Insane RL Craft Adventure! ExoBeaver is unstoppable!

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La N N M N N N N N Oh Oh Harry my man oh I missed you you too brother dude I missed you guys so much even that like what’s what’s it been Tuesday my PC took a crap today’s Thursday it took two days two days and I was literally like ripping my freaking hair out dude I just could you were

Watching fishing streams and you don’t even say that don’t even don’t tease me Harry welcome back Smithy G dude oh my gosh dude it feels so good to be back you guys have no idea youve no freaking idea uh how painful it was to sit there and just like feel completely

Helpless just helpless man I I didn’t know what to do uh there’s nothing I could do um but yes sir Mr 60 days brother 60 days those days don’t count that’s on me dude um the PC man just had some issues with it uh I I thought that

I was going to have to send it back to the manufacturer but after like two days of troubleshooting and uh working some things with the the BIOS updates and and uh I physically taking my PC apart and rearranging things uh and putting it back together um it’s working we’re good we’re back in

Business for now for now fingers crossed everything just continues smoothly smooth baby I think everything’s good um as far as everything looks on my end looks cool let me let me know if you guys have any issues um audio whatever it is hit me let me know if there’s an

Issue uh couldn’t say nice sentient Scythe to you oh my gosh dude wait so I imagine you’ve made quite the progress since I’ve been out right I don’t like those those guys are still like are gross and make me upset I don’t like seeing them um okay let’s continue to collect rotten

Flesh so I I just I got to recuperate myself re reconfigure my brain juice um but congratulations on that Scythe Harry uh where did we leave off dude uh I I know that last time we played we played Minecraft and technically the day after

Was supposed to be um uh God of War but I I couldn’t help it I was like since we’ve had so many issues and we’ve been gone for a couple days it’s like we got to play some Minecraft just got to got to um so I I think today what we should

Work on is no no okay we’re going to to spawn proof this place please stop hitting me with the instability um dude I’m glad I’m black too I’m glad I’m black I’m glad I’m back too brother it is so good to be I can’t even talk it’s been so long so good to

Be back all right Mr Smithy I will catch you later sir um your lost city’s area is getting crazy now which uh is an issue what do you mean it’s getting crazy does does it get crazier the longer it’s like you’re in It we’re building today we’re big chilling uh we’re putting the lost cities on the back burner I I think for a bit dude can what in the world is there enough stuff Spawning all right I’ll tell you what let’s run back into our house it does oh my gosh I didn’t know that let’s run back into our house um does the game volume see sound slightly loud uh it’s still at 27 maybe it’s just me it might just be me

Hello let’s put all this junk away let’s get uh a little bit organized and I think what we’re going to do is just work on carving stuff out let’s carve these areas out um so that we can start filling the the spa like let’s get the areas that we’re going to put mobs

In built and settled in right and that way we can start putting mobs in um it’s going to be a bit of a process I think it’s probably going to take us quite a while to do what we’re trying to do but it’s going to be worth it man it’s going

To be so good you found a skeleton horse though M skeleton horse can’t remember that when the last time I saw one was I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one in rlcraft though where does LG go I don’t know where algae goes do I have any algae I I do what is

This used for just fishing oh you can turn that into cactus green too I did not know that interesting yeah let’s put that in there this in here fill up our water bottle first time when you SE the first time you’ve seen one in rlcraft are they just

Like a normal spawn or like does the skeleton horse spawn with the The Four Horsemen like you know how in vanilla Minecraft It’ll like get struck by lightning if you go near it and spawn three more and they’ll attack you is it the same concept or is it just like a

Plain old skeleton horse that spawns I think we could probably put those arrows away since we’re not working with that rot let’s put this in there wait yeah let’s put the transportation card in there for now we’re not going to be messing with that anytime in the near

Future I don’t think let’s also stick that in there okay these were our building supplies for the pathway that we were going to work with um sorry I just got to take a minute to like recollect myself it’s been a hot minute and uh I’m a little bit lost

But we’re going to get rolling here real soon soon once I get my groove back I think we’ll be good oh torches I wanted to get Torches uh torch arrows specifically Arrow torches it was a bu uh oh was a buffed Skelly though oh interesting wait do I did I make torches two torch arrows let’s make another stack of these just for for the sake of lighting the place up we’re not going to torches

Will not be our main source of light is the serpent okay that’s a good question it should be I can’t see why he wouldn’t be I mean it’s not like I’ve logged in he looks fine he’s good yeah he looks good is he full health

But you know what I don’t think he was no he wasn’t full health when we uh when we found Him all right I don’t want to spend levels I’m a little greedy on the levels cuz we spent like a freaking boatload uh the last time we played zies what you doing out there uh torches all right let’s go light that up all right okay

I like how you can still kill Mobs with the Torches or with the torch arrows how many nether Stars you record it’s going to take to get legendary on the Scythe oh I I don’t know if I have like an accurate estimation for that one a barent choac Cabra huh what are

You doing in here oh he’s strong dude okay we’re good that’s just normal lag it’s fine I’m just kind of scoping out the surroundings here of the the room that we’re working with just to kind of see maybe we could do a little something special we h a little bit cuz we’re

Going to be doing a lot of digging today a lot of ripping out like some of the side areas wow look at all the variations to the Troopa coas running around another Troopa uh I don’t think this cave really is going to do much for us let’s STI some torches here though

Wait it took one you lucky dog dude all right hold on a second now listen Harry I know you’ve been you’ve been kind of just abusing my luck since you’ve been since I’ve been out but buddy I’m going to need it back no I’m just kidding that’s freaking ridiculous man congratulations one one

Another star okay here’s the deal let’s all right we could work on this room um we could get the room situated so that it’s ready to hold the sea serpent um you know what I’m thinking you know hold on before we put the sea serpent in here you know what I’m

Thinking is if we’re going to turn this into the aquarium you know the aquarium uh with the water mobs things like that what if um wait made it up to two stacks for the cleaver oh my gosh yeah dude two stacks is ridiculous I don’t we spent probably like I think

30 or 40 of them probably around 40 of them on this one and didn’t get masterful which is a little uh disconcerning but whatever uh so okay my my plan here my thoughts right off the bat is that we keep the sea serpent in this side of the

Room but we carve out even more over here and uh we do like the hippoc or the the hippocampus and are there any other water creatures that aren’t going to be like attacking the hippocampus is my question like maybe we put on our science hat

Right now what if we did this what if we ran back to the sea serpent real quick ran around in the ocean for just a minute just a little bit uh to run around out there just a to study some of the creatures stay here sea

Serpent um let’s go out far enough that it’s going to unload him so that he’s not having a chance of jumping out you can one hit Withers dude okay that’s too much that’s ridiculous I didn’t know you could just like straight up one hit a Wither like

That that seems like it’s too strong Ash Destroyer I’m I’m distracted already distracted already all right so let’s find ourselves hippocampus and then after we find the Hipp campus it is that’s that’s a bit silly that’s like a ridiculous amount of damage um but really convenient too so I mean why not right

Uh I don’t know my thoughts here are that maybe if we find a hippocampus we can test which creatures it’s going to like take damage from like there’s a bunch of different water creatures right but most of them are hostile the hip campus is not um if we find a

Hippocampus wait how many magma cubes have I killed um let’s check so if we find a hippocampus 1,3 that’s a lot more than I thought I had but I don’t know how many do you have Mr Harry sir um if we find a hippocampus and we take it nearby other

Mobs and see what mobs attack it we can kind of figure which mobs will be able to like put in or is it just going to be the hippocampus that we I don’t know man this is a tough decision are there any other water creatures from Fire and Ice besides the

Sea Serpent and the hippocampus cuz I I’m thinking that there’s not like I don’t think that I was hoping to maybe collect some of these guy like it would be cool to have some crabs like like two crabs in there 15,000 Savage all right Let’s do let’s grab our birdie bird Smithers he’s very loud let’s wait till this guy floats closer to the surface okay well that wasn’t supposed to happen we got him let’s take this guy and find a hippocampus and then if we find a hippoc campus we can put him next to each other

And see if they’ll attack one another I My Hope Is that they’ll all work oh Sirens are Fire and Ice yeah but Sirens aren’t in the water are they I mean I guess they are technically in the water well okay if we’re going to do an

Aquarium it doesn’t need to just oh he’s going to die outside the water okay this complicates things I’m using my brain juices here sea serpents kill everything I know I was going to keep the sea serpent separate from everybody um at least separated through panes of glass right I

Was expecting that if we put a pan of glass uh in between them that it would be just fine not not so that they’re in the same body of water I’ll tell you what since this guy’s going to die outside of the water let’s just go home

I I don’t know why I expected him to not die outside the water um but here was my my thought process sorry I’m a little confuzzled it’s just been so many days of of not gaming and like just like ripping up the the PC and so I was thinking like on this

Half mobs attack through pains on glass wait no not pains but like full blocks of glass okay so full blocks were cool wait so they would they attack through blocks of glass okay well all right hear me out if they attack through blocks of glass what if we just like put a like

Divider what are you doing in here dude you guys are so obnoxious can I just like work piece um what if we put like a full block like just divider here okay put the sea serpent in this section and then carved out another section over here and put the other creatures inside

Of this area yeah wait they don’t attack through full blocks so full blocks of glass would be okay Oh I thought that was a hole in the wall uh put a walk through the middle yeah yeah that’s what so like even oh dude even like say we did like a glass dome

Right here and then we could leave space above us for them to like swim across the top too all right our inventory is just going to become a mess that’s okay we’re not worried about it we don’t even need most of these supplies we can just start dumping stuff when we get

Full let’s just rip this place out dude we’re in destruction mode right now hey hey Lucy sir my brother my goodness it’s so good to see you guys it’s so good to see you guys you have no idea I felt like I had my life just like

Uprooted and tossed out the window in the past couple of days like everything just got freaking Lo to Smither like I I don’t know I felt so helpless cuz like there’s just nothing I could do my PC just kept shutting off and shutting off and shutting off like after like countless hours of

Troubleshooting we’re back baby we’re back baby okay it doesn’t need to be that much space for the hippoc campuses hippocamp ey excuse him oh oh we have water we’re good what was wrong with it then okay full breakdown of my understanding of what was going on with my PC um I

Came home Tuesday turned it on and uh it wouldn’t turn on um my fans weren’t working the lights weren’t working um any eventually it did turn on uh after like a good five or so minutes and it brought up my BIOS screen bios is like the hardware rather than Windows so like

You got Windows which is software which and then that’s what most interactions are done through right but then you’ve got your bios which is like internal uh like motherboard stuff and it was like telling me that the BIOS couldn’t start properly and I was freaking out cuz I

Had never seen that before I didn’t understand what was going on so I called Zach up he was like dude you got a problem and uh I did some troubleshooting I called the the developers like the company that made my PC I was like hey man I got some issues

They were like all right let’s run through it let’s do some troubleshooting so for hours we we troubleshoot dude we did everything that we could um and it just kept shutting off it just kept shutting off and shutting off he was like okay seems to be that the issue is

With the hardware um and given the collection of information that we’ve had it’s like it seems like it’s a motherboard issue we’re going to have to have you set it back uh to the to us and we’ll fix it we’ll replace the motherboard we’ll send it back to

You I was like okay how long is that going to take he was like 3 to 5 weeks I was like my heart my heart and um so the next day uh I was like well I can’t help but mess around with it I just couldn’t help it I was like I have

To try to turn it on right um I can’t just like sit there and watch it be turned off and wait for the package to show up for me to sh ship back so I messed around with it some some and uh it turns on and it lets me in Windows

And I was like okay hold on like it cuz the fans were still acting funny it was incredibly laggy there was a pro like it wouldn’t let me do much with it um and it was really slow I was like okay well let me call CLX again cuz that’s the

Company that made the PC um I call them up I uh they’re like okay let’s do some more troubleshooting cuz now we’re actually in Windows we find that there’s a bunch of programs there’s one specific program which is Alienware Command Center which is alien hey what’s going

On Eder um Alienware is my mouse right that I have um and alien wear’s a great like brand however their software tends to not interact well with other softwares um and I didn’t know that I was not aware but apparently since the day I had my PC Alienware has been

Crashing constantly back and back and back and back and forth and I also found out that my BIOS was like one of the oldest updates possible um which is odd because it’s a brand new pc and I couldn’t figure out why they were like okay well let’s uninstall alien Command

Center let’s reinstall alien Command Center seemed okay seemed to be working after that um other than like a bunch of other issues with like the fans and stuff like that there was like and my PC was getting hot it was like 80° because of the fans weren’t working

And we’re like okay well since the BIOS is way out of date let’s try to update the BIOS and that’s a whole mess apparently in a self so we download the update to the BIOS to a thumb drive right the thumb the reason why you have

To do that is because if you update the PC while it’s live while it’s active and connected to the internet you run the chance of like frying the whole system um and doing it through a thumb drive and off the internet the interweb uh reduces some risks now if it were to

Crash during that it also runs the risk of frying the motherboard but it was like okay well we’re either going to send it back to replace the motherboard or we can try to fix the BIOS update and and if it fries the motherboard worst case scenario we have to send it back

Anyway so we’re like okay well we might as well try it um so we tried working the the BIOS update and it just shuts off mid update it shuts off and that’s the risk of thring the motherboard and I was like freaking out a bit um and it

Turned back on it didn’t fry the motherboard um for whatever reason cuz supposedly it’s like a really high chance of just totally wrecking the motherboard whenever you like crash an update like that 80° is normal for your laptop that’s I mean not quite normal for my

PC um but so we couldn’t get the up the BIOS to update properly and it the PC just kept crashing during the update and we were like goodness and for some reason or another it never fried the motherboard like nothing ever went wrong it kept like bringing us back into the

BIOS but it kept crashing before we were able to finish the update so we’re like okay let’s wait let’s just give it some time let’s let it sit overnight like the package isn’t going to be here till Friday so that I can send it back anyway

So the worst thing that we can do is or you know the best thing we could do was sit here and wait let it just rest for over night so I jump in this morning excuse me and uh I try to run the BIOS update and it seemed to go

Through every uh properly okay um now for whatever reason uh Windows just disappeared my PC like no longer recognized windows at all it was just gone uh entirely and the only access I had was to the the the BIOS so I call up CLX again I’m like hey guys like update

For bios seemed to look okay um for whatever reason it didn’t update to the most recent bios uh but it did go halfway it went from being like a 2019 version to a 21 2021 version so that’s cool right like we made an update happen um and for whatever reason uh switching

Out one of the the chips like so the dude was like all right what I need you to do open up the side of your PC grab yourself a screwdriver take this out put it over here and I was like okay like what’s the worst that can

Happen right I’m going to send it back anyway if it doesn’t work um so I pull a bunch of stuff out I swap out some of the chips I move the chips around on the motherboard and it works it just mat dude I felt like a freaking wizard Harry

Like yo wizard hay and it it just worked it just magically turned back on with everything is working brand spanking new there’s not a single issue anymore I don’t have any idea why it’s working brand new um but they told me to do some things I did them and it works so we’re

Back we’re we’re freaking back dude uh uh hope like fingers crossed we don’t have any issues uh I’ve been we’ve been streaming for a half hour looks good to me everything is squeaky clean squeaky smooth uh wait I guess laptops don’t really have much Co cooling room at all

Do they you should put some gloves on in case you shock the motherboard with static oh I was definitely not wearing gloves um I I didn’t even think about that um well I’m not touching it anymore make sure you yes I did disconnect the power supply um I I mean the guys that

Were walking me through it were pretty thorough you know they they were really good dudes like and they’re quick too you know they and they’re very respectful and honestly considering I had no idea what I was doing um they were quite patient for somebody that’s

Like uh I got to do the what the thing goes where what is it called who what huh I don’t understand there’s a thing what does that mean what like you know what I mean like I was just a clueless freaking spoon the whole process and uh

