Insane Overworld Mob Farm in Hardcore Mode!

Video Information

Hey guys and welcome back this is shows arctic today we’ll be setting up an awesome overworld mob spawner that’s right so i hope you guys are ready hey guys future chosen here just wanted to say if you haven’t already checked out the description below i do have now linked a full achievement completion

List so it will show everything that i have done so far in my world and allow you guys to be able to keep track of all of the advancements so anyways let’s get on to this video so today man we got a lot of stuff done

During the live stream if you did miss that of course you can find that over at forward slash chosen architect or you can go to my secondary channel which is uh forward slash chosen live um where i do post my vods but we got a

Lot of stuff done we ended up finding the fortress i know and it was horrifying it was it was a i mean i think i left with my heart rate uh ten times uh higher than it normally is um let’s just say my heart was beating out of my chest it was incredibly

Scary as we had to trek through deltas and uh i am not a big fan especially in in this with uh giant slimes coming at you that could almost one shot you depending on how large they are so um we got that done however i have not gone into the

Fortress i wanted to save that for you guys and uh before we even do that today i want to build something that is going to hopefully help us in our future endeavors up until we get into the end um because once we get to the end we can build ourselves

A nice little super fast experience farm um right here though we need to kind of just focus on what experience we can get and also we might want to grab some mob drops it wouldn’t be bad to to have those mob drops as well

Um so to do this i’m going to build a mop farm today so right now i’m collecting wood because we are going to need loads of wood that is going to uh basically help us make a bunch of trapdoors but yes we are gonna be making an overworld mob farm

Today and uh i already kind of have a place set out i’ve just been clearing this uh to get some wood but i kind of already have a place in mind of where i want to build this thing i want to build it above

Our base here it’s going to be way up in the sky though uh but we are going to have a little trail i also by the way built these here in the live stream basically tunnels that allow us to get up to our base quicker so we don’t use this ladder

So much faster look at that it’s so much faster uh we also found an abandoned mine shaft um but we didn’t have any luck i think we ended up harvesting like i don’t know three or four mine carts and there were nothing in them like nothing but rails

Just these rails no joke um but right here this is where i want to put this thing i want this to be where we put everything um let me hop in here i don’t know if we have any torches but we do have lanterns that’s what i kind of want was lanterns anyways

Um this is going to lead us this is basically going to be a shoot that’s going to take me up this is going to be the shoot that i dropped down from this was going to be worked on a little later on this is going to be the one

That we have to work on right now and get set up um this is how we’re going to take the we’re basically going to use this to tunnel all the way up we’re going to use water at first very simple just regular water and later on we’re going to turn it into a

Jet tunnel like this which is going to take a bit of time but we will be able to get it done later on which means i probably need to harvest this block and make sure the water flows just like it’s supposed to now what i’m

Going to use to get up there is probably going to be leaves i find that leaves are some really easy blocks to come by and uh once we get our area set up up top we should be pretty good i’m also gonna need a load of torches so a whole bunch of torches

Um that’s just gonna protect us i’m gonna need to take the wood with me so we can make our own crafting table while we once we get up there sort of conserving space we’re all i’m all about conserving the inventory space because we’re gonna need a lot of cobblestone

And so the more stuff we have uh the more the least stuff we have in our inventory the more space we’re gonna have for all of our cobblestone um so let me go ahead and get all this stuff situated i’m gonna grab all the stuff i need

I still need to go shear some uh some leaves we have a little bit of leaves but we’re gonna need roughly 128 leaves in order to get where i want to go so about two stacks should do you well um actually we probably won’t even need that many to be honest

Um i am going to also take some of this and then we’re going to be probably going up and down to figure out all the other stuff that we’re going to need um but over time water bucket is pretty much i mean we probably want to make a second water bucket

Just to have those two bits of water so we can make an infinite water source other than that we should be just about ready to build this bad boy i almost forgot to mention we have our beautiful cat that we end up taming that came from our village

