Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

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today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you guys think is going to win # team blue # team Orange it’s probably going to be blue okay Dino but before we start we have to check out the comment wall and see if any of our viewers have a super awesome idea let’s go all right let’s go and check it out I’m so curious what is it going to be all right so Zoran D says hit Dino off the platform uh-oh wait no Floy please don’t hit me ah what this boy all right dinos so this is how it works okay you can pick five scps that you’re going to use in the battle arena but you cannot look at their name you can only look up their spawn EG and their number and then pick five put them in the chest lock them in and after 5 minutes we’re going to have the best mob battle ever are you ready I’m super duper ready let’s go okay but what Dino doesn’t know is that I’m not going to be choosing five spawn X at all I’m just going to look through the oneway glass to see what is is going to spawn and then I’m going to choose the best SCP to counter him let’s go and wait for Dino to be ready choosing his eggs okay Dino is taking a super long time so while he’s picking out his little scps wait did he just spawn teddy bears oh my gosh he literally chose teddy bears they’re not even that strong they’re literally teddy bears look at that okay we’re going to have to pick the most awesomest scps to counter himass and I think I know a super duper strong strong one of okay it’s called SCP 35414 it is a giant colossal squid oh my gosh it is so awesome do you guys want to see it do you guys want to see it like the video in the next 3 seconds if you want to see it 3 two one boom there we oh my gosh look at this thing this thing looks absolutely insane I don’t think Dino is ready yet what is he even spawning he spawn a couple of eyeballs he actually thinks he’s going to win the battle with this he has no idea he’s about to get beaten so hard okay let’s try and figure out what other cool scps there are I think I know one SCP 087 is such an awesome one look at this thing it’s like a super buff giant ghost oh it’s so scary look at this thing oh my gosh we’re definitely going to win cuz we’re going to pick the awesomest SCP ever and I have a super secret awesome SCP that I’m going to spawn at the end of the video which I cannot show show you guys yet because it is so op you’re not going to be able to wait for it okay let’s see if Dino is ready all right Dino are you ready oh yeah I am ready let me spawn in my mom’s okay I’m going to spawn mine as well just give me a second D oh my gosh he actually went for the little teddy bears okay we have to absolutely destroy him by spawning something super awesome I think I’m going to spawn a fire cat AKA SCP 3546 16 it’s going to set all of his stupid little teddy bears on fire okay let’s check it out boom there we go look at how awesome this looks wait he’s spawning like a million of them okay I’m going to spawn two million so we’re going to win this super awesome M battle oh my gosh this is going to be so insane look at what this looks like oh my gosh this is so awesome I hope they’re going to set all of those little teddy bears on fire hey Dino are you ready I’m super duper ready Floy okay I’m going to add him to the team and remove the wall in three two one let’s go boom whoa what the heck is going on there are so many scps on the battlefield what did you even spawn you’re like super tiny teddy bears they’re never going to win I SP SCP 1048 and they’re super strong look we’re actually going to win come on teddy bears wait a second what’s going on why are they not fighting hey get your butts over there you guys got to fight oh look at that my teddy bears are actually beating yours up I can’t believe this what this is so unfair hey guess what what I have a super secret ability what that’s so unfair you’re cheating you’re using a flame thr on my daddy bear hey stop it ly hey I’m not cheating it’s my mob’s doing that it’s not me what do you mean it’s I see you flying around you stupid oh my gosh my mobs are so cool we’re winning look we’re winning we’re winning you have so little teddy bears left one no wait a second no way I lost this round this is so stupid Oh My Gosh do you guys think this was a fair round for team blue I think it was right yeah yeah you guys I I’ll just comment yes it was okay D are you ready for round two I’m ready let’s go all right Dino are you ready for round two yeah I’m ready and I’m spawning in my mobs right now what is he spawning they look like some kind of crabs dude how can crabs ever be tough and strong crabs are like nothing we’re going to have the perfect counter and we’re hopefully going to make Dino scream like a little girl for losing okay let’s spawn in the super creepy awesome ghost let’s do it oh my gosh this is going to be insane I’m going to spawn like a million of them so we’re going to crush his little crabs over and over again okay Dino are you ready I’m super super duper ready remove that wall flaky let’s go boom w Wait a second what the heck are those BS that wait they’re super fast what is going on oh my gosh you’re so fast they’re literally destroying your little crabs no way wait a second all of my crabs are gone already this is so stupid did I already won that was the fastest round in my battle history do you guys agree oh my gosh this was super fast know are you sure you don’t want to Revenge okay you know what I’ll do a rematch I got to spot a few more crabs to make sure that it’s a fair five okay we’re going to rematch okay we’re doing a rematch because that was super quick I think Dino is secretly going to be spawning a lot more of them so we’re going to have to spawn even more look at this I’m going to spawn like a million of them wait they spawning so much look at this wait already in the wall what the heck is going on there okay it doesn’t matter oh we got to keep keep spawning more and more cuz Dino cannot spawn more than us oh my gosh he’s spawning so many look at that we’re going to spawn even more okay I think that’s going to be enough for now okay Dino are you ready oh yeah I’m ready flaky are you ready I’m ready remove the wall let’s go wa look at that here we go oh my gosh this is insane wait you got so many crabs now no way yeah you have so many weird ghosts this is such a fair battle let’s see see who’s going to win oh I’m definitely going to win I still have so many ghosts yo why are the half of them being super lazy get your butts over there come on go fight go fight wait a second flaky where did all of my crabs go you won already oh no that was like the second fastest round ever Dino lost again yo team blue is definitely going to win everyone who commented the blue you’re a winner all right Dino are you ready forck round three I’m already two points ahead so you really have to win this one if you want any chance of winning don’t worry flaky I’m going to win this one I’m going to spawn in my moves right now all right me too wait a second he’s spawning all kinds of super tiny spiders oh my gosh what are spiders going to do against my crazy big SCP yo what the heck they’re going to my side hey get your butts away from here what the heck are they doing go away go away way ew okay we have to be quick about this oh no no no no no this is not going well my counter for these stupid little spiders is going to be a super big dinosaur let’s spawn them in oh my gosh they’re so big yo they’re already fighting we have to be quick we have to be super quick let’s spawn all of them in here all right Dino are you ready I’m ready flaky let’s go let’s go boom wao what the heck are those Ms oh my gosh I have super big D dinosaurs oh no it’s lagging they’re way too powerful for the Minecraft server everything’s lagging wait a second why are they moving so slowly what is going on I don’t know I think everything’s lagging Dino we we might have messed up here oh no but this looks so boring come on you stupid scps do something go fight yeah hurry up hurry up we got to help them Let’s help them by killing some of your stupid spiders wait don’t kill my stupid SPID stay off the Floy no what are what are you doing I’m killing your stupid water spiders because we have to get this lag on Loki you’re so stupid Fire doesn’t work against water creatures oh but they’re definitely on fire Dino look at that oh my gosh look it’s actually going now oh they’re fighting so good I think I have way more dinosaurs left than your stupid little spiders wait a second I can’t believe it I thought those spiders would be strong oh I won I won look at that I have so many dinosaurs left oh my gosh they’re super cool you know what we should do Dino we should set up one dinosaur against 10 spiders who do you think is going to win Dino well definitely the 10 spiders they’re super strong I’ll prove it to you flaky okay let’s do it right now then who do you guys think is going to win 10 spiders or a super big dinosaur make sure to comment it down below okay I’m going to spawn my one little dinosaur over here I’ve added him to my team let’s go spawn yours in here we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 here we go I’ve added them into the team are you ready let’s go boom oh look at that your dinosaur is being swar by my spiders go spiders my dinosaur is definitely going to win look at at me so strong oh my gosh come on you stupid spiders keep hitting him wait why is he turning small or no he’s getting as small as your spiders what the heck oh wait it’s so close I only have four more spiders left oh my gosh look at him he’s taking so much damage it’s like he’s unkillable wait a second though come on you Spidey boys wait he’s got him the the final one I won oh my gosh hey everyone who commented that the dinosaur would win you guys are all super awesome winners okay let’s go for round four are you ready Dino I’m ready all right Dino are you ready for round four I’m ready and I’m definitely going to win this round because this I have an even stronger SCP I’m going to spawn them in oh my gosh what is he going to spawn he’s spawning another teddy bear but this time they actually look a little bit cursed or something what the heck ew they look so gross okay I’m going to spawn the perfect counter I’m going to spawn a dinosaur again but this time it’s actually made out of Bones ew that’s so creepy it’s a skeleton dinosaur are you guys ready to see it let’s go but first he got got to comment your favorite SCP so I can make sure I use that one in the next b battle all right I’m going to spawn the skeleton dinosaur oh my gosh it’s so gigantic look at this you can see every single boat on its body that’s so insane okay I’m going to spawn like a bunch of them it’s going to be like a million again oh my gosh they look so awesome when they move okay let’s keep spawning him because we definitely have to win round four cuz we’re going to win this entire battle there we go all right do are you ready I’m super duper ready Floy remove that wall whoa what the heck are your Ms yo my dinosaurs are so quick they’re getting all of your stupid little teddy bears wait you spawn teddy bears again no those are different teddy bears but wait wait a second where did my teddy bears go what I already won that was like the fastest route ever even faster than it one from before Oh my gosh I think we need a rematch Dino cuz these dinosaurs actually have to be tested to the max so I’m going to spawn one dinosaur and you can spawn 50 little stupid teddy bears and we can see who’s stronger all right I’m going to spawn them in who do you guys think is going to win this super awesome skeleton dinosaur or 50 stupid little teddy BR make sure to comment it down below I think the super scary Skelly Dino is going to win okay I’m going to spawn one of them right here oh my gosh he’s so awesome okay Dino are you ready I’m super duper ready flaky remove that wall let’s go oh my gosh he’s so quick oh they’re ganging up on him look up what look at that my teddy Bear got him what the heck did he even kill one single teddy bear I think they all survived this is impossible oh look at that Floy you actually lost no I didn’t this was a bonus round we’re still winning okay he Dino are you ready for round five I’m ready all right Dino let’s go are you ready I’m ready Flo I’m going to spawn in my mom okay let’s see what he’s going to hold on wait a second he’s literally spawning the same one that I had is he even going to notice that oh I don’t think he is because you were supposed to pick the spawn EG according to their number and not how they look like so I’m pretty sure he didn’t even realize that he was going to spawn the same skeleton dinosaurs okay we need something that’s going to be way stronger at these because they are actually super strong and as I said I have a super secret super strong SCP with awesome abilities that I’m going to spawn right now are you guys ready let’s do it okay this SCP is actually called SCP op because it’s so incredibly overpowered I’m going to spawn three of them because I think that’s going to be enough so 1 2 three oh my gosh look at that how gigantic they are they even have a boss bar at the top I’m going to add him to the team are you ready Dino I’m ready let’s go whoa what the heck he’s jumping into the air look at that whoa wait a second what the heck is that M of yours wa this is SCP op it’s a super secret SCP y they’re flying up in the air and what he literally hit your dinosaur out of the air this is insane what the heck my what wait a second my scps are getting the wait a second they just pushed one off the map oh my God it’s going to be a close fight wait a sec what no they fell off no this is not fair wait a second my mobs are the only ones standing on the platform that means I win um no they’re not look there’s still one right here look what no there not you just spawned that one in I saw that what I can’t believe this what the heck they actually fell off the map they were supposed to be super op okay I want a rematch okay we’re going to do a rematch I’m going to spawn one and Dino you’re going to spawn five of them okay I already spawned them in Floy let’s go let’s go please don’t get pushed off this time whoa he’s jumping into the air he just threw one in the air this monster is absolutely insane oh my gosh he’s just playing Dennis with them what the heck no come on you scared of the you got this wait wait wait he got two of yours you only have like three left woo oh my gosh what the heck was that oh my gosh this thing is insane you only have two left no come on you skeleton you got this oh it’s one versus one come on let’s go one versus one no no no no no no watch out watch out oh my gosh please you got to push him off the edge dude something kind of oh oh my God it literally did death stomp this SCP is so awesome and so op today we’re going to do a mob battle with my friend Dino but what my friend Dino doesn’t know is that I’m going to be secretly cheating with oneway glass so I can see everything that is spawning and spawn the perfect counter to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey Floy are you ready to get your butt kicked today what no I am not ready to get my buttcake today why the heck would I want that hey who do you guys think is going to win today at this mod battle # de blue # de orange uh I’m going to give you a hint it is obviously team blue because we’re going to cheat wait flaky what are you doing over there don’t don’t worry don’t worry about it Dino So today we’re going to do a mob battle that means you can pick five super awesome sounding spawn eggs in 5 minutes then lock them in your chest and after those 5 minutes we’re going to battle it out but but you can only choose five and you cannot see what they look like only what their name is is are the rules clear the rules are clear to me Floy all right let’s go let’s pick out five spawn eggs okay but what Doo doesn’t know is I secretly already prepared five of my own spawn eggs so while he’s down there being super busy trying to find super awesome mobs to fight with I already picked five of the most OP monsters ever and I’ve secretly hit them in my Ender Chest under the arena over here so the first we have krux this thing is absolutely insane we have a cyclops that’s super massive we have chagar on the dread bece this thing is absolutely insane we have a dark opal demon and we have Chu Charles now I cannot explain to you guys enough how super insane and op Chu Charles actually is so now while Dino is busy trying to spawn his stupid little creatures I’m going to show you guys how awesome our mobs are so we’re definitely going to win the first one I want to show you is Crux look at this thing this thing is just absolutely disgusting he looks so gross and scary oh my gosh that is nasty what is coming out of his back it looks like some kind of nervous system or something he’s even smoking hey smoking is bad for you mister do not smoke okay dude he doesn’t even care about smoking okay get the heck out of here this thing is definitely going to win wait can we see what Dino was spawning already he’s not even spawning anything but he spawned this little stupid thingy on top wait let’s see what that is real quick it’s a solifuge what the heck is a solifuge I’ve never heard of a solifuge before okay doesn’t matter I’m going to show you my next super awesome thingy the next thing is a cyclops okay this thing is absolutely insane it even has a mop what oh my gosh it’s already attacking his mops it just shot some kind of laser eye right at it oh my gosh this thing whoa okay okay we have to get rid of him super quickly before Dino finds out that we have a super awesome op Cyclops now the next one is going to be chagar the dread pce this thing is absolutely insane look at this oh my gosh no stop fighting stop fighting stop fighting no no no no okay okay okay okay we’re definitely going to use this one as one of the last one because this dude is super op just look at this thing it has three hats that is so insane okay I got to get rid of it oh my gosh it’s not dying it’s attacking me now what the heck oh my gosh I finally got rid of him look get him he’s he’s freaking out all of his heads are turning uh what’s going on oh no oh no oh no a dude he did a dooky all over the battlefield it’s super red right now you know what I’m just going to leave it like this because Dino’s going to get super scared cuz he’s going to have no idea why my Battlefield has turned red with the blood of my enemies okay let’s get rid of this one real quick and let’s go to the next Monster the next Monster is a dark opal demon this thing is absolutely insane look at how gigantic it is this thing is so crazy it even has a bunch of purple nipples that’s weird bro why why do you have that put a shirt on dude that’s super cringe look at how insane this thing is this thing is so massive look look look look when I stand next to uh sir watch out okay don’t fall off the edge I swear if you fall off the edge today I’m going to be super angry at you oh my gosh oh my gosh okay let’s hope it kills all of Dino’s monsters before he jumps off the edge and the last one that I have is actually Choo Charles but choo Char’s model is so insane and he’s so strong that I’m going to keep it a super big secret until the end of the video because I’m definitely going to use it for one of the last rounds okay let’s see if Dino is finally ready all right Dino are you ready I’m ready Floy I’m really wondering who’s going to Spa what hey who do you guys think is going to win the first rounde # team orch # team blue the person who gets every round right wins a cookie and maybe a like for me if you’re super nice you get a yeah that’s what you get okay D spawn your first one all right here we go I’m going to spawn in my first M and he’s super duper strong and he looks so creepy e oh guys look at that it’s the first thing that we saw he’s actually spawning that thing that thing looks super stupid you know what we’re going to get the perfect counter to it I’m going to spawn the super giant disgusting Crooks monster I’m not even sure what kind of abilities it has but it must have some super awesome abilities when it looks like this right okay let’s Spa a bunch of them all right do are you ready yeah I’ve added them into the team flaky remove the wall let’s go oh my gosh they’re fighting already this is insane wa they’re throwing stuff at each other yo what the heck flaky what did you spawn in that mob looks so creepy oh my gosh they are super creepy look they’re running at each other wait a second why did they stop fighting wait what happened wait maybe they just wanted to become friends or something I don’t know uh hello you stupid pit why the heck are you stop fighting what’s going on I don’t understand hello guys can you please oh look they’re fighting again here we go what they’re going again wait were they lagging or something oh my gosh they’re throwing sand and dirt at each other wait what the heck is going on I don’t even see my mobs anymore uh um wait am I winning I think I’m winning Dino all of your stupid mobs are getting killed whoa they’re coming out of the floor what the heck is this wo that looks so creepy this is the kindy of stuff you see in your nightmares oh ew it’s going back into the ground that’s so gross what the heck is going on with are these things oh yo I think they ganging up on the last one over here is it actually the last one well it must be I don’t see any of them left I think I won Doo I won the first round everyone who comment to team blue you are super awesome cuz you’re super right oh my gosh I can’t believe this are you ready for round two I’m ready flaky let’s go all right din as you you can see the battlefield looks a little bit messed up right now but you know what I kind of like it do you guys like it it adds to the character of the battlefield right Dino it’s super cool and I’m going to spawn in my next mob right now because my next mob really loves to like more rough terrain look I’m going to spawn him in right now all right I’m going to spawn mine in as well wait what is he spawning what is this thing it looks like a bowler bear but it’s kind of made out of void something is it like a void bowler bear oh but you know what at least it doesn’t even look that strong I’m going to spawn the perfect counter to it I’m going to spawn a super scary big Cyclops oh my gosh this thing is going to be absolutely insane are you ready Dino I’m ready Floy remove the wall let’s go wait why are fighting each other what the heck are they doing what who what the heck is going on wait wait my beard are flying in the sky what the heck is going on oh my God go my Cyclops are so strong they have laser eyes they’re literally pushing your stupid birs all the way off the map see you later bye-bye come on bear you got this attack they’re literally playing baseball but your Bears my psyops are super insane yo look at this one this one is looking out for someone to murder wait he found someone wait what the heck are they wait they’re attacking each other look Floy your cyclopes are super stupid yo what the heck are you doing you idiot stop fighting each other oh my gosh I think they have super big egos because they’re super big creatures I think so too but wait a second my mob stopped hitting hello what are you boys doing come on go back and do the battle what is going on this is so hectic yo Dino I think we’re going to need a rematch all right let’s do a rematch flaky we’re only going to spawn you’re going to spawn 10 and I’m going to spawn too is that a deal that’s a good deal let’s do it okay we really have to do a rematch guys because this is just insane there’s so many Cyclops I think they’re actually getting mad at each other okay rematch time okay Dino spawn in 10 of your stupid little bears and I’m going to spawn two of my super awesome cyclopses what the heck Floy they’re no stupid but I’m going to spawn in 10 right now here we go but they’re fighting each other oh no wait they stopped okay let’s go here we go I added my animals in the team come on boys what wait why are they throwing them in the air oh my God they playing baseball again wa see you later cow what the heck he threw him away so far oh my gosh this Cyclops is actually in whoa what is a death ray these Cyclops are like the most OP bosses I’ve ever seen in my life they’re Invincible yeah but flaky they’re not that op because look bye-bye I got it whoa I can’t believe he actually killed my Cyclops you can’t handle losing look I actually won te blue has won round two again who do you guys think is going to win round three no I won oh oh oh yeah oh yeah I won okay let’s go for round three okay Dino are you ready for round three I’m super ready F I’m going to spawn in my M right now oh he looks so creepy no way M has a really funny looking nose I’m going to spawn mine as well oh my gosh what is he spawning guys it looks like some kind of villager gem or something because he has a super big nose like that look at that okay you know what because he has a big nose that means that I have to spawn something that’s big as well so I’m going to spawn the dark opal demon this thing is so absolutely insane okay there we go there we go there we go and now are you ready Dino I’m ready Floy remove the wall right now let’s go boom what the heck is that W my gosh look my opal demons just jumping into the air this is insane what the heck is going on Floy I’m getting scared your mve is so creepy W all of your Golems are being absolutely ravaged by my dark opal demons wait a second my trolls aren’t even doing anything think attack attack attack wait no they got one they got one this one jumping over the edge no oh my gosh he actually got one no way but I’m still going to win wait did I win did I win this is so wait I still have one more left come on boys you got this let’s go boom Oh my gosh they getting gagged up dude what the wait they’re still alive come on this is the last one standing wait where did he go oh they’re literally playing Dennis with it look at that they’re jumping into the and hitting him oh my gosh he literally hit them off the platform these dark opal deers are so op it’s insane what the Floy where did all of my mobs go I didn’t even kill one of your stup stupid demon no way team blue has won round three yo everyone is commenting team blue I think you are the smartest persons ever because team blue just keeps winning who do you guys think is going to win round four make sure to comment down below right now are you ready for round four Dino I’m ready Floy let’s do it are you ready for the next battle Dino I’m ready I’m going to spawn in my M right now this moment is so who that one is super gigantic yo I’m definitely going to win this round what the heck is this what a dino spawn these things are absolutely massive it’s literally going through the wall it’s like a super giant sea dragon or something oh no I wanted to save Cho Choo Charles for last but guess what I’m going to use Cho Choo Charles right now because Cho Choo Charles is super op I’m going to spawn him in right now there we go I’m spawning in a bunch of them this is absolutely insane because they look so super creepy look at his face oh that’s so gross but I really hope they’re going to be a good match against these Super Dragon sea creatures I don’t even know what they are this is going to be so crazy okay I’m going to spawn a bunch more because we definitely have to win we cannot lose now because we’re already three rounds ahead we can’t give up our win now I’m going to spawn even more cho cho Charles over here and then Dino are you ready I’m ready flaky remove the wall let’s go oh my gosh what did you spawn what is that those are called sea serpents and they look so creepy but wait what the heck did you spawn what do you mean what did I spawn I spawn Chu Charles and I’m definitely going to win look they’re all attacking him wait Chu actually shooting some kind of projectile at him this is so crazy what the heck how did you get a juu Charles that’s so op wait a second am I winning two of your big ones already fell down oh no two of mine are down there as well this is going so bad come on you stupid sea serpents do something deal damage oh my god oh yo my Cho shell just got one of yours oh my gosh this is insane they got another one they got another one yo what the heck about you stupid sea serpents do something I want to win oh my gosh I’m definitely winning I can’t believe it you’re super what where did this blue one come from he wasn’t even here before yo what the heck floan is is so stupid why are my moms not doing anything they’re just sticking their head into the ground yo these sea serpants are absolutely terrifying bro but they’re no match against my super awesome Cho Choo Charles yo they’re ganging up on him they’re going to push him off let’s go no leave him alone you stupid what the heck wait what D hey why are you not doing anything you stupid C but do something let’s go they’re getting him they’re getting him they’re getting him wait you only have one left no two left oh come on this is so stupid this a super giant Cesar but it’s a doing anything why is it not doing anything oh my God there we go Chu Charles has won I can’t believe it Chu CH is so op we have on round four again yo Dean blue is definitely going to be the winner of this entire battle don’t you guys think who do you guys think is going to win round five let us know all right Dino are you ready for round five I’m ready ly let’s do it let’s go all right Dino are you ready for the fifth round are you going to win now you think of course I’m going to win flaky because the guy who wins the last battle is actually the winner of the wholeo battle I’m definitely going to win I’m going to spawn in my more right now what the heck is he spawning here has a bunch of Phar this is absolutely insane what they’re all kinds of different pharaos it’s like he’s bringing the entirety of ancient Egypt back well you know what I saved a super super super strong mob and I’m going to use him right now he’s called chag around The Dread beast and already showed him to you he has three heads and he has an insane amount of HP he has so much health that no one and nothing in the world will ever be able to kill him and guess what we’re not going to spawn one we’re not going to spawn two we’re going to spawn three and even four jagaro are you ready Dino I’m ready Floy remove the wall let’s go oh my gosh wait why did you spawn multiple you’re cheating I’m not cheating Floy those are just my mobs oh my gosh this is the biggest battle I’ve ever seen in my life wait they’re all ganging up on one look they’re all deeing you got this stupid pharoh and skill that stupid red figgy oh my gosh this battle is absolutely insane wait my trago is spawning some kind of super weird hands look at this ew they even have eyeballs Y what the heck is that that looks super disgusting oh my gosh this is crazy wait what are these ghosts doing here who do they belong to is that my ghost or your ghost I have no idea flaky but wait you