Insane Redemption: Day 4450 Disaster!

Video Information

Hey guys guys welcome everyone he good morning good afternoon good evening good night and welcome to day 4,447 where guys I kind of apologize but um we we we missed a special day some of you didn’t some of you guys were here for it over on the lowf stream I SI Water I had a dry coffee throat that didn’t work at all um guys we we got to day 4,444 which is pretty dope so uh we had a little bit of fireworks show let’s uh let’s pull that lever now feel like we got to I’ve reorganized my streaming setup a

Little bit so you guys are now on the right heos actually your first time here well welcome to the stream dude we welcome you with fireworks or at least that’s what it looks like cherish the moment of course the music is still out oh it really is I’m sorry hang On okay volumes bounc around a little bit there um but that should be better music loud I apologize guys it was still in the low five settings yo this cinematic camera is so dope starter house party Vibes thanks better apologize for the bumpy start but

I will make up for it because uh as the title says today’s the interior design over compensation Edition and that’s because uh we’re going to make some crazyy Interiors nothing like it on YouTube I’ll probably make the title re re extreme on it yes or uh extremely

Tomorrow but for right now remember your first 440 days 444 days can’t believe Looney reached quad fors quad fors are the best that’s Epic after to watch Momo Jumbo’s new video back in 40 minutes oh that video is good it’s a Well a crafter right I

Think this going to be an awesome series nice try what are we celebrating day Quad 4 4 444 and um today guys today we’re going to work on the castle interior let me actually get night vision from dispenser down there we don’t really need it but it’s easier to explain what we’re going

To do how did I mess up well my statistics are here to tell the story um yesterday I uh yesterday I was building as we do nice try and ex TR welcome to the stream as well but yesterday I kind of messed up during building as I

Misclicked on the bed and that misclick now makes my statistics say that I’ve slept three times which clearly isn’t true at all I slept zero times because I still this time as well managed to get out of the bat that is the worst jump ever I managed to get out of the bed

Before I skipped the night but it’s it’s it’s terrible and and it’s bad because of this reason if we scroll down here time since last death time play those are the same if you play hardcore world and you don’t fumble with your settings like an idiot um like cheaters recognize

Them on this that’s the easiest way probably they’ll fix it though time since last rest was about the same number that was like 615 something but now it’s 5.68 hours yesterday when we checked it it was awful because yesterday was 6.2 seconds it felt bad guys it felt really

Bad try to disappoint you I try not to but sometimes it’s inevitable let me uh let me make up for it by uh crushing it on this parkour that was one of the smoothest no transitions around that side we’re just going to pretend all happen 10 entire days with a game pause

Easy real life days AJ okay guys um I I’ll show you what we’re going to be doing today that’s why we got the night vision after all Delvin to Europe Agia welcome to the stream War welcome to the stream as well just Jing keep up the good work I

Got you dude it’s all right okay guys let’s uh have a look what we’re going to be doing today uh right over here we have the upper castle and we’ve done a lot of interior design but most of the Interior Design actually happened over here because the lower

Castle is well built into the man but if we go here to main gate we have the castle entrance and I did a little of snow frameworking here so we have this big room that’s like the main entrance that you first get into if we walk down

The staircase that we’re going to build we can land over here and then access the stairwells which is good stuff from there we can walk up a little bit into the throne room on this side which is dope and then we can also go around and we’ll find another exit over on this

Side please uh this side and this is like upper Castle territory Andrew dude thank you for 280 I forgot to uh get names before stream from the comment section uh so I’ll go back and do that later but Andrew anyone designs goes in there heard it happen rewind and watched it so

Sad the sleeping it it was awful it it was it’s so bad we’ll put war in the in the book as well L Loney imagine sleeping in a bat I watch you skip the Night 10 night of footage I did not skip ton night I clicked the button I did it

I was well on time luckily that screen takes a couple seconds okay so guys um we’re here now and this is this interior but these rooms I hope you guys can see it with the snowf frame on snowf frame but this is going to be pretty straightforward this is fine and then

Under here we have a little space that that’s easy that’s fine here we can go out to this Plaza and only if these plazas are important the reason that they’re important is well they’re there to do something like this one gives access to the gate so if anybody was to

Stand on here they got to be able to walk there the ls are no good but then from here we get into the upper Castle areas and that’s where things get really complicated I’ll fly around and show you why the castle is built out of two materials so basically

We have to wipe loock ballet and then we have to Sandstone lock ballet and it’s kind of great that they are different because it gives a little bit of contrast and it makes it look like there’s an actual Royal part of the castle it just looks good so that’s

Important but if we go to the inside of the building that’s a little weird because now we have full mixed walls this is sandstone but then here it’s um this is the white block Bon and I’ve already been figuring out some solutions we’re going to go over those Solutions

Now and they’re being even uh they’re made more complicated because there’s a little Windows here and there’s a lot of places to go to a lot of balconies like this one up top here how do we get there I don’t know yet but we’re going to

Figure it out you can I get a name in the book an uh unfortunately we don’t take a request because there’s too many of you guys here but if you if you’re here for long enough you’re bound to get lucky eventually kic breadstick welcome back face cam is indeed back and Casper hola

Welcome to the stream as well thank you dude I appreciate it so guys for today uh we’re going to figure out how this room works and this one is the most interesing out of all of them because of this big window here this window looks

Super dope and I want to be able to look out into the world from here but I also want to be able to look into the castle from right over there y this this view here to the Village that’s actually really sick like so sick that it would be nice

If we could walk over here let me let me just put a marker here these two left that they can demonstrate my intention to be able to go and stand here did I put everyone in the 4,000 days book um just about everyone well not everybody but it was like 36 Pages

Or something these walls right here or these markers we don’t need them Anymore and I think guys we got to start by um making this part look a little bit better I like this Archway here because this helps me split this helps me split between that white part and then integrating into the Sandstone structure on the inside but then right here the

Level is a little bit off so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to I like that that it walks up here to the balcony I like that it goes back up here but I think right here we got to flatten it

Out it’s perfect on your R what is oh the Wi-Fi or the legs Jonas I think it’s fine I’m uh yeah zero drop frames ever since I moved into this apartment since we have wired internet which is crazy that that’s new for me as a full-time streamer content creator but

Since I have wired internet we have seen zero spikes that’s good Dylan because you spent more time in a book than actually playing Minecraft that’s where those 10 days were you’re absolutely right if you guys see a little bit of lag maybe it’s server lag let me let me

Check if the stream health is uh no everything says excellent guys I I think we’re all right oh hang on I close my game Lo man I do live in the guys is it wait I have a question for you guys on the stream is

It better if I look over here for my chat or is it better if I look over uh there for my chat which which feels less weird so there or there up or out to the side you guys you guys tell me out to the side is better

Did I do all that streaming before on wireless I did and it was crazy side side side okay a couple people say up I think most people say out to the side so out to the side it is I’ll just get used to it but that will

Take me like less than a uh I think that’s a convincing majority for S I don’t think that W to pull would you prefer it doesn’t really matter to me it just uh takes a little bit of getting used to had amazing Wi-Fi to be able to do that well yes and

No it was it was good enough to do it but at the same time was it really though Andre has looked down wa I I could potentially have like a little strip of a screen there that’ be kind of weird but it could work okay guys I think I like this um

That also means that this wall can go we’ll probably build something uh Google glass lenses imagine that’s the op way just play put it in your eye okay and then this one’s going to go and then we’re going to uh copy the design from over that side because it worked

Well just join was the mess up R I am really sorry to say it but I accidentally yesterday I slept in my G game for for a lot of people that would not be a big deal but for me that’s real bad that’s real real bad yo straight

Thank you for the 12 months as a looney night dude that’s so crazy you’re still 11 months now plus one we seen Beauty and the Beast I have not Winter’s H has the same magical feeling as the Beast Castle o I got to check that out I I really do feel like we’re

Getting to that magical castle level um I’m going to put psycho NOS in the book as a bonus name what did you do yesterday I slept I slept I slept I slept I slept I slept it was bad it’s it was awful it felt

There’s a clip of it guys and um I was yelling Isel dude thank you for the $2 sleep this for a week in Minecraft I fully agree I couldn’t agree more real life sleep’s kind of dope we kind of recommend it uh Valentine is going to go

In the book as I’ve own his name d thank you for this too Israel I appreciate it okay and then um we got to consider this line up here okay wait let me do this and then that should work jez to welcome hope you’re doing good okay we should be able

To land on top of There I slept while the game is still open well no it’s not quite that bad I slept in game that’s crazy sleeping while the game was open that that would been would have been insane then we would have skipped so many who where did I touch the bed I’ll

Show you I’ll show you guys hang on I can just put that in the title and then not go out and show you right let’s check out where it happened the bed is still there also we left a sign to uh remember the location it’s in the

Dungeons Darion Brock M welcome to the stream okay it’s down here I’ve been playing around with my Shader settings guys and I think I messed it up a little bit does it feel different than yesterday I can’t really judge I slept in a bed I did well I I

Also I didn’t but I I did um I think he was over I think it’s this one L slept here kind of it was this bad let up one so this is currently my spawn point that’s I could have spawned in a locked cell there spawn point if I go

Out of the end of course um you know what guys let me let me show you something Else here we have a secret entrance and today now welcome to the stream good to see you fix their respawn Point yeah I I will uh guys I’m hearing some mobs here I think there was skeleton somewhere you got to be serious about those guys they hit hard smashing with a

Book won’t do it okay so guys this room right here this actually really cool oh my God there’s so much that happened on the lowy streams I haven’t been able to show you yet so um at least have all achievements now it a it ain’t all bad

Well I already got it like day one I got the achievement first thing and then um later on I misclicked on the bed and now I misclicked on the bed again so it’s happened twice now so this here guys this room is a passageway into the treasury room hidden treasure chamber

