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m for okay what is up YouTube WTF Cory here today we are grinding on Minecraft because I just can’t play Call of Duty without getting mad there’s no way I don’t understand how everybody’s playing that game and getting WIS I don’t get it but I don’t have to get it cuz I have Minecraft uh I got to go to the nether get a bunch of St we have lots of cooka bles excuse me lots of cables did I say we have lots of stuff to cook cuz there are lots of things cooking oh right here nice Okay cool so I’m going to condense all the lapis put this stuff back sounds like it’s raining outside diamond leggings I had those for a Zeus like techno could have had those but sleeping through the night let’s go peacefulness here this is my respawn boom it’s a daytime thunderstorm oh boy all right let’s get these ores up in here break them down okay I’ll just do this then yep FL and then 58 blocks of iron freak that’s a lot of iron one two three one okay we’ll let all that cook I got a couple things to trash here this one’s mine okay and uh I think yep there we go get some fuel up in this bad boy okay that’s cook in that three in there three in there some buckets out of that this guy buckets oh [ __ ] 18 buckets wow I am excited to see oh [ __ ] okay got to go Harvest never mind I’m not excited for anything and I got to repair this pickaxe imagine I didn’t see that yo Lexi what is good how you doing [Music] num y let’s let’s get four sticks that’s cool that it does all that but I’m not down for that okay Anvil Time come on somewhere somewhere in here no it’s in our base right it’s got to oh man Rogue is so crafty like here here here here we go techno what up bro what up not doing good oh no that is not good I was not doing good and I put on Minecraft because war zone was making me feel like a failure of a player and a streamer so I play Minecraft where I have fun hey let me in what’s going going on no Anvil here where’s the Anvil though probably in here I’m so pissed right now where is our Anvil oh man that sucks you be teleported to the end yeah I don’t see an anvil so we have more than enough iron to make one but I shouldn’t have to make one we already made one and then into The Nether I go I just wanted to repair a pickaxe bro okay so first room nothing second room nothing I so thought that the angil was in here the Y Tech no I got a pair of diamond leggings for you too bro if you need that you just let me know dude I don’t even want to take XP from this I got to go Harvest but at the same time I want to fix my pick there it is oh my goodness it was right here the whole time five so I should make stone cutters right I should make stone cutters bring them over to the island where I have The Mending villagers five of those guys one block of iron and I’ll take a stack of wood I don’t really want to take a stack I don’t need that much only half is good and then the buckets of lava diamond leggings okay cool man that’s cool I don’t have any first of all I got to go repair or harvest all the uh potatoes throw those in the oven cuz the XP is not looking good 31 wool in the wool Farm let’s go why are these growing all [ __ ] up was that the new guy harvesting them weird cuz some of these are harvested in the middle but the outside is grown like what the actual freak is going on this bugs me how are some of them grown but some not Harvest them all at the same time I’m going to take this potato farm and shorten it or I’ll take the extra and I’ll start a potato farm out by my Rogues house and I’ll be like yo don’t touch it’s our potato farm we got underground potato farm let’s go our problem problem is sometimes we don’t have enough potatoes and this is all we have that’s not good we could do better than this so let’s do it this was a good Community start look at this garbage man garbage here we go here we go here we go hey man don’t don’t skip dirt bro it’s like it’s not even hard to Harvest these all and replant them takes a minute I know it takes four Stacks to plant the potatoes oh Discord yo okay the Call of Duty stream that I just did has the new Discord Link in it I forgot to copy and paste it over to this my auto description is loading the old ones dude go here I’ll give you a new Link in a sec as soon as I replay these potatoes I just realized that I just got Discord back up on my PC today so I wasn’t able to generate new links or anything like that until I was able to log into my PC my bad no excuse no excuse okay now I’m going to take these and I’m going to go replant them instead of just using four that is so sad man what the hell is that 1 three four five six 7 8 N9 10 11 buckets four five six seven okay cool we do this right now yeah sorry about that this this Discord link is garbage bull crap copy this link never expires actually I have it right here paste done there you go got it the new uh the new link is in here just refresh stream stream it doesn’t have 5dw in it it’s uh zpu 82 MX J J X or J K jck Jack is up there Jack Jack it’s like a buddy with a weird name people still call him though Jack sounds like Jake but no a Just Jack all right let’s get sound effects paused music music paused because that music we hear it every day all day on this channel I’m going to bed is my bad I just see that it’s night time now thanks brother you know what’s funny this is the second Minecraft day in a row where it’s uh it’s been raining bro okay okay yes ma’am I will I freaking will Lexi me and Rogue both agree we think he’d be pretty cool to hang out with in real life there’s a lot of my subscribers that I’d like to hang out with for a day you know what I mean we could go to like uh indoor trampoline park or uh I don’t know bungee jumping sky diving paintball range [ __ ] like that we could play hide to seek hide to seek tag it’s not raining on your screen look it’s still raining for me bro something’s up I could switch to Daylight I’m not doing any of that I’m G to make the biggest damn potato farm you ever did see this is going to have nothing on WTF L and have nothing on this and I got a feeling like Rog would want me making the potato farm out here but do I care what thinks right now yes damn it 100% man I think it would be so cool to meet there’s like a wide range of subscribers that I think would be super cool to me okay now that we got that done I want to pick a spot away from Rogue and everyone or they’re not going to be like oh Corey you took all the space and made a big potato farm oh my gosh you’re so horrible why would you do that damn I be like I don’t have a problem you have the problem okay let’s go I would like to have Enchanted shovel this is just so we get more potatoes for more levels I fell asleep now I’m wide awake overthinking man that sucks I hate doing that overthinking is like the enemy of intelligent mines oh yeah that’s right the shovel is strong enough to take Dirt away okay uh potatoes tomato tomato potato potato let’s turn the whole thing on this guy’s this guy’s a big pain in my butt I don’t like them okay so we got to go eight blocks I don’t want this to be like anything that takes forever okay so one two three four five six seven eight cool cool cool right here aren’t X’s horrible like for two four this one two three four five six seven eight oops there kind of this guy met disc everything crush the guy and he asked me out so I did everything this one a I’m following I’m following trust me I’m not the greatest for relationship advice I have like 26 failed relationships in my life J surrend up breaking up told him a bad person I mean I did everything now it’s like a knife in my chest so one thing that might help is that to be honest everything does happen for a reason and when something bad happens we don’t know why that’s supposed to happen but there is a reason this is happening it’s for the best maybe that guy that broke up with you listening to what that other guy said imagine you stayed with him for years and years and got engaged and then one of his friends just said oh Lexi’s cheating on you and he just listen to her that would hurt and break your heart way more than breaking it off now the fact that the guy would leave you over what someone else said one of your exes that guy’s not a solid dude to stay with anyways he’s not going to make you happy in life so look for someone who’s not going to listen to what other people say that’s the kind of person you deserve to be around and hang out with you know what I mean someone’s got to like you for you man not you have to cater to them to make them like you or you have to act a certain way or do a certain thing to get them to like you that’s called a narcissist my dear get away from the narcissists 100% yeah don’t worry we got you here man like you want to talk it out you want to I know you’re kind of feeling crap and don’t want a game but at the same time it’s cool when someone else gives you a perspective and you could see things in a different light and it doesn’t make you feel that way anymore that’s what I’m hoping to uh to accomplish I don’t want you to feel like crap man you’re a very awesome amazing intelligent person and you don’t need douchebag dudes who listen to what someone says and then break up with you that guy’s a loser he doesn’t deserve your time honey just stay away from him you know that’s all you got off you dodged a bullet there girl they promised that they’ll never leave me and end of the day yeah they end up leaving I had four kids with a girl that I thought was going to marry me and spend the rest of her life with me and uh she ended up leaving after having four kids with me so I’m good enough to have four kids with but the kids aren’t good enough to stay for you know what I mean it it’s all different but the fact that that happened was amazing cuz now I’m not with a narcissist in a trapped relationship anymore I didn’t see it took years to see that but yeah it is what it is I I hope you get over this quick I got a lot of experience cuz I’m usually in a bad mood or feel it down or lonly or left out and I feel like [ __ ] so I got lots of advice on how to be better cuz I’ve had to coach myself out of these situations many many many many many times and I I didn’t have anyone there to give me advice or tell me this kind of stuff so it’s an honor trust me good people will make you feel good that’s the kind of people that you want to be around or hang around or you know what I mean allow to have your time because your time is valuable regardless of what anybody says excuse me I’m trying to make the [ __ ] Minecraft’s largest potato Garden you know like I had in WTF land this is the new WTF land we’re keeping this world forever this is going to be massive only this time we’re starting from a small epicenter and building out so there’s always going to be room for people rather than building a big border and trying to fit everyone in it we started here in the middle now everyone can build out from that the ever expanding Village excuse me I got to mute for one sec yeah thanks Lexi I appreciate that my kids tell me that all the time you’re the best dad you know how to cheer me up you want to know why it’s because other people cheer me up just being able to talk with other people I think is awesome yeah it’s still raining for me you guys can see this on stream right yeah this is crazy I help in stream whenever I can yeah 100% I see you in here dude you’re in South Africa and you make it a point to stop in my streams or sometimes get in a game with us I feel honored blessed humbled I think you’re freaking fantastic and you deserve a lot more happiness than you’re getting what’s up with this one two three four one two okay I see what’s going on sorry zus man if you need me to sleep I’ll go back and sleep if you don’t need me to sleep I’m just going to stay here and keep building through the night because I don’t think I’m going to get uh come on man I don’t think I’m G to get Phantoms this is ridiculous uh here let’s do this Shel I know’s going to want this for glass and instead of like put dirt on top of this I was thinking I’m just going to harvest as much of it as I can you know what I mean because it’ll just be a waste anyway oh uh I should make a chest over here yeah Ze if you need me to sleep please let me know brother ah these are all measured perfectly too okay I’m going to have to put I have to put a thing around this I need you to sleep thanks man sometimes like honestly sometimes when we’re on stream and like Rogue or me need other people to sleep or other people need everyone else when we need each other to sleep it’s kind of annoying like oh I got to stop what I’m doing run all the way back to a bed just to jump in a bed to make it daytime so I can run back to here and do everything again ah I I don’t like it so I don’t expect uh I don’t expect other people to have to do that all the time you know what I’m saying um okay crafting table no Phantoms Cory it’s 1:00 a.m at the moment what yo I have uh for me it’s 6:45 p.m. so like you know an hour and 45 minutes uh past dinner time there’s a crafting table there I didn’t realize that we’re going to plant some potato to get things moving first Cory planted another potato farm yeah he did cuz I’m not getting enough potatoes I need way more yield especially for the XP we’re getting the XP is great and it’s free we just got to harvest the potatoes dump them in a bucket and it’s like you’re harvesting XP it’s so awesome I know a lot of people have like hey look AFK Farm you just got to chill here and do nothing yeah but I don’t want to do nothing I I like doing stuff in Minecraft it actually keeps me from being bored so doing this is like great for XP hey buddy this is my potato farm fam you want to be a jerk look now I got to refix that square thanks jerk ah same yeah nice nice if I was on I could have made some Auto Farms that’d be sweet but not 100% necessary the auto Farms are are cool don’t get me wrong but I like doing things by hand I’m an old school kind of guy I I’m old I’m an old school guy all right I’m 40 I can’t believe I’m old school now I don’t feel like an adult I’m a 40-year-old adult man the world’s in trouble don’t rely on my knowledge what I’m I’m no you know I don’t think anyone ever really wants to be the age they are like n this I don’t feel this level of Life sorry I’m way younger than this uh a sheep cutter Auto Farm dude Aus has one of those you figured it out though that’s dope let’s go that’s so sick I know where a m shaft is in this go by the way I’m talking a lot sorry guys and I’m going really slow on this my fault a h and then I got to go to the villagers uh I got a villager that has mending and one that has looting three just looking for The Mending on the money maker pickaxe because three four so those two won’t be part of it you know yeah just do that bro I heard you man 1:00 a.m. do you got work in the morning Lexi work College school anything like that oh damn try to touch me I got him out of the water hole isn’t that stupid dude’s wrecking my farm oh I need to make a chest to clear the inventory hey creeper I spent all the time doing this Farm do you want to blow it up okay no okay sure no squeeze me bacon powder you are not allowed sadly don’t I try to get work but still got still not got work for three years oh so like you can game Minecraft the reason I was asking is because I wanted to know if you had obligations if not you want to jump in here for 20 30 minutes and make yourself tired play some Minecraft Harvest some stuff or just like make a house in a base and I’ll let Rogue know that you got a base with us super I don’t care what anyone else says damn it okay we got potatoes to plant not that many but there are some good good good good good didn’t break it I hate when you jump on the dirt and then you can’t plant on it anymore yo thank you both of you guys for being subscribed so long man you guys have seen my face heard my voice I’ve never seen your faces I’ve never heard your voices I don’t know how old you guys are or what level of life you are doesn’t matter I don’t know where you are in the world well kind of you you know South Africa and I’m guessing techno somewhere in somewhere in the middle east on the continent of the Middle East and on the continent of South Africa and I’m on the continent of North America three continents just chilling I think that’s pretty dope but yeah man I appreciate the [ __ ] out of you guys you keep my mental health in check I don’t see hundreds of people here on live stream when I go live on YouTube I I don’t see huge numbers but I see you guys guys here and I just want to say thank you thank you no but for real thank you thank you I’m going to do a little dance here you know what I’m going to the nether today to find pigstep for you guys and I’ll be streaming Minecraft as long as I can until I fall asleep probably like 12 1 a.m. something like that so I’ll be streaming for like the next four five six hours I just had a two-hour nap and Call of Duty was toxic this is fun really fun so G to keep it going gon to keep it going no but for real G to keep it going you got this push to Minecraft this game was making me so jeez uh the live event is over oh it’s over I didn’t know that okay um potato potato friends tomato tomorrow I’m hoping and praying that Rogue will appreciate that I have built a larger potato farm the adverse effect of building this could be that Rogue is like what the hell we don’t it’s not that she decides where things goes but I know she’s got this plan man we’ll do that so people can get up and I kind of feel like this pushes mobs away what do you guys think and we can still get up on any side all I want to say is that they don’t really care about us that’s how most people feel I’m here to change that bro I remember making Minecraft worlds just so people would feel like yo man we got some online friends we can game we got a world that we put work into other people want to game with us and I put in boatloads of hours and would game just for the sake of other people being able to get on you know two three four one two three four five six seven eight it’s got to be eight in between because this only one two three four we’ll just stop it there eight and I would like to put slabs over these so you can just run over it and it’s there we don’t need to watch out for it you know what I mean you’re always running over uh the crops that you plant and and then it makes the dirt so that you you can’t plant you know um thinking of movie overseas to get work already sent my CV over there and no one came back to me yet oh what the hell Well everybody’s moving to Canada now we’re getting tons of people moving to can Canada Southern Southern Canada but the rates are getting expensive if you move to like Manitoba the province in can it’s like the middle of Canada there is nobody there like towns with population of less than a thousand people they’re small but you could buy a house there for 36,000 to put that into perspective where I live to buy a house costs pal almost a million dollars let’s just call it a million dollars there you can buy it for 12th the price 20 times cheaper in Ontario good things grow yeah right you know what grows in Ontario politics one two three four one two three four right here and then there would have to be water here one two three four two four yeah I guess I could do that be too watch if I put in oh I have le if I put in the work now it’ll be so so much better two three four this going to be the largest potato garden you ever did see one two three four six seven eight and then right here perfect and make can end here forgot to do this running with the dirt is so much better than pulling I hate running and and like it feels like I’m pulling the dirt you know what I mean join back in a bit okay cool cool cool cool I heard my armor just take a hit there what the freak bro oh that was probably Thorns activating never mind oh crap four five six seven eight like doing it like this sucks hey the weather’s clearing up finally let’s go feeling like I should like text her call Rogue and let her know like Hey we’re live jump into Minecraft I’m making a potato for finally the rain has stopped let’s go ends there yeah okay five six seven did I get this other ones wrong oh boy let’s count them one two three four five six seven this one was right eight so this one’s wrong which means the other one’s wrong so this one WR okay time for a ho down well not an actual down sticks okay wood hose really suck I don’t think that’s going to that’s going to cover everything here I’m so dense I didn’t even see that I had an iron hoe right there that’s cool yo that’s kind of cool that’s pretty wild that’s kind of cool I like that any uh back to this I’m just using this to count yep I have plans for this potato farm for I knew that was going to happen KK if I knew it was going to happen could I change anything no I got to at least make a stone oh because if I don’t I’m going to run through all this stack of wood for nothing just to make a garden if I did the garden underground it would have taken a lot more time but I just rather just build like a ceiling over top of this I’m a big fan of underground building but once the above ground’s good then we can build the underground in this one sweet oh oh yeah let me have one of these please thank you thank you so much longer than the bro why is there so many mobs all a sudden all you guys want to around nope you asked for it there’s going to be so many potatoes you don’t understand there’s going to be potatoes as far as the I Can See For Miles but it starts with discarded oh boy thanks for the shovel pal it’s funny i’ms silk touch okay might want to hang on to that or throw it on hand any efficiency oh yeah it’s only iron though can’t wait to get to a point where iron tools do not matter okay I’m going to go get uh all the bone meal I have see that didn’t take too long like 20 minutes what that was fine oh what’s that you missed you suck oh there’s no entrance here in the back no no is Zeus No what happened bro where you at where you at where you at where you at it says sleeping through the night but I can’t sleep through the night bro where where you at oh if you need a hand let me know yo we can get all your XP back by the way I have ovens need to get rid of some things an auto sorder would be excellent that sucks I like you can come use the autoc cookers in the community one there’s a lot of uh you want to go back to where you were at I’ll go with you if you want and get your stuff back it’ll still be there I have buckets of water we go get that oh this is all done oh [ __ ] blocks of copper and then cut copper okay okay that’s pretty sick though uh for mining Rogues Endeavors yeah there needs to be more in here W there’s still a stack of each Okay cool so let’s get the XP for that nice 32 bro 34 [ __ ] that was like five six levels let’s go there’s lots of uh buckets in there okay cool and then I’m serious we need like like Gars is sweet get rid of that FL spider ey rot crap shears is just two iron and we have tons of this and take your