Insane New RPG Data Pack! Is Minecraft Balanced?

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Well with this that is all of the items done right so you can see the it’s a little high actually effect there we go we get a amalgamation of metal right but that’s not too important so I finally finished all the items for the Nexus right actually functional wise right not

Just Sprites so why don’t we hop out and retest it cuz I did tweak the system a little bit right the the story if you will so hopefully it’s a bit more balance we can do it properly with iron I made the Iron Golems a bit easier to

Heal and the boss fight a little bit easier too plus of course the exit portal right so exits uh I also need to start tweaking stuff out here right the system currently for these little vases is the counter continues to accumulate regardless of Dimension but then once you come back to the Overworld

Is when they trigger hence why as soon as we come out of that world uh we get one spawned and same if you were to go to the end on NE right you could just sit in there and then come back and force spawn one from wherever you are

Located I think I want to change the system all together but uh oh I need to I need to craft the diamonds and I need to reset the Nexus easy easiest way to do that is just go scoreboard objective remove and then I think it’s enchants

Realm right so this will force it to refresh to the earlier States so that’s that done and then for the actual diamonds well I might as well use the loot table so loot give us R enchant and then I think we want fragments it’s been a while and then enchantments right and

This should be there we go pieces of paper and we’re looking for the dust as well perfect so that’s everything we need to craft the diamonds now I am going to reduce it I think right so currently it’s Diamond plus one and one gets you two diamonds but I will make it

One for one now that there is an exit portal so you only need one to go in then you can exit whenever you want but last thing to do is definitely to revoke all the advancements and and reload the world just so we don’t have all the popups so

Basically all that there is left for me to do is the trades for all the villages in the Nexus and to redo the advancements and I should be able to get this out I think in time for Christmas right as a nice little holiday treat for

Anyone who wants to give it a go but we’ll grab a bow and some steak right and yeah survival off we go so refreshes perfect right so the other big change is it doesn’t refresh or build the Nexus until the first person teleports in hence why we saw the

Old villagers but now we have the correct State and we need to go run around and collect all the blocks so we’ll I’ll do that quickly since that’s not really changed and there we go 64 and since we can heal now I don’t mind just falling

Down okay on to the next state and this should be the first little tweak basically I I got rid of the idea of forcing the player to leave and come back right I rather just have everything inclusive and you can just play through the story all in one go so there is a

Little bit of dialogue change I think uh much better we have buildings again oh I see you’ve returned z uh well now that I have my workshop back we also got to check for typos uh but this is no well good we need to get the Nexus reignited

You would happen to have any Crimson blutes or heated buds left right so that’s different instead of asking for metal you’re in luck for the bud just need a little magic but no blutes I’m afraid well maybe if we’re lucky there’s still a few growing somewhere around

Here oh and I think I saw some ound amethyst near the mining entrance say Adventure be a spot and go fetch me some and see if you can find that flare while you’re at it right so another little fetch Quest but we need to Amethyst we

Get heated butt off him and then we need to find the the flowers bring it to this guy and we will be able to get Crimson blute plus heated Bud to get the essence of the sun to trigger the next stage so we know where the amethyst is and well

Obviously show you where the flowers are but we can go ahead pick some of these might as well grab them all right they come in handy later on anyway just walk over them to collect them get anything that spawns in the Nexus is just walk over it you don’t have to destroy you

Don’t have to hit it in fact you can’t cuz you’re in adventure mode right and then as for the flower oh there we go so it’s nice nearby unfortunately it’s interesting should have a particle effect which makes me worry it’s not working and that’s because it’s not interesting I wonder if

It’s the growth stage right cuz they meant to accumulate slowly well this is why we test right that should be a little bit better I’ve got I tweaked their grow times and basically they have to have X amount of score for you to be able to collect them but as you can see

We’ve got the particle effects now which means I should be able to pick them up yep perfect take a little fire damage but basically the way the all the flowers work is they spontaneously count up right every tick they can either increase by 1 to or three and then once

They get to a certain interval they Advance their growth St it’s basically the main concept of how any any flowers work in the game well not flowers but you know crops and then once I get to the final stage I was checking the score but the easier way to to handle it is

Probably just check the tag and once we check the tag we can collect it as you can see uh it’s an actual flower in my hand right it’s a block although we can’t place it or do anything what is it what am I using the flower P flower

