Insane Richjturn Minecraft Xmas stream

Video Information

In Christmas chasing s Merry Christmas We Christmas Day Christm A Yeah Here Hello guys oh we’re a bit uh let’s just nudge that back a little bit there you go Christmas hat Christmas shirt Christmas overlay Christmas stream I just need to decide what I’m doing um hang on a minute I just need um I saved something just a second

There’s a template to help me where is It hey Archie over on Twitch that is guys um where is that picture see ah there it is so we’re good ready everything should be set up every everything should be working the goal goal is to create a Christmas scene on Creative Oops stop on creative and that’s it make a video from it first thing we need to build is a fire fireplace oh sorry guys yeah what’s up hello bricks how’s it going hello DM hello monkey hello Tilly hello that’s it how how am I how how has my

Day been monkey how am I till yeah good okay stream Minecraft this morning exercised went for a walk got my haircut come back had a sleep stream more Minecraft that’s my day today right first thing we need to build is a fireplace and I’ve just realized I don’t

Know if fire spreads is switched on can’t remember the command how do you switch fire spreads off oh cuz the whole thing could burn down if I’m not careful I don’t know let’s carry start building anyway so we need to build a big fireplace it’s going to be a big

Christmas fireplace to begin with and they’re going to be dark color blocks cuz they’re scorched so the backdrop okay so um we want kind of like a brick scorched brick backdrop um let’s go with oh turn the music up um so the first thing the fire

Fire I’m I’m bothered about that how it how do we switch um how do I um your birthday in two days almost wow wow you so your birthday is right near Christmas you get double you still get the presents for each Though game R do fire tick false um game rule Oh wrong Button itic we’re good that’s good isn’t it otherwise that would be really frustrating okay backdrop to the fire we want dark kind of like Uh I reckon deep sleep might be the one for this deep slate deep slate few of them thrown in texture and then between them it’s a lighter color so hope we can do all this in one stream cuz that’s going to be quite difficult if I

Can’t there that looks a good color for that um so let’s get started what’s the base of the fireplace going to be let’s do that kind of like a stone base world edit would have been probably good for this actually but never mind uh UND theight polished a minute um o

Bassal right we’re going to create an outline for the so let’s put I haven’t got world edit mod now I could I should have thought that really but it doesn’t matter I work with it I’ve built massive builds through that world it before it’s not it’s not a huge big deal I just

Didn’t didn’t think that I didn’t think um let’s go uh depends how big it’s going to be might not even be that big might not even be that big I don’t know oh it’s going to be a pck this isn’t it um to be honest even if I did I World

Well did it because I’ve not used it before i’ probably spend most of my time trying to work out how it works so it might not have been a good idea anyway really you have your favorite subject tomorrow what is It okay that’s that’s that’s three isn’t it put uh oh history of course yeah cuz you told you told me Yeah cool Hello JM DX oh Merry Christmas it’s still a few weeks away yet really but I’ve probably probably done this a bit too early okay so that’s the we have that as the front of the fire I’m going to do like a black a blacks around for the fire so we’re

Going to do actually let’s do that while we’re here um that’s going to be like a really let’s do coal um and I’m thinking like a let’s do Blackstone wall oh what happened then oh I didn’t even click that then what happened oh um I wonder if my mouse is on the way

Out you know I keep it keeps doing strange things uh now let’s do a surround for the fireplace so we’ll do it like Here when you’re into uh it is Monday at 4:00 so it’s Monday exactly over when I normally start live streaming basically it just occur to me guys I could proba should probably build the fire first so I’ve got an idea how it’s going to look so um let’s actually put let’s actually do

This so that’s the front of the fire so what I’m doing is a Christmas fireplace scene in case you’re wondering I don’t know if I said that or not this is probably going to be black as well so there’s going to be two some Christmas trees decorations around the

Fire I’m going to maybe try and put some build some candles on top then I’m going to go into OptiFine put the shaders on and see if I can make it look nice hopefully yeah no worries so hello Rare oh I like this song yes I do remember you now how do we build a big fire the logs are going to be merry Christmas I’m thinking we build Thank you yeah no worries look like a log I wonder we should just put like a a branch sticking off or something or now that’s going to look a bit weird isn’t it um maybe we do like a Uh do like the problem is he’s doing diagonals in Minecraft there a pain um now let’s Just let’s do that let’s get see if we can do something a bit Um It looks like It’s now you gu in your herc in 1 hour 20 minutes I got a hair cut today my hair’s cut you can see it it’s completely sh shaved yes I’m going to put shaders on yeah eventually when I’m finished yeah I’m just working out how to uh make a fiery

Fireplace I suppose if it’s burning it doesn’t look perfect does it um This music is a bit not quite the music I normally listen to on streams is it does that look like wood piled up I don’t Know does that look like wood piled up that it does isn’t it hey so next thing um is everybody getting the Christmas haircut is that what’s going on are you going to play in the S&P not today I I did this morning I was on this morning uh on the

S&P where’s the hay Bay around here somewhere probably hey Bale hey Bale the no it’s okay so we’re going to well that’s loud isn’t it start making it look like it’s on fire but the by the way sorry orangutang is Za just so you know he’s just he’s using

A different account it’s Za who’s on just so you’re aware who it is okay Um now next next we want flint and steel uh tools that’ll be under Probably good job not got P spreads on because this will just destroy all this kind of get in there a bit we want it in clumps cuz I think if it was clumps it would look more accurate what we want it look like looking like a cozy Fireplace and what I’m going to do is making lots of fight crackly fisers anyway look at that we just a little bit to uh that is that beginning to feel like a roaring fire probably is isn’t it add more smoke H I think it’s we’ll see we’ll see I’ll do

Is sounds amazing doesn’t it maybe we just need to PL everything probably see the back anyway now that’s not good there oh that’s beginning to lot better hello Christmas isn’t there yes that might look better we want it to be more Flames than wood basically I think that’s beginning to come together

A bit is it you never understand this game it takes I it is sizzling isn’t it it’s sizzling now so the outline for the back now we need to do so it’s going to go uh we’re going to do it like this kind of like um

That’s how we’re kind of going to do it and then uh back along here I hope this looks good cuz it’s take going to take a lot of effort doing this so we’ll see I’m sorry about the music guys it’s I just chose R loads of random Christ Christmas songs on the epidemic sound so that’s why it’s a bit some of it’s a bit cheesy because obviously because of copyright you can’t just uh look at that that’s one all the way down um you can’t just play any Christmas song because I

Get copyright strikes so I had to find some ones under the music license they have okay uh okay uh hello toxic no I knew you wouldn’t miss it uh so now we want the basic shape this is going to be like an archway let what one let me just count

This one two wa a minute 2 three four five 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 so one 2 three four five 6 7 8 nine that’s the center new skin Jolly Rich what are they the same height no

Okay now the next thing is uh Archway so I’m going to do that um one two one two three is that two it’s two uh that’s four isn’t it one two three four yeah uh one two three four oh no oh perfect you look different yes that’s because I have a

Christmas hat on and a Christmas sh no worries okay so next is um okay so there is like a um weird let’s have a look what blocks we’ve got to play with we want polished right I’m wondering if this is going to be two hope we get this finished tonight and then um

There’s some kind of decoration down here so I might do kind of that and then that and then there’s another one of these going up so we’re going to do Oh come on so get it’s coming together coming Together so what I’m going to do right is I’m going to make it so you can see the whole scene about like that uh I think we should probably to make it the only problem you might have with that toxic is you potentially get a copyright strike possibly is it a reaction

Video uh not okay the backdrop of the fireplace now the only problem is I’ve just noticed is the um on on that we might have to do some trickery here just a second cuz the flames on the picture I’m looking at are way higher oh it said it’s copyright for you

Okay if it’s if it’s not flagged up then you’re all right let’s do a um where’s the it’s there uh let’s do that cuz you won’t be able to see that from the front whe yeah much let’s try and get the Flames looking a bit higher

I wonder we could just put one more there try and get them really high up the back that’ll do for now won’t it now we’ve got to work out now is how to make bricks so the bricks are going to be um these two so this is going to be

Um would that be right no it’s going to need to be bigger wonder if it just do could look silly this we might have to scrap this idea possibly I don’t know let’s see one two three four five six 7 this music awful Isn’t it sorry guys it’s absolutely awful right now

The music’s shocking sorry guys I know it’s shocking it’s shocking seven it was the only Christmas music they had it’s just not it’s not it’s not good is it it’s not good some of the Christmas music before was nice but this one is just ridiculous this looks hang let’s skip this

Track oh what’s going on there oh no this this isn’t working this isn’t working uh completely the wrong colors completely wrong in every way we might might be best off just doing pure deep slate so we’re going to go back to Pure deep slate Your deep slate instead we’ll texture it in a minute this is supposed to be like R&B type Christmas this is even bad as well isn’t it let’s just put a w let’s go to the Christmas songs and literally just put the whole um uh it’s all bad isn’t it oh that’s a bit

Catchy let’s see would go with this bit catchier right guys if you go to epidemic sound uh yeah I’ll give you the website I can play any music from epidemic sound so I’ll give you the website you guys can go and just do song requests you want to do that

Instead this is the I I can play any music from this website because that’s what I pay for so B Concrete you mean he’s saying use concrete it’ll it’ll look too dark I think play as it was by what who by who are you saying Harry Styles is that what you’re

Saying I can’t play anything that’s not on that website yeah I can’t play anything that’s not on that website this is awful this music people like this this is awful just annoying that’s a bit joler that’s Jolly that’s Jolly I have the best drink which what drink do you have I am

Brew I do like I am Brew it’s cool youone else Oh dead hypnic this I feel I feel like such when you start placing loads of blocks it feels dead weird on your eyes it’s a better song this isn’t it it’s an actual song rather than just a bunch of annoying noises as well it’s not amazing but it’s a nicer

Song Right is this beginning to look like a fireplace I think it is isn’t it it’s much better isn’t it Mak Christm tomorrow night guys I’m streaming uh the G of bamb bam games because the uh the new one comes out soon and thought let’s go back and just replay the old ones ready for the new one coming out just to remind ourselves on me just for me to

