Insane Minecraft Sesh & Elite Dangerous Action!

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Hey hey good evening it’s your boy it’s your host squirrel Lord speaking coming at you little late night Minecraft in so why don’t want to go ahead and get that invite ready if yall want to join me and here we go let’s get to Minecrafting I know red stranger has

Informed me that he had been working on things so let’s see what he’s got going on I will okay good Heavens he’s been busy he has been busy that’s for sure all right let’s take a look around let’s see what’s going down okay what’s up with this oh wow dang somebody’s been

Busy good Lord like I know that this is my server but I feel like such a noob here kind of feel wellfully inadequate all right though it’s all good all right ew why would I want a poisonous potato that’s gross all right so let’s just kind of loose

Random okay I won’t need food anytime soon soon good to go on that uh okay okay hey belief in action you are Live on YouTube how you guys doing can you hear me oh I think I made an oopsie with the chat all right belief in action okay try that again again all

Right wow okay let’s just grab a fishing pole loyalty so that comes back oh yeah and I’ve got everything I need for uh all right sweet sweet sweet sweet oh my bad sorry about That all right belief an action can you hear me my dude all right loud and clear can you hear me loud and clear my dude just so you know that was my bad so I am streaming live on YouTube uncore Lords gaming so a few rules I have is keep the language uh

Between the PG and PG13 level okay man that’s highly respectable yeah well you know that I’m trying to quit swear you know that I still swear like a soldier and I’m trying to quit that so help a brother help you know help me out well uh listen like I don’t know

What so you’re just saying to your audience that there’s no what why do you why would you tell me that I don’t even you really cursed like that I know I’ve had some guests though jump on and started cursing I’m like yo dude come on

Oh I see you know but how how does it work you talk in your chat or yeah they can hear you in the chat because it is uh playing on YouTube because my computer audio oh so you mean to say okay let me uh I don’t know if I can include my

Audio let’s see no there’s no not even an option so you’re good yeah so yeah so hey you’re on YouTube Happy New Year brother I know and I think I feel pretty optimistic about this one I’m not going to lie I feel optimistic that’s a wonderful video I am

Well you know that I’ve had enough rotten luck to last multiple lifetimes it’s time to turn it around hey man how you doing with the uh whole gym thing that you were mentioning you were really enjoying it last we spoke um yeah I haven’t been fully consistent with it though

So enjoyment there when you go yeah I still haven’t made it a consistent activity quite yet I’ll be going first thing in the morning but I’ve been pulling so much 12-h hour 16 hour shifts I’ve had to even take a break from school because the amount of overtime

I’ve been working nice dude I also noticed you’ve been spending a lot more time with your children always there I try to and every time I uh see you with my oh I went in the water not supposed to do that this place has got a lot of

Drown there was a game I was playing was called Stranded deep ooh and uh it’s a survival game where you’re like crash land on an airplane and then you have to build rafts and build fires and get yourself knocked it’s so much fun it’s so cool it sounds similar to what you’re doing

Then yeah I’ve also been playing some subnautica you remember remember that one it’s just like subnautica but just without being the ability to go underneath the water here let me drop some things in my live stream you know like some tags that way people can find it more easily yeah I’ll watch you

Minecraft open PV squirrel Lords TV squirrel Lords gaming there we go yeah how has U Star Citizen I’ve been doing that on and off and I’ve been having good times with it nice yeah I’ve seen a couple streams where you play with a group of great

Guys and you go out and do stuff it’s cool yeah those are my favorite streams on your Channel oh yeah and and sometimes you know sketching conflicts happen well sad that’s pretty good content D to be honest oh yeah um it’s funny I hang out with some of the uh

Pirates and pvpers in the game and we go out and uh get into Shenanigans and you know we we we’re just humble salt miners is that how it works you kind of like lean towards certain professions or kind of just do whatever with me I do

Whatever I want I generally play just a straightforward mercenary some people like to go straight pirate I’m just kind of there just to have fun I don’t really overthink it I really need to force myself more PVP combat in of those games oh you know just do what makes you happy

Some people happy is hunting and just not hunting uh players but just hunting like what I’m looking for specifically oh yeah and then killing the NPCs oh what I got to do oh there’s plenty of that in Elite dangerous oh and Star Citizen then I always get

Overwhelmed when like oh this is a real life person kill out of nowhere for no reason you always kind of got to be ready oh yeah what do you prefer like if if there could be a preference like what is like the stronger mechanics in space gam play

Elite or is star so Elite dangerous lends its way to PVE a lot better than Star Citizen does star Citizen’s combat is a lot more fast-paced and intense like time to kill it’s very quick oh I’m getting all sorts of pretty stuff from fishing so basically I’ve got if you look around oh

I need to put up a few more gates but this is enough for like one two three four five 6 seven just eight people just to pull up here and just fish their hearts to their hearts content and the uh spawn rate of stuff you can catch and fishing in this area

Is really dang good like I kind of got lucky with this world area are you watching on uh the Youtube yeah here here let me let me do kind of a guided tour so I only Built two of the structures and then I have some like a group of players that I play

With and they built all the other structures so I’m sorry I built three structures so this whole fishing dock I built it along with the extension this red Tower I built and this beach house I built you know pretty simple pretty basic I’m only kind of a

Basic level player when it comes to Minecraft but you know there’s nothing wrong play consist I’m about to show you my dude you are about to be impressed by what some of these players can do all right now I did tunnel down into the deep under cave Network that’s below our

Feet and there’s a lot of it there is a lot of it all right so I’m going to close that X number of days since the last workplace accident so there is another YouTuber by the name of red stranger and this guy specializes in Minecraft like Minecraft is his game his

Primary life and so I’m going past these structures that red stranger built and you see that Tower Red stranger built that one and that thing is tall there’s like a spiral ladder that goes all the way up to the top from the inside I see what he did here that’s

Cool he made some stairs he also made like a little mini map and we got another player named Honda Dash this is his structure that he is still working on looks like he isn’t quite finished with it yet but that guy is a super efficient Builder and he’s incredibly good with

Making the mechanical devices in the game watch this door it’s automatic I actually know Honda Dash on my friends list yeah no that that dude is cool uh we used to play a lot of elite dangerous together on Xbox yeah yeah yeah I introduce you to Honda

That’s right hey if you move your safe file data to the PC for Star Citizen we can group up and get into Shenanigans oh you guys play Star Citizen now all right I’m sorry Elite dangerous on PC I’m on PC oh then we need a friend up I might I

Might uh I’ll start playing Elite dangerous with you on PC yeah if you want to drop a comment had PC oh yeah so if this PC that I’m using to stream from can run Star Citizen it can run Elite dangerous on maximum Graphics setting like dialed up

To 13 and it won’t break a sweat and people keep whining and complaining that saying that Elite dangerous is worse than it was no they’ve finally polished it fixed the game problems that thing runs better now than it ever has before and the graphics have been polished it looks great on

PC and they even uh tuned up the sound a bit even though the sound design on Elite dangerous was awesome to begin with all right so here’s here’s the house of another player who sometimes comes and he might be a bit obsessed with pink but this is his little house oh he

He even got a dog with a name tag on it a that is so cute so and always be polite close other people’s doors etiquette 101 am I right Can’t Fail oh look like red stranger had found some villagers and kind of got them to come back to our little town that’s

Nice so he specializes he is basically the Minecraft pro and remember arcana’s might ar oh of course Jonathan of course up we don’t say names do not say names remember we’re on YouTube my dude I am yeah I just told you I can’t broadcast

My audio here on PC oh okay hey red I hear you but anyway what were you saying so yeah I know my boy yeah so he’s on the server too currently um arcanis might is reading bedtime stories to his kids but he said he’d uh jump in and join us in a little

Bit sounds cool so this is a mob farm so yeah yeah yeah I do like what you did with the place red stranger uh red stranger is in the uh the Youtube chat and I’ve just been walking around and admiring the scenery yeah so this is kind of like the potential of

What I how good I could get eventually but right now like I said I’m just a very basic level player I don’t really make anything fancy or great like this I’m good at killing monsters though that I I can do so yeah now I believe my little kids

Uh I think I’ve invited them to This Server I think red was making a cave house the dark Cove yeah I know that my kid wanted kind of claim this area and build like a little house out of here oh that’s one of your friends my

Little kid I was thought you make your children one of no my my kids yeah my kid kids I think they want to kind of build into this area I mean so this is what our home base kind of looks like pretty cool if you if I do say

So there’s a lot going on here all right the bamboo Farm Watch out for that lava now arcana’s might he’s in progress of building a castle at our little Hometown and uh he was inspired by you know Bowser’s Castle Mario Kart Mario World and I’m going to I’m heading over to the castle that Arcana has been working on very nice

Here’s the here’s here’s the castle it’s still in its early construction but here’s here’s the entrance and so far he’s got this floor area here not sure what he’s building with this okay some kind of you don’t play um magic cards do you Dustin long time ago and do call me

Squirrel oh I have a feeling that I am on YouTube is it you put me on there somehow haven’t you uhhuh I sure did okay cuz like I said I don’t have any option to broadcast my audio like I used to on my my PC is picking it up and

Broadcasting it though I still need to work on my uh settings all right just let me know next time yeah so so Arcana might uh Castle here he’s got set up but what was I saying I was saying something of interest ards to I forget exactly what I was

Asking but yeah it was just it was weird magic I used to play Magic the Gathering when I was a teenager but that was back during the 90s and I know the game has drastically changed since then well if you play historic mode like me you won’t really care about all the

Changes um would you care to show your chat some magic Arena it’s a free game very fun when you’re done possibly no promises let’s see when it comes to video games I’m generally more into the Sci-Fi and spaceship thing but I do occasionally like you know some fantasy

Oh yeah can’t remember who built that house on the hill I know for a while there was a vtuber that uh comes to my server once in a blue moon and he’s super chill you know what vtubers are right they have their little anime uh portrait talking

Away but no his he’s he’s a dude he is chill and he’s just a pure gamer and every once in the Blue Moon he’ll show up here and I think that I don’t know if this was his house he was working on or not but Ace kume really chill dude solid

Dude all right so that’s all the stuff in the immediate Village area you know that’s pretty much it so I should go grab some weapons and supplies and I think I’m going to go exploring but I better gear up first and arm up you know what I mean

I do yeah I just in my mind in regards to exploration in Minecraft I couldn’t imagine you know I just I don’t know it just doesn’t what is not going to we’ll see how that consistent show us that sure sure thing all right well I’ll go

Ahead and grab some gear first I mean we do mine underground that’ll be cool yeah let’s see going to grab a few more dogs too those dogs have saved my hide so many times let’s see I need some arrows arrows arrows arrows Oh actually looking for the bow I had that had Infinity on it can’t remember where that was I’ll take that health potion okay all right we’ll call in a few more dogs let’s bring a pack all right I need to make some tools and weapons all right gearing Up Sticks all right I

Need some of these some of this okay just gearing up getting ready and need some sticks so I can make some uh mining tools okay all right let’s make a few tools let’s see one two what you call it there we go let’s equip that Shield all right

Okay Cobblestone will be good for construction all right let’s go Adventure let’s head out got 63 fishies with me so I’ve got plenty of food and I’m going to head to the east I think oo red you you got me curious I wonder what is going on I know that you’ve got a

Really good imagination and the ability to uh create in this game so I definitely look forward to that all right let’s rock and roll let’s rock son of a I don’t understand like a creeper spawned right behind me and see if if your chat can help me bro when you

Can it says the card says put Target nonland historic permanent into its owner’s Library forth from the top and I can’t Target any of his creatures dude oh that’s that’s a passive aggressive jerk move I mean I don’t know how you say that is it a blue card that sounds like

A blue card the white card as a matter of fact thank you very definitely passive aggressive okay YouTube All About comedy go ahead and roast me for clicks and Views all I can tell you is I’m reading the card the way I read it and I was

Just asking does anyone know why I can’t cast it against any of this person’s creatur they’re all permanence they’re creatures that’s I guess a permanent isn’t a creature I couldn’t tell you my dude like I said it’s been an age since I’ve played magic it does a pretty nice job it says

Have you ever played magic just in your case you’ll say no I’ll teach you all the basic well it’s been years man I get you okay which way am I turn around even though I get a little lonely turn Around all right so me back to the 90s on that I appreciate that’s 80s my dude that’s 80ss oh am I that old I was born in the 80s my good sir that’s my are mine okay so look at this building out and I need to make like a railroad

