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Today we’re having a skibby family in Minecraft well what type of skibby kids are we going to have well whenever we press this button right here it’s going to spawn a skibby baby so let me go ahead and press it first and see what I get oh my goodness look at that I

Actually have my skiy kid hi Dad hi Dad hi Dad oh wait a second kids stop breaking stuff what in the world is wrong with you hi Dad I’m so glad to be here hi Dad hi Dad uh okay I’m going to press this button so this guy goes away

What in the world that kid was so crazy that kid was super crazy but he is your kid after all what the heck I don’t want to be kid with the speaker that should be like your kid or something no he looks more like your kid not me wait

What the heck you think he looks like me he literally looks exactly like you with a speaker head except he was like blue or something and you’re like red whatever guys well anyways we’re going to have like 20 minutes to build our old skib family base and I think I’m going

To build right here on this nice green side where do you think you’re going to build Zoe obviously I’m going to build on the purple side because purple’s the best color ever incorrect red is definitely the best color I’m going to hop over on this side and Destroy

Y’all’s buildings what the heck wait this guy actually thinks red is the best color ever I might admit I don’t really like purple and I don’t really like red either but you both are totally going down okay and since I obviously have like the speaker band I think I’m going

To go ahead and make like a tight speaker band head for my build that would be totally cool so the first thing I’m going to do is build out a little base of the head and I probably should have it touch the walls just like this

Oh man this is already looking so good I bet you’re not going to build anything like M Zoe yeah right Dax I’m going to build the TV woman head and she’s going to look so much better than your speaker Man head what wait you’re going to build

A TV woman head that actually sounds so cool but what if you end up not getting the TV Woman as a baby um I just have a strong feeling that I will uh okay I guess we’ll see about that what do you think you’re going to build speaker man

I’m building a cake Mansion uh why are you building a cake Mansion this is a skibby build challenge because it’s cooler than anything you guys can make obviously uh okay that doesn’t really make any sense but I guess if you want to make a cake Manion you can go for it

I’m not really going to stop you or anything okay let me continue building the walls out of my speaker bed like this and I probably should stack it up pretty high but he also has like a weird little piece in the middle and I honestly have no idea how I’m going to

Build something like that okay I think this looks like pretty good for the base of the speaker but now I have to bid that middle section I was talking about so what if I stack it around just like this and oh man this is already looking

So good maybe I can even have like a little arcade room here or something or maybe like a little Watchtower with like Archer bows and stuff that’ be so cool let me go ahead and stack this like 10 blocks up into the sky and that’s looking pretty perfect but the next

Thing I need to do is add in a bunch of those speakers so let me go ahead and break up some of these quarters over here and just throw in some red dots and I think he only has like three of them and maybe like a little white dot in the

Middle I honestly don’t really remember how he looks that much okay let me go ahead and break that right there and then I can add in three more of those red blocks and this is looking pretty much perfect already and wo Zoe wait your TV woman head’s actually coming

Together pretty nicely so far thanks STX but I did tell you that it was going to turn out amazing yeah you did tell me that but I think you’re missing a little bit of something what am I missing what am I just select over here and then

Click over on this side and then I just set all of this to be ultra awesome lava lava what the heck uh yeah I’m trying to like defend your skimy base at wo your character is like freaking out for a second there wait are you serious but

Honestly the lava looks super cool yeah I told you it was going to look pretty cool I made it so that you’d actually have a nice defended house zo I I’m looking up for you thanks Dex and wao look at this your ki’s actually coming together pretty nicely speaker man I

Know that and wait a second what in the world is even in your hand right now what are you holding I I’m holding a hanger door I’m going to put that on here so basically I can bring in as many people as I want cuz everybody’s going

To want to come over here wait what in the world is a hanger door I’ve never even heard of that before yeah well only the cool people know about that what the heck okay Zoe you don’t need to make fun of me too but wa this thing looks so

Cool it looks super secure but wait I can just open it cuz I’m super strong and cool I’m going to make something even better to defend all this don’t you worry about that I seriously doubt that speaker man but I’m going to go ahead and go back to my little speaker over

Here and let’s see I should probably add in one of those top red pieces and I think below that is like another little one of those white pieces and then I should be pretty much done with the outside of this let me just go ahead and