Remind myself you you guys probably remember I’m old that’s looking good is it that’s beginning to look like a fireplace funny when you when you when you stay still smoke goes up if I move up smoke freezes got an idea actually I wonder if I’ve got a bit of an idea where’s Blackstone what if we just start putting some some black stone in and making it look a bit scorched and it wouldn’t be brick would it it would be uh that that and that let’s put in some um just some uh it’s not making it look a

Bit then what we might do is start adding in I hope this works cuz I don’t want to go back and delete this now even this track isn’t that bad but the other one we just D on before was terrible right right we’ll have to blend that a

Bit in a minute but that’s okay I wonder if we added some uh mushroom lights into that fire as well it make it look like glowing Embers that might look good one more R then with the a roof on it cuz the smoke doesn’t doesn’t have to come out the chimney

My grand was Scottish and he used to drink it and my mom me so I got some I I love oh thanks to M yeah it is nice it is nice I drink it sometimes s you sell it in all the shops around Here what I don’t want is any light getting in from above that’s why I’m sealing this off want all the light to be coming from the fire you won’t see any of this though I’m just using this to cover this up not here what’s not here spir Spirit cranberry what oh no oh

Sorry they don’t sell it oh the oh sorry sorry toxic I didn’t realize what you were saying you’re saying you don’t sell it there right it’s weird like most British people know it but apparently no one knows it around the world Sprite cranberry oh is that what you’re

Saying all right I didn’t even know that existed I didn’t even know that Existed so is that nice and sealed in now so already it’s getting better cuz I’ve cut the light off from the ceiling can you see now how it’s coming together we want this is going to be more I think let’s put this actually all in the middle

Here I hope this is going to work I don’t I don’t really know I’m Honest so okay that’s not the let not do that it’s a bit more broken off hello sorry I didn’t you say hello to you thenell this now is beginning to feel much better now a gap there yeah that’s beginning to look like a fireplace isn’t It that’s beginning to look like a fireplace definitely okay the surround now we go back to the surround I was worried about this but now now I’ve seen that come together it looks a bit better now there another cheesy Christmas song here I should just put on like a more

Traditional Carol or something shouldn’t I there was some nice carols on the uh on the playlist to put on let’s so like so you go there’s there’s four in a row here there you go mellow that’s better is’t It you hate this song Toxic oh we like this one okay it’s a j Jazz Christmas Carol what Jazz nice look I’m happy with this now guys I was worried one two that how many blocks is that I can’t even see cuz it’s so dark one two three four four Blocks one two three four don’t mine’s a little bit of Jas me Do Okay now it’s beginning to feel like a fireplace isn’t it I was worried you know guys but now it’s fidling a little bit like it’s feeling better I’m not sure about some of the this texture in at the back here though this is a bit too uh it’s a bit too uh that’s

Better you so it’s toxic are you definitely getting it now is it confirmed is it definitely confirmed oh oh thank God toxic it’s been long enough you deserved it after all that patience so toxic you need to make sure it’s Minecraft Java so you can join the server I’m sure joshh would be

Completely happy with your joining um yeah on YouTube monkey And let’s do a little kind of like multif thing around Here actually let’s just do a there you go I’ll be I’ll be streaming on Christmas Day by the way guys as as sad as that sounds I will be and I know that sounds a bit sad but I will be cuz I’m not going to visit my family

Till after Christmas and I’ve got nothing to do so I might as well stream that is feeling better I don’t know we haven’t decided yet I’m wondering if um toxic if you’ve got Minecraft on Christmas day you can you can join in you can Jo you can come on the server

You a stream Minecraft I’m not sure about the texture in at the back I can fix that though this it’s looking too messy now I think that actually might be too messy now maybe you know it might fix it a bit taking out some of these

I’ll probably be around all day I’ve got nothing to do I literally probably will stream I could literally stream all day to be honest I know it sounds a bit sad but I’m not going to visit my parents until after Christmas so it’s not like I’m doing anything it’s not like I’m doing

Anything I’m not sure if that works at the back there I need to think about that I’m wondering if it would have been better with start having it all dark from a distance though maybe not okay next thing is the frame I could I could any any to be

Honest I probably stream twice probably stream in the morning than stream in the evening not everybody celebrates Christmas anyway so there might be people watching who would just have no interest in that so stripped Spruce do we think for the frame stripped Spruce I’m going to go

For let’s just see what it looks like oh that’s a nice color in it come on actually do you know more I’m doing this the more enjoying it you know I was worried at first cuz I didn’t know if I’d be able to pull it off but I think we might be able To Okay oh I’m liking this I’m liking this the color is just nice uh another one out so this will be the inner frame of it come on jump climb jump what’s going on right Okay Oops maybe on Christmas Day toxic if I do a stream in the evening and monk if you’re around I can I can give you an intro to the I’ll just check with Josh but I’m sure You’ be okay cuz you you guys have been around for a while you’re

Not you’re not going to grief us or anything the whole theme of the subcraft server is drama free we just want people who want to have fun chill out not argue with anyone honest basically you don’t have to log on every week just in your own time yeah you have Been guys literally I’ve got nothing to do on Christmas day so cuz I’m going home to my parents to visit them for Christmas on the 30th my brother’s coming on the 29th here to visit me and then I’m going back with him just remember though guys it’s Java you you

Need although I think you get Java and bedrack together now when you buy them on PC I’m sure you do I’m sure you do uh yeah you need Java although I think you buy them together I think you I think if you buy if you buy Minecraft PC these days I’m

Sure you buy sure you get them together Like we come together as one I think yeah I know but you’re all right don’t worry about it I think they could I I toxic I think you get bedrock for free I think I’m not sure but check I think I I think possibly that you get bedrock for free if

Uh I’m this is one more if you get Java that’s one block back there isn’t It that’s one block back up there what block is that there I’m copying from a picture by the way but the picture is real life I’m trying to build a fireplace in the picture guess you’re wondering what I’m doing hey adasa good morning for you oh you’ve just done

A stream have you what’s what’s matter monkey oh this is a nice song This I I would listen to this if I was streaming or not streaming this is a proper nice song This oh de right okay oh de you this will look better with shaders on this this bit I think how wide do we want that that’s that’s a big chunk that isn’t it it’s going to need to be at least two More oh this it’s not like in survival where that would have just killed me yeah guys this is up this is going well this is going well Then this bit has got a massive decoration on the side so we’re going to need to figure out how we’re going to do that all right okay Spruce we need to create some kind of spruce pattern let’s get that’s the central point there is it uh it’s got like a floral pattern but

I can’t recreate that um we could Um what’s going on here that’s no that’s not right yeah no worries Ryland no Worries kind have a nice Pattern can we do that no there you go let oh hang on AE that’s wrong isn’t it uh actually the the one on the left looks better so let’s do that there’s a nice pattern there I I’ve never done that to M nadet you although to be fair my mine’s All

Glass so I can see it it doesn’t look Dusty probably is dust in there Somewhere now the question is the uh this is this needs more so we need at least another three I think no let’s do two for now to see how that looks all Right oh one here all right I mean I can just remove the glass panel as side I think so maybe I should just do at some point and just have a look inside see what it’s looking Like compressed Okay yep cheers I long have been working this an hour oh that’s not bad we’ve done quite a lot in an hour hav’t we these are actual nice songs the ones earlier were just irritating just irritating noises look at that now um so the next bit yeah cool thank you um next bit is

Going to be the decorations at the side but let’s do the mantle piece first so it’s going to come out here uh this is going to be another one out here is another one and then and then another it’s going to the another one all the way along Here come on that ah come on so that is going to come how far does that come it looks like it’s Uh and that’s going to come This is a this is a quite a big build this that’s quite a big build uh how am I going to oh not that one okay um then it’s actually Um not you in a minute Oh I’m really happy with that you know it’s looking cool it’s looking cool um I’m going to do one more on top of that now next thing is uh that we do we’ve done those two um I think probably one more I don’t know if that’s pushing it a bit though

It’s looking a bit ridiculous no let’s do one more one more and then that that is it then I’m not doing any more further out this is then going to be the uh the mantle piece I’m really happy with this you know I didn’t think it was going to look

Like this but it’s beginning to feel B quite uh like it’s looking really good the colors are good as well um uh now the mantle piece Let’s do let’s just car let’s fill all this in haven’t even thought of how I’m going to do the walls

Yet they were Li to color the walls but okay I am Mega happy with the way this is progressing you know I am quite happy with that it actually looks like a real fireplace doesn’t it I actually can’t believe how good that looks I didn’t expect it to start to

Look that good okay um so um we’re going to do now we need to do the patterning on the side so there’s going to be patterns Here um but that’s going to be in I’m Mega happy toxic I want I I want you on the server so you know it’ll be good to have another some more content creators you know people people have got YouTube channels so when you start making videos it’ll it’ll be good

To have you know cuz we got ot to Seekers makes a bit um but the more the more content creators we’ve got the better that’s not the block I wanted let’s just Um yeah it’s it’s just it’s more content you can make for your channel so it’s good it’s good this is going to go all the way down actually I should have got a better block hey funkmeister so this is going to go all the way down oh no

Um where does it go down to on there right to the okay we’re nearly there I don’t know how this is I have no idea what I’m doing here guys by the way okay let’s go to there hold the position me and DM are playing all cool you’re playing for you’re on fortnite

Together I think I might be playing on Sunday next fortnite right okay so now going to do that I’m going to do that going to do and then we want this to kind of oops and then we want this to kind of uh six seven eight uh yes

Sunday my my nephew’s playing with us five six 7 eight uh now um uh no I’m gonna do that and I’m gonna Do uh let do that uh yeah Y oh that’s wrong up there what’s going on there oh that goes to the edge right okay that’s that that that that and that and that so is that one block is that the same ha that block let’s just hold my mouse still and go do a little check right that’s good

Um I’m going to do that going to do that that is epic I’m so happy with that I’m so happy with that sorry for being over excited but that I’m really happy with that okay um we need do some black stone let’s get some black stone