still have all four of your chagar standing he’s so super op he is super op wait you dude look at the top of the screen your pharaohs are not even dying that quickly what the heck they’re so strong I know they’re super strong because they’re a pharoh flaky oh wait a second wait a second no what is dying they actually got one what the heck no way waa look at that we’re actually winning come on go Farah house no they got two no what they got three no way you actually won this makes no sense bro this is not fair look at that now your last drag Rob is being killed boom I actually won what no way I can’t believe that Doo actually won the round today I’m doing a Minecraft mod battle with my friend Dino but we’re in the ice and fire Dimension and little does my friend Dino know that I’m secretly cheating with this oneway glass meaning I can see exactly what mob spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s go over to Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real mob battle hey Dino hey flaky are you ready to do a mob battle today I’m super ready and I’m definitely going to win today so today we are in the ice and fire Dimension which means that we can only use ice or fire creatures to fight each other do you want to guess which team you’re on well I’m obviously on the Winner’s team what no you’re on the fire team cuz you’re orange and I’m on the ice team cuz I’m blue who do you guys think is going to win today # team orange or # team blue whoever gets the right answer wins a cookie but before we go and battle it out Dino we have to go to the comment wall and check out what our viewers are saying oh my god let’s go over there let’s go so shady says to an ice and fire battle wow that is so coincidental cuz we’re going to be doing exactly that and it’s going to be so super duper awesome I’m so excited so if you have a super awesome idea for the next video make sure to comment it down below so you might have on the comment wall all right Dino so how this works is you have five minutes to pick five spawn Xs and they have to have something to do with fire and I’m going to do exactly the same but with ice are you ready I’m super ready let’s get right into it let’s go okay oh my gosh Dino has no idea that I already secretly prepared a bunch of spax because I chose the most OP ice monsters ever and I secretly put them in this chest over here so we’re going to wait a couple of minutes to see what he’s going to spawn and then we’re going to spawn the perfect counters to them do you guys want to see what I’ve picked you guys want to see what I’ve picked because this is absolutely amazing we’re going to have a couple of minutes anyway because Dino still has to choose his fire mobs okay so the first thing that I picked is this mutant snow gem look at how awesome this thing is look at this bop bop come on fight me back ah he’s he’s afraid of me I hope you’re not going to be afraid of fire cuz we got to have to win this thing buddy okay you get the heck out of there see you later so the next thing that I’ve picked is actually super cool it’s an ice dragon look at this this thing is so amazing oh my gosh sh don’t be too loud bro Dino might hear you shut up shut up don’t be too loud okay get that a here see you later buddy oh my gosh that was so loud I really hope I didn’t hear that so the next super awesome ice monster that I’ve picked is actually called a Snow Queen and she is so op she even has a Boss part at the top of the screen look at that wow ew she’s puking ice and puking snow you’re disgusting lady but you know what your disgustingness might actually help us win this thing so you better win it for me okay get the heck out of here see you later now the next thing is actually super duper super cool have you guys ever wanted to own a cat but that cat is actually made out of ice well I did and it’s right here look at this oh my gosh this thing is so cool it might not look super strong but trust me this is one strong Kitty okay it’s a super strong Kitty so you get the heck out of there as well and the final one the fifth spawn egg is going to be a super big secret cuz I don’t want to ruin the surprise but we are definitely going to win the fifth round let’s wait for Dino to pick his five fire eggs and we’re going to wait for him to be done okay Dino did you pick your five spawn eggs I did and I’m ready to battle are you sure about that cuz I have some pretty awesome ice monsters I think I’m going to win no you’re definitely going to lose because I have way better even stronger fire mobs oh yeah let’s let the viewers decide cuz you guys just saw my awesome ice monsters who do you think is going to win now # de orange or # de blue you got to let us know down below hint it’s going to be me cuz I’m cheating wait a second what did you say Floy uh nothing nothing let’s just continue let’s go with round one all right Dino let’s spawn the first monsters all right here we go going to spawn in my first mob oh my gosh what is he spawning look at that they’re like super tiny EDS what the heck oh my gosh I think this is going to be the easiest mob battle ever he literally spawned and push a super tiny fire fire ANS are stupid I can just squish them by jumping on them look I’m going to squish out right now okay you know what I’m going to put the perfect counter to these stupid little fire ants right now I’m going to do the cat cuz cats love eating bugs or so I think right I’m pretty sure they do let’s Spa like a million of them all around so we are definitely going to win oh my gosh he’s spawning so many we got to have a little bit more cuz we definitely have to win this cuz I got to make all you guys proud who said that team blue is going to win so I’m going to make you proud right now all right Dino are you ready to start the battle I’m ready Floy remove that wall let’s go oh my gosh what did you spawn they’re super tiny ends yeah they’re called fire andent wait a second why do you have so many mobs what do you have many mobs as well yours are just diners so they don’t really catch your eye wait I’m winning wait a second you won already any away what the heck we were literally in the middle of a sentence this was the quickest route ever I can’t believe this look they even let one of your mobs live just because they feel sorry for because you’re such a loser Dino you lost so fast no but flaky this battle was so super duper unfair I want a rematch and this time you cannot spawn this many of them what you want a rematch H should we let him have a rematch guys do we really think that Dino is going to win on the second round I don’t think you’re going to win okay you know what just because I want to prove myself right that you’re not going to win we’re going to have a rematch with the same mobs let’s go all right Don how much do you want to spawn just because you were crying like a little loser before how much do you want to spawn now well first off I’m not a loser and I want to spawn a lot more than you because one of those ads is at least like 0.2 of your mob so I going to spawn like at least five oh you’re going to spawn five and I’m going to spawn two how about that is that fair no that’s so unfair like the ANS are so much tinier yo I want to spawn like at least five ads to one of yours oh my gosh okay fine I’m going to spawn two you’re going to spawn 10 let’s do it all right there we go I’ve added them into the team Floy okay let’s remove the wall let’s go go attack oh my gosh they’re going for each other look at this oh no yours are actually pretty strong there’s so many of them wait I already got one oh I got two none of your mobs have died yet what the heck is going on yeah we’re going to wa they left one again just because they feel sorry oh my gosh Dino you’re getting beat so hard y this is so unfair but it doesn’t matter because the next round I have even stronger even better fire M and I’m definitely going to win that one oh yeah who do you guys think is going to win round two # team or # team blue I’m definitely going to win let’s go for round two all right Dino are you ready to spawn the round two monsters I’m spawning them it right now oh my God they look so creepy I’m definitely going to win this round what the heck are those I can’t believe he’s spawning a bug again they kind of look like fire beetles oh my gosh Dino is definitely going to lose today he’s only spawning super tiny stupid bugs you know what I’m going to spawn a super big op thing I’m going to spawn the snow golem so we can definitely crush his little be needles okay let’s Spa like a bunch of them all around the area oh my go this is going to be so funny we’re going to absolutely annihilate his stupid little fire buug Army all right Dino are you ready I’m ready Floy let’s go whoa what the heck what are those oh my gosh you have super tiny bugs again and I have super awesome Snow Golems yeah but is is so unfair your snow golems can throw ice blocks what the heck w oh but they’re literally melting my snow golems look at that they’re all on fire oh no wait a second but wait I don’t even see any of my mobs anymore wait am I losing oh my gosh I won again wow and the snow gems are absolutely ruthless they didn’t even leave one to be alive they just got them all Dino you lost again yo this is so stupid what the heck wow we really won round two hey everyone who commented # teamblue give yourself a high five cuz you’re super awesome okay Dino do you want to rematch again or do you want to go to round three no let’s go to round three because my round three m is super duper strong oh yeah you said the same about round two and you absolutely failed okay let’s go for round three all right Dino are you ready for round three oh my gosh I’m really wondering who’s going to win round three who do you guys’ think is going to win round three # team blue # team orange the person who got the most rounds right H it’s going to win a cookie all right Dino let’s spawn them in all right I’m going to spawn in my M right now it w look at that is so gigantic oh my gosh Dino what was that sound I literally heard it over here uh it’s nothing just spawn in your M so we can start oh no I think Dino has actually found the fire dragons but I have ice dragons who do you guys think is going to win the ice dragons or the fire dragon because I definitely have to use the ice dragons now so it’s really going to be a battle of the Dragons ice verus Fire Let’s Do It Let’s spawn like a bunch more so we’re definitely going to win there we go are you ready Dino I’m ready flaky remove the wall let’s go oh my gosh you have dragons as well whoa what the heck is going on I have no idea whoa they’re pushing yours off see you later buddy oh no he survived he actually survived I can’t even see what the heck is going on they’re like all standing at top of each other dude this is like the biggest dragon battle I’ve ever seen what they’re trying to push this one off wait they got him oh no three of mine fell down as well that’s so bad oh no another one no wait a second who is winning I can’t even see I don’t know who my gosh this dragon is super big look at him wait I think I won wait are you sure oh my gosh I definitely won we finally got the answer ice dragons are way stronger than fire dragons look even this little kid over here survive look at him being all proud of himself yeah that was a victory Roar Dino you lost three rounds how are you ever going to get back up there are you going to try and win on the fourth one yeah don’t worry Floy because my next m is even stronger even though I keep saying it all the time this m is a lot stronger than the last one oh my gosh you know what who do you guys think is going to win round four # team orange or # team blue we are definitely going to win round we already won three rounds it’s impossible for us to lose okay let’s go to round four all right Dino are you ready for round four this is going to be super cool yes I’m ready it I am definitely going to win because I have even stronger mob and I’m going to spawn it in right now here we go who look at it it looks so creepy whoa what’s he spawning he’s spawning like a fire spider or something why did Dino keeps spawning little bugs it’s like the fire bug God oh my gosh they’re climbing the walls that is not supposed to happen oh my gosh he spawned so many you know what we’re going to have to spawn the one and only Snow Queen because she is super strong and she’s going to get rid of all these stupid spiders let’s Spa like a million over her all around the area there we go oh my gosh they all have boss bars look at the top of the screen this is insane we’re definitely going to win what they’re fighting already what the heck all right Dino are you ready ready yeah remove the wall Floy let’s go oh my gosh mine are flying around what the heck wao look at that your Ms are actually flying I can’t see what’s going on this is so hectic where what is everyone doing and there’s so much fire on the ground but wait wait a second this is so unfair your mobes are flying and my mobes are on the ground wait am I winning again oh my God I can’t even see any spiders anymore they’re all gone no way yo this is so unfair flaky I want a rematch because you spawned like way too many of your mobs what yo look at the top of the screen they literally have zero HP that they lost this is so insane okay I’m going to spawn one and how many spiders are you going to spawn we’re going to have a rematch I’m going to spawn like four four you know what you can spawn eight cuz I’m really wondering how strong this snow queen is all right let’s do it who do you guys think is going to win on the re match # team orange or # team blue we’re definitely going to win cuz we have the snow queen and she’s super op all right let’s go for the rematch all right Dino are you ready for the rematch I’m going to spawn one single Snow Queen all right there we go I’m spawning in my spiders 1 2 3 4 five 6 seven and eight here we go let’s go remove the wall oh my gosh it’s going to be so cool wait why did they not fight oh There He Go There He Go There He Go yo look at that your snow queen is scared of her she like goes up in the air because she doesn’t want to get hit yeah but that definitely is going to make her way cuz your stupid little spiders can’t even attack her look at the top of the screen she’s not even losing any HP what the he is so unfair you stupid snoke we stay down on the ground and fight like a real man who yeah but she’s a woman idiot she’s a queen yeah but come on is this whoa what did you see that she killed like three of my spiders in one hit oh my gosh you just stomping on him she is so strong this is insane wait she’s also spawning little oh no it just died oh my gosh this is going to take forever but look at the top of the screen she still hasn’t gotten any HP oh come on are you stupid Stu we go down on the ground oh wait oopsie hey wait a second you hit her off you’re a cheater no I didn’t those were the spiders that hit her off that means that I actually won around woohoo go deam orange no way oh my gosh you guys just see that Dino actually hit my snow queen across the map he was cheating who do you guys think won this round you got to say me cuz cheaters are never ever supposed to win even though I’m kind of cheating right now with the oneway glass wait wait did you say something what no nope no nothing uh next round let’s go all right Dino are you ready for the fifth round this is your final chance to redeem yourself I’m ready and I’m definitely going to win so I’m going to spawn in my mob right now here we go wait what’s he spawning he’s spawning some sort of lava cat oh my gosh they look super insane they actually look so strong so I have to spawn the perfect counter to it and I think I know something I haven’t even shown you guys this map yet because this map is actually super duper op it’s called a frost ball oh my gosh look at how gigantic this is it’s like some kind of super big yeti and it’s pretending to be asleep right now oh there it goes W I fell oh my gosh look at how insane this thing is you know what he spawned like a million of them so I’m going to spawn four of them right next to each other two three and four oh I’m really wondering who’s going to win who do you guys think is going to win the fire cats or the super giant Yeti # te blue or # team orange all right let’s go are you ready Dino I’m ready flaky remove the wall let’s go whoa what the heck did you spell what the heck is that bit super Dr oh my gosh look at that it literally Froze all of your little cats oh this is absolutely insane Bop whoa what the heck yo it actually freezes them this is so crazy who he killed like 20 of them with one single blow wait no they got one no y this is actually a close fight come on KY you got this no I can’t believe this they actually got to get them no this is insane what the heck wao but look at that like they can freeze almost all of my mobs at the wait there’s only one more left oh my gosh I lost I can’t believe this we actually lost the fifth round I can’t believe this but you know what we’re still 41 up hey Dino I have a little idea do you want to do an allout ice versus fire battle every single fire mob versus every single ice mob W that s so awesome we should definitely do that okay let’s go who do you think is going to win all of the fire monsters or all of the ice monsters moners let us know and let’s go all right we’re going to spawn every single mob there we go there we go this is going to be super insane I’m definitely going to win this going to spot a bunch more fire cuz I want a really big one wait what they’re fighting each other what the heck I need doing no stop what is going on they’re getting the frost ball oh my gosh don’t wait can I add him to the same team oh there we go there we go there we go there we go okay going to spot a bunch more there we go all right all right all right all right this is going to be super amazing amazing just a couple more Snow Queens and let’s add them all to the team let’s remove the wall let’s go oh my gosh this is insane wao what the heck is going on W this is the biggest battle I’ve ever seen in my life this is so hectic I’m really wondering who’s going to win I have no idea who’s going to win I can barely even hear anything those dragons are so loud wow look at this dragon is literally a fired he’s so big wo he just pushed one off what three of your dragons actually fell down oh my gosh wa no way I can’t believe it your eyes SPS are acting so super strong right now oh my gosh I think the Snow Queens are beating the fire dragons up they’re just harassing them look at that they’re so fast and strong wa wait a second wait who’s winning oh no oh no am I losing I think I’m definitely winning look at this it’s three against one they’re pushing him off he’s not even doing anything he’s completely immobilized whoa what the heck was that wait wait a sec oh no I only have like one more Dragon alive please Dragon wait there’s the final Dragon he’s right here oh no he’s got to get attacked oh wait there’s two dragons left oh my gosh this is insane look at w they pushed him off see you later fire dragon well I still have one more Dragon left come on please oh no he just died that’s it I think we finally got the answer eyes monsters are way stronger hey everybody today we’re going to do a Minecraft mob battle to see which mob is the strongest but what my best friend Dino doesn’t know is that this wall is completely made out of oneway glass from my side look at this his side is completely blacked out he can’t see a thing but I can see everything that he’s going to spawn which means that we can spawn even cooler mobs to win all the battles he’s going to get so frustrated all right let’s go over to him and pretend to do a real mob battle oh my gosh he has no idea that I’m about to cheat this is going to be so funny okay let’s go hey D hey there Floy are you ready to do a mob battle yeah and it’s going to be absolutely super duper awesome because team orange is going to win today what team do you guys think is going to win team orange or team blue well some of you know a little secret so I think most of you guys are going to pick team blue wait what are you talking about team blue no team orange is definitely going to win because we win all the time we are the best and we’re also known as team winners don’t worry about it Dino so how this is going to work is you’re going to have 5 minutes to pick five random spawn EGS and after 5 minutes you have to lock them in your chest and then after those 5 minutes we’re going to go to our own sides pick your round one and we’re going to let our mobs fight each other oh man this is going to be so super exciting that’s right so let’s go the 5 minutes go now all right here we go oh my gosh my friend Dino has no idea that I’m not even going to pick the five spawn eggs right now I’m going to wait until he spawns his first one and then I’m going to cheat by seeing everything look at how awesome this is I can see everything he’s doing okay so all we have to do right now is wait for him to spawn his first mob and then we’re going to look for a little list together look at this list I have a list with so many awesome mobs we’re going to pick one together that looks even cooler than his and we’re going to win the mob battle all right let’s wait for him to be done oh my gosh Dino is taking a really long time with picking his things look at what he picked what even is that it’s like a tree oh my gosh he literally chose a three I think if he’s going to use that first we’re going to pick something that’s like made out of fire so it will set his entire stupid little tree of fire but he’s so slow I’ve been waiting for way more than 5 minutes but you know what because we’re cheating I’m just going to let him take his time oh my gosh look at that his next one is a spider it’s just a simple little spider that’s not even that creepy I could beat it with this wooden a bro oh my gosh this is going to be so funny we’re going to spawn the most awesome bosses ever we’re going to destroy him wait what did he spawn next oh my gosh his next one is a cute little mummy oh he spawning the most stupid stuff ever we are definitely going to win okay I think he’s actually ready over there let’s ask him hey Dino the five minutes are completely over did you pick yours of course I did and Flaky I have super cool strong and amazing mobes and I am definitely going to win I have a little feeling that you’re actually going to lose hey why did you make it nighttime by the way is that something to do with your mobs uh well because my first mob actually can’t really stand the Sun so we have to make it nighttime for him and I’ve even spawned him in already oh he looks super strong and he’s definitely going to beat your mob wait a second what kind of mob can handle sunlight d okay you know what it doesn’t matter I’m about to spawn mine as well okay just give me one second okay he has absolutely no idea that we already know that he spawned a bunch of mummy so we have to go through the list we got to find something that is even cooler than a stupid little mommy what are you guys thinking I’m thinking about one of these things so if mummies can’t handle sunlight what about a giant dragon okay I got to see what this name is I’m going to get the spawn egg I’m going to spawn it he’s going to have no idea it’s called an assimilated Ender Dragon oh my gosh that sounds scary okay let’s get it out of here assimilated Ander Dragon there we go let’s see how it looks like oh my gosh this thing looks absolutely insane okay I’m going to remove the wall and we’re going to get blown one oh no he’s flying hey Dino are you ready I’m going to remove the wall now wait what the heck yo you have a super giant dragon yo this is so unfair my mummies can’t even get what yo this is unfair my mummies can’t even fly oh my gosh your mummies have been completely destroyed already Dino they’re all gone yo this is so unfair but it doesn’t matter because the mob I have for round two is even stronger and even cooler oh I’m really wondering where that mob is going to be I have no idea at all right guys okay let’s get that stupid dragon out of the air and let’s reset the wall boom there we go Dino you can’t see me right now right no I can’t obviously there’s a wall in between us flaky he’s so silly okay let’s go for round two all right so Dino can hear me right now we’re going to see what he’s going to pick for round two and then we’re going to get something that’s even cooler round one was so hilarious I can’t believe that he actually thought that I really spawned a dragon on round one all right here we go going to spawn in my M oh look at them wao they even have different colors oh my God I’m going to create a super giant spider Army wait Dino what are you spawning I want to know oh well I spawned a super cool looking M but did you spawn yours yet I want to start that battle mine are even climbing the wall already hey you get back down there hey what is this you’re cheating they can’t see what I’m spawning I’m still spawning mine give me a second okay he spawned a bunch of spiders spiders are not even that scary okay we got to have something that is super cool way cooler than a bunch of stupid spiders so what should we pick I’m going to open the list again we’re going to look at every single mob that we got over here we’re going to pick something amazing okay yo what about this big fire ant I think it actually spews fire and we all know that spiders hate fire right okay I’m going to spawn like a million of them all around the area let’s get the fire end and oh there’s got a couple of soldiers as well we going to spawn a bunch of different ones oh that’s perfect there’s going to be so many we are definitely going to win oh what the heck okay let’s remove the wall Dino are you ready yo what the heck is going on there I hear explosions don’t worry about it Doo come on Spidey you got this oh look at that wait a second your mobs are exploding oh my gosh they’re actually winning oh my gosh you’re spiders are not even winning oh your spiders are so bad Doo no a come on do this was so unfair you spawn like so many of them what do you mean I didn’t spawn a lot of them they were super tiny a this is so unfair but it doesn’t matter because I am definitely going to beat you next round oh yeah you have something even cooler at round three obviously okay let’s reset the wall and go for round three oh my gosh I can’t believe he’s not suspecting anything we’re literally spawning op things but don’t worry okay because I actually know a super secret super giant op boss that you guys have probably seen in the thumbnail I’m going to use him last I think because it’s literally the unkillable boss he is so insane and I’m going to use him by the end but now we got to see what Dino is going to spawn for the third round let’s check it out I’m going to spawn in my next B but oh look at him it’s a super creepy goat but he has like a special ability which makes him throw people in the air so let’s spawn a lot of them because I definitely want to win this round against flaky oh what he’s actually spawning so many of them look at this behind me he has no idea that we can see how many is actually spawning so we have to really pick something super duper op and I think I have the perfect thing for it I actually know a dragon with three heads and you know you guys know what dragons do right they spew fire so his little tree buddies are totally going to get burned okay let’s spawn in the three-headed dragon it’s called a Hydra oh this is going to be so amazing wait there’s two eggs that’s called Hydra Oh no I got to really figure out which one it is hold on I’m going to hope it’s this one oh my gosh it is look at this I’m going to spawn like three of them there we go okay Dino are you ready yo what the heck is going on VY yo what the heck is is your mom it’s like a super giant dragon oh my gosh look at this this is insane yo wait did you add them to the team because they’re not attacking each other come on boys wait they are wait hold on why is what the heck happened here wait a second wait you spawned the second dragon that’s so unfair Floy what the heck is going on I am so conf I didn’t spawn a second dragon they’re just spawning themselves what yo come on now come on B she got this but wait they’re attacking each other what are they doing yours are so silly what are they doing over there oh my gosh your mobs are so bad Nao mine are literally killing your so easily wait wait what the heck where did all my mobs go there’s only one standing yo this is so not cool I think they all got set on fire Dino my three-headed dragons completely obliterated your stupid little tree s oh man but it doesn’t matter because I have a super cool and strong mode for the next battle oh you keep saying that Dino but you keep losing okay let’s go to the next round all right here we go I’m going to spawn in my fourth B whoa look at him it’s a super cool eyes Rhino oh I’m going to spawn in so many because I got to make sure that I win this round wait a second he’s spawning ice rhinos oh my gosh I guess we’re going to keep having to spawn some awesome fire monsters because he’s spawning a lot of ice monsters okay I’m going to try and find a new super awesome Fire Monster let’s try and find one oh I wanted to try this one but that doesn’t look very fun we got to get another one do I even have an awesome Fire Monster yo what if we just get another ice monster okay and let them find the ice monsters too because I for a fact know a way bigger way more awesome ice monster it’s called the frost M that thing is so freaking cool I’m going to use it there we go okay I’m going to spawn like three of them no wait you know what I’m going to spell four of them one here one here one here and one here oh my gosh look at how cool mine look at his look like stupid little rhos this is going to be so awesome I’m going to add him to the tee let’s ask Dino if he’s ready hey Dino are you ready I am super duper ready flaky I’m definitely going to win this round no you’re definitely not okay I’m going to remove the wall in three two 1 let’s go yo what the heck are those you have a super giant ice monster wow mine are so cool yours look like stupid little animals what even is that they are wait they’re actually getting mine I think what the heck look at the boss Parts at the top you got this oh no they’re definitely losing they are losing so hard Dino I can’t believe it yo this is not funny anymore why do I keep losing all these rounds wow this is wait did I already win oh my gosh I literally won all four rounds Dino you have one more round to prove yourself no I’m gonna win this round look you see Doo killed all of your mobs Doo is the real winner I can’t believe this you’re such a sore loser Dino you literally killed them with the mob killer okay you know what I and my viewers still know that we won righty blue is the winner but hey we have one more round and I have a super awesome mob Dino I think you’re going to lose that one as well no because mine is even cooler put that wall back Floy because I want to spawn it in all right let’s go