Fill this up with some red right about here and then I got to add one of those white pieces at the bottom and perfect I think the outside of this speaker B head actually looks really really good good but now I need to go ahead and add stuff

For the inside but actually I made Zoe a nice little lava mode so what if I do the same thing for my side all I have to do is click in one corner over here fly all the way to the other side and then I can use that same command to make the

Outside all lava what the heck Dex you’re copying my build wait no Zoe I literally made that for you how am I copying it for you if I literally made that for you because I had it first that means you’re copying that literally makes no sense at all Zoe but either way

Maybe I can change up to be something else okay let me go ahead and get rid of all of this and then maybe I’ll add an extra special bucket let’s see what I even have in here and waa wait a second there’s something called oil that I

Think I can use oil what is oil going to do I honestly have no idea but I’m going to go ahead and fill up the outside of this and actually it Blended pretty well at the speaker Man head so maybe will end up being pretty cool well that’s

Good at least let me just finish all of this inside of here only a few more left and then I can test it out and actually see what this oil does let me just go ahead and hop inside of it and oh my gosh it makes you go so slow that’s

Crazy W that is so useful okay but let me see I actually like that door that the speaker bed had so what if I just walk over here and then I click on it to steal the door and then I got my side whoo whoa whoa what’s going on over here

Uh nothing I was just uh looking at your door in admiring there is nothing suspicious going on at all Dex are you stealing again no I’m not stealing from anyone I’m using my own creative ideas look at this so oh wait a second it says a hanger door maybe there’s like another

Version of The Hanger door and look there’s one going down look at this I have a hanger door that’s going down he has one that’s going up so mine’s way cooler I don’t know about that but we’ll see at the very end okay let me go ahead

And put that back up and then maybe I should added a few little stairs right here just so you can actually walk up let’s see what type of stairs do I want to grab there’s a bunch of cool ones and whoa maybe I should use some brick ones

Because they’re red let me just smack those right there and then of course you’re going to have to jump over this little area if you want to make it inside if you can’t do that you honestly don’t deserve to be inside of our house but this is looking pretty perfect this

Is going to be the first room and let’s see what should I add in here maybe I could add like a little kitchen on this side and like a little living room over here so of course since I’m building like the speaker man let me go ahead and

Grab some red and actually wait a second I’m doing the Titan so yeah a bunch of red will be nice and I’m going to grab some couches and maybe like a TV or something let me just put down three of these Red Blocks where I can smack a TV

On top and oh wait a second it’s too small right here what if I just break it out right here and then I fill this up with some blocks yeah no one will ever notice that it’s offc centered let me just smack the TV in there and then I

Can go ahead and put a red couch down here and wa this looks so cool okay let me add some decorations on this side too maybe I could just go ahead and grab some nice little oak leaves and I’ll put a log on the bottom here and stack it up

Like this perfect this is looking so good maybe I’ll also add in a few different paintings let’s see which one can I even put here in H I don’t really like how that one looks too much what if I get another one that’s really cool and

Whoa that one looks perfect okay and I did say I was going to add some kitchen stuff to the other side so let’s see what type of kitchen stuff I even have and wao there’s a bunch of kitchen stuff inside of here okay let me go ahead and

Get some red stuff and I guess I can get in an oven and like the fridge and stuff and wo they even have like trash cans that’s so cool okay I’ll get some red kitchen cabinets like this and I’ll get some floating ones and now I can start

Building out the base of the kitchen let me just go ahead and add a fridge in the corner over here and then I can throw in my oven and I can also throw in a few different cabinets I can also add in the trash Canon let’s see where should I put

That maybe just like right there looks pretty good I’ll also add in a nice little microwave and then I can add in some top cabnets just in case you want to store anything and finally I think I’m going to add like some cookies on top of the counters just in case anyone

Gets hungry while they’re making food and want to have like more food and lastly I think I should add in some carpet so let me go ahead and get a bit of red that I can put on the floor right over here and it might be a little weird

To have carpet inside of the kitchen I don’t really know though uh Dax carpet inside of a kitchen that’s not a great idea wait why is it a great idea I thought that was like the most perfect idea ever what’s wrong with with it because what if you make a mess in the

Kitchen and then the carpet gets ruined uh well I won’t make a mess because I’m like the most professional chef of all time yeah I’ve had your cooking before and it is not very good what the heck you don’t think my cooking is good Zoe