baked potatoes that you don’t need you throw them in these guys then out of this going get bone meal thank you love composts can’t have villagers here though come on you found your stuff let’s go man nice oh I’m so happy that you got your stuff back dude that’s sick nothing’s worse than losing your stuff your XP it’s just a big big pain in the ass nuggets we can get rid of those oh where am I going I feel like the lapis and the Redstone are like I know we need them but why are they in the way whoa what ination okay sweet and then emeralds I’m taking these cuz I’m going to set that mending villager I’ll take some torches too to keep it lit all right let’s go litty litty Sun’s already high in the sky what happened oh man don’t freak out but I made a little potato farm by the fishing dogs what that’s where my fishing Dock’s supposed to go watch I was going to plan I was going to put a huge dock over here to make it no one’s going to use the dock though it’ll look nice but I don’t think anyone’s going to use it man one two three four five six seven eight if it see like I should build this below our base and on like a super Subterranean level too because at least then we’ll be near it we’re not going to be in this chunk it’s not going to grow right if we’re not chilling in this chunk nothing’s going to bro isn’t that correct though isn’t there the food in the village all those potatoes we have a huge potato it’s like huge use uh use a fortune pickaxe to get them though bro I’ll give you food if you don’t Harvest those potatoes cuz I can Harvest them with my fortune pickaxe and get a lot more I’m almost done I’m done yes I’ll show you where it’s at man yo corrupt what is up brother what’s goody homie I couldn’t stay on the uh the Call of Duty it’s too much for me I need to just sit back and chill you know what I mean these things are making me cheese there we go I’ll show you the enchantment table you can grab these if you want man grab and replant these guys I just wanted to hit them with the fortune so you get more sweet there you go bro we can harvest the carrots too there’s tons of carrots bro come get this there’s more carrots than there are potatoes you just you can’t cook carrots which is messed up you cook potatoes make baked potatoes but you can’t cook carrots and get baked carrots how do you cook your carrots I cook my carrots I don’t E look at all the carrots there are here bro there too many the carrot Farm’s the most prob food yeah CED potatoes get the XP for it make a compost with dark oak and get some iron and some wood make some Hoppers two Hoppers two chests and one compost you can make yourself a bone meal cooker with the extra potatoes that you’re not eating you just got to keep tending to the community garden I sto tending to it because other people can do it it’s not my food and or XP for me look at all these carrots bro if you ever run out of food please take some carrots this chest is full of them look at this this is insane too many in fact you know what I’m going to take the 59 yeah we’ll do that and I want to go fix that just kiding with my brain having like one or two blocks that you that are like this or that oh thank goodness that’s what this guy that guy there’s something in there just to [ __ ] people up two carrots let’s go nice bro nice nice yeah this is going to we’re going to build huge here it’s going to be massive nice stack of wol I don’t know how you do that auto Farm man but just keep it going bro oh wow there a lot of opportunity there there we go I got 10 spots the key is is having the Farms right like you want to have the super cookers definitely I thought this was a necessity what if Marvel’s what if oh man Marvel’s what if is so amazing what if I do it on here three three of those you get six slabs so same thing so you get out of it what you put into it but this you get no same thing no oh oh oh yeah of course bro sorry about that so there’s a building that says you can get into this building and there’s the uh the mine that everyone can use enchant I didn’t get it I don’t think I got it come over here bro it’s in this building right here anyone can come in here it’s okay this is an open building I don’t care what the sign says this is for the mine so if you want to go down here and mine you can go down here there’s a huge cave system down here we didn’t loot it all either it just it goes forever so you can you can have a house in here too right here bro Community enchanting room the lapis is up in here help yourself I got to enchant some stuff too I’m going to sit here and see what you get I want to enchant my sword take as much as you need we have too much this is just the scraps of lapis we have down here there’s a lot sharpness sharpness the chest plate the leggings protection three is okay but not the greatest I don’t have anything else to enchant bro except the helmet protection three Unbreaking three so I got protection on top just Unbreaking three on the chest plate come on bro Vance inducted in the Hall of famous Toronto Raptors yo let’s go I went to their game zero man so it’s about time the Raptors are the shiz at 7:30 okay I’m going to take a two-minute break here I got to use the wash them real quick but I will leave you guys with some tunes we’re going to go to the nether find a Bastion and get Pig step when I come back for okay let’s go Alice what’s going on I’m going in but I’m G to be on my phone so I won’t be on stream my sis is over and playing with my husband on my setup oh okay yeah yeah that’s cool y man you your husband and your fist game together that’s so dope I don’t have anybody except Rogue uh to game with my friend my family doesn’t game with me don’t really have much friends that game with me other than Scotty G too World Le gaming but I’m talking about like in real life not just like online friends that I know in the morning time I like to go for walks with my legs yeah corrupt oh never mind they left oh that sucks well I got protection three on that only Unbreaking on the chest plate uh nothing for the sword need like half a level they left they joined let’s go yeah boy Alice is in oh my goodness wow talk about online community oh sorry caps BR C I’ve come to 162 320 what happened to the shop oh I have no idea the shop get a Nerf I don’t buy things in the Minecraft shop cuz I bought bought big TNT and they never they still haven’t given it to me yet no big TNT and I’m kind of cheesed bro got to be honest cheese is the name yes okay good good good good good good oh the building okay so Rogue asked if she it could be moved because we can’t expand the village with that big shop there cuz we’re going to put we were putting the tree farm here so yeah so I gave Rogue permission to take it down to to have it like moved if that’s okay I didn’t want you getting pissed we had plans to expand the garden and stuff here and you need a house where’s your house area by the way yes I’m sorry yes cuz we got the see we got the dark oak going in beside the cherry and then we got the oak the Cherry the dark oak we got jungle back there so we’re doing big tree farm I feel bad man it was a nice building and Rogue better have saved all the Cherry stuff you have to oh yo I didn’t know you had a house here bro bro what the hell and have you found any diamonds yet hey I don’t want to just barge in your house if you don’t have any diamonds Alice I’ll give you some diamonds man you can make a diamond pickaxe she made a shop right here beside her house and Rogues like yeah we’ll putting trees here was it was my bad yeah bro yeah my guy this dude ah whoops that’s all the help you get okay corrupt you got to build your house bro so let’s get you a spot fam yo just want to show uh yeah so mining R’s house is there you’re going to want to build something epic right stack and five from the farm we got oak trees back here like crazy what if I don’t want to push you too far from the Aus is over there new guy’s got his house here uh what like what if we put you’re right here is it cool if you’re right here would this work oh bro come with me I want to show you something we got a nether portal check it out come here um I don’t have anything else like here this is the nether portal so trust me you don’t want to build too close to this CU you’re going to hear that annoying sound from the portal like yeah bro yeah sick nether portal right there’s guys up here watch I guarantee they’re up here okay no they’re not up here watch you for my laptop still playing on my phone let’s go so the nether Portal’s here when you need to go I’m going there soon I just got to enchant my sword I just wanted to show you that it’s Community nether portal anything you need uh extra in there you can have uh and let me show you the village real quick and let’s build your house cuz I got the uh money maker oh I have enough levels to enchant my sword I can go the portal is over here where the uh the pill the Pillager Tower is it’s all lit up back there it’s that Pillager Tower at at the edge of town so the corr’s going to build here crup let me show you around the town real quick brother Alice come with us if you want to see the portal real quick this is the community stuff you can have here take the sugar cane you’re going to need it you can have that take the sugar cane there’s lava here let me give you some buckets Alice here let me show you real quick come here that thing right there that big wooden structure inside there’s the the nether portal back there you’re watching stream so you can see that okay corrupt come with me bro yeah Alice it’s right there move just there that thing that’s where you got to go for the nether I’m not going there right now I’m just showing corrupt around um oh [ __ ] we got to plant a sugar cane so you can fish here there’s one fish I’ll uh I’ll make you a fishing rod here’s the community XP cooker obviously lava goes in here right oh someone left it on and it’s got to keep getting refilled but yeah you can stop it and then take the potatoes there’s buckets down here I’ll go refill the lava you can help yourself to that though it’s it’s Community man Community potatoes you know what I’m saying like this is all that’s Community stuff that’s me and Rogue have our own stash that I don’t want people to take from and if you want your own garden you don’t want people to take from build a garden we’ll put a fence around it and uh no one will be able to touch it but you can just drop the buckets in the sides boom and that fuels it help yourself anything in here is free like it’s Community everyone work together to build it and we can all use it at the same time or whatever now I’ll show you the mines Aus and uh corrupt if you guys are going to continue to play this world which I hope you do we’re going to have uh things downstairs what does this say if I’m in ask if I’m not in the server don’t go in okay but if you can come in R Cory tell us you go in yeah let’s go oh [ __ ] there I left you a gift to Zeus a single emal uh let me show you the diamond mine I got to build you guys uh rooms down there mine entrance see it’s kind of weak but the point is is it gets us down into the mine where we got to go I know it’s a little it’s a little weak it’s not like me and Rogue usually do we didn’t want to waste time on this so like boom huge yeah and this is we call this like uh the mine base this is all Community stuff you can use this and everyone has their own room now that you’re in I officially have to make you your own room there you go XP and Lapis bro oh I didn’t want to get it this is this is going to be your room so when you’re mining this will be like no one can touch this [ __ ] it’s it’s corrupt here here uh uh I don’t have torches there might be some in the community thing and there might be a door in here but I doubt it oh there is and a sign let’s go I got to get uh we need those nether quartz blocks you can come in into my room brother that’s cool it’s not nothing huge I just did like a little just did like a little thing that’s it boom time no no nether cours in here sh okay so what I’m going to do is take this put that in then we’re going to cook that for you and you can get the XP from me I don’t know if there’s any you can pull the uh oh wait you got what why isn’t the oven cooking bro you serious right now does it have to be Cobblestone what’s going on why won’t that cook what the [ __ ] that’s strange here we’ll just do this I don’t know what’s going on with that I’ve never seen that in Minecraft before P Oak planks cook in a furnace oh it can’t cook diate so what we need a stone cutter corrupts room stay the F out uh Aus has got wool upstairs I don’t know what’s going on with that man you can get the XP out of that though just take one block out you know how to do it get the XP bro I’m going to go enchant my sword for what it’s worth hold on we can enchant our Shields right but we have to put the enchantments on it yeah just sharpness for that’s it [ __ ] that sucks corrupt do you want to work on the villager farm bro that would really help if I give you the Stone Cutters can you make some stone cutters stonemason villagers can you do that and then uh and then we’re going to trade with them to get emeralds and we can go buy some mending books I need mending on a pickaxe uh def need a Discord chat for the ones who come in at least five times or regulars okay what do you want me to call it Alice I’ll do it right now making a new channel right freaking now no joke you best believe that we’re not joking you best be taking me seriously we’re not joking okay create channel what do we want to call it though gr up what do you say bro Al do you need wood you can harvest the trees man just going to have to get you an axe I got to go to the nether now cuz we def going into The Nether here we go this guy are going to the nether right now you need a bed and you need some torches I’m deaf down for a voice call Bro 100% brother 100% brother how about we call it the regulars create channel [Music] boom no permissions I neverone know how to use this channel uh for the people who know save changes trans view Channel create invite send messages threads public threads attach files embed links add reactions use external emojis use external stickers mention at everyone en rolls read message history send text speech messages okay yeah cool and use activities boom regulars it’s been made here we go okay so yeah corrupt if you could do that man you could send I’ll give you these I’ll show you the village that I got to go to you can use that as a super cooker I got to get some more nether quartz and and I could make uh comparators for everybody and then everyone can make their own XP cookers you know what I mean if we all have our own I think that would be great yeah I got to go to that village where I have a mending villager I’m not even sure where that is oh let’s go Alice joined I was like no she’s going she’s not playing anymore damn Gary is it this way I’m I thought I went negative negative for the uh Village villager one I don’t think it was this far dude I’ll check just past this Ridge think it was this far okay we got a regulars Channel kicks me out every time I get out of the app so ignore says when I leave okay okay okay what the hell Minecraft oh my gosh yeah that’s cool bro I know it’s been so long it’s been a hot minute maybe I’ll bring another portal with me bro let’s go isus was on a quick break I have to take another two-minute quick break I might have to box myself up I’m not sure if this is the way where I have The Mending villager I forget I went to a village close to our base made it so if it’s not if it’s not like if we go another 3 400 blocks and I don’t see it it’s not there it’s a different way you can grab some if you need some in if you need some uh obsidian I’m good 14’s more than enough you can make your own uh enchanting table do whatever you want I know you want that obsidian man wants to get a fortune pickaxe 30ty levels bro go ahead grab it I didn’t mine that for nothing yes yes yes I don’t know if it’s this way I don’t think so I don’t like in an open PL I was looking for ancient city right I got to remember the stream yo is it over there I hope it’s that one that tall tower that might be the one oh my God instincts just took me to it that’s wild and the flowers look like they say a letter A there was two Villages here bro one of them has to have a mending Villager come on now I remember being here but I’m just not sure if this is the village I thought it was closer to what’s just all the save don’t think this is the village br oh it is what is this it no this is the first one I tried there’s no mending villager here these are the stone dudes we can trade and get emeralds from them yeah 18 clay man this is not the one we can just sleep here anyways I’ll be back in a minute need a quick break for m that 10 hour stream the one time yeah bro trying to G Minecraft like the old days yeah man I’m going to call you on uh Discord just give me two minutes I just got to use the washroom I’ll be right back h is h is for for all yeah for h m all right there we go we are back and we got corrupt with us on Mike my guy let’s go it’s been a minute and a half that’s how long it’s been bro not just a minute it’s been a minute and a half yeah we are not at the uh the village yeah I was going to the washroom lily of the valley bead okay bye beans yeah z1r what’s up uh rashelle scalan I hope I pronounced that right that’s good hope you guys are having a good day yeah bro earlier that was UN stuff tough bro I don’t normally play was so much yeah I I’ve gotten to the level of I can get a bunch of kills in a game and make top five consistently but I just can’t get first place and it’s for season 3 man season two I had wins season 3 nothing and it’s frustrating holding a bunch of polished diate that you don’t need so yeah I don’t even know not outline I don’t even know what I’m I’m just getting rid of it yeah just do I me do outline this is not the village so it’s just going to be Lefty here and it so yeah okay well let’s go to that other one beside us I’m so sure that these are not y is that is that does that I don’t think that goes down to Diamond that looks like a false cave you know what I mean those false oh this looks like maybe maybe this one looks like it goes down bro but it looks like I was already down there yeah it’s a torch light down there I believe all right yeah I got to get to this Village just to get I have to get mending on the pickaxe and then I’m set to go go to the nether it’s taking so long for the setup just to just to go there yeah yeah that’s true okay let’s check if there’s anything good at this Village if not we head back so the the base coordinates are easy it’s 150 350 that’s home base pretty easy right yeah like it’s hard to remember yeah 150 350 it’s it sounds like uh a wrong and a right temperature to cook cookies in the oven don’t cook them on 150 cook them on 350 uh looks like I was already here maybe yeah there’s nothing in that but here here you know when you get full and you need a chest there you go you know when you need a torch you know when you need some wood there you go bro I’ll just use my diamond axe for the betterment of corrupt stash just deconstructing the oh wait no this is how we started that Village base we’ve been playing this bro this is like 3 weeks but only honestly okay so I probably played this world a total of not even 10 hours you know what I mean that’s like setting up a base and auto Farm getting some diamonds and and checking out the nether haven’t got a fashion or Fortress or anything yet but I just went there for levels all we wanted was the levels the Farms we wanted the good setup just because it’s not hardcore you can die and because of our Auto Farms you can get your levels back and then reenchant gear like it’s not a complete pain in the ass but there you go you just you need to make some basic tools you need something you don’t want to waste all your iron cuz you’re not at that diamond thing yet we find this Village if you’re willing to set up the Traders I’m going to uh I’m just going to give you some diamonds bro you can I’ll give you a diamond pickaxe diamond sword and we can go hunting for diamonds definitely to find your armor I already have like depending on the location of the village or like Villages or whatever depending on like the landscape it’ll probably alter how the build would look I’ve been like yo it’s been so long since I’ve built stuff like my imagin has been a bit dead dude you don’t even need to you have the template uh in WTF land you have the template of the coliseum in Orange already there oh yeah you got partial wall and you got a castle Yeah you got the orange outline already all built we were me and Rogue were in it yesterday bro I was feeling so hyped for uh going back to Minecraft like this was part of our channel for what like a year year and a half Minecraft all the time just trying to build huge Community stuff so people would want to play once that once that Coliseum gets built you we can start the bottles up though this going to be fire I literally going the wrong way we need the numbers to go down it happens bro sorry sorry I was just thinking about I was thinking about future plans you know yeah and uh me and were talking about uh yo z1r later have a good one thank you for uh stopping in I hope you threw up a like on stream that would make me feel even better that was stupid way usually I say hey thanks for liking stream just assuming people liked it is this a mine right here or is this just where I went for stone let me just check real quick bro this looks like a this goes down I’m going to go check it out real quick CU it might be profitable for you for diamond and it’s a brand new mine not even close to where we’re at look at this it goes far dude Dam yeah oh [ __ ] I don’t have a torch if I had a torch I could get rid of this quickly you know what I mean like just place a torch under it while I break it here I’m going to break the copper stand under it I want you to collect copper so you can go cook ores when we get back for XP any copper that I get I’ll just give it to you oh it’s I in there as well there’s tons here you can take that dude me and me and Rogue have a stack of of iron blocks now we hit iron veins in in the mines at the Village there’s iron veins there yeah don’t break them unless you have uh fortune 3 yeah I’m I already have a full inventory Dam same say I’m like I’m full already that was quick here you know what dude here I’ll make a garbage pit over here where did I get a doll from that even come from garbage P I’m going to can you not throw the Cobblestone I’ll take it cuz I just threw a do down there whoops I didn’t know where that came from doors can go down there garbage I love I love that there’s like garbage pits for Minecraft just throw it it’ll despawn yeah honestly Minecraft is like one of my all-time fav games I think I put more time into this than any other game in history oh yeah you can vote for that right like my second game has to be 2K I think as 2K sick though dude I went