Insane Solo Eggwars Comeback! 😱

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[Music] Co for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello yeah what the what what are those are those fish they look weird I don’t like them um yeah I am here speaking into a microphone again for the first time in uh how many months has it been it’s been 3 months seems pretty reasonable to me um I don’t even know if the no I guess the mic’s working I don’t know if I’m too loud if I’m too quiet I got a lot of things going on in like the next few weeks coming up especially in May but my time at high school is coming to an end very soon so that means a heck of a lot of finals and getting ready for Life After High School all that jber jabber so I got something going on tomorrow so instead of uh worrying about that I’m just going to try and like have some uh I don’t know it’s either fun or it’s going to be like a A distressor or a a harbor for more stress so that’s that that’s fun isn’t that going to be fun okay oh yeah I changed my computer background isn’t that fun look I I changed it am I lagging I hope not oh I think my oh crap no I have my stream pulled up so I can look at the chat oh I think the latency is behind oh well that’s fine God when was the last time I logged into Minecraft I don’t even remember I haven’t even played Minecraft I would use my flag emils but YouTube have no that’s okay that’s okay record your plays on Minecraft no thank you whatever that is I think that’s one of my the mod apps one of the mod apps or that I have got two of them I don’t know why I have two um Minecraft is having a hard time booting up there we go oh crap I like changed my skin on my other version okay never mind it okay I was about to say I was hello controller here’s a cat in the box that is very cute controller controller respond uh oh we’re having okay here we go I’m not playing on full screen I like I like playing on full screen there we go full screen it feels so weird doing this again it really does God ccraft bad Wars you don’t have bedw wars you have egg Wars unless they changed it wait why does it say bedwars on C wait I’m actually confused did that always say bedw wars did they did they change it to bed War I’m I’m confused is that is that a typo or is that real is this the same server am I about to probably a glitch do you think that is true they please reconnect controller I’m sorry this cord sucks oh my God hang on the cord’s giving me issues maybe it’s this pillow hold on I had a back pillow but I think I have to like put my controller wire in a certain position that’s not uncomfortable or anything yeah no I think you’re right it might have just been a glitch CU it says egg Wars um the lobby looks different it’s springy and has cherry blossoms everywhere it’s springy Vibe also uh the beta games is new oh wait it’s not it’s not a typo look what it says it says bedw Wars pillars of Misfortune oh sorry pillars of Fortune I can read I just heard a dog growl um skywards the same Lucky Blocks the same blockers the same Sky Block okay that’s all good well and good actually this is overtaking egg Wars in popularity that’s kind of wild wait what’s going on over here I know it says EG I know it says egg War stream Springtime qcraft is boring it was a glitch oh okay but I mean it’s kind of ironic that it was talking about bedwars and there is bedwar oh my God I’m lagging um bed War oh wait oh it’s pillar okay never mind it’s two different game modes so we we have bedw wars which I don’t understand why we have bedwars when we have egg Wars but and then there’s pillars of misfortune let’s see what this is this is um okay so it looks like is it quads okay it’s quads I didn’t have a say in that oh so this is just this is just Hypixel okay that’s kind of that’s very funny very funny I like your funny words magic man oh I didn’t have enough yo I need like two pieces of iron please thank you I like your funny words magic man so this is just copying somebody else’s homework huh this is this is literally just this is what are they just trying to do becoming the new Hypixel wait are we okay we’re red we’re red sorry my guy come here mittens oh it is actually name mittens oh crap hi buddy I’m salty and have played in a long time so oh hey buddy I killed her with my oh no I didn’t kill her hello mittens I didn’t kill her yeah we have bedw wars now dude so it’s just it’s just it’s just Hypixel um I actually kind of like it um so far I mean it is just Hypixel so like right this is what Hypixel egg Wars looks like I’ve never played Hypixel so I wouldn’t know but this this looks like Hypixel um Hypixel this looks like Hypixel I don’t know what else to say about it I I used to watch people play Hypixel but I’ve never played it myself okay that’s weapons I look like a complete Noob okay so there’s no upgraded items unless you got to do that yourself uh I don’t know okay it’s probably slightly different than Hypixel in some way but I’m not quite sure in what way that might be um people do not seem to be very try Hardy I’m just saying only one bed’s broken and it’s been two minutes I might have to change the title of this cuz I actually kind of like this this this is basically the t-u version of Hypixel bedwars well you never know I mean I think Hypixel kind of fell off a I might I might be making assumptions but didn’t it fall off a little bit I mean I’ve never been able to play it so I actually don’t I don’t know but does I don’t know I’ve only like I feel like Hypixel egg War uh not egg Wars oh my God Hypixel bedwars is like very um very competitive I feel like they used like I don’t know come here buddy oh God he might kill me he did Kill Me Oh wait and you you keep your armor I’m not used to that okay so that’s new um somebody’s trying to crouch yeah I was about to say someone’s trying to crouch over here um are you crouching buddy whoa my controller disconnected that’s great mittens no my controller disconnected no mittens mittens no my controller guys I might have to change the title of the stream I kind of like this this chilled what the hell okay it’s kind of laggy that could just be me I don’t think that’s the fault of the game wait this is kind of chill though I I I don’t know this is maybe it’s because it’s a new experience for me I’ve never played like I said I’ve mentioned it like 10 times already but I’ve never I’ve never played Hypixel and I’m kind of like taking it in I guess what does that guy have he has iron haven’t seen in a while yeah I’m back wait did yellow oh yellow’s bed is gone I didn’t know that hey buddy hi dude how are you Hi how are you what oh what the hell is that it like shows up on the top of my screen that’s so funny um not like oh wait I was about to say not like my PVP but that was pretty atrocious um wait they still have a bed also I just realized my team is dropping like flies hello are you there my guy are you hello did he die I’m so confused why why is half of my team gone also why did my controller disconnect again stop disconnecting you piece of crap hello controller controller respond there’s somebody coming controller oh my God yo I think our bed just got destroyed because my controller is not working wait oh my God hey second guy on my team thank you oh thank God I’m so sorry my my controller just like it said it was connected but it actually wasn’t enemy approaching get him okay that’s cool that’s chill guys the enemy is approaching that’s kind of silly that it tells you I’m sorry dude I feel so bad for my teammate cuz I’m a total I’m a total like I’m totally new to this did I buy I can’t afford it um can I afford a pickaxe yes no I can’t I can’t afford anything get get him I don’t know I don’t okay one thing I don’t like things are too expensive uh thought they could survive the void yeah I see him okay he fell I kind of like that it tells you because I can’t tell you the amount of times I play egg Wars and then the team and then my teammates are just like don’t see an enemy approaching but then again that kind of works against I kind of also don’t like that because it takes away any stealth which is a big thing for me I feel like sometimes I’ll sneak onto a base in like egg Wars if I like Bridge a Ross a map or something but then like it’s not going to work here because it’s just going to tell me that there’s a player coming girly what you doing um okay she’s dead oh I don’t know what they’re doing these guys are confusing me is there food you can’t break it dude I need um I need food like never mind I don’t need food what am I talking about y’all she back I’m just going to like he can handle her right you got this Pooky I just called my teammate Pooky I needed enemy is approaching yes thank you darling so polite excuse me how the hell did he not whatever oh I’m going to die what bro okay I don’t know where half of my team went though like where did my team go like I don’t know why mid game that everybody was gone guys I said this was an egg War stream but it’s no longer egg Wars I don’t I don’t know that was kind of lame why did all my teammates leave okay one thing I