You told me it was great last time yeah I lied oh my gosh that is so mean what do you think of my cooking speaker man um it’s okay let’s leave the cooking to the professionals over here at the Cake House okay what the heck you literally

Don’t think it’s good either and wait I bet your cake doesn’t even look good let me see the progress that you made and wao this actually does look kind of good I can’t even lie to you told you what what the heck wait I want a cake house

Can I like copy your build or something uh no only cool people like I said only cool people what in the world wait he said only cool people that means I can do it uh I don’t think so what the heck Kaz Zoe he said you’re not cool either

Now you’re a loser just like me shut up Dax who you can’t tell me to shut up that’s not very nice well I just did and what are you going to do about it honestly I’m going to do nothing right now but whenever you see how cool my

Build is compared to yours you’re going to be like super sad and probably cry or something yeah I seriously doubt that I haven’t cried in like a day day so I probably won’t cry anytime soon wait you said you haven’t cried in a day Zoe that’s like pretty bad Shut Up Dex uh

Okay whatever I’m just going to get back to my build and I think I’m going to add in a super cool arcade room and let’s see what type of arcade machines do I have and whoa I have so many I have Pacman I also have snake and I have

Tetris too this is so cool and wait a second I have pong uh do either one of you know what pong is it’s a video game well yeah I get as a video game I’m making an arcade but what does it even mean I actually have no clue what the

Heck you have no clue uh speaker man do you have any idea what pong means of course I know what pong means it’s one of the most famous games ever made dude well then what is it um well it’s a game obviously right but it’s like a super old one and because

I’m so hip and cool I wouldn’t know that what you literally don’t know either you know I’m just going to look at it for myself said literally either what have you know you both are just big Liars oh my gosh he is so grouchy speaker man why

Do we even hang out with him I don’t know he’s throwing insults left and right I just don’t appreciate it oh wait a second guys I know EX what this is this is like table tennis basically oh yeah it’s table tennis that’s what I was

Just about to say and wait a second I’m playing against like some AI or something and I think I’m actually winning right now and oh my gosh wait he scored a point on me a I want to come play a game well this is like a single

Player game so I don’t know how you’re going to play do you have multiple games it’s supposed to be an arcade isn’t it uh yeah I have like Pac-Man and stuff or if you feel like playing pong I guess you could play Pong too o I want to play

Pac-Man can I come over uh yeah sure but let me come down there so I can open up the door for you cuz I don’t want like any random strangers coming inside of here let me go down to the bottom of my base and then I can open up this to

Super secure door and what the heck are you doing here speaker man I thought you said you wanted cool people over uh yeah I mean you’re not cool but I guess you can come inside too oh okay well I’m stuck in the oil how do I get out of

Here you’re stuck in the oil you can literally just play Up Speaker man you’re in creative mode oh okay and Zoe you didn’t even admire the first floor of my house I have like a super cool kitchen and a TV you just went straight up to the games that’s because I’m doing

What matters oh my gosh whatever well you two can both play some games if you want to this one I think is Tetris and I think this is pong over here I’m not really sure while you guys are doing that I’m going to start building out to

My second or actually maybe I should even add some glass into this build let me just get some stained glass I can put all the way around I don’t want to brag but I’m doing super good at Pac-Man wait are you doing super good can I like

Watch the game from the inside oh no I can’t watch the game I wish I could watch to see how you’re doing dang I’m doing so good I’m like a Pac-Man Champion a Pac-Man Champion there’s no way I literally don’t believe you at all Zoe you’re going to be so surprised when

You see all the tickets that I get well we’ll see at the end how many tickets you get I bet you’re not going to get more than like five more than five a man I just died oh how many tickets did you get well I still have one more life left

But you have one more life left how many lives did you start off with you always get three in Pacman have you never played before uh well obviously not that’s why I asked the question Zoe you’re a silly goose well I’ve never played Pac-Man before so why would I

Know oh no the ghosts are about to get me oh yeah you’re going to lose and then you’re only going to have like four tickets I’m not going to have four tickets D stop saying that I bet you are but I guess we’ll see whatever you lose

This last life a man I just died well how many tickets did you get Zoe um 33 dacks what the heck no you did not Zoe yeah I did go ahead and count him you bozo oh my goodness you have so many tickets how in the world did you even

