Insane NEW Farm Builds in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20!

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Minecraft to me is a game about building and beautifying my hardcore survival world but in order to do that I need a lot of materials So today we’re building a ton of new Automatic Farms to produce stuff and trying to make them look a little nicer in the process so please

Leave a like on this episode as it helps me out a ton and be sure to subscribe the first Farm I want to create today is a new sheep farm yes I do have a sheep farm here already with a pasture full of sheep and one of each type of sheep

Inside their stall on the inside but I do keep running out of certain types of wool and I’ve never even used some of them oops so today I want a new Mass sheep farm for a single wool type by that I mean I want a light gray wool

Sheep farm as I recently completed the back of a custom Mountain but as you can see here I’m going to need a few thousand light gray wool to texture it like the front so let’s start by breeding a few sheep here in our villager Ranch cuz somehow more of them

Keep coming over here oh there’s a lot of sheep now for the technical stuff I want to set up a farm for 16 sheep so I need 16 dispensers 16 observers Hopper mine carts Hoppers and more of those probably and some other random Redstone goodies thrown in the

Mix I currently have over a shulker of orange glass outside of this one so we’re just going to use that for the walls so that the farm is loaded in while I work on the mountain itself where I’d be using most of the wall I

Want to build it right here next to the horse racetrack we’re going to need a lot of this grass so I’m just going quickly flatten it my goal today is to put a structure around every single farm that we build if it’s possible to do

That so I’m just going to clear out a space for now we’ll build the farm and then figure out what the heck I’m going to surround it with something in the farthest we’ll bring it down it be to about here so sheep will be sitting inside this point and then we could put

The next sheep right there we might run into the path if I do that yeah I got to move this over here we have the eighth pod coming in and it’s going to be a little tight down here especially when we add a structure going around this cuz I don’t

Really want to see the glass but we can always redirect the road and curve it a bit more each sheet pen is its own little farm and they’re really simple with an observer looking at the grass block that will trigger a dispenser when the Sheep eats the grass and turns it

Into dirt then we have a hopper mine cart below that’ll pick it up now to just repeat this another six times there we go the first eight are all in place and of course duplicating this to the other side of the new sheep Barn Farm it’s been a long time since

I’ve done a big technical Farms episode here on the channel and I know this is still technically the first one of the video but I’m really enjoying this so far no no little guy stay in uh don’t okay thank you it’s been a nice change of pace instead of just always building

To do you know some technical stuff this is this has been nice come with me sir get you in your box in the in in the in the in the pen wee no little guy H little guy come on back inside back in no He is a troublemaker okay let’s get these new ones in there goes three and four don’t fall in there this is oh I wish I could leave these trap doors on top and there’s five okay almost done with the first half I just need to dig around under here and

Find all of my Hoppers so I can get the trap doors and leads back I might need to breath the Sheep one more time to keep that pretty full over there but here’s the last three for our first side one in here please thank you no don’t

Fight yep okay there we go one of you up here please thank you and then the third one you can go right in there perfect and lock them in place here go the last three sheep I need to bring over and apparently llamas hi buddy you go in

There next sheepy and the final sheepy now for a quick detour we can jump across the river to grab a few of our we don’t have any here okay let’s start the farm oh my God it’s so loud I hate it that’s enough stop stop no stop stop thank you oh it’s so

Loud but we can take our white tulips here and craft light gray dye still confuses me to this day but now I can go along and dye every single one of these sheep down to a light gray sheepy there we go time for a quick trip back home as

We need a ton of shears and I’ve got a lot of left over iron in there I’m trying to do the math in my head right now and uh it’s just not happening we have 16 sheep we need nine shears per so 16 * 9 is

Thanking 144 is that is that the math oh my gosh I think I did it I’m not double cheing that fill that one up I’m just going to go around first side is fully loaded and I just start it yes they’re working well one’s working hopefully they’re all working everything’s loaded

Up now and a few have already triggered as you can see by the sheared sheepies now I just need to figure out how the heck we’re going to collect all the items I did hollow out a little basement so I can see where all the Hoppers are

Coming down to and we should see yes light gray wool before I forget I do want to come back over and breed up the herd one more time out here because uh we did take I think over half of it much much better I need to connect all of

These up to a single storage system right over here so it’s easier to access and going down all the way into the basement and I think something like this will work out pretty well with some Hoppers connecting between all these chests I probably won’t need more than

10 double chests full of a single wool type maybe I maybe my thought right now is we’re just going to run a water Channel all the way along the back that’ll be able to pick up everything eventually I’ll probably change this out to some other block that’ll be the

