Insane Minecraft Modded Journey – Demon Ingots & Jetpacks!

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So in the last stream we were working on a couple of things right we kind of put the finishing touches on to our arboreal extract to set up over here this is now fully up and running and ready to go it’s doing what it’s supposed to be

Doing you know it’s turning all of that resin that we get into tree oil into rolls in and then sending those items to their respective dynamos to produce power I have made a few slight tweaks to this system since the end of the last stream and those being that I’ve put

Hardened up grids on all of the compression dynamos meaning that they are now producing 60 redstone flux per tick as opposed to that default 40 that they produce normally and I also threw a hardened upgrade kit on to the energy cell here as well meaning that it can

Now input and output up to 4,000 redstone flux per tick and hold an eight million up from the 1 million that it could hold maybe 2 million they could hold previously it’s up from what it could hold before and so now the system is just a little bit faster just a

Little bit better and you could see right now we are still making way more resin and we’re more tree oil and then we are using from our compression dynamos and the reason for that mainly is because we’re making way more power than were using right now and that’s not

A lot really we’re only making about 240 redstone flux per tick here but we’re not even using that at the moment and so until we need more power I don’t really see a need to upgrade that much but we can upgrade it if we want to we can make these machines

Faster these that fraction it extends we can put in all good to make them faster augments make them more efficient all that kind of stuff we can upgrade the dynamos to produce more power and whatnot as well and also in the last stream we did start working on setting

Up a gigantic colossal chest which I have moved from are kind of like a dream area over there into its own room you know the room is a work in progress right now it’s just a gigantic stone room with stone walls I’ve worked a little bit on putting these stairs down

Here these are chisel and bit stairs because they are custom blocks like there are no stabbed blocks for these here bricks no no stair blocks for the dark oak planks and so this does take a bit time to do but it’s a work in progress this chest is freaking gigantic

It’s massive and I did also go ahead and add it to our storage kind of here and so now if we do put something into this giant diamond chest for example if I just throw it in my a you might Hammer real quick we should now be able to

Access it from our storage scanner giving us effectively unlimited storage space it’s not actually unlimited storage space excuse me this my hand will not show up in here I really thought did I not make it there’s the colossal chest it’s not hold on hold on oh it’s on the floor you

Idiot Isaac okay hold on if I put it in there now I should be able to see it from the storage can it may be let’s see here hammer yes I can see already nice so it works cool it does actually allow us to access it and it’s got a ton of space

It’s got like just a ridiculous amount of space it is in freaking saying also over here in the atrium area I’ve kind of set up a bit of a roof I’m also quite sure if I love this I like the shape that I’ve got here but I don’t know if I

Quite like the fact that it’s kind of just all see a brick you know it’s a bit much I might add some different blocks in here try and mix it up a little bit but I also built this thing right here the enhanced building guide and for those who don’t know this essentially

Just makes building the intricate shapes a little bit easier I used it to make this like good domed roof here and the way it works there are two types of building guide that’s the normal building guide and then the enhanced building guide the normal building guide

Will just show you the layout of the block that you want to make the enhanced building guide will then actually allow you to make it with the building at itself essentially what you can do is you can toggle at the top here this up and down arrow you could toggle which

Shape you want it to make you can see we got cuboid there’s folk cuboid normal cuboid cylinder sphere plans axes octagon hexagon Pentagon triangle dome is the one that I used here and then if you turn it on with a lever it will then produce a kind of outline of what you

Want to look like you can use these arrows here you could just right click to make it rotate if you don’t quite want it in that specific location you could also change the way you put it down like you can see right now it’s just rotating around kind of this axis

It’s not actually going up but which is where you might want it at some point so you can reorient the way you place it to make it face up if you’d like and then using these plus and minus signs here you can make the dimensions bigger and

Smaller you can make it taller thinner fats are wider although all the stuff that you want to do you could tweak it however you’d like and then the the court think about the enhanced building guide is if you have a material that you want to build your shared out of all you

Have to do is grab that material and then right click onto the building guide and it will automatically take it from low inventory and place it down in the world and it will start filling that up if I was to continually right-click on this enhanced building ID

Here it would go ahead and fill in that chip I’m not gonna do that because that’s not what I want I don’t want that chip to be in my base but and that is what I did for the top bit here getting ships like this is kind of difficult to

Do if you don’t well for me at least I’m not a particularly artistic person and so getting this kind of ship can be a little bit difficult but it’s there now it’s a work in progress and I kind of try to make this look better as time goes on

Got a little leather bottle here this is not really this is very temporary the only reason I have this is because we do need to go to the nether in today’s stream and I took down the other one to make room for the giant chest room although in fairness we are gonna run

Into issues because like this like if we try and make a room behind this archway here I think it’s gonna bump into this room because this chest room is so massively gigantic I think that the archway is probably like right about here and so we might not even be able to

Put any kind of room behind that anywhere and so part of me is thinking that I might just go ahead and make this whole archway into a big custom sized nether portal I think I could look quite cool and in fact that leads to be nicely

Into the first thing that I want to get done in today’s stream and that is automating obsidian it’s something that we should have done freakin ages ago it’s something that’s so ridiculously easy to do and it’s something that will save us so much time when it comes to making obsidian with that freaking

Barrel like we’ve been doing for the last like eight streams now and you’ll notice here that we’re maybe in lawyers that I have switched up the stuff here like before we had our storage from this side we had the tank on this side and all I’ve done is move it around so that

We can put ourselves a little bit of obsidian automation into this gap here to do that I’m gonna go ahead and use the igneous extruder from a thermal expansion really easy to do and also really easy to make it also really easy to upgrade a further on down the line

Egg Neos I always wanna put an end before the the G there it’s aw igneous extruder it’s this guy right here made quite easily with two copper Warren at redstone receptacle one machine for him to inspire and one glass a pretty simple recipe and that we’ve seen multiple

Times throughout the course of the series let me go ahead and make it just a couple of copper gears here I think we might already have some but just to play it safe we’ll go ahead and make all of the ingredients and then for now I’m just gonna go ahead and slap

Down right about there like that and I’m thinking all probably put another storage drawer just a simple a dark oak storage door which we might already have we done I was really hoping and that we would have one already made but nevertheless I’m fairly certain actually

It might just be quicker here for me to put the recipe into the crafting grid we need some dark oak planks I believe we’re gonna have to use standard ones so I’ll grab those real quick I will grab one singular vanilla chest and then again I have made the mistake of not

Grabbing enough dark oak there we go and if we do something like this and this that should get us our very own cook so it’s doc nice now I guess what we could do later on down the line because we’re kind of working with this dark oak these

Dark oak planks from chisel here what we could do if you wanted to to make the base a little bit more kind of coherent to make it look very similar is we could look into maybe getting the table I don’t know the exact name of it let me

Go to add storage drawers here real quick there is a table from storage doors oh my goodness at storage drawers maybe how do I get to it is it this one it is yeah we need this guy right here we could make the framing table and the

Framing table allows you to make storage drawers that look like custom blocks and so we could kind of mix things up and make our storage drawers look quite nice I think I will do that at some point in the near future here but for the time

Being just to get like a practical set up up and running we’re gonna have this here do I have at least one piece of obsidian just to kind of lock in that storage dog real quick I don’t think I do I think I use the last of my obsidian

Setting up that nether portal book essentially here guys all we are going to do is we’re gonna pump in some of the excess lava that we’re making from the crucible here as well as some water probably from another sink I did start working towards making another thing by

Smelting up five clay into five terracotta blocks so if we just quickly go ahead and grab one of those and that should be all we need here to actually produce obsidian right so I think the way that I’m probably going to want to do this like the hardest part here is

Making it look I mean it’s not gonna look good because we’re hidden behind a wall here right but it’s making it work how we want it to work and to do this we might actually I have to make some more lasers maybe I’m thinking right we can put the the

Sink down here but when I went to get both water and lava continuously into the igneous extruder here so I’m going to turn all the sides off I’m gonna make the top here an output I’m gonna make the back an input now we need to get

Both the LA from the water really into this one bank side because we are gonna cover up at this side here and so I think really the only way we are able to do that is with some more of those fluid lasers from actually additions nice so

