doesn’t love me that much oh don’t worry about it Gracie it should be fine anyways I’m here for you oh my goodness I’m going to kill Lou after

This but guys did you hear that Gracie said she feels like I don’t love her wait maybe I should build a love maze to prove to Gracie how much I love her that’s a genius idea I can prove how much I care about her so she won’t leave

Me for Lou yes okay but here’s the thing I have no materials for love me so I’m going to steal up from that stinking Lou he’s trying to RIS up my girl and I can’t let that happen so I’m going to steal loot wait is that Lou’s dog

Protecting his house oh no there’s no way I can sneak past that without it barking at me oh that will totally give away my cover okay let me go back to my house and see if I can find invisibility potion aha there’s an invisibility potion in my shelf with my orange gold

Okay let me use this to sneak into Lou’s house and there we go the dog would never see me now let me see if I can sneak past him okay good boy stand still this is super scary his dog is super scary it’s Sparky Junior it’ll grow up

Into a brick FAL more let me see if I can find those building materials I know he has them somewhere uh maybe in the kitchen or in these cabinets hey wait a minute what’s that weird noise is somebody else in this house wait oh my goodness Sophie’s in here oh now I have

To be careful that she’s not going to spot me oh man I’m supposed to be house sitting for Lou but he’s going to be so upset if I let somebody Rob him oh my goodness I feel bad for Sophie now but I really need these build materials where

Are they are they in the kitchen somewhere this makes no sense what JY what are you doing in here uh uh I was um he stealing Lou’s food uh no okay I was just looking for some materials Lou owes me them oh um okay if he owes you I

Guess I could help you find some stuff what do you need really uh I need a bunch of building materials H maybe he has some stuff upstairs okay let’s go check okay I’m going to go look around soie there must be some loot around here somewhere this isn’t his evil attic oh

Wait jamy I found some over here wait what let me see where yeah oh in that chest what did you get what did you get yeah okay here are a couple of blocks and I have way more in my inventory he has a ton wao this is crazy oh wait a

Second what are you using all these blocks for anyway I’m building a love mates for Gracie so that she likes me again oh that’s so cute but I mean she already likes you anyway so no she doesn’t she likes Lou more what that’s ridiculous well okay since since you

Seem so upset by this I’ll help you out yes let’s go build this love maze all right silie I have the most perfect idea okay what is it you see this house right here this pink house Gracie would love it right yeah she would totally love this well this has been abandoned for

Many years and it has a secret trick when you walk inside of it it TPS you somewhere oh what yep and in this secret place we can build the love mze ooo that’s a genius idea okay let’s get started uh but wait what are we even

Going to do for a love m well for the first challenge I think I might remind graie of how we met and fell in love so that she can hopefully fall back in love with me a that’s so sweet yeah okay I’m nearly done with the first room and

There we go nice so this first room I’m going to ask Gracie where we first met in the park or a cave H yeah I think only Gracie would know this exactly oh man that movie was so good Lou yeah I agree I didn’t really like the ending though Sophie did you hear

That they’ve left the movies I’m going to go investigate oh okay I’ll come along too oh I really like that movie I wish Jamesy was there to see it Sophie they went on a date without me and they’re being really nice to each other oh come on I don’t think it’s a date

It’s probably more just like a hangout huh Jamesy oh no we’ve been spotted hide hide hide uh wait what’s going on over here yeah what are you guys doing what were you guys doing in the cinema huh H watching a movie obviously yeah it’s what friends do right are you sure Lou

What would you do in the movie theaters huh anything sus uh no nothing nothing at all but wait what are you doing here I should be asking that question I was doing a walk with Sophie right Sophie uh yeah yeah huh a walk and you guys coincidentally bump into us and we’re

Watching us from afar that’s weird well we were just thinking about saying hi you know wait a second what are those blocks you’re holding they from my house no they’re they’re just normal conrete blocks now stop accusing me of stealing all righty whatever I’m going to go home

Now come on Lou let’s go yeah let’s get out of here bye-bye they’re annoy me so much Sophie oh come on it’s just like I said they were just hanging out let’s go finish off these challenges and there we go okay all the challenges are now completed it looks

Really good Jamesy I know it’s so awesome okay let’s go find Gracie at her house okay let’s go let’s go okay where is she is she in her house oh Gracie Gracie she’s not here not well there’s a note here for me well Sophie do not read

It Jamesy no no no no I want to read it okay that’s for me I don’t care I know it says not for me but what if it’s a note telling you about how she’s cheating H me oh come on I’m sure it’s not about that okay well let’s just read

It and find out huh hey selfie love your makeup by the way from earlier super pretty a she’s so sweet yeah she’s nice isn’t she me we at the park whatever you do not the ah she’s Che on me at the park oh come on they’re just hanging out

They’re having a day at the park with me they’re probably cuddling and everything this is not acceptable all right well if you’re so worried why don’t we go visit them at the park you know sopie that’s the first good idea you’ve had all day let’s go okay we’re finally back at the

City back and forth back and forth it’s making me tired okay the Park’s over there Sophie okay well we’re almost there well let’s see what they’re doing then sh we wait Sophie look over there that’s a picnic yeah well friends can have picnics too that doesn’t mean they’re dating or anything you’re

Actually driving be insane it’s the truth no I’m not having this I’m going to go over there interrupt them and separate them what wait hold on a second Gracie Lou what are you doing wao wao where did you come from you guys think I’m stupid don’t you no I mean you are a

Little silly sometimes grae if you even assault me one time right now I’m going to freak out what are you doing we’re just looking over Sophie’s picnic for um for her yeah this is Sophie’s picnic is it oh yeah I totally forgot I actually left all this stuff here I asked them to

Watch it for me you know Sophie I now start to think that you’re not on my side either you’re looking after Louis’s house Gracie’s looking after your picnic oh I don’t know anymore you you know what I’m having enough of this Gracie follow me um fine all right I’m fairly

Certain you’re cheating on me but you know we’re going to find out where are we going follow me to this pink house over here all right graci what do you think of this house huh um it’s really pink I love it I love pink all right let’s go inside then you’ll think the

Inside’s even better boom huh okay this is my love maze huh what are they doing over here Jamesy well I don’t I don’t love them they’re in the Observer room so they can watch oh well what is this whole maze about did you make this for

Me yeah I did it’s to prove that you love me and you still care about me and if you don’t then you’ll never Escape what Jamesy come on I’m a joking it’s supposed to remind you of all the fun we’ve had together so that you don’t fall out of

Love oh okay Jamesy okay gra you know we first met in that Forest you know with the blue yeti tried to kill us but what was our first date um uh it was obviously at the park come on Jamesy besides this maze is super sweet I’m so

Flattered oh yeah it was at the park we had a picnic right like you were having with Lou yeah but that wasn’t actually my picnic it was Sophie’s picnic right sopie I bet you guys were sharing food doing a little kissing disgusting e no anyway I’ve got the next question you

Better get this one correct Gracie what did we first eat together what come on Jamesy I know you hate carrots come on this is the easiest question ever I would never make you eat carrots cuz you’re always hating vegetables how did you know that I hate vegetables cuz I’m your

Girlfriend okay you won’t get this correct soon correct though what movie did we first watch together you know how I love the movie so much oh of course Jamesy this is another easy question what really come on this is easy it’s going to be revenge of the creepers I

Literally love this movie so much you’re right Gracie you’re so good at this but what would happen if I picked the wrong door creeper oh my goodness that was close Gracie oh my goodness I’m glad I didn’t pick that door yeah let’s see if you get all these right otherwise that won

Happen again hey guys you guys nearly killed us never mind well what is this Jamesy okay Gracie this is an item matching room so on these item frames we have some items that we quite often share together yeah I know I love that and then you need to match them to the

Colors on the walls oh this is going to be fun obviously this goes with this one it’s a cursed diamonds yeah so you know how you love cursed diamonds and I often give them to you as presents what’s that one Gracie this a leather boot you always give me horrible armor so that

Would make sense what at least you get some armor isn’t it so cool how it’s coming to life I know watch this one it’s going to look so cool ready explain it Gracie well you always give me apples so I can make golden apples and they’re absolutely delicious I love feeding you

B bop bop yeah all the way up to the top okay crazy what’s next well we always make honeycomb cake together and it’s absolutely delicious my favorite candy always has honeygom and and this one of course a diamond pickaxe is going to go with blue we always go mining together

All the time and the very last one how can I forget this Emerald is going with green we always trade with villagers together yeah we always save them from that silly raids I know right but what would have happened if I got the answer incorrect well you would have been stuck

Here forever and ever and ever are you serious Jamesy you would have done that to me I mean it is a maze Gracie whatever what is this next room let’s go through okay Gracie this room is to remind you of all the biomes we visited together on our adventures oh yeah of