Actual outside of the wall and then yeah we’ll leave that there for now as a blocked off one I shouldn’t need fire on this to destroy any overflow I don’t think it’s going to ever really fully stock up we come all the way down here throw some Soul Sand in like that and

Then all I need is a dropper facing in here and a little glass to finish the tube now if I do some deep slide in here and then we can do a sticky piston right like this that’s going to be looking that way and then I need observers

Looking this way compared looks if there’s anything inside that and then that’ll send her a signal with the repeater out to there and now it spits it out perfect which means all I need to do is connect all of these Hoppers up to

A single point oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no up to there up to there works great for now right this mess should get everything down to the one point I like the idea of incorporating a little bit

Of our glass right out here so it kind of funnels into this back end and if we can see that out from the outside that’ll be fine then this will work little kelp coming up from the bottom and perfect we have a ton of light gray

Wall in here piling up already so if we hook that in that’ll start setting everything up and hopefully going into the chest and it’s working oh amazing this is a fully functional sheep farm now it’s just really loud while it’s going I’ve added a few more details in here including surrounding the back

Lower level with stone bricks we got some spruce up there then I dropped the floor down and added some stairs on top and I forgot my ladders on here so that we can actually get up top to be able to change the die of the sheep if we need

To can be a little difficult as they do have to have their wool on them before we can do that but I like how this is looking so far and we have a ton of wool already now I just need to find a way to hide the rest of that mess from the

Outside we need a bunch of blocks thankfully for this build I’ve already built a build pallet to go off of for the horse racetrack buildings which means I need a ton of spruce materials for the framing a little warped wood as well as a pop of crimson logs to throw

In I also used a lot of cut copper which I can grab down here in the copper Factory and cut down as well as a quick session here in the Quarry to grab the last few items these boxes should have everything I’m going to need Min is that empty one for

The sheet Barn I want to start by enclosing the pods in with a cobblestone tough and mossy Cobble wall going around the edge I don’t want this thing to just look like a giant box so we’re going to come along here and start out the first

Roof line and have two of them going across with uh some of our Spruce slabs and trap doors down here on the base and somewhere in here right there okay Spruce fence gates we can bring right along here kind of the same style we’ve done already then I am going to

Duplicate this over onto the far side of the barn as well copying of the same roof style I’ve already used with our warped wood cut copper and prismarine Bricks I also added a ton of glow Len up here to help keep it a little spawn safe because they are full blocks now down

Here on the front we can keep working on the actual entrance into this place nope where I want to extend it out a little bit further to have more of a doorway then up here I think it’s going to pop out even further then back in here we

Can extend a few of our trap doors across and behind that we can add in some Oak trap doors to help close it off just a touch and that is still something that I can walk up here and now on top of that for that pop of crimson like

We’ve used throughout I think we can just add in a line of our strip log and work towards surrounding this a little bit here with our Spruce so it isn’t as bold let’s see yeah you know what I think that’ll work out pretty well I really do hate this in the front here

Though so uh that’s got to go and we’ll just bring in a little bit of our regular deep slate and do that for a little front entry point and we’ll deal with the road after I’m not even thinking about that right now now for the top we can grab diorite birch logs

Birch wood and some white wool starting off with a little bit of our white wool here along the base and then we’ll do our diid and Birch the rest now if you’ve been following me for a while you probably know exactly what I’m putting

In this space a big old bay window oh no like this actually before I fall down let’s throw a few little shutters out the side with our crimson and then we can fill the purple in right there and I don’t plan to be accessing this top

Point so we’re just going to bring in a bunch of the Frog lights with that wrapped up I built up The Far Side extended a line of diorite down with some Oak trap doors and added on the second roof we have two little towers connected up here on top for all the

Sheep farts to uh leave the building yep coming inside One Last Detail I want to add on here is a bunch of crimson trap doors going this way as I don’t really want to see this mess from the inside so instead we can cover it all with our

Frog lights and keep it very bright downstairs then here at the front if I bring in some of our let’s go with some strip Spruce log on the corner and Spruce planks right in here to go across then we just throw our doors in if we

Need to get access up here in order to change the color of the sheep we can do that and then it looks pretty hidden from down below okay one more little addition I want to add a big oak tree up front which is looking pretty good but I

Did forget one thing I need to bring this road out just a little bit further over here I’ll probably just leave all the co dirt in over there and just kind of have it wrapping itself around and maybe a little thicker back here too so

It fits in a little bit better but that should work then I want to extend this out but I don’t have any regular aelia bushes so let’s mix in a few of our flowered ones ones to get some more of the regular ones back which we can

Extend and that’ll do it and there we go the new sheep farm is complete and the barn is looking so good we can let that run in the background while we work on the mountain creeper Farm first up I want to expand the nether Tree Farm