So they were huge helps man um here we are it’s working working again all right so I think this should be enough that should be enough space that should be more than enough space um I suppose it didn’t matter if you fried it anyway as

You nearly lost yeah exactly um I mean I was going to send it back right I was in the process of like just shooting it back to them and being like well they’re going to replace the motherboard anyway um so I was like well if it fries it if

We screw it up then no harm no foul it’s like we might as well try um if you ever need help again hit you up dude I would be very uh appreciative uh the whole process made me like really interested in like tweaking with PCS and just whole

The whole process is fascinating to me um you know I’ve opened up PCS before uh but never to the extent of what we did troubleshooting these issues um it was a lot of fun I enjoyed it um I was scared like I was definitely afraid to mess it

Up I was like if I if I do one wrong thing like I could fry the whole PC it would be like in trouble now granted it’s all under warranty right yeah so everything was covered fortunately I was just afraid to to screw it up um but

We’re good man it looks good to me um and I’m proud of myself I never thought I’d be able to like just straight up fix it but here we are uh as Lucy tends to say May the diligent prevail all right we’re just getting the rough

Shape out I I like I prefer to get like the shape down first right um oh but hey Harry aside from like if I ever need help again um if for whatever reason you ever have some just like free information that you’re willing to be like hey check this out you might find

It interesting I would be very happy to uh to learn some things like I said um during the whole process of troubleshooting I I started to get more and more interested in the whole process so like I mean I don’t exactly have like a degree in in that stuff I never went

To college for anything let alone like tech support and stuff like that but it is interesting to me uh I would be for sure fascinated in learning some more stuff in the future um and you know hopefully knock on W right hopefully we don’t ever have

Issues with our own PC again here um and we can just continue streaming as is and we don’t ever have to shut the be the the whole thing down um but uh I don’t know he said um when I first changed my Ram I bought it and the ram

Didn’t fit my motherboard so I had to buy a new motherboard then found my CPU didn’t fit the motherboard so I had to buy a new CPU oh my gosh dude you done went through the whole like bit or shis and kazoo what’s it called the the whole

Kitten Kaboodle what there’s a phrase that has to do with a kazoo too but I can’t think of it this is why I try to get my PhD in a field before diving into the practicals yeah I mean don’t get me wrong I I had never fora myself like

Like digging into my PC and just like messing around with it and trying to fix it but um you know it was like it was one of those moments where it was like well it’s not going to hurt to try right so we might as well and it paid off man it

Definitely paid off and I had a good time doing it too spent 2 hours researching ssds before buying one uh from a laptop yeah dude if I’m going to buy something like that though like I’m going to do my research right like I I spent a pretty excessive amount of time

Researching PCS before I actually bought this one um um now I mean I didn’t go as far to learn how to like assemble them right that’s a lot uh but either way um it’s definitely best to do your research before you dive head first into something like that wanted to spend 200

On RAM and end up spending like a thousand oh my gosh dude it half the time you know what so I was talking to Zach about this like specifically graphics cards are outrageously expens like ridiculously expensive it makes no sense how expensive they are um so if

You’re like we him and I came to the conclusion that like if you’re ever looking to like just upgrade your say you’ve got like a two or threeyear old computer and you’re looking to upgrade your graphics card for whatever reason as expensive as they are it’s almost Ben

More beneficial to just buy a whole new pc um you know you spend a few hundred extra dollars to but you get the entire thing rather than just the graphics card again you can upgrade everything all at once like it the the PCS are expensive but the graphics card is a majority of

Your your cost which um that’s a whole argument I did a bunch of research in my time out of the stream as well finding that like there’s a whole frustrating situation in the world with like why are graphics cards so expensive we don’t know they just charge you that cuz they can assem

We here on the Lucifer Planet dive right into the physics of things the planet of Lucy it’s where it’s his world we’re just living in it Man do I go one more back All right we’re fine tuning bro where are you guys coming from okay um sorry you don’t need these insane graphics cards though you really don’t um you know my buddy Zach and I talked pretty thoroughly about it saying that like you know his graphics card is like three generations behind

And he doesn’t have any issues on any game ever like at all brand new games that come out he doesn’t have a single issue and he runs his games on like the highest possible settings and stuff and it’s like well if that’s the case then why do you really need like the newest

Graphics card unless now he just games right he doesn’t like stream he doesn’t record he doesn’t do anything but except like straight up just gaming um so it’s not like his PC is going through like a whole load of of stuff all at once he’s not trying to run a bunch of different

Programs he’s just playing the game um so like it’s not quite as hard on his his PC and his graphics card and all that but uh still like if you’re able to run like the newest fanciest games in the highest settings with a a three generation old graphics card then like

Why buy the new ones um and I’ll never get sponsored by a graphics card company now after talking about this but I don’t think it’s necessary although uh they are beautiful they are freaking awesome and uh dude him and I were looking at PC and like I was looking at like $3,000 PCS

Just window shopping you know I had no intention of buying a $3,000 PC but man is it fun to look like it just they’re so nice man it’s just so beautiful and is so shiny and just oh I want to buy them all I just want like a whole collection of them uh

But it’s a little outrageous it’s too much something feels off here I don’t know it doesn’t need to be perfect does it cuz we’re going to all right so my thought process here this actually looks pretty good I think I’m cool with the shape here um it doesn’t need to be

Perfect cuz what I’m going to do is I’m going to go out into the ocean and collect a whole bunch of coral and other stuff that is going to like essentially cover up this area we’re going to make this look like an ocean if that makes sense

Right uh oh I’m sorry I was missing I was in the zone talking about PCS and stuff uh Missing chats s yeah the gpus are very expensive uh because the first monopo second because the crypto and AI data centers buy them in bulk yeah yeah that definitely has uh

A significant impact on the whole thing um it almost makes you wonder like like where’s it going in the future right cuz like as technology advances things like that should in theory become less expensive uh because you know we get better at building them the uh the

Process becomes more like refined and I don’t know at least that’s how it works my head theoretically it should become cheaper over time uh but they seem to become more and more expensive but your graphics card Harry is from 2014 and you can run most games

Yeah dude that’s what I’m saying like I I just I don’t think it’s necessary um although it is convenient and nice um to have like the nicest most updated thing like it it doesn’t seem to be totally necessary H it looks okay uh with the optimization that modern games have you do sometimes need them uh if you want to play the latest titles but Minecraft like people uh M Minecraft people like us don’t need them yeah yeah you’re right now however I mean personally I like the new games as well

I don’t just like Minecraft um but I mean and granted my graphics card is pretty new as well I like I run I think that the newest generation is the 4080 I think I think I’m pretty sure it’s up to 40 and I run a 3060 on my PC so like

It’s not the newest how it’s not that out out of date but it’s not the newest and it does just fine on everything I have no issues um but oh and yes it it might be different of streaming I I think it is different with with streaming um what the freaking

Heck let’s just dump our stuff real quick let’s put our inventory away and then go to an ocean and collect a bunch of ocean looking things like Coral what they’ll do is make it so that games can’t run old cards then charge loads for the new ones yeah I mean don’t

Tell them that cuz don’t don’t say that cuz then they’ll speed up the process let’s not in fact you know what uh I had to just buy a new graphics card the other day because everything’s so outdated and there’s no need for them to do that right now okay you can wait

Another 10 years to to make those changes guys don’t worry we just all bought brand new graphics cards you don’t have to worry about anything yes the 4090 sorry I think I said 4080 before most companies these days don’t optimize games for Native Solutions or excuse me resolutions uh

They do it for the up sced versions newest is the RTX 490 dude I was looking at RTX 490s and Lordy be are they nice they like those computers are so nice looking and I mean as we said before a little unnecessary you don’t you just don’t need something that redonkulous

But uh it is nice you know what I was going to fix my pickaxe but whoops I think we have plenty of durability on that and let’s sleep quick and then we’re going to go to the oce and collect a whole bunch of coral and stuff like

That man it just feels so good to be back I don’t even whoa speaking of graphics cards no I I think that’s a I think that might be an issue with the uh well we’re not running that Shader pack I don’t know forget about it ignore it it didn’t

Happen upscaled is stuff like dlss or FSR see I’m not familiar with that stuff though I am not familiar we’ll be collecting some of those guys at some point does that oh it doesn’t all go straight into the inventory okay some of it does a lot of it goes straight into the

Inventory we don’t need too much this one little patch of coral might just do it for us it’s going to take up a lot of inventory space the pictures the ones causing the viral glitches oh the excuse the viral the visual glitches uh well we

Can remove the Pixies if we need to I know they’re a little loud and obnoxious does that oh that does work man I should put magnetic on a pickaxe it’s all right it’s not the end of the world it’ll just take us a minute to walk around and collect stuff I don’t

Think there’s that type of coral as well uh wait so your 3060 runs dlss kill the Pixies kill the trumpet skeleton Harry calm down I didn’t say kill them I feel like they’re not even I don’t know about you guys I Zone them out at this point I don’t even like

Notice the Pixies in the background or the trumpet skeleton now we don’t really pass the trumpet skeleton too often um but when we are near them I I don’t even really notice it anymore you’ve got magnetic on your pick and it get it’s getting annoying just fills up the

Ventory yeah see it’s it is annoying when you’re not intentionally trying to fill your inventory but like in a situation like this right here where we’re trying specifically to collect this block it would be really nice to have it um that’s the reason why I have not

Put magnetic on my pickaxe cuz it’s it’s really freaking annoying now I’ve got it on my my paxel but eh yeah dude the the whole a lot of the computer stuff just kind of goes over my head it really does uh like I I try

Really hard to learn and like I pay as much attention as I can especially during that troubleshooting process over the past few days um I I definitely have learned a bit about it but uh there is like this part of my brain that’s just like uh numbers and letters and letters and

Numbers like it just doesn’t make any sense you know uh it is all just like a a lot of it is just a big combination of like and numbers and I’m like what does all this mean you know what I mean but it helps like to understand the

Function and the purpose of the specific things and that’ll like definitely help me grasp the concept A little bit better um I don’t know I’ve always been that way when it comes to like learning anything even through school is like um if I understand like more about the

Individual thing if it’s not just a letter and a number like if it holds more value than that then I have an easier time understanding and like remembering the stuff that it has to do but it is a lot of letters and numbers stop it stop it what now you’re

Not going to do well underwater Buddy we are Christmas musicing today sort of Fe 2032 H2O may be the reason you mean rust wait is that rust is that oxidized iron we’ll be getting better with time if you keep learning yeah absolutely um it it is a a time thing like you can

Throw a bunch of numbers at somebody within 30 seconds and they’ll be like what the freaking what is all these numbers like it doesn’t make any sense but repetition in in time will definitely help especially a Slowpoke collect myself can I Collect you know what I think that that this Coral specifically is something to do with just the water and sand like if I Place sand underwater I think that that stuff just naturally grows on it yeah see look so like maybe part of our decoration in that area can be sand and

It should naturally generate some of these looking coral like things yeah that is rough see I’m I’m not that see see I yeah Fe is iron H is water and if you oxidize water it turns to rust I know what I’m talking about see I’m smart guys you think I’m like just some

Big dope that plays Minecraft it’s true but know some things Harry’s like uhhuh smart huh you think you’re smart well do you have a living s sorry Harry that’s not how I think you sound [Applause] what the heck was that that was a green Dude okay I don’t think we need quite that much Coral all no comment I love you [Laughter] Harry uh if you oxidize your iron it turns to rust yes and like this is where I start talking about stuff that I don’t know what I’m talking

About and I’m like it’s fact see and you guys are like no actually it’s this and he going to say like Iron Will oxidize like normally but you can speed up the process with things like water um cuz there water has a high concentration of oxygen in it

Yeah whereas like the air that you breathe normally I think I’m pretty sure I don’t know if these numbers are correct but I believe that the air that we breathe on a daily basis is around 70% nitrogen and there’s very little oxygen in the air that we breathe um but

It doesn’t mean that there’s no oxygen in it we do still need oxygen to breathe the coral plants as well hence the spron yes wait oh Coral Earth plants as well I noticed that I I was like I’m wondering where that guy spawned from at first I

Was like oh it must have happened from the the uh the coral it’s interesting it makes sense oh dirt would be a good one Too 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen there’s a lot of oxygen but uh definitely mostly nitrogen can you not dude like do you have to all right I would like more of the dry Reef um but I think we might have like a good amount of the coral Reef’s that

Oh you know what now’s a good time to test this I don’t think these guys respawn though I don’t want to kill them I don’t know if they die outside of water either we’re testing something quick um I want to say he is going to die outside of water and if that’s the

Case uh we’ll probably come back for him all right I do see more dry dry Coral so we’re going to hang out for just a second if he does not die outside of water we might just take him back with us if we had more OT in uh excuse

Me hippoc campuses don’t respawn but they won’t despawn either right shouldn’t despawn like if we just take him back to our house and like sit him out outside uh he’s not going to just like disappear on us I think he should remain in the same place they don’t die outside

Of water we might take this guy back with us now after we collect more of this dry Coral um okay I don’t know why that happened um but it did and he’s not coming back we’ll find another one well uh name tag for safety yeah I I would have name tagged him if that didn’t just happen uh I can’t tell you exactly what just

Happened it it looked like a matter of like getting squished but I’m not positive why is Smithy not put him he is I thought what was he was it him attacking it I I was pretty sure he was on passive but I could be mistaken hang on we’ll check in a

Second passive sit I don’t know I don’t know why he killed it it looked like he almost got squished but I’m not positive it’s a okay we’ll find more there’s plenty of them in the world um and we can always just continue to explore I kind of want to can we tame

That guy with like aquatic treats where’d he go what hey aquatic treats hurry up hurry up hurry up why am I sinking there we go cool dude we got a verant Roa he considered amount he is cool dude all right well Mission successful I got to remember to make more of those um Soul Gems or whatever they’re called The Soul thingies all right Smithy let’s find another uh hippocampus if we can hippocamp ey just get two AA campi and breed them

Okay we can do that I didn’t really plan on wow okay let’s get one of each color right um we could definitely breed them I believe you said before that they breed with sponges um so we could do that oh look at that if only we could carry more than one at a

Time I’m pretty sure home is just over this hill Oh wait let’s test something quick prismarine crystals not sponges okay sorry they drop sponges when they die then got it um well this I wanted to see if the the crabs would attack the Hippa campi um that way we could like put

Hippocamp ey in the same uh little section as crabs okay I guess the question is like if he’s not going to die outside the water is he going to run away like can they move one land and if yes where can we put him in the meantime

All right Smithy you’re kind of big dude is he going to just stay up here I would say keep each variety of mobs separate but your choice okay Al the the underwater ones I was hoping to keep uh somewhat together is can they not move on land

Yes they can move on land but very slowly can they jump like is he going to be able to get through that one Gap he’s kind of cute dude he’s I would have thought that he’d go over that gap before I just didn’t want him jumping off and walking off the ledge but if he can just like stay there I’ll stick a name tag on him and we’ll call it a

Day I’m kind of just observing hold on I don’t know he seems chill he seems big chilling oh we can tame them with sponges right like yeah yeah yeah you sorry I missed that one you did say that you can use a stick to set uh to

Set them to on sit if they’re tamed okay we don’t have that many sponges but I guess we only need two To Be Tamed if we get two tame them with sponges that should be all said and done cuz we can breed them for we can breed

The rest of them and I would assume that the ones that we bre breed afterwards with the tamed ones should also be tame uh I could be Wrong pretty sure the hippocamp P were like directly across the water here like tucked in this corner where you at boys okay is that a red one or a brown one is the same color all right easy gamble pickaxe would that work uh oh maybe for duplicating sponges I think is

What he’s referring to I’d rather not I I think the gamble pickaxe I would assume it’s a 50/50 chance and like statistically if you have a stack of of whatever block any block if you you have 64 of them and you mine 64 with the gamble pickaxe statistically half of them will break