Track I see some funny all these dogs I love my doggies all right sneaky mode boom boom boom boom right here some deep sea stuff and there’s like underwater temples not too far from where I’m at there we go going down that long road yeah you see this I need to put

Like a m card on this so it could just ride but if I keep going this way I’m eventually going to run into jungle hold on all right red stranger I have a hard time reading and multitasking here let’s see yes I check the plans

Check I’ll teach how to get back I like what you did the place oh sure I’ll switch over to the third person view got my doggies hey doggies okay which F button was it that takes off the HUD me and my pack of doggies and the dogs me and the

Doggies so this little island I want to build like kind of a little fort on it cuz this is kind of like a waypoint between the main base and we’ll be between the main base and the jungle but I do need to kind of flatten the place down a bit more there we

Go and yeah there are multiple weird structures out here in the water so once we get that water breathing stuff down there’s going to be a lot of exploration out in this area cooked mutton so right here we got a little island that we’ll eventually make a little fort out

Of got a little bit of sand yeah and this will make a structure right here I’ll eventually make a structure out of this so right now this place is not safe at night it’s very dangerous at night so I do need to get the materials to make like a torch

There we go So eventually I’m going to build like a little fort on this island here use it as a waypoint and I need to make like a mine cart that goes all the way back to home base and this way is further islands and it switches over to uh Wasteland and jungle

Terrain so and there we go big underwater temple there and there like big ones but I don’t have the means to access them at the moment yeah oh also food for the donkeys for there we go now we’re getting to the other continent or the other

Island so the world spawn for this uh realm got me right along a coastline on kind of a mediumsized island you know pretty decent resources and then we’ve just kind of built out from there but this is a big kind of continent kind of area and this area gets heavily infested with

Monsters let’s get wood so I can build a uh workbench but man at night this location becomes a freaking war zone like no joke let’s grab a few trees okay all right good sticks okay now let’s see can make like a mine shaft or a mine

Cart that goes all the way across this area could be another foundation for another Village that we build that would be cool Hey woof woof okay I’ve got a workbench let’s all right three more sheep three more sheep let’s also build a furnace real quick I need one of those watch out cute little guys okay furnace just need one one all right need a little okay got plenty of those got plenty of those

Okay oh it’s starting to get dark oh I hear angry Critter noises means it’s night time the monsters are all about to start spawning in you know how that goes it’s not always fun oh this is Halloween real scopy ah silly doggies go get on my Children good job my little guys oh we got drowned inbound that’s a lot of creepers let’s keep out of range of those stay in the light okay That’s one Creeper down oh over through oh we got a witch hate those things those things are nasty don’t want to get too close to draw their attention all right let’s proceed further in definitely be careful right squirrel you think you’d like to play some pubg Battlegrounds oh I do not have

That one that’s a classic I don’t doubt that for a moment just kind of D it yeah let me know as soon as you get Elite dangerous for the PC I haveen it installed oh I play occasionally I just haven’t been as into it as I used to but

I think playing with you guys would be just what I needed man probably I got a fleet carrier too I’ve never actually done anything cool i’ go to Colonia on a fleet carrier you know I haven’t done that either and I played that game for years before I

Played Star Citizen chance you could take there some time oh hell yeah we get all the engineers up there just go prepared like you do it on Minecraft oh heck yeah that would be cool man ships on your Fleet carrier out there go combat hunting get all the

Engineering done oh I’ve I’ve got all of the possible services on the carrier and that includes the FPS stuff as well get them get them doggies get him get them doggies get them Doggies o I got an achievement for most damage done in a single strike nine Hearts worth of damage in one strike did you ever think about that squirrel Lord oh no I died get achievements yeah do nine damage in a single hit very nice want me to try to go run

Past that bridge try to retrieve my stuff hopefully my doggies are still there but uh did you hear my suggestion uh squir Lord what’s that before we go on our adventure we could actually go get materials for engineering fill up real quick before we go touch we’d have

To kind of look up what is needed yeah or we just do our captain exus run and get all the materials possible you know what I mean oh I hear that believe it or not as good as that guy was a lot of his information is now out of

Date isn’t that something I didn’t hear that Commander exus was you know inactive uh he’s still I think at a much more slow and casual pce than he used to be that’s cool but as far as his info goes man he really was helpful put some

Of the best video oh yeah series up on YouTube that have been incredible forting yeah yep I should have taken a bed I was under the Arrogant assumption I was going to make one while I was out there silly me believe or not this is the fastest

Way to get out there and not using a single bit of energy for the food so here we go hopefully my stuff is still up out there and same with the dogos I like the dogos as I just there we go and there’s that Midway Point Island definitely need to get my stuff

Back and build a bed ASAP so that way I can push further in oh you remember Commander Harry Potter in uh Elite dangerous I never had the pleasure so he was one of the most infamous players like truly hated by the community well he tried to come over to Star

Citizen and Star Citizen is full of even worse trolls than him and he found out and it was funny there’s a book Arthur named Drew wager uh he’d been writing fiction official fiction for elite dangerous and this happened years ago uh he had a character that he had qu quote

In the game that was doing this like special journey and at the end of The Journey the author was going to like reveal some really awesome lore but he said you know no matter what happens to the character in the game that’s will be written in the book so

Even if like the character gets killed by a player he’ll write that character his name in the book and so a player by the name of Commander Harry Potter killed his character in game and the whole Community was out for blood for her uh Harry Potter in Star

Citizen no Elite dangerous that’s it so now Commander Harry Potter came over to Star Citizen thinking that he could troll everybody like it was Elite dangerous but the game mechanics of Star Citizen is much different and the skill level cap is a hell of a lot higher in

Star Citizen when you try to fight people in Star Citizen it’s less of who can engineer their ship better versus just straight up combat skill um combat skill matters in Star Citizen but in Elite dangerous it’s your knowledge of how to engineer your ship matters the

Most so he was you know in a good ship but he got his ass handed to him by so many of the players on Star Citizen it was brutal and he got in the global chat and started complaining about one of the biggest trolls in Star Citizen and so

That player was just laughing his butt off at him that that troll just like couldn’t compete yeah um it’s a whole different mentality and strategy in Elite dangerous than it is in Star Citizen um yeah player skill is important and Elite dangerous but what will make the difference in PvP is how

Well you put your ship together and how well you engineer it in Elite dangerous in Elite dangerous but in our citizen player skill matters even more it’s really dependent even in dangerous if you’re driving the fer land for one of the ship you have high skill can

Actually take down some big ships with Torpedoes and fixed Weaponry so kind of underestimating the at least the the depth of the combat mechanics going to be dangerous doesn’t have to be as straightforward as good engineering engineering no the the extreme uh difference on ship performance is massive in Elite

Dangerous when you actually go to tier five engineering and you choose the correct Parts with the correct engineering that matters um less so with Star Citizen because you can’t do the engine or the individual Parts you just buy the parts as they are and you buy them at maximum quality or low

Quality but you can’t really tell you I prefer one or the other just all I know is I put a ton of work to get grade five Engineers so there is an alien fighter ship in the game a player decided to fight me in and I was in a

Ship it’s kind of a mem ship and laughed at by the PVP community and I completely smoked this guy in that you know Meme ship the ship that like the pvpers just straight up laugh at and and it is a really derp oh I just reached the jungle it is a very Derpy

Kind of silly goofy ship but I like it cuz it has personality and that’s the Reliant Tana I took out a glaive in a reliant tana and not only I took him out I freaking trolled and humiliated the guy and usually the Reliant Tana gets clowned on by

Like every single other ship in the game in PvP because its turn rate is not very good neither it’s its uh speed or acceleration what it has going for it is it carries 20 size two missiles by default and then you can swap out the

Guns to bring the gun count from four to six so I mean it packs Firepower but it doesn’t really handle that will and for a ship in its class is kind of a big and slow moving Target and I took out the alien fighter that you use to like hunt big game with

And take out Capital ships with and I clowned this guy he wasn’t mad at me in the comments he was actually laughing his butt off at the whole irony of the situation so at least he was a good sport about it oh so you’ve been getting skilled up a little

Bit I still have a long ways to go I’ve you know every uh few weeks I’ll jump in there with a group known as Avengers Squadron and those where you get like the biggest pvpers some of them are the real deal some of them are try hard people with bad social

Skills but my uh experience with that particular group has been mostly positive like there are a couple people in that group that has an ego problem so I just don’t hang out with those people in particular I hang out with the people in that group who are levelheaded are like

Okay hey man let me help you out and you know I just say thank you and every once in a blue moon I’ll get in there and I’ll get my practice on um see there was a reason why I came out to the Jungle trying to remember what

That is is there was a reason why I just told you that but yeah so the uh PVP in Star Citizen the PVP Community is hyper competitive like I I literally I totally understand where you’re coming from I need to actively look for more PVP in

The games I play I’m so I I distance myself from that element in games other than first person shooter I’m not I never interdict people in danger it’s like but it’s like I could on occasion I do when I’m bored but like for the most part in Elite dangerous I just mind my

Own business that’s what I’m saying but like these people have citizen Star Citizen on the other hand that’s a whole different ball of wax I’m a bastard in that game sometimes I also do that CQC mode in Elite that has been a beautiful oh that’s fun now there is a certain point though

When you engineer the ships it’s really not worth having the fighter slots like when you could use that same slots for additional armor reinforcements or other things that actually boost the performance of your main ship because when you get up to tier five engineering those uh little launch

Fighters can’t really touch you or do any real damage to you at that point they just become a joke like a comedic joke lunch Fighters are good against NPC ships oh yeah they they are a great distraction now during thargoid hunting the uh Guardian ones or the ax

Ones are still useful you know for going after the small fry the beautiful thing is I spend I think you were even there for a portion of when we were going after all the ax Fighters doing all the oh yeah remember that other remember that other uh group of players that got

Salty at us cuz we were killing them on the uh leaderboards we were just there to make money but then they talking about Elite or Elite dangerous we got them on the leader boards they were pissed us getting those we we smoked them and oh I

I know how to do that that’s easy I can definitely help you with that I’m saying I thought you were there when we were doing some of that together a little bit of it yeah with Arana we went out to the guardian Outpost yeah we did that was

That was a few years ago my dude I know wow damn memories memories holy crap it was like two years ago wasn’t that I I not played it for that long well these past two years have been extremely eventful for me so normally 2 years to me doesn’t seem

Like much but in my particular case I’ve been going through a lot of things in my personal life outside of YouTube and you know work so it’s all been kind of crazy for me oh that’s that’s kind of cool I think that’s like a little donkey

Nope that’s just a little horsey but he looks all beat Up let’s see okay so I came out here and now I lost track of what and why I was doing out here don’t you hate that like I kind of feel embarrassed by this fact I came out here for a purpose and a reason and now

I can’t remember what that is I can’t remember if it was just general sight scene or I was looking for specific resources I now can’t remember gosh darn it oh you talking about Minecraft yeah no remember you had said you want to go explore and I said what are you going to

Do go underground I said I can’t really imagine exploration in Minecraft sounds kind of lame but oh no above ground is also cool and exploring the nether yeah show us is fascinating all right if I can find find another sheep I can make a bed all right let’s let’s let’s poke him

With my Trident oh I got a little birdie on my shoulders you see that I got a little birdie on me I got a Parrot guess it makes me a pirate now y well I can see it’s about to get nighttime again and this place is about

To turn into a war zone again so I’m going to head to that little underground uh Sanctuary kind of safe spot that was tunneled out here and chill out for a bit I might even dig a tunnel yeah yep it is night time enemies are going to start spawning spawning in like

Crazy all right there we go this area is pretty good look at that oh looks like my character needs to show down H that’s true red stranger that’s true he’s talk about items despawning after a certain amount of time but the timer starts counting down when you’re in proximity oh somebody

Else hello hello there hello there speak up don’t be shy oh you’re on Youtube dirty yep I am on YouTube how are you doing today I’m doing excent how about as you can see I am a dwarf and I Diggy Diggy Hole you cannot see any of

That but anyway uh what’s up my boy what’s cracking dirt oh my God I was watching World of War iom man now this this place this needs I need to uh make a uh I need to get enough iron and wood to make railroad tracks I hear angry spiders I hear angry

Zombies Angry drown everything’s just angry and now my dog in real life is barking what you doing my little Corgi really is that so just getting some magic in my boy play a little bit of uh so what you up to playing some of you T or