Here it I’m I’m I’m really happy with it you know do any problems have just realized is I don’t know where where the carpet’s going to go I hope we don’t have to delete any grass blocks to add stuff in I should have really thought that out

Really uh this probably needs to come all the way down to the ground for now look at it it’s a beast isn’t it oh hang on a minute is there a problem there yes there is a problem uh what block is that it’s uh what is it is it

That let’s try that I think it’s that is it that let’s just put some blocks in there to fill that in is it that yeah that’s that is I am so unbelievably happy with that it looks like a fire place doesn’t it I like now the next thing is we need a

Backdrop and I think terra cotta light gray terra cotta and white terra cotta mixed I don’t know what I’m going to do for the floor because I can’t there isn’t actually a floor on the picture let’s have a look oh there is is a wooden floor oh actually they’ve got like a um

You know I might do slabs um let’s do the floor actually they’ve got like a let’s do I think is it that it looks like that let’s just try that what that looks like let’s look at the picture again right that that music is awful right go back

To the beginning of that playlist before cry it’s got like a tile T floor in front of it obviously because there’s a fire there So m Oh I can’t believe I’ve made that you know I keep looking at thinking that that I’m really really happy anyway next thing Um there’s a like a um I think we need it’s like a it’s like a dark terra cotta backdrop I think we might need to put some more strip Spruce in about here for the Sides And then that go think we probably need one more and then we’ll do the Wall Okay now the Wall let’s just have a look at that in terms of the colors And you you’re not going to see much of it anyway so it doesn’t actually matter that much let’s just have a look at that one well that’s light isn’t it that it looks like there’s a mirror you know um behind the fire and I don’t know how I’m going to do that that’s

All and there candle as well I have no idea I’m going to do that either let’s look at that as a back drop that’s not bad is It So that is um okay let’s do the other side we don’t need a lot for this because the we’re going to build Christmas trees how did I do that L over there so just a second that’s four blocks oops four blocks back This music is Rubbish oh this is actually G to oops we’re going to have to do put we going have to put another line here I wonder what this is going to look like with shaders on could look awful to be fair I don’t know what shade is on uh I can’t at the

Moment because I’ll have to switch Minecraft off and relog back in to do it so I’ll put it on at the end when I’ve done when I’ve done it because because so so I’ve got replay mod on so it’s recording me doing this but to have that

Mod on I can’t have the shaders on so i’ would have to log out and log back in basically it’s kind of how it Works how many did I do that um one two three four five six seven 1 2 3 4 six seven I’ll have to switch it tonight as well when I put it on I to change the uh change it tonight your Angr Christ was Bor it’s fun watching your build thank you that’s yeah that backdrop look works okay doesn’t it it works okay can you play with the arrows on Minecraft uh how do you mean play with them do you Mean oh yes you can yes I used to play with that arrows but it’s actually very difficult to to do that I I just T I just got I just practiced using this instead Basically uh because because it just it was too difficult basically I I had to learn how to do this cuz otherwise what happens is you end up sat really uncomfortably probably won’t need to build the whole mirror cuz what I’m going to do is build

It so that you can only see up to a certain point you’ll see what I Mean uh I I can’t play with all right are you left oh right so it’s on the same side for you then ah I see yeah oh never that never occurred to me you know yeah I can see that yeah you can just rebind all the buttons so that so that

The going to do a little um thing now right now this is taking a while guys I Know no Worries Okay Uh everything bright everyone happy are I am alone when we were the of the come on go on oh still getting used to it still getting used to it your mom’s left-handed as well Remember you was that a Dream so this is the wall I think I might need another so the next thing now let me just have a look Uh so we’re going to do the floor in is a different color I think so we’re going to do I don’t know if uh we could go with the oak I want to just put a ring around the edge of That okay and I don’t know if should go with a light colored floor or we should put a rug down or something we could still we could do both the floor looks lighter on the picture I’m copying we don’t want it to be sprued cuz we like the fireplace let’s just what what

Woods have we got dark we could go we could go dark should we try dark see what that looks like so what we’re going to do is we’re going to put the camera about here and make a little video like so the basically what I’m building needs to fill black screen

Basically maybe a bit further back actually which is even more work that would it be better if that was darker no I think that needs to be lighter doesn’t it no worries what we do what we just do this this is taking so much longer than I thought it was going to

Take so we’re going to need to do the uh the mantle piece in a minute put the Garland thing on or whatever they’re called cool I’m not building too much much cuz there some bits I might not need to build cuz it won’t be in shot so I’m

Just doing I’ll just build it up as I need to that is looking good now we need to do the Um the top and I just need to go to the toilet guys so I’ll be back in a minute and I may need to get another drink so I’ll be back in a second Hello the the overlay looks good the Christmas one doesn’t it so um next thing we need to do is um the decorations on the top so this is going to be tricky it’s going to be tricky and I think we should do the candles first I just don’t know how we’re going

To do the candle Flames is what I’m worried about so the candle what color are the candles they’re like a um they’re like a bone block might be good for candles might it I could do better candle display than that and maybe I could maybe I

Could oh I know what to put on the top of the candles what if we did it Let’s do let’s I’ve got an Idea like bone block what did we just put a torch on there right let’s try a couple of things I’ve got some ideas we could a wick let’s put with the chain could be like a wick then we try a lantern let’s try let’s try what what if it was just

Like that was like a wick and that was like the the light is it it’s kind of stupid but but it’s not that cuz we do that that’s like a torch that’s like a that looks like a that looks like a candle doesn’t it I I would say that was like a

Candle I’m going to do like a uh I’m going to I’m going to make it my own a Bit we do another one there where’s that that’s one block how do you get on the lead board uh he just watched hours and hours of my live streams that’s how he got on It Maybe we just do another one in the middle what’s the middle block is that middle block Block that’s the mid block isn’t it I could yeah I could I could in a second actually I might do that oh oh no hang going a minute um that’s wrong that CLE those moving over two blocks let’s just move these over two blocks and then that looks

Better so get that edgy ones on there now it’s the Garland thing time and I don’t know these need to be higher I think these might need to be higher you know what I’m going to make these a bit higher uh what do you want to do toxic thank you

That might seem ridiculous but when I put the Garland on it’ll it’ll look fine hopefully because it because it it won’t it won’t look so ridiculous once to put there cuz that all is going to be covered in uh oh you’ll see you’ll see right this is the greenery bit

Now so we’re going to do it’s going to Birch leaves Definitely Spruce leaves and we’re going to Do okay she leaves now I have no idea how this is going to go at all do you want you want 400 points to Donate all right there you go so we’ve got to do some kind of Garland now and I don’t know how it’s going to um it is going to be difficult and I I the best thing to do is to just start putting stuff down and just letting it go where it goes

Uh did it not give you the points toxic uh I’m sure that’s the command isn’t it Yeah I think I might did they not come through toxic no that’s the right command isn’t it I used the right command didn’t I I’m going to eaten all this up in a minute guys if you’re thinking it looks a bit scruffy it’s cuz it does I don’t think it’s giving you that’s the right command though isn’t it um um go to the description and just check of oh I’ve Miss oh I know what the problem is toxic it’s okay I know what the problem is I know what the problem is

It helpful it’d be helpful if I tight it right wouldn’t it want to do kind of like we’re knen this up guys it looks a bit rubbish now but we’re knen it up you want to prank Alex okay right okay so we’re getting some kind of like Christmas garland thing

Going over the top there let’s get the uh let’s add some oh were they what these were they are they Spruce oh was it oh Birch actually looks brighter doesn’t it oh that’s all right bit worried that are the points hours they’re minutes actually do something like five points

For every 10 minutes or something I’m not something like that I’m I’m trying to work out keep trying to set up a way of redeeming them so you can have little perks on the stream but I can’t wrap my head around it I might have to ask someone to help me with

It it’s just a little bit confusing it’s getting there is we how do I not have points uh you do it’s just that you’re not in the top 10 you will have points just you’re not in the top 10 that’s All okay that’s looking that’s getting there isn’t it right that’s getting there it’s taken two hours already this oops right um we’re going to put some lighter ones near the Candles cuz that will cuz that’s logical cuz that’s where the light is coming from want it too high cuz that but obviously nice hat thank you Alex what do you think of this I tell you what this has been a lot of work mate what’ you think thank you

So we’ve got lighter leaves now near the candles cuz that’s obvious because obviously uh that’s where the light’s coming from so that makes sense now decorations um let me just think uh I don’t want too many we could put do you know what might look good let’s just think Christmasy decorations we’ve Got torch flower does the torch flower give light I can’t remember hang in a minute does I’m going to minut it let’s Google That uh it’s why what Uh now uh oh lanterns might look like little uh we could do it so they what if we did like oh I don’t even know if this look Good oh you can’t you can’t do that lanterns won’t go on leaves do these look like Christmas decorations these do you think if I put just a few speckled around does that look like that look like a Christmas decoration does that look like that’s all right is

It you guys are just chatting between each other I just I’m like what’s going on you’re asking the eight Ball’s opinion uh um I don’t know if I can put anything else on that is there any small red blocks there’s flowers oh I know what to

Do I know I know I know I know I know what to do we get moss and we put little we you can plant flowers in Moss can’t you think where’s the Moss blocks let’s try this if that works that’s so good please say yeah you can that’s Good Oh no that’s not what is it no we don’t want that that’s not a let’s just do that dangling other side of B oh that looks good doesn’t it let’s just do let’s do that on these almost like it’s it’s actually blending what you got I’m I’m even following your guys

Conversation I’m just merrily building I don’t know what you guys are talking about there I’ll just leave you to it oh that looks so good I’m so happy with that right okay Oh there you go we got let’s put some background to them What are you guys talking about here now uh he’s I don’t know he’s uh I don’t he something to do with the PES Alex I’m not following what’s going on okay what do we reckon I don’t know what I’m going to do oh I’ve had an amazing idea whatever put whatever

I could put a mirror and build the same behind oh is that getting stupid I build the candles behind the mirror is that actually getting ridiculous it probably is isn’t it it probably is right okay okay uh next thing then um I don’t think I can add any more