Now that we’ve got all of those all we need to do is just like before quickly grab our laser wrench which should be in here somewhere it is indeed that we already had fall I thought we only had three oh my goodness look at that I didn’t even have to

Frickin make them that’s fine you can never have too many fluid lasers anyway let me throw down one of these here and then I guess we can probably put it here and here like a lot of the lava is gonna be back stored in the crucible because

This thing is almost constantly full the reason were doing that as well is because you can’t put two lasers within the same block and so we couldn’t if we even if we wanted to we couldn’t pull it from the lava although I guess that’s not true right if we wanted to I guess

We could do this and this might actually be a better way of doing it like that and then set that to only extract only extract and then only insert like that and if we got boom and boom that should then be pumping both lava and water continuously into the igneous extruder

And then all we got to do from there on is go ahead and select obsidian and then if we give this thing power it should be good to go and our power is an interesting one I didn’t think about apparently because now we’re in the

Freaking world and I got a pump a power into this oh I could like hmm I think because ideally here I won’t be able to cover up at this wall again right and make it nice and flush but I think that’s not gonna work for us right now

Like the way we would have to do that to make it work is we would have to get I think it will a bit of n dry oh I get a painting machine so that we could cover up the cables cuz I want it to look like

This and have obsidian and be pumped up into that storage door but if we’re pushing fluids into the pack like that that means that we have to put the power in on one of these other sites you know I don’t really think that there’s another way for us to

Do that and so part of me here is thinking that I might take a quick detour at the start of today’s stream to make our first energy conduits from N and air from and Rio they’re not particularly difficult to make I don’t think here requiring three conductive

Iron and then six conduit binder conrick binder is made by smelting we bind a composite which is just some sand gravel and some clear all of which we apparently don’t have we don’t have sand really oh my goodness we do have a little bit compressed sand which is good

And then apparently we don’t have any clarity we definitely have dust right I’m fairly sure that I’m even of excess dust in here we do I’m not quite sure what’s going on here why are you spitting out dust I don’t know why that’s spitting out dust like oh I know

Exactly why that’s spitting out dust and that is because I am a four we really need to set up more grid power remind me chat at some point we need to set more grid power because I’ve moved temporarily our water mill over here just kind of hidden it in the background

And I took a piece of water there so this was not producing the full 16 grid power but we definitely need more because right now we’re very much on the brink of using all of our grid power which is why the civil isn’t working which is why we’re backing up in terms

Of dust but it’s actually quite a good thing because it means that we can go ahead and very quickly here get ourselves some clay nice and easily again I’m gonna use this thing I guess this time just as close to word to get ourselves some clay clay is really

Something that we should like obsidian ultimate as soon as we can it’s not difficult to automate we could just pull from the the sink here into a storm barrel push the dust here into the storm arrow and then pull the clay out right it’s really not hard to automate

Whatsoever and so should be something that is at the top of our list to do but it’s gonna take a backbench and for the time being whilst I go ahead and quickly craft up some conduit binder and then we’ll go ahead and real quick I do two uncraft

The sand there uncompress it real quick throw that into one of our furnaces here but some people in the comment section did mention that there are faster furnaces then the inferior furnace which is of course true you know they were even faster furnaces and within the mystical agriculture mod but people did

Mention specifically the diamond furnace farm I think better furnaces is the motto it’s from more furnaces how much better are these like it’s the diamond furnace significantly faster then the inferior also like if we type in just furnace in general and we have all the different tiers of furnace from mystical

Agriculture as well you know it starts with the imperium furnace which is 50% more efficient but then it goes all the way up through the tiers to the ultimate furnace which is 9,000 percent more efficient than a base vanilla furnace it is extremely expensive and something

That we are not gonna be able to make in at today’s stream but just wondering it does anyone know into which tent if the if the diamond furnace is more like it is a good efficiency for us like where does it sit relative to were to these furnaces here the diamond furnace is

Great it has so many slots let’s take a look real quick I did get the gravel sifting back on line and so we should I think have quite a few diamonds we do indeed so let’s go ahead let’s do it for science right let’s go ahead and try

Real quick making a diamond furnace it does require you go through quite a few steps here you’ll cost me the gold furnace the iron furnace and a standard furnace I think we should already have a vanilla furnace in the system we don’t really okay in that case let me quickly

And craft up a standard furnace turn that standard furnace into an iron furnace turn that iron furnace into a gold furnace and then turn that gold furnace into a diamond furnace which for now we’ll go ahead and put down like right about here right so we’ll take our

Composite binder well take out the coal or get rid of the infinium furnace throw down our diamond furnace and so now it has oh it has multiple slots for fuel and multiple slots for smelting that is interesting so for example here this chess by the way is just all of the

Stuff that I took out of the loop back opener that we used to have here where the mob spawner was and so just I’m to dump some stuff out of my inventory real quick into the system here just to make a little bit space but for example if I

Was to grab like a few sacks of cobblestone like stone is something that I made quite a bit of mostly because it’s used very frequently and the base design that was just to throw that into the top slot here not only does it smelt faster than a regular furnace but it

Also can hold multiple stacks at once that’s actually really cool I think that I think that a lot and I’m guessing that all of the excess like outputs are put in this kind of these slots here that’s really cool let me see here so if you want to make the tier 1 energy

Conduits from Enrile which are pretty good as well at transferring power they can transfer up to 640 redstone flux per take end-to-end which is quite good and what we need to get that sick toilet binder which we now have as well as three conductive iron which we can make

In our induction sponsor with just some iron and some redstone so let’s go ahead and quickly grab just a few of those I don’t want to really grab too many although we are doing quite nice on redstone now which is good so I thought you ain’t we’ll throw you in I did have

A few issues with these drawers the top here filling up between sessions so I did put in a few upgrades my shift right click here you could see I’ve put an emerald up grid into almost every one of these because we were filling up and this is all like storage crap here was

Just full of just random trash that was backing up the whole system items were being picked up it was causing like it just a ton of frame where like it wasn’t great whatsoever we really should look into putting void of grids into these so that if that does

Happen again the system will just void any excess items that produce it sort of backing up like that and spewing items everywhere and so that is also something that is on my list of things to do but for now let’s go ahead and get ourselves our first set of energy conduits here which

Flows you don’t know and work just like any other kind of flock stocked for transferring power and all I think we’re gonna do for now is just run this kind of down through the wall like so the cool thing about the energy conduits and also about multiple conduits from and

Rio is you can cover them up using conduit facades the Conway facades are also fairly easy to make and you make them by crafting up just eight conduit binder and like a chest like crafting recipe and the coolest bit about that is that if you use the panting machine from

Andrea you can actually paint the conduit facades to look like any block you like right and I think if I’m not mistaken we should have everything it takes to make this painting machine to never quartz one diamond to infinity by metal gears which are a bit of a pain

But I’m fairly certain that we should have enough of those grains I’m infinity now to make this happen so let’s grab two of those real quick do we have what it takes to make another industrial machine chassis we need a simple machine chassis and industrial powder coat

Things simple we don’t have that it’s fine industrial powder coat and we do have good stuff good stuff so I’ll take you let’s quickly craft up what it does and then what was I needed I needed three electrical steel ingots which we can’t make in our simple alloys smelter with silicon pulverized

Coal and iron and I think we do have some silicon simply due to the fact that we accidentally made it in our Sagar Bell setup over here when we initially started it we were turning couple to gravel gravel the sand sand sale to silicon and so we shouldn’t have

This but we do accidentally have it available to us which is quite nice and we should also have our alloys smelter from earlier I think that I moved that oh it’s right here so let’s use those let’s stop Stokes get some power to our alloys smelter that’s gonna get us

The electrical steel at which point the painting machine should be pretty easy for us to get and then a my planet pretty much here guys for today’s dream is I want make a jet pack you may notice I’ve got a few items in my inventor here like the flux capacitors and let let’s

Don’t throw stirs I made those just because there’s a lot of tedious to make off stream and so I made those we’re ready to make a jet pack and I kind of want to try and get a drop of evil from Earth utilities so that we can set up a

Bit of a better mob farm like you may remember in the previous stream we were working on getting pink slime so we could get ourselves a Stoneworks factory I did let the slaughterhouse work quite a bit before I started digging out for this big old freaking chest room here