Right around here uh you can get there from The Dungeons and then I also made this place which can we can we get there like okay this will work that did not work at all I should be able to fly in there from

Now I can do this I can do this I can do this I should be able to do this there we go so this is now our direct passage into the cave or if we want to get from the cave to the dungeons we can now go through there my

Flying is awful right now so guys due to shaders feel a little bit different I feel like they do but I can’t quite pinpoint which setting changed Dylan when do I plan to get the first try yep when did I do I plan to get have the elytra course done that’s like the

Last thing that I do like the very very last thing have I ever considered editing roll into let’s play like short than 10minute videos instead of just a thousand Day updates Darion I think I would have done that if this was my first world um because uh they don’t

Look different all right good good I just want to I died in a world that was really really long and I think eventually I’ll add start making more videos but I just want to have that special world again and uh we’ve been grinding to get there okay guys back to work so right

Here I think this lines up it does but there’s already building mistakes in there or is I glowing more n they were always glowing okay so I do think that this was the right approach get on that block where did we land on the zombie with netherite armor what are we talking

About the zombie with neite armor I do not recall this conversation that looks accurate does it not it does and then from there we have slabs any full block there but I think I’ll go for the same one and then these are stairs again give a zomie netherite armor and

Keep it nah dude that’s a waste of time can’t we bother to do that okay I like this but then I don’t like those stairs anymore because they’re not centered on this Archway and I don’t want to mess with the archway way because we have to design it from this side of the

Room Sharky what did I mess up guys can can you help me out and whenever somebody asked me what the mess up was tell them in chat because we’re going to get this question a t but at the same time everybody kind of needs to know I

Remember it was very early to your channel was there from the first Thousand Days video yo that’s a long time ago I somehow expected to play slabs there okay that will work um let’s go smooth Sandstone there and then here we have a slab on the

Top like so and then we already have one pillar here which is good um I think we can just connect to that one ooh this is interesting this intersects that first roof beam and those roof Beams I think they’re a really really important feature because I think these roof beams

We need him to excuse the roof here um well as as it goes with the roof beams but if we don’t do put these roof beams here it’s going to be really hard to suggest that this is supported on the inside um so we need a little something

There we do actually need arches going up to those maybe I just build around it does that work I think it I think it would so that roof beam is the same line as that one over there late in that immediately go out I just I just laid it

In B but my statistics don’t mind statistics are still claiming that it was it was a full he a lengthy sleep session so now now the sleep deprivation is really kicking in guys if you don’t sleep for too long and then you go to bed your body is going to get every

Ounce of sleep that it can and you’re basically you’re never going to wake up the next day you might you might be awake but it won’t feel like that definitely talking from experience here beds are more scar than lava they surely are they can give you more damage

In last time that’s a pretty good standard to go by okay this all looks pretty good fill the easiest parkour there and then there we need three from the top so on this side that would be two okay let me check so far I really like this this is

Good too bad isn’t in the game they should add it just for Me this is a very weird staircase and now it’s not anymore that just needed that one block maybe This and then guys I’m seeing chat and I’m realizing that we really really really need that pin message Um okay let me pin that guys I I I need you to say something anything so that Mo message moves up in chat there we go now I can click it doesn’t Work pin that because Pinn comments always help to communicate something to people just coming into chat this is this is uh the up yeah that’s not how you say that at all let me try again again how about this replace pin message there we go okay quick sip of kofy

Guys and a bit of water to wash it down all over music down a bit how about I turn my uh microphone up a little bit I didn’t skip rare fish means no I got out in time okay um guys I’m contemplating about these walkways here because I think generally this room

Is going to work better if it’s quite open maybe the IRL Cofe will help we can only Hope okay wait um how about I put a staircase in there for the field love this world so much it just looks so great pyo thank you okay I got all the shers ready here guys I did a lot of work on the LOI stream um so we

Should have anything we we could potentially need oh except that block that I wanted to jump to because I just m that Up that’s going to help a little bit they should add a feature not sleeping for more than 2 days get you continuous damage like drowning why why we already have Phantoms don’t punish me More okay get that out of there how do I I find all this music um it’s all from epidemic sound look look into that R day yo welcome been so long I a changed PL places I have I have I uh I went to new house and it

It’s been really awesome guys everything in my hot bar is in the wrong place oh my God I was falling I don’t know which block I touch but I didn’t not have my uh elytra open there okay um so from this staircase I think right here we can sort of transition

It and then from there we could go double slabs now these are not going to be sstone but just for the idea that could work for staircase I don’t hate how that works but maybe it could be better what if it’s just not this entrance CH is on fire today you guys

Are Wilding this is new house have a better internet connection so much better so much better to be to be fair every day could it be much worse I don’t think it could right oh Leo I hope you’re I hope you’re all right okay that won’t go there so let’s not do

That let’s investigate what happens when we put stairs here okay that could go where we wanted to go I kind of like that guys if we make a triple stairs from right here that looks like a stared at somebody would actually use that that’s doable it also has a nice flow with the

Room guys thank you for all the cool messages for Leo that’s epic what about Crimson for stairs I don’t think we’re really looking into colors just just yet right now I just need to know if and how the rooms work and then from here guys we could potentially have another stair set

Here not all only two colors uh Dy we’ll make it look right we’ll make it look right I’m not too worried about the the actual design I don’t think it’s going to be that hard oh my God guys we need a we need a sple counter how many times have I sleed

Myself so far it’s it’s at least a few I’m not doing well with it okay this nice Emma what did you miss from the LOI stream um basically we’ve been figuring out the layout for this room and it’s going to be a really interesting one this is by far guys the most

Complicated um most complicated interior layout design that I’ve ever done but I also feel like if we get this room to work it’s going to be so so cool what is the wide convenient block surely it’s not snow right it’s Snow I’m running around a l while building this guys um the reason that I’m doing that is that I’m kind of figuring out how all these uh how to lines work if you go through these Transitions and with lines I mean the visual lines and how the rooms flow and

With transitions I mean going from one room into the next and they’re not all straightforward here actually they’re they’re really kind of weird which is why we need to check a little more okay I had a layout here or suggested layout I think I think we can let go of that I

Don’t think we need it okay this could work here um I like this shape for for the room here to end so then this line would stay this one would go save The Strider we’ll get to that we’ll get to That okay hang on I probably don’t need oak logs right now so let me get rid of that and then I can pick up some more of the uh stone or in the snow that we’re leaving behind Okay now we can pour our cor around again what happen to The Strider strider’s fine you guys are massively exaggerating Dosh all of a sudden woke up when I said strider’s fine I think he tends to to disagree okay guys I like this I just

Don’t know um if I want this to go all the way up there I like the idea that all these windows have some sort of uh function to them but some places are really really really hard to get to still I want to try I want to try this one for right now

What have you done I’ve done nothing ster helped me get an advancement and now he’s chilling in the lava pool like there’s nothing wrong with that uh tan I got it thank you for asking I appreciate that okay guys so this this works now we got to start thinking about

Okay let’s do a little tour so we have one room right here uh this is going to get a floor into it I’ll just put whatever so basically we won’t see that I think Sone floor could actually work this window needs a little bit of a

Frame on the uh on the bottom we can’t do anything to these blocks so we got to build under that and I think that might mean um that we bring that window down by just two blocks this entire window frame so the crazy thing about this entire

Base wait what is that floor oh yeah that is a garden floor okay the crazy thing about the castle is that it’s big strik started right out here that’s high how high up we are little library in this room something like that first first order of

Business I want to know what all the rooms are as uh as in how how much space I have and then we’ll design the function for the space cute kitty puppies welcome to the stream solid name okay I think guys we’re going to make this a Sandstone wall and then I

Need to uh get a feel for the transition okay let me just built this one up so if we’re in this room does that make sense that that wall would go there I think it does I was also kind of thinking about this what if we make this Sone right here um can

We I’m going to leave this open actually the the entire build is full of these one block passageways that you can crawl through and I came to realize that I really like those because eventually I want to I want to have I don’t know when

But I want to invite some people on to uh to enjoy this world with me right I want to have people be able to visit I don’t know what the rule set for it is how that works when it happens but I like that idea and if I know all the

Secret passages and nobody else does def be kind of interesting so much lag what are what are you guys saying oh yeah I did I did drop a couple frames now that’s that’s like a first time um should be flying guys because uh the setup here is all

Right okay then those go over there actually would I invite you for sure you’ve you’ve definitely earned your visiting right no doubt War oh no now we’re not doing that again guys don’t worry about it can I get that last block there nice mty eyes welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing

Good okay I want to get yo that that lightning storm is intense that’s crazy uh let me break this one slurk saying lag def is not going to help it so guys I I just realized we could build in front of this wall we could also push it in by one block

But I don’t know if that works let me check okay we could push it in but if we do that it would work like this we’d have like this section of the wall we build it in and turn it wide and then we could do the same on

This side we technically wouldn’t have to I kind of like that idea to make it a little bit narrower I found out where I moved to we’re being hunted down that’d be bad that’d be so bad internet provider in halt Pursuit let’s check him down boys let’s get him hit him with the

Spikes eternity welcome to the Stream guys I feel like maybe it’s a smart idea to push this wall in let me figure out if that works Dark Knight what did I do wrong me nothing oh yesterday I I accidentally slept in game it was awful that’s only a misstep for me like

No other Minecraft creator would would mind lugan where are we uh we’re currently in the uh higher parts of the castle guys I think this is a this is a right call I think we got to Build That Wall in restarting YouTube app worked for you

It could also be your YouTube server SL leg ever since I dropped frames guys I’m not seeing any so uh if you’re still uh struggling with it give it a refresh bubbles bubbly welcome to the stream okay guys wait let me get rid of the Sandstone for for a minute um

Because oh I need a drop chest for this I think I can make one hang on uh I Think AG should allow me a crafting table and a chest okay what I mean with drop chest is just one chest to Chuck all these resources in so we don’t have to collect them from all the separate Shar boxes later we can just get them from there and then I need uh