already don’t like about this is everything is way too expensive like 20 pieces of iron I mean 20 pieces of gold for for a pickaxe it’s kind of it’s kind of stupid not going to lie it’s 16 for wait no it’s not 16 for wool it’s 10 for wool oh my God no let me bridge I want to bridge a he can Bridge just fine that makes me sad here I’ll make it easier God but not what I’m lagging okay what are we here for hello I thought he just died okay so um also I’m also realizing these Maps they’re pretty cool too like this this map seems pretty cool okay that jump is makeable but uh we have an issue on our hands if the Earth is the third country from the sun does that I think you mean the third planet from the sun does that mean every single country is a third world country interesting philosophy are we the third planet from the Sun actually do I even understand what your comment is saying what oh purple’s back hey purple oh they’re from the last game no I died are you kidding me were from the last game dude damn it can this controller not I mean it’s not the controller’s fault it’s this cord’s fault but that’s kind of not cool dude okay I don’t I starting to think I don’t really like the way this works because I things are kind of expensive but I think that’s to make the game slower which I guess I understand [Music] no controller please don’t disconnect with to me like this okay no and it’s not enough to get to the middle oh I don’t like this it’s too expensive okay I’m just going to protect the bed then cuz um we didn’t do that yeah and there’s a guy coming like Full Speed Ahead bro bro move y he’s coming oh my God hit him with a fireball wait I have a sword okay so there’s the try hard we found him got him are you kidding me okay bye guys I think I found the tryhards in the lobby I found them all right well that was not very cool okay they keep coming dude they have a vandetta against us oh I found the speed Bridger guys look I found him enemy approaching yeah thanks thanks game I didn’t realize oh he’s dead um I want to get their thing but I I can’t do dude they’re so oh my God never mind I don’t like this mode this is now very annoying why do they have access to Fireballs nice try buddy nice try buddy sorry if that iron anvil noise also like destroyed your eard drums because it definitely didn’t appreciate it cuz my eardrums didn’t appreciate it either oh my god dude oh guys I don’t like the anymore what the hell just happened hello why do you have access why do you have access to Fireballs that early why why also my game crashed is my stream okay my game crashed like my Minecraft actually legit crashed never mind guys I don’t like this game mode things are too slow and Fireballs is not I don’t like that that’s dumb like that’s that’s kind of dumb I think I would have preferred if they just Dro TNT I can’t [Music] believe oh my God why can’t cubecraft ever just make a balanced game ever I mean it would be a cool learning curve but I didn’t I didn’t really like it because it’s quads and excuse me I don’t know all right I’m going back to egg Wars guys never expand your horizon stick to what you’re good at um so if it’s copying Hypixel they made the Fireballs cheap cheaper chapper you spell chapper but I I see what you mean Hypixel Bed Wars Fireballs cost around 50 iron I see yeah cuz they were just pelting us with those that seem like I don’t know that kind of seems imbalanced if you ask me cuz I don’t even think I saw like blast proof glass or anything like they do in Hypixel wait who’s the third person in the chat it’s just you and Nova one parental advice don’t listen to that’s not my name you oh yo why is it taking forever for my Minecraft to load I am sorry I didn’t I didn’t know that this was loading screen simulator why are you still loading dude why is it not working do I have to shut down no I did shut down my Minecraft oh because my ping is garbage there we go I should be asleep I noticed yeah maybe it is late or at least it’s kind of late for me but I stay up anyway all right finally so we’re back on um like I said never expand to your horizon stick to what you’re good at and never change oh what did they do to this Lobby why did they they what did they do to it they like scrubbed it down why is it so flat oh I swear this this Lobby gets uglier and uglier every time I look at it I think they changed that don’t don’t tell that don’t say that that’s me windmill oh no um yeah this Lobby just gets uglier and uglier like first it was like stone brick which actually looked kind of nice and then they switched over to like this dark black one which kind of is harsh in contrast but it’s like okay but the floor was still textured but now the floor looks like crab they got rid of the Disco floor no there was like a there was like a disco underneath the the stairs oh they got rid of it oh that’s so lame Cube crab why why do you ruin everything you create you just destroy it oh we’re on the new map that’s nice what v wait what what the my egg Wars rank hello you you saw the vote voting right like that was that wasn’t just me right you saw that there was no more right you guys saw that right there was no more there was no there why what guys what’s happening to to the I’m I’m actually losing my mind because because I need a minute I need a I I need a minute to cope with change hey buddy what’s up pal oh well he’s going for my egg I guess I’ll go for his I don’t know how to cope guys I’m actually like I’m kind of Star Struck like I don’t know what to do like it’s like that kind of moment where it’s like what’s happening did he die no he didn’t die I thought he did die oh no he just bebed to another okay cool he just went to another base who’s still alive so we got purple green okay well purple’s down oh he’s he’s chasing him he’s pissed hey yo buddy you got to run oh there’s green we got green up in here oh I don’t want to be a part of this I’m getting the hell out of this um I’m like bridging very weird okay I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here I’m getting the hell out of this oh he died cool oh wait he’s on the opposite side of the map hold on I got to get his egg real quick got it guys I got his egg guys I’m playing the game oh no I can bridge I swear I don’t know who typed LOL in the chat I’m just running who’s still alive red is that’s pretty cool dude I don’t even know if this guy’s coming for me oh he did come for me hello pole gamer and good night okay I missed that I kind of missed that not going to lie see this is why you never expand your horizon stick to what you’re good at guys it will always work out never Venture just stay right where you are oh my God what am I doing what am I saying I’m going mad who’s still alive okay it’s just red and light blue so hang on I I need a minute I’m like trying to cope because there’s too many changes happening so there’s no more um I don’t even know if my egg Wars rank is still relevant because they changed that and I don’t I don’t know how to feel about that all right so light blue Z is down I see pink made an attempt hey buddy oh no dude the lag hello why why am I dropping frames hello dude I just did that to protect myself because I don’t know what was happening dude my frames hey buddy light Blue’s here dude now he’s gonna hug his egg like a what are you doing yeah did you see that lag you see that no did you see my lag Spike like what was that those was nuts get him light blue get him or something what is he doing is he G to hello light blue I’m kind of tossing him for you oh my God does he have an apple he does have an apple and I just cornered myself swag that’s pretty cool I don’t appreciate what this game is doing buddy what are you doing I’m just going to let him do his thing you you go ahead like you you can go ahead hey dude you could just I don’t like teaming with the Enemy but I don’t want to fight him bro I don’t want to fight him you got this oh it’s oh it’s oh that sucks okay it’s it’s uh it’s ancient debris so we’re just going to have to kill him but without me dying hang on buddy I if you if you handle him he doesn’t suspect a thing wait he’s at two hold on wait no he’s at three oh my God my PVP is f come on he’s at two don’t Target me I not the enemy he’s the enemy hey buddy you got to keep them off me dog this is so D I got it oh my god oh man oh no what do we do what do we do we got to we got to like we got to like du this out hey buddy hey how do we how do we end this do we just like got a One V one how do we how do we do this um you just want to like one V one all right we doing that is that what we doing okay GG I’ll hit him with the GG I didn’t know if that’s what he wanted to do but I I just gged him because I didn’t know what to do this is weird we oh okay okay never mind never mind so there’s still there’s still modes I I just had to click a button to figure that out sorry having not played uh servers and not have my life being consumed by video games has done things to me not that I was like over like grinding this stuff before I was just you know I’m just naturally talented like that I can’t destroy my own