And Destroy themselves and the other half will duplicate So in theory you should end up with a stack again right if it’s a 50% chance um I’m assuming it doesn’t specify so I’m I’m just guessing it’s a 50% chance Get in there get get in there do it all the hippoc campire are nice kill other Guardians and doom leg dungeons to get sponges that way I think that’s probably much faster if you get put fortune on it increases the wait really if you put fortune on a gamble pickaxe

It increases the chance of duplicating it oh it is 50/50 until you put fortune on it and if that’s the case you could get up to Fortune 4 which I wonder how much slightly okay nah nah I’d rather go to a dungeon sounds more Fun all right let’s slap these sponges down or oral blocks okay we’re going to need more than just sponges and coral so let’s do this let’s do let’s actually move this put it like on this back wall here dungeons will be more exciting I mean not much more exciting right still

Fairly boring but we’ll do it it’ll be a little bit Bor a little bit better a little bit better better better better better all right dirt dirt and dirt and sand I don’t think gravel grows anything on it but gravel could be something just to spice it up right

Out X was a master gambler but he dipped on this one which is good yeah I mean well when you all right Lucy when you put it like that now I kind of feel like we have to do it we could use the gamble pickaxe wow we’re almost out of

Sand I don’t think we’ll need that much we really don’t need that much Um is there anything else that we can use probably just like some Cobblestone right it doesn’t need to be much it’s going to be filled with water right and then so you’re not really going to most of it and then we’re going to put a bunch of coral down and stuff

On top of it uh which is going to cover up even more of what we got going on we need lights though we need a way to light up the water from inside the water so I’m thinking like probably just like prismarine lanterns right I don’t

Know that seems to be like the easiest and most practical Pursuit uh Cobble sea lanterns oh is that what they’re called I think I just called them something else yeah all an orange one oh it’s an El Elder lantern that might look nice we do have a little bit of Elder prismarine

Not too much just a little bit and I know we could technically infinitely duplicate the Elder prismarine as long as we have regular prismarine which should be much easier to collect um so we could do that if we need to prismarine blocks and variants look good we could do that I’ll tell you

What Let’s do let’s TCH texture the entire room with the blocks that we have on our hot bar right now okay and then afterwards we can come back and add like structural pieces made out of prismarine an elder prismarine how’s that sound that that seems like it would be

Cool to have like maybe not much like right like just a pillar here and there or like just a like a square sticking out of the wall to represent like a room or something I don’t know um it doesn’t need to be anything too crazy but I think it would probably look

Nice so I’m thinking we texture with Sands dirt and Cobblestone and then lay coral reef on top stream Crystal might also look nice that’s a good call as well Harry let’s do like patches patches are hola hand you guys ever seen dodgeball we’re probably going to need more of

Each well no we got a whole bunch the floor the floor I’m probably going to rip out let’s do the floor after you play dodgeball never seen it though dodgeball is an older movie from like the early 2000s it’s a good movie it’s comical if you can dodge a

Wrench you can dodge a ball what’s your plan to fill it up with water that’s a wonderful question uh we got this cool new thing called uh what’s it called a water crystal or something like that there’s one of the um one of the things that we made from the

Crafting runes I don’t remember exactly what it’s called but uh it says that it creates like an infinite amount of water we can try to use that I didn’t really have a plan I figured we’ just figure it out as we go that’s that’s how we

Roll usually we crash and burn but it’s fun oh they want to be Source blocks oh I don’t know I haven’t tried it yet it might be a source block it might not I assumed it would be but I I could just be wrong I I’m not positive

Okay the sand might be a little Tricky sand is just going to have to avoid the roof right The top ones would be but it would fall down so you would need to make it in layers that’s kind of what I was thinking right we just start at the bottom and like the in theory right if we do like one corner like one side it

Should fill in Source blocks most of the way right and then as we go up we just like do one layer around the side and it should fill in Source blocks for most of it I don’t know we’ll have to mess around with it um I haven’t used that item yet so we’ll See I just thought though I wonder if the coral is going to survive like if I put Coral down right now and it’s not in water it’s probably going to die or not let me place it down you would need to build uh build the floor up

Though what do you mean you need to build the floor up though oh oh oh huh then remove after placing the water I see what you’re saying huh Huh Mr team animals Travis sir get his who back cha CH cha CH Slim Shady Back again check chck check check don’t get me started Travis I I can’t if I start hearing Eminem lyrics I I have to sing Them M I did I wish we got more dry reath we’re going to need more of it my Slumber calls I will see y’all tomorrow all right Mr Lucy sir dude it was so good to see you guys again uh take care Mr Lou and I will catch you in the next one my friend

He’s like man this is getting boring you guys are just building I got to go Yeah by the way uh can you all wait you can also sprinkle lapis ore for Decor that’s a good call lapis ore as well I don’t have too much lapis ore but we can definitely go collect a little bit of it it’s not hard to Find H yeah that looks Fair looks good enough and then we’ll sprinkle like dirt around and the dirt will like grow stuff on it as the water fills [Applause] [Applause] in wonder if Like we could probably stick to like stone for certain patches as well so like we’ll leave like like say we leave like this little portion right here to be Stone and then we can sprinkle like the coral itself on top of it in different areas to as well

Like so like well the main backdrop would be dirt Stone Cobble and then we could touch up with like coral reef um dry reef and then certain ores like lapis and maybe even some stream Stone and then come back and do like different sectional areas with um uh prismarine

Blocks Lush stone is a good one to go with stone all right we do have a whole bunch of [Applause] that okay I don’t know it’s not that bad it doesn’t look bad I don’t think it’s really worth fussing over right now like we spend too much timey like

Being like Oh the dirt and this and that uh we’ll never get to the point where we actually make it look good with all the other details so if we just like kind of just go freaking crazy with what we got going on now not spend too much time

Worrying about about exactly what the dirt and stuff like that looks like in the background um it will bring itself together as we place all the other blocks down like the coral and prismarine and then we’ll do like sand sand at the floor do we do the entire floor out of

Sand I don’t think I think that’s too much or there’s red sand as well but red sand really isn’t found underwater okay hold on we’re almost done with the the Cobblestone and the dirt let’s just finish that up before we get too crazy We need a bird we’re going to run out of Mana a tiny bird where’s our Tiny Bird dang it where’s our other bird all right back chilling so Harry I guess I didn’t really ask you much uh about what has been going on since I’ve been gone how sir well I got

A good idea based on your uh your talk about the Scythe right but how exactly is your hardcore run going my friend um clearly you haven’t died or else you’d be like freaking out I would assume you’d be freaking out I’d be freaking Out okay give me a bird give me a Bird oops too much holy crap that’s too much that is a lot of cobblestone right there it’s all right we’ll break it up it’s not not going to be like so dense still alive currently making an auto storage system not realizing how big it’s going to be and I haven’t even

Finished the stone part of the storage and I’ve used four stacks of crates bro I think I mean look man you do what you want to do but it it sounds like you may sort of be overdoing it with the automatic storage uh by all means continue doing

What it is that you’re doing but I don’t know I I don’t really see an issue to have or a reason to have an automatic storage in rlcraft although it would be very cool I would be quite impressed with you if you did make that work and especially to have like a spot

For every single item in the game all right the Bell I think will come back with that I don’t know exactly how but I do like the way they look and I’m wondering if maybe ooh I’ve never seen one underwater I I wonder if they’re not compatible with water like

If they’re going to open up like a funky area like that it is not going to be able to water log it I guess we could check oh we don’t have a water bucket on us I’m too messy my base floor is currently filled with unsorted shulkers

Oh see I N that’s too much not right there uh you got to have the the sorted bits I don’t know I need some form of organization even if it’s a little chaotic as long as it’s like somewhat organized if you have an idea of what

Goes where that’s enough for me um I don’t need some big fancy Auto sorted system um even though it is really nice it’s a lot of work but it’s nice to have whoa okay sent the first layer on on Discord nice dude oh my goodness oh you dirty dog you’re using uh a pre-built structure for your base how dare you unacceptable Harry uh probably spend 10% of my time looking for one item I need in a Shuler yeah see if you’re going through that if you’re wasting all your time doing that

That’s I don’t know if that’s the case then sure like but I don’t know I tend to find a system that works for me um typically to a point where I you know I might look a little bit but I stay fairly organized with my [Applause]

Stuff don’t get me wrong that like in between projects it gets messy but uh all in all it stays fairly organized and I don’t know that’s always been enough for me to be like all right well I guess I don’t really need an automatic sorting system that’s not to say that it

Wouldn’t be super convenient and cool [Applause] probably living with my Advanced protection for vain sharp wait I’m living with my uh Advanced protection 4 sharpness 5 villager wait you mean he’s like just in the same area that you’re in right now cuz you and I both know that’s a big old no no [Applause] brother [Applause] What oh he’s in this Village oh I’m sure you’re more than prepared to just like warp out at any time right like if an event spawns you’re not going to just stay there at least I would hope not I don’t know how I feel about this whole ho in the roof like I don’t want to decorate it but that’s how we’re going to get the sea serpent in so I think we just decorate around it for now we’ll worry about that [Applause] later H man I do like those bellam it it kind of hurts ripping them out like I want to keep them we should test it let’s test it let’s go outside with a couple of them let’s hit the water and see if they can actually like sit in the water

Properly or if they’re going to like create an air gap I have a feeling they’re going to just make an air gap yeah yeah see it looks odd it doesn’t look right I don’t think that’s going to work underground cuz like you got to think like from the perspective like it this

Itself right here doesn’t look that bad but I don’t know I just wish you could water log them it would look much better uh and if we’re like say we have like a layer of glass in front of us preventing like the water from spilling out it’s going to look probably even funnier

Seeing like mostly just well if we activate that texture pack you’re not even going to see the glass unless we use colored glass but I think I’d rather it be clear I don’t know I don’t think they’re going to look right underwater if we really want to we can mess around with

It but I think we’re probably going to option away from those things okay that looks good enough I think for the grass or for the dirt and the Cobblestone so like I kind of want to do like small mounds of sand building up around the edges so let’s do the floor

First I think uh I’m assuming that’s going to be the right path here for us and I want to I think I want to do like the entire thing out of sand and in order to help like break up the blandness of just being sand we can add like height variations like little

Miniature Hills and and mounds and stuff just to kind of say like hey this isn’t just like okay not necessary buddy you can just go somewhere else um yeah so we we’ll create like height variation to help break up the the blandness of just being a flat sand

Area and I’m thinking that should be enough in combination with the coral reef cuz like we can also put coral on the floor too right to help break up the the sand it’s going to get dark in here sent your base floor on Discord I have a full storage downstairs but I’m

Too lazy to use it oh no oh my gosh dude oh no no no nope not for me uh-uh boy I can’t live like that uh-uh no sir all no that’s that’s what you like if you ever seen hermitcraft if you guys have ever watched that series on YouTube

Hermitcraft that is what they call a chest monster and it is unacceptable I don’t like that I couldn’t live like that dude we’ll keep the charred cobblestone eh we don’t really need it but I mean dude to be honest though like some people work like that you know

Hermitcraft is amazing dude I like their series um I mean I don’t like watching everybody no offense to to some of them they’re all very awesome people um they’ve got quite a community there but uh I don’t if I could I’d probably sit and watch everybody’s perspective but ain’t nobody got time for

That all right let’s get rid of these blocks so we’re not just like cluttering our inventory I hate doing it uh I just yeah I know I know dude it it’s tough to get away from um it is definitely worth spending like the it’s a chunk of time it takes to

Organize properly but after you organize properly it’s worth it it absolutely is every time spend hours looking for items no I can’t do it I can’t spend that much time looking for items dude it’s it there’s no point I just I feel like I’m wasting my life I’m like open chest close chest

Open CL chest close chest open chest close chest did I look that chest did I check that chest I can’t remember open it again close the chest like uh-uh I now like I don’t need a chest for every single item like what you’re doing is like excessive if you ask me um I

Commend you for it but um I much prefer dude guys look man I I know this is RL craft but freaking screw off please um like I said I I commend you for going above and beyond to make a chest for every single item but that is

Also too much for me because by the time you get down uh like you’ve got this giant gigantasaurus room full of chests and like that itself is a mess right like I prefer to have just like you know one chest for like a certain type of item right and

Then okay it’s going to be like this for a minute um like say all the ocean stuff in one chest or like part of the ocean stuff in one chest right or like the end stuff is in a certain area and then the the nether stuff is in another area I

Prefer building it my storage is like that um that way like I I can still figure out what everything is in my head um and I don’t take up like an excessive amount of space with my storage um I don’t know it it seems to be a happy balance between the two for

Me but it depends on what mod you’re playing too like if you’re playing a mod that has like hundreds and hundreds of different necessary items to keep and use constantly then like an automatic sorting system is definitely probably a little bit more convenient for

You they fill up too fast oh yeah see I still use shers see I still use shulkers on the floor sometimes but for smaller projects like um I don’t constantly use Shuler like I’m not going to just have like permanent shulkers on the floor right I’ll have like temporary shulkers on the

Floor but I don’t know if I have like both items like for example all the fish that we were catching the other day I’ll just start slapping them in shulkers right and then fill up a crate full of shulkers that are full of the fish um

And same goes for like like if you have an excessive amount of stone I just like and at some point do you really need like 32 shulkers of stone blocks right unless you’re on harmit Craft and you’re you know just straight up just like building a Monumental thing that is just

Thousands and thousands and thousands of blocks like you don’t need all that so like you just throw stuff out at some point at least I do I don’t know I like I’m dropping Stone now but stone is so easy to collect that if I ever run out then

I’ll just like take one of my multi-tools and just rip the ground up and it’ll take like 15 minutes to collect like you know six or seven shulkers of of stone or whatever it is that I’m trying to Collect all that would have stop it all right the instability dude plus um but most of the big mods have refined storage yes that is absolutely true I love refined storage dude I I love not just refined storage but the different storage mods dude they are so nice

They’re so convenient and they make life so much easier it makes you wish that you had something like that in vanilla but then I guess it wouldn’t quite be vanilla Anymore dude speaking of vanilla I saw a clip earlier I put it in the the Discord Channel asking and silver confirmed that it’s true um supposedly they’re adjusting enchantments first of all they’re nerfing certain enchantments like um fortune 3 is no longer capped at fortune 3 it’s now going to be capped at

Fortune 2 and then a couple other ones are going to be capped like that as well and then the villagers that sell those enchantments are also going to be divided into specific biomes I don’t know uh he said it’s true and silver is a pretty smart dude he

Knows what’s up uh he keeps up to date with all that stuff so I trust his opinion why why would they why would they do that I don’t know I don’t really like the idea of that I don’t know it depends if the details like say the new Fortune 2 still

Had the same effect as fortune 3 fantastic that sounds great to me I have no issue with that however dividing the the villagers and setting them up to only be in certain biomes like that’s going to be a pain in the tush dude hey welcome back to Knob I mean Moss excuse

Me Moss hello sir congratulations on your exams brother I hope you did well man I really did I I’m I’m glad you’re done man that’s always a a large a large weight off your back um I’m excited for you brother only one more week of school all Snappers

Adap I thought you get out of here with your adaptable Villers are too op yes I would agree with that I 100% I I cannot argue villagers are too op but I don’t think that it requires the Nerf that they’re putting in the way I heard it it sounds like they’re crushing

Villagers like like just into the ground and I don’t think that that’s what they needed I think they needed tweaked just not murdered and and it sounds like they may be murdering villagers um I don’t know all the details like I said I I didn’t do like a ton of research I just

Like saw 60 60c snippet of what they were potentially doing and it sounded to me like they’re taking certain enchantments and reducing the effectiveness of them okay so not only are you nerfing the villagers but you’re also nerfing the enchantments themselves and then on top of that they’re taking

Oh I misunderstood the short hold on uh it meant that the villagers will only sell enchants so let’s say you max out Fortune 2 oh but Fortune will still cap it three I did misunderstand it I’m so sorry dude okay so what you’re saying is that villagers can’t sell fortune 3 anymore

