Insane! River VA – minecraft but LOVECRAFTED!?

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Let’s see how this goes hello hello hello everyone let’s hopefully have a stream that works today I do apologize about the last one is it already having issues stream is healthy okay that’s good good good good good good good anything I did differently was I had um my chat in

Um this should cause an issue like at all but we shall see it tells me it’s done okay hey hello everyone welcome back sorry about earlier I think it’s been resolved now uh it tells me the stream is healthy so we shall see I think I’m going to do

I’m going to open the because I only have my chat in a different browser so let me just bear with me quick I’m going to open it in that browser because that browser is less chunky and uh I know it will not have to many issues as much I hit play browser no

Stream what you mean no stream made remember the last message you sent in your previous stream shut up I love how YouTube’s like oh yeah you’re streaming you know when it shows you like the health of your stream and all that and it shows you your stream

They just put it up to HD I’m like excuse me I’ve had issues and you try and pull this okay right so let’s do this again I need to come out of full screen apparently because it’s like I can’t put you’ve been playing with full screen well I

Don’t know why it’s still an issue but I can’t um have my chat overlaid because it’s not a window it’s a full screen window yeah yeah per say the full screen causing me multiple issues so anyway you Le way yeah well we need to find a an agent so locate structure

Agency um can you how do I Che the code that teleports us there you just teleport yourself and then me do I just put TP and then the coordinates yes that’s it oh my god oh loc oh I see it location uh how did I just misspell location minus

76 minus 57 six oh I’m already doing it wrong uh TP and then your code your my name yeah and then location oh I no no no you just type TP and then the coordinates that’s it oh wait really simple as it can get stupid okay all right there’s here

76 and then it’s hello everyone minus 576 hey finny yeah I’m doing all right thanks how about you wait is that fin that’s not Finn is it like sorry I I my brain’s mixed okay uh what do you mean invalid argument the [ __ ] a key I’m gonna kill this thing

Wait do I have to put my name or just the code oh oh um I’m somewhere um so I may have I may have messed up look look at the chat I made like a preset that you can look at did you oh oh you don’t have keep inventory so you lost your

Stuff it’s all right we we we’ll spawn it when we get there okay T uh minus so I don’t have to do like the squiggly line thing like this thing because it tells me I got to do this thing no you don’t have to that’s just a

Replacer to oh my God is he hi River has aadia TP you know there’s three of the squiggly lines because there are three coordinates oh only T you have that might have been why I fell out the world can you see the chat in the Minecraft you see how I typed it right

With a dot just do it without the dot and the numbers that you need that didn’t work how get simple as that tp1 76 one space five s six right I’m going to stream my screen on your end and you tell me what the hell I’m

Doing wrong oh my god really I hate Minecraft code does give me the op right and I’ll do it what am I doing wrong here please show me what am I doing wrong what exactly am I doing wrong here you need you need the third one like

It’s XY Z and it gives me two it’s of course it’s going to give you two because y is how high up or down it is just put something else like zero in the middle between those two numbers no no not like that now Z is zero you need to have it in

Between the hell do you mean that’s it okay I’m now you’re going to dig down and it hi Chad welcome welcome to trying to explain something in Minecraft hey how you doing God it’s been ages you been all right now my voice kicks in okay Hello Kitty now TP yeah I know

Thanks come on Kitty you choose the worst times what time is it oh wait hang on the cat might need a meal I’ll TP you and then uh if you could spawn me an anvil that would be appreciated oh my God no let me copy my

Weird stuff to you is that okay I don’t know how you do that but yeah sure go ahead oh my God D I just showed you how to work with creative like there you go that should do just so you have the same stuff like me oh well

What bloody ha I need a haircut again okay I’m back do you prefer day or river um whatever’s easiest really going to be changing the name to River slowly so yeah uh but it’ll take a while oh thank you did you do aski I just I just gave you what I have oh

Thank you thank the only thing I didn’t give you is a crossbow with yeah I’m going to make an enchanted crossbow cuz I rather I want decimate this guy so hard so one and then I want a yeah you get the central that I did okay you have the exact same load

Out like me now with this shield on top oh my God twinsies yes you know hey hell yes God guys help why help what’s wrong I’m going to have a bed as well okay spawn the bed right is piercing a good idea oh my God what was that what is

That noise hang on I need to learn what these noises mean people hearing kicks what I think someone just subscribed oh thank you armored fuzzball oh my God I love that name I need to relook at what my music means I set up a long time ago to point like I just hear

The sounds I’m like wait what’s that noise I either did a dumb or I did something clever I just put piercing on a on a on a sword that’s not just crossbow needed right hello hey what are you trying to do I just enchanting why I gave you a

Crossbow with my enchantments on top of it don’t oh no I mean I’m just doing like some never right swords that’s all oh no cuz I want to I want to have a stab a literal no pun intended I literally want to have a stab at killing like the warden properly

Okay if you’re going to do that then I will name myself something special as well okay uh let’s see it be interested to see if weakness is enough to harm this boy wa so if you give me that I don’t really need the other one hey

Je BR wait hey what do you mean by that huh also was you the one who sent Revy that image like bre it sound like kicks or day Mak some strange noise wait what uh no I don’t know what you’re on about he sucky oh no you got a cold I’ll

Bless it oh as a key yes we kill the warden or should we just put the key in no let’s kill the warden again because we couldn’t really I’m kind of hyped up to kill him uh game mode oh yes and you need to

Help mic you need to help me uh is it also right click on the bed so you spawn here again okay do you have keep inventory on as well do I have keep inventory oh yeah good point I’ll put it on so game roll keep inventory true so that should be

Here um right sleep in the bed there we go right let’s do this oh wait aaki uh up your um thingy when you’re ready do what up your render distance uh where do I do that in video settings it’s 32 yeah it’s already at 32 oh then you’re fine other the should

Work perfect all right let’s do this I hope you have no proof I sent a good boy that see you know what image it is which implies it all right let’s do this summon summon come on come on Warden oh wait you need survival oh yeah

You’re not OP did I not give you op nope Sor I’m don’t worry about it you’re welcome where is he I hear you come on just around the corner of fork sake is he oh bye is he see you come on Warden come I forgot to get myself oh I found him oh

Oh okay all right we’re playing that game I love where this pitch black and I can’t see him where are You are you where are you he’s stuck where are you where is he where am I I can’t see anything hello Wy come on out Wy come on you found me I can’t see [ __ ] I see him now where is he I did see it’s complet it’s completely dark I don’t see anything

Yeah we should have spawn some torches um maybe we should relocate to the candles and let him come over here cuz we can’t see anything yeah uh game rule keep inventory yeah true I did it oh you have to do it for yourself as well yeah I

Just got my stuff back did he despawn did he really come on oh he’s in did you just spawn another one no I I bought him back where the hell are they where is he I can hear you come on come on out come on little Woody where are you I’m literally blind

I see him there we go oh right we got him come on no come on don’t walk away while I’m attacking you that’s so rude what the hell oh there’s there’s two um yeah told you whoops we can take two right F yes of course I wonder when he’ll go back to

That worm actually the worm don’t hold your breath that might happen next month okay why I why don’t have where are they oh my god there you are come here little coward okay um I feel like you’re summoning a thir one did um it’d be fine we can handle it come

Here that’s probably all sad thinking he’s forgot all about me LEL how could I forget it those you don’t know I fought a boss for 8 hours whil being soft locked un unknowingly by the way I have a question yeah did you ever finish that boss fight

Or did you I did this was my second play through I went past that without any trouble I mean from the last stream did you stop at that far side no no no I haven’t touched it since actually oh there’s there’s a good couple we we got to go couple we can do

This we might have a little bit of an excess problem but it’ll be fine does it matter where you strike him like the heart or is it just this is interesting this is like just watching Dragon Ball death means nothing to me you fool can’t against a teddy bear huh what do

