Insane Minecraft Secret Santa Surprise!

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[Applause] Yeah Happ [Applause] Yeah Where my game hello we morning afternoon evening I don’t even know what time it is I’m so tired but hello how is everybody I hope everyone’s good hello I’m so tired I’m so tired um but we’re here we’re here uh because today we have to do a lot of stuff we have a

Lot of stuff to do ow what the freak shot me really really yeah yeah you walk away you walk away um what the freak dog you’re not even my dog um but no hi everyone uh so I know today’s an early stream I did say in the

Discord it would be early I just literally haven’t had time to make a schedule because I’ve been so busy um so today we are building the Christmas secret Center stuff for the Minecraft server because that’s happening on Wednesday we’re doing the draw we’re doing the draw on Wednesday

And I’m just like freaked out I’m like I need to get it done but Mondays uh Mondays I never stream Mondays is normally sah stream uh we usually do sah stream on Monday which is still happening later but I was like Frick I need to get this done because tomorrow I

Have the overcook collab uh that didn’t happen last week uh so now we need to do this here right now that’s why it’s earlyer 10 streak hell yeah let’s go you Scottish no I’m not Scottish no I’m not Scott it I have never I’ve never been asked if I’m Scottish

Actually that that’s the first I normally get asked if I’m Australian that’s a first good morning s London no I I am I’m from the UK you’re right but no I am British but not Scottish or I even like that but don’t worry you’re fine but uh first things first is so I

Haven’t got all that long to get this done so what we need to do is we need to find a place for the Christmas tree no I’m not Northern Irish I’m from England I’m English um we have to find a Christmas we well we have to make find a place to

Build the Christmas tree then we have to build the Christmas tree uh then we have to sort the hopper system out everything like that just woke for unny little bed excited for Minecraft it’s Minecraft though so I need to figure out a place we can build a Christmas tree around

Spawn like a nice flat area but I don’t want to like maybe I build it over there on the island but that’s like not Christmasy that’s the thing British they there’s so many different accents there’s so many we have so many different accents oh I’m not using sapling shocks I’m making a complete custom tree um because I don’t want a little tree I’m doing a complete custom Tre yeah I’m doing a big one but we will

Need Spruce yes we will need Spruce um but yeah as a like in Britain literally you walk like one town to the next and there’s a different accent so I’m just trying to find a space where it won’t be like to thing Christmas Island oh for sake

It’s raining I could but it’s like the one thing about it is it’s oh Stone I don’t like the rain it’s just you can’t really tell but it’s all Stone we could make a Christmas Island and I add candy canes and stuff that could be kind of cute but it’s like just all

Stone that that’s the issue no I’m not going to tell you where I’m from I’m from England that’s all you need to know I’m not going to dox myself like that England is my city I can’t see I’m clearing the watera I don’t care I’m sorry I’m clearing your rain yoks I’m

Sorry but look it’s just Stone I mean we could put grass over it depends how much dirt people have I don’t want to get squid it please don’t squid me want need to fly I’m sorry I can’t see what I’m doing how am I I’m okay I’m tired uh I

Was up till 500 a.m. so I was up till 5:00 a.m. granted it’s because I didn’t wake up till like 3:00 400 p.m. yesterday um so I was up till 5:00 a.m. because me Luke Oasis and Sarah were gaming hi BR long long man there you

Go there you go I’m trying not to sink it’s Zooming I’m zooming I’m trying there you go it’s hard oh I’m on the island yeah but hi Luke we were we were up gaming till like 5 a.m. last night um and it it was really fun but then look at the fall glitch how you doing who

Summons you I summon you um but yeah I was up till 5:00 a.m. and then I have to I have to be up at 9: at the latest every morning cuz I have like I have to take medication like scheduled um cuz if I don’t take it like at at the same time

Every single day uh my body has a really bad reaction I to gave myself a paper cup somehow um so I had to be then up at 9:00 and I woke up like 3 hours later like from when I went to sleep and I was

Like wide awake um but then I was like no I actually do need to sleep a little bit more or I’m not going to like survive on sir’s stream later so I slept and now I regret it stressful but I hope today is a bit better so we could turn this into

Christmas Island but we’re going to have to flatten it h hi Gastly yeah we’re going to have to probably like flatten it there um a little bit of dirt oh don’t worry take your time we’re we’ve got to make Christmas Island first so if there’s anybody um in the server

On the server who wants to jump on and help you are more than welcome to uh so essentially what we’re doing is we’re doing a little in-game secret Center for those on the Minecraft server and um yeah it’s it’s just a little thing but yeah I love terraforming so terraforming

Is not an issue for me I just need an inventory full of dirt so I need to head home and get dirt that that’s what I got to do I always made you feel better a that’s cute oh oh I also do have a big announcement for the end of stream so

Like uh stick around stick around uh if you will uh I have an announcement end of stream is in like 3 hours just just so you’re well cuz uh I have to end stream and eat and then sah stream so yeah my finger really hurts on the paper cut all right let us

Go mhm m m mhm it’s uh it’s a stressful announcement that’s all I got to say it’s very stressful let’s go oh also I quickly do have to say um the FNAF stream is not happening Saturday um it’s going to happen within like before January 4th so like in the

Next two weeks but it’s not going to happen Saturday uh because what is that little bee doing you go buddy you go um it’s because me and Sarah sat down yesterday and we spoke about it and we were like wait so Sirah gets here Thursday we’re out Friday and then the stream would

Have been Saturday and it’s just like so much back toback because then you got um Christmas Eve and Christmas like 2 days later and it’s like just a lot all in one go so it’s probably going to be like the 2nd of January is what we’re looking

At right now so but it’s going to happen in the next two weeks I just can’t say when uh cuz we’ll probably wake W up one day and go all right today but it’s it’s definitely going to happen in the next 2 weeks I just can’t guarantee when so

Yeah hi Sushi smosi no not today not today today is good day so I’m going to grab a bunch of chests I don’t have much dirt I actually don’t have much dirt how much Spruce do I have um Um 47 logs and some planks that’s fine I’m still just bringing stuff um so we can we can get this started I did I called you puggies I will respond to you in a little bit Hannah I kind of like messaged you like impulsively and then won’t wait for a comment to go

Live I was like frick uhoh Bob Ross of course I do I always talk about buob Ross I’m like glitching I’m glitching in the water what is happening to my model she’s not liking it today she does not want to work how many Channel points do you need to brand ban Brad uh

69 just just 69 because he keeps doing long long man he keeps redeeming long long man in my chat every stream and I think it’s only I think it’s only uh Fair long long okay that wasn’t Brad this time that’s fair all right there we go there you Go I feel so bad every time cuz I always out just got coconut mold share this with all your friends to totally coconut mold them so I have changed wa what boots are these what did we get flux high flux lever boots wow POG what’s the with Tower B that’s

Craig’s Tower um there’s a lot of Towers on This Server so we have Craigs tower that goes like miles underground you have owl’s Tower there and then if I climb over the island oh there there’s Alpha’s Tower uh there you have tring’s Tower Um what is that is that a new tower oh that’s that’s the museum Tower and I guess that’s a tower but that’s to Mark the mob spawner so a lot of towers just had the weirdest lag oh trust me I’m having like really weird lag right now I’m having really weird lag right

Now so I’m just going to use over here as like the chest space more Towers look I’m going to build a tower eventually in the server we love our Towers they’re like identifying features they actually help like um why did I put all the dirt in there I need that um oh

Wait I just realized I should have brought my grass block so we could have had it all grassy cuz now it’s not going to go grassy you could always build a tower right now I’ve got to somehow terraform this all into Christmas Island and then oh my God all this middle bear

I just realized I’ve got to at least put torches down here so mobs won’t spawn cuz I am not filling this in freak that oh yeah uh one of the mods needs to bamb Brad I promise that for 69 Points all right I don’t know if to just make it this level I should probably make it this level all right I’m not going to mine out any other level except this level look how pretty spawn looks though I mean if I put my texture pack

On which we found yes uh was it yesterday not yesterday uh we found the other day makes it look even prettier like oh it’s not it’s not loading look how look how cute it looks look how like cute squir those little fence look oh oh my God you scared me you scared

Me I just had a crashed next to me I was like what the freck yeah now I’ve just got to wait forever to load expect a Minecraft server I I promised a Minecraft server uh about um back in March so about like 8 months ago um so

Yeah it just took me like a while to get it of and running um but yeah we we’ve had to server over M now thank you you kind of put it right where I need to build though but you’re fine yeah oh good I just put them down there with

Those of a chest but yeah no worries we have got to make Christmas Island because Sig said we have to make Christmas Island so now now we must this is this is how much we’ve got three hours to turn this entire Island into Christmas then build a giant Christmas

Tree then assign everybody a secret Santa like oh my God this is not going to Happen this is not going to happen but we can try we just we just got to [Applause] Try we’re we’re on like a race against the clock over here really oh soone Min here I’m building over somebody’s mine oh no well I hope they don’t care too much and I hope they like Christmas more I hope I hope they they like Christmas more than uh

The island unless someone was like trying to plan to build here hi Homer too late Christmas Island you’re right you’re right it’s Christmas Island now I’m just trying to get the outline um of the cuz the middle bit doesn’t matter too much cuz we have to build across it

Anyway but it’s going to be cute we can do it we can do it c yeah noes that’s what I mean like if if more like I I know obviously I’m doing like a really early stream for when I normally stream but if like there are people who play the Minecraft server

Who are on and do want to help like that would be so massive of a help because we got a big I picked a big island ah yes the grass block just what we need I I’ve picked like the worst Island to do this on so I’m now going to like sort of

Terraform in the sense of like get the shape and then these ones I’m not ping can’t break this block which one this one oh I think you might be lagging there’s no block there re relog relog you might you might be having one of those lag moments okay

Christmas Island might be Hollow because I I’m not dealing with That I don’t want to mine all the blocks actually want okay yeah I was going to say that might have been a bit lag I don’t want to mine the entire Island out but I just want to get a good [Applause] shape would have been quick to make an

Artificial Island yeah but where’s the fun in that where’s the fun in that huh we’re we’re using the natural landscape Y is sings hi though how you doing probably should get some snow oh my God snow would be cute I mean I can technically I can change the biome but

Like I think placing snow might be cute and so yeah yeah why don’t we just make this in the snow biome I don’t know but I like Christmas Island being just here you’re getting snow okay that’s fair fair fair fair fair entirely fat we are we going to make this

Beautiful yeah take your time you have time yeah guess snow golems that would definitely work better so I mean some of some parts of this island I don’t need to change the height of and then this bit could just be a bit Up one sec I’m just trying to find something again we can make a holiday Island every holiday but we could just have like different Islands you know what I want to do I feel like cuz the service should still be up for Easter we could do like

An Easter I I think it goes technically down in April if I don’t pay for it again because I bought six months of it But you know we’ll be fine the fastest evolution of an island you have ever seen I no one will stop you oh my God we could just have e oh my God actual Easter Island that would be amazing that actually you know what that actually would be kind of cool

I I’d be down for That see I’m being a bit lazy I’m not I’m not going to mine out every block in the island I’m almost out of Dirt whoa why are you super speed why are you a super speed zombie what the heck okay but what sword did you give me why these zombies like the fastest things ever oh it’s a giant sword what the heck that was like the the fastest zombie in the world it’s wild

I believe the permit is required for terraforming what do you mean huh huh I’m confused who’s going to stop you uh only me it would only be me uh that would stop [Applause] you but I need help so I’m not going to stop you I need all the help I can get here