Kide and diorite and polish diorite we actually don’t need that much because we’re tearing down a wall to replace a wall so we’ll have the resources leard by got to go don’t die I I’ll make sure dude I’ll make sure I’m very much on the not dying uh Mission we got

This okay then if we place it back right away um so I think it starts here we can also mine the other one as we go up Guys real hermion Granger uh just asked what my favorite block is assemble the troops when is Halloween when is Halloween technically the 30th right we’re going to drop the Halloween video before then the 31 is Halloween yo thank you Guys I love this moment so much I did actually get a little bit of snow earlier today guys and then I realized something we’re never going to have to do that again this was the last time I had to craft snow blocks next time crafter’s going to do it for me which is

Kind of wild literally can’t wait okay so if we push it push that wall in like that and then we do the same thing on the other side then we can definitely get away with the design for this room that Hopper is part of the ceiling

Design for the room under us but I don’t really care about any resource getting stuck in there yo I can’t wait for a crafter I’m also I’m really stoked on MOS exploring the crafter series like I can’t wait to watch all those videos no more boring dispens for crafting none of That okay baras we’ve seen that question before although you you are you are right it does not make sense okay uh this room still needs a ceiling so we’re not going to worry about that right now um what this did guys it it freed up the space here on

The front and that means we now have room for a um Sandstone wall there which is actually going to make a big difference let me remove that okay um Keli goes here and then all the diorite stuff we put it in there and then the beauty of the drop

Chest if you grab your Axe and not your flint and steel it works much better you just do that and you have all those resource again the the hard part of using drop chest guys is you got to keep them clear because once you start filling them up

With junk you’re never going to empty them out that’s just not happening okay so I think potentially we could build this room up but we could also have an inside window here oo yo thank you for the one Euro Doo much appreciate as always um that get your name in the book and

We’ll put cheese Toasties in as a bonus name wouldn’t you make a miniseries um I’m I’m working on miniseries uh AA but no news on that just yet I I can tell you something about it I can tell you that it’s meant for January when I’m

On my vacation um I think guys I want to see if we can make that Insight window happen here first um so we need walls for that and probably slabs and I need a couple more slabs let me get to the stone cutter real quick okay I don’t really have a

Orientation for that in mind when am I tackling the chest monster am I you mean the one that is in the storage room I can tell you exactly when we’re doing that we’re doing that on April 10th because that’s what what he’s waiting for what is the miniseries

Well I’m not going to tell you that yet things are better if you if you have a little bit of suspense or you know this right okay I think that goes there sure thing do dude thank you for dropping bye see you soon is what is my favorite build in the in your

World it’s really the castle and the mountain together because one without the other they don’t make as much sense okay guys I like this but compared to this Gap right here I would love it if this was one blue up um so we’re going to extend this a little

Bit I mind out so much There okay stairs go there and then I oh that will actually Work and we need to go one further and I think that will actually make a big difference but we got to check it out my parkour today is terrible guys it’s like real bad okay that makes such a difference did you guys see how much of an impact

That had just moving that up a single block then literally save it now this beam looks all sorts of weird right now laying on that sens so we need to connect that a little bit so it looks like it carries it but I do like the general concept we

Could get rid of that one though maybe we do that what if we take that one beam out I think it might make it better give it a try at the very least okay I think there’s one more log right there Is oh that pick block button is such a powerful tool middle Mouse button to grab the block that you’re looking at how many times did I miss that par please Don’t lens do I prefer interior or exterior design since you’re good at both okay this is a this is a great question actually um I think they’re very satisfying in different ways and to me exterior design is the most satisfying part and um let’s see they they’re very they’re

Very different I think exterior design is great and it gives the most instant gratification it’s like you do it and you start flying around your world you see cool stuff and that’s like that’s a really big thing to get you started so I think filling up your world a little bit

Starting with exteriors can be a great way to kind of get in the groove of it but I think that the interior design is sort of the part that you don’t get around to but once you start doing that your world becomes so much more immersive to play in it becomes like

Seamless and I think that only works once the exterior is already enjoyable but it has a big big impact that’s why I like the starter house so much because after we met made that starter house this was a world and if I would have waited forever to make the starter house

And put decent interior there it would have been that empty shell so I think interior is in the end like it finishes it but I think the exterior part is uh gives you the quickest reward so they’re different they’re different they’re different because for example I really

Enjoy getting the castle sorted now um but I also really really enjoyed doing that 5H hour Halloween build so there’s there’s different reasons for different parts of the process I think that’s uh what it boils down to for me it’s exterior that it kind of makes some of your builds complete but I

Love interior I think that to me chesis is a description of exterior detailing not exterior building a lot of the time when people are building exteriors it’s you’re talking about the the grand the big grind of it all and then exterior detailing is like the last stage of that

And then the interior de detailing is like the the phase where you finish up the builds exterior design is what actually colors your world this is true this is true I think exterior is what colors it but then interior is what it makes what makes it really fun to just spend time in

It what Industrial Area building is interior exterior that that’s a that’s a good question to do because there’s no real answer to that if we’re working on the industrial area is that interior or exterior design I think it has both I think there’s exteriors there because it’s so

Big okay guys I have a question here um these stairs I think we might have to go quartz for the stairs here I think smooth quartz could be a really powerful block for this build let’s use the drop chest and see if we can get some because I think we

Have some in the throne room I love both but I love detailing interior designing as well they’re they’re both great in the end guys if you like doing one or the other right don’t you just like building so is it isn’t it good either way whether it’s interior or

Exterior what about the cave I don’t know I don’t know should we make a poll on that I kind of I kind of like it I want to know where you guys are at uh hang on you can only choose one or the other so we either go interior or we go EX

Stereo you can’t you can’t say both because now it’s polarizing it’s a hard question I’m going to I’m going to jump into the cave so you guys can see it is the cave building interior or exterior design yo I love it that that pole just changed it went one way and then the

Other interior by definition Lance this is true but the difficult question arises when you so I I get what you’re saying right if we’re inside of the cave by definition this is interior design but then if I look at the greenhouse am I looking in at the interior or

Exterior so there’s definitely Parts where it’s both at the same time A lot of people are saying interior how many votes are on that 74 votes and 60% of you guys say interior design but also 43% say exterior that’s kind of crazy it it is in fact both it’s a matter of perspective

Sure yo I love this place this this is so cool guys what a world are we uh are we building you’re looking at the exterior of the Interior yes that’s it I love that everybody went both I’m so glad I didn’t make that a poll option though L what happened yesterday Sam I

Slept I accidentally hit a bed while building I did get out of the bed before I skipped the night as we always have so far I’m really glad that didn’t go wrong but yeah technically I I did sleep can’t wait to walk in base myself yo I imagine if you’re you’re just if

You’re watching a lot of these streams that’d be such a cool thing to look forward to can I carry everything in that chest I don’t think I can I can carry everything but the chest that’s pretty Close I think smooth for stairs will look really cool for the uh one Infinity replace pin com why it it describes it pretty well does it not where are you going to set the respawn point in Winter to it’s a good question I’ve been thinking about it

Myself but I think I kind of want to keep it to starter house if that makes sense yo these stairs are so cool for here I love that they got Castle Vibes for sure it’s D to the fact this inside a Build due to what you build is exterior due to the outside elements landscaping and interior design that’s that’s a solid answer that’s Top Notch right there I like That quartz in the middle stone bricks on the outside maybe we’ll put some normal quartz STS in there for that little bit of texture but I think the Polish quartz looks really cool for this em I why thank you for the four months as a member and for all the

Donations in the meantime dude you’ve been absolutely crazy with the support I appreciate it Castle looks amazing keep it up on it on it and then Olaf is going to go uh in the book is a bonus name are you going to set up a new main

Spawn point yo guys I actually got to set up my spawn point because we changed it let me fly to the starter house shiny stairs have to know indeed I kind of like him W good have a nice when do we build the between tior yeah we’re not doing

That phah what have you done in the last streams because I’ve missed a lot oh dude if you’ve been gone for a couple streams now you’ve missed Hees I’ll uh I’ll I’ll show you we’re on our way anyway okay guys wait um my normal respawn bed is right here I can’t

Believe it’s a wide bed why is it a wide bed okay never mind okay so we’re building the castle interior and we’re making great progress at it which bed did I sleep so one in the dungeons of the Castle but the last few days for the first time in a long time we’ve been out of the castle area area because uh you can just about see the snow it’s not that far away but I built the danad shield animal rights dude thank you for

The $1 Dono I don’t think I have a bucket here so you’re you’re going to have to wait for you know what wait I think I know One guys we got to do a thing for dead sh Gr perc I’m getting smooth with these right now potential animal rights okay chew Imperium is going to go in the book as a bonus name uh this guys this is the sheep farm um video being edited for this one and I think that’s the start of me occasionally dropping

Uh random videos about things we do in a world that are a little bit shorter than old the main quests and the grindy things how many interior exterior layers are in the onion are we calling the base the onion now um guys this build took 5 hours for all of the exterior stuff

Which was a mad I’ve never played Minecraft that fast it was wild but right through here we’ve built a sheep farm in here that’s way took way more than 5 hours I think the build was like half of the work of the amount of sheep farming work

That we did you can feel that the game is a little bit laggy in here which is exactly why the Sheep Farm is here because I had a sheep farm with 40 sheep in the main base and I took it out and then to uh replace it we’ve built a 287

Sheep sheep farm here and now if I ever need wool for a big project which is going to happen um we’re we’re going to be able to build that thank you but I didn’t even ask Tel I think that’s uh that’s conditioning right there thank you for another two dude let me uh

Let me grab a bon his name courtesy of dead Shield’s Dono um we’re going to get Dylan black into the book atic onion Koo okay and then lands with the mid teror it’s going to go in the book as well onion Koo okay guys I got six