You mean he was just stood there thank God they can’t break our bed are you good yeah I’m lagging should I go in creative and just decimate them no it’s on my end it’s loading so slow oh well you could always turn your random distance down no that’s not why just everything’s slow

Did you just give me creativ B camping is no did you give yourself creative I turned into creative the isn’t that hard how are you dying this much how dare you I’ve never killed him okay I’ve never even gone down here not properly 15 deaths to a warden

What are you guys on okay you show me how we can kill this guy in one hit go on I’ve seen how many horses thing are you even trying yes what aak Kei am I just stupid and weak or is this guy actually easy to kill no

You guys tell me the strategy go on give me some wisdom place bets how many deaths before you defeat the thing you guys are so sweet you guys are so sweet and caring no you don’t get the sonic boom me hi hey my God I’m in my car

Yay we’re we’re dying to the water my sister is getting coffee and then we’re going to go get McDonald hey we killed it that’s good also heads up we’re streaming just in case you didn’t know oh my god um a key I’m hang because she’s coming back

But I love you guys love you too fun Maybe they’ll despawn if it’s still yeah good luck with that they can okay all right we killed one I’ve had enough I’m trying to T this mother ha uh uh uh what happened what happened you left the game it just sent me out oh put the pointy end in the bad

Guy so it’s the one that I mentioned to you all right I’m in creative mode I’m going to mess you guys up all right I’m going to invite you ready yeah thanks yeah minus skill mob what the hell you mean for what youen M did I fall off if you guys think he’s

So easy go on ow ow how do I kill it come on put the pointy end in the bag what was I doing are they gone okay I’m inside the game I can hear Wardens I can’t see them I’m looking around a cretive you can’t fight without dying how is C going to

Go I’m do the easy challenge of killing 17 at the same time easy what are you guys on I can hear them but where are they seriously where are they I think oh there he is all right you guys say they’re easy let’s see how many stabs and I’m in

Creative with an everite enchanted sword four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 stab wounds and you’re calling him easy excuse me oh way should we go to the next stage

Yes let me get out I have the key do you okay right now we can actually do the main thing about this mod so chat can stop berading us like wow you had to cheat uhit oh God you guys I had to cheat I didn’t have to cheat we killed one

Thanks we had like three what the hell Jasper what the hell is that wait what did Jasper say you may suck at Minecraft but CH no I got told off making Day puns yeah you guys can’t go make some River puns go on I freaking dare

You try you know that one song River in you no get out of crave wait wait why did you said what the [ __ ] I was there we go all right hey hey hey hey hey you already want to fight you really want to fight before we do this come on

Come on come here come here you want some you want some all right I’m on like a heart and a half jerk I didn’t have my shield on you’re look at the chats you’re attack look at the chat in Minecraft you just say bad even with a good sword you

Do not I do not believe you I genuinely do not believe you oh my god guys he was attacking me with an enchanted netherite sword but I was using a diamond sword and I still killed him so many times during that fight we could have said Cry Me a River

No please look look at the chat in Minecraft just open up the chat and see how you were slain that’s the real name reason for the name change hey look at look at look at it huh what does it say uh what bit am I looking at my money’s on

A all right just look at the chat just a second last line massive skill isue they barely kill it you can barely kill each other Minecraft chat [ __ ] sake oh wait undying a you’re so sweet come here all right put put the key in so

Let’s show chat what did we get we got we got a key to this do it chat Chad should I kill him again before we do it excuses we’re going to summon another Warden oh you J oh you joke come on come on come on not today you’re on fire get

Ruined how do I get back up uh aak key how do I get back up did more damage to your again we’re we’re going to summon another Warden just put the key in the thing what do you do are you really going to refuse what are you

Doing my God I the any way River Win what do you mean what do you mean hey hey I’m on half a heart get lost you went into a fire good job hey get wrecked right I want can we can we please please can we can we

Please can we put the key in can you sing can I what excuse me I killed you with my undying clo I saw so bad that Shield to win I don’t want to hear any more copium from you guys look up e oh my God ew e I’m going

To run away from oh God I’m getting hand tide oh no he CAU me midair so those who did those who in the last stream before it crashed this is a giant collaboration mod between two really big modders in the community and so yeah I want to aak key up your um

Render and you will more no I don’t see you can go higher no I can’t oh I how do you do this I’m at 32 I it was it was it was a joke I didn’t actually mean it I didn’t mean you could actually go higher I think he needs to change the

Name to puddle screw you right come on in and I see you see what we couldn’t see last time we just saw black pitch black you see this yeah now I look up and I see a little bit of tentacle oh my God dang are you kidding me you miss this

Spot I can’t see the tentacles if you look forward change it the failure of the Year okay since when was I an Asian child damn when was I Lu Sten heit should should I oh here we go ready for this actually can see something yeah oh okay

Okay where’s my boy on the left side okay where do we go just go just go H wait we going the wrong way oh what was that yeah you’re going the wrong way I think yeah you’re going the wrong way it’s this way no I see a portally thingy

There we need to go to the gun oh wait no we need to go portal tree I who okay oh my God so oh my God gr no way would it gr about to say smash wait smash what the tentacles ey the eye the eye of the

Tiger oh God it is ripping the entire Bridge apart damn uh please please tentacle monster I’ve been good boy please don’t htime me are you kidding me dare you blind G what GGO what is that name what GGO what what’s that by the way I just realized

You don’t need to go through the wall then you can just go outside can you that’s what I’m doing right now tell me yes that’s what I’m doing I’m not joking I bet those tentacles can rip something else you you horny [ __ ] where are you

Hi hello I love I love how they do this thing with the walls where it looks like you’re in a constant void like the end I love it it looks so cool I love this so much you would you would to the water them following me or the the the

Ground it’s cute when he Roars me just want to go sh the [ __ ] sh the fu sh the dare you oh the eye actually looks around I attacked the warden so he can chase us did you actually why why why not makes sense right to have more and more fun you’re insane

This is like getting run over and then going laying in the ground in the road for like round two yeah pancake Edition go God oh God what was it did you get it it just got rid of the ground below me while I was midair seven holes wait what’s got seven holes oh

God kuly please oh please no Warden go away Warden go away Warden go please please I’m on fire oh yeah the second Warden there I forgot there a second how what okay this is getting can you imagine this in shaders can you imagine this with shade I fell

Off I fell down damn I really fell off after all these years doing content yeah I fell off before I started you just don’t say that about yourself my throat where are you trying to get over the tentacles have ruined he I’m almost there okay it teleported me cuz I think

It was like yeah no you’re not going to get there you know okay I’m next to the cannon you can do it can I gun can I gun uh yeah I mean you’re streaming is scen when I can get in what button is it okay are you shooting me right now as a

Key do not let me have one cool moment with the gun please oh no I want to show chat what this does you’re doing it to the wrong direction by the way oh I know I’m going to go to the wall wait can I shoot the tentacles okay watch this chat you guys

Know the warden that we just killed you know how it has that really like powerful attack actually works this feels so good oh this eye is dead oh yeah little man with a big weapon I’m not not in every sense who’s attacking me please tell me that was a tentacle not

You I mean I had I was transported back all the way oh hello andus fire etus let’s go oh [ __ ] how R oh no he’s stealing can he knows oh no he’s playing an American movement steing I didn’t sign up for this for this I’m good I’m good I don’t

Want to go in please what this oh no oh no guys guys this is this is Anime that you can only find in certain pages insert like six little like numbers in the corner of the screen yeah the whole nuclear numbers um my mouse is doing something weird did you spawn what happened

Jeffy uh you’d like it if was a tentacle no can I have only one heart okay you spawned I am in Pitch Blackness and my mouse is stuck the hell holy [ __ ] this is beautiful you can see it I’m stuck in the cut scene hang

On uh my Minecraft is stuck I’m going to have to restart give me a sec you just have to get inside the eye you just have to get inside it’s not that difficult in the eye get in like a tiny cat with too big a ball of