wait what the heck is he spawning it looks like giant robots Okay I have saved up something super secret for the final round because this mob is so op it is literally unkillable and I’m not going to spawn one I’m not going to spawn two I’m going to spawn like three maybe four of them so it’s even more unkillable this is going to be super amazing hey get out of here wait what are they doing okay I got to hurry up and spawn mine all right here we go I’m going to spawn one two three four five Adam to the team are you ready what y I’m going to spawn a few eggs for that here we go oh my gosh what is going on it’s a total chaos waa what the heck is going on oh my gosh the entire Battlefield is turning red my thingies are so op whoa look at that your movs are picking mine up how the heck are they doing that I have no idea Dino minees are so op look wow yours are stuck in the air yeah they’re stuck in the go webs that they put down their themselves this is so stupid oh my gosh this is so amazing I’m going to win every single round what there is no way this is so super duper unfair how can you win every round well I don’t know Dino I think you just have to get good wait are they even dying they just seem to be fighting with with each other the entire time they’re not even dying I have no idea what’s going on wait what the heck there’s so many mini mobs here wait what is that why is there so many tiny little monsters that’s so weird oh man this is such a cool battle but my mobes aren’t really doing anything look they’re slowly dying oh wait one just got killed I think they’re actually about to die I’m going to win n come on Bush you got this another one die di oh no we’re so close come on yes there’s like two more or three more oh my gosh this is the most awesome battle I have ever seen yo no way what the heck is going on come on oh no I think I’m actually going to lose this round again oh my God this is so insane this is the biggest battle I have ever seen in my life look at this one is’s staying alive for so long yeah they’re still fighting how is that it wa there’s only one more left oh no they’re all going to focus on him oh my gosh it’s so close Dino it’s so close you’re about to lose say bye-bye no this is so not funny oh my gosh there he goes wow I can’t believe it I actually lost all five rounds yo this is so insane yo we got to see what they spawn they spawned some kind of super weird monster hand over here wow and this one looks like some kind of creepy I don’t know what we what should we call this one it looks like a brain on the floor it looks like a loser just like you what you literally lost every single round right guys did he lose every single round he did wait what is this giant purple monster right here oh my gosh she looks insane yo what the heck is this oh my God you know I’m going to try and fight him I’m going to put my I’m going to throw him all bye-bye loser why you thrw him up oh my gosh this has been the most insane battle I have ever seen I can’t believe that Dino had no idea that we cheated and should I cheat again in the next video let me know hey everybody today we’re going to have a Minecraft mob battle to see which mob is the strongest what my friend Raz doesn’t know is that our wall is completely made out of SE through glass and guess what his wall isn’t his wall is completely blacked out so what we’re going to do is every single time that R spawn something to have a mob battle with we’re going to spawn something even stronger and even cooler it’s going to be super funny so now we’re going to go over to him on that platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle but he has no idea that IFC true class it’s going to be super cool make sure to comment your favorite way of cheating in a m battle so I can do it in the next video let’s go okay we’re about to start he has no idea that I’m going to cheat all right watch this hey re oh hey flaky what’s up the today we’re going to do a mob battle are you ready what a mob battle oh heck yes I’m ready oh you’re going down my friends you’re going down wow Raz actually thinks you’re going to win that’s super crazy yeah of course I’m going to win cuz I’m the best who do you guys think is going to win make sure to comment it down below so we can see who’s right # team blue or # team purple team purple team purple that they’re all going to say team purple you just wait all right R so how it works as you go into your inventory you pick five random spawn EGS but you can only look at their name okay you cannot actually spawn them and then after 5 minutes you pick your five spawn eggs and then we’re going to have a mob battle but you can only look at the name okay do not cheat Raz only of course I’m not I don’t even need to cheat what are you talking about you’re going down all right let’s do this all right let’s go over to our own sides Big Five spawn eggs show them to your viewers and when we’re done we’re going to begin the battle let’s go all right let’s do this oh my gosh Raz actually thinks we’re going to do a real mob battle so should we just wait for him to show us what kind of monster he’s going to use or should we actually go into our little cheat menu and look at all the mobs that we have in the entire server should we do that together if you want us to do that drop a like right now in three two one boom Oh my gosh a lot of you people liked look we can see every single creature in the entire server wow these ones look super cool wait let’s check these ones out wow look at this one what the heck is this okay let’s change back real quick so as you can see we can see every single mob so this is how we’re going to cheat okay every single time that R spawns something super cool we’re going to check this list and spawn something even cooler I’m going to pick one right now what if I get M what is going to be super strong I have a feeling one of these is going to be super super strong okay you know what I think I’m going to use this one tarantula bro Mother Let’s see what he actually looks like tarantula bro Mother Let’s see because it looks like it has some kind of shield around it and if it has a shield you cannot kill it let’s check it out oh my gosh it even has a Boss part this thing is super awesome okay we’re definitely going to use that for the first one he has no idea that we’re going to cheat wait I think he’s done is he done okay you know what let’s get rid of this one real quick and then we’re going to see if he’s done okay let’s spawn spawn spawn oh Floy you’re in some bad business my friend oh my gosh I think his first round is actually all blazes blazes are not even that strong okay I’m definitely going to use that super cool tarantula brm because wait actually actually no it’s like a spider I don’t think spiders are very good against fire you know what I need something that’s made out of ice so it can blast out the fire I’m going to grab a couple of frost malls okay oh my gosh this is going to be so awesome let’s get a frost ball right here there we go okay I’m going to spawn a bunch of frost Ms all around the area oh my gosh look at how op this is I’m going to save the tarantula broodmother for another round I’m definitely going to use that one because it’s super op but now he has a tiny little army of blazes and we have an entire giant army of super big frost boss okay I’m ready I’m really wondering who’s going to win all right Rez are you ready did you spawn yours oh I did and oh you’re going down you have no idea what behind this wall yeah or that’s what you think okay R I’m going to remove the wall in three two one let’s go let’s go wait what the heck what is that wait you have a bunch of blazes oh wait what no your blazes are actually super strong no way oh yes go Army go what is that though what am I looking at they’re super big frost BS wait I can’t believe it your blazes are actually super strong oh no yeah where did you find these things they’re huge hey don’t worry about it it’s just a family recipe it’s a family secret oh man I wish I thought of that they’re they’re so big and intimidating I wouldn’t want to crush those in Minecraft but what I can’t believe you’re actually winning hey but guess what I still have a couple more in my Arsenal oh yeah you just wait till I spawn the next things man hey don’t worry about it dude what oh my gosh your blazes are actually super strong this is insane there so much fire man how are we going to clean up this mess hey don’t worry about it re let me just win first this is going to be my round no no don’t win come on blazes go go oh my gosh they’re getting your blazes they’re pushing them off come on let’s go no your blazes can actually fly that’s so unfair well you said anything and Blazers are cool so yeah that’s true you’re right oh wait there’s not even that many blazes left they’re almost all gone no don’t say that no that’s not true come on Blazers come on oh my gosh this battle is actually insane look at this there’s like two Frost BS focusing on one Blazer and that place isn’t even dying what H how is this possible oh man I wish I thought of these things man wait am I winning oh I think I’m winning there’s not a lot of them left PR oh my gosh that’s not fair okay let’s see let’s see okay you know what I think I definitely won what do you guys think who won this round # the blue or # the purple let us know in the comments this is not fair Floy I demand a rematch let’s do it again well you know what we’ll have a rematch in round two so let’s get rid of everything there we go and now we’re going to reset the wall wait you got to go back to your own side R let’s go yeah yeah let’s go back to my outside yeah yeah The Winning Side this is The Winning Side are you sure about that there we go boom let’s spawn your round two let’s see what you got Rez all right let’s go oh yeah that is pretty cool yeah oh wait no it’s burning in the Sun fluky what do I do I want to change we’ll just make a night time real quick I’m pretty sure mine will burn as well so let’s make it night time go ahead spawn whatever you got to spawn I’m going to spawn mine oh my gosh he’s spawning a couple of skeletons that’s not even that scary okay I’m definitely going to use the tarantula BR M now let’s spawn like uh six of them is this six I don’t know I can’t count one two three how many spiders are here right now I’m really bad at counting you know I’m just going to spawn one or two more I’m pretty sure that six right okay let’s ask if Raz is ready oh my gosh a bunch of super awesome tarantula Brun Mothers Against a couple of stupid skeletons I’m definitely going to win wait he’s spawning so many okay I’m going to spawn like two or three more all right let’s go okay Rez are you ready for round two oh you bet you I’m going to win this time you’ll see oh are you sure about that let’s remove the wall in three two one let’s go let’s go fight fight my friends yes wait what are those those are huge wait why are the half of my things they’re not even doing anything come on fight W it looks like just one of your uh what is that tarantula yeah there’s only one fighting wait I don’t know this that why are they not fighting what the heck is going on yeah so I’ve got what 100 things versus your one tarantula thing so I’m going to win you’ll see wait what the heck is going on R all of mes are not even doing anything but wait so but but your your one thing is destroying my Army how is this possible wait that’s actually true you almost have no skeletons left oh my gosh I’m actually winning no but come on that’s not fair what what is this tarantula Bru oh man I wish I thought of that what are they doing they’re just walking inside of each other this is super weird okay you know what I think we have to ask our viewers again who do you guys think won this round this round has been super stupid it’s it’s not even fun I mean I guess you win because I’ve lost more units but but you know what that’s still round three they’re still round three flaky oh yeah you think you’re going to win round three Re yeah yeah yeah let’s get rid of all these stupid ones and get out of here okay re are you ready for round three yo you know what I think I won every single round so far I’m going to win all five of them heck no I’m going to win this time you know what I want to count those first two rounds as practice rounds so I’m going to win this time oh yeah sure r they were practice rounds uh-huh all right go ahead spawn in yours and then we’re going to find it out all right let’s do this yeah let’s see what he going to spawn now I’m really wondering what his third choice is going to be let’s see he’s not spawning anything so far come on he has to hurry up because we have to pick something that is going to be even cooler than his stupid little thing wait a second oh my gosh I don’t think we can win this one guys I really don’t think we can win this thing he’s literally spawn the most OP boss that has ever existed in Minecraft okay I think we actually have to give this one up and give him round three this is impossible oh no oh no he keeps spawning it dude okay I don’t know what to do now guys it’s literally the most OP thing ever okay let’s check the list and see if we can see anything that might even have a slight chance at beating him um what if we spawn this assimilated Ender Dragon you know what I’m going to do that I don’t know what it does but I’m pretty sure we cannot win this let’s see what if I spawn one here I really hope it’s not going to fly away okay it’s still here this is good this is good I’m going to spawn another one no no it’s going to fly no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay let’s add him to the team wait I’m going to ask okay reaz are you ready you beter hey wait a minute I see something flying above the wall it doesn’t matter 3 2 1 let’s go are they going to fight this of course it matters but it doesn’t work they I’m fighting each other oh there yes no no what what is going on what is that who’s winning wait I’m I’m being sucked into it what’s happening it’s so bright Floy WAOW what is going on is is that your dragon thing doing that or my thing I don’t know what the heck is your thing w Wait did oh wait you still got dragons in the air oh my God this is a super awesome fight look at that they’re actually fighting each other it’s like two bosses wait I think one of your dragons disappeared yeah I think he got two of my dragons are already there’s only one left oh no wait there’s the other one are you saying I’m going to win this round is that what you’re saying you might actually win this one R you have a super op boss I can’t believe it yes go guardian of the Abyss go go go make me proud oh no wait mine are just flying away I think they’re way too scared they’re not even doing anything anymore your dragons are scared Floy I told you I was going to win this round okay you know what Raz I got to give it to you I think you actually won this one I got to give it time to do the victory dance yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay let’s get rid of all of these stupid ones and let’s get out of here all right Rez are you ready for round four oh you bet I’m ready man I’ve already won one round so what is 21 to you yes it is it’s 2 one to me and don’t forget I’m still going to win re so don’t worry about it what no I’m going to win no me me me me me oh yeah okay let’s go spaw in your things I’m going to spawn mine and we’re going to see who’s going to win round four oh my gosh guys I literally cannot believe that I lost the previous Round And even though I’m cheating yo you got to let me know have you guys ever lost while cheating it’s like the biggest L you can take I can’t believe this okay let’s see what he’s going to spawn wait what is that it’s like a purple man it’s like a purple Steve that’s not scary at all okay that was going to be absolutely hilarious what if we get the biggest baddest boss ever and we set it up against that stupid little purple thingy cuz Raz has absolutely no clue that we can see everything thing is spawning oh I’m going to spawn the biggest coolest mob ever let’s just look through the list see if we can find anything that’s like super cool um oh my gosh I think I have the perfect one I’m ready you’re not scared are you one second R I’m still not done getting mine spawned hold on okay I have the perfect thing to spawn guys I’m going to spawn the opal demon let me tell you this thing is absolutely terrifying okay I’m going to spawn two of them right right here look at how gigantic they are oh my gosh okay I’m going to ask Raz if he’s ready okay Raz are you ready oh yes oh yes I’m ready okay give me one second I’m going to remove the wall in three two one let’s go yeah let’s go wait what the heck what are those things they’re huge oh my gosh what did you even spawn rest they’re super tiny oh they they’re called uh Golem things I I thought there would be too powerful so I only spawned a few but yeah oh my gosh look mine is just jumping in the air he’s literally getting all of yours ones yours aren’t even doing anything how are you finding all these cool things wait yours might fall off the edge look at this yes goodbye you’ve lost one wait what he actually fell down the edge I can’t believe this oh wait this one’s going to fall too yeah wait what no wait oh there we go he’s on let’s go come on go there’s only one left here get him get him oh my gosh did you see that he just blast no yes wait do I win or what are these things over here what I can’t believe this what the heck is going on why did they fall off that is so unfair you know what I think I can spawn another one and see what’s going to happen do you agree no no that’s not fair you saw me once so now we’re even we’re 22 now okay fine it’s 2 two what the heck I can’t believe this just happened this is so stupid one more to win team purple what I can’t believe I lost again what the heck okay I am so bad at this guys I really need your help you guys have to comment something cool on how I can cheat in the next video right so can I cheat with cooler mobs if you know any awesome mobs you got to let me know right but now it’s time for the final round and we really have to end it with a bang okay we really really really have to win this okay let’s see what he’s going to spawn okay re are you ready oh you bet you it’s 2 two this is the last one okay there we go so what we’re going to do okay you got to spawn in your final map make sure it counts let’s go let’s do this I’m really wondering what he’s going to spawn guys I got to pick something super cool we really have to win what the heck he’s spawning a giant dragon oh no Floy I hope you got something big and scary back there you know what don’t worry about it Rez okay one second I’m going to to get something super cool okay I got to find it I forgot it name what the heck is it called oh there we go okay I’m going to spawn a in right now there we go oh my gosh this is going to be sick okay let’s go removing the wall in three 2 1 boom let’s go rest let’s go wait what is that are those walls go go Dr go I only spawns one cuz I thought he was like super powerful so uh yeah oh my gosh I think I’m actually winning R look at that might are just shooting at yours oh I should have spawned more no wait he’s damaging one of them yeah get him boy get him he’s already down to like a like three4 of his health oh my gosh minine are so op oh no ignore that no he he’s just warming up yeah what are they even shooting out they’re shooting out some kind of hands that are like fighting for him that is so awesome yeah but what are these things that are they walls or are they Shields what are they I didn’t know they’re chag around the dread Beast aka the world Destroyer oh my gosh this is super awesome that was a big explosion did you see that y that was so cool yo yours is like on half health I can’t believe it this is such an awesome fight I should have spawned more than one but you know I’m I Still believeing You Dragon come on you can do this oh my gosh it’s getting so close right now let’s go oh I’m I’m going to stay stay away from this this looks messy wait what are these things I don’t know I know right look they’re spawning some kind of super creepy hands but the hands can’t even fly so they’re not doing anything oh okay look out look out Dragon incoming oh my gosh let’s go oh man a come on come on Dragon like this it’s 22 I got to win one more to win this is the final round you’re not going to win buddy Your Dragon is already on half health I am if I believe real hard oh my gosh he’s just flying away he’s not even fighting anymore oh I think he’s fighting the tiny thingies no he’s just catching his breath to do the ultimate attack move you’ll see come on he’s just he’s fighting the little things oh he’s wasting his time he’s already on half health I can’t believe it oh Dron come on fight the big things oh my gosh this is so cool W he’s so close look he’s almost dead are you seeing all the explosions come on Dragon hang in there oh my gosh this is the most awesomest fight I’ve ever seen forign World destroyers no stay strong we’re so close we’re so close come on we’re going to win the final round that means we’re going to wi oh come on Dragon you got this just hang in there yeah we got it no dragon no there we go oh my gosh look what’s going to happen R like a super bck explo oh there he is he’s completely got I want the final round deam blue is the winner no no no no I don’t want to lose not fair hey you know what Raz I have good news for you okay so right now we’re going to put all of our op bosses against 1,000 skeletons to see who’s going to be stronger the bosses sord of skeletons so you’re going to have a chance at winning after all oh wait so do I get the skeletons or the big monsters no no no we’re going to be together and the the skeletons will be our enemies oh I see okay yeah that sounds fun yeah yeah let’s do that okay r i spawned like a thousand skeletons over here so right now we’re going to remove the wall and let them fight against the bosses are you ready oh I’m ready let’s go let’s do this let’s go boom they’re going to fight let’s SP a bush him oh man that has a lot of skeletons Floy I know it’s a lot of skeletons let’s see who’s going to win oh my gosh that was crazy wao there’s like all kinds of explosions going around yeah they’re just flying around like bowling Skittles bowling pins what the heck I think half of the skeletons are already gone there’s so many explosives man I don’t think I can handle this many oh look at this every single skeleton get gets every single skeleton gets killed into this kind of red monster thingy that is super cool oh that’s cool that I’m going to get a closer look at this oh my gosh they they look so gross what happened to their legs ew Floy this is Carnage you’ve made Carnage on the server look I know I think the Thousand skeletons have officially lost hey Dino hey there flaky today we’re going to do a mob battle to see which mob is the strongest and guess what what I’m going to win what there is no way you’re going to win everyone watching this video right now know knows that team orange is the best mob battle team ever wow who do you guys think is going to win # team blue # team orange all right dinos so how this works is we’re going to pick five random spawn eggs and our own side and after those five minutes when you pick the five spawn eggs we’re going to let them fight at each other and by the end of the video we’re going to pick the strongest creatures and let them fight against a thousand skeletons oh my God it’s going to be so super duper awesome and I’m definitely going to beat you Floy no you’re not okay Dino are you ready let’s go over to our own SES pick your five spawn eggs and don’t forget you can only pick them by their name okay you cannot look at what the mobs look like only after you’ve chosen them all right got it let’s get right into it let’s go okay so as you guys have heard we have to pick five awesome sounding spawn eggs because we really have to win this mob battle okay because Dino has been winning a lot lately and I do not like it one bit so we got to go over into our inventory typee in spawn and pick five of the coolest sounding spawn eggs ever coralium infested squid you know what I almost picked it but it’s a squid I don’t think it’s going to be that awesome so we got to get something else demon sheep demon chicken oh my gosh you know what I’m going to get a demon sheep why not that sounds super awesome okay let’s go to the next one H wait these all have no name that is weird yeah I’m just going to go to the next ones Commando Elite Super Mutant oh that sounds super awesome that’s going to be my second spawn okay let’s see what our third one is going to be dread Beast dread ghoul mirx Queen dread KN horse now that sounds super creepy oh my gosh imagine having a dread night or I really want to spawn to see what it looks like but we have to pick five spawn X first and then we can look at them okay let’s go to our next one wa look at this I just found a skeleton Goliath what is that oh that sounds super cool is it like a mutant skeleton but better okay now we have to pick our final spawn egg our really hope my spawn eggs are sounding super cool what do you guys think do my spawn eggs sound cool or not okay let’s go to the next one let’s type in spawn I’m searching I’m searching oh what are all of these oh my gosh these all look super cool as well oh my gosh a dark opal demon that sounds super awesome I’m definitely going to pick that one next so I have all of my five spawn X do you guys think I’m going to win do you guys think I picked right okay you know what we’re about to find out so let’s spawn a demon first and see what we got over here oh no it’s literally just a red sheep you know what I really hope it’s going to be strong I have a bad feeling about this one you know what at least this is going to be my round one so if you lose round one it’s not that big of a deal because round one is not that special all right get the heck out of here see you later hey get out of here okay it’s time to spawn the next one so the next one is called Elite Super Mutant oh my gosh that sounds so cool I’m really wondering what it’s going to look like let’s check it out wao it has a gun in it everything this thing looks absolutely oh he’s looking at me uh I’m sorry sir yep uh stop looking at me thank you yo this thing looks absolutely amazing look at him wow okay I think that’s either going to be my round three or my round four okay so demon sheep definitely going to be round one uh I’m going to save this one for three or four I got to see what the next ones are okay sir get the heck out of here see you later okay let’s Spa The Dread n horse and see what it looks like oh wow that looks super cool why why is is IE like that okay so this can either go two ways okay the first way is that this skeleton is like a super op awesome horse skeleton but the uh what was that sound what the heck was that sound I think that Dino spawned something super creepy okay so as I said the first way that this is going to go well is uh this is some kind of super op awesome skeleton look at his eye he can like see the whole world but what if it’s actually just a skeleton horse then we are in a big trouble so you know what I’m going to hit you out out of here and I’m going to put him second and then I think I’m going to definitely put the elite Super Mutant third and now let’s go to the fourth one the skeleton goath oh my gosh what do you guys think this is going to look like I think it’s going to be some kind of skeleton mutant but even better okay let’s spawned in right now whoa no way what the heck look at how this looks this thing is absolutely insane oh my gosh this looks way cooler than a mutant skeleton what the heck this thing is absolutely amazing okay oh he’s looking at me I’m sorry I’m sorry oh look at how big he is too I can’t even touch his weapon look at this his weapon is so gigantic oh my gosh okay this is definitely going to be my round four that is super cool okay there we go I think this is going to be my round five just because it sounds super awesome it’s literally called a dark opal demon you know what I want to save it as a big surprise I’m not even going to show it right now cuz I want to see what it looks like by the end of the video so first we’re going to have four awesome rounds of battling and then at the fifth round I’m going to spawn the dark opal demon and see what it looks like there we go let’s see if Dino is ready all right Dino did you pick your five spawn eggs I picked my five spawn EGS and they’re so super duper awesome and cool and the best part is they’re super strong as well so we are definitely going to be team blue I’m really wondering it’s going to win who do you guys think is going to win round one # team blue # team orange let us know all right Dino are you ready I am super duper ready let’s get right into it I am going to SP on like at least 20 of my mobs they’re so cool and they’re probably really strong as well wait what the heck are they doing oh no this is bad flaky what’s going on uh I can’t tell you I just hope that you can remove the wall oh my God okay I’m going to remove the wall in three two one let’s go here we go wait what the heck you sp sheep you sp Med but they’re literally fighting each other oh Dino you messed up so bad what do you mean look I have one Medusa over here and he’s actually turning all of your sheepies to Stone hey why are they not fighting oh there we go oh no that was so close yet so far luk this one Medusa is thring all of your stupid sheepies into stone I can’t believe it we’re actually winning this round wow look at this face he there is super angry every single time he throw someone into stone look at it w that’s so creepy hey flaky we got to sure that you don’t look to it into it because then you might turn into stone as well that’s true I don’t want to become stone oh it looked at me did I become stone can I still move I can still move okay you know what this was a super boring fight I don’t like this at all but I think you won Dino I got to give it to you you actually won a thank you so much and you know what flaky let’s just get right into the next round all right Dino it’s time for round two round one was super boring so I hope round two is going to be better let’s spawn all of the mobs in all right there we go going to spawn in my M and oh he looks so creepy you know what I’m not going to spawn in a lot of them because then it might actually be a little bit too easy for me okay are you ready I’m going to reset the wall in three two one boom let’s go here we go yo look at that your moves are being pulled right into my spider webs what did you even spawn what the heck is that it’s like a giant spider oh my gosh mine are not even doing anything they’re literally just eating grass what the heck your moves are so stupid they’re not even attacking my adapted AR what how is it called it’s called an adapted ar oh my gosh does anyone of you know how to spell that correctly cuz I’m pretty sure that Dino is being super silly right now I can’t believe this fight I’m losing again this is so unfair