Something you know I’ve been trying to get tarov to uh download on my computer and I haven’t been able to so I might have to try to work that again see if I can’t get it to cuz I’ve been invited by multiple people like dude come with me let’s

Stream this game together and get going on darkov oh I think you would love it but it’s going to be one of those things that is it better than Star Citizen or Elite no but it’s totally different and yeah aot do it spend a lot of time but

You could spend a lot of time and die in one instant and move a lot of your progress all those type of games da oh gotcha gotcha oh worms to the Pod hey guys just so you know you’re on YouTube so oh yeah I don’t want you to tell me

Look I want look yep y I don’t want you to tell me but I want to know his son he had to pick a choice between his son and his daughter the son was Wilding not talking about he want I want to see I want to see Let Me Go like Let almost

Got toen by a whole different family to take her ass make a choice to leave his soner one she need more ten to than her son and plus he on wild but if that was my son I would SLA him up right then smack smack stop F this F that stop

Saying out here all right well then just just be youself all right then bye I got all right bye not not going to do that uhuh I got my limits dude if y’all going to come in the chat start cussing like it’s we’re back on the Block uh-uh no no No not going to do it I make a reasonable request not going to do it oh hey hey red stranger if you want to jump in Discord feel free to if you’re able all right that’s right some’s coming out here to Adventure Sure what’s up dude yep hey I’ve got my limitations my dude I like I said there are things I will not uh put up with oh we all have un li My friend yeah and I already was dealing with the situation you don’t have to to fly off

The handle well I didn’t fly off the handle I said okay I’m out that ain’t flying off the handle they’re not in control we are we don’t just run we don’t just run away from situations we handle personally so here’s the thing I keep it between PG PG-13 for a reason oh I

Already let them know that they didn’t respect that y basically yeah basically that’s them being disrespectful and I don’t tolerate it I mean here’s the thing the actual swearing the actual swearing doesn’t really offend me that much per se consider me you just left me it wasn’t

About me it was about me and you head on the situation on yeah you just like bailed on me dude I was taking care of it I already knew what she said like I said man I mean Once Upon a Time my language was worse than all of them put

Together but once upon a time once upon a time I was a different person back then very different well since I’ve known you’ve always been respectful and cool yeah about it to me yeah like I said I have my limitations and I laid out they knew

What it was and if they don’t respect it then I don’t hang around it’s as simple as that I don’t hold grudges I don’t think they’re good or bad people just say this is me setting limits simple as that all right I need to build like that

Kind of railroad track to get back home that was kind of fun to go out that way you explored now it’s time to go home that’s right I’m kind of like that introvert you know I I live in my cave and I occasionally come out and I go

Right back into my cave like a hermit crab but here let’s see look to the right massive underwater temple right there and there’s the Midway Point Island right there I should start like building a house on there or something yeah I should totally build like a house just out on this island

Call it my little island of solitude right yeah I can’t that sounds nice to be honest I just be like all right the that’s nice dude all right okay he’s Mexican well then I am going to go ahead and block this he wants to act like a dirty

One yes we had enough damage to finish him for some of your more intellectual viewers I would like to offer magic Arena or chest as something to throw into thec hello hello hello hello hello I uh was in your stream earlier but I didn’t talk oh hello all right you’re on Discord

Right hey book Haven it’s been a while since I’ve seen you how have you been it’s devoted I just change my name yep devoted dog wolf wolf when people don’t want to respect limitations you got to set it man you got to set those boundaries like I said I don’t care I

Mean I used to swear worse than most people like if I talk the way I used to talk five years ago I would be instantly booted off of YouTube for saying some really messed up things so as you can see I’m just doing some exploration and stuff actually uh I might switch games

Here in a few minutes to Elite dangerous now that I think about it I’ll even drop that in the title of this stream have to figure out how to fly properly been it’s been a good three four weeks get all my bindings down oh yeah I have to I have to reset those

Bindings and that a nightmare I know for PC we have so much versatility like we’re set yeah all right so how have you been devoted are you there I can’t hear anybody I don’t see anybody here no you’re I’m I’m running with two different discords the Xbox Discord and Discord

Discord and I’ve got somebody on Discord um he he was formerly known as devoted dog TV on YouTube but he ended up changing his name to uh something else I’ve known him as devoted dog TV there we go there we go back at the main island and I’ve got the home in

Sight yeah looks like arcana’s might has been delayed with uh story time for his kids for bed I hope he’s having a good time with them you know oh you know he is yeah it’s something should never take for granted you know that I’m divorced

And only I see my kids when I see them I would just all the time but yeah I try to make it that way but it isn’t so just when I do see them you treasure those moments you got to treasure it moment uhhuh and yet you never

Know so according to two of my kids I’m uncool I’m an a-hole and I’m evil but to the other kids I’m still the cool and dad that they love so hopefully the other two kids kind of turn around later and realize that I’m really not what they think that I am but

Unfortunately that won’t be for a while so I just have to be patient work on myself as a human being so when that time does come because yeah let’s just to say that they’re op operating off of a lot of outdated information and you know it’s just no fun it

Sucks I made I had an awesome Christmas with my youngest two kids had a really fun New Year’s we went out there had fun had some Shenanigans you know I’m all about fun in Shenanigans okay let’s put some of that gear away all right got some of the materials wolf bark wolf all

Right all righty yeah I should probably work on the inside of this Tower and start to uh decorate it and set it up for stuff yeah yeah why don’t we go ahead and switch gears and switch games this guy has enough to kill me all right I’m going to load up

Uh will you uh help me let’s play a couple CQC matches just so I can learn how to fly again real quick oh yeah sure I’m a bit Rusty at uh combat so I’m G I’m going to load into the game and be at some space support and be like how do

I do this I hate that feeling uh do you have uh Odyssey do you have I do I do that’s the version I play is Odyssey yeah I have uh Horizon installed I don’t play Odyssey CU I don’t want to go we might not be

Able to meet up if that’s the case n I’m sure it’s not if it is so be it I don’t believe that you can play with Horizon players regularly you should be able to play with well I think this is a great place to uh stop Minecraft right here save

Exit and exit the game all right let’s boot up Elite dangerous guys let’s let’s you look like you could uh use some Elite dangerous in your life yeah all right wonderful wonderful game it is now yeah Star Citizen is a lot newer so the graphics are more polished but Star

Citizen is still under construction but gosh darn it it’s so much fun regard to the graphics I’ve always pressed with Elite I don’t know man than Elite damn if you’re oppressed with uh Elite dangerous uh visual Graphics then you are absolutely going to love Star Citizen

So when you first click on this it says U manage or excuse me it says version I clicked on Arena is that cool you do a couple Arenas Stu yeah here let’s uh go to the menu I’m going to send you a friend invite but I mean did you see that hey

Red we’re switching games to Elite dangerous now and okay okay there we go do you see that at the launcher it says manage or version all right search for Commander what’s your what’s your tag I have no idea let me load in load in so I know what your tag is it’ll say

So at the top right hand side of the screen next to your portrait okay I’m assuming you’ve been listening to what I’ve been saying this whole time mhm I have been okay we’ll see if we can actually cross over well in Arena I’m specifically sure it’s not going to matter but yeah that’s

Possibly oh axe Mania AE pending pending requests check all right all systems go remember in this game you can Target specific systems yeah I have to set up that control though okay let me know once you get to the menu screen I’m at the menu screen and

My social is grayed out wait a moment oh of course all right I’m just trying to find your uh call sign top right hand side of your screen at the menu screen while you’re looking that up I am going to there is no social aspect of this the main game here we go

Is any small encouragement my other friends actually have hey Harley how you doing hey a favor hey go to Minecraft and turn on Fir sprads oh switch fir spread back on mhm give me one moment you caught me streaming and I just switched from Minecraft to Elite dangerous God damn it God one

Sec all right trying to build the right I’m trying to build a pigman Farm slash no problem hold my my thing and I need need fir spreads on for no problem I’m gonna I’m just GNA hop in there real quick my computer’s powerful enough to run multiple games and stream all at once

So let’s go ahead you so let’s uh turn on fire spread for you then I’ll log out of Minecraft lucky me no more like bad spending habits and redonkulous overtime at work I have no life outside of this don’t die on me now Honda sorry that we all heard that in 4k on

YouTube all right settings and you said turn the fire spread back on yeah all right done all right exiting uh Minecraft now okay should work there you go now I’m able to actually invite to the squad and all right uh let’s see cck social

I’m in the main game of elite yep now it says search for Commander what are you just it’s working my machine’s working nice sniper squirrel 161 but I’m assuming cmdr first right nope don’t worry about adding that just sniper squirrel SQ u i r r l or just r l two RS e

L s squir yep 61 no space 161 no spaces oh found you here all right hit that friend request and I’ll acknowledge You’ been at it my friend awesome now oh there we go check processing there we go all right cool cool now let’s go to Arena continue and let’s invite you

To the party CQC I did a little bit of this not much so invite to Squad and belief in action I’ve sent I’ve sent you an invite my dude belief in action Bel in action all right Death Match yeah no dud team death what I’m

Fcing you too I’m gonna kill you as well freefor all let’s have a freefor all my dude I don’t remember how to play hey since we’re here um you have Elite dangerous on PC as well let me add you as a friend if you want to join if

You want to join we could have a three-way battle if you like just so I’m aware who are you talking to I don’t I don’t hear anybody else oh um should be on the Xbox hold on where is it Discord uh here I am talking to Harley

Dash I do not hear him sound off Harley Dash yo do you hear him now mic check mic check he goes by he goes by Harley Hound now but he used to be Honda Dash he’s Harley gotcha believe Harley are you here I remember I’m here yeah I remember

When he had his uh Honda yeah are we friends in game yet uh Honda Dash I’m at the elite dangerous menu what’s your uh what’s your tag what IL dangerous on PC I don’t know dude I don’t have I from PC right now oh my bad my bad all

Right all right well going back to Arena and I will uh invite a certain friend and we can just duke it out and it’s okay people here on this my YouTube channel we’re just chill all right let me invite you belief I thought you already did I left

To try to invite somebody to the squad but that didn’t work so all right I just sent you an invite can you hear me nice now go to edit Loadout and pick the ship you want I couldn’t even tell you dude i’ I need to get in there and figure out what

I need to get better at touched up I got what I I got what I left off off where I was best at so obviously this is the best but all right as far as me going back and messing with stuff I need to figure out how no problem no

Problem just give it your best we’ll just duke it out who knows maybe you’ll get me oh this is just me vers you yeah one V one man you better not I need a I need 20 seconds to not come and kill me okay you just let me know when you’re

Ready to play ball and I’ll just kind of fly around in circle forward all that no problem I haven’t played in months hey it’s all good so Honda Dash if you want to drop on my YouTube channel you can see what we’re doing all right Honda Dash has left the

Party it’s just you and me I couldn’t hear him the whole time anyway I don’t know if I have a muted or probably definitely got to go over your settings that’s the whole part of this that’s I’m doing this instead of the main game that’s want to figure my how

To fly again all right so One V one it’s you and me you right now want me to engage peace mode and just fly around all right I’ll fly around and I’ll just explore let me know when you’re ready to battle okay and I’ll just fly around

So yeah the uh graphics on this does look great but believe it or not Star Citizen is even more crisp than this and the world fig what’s my like my Boost boost are you using a Xbox controller or oh I could not help you at all you’re

On PC but I but the PC understands the Xbox controller so if you get like A10 to $30 wired Xbox controller hook it up to your PC and it will work just fine you do have to do some key binding spear all right I say I’m just going to fly around

A bit let me know when you’re ready to go at it okay and I’m just going to fly around this Arena we got about six minutes of the match time it’s just person with the most kills Wins I don’t know how people tolerate doing mouse and keyboard it’s even more doable on Star Citizen that it is Elite dangerous but mouse and keyboard on Elite dangerous to me is an absolute nightmare Shield boost I just wedged myself into something and I’m stuck all right I’m unstuck all

Righty oh we’ve got a guest we have to fight oh wait never mind it’s still just you and me in here I still haven’t figured out What all right let’s go find let’s go find belief in action let’s see what he is up to yeah if you ever get a PC powerful enough to run star citizen I will show you around I will show you stuff powerful the RTX that’s powerful enough but it is processor heavy and

Graphics card heavy well I got a all right where you at are you buy something you recognize me because I was out of the Arena oh oh I heard the engine noise look at that engine Trail Zombie’s flying horribly just kidding hey not [Laughter] wrong all righty there you are I see