Get this many you do have 33 because I did amazing at Pac-Man maybe you should practice well you know what I think about your stupid tickets I’m just going to throw them all in the lava what the heck you can’t throw them in the lava I earned those well guess what you gave

Them to me and I decided I didn’t need them any longer so now they’re in the lava that was so not cool I’m going back to my base whatever I don’t even care I’m about to start building my baby’s room out it’s going to be so much cooler

Than anything you’ve built and actually I think I’m going to extend this room one more over here just so I can even it out a little bit so let me go ahead and set all of this area to zero and once I’m done with that I can set all this

Down here to be Oak pling so now it’s all even again and whoa wait a second speaker are you adding like candles on top of your cake this looks so cool it’s a cake candles go on cake why wouldn’t there be candles candles go on cake let

Me see let me just go ahead and grab a cake inside of my inventory and let’s see and I see no candles on this cake what are you even talking about that must be from a mod I don’t know that must be not a normal cake what the heck

It literally is a normal cake let me see do I have any other cakes and wao wait a second we have so many cakes I didn’t even realize and wait this one actually has candles on top of it look at that okay well that’s just like a faulty cake

Or something but yeah your base is looking pretty cool I got to admit it thank you very much and actually let me go ahead and even out this other side over here so it doesn’t look weird whenever you look at it from the front and uh Zoe are you like spelling your

Name over here or what is this supposed to be yeah I’m spelling my name but I’m having some trouble yeah it looks like two x’s and like a c that doesn’t look like your name at all two x’s what are you talking about well I mean this looks

Like an X over here and this looks like a combination of the X it’s like really hard to see but I guess this could be an O if you like do that or something but yeah it looks like the E is coming out a little bit weird Zoe whatever deck stop

Judging my build okay let me go back to building my babies before you get mad and like try to hurt me or something let’s see I got to get some red stuff since this is a baby’s room and what do I even have inside of here I probably

Get a bed and then maybe I could get like some TNT or something I think TNT would be good for a baby’s room yeah that’s perfect for a baby’s room what could go wrong no Zoe it was just a test I’m not putting TNT inside of a baby’s

Room are you crazy or something oh yeah me neither wait are you actually putting TNT inside of your baby’s room no I’m removing TNT from my baby’s room what in the world you literally had TNT inside of there Zoe you’re crazy yeah I know well let me go ahead and add some stuff

And wo I can even add in like a drum set let’s see where do I even want to add that in perfect that looks like the perfect place maybe I could get like some ceiling fans too and like some radios and I can build out like a little

Desk because you know every baby loves desk right I don’t know play games or something okay whatever you say and also I want my baby to be like super super smart so what if I get like some bookshelves and throw them all inside of here ooh that’s such a good idea I’m

Going to do that too but you can’t copy my idea Zoe why not uh because it’s my idea and I came up with it so you can’t be a dirty cheater and copy me well you’re just going to have to get over it oh my gosh whatever you know it doesn’t

Even make a difference cuz my baby’s going to be way smarter than yours yeah I seriously doubt that me too uh your baby is probably going to be the dumbest of them all speaker man I don’t think so my baby’s going to be a genius we’ll see

About that I’m probably going to put like a quiz in here for your baby and we’re going to see how smart he is oh he’s going to destroy that quiz just like I’m destroying in this challenge I really doubt you are but we’ll see at

The end let me go ahead and add in a couple lights to the roof over here and how in the world do I even turn these things on what if I just like click on it and no that doesn’t work is there like a light switch or something and

Whoa there is a light switch okay how do I even work this what if I put it there and waa that’s so cool I have a light switch I bet neither one of you guys have that I have a light switch I put it in like 10 minutes ago you put in a

Light switch 10 minutes ago are you serious yep so that just means you’re slow uh okay whatever I bet my light switch is still better okay perfect the light switch is looking pretty good let me add in a bit of carpet and what else

Can I even throw in a baby’s room Zoe do you have any good ideas um how about you give them like a pet a pet and wo a pet would be a great idea why should I give him like a dog or something yeah Mr doggy oh W that would be perfect okay

After I put in some glass I’m going to go ahead and grab a dog and I’m going to call him Mr doggy he’s going to be the coolest thing ever let me just throw in some red glass all around this and perfect this is looking so good I’ll