for uh I took my youngest son he’s graduating grade eight this year and he’s going into high school so I I took him to Kitchener and he got like fitted like full suit pants vest tie shoes everything right and there was pizza party and all that stuff it was cool got to go to the Nike outlet he doesn’t usually get nice new shoes like his older brothers so I bought him a pair of Nikes they were actually cheap it was 100 bucks and I’m not sure what type of Nikes they were but he said that they retail at like 179 and and there they were $99.99 plus tax so Nike outlet all the way right like let’s go I saved 80 80 bucks on on that here’s enjoy the Nikes man just spray them right not going to me to say I’m not going yeah no Minecraft is great oh I love it it’s it’s a Vibe oh we’re in the lava caves I got a feeling we’re finding you diamonds right now do you have water or no someone’s already been here there’s a torch I’ve been here have you do okay do you have yeah just looked through here I didn’t mine or anything if you got torches I’ll trade you a water bucket for half your torches first let me make I give you it for nothing anyways I already have a wall bucket okay I was going to say infinite water could do a bucket oh yeah yeah okay uh we’re going to mine where the lava is cuz I got a feeling that mining on 54 heals really good diamonds okay we go this way I can smell them yeah you know I’m pretty good with the diamonds right here oh you can take that back take that back usually I like the lava lighting the way but okay this feels cool cool cool let’s check the top usually top is good yeah I got to get you that money maker pickaxe bro found diamonds I can smell them I smell them I can smell them oh let’s go I can smell it usually okay so one of my theories is at the edge of the tuft somewhere there’s Diamonds oh yeah sometimes the tuft is so vast you can go through like four iron pickax is looking for it right there you go there you go five was that five five de Dames Dames let’s go you know you’re an OG if you I got to have a a merch with damay on it damay there you go you can make your I definitely buy that bro do you have sticks here oh I just got sticks make your diamond pickaxe so don’t mine them one for one but if you know you get in a section and you want to clear out a little area make a diamond pickaxe right now bro and we’ll find you enough for a set of armor right now I’m not stopping until you have 24 diamonds to make full diamond gear diamonds hey oh I love my life sometimes just tell me when you have 24 I’m yeah we got more here yeah boy you notice there’s no Redstone too whack you have six Redstone no no but it’s okay I I don’t think Redstone is a strong indicator of diamonds because I found Redstone fields and there was no diamond nearby it was trash makes sense yeah my theory is this you know how chunks are like 15 16 blocks or something what are they how big is a chunk in Minecraft I don’t I’m not sure 16 by 16 I think okay so every 15 or 16 blocks I dig a line and inside of a chunk is a at least one Diamond Johnny what is good bro it’s Johnny’s here my guy I should play everyone dies go ahead man if you want to search around here I got a feeling there’s a couple more Ores around here it’s just it’s smelling it smells like pennies you know when you you have like Pence or or whatever you got change in your hand yeah and then and you don’t realize it and then you go to like wipe your face or something you smell your fingers and it just smells like oh Loose Change stinks man I don’t like it okay so let’s go back to the chunk Theory because I’m going to lose all my torches and I don’t want to chunk theory is right here we found diamonds look right here we found diamonds right so what if we keep going straight hit some more chunks uh it smells like loose change over here somewhere I’m telling you I got a I got a fishy feeling it’s a little sus bro I needed Among Us sound effect a [ __ ] see it was going to trap me and suffocate me that was the sus feeling let’s do this where I found diamonds here we’ll start the uh the crisscross like the hashtag thing yeah look more tough yeah yeah we’re going to find you a set of diamonds bro yeah yeah good good good good good lava will light it up I don’t have to use torches this is right back kind of where we started I feel like we have to go through here that’s Indiana Jones by the way oh [ __ ] damn the yeah I I was trying to watch the dial of Destiny I got a little bit of the way through it started tearing up Miss missed my mom and I was like all right I’ll watch this later and never went back to it yet but I want to see it is that the new one uh yeah dial of Destiny like you can control time or something I wish the brand news um the brand new Ghostbusters which honestly I liked it the Frozen Kingdom or whatever how was that yeah Frozen Empire it was nice oh I want to see it no spoilers yeah I spoil it no what he’s like but someone dies and I was sad [ __ ] I don’t want to know they do that in movies now though man they have to like it’s in it’s third place in the box office worldwide right now oh damn so he’s doing good I mean ghosts that can actually kill people like what a cool concept but hey don’t I mean usually it’s the ghosts oh diamonds okay like it’s like they can move stuff one is it’s like two so what you at eight let’s go yep okay one3 of the way there my friend we’re going to find just some more Johnny’s in no way look here here see I had a mine this was the I was looking through Redstone redstone’s not an indicator Johnny’s in bro the base is 15350 we got to I got to get you a spot so you can build there my guy all this lava I feel diamonds are imminent yeah even in the old Minecraft lava’s always been the indicator really and you have to dig right cuz diamonds are compressed in the earth so that was like what M Mojang intended you to go like down below and dig where you’re going to have to go through solid areas to find the diamonds where they get compacted together I say I don’t oh diamonds let’s go [ __ ] right yo corrupt it’s at least three my friend it’s at least three let’s go let’s get a light here I want to break them before you collect them and just see let’s go it’s at least four it’s at least five it’s a six pack my god let’s go now we’re talking let’s see what we get let’s see what we get let’s see what we get’s see we get oh man the days of finding diamonds being exciting right like okay let’s go see how many I step back a little so it doesn’t absorb into you and I’m not going to I’m obviously not collecting these are for you hey bro that’s looking good what do you got what you got pretty good what do you got that’s that’s PR 19 five more let’s go from that was 11 diamonds for a sixpack that’s not bad see like redstone’s not a strong indicator man I’m telling you oh wow yeah if lava’s the indicator corrupt we’re getting some I want to Diamond oh [ __ ] look at this I want to leave a little bit of lava just for Sight but look how far back this goes my friend oh whoops I hate when you think you picked it up but you didn’t pick up the water it covers all the lava but you intended to leave some oh man dude there’s got to be diamonds around look at this there’s a an oh it’s a four pack I was going to say an eight pack oh yeah the lava pools that’s why the diamonds you just be like I smell lose change cave sounds that was such a good find right there I I I did better last week though dude I was down in the mines for 15 minutes and I found 61 diamonds damn yeah it was just like six pack after six pack after six pack it was crazy I think I found an eight pack of diamonds it was nice okay if we’re going to put oh yeah torches see like Redstone usually was the indicator but I think they’ve updated it where it’s it doesn’t mean [ __ ] in Minecraft mining lines wow right like dang bro uh so yeah Johnny bro the like on top in the village everyone has their own house and then there’s a diamond mine it’s a house that says M Shaft or whatever it’s by the potato farm and if you go down the M shaft and hang a right you’ll see that there’s an a room where everyone has like beds and we all have our own individual quarters down there in the mine here man you can get the uh so it’s not one for one I I don’t mind using the money maker yeah man you tag along with Cory you get sh you know I’m almost out of torches I got 12 on me we might need get back see like if redstone’s an indicator here I’m just going to go like 12 13 blocks boom and then I’m going to cut down okay okay okay gravel gravel’s an [ __ ] yep Diamond let’s go can’t just be one oh that’s like holy [ __ ] how many do you have now 26 let’s go that was seven diamonds there was only two there okay so now let’s make it official you got a crafting table or no yeah go okay diamond armor and then obviously you’re going to come with me to the nether right and then we’re going to we’re going to kick some ass there and cover each other’s backs and leave with both more than 30 levels to come back and enchant after finding a Bastion and a Fortress Yeah in like 20 minutes yep High Hopes man plan that’s the plan that’s the plan nothing always goes to plan but I know it’s going to despawn but hearing that let me just get rid of thisor real quick I just dropped I can hold your iron armor for you and stow it if you need it oh [ __ ] s i me just dama technically we could give it to Johnny yeah you can get rid of it if you need it doesn’t matter I I don’t know I have this thing about getting rid of armor I’ll just stow it and then drop it at the base oh no there’s iron above you we have tons of iron oh no I’m naked need to get mining need iron let’s go still in house you give me last time okay let’s go let’s go I uh might have C you in here brother okay so you got that let’s get back out of here then I’m not sure we came through we came through on 54 in the mines right but we’re going to have to get out this way just go up let me just while I’m down here real quick because like I said it’s not near our base got that Loose Change smell agains like SMS like money I even enough for a diamond SW because I we got that I’m just going so I can’t see anym here I’m going break this side for light there we go perfect I just add a block at the end in case we just decide that want to walk back there 54 is not bad like there there’s better levels for diamonds I think like 40 is really good 45 is really good 54 is good but I’m like look I’m not finding much bro I thought I smell yeah see it’s gold it’s not Diamond lapis what the why is lapis even down here get out of here go away nobody likes you lapis grops like [ __ ] I’ll take that we have t we got tons of free lapis like for the Community stuff for enchanting there’s tons M but help yourself mine it and get the XP anyways even the Redstone dude oh wow gold here a lot of gold I’ll break it for you so you get multiples there you go cook like I said you keep the ORS make them blocks and then when you get home break them down cook them and and it’s worth the XP you get a few levels on top of the yours right yeah yeah okay well that was a bust and a half bro this is like oh yeah I’m just I should be making that’s probably why I have a full inventory all right well let’s get out we came for diamonds I think we accomplished yep I don’t like I got enough diamonds at home and my pickax is half done I really want to find that Village and get men so let’s go back oh yeah you’re definitely going to need mening wise the pickax is going to get destroyed okay here’s a way out stalactite cave okay don’t go this way yo look at that lava bro Minecraft physics for you Minecraft physics is it this way or is it behind me there’s only two ways to go diamonds let’s go more diamonds Dam five now you can make a diamond sword and a diamond axe it’s always fun exploring these Lavar ridden Caves at 53 54 yeah I love it the issue is they can be quite similar they similar to each other and you get lost getting lost in these things is so easy dude it’s got to be this way and then you’re down bro you get into the mines spend like 10 minutes Mining and then spend like 25 minutes trying to get out I think we’re going to have to go we’re going to have to go back to that mine to get it that’s sad oh no oh no okay was it this way the least yeah the least interesting way is probably the correct way no okay never mind this one G up find our way home we’re just running through a maze now h wait wait wait wait I is like this where we first discovered it it’s this way that’s that goes up let’s see if it keeps going that’s what I’m thinking like go go go keep going up nope what about here Diamond let’s go sheesh another five I give five I find five [ __ ] no that way bro there’s so this is like a spaghetti cave there’s so many ways to go but not any every way takes you back this has water this might be promising might not be though oh yeah we get down here so easily it’s like a a challenge to get back this is a don’t follow Cory way okay well guess what I’m mining stairs up oh look corrup there’s a way up here bro oh [ __ ] yeah let’s go no look at this bro yo what the yo let’s go isn’t doesn’t it get depressing though when you’re stuck down in the mine you’re like oh man how do we get back it gets like depressing bro gets boring yeah like this is great we need more of this oh by the way have a carrot and five diamonds okay see you bye let’s go man got full diamond in what what was that like 15 minutes or something yeah just chilling appreciate that no worries bro obviously if I if you had a money maker and I joined your world I’d be like yo can you take me mining for like 15 minutes just to get some Diamond dude I’m hurting right now you be like yeah let’s go or if you had it you’d be like yo I have 38 blocks of diamond here just take four blocks and make what you need oh someone’s already been up here oh this is beautiful yeah this is beautiful let’s go oh I’m so glad to be freak out of there h oh here do you need some coal Tes you know that’s actually helpful Money Maker coal and yo you know how uh oh don’t don’t don’t fall down there don’t go back down a hole it took so long to get out of there oh [ __ ] bro bro don’t there it’s a big Chasm oh gosh I can’t wait to get out of here on the bottom of that to end up dead I can see oh you son of a it’s a Skelly it’s a Skelly Skelly Tony you mother yep did he have a bow that was enchanted n that [ __ ] dude was like uh using a uh submachine gun bow oh look at this is chilling can see the sun I love you son I never want to go underground again maybe later just not not anytime soon see my mom today she came back from being in Belfast basically and it’s cuz my sister and my Mom planned a trip to Northern Island for literally a day because they wanted to go on a plane cuz my sister been on the plane when the plane was when the plane was banking she shut her eyes cuz she didn’t like it I’m like yeah and they hit turbulence too right it’s pretty it’s so bad see I wasn’t actually there but my M and thing my sister were talking about it see my sister she works for the airport that that they flew out of oh so that’s she gets money off and that’s I going say discount savings right she gets like 400 off a flight I think which is outrageous but bro that that that just made me just want to start saving to actually go to Canada bro you want to see if there’s something in that chest I’m not sure if there is cuz this is all cleared out but no it was worth a shot yeah just to see but yeah I want to go to Toronto to basically probably going to try to get cide tickets to a Raptor’s game cuz why not if you want to go and not get mugged you got to drop the second T like don’t don’t say Toronto just say Toronto just say Toronto so basically be lazy how that’s how locals say it and even people like I’m not from Toronto but I’m Canadian and I mean British people are very accustomed to [ __ ] being lazy bro because they they say w you want B like no syllables yeah or no no consonant only syllables bot one bottle War exactly bro and it’s funny the place where I’m born is actually where they’re the most lazy we can always tell when someone’s not Canadian when they say Toronto bro that’s how you can tell Canadian bro like when I hop on 2K cuz my name’s Air Canada oh nice they think I’m Canadian and they when cuz I’m in game as well they think I’m Canadian I’m like no I’m British even when they hear your accent they’re like this guy is born in Canada and he sounds like that there’s no way not nowadays I see are so many people lose their accents from living here like parents move here they have the accent they have a kid here in Canada and then the kid looks exactly like the parents but sounds like they were born here you know what I mean a lot of people lose their accent from living like it’s the culture man it’s a culture thing right I would if I started speaking Mandarin and I and I moved there and I started speaking it I would I would slowly lose my Canadian accent start pronouncing things like them prob see next year my mom and my sister my nana going to Washington DC for I think a week or whatever and that they’re going to see um a person in concert it’s a worship concert so oh nice it’s fre cool BR the [ __ ] you think y’all doing I’m going to hit the village sleep quick and say what’s up to Johnny still got a house nice I want to get that mending for the pickaxe to go to yeah I don’t even need a base yet bro I need to think first of what to build as well this is this is your area start with like what Rogue did man do a basic Square do a base out of stone then build wood columns and then choose your walls I mean I already have an idea that little Hill over there I might terraform a bit I’ll even give you the crying obsidian you have the gold the a the bone boat in fact I’m probably going to have to build a chest for you just to throw the stuff in quick that will be the official start of your base I have wood chest like look it’s corrupted base oh [ __ ] whoops I made it bigger uhoh dang Cory why are you doing this oh man first thing I would do good tering yeah yeah got go wrong with it fill in all these holes and get you a solid flat level to build like you can go huge with it but so the only thing is is okay so you know how like the way you’re facing right now is facing towards the village uh-huh you can build out towards the nether portal like out that way as much as you want but there’s no room to build forward so that’s like the point of the base is that everyone keeps getting plopped on outside areas right outside of the village like this is like a tree farm this is this is the village but boom put a house here you can expand back as far as you want and there’s always room for new houses like that was kind of what I had in mind instead of building a circle and going all right this is the circle everyone gets a spot and then it fills up super quick and there’s no room for anyone else right yeah yeah makes sense if you make a cookie you can always make that cookie bigger by adding more cookie to it that’s a good way to saying it yeah I’m thinking about cookies now cookies welcome to cookie piece theater Cookie Monster man bro reminds me monster pajamas bro my mom always used to call me hey get don’t kill him don’t kill him get him to drown and you’ll get full chain mail armor to put on um an armor stand I’m smarter am I not well he’s following you okay well I’ll get him to follow me then hey dude no bro follow Cari go ahead and drown in a pit yo this skeleton needs to go away though bro let’s make this a pit so he can’t get out there you go then we just yes sir and now we just break it down so we can’t stand oh that sucks you’re going to drown corrup gets full chain mail armor oh damn sorry corrupts didn’t mean to do that for you buddy yo this would actually be nice putting your house down here in the Gully and then just build up and back I don’t know man you do what you want to do but oh was just VI if you want to keep it flat up here here I’m just going to keep adding dirt to flatten out the land so you can build a house I just thought this way me and Rog could see you from our backyard ah you son of a gun cor just got full chain maill bro is that a thing bro bro just vibing in the water apparently don’t want to drown there you go oh there you go it’s there it’s there oh he put it on it’s okay if you kill him you’ll get it now like you’ll have it watch here it is oh there’s air under here spider and an underwater cave what the it doesn’t go okay it loops around I got it for every Budd oh follow me you know it’s cool it’s like got swiming right in your back watch cave reminding me of where you were at at rebirth earlier I’m like I ain’t even been on that map I’ve been on that map once I think I didn’t see Bo oh and just boots Enchanted yeah man protection two is pretty dopee I don’t think he had boots in the first place well he should have that’s disgusting then we can smell his feet yuck that reminds me of so much happened on Sunday look no matter what I know you want to go Grand and make something amazing and it’s going to stand out which you will but let’s get something basic just for the start so you can go to sleep and you got an area where you have uh chest so like here I’ll make concrete base you know what I mean just a base a basic house yeah cuz I want to go into the dev with you basically just a place to put things temporarily and then you don’t want to spend like an hour right now awake like hey I’m vibing let’s get some supplies and do this it’s like I’m tired I just want to dump my [ __ ] and go for an adventure right yeah for real I need someone to wake me up so okay here and I’m we’ll do this there you go like I already started thinking up the place once I get down to building making my house into some old like vikin looking roofed oh medieval looking building all I have is Cobblestone so we can break this after and then make it look nice no see seriously just to get this [ __ ] hey a dirt house no you know what here I’ll do thisch the tree farms here for harvesting so I just got to make sure I break the whole tree down and then replant one oh sh makes sense and then that way we’ll build your house looking proper I don’t like building it looking like [ __ ] and then rebuilding cuz it’s so demotivating you know like ah I it’s already buil this is a little bit crap I don’t want to do it until you get the enchanted tools to do it quick the only thing I have is the money maker pickaxe I I didn’t even get lucky bro I had to enchant like 10 pickaxes 11 pickaxes just to get this yeah it was pretty bad this time so I Enchanted my armor but the helmet I Enchanted twice to get protection three Unbreaking three the chest plate only has Unbreaking three the leggings have nothing the boots I got lucky protection four Thorns 2 Unbreaking three that’s the only thing I’ve got good Enchanted and I’ve Enchanted probably between 15 and 20 times like I’m getting ripped off in this world Big Time Alice what’s good yo okay corrupt here yeah you took that down nice thanks brother we got this I’m even doing this I’ll build