egg no crap that’s why I’m trying to put Clay on it go s I thought purple was here is he just going to he’s not he’s not rushing for me thankfully unfortunately that’s going to be his mistake there goes light blue there goes orange all right it’s only fair oh I made that y that was kind of sick oh my God hello got him crap got him hey yo let’s go never expand your horizons that’s going to be the that’s the theme of today’s stream just stick to what you’re good at all right that was pretty cool that was that was actually kind of clean I’m not going to lie having having not done that in like months is kind of impressive I’m not I’m literally not joking okay I haven’t touched this game ever since I last streamed it and the thing is my last stream 3 months ago wasn’t even on Minecraft so whenever my last stream on Minecraft was was the last time I actually like probably touched this game um I’m kind of worried about pink making a long Mad Dash for my base or I should be worried about yellow right now holy crap wait he is distracted by black that’s cool all right I’m grabbing diamonds and I’m running I’m running oh there was diamonds right here okay I’m stupid oh hi black that’s unfortunate dude should have backed out while he was ahead that was kind of toxic I apologize 42 diamonds holy crap did I just okay I think I just saw something lag out in the corner my eye but that’s is okay hello Anderson did I see that right yeah hello Anderson I haven’t had new people in my chat in a long time because I haven’t streamed in three months how you doing oh no I don’t have gold where did I get gold oh right here really I need one more piece please I need one more piece thank you for what I don’t even I didn’t even see okay iron gear that’s cool all right I guess I’ll get a diamond was that mine okay cool cool cool cool I’m just going to try and relax here for a second oh I understand I see interesting um alter handle i s pink pink you better run hold on I saw someone else I thought no did I oh they’re over there wait no that’s just oh hey buddy how are you doing oh crap I actually might die here that would not be very cool um I don’t even know where the other guy is oh buddy don’t under oh he’s not doing this with me he’ll die I won’t this is not Stone oh my God I almost died I’m chill um I need more blocks okay uh I’m like kind of like fumbling wait dark green is still alive but they’re not at their base I see they’re not paying attention but now they probably see me charging at them at 100 miles per hour he’s just going in circles is he going to try and break the bridge you going to try that you going to try you going to try this buddy you don’t I want to try this oh God that was awful that was absolutely horrendous I apologize for that poor PVP performance that was actually horrific I apologize all right I’m just going to have to like out Bridge him or something cuz if he gets to my egg I think it’s over um I don’t have enough for iron armor come on give me enough for iron I don’t dude I’m actually kind of freaking out cuz I don’t know what to do I can only buy blocks that’s my only caveat caveat is that even like that’s my only way out of this this like my only get out of jail free card is getting blocks and outwitting him okay I have enough for a diamond sword all right it’s enough to defend me did anybody see where you went you just go back to the middle like I saw him but then like I hear walking am I blind yall don’t see him right can I buy the next upgrade I can um I swear he was just going to come for me but he didn’t um no he’s just back to grinding in the middle I don’t know why exactly he could have just taken me out all right so if he’s going to do that I guess I’ll do the same wait a minute going on the pink space I see him we have 15 diamonds what can I do with that he might buy an ender pearl if I’m real at least but let me buy a piece okay I can is you get an ender pearl no I don’t want a sword I want apples I’m waiting for the Pearl is he pearling no you do not want to play this oh he’s got a bow okay I see that’s smart cuz I I do bridge so that’s smart did he Pearl did he Pearl no he didn’t okay I see him I see him all right I think the bow is like his only advantage against me unfortunately all right I’m just going to have to defend my ground hey buddy he’s trying to enchant stuff I’m going to try getting a bow myself if I actually can a crossbow would be preferred see here no come on archery archery where’s the crossbow I heard it I heard the Pearl yep I hear the Pearl I heard it come on buddy here the Pearl got to get my egg first oh that’s so lame found a l are you kidding me he’s just going to camp in there hey buddy I told you he was going to Pearl no no it wasn’t a waste it wasn’t a waste he got it from the freaking ceiling dude that’s so dumb I have a whole stack of arrows that’s actually kind of cool okay I’m just going to go then if he’s just going to cow in there all right now he’s coming yeah stop hiding in the shop bro come on shoot buddy oh he bought slowness give me that you don’t have to encoun your trajectory when when it comes to a crossbow buddy buddy old pal oh he missed come on every time he stands still to throw back his bow it’s kind of a disadvantage cuz with a crossbow I don’t have to slow down to do that I need to get to a base and get stuff oh no I’m lagging never mind I got to defend that bridge I’m lagging this is not cool that lag Spike I was not going about to run to a base with through that lag that was crazy might drain them oh my God the lag I swear I shot that okay come on buddy I’m not here to do this song and dance all day you’re going to have to get an angle on me or you’re going to have to do something cuz come on buddy I’m not going to go over there I have like 44 arrows come on he’s just going to keep doing this so I kind of need to figure out where my best beted is I don’t know what he’s [Music] doing hold on I got an idea now he can’t cross but I can shoot him but my aim is so garbage there we go so he’s just going to stand there I don’t know okay at least with this I think I have time to run I do have time to run okay okay thing is I could just block and stuff which is cool I appreciate having that freedom there we go now I can’t fall come on buddy come on now I have control over the bases but he’s going towards the middle is fine I guess go go go go go thanks buddy oh well he’s over there now all right I got to get slowness arrowes come on come on come on come on there we go another round all right no I got slowness wait if I Corner him I mean I kind of can but I also kind of can’t CU I don’t have a pickaxe and I have to just guard the bridge for a sec scary I don’t know dude what the hell are you trying to get at I don’t even remember I was trying to buy there you go buddy you’re the one that’s hiding my man hold on I got to make a Switcheroo in the inventory I’m I’m just sitting here boo you want to see scary I’ll show you scary come on buddy going to move what the hell is he doing why does that affect the hit Box come on buddy you just going to stand there you didn’t shoot for like on dude are you just going to stand there or are you just going to my guy why are you just standing there I’m just spamming arrows just spamming arrows what is he doing this guy is so goofy dude I have like a crap ton of arrows Actually I don’t even know how much I have I have decent amount no you want me to Bow spam you dude I’ll bow spam you give me your arrows give me arrows he did not just say scary I want to type back but that’s that’s just bait why is he upgrading iron J I’m so confused with this guy y’all I don’t know what this guy’s doing he’s so funny I’m getting the hell out of here he’s being weird come on buddy come on come man just keep even getting the heck out of here getting more diamonds along the way he here yet no actually interesting that or I lost him somehow no I didn’t lose them it would have been funny if I did got buy some blocks I’m wasting them is he here where’d he go oh wait he’s still he’s just he’s just frolicking going to buy more of these he coming nope what do I have I have 60 oh my God hold on I have 62 diamonds give me that and uh I don’t even know what else I can get with that much oh my God I excuse me slow smelling no Health regeneration dude that La that stuff is on a timer did he I think he just wasted emeralds on that I don’t think he realized that that was a timer because he just wasted that I think that cost emeralds don’t it I think that cost emeralds all right let me see what else I can get I need steak I’ve been running is he just is he still in the in the middle like I don’t I don’t know what this guy is doing um I’m just gonna he just keeps like running for me I don’t like I really don’t know what his game plan is yeah he’s grinding diamonds but I had like I don’t know what else he can really get with diamonds other than a better sword and like he keeps I think he also is grinding generators too that’s another thing come and fight girl well that’s kind of on you mad Dad it’s bait like I don’t I don’t know guys he