Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay | HueJassTM Archive 11/25/23 | Must See!

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[Applause] N [Applause] All right we are live how’s it going krix we are playing some Minecraft today on my Minecraft server just got our our bamboo Farm going here getting us some bamboo um and yeah I have no idea what to uh what to actually do today I probably should have thought about that

At some point prior to the uh starting the stream I still have to build my uh my shop that’s just chests sitting around um I think what I could do is I could go prepare that elytra just because it is getting pretty low on the durability

Um but let’s go see if we’ve got any sales in the shop also I need to buy a new mouse I should have done that with all the Black Friday deals CU yeah every time I do this it just does the double rightclick thing that there just looked a little sus that

Cave um but yeah do we have any sails was just thrown ice on the ground near my near my shop why why why someone done that what someone someone stole from my shop they didn’t pay okay and I know there’s nothing in this shop here someone’s using beacons for their portal

Is that Sage’s portal I think this is Sage’s portal so I guess everyone’s using blocks that her based off of what they do so sage has the beacons Thunder’s got his spiders um maybe I should switch mine to not be nethra maybe I should do something like emeralds

Oh I hear a gas is that below I’m hoping that’s down below that gas like I can hear it so well but where I’m pretty sure there’s no Lava pool under here it’s like actual Netherrack like this there’s nowhere for a gas to be where is this gas I

Hear oh I guess yeah there is just a giant lava pool here okay yeah I was never the one to dig this direction here all right let’s go back I’m pretty sure the gas is just over there so we don’t need to worry about it just making sure

There’s no gas up on the roof here a sage broke a big part of Bedrock to make it easier to get down um and the guas could definitely fly up there see where’s Sage’s hole it’s right here can a gas actually go up this how big is this yeah gas can get up

Here I would jump down there but knowing me my elytra would somehow Break um all right let’s go repair the elytra which means we go over to this portal here and we’ll just fly over to the raid Farm El I’m going to remap just because my my right Mouse button is double

Clicking I’m going to remap the key um anything na said I don’t think anything’s napped said okay cool there we go so much better all right where are we at it’s this way I think yeah this way here I should probably change this so that people can actually leave oh right I I

Remapped the the right click button there we go should probably change this so people can actually leave um we’ll leave it open I guess I should probably also build a drown farm at some point just to get my Trident back CU I lost my Trident while flying around

And yeah now I don’t have a trient so I have to either use all my Rockets which be a bit annoying where is the farm there is not the right Farm is this way yeah okay I think I turned around there we go I am very confused as to what I’m doing

Wrong yeah cuz this goes here should just go that way and power that which means it’s always on is this working before some change my Redstone yeah this is just going to right no we turn it on and then we turn it off before it powers

That there we go definitely know how my Redstone works okay we have anything interesting just a lot of emeralds let’s go repair some stuff yeah we got off too early all right now let’s go repair some stuff where’s the raid at hello raid did I break it uh I think I broke my

Farm yeah what what’s wrong with it see we didn’t get a raid going on which means there’s no one else here for me to raid off of now well that sucks um what broke though there something I need to be concerned about uh I’m hoping I just wasn’t in there long enough

So see where should the ra should have worked actually our yeah our Pistons mooved there but our Pistons are not okay um just going to move these out of the way I keep trying to right click now that I’ve changed the uh the button there yeah I think something in my Redstone

Broke because the light was off or it was permanently on um we’ve got our item sorder our item sorder is looking good that was not the right thing to do there we go we just move that out of the way and we’ll move that out of the way that’s in the right

Location yes so that’s I think I just wasn’t attacking the armor sand quick enough so the raid died off um okay cool let’s go to a uh I don’t have any durability uh okay let’s go to one of the places we’ll I think there might be

One in the storage over here but there’s only one does this have flame does um he by buddy I’m here to kill you I’m here to kill you and hopefully not trigger a raid here um hold on let’s let’s see if I can land up there I don’t want to trigger a raid

Here it would be okay if I do but I just don’t want to hello I’m just gonna yeah the Villager is down there it’s more than 128 blocks so I can just whyly over there and make sure I don’t get near the ground here or I can trigger a raid here to

Make sure that the Villager spawn or a dude spawns again just so that um we can get bat home in from this storage because I’m pretty sure this will raid Farm doesn’t get rid of bat Omen when we leave I think that’s what we’re going to do so we’re just going to

Do a quick raid here uh where’s the entrance to this it’s right there okay cool we go down here that’s going to trigger The Raid and we’re going to fly back up but fly I mean we’re going to go up here we go raid is going

On and we’re just going to go up here all right there we we got bad omen okay that looks good um still going on uh is it vanilla Fabric or paper I think it’s what is it it’s something uh it is apparently vanilla spigot there we go

That’s what it’s called spigot how’s it going squeezy yor yeah the server is a spigot server where is my entrance here cuz I don’t want to get too close that I trigger it too early oh well we go we’re just going to I hope I did this

Right recommend not using spig is is really bad paper is recommended paper does remove a lot of features though CS paper’s got more optimization since spaget but it also removes a lot of stuff so I felt spaghet was was a good compromise between vanilla and

Paper yeah we there’s a lot of dupes um so I think someone’s got a gravity block duper I’ve got a carpet duper that I use for fuel as well is um I use a lot of TNT duping I think paper supports TNT duping though how’s it going Thunder I I don’t

Know if uh if bedrock users can log in right now I did get a notification that guys are needed to be updated that would require me to reboot the server so I don’t I don’t know if I can get bedrock players on until after stream

Um but we are healing we are getting XP levels which means we did repair our stuff so we’re just going Fly Away get everything in there to despawn guys are can support fabric okay yeah I need to look into like everything that paper can do then or fabric

Um yeah no paper doesn’t do duping I want to look into fabric then um if it’s better than than bigot okay let’s just plop that in right there H got a bunch of junk here we can do the clean up later we’ll just what one’s my junk here’s all my junk all

Right y’all can go there we should probably just thrown those crossbows in the trash though now what do I want to do we did get our elra up I think I will where was the swamp I found last stream I think we’re going to want to start prepping that for

Slime farm so I think that was positive X I think that was around 4,000 or so so let’s just fly off this way I probably should have gone let’s actually go back to my my base grab some more Rockets I’m down to down to about 20 of

Them you don’t know what plugins I even have um is there a way to see that is it just plugins I’ve got a lot of plugins don’t know if these are all if these all would support fabric um CU yeah I presume that the permission

Stuff would need to be all redone if I switched to fabric um not all but you can check for alternatives yeah I mean there’s probably Alternatives it’s probably easier said than done probably yeah I mean finding plugins to do what I wanted to do was hard enough for a spigot

So it’s so laggy near your base as a guys are user really is that just because you’re playing on switch cuz if I was to play on Bedrock it wasn’t laggy whenever I was near there cuz your base is right near spawn like I presume there’s going

To be issues with Sage’s autle Farm that’s right there uh it’s going to cause lots of memory usage but I didn’t see any issues while I was playing on Bedrock on the computer it could just be because the switch doesn’t have much memory so it could be a switch issue not a Bedrock

Issue uh what was I doing here right I was grabbing Rockets all right cool we need to build more Rockets soon I don’t have a shovel with me we’re probably going to need a shovel to start prepping this swamp for slime farm so let’s just make sure I bring my tools with me

For yeah is it leggy anywhere other than just your base didn’t you have a base like whereever your Mushroom Island was I don’t actually know where your Mushroom Island is but it’s probably is it laggy there as well or is it just near spawn it could just be that Sage’s a

Lles are causing lag around that area or at least lag for people on a switch where abouts are we we’ll just Glide this way should find our swamp pretty soon here’s our swamp clearly um I’m probably going to turn that into a skull kmit some point so I should remember

Where that is but here’s our swamp is this from big enough for a slime farm yeah we we can just level off the surrounding areas I think probably should have brought torches as well uh oops definely hit the right button probably also want to mark off where the

Swamp ends I mean you can see it with the grass pretty easily so I don’t know if that’s that big of a deal right now looks like this one is pretty big enough big enough that all that that’s all that matters sh where abouts are my coordinates though 3600

Okay but good to know that would be where’s that 3600 divided by 8 is is math like 450 Is okay are all these breaking I think they are got a few trees over here here so I don’t know how big of an area I’m going to want feel like breaking this tree might be good we’ll break that tree that tree that tree that tree we’ll

Break those ones I feel like those ones are uh where’s the border of the swamp let’s just fly up and see if I can see the water colors changing all right hold on um so we’re about the center of this yeah bit small but we’re going to just make a