the columns out of logs and we’ll get some sand yo you want to here take this get some columns springtrap do you guys remember springtrap or no person named spring trap from Minecraft oh spring trap oh yeah yeah I can’t remember oh spring trap okay yo spring trp their name but that’s what I’m thinking too my memory is a whole load of garbage recently yes sir now the floor looks perfect and you got some yeah I’m going to go get some you get some sand I’ll finish OHS I’ll finish doing this for you I’ll leave spaces for Windows I’ll get you a double door going fact we should put the double door on this side and then like do a side door over here I think that would be cool you’d like to have you probably want to have multiple doors and have a back door right here too make it a double door uh let me know when you’re go M again I just got efficiency 2 Iron do you have a diamond Alice because we got to get you Diamond let’s go we got five people in here including myself this is sick I hope everybody in here is throwing a like on stream do a window there like that and then this guy can have window at the side this is door again window at the side door window at the side door here uh not yet but I’m planning on it okay I can help you with that we just got uh corrupt so you see what I’m doing here corrupt in between all the wood the glass goes here yeah bring it here I’ll bring I’ll bring in your crafting table and if you want I’ll help you bring in the double chest I’ll make you another double chest just consider this little here look watch do this bro so you got that no one can touch my [ __ ] area underneath Mak this is what I would do right away make a little basement and it’s right look at this it’s right underneath all your stone here look at this it’s already like mostly oh come check this out look you can just block it up or like yeah this is kind of cool we don’t have to do too much work to get it into a basement like area let me just quickly this is where you want to put your chest and all your stuff and then upstairs is like oven bed you [ __ ] like that so it looks like just a regular house and then down here is like your chest and your ores and your food and all the [ __ ] that you need right hell yeah basement time dude this is wild you know and cu what’s up Jordan McAdam what’s good bro yo thank you to everyone for being here I hope you’re having a fantastic day and uh thank you guys for liking stream man appreciate that wow 10 likes on stream this this is going better than the Call of Duty streams I must not be in a bad mood oh that game can get so toxic corrupt has got yo this looks like it goes down like a m shaft bro wow are you liking that this is the area your house now it’s kind of cool like I’m yeah yeah honestly little jealous it’s just giving me idea all I’ve got to do is basically once I get it down and settle in fully just revamp the house in it whatever revamp RB whatever you call it you want this looking like a basement right so Cory will do the quick little mini remodel this is for buying merch bro members get exclusive Renovations from WTF appreciate that bro talk about merch I’m actually lean I’m resting my elbow on the pillow right now oh let’s go I won’t let like I’m not even just saying that I really want a WTF pillow man I have so much pillow in my house I have Star Wars pillows I got like I got a pillow that looks like uh a PlayStation Portable it’s like big and purple and it’s got like Mega Man fighting a ninja or something like that on it yeah it’s really cool I I want some WTF Cory pillow I got t-shirts I got a sweater I got to get some more man you think I’d have all my merch I just for me to buy my merch it’s like that’s my treat for the month for myself kind of thing and I got kids right so I don’t get I mean in my room right now I recently found the hoodie again which I’m happy about oh let’s go I thought it was lost thank you pills are cool well that’s isn’t that sick when you find it you think it’s gone but yeah I’m like yeah no cuz the thing is I put it in the wash and somehow a stain got in it and I’m so glad it came out cuz I would have been so annoyed with whoever somehow got a stain on that hoodie cuz it’s a it’s such a comfortable hoodie bro I’m like I don’t expect it to be that comfortable yeah I’m so glad you didn’t buy from our old merch shop like our old merch shop I can’t even say the name of them either but the old mer Shop the I’m not happy with the print and the quality so we went with the new merch shop I had to order shirts first to try it and yeah man I was I was more than satisfied with the the quality is it’s good quality stuff it’s comfortable it doesn’t fade quickly as long as you you’re making sure you wash them inside out it’ll last a hell of a lot longer that’s with any kind of clothes oh yeah you ever put a sweater in the wash and then it fades like the emblem see yeah turn it inside out for definitely um my mom like she has she could actually do that type of stuff she has um a sublimation printer um oh let’s go and something called a cricket Cuts Like vinyl out and stuff so she can make t-shirts sweaters and stuff which is extremely cool like for Easter I think she made over 200 badges with a badge maker for the church yeah which I was like 200 is absolutely mental and it’s just honestly crazy yeah all right bro I got your basement started man so it doesn’t feel like [ __ ] are you cooking the sand oh no I too pie drinking my P I don’t I don’t have stone for an oven this is yeah started your basement started at least so now it feels like oh hey cool I got something started here not oh man I need a house you know I might just put the crafting table down here put oven down here at the same time or why not two ovens actually if I put them on the other side you know what we’ll do this inad I have a whole kitchen there you go it looks like a little house and then you go downstairs and it’s like boom he’s going to have a massive house in the basement that’s sweet up up here with the you know what you could make this though uh stairway or a ladder going up and then massive house on top it’s just this is like the bottleneck of The Hourglass there’s not really much on the main floor so your house doesn’t look that interesting yo let’s go bro what’s good here homie I got you okay you got your house bro there’s Creepers out here so I highly recommend uh jumping in bed spring trap come with me dude yeah I’m going just block this up real quick oh I have no bed you can’t go in anyone else’s house yeah you got to make your own base but first let me show you around town potato garden oh it’s ready for harvesting let’s do this quick got to do it can you help me replant this Farm springtrap the farm this is good for XP right here oh bro I told you about the afternoon T which I was taking by U mom for Mother’s Day yes well it happened bro but it was nice but I did some stupid thing on the end of that day which caused me to um be stick so so I ate the afternoon tea stuff which was very rich there was a heavy cream there it was rich and then me not thinking straight decided to get a whole a pint of cider and had to drink that quickly because train was basically going to we had to get off so yeah the next day was not very um fun that included me just basically I fell asleep in my nun’s bed the whole day and then slept the whole night I was like what the I’m never doing that again bro so last time this is the mine that everyone can go to yeah that’s I wouldn’t do that again either hey one one and done Johnny Johnny bro I got yeah come with me come with me Johnny and springtrap got to both get them set up with a room this is so sick man can other people join ant car once I get to know you I don’t trust people in Minecraft especially right away too many years of griefing I’m smarter than that I see all these new YouTubers they’re like hey anyone can join come on in everybody then their world gets trashed idiots anything in here is community stuff you can help yourself springtrap jumps right to it stay out of everyone else’s rooms John Johnny I’m not talking I’m talking to springtrap not you this is a room here you can have this room Mr Johnny Johnny this going to be yours here brother I got to get it uh got to put some blocks around it just for now I should Harvest some diate and put that up I don’t have any wood that can be your room right now joh to need some iron go get that bro okay we need some torches put up here it’s okay hooking a couple people up but when I got to hook everybody up it’s it’s uh difficult this is kind of cool though I like it okay so that’s joh oh Johnny’s room right there Johnny’s got a room oh [ __ ] I totally didn’t even realize bro damn baller what does this say oh mine entrance that’s cool that’s balling dude Johnny you’re going to need some food my guy and some iron sh I didn’t give you anything k w I can’t watch anymore I’m hitting the hay all right well have a good night enjoy your rest uh we’ll see again I’m pretty sure you’ll end up getting into a world yes for sure you’ll get in near these uh there the chests are set okay oops okay springtrap this is your room right here bro for now make it feel not so claustrophobic you can have those ores and then if you want you can have your own you know what I mean M entrance oh yeah bro about um that Eclipse video bro honestly I was downstairs when you released it and I just finished watching a Vince car documentary got which got released yesterday and it popped up and I’m like 52 seconds ago so I started watching it and then my home she came over and watched it as well it was such a surreal feeling man like everything went quiet it went super dark like nighttime dark it was crazy you can see it in the video right right and then it went back to date within a matter of 5 minutes like what and the reason why I had it on members only and I turned it to public because I wanted to see I was like it’s a Once in a-lifetime event let’s see how well it does on YouTube I’m still making members only videos once a week that’s that’s a new thing here on the channel going to keep that rolling good the video vide are going to be stupid unless I get ideas cuz what Bo I think okay so this is a good idea from bugaloo he said do play the drums for a video like do a drum set take you guys to my basement show you my little laundry room with carpet and the drum set and then just bust out a drum set you know that’d be cool just for a quick little members video yeah that’s true cr’s like yeah that’s true sounds like [ __ ] hey then give me a better idea that’s my whole Point honestly right now I’m not even full of ideas which is a very rare occasion probably cuz just bit tired in it but I’m still going to flip in Vibe right now what’s Alice saying uh hi yeah I’m not getting any sleep Lex fire Queen’s back no sleep let’s do it let’s do a follow what’s good what’s good oh Alice has made a building yes come on let’s go what you need no payment donations are welcome tree down just replay them let’s go that’s sick where’s donations where where’s the donations hey hey I got to get uh got to get something I’ll be right back staring at the ceiling don’t take all the wood though guys honestly the trees are there to harvest and then replant them take down the whole tree and then replant it there’s Cherry there’s Oak there’s dark oak do not cut down the trees and and don’t replant if you cut them down don’t replant them there’s going to be problems um there’s jungle trees back there going to LX got to leave those the jungle trees those are Rogues so if you leave if you chop the trees down without replanting them gr Up’s going to put a Hackman The Lorax will appear bro The Lorax he should yes Lexi you should get on I told you man get on for half an hour game for a bit Minecraft will make you tired man you’ll feel all it’s just something about it you feel relaxed and at peace no one’s allowed in my house or that’s that’s straight ban okay cuz Alice got all the wood too honestly spr trap yes you can build a house for real you can build away from the city as far back as you want I mean like within reason you can’t go 10,000 blocks cuz that’s just that’d be annoying but everyone can build a nice mansion where I put you you can build a big house on top of that yeah that’s what I’m saying man’s got a horse there already let’s go Ela horse this is Ali R what the hell say saw building okay so springtrap you’re going to need an area for a base man come on here you got to build back here Johnny’s got a base corrupts got a base area Alice has got a base area yeah spring trap this way brother let’s going the wrong way going the wrong way yeah come back here see this huge area here look at there spruce trees and lights and all kinds of [ __ ] you can build right here build a little Bridge I’ll even I’ll do a quick little bridge this is this is your area my friend now just a think oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do that Bo let’s go Minecraft community’s got my back man sorry I left for so long guys Call of Duty was addicting it is and I want yeah oh 2K is crazy addicting my son’s on that all time bro I’m trying to just get a win I end up getting a win and I’m still on it getting wins and I’m like bro but I said like five games ago I’m getting off on a win I said five games ago let’s go my guy just creeping out the window knock knock knock knock y man this is cool I like it you just got to get this chest inside so you need to come Harvest some wood here give this back when you’re done harvesting the wood you need okay I need that back I got to you I’m just kidding I mean I could just make I could just make one but okay okay well you got enough diamonds for for the rest of uh life you don’t need diamonds anymore Johnny’s a member to Johnny’s a gold member bro hey Johnny do you want to go diamond mining my friend members get special treatment on the Channel I want to entice more people to get memberships for the channel so I’m making it worth people’s while bro I’m glad my YouTube actually paid it because huh I run out of money pretty quick because I bought a brand new acoustic Bas guitar man I Ain even mad at you for that one that’s like you should be doing yes sir oh it’s huge bro I compared it to an adult sized acoustic guitar it’s like double the size oh damn yeah just how big it was I’d love to get like I don’t need a grand piano mind you I would love one but to have a baby grand oh man just you know every night would be a bliss I love the sound of of Pian like good quality too oh yeah none of this I found it at a secondhand shop bull crap something from long and McQuade freshly tuned oh yeah I don’t know I love my acoustic guitar okay anyone does anyone need a bow I got a bunch of string and I got to hook Johnny up cuz he is a gold member so he’s getting Johnny what do you want for Diamond man I can make you a diamond pick diamondx and Alice oh my goodness the amount of times you’ve donated or donated membership or something like that I got 10 diamonds for you deames no Johnny left got to give him the pickaxe he’s like I don’t want it bro I’ll get it on my own potatoes are growing nice nice nice take it I’m just going to throw them take them or they’re going to despawn she doesn’t even notice There She Goes Bo absorb into Alice I’m hiding it wasn’t me take them take them take them goodbye okay another they time it’s been a while right string tra uh corrupt Alice gtws in here what yo GT what’s good bro 15 350 bro this is crazy and I still haven’t found that uh does everyone have a bed by the way techos got a wool farm so we can uh oh whoops the beds I have one piece of wool no beds will be made on my part yeah oh fire resistance potions I got one for you for the nether my friend so it’s helpful I remember one time I was playing with my friend and we needed to cross this Lava Lake this guy tried to swim in in the lava well he he drinks a fire R for a minute and I’m like bro that’s not enough I I don’t think he notices how slow you swim in lava bro especially in the ne this guy just kills himself in the middle of the lava look I’m like bro you that’s why Wow six players in this this is crazy fam okay I need a minute I’ll be right back yo who doesn’t have a bed that needs a bed I need a bed I just left out just to sa time is it daytime where the okay can I rejoin now for for I’ll be right back for w for for for that for for come okay I am back Jordan you got a bed let’s go I know you guys were all in stream at least once and liked it up already right yo my back cup I’m uh wow wow a spider thinks he’s cool Lexi needs a house Lexi needs a house and some food and some gold boots Lexi you got to build a house why don’t you build a house right here why don’t we get you a house right here I got to get some diamonds see see me see I got to build another axe I gave it to corrupt F accidentally Alice you’re going to the bad lands I’m headed to the nether headed to Z man I need food now we just take this let’s go let’s go Rogues in the house damn getting hype over here bro all the all the freaking ogs are showing up where did Lexi go she gone oh [ __ ] let’s go we got eight people in here dude this is crazy sup witches where the the hell is Lexi [Music] Lexi did she go with uh Alice where is where is Lexi I have the armor and the stuff on her bro I doubt we’re getting everybody to sleep too right there’s eight people in here oh I still don’t have a bed seriously here I got you yeah I forgot to take it from the place I got you working on a pink house okay I’ll be over there in a sec I got you here hookups let’s go that’s one of my favorite too baby blue so great okay you’re working on on your your house where’s the house no Alice broke the crop I saw that no no she just ran by it no Lexi where you at man trying to find Lexi’s like trying to find where’s Waldo on the page of where’s Waldos I remember when I used to do that as a child right there’s a bed right here too she’s in the bed what the how where okay whatever Lexi I can’t find you I got so stuff so much stuff here for you let’s go Alice build coming soon nice I like that bro I have no idea I’m lost now okay let’s go to the nether dude I’m ready I’m ready to go start checking out some stuff I can’t find Lexi she’s like disappeared discography yeah I just got to fill this thank you Alice you’re Legend I just thought that was funny I’m trying to make commentary and it’s like not working seven more users good luck with that one good luck with that one yo everyone in stream shout out to you guys man I hope you’re having a fantastic day thank you for watching thank you for liking I appreciate you for grow up this another time for me brother it’s another time emptied my inventory and just noticed that I have that gold helmet yeah I got Lexi a bunch of stuff I don’t know where I’m going to drop it though I can’t find hermet I’m just going to drop it in the community thing there a community chest up here this is for Lexi yo do you already have um golden boots or golden piece of armor never who’s not sleeping man come on I expect at least when everyone’s sleeping and I’m on stream whoever’s not sleeping to go oh hey just a second I don’t have a bed or whatever right just so it’s not nighttime or you know what for the stream there you go guys always it’s always day now you never need to sleep in the Stream right yo do you need um golden armor whenever no no man I’m bro I’m chilling oh there’s a zombie pig here what Sho I got to get another bro Lexi I am everywhere what the [ __ ] that’s that’s a little omnipotent where are you I’m everywhere oh I’m moving sell the place and move oh jeez okay so I got to pick a direction and just go that way I’m dealing with these magma jelly guys [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t touch me I got protection or something I hear it hit my armor every time I got three potions of fire resistance that I traded with the piglin guy but I had to kill him cuz I open the chest he started shooting at me right or something back a while ago and the game remembers that he’ll killing these things to get some good XP though it’s safe to travel through the portal though I got a building at the portal oh I just heard a giant thingy um Thunder basically cuz it’s been rning and I’m like but it’s the daytime dude the weather’s been different for other people like so if it’s rting for you it might be sunny for me cuz the first three or four Minecraft days I was playing on stream here it was raining and thunderstorming but for techno it was fine it was sunny but then at least like skeleton horses arrived wait what at the base are you kidding me keep them oh my God I’m coming back I think they I don’t know where they are but that’s what Alice said in chat and I heard the thunder in the middle of the day and I’m like B weird normally that when you just see that lonesome skeleton horse and then they just spawn out of nowhere oh [ __ ] I don’t have gold armor I forgot oh bro yeah it’s it’s one of those oh [ __ ] I’m going to die no okay po Horsemen yeah try to kill them and take the horses honestly those are super rare man the skeleton horses can uh go through the water you know how like regular horses they they you Dismount them and you end up bobbing up and down in the water well these ones you can stay yeah I don’t have gold bro Horseman are the apocalypse yeah I’m going to dig a line to go to uh go to the bast Fortress but wait a second you need I have that golden helmet if needed cuz I’m ready I got I just need to go get some extra food like seriously I have tons I just um I didn’t come in with it yeah what to bring in the ne a lava bucket because to burn those annoying ass hoglins did Alice get killed are you serious I’ll go with you to get your stuff back bro I’m back I took my bed I’m so disappointed say she died so all should have respawned in her bed here in the village right it didn’t say any death message in the um chat so oh oh only one of two survived one got killed by I thought it said Alice got killed by skeleton oh yeah they do have overpowered bows not going to lie though she’s like I never die I was just probably feel pretty good at Minecraft I want to get some bad Omen and get a raid man get some totems o That’s temp bro that’s tempting right like yeah that seems fun right now I I just laid down for a little bit just basically rest my eyes now I’m wide awake I did that today I rested my eyes for two hours woke up in a sweat and thought Oh damn it’s 6 p.m. maybe I should like yeah bro that happens yo sometimes you just lose track of time oh I got to go enchant I’m at level 32 I should go enchant before I go to the nether just in case right like use the levels on something yep well whenever you’re ready I’m ready okay I’m just in the enchanting room real quick I want to bring my diamond pickaxe really what kind of pickaxe do you got I still feel like bringing the diamond pickax you know iond I got silk touch efficiency 4 Unbreaking three silk touch Rogue we finally got a Sil touch pickaxe but I’m level almost 29 and a half so let me just let me hit my ovens get a little bit more