Insane Minecraft Mini Games with Midknight042!

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Hello uh who hello oh and by the way um so funny thing is Cookie said she’s not GNA join anyway so a man but I did something just for everyone and you you’ll see when you find it okay he did something just for everyone well it’s not creative

Mode I I’m just going to say I went into creative mode to do it but it’s nothing game breaking oh spectator mode no not that oh so it wasn’t useful you’ll see it wasn’t useful guess probably we should have over to the play section you wanted to make it

Useful you would have done spectator mode I don’t know how I’m going to do that I don’t think it changes it back that it absolutely is this really the that’s sad that’s the only Arena it’s kind of a large Arena though to be honest I mean it doesn’t seem

Large but like when you’re when you’re in it and exploring all the houses and stuff it’s pretty large there it’s other maps that I can buy too so well yeah but it’s not like all in one map which would have been pretty cool that’s true and like yeah what go go go oh

Okay oh okay is see everyone’s already ran away from me I see how it is I don’t want to get got ooh that’s good but is it good enough probably not but it’s good should take a stick just in case I find diamonds it’s a very fair

Point just in case I am very upset about you start it well it’s going to set command block to person spectator oh you know you have to be on creative mode to do that entirely was in Creative oh I had unch when you started so very irritating oh it’ll be

Fine I won’t I don’t know why I’m taking raw food I mean I guess food is food but I don’t know why I’m taking raw food I could grab more weapons than I have but the same time I just kind of don’t care you know

Uh I don’t mean to brag but I think I got lucky and I think I have the best current weapon out is that so yeah I think so let me rate it uh sharp one iron axe it’s tied oh it’s tied I’ll let you determine what that

Means let’s see six attack damage so iron sword or diamond sword diamond sword might be six I don’t remember now as I said I’ll let you determine what that means I’m not going to tell you that Drew a surprise although what would be nice is more armor oh speaking of

Which wow he asks and he receives well that’s that’s all that was in that chest oh uh Wella lies in you there what theault lies in you there uh you could have left me alone this is technically true do do you even know what I was trying to do oh make it

To jump over there but you failed so I killed you yeah you otherwise you might not have really been able to especially if I was ready crafting table crafting table crafting table I wasn’t even going to fight you but no you decid you want to fight so midnight

Feel free to slaughter him what mercilessly no you know what you did I did nothing you have no do what’ you say that we I said you have no proof oh wait you do well if I had realized he was doing spectator mode you could

Uh look at my uh armor but I didn’t realize I didn’t what he was do one stone sword which is the same oh I actually have a pretty decent um set right now Slaughter him merciless well they would like a slightly better weapon but what I’ve got is not bad good armor

He didn’t have the best of armor and I didn’t give him much better armor no I have I have good armor so how do you feel about your changes now DK very good actually wait no where are you got him no three heart three not I I didn’t do horrible

Then oh if you uh eat a gold Apple before we get back into the main map you still get the two extra Hearts yeah what did I do to you kill you why are you asking that question uh somebody should crit me once did that really only do okay there

We go the gold hearts are gone now that’s all you need yeah I didn’t want to start with that unfair advantage and I didn’t feel like running to the edge are you putting a spectator on Shenanigans now do now wait no yeah I’ll let him I’ll let him do that in the

Meantime let’s see if these houses can be explored that’s a good question well if not I can still do a funny little thing it looks like it doesn’t seem like they are it uh explorable why am I regenerating right now this is weird uh I have defense finally lost hunger

Apparently oh I guess absorption is what it’s called you can lose hunger apparently didn’t know you could do that really doesn’t feel like you can let’s be real here yeah I didn’t know that you could in the uh map they done should uh should have made these out of sh well

I guess it depends you remember when Minecraft was just if you lose Health you eat the recovery I remember that being a thing but I don’t remember playing at that time I only remember it when it was in Pocket Edition honestly nobody plays Pocket Edition terrible play was like the only

Thing I actually had to play at times which wasn’t often granted but what a terrible Edition what button you guys want what what do you guys want the pink one the one that’s made out of wood or the bamboo or the bamboo one if bamboo has one those one yeah good

Enough try putting another block on top of it what try putting another block on top of it or just give me permissions cuz I can prob probably command these better than you can since it does not seem to have worked for you there up you it’s not working it’s Broke for this is very entertaining oh hey so I accidentally found that out this one’s on a different block I know that’s why I upd on purpose oh don’t remember all the blocks though so going to try to make each of them or something but unless you don’t like it that way I

Just didn’t realize it was on a different block let me try didn’t work it’s broken yeah I don’t actually how’s it going they need to they need to they need to go texture update this it’s so offc Center game mode Let’s see if that

Works well if it’s 16 by 16 then why did they pick an odd number for their textures idiots don’t know how to count right wait shoot I shift clip nope oh apparently I don’t have emotes for this one equipped yet that doesn’t seem right but oh I need

Do I that’s I see game mode spectator yep what was it that you had to do then it worked yay now how do we I’m gonna press Adventure Mode now how do we how do we now you yeah and now close to the evidence so now in theory we can go

Like this what is this evidence that you just W up why do you have so many buttons stop B yes run away here I’ll heal you you’re welcome all right wow what did you do be honest DK what did you do what did I do you attacked me

Before the round started I didn’t I wasn’t by you so before the round started oh before yes I punched you once I guess I think I like way before the round started what oh diamonds nice yeah I just found one too anyways the point is that I still

Had the damage taken oh no you start one less hard whatever shall we do all right I think we Target now just to say that no what makes you say that what makes you think that why would I ever want to Target you it’s just a gut feeling I may not be

True dude no way wow I’m stacked you got upgrade to every piece of armor I’m stacked I’m guessing you either got lots of diamond stuff or you had the exact same thing that happened to me I had I already had full armor right open one chest every piece gets

Upgraded oh I definitely I definitely I definitely have some upgrades that is that is a fact I definitely have some upgrades uh no way again wow you must be getting real lucky here I don’t have oh boy sharp one a my favorite weapon better than nothing okay you’ll never take me alive there

Will about that if you can if you can find the chest there is literally all of the leather armor you could ever want I just added to it and it and it spawned with five pieces in it wait okay I yes let’s do this so I feel a little bit

Stacked right now yeah I’m thinking the spawns on this one are very good except my except do you do are you stacked at all except my weapon is kind of bad yeah but that’s about it well I don’t want to talk about what I have cuz then people might actually get a little

Afraid of me let’s just say the only is an amazing weapon I wish I had an amazing weapon diamond armor someone I don’t want to talk about it o sharp on sword you can get those and iron I mean oh in Iron uh I haven’t seen one in Iron but I would assume

So I would assume if you’re really lucky you could see one in Diamond too but I have yet to see a diamond weapon at all so once again c i wonder I feel like I completely cheese the game if I so chose to need that I needed

That you want to come around this corner try to stab me would you what why would I ever do that well considering I don’t know which corner to come around to stab you in can’t say that I do oh man I’m own oh oh I a diamond sword

Now oh thanks something tells me it might not be better than what he already had oh I also could use that sharp iron sword you were talking about all right now I can make a diamond sword that’s awesome I’m going to set up midnight be easier that