they’re not even doing anything oh but this is so easy for team ore you’re winning this round again e wait Floy the animals are pooping ew what the heck are they doing stop pooping on the battlefield that is gross ew what the heck is that oh my God I can’t believe it I think they actually ate a little bit too much steak oh that’s gross okay you know what don’t worry about it I’m going to beat you in round three because you don’t want to hear the name of my next mob it’s super cool oh my gosh I’m going to win super hard mine looks so cool oh my m probably looks a lot cooler I’m spawning the B right now let’s go there we go are you ready to remove the wall yeah remove that wall flaky let’s go let’s go wa where did you spawn wait a second what the heck this is so loud W look at this this is so cool I’m actually going to win wait a second do you have some kind of mob with guns what the heck is like a flamethrower and everything yes a flamethrower wait this one is right I think oh never mind not anymore wa I’m winning look at this Dino every single one of yours is actually gone wait a second I can’t believe it you actually won this round but this is so unfair you were cheating with super op weapons how am I cheating this is just the mob that I picked look at that oh oh this one’s looking at me I’m sorry sir I’m not looking at you anymore I’m sorry a he’s running at me HHH Floy you got to keep your focus on the battle we still have two more rounds to go before we can finally put all of our mobs up against a thousand skeletons that’s true Dino let’s go for round four okay Dino it’s time for round four the score is now wait what is the score actually can anybody tell us cuz we forgot to count I’m pretty sure that I’m winning right what there is no way I’m pretty sure that I’m winning Floy know stop spreading lives and start spawning your mobs okay I’m spawning mine in oh my gosh they look super cool they’re so amazing Floy mine has like multiple heads and so many tee you’re going to get super scared and probably wet your bed tonight yo mine has super red eyes Okay I’m going to remove the wall in three two one let’s go yo what the heck you have some kind of weird skeleton what the heck did you spawn it’s shooting out green balls oh that’s gross it’s pooping all over the battlefield Dino why would you ever spawn this that’s disgusting I don’t know I guess my mob is really like like the poop but wait a second who is winning I don’t know I can’t even tell everything is so dark because of the poop I think I’m winning there’s a lot of skeletons left let’s go that’s right I can see it wait a second there is no way come on Little Poopy mobs you got this oh there we go we won what no way I can’t believe it your skeletons actually won against my poopy mom look this one’s doing a victory dance he turning around I’m going to join him woo all right floky I think the next round is going to be the deciding round who is the winner of this mob battle so guys who is going to win this m battle let us know in the comment section inde DED It’s the final round you got to let us know right now and whoever is right get a cookie okay Daniel are you ready for the last round it’s going to be the boss round I haven’t even shown my viewers what my last one is and I don’t even know what it looks like so I’m really hoping I’m going to win oh my viewers have already seen it and we all know that we’re going to win this round so let me know once You’ spawned in your mob so I can spawn in mine oh my gosh what the heck is this okay these on are super awesome Dino I think I’m definitely going to win nah there’s no way I’m going to spawn in my mob and they come in all different kinds of sizes here we go I have added the bit to the team Floy remove that wall let’s go whoa what the heck is that you have dragons yeah but wait a second why are your mobes flying as well this is so unfair wa yours are literally spewing fire this is so cool no wait a second they already get two of mine no way W look at them they’re falling off the map come on dragons come on come on opal demon get him get him get him no oh he’s doing explosions no but look your M fell of the edge look all of my dragons are doing a victory dance I can’t believe it Dino you actually won the final round wait but that means we’re even right is that possible I think we have to do a final battle with all of our mobs against all of your mobs that’s going to be so exciting all right din we’re going to spawn all of our bosses and mobs and we’re going to let him fight against all of our bosses and mobs are you guys ready oh man I am definitely ready I’m going to spawn in all of my mobs right now here we go me too oh this going to be so awesome oh my gosh okay how many are you spawning though cuz we got to spawn the same amount wait my mobes are killing each other yo wait a second this is not going to plan you got to add him to the team real quick all right I have added them into the team oh wait they’re climbing the wall oh flaky watch out okay okay okay I got to I there’s no space okay there we go let’s remove the wall in three two 1 boom wo oh my gosh this is insane there’s so much stuff going on ew all of yours are pooping again yo look at that my Spidey boys are running so quickly yo my dark op drew a big bomb it’s about to explode let’s go wa did you see that FY that was so awesome that was so insane but I think I’m actually winning wa what the heck but am I winning I think I’m winning come on guys wa look at that your dark opal demon keeps jumping in the air that one is so awesome wait a second I think I whoa what are you shooting at bro oh he’s looking at me he’s looking at me I’m sorry ah he’s doing something he’s looking at me he’s doing something ah wait what is he doing I think he’s praising me yeah we won woo wait but FY my dragon is right there on the crow that he is dead this is so sad oh no wait they’re still fighting each other what the heck is going on I’m so confused oh no look at this Dragon hey I want to get all the bones those are my bones what the heck just happened was a super big explosion all right you know what flaky I think it is time to put them all up against a thousand skeletons I really think that the th000 skeletons have no chance what if we did a million skeletons Dino oh that sounds like an even better idea let’s get right into it let’s do it there we go Dino we spawned like a million skeletons there’s literally so many in here okay it’s time to spawn all of our bosses over here I’m only going to spawn the coolest bosses all right here we go I’m going to spawn in my coolest boss as well don’t forget to add them into the team flaky before they start killing each other okay there we go I’m going to get one dark opal demon that’s it okay are you ready to remove the wall yeah I’m spawning in a few dragons because I want to oh look at that I have a super giant dragon let’s go there we go and there we go look at that yo wait a second Floy my Minecraft is lagging because of this fight Min is dude this is absolutely insane this battle is so gigantic it’s lagging so bad yo wait a second who is wining I can’t even see what the heck is going on me neither yo I’m going to follow the dark opal demon I have a feeling he’s going to do some awesome things yo he’s jumping in the air yo flaky this is actually way too much what the heck is going on I know right but I think we’re winning I think we’re actually winning oh wa look at the dragon is setting all of those skeletons on fire over there oh look at that that super big dragon is super strong yo why is the dark opal d not shooting any bomb oh there he goes he’s shooting the bombs I think a lot of skeletons are going to die now oh here we go let’s check it out there we go the bombs are almost exploding let’s go wait a second what is happening huh I don’t know oh there we go boom who look at that all of these skeletons are on fire over here oh what the heck they just all got annihilated no way W oh it’s starting to lag a little bit less I think all of the skeletons are actually dying and we’re winning the skeletons are losing yeah look look at that some of the skeletons are even running away that’s probably because my poopy mob poopies are super stinky that’s true wait where’s the dark opal demon don’t tell me he got pushed oh my gosh he got pushed off wait you’re Dragon too what no there’s multiple dragons down there but flaky they have wings why don’t they just fly back up here are they really that stupid I don’t know my dark opal demon has wings too dude two of your no way three of your dragons are dead right here look oh no this is so sad I cannot believe it those skeletons are actually really strong when they’re like a lot of them wait a second this gues are winning what the heck what wait no way this can’t be possible hold up why is he not fight oh my God they’re actually winning there’s so many skeletons left there’s almost none left of us what the heck what there is no way I have never seen the skeletons winning the MoP battle that’s because we spawned a million yo what do you guys think did the skeletons win the time have you ever seen the skeletons win let us know hey Dino hey there flaky today we’re going to have an awesome M battle we’re going to fight each other with five randomly generated spawn eggs wait but how the heck did you get that idea Floki well I went to the comment wall and I checked out what our awesome viewers are saying so we check out the comment oh let’s go over there oh man I’m so excited I’m really curious to see who commented it was school kid on the blog that’s a funny name how is that a funny name he’s literally a little cool kid but look he said do one where you get random mobs wait team orange hey we have to delete that real quick hey come on now you we all know that team orange is going to wins who do you guys think is going to win team blue or team orange make sure to comment it down below and also if you have any awesome ideas for the next videos make sure to comment it and you might end up on the comment wall all right Dino are you ready to lose I am super excited to win because steeve orange is also known as steeve winners um no that’s not true I know all right so how this works we’re going to have five randomly generated spawn EGS inside of this chest and how we’re going to randomly generate that you might ask well we have to do this a couple of times look I already randomly generated mine woo oh I can’t believe this actually works I’m so excited to see what’s inside of my chest okay you know what I’m going to do it one more time there we go oh so can we check can we check I’m so excited let’s open it up and see what kind of mobs we got whoa yo Floy not going to lie these mobs sound super cool I’m sure I’m going to win this round all of these spawn eggs look super cool as well they’re like not regular spawn eggs wait I have those as well oh my this is going to be so exciting okay so what we have to do now is we both go to our own sides and we show our awesome viewers what kind of mobs we got randomly and then after 5 minutes we’re going to start fighting oh I’m so excited this is going to be so cool I’m definitely going to win all right so it’s time to show you guys what kind of mobs I picked up uh randomly by the way oh I’m super excited for this one let’s go to the first one I’m going to pick this one a warden now what the heck’s a warden let’s spawn it right here and check it out whoa whoa what the heck what are you shooting at bro oh my gosh this thing looks like a giant parasite zombie robot thingy yo he looks so cool but he’s already destroy why is he shooting me I’m in Creative stop shooting me you silly goose okay you know what this one is super awesome I I think I’m going to use this one in the first round what do you guys think what kind of round would you guys use this one all right let’s check out the next mob that one looked absolutely amazing so the next mob is going to be let’s do this one what is this oh my gosh this thing looks super amazing amazing I actually know what this is oh my God it can fly it can literally fly this thing can actually turn super big I think by the end of the video when I’m going to use him in the M battle he’s going to turn into a super big version of itself and I’m probably going to win so hard okay you know what I’m going to save that one last cuz I have a feeling that one is so cool he’s going to win every single fight I’m going to save him for last all right let’s check out the next one the assimilated bear that’s a pretty weird sounding name I’m really wondering what it’s going to look like oh my gosh ew what the heck is that this thing looks absolutely gross look at the face look at his head oh that is super disgusting oh ew look look at him look at him oh my gosh he is so wait it’s actually a bearhead I didn’t even see that oh that is so creepy what do you guys think if you played Minecraft and you just randomly see this thing just just show up next to you I would poop my pants I would need a fresh pair of pants I’m not even lying right now I’m not afraid to admit that this is absolutely terrifying okay get the heck out of here see you later buddy okay it’s time for the fourth one M wait did we spawn a warden or a monarch I kind of forgot I think we spawned a warden right the first one okay I’m going to spawn the Monarch next boom whoa what the heck what the heck is this it’s some kind of super gross parasite spider oh that just looks absolutely disgusting look at how stupid this looks ah ew wow wait did he just set himself on fire he set himself on fire okay I really hope he’s not going to do that in the M battle otherwise we might lose super hard okay and I do not want to lose because team blue is the best team ever like if you agree I’m going to give you three seconds to like three two one boom wow so many of you actually lik the video I told you guys team blue is the best team ever okay you get the heck out of here oh I can’t oh no oh no oh there we go see you later buddy okay I guess gu there’s one final little spawn egg left right the troll I’m really wondering what the troll is going to be but I have a feeling that the troll has to be spawned at night so I’m just quickly going to turn it night by typing time set night boom there we go and I’m going to spawn him in and see what he looks like oh my gosh these ones look super amazing I have a feeling they’re just going to swing there whatever that is I don’t even know what that is what does that look like it’s like some kind of pipe they’re going to swing their pipe all around the area they’re going to decimate every single one okay guys get the heck out of here all right I know what order I’m going to use I’m definitely going to do that super awesome creature last the Spectre and then I’m going to do the super creepy assimilated bear first I’m going to do the troll second and the Monarch third yeah that is what I’m going to that oh my God this is going to be so cool I’m definitely going to win oh we have to make a team name real quick okay let’s go over here right let’s grab a little team tag right here okay uh we got to rename it okay what should we name our team we can name it something super awesome like # team winners yo oh my God you know what I’m actually going to do it I’m actually going to call it team winners let’s do it team winners oh there we go this is so cool okay get that out of here all right let’s go up there oh I think Dino’s ready already okay Dino did you show all of yours to your viewers yeah and they are super awesome looking and I am sure team orange is going to win no no no Dino no my last one is so cool I think you’re actually going to poop your pants because it’s super creepy what there is no way mine probably has a lot more heads than yours has wait a second a lot more heads what do you mean uh uh I didn’t say anything I guess we should just really get into the battle but first I think everyone should go to the comment section and let us know who is going to win this b battle is it team orange or is it team losers okay let’s check out the first round and don’t forget by at the end of the video we’re going to pick our strongest mobs and set them up against a thousand skeletons to see who is stronger all right Dino let’s go over to our own sides and spawn your first round oh man this one is going to be so awesome I’m even going to spawn a few more of him just to make sure that we definitely beat you this time what okay I’m going to spawn 10 as well but don’t worry okay these ones are super scary so Dino I got to ask do you have a fresh bar of pants what a fresh bar of pants I think think yours might need one because mine are actually going to poop all over your team no no no no these ones are super scary okay let’s add him to the team are you ready I am ready flaky I hope you got your glasses on because else you might not even see them okay let’s remove the wall three two one boom wa wait a second what the heck are those wait what’s going on with someone’s dying but I can’t see who get that’s the point my mobs were supposed to be invisible but they’re dead already you definitely spawned way too many of them this is unfair wait a second I won already you’re so bad wait that’s not funny it’s super unfair I want a rematch let’s get rid of all your mes because I want a fair fight what no this is not fair okay you know what you can SP wait wait wait leave these two leave these two no this is stupid we’re going to do a One V one because I’m sure my mob is a lot stronger look at it him okay okay okay let’s check it out what I told you I told you get the heck out of here get the out of here I still won okay you know what let’s ask the viewers who do you guys think won this round team blue AKA team winners or team orange you got to let us know because we don’t know oh man now let’s get right into the next round FY because my second m is even cooler okay I’m resetting the wall in three two one boom let spawn our around two all right but how many can we spawn this time because mine might be a little bit bigger than your mobs okay oh really well if it’s super big just spawn like three I’m going to spawn six of them okay I’m spawning six as well because it’s not that big it’s like semi big if you understand what I mean uh I have added all my mobs into the team okay let’s go let’s add them all to the team and remove the wall in three two one boom wao what what the heck yo look at them what the heck is that what do you have that’s some kind of mushroom thingy it’s called a crushroom it’s a super cool and op mushroom balls and look at him the moment he attacks he actually slams The Ground oh my gosh that is so cool wait mine slam the ground as well they look so awesome wait he pushed yours off wa that’s so stupid come on Crush we got to win this rounde come on go Crush RS oh he fell off the map as well this is so stupid come on Crush rooms do something get over there wait a second they got one of mine wait why are they not going towards each other oh no they’re so stupid man the noback stick doesn’t even work why are they not working this is so stupid I don’t like these mobs they’re kind of dumb I think they’re way too heavy Dino oh how are we ever going to let them fight each other I don’t understand look there’s one fighting this is a One V one here we go boom gold Crush room this is for the real win let’s go troll do it oh man come on you go whoa he just made a super big hole in the grass oh no he fell in the hole oh my God he literally dug himself a hole Dino that’s not good but they’re in the same hole together this is so exciting who is going to win this one oh my gosh this is insane it keeps getting deeper and deeper the hold they might go all the way through the floor and fall out wa wait a second look at that I actually won what no this makes no sense yo this actually means that deep orange won this round because you said this was the decider okay that’s true I did say that okay you know what team orange won this one but we still have to figure out if our viewers agree with it do you guys think that team orange won this round or did team blue one you got to let us know all right let’s reset the wall and fix the entire Battlefield because it looks like a mess okay Dino are you ready for round three let’s spawn oh minees are big I’m going to spawn like four of them wait but mine is so small that means I can spawn a few more right yeah go ahead just spawn like 10 of them or something I’m going to wait for you and then remove the Wall come on remove the wall flaky I’m so excited wait they’re climbing the wall what the heck no wait m Are Climbing the wall as well we both have spiders waa what the heck you have some kind of wait I already won I already w Wait a second no wait no wait but there’s still fire on the crowd maybe your super creepy spider mopes will actually burn to death no I guess not you know what I’m going to give you another chance Dino just spawn a lot of gem just keep spawning them you got to spawn them in your own half and add them to your team but they have to get go away first hey can you leave please stupid spiders I want you gold out of my area waa that’s super mean okay you know what let’s go ahead I’m going to spawn one of them and you spawn like a thousand we’re going to see who’s going to win here we go spawning so many of them come on you got this Spidy boys well look at him he actually jumps and he gets them out of the way wait a second they’re not even attacking why are my stupid spiders not attacking I have no idea I think they’re super confused come Spidy boys you okay you know what this SPID these spiders of mine are so stupid they’re not even doing anything oh my gosh I definitely won this round this round is for team winners AKA team blue don’t you guys agree yeah but next round I am definitely going to win because I have a super cool op boss waiting to destroy team blue wait you have a boss already in the next round but it’s not even round five yet well maybe I just have really good luck okay let’s get all of these mobs out of here reset the battlefield and we’re going to round four all right let’s reset the the wall three 2 1 boom and let’s go for round four oh my gosh mine is going to be super cool this is going to be so exciting because my mopes are like super Giants oh look at them they’re so scary looking oh wait how big are they okay you know what we’re going to find out let’s add him to the team and remove the wall three two one boom whoa whoa look at this what the heck is going on there’s so much happening right now oh my gosh I don’t know it’s like some kind of super big snowball fight wait I’m winning again no it’s impossible wait what the heck no way see you later buddy yo but what the heck are your mobes they’re like super creepy looking I don’t know it’s like a weird looking parasite robot or something oh look at his mouth that is disgusting I don’t like these BS I’m going to get rid of them it’s like they’re repl play baseball with your mobs that was super funny whoa what the heck they just exploded yo this is super ewi I don’t like this Floy I’m going to get rid of it oh my gosh hey you know what team blue won again so I think we’re definitely winning wait who’s even keeping score who’s winning now who’s ahead we actually forgot could you guys please tell us I think I’m ahead like 15 Z no I am ahead team orange always wins no that’s not true okay let’s reset the battlefield and go back for round five the final round and don’t forget dino by the end we’re going to add them all to a big team and let them fight a th000 skeletons to see who’s stronger ah it’s going to be so awesome all right Dino are you ready for the final round it’s the boss battle round oh but I am super ready and I told you guys before mine has so many heads it’s going to be super easy to win from Team loser hey Dino look at me bye-bye what that’s not even funny that was super funny okay let’s spawn them in oh my gosh my thing is super cool look at him wow Dino you’re going to lose so bad okay okay let’s remove the wall this is going to be super easy come on flaky hurry up already two one boom let’s go waa yo what the heck is your mob wait a second no what he actually got pushed off the map oh I can’t believe it team orange actually won no wait a second you spawn three of them I can spawn three as well no but I only use two of them you see one didn’t even do anything okay okay you know what I’m going to spawn two right here and let’s see what’s going to happen then come on come on boys you got this oh look at them they’re actually attacking what no way they’re pushing him off again oh my gosh I can’t believe this why is this one not doing anything I don’t know I think this one might be a little bit stupid come on boy do something oh wait he’s actually moving now yeah come on boy do something oh they’re fighting they’re fighting they’re fighting they’re fighting let’s go there we go oh look at that your m is such a newbie he’s getting olded oh no I can’t believe this Dino hey but guess what I have a little secret Dino this wasn’t even the final boss because these were just the babies are you ready to see the mom what no way there’s even a mama all right I’m very curious but I’m going to spawn in a few extra because I’m actually getting really scared there is a super big mama version here we go let’s go wao wait a second they already explode I’m going to spawn in a few extra because that’s unfair come on boys Attack yo let’s go oh my God I’m winning I’m winning I’m winning yeah no no no no no no no no no that is so not fair oh man I can’t believe it I actually pushed him off again that was so funny all right Dino it’s finally time let’s spawn a th000 skeletons all around the area and I’m going to spawn all the bosses on this side and we’re going to see who’s stronger the bosses or the skeletons no Floy I definitely need your help I got to get down so many skeletons over here wait they’re already fighting each other over here okay these bosses do not like each other we got to be quick Dino here we go I’m going to spawn in a few of mine as well let’s see if they join the battle oh they’re fighting each other wait I added them all to the same team did it stop now I think it stopped I think it stopped R spawn a bunch more of them here we go I’m spawning a few mobes here we go you got to make sure to add them into the team though don’t forget flaky I’m trying hold on it’s not working man they’re fighting each other this is so funny it’s going to work now let’s go add the add the stupid skeletons to your team let’s do it here we go they’re fighting Yo your mobes are what the heck did you see that he jumped in the air and killed like 50 skeletons at a time hey Rosie hey Floy I have super awesome news for you do you want to hear it D tell me about it well today I’m going to win with a mob battle again like every single time nuh-uh that is so not true because I won the first time and the second time no you didn’t guys who do you think is going to win # Team Pink or # team blue you got to let us know down below all right so what we’re going to do today is we’re going to do a m battle so how this works Rosie is we’re going to go into our inventory we’re going to have to pick out five spawn eggs however there is a big catch you cannot see what the spawn egg spawn you can only see the name you have to pick five in five minutes and lock them in the chest right here and after those five minutes we got a couple minutes to inspect what we’ve Chosen and then we battle it out and the winner gets M what does the winner get guys what do you think is a good and fair prize you know what the loser has to give the winner massages for an entire Year wo that’s actually such a good price now I’m going to try even harder to do my best okay Rosie but before we start we have to go to the comment wall and check out what our buddies have commented for us to do it may be a challenge it may be a fun little thing we have to do let’s check it out okay Floy so we’re at the comment ball right now and as you can see lanky hanky says that we have to do a Cho Choo Charles mob battle do you know cho cho Charles oh my gosh that is actually super perfect because we do have a cho cho Charles model and it is super creepy okay you know what I’m going to promise you guys that by the end of the video we’re going to do a choo choo child’s mob battle so make sure to watch it till the end and also if you have an awesome cool idea for us make sure to comment it so maybe you will end up on the comment wall in the next video all right Rosie it’s time to battle it out with how we’re going to do it with choo choo Charles at the end though how are we going to do like Chucho chars against each other Chucho girls against a thousand skeletons what are we going to do I think it’s best when we put Chucho chars against a thousand skeletons and just let our mobs fight each other oh that is actually super smart Rosie because then we can see who is stronger a thousand skeletons or Cho Choo Charles okay let’s start all right Rosie so as I said you have five minutes to pick the five most awesome sound and spawn eggs so you got to lock them in the chest and after the five minutes you cannot change them anymore okay okay sounds good let’s waste no time anymore and let’s go all right three two one let’s go okay guys we’re going to have to pick five of the most awesome sounding spawn eggs ever okay let’s see what we have oh my gosh a fire dragon you know what I have a feeling that when I spawn that fire dragon is probably going to fly away because we’re like on the middle of a platform up in the sky so I think dragons can Fly Away really quick however if you guys want to see the dragons you got to let me know because I might actually use them in the next video then okay all right let’s see what we’ve got let’s go to spawn we got to pick the five most awesome looking sounding spawn eggs ever because Rosie cannot win okay we are # team blue oh my gosh I’m going to get the dread scuttler I don’t know what the heck that is but that sounds pretty amazing to me uh let’s get a dread l oh that sound no you know what you know what you I’m not going to do that I’m not going to that I I’m only going to pick one dread thingy right mutant and nah doesn’t sound too awesome wild boore no oh my gosh where are all the awesome things all right I don’t know what a grle is but I’m going to pick that and a full full F what the heck is that okay you know what that sounds awesome too okay we’re down to our last two eggs guys we got to get two eggs a troll oh my gosh they are super big and powerful right I’m definitely going to to pick that one um so our final one has to be something very awesome okay it has to sound super cool um alien bug no that doesn’t sound too awesome Outcast zombie where all the cool stuff guys I got to find something super awesome you know what I’m going to pick this little tarantula here I really hope it’s like a big spider not a small one okay there we go the 5 minutes are almost over I’m going to put my spawn eggs in here and now they are locked forever and now we got to wait for Rosie to be done oh my gosh I’m really wondering what she got Yo I hope we’re