Small slime for so yeah right around here should be good which oh hello creeper oh gosh the slimes are spawning already we haven’t built the farm yet though let’s uh let’s go sleep also need to write down these coordinates that’s 3,300 okay don’t recall ever passing these areas here um okay

Was it not just straight ocean for like 3,000 blocks for this it’s over here okay cool got list written down okay I mean you don’t have to worry about finding plugins for me I can I can do some research after stream oops no oh my gosh two fish of a pickaxe ah

Oh the Hast Beacon that’s why I my pickaxe was way too fast okay I remember to turn this off um yeah looks like I did not turn it off wait did I okay I was really worried that Yeah I broke my Redstone by not turning that

Off but okay there we just make sure that’s turned off before I leave again and it was 4,000 about 500 or negative 500 I don’t okay we’ll just go to 4,000 and hopefully we can see from there anyone pass by this yet I don’t see any gold so I feel like someone

Might have looted this what did I see was that a fish we see down there’s Treasure Chest yeah that’s definitely been looted there’s no gold I think the Gold’s supposed to be on top like it was probably me that looted it so that’s that there so our SW will be a

Little over this way so I think it’s 500 then oh it’s right here is it not 500 where about is this have 200 okay just going to chop down a few more trees think that’s all the trees I want to get build the slime farm right over here question

Is where about would I want to build it yeah if I build it there I feel like if I am exactly 128 blocks up then I don’t need to worry about this area here um probably still bring torches light this area up though for

You DM me if I want to preview um hold on I don’t have any Whispers oh hold on okay you damn me on Discord Okay okay yeah I’ll have a look at each of those um after stream do testing make sure that nothing breaks and stuff like that like how much more efficient is uh is fabric than Spigot Le this will all break and we could just build a slime F there uh course I need turn how to build a a slime farm um I’ve only Built one of the the swamp based ones once used to build them all in uh in

Slime chunks but that’s a lot of work to clear those chunks out as well as surrounding chunks so these are a lot less work that’s why I want to do them so we can look that up after stream we got these cleared out um I’ll probably build it either before

The next Minecraft stream I don’t know how many Minecraft streams there’s going to be in December uh I should finalize my December schedule soon people are really going to like my December schedule um I said I’m going to speedrun W so many times and I have yet the speedrun the game

Once one more thing fac does accept vity as proxy with third party mod although bungee court is essentially out of questions okay yeah I don’t use bu cord velocity I’ve only got one server um so I know there there are people that uh are other servers that use that stuff like so I

Understand what that is just so you log in multiple servers or something through one authentication something like that not entirely sure how it works but yeah I understand what that is I don’t use it on my server so that’s okay if if it’s not supported although I wonder if I

Would actually have any use for that in the future these are all cleared out for any loot here I need to take with me okay we got a lot of gunpowder should should probably I also want to take all these arrows fill up some some dispensers and have some booby

Traps I’ll take those later though me why bung cord isn’t supported in fabric is because md5’s proxy software is horribly designed in general I take it 5 is the developer turned around that’s the jungle but this is this not where my base is uh no that’s the village okay okay

We’re a little further away there we go I thought we’d already passed this wait I probably shouldn’t have that hold on here I don’t know if that’s going to break the the farm if there’s another bed here um actually move that away just wanted to check on

That move this over towards the the portal I I don’t think this would actually break that um there’s just no beds and villagers don’t like to get along dang it there we go we md5 is lead Le Dev of spigot and bungee cord okay wonder if Sage is completed that yet I

Don’t know what all was left last week let’s get up to the top of this and see if I remember correctly there was just a whole bunch of holes on the top I think she might have been missing a few things um oops Yeah and I feel like you wouldn’t

Just jump there on the ground is that no it does seem like there’s missing stuff here so I don’t know how close she is to completing it yeah there’s also all these holes which I doubt are part of the oh gosh look at all these and rods okay

That’s yeah it’s going to take a lot of work I don’t think anyone’s got any any farms for oh gosh how do you make andrs again chorus fruits and what else but yeah I don’t think anyone’s got any corus Fruit Farms so is she looting in cities she might be looting in cities

It’s the the wrong wrong one there any slimes down here oh look at this oh wait hey bro who did that a I now upset I was so happy and now I’m so upset okay there’s a slime down here unless this is bait again I’m just looking at the slime bouncing

Around like nope it can’t be a real slime it’s clearly just an item just a slime head okay I I didn’t even know we had another slime chunk over here unless this couldn’t have bounced all the way over here did it where is the uh the chunk boundary

Though well I’ll need to keep ey on if this is a slime chunk as well actually how high up are we we are 36 okay so they could spawn here if it’s a slime chunk what if you told me you’re one of the tries for Vi versions entire

Team i’ say that’s kind of cool what do you do as a triage you just take bug reports and just determine whether or not the devs need to fix them or how or should the devs need to fix them people’s problem and if bug is true then it gets forwarded to the

Devs okay so okay that’s kind of cool just I’m going to hate myself later when I turn all these chests into into junk I need to organ I need to set up my base I need to set up an actual base soon so I can start getting all of my chests

Organized cuz until I build that storage system I’m going to be incredibly unorganized um but yeah where are all of my mob heads I’m thinking maybe that’s something I can do I’ve been live for an hour I still don’t know what I want to do

Yet uh they put in here were they put in here okay here they are um okay see we’ve only got one sheep head we can start breing up my sheep D them oh let’s actually die them first do I have it okay got a furnace somewhere I know I’ve got a furnace

Somewhere I’m hoping I still have a furnace somewhere I did I actually use them all in here okay uh okay so where do we go we need to disable some Redstone somewhere uh could just sit here so they can dispense out to me yeah this this broke so bad so bad um all

Right just take eight Cobblestone build a build a new furnace how much carpet do we have oh we probably want a hopper to go into there yeah we can we can manually move it in I guess that’s going to be three to one if I remember correctly

It’s a little more than three to one is it four to one okay we can just leave that in there so that’s going to run out while we’re doing that let’s go find some other dyes I’ve only got the white sheep can get some green Dy probably

Don’t need as much as of setting up uh actually we’ve got the poppies over here okay why is that extended Dand Lions right get some dyes some sheep here I want to dye them all the same color and then after I get a red sheep head I think that might be the

Best do this here okay what hit theone throw water in my arm so that it would get picked up by my Hoppers I I I keep getting junk in my system and I don’t know how like someone’s just throwing Chunk in there let’s CL is this much work is it going

To be to turn everything into blocks all right when’s 121 going to be released so that I can get the Auto Crafters okay it’s I’m not hitting the right button there we go right let’s okay one has just sprad recently we’ll get some cows I guess sure why

Not oh yeah this is actually pretty close to being full uh well we can let it set itself off one cent it’s oh uh what this okay game think the shulker was already open so it wasn’t letting me on it and now it’s stuck being open is that what happened there

Huh sure sure that is is something I AC took some of the bamboo here uh let’s get you in here care yeah what else are we missing in the heads where’s the keep getting lost where is it it’s here right here right yeah it’s right here what all do we have

Here should sort these swear I had more than that your favorite bald streamer I’m not bald how’s it going theander I’m doing well how are you doing uh I need to work on getting a trident back so I can actually get some some heads like a zombie head a creeper head um do

I have a piglin head I don’t know I know Sage spent some time getting one of those um going great that’s good to here how many cat heads do I have the rag doll cat head need to group these based off of species we got the the withers there start with

All the withers I think there’s only three different weaer types how many different villager types are there probably more than this probably more than this 1 two three four five six seven eight Xander has a 50 IQ that’s uh that’s pretty low so what’s my IQ today

Yeah that sounds about right that sounds about right I started the stream off by breaking my RAID farm so that sounds very accurate um then for the zombie villagers we’ve only got three types why not stream yesterday I took uh the last couple days off uh due to American Thanksgiving and

Black Friday I figured most of the viewers would would be too busy to watch the stream so I figured no point streaming if there’s no one to watch it that’s just my excuse so I get to take Canadian and American holidays off yeah I don’t want to kill these all

Off cuz I it would take a while to breed so I’ll just keep those sheep for now um you’re sitting at home doing nothing yeah yeah and then I was I hadn’t work like a regular day and then I probably could have streamed yesterday but I also didn’t feel like

It I got uh I got some stuff on Amazon and I watched Amazon Prime video cuz I got a free trial of prime when I did all the Black Friday deals so I was looking at what videos are on there and you know I managed to uh to

Watch the one show that I know I like because I watch it on Netflix all the time so that’s not really getting the best uses out of Amazon Prime video uh yeah what kind of villager types are there 1 2 3 4 four five six I

Mean that’s all I’ve got we should have a workstation um we should bring them over towards Jerry so they die and then once they’re dead from Jerry once Jerry kills them we can kill them with our sword so we need to just have our villagers s over there you get a thick