You I’m just going to follow you don’t worry I won’t engage you unless you say you’re ready okay shoot me I just don’t know how to like engage the systems you know the right system engines or weapons I don’t know how so uh your arrow keys on your

Keyboard the down arrow balances power left goes to system up goes to engines right goes to weapons and the down arrow rebalances everything Disag yep there you are oh great yeah so yeah I don’t know if we can cross over in the main game but we can definitely meet in this mode for sure I said shoot across her nose not up It just a love tap there you go [Laughter] go try spinning that’s a good trick oh popping the chaff try spitting it’s a good trick phant men that’s awesome nice one oh just before I streamed I just watched the second Aliens film man that that took me back some

Years can’t believe my parents let me watch that as a kid the uncut version well they thought it was important for you to do that yeah time to toughen up kid so you’re out of lock distance but I still have a visual on you you’re about to go boom boom

Exactly that’s the one problem hope credit for kill sestru sequence disag no it’s still showing the uh score is 0 0 cuz he asked me not to engage you just yet oh no you can engage now I’m you sure oh yes okay absolutely let’s for some reason full [Applause] reverse love tap hi

Attack Target destroyed oh dude I am lost I am L I’m G have to spend some time on the uh tutorials yeah no they make okay ones maybe I should make some uh YouTube videos on the subject you like that love tap there like hugs well yeah bro beans would have been

Way cooler but all right I’m looking for you Mr belief in action probably won’t be able to pop you a second time 3 2 1 all righty hey I definitely made that a little too easy for you yeah it’s all good doesn’t really give me that much

Points anyway so all right let’s see if we can get together the main game okay I will go back to the main menu uh heading back and I will go to Open Play I’ll see in the verse hopefully I suppose what if it lets us uh Wing up that’s right they changed a

Wing to team but same thing no more Wing they just call it team now it’s the same thing so we team up instead of wing up yeah I don’t know how I feel about that okay wait what’s the commander game called Wing Commander or Star Comm Star Commander say maybe it’s because they

Named it Wing Commander I’ll be right back restroom all right oh unreachable okay okay back so I tried to contact you in game because you don’t have Odyssey version we can’t Wing up in game that’s what it said dude yep it says Beyond reach because I don’t have I’ll hold I

Look that up that’s hopefully I’m hoping it’ll work around I wonder carrier management navigation o I don’t have that much fuel Ro go bless you oh I have to make two jumps to get there okay NP then I don’t feel like going there all right yeah so I tried to

Invite you in game but because you don’t have Odyssey we cannot Wing up okay so you’re going to have to get Odyssey Edition in order for us to actually uh play together in game all you have to do pal is go to where it says versions and click on

Horizon if you launch the game in Horizons mode we can play together got you will not be able to go walk around on planet which you know I don’t really care about that oh I can I absolutely can no I know you can I said I don’t

Think you care though you just out in Star Citizen in Star Citizen heck yeah and it’s awesome probably way better in Star Citizen than Odyssey or oh by a lot actually I’ve compared the two like it is fun and Elite dangerous and it works but it’s not on the same level as

It is in Star Citizen when you can p load up in Horizons and reinvite me I’ll accept yeah no problem no problem hopping out of the game and I’m going to see if I can man oh oh oh back versions all right Horizons correct mhm all right loading in in

Horizons I’ll see you soon much appreciated no sweat let’s see what it Remembers nice all right we in oh we in yeah we are but uh I’d say start it up I’m going through some basic tutorials just to figure out how to boost and stuff you know what join my crew and let’s kill stuff okay I’m going to invite you to my

Ship what would you rather be a passenger in a Corvette or a cutter um what would you like to write around in today down for but first tell me where is Baker’s Prospect Baker’s Prospect Bakers Prospect I have no idea why don’t I invite you to the

Party or invite you to crew how about that uh the crew is going to do me no good I need to learn how to fly you need to learn boost so I’m doing the tutorials but yeah I’ll I’ll join you in a minute okay okay all right Carrier Services this is awesome with

The all right I’m going to queue up my Corvette and I’m going to kill targets let me know I’ll invite you as crew to my ship what do you have on your PC safe file are you a fresh start or did you manag to get your Xbox stuff moved over have sh

Nice go for launch you have L off okay let’s just kill some Pirates shall we yeah we can do that we do a mission I’m pretty easy going you know me you’re trying to get into combat right off the ri I’ve already uh got the elite rank for combat now dude nice

Job I still feel like a filthy scrub and a noob though Char all right so let’s go kill some targets two one engaged all right let me know as soon as you complete the tutorial I’ll invite you to my ship and we will go fry some targets together prepping the fighter base stand

By okay what do we have all systems are go Commander awaiting orders oh hello Lee Evans you wish to get blasted don’t you he sure does somebody wants to get [Applause] blasted he’s toast Pop Goes the Weasel hello there do you want to play too combat ready

You’ll like the name of my fleet carrier War easy on the friendly fire Commander Tak he to go about popped themy Another One Bites the Dust under attack Commander I’m under heavy fire my Hull is down to 50 adorable Shields offline Commander diverting power to system fighter is down Commander fighter assembly initiated

Scout detected Target Shields online under attack Destroyed TR bro all right who’s next oh this poor guy about to roll him up and smoke him SC detected all righty oh we got a runner where you think you’re going Mister that got him Target destroyed easy peasy lemon squeezy understood looting up Tedy presents for fighter

Controled fighter deployed I’m here if you need me [Applause] Commander all right all right I am going to soon as you get in game I will invite you to the party so looks like I can switch from Odyssey version to uh Horizons if I want to team up with with

You yeah that’s the cool part now I do uh suggest if your computer can handle it get Odyssey it’s actually pretty good I just don’t care to uh hit the ground with my feet the engineers I just want to focus on my I’m still not done never been to

Colonial no reason to like alternate my time between ground and space combat I just prefer the face swap got play shooting games I just play my shooting game like you said before there we go okay Shield of Justice I don’t care about those yahoos Sharon Steeples get him paint the target

Commander I’m moving in for attack go get him my little attack minion go get them yes yes I like the Corvette its only problem is it’s not very fast for [Applause] [Applause] all right Another One Bites the Dust my scan commander and another one’s gone and another one’s gone another one B the

Dust so tab uhuh Macross of Avalon what a fancy pants name actually sounds pretty pretentious not going to lie almost feel like I got to blast that guy out of principal for having such a pretentious name Macross of Avalon yeah okay say Get Wrecked nerd okay delete oh that guy’s clean lucky

Him pew pew pew pew scan detected scan detected Roger Commander focusing my attack on your target attack temper Target Shields online Target destroyed oh yeah there we go yes Sir okay all right let me know when you’re close to being done with that tutorial okay just a few minutes here I’m trying to figure out how to get my auto you know the uh what they call it auto assist or whatever flight [Applause] assist [Applause] tet destroy popped

Them snap crackle pop Rice Crispies s if you watch my stream I’ve got a federal Corvette that I call the Midway I’ve got three beam lasers and four cannons on it and that thing hits hard it’s highly entertaining 21 friends that’s a weird name but okay there it is tole light Target

Boom more command goes another one there goes another one yeah I think he’ll get a kick out of the name of my carrier dropped good for a laugh I call it squirrel’s nut Hub that’s new you like that oh say chis why you scanning me squirrel where every blind squirrel sa

Chis get over here okay Commander I’m concentrating fire the guy says next time fill your cargo with gold honestly that’s not a bad idea it’ll get the P Pirates to come straight to me so I could just MK them all come here come here I just want to be

Friends why can’t we be friends oh he took two size four plasma bolts to the face he did not like like that I bet why do they always try to rim why do they do that I’m flying a Corvette why do they do that I don’t get that why do they do

That that is so incredibly silly I don’t get [Laughter] that is like literally the worst idea you can try to do with a federal Corvette I’m going to ram it to death I’ll be honest I’m probably going to take myh ship somewhere with thargoids so I can hunt and kill

Thargoids let me get on that website real quick and figure out what systems have thargoids that sounds pretty exciting heck yeah so Elite dangerous goid or stems Elite dangerous thargoids War finding thargoids I want to kill some thids got to show me how that’s done that sounds cool no problem my good

Sir thereo War oh I think we got the list of the systems invaded hi 18075 let’s see where that is hip 1 18075 hip okay hi D 18075 I said oh how far is that not a valid carrier location okay well what is the closest system to it

Not a valid carrier location all right there we go I’ve just requested the carrier to go jump going to a system to kill some thargoids cuz i’ I’ve got an itch I need to kill me some thargoids and only killing thargoids can scratch this itch the fighter is

Gone you are more advanced than I I’ve had some good teachers I I’ve got to kill me some space bugs I have the need to kill bugs this is flight control consider Pilots are welcome Commander attention this carrier has scheduled a hypers space jump please conclude anying business in the system prior to

Departure clearance granted move directly to your land all right I’ve signaled my carrier to make the jump to the thargoid system where that’s under attack by thargoids I need to kill I need to roast me some bugs extra crispy confirmed sir our services are at your disposal

Awesome so so you’ll you you know how to crew uh Fighters and stuff right you remember how to do that I should do you should all right uh let’s see where is the yeah I can crew a fighter but I want to get at some point I need to get

Together an anti Zeno think of using I think it was the fance I was hooking up or it was the Anaconda which ship I’m going to use fair enough all right I’ve got an anaconda called the ax uh what is it called ax bug Buster and then let’s see yeah

Yeah this will be perfect yeah okay outfitting optional Internals oh yeah oh yeah I can’t wait to kill some bugs hard points because killing bugs is a good source of income not to mention a good source of fun let’s see what did I equip this one with okay so without fit hard point Shard H

Okay all right yep I remember that was actually a gnarly load out okay what about Hicks what did I have this one equipped with career service outfitting what did I have this one equipped with plasma plasma and gos oh yeah that was a precise honestly that’s going to lead to heat management

Issues let’s replace it with something a bit better let’s see uh experimental multic cannons I want to say nope that wasn’t it not pacifier stor modules ATT this carrier has a hypers jump please I need to kill some filthy zenos that’s what I need okay gos and cannon not bad not bad okay

X the bug buster F missile wreck yep that’s G to hurt that’s beautiful that is beautiful nice nice nice nice let’s see uh let’s see Advanced Maintenance confirm at maximum capacity okay fire groups Shard Shard check missile decontamination shut down nice nice all right so I don’t know if you can see on

My screen but um we’re going to go carrier sequence lock begin in five minutes all right five minutes and I’m going to go kill some thargoid let’s dip those uh missions incom nice okay sweetness okay he got me okay all right my carrier is going to make a jump

Soon yep everything is as it should be passing to in system carrier minut three minute warning before my ship does the jump oh there we go oh there it is it says 5 minutes and 30 seconds nice so I’m just going to leave it on this screen stand up stretch for a

Moment uh yeah type something on my channel when you’re ready to Wing up and we can kill some thargoids together get you some big big money sounds awesome you can just hop in my uh you can just crew in my anaconda and just use a launch fighter all right sounds good my

Boy let’s see now you were saying I got to uh you in your channel you can’t hear me or something I’m about to take off my headset and stretch oh okay buddy I’ll hit you up in a bit all right all right oh my goodness now hey doggy hey hey my little

Friend yeah well we got something would you like a treat tomorrow we’re going to go ahead and we’ll take a really big walk around the neighborhood but not right now okay one two fridge yeah doggo who’s a good doggo you’re a good doggo yes you are yes you

Are you’re a good girl yes you are offline network access is temporarily unavailable attention carrier is not under pre-light lock all services have been suspended all right car your management view all right two and a half minutes before the jump how goes the tutorial belief how goes the tutorial

You ready to get back in I mentioning uh I’ll jump in your fighter I said I lost the tutorial but I’ll uh I feel confident enough to now man your fight at least I know how to boost and no problem assist so just kind of getting the two

Fighters I’ve got loaded on my anaconda are the anti-zeno ones one of them’s got a rail gun the other one’s got uh plasma repeaters that are specialized for killing those filthy zenos all right so my carrier has locked down and it’s preparing to jump nice budy well I’ll catch you I

Guess then in Hip or something or right I can join your squad wherever or I will send you the uh if you jump in the open play then I can just invite you directly to my ship okay oh the one minute warning there we go one minute till we

Jump but I got to kill some bugs some filthy filthy zenos so yeah as soon as you get in the game figure out where you are and get your ships and yourself together and since you don’t have a fleet carrier you can use mine I don’t mind you can