going to win because if we do she’s going to have to massage me for a year you guys know how much a year is that’s like that’s like that’s like 10 days right I don’t know like 15 days I don’t know I can’t count how many days is in a year guys I’m stupid I don’t know okay Rosie the five minutes have passed have you locked your spawn eggs in the chest I did and I am actually so excited all of mine sounds so cool no that’s impossible I’m the name Master okay I know every single name uh uh ask me any name um what about a zombie what well well zombie that’s the name you stupid okay you know what it doesn’t matter let’s take our five spawn eggs go to your side and let’s check out while we’ve spawned you have 5 minutes to check everything out and after 5 minutes we will start with round one let’s do it all right guys we’re going to have to see what we’ve got okay I’m kind of afraid okay for this tarantula I’m really afraid it’s going to be like a super tiny little spider and if we have a tiny spider we’re going to be in a lot of trouble because it’s probably going to lose oh my gosh I’m actually super terrified of spiders so is anyone of you scared of spiders St if you are you got to like the video right now I’m going to give you three seconds three two 1 wow thank you so much W A lot of people are scared of spiders actually okay let’s spawn this little tarantula here I hope he’s a big one boom oh no we messed up look at how tiny he is he isn’t even as big as my feet yo where do you think you’re going okay you know what I’m I think I’m just going to spawn like 10 of them in the first round hopefully that’s going to be a good first round okay you get the heck out of there it’s time for the next map okay so we have fth dread scuttler troll or grle okay you know what I’m going to choose grle first and see what the heck this little thing is oh no it’s another tiny one wait what is this it’s like a crab with diamonds on top oh it’s looking at me oh I’m sorry sir yep just walk away oh dude this the who no oh no look at the top of my screen I think Rosie has an actual boss or something look it’s called pharoh something oh we are in big trouble guys I really hope my next threee spawnings are super good okay you know what you’re going to be round two uh uh the Grotle this is going to be round two and you get the heck out of here I’m just going to spawn like 20 of them as well get that oh I can’t oh oh no oh no oh no I can’t get rid of it why not oh no oh no wait let me check M killer please let it work oh it works all right it’s time for the third mob I think I’m going to check out what the troll is all about okay let’s spawn in right here okay I’m going to spot it boom uh what what the heck what hello sir are you alive what what is going on why why are they not doing anything oh no I think I messed up I I think I messed up really bad oh no they they’re not even okay you know what I got to check out if they’re fighting okay let’s get mob team uh what’s the name of that stupid thing let’s go over here uh Mob Army yeah that’s what I need I I got to need two what if I spawn like a little tarantula here okay are they going to fight okay let’s add this tarantula to a team right and let’s add this one to a team and see if they fight oh wait they’re doing something uh uh okay okay guys we are in big trouble you know what you know what I’m not going to use the troll okay we have to pick something even better please no one say anything about this in the comments okay but I’m going to delete the troll and I’m going to get another Spa EG because that was stupid it doesn’t even do anything okay let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see Suns speaker Stone Warden Stone guard Scarab you know what I’m going to do a Scarab that’s going to be awesome right let’s see what it looks like what no no no no no oh my gosh okay no no no no no no no no we have to pick another one guys guys guys please no one say anything about this in the comments Rosie cannot know that we have changed the spawn X okay because this is just unfair come on we got to get something cool pinch Beetle fire Beetle slime Beetle Minotaur M that has to be awesome right let’s check it out oh there we go that’s a lot better even has a freaking golden X okay okay that’s a lot better that’s a lot of B hey see you later buddy that’s going to be our round three okay let’s see what flith is I have a feeling because I messed up with like three spawn eggs I have a feeling this one’s going to be super small too what do you guys you guys think this is going to be small as well okay let’s check it out it’s a plant oh my God no I messed up so bad this is going to be the worst mob battle ever I’m going to get destroyed by Rosie oh this is so bad doesn’t even fight please the oh what yo okay never mind that was absolutely amazing I’m just going to spawn like 20 of them all around the field she’s probably going to laugh at me because it’s all grass and then they’re going to come out like jomp they’re going to jomp everything it’s just like what I thought they were plants oh my gosh this thing is awesome I want to see it again let’s test it out yo that is so awesome okay okay okay okay okay let’s delete it uhoh uhoh uhoh uh uhoh uh wait oh no this is not going good there we go there we go there we go there we go we got it okay our final fin one are you guys ready we’re going to do our final one The Dread scuttler let’s see what this thing looks like oh my gosh that looks awesome what the heck what the heck why did she have two boss BR at the okay doesn’t matter doesn’t matter wow look at how awesome this one looks like a super weird mutant spider or something oh dude he’s so aggressive I think he can actually smell Rosy’s mob at the other side of the wall okay let’s get rid of that’s definitely going to be my last one all right so here we’ve got it okay we’ve got 1 2 3 this is going to be five and this is going to be four so this is going to be round one to five oh my gosh I really hope I have something more better than Rosie okay now we have to make our team what are we going to call our team guys we got to give it a super cool name okay so how we make our team we just give a cool awesome name here what are you guys thinking I can do theme blue but theme blue just sounds a little boring let’s do theme super awesome ghoul swag YOLO yeah that’s going to be my team oh my gosh this is so amazing okay let’s get this Anvil away let’s get this done and let’s wait for Rosie to be done oh Floy I can’t wait to see yours mine are so awesome and they all look so strong Rosie um I don’t want to say I have stupid stuff but I kind of have a little bit of stupid stuff okay I’m just going to tell you right now so we don’t get disappointed but hey what we got to do right now we got to go to our own side place your round one choice and depending how big it is okay if it’s as big as us you can only spawn like one even if it’s bigger if it’s like half our size you can spawn five of them deal yeah okay deal let’s prepare the wall there we go don’t forget to add him to the team Rosie all right I’m spawning M Now 1 2 3 4 five cuz they’re all super small I got to add him to team oh oh it doesn’t work it doesn’t work why does it not work uhoh mine is already added to team winner I’m getting them all to the team are you ready to remove the wall three two one Bo oh wait wait what happened where’s mine what I don’t know wait did I already win no way my tiny little spiders actually won oh my gosh I can’t believe it wait you’re spawning in are you kidding me this was so quick okay I got to give it to you your spiders won’t fair and square oh my gosh I’m so proud of you little guys give me a little oh oops I think I I hit him a little too hard okay you know what they got to go anyway we see you later buddies okay you ready for round two Rosie yeah I am definitely after that that was a huge f it was that’s why you get beaten by theme super swag YOLO I don’t know I forgot my name okay let’s reset the wall three 2 1 boom and spawn your next ones oh this one looks very promising please don’t disappoint me and after when you’re done fighting can I have your sunglasses I really love them wait sunglasses what are you spawning are you ready I am 3 2 1 boom whoa what the heck is that thing what is that uh it’s a stormtrooper look at how awesome it looks uh oh my gosh Rosie mine are not doing anything what is he doing he’s just chilling next to him he’s not even doing anything what the heck I don’t know but they’re not taking any damage what is going on this is the worst one we’ve done so far this is so bad I know this doesn’t make any sense oh my gosh what a disappointment okay you know what I’m going to spice this up a little bit what is this thing I don’t even know Rosie I’m going to spice up get that out of here get that oh it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s oh there we go get the heck out of what look at this Rosie it just eats the rocket like it’s nothing oh jeez now I messed up okay Rosie so that was a big disappointment are you ready for round three I am you are not ready for this one flaky uh I’m definitely ready I’m going to to add him to my team are you ready yeah remove the wall remove the wall in three 2 1 boom wao what is that Floy you’re cheating again no no no it’s smaller than me it’s smaller than me what the heck did you waa what the heck wao look at him jump this is so cool no way that thing is awesome what is that is it like a mutant skeleton yeah it is wo he’s so strong he just kicks them and hits them and he jumps and he shoots arrows out of the air what that is so awesome yay I W no way yo this guy is absolutely insane bro you’re a champion high five oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry hey stop hitting him Rosie that’s not nice okay you definitely won round three let’s go to round four don’t forget we still have to do Cho Choo Charles against a thousand skeletons by the end I know so let’s waste no time I really want to see that to okay let’s go to round four okay Rosie let’s go for round four oh my gosh this is going to be absolutely amazing because you’re going to be so confused mine looks so awesome and he’s actually super fast I’m so ready for this round flaky oh my gosh he’s probably going to be so confused she’s probably going to be laughing at me okay Rosie are you ready yeah I’m ready remove the wall Floy remove the wall in three two one boom hey hey what oh my God why did you spawn so many that is not fair why are you always cheating what I spawned a couple of pieces of grass they’re just flowers They’re not monsters look the monster is over there the rest are all flowers well they didn’t even kill mine yet so what happened to this one look at him I’m still in the game wait but what happened to him I don’t know he looks so funny wait I we got to we got to push him over to my there we go ye oh my gosh that is awesome okay you know what just try and spawn a bunch more then Rosie we’ll see who won just spawn like a million all around them why not no you have to only spawn one okay I’m going to get all of them and you spawn one deal there we go I’ll just get all of them I’m going to spawn one just give me a second there we go almost done what but they’re just plants Rosie now I’m destroying plants that’s bad for the Earth you may me do something bad for the planet well it’s your own fault flaky okay there we go Rosie I’m just spawning one here and I’m spawning mine hair let’s go fight let’s go yes I’m going to win W no oh wait wait it’s a tie no wait I actually won because mine is not all the way dead no no no but technically speaking this is smaller than me so I can spawn five how is it smaller than you that is not smaller than well when I spawn it it’s a super small little piece of flower woo hey what are you doing I won Floy no no no it’s going to be a you know what let’s ask the viewers let’s ask our buddies who do you guys think won this round team blue or Team Pink let us know down below okay let’s go to the final round are you ready Rosie yeah I’m ready let’s do it boom okay let’s spawn it in oh my gosh why is there a boss bar at the top because mine is a boss just like me oh no can I spawn like two of mine they’re not a boss no depends on the height okay okay okay um uh just give me a second okay give me one second Rosie what are you doing no no no no you don’t don’t no no no don’t worry about it okay I’m I’m not doing anything okay let’s see there we go oh yeah this one is smaller than me right guys this one is a bit smaller than me okay so let’s let’s Spa five of them oh my God Floy you’re cheating what how they’re smaller than me okay let’s reset the wall boom there we go look they’re way bigger they’re way smaller than me you don’t see that wao we’re winning oh my gosh what the heck is going on what is this thing that you have what is that it’s a far o and it’s so strong I don’t think it’s that strong it’s almost dying Rosie there’s only two spiders left I think he can handle this no he’s not you you cheated it again so I won oh there we go there we go wo we won yo my spots are awesome wait he came back to life what the heck is that what wait what wait this this another one why is there another one why’ you spawn more I didn’t I he must have come back to life right oh yeah right right hey you know what what about this yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought Y no what are you doing Floy see you later buddy they literally pushed them off hey you spawn more than one you’re cheating yeah you do you spawned five spiders and those spiders were huge okay you know what let’s just let them decide hey buddies who do you think won this entire mob battle so if you count all five rounds who is the winner # team blue or # team pick okay but now what we’ve all been waiting for we’re going to put a th000 skeletons up against Chu Charles oh my gosh this is going to be so epic okay the first thing we have to do is spawn a lot of skeletons okay let’s go ahead and do it oh wait we got to make it night time of course oh no no no no time set time okay there we go hey stop burning you stupids okay you know what it doesn’t matter let’s just spawn like a million skeletons all around okay Floy let’s spawn a million skeletons no a thousand okay you know what we all got to count uh one two three what comes after three is it five I don’t know what comes after three I think it’s two this is starting to look like a thousand skeletons already so now we have to get cho cho Charles on the other side side okay okay oh there’s so many skeletons I don’t know if he’s going to be able to defeat this look at this it’s Cho Chu Charles of course he will all right Rosie are you ready to meet cho cho Charles I’m warning you he is super creepy oh really I don’t really like creepy things but let’s do it let’s do it right here boom there he is W look at him ew look at his legs and his face that’s gross he looks super gross he’s like a giant spider oh ew okay you know what let’s just do it let’s remove the wall right now boom wao they’re fighting already they’re fighting what is this going so quickly wao what the heck it’s shooting some kind of explosive look at him what is that wa he’s super fast that’s so awesome his legs look really weird when he walks I know W look at him oh dude he’s not even dying there’s like a million skeletons shooting at him but he’s still doing nothing I know why is he not fighting oh never mind he is fighting back oh my gosh he has some kind of super exploding something I think he’s shooting coal out of the steam uh the steam engine you know he’s shooting exploding coals oh yeah you’re right wao that looks so epic yo oh my God he is definitely winning what he’s getting all of them you know what I’m going to make him even more op Rosie so let’s see if he’s even better now hey are you you fighting buddy come on dude do something what the heck oh wa what okay let’s help him out I’m going to get the skeletons to become a little closer let’s see what he can do whoa what the heck he just exploded he’s like a giant creeper thingy oh my gosh he’s actually winning look he’s getting all of them oh my gosh this is insane okay let’s get these final couple of stupid skeletons and then Chuchu Charles is officially attacked at thousand of them wo he is so op wo that you were shot into the sky that looked so awesome oh my gosh looking to be stuck in here oh my wa okay you know what chuch Choo Charles has definitely won this hey Rosie hey flaky are you ready to lose today oh I’m so ready but not to lose I’m ready to win hey first of all you got to stay on your side okay Rosie so do you know what we’re going to do today I think that we’re going to do another mob battle where you’re going to lose and it’s another day another victory for team blue cuz I’m going to win hey guys while you’re listening let’s comment down below for what team you are okay are you for team blue make sure to comment # team blue and make sure to comment # team losers if you’re for Team Pink wow Floy that’s actually so mean I’m kidding I’m kidding comment H Team Pink if you’re for pink right Rosie so what we’re going to do is we’re going to pick out five random spawn eggs okay now you cannot see what they are you can only see the name and then after 5 minutes you got to lock them in the chest and then we’re going to fight each other and by the end of the video we’re going to spawn a thousand skeletons and see which ones of us have the strongest spawn eggs are you ready oh I’m so ready I’m born ready hey but first of all we have to go to the comment wall and see what our buddies have commented for us to do maybe there’s like a chck CH in there so we go and check out the comet wall oh yeah this is my most favorite part Let’s Do It Let’s Go All right so here we have the comment wall our buddies can comment whatever they want under our videos and you might even earn yourself a spot on the comment wall so if you have a very fun idea for these videos okay if you have some kind of challenge we could do make sure to put it down below and maybe you’ll end up on the comment well let’s see who’s on there right now so blue pie says that we should make every single EG egg fight each other wow that’s such an awesome idea Rosie it is let’s do it so by the end of the video we’re going to get all of our eggs and spawn them and let them find each other it’s going to be a one versus One Versus One Versus One Versus One Versus One versus I’m out of breath Rosie all right are you ready I’m so ready but I’m also super nervous ah see you’re nervous because I’m going to win okay let’s go all right Rosie okay Rosie so as I said you have 5 minutes to pick five spawn EGS by the end of the 5 minutes locked them up in the chest and then we can show our viewers what we got and then after showing that we’re going to fight each other and team blue is going to win again and again and again woo no way Team Pink is going to win because Team Pink is the most beautiful color in the world um Team Pink smells like farts okay let’s go 5 minutes go hey go to your own side go away you even have pink in your in your shark suit that’s not pink that is uh uh uh it’s it’s it’s I don’t I don’t care okay 5 minute start now okay let’s go all right so we have to pick the most awesomest scariest looking spawn EG ever look how many we have over here okay so let’s pick something that sounds super awesome zombie policeman waa wait maybe that zombie has some kind of weapon yo withit aass warlord oh my gosh these f look awesome okay I’m going to get a warlord just because it sounds super awesome we have to beat Rosie okay Rosie cannot have better spawn eggs than us oh my gosh cyber demon did you ever hear something cooler than that I didn’t I’m going to pick that one as well I got to get some kind of egg that has like a super awesome like a really long name if it has a long name you know it’s some kind of boss or something right lower Goblin Knight block and chain Goblin come on give me something cooler hch gist now I have no idea what the heck that is but you know what I’m still going to get it because the egg looks super cool dude I need something way cooler wa look at this I have a mutant creeper yo I’m definitely going to get that one I’m going to blow all of Rosy spawn X up oh my gosh it’s going to be so funny okay I need one more okay I really got to get it to be like super super super super awesome I’m looking wait Baco the sun Chief oh my gosh that just sounds super freaking amazing I’m definitely going to get that one baracco the sun Chief I’m really wondering how that one looks oh my gosh dude he looks like he’s going to be some kind of void king or something imagine he’s a void King oh my gosh Ros is going to be absolutely owned okay we got to wait until she’s ready we got a couple minutes more and when she’s back I’m going to tell her how much she’s going to lose again hey guys don’t forget # team blue you got to show me your support so we win okay oh wait I totally forgot to lock them in the chest oo I’m just on time we have 3 seconds left three 2 1 there we go let’s see if Rosie’s ready all right Rosie did you lock yours in oh yeah I sure did and I’m so excited I can’t wait to see them oh my gosh okay so there’s a rule okay the one you think that is the coolest and the strongest you have to save it last okay because that’s fair right and the one you think that sounds the least cool but we will find out about a second okay because we’re going to show it to our buddies over there we’re going to go to our respected sides and spawn every single egg to see what they look like okay yeah okay deal let’s do it should we start now we start now you have 5 minutes let’s go all right let’s see what we have here guys I think I’m going to spawn the Mutant Creeper fruit because I think that’s like the least coolest one okay because we all know what a creeper is I’m muted creeper can’t be that much cooler right normal creepers are cool already okay let’s spawn it in and see what it is waa what the heck yo this thing is actually way more cooler than a normal creeper oh my God I think he’s going to make the biggest explosion ever we might just lose her Arena over here okay you know what I know enough I’m definitely going to pick you as first see you later br oh I’m trying to oh oh oh no oh no no I wanted to hit him off it’s not working no I’m going to push him off there we go there we go stop stop moving let’s see if this works oh it doesn’t work no wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait yes yes yes weit did it see oh my God he’s going to fall in the oh he disappeared see you later buddy okay let’s see what mob we have next okay so we had the Mutant Creeper definitely going to put him in front I think this is going to be the coolest one so we’re going to save him last okay let’s see what the heck a her I can’t how the heck do you pronounce this this this is not a name okay this is some kind of spell or something this is not a name all right let’s put it right here oh what what it’s just like a skeleton reindeer or something wait what what the heck is this thing the her guys is Immortal in the daytime wait that is actually perfect it cannot die oh my God okay I’m going to save that one for a second last okay because this one cannot die oh we’re definitely going to win oh my God Rosie’s going to be so confused okay get out of here oh no I can’t get rid of it now oh no okay wait let’s put it in night mode I’m set night boom Oh what wa this thing just turns absolutely ghost looking at night look at him oh my God guys now I’m really debating on whether I should let this one fight at night or at day wait maybe both what do you guys think should I fight this thing in the night time or in the daytime because at night time it is super awesome but in daytime it literally cannot die let’s get rid of him for now see you later buddy bye-bye okay the next one a cyber demon wa that thing just sounds absolutely freaking amazing okay are you guys ready to see it let’s spot it right now oh my gosh look at him he has a laser weapon thingy in his hand wa this thingy looks absolutely terrifying oh he even has like a bionic eye look at that he looks like that YouTuber bionic wow yo shout out bionic he’s a cool YouTuber you guys think he’s a cool YouTuber too right my gosh look at how cool this one looks okay get out of here I’ve seen enough all right let’s see what the warlord is all about oh my gosh wa he looks like some kind of mummy Warrior like an assassin or something he even has a boss bar at the top of the freaking screen oh this one is so strong look at him maybe it’s actually Steve hey stop running away broy I got to show you to the people stop running oh no okay you know what I have a feeling this is going to be the second strongest one okay okay I have a feeling that baraco the sun Chief is going to be the strongest one so this is going to be my setup okay mutant creeper first cyber demon second huist warlord and then baraco let’s see what the baraco is all about okay it’s time for the big one okay it’s time for the boss I have a feeling this baraco the sun Chief is going to be absolutely amazing what do you guys think you guys think the same right okay let’s spawn it right here oh my freaking God god what the heck is this this thing looks awesome oh look at him oh he has a big belly you ate enough you you really oh my gosh what he slaps his belly he hurt me oh my God this thing is going to absolutely Ru oh my gosh this thing is going to absolutely ruin Rosy oh we’re definitely going to win with this one bro stop hitting your belly bro you got to lose some wait but not before you win me my fights okay so these have been all my spawn eggs do you guys still think I’m going to win I’m probably going to win right I’m probably going to win or did you change your mind hey you got to let me know down below did you change your mind right now now blue is going to win right Rosie cannot have better monsters than me okay let’s wait for Rosie to be done showing hers and then we’re going to start the fights I’m going to get him out of here popop oh no whoa he’s too big look at him wa can I not okay there we go there we go we got him oh my God wao what is that no way no way no way I look like him now oh my gosh I’m going to keep this one on the entire video Ros is going to be so confused look at how awesome I look oh my gosh this is cool okay let’s wait for Rosie to be done also guys what do you think do you think we should fight a daytime or night time because night time looks super cozy look at this looks awesome flaky are you done yet yeah I’m ready where are you I’m right here right here Rosie yo what did you get what are you wearing what’s on your her face what do you mean don’t worry about it it’s just my new hat you like my new hat Rosie it just looks so weird but it actually kind of looks like you so yeah I kind of like it that’s mean you know what that’s not even mean cuz I’m the sun oh oh wait wait you’re not supposed to know the name never mind I’m nothing nope – don’t worry about it no don’t worry about it the sunshine what no don’t worry about it okay so no no no no no you don’t have to worry about it rosie no but I heard some really weird things from your side like a drum and stuff like that um you might have heard my big belly I was just slapping my big belly right guys you know what I’m talking about don’t tell her don’t tell her okay you know what don’t worry about it Rosie go back to your own side let’s spawn the first mob and let’s fight are we allowed to spawn more than one it depends how big it is how big is it what are you talking about how big is it like is it like one block big yeah it’s really small yeah then you can spawn like uh let’s spawn like 10 sure okay but if it’s big only one deal only one if it’s a big one if it’s bigger than our skin only one if it’s smaller M 5 to 10 okay depending on what it is okay that’s a deal all right Rosie go back to your side let’s spawn the first one and let’s fight okay I’m going to spawn this one right here don’t forget to add him to the team mine is team blue there we go this is going to be so cool 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you’re actually spawning then already oh my gosh Rosie yeah I’m starting with my smallest one of course did you ad him to the team yes I did I’m removing the wall in three two one boom let’s go wo what is that wait are they fighting oh they’re fighting they’re fighting wa what the heck are you you have like red crabs what are those things why aren’t mine fighting mine is winning I’m winning no way he’s running away go fight what even is this this is so scary that’s like a mutant creeper it is a mutant creeper oh my God I’m winning yo I’ll help you I’ll help your team out okay I’ll hit them that way poop bpop don’t hit them no I’m hitting them all oh wait they got mine wait what’s up wa wait wait they’re all gone Rosie but I still won right no but I won because yours are gone too but how did you win when your creeper exploded that doesn’t make any sense yeah but how did you win you literally have no one left wait what do the buddies think who do you guys won this round team blue or Team Pink I think my team won for sure flaky that’s the only right answer okay you know what let’s just keep it at 1-1 okay it’s 1-1 now and the second round will determine who’s ahead are you ready I’m so ready let’s do it let’s go oh we got to fix this hole first oh yeah let’s do that first okay Floy are you ready to spawn your eggs I’m definitely ready Rosie I’m going to spawn this one oh that one is so cool okay wait how big is yours if you stand right next to it how big is it cuz mine’s like as big as I am so I can think I’m going to spawn like two of them okay yeah mine’s a little bit smaller so I spawned four four okay ready are you ready yes I’m so ready let’s do it let’s remove the wall in three 2 one boom what what did you spawn wait I have to add him to my team oh you wa no way yo they’re so good look at them that is not even fair oh my gosh they have guns oh my god oh wow look at that yours are completely gone wa Rosie your on are so bad hey but CH cheat is flaky why they’re the same size as you then you’re only allow to spawn one no they’re not look the top of my head is way above him no it’s the top of your mask not of your actual head um the mask is part of my head Rosie okay I didn’t cheat I literally told you he’s like as big as me I spawned too you said okay whoa hey don’t do that they don’t deserve to die yeah they do poop do you want to rematch Rosie or want to go to the next one no I want to go to the next one because I know for sure that I’m going to beat you with this one no you’re not okay let’s reset the wall boom okay let’s see Rosie are you ready for this one I don’t think you’re going to be ready because this one is actually kind of unfair but you don’t know why and you’re about to find out what does that even mean oh no oh no wait we have to do this at night Rosie I got to make it night time okay okay let’s do it oh no it doesn’t work oh no no it doesn’t work oh no what are you doing it doesn’t work wait let me test something out dude it doesn’t work