Throw some in the back area over here as well and wo I can even see your base over here my base is so much taller than your Zoe are you serious well I am going underground You’re Going Underground wait why are you going underground for because I have to have multiple floors

Uh okay and I think the last thing I’m actually to do for baby room is throw like a couple posters so let me get like a Batman poster and I can get like a dinosaur poster okay I think these are the perfect posters let me just put one

In the corner over here wait a second I can’t put it down anywhere what in the world is wrong with this maybe I can put it like above the bed and no maybe I’ll just put it over here and oh yeah that looks pretty good and perfect I think my

Baby’s room is basically complete it’s looking really really nice right now but should I add anything to the outside oh wait a second I actually have a really good idea just to defend my a little bit on the outside I think I’m going to grab some super cool lasers ooh lasers that

Sounds awesome yeah it’s going to be the best thing ever so let me go ahead and put down a few lasers and then I can go ahead and make a row up here so the lasers can actually connect and all I have to do is click on one of these

Shield pads down here and click on the roof and perfect I have super cool lasers no one’s going to be able to get inside of here unless I let them actually I want to add in a bit more touch here so what if I go ahead and

Make this whole wall right here white and yeah that looks a whole lot better let me just take a look at the outside of my base and this is like the coolest speaker B head I’ve ever seen in my life and since I added in lasers on that side

Maybe I should also add in some lasers to the back over here just to make sure no I can break it from the back either hey Dax I’m done over here I bet you it’s a million times better than yours what you already do with your build but

I bet your build is nowhere near as good as mine how about I come over and check out your side real quick yeah you better okay let me just go down here and then I can open my super cool hanger door that I totally wasn’t original BL and then I

Can come over to your side and what the heck who is this stad let me in let me in hi Dad hi Dad who the heck is this speaker man is this your baby yes my baby dad who is this weird guy I don’t know it’s some weirdo that steals things

You got to better be careful H you’re a stealer that’s so lame what the heck ooh there’s C over here this is awesome what in the world is wrong with your baby this thing is absolutely crazy and it’s breaking all of your cake I love cake

Cake is awesome what the heck this baby is literally insane but uh wait this cake inside of here kind of looks cool speaker man oh I know it’s double decker chocolate going down the sides I put up all these pings cuz they are basically of Cakes as well it looks really cool in

Here unlike probably the other two places around the neighborhood but we’ll see about that um Dad I’m suck in the licing uhoh better hop on out of there uh yeah I think your kid’s drowning it up wa no there they go wait did you say this was icing or what is this stuff

Supposed to be that’s chocolate syrup that’s chocolate syrup you have chocolate syrup inside your house that’s kind of disgusting uh okay whatever well I mean this is kind of a cool build but I thought you would added in more stuff this is a little bit lame uh we’ll see

About that let’s check the downstairs as I said it’s double decker oh wait you did say double decker so you have a downstairs too and wa this is so cool down here what the heck well you have a nice little couch and you also have a

Little speaker for your baby and oh I see why you did that cuz it’s a speaker band over here that makes perfect sense this is my favorite room of the house this is so awesome what the heck this is so cool and well you have a lot more

Chocolate syrup down here you just love chocolate syrup don’t you the baby loves chocolate syrup uh is that true little baby do you love chocolate syrup I love chocolate syrup H okay I think your kid is a little crazy but I still think my base is a little bit better than yours

But before we go check out my side I kind of want to check out Zoe’s side first all right I bet you it’s not going to be as good as mine but go ahead and check it out and let me know how good mine is after okay Zoe I think it’s time

To check out your for cool bill can I get a whole tour of this place yep come on over let’s see it wao those doors are so cool right it’s so awesome wait a second is this your baby over here is that the TV woman yep isn’t she super

Cute yeah I’m the TV baby what the heck wait you sound so weird why do you sound like that that’s how I talk why does this sound weird uh I don’t know uh Zoe your baby’s weird Dax you can’t say that about a baby uh okay I’m sorry baby you

Don’t sound weird you just uh no you do sound weird I’m not even sorry what the heck you sound like a weirdo you sound like a weirdo okay whatever Zoe just give me a tour of your house I don’t want to talk to your baby anymore it’s

Weird Okay first we’ll leave my baby alone then I’ll give you a tour okay f f fight I’ll leave your little baby alone so over here underneath my baby you can see I have a big purple bed with a nightstand and we have like a million