Wo when the kitten gets consumed by the wall okay I’m uh I’m I’m reloading loading the world sorry I was I was stuck in the cut scene it literally wouldn’t let me out funny haha you’ve already joined a game have I where is it where is it Minecraft

Launcher uh what are you doing trying to load in why is Minecraft using 100% of my CPU the hell Minecraft went a little big crazy friendly I should join uh I I’ll send you an invite I know what I’m doing stop moang you’re playing [Applause]

Mods oh I died I was stuck on the death animation okay I’m inviting you now you still there is yeah okay oh my God chat look at this oh oh oh okay we can see the eyehole I don’t I don’t I’m good you little is this Bedrock no this is

Jaara okay let’s do this so let’s go into the this uh this so weird looking e oh just spawned in the hell is your problem did I kill it with one hit uh I got a feeling that was supposed to last a little longer should we downgrade our weapons

There’s another one there two hits killed that one where one I one oh a you look behind you look at the one over there oh my God the black hole no no no the green one yeah that’s a different area that we obviously visit later looks gorgeous all

Right oh my God chat is well behaved my RI I’m not what you mean bad influence excuse y to big but are you kidding me oh wait there’s another one oh I are you kid I didn’t die I didn’t die I’m L I’m fin here welcome sleepy hey how you

Doing we’re doing a crazy Minecraft mod you haven’t missed a lot we we killed a warden with a lot of struggle what you have to do to start this and then uh yeah we died to tentacles wait what why can I not do this one what the hell okay yeah I I died

Too I didn’t would you rather be on the wait what what was that totally not jeffe M someone’s got an all or would you rather be the one receiving wait receiving W what was the question it’s 6 p.m. B to act up huh look at the previous message so they are you ready

To penetrate me or would you rather be the one receiving I didn’t see that one chat must have hid that one like YouTube chat must been like yeah no the hell you think you doing no I had to accept it to show that is wait can I reach

Please I’m waiting for you because well reasons they does get cool at bottom I’m at top bro no no no no please please meow I accidentally took the item what do you mean I I it was on the ground here what was the item this looks you’re just casually carrying this on your

Back how about you prove that in a stream my back oh much better holy my back hurt you can really tell that aaki was one of those children who made to work in the mines Jesus Christ man those on [ __ ] restrains I saw the most unhinged thing a couple days ago

Someone online was like H kids are too sensitive you know what it was that they said would help fix that though draft them into the military by force like they were like oh yeah life was good when you were forced to be in the military what the

As I here oh oh my God oh my God oh my God this one looks so cool yeah I have no idea what we got to fight though is this late uh oh oh no um oh no ah what is this game Minecraft do you hear those death sounds of them hm

They had some weird death sounds generator disabled zero okay I’m guessing this is like heavily electric oh and the ice still watching us that’s lovely yeah of course uh you go left and I go right is that okay uh sure are those spiders I don’t really know all right I can handle

You oh they’re kind of cute when they’re not trying to eat you oh oh my God I’m literally fighting a maccrage not macro Fage God I forgot their names things are around Ste universe but they’re actually like high around a like parasite that’s like shaped like an

Injection yeah I got feel we’re not supposed to be heavily armored these are not a threet oh no oh what the did you make the red boy nope I got zoomed oh God oh God that’s a lot okay come on what the what the um uh I’m getting thrown about like I’m a

Ragd doll and not in a good way no break break break break break break break break break please please please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die please you couldn’t complete without a wa was this oh God please no more please no more I want like one heart please oh my

God these are yeah what did you say about not uh building too much uh not having too much armor or whatever they seemed weak I was about to downgrade to like iron yeah yeah sure wait FL I’m a top sounds so unconvincing wait when did I say I’m

Going top wait what who said up the top huh like confusion okay they’re dead here okay even with the gear you’re wearing you still can’t comp honestly yeah yeah what do you mean honestly wait where did they all go did they all Des oh they’ve all disappear did they commit

Suicide when they thr in yet um okay I managed to disable one I truly don’t know where I’m going I’m apparently going to bit okay I found something okay I was up here I think that despawned asaki was frying to atoms what did you do trying to go

Through the barrier anyway okay I don’t know what these things are but they are not minable they felt bad for you you guys are being extra mean today he needs to understand how much of skill she it really is you guys are so lucky I lose money if I swear I swear to

God H tells me I’ve got oh um okay that’s the weirdest angle I’ve ever gone isn’t it crazy I was just listening to your audio earlier and now I see you live hi oh hiy there you won’t believe what I’m doing what are you doing why are you getting

Fried I I will try it I’m not giving up on this I guess is we do this to shut the laser off oh that means there’s going to be a boss somewhere um oh that’s fairly easy we just go up here all righty buddy what if don’t know why you’re in my comment

Section and now you’re in my live like hello what do you want exactly what is my channel that much of a sin to you that’s cool I respect if that’s what you think but don’t know why you’re typing it in my bloody chat a that’s cute see it’s one thing to tell someone

Hey I don’t think what you do is okay it’s another to tell me to go basically suffer for all eternity how about you suck a [ __ ] yeah I’m should get ins to I had someone in my s s I hate yes yes I found a loophole how about you go read your own

Actual sacred text before telling someone that literally dog Haram I’m not a dog now I’m just offended hey bro what’s wrong do I look like a Dog this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever had in my chat all right I’m not going to stand for this you you want a reaction [ __ ] this is very simple you just bye-bye oh no you can’t comment in my trat anymore a puffing oh my God oh my God really

Hilarious what is this right to or something are they like a group a hate group or something know look at the H for review message oh what’s my help for riew I don’t actually see that what was it St i’ breed you I’ll just hide them they don’t

Deserve yeah funny when someone comes in the chat say you know you know I can hide you right and no one’s going to see what you’re typing get freaking n I’m literally Christian and not saying anything about swearing because I do with it 24/7 at school all of you are going to uhhuh

J bye go cry cope saeve get ratioed my God what is this damn am I famous now yeah I’m pretty sure hate and you know being disrespectful is pretty Haram bro not very halow of you bro oh no as asak key not very hellow of you

Habibi oh you shut it down what do we do it it’s all I have Muslim friends so this is this is an interesting experience to see this I doll oh my God sorry I didn’t realize did you did you donate something oh bless you sorry I was so focused on

Like shutting that down oh thank you Alex very sweet of you do you see the chat what i s to you what did you say dude your vocabulary is insane so you really friend a religion believe in then you never say such things right I know you’re religion better than yourself

Al I can go on just but hey look back to the game you see me right I tried to build down from this place you see I try to build down here I can break the block and go down here right why are you trying to break the map I Try by trying

To go through it the barrier is from top to bottom like I would still get fried even there if there wasn’t any laser um come here even if there was no laser I would still get so i w walked up here I I I mean I just swam up here

Right you walk up I built in a hole and then boom did you just wait yeah broh so I went away from the laser like that so we didn’t technically have to go through both ways if you were going to play alone so I love to play games like

That this is how I play games oh why are people trying to insult you this is nothing new insult just this on a group level is kind of new I wouldn’t take it as an insult it’s just there I won’t respect that it’s just sad

Man like look of that I respect like a culture but like when you tell someone oh yeah by the way if you don’t live a certain way you’re going to die and you deserve it like you deserve to be tortured nah bro that’s just not it hey yo we got second part

Okay should I say something about this or just don’t worry about it uh huh what respond to that thematic no God go talk go so guys if you guys didn’t know it’s just that very funny to me as someone who is part of that religion and grew up

With it as well everything and part of the religion and the culture and I see this as pathetic and kind of hilar is as well that people really stuck up that much trying to tell all the bad things like as you see in the chat right now

I’m just laughing my ass off like they’re just repeating the same things like is that your only vocabulary like that’s very sad additionally if you actually read it for yourself like actually study the whole thing you would understand that’s what they are doing what they wishing to others is

What they going to get themselves like is there like aot that says like um if you save someone it’s like to save the whole the world if you kill someone just look at the chat I can’t even focus because it’s so hilarious I can’t take it oh man okay but chicken bread