And i was gonna let you guys name it so if you guys have a name just let me know down in the comment section below what we should name our beautiful cat over here yes i i already have a plan for a name for a dog but

Uh for our cat i just i couldn’t come up with a name so i’m gonna leave it to you guys for that so at this point i need to take this roughly 128 blocks above so pretty much two stacks of leaves and i do have my water bucket with me

And i have the two stacks so once i kind of empty out the two stacks that i have i’ll know that i’m at the proper height now keep in mind this can get kind of dangerous of course the higher you go up be careful not to move

Yeah once we get up here i’m gonna sort of build a ring place our water and get our base structure sort of built out so here we go this is going to be our base like structure and how this is going to work i actually

Want to give myself a little bit of work space um and this is going to be the pad for which i can do that and it’s okay that it’s going to be a two by two sort of shape like an even even shape because the mob farm itself

Is actually an even shape so which is going to work out a lot i kind of want to leave room in here um so that way we could build on and eventually add ourself um some more cool stuff uh like i don’t know i’m putting an enchantment table or

Something up here something so make it a little easier for us to farm back and forth but take a look we got one two three four five six seven eight i might want to go eight over this this part right here is not like fundamental to the actual structure

But it is going to sort of help me figure out where i want to place this thing all right so right here i think is going to be where i want to wrap everything around so this is going to be the the actual spawning area this right here

So if we know that we can sort of build a little bit of a platform around it that’s going to be big enough for us to of course uh farm from so now that we know this is going to be the platform here’s what i like to do

I’d like to go ahead and put put down my chest where i would normally place my chest um the only thing we’re missing i think is two is the pieces of carpet that i’m gonna need i’ll explain that here in a minute we place our hoppers down like this this

Is actually where the mobs are going to fall and we’re gonna kill them on um now to put this in even more perspective there are going to be um a block basically this is going to be the block they’re killed on so if we take a look at this

This is going to be the level for which we start our progression upward and this is i think the most important part of this farm is knowing how tall to build this thing um so if we start here which honestly this is gonna be an empty block technically but this is

Our starting position um we take a look and we’re gonna build it just like this around and this is gonna be one and we need to go 22 blocks up in the air so no matter what block we use every time we go up this is one this will be two

And so on and so forth we need to make it up to 22. that’s probably the hardest part about this whole farm is figuring that number out but once you get that figured out things are going to be a lot easier so this block up

Is 22 at least it is for me and as you can see i am 22 blocks up in the air i’m even higher than i was before uh if you’re nervous i don’t blame you um it is pretty nerve-wracking um but from this point i’m probably going to move away

I don’t know i think i’m going to move away from the stone for right now and i’m going to go to cobblestone and we need to look at this from this point we need to start building off so this is one two three four five six seven eight and we need to

Build eight blocks or seven blocks of cobblestone it’s gonna be eight blocks including this one so again one two three four five six seven eight we need to do this to the to all the sides um and once we get there we’ll move on to the next step perfect

Once you get all of the areas nice and built up i’m gonna place a corner block over here and this is where i’m just going to switch over to the stone because this actually needs to be outlined which hopefully i have enough of the stone for that if not i can

Always go back down and grab some more but yeah i’m gonna go ahead and surround this whole thing and this is actually gonna be two layers um it actually needs to be another layer tall so keep that in mind as you’re building this i tend to like to leave these

Corners open just so i can walk um as you’re uh trying to build this thing because the any any way you can make this easier on yourself to build the better off you’re going to be because man this thing is just so time consuming this right here is

What i was talking about when i said we needed to go up an extra layer but this is where things are gonna get a little bit more fun um and everything else from here is gonna be basically a repeat of this we’re gonna basically copy this same

Setup and go from there um however there’s gonna be some trapdoors and water that needs to be placed which is what we’re going to do during this this section so let’s go ahead and build this out now basically i recommend just uh carrying this all the way until you make

Like a perfect square which is just like this and we’re going to continue this all the way around and then i just i just need to fill in the middle section with some cobblestone and then we’ll talk a little bit about how we need to place some slabs to