I can’t add this one to the team you can’t no I cannot you know what we’re GNA have a rematch I’m going to spawn the ones I had in the last round okay wait how many are you spawning no you can’t do that why not you picked that egg so you have to play with that egg but nothing’s going to happen they’re not going to fight Rosie okay you know what I’m going to pick a random egg really quick okay let’s see uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh I want I want this one I don’t know what it is I’m going to spawn this one right now boom okay perfect let’s go oh he’s so small W he’s super small I got to spawn like five of them okay let’s do it remove the wall floky let’s remove the wall now boom waa what is that what oh I guess I won I guess I won Rosie you know what let’s do a quick rematch okay just place down like 10 of them and we’ll see who’s going to win what is that even is that like a worm wao yeah it’s a death worm wo what the heck oh look at this one look at this one dude they’re making tunnels they’re ruining the entire Arena oh no this is not good what the heck is going on this is so awesome look at this one this is so big what are you guys doing go and fight them you stupids yes I’m winning no there’s a bunch add him to your team Rosie I am oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m winning I’m winning yes look at how they eat them that’s actually so funny what the heck is this what happened I don’t know that’s actually so cute it’s so tiny I don’t think that’s supposed to be cute you know what I’m going to ye them out of there you to get the heck out of there cuz I want to get oh my gosh you haven’t won a single round Rosie Loki that’s so unfair to say oh no I think we we have the dread plague we’re literally pooping out uh uh uh I don’t want to say what this is but it’s not good Rosie it’s not healthy what we’re doing right now all right Rosie are you ready for the next fight I am let’s do it I’m so wondering how this is going to be this SW looks awesome Rosie I think you’re going to lose are you ready Yes mine look awesome too I think you’re going to lose this round all right let’s do it remove the wall in three two one boom go look at him ah they’re not even fighting why aren’t they fighting they’re not even fighting what this is not good Rosie this is such a bad one for you you’ve been losing all day oh my gosh I love you warlord give me give me a little smooch M you are the you are perfect that was so weird don’t forget we still have to fight against a thousand skeletons okay so don’t worry about it we will end up on the same team Rosie you will end up on the Winner’s team AKA team blue no no never let’s SP the last one Floy and this one looks actually so awesome and cool and really undefeatable and this one I mean okay I know the other ones were a little bit not so good but this one will I promise are you sure my looks absolutely awesome Rosie okay I’m going to I’m going to eat this one out of here see you later buddy okay flaky so we both have to spawn our best mobs right now so the deal is that we can only spawn one of these okay oh my gosh okay I’m just spawning one look at him this thing is so awesome look at mine this one is way more awesome are you sure let’s go three two wait wait why is mine on fire let’s go what how is this happening look at them hey you you spawned way more that’s not even fair I spawned one this dude is spawning the other ones it’s not me oh my god look like he keeps spawning him you can’t do that wait why is he why what is your yours one doing is just no way no way no no way oh my gosh I won so hard Rosie okay you know what try spawning it again right next to it see what happens look at him so unfair hey don’t Spa that many what the heck go fight they’re fighting oh my gosh well yours is so strong mine is so awesome look at him he doesn’t even have to move is just chilling right there and destroying everything oh look at mine he’s giving him poison oh no oh no he’s getting attacked no I’m going to win this round Floy just watch okay if you get to spawn three I get to spawn one more hey that’s not even fair no that’s not fair yes no way oh my god oh no he got one of them that’s not fair hey wait flaky your mask looks like this one ah no it no it doesn’t come on boys let’s go get him final one I don’t really like this round Floy you don’t like any round Rosie you keep losing oh my gosh come on we almost got him so close you’ve just chosen so many good ones hey get out hey Floy no you can’t do that I’m done okay you know what we just have to let every single one of them fight again against each other you remember the comment right so go to your side spawn every single one and let them fight just one of each okay I don’t want to do this flaky we have to Rosie let’s go on every single one one two three four and five add them all to the team no mine are fighting each other no way how is this Fair add them to the team ad him to the team quick wow two of mine are already dead oh my God go they’re all fighting oh my God no way they just hit yours off oh no oh no he’s going back oh my gosh Rosie yours really is not doing all too good huh I know I don’t really like this flaky I thought I picked such good ones okay should we let them fight against the skeletons too or are you giving up rosie no we have to let them fight but I think we only have to let this one fight okay let’s get the skeleton egg and spawn like a million around him and see what he does they fight him already let’s spawn a million right now let’s do it wa wao that was insane wa look at him yo he’s actually going for it he’s going to win I know I think he’s going to win too this is crazy wao what is that look wao what oh my gosh that was so awesome what he literally got all of them hey flaky hey Rosie do you know what we’re going to do today h let me see I think we’re going to do another MoP battle wow you’re so smart Rosie you’re absolutely right so before we start and do the mob battle we have to check out what our buddies are saying on the comment wall because I think they have some comments about how we do our little Bob Battles here let’s check it out let’s do it I think they have a lot to say about you flaky wow so here is yonan he says that I can’t cheat anymore but why I want to cheat I want to win he is totally right well if you want to win you have to just try your best you can’t win with cheating flaky that’s not fair okay Rosie I’ll try to do my best now wait so what’s the other comment Lonnie says that we have to switch colors oh no but I don’t want to be blue do you want to be pink E I don’t want to become the pink side oh my gosh you know what if I become pink and I win that will be an even bigger defeat to you cuz I went with the girly colors well the girly colors are the most beautiful colors in the world so I think you’re in luck so if any of you guys have any suggestions for us leave it in the comment section down below and maybe you will end up on the comment wall right here behind us woo all right Floy let’s go to the other side oh no I don’t want to switch sides Rosie I really love my blue color I know I love my pink color too but I think we have to because our buddies set so so oh okay you know if the buddy said so then I guess we have to do it there I go ew ah oh my gosh I’m about the pig side now that feels so weird this hurts so much no okay you know what let’s just explain what we’re going to do exactly so what we’re going to do Rosie is we’re going to go into our inventory where we can pick five spawn eggs to fight against each other you pick five and I pick five and when you’ve chosen them you have five minutes okay when you’ve chosen them you put them in this chest to lock them in and after five minutes we will fight it hey get back to your side Rosie but I just like the color Pig so much I want to go back no this is my side you stay over there right so as I said after five minutes you take one spawn egg out and we fight each other and the loser has to H the loser has to clean the bathroom what I don’t want to do that that is disgusting well Rosie then I guess you just don’t have to lose okay I think we can do that so flaky we can’t see our spawn EGS right we have to choose them blindly and when we have chosen them and lock them up in our chest right here we have to grab them again spawn them right there and show it to our buddies that’s the first reveal right exactly Rosie you cannot see what monster you picking you can only see the name of the spawn egg that’s the only information we’ll get so but after 5 minutes you will have five totally random spawn EGS and you will see them when you spawn them you better make some good choices Rosie this will be so fun all right are you ready yes I’m so ready are you ready that’s the better question I’m super ready the choosing starts in 3 2 1 go we have only 5 minutes to get the most amazing spawn EG so what do we have here zombie pigman villager no we don’t want all that normal stuff okay we want something like this but this one we can’t get actually because we got it the last time but this one was so cool ooh anti growl that sounds really promising let’s get one of that oh squid where is it I want to get the squid that sounded so cool dark off Spring that sounds cool too let’s pick that one as well where is the squid I saw scorpion I don’t know I think that one is actually really really tiny so I don’t think I want to do that tarantula no thank you it’s my biggest fear I won’t spawn that a fly well that’s kind of boring let’s see jumping spider H maybe maybe maybe I’ll just put it right here just to be sure and maybe if I find something cooler I will replace it let’s see what do we have what is this a fire ant soldier that sounds actually really cool is that an ant that’s like a soldier I don’t know what to expect with that but it just sounds so cool let’s do that one let’s go back to spawn where was ey somewhere around here I think tarantula BR mother maybe that sounds even cooler than the jumping spider I think it does sounds a little bit cooler so let’s go with that one we only need one more oh this is going so fast let me see spider mutant Outcast alien bug okay I really want that one let’s see if we can find even cooler things really quickly mommy H that sounds actually pretty cool but I don’t think I’m going to go with that today maybe the next time by fire dragon ice dragon I have to get the ice dragon which one should I replace it with let me see the alien Buck the fire and Soldier dark Offspring anti growl or the tarantula let me see I’m going to do it with h this is so hard I’m going to replace it with the dark Offspring I really don’t know what that is but this sounds so so so so cool let’s look it in place our five egg right here and we’re done I’m really wondering what flaky has picked but it can’t be better than ours right our name sounded so amazing and so awesome I think we have to win this round and even though we’re on team blue I think we be pretty cool flaky I have such cool things I’m so excited and you’re going to lose so bad dude I really wondering what you have I think I have two super awesome sounding names I don’t know what they look like but they’re super awesome sounding oh my God me too and I’m so excited to try them out I think we shouldn’t waste any time and just grab our eggs and let spawn call them for our buddies all right but you know what I first want to see who thinks that I’m going to win who do you guys think is going to win team blue or Team Pink you know what from now on Team Pink is for the boys and we’re going to win just for Team Pink what do you think Rosie I think I’m going to win for sure and I don’t only think it I know it because my SP neck sounds so cool and awesome and really unbeatable to be honest and just blue is actually my favorite color so I have to win okay you know what let’s just go Rosie take out your spawn EG you will have 5 minutes to check them all out and after 5 minutes we each pick one to fight against each other we have five rounds are you ready sounds really good let’s do it with what x should we start we have the alien Buck we have the fire end Soldier the ice dragon oh my gosh I’m so excited for de one I’m so excited but I want to save that one for last so maybe the anti growl or the torrential Rath mother oh and guys I have something super exciting do you see this cool wand I have in my hands it says steam blue so if I spawn something I can actually make it team blue how exciting is that so we actually see which team won what we’re going to do now is I think I will spawn with the alien bug okay that one looks pretty awesome I think it looks pretty I don’t know it it it kind of looks dangerous right I think this is a good one to start with if I hit him with this one he will actually become team blue let’s see added entity to team blue do you see that guys that’s amazing and I am so excited for it I think we should spawn maybe like 10 of these things because I think if Loki has something really big I I can’t win from him with only one of these alien bgs so I think we should spawn 10 maybe if that isn’t cheating I don’t think so because we didn’t really discuss any rules the next thing I’m going to show you guys is this anti gr G whoa guys this looks so creepy what even is this it looks like his fingertips are made of eyes or something like that I’m really in the ice theme if you look at the ice dragon and then this this is so amazing it actually looks like some kind of skeleton or something like that but then way way way cooler oh my gosh I’m definitely going to win with this one let’s delete him what should we spawn next we did the alien book we did this one the anti-al I don’t really know how to pronounce that so if I mispronounced it please let me know in the comment section down below and help me out so the next in line is the fire and Soldier oh that looks actually so cool it’s like a mega end made out of fire and apparently it’s a soldier too so that’s really promising guys I’m so going to win but it does actually look kind of small so I think I’m going to spawn a bunch of these in too let’s see the tarantula oh let’s erase him let’s spawn a tarantula BR mother wait what just happened what why can’t I spawn him what is happening why can’t I spawn him I’m so confused right now but do you see that guys he’s so huge I will find a way to actually spawn him but he looks so amazing and cool so I really want to fight with him because I’m definitely going to win with that one and last but not least I’m going to spawn this ice dragon are you kidding me guys do you think he can spew I or something like that so the other te maybe freezes that would be like so awesome okay this one looks so cool I actually want this one as my pet hey ice dragon do you want to be my pet we can make a pretty cool team okay let’s delete this one as well for now a he looks so sad I’m so sorry I will spawn you later again I’m going to figure it out with the spider and let’s wait until f is done and then the battle will begin do you see this this is awesome I fixed it but look at how dangerous he looks what is that lightning around him I don’t even want to find out if I had to fight him I would be so so so scared and I wouldn’t know what to do because he just looks so dangerous look at him oh my gosh look at those fangs and at the size of the spider even it is so scary it just looks so scary and and dangerous and evil and unbeatable I don’t really have good news because I heard an explosion at flaky’s side and I really don’t know what that is but I don’t want to cheat because lony commented that we cannot cheat anymore and I mean I didn’t even cheat before but flaky did and I really hope that he listens to lony because it’s just not okay to cheat guys it’s not fair Floy is taking a long time too let’s take a second to appreciate how evil he looks and how dangerous and how big he is oh my gosh this is insane and look at this Dragon he’s still laying here I have to remove him still but it will be done these two mobs are going to be my winners okay I mean I don’t really have much faith in the other ones I really don’t know what faky is spawning so I just hope for the best with these ones because they are so dangerous and scary okay Floy are you ready to lose because mine are looking so cool oh my gosh Rosie you have absolutely no idea what I just spawned you’re going to lose so bad okay are you ready for the first battle who are you going to pick wait do not tell me don’t tell me I want to see after we destroy the wall all right Rosie let’s go let’s let’s do it you have one minute to set it up okay okay I’m going to spawn a bunch of the I mean one oh you can hear me right Rosie I’m I’m just going to spawn one H me too I’m just going to spawn one I don’t know what you’re talking about just one how am I going to do this wait don’t forget to add all of your mobs or one to your team okay do not forget that oh this is going to take a long time I mean a really short time what the heck is this I think one of your buddies came to me wao they’re fighting they can climb I’m walls what is happening okay wait wait wait wait let’s just destroy the wall Rosie round one here we go let’s go they’re fighting oh my gosh W do you have so many bees this is awesome these are not bees they’re wasps you silly it’s the same thing flaky come on hey you got to add more to the team bro yours aren’t doing anything I’m doing that right now let’s go fight wait no more of mine I have to go let’s go fight W mine are really strong wait I want to look at this wait I have to add a few more no oh no oh no no wait you’re winning no where are all my wasps waa look at how fast Bine are flaky this is insane oh my gosh this is not fair at all what the heck you got all of my wasps oh no I guess you won this round Rosie I guess so too I told you Floy I give up I want to go to the next round oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I just see that we actually won I didn’t really expect to win with this round because they looked kind of weak but they were so fast and I’m so happy right now so I’m really curious to see what floak is going to spawn next we’re going to do the anti-al that one looked so awesome as well so I think we’re going to win this round for sure let’s do it all right Rosie I can’t see you right now but I’m about to spawn my second monster are you ready I’m so ready I’m spawning them too right now oh my gosh this is so cool don’t forget to add them to the team okay I know I’ve added them there we go remove the wall in three two one go fight they’re not doing anything why are you spawning so many oh my gosh I’ve only spawned like five or something hey go and fight them you stupids what the heck are they doing okay I think they’re going to fight what oh my gosh look at this are yours baring at mine that’s disgusting flaky dude I think mine have smoked their entire lives their lungs are not being healthy right now wait what is he doing fight come on mine are winning yes please win guys no they’re not wa oh no dude he’s behind you guys he’s behind you turn around come on oh no there we go oh no I’m going to lose no way I actually lost this is not good oh yo High Five Guys oh I think that was uh a little too hard of a high five I hit him off the edge oh no oh my gosh I won Rosie okay so the score is now 1-1 for pink and blue I really wonder he’s going to win the next round because they will have an advantage me too I’m so nervous but buddies on whose team are you on on Team Pink or team blue I mean team blue is pretty good right oh my gosh it’s one one okay no one is good and no one is bad now we’re equally good but it’s super confusing I keep thinking I’m team blue but I’m Team Pink okay Rosie reset the wall okay flaky are you ready for the next one oh my gosh you’re going to lose Rosie I’m sure what no way because this one of mine is so awesome all right are you ready for it let’s spawn it don’t spawn that many wait you know what you spawned a lot the last round and I still won I’m going to spawn just one okay me too just one let me activate them add them to the team and remove the wall quick let’s go okay Floy I’m going to remove the wall now let’s go let’s go wao what do you have you have so many what mine already gone what yours was on fire what was that about I don’t know I I think they can’t handle the sunlight okay so your fire Spire is definitely winning the sunlight but guess what I’m going to make it night poof there we go no way why would you do that because it’s unfair I want to try this battle again but this time at night so mine don’t burn to death and also I want to spawn more than only three I just SP three Rosie well but mine are really small and yours are so big I think that’s a little unfair flaky because you saw mine now but Rosie I think mine are like super scared of spiders you guys are scared of spiders do right buddies spiders are super scary so I think I got to spawn more just to compensate for that okay I’m going to do that all the way at the other side and add them real quick okay let’s do that boom boom boom boom did I do it are they fighting let’s go wait I got a small one I got a little kid look at him oh he’s actually so cute a oh no he’s getting ganged up oh no they going to get him oh no oh my gosh I’m actually winning even though oh wao they actually explode what is that what the heck your spiders explode when they get killed that is so insane oh my gosh that is so awesome wow I actually won Floy can you believe it wow Rosie your spiders are super op oh my gosh okay you know what I got to give it to you you definitely won this round dude we got to write these ones down they are so op I know but they’re actually not spiders flaky they’re ants come on do your homework oh they’re fire ants of course oh my gosh I’m so stupid yo who else thought they were spiders too they’re freaking fire ants yeah I know all right you won it is 21 but I still I’m going to win the remaining two to make it 32 for me you just watch me yeah if that makes you feel better sure floky you will win he’s not going to win I am going to win Let’s Make a Deal okay if if it’s a big one we only spawn one okay if it’s a small one we spawn five deal yeah no more than five Loki no cheating you hurt lony no more than five and no more than one look you cheated you spawned so many but that was before we made this roof Loki well no but Lonnie in the comment wall he said it you can’t Che okay you know what Rosie fine if it’s a big one only spawn one okay reset the wall Floy go to your own side you’re the pink side now hey stop hitting me Rosie that’s super mean of you yeah I’m sorry that’s right I think we’re going to get a comment down below for the comment wall that says Rosie can’t hit flaky anymore am I right one of you guys got to comment that okay cuz we got to put it on a comment wall well they won’t comment that because they actually love me Floy and they’re they love that I’m winning right now you know what it’s time for the next one I think mine is going to be super big okay just spawn one if your is Big okay oh yeah I’m really debating these two because they’re both so awesome no no no no mine are way more awesomer okay are you ready should we make a daytime again or does this look epic this kind of does look epic I mean it’s a little bit more dramatic right now yo we could ask it for the comment wall guys do you think we should do the battles at nighttime or at daytime daytime is cool but nighttime just looks awesome did you guys think okay we’re going to figure it out the next video but now let’s do the next let’s do it all right are you ready Rosie wait I have to spawn mine Yes W this looks so epic wo what the heck is that I’m going to remove the wall let’s go whoa what do you have that looks so cute I have a giant Yeti wait what do you have is that an ice dragon yeah it’s an ice dragon oh oh and he’s mad wao what the heck is going on wao they look so cool f this is insane look at that the snow is coming all around them oh my oh they’re both made of ice of course wao who’s winning I really have no clue I don’t know no I think you’re going to win my ice dragon looked so angry and he actually won yes so it’s 3 to one right now team blue for the win wow look at him he’s so cool he just owned a Yeti and now he’s just going to take a little nap oh my God that is the nap of Champions really I know he’s really like me if I say so myself no this is so bad cuz now you’re 31 ahead I can’t even win anymore W I already won this is awesome no no no no no no unless you’re willing to take the Dare the person who wins the next fight will win everything and the loser has to clean the bathroom of the other pron M you only saying that because you’re losing already so well you’re only saying that because you’re scared of losing loser loser you’re so scared la la la la okay okay okay okay okay I’ll take the bet well let’s do it okay get your dragon away let’s reset the wall and do our final fight okay Floy are you ready for the last one I already spawned mine wait it has a boss bar at the top The redula Brute mother oh my gosh but guess what when I spawn mine the name is so long that you’re probably going to be super scared did you add it to the theme oh no I’m going to do that now I did it add it to the theme and get ready boom wait there we go remove the wall mine disappeared what no what’s going on Floy mine can’t spawn it just teleported away wa mine is just banishing yours to another dimension oh my gosh look at the text on the screen can you read it I don’t believe we’ve been acquainted I’m the one wait I couldn’t finish it let me do it again I’m the one that bishes you from this Dimension wo every single time you spawn one of your monster mine just instantly deletes it forever dude that means that I won woo that’s insane I won oh my god did you see that that was insane I’ll clean the bathroom Floy it’s okay yeah you got to clean it don’t worry I’ve eaten Mexican yesterday so it’s probably got a very very very very nice Aroma to it oh no hey Dino hey flaky are you ready to do a bu Battle of course I’m ready it’s going to be super cool that’s right it’s going to be super awesome so how this works we each have to pick out five random spawn eggs and then we’re going to let them fight each other to find out which mob is the strongest well obviously mine are going to be the strongest right who do you guys think is going to win # team orange or # team blue let us know down below but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be blue that’s right it’s going to be orange and by the end of the video we’re going to put all of those mobs up against a thousand skeletons so make sure to watch till the end of the video 1 th000 that’s so much that’s right it’s going to be super duper awesome so are you ready to pick your mobes Floy I am I’m going to keep pick my five most awesome sound in spawn X and I’m going to win no you’re definitely going to lose Floy so let’s get right into it all right so I have to pick five awesome sounding spawn eggs without knowing how they look I can only look at the name and then after those 5 minutes we’re going to let him fight against each other in five rounds and the winner is going to get H what do you think a good prize would be for a winner I think what about a cookie a cookie is a super awesome prize okay let’s try and get our five awesome some Spa eggs let’s try and find our first one wait I saw something that sounded super cool look at this a frost Walker now I don’t know what that is but that sounds pretty amazing don’t forget guys I literally have never seen these Spa EGS in person okay I can only look at the name I have no idea what they look like so this is going to be a complete mystery I really hope I’m going to win who do you guys think is going to pick the better spawn EG it’s probably going to be us because team blue is also known as team winners all right let’s pick the next SP egg we have four to go h a nether Hound oh my gosh that sounds pretty amazing okay it’s time to pick the third spawn egg do you guys think I’m doing good so far I really hope I’m going to win okay let’s go over here what is a super cool sounding name H a rifted Enderman what the heck is that you know what I’m going to pick it that sounds super amazing let’s see what else we can find we got to have two more spot we got to find something super cool okay um this is not that good we got to find something even cooler oh let’s go over here wow these spawn eggs look so amazing what the heck is this moving flesh adapted manator Colony carrier oh my gosh these all look super awesome okay I’m going to get a herd I don’t know what a herd is but we’re about to find out before we’re going to fight I’m going to show you guys every single spawn egg so we can see which one looks the most awesomest and which one we’re going to use first okay okay we’re going to have to pick our final spawn egg okay I’m trying to look for something cool a Scarab a hippogriff dragons wait what would you guys pick if you see any awesome names let me know down below so I can pick them in the next video wait a death worm oh my gosh that sounds super amazing okay I’m definitely going to use the death worm let’s see what that’s going to look like okay so I picked five eggs right now and now all we have to do is we got to determine the order of which we’re going to spawn them in okay so what’s going to be round one round two Etc so let’s go ahead and do that right now hey flaky are you ready I’m ready Dino did you pick your mobs I picked all of my mobs as well okay FY so what we’re going to have to do now we’re going to have to determine the order of which the mobs are going to fight so we can spawn in all of our mobs and try them out and then determine the order all right sounds good I’m going to start doing that right now okay so I have a bunch of awesome sounding ones over here I think my first one is going to be the nether house so let’s see what it looks like okay going to spawn just one right over here oh my gosh that thing looks awesome look at his face it l has horns his deal is literally on fire okay this is definitely going to be my round one I think I’m going to spawn like five of them oh this is going to be so cool okay we know enough about you now get the heck out of here see you later so that’s going to be my round one let’s see what a frost Walker is I think I’m going to use him on round two but I got to see what he looks like first oh my gosh oh no wait wait wait oh we got to make it nice for him okay let’s spawn another one let’s see what he looks like oh my gosh he looks so amazing it’s like a some kind of frozen zombie oh but that’s not normal ice what kind of ice is that does anyone of you know that looks super cool okay he’s definitely going to be my round two okay let’s get you out of here as well let’s see what our round three is going to be so we have a rifted ender okay I actually want to know what an rifted Enderman looks like cuz that kind of sounds like it’s going to be super amazing let’s spot it in right here oh that just looks like a normal Enderman but it’s like white with green Ice uh I really hope it’s going to be some kind