Way for what I’m not abusing my op on like some I’m so I can teleport to spectate oh uh where find the command block at huh you talking about me yeah so whenever I was in Creative right after we moved to the thing I thought I

Was going to delete my inventory it did not so I figured I might as well finally throw all that stuff out which I clearly did do if you weren’t paying attention all right now where is midnight at that’s the question hiding I kind of want to go to my little

Hidey-hole but I kind of don’t at the same time because I remember what happens if I go there you get stuck permanently trust me trust me you should definitely live the hidey hole definitely are you spectating me I’m just saying that you should right now secret

There in the hiding Hall secret you know what since you’re since you’re out of the game you should uh add a block in there so it you don’t actually so nobody accidentally gets stuck because fre because free wins free wins are no fun but there’s a secret there instead

See it’s so it’s so good they get just to win the match I see you midnight crouching around by that crafting table the thing is is if I run into him I might lose this altercation because I don’t have a decent weapon I don’t know if though I don’t

Know if I I know I have a good AR but I don’t know if I’ll be able to deal enough damage though I see I’ll be your eyes in the skies don’t no and I’ve already lost him oh great now where she go oh there just went into here the cave I

Mean I don’t know if I can believe you I can look to all the chest SPS now nice it’s actually lost a cheste oh how did I how close were you uh did you get teleported how close were you hello yes I had I had half a heart if I

Ate an apple I would have won oh my God yeah yeah you would have you had a better weapon than I did didn’t have half bad armor cuz I had one piece that was not iron but every piece had protection yeah the only the only problem with my diamond armor is

That it was all proc protection except for the uh boots so or projectile protection so it wasn’t it wasn’t as good as it could have been yeah but yeah if I ate the apple I would have won okay yeah I have to go take care I have to go take care

Something real quick I’ll be right back okay yeah good time I’m going to add a kill button at the arena so you can kill yourself into or if you’re still in there at the time CU it did not bring me with you guys because I never hit

Respawn what you mean I never hit respawn yeah like until after a while because I wanted to talk so there was a good chance I would have teleported him back right afterwards I don’t think that’s how it works though I’m going to add this just in case

Noise well we’ll wait for him to get back and then we’ll figure out if that’s how it works okay calm down okay I am ready now trying to recruit someone this time again no I remember there was another time where you said you weren’t going to be

On for a while and then we had pescato join for the first time well that was different that was different yeah okay is DK ready um and a bit and a bit he he was gonna put a kill button at the arena cuz he was saying that it didn’t he was

Complaining because it didn’t teleport you right away because I had never hit respawn for like total of like 10 seconds and then as soon as I hit it we were both there but I slash kill so but yeah I think I think the only

Reason I won is cuz I ate that gold CU I had hard LS the only reason why you was is cu you ate that and I didn’t eat mine yeah um well can’t kill near person creative so just just just a thought huh I wonder how that happened anyway so

This is what we’re going to do right we’re going to hit the re spawn button and then we’re going to watch as it actually teleports everyone there so you don’t have to worry about the kill button yeah I di you happy now no guys Revenge there was no reason for you to

Make that button in the first place that’s why I’m not happy fine then let’s start it again here that just because that I’m here I want to punch you you missed it we’ll take that who just grab stuff go go go oh you got it you got the potion

Before I did dang were you even going to use the potion I was going to throw it I was going to throw it at the at the field before everybody left but I didn’t get to DK already wants to fight uh okay as long as as long as you

Get a weapon you already have an advantage a need a weapon oh I’ll use my I have a better weapon than you ah there we go owned I’m actually owned I have an idea go go any closer let’s not talk about HP did you even lose HP I did it’s not a lot

Probably I’m back to full now okay was it worth it DK no but why not there you can have you can have some leather armor I’ll leave it in the chest for you I feel like he has a weapon so I don’t want to charge at him I do have a weapon

Yeah I don’t want to charge at him but it’ll be funny do you think I’m that good is chain better than proc one gold I actually don’t know I want to say no but you just have to keep an eye on the durability I want to say dur

Durability wise yes okay I’ll hold on to it just in case and that’s my completely honest answer if it was proc one chain then yes absolutely proc or chain would be better all right I don’t want to leave but it’s not and that’s the problem don’t want to leave those lighting around for

You what weapons pretty decent ones too yeah okay and there’s another one holy cow okay well I already got my decent weapon so it’s a little late well that’s unfortunate uh if DK is watching me he can see what weapon I have I can find any of you

Guys there some don’t don’t you have oh it’s midnight yeah but I’m not trying to use SL though as a thing oh well SL sltp would make it easier okay basically how an actual spectate feature would work as well that is also true so okay all I used it I’m ready to

Break the mechanics of the game that’s a nice weapon huh oh that’s cheeky all right I found an ender chest and I was like oh I’m going to break the mechanics of the game but I can’t actually open it because of where they placed it yeah try the same one I

Found so you and I had the the same thought process except I if I remember there is an OP available Ender Chest somewhere there probably is but remembering where it is and finding it are too dude I have so many of these right now well you guys looking for Ender

Chest I’m looking for something else oh I found it well I’ll stash that in there actually stash a couple things in mind I’ll stash those in there oh there’s like four of them never mind okay there’s like four there’s like four ender chests over here yeah but I don’t want to go exactly

Where you are because yeah no you you definitely don’t I I mean it’s not that I have bad stuff it’s that I want to store stuff um I’m leaving that well I’m not leaving leaving that spot but it’s uh right next to the house with all of the netherite

Stuff there’s a large there’s a random large what is this that’s fine so yeah remember when I was like oh I don’t want to leave these here for you uh they were uh Stone swords with sharp one which isn’t terrible but it’s good it’s a good

Start than that so uh I don’t have a better weapon than that at the moment but uh I have I have now picked up eight of them I have now picked up eight of them I mean if I pick up another one of my current weapon I might just toss it

In there I just picked up one myself is that what I oh that’s what I already have sure windy around here oh I actually want that you found something something oh you know what oh that would be you’re dead so it doesn’t particularly matter that would actually be genius I

Just trying to sell someone out because I almost gone for 20 hours so I see if it actually works or not but like I need my Ender Chest I just thought of something really smart actually because I’m pretty sure I know I’m pretty sure you called out midnight

But the same time I care yeah he did oh I don’t want to go that way then okay where is this where is this thing it’s probably somewhere in this direction considering you know he was in this direction I know you want to find your cool I’ll take that there by the

All this rock that’s so that is so so vague I yes you’re by all of this rock 20 different spots that could be but still um where is my ah I’m GNA lose because I don’t have a good weapon this is stupid I’ll keep that I kind of don’t want to use this

Weapon right now though unless they figured out a way to clear the ender chests this is going to work right it should I don’t know how they would I’m tempted to just run back to the ender chest and throw in all of these apples and these and these six

Gold and just let you kill me because at this point I’m not winning one to death their kill to death ratio yeah I will take that gladly I’m not I was I say there’s there’s no way I’m winning this altercation it’s not happening I just want my ender chest and

How do you know for sure you’re not winning because you don’t have a good weapon uh I don’t have a good weapon and I have average armor at best have you did you see me so far then I have uh no I didn’t well I I saw your name tag but

I didn’t see you okay so you have no way of knowing what I have which means I could technically have worse stuff than you still technically but I doubt it what have I been doing for like the last I don’t know two minutes well you’ve been searching for the inner chests which