What they would sell is up to a Max of Fortune 2 and you would have to buy two Fortune 2 books to make the a fortune 3 that makes more sense the way I interpreted it was that the enchantments themselves are being capped at Fortune 2

Um which I thought was outrageous I was like that why why would you like Nerf the villagers not the enchantments right um but that makes sense that is much more understandable I think that that’s a warranted thing absolutely makes sense um I can get down with that for sure uh

They need to make the Enchantment books look better to get through the enchantment table yes yeah yeah um the enchantment table does seem pretty irrelevant for the most part it depends on what you’re playing right if you’re playing vanilla why why would you not just rip up villagers and just completely bypass

The enchantment table Right by the way sir Harry uh heard you’re building something I would like to peek at it if that’s fine says silver yeah Harry if you don’t mind slap the uh the photographs of your base in the um in the Discord Channel please dude thank you silver for confirming

That for me brother um and yes sorry dornob I missed your chat sir yes we are working on the zoo my friend uh well I guess it’s Zoo it it’s become a zoo we’ll put it that Way For something doesn’t feel right here okay still doesn’t feel right uh tomorrow is a movie day at school my dad asked me if I want to go and uh to and said no but get uh he bought tickets for me and my brother and he asked me if

I want to go dude you should go I mean I don’t know what movie it is it might be like the worst movie you’ve ever seen but it sounds fun you should go go to the camp and also I said no but he bought that so I’m stuck gone no dude

You’ll have a good time you should go you you should go for sure enjoy some family time man and what if it like did he tell you what movie it was cuz that’s the real question here right Oh it’s school time not family time what do you mean I thought you said he he bought tickets for like instead of you going oh tickets for the movie at school I thought you meant instead of going to the movie at school he bought tickets

For you guys just to go see a movie my bad sorry that’s um not quite as fun is it my bad dude uh man well you should look man you should go anyway I think you might be pleasantly surprised you never know what do you know what movie they’re

Playing it’s better than like regular school right as far as Hollywood is concerned social Gathering of high schoolers seems like a disaster for me yeah I mean kind Of I don’t know uh I understand where you’re coming from though dornob I was never a big fan of that stuff when I was in school either definitely not as enjoyable as many other things but you could still have a good time you might be pleasantly surprised H I don’t like those two the movie is the best showman which I uh started watched wait which I watched too and it was okay but now at school at 700 p.m. where I should be with role playing with my friends on gold Bay yeah okay I mean if you’ve

Already seen the movie that’s one thing as well right like I don’t know you might be able to plead with your dad to be like hey man come on man I uh I seen this movie man come on man we do do something else

Man but if you do have to go think about it this way it’s not that long of a movie right I I like the greatest Showman I thought it was decent um it’s not my favorite movie but it wasn’t bad I’m not big on like musicals and

Stuff though or wait it wasn’t a musical though what what exactly was it’s like a a show about a musician or a movie about a musician that like not not a musician excuse me a uh magician and he like went into this other reality it it kind of reminded me

Of um Alice and Wonderland sort of kind of but Alice and Wonderland was way better Me it just it looks incomplete or [Applause] something something here just does not feel white complete oh I’m sorry I missed the chat where was it wait what uh by the way I do want to ask is bullying that Pro uh that prevalent in US schools um I think that for one it depends on where you

Which school you’re in right like some schools are worse than others it it is incredibly common um and there’s different types of it as well right like I think the main issue with bullying nowadays is that it doesn’t stop when you leave school like back in the day

Before social media and stuff like if you were bullied at school you were bullied at school and then you went home and the bullying stopped now the bullying does not stop it’s a constant barrage of like just like chaos and pain through like through social media and

Other like internet Outlets that like if you being bullied like it’s no longer like you you you get a break or you get to run away from it like you are it’s impossible to escape so I think that it’s becoming more prevalent all across the world just with that aspect but it

It is incredibly common um nowadays uh however I’ve been out of school since 2017 um so I don’t really know too much about it what’s going on like nowadays so it’s been what like six almost seven years since I’ve been out holy crap it’s been almost seven years

H I’m getting old boys um but so I’m not like too up to date with what it is but when I was in school man it it was pretty common um now like I wasn’t the most social in school I stayed far away from most people in general so like I

Didn’t really pay much attention to it anyway um I don’t know I I do know that it’s rough like I I do hear a lot of kind of like horror stories nowadays and it it it worries me for like the new generations but uh I just don’t know

Enough about it to discuss it more thoroughly than that you said it was 100 R uh per ticket and it was two oh two tickets and he already paid for the camp at r750 oh it’s excuse me the camp is r750 for a one night and oh you got to

Sleep there too dude and schedule stuff and we were told we can swim yet there isn’t a schedule for the swimming time I’m dornob you my heart goes out to you brother if it was just a movie I’d be like oh it’s not that big a deal you’ll

Be fine but now it sounds unpleasant uh I I hope you uh I hope you’re not totally miserable throughout that whole thing man try your best to have fun with it that does not sound great though man needs more variety of blocks and the blocks are patchy too yeah uh we’ll

We’ll be adding more variety hang tight uh don’t use social media it’s a horrible thing depression now is so common because of social media yeah yeah absolutely um it does it really like social media induces all sorts of forms of anxiety and depression um and you don’t typically especially Young kids

You don’t even know you don’t realize it’s causing these issues for you um and the craziest part is like if you don’t participate in social media then you’re almost an outcast in a sense right like it’s hard to get away from it man it it really is but uh there’s healthy ways and

Unhealthy ways to use social media right whoa that was weird whoa people compare their lives with f uh fave with fave lives on the internet like like famous you use any social media other than YouTube I don’t either YouTube’s the only thing I have and even then like it still has a

Certain effect on you for sure yeah that dude social media does have like a very strong effect on people um and you like I said you typically don’t even realize it’s happening um especially as a younger child right and uh you get heavily addicted to it and it

Definitely affects your life in ways that you don’t you don’t understand and you get sucked into it oh fake fake lives on the internet yeah that’s the thing too is like most of the time you’re comparing yourself to people those the lives that you see on the

Internet are not real like they’re not what their life is actually like like I saw a video Once of like this really good-looking woman who is like this influencer I guess is what they call him nowadays and she was like she had this like toilet bowl seat right so it and

Like it a photo backdrop of like the sky in the background and it they set the photo up to make it look like she was sitting at a wind or an airplane window like she was traveling to some freaking fancy island for vacation was just in

Her living room like it it’s not real man like most of the stuff you see is bull um and even if it’s not totally bull crap not totally real it’s typically doctored up very heavily with filters and stuff like that so like even if you’re just comparing yourself to

Like what somebody else looks like it’s like they’re not they’re made of plastic dude like it’s all filters nowadays none of it’s real it’s weird man we definitely live in a strange uh world that I I don’t even really really know how to like describe it anymore um we’re

Definitely like did you guys ever see the show Black Mirror um it it reminds me a lot of that dude like like Black Mirror uh for those of you that don’t know is kind of like this like um what’s the opposite of Utopia um it’s just like the into the

World type of stuff and it’s all it typically the the episodes revolve around like electronics and and technology and how they progress and affect society and culture and uh it gets weird dude it gets really weird it’s an interesting show I think it’s on Netflix um recommend it to

Anybody that’s willing to like like break their brain 317 Subs heck yeah dude I you know I was afraid that during my PC had taken a crap on me U my channel was going to slack like I wasn’t posting videos I wasn’t streaming um so I was afraid that like maybe like YouTube’s

Algorithm would just break my channel and I would just like lose subs and stuff like that but um I actually gained a few no not many but a few and uh I was pleasantly surprised dystopia thank you silver that’s the word I was trying to think of

Um yeah so like the show uh black black silver Black Mirror typically represents it’s like a dystopian Society in some form and uh it it gets weird dude it’s a very good show I’m sorry dornob I missed the chat again brother got depression since uh I got an

Abusive stepmom and oh man I’m so sorry about that dude look man there’s healthy ways to cope with it and there’s unhealthy ways too um there’s no one size fits all either right like you’re never going to get a solution ution for every single thing

You’re not going to be able to take a magic pill and fix everything um over time as you age and as you learn and grow as an individual you will develop coping mechanisms for certain things in your life and you’ll get better at handling just life in general uh and

Dealing with things like depression and anxiety and like I said there’s healthy ways to deal with it and there’s unhealthy ways to deal with it and like everybody’s gonna make mistakes right everybody’s gonna to go through times in their life where they they cope with life unhealthily um so like don’t get

Discouraged through your life man uh don’t let anybody talk you down or talk you out of like uh what you want to do with your life or anything like that just follow your heart man and and get where you’re going at your own pace and you’re going to be just fine dude you’re

A smart kid and you’re tough as well dude so um when it comes to things like anxiety depression don’t let it get to you just keep on keeping on dude let’s reach 911 Subs before Christmas I don’t know about that I mean we can shoot for that goal

But I don’t think it’s going to happen um eventually a creeper is going to spawn behind me and just blast a hole in my nice beautiful creation oops andov on top of all that uh one of the healthy coping mechanisms you can use for for troubles in life uh it’s just

Talking about it um within reason right like don’t go talking to the people necessarily that cause the issues in your life that may not make it any better for you not saying it couldn’t but it’s unlikely to help um find people that you trust people that uh care for

You you care for them and and just just have a chat um even if you don’t feel like you’re making any progress sometimes talking about things like that in life can can really make a big difference for You wait what am I doing with these blocks I’m ruining it what do you mean I’m ruining it oh I feeling a a group photo no this is cor well it’s not the prettiest block but this is coral so we’re going to use it when I try to talk about it they tell

Me to shut up yeah that’s what I mean like you don’t necessarily want to talk to the wrong people about that kind of stuff um you know find people that that you care about people that care about you people that are willing to listen uh and

Not just talk over you or tell you to shut up people that are uh willing to to try and help you and give you good healthy advice um rather than just like you know talking you down or or make trying to make you feel worse about it or even if they’re not intentionally

Trying to to do things like that even if they’re unintentionally doing it um you know be respectful about it but just don’t chat with them anymore about that kind of stuff um I know that therapy in the US has become an incredibly popular um and it

Helps a lot of people it really does like talking about things and just like vocally working through any type of issues you have um definitely is a healthy um way to deal with things like depression and anxiety and and other issues you might have in your life as

Well but he said my great grandpa told me his coping mechanism was a 9mm see silver hold on Buddy uh that is not not exactly what you want to be doing um the new generations are different buddy we don’t need to solve things with with a gun like I said there’s healthy

Ways and unhealthy ways of dealing with things I know that was a joke but dornob don’t take that one seriously I like the shorty of Team animal Travis he listens I wonder if he processes it um I think that typically now it depends everybody’s different but from my

Experience in life uh people that are your own age when you’re younger um have less of a a comprehension of things like anxiety and depression and it can be a little bit more beneficial to talk to somebody that’s older than you somebody that has a little bit more experience in

That area of life and uh has experienced those things as well um that’s not to say that talking with your your friends at school couldn’t help but um it may not be as Progressive as you would hope it might be um be good dornob be be good all right we need

Like what do we need oh oh my goodness can we just relax a little bit you make stuff from wood see that dude that’s another healthy coping mechanism when you find things in life that you enjoy like hobbies and and like like woodworking that is a fantastic way to

To cope with certain things like anxiety and depression Absolutely I think we’re going to need a little bit more Coral it’s too patchy I think you need to texture it more wait I think so I I think you’re right I agree with you um My Hope was that filling it with like coral and stuff like that like these blocks was going to help supplement

That um bear with me here let me let me work through it here let me get like this portion of it laid out and then we’ll introduce other blocks we we’ll introduce um prismarine we’ll introduce like lapis ore and streamstone and I think that’s really going to help bring

It together and break up this patchiness work with me here we’ll get there N trust the process uh what what all right silver calm down buddy we’re trying to help not blow up the world okay I just uh I know you’re having fun but uh just be careful freaking Lucy posted videos of how to make nukes in the chat like come on

Man you’re killing me guys we’re trying to keep things nice and calm and peaceful Here Oh goodness guys satire that’s what it is this is this what this is It’s satire going On we might not need more Coral hold on what are you doing is that like another mob that’s so Odd Oh s dude I just need like why is it always raining in the I dude I don’t know why it’s always raining in your nether I’ve never once seen that happen my in my world it’s so odd I think that’s good enough where do we put that let’s do

Like just bits and pieces of this not not too much it’s not like a bland block but it is very syy as far as color goes so I think just a little bit of it here and there would do enough for us and it’s not going to stay looking

Like this right like we’re going to add coral and all sorts of other plant life and and stuff down here as well as like uh the prismarine and what have you so I I’m hoping that’s enough to make this work it it does look very patchy um I agree with you Like Hey mafio Bill welcome back brother fun fact one g of uranium 235 is 20 billion calories wow okay um I don’t know who’s eating it but sounds like you don’t need to it I don’t think you need to eat it maybe stick to just making nukes out of

It uh it’s acting as a coolant for the thermonuclear Warhead in the nether Harry bulking Made Easy yeah honestly God I missed you guys man two days was painful for Me is that a oh no it’s just my Particles all right the dirt and the cobblestone in the background are not really working as well for me as I had hoped they would um time out let’s finish up the dry Coral we’re almost done with it we only we have less than a stack left so we’re

Going to have to either make it work or go get some more uh we need a little bit of here it makes this nice little like like touchup around the edge of the regular Coral it kind of helps like Smooth it into the rest of the the

Blocks we only have two blocks of it right now by the way as far as I remember the dry Reef will turn to uh normal Coral once it touches water really wait nuh-uh I don’t think so cuz looks like dryed nougat it kind of does doesn’t it um I don’t think it will

Cuz this was actually found in the water like I don’t know why it says dry oh my goodness guys everybody calm down relax um no how many of them are there bro he was actually like a mini boss I’ve never seen one of those Spong or sponges I’ve never seen one of those

Dudes spawn naturally that was weird um I don’t think it will dry or uh turn to water or regular Coral because the dry Coral is also found inside the water as far as I know now I’ve never taken it out of the water and put it

Back in water but but I would assume that it would stay as is I don’t know I I I think this looks acceptable for now let’s try doing something like this is this going to work outside of the yeah I didn’t think that would work

So we’re going to have to fill this with water before we actually um because oh it’s because you’re standing in the dark well yeah yeah I I know that I know that’s why he spawned but I’ve never seen a a mini boss like that spawn um it is very dark

In here so let tell you what uh in good hope that this is going to round itself out let’s go get some prismarine okay um let’s build some like small structural stuff in here just to make it look a little fancy and then we’ll put the glass dome in

And then we’ll introduce like the hippocamp ey maybe a crab and something else in there um oh it gets worse the longer you stay in the dark I maybe I haven’t been in the dark for this long interesting well we got a little uh an undead Soul Stone that’s

Nice convenient for the nasty final boss fight that we’re going to be working on one of these days um your phone is overheating so much it could be a fire hazard to water what all right all right so this is what we going to do here miss chat or two wait wait

Wait yes because the dry Reef in the water gener uh water generated is in needed a block update for the process to happen oh so you’re telling me that if I put it back in the water it’ll turn to well all right so we’re going to go

Collect some uh we don’t need these I think that’s fine to just stay there the way it is let’s go collect some prismarine and while we’re out there doing the process we can check we can pull like some dry Coral out of the water and put it back in and see if it

Changes I’m hoping not never tried it before uh but in order to do this you know what we’re going to do my watch list chat wait what where watch list chat I don’t see it might not have came through properly every now and then a chat does not actually come through um

I don’t see anything about a watch list chat uh oh wait watch list as in like uh it won’t wait I bet my two Megatron pre-made nuke is that what you’re talking about are you trying to get me put on a watch list is that what you’re