levels and uh I’m trying to enchant you a money maker bro damn that that member’s only privilege you know what I mean donate in like 10 a month has paid off apparently no I’m joking I do that [ __ ] out SP right there glow stone yes I got you I’ll get you glow St no I know man I know I know but because of that there’s there’s positive repercussions you know what I’m saying yeah yeah just it is what it is f yep oh let’s go level 30 level 30 let’s get that money maker see that money maker I’m going back to enant again let’s go I got a tunnel to the enchanting room so I don’t have to go and run down that diamond shaft all the time but it goes to my room and my like mine and Rogue storage area and no one is allowed in the storage area that’s for stream not not for you bro like whatever this is what it is all right enchant time I don’t nor go in there Mission anyways no I know you’re good I got to say it for like everyone else just just in case like there I’ll stay everyone else’s stuff you guys of my stuff Fortune 2 efficiency 4 no one breaking three but I know you’ll take it yep Fortune 2 efficiency 4 bro like you go and hit diamonds with that you’re getting more than one Diamond that’s the main thing yeah some people believe Fortune 2 is better than fortune 3 but yeah I don’t know if that’s just a myth no I was actually thinking that I was talking about that for a while on the channel Fortune three gives you a 20% chance of two three or four but Fortune 2 gives you a 25% chance of two or three so you get a higher chance of getting two or three a lesser chance of getting two three or four right so maybe Fortune 2 is better here oh yeah you going to find out man’s got full diamond en chanted pickaxe gold boots ready for the Nether um yeah I’m good I got of these I can give you one cuz I got a like apprciate I have uh a drink that’s three minutes and I have two Splash so if I hit both of us with my Splash then you save yours then we both get to use these right yeah all right let’s go but we only need to do that if we just get in a in the sticky situation and then have a yeah honestly I’m just going to do the bles dig tunnels and directions hopefully on the first direction we find one like I don’t want to have to do like go north nothing’s there South nothing’s there East nothing’s there all right let’s go west oh finally 10 weeks later if you go one way I’ll go the other way if needed okay so we can C them all ground blocks yeah let’s get it intoa already here a g casts yep it’s over there yeah I’m going to go this way and we’re on 70 so I don’t think we have to dig up or down just go straight across oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh wow I almost fell to my death my heart is racing my legs are tingling I’m so stupid wow look at that I yeah I was I was on the Block before the drop mining just like stupid right oh yeah that’s that would have been death right I don’t have feather fall I don’t even want to I don’t want to test that that’s death that’s death yeah I want to be close to that edge in case the go just wants to be at like okay bye he turns into solid a-hole later guys Aimbot stot yeah have that okay that honestly the lava and all that stuff though it does look like it might be a oh let’s go look bro I made the tree that’s yeah I jumped down I jumped onto the tree man I hit the tree I sacrificed hey WTF Legend sir there you go what the freak is that sound that was not a good sound did they add never cave sounds or something bro I don’t know but we should widen up the stairwell yeah nether cave sounds yeah it sounds like glass Wizardry I don’t know oh that made me so nervous man bro that just scared me bro so now I’ll go yeah and I think we should add like barriers to the side cuz not me i’ probably fall off the edge that’s I was just thinking that too like I need barriers here the fourth one you can build a barrier on it oh my goodness watch and then this way ends up being nothing after all the work oh no watch we’re going to find a fortress right away yes sir watch watch watch watch watch positive thinking oh no there’s there’s a bar Point what slow down that’s what we did we slowed down okay we didn’t slow down think cuz I was running in after you bro do you think I can make this next one without dying let me see the next one without dying ah oh you could yo you could have just dropped on that like Vine thing you can’t take fall damage I don’t think from okay let’s make there you yeah I got to get some more blocks so make sh staircase we always make the best staircases come on now they’re always safe although it goes from three to one but oh well it’s kind of obvious where you have to go oh you heard that was it a gas nope no NOP I just pissed off an Ender I literally was building the thing oh yeah he’s looking at you like oh he was spinning in circles and he’s he’s pissed [ __ ] you bro I’ll I’ll take him on for you bro dead I got an end Pearl out of it that’s good stuff that’s good stuff I like that trying to build a AAR and his ass wants to come and hunt down his own brend that’s crazy terraform the tree a bit well I know where we can get some Blackstone me and Johnny don’t even want to hear about Blackstone anymore dude yeah I know how that is bro oh what oh he right here bro come at me Fam where you going on oh it’s running it’s running away yeah cuz I flexed I pulled out my sword and he’s like oh damn that’s a large sword and it’s Enchanted I better not mess with this guy I’m scared run away oh no scared is that a Bastion that’s a is that a fortress I can’t tell man if it’s just Bal or if it’s Fortress what one that was trying to be scared of you is also trying to come I want to go down stairs it’s going tobly lock I need some blocks oh man course let’s go oh [ __ ] okay it’s time to move follow me bro [ __ ] so annoying man oh I got you back thanks thanks for the backup man got you bro oh there’s there’s another end okay I’m going to do the splash potion and we’re going to run Bridge wa we fall in the lava we got a minute to get the hell out of there you with me yep I got 26 I you needed should be good [ __ ] good enough I want to make it secure but I don’t know how long we got on these potions and I don’t want to waste it I’d like to save it for when we need it yep well that was that’s probably one death bridging as they call it I just notic get for now I defin those never sounds I actually noticed that’s a guy is it called a guy or whatever the call radioactive ticking thing yeah I just know that’s that sound Radioactive in here oh no it’s radioactive no death too late don’t worry death Bridge becomes a safe Bridge oh oh wait ha imagine you just got out flipping smarted got to find that Fortress look there’s nothing here I think we chose the wrong way now we got to do slow Bridge I like this this is going to take forever no I’m drinking my bottle and I’m going hold on oh man I need to grab a drink I it’s like sand in my mouth I don’t want to do this focused on oh my mouth is Sandy I’m just going to chill here I’ll be back in one minute I got you bro on for for for e okay sorry bro oh my goodness now you good going a rabbit hole on YouTube sometimes you know yeah I this guy’s live streaming he’s got like 2,000 Subs but he’s playing Resident Evil Code Veronica so I became a member on his channel and sub to him guy was talking to me but he seems okay he’s just one of those yo yo what’s good what’s good you know what I’m saying like one of those kind of guys oh man basically they just say Hi and then but he’s got my kind of skin color and I’m just like yeah bro he’s he seems cool though like he’s all hype and then I was like yo wait I do this better than he does let’s go a [ __ ] no I don’t I’m so glad I drank that potion [ __ ] corrupt I don’t see land I don’t see bro I got to go oh my god um I know I to the left I drank a three minute potion so okay but as soon as I say yo uh springtrap have a good one bro thanks for joining I can’t believe I’m just like talking trash about another person like yeah gu like this and I can do it better and then I fall in the lava I’m so glad this is a thre minute potion dang you have blocks oh yeah oh okay yep bro just went I gotas oh oh oh that’s a little too much okay I got yeah I got blocks let me check how do I oh man I can’t I don’t know how to tr z z i got a minute 42 on this let’s go I’ll do it better no no watch out watch out watch out I got the potion I got the potion yeah I just I was running or or like you know how I do it on the ground I just hold the button and then run oh there a [ __ ] gas go figure I feel I know spawned let’s go no no no it did not watch out I know here get to here okay I got some I got enough blocks to finish this there’s you gas 45 seconds left I got lots of time let’s go there’s a broken nether portal over here bro where’s a gas yeah yeah I got to I got oh Mountain we’re good we can reblock and there’s a a broken nether portal over there too gold let’s go we got this this bridge is a bad idea get the heck out of here look at this I finished it I’m good I had the potions though right so that was the point of building the bridges is because I had the potions I wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t like allergic to lava you going to die Cory no I don’t want to lose all my stuff you know how long it took to enchant all this stuff you know how long it took Rogue I’m going to be smart with it it’s still like really warm outside so I went out for quick porch break and I got to tell you man it’s just I can’t wait for summer The Vibes of just chilling outside sitting on the phone watching YouTube at night I hate scary stories like ah it feels like someone can come up and attack me at any second so it’s scarier I like it you know it’s hard to get scared now at 40 man I’ve seen a lot I’ve seen so many horror movies and creepy pastas and YouTubes and urban legends and oh my gosh just like nonstop yo Sand’s up here that’s usually a good indication of something coming up I’m going to just I’ll see you in a minute oh my knees just give me a quick second yeah yeah no take your time you take as much time as you need my friend I’m just going to take this iron here for these Enchanted boots Eric the great yo thanks for subbing man I appreciate you Unbreaking one projectile protection flint and steel if we get stuck we can just build a portal boom we’re back in Overworld and we’re not going to be that far actually it will be really far because one block in Overworld is or one block in the nether is eight blocks in Overworld but at least this way we can build a portal and get get back to Overworld if we get really stuck pickaxe breaks no way back all right well let’s build the portal and go back okay bom and then we make the long journey back I don’t know if 10’s enough okay I’m F back now see this but yeah I just searched up actually before I searched up is the radio is the never in Minecraft Radioactive and they said yeah there’s a guy J meter in it so they think it would be radioactive so does that mean like there’s like I was going to say does that mean like there’s a fortress or something nearby because it starts going off at certain times it’s not like you always hear it right actually I hear it kind of like inter oh hell where is a guas at yo oh it’s over there you want to keep going in that here I want to keep going it’s Jesus yeah get back go go go go go I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out okay keep going in the straight line you dig a line I’ll dig a line in we need to go up though cuz we’re on like 45 and in the nether that’s not really a [ __ ] watch out I hate this biome bro just I just have to grit my oh [ __ ] wow I forgot how far it I forgot how far it flows in the ne yeah and it’s fast okay New Path I’ll just that so we can get the W at Le in here and I’m going to get blocks beside my pickaxe so if that happens again at least I can ah block it up you know kind of thing try to figure out how I built my house but no luck no luck you got to get wood then Stone and then you got to make tools Lexi you’re a master of building dude you did so much building in WTF land it was crazy that makes sense actually the Rogue what she saying if it if the gu counter did go off when we near Fortress and we B just ignoring it yeah I wanted to be up here just to see we got to keep that same path right cuz we came from that direction you can go take a look I’m going to build a little Monument or whatever here just to show that this is the stairs yeah watch this I’m about go find [ __ ] this guy comes out of nowhere good oh no that’s a that’s a drop to that’s a drop to death look I’m going to find the Fortress it’s death I’m trying to find our stairs back down I I didn’t even go far [ __ ] ass there’s a lot of pissed me off oh Soul Sand Valley you know what that means I think there’s got to be like a Bastion or something close like Soul Sand’s always good indication I like finding those level 15 let’s go okay I got two hearts left say we’ve been ignoring the sound and miss so many fortresses use your water bucket uh someone tell Alice that doesn’t work no seriously Alice it doesn’t work though in the nether watch it just evaporates yeah honest why you use a lava bucket these boots have Unbreaking three and Fire Protection two I’m going to put those on because I’ve almost died already without realizing corrupt do you know how we came up here through a tunnel I can’t find that tunnel back down okay there it is there it is there it is Dam I wanted to make a signifier like something to say hey man we’re here bro this is a monument yeah nope oh my God I’m going to die run away yeah I did I did for some reason I don’t know why the fire stopped I jumped down yo look at that because it hit me on top look the portals lit on fire the little Bridge thing I made leave it like that yeah in between the two crying obsidians it hit me up there and it’s on fire and it just it works out so nicely that’s that’s wild bro that’s like me being friends with guy named corrupt in Europe and I’m in Canada and we both like Minecraft that’s so weird yes sir he’s like yes sir you mention it again I’ll kill you wait what peaky blinders [ __ ] I got your number oh man going to have to take a hit for the team Cory wait what pey blinders wait I thought that we were just joking no I’m real I was actually you know see the earlier I was actually doing Tommy Shelby accent honestly dude he’s one of my favorite actors he’s from 28 Days Later remember and um he was he’s done so many movies he’s done so many movies he’s he did um he played a cop he played a time traveler he played uh opener open Heimer oh my gosh yeah I want to see that one that’s what I yeah I haven’t seen it yet what was he in one of the King Kong movies I might be mistaken he’s been in a lot of big movies bro I need to watch got to look at his honestly okay so is this obvious that this is the same this is our path Christopher Nolan by order of the py blinders pey blinders by order of the pey blinders yep I like uh the worst accent though what’s this character um I forget his name such an idiot rder not Tom Holland the other time the guy that plays Venom oh I know you about oh no there’s two gs bro they don’t want me to come back and see this Monument oh I see the monument you see the monument good then it served its purpose I see I see you I see level 27 my guy watch this I just put my fingers in noodles bro why did I do that cuz you’re Minecrafting and eating at the same time yeah no Lexi no Lexi fell from a high place I’m mind some lots of lava lots of nether quartz yeah there a lot of it there’s a safe way down over here Rogues like I’ve now deemed it socially acceptable for men to dress like they’re from the pey blinders area era hell yeah let’s go watch out behind you yeah I I I see him I see a trench and just just get this right here get this right here this the nether quartz XP XP huge XP that’s the fastest I’ve been mining so there’s more over here yeah I I saw I’m kind of oh okay well until that [ __ ] [ __ ] come here if he comes down he comes down he’s don’t die CP don’t die don’t fall down okay there’s another one down there see like when I get to Soul Sand and bow me on all this I kind of feel like there’s a Bastion nearby I don’t care about the gas I just ooh bones o bones I mean I just ran straight out that Gas Forest obviously it was aggro that you so I was like yeah that’s easy but then I forgot yo you travel like 1 mile per hour on Soul Sand without Soul speed I like how they added the animation tooo with the little blue skulls oh dude I’m getting this while we’re here wait where about did you go exactly found a red Forest yeah oh I see I see I see I see where you went I don’t want to get too far and be like oh no we lost our way back but I think it’s already getting to that point I mean if needed I could take a screenshot of um where the monument is cuz that’s the perk of being on Playstation you can just check back at your screenshot extremely quick I just press print screen I think that does screenshot that’s true I put a pillow of never that way anyways I say we go back this was not the right way all that bridging all that stuff okay fun but let’s go back cuz yeah I think we chose the wrong direction just for building a house you died man it’s okay we can get your levels back there’s Community Farms that’s the good thing R like been there the creepers oh man oh tell me about it you remember in that other world I was just we trying to sleep so I I fell I slept in the middle of a field yeah it did not go very well I ended up my ass getting blown up by a creeper dead that’s right that’s why you don’t with me gas here let’s go yes oh look I’m getting level 30 right here look at all this nether quartz how could you ignore it I’m at 25 right now nice just about 30 I’m like a okay you can get the rest of the courts here I’m at 30 now let’s goess tell me you heard that I’m guessing you dropped that slap bro what that yeah come here there’s quartz all up over here up the side of the hill and then up top here there’s going to be tons of quartz too damn bro pickaxes bro we still didn’t go and get men I know I got to find that Village and then write it down in my sticky pad this look at all that quartz there bro I think I might know where it is actually I think it’s when I was walking to basically cuz I found my way to the U basically before you even put the coordinates I was like okay cool yeah cuz it’s pretty close to spawn but I saw another Village but it was a different village like a whole different village oh my goodness you even look wow man’s getting level 30 right like in the next minute and there’s some over here there’s an a pack over here yeah watch out yeah I’m trying not to set them off and there’s more over here hit this spot first and there one yes sir oh nope don’t go that way that’s a Ledge mind the gold don’t don’t forget about that don’t mind the gold I was going to do that and I was like no that’s right us okay let’s go find our portal back or let’s go oh there it is there it is look yo look how far we went to the other side yo I’m so glad I built that portal there that’s fantastic man okay I’m going to slow bridge this time CU I know what Rogue would say if it’s only 20 blocks why didn’t you take it easy dumbass I want to go back and choose a different direction there’s some quads down there anyways appreciate I got you ruining the Integrity of armor is not uh the best thing to do me just get 30 real quick because definitely here yeah you don’t want to come back right I mean if we hit 30 here and then while it’s looking for Bastion get more levels and then go get a fortune 3 Unbreaking three pickaxe hopefully get men in that’s E I heard that that was quite a Prof profitable area that we were just in man bro walk mining is just broken bro it’s like scul mining oh sko mining look so so nice we just went super super far in the nether I would literally M skull for days on end skull oh I love it I love it yeah especially if you don’t work the warden up oh yeah I forgot it does this like death Bridge oh yeah death bridge I’m not wasting my time making it a safe Bridge cuz it doesn’t lead to anything basically we should just probably block it this this will up no man what if somebody wants to go that way like what if you want to go back that way oh yeah no I mean like um well at some point just put a sign saying Cory Jinx the weather death Bridge a death Bridge right here bro Oh what now it’s raining for you Rogue [ __ ] that’s not the end of the death Bridge [ __ ] I thought that was the end of it oh yeah no it’s not man as long as you keep the Crosshair in the Middle uhhuh Run backwards that’s scary oh I’ve done that so much and have that’s so I wish I didn’t do bro this biome oh wait actually go be flat here hi buddy oh thanks for the gunpowder bye buddy bro didn’t even have time to shoot his thing at you bro bro’s dead no yeah I don’t think we’re supposed to be here ah the floor is [Music] lava actually n I feel like this way is promising bro what what do you say I want to go back to the portal and build a straight path to where we’re going to go just to keep it all copesthetic and I need good ide and also logical like why would you want just vear off a path just then we’re really going to get lost uhuh what or sorry oh yeah that’s true do people want to put AES in if they need any NE blocks yeah Rogue said she needed like it was it was glow stone or uh I think yo and the nether quartz too I’m turning it into blocks of quartz to outline like people’s rooms and the mines and stuff oh yeah I’ve got like pretty cool I think six or seven stacks of that of right now so should be chilling I’m getting some shro lights okay yeah glow stone I got glow stone back at the base I got like a stack of glow stone dust it’s all good I know they’re good for uh respawn anchors yeah those am of time I’ve trolled someone with a respawn Anor I’ve never got to use one and get brought back but you know if once once they um time out they blow up right oh really bro 42 bars of gold I’ve got 11 shroom like so far they blow up that’s hilarious I only got three but I got some other stuff in the meantime they’re a PIN to mine not going to lie 42 gold ingots I condensed my uh the Nuggets into ingots it’s a lot of gold okay where did we come from and I’m going to get this other gas to having gas spawn down here is awesome bro 60 I just made 60 qu SLS a that’s a rest in peace oh well now we have quartz slabs selling some quartz slabs for diamonds stack them on top of each other and you get a block of Quartz so yeah oh yeah we meant to going back to the portal just to have the Baseline to start from and we’ll go from there like we can go this way wherever this way is hell yeah that’s exactly what the the pig say no the tree all that Wood’s going to go to waste okay where is the oh it’s up here yep okay okay okay okay oh oh yeah that’s right I forgot about this part part I would have went way off track way off track so we were going this way though right underneath there roughly oh yeah cuz that’s the