threw he threw the he threw the girl comment at me he did it guys he did [Laughter] it this guy dude I had a guy like this who once did that and then like died instantly because he fell off an edge I didn’t even do anything he was typing he was typing stuff like that bridging over to me and then immediately fell and I typed LOL in the chat like that’s the kind of vibe I’m getting but he probably has an ender pearl now so I got to be careful he’s back I hope you know he’s the one that is backing away like I don’t see him H I’m forgetting something very important he’s going to Pearl right you’re going to Pearl I know you have a pearl I’m just going to watch him do it cuz I know he has a pearl no he’s just going to bow at me he’s going to Pearl got it hey buddy are you going to Pearl he’s thinking about it I’m not folling for bait I don’t know what these do I’m Legit very confused like he’s just trying to taunt me but I I’m just confused on what the game plan is so I’m just staring at him he probably has a pearl I’m just saying I don’t know why he doesn’t just use it that’s the thing I don’t understand if he has a plan he wouldn’t just stand there and taunt me like he would go after me but like he’s not I kind of lost him unless he pearled behind me no he didn’t that’s why I’m just confused he’s not doing anything oh there he is hey buddy I missed you where you been hey dude what up r view uh where have you been how you doing I could just stand here and reload and I could go for him but I don’t know what he has he has an enchanted Apple so he’s going to eat that now okay he has another so I’m just going to keep that in mind he used one I’m just genuinely confused the thing is I don’t know what to do he’s just being weird and my PVP is kind of ass so like I don’t know what to do dude what are you doing here I could just end this right now well I want to come on buddy I didn’t even reload it properly oh that took me out he doesn’t want to play this game I love ladders I can just do this I’m sorry this is so dumb bro you’re not going to try climbing that time dude I love ladder Builders I do hey buddy what’s the uh what’s the game plan I don’t know I kind of just like messing with this guy hey bud what was that he’s not running from me oh my God the lag it’s the it’s the mites the mites are causing so much lag holy crap dude all right the lag has subsided dude the lag GG my guy oh my God I’m trying to type the mites caused so much lag what was that thank you for taking care of them I wasn’t I wasn’t even paying attention to what they were saying but I knew it was garbage is there an egg right next to me oh all right I see okay actually I got to make the uh initiative to actually uh do this I don’t usually do that but they’re way too close all right who’s going to make the who’s going to make the Run okay neither well I got to go for one and unfortunately this one sorry dude sorry bye see it’s like it’s people like that that I know don’t have a plan like he was just trying to like it’s like the equivalent of like rage bait like he was just trying to like get me to throw but I don’t throw I make calculated decisions every time cuz it’s very very preventable hey buddy whoa that was a weird Okay that was actually like really weird what that was all about but I actually might die because uh okay oh wait he can’t even like get to my thing cuz I made it so funny what oh my Jesus Lord okay I’m in a bit of a sticky pickle I’m in a big pickle nope Jed well no damn it ah why was I crouching on my way down that was my bad that was not calculated see I don’t even think I really want to vote over powered actually I just realized perk voting one free perk or free perk no free perk oh oh well that’s kind of what does free perk mean like from like the emerald shop I’m kind of confused by what that means okay I swear I just heard like two times the placing but and I don’t think pink is playing the game that was kind of ball but we ball why is he taking no damage no damage oh I can’t hang on how come hey hey that was kind of dumb I mean I know I didn’t have any gear on but like jeez I feel like I was taking a lot of damage for someone who is also using their fist like that was kind of weird ooh okay I can afford diamond gear that’s pretty cool discounts all right what am I [Music] doing um ancient debris 18 in this game mode I guess I’ll make the investment only because this seems like to be a very slow game and if I’m going to be away from my um my egg I kind of need it I’ll just like cover it so it doesn’t look like much okay there we go all right that goes there that’s going to go there that goes there that goes there that goes there and good all right very slow star I feel like nobody’s egg is gone no it doesn’t look like it okay there goes Green Oh Red made the big investment all right everyone’s making Investments so I think the the right play is to go to the middle all right I forgot any needs to be three blocks so this looks probably stupid okay buddy uh do you have good protection he does hey buddy okay bye oh Feist you want huh hey hey don’t get Snappy with me oh crap maybe he can’t get Snappy with me cuz I’m getting snapped wait ooh nice save is there only one or there’s two I can’t count there’s two now am I I am yellow I made the long way around yeah he just bought Diamond gear like right away so it’s fine any more emeralds here nope hey buy hey buddy oh he backed out I I saw it I was about to say yo the lag is crazy what is this L dude I can’t go anywhere I’m trying to make my way back to my base but I can’t oh my God oh my God the lag what are these crazy lag spikes I believe my internet but like I don’t know what the hell is wrong with it is he chasing me no he’s not yo is Orange going to go for it I thought uh I can’t even tell because like I’m Legit just like lagging like really bad but I think that’s my internet’s fault um I think I’ll be good with the seven the seven pickaxe there we go that’s all nice and well um okay orange and purple are kind of battling it out or were they I saw them like crouching okay no they’re definitely fighting each other um the thing is who like who do I want to even go for okay this is going to be interesting there’s like four people there’s like four people over there what the hell I’m just watching this unfold look at this look at this this is crazy look at this okay is this a diamond gen it is a diamond gen cool I need I need the discounts actually what I need is apples and maybe food that wasn’t mine right oh he went after light blue okay so what orange is kind of speed bridging his way over here I don’t know if he’s coming to my egg we’ll see we’ll test him I’m going to pretend that I’m in the shop no you just came here for the generator and then left oh red just got oh pummeled I want to go for purple but he’s way too close to my egg to be doing that cuz like if I make the the B Dash over to his egg he might come for mine and that’s an issue wait negative oh all Emerald tears cost less I don’t know he’s kind of struggling with that egg hold on I’m worried about orange but I don’t think he’d do anything ah damn it I decided too late all right well back to the dump to the dump to the dump top does anybody even know where that’s from that’s a SpongeBob reference and he’s like well back to the dump all right there we go is a wall so he at least has to break like a couple pieces to get in there that might screw me over is that my respawn wait wait wait wait a minute wait a godamn wait a second if that if that’s the respawn do I respawn in there oh no I could do something very very evil oh I can do something very very evil and I don’t this is a new map so they might I don’t know are you thinking what I’m thinking cuz I don’t know if that’s the respawn but it might be and if it is oh I don’t think so maybe you spawn on the outside you might I haven’t died yet at least I don’t think no I haven’t died yet I had to think about that God the lag dude this lag is crazy I hear it the voices I saw an endermite I heard an endermite but there was no end there’s buddy old pal all right he’s backing out there’s orange back there here’s purple kind of rude my day yes oh I crouched oh is he going for my where where are these enderes coming from well I’m about to find out about the respawn thing or not did I make Escape no I did not not at all come on dude this lag is killing me it’s not the respawn damn it oh I was kind of hoping it was cuz that would been very very funny it would have been quite humorous if it was now he’s coming for me damn it I wasn’t even sure if I was going to go after his egg did my pickaxe get downgraded I’m actually not even sure okay all right seven block roll oh hey Budd oh damn it bye all right cool I got rid of his netherite sword oh so your pickaxe downgrades I was just looking at that because I was like I swear to God I had a diamond pickaxe cuz I bought that at the beginning but okay so every time you die your pickaxe downgrades which is okay but I feel like the thing is about like people like trapping like people at their spawns it’s like they kind of