Storage so I can craft a ton of pre trap doors or so I thought as someone on stream said that I should use my bamboo Farm instead as I have 22 double chests of bamboo so I did that instead and crafting a few soulfire campfires for

The killing chamber then a trip to the guardian Farm to grab some fish as a key element to creeper Farms is terrifying the little green boys with cats and I need a lot of them so with all the materials together I turned the nether tree farm on just now to gather some

Free materials I guess and we’re inside the mountain to build up the base of the creeper Farm using deep slate bricks so it clearly stands out and I don’t break into it accidentally but uh I did make it too large and I’m glad I cut that now

So I tore it down and rebuilt it all from scratch with all that fixed up I moved on to the next stage and started to add in the trap doors and carpets so only creepers can spawn in the little rooms that we’re building now comes the

Cats but they are all still babies so I force fed them some fish to speed up the aging process yeah that’s that’s how nature works yeah a few minutes later and some fully grown cats I was able to finish off the base layer of the farm before starting

On the additional layers though I decided to build out the killing chamber so the creepers don’t just stack up the at the bottom and explode if I accidentally fall in and of course I ran out of deep slate before finishing the farm so down to the mines we go swinging

The pickaxe back and forth I decided to gather up a ton of deep slate and I do mean a ton as I refilled my travel box and another entire Shuler box full all of that mining was done to put the final 20 or so blocks of deep slate bricks on

Top yep that yep the entire Farm is done now for something new as I want to connect the storage of the creeper Farm over to my gas Farm that’s within the same Mountain since it already has gunpowder so we need an item elevator to move all of the items up and then a

Water stream system to move all the items across which turned into a pretty big task that was honestly really fun to figure out instead of just slapping down some chests and calling it good and here it is the creeper Farm in all of its Glory I forgot the corners ignoring that

Moving on we also have the big tube of water coming all the way down here leading with just a little bit of ice at the end to keep it above this pool as it drops all of the gunpowder into there which will then drop down into our gas

Farm storage here and it’s already almost has four stacks of it that’s amazing also really fun fact to share about this one I didn’t plan on this at all but standing at the very top of the mountain is the exact perfect AFK point if we were to do 128 spawning radius I

Love it when the random math works out with two Farms done I want to head over to the city for the next project where I’d like to build up a pointed dripstone farm and I couldn’t think of a better place to take inspiration from than the

Drip Tavern in gobl from Empire season 2 that I think with a little bit more medieval retrofitting and all that fancy stuff we can build a really cool Tavern right here and then the basement Down Below in this mess can be our pointed dripstone farm gobl land was known for

Mangrove wood roof so I spent about 20 minutes hanging out at my Mangrove Tree Farm I really do hate using tree farms but oh man do I hate chopping mang gr trees even more and why is this thing so loud that should definitely be enough manga Vlog to get me through this trying

To fly and talk and look at inventory too much we’ve already had the mandatory lumber mill Montage of the episode so here’s all the wood materials I need for this build I want some chimneys also and I’m almost out of slow campfire so we

Can take I think Soul can do it it can perfect we’ll just craft a whole stack just to have on hand cuz I like a lot of chimneys and soul campfires are better for them in my opinion because they give off less light than a regular campfire

So you don’t have your chimneys randomly glowing from the top for the base of the building I do need some Stone Stone so I grabbed all of those out of the Quarry also I’m going to need a little copper for the roof with some wax cut copper stairs to go in with all the other goodies I’ve grabbed going to need some glowberries flowering aelia leaves back over in this side room here we’ve got this guy and nope none in there but

I want to get a few of these little nether Sprouts too which are such a pain to gather hey that should be fine I think we’re going to have a pretty cool little Alleyway space so let’s come in here and grab some cyan and light blue

To create a ton of banners out of them now this whole thing is for a pointed dripstone Farm as I quite literally have none in my base but we can fly past our Pillager Castle over this beautiful little Lake to one of the coolest Village Generations I think I’ve ever

Seen leading up the side of this Lonely Mountain but inside of the mountain we have a dripstone cave I don’t think I’ve ever walked in here ow no thank you creeper no it’s a baby through the cave he’s so tiny okay he’s dead moving on from that where I could not hit the

Little child Let’s uh let’s just get some p and drip Stone and move on yep no no right I’m uh I’m done here we’re going to leave now I got a stack in seven that’ll be plenty to get a farm started we’ve got all our building blocks in here we’ve got that detail

Blocks in here and I might throw in a few techy things if we can fit them into the space but small issue my wings are almost broken and I’m almost out of food which means it’s time for a quick trip into The Nether I ran the hogland farm