ball so oh yeah about to say thank you for that this just a random bit of lava bro I think this was because of a gas yeah um if we go behind actually that’s Pro I think behind is honestly one of the best directions but we could probably back our way from side okay yeah screenshotting the coordinates and I got to grab a snack cuz my stomach’s doing the crap oh man I hope it didn’t just kick everybody out yeah I think it did cuz I was going to wait did it I got a no it didn’t okay good good I got to I didn’t want to kick this many there’s six people in man like everyone’s having fun right with when there’s this many people in it’s a good time I have a good time when it’s just me but I have a better time when there’s more people uh I’ll be back in a minute bro I got to go grab some like cheese and crackers or granola bar or applesauce or something I go you Legend you can continue forward and uh Forge a path if you want but uh yeah like I’ll be back in a minute d all right let’s go cheese and crackers applesauce I’m happy uh Kelly McKinnon yo what’s up how’s it going corrupt so yeah the um thank you way that we were going to go you I think you’ve already went a bit and I just went over there anyways and it looks pretty um bad pretty bleak yeah so I went the way yeah and look I just want to no idea they on visitor don’t don’t know no idea me I’m coin I don’t like to let people in that are brand new cuz I don’t trust people in my Minecraft we get griefed a lot so if you come by the channel a bit and we get to know you then you can get in the world there’s been too many hackers griefing we’re not building the community SNP for people to go haha bang not that you are that but that’s my disclaimer so yeah it’s one just under thank you sir that those are the kind of people that get in the world those who understand not kidss that are like oh man I was just trying to game bro what are you doing like that I don’t want any part of that you can understand my money Maker’s almost dead and I want the XP that it’s costing to mine these holes to Nowhere see i r of a diamond pickaxe which I could use if need it I have another diamond pickaxe it’s my silk touch one so but it’s and it’s got efficiency five or efficiency 4 but it’s silk touch right so you get all the nether quarts from here on out brother I’m good I’m level 31 anyway I’m going to use my levels to repair my pick or just enchant a new one and hopefully get a good money maker and then you give me back that one and I’ll put that one with my money maker and it’ll have efficiency five and it’ll be crazy good oh this one does have efficiency five never mind it is crazy good yeah this is this is going nowhere bro like I don’t we haven’t broken at anything yet I’m going to do a tunnel up just to like 90 or something yeah yeah see boom okay it goes up we’re already in a red Forest Area oh [ __ ] look at this wow we just broke out of the Mountain at the perfect time this looks come on get the [ __ ] out of here there right right there yo bro let’s go I am the luckiest Digger in the world okay we got to set up for this those guys are one hit they kill our pickaxe right do you have any arrows oh oh yeah you’re right about those those those what their name as well bro here let me uh let me do this so that way we can see it the pigin brutes those guys are ass yeah brutes bro put your Shield up they bust shield and one [ __ ] smack of that thing everybody in stream I want to give you a huge shout out thank you for being here 1100 p.m. on a week night we got eight people in stream let’s go chat you’re beautiful you’re fing beautiful thank you for joining listen I got to take a one one minute uh washroom break uh minute and a half porch break so I’m going to be AFK for like 3 minutes and then I’m going to hit this bash with you up I got to relax my brain cuz I’m super excited right now I’m like yo let’s go let’s run in there well we’re going to run in there and I’m going to die and lose my [ __ ] and get mad and go no right yeah so to prevent that from happening I’m going to go AFK for 3 minutes I’m going to block myself in here and uh yeah I’ll see you back in 3 minutes KP go get some water or a Snack Chat see see in three for okay I’m back and I’m excited Rock Dr Paris welcome to stream GG’s thank you yep we got the Bastion okay so I’ve built a tiny viewing platform okay so we could actually like actually I don’t know where the brute went but what I found out is if we can like if we can like Tower up you can burn them alive oh oh bro you’re a [ __ ] genius you’re a genius you’re a genius I’m getting some lava there’s so much of it right back here yeah I blocked some of the lava up because there was just a giant waterfall here which was just nuisance sorry there’s levels here I have to oh yeah it’s cuz this one’s built into the the thing so we can’t fully see it that’s why I built a bit of a platform so we don’t have to go that close to it to see where the routes are because but you can see where the main chests are they’re literally up here there’s so much quartz man y we might be a get into the chest hold on there’s lava here that’s that’s still where’s the source block oh it’s right here couldn’t find it okay I got it there’s one of those pigs up here though you know those things that charge and attack dude there’s so much I don’t understand this is like I’m going to end up dying getting this [ __ ] yeah there’s so much oh I’m in lava get the [ __ ] out of here oh no okay I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m good and there’s a jelly chasing me a magma guy yeah just go to get a little bucket of lava and I almost die there’s so much nether quartz up there bro oh my goodness that’s a journey and a half no I don’t want to climb the tree thanks for the offer though okay let’s get it yes I see yeah honestly bro okay okay okay yeah do this I got dibs on Pig by the way I got dips oh yeah I know you said you wanted to get that [ __ ] so that’s why I’m here yeah we’re going to build over I’m going to build a wall and we’re going to slowly progress a wall like yeah like dig underneath like that’s a good idea I don’t even want to drop down cuz they’re going to swarm us where have the brutes out bro bro watch this oh I see where most of them are they’re they’re down that little hole I HTE some birds though there they can’t touch us just get of blocks we don’t even need to build down we just build across and loot the chest cuz we’re three yeah it’s free up do this watch out for the bow and arrow people though so I’m going to build AIG wall in the back we not taking any chances bro screw this yeah those axe people this they’re about to get pissed they’re about to be like they can’t access they can’t hit us at all they can’t is it oh oh step no it’s a netherite smithing template though so I can make my pickaxe netherite Soul speed on the boots bro for you check that one oh yo there another one go take it that one’s yours take it there’s a diamond pickaxe in there I want that I want to put that I know I want to put that you got to put that on your pickaxe no use it to use it to dig anyway yeah I want the arrows cuz I have a bow AR I’m holding the obsidian there a block of iron too so this one was okay not great but okay that’s all the chest don’t thing no I obviously not I think that we should keep using this method yeah yeah for that that’s how I do it normally I just dig into the side and basically cut off all connections and if some come near me I just burn them alive cuz then yo I don’t have to mess with those brutes bro cuz me personally I think they’re way too overpowered to break your Shield like that and then hit you like two twice and you’re dead Okay there’s no a [ __ ] yeah there’s Roots down here yep see him burning oh here we go I’m putting lava down idiots imine idiot smarted okay I’m going up hey yo oh we got company I don’t think so wait that did not do anything on watch out watch out idiots die a that sucks to be them huh now let’s let’s prevent future unwanted company bro they became bacon quite literally okay I’m going up I want to check man so we both got a netherite Ingot that’s dope I like that obviously if there’s two of something I’m getting one you’re getting one you know what I mean you’re coming with me helping me tackle this so hell yeah I think it’s going to be going down my friend the rest for the majority of the Bastion yeah cuz we’re at 80 something and this is the top of it we’re into the look at this it’s a safe way on the mountain we didn’t need to bridge across look we could have just taken the mountain come up here look at this you’ll be you’ll be like oh what the hell watch look it right here look there’s our Bridge why didn’t we just go over the mountain to here you can see it from the side yeah that is true but we went to set option cuz yeah like I highly dare okay we’re at the corner as well there’s no way that there’s just the two chests bro I oh I found a I found a I found oh yeah you can get lanterns here as well yeah and blocks of gold uh-huh and GS black stone just watch out for no this CL yo watch across here okay that one’s done that one’s done so it goes this way watch hey Pig hey pigs oh D it’s got to be super tiny this is a super small bash we’re on you know how there’s like there’s one side of it and then there’s another side of it well I hit paks and Y I found the other side of the Bastion I believe uhoh look at this come with me come back up yo those P pissed at me bro I just broke some gold [ __ ] come up here where the [ __ ] are they come up here come up this way look let me show you something yeah come here come here you want to see this this is the small section of the Bastion remember how there’s two sections of the Bastion look this is the small one come over here with me look I broke three look this is the second section see it’s actually a lot lot bigger than is it bridge is it Bridge or whatever they call just got to find where the Blackstone stops I know this cuz I usually mine them you know what I mean okay here I think it’s here yeah that’s a pit that’s a pit [ __ ] idiots hey I got one of those here they come got them I lured them down into the lava bro look it look it it’s like it’s like a bacon fest Bacon Fest 101 damn they’re everywhere oh yeah there’s so many of them look they’re burning a I love it they’re burning alive where you going bud we’re just having fun right now there’s a lot of them down there try that one buddy oh you did that sucks hey krup this is cool yeah burning them alive is so fun because you don’t have to fight them here’s the underground of what you were looking for they all came from up here oh damn Unbreaking two pickaxe yeah boy he do black stone and full arrows there you go buddy chest up here oh wait that the B right up here yeah this can’t be all the chests though let’s yo let’s do like you know when I mine out a thing to find the Blackstone we could find the perimeter of this bad boy if we just mine out this layer right here like just this level like 58 on our feet you know what I mean yeah and we can find out where it is cuz I’m kind of confused as to where the stairwells are where’s the chests you and me are pretty good at knowing the layouts of bastions this one’s weird I know there’s three or four different types here I found the edge over here okay here we go here’s a stairwell to the other side yeah I found it another STW as well okay I’m getting the perimeter of this bad boy down Yep this is where I was yeah got the perimeter level 32 let’s go don’t forget to eat it’s like played Up played up remember to eat bro did you know in war zone gang I was looking at a setting and bro it’s basically you know how in war zone you have to basically keep tapping play up yeah it makes it do it it makes you play up till you’re full on plating yeah Auto auto play yeah yeah I’m like why did they not have that on also I put on tap instead of hold you know how you have to hold to open doors and hold to open like chest oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you found them yeah yeah I found the other one yeah come around here come around come around come around watch brutes right here right here oh I mean they were here I love the lava bro since you told me that I’ve never done this before like I’ve never thought about it yeah s literally no chance bro oh it’s in the chest nothing wait there’s another yo yo yo yo yo yo I know I know there’s another one there got get down here behind you I build stairs so you can get up oh oh that thing is yeah doing the perimeter thing is a good way to uh yeah there’s nothing there I need it’s a good way to find out like we found chests on this level so if you dig the perimeter out you’ll find all the chests on this level you know what I mean they’re kind of set up so that way they’re all hovering on the same thing here come to the outside oh [ __ ] never mind never mind this lava there block that up we got this it’s faster to mine uh the Netherrack than it is the black stone I think I saw where in this one already you didn’t take the mag you this is actually [ __ ] huge bro look at how big this is come over here you’re digging on the inside you got to come out here on the outside with me it’s faster oh you’re going inside okay okay found it downstairs well there’s 30 something levels above us and it goes down to about 30 fashions yo there is yo this thing yeah like you said it goes cuz this is your I block this off oh [ __ ] problem solv I smell bacon smoked oh wow there block of gold that’s it oh wait yeah that’s why we go to the bottom of these things cuz you get your blocks of gold at the bottom of these ones I think it goes down more yeah it does it goes down to like 36 that’s where it starts shit3 wow 32 32 is the what’s it called magma block okay so we got if we’re going to find the chests in this place I really don’t think they’re down at the bottom here got four so far I think there is normally four in each Bastion so we should go look for another Bastion is what you’re saying yeah or Fortress one yeah whatever hops pops up first okay let’s go I think that was a successful trip we didn’t even these bloody n I’ll take the Magma Cream over one iron honestly cuz I can make potions with that once we get the stuff the potions fire resistance is super helpful right yep okay Lexi have a good one thank you so much for joining us man I appreciate that I hope you have a good rest I hope Minecraft helped Minecraft helped I found the stairs I found I found NBA Raptor 19 let’s not get stuck in bro I’ve done that before and I’m like yo now we have to kill one of you to bro this is why I like go ahead go ahead if you need them close no I mean wait yo we there’s a chest which we didn’t go into bro did we oh no we did go into it it just got blocked off I’m stupid oh well oh you don’t want the soul speed boots okay I’ll take them I didn’t even notice them I’m just looking at the chains like o here take them take those Soul speed boots yes sir I can now put those in pair of golden boots although actually I’m going to swap I’m going to take a pair of golden boots cuz it’s always cool to actually have golden boots okay so this was our Mark at this point I’m going to get to switch out my biscuits for steak so much better okay um yeah I want to Mark away but finding that Bastion got me excited I’m like yeah let’s just go get another one like going to get lost don’t worry I’ll took a quick screenshot I think we were here before this looks very familiar I swear if it connects oh yeah look at this right doesn’t this look so familiar oh no I don’t want to drop down there BR I oh [ __ ] like yeah parkour yo I found a way down bro uh okay I’ll go your way that the parkour [ __ ] was crazy no that was not no I only did that because I have so speed hey yo the [ __ ] yeah I ain’t affected by your speed bro oh I got fire protection two helmet of chain okay cool it’s pretty [ __ ] but I’ll keep it in Cas someone want to you know souvenir for someone in it BS aren’t close to each other right sometimes they can be I like that positive train thought bro oh that’s a drop this feels like Fortress area yeah we’ll just go behind the lava waterfall actually that girl like I was going to my life last before my eyes I was going to die like doesn’t this feel like Fortress area run run there’s a big slime um no that’s a ledge do not go that way yeah that’s what I was thinking oh no now I’m just being Reckless the Slime was just about to I almost want to go back and try a different direction oh there’s a hoglin or a hog or whatever it’s a pig I actually had noodles today that’s funny oh I’m here I just uh I’m opening up a pack of cheese and crackers oh no I I was only doing that cuz there’s a hog over there and I didn’t want it to come running chees and crackers bro bit Blackstone over there but that’s just um the ones which just naturally dense Crimson Forest you think we should go a different direction or think bro that this picking stupid bro why are you burning yourself yeah I got you yeah by burning himself you meant like you poured a bucket on him right not oh this far from the portal uh this is a little bit far from the portal yeah we can bring some of the wood back for sure what if we just bring one of the um if we bring a NE block and then the sapling we could just grow them therefore have our tree farm have never trees in it as well oh wow this opens up big nice yeah it opens up let’s go it’s quite vast back here yeah yeah yeah cuz I just got one of the Crimson Roots that’s the stuff that you need to grow stuff on right these guys there we go yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my there’s another one yeah let’s go [ __ ] these guys you can just do this watch or do that let’s go my pathway builds itself appreciate you bro spontaneous building Pathways only from WTF Cory Co whenever you need a paway building just Crouch and it’ll build itself oh no I need Stak oh my gosh yo let’s get some WS in chat Alice donated $5 you’re insane you don’t have to do that but thank you so much I’m going to puke bew she’s like beware Cory is throwing out sounds oh my goodness that makees my stomach hurt yes no fortresses no bastions no sign of anything in the future what do you think krup time to go back insane yo thank you so much man you’re freaking Legend you have to do that Dono dabs Dono dabs and I’m going to eat some crackers and cheese let’s go it’s like almost yeah just get some wood I 100 what no idea where the just went yeah I’m in a Enderman Forest now bro the Warped warped them Forest I’m at-300 – 628 damn trying to really just push and find the Fortress or another Bastion or something so we can go home with spoils and be like yeah as long as we can secure we got Bastion so but oh yeah I see a Crimson Forest as well I believe it the you’re in yeah the gas just disappeared as I went near it that’s crazy yep there’s a trail of quartz so I’ve got some Crimson roots and Crimson I found a [ __ ] Fortress bro I’m at it let’s go I’m here oh my gosh I don’t even know what to say bro I found a diamond inside of a chest I’m so happy right now we’re getting warped fungus brother NE okay uhga – 349 679 I’m writing this down 349 negative 349 uh the level middle is 69 get it middle 69 and then 679 is the last number no don’t tell me you died no I just placed that Bloody Crimson nyum bro that’s the only thing you need need to grow a tree bro why did I do that never oh I’m going the tot Nether wart got Nether wart let’s go right away wait so it’s 3 what 369 679 minus I’m guessing negative 369 yeah yeah I’m leaving some here just in case wait don’t die that’s lava oh now we can get W skeletons that’s what they they that no chance yeah I’m trying not to get caught up in here but I remember build the what’s it called build a roof you know so they can’t get by at three blocks cuz they’re four blocks tall or whatever three blocks tall they can’t get through yeah anyway not much else in here I got the Nether wart though I’m so happy I found this bro we can make potions now now we can go find all the bastions we want and have unlimited potions we can brute every kind of potion everything you want a potion I can Brew it and we need what Soul Sand right to to have the Nether wart farm right I’m getting lot here I’ll go back up I’ll go through here with you this is exciting freak I’ll go back I’m atus 341 – 549 yeah it’s like yeah you’re close you’re within 100 or two I’ll go I’ll go away from it so you can see my gamer tag and 69 through the middle one yeah I’m at 71 so oh okay I’m I have cinnamon bun Oreos bro I’m opening them up oh my gosh I got Munchies I’m popping two these bad boys right now let me know in you’re here can’t see you coordinates off for the first one I’m at – 342 uhhuh and then- 685 it’s a Crimson Forest but I dug up I went up a bit and I just found just the top of this Fortress I could barely see it man when you find when you see this You’ be like this is luck absolute luck that I found it plus I think we should have an ender pearl Farm here and I’m going to build a nether portal to go back to Overworld from here so negative 342 and then 689 negative 689 oh got you I went way past it mhm that’s what I thought don’t mind if I do with never these are these Oreos are so big in UK we don’t have a lot of Oreo flavors I’m going to lie but you know where I’m going once I actually if I go to Canada bro I have to yo I have to pick up your coffee bro a it we need to get some can fall by Fall yeah that was crazy as soon as I went down the stairs boom there’s another right here I’m going to replant some so we you know what I mean like oh no forgot the nether or I lost found the Fortress you’re at the Fortress uh found it but I’m also in the air so you’re in a different area of the Fortress so you said uh 60 wait six I said it like seven times bro if you don’t have it it’s all good you’re at the Fortress so I’m at a whole different oh there’s [ __ ] Blaze here that’s why I’m building a bridge where I’m I need that for the potions yep oh oh oh I see a g ATT let’s go where the skeleton he’s dead yo look up bro this is crazy there’s not many there’s not many things here how is that even possible this is a tiny ass Fortress but I did get the nether so I can’t complain I think a lot of it’s buried as well all I know is I got the Nether wart rash’s important oh wow I would have never okay it’s the same area it’s just circle a that was a new area yeah it’s a small Fortress man super tiny more nether okay I found the rest of it okay it’s not tiny oh wow I’m going to have markers find my way oh [ __ ] that is not small at all wow you’re right it’s all buried bro yep found a blaze found a blaze farm let’s go let’s go got one um I’m I’m in the Fortress right now so oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] didn’t go through wood I mean I only Built oh [ __ ] I only Built it two blocks high I’m an idiot I’m going to die got a blaze rod got two I just killing a good oh yeah I got a farm built this is sick Bro there he is dude Nether wart blaze rods like and I was saying too just got to push I’m just going to