And so we do actually have one bucket worth of pink slime in our system so we can get ourselves one physical pink slime and let’s make one Stoneworks factory but I really do think that we’re going to get more pink slime because I would like hopefully to get multiple

Stoneworks factories and also as I mentioned in a previous stream I kind of want to mess around and with the energy field provider and also the energy field add on both of which I believe do require pink slime ingots which require quite an abundance of pink slime and so

And what I’m thinking of doing here is essentially getting a mob smaller set up using the cursed earth the cursed earth will spawn a ton of mobs well then push those mobs for now at least towards the slaughterhouse to produce an excess of pink slime and then once we’ve got

Enough pink slime we can then replace it with maybe a mob crusher punji stick spikes really anything that we would like to get and then after that you know we’ll just have a regular mob spawner and it will hopefully stand with us until we move on to woot

Later on in the pack that’s the plan at least so do we have what it takes to get this up and running I think we was silicon it was iron and it was pulverized coal I think was the final item I don’t know if we have any

Pulverized coal we do which is quite nice I think we must have got that from a sag mill earlier on but let’s grab some iron let’s draw all of those in – they’ve actually got three pulverized coal which is exactly the amount we need to get this up and running it is still

Very very slow but it should get us there eventually so now that we have ourselves the electrical steel we should finally be able to go ahead and make a painting machine and let me quickly first of all through our simple machine chassis and our industrial powder coating into the

Induction smelter that’s gonna very quickly go ahead and get us a simple machine chassis at which point we can throw all that together into a pity machine nice we’re missing a quartz really we don’t have another quartz oh my goodness all right in that case now let me quickly

Head on through to the nether and try and grab a one more piece of a nether quartz because apparently we’re missing just the wrong piece oh my goodness so yeah let’s go ahead and quickly craft up the painting machine there we go alright so let’s throw this guy down

I reckon again for now I’ll just put it in the temp location which is right here we do need a capacitor for that I did forget about that but thankfully again we’ve got those grains been fed saying ready to go and so getting ourselves a capacitor shouldn’t be too hard there it

Is Capel kaboom the quest is requiring two grains of infinity is interesting it makes some kind of one of the most expensive items in terms of in 50 grains so there are four blocks here so as I was talking to twitch tell about earlier but we only need two blocks to actually

Cover up these pipes here but I think if we want all of the textures to connect we need to get ourselves four or the conduit facades now I don’t think that we’re gonna have enough to make that many conduit facades because usually eight Conway binder per facade and so I

Think really what I’ll be able to make one or two of these and so that does mean that I’m gonna have to very quickly here and get some more sand gravel and dust just to make a few more but just to get the basic idea out of the way let’s

Go ahead and throw you in there we’ll throw that in with a piece of stone there specifically this stone that we wanted to look like which is this one right here throw that in on the left slot like so and then that’s gonna go ahead and paint that Conway facade to

Look like that piece of stone and then once that is done any second now we could take that and we can use it to cover up the energy conduit the we already have over here like so and that actually kind of connects just fine sometimes with some textures you

Have to like it won’t connect to the normal block you have to put two common facades next to each other but actually that works perfectly fine here and so all we to do is just make one walk-on room facade and put it there and then actually connect this up to power and we

Should be good to go I guess we need to figure out a way to get power over to this guy and I think the easiest well the easiest way would be to move the specter coil right the one that would be moving around constantly forever now but

I kind of want to I don’t know I made a plan here was to have these really all this folks network about right this flux point which is wirelessly transferring power from our boreal extractor setup to this little area over here now we could make multiple more of these folks points

And kind of just throw them down more multiple points around the base but I kind of wanted mystery power in a more interesting way and I want to use multiple mods to do it and so I’m kind of thinking about using those lasers from actual Asians in like as well as

Using the the Fox networks mode here and so let’s see yeah do we have we don’t have any lasers I think if I’m not mistaken we can turn these back into energy lasers by just throwing them down like that that turns them into item

Lasers I think if we do it a third time yeah nice they go back to energy lasers so what I’m kind of thinking here is that I might have a bit of an underground I’m a beaming over ground laser Network set up right to kind of

Show you what I mean let me get rid of this one here so like right now all of our power from our our Boyle extractors is going over here right like this side of them is this side of the room these machines over here this sac mill and all

Of these machines have been powered by the spectacle right they’re not getting power from our centralized power source which is a problem and what I’m kind of thinking just to give you a proof of concept here this is not where the final destination is gonna be but I’m kind of

Thinking that we do something like this we throw down a flux point in a room right like we’re gonna have multiple rooms around our base I think that we use the flux Network mod to transfer power from main power source to the center of a room and then we can use something like

Lasers from actuations to transfer that power from the wireless hooks point to other parts of the room by like if we do something like this and then grab our laser range and just connect those up that should then begin to transfer power from the the focus point over to that

Side of the room and then we can do the same thing over on this side as well you know we could throw down a flux point I’m sorry a laser even somewhere like that connect that up like so and then finally we could throw down another laser you know somewhere like Shh I

Don’t forget to put it there it does look like it’s connecting I don’t know whether that actually does connect but yeah something like that and like that obviously this looks ridiculous right now you know it doesn’t look great at all it looks kind of silly but it works

You know power is being sent over to the English extruder which will then begin to produce obsidian slowly but surely of course we can upgrade that with our hard upgrade kits like so make it a little bit faster also does now have space for augments which you could use as well to

Make it faster even still but I kind of like the side even so I’m thinking what I might do I’m gonna leave this here for now because this is working but what I think I might do between streams is either move this up to the roof and have kind of lasers going

Across the roof in each direction or move it underground and kind of have it a little bit hidden but I think this kinda looks cool anyway so now we do actually have an a limited source of obsidian being made it’s a little bit slow in the lava is not being

Transferred particularly fast and also this is full of water no yeah why is that full of water that shouldn’t be this should only be receiving this should be sending fluids right only out of adjacent blocks yes so water should not be making its way into

This tank at all somehow it has done let me quickly get another tank real quick is there an easy way to enter this out like if I do that like shift right click to empty tank no hmm okay let me make it at the tank real quick here

Just to try and see if this is an ongoing problem it really shouldn’t be like we shouldn’t be getting water into there whatsoever it might have gotten in before I changed the config potentially what do I need the only glass right yeah I’m thinking it probably got in before

Because the lasers are very fast at transferring liquid like they move the liquid extremely quickly and so it probably got into the tank before I switch to configuration if we put that back now it should mean that only larvae see why is that got water in it

Hmm why is that filled up with water because this laser should only out of a json block so it should only be pulling water out of adjacent blocks is it because like okay so down here you could see the this laser is providing power to this block despite the fact they start

Touching it is this laser providing water to this tank despite the like is that what’s happening there like it’s not touching this tank but because it’s next to it is it transferring the water into there anyway I didn’t know that’s how that worked and that’s a little infuriating

Hmm I guess in that case then we could just kind of like leave get rid of this let me get rid of some of these things real quick I’m gonna get rid of that ya might have to be get end of the tanks I still don’t have you empty these tanks

Or if you can up to these tanks but I guess what we’ll have to do that is not Paul from the tank we’ll just pull from the crucible like who going through originally I get me another one of these servers real quick and they give me a tank get another tank

Yeah well throw that down right about here that should start filling up with lava as usual it does mean that if we have a fully empty this tank we are gonna be in a bit of a pickle it will fill up with water again but for the

Time being if we do this and this Walter shouldn’t end up in that tank if there’s lava in it right so always do here again set you to out set you two in that ones already on out and then we’ll connect all these up again like that I

Think I should work just fine again the why why how is this a visual glitch that I’m seeing here like it had what what it heard them lover in it what excuse me oh it’s it pulled the lava out this fluid huh my goodness okay okay okay okay so

This what happened there is that this fluids laser relay pull the lava out of here as well as out of the crucible okay okay okay okay okay people recommending the fluid trash camera is a good idea fluid trash can let’s get one of those real quick from

Execute lt’s just so we can kind of empty out this excess water because we’re wasting so many freakin tanks here I’m pretty sure that if we use a crescent hammer we can set this to output mud yeah we go nice all right all right I think I got this chatter I