Burger what do you mean fetish Master gray it’s unbelievable really it’s not a religious debate it’s not a debate when there is there is no debate you can’t go around telling someone hey the way you live life is wrong and you deserve torture no this there’s there’s tolerating someone’s belief and there just

Ye like if you’re really into this religion that we’re talking about right now look if you understand even 10% you would know that saying those kind of things will be literally your own demise mhm all right and I’m trying to hold myself back by the same time by being

Friendly I can tell you’re holding back a lot yeah yeah I’m trying to be as friendly as possible this uh this boy looks P oh oh my god he has runes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look above I have no food I can’t run what the okay oh wait he can literally summon okay

That’s that is possably the most anime thing I’ve ever seen oh my God all right what the hell is this I actually want him to kill me cuz I have barely any freaking stamina hey bro can you like stab me stab me e oh nice can I stand in one of these go

Thank you he’s summoning wait what’s he summoning friends oh my God you take care of that one take care of him I I I’ll try hey please please Please oh wow he’s not you that strong okay hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey stop penetrating me I didn’t give you for that God this this stream’s already demonetized I don’t care you can deal the last blow just came F from pizza and I see you fighting

A jant crystal monster yeah this mod is just as wild as that gets where are you can you guys still see someone typing cuz I blocked them I don’t know if I hit him V Channel okay the one who’s keep saying the bad words is keep is now very horny all of a

Sudden huh okay that’s interesting I read the hidden messages go on read them it’s already like okay okay I just not everything but Greg grind up my dick suck me suck me now GRE wait what what were you saying about Haram stuff and all that stuff and now you being Haram incarnate

Unbelievable anyway I can definitely say that Orin has just asked me to grind on them that’s very freaking hell all right let’s do you want to do the honors sure thing I can try shoot my I see oh he wants me to destroy the core

The black hole I was about to say which one yeah I was going for the ey first but no yeah maybe not the eye ready that was good it wasn’t good it wasn’t good oh oh [ __ ] uh did you hit his reer or something no has a key shield shield

Careful the eye is having her periods hey turn us Co that’s been destroyed there we go that’s the mod what did you think damn that was nice okay okay look at this one though I don’t know about you but I’m choosing this side wait what I’m choosing this

Side side of what wait what yeah if I had to pick any one of them I would pick this one don’t judge me I feel like I know what you’re doing why is this hear music eye thing oh my God that’s from the SpongeBob movie is it yeah somebody is H thank you

For the art very good artist oh my God it’s um uh happiness and cide amazing refresh Studios made with love yeah we can see that holy [ __ ] to what oh bro they gave you the high ground hey hey hey oh you want to do this you want to do this

Yeah come on come on come on what’s wrong can’t do it when I got a shield on come on it’s very funny you know why why you jerk what is how don’t worry Orin I just I just got rid of the center for you wait what is I

Should have hit them and apparently I didn’t I blocked why what happened I’m just saying like bro you did not everything yeah yeah everything from before you know I mean wait wait a second you know what’s funny I mean am I in cner though like honestly I have something better what’s

That I have something way better you are you really doing this see this is what you wanted isn’t it you even mean to suffer see he’s burning in hell I do it for you my bud I I do it for you my brother why you going you gandon Knuckles

No no I like being honest I [ __ ] I hate the concept of sin I think there’s some things yeah that aren’t okay they’re not they’re not you know that’s not on BL but like the minute you try and tell people oh yeah you can’t live this way or this lifestyle is not okay

No no shut the [ __ ] up just goes against all principles of individuality you know are you in was you in creative mode the entire time who the hell shot me on the Earth okay that’s funny you just burned him from the fire of Judgment Day I’m dead sent help oh no are you

Okay River dusk oh that’s so funny do I need to hide some people from the chat or is it okay because apparently I’m stupid and blocked instead of hiding oh wait I could just go up can’t I oh my God I’m stupid though no I can’t see Okay wait what are you doing all right I’m back what was you doing excuse what did I do to deserve this um I’m just back to survival are you in Creative as you do this Are you seriously in Creative as you do this oh my God just look me look

At the chair I C boy what is it chat’s unhinged I can’t see it why what is this being said just look at what lime said huh look at what lime said uh all in cups yeah I don’t see it hell H I don’t see it oh I see it wait

What why can’t I see this so D if I want to buy your bath water how much would that cost I’ll sell something much better than bath water the question is how much are you willing to pay what the I feel a deep con or need you or all of you need to

Repent your sins M your all will womb combo you in what what is womb combo where is that nah bro bye-bye oh my God a that’s better no one telling me we should all [ __ ] die w w w it’s this sort of stuff that makes me want to get like the most postmodern

Things that people like that would hate do you remember when I said like 99% or at least 90% of this whole thingy this culture is being taught wrongly oh yeah this is the product it’s the product literally I know I see it for you I see it for thingy another thingy

Don’t I like I had to I had to study myself to actually relearn a lot of things I was brought up the same way there were well I learned through um you know who that it’s not at least on their end it’s not the religion it’s the issue

It’s it’s the culture that has developed around the religion yeah and it’s definitely there are some aspects which are sadly like developed at a time when it was helpful now probably not needed but still for you know for reason of tradition being kept around mhm which explains why they hella like

Conservative not in like the political way but in like the government philosophical governing way cuz that’s all about like governance tradition yada yada what is gbot [Laughter] revolution I’m wa I’m willing to give someone 700 grand for anything that belongs to Jeff do we need to have a talk are you

Good why 700 why is so specific no why do you want my organs it reminds me of something it does was that your attempt good job you will never stop me I guess the is that supposed to say Infidel good job spelling bro they tried to pull I’ve got like 70 alterative

Accounts all right are you trying to kill me now no why would I be doing that you have no armor do I not your armor is gone no wonder you were killing me you little [ __ ] okay I can try wait why am I getting hurt wait let me make it easier what the

Hell what did you add you know what I did I just purified myself of holy Water all right hang on I I know what we need I need to put on like Hasan Hotel let me get that mod on that let’s play videos inside YouTube what about the one weird anime mods that you can add that will get you demonetized God no no no no we keep that

Off we keep that off oh I just remember what one you’re on about oh God in my defense I thought that was just a normal mod I’m willing to give someone 1.8 8,052 and 521 something for a jav special I think Jeff is in the black market

Help I’m not mayonnaise I’m human I’m glad I could clear that up who thought you were mayonnaise what have I missed will there be a new video uh yeah I recorded an audio today and I’ll be finishing the thumbnail for it tonight and yeah it’s 80% done it’s so

Funny how am I getting her trying to kill you it makes no sense I’m holy you’re what holy uhhuh I’ll show you holy yeah I can see that chat I can see that chat there the G what this has been the weirdest stream I’ve ever had the quickest to get freaking demonetized

What are you doing what do you mean stop Banning me maybe stop banging on about it what have you done I can’t hit you what the hell have you done there we go freaking ass come here come here you are joke imagine falling for that wait what did I fall

For deflect a projectile with Shield what okay what is the fascination with the word g spot how old are you seriously is where did you go I had to respond back from the place will be ended the story okay I was teleported to credit scene you did

Not you knew I was kicking your ass so you just leave what do you mean h me talking about me I’m trying to join it’s okay save chat please how how you reckon I do that I want to spawn that gun now can we spawn the gun time down

I love how this one person was about die in Hellfire and a few minutes later please marry me someone in chat why is that debug pass what is this like incredible wait can I wait what is this this spawn I am finally back welcome back I have something ready for

You oh my god what is it this time just just come over here where are you what is here did you spawn in the oh my God you sense so much freaking lava oh no you did not let’s see how long youvive they actually do anything why o

Welcome if I sneak it won’t activate what is this do part debug I’m carrying a debug apparently and no one does wait what oh you carrying the thingies on your back am I yeah oh my God I have the whole gun every time you hit it just switches to a different gun