push and see what I can find boom there it is oh wow that’s crazy that’s crazy and the funny part is I a feeling this lava leads to a different part of the Fortress I’m going sit here Farm levels blaz for a bit great wait till you get that Ming you don’t have to yo you don’t have to worry about mending your there’s an end just sitting behind me standing behind me what a jerk head jerk head he’s the head of the jerk Corporation successful trip to the nether I didn’t get pck step but you know got a blaze farm oh you oh hell no yeah this for is actually huge yeah it’s pretty big bro you’re in a whole different plot than me and I’m like yeah yeah what the [ __ ] I was at the surface bro but that one went to a dead end yo is that another oh it’s another blaz there’s another one right next to you bro another blaze farm let’s [ __ ] go yeah usually underground they’re like side by side here right hell yeah yeah I just need some blocks oh I don’t have any torches to light it up you can come here and get this place Farm bro I got five five rods already it’s all good why you going to box this one up that’s a blaze one in it in front I just did this just thingy that’s CAU that’s spawner right yeah yeah there you got your blaze farm here you go I put down three blocks ready to go watch someone behind me they’re just spawning behind you oh yeah that’s why I’mma box up this area real quick go yeah it’s pretty dope I had no hope for this Fortress and it turned out it’s just like it’s all underground hey guys come on over here like bro we don’t even have to do the work that’s how easy this is right now this is crazy hard work pays off bro we’ve been searching for like an hour yeah it’s been a bit in the nether man I had F though that we were going to get something like I wasn’t expecting Bastion I was really really expecting the Fortress like come on man we’re going to get that I didn’t sometimes you get a fortress though and it doesn’t like you can’t find nether wart right that’s my thing I love I love making the potions super helpful especially being in the nether searching like potions to go to the end too man yo and with the uh blaze rods guess what guess what homies making right now I have a Sil touch pickaxe guess what I can make the world’s first Ender Chest bro come here you want to save your stuff put it in the ender chest and even if you die all your stuff is saved come here come here come in here that’s boom There You Go sir let’s go I’mma put in all this now my inventory doesn’t have to be full anymore I’m putting in the diamond the GL Stone the shroom lights the pants my diamond boots the netherite template the Nether wart the gold gold pants blocks of gold Magma Cream keeping the obsidian uh now I’m ready to just Adventure from all I know the extra Unbreaking pickaxe uh the blaze rods go in there sorry order up put in that non- enchanted diamond looting three on a sword right now yo watch it bro got company where did he go Wither Skeleton did I not get all those blaze rods what the hell oh corrupt here now you got let’s go but no wrong chest yeah I’ve had another trips not work out this well before yeah I’m good like I want to get more than eight blaze rods yeah like I want to get like 20 30 of them and then I’ll be good to go and we got to write down the coordinates top imagine if you had Lo on your that’s what I was just saying man yo so you know how I have a mending villager ow ow ow ow oh appreciate you bro hey I’m just going to build up these little like defenses you know how where basically yeah yeah you can go my spawner if you want for a minute or two but I’m just going to check out the rest of this Fortress quick oh [ __ ] oh my God I almost jumped off the side what the am I doing what am I doing like I’m not in oh my goodness these guys stand no chance so what do you think’s better um the XP from blazes or from quarts I’d rather do faster yeah especially when you get your money pickaxe all the way like never right in that oh what’s that I’m level 37 and I’m mining quarts bam baby I’m F free right now let’s go man pretty young you sound you sound way younger than 33 okay got it let’s go almost 38 damn you’re going to be H fight soon I’m already 40 man turn 40 just nonstop with the jokes you just don’t know when I’m joking when I’m telling the truth okay I can build this up for you I mean my nun’s 69 this year let’s go 69 now she can start aging the other way she can stop and turn around just age backwards next year 68 next year a 67 ooh level 38 let’s go hello sir I heard you have the world’s uh first place farming here yes yes yes yes yes the progress today is amazing saving the wood there uh for Alice I got 48 of the Crimson stem oh yeah I’ve got um a stack of it I think where did it go yeah yeah I got you know what I want to do bro you know what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m sorry oh my gosh why is there lava right [ __ ] there here I got it I got it my bad that’s my No it’s on fire n we all make that mistake bro you go dig in and then boom Oh there’s a Wither here hey buddy wither skeleton with yeah give me a face give me your head no I didn’t get his face okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make the Nether Portal right here bro to Overworld what do you think perfect now let’s hope it don’t teleport away oh it will H ready like like in your Overworld you just have to build a ice Highway at some point oh gosh please you don’t want to travel by Two Worlds Highway and it was like forever D Building them in the ne is cool like never highways but that’s if you can do your fcking if you work out how to use never portals like how these guys use them as like basically proper portals to different places in that world which is cool I agree 100% not as cool as you though bro right oh let’s go my god dude yeah thanks for the help on this this is uh one of the I’d say like the most successful trip to the nether man we got all the way here we didn’t die I mean a couple close calls on my part but my diamond armor is probably taking a hit a little bit a little bit not too much oh now I want to really just go and Destroy some bastions I’m picking up the Ender Chest so when we make an Ender Chest all that stuff is still in our Ender Chest let’s go this guy is yawning yeah I know bedtime huh oh no I’m going in the portal time is it probably 5 a.m. yeah it’s midnight for me it’s a new day happy Wednesday I just don’t want to spawn in a cave like that look at this you kept talking about ice you son of a [ __ ] I’m at 3129 Nega 5868 and it’s a winter biome 6868 6,000 no 5868 yeah 5,868 oh my bro nope I don’t know if I yo yeah um let’s not place the portal there let’s place you want me to break it that’s that’s a that’s a [ __ ] place for it yo what’s good man how’s it going brother oh I think ra6 p.m. bit more like scale I’m good on setting up the uh the portals and like yeah I could do that no problem just yeah yeah you have to set up portals in the nether for Overworld every one block in uh the nether is eight blocks in overw no it’s eight yeah so so you got to do maths which I’m not good at so that’s why I can’t do it going to try get 36 levels 36 how many Blazer rods you got I want to get some more before I go 25 right now oh [ __ ] okay my turn I have like the 12 I have like 12 blaze rods 25 would be enough for now just for put this I got 10 10 blaze rods oh boy I need more than that why are you guys putting out for corrupt man give me some blaze rods I’ll cut you yeah he gave me one he’s like all right man I got you he buddy yours corrupt oh one guy they wish they wish they were my friends I don’t know I got a feeling out of all the sub subers I have one day I’m going to meet up with you in real life bro and you’re going to be like [ __ ] man let’s go skydiving and I’ll be like hell yeah bro and then it gets like millions of views we have a grand old time and then we turn into skydiving buddies for the rest of our lives 800 jumps later corrupts proposing to his wife in the air yeah no I don’t think I’ll be doing I’ll do the Skydive before I die but not my 40s I’ll wait till like my 70s or something oh he died skydiving well he was 73 years old right like come on I got two blaze rods from killing like nine of them nine oh I forgot how effective this method of doing these Blaze is yeah but they can also shoot me if I [ __ ] it up hold on they can shoot me if I [ __ ] it up yeah like I I love speed breaching in the nether but you can fall in lava and die [ __ ] like it spawns like five Blaze that [ __ ] just hit I forgot that they can hit you too oh what you’re in the room with him N I dug out a bit more oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sh [ __ ] Escape Escape uhoh uh oh don’t kill yourself man now don’t worry bro they ass is like lamb to the [ __ ] Slaughter bro oh [ __ ] there’s like four of them oh yo come here bro bro did you not know I’m a tactical yo that’s another one down [ __ ] Crouch ha bang time to fix this [ __ ] thing so then they don’t [ __ ] so they’re not able to kill me bro yo if they kill you I will avenge you brother yes sir I just fixed it now I’ll go pull their toenails off with the needle nose pliers how did it still hits I even know what to say that yeah I really don’t I was enforcer for the mafia in this dream I had I learned a lot that day I got 23 Michael Jordan bro how the [ __ ] hitting me through a wall Aimbot got they got it they got it bro their mommy still changes their diapers they’re caught in handed any muggins I’m almost level 40 28 blaz rods 39 they keep spawning four at a time yeah that’s what I’ve noticed they’re spawning even two they even free or four at a time Diamond level 40 let’s go bro that’s four Max enchantments you know I’m re-enchanting my armor right the chest plate only has Unbreaking three the diamond leing have nothing my sword only has sh Money Maker oh yeah Money Maker let’s go yeah I don’t need to enchant pickax for you I bring you to a fortress and and get you your own Blaze spawner and you bring me to a fortress and get me my own Blaze spawner I like this I was like yo this Fortress sucks man there’s nothing here there’s only oh my gosh it’s huge it’s like tree Ro it just goes underground so far right it’s like an iceberg bro grp you know what I’m going to say my brother I got to go porch break real quick it’s it’s midnight and I’m still playing Minecraft and I’m super excited I got to start making my brain ready to go to bed for like at least 2: a.m. my son he needs $10 for a trip he’s going through in the morning know when you let me know probably last minute 11:15 p.m. so like 45 minutes ago hey yeah but at least I got the sign in the form tonight not tomorrow in the morning and he’s got to go to school early so I got to be up early go do some groceries so they can have good lunches they have okay lunches now just I like to get extra stuff make sure there’s like more pineapples or cucumbers or fresh apples that good stuff to take you I mean not just granola bars and and uh cheese snacks and stuff like that anyway I got to get up early get this guy his money get some groceries it’s midnight and I’m not even remotely tired yeah that’s problem crups like I don’t have that problem bro it’s like almost 6 a.m. yes yeah somehow I got loads of that stuff yes I can I’ll get some I got to make my way back I don’t want to stay here too long it is kind of chill here right now like me and corrupt are getting awesome levels like I’m level almost level 41 35 blaze rods like we’re doing great8 yeah man we’re doing good 52 blaze rods yeah that’s crazy um N I think it has to be the N the n n Stuff whatever it’s called yeah that stuff grow on that like I think you use the mushrooms to spawn the actual tree the mushrooms are like the seeds of the tree and then you need that not nether that nyum so either the green or the red nyum stuff for the mushrooms to grow on and they spawn the tree yeah you can bone meal them too like reg we’re going to have a tree farm of crimson and we’re going to have a nether yeah we’re going to have another Tree Farm let’s go if you’re just joining the stream thank you so much for liking I appreciate you I hope you’re having a fantastic day even though uh it just became a new day it’s 12:06 a.m. here in WTF planed Let’s Get It Minecraft streams are going better than Call of Duty streams bro and I got to be live at 9:00 a.m. on Call of Duty uh if I start getting like three or four viewers in Call of Duty my morning streams are going to get Minecraft see that’s the thing with Call of Duty honestly I was getting 14 people in in the mornings Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 12 like sometimes there’s 10 that was on yeah usually there’s 8 10 12 people in there but lately I’ve not been enjoying it lately and I’ve been raging getting pissed off and people don’t like that like I don’t like it either you know what I mean oh yeah it’s not fun when the person you’re washing is not having fun yeah exactly I’m having a lot of fun in Minecraft tonight this is [ __ ] awesome well now it’s this morning but you know what I mean well I start yeah the retti like you saying it was meta I think they juster it it don’t I me I me personally I use this the YouTube build that is meant to be meta and I’m like bro I am not a god of controlling recoil it recoil is insane mine has no recoil on it I don’t I didn’t focus on bullets and stuff like that I focus on uh like stalk and grip lasers suppressor yeah what I have right now I think the mcw’s Met because yeah it’s B um the S SOA subvert is a good ass battle rifle to run yeah it handles like an assault rifle right yeah uh You’ got um the tack evolver the lmg that they brought in the T I’ve already got gold at one point when it first came out it wasn’t met it wasn’t even good like it took forever to and now they’ buffed it right yeah you could be running around with a 100 round bloody lmg I got 200 round crazy hell yeah and that’s what you want for war zone not not want it to reload but I find myself reloading even after killing one person so that’s a waste of ammo I’m that guy that always reload to I think no but I watch war zone like Pro players and [ __ ] they do it as well even if they have like 20 bullets more in their mags no reload cuz you want to start with a fresh clip every battle exactly bro cuz you don’t want to be stuck reloading okay like the long one I’m good on all this one more thing I want to put in here my gas I’m at 39 basically I’m almost at 42 ready to go always come back for more9 yeah that’s true cuz now we found the Fortress bro we can literally now if we wanted to go in the overw world and find an Eng City to get more XP are you stay here probably not I’m at 39 like 39 we got to find our way home first I’m pretty confident we can yeah I built a staircase somewhere yeah it’s through here actually I did ow don’t look that way just come this way I wanted to show you the the entrance to this bad boy how easy this was like it was just out of the corner of my eye that I caught it right here look that’s all there was I just saw this oh yeah I right and I was like Fortress no [ __ ] way yeah it crazy I want this way follow me I know how to get back my my bridge is right here gang it’s like a giant tunnel it goes like all the way over there okay well you can take that back I’ll meet you thing then I’m going back I got my full of the nether so far and I know it’s like3 oh yeah I got a screenshot of it I’m smart let me go and see what the scre 349 679 those are the quties I got oh for the actual portal The Fortress oh down oh I’ve got the portals so like yeah this here this green stuff I got to Sil touch that warped nyum the mushrooms grow on the nyum so I got warped fungus I got the nyum let me grab some more now you know what I’mma Be an absolute brother and actually stay close with you just cuz let we both can find our way the red ones grow on that one too no the red ones will grow on the on the Crimson nyum I’ll get you some of that too I just needed to get a bunch of this stuff to get back over here actually no not we’re going to go this way this is like the stairs yeah no where is got you fam wow six people are really awake at 12 something in the morning watching me play Minecraft huh you guys are [ __ ] awesome I’m going to have to use some of these levels to repair my P or just like you said just to go make a new one first time it was three levels oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you little [ __ ] yeah no you’re not hitting me with that again I’m going to I’m going to smuck you in the face with my sword come on man I’ve been like drifting sideways I noticed what the hell is that there here I’ll keep the warp nium we’ll get the cson I got Crimson for you too there we go got those mushrooms so yeah the uh Crimson fungus grow grows on the Crimson nyum warp fungus grows on the warp n got extra Roots I got some twisting Vines those can grow on that need oh yeah I’ve got 20 sh light on me right now guess what I’m eating your brother haha no it’s not your brother it’s a cow piss off I was joking this is look like pork it’s brown some bad pork if it’s brown I brown pork what the hell what bro how much you want to bet now that we know where the Fortress is compared to um the P you can basically just make a diagonal pass yeah I think it is basically diagonal pretty much the Bastion okay I’m back at the Bastion I’m too busy mining some corrupt is getting distracted I just went on an angle back I’m almost there back of the portal I kind of can’t wait to be back in overw world again like we went for like an hour long Expedition for diamonds got that went for like an hour and a half expedition in the nether got all that stuff we needed it’s pretty wild I guess the next thing we’re going to have to get is with skull uhhuh well you got enough to enchant some stuff now man oh yeah I mean scw scw I’m just mining sads I’m already um to same nice so I think quartz mining is better is more efficient just because it’s like continuous XP and it’s not like delayed spaw in r that all right let’s goch break and bedtime soon 129 I can’t wait back to get back into Minecraft later on after sleep and everything okay me I’m getting tired yeah watch some scary stories pass nice still got Alice Rogue and corrupt in here let’s get it I’m glad GT got in Johnny got in Jordan mcam got in tech let’s go okay Alice where you at I got some stuff for you [ __ ] that looks nice she’s like I’m here you can have some glowstone to brighten up your place too yeah I was going to make a chest but so it doesn’t despawn I I’m at a death bridge I’m back at our base nice and peaceful here nice and safe I’m going to enchant bro I’m fing excited I’m back and I didn’t die she’s killing a llama death to llamas oh wow look at this damn been busy oh [ __ ] we need a ladder up the side there okay’s right here obsidian PLS GL Stone quartz mushrooms and chest we need a farm I didn’t grab Soul Sand oh don’t worry I’m I’ll probably be able to grab some I’m taking a I can go back no problem just back that be easier I can grab it for you if I wasn’t going the bloody wrong way this is going this this this yo where’s that template Rog where’s the um smithing tablets they were just in there oh never mind got them how much sh sign you need let’s go I don’t know like eight n you know nine that’d be cool just enough to grow Nether W [ __ ] yeah now we’re going to potatoes Over Here Boy let’s go that’s so safe I brought you back glowstone there’s like a stack of it up there it’s in the ne thing yeah we got 60 I got him I got the tablets I picked them up here I’ll give you yours come put them in your Ender Chest I got I got two you got two and so you can make potions I got you blaze rods she just okay I’ll just keep him here definitely I think I’m at that point where I’m going to sign off stream and go get some rest I got early day tomorrow my son has an early day so I have an early day isn’t that funny how it works out you have kids and then oh [ __ ] they got stuff they going need to get done so now because of that you have stuff that you need to get done I’m just on my way to the PO now I got use stack of Soul Sand Legend um I’m going to enchant I’m waiting for this yeah this way this way this way run bro run oh should I grab bone block while I’m here no we have automat like we got uh dark oak so you can make composts and you can make a bone meal Farm using the potatoes that you don’t eat makes sense yeah especially when you got super cooker just like blasting your potatoes there’s more potatoes I know what to do with like I got two stacks down here man I’m just chilling okay I’m not getting rid of Sil touch that’s a good pickaxe my pickax upstairs okay I disenchanted My Sword and the chest plate what you got on your sword on the sword I’m getting Smite four are you kidding me that’s it protection three on the chest plat but I guess it’s better than Unbreaking three but those are supp [ __ ] enchantments bro that was a big waste said it for nothing just got bloody jumped by a flipping giant ass Magma Cube there’s me just right near the I saw one of the tunnels that we dug so I’m just following it goes out into an open area and I get jumped by a bloody magma sounds about right yes it’s just on the they’re always just right there seriously it’s three diamonds for an axe that’s annoying all right wish me luck I’m going to go enchant these two things and then I’m going to bed I’ll be back tomorrow with more Minecraft uh I think I’m can to schedule Minecraft for like 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. or 600 to 900 p.m. or something like that that’d be cool and then if it goes longer it goes longer kind of thing Alo I am close to PA just have to make sure can’t believe this guy’s on voice call on Discord 6 o’ in the morning from Minecraft game he started playing 3 four hours ago crazy man you’re a champ corupt I’m coming up to 1:00 a.m. and I’m like Bo tired ready to hit the this can’t be used as fuel right the Crimson can’t be used as fuel but you can turn it into sticks and use the sticks as fuel so technically Crimson wood can be turned into fuel technically Unbreaking three fortune three on the pickaxe no efficiency but uning bane of anthropods on the axe complete waste efficiency four on the axe now still waste I feel like I should be enchanting books man we’re on the home stretch it took so long to get back bro you got sidetracked for crazy huh the Soul Sand the uhuh nether qus well I ended up with five levels let’s go you’re G to burn through those real quick and chat all your stuff but at least you have a chance to die Armor All Right stream I don’t want to make you guys tired but uh go grab a drink of water and head to bed cuz that’s where I’m headed and if not I hope whatever you’re doing you do it well I’ll catch you guys in the next one till then peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE – Into The Nether We Go …’, was uploaded by WTFCORY on 2024-04-10 04:55:57. It has garnered 103 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:17:56 or 22676 seconds.