So no no stopping who knew all this dirt would actually come in under [Applause] oh you wish you could use italics I wish yeah I wish that’s one thing in twitch chat I wish they had like different like functions like bold and Stuff that would be kind of cool okay okay but real talk real talk if you could uh Spruce grass it if you could um add any feature to Twitch what would you add like any feature ever what would you add cuz I actually don’t know what I

Did moving ads before view in a stream see I don’t only before yeah that makes sense I was going to say cuz I I don’t feel like they should get rid of ads because obviously ads generate revenue for not only the site but like streamers replace twitch management bro

God all all of the salt is out today see the inside like I said the inside of the island is going to be Hollow for the time being because I don’t think we’ll have time to like entirely fill that up so if someone decides to bury in and live under the

Island that’s entirely up to them Hermit the hermit of uh Christmas Island I don’t know I feel like I’d add I don’t know what I’d add or remove or change it’s a bit difficult for me to decide ah I’ve definitely got to go along and change that from Cobble to dirt that looks

Stupid different fonts I feel like yeah that could be nice um I’m trying to F what else I would add I don’t know I just it’s a difficult question for me as well what would you Add twitch turbo yeah twitch turbo is like a really forgotten feature by like twitch itself I feel [Applause] like cuz it seems is like so beneficial because like the streamer still generates revenue from it but like nobody knows about twitch turbo like actually and it’s kind of Sad cuz it’s like so much like cheaper for Like you do you get like I just forgot do you get the uh the sub like emotes or not remember do you get emotes I don’t know I don’t know if that was the a feature but it’s so much better in terms of like thing yeah that that would be

Like the only downside to turbo in a sense because obviously you’re not getting thing it just depends how much twitch you watch itself cuz I don’t like my myself my myself my myself cat I don’t actually watch too much twitch um over than the streams I mod or me streaming and like

The few times I looking on friend streams but turbo is like pretty good in the sense of like cuz you don’t get those ads and if you’re like constantly on Twitch or whatever it’s it’s not a bad feature you know this might not take as long as I thought it would this is

Actually going quite quick also hi thank you for the like did you guys actually ban Brad or not just just I want to just double check because like I hope you didn’t or at least if you did like you un banned Him oh is my lurking not working hold up why is it not oh I’m not signed in ha I I haven’t signed in ignore me take again no Tak so long that’s probably going to be the longest bit but realistically that gives me more time

To sort of uh wait why am I mining there I need to mine over here more so it gives me time to I need to go get my up I build the island out a bit more no poor Brad I’m just trying to throw stuff in your thing Brad I’m sorry

But no just just be sure like it’s a quick boom boom gun if anything because I have the feature where like they can’t see my stream if they’re banned so I don’t want to draw it out for like too long got some snow awesome um we’ll

Probably wait to put the snow down for now just because uh I need to finish doing dirt on the island and figure out where I want to place the tree okay good just double checking just double Checking we’re getting there the island is slowly turning into to dirt slowly oh what did I do that [Applause] for Christmas Island is evolver thank you here we go okay I’m actually going to add a little bit more here like just make it a little bit

So I think I’m having the tree more like this side of the island because it’s such a big island we just need to like I say I don’t want it to be like too like onedimensional and be so flat but like at the same time we need a section where

It is quite flat for the tree and stuff so like this bit here and then probably when it gets to yeah exactly so it’s kind of got to be flat but then I think once it gets like here it goes back to like the normal

Shape so like this is all kind of like the normal side and then that side where you are now is going to be where the actual tree is and [Applause] stuff what the heck is this kind of structure here ah Razer hi thank you so much for the the the

Five mon free sub I really appreciate it hello you have given me my first brain cell of the stream thank you so much I have a brain cell I can think a bit better but hi oh yeah I don’t know if you saw that then but if you saw been bit and stuff

Now um I finally configured it so it frows stuff at me yeah we probably will need more D soon but yeah I finally finally after like 3 years conf get up it works it finally works it beats me up didn’t know there be a stream yeah I

Kind of haven’t had time to make a schedule but we’re working on the Christmas secret santa stuff yeah it it’s my fault I literally didn’t have time to Quick everyone use B to be array I mean there’s only 2 days left on the 20% bits was it 10% bits I think yeah

Anyways um if you do X me want both it has something information I can’t remember I think it’s only like two more days um but yeah uh it beats me up now yeah no worries Raz yeah I kind of stole all the dirt so ignore me

Ah you can find me first off yes hello thank you for the 100 video it smacked me in the face yeah I I look I did a big brain and I updated the program after like 2 years cuz I thought I had the updated version I

Didn’t I thought all this time I had the updated version and I didn’t so now it’s uh now it’s finally finally updated so so yeah oh I’m very smart oh yeah but also regarding the clip stuff uh if people still want to add to that please feel free to because

Um I’m going to literally start working on it as of like today so the more I have CU there there is a few but there’s nowhere near enough of what I want so yeah don’t forget that as well I’m going to have to go destroy like a biome of dirt at some

Point cuz we are almost out but the Island’s like kind of half done anyway in terms of like transforming It into uh a Christmas Island pretty much uh because I’m going to start working on it um but there’s a lot uh I still need to to do yeah we we need a lot more dirt a lot lot more dirt I’m trying to just get the big bits done

Um like this bit is probably the most [Applause] Important but yeah if you submit like a clip just into the channel you will get credited for doing so so like it’s it’s pretty worth just like throwing a clip in there that you like from this [Applause] sh why is it like this I don’t have a

Shovel I’m going to I’m going to go uh I’m going to go to spawn and go back to my house and get a shovel and then I’m going to go mine just a bunch of dirt I should have like an efficiency shovel or I’ll be able to just like get one real

Quick I have to run so far to go home I I really need to get that never portal like soon oh oh I fell off the B go go go go go yeah cuz we’re already like 40 minutes in and we’ve already placed a little bit of dirt oh

Boy realistically we can do like the drawing of the hopper like off stream but I just want to at least get the majority of it set up I need to go like find the uh Mesa biome as well at some point because if I find the Mesa biome we can build like candy

Canes that would be cute like just like giant presents and candy canes on the island I feel like that would be really really cute I feel like everybody like could add their own little thing to the island I feel like that be kind of cute look have a big one big what what

Terry put oh that island is L going to just be snow by the end Misa oh no no I don’t need to yeah no you can you can tell me about the Misa that’s not an issue um it’s just because we were’re we’re in the process of really quickly making Christmas

Island and it’s like I have a fish okay I’m going to use the iron shovel I I have a mending shovel apparently I didn’t even know I had a mending Shovel like um yeah sorry I I just completely forgot I was talking about Mesa okay let’s go terraform the world and steal all the dirt I want to do it that’s like not near me or anyone really cuz I don’t want to destroy the landscape too much

But there’s a lot of dirt I Need I mean there is a bunch of planes that way but I feel like that’s too far maybe not I’ll go in I’ll go into like the spruce Forest Area and just destroy that cuz that’s Sis’s house that way and I don’t want to I feel bad to know like ruining a

Certain area that someone’s like building there I don’t want to do That I don’t need the Mesa that bad I need dirt more than anything I need dirt more than anything you got turn to D will it be enough dirt though cuz we’re probably a third D with the island oh my God probably I’m going to

Grab let me grab a few Stacks them and then I’ll come Back yeah cuz we’re uh We’ve turned an island in near spawn into Christmas Island for the uh the Secret Santa there we go that was mending what do you mean it broke what do you mean it broke that was a mending shovel what okay whatever I guess it broke

Okay yeah but I I thought it I thought it took from your XP bar I thought it took from the XP bar you already had unless it changed bro I thought it took from your XP bar mending is the worst enchantment in the game mending is the worst enchantment in

The game they can get rid of that don’t care about it terrible I always thought I always thought it was XP from your h but then again I am a Minecraft Boomer and I basically stopped playing when uh mending came around I stopped playing so like I always put it took from

It it’s the worst enchantment in the game Cur of Vanishing is better than that curs of Vanishing is better than that ban mending get rid of it terrible terrible enchantment terrible enchantment that’s how it should be used takes the XP from your hot bar so this is the evolution of

Christmas Island so far it is dirty it’s getting there hello with confidence chocolate is that a question or they yeah I was like is that a quest to gifts no an offering oh I’ll accept openly open hands I’ll accept hello oh hi buddy you’ve got a shell a

How cute you want to share it you want to share it no he didn’t he’s not in the Christmas spirit how’s everyone day night it’s going pretty good good we are in the process of turning this island uh into a Christmas Island so we can set up our secret Center

Event come on y you got it he’s dead good job um so this whole island is covered in stone and we are turning the whole island into dirt and then we’re getting snow and placing snow everywhere and then we’re going to build a Christmas tree uh and other stuff and you on fire

So yeah we are looking for help for those who are on the server I was up to like I say I was up till 5:00 a.m. uh playing video games and I do not recommend I do not recommend that you stay up till 5:00 a.m. playing video

Games but context it’s uh nearly 3 p.m. for me you do what you’re irresponsible I had stuff to do today and I didn’t do the stuff that I had to do today because I stayed up too Late so no thank you I appreciate it I appreciate it I am I was aiming to be responsible but then I was not responsible I tried guys I tried and now now I am dealing with my responsibilities in the shape of this that’s really cute I do appreciate that

You know I really want 2024 to be all yeah it’s going to be all year chat I can feel it I’m cooking I’m cooking like a lot so hi Sher I really want it to be a good year I’m out of uh the any more D not okay that Spruce snow that’s dirt more dirt like you want to believe this island is all Cobblestone not Cobblestone Stone and under it just big gaping holes eventually I’m probably like lighting everybody’s Eyes on Fire in the server cuz I have the beacon armor on the year

R it’ be nice it’d be nice to actually have a year where something doesn’t go wrong it’ be really nice you know like to actually be like ah yes things are not on fire for once the year of dirt I’m sorry I can take it off

Uh I don’t actually need my armor on anyway so it’s fine I’m treding not to flashbang I swear a t some of that oh my plan is to touch grass next year a bit more welcome backa yeah my plan is to touch grass a lot more next

Year thank you so much I really do appreciate it I hope you have a wonderful day um what did you say sorry uh oh no that was a mod f see you that was really sweet pretzel is on fire I I’ve never ate a pretzel actually I’ve never ate a

Pretzel actually chat I want to ask what’s some of your favorite like crima snacks and foods like what’s something that you only really eat at crima [Applause] time oh yes has to be V of grass there’s a grass simulator like a touching grass simulator actually that exists uh what’s your favorite Christmas kind

Of snacks and stuff like what’s something you only eat at Christmas time rabbit meat for Christmas dinner that’s interesting normally I hear people be like oh we usually have like uh Goose or something like but rabbit’s quite interesting it’s kind of like rabbit actually tastes a lot like chicken like

Weirdly odd to say that but yeah rabbit tastes a lot like chicken this is coming my first some one it t f no it does it tastes like chicken is that weird for me to say honey glazed ham yeah that’s another food that people eat like goose and ham

And stuff I just we just eat turkey turkeys are like from meat I don’t actually know what’s going on here like why this is like this but is family just ham see is ham more common in like America and stuff like here in the UK I feel like most people

Eat turkey but then I’ve been speaking to like a bunch of my friends and they’re like oh we eat chicken oh we eat beef and I’m like what why do you eat that at Christmas it’s usually a meat you don’t eat often right need more dirt

Oh we need tons of dirt as much dirt as you want to bring and as much help as you want to help you’re dir okay that’s fair enough that’s fair enough but yes all the dirt you want to bring all the dirt would be so helpful cuz we still got to turn this