Saying uh cuz if that’s the case I don’t freaking appreciate it dude let’s make a a magnetic pickaxe that is basically the same thing as this do we need Unbreaking 4 uh as much as I’d love to put it on we don’t have many books so we’re going to Not where’s Advanced Efficiency do I not have no one of my chats wait what I must have it wait oh sorry doorknob did I how about the fire hazard you can cook a meal on it I’m wondering if maybe that chat didn’t come through cuz I don’t see

Anything else other than about your phone overheating sir do we need Advanced efficiency I think that if efficiency six is enough it instam mines almost everything right the only thing I could see that being more valuable for is like obsidian and that’s not really a purpose for that

As well the dry Coral blocks looks like I did read that sir looks like nougat dried nougat versatility magnetic silk touch PR excuse me um I do remember you unfortunately uh I know that I mispronounced your name the first time is it is it PR prythm gosh dang it you

Told me how to pronounce it and I’m I can’t remember it now dude I’m so sorry I do remember you though welcome back brother a magnet spun at enough RPM can release enough energy as a nuke depends on the size of the magnet as well oh my goodness um we’re learning things today

Here you’ve got an advanced efficiency villager I do but I’m kind of lazy and not feeling like going back there for him uh Unbreaking Advanced mending efficiency microwave plus aluminum equals boom yeah don’t do that uh bad move mag wait am I missing anything no I think that’s it

Nope predom is nice to hear no issues I got it all right I can handle that Word one level holy guaca moly dude dang dude we almost did that without having to use a book hi chat thanks respect nice dude yeah man everybody’s welcome here as long as you’re nice prom be nice that’s all we asked you guys are good at that you guys are very good at being

Respectful and kind and I greatly appreciate it man uh that’s going to make efficiency six I don’t know if it’s terrible we’ll just make another one it’s not that big a deal um so that’s got magnetic on it now so we can rip up some good stuff what were we going to go

After um you given up using XP books I’ve got oh I know dude I’ve been kind of going less and less of efficient when it comes to the XP consumption um for one we’ve maxed out our y menu a while ago right and then we maxed out our our L menu as

Well there’s absolutely nothing here left to upgrade so XP is not the biggest concern anymore um silver be careful dude you’re going to get my channel banned dog Okay I don’t have a single um nether star whatever it’s called so this might not go well dang it dude just give me dig speed dang it dude that’s a chest plate these are legs so this can be these are feet so this can be dismantled we can

Dismantle there’s an axe oh man we just consumed a pickaxe though so a shovel of Sword a hoe an axe we can smelt these try to get you’ve got loads of nether stars as you can bar oh man that would be so Kind Nuggets aeroplanes good for carrying them silver what is going on today dude problem is when I try to understand this mode by seeing uh you my brain goes on on airplane mode yeah um well I can try to explain some things to you here and there uh but if I’m being honest my

Brain does the same thing so uh we might not get very far wasting neptunium like that hurts my soul I know well there’s really nothing we need to craft with it anymore we’ve gotten every single thing with the neptunium and we don’t have any nether Stars so here we

Are okay that’s all I needed we needed the graceful the 15% dig speed I mean we didn’t need it but we got it so and we don’t really need neptunium tools to be using all the time um I just I don’t know we did so much

Fishing so we did so much fishing dude we spent like three or 4 days just fishing and we ended up with like a freaking boatload of neptunium and uh I well I mean there’s no sense in just like letting it sit in the chest and I believe that neptunium has neptunium

Tools and armor have the highest durability in the entire game um so and other than that there’s really no difference in it it doesn’t mine faster it it doesn’t I don’t think it does more damage or anything like that but um I was thinking like higher durability means less we got

To go back and repair our tools so why not and it looks really cool dude I I don’t know I feel fancy when I use it I feel like rich and it’s fun yeah yeah dude um predom if uh if you do have any questions dude um I mean

Personally I can try to help you but uh I’ve strong uh pretty much only learned from some of the Professionals in this chat um some of them aren’t here but Mr Harry sir as well as silver and some other guys are freaking sweats dude like they can tell you almost anything you

Need to know so by all means ask some questions me we will do our best uh I know there was a um what what’s it called an underwater Monument an ocean Monument or something like that hello what where did you come from a there it is we’re going to rip this thing up

Dude you’re dangerous I don’t know if we really need the entire thing but uh magnetic is going to make this real easy on us speaking of questions uh for professionals Harry do you know if like putting magnetic on a weapon would like autoc collect the loot for you you know what I mean

There’s a lot of these guys huh uh yes they do have the highest durability I can but I Know Myself by asking something wasting your time no dude absolutely not you would most definitely not be wasting anybody’s time uh that’s what we’re D we’re just here

To hang out and have fun and uh teach each other we’re we’re here to learn we’re here to grow we’re here to just have a good time so please by all means ask any question you want um you would not be wasting anybody’s time uh can’t go on weapons got it all

Right I I was just curious I’ve never tried it but it would have been convenient yeah get out of here 2.5 times damage hi man go on magnetic see like this is what magnetics used for I think that uh it really is a pain in the butt if you were to put it

On like at your regular tools but it’s fantastic if you’re building or trying to collect materials but like Say You’re Just going on an adventure right magnetic sucks it’s just going to fill up your inventory ooh man I wish you could enchant some of the lanite tools that would be

Sick like the tools you get made out of like creature mob parts and stuff like that or even steel um I I’m pretty sure you can’t enchant them at all uh which is kind of sad it would be freaking awesome all right buddy I was trying to

Let you live so that we could maybe catch you as a pet later but now you’re in my way well he’s not in the way anymore use the Ring of the Titans it mines in a 3X3 I forgot about that well we could do that wait did I put that hang on a

Second uh let me check my box real quick dang it I thought I put put it in here the Ring of the Titans it it must be back home the one thing that bothers me about magnetic though is it doesn’t work on shulkers I wish it did and we’ll keep that

Too what are we missing oh it’s the other two shulkers that are back home okay so it works on ender chests all right I mean I’ll bite why not let’s go get the the Ring of the Titans what’s going on here that was weird Uh where did I put it right in here oh dang it I turned our nice ring wait did I okay well that’s got dig speed on it so we might as well take that one this one right yeah uh hey used to work on crates and shulkers until they changed it I don’t

Know why huh that’s a good point I mean I don’t know I I’ve only played on like the most recent version so uh I’m not totally familiar with all the thing oh shoot uh hold on I didn’t mean to put it on hold on we got to get out the front door first

So here’s an interesting one for you PR them PR the prom excuse me sorry I’m going to jack up your name dude I’m so sorry man I do it to most people though so don’t feel like singled out um there’s different rings in the game which can turn you into different types

Of creatures this one specifically wind storm Death from Above how about we get out of Here we don’t want to do events near our house um events are nasty they uh they spawn lots of mobs and they will Jack your base up dude um but yeah so you can get different types of rings which turn you into different types of creatures uh

This one specifically turns you into a Titan which increases your character size by three times which if you if you can’t tell look how big we are that okay that’s hilarious um I’ve never seen us as a Titan riding a mob like this uh I wish we would have seen

This before now that is so funny looking [Laughter] dude oh oh yeah um but it each ring has different effects uh this one does other like it increases your size increases your health increases uh what else does it do um reduces your Mo knockback uh increases your movement speed attack

Damage uh reduces attack speed increases reach jump height step height it’s really cool dude I know it’s the we’re this big because of the ring that is so funny though um and then there’s rings that will also do the opposite like this is a normal ring like it uh it doesn’t

Necessarily change your character but there are rings that’ll like there’s a fairy ring that will reduce your size to like a quarter of what it normally is and turn you into a fairy I haven’t tried that one on yet there’s one that turns you into a fais which is kind of

Like a cat there’s all sorts of stuff um so we definitely have some experimenting to do and then there’s more than just the the ring too like you can get you can turn the Rings into a serum which will essentially permanently turn you into uh like a whatever it is that the

Ring applies um and there’s ways to reverse it as well but like without this ring on so right now we don’t have any Wings right but if I Take This Ring Off you see how we get dragon wings we consumed one of the serums that turns

You into a dragon which uh it does a few things it lets you fly it gives you night vision it gives you fire resistance um but it consumes like Mana at the same time so it does all sorts of interesting stuff uh that was odd wait thought I was supposed to mine

In a 3X3 hry H you lied to me it’s supposed to mine in a 3X3 area With or without crouching I mean I’ve seen it do it I’ve witnessed it myself mining in a 3X3 area but it’s not doing it for some reason too much info dump I know I’m sorry it was a lot right um dude it’s taken me so long to learn ins and

Outs it doesn’t work on prismarine that what it’s specifically prismarine that’s an odd little uh wait what if I try it hold on let’s try it on a different block by the way the 3X3 doesn’t work on most refined blocks uh like brick and okay I’m going to try it here on

Something else Oh okay so it works on Stone all right well if it doesn’t work on prismarine then let’s bail on this ring cuz it’s a little Annoying being that big tunneling also has the same issue got it okay I did not know that but now we know sir see that’s what it’s

All about man we’re here to learn we’re I mean I don’t know about you guys but I like the whole process of like learning and making mistakes and figuring things out as we go um I I enjoy it it’s fun are we just going to tear down this entire thing wait

Chats by the way missing my Chads left and right oh I’m sorry Man oh you should should observe the working of a nuclear reactor and how to overload the core oh my goodness why why uh sorry silver what I if I do miss anybody’s chats let me know uh I’m not doing I’m not like ignoring anybody on purpose I do

Apologies I’m not a very good reader to begin with so tag on like video games on of it um I’m a little slow I’m getting better at it though slowly oh yeah yeah I think we might end up with like enough lanterns to not even have to craft any

Ourselves and we can always use some of this we’re going to have like a lot way more than I think we are going to need um I didn’t really plan on building with pers Marine outside of the aquarium area so we’re going to end up with like just

An excessive amount of it which is fine um I do really like the look of the Elder prismarine and uh the Elder prismarine can be duplicated with regular prismarine like what you do is you take um all right buddy calm down what you do is you take uh one

Piece of Elder prismarine and one piece of regular prismarine in a crafting table and uh it will essentially just turn them both into Elder prismarine so it’ll output two pieces of Elder prismarine which is quite nice and convenient because it’s kind of difficult to come across um but the

Regular prismarine like this is pretty common so you essentially have like an easy infinite amount of Elder prismarine as long as you can find it to begin with which I don’t know if it spawns underwater or not but I’ve found it like twice in caves um so we have a little

Bit of it back home and we can always duplicate it it’ be a lot easier than just going out and farming it thanks for explaining to me by the way um I’m I know how much to oh wait wait sorry thanks for explaining me by the

Way may I know how much till you have given your PC wait how much the PC cost make sure take the same as your oh um well okay so I wouldn’t say that you need like the exact same PC that I have um cuz there’s plenty of them out there that do uh

Exactly what you’re looking for um and we were actually just discussing earlier how certain graphics cards are just not necessary um and that the older versions of graphics cards will suffice just fine um for most games some of the most like brand new games um definitely like require higher

Processing and stuff like that but generally a uh a normal like oldfashioned graphics card will do you just fine um as far as my PC specifically goes I own a CLX which is the brand um my graphics card is a 3060 and uh um I have 32 gigs of RAM I

Believe um and then storage is kind of irrelevant it depends on how much storage you need but I’ve got 3 terab on my hard drive but I mean I I usually store like videos and stuff like that for editing process or purposes and and whatnot in a bunch of different games so

Like you don’t need 3 terabytes typically um but all in all my PC I think was about $1,300 um now that does not include like Monitor and stuff like that but it did take a little while to save up totally worth it though I’m very

Happy with my PC um I did just have some technical issues the other day um I was actually out of the business for like two or 3 days because my PC kind of took a poo on me but the company CLX has fantastic customer support it was also

Covered under warranty and they worked pretty diligent with me for a while to fix the issues and uh we were able to get them resolved so I’d say if you’re looking for um a company that’s going to treat you well CLX from my experience does a

Very good job um so I I can’t really speak to other um PC companies though I I don’t have experience with any other company cuz this I’m still relatively new to the whole world of PCS uh but like I said the uh the company that I’ve got

Now CLX has treated me very well so I can definitely recommend them to you that’s not to say that other companies won’t do well either by the way get out of here um sorry I hope I’m not missing chats so yeah if you’re going to invest

Into like a really good PC um you’re looking at a between 1,500 to $2,000 give or take depends on what kind of monitor you buy um if you’re looking to stream and do stuff like video recording you’re going to need a camera you’re going to need a microphone you’re going

To need a keyboard and a mouse um so it does get a little ridiculous so definitely save up your money for it um personally I found that it’s worth every penny um it’s been quite an experience especially getting to hang with you guys it it’s excuse me I’m burping um it’s worth

It for sure um but like I said you don’t need like the top-of-the-line fanciest stuff to to get to play games like this um Elder pris Marine is found under in caves under Ocean Floors there you go sorry $40 million 5K for the PC and the

Rest for the nuke you’ll be building all right silver relax brother uh after the exam in April or May 2024 I will build a PC or a laptop new one for editing videos actually I want uh be you want to be an editor dude that’s sick man uh I

Really hope it it works out for you I’m excited I’d love to see um whatever you’re doing in the future and if uh by the way if you don’t know we do have a Discord Channel and uh if you’d like you can join that just for for funsies or um

You can link us your channel as well um I’m all about like sharing the love man we’ve got a couple other people that are starting to do Creations as well and uh they link their stuff in the the Discord so by all means join up and let

Everybody know where you’re at and where we can find you on YouTube or twitch or wherever you’re going to be uh we’d be happy to show you some love and support brother you don’t want to waste your parents money for gaming on YouTube okay yeah dude that’s great if you want to

Save up your own money that’s very very nice of you absolutely um CLX doesn’t operate in India oh man I mean I don’t know where they’re from um but from my experience they’ve been very good they have treated me quite well uh as far as the the quality

Of the product goes as well as like the issues that I had over the past couple of days they were huge helps dor knobs here or not I’m not sure dornob if you’re here sir tuning on in Sir Mr Harry has a question for you uh oh doorknob um excuse me at doorknob

Sent picks in the Discord from Harry guys do we need this entire thing torn down I feel like we don’t need at all if I mine this entire thing I’m going to feel compelled to use the block more even if it’s like Overkill and I feel like maybe we shouldn’t do

That DAV is busy refining uranium don’t disturb him he might be or he’s bulking one of the other dude I would have never even thought about like a fact like that like why is freaking uranium like three million calories it doesn’t make any sense actually I edit videos but uh I’m

Not good as now don’t worry about how good you are dude link your channel dude we’d be happy to drop in and show you some love man and see you grow over the years too it’s all it’s what it’s all about dude I suck at this right now too

Um I don’t think I’m very good at editing at all uh but it’s all about the growth man you get better at it over time Man we are eating this Monument huh there it is it’s the whole layer I was kind of sort of looking for the big scaries there he Is hey that guy’s cool looking he’s a lux oh we don’t need to tame him is there only one Elder Guardian an IO without a shell huh I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Niko without a shell I wonder if I hit him by accident and just ripped it off of

Him uh yeah XO was bad at rlcraft but now uh but he still T he still is so it takes time yes it takes time I dude I’m honestly still pretty bad at rlcraft I’m not going to lie just cuz I’ve learned some things doesn’t mean I still know what I’m doing

Um it makes total sense it is highly radioactive so it releases Alpha and gamma rays continuously dude okay you’re losing me um I I have no idea what you’re talking about dude I just spent the last like 3 days learning how to like disassemble and reassemble portions of my PC so like my

Brain’s checked out dog all right let’s go home we got more than enough we don’t need to tear down this entire thing I edited two videos of Roblox uh doors that were that were my edit for the other video wait sorry I edited two videos of Roblox

Doors that were that wear my edit for others that videos wear for my USA friend he has 130k whoa uh but is not regular now he has reached oh he has low reach gotcha well if that man has low reach then I have even lower because do hardcore Mr be prove Harry