Rockos that should be plenty to get back to the basee every time I do approach a base from this side I feel that thing you guys have been saying that we need to texture the mountain a little bit and the thing is that when we come from this

Direction I don’t feel as much and I think what that boils down to is that either it needs something going on on the mountain or it just needs more filling in in the area around uh surrounding it because right here from this side there’s enough to look at and

Then we have the pathways and stuff and it’s cool but from right there it’s uh it’s a little goofy same same from that side don’t you have a sheep from with 600 sheep super laggy of course that’s super laggy 600 is so many there’s a moment guys where your farm is so big

That it starts making resources slower because the ticks per second just go down to drain yeah chill dud thank you for the five Great percent Speed Run did you pick a day and do you remember your terms I do remember the terms but I want

To Forfeit on my picks I think you guys should should pick those as well um and I did not pick a date yet but let me get back to that we might um I think we’re either doing this weekend or next weekend maybe next weekend though it’s

Kind of a movie consideration as well which is is cool I think the day we pick is going to be a considerate of the spot that I wanted to have in the movie because it’s definitely a scene right there’s no way it’s not a scene um I need to

Uh restructure these stairs a little bit so figure if we build it this way that would probably do 600 sheep that’s not the far as an Empire I agree so very true stick with my sheep farm one of each color and I’ll turn it off double chest oh my God bubbles I

Think you can do a little more than one per color I went for 20 per color 22 actually you got to find that middle ground but if if it’s in your base one of each color it’s going to keep you like uh in supply for a while if you don’t build

Huge that will have new sped in the movie I don’t know if I’ll uh if I’ll name Drop I feel here’s the thing I I sort of want to but I also don’t want to make it a um I don’t want to have it look transactional is what it is I don’t want people to expect you you guys know that dead shell has donated its own right but I don’t

Want that to guarantee a SP in a movie and that other spot for making the uh the no flying streams happen I like that one felt right and it felt like it needed to be there because I really like that idea I think it added something super valuable to the to the whole

Journey something lasting too because we’re going to do that every thousand days what about this this in the base just joined um the pull is about the uh the cave interior and this is the upper Castle so we’re we’re getting to the good stuff yo this these stairs look amazing I like

That how long would be the speedrun will make this easy I hate being in the movie okay you got yourself a deal that’s also that wasn’t the intention I hope you didn’t dislike that well then Emma um I would love to put a stair there but I don’t think that

Works that level change didn’t actually work I think we just uh whatever the floor is going to be here it’s going to extend to There I’m losing the pole I started there’s no losing the pole it’s not a real thing okay from here that line works have I done a lot of interior in the last streams um I’ve done a lot of low five streams and a lot of the lower interior detailing has been

Done okay guys next question what are these floors so right here we have Sandstone but then this is pretty much an exterior room I also think that we should design this as an exterior room so let me put some torches here Israel dude thank you for another two just love I appreciate it

Man I I feel I feel that gesture that’s awesome good hav goes in the book and feta goes in the book that she’ll do than you for another five as well that will get the real Hermione Ranger in the book I appreciate it but there are more of you

And there are than there are me and I have pride of myself making it fun for everyone else and involving everyone else that’s uh I I love that mindset I think that’s that’s pretty awesome okay uh three four and five in my inventory there we go that’s a full set of building

Blocks okay I think we can get rid of this one and make that a um straight wall that works probably make an archway here W was across the board I agree I kind of like this though and that makes for cool room here but then there we have a question how do

We get there I don’t think there’s a balcony going into this room room so maybe we don’t get there at the same time torturing Looney that’s never a good idea okay guys I think this room will sort of figure itself out either we’re going to have a uh room

Coming in from there onto that ceiling I want to start thinking about the floors but I think we got to do one other thing first so let me get rid of all the sandone stuff real quick you know what uh quartz goes first and then I have too much

Snow I’m not using the stone right now because I need something else I need deep slate and before we uh go and check which ones I need or before we take them out of a box I should check which ones we need so I think this is polished and tiles for all of

It fair enough okay then um these go here these go here I kind of want to carry the Sandstone but I don’t think we need all of it acing my Japanese learning as of yet did you rebound back out of the slum psycho you feel better about it now uh I need

Some stairs here guys and then we’re going to get polished and tiles deep slate uh these are Cobble that could work okay so here’s the tiles and we should have slams and polish I I’m going to go get rid of these first oh I probably need stairs of both

Kinds okay so then we need I tried to get one stack of cobalt but I didn’t get it uh drop chest there we go and then from Cobalt we make polished deep slate stairs there we go you’re only building underground because you can do exterior her miny I don’t think that’s

True I don’t think that’s true just uh put a little bit more time into doing it don’t tell yourself that you’re doing it wrong just ask yourself how you could do better I’m going to end the poll Guys okay oh hang On ooh guys I have a I have an interesting thing Somebody reached out to me and this somebody is credible um because I’ve checked him and we have a lot of uh come a lot of mutual friends somebody reached out to me to sell me the Minecraft username loony and it’s a reasonable request has any of you ever traded a

Minecraft username because I want to know that it’s uh it’s secure and safe like it it’s well I I’m not talking about the transition or of it uh I’m not talking about the actual Act of buying it and like how does one transfer a Minecraft username how does that

Work no it isn’t it’s illegal so I know that it’s technically not legal I also know that it’s happened to T like usernames have transferred users many many times But there is the thing guys that Looney looks much better than Looney MC does it not okay we got to fix this uh roof here does anybody have any experience doing it don’t want to risk the channel either well the channel is not necessarily connected to the

Username we only one Looney as do I I think these blocks are just going to be hilside Stuff even though it’s not legal maybe you can simply make a kind gift to ores Up you can transfer World files across profiles but it could corrupt your world no it doesn’t necessarily it’s just that there no data connected to the uh Looney 69 is available that’s not the point though Lance like I I don’t really want a different username except for that One aside from having a username to yourself what would you mean why buy it it’s pretty simple Andrew that the consideration makes a little sense if you think about it so whenever I join a world and I’m on a server with anybody um my name on screen is Looney

MC I would love for that name to be Looney that’s a much better name Looney MC is great I mean it’s fine it’s not terrible but I would love for it to be Looney that makes sense right ises it not one could change email sign to the

Account you could log in change the password so it’s it’s pretty standard accounts transfer it’s get the loging credentials change the uh recovery password or recovery email the the account has been pre-sold people will think you’re fake if your name is Looney MC well they they will not because usually didn’t know who

I am but I’m talking about being on server with content creator friends right what about the stats for this world I not don’t worry about those too much straight up is also take It it’s usually used because they’re there was no other choice Looney would be super clean exactly that that’s that’s 100% what it is I don’t hate Looney MC but I just think that straight up Looney would be well not straight up Looney but just Looney would be

Awesome I want to check if there’s there’s lots of holes in the in the roof guys they’ve been here since I built the castle here look at this I only the second time that I said it recognized that straight up just just copied it and I actually said

It Agent X was taken and you made your account in 2007 wait that’s not Minecraft’s not that old 2007 that’s got to be 2017 right who has the name Looney well a person who goes by the name Looney pars no worries dude get that fence he’s right there oh the dive bomber I

Failed oh your YouTube account got it no we’re talking about a Minecraft account Here if C you can’t get banned guys it’s pretty well known that names like dream for example that wasn’t dream’s initial YouTube account he just settled on the name for YouTube or Minecraft account he settled on the name for YouTube and then figured out if he could get the

Minecraft only after he got the Minecraft he started a YouTube channel and there’s there’s many many many stories like that it just makes sense for some names so don’t think that’s much of a big deal um okay guys I like this but we got to figure out the floors do we

Go quartz for those as well I’m kind of inclined to I think it would look nice wait I’m so thinking about this whole account question that I forgot they were actually fixing rules don’t think it’s illegal just against terms of service I think you’re right I think that that actually uh

That’s true so basically guys I think the issue with it is that it’s um Mojang doesn’t like it and neither does Microsoft if other people make money off of selling their game and I think that’s really reasonable that makes a lot of sense so having a flourishing trade of

Minecraft usernames across the internet is something that they’ll try to prohibit how well that works is a completely different question quarts for the floors I think itd be Prett fancy we should totally give it a shot the Moon is so cool that that’s kind of kind of funny that you

Bring that up right now um because the Moon is a big reason of why my channel is called Looney and I think that’s true like there’s a lot of people on the internet guys that go by the name Looney for different different niches different things different hopes dreams Ambitions

Channels whatever but I think just about everybody who’s picked it has connected to two things that are in the name one being the moon and the other one being that it’s cool to be a little bit crazy a little silly a little goofy they’re going to put him in jail and

Force him to sleep every night that’d be bad that be that’ be real bad can you guys believe that I’ve had open roofs this entire Time shouldn’t have to swap accounts I believe if they changed it to something else freeze up what it was so you get paid them to change it not 100% on that that’s an interesting thought I like that I I think I’m uh I’m going to do the research and from there

We’ll figure out what to do with it I’m I’m interested though I’m intrigued swag gaming Saucy gaks welcome to the stream good name what even is there I think we’re bumping into Redstone wires okay so wait this this can go what’s that oh I know what that

Is that’s a redstone counter for the main tower fireworks if you change name it could get sniped though Max that’ be crazy though because you’re doing it in that same moment right it may circumvent the terms of servants too because these aren’t traded it’s true 5,000 day walkthrough

Is going to take forever true because we can walk everything yo that World Tour is going to be wild okay guys I think I’m just going to go with the um quartz floors because a it looks great B it’s fancy and we’re in that upper Castle right now it needs to it

Needs to feel fancy to be honest now that your world is on the marketplace you should AO something that can get you banned true true true true true at the same time shouldn’t you always I’ll look into it guys I’ll do the research Alex dud thank you for becoming