Banner pattern right but we’ll waste one of these cuz I think the grind stone is in there no we haven’t restored enough okay we’ll hold on to one cuz what you can do is you can grind this up into its uh F pedals and root right and then

That’s all usable throughout the Nexus but I thought this was a nicer concept you’re harvesting the the full plant and then you have to process it right hence why they take up a full inventory slots you carry it I’ll probably do uh inventory effects I don’t know I’m still

Debating it right so if you hold it maybe you take some fire damage or hunger or something right if as many are in your inventory or something like that I I don’t know I’ll think about it okay but we can do the new trades so we get a

Heated Bud from you you can buy extra if you want right again they don’t stack so just waste your inventory and well they I guess you could sort of speed up one of the mini games going forward it’s not a big deal and then we’ve got the flower

And we got the head bud so we can go ahead and grab the okay oh right that’s not horrible so I have the hide flag is that why it’s not or i’ manually set it to White I probably manually set it to White right because it’s just a a nothing item it’s not

Meant to be fancy so I do have to fix up the trade the heated bud is fine though yeah okay which is a little bit more annoying because what it means I really need to do is resave the state of the Nexus so fact to make it easier on

Myself and then I don’t have to go back through and correct all the other flowers what I’m going to just do is Advance the scoreboards of these flowers right to the correct amounts rather than searching the tag and obviously fix the the trade and then resave the template

Right so that should be the oh nope ah got the objective it’s custom block state right that should be the flowers two entities that’s what we want to see and now I just have to fix up the Villager right let’s see if I got the pathing right so buy tagay name set

Value see yes and just to make sure the trade Works before I save it perfect okay so this is how I’ve been handling the Nexus for anyone interested we’ll go back to creative for a second TP to 0000 which is outside the Nexus and then just obviously a structure block to save

The the template right so this will save all the entities importantly the Villager trades and the flower generation uh all the amethyst should have spawned back but I should double check that before we do save it right because we collected it before I reloaded the world just to make sure

Okay perfect cuz obviously I want them in stock I go back to 0000 and yeah save it uh I do have to remember what it’s called I feel like it’s restored or it might be repaired right cuz it’s the second stage I should have numbered them

Said I chose words I’ll figure it out save it and then we’ll we’ll continue on with the Nexus right fingers cross that this is correct we reload hopefully the Villager has remembered his new trade oh that is the wrong one 24 24 24 is so where are you wrong side right please be

White okay perfect we go back to survival game mode survival is there anything I don’t need no we should be fine actually I can get rid of that get rid the extra plants and I don’t really need to scroll anymore okay perfect now uh just throw it into the forge right

That’s all it says just double check to make sure I did this correctly simply throw it into the center of the forge perfect though I don’t really say what the ancient Forge is I suppose H that that could be a slight problem do I say I’m over by the ancient Forge that might

Be an indicator I might change it to throw onto Netherrack cuz it should I think the way I set up it should work as long as it’s just on Netherrack here right if we throw it onto this block it should still do the job yeah perfect so yeah I

Should change the tool tip I think okay so I’m not sure when I when I messed up the recording but it’s fine we can start the stage again right nice and easy reload the world music start oh definitely equip the IR armor and probably heal

Up okay and also we got a double play of the text interestingly that I’m not too sure on a yellow gate is when they’re spawning right so we need to to defeat the enemies to drop the materials I did up their rates and also decrease the amount

We need to repair the Golems so it should be a little bit easier right look at that we got five iron and three amethyst I mean we could probably get away with just spamming the iron rather than going and crafting it it’s definitely super powerful to to head

Back to the ancient fortun craft uh Red Gate is next as long as we manage the gates we should be somewhat fine again we’re just in Iron so it’s not too rough we can knock them down and that really helps Red Gate again should be fine there’s only two I

Think right only looks like two spawns no three again that’s fine fine again I should probably try and knock them down or at least not get knocked down by them myself okay five is not enough but there should be enough materials down that we can go craft I

Think and definitely make sure to heal up although we do respawn at the center of the Nexus so it’s not too bad now there was an error last time right where it crafted the amount of actually there’s a few erors so I don’t understand understand why but for whatever reason certain items just

Aren’t stacking as you can see all the iron ingots which is weird to me cuz I don’t know why they’re not stacking uh oh one of you fell apparently that’s right I’ll take your resources but what I want to see is this last time gave us as many as amethyst we

Had it didn’t delete the iron properly and it looks like it did again yeah so we got 18 which is incorrect that’s not how that should work but we definitely have enough to repair and as you can see they stack so I don’t know why it’s just