Entire Island into dirt so as many people as we can get helping would be amazing cuz this is this is for everybody hav think out we just I don’t really like ham I I’m not a h fan H fan why did I say a hamper fan I’m sounds like a

Camper van I’m a camper fan guys uh no I don’t really like ham do ham for Christmas I don’t know if American F or Florida thing maybe okay but now you said Florida I got to ask how how common are Florida men are Florida men like really common are they are they are

Thing is the myth true I need to know I need to know look at this we’re getting there can’t leave your house without talking to one oh no I always find it like you have European mine I mean we we have Road men in the UK like that

That’s kind of aing but they’re not Florida men they’re there’s something entirely different exactly yeah that’s what I mean like they’re entirely different but I feel like every country has their own kind of like weird sort [Applause] of individual like a unique individual every country

And I think in the UK it’s like not every like every it’s not just a one country thing I feel like it’s a it’s a very unique area thing more than anything it feels more like an area thing I don’t know countries are weird you know why why can’t we just revert to

Pangia why can’t we just go back to Pangia you if had time a game store I they come in around Christmas pick up the games with the kids inations I’ve had some like I mean I’ve had some really interesting conversations go back to monkey monkey would just be fun

Monkey monkey would be fun I’m sorry but you would have video games cuz we wouldn’t be smart enough we’d figure out how to make fire and then get so excited about it and do nothing for like 5,000 years banana I don’t know I don’t know I just am Testing life do be interesting life could be a dream but if you close your eyes I need to shut up I I need to shut up I do that too often thank you for the like Captain I appreciate it all right I’m almost out of dirt

Again all righty yeah I’m almost out I’m on my last de Again we’re getting there we’re getting There look at this Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Hello look you wouldn’t believe this whole island was like okay maybe you would believe the whole island was like Stone like 10 minutes ago but at the same time you wouldn’t believe the whole island was Stone 10 minutes ago so I’m thinking for when we build it I’m

Thinking like the tree kind of in this area cuz I might actually flatten this bit out I might get rid of this because this area could be quiet nice response cuz I F like this area is kind of like nice and flat and I feel like that would work quite well for

The tree and stuff and then the other areas makes it look a bit more natural so it’s not too uh to un natural I think it’s good the one block oh actually talking about the one block have you seen that one pieces get in Remake like what what do people think about That blue screen of death oh no you’re Hy However I’m not questioning like how they would go about it because this is the thing right it depends obviously where they go from if they do it pre- time skip or post- time skip ever uh I’m assuming they’ll do it pre but are they going to

Like cut bits out because when you think about it the quote unquote filler in one piece isn’t actually filler it’s like quite important so how are they going to go about it are they going to thing and the only the only thing that’s kind of kind of uh nerve-wracking is the fact

That it’s by Netflix I get like though it’s it’s by Netflix so I’m a bit like M can you can you not spam that please thank You let me get some tortures Oh that’s Twoo oh hello is have you brought me more de more de have no are you not the person who who said they going to get more dirt was it you I was you okay oh my DT I just stole like half your dirt it’s my dirt now hello Leo sorry

The chat is like really slow to load it it just take like a little bit to load YouTube chat like takes like it refreshes like every 3 4 minutes so it’s it’s quite slow wit Studio oh is it wit okay wait wit or mappa wait because I need to know is it

Wit or mappa cuz if it’s mappa I feel so sorry for oh I missed I I feel so sorry wa okay which should be fine then we should be fine cuz we aren’t like um [Applause] what you call it need sleep yeah sleep could work

Um wh has made like some of my favorite kind of shows and adaptations it’s just that Whit went more on their creative Endeavors so it should be fine I I have faith I was just like a bit more worried if it was mappa I was like M okay their staff is so overworked

I feel so bad we should be fine though and I I would okay if it was mappa I would have been like are you kidding me why can’t you finish the Yuri on Ice movie I feel like it’s been 10 years my first stop taking on new projects and

Finish it I feel like it’s cancelled though honestly and I’m so sad I just want I just want to see my eyes I miss it oh it’s going down here yeah and do you want to know the thing right I’ve still not seen like the

The the last part like I I I read it all so I obviously I know what happens but like I’ve not seen the anime version of it yet so I’m a bit like I need to I need to watch it eventually oh yeah I’m not surprised it’s not great because

That’s why I mean like I think mppa took over at the right point but I just just miss with doing it I don’t know there was is there something about I don’t know but yeah the urine I moving I feel like it’s cancelled I know they put out a thing in 2020 but

Yeah yeah the CGI like in some some bits it was a bit like ooh but yeah I think the only thing I miss is um I know obviously Whit hi BL I know wi did really weird CGI Colossal Titan at one point but I miss like the handdrawn

Titans like from whip because W actually took the time to do that obviously mappa can’t because you think all the pressure Mapp is under and how hit me from any project so I understand but that’s what I miss mostly about wit is wit was such a small team they didn’t have as many

Projects so they had the time to do that uh I feel like that’s what I miss the most but I’m good how are you we’re uh we’re building Christmas Island which we need we actually need okay wait wait wait do you know this section down here like down there with

The chests and stuff we need to build like a little dock uh you can get your boat to I feel like that’ be really cute like a Christmas little dock like docky boat there look how you go he I’m assuming that’s Iris I’m assuming that’s Iris cuz iris is like always invisible That’s a s look at the [Applause] S it’s you we we’re going to get this done like quite easily that was me worried like oh oh this is going to take so long cuz I need to build the tree and then I was like no let’s just make an island but we got

This I mean Teamwork Makes the Dream work and it’s it’s kind of nice yeah I of met movie for ages so I mean there’s so much stuff like I’m waiting for but I know I’ll never get but that that’s why I mean there’s just like you got to

Think how many mangas how much enemies like every year like of course projects are going to get canceled and it sucks it absolutely sucks but like I don’t even want to I don’t even want to talk about like some of thing like one of my favorite animes

Obviously I talk about it a lot Is Vinland Saga started off with wit now it’s part of mappa and it’s still really really good but you know I don’t know wi is still like one of my favorite Studios I don’t know why I think do some good stuff hello how

Are you dillian welcome welcome welcome I don’t know why I why my RAID sound changed to that I used to have a different raid sound but it changed uh I don’t know why it changed but hi I hope you’re doing well and I hope you’re streaming well you also doing Minecraft how are

Yeah what were you up to in Minecraft we’re getting there we’re getting there [Applause] hello oh I’m placing dir so badly right how we looking hey it’s it’s turning out quite grassy we still do have to do like a lot of the sides though so probably should do that oh made dirt [Applause]

I’ve never had like so much concentration placing dirt before I don’t know how to go about It oh how to keep be concentrated build an island yeah thank you the pet though yeah just just just give me just give me a project a project give me a project uh to build an island for kmas and give me dirt it’s just these sides of the

Islands this is this is the worst B yeah thank you all the dirt is appreciated oh hello hello s hello you just like swam up like d King mhm you know it I’m going for it but yeah for those who are like why are you streaming early uh cuz

Monday is Sarah stream uh we’re starting a new new new series on Sarah’s today and then I was like freak I need to get this done so uh early stream we’re playing I can tell you I I think we’re playing grounded I I I think we said we’re playing

Grounded uh so that’s going to be nice the follow hello is how you doing welcome yeah I I think we’re started grounded because uh we we technically finished terrari we technically finished it uh accidentally well I mean not accidentally but accidentally stream hi Dragon hi luy yeah so that’s probably going to be

On s’s stream so yeah for those who don’t know like literally like Sarah streams Monday Tuesday and then probably Wednesday and then I stream Thursday Friday Saturday so like I’m like more or less always on his stream and he’s always like more or less online unless when he’s working so if

You want more content that’s the place to [Applause] be we did we did Kill the moon Lord like eight times thank you for the the free the free what streak I appreciate it dirt yeah we need a lot of dirt building an island is uh hello

Blocky is no uh no easy no easy uh thing it’s no easy uh job building a thing death knight what’s death knight go pumpkins pumpkins could be cool um it’s cuz well I’m going to let people like help design the island like put Christmas tree stuff around so the

So the main plan is um we’re going to build Uh what you call it so the main plan is giant Christmas tree and then I will build like a system where we can put names and stuff into it and draw names but um we’re also going TOA like have different candy canes and stuff around that could be kind of cool

Is a night of death damn how dare I not know that be right right so that’s kind of the that’s kind of the gist the kind of the plan uh regarding that so we’re going as quick oh I feel like be we’re going as quick as poss human human humanly

Possible Sky temple in the island wait sky island with a temple uh possibly on a different like area in the server this is our uh spoon where basically it spawned building this but would you put like um if you did a sky Temple what would you put on

It like a like a temple or like Castle cuz my my always go to is when I build something in the sky I’m like Castle sky castle cuz I’m always just like um I I just like gibly and I’m like Castle in the Sky you have like four project pln so

The Museum’s one of them what other projects you got planned that might be one of them ooh tiny part uh you can either just destroy it or build over it this part of the island is probably not going to be as used compared to the other parts so Castle would be

Underground oh I never found those photos for you guys of the Dwarven City it was so cool like I can’t even like find the photos the only project you has the Fishbowl that’s fair the the projects I have are really whatever you guys want to do

Cuz why is that like a super fast Phantom what the heck um um cuz technically like it’s a community server so if there’s anything you guys want to do like redo it and that’s why um this is one of them cuz I was like let’s do a secret Santa and then I’m

Like frak now we need a tree freak you want Christmas Island we do Christmas Island Castle an artificially made Island hell yeah I know majority of this has just been dirt placing but like at the same time we’re getting there just imagine if it was still only me and yks doing this

Like how slow we would be do we need snow I think we’ve got some but yes we do need some more we need a lot of snow really threat in my imagination you’re going to make a giant spaghetti monster the server is turning into Dubai Good luck good luck dragon oh wow look it’s a spooky cave I wonder what’s in the spooky cave okay but now you’re interested I I don’t know I’m not like oh Mega overly creative we have a petrol Ste R by fossil fuels oh my God don’t bring up fossil fuels no

No no no no no no no fossil [Applause] Fuels I actually don’t know what I’m going to make for dinner tonight I might make chicken strips or chicken or chick some sort of chicken because that’s like all I eat thank you for the hydrate bik hi how you doing No the is not around my fle FS why do I say it like that this is not a fuzil Fu St no yeah literally all I do is live with chicken so like no surprise do we good I’m glad to hear it oh my God this is not a fuz fuel economy [Applause]

Guys capitalism machine no okay but you you guys aren’t going to let me live it down if I don’t add like a fossil fuel mod when we do the moded server right you guys you guys aren’t going to let me live that down are you

If I don’t add like something to do with fossil fuels no [Applause] uh eventually eventually into next year at some point it’s not for a long long time yet I don’t know anything really about mods um I’ve not play this is this is going to sound really old I have not

Played mods since hexit was like the main mod at the time long long damn it [Applause] Yeah that’s that’s how long ago I played moded oh we need some de that uh yeah that’s a long long it is you should see like it on the ground [Laughter] why did you look like an actual airplane there what the freak you just look like an actual plane there that threw me

Off Minecraft but IND dualization that could be kind of cool yeah oh my God I lost where I was going going that was that was funny that threw me off you’re an agile play use the elytra r too much that’s fair I am oh boy that that took me off by God

It was just like how silent I was running there and just trying to make it like not so thank you I’m trying to make it look so it’s not so like flat if that makes sense I mean people aren’t really going to care about what the underneath looks like but still I