Can I can I take it off no it doesn’t let me put it down I’m just carrying it what Chad got married already what the [ __ ] wait what happens if I just you just missed a complete marriage day what do you mean a marriage in your chat huh

Oh H toly I can run away from it will it still grab me uh I got grabbed I think I’m too far away for it to grab me no no no no they’re coming for you oh no no no no no no no no no no oh my God that looks so

Funny are they actually struggling to get me it looks like it oh my God I’m going to draw with it only you would think that stream is greatness is it though are they going to reach me if I go to here no they got a rectile tentacle

Dysfunction all right go on then grab me how is it going to animate this oh my God has a key it’s got a drag me like really it is dragging you all the way I made a roller coaster oh God I knew I was going to get H called

H oh my God I knew I was going to get HTI might well do in fat oh my God this doesn’t look janky dear God are you going to do the whole thing again in Creative we could do I want to see the tentacles in the

Ceiling what can can we just um I I just uh it didn’t work for me a key where are you where are you again he didn’t grab me I’ll let him grab me normally go on grab me grab me go on I’m hoping the Giant thing on my back isn’t screwing it

Up go on drag me drag me okay there we go hello hello look a freaking he still creative you’re still creative oh yeah know no no don’t why not let’s speedrun this place you want to speed run in like survival yeah let’s see who’s quicker are we going to do you

Need to add more weapons cuz I’ve definitely thrown mine out the window yeah you can add a new weapon for yourself but I’m going to stay here next to the portal all right let’s see how quick we can do this okay by for your you broke all my armor I cannot believe

You can’t you do this to me do you forgive me for getting banned twice good question I don’t know if that was a troll but don’t pull that stuff otherwise you will get worse all right ready free two one go let’s go oh God just look at

The chat they why are you stand why are you running there me I was waiting next to the port oh whoops all right look at the chat Jesus Christ man wait what this is just too much just give me something wait what do you want what what something do you want look

Look a little bit above this is crazy yeah I’m going to go concerned about certain chats here see a FL wait why what happened wait what because of the state of this chat yeah guys calm it the hell down look below that with the all caps Lo it will explain everything you’re supposed

To huh they had the whole marriage and now they’re divorcing because I don’t know what’s going on but you guys will calm down that’s crazy you ready stand next to me yeah 2 one bruh what are you doing aak Kei you Jer did you really do this as a key

Hello all right okay we’ll play this game we’ll play this game you want to play this game you have chosen death I thought you went to speedrunners in survival yeah I’m trying you’re spawning wardens I’m done spawning I’m I’m done spawning 64 of them aren’t you

Sweet I mean as isn’t this more L accurate they any excuse from you isn’t it now it feels like a challenge yeah go go on you you want to screw me over have fun with that I actually made it alive to the other side of the

Bridge tell me I’m not just spawning I’m you’re not that h tell me I’m not just spawning them and you’re not even it Cal’s going to hate me oh you’re spawning more in front of me oh I see I see what you’re doing oh yeah I not going to take you doing that

To me when you go ah Speed Run and then you do this joke I’m focused I’m focused I’m focused [ __ ] are you though I went by P like past like 100 other good job God that is an noise and a half where even are you I keep spawning back to the

Portal like the portal we came from yeah whenever I die spawn there oh wait there’s a thing there’s a thing down here what is this I was going up the spiral but it didn’t work I was pushed down Why didn’t it work what what went wrong just imagine we played this with shaders

On oh no the pitch Blackness would be so intense it would look cool though oh my God what the hell is in chat okay thanks the donation but yeah uh can you guys calm it down and I mean it otherwise I’ll put you all in time out like chill the hell was

That don’t say sorry if you guys are then going to go do it again I I freaking mean it don’t think I went Alan no please no time out River it be be asy fuel lab sag g f what he’s speaking the language of the Gods talking in

Ikea yeah I fell down I saw didn’t want to live in the same world as Beast St okay I’m going to join you and try and cross this should we try and cross this together yeah no more meing yeah game more creative you say

Got it no I was going to come out of creative come on yeah all of a sudden I’m going straight to the eye I’m going to try to go inside okay oh there’s another portal is this is this I’m not scared of your turnus come at me bro come at me that’s

Not a pho that’s literally nothing oh my God his eyes is huge so bad the game needs to cheat you guys saw me do this can we shoot Al um they help I went inside his eye and now I feel like I’m like Gojo trapped in Gojo’s Infinity I don’t know what you’re

Referencing oh my God once you’re inside you won’t see the way out oh try to get into his eye and I’m just uh I’m just I’m just committing Mass uh what no how I’m using the gun and then you say that what would that be can I not go to the

Ceiling you probably can hello turnus I’m going to just enter your eye hole now oh oh God I can I don’t like that I can literally feel how an Ula would feel in this oh god um can you see me no look at me look around I’m out

Somewhere don’t to be in here let me out okay going in there was a mistake never never again yeah I think you heard that right uh did you shoot him nope no what was that uh what you just heard was my phone ringing oh did you need to go yes let me

See how far I can go without dying oh oh you actually can go through it wait through what through the eye so it’s not at Infinite Space it just followed you hid as you went in if I had mukai I would like to blow this eye up with the big explosion oh

Don’t can you imagine that mod with this that will be insane oh I’m so tempted we need more five pics where are you getting these pics you guys haven’t got any more any five pic other than what been in the thumbnail I love this gun so much it’s so stupid but so

Good for okay I’ll probably end stream in a bit so I can get the thumbnail for night done before I go I going to do what you said I’m going to install um hold to Sky and try it out oh can I no not destroy the bridge come on

Please wait it’s not destroying anything no come on there have been mul Community post with fix have there since when wait it didn’t destroy that yes it is fun to shoot this a lot it was more destructive in the beginning of development uh it literally just blew an entire hole but because the

Map uh the walls of it are so thin they had to uh ew no ew gray no e I’m br how dare you a I can’t justest anymore come on I can destroy That all right since a brought it up we are going to I’m just going to do something quick I’m just going to see if it works bit I’ll be amazed actually don’t know if it will uh okay so we need Goodbye Oh you go bye bye bye my DA’s waiting for

Me I thank you very much for having me you’re welcome it was nice having you by chats behaved this time don’t all your breath yeah all bye you’re okay then best just you don’t need to donate no one needs to donate you’re fine uh oh no I can’t do it

No oh it’s not a fabric mod is there anything there is bro there’s nothing here are you kidding me just really it oh my God that is that’s sad that’s very sad oh my God anyway since I finish in Minecraft you can keep saying sorry and that’s so fine but if I see that stuff again you will be hidden from the entire channel for the foreseeable future so right probably stream a bit of the drawing I’ll show you the progress actually cuz I made a lot of progress like recently

Where is it it’s this here we go yeah so I did the hair this morning like completely unplanned just started drawing it and I am happy how it came out obviously I use this as a guide to try and get an idea no it look came out nice I think thank you

Jeo I need to do the monocle this needs doing I’m to his eyes yeah no the eyes need redoing like massively the hair I’m happy with oh thank you Zoe okay since we haven’t got anything else in I am going to put some speaking of Sonic let’s put some

Nice music on shall we while I finish this off that’s not what I want get lost Shopify yeah thank you Lis I need got music in I need to find more of these playlists they’re nice there we go Go read a book it’s good for you bro I’m [ __ ] I’m academic how you mean read a book literally my dream job is to work in Academia I reading a book is not that difficult for me just read what some people find to be the most driest books out there

I think it needs some White this One and think saturation it will be color nope no definit not going to be bad why does this song remind me of coconut War Mara I don’t know it’s an interesting thing for it to remind you of though I will give you that Um just try to remember there is a setting that’s perfect for this I just got actually might be there we go it’s probably not the one I want but do the job yes chat has chilled out Al like J Jesus wa uh where should now where is it ah where where is the