The first time they hit your inventory they don’t stack for whatever reason but we want to go repair green first more than anything so a bit unfortunate cuz there are a massive zombies coming our way and I assume there’s some wither skeletons aggroed behind us hopefully we

Can pick these guys off before we have to worry about that just knock you off yeah no more spawning heal up definitely repair you so we get a message cool has been repaired and we gain regeneration which does make it a little easier and they also do AOE

Damage now as you can see we should be fine in fact we should be able to just repair them without even doing the trade right with the the main villager which I did make easier you only have to trade him eight now instead of 16 so you can

Drop uh to give them regen then again right these just instantly heal them so it is super useful so we can do that one and I believe this the last one right that everyone repaired reped repaired repaired cool but I guess we haven’t G the trigger to the next stage

H okay that’s something I’ll have to look at quickly it doesn’t appear to be an issue with the function that I can see so we will just hop into creative right we reset it ah okay that’s weird sets it to -4 that is definitely not

Correct why do it say say it to4 I think it’s because it’s replacing the Iron Golems which is bad what’s the easiest way to fix this cuz that’s kind of a weird State for the scoreboard right so if I uh repair one of these fully it’ll go up by one but

We’re waiting for it to count to four oh you know what just if if the function is in the negative just set it back to to zero that’s the easiest way to do it actually so we got where scoreboard players uh set or even reset I suppose reset just clears the score right

Doesn’t delete it okay so that should be fine it should be nice and easy to fix make sure the command is working good but I do have to reset and we’ll just clear it in Creative since we did already just quickly clear it oh why is it still negative one

Though okay that didn’t work okay better so it’s starting at zero so so each one we repair should increase the score by one yeah and then this should be nice and easy probably cting me iron it is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so it’s 12 like

That or eight all at once right and regardless of how much damage they’ve taken there we go on to the next stage the Nexus I don’t I don’t have to worry about the scoreboard being in a weird State once we’re in the next stage so that’s fine we’ll head back into

Survival which turns us to Adventure mode and we might as well just clear the scoreboard and get on with it don’t think I’ve changed this stage too much right it just nerfed the boss so all we have to do is make our way to the amethyst

Cabins why do we get oh is that correct I feel like that is not how long those effects should be I intend to to make the boss fight easier after you clear it they don’t constantly give it no yeah so they definitely shouldn’t be 3 minutes I

Think I have it set to uh why would I why would I do that I don’t know I feel like they should be like 5 Seconds yeah I know why initially sorry excuse me initially I had them only trigger once right so as soon as you repaired

The Golem and gave a burst but now it’s ongoing you know we’ll we’ll use the other entrance actually now so I think we came out this way but we can go in this way oh actually no there is a tweak I changed the trades because we do want

To get the watering Stone so we need to make some metal again this worries me I’ll need to fix it up right that should only create one yeah they both get deleted but if we do both Stacks it will create five for whatever reason right it goes to the amethyst and

Doesn’t worry about the iron which is just just weird uh I don’t know how many coins we need so I’m going to grab all six feel like it’s four we’ll see it is four perfect right so we want the warning Stone it makes the boss slightly Easier by dealing damage to him

When he activates certain abilities now the reverse entrance should be through the Crafters down here and I will probably clear the effects clear nope there’s the wrong one that was going to be very bad we want oh effect clear yeah now we’re just normal Power which is fine so we can come

Through his house take a little bit of fall damage coming out this way and it should put us Ah that’s not good these should not exist well I guess they’re just flavorful imagery right you can’t pick them up or anything they’re not glowing it’s fine okay hopefully this goes

Well touch one tell you that the boss will come and then touch two run Away it’s fine so I lowered his HP at time reduced his damage but he still blinks away so you still have to find him right otherwise he will grab you eventually but I think this cuz of the like hide-and seek the music is kind of perfect for this he’s nearby because

We’re getting his health bar it’s fine we can explore the different Pathways So eventually he will just trigger his grab or he will just slowly lose I suppose right so the presence of a a warning Stone causes Vos to suffer backlash from his magic oh and almost get us so this is little

Area effect he spawns apparently I think it’s because it’s inside the block that I can’t touch it it should be doing contact damage with us oh you’re on the other side of the great there huh that music was very short okay also I don’t know how to get