To them I don’t think my math teacher told me my homework look like a five looks like a 5-year-old did it blinking e Alex that’s a bit mean isn’t it do that your master te just mean it’s horrible to hear was she joking um I don’t know I I don’t know if it

Needs any more than that I don’t know if it needs any more than that it needs lights in it but I can’t I can’t do that very easily I don’t know I don’t think I can do that very easily kind of you can’t put lights on leaves as well which is difficult could

Just put the odd little light in at the back somewhere just to I might just help just Oh right okay right we might have to what I might do is when I’m recording what I’m going to record set the field of view like that something like that right next is the um we need like a yellowy Goldie Block yellowy Goldy block that’s kind of dark oh uh I got a minute aha Perfect I know Hassan hasn’t been on for ages he dropped by a few weeks ago I think and then other than that he’s not been On Possibly yeah although he wasn’t a big Minecraft fan I think he stopped watching because I was playing Minecraft a lot Stars brightly shine toxic misses your Alex when you’re not here he misses you you like his partner in crime let’s do it a little bit higher than That how how would you do oh no you don’t do it like that that I love this song so much this is the only one that we’ve listened to so far that I actually really like some of them were okay and some of them were awful Oops we’ve gone too far Yep right that’s the mirror that’s the mirror I’m wondering if I should uh just put lining down the back I think I am going do because it looks a bit ridiculous doesn’t it King ofs I hope this works yeah toxic is alone other people come and go toxic though you’re not

Completely alone like there is other people who watch me a lot like Ryland and monkey and bricks and so some of the others do come along you’re the one who watches me the most though which I greatly appreciate by the way hope I’ve not W this by doing this Now h no no ryland’s watched other streams as Well I don’t know this is going to work this I need to look back oh it’s all right that isn’t it is that okay I think it’s okay looks okay to me yeah I think that’s okay Yeah Silent Night Alex I wonder if you any of you have noticed that I’m wearing a Christmas shirt as well with snowmen and stuff on and Holly I’m going to do this now Actually Teletubby are you saying Teletubby Teletubby shoot Oh this is a lot of work you’re wearing a tell double costume for April Okay okay now next is this I don’t know how I’m going to do this window oh no I know what to do oh I’ve got an idea so it’s not a window it’s a mirror but I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea I hope this Works I I am really interested to see what this is going to look like with the shaders on you know I am I am what sorry I’m I’m going to wear the teletub outfit is that what you’re saying sorry I’m trying to focus on what you guys are saying and do this

At the same time uh whatev is That oops right have another look oh I got there let’s seal that in that’s good okay this my friends is looking like a Christmas scene now we need blue ice and hopefully it won’t melt I don’t think it will though possibly I can I wonder if I can switch that

Off which is the normal ice no it’s regular ice let’s try it let’s try it I don’t know if it will if it does that’s bad but don’t think what was he three blocks away does it m um no I’m going a minute I don’t think it will we’ll see we test It oh it does it’s melting that one that’s a problem oh that’s disappointing is it is only that One let’s just let’s do a Google it needs to be Seethrough So ah No that’s going to melt that isn’t it h is there a way around this let’s try some let’s just try if it’ll melt it let’s stop melting it Now did that oh why does it stop melting it oh well just carry on did I move it one block I can’t even remember if I moved it back one block I can’t even no it’s not it’s not melting it now I don’t I don’t know what happened I

Don’t know let’s just carry on Going no yeah it’s not working is it right different different right next option we use glass I’ve got an idea I’ve got I’ve got another idea guys I’ve got an oh we could put glass in front of it oh I could use I still I just put glass in front of it

Um and then I will have to use OptiFine because it looks stupid with OptiFine on uh cuz it because optify Blends all the glass together but without optify it all have squares on it uh now where where where do we get glass from I can’t remember is it that one let’s

Use white glass will probably look better and then we’ll use ice this will only look good with octopine because it’ll look stupid otherwise so just ignore this until PL to fine on you playing truth or dur are you I’m really gusted that that about the ice thing that’s annoying never mind

This is just going to look so bad if I don’t put oine on let’s just hope it doesn’t maybe should drop out check it and then come back cuz this is a lot of work if if OptiFine doesn’t blend that glass together because it just looks

Stupid you think you should just log out and check it with OptiFine just to make sure I’m sure OptiFine takes away the uh let’s check it because I don’t want to do loads of work it’s just saving the file I don’t want to do loads to work only to find

Out only to find out that it’s it’s it doesn’t work uh let’s go we’ll I know while while I poine on we’ll check it with the shaders as well to to give us an idea I’ll be back on it in a second guys it’s just loading up Anytime OptiFine let’s go play Uh you’re challenging him to a jewel he saying him telling him to Jewel me I do look proper Christmasy don’t I okay here we go we can we can check optivi now we can check the glass and we can have a look with the shaders on just

To see what it looks like yes it does do that thank goodness I thought it did I thought right now let’s do a uh video settings fancy shaders uh yeah you send it me and I’ll accept it toxic right before we do that though let’s look oh guys the only slight problem is

Is the front isn’t very well lit up is it we need a bit of light on the front don’t we it could be to do with where the sun is Though I probably could do with the sun and being in a different place we can light it up we can light it up that’s it’s almost too dark that isn’t it a that’s a bit of a pain that is it uh what’s that one is this one I need

On cuz if it’s in Shadow that’s a problem it’s a problem that but we can we’ll have to light it up manually the oldfashioned way oh that is yeah that’s not the best is it that’s not the best the sun is blurring through why didn’t I put the Sun shining

On it we might have to seal it all in oh guys uh sorry do we need to accept oh sorry uh this the lighting isn’t very good right it’s okay uh don’t we’ll we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out uh let’s log back on

With we might have to have no shaders on it when I do it that might be the way but just turn it to nighttime uh where’s the game oh there it is I’ll just turn it tonight time probably that might look better I might have been too late there toxic

Sorry I changed the arrangement of my room the other day have you got your Oh wrong one have you got your Christmas tree up anadas no not yet Right you want discard this is a a bit of a bit biddly Loco locco they only came on a stream like once wow this is a lot of work okay can I get it I dare you to give me half your points toxic I’m not sure if that counts as a d really

I’m not sure if that counts as a d toxic I think that is just being Cheeky oh this is awful this music I was trying to get Christmas music and I’ve just totally failed haven’t I Right now what I’m going to do hey Tilly uh new animation cool Rich will you take his mod if he scams me I don’t think he will scam you he jokes around but I don’t think he I don’t think he he actually scamed someone he he seems fairly trustworthy I think you’re all

Right is that a mirror of them it is a mirror of them good oh no I can’t put the ice oh no oh no we’re all right we can can we stupid ice is doing more help no I a know what to do I’ve got an idea I’ve got an Idea leave it one block back NOP that’s got an idea don’t wor then got an idea guys got an idea um next one I’m putting I think I might be putting too much work into this now hopefully it’ll pay off though hopefully uh the animation is a fan

Animation or really popular an M it oh Cool is that right that’s right that’s right and that’s right last one oh no Okay candles are there which can you accept can you accept what sorry oh sorry yeah 60,000 Subs wow doing doing similar to what you’re doing till are is is just a similar thing except the the the the Bigger oh oh it’s still melting it even through the glass oh why is that happening there’s glass there does it not stop it oh that’s so annoying that’s so annoying let’s Google that Not candles um Torches Tor is also sell snow and ice within three blocks within three blocks that’s one two three it shouldn’t be melting it it’s three blocks away within three blocks oh no oh that’s going to melt that through there isn’t it yeah oh that’s so disappointing and the other ice block is

Too thick isn’t it you can not see through that’s not actually see through is it no oh well that’s over the dream’s over guys the dreams over we have to do something else it ain’t Working maybe we’ll do a fog effect instead next we have another option though don’t worry What you guys sorry Uh I’ll have a look after I’ll have a look after this stream Tilly so I’ve got another option so we’re going to Do um this could be a massive amount of work actually right Blue Glass we need Blue Glass um light blue glass and then what I’m going to do is a a light blue concrete little terra cotta we’re going to do a mirror of the mirror that makes

Sense when did you last shower oh that’s a good true for question in a minute that’s a Problem it’s good good truth all question that Alex now we’re going to do we’re I’m just going to seal this in actually Uh we need to seal this in actually don’t we is that right yeah I noticed and not answered the shower question right okay that backdrop is done um okay okay okay I need uh oh this is crazy um we’re going I’m going to need to actually I’m going to use compressed

Ice around the edge create a frame for it oh No shouted three hours ago you’re all Right this is going to take longer than is this going to take forever to do this if ever do it the way I’m Thinking Rich please accept I didn’t even see it Sorry Alex you really downloading Peppa Pig game you actually downloaded it this is going to be a long stream this guys you know it’s going to be a long stream cuz it’s going to take a while to finish this if if I do a good job of it it’s going to take a While I’m having fun though to be fair you won okay Alex have you broken up for the um Christmas holidays yet not toxic As what do you mean do you do are you off school sorry uh for Christmas now sorry I I should have rewarded That no all right in England the schools break up on Friday I think for Christmas this Friday toxic it’s got a longer holiday cuz it’s his summer holidays as well I think cuz he’s in the southern hemisphere what’s a duel me for 30 points okay go

On then I don’t even know how many points I’ve got left I can just give myself points though so it doesn’t Matter next riday right yeah yeah that’s what it is in England Next Friday or next Friday you know actually what is it in England oh it’s next Friday maybe it’s next Friday yeah maybe it’s next Friday I hope this looks good after we’ve done it this is this is a lot of blocks here just you’re not even going to see much of this it’s just that I’m a perfectionist no one’s done the slots the slots one for a while have you remember the slot is the slots One oh this is crazy I might just have to put a uh I might just have to put a flat wall behind this I can’t put all these blocks on it’s complete Madness what’s not working oh there might be a cool down monkey you might