Prevent spiders from spawning so at this point things are going to get a little bit more interesting this is where the main mechanics are going to start to take place and we can go ahead and make ourselves a crafting table so we can get things going up here now um

What i want to do is make a couple of slabs see so that way we can get an infinite water source going uh very simple to set one of these up bam and bam two buckets of water now we have infinite water source uh

What i need to do is i need to place water in all four corners here and uh what i can also do is go ahead and start crafting up all of my trap doors that are going to be needed um so the trapdoors need to go on the top section here

Just like this and this really confuses mobs and uh when they’re open like this um they that you can walk over them right so zombies and and all the other mobs think they can also walk over them um even though when they’re set like this when they’re actually open

So this basically they’ll wander around and they’ll eventually fall down and they’ll get stuck inside the chute now here’s where i probably also want to place down some torches and i like to keep these trapdoors open for later on but yeah if the sun goes down we’re going to

Start to have some problems but yeah we’re going to set up this layer and then we’re going to have another layer just like it that is going to be set up directly above it and that’s pretty much the entire farm it’s it’s not super difficult to set this

Farm up now we’re going to need to place down some some slabs here and this is going to prevent mobs from spawning but a very particular type of mob normal mobs are going to have a fine time with these slabs but spiders however they’re not gonna like this and we want

To prevent spiders from spawning as they tend to clog up our drain it sounds very weird but they do they will seriously clog this thing up and it will it’ll run less efficiently and we won’t get the mobs dropping down as fast as we really want them to so

This right here is the second layer done basically you need to make sure that you pillar up from the layer that we just finished you need to be one two three and then start building the rest of your platforms off um that’s really it i mean honestly that’s that’s

The rest of it make sure that all of your trap doors are open at this point um i do still have to go down here into the next layer and remove all the torches um but other than that i mean this farm is pretty much ready to go all i gotta do

Is cap it off now the best thing to use for the roof is slabs because you do not want the chance of anything being able to spawn up here so we need to convert all of our the rest of our cobblestone into slabs and then we’re just gonna slab it

Up you can use wood you can use honestly whatever you want i’m gonna go ahead and use cobblestone because that’s just what everything else is that matches this um yeah now we have a giant floating box in the sky what what is this thing gonna do you ask well we’re gonna

Find out here soon now before i finish the rest of this up i want to go ahead and make sure i finish the bottom now oddly enough this little section here lines up perfectly so that way we can just head straight down and we don’t have to worry about water spewing out everywhere

Now um this section right here this is where things need to sort of change uh this needs to be a slab so we can use a cobblestone slab we can use a stone brick slab i’m probably going to go with a stone brick slab just because i think it’ll

Look a little bit better if we do that and i’ll place that directly underneath here perfect of course you can use whatever block you want is so long as it’s i mean i would i wouldn’t really worry about blocks burning that’s not going to be a problem but

You do want to be able to crouch down here to punch these things or use your sword or whatever you have but we also need carpet on here so i’m going to i’m going to go all the way back down because it is kind of difficult once you get this farm

Started it is kind of difficult to get that carpet placed and the carpet’s gonna prevent the experience from dropping down into the hopper because it will and it will get caught there so the carpet is a really nice way of getting that experience to come directly

To you instead of it just sitting here now when you’re using this farm be super careful creepers can still explode if you manage to get yourself pushed all the way up in here believe me a creeper will explode and it will blow this up and you

And you will fall to your death most likely i know it sounds horrible but that’s that’s what will happen um my recommendation is to not get very close at all um if you have a sword you shouldn’t even need to go underneath this slab you can just rotate yourself

Around if you need to um and you’ll you’ll be able to reach these things it’s it’s not very complicated and shouldn’t you shouldn’t get yourself killed it honestly should not lead to that but i just wanted to to mention that so let’s go get those get the carpet

That’s not going to take too much and then just finish capping this off and we should be good yeah let’s go ahead and get that carpet placed in just like this and man life is about to get so much easier as far as experience goes