Course we do so much exploring together yep and in this chest is some water an Ender pear and a flint and steel you’re going to need that for what well you’ll figure it out you have to survive in each biome using those items but what’s

Wrong with this biome how am I going to die here I’m totally fine well let me explain it to you okay so this is our a place biome remember that time that we visited a place biome and we explored this massive Temple yeah this was the

Coolest Temple yet I’m so glad that you built it yeah it was super cool but can you remember how we survived in that biome when that was really cold oh of course we made fire so that we could stay War yeah we made a campfire okay Gracie well done you remembered that one

Of course I did what about this next biome maybe she does love me guys okay this next biome okay Gracie do you remember that time that we went to the nether together of course I do and we had to make that massive obsidian bridge over The Lava right oh yeah an obsidian

Bridge that was really scary so how are we going to get through this biome hm well obviously I’ll just use water so that it cves a bunch of obsidian wo you remember oh my goodness you’re so good at this what JY this whole thing is so stupid looking why are all these biomes

So tiny ice AG is building this please don’t inter interupt okay Gracie next biome you remember when we went to the end together yeah it was so scary of course but how did we Traverse all those end Islands well we used a bunch of Ender Pearls to travel wo well done

Gracie well am I just supposed to press this button here yeah press the button Gracie wow yeah isn’t it so cool this is amazing Jamesy I wish someone loved me so I could do stuff like this uh maybe look in this direction Lou wait which direction what are you talking about may

You should be you talking what do you mean maybe you should be going on a picnic with a different girl I’m getting out of here oh my goodness this guy okay Gracie unfortunately I’m going to have to block off the room behind what but Gracie remember all those Bill

Challenges we did of course I do well this room is reminding you of the lava Rising room you might want to start going the lava is rising is it just me or is it going up really quickly Lou keep Rising the lava I’m trying I’m trying well Gracie you know if you want

This order to stop you could just tell me the truth tell you the truth I’m already telling you the truth you sure Gracie I saw you doing something you sure you don’t admit what you’re up to I already told you I wasn’t doing anything suspicious and why are you doing all of

This to me calm down okay well just jump yep we’re now in this next room speaking about Bill challenges you remember all those timeses to fight all those OP mobs yeah but why did you give me a Love Sword and a bunch of golden apples oh

That’s cool how did you get that what wo yeah and I’m going to set the night time as well there we go all right guys okay turn it off guys turn it off not that many Jesus turn it off I’m going to die guys there’s too many zombies Gracie if

You want to survive you need to tell me the truth I’ve already told you the truth Gracie I’m not going to stop spoiling them in unless you tell me I’ve already told you the truth Jamesy I’m not doing anything suspicious and I’m not cheating on you either it’s just one

Big misunderstanding I promise please help me don’t do this to your girlfriend I think you’re going to break out with me and I’m heartbroken what I think you’re going to kill me okay fine you know what Gracie I believe you I’ll help you out come on Gracie let’s kill all these zombies come

On what you came down to help me a JY this is so cute we’re power you’re lying to me I’m we angry and the comments are going to be angry too no I want it I wouldn’t I swear okay Jam those zombies are getting awfully close

To the window you guys are so annoying you think we should tell them that we have a kill zombies button oh wait we had that the whole time you guys guys yeah okay whatever sorry okay let’s head outside then okay you guys need to stop Tang lies and just tell me the truth

Tell me the truth okay Jamesy you know what just follow me I’ll explain everything when we’re there okay but if we break up I want that diamond chest plate back what but I like it cuz it’s pink okay we’re at the picnic that you cheated on me with so what what’s the

Point I didn’t cheat on you me and Lou and Sophie were actually here because we were preparing for your surprise birthday party wait really my birthday is not for another two months we wanted to celebrate early and we got all these diamonds for you they weren’t for me

Jamesy it was a misunderstanding wait but I saw Lou give them to you and we were actually going to the movie theater so that we could buy you movie tickets we just got a bit distracted by the new spiderverse movie what wait so you and Lou were getting tickets you weren’t on

A date yeah and we wanted to go watch the movie with you instead of course and and those diamonds Louie gave you weren’t a gift for you they were a gift for me yeah they were for you silly I went mining all day for those oh um I’m

Sorry yeah you should be you trapped us in a maze and almost killed me okay you know what this is embarrassing can you guys just forgive me yeah of course yeah sure why not I told you it was a whole misunderstanding guys I’m so excited it’s time for scary movie night I’m

Going to need a scary movie I’m going to need some popcorn I’m going to need some drinks JY jamy wait greasy what’s wrong but we have to cancel our scary movie night Sophie and I want to have a sleepover wait uh maybe Sophie just can come here

And watch the scary movie with us no it’s a girls only sleep over wait what are you serious I can’t believe you’re cting on me last minute oh why can’t you just come over here instead because because we’ve got other things okay I’m sorry Jamesy I’m really sorry I promise

Suspicious is she trying to hide something from me no I’m not hiding anything from you Jamesy it’s just I can’t ccel with Sophie you know how she is and wait why have you got to go over right now it’s like 300 p.m. can’t you wait until later got to prepare okay you

Would understand you’re just not a girl bye you know what she’s definitely up to some suspicious I’m going to sneak into this girl’s only sleepover it’s time to get up I prepared for this kind of thing girls only sleepover anyway let’s press this lever and hop down my secret compet

Okay that was scary as always anyway I’ve got to go up these ladders to my gear area hello Jamesy welcome back to HQ Hello computer guys look at this amazing backc Cape isn’t it so awesome all right um computer what gadgets and tricks are available for my stealth Mission well if

You look to the wall on your left you have a variety of tricks that you can use okay explain them first off there a prototype shrink rate this item will shrink you for approximately 5 minutes to help you avoid detection oh that’s genius oh I can tell to use that okay

What’s the next one the next one is Digi disguise activating this program from your phone will disguise you with a random skin for 2 hours warning your voice will not be changed okay very useful I can pretend to be a girl with that one what about this one here number

Three invisibility potion this I already know what that is you don’t have to explain it visibly to oh that’s not very cool anyway what this is an ender pearl yes number four is an ender pearl which you can use to help you reach hard to reach areas and avoid detection okay I

Already know that be quiet what’s this last one number five the forget me potion using the splash potion will instantly send you back through time a few minutes to allow for a groundhog day experience where better choices can be made unfortunately this is your last one

Oh why did we make more of those you know what I need all of them sorry computer we’re going to have to get some more no worries I will set up the programming to replace the items okay turn the lights off I’m going over to to Sophie’s house guys look at all this

Cool technology there’s no way they’re going to win all right let me see I’m going to go over to Sophie’s house where this girl’s only sleepover is happening okay first I’m going to spy on them through the window no it’s not creepies don’t say that oh look there they are

They’ve got some dresses on what are they doing oh Sophie I’m so glad we were able to have this sleepover Jamesy was literally so suspicious of me you have no idea me too um do you think we should be worried about Jamesy like he’s not

Going to come by is he no Jamesy won’t be a problem he’s got other things to do and we better hurry up and get to work before it’s too late I was right to be suspicious about them all along and now that they left into the back room I can

Go through the front entrance okay let me see I have to go in here wait a second why is there so many Plushies around here okay you know what I’m going to go very very softly I’m got to stand on them like this oh my gosh

That was so loud oh no they’re going to totally find me oh the entrance is completely blocked I’m stuck oh Gracie wait here for a second I think I forgot my phone in the other room oh no she’s coming in this room quickly I’ve got to

Use my shrink R to shrink down there we go oh my goodness it’s working okay I’ll just hide among the plushies hopefully she doesn’t see me okay it’s got to be in this room somewhere where did I leave that thing look how giant she is oh

Let’s hope she doesn’t notice me I had to be one of the plushies oh I’m so cute so cute oh maybe it’s in the kitchen a there’s too many Plushies everywhere sopie is everything okay I heard a squeak you step in on the plushies or

What oh yeah I didn’t step on one oh I can’t find my phone Gracie oh I swear I heard a sound over here oh no she’s going to have fun I don’t see anything sopie your phone’s probably back there I I thought I heard your ringtone but it wasn’t it

Oh okay wait when did you have a Jamesy plushy oh no I been spoted I have to stand extremely still I don’t know I can’t remember where I bought it it’s so cute oh my goodness can I have that plushy please what no way look at it’s

So detailed I got to keep it in my collection I’m going to pick him up I want her I want her oh Gracie stop it come on we got to keep looking for my phone so we can get to work okay I swear it’s just in this room okay guys I have

To get through these plushies without touching them otherwise I’m going to make more noise okay let me get through this little maze of plushies where where am I even going it’s not in the bookcases Sophie fortunately this shrink R only lasts 5 minutes if you guys can