I told you where they are ah but you see I have a bad memory they’re by the house with all the Netherrack I found Netherrack but I don’t think that’s the house it’s all the Netherrack oh well I’ll check around here here anyways might as well what could go

Wrong a lot of things oh that’s better than the boots I’m currently wearing nice all right see now you do have a chance well I still have average armor say it’s better than what you’re currently wearing well considering that gold is not great how with all the nether chain mail is an upgrade

Where’s this house with all the nether so bad at directions well I didn’t technically give you directions I just gave you what you’re looking for well I’m not the best person at hide and seek so H well this doesn’t really help you I mean I did but

Without when you you see the building you’ll know the building it has weather skulls on it too so when you see the building you’ll know the building but you won’t necessarily uh know how to get to that building if I see the building I think you need I guess there’s also that yeah

I happen to be really good at not seeing things as well if you didn’t know I guess I’ll do this although like I’m pretty sure you’ve been there but you didn’t grabbed that iron sword apparently no then I haven’t been there cuz I would have grabbed an iron sword DK no

Cheating DK’s cheating God I’m blocking off the inner chest that way don’t do something with that not it’s not going to be fun it’s not have game’s intended well it’s not not how the game’s intended game’s intended if it wasn’t then they wouldn’t Place inner

Chest if you guys want I’ll Place one at or place some at the no do you want sense I feel makes I’m putting at the final death area think that makes sense you know question is where are you that’s a that’s a wonderful question you just keep wondering whoa yeah I didn’t have

A uh my only sneak attack saved you well you actually ran up on me you just didn’t know it I think I saw you but I didn’t see where you win yeah I I was just I was just crouching under the uh the thing yeah yeah huh that’s

Strange what that it didn’t teleport you yes I wonder if it’s because oh I don’t know maybe you had already died yeah you already died and it only teleports the winner it’s as if I already knew that would happen wow it’s as if that’s the way as

If there was a reason I added that kill feature so that way you can spectate and still get back wow Oh I thought you were talking about okay I thought you talking about something else my bad then sprad please ah oh I’ll take that that’s a start

Oh I’m done I am done I’m oh that’s great oh wait huh I’m just going to hide why did you kill me in like three hits he had a weapon why did you attack me huh because I’m M you stole my sword I think I think that I think he S

I think he saw what I got and he gave up yes that’s also what all right I have I have an advantage and kill him now I have an advantage uh better I’ll leave that there for you you can have it it’s not good I’m just going to leave at like all

Leather stuff pretty much how much of an advantage just oh uh DK spectate me real quick why did you do that I just wanted to end’s he’s cheating DK spectate me real quick sure was it or teleport to me yeah if you’re spectating just teleport

No good thank you but how do you feel about that chest I didn’t feel oh okay any what he did is he teleported came out of spectator picked up my items for a bit jeez why would you do that there is this does this make you

Happy I could kill you right now if I wanted to yeah I could yeah he could are you saying he has that much better stuff than I do yes that’s how good stuff he has right now so you you’re tell me he basically has full diamond it might as well be not

Not full diamond but pretty close so you have no faith in me at all I see how it is no no faith at all even with what I did against you that just because I’m when you have a chance you can have this don’t just give him things oh I’m not leaving that

There sorry gave him a STI gave him I don’t believe you I really don’t I think I see what you’re trying to say but at the same time I don’t know if I need that I really don’t if you say so so yeah unless you pick up something

Very good here in the next couple of minutes I I I don’t like your chances they don’t seem good okay I’ll take that take that because that’s better than what I’m currently wearing then I’ll pick this up because test here let’s see what’s in it it’s the third

One of those I don’t need that why not it’s a third one of those I picked up it’s not that it’s bad it’s just I have so many I don’t need it actually don’t need that either oh well oh hello my Lo Loy subject don’t give me things I don’t want

Them come on I just want a stick I don’t I don’t want the things that you have to offer it’s not better than what I’ve already picked up oh well I’m not even going to pick that up there’s no point I’ll it up I doubt anything you have or any

Diamond piece in the game has protection one uh that’s not true I have one wish want I have three of them I wish for him to be dead I don’t do that don’t actually it’s a joke wait wait wait oh I need a I need a I need an anvil shoot uh

Wait hey DK yeah does just give me a chance oh we don’t get levels never mind yeah maybe okay yeah I wish okay that’s fair you can’t be mad about that one uh no I have no no diamond diamond gear can get protection on it uh because

Probably not common then because I have two pieces with protection on it thanes I wish I had slightly better chest plate and boots but I don’t know that I necessarily need them interesting oh I don’t know if I know where any of that stuff is though oh that chest is

Empty empty what the heck have you been like emptying chests not that badly that must have been DK then or there just wasn’t anything in that chest to begin with each chest I even looked into so if it’s like completely empty it’s probably chest that actually has a

Decent stuff that I picked up TNT more weapons right now I really don’t did some say weapons I actually have a decent weapon so I don’t want weapons I’ll take that there there there’s weapon for you I know you’re complaining about it so have one is that what I’m that’s what I’m

Currently wearing okay well that’s fine uh if you gave it to midnight I think I kind of know where he is uh interesting weapon no I I give just a good weapon ooh here we go I wish I could do a wield I have two of the same weapon hello excuse me wait

Wait at this rate okay can completely ignore me that’s fine yeah I I will completely ignore you cry about it anyways when he was talking about his no he stopped my was overpowered thing he blocked off the spot yeah he did yeah I think he actually noticed it

I that’s what did before you guys even loged on oh that’s okay that’s fair yeah I’m kind of glad you did that hey I did it for science that last time though come on hey DK you were just by me come back fine don’t pick this up I just want you to see

Now oh we’re close and you know exactly what I’m thinking don’t you what are you doing trust me trust me no cheating allowed understood I know I’m just giving this that’s all shoot this guy if you want not okay well okay I gave you something your inventory why you not using

It did you yeah yeah he gave me something in my inventory too but I’m not going to use it not shooting the sky it’ be funny that’s not really better though H I hate these rolls in chest sometimes yeah sometimes they’re not good but you know at this point I think

It actually is going to go a death match just because we have not seen each other yeah no I I think I saw you once but then you ran in the opposite direction and I lost your name tag were you trying to hunt me down or

No uh remember when I said I could kill you right now if I wanted to that’s when you saw me yeah that’s when I saw your name tag and then you ran in the opposite direction cuz I was crouching cuz I even intentionally cuz I yeah cuz

I was just going to I was just going to go kill you real quick but then you ran in the opposite direction and I don’t know where you went I really need stuff really badly why are you time to one and two it’s entire I have not seen a single

Thing nothing at all that must have been just a really bad this must just be must be like a really bad seed then seems like it rude cuz like you say you have not got a good chest plate still right no I I did I did finally manage to find one but it

Was in the the same chest is it one yeah I had to really look for it I’m that’s why I’m saying it’s been a really bad seed yeah oh I just found a second version or a second one of the chests I have chest plates I have

Wonderful I need that or I need that pretty much and it’s just not going to be a fun didn’t see was I basically two minut or basically three minutes left yeah pretty much oh uh I will not be letting you have these is that so