TVs in here wao wait you do have so many TVs and wao you have a lot of books are you like a baby nerd or something yes she’s a super genius what in the world okay if you’re a Super Genius answer this one question for me what is 1 + one

Uh two two what the wait your baby is a genius I told you Dax she’s like super smart wao that is so cool I hope my baby’s that smart yeah it probably won’t be what the heck Zoe that’s so mean come on down here okay whatever it doesn’t

Even matter and wao why do you have so many cakes down here actually I think the speaker man came over and decided to play a prank on me but me and my baby love cakes so this is actually such a win for us wo there is so much cake and

Wo wait you have lava behind the glass this looks so cool thanks and we put this purple glass in front of it so it makes it purple this is totally awesome awesome and W you have like a nice little sink you have a blender what do

You even have a table what if I just broke this table though cuz I don’t like it Dex are you serious look look Zoe okay I’m going to go ahead and fix it for you just give me like 1 second okay fine let me just go inside of here and

Look at this perfect I can put down some super nice green tables no I hate the color green and so does my baby wait baby do you actually hate the color green yeah Green’s my favorite wait what did you just say Green’s your favorite let’s go see your baby even likes green

Baby TV woman what the heck is wrong with you our favorite color is purple so cool your baby loves green I knew you were awesome Dex you were just talking mad mess about my baby 2 seconds ago well now that your baby likes the color green I think it’s the coolest baby ever

Besides my baby uh sorry little TV woman baby uh we’ll find out about that uh okay whatever but anyways I think the green adds a lot of touch to this room it looks so much better Zoe honestly I’m going to leave the green table just because it makes my baby happy yeah

Let’s go well I think it’s time for you to come check out my super awesome speaker Man head okay show me the way okay zo welcome to my super awesome tight speaker bit baby house and as you can see I have a whole bunch security of

This place wo this is really awesome and it looks super secure yeah look I added in lasers to the front I also added in lasers to the back and yeah this is just super secure I also have oil on the outside so if anyone steps at it they go

Super super slow which means they can’t get inside easily wow that’s super cool I mean not as cool as lava but still pretty cool I think it’s as cool as lava but let’s go ahead and go inside and what the heck speaker baby you’re already in here sup Dad what the heck

Wait why is your voice so deep who’s the girl uh this is uh Zoe this is my friend but why is your voice so deep uh I always sound like that what in the world okay this is a little bit creepy Zoe I’m sorry I didn’t think he was going to be

That weird Dax your baby is really freaking me out yeah I’m sorry but hey let’s just go ahead and get a little tour of the house as you can see he’s sitting in the living room right now and he’s watching TV but uh speaker baby you

Didn’t even turn on the TV what are you doing uh I just like looking at it uh okay that’s a little bit weird but look over here I have a super awesome kitchen and since it’s obviously the speaker baby and there’s a bunch of red I

Decided to throw in a bunch of red and I also added in cookies a little microwave a nice little fridge and a trash can which I think I could probably throw the speaker band’s baby in this is awesome hey don’t put a baby in there but uh Dax

Your baby is really freaking me out why does it keep looking at me uh I don’t know he just likes looking at people he speaker baby can you stop staring at people please uh no uh okay yeah he said no let’s go upstairs I don’t want to be

Near him for another minute okay Zoe will this next room down here is my little arcade room and actually you were here earlier you paid a little bit of pman and oh gosh wait I guess you guys are just going up to the top floor get down here stop skipping rooms I’m sorry

Dax I just got up the ladders too quickly yeah I have Pac-Man in here and I also have this really cool Tetris and then I have pong on the very end they’re all really fun games to play well considering I already kicked butt at Pac-Man I’m going to kick butt at Tetris

Uh no you’re not cuz I just broke it no I’m playing it right now wait how are you playing it I literally just broke the machine I don’t know deck uh okay well let me just put the machine back then oh man I lost well good job Zoe I

Bet you tried your best but this is a pretty cool room you just want to come here and relax and have fun yeah I’ll definitely be coming back here oh there’s your baby yeah he is a little bit weird but hey this is the final room

Actually let me go ahead andal all the lights in the fans wow the fans are a nice touch Dax yeah I told you it’s like the coolest room ever and I have a super awesome bed it’s a nice red carpet and I even added a nice drum set so my baby