Remember so I have to get out of there quick before it runs out your’s probably hidden under all of these flushies okay guys have to get out of there quick you know what I’ll just hide under the sofa oh under the table that’s perfect oh they’re never going to find me

Underneath here ha and then I’m going to get down to the kitchen okay yes F I made it out there without being cold I just the naked time because my scale just reset okay I have to be careful though I can’t let them see me they’re right there sopie have you found your

Phone yet oh wait a minute Gracie it was in my pocket this whole time are you serious oh my goodness let’s just get down to business get over here my bad oh you’re so silly well we’ve already sold 30,000 units and we’ve already got another 70,000 on demand I don’t know

Ordering 100,000 might be prudent in case theand goes up yeah I agree and we should visit the factory to make sure everything is going to plan w we need to make sure Jamesy doesn’t come knocking first oh yeah that’s true let me call him right now oh no that going call me

Let me get the back in the kitchen my phone’s coming off me okay Sophie I did it sounded kind of like music he’s he’s piing up hey Gracie hey Gracie jamy why why are you Whispering oh um you should have called earlier I I had a s I have a

Soul FR after whis weird I was just talking okay you know what oh I’m I’m sorry baby I hope you’re feeling better anyway I’m at Sophie house right now so you should just make sure to stay in and recover you don’t want to get sick again

Do you don’t worry czy I’m going to stay in my house don’t come around you just stay with Sophie and do exactly what you were going to do all right then anyway uh me and Sophia are just going to have our sleep over now see you later byebye

Yay awesome so let’s get going then all right quick let’s go to the secret location secret location I have to follow them look they’re getting Sophie’s car okay I have to get my car quickly before they leave oh no they’re driving away I have to be fast okay let

Me get in where are they where are they oh they’re over there okay I have to stay behind and chase them all right let’s go where are you going turn left sopie turn left oh my goodness you’re so bad Direction turning left wait uh uh maybe it’s right oh my goodness gra you

Just said it was left almost there so there it is there it is okay just don’t crash into the walls don’t crash this happened last time okay yeah I know don’t revive me Gracie I tried my best all right where are they they seem to be a refurbished old Warehouse ready Sophie

Head on in we’re going into the lobby oh no they’ve entered through the front door but there doesn’t seem to be any other ways in okay let me have a look around the back maybe there’s a side entrance oh no it looks like I’m going

To have to go through the front door oh no hopefully they don’t see me okay let me just go in I’m going to try and make as little sound as possible are you kidding me what’s that sound oh I’ll be there in a minute oh no we Mak going to

Do wait this is the perfect time to use my digits disguise all right 3 2 one no way it worked but wait my voice hasn’t changed okay I have to still pretend to be a girl I’m coming I’m coming oh hey um you must be Barbara from the phone

Yeah yeah yeah from from the phone from the phone wonderful it was great speaking to you the other day I’m so glad that you decided to take an interest in the project oh I mean how could I not it was such an such an interesting project wasn’t it wasn’t it

Yeah well now that you’ve shown up let me just remind you that um it puts the rest of the company at risk if you don’t take the offer we might have to take some uh special measures if you decide not to join us if you know what I need

Um I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m just yeah that was so it’s so fun are you feeling all right by the way you sound a little different from on the phone oh you know it’s it’s winter and all so the flu is going around oh I see no worries well it’s

Time to enter the official interview process oh um what what exactly does that mean for the position you’ll be applying for you’re going to need to pass a few tests so that the boss can determine if you’re a good fit for the position or not oh I mean my my disguise

Is are going to last a few hours so yeah let’s just go faster come on disguise what do you mean sopie selfie where are you oh there’s the boss now Gracie did you change your mind about helping with the interview well I wanted to see the

New recruits you know what I need to make sure that you’re right for our project oh you know if I knew more about the details I could we could speed up the interview process more so um how about you tell me that you really think you can get information about our project without

The proper qualifications you’re a joke Anyway sopie come on lead her through the trial now the trial what is this right let’s go why do I need this much interview process for this this job project excuse me what do you mean this is one of the most Valu positions in the

World our company could go down because of you okay well what’s the first question well it’s going to be a multiple choice trivia all right what type of plushy would not be good for cuddling what are the options okay so one creeper plushy two sheep plushy three Jamesy plushy four slime plushies

Um obviously the one that would not be good for um cuddling would be the the creeper plush why does she talk like that um she say she’s sick so maybe cut her some slack all right write the answer down in your notebook Sophie was not the right answer then quiet we’ll

Tell you the correct answers once we’re done anyway what item does not belong in a girl dinner nuts stay crackers or fruit who who eats nuts for dinner interesting anyway wait did I say something wrong write it down Sophie okay last question what topics are perfect for girls only sleepover Boys in

Relationships makeup and tricks High fashion for all of the above um H this is a tricky question if you put all of the above on there it must be that one a interesting WR that that one as well okay okay I got it I got it all right

Girl you finished that portion of the test and you only got one of them correct what no but don’t worry Barbara there’s still a few other tests to go through before we make our final decision so okay what’s the next test now we have to test your artistic

Aptitude come on this is a very artsy job after all oh we get the paints and stuff go on Sophie anyway bar Barbara I need to talk to you um okay go ahead Sophie might be nice and sweet but I’m not so Keen why did you change your mind

About wanting to try for the position at goo huh um GS go o o um well you see I had a change of heart and that um working here might give me a different opportunity to make some friends and become more productive H you don’t sound

So sure of that oh sopie there you are with the painting supplies yep I got them all right let’s go follow me Barbara I’ve got everything set up thanks to my lovely assistant Sophie and it’s all right outside here outside oh my goodness this looks great so wait why

Are there free sections am I doing free paintings no actually we’ll all be painting one but at the end all the paintings will be shuffled so it’ll be anonymous we won’t know who’s painted what and if at least one of us chooses your painting as the best one then

You’ll have passed this challenge no way uh but it’s not likely looking at your makeup no offense wao Gracie there’s no need to be so mean sorry it’s just been a stressful day come on guys let’s begin all right the painting theme is going to be the cutest idea for a plushy okay

That sounds so amazing I’m going to paint here oh my goodness guys what am I going to do for this plushy this is so annoying you know what I know that Gracie really likes Jamesy so I’m going to try and win by drawing me okay this

Will this will work this will work um there’s no way she doesn’t vote for me right guys I’m literally her boyfriend the only issue is I’ve completely forgotten what I look like all right well let’s just try this out so we need to do a peach face cuz I got a peach

Face Brown hoodie like this boom boom boom boom and we’re going to have this is my plushy right here fill this all in oh goodness guys I have to win this I need to know what these two widdows have been up to Why they’ got a warehouse I

Mean that’s kind of weird this is meant to be a sleepover not something else I feel like I’ve underestimated how crazy my girlfriend is and here comes the mouth yes all right I’m looking pretty good I think Gracie should like this now it’s time for my arms boing and boing I

Have super cool and long arms with big hand yeah there we go and then finally let me put in some brown hair so I don’t look too stupid and oh we go girls I’m ready really now Barbara well that was pretty quick oh but guys I’m kind of

Worried my Digi disguise might not last that much longer I only have 30 minutes left all right guys time finished all right Barbara pick up all these paintings shuffle them up and put them in a random order you can do that in the other room we’ll wait for you outside

Wonderful I’ll go in here and see you in a minute ladies okay this is a perfect time for me to have a look around here I don’t have long my digit disguise so let’s have a look okay let’s have a look in here and this room looks suspicious

But oh no this door is locked what am I going to do okay you know what I have to figure this out later on first let me put down these paintings so they don’t get suspicious I’m sure that the rest of the facility is right over there and

Then I can figure out what this is all actually about and what Gracie and Sophie are up to okay let me put these all down here and come inside hello all right barara we’re coming I hope you’re ready okay so I put it in a random order

And now you guys should judge all right guys we’ll just vote separately so I can go first all right uh I’ll stay outside then I don’t want to know what your answer is okay oh so what you going to vote Sophie which one’s yours obiously

You can’t bet pick yours so you have to pick the other ones right let me think there cat or what is this a person in a banana suit it looks a little bit like an orange man do you know any orange man well it’s kind of weird looking so I’ll

Just pick this cat are you serious oh that’s that’s fine um Gracie all right I’m coming in oh Barbara sorry but if sopie hasn’t picked your painting by now it looks like you won’t be getting this job no no you can pick it as well remember well this is pretty cute this

Yellow doggo wa that looks just like my boyfriend I don’t know how youi knew how he looks like but wow this is what a coincidence maybe Sophie painted this one you don’t know that yeah I know uh but wow he’s really handsome I’ve got to choose this one sopie did you make this