Yeah how do I I kind of want to know what these are now uh two sharp one iron swords oh in the same chest interesting I’ll take a gold ingot I wish I had more of them but I’ll take one I do know that it’s not completely over yet oh there’s another

One like yeah you probably do have some really good stuff but it does not mean it’s over yeah not yet I’m finally I finally got a good chest plate oh I’ll take those if only I could get a shield it’d be so nice I can null fire Shield

Easy so could I I could also nullify my own Shield there’s only one more thing I need before I think I’m completely set Well that doesn’t mean I win it just means that like yeah this is going to be a this might be a well balanced match if you can find some stuff if I can find one more thing I’m good I think anyways but at this point I think pretty

Much every chest’s been looted it seems like just about it yeah which means yeah that was some really bad rules with chest if we or chest plates if we only got two good chest plates total uh I picked up two myself so I guess it would be three three

Okay okay time to come PL I had a leather chest plate most of the match so I actually had to craft a chest plate oh Lord if that tells you just how bad my rolls were I’m guessing that means you have at least an iron chest plate uh yeah I have

Two with proc one and I finally find a chain chest plate wow uh eat not chest I place for you guys no why okay ah it was close it had to be five how um P one iron for helmet and boots and then everything and then I had two

Diamond pieces with their en or leggings enchantment didn’t matter but I actually crafted the chest plate I got nine diamonds that good Lord I’m actually want to win so I’m just going to try okay what if we don’t want you to win and now it’s be night okay that’s

Fine I’m hoping someone rap that otherwise that’s not okay oh we have we have uh we have immunity I forgot about that yeah you kind ask for it yeah I forgot I forgot there was a minute of immunity okay uh DK please tell me you put 14 arrows in the chest no no

Uh you had a pear okay I have one that completely legit say now no I know you did CU you didn’t teleport to me I just didn’t even realize he had a pearl no I was about to teleport to closest player but then but yeah I actually the only thing

I wanted there was better armor because I did have a sword I just didn’t have time to switch to it yeah I had I had two I had two iron axes with sharp one and I was just going to murc all of you guys at at the beginning but I forgot we

Had a a minute of immunity I can’t cheese him wait okay good enough for me let’s go or 30 or 30 seconds I guess whatever whatever it is okay this is fine for now oh uh okay oh that’s the same thing okay that decent start not a great start but a decent

Start hey want to call a truth please uh no you yet no I’m just saying you were right next to me so I’m just going to run away cuz I was picking up chests that were near you not Chas me that’s a thing oh wait I’ll pick those up for now I really

Only ask for one more thing not don’t worry about it if I if I went and chased you guys down now I think I would stand a decent chance but I think if we let this go any longer I’m going to have to really search for

Stuff I only really would could ask for one more thing and even then I don’t know if I need it oh boy I’m between both of you nice I’ll I’ll let you live that so I wonder where both of you could be oh oh okay that’s better than what I’m

Currently holding I will definitely be okay that means he didn’t immediately see me oh no that’s exactly the same all right but I need to not be right next to people okay this is Fine okay SE oh no how many hearts uh four and a half okay I do horrible at least I I like sharp one stone sword I thought you had iron no yeah down chest anyways so I could go for that but I think what I have is currently

Better okay really no point in going for another as I said there’s only one thing I want and now you you absolutely know what that is I mean that’ll work too this isn’t great ah I’ll take that I hate spectating okay good scrub I actually just assassinate people

At this point I’m both a better PVP than me so you think you’re both we’re both better at PVP than you yeah well uh oh a battle is brewing I think I lose no close two hearts yeah I knew it was going to be close both Whi one

Attack more than one attack what do you mean I missed so many yes we basically hit each other the same at times was my point that’s fair that’s an interesting start for me and run away uh I I need that I’ll toss that out I don’t need

That at least I have a weapon now good for you not a good one but a weapon at least you have one oh an upgrade at least oh I’ll take that where’s the chest okay that’s not a weapon but I’ll have to grab that so no one else gets it

Unless I die of course but okay finally a weapon o that’s pretty stack and now to not equip my weapon so no one knows what weapon it is if you guys want know the chest that I looked at had pieces of iron armor and then arrows okay that’s even

Better oh wonderful well that’s a better weapon I’ll take that gladly okay this is a start it’s not a good start but it’s a start um okay any start at this point right yeah pretty much don’t think I need that but I will take that still um

That’s something I do need I don’t know where to get it at because you know rates are weird sometimes this is this is turning out to be really unfortunate I’m not completely screwed yet where there is yet again right I exist I’ll pick that

Up I think you’re in the same boat as me to like okay I have to pick this up because it’s a good item it’s not even a good item I just don’t have much in the way of food and I can’t not haveing to I can’t not have food right

Now oh I have okay we’re replacing that Bo finally helmet wait you just now found a helmet yep congratulations oh I only have a couple more things I could ask for All I Want for Christmas it’s a diamond sword with ch five that okay I don’t know that diamond swords

Can spawn I haven’t seen any spawn I think I found one of the best things you can find so I get the thing is is I don’t need a diamond sword I found a weapon of equal value okay yeah yeah as I said I already know what he

Has B you won’t be surprised if won this course would be surprised if you won I I am not having high hopes right now God can I you talking to me oh I’ll take that though oh you were not talking I could take you back I’m going

To wow okay I’m too salty sorry but like AR you wow it actually it actually started to turn around too I got decent armor drop one Diamond Helmet yeah that’ll happen sometimes full iron arm that got one yeah you’re what you’re yeah unfortunately your one Diamond piece is

Not as good as a full iron piece I think I had like a couple or maybe like one chain piece but that’s besides the point I’ll take the food just just to be safe rude don’t worry guys I have shoes let’s go bad okay I’m upset how good you are at PVP

In this game it’s not have caps lock on it’s a wonder it’s a wonder what practice does I don’t think you even practice it that’s the thing well you don’t have to specifically practice PVP to practice PVP it just helps know how to combo and strafe because it’s not really that hard

I know how to but it doesn’t work for me your walk right now midnight mine yeah I see what you have and it’s not good that’s what I’m saying it’s like thank you for giving me hope wait is that was that is that your only weapon

DK no it’s not my only weapon is it your best one yeah okay uh you actually might stand a Chance midnight oh okay uh midnight show me your strongest weapon now this is this is all I’ve got okay stone or iron I can’t tell Stone oh about the same tier oh just kidding uh it’s iron now it’s iron too uh what timing though all right well

I guess it’s good to know that we’re on equal Playing Fields hold on hold on hold on uh yeah you pretty much are actually leave that in there there we go I will say it seems like you’re a bit more defensive while DK’s a bit more offensive okay I’ll take

That do you have any other useful items uh I have this I see okay you can make favortism here uh oh I’ll definitely take this though between the two of you I don’t want to hear it I to see what armor you have and wait there oh

Okay uh it’s if if nothing changes midnight you’re in the you’re probably in the losing in unless you’re that much better at PVP in them which you might actually you probably are thank you for well you do remember what I did to you right yes go but I still killed you so

Huh wow you killed me with sharpness one wooden sword when I didn’t even have a weapon so impressive okay I don’t like this interesting so you both saw each other don’t like this yeah midnight he was stalking you for a bit CU he didn’t see your name tag I don’t doubt that I’m