There I built the tunnels first so it’s probably the least thing I know where to go but I’m guess and I’m not good at parkour just grab me I should force his ability right if he’s if the player doesn’t find him in a certain time frame he automatically grabs him that probably

Smooth out the boss fight I don’t think this is the correct way either no this is back the way we came so that means it’s the opposite side I’m really really annoyed that the music lasted that long I sped it up I guess that’s why you

Still there by the way you are it’s fine I mean oh okay that one damaged us yeah you know what it is it hasn’t collided with the ground because it’s on the edge of the block and that’s why it hasn’t spawned the very very dangerous Zone all right I’m going to oh course

Right when I was about to cut he does that yeah a little difficulty to the point and maybe I shouldn’t make his grab cuz right when you respawn what I I kind of just need to open up the tunnels a little bit more I don’t mind having

The greates there for the final fin stage but I should probably oh God that’s no good I definitely need to open up cuz right right now I don’t really know how to get to my stuff and he grabbed me again yeah okay this is this is not going the way I wanted but

He is definitely easier but he is a boss right as long as he feels like a boss I suppose again we can leave and come back we can just pretend I suppose right like we exited went and got a bunch of netherite stuff and then went back on the hunt so

We know he’s he’s down here which is good we should be able to take him out oh or he can just take us to him that’s fine too I think he’s stuck anyway he’s still fairly tanky oh we don’t have the warning Stone anymore that’s also why

He’s not taking a lot of passive damage I mean he’s just a wither skeleton right or but with bad debuffs very bad debuffs but we could and you can’t path why can’t you path we can path if I stand up here if we come this way yeah your follow range

Should be much higher pretty sure I set it to like 50 of course he gets us this is not it’s not a great showcasing and of course his magic right as I tab over to restart the recording I really need to get the warning Stone back I should have gone

And I suppose traded for another one uh to get the the amethyst again we can just access them through the miner foran foran foran is is occupation right so uh one iron pick gets us straight out of this I suppose you’ll still need iron yourself

Though but we can we can just we can just use god mode right and of course he just has to Blink there you are back in the little lock cell there’s a way to but we will just give him the nice little touch of bye-by yeah where’s

The do I have to hit him again God I had to hit him again it’s fine I want to make some changes to this as well right and enough playing around so tweaks there’s now this pathway back up and down so you can come in this hole and

Leave this hole you don’t have to use the the house exit and then I also opened up all the pathways right so the is a lot more accessible you can go to all the regions unlike before where it was a maik Structure right that you had

To find certain ways and parkour up so for instance this gate is now open uh this hole is now open so you can go through there essentially every way is now possible to Traverse no matter where the boss teleports as for the music uh I will probably have to add it to the

Resource pack right a longer version or something like that something I will just add to the list and when I get around to it I get around to it but we are just going to going to do this nice and easily with netherite right we have the warning Stone as well so it

Shouldn’t be too rough we’ll see if we can get this done by the music time right as long as we juggle him should be fine just have to watch for the abilities like that there actually nice to know that they continue to path where they once were right instead of where

They teleport you to is interesting but we are taking a little bit of damage I forgot to give myself steak that’s also worrisome next time it blinks away right we’ll just recover for a little bit there we go again he should pass to me right I I up

The follow attribute but doesn’t seem that way I’m just going to give myself steak right cuz that’s what we’d normally have or something appropriate uh it’s not is it it’s cooked beef yeah cooked beef 64 please so we can heal up and we can either wait for him to find

Us or we can go hunting again yeah we can now go through all the tunnels so basically just I suppose go near an exit see where his H bar comes back and then go from there although he did blink again so so could be in a different location but yeah just explore the

Tunnels oh or wait for him to pull you it should be a nice fun boss fight right again I think his HP is at a manable level right you just have to worry about certain abilities like that that is definitely a time to I’m going to die

Time to go yeah so what do we get hit by he used crushing blow which is a Wither scale and ability The Prompt did not appear but we heard the sound effect like Crush sound and then you used volatile magic at the same time and that onew combo nuked us unfortunately even a

Netherite gear ah let’s just let’s just tap him and use the command where where’ you go where are you hiding tell me where you are yeah there’s some other secrets to and that’s also annoying getting stuck in blocks because I suppose it’s not it’s not scentered properly he’s not

Here anymore that’s for sure on there come on where are you there you are okay let’s just do this nice easy way you guys can have fun dealing with him we’ll hit him a few times just to make sure but this should work as long as he