For a while after building the nether Hub so hopefully we have some pork yes we do I’ll just fill up my box in here time for a quick trip down into The Nether to the Wither Skeleton Farm where do you think I should fix this up should

We redo the walls in here uh let me know I don’t really mind it but what do you think and much better I’ll repair it up ah so close to get started on the tavern I want to bring in some of our larger Windows like I had on the drip

Tavern back over in gobl or something like this continuing the mud bck around I want to create a squar structure here at the end where I have the space to do it and for this open space with the warp planks we can add in some of our pointed dripstone

Hanging down for the front entrance that we can start to extend this wall over just a little bit here with a few more of our bricks and grabbing a little bit of our deep slate we can bring a staircase up here just to get it off of

The street level I think it could look pretty good in front of that I want to bring up a little bit of our strip Spruce log here so we can create a overhang that’ll come out of the building to kind of cover the street a little bit that’s looking pretty good

For the platform and then to finish the railing let’s extend around a little bit of our mangraft trap doors right back here we can have the doorway and I’m thinking the supports are going to come up a little bit further and I can do my classic style for the door frame here

With a little bit of our Spruce trap door action and we have our warp door with the entrance figured out I want to add in the exterior walls to the front going up another three stories on the build where this is going to look so fun

Once we get the roofs added in in order to figure that out I need to come around here to the back and uh figure out where this back wall is going to go so we can start off here with a little bit of an alley space that’s going to connect

Behind as I think it would just look really cool and I need to work it up a few blocks so we can start that process right here maybe like this then we come back in with our full blocks and then something like that sure I’m very excited for this entrance as the

Dripstone Farm’s going to be down here so we can start to extend a little staircase down and maybe some mud brick as just a little bit of a border and then we’ve got this straight line here which is one off of that but that should be okay with the alley pathway in place

I decided to just stack up a pack mud wall to close it in this is looking awesome and one more detail we can add in here is to bring this across and add in a little bit of a gate looking like it’s open of course with some stuff right there we got some

Glowberries in place and a sign for the drip Lounge which will be down there there’s not a whole lot of lighting back here though so to keep it actually mob safe let’s just throw a lantern in oh I guess there’s a glow Berry there you know what it’s fine okay I couldn’t

Stand this being such a flat face so I did bring it out with some extra flowering aelia bushes up there and then I also added in the banners right here to kind of cover the alleyway a bit more and I really like the feel of this one

Now and H dang it and I’ve decided for the roof up here we can just bring in some of our cut copper stairs and bring them all the way across I want to bring them out here on the front too so that we can keep it a little consistent H

Yeah that’ll probably go about there and then this can come across too now for the rest of the main roof up here I’m thinking we can just use a bunch of our Mangrove stairs to link it back into more of that Goblin feel cuz it’s kind of fun going back to that

Today two chimneys added in here on top which I think looks pretty nice and a Blackstone roof added in over the square part of the structure a few glowberries added around to liven up the place a small Market stall right in here and of course a custom tree here on the corner

Which completes the exterior of the drift Tavern and I’m so excited about it okay bonus Shader shot here because I absolutely love the walk right now leading up to the back gate ah it’s so cool Traders are so fun to turn on and just be like wow I love the build

Already and then woo oh it looks so good okay back to work I’ve extended a staircase down here for the lounge that’s going to be in the basement kind of adds the entry point into our farm and we can have this little stopper point right here and then we’ll

Transition into a little bit of our polish deep slate I think this is going to extend back there a touch transitioning into our regular deep slate I want to add a few elements from the gobl and Tavern interior just because I that I think that’s my favorite interior I’ve ever built and I

Know that’s saying a lot but I really do think it’s true so we’re going to start off by trying to make a few of those really cool benches I had done before and they’re going to extend out over no they need five wide drip these guys down

Where I’m going to try and fit two of our booze in right like here then going for the same idea of using some copper coming along the back for a little barrier we’re going to end up with something like this down here with a really cool Skull backdrop out there

Then it doesn’t work with the mud too well so we’re just going to transition directly into a roof line using our Mangrove to keep it on theme and this corner here is just going to slowly step itself up to match the rest of it a little wonk never hurt Goblin it’s fine

Then over on the far side I want to have a bar running down the entire Direction and we’re just going to have a door right here that leads into the farm and I guess it’s going to have to go that way cuz that’s those are both in the way

Okay this should work for the bar space back here and I’m think thinking we just bring in a little bit of quartz and then we’re honestly just going to cover this directly on top of these guys but back here we can also extend that quartz back