A channel member I appreciate that let me uh put your name in the book guys I want to get some unpolished um quartz just to see how that looks Alex Gillies goes in the book and uh rapael melhart goes in the book as well buying a name is not the same as

Buying an account keep that in mind May be the loophole you need I like I like this thinking about a loophole I think that’s that’s a good way to go about it smooth quartz is honestly one of the fanciest blocks in the Game wara see you tomorrow thanks for dropping by dude it’s been great watching you recently thanks for the content you’re more than welcome thank you for hanging out oh wow okay so I’m just reading the Discord message transferring would mean moving it to my Microsoft user account and there’s a Transfer Guide for

It that sounds sounds interesting okay so that’s quarts if one changes their name you can change it as well yeah I think that’s what what the move is it has a royal look so it does I find smooth and regular look virtually the same bubbles that is exactly what we

Need though because I want to have a little bit of a difference possibly but not too Much almost so guys this this whole name change thing right it’s it’s something that I thought of like a long time ago it’s just never something that was in reach like I I couldn’t I had no way of um figuring out who owned that account like there’s there’s no way you

Can ever do that so just getting it offered up is is kind of a unique opportunity there and it’s it’s a even bigger it’s like getting it offered through somebody that a lot of people I know know so it’s uh it’s pretty secure try Checker pattern just try in

Creative I don’t think I want Checker but what I want is yeah this is this is amazing this is great it just adds a little bit of a line here and There Checker would work though I I see what you’re uh why I suggest it but this is this is what I want what does it mean entering your world on April 10th if you get level two membership good game gaming yo I like this um so I have to think about

Something guys there’s uh on YouTube you you can have Channel memberships right and I think it’s really cool to have channel channel memberships available is it’s also a great way for me to enable you guys to uh sort of support the channel easy but giving like figuring

Out perks for that is really quite complicated um because it has to be something that ay is special and cool to you guys and B doesn’t take too much time on my end because if it takes too much time and this is a this is a risky thing for me because I

Like I like the idea that if you financially support me to do what I what I would love to do to to do like to change Chase dreams basically I want to give you back something special and I’ve over um I’ve tried to do things that got

In the way of making content earlier on with all the best intentions but it’s just not the right move Max dude thank you for the five Dono I appreciate that let me put Max call in the book so recently I I restructured everything and I think it’s better now

Uh corse is going to go in the book of bonus name as well Max dude thank you for the again um and I I had to come up with something for the tier three memberships which are just crazy so I made it something that doesn’t really make any sense because there’s no real

Reason to do it um it’s not something that I have to deliver on each month and that I could potentially forget or not get around to which in that case that’d be a scam like that’s literally a scam so I came up with something that’s just

Goofy but also fun um when the world has its birthday I’m going to start my stream like I do every day now here in the throne room and usually I start it here but on the world anniversary I’ll start it here and anybody who has a champion membership and uh wants to be

There uh can be there because I’ll put the world on the server for that day so we can have everybody standing around while I do the intro and then after I do the intro I’m going to leave the server get on the actual World which will be

The same because that day like it will be the the literal same version um and then I’ll uh I’ll hop off the server and get on the uh on the real world and start working but I thought it would be such a cool cool moment to have even if it’s

Just like two or three people that that’d be crazy so that’s the idea and I think it will make for a really cool picture and then we hopefully do it again next year if I’m still alive that’s that’s the whole idea and I love that idea because it

Doesn’t like I think it it will be a really special moment but also it doesn’t put a lot of extra work on my plate that I could potentially not live up to what is my idea for the floor near the entrance of the room that’s an interesting question I have to know I’m

Right now I’m working sort of around this open space because I think it’d be really cool if you can see different layers from different places of the different positions in the base probably going to get more people than You’re Expecting I don’t know we we’ll see but

I I think regardless of how many people it be it it would feel PR pretty crazy to be fair guys that that tier is like that’s too expensive I don’t think anybody should do that I know some of you probably will but I wanted to make

It something where it’s like um it’s not such a thing you don’t want to miss out on that you’re not going to do it if you don’t really want to spend the money because I think the money is uh it’s a little crazy but also I understand like I’ve I’ve

Supported people in crazy ways before so I I also get the sentiment when is the anniversary April 10th child love to create amazing scenes by Myer and downloading people skin and pictures oh that’s such cool software I’ve played around with it too it’s really really cool

Oners I get that and that’s true for a lot of people that’s also why I didn’t want to make it like a like a world download for example I want it to be something that makes sense Corps didn’t skip T night I sure didn’t I’m so glad I didn’t but at the same

Time I feel so bad about the stats being messed up that literally doesn’t matter guys it’s just a set but you guys know why I Mind okay I need way more quartz wait I think oh no guys we might have to do something else um I just realized that I want quart quartz blocks for this maybe I have them somewhere because I’ve traded a bunch I got to have I got to have some I

Was like I might have to build the villagers room but I think I can wait have I seen a new uh live series I I saw that it was out I saw a smallish be upload I’ll definitely go check it out Prismatic fence in the stairs that could be

Cool let’s look for blocks guys new life Ser is so good already I just love the energy they got such a group good group for that oh oh my god um yeah that’s going to work every time we set it up during lowly I forgot about it and it doesn’t fire every

Time I did get a scare of course I got a scare oh my God Corpse blocks no I think I have quartz here there you go oh plenty too nice what even is this this this is such a mess that needs to get organized I got those from my uh Stone uh Stone so Amon traes dark Fallen Angel welcome to the to the

Stream Oscar just joined what happened yesterday um I I accidentally slept in the game looks like snow to you I don’t think it was snow it could have been a little bit of snow there so much yeah I’ve been still apping that for a while whose perspective should I watch for new live

Series to me that’s one of the series where I’ll watch multiple perspectives because they’re all so funny okay where do we guys I need a Shar box hang on I think I probably I want to start house I have a you know what I’m just going to get it from Storage

I somehow find it hard to hard to believe that I’m never going to pop a totem in that jump it’s like eventually it’s going to happen right do you have any statues anywhere yet all love you mean like the uh like the end statue if so no do not um let me

Make this a white Sher box as well it’s a little confusing but I’ll fix it with positioning hope not po totm there yeah me neither but I think it’s going to happen my step is now three it is Oscar it is here if we go to statistics and all the way down

Time slept in Bat three and time still last rest 6.99 nice slimy you you uh share a birthday or an anniversary with Minecraft that’s that’s pretty cool also guys quick reminder be careful sharing your age online Internet is not a safe place to do that it’s Weird what happened I was away for an hour well we settled on quartz for so that that’s kind of neat and then this one’s got to be Stone I think is this one stone I think so because it connects to a lot of stone and then this

Room probably Stone as well so we go stone stone and then here it becomes quartz not the best flying not the worst flying what’s the sky texture p a sky nice name to ask that question um the sky is uh uh part of complimentary shaders are these the richy rich rooms

They are most definitely the richy rich rooms can I please do a little bit better at the jumps that that’d be that’d be so nice um I think guys this is going to be quartz as well maybe we can make all the stairs flow like that okay that’s too much it’s literally the

Same okay that is better but but add more details with quartz pillar yeah for sure we’re going to get to those first things I uh I got to figure out is where all the platforms are that we’re building off to okay this one works I think we got to

Think about this room over here guys um so right here we have a room I kind of want to keep this open a little bit how are you look tired we’ve been grinding I’ve uh I’ve had a little uh I’ve been a little low in sleep this

Week but at the same time I’m all right with it managing but feeling feeling really good um okay let’s cut out the snow also the feeling the looking tired is always me figuring out stuff like looking at the designs I’ll just get super focused oh that was definitely quartz that we need

There um these are full blocks right yeah let me actually stuck up what do you think about the mob votes slimy I’m I’m a huge fan of mob votes I really do think we uh we need them and they’re awesome and whichever way community vote vot is whichever way we’re going to go

Right so I have no uh hard feelings about how it went or anything I think it’s quite all right okay so we go smooth quartz quartz you know what this um let me put the quartz looks at the end I think that makes the most sense finally at vacation six tests this

Week Yo Lo span did they go well for you okay right here guys we’re going to need a Sandstone wall along this side you know what let’s let’s build that up first I’m a little back and forth on the approach but the reason that that’s happening guys is uh this is a

Complicated build like this this is probably the part of the construction where I have to think the most about where everything goes because basically every block placement here counts they they all got to be right yo de sh dude thank you for another $5 Dono I just found Looney’s alternative

Account it’s called animal sler 69 that’s not true that’s that’s actually not true that’s like that didn’t Happen denied all charges um let me put a low Span in the book is bonus name as well as un cper some any Quick Step War okay then right here guys we have the strip Birch Walls which in most cases don’t go higher than four blocks Up I’ve made the sniffers go re extinct no Emma I think there was there was plenty of proof in the video that the sniffers make the sniffers go re extinct I didn’t re have anything to do with that I gave them a great place to live

And they were they just didn’t care for it that’s how that went I didn’t make any anybody go re extinct come on why’d you say that Dutch brick builder yo welcome back okay I think right here guys let’s go up until this spot and then the rest of it we

Make a s Zone and then right here we can have a um a door and that will lead us into a wi Stone room and that white stone room is going to have the refill mechanism for the uh ender pearl teleporter they don’t worry they’re all right nothing Happ believe the source

There you go okay and then I think no let’s place it one block further back because then we can align it with the wall over here you trust me veritus I appreciate it that that means a Lot trust is Everything also I submitted the video evidence like you can’t argue just wait till ly starts killing armadillo’s life oh my God that get so much hate but I would never you you you know that right you know that guys okay and then um from here we need old a Sandstone

Varan good hav why is there a big hole in the floor usually because I still want to connect it to another room because there’s going to be a room under here and we could have staircases going down into that one as well so right now now this is where

Uh right here I have the outline for a room in snow and then that is the ceiling so either I put a ceiling in there or just extend these stairways further I really like the idea of being able to walk around the castle many different pathing like I don’t want