Think I’ve got this I think I’ve got this all we do here it’s gonna be a bit janky but bear with me get rid of this get rid of this right we’re gonna hon out how do we oh boy I guess I guess the what we’re gonna have to do here is kind

Of Paul let me help from the other side thankfully lasers can go through blocks and so if we can get a laser down on this side of the crucible did that work no fog could be a lot easier actually for me to do this from the other side

Here like if I get rid of this we’re gonna put down a laser here that’s gonna pull the Laffer out but I was going to go into here what’s is gonna come out there it’s gonna go to that we’re then gonna go ahead and throw it out an empty

Tank that empty tank should we see larva the larva should in no way get pulled out of this tank we grab our compass we set this to out we set this to out we make sure this one here is set to you in and I think chat that that should work

Just fine right so we go from here to here we go from here to here and now lava should make its way into the ignition extruder from the crucible when it’s ready and simultaneously lava should occasionally I guess end up in the portable tank it might be the case

That we never get any more lava in the portable tank just because of the fact that it’s moving to the English extruder so quickly but I think for the most part that is fine and so I’m just gonna go very quickly here and throw all of this

Stuff back down and I think guys that after way too much time this shouldn’t have taken anywhere near as long as it did but I think we’re good to go so now that that is taken care of let me get rid of this freaking fluid through trash

Can for the time being and let me empty out my inventory just a little bit here to free up some space the next thing that I would like to do is I would like to get us a jet pack the jet packs from similar packs and not the

Greatest in the game you know there are better sources of light specifically created with flight that we can get from mods like extra utilities to pump and for the time being we’re gonna go ahead and start out with the lead stone jet pack and at the hotend jet pack because

They’re easy to make and not too bad they’re pretty bad with a lot too bad and also go allow us and to fly around in the nether to try and get a drop of evil so we can get our very own cursed earth now to make this it’s fairly

Simple stuff fairly simple kind of like thermal expansion recipes a lot of redstone a lot of lead some copper some tin some reactive dynamos LED stone flux talks I’ve gone through the effort of making some of this stuff behind the scenes because they are just super tedious and super micro crafting and so

We should I think be able to maybe go ahead and shift like that in and but we are missing one flux capacitor I’m also missing one leather strap now the problem that I have an inter is that I made a flux capacitor and then I used that flux capacitor to make the involve

Flux capacitor hardened one but I can’t make another one because we don’t have any sulfur I think sulfur is usually dropped from creepers I’m not too sure but it does show in @ji that if we put some netherrack and some soul sand into the inductor smelter here we’ve got I think

A 25 percent chance of getting these sulfur as a by-product there we go we got ourselves one sulfur nice so that should allow us to make this other flux capacitor fairly easily which is that point all we need is just fall lever now we did run into this issue a little bit

Earlier on in the series and I think the easiest way for us to make leather I’m outside of actually getting cows is probably gonna be for us to go ahead and make a drying basin here from integrated dynamics crap that up with some black dye I don’t know if it’s gonna let us

Use fallback powder it is do we have any fall black powder we do so let me go ahead and just throw that in instead of the ink sac there real quick that’s going as a drying basin and then the drying base in it you can just throw

Rotten flesh directly into that and give it a couple of seconds and it should turn that into leather if I’m not mistaken we all need for if I press you here just give me a time on how long it’s gonna take to turn that into leather it doesn’t it just says that it

Will eventually do it and there we go now we’ve got ourselves the the fall leather there let’s go ahead and craft up the leather strip and then craft that up into our leads to a jet pack and then following that we should be able I think

To go straight in with the Han jet pack we cannot I really thought I’d already made the upgrade of flux capacitor maybe I didn’t know I definitely did I definitely did did I put that somewhere I shouldn’t have put it is it like in here maybe no I’m almost certain that I

Did make a second flux capacitor the the second tier looks faster as to where I may have put that flux capacitor I have no freaking idea hmm by the way that’s fine we can go ahead and make another one fairly easily the fastest in my

Alloy smelter is it sure not the not the capacitor from NYU I like the different faster looking the power slot on the igneous Oh is it possible I placed it in one of those by accident oh it’s there it’s in my induction smelter okay cool

All right in that case we should now be able to go ahead and make this and I think it might make it fully charged maybe now wishful thinking but now we’ve got a tier two hardened jet pack I guess if we wanted to we should really look at

Making that an armored a jet pack just to give us a bit more protection when we go and try and fight here the armory on the jet packs is fairly easy to make you can make the bronze armor ring for the Hun jet pack by crafting together some

Bronze ingots and some iron armor plating in the induction smelter the iron armor plating real easy stuff is just some iron and some tin so I will go ahead and make this real quick it’s not particularly difficult and then we might already have enough ones already we do

So if we just go ahead and real quick throw those together in there that’s gonna get us the bronze I’m plating which we can then go ahead and craft with our own jet pack to give us just a little bit of armor 6:3 precise boom and

Boom nice okay so usually we’d have to get away to charge the jet pack but in this case I’m fairly certain that in our flux Network here we can’t go ahead and enable wireless charging which should them again to take power from the network and automatically send it

To any item that can receive wireless charging in our inventory maybe even just specifically in our hot bar here but you can see we are now receiving power into a hardened jet pack wirelessly which is Gregg’s it means you don’t have to actively charge that up it’s pulling it directly from this

Energy cell over here which is fantastic and now we do have a somewhat remedial but also workable way of flight which is quite nice you know it’s all the best in the world it does have a limited hover function but for the most part it works

And I like that so what I’m gonna do real quick here before we go through to the nether I want to do a couple of things the first thing is that I would like to upgrade this nether portal a little bit I do quite like the idea of

Just having this wall here this arch being a full nether portal and so I’m just gonna very quickly get rid of all that we have and then replace it with a slightly larger one that fully covers up the the whole wall here let’s go ahead

And like this pound nice so now we go just like a nice old wall that is also another portal I quite like that now we’ve got the nether portal up and running the next thing I want to do is get a tinker’s constructs sword and so I

Think I’m probably gonna go with maybe like a long sword a broad sort of API I don’t know what the difference is between many of these swords I know that the cleaver comes with beheading by default which is quite nice as for the rest of these I don’t think there’s

Really too much of a difference the way view is a special weapon that relies on quick strikes to defeat those right-click to backpedal the longsword is an offensive weapon it uses issues for charging into battle at full speed right click to lunge and then the broadsword is a universal weapon sweeper

Tanks keep enemy hordes at bay also good against cobwebs use the katana if you need DPS which one is the katana this one here the katana is a special weapon that unleashes combos on the targets complements the shuriken is the katana or weapon I should be looking at here a

Tough toward a lot to slash sword blades and a tough binding yeah ok I think I’ll make the I think we’ll start with a katana we can always make a different when it’s not good enough salt blade best materials in this game in this game stage arm angling and demonic I don’t

Think we have what it takes to make manual in like the manual in requires cobalt not a right and we don’t have cobalt not yet that’s a good point if : I like is easy to get in the nether it might be worth popping in and grabbing some real

Quick how much we’re gonna need here is it like I should check the requirements real quick like the katana needs a sword blade was it how much to ingots for assault but alright yeah sure let’s go grab some let’s grab some cobalt and I like real quick then let’s make some mangling

That’s why I can make a much better sword in the long run the large saw blade needs eight oh boy this one of you oh yeah look at that so we need 16 manual in is manually and I think manual is like a two for one right like you get

To you know one-man Yuling what you get one manually ingot from one cobalt on one alright if I’m not mistaken yeah two and two makes two so you do it’s like you do lose metal in the process so yeah we’ll go with will go with that will go

We’ll make some manual in there so people are telling me in the twitch chat that if we grab some nether brick which we did smelt up earlier if we grab some nether brick and we put down some lava and we throw our gold ingots into the

Lava it will get those demonic ingots so let’s see if this works here so do I need to fully in case the lava with nether brick let’s go a bucket as well real quick so do I need to do something similar to this why I think I did

Something similar this in in modern Skyblock so like if I thought gold into here is this gonna work Chet I thought maybe it was actually like this yeah okay so I have done this before you need never booked on all sides not just on you to cover their love completely