And I guess I need more deep slide underneath oh my gosh we have our first Pat and uh we’re not open yet buddy uh than wow look at all that good stuff you got oh wait small trip Leaf I see it I’ll be back I’ll take your entire

Stock yes and only 10 that’s it that’s all you got I know it’s pretty rare all right boys you’re really in the way over here I’m trying to build man well for the back here I want to bring in a bunch of frog lights for that behind the bar

Lighting you know where all the cool drinks and everything are on display yeah we’re going to do that here too then we can start to wrap this closed on top and just cover it with these guys and to keep it simple we’ll just keep this smooth quartz rocking the rest of

The way this is starting to look really cool I just need to get the final walls on both ends and then we’ll get the roof in here uh so we don’t look at the bottom of the street anymore and here we have it the Lounge is now ready for

Patrons it’s completely closed I missed a block it’s completely ready to go and back here we’re going to build out the farm with just enough space to not touch that and we are going right to the edge here of the bamboo Farm it’s going to be

A bit of a squeeze and fix that for this we’re going to need a stack of observers and a stack of Pistons a good amount of chests won’t hurt either and honestly I’m just going to turn them all the Hoppers for now and we’ll figure out

What we need later actually I need more a full stack should do a quick trip down into the villager trading Hall we can buy a ton of dripstone blocks from these guys this Farm’s going to be more of a slow trickle of resources so we should

Just need a double chest on either side and then these two upper sections I’ve built out are going to be where all the point of dripstone goes starting with a ton of Hoppers running down the entire line and on the other side on top of our Hoppers so no pointed drip Stones grow

Down here we’re just going to put some slabs then I need a little circuit where that Observer is going to trigger this piston does that work it does perfect mostly just because I have a ton of of it does it work with skull yes okay we’re just going to use skull

Here this is the entire tactical aspect of the farm and now we just need to get our pointed dripstone in so it starts to grow and we can start by raising this up a bunch so that we can gather a little bit more with each time that we Harvest

It and this should be a good height I can’t go up much further as we do need to have water over the top of these pointed dripstone goes underneath the dripstone blocks there goes the water on the first side which means the Farm’s complete it’s just going to be very very

Slow that is the road right there on the second side and we are cutting it very close here last step on this guy is the point of dripstone going in and that is everything complete for these incredibly ugly ooh the first one grew already wow they’re not that slow they’re going to

Be really slow I don’t think I’ve ever built such an ugly Farm before I think this might actually look worse than Cobblestone Farms but uh we’re just going to leave it cuz it’s done and it works hey it could have been mag Genta CL is Terra Cotta which I think would

Have been even worse so at least this way it’s not that terrible it’s just really small on the inside but uh at least yeah I don’t know we we’re just going to move on that’s puty dripstone bar wow it works look at this really cool build okay let’s go do other stuff

Not as a distraction or anything but it’s time to move very very far away and pled a field and I want to add another plot over here next to the Pillager Castle last time we planted a beetroot field today we play day Wheatfield just like I am once again asking for your

Support to reach the next subscriber Milestone we’re over halfway to 2 million subscribers and I’d absolutely love to reach that massive Milestone so if you haven’t please take a moment to click the Subscribe button and leave a like on this episode as it really helps

Me out a ton maybe even tell a friend but that’s enough sellout mode we have a brand new field and it is looking pretty F flippant tastic here in front of the castle even if it’s not exactly farmer FP safe around here already today we’ve

Managed to do quite a lot with a fully functional sheep farm hidden inside a new barn a massive Mountain build that contains a pretty impressive creeper farm and my favorite being the new Tavern here in the city for the pointed dripstone bar or lounge maybe a farm I

Don’t know it hasn’t run yet I’m really enjoying adding City buildings right now so we’re going to be hiding the next Farm inside of one too right back here here at the back entrance I would like to build a cocoa bean Farm however before I can start I have zero and I I

Quite literally mean zero jungle wood and it’s kind of essential here which means a trip over to the Jungle to chop down the big old trees got quite a few jungle logs now and next thing I need is some cocoa beans because uh I currently have none hence the reason for wanting

To make the farm actually that was a parrot wait I want a parrot I have three seeds for you little guy please yay oh we got a new BP put them in the BB Tree in a moment but first cocoa beans and I believe you can Fortune these right maybe I don’t I

Don’t really know oh there’s another up to 25 cocoa beans now and that should be enough to get us started and I just realized I do have a small manual farm at home hopefully the bird will teleport to me up here yes there he is don’t fall

No don’t no come back no back on the tree get on the tree sit down just sit pick your spot pick your pick your block you want to sit on thank you okay you’re there forever the burp Tre is getting kind of full we have so many parrots up