Every room to has have one entrance and one exit it’d be awesome if there’s like three or four doors at least any tips for Mega projects starting your first one with a friend um Reuben I think the the like frameworking is a big part and also make smaller pieces of the project

To just enjoy that you finish something because I think that’s the thing that keeps you going rip I thought I could jump on there millions of snowmen are dead no idea what you’re talking about what’s the Snowman Sor big project with frames that the the reason that I say

That is it helps you see what you’re doing before you do it so if you get the frame wrong like if the shape doesn’t make sense uh then you have a lot of uh room to correct that and it’s easy because you haven’t invested so much time Yet I love these walls so much they’re really cool Andrew you were in fact right you kind of nail That normal people normally people have skeletons in their clothes snowman I still deny all charges I have no idea what you’re talking about was it me I don’t know anybody but by the by the name of snowman I have no no clue who that is never Met we spent like one and a half 2 hours mining down to mountains oh you you guys sound like you’re ready you got this sheep snowman sniffer in the endite what Danel dude thank you for another $2 Dono it’s a bit sad that it came with receipts that makes my old denying old

Chares bit kind of hard Eagle welcome to the stream okay so right here guys we’re going to have some sort of a uh doorway then there was right here that was one block where I feel like I want to put there but I want to see what it looks

Like from the top there’s no top there okay let’s grab a quartz block and put it there anyway not an OG stream Watcher but I know what happens to the SN I’m afraid everybody does I might actually build a pillar into that corner but we’ll get to that

Um so far so good guys I like This this room looks so much better with that double wall now it just feels like it makes sense like it’s one building what did I do to the sniffers nothing nothing guys don’t worry about the sniffers sniffers are fine or are we talking about the sniffers

Again I don’t know what oak doors look like is that weird oh that’s that’s classic okay the other putting in in front was better so not there and then this room could be pretty small let’s just uh let’s just finish that I want to put

A I want to put something weird here so we can use it as a marker let’s use that Sher box real quick TBO what are we making uh we’re oh working on the castle interior stop falling that dude thank you for another two think it’s time for another cord

Case no the cord case not again please no okay so this is that room I think I can just build this wall down what about that one though maybe we do this where do this one go nowhere I think that makes more sense maybe that and that and then here

We put the uh quartz uh no kide do I still miss a previous World sometimes it’s kind of wild guys you can get this the previous season on the Minecraft marketplace now by the way if you uh own badrock you want to enjoy and explore that world you can find it just

Look at Looney link is also in description um but I played on that world because it’s out on the marketplace I went to revisit it and I really love that world and I’ve had some great adventures there and great memories from it but it was kind of wild

To be back on there because I realized how much better design this world is and it was a it was a weird reality check because I really love it but I love this one so much more it’s kind of crazy I didn’t know until I went back There okay I don’t know if that’s the ceiling we want but we’ll figure it out and I really really want to keep these crawl ways I don’t know where they’re going to go yet but there’s so many potentially in the entire castle and I want to make the most of Those I think this works it’s simple but it does what it needs to be do um one thing I want to check though and it’s not That maybe these SS are Better what do you guys think maybe it’s not that maybe it’s this or the other side one guil two inoc three that she don’t do it not again thank you for another two guys this man is literally threatening me right now and I need to say thank you that’s

Crazy okay this works much better I like that par says what are the ender pearls for those ender pearls are like the most important thing in the castle right now which is kind of crazy but they are um let me see I think there’s an easy way

To I can get into the throne room here that should be the shortest way to get there the ender pearls are what I use to uh get back up to the tole theas so quick so if we go all the way to the bottom there’s a really really fast Redstone

Wire that goes all the way up to the top literally all the way from the bottom down here so those ender pearls they help us do uh this so th this is where the ender pearls go and then oh my God get pickaxed I just stepped on my own Ender bro I think does that work maybe I just threw it really weirdly don’t kill him of course kill him rare guys this is just this is normal this is normal Pest Control this is we don’t need an endermite here we

Need a ball for the people that you’re not getting a ball you’re trying to put me on trial get pickaxed that’s also a very normal thing to say guys you’re weird it’s not me you guys Andrew thank you for the 280 it’s the sniffer fault L you just put him

There okay I see how how that would sound bad um okay guys so I like all the quartz here but then we have the question of this pathway and this pathway is an interesting one because I feel like this might need to be Sandstone but then again course would make it

Fancy but it doesn’t contrast as nicely with these white blocks they don’t go together all that Well I mean it’s not terrible but at the same time it’s not great how do you guys feel about it do we go quartz there or do do we go Sandstone for this I think if we make it Sandstone it’s easier to um to blend it with the

Build let’s pull may as well now this pole is rigged not a pole to pull quartz or Sandstone for this I know I know it’s it’s just quartz um but we got to make an effort to connect it nice I know I know what we

Need to do I love this puzzle I really this is guys literally this part right now is I think my favorite part of the design that we’ve done out of everything in the world so far this is this is what I’m here for um what I’m not here for it’s two

Doors and two planks get that out of there say thank you to the end of his career I mean that happens a Lot I’m I’m really hoping we get a Sniper Wolf apology video now so here for it look of quartz and then smooth quartz Oh hang on I got rid of the pickaxe there does snow cause K kinetic damage bubbles everything does um the only thing that doesn’t is flying straight up into a block in Java Edition that’s a trick I I use a lot Ress a little days GG’s Dude oh this is going to look much better than it would have been sone Java thing thought it was a special snow property snow is so op of already imagine it cushion fall damage that’d be insane bder snow does speed pilot welcome good to see you why is snow my scolding Snow’s my

Everything snow is Life it’s my design BL it’s my home how does snow not melt with torches like that uh cgp black the only thing that melts is snow layers not snow blocks snow blocks are uh are immune they’re good you can use them most just straight up building Blocks Looney is about to get location League I love that bridge I was like why does nobody react to that but okay we went that way why you’re scared of a pole the innocent have nothing to fear I’m not scared of a pole I’m scared of your behavior thank you for another

F you misread that and I’m rightfully scared that that’s that’s just uh that’s just smart on my Part Looney guys I need to uh get some new water my uh my glass empty um so I’m going to be gone for like a Sol like 3 minutes or something we’ll be back before we know it I’m also going to be beep beep beep Pi these blocks up in

Reverse but before we place them I’m going to get some fresh water I’ll be right back um if you guys are heading out I want to thank you for watching if you’re here please don’t go anywhere we’re going to continue the show I’ll be back in just a few minutes enjoy the Break Hey hey guys welcome back and uh cheers I I went and brewed up some coffee there’s the Snowman he slaughtered come on man I had a little bit of a longer break than I expected but I made some cool plans for tomorrow weird name welcome to the

Stream okay um first things first we got to get that Archway sorted finally I’m sorry guys that took a little bit longer M hit me with the finally Savage Ren thank you welcome to the Stream okay then we need Sno that’s how you pronounce that did you know that okay I might that up that’s not true guys this entire stream I’ve been carrying flint and steel around and clogs and shears that’s a lot of things I really don’t need right now somehow always join

When Looney’s on a break hey there that seems to be a very specific skill and or curse uh that a couple people have toay punishment a poll wait wa wait wait now you got me confused the poll wasn’t meant as punishment right is the Lou permanent I don’t know I don’t know I

Think it’s it’s a visual trick I think it has something to do with perspective so um yeah I’m not going to rehang it I kind of like it so in that light I think yes the the Louis is permanent it’s to a PO guys I’m

Not going to dig my own grave I I know what you’re up to if you want grav dog you got to do it yourself I’m not doing it for you do it for us no no you did the DIY this is not Happening I love how you can mine snow blocks down faster than you can fall so you literally could pop a totem by digging up the snow Piller from the top okay this almost works but we need a little something here oh actually that little something might be an unexpected balcony That’s quartz that’s also quartz I need smooth quartz and there there we go that’s a smooth one right yes it Is Oh I think that looks nice yo that does look nice what a cool shape with these stairs unexpectedly awesome and that need a needs a wall in the middle glass a to cover it up no no no we’re going to work around that glass there’s no cover up or you mean the GL

Woo maybe glass on the ground that could actually work okay then we need diorite walls not the best looking wall in the game but it’ll make it Work easy placements no big deal okay I built three just to check how many I wanted I think I’m going to go for one though That was awful that was so bad okay I’ll leave it with the One that needs to be a dite slab of some kind toas welcome to the streamer welcome any tips for Minecraft not getting boring that’s the million-dollar question right that’s what everybody wants to know I think the best thing you can do is uh take some time to make smaller projects just small

Things to make your world feel enjoyable like there’s it’s been a long long long time ago that I ever enter this windmill we’re going to do it now just for for the sake of the conversation but I never really actually go in here just flying past it though

It’s really really nice take a break I mean yes but no taking a break from something is is good like don’t overdo it but I think making a Minecraft world enjoyable for the long term it’s all about making it feel fun to move around in so if your

Entire world is just a bunch of farms and like one big base that’s under construction but never finished wait one big base that’s under construction and Never Um no I guys are messing at my point is if you want to make a big project you got to make sure that you also do the small ones because the small ones they fill in your spaces in between in the world and they make it really enjoyable

To just move around please 30 fov absolutely not sta welcome to the stream guys this base area with all like the all the stairs and the it feels a little bit like a parkour map 5 minutes with 30 fov guys that’s not nearly as much fun as you think it

Is Satan good to see you okay nightbot okay nightbot just play it cool like it’s no big deal it’s fun for us no that’s dangerous like and it’s it’s weird it’s weird to look at that nightbot message cracked me up that was golden and the all caps

Too it’s fun no it’s not fun you think it’s fun but it’s not night VA does not discriminate no it this true night vault is as friendly as it gets Nightfall just goes we’re all good people at AR it’s no it’s no big deal okay guys this place is epic um the next