Stays in front of me and does not teleport away right yeah so he s us with scale abilities that’s why he’s using like Soul fragment but the crush attack I guess isn’t the range on it versus the the T raw command is is n appropriate anyway

We got the condensed magic so we can finally complete the Nexus yeah I don’t know I I feel like I’m happy with its difficulty I don’t expect you to do the boss one first try I mean there’s obvious places where you can cheese it that’s intentional again

He has some abilities to to work around that you can definitely cheese it so I think it’s fine that’s kind of weird though teleport me out and then build the Nexus and did the pr that’s fine all right we’re all done finally yeah so I still have to do their

Trades and the advancements and then we’re good to go I think with that the balancing for the Nexus is fine right seems fine again for a a more Adept player right with potions or something like that even again exit portal now so you can leave whenever you want but I

Think we’ll leave it there hope you enjoyed see you

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Through the Nexus Again, is it Balanced? | Lets Make an RPG Data Pack – Runechant #64’, was uploaded by Kllooooyy on 2023-12-22 16:00:04. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:41 or 1541 seconds.

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Showcases multiple features for my upcoming new Minecraft data pack. Using a bunch of commands I’m trying to alter Vanilla gameplay with an overwhelming number of RPG elements, from mob abilities to bosses and even a new magic system. I give you my work in progress Runechant a World of New Enchantments.

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    Sinister Siren Head in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SIREN HEAD 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-30 15:09:57. It has garnered 1117 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:11 or 371 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More

  • Villager Scam Alert in Minecraft 🚨 #shorts

    Villager Scam Alert in Minecraft 🚨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft VILLAGER Tried to scam me 🙄 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-07 10:30:07. It has garnered 16504 views and 539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft VILLAGER Tried to scam me 🙄 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a minecraft movie,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build: Enormous Chicken in Minecraft 1.20 ep 2

    Unbelievable Build: Enormous Chicken in Minecraft 1.20 ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft 1.20 :: ep 2 – Buildin’ a Big Ol’ Chicken’, was uploaded by buildsbyoggie on 2024-05-30 19:30:00. It has garnered 278 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:33 or 1893 seconds. Howdy all! In today’s episode of Let’s Play Minecraft I designed and constructed a dual skeleton/zombie farm, enchanted some gear, and constructed a *slightly* unsettling house above the farm, complete with chicken legs and a voluminous feathered tail. I also included some timelapses, so hopefully y’all enjoy those 🙂 intro 00:00 howdy! 00:56 spawner timelapse 05:12 first… Read More

  • I Found The Rarest Item on Day 1! | Minecraft Java Edition |

    I Found The Rarest Item on Day 1! | Minecraft Java Edition |Video Information This video, titled ‘I Got Extremely Lucky On The First Day | Minecraft Java Edition |’, was uploaded by Zer0nine Playz on 2024-03-15 12:59:28. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:36 or 1656 seconds. Today I Got Extremely Lucky BY Getting Diamonds and Finding An Ancient City.Like And Subscribe To This channel For More Videos Like This Tags Ignore minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Prince Hacks Revealed: 3 Epic Mini Builds!

    Minecraft Prince Hacks Revealed: 3 Epic Mini Builds!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Prince Hack: 3 Mini Builds Unveiled’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-10 15:26:28. It has garnered 2439 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Epic Minecraft Prince Hack: 3 Mini Builds Unveiled link in description:- search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral #viralvideo #video #toilet #short #Java #ZS’KAYR #build #building #build hake #3 mini build #new dimension portal #new video minecraft build hacks, minecraft, minecraft build, build hacks minecraft 3 mini build hacks in minecraft, minecraft builds, build hacks minecraft in hindi, minecraft hacks, minecraft build tutorial, 3… Read More

  • BH Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cain Farm!

    BH Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cain Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fake sugar Cain farm.#minecraft’, was uploaded by B AND H GAMER on 2024-05-30 14:28:39. It has garnered 479 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #GameOn #GamerLife #VideoGames #GamingNews #GamersUnite #GameTime #GamingSetup #GameChanger #Esports #PlayHard #GamingPC #onlinegaming channle link: Embark on an exhilarating journey into the heart of Free Fire, the pulse-pounding battleground that tests your skills and strategy. Join me as we delve deep into the immersive world of gaming, exploring the intricacies of Free Fire, from its dynamic gameplay to the community that… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Map Collab with Robin – Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Map Collab with Robin - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing minecraft and play a new map and collab with Robin come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-03-10 22:32:33. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:21 or 8181 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Insane Remix of KanaMusic – SLOWED REVERB