Can play the drums I bet you the baby loves that I do yeah see he said he loves the drums he’s so cool yeah he’s something also add in these super cool posters over here I have Batman right here and I also have a dinosaur poster right here since he loves dinosaurs

Isn’t that right speaker baby I love dinos yeah see look he loves dinosaurs that is awesome uh and wait a second Zoe did you just hear someone open up the door yeah I hear someone coming up the ladder who is it wait you guys are starting without me uh yeah we already

Started without you we actually checked out each other’s builds and we all agree that is the best right Zoe um what we never agreed on that well we literally agreed mine is literally the best look just come outside let’s look at everything from the outside I have a

Super awesome speaker bed head and your guys isn’t nearly as cool except wait what the heck are these on your build oh my gosh are those candles yeah they’re candles but what in the world are these things speaker man uh that’s my tower defense you know in case anybody that

Tries to come over and eat the cake who isn’t me and or my baby well uh what in the world does this thing even do all right I’m going to spawn a skeleton and show you guys how these things work uh okay and what is the skeleton you’re

Supposed to do right now oh oh my gosh what the heck it literally just got destroyed by the rocket that thing’s insane what in the world wait what if you spawn in like another one over here is that one going to shoot as well let’s

See what it does oh my gosh the skeleton just got destroyed honestly I have no idea whose base is the best we all have pretty good builds honestly my base is the best because it’s purple and it represents the TV woman and the TV woman is like the best scity character uh it’s

Okay but yours isn’t a cake that you can actually eat and it doesn’t have rocket launchers on it mine’s clearly the best out of all wait but I have super cool lasers and mine’s like multiflor I even have this super cool door in the front

With a bunch of cool stuff I think my base is obviously the best well why don’t we leave it up to the comments to decide whose build was the best fine I guess we’ll see who everyone thinks had the best build and that was a super crazy adventure if you guys want to

Watch another video make sure to click one on screen bye guys

This video, titled ‘Having A SKIBIDI TOILET FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2023-11-30 06:00:12. It has garnered 23636 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:51 or 1491 seconds.

Having A SKIBIDI TOILET FAMILY in Minecraft!

Today Daxx and Xoe are Having A SKIBIDI FAMILY in Minecraft! What SKIBIDI Babies will they get? Watch the video to find out!

More Daxx Videos!



Locked on One Lucky Chunk With SPEAKERFAMILY! by Daxx


I Cheated In A SKIBIDI TOILET Mob Battle! by Daxx

#minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx

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  • Thirty Numbers SMP

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  • ViibeMC Network 1.20.4 Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

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  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

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  • “Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE” #SMP #aternos

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  • Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥

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  • SkyHaven

    SkyHavenSkyHaven is a server for the new minecraft verisons out there! Our gamemodes are FFA, Survival, Hardcore, and more. We also have tons of features many other servers may not have! Read More

  • WavyMC SMP 1.20 Java/Bedrock Land Claim Level System Daily Quests

    WavyMC Server WavyMC – Java/Bedrock Survival – 1.20.X WavyMC is a 1.20 Survival server with an active community build around the Twitch community. Season 3 of WavyMC SMP launched recently and has already attracted nearly 200 players! Join us for an epic adventure in a dynamic world filled with features like economy, player leveling, quests, and more! How to join WavyMC? Version: 1.20.X Java IP: Bedrock IP: (Port: 19132) Discord: Core features on WavyMC Discover unique player leveling system, land claiming, economy, and a community-driven server. Join now! Player Leveling: Complete quests to level up and unlock… Read More

  • Squishcraft

    SquishcraftSquishcraft is a skyblock server with tons of custom items, plugins, and features. Join today for free ranks and free crate Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!

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  • Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness

    Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Craftsman Dragon and MasterCraft, a dynamic team. Block Crazy VS Build Craft, the battle is on, Each game unique, with adventures to spawn. Craftsman Mobile Game, Android delight, Survival mode, shaders, and pets in sight. Craftsman 2024, the future is bright, With endless possibilities, day and night. Craftsman Survival Mode Series, a journey to embark, Exploring new maps, with shaders that spark. Craftsman Mod, a twist in the tale, Adding depth and challenge, without fail. Craftsman Texture, a visual treat, Enhancing the gameplay, making it sweet. Craftsman Advanture, an adventure… Read More