Another brick and then you could throw your goal that it to get the demon ingots okay and we definitely did this in in Mons garlic 3 but anyway now we’ve got a bunch of demon ingots which we’ve now got which is nice can we use those I

Guess to make a large salt blade I guess we can and the demonic large saw blade has an attack of 11.1 which is quite high actually like some of these have got like I guess evil infused is the one of the highest tiers at 13 there

But a lot of these other ones don’t really have too much of the Infinity is of course 40 but 11 seems quite high all things considered so I like that I like that a lot so let’s see here are we close to having the Mangalam we are

We’ve got one block and seven ingots so sixteen ingots worth of mangling which is good next I’m gonna have to do is get ourselves a pattern we need to get the large sword blade panel which is like this one it is indeed well then get some cobblestone real quick of course to make

The pattern into a part which we can then pull out into a cast we are gonna need some gold for that let me just quickly grab some from here I should have used my storage scanner that would have been quicker but anyway we’ll go ahead and throw in just the two I think

For now I don’t were getting more than that at least not just yet it’s also pick that back up and throw that back in there for the time being oh sure let’s do this and this nice and then we’ll throw you down in the casting table Gold’s ready to go we’ll make ourselves

A cast and then we’re gonna make our first one out of mangling I guess we should also go ahead and throw it in eight of these do these double I guess they won’t double right in here that would make sense yeah that’s we do eight of those in

There that’s one against the other sword blade and then we’re do use magical wood for either the binding or the rod what do we need again from magical world I think it’s just like a bookshelf crafted right Oh something like that with with some gold right okay so if we’re gonna

Do that let’s see here the the katana needs what a tough binding which we’ve sealed like three magical woods if we’re gonna make the binding out of it and so that would mean we need three bookshelves which means we need quite a bit of paper do we have

Much sugar can we got 26 I think it should realistically be enough nice okay so I’m fairly certain that should allow us to get the large binding light which you might already have the cast fault because I didn’t make the hammer so binding yeah we totally do is this a

Tough one that’s a standard one I guess we could always make another one right it’s not particularly hard to make just do that and then over in the pot builder well throw in you and you that’s really has a magical world – a magical wood cool binding alright let’s see how good

Of a sword is this attack 9.7 modify is 5 vs undead +5 doe both he’s formed and 32 the durable he’s not particularly high but we could add a diamond or something I quite like this I’m gonna take this as a as a weapon and we’re

Gonna give it a go so um one of the first things I would like to add is more durability so I will take a diamond here and whack it on we could also add an emerald as well to add extra durability if we so wish but 19:32 seems like a good amount there

Let’s also grab a some lapis thankfully we’ve got an absolute bot tune of lapis and so it’s not really gonna be too hard for us to get a nice amount of looting on this thing let’s see here so I’d only use too many modifiers on on looting 60

Out of 60 let’s go for the wand maybe I do want to use a second modifier though on looting to on look sorry to try and really get the the drop chance up yeah I think I will go ahead and make a second I do want to save some modifiers for

Sharples for attack but I think I will go ahead and give a whole second modifier there to look to make this journey even better at getting as mob drops and then finally I would like to put maybe one maybe two modifiers into is its might I’m not quite sure we’ve

All got 17 never quarts here which is not the greatest amount how many can we put on 72 men so that does boost its attack a little bit let’s go and give this a try that let’s pop into the nether let’s see about getting someone out the quads real quick and let’s also

See if we can’t find a another pot that’s right because we do it to get one of those if we’re gonna start to find some of the wither skeletons to hopefully get that drop of evil at some point so we’re doing define like obviously I think this thing is going to

Just kill a chicken in one hit yeah like that was not ever in question it’s a chicken really the question is whether like can it can kill other mobs in one hit as well but I want to keep my eyes peeled for a nether fortress as well

I’ve also got to keep my eyes on the I don’t love the fact in the top left there like the daytime like text covers up how much juice you got left in your jet pack I lived up 90 percent though so we should be fine in terms of not running out of

Charge Isaac good right next to one oh yeah this one right there look at that holy heck all right let’s pull where point down then everyone over on this nether fortress and then we’ll probably head back this is 7000 racers I don’t think I mind me using it so I see here J

Let’s quickly throw down a waypoint for never fortress make it like the nether fortress we read color which is like more darker Ice Cube red that’s fine all right can we get some so we all be careful not to hit the zombie pigmen that’ll be bad it’s quite powerful already like the

Fact that it only took two hits there to kill the the wither skeleton is that a drop of evil holy heck guys after all that the first wither skeleton that we killed gave us the drop of evil like that’s all I need that’s all I need was

The one the one drop of evil that’s it that’s everything that’s that’s the that’s all this tool is for this tool is to get a drop of evil and we got it on the first the first freaking the first we can try oh my goodness alright well

In that case and I am still gonna go ahead and upgrade our salt a little bit here I’m gonna throw on the extra sharpness looks like we can have it for all that on yeah let’s go for it so it takes up to twelve point three one

Eye makes it quite quite strong I like it so now we’ve got that drop of evil and all we have to do now is throw down some dirt and right click that drop of evil onto some dirt and that will turn it into the cursed earth which will then

Start to rapidly spawn so quite powerful mobs which we are gonna push into our slaughterhouse to then get at some pink slime sir and kind of thinking here that we’ll just set up like a very temporary rule because we don’t need all that much pink slime relay Mosca thunder sound

Down a little bit it’s a little loud for me we we don’t use in the way of pink slime just yet and we’re also not going to be using this mob spawner forever why I do want to jump into the woot mod fairly soon but for now at least let’s go ahead

And throw just a tiny little room over here all we’re going to do is with a slow dance of dirt we’re gonna put the back to play it from our old mob spawner on top of the dirt mobs from cursed earth will spawn through the vex plates

Just like they normally do on top of like stone or any other kind of material how many vector plates do we have is my next question we’ve got 55 vector plates and we can always make more the vector plates are really not too hard for us to

Get and so all we’re going to really hear this is why your decent-sized room as well we don’t need it to be gigantic all we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do something like I guess this run the vector plates back like so we’re gonna put the slaughter house down I guess there

I’m gonna grab it real quick just so I know where I’m building some I’m quite tempted to make some dark glass just because I think that glass looks cool and being able to see the mobs spawn and all that I think is it’s pretty neat although dark glass is quite pricey and

Quite tedious to make so I might not make it but we’ll do this I will throw down vector play it’s all the way along here again for those who didn’t see me do this the first time you can hold shift to not get pushed by the vector

Plates otherwise you will get pushed by default there are upgraded vector plates you can make those are simply just faster standard vector plates they work in the same way they’re just quicker and move the mods faster which I don’t think we really need just yet like I think the

Mobs this this spawner is not so big as to require faster vector plates I don’t think like they will get to the slaughter factory fast enough like it’s not going to take too long I am a for though I’m an idiot I’ve gotta be places with dirt holy heck I even said it

Before I before I did it I even freaking said I said Isaac you got to put down the dirt because 30 is what we can turn into cursed earth so let me just quickly do that again this time correctly with cursed with dirt if we leave just one

Bit of dirt available we can just right-click on the that one bit of dirt like if we leave this corner here available we can just right-click the drop of evil onto that one piece of dirt and then it will just turn all the rest of the dirt into cursed earth as well

All we gotta make sure really is that we cover the front and make it fully dark before we do that so we cover the front here how hard is it to make dark glass like the dark glass there was also dark ineffable glass which is all so nice but does require moonstone which

We don’t have just yet we also don’t have lunar reactive dust either but don’t come last requires thicken glass and then black dive like that we’ve actually got quite a bit of the thicken glass is smelted sand and normal glass I actually think it’s not gonna be too

Hard for us to do guys real quick it’s unnecessary but I think it’s gonna look cooler and so that’s someone lucky we don’t have any sand which is a problem number one but and we can turn all of that dirt that we have left over into sand

Fairly easily and then now we’ve got that diamond furnace smelting that sand into glass and then also smelting the extra glass into the double thicken glass so ever it’s called here the thicken glass is also going to be nice and quick so if we just throw that in