Black Friday deal on the computer 849 down to 549 that’s pretty good discount uh how good have uh how good of the specs are on your computer I this is just so funny to watch the villagers bounce off too many villagers right but where are where’s

This currently set up to go this slime is going over here no stage has X my villagers not sure where these are going they’re going over here over here over here they’re then going up here okay and they are getting out right there so what I could do is where do I want

To I could then have a new line just go down here and have them sent past Jerry the boat is full so they won’t get in the boat with Jerry um so if we just have like a power rail here that’s unpowered they will sit right there and just die I

Think so I think that might be the best P to do that but then no they can’t get a new job while they’re in the mine cart can they feel let just get a job while in a mine cart that’s actually something I don’t know let’s test that

Let’s test the villagers can get a job in a mine cart yeah that’s good enough for testing um we have anything for them to get a job with any jobs laptop not a computer most people call laptops computers laptop is a type of computer you got the bare minimum to not be bad

Uh yeah me a lot of the things with uh with buying stuff like that they really only tell you the the CPU and the amount of ram whereas they cheap out on like maybe the clock speed on the Ram you know the laptops are not going to

Have the the best Ram um and then yeah they might tell you the clock speed and the number of cores of the CPU but I guess that’s really all that matters um yeah you probably don’t care about about the caching on your CPU at all for most people um yeah let’s get

These guys going let’s get one of them out how many mine carts do I have okay that’s good but I still need the uh uh whatam calls it want to see if they can get a job in mine cart all right you’re just going to be

Right there you appear to be happy why are you happy you have no job all right what can get them a job like I thinking about getting a composter but I’ve got too many composters all over the place sure you can have a composter I guess let’s see

If you can get a job in a mine card I don’t okay you can okay okay see yeah the thing would be just have this go over here have an unpowered rail right there so that they stop by Jerry we’ll have a mine cart we’ll have a our composter right here and

Then Jerry will kill them and we can get our zombie heads 512 gab of storage 8 gabt of ram you forget everything else yeah that’s that’s pretty low um2 GB of storage that I take it at the hard drive instead of Sol state drive your sister got that that’s not even a

Laptop at that point it’s a paper weight uh I swear I had powered rails before okay I feel like Sage is taking all my powered rails somehow exists I mean her laptop just sounds like a paper weight at that point 128 gabt of storage 4 gbt of

Ram like your OS alone is going to take like 20 to 30 gigabytes of storage and you know a gig or two of ram probably a gig but that really leaves nothing for your Eng user applications like she can’t do any form of multitasking with that small amount of

Ram dude to the computer store laughed at her yeah I believe it just going to move you a little be on the rail but not be pushed far enough that you’ll be a problem to me don’t don’t don’t don’t no no no no no no no no no no no

Okay that’s actually a good location for you I guess I have no power rails over how did they I guess that power them they picked up speed going up there and they just coasted went down I guess that’s how how do they have enough speed to go over there your screen size is

16 in by 10 in usually with screen sizes you just measure the diagonal you don’t measure that because 16 by10 is also not a standard size like I think it would be 16 by9 uh would be a standard size so it’s the ratio that’s actually used used all right you measure it the

16 by9 would be a ratio that would be used hey we got those did we place enough powered rails down I don’t know we’ll just take these there we go that should just have you measured wrong 15inch diagonal 16 you’re really bad at measuring things Ander 16.5 in

Diagonal all right and now you can do trigonometry to me what the dimensions are I’ve only got one did I keep the composter down here or something where’s the thing yeah okay now let’s just place that right there let’s see like I don’t know if I’ve already got one of

These in terms of heads but let’s see if if if you’re just did those rails go did I take those rails I’m just going crazy on trying to remember what I’ve taken so far what I haven’t no you’re not uh you’re not dying please die sir I request that you die

Sir H okay whatever uh which one do you use uh so you know the diagonal um so it’s says 16 by9 is likely the ratio of the screen because that’s a standard ratio for every widescreen thing um so yeah you can just do math um

Yeah how would you get that 16 by9 so you could because it’s a ratio then you could get the angles by getting the angles by having the known length of 16 and N um and then getting those angles you can then do trigonometry as you should be able

To CU as long as it’s the same ratio it should be the same angles if I know anything about triangles I’m I’m questioning that though I I have not needed to do trigonometry for a long time uh yeah so that’s all right is there anywhere where that villager could get

Hurt they even be hurt in mine carts but did take the uh the damage when it hit the ceiling so that actually confirming that yes they can get hurt in Minecarts it’s likely just not here hold on F3 and B oh wait no wait what

F three and B There we go not F2 and B all right so that’s that there okay cool there we go and that would put them right there right beside Jerry who would then kill them but we could oops we could do a powered rail right here just so that it

Stops because it’s an unpowered powered Rail and that should be within Jerry’s hitbox I think what we do is we just uh oh that’s hitting the Enderman okay I have sweeping Edge on this I have sweeping Edge on this don’t I yeah cool uh someone’s upset luckily for me you’re trapped in a

Boat you’re not going anywhere yeah we don’t want saing Edge cuz we don’t want Jerry to get hurt we we’ll need to get a new sword without sweeping Edge do you want to shut up please Mr end oh hey cool I got its head oops computer has nothing on he is 128

Terab 1,00 gab Ram gaming computer I don’t have that big of specs I don’t have that big of specs um now I’m actually curious how big of specs I have I don’t know what screen that would appear on so let me switch over to this scene real quick

Um just that I don’t display any sensitive information okay cool that’s on this screen here cool um yeah I don’t have that much RAM I only have 64 gigs of RAM and I don’t we will hit that combination here oh so we’re we changed over to the completely

Wrong scene um but yeah okay cool uh we’ll switch back to this here in terms of disk space yeah one terabyte disk space and 64 gigs of RAM it’s not that much Random Access Memory yes memory is indeed randomly accessed I think that Enderman is upset still

Yeah most of my most of the cost of my computer is for my GPU why are you have oh what oh I I I may have taken a a thingy from here didn’t I oh cool you’re you’re stuck there oh helloo yeah that one there should be

Powered then no that one there should just be there then this should be a regular rail I think well any bonus stream or anything happening tomorrow yep tomorrow is the monthly bonus stream also unrelated I don’t think that dude got a job at all no might have been too far away from

That but I feel like this one here is the actually did the boat get in his way that’s what I uh I thought it was the power to rail but maybe it’s the boat that got in his way yeah tomorrow is the monthly bonus stream so it’s going to be some Mario

Maker um Co-op followed by fobbies and then it’ll be some Mario Kart 8 so it’s scheduled for five and a half hours I think and so yeah it’ll probably be half an hour of Co-op to warm up yeah the boat’s it’s hitting the boat that’s what

It’s doing okay so he’s not getting to his profession but he’s also not being hit by the zombie which is upsetting so what I think we’ want to do is take this here don’t hit me you dumb dumb um and instead of going right there through the boat instead we’ll bring him over

Here so actually no where do we want to go yeah instead of going through there we’ll just why do I have haste why do I have haste right we need to remove haste beacons from the server so that I no longer get we love flob for Xander uh sure

We have still yet to determine if these guys can get zombified inside a minecart we do something like that there that should good we’re just going to beat you up until you die Nintendo servers get damaged when you get on yep yeah all right let’s see if this guy will go and get

Zombified otherwise we’ll need to um what do we need to do we need to have them have an activator rail so they get kicked out of the thing yeah this dude’s not being beaten up by the zombie yeah 12 pafic Okay cool so we’ll need to have an

Activator rail we’ll need to lock him up with the zombie and then that would be how we would do it how would we want to do it we can have we could just get a new zombie instead of using Jerry um we’ have the new zombie locked

Up um likely with uh what do we want we’ want something with hopper mine carts underneath so that it could just pick up the the drops would have a small little hole so that we could go in and kill the dude um without it being able to escape

So it’ be a one block hole and then we would just kill it so how would it get in then it would need to go on um actually yeah can it go through one yeah so if could go through a one wide hole in the mine cart it would take

Some damage just wouldn’t die but then it would die once it gets out from the activator rail then we yeah so if we have Hopper mine carts underneath that would pick up the the mine cart as well so we could restock the system I think that’s what we’ll

Do um we’ll create our own little area to do that then so we need a new zombie we’ll use Jerry keep Jerry there in his little little corner right which means I’ll need to to get some zombies going because yeah maybe I should finish building the ceilings on here and get

Some zombies in here I haven’t bothered with the uh with the discounts on here cuz it Doesn’t Really Matter I’ve got way too many emeralds that I don’t care plus all the Redstone only cost one Emerald to begin with so don’t need to care about discounts on that