Care it needs to look somewhat natural God that was so stupid Stupid like the odd few bits like the odd few like bits of like Cobble and stuff like that’s normal um yeah yeah so like you know like here where there’s like little bits of stone sticking in the island like that’s natural so like that’s fine to leave

It oh my God the Army has started the Army has started it is Here oh my God look at this one it is oh no they’re being removed what do we do about the Hole uh we could just cover it up but um I just touched it like the underneath of the island is completely Hollow like the entire underneath the island is

Hollow like we haven’t even like filled up it you dig down there and you just find giant caves guys it’s Christmas can you believe it only a week away Christmas only a week away can you believe it Christmas only a week Away Castle on ground sounds cool I don’t know how like you would do it though I feel like you’d have to if you were to build like the actual castle structure you’d have to like dig out so much so like I say we built a underground toolen city and we had like

Mushrooms and everything like people lived in mushrooms and it was really cool but we never finished it we had like War chamber rooms and everything it was really really cool and I really missed it I really wish I like got to keep the file for the server but I never Did it was a sad time oh hello hello look let guy no because we’re covering up because we’re using the island but yeah uh I kind of want like to say I want to do a modded Minecraft server eventually but I kind of like have a long long list of stuff I’m

Doing next year that I want to do beforehand yeah yeah I feel like I know obviously we’re wild off it but if like for example oh I could open it as a celebration if I ever hit twitch P or something like that but like it’ll probably happen way before like the

Server will probably happen way before that but you know what I mean just like I feel like it needs to be as a sort of high n uh it needs to be as some sort of like oh celebration for this because I know that’s kind of what this server was

I promised it in March and it happened in November twit partner you need to average 75 viewership every single stream but realistically it’s more like you need an average of 100 because if you apply yeah if you apply below like when you start hitting the 75s you’re

Likely to not hit it you need an average of probably like 100 before you even apply 75 is a lot yeah like right now my average is like 26 which is really that’s pretty good I’m literally in the top uh 1.08 like this is I just need to put it in the thing

I’m I’m in the top uh 1.08% of twitch right now with like what viewers we have so like you think that’s really high like in terms of like percentage on Twitch but yeah so so getting like the 75 is a lot you know what I

Mean but I’m pretty sure we could do it one day but like I say it’s not like um for me it’s not like a make or make or D make or D A make or break deal kind of thing because you know I’ve been streaming nearly six years now and

Uh that’s uh I think that shows like the just the premise of streaming itself is more important to me because if if if I was in it more so for like oh hey I I want to be be famous and if I haven’t hit that by now do you think I would

Still be doing it 6 years later no I don’t think I would I don’t think I’d be doing it 6 years later personally it’s not going to be the ending me oh hello cave yeah all the dirt you want to donate please feel free to because I

Know dirt is not the uh the most useful block for People today you get 5K Subs finally H yeah you glad you are oh thanks blue that’s that’s sweet of you I just like I say I have a lot of fun just doing what I do um and just having fun and that that’s what’s most important to me because you know I don’t

Know great explanation head out of 10 explanation for me you know cuz I don’t know thoughts are hard thoughts are hard feelings are hard you know I don’t process I just do you [Applause] know team two is getting more by Phantoms no is anyone able to sleep then to St that no thank you jag that means a lot you know it really it really does mean a lot because you know when you’ve been doing this for so long and

Like you kind of like meet this community like people coming back and stuff and like some of you guys have been here absolute years and like I know it just kind of like there’s that kind of like nice sort of feeling to it because it’s like it is a

Little Community it is like hey you know me I know you it just feels a lot more personal I think that’s one of the only things I would kind of you know if if for example I just one day blew up I had a million Subs right on

Like YouTube I think the one thing I’d miss is the aspect of like knowing you guys a bit more personally because that that’s one of the things a lot of big creators don’t have the luxury of do it you know it’s confy yeah but then I’m also a

Gramlin so like you have to doal with that but that I feel like that’s the one thing I would miss the most because you don’t get that level of one to one isness and like right now I literally can sit and quite casually read all your messages and this that the other you

Know whereas I feel for those like who don’t get that because it’s such a nice feeling to just you know talk to you guys what sign this a sign oh look at that look how cute oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait

Wait that’s cute that’s cute let me see Christmas oh my God guys this is so cute to Island Christmas Island it’s all the islands this is so cute what’s this wait what’s this that’s dirt wait oops wait what’s this oh that okay I’m going to leave

That there sec I’ll take you know I’ll take it with me um so in terms of the tree if any of you guys want to start building it please feel free to do so but I imagine the tree kind of like here is where I’m stood like I’m going to put

A dirt block like somewhere here um I I I would imagine it by like a 4×4 base but it could go a bit bigger it just really depends the scale we want to make the tree cuz I wanted to look like a do you know like how an actual like spruce

Tree looks and then we can put like different like you know glass blocks like different colored glass blocks as like bubles I thought that was really cute um I could post I could post an example of what I mean in um the Minecraft Channel Christmas tree cuz there’s

Probably an example I think that aha oh yeah there there’s quite a few examples like something like this but I was thinking more I’ll put it in the Minecraft Channel like glass um because then I want to like like I say when we assign the stuff I

Want people to actually be able to like put presents around the the tree I feel like it would be really cute just yeah animation is good thank you but yeah that that’s kind of what I was thinking cuz then we can have like it can be seen for all year round and

It’s just kind of like thing but yeah somewhere here cuz then the rest of the island we can just do like candy canes and trees and fun just like anywhere really herish I put some around like anywhere here that that is my Christmas tree do you like it that that is my my

Vision that is the that is so creepy he was just peeking at me he was creepily Beacon and I’ll help finish off the uh the tower begins oh God it’s the Christmas tree Tower it’s the tree Tower no see the to the towers are always winning on This

Server got ‘s Tower then you got Craig’s Tower then you got tring’s Tower then you got the museum Tower there’s always a tower you cannot get down uh-oh are you stuck the pizza Tower oh my God don’t don’t mention Pizza Tower to Sarah because he will

Then go okay we are now building Pizza Towers somehow instead of Five Nights at Freddy’s she’ll get pizza Tower and I don’t know how but he’ll figure out a way to do it but yeah I feel like Christmas tree has to be it has to be spuce it just has

To be so never said something tell him uh-huh he he is a piece of tower androy to the point like once we were on the bus we were on the bus going somewhere and uh he put on he was like I didn’t have my earphones and he was like do you

Want to listen to some music I was like sure he hands me his earphone and it’s just pizza Tower OST and I’m like really I was like really so then we had like an hour bus journey and it was just pizza Tower OST blaring in my ear and I

Was like thanks Sarah thank you hi Panda very mind I’ve never played Pizza Tower uh but the SD is pretty good Yeah but I got off that bus and then I was feeling like really like what I feel like I’m not even like part of this world anymore it’s a very from what I know it’s a very fast [Applause] game oh well I don’t think my brain would be able to deal with it

It’s not something I could do maybe it’s Maybelline my brain is one of these that’s just like he funny blocko bur I like Minecraft I’m just like I like Minecraft I like mining diamonds like I don’t know I’ve been in this minecrafty mood for a while now to

The point I started watching like old Minecraft content because my brain was like hm I miss Minecraft what did I used to watch years ago and I’ve like started going back looking at St like parod this that the other and I’m like oh my God it was so

Cringe it was so cringe but it was was so real and the amount of Minecraft parodies I just know the songs too it’s embarrassing FR but Beast yeah true so I mean like the amount of Minecraft parties I literally was just sat there going like do I know the

Lyrics to him could sing them off by heart flawlessly and I was like oops this this is bad this is bad this is this is bad this this shows I am Cringe so good so glad your place is so close yeah it’s quite convenient isn’t [Applause] it I don’t have the uh the resources to uh okay Vanos oh my God that’s not a that’s a name I’ve not heard in like absolutely years God that me that just took me back I

Feel like I’m like 50 years older now like just hearing that name so mean I don’t watch like content really I just kind of exist now it’s kind of sad but I I just kind of exist now guys um so yeah watching like old content from years ago is just like real Mumbo

I’ve never heard of Mumbo never heard of him one of the bigger names uh I’ve never heard of them so I don’t know it depends when you’re talking about like are they big where we are they big like 10 years ago kind of big or now big because if it’s now big then

I’ definitely think hermitcraft nope nope no idea never heard of it yeah so I mean I haven’t watched like Minecraft content since like 2014 I was the era of like the Minecraft parodies and like like really old Minecraft stuff still continuing yeah I I kind watched Minecraft content from like 2012

To like 2015 and stopped like that was like when I did it yeah I’ve never heard of it obviously I’ve heard of like the dream SMP because that Lally just for some reason that takes over my timeline on Twitter and I really don’t care about it never watched

It in my life do not care mhm I’ve never like seen it or whatever but it just yeah that uh that is the only SMP I know of nowadays is this like a separate island is this a separate island or am I connecting it did I wish techn play

No I can say I didn’t watch Minecraft content after 2016 separated okay I I have not watched Minecraft content after 2016 really so no I feel like like Minecraft content nowadays personally is like a lot more because of how like YouTube changed their TOs and everything it’s it’s a lot more guided towards

Uh children which is fair enough um I mean I say that as I’m playing Minecraft but like yeah I feel like Minecraft content nowadays on like YouTube is more for children personally which is fair enough Stampy oh my God take me back now that’s the age I’m talking that’s that’s the age of

Minecraft I’m talk no go away why are you no he’s going to kill a snowman stop it No did you just see That did you just see that poor snowman go flying That poor snowman yeah I know st’s ended recently well it’s also like I I saw the other day like Captain Sparkles is like stopping Minecraft content which is wild like DB we live in a we live in a what they go for me I’m out of ARS now hello hi ah we had a we had a gol and be murdered mcraft is your baby literally yeah but you can do a lot more like oh

Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shoot you I’m so sorry uh you could do a lot more um what you call it like actual like Redstone stuff for me cuz I all the red stone stuff I know doesn’t work anymore because they changed it all the other

Other red stone stuff I know in Minecraft like changed because of like the 1.8 update thing oh thank you for pastor check hi Dave how you doing yeah well no I’ve tried uh you got to think so basically I played Minecraft from whenever it came out uh to basically 20

2018 and then stopped and then I’ve only really got back into it this year so like that’s like four five four five years that I stopped playing for and my brain like I never really was like into Redstone like really into it yes thank you y I was never into Minecraft

And like not Minecraft into Redstone like oh yeah there’s the L I’d make like silly little things like automated chest or like TNT cannon um that that’s just like what what I would do but Like TNT yeah TNT cannon um and and then I do like buildings and like a survival or like hardcore like hardcore was definitely my my calling automated chest s machine I don’t know what it’s called nowadays it used to be just called an automated chest like I

Don’t know it it’s the same thing it doesn’t really matter what it’s called um but yeah you stuck again oh relog you should be fine thinking of something else yeah I don’t know it used to yeah you used to just be able to like Sal your chest and

Stuff probably get some like maybe maybe we should get some stairs here cuz I’m struggling to climb blocks I still climb with blocks what stairs we used uh were they Spruce yeah Spruce put some dirt in here I think we finished the island now someone’s sh chest I feel there

Blockies who’s showing tridance uh probably zombies oh that’s that’s ominous when you enter the island but yeah this is basically stuff we can use um we need some stairs I don’t really know how to do the stairs here cuz it’s this bit here I’m like it’s just a bit too much I’m not

Already go stairs I love building like do you know my my shop like that do you see those kind of roofs like that I love building that that’s my kind of go-to Ah that’s good that’s a good thing if anyone wants the stairs there oh my nose is stuffy my nose is