Only telling you now because I know you saw his cuz you’re crouching I was I trying built a chest but that was it that was not all you were trying to do don’t even act like that was all you were trying to do if you clearly saw his name tag I saw

His name tag when I was to the building that I thought was pretty good that’s what happened all right I’m want to see being paranoid now I don’t like this that’s for you are okay and that’s where you are okay oh come on just he Gambit what’s worth going to happen we

Get jumped on uh be careful what you wish for over and caniz High Ground do you though you don’t know exactly where he is do you I’m running see you he’s right above you you didn’t actually fall for that did you I didn’t why would I

Ever that means you almost did O okay I’ll take that the bare minimum I just did one thing that should be pretty good I’m pretty okay right now you know what’s a cool feature about Java if I were to like right click on you right now midnight I could actually see

Everything from your perspective whenever you move and everything you you want to you want to know what’s cool about Java Edition they added the Crab Claw without adding The Crab Claw oh they finally added the extra range uh they’ve done more than that actually uh so at 1.25 they’ve added commands where

You can make the range like stupid long or stupid short oh but they increase the basic range or no no oh they should have done that so so they added the Crab Claw without adding The Crab Claw your range can now be basically whatever you want it to

Be people are still complaining about that they could make a crab right disappointing I found two times in a row bows well I had one I’m looking for arrows also I’m really like armor right now midnight yeah it’s it’s gotten better I I have a better chance okay you actually are about the

Same tier as armor Al you do have a bit of an edge midnight oh wait uh dog on take that as you will well I have an inventory of interesting items so I just hope that I can use them better than he can I will say you’re in the advantage of one

Tier and that does not mean a full tier that just means one piece is higher level than one of his pieces unless that changes right now when I actually find a chest now the question is which piece uh I have a really good guess that it’s the chest

Plate but I know you’re not going to tell me and I’m not expecting you too did you see what happened though um yes I did see what happened and I will say now you’re ahead by one tier I will not let him have that however this is not counting enchantments because enchantments can

Matter a lot more than and bang like let’s say if if midnight has all protection on his armor he easily defeats you pretty much oh well I do so oh do you have full protection on every piece and I will not let you have that oh okay on every single piece okay

Besides the other one oh yeah he’s he’s now two tiers ahead of you by the way To be expected actually the same the other ones don’t have protection they have different tments oh oh that means he has diamond armor cool yeah welcome for that information you had full protection I was joking This Is War we’re talking about okay yeah can’t give away all your

Valuable information now I know so uh yeah then yeah you absolutely have an advant oh great he said he has two pieces that do not have protection or maybe I’m just gasing you all we’ll see okay all right I can definitely make this work let’s see oops accidentally just stripped a

Log gun now my weapon’s taking damage finally good food that’s all he’s worried about wait oh he didn’t have food okay I had cookies and apples and now was it apples are good though like apples are good yeah but like I don’t had two of them I already use them up

So yeah because of apples I have two golden apples now and I don’t even where are you I just want to stab you don’t even care that I’m giving you that information because it’s not that helpful to you I don’t think it’s going to matter anyways uh I’d like a better chest plate

It would be so nice to be fair right it’s just for fun that’s not useful in any way in case you’re wondering what I’m doing all I did is just summon villagers high up in the for the 64 God apples arum I didn’t do that yeah you definitely did thank you so

Much I would not do that power in fear would be way too superiority not scared of you you know what I’m just going to show you what I did to him real quick okay pay attention Okay but that’s not the right thing okay uh let’s actually pay attention this time to what we’re

Doing oh something died there wasn’t paying fully attention I just seen it it was a villager that’s all I did for him like okay it’ll be funny and there’s no point in it like it doesn’t benefit anyone in any way it really doesn’t unless it gives

Levels it doesn’t cuz you also have to get the kill [Laughter] bye I’m not a coward I just just wasn’t engaging in that fight all the sounds of the villagers wait way okaying I actually was not paying attention to where he was going he he you couldn’t pay attention to where I

Was going I I teleported I think I know where you threw the Pearl but from that I didn’t care to look and even then I’m pretty sure I didn’t even lead you in the direction of where he threw the Pearl so if my instincts are right which I probably

Aren’t I see I seen his name tag so I just took a couple steps back and I just yeated a pearl he didn’t see me do it and he’s like oh okay cuz yeah I’m not I’m not engaging in that fight I don’t know how I managed to pull that up whoa it’s in the sky it’s not going to hit anyone you know says did you SM yourself or something yeah I’m smiting myself high in the sky so it doesn’t hit anyone fine I’m gonna get pearls and fight you head on me okay

Well see the the the problem with that strategy is I’m throwing the pearls before you even see me so you don’t know where I’m throwing them that blast Pearl oh I was like up here somewhere but like I can’t really have any movement options I’ll just hide out

Here then with this not very great chest you gave me hope I don’t like it didn’t do anything for you what do you mean I never saw talking to you oh you’re welcome now let’s do other stuff to just be obnoxious how many pearls does he have now a lot

But I know most helpful information you’ll you would ever need your name tag every single time like stop it please what your name tag is annoying me mine yes yours cool leible I just watched you for like a good five minutes what him or me him

Yeah do you see where I am did you teleport to me all right uh my God yeah I kind of forgot I wasn’t an spectator so if he was paying attention then yikes anyways I’m GNA go ahead to where you guys were going to be at want mly engagement comat with you

Dang it ah it wasn’t fast enough hey I didn’t cheat I just added comedy i i i f the instant health potion I’m I’m upet myself now fell out of the world I like how he’s like oh we need to have this button and then all he didn’t return is just do

That just creative mode and teleport yeah I wish that people were here well okay not bad got it particular it’s all that matters I got it yeah engage me in combat I’m fine I’m fine got him that’s that’s fine that’s fine Shen I didn’t have great stuff but like

We were like okay engagement combat I’m like okay you didn’t have time for spectator how does that make you feel sorry now please yes okay I’m down you want that want to kill me with you whoa whoa how I got a diamond sword no way I had to craft it but I got

It there’s two D in top chest nice apparently we’re just a floating island I don’t know how to feel about that this is correct not super worried about his uh diamond sword I just have to catch him on aware oh well great uh I’m faing toally got

Him wer you yeah with an IR uh with the well maybe I like how the last couple rounds beforehand were like they took like the entire time limit and now we just have two rounds where just like immediately Out For Blood so that would do it again then honestly I pre

It this way don’t let him punch you okay Good well then if that’s how we’re going to play I’m going to not oh a I tried tried shooting me to death is what you tried I I at least hit the first three it’s all mattered so now that okay not anymore what was that that’s said

RNG it was random so I don’t trust you well that’s no fun I just got three diamonds I know right this guy always uses commands when things doesn’t go his way exactly I understand how I play the game just get good might I say just get good if you were

Good you wouldn’t have this problem also perhaps if you didn’t shoot me at the start of the match you wouldn’t have this problem oh okay I can just take this stuff that’s fine I punch you away from it oh great um yeah um how about you like leave me alone

Please why would I want to do that now no well thank you all mer Lord for not immediately trying to attack me is actually not good what’ you say nothing said nothing I spared you because I felt like it and now you’re making me start to

Doubt was nice was the best thing to do for who just just for a good morale oh nobody need just trying to sweet talk me nobody needs no morale ooh I’ll take that though I’ll take one of those in return I’ll leave this leather chest plate I have an objective this round kill