What what wait what what the hell is going on that’s a normal layer why is that excuse me what the hell was that oh my God my brain cells went out the window there for a b Yeah no I can’t blame you Brandy actually know kind of hear it does it does feel like it son a would be F like coconut to of that color triangle is brighter than my Fe Christ Jeff are you okay don’t want to overdo I’m trying to do the thing where you have like light

Stokes like it sort of goes like but I I I do not ever get this far of a drawing they alone coloring so yeah this will be interesting oh my God yes S his face looks like a Roblox character ow I don’t to overdo it so I’ll just leave it that I’m going just turn the pass really low I think that’s enough for the hair I think the ears need it now and then that’s just the eyes and the mouth and the face

Needed to be fixed I probably change the name of the stream shouldn’t I I do that oh my God I can I leave be fine turn this more like fur no yeah you guys are getting turned up I’m not doing this what you why is it with me my what

Is it with this in the pancreas you need to explain this Jeff just a little bit I’ve time them out so they will CH down and just a fure reference no one bring up sin in my [ __ ] chat and I mean it deadly serious right there we go should calm

Down I don’t know my stream early but holy didn’t you to be this unhinged I time to do this so is a fa simple just need set wait did I make a I didn’t know that’s not theg Problem hate watch yeah time Out So that they will learn a lesson you all get a 24hour timeout I deadly meanness do not come into my chat and about that [ __ ] Again yes chat Good question Jay he gets to decide what that Is you know I personally don’t like that Concept I think uh everyone in the world has Des desires and needs and those desires and needs should not be seen as bad everyone’s desires and needs should be fulfilled the minute someone tries to tell you no this is you know I don’t like it I can tolerate it I don’t like

It it’s the main aspect of most religions I can’t really ever say I could ever sit swallow and I’m quite an accepting person that you guys can see in previous live streams I will discuss religion a lot just it depends on the person because it’s someone who will literally

Just I can’t discuss it with son Arab let’s SP that way no no you’re fine I need I need to apologize you’re fine sure don’t worry right is done looking at need to look at refer I’m not even frame yeah no me too me too BR I’m just going to do it brief just these don’t need to be hella um detailed Yeah Sking Sweet yeah there wasn’t any as much streams or content this week as I thought because I had to work uh a lot this week a lot of changes going on really enough changes going on last month and now loads of changes going on at my workplace

So very a lot my play but this week it’s just nor week so I should be okay Yeah I’m going to go for the half design looks nice Got does that look probably not fortunate need to be bigger don’t I okay where they go there we go that’s not I do make all right seeing a bit static yeah I do apologize okay chat I thought I’d give the benefit of the doubt and let them chill but they

Also didn’t so I’m not going to stand for that at all take a lot so this K drawer be and then they kind of go in this sort of shape so we’re looking there just about the Hairline that angle okay so we’re looking at think I I’m going to struggle with this cuz I always draw I’ve never drawn a NECA in a while I have drawn him in the past but in front of in a while and you know how my ears look at my own model

That’s what I’m used to drawing just like ah I need to draw normal proportions this is new I think that looks better no I’m going to say a little bit Smaller did you hear about the man was acci per to Li it was a great mistake that was a good one wait just Pi for the same Place I think that looks better this one needs changing where say it looks but Kind Got this face needs changing whole skin needs changing actually color is changing wait to two Leave to leave Alexis is my stream playing up Again oh wait my mic is okay here we go my mic’s too low for you guys to hear me apparently I’m stupid Right what did the mon I got I don’t get that one SK need to change your color so I’m going to open Up Jasper’s Hannibal Lector confirmed what there a good skin color a Good Down je say psych M owt don’t scratch me kitty am I resp you should be able to H me Now oh okay I’m still streaming by the way sweet you okay yeah by the way you’re cutting in now oh my God where is Kiki uh walking dog oh okay we had a we had a later no no no you’re fine sweet you’re fine why would you no no you’re

Okay the kitty the kitty is here if you want to talk to her just came up and sat on my lap pushed her nose on my mouth cheeky that oh my God it’s a [ __ ] on a [ __ ] excuse explain how a phantom one I’m streaming I’m streaming it’s already been demonetized but I’m

Streaming and you pull out that I didn’t see anything mm that’s already demonetized anyways did you know why we had some people jumping in my chat and screaming the sin wait what yeah saying you you should all repent for your sins repent to Allah all that stuff and asaki’s just sat there like

What why didn’t you tell me to I tell you what somebody was trying to bomb the stream don’t say it like that oh my God don’t that’s Jesus again I’m streaming I I okay I a Muslim I can say that all right you guys heard it from her mouth not

Mine can put a lot of things in my mouth I just wanted to have a nice wholesome stream where I I showed aaki this really cool Minecraft mod and just you know talk to my chat instead I get chat being horny or telling me I need to go burn in

Hell and I get you saying this anyone else want to throw something YouTube clutching their P Al uh I’m got to stream while I’m drawing and I want to hear your opinion on it are you ready m what do you think yeah the eyes need fixing don’t even say it what’s wrong with

It KS what’s from wrong with it is it that bad the mouth is not yeah that’s not final at all that’s literally just from the line up it’s that is pretty as you are thank you for the compliment but how bad is it really I asked is it good is it bad

It’s really what’s wrong with it the face just delete the face you yeah I know the face needs oh thank you thank you thank you for subscribing inish holy sh you don’t need to subscribe just send me like $5 on my PayPal that’s better excusing say what you hear this cheeky

[ __ ] I mean if it’s so bad uh I I’ll pay you uh £40 you fix this sound good I need it done by 10:00 tonight you have half an hour what the what do you take me for I God you can do this in half an

Hour I’ll pay you extra there you go 40 quid pay right now all right hey no I’m joking I’m joking don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t my God but it looks [ __ ] I have to finish this for tonight as it is so it’s like H I need to finish this

Soon do you need it urgently I’ll show you I’ll show you I’ll show you something I have something wait let me show you you see this do you see what number that is mhm do you remember how hard it is to get a said number M do you remember what this does for

Channel and you see this so yeah uh an upload tonight is needed just just just use one of these what is a hypnosis audio look at the one above there’s nothing above it’s a male speaker just cut the titties off it’s fine I can use that for something else I found

Online no I found a script which is just called eat me mommy question mark and I was like oh thing is you can gender slip it you know how hard it is to find those so I was like hey yo so at some point you guys are going

To get a very spicy gentle dumb audio that’s a question Kicks When will you actually be able to do commissions cuz I did not want to like you know ask you if you’re not in the place look at myi what do you mean looky youri come my

CI okay send me a link I don’t know your Ki no go to Twitter go to Twitter oh yeah I even more stuff do you know how many tabs I have open in the background yeah close them it’s Monica cat you don’t exist for underscore link click on the link this one yes

Why can’t you just tell it go to commissions where General General there’s gallery and posts oh yeah Gallery yeah oh never mind click on uh about and then scroll down and a you could just answer me it was when are you going to be free that was

All why just use words I know puppy brain but use words [ __ ] go to post squish just use words please I’m not doing this just tell me that’s that’s it it depends but times the like amount byy like two what amount so if it’s a so

If it’s a $10 it’s going to be like $20 wait I didn’t ask how much I was like when it was when not how much when the price doesn’t matter it’s look when I can do it anytime but the price is going to be two two times the out because

Color also yeah know Kick’s edging everybody right now I know right gray hey River do you have any favorite scripts or writers oh I do in oh my God you guys let me tell you something what when I was with day I would Edge a lot like we would be sleeping together and

I’m always don’t cuz it no you were using it in a different context you know what you’re doing give context now no don’t the context don’t not believe what he said because I am telling you the truth and he wants to Gaslight all of you says the [ __ ]

Girl who gaslighted everyone that you were me that’s different how kitty that’s my pen please I love you but don’t attack my pen than anyway you guys like we sleep on the same bed right and I’m always edging next to him and he would not appreciate it Mo his ass