Um you guys can probably breed again now right you’re all bred up there we go there we go not feeding you you cows you’re you’ve already bred enough thank you for the follow sentient puppet appreciate it how’s it going how’s my day my day is going well how’s yours going

Can you join yeah you can join in um exclamation mark MC to get the uh the server address I know we haven’t updated uh geyser recently though so the latest Bedrock update can’t play but if you play on Java you can join in natively runs 1.20 but but all versions since I

Think 1.8 are supported it’s natively a Java 1.20 but uh we use some and plugins that support other versions okay actually didn’t have a farmer villager before though I think what I want to do is get up a Wither Farm um just cuz I do need a lot more coal

For the Mega base um I don’t think mining will supply me with that amount I also want some Beacon so that entire base can be fully beaconed you want to be quiet Mr Enderman they only hit you cuz you in my way actually hey I just found some beacons laying

Around you’re joining all right there you are hello um yeah what was I going to grab right I wanted to have a look at Sage’s shop to see if she had any need beacons for sale because I think she stopped selling those I’m not sure she set up a base

That’s just so big that she needs all the beacons or or she just wasn’t selling them cuz no one was buying them close for business rip rip rip the shop yep all right this one spawn I think yep think you ran over here you’re probably going towards Thunder’s Farm which I

Think he has claim so I don’t think anyone else can actually go to Thunder spider farm you don’t have a trap door on the other side if we go out there we won’t be able to go through the portal cool um so I think I want to go find a a

Fortress I don’t recall what my Fortress was like if it’s going to be good good for for whatch calls it uh a wither skeleton farm so I know I I claimed uh a blaze spawner okay hold on made the advancement Stone Age nice just going fly down here I have no

Idea where this actually leads us to okay so that’s there that’s there okay there’s a just a random portal right here okay oh that’s the portal from oh hello lot of Enderman there um so yeah if we just fly over here I’m just waiting for my my elytra to Break

Um so I think hello it’s a guest start shooting at me cool and yeah here’s The Fortress which we’ve got some blazes over here yeah not really a big lava farm so that would be hard to it’s also not even in the right biome so we couldn’t really

Make uh Farm there well there sage has a going Sage not sure if Sage is in stream or just on the game all right yeah so this isn’t even the right biome we’ll need to do some scouting to to find a good Fortress Is this sinix portal I think

This is just sinix portal where does this lead to well it leads to here oh I’ve got F right on still every time I realize that I think he let’s turn it off and then I always forget to turn it off the torch there okay I thought that was sinir

Portal maybe maybe it’s not linked up maybe you had a different portal I saw one was blocked off there um where are we 91 where are we actually now I’m super confused this looks like it’s right outside but we’re inside a cave that yeah and then someone has gone

Through there before it’s built that here they broke it um yes we’re just in a random cave that people have then opted not to go through or out or they went down here we got that torch um there’s a creeper there let’s just mind all these creepers don’t want to get blown

Up 345 I don’t actually know where exactly we are most of the caves near spawn I had lit up which none of these appear to be lit up okay so that’s just water oops up what direction is spawn negative Zed positive X so it’s going to be that

Way we saw a creeper right over there though um just uh there it just creepers here nothing else seems to spawn in the cave this just creepers Creeper Creeper Creeper oh skeleton in leather armor what’s up there like the dirt makes me think we’re right by the an

Exit here this here okay someone had previously climbed up there oh gosh hello just going to okay cool you blew up that’s good um oh jeez hello I got scared by the dude I legitimately got scared he just snuck up on me uh what direction are we going right

We were going to explore over here which uh it’s an Enderman a creeper yes this is nothing there’s no torches down here I feel like yeah someone climbed up here to get out uh we have any blocks I don’t have any blocks make sure there’s a torch here rifi piglin wait here are

Did I just is is that where I okay so I went down there I went down and then I got lost but yeah the the way I thought that someone else had gone was literally going back to where I was okay cool uh I am super smart aren’t

I okay well let’s just uh figure our way out of here cuz should be pretty close to the surface we got grass right here I feel like we’re under a mountain oops we’re probably close to shopping district I think also I got Flint out of that gravel everyone’s going to be upset with

Me from how good the RNG is oh my gosh how much 10 Flint three gra Jes is that what Fortune does does it increase your odds of getting Flint didn’t even know I had fortune on this shovel probably a random shovel I got from an end City negative

X negative Z positive X this is the way towards spawn is this just under the I can literally hear all right we know where we want to go oh no you were slammed by a spider dang it you hate Australia oh do you have like bad leg or

Something don’t have that bad of leg oh too many spiders in Australia okay no they’re probably on Sage cuz I’ve slept in the last three nights you never been there okay where are we let sin’s flower farm so yeah I think that was intended to line up with sinar’s portal which is in

His base there how’s this flower farmwork so it’s just Pistons is going to okay so he’s actually got this here which presumably will get stuff up here it’ll bone meal then it would yeah it bone meal that you’ve got all these here pushing that this is a pretty interesting Little Flower

Farm where’ Sage go Al so what was said in chat you’ll never go there because of the spiders there’s probably some tourist places that don’t have spiders like you for that you made the flower farm how’s it going sinir yeah I mean I stumble across it

Every now and then so I don’t know if you’ve ever used it cuz I don’t think I’ve seen anything that’s used a lot of colors or whatever you’re doing flowers for yeah it’s a pretty pretty simple farm so I’ve actually needed to make my own flower farm at some point to get some

Dyes where’ Sage go though I saw Sage not too long ago she probably flew into her house all of those shulkers just all over the place almost as organized as me all right Al what was I going to do right I was going to look on the nether for uh

For a good Fortress but then I got distracted I wanted to to see where that portal went too the flower farm was make suspicious stew that fill up the hunger bar three bars full okay you’re making suspicious stew that fills up the hunger bar like were you thinking

Saturation what what flowers are for saturation dandelions or sat okay okay I thought that might be a uh just a head here oh wait hold on St aot oh my gosh you how are you hearing how I said that uh that might be the cause of Thunder’s lag did you get a

Blue Axel finally you got some Panda heads some gold Axel head some lucx model heads I don’t have Sage’s permission oh is this your claim this probably in your claim then you want these heads back wither head what do we have in here an Aly head oh thank you for the

Heads hey I oh I I can’t drop items on PVP don’t hit me don’t hit me can’t I Dr off items while in PvP combat there you go just place it right here also that Ally head did you find one just flying around at my base cuz my

La is just gone it’s just gone and it hasn’t returned you had to find an unlooted Mansion oh that’s that must have been pretty far away then actually there weren’t any alleys at the the looted Manion cuz when I first went there I didn’t find any

Allies how how common are they in m in uh in mansions look at all these sheep’s heads yeah just looking at this head a TR I was yeah maybe I can make my my base look more terrifying like just have heads attached to like sticks or something like make it look like you

Know skeleton heads attached to Sticks make it look like the skulls of my victims have just been shown up on display scare people away from me there like four alleys in each cell in the Woodland Mansion okay are they like guaranteed to spawn in there though cuz I don’t recall

Seeing any any alleys oops they’re always guaranteed to spawn okay I don’t recall any alleys being in this Mansion then let’s go back to this mansion and see if we can any alleys there’s our portal that just spawned in the middle of nowhere I should probably like build out that area

So you can fly it he’s here so he can get through a portal and land back in land do I still have my bed here I don’t still have my bed here cool they only spawn Once In The Mansion then they never spawn again yeah but I

Was the first one that looted this Mansion so I I didn’t see anything in here like where where in the Mansion do they spawn I just done my laps making sure that uh I got everything and then lit up the place they spawn in the jail why is there wool here who’s just

Throwing stuff in my Mansion I don’t know where the jail is like is the jail guaranteed to spawn in a mansion or see I remember I I think I got a uh smithing template from here test what are we testing it’s a c room jail sales

Okay we’ll have a look see if I maybe I missed a room or something uh okay watch there be like a whole new floor word to this Manion that I didn’t even find does the message show on Minecraft chat no we don’t have twitch integration it’s just on

Twitch now that I see that do we why is the chat why are these not on screen do I not have those shown on the Minecraft stream usually cuz yeah this Scene It didn’t have anything on there chat but they reminded me I didn’t have that

Um what are these These are the stairs up zombie groans okay so there’s something that’s not lit up somewhere um hold on nothing here see that’s another floor down there we’ll just keep looking around here Jing the Minecraft to Twitch chat converter thing okay said you have something where

You’re actually typing in in Minecraft and it’s posting it to the twitch chat that’s kind of cool yeah you do okay it’s just a chicken uh uh there’s no jail there no jail there sinir is joined nice how’s it going sinir yeah seems like there’s a big area over here that’s just un