Wrong one of these days you know what I was talking about uh a while ago is that like what we could do is I mean not right now I I want to play other mods what are you doing inside my house dude no no no no we

Get out of my house that’s just unacceptable um how is that even possible it’s like maybe it’s dark up at the top area here um we talked about doing hardcore after the fact so like what we’ll do is we’ll we’ll go mess around with other mods right we’ll have

A good time goofing off doing other things for a while and then if the future uh requests it we will come back and do a fancy hardcore run of rlcraft if that sounds cool to you guys sounds cool to me but uh not right now though we got a

Lot of other stuff on the plate at the moment excuse him Oops this can go in here so they can go in the chest down below event moms can spawn oh regardless of light levels I forgot there was an event that popped thank you for reminding me sir we don’t need a bunch of vitamins uh just cuz I’m too lazy to go

Downstairs we don’t need that either would love to see you generate new worlds all the time hey hey hey hey just cuz I’ve look you know how long it’s been since I’ve died now it’s been a while we’re strong now but it means nothing I’m I’m better now I’m good at

This game I swear okay let’s pull out some regular Pris let’s do this Oops okay oh man the dark prismarine is not very common I think we need a black dye to make that which is also not like the easiest most common thing to get uh pardon my French but audios all right silver I will catch you later brother dud dude thank you for hanging

Out man it’s always a pleasure to see you and then boom boom boom oops one more maybe I think that’s more than enough prismarine man I don’t think that we’re going to be building that much with it is that going to go yeah that f pits cool let’s get down Here whoa guys hi cookies I don’t think we need cooked bat wings for anything you can eat them e nasty dude we’ll keep the rotten flesh though boom skis sea lanterns dark prismarine regular prismarine blocks oh excuse me prismarine bricks and then regular prismarine is there

Anything else that we can do with this okay so we can make staircases slabs walls Elder prismarine we can do it out of the bricks as well and I’m assuming yep out of the dark prismarine too I really like dark prismarine dude that’s such a nice looking block wait

What I just done your PC amount 13k into our currency oh oh my goodness well to be fair um there is like an extreme amount of inflation in the US so I would imagine that the actual just because like it cost that much here doesn’t mean it cost lost the

Same amount wherever you live to um like I was talking to Lucy uh who was from India and he said that one of the games that that I played uh cost me $70 right brand new $70 game he said to buy it brand new in his part of the world cost

Him like a conversion rate of about $40 so it’s different all around the world um I wouldn’t like just cuz it costs that much here doesn’t mean it’s to cost the same for you um I would hope it’s not that much that is quite expensive okay we should have brought glass with

Us I think the glass Dome is going to go here right and then the glass Dome would work its way straight back um or maybe it could stop like right about here and then the glass wall for the what’s his face the um the sea the sea

Giant the sea serpent can go just on the right side of this thing and then that would leave room above and beside and a little bit in the back for the hippocampus and all the other stuff um and I think that should still be enough room for the sea serpent this is

Actually coming together a little bit better I think once we get water in here and once we put more plant life as well it’s going to bring it together I I’m hoping we should probably get more sand h sure I don’t know it doesn’t need to be much that just that adds

Enough no no no my PC did not cost 3,000 it didn’t even cost $3,000 I paid $1,300 for the PC itself um give or take wait sorry I missed a I missed a chat this is what man what in the world you guys are all from India this is impressive that’s

Awesome I don’t I’ve never met so many people from India until I started doing this all right this is I think going to be a pillar we’re going to need a crafting Table I would say you only need 1.5 to 2,000 Rupees for PC yeah all right oops wrong block that’s the right height Edward since uh you know about you know the amount you need was just ask an XO his um every single thing like uh chunk we’re loading and how blocks are placed

Everything this even no I don’t think it needs to be even though it’s fine we’ll do like a pillar here and then we’ll keep the lights at the same level too I already feel like I’m underwater Oh wait did you really tell me that Ed I am forgetful man I it’s not

That I don’t listen man I I’m sorry I probably did forget um I’m thinking maybe we just put the lights I was trying to keep the lights at the same level but this will work we we’ll tweak the pillars too we’ll do like some staircases and whatnot goodness you guys impress me

With your languages I can barely even speak English man is that the same level I think it is okay you guys know Google Translate is a thing right right you cannot hide from me okay the pillars do break it up let’s go get a crafting table quick yeah that helps

Google translat is not accurate all the time yeah you’re correct you’re very correct um it’s all right I don’t need to know what you’re saying anyway you’re not going to hurt my feelings beaver will help us a lot to learn English language well uh because I

Know English I know it’s not good only I can understand I want to be like oh he you want to manage like anyone else yeah yeah dude um dude it I don’t know if I’m the right person to go for English help like to to learn English um I’m not

Saying that it’s not good practice but uh I definitely am not like the most like accurate English speaker and I don’t know I I was hoping jiah not long ago with like his English homework I was like dude I haven’t been in high school

For a while now um it it’s not it’s not as easy as I remember it being I do my best okay I do like this a little bit and then we’ll we’ll spice it up with some more blocks like with the bricks don’t do it dude stop It where’s my bird at I need to fly around or something boom okay gosh dang it I’m out of Mana Harry can help with English yes let him do the homework let Harry do the English work where did I get this block from I keep like breaking them by accident I don’t

Know where they come from that’s good enough it doesn’t matter it doesn’t have to be perfect I don’t know do we even need like this doesn’t look quite right looks a little bit better I’m wondering if like maybe we should force I think our playlist just ended we

Should force the pillar itself like the whole way up the wall so that it it looks like it merges into to the structure itself rather than just like being kind of consumed by the coral see how it breaks off there if we just like continue it straight up through kind of like

This yeah yep yep yep yep I think that looks better already this one’s going to be weird though I guess it can just stop right there for now we’re we’re going to try to avoid messing with this hole right here just cuz uh I have a feeling it’s going to [Applause] Change Harry is a legend absolutely yeah yeah dude Harry’s pretty good at this game he’s actually playing on Hardcore too which is like freaking ridiculous I don’t know how he does it boom So all right let’s go get a crap table quick all right you guys are a mess crafting table crafting table crafting table boom now you guys were not supposed to spawn while I was gone oops sorry bird all right we need a way to implement Lighting in the floor Too do we just like stick a lantern like like is that just too much we can kind of hide them too like there’s one spawning spot but I don’t think that’s a problem or is it though okay we can make more lanterns I think it requires glowstone and actual

Prismarine like fragments and stuff like that wait what do you mean why is your Discord normal what you mean by that Sir um wait seed Lantern oh no it just takes okay convenient I was thinking it would need Glowstone oh they’re expensive can you make this stuff kind of not really not really 44 Lantern should be enough though we’re not going to go too much more crazy with it don’t do it I’m surprised no creepers have spawned down there oh meanswhile other Discord servers are like bot setups oh

Cuz a bot didn’t set it up um we spent a good amount of time like trying to tweak the Discord and make it look real nice and personal and I’m quite happy with how it turned out and we’ve got such good people in there too right Okay all right maybe we shouldn’t lit like any spawnable blocks Here that’s Fine Wait what in the world can’t spawn on Coral okay now I’m kind of busy when I got time after exam I will make sure your Discord like okay I’ll make uh your Discord like you’re gonna love that all right dude cool I’m excited to see what you got going on Sir okay I think I’m kind of cool with how this is turning out let’s do a little bit of tweak with this though where did our sand go I think sand can just go in here for now let’s make some stairs some slabs it’d be nice if we had more dark

Prismarine yeah it’s going to oh jeez all right it takes shards black Dy one for 10 wait you mean like what do you mean I’m not sure exactly what you mean Sir rain in the nether is annoying yeah dude rain sucks in general like the nether is the one place that you think like oh we don’t have to worry about rain here one like done on oh dude thank you very much that is incredible that is awesome man thank you so much

Okay we’re probably going to need some more of these blocks I think that’s fine leaving it kind of I like that oops you’re not even going to see a lot of the stuff cuz it’s going to be hidden behind walls and what have you put it in anyway just for for peace of

Mind you have weather weather particles off and it’s still raining what okay that’s silly I didn’t think you could turn what particles like all the way off though that looks good I like that I don’t know if we’re going to use slabs or not but we got them anyway oops

Get it get okay thank you man we needed some cool Jazz Minecraft chilling today nope nice what so actually remove these stairs down here make it seem as though like the base of it is actually a bit Lower nope that’s not Right Maybe this one too we go something like this and then just replace that sand with prismarine I think that’ll do it dang it Yeah I think that’s enough man I I feel like that looks fairly good like even this here looks all right I don’t know about this Lantern though that’s a little better the lanterns on the floor like these you won’t even see at I don’t think so that’s kind of why I put them

There cuz we’re there’s going you know we’re thinking ahead right there’s going to be a sea serpent in here hopefully not just causing chaos and killing everything um so we’re going to have like a glass pane to where we can only really walk around in this area

So you’re not even going to really notice them you might be able to barely see the top of them but I’m not too concerned about that I don’t think yeah it’s fun dude this needs to be changed though and I think that’s two Oops Yeah okay nope Again I don’t know how I feel about this right here Oops wait that needs to be dark so like this would probably just go like that that’s fine I do want to get rid of the stone though nice I don’t know if there’s like a great way to transition this like charge Stone um but I think it kind of looks

Fine I don’t mind it the way it Is I don’t know feel about that now this one pillar is throwing me off it does look kind of Odd I don’t know is that too silly looking does that not suit it well Enough I think it’s fine all right professional opinion Harry come on in sir tell me if this is still too splotchy splotchy Patchy now like we’re considering here that we’re still going to be putting in all the coral stuff so like I don’t want it to be too busy which is kind of why I’m trying to leave it like not blank but like a little bit less uh chaotic right use stream lanterns

Wait what are they the ones that do stream lanterns uh they might be called something else stream stream Crystal I think we have a whole bunch of Those Let’s grab some lapis or too oh personally I’ll will put different blocks just randomly spread out but not in oh I gotta I got you not the patches not the ohola hand patches oh hulaan um stream Lantern stream crystals I’m probably going to need more and it’s not going to be enough

Lapis ore Either That does break it up a lot I do like that we could go collect some lapur uh let’s go make some more of the Whatchamacallit though stream Crystals wait we don’t have any plain stream Stone oh sayage dude all right we have two stacks of this we need lapis I think lapis regular lapis will do it right is it is just me or is the music just a smidge too Loud that’s a little better hello um and then we needed some of this right streo polished stream Stone stream Stone just lapis and stone not Cobble oh it is Stone isn’t it welcome back I was thinking it was like 1 2 3 four five six 7 eight I should make eight Stacks I

Think then we don’t need like the actual block we just need the lantern cool woo all right we’ll have to double check the spawns after this though but it should be all right question is do we replace these two o they kind of move don’t

They man I wish I didn’t like that more the the blue doesn’t necessarily blend as well but I do like the slight animation that it offers I think we we stick with the sea lanterns for these pillars specifically but the stream crystals do look very good in every other circumstance I

Think by the way seeing you are kind of immature or kind of mature from me uh I could take wait I mean I could look I I’ll do my best to offer you any type of advice that you’re looking for but I can’t promise it’s going to be

Great but I promise it will come from the right place in the heart sir so fire away if you’d like have some Violet cave crystals also I don’t think we have any cave crystals but I think we can buy a map from a cartographer that would lead to

One okay cave crystals where would they be would they be in here cave Crystals I don’t think we have any where else would I put it definitely wouldn’t be any any of These I don’t think you can craft C cave crystals I think you have to collect them yeah gave Crystal sheet wait what at your age of wait 20 or under 18 you had a face wait sorry at your age of under 20 or 18 had you

Face the issue that you can’t be able to talk with girls I mean I think yeah I I think everybody goes through that to a certain extent um it does get easier over time right uh the first time I think is probably always going to be the most difficult

Um as as far as advice goes to how to break that ice that’s a tough one man I I think that’s one of those things in life that like you just got to do it like you know bite the bullet and you’re going to suck

Right like you’re not going to like be a professional at like having those conversations um to start out but you will get better at it over time Um I don’t know man um one of the things that will help it for sure is confidence so like you know say for example you start working out you start like you know liking yourself a little bit better that will definitely help confidence in in other means as like you know life

Achievements right like you do good in school you you uh you create something in life whether that’s like um you know like working on a car or or whatever like um as you age and as you mature um it it does become much easier and

Yeah uh like I but like I said I think the first um like time is always going to be the most difficult right um and it will get easier over time um but they’re people too right like they’ve got the same interests um like although they might be

A little bit different like we are all just people on this rock F through space so uh like don’t think of them as like aliens right you know you don’t want to like um consider them to be like a different creature like they’re just like you and I they go through the same

Struggles we all eat and poop wait or get rich girls love that yeah yeah girls don’t girls do like when you get rich man um but that’s not to say that like that’s the right type of girl for you you know actually today intuition my crush

Was beside me and uh didn’t talk to her and she’s kind of out of my range nah dude I don’t think there’s any such thing as like being out of your range as long as you um I will say that like being more in touch with yourself uh

Understanding who you are as an individual understanding what you like in life what your passions are um where your creativity lies and and just getting to know yourself better will help you in that you know journey of of trying to do the do you know what I’m saying

Saying if you’re not cute be rich no dude that’s not necessarily true personality carries a lot more weight than you might realize it does especially as you grow older um it when it comes to to talking with women man um the older you get and the older the

Women get like the more things will change right um so things will definitely change as you grow older and more mature and as the women that you associate yourself with grow older and become more mature um it it’s definitely a whole different ball game when you’re younger and you’re in

School um but definitely confidence you know take care of yourself eat healthy exercise um just be yourself man just be you don’t try to pretend to be somebody else either cuz that’s not going to work like it it just won’t fly dude and you’re not going to get it past anybody

Either like no nobody’s going to believe you if you’re trying to be somebody else so yeah definitely being yourself and like whether yourself is like uh like a jock that like lifts weights all the time and plays sports or whether you’re like just some skinny skinny nerdy kid

Like whatever it is like there will be people out there that gravitate towards you no matter what like if you walk down the street you might see like some crackhead like smoking a pipe and a lot of times there’s a girl with them right like uh it doesn’t matter who you are

Where you’re from like there will always be somebody out there for you right um so it doesn’t really matter who you are and no being like attractive and Rich does not mean anything I mean sure it might help and it it looks like uh that on social media but you’re going to

Probably attract a certain type of person that you might not necessarily want to attract um but yeah man being confident in yourself being yourself uh and just kind of growing over time will make things easier man Absolutely yeah exactly yeah and being funny does being a little goofy being silly um not taking things too seriously that makes a difference okay what’s the next step here we need glass what was that oh we were going to get some more lapis ore why don’t we do that real

Quick let’s just like dig a hole right here we’re going to go straight down as far as we can okay that didn’t take much don’t do it let’s grab our toolbox 3X 3X 3 by9 is this the one that’s the one yep that’s the one let’s avoid the lava we’re just going to go strip mine for a bit to go find some lapur it should not take long at all goodness it’s loud Yikes whoa whoa that’s interesting wonder what this block like if this block just spawns randomly or it signifies something I guess another piece of advice I could probably offer from experience is that like don’t rush that kind of stuff either Freedom uh it’s a spider Den wait like straight

Up E I don’t like it um yeah you can’t rush that kind of stuff like um you’re never going to be able to just like take shortcuts or jump right into to whatever it is that you’re looking for um take your time uh and in that you’ll you’ll end up meeting the right

Person for the right reasons too DM Mones hello you dirty dog look at you looking at me I don’t like those guys dude they’re becoming more common like I I’m seeing those specters all over the place yeah no problem man anytime you got a question about anything like I mean I’m I’m probably

Not going to have the best answer but I’ll do my best to help man anytime oops silly skeletons it’s 235 all right man good night sir dude it was good to see you again man I wish you the best sir I know you mentioned you were having like some