of super strong Enderman otherwise we might have to lose round three guys I really don’t know we’re going to lose Round Tree this all looks stupid go away oh where the heck did he go okay let’s see what our round four is okay so I’m thinking I can choose between her or the death worm you know what I think I’m going to let the deathworm be a giant surprise I’m going to spawn him at the end of the video so I don’t even know what he looks like okay let’s spawn the herd right here and see what he looks like what hello what the heck is happening why are they not spawning what is going on oh wait there they go what is this thing okay I don’t know what I spawn but so oh whoa whoa whoa whoa something’s happening something is definitely happening and I don’t know what’s going on I’m super confused what is this my route four maybe it’s like some kind of warm oh no no I got to dig it up I got to dig it up stop stop stop moving what the heck is this thing I got to stop it okay okay you know what I’m definitely going to use that one as route four I don’t know what it is oh no oh no I might have messed up I might have messed up what is going on did I fix it oh wait there’s still more here away okay did it did I fix it is that it okay yeah I’m definitely going to use that as round four I don’t know what the heck that was but for some reason it keeps spawning a bunch of animals which is pretty op actually if it keeps spawning stuff that’s pretty awesome so as I said I’m going to leave the death as last as a surprise because it sounds super amazing so we’re both going to find out by the end of the video what the death worm actually is okay let’s fix this floor back up and then we’re going to start the mob battle flaky are you done creating the order of your mobs oh my gosh I am done and I have such amazing mobs I’m definitely going to win yeah I’m sure of that this is going to be a super awesome but and most importantly it’s going to be a fair fight oh is it now oh I don’t know I have so awesome Ms I’m going to win okay I’m going to spawn my first ones right here I’m ready Dino I’m going to add him to the team let’s go all right can you remove the wall flaky I’m going to do right now one second one second let’s go boom wait what the heck is that what did you spawn yo look at that my mobs are flying your stupid house can’t even hit them this is so funny oh my gosh this is so unfair what is this snow queen look at them the snow queen is flying this is such a cool M wow yours are super awesome I thought that my doggy would be so strong but they’re not strong at all look there’s the last doggy he’s running for His Life Run oh no they actually got him I can’t believe this I hate your stupid mobs go away a come on you don’t have to be mean now just because you lost the first round doesn’t mean you have to be mean to us that is super mean of you Dino you literally spawned a boss okay you know what I’m going to win of the second round all right flaky are you ready for round two of the mo battle I am Dino you’re definitely going to lose all right flaky let’s both spawn in our mob there we go oh my gosh look at how awesome these look okay I’m going to spawn like a billion of them all around the area I’m ready Dino are you ready I’m super duper ready flaky let’s go okay let’s remove the wall boom whoa what the heck yo what the heck is going on your mobs are so wa did you see that the baraco pushed all of your mobes away oh my gosh your mob is so strong what was that it was like a death ray yo this is so super cool look at that boom whoa what the heck that’s like a hyperbeam wa what no way oh my gosh they already got all of mine I lost again oh man that was super easy for team orange guys go through the comment section right now and type haha flaky to laugh at him for losing another round wow that was super mean to you Dino oh my gosh I can’t believe this yours are super amazingly cool look at that yeah they’re super strong but you know what let’s just get rid of them so we can get into the next round oh my gosh okay you know what I was thinking I’m going to win the next round but now I’m not so sure you only have awesome things nah don’t worry about it flaky my next mob is going to be a little bit worse okay let’s reset the wall okay let’s spawn the round three now I’m not really too happy with this thing I don’t know what it’s going to do I hope it has some super awesome crazy secret powers let’s just spawn a bunch of them and see what happens FY I have spawned in my mobes are you ready I’m ready let’s go boom there we go whoa what the heck is going on yo what the heck are all these lights yo I can’t even see what’s going on me neither oh my gosh what is going on okay my Enderman are have some kind of superpower wait what wait they’re gone wait what the heck no wait what are these mobes are these yours wait have they transformed oh my gosh this is insane wait I think yours are dying no no way come on Al Yeti you got this wait this only one Enderman left yo look at him he has some kind of Super Death Ray oh he’s so strong oh no there he is he’s still alive he keeps juking the attacks oh my god oh no I think it’s done I think I lost the again I can’t believe it Dino how did you manage to find only bosses you keep winning I don’t know I guess team orange is just really lucky today wow what do you guys think about team orange I think team orange is being super mean they’re only getting good things this is so unfair okay you know what I’m going to beat you in round four you just wait all right let’s get right into round four okay I’m going to spawn my ones for round four I defin have to win now okay I’m going to spawn a bunch of them all around the area oh my gosh these ones look way cooler I kind of had to change so don’t tell Dino that I actually cheated a little because I don’t know what happened to the last one but it didn’t spawn anything so I’m going to spawn a bunch of these things what they look like spiders okay let’s see if Doo is ready are you ready Doo are you ready I’m ready let’s go boom there we go yo what the heck are your mobes you have like a super cool spider Army hi don’t know what my mobs are wao they’re actually super strong wait hold on am I winning am I finally winning no my snake is super strong please come on you got this snaky boy wait your snake has seven heads what the heck yeah I think every time the snake kills one of your spiders it gets another head oh my gosh this is so op it just got another head I can’t believe it he has like 20 heads now oh come on spider you got that oh miss snake I miss than snake you got this who you were rooting for my team that’s not waa why is the snake flying what what the heck how many heads does it have now that’s like 25 oh it’s pushing him off yeah no way wait wait I won I won oh no wait is there still one here Uno snake you got this oh my gosh I’m almost winning I can’t believe it we’re so close come on my first round no come on snake you got this she got to kill all of these Spidey boys you have like 20 million heads oh my gosh he has a lot of heads doesn’t he wow look wait a second come on snake what are you doing you got to hurry up wait I think he’s winning I only have two mobs left no I can’t believe it look at that all of those heads are attacking one by one your spiders don’t even stand a CH oh my gosh I can’t believe it you actually won this one little snaky boy got the entirety of my team that is so unfair yeah but it was a super close fight Floy so now I am super excited to go into the last round before we put them all up against a thousand skeletons okay I’m definitely going to win on the last round Dino you just watch me and that’s right by the end of the video we’re going to put all the op bosses against a thousand skeletons going to be so cool all right Oki are you ready for the next round I definitely am Dino I’m going to win so hard but I have a little secret um I’m really not sure when I’m going to spawn what do you mean don’t worry about it okay I’m going to spawn them right now oh my gosh let’s just spawn a bunch of them and see what happens wa this what the heck wow this one is so big hey don’t fall don’t fall don’t oh my gosh she almost fell wow this war is actually massive oh this is is going to be super awesome I want to try and get another one please another one oh no oh yes there we go okay okay okay this is enough this is enough this is going to be my team waa another one all right Floy I have spawned on my mobs are you ready I’m ready D I’m going to add him to the team in three two one boom let’s go here we go whoa what the heck are your mes you’re like some kind of worm they’re super big death worms Oh my my gosh they’re fighting wo yeah but look your worms are being frozen by my Frost boss wao what the heck they’re tling through the floor like real worms look at that yeah that’s just because they’re scared of my Frost boss they’re trying to run away wait a second where’s my big one I literally lost my big one already it’s gone oh look that other big one just got destroyed and wait wait a second there are no more worms left no way what I already lost this was such a short round oh my gosh I can’t believe it what it doesn’t matter flaky because now we’re going to put all of these mobs up against a thousand skeletons oh my gosh that’s going to be so cool okay let’s reset the battlefield and let’s do it oh I can’t believe I lost all five rounds guys I really got to do something better in the next M battle you guys really have to help me okay what am I got to spawn next time but now we’re going to set them all against the Thousand skeletons to see who’s going to be stronger wao look at that flaky there are so many skeletons oh my gosh this is going to be the best fight ever I think there’s like a million here now we have to pick the super awesome bosses that we’re going to let them fight against now I definitely want you to pick that creepy witch the ice witch or something the ice queen right let me see I think she was called something thing like the Snow Queen yeah here we go look at her oh that is so cool I’m going to spawn a bunch of my Enderman because they had like Superman powers with that laser shooting out of their eyes that’s right and I am going to spawn Baro because he is fat and we do like fat people as well oh I want to see him smack his belly do it baraco do it there we go it’s so funny all right you know what I’m going to spawn in two fro M because they’re super Giants I’m going to spawn in a bunch of death wors and oh wait Floy they’re fighting each other team quickly they are they added to the same team okay you got to add all those skeletons to the team are you ready I’ve added them into the team let’s go what the heck is going on oh my gosh this is the biggest battle I have ever seen in my life yo look at that the Snow Queens are flying and the skeletons can’t even hit her oh the snow keys are super op look at baraco baraco was fighting everyone off go on Baro you got this hit that belly yo what if the frost B is on fire they actually got him on fire did you see that that was a super waa there a super giant beam WAOW this is absolutely amazing oh my gosh I can’t believe this fight wait all of the skeletons are almost gone what the heck yo wait that means that we’re winning look at that yo what the heck did you see all of these Death Race what is that oh my gosh we’re winning we’re winning super easily look at that our mopes even started fighting each other because it was so easy they are fighting each other okay I guess we won hey Rosie hey Floy you know what we’re going to do today no what are we going to do today we’re going to have a mob battle in this Arena and by the end of the video we’re going to try to defeat a th000 skeletons together isn’t that awesome wa that sounds so cool okay but first off before we help each other defeat ,000 skeletons what we’re going to do first is we’re going to have to choose five spawn eggs in five minutes okay but you cannot see what they are he got to lock them in in this chest and after 5 minutes we’ll go to our own sides and see what we’ve got and then we got to fight each other with whatever we picked okay sounds good we only have 5 minutes there’s so many awesome spawn and how are we ever going to have time enough to decide I don’t know but you just have to be quick okay 5 minutes let’s go all right guys now as you can see my chest is currently completely empty but we have to defeat Rosie with this challenge okay because we are team blue and Team Pink is stupid guys comment what team you’re on # team blue or # Team Pink all right so we have five minutes to pick the most creepy awesome looking monsters to defeat Rosie with okay let’s go over here and type in spawn let’s see what we got over here what the heck’s a dread guard you know what I’m going to do that that sounds super awesome H epilite Golem oh my gosh these things look amazing so we can pick five to fight against each other shagara the dread Beast now that thing just sounds like a king you know what I’m going to pick that one dude I have two red ones I got to pick another color to mix it up a little bit no that doesn’t sound fun crushroom you know what I have a feeling that that’s going to be way too soft so I don’t want to do that oh let’s go over here anti creeper anti-bat Abyssal antiz zombie oh my gosh I’m going to pick that one dude we’re already almost at our final one we got to make it a super super good choice okay let’s try oh my gosh look at that name sacko harbringer of Doom yo I think I got my five eggs I’m going to lock him in the chest right now put him in there and that’s it I locked mine in I’m really wondering what Ros is going to get I hope I pick the stronger creatures cuz we have to win this battle for the boys all right Rosie five minutes are done did you lock yours in yes and I’m so excited and I’m so going to win from you can I know which one you got no no no no wait don’t tell me don’t tell me don’t tell me cuz I know I’m going to win loser loser loser ah get away from my side get away from my side it’s my side get away from my side okay so what we have to do right now we got to pick your five eggs go over there to your own side and check them all out to see what you’ve chosen okay I really hope you chose a bunch of small weak Little Creatures well I didn’t and I hope you did because I’m going to win anyway oh you know what I don’t even care what you got you probably got something super stupid okay take your five eggs out of there go to your own side and see what you’ve got I’ll see you later we got 10 minutes okay in 10 minutes we fight each other you better prepare yourself all right right let’s check out what we got you know what I’m going to begin with the Abyssal anti zombie that sounds super creepy okay let’s spawning right here what it’s just a tiny little zombie bro that’s not going to do anything oh my God imagine if Rosie got like five spawn EGS with like the biggest creatures in Minecraft ever okay let’s get him out of here you move away I don’t need you anymore you’re too small oh no you know what what if we cheat and we spawn like 20 of these guys I think I’m going to do that in the first round okay the first round I’m going to use this one so I’m going to place it in the front the Abyssal anti zombie I’m going to spawn like 20 of them okay let’s spawn the next one let’s see what the Abyssal Knight Golem is oh my God this one is small too oh no I hope I’m not going to lose they’re all so small looking but I don’t know maybe they have some kind of super secret power or something wait I’m going to make him mad and see if he has some kind of power hey you ugly purple thing purple is a stupid color wa what the heck is that what I think Rosy’s First Choice is some kind of ghost dragon W get the heck out of here oh my God guys we are in big trouble I really hope the next three eggs are way better than the first two oh my God I’m going to ask what this is Rosie what the heck is this no Floy did you see it of course I see it it’s a lital ghost dragon oh my God you have such a good one oh jeez we are in big trouble okay so we got the abite Golem let’s check out what the dread guard is oh jeez okay this one is a bit bigger look at how freaking big he is oh my God okay you know what I’m feeling confident about this one if I spawn like two or three of these ones Rosie has absolutely zero chance okay get the heck out of here I don’t need you anymore okay let’s see um okay dread guard is going here okay now let’s see do you guys want to see the jagaroth or the sack sack ho you know what I’m going to spawn this one wa what this dude just St at night oh my God that is super creepy yo I think I made it nice for Rosie as well oh my gosh look at him he’s freaking flaming you know what I’m going to save him for last cuz he looks absolutely creepy yo get out of here I don’t need you anymore he just made it night wait is Rosie not going to say anything about this maybe it’s still daytime over there no I don’t want to cheat I don’t want to cheat all right it’s time to show show you guys my last mob this name is jagaroth the dread Beast I’m actually dreading about seeing him I think is going to be super scary let’s check it out are you guys ready three 2 one boom Oh my god what the heck is that what is this this thing is absolutely insane dude the ground turned red oh my gosh he has three freaking heads you know what they say right three heads is always better than one yo I’m definitely going to win look at this this is my bet he looks absolutely creepy and dangerous you know what I’m going to spawn a pig and see what he can do okay let’s get a mob and rager who oh my gosh this thing is absolutely insane wait he turned to pig into some kind of cursed version Oh My Gosh y Rosie is never going to win this you know what you guys get out of here I don’t need you anym oh my God I can’t move him oh no oh no oh no I can’t move him what I have a mob killer and I literally can’t kill it look at the top of the screen he’s just dying super slowly oh my God you know what I’ll get back to you whenever I got these guys all right I don’t think that Rosie is done yet so you know what I’m going to check out what these guys can actually do against some pigs okay I’m going to spawn a pig right there I’m sorry bro listen dude I just got to test out how good my my monsters are okay I really really really apologize oh you get it right he gets it guys he gets it okay let’s spawn the Abyssal and anti-zombie and make him super mad wait wait wait does this work oh my god it works yo we literally got him in two hits okay you know what I was underestimating how strong this dude actually is okay okay let’s get him out of here let’s spawn this one oh wait I’m stupid that’s the same what what the heck is going on I heard some kind of what the heck is that noise okay whatever whatever whatever I’m going to check out this one okay let’s spawn a little pig right here and see how freaking strong he is oh he’s just he’s he’s just uh uh yo buddy your target is right what the heck are you doing fight him there we go yes what he’s not even strong bro he’s like super stup get out of here okay okay okay let’s see how strong The Dread guard is now this dude is actually what the heck are those explosions over there I’m actually terrified right now I keep hearing explosions dude we’re about to fight okay like two or three what the heck is going on what is that I don’t even know what that is okay okay okay let’s Spa a pig real quick and see how strong he is Oh Oh I thought he was going to attack him already there we go waa oh my gosh he’s doing some kind of super weird vomit okay you know what I think it’s time to start to fight Rosie who do you guys think is going to win it’s going to be me it’s going to be I’m going to win for the boys all right Rosie are you whoa what the heck is that Rosie don’t worry about it it’s just my little monster what your little monster I can I can barely hear you oh my god get that away from me get it away from me are you scared of course I’m scared oh my God okay you know what it’s time to fight each other I’m going to spawn my monsters here you spawn your monsters there it’s going to be the first round are you ready I’m so ready please don’t tell me you’re going to start with this one no I’m save him for Less okay okay that’s good cuz yeah yeah okay yeah that’s good are you scared of losing flaky I am yours is shooting like TNT or something that’s so unfair okay let’s go okay Rosie you’re on the other side of the wall can you hear me I can can you hear me I can so let’s spawn the first round okay spawn whatever you had in mind for the first round and we’re going to fight each other with it okay let me know when you’re ready I’m ready you’re ready okay give me one second I just have to make them all super angry towards your stupid mobs oh no it’s here no that’s so a how much are you spawning not many just a few what they attacking my already the the wall isn’t even gone this is so unfair how many are you spawning flaky you’re literally spawning Dragons I’m spawning tiny little zombies this is so unfair they’re so cute oh my gosh I don’t think I can dude it’s not working I can’t make them super angry oh no they’re getting mine they’re literally just destroying everybody no this is unfair I love this competition what are they doing they’re just standing around they’re not even doing anything okay you know what I’m sick of them I’m sick of them it’s time for round two and I call this round a draw what you can’t do that Floy dude what one of mine just literally walked off himself bro oh my God he didn’t like it anymore get him out of here I don’t like this you use something way too op oh my gosh you should have choos them better wait how are we going to rid of yours they’re like ghosts I can’t even attack them you can with a diamond sword get oh my gosh oh you got him okay flaky are you ready for round two I’m not ready for round two if that was your round one I’m super scary for your round too oh my gosh okay you know what I think we should do we should place them all down and when we’re ready we should meet up here and see the battle happening from up here okay yeah that sounds really good let’s do that okay go ahead spawn your round two ooh which one should I pick no no just pick pick a very easy one cuz mine’s going to be super super bad okay let’s go with this one oh no I see a boss bear at the top already I’m super scared right now let’s spawn five of these five it’s going to be amazing oh my God okay it’s time to remove the wall we didn’t even have to remove the wall the last time what did you spawn what what is that okay wait I got to see what you sp what the heck is that that is so gross I know so gross okay it’s time hold on there we go remove the wall are you ready yours are already dying go what how I don’t know why are they not fighting hey do something okay okay okay okay bomb there we go oh they’re going they’re going they’re going they’re doing something who oh my God I’m getting nauseas I’m getting nauseas I’m getting nausees what this is so cool no this is not cool yours are winning again this is so unfair they stop oh my God no no no no I’ll make him fight again you got to call them ugly look hey you ugly look they’re going to fight again dude this is so unfair what he’s pushing them all off this is so awesome wait he’s throwing sand blocks wa what the heck is going on no way wait wait they’re pushing him off they’re pushing him off yes yes what one more come on one more one more one more push get out of here move no we won woo I still have two of them no you don’t you have one yours are so big you can’t even spawn more than one that’s cheating hey you’re cheating he you know what let’s get them all out of here it’s time for round three and I think that I won this round what Floy no okay you know what let’s ask our awesome viewers who do you guys think won this round cuz I’m pretty sure that I won because look at them no no no all of my guys gave up a very good fight and you’re lazy little stupid whatever the heck it is they’re still standing over there doing absolutely nothing yeah okay I guess you’re right I won okay flaky so it’s one for team blue and one for Team Pink the best team well actually team blue is still winning even though it’s one one I’m still winning okay are you ready it’s time for round three and listen let’s just agree to only spawn one this round okay just one okay let’s go let’s do that okay I’m actually going to spawn three wait no I already had these ones wait wait I need to spawn this one I’m going to spawn three no four of these oh my gosh that is so awesome okay okay okay I’m going to meet Rosie back up there oh wait wait wait wait wait wait they’re got to fight each other no I messed up I messed up I messed up so bad they’re fighting each other now oh no uh Rosie I got a little problem my guys are fighting each other wa Floy you cheated what no this is what you said we’re only allowed to spawn one so you go away you go away you go away and you go away wait but I only waa no no I only have one okay okay okay I’m going to spawn here okay just go back to your platform okay I’ll spawn just one you come with me yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m coming with you I’m I just got to get these entities there we go what the heck do you have what is that okay okay let’s go let’s remove the wall round three oh wait did you remove one again oh oh my God you’re so mean you’re so mean you’re cheating flaky I’m not cheating you’re cheating ah I’m not cheating why he they not fighting I don’t know what is going on these guys are so stupid oh there they go They’re fighting they’re fighting I won I won wa that’s not fair oh ew he ate him and now he’s barfing that’s so gross wo what the heck it turned the ground red too dude I literally won again oh you’re so bad too one whoa what the he he doing bro what ew stop barfing at me get out of here you stupid okay are you ready for round four all right so for round four I have a tiny little surprise okay because this thing is absolutely freaking insane are you ready wait wait you have the same egg oh no uhoh are we going to spawn the same one I don’t know are we okay you know what you know what let’s just go over to our area and spawn just one okay one just one actually one Floy yeah yeah yeah yeah just just one just one I’m going to Spa I’m going to spawn two again each and every side I’m ready I’m Ste hey you spawn two you’re cheating what I don’t know what you’re hey you spawn two twoo no I didn’t this they count as one it’s a twin yeah mine too so I think that’s fair let’s go let’s remove the wall and make them super angry at each other they’re fighting each other what the heck is going on they’re just barfing at each other oh that’s gross are they fighting wait was that it they already giving up I think so wait wait wait I’m going to try again waa you’re doing it again what are they doing all right you know what I don’t think these guys are up for any good let’s just spawn our last two ones right here that you have just spawn your last one let’s do it here right here boom okay what oh my God this is mine what what the heck is this fing they’re fighting my dragon what did you spawn what is that thing he has three heads it’s a Hydra flaky but everyone is attacking my dragon oh my gosh they’re all fighting Your Dragon no this is not fair well but who’s winning I think the Hydra is losing you can see the HP on the top yeah no that’s not that’s not good no oh no the hydra’s almost dead wait why did you sp another one what I didn’t what what I what you’re talking about wa it can spew fire look at that that is so awesome come on defend yourself Hydra you’re so strong oh my God hey you know what your Hydra is going to lose I can’t even attack him he’s so big why is no one attacking your stupid things I have no idea I’m super confused right now but this is so awesome look at the ground it’s totally red W that’s awesome wo i I think they got they got one of your Hydra one is down no this is bad wait they got the other one as well look at that he’s gone no how is that possible oh my gosh okay you know what obviously these red things are super duper strong so we have to now spawn 8,000 skeletons to see who is stronger this one or the Thousand skeletons yeah let’s do that okay you know what I actually changed my mind Rosie what what if he spawned the Hydra that you just spawned and put him against ,000 skeletons yeah that sounds awesome but we have to hurry up a little bit flaky because the Sun is setting don’t worry about it that’s awesome because now the skeletons won’t die that’s perfect okay you spawn all the skeletons I’m going to spawn the Hydra and make them mad at each other okay okay but you have to help me because I have to spawn a thousand things and you have to spawn only one I will help you let’s see if I spawn the right one I got the good one perfect okay now let’s oh my God look at that thing that thing is so creepy okay let’s spawn a th000 skeletons all around the area here so many oh my gosh this is going to be so awesome who do you think is going to win flaky well I don’t know there’s a th000 skeletons imagine a th000 arrows hitting you at once that must hurt right that’s painful how many are here right now let me count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I okay and C this is way too much wo it’s really a lot okay okay are you ready oh that Dragon looks so awesome do you think this is a thousand skeletons I think we have to do one more and now it’s a thousand okay there we go add it add it I got to add them all oh my God this is going to take so long there’s so many of them okay are you ready I’m ready let’s go do it remove the wall wait wait wait wait wait it’s working I think onom remove the wall Floy I know I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying okay okay let’s go boom fight yo they’re going oh they’re going all right you know what this Hydra is stupid I’m going to spawn in his arch nemesis this dude let’s see oh my God he’s already fighting no way oh my gosh wait they’re fighting him who what the heck is going on I don’t know oh there we go they’re fight oh my God he’s getting so many skeletons look at that wo this thing is awesome wait what’s happening oh every skeleton that it kills it spawns like a dreading and the dreading attacks other people no way this is so cool flaky yo Rosie look at this jagaroth he’s literally getting everything oh my God I think it’s safe to say that the skeletons are no match for this one the Hydra is like super bad though I don’t know what it’s doing it’s kind of attacking something I don’t know I like this one so much better it’s so scary and awesome and strong he already got all the skeletons they’re all gone look they’re all turned into his little minions no there’s one left oh never mind oh my gosh no wait is he going to defeat the Hydra as well wait he is I think he might be oh my God what the heck he shooting out what is that I don’t know I don’t want to beat the Hydra right now waa what is he shooting oh my gosh he’s so dangerous you know what this dude won and everyone else lost