    Insane Remix of KanaMusic - SLOWED REVERBVideo Information This video, titled ‘cleared remix (SLOWED REVERB)’, was uploaded by KanaMusic on 2024-03-16 14:11:21. It has garnered 259 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. song 👉 lilithzplug cleared remix thanks 😀 #nocopyrightmusic #anime #edit #minecraft #phonk #academia #alightmotionedit #cartoon #gtr #ff Copyright I have no rights on the background music! I have no rights on the anime images! All of the images and music are under the use of fair use Tags: ignorem #anime #edit #animeedits #animeedit #funk #funkanime #funkedit #funkanimeedit #funkeditanime #amy #alightmotion #animememes #animemme #otaku #animegirl #animeamy #animearts… Read More

  • Amusement Park Holland

    Amusement Park HollandWe are a New Dutch Themepark server. – 24/7 Open – Darkrides,RollerCoasters – Good staff – Custom Park – Always Working on New Rides Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Minecraft Server! Createville is a safe and friendly community where players come together to play in a central city and adjacent towns. Join us to build trains, sell items, chat, collaborate on projects, and more! What to Expect: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create mod and addons Organised community area A touch of magic Ingame voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Createville Modpack Discord: Createville Discord Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • The Towny [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Java & Bedrock} {Towny} {Jobs} {Quests} {Dungeons}

    🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.Java/Bedrock/Console IP: Bedrock/Console Port: 25565🏡 **Towny **: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the wealthiest player in Nu Towny.⚔️ **Dungeons**: Test your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bugapocalypse: Unbelievable Glitches! 🔥😂🙌

    Minecraft Memes - Bugapocalypse: Unbelievable Glitches! 🔥😂🙌Optifine may suck ass, but at least it’s getting a solid score of 14! Read More

  • Feather Genetics in Minecraft: A Colorful Delight!

    Feather Genetics in Minecraft: A Colorful Delight! In the world of Minecraft, genetics take flight, A white rooster and hen, a colorful sight. Their chicks, yellow and orange, a surprise, Genetic Animals mod, a fun disguise. Exploring the science, in a virtual land, Where colors mix, with a magical hand. Forge mod in hand, the possibilities grow, In Minecraft world, where creativity flows. So dive into the game, with genes in mind, Discovering new colors, one of a kind. Genetics in Minecraft, a fascinating tale, In this virtual world, where creativity prevails. Read More

  • Your builds are hotter garbage than the Nether!

    Your builds are hotter garbage than the Nether! When your Minecraft builds are so bad, even the creepers are like “Nah, I’m good, I’ll pass on blowing that up.” #minecraftfails #worstbuilder #creepersdontwantit Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft’s SCARIEST Lakehouse

    100 Days in Minecraft's SCARIEST Lakehouse The Thrilling Adventure of Surviving 100 Days in the SCARIEST Lakehouse in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a heart-pounding journey as two brave gamers take on the challenge of surviving 100 days in the SCARIEST lakehouse in Minecraft Hardcore. Surrounded by a haunted forest teeming with mysterious creatures, our heroes must navigate through the darkness and uncover the secrets hidden within. A Haunting Setting The lakehouse stands as a beacon of hope amidst the eerie landscape, offering shelter from the horrors that lurk in the shadows. The haunted forest presents a formidable challenge, with survivors leaving cryptic clues that lead… Read More

  • ULTIMATE EVOLUTION!! Minecraft Ben 10 Survival: Part 21

    ULTIMATE EVOLUTION!! Minecraft Ben 10 Survival: Part 21Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ben 10 Survival – Marshy Part 21: Ultimate Evolution’, was uploaded by Frozen Breeze on 2024-05-21 05:37:33. It has garnered 737 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:26 or 2186 seconds. Discord: We did a Ben 10 Minecraft survival series quite some time ago on the channel and we’re back to do another one! Last time we played Matterfall but this time were playing with Marshy’s Secrets of the Omnitrix! But we’re not starting with the watch this time! So we have to grind up to it, which’ll be… Read More

  • Becoming a Pro in Prominence II!