need that pickaxe to get out so if it keeps downgrading I assume at one point it just disappears so that’s not very that’s not very cool which also means if you buy a powerful pickax which you know I also was a kind of a gripe that I also had was like whenever in quads we would rate a base we we would kill the team off but then they would always come back and then be able to take back their base because of um because of their pickaxes cuz if you bought like a netherite pickaxe um in the in the middle of the game you would never lose it when you died so it considered itself as like a weapon but now I’m lagging in this guy’s back so that kind of sucks so like it kind of like doubled as a weapon where are these endites coming from it’s very confusing very very confusing all right I’m just going to okay where is that a perk like what is that he’s not even hitting me he’s just all right dude orange is pushing no thought I was going to be able to get it you know what it’s fine it’s fine I’m just going to get out uh how do I get out smooth like that I’m very smooth like that but is it going to be very smooth but very Rocky is going to be this getaway please tell me gracious gods that I have enough for some kind of gear I don’t where’s the gold where’s the gold oh Nimble Gods well at least I think he’s going to get off my back now which is nice right yeah I don’t see him that’s fine I honestly rather prefer him to just get off the I think it’s the mites causing all the lag because every time I feel like he spawned them in I was like lagging like crazy he’s here um am I going have to make my get away I’m making My Sweet Escape all right got him [Applause] I’m not going to let him toss me twice all right blocks it’s just going to be blocks all right that was a crazy Bridge though that was kind of like that was a split-second decision I was thinking of going like that way but I I didn’t what I do I’m kind of questioning like you know what are my options I think I just hit him while he’s down no but the thing is iron um diamond is so cheap um and I know he probably has a decent defense crap it costs diamonds I to okay hang on that’s him crap all right here’s the thing I could probably bridge over to his base but that’s a problem because I don’t I don’t want to push his buttons I don’t have anything and I don’t know where all those mites are coming from but I don’t like them like is that a is that something that he just has like what is that is that like one of the perk like am I crazy there was something about a free perk no that’s not it is it in the middle I’m so confused there was something about a free perk at the beginning of the match I could bridge to Green you might see that though and I don’t want to get flanked but you got to do what you got to do okay there’s his base there died in the void okay he’s going after orange okay okay we run we ball we ball we ball we ball go go go go go this is kind of the perfect opportunity go go go go go go go go come on come on come on okay I think we’re good what what was that all right dude now we all don’t have eggs all right so he’s just going to be there so assuming I’m not going to lag out I’m going to make a b Dash to the middle grab some diamonds see what I can get and all that jazz I’m kind of hoping yellow kills him it’s not yellow it’s orange I hope orange kills him he has nothing if they fall at the same time that’d be awesome ah man it was wishful it was wishful thinking he’s coming I would throw down my sword assuming I’m not going to make it to the shop in time but I think I will another do I have apples I thought I bought some oh my God I’m looking at them panic mode dude I’m telling you I’m just getting no the oh no a the no it didn’t place no got guys the dream is dead no so I’m like I don’t know what that was all about but damn it ah I don’t know if that was lag or misplace it might have been a misplace on my part my bad guys kind of sad oh maybe it said no free perk before when I misread it maybe maybe I thought it said free perk but I might have misread it for no free perk is this guy going to come for me I swear he was oh wellow I’m coming for him though hey buddy is that is that Meo moo can’t tell hey buddy how you doing oh God he got Stone in my PVP is crap okay there we go that was very risky considering I I wanted to read their their handle as Meo or or Meo because that reminds me of something that Squidward says he goes like M M M M I swear that’s something that he does in one of the episodes that’s something that he says something stupid and goofy like that I’m kind of upset about that last game that was definitely I think a misplace on my part I haven’t played in a while so I’ll cut myself some slack I haven’t played in like month oh my god dude like 20x just went well that’s an exaggeration it was more like two it looks like from the side of my screen I can afford upgrades did I see somebody um is dark green at their egg I can’t oh now they are do I go for them I can’t because I don’t have a pickaxe I have a pickaxe um come on bridging oh oh the I had a little bit of a lag Spike there my bad I think that kind of made that unfair I’m lagging like I have lag spikes that felt a little bit unfair um I am dark blue so there’s orange gray and green okay there goes purple there’s red Red’s no longer here okay so it looks like everyone else who’s alive is all in like that little cluster okay there’s light green okay I think I’ll bridge to the middle from here yeah I think that was definitely a misclick now that I’m bridging now I think I changed my angle or I didn’t have the right angle to begin with there goes yellow what is that is someone up there someone someone’s definitely up there oh no wait oh that’s the golf oh never mind that’s the golf pole oh here’s the perk shop okay I see I understand now okay I got to make a be line back to my base I don’t even know where the diamond generator is I haven’t even looked into it I think I’m just going to get chain mail chain mail chain mail oh no there is no chain mail anymore what am I saying they used to be they’re used to be wait is that purple oh no I’m going nuts oh wait that’s five crap can I get an iron sword please okay I already have an iron pickaxe I think I’m good is that good enough it’s only normal right should be fine also me to die as fast um let’s see all right is my stream good after all this lag I don’t even know if my stream’s working right yeah it is it’s working um oh gray that was interesting that was like a the a backwards it was bridging backwards oh I think he sees me yeah hey buddy what should up to all right I think he’s going to go for my egg but I think I’m totally cool with that cuz then I could just go for his also I have no straight Bridge back to my egg I think I’m just going to let him have it now let him have it you can have it oh man this bridge it’s not working out for me oh I see you have a pickaxe does he oh no he didn’t and I might die because he’s going after my egg oh my God yeah I might die for sure yep there I go yep there I go did he not go after my egg there’s a chest here he just gave me stuff he gave me stuff he didn’t he didn’t get my egg he just he just gave me stuff I’m so confused dude the guy that came here he just gave me stuff like are you here to give me more stuff dude he’s just giving me stuff what is happening in this game mode of egg Wars guys what hello he’s just going to stab he’s just going to kill me or something like what is what guys I’m very confused I’ve never had this happen why what are people doing in this game I I I don’t know he can have my egg I mean if this is some kind of ploy for me to trust him and then he’s just going to grab my egg when I die then so be it go ahead I I I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know if he’s playing like both sides or or what but um we’re just going to let that be um yeah I don’t know I don’t know dude that seems a oh okay interesting to say the least is he playing both sides no he’s not over there oh he’s breaking my bridge he’s going over what is this guy doing what is he doing I’m so in confused I’m trying to figure out what is what he’s doing is he playing both sides is he just trying to trick me what is he doing I’m so wait I actually might be frozen oh the lag help me I probably like all right um so I don’t know what he’s doing but uh I’m just going to go back to my mission oh my God see I’m thinking maybe it was the lag a little bit only because of crap like this oh he’s got a bow now wait I got to kill him I can’t the lag oh we take that obsidian of course it’s obsidian come on break it break it okay no oh you bought a diamond sword oh he just okay G GG yeah GG my man I don’t I don’t know he was just helping me he was he was just he was just helping me I don’t know I think um I think I’m just going to play like a couple more rounds because um I’m losing I’m losing my head a little bit and uh yeah I’m just I’m just losing my mind a little bit I’m very confused did he just did that guy that guy didn’t fly did he I I swear I’m I’m I’m sayane I’m totally saying um I