Tests and stuff as well so take care and good luck with those my friend hopefully we see you in the next one OBS what are you doing OBS reconnected okay I don’t know what that deal was about but I think we’re good a bucket of milk how about that whoa not necessary dude

See I imagine I come tomorrow or this weekend um see your 1K sub oh wait what nah you’re lying to me you’re goofing dude I was like there’s no freaking chance we got a thousand Subs between like the yesterday in this episode um but I had to

Check but yeah man thank you very much I uh I’m excited to have you back sir you’re always welcome here n we don’t need that or the chunk I’ve never seen someone so excited for a bucket of milk dude it’s one of the most uncommon things that I’ve ever seen in

This game it’s like strangely hard to find for some reason I did get awfully excited for a bucket of milk all right we’ve got half a stack of laposa or is that going to be enough feel like we should get more when I will join YouTube means I’m there

But I’m not doing anything when I will do I have many plans I do hope you will understand oh dude no worries man take your time do whatever it is you got to do and uh I’ll be happy to see what you got going on with your channel in the

Future as well so U good luck sir and uh if I don’t talk to you for a bit don’t by all means like you’re always welcome here and um oh also don’t forget to link your channel in the Discord that we have so we can all check you out then sir but

Yeah man good night I look forward to seeing you blow up too man in a good way oops spell oam send you a friend request all right cool sounds good I will add you uh once I’m out of this stream sir I think we’re immune to poison now did you need the spawn

Get him out of here boys all right I was kind of thinking in terms of like you know we can probably use some more lapis or later on uh but let’s go one more vein and collect one more and then we’ll get out of here there she

Is well I literally got no lapis or out of that not a single piece so I guess we’re going for more there she is yeah that’ll work that’s enough I think we should probably collect some Cobblestone though cuz we’re pretty much out of it back Home oops well um cool that is like the fastest way to collect any type of material I think hello drop it off that doesn’t go in there boom skis we didn’t leave oh we got a bucket of milk though I think that actually goes in one

Of the food chests but it’s fine we’ll find it eventually if we need it how long we’ve been going 4 hours it doesn’t feel like 4 hours man I freaking missed you guys I missed doing this dude it was freaking killing me when I was Away just hit Level 250 oh my gosh dude it’s going to be real unfortunate when you die and lose your world and your level no I’m just kidding I don’t think you’re going to die I think if if you’ve made it this far you’re probably pretty much in the

Clear unless like a freak accident happens right we could do with like one or two more patches of lapur gosh d it why did it do that I hate these ore chunks it’s nice when you’re looking specifically for the ore but but like if you mine it with

Silk touch I wish it wouldn’t give the opportunity to replace it with this oh well I guess if you don’t mine it with silk touch then you’re just going to get the regular like material anyway I don’t know I don’t know it’s fine so this is cool actually this looks

Pretty good what else did we talk about putting in here so we got to put water in but we’re going to do like the uh gosh dang it how are we going to do This how do you create water sources without like without like putting filling the entire thing in with blocks and then doing it from the top Down Bell Oam at my face can oh yeah you can turn it off in the skills but I’m Lazy we’re probably going to need to go on a sand Adventure collect a whole bunch kind of maybe probably I think we’re going to use a lot more glass in the future oops well normal Minecraft kelb creates a source block I wonder if there’s any other block that does it that’s a good

Question um hey welcome back dude uh doing art uh actually yes I am using your art specifically at the end of the stream if you were interested um I don’t know exactly when the stream’s going to end though I’m thinking like like this maybe hang tight let’s work the magic here

Is this enough space on the left hand side I think it is it’s a little tight actually I feel like it’s a little too much space for us to walk around into let’s do something like this this ain’t for the sea serpent I hope uh it was why I mean it was for

Both you don’t think it’s going to fit in here bro if you tell me you don’t think it’s going to fit in here now after we spent like the last 4 hours building it I’m going to be upset so wait so are we so are we what yes I answered you

Sir for both it is this is Tiny um well I was thinking so like the sea serpent here right and then like a wall Like I was thinking like a wall like right here like maybe we just like continue this right here so like the sea serpent would sit like right in here it is awfully small right I man we do we’ve got like a really big sea serpent and I was really

Hoping for a much smaller One what if we cuz like the big sea serpent is probably going to barely fit in here but if we got a really small sea serpent then it would fit much better we wouldn’t have much of an issue here or if you really think that this is

Just like should we just make this for the hippogriff excuse me the the Hippa Camp ey Hippocampus we can make like a whole different display for the sea serpent I was kind of hoping to keep like all the underwater stuff Together like somewhat you know you can’t have them in the same room bro this one barely hey doorknob relax sir be nice Yeah I knocked that over yesterday all right let’s consider something here how if if this is for the Hippa campai how do we store the sea serpent cuz like if you want it swimming around not suff suffocating in a tiny cage yeah it would be pretty cramped in

Here I mean look man we’re keeping a sea serpent underground like we’re talking about like a big room then right okay hear me out hear me out hear me out what if what if we made this entire ceiling out of glass okay and then above that we created like this

Dome or maybe not so much a dome but like a a cylindrical shape to just store the sea serpent in above the like right like so this could be for the hippocampi and other types of underwater creatures um I don’t know how exactly the um what are they called the

I can’t remember what they’re called the things that sit on the The Rocks whatever the that try to lure you in I don’t know if we can keep them underwater or not I’m not sure if we’d be able to keep them in here you say at least double this

Minimum put it at the bottom of the nest well okay so the bottom of the nest I was going to turn into a desert theme so like the look so our entrance is over here right we would come down and we would Island hop there’d be a bunch of

Floating islands that present all the different things and challenges and experiences we’ve had in rlcraft at the very bottom I was planning siren thank you that’s the name um I was thinking like we turn this into like a desert and we do the deathworm at the bottom here

Cuz we have a bunch of like giant deathworm eggs that we we can hatch and like have them be friendly to us at least um so we could put the desert at the bottom and then the sea serpent at the top Yes they swim but you don’t want them close they’ll charm everything oh well they kill everything though or will they charm everything like if they just like say they’re in here with the hippocamp ey are they going to kill the Hippa campi is my question cuz if they do if they’re

Trying to kill the Hipp a camp by then we have a bit of an issue you should make look make it look like a bubble Mound I’m not sure what you mean by that like a a bubble Mound what at the top we could test it with the the

Sirens and if we’re going to use this for the hip a campire then we should probably close that hole up then right and patch that Over like the the sirens I think would be okay as long as they’re just Charming things if they’re not actually killing the hippocampi I don’t really care if they’re like taunting them around at least I don’t think I care I mean it might happen and I’ll be like

What the freaking heck this is a mess but it seems to me like it should be okay uh like a large bubble with a smaller one attached to the side for close viewing wait are you referring to like this room that we’re in now or are you talking about like out

Here like for the sea Serpent the sea serpent I don’t know if we’re going to have much of an issue viewing him so like all right let me show you something check this out if we put on this this uh complimentary Unbound Shader give it a second let it let it do its thing um it

Actually completely makes glass invisible which makes it much easier to see into the water sorry I’ve got something in my eye she’s trying watch this like break my PC man she’s did I click it I think I clicked it there she Goes all right oh yeah dude that look good I don’t know about the lapis or now actually kind of bothers me that it’s glowing we can turn the glowing aspect off though oh this look good so like you can’t see it but the glass is still here

Right which is going to make the whole viewing aspect of this like much better you’re not even going to see the glass texture it’ll be basically like there’s just water here around the uh invisible Glass there’s a pickaxe oh dang it it doesn’t work on Stone there’s a vein Miner Pickaxe okay I’m just debating like on how we’re going to fill this in with water as much as I like the shaders we can’t really build with them on cuz of the glass Um we filled this with stone Get Tunneling well we have to start from the top Down I think hold on let’s you know what hold on before we go any further let’s test out this item this uh crafting Rune thing that allows you to place water infinitely I bet you it’s got some stupid cool down on it and like you got to wait 45

Seconds in between placing water down and you can’t just Spam it that’s going to suck th this right water Talisman creates a water block it says or the question is here now does it matter if it Source blocks the whole way around does it matter oh it’s got a dirt ability

Okay that thing is actually kind of sick you can spam it if you want and it places a thousand water blocks so my thought here is though now like is it absolutely imperative that we have Source blocks all the way like if we put water like this are we even going to

Know mobs will get stuck at the Bottom dang it all right so what we’re talking about what we’re talking about is filling this thing with glass I think glass would probably be the easiest um thing to work with here so that we can still see like if we say we fill this with stone right uh it’s going

To be a little bit more difficult to see where our our block is right but if we fill it with glass right we can see exactly where the shape of the room is and ripping it back out although it’s going to take just a smidge bit longer because you can’t just insta mine

Glass um I think man this is going to be annoying this is going to suck actually this is going to take a very long time um we could do it in Sections How do you know if it’s a source block though like say we start filling it in from the top down how do you know if the water is a source block cuz the water’s going to flow down anyway it’s going to be difficult to tell let me test see if there’s

Something that makes a source block like kelp does okay I I’m just thinking like what’s going to be the best way to do this cuz if there is something that makes a source block like kelp does that would be fantastic but still we’re going to struggle in certain areas oh you can see

It right so like what do you mean you can see it how do I know that this is a source block what up door knob sir you guess what ah but if we use glass dang it surround the glass what oh because it doesn’t move surround the glass with

Water well what do you mean in non Full Source you mean like this I guess you can see if it moves right there I don’t I just I don’t know about you guys but I’m having a hard time differentiating like this block right here is a source

Block but to me it looks like it’s still moving and it’s not moving diagonally like I can’t differentiate this block from this block they look exactly the same to me but I know for sure that this one is a source block cuz if we remove this then that stays there and it

Continues to move just look at it differently all right we’re going to need some colored glass and we’re also going to need a lot more sand so that we can make more glass so let’s do a little something here let’s take a bit of a breather because it’s all non-source blocks no

The the one though was this the the one at the base was a source Block I must be misunderstanding something here let’s put the glass in here for now and let’s run out to like a desert or something and just go mine up a bunch of sand real quick yeah one make a cube and look wait what so fill the top with glass and leave on

Layer cover it in water break the glass under the source block and make it faster well that’s what we talked about doing before but it’s not going to make Source blocks for everything which is the problem I’m not like stressing about it I’m just we’re troubleshooting here

We’re trying to figure out like what’s the best way to do this and to make it like look as nice as possible cuz we don’t really want the the creatures being like pulled down to the bottom of the uh the bottom of the display we want

Them to be able to like swim around freely and to do that you kind of need like Source blocks everywhere look at it differently I mean it’s not so much about how much time it takes if it just takes more time to do what we got to do

Uh that’s fine I mean it’s going to get boring just kind of sitting in here like placing water placing sand placing glass blah blah blah but uh at least like in the end I think the hard work should pay off wait Harry wait troubleshooting time question for

You the water that we’re breaking right now like okay you see how this block here um in theory if you break this block there’s a source block on both sides which is going to make a full source even though right like so say for example we make Source blocks all the

Way around in a circle on every single layer should that not fill in like what am I trying to say here like all right for example say like say we fill in every single block around the out skirt of the entire room with Source blocks and then we fill in the roof as

Well with the source blocks should the roof water that comes down directly down right that is not a source block fill in the gaps below raising the water uh from the edges forcing it to create Source blocks in every single single Direction it’s creating Source block all around it yeah

Like okay I probably I I think I just did a horrible job of explaining what was going through my head there but like because all this around it is Source blocks and there’s Source blocks above it it creates Source blocks all throughout the middle of it no matter

How much space it is no matter what shape it is I think so but add some at the bottom too yeah we could do that I mean it would be worth a shot trying that I mean the worst thing that happens is that it doesn’t work right um

We could potentially end up saving a whole bunch of time a pyramid might do it like even if we have to take a few extra steps to like set it up so that it does work properly uh it might be worth it just for the sake of saving the time that it

Would take to fill the entire thing up with blocks do it from the top down and fill in every single one of them I don’t know if you guys are down to try it I’m down to try it you should create a mini version to test it we Could it would have to be a weird shape though a water source block is Created from a flowing block that is horizontally adjacent or two other source blocks yeah yeah yeah uh to two or more uh Source blocks got it and sitting on top of the solid block or another source block yeah

Wait just use Ice Dude oh you freaking genius bro why did we not think of that what that’s like the first thing we should have thought of I just use ice absolutely all right we’re going to need more glass anyway so this is fine oh we’re not even collecting it hold on

Bro why did we not I feel like that’s a crazy that we didn’t think of that right away I dude I overlook ice all the time constantly I never really think about it hi guys all right I know we didn’t have a green one back home let’s go pick him

Up where’ the other one go I think we had a blue one why don’t you put smelter enchant on oh you genius I don’t know I never thought about it stay there green guy I need your face back home it’s too late it’s too late to put the smelter enchantment

On I don’t think we even have a smelt enchant like we don’t have a book for it and we don’t have a villager to that sells it so it’s fine we’ll get some XP by smelting it we are stupid yeah dude I can’t believe we didn’t think about

That that’s all right dude that’s why we’re here man we’re here to like learn we’re here to uh to figure things out hi buddy coming with me just Rob him yink him from his home oh dude just use ice what was I thinking oh my God gosh dude hi

Lucy why are there so many mobs flying oh they must be from that event that spawned earlier what’s the best place to capture ice ooh dude is it gross to like go back to the uh the shaxi monument and rip up the ice spikes below

It I mean we’re really never going to go back there for any other reason so why not why not Right man look at all those item Frames don’t fall buggy oh I’m out of juice I for some reason I can’t pick him up oh the [ __ ] it has to be normal ice not packed oh is that what’s there at the shaxi monument buddy um why can’t I pick him up something’s going on on Here there we go all right I was trying to get him a little bit closer to the middle no he’s okay I don’t know what to do no okay it’s too late just let him we’ll find another one ah we’ll find another one it’s not that big a deal

All right I think there’s normal ice out here there’s not like a ton of it out by the water I think is where the normal ice is yeah like out here uh magnetic ice how about that go to an ice biome and go to the water how about this

Biome see you see how that like fills back in I think that I wish there was a better way to manipulate water it’s all right this is going to work just fine dude and it should be warm enough in there that we don’t even need to melt it ourselves it should just melt

Naturally no what okay whatever how much ice are we talking Here see dorov the whole point of this is to uh to not only yoink them from their habitat but create a very uncomfortable habitat for them to live in that is OSHA friendly OSHA approved OSHA safe now like why does that not fill in dude where are you at don’t do This okay he’s gone what is that oh an ashen an ashen skulky boy whatever he’s called I’m assuming this ice is going to freeze back over in case we ever need to go like get more ice as long as it’s a source block I would imagine Capital capitalism is okay for no reason

Man look at us go this is actually really fun I like collecting ice trying to think about how many blocks we ended up ripping out of that place it was already partially like a cave in itself so I think we’re going to need more ice than what we have now we’re

Going to need a lot of ice is what I’m saying I guess we’re going to need lots of ice it doesn’t spread very fast I kind of expected it to like ice over faster oh you only need to do it in checkerboard all right so we’re saving half the ice then

Sweet I don’t know maybe that’s enough then okay we’re losing some no dude I’m so glad you guys are here to keep me in line cuz I would be like never I would never get this done I’d be making all the mistakes okay all right let’s do it let’s let’s bloody do

This we’ll smell the ice or the um the sand later on please tall head what time is it 5:00 all right we got time you’re being chased by fancy Dinner you were being chased yeah well I try to ignore a lot of mobs nowadays cuz they just get like bounced back so far that sometimes they just lose interest convenient all right so if we’re going to do ice blocks I think it’s probably going to be

Easier to start from the bottom to the top that way we don’t have excuse me that way we don’t have like water dangling from the ceiling and and bouncing all over our heads when we’re trying to do this cuz I think it should just melt on its own