One wait no I didn’t Gracie that was the one that I made what y wow I don’t know how I knew this boy I just drew a random boy wow that’s crazy that it looks like your boyfriend anyway well if you had failed this painting challenge you would have

Ended the interview on the spot because of how bad you did in the first part well I guess I’m ready for the final test yay all right we’ll lead you up to the final test okay wait what does goo stand for well Barbara it stands for girls only sleepover you would have

Known that if you read the contract it must be a code for something uh so what’s the next test then ladies well this was was to see how good you be at plushy concept design so the next part we’re going to be seeing how well you can convert that concept into a 3D

Version all right now out of these two paintings that aren’t yours which one are you going to pick just pick one I’ll pick this one now in order for you to get to position you have to place first or second place in the plushy Build Challenge we have to do a building yep

Of each other’s plushies so oh Sophie you take Barbara’s and I’ll take my own y let’s go okay so in order for you to be incorporated into our plushy designs you need to be able to make it in 3D using blocks so this is a build Arena

Right here and you’ll be entered into creative mode the second you enter it like this no way that was so cool I’ve never built before I don’t know how long I have left of this disguise guys it might only last a few more minutes so yes let’s get started right now come on

Guys come on all right quick let’s start making the builds that you guys chose off the paintings you have to take those paintings from something that’s 2D into something that’s 3D and just because this is an interview and I want to get an idea of how lazy you are you have

Only 5 minutes to create this so you better be quick don’t slap oh my goodness I’m going to get going cuz I don’t have the much long left trust me sopie will be building right next to you as well seriously make this oh my goodness okay I have this one should

Make it really easy I think but okay feel afraid to let me know how your process goes I’m excited to see how your brain works well what do you think so far huh so is this you creating the paws um yeah the paws at the bottom and this

Is the body right here interesting so you started from the bottom up instead of the top down this is Minecraft why why would I do the top up looks like Sophie’s very very talented at making Jamesy statues W that’s a bit suspicious isn’t it well no it’s not I’m just

Following your pain painting come on oh that means I must have made a very good painting thanks for the compliments oh and we’ll see after I’m done with this cheating is allow but don’t waste too much time sabotaging other people’s builds or else you lose time to perfect

Your own oh guys you only have 2 and 1/2 minutes left time’s already halfway through oh my golly gosh okay let me get going you say golly gosh my boyfriend says that a lot no he doesn’t be quiet okay you know what time to do the pink

Bits that would make it super dup cute am I right right see oh I love the blush honestly Sophie is one of the best plushy designers in the world I’m so glad I partnered with her a thanks Gracie so this company is a plushy design company and nothing bad yeah of

Course and we just want you for your plushy designs that’s all okay that doesn’t seem suspicious at all okay there we go the pink bits the pools are done don’t know what that’s called but yeah there we go okay that’s pretty cute those paw pads are adorable okay let me

Um let me get some brown and let me do the the nose thing oh there we go isn’t that so cute oh adorable don’t worry I’m currently Computing which builds are better oh maybe you should compute which mom is sp as well while you’re at um

Excuse me we don’t accept that kind of uh disrespect in our company do you want to be hired or not oh of course I’d love to be hired in your city company well you guys currently only have 1 minute left so you guys better hurry up almost

Done I don’t have that much time anyway trust me oh this is looking so cute adorable oh so cute like um like you Cy so cute 10 seconds left 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 okay everybody come down here it’s time to compute okay all right Sophie

Tell me which voter plot were you on on number one okay I’m going to play number one ready go 79% accuracy good job Sophie that’s pretty high thanks is that good yeah that’s very good most people don’t get that high except for me of course anyway uh what Builder plot were

You on Barbara oh wait you don’t even know you’re on Builder plot too give me a second okay so do I have to get higher percent to win obviously come on please please please I need to win this no way wait 94% I’ve never seen a score that

High before that’s a really good Builder score for a newbie like you interesting that’s a little bit suspicious isn’t it so yeah well H maybe she’s done more research than we thought on our company we have I know so much all right Barber we’re so happy to welcome you to the

Company anyway you have to fill out all these forms before you become an official employee so uh how can look with that that’s a lot of forms oh don’t worry anyway once you finished with the paperwork just approach the security room in the Next Room and we’ll buzz you

In how about we do that after how about we I sign them all after I’m finished Noe sorry you got to do that first anyway some will leave the first door unlocked for you see you later byebye wait what’s that beeping sound oh no my disguise has run out oh that was super

Duper close good thing they just left you know what I’m never going be able to get into the factory now without them realizing and seeing me on the cameras it’s time for me to use my invisibility potion now they can’t see me okay let me

Head in here I’m not going to Sun in these forms this is useless and look here’s all the cameras I’m really glad I had the invisibility potion look at this massive iron vault door and the computer next to it what does this mean okay you know what let’s just press on the button

So maybe something happen hopefully the door will open what about this one here wait no way it worked the door has been open wait a second this room has no cameras but oh my goodness there’s tons of lasers and there goes my invisibility that’s fine

The cameras should be a to see me they won they won’t look this way let me have a look how can I get through these lasers it looks like the only way I can get through this is going through the lasers but oh I’ve kind of be getting

Wait a little bit recently if I go like this I should be to weas of my way through sideways oh come on oh it seems to be fitting through this is great H come on ow oh I must have hit oh no I’m far too fat to fit through these lasers

Good thing I still have the ender pearl and I can squeeze my way through yeah amazing okay I still have two more forget me potion and the DG disguise oh no I already used that which means I only have this one left all right let me

Get into this room what is this no way oh it’s that an IR Golem if I get spotted by an iron go I’ll be killed for sure those are the most ferocious monsters in the entire world hey he seems to be going that way oh okay this

Looks like it’s some kind of maze I have to make sure that I avoid these Iron Golems though if they spot me they’re eliminate are you kidding me I’m in a dead de end ah okay I’m going to have to go this way all right I don’t see the

Iron Golem so let me just jump in here oh no the IR gol’s coming hey don’t look this way the God doesn’t seem to see me all right let’s just run this way this must be the end of this maze oh I said never dead itend quickly before the iron

Col comes oh run run run now I just have to keep going and make sure this Iron Golem does not spot me Intruder detected Intruder detected forg me potion wait a minute who are you what am I doing here uh I don’t remember yeah just go that

Way Goodbye Oh hope believe I forget me potion made me made him forget what his job was amazing what is this oh look it’s some sort of plushy Factory it goes over there gets flung that way okay I don’t see Gracie or Sophie anywhere I

Maybe at safe H let me have a look around maybe there something useful in here oh a book maybe what this this what this says Sophie business is booming with your love for plushies and my perfection recipe they spell it wrong we’ve smashed every projection through the roof we’ve barely made any our

Clients are extremely happy with our product I think it’s time to go International I think we need a hire some help so we can work on efficiency my hands are so sore from the stuffing these Plushies with all the goodies I mean know what you think Gracie huh

Goodies stuffing the no way they’re putting stuff in the plushies as smuggling it must be smuggling potions wait someone tripped the silent alarm J silent alarm how are you able to get in don’t worry about it it doesn’t matter now oh I’ve discovered your little secret time I brought you into the

Company so we can rule as boyfriend and girlfriend oh I’ll never be a part of your potion smuggling wait what potion smug what what are you laughing about what’s so funny potion Smugglers oh my goodness what are you talking about we aren’t smuggling anything come on this

Is literally proof look look at it it says that you’re stuffing stuff in the plushies this doesn’t prove anything Jamesy I’m just saying that I’m stuffing it with goodies here we go look if I place this down down and then I break it open like this wait why is there a

Cookie in there oh Jamesy are you dumb we’ve been selling cookies what you put in this cookie huh I know this cookie is poison isn’t it it’s a poison cookie oh my goodness you need to calm down goo is a nonprofit charity company for little girls in developing countries where they

Can receive a plushy package so they can have a proper sleepover experience oh so I was the new employee to help you pack the things yeah wait so wait you were the new employee so you were Barbara I knew there was something off about her wait

But why is there so much security you don’t need all the security and why were you acting so mean gra is just really serious about helping people yeah we don’t want any backstabbers in our company okay guys I’m sorry about this uh why didn’t you never tell me Gracie

Well you know you’re very popular on the internet and I didn’t want to cut him off as boastful about my charity but I should have just told you I’m sorry okay I’m so proud of you gra oh my goodness this is so boring oh I hate work so much

I’m so exhausted I don’t want to do this any longer this is such a manous job I remember the time I used to go to ventes with my friends and now I’m just stuck here doing a 9 to-5 job you know what my shift is over I’m just going to head

Home oh it’s such a big building it takes me ages to go down these stairs okay finally I’m out of this place let’s go home okay finally home look how boring my house is oh this is so depressing okay let me just go inside and go up to