Here ah there it is my beautiful cocoa bean farm that I probably should have torn down about a year ago ow I forgot he was there he’s been there forever but we have a stack and a half of cocoa beans so that should be plenty to get a

Good Farm started with the jungle logs acquired I spent some time in the lumber mill putting together quite a few different materials to build a jungly themed city building okay I’ve got everything I’m going to need here except a little bit of copper that we can throw on the roof

Of the building and by a little I mean a lot down into the copper Factory we go I’d like to use the second stage of copper so I need to axe it all down before we wax it All I’ve added in a new deep slate Foundation here for the building and we can start to work on the front right over here working from a little tough we can move up into some of our Cobblestone and I think the foundation will come up to about here and we can continue this

Across with some of our stairs working beyond the Cobblestone for a little bit of a lighter texture I wanted to incorporate some of our gravel then fill in some big old windows right in here with our Brown glass and ladders in front and we can add a little little

Window shutter out in front with our jungle that I want to incorporate a ton of to kind of sell the cocoa bean Farm aspect being related back to the Jungle mirrored over to the far side and that should be pretty good now to make it not so flat let’s add a little banister

Across here with some copper stairs and we can throw a lantern in then to finish off the archway we can incorporate a little bit of the spruce cuz I love this so very much from my doorways and then right in here let’s throw in a door with

Even more of a jungle I added the other walls in place this little slime out here which I love and a dark oak staircase to access the second floor where the farm is going to be on this level but before we can get to that I should probably add in the two remaining

Floors for the building now for the roof I recently picked up a new idea from germy boy that I want to try out here we can start with our F blocks and then bring some slabs here along the edge and we can start stacking this up a little

Bit further on top of all these we’re going to incorporate some more of our slabs and this is where it’s going to get a little fun in here as I want to extend this up a little bit further instead of being a full block we’re actually going to build this out as a

Slab here and then on top of the slab we’re adding in another one of our full blocks this creates a roof that goes up by a block and a half which I think is really cool stacking it all the way up to the top and adding these two windows

In right here I think it gives a really cool feel and of course we’ve got the chimney now for the functional part now nailed it now for the functional part I want to start with a bunch of Pistons down here as we need to create a system

That’s going to be able to push a bunch of jungle logs up and then push them back down so that it pops off all of the cocoa beans and I believe if we run repeaters into all of these a redstone line coming all the way down here and

Another connecting up behind all of these repeaters clicking this button should activate them all yes then we just need to stack up all of our jungle logs five tall should be perfect so I can place everything in from down below then for the little bit more difficult

Part here is I need Pistons facing down now the top is a little bit less intensive on the Redstone if we just need a bunch of our deep slate here in the middle then redstone dust on top of all this as they will power the blocks

Below which power our Pistons we do need to add a tiny bit of delay though so we will need a few repeaters here set to four ticks four tick and I think three tick should do it on that and we need to Loop some Redstone down to an observer

That will be looking nope at this log right there if we take a redstone line out the back of that we can connect that up here and I believe this system should be functional Let’s test up and back down perfect does double fire but that’s

Fine how many cocoa beans do I have in here not too many okay well we’ll put them in now this is why we’re building the farm we just run around and place in all of our cocoa beans along here and this side and I did leave space here

Along the back to be able to add in even more it’s a little bit of a squeeze though and I’m all out but we also Al have this other side and look at that one already grew wow that was quick one issue we’re going to run into here

Unfortunately is that with all of these frog lights poking out for the windows that’s going to cause a lot of the cocoa beans to get caught up along the ledge so I need to build up these walls and make them a little bit flatter up to

Here should do I don’t think they’ll go flying upwards they’re just going to break and fall down now lastly above all of this mess in here and you know the mess up here we’re just going to bring in a little bit of our Spruce blank action and create a fake ceiling I guess

It’s not a fake ceiling it’s quite real and it’s I’m two blocks dry there we go all fixed a wee bit of a squeeze inside of here but look at that we’ve got ourselves a cocoa bean Farm I love it and there we have it the cocoa bean Farm

Is finished but the first floor is still pretty empty what sort of shop do you think I should include here well you leave your ideas in the comments my goal with these new city buildings is to close off the sight lines when entering the city to make it feel more like a

Full completed environment especially walking up from you know the nonex existant Harbor over here uh but moving inside this place needs a little love we just added our dripstone farm in right here and I love it this way looks fantastic but that not so much and it’s time for the dripstone Farm’s best

Friend the lava Farm to go right next to it right here yeah just got a lava Farm we’ve seen a lot of City buildings coming together today so to move things forward here’s a big tower on the corner attached to that Tower I am adding in a