Order of business this is the difficult one the thing that I’m looking at is we got to connect this like wall here the Sandstone with this pathway and I want this to look like it’s it’s a sort of a bridge um and that’s going to have its own challenges because right here we’re

Going to probably need a support pillar but if we need a support pillar and it goes right here that’s right in a walkway so maybe we can get away with having one here for example but then I kind of want to have it at least one block out to the side

Let’s grab some Sandstone walls and start puzzling this one out if we can get this sorted then the room really starts coming together I also heard that a rug can do wonders as we get the right one it really ties a room together make a floating one a floating

Pillar that’s just a spike hanging down welcome to the stream I love that entrance nice good energy make a floating pillar what do you mean what’s a floating pillar is this a floating filler that this this ugly old thing oh no I love this game building Adventure P farming Redstone construction Minecraft

Is school dude I couldn’t agree More okay guys actually have a thought this room reminds me of Relativity relativity from MC aser yo I see why you would say that that’s that’s cool aser has some remarkable work that’s that was so Cool j caralon welcome to the stream thank you for being Here I didn’t Inspire it all that room but I think it goes as a it works as a pretty great Reference oh wow guys I never did this but this looks really cool anchoring a pillar to the wall like that I like that you can put paint on the wall yo I wish the only thing we can do is use red sense Zone there okay I got to check it out from down

Here guys okay this anchors work quite well but going straight up with sstone that far is too boring also we did the same mistake you guys remember when we made the window and I had to build it up by one block same holds true for these anchors and the only reason that’s true

Guys because it matters a lot the only reason it’s true is because relative to this window they look out of place use some chiseled Sandstone o that’s that’s a good suggestion I’m going to check out what that looks like TBO welcome to the stream guys if I take Minecraft advice from literal Satan

Does that mean I Sal my soul to the devil is that how that works oh chisel senson is epic here okay I did it I sold my soul it’s gone we’re not getting it back it’s forfeit guys I’m so sorry I mean it was good advice it was

Good advice what what are you going to do how do you have nerves for such design you mean patience for it I don’t know it’s just there I want to go through the trouble of getting it right see about 30 minutes what about it your new home is in the nether apparently

So oh my God how did I miss That then again that was correct okay I think guys I start at Wall anchor in the same place yeah I think I’m I’m just going to keep him I think I’m going to keep them the same I did consider a variation there but I don’t think it will work very well

Uh let me place that one there okay we got to check it every step here of it works because this uh randomly the B says hello and welcome it has a code word for it but he’s just very friendly okay I think that’s where the other ones go right

There this one is right on the Top imagination Warrior welcome back good see you hope you’re doing well or where in the world is is dude I love that you guys ask that especially if you’ve seen this world so much um but we’re finally building the upper Castle interior we’re making the castle itself work so we can walk around

There last week for murder for for murder last week for Looney murder sheep TRS new sheep in BX for rest of their life sleeper enjoyers soul soul to the devil yeah it’s been a it’s been a a while week over looneyville oh my God if you sum it up like that it’s a

Lot I think we get to uh to build that up There nice I might have uh might end up connecting these uh somehow honestly I think this is a good start yeah we need quartz pillars there I think I probably have some it’s really pretty we’re we’re getting there we’re getting there one step at a time this jump guys to the corner of

That stair it feels like such a parkour jump I kind of want to play some Parkour we did the mentions yesterday which I hadn’t played for a while and this morning I had to record some uh some voice overs for the new video um but I could only do that once my girlfriend

Was out of the shower so while I was waiting for it I played that same parkour map again and I found a bunch of shortcuts it’s our first stream since 4,000 Day celebration oh dude you’ve missed a lot we’ve we’ve done so much that’s cool though thank you thank

You for being here today I appreciate it hope you’ve been well you live in Amsterdam in B to like um so I live in ut utre which you could describe it as Such I don’t think everybody would agree with the description but that’s a different question okay I could potentially I don’t hate that and I like the way that it looks from the bottom Up I mean that’s actually kind of cool wonder if we buildt this up a little bit no no no no no does this one matter not Really that one there in the corner I might leave It you got it right sort of in a way in a way Dutch Brickfield or will the 5K Day 5K movie be out on your birthday when’s your birthday did you say that before 30i bag is what you said before that’s not happening is it okay for me to call you Loney from

Loney whatever makes you happy you can go for it Omar welcome to the stream okay so now guys I think we can make a um wall up there uh out of sandstone let’s go and do that ow 26 of December yeah 5K days will be

Out by then for sure that’s why we’re on the grind so hard I think by the 26th of December you’ll not only have the 5K Day movie but also the full movie the everything that happened until now and I really really really look forward to editing that

Because that’s just the best parts of all of the movies re-record it vocal wise re-record it and then smoothly blend it together I can’t wait to do that I think that’s going to be my favorite video that I’ve ever made up until this this point because we have so much good footage to

Work with season 1 was a bit of a mess when I went to edit that and that made it like that made the the story of it appealing but the editing of it was pain because it was like oh I don’t have this I don’t have this how do I make it work

And I had to like there were shots at the beginning of the movie where I didn’t know how to record my Minecraft properly so there were black bars on the bottom of the screen and it was so cursed and it was just not coherent the cool thing about it was going through

The early steps and sharing that with you guys but this movie I think is going to be epic your two witch head connected which a good uh video start to follow you from that video thank you dude the Farms are still in the base like that whole thing

Is what we’re building around now which is kind of crazy okay now here guys here we get into interesting ter territory because right now this is a white stone room and then here we have a Sandstone wall so either we find a way to sort of cover up the Sone wall and

End it or we build it up and we transition out of the white stone and both of those can be the right solution thing is I don’t know which one Is I also don’t know where that deep slay goes I think I need some deep slay blocks iang know you look at the texture of the walls to guess where I was from or where I’m living that’s epic it’s a similar uh similar building style for

Sure yo what a what a what a beautifully educated guest that’s epic try to change oak logs to Cherry logs they’re not oak logs they’re um uh strip Birch oh these Oak logs I don’t know I I like Oak for this I think it it works well in that

Palette as for the Cherry I think it’s going to be a lot if you strip Cherry there why are there particles here that’s from the garden whoa that’s cool that’s actually really cool kind of scared myself I’m traumatized What as in as in this seriously ties back into a bad memory or you’re Amazed by how skilled that gas was I re hope it’s a second oh my God that’s an whoa that’s a cool Staircase that’s so cool make a Green Spot path the ball of the S Sone part they are from sport blossoms in bed you’re right you’re right the sport blossoms are in the garden right there amaz now I’m going to Le Mr BEAST’s location I guess that’s one thing you

Could be doing with these Majestic six skills oh my God guys this build is going to be so sick um we still got to answer the question what we do with this wall though w c blocks for stairs we’ve used them a lot I really like the um the

Slabs for here Alex Gillies am I family friendly for for the most part um sometimes I’ll say something a little uh controversial but not like that I like to stir the pot maybe that’s what I have that’s the tinest of disclaimers because generally I’m a I’m a good

Guy okay that definitely needs to be probably what it Was family friendly but a murder in in game in game Alex don’t worry about it it’s in game okay these we got to keep open here we got like the most random blocks but we we’ll get to that many crimes he’s committed okay controversial with like conspiracy

Theories or just court cases just court cases Okay I think this one here got has to transition into this room oh I have a cool idea as well this is one of my favorite building songs in the playlist wait I got to start this one this one goes uh um where is it safe to new playlist

5,000 literally made Mass distr fars of the basement C down I mean who has him come on man if that’s my biggest crime then we’re a okay okay these stairs around the walls will uh we’ll get rid of them but I generally like the idea get rid of them as in decorate them

Into something else but for now this is good Mr Beast location was next oh man you graduated to the major lease real fast there I I don’t think there’s anywhere to go from here I think you youve finished the game you’ve done what nobody else could and it only took you 10

Minutes Sil Pascal welcome to the stream we’re chilling we’re doing the castle interior okay guys this is awesome uh I think I’ll just cut up these snow blocks here here because don’t need them anymore uh these we can’t get rid of because they’re part of the room Underneath so then here we have room for whatever yo this is going to look so cool I really like wait nice it still works without the shaders I really like the sandstone and the qu together they’re surprisingly Cool okay is there a way yes oh I need more stairs was it dark there I didn’t see It make for What wait these are quartz stairs we needed the smooth ones you guys see how much of a difference it makes if you put a normal quartz St in there rather than smooth that’s where the difference really shines or well stands out Looney are you looking forward to

Autocrafting dude I can’t wait this is the one time in Minecraft history that I’m going to really struggle to not play on snapshots because usually I’m like I’m fine I’ll wait till the full thing is there partially safety reasons and partially because it’s fine I can wait I

Have the patience I like getting everything in one time but now autocrafting that’s that’s a really hard one to just wait for S he woke me up what okay I don’t like these uh inverted stairs I don’t know what we’re going to do there but not This we’ll figure out what it is maybe like uh logs two steps out of the wall something like that just Bing your season one hardcore series JJ toad yo thank you that’s epic did did you already uh see most of season 2 as well or are you getting into that blank

Now not the best blanking I ever did remember my first dream was eating spaghetti mom spaghetti just now starting on the first season 2 movie yo I kind of don’t want to spoil the base for you um so I’m not going to look around too much and fly out and I wish

You a happy journey and I hope to see you in a little while when you’ve uh you’ve gone through the movies because there’s a lot and especially from the last one till now there’s like a lot is changing world is really coming together would I like H diagonal half

Blocks to be added to the game absolutely not please no no that’d be really cursed I would I would not like that at all okay guys we got to let me trim this down come back with a c more caught up awesome dude enjoy the journey thank you for uh for

Sharing that that was Awesome once he switch to snapshots in the nether updates to get more netherite what he switch to snapshots wait did he back then go to that update or did he now go to the snapshot of the nether update to get more netherite that’ be a awesome okay guys we’re we’re back to