Me no that’s not my objective it does involve someone dying though does it involve it’s not me you dying it’s not me right okay you asked for it wa I’m just nice I want to soad I want to cheat why do we happens if he does cheat

You know yeah I say you do realize that we’re just going to be better than you if you do cheat right wait oh okay now time for some science yeah I can’t believe you didn’t expect me to pull out the diamond chest plate I didn’t expect you to not die

Instantly all those crits I did on you I was actually down to like a couple Hearts left I’m not going to lie pull the chest plate combat is that’s when you started getting scared the combat is not better it is yeah that the combat is not

Better it’s a lot better you don’t to be as stupid and press the same button over and over again while moving your thing every single frame to make sure you’re on your opponent and you realize that that’s actually kind of the same concept it’s just you don’t do as much damage

Right the concept is that you wait and I’m horrible with armac stuff well there’s your problem aing is my worst automatic aiming should be easy manual like single click aiming manual aiming should be difficult what am I wearing his boots right oh the same thing okay where’s my stuff I want my

Stuff my fun stuff oh I’ll take that uh D and then I won’t let you have that now you should so I can show you what I want more of because I didn’t accomplish my mission with you it’s kind of make me a little sad I’ll take this stuff so you can’t

Have it but it’s not an upgrade need um I don’t know if I particularly need an upgrade I was GNA say I don’t need an upgrade just an upgrade with me oh that chest is empty uh okay I know what you did DK and I was going to say if it if

You actually went through with that you would have not enjoyed the rest of the time we played this speaking of which want to change after this what we want to change too um I look of things we work to the team he’s just upset that he’s just upset that he’s by

Himself I’m just s that not that good at PVP so maybe what we should do is the one thing I was doing before what one thing go practice the one thing we did last week right midnight uh uh you did something last week I’ll pretend I remember what it

Is was like a map or wait aren’t you dead I am I killed him oh yeah that’s right you want that to be the case got him that was close that was close but I got him I have one heart left did you say half a heart one oh

Honestly how much did the TNT do it didn’t do anything get with the TNT I I don’t I don’t think it was close enough I shouldn’t have used I shouldn’t have wasted two of them because I started with four basically you should have you should have not placed it you

Should have not you should have not placed it as far oh yeah we said well I’ve already started just one more I want TNT that’s the only weapon I really want unless I can get like a knockback level which I don’t think exists but like at the same time I don’t care right

Now oh you should definitely check the top chest first there AR look over here fine can I have it I’ll give you this like what mean give me it okay I just want walk away okay that’s what I did I just walked away honestly worth worthwhile

Trade oh okay did you see what I did no I in PE away you were that scared of me I just wanted to be cool he just didn’t he just didn’t want to immediately die and that yeah so you are afraid of me what no I never

Said that talking about I didn’t want to instantly die he just knew that he didn’t stand a chance so he’s like we’ll do a tactical Retreat uh if only I could get my diamond gear already wouldn’t that be nice grab some food take a look around that’s more iron I’ll take that

Wish is my command he for I’ll pick that up so nobody picks it up one one one one yeah fine do I even have no I don’t take that then walk up Here ah there we go that’s what I before oh great know where I went why you leave I don’t leave I’m in the game talking about that but believe the area we’re in I don’t know did I did I see something I’m starting to hallucinate now I like it what how tactical Retreat

Now go go go go yeah while he’s hallucinating I’m not I actually thought I saw you move but look around nobody I think you might have actually seen me move yeah then you probably did see him move I I’m like 30 seconds ago okay I’m talking about then yeah

Oh cuz that’s when I started moving and then I said saal Retreat cuz you said you’re you ating so I figed you actually didn’t realize it was me all I can do is hope damn it oh you okay oh wow was actually pretty fun uh apparent apparently you can’t

Uh you can’t kill someone while you’re crouching what uh yeah don’t ask I don’t know I was I was crouching and hitting him with a diamond sword he should have died and he took no damage at all maybe this A letter some reason it I don’t it might be but I don’t

Knowest I feel there is but like there they have some sort of thing to where the chests uh come on where are you I just want to kill you already I don’t think you do I want to proove the unskill allegations wait I think wrong oh I

Guess I I guess I’m not allowed to teleport fine I’ll just manually walk around then why you not allowed to teleport I don’t know I click I clicked the button and now I and I can’t teleport oh that works hey what you mean wa that what you see me or

Something but how how’ you help him though that’s the thing he tell he yeah he he he has he is op so he’s already dead so he keep went The Spectator already yeah I’ve already hit the spectator button I’m not going to UNS spectator or anything

What nothing uh DK you should get in a safe spot and then give me op real quick so I can teleport to you oh well now I don’t need to oh does it work now uh no but you uh uh you should just you should just go

You should just go get him you should you should just where tell me now uh hi you’re going to get yourself killed doing that oh no whatever should I do oh no like did not hit me what no you cheater you cheater I was in Creative okay me oh

Okay I was like dude he should I was like he should have died like I hit him like four times the diamond sword that’s why I couldn’t hit him okay so now what you want to do I don’t care you said he had something no I

Didn’t say I didn’t say I had anything oh honestly that’s deserved we you can’t even get mad yes I can well he can that doesn’t mean it’s right but whoa I wasn’t ready for that oh am I I’m I’m levitating that’s what’s happening it’s only 30 seconds

Don’t worry you guys will meet your death soon uh I’m gonna Walk This Way in theb and I’m just going to hope that I’m over the Dome let see I can SP you guys definitely Not um can you change the gravity so I can fall faster I don’t think that’s possible I don’t think that I don’t think that’s going to save me from dying I really don’t oh yeah that’s not going to save me from dying well what’s your like uh 4,000 300 200

100 what do you think about this then why they not this oh well that works too why’ you go to creative wow lame you deserved it you know what you did so oh okay what do you have for us man uh we can try this yeah midnight I did this the other

Day just you two is it the mini game thing it is the mini game thing nice uh you will have the or you’ll have to hit a crocodile or whatever a crocodile guy and then warp to I don’t even remember what this one is can you op

Me uh hold on no need to we don’t need Ops with a shot hey so it saved my inventory yeah I know oh okay okay so there’s a Crocodile guy if you go towards like what looks like the entrance and you can teleport to fill the

Gaps I’m heading it right now oh crap uh loading I have to hold on what you have to do go find that crocodile guy oh did it did not say where you were no it saved where I was I was not by a crocodile guy it’s all right I’m close to you I

Thought you still in the store no I was in I was in I remember I flew to the big alligator statue thing I don’t remember oh I did that okay ask me if I remember that’s fair and uh oh let’s just go and talk all this stuff again me

Out what’s this mine cart thing for uh it’s not 100% necessary but okay you know what we’re just going to go do this and then we’re going to go here because uh mini games uh you should have already teleported to us oh we can teleport yeah go talk to the

Crocodile and then teleport to fill the gaps I already made it to the m so you took the mine cart didn’t you so there should you there should still be a crocodile in the mouth of the statue I’m going backwards well you know how to get out of a mine cart yeah

Yeah yeah going backwards obvious implication was obvious but okay don’t know why the getting out of Minecart thing was important uh so you didn’t go backwards so you could teleport to mini games the mini game doing fill the gaps games fill the gaps all right h on here