My room yeah oh my goodness our apartment’s been graffitied oh they broke in again hold those down kids I’m so angry okay I think this one over here is mine yep there we go at least I have a balony I remember when I used to spend

All my time with my friends and now all I do is work work work wait am I being cool right now okay let me bring in my phone um excuse me who is this who’s there hello is this the number of uh Jamesy yeah this is Jamesy what do you

Want oh my gosh no way I thought I had the wrong number Jamesy it’s me Lou wait Lou is that you from all those years ago yeah we haven’t spoken in so long we have to catch up uh really where are you living right now well about that I never

Left come back and see me I’m in my Observatory I don’t want to goodbye beep Lou is still there I’m even more upset now it’s not worth it for me to go all right I’m go get some food I don’t have enough money to go out so I guess

I’ll just go to the store I I think it’s right here aha right here this is the store there we go uh excuse me are you open right now oh another guy here oh what do you want man I know you you come here way too often oh what are you here

For now oh I’m just looking for some food oh man what’s got you so down in the dumps oh well you see I miss how things used to be I used to have a brilliant girlfriend called Gracie I had amazing friends like Sophie and Lou and

With this amazing house and then I had to leave it all for this new job which I hate I just wish I was back there well man if you ask me I think you should just follow your heart do what makes you happy I mean if you return back home and

It makes you happy then you’ve got to do it I don’t know it’s not worth it I have so much work to do I’m already way behind my schedule and I need way more sleep well if that’s what you want then uh what are you buying today Jamesy I’m

Looking for some bread do you have some some bread let me take a look in here oh yeah I got some right here okay how much is that going to cost me shopkeeper I just realized I don’t really have much money on me right now well man don’t

Worry about it you don’t have to pay for the bread today it’s uh it’s all me you sure yeah but you do have to consider going to see your old friends I mean that’s the least you can do okay fine uh I guess I’ll go back home bye-bye all

Right see you later all right guys it’s getting dark I’m going to go back to my house it’s so boring and jary but you know it’s all I’ve got right now I moved to the city and all oh home sweet home there we go oh gosh I’m so exhausted I

Need to sleep it’s already getting really late and I have work at like 5:00 a.m. in the morning all right let me go to bed okay let me light down and go to sleep oh what a wonderful morning wait is someone on my door gosh let me see who it is hello oh

Lou it’s me yeah it’s me what are you doing here I don’t know what to say well I’m here to bring you home silly no I don’t want to go home this is my new home this is your new home Jamesy there’s literally graffiti on the walls

Let me take a look inside well Lou you see I had to leave Gracie to come here and I don’t know why I will say to her if she sees me again after all these years she might be so mad well I mean this is kind of a dump but I’ll think of

Something I guess for now I’m going to get you out of this dub come on hurry with me okay I follow you the thing is I I no longer have my home you the orange building with the sword coming out of the top wait what do you mean Jamesy

Well you see someone already bought that house when I left so uh I can’t return home well you’ll be shocked to know something just follow me for now come on oh my goodness Lou I remember this place it’s more beautiful than I remembered yep and I still live right here I can’t

Believe you hung up on me I’m sorry Lou but wao look at my house wo this brings back so many memories yep maybe we should go inside no no no no no Lou it’s owned by someone else now we can’t go inside that’s get the Lord I don’t know

About that Jamesy I think you should go in right now fine I’ll go inside this has become very neglected there’s cobwebs and Moss everywhere well yeah the person who owns it hasn’t necessarily changed anything oh my goodness wow this is bringing back so many memories I remember when Skiby

Toilet used to appear in my bathroom every other week and we would go do those G bamb band build challenges oh goodness it was so much fun yeah man it was so fun yeah but it’s been years Lou it’s been years those times have passed

I’m old now well maybe we can get back to that some other day but for now you have to speak with Gracie wait no no l i can’t she probably hates me oh gosh I don’t want to see her again after what happened oh well I’m sorry to tell you

This Jamesy but I have a little secret I’ve been keeping okay what’s the secret uh I kind of booked a restaurant so that you and Gracie can go on a date oh my goodness L what why would you tell me about this oh I don’t know what to say

Oh well don’t say anything you have dinner with Gracie soon you need to get ready ah no no I haven’t shaved in weeks I’m wearing the same old clothes I used to wear it’s oh they’re so dirty I don’t know what to do oh just put some nice

Clothes on or something I guess let’s have a look in my room okay then jamy let’s take a look in your room come on who do you think there’ll be any actual clothes in here or is it going to be like old moldy and stuff maybe let’s

Just take a look wait Lou I found some of the orange clothes okay I’m going to put all these on then you can see what I look like okay all right I’ll just wait for you over here I don’t want to be intruding or anything all right okay let me get

Changed W Lou how do I look how do I smell wo you look like a noob man this is Grazy thank you thank you when is my booking with Gracie how long do we have until the restaurant uh like 5 minutes we better to get going quickly we I

Can’t be late I can’t say a bad impression so Lou where’s this restaurant at uh well it’s somewhere here I’m not too sure though it’s that crazy I’m hyperventilating I’m hyperventilating I miss Grazy so much but I’m worried that she’ll be angry at me for just leaving oh don’t worry

Jamesy I’m sure she missed you too come on you’ll be fine let’s go okay uh well I’ll see you in a minute Lou bye-bye gosh graci’s right there I don’t know what to do okay I’m going to sneak into the restaurant hopefully she won’t see

Me oh look she’s right there what do I dare I’m just stuck I can’t even move anymore I’m so nervous oh where is Jamesy wait is that a flash of orange Jamesy jamy JY I missed you so much oh my gosh give me a hug right now wait you

Want a hug me I thought you’d be super angry on me no of course though I missed you so much and I wish you never left wait why did you react like this oh my gosh do you remember when we first met those were the good days I wish we were

Young again yeah Grazy I wish we were doing those Bill challenges and you know guess the correct mobs and all that kind of stuff oh remember when I had to guess the correct Jamesy and I didn’t know which one was you that was so scary and just I can’t even pick my favorite

Memory there’s so many of them well Gracie I don’t know I always plan to marry you but now it seems impossible hey it’s okay we can just start from scratch and try again you know what let’s all go to our favorite places that

We used to go to all the time it’d be a good way to commemorate okay and we should also get Lou to Take Along he’s missed you so much too as well he’s your best friend after all okay let’s get to the mall we can meet him there hey wait

A second guys you haven’t even paid your dinner fee I need $15 right now here have some bread yeah let’s go bread all right Gracie we’ve made it some more but where’s Lou he must be around here somewhere Lou I bet he’s in his favorite shop Jamesy do you remember

What it is it’s been a while no I have no idea what was it oh you’re such a bad friend he’s obviously going to be in the plushy store wait why would he be in the plushy store wasn’t that Sophie don’t you know he’s in love with Sophie now

Are they still not dating oh my God that kid is hopeless uh guys what are you two doing oh there he is oh you got my text yes well done thanks for being here I was just over there in the electronic store what did you guys think I was I

Don’t know but this place feels so nostalgic I remember being here so much for when we used to do those challenges and stuff we played hide and seek all the time as kids in here it was really fun wait why don’t we play another game right now together a game it’s been ages

That would be so nostalgic let me count first yeah you go first come on let’s hide 10 n 8 oh my goodness she’s over there hide in the grass with me hide in the grass I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming you st there you st there what

I’m coming now oh no she’s so close Lou don’t make any sounds she’s going to hear us I hear some Whispering hello where are you guys oh Jamesy my stomach hurts this isn’t the time are you fting right oh goodness no no no no no l l what are you doing

Hiding in the grass oh you’ve been tagged oh I’m chasing you too well I won so that was so fun guys who let out such a gastric fart oh my goodness Lou what did you eat that was Lou that was jamy that was Jamesy oh Jamesy oh that was

Fun but Jamesy so what have you been up to since you left and why’d you leave us in the first place I took a job in the city it made so much money I got a small apartment but ever since then I’ve been just so miserable the job is so boring

And all my colleagues hate me oh I’m sorry to hear that James here and you know the worst thing is graci they all wear only black and white no colors at all what we’re such colorful people that must be so boring wait jamy that kind of

Sounds like someone that I own what wait wait what well Gracie what about you what have you been up to this whole time well I actually opened up a cake bakery and it’s actually doing quite well it’s in the nearby City seriously I would

Love to go see that what do you mean Lou you’ve literally been to my store so many times have you forgotten uh well your cooking is hard to forget well anyway guys what should we do next well Jamesy how about we do a build challenge

Now I really really want to do one okay well we can all build something new to our life let’s head to the electronic store I believe there’s some building plots around there okay herey we are we’re at the electronic store so is this where the building plots are oh yeah