I just need to cap this thing off and i’m going to start with uncapping the bottom section and then come up to the top and i’m going to use this water ladder i think temporarily to just honestly come back down it’s really dangerous but i mean i might

Also leave this water ladder here i i don’t know yet all we gotta do is just slab it and then it’s okay like we just need to slab this and then we don’t have to really worry about much else so i don’t know i might leave it i might tear it down

But it is going to be kind of dangerous to tear it down either way um i’m going to need to i could just tear it down and collect the water and just fall with the water that’s probably going to be the best thing to do also while you’re down here removing the torches

Be sure to make sure all of your trapdoors are disconnected or are folded down because it will totally mess this farm up if they are not in the downward position the mobs will just chill out there and they’ll never move so with all the torches gone on the

Bottom layer i need to make my way back up to the top layer and of course i need to make sure that these blocks are removed down here which should be easily done just like that fill everything back in and then get to work on building our

Roof and still these trapdoors also need to be folded down right once we uh we finish off now i’m going to leave a little bit of a space here so that way i know hey this is the way that i need to get out of this place

Um and i need to ride that water down so the roof is intact all we gotta do is break these torches and then honestly our farm is just about ready i don’t think i’ve left anything out or forgot about anything i don’t think now it looks like light is

Coming in but it’s technically not it’s just a you know a lighting glitch that you’re seeing um yeah everything should be good make sure all the trap doors oh these trapdoors i almost forgot i almost left these trapdoors over here in the dark but we should be good after this there we go

Break the last couple it is still dark in here get that going get up top okay now breaking this um this is probably gonna be a mess to once once we break this i could just go ahead try to think of a good way to do this

It’s just there’s not a good way um i mean this is going to create a mess by doing this but i would rather it being a mess than what i have to currently deal with let’s just pick up the water and we’ll make our way down oh no no no no no no

No no how did mobs get down there excuse me what there are mobs down there um uh i thought i torched it i didn’t torch it i did not torch it oh i made a mistake i made a huge mistake and i have no good way of fixing it

I mean i’m gonna put the i’m gonna put this back the way i had it that’s not really gonna make a lot of sense i’m gonna pull the water okay i need to think about this for a minute this is going to be a very dangerous situation if i can’t figure this out

Okay i’m gonna place my cobblestone back the way i had this set up basically like this those mobs like us all it takes is a skeleton just to knock me off and then we’re done all of this work for nothing i’m hoping that a lot of the mobs are gone

Oh i gotta wait for the water to completely finish down there and then it should go back to normal and i get another straight tunnel going oh i didn’t think about torching it down there i should have done that so the water’s back in i need to just slowly make my way

Down here see what is currently down here it looks like just a creeper and some zombies now that is okay so long as there’s no skeletons i’m not super horrified by all of these guys per se um i don’t however have any good way to fight them off There’s also a zombie over there this could be bad i don’t know if i can like go down low enough to hit them hmm and that guy’s got a sword i think i can get just the right height to hit them maybe knock them off maybe oh my yeah go that way

Oh man no let me down let me down don’t come down they will despawn i play some torches so hopefully they will despawn that creeper is like hanging off the edge up there my heart is going so fast right now whole stress i need to eat that was horrifying so i’m

Making my way back up here hopefully i can get up here quick enough that i don’t have to worry about anything spawning i did manage to place a torch down closer to that area but still stuff can still spawn um there’s a zombie okay so that’s not horrible

That’s something i can deal with i do hear mobs but that’s it’s not like okay it’s mobs in the spawner oh good okay let’s get this place this is gonna get pretty loud by the way so yeah i just need to get this torch up i’m not super worried about them because

They can’t particularly see me however um i still need to be super super careful and i think i’m gonna build a fence around here just in case but you can see the mobs are rolling in now and we can kill them and that equals experience and mob drops

So we just have to be very very careful with the creepers that’s that’s the big thing okay so now that i’m a bit more calmed down you can see that me being here it’s it’s working fantastic like and it’s daytime like there’s nothing about it being night or day that really matters um