Looted where’s the zombie the zombie could be just outside the Mansion though I’m pretty sure I looted everything yeah well uh go down those last set of stairs we’ll see I don’t see any jails here is the zombie this Sera just wasn’t lit up fully then

Okay or okay with a zombie existing it’s not going to do anything more people on a server affect mob spawn rates I think it does what’s this here that’s been looted then yeah this was just all this stuff like I don’t think I looted everything in here someone else might

Have taken it this was just was this empty chests or no yeah I think this is just was it empty chest I don’t I don’t remember how the uh the stuff works um then yeah there’s no jails there’s just the water streams here okay unless I’m completely missing

Something what we could do is what is it shift F3 or something or no what is it how do we let me show the uh differents this wasn’t on the schedule it was on the schedule how’s it going map sock cuz this here like in a room that just got broken or

Something wait where was this room is there just rooms that are hidden and haven’t been looted I couldn’t find any any jail in here unless it’s like hiden it you need to break a wall to get in it of weird loading or spawning of the the Mansion but no I

Don’t see any jail in here also I haven’t heard any alley noises which would be an indicator if there’s still alleys in here I don’t think they spawn with the jail it’s only on the first floor I didn’t see anything there was this room that just didn’t exist yet had to break

Through I’m going crazy uh so is there any other rooms that just don’t exist enough to break into what that there that’s this here okay try the other way I went on did I only go on one side see I’m not that smart flowers I don’t know what this is there a

Skeleton got an enchanted bow we’re just going to well right I think I ran out of torches when I was looting this originally we’re just going to where’s my sword there’s my sword it’s over there right so that’s the saplings we didn’t loot all of those cuz it wasn’t really that important to

Me is this the jail out of my way unless that’s the jail but I don’t recall there being any allies cuz that’s the that originally looted that so unless someone found it and looted it before me the smaller version I think that Mansion spawned with a different jail there too

Okay okay so there’s different jail versions but only one of the jails can spawn alleys okay see that explains why there was no alleys bigger one has more cells okay I have a good American Thanksgiving I did even though I’m not American I had a lot of fun not streaming sleeping

Instead yeah I know my alleys were on they’re uh on some posts with uh what’s some what’s Whatchamacallit have I seen your new gold Farm I have not I don’t think I have where am I okay there we go just wanted the ground to

Load in um so no I haven’t I don’t think I’ve seen your new gold Farm like was in is it uh on the roof somewhere let’s go have a look at it like I take it it’s a piglin farm where they’re just spawning on me straight East to spawn

All right hold on F3 okay let’s go east then East everything’s straight East okay hold on so do we just follow the Torches then there’s that portal so we’ll just go straight East still how far east is it I hear a gas I need to go back to my base and get

More things approximately 1500 blocks or so okay not too bad I have H okay I do have more Rockets there where are we we are only 1100 okay let’s go have a look at this gold Farm here oh well this uh this is looking like it might be a thing

Um this isn’t your garbage can oh my gosh oh my gosh you you need to burn the oh my gosh you need to burn these so that they don’t cause lag was there some more stuff way over here what the it’s XP and a nuget oh my gosh how

Much garbage do you have falling off of this oh my gosh oh wow big yeah have them all spawning on the magma blocks um you’re likely going to aggravate them by hitting specific ones and then oh my gosh yeah where are we oh my and you’re just AFK there where are

These going so where are their stuff where’s your storage system here okay so you got some barrels here um so what are the barrels do you have a are these your storage or where’s your storage see you’re killing stuff you’re putting stuff in what are you putting in

Barrels these are shulker loaders okay yeah I see the shulker there okay so it’s not going to fill it up until you filled up the shulker got it so here’s your spare shulkers more spare shulkers can I okay so I can’t look in the shulker itself hello not today thanks quite

Hardw so what do we have up here yeah you likely just aggravated one they’re all spawning they’re running towards you but yeah some just fell off there I know how it’s only been a few minutes since you joined yeah you’ve made the advancement diamonds nice those are why are those falling off

What’s shooting those off so what’s throwing the rotten flesh and those all down there there see yeah there’s dispensers up there that’s okay yeah if you can shoot them into a lava stream instead because if you go down there they’re all loaded in so that’s going to cause

Lag cuz they still exist it’ll take five minutes for them to despawn if your thing gets too high on the rates or something like that or if other stuff exists in the world that’s going to cause lags if you could like have it dropped in a fire or something or lava

Just that they get destroyed instead of just sitting here that would be it’ be good see if we just go down here we see all this stuff here which Exists gas cries all right where is the we slain by a cave spider oh no yeah take it you in a oh cave spider actually those are coming out of spawners oh were you in a Min shaft is that where you got your diamonds dang where’d you find an unlooted M

Shaft I thought like all the M shafts near spawn had to have been looted by now nice work on that though unfortunately you died I don’t know if you have your diamonds it’s right under your base right next to spawn okay across the river okay yeah I think

People have have stayed more to the oh gosh have these not been loaded why are we just getting oh I’m going I’m going east going the wrong way okay well there we go I totally went the right Direction your base just across the river okay yeah and I think I know I had my M shaft with like three spiders over here somewhere I don’t recall exactly where it was was I like the spawners were too close so two of them are actually in the same segment

Um so I was trying to make a triple spider spawner it was nowhere near as good as Thunders though just from the the loading how the spawners appeared um yeah where’s your base let’s see if we can see how your base is coming along so yeah hopefully you can get back to there

In time get your diamonds got some torches over here probably oh we got some furnaces and crafting table at your base where did you start digging down might have just gone in the river and went down that way we got the I picked up some of those we got a chicken there cool

Yeah on ly surprised there’s M shafts that haven’t been looted yet um I mean people started looking for resources too far away from Spawn because everyone thought that everything near spawn had been looted already it’s uh surprising I I know Thunder was under here because he got to my claim which is

A little over here so he wasn’t actually able to dig any further and he was right at in amethyst Crystal which is right under my base apparently yeah you must he must have just missed the M shaft then if you got it or maybe he was too low down I think

He might have been too low down he might have been looking for Diamond specifically wait isn’t there an advancement for getting lava I don’t think I saw you get that someone else took some lava then they remember that was that was full up um zero why is there just red who does this

Who who does this it’s so irritating why why would anyone do that why would anyone just tap hazly place redstone on the ground I’m too scared to be there looks like a trap who does this who places Redstone like that Redstone is not a decoration

Block the M shaft is only like five to blocks underneath the surface wow I wonder if that’s a continuation of my M shaft like it must have gotten broken up like I must not fluted the entire thing cuz that’s around how high up mine was

I’m going to go there then I’m going to go to my mine shaft and see if I can find it connect to yours someone did I just see someone fly am I going crazy yeah I heard someone fly now not going crazy every time I see those slime heads

I think there’s a slime there for me to kill yeah this is the spiders here which I mean this is a good lever it’s a redstone block and in order to turn the lever off you you break the Redstone Block you have 31 iron and could have

Had more if you weren being chased by cave spiders now you’re on three and a half hearts oh no yeah I think that that’s like the the the river is right above me which we seem to be about you have a golden spider that’s a what oh Golden

Apple I’m so confused hello oh what to trient thank you thank you H Sage I need to get M on that immediately um well as Rip Tide although I still need a channeling Trident um you hate spiders getting in your mind yeah bring some torches put some torches

Near the spawner and you can prevent the the spiders from spawning yeah I don’t think that this is uh connected to yours also super confused so yeah isn’t it iron pick okay you just got an iron pick yeah I don’t think this is your M shaft um probably pretty close though if

I remember correctly it’s right here where the river is no it’s right here where the river is right no you can show me yours all right I’m just trying to get out of this one now though cuz I don’t recall Where the River was cuz this is directly under

The river I just don’t recall where the uh where the river is yeah spider hisses hold on yes these have to be connected and I just didn’t loot the entire thing right so we see a spider hisses it’s probably like that there’s no actual connection and needed to just dig

Through cross from the beacon to the left you mean right hold on are you your bases okay we’ll have a look there then I didn’t thought I looked here and I didn’t see anything I could take your Bas is just where this stuff is I don’t think you’ve claimed it

Yet if you want to set a claim you can either use a golden shovel or if you put down a uh you put down a chest it’ll automatically claim a small area near the chest that just prevents people from griefing your area um follow all right I’m

Following okay didn’t even see this all right doing good at following I’m going ahead of you um then we go okay oh wow you okay so this staircase okay see we’re just mining an area out and you found a staircase from the M shaft that’s cool yeah I don’t