You might have to wait a little bit see every time you sa in a command uh it stops people spamming the commands so like you have to wait a little bit sometimes s so that might be what it is bright am About about us um sorry I asking me to accept it I no toxic he said new shot video coming soon who’s who said that Alex did sorry I Remember that a Dream came I am Oh guys I can’t do this I was going to put a clever BG effect on but this it could take forever I can’t I can’t keep placing blocks like this it’s Crazy got all lot to do I put some more ice down and just I can’t even speed it up oh No look at look at this are you telling me to look at this card tlock what are you up To oops oh well it’s not opening oh it’s taking forever to open I’ll look in a minute it’s just downloading something uh my server new skin unlocked legendary um Alex lacking oh he’s oh he’s I’ve actually played the game and uploaded it Till’s new fan arts I’d like to get this finished this

Stream so I’ve got to keep pluging on guys one more layer after this and then that’s it that’s the mirror done I’m not doing anymore on it it’s just too fiddly building this why don’t you look up on Google truth or dir challenges that you can do online I bet someone’s written about

That somewhere accept it okay oh almost uh I’m not I’m not I’m not doing what I was going to do cuz this is just tedious it’s getting really boring it’s not even fun I’ll just I’ll just do the last little bit and then I’ll I’ll move on some

Else a minute I’ve got a bit of an idea though got an idea actually might put a line of Lights at the bottom I’ve got an idea actually that that might work actually or seal this in I should probably do that only got that what one more row after

This that’s my shot I’ll sue you cop it for copyright I’ve streamed for 5 hours and 15 minutes Today we got one million view view VI we got one mill billion views I’ll split the money that’s good you might although the problem is with that though you still you wouldn’t get paid still you wouldn’t be monetized so you’d have to pay him after you got monetized later on uh where’s

The stream lights I’m going to put in stream light some stream lights down here 64 no not not four five sorry cuz that will then will mimic where the lights are coming from on the perfect what are you guys talking about I’m almost there one layer to go and then I’m done on the mirror I’m not doing any more on it cuz this is nuts Oh next layer this is the last layer now I’m not doing anymore um right uh I do you to VI reveal Vice reveal a no actually is this too no it’s all right be all right when it’s night time it’ll look perfect Oh saoni hello hello again I’m building a Christmas scene on Minecraft creative which I’ll show you in a minute once I finish this Alex what you should do is send him a message if you go I’m Batman I can’t even do the Batman voice just go I’m

Batman how’ you do how’ you do that voice I can’t even do I can’t even do that I can’t do it it’s not happening I don’t even know if I’m winning these uh Jewels you’re challenging me to I just keep accepting them I have no idea if I’m winning or

Losing B look at my shs why what you what are you up to uh look at your shot my guy my friend Alex favorite game yeah no worries Alex thanks for watching mate thank you for watching I might have to switch this tonight to start paying attention to the light I’m

Not sure still got to make Christmas tree yet so I don’t know one three four this is taking forever oh by the way sorry I’ll show it you while I’m building so this is um so when I’ve optiv on the glass won’t look like that by the way this is what I’m

Making saoni sorry so when so the glass won’t have the squares on so when I switch it to OptiFine the glass will um it’ll be smooth uh I’ve just realized actually yeah so it won’t look like that yeah it’s like I’m make I’m just making a Christmas scene

Basically this music is awful again oh is anything here Jingle Bells there you go Uh my dirt are rich you you’re done you did it you mean sorry it’s taking so long it’s taking so long how long have been on stream 3 hours I’ve been doing this for now oh look how high it is it’s not even going down I I can’t wait till I’ve done this

Bit I’m going to switch it to night time and I’m just going to just check some of the no actually no let’s try and build the tree thing first should I build a rug maybe we should put a rug down well I’m going to go now see you yeah thanks for dropping

By catch you soon oh I just have been placing blocks for so long make it seven hours or I’ve I remember I’ve already streamed for two and a half hours this morning I do want to get it done though so I’m not stopping until I’ve done it Basically jingle Belling Belling oh s hours wait can I have 200 points have you lost all your points gambling with me by any chance is that what’s happened in this situation oh no we’re almost there guys we’re almost there and I can do something different I hope this looks good when I

Switch OptiFine on you know after all this work in theory it should create a weird little lighting effect oh come on oh we’re almost there last row oh oh I’m going a minute you’re keeping me company on stream so I’ll let you have have points I’ve just realized your name is a

Monkey in VR I never noticed that a monkey in VR there you go Almost there come on I never have to place these blocks again until like next time but oh right okay once that’s smoth that will look okay toxic I I have given you I gave you 400 points before what what happened to them what did you do what did you do with the points

Toxic uh right now Uh this point system is slowly meaning nothing right we need to build a massive Christmas tree and some presents and a rug I’m going to build a rug okay what color should the rug Be I’m only giving to them so you can play with so you can mess with them right now a rug you reckon red I’m going to put a rug down oh you donated it to Mony I’m going to minut it all right okay there you go right Central Point is

The think is that Central Point yeah I’m going I’ve lost the central point I’m minute that ESS central Point one two three four six seven eight Um monkey Must ALL don’t know don’t know he’s got he’s been a jeweling me over and over Again one two three oh oh that’s a mistake isn’t it one Three I’m trying to duel me Again Right what was that that’s four is it one two three Four And there is our rug possibly oh sorry Catherine is it Catherine I I didn’t even see them sorry uh hey how are you doing how’s the dream going yeah okay sorry is that even the right shape it’s the weirdest shape ever that’s wrong isn’t it no it’s not it’s just a weird shape

Right that’s that’s not Good that is not good um right okay okay we need to I think we need to just move this in one two three four four uh one two three one two one two two three one two three four is that unline with that Yes right try this now is that better that’s a proper rug that isn’t it think it needs to be longer I don’t know does it need to be longer all right I’ll just do the the methodical way Try the slots one guys that’s a bit more interesting slot if you look in the description of the uh the stream uh monkey there’s a there’s a list of commands that tell you what to do so go to the stream description and the slots one it’s like

It uses emojis like a slot machine so if you get three matching emojis in it you get your win points I this is a SLO isn’t it I think this should look all right I don’t need to put a pattern in it but I don’t know what though or brown maybe Brown and red Brown and red oh Actually I think I’ve got a bit of an idea I don’t think I’m going to finish this stream until I finished this build you know I won’t be able to let myself finish I must Finish the build Rich because toxic got 400 can I get 100 have you run out of points monkey have you got how many points have you Got you’ve not ran out I gave you some before didn’t I or toxic gave you some before sure he did feel like there’s a conspiracy going on Here suspicious conspiracy Uh You guys are like working together to try and get as many points from me as you can Monkey use all those up then you get I’ll give you I’ll give you points when you start running out no no no no no wrong one oh that’s a nice little rug isn’t it it’s a bit of a weird shape though isn’t it hey Ryland this is where I’m up

To that’s a weird shaped rug I don’t No we need to find the center of it one two three five six seven eight three four just trying to find the central point one two three 4 five 6 78 9 10 11 1 2 three 4 51 that’s the central point that was Alex toxic D him to do it

And then posted it on his channel oh you want up monkey three Waffles I’m going a minute one 2 three four five 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 1 2 four five six seven that’s a center if I lose yes I’ll if you lose I’ll give you more yes one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 one two Oh you’re lost you’re Lost Oh guys this is a this is a mammoth Mammoth build uh now let’s Do right that is the rug which I’ve not I’ve just noticed uh look at my channel rich not nine views you saying nine views J that’s a good good enough for a rug you reckon that looks like a rug doesn’t it my mom said I have to leave so bye no

Worries no worries Ryland Rich can I have my points back yeah I’ll get to the end of this row and I’ll add you points on I need to I need to really I keep meaning to sort that those points things out I Keep Um guys actually before we do I’m just going to go the toilet so I’ll be back in a second Okay And brights are I am sitting here thinking alone with my drink What are you guys up to about Us remember you was that a dream that never came am sink You guys are up to no good I can see it you know I can tell oh here here we go this is a this is a trick isn’t it did that back Fire by any chance so I’m going to build some presents in a Christmas tree and I’m

Almost heading towards the end of the build then I know why that’s not working you know by the way ah 3 hours we can get this we can get this done on this stream I’m sure we can how could I put some uh why is it not working I know I know

Why I’ll see if you can work it out see if you can work it out Rich yeah why is your screen black it isn’t black it’s not black block see if you can work it out the the answer is right in front of you why why

It’s not giving giving you the giving me the uh can you work it out it’s not black do you know why we’re no toxic because I can see the Stream So I know it isn’t you can give me points yeah yeah I’ll see if you can work it out while why you

Can’t does it does I’ll give you a clue I’ll give you a clue why you can’t it’s to do with the way you’re writing it you can’t hear me the stream’s working okay I just checked it is your internet going it’s definitely working toxic I’ve just double checked it

Monkey can you see my stream okay uh okay I’ll give okay I one more clue then monkey look at what my name is and that’ll help you so I’ll I look at what my name is I don’t know why the screen I don’t know why can you hear me toxic

Oh I don’t know what’s going on the stream the stream’s definitely working toxic because I can see it on my screen yep I can see it everything’s fine there you go you worked it out just restart It why did it not work oh you maybe you’re not you you’re still not the the the the N the the names um still not still not quite right what a slightly darker wood than uh Oak is it Spruce would you say was the next darkest one I think it would be Spruce

Wouldn’t it this is crazy uh let’s have a look what you wrote uh oh no that should have worked that one should have worked I don’t know why that’s not worked unless you’ve not got 300 points is that did you gamble Them All Away by any chance cuz that’s another reason why it

Might not work oh So close right that is the floor okay uh Now next phrase stage is I’m going to put some Christmas presents here um so we need to choose Some I can see you again and hear you Hello you might have just needed to reload it oh hang on a minute I’ve done something wrong there haven’t I I know it’s all right Okay uh seal the top In I don’t I I actually don’t know now to be honest with you I’m stumped I’m as confused as you are uh I’m wondering if a red trap door might look good on that let me just try something would they if I did oh now that’s a problem isn’t it

There Ah that’s a problem oh well you can do that on another box that isn’t on the is that isn’t on the uh we’ll just we’ll just replace this with red I’m trying to get points back because you gave me points I didn’t just gamble them it’s all right I’ve just