Use it as your base of operation if you want I’ve got all the facilities on it so you know we good all right 10 seconds till jump attention counting down 5 four 3 two one Jumping all right let me know as soon as you’re in game I’ll invite you to the ship sounds good Budd and we will go hunting zenos together all right there we go all right we are on location Carri A J successful please stand by while final checks are completed all right

All right just say the word since as you’re in game I’ll invite you to the ship I’ve got to kill me some filthy filthy zenos ret yes you got to kill zenos yes all right Char time to kill zenos yes 4 3 2 oh that’s threat level four we need we

Need Threat Level five um on human signal Source let’s get to that nav Beacon nice nice red oh Drive Char engaged engage got to kill some filthy xenos for engage okay joining your ship ready and invite are you joining the ship okay nice well before I guess I say that

I are you in the game no you gotta get into open play fair enough Refugee Convoy pattern threat five there you are send you an invite right all right welcome to the party my dude soon as we drop grab a fighter and just fire at whatever I shoot at

Okay whatever I shoot at Focus your fire just in time all right deploying hard Points all right these guys are about to get jumped by thargoids we’re here to crush all opposition okay looks like they are going to be in the clear okay looks like this area is clear let’s move on all right engage okay we’re going to go into an active Hot Zone so get

Ready there was an ax combat zone all right let’s get ready all right there’s weapons fire here that might mean that there’s a battle in progress as soon as we drop out jump in a fighter and launch just straight away okay good we should get some uh

Oh hop out hop out this is a thargoid intercepting us all right launch launch it’s on it’s freaking on all right fight’s on launch the fighter dude what you waiting for not [Applause] [Applause] taking interal Dage Charing all right we need to rethink that attack 3 2 1 engage oh that was rough copy H we got roughed up pretty hard can you hear me or no bro now I hear you I was telling you that your spider B

Was malfunction you not hear me when we’re in combat nope I couldn’t that’s yeah saying that the whole time SL has a malfunction cannot laun okay let’s fix that problem right now uh let’s jump back to my carrier and get fixed up I’ll try again that’s what the

Problem was I’m figuring it out right now okay fighter Bay 4 3 2 1 we’ll try again let’s let’s let’s get this ship pack patched up Char okay let’s find out what happened fighter fighter Bay fighter Bay uhhuh 3 2 1 all right let’s go get patched up and rearmed

All right now let’s look at the modules let’s figure out oh my gosh now I know why for some reason it was set to inactive there it’s active that was my mistake of my end not yours now it should work oh I didn’t think I was making any

Mistakes was letting you know function you just kept yelling to like do stuff it wasn’t possible to do and he weren’t listening or something you can’t hear when it’s combat time as on yeah yeah all right so let’s get fixed up and try again right oh did you get damage pretty good

Yeah 60% hole I took the roll with the Gunner I don’t know what I was able to was interesting I don’t really know what I’m doing as the Gunner you don’t have any suggestions um if you ever get the chance to use the Zeno field shut down I’ll probably tell

You to fire that off we hope you find what you’re looking for clearance denied you’re outside the 7.5 km range for docking requests permission granted a landing has been assigned to you all right let’s get fixed up confirmed assisted approach good we’ll try again how do you like my carrier beautiful it’s

All glow the dark super green yeah all right so yeah we’ll get fixed up we’ll try again not just green but florescent well it’s kind of parked out where the sun is just shining on it all right let’s get patched up try again we’ll go to an ax combat zone

Where there’s the small fright and then the big fright kind of come in we’ll try that again all right pretty fun all right repair refuel rearm yeah oh I’m about to put you through the ringer my dude all right let’s rollas confirmed restrict speed is behind I go control I control

I was he in your wing Team all right I think I said I was going to use a cutter for ax that was my plan o if you outfit them just right they can be very good for that cellen Clippers yeah true now I read on some

Website the cutter was mean against the yeah different I’ll do that believe it or not Anaconda is no slouch I mean like Anaconda is usually the best of everything best flyer best best of everything got stuff like Caro all right let’s go endanger some species speed restrictions have been

Lifted we’ll see you soon Commander all right let’s get back to the action all right this time you should be able to launch a fighter the Gunner SE like what I’m supposed to be doing okay X all right we’ll start at a low conflict Zone and we’ll build ourselves up all

Right right outside the sun here we go so well just focus on the small fry just start murdering them okay and above all have fun don’t feel bad if you get shot down just grab the other fighter and go for it yeah let’s try to crush some bugs

All right soon as we drop get in a fighter and go all right it’s go time okay engage engage good to have you on the team let’s kill some all right coming fight of deployment all right A big one is coming in all systems are go Commander awaiting

Orders all right believe grab the other fighter and let’s get to work Commander I’m under heavy fire all right smoked one Sho now when they die their death Cloud drops costic got another [Laughter] one you’re all set for deployment I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander all

Right neutral all right let’s go ahead and Crush these little bastards just get in there and have fun make your mistakes fly wild okay all let’s let’s Crush these bugs Nice kill Nice kill I saw that nicely done all right some of the big ones will be coming in soon so just be

Ready don’t is G don’t fly through the cloud after you kill them it’s like the acid blood from Aliens all right we got a big one coming in all right wait what’s that we need to be careful what we do here Commander son of a gun oh my God I think we’re in trouble I’m taking damage iander all good all good just keep trying down Commander what the heck he uh pulled his uh EMP he hit us with an EMP dirty filthy rat all right where’d he go All just keep [Applause] fighting oh he’s mad at me I got him Mad oh he’s pissed he’s really pissed die sucker almost had him that time CL Get back here you little rap scallion attack get back here I’m not done with you Get back here I ain’t finished with you how come I can’t see nothing on my screen taking Dage The Drone costing substance Neal under attack successful Friendship Drive charging [Applause] We’re going to try this again we’re about to die let’s try it again again belief I need you to get in a fighter okay can you hear me loud and clear yeah I was in my fighter but it takes time for it to rebuild itself when I die takes about

Two and a half minutes I’m in there as much as I can do though all right we’ll try it again this system is crawling withes if we don’t push back we’ll be overrun think you can hand it friend right let’s see if we can kill some cyclops I at 144,000 off that

Yeah those are small numbers my dude those are still that was pretty cool that’s a small small number we can do more than that all right let’s hop to it shall we good night red stranger thanks for hanging with us for real ship released engines engaged cannot compot oh

Launch we’ve got enemies here here I’m not in your ship you pull me back on your ship dude oh for goodness sake this thing’s stupid there we Go ah blocked it sucker [Applause] blocked it sucker h oh he didn’t like that budy about time hey thank you no problem Come here you little turd where you going taking Up Under attack Det my Gra h under attack Shields online taking damage Deployed do request granted retracted landing gear deployed inte Shields offline costic substance neutralized knocking successful Shields all all right let’s get to it let’s get some kills well let’s get into the fight ship released engines engaged under attack taking damage oh FL He Oh cosing damage Detector decontamination doing request granted Landing deployed cos substance neutralized Shields online deamination failed decontamination liit failed ship released engine engaged under attack taking damage almost had him Elin en SE I don’t like these guys not at all I don’t like them how bad am I beat up now system ini a under attack request granted oh boy landing gear deployed Integrity critical costing substance neutralized Shields online successful engin disengaged all right let’s get back out there get

Back into that fight maybe we can get a Kill ship released engines engaged understood booting up T presence for fighter controlled fighter deployed I’m here if you need me Commander paint the target Commander I’m moving in for attack taking damage I want to kill this so Roger that moving into attack

Shields offline Commander diverting power to systems fighter is down Commander fight initi almost have him get her you son of a gun come here got a kill yeah chew on that in missional desty oh that was satisfying prepping the fighter Bas stand by yeah slf is online standing by 1 2 three hey

Yeah we need to we need to kill some more Roger that Commander initiating automated retrieval fight assembly complete oh yeah oh come here come here I want to take a piece of you Roger Commander I’ve got you covered paint the target Commander I’m moving in for Attack Commander I’m under heavy Fire come here you part of him is [Applause] glowing Paint the the target Commander I’m moving in for attack Shield are down requesting cover fire fighter destroyed Commander [Applause] warning cos damage detected prepping the fighter base stand by all systems are go Commander awaiting orders okay Commander scanning for Targets energy surge detected wasn’t fast enough all right though Clyde how you doing I’m going bug hunting in Elite dangerous oh they hate me they don’t like taking Shard cannons to the face they’re really mad at me Roger that moving into attack all right let’s go kill some

Bugs how come he is still nearly at 100% we need to fix that under Attack taking all damage [Applause] oh he didn’t like that you’re still going to get a shotgun to the face now that’s not going to save you from the shotguns ah took out another chunk of you get back here I’m not finished with you Commander I’m going to lose the ship

If I sustain any more damage fighter is down Commander get those Shields down oh if I can get right up on him I can insta kill him with a shotgun to the face copy deploying the fighter let’s get in there SLS is online stand okay all right okay now I really don’t like

You all right I need to get back to that base and get fixed up I definitely have his attention though he mad at me Commander I’m under heavy firee Commander cover me my shield generator is offline fighter destroyed Commander fighter assembly initiated I’ll get repaired and get back to the fight oh yeah

Uh you get big bonuses for killing them you got to be able to survive to cash in the bonus that’s the real catch okay requested request gr okay that’s the lightning pad okay I got to get fixed up and back into the fight cargo retracted landing gear deployed

This is why we engineer and get all those whole reinforcements complete integrity substance neutralized Shi online cash in the missions real quick grab some more kill message Darko all right let’s get back into that fight there’s a thargoid Interceptor we got a kill that’s up here causing trouble let’s get

Back to the fight ship released engines engaged landing gear attracted commencing fighter deployment oh okay let’s kill this son of a gun F deploy I really command really hate these guys so Much oh yeah come on baby oh he’s almost in range I can oh yeah that moving into attack come on How dare you eat that Splash one ah suck it okay Commander I’m concentrating fire on primary target reload let’s get back to that fight come here you filthy Zeno I’m taking damage I need support Commander oh yeah hit him hit him my Guy where do you think you’re going huh where are you going all right I just blew a chunk off of him he didn’t like that at all they’ve taken out my shield performing a Bas fight them in is down Commander take out was your Shield Bubba chunks off

Them all right just got another piece of [Applause] them oh you like that you like that where are you going where are you Going I better go repair and turn in some missions I’ll be back though just just you wait prepping the fighter Bas stand bys is online standing by on Roger Commander focusing my attack on your target all right oh yeah so my armor is down to 50% better I get that dang they hate

Me they really hate me taking whole damage Shields offline Commander diverting power to systems fighter is down Commander he we’ll be right back you filthy animal don’t go anywhere Landing deployed I’m coming right back costic substance neutralized successful all right let’s cash in grab some more missions yeah we need to

Kill all right let’s get back to the fight let’s go get him shiped engaged landing gear protracted understood booting up T pres for fighter control all right let’s get to it what do we got snipe his ass snipe him hey what about that big one yeah oh yeah I’ve got some hits on

Him kill him okay Commander I’m concentrating fire on primary target Commander I’m under heavy fire take his ass out spash one come here you little rat it’s almost in range attack got another one all right let’s keep killing in these xenos pain the target Commander I’m moving in for [Applause]

Attack I’m taking critical damage Commander the fighter is gone got another one all right commencing fighter deployment kill them all systems are go Commander awaiting orders kill him kill him Come oh let’s focus on this one this one needs to die Roger that moving into attack all right let’s get to them let’s get him oh both of these ones are chewed up pretty good okay Commander I’m concentrating fire on primary target got another one chew on that hope you enjoyed

This Roger Commander focusing my attack on your target take him out attack all right Hull at 50% Commander fighter is down Commander yep it sure is they all really mad at me fighter assembly initiated flight assist off copy deploying the fighter fighter deploy I’m here if you need me Commander kill

Him flight assist on unable to do fighter still deployed unable to fighter still deployed moer that Commander initiating automated retrieval unable to do fighter still deployed complete Caro retracted oh dang he coming in hot he’s Mad taking all damage Shield offline Commander diverting power to system fighter destroyed Commander well that solves that problem find sh the up no oh yeah I’m really ticking them off means I should be proud I’m pissing off the right things let’s grab some more not medusas not basilisk kill Scouts check kill

Kill Scouts check kill Scouts check uh not ready for hydras I’m ready for Cyclops and Scouts but I’m not ready for the big stuff just yet but let’s see how much uh progress am I making with all this okay all right let’s go get them ship releasedin engaged cannot comply Lock and Load