Think this connects to my Min shaft at all though we do hear the B the stuff here so I’m wondering if these are if this is part of my oh okay you fell that’s what it was I hear the spiders above they’re going to fall down they’re below okay

Yeah there’s some Cobblestone here did you block them off is that what it was behind there okay yeah I don’t I don’t have any torches on me if we had some torches we could light the area up so they just don’t spawn okay okay this is a you do

Okay you can light that up then yeah how uh where we at 140 108 I’m actually going to try to get the closest to mine and see like what the height is cuz I feel like this might be connected to mine somehow and just like they got separated

Somehow like maybe the river gets spawned in after the Min Shaft or something and it it broke it up or something I don’t I’m really confused this is like very close like mine is just over there I think like um actually let’s do this here can you have help with the spiders

Yeah yeah and where is my M shaft is it not right there okay I think mine is under this then cuz where’s the river river is that way okay yeah I got turned around then where you you’re there but that’s the river and then mine is just over there yeah that’s my M

Shaft right there you can see my redstone this is this two M shafts or is this one yeah that’s my M shaft there goes under your Min shaft are these two M shafts okay yeah I don’t know where you are now so you’re right here okay I can help you out with the

Spiders all right there we go yeah all right you need help killing them or I don’t have any torches still all right oh okay cool uh get those okay got those there where are they not okay they’re a bit further down okay there’s just a big area

Here there’s that there oh gosh there’s to the left yeah oh we got poisoned already cool okay yeah we’re probably are we triggering the spawner that’s what I’m curious about are we close enough to their spawner that we’re these are cave spiders not regular spiders so yeah there’s they’re spawning right here aren’t

They there we go we put a torch in there of course that’s not going to make them despawn the ones that exist uh and these are half a block high so they could still jump through there hello Sage all right got that hold on hey we

Go half a heart oh no okay is is this still triggering anything okay we got to we got the torch right beside the spawner so that should be good should be good with the spawner it shouldn’t spawn anything now but there’s still the spiders that are

There right um only got my seven car I don’t really have any food to give you all right you got a zombie there do you want to just we go all right then we still hear some spiders I think cuz yeah they spawn within a certain radius they might be above or

Where you guys going you find them oh what was that was that a creeper there was an explosion I think uh did a creeper I don’t know no creepers would blow this up because I know I’ve had a creeper blow up my spawner before

Um okay you got a lot of these guys over here now just gonna put a torch there should be good uh um okay got a guy in Gold there but uh Enderman whoops you made gravel fall yep that’s what gravity does yeah sometimes oh that just fell from above

Okay so yeah you you gave it a block update so it spawned without anything underneath it so once it got a block updated it just realized hey I I’m affected by gravity and it jumped down to the ground all right yeah I think we got the

Uh the spiders good there we got that spawn uh we got that lit up sorry oh bad here okay siir yeah I mean that is kind of weird how they’re affected by gravity and nothing else is well you’ve also got concrete powder which I mean it’s made by San and gravel technically dragon

Eggs as well are gravity blocks um if they’re not on the ground they’ll fall then is that what else is affected by gravity that everything yeah it’s kind of inconsistent for them for some things to be affected by gravity and others not I don’t know where you guys went down

Um think you guys went down here and then you go down here I’m already lost I saw a name tag but I didn’t think I get to you dragoning are a type of entity mixed with a block well they’re affected by gravity block dupers so oh you got another one

Of these here we can light that up got a torch for you there there you go you got a name tag nice I’ve got villagers so I can get name tags for pretty treat anvils are also affected by gravity okay yeah full golden Skelly yeah I saw saw that earlier

Uh do you want to just on where am I at where’s everyone else at uh hey where are you going I hear a skeleton attacking I don’t know who or what the skeleton is attacking though that lit up I think that’s the one stent I just lit up there’s the arrow there

Hello all right they just touching every gravity block to Try to Make Them Fall you got three hearts all right you have any food on on you got five carrots but hear the Enderman got two spider eyes what what what are you doing you already ate all your rotten flesh oh

No I can get out of here I can I can go and get us some food um where are we where am I that’s going down which right the gravity blocks falling is what it’s really confusing me CU I swear we came from over there right but there’s just

Nothing there where are you you’re on you’re over hello okay that’s also dead end Okay so this been fully explored is there anywhere else to look I saw a name take by someone over there oh then we hear skeleton we hear an Enderman there must be some places

That haven’t been looked yet or at least haven’t been lit up yet they up where are they yeah the Ender is just over here oops there the end there’s the full golden skeleton we saw earlier there got to be another entrance in here we’ll just not look at the Enderman we will

Hello yeah going to eat dinner you’re going to be right back all right we’ll be back in a few minutes all right you’re at the exit of the uh the Min shaft all right I’m going to try to find out how to leave the M shaft again I got turned around and lost

Yeah hey hey hey rude looks weird almost looks like someone just randomly started mining in a in a random Circle or something build a hole through here is this just a natural hole in there oh right there any slimes in the Slime area nope surprising ah that lava right beside the uh that’s

Lava right beside the spawner okay oh there’s a creeper up there this over here hasn’t been fully lit up uh okay yeah I’ll probably want to I don’t know if uh how much coal the uh much coal sage has that I might be able to borrow uh from her Wither Skeleton

Farm why do you do this to me Sage why do you just leave these slim meds around the place H you’re giving me up giving me hope is this a slime or is this a slime head it’s a real slime also is this there’s just a bunch of webs there

Is that um I don’t have any more torches so thinking that might be a spawner though oh oops something it’s like a headstone every time I look to see hey is there any slimes here I think hey yay slimes I get to kill them but nope it’s

Just slim heads oh my gosh dude hey hey dude buddy what the heck oh my gosh what the heck oh my gosh I hate this game why is everything shooting at me cuz that’s not the water stream I thought it was I went the wrong way okay um oh yes let’s uh wait

Hold on a second yeah this is where a creeper blew up it followed me in here and blew up my spawner was kind of annoying and what’s this here I saw the the mossy cobblestone there and I thought that hey this is another area but no someone’s

Just randomly placed blocks here what it might have been me to like mine sping off the ceiling it might have been me look at all these slimes I can kill them and get some slime balls clearly see kill kill [Laughter] kill every time I see these right where did sagee go

I should build something like at least some carpet to go towards my base everyone’s got the carpet going towards their bases and then my portal is just right here no I left it on why why did people let me do that I even pointed out that if I keep leaving

It on it’s going to break okay hold on we probably have a torch somewhere I have any Redstone torches there we go okay that cough just came out didn’t have time to mute myself sorry hey Katy how’s it going um so let’s go and get the torch

Here Al let’s go ahead and just pin this I know uh I don’t know why I didn’t pin it today usually have it pinned see Angus how’s it going and is that uh there we go there we go okay nothing’s broken nobody saw nobody saw anything get broken

Where did I put my bed again um it’s right there okay he sage has left the game everyone’s leaving oh no Sage’s back oh going to keep joining and leaving now all right so where do we want to so how long’s have time 2 hours 45 minutes sure let’s

Um what do I want to do we got all the stone we want it’s basically cool I want got the P we got the Bassel we got the Blackstone we got the stone we up Cobblestone probably start working on my build at some point in this next week or

So um I still need to work on a summer schedule I don’t know how many if any Minecraft streams there’ll be in December um CU yeah I think December is mainly going to be Mario Maker uh because of the speed runs and then Mario Kart because I know that’s what viewers

Tend to enjoy hello welcome back bartender doll Let’s uh yeah I still have no idea who uh who didn’t pay for these was that me last stream CU this last time I played I’m going to have to look last stream’s VOD to see if those uh those shells were

There so I know krix had mentioned he was going to steal shells from me but I don’t think he actually would have um so I don’t know if uh if those this might have been me last stream for all I know shot up is that diamond armor iron armor

Okay all right let’s also get you some food um this is Spa no this is Sage I think spawn is the honey one well whatever I think this might actually be closer than spawn here let’s get you some food here like a stack of reg carrots not golden uh it’s food

Though how many of these did you water log Sage my gosh um not sure what kind of food you’re looking for but we do have a a garden near spawn there’s some carrots for you some regular carrots hey Skyler of the Unicorn how’s it going food is screwed unless it’s beetroot true

Many do we have in here doing all right well it’s good to here I’m doing well as well did I not used to have a barrel here with all the supplies did s give me those supplies I was going to use them for the uh well actually that was the old

Version of the uh the sorting system is very inefficient uh some was just stole my supplies okay Sage is the only other person that has access here so what Barrel what chest to put in now did you just take those back CU I wasn’t going to use them anytime soon uh