The puzzle um I think I got to like literally empty out my inventory and go for snow blocks so we can uh figure out what the next part of it is going to look like Lo can I can you show the sheep for uh let me fly past it wait

Guys oh no I I’ve had it twice where I thought I found a way to fill up this uh stack but it’s just still switching it out quick trip to the sheep farm guys no no BR lives in Louisiana’s Southern Southeastern part you’re my rooll with this I don’t know if that’s

True should very well be no rck GG’s Looney mcci stream wi you guys go want to go to the parkour um Barker Warrior Dojo isn’t Kofi Co by now it was lukewarm so guys this is sheep farm let’s do the let’s do that let’s go mcci park Warrior Dojo I’ve literally

Not been on any other part of mcci yet but I did run all those courses for the for the the ls for the enjoyment for the practice everybody stoked okay okay guys um I’m actually going to have to uh go out for a workout soon so before we do

That let me uh go and grab your names first things first um cgp black we’ve done a lot anyway today and I’m going to be uh working late with frameworking why pumpkins bubbles you’re going to see when uh the Halloween video drops in a few days uh we’ll get monkey

Man let me fill up the page guys monkey man had a capital M there um we’ll get Pascal we’ll get lus and bad and then we’re not quite ending the stream guys so stick around for a second uh Dutch brick builder intact is going to go in there

Who says GG monkey man well you made a too uh Rafael was already in a book right now or earlier today Marco ponio is going to go in uh we’ll get Emma Rose we’ll get Ru who suggested the trip to the sheep farm R vakka um Mickey cat

Who’s always here here when the parkour is happening and most of the rest of time Dark Knight MC is going to go in the book and we’ll get um most Rock in there and poic which I guess is with a zero or with a no I’m going to guess

It’s a no and then um we’ll put oh wait I already started typing but the page was full so quill V Canon is going to go in the book as well and then with that I still have to grab the comments from the or the names from the comment SE so

We’re going to get back to that I’m going to turn my render distance down a little bit GG to those who got in the book and then um let me change the title real quick guys okay wait I this is the longest title I’ve ever had I have like two symbols left I

Can’t add anymore okay here we go multiplayer mcci I’m just going to run to Dojo if you guys want to join in you got to go over there that’s the only way I know how to get into the same place let me uh see if there’s Creator ranks on the MCC I

Haven’t checked okay um Parker Warrior guys we’re going to R start running course one and let’s go for um oh there’s new courses okay I know nothing let’s go for advanced completions starting on map number one I’m run to Dojo well good luck as am

I do we run the uh you know what let’s run defaults we’re going to go through the maps much quicker that way it’s going to be more fun these ones are always a little sketch they’re not that hard but I’m just uh I get worried that I might fall

Even though I probably won’t okay then these wheels oh got to check out which way they rotate okay got it we’re good Here say s of the hardcore world please we might we might go back there real quick this is a good first run oh balancing okay Someone clip that clip what no I was Flawless up till there oh man there’s a difficult corner there something to run into here we go guys I was doing so Well oh it wasn’t as hard as I thought really good first run it was a decent start but after that it got Cursed okay that’s fine what is This okay not bad it’s around 2 minutes that’s not a bad first run for how curse that that one part was you don’t parkour because you’re bad no you’re bad because you don’t parkour it’s different um Mickey cat right here who’s a parkour champ of course guys there’s got to be a

Uh is there Better Way Navigator maybe how do you switch to a new map how do you get back to the dojo you just quitted oh that actually works well okay parkour Dojo course 2 let’s do it blank rounds are kind of Nice what was the time for that first one it was like 2133 or something okay that was weird with Caon oh I might have missed that oh come on I could have shifted that My first time seeing a Minecraft server like this Inta it’s pretty cool okay this is sketch okay what is this bumpy conveyor this is super weird That’s not hard it’s just awkward for these things the most important there’s Mickey for these things the most important thing is to take it a what was that take it a little bit slow so you’re fine that’s a long jump W Mickey what was that job did I go to the wrong block oh Mick Mickey is Mickey is fantastic at parkour which makes it kind of annoying to run behind him Mickey straights okay guys wait you got to at least aim for the block that’s like a prerequisite what is

This it can be that hard he’s right there okay Mickey Mickey run ahead on me on every map you know where I’m going next I’m going to go for for M number three oh my God he went for what what man just beat me on the straight how does that work

Epic um let’s go course number three guys should we I think we should go for um for advanced completions and advanced completions means we got to take these sidetracks as well wow that was awkward this looks tricky I don’t know if it is though maybe you just got to go

Fast oh yeah that’s fine what’s up sleepy three times touch bad oh man it’s so cursed I hate that Happened wow I aligned that so poy I feel like there’s a quicker way to do this Oh I thought I missed that for a second okay this one this is awkward well not that awkward okay not bad bad oh Mickey fell do that happen oh these are these are

Tricky jumps are not as far as you expect them to be so you got got to hold back nck is cheering me on in game it’s just standing there typing at the end okay got it whoa where this go I’m in a pool of green water add

Hitters okay that’s less tricky than it looks but it feels scary was the time 2:30 I got N9 so how many more do I need guys I don’t need know if I need another Sidetrack I need 15 so I think I just finish it from here within 5 Minutes yeah these are the medium ones we don’t need those so we’re just going to go straight Nice I don’t think I need it to be up there well I got us Through oh my God this is tricky because I’m not really I’m adjusting as we go through okay 15 this is fine guys we got a minute and 10 for the last level this is a this is a make for Sure or is it ooh that hitters are tricky Where’s this go oh no what oh you got to go to the Side 40 seconds there we go it is a make okay that let’s do one more guys and then I’m uh calling it a night for the workout workout and then more frameworking that was a first try Advanced make that’s kind of nice I like

That okay so we do one more now I don’t have to calculate anymore now I know where we go so we go all the easy clast and still clear it in Five oh I hate this one this one’s so awkward for me I just know that there’s a much easier way to do this I just don’t know what it is there we go if you let go too too long you fall off okay where does this Go oh Dang oh I hit that chain y That’s a tricky jump I Think oh my God again guys we’re behind schedule this is taking too long technically we could skip it why is that jump so hard I feel like I’m just going for the wrong approach on it okay did it that guy’s an expert Mickey is sick Mickey Mickey’s insane at Parkour okay that’s Fine it was a slightly longer jump I messed that up I went for the wrong routing the mistake was actually on the one in front of that okay we got to keep going 2 minutes for six points that’s not the schedule we need but I believe okay easy make oh I messed

That let me go for slow and steady here like we’re fine but I can’t fall off Anymore Oh my God the wall guys we’re way behind I need to be quicker Here do I go around this side okay we can still do this 9 points 3 minutes I could didn’t see Mickey was in the Way okay Easy oh my God what was that that was the actual routing that’s crazy okay here we go straight we don’t need those anymore come on Dude okay sweet what is this level there’s too much to look at I have no idea where to go okay nice guys we got 35 seconds to finish It nice first try Advanced Completion okay guys I’m not going to lie I’m hooked I want to do one more one more course five that was close I like that it was close that was cool cool challenge okay course five last run and then we call it a day parkour Warrior is so well made like

These maps are epic and just the game works very smoothly I like it no hit a wall nice what is this ladder twist there he is the T guide himself hit a wall lost the momentum I think Mickey messed that up too that first one second one oh come

On that jump is awkward I think you got to just hold for a second there you go well you don’t have to hold if you can aim you don’t have to hold trust in the spawning okay nice what is this I don’t think there’s anything there it’s just banners but it feels so

Weird can I just jump that apparently I can here we goes this thing again I want to do it the right way now okay that’s not quite the right way guys now I’m scared I did the first part right I’ll take that o this is tricky literally missed a

Jump as in I was on the thing I just didn’t press space there we go okay guys so it run we’re now in the lead we’ve overtaken Mickey who’s not waiting there at all Nice no I was about to say I swear that’s possible this is just a matter of not knowing to jumps but I do believe we can make that distance yeah we just got a timer right okay do we need to go right no we’re going straight guys we’re making

Good Pace on this one this one’s solid I literally aimed for the glass Paine there no stop throwing okay that was way more complicated than it needed to Be okay guys this is actually a good time can we beat Mickey well no because I can’t see and I don’t know where we’re going well at least he doesn’t have time to look around guys it was up four minutes that’s that’s a good first run I

Like that that was uh that was a lot of fun uh we’re going to leave as for now that’s like the I I think the third or fourth time I’ve been on the server but I love the server I think it’s really awesome as for the hardcore

World guys we’ve made a lot of good progress there’s a bunch of names in the book already um I’m just going to quit it and uh no one can ever beat Mickey not many people can no not many people can guys I’m going to H on my bike get a

Workout in and then uh I’m going to do some late night frameworking in the castle I’ll do some of the snow work and then tomorrow we can uh we can get back together and work on the cast interior we’ll do that and uh I think tomorrow is

The day that we’re really going to see some results there’s going to be a Loi stream tomorrow before the main stream I don’t think I’m doing low fine tonight uh we did last we did three streams yesterday and I think today we’re going to stick with two guys for right now I

Want to thank you a bunch for hanging out I hope you enjoyed it I hope you had a good stream and I want to thank you so so much for hanging out see you soon for right now Looney out oh

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 4450 – I Messed Up Yesterday… (interior design overcompensation edition)’, was uploaded by Loony on 2023-10-20 21:50:05. It has garnered 5161 views and 319 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:15 or 10455 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days in Harcore Minecraft… 4 times… without sleeping! And today our journey continues on day 4450.

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  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

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  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.13)

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  • Deku Shenanigans: Minecraft DementiaCraft Ep 20

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  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

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  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

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  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

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  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

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  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

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  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

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  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

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  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

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  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More