The only thing that would make this nicer like is if we could be lower to the ground like but we’re at literally build height imagine this farm at a lower uh y level this farm would be ridiculous um but this is a great early early experience farm you can see i’m

Able to gain a lot of experience and i’m able to gain a lot of materials fairly quickly from these mobs but that was stressful that’s a stressful build i am so glad to have this done i just need to get protection around here before i like yeah lose it

Oh man so at the moment i am painstakingly adding a second layer all while being incredibly scared um this not only helps reinforce the fact that in case it explodes and i do survive that i don’t fall through a hole it also is going to provide us a place

For water if we ever need to place water here for whatever reason and also gives us another layer for decoration um later on down the line we have the ability to sort of just place things here but as you can see by my experience bar mobs are definitely coming in so if you’re

Worrying if this mob works it does work in single player um so just keep that in mind this is a single player thing it can work in multiplayer if they’re if everyone on the server is roughly at this place or i mean i i would just i

Would just say that it probably doesn’t work that well on multiplayer servers because more the more players that are nearby is going to have mobs spawning in caves and stuff and the reason this works is because mobs are not spawning in the caves they’re they’re spawning elsewhere

Um they’re they’re all spawning up here because of how high we are because they can’t spawn 128 blocks below us um so just keep that in mind that’s how this mob farm works how it functions and why you probably won’t see many of these on like servers that’s just not going to

To work when there’s multiple people on however it will work if nobody is online but then what’s the point of a multiplayer server at that point so guys man what a crazy thing to build and uh man i have built this thing in several several worlds and several hardcore worlds

This is just a stepping stone in our world to get us where we need because the later on we will be able to have a mob spawner that is way way quicker at getting experience but we have to get to the end and fight the dragon and

And first of all make it there then things are going to become a lot easier for us well easier as in we’ll have all the tools and we can just start building cool things so anyways let’s head our way to the sponsor tree so as always i want to thank

The sponsor of today’s video by placing a sign on our sponsor tree and that is going to go to gabby plays thank you so much for your patronage if you guys are interested by the way in becoming a patreon yourself be sure to check out the description below uh descriptions where you’re gonna

Find all kinds of cool stuff don’t forget you can find the achievement list where i am trying to keep updated um on what achievements we have currently completed plus the current mobs and stuff that we have either bred or killed or what have you i’m trying to keep an updated list of all

That stuff down there so be sure to check out the description because we’re going to find all kinds of cool stuff guys i hope you enjoyed today’s video if you did be sure to give this video a huge thumbs up and also give this video um a nice little subscribe click if you

Haven’t already click that subscribe button guys i hope to see you in the next episode where we’re gonna have a lot more fun and with live stream and you guys have a great day and as always thanks for watching You

This video, titled ‘Easy Overworld Mob Farm | HARDCORE Minecraft 100% Advancements Challenge Ep6’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2021-01-20 19:00:08. It has garnered 49340 views and 1892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:30 or 1590 seconds.

HARDCORE Minecraft 100% Advancements Challenge

I am going after all of the Minecraft advancements in Hardcore. If I die I lose everything. All my hard work would be gone. Journey with me through this crazy world as I try not to die along the way! I will be building some crazy things and having some crazy fun as well! Let’s see how long I will last this time!

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    Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, a new addon is here, With the power to transform, no need for fear. Just click the link, and download with glee, But beware, low RAM may cause a spree. Morphing Bracelet, a magical tool, Turn into any mob, that’s the rule. Supporting version 1.20.73 and above, For Java users, it’s a treasure trove. Riyon’s dynamic lighting, torch in hand, Left-handed players, now take a stand. Explore Minecraft in a whole new way, With morphing bracelet, let your imagination sway. So dive in, Minecraft fans, and have some fun, With this addon, the adventure’s… Read More

  • Hot gamer fleet Minecraft meme

    Hot gamer fleet Minecraft meme “When you accidentally hit your friend’s dog in Minecraft and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the server.” Read More