It’s also highly inefficient it’s got you know it’s a shulker loader into an unloader which would take shulker unloader into a shulker loader after sorting system which would take very long time for full shulker uh either the storage looks like yours it isn’t a good thing yeah I’ve been

Working on designing of a base that’s not just all of the Farms that look very messy all around each other um and I’ll be setting up a sorting system once I once I get my base going um and for the meantime this is my storage system it’s it’s just chests all over the

Place this is how all the uh the good Minecraft players have their strest stor so Sher just wanted to stay open yep yeah I’m not entirely sure why like oh my gosh some of the these shulkers like I think the game is thinking they’re open yeah this one it seems to think

It’s open so even when I come back it’ll appear closed but then I can’t jump on it because the game’s going to think that it’s open even though it’s not I’m not entirely sure like what’s causing that if it’s a plugin just acting up or if it’s the server what’s going

On see there’s two shulkers that want to stay open I fly away and come back they’ll will’ll be closed but then when I was walking along here I just got frozen before and then every time I tried to jump over this I’d get Frozen that was

Yeah I need to look into what’s causing that then see if I fly away let’s just fly all the way to spawn and then come back and see how those shulkers look yes so they visually appear closed now kicked for flying on Hypixel because

Of a ghost block oh no yes they are all closed now but now I’m just getting stuck on it cuz you know the game’s like nope you can’t walk here cuz it’s opened it’s just I have no idea what’s causing that so weird then we’re else going to

Have that here I try to jump over this it’s likely lag where the server didn’t recognize that I had stopped looking in the Shuler or something I don’t know yeah we we likely don’t have any uh yeah it’s 20 20 TPS it’s not losing anything there so that’s good guessing I have vanilla

Tweaks I might I think it’s vanilla tweak that I’ve got yeah uh this tweaks yeah yeah I’ve got vanilla tweaks does that cause shulkers to get glitched or were you just noticing all the mob heads around just noticed the banda head okay yeah I’ve been trying to collect

All the mob heads uh by which I mean sage has been collecting all the mob heads and just giving me all the ones just gotten multiple of so I’ll get them all eventually yeah we got that there and then she also likes the whenever I log out she just surrounds wherever I log

Out with bunch of mob heads so I log into stuff like that so yeah all right how how long has it been since I fed my sheep can I feed them again the custom mob heads work with note blocks they do they do actually very cool so we yeah let’s still

Warden so we got the ward and whining yeah when when we first found out about that people were spamming not blocks they set up a redstone clock to just activate it and deactivate it so that it would keep nice sign uh yeah people kept activating and deactivating just causing a lot of spam

Effect sound thank you for the follow Mr Large it Mr Large it how’s it going thank you for the follow SC the Unicorn appreciate it right okay let’s just kill all some of these sheep hope for red sheep head oh I killed the baby they don’t

Drop anything is that a head or just some wall I think that was just some wall okay need two ship two sheep I don’t know if I’ve got any way of bringing my sheep out here there should still be some sheep around spawn I did see a sheep over here not too long

Ago might just be explore the the unexplored area between your base and mine and see if you can find any sheep over here oh yeah I think I see one right here hello sheep come with me oh don’t come with me the Sheep might be dying soon she might be dying

Soon all right cool all right come with me I said come with me what is that the skeleton okay armor just you don’t see that every day don’t see chain mail armor every day um I come here sheep snir is back welcome back snir hopefully dinner went

Well like last time the Sheep is being seen on stream yep uh this you know what we’re we’re just going to leave you oh my gosh we’re just yep we’re going to leave you there we’re yeah 30 sheep how old is the server um you hate

Nighttime yeah get a bed it was good you chicken rice and beans nice um I should be able to check when how old the server is um how old is it uh or would I check that I think actually we released it just after 1.2 1.20 was released so that’s gives you an

Approximate age on it uh is there an IP Yep exclamation mark MC or look at the pin message and you should get the IP of the server yeah it was just after 1.20 was released there was three creepers oh what was it said in chat here there three creepers two skeletons and two

Zombies after you oh no yeah light up the area get a bed let’s see if uh we can find the Sheep again you have a full golden zombie villager nice oh is that your that’s your zombie villager cool you should uh you should heal him

Up get a golden apple and a potion of whatever it is hello I see a sheep though hello sheep come with me I don’t want to look at that Enderman oh that guy is going to come towards me now okay there you go got him in a boat here’s a sheep for

You just uh there’s one sheep for you is there a white list nope no white list you can join in your BHD all right yeah it’s a golden helmet yeah good point the zombie villager right they burn up don’t they so you might want to have some blocks over

It is it under the tree I think it yeah it’s under the tree I don’t know no it’s just there do zombie villagers not burn up it’s a it’s a golden helmet though so it’s going to lose durability there you go now it won’t burn up Sky uni is joined nice uh and

We’re running out of food here this guy sucks yep they do all right got an armor sand here nice nice nice little area you’re making is that an arrow just sitting in the water you’re selling an oak sapling for five emeralds oh no very expensive field of view looks scuffed because of the

Beacon what’s the beacon doing the go log into a s for with 64 render distance uh the render distance isn’t 64 I think it’s actually only 12 but I think most servers actually use 16 so we’re a bit lower just so that we don’t have any issues uh

What a wondering villager must be from the desert or something hello M up Santa I think it’s 12 where do we see that uh is it in the options no video settings does it yeah render resistance should beol I think that should be the same is uh what the server set

To yeah we can see slightly of that rock right over there which we can go and calculate that it’s about 12 yeah I’m not sure if uh if spawn has leg I know some of the ax lles got uh called off there’s a lot of mobs you

Fell in love oh oh no oh no there’s water over here quickly quickly water water oh you you stopped burning okay yeah this was uh some Parkour here that uh we learned that the anti-griefing mob can actually grief you’re on half a heart you claim the Cherry Grove I don’t

Know if you’ll have enough claim blocks to get the entire claim there just wow okay yeah cuz originally there were I mean at least the anti-griefing means your stuff doesn’t burn up in lava you want to get your potatoes back yeah I believe there used to be

Like powdered snow here but if you were on fire and you flew into powdered snow you would break it even in someone’s claim which I still need to to report that to the anti-griefing plugin people your potatoes uh how many potatoes are left here okay well you only took a stack or

Two so it’s a lot of potatoes for you don’t say that on stream don’t say what on stream that I need to report the bug to the anti-griefing plugin people or how to grief uh not a grief yeah don’t grief I mean it’s one of those weird

Edge cases you got to be on fire in the powdered snow which it it’s an obscure Edge case which is probably why it hasn’t been caught by the uh by the developers of that plugin so how often do you have fire right by snow does this server ever go

Down uh well occasionally goes down for for like updates and stuff like that so I’ll need to take it down um probably some point um in the next couple days just because I need to update one of the plugins so that Bedrock players can play again um because we use geyser uh so

That Bedrock players can play even though it’s a Java server that’s my understanding latest Bedrock version is not supported and we need to update that plugin so the server will be down it’ll only be down for like half an hour or so but other than that so like if we look here

Uh 17 days since the last okay we’re down to 19 ticks that’s okay your PC sucks and when you’re in a game and it goes down your PC crashes oh no Bedrock player has more hackers and Griefers so know Bedrock unfortunately some of my viewers only have Bedrock so

I do have to to have that to let them play um yeah we’ve only had one Griefer um or one hacker and they were banned immediately so I’m okay with taking the risk that you know there might be some hackers on because they’ll be banned we got the anti-griefing plugin so really there’s

Not much they can do um me worst case scenario they they grief around your base and not in your base which that could be kind of bad but everyone from Bedrock must take a quiz they must be watch to make sure yeah is there ever going to be a kid update

Um I might have Kit um L’s kid and test I don’t remember what test is if you do CL kit claims kit you should be able to get a golden shovel which you can use for the anti-g griefing plug in to the claim area I don’t know if I’ll ever like have

Kits to give out armor I feel like it would probably be something uh instead of spawning armor through a command it would likely be you know if people have spare armor they might just leave it like all the potatoes and the the carrots near spawn they might just leave

It there and give it off to to people that want it so maybe put an armor stand with some armor for for new players that want some armor um if you’re able to without any conscious you would kill all Griefers by oh no oh wow yeah don’t me physical violence is

Definitely not a good thing like you can kill Griefers in the game but yeah I mean also with killing Griefers like they like if anyone comes in with like PVP hacks they don’t really get anything because uh in PvP you know your your Stu does drop but no one can

Pick it up unless you do a command so only you can pick up your drops if you die in PvP so so there is you know a lot of considerations so that Griefers and hackers don’t really cause any issues if they do exist and for the most part that alone