Stuffy oh look at look A Blocky Go look at this this is so cute all right does anyone actually want to do slabs oh yeah slabs might be better stairs or slabs might be better yeah yeah secet is on it C’s on it look at her girl she’s on it she she knew she knew the task

Beforehand um does anyone want to go to the Mesa with me or like go get like a desert I know I know there’s a desert by the Mesa because um hold my nose is my f cuz we need sand for the ball balls like glass and stuff then we need like um Mesa

Stuff so we can make like presents and candy canes and stuff like that another thing spawn okay let’s go spawn I will just trigger spawn a chest for oh we’re going to need a lot more than a chest for but if you want to that is more than welcome cuz

Everybody is kind of helping with this oh someone just broke their legs okay I’m just going to run oh oh oh I’m allowed in there oh yeah I just realized I forgot boats of two players I my brain forgets boats of two Players it’s almost num nom time what time is that oh my God yeah it’s almost 400 p.m. oh my God that time has gone like so fast all right ace I appreciate it yeah I normally eat dinner at like 5:00 p.m. because my my body clock is just l i I naturally

Um oh hello I I naturally like I’ve I’ve naturally always like intermitted fast in my entire life and I’ve never actually like meant to this might be the desert I’m thinking of with the Mesa there there there is I know there is a desert with a Mesa I don’t actually have a shovel

I don’t have a shuffle I forgot my Shuffle I’ll go to the Mesa I’ll go to the Mesa you guys uh you guys the sand yeah if you want to do the sand I’ll go to the maze cuz I don’t have sand pickaxe um sand pickaxe what is no um I don’t have

Shovel no shovel hiana yeah I I forgot my my mending shovel broke because it didn’t work highway highway for yay I’m coming my little slow legs uh my little slow legs are are working candy cane concrete wow yeah so I want to do I’ve been squid guys I’ve been squid

Help me um I kind of want to do so different candy canes around like presents could be cute what other kind of Christmas stuff do you have like I’m trying to think what other stuff do you Have no cracker yeah could work yeah garlands see this is the thing my do you know how this is called um terra cotta my brain still caus this concrete thank you for the h the sh my my brain still calls this sh uh no my brain does not call this shovel my brain

Still calls this concrete cuz like I was my brain is like hey this is this is it before the Minecraft Chang this is concrete right guys or whatever it was called it wasn’t terot was it I’m pretty sure it was concrete yeah but concrete is now like that powdery stuff right

They changed it to that I swear clay that’s the one yeah yeah Clay sorry I’m getting all confused yeah yeah it was Clay yeah yeah Clay I I know what I meant my you need to say meet her a retirement home Grand Grandma’s grandma’s going for the Motions grandma’s going for the Motions

Guys yeah concrete is Grand yeah this is the I’m meant to call it clay I’m losing it help me I have no bra cells Grand Grandma needs to go to retirement home I’ve gone cuz it used to be able to I swear that was a reference was it was it

I I just was speaking um I was going to say I swear you used to C me if wrong couldn’t you get like pink and stuff that’s red I want the red goodbye I’m leaving you guys I’m going for the red the to to Goat thing what what goat

Thing hi I’m cute no I’m not how you doing look in chat wait what do you mean the wait is that a tradition where you’re from like you burn down a Goat cuz I’ve never heard of that I’ve never heard of a burning down a goat before he’s putting it oh oh oh I know what I get you I I know what you’re on about oh my brain was so yep okay I’m I’m with you I’m with

You I’m with you I’m with you it just took talk to me a minute you know Grand Grandma’s brain is slow guys yeah yeah yeah I know what you’re on about now I just you know bra just s want to work a little bit that it’s I’m on overtime I’m on

Overtime I’m on overtime how much we got I mean we can always come back but I just want to make sure we’ve got I’m just having a look at different colors can you can you dye the like the normal terra cotta you can right also it

Might be useful to get some of this kind of like dirt for the you don’t think yeah okay I thought so because I know you’re like you’re able to get like pink Terra Cotter and stuff like that thank you so I know I know you could D it but

I’m thinking like getting the coer here um might be cool for like the actual around the tree area because it’s not going to all be snow when we do the the tingy that’s not Co step is it C step yeah hey look I know my Minecraft blocks somewhat somewhat no my Minecraft

Blocks I’m trying I’m trying okay okay what other colors we got I think I think this is like all the colors we get I think don’t want that I think I think we got enough we can we can head back if you guys want to continue getting sand and stuff that is

Entirely fine I want to head back so we can see the progress of how it’s looking I I probably should take a boat from the actual dock but see if we can see it oh I’m good there it is that’s Christmas Island looking that’s a Christmas tree some people like just would never

Use the boats and then you have me that’s like I’m just going to swim I’m I’m just going to swim guys don’t don’t worry about oh oh oh there’s the tree you going about go later that would be great so I mean I kind of want like you

Guys to like feel like you can do anything on the island in sense of like the Christmas thing because we’re going to Showcase it probably Wednesday Wednesday is going to be like the actual secret Center event and like my last stream technically before Christmas so it’s going to be a nice

Little thing un plus Wednesday is a big day I will explain later fire fire damage is off fire spreads off so look at the tree it’s coming along hello I have arrived I am the boat Bonk don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it you’ll find a way

Menacing I can’t climb the stairs you have a up high noodle you’re fine we are we’re building Chas tree we’re getting a so I have br that’s that’s a dirt chest oh wa I’m going to go put this up uh I’m just using the chest down here for Everything but we’re getting there we have so far turned the whole island to dirt and now now Chad is working I’m stretching Chad is working on a tree Oh here they come again oh oh no I’m going to die I’m so going to die I need to go home and sleep I’m going to I’m going to go home and sleep uh just to try fix it cuz they keep coming for me so I’m the issue so let me

Let me run home and sleep that’s that’s the only issue with Phantoms like okay if we’re talking what’s the one thing you wish they didn’t add to Minecraft mine has to be Phantoms mine has to be Phantoms like absolute terrible Edition I know I know they added it so that like you

Actually sleep instead of just like staying alive all day mining or whatever but it’s such a bad I it’s such a bad bad I like thing it’s terrible baby zombie so you you’d rather a baby zombie be removed over Phantom that’s interesting can I ask Why sleeper demon oh yeah you don’t find Phantoms an issue well just sleep but this is the thing right this this is this is the thing why it’s so bad for me right so as you guys know I was I was a UHC player right imagine me playing UHC right can’t stay

Like can’t sleep this that the other because people are coming to kill me right what if all of a sudden you’re playing a game of you say bam Phantoms Phantoms come down and kill you like because you haven’t slept it’s just such like if I was if Phantoms existed

When I did do HC I would probably have never played it because it’s such a terrible concept like I just want to do what I’m doing in Minecraft and not be like bothered it’s such I hate I hate Phantom so Much oh yeah no I still need to just get home anyway there you go that’s all I need to do I just I need to go home anyway I just yeah but this’s the thing I just hate it yeah like a lles I I just I just really really really hate um

Phantoms I I just I really hate Phantoms you know they are like the worst thing to me that and possibly I would even say the warden I’d say possibly the thing I hate them over most than Phantoms would be SK skeletons I don’t I don’t like 1.8 skeletons like

They have Aimbot and it’s like are you kidding me hi tummy how say the blackout oop welcome back but yeah I I don’t like the skeletons either they’re just they’re they’re so annoying and I’m like I mean it made me cry it makes me cry like why do they

Have to aim B me bro like please no I hate it oh yeah for those who didn’t see uh when we last streamed this is what I did to my house so this is my enchantment room it’s very d l lit because I’ve still not technically finished it and

Then we started on my smithing room which is just glass furnaces normal furnaces and then The Descent to Hell which I need to finish at some point uh but I really like the shape of this room so yeah that that’s what we did uh and then that’s going to be another Pool I

Might just even do it that but I want to do a another room um in terms of uh house and stuff that is what we’ve done and then for what we’ve been doing so far in stream today is we’ve been making Christmas Island I’m going to get boat this time

Got the concrete done nice I’m on my way oh what’s this building is this going to be an end shop you build an end shop there That’s yours how are yeah hello hello I’m I’m on I’m on my way I’m going back oh wait I forgot there’s a land bridge there I’ve got to go the long way we could probably build like a culo Bridge Crosser oh they’re after you okay I was like for God they’re not after Me need more leaves ah okay go Go destroy the spruce Forest this is Christmas Island I’m I can’t drive boats I suck at it it’s it’s currently being over room with Phantoms oh my God welcome to Christmas Island which is are really cute we’re getting There look at it there there’s the tree any resources um it really just depends what like people want to build with like we need um what would we need so we need something for lanterns I suppose for lights and stuff so we need lanterns um has but that’s fair

Um I don’t know what people are doing I don’t know if anyone had to plan for that Island we could build like oh my God guys I got a really cute idea okay this might be this might be a bit extra purely because like I don’t know

Uh how long the tree and everything’s going to take but I thought what if do you know the underground cave what if we turn that into Santa’s Grotto but I feel like that might be a bit too much to do I feel like that’s I feel like that’s a little bit too

Much you know but it would be really cute no I don’t I don’t I’m just I was saying if we had more time and I was actually like a functioning human being who like figured this stuff out like beforehand um that would have been such a cute idea but literally like

I kind of didn’t do that I kind of didn’t think about that I know I know I know but you just think if people didn’t like come and help how how much we wouldn’t have done already I feel like we need more snow golems are they dead did they all

Die mhm we still were but yeah did the Golems will die oh no there’s like one here one two three I see three I only see three I see one yeah one two three yeah there’s only three left so we need more more Golems are required Frosty the Snowman died we have

Any we have normal snow no okay let’s let’s let’s build an abomination of snowman snowman cuz I thing how to make a lantern uh iron nuggets and what’s the plan for Christmas Island so we’re building Christmas tree and then we’re going to have like uh because

We’re doing the secret Senter uh I want people to like put chests under the tree for like their person and just say like just the name don’t say who it’s from uh but yeah anybody else is like welcome to build what they want but what’s your idea

Tamy cuz we’ve got to technically we’re doing the event Wednesday but like Tuesday which is tomorrow unless I stream like this in the afternoon again uh I’m not going to have time before it so yeah CH box of presents oh yeah that could be cute who’s been bad who’s getting cold

Who who’s going to get coal from the secret Senter so yeah like on the like on it we could like have a sign saying to the person but don’t say who it’s from because obviously secret Center cute give work like where the yeah that’s what I was kind of saying I was

Like we’ve kind of got like a cave underneath the um there’s a cave underneath the the island itself which is completely Hollow um I was like oh what if we make like Santa’s grot which is essentially that but if you want to do that feel free too the whole like

Underneath the island is more or less i m entirely caved out um in certain areas we just kind of like go over the top of it to avoid like having to fill it all in so that’s always an option people are welcome to do so I mean like I don’t

Want to restrict people because like do what you want to do like feel free it’s uh it’s very everybody so yeah I just kind of wanted to at least have the Christmas tree and then I think it was Sig that was like why don’t we build Christmas Island I was like huh

Who’s getting cold me I’m getting coal like I I deserve coal I I’ve been naughty this year I’ve been so nauy Ace if only the hacker was still around we’d just give them coal hello yks are you here to join me in making an army of Golems hell yeah that’s a thing like

Thing shers oh my God if if Christmas Island was taken over by Gregory this would be an issue try fight back okay I need to reog can I pick him up please oh I can’t pick him up cuz my inventory is full he I forgot about that I forgot inventories get full Oopsie look can have a lot of snowman I have a feeling we might have enough takes me ages cuz I’m very slow at clicking we’re going to have so many snowmen yay I needle Frosty the Snowman is going to take off at Christmas Island all right all right back to spa and I