Baby all right let’s get back up there all right commencing fight deployment all right let’s start killing them all systems are go Commander awaiting orders oh that one looks like it’s being engaged really hard yeah this one there’s there’s my next Target paint the target Commander I’m moving in for

Attack okay Commander I’m concentrating fire on primary target coming in the range right Sho want that how you like that huh all right need to get some bigger targets reload H I don’t care if you’re a noob and you want to try this This ship’s very well suited for this type of combat just have fun Roger Commander focusing my attack on your target

Okay oh oh oh oh oh hello how you like that huh you like that taking Dage Commander Hle is critical Commander I can’t take any more there was another piece of you oh he got saved by his shield last second got the kill got the Kill yeah got him understood booting up T presents for fighter control sick fighter deployed I’m here if you need me Commander I need you need you to hit some targets yeah oh hello paint the target Commander I’m moving in for attack hle is critical Commander I can’t

Take any more hits fighter link is down commander looks like we lost it ah got a chunk of them where are you going yeah how about a nice shotgun to the face you like that you like that he in fact does not like that come here You come on come On flight assist off oh I got him chasing me he is so mad I got him mad at me flight assist on oh yeah all righto down to 30% armor that’s quite the beating request gr all right there’s The Landing Pad landing gear deployed yeah oh yeah this is

Fun this is the fun stuff right here oh another big one’s coming in yeah repaired recharge Shield turn in the missions baby engineering blueprints okay let’s see Cyclops need to kill more cyclops all right I’ll kill more Scouts all right let’s take up reload heck yeah let’s light them up

Baby that’s light them all up now we’re having fun ship released engines engaged under attack taking Dage understood booting up teny presence for fighter control fighter deployed I’m here if you need me Commander light them up light him up my dude light him up get over here all right Splash

One oh hello I remember you I want a piece of you get back here I want more than a piece of you I want the whole course come here down command get back here oh that’s a death screen he’s about to pop he somehow survived oh you dirty little rat dirty little rat

Yeah I you’re there you’re there come on come on reboot so glad I took all my you dirty rat got him chew on that figh assembly complete destroy got another one that’s a lot of angry thargoids it’s a lot of angry thargoids request gred Shields offline I’m trying to single-handedly hold this place

Down and I have got so many angry zenos right now oh yeah yeah got so many of those things man they are mad look at how many of them are on my radar woo they’re mad they getting more mad they’re mad as Hornets right now costing substance all right rearm

Repair turn in the mission get paid maximum rep kill more Scouts reload all right fully reloaded let’s go yeah they are mad all right how many are left all right well let’s keep going let’s keep going engaged okay commencing fighter deployment okay let’s get back in the

Mix what do we have fighter deployed I’m here if you need me Commander all right okay that got his attention it only minorly annoyed Them all right took a chunk off of them got a got a piece of them let’s get more of them Commander I’m under heavy Fire H is critical Commander I can’t take any more hits figh is down Commander Come on L that shot up [Applause] that okay let’s move into range oh come all right I’m going to get my piece Of oh dang yeah now he want really wants a piece of me oh he wants a piece of me and doing squat to him oh that’s Adorable To get back to the base get fixed up again flight assist off flight assist request gr all right at least I’m making money now that costic need to be able to uh change up the uh weapons Loadout on this ship need to be able to get couple

Couple extra Shard cannons and I can just delete them okay that actually hurt costing substance neutralized successed online okay now the missions have cleared repaired reloaded let’s get back out there oh yeah all right nobody’s on nobody wants to do this this is all right let’s get out there I cuz

They’re all on Odyssey of course all right let’s take off get back to the fight ship released engines engaged Landing [Applause] attack understood loing up T fighter control they taking out my shield performing evive Manu fighter destroyed commandery dang oh I’ve got that whole swarm on me another one down got another one all right okay how bad am I beat up I’m pretty beat [Applause] up fight got another one

Got got more of them all right boy yeah yeah okay let’s get let’s get fixed up that was the that was a sworn all right oh another big one is coming in all right let’s do it all right let’s cash in let’s cash in uh okay Cyclops Cyclops all

Right better launch get back to the fight reload oh w wow got a storm Ru on outside that spooked the heck out of me yeah yeah they are so mad at me I’ve got them all gunning for me they want to shred engaged okay landing gear deployed landing gear RCT

Okay prepping the fight full attack man let’s go let’s get to killing all systems are go Commander awaiting orders oh I want him I want him kill him Roger Commander focusing my attack on your target good good good he’s mad taking whole damage command Shield offline Commander diverting power to systems fight Eng

Down commander looks like we lost it got another chunk off them got a chunk got one prepping the fighter base stand by got one fighter is ready Commander order kill him paint the target Commander I’m moving in for that’s their support unit right there got one TG destroy kill him Roger Commander

Focusing my attack on your Target Target destroyed oh I got a big one after me I got a big one he mad he’s mad at me for killing his little buddies taking whole damage paint the target Commander I’m moving in for attack I’m taking critical damage Commander the fighter is gone it’s all

Good keep fighting understood booting up T presence for fighter control all systems are go Commander awaiting orders light them upand my attack on your target got another one target destroyed all right let’s get to them quick yeah come closer to the base I’m concentrating fire on primary target oh

Yeah come here come here come here where you going where you going Commander I’ve got multiple Hull impacts Shields offline Commander commer diverting power to systems down Commander I cling In I took a piece of them he did not like that at all all right he didn’t like that at All ooh got another piece of them come here I didn’t say we’re done yet come on let’s get that shield down baby come here yeah come here I’m coming for you that should get his attention come here you Do I have your attention yes I do I have full attention got the kill boom in Miss didn’t say you could leave where do you think you’re [Applause] going hey excuse you I get that reload you’re toast you’re toast baby all right I better go get fixed up before I

Die oh man they are so mad at me holy crap I’ve got the whole group after [Laughter] me flight ass they are mad request gred oh they’re so mad at me right [Laughter] now oh yeah they so mad at me oh yeah and if I can make it back to

My ship and turn in all those Bounty vouchers I’m going to have a massive massive payday bonus cos substance neutralized successful dis nice nice let’s turn in that mission get paid oh yeah baby oh all right okay now let’s reload get back on that fight let’s get him apparently that’s half the thargoid

Fleet in this area taken down let’s keep the fight let’s keep in the fight yeah ship released engines engaged Landing GE Retracted Landing GE deployed underst booting up T presence for fighter control fighter deployed I’m here if you need me Commander yeah oh yeah oh dang they’re retreating oh they retreated but now they regrouped they’re coming back yeah let’s go here they come this way they’re going to come from this way

Oh I see it I see it moving to engage kill it paint the target Commander I’m moving in for attack Target destroyed all right here they come man those a lot of kills oh yeah here here comes the Cyclops yeah come here come to Papa come on hello detected

Dirty I’m under heavy fire dirty little run my shield generator is offline well dab Gunn itst all right oh I do not like you right now commencing fighter deployment all right he’s engaging somebody all system go Commander awaiting orders Roger that weapons are hot primed for offense they taking damage I need

Support Commander Shields are down requesting cover fire fight are destroyed Commander all right commencing fighter deployment fighter deployed I’m here if you need me Commander yeah get him go get Him I uh finished off the first wave they ran but now they’re coming back taking damage I need support Commander they really want to take over this station they really want this St they’re not going to get it all right Fete Got a chunk of them got a huge piece of Them they taking out my shield performing it fight have destroyed Commander preing the fighter Bas stand by fighter is ready Commander give the order I’m taking damage at need support commander commander serious Dage you need to evade fire fighter link is down commander looks like we lost it oh

O yeah they all hate me all right oh every single one of them in this area came for me I think I’m about to go boom baby yep I’m not making it out of this press alert fighter assembly I have no idea if or how I’m

Going to Sur there it goes e incoming Message that was [Laughter] awesome I’m not even mad okay deoy this system is crawling with thides if we don’t push them back’ll be overrun think you can handle [Applause] it okay y accept Darko Cyclops oh okay okay Lock and Load Baby Lock and Load understood booting up T presence for fighter

Control fighter is ready Commander give the order to have your team let’s kill some tho taking H damage all right Splash one target destroyed deploying weapons ready for action Commander I’m taking critical damage Commander the fighter is gone man that’s a lot of them oh man yeah He Target destroyed all right got another one yeah oh two of them are coming in at the same time two of the big ones are coming in two of the big ones all right all right okay let’s cash in cash in a mission got to go and endanger some

Species oh dang okay better quickly uh turn inid Cyclops all right okay take off oh it’s not a matter of catching up I’m just here to play a game remember I played this game for years before I played Star Citizen just play and have fun but I can

Definitely help you catch up to me and you won’t take too long they tried to EMP me while I was still on the landing pad doofus that’s not going to work sick him commencing fight of deployment okay hostiles what do we got two cyclops a bunch of little

Bastards SLS is online standing by three cyclopses oh man they are they’re taking this seriously all right engage this target Roger Commander focusing my attack on your target oh yeah he didn’t like that one bit taking Dage I got a chunk of them there we go he didn’t like that one bit let’s

Reload oh he wants me right you know what you take my Shields I’ll take your life all right let’s get him taking whole damage Shields offline Commander diverting power to system fighter is is down Commander all right take his Shields out all right let’s take that other chunk out of them

Oh he’s not Happy come on let’s get up close baby yeah come here you oh he popped that Shield right at the last second your little turd that’s not going to save you you got me on You and another chunk out of you darn it gosh darn it ah hang with me you’ll get up here in no time okay now I really want to skin that thing come here you come on oh he’s down to 40% where are you going I will come back for you

Compromis flight assist off press alert attack atph holy crap I got six of them on my tail they are so mad at me I’m about to pop again and I can’t do nothing about it I can try I better slow the heck down okay if I make it I will be surprised

Okay oh right when I touched The Landing Pad I’m going to pop on the landing pad ah dang dang all right how bad is my finances can’t afford to take that many losses I need to get some wins and clear all these missions need to start making my money back

Cuz this system is crawling withes if we don’t push them back we’ll be overrun think you can handle it there guys Cyclops I need to kill cyclops okay these missiles aren’t doing py squat yeah but it’s steadily going down I need to stop getting killed let me if we can get understood

Up all systems are go Commander awaiting orders good to have you on the team some all right Splash one target destroyed Splash two target destroyed we kill him paint the target Commander I’m moving in for attack kill him already all right Splash two okay Commander I’m concentrating fire on primary

Target fire guide interceptors coming in hot watch yourself Commander oh good good good Watcher that moving into attack yeah chew him chew them up all right now here comes the big ones ha lost Taking damage I need supp Commander I got you oh he did not like that there goes his shield all right there’s a sof spot right here there you all right another big ones coming in [Applause] got his soft point I want that piece I want that piece of you right

There I want that chunk I want that piece get back here missed that last shot his Shield’s Down compris oh get back here get back here M Commander serious H damage need to evade fire fighter destroyed Commander ohy dang that hurt come here you I of like you that’s okay nice nice tell you what Clive next time I get shot down I’m going to log out log back in and then you can join me on my ship cuz I’m playing on Horizons but I’m

Going to switch over to Odyssey I should still be in this area and I’m going to invite you to my ship and you can help me kill some filthy zenos Now where’s the base yeah complete I’m taking damage I need support Commander unable to fighter still deployed Roger that Commander initiating automated retrieval

Entering defense mode I’m on high alert Commander oo under attack kill him paint the target Commander I’m moving in for attack [Applause] all right I’m about to pop and I can’t do nothing about it I’m about to pop all right nah it’s all good all right

So so I will log out log back in Odyssey I want you to join me help me kill some of these guys please hop in Discord I’ll be right back we need to kill these things they are starting to aggravate me exit to day desktop be right

Back all right be be there on Discord all right hopping back on hopping on Discord all right copy and let’s get you some money right get in let’s kill some filthy bugs let’s kill some bugs all right let’s Lock and Load now this system is crawling withes

If we don’t push them back we’ll be overrun think you can handle it all right log in my dude get in and let’s get to it we need to push these guys back and take them out we need to crush them okay decontamination failed all right get in let’s go all right

Ship released engines engaged Landing protracted decontamination failed decontamination failed okay yeah we got to push back the thargoids they’re starting to overrun need to I need to crush them all right we got another player in the area decontamination liit failed oh good there deamination failed canly okay Friendship Drive charging 3 2 1