Used them up it’s all right I’m not bothered yeah have fun with them blow it why not that one there watch you if you gamble loads I bet you up with ls that’ be dead funny wouldn’t it you’re trying to get rid of him it’s like stop giving me more and more points

No that would be dead funny you kept trying to get rid of them and it give you even more wa uh uh should we do a little no no I know I know that’s fine just doing that let me just Google something a sec cuz just some ideas on how to make okay

Red red and green I’m looking a different color gold and red can use Gold we’re going to do this see going to go here if I’m missing your comments guys sorry I’m trying to I’ll try my best to keep an eye on what’s going on uh what you what I got 200 what I will give you one more I think and then we’ll put

Those trap doors on here actually that might look Good cuz that looks like some kind of like patterned ribbon doesn’t It and then we need some here oh hang on a minute no not like presents now uh what are the patented blocks and we could um we could do light blue does that block go with that um Terra cot is good but it looks a bit could do creeper m Creeper wrapping paper

Um um how what’s this actually looking like now we just need a big Christmas tree to the side now on some presents and I think we’re almost there we can’t use that block cuz I’ve already used it what are you guys chatting about uh oh you’re all gambling still okay um

Would a honey block look good it’s wrapping paper n melon might no let’s you know what let’s keep it simple cuz if I start adding loads of mad colors in it might actually ruin it what would look good as a ribbon oh bamboo trap door and orang yes hey

Bricks didn’t see there how’s the building going it’s going good this is where we’re up to the glass won’t look like that when I put OptiFine on so that’s how we’re going One two three four five six let’s do seven E Joy Shall hey don’t what are you guys chatting about there exactly oh no I’m going to put another C here go oh no you know I’m going to do that here it’s going to take me all night to build this if you guys keep asking people points right what what are you asking

What’s going on what’s going on in the chat here uh will monkey I keep I keep CH like work follow you guys oh no we can’t do that because it’ll go into the back of that ah we have to put one on the front put one on the Front Uh I’ll give you some points in a minute let me just do this I’ll with you in a minute I’ll with you in a minute I’ll just just going to fix this Issue no Let’s right wait a minute we don’t need them on because we’re going to that’s okay what are you saying okay which said you will give me 500 am I am I cool oh dear that’s that’s a sting that’s a sting that isn’t it like what do you want add

Points if I give you all points now will you leave me alone right uh a minute well that’s the keys on my keyboard aren’t working very well I think my keyboard and mouse are on the way out you know right Right now let me will you let me build oh dear now um Um green where is it oh why do I keep doing that that’s not a square it’s not a square right let’s do it Again jingle hey Anadas they look like presents don’t they now next thing is the tree oh dear here we go um right we’re going to start building the tree uh so the first thing oh a minute let’s get the measurements right let’s just have a look let’s let before we start doing that let’s have a

Look okay that actually looks like a real fireplace doesn’t it it actually looks like a real fireplace that um Where right this is what we’re going to use while we map it out right let’s try and work out this space that’s the if we have it coming out here maybe to about there reckon maybe a bit More we need let’s just have look at the distance what is this uh try of it uh rich I H good thing I you gave anad points did you sorry and L 66 oh dear oh that’s a not the best be good is what you do so 1 2 3 4 5 6

78 1 2 3 4 four five one two three four five six s seven eight no so this why why save the hardest things will last right eight N9 10 10 11 12 one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 yes maybe that’s the right

One right okay I think we’re close there may I maybe one more 3 hours oh on 4 Hour stream come on one two three four five six 7even eight nine 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 let’s do this to the bottom I have to go to bed in 16 minutes no problem which I need my 100 points back I just give you 300 points that those points are for for this that exact same

Thing maybe the tree needs to be bigger no make it just tall and thin this is going to be tall how tall should I have the Tree what reckon doesn’t need to be much taller than that does it may be a little bit taller I will never leave right that’s the top now we could do a star on there couldn’t we oh that’s H can we make that wider I

Wonder one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 that’s 29 WS The uh what’s that I I gambled and lost and one and gave a 100 of it to anasa and you told me to do the good thing you did you did yeah Rich I looked back and you spelled it as toxic blocks with a K ah right okay all right I’ll let you Off did he not did he not get it there you Go Oh no right that’s the base oh this might be two streams is this going to be two streams it probably is isn’t It it’s only so much work you can do on something like this which on here I’ll give out a th000 points okay not two streams I really want to get it done to be honest with you I might just have to keep toughing it out we’re at 4

Hours that that now means I’ve been stream for 6 and a half hours a day I’m getting hungry I do want to finish it though I do want to finish it we’re probably going to Be um Circle generator Minecraft Circle oh no I going I know what to do first before I do that why can’t I gamble uh is it in cool down you might have typed it in too many times it could just be in cool down you you might just need to wait one two three four one two three

Four one three one two three four one two three four two three four two four what’s going on there a minute one two one two three four three four one two three four two three four all right okay Next this might take a bit of just fiddling With Hello this might actually work actually just goes in one block each time I won’t go viral you turned into polish yeah yeah gam got a gambling addiction from my uh from my live streams uh you know mate you think uh That’s a shape of a Christmas tree isn’t It Hey secet what time is it there is it the morning For one two one oops come on one two 3 4 5 one 2 3 4 5 yeah um I think this Christmas tree is too thin do you think got be too thin couldn’t it oh is it actually when you go down lower it’s not that bad is it it just looks thin

From the Top 8:53 a.m. wow it is uh F it’s 9:55 here PM yeah no worries monkey just got up 10 minutes ago that’s so crazy cuz I cuz I was streaming this morning and we were on the same day and now you on another day get R’s phone you need to be

Quiet hey Lord God Demon what happened you used to get many views um they’re all on um they all they most of my viewers are on YouTube now uh so I’ve got most of my viewers are on YouTube there’s people watching on YouTube as well I don’t know if I’m going to see

The the add lus anyway so I don’t need to worry too much about it but yes yes I’m uh multi streaming I’ve got I’ve got way more followers on YouTube than I do on Twitch hey Rich can you scream for two seconds uh no I’m all right tell whoever’s watching on

Different platform I said hi Lord God Demon uh monkey who is watching on YouTube says hi I’m running out of steam guys I’m absolutely running out of steam what’s your plan for this build to make a giant house no just just it’s I’m making a Christmas

Scene um and I’m I’m going to put some music over it I don’t even know I’m just I’m going to like kind of like I’m going to and then going to make it like a relaxing video to watch I’m probably going to so you’re going to I’m going to move back and I’m

Going to C it from like a a a wide shot that so it’s going to be like a hopefully as me I don’t know if it’s going to work it take me in eternity to make a whole house at this Scale Now because I’ve never used it before and the only remember that exist that existed after I started this live stream so um I came on the stream and then I was like oh yeah I could have used the worlded it oh come [Applause] on I don’t know if this is even going to

Work you know this could look horrendous I just I just have no idea I’m actually running out of steam guys I’m not sure how long much longer I can stream I’m getting really uh burnt out of building this build you know 4 hours I’ve been working on this

Far just I’m just running out of steam I don’t know if I can do it anymore oh that’s Good I just don’t know we can I don’t think we can do it anymore guys I’m not going to give up I’m going to just have a rest is what I’m thinking I I can’t just do this for another 4 hours I’ve already streamed for two and

A half hours this morning all I’ve done today is live stream I know I appreciate what you’re saying but this is killing me it’s killing me it’s beginning to kill me finish the tree it’s going to take me another couple of hours to do this finish the

Tree there’s a lot of work in this it’s it’s going to take a long time are we doing this for the rest of your life T this is this is where I’m up to OTA there’s your tour this is this is what I’ve done so far so when I put optify on all those squares on the mirror will will will remove be removed so I’ll put optify on to to finish that um I need to finish

The Christmas tree uh I’m going to put some more presents under the tree put some texture in on the floor make the backdrop wider and then I’m done but that is another two hours work at least and I’m already at four hours on the stream and I’m honestly guys I’m running

I might have to do another stream of this another time or just do it on my own time cuz it just it just might finish me off this I’m I’m if I’m going to do it I’m going to do a good job so so I’d rather no worries see later monkey thanks for watching the stream mate good night Mate I’m have to finish it tomorrow you know I’m still standing after all this time look looking like a piece of my life you oh my God okay that’s a oh it’s a song lyric all right okay okay yeah I never sure sometimes when it’s song lyrics are you just randomly

Talking oh oh it’s I’m still standing oh it’s that song oh is that what it is I think I know what song that is I’m getting hungry I it’s not even looking like a Christmas tree oh it is a bit isn’t it it’s not that

Bad it looks a bit messy but it’s not that bad is it in Minecraft in real life get food it’s I mean I’m I’m real life hungry oh it’s just Tak it so long I can’t believe there’s still three people watching we do This don’t end the stream without saying goodbye yeah I always say goodbye when I finish the stream I want just stop streaming and not say anything oh it’s frozen Oh we’re almost there oh come on right okay let’s have a Look right it still needs more work it obviously still needs more work but we’ve got a basic tree shape uh my ex one fell while oh oh fell on the floor we’ve got a basic tree shape anyway um that’s a beginning of a basic tree

Shape oh 4 hours and right I’ll do a deal I’m going to do 15 more minutes that’s all cuz I can’t do anymore I’ve already streamed two and a half hours this morning toxic yeah I haven’t tested it all yeah I think toxic if I if I do if I

Stream anymore today I’m going to just go blind how going I get on the here wait I’m I’m not going anywhere yet I’m building a happy little tree hear you’re right I am a bob R fan there by the sounds of it rich you must one day make a baking baking with Rich

Video I am the very last person on this Earth who should be making cooking videos honestly you do you I I am not that person I’m not a c i do make food I I I go to cafes a lot I um have sandwiches I use a

Microwave all things that mean I don’t have to make complicated food it’s the 14th of December it well soon is probably for you actually if you’re in two hours ahead of me good luck anadas I think this is a good method actually I think it’s not that bad is it is it or is it bad it could be it might be a bit bad I can always tweak it though Christmas trees are quite messy though aren’t they not they’re Not said noisy that isn’t it sorry Oh okay it’s not so bad is it actually it’s when you go side on it doesn’t look very good uh so I can I need more it doesn’t look so bad actually is it it’s not that bad is it uh um I’m actually a bit bored of doing that now I’m going to