Go I people going to come on and be like what the freak is this island like come up to oh that looks oh that looks so cute guys oh that’s looking really good that looks so cute Snow Golem turret oh my God that would just kill

Them oh my God look at Christmas Island yeah cuz we need like snow all around here do you know what would be really cute and I don’t know if this is possible but like like for example like you build like clouds like glass clouds above it and you use like spider webs as

Like like snow decorations coming down that could be really cute there’s goats oh my God wait have goats spawned or are you just saying that’s goats in general because the goats will kill us goats are mean connection is very bad Rip you’re getting goat horns okay I’m going to BU snowman to take over the island I left my boat Here uh do we have any pumpkins left we have one pumpkin does anyone have pumpkins so I can build uh Snow Golems pumpkins may I have the pumpkin look at the Friend got to go get them yeah that’s fine I’m just going to start building an army of them like around the island so you’ll just see where to place Them cuz I have a lot cuz lot needs to be done oh my God the zombies cuz there’s a lot of areas that need to be snowed yeah I don’t have sheares though I don’t have any shares uh on me that’s why that that’s the Issue cuz I’m silly and I didn’t make any oh they oh look at these Golems oh there’s like four there’s like actually four that’s fair enough it’s been a while since I I actually properly played it since I haven’t got very far with the pumpkin like like placing the uh

Snowman pretty go one hell yeah let’s go yeah but you need to share their heads which is just cruel to me I find it really Cru um you got the cutest idea oh do tell this island is going to be infested with ghost ghost go go go go GH snms go

Go go what go Golems Snow Golems I’m so thing cheers uh thank you I don’t have an idea where the pumpkin’s gone though oh well i’ I don’t need that many shars but thank you I need to first of all like place where I want them to be secret

Like a crimon look at this go let me steal this back they look so goofy but it’s going to be worth it cereal and a fork why do you have a fork for your cereal we must build an army we need more snow is there a mountain uh no this is

The island like just off of Spawn the closest mountain is Wario spoons are in the dish why you using a for just use your wait do you have milk with your cereal this is like the important question do you have milk with you cereal because if so then my idea wouldn’t have

Worked a grinch Slayer oh my God like in the there’s a top there is a top of uh Mount Warrior where the hack used to live you could probably Build It Up in the top of like that like do you know how the Grinch has it in the top of that

The the tower at the tower that thing you could probably do it There yeah that could work just eat the cereal I use okay okay before I think I say this I um oh apparently my what apparently have a delivery outside probably w’t for the lap box I was going to say e with your hands because I don’t have milk with my cereal

So yeah wool or like glass uh I was saying like glass um oh sorry blocky I’m here I’m just kind of like going around placing pumpkins and different there’s a bunch of them I’ve played placed around that I’m going around to one at a time um there’s Tons so we just need an overpopulation of snowman just just to like make this island snowy but yeah I don’t I don’t have milk with my cereal so like I use my hands sometimes and just eat it more like a snack see snack snack you have your hands is your first

For as well yeah exactly but like I don’t have milk because I don’t really like milk so mine’s a little bit more of an excuse that I can actually use um my hands there’s so many snowmen this is so Cute imagine eating cereal your hands but it’s milky o like this I don’t know what it is the Snowman want to climb the hill a lot and it’s the sides that need to be snowed up like please Mr Golems please snow down the mountain like all down Hills needs to be

Snowy please snow this Area they just congregating at the top look at no no we’re going to be using this we’re going to be using a bord in game uh for this one just because it’s easier no we’ll be doing we’ll be doing this one in game uh instead of a website cuz

I don’t want to email everybody that that’s like thing it’s a bit different yeah yeah it’s in fighting game also if the snow golems are taking too much of the path feel free to destroy the snow I’m just trying to make more Golems so they make the side

Snowy cuz the sides aren’t getting snowed like Golems Please that’s a horrible Noise you can use the lead to the Snowman to Dragon a bunch oh yeah I forgot about that I don’t have any I don’t have any slime balls to make leads though do you know what yeah red green and gold uh sorry red green gold silver

Silver’s always like uh like a white is always a good uh choice for Christmas I don’t do you know how like a lot of people have started using blue for Christmas I don’t think blue is a christmy color like a dark blue maybe but like I don’t know how blue is Christmas personally

Like look it’s it’s so snowy it’s so pretty we probably H we probably don’t want it too snowy at the top um Go that’s so weird looking um but it being at the bottom like the sides is quite important because it’s just like they don’t look very snowy it’s not very snowy that’s why I was trying to make more so I could do the sides but like the Golems don’t like being down here

They just want to be at the top and party with everybody and it’s like Golems please yeah yeah the blue outline makes sense but like at the same time I’m like it’s not very clacy compared to like Reds and stuff that tree is looking so good guys

You’re doing really good I sorry I’m just kind of like um placing Snow Golems right now but does anyone have like a lead so I can just like lead Snow Golems everywhere because they need to get the side snow up oh my God that’s just that’s scary that’s

Scary I need start one down here oh I can’t parkour I can’t parkour there Go cuz like the grass coming through is quite natural so I feel bad if I kill him but like there L parkour yeah it’s just the sides aren’t getting snowed like please please Mr Golems snow the sides these sides need to be Snowy it’s crimas Island you meant to snow the sides there we go hello oh thank you for the lead I appreciate that that’s going to be so helpful right come on we’re going on a trip he wants to go this way but I’m trying to come on I’m walking my um if

You go down to the chests by the dock there should be some I’m walking my snowman I’m walking my snowman come on come on Buddy slay yeah uh yeah on Christmas Island there’s a Dock no no I don’t want to do that no no I didn’t want to pull him into the water I was trying to go back oh okay you are the new chosen one this way I didn’t mean to murder him I didn’t want to murder him I just kind of it was a Mistake it was a mistake no I’m sorry okay they’re doing the job here now kind of this bit isn’t snowy you you are the next CH one and you this way down Here good good little Golems right now we go back up so just don’t want it to be too too over snowed right are you guys building like snowmen and IG there’s so many snowmen I think we have too many snowmen at top I think it’s over snowed at the top so I’m going

To stop putting him out that misery don’t look at me don’t look at Me this this is for the good of the island I’m sorry Don’t look at Me I don’t mean to I just don’t look at me it’s just the sides aren’t snowy it’s the top there’s too many they will congregate it upwards instead of Downwards like you Climb yeah I know but I’m I was trying to build a low so they jump upwards you know what I mean that’s why I was starting to really low down so they would kind of climb upwards but now there’s too many up here they went up a bit too

Fast at the follow how you doing there’s too many of Them there we go that’s that that’s a bit better there’s not as many Snowmen no I got a snow golem head oh I feel so Bad guys like I got the snow golem head I am so Bad oh no why am I like this why am I like this it’s just because like I say there’s too many um around the Tree your horn isn’t even Out the horns are so silly what this just the Snowman is staring at you like H okay who fought it which one of you which one was it how could I I don’t me to I’m sorry that was just too many snowman They Know What You Did don’t blame me don’t blame me don’t blame me I didn’t mean to I just I

Had to for the for for the for the the community hi drink I need to go get another drink hi Goose I need I need to go get one but I was thinking like who put the snow head on the coal um what do we want to do over this part

Of the island like after train stuff like what what are we going to do over here cuz I don’t actually know Santa’s Workshop I thought we were doing that in the the thing I guess you could yeah oh you put the head there of course you did

They forever watch me they just know like he sees you when you’re sleeping he knows and you’re awake he knows if you’ve been bad or good so don’t kill him for good sake I mean that’s in like say I know someone wants to build the goat um but

It’s entirely like up to you guys because the main thing I was like um um you are the chosen one he’s the chosen One He doesn’t even want to look at me what’s new on the server so what the heck what the heck what is Happening what the Freak why you this be in front of me why are they so Big may I don’t know why that started happening I don’t know why were they so big hold up I’m going to quickly let me look at the settings for that hold up where where is let me just P let me just where’s my FR okay let me turn it

Off and then just got coconut mold share this with all your friends to totally coconut M them like why are the emotes so big hold Up is there way I can turn like the size down like size okay that’s a bit better I think I fixed It I think I fixed it I don’t know how that was happening though cuz I know if you bit if you do bits or S hey thank you for the seven much streak I appreciate that if you if you do if you so a bit I know that throws still at you

But like ow what the heck how are you doing that what is Happening what the freak is that ow I don’t know I don’t know guys I don’t know hey okay Okay all right so what are we doing then what are we Doing that was just so weird so Str go okay how are we doing the Str go are we using wheat blocks hey Bales that’s the one not wheat blocks freaking wheat blocks what wheat blocks hey do you need do you need any Wheat then for the heos or do we

Cuz we for the tree okay so for the tree did anyone did anyone get any scand or do I need to go get the sand do do I need to go get sand okay okay don’t worry I’m going to go get the sand out of the sand

Your library your library is still there no one’s uh touch out well we need to do balls so we need we need to put balles on the tree that’s why I was thinking like do the bubbles as different colored like glass blocks that’s how I was thinking or you

Could use terra cotta but I was thinking more Terra cot for like giant presents and stuff instead of like the blocks I just do like different color glass died So yeah oh okay what are those building so there’s a lot there’s a lot so we have there’s are Ys so I can quickly take on spawn so this is spawn over here you have um my shop you have Jack shop and now it’s raining this is Razor store this way

Goes to ky’s Mountain there is um AR’s shop which never got finished it’s still work in progress um that’s the museum uh this is going to be a brew Brew brew Brewery we have the cat CF um yeah this is the museum work in progress we have an end shop there squirtle’s

House is there um I’m running so quick zoom in of course I had to rain ow thanks um we obviously have the town hall back here you’ve got this store this store’s not been finished but it’s uh going to be a book store you got iris’s house

There um you’ve got down here you’ve got Alex’s house you’ve got Panda Express over there um you got the ne hob you got s’s house there um we got the graveyard we got Freddy Fazbear which is still work in progress um there’s a lot of different stuff we have riland riland is there

Like the teleport to it um oh that’s lightning uh yeah then we have blocky store I can’t remember what block he’s selling like different sort of kits I assume um if you come down here I’m being shot what is reand I’ll show you um we have an Armory that’s being worked

On oh and then the thing we’re working on right now is Christmas Island uh for Christmas um I’ll show you Rand um it was glass blocks but if you just take it to the to the island uh people are doing stuff that we just need

To get different di as well like red and stuff like that I will take you to riland this is riland riland is a functioning F Park which is uh this is rain so essentially what you do is you come here you buy your ticket from Nito

Or Tony 2 there’s actually a law to like this place we have different law pieces we’ve wrote um then we have a giant Ray statue and a mini with potato we have different like lots of different games we have one game two game you have like you have a

Functioning locker system so like you can’t open the locker unless you have the key so once you get the key um you use the on the locker and it opens it’s really it’s a really cool system um these buttons do like little cool things how many plugins did you add this

Is all made in Creative not creative sorry this was all made using vanilla this is all vanilla uh scooter rental yeah this is all van uh vanilla you jump off platforms you’ve got a mutton game where you fish things you’ve got parkour yeah with data packs with like

Little things but yeah pretty much just vanilla yeah with just like a little few little things using data packs but not like anything major um each of the food stands has different sort of stuff um there’s a lot of different food things I think the favorite attraction is

Uh is the mini golf cuz we have like a proper functioning mini golf course which you you can spawn a ball I won’t do it because I don’t have the club and you can get it in in and uh you clear the hole but yeah it’s a