I know you said we just need to do a checker board but like as long as we get these Corners okay maybe I should have probably not started up top or up high yet this was stupid what was I thinking Dude I miss the chat what about water log stairs not a thing uh this is old old Minecraft son where the old Heads Lay I don’t think water log stairs were a thing until like pretty darn recently those are going to be uh manual what do you

Mean I mean they are going to look a little funny right oh my gosh what have I done okay let’s find the way it Is try it try water to log a stairs it doesn’t work look see it it don’t it ain’t not working dude well I know that’s not a bucket but this makes Water all right we don’t have to do like an exact science here I don’t think as long as we get the corners we might need more ice water stairs are newer versions correct sir Nice dude this is way easier than I thought it was going to be yeah all right Mr Dum knob I will catch you later later brother thank you for hanging out today sir I can’t promise we’re going to finish this project tonight but we will do our

Best I’m thinking what we do is we get the water in here all the way up until like this level so that it’s like fairly deep deep enough for the creatures to swim around in bring all the stuff in through this little Gap here and then

Fill it in the rest of the way with water and we can like close this off as well and then just exit through another point and Patch it up on the way out I’m off soon in a bit anyway that’s all right um I think what I’ll probably

Do is I might just go when you go um or whenever time you go I definitely got to get some shy together it’s been a mess over the past couple of days um so I’m going to have to get together with the edits and the Vias in the Stu and dinner’s a thing

Too got to eat get Frost Walker Oh Frost Walker would that wait would Frost Walker make like Source blocks turned into ice as well cuz if that’s the case that would be really convenient like super duper convenient it makes Source blocks ice that would probably be pretty nice right oh man o day see this is Easy will be easier for building the layers I think you’re Right just don’t yeah I’m not going to put them on the Golem boots trust me I was going to make like a a Brand New Pair let’s finish this layer and do it we’ll do the the go or not the Golem um the frost Walker

Oh dude this is is butter now oh yeah we’re we just saved like so much time doing this I can’t believe dude I’m glad you guys are here you’re freaking Geniuses see like why is that not that’s why I think it’s a lot easier working from the bottom to the top as well

Rather than like trying to pour water down from the ceiling okay Frost Walker hi witch don’t do it lady what kind of boots silver boots I don’t know why not brother I am not going to have Frost Walker oh dude how do we have magma Walker and not Frost

Walker uh I don’t know if it’s worth our time going through the Villager process I don’t cuz what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to have to go back to the Villager Hut breed some more up try desperately to get cross walker

On a villager and I don’t know if that’s worth our time cuz I can’t see us using that for any other project aside from this one specifically so it might just be faster and easier just to do it this way that was a great idea you know what might help us though

Check this out what might make life just a little bit easier um something that we already have in our pocket though you’ll like this Harry you’ll be like dude that’s the most useless thing in the world why are you using using that is that the only books you have uh

For boot enchantments yes that’s the only boot or the only books we [Laughter] have what okay just don’t get killed by anything goodness imag we just die now because like we don’t have our chest plate with all our extra Health on I love it all right it’s a little annoying but I think

It’ll be easier than just like trying desperately to float oh it’s actually really convenient it’s a little goofy but it’s much better than using like our our jump button to try to float around everything has a purpose Harry Everything I wouldn’t laugh if you died I promise I would I would be like first of all I’d go through the the phases right you know Devastation frustration and then like acceptance Laughter I can’t believe we’re using the freaking life belt man that’s so funny oh yeah look at it look at it melt it’s wonderful it does get a little weird when they’re not Source blocks around you though lose the sentient bow and the Nunchucks or do you mean lose it as in like like don’t put it don’t have it in your inventory right now imagine like the C serpent just like Finds Its way here he’s like I’m home claps our cheeks I trust myself not to lose lose the or not to die Here I say that wow dude the ease mob event incoming don’t say that dude I don’t know how it’s Pitch Black in there oh you know what we should do first of all put this back on and not retain any of the hearts that it offers we should scatter these around

Even though there’s no like spawn like physical blocks that things can spawn on having light on the ceiling I think is going to be useful it doesn’t have to look pretty I don’t Think I don’t know I think that’s okay all right dude Harry good night sir I will catch you later brother thank you for hanging out with me it was really good to be back honestly like ridiculously good to be back um I know it was only like two days

But I was dying without you guys so uh hopefully I will catch you tomorrow man that’s the plan sir I’m going to slap on this Shader real quick and then check and just see what it looks like for funsies without with the glass being invisible just because we’ve got this

Good layer in all right Mr ha good night Sir and then I think we’re going to pop out of here as well um what’s it been 5 hours yeah that’s a solid stream right there man solid glad it wasn’t five weeks I know dude hey it could have been

It was this close that close to being 5 weeks could have been rough but we’re good man we’re we’re all good around down here sir ooh it’s funky we can tweak the settings of the water as well um it doesn’t necessarily have to look just like that like we can make it

A little bit more see-through and clear although I really like how it looks from this perspective you don’t like the lapis uh it it’s funky when it glows right we could take that off I think like what if uh oh wait Shader options materials integrated glowing ores glowing lapis ore

Off I don’t even think you’re really going to see it it’s going to be pretty tough to see it through the water like I I think that looks all right like that the glowing was a little bit much right but if it’s not glowing I

Think it looks fine and man day it is quite dark we could adjust the water but not right now we’ll worry about that another time uh for now let’s pop out of here let’s wrap this bad boy up and that means we got a little bit of fan art wait you’re on no

Nuh-uh nah-uh no dude don’t freaking play don’t play with me we’re on hard difficulty I was like there’s no freaking way we on normal difficulty you’re full of it all right let’s check out this fan fan art man today is some I believe some AI generated stuff from the man himself the

One and only doorknob 774 um dude he’s he’s got something going on here sorry sorry I thought I said normal I thought you were playing with me dude I was like come on now uh but yeah man dornob is an absolute fiend in the artwork society and I can’t wait

To see what else this man comes up with um if you want to see some more artwork uh ahead of time ahead of the end of these streams check out our Discord channel that is free and open to anybody as long as you’re kind and respectful

And ready to SPL spread some love and happiness man that’s all we’re about excuse me it’s all we’re about here today uh we’re just having a good time man but yeah please by all means drop into the Discord channel the link to that is in the description of this video

Uh we also have a second piece from him as well that’s a good one man I I like the the artwork I I love all sorts of art like like I love handcrafted art anything people do by hand is like blows me away but uh the AI

Generated stuff is phenomenal as well uh it really is now I I personally I feel like there’s more value to the handcrafted art for sure but uh they are both very very cool looking um but yeah yeah man that’s it we do this every single day Monday through Monday 1: p.m.

Eastern Standard time so please by all means drop on in check us out once again uh we’ll be here tomorrow tomorrow um there’s a slight chance we’ll play Minecraft again typically what we do here is we bounce back and forth between Minecraft to another game right now that

Other game is God of War um but we did have a little bit of a breather break uh because of some PC issues so we may possibly just jump right back into Minecraft again tomorrow just CU to get a little bit caught up on the building

And stuff that we’ve been missing out on cuz we definitely have uh some catching up to do but yeah man that’s going to be it for us guys thank you so much for hanging out it is so good to be back um a two-day break really just was like

Breaking my heart man I couldn’t take it I was losing my mind I was like pacing back and forth in my room like what do I do without my PC how am I going to stream how am I going to make videos how am I going to talk to all the good

People uh so uh if you’re happy to have me back as I am man please let me know uh it’s just been so much think and fun I love you guys very very much I hope I catch you in the next one uh hope to see

In the Discord Channel also if you have any artworker yourself please by all means drop that sucker in the Discord Channel or if you have anything else to talk about whether it’s life video games if you got any suggestions as far as mods of Minecraft that’s a great place

To drop it too anyways good night everybody I love you so much take care goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 49 Back in Business Baby’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2023-11-30 22:43:37. It has garnered 65 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 05:01:25 or 18085 seconds.

Join us on our first adventure into RL Craft where we play on the hardest difficulty and attempt to complete just about everything. This will be a series played over a long period of time, yes we will die but that will not stop us from continuing our journey!

Join our Discord Channel for all the off-time shenanigans and great conversation with our community!

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    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thời Gian Bất Ổn #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thuong GrayVN on 2024-05-11 13:35:11. It has garnered 165614 views and 15996 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Idea by Toan MC Join this channel as a member to enjoy privileges: Everyone watching the video, if you find it interesting, please give it a like and share. Subscribe to support me: —————————————­—————- ▶𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠: ▶𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 Group: ▶TikTok: ▶𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 Server: ————————————————– —– #ThuongGrayVN #Minecraft #MinecraftSinhTon #SinhTon #Survival #MinecraftSurvival #Hardcore #farming #Wonderzoo #MinecraftSoThu #MinecraftZoo #minecraft100days ——————— ———————————- ©… Read More

  • Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!

    Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival: Transforming The End “The Enderghost, Power of the End”‘, was uploaded by Joey James on 2024-01-13 13:07:38. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:41 or 4361 seconds. I hope you enjoy this episode of Minecraft. I’m working hard to put out more content that will only get better. I hope everyone will come along on the journey with me as I get better and recording, editing, and building! I look forward to showing everyone what I have to offer in the future. {Key Details} 00:00… Read More

  • Le.Le7 – Opponent’s shoes make video end | Minecraft

    Le.Le7 - Opponent's shoes make video end | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft doch das Video endet, wenn der Gegner Dia Schuhe hat #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Le.Le7 on 2024-03-31 19:12:35. It has garnered 9747 views and 369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraftmemes #gamingshorts #challenge #gameplay #community #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!

    Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving modded: Interior, Exterior!’, was uploaded by Speeling on 2024-05-15 01:18:00. It has garnered 80 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:19 or 14719 seconds. We’re jumping into modded minecraft for a bunch of fun to have fun exploring and mischief! Read More

  • Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!

    Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Twitch Rivals #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by GHGClips on 2024-04-19 19:51:15. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-05-31 16:00:32. It has garnered 12880 views and 893 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:48 or 2568 seconds. Come to join this new top-tier MMORPG available both on PC & Mobile: #Tarisland I made custom armor for every enchantment in minecraft hardcore… I did this by mining tons of diamonds to craft suits of diamond armor, mining ancient debris and gold to turn them into netherite armor, then used the trims from the 1.20 update to give… Read More

  • Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!

    Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft emotional animation #shorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by herobrine San on 2024-01-09 10:04:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. about this video minecraft emotional animation minecraft animation,minecraft,animation,minecraft shorts,monster school … Read More

  • Realm of Kings

    Realm of KingsStep into a world steeped in the rich tapestry of medieval times, where knights roam the land, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic adventures await. Welcome to Realm of Kings SMP, a Minecraft server that immerses you in an enchanting medieval experience like no other. Start your kingdom with many players and explore the unexplored world **BEDROCK INFO** IP: Port: 19132 Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Minecraft Server! My name is Alfred and 3 weeks ago I opened up a server for me and my friends to play on. The server now welcomes anyone (Java & Bedrock users) who can contribute with positivity and kindness 🙂 Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanism (sethome, tpa) Levelling system to unlock new perks/commands Fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack required) Personal harvester hoe with autoreplant, autosell etc Server shop and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We want to keep the server simple yet enjoyable, with limited features. If you’re… Read More

  • Helvetia Network

    Helvetia NetworkHelvetia Network: JAVA & BEDROCK (crossplay)Earth towny PVP|PVE 2 worlds economy and more!Server Info:- 2 Earths One PvE And One PvP Both Connected- Pve Server Focuses On Crafting Farming Building Economy Social Growing Towns And Nations Property Markets Making Supplys To Sell To The PvP War Factions While Growing Your Own Empire The Way You Like- PvP Server Focuses On Fighting Players Over Land Resources Spite Land Claiming Over Throwing Regimes And Looting Full On War And Sieges On Who Can Dominate The Earth While Unloading Loot Back Home In Your PvE Capitol And Restocking On Pots Armor Weps And… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Shotguns in Minecraft?? 🤔”

    Minecraft Memes - "Shotguns in Minecraft?? 🤔"I guess Minecraft players want to take their pixelated cow hunting game to the next level! Read More

  • Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle!

    Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle! In the world of Minecraft, where mods run wild, Snowstorms and Duolingo Boss, a challenge compiled. Players brave the elements, facing the frost, Learning new languages, no matter the cost. Fabulas do Luar, the channel to see, With stories and adventures, for you and me. From Jack and the Beanstalk to Cinderella’s cat, Each tale told with heart, imagine that. The Adventures of Super Baby, flying high, The Ugly Duckling, finding its sky. Mafalda and Dora, on a journey so grand, The Incredible Adventure of Jesus, in the sand. But let’s not forget, the Minecraft tale, A world of… Read More

  • Hot Villager Alert 🔥😂

    Hot Villager Alert 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and suddenly the whole village turns against you like a mob of angry soccer moms at a Black Friday sale. #oops #sorrynotsorry #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

    Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City - Day 2 Exploring the Minecraft Gamepass Challenge – Day 2 Introduction The Minecraft Gamepass Challenge continues to captivate audiences as players delve into the intricacies of this virtual world. Day 2 brings new adventures, challenges, and surprises for participants to navigate. Live Streams and Events The action unfolds on Twitch, where viewers can tune in to the live streams hosted by TheGuill84. The channel offers a mix of gameplay, commentary, and interactive events that keep fans engaged and entertained. Platforms and Social Media In addition to Twitch, TheGuill84 maintains a strong presence across various social media platforms. From YouTube to Twitter,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Weekly Live Podcast Stream (Featuring Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Hunger’s Entertaining Let’s PLays on 2024-06-02 08:18:42. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:14 or 9374 seconds. Not for kids! I’m not here to babysit children, this stream is intended for older viewers. I’m playing Minecraft with my friends in our Private Realm. Please Don’t Ask to join, the realm is full. Please be respectful to each other in the chat. Donation button is available, please don’t give money that isn’t yours or money you can’t afford… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!

    Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Darkest World Ever !! 😨 | Minecraft horror seeds | Z Army #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Z Army on 2024-02-23 13:27:57. It has garnered 22478 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:12 or 372 seconds. Minecraft Darkest World Ever !! 😨 | Minecraft horror seeds | Z Army #viral #trending . . . . .hello, ‎@Mralpha13  pls don’t give me any copyright pls because I want to only enjoy on YouTube plssss 🙏 Read More

  • Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shorts

    Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘destroy village house #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Underworld gang gamerz on 2024-01-18 02:07:05. It has garnered 2500 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. destroy village house #minecraft #shorts my Instagram id :- Minecraft techno gamerz beast boy shub chapati hindustani gamer minecraft but live insaan minecraft challenge minecraft house minecraft gameplay minecraft in hindi minecraft manhunt minecraft mod minecraft mods minecraft speedrun minecraft speedrunner minecraft videos shorts smurfs the lost village demi lavato smurfs the lost village rainn wilson the smurfs song ujjwal #minecraft #short my… Read More


    🔥 TREASURE IN SURVIVAL - KING VS KILLER!! 🗺️ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND TREASURE MAP IN SURVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-23 14:52:09. It has garnered 116 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:23 or 743 seconds. I BUILD IRON FARM IN SERVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #17 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- Join Whatsapp Group :- DISCLAIMER :- The… Read More

  • EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy Swamp

    EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy SwampVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – Soggy Swamp ( A Perilous Potion)’, was uploaded by LegendSmehoo on 2024-01-14 13:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚

    Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚Video Information This video, titled ‘WE’RE SO BACK’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-22 23:38:05. It has garnered 936 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:35 or 8855 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me… Read More

  • From PVP to Mining – EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥

    From PVP to Mining - EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘De PVP a MINERÍA #minecraft #twitch #streamer #gaming’, was uploaded by PoolSLive98 on 2024-04-12 19:00:28. It has garnered 4020 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.Net

    Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.NetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | | Projekt Schiff Finale’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-19 07:04:51. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:43 or 4063 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be… Read More