  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

    Zaheer's Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival Series Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in this survival series. Join the adventure as our protagonist navigates through challenges, builds shelters, and gathers resources to survive in this virtual world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Survival Series, players must utilize their wit and skills to thrive in a hostile environment. From crafting tools to hunting for food, every decision matters as they strive to stay alive amidst the dangers lurking in the shadows. Building Your Sanctuary One of the key aspects of survival in Minecraft is… Read More

  • AI’s Outrageous “What If” Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch)

    AI's Outrageous "What If" Ideas! (Minecraft Sketch) Minecraft Sketch: AI’s Ideas for “What If…” Scenarios Imagine a world where AI generates ideas for Minecraft videos! In a recent video, AI came up with scenarios for “What If…” sketches. Curious to know what AI concocted and how these scenes will unfold? Stay tuned till the end of the video to find out! Host: The co-pilot for this creative endeavor is none other than the AI from the Bing browser (although it’s still not the best browser, by the way). Inspiration: The inspiration behind these imaginative ideas comes from the series “Bláznivé nápady” by StudioMoonTV. Editing: The video… Read More

  • Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥

    Craft like a pro: Diamonds are a MUST in Minecraft FTB Revelation! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘DIAMONDS ARE A MUST!!! ArtsEducated’s Summer Craft LIVE!!! Minecraft FTB Revelation’, was uploaded by Arts Educated on 2024-05-17 06:16:58. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:51:34 or 17494 seconds. We ran out of materials! NEED MORE!!!! DIAMONDS ARE A MUST!!! My name is Mr. B and I am a K-12 Art Teacher and High School Esports coach that loves to play video games! The channel is family friendly content that I want everyone to enjoy! We play anything and everything. I play a lot of Roguelikes and… Read More

  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds Ever

    Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 🤕’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-26 08:30:01. It has garnered 1859 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    GRENINJA vs SCULK - EPIC MINECRAFT DEATH MATCH! #shizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Mutant Death Generate More Sculk? #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MEET GRENINJA on 2024-05-31 06:30:02. It has garnered 12280 views and 429 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Version – 1.20.1 Shader – Complementary Resource Pack – Prime Hd (512x) #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle: Who Will Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : who did it best competition? #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-03 02:25:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀

    Frosterplayz travels to Mars in Minecraft?! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamil || Minecraft, But I Travelled To MARS…’, was uploaded by Frosterplayz on 2024-05-19 05:00:30. It has garnered 1007 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. Parakkuromm!!🚀🌑… ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╕╚╣╔╣╔╕ ╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecrafttamil #Frosterplayz Read More

  • Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!

    Craziest Mini Game Madness with IcyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE AND ZEQA WITH VIEWERS!’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-21 11:22:53. It has garnered 178 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:17 or 4157 seconds. minecraft,hive,live,shorts, Read More

  • Pemwen’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮

    Pemwen's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft 💖 (100 Sub Special)’, was uploaded by Pemwen on 2024-06-03 22:28:01. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:35 or 1775 seconds. SUBSCRIBE 💎 ==================================== 🎮 Discord: ====================================================== Tags 🏷️ ====================================================== #gorillatag #flashback #epic #gtag #vr #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #gtagghost #new #update #gaming #games #gtag #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #new #gtagghost #update #gaming #games #gorillatag #vr #oculus #gorillatagupdate #update #new #gtag #gtagghost #awsome #gorilla #monkey #viral #video #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #videos #valorant #art #newupdate #news #shorts #short #shortvideo #subscribe #like #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #comedy… Read More

  • “Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness” #live #smp #minecraft