It’s a nine hole mini golf course uh this is like what a lot of people love mostly um with spliff you know what spff is spliff is the same and then we have a Mario Kart track which I I don’t have the bow but yeah it’s a proper Mario Kart track as

Well I never I didn’t see that before I didn’t see this m Squirtles fishing hole oh my God that’s really funny um but yeah um so there’s like nine games it’s just like a little mini game area which is cute and cool and it took a long time to set up the majority

Of of it was done in like 24 a 24-hour window it was insane that’s his vision rle my bad my bad but as you can see like um it’s just it’s in this like one little area here yeah there’s like uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 n yeah nine essentially attractions and event we were going to build a roller coaster like in this space uh but we literally ran out of time before we were like set to open it so we couldn’t so yeah that that is what we’ve been up to hold on Yeah and yeah uh that’s Christmas Island now which that’s looking so Christmasy guys look at that wait so you think we should do everyone’s names in a drawing one book per Quil oh I guess yeah if you want to if you want to set that up I was just going

To use like the paper system but yeah any plans for today stream well this is what we’ve been doing uh for the entire Stream So Far We’ve been building Christmas Island uh everybody that’s on right now is helping build the uh the Christmas Island for the secret

Center I’ve got a swim back cuz I have my boat over here again do I have any weat I could go home I have to go farm it let me go farm my farm I I will go farm my farm and be a good citizen but yes I will have some

Wheat I definitely will I definitely definitely will but in terms of like what I’ve built I’ve not built much compared to everybody else thank you for the look though I appreciate It for some reason my nightbot doesn’t seem to be working is nightbot down nightbot might be Down yeah I don’t have any scaffolding oh it was you then tearing who had scaffolding cuz I knew someone had scaffolding but I didn’t know who had scaffolding it was somebody though internet’s going crazy you know what I haven’t tested it but like I’ve had a few people say like the internet

Has been going really bad the like few days like Windows and and uh Wi-Fi cuz yesterday I was playing I was playing games with Sarah and all of a sudden steam kicked me from my game and I’ve not been able to open a steam game since

I ran my virus everything this that the other but then I spoke to some people and they were so had issues they can’t like open games on Steam it just crashes it like opens for a second and crashes uh I’ve reset my PC installed new drivers everything and I just can’t open

Steam games it’s really it’s really weird um so I’m giving it a few days seeing how that how that pens out it needs to be it needs to be fine for tomorrow thinking about it cuz we have the overcooked Club I actually need steam to work for

Tomorrow oh that’s actually going to be bad if it doesn’t nope I have not even got a NE portal Telly I do not have any potions people need to not ask me I literally still have not been to that like never myself and done anything no you’re fine it’s just it’s

It’s just always the case of like people come to me first and like Ray do you have this I’m always like no I’ve not done that it’s always it’s literally always the case yeah I think I think uh nightbot died nightbot definitely died just sad I will be back for my wheat very

Soon I literally only just built like a storage room for my chest like last week on stream like that’s how far behind we already killed the Ender Dragon and here I am just like guys I’m finally building a chest room yeah I have this much we I bring all my wheat trigger

SP I’m on my way because I keep leaving my Boat oh I’m lagging I thinking something’s going on with the internet that was that was so laggy Then now F the river in the middle of town yeah that definitely but oh just look how cute this island looks missing public key what does that even mean could be could be okay but are we having a giant glowstone star at the top of the tree that could be

Cute Hello I will give you all my we I have okay I have a lot of wheat 1 2 three 4 5 6 seven eight I don’t know Razer might have picked up a bunch of wheat then nightbot no nightbot nightbot died goodbye nightbot rest in peace nightbot I have been

Drowned okay so it’s going to be anybody that said it in Minecraft chat so I can I can get you a list uh I I will read it out to you uh let me just park myself here and I will read it from the thing so people who have responded so far is

Uh myself uh tearing Ys Ace Sig um that’s it that’s it so far I I assume Sarah probably um just put in like the Minecraft chat if you want to join the uh the secret s um you on the yippy monster for 5 minutes okay right I guess I guess the yippy

Monster’s coming out give me a sec then where is it I’m here now wait can I put Christmas out let me put a sound hat on me that’s so cute uh I need to turn my yippies on wrong one where’s my yipp there we go yippe I love this model it’s it’s so good I need I forgot to add the chibi as a

Redeem uh I need to add the chibi one as a Redeem what is all that on the dock I love I just love her standing hair like how pretty for good s [Applause] um I feel a button I you go I don’t even know what I’m staring at it’s Tower there he goes and he disappeared out of the chunk that was the day Ys never attended that that was the day Ys never ever return oh this is cute

Guys oh my God is this the goat oh God okay um you are the chosen Target it’s you Sing What am I missing oh I’m missing murder I don’t have any ARS how am I like going through the expressions like why is my M angry Now reference the G that’s fine take your time I mean I haven’t got very much long left any but it’s for mean like technically I might do this at the same time tomorrow I might stream this tomorrow depending uh maybe so we can continue this just in time for

Like cuz we still need to do the draw so technically I could do the draw tomorrow um and make it a bit more fair because basically I’ve done it in like 2 hours um yeah yeah I think I’m going to I think I like say I’ll probably do this tomorrow as well

Wheat blocks yes that that’s wheat block right there um we might do this tomorrow and then do like just two streams tomorrow if that makes sense like a Minecraft stream into the overcook clab maybe because well I need to eat in between that that’s the the issue and I

Don’t like pausing stream being on stream going to eat and all that but yeah I might do that oh tamy is Tam is gone so I might I might end up doing that tomorrow as well but I will let you guys know if not um I

Would get on in my own time and not stream it I’m just let you guys know in the channel but yeah into the ocean tamy Tammy has died but I I think this is really cute so far like yeah we still going to decorate the tree a little bit and whatnot

Uh see you later Razer but it’s it’s really coming along guys it’s it’s really really really cute it’s really cute So yeah look that’s the little tower that a added on look how cute it is like this is so good I unbelievably good it’s it’s it’s insane like for God’s sake way I guess this way Oh hello you didn’t see anything I need to change the water back anyway I need to return to Ray is it going to oh oh you don’t see that you did you did not see that why why is my bu to Big Out H you guys did not see that yeah no you didn’t say that imagine ruined I’m sorry uh didn’t happen oh we got with some yellow what is this oh is this a oh my God it’s AA it’s rud of the Red Nose had a very shiny nose no way no way that was so perfectly timed that was amazing I’m going down I’m dead I’m sinking oh my God that was like a really perfect timing Rudolph I don’t think your nose is meant to spin like

That oh lordy lordy Lord oh I have tears now I have tears okay so in terms of a tree what are we missing what what what are people feeling are we doing what colors as well are we wanting to do oh yeah we definitely need a star now

The question is is it going to be glowstone or shro light or even like sea lanterns what do we want yeah more in uh more instruments I almost got him I don’t know what colors though cuz I we got red I feel like we need like white

And then yellow at least red white yellow I’m an ornaments we’re not putting mayonnaise on the Christmas tree okay mayonnaise is not going on the Christmas tree that is that is a big no no I’m parkouring we ah are not allowed to put mayonnaise on the tree you have a chest

With all the DI well fair enough no no mayo goes on the tree no Patrick mayonnaise is not an instrument no I feel like yeah the star definitely goes to the top but it’s like picking a direction I feel like it needs to face like the star needs to face this way and

This way before you go M waiting long long I knew [Applause] it oh you’re going to outsight I guess I’m coming down here Now oh that looks so good never living it down that actually looks so good wait actually hold up I love the little r off that’s so cute but look at this that’s so cool by Razer look at it oh that’s amazing looking we could build like time to slay

And everything I I want to tomorrow if uh if I stream if I don’t stream I’m going to build like some giant presents around and stuff as well but yeah definitely ornaments on the tree uh and then tomorrow we can actually like set up and do the secret

Sant machine uh properly hopefully I should be able to stream tomorrow if I actually don’t stay up till 5:00 a.m. again and uh uh don’t miss out my tasks I need to go like downstairs soon and sort out of dinner because I have sah stream soon let me message him actually

Quickly that’s full shatter what do you mean uh okay I’m messaging him to see if he’s alive byebye all right so let let’s let’s think let’s write up a list let’s think of a list so tomorrow it regardless of if I stream or not we need to finish the

Tree like get bubbles and stars then we need to do the actual Secret Sound to drawing uh then we also need to not do that we need to add a bit more to the island like this bit’s great but it’s just a a very plain rest of the

Island I love this I love the goat though the goat is really cool it’s like really really pretty Now set it on no don’t set it on fire it fire spreads off um um I feel like yeah we could build like comment s for another short this is

So cute look at him like I feel like we could build like what is that ooh resered area okay tamy Tammy has a secret uh because anyway like I say Wednesday stream which will be normal time like normal my normal stream time in about like

So in about 2 hours from now is um that’s when we’ll be doing the atal like proper secret Center kind of think like going around opening gifts seeing what people got kind of thing um and it will be my like last stream Before Christmas because the FNAF stream is thing hi guys

I have a secret I have a surprise I have a surprise for you all I have an announcement I have an announcement to make in 10ish minutes in 10ish minutes yeah yeah yeah I got I got it I got that to share with you in about 10 minutes So excuse me I’m burping scor no not scoring oh what what block was that what is happening with my Sky Box do you see that that was like really weird then So not touching but we’ll probably like I say we’ll probably um I don’t know if we’ll need more though that’s the only thing I’m thinking cuz we’re going to draw it tomorrow I don’t know if um we might need more in a dropper I don’t know if there is a way

We can do more probably Not yeah okay cool awesome hey nightbot decided to work again welcome back nightbot you know we love you besto friendo the goat was damaged by birds IRL oh my God this goat has no look we could just do more of them okay yeah that that’s what I was thinking

Like is that even possible to do but yeah oh I’m excited guys I can’t wait to get coal in my in my secret Santa present it’s going to be so cute cute C it’s going to be cute guys it’s going to be cute gift oh oh sorry something

Still all I wanted for Christmas was choco Yippee can I eat it oh I’m glad you remembered that actually yeah I Pig St would be fake I ate it yeah I ate it no no no no no think about it I ate the coal I ate the coal that that’s what happened I definitely ate the coal I def

Definitely ate the coal just got coconut God share this with all your friends to totally coconut that’s SC me that was so loud and scary so yeah do we need wait polar bears are vicious aren’t they we haven’t found polar bears yet have we I was going to say we we should build

Like a little Igloo we should get some pus I’m like wait no pus are actually vicious the fossil fuels yeah I ate it I ate the fossil fuels for crimmas guys no more fossil fuels I have single-handedly watch out I have single-handedly destroyed fossil fuels

All right no babies uh we need to adopt polar birds from somewhere did they stupid question Penguins aren’t in Minecraft are they penguins are not in Minecraft no okay cuz I was like don’t we need penguins and they meet me around the island but the island looks even better than

The Conant or your shaders oh you should show us like take a screenshot and show us in Minecraft chat so I can see how that looks I mean we’re not having goats on the island this is this is the only goat we’re allowing because goats are so vicious that they will murder like

Anyone near them when you were a little Christmas you got candy tin foil RS like Co and your thought it was coal in started crying I just want to be that kid that gets the avocado and it’s like an avocado thanks I I wish like I had like that

Okay okay I’m going to tell you a secret I’m I’m going to tell you I’m going to tell you a story chat do you want to do you want to hear a story do you want to hear a story all right do you want to hear a little a little crimas story uh

From when I was a little little teeny T when R RI was like just able to walk I was like to H you want to hear a story so wait stream stopped huh wait is stream okay is it still going or is it dead still okay so when I I was a little