Wing that’s going to hold the lava Farm itself and then for the decoration I want this to feel like a large industrial zone so we have a workyard in the middle and another attached building across with some large forges on it I tried adding in this light gray terra

Cotta right up there around all of our windows and I think I like it I also changed this out right back here to get some a little flower planter and we have a tree in place then coming around the backside where we have the Armory itself

I thought we could have the workyard in here that we can work on detailing a little bit further and then this is going to be a big forging Zone speaking of the big forging Zone there’s something that I actually wanted to try out right here and I think we can make

It happen in this little space if I create a little bit of a loop right here with a Minecart Track I think if we just throw a minecart in on this and move it maybe we need a second mine cart I want it to make noise like it’s rustling

Around as if it’s like a machine or something okay three mine carts in there now and they do seem to be consistently moving and making a decent amount of Noise Okay maybe not really maybe that’s a failed plan but then it’s okay moving on if you have ideas on how to add

Ambient sounds to places let me know I’ve heard one from my moderator blocky recently put a sniffer in the hole of your boat and it sounds like a creaky boat so if you have any fun ideas to go along with that theme let me know over

At our Stone Bas and villagers we need to buy ourselves a ton of dripstone blocks to actually make this lava Farm no maybe just maybe the point of dripstone farm actually ran ah eight lovely why did you not fire you should have fired I’m realizing now this is

Entire Farm doesn’t work so I’m just going to manually Harvest it’s fine I’ll redesign it soon I think all I should actually need to do is take this line out and move it up a block and take all of our observers out observers are going

To go on top now and Redstone will power the block which will activate the piston and in theory this should activate it there yes and then that should change the state again perfect it does ignore the previous statement about having a dripstone farm now we have a pointed

Dripstone Farm ah it worked I’ve got 64 cauldrons and we’re just going to see how many we can cram inside this space to get started I’m thinking we just bring ourselves around this for a little bit of an l-shape and then we bring it all the way around here

Too like that something like this should work out that is a ton and I mean a ton of lava and cauldrons we are going to block that window but that’s okay now from here we need to go in and add all of our pointed dripstone underneath

Which uh I don’t have enough to fill it all in so far so we’ll just add what I can for now then from here so we can see the lava I thought it could be fun to just add in some of these Acacia trap doors and I do have fire tick turned off

In this world so we don’t have to worry about any of my wooden structures burning down all of our trap doors are in place and now we just need to get a ton of lava to fill in above there thankfully right in front of the city uh

I have this lava pool that I’ve just never filled up so we’re going to take as much as we can get out of here and lava Farms are pretty quick so this should be able to lapse over and get enough that we good part when that pool

Runs out we’ll have enough in here producing more lava that we can just wait for these to refill to fill in the rest of the farm speak of which the first one’s already full now to make this a little bit safer and I don’t just

Fall into a pit of lava on top of the source blocks we’re going to be adding in a little bit of dripstone there we go the last of the lava sources are now in place which means we have a fully functional lava Farm over here it is a manual one

Because realistically I am not going to need that much lava but it is cool to have it is bubbling a ton out here so I’m kind of wishing I built this into like a potion Brewery or Distillery or something like that with the sounds going on but maybe we can just take that

Effect and use it elsewhere because my mine carts didn’t work at all oh walking through the back gate here feels so much better now seeing the structure and honestly it’s got me really excited about working on the Harbor but future projects we got to stay focused even if

We wrap all the way to the fountain with our horse statue over here here it is looking a lot better minus this little dead empty space where I think along here we can add in a small retaining wall let’s go to about back here is and

I just want to pile up some of our polish deep slate with some Polish slabs going along top then back in here I’ve been really loving adding in some of our dead coral so it’s just again is a different gray tone compared to the road and we can just fill this entire space

In with it too I am running really low on this stuff so we might need to go visit the reef again I don’t really know what’s going to go back here but you know we’re just going to put the label of stuff on it it’s just going to be

Stuff and stuff will be back here eventually for now so it stays safer it will be Lantern first off before we build these next Farms I have to say how the heck do I not have these already it’s been 2 years yeah I’m talking to

Myself I want to make die farms for each of the two tall flowers in Minecraft if you didn’t know you can just bone meal these and you get a new one for every single time you bone meal it so I thought it would be fun to use the

Inside of this building here to create a new Redstone Farm let’s start by replacing the floor in here with a little bit of our deep slate Ah that’s a little cleaner this Farm is pretty simple as it’s four Farms tied together so I need a few sticky pistons observers

Hoppers four dispensers and some storage containers now a very important item for making this as compact as possible we need four pieces of mud of course we need a rose a sunflower a lilac and we already have the peie now this Farm is so simple all we literally need is that