    "Join Now for FREE Public SMP 24/7 Minecraft Madness" #live #smp #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK || FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sesav gamer Live on 2024-05-31 20:08:14. It has garnered 152 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:20 or 5000 seconds. #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite 🎮 Join the fun on my Minecraft Public SMP server! 🏰 Explore, build, and conquer together with fellow Java Ip: Mcpe Ip: Port:49350 🔥 #MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore #BuildTogether #SurvivalMode #sesavSmp #JoinTheFun 🌐 #VirtualWorlds #GamingJourney #OnlineGaming #GamingFriends #MinecraftRealm 🏡 #ExploreAndConquer… Read More

  • Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | Minecraft

    Insane Enderman Revenge Prank 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Neuro DerNIER on 2024-01-08 04:30:01. It has garnered 10432 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Enderman Funny Revenge 😂 Minecraft #shorts Enderman’s Revenge: A Minecraft Short. Watch how an enderman gets back at another enderman for stealing his block in this hilarious 8-second animation. #minecraft #enderman #shorts #minecraft #minecraftindia #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #minecraftanimation #minecraftenderman #minecraftrevenge #minecraftprank #minecraftmemes #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideo #minecraftyoutuber #minecrafttiktok #minecraftchallenge #minecraftcomedy #minecrafttips #minecrafttutorial #minecraftmods #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild minecraft minecraft india minecraft shorts minecraftfunny minecraftanimation minecraftenderman minecraftrevenge minecraftprank minecraftmemes minecraftgaming… Read More

  • AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMP

    AfiqNajmi46 S7 SMPAfiqNajmi46’s SMP Season 7 Version : 1.20.4 Up time: 99.895% Online mode: false Discord SRV available Awesome datapacks and plugins Free of lagg 24/7 support Bedrock/Java supported 1.7-1.20.4 support Port:5690 Discord: Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP – Whitelisted – Released Today – Non-toxic – 1.20.X

    Welcome to Fabulous Miners! Welcome back to our simple SMP server for Java & Bedrock players. We focus on providing a non-toxic, friendly experience with levels 1-20 that you can level up through various tasks like mining, breeding animals, and crafting items. Earn income by selling items to our server shop or other players through chest shops. If you love Minecraft features, this is the place for you! Apply now and join our Discord server for more information: Join Our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Big Screenshots”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Big Screenshots"Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • “Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥” #minecraft #memes #funny

    "Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥" #minecraft #memes #funny When you’re trying to summon the Minecraft gods for good luck but end up just repeatedly slapping your own hands together. Maybe try sacrificing a diamond next time? #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems 😂🙏💎 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in 2D World – Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in 2D World - Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days in a 2D World Orhan, a dedicated Minecraft player, embarked on a challenging journey in Minecraft Hardcore mode. In this unique gameplay, he attempted to survive for 100 days in a flat, 2D world. Let’s delve into the exciting details of his adventure! Exploring the 2D World Unlike the traditional 3D Minecraft worlds, Orhan found himself in a flat, 2D environment. Navigating through this unusual terrain presented him with new challenges and opportunities. The lack of depth added a layer of complexity to his survival strategy. Surviving Hardcore Mode Hardcore mode in Minecraft is… Read More

  • Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a thrilling new Minecraft series called “NUCLEAR STRIKE” – episode 1 Teaser. While we are not the creators of this series, we were blown away by its action-packed gameplay and intense storyline. After watching the teaser, we couldn’t help but think about how perfect this series would be to reenact on a server like Minewind. With its intense gameplay and focus on survival, Minewind provides the perfect backdrop for players to create their own… Read More

  • Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6

    Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito: Una Guía para Minecraft Java 1.20.6 En el mundo de Minecraft, la creatividad y la eficiencia son clave para sobrevivir y prosperar. Una de las formas de garantizar tu éxito en el juego es construir granjas automatizadas que te proporcionen los recursos necesarios para tus aventuras. Una de las granjas más populares y útiles es la Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito. ¡Descubre cómo construirla y optimizarla en Minecraft Java 1.20.6! Versatilidad en Diferentes Versiones La Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito es una creación que ha demostrado su eficacia en varias versiones… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Insane May 2024 Minecraft Mods! – Forge&Fabric 1.20.1+