It B Kitty Kat right when I was a little tiny kitty cat right I was probably like two um in human years so for Christmas I I didn’t really know what I wanted right however I had an obsession with you know dog toys the like the round squishy balls that don’t squeak but

They’re just really squishy I had an obsession with them when I was a little kid you’d go to the shop and I’d like touch him uh so my parents did no more than buy me dog toys for Christmas and I was none the wiser I got dog toys for Christmas a dog reand a dog n n n n okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right all right besties no way did I just best You no way did I just best you chat oh no why did I do that f it up I’m a cat I’m what do you mean the story did not surprise you wow thanks I’m a cat I’m not I’m not dog I’m a cat I’m not foxy

Some you know someone called me a kangaroo once I was like how okay all right are we ready is kind of uh for the announcement almost almost cuz I need to be ready on my end I need to be ready on my end cuz my end is not

Ready uh my end is not ready yet uh the announcement is uh I’m a cat no I’m kidding uh give me like two seconds and I can get it ready okay um sorry it it’s just taking me a minute or so All right sorry it it’s it’s sorry I’m just I know I’m still here I’m still here so that oh frick uh sorry I need to go to my email now I know this is like the most the most uh anticipating thing okay no just keep talking chat just keep talking

Among among to you uh don’t worry just keep talking among among to you right now um I’m just trying to uh try to set everything up so I can show you uh the announcement I’m just trying to trying to set it up okay ra okay I need to stop the crimas music I

Need to stop the crimas music stop the music stop the music right are you ready are you I don’t know if you’re ready are you ready chat um this is going to probably come through really loud so uh warning this might be loud uh just watch your eard drums enjoy

Wait wait wait oh wait I did it wrong I did hold up I did it wrong uh uh uh one sec ah hi thank you so much for the the 20 36 Ms I really appreciate it okay this might be loud uh that’s all I’m gonna

Say o okay right no okay here we go for real for real this time um Eno this is like not very long uh so I’ll be back in like 10 Seconds ah heyo heyo heyo heyo has aishi been cooking oh you can wellow oh ignore that ignore that code um go go thing yet now uh new cover dropping uh Wednesday before stream an hour before stream Wednesday so go uh go turn your notification on for it uh

Yeah I’ve announced it in my Discord now that that that that’s the big announcement at the stream I’ve been I’ve been Cooking so yeah be sure to uh tune in for that uh um it’s a it’s my first like um nons solo cover it’s it’s with somebody you guys know uh which is going to be Fun um it’s it’s my first uh duet cover yeah it’s not just me guys it’s not just me you haven’t even list how dare you I this will be my fifth this will be my fifth Captain how dare you oh what the heck do you mean you haven’t listened to my

First Tusk Tusk shame on you no I’m kidding uh but yeah this will be my my 5th uh cover um it’s going live Wednesday an hour before I stream so uh be sure to come to that it was originally going to go out next Saturday but long story short it’s going out

Wednesday now so it not next Fray it was going to go out on the 23rd but it’s now the 20th people leave no don’t leave sorry I’m just Uh setting just putting it out on what off because uh I kind of forgot to do That so yeah reindeer today yes you do yes you do but we have a reindeer this is the reindeer this is Rudolph the red nails rinder right here who has a very shiny spinny nose yeah but be sure to set those reminders cuz this this

Cover my I I’m just going to say my vocals they go hard they they they go hard I never knew I was able to sing like I do in that and it it plays that’s all I got to say uh you better play that at your Christmas dinner Table you better I need have to at the brain C so you got to you got to um you got to you got to play at Christmas table be like yo wait look I’m looking rud the Red Nose rer had a very big red nose look at it

Yippee oh that was that was anti-climatic uh that was very anticlimax It he’s he’s boogy they’re not Exploding shocked Emoji like the vine boom just a Vine boom boom but yeah that’s what’s happening Wednesday so an hour before stream uh there’s a YouTube premiere of the song going out um so I hope you guys can uh watch it if not it will be there always uh

Which is pretty epic pretty cool pretty yay yay yay um but yeah it’s h it’s someone you know someone someone in the community who uh has joined me to do it which is pretty good spy glass no I don’t I don’t have a spy glass so I’m very very excited very happy about

That [Applause] [Applause] long happening right now yeah it definitely doesn’t say if you just look close enough you see I don’t know what I’m doing anymore I don’t know what I’m doing all right anyo anyo it’s that time that I need to leave cry sad emoji wondering Trader oh what’s he selling wait what’s he

Selling you come to my Chris at Christmas Island and you offer they do have apple tree saplings uh guys he’s selling an apple tree sapling if you actually want that that’s not bad um it is unfortunately the time for me to end L stream for now which is um unfortunate but

But but uh don’t don’t get disheartened don’t be don’t be sag or anything like that yet because because guys because uh in about two two hours time me and Sarah are going live on Sarah’s channel so like don’t worry I’m I’m going live with Sarah literally in like 2 hours on his channel

Um so that that’s pretty epic and you guys definitely definitely should join us there yeah you you definitely should come join us over there because uh you know it’s going to be a very fun fun little time uh I don’t I think we’re playing grounded I think I think we’re playing

Grounded uh I think I think that’s what we agreed on uh I’m just quickly looking for somebody to read let me have a Look oh okay why is there like no English Minecraft streamers right now that I’m trying to like everyone I’m looking at is like not English so I can’t understand them okay I found somebody I found somebody so be sure to copy the raid messages I’m still I will let you guys

Know if I’m streaming Minecraft tomorrow uh this time if not I’ll be live my normal stream time with overcook 2 tomorrow providing uh steam is working uh yeah but be sure to copy the raid messages and stuff and be sure to set your reminder for the premiere oh there has been a

Murder and we’ll we’ll finish this up and then we’ll have our secret santa event on uh Wednesday after the premiere but yeah I’m going to read you all but no thank you so much uh for tuning in um and stuff I think this channel is follow

Only to say a message by the way I just checked that it just popped up as soon as I went to raom so you might have to follow them to send your raid message but any who thank you so much I will catch you guys tomorrow actually no I

Won’t be there at Sarah’s stream later guys turn up to Sarah’s stream give him all the support uh and I will see you guys later if not tomorrow all right byebye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Setting Up Our Community Secret Santa’, was uploaded by Rayshii on 2023-12-18 23:23:57. It has garnered 58 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:42 or 11202 seconds.

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  • Crafting Cure: Cube Xuan’s Meme Magic

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  • Minecraft Bruh Moment: Lava Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Bruh Moment: Lava Edition 🔥 When you accidentally hit your friend’s diamond pickaxe with your own and they give you that look like “bruh, really?” #minecraftbruhmoment Read More

  • Franklin’s Freaky FNF Character Test

    Franklin's Freaky FNF Character Test Minecraft Animation VS Real Life: Exploring FNF Character Test Are you a fan of Minecraft and Friday Night Funkin’? If so, you’re in for a treat with the FNF Character Test videos that bring these two worlds together in a unique way. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Animation VS Real Life featuring all your favorite characters! Gameplay VS Real Life The FNF Character Test videos showcase the gameplay of Friday Night Funkin’ characters in a real-life setting. From Garten of Banban to Coach Pickles and Mr. Kabob Man, these videos bring the beloved characters to life… Read More

  • Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover a New Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of Minecraft content like ‘Minecraft BUT, You Check My Height📏’, then you’ll love what we have in store for you. One server that you definitely don’t want to miss out on is Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re into Minecraft challenges, manhunts, hardcore mode, or just looking to connect with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Joining… Read More

  • Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong

    Borrowing Money Prank Gone Wrong Welcome to the World of Minecraft with CoolMan CoolMan, a popular content creator in the Minecraft community, is known for his entertaining videos and engaging challenges. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with CoolMan and explore some of the highlights of his content. Exploring Minecraft Worlds In CoolMan’s videos, viewers are taken on a journey through various Minecraft worlds filled with adventure, creativity, and excitement. From building elaborate structures to embarking on thrilling quests, CoolMan’s content showcases the endless possibilities that Minecraft has to offer. Challenging Gameplay One of the key features of CoolMan’s videos is the… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret of Non’s with 4ChanChan – Day #7 Hypixel Skyblock

    Uncover the Secret of Non's with 4ChanChan - Day #7 Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444 To LVL 93] TO UNDERSTAND A NON, YOU MUST BECOME A NON DAY #7 | Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by 4ChanChan on 2024-05-09 13:20:09. It has garnered 385 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:17 or 16217 seconds. Join the Discord to know exactly when I go live and updates: If you would like to support, you can send a tip here: NO REFUNDS. Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as… Read More

  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!

    Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO’, was uploaded by RAYJIO Gaming on 2024-04-17 10:44:44. It has garnered 71 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. SO MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO JAVA MOD:- minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP – JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP - JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP 🤩 | FOR JAVA/MCPE 1.20+ || FREE TO JOIN 💥 BEST PUBLIC SMP SERVER 🥰’, was uploaded by Gamerz Yash on 2024-03-23 10:40:06. It has garnered 4899 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:07 or 367 seconds. MINECRAFT 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP 🤩 | FOR JAVA/MCPE 1.20+ || FREE TO JOIN 💥 BEST PUBLIC SMP SERVER 🥰 subscribe @gamerzyash server dc my discord Instagram how to register and login plzz subscribe for more videos 🥳 ✅Your Query✅ Minecraft friendly smp gamers smp Yash army… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve’s LOL Adventures!” #minecraftfunny

    "Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve's LOL Adventures!" #minecraftfunnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mishaps: Steve’s Hilarious Adventures! #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Sacket on 2024-01-11 17:15:03. It has garnered 2464 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮 In this 45-second whirlwind, we’re delving into the humorous side of Minecraft with our beloved character, Steve. 😂 🧨 Creeper Magnet: Ever wonder why creepers always find Steve, no matter how sneaky he is? We explore this amusing phenomenon – could it be his choice of cologne? 😆 🐔 Chicken Parade: It’s almost as if chickens see Steve… Read More

  • EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥

    EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Fireballfight ASMR! #shorts’, was uploaded by LaoLP on 2024-02-10 15:26:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #pvp #trainerdario #hypixel #fireballfight #1v1 #asmr #2sa #bedwars. Read More

  • Jaye’s Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!

    Jaye's Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!!’, was uploaded by Jaye on 2024-02-27 22:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft … Read More

  • SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL – You’ll Never Guess What’s Coming Next! | Minecraft

    SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL - You'll Never Guess What's Coming Next! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Slightly Insulting on 2024-01-07 22:00:09. It has garnered 651 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft Slightly Branded Channels @SlightlyCrafted @SlightlySpider CHANNELS FEATURED @MrEMC_ @TSCStudio Socials: Twitter Instagram Discord Made with: Blockbuster Mod by McHorse Complementary Shader by Emin Slightly Insulting content includes YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge – Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge - Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Komplettes Video ist online! #bedwars #minecraft #skywars #pvp #minecraftchallenge #review’, was uploaded by Malganzehrlich on 2024-01-09 14:00:07. It has garnered 397 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Never play Minecraft Skywars on this server! ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📞 ➤ Subscribe: ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📲 ➤ Social Media ➜ Instagram: ➜ Discord: ➜ Twitch: ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 💻 ➤ My equipment – microphone: -Interface: -Microphone preamplifier: -Mikrofonarm: -Keylight: -Maus: -Keyboard: – Pale: ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ✂️ ➤ Schnitt-/Editprogramm: Davinci Resolve 18.6 🔨 ➤ Thumbnails:… Read More