    Becoming a Pro in Prominence II!Video Information This video, titled ‘⋆☆ Adventuring and Leveling Up! (Prominence II) ☆⋆’, was uploaded by iygmelissa on 2024-02-19 23:00:20. It has garnered 530 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:04 or 1984 seconds. ⋆☆ LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MINECRAFT MOM ☆⋆ ⋆☆ Episode 4: In this episode, we head out in a different direction to see what more of the overworld has to offer! On the way, we find plenty of structures, loot, and ADORABLE flower cows! We also discover ways to increase our skillage and reforge some sick gear! ☆⋆ ⋆☆… Read More


    EPIC 2x1 KIT PVP BATTLE in DEXLAND!Video Information This video, titled ‘kit pvp I PVP 2×1 I DEXLAND I MAINBLAZE’, was uploaded by Gojop429 on 2024-04-01 19:40:17. It has garnered 149 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. #combotage #dexland #mineblaze Minecraft, Combotage, DexLand, MineBlaze, KitPvP, SoupPvP, Rape Series, NoDebuff, Ranked, Minemenclub, Vimeworld, Lunar Client, Hypixel, BedWars, BW Clips, PotPvp Packs, PackFolder, Nakoso, woklywo, kohi, minehq, resourcepacks, Duels, xGh0Nas, SmokeAt420, Simvolom, CW, ziblacking, release pack, 1.7.10, 1.8.9, pvp, potpvp, reach no kb, combos, banned, boxing, combo, ping, better ping, nodebuff, #1 nodebuff, #1 boxing, pack release, misplace, client, minecraft,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: MrUNKNOWN’s EPIC Live Stream Adventure!

    UNBELIEVABLE: MrUNKNOWN's EPIC Live Stream Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUN LIVE’, was uploaded by MrUNKNOWN on 2024-06-08 22:18:34. It has garnered 11 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:39 or 1299 seconds. minecraft smp glitch how to glitch in minecraft minecraft smp illegal items roblox glitches minecraft lifesteal smp video minecraft op glitch how to get illegal items in minecraft bedrock new minecraft glitches bedrock how to do genshin glitch bedwars glitches best minecraft glitches how i got this illegal sword in this minecraft smp Dive into the world of Minecraft with our ultimate gameplay video! Watch as we explore… Read More

  • 🔥LEGENDARY FAIL💎 Silent Thrasher loses diamonds in epic Minecraft bed wars! 😱

    🔥LEGENDARY FAIL💎 Silent Thrasher loses diamonds in epic Minecraft bed wars! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I wasted those diamonds 😭 | Minecraft hive bed wars’, was uploaded by Silent Thrasher on 2024-05-17 20:28:41. It has garnered 206 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. subscribe to make me feel better. #hivemc #thehive #skywars #hivebedrock #duels #combo #pvp #mcpe #bedrock #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #challenge #viral #short #yt #hiveskywars #hive Tags #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Dungeon Building with Rafli Nagara17

    EPIC Minecraft Dungeon Building with Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Bikin Ruang Bawah Tanah’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-03-29 17:03:03. It has garnered 2290 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. MC Name: Eralflito17 mcpe: Port : 19132 saweria : socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tick tock : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kosil !sayname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase… Read More

  • Code:Hacker – CRAZY VR Minecraft Gameplay 🎮

    Code:Hacker - CRAZY VR Minecraft Gameplay 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft on VR glasses 🤓’, was uploaded by Code:Hacker on 2024-05-20 13:31:34. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • GRACE is GONE?! Our INSANE Ranking in Minecraft 🔥

    GRACE is GONE?! Our INSANE Ranking in Minecraft 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘⭐ Minecraft: O GRACE ACABOU E ESTAMOS MUITO BEM NO RANKING! F. Fênix #02’, was uploaded by uArch on 2024-04-21 00:16:32. It has garnered 348 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:25 or 265 seconds. 📌About the server: 👉STORE: 👉DISCORD: 👉IP: 📌Goal for the video: 👍 30 likes. 📈 And rising. 📌 Support the channel: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE. 🌎 SHARE. 👍 LEAVE YOUR LIKE. 💬 COMMENT. 📌 About me: 🎓 Nick: uArch 💥 My faction: TAGS [IGNORE] op factions server with free vip, op factions server 1.8, factions server… Read More

  • “Aphmau Fan Creates Epic Minecraft Music Video” #clickbait

    "Aphmau Fan Creates Epic Minecraft Music Video" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #aphmaumystreet #music #mystreet #aphmau #aphmaucrew #song #edit #songlyrics #firstmeme’, was uploaded by Aphmau fan from my street on 2024-04-08 17:44:25. It has garnered 1427 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More