    UNBELIEVABLE! Insane May 2024 Minecraft Mods! - Forge&Fabric 1.20.1+Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 10+ Best New Minecraft Mods of May 2024!! | Forge&Fabric | 1.20.1~Others’, was uploaded by lauchering! on 2024-05-31 18:00:20. It has garnered 13839 views and 650 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:34 or 574 seconds. The mods that caught my attention the most in the month of May, a compilation of several mods for both forge and fabric and for various versions of the game. ====================MODS============================ ► 11. LesRaisins Armor -Forge: ► 10. More Creatures And Weapons -Forge: ► 9. Elden Block -Forge: ► 8. Piranha Attack -Forge:… Read More

  • Breaking the Minecraft Hardcore Curse!

    Breaking the Minecraft Hardcore Curse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can we BREAK the Minecraft Hardcore Episode 13 curse?! (Ep.13)’, was uploaded by Pythonator on 2024-03-25 21:00:22. It has garnered 5379 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:28 or 1348 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore – The moment of truth has come… we’ve died TWICE on Episode 13s in the past. Today, we see if we can BREAK that curse and venture into unchartered territory! Enjoy! ▶ Enjoyed this Minecraft Hardcore Survival video & want to support the channel? Be sure to leave a LIKE! Thanks! ❤ ▶ Want to support me further?… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey’s Shocking Escape from Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Maze!

    JJ & Mikey's Shocking Escape from Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Maze!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey SURVIVE IN MAZE WITH Scary MONSTERS FROM Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-04 10:30:01. It has garnered 74165 views and 407 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. JJ and Mikey SURVIVE IN MAZE WITH Scary MONSTERS FROM Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack 😱🔥| AxySpy

    INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack 😱🔥| AxySpyVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-26 05:00:06. It has garnered 11239 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft TNT Mod for Insane Explosions!🧨

    🔥EPIC Minecraft TNT Mod for Insane Explosions!🧨Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Huge TNT Add-On Review for Kids”‘, was uploaded by Xandermandz Gaming on 2024-03-25 17:00:06. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:32 or 1892 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft channel where we bring you the latest reviews and updates on all things Minecraft! In today’s video, we will be reviewing the Huge TNT add-on for kids. Watch as we explore the exciting features and gameplay that this add-on has to offer, perfect for young Minecraft enthusiasts. From massive explosions to new challenges, this add-on is sure to… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE UPGRADE: Transforming DEMON SLAYER into GODLY power in Minecraft 🎥

    🔥ULTIMATE UPGRADE: Transforming DEMON SLAYER into GODLY power in Minecraft 🎥Video Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading DEMON SLAYER to GOD DEMON SLAYER in Minecraft (movie)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-02-18 00:30:04. It has garnered 1278299 views and 7220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:01 or 14221 seconds. Upgrading DEMON to GOD DEMON in Minecraft (movie) 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► MAIN CHANNEL: 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – Music: SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • EPIC! zypher finds secret Boots in Minecraft (ASMR Lofi keyboard sounds)

    EPIC! zypher finds secret Boots in Minecraft (ASMR Lofi keyboard sounds)Video Information This video, titled ‘got boots too #108 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:13 or 673 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: ⌨️ Keyboard: 🖱️ Mouse: 🎧 Headphones: 🎛️ Audio Mixer: 💻 Laptop : 🖥️ Monitor : 🎮 About the Channel:… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Bridge Duels FAIL” #shorts #pvp

    "INSANE Minecraft Bridge Duels FAIL" #shorts #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel | Bridge Duels #shorts #minecraft #bridge #pvp’, was uploaded by BadError on 2024-01-13 08:00:12. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. If you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like, and if you’re in the good mood you can press the notification bell too so you will be notified every time I upload another video!! Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS! Alex and Steve face ultimate danger!

    HEROBRINE RETURNS! Alex and Steve face ultimate danger!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE’S REVENGE – Alex and Steve Adventures (Minecraft Animation) Part-1’, was uploaded by I S studio on 2024-03-15 04:20:51. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More