For the collection our mud with the flower goes on top of it repeated for every flower we can add a little platform in here so they look a little bit more official and then over here I grabbed a few more of our Crimson logs and I wanted to extend these up just so

We can fill in the wall next step I need a dispenser facing every single one of these flowers like that Hopper going to the dispenser with a barrel on top and we can fill all these empty spaces with a little bit of glass with our observers

In place technically what we need to do is activate them like this but that’s a little noisy so we’re going to add some sticky pistons back here a strip of dark oak logs coming across stripped down and levers so that we can activate and turn

Them on and off now up on tops of this place is still kind of nice looking and if we do want to eventually decorate the second floor we can cover everything in here with the slabs in front of the barrels so that I can still put some

Bone meal inside I missed so many materials while I was building I had to fly back and it still took less than 8 minutes to build this entire thing some bone meal in every single one that we have up here and we can turn them all on

And with the mud our Hopper is actually able to pick everything up through the base and it’s producing faster than the hopper can grab them all I love it look at them go we might need to let that bone meal pile up a little bit more before we run them but

Look at that we’ve almost got a stack of each oh this is going to be amazing think of all the things I can die I realize I completely forgot to do something I’m supposed to every 10 episodes update the world map and well we have 40 here and I forgot to do it

For episode 50 so we’re going to do that today it is really cool looking at this already we’re definitely going to have the tree expansion on there we’ve got quite a few new buildings coming out here inside the city and we’ve got a lot of cool stuff ooh the Pillager Castle’s

Going to be on there we got the mountain being finished along the back this is going to be a big update but before we can get to that we’ve got something very important to do I am ashamed ashamed is a good word for it of this Shuler

Monster uh so I I need to clear that up before it’s preserved Forever on the world map so uh let’s get to it yeah it’s going to take a while yeah I’m not excited for this I started to sort through the different shulker boxes grabbing all of the blocks that would

Belong in a single storage room so I could limit how many times I need to run from each Place back and forth as they are pretty spread out I will admit it took a while but the final boxes are picked up which leads into the lumber mill storage room as I was very

Surprised to see how many logs I just had in shulker boxes sitting around round onto the map update where I need a lot of item frames to fill out this new map wall which is currently 54 maps to fill the entire space to keep it easy I

Do keep a full chest of maps to duplicate out at the front of the castle so I can fly over and just see what is updating and not needing to just make new ones every single time coming back into the map room I lock down one of the

Copies of each new map and then put it up on the wall with each row coming up on the wall I spent more time flying around my base to update the next set set of maps about 30 minutes later leading to here we have the finished

Copy of our new map coming in at episode 53 December 2023 I’m very excited about the new changes look at the size of that tree versus the size of that little sad tree look how big the tree is and we can see our new buildings that we added in

Down there those two guys we got that building we got our Pillager castle and the mountain range is looking so cool which finishes off this hallway with four new maps and I’m very excited to see the changes next round whenever that’s going to be happening as we have

A lot of awesome stuff in there and I guess I need to start digging the site out a little bit further I’m going to lose my Escape Route now for some fun I decided to jump out to new Papyrus the desert region to create a map there as

Well to preserve the region in its current state before we return to evolve the desert Kingdom once again I really do love it out here it is such a different vibe from the other City projects so maybe we’ll be back here pretty soon but I HD the map inside the

Top of this building as it’s the largest flat wall I could find inside of a space and here we have it with our village right there the harbor and the whole biome and this red road with the red mushroom blocks it looks a little bit like somebody scribbled some Crayon over

The top to just Mark out the different Pathways people are going on and I kind of love it I would love to expand it up another one to get the top of the macea transformation but I’m going to need a bigger wall to do that I am starting to

Run out of Auto Farms to makeing this world so let me know if I’ve missed anything and what you think I should be adding into this world next I love the new additions today with the new sheep Barn farm and finally after 5,700 days I have a creeper Farm of course the most

Efficient pointed dripstone farm that I’m way too excited to have to be honest a beautiful new cocoa bean Farm a lava farm that I will definitely use so much not as just a something that I built because I don’t have it already yeah definitely uh definitely going to use it

A lot and the most useful Farm being the two tall Flower Farms I added in because we always need more dye but look at this the industrial district is really starting to come to life just like that please be sure to leave a like on this episode And subscribe to my channel but

With that I’ll catch youall on the flip side

This video, titled ‘I BUILT NEW FARMS in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-12-14 18:15:02. It has garnered 154994 views and 11497 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:04 or 2644 seconds.

fWhip is building NEW Redstone Farms in his Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 survival world let’s play!! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY! Subscribe! 🙂

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More