They’re going to be back here but oh jamy do you remember we went in the electronic store buy all those cameras and I almost caught you cheating but you weren’t actually cheating and it was just a whole misunderstanding yeah that was funny guys this is the build plot

But wait we’re in survival mode we don’t have any resources oh don’t worry we’ve revamped it quite recently watch this Jamesy wait no way I just going put it into creative mode what I know jamy and now we can fly this is amazing so wait should we build all of our favorite

Thing that we miss from our childhood well instead of building something about the past why don’t we build something new about our new lives like something we might not know about you yet okay fine let’s do it guys let’s get building well because I now work an office job

I’m actually going to build a keyboard well let’s get building so I’m going to go like this I’m going to go over here and I’m going to make this amazing keyboard of smooth quartz there we go that’s going to be the base of my keyboard and now I just have to do the

Keys wait Jamesy did you say keys what is this a giant foot no Gracie there we go there’s my function keys and now I’m going to do all the uppercase but before I keep building I’m going to go TR Lou and crazy cuz there’s just so much fun

Oh my goodness look at this what’s Gracie building how did you build this so fast Gracie well Jamesy I’ve been using this new advanced technology called Woodhouse TNT and it basically just builds me a house what that’s totally cheating graci you wouldn’t mind if I did a little bit of trolling with

You trolling just like the good old times except I don’t want you to troll me no no no no no no stop it stop stop stop stop stop it’s burning up my entire house and it’s spreading get out of here Jam before I troll your keyboard you wouldn’t want it

To become water logged would you wait what do you mean water Lo what are you doing right now stop that right now crazy electricity shouldn’t touch water oh my goodness well good luck stopping this fire it’s spreading I’m just going to Dr it out with some water

What are you two Goofs doing both of your build look trash right now L how dare you Lou I’m famous my numbers and now time to do all the rest of my things a few moments later ah there we go that’s my keyboard completed Lou where’s your build give us

A tour well you should take a look and just uh kind of observe yourself don’t you know what this is wait are we supposed to build something new in our lives oh that makes sense Lou build so much money because he’s rich now Jamie did you know I’m a millionaire you’re a

Millionaire oh my goodness maybe I should have you take me out to dinner more often Lou well I wouldn’t count on it Jamesy okay well so this is you being super duper rich and this is a pile of money what absolutely I’ve got like so much money in my bank account that I

Will never go broke again okay well let’s go look at Gracie’s building now Gracie what is this well it’s my cake bakery shop of course it doesn’t actually look look like this cuz usually it doesn’t get burnt up but this is my new bakery shop that I’ve been working

At oh really this is so cool so this is the bakery that you started recently yeah but why do fires keep starting randomly maybe you’re just bad at cooking and that shows why do these fires keep staring I wonder know who keeps doing that oh my goodness oh they

Got extinguished Jamesy what did you even build for your new life you built a gr keyboard that’s so boring yep it’s a depressing keyboard because I now work an office job and all I do is go click C click click an office job you’re joking right yeah yep and here’s the cable as

Well it plugs into the Earth Jamesy you really need to stop do something that you actually want to do instead of just working at an office all day you don’t need to be normal you can be anything you want whatever guys good thing I’m off work right now well anyway I’m happy

With our bills what should we do next well Jamesy I was thinking we could go back to my house but I just wanted to know how long you’d be staying here are you staying here forever or you going to go back to your job afterwards oh I

Don’t know Gracie we’re just going to have to wait and see okay all right well let’s just go back home for now I really missed my bed let’s go to your house Gracie let’s go let’s go let’s go all right guys we’re almost home it’s been a

Long day oh finally that took ages here Lou I’ll drop you off at your house okay thank you very much guys it’s been a fun night but I’m going to go do some rich activities wait wa you’ve got a plane uh well yeah yeah of course I do what rich

Person doesn’t show me you’re driving it oh fine are you ready to see this w w this is so cool you truly are a millionaire all right Gracie should we go to your house yeah come on hop in do you want me to run you over no no it’s literally a 3 minute

Walkway okay I’ll park up over here and boom let’s go come on well greasy I have to say I feel like I’m a completely different person from when I first arrived I agree you’ve become so much more um boring lately but now you’re like back to normal and I really missed

That yay well Jamesy I actually had something to uh tell you okay Gracie what did you want to ask me it’s a really important question I promise you won’t be angry if you don’t like it okay Gracie come over here come stand over here all right oh well

Jamesy would you uh bury me look no way are you proposing to me right now yeah I have the RS behind the behind I’m going to say yes wait are you serious oh my God I’m I’m just I’m so happy why you let down Gracie oh my goodness we need

To celebrate we need to celebrate yeah we have to celebrate oh my god let’s go tell Lou the good news L Li l oh what do you want guys being rich and alone is so boring look what I have is that a ring yes Gracie just proposed we’re now engaged no way

That’s awesome I can’t even believe it yeah well good news guys I own a wedding chapel if you want to pay for any wedding services I mean yeah Lou’s been buying real estate there and here and here and there let’s go get mad right now let’s go to the chapel right now oh

My gosh all right guys stop in wait are we running in your BL wait Lou what are you doing what are you doing uh well we’re going to my wedding chel obviously come on guys gra what are we going to do I’m going to die oh my goodness we’re going to the

Chapel are you okay babe no Lou Lou put us down L put us down Fine wait I’m fine are we there is that the chapel yep it’s right down there I hope you’re ready for a smooth Ling oh my goodness let go of us we your

Dog sorry guys no you let your plate under the water it’s okay he has many of them yeah I’ll buy another one let’s go to the chapel oh my goodness wait wait wait do I need to give you a few minutes to get changed yeah of course Jamesy

Well I’ve never prepared a wedding before it’s going to be kind of complicated okay well I just wait inside remember Lou the men have to wait at the altar while the woman walks up the fan you know okie dokie I’ll just be uh on that part there I mean I’m doing the

Wedding right I’m also a pastor if you didn’t know yeah you’re are Visionary Lou I’m really nervous what if it doesn’t go well well don’t worry about it Jamesy I’m on dated I mean I can marry you both together wait what that’s crazy okay I’ll wait over here for

Gracie to walk up the AIS wait wait where did you go you just disappear oh look up Jamesy what what’s going on it’s me I am the priest and I’m here to marry you both oh my goodness where is Grace get nervous Here Comes the Bride Here

Comes the Bride oh my God no way is that crazy jamy oh my goodness this is so romantic oh my goodness you look beautiful give me a kiss oh my gosh I can’t believe we’re actually getting married okay yeah what do we do now you’re the priest well you

Guys have got to say your vows to each other so uh go ahead you guys okay okay um Gracie I promise to always be your and to always trust you and be your husband and J I promise to love you forever and uh be your amazing wife and

Yes I do okay I do too oh my gosh yeah does that mean we’re buried now Lou no I still have to do one more thing wait what uh well can you guys just stand on those two little bits there uh you know the the yellow bits yeah

And oh my goodness are we married now yep you are now married in the state of New Jersey and I am uh I I am oh my goodness look at the weather Serv is so beautiful wait graci what are you doing near this creepers we spent all afternoon collecting these creepers for

Our cage but don’t get too close are they going to blow up if I get too close absolutely it’s better to let the professionals handle this situation come on I can easily handle some old creepers uh-huh Jamesy then why are you so far away from the cage scaredy cat okay fine

I’ll go closer come on come on I’m not afraid I’m not afraid of these creepers was the worst that could happen Jam you should come on this end that way you can get a really nice view of them from the St PR Jamesy you almost burst my eardrums that wasn’t funny

Guys I think it was you screamed so loud okay jamy we’re sorry we didn’t want to hurt you but don’t worry we actually put these creepers in here because there’s a surprise in the cage that we’re guarding what’s this surprise I’m really interested in this yeah go

There’s like a secret trap door and everything but uh maybe we should kill these creepers that’s left inside first yeah that would be a good idea oh my goodness stop opening it go inside so there’s like a secret trapo you’re going to trap me in aren’t you no just keep

Going a few moments later there’s a trap door here guys yeah go inside jamy that’s the real surprise I don’t know this new prank isn’t funny come on Ed thing get pranked no I’m stuck in this C yes perfect if you guys ready want to prank me you should have put some beast in my house that would have been way better I guess we’re done pranking you now Jamesy you can come out of the cage why are you pranking me in the first

Place well we are just having a bit of fun there’s not really a real reason but we’re finish pranking you now yeah pretty much okay guys I forgive you GL we should go by your house I heard you have some cake absolutely there is come

On guys let’s go I love cake I love cake oh my goodness I’m ready to eat where should I sit down on this seat on this seat uh well just sit down across the table over there all right fine I’ll s on this chair over here uh where’s the