don’t know who to go for but I’m grabbing a pickaxe just in case you know I’ll grab gear too only because the seems kind of slow all right okay I think it’s going to have to be green oh game kind of pushing me back okay no no no no no W oh I almost clipped it oh man I almost clipped that the edge of that that’s kind of annoying I like clipped the edge of the block but I didn’t quite get it you know what I mean so he going to be able to afford iron gear he might he got an iron sword oh oh damn see this is what I mean by like I just I’m not very good at PVP like I just get flung off all right all right all right that’s not very cool man all right this is normal mode so I don’t have to worry about like that guy over there getting like obsidian or something so I could like chill out on that don’t got to worry about that guy this guy though I need to worry about um he started bridging but he backed out nope I need to get the drop I don’t know how I’m going to do that whoa how the hell did you hit me God damn dude it’s not going to work he’s got an iron sword I’m not losing my apples I’m also starting to realize that I think I’ve died like within like the first few seconds of my every life so far and I haven’t like oh buddy what was that damn it what was that on my part what the hell oh he doesn’t have a pickaxe does he does he if he’s if he does he’s not using it what the hell what are you doing why am I lagging hello he doesn’t have a pickaxe what is he doing does he have a pickaxe I’m confused I think he’s confusing himself dude what the hell was that was he trying to farm me I think he might have been trying to farm me for kills but like failed exponentially I don’t quite know what that was if he had a pickaxe he could have just broken my egg and he just won but he didn’t do that it’s like he was trying to encase me in something I think that’s what he was trying to do cuz that’s what it looks like and orange holds way too much trust in me I think that’s what he was trying to do I’m so confused I’m genuinely very confused I think I think he was trying to trap me he might have been trying to I don’t know I have my I have my I have my guesses but I played that so badly I should be dead right now like I played that so recklessly and stupidly I should be dead but I’m I’m not in the world in the words of Michael and I should be dead but I am not all right well now that I’ve died like 1500 times how about we actually play the game I don’t know I see yellow hang on I see kind of like yellow like bridging out I mean they’re not the fast this Bridger by any means but if they’re going to go around like circling eggs they might be worth taking out real quick assuming yes they do have an egg hey yellow how’s it going oh crap they still in the middle or did they make a be line to my egg um I mean there’s a bridge right here and they didn’t so unless they’re going to be here now they are not okay oh I just saw somebody like somebody’s body just like disappear man maybe I should have waited till he got orange but I thought he was going to chase me so I didn’t even like oh I should be upgrading me see I’m not doing that how am I not dead yet why am I not dead someone’s keeping me alive here okay who’s left so it’s myself um green and red well I saw red and I see green so uh wow orange is going after yellow or are they teaming I can’t tell which one it is I’m very confused they jumped I can’t tell if they’re teaming or if he’s chasing him very slowly I think he’s chasing him I can’t they’re being so goofy right now look at what are they doing are they teaming I’m so confused are they teaming he’s not chasing him it might be a mutual truce um I’m having a hard time deciding yeah I think it’s mutal okay seems like a mutual truce they have right now hang on uh sister the cats are growling he was one hit okay I didn’t mean to do that to him I didn’t realize he was one hit think I need 17 for gold gear need two more for gold gear wait I got the uh the upgrades I do have enough never mind I don’t even with the upgrades um is he coming no but he might be going for my egg which is completely understandable or or not he’s not going for my egg I’m waiting for the jump sound I didn’t hear it he didn’t go for it what was okay that was poor Inventory management there goes Green’s egg my egg is still here somehow I think he tried going for me but I don’t think he fully committed I mean he does have no eggs so I understand but I just been kind of making be lines to and back my base though I don’t really have much so wait green got their egg destroyed and now it’s just just red and yellow I got to worry about oh my I thought that was a void oh my God okay um because I tried offering it to her um I don’t see yellow all right I think I’m just going to go for it cuz this is I think probably going to be my last game so I just wanted to uh we’ll just try and get it over with if I win or lose I guess it don’t matter I should have died way earlier in this game anyway but I honestly don’t know if that guy was just trying to be cocky and just try to trap me and farm me for kills before he got rid of my egg oh red is coming I see damn it okay he backed out oh he’s coming out this way he sees my uh my bridge well I’m going to use my favorite item of the game and just ball I don’t know what he’s doing I’m kind of hoping he just chases after me are you got to be kidding me this is my game ladders are my game you play by my rules when you come into my space all right well that went oh my Lord dude no way dude just left he still had an egg he still could have oh I wasn’t going to go after him immediately oh man dude I can’t believe he just left like that he’s just going to hide don’t hide don’t hide you oh crap I tried to play that smarter ah man it is a netherite sword so I got to keep that in mind do you those emeralds now when you die wait I don’t think you do hold on can I buy no I need one more hang on is there an iron generator I can um activate for like one Emerald whatever I’m just going to get diamond gear oh never mind iron sorry this is not overpowered mode it’s normal which means I probably could kill him with a few good hits but you know me I suck at PVP so that’s not going to happen happen unless we uh High Roll But he just kind of hid so I kind of don’t want to I want to try TNT that sounds silly but I kind of want to try it it sounds really goofy nah that’s not going to do anything well I don’t know like does it with the unenchanted iron gear maybe it’ll do something I bought a chest instead of TNT guys I I bought a chest and I’m the game’s punishing me with a lag Spike oh no the lag Spike oh he’s coming never mind letter Builder we ball what are you doing buddy is he coming we built a world height is that world height [Laughter] no I think that’s where I’m just sorry I’m sorry I think you um I don’t oh no oh no you did I’m sorry he did all that all that grinding to jump off a tower okay I’m sorry sorry no way he did not just do all that all right um it’s close to 11:30 so I’m calling it I’m calling it oh wow oh that is okay uh hello ending I I tried clicking on the ending soon um I don’t even know if it’s working uh is it working it looks like my stream lags My Stream lags My Stream lags might be glitching okay it is on screen but it just doesn’t show it for me okay let me let me turn on the music just quietly um so that last game that last game [Music] [Music] I have no words for that last game I feel bad because here’s the thing if he’s used to playing like overpowered mode maybe you could survive a fall like that I know I’ve had in the past but honestly ever since they took off like protection like five or four off of the armor or whatever you can’t really survive balls like that anymore um maybe he panicked I I don’t know maybe he was bridging cuz I wasn’t even looking up at him so maybe he just failed to bridge but um yeah I think that’s going to be it for me I’m just going to let my outro play and um it’s going to be a while since I stream since oh my God when I’m going to stream again but you know what I will say that I wasn’t very stressed out you know those were some pretty chill games to come back to all right um I’m going to call it a night so um night y’all and all that sappy stuff and yeah um I’m out [Music]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers Solo Eggwars: I’m back :’)’, was uploaded by BadTimeBree on 2024-04-15 16:23:30. It has garnered 37 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:43 or 6703 seconds.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious and challenging Minecraft hardcore video that had us in stitches. The YouTuber behind the video showcased just how tough and entertaining the game can be, making us want to dive into the action ourselves. With over 100 players simulating civilization in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From funny moments to epic battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of surviving 100 days in hardcore survival mode or embarking on a world… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Mace’s OP Secret