Change task and just carry on making the back wall all right Okay not yet 10 minutes toxic I’ll have to finish it tomorrow I do want to get it done though so I’m it have to be tomorrow now Oh you you oh sorry you have to go sleep oh you’ve got to go sorry I didn’t I didn’t realize what you’re saying are you going toxic did you say I suppose I could just carry on this stream tomorrow morning I know I’ve got I’m busy tomorrow maybe about 11: something

Maybe I’ll see I’ll see how I feel I’m really pushing myself to the limits the amount of live streaming I’m doing at the moment I mean to probably have a breaking 11:00 a.m. is 1 p.m. for me it’s qu past 10 here now well that’s good then adasa

At least it isn’t broken which needs a month off I get I’m going to get some time off after Christmas when I visit my parents because I don’t stream when I go and visit them so B it’s just it’s never ending isn’t it well my go found just woke up and said I miss you oh that’s nice that’s Good have to reply go for it I have two replies sorry just read that then you know what where do I send the number one I love you Two number two why are you not asleep um if if number one is true then send her that one don’t send her why you’re not asleep this is going on forever I want to make a little video of this for the weekend so I really want I really want it finished really hey

OT okay yeah cool is taking forever uh my message didn’t send but the Xbox still works oh that’s good news is it is it an Xbox one did you say I think I can’t remember what you said I I say was you’re you’re back with Cal hello I can’t believe there’s so many

People online usually when I’m streaming late like this everyone just goes to bed and it’s just me on my own just you feel bad for May Why he’s not good I get a master at placing loads of blocks all in one Go I do need to eat I didn’t really have a proper uh dinner I had a banana and some other fruit and some crisps which isn’t really a good dinner well the fruit it’s good but it’s not Enough come On yeah I know toxic seeka toxic has posted it on his channel I I’m I’m surprised they’ve made K through Panda four I never have thought they would have made a fourth one of that Trying I tried getting not sure what you said there toxic sorry oh dear this is one Pig of a build oh no one more like that is not looking bad is it guys I’ve got to admit it’s coming together it’s not looking bad is it it

Actually looks real a bit doesn’t it the tree the tree is obviously not finished but it actually looks a bit real doesn’t it we can put another present here actually I think should build another present um present what present callor we haven’t got a blue one have

We blue what goes with blue the purple ribbon so one oh oh come on I need sleep rich but I’ll watch no go to sleep it’s okay please don’t stay open like don’t end up sleep the pr just to watch my live stream you need sleep it’s good for you 70% okay

I’ve used a complete wrong color by mistake never mind just realized Uh uh so presents now all colors Dark green let’s just put all the colors Here uh yellow oh I a bit we need some More it’s probably only you it’s saying three people on my screen toxic so there might be someone watching on troll while somewh Your mom heard you oh no no she’s busted busted she’s going to make you go to bed now you’re on her phone oh no she’ll come and tell you’re off Now you’re dad she might not she might she might not have Realized could she hear you she would have busted you by now talky cuz she might have just left It Um yellow present let’s do a yellow present might’s do this a long thin one hope people’s parents don’t think I’m a bad influence cuz everyone always stays up there late watching my live streams I’m not encouraging it if any parent watches this stream I don’t encourage

It oh hang on a minute one two yeah that’s okay she’s gone okay if a company is out selling Call of Duty 3 can’t stand Call of Duty games you Know there’s no skill can out like fair not well to be fair it is yeah you’re right you are in the holidays I don’t think it’s that bad really in a minute one two three four five six seven 8 nine four there loads of shouting outside you can hear it Halo’s better

Yeah what uh I need a green let’s do a green and gold so uh it’s not an odd which what job are you what job are you looking for um as in as in what what what job am I applying for do you mean as in as in CU I’ve got a job

Interview on Monday I don’t know if I said that on stream or not uh it’s for a charity that helps uh that uses Minecraft to uh help autistic kids so the job is working with uh artistic kids online but they use Minecraft so they have they run Minecraft

Servers so so uh pretty much exactly what I’m already doing except not with artistic kids so oh come on right um I need to build I I need another present under here should we do what colors have we not Done it unfortunately you wouldn’t I don’t think the uh should use a different block just for variety um let’s use have I done a blue one I’ve done not done a light blue present have I Here On the shape of a chicken the problem is is I I’m making them all square so that I don’t have to um so I don’t have to do any curves right um I wonder if we’ve got what see what trap doors I’ve got and put some more trap doors on it What oh that’s quite interesting let’s do that oh no cuz if I do that I’ll have to Ah that’s the problem with the trap doors isn’t it no I don’t like that anyway they’re not the right colors no not trap doors Wrong pink ah I got use Pink which can we make a deal okay what is it depends what the deal is When I’m 16 am I chat with you and Josh in the voice chat yeah you can that’s coming together isn’t I wonder if I could do a Christmas stocking the problem is is they they hang funny and it would look weird I think if I did a Christmas stocking

Do you know what I mean I know we do a tiny present under there okay let’s do a tiny present under here you might be able to do that sooner toxic to be honest with you we we’ll just have to come up with a way that is

A is a sensible way of doing it that’s all Would that look better that yeah that upload it online what do you mean for people to download you mean We could do we could do the trap doors in this I let’s not do that oh yeah I could could probably do that I could do it through Google uh through Google but I put it on as a download from Google Uh I must admit it actually it’s when you when you pull back it looks a bit real doesn’t it Google um documents you can you can set it so that people can download things from go documents as a file and you just click on it and it Downloads it won’t look good would have to move the sun I know let’s um Um what’s the what’s the command for oh Uh uh what’s what’s the command to to start This what’s the command to start the the CH tonight doe day do day light cycle okay right okay no I can’t remember the command I for I only typed it in 10 minutes ago no not really 4 hours ago is actually more accurate what what’s the command C uh uh Um right Command it’s tell me how to set the time there I just need it to to start again oh here we go here we go it is uh game rule that’s what I’m missing oh game R I knew there was something before it Ral do daylight cycle is it true right

Now the sun’s moving so we can we can have a look at this at night Time that’s nuts isn’t it I’m going to do uh I’m going to this needs to be wider so I can going do it here Oops so that’s like the in case you’re wondering what that is that’s like the paneling now that’s this let me just check one two three four five six 7even 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 2122 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 oh Now let’s just check that looks Similar yeah they look similar don’t they Madness where’s the son Now well about to do that now I’ve done That it’s actually a little bit addictive this I’ve stayed on longer than even attended to right toxic we’re definitely stopping at 5 hours I’ll do these bet these last little bits I I can’t I’ve got to I’ve got to come Offline that that will take my live streaming today

To seven and a half hours seven and a half hours of live streaming Today if we’re going to use though not I’m getting this awful song off and put that the song on the like Glor angel Christ other the Side I’m going to take some screenshots of this when I finish Off The angel where’s the sun there this actually might help us just get a bit of a feel for if we need to light anywhere up because uh some of this will be in darkness I think we don’t really want that we want to we want after all this work you want

To be able to see some of it that liar video need to get 20 views is it still getting views or is it stopped usually after 24 hours my shots don’t get any views somewh on the other occasion some of them have carried on growing randomly like three days later well that’s quite

That’s quite rare for my channel never ending block placing Oh no we haven’t I’ve still got the tree to decorate but I’ll have to do that tomorrow I’ll have to do that tomorrow um and then start working on the video I wanted to make with It oh look at That all right let’s get that wood sorted I can look more texture in the wood another Time I can put more presents down here as Well Is I will watch you yeah it’s going dark we can have a look it in a second I am sitting here alone with getting good at this aren’t I okay just placing blocks down there quick this mouse is going to give up soon though you know it keeps doing weird

Things I’m not surprised though the about of hours it’s yeah this song’s all right is it yeah I don’t mind it it’s quite oldfashioned isn’t it third third glass of coffee today anad ASA getting headaches like I usually get I’m going to texture this floor at

Some point and put other the stuff on it I just like to have it done so I can just add more detail on later On oh let’s have a look oh look at the fire the candles and everything when when the OptiFine is on that will look good I’ll put light in the tree we might put some lights just hidden in the parcels let’s just get a uh let’s get a uh where

Where’s the let’s get a little uh what we’ll do is a stick a light down here coffee poisoning caffeine poisoning it’s like that just just as a bit of a Light so we just stick them down the back come on come on let’s jump fly oh look at that it’s magical magical I wonder I’ve got a bit of an idea did I stick hit hide the light in here Somewhere C really can we that looks quite cool a lamp I could I want on to be hidden so I think I think about it I’ll think about it lighting’s the last one of the last things I’ll do so oh come on uh I would say yes andad but I’m a

Bad influence because I’ve streamed for seven seven and a half hours today and what happens is your legs start going um it’s like an old it’s like 3D printing is just like just going along adding bits in right stand up I think I might need some

More presents the I might I might add a big present in I need to confirm rich is a stream mod I think you made me a mod on your channel I think so I’ll have to go I’ll have to go soon now I’m afraid guys let’s get this last wood

Done and then this is the absolute last thing I’m doing on this stream this last bit of wood then then tomorrow we finish the tree off I won’t do that on stream now I’ll just I’ll just do it anyway oh hang in a minute oh no no that’s not

Wait let’s leave it I I’ll change the oh so close so close For I can see the benefit of world edit now although I’d probably spend so long learning how to do it I might as well just not used it one oh my hand is hurting oh my hand’s hurting from Clicking almost done with the floor I’ll do the tree do some finishing touches and then tomorrow it’ll be done and I can do the thing I intended to do Oh yeah standard just means you can just delete the me delete any bad messages look at that that is unbelievable oops that’s unbelievable Oh right guys thank you for watching the stream and supporting me I always appreciate it toxic time for you to go to bed anasa time for you to stream by the sounds of it I’ll catch you again sometime uh some thanks for supporting me and I’ll catch you soon see you guys Byebye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Christmas special stream! Part one!’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘History’) on 2023-12-13 23:19:14. It has garnered 64 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:04 or 18484 seconds.