There that shouldn’t take too long whilst that’s doing that I’m probably gonna do some more here real quick just because I don’t think that’s gonna be quite enough sand and then it just was it to sand in one glass or was it two for two two for two

Sandy glass you smelt signed a glass into thickened glass you combined the thin glass with the the black back to make glass sure okay 32 Santa glass actually quite a bit of sandy glass as well like we’re getting quite a bit there how much do we need real quick

It’s 3 by 9 I think could go for a 9 yes the through violence or 27 we actually don’t need that much in the way of dark glass either we could probably also go ahead and make more diamond furnaces as well like these were particularly easy

To make and again now that we’ve got the gravel sifting again I think we do have quite a lot of diamonds you have a better the 6-day and so I might between sessions just go ahead and replace all of these with the diamond furnace is like it’s so much faster than this

Standard one here like it’s it’s thought so much faster to the point where it’s probably almost like even worth putting them in there right thankfully Isaac of the pastor did get quite a lot of black floral powder right we all of these basically back petals at sea powder

Flow I thought we had more than that maybe not that’s fine we can go ahead and craft these up with a pestle and mortar real quick and get what we’re after I also gave it to somebody’s never actor we’re all going to use don’t use

All of them so you want to save some for later so we can make ice in my inventor I’m an idiot it’s oh my my freakin inventory I already had it on me the whole time Wow well I should get it to chicken’s people have said this I do want to look

Into chickens it’s on my on my list of things to do as is everything I know but it is on my list of things to get into his chickens it was something I won’t decide to do today all about what’s up an area for passive mobster spawning but

I didn’t really get around to doing it so is it two for one here oh it’s two for two nice okay so I guess it’s 26 we need one more we have to do this in even numbers here so like so but that gets us

27 or 28 even dark glass and so now all we really need to do is just go ahead and throw this down oh gosh that’s a waste of glass there thankfully we had the one spare one can’t afford to do that again though so let’s be a bit more

Cautious this time round again we want to leave one space right there so that we can activate the cursed earth and so we also need to get power into this thing I think for now I don’t want to do this I don’t want to provide power to

The slaughter factory I think we could probably use the spectacle again eventually we’ll put another flux point over near that and connect it up with lasers but for now I think we’ll go ahead and grab this guy existing is only doing much over here at the moment and

Really just kind of hope that this produces enough power to keep this going it might I don’t know if it will it’s because this thing’s gonna be receiving quite a lot of mobs but we’ll throw you down right about there that’s gonna produce some redstone folks I get the

Feeling that’s not gonna be enough but it’s all ready to do now grab a drop of evil right-click it onto the dirt let’s go turn all of that dirt into cursed earth we can then throw down a vector play it like so didn’t go in the right direction that’s fine it should still

Push them around just fine and then if we go ahead and just cover up is that dark enough in there f7 oh no the oh oh our Lantern I think is too big like the range of our lines and I think is too large to where I’m fairly certain that

This Lantern here is lighting up the inside of this area which is a little annoying it means that we are gonna have to get rid of that lantern I also have another Lantern under the floor here right there just to make sure the whole area is lit up

Ha I guess we should have built this further away then potentially all right let’s for the time being let me go into these two lanterns real quick I think what I might do and give me this what I might do let me get some torches real quick what

I might do between episodes is move that spawner so that it’s not within the range of the lanterns you know I might move it back just a little bit maybe I’ll get some more under the drop of evil or something like that but for now

Let me just turn off this just to see if this thing does actually work as I want it to work I’m sure turn that off I’m gonna throw down some torches around the outside like this but yeah there we go you can see like almost right away as soon as

The yeah the lanterns gone it’s suddenly quite dark in there press f7 you can’t quite see it but there are the little lot of tiny bits of red under there for the red X’s and they were gonna Bob’s spawning in as I mentioned earlier these webs are stronger than normal mobs for

The way the slaughterhouse works it does kill them instantly so they don’t take any like ticks of damage or anything they just are alive one second and then dead the next which is quite nice and so that’s gonna go ahead and work slow but you wait to get as pink slime again it

Should be faster than the smaller we had before the smaller before was just hoping mobs would spawn in which is not you know the best way of doing it this one’s getting mobs a lot more consistently meaning that we’ll get pink slime a lot more consistently as well

And I think one final thing that we should do here is maybe put down a tank one of our many tanks that we got earlier in today’s stream one of these guys here on the back just so that we can actually collect all of that excess pink slime

Although it might be better because you get more liquid meat than you do pink slime it might be better to store the liquid meat instead of storing the pink slime like if we set the back here to output meat but then make it so the back

Doesn’t out for pink slime I think that will maybe outpour do I have to actually like move that with lasers is that how that works I mean we could use lasers as well I’m pretty sure we got like do we have a spare laser I think we do right maybe

Nice so again we’ll throw these down in front of the pressure plate like so get ourselves some more fluid layers or relays and then we can use these to a to transfer a liquid to two different tanks yes or throw one there and then I think

All we’ll do here is just have like a tank here and a tank there we go red we mess the ball up in there tank the tank there then for now I will just do this and this we could put them on top but that

Has fine for now and then just pull out of here into there maybe do you have to put the top of these I don’t think you do right does this also output as well or do I have to no this should work right no compass out of into there we go

Okay and then the same again here boom boom there we go okay so now we’re storing the the meat over here we’re storing the pink slime over there and that’s it that’s pretty cool so again we are gonna into a point where this fills up with meat and this fills up with

Meeting it stops working but by that point we should hopefully have enough pink slime to get ourselves quite a lot of the stormwater factories that I’m after and also to get in to playing with those fields those energy fields which will be quite nice as well I guess the

Last thing we’ll do here before we wrap up today’s stream is try and get ourselves our first actual stone works Factory I’m gonna throw down a couple of torches here real quick just to make sure that we don’t get overrun by mobs cuz that is very much so not what I want

To have happen in today’s stream here we’re still still at zero deaths all this time and we haven’t died yet and so really gonna try and not die hopefully throughout the entire series but we’ll see so let’s just go ahead and dump some stuff here don’t need all this and I’ll

Invent you right now there we go this thing is a lot of slow every now and again but that’s fine so all we do to get ourselves a storm works it’s kind of working towards working towards getting the material stone works factory now as I mentioned at the start of the stream

We do indeed have one bucket of pink slime in our inventory ready to go and the way that you get those pink slime balls required to make the material stone works Factory is you place down a pink slime in the world and once you’ve done that it will then spawn in a pink

Slime now this can take a little while like I did this in a test world and it does take sometimes like a minute or so for that to actually spawn him I thought it did it instantly then I was a little worried but I’m gonna leave that there

For a second if we go back over here let’s see if we got all it takes to craft up everything else for the stone Works Factory we’ve already got the plastic which is good I will quickly go ahead and grab a crafting table we do

Need a furnace I don’t think we have any lying around we also need an iron pickaxe real easy stuff as well as one machine kiss we should also be able to make fairly easily we can good stuff one bucket of water and one bucket of lava both of

Which again we can get fairly easily now the pink slime has spawned in some of the larger ones can be quite hostile but the smaller ones tend to not be able to do much damage which is quite nice I’m gonna quickly just grab water from here

And then all we have to do is kill the pink slime in order to actually get that slime ball it is hard to do because he is tiny and adorable look at this guy look into his eyes poor guy combined and there’s our pink slime ball

And so now if we come back over to here I think we have pretty much everything it takes to make the snowmugs factory nice so let me throw this thing back down over there this guy is really freaking cool some of you probably know what this does but for

Those who done I’m gonna go ahead and throw it down in the test area this area over here and essentially it when given power will produce cobblestone and then you can choose what to do with that cobblestone so by default it’s just a cobblestone generator but at the bottom

Here we have these different icons and these different icons can be toggled to do different things right for example if we click it once it goes into furnace mode and starts automatically telling that cobblestone into stone if we click it again it goes it’s a 2 by 2 crafter

Mode and it starts crafting that cobblestone into stone crafting tables not really something we’re after but nice to have nonetheless if we do it again it goes into grind mode telling the cobble into gravel and then one more time goes into 3×3 craft mode which would of course condense the cobblestone