Because I’m edging she why what she means by edging is she’s Lally sleeping on the edge because apparently I do the helicopter I literally move like a helicopter helicopter in my sleep I’m a [ __ ] I’m a fidget spinner apparently according to her and aaki which I still doubt

I have never had anyone tell me I sleep like a helicopter other than you two h no no no come on come on you you had so much to say come on you do the helicopter apparently so yeah apparently I spin in my sleep it sounds so much worse again not in that

Context kicks why did you have to use that word because I was edging hello kitty kitty kitty who’s my kitty who’s my wiow baby you where you good you falling or you just okay you’re choosing to jump all right they have about you did Jeffy [ __ ] I can’t I just can’t with

This where is my pen what is it doing it’s drawing it and everything except oh my I am so stupid yeah I know no need to tell me guys where is the lines for the ears oh no where up my arms they’re up my arms can you not

I’m hey guys no it’s it’s a yes a mar time the hell are you doing hi guys welcome to the as live stream by Kicks and potato don’t call me that I will make you lose something my virginity just like that any form of AD Revenue has gone from the Stream

Thank you thank you I love I any Che out all of my links and if you are you about to shill after doing that and if you ever interested in a day be sure to text did you even sort out your Etsy is it even possible to you do Etsy from where you

Are no have I got to do at my end mhm right I’ll get the but if you ever are interested be sure to check out mroi where you can find the link to see the key things and um you know to get your own they’re only like 10 each $11

Something um and extra things extra additions are not that expensive um if you are interested be sure to you know Dam because we’re not getting [ __ ] from this um live stream and thanks for your support love you I zoned out during that entire thing you done with your ad and be sure to

Subscribe please would be appreciated you just reminded me I have not uploaded the sh I was working on oh my God yes Jee hey uh kicks kale uh is asking something what are you missing poundland I am I am IM actually yeah and they missing their

Milk no okay Yoko and aaki went shopping and they they bought milk from poundland you don’t do that okay it’s not milk it’s C milk YouTube’s going to kill my analytics so h tonight so the thing is the the bottle was opened like when we we open the

Bottle at home it was already open like the C of mug was already opened so that’s why I just called it like it’s not milk it’s t milk it it’s milk but it says harmonized milk you’re not supposed to cook it and we were trying to make what were we

Trying to make it was um c yeah we didn’t have a kettle or myrow the time so every time we wanted a hot coffee hot tea hot chocolate we literally get the pot put it on the stove boil it to death and then you know they they bought

Poundland milk and it turned into yogurt and as thought he did something wrong I was like no no this is this is not milk do you even have anything like powerland over there like at all no is you literally went from the place that’s not expensive where you went from

Here to a place that’s like cheap as chips to well back to yeah guess how much like the um what’s it called the is y don’t like me how much is it milk how much is milk over there a whole milk is like6 something huh why so much because I can’t of go

Bur ah yes it sounds about right pound L milk feels illegal it’s milk for a pound of course is illegal how much do I need to pay for your special milk um je you are lucky I’m not female did not say that $50 and you need to take a you need to

Take permission from Mony wait permission for what to have milk what about mine oh oh oops I forgot I’m not at the center of attention anymore say no no what was about to say what the excuse when did I get bought into slavery hey hey hey hey hey JY contact

Me I can give you some I like how this chat went from so chill to this thank you Christ I want milk men make milk too this chat has not been chill when Dan it life it was there was some streams where chat was chill and it wasn’t around oh thank you

Alexis that’s very sweet of you oh and the can I have some milk now kicks would it be a bad idea for me to start streaming on joystick no you remember what joystick is don’t you m I might sort that out and that way you

Guys can have a place where you can also be unhinged without having any repercussions actually would you guys like that while I do a mix TR boardline in sfw and then sa for work would you guys like me to actually do streams a little bit more I would still stream on YouTube but

There was a streaming site I’ve been told about a long time ago by a what are you you doing Kitty Mi what the [ __ ] are you so interested I think the cat just tried to attack my graphics card through class you stupid cat oh you know there is at the

Shiny literally what hang on I got to see what what are you so interested in what is this what are you so interested in KY spam spam uh I don’t know sex do or something teaching the cat to fetch has been the best thing I ever

Did Kitty bothering me go here go here go go cats copy the owners so cat is stupid gray no I was there is a streaming platform out there where I can do a lot more uncensored and spicy stuff let’s say like that oh I see yeah know I don’t do twitch

Enough yeah no I can sort that out just when and when is a good question I was told to spam do not please do not do it why are you encouraging this do it whoever tells you that is an icon and they deserve to be praised like a a

Queen or a king I’m not judging so do it kicks I’m going to break your legs okay time to draw the eyes cuz I need massively redo God this entire face I’m be right back the kicks effect all right you know it’s bad when they name an entire effect after

Yeah I need to go through everything in this just one by one and see what needs to be merged cuz these many layers are starting to give me a headache I really need to get into a habit of labeling these naming them at least so there’s

A there’s a part two of The Last and nicest one coming out tonight and then I have another AG array planned hypnosis and I’m slowly going through all my previous pet play videos and trying to one remind myself how I can make more but I need to just I want to think of

Like things I haven’t done in that area cuz I feel like I’ve saturated it I don’t want to milk it dry and I want to make something new but Al want to make some more wholesome pet regression stuff so ye but you know an actual sequel coming

I know instead of just constant one shots this is what this is going to be freaking Christmas a bu arrive I haven’t gotten only fans yet and you’re already doing this the only reason I don’t redo that stuff is because I’m like IRL I can’t really engage with too much

Anything OFW in that sense because I literally bounc off the walls of going into it and then being not really disgusted by it but just really averse to it it’s not out a shame it’s not out of like guilt but it’s more I had something happened to me a long time ago

And the repercussions and the effects that I had on my mind is still there so even though I’m like perfectely comfortable all of a sudden I’m I’m not and it’s like yeah it really um really [ __ ] me up it l makes you [ __ ] feel the opposite motion to what you have

Associated if that’s say like yeah I think that’s why I’ve only been able to make spicy content in a very short little brief moments as well and also because I just don’t want to get to like parasocial like if I make that I make that but that that is just that it

Wouldn’t be anything more I say that I let you do like freaking content that’s supposed to emulate like but you know L gives you an emulation like sometimes making ASR content can be one of the most parasocial things you can do sense but it really depends how it’s received all right so this

Is let’s go one by one I need to merge these These are going to give me a headache that is ly just just a line okay so this is co main I guess yeah can’t me especially on public platform yeah no no no no no in places that are

Dedicated like that and that’s like normal that’s fine places like YouTube Just yeah know no um these are just lines and shading aren’t they so I could just merge these and just call that shading you take get all I’ll take it I’m decent I’m not as good as I used to

Be so taking comp every struggle bit thank you I appreciate it my music stopped dare you stop oh God explain this you guys are going to fall asleep uh what we got let’s get some more this playlist there we go I need to find if I could sign some like break core or

Something cuz that’s something that I have found I’m able to draw with I don’t normally listen to music when I draw but that one is somewhat okay it’s not everyone’s style or everyone’s taste but if it’s something works me turn is screaming right now are you

Okay you don’t have to divulge but are you at least okay how much money to make you draw a duck I can draw a duck if you really want me to send money for it and that’s the sh shirt call shirt main cuz I think that needs a little bit

More are you quite happy scratching my chair [ __ ] and then this is uh coat shade the hell is [ __ ] oh it’s face you just got have a lot of questions how much for a picture of on your wait for a picture of n you fo I can lit you just do like

Stupid doodo on my finger hello what’s wrong oh come here baby you’re come here come here come here kitty come here come oh hello sweet hello hey all right this oh someone’s hyper I got amount of I’ve got an amount sorry I had the freaking mic I’m

An idiot I’ve got an amount disabilities so I can’t use motor score so when I see I’m kindess oh I see I’m sorry brain it’s not fully working there’s the tie I do like how the tie looks I still think it needs a line up um that’s not hella important that’s not