Cake what are you guys Whispering about wait did you guys say pranking no what what are you talking about prank we’re talking about cake I know you’re going to prank me again I overheard you you didn’t hear anything I don’t know what you’re talking about Jamesy you must be

Hearing things again you guys are really bad at this I’m not going to lie oh jamy don’t be a poor sport just come with us you know the real surprise was that I wanted to do a photo shoot with you it’s going to be so romantic she’s finally

Appreciating my good lucks yes okay U where am I standing Jamesy don’t get too excited just stand right here and do a cute little pose wait why would I stand here because the lighting is best in this place okay right right on this dark block yep right next to the windows in

Between the lights snap wait what was that did you just press a lever I might trapped in another cage what are you Whispering about down there you still have to get out how do I get out of this cage there is a way out right uh I don’t think we want to tell

You now we’re going to go eat some cake instead good thing I’m really experienced about get out this present and conveniently they’ve left me a chest here they always do this all right fire resistance the fishion rod but I guess I could use the fire resist to get through

That lava but I’m still stuck in the cage wait a second is that a Target block did you guys know that not only can you shoot Target blocks with those but you can also shoot them with fishing rods watch this ready 3 2 1 and boom no

The lever is over there look it’s stu oh no guys this might be the end of me look at that liver right down there yep it’s stuck there 3 2 1 and bom yes I’ve got the Le now brilliant let’s let’s get out of here um I can place this right okay

Now I’m at the cage but I’m not out of this prison I can’t quite reach onto this ladder I’m just one block short okay there must be a way out of here and I think it’s through this lava so I’m going to drink this fire resistance

Potion and see what I can do okay let’s go to this chest glow stone and a sticky chain what could I possibly use that for aha I think I figured it out I can turn this glowstone into a glowstone block hop on that and then jump onto this and

Then using the lever that I just got from over there I can get out of this place hell Louie Gracie okay fine they’re not here whatever uh I’m going to get revenge on them and see what they like it you know what I’m just going to paste it in using illegal commands let

Me just do SL slash paste and boom let’s see what happened yes over here is an elite prison just behind Lou’s house and I’m going to trap them in here for 24 hours and even better I have a ton of cameras in this prison so I can moniter

My prisoners when they eventually are in here okay now I have to spy on graci see what she’s up to let me have a look through this window H she seems to just be uh watching TV and laughing to herself wait is that Lou oh my God oh my

God I got to hide I got to hide okay I think he’s going into Gracie’s house what is he up to Gracie come outside what’s up up I’m just kind of concerned Jamesy hasn’t gotten out of that small prison under my house yet oh don’t worry

He will soon he’s really smart oh yeah I I guess I have to agree with you on that but I’m going to go check on Jamesy he might be hurt oh good point bye Lou no way Lou doesn’t even know that I’ve escaped yet all right I need to hurry

Before Lou figures it out I’m going to go into grazy’s house and sneak around but look for the right opportunity meanwhile this sticky chain line this is exactly what I need it was in the prison all right I’m going to jump on Gracie I got you Gracie I got you why

Are you grabbed on to me let me go no I don’t want to follow you this chain line I’ve got here guys is basically a lead both for humans let me leave let me leave all right Gracie we’re going to go over to that creeper cage that you

Locked me in at the start of today I was just enjoying the sun of Summer and you ruin it no please don’t leave me in there please you’re going to go in the cage give me that lead no give it to me get it out of here no you’re stuck in there

All right let me go find Lou now guys I bet he’s eating his cake again is he trying to eat R oh whatever this guy is so crazy wait a second did I forget something I don’t know did he seriously forget to check on me in the prison he

Got two DED eing Redstone L what I’ve got you you’re on my chain I’m literally stuck I can’t even get away oh all right guys we’re going on a field trip hey Gracie um yep I’ve got you too now as well l oh no why am I being grabbed again as

Well all right guys we’re going to go over here you’re going to really enjoy this oh wait where are you taking us you’re going to prison prison I don’t want to go to prison JayZ come on I’m too young to go to prison nope you’ve been a naughty

Girl think about all the things that you’ve done in your life well guys welcome to my prison let me show you the inside no please don’t take me inside well guys welcome to your new home no all right I don’t think the cells really matter so Lou you can get in this

One off you go get inside get inside well at least has a red bed uh Gracie you can get the one opposite to him over here was that the cafeteria Bell oh my goodness did you guys hear that Bell that just went off oh I’m hungry I’m

Hungry great oh look there’s a camera up here in the cafeteria Lou oh gosh she’s going to be watching us this is the cafeteria I swear Jamesy the food better at least be good uh we have on the menu today Rod flesh R flesh rotten flesh

Yeah we just have rotten flesh are you joking me this is disgusting I’m going to give you 5 Seconds to eat your food five oh I can’t eat I lost my appetite I’m telling you we only have that wrw flesh we don’t have any other food in

Stock I think i’ rather star don’t look at what I’m eating right now all right well if you guys have finished eating your goo go back to your CS no no no actually I do want to eat goop I do want to eat goop no you’ve run out of goop

Time Lou in this cell please okay it’s your thing I like these beds and now that they’re in their CS I can just monitor them using my security cameras ah look at them there crazy and Lou is right over there what she holding Jamesy he dropped this chain and I’m going to

Use this to escape once he gets over here I’m going to just grab it with the chain light and then he’ll know what it feels like to be a prisoner oh she thinks she’s so smart that’s illegal cultra band Gracie give me that cultra band right now A don’t kill me fine oh

My gosh you know what I’m fing you too we’re now going to do some your time your time no no no no don’t take me outside I don’t want go outside we’re going to the yacht leave the cages all right guys follow me we’re going this way we’re going to the yard

No no no no no I don’t want to touch grass all right guys you enjoy yard time while I to a nap wait Li he’s scking a nap we need to figure out a way to escape what do we do I don’t know but there’s like nothing to do in this yard

There’s literally just like a basketball court this is all we have no way they’re plotting to escape I them by pretending to be a sleeper all right you know what there’s one solution to this recklessness I’m going to put you guys to work wait work why we didn’t do

Anything I I thought we had some free time all right guys follow me follow me I mean you don’t have much of a choice but yeah you’re going to come this way I hate this present so much uh you guys stay there I’m going to give you some

Iron pickaxes and here you go you still haven’t told us what we’re doing a few moments later all right I’m going enjoy being Wen and watching you guys mine this coal oh Jamesy you’re working us like dogs yeah I’m so hungry this is a toxic work environment I don’t want to

Work here anymore I want a stack of col from both you get Mining and entire stack come on yeah that’s too much work how much do you have I have 26 what did you expect like prison was going to be like prison is horrible you

Never want to go to prison wait JY I actually have a million and coal can I leave now no we stack you need a stack grae one eternity later all right guys give me your call I want to see if you have a stack now give it to me give it

To me I’m expecting at least two stacks from y’all all right well done let’s go back to yourselves you guys have a formed people that was some hard work wasn’t it yeah I’m so hungry I just want some more of that gooper whatever it’s called what again you still have us grab

Just let us go now give me the pickaxes fine take it ah there we go we’re going back to your CS oh you know what I’m actually really happy that we’re going back this prison is actually starting to smell really really nice yeah and I

Really like the touch of the red beds I really can’t wait to sleep tonight why are you guys all of a sudden so happy yeah this prison’s actually better than my real home you know what whatever if you guys want to be in this prison

You can be in this prison get in the cell all really perfect I’m so happy oh yes all right guys it’s time to really see what they think they don’t know no but I have cameras in their room so I can listen to them all right let’s have

A look um Lou what are you thinking they over here yeah what is it Gracie it looks like you had the same idea as me we should continue Bing loving in here and eventually we can find a way to escape okay Gracie I’ve got a pretty

Good idea for this plan what is it maybe we should try and trick Jamesy into a cell because like we did it before and that was really easy just like earlier with the creers good idea let’s do it oh they don’t don’t know this but I know

Exactly what their plan is all right you know what I’m just going to let them do it at least I know their plan so uh it’s your time again Jamesy I need your help I need your help yeah we need you my toilet’s Plumbing is really bad it’s

Like leaking all over the place can you come and check it for me please okay finally I’m going to go inside you guys fought you f us B for that what you idiot wait how did you know what you thought you could trick me but I have cameras

Everywhere in this place I heard your whole conversation well just for that guys I’m going to punish you once again this time in the craziest way that I know how well Gracie I know that you love food so the way I’m going to prank you is I’m going to throw all of this

Cake into this lava no no I love gake and Lou I know that you hate Sound no no I’ve already heard enough no sorry Lou but you need to fill my r no my piece of quiet yes how annoying is that Lou how annoying is that oh no no no no

Just stop it no more no more please Yep this is going to go on for all night you’re not going to be able to sleep I just want to sleep are you struggling to sleep Grazy cuz of all that noise oh my body hurts so bad all right guys if you’ve learned