I am working on a Minecraft Christmas fireplace scene on creative.

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    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

    KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, KosmiKrime is the name of the game, a true gamer’s dream. With an animated intro, two years in the making, This Hardcore adventure is sure to be breathtaking. Join us on June 1st, for the grand debut, Witness the epic journey, with a crew that’s true. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into Minecraft, with skills that can’t be beat. Join our Discord community, where mischief is abound, We’re up to no good, causing chaos all around. Follow us on Twidder, for updates and more,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s animations are a dream. With humor and joy, he crafts each scene, Bringing happiness to all who glean. His channel is the place for child-friendly fun, Where laughter and smiles are never outdone. So follow along, join the Minecraft run, And bask in the glow of Fangkuaixuan’s sun. With rhymes that ignite and stories that sing, He spins the finest tales, like a Minecraft king. So leap into the verse, let your creativity spring, And let Fangkuaixuan’s joyous spirit bring. Read More

  • Everyone’s guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥

    Everyone's guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥 Remember spending hours meticulously building your dream house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch? Good times. #minecraftfails #oops #memories Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!

    TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!Video Information hey guys Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the… Read More

  • RTGame’s Epic Minecraft Finale

    RTGame's Epic Minecraft FinaleVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich [Music] [Music] Dre you see behavioral extres the roller Coter [Music] hey folks you hear me hello how y all doing hope everyone is having a lovely [Music] day hi howdy he’s stopping the Minecraft series cuz he’s dying of old age it’s true you know that’s that’s what gets us all old man now he’s been playing Minecraft for years Ley coffee thank you for the 10 gift Subs it’s very kind to you haven’t even started the stream yet thanks everyone subbing it’s… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!

    Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!Video Information yo what is up guys welcome we’re back back from the dead resurrected good to see everyone here Hank Mr felra 2v yata havlin stormi undefeated quick Vibes DS Switzer what is up guys happy weekend good morning Alpha I hope everyone is doing really good so what are we doing today well we’re doing the normal stuff the stuff we like to do but to begin with uh we are heading towards a specific location um Banner hunting once again see I’ve got a very interesting location to check out so we’re going to go there first… Read More

  • Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!

    Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we are live how’s it going everyone welcome welcome welcome to the stream how’s everyone doing welcome spaer welcome Rose welcome Edam welcome reneer welcome bot rcks even though that’s just a bot nerie welcome and wait is this two different Sparger accounts or cuz one has a Garfield profile picture and the other one has the like default Panda profile picture from Xbox 360 um St an account welcome yes welcome me welcome myself how are you guys all doing today yes welcome I am welcome to the stream I… Read More

  • Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30

    Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30Video Information This video, titled ‘Moving Villagers in Minecraft | Eternals Smp Ep.30’, was uploaded by StumpsMC on 2024-05-28 23:35:17. It has garnered 530 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:35 or 1415 seconds. Transporting Villagers in Minecraft to their new Trading Hall Home using Boats and Minecarts, today we knock out the boring and repetitive stuff! Welcome to the most annoying part of the progress we are making here on the Eternals Smp Season 2 Episode 30! #minecraft #gaming #minecraftgameplay Check Out The Eternals Smp Members! @Gag3r @mikeymacmc @BiglyShronk @redgabs @armorbluegaming @sarnose @ProKitman @Skraby @OddManMC… Read More

  • Uncovering Ryder and Pomni’s Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!

    Uncovering Ryder and Pomni's Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-02-28 13:30:16. It has garnered 32966 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #Minecraft

    Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【アツクラ】ぎぞくさん&おんりーちゃんのほのぼのトーク♡ #ぎぞく #おんりー #アツクラ #shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ぎぞくの切り抜き【ますメロン畑】 on 2024-06-05 22:00:12. It has garnered 3033 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. This is the clipping channel of GzK Gizoku, a game commentator and distributor (..◜ᴗ◝..) *Permission has been obtained from the person in question. So cute♡ ▷Clip source[Live broadcast]Continued: I will magically modify the 5 super rare weapons I have completed into the strongest weapons.[Minecraft]#Atsukura ▷GzK Gizokusan ▷Onlychan ▷Please subscribe here too🙇‍♀️ [2023. Atsukura Clippings Playlist] [2024. Atsukura Clippings Playlist]… Read More

  • ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!

    ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 12 MEJORES ADDONS SURVIVAL Para MINECRAFT 1.20+ (Bedrock/PE) MODS PARA MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.20.81’, was uploaded by Santiago Gamer289 on 2024-05-20 23:23:28. It has garnered 43587 views and 1594 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. ======================================== – Business/Contact: [email protected] – PayPal – Donations: – Become a Member: ======================================== Many make the mistake of adding too many addons that do not They integrate well with the game, filling it with low quality content. These addons only take up space and make it difficult to find the best ones. Therefore,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath’, was uploaded by Gaming Omshankar on 2024-03-21 14:26:18. It has garnered 5286 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath Jaishreeram minecraft minecraft techno gamerz minecraft in hindi minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft video minecraft house tutorial minecraft game minecraft videos car for sale car for sale simulator car for sale simulator 2023 download android car for sale simulator 2023 iphone car for sale game car for sale… Read More

  • SuperiorCraft

    SuperiorCraftSuperiorCraft is a Minecraft server dedicated to fun, engagement, and playing with your friends. We love to see our players engage and have fun on our server. Read More

  • Enclave Kingdoms Bedrock: Factions, Semi-vanilla, PvP, Whitelist

    Enclave Kingdoms! A bedrock server that is faction based with various add-ons like new armor and weapons to keep things interesting. Message me or comment if you are interested! Factions: Legion of the Sea Kamereon Kazoku Warriors Guild Mercenaries Each faction gets their own special abilities and perks in certain environments. What can you do? Start a war Win a war (don’t lose) Become a faction leader Overthrow your faction leader Become a spy Get hunted down by a bounty hunter if you are found out And so much more! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This ain’t Minecraft, suckers!”

    Minecraft Memes - "This ain't Minecraft, suckers!"Well, I guess this meme must be playing a different game on its own score board! Read More

  • “Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!” 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!" 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme When you accidentally walk through the wrong nether portal and end up in a world made entirely of diamond ore… talk about a first world problem! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax – Minecraft Circus Ep.2

    SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax - Minecraft Circus Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-02 20:00:11. It has garnered 6832 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch… Read More

  • Terrifying Cloud Minecraft

    Terrifying Cloud MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But It’s Terrifying’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-04-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 929 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:19 or 2539 seconds. 3 Players survive the Minecraft Mod Fear Nightfall for the first time and regret it. Join the Discord: Join this channel to get access to perks: In the video titled “Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: Fear Nightfall,” players explore one of Minecraft’s most intense and terrifying mods. This 42-minute episode captures their journey through dark, suspense-filled environments amplified by the mod’s enhancements to the game’s horror… Read More

  • “Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher’s Love Story in Minecraft” #clickbait #myworld

    "Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher's Love Story in Minecraft" #clickbait #myworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘【逃离清华】87:老师为了爱情把车和房子都买了#minecraft #mc #我的世界’, was uploaded by 我的世界细狗 on 2024-06-04 10:30:30. It has garnered 11508 views and 419 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Hello everyone, I am a dog. I like my world. Hobbies: playing on the computer, pit teacher. Passive: automatically generate traps around. Update Minecraft game videos every day! Thank you for watching! Subscription link: Welcome everyone to subscribe to my channel! #MyWorld#Game#MC Read More

  • Shocking! People still play JoJo?!

    Shocking! People still play JoJo?!Video Information This video, titled ‘People still play this game?’, was uploaded by JoJo on 2024-04-28 14:00:42. It has garnered 2157 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:55 or 235 seconds. This video will review Minecraft and see how good it is. You already know… Please like, comment and subscribe. I love you :* #minecraft #games #gamereview #review #memes #funny #videogames 0:00 Intro 0:18 Review 3:37 Score Read More

  • Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Logic in a few seconds 😂 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deiiic Shorts on 2024-04-25 14:30:04. It has garnered 11326 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ⭐️! Everything you want is here! ⭐️ 👉 My Graphic Designer and his networks: 👉Twitter: 👉Discord: Digman#2622 👉Youtube:… 👉Instagram : 👉Twich : 👉Twiiter : 👉I find: 👉YouNow : ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🚀 SERVERS WHERE I PLAY🚀 ►🔥 ►🔥 ► 🌝DI SCORD🌝 🔥 DISCORD: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PREGUNTAS QUE PROGRAMAS UTILIZO ETC ► 💥 🔥 OBS ►⚡️… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire’s Bride

    Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Challenger – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-04-23 22:00:02. It has garnered 4017 views and 433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Never get too comfortable… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: Check out Merch! – Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – Damien (Thumbnail Artist)… Read More

  • Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVE

    Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m a bit blind for a Minecraft streamer’, was uploaded by PixlplutoLIVE on 2024-03-17 00:08:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I can’t believe it takes me so long to actually see something right in front of me go watch the full vod up on my channel now! Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming

    🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil’, was uploaded by 𝐏𝐃 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 on 2024-05-31 18:29:53. It has garnered 434 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered_insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#yout minecraft shorts skibidi toilet techno gamerz dream herobrine roblox dafuq boom minecraft shorts jj and mikey poppy playtime chapter 3 mikey and jj gamerfleet anshu bisht chipi chipi chapa chapa minecraft house minecraft water logic proboiz 95 minecraft video jj and mikey minecraft minecraft videos minecraft… Read More

  • Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi – Viral Minecraft Shorts!

    Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi - Viral Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt’, was uploaded by NCG-Tamil on 2024-04-23 04:01:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt A New mlg is here Important :- —————– ☀This is … Read More

  • SbeveMC

    SbeveMCSbeveMC is our SMP server. We have a shop system different from other servers and we really try to have our players grind. Our server recently died due to an admin who was abusing we had to remove that admin and here we are attempting to grow again!!! Have fun!!! Bedrock Port is 19998 Read More