Where you see the portals and whatever if oh I see it okay then I guess we do this I am joining fill the Gap yay all right let do what it says pretty much oh okay this is a new one this is different you’ll be able to fly as soon as it

It’ll put you in creative mode as soon as it uh yeah I forgetting that myself oh no I just realized something what realize uh don’t worry about it because I don’t remember if all these are the same or not oh idiot yeah oh I see about the middle thing

Yep and you had to break stuff to get to or to copy it stopped uh yeah he finished yeah finished yeah if if everybody if everybody finishes it stops I see I didn’t see anyone else stop or finish is uh because I finished immediately after you did because I was missing one

Block but you also saw the seion thing yeah yeah oh this one’s different oh no similar to what we’ve had before yeah I’m definitely have to go back and forth on this one though I didn’t want to do that rude I’m not even going to know for this one there’s just so

Much those all look right okay let’s go in Here yeah there’s so much it’s hard to tell know for that for sure dang this one’s actually tripping me up I know right have on the outside I want surprised I think I know what it’s going to have to be but at the same time I got to actually

Look well that’s not it but something oh what oh maybe this yes no no what else is there that’s what I’m saying wait that’s not what you what this one’s actually difficult you say the other ones weren’t yeah this is this is the oh at least one more block and I don’t know

Where I just found two in a row but that doesn’t mean like anything got it there we go come on I’ll give you a hint I’ll give you a hint underneath the stairs oh my God okay oh I see I I you kidding me I was the only one that completed it let’s Go you were not the only one that completed it wait Did you complete it yeah we all did oh wait then why did is it because I wasn’t in the game it wouldn’t it didn’t tell me about who’s not completed it yet okay I completely forgot what see looks like whatever

Easy it’s not hard it’s just be faster I’m not left yes because I misclicked several times but good you still might have beaten me anyways but okay yay I’m joining fill the gaps woohoo oh okay this one might be slightly complicated why give me itone else

What am I even building here a sand castle apparently okay that needs to go there it’s going to be so complicated oh that needs to go there okay so at least you know what you’re doing already that needs to go there already I already feel so lostone I’m guessing that

And that’s all I can think about that’s all I really know for sure so okay so yeah yikes nope that that that oops uh that got it nice not it I definitely do not have this uh I will let you know that well I guess

It might be different for each of us but I didn’t have to touch the flag yeah I got had to get close to the flag but I didn’t actually have to touch it well I can see part of your problem I can’t I can’t get on I can’t get on your

Platform so I can’t oh you know what hold on we should we should make it to where we can get on top of the other platforms I’m going to add I’m just going to oh I can’t place blocks a man oh is just that okay oh you found it that makes sense

Inside okay once once the next Once the next round starts we should see if we can add add blocks to our things and if they go away oh I bet they do because I I remember digging holes straight to through the Earth yeah my calculations look correct oh areir you’re missing you’re

Missing one on this side who helping him out look like he can figure out what it is if yeah I I just told him he was missing a block on that side DK you’re also missing the same block on this side is I see I’m missing

More well if I could actually get up there and into your thing I would help you I don’t think I’m completing this uh here build me build me a staircase real quick oh well time’s up never mind you get five participation you get five for participation oh well oh

Okay hitting each other oh he’s gone now DK we all know it was you what why would I ever choose violence in a Minecraft game okay so when would you not choose violence okay that’s the better question that’s all like that okay it’s not the obvious

Button that go oh not like that like that no like I’m already lost that okay let’s inspect more of those okay have to come over here now because I don’t see anything that just seems out of place unless there’s something about the inside it’s quite possible I need to double check my

Okay definitely definitely stuff on the inside I’ve seen two things on the inside I think as all okay okay that’s not it though oh here we go here we go dog on it else is there is the question okay I miss thing that’s one thing I was missing

That I didn’t even realize I was missing okay so that’s like that and then those two are like that okay no no nice nice that’s stupid that’s actually stupid I think you were the first to clear it too I know but like I’m just going to check and inside the second

Roof Oran the first roof he that goes up that actually actually stupid oh wow I’m missing an obvious one jeez there we go oh wait what I beat it first that no I didn’t beat it I’m still flying oh I’m going to come over to yours if I can really that’s actually

Stupid though did you get both of ones on the inside yeah it’s your question what happens if we do try to build just around the outside here uh we should you should be able to but I can’t you can good wait what am I no it’s not happening there’s only 10 seconds left make sure check under the but to the buttons out never mind oh no yeah I’m not sure what I was missing you got the constellation prize yay all right now that’s it’s reset do the stairs still there uh I I don’t think

So no okay that’s unfortunate yeah oh this one again okay Castle again okay I do like that even though it does give you the same ones it does slightly change it up like it like it seems like it changes what it removes it absolutely does yeah it definitely does deal with

That okay that’s too tall that’s that um oh I’m an idiot okay that wasn’t it I would greatly appreciate if it didn’t teleport me all the time and it’s cuz you’re walking too far in into somebody else’s face I know what the reason was but I still don’t like

It just CU he knows doesn’t like it that’s yeah just didn’t know I just didn’t know if he knew why wait what okay I’m clearly missing a bit more Oh missing that wait I’m not missing that wait huh thought it was okay I’m obviously missing stuff but I

Don’t know what it is yeah I’m not sure what I’m missing either not good we’ll be fine no we won’t we’re all going to die well you might what actually am I missing though Found mine it’s I miss I was missing a slab bottom i’ believe that that’s what mine is too but oh you know what yeah it is got it no I found a slab yeah I found are pretty sure jeez I’m upet something else in this uh yeah we can nothing else

Was really great I think I think everything else was parkour that actually worked well uh parkour oh there’s the scavenger hunt but that only worked for me one player and I we still don’t know what build tennis does because it didn’t do anything when we got there it’s you physically have to build

It and I didn’t care about for it oh I didn’t even think about it I don’t know if you all are still here or not but all right Island parkour let’s go I’m not there’s like two things to parkour though and that’s pretty much it yeah for things that actually work on

This get upset about that yeah it takes your elytra as soon as you land though y That’s D and you’re out you oh oh boy I got bamboo nice nice oh well oh my gosh I am not getting this one it’s not happening uh I believe in you are

Um well that makes one of us really what am I missing though everything and nothing no I’m obviously missing something I just don’t know what it is really the Box o that was bad okay let me Island we can do the parkour afterwards I just want to figure

This or finish this up I’m just blind okay Okay cool so wait if you do it single player just guaranteed the 10 coins if you clear it this is true this is but yeah that’s why this is the most broken thing because of your coins and stuff all right anyways I’m

Going to go to Island parkour and we can all do that I’m already failing at it don’t worry yeah I kind of already knew would happened uh DK are you here yeah I’m right here at the island parkour I mean I like how you said that

Because you know I’m going to be the one to fail the easy stuff n I’m trying to make small optimizations to make this as fast as possible but I just suck at basic parkour so I can’t even do it anyway some get have experience this is

True oh and we and say and we and we know and we know the skips and he doesn’t it just didn’t work oh well we do know a couple of things by the way come on I mean like yeah there’s the obvious route but then there’s a shortcut there’s a couple of them