Your lesson then I’ll be a little bit merciful towards you all right let me get some food up for you Gracie okay there’s some cake in here there we go and uh Lou in here I’m going to give you some steaks there you go yes thank you

So much you’re welcome all right guys I’ll be back in a little bit uh you guys don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do bye-bye oh yeah Jamesy we wouldn’t do anything bye I finally got good food but we still can’t get out of here oh yeah

No we totally can’t get out of here like that’d be crazy if we could just get out of here what how did you do that guess what what he gave us the sugar box there was a pickax in it and I just quickly grabbed it out perfect let’s get out of

Here M out of a wall or something let’s just go I don’t know where the exit is just go for the wall in here come on okay okay I’m going to break down this wall let’s go oh I’m so such a good Warden you know I’ve managed this prison

Keeping them in charge all right let me just check them on my security Monitor and wait a second where’s Gracie uh where’s Lou Lou’s door is open and Gracie’s door has a hole in it oh no let me just check this out what’s going on oh they must have escaped oh let me

Follow the trail let me follow the trail no they definitely escaped all right whatever I hope they learned their lesson done but if you guys enjoyed the video then I’ll see you next week bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Having a JAMESY & GRACIE FAMILY In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-12-11 15:00:18. It has garnered 3111 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:20 or 9320 seconds.

Having a JAMESY & GRACIE FAMILY In Minecraft!

Jamesy, Gracie and Louie are having a family

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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    ULTIMATE SURPRISE IN MINECRAFT MOD LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODs LIVE PART 4’, was uploaded by codkillman 935 on 2024-01-15 19:02:32. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:31 or 1771 seconds. I Mostly Play (GTA V Online) (Minecraft) (CALL OF DUTY) And SomeTimes Other Games. Enjoy And Stay Tuned :-} You Can Follow Me On Twitter ( @codkillman_935 ) I Post Random Things Here You Can Follow Me On Instagram ( codkillman_935_yt ) ShitPost Here You Can Get Early Access On My Shity Music On BandLad ( @codkillman_935 ) #codkillman_935 Read More


    INSANE!! DRAVEN BUILDING A ZOO LIVE NOW 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-05-05 15:04:21. It has garnered 5107 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿 #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft This Live Stream is Sponsored By Microcenter And =================== Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture ================= Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture All things tech under one roof, at Kolkata heaven for Gamers and Creators alike…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek – TINY vs GIANT!!!

    Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek - TINY vs GIANT!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-11 22:32:54. It has garnered 765046 views and 23036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:56 or 7976 seconds. Today, Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty play TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft! Will Johnny win against his friends? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMP

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMPVideo Information [Music] no [Music] n n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream we are about to have a little bit of uh fun in Minecraft today uh playing a little bit of uh mini games in Minecraft as you guys know there are so many mini games in the server that uh we can enjoy So today we’re just about to have some fun playing some mini games uh… Read More

  • Meet Maira: The Most Enchanting Voice in Minecraft 🎶❤️

    Meet Maira: The Most Enchanting Voice in Minecraft 🎶❤️Video Information if I woke up without you I don’t know what I would do thought I could be single forever till I met you usually don’t be falling be falling falling fast you got a way of keeping me coming back to back I just found out the only reason that you loveing me was to get back at your ex lover but before you leave usually I would never would never even This video, titled ‘who is the voice best please comment ❤️ #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by Maira on 2024-01-08 18:51:30. It has garnered 51 views and… Read More

  • Condemned Vanilla

    Condemned VanillaAbout Condemned Vanilla We are excited to announce that we are adding a Minecraft Trails & Tails (Vanilla) 1.20.1 server to our network! The server will be towny based with golden shovel claims as well. We have a mining world available for our players to find villages, explore fresh ground, and more! Read More

  • HexArchon SMP Custom Worlds Items Mobs Skills Abilities Enchants Boss Fights Dungeons Quests Land Claiming Furnitures Heads Events Dynmap Wiki

    HexArchon HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique gameplay features such as Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and more. Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique, putting quality work into gameplay, listening to community feedback, and creating an enjoyable experience for all players. Community voice & transparency We value community input, transparency, and open discussion on server development. Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Players can choose from various playstyles and enjoy a wide range of abilities, stats, and custom items. Trust & respect We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pov: Luckiest Minecraft player ever

    Minecraft Memes - Pov: Luckiest Minecraft player ever“Who needs diamonds when you have a dragon’s superior fragments? Pov: you are now the envy of every minecraft player in the server.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua’s Hide and Seek

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua's Hide and Seek In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cuihua’s adventures are like a dream. Riding motorcycles, stealing watermelons with glee, But six years later, speaking Mandarin with me. Love like a kill, no longer entwined, You hopped on his BMW, leaving me behind. Facing my questions, you couldn’t reply, Kneeling, kissing, tears in my eye. My darling, where have you flown? Leaving me in sorrow, feeling alone. But I won’t let this sadness linger, In the world of Minecraft, I’ll be the singer. As I narrate the tales of this pixelated land, Crafting rhymes with a steady hand…. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🧨 Read More

  • Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you tired of fake backgrounds and looking for a genuine and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about creating and exploring in the world of Minecraft. With unique gameplay features and a dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Let’s craft, build, and survive together in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. See you in the game! Read More

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • 7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from Harrydallama

    7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from HarrydallamaVideo Information picture this you start a brand new Minecraft world play for a few hours and then quit never to play again well it is time for you to enjoy Minecraft again and I’m going to go through some tips and tricks on how to enjoy Minecraft again so welcome back to the Survival series if you’re new around here this is the series where I don’t cut so if you want to just leave this video on in the background I would really appreciate it as it really does help out the channel we’re back here on my… Read More

  • Insane Dutch Gamerz Challenge

    Insane Dutch Gamerz ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘CAN YOU DO THIS 😈💀 #viral #shorts @SenpaiSpider @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by DUTCHER GAMERZ on 2024-04-14 10:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CAN YOU DO THIS #viral #shorts #minecraft #dutchergamer #viralshorts #dutcher @YesSmartyPie @DREAMBOYYT … Read More

  • 🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More – Join Now! 🔥

    🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More - Join Now! 🔥Video Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Gamers so OBS crashed but how you guys doing fortnite won the vote fortnite did not win the vote door stream not tonight thank you most likely door stream tomorrow most likely tomorrow I very cool fortnite only won the vote because I applied two of my votes to it it did not actually win bro why do you want fortnite so bad do you actually want a fortnite stream Gamers none of you even like fortnite I legitimately couldn’t care… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptain

    Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptainVideo Information इसको मैं मार रहा होता हूं तभी मैं देखता हूं बाहर में कि रासियों के पीछे बहुत सारे यहां पे पीछे पड़े हुए थे तो गाइज इसका हेल्प करने में जाता हूं एंड पीछे से सारे को मैं मारने लगता हूं एंड रासियो भी यहां पे मार देता है सारे को बट सीरियसली गाइज बोलू तो इस वाले मेंशन में मुझे बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा था क्योंकि मैंने अपने हाथ में टॉर्च लेकर के नहीं आया था जिससे मैं कहीं भी टॉर्चस प्लेस नहीं कर पा रहा था और चारों तरफ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था बट गाइज… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GET OP ITEMS FROM DIRT in Mine Craft!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं कार 4 सेल सिमुलेटर तो जैसा कि आप लोग को पता है कि हम लोग अपनी कार शोरूम techno-economic बेचनी है तो अब जो सस्ती गाड़ियां मिलती है ना मैं वो सब नहीं खरीदता हम लोग सिर्फ bmw’s सु गाड़ियां खरीद के लाते हैं तो आज आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं चैलेंज लेने वाला हूं 10 से भी ज्यादा लगजरी कार्स सेल करने का लेट्स गो ज्यादा टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करते फटाफट… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trolling

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT logic short video 😱#minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-23 08:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT logic short video #minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short @Happy_Goldsmith @MrBeast … Read More

  • EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trending

    EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trendingVideo Information bye dream wait what oh my God what This video, titled ‘Dream boat clutch 😳#viral#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Hand #minecraft #mobbattle #mobbattles #shorts’, was uploaded by MMB Battles on 2024-04-06 23:04:32. It has garnered 1790 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

    Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!Video Information [Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if… Read More

  • BLOODBASH – PVP/PVE server 1.20.1+ Eldritch Horror theme

    BLOODBASH Explore a mysterious world full of secrets and dangers Features: Killstreaks Events Different perks Ingame item shop An interactable map with secrets Several unique and interesting items Player trading Weapon enchanting (custom enchantments) PvE boss encounters DISCORD: Join our Discord community SERVER IP: Read More