Engage oh yeah and we are in the process of hunting zenos scum hey go so yeah if you’re in this game do join I am going to head back to my uh carrier and make a modification to this ship and then I’m going to uh bring up the

Crew this is the ax bug Buster 4 3 2 engage hey hey oh yeah we see you out there Commander let us know if you’d like to dock access granted proceed to your allocated P Commander docking request confirmed assisted approach is good I’ve been stabilizers have a little less toughness but more

Fire landing gear deployed nice all right let me just prep my ship real quick all right let me do some prep work and I will call you in landing successful CLS engaged welc Commander oh yeah yeah I needed that I needed that not fitting hard points okay store store okay optional all

Right I don’t need that store repair okay going to store weapon stabilizer oh actually yep uh I don’t need so many freaking cargo wrecks now cannot equip why why can’t I equip all yeah Deon I’m keeping those cargo rack store I see I can only do all right I get it I get

It and all reinforcement all right fine shut all right almost ready to invite you over I need a good luck charm on my dashboard I need a good luck charm okay I need something there we go all right all right you got to come into open Play axe

If you want to join my crew about ready to get to killing some filthy zenos yeah there we go full spread shotgun all right X let’s check are you in my Discord let’s check is my Discord even open that’s the real question all right first of all uh let’s see oh yeah okay

Okay axe soon as you can get in hey X all right hop in the game under open play and I will invite you to the bug Buster did you say you’re in oon huh did you say you’re in odsy odyy is behind yeah I’ve just gone into

But I’m on planet surface at a minute all right let me know as soon as you’re in and I’ll invite you to the ship yeah I’m in the game are you not in the menu but in the game in the game in the game yeah okay it’s saying you’re still in the

Main menu my dude you have now Departed the planet surface inand okay get to a ship get to a ship so that way I can invite you you have to get to a ship I’ve never been on the before it’s showing you as uh uh in main menu I’m running across the

Planet all right so soon as you can get to a ship you should be able to join my ship so all right I’m getting ready for fighting he oh taking can compromised FR Drive Charging 2 1 well I had better find somewhere to get some repairs going I just took a major hit all right I just took a beating all right 4 3 2 1 engage okay yep you are unreachable so X get to a ship or a station problem is with Odyssey it’s

Making me go through all the all the beginning stuff oh are you doing the tutorial I’ve got no choice it’s took me straight into it I warned you that that would happen remember Yol I didn’t realize you have to be in Odyssey to do what you’re doing

Yeah oh I just got roughed up let’s try it again looks like you’ve got time finish up the tutorial level let me know how you’re doing on it have you got to The Outpost and have you got to the uh garage where the vehicle is stored I’m

Just unlocking the doors at the minute all right all right let’s get there dang I got roughed up but I made it out in uh most of my ship I’m going to since I’m waiting on you to run the tutorial I’m going to do a little bit of outfitting on my ships real

Quick man I took such a beating that wasn’t even funny ready to receive docking request that was not even the slightest amusing ACC granted please follow standard docking protocols Commander you have been cleared for approach feel free to relax your docking computer is inol all right man that was rough that was rough

Landing gear deployed contact confirmed clamps engaged what can we do for you Commander okay this is my other ax ship I haven’t even named yet all right outfitting hard point one two three four five okay one two three four five I’m having problems at this end optional interno store

Module only need say three okay hard points equip there we go one two three four five machine guns five freaking machine guns now let’s go to outfit all right let’s take this one out for a spin all right Advance maintenance check slets maximum capacity but before I take

That one out for a spin let’s get my anacon set up and ready not fitting optional internal Place module with that one yeah now now now we’re going to cook with gas place module there’s the other Shard yeah there we go six shotguns to the face there we go

Yeah yeah so much better so much better okay let me know when you’re close I hope you’re done almost with the uh tutorial I think you two are going to have to play on your own for a bit I’ve got problems at this end oh okay unfortunately okay fire groups there we

Go six Shard cannons now all right now let’s disengaged get out there and get to killing let’s go get him six Shard cannons they are not going to like that at all all right now the bug Buster is better armed and ready see if they hyper dict me again if they

Do they are getting the shotgun to the face all right we’ll start with low and build ourselves up let’s go get them all right good luck with the tutorial and feel free to kind of keep me posted with what’s going on start low then we are going to work our

Way up get some proper kills on let’s get them let’s go get them transactions kill scout scout Scouts lots of Scouts need to die how many cyclopses kill one kill one kill one lots of Scouts this system is crawling withs if we don’t push them back we’ll be overrun think you can handle

It slf is online standing by here they come let’s get them let’s get them Dead Ahead here he comes this time he’s going to get it to the face team [Applause] some yeah oh yeah get back here you little Mission critical message yeah I’m not picking up any more threats

On my scanner commander looks like we got him friend shift anomaly detected intercept coming in hot watch yourself Commander yeah come here get over here I’m going to enjoy this so much oh oh I timed it wrong I timed it wrong Commander I’m under heavy fire I timed it

Wrong ah darn it all right let’s turn around and go get them darn it they’ve taken out my Shields performing invasive Maneuvers fight in is down Commander fight we losted yep yep yep yep all right decoupled oh I’m coming for you just trying to line that shot up come

Here that got his attention [Applause] Good 7 a R attack taking interal damage that actually hurt Him attack understood booting up T presence for fighter control fighter is ready Commander give the Order Char a that was rough I’m taking Commander the fighter is gone 3 2 1 engage okay ini oh flight assist onnect all right get in the fighter and get into action fighter deployed you’re all set for deployment I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander at 50%

Commander commander I’m going to L the ship I damage under attack woo that was wild that’s that new thargoid attack ship that thing’s wild I like it Char dogs love cats to engage that was close oh dang I need to get repaired at the station turn in the mission we’ll go

Get some more targets I don’t mind go right ahead dude and you’re on YouTube by the way dang I took a [Laughter] beating yep 07 dogs love cats dogs love everybody dogs are God’s blessing to humanity man that was a close [Laughter] call so we repair rearm a little good luck

Charm about two three years ago I was in an org I was competing with another org to top the leaderboards for number of kills and I was still kind of new but I did my part and I got this snazzy little trophy so that’s the thargoid defense

That’s basically if you’re in an org and during like a major tharid event if your Org gets first place on the community leaderboard you get this cool trophy it’s rather cool yeah like I’m not that great but I just have a lot of fun I play this game

And Star Citizen a lot so if you look up squirrel Lords gaming on YouTube that’s my channel I’m a murder hobo by Nature I am not picky about my targets I like to kill things I haven’t done much with the exploration I’m double Elite but I’ve barely put in the work for

Explorer you know I need to go to Colonia I’ve been playing this game for years and I just never made the trip out to Colonia I’ve always stayed around the bubble and the guardian sights and whenever there’s a thargoid event I go murder oh boy this ship has taken a serious beating

Oh gotcha that’s cool that’s cool so hey guys we’ve got an Explorer joining the team so yeah let’s let’s give a warm welcome to dogs love cats squirrel Lords gaming on YouTube if you wish to follow along otherwise let’s get the ship repaired engaged

Oh oh oh slow it down slow it down slow it down the system is crawling with fares if we don’t push them back we’ll be overrun think you can handle it uh need to get repairs Done all right we are still going into a Hot Zone we’re going to repair take off and you grab a fighter and get to work kill some bugs all right okay all right night vision on all right we are in a Hot Zone let’s do it deamination fa decontamination failed deamination Li failed

Wary all right let’s rearm repair failing sucessful engines disengaged decontamination okay turn in that mission complete kill the scouts all right thereo let’s kill it all right Lock and Load all right soon as we take off getting a fighter and get to killing some thargoids here we go ship released engaged landing gear

Retracted all right getting a fighter get to work fighter all right fighter is going live Commander I’m in control of the mother there we go let’s get to it we got a hostile Dead Ahead it’s a big one let’s kill it all right let’s go hit him let’s get him I’ve got computer

Problems at this end Ah that’s a shame all right we got some players in the area they’re helping out oh thank goodness uh players in this game are pretty Savage I’m going to have to join you again when I get sorted all right good luck let’s get him commencing fight at

Deployment yeah all systems are go Commander ating orders all right let’s crush them yeah all right let’s get him Tak almost had him die got one no more targets Commander C yeah all right let’s find out conving recovery Commander stand by all right let’s scan for more targets they’re going to keep coming in all right all right land let’s reload turn in some missions and grab some more that’ll get

You some bonus pay too nice nice nice oh hello it’s all good if you’re new to combat you’re new to combat I don’t judge you get no judgments from me and oh yes oh let’s go get some let’s go get some we got another player here yeah

Yeah it with everything you’ve got ooh that’s a big boy that’s going to need all players in the area to get Them oh crap is that more than one crap baskets that is more than one ha hey like that didn’t work crap all right whoever we can help with let’s Fight these things are Gnarly these ones are really really gnarly fighter destroy Shields offline that’s all good man the only thing I ask is you just put your best effort and have fun all right it’s not letting me dock okay can I screw it let’s get into the fight okay okay don’t know how much good I’m

Going to do against these these things are pain in the butt power Integrity depleted Commander I’m at 50% Commander the fighter is gone ini fighter destroyed Commander decontamination failed can docking request granted alert atmospher shiney Al deamination Li all right let’s get repaired turn in the mission and try again this going to

Be a rough those hydras are no joke you need like a squad to take them on or like epic levels of skill that I do not possess all right let’s get fixed up turn in the missions get back out there and get back into the fight all

Right we got those two hydras flying around and those things are dang gnarly I don’t know if I can actually take out a Hydra I am not that good I mean I can try I can try I can try I can try so I will get my butt out there and get

To the fight all right let’s do it let’s Lock and Load all right since as we’re off the ground each of you jumping a fighter just jump in a fighter hit the small fry hit the big fry attack what you can attack just do your best all right as soon as you

Can oh yeah that Hydro wants a piece of me oh holy crap he’s mad I do not know if I can even do it but like I said get into the fight copy that I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander these things hate Humanity almost as much as I

Do all right let’s try to crack it open I have no idea idea if I can even crack the shell on this guy I’m about to pop is down commander looks like we lost it yep I’m about to bite the dust oh he’s about to mow me down if he

Locks a missile on me that’s it okay well oh I got blasted it was a good try it was a good try let’s get back to the fight mhm let’s try it let’s get to the fight let’s do it okay if we don’t push them back we’ll be

Overrun think you can handle it I can try I can’t promise you nothing here we go all right let’s Lock and Load okayed engines engaged Pres all right if you can hear me get in a fighter and get to work all right let’s go get some

Okay all right hop in a fighter if you can hear me all right looks like this guy knows what he’s doing I’ll just follow him connected attack taking War how come I cannot come on sh Sho landing gear retracted all Right yeah how do you like that huh all [Applause] [Applause] right attack wrong move I have you now you’re mine wrong move yeah oh Let’s Help the other players take on that damn Hydra jeez those things are a Nightmare All right I better get to that station and repair again oh I’m getting shredded ATT un all right go suicide run destroyed request granted okay hold on uh launching don’t don’t launch just yet don’t launch let’s repair rearm and then get back into the fight all right those hydras are the most

Dangerous interceptors out of all of them so we got to attack this intelligently I don’t know if this uh ship is equipped to deal with it all right repair let’s turn in some missions it’s going to give you a bonus okay Cyclops Cyclops Cyclops yep okay reload almost ready to take off all

Right let’s Lock and Load let’s get up there all right soon as I’m off the ground get in a fighter and go ship released engaged all right getting a fighter go go go go f all right right I don’t know if we can get these hydras if we can take one out that’s

Going to be huge that’s going to be a huge huge thing if we can get one of them okay all right we got another player coming into the sector hopefully he’s a more skilled than I Am fighter destroy he didn’t like that oh he didn’t like that one bit he mad all right just keep jumping in the fighters and just keep giving it your best oh dang oh oh oh we got a soft spot shoot the glowing spot rats almost had him no problem just do your best

Oh I’m about to pop all right let’s get back to the base compromised all right all right request requested inity request gr I will be able to land this going to be close that was rough landing gear deployed nice nice nice all right there some board

Mhm okay we cannot do squat to that Hydra unless there’s an actual group of player players so we’ll try to avoid contact with we’ll hit all the other Targets in the area all right hostiles yeah that Hydra is no joke I mean what we could do is leave

The area come back and it should reinst we could try that cuz I can’t take on a Hydra yes so let’s do that Char hold on we can kill that thing that thing’s that’s an easy target up ahead Dead Ahead we can take that out we can definitely take that thing