Actually yeah there’s two of them let’s see if you find the first one I don’t know what I’m doing you go this way God oh yeah shortcut there thanks you’re welcome see look I’m helping you guys oh well you shouldn’t have gone so fast when he was behind you so he had to

Do it the hard way or the the Long Way well I just won’t show him the second one we’ll see if he figures it out God freaking why I’m in Le yes and I almost fell off immediately wait do you think he saw it it’s possible no he definitely

Didn’t not if he was doing that no there we go jeez oh probably this there you go you found it that’s the easiest one to find for sure yeah come on dude oh my all right this is why I don’t do parkour why do parkour we’re just rusty

Today if you guys are Rusty then what does that make me not Rusty thing someone who’s just natur well enough someone who oh my God someone who’s just naturally better you should use the retry why God again you got your sub too you know I don’t care

Enough actually be done here in a bit oh my you’re no fun but what else is there to do uh one more mini game God holy cow dude what many game is that timble jump dble jump yeah yep this is the last one that actually works well properly for all players yeah okay

Fine then just God that was so bad yeah it’s real easy to just completely mess up I notic that I still don’t know why it’s called thimble jump though that’s a very good question say the paing is really obvious dang it nope I just well I all right well yeah it’s not

Good you’re supposed to do in sub 30 seconds and okay yeah that was not up 30 37 though which isn’t terrible hey one minute that’s I’m doing again no I fell all the way down much worse when you fall down early or late I mean not early yeah when you

Fall down late because it’s a longer fall and it doesn’t like to work close rude that was so evil ah close too yay yeah we’ve done sub 2 minute and sub 30 seconds slow down no you can’t slow down that’s the thing not if you want your sub

30 ah I messed up like a I still got it I got first of off see better I got it too that’s all that matters to me oh why is your slime here going to use that I I don’t know why there’s slime there don’t ask yeah the pathing is very

Obvious I’m being why is your first answered everything violence because I’m not good at it that means it has to be good ah okay Mr first answer is violet what do you mean you’re the one who started the conf conflict yeah and I’m going to end

It no how close were you how close were you go go go go go go go go go no okay go where’d he go he doesn’t know which one um wait that’s not what I meant to press yes I guessed right no he doesn’t know now come on this has to be completely

Obvious I’m giving up did it not tell you that it gave me a temporary elytra I notion enough it doesn’t tell you that you get an elyra I think I had a fun day doing streaming to you guys and that I felt like this is a lot of fun myself

Kind of wish there were more people do the survival games so I wasn’t the last place all the time do you think okay who if who would have joined that would have make you think you wouldn’t be in last place all the time um N I don’t know about that one like again

But that is the worst answer to that question he has Xbox controls I don’t know again do you remember the last time we played with M that’s besides the point so he does remember and how I got upset because he to me interesting let’s see if Wonder

There we go okay so there’s a height thing for the alas what do you mean cuz if you go up to a certain height that’s when you’ll get the elytra but you can also get to a certain it’s like around the towers anyways for sure but to a certain y

Level it will remove your elytra cuz I was testing it for science at least that’s what I’m going to say it was also if you just get right next to the tower apparently uh what I could grab those but at the same time do I really need to uh probably

Not another thing I wonder if I can do how do I get out of here I want to know if I can do that oh here we go I want to see if I can smuggle Rockets you can try it’s not going to be easy regardless but I just found

Chicken I don’t know I didn’t didn’t do it I just found it huh oh take me to I’ve successfully smuggled Rockets nice I’ll pretend I know how you did that you’ll pretend to know are we uh not doing the scavenger hunt I guess no we ever do a scavenger I can’t I can’t

Join it because I didn’t I accidentally hit it because I was thinking about hitting the crocodile or whatever to teleport oh and then was on me yeah and then it was not the not the crocodile you thought it was Yeah that was indeed the case I found the uh golf club uh I might be giving people seizures too I currently have about I have nine Rockets now nice I’m stealing a jet ski also nice Carol’s sailboat I know a couple carols I’ll pretend that I remember carols but I don’t think I

Do oh no no I lost my smuggling items they weren’t removed for me I just threw them on the top of a tree oh so I just have the not pause oh we clutched okay cool Dan’s a super yacht let’s go if once you find one more thing I

Think we’re going to have to call it okay I got work tomorrow unfortunately just be sick pretend it’s okay I wish let’s see can I find one more thing sick now though I bet this is one more thing thing just to figure out where it starts so I can actually get one more

Thing oh this looks in the meantime I’m going to continue smuggling Rockets yeah I’ll let you know my final count all right uh you can keep smuggling rockets for a second where’s the entrance to this ow stupid thorn bush dude I found something that should be

Part of the mini games but it’s not oh wait I found an entrance hold on is there a reward for doing this oh well not if you do that well why didn’t they make this a a mini game what the heck oh well maybe that’s why where’s my

Rockets uh right there I see it cool told you well let me know when you’re ready to leave then uh either way at this point either way okay then I’m smuggling 30 Rockets nice I’m trying to climb a Vine and I can’t do basic parkour oh

My no the game stole them all from me what did you even do all I did was I don’t know if I walked too far away and now I’m curious if as to how I lost all my Rockets the same way you lost think there might be a certain like or border or

Something the game just knows no I don’t know I really don’t know how I lost all my Rockets couldn’t tell you I punched it didn’t ow ow ow ow uh can do you want to buy some rockets for me no no dang I tried I’m buying some cars you have fun

With that cuz I can that was not quite as entertaining as I thought it was going to be oh jeez isn’t there a shop over here somewhere yeah it’s over here isn’t that this the same shop we bought like 70,000 bikes at wait I found the underground shop

Apparently cool you found the black market what can I buy I don’t know Black Market things there’s computers I want to buy a computer can I buy a computer I want to play Minecraft in Minecraft people have actually uh I know people have actually done it done that

It’s a it’s actually a really cool concept let’s see I’ll I’m going to the city I guess I’m going to buy this blue laast shirt all right I’m parking my car there nice and there’s a map it’d be so cool if this map actually showed where all the other players were

Right all right and then I’ll buy I get why it doesn’t but still it would be cool all that matters is I’ve smuggled my rocket all right if you’re ready I’m ready to get off whenever you are all right I will be seeing you next time then I will see you

Later all right if you guys want to know who were when while we’re streaming join the Discord discord’s linked to Twitch and if you want to go catch up on this or anything else you’ve done it’ll all be on YouTube which is also linked on Twitch um and if you’re from YouTube and

You made it this far thanks really appreciate it um come join us live I’ll link the Twitch down below along with the Discord that way you can join that and stay up to date on everything uh other than that I think that’s all I have for you guys have a good night everybody


This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monday: More Mini Games’, was uploaded by Midknight042 on 2023-12-19 08:00:26. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:09 or 8529 seconds.

Today is another day of random nonsense. First some hunger games, then some build battle, and then some parkour. All good and simple fun.

Join us Live on Twitch. Same name, different place. Join the Discord to stay up to date on all of the things.

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  • Minecraft:TV in Minecraft – You WON’T Believe This!! #viral

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  • GOD ARMOUR in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL?! 😲 || Minecraft Survival #6

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  • Crazy Modded Minecraft Fun! Day 1 w/ Friends!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch turns player into hero XD

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