This video, titled ‘I Secretly CHEATED in a SECRET BOSSES Mob Battle Competition!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-06-23 00:45:01. It has garnered 1436 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:14 or 14054 seconds.

I CHEATED in a SECRET OP BOSSES Mob Battle Competition! (Minecraft)

This video Floki and Dino play a Minecraft Mob Battle, but they can use a HORROR POTION to spawn in super scary HORROR MOBS, but Dash is gonna be secretly cheating with one way glass and a bunch of other crazy pranks, who will win the Minecraft Mob Battle? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Carty, Dash, Doga, Jamesy, Nico, Cash

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#minecraft #minecraftmod #noobvspro

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  • Flecki8888 reveals INSANE Minecraft half blocks! #OMG

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  • “Unreal Minecraft Live Stream – Coffee & Chill!” #minecraftlivestream

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  • DashPum4’s EPIC Bedrock Minecraft Adventure! Watch NOW!

    DashPum4's EPIC Bedrock Minecraft Adventure! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘java enjoyer plays bedrock minecraft! 100% playthrough!’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-10-12 12:55:30. It has garnered 4930 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:00 or 5760 seconds. Donate: (if possible, please donate through here because YouTube Superchat takes 30% of the money! If you donate using this link, I keep 100% of the tip) Rules: 1) No homophobia, transphobia, racism, harsh bullying, threats, etc 2) No NSFW or obscene content 3) No spamming 4) English only 5) Just try to be generally nice to your fellow viewers List of… Read More


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  • Dragon Rider: 100 Days in Minecraft

    Dragon Rider: 100 Days in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 DAYS with DRAGONS In MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Tootsie on 2024-10-06 13:30:20. It has garnered 222335 views and 10580 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:02 or 4742 seconds. Let’s attempt to survive in a World full of Dragons! • There are 3 dragon species that roam this world, each having their very own abilities: Ice, Fire and Lightning! We will attempt to tame all 3 dragon types by getting eggs from battling HUGE stage 4 and 5 dragons that live in underground lairs… And don’t think we’ll be safe at… Read More

  • SkyFalling – EPIC Revenge Alert!! @ShortGamerzOfficial

    SkyFalling - EPIC Revenge Alert!! @ShortGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge Lena Hai Toh Aise lo @ShortGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by SkyFalling on 2024-08-12 19:50:57. It has garnered 1281833 views and 71165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. . #minecraft #minecrafthindi #gamerfleet #senpai #technogamerz #beastboyshub #minecraftmemes #senpaispider #loyalsmp #yessmartypie #souravjoshi #technogamerz #minecrafthindi #chapatigamer #minecraftmemes #minecraft #minecrafthindi #gamerfleet #senpai #technogamerz #beastboyshub #minecraftmemes #senpaispider #loyalsmp #yessmartypie #souravjoshi #technogamerz #minecrafthindi #chapatigamer #minecraftmemes minecraft gameplay minecraft survival gameplay minecraft funny meme minecraft lifesteal smp minecraft poi poi poi minecraft video minecraft short minecraft minecraft lifesteal smp videos minecraft smp trailer minecraft smp minecraft funny short… Read More

  • Insane party and 1v1 gameplay with Prof Mush!

    Insane party and 1v1 gameplay with Prof Mush!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (parties, 1v1s and cs)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-02-12 12:49:58. It has garnered 164 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:28 or 7948 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests, Hive Live, Minecraft Live Stream, Hive gameplay, Minecraft bridging,… Read More

  • Nostalgic Minecraft Version From Over a Decade Ago! Click Now! #minecraftnostalgia

    Nostalgic Minecraft Version From Over a Decade Ago! Click Now! #minecraftnostalgiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played nostalgic Minecraft, a version dating back more than a decade… #nostalgia #minecraft #old’, was uploaded by Squeeze on 2024-04-03 15:40:21. It has garnered 124 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:12 or 252 seconds. Join me as we take a trip down memory lane in Minecraft! In this episode, we delve into a version of the game that’s over a decade old. From exploring vintage landscapes to crafting classic tools, it’s a nostalgic journey filled with adventure and discovery. Watch as we relive the magic of Minecraft’s early days,… Read More

  • Unlimited Teex: EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Multiplayer Gameplay

    Unlimited Teex: EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Multiplayer GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live MINECRAFT sur la 1.21/GAMEPLAY FR JAVA/BEDROCK MULTIJOUEUR.’, was uploaded by Infinity-Teex on 2024-07-29 17:59:21. It has garnered 348 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 06:16:50 or 22610 seconds. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to my YouTube account to see my videos and my Streams.💛 🏆 GO 4500 SUBSCRIBERS 🏆#MINECRAFT #SURVIE #1.21 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Wedding Fun 😂 #rabeesain #bridal

    Mind-Blowing Wedding Fun 😂 #rabeesain #bridalVideo Information This video, titled ‘@neelammuneerteam #wedding #rabeesain #bridal #youtubeshorts #trending #viral #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Funny viral shorts videos 7 on 2024-07-16 11:47:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft #Daily #Short #Funny #Cute … Read More