Into compressed cobblestone if you wanted it and then back to the beginning again I’m gonna go with grinder mode for now that’s probably the one we’re gonna use the most maybe smelt mode as well and then you could do that again and again and again and again you can turn

The gravel into sand with grind mode with grind mode and you can turn the sand into dust with grind mode and at any point down the line you can change it as well like for example if you wanted to turn our cobblestone into sand we could go ahead and set this to

Furnace mode and it does cobble to gravel gravel to sand sand to glass really cool stuff and so hopefully in the next stream we’re gonna be able to make quite a few of these I want to make you know maybe like five more more of these stonework factories I want to have

One producing gravel through our gravel sifting set up over here one producing dust right off the dust sifting set up one producing sand for our eventual sand sifting but then also I’d like to have one that’s just constantly making stone because I used so much stone for base

Decoration I would like to have one constantly producing glass because we use so much glass you know for just crafting and base decoration and all that kind of stuff and there was also just a ton more stuff that we could make as well as time goes on and so those

Guys are really useful really to have and surprisingly cheap actually once you’ve got the actual oak coming what you’ve got the the slime balls which we’re gonna get quite easily over here you know we could prolly get another slime already with the amount of slime that no didn’t have but once you’ve got

All the slime balls making the actual stone woods factory is quite easy and so yeah getting those should be quite nice and make our lives just a heck of a lot easier and finally guys here before I wrap up today’s stream let’s go ahead

And take a peek at our oh please let me deposit my items in you let’s go take a peek at our mail apparently we have mail also got some friend a pulse we’re taking those from I’m not quite sure all right let’s see what we have here

We’ve got puller Toby who has sent me a mail it has eat me with some humanoid flesh and Hollow Toby’s head all right let’s have a look here play a face we did eat some humanoid flesh before it did give us super powers which I liked

And I might set up like a head wall or something where we store people’s heads if they if you feel like sending me your head in the post we can add it to the head wall maybe oh my goodness the fov change is crazy what else do we have

Here we’ve got another letter from the same person oh that’s the same one sorry that’s eat me we’ve got a Giga breaker efficiency X I’m fourteen through with the diamond child with sharpness excellent breaking X is far too generous of you I thought if I’ll use that I like using the solid

Copper wool maybe keep that in mind for future reference bound dislocator oh gosh I think we can use up to teleport I’m a not mattalast gonna teleport me to is my real fear there but we might test that we’ve got an illumination one right-click on a block to spawn light

Right-click on a block to remove light again Edison sort of sorry no spam today oh my goodness have a hector’s oh wow all right I’ll have to try that out as well at some point and then we’ve got secret sauce pineapple pizza from I’m

Callum as well oh I love it I love it I love the pineapple pizza I love it man I love it alright and that’s all the mail for today I am interested to try that lightspawn about as well as towards me but how long does this freak

In oh gosh like 15 more seconds of this crazy fov it’s insane but yet between streams I’ll probably move this I’ll definitely move this so that it looks up at night so you know maybe move it to the roof will be hide under the floor I’m not quite sure yet but we’ll figure

It out I’ll look at upgrading some of our furnaces here to Diamond furnaces just to make smelting much quicker in general I’ll maybe do some work on this room make it look a bit a little bit nicer for our giant chest overlords I will look towards getting mopping slime

I might even move this spawner back a little bit I might not die I might just leave it here because again it’s very temporary and we can light this room up other ways we don’t have to use the lantern so we’ll see how that goes but

For now guys I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up today is extreme there

This video, titled ‘Minecraft StoneBlock – Demon Ingots, Stoneworks Factory & Jetpacks! #9 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2018-10-01 19:00:03. It has garnered 27557 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:06 or 3786 seconds.

Minecraft StoneBlock – Demon Ingots, Stoneworks Factory & Jetpacks! #9 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★SUBSCRIBE for daily gaming videos:

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GamingOnCaffeine is sponsored by Akliz Server Hosting! (Use Promotional Code GOC for 20% off you first month!) #Minecraft #StoneBlock #Quest

  • Creating a Kobo Portal in Minecraft

    Creating a Kobo Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Kobo Kanaeru Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you discover the secrets of the mystical Portal Kobo Kanaeru. Join forces with fellow gamers and explore the vast landscapes filled with wonders and challenges. Dive into the realm of creativity and survival as you build, craft, and conquer in this immersive gaming experience. Donation and Community Support Support the Minecraft community by donating to All through the provided link on Saweria. Join the Discord group to connect with like-minded gamers, share tips, and engage in exciting gameplay sessions. Embrace the… Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and exploration is endless. Join the millions of players worldwide in crafting, building, and surviving in this captivating sandbox game. Exploring New Horizons With each episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes viewers on a journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From towering mountains to lush forests, the possibilities are limitless. Discover hidden caves, mysterious dungeons, and valuable resources as you traverse the diverse biomes of this virtual realm. Building Dreams Unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Crafting Chic: Minecraft’s Tiny House Trick

    Crafting Chic: Minecraft's Tiny House Trick In Minecraft, building a house is an art, With blocks and designs, let’s make a fresh start. A small and stylish abode, cozy and neat, With windows and doors, a perfect retreat. Gather materials, wood and stone, Crafting tables and tools, make it your own. Place each block with care, in perfect symmetry, A house that’s unique, for all to see. Roofing and flooring, add the final touch, A home in Minecraft, you love so much. Easy and stylish, a small house so grand, In this virtual world, where creativity expands. Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

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  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • Craft Your World: Minecraft Custom Core

    Craft Your World: Minecraft Custom Core In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players can now choose, with no constraints. Every aspect of the game, from start to end, Is in the hands of the player, a power to bend. From the blocks they place, to the mobs they face, Every decision made, with style and grace. The possibilities are endless, the choices vast, In this new world of Minecraft, where freedom is amassed. So join the adventure, let your imagination soar, In Minecraft, where you can choose everything and more. With Adispot as your guide, leading the way, You’ll discover new realms, every… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

    Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16 In the world of Minecraft, where tools are key, We delve into modding, with Fabric MC. Basic tools like axe, hoe, pickaxe, and sword, Crafted with care, in the game they’re adored. Tool materials, a crucial aspect to know, In Minecraft 1.20.6, they put on a show. From wood to diamond, each material unique, Enhancing gameplay, for players to seek. Join us on Discord, for more modding fun, Where the community gathers, under the sun. Fixing errors, tweaking code with finesse, In the world of Minecraft, we always impress. So leap into the verse, with tools in hand, In… Read More

  • May 4th: Crafting Craze – Part 1 Build Fun

    May 4th: Crafting Craze - Part 1 Build Fun In a galaxy far, far away, Star builds her base, no delay. Following MrMattRanger’s guide, Her skills and creativity collide. With blocks and tools in hand, She crafts a world so grand. Star Wars theme, May the 4th be with you, In Minecraft, her dreams come true. Watch her build, part 1 in sight, A gamer girl with all her might. Join her journey, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, she’s first-rate. Read More

  • INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi Adventures

    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More ⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#တုတ်ကြီးတို့ရွာ#အတုံးဂိမ်း#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ÉTONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! ✨ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: 🚛 My simulation steering wheel: 🎢 The coaster on Workshop: 📝 Send your park so that… Read More

  • Minecraft Live: Ultimate Obsession

    Minecraft Live: Ultimate ObsessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Лучшее #492’, was uploaded by Одержимый Live on 2024-04-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 362 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY’s Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!