    Unleashing Chaos: Mace's OP Secret The Power of the Mace in Minecraft One of the most talked-about elements in the Minecraft community right now is the Mace. Players are buzzing about its incredible power and effectiveness in the game. But why exactly is the Mace so overpowered? The Mace: A Game-Changing Weapon The Mace is a new weapon introduced in Minecraft version 1.21, and it has quickly become a favorite among players. This powerful weapon can deal massive damage with just one shot, making it a game-changer in battles against tough mobs and bosses. Unleashing the Power of the Mace Players who have wielded… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MineCraft】Getting a FULL Diamond Set【globie 2nd Gen – Equinnox】’, was uploaded by Kohaku Hyouma ch.【globie】 on 2024-06-06 19:46:54. It has garnered 217 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:11 or 12671 seconds. Getting our diamonds and then looking for a location for our mage’s tower art: Using Mizuno’s texture pack: ❄ ❅ OWNERS ❅ ❄ * please remember that donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. PLEASE be careful when entering the amount. ❄ ❅THRONE❅ ❄ ❄ ❅ RULES ❅ ❄ 🐯Please be respectful in chat not only towards myself, but… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!

    Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE 😈#shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ELITE 55 on 2024-06-08 14:46:18. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. HEROBRINE 😈#shorts HIMLANDS – HULALLALA IS BACK Minecraft dog revenge 😈 #shorts #gta5 #gta6 #triggeredinsaan #ujjwal #mythpat #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #palworld #viral #shortsfeed #shortsbeta #mrbeast Palworld Techno gamerz Rajat dalal atishi marlena Dhruv rathee Mrbeast sam ovens podcast bado badi Triggered insaan ssc adda247 4k video channel 4 news Shorts strategi digital marketing interior design viral shorts short videos pal world tips palworld farming tips how… Read More

  • JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God – Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God - Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is Real PVP God of India? Minecraft ‎@technogamerzofficial536  @SenpaiSpider’, was uploaded by JAFAR FF on 2024-02-29 19:20:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ss by clutch gods top 10 clutch gods of india राम राम craftee custom hearts beating minecraft youtubers mod fleet pvp … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaiden

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying to beat Minecraft 1.8 w/ @TriforceRaiden’, was uploaded by Evan Agredano on 2024-06-03 05:27:49. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:06 or 20646 seconds. Before the combat update, Minecraft was a relatively basic game. No caves and cliffs, no nether update, no 1.9 combat update. Can @TriforceRaiden and beat the game without all the quality of life features of the later verisons? @TriforceRaiden stream: Read More

  • Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!

    Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dungeons ep 4’, was uploaded by LukesterGaming5336 on 2024-01-14 19:35:04. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:20 or 920 seconds. Playing a secret mission in Minecraft dungeons. Read More

  • Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20

    Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.20’, was uploaded by Aqualistic on 2024-04-29 10:00:42. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.18 (REMASTER) = SONG Water Lily – The 126ers = = PC Specs: GPU: RTX 3050 CPU: Ryzen 5650G PRO RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 = Tags: MCPlayHD Greev SpacePotato AntiAC Speedcubing Doogile ThreeClicks TheSilent_One Geklow Crimssel Crinek sub 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Minecraft shorts YouTube Found This Desc From… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!

    EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 Players Simulate Minecraft VIKINGS vs KNIGHTS’, was uploaded by Wintell on 2024-05-10 18:38:32. It has garnered 1030 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:25 or 805 seconds. In this Minecraft tournament I took part in a medieval civilization event!! 100 Vikings and 100 Knights will fight each other to determine which civilization is superior. Each team defends their CIVILIZATIONS and creates strategy’s to win the event. I spawned into the Vikings team and helped prepare my team for battle and lead them into the fight! The only way to determine… Read More

  • “Tua – Make a bouncy model effortlessly!” #blender3d

    "Tua - Make a bouncy model effortlessly!" #blender3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘ทำ model ให้เด้งดึ๋งอย่างง่ายๆ | Blender #blender3d #เกม #chatgpt #ไทย #เกมผี #สร้างเกม #animated’, was uploaded by Tua on 2024-06-14 12:00:23. It has garnered 13143 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #blender #blender3d #blender3d #makegame #chatgpt #Thai #ghostgame #minecraft #game #mobilegame Read More

  • funcySMP

    funcySMPJoin funcySMP: Experience Skyblock, Custom Minigames, and More! Face custom mobs, explore hidden bases, engage in Kitpvp battles, and discover a reimagined Earth. Enhance gear with unique custom enchants. Dive into a world of gaming excellence today! Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP This is a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week. What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A… Read More

  • BrabantCraft

    BrabantCraftJoin the new Minecraft Server Community BrabantCraft now! 🌻 Feel at home with the Brabant atmosphere, everyone is welcome!• Content Creators wanted, request your role now in our Discord! 🔴 📹 server is run by a small team that has little experience with server hosting, but step by step we expand the server, get help from a super Dev and learn something new every day!• Suggest your suggestions in the suggestion channel!💡 The server is still in its early stages and there are still many ideas and updates planned, but the server is already open so you can start… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a new world every time is a struggle.

    Well, at least it’s not as hard as trying to spell “fo’ ur infurmashun” correctly every time. Read More

  • Spicy TNT Blast: Pringles Minecraft Review Explodes!

    Spicy TNT Blast: Pringles Minecraft Review Explodes! In the world of Pringles, TNT is the name, Spicy and hot, like a fiery flame. Minecraft on the label, a dynamite sight, Leon cracking jokes, keeping it light. The taste of jalapeno, a spicy surprise, Clearing out sinuses, bringing tears to our eyes. Not as thick as Tim’s, but the flavor’s the same, Dynamite chips, a spicy game. Scored from 1 to 100, where do they stand? Leon’s heat scale, a fiery demand. Steve gives a 92, while Leon’s at 70, But the taste of jalapeno, oh so heavenly. Found at Target, three for five, A deal too… Read More

  • Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun

    ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun A Day in Originrealms: Exploring Custom Features and Farming Adventures Welcome to Originrealms, a Minecraft server filled with custom items, blocks, and more – all without the need for mods! Dive into this unique world by joining the IP Get ready for an exciting journey filled with exploration, battles, and farming. Exploring the World As you embark on your adventure, you’ll come across outposts, structures, and hidden treasures. While the loot may vary in quality, each discovery adds to the thrill of exploration. From digging gravel to battling ravagers, every moment is filled with excitement. Unlocking Rare Rewards… Read More

  • Sneaky Cop in Minecraft

    Sneaky Cop in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Diverse and Engaging Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers a plethora of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. Exploring the Vast Landscapes One of the key features of Minecraft is its expansive world, filled with diverse landscapes ranging from lush forests to towering mountains. Players can embark on epic quests to uncover hidden treasures or simply enjoy the serene beauty of their surroundings. Encountering Unique Characters Within the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets RevealedVideo Information from crazy duping machines to a secret mob here are 200 Minecraft facts you didn’t know if you’re still using Oak Acacia or wood you’re a massive Noob use bamboo instead this is because bamboo is wood but on steroids how you may ask well bamboo grows super fast and the best part you can Farm These almost instantly with just a stone sword all the bamboo is mine wait maybe I should just buy wood from a villager instead there are quite literally thousands of duplication glitches in Minecraft but one of these has beond overpowered all… Read More

  • Minecraft: AppleGamer Mines with Herobrine & Friends | S3 Ep4

    