Out all right Dead Ahead there’s a regular Interceptor we can take him let’s take this one out grab a fighter let’s swarm him let’s get him let’s get [Applause] him all right open fire he ain’t paying attention Goodbye that’s one down oh yeah that we can do let’s see nice nice nice all guys Cyclops Scouts Scouts Scouts Scouts we need to kill Scouts and lots of them okay fighter destroyed Commander let’s go to a low combat zone and we got to kill a lot of Scouts so a

Lot of small fry we’ve got to wreck them okay okay I’ve got the next destination so just killed the small fry yeah we have one mission where we do need to kill a Hydra I think I bit off more than I can chew with that we’ve got to kill a lot of them

Little Scouts all right launch let’s take him out oh all right I’m pulling out we’re going to engage this guy all right launch let’s take him out fight Link is down Commander we fight we lost It let’s get him copy that I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander got him he’s toast all right doc attack that was a clean kill nice clean kill ini requ all right yep doc let’s get back to that mission Zone okay Char let’s get to it engage 3 2 1

Engage all right get getting the fighters kill them little bastards if we’ll be you can it all right pick a bogey and start killing all right we got some all right all right let’s smoke him all right if it’s a thargoid murder itget destroyed heck yeah shred them Target destroy

To you on the [Applause] team all right just start killing them let’s kill them all all right got one got one TG destroy all right hey if you got a fighter available hop in get to it the fighter is gone all right fighter is going live Commander I’m in control of the mother

Ship all right we got a big one coming inand got a big one coming in Lock and Load baby hey mcoy how you doing oh this guy is toast come here you huh nice nice all right since he gets in point blank I can shotgun him soon as he gets

Close come on get close get closer closer Clarice Closer he did not like that at all fighter is down Commander you’re all set for deployment I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander fight m is down Commander lost it oh he’s hurting yeah just keep attacking okay see if we can’t pin him Down standy Commander the fighter is Gone figh is going live Commander I’m in control of the Mother Ship fighter is down Commander all right we just took a huge chunk off of [Applause] them come on I just need a clear shot I need a clear shot you’re mine got him destroy got him oh yeah all

Right where I need limpets I need limpets copy that I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander all right kill it all right get them go get some boo yeah nice nice nice all right let’s go get him all right what do we got what do we got a see1 cyclops let’s kill

It uh it’s small fry I need a big big one all right hop in a fighter and just kill me some of those little rat bastards heck yeah dogs love cats get some get some hell yeah all right try to get some there you go oh yeah come to Papa hey no

Problem Oh getting in range [Applause] oh they didn’t like that two hits let’s get them let’s go get them oh yeah Almost had him he didn’t like that at all yep keep getting some there you go heck yeah all right let’s get this big one all right let’s get him figh is down Commander all good grab another one give it to your all you’re all set for deployment I’ll

Take care of the Mother Ship Commander fighter destroyed Commander I don’t know just grab another fighter and try againin decontamination Decontamination all set for deployment I’ll take care of the Mother Ship Commander oh he’s mad ah I took another junk you’re done woh Commander the fighter is gone Attack Fighter is going live Commander I’m in control of the Mother Ship deamination deamination deamination fail deamination decontamination failed deamination almost got him he doesn’t like me at all got the kill got the Killin all right I’m getting beat up really bad [Applause] oh yeah that was [Applause] good termination successful hey mad [Applause]

Cough all all right I am getting low on ammo so let’s try to shoot a few more and then get out of Dodge and go rearm [Applause] somewhere did a lot of good so [Applause] far yeah dogs love cats get them hell yeah Nice Shot watch it you got one on your

Six Nice kill Nice kill there you go oh that was a clean shot nice all right doc igh down Commander good stuff good stuff dude all right heading back to my fleet carrier to repair [Applause] ATT taking Dage all right warning temperature critical repair and rearm and we’ll get back to

The uh Mission Zone get some more targets I hope you guys get a huge bonus e taking Dage Communications established we are ready to receive docking requests clearance granted move directly to your learning path you have been cleared for approach feel free to relax your docking computer is in control

All right so if y’all can hear me you’re on YouTube hope you don’t mind excellent all right landing gear deployed man this ship has taken a beating cos substance neutralized Landing successful commence shutdown our services are at your disposal all right about ready for take off again disconnected all right

Well it’s all good one sec holy crap this thing is not rearming oh that’s aggravating all right I’m going to break up the uh crew see if that allows me to rearm but I’ll open it back up so if you want to come back I hope to see you soon all

Right T disconnected incoming message dang all right well I hope they made some good let’s see how much they made oh they made 33 million each of them nice I’m happy for him so they made 33 mil nice nice nice okay fine Advan maintenance limpets yep let’s break out the uh gunship

All right all right all right let’s see how well the hog does this Landing CLS disengaged departure confirmed fire groups five multicannons two missiles Deon okay yep okay these things don’t exactly have the best jump Range all right but I got the hog landing gear retracted cargo scoop retracted this thing will be great for shredding those little ships all righty dri Charing yes sir and you’re clear flight control signing off 4 3 2 1 let’s see how the this this ship handles it let’s see how she handles

It for okay transactions okay got to kill some Scouts Scouts Scouts for for okay oh I should be wrapping it up and getting ready for bed all right all right so we’ll finish up some more targets and we’ll get back to the bug so I don’t think I can get a

Hydra I can definitely kill the scouts and the Cyclops I can’t seem to bag a Hydra just yet all right let’s get to it is crawling withs back’ll be over think you can hand it yeah I certainly online standing by oh got a big one coming in kill it okay Commander I’m

Concentrating fire on primary target good to have you on the team let’s kill [Applause] someo desty all right that’s one toast all Right get him Roger that moving into attack Target destroyed this ship needs to be engineered command taking Dage cos substance neutralized DET fight assist off I forgot to uh equip that neutralizer that would have been smart actually no I think I did did have it did I assign it to a firing

Group come on decontamination check oh goodness really I’m going to have to take this ship back to the TR boarding it to Attack Commander I’m under heavy fire my H is down to 50 I’m taking critical damage fighter is down Commander okay this can’t do really Shi Attack under attack taking damage flight assist off Shields offline flight assist pres connect Shield [Applause] War fighter ass complete Target destroyed Target destroyed fight stand by for deployment

Commander understood booting up T presence for fighter control system to go Commander ating orders incoming Mission vertical Message Commander the fighter is gone under attack Target destroyed incoming Mission critical mage I’m taking damage I need support [Applause] Commander Target destroyed drone taking damage Shields online costing substance Neutralized standby for deployment Commander we’re down to 50% H Commander we’re taking critical damage fighter destroyed commander commander the fighter is gone ATT decontamination Lim successful cannot comply Drive Charing all right I just had to take this little machine gun ship out for a test drive I’ve got an anaconda that’s ready to

Go okay that was actually right rather fun this is where I had better call it a night if I have any shred of intelligence left in me oh goodness that was actually rather good one two three four five six 7 eight eight missions okay this thing is really efficient at killing thargoid

Scouts super efficient at killing those Scouts so this thing will kill the small fry with no problem this thing will absolutely Wreck All the Small Fry and sure as heck had better call it a night Communications established we are ready to receive docking requests clearance denied you need to move within 7.5 km

I did clearance gred move directly to your learning PA Landing Pad number nine got it Landing deployed not a bad little this thing’s nasty for killing the thid scouts this thing will definitely shred them all to pieces not good for the uh Cyclops though but excellent for killing the scouts really good for

That Landing successful clamps engaged Welcome to our carrier Commander not bad not a bad okay cre disconnected yep he figured I’m done and he is correct so let’s let’s get back to the bug but the Bug Stomper the bug Buster let’s be honest this one’s a beast and we’re reloaded all right

Perfect that’s it for tonight so folks thanks for hanging with me I’m going to bed have a great night and until next time happy gaming

This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft. Then Some Elite Dangerous.’, was uploaded by Squirrel Lord’s Gaming on 2024-01-09 11:39:08. It has garnered 16 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 07:02:40 or 25360 seconds.

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  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More


    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruh

    Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruhVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa (With Every Minecraft Cat)’, was uploaded by PigmanBruh on 2024-01-04 11:00:15. It has garnered 4356 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Don’t worry, it’s just some silly cats vibing to “dubidubidu” by Christell Animation made with Blender, the open-source 3D modelling, animating, and compositing software. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java #minecraft #animation #memes Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin’ & Laughin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin' & Laughin'! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #funny #loop Read More


    DINOSAUR ZOO - BREED & TAME FOR BABY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DINOSAUR ZOO HOUSE MOD / SPAWN DINOSAURS TO BREED AND TAME FOR BABY MOBS ! Minecraft Mods’, was uploaded by MC Naveed – Minecraft on 2024-05-21 11:15:00. It has garnered 10613 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:57 or 4437 seconds. Minecraft DINOSAUR ZOO HOUSE MOD / SPAWN DINOSAURS TO BREED AND TAME FOR BABY MOBS ! Minecraft Mods – In todays Minecraft Dinosaur Mod we will spawn Trex Indominus Rex and other types of dinosaurs and find them a home inside our Dino Zoo that could replace Jurassic Park… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!

    Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft Hardcore In Medieval Times!’, was uploaded by ConnorIGL+ on 2024-03-06 17:32:03. It has garnered 2263 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:48 or 4548 seconds. Hardcore Modded One Block Survival! ➔ This new modpack series inspired by PaulGG in #minecraft #hardcore is so fun! Not sure if we can make it to #100Days but we can try! ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • CTRL [Code IGL] 10% OFF ➔ GFUEL [Code IGL]➔ • Elgato ➡ • Merch ➔ • Twitch ➡​ • Twitter ➡​ •… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in Malaysia

    Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘MALAYSIA 4K Days In Minecraft Hardcore | Under Water’, was uploaded by Kazumi on 2024-02-20 08:52:22. It has garnered 170 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:12 or 8412 seconds. Donation Link: =========================== =MY SOCIAL MEDIAS= -= TikTok – L1l Kaz -= FACEBOOK PAGE – kazbrahh -= INSTAGRAM – kazumi. cs -= Discord Server – Read More

  • daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)

    daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing On A Minecraft SMP Like Its 2012 Again (Episode 13)’, was uploaded by daKatz on 2024-01-11 15:00:03. It has garnered 519 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:13 or 2653 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to Episode 13 of my brand new Minecraft adventure on the “Some SMP” server! Join me as we explore a unique survival experience on this freshly created server. The IP address is “,” so feel free to hop in and play alongside me. 🎮 In this series, I’m taking a different approach to content creation. I aim… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les PIRES astuces Minecraft de @MulticortT #minecraft #shorts #minecrafttutorial #noob’, was uploaded by Oeslai on 2024-05-03 15:42:02. It has garnered 24233 views and 1385 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. ✌ This is Oeslai, subscribe and everything will go well 😏 ✨It’s a totally original CHANNEL that will make you smile thanks to its ENTERTAINING and VARIED content!!! 🔔Activate the notification bell ↪️To be informed of my next videos! PROJECT GOLD ROBLOX is available on our discord!!!😁😁😁: DONATIONS : 🟣Twitch : 🎶TikTok : 📸Instagram :… Read More


    HUGE HIVE LIVE COLLAB STREAM! MUST SEE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS COLLAB STREAM W/ @ProfMush ??? 👀 | !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-29 09:11:52. It has garnered 260 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:55 or 5935 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More


    INSANE KEYBOARD GAMERS - 🚀MINECRAFT SPECIAL LIVE EVENT | JOIN NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-04 05:16:29. It has garnered 125 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:16 or 5776 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The… Read More

  • 🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱

    🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 late night MINECRAFT with the bois – LIVE🔴| maybe some Q&A |’, was uploaded by OVDR on 2024-01-28 09:35:23. It has garnered 136 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:18 or 13098 seconds. 🎥 In Today’s Stream: We are playing Minecraft Survival with the bois! Will I die to “natural” causes , or will I die trying? Watch to find out! 💬WEBSITE: 🟣DISCORD: 🔵TWITTER: 🟢Join this channel to get access to perks: 📦PLAYLISTS Can You Survive ► Mod Reviews ► Silly Vids ►… Read More

  • Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgod

    Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgodVideo Information This video, titled ‘which sand wins #minecraft #animation #herobrine #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraft’, was uploaded by @MR ALI GAMER😎 on 2024-02-28 11:00:34. It has garnered 297 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More