Super important either oh God wondering of all the money I can give you you can make a dark that’s my favorite animal you don’t to give me money look I’ll draw a duck don’t take two seconds uh I can’t promise it’ll look amazing I God I’m zoomed in holy sh that yeah

Right any there’s your duck don’t how good that looks I don’t draw dogs draw galaa oh who is galaa you’re going to have to give me a little bit more context God that face tuck wants to B milk because yes I don’t trust anyone bringing up milk after the

Conversations that have ensued here I swear sound like a penguin Dragon maybe a fly then delete it immediately and if I’m happy or sad wait what I’m sorry again I don’t draw Ducks I haven’t drawn a duck before I don’t think ever to be honest hop over to poundland don’t don’t

Don’t buy the poundland milk you know what’s good for you don’t do that I can see that I’m sorry right we can delete this awful hair I’ve got a feeling the face is too thin but yeah maybe I should take take to you going to take me to pan for a date really

Interesting choice there’s been so many American friends I’ve introduced like the the name panu of a shop and they’ve just broken down in hysterical laughter going to going to grab my panium plus to help onal down all right you be right W take care Al so it’s getting late so I have to

Quiet oh my God that got cursed right there’s a awful mouth and this and this when I first came to England I thought pound was a bank oh you’d be very wrongly mistaken there why have I drawn that no get the hell out of here blood

Smile it’s not part of the hair is it I’m going to say that’s not part of the hair it looks like he’s an Agony please put me in my misery I’m sorry I need to fix it I know I know I need to fix it I’m going guess it’s not the hair

Where is the hair even okay we’re getting there so that is something I probably won’t keep him got a guy but than hanging out all right see you lorish take care bye and some elements of this head need to be fixed holy sh this is too many

Layers look like junk with no hair you saying no hair okay those are is this yeah right so I need this one two three and that should be the oh no what have I done okay what is this that’s brief fin okay there we

Go you think because of as small had a b becomes slightly antisocial yeah I’d say so yeah I’d agree his skin is almost is practice background yeah I know it needs changing big time okay I need to see exactly what else needs to be merged so I can do this

Simply I get myself half an hour if I can’t do it in half an hour then I’ll use another image you guys can see the process I guess no I’d say yeah as my would get that R because it can become like hella parasocial and anti social I’m not restarting at this point

Trust me nope Jeff hey you good as a concerning statement you’re right Air Line all right no right let me I’m going to can it okay what was this one bloody thing right that’s highlight High that’s shading on the hair I know what that

Is so and I think I’m done with that bit anyway but I will just light shade I mean it’s not shading it’s just you know my therapist doesn’t think survival fine uh just when I thought I can get more and more concerning like K said I’m edging on the side of my

Bed nope down literally just walked on my tablet nope no cap uh shade one there we go uh shade two I pray to God you do not have a jar of that I really do her shade five yeah my reaction entirely I left for a second light I guess I don’t freaking

Know what to called that want to get there come on come on you want to get there you want to get me what you want to get my lap what kidding okay you’re so cute not when you’re walking on my fragile tablet though I love you I love where’s my

Precious all right come here if Cut 2 seconds comeing him come here kiddy hello hello baby Hello Kitty hello you all right no we don’t stand on that we don’t stand on that sweet hey sweetie you okay no come on you can there’s not much F to sit on

My desk sweet there’s barely need room you can sure try it’s not going to work though are you trying to cat this is gum it’s it for kitties you are crazy does your cat bite when you don’t feed it like mine um not really but I

Don’t not feed it for long long time the longest she went without food was um wasn’t my choice I think it’s like 12 hours I hadn’t planned to be gone so long and I was kept back by circumstances I could not control then I

Had to rush home and get a taxi so that she wasn’t starved to death by the time I got home poor girl she was okay I was just very worried A lot happened this month let’s just say that stress and juing month ever really mine just hisses and then I lose

An ear you lose an ear what you mean you’re losing ear huh yeah I’m okay Can oh yeah Like it’s been too long I don’t remember the words are you okay Jep like in all seriousness are you good oh my I’m so stupid there we Go Ang go my voice is ruined okay a Swedish Bing be why what’s going up in Sweden I well used of a friend up in Sweden I haven’t I don’t really follow much news so I don’t really know what I’ve only heard good things about it really

Really I never that drum boy maybe I did I don’t know my memory sucks yeah no I would play more of these like low five um Attack on Titan songs but some of them get like content I do real hard cuz they they’re marked as copyright free but that they really Not you list punched by Joseph cook oh I never heard about it about I say I barely listen to music so it would’t surprise me I is amazing yeah I the only support I got is BL what no no add bad bad [ __ ] and now for a slightly less

Chill song but one of my favorites I she haven’t heard this in a while don’t think he what is type I can’t see anything let me have a look what have I missed my cat wants ice so he’ll stand next to the friezer and if you don’t

Give it to him he’ll bite your legs ah no I wasn’t trying to ignore it I didn’t see it sorry Z I will never break away I lose it all lose it all lose it all lose it all outside those walls Die Another I I’m just here to going Attack on Titan yeah I love I Lov that series I got into it way late though it was a it was good just uh not a healthy series for me cuz I would um I would watch like 60 60 episodes in one second which

Wasn’ta good for Me lose it all lose it all I will never break away I lose it all lose it all it all yet to watch it’s um it’s good I will say it gets really different in season 4 but in a good way definitely an interesting anime cuz unlike most um animes cuz you

Know it’s mostly the source material is the manga right but this one the the manga is the manga obviously inspired the anime but then the anime had an influence on changes in the manga so it’s like a interchangeable effect if that makes sense um I haven’t read the mangas I

Would would love to but not that your priority at the moment no it’s a good series um some people felt it was dry for like a while and it’s I think it’s one of those things one of the arcs you have to get it done and it’s not yeah I don’t

Know talk I need help I just can’t take him off you okay that was smooth ah Jee no don’t catch me off guard I can’t just put any song on it has to be copyright free in the past sure but no I uh I actually make a bit of Revenue well a

Little bit not this channel a moment so you know oh might I need to play lot to travel on I barely finished that game I really don’t like how it looks like the most generic form of shading but I Cana what I can do oh nothing like kids saying the streams

Consisting nothing but Disney films considered fair use who tried to pull that like bro wasn’t a streamer that tried to like stream some like sport event like what the hell not a sponse person myself I was like wait this is it’s not something you do it’s not most wise choices but that

Way that looks okay I guess now do I do the thing where I just flip it do I be so lazy to do that surely not right what’s a PO person like you doing in a dirty mind like mine you really just going to keep saying these constantly God’s sake

Jeffer okay I can just resol that and then that all uh this did not work out how I thought it would no come on H it that it works all right there we go I’m just TR to rub the ever living hell out of this Ah that’s not what I want there we

Go hello when did you I didn’t know you went I said oh as a key cord you did you guys okay scared oh you got go bed so you did are you okay hang on give me a sec chat just m Christ you guys are unhinged today Jesus

Um I think I’ll stop here for the drawing I have other things I can use for Fone it’s not anyway so um yeah anyway thank you for all joining the stream you guys are freaking anyway I will uh I’ll catch you around okay see you

This video, titled ‘minecraft but its made by lovecraft!!!?’, was uploaded by River VA on 2024-02-18 22:35:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMP

    Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMPVideo Information it’s happened it’s happening we were all quiet to make sure that going live was easy for you thank you I need I need the help uh make sure to add your tags I am I’m doing it right now Minecraft I know I know gambling new V New Vegas I did I I already copy pasted all the tags from the last one you know what put that one game with the raccoon in it for fun Indigo Park did you listen to the song that I sent you it goes too hard it has no way… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

    Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who's to Blame?!Video Information This video, titled ‘did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts #notsparky’, was uploaded by NOT SPARKY on 2024-03-15 03:30:13. It has garnered 10351 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Musik] than This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook:… Read More

  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More