Minecraft LIVE – Into The Nether We Go …

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  • EPIC Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! MUST SEE!

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  • Crimson Anarchy

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  • Spuds Semi-Vanilla SMP GriefPrevention Germany 1.20.4

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  • [Java & Bedrock] LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival Server

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    Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All] Autumn Breeze here, ready to dive in, To uncover the secrets, hidden within. Top 10 uses in Minecraft, let’s begin, Each one a surprise, a clever win. From redstone to obsidian, tools of the trade, Creativity flows, in every upgrade. Furnaces for cooking, chests for storage, In this blocky world, there’s never a shortage. So join me now, as we explore, The hidden gems, we can’t ignore. In Minecraft’s world, there’s always more, To discover, create, and adore. Read More

  • Garfield’s stalking me in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Garfield's stalking me in Minecraft 😂🔥 Garfield better watch out, I heard he’s been banned from the server for eating all the lasagna! #minecraftdrama #garfieldproblems 😂🍝 Read More

  • Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21

    Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21 Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. These seeds are designed to make your speedrunning experience a breeze, offering a range of features including blacksmiths, bastions, and more. Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with these exceptional speedrunning seeds! Seed 5: 5493909195400639913 Starting off our list is Seed 5, a promising seed that will set you on the right path for a successful speedrun. Explore the vast landscapes and uncover hidden treasures as you race against the… Read More


    My WORST DEATH - DAY 5 - PC GAMEPASS MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures with TheGuill84 Exploring the World of Minecraft TheGuill84 takes on the PC Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft, embarking on a thrilling adventure filled with creativity and challenges. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities. Live Streams and Events Catch all the action live on Twitch at Don’t miss out on the excitement as TheGuill84 tackles various tasks and quests in real-time. Stay Connected Follow TheGuill84 on his main YouTube channel at for more gaming content. Check out his clip channel at for highlights and memorable moments. Engage… Read More

  • Ultimate Nute Gunray Minecraft Showdown!

    Ultimate Nute Gunray Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nute Gunray minecraft scenes’, was uploaded by Jar Jar Studios+ on 2024-04-23 23:10:35. It has garnered 668 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:04 or 15544 seconds. Read More

  • Nico Gets Bitten by Cash & Zoey in Minecraft

    Nico Gets Bitten by Cash & Zoey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zombies CASH and ZOEY bite Nico – Funny Story in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cash & Nico on 2024-02-15 20:50:40. It has garnered 27253 views and 643 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Hi, welcome to the Maizen Fan channel! In this video: Zombies CASH and ZOEY bite Nico – Funny Story in Minecraft This is not an official Cash and Nico channel, we make fan videos with Cash and Nico. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Cash. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • EPIC WIN! Watch Me Dominate Parkour in Minecraft

    EPIC WIN! Watch Me Dominate Parkour in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Won This Parkour Event In This Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BlendSpider on 2024-04-12 10:50:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How I Won This Parkour Event In This Minecraft Server I Did Parkour In This Video In A Server Which Name Is Hero SMP … Read More