    KYRSP33DY's Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speed Dating Event on Mythical Survival Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-04-05 02:42:40. It has garnered 30774 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:45 or 8985 seconds. Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – #MythicalPartner Read More


    A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE NOW! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE | Minecraft Live Streaming’, was uploaded by A SUMIT GAMING on 2024-01-11 11:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is 24/7 Minecraft live stream! SUBSCRBE OUR HORROR CHANNEL :- @ScaryStoriesWithA THANKS FOR WATCHING……. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World’s Biggest Cactus!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World's Biggest Cactus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: #1 The Giant Cactus!’, was uploaded by BanditGaming on 2024-04-03 14:15:03. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. The cactus farm needed a little touch up in my opinion. Design Credit: WhoopSection05 on reddit Dont forget to go and check out my other socials! Patreon : Twitch : Twitter : Instagram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shorts

    Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet Power Level – Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by oreE+ on 2024-02-22 05:00:20. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #animation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Greetings wanderers! Join our Minecraft geopolitical server where you can unleash your creativity. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, or PvPer, there’s a place for you here. Earth is your canvas to create nations, cults, religions, guilds, and more. The only limit is your imagination. Are you ready? Join Us Now: Read More

  • Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]

    Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]Are you ready to leave a mark in our history?Null Network: Seliana is an rpg survival server that focuses more on a unique experience. The server emphasizes on RPG elements, and a medieval feel. Currently, we are mostly a filipino playerbase, but we also have some players around the world, mostly in asia! We have a ton of appealing features that will get you hooked!Server has not been reset since the beginning. Your legacy is safe with us! You can also claim land to avoid getting griefed!Weapons for every style of combat! Be it hard hitting Greatsword, fast hitting Daggers,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced up

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced upI guess even in Minecraft, getting a high score is a rare item! Read More

  • Adelia’s Trauma: Sam’s Minecraft Saga

    Adelia's Trauma: Sam's Minecraft Saga In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Adelia’s trauma began, a tale to survive. Nico, Mark, and Lira, a family so tight, But darkness crept in, casting shadows in sight. Adelia, the youngest, with eyes full of fear, Her innocence shattered, her cries hard to hear. A tragedy struck, leaving scars deep within, As grief and despair, their hearts did begin. But through all the pain, they stood strong as a team, Facing their demons, in a world so extreme. With love as their armor, they fought through the night, In Minecraft’s vast world, where dreams take… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonebad 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX!

    Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Exploring the Killadis SMP In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players find endless opportunities for fun and adventure. One such realm is the Killadis SMP, where players like to relax and enjoy their time. Whether it’s building magnificent structures or embarking on thrilling quests, there’s always something exciting happening in this multiplayer server. Joining the Fun If you’re looking to dive into the action, Killadis SMP welcomes you with open arms. With a vibrant community of players, you can share your creations, collaborate on projects, and make lasting friendships. The server… Read More

  • Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review

    Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review Minecraft Java Edition on Mobile? | PojavLaucher Review Have you ever wondered if you could play Minecraft Java Edition on your phone? Well, with PojavLaucher, now you can! In this review, we will explore the features of PojavLaucher and how it brings the Java Edition experience to your Android or iOS device. What is PojavLaucher? PojavLaucher is a launcher that allows you to run Minecraft Java Edition on your mobile device. It provides a seamless way to enjoy all the features of the Java Edition, including mods, servers, and more, right from your phone. Features of PojavLaucher With PojavLaucher,… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Addons Revealed!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Addons Revealed!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘top 4 Addons for Minecraft pe and bedrock’, was uploaded by cyrixmc_YT on 2024-04-10 18:11:37. It has garnered 215 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:09 or 1209 seconds. Number 4 Number 3 Number 2 Number 1 Tanks for watching ❤️ Tags #minecraft Keys minecraft addons bedrock edition minecraft addons bedrock update minecraft addons bedrock 1.20 minecraft addons bedrock naturalist minecraft addons bedrock free minecraft addons bedrock xbox minecraft addons bedrock computer minecraft addons bedrock techna minecraft addons bedrock review minecraft addons bedrock decocraft minecraft addons bedrock… Read More

  • Launching New Shop on Copper SMP!

    Launching New Shop on Copper SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Copper MC Smp Season 1 @AncientMC7 Opening My New Shop’, was uploaded by Shagil Gaming vlogs on 2024-05-21 09:50:14. It has garnered 27 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:14 or 9374 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Shagil: Minecraft free fire call of duty clash of clans bgmi pubg techno gamerz ujjwal anshu bisht niz gamer mosambi total gaming BY TOTEM chapati hindustani gamer proboiz95 yug playz psd senpai spider mr lapis its dip Bebu mc addon dream smarty pie technoblade pewdipie junkeyy… Read More

  • Become a Parkour Legend in Minecraft with Sixtos!

    Become a Parkour Legend in Minecraft with Sixtos!Video Information This video, titled ‘El pro del #parkour en #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sixtos on 2024-01-10 18:54:41. It has garnered 2421 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Attitude of Ertughul & Osman! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Attitude of Ertughul & Osman! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ErtughulXosman attitude status😎 #shorts’, was uploaded by Pathan Bhai on 2024-01-17 18:48:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft gaming channel! Here, we bring you the ultimate gaming experience in the world of Minecraft. Whether … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! 😱🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with the Squad! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft 1.8 with the Bois – EP 5 – ⚒️👷’, was uploaded by 0x6b on 2024-05-20 18:41:27. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:21 or 261 seconds. Will we survive longer than the 2 week Minecraft binge? Just some solo building and whatnot. ✔️ Barn ✔️ Cow death chamber ✔️ Chicken Coop ✔️ Enchanting Table ❌ Tom Read More

  • INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!

    INSANE Duo Bros Play with Subscribers!!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAY WHIT SUB’, was uploaded by K_D _BROTHERS on 2024-03-23 05:16:34. It has garnered 23 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:42 or 1962 seconds. minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider, lapata smp, senpai spider pvp, lapata smp new video, lapata smp war,… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Skyes – Would you dare try this job?

    Insane Challenge: Skyes - Would you dare try this job?Video Information This video, titled ‘Only a crazy man would take on this job…’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2024-05-30 21:00:18. It has garnered 12026 views and 703 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Rebuilding My Mega Base in Hardcore Minecraft! MY SECOND CHANNEL! – ☁️ MY SOCIALS ☁️ 🐦-= Twitter – 🎽 -= Merch – 🎥-= Twitch (Live streams) – 🖥️-= My VODS Channel – #hardcore #survival #minecraft Current Subscriber Count: 1,356,089 Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! 🏊 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Auto Pool in Seconds! 🏊 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Best Auto Swimming Pool! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Cubius Shorts on 2024-02-17 14:02:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HOW TO MAKE A water pool in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts. Read More

  • SHOCKING Herobrine Edit – Mobs Dream!

    SHOCKING Herobrine Edit - Mobs Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘#herobrine #edit #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mobs #dream’, was uploaded by Youtuiobarsh on 2024-01-14 02:44:54. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • PureConstruct

    PureConstructWelcome to PureConstruct Minecraft Server! Experience the true essence of vanilla gameplay with a touch of quality-of-life improvements. At PureConstruct, we strive to provide a server that stays true to the core Minecraft experience while enhancing it with just the right amount of features. Inspired by the renowned Hermitcraft server, we aim to foster a community of dedicated players who appreciate creativity, collaboration, and a thriving economy. Our server is fresh and brimming with opportunities. We are actively seeking a close-knit player base of around 20 individuals who share our vision of a respectful and engaging Minecraft environment. To ensure… Read More

  • Memelands: Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Welcome to Memelands! Memelands is a Vanilla SMP with a close-knit community that has been thriving since 2019. We are seeking active players over the age of 15 who are looking for a long-term Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Unique builds and history on a map that will never reset Events and activities for players of all time zones Community-driven server with essential datapacks and protective plugins Simple Voice Chat for in-game communication (optional) Ownership and decision-making by the community Basic Rules: No stealing, griefing, or hacking Be mature, friendly, and respectful towards others No bullying, racism, or harassment Join… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Warfare ITA 1.7.10

    Modern Minecraft Warfare ITA 1.7.10Modified Italian server where you can create a nation and wage wars. The server is active all day and goes offline at night to avoid problems. Join our discord now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft hero we needed”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft hero we needed"Looks like this meme needs to level up a bit before it can be the hero we deserve! Read More

  • Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2

    Block by Block: Crafting a Barn in Minecraft Survival #2 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero sets out to fulfill their dream. Building a barn house, block by block, Surviving the challenges, ticking like a clock. With creativity and skill, they craft their abode, In survival mode, where dangers unfold. Each block placed with care, each detail refined, In this virtual world, their imagination shines. Gaming is their passion, their escape from reality, Exploring new horizons with boundless vitality. With each challenge faced, they grow stronger, In this digital world, they can’t wait any longer. So join the adventure, into the unknown, Where creativity… Read More