Would nullify most Griefers and hacks they don’t get anything out of griefing and hacking they’re not going to so usually it’s just to cause people harm but you know if the most inconvenience is they you know go to their bed you know it’s not really that bad so you

Know in a perfect world there would be no Griefers and hackers but this is this is a fair compromise all right and it’s night time I don’t know how many of you new players have beds yet so I’m just going to quickly sleep um you’re probably going to be on the

Server for weeks now cuz you have no life all right you torture oh no oh no all right uh what’s the up time all right yeah we have been live for a little over 3 hours I typically only stream for 3 hours um so I do think

We’re probably going to call it a night here um yeah so let’s switch to this scene here all right no everyone’s upset everyone’s saying no uh don’t worry will I’ve got another stream scheduled tomorrow um it’s not going to be Minecraft but yeah I’ve got tomorrow noon Pacific time I’ve got uh

My monthly bonus Stream So I play a lot of multiplayer games it’ll be um I think tomorrow is Mario Maker as well as Mario Kart both on the Nintendo switch I’m not sure how many people have the Nintendo switch but that’s what it’ll be on um let’s see am I following

I’m not following anyone that’s live is anyone in my Discord live I’m not sure if anyone has any raid suggestions otherwise we might might just call it a night with no raid you a switch but no Mario games the server always dies when the host end streaming they barely are streaming Minecraft you can go live all right if you’re going to go live I can give you a raid Sure Mr Large IP let’s go there okay 88 followers nice you got Channel points so you’re an affiliate nice all right yeah if you want to go live we can give you a raid then with one viewer well we needed to have an average of three or so to get affiliate that’s

Cool um always dies from the host in stream yeah we we’ve got a few people that play offline of course it’s more more people are playing while I’m streaming so usually we’ll go up to five people when I’m streaming um and then then offline there might be one or two people

Occasionally um I am trying to do more Minecraft streams so I I need to find more stuff to do in Minecraft cuz I feel like you know sitting around building is uh is not the best content it’s not that fun for me um do I have a Discord I do

Have a Discord exclamation mark Discord Um see were you wanting to go live Mr cuz if you do I can give you a raid otherwise I think we won’t do a raid tonight There you go you’re on there you got the mic broke nice um all right we can go and give you the raid now then sure uh no results found why why no results found okay do I have to do SL raid all right there you

Go let’s go watch Mr Large it I will be back again tomorrow noon Pacific time doing the monthly bonus Stream So Mario Maker Mario Kart um yeah so I appreciate everyone that came by hope everyone has a good rest of the night and I hope to see everyone again soon bye

This video, titled ‘November 25, 2023 | Playing on my minecraft server | !mc’, was uploaded by HueJassTM Archive on 2023-12-26 22:48:09. It has garnered 85 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:41 or 11801 seconds.

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Secret Minecraft Stairs Revealed! #VIRAL

    UNBELIEVABLE! Secret Minecraft Stairs Revealed! #VIRALVideo Information [เพลง] เเ This video, titled ‘Minecraft hidden stairs #viral#shorts#gaming#minecraftbuild#shortfeed @BlenDigi@PigPong@YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by AR_YT on 2024-03-26 10:00:36. It has garnered 418 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Description My shorts 👇 |MINECRAFT ZOMBIE&VILLAGEIQTEST| @YesSmartyPie @MrBeastGaming #shorts#viral MINECRAFT ZOMBIE&VILLAGEIQTEST| @YesSmartyPie @MrBeastGaming #shorts#viral Hello AR GANG wellcome to my youtube channel don’t forget sub #viral #trending#youtubeshort#minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecrafthorror, #minecrafthindiLOGIC HA BHAI |#viral #shortfeed #trending #shorts @MrBeastGaming @YesSmartyPie #youtuber#comedy#shortfeed#viralshort#mrbeast @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @TechnoGamerzOfficial @YesSmartyPie #youtubers #youtubevideo #subscribe #subscribetomychannel #youtube #youtuber #youtubechannel #youtubevideos… Read More

  • 1b1t Irregular servers

    1b1t  Irregular servers国内的高版本无规则服务器,以将服务器核心版本更新至1.19!同步2b2t的更新,并且服务器长期开服!祝您游戏愉快! 服务器支持开纪、作弊、刷物品 Read More

  • Dummyland modded SMP Semi-Anarchy Forge 1.20.1 20+ Whitelist Magic Create Biomes Mobs Rats!

    New Server Announcement Hello! Me and my sister are starting our new server today! What we offer: A chill and judgment-free environment Silly jokes and dark humor Loose rules for fun gameplay Discord server for community interaction Who we are looking for: Must be 20+ years old Non-judgmental and can handle banter Good communication skills in English No ulterior motives or inappropriate behavior Most of our mods: Biomes O’Plenty The Twilight Forest Interested in joining? Message me on Discord at PoifoPainting Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Success: It’s All in Your Hands

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Success: It's All in Your HandsWell, I guess you could say this meme has a lucky score of 13! Just like finding diamonds in Minecraft, it’s rare and definitely worth celebrating! Read More

  • Crafty Picks: Top 5 MCPE 1.20+ Survival Mods

    Crafty Picks: Top 5 MCPE 1.20+ Survival Mods In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Survival mods are key to fulfill your dream. Top 5 picks for Pocket Edition 1.20 and above, Each one a gem, filled with adventure and love. First up, we have a mod that adds new creatures to the mix, From dragons to unicorns, your world will surely fix. Next, a mod for crafting, with recipes galore, Expand your arsenal, and explore even more. Then, a mod for exploration, with new lands to discover, Treasures untold, waiting for you to uncover. A mod for survival, with challenges to face, Test your… Read More

  • Why does the wolf attack the fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftbanter

    Why does the wolf attack the fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftbanter Porque el lobo quiere robarle el papel higiénico al zorro para construir su propia casa en Minecraft. ¡Es una competencia feroz por los recursos en el mundo pixelado! 🤣 #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft animation boy love// he come for revenge [ part 44 ] music video.” While the content of the video may not be directly related to our topic, it got us thinking about the diverse and creative ways people express themselves through Minecraft. One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the Minecraft universe and connect with like-minded individuals is by joining a Minecraft server. And if you’re looking for a server… Read More

  • Missing Valuables: Monster Marauder Part 2

    Missing Valuables: Monster Marauder Part 2 The Mystery of the Monster Marauder Unfolds in Tolfaldir A Night of Intrigue In the quaint town of Tolfaldir on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server, a mysterious creature has been causing quite a stir. Described as a dark shadowy figure, this enigmatic being was last seen disappearing into the depths of the town’s sewers. The locals have dubbed it "The Monster Marauder." A String of Disappearances Recent events have left the EcoSMP community in shock. Not only did a substantial amount of money vanish from the EcoSMP_Reserve account, but also a collection of rare and valuable items went… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chill with AbsoluteSwifty! | Must Watch

    Ultimate Minecraft Chill with AbsoluteSwifty! | Must WatchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and Chill!! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by AbsoluteSwifty on 2024-03-22 21:03:14. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:33 or 10473 seconds. Check me out on RecNet: Join My Discord Server: About me: – I am a small content creator who likes to play VR and generally post VR content, especially RecRoom – However from time to time I do upload other content such as games outside RecRoom or VR in general – My main goal right now is to hit 700 subscribers (support me… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Sidhu Gaming vs ??? 🎮

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Sidhu Gaming vs ??? 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Who Did It Better 😎 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-02-12 13:30:00. It has garnered 43028 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft: Who Did It Better 😎 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes TELEGRAM CHANNEL – ( SIDHU GAMING 9 ) minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Day 1! (EPIC Gameplay)” #minecraftpesurvival

    "INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Day 1! (EPIC Gameplay)" #minecraftpesurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Series Day 1 || Minecraft Survival Gameplay #minecraftpesurvival’, was uploaded by Alex Minecraft on 2024-01-14 13:30:13. It has garnered 5462 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. #minecraft I Survived 100 Days On a SURVIVAL ISLAND In Minecraft Pocket Edition! (Hindi) | Minecraft 100 days #minecraft Instagram : – Guyz I request you ☺🙏🏻 Hit Like, Share, and Subscribe Button ❤ ____________________________________________ My video secrets : – Editing : CapCut Thumnail : PixelLap Recorder : InBuild Recorder Both of available on play store and app… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Found Sigma Male in Minecraft!” #viral

    "Unbelievable! Found Sigma Male in Minecraft!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘founded sigma male in Minecraft #viral #Minecraft’, was uploaded by San tap gaming on 2024-02-24 04:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Epic Minecraft Adventure in 60 Seconds!” Description: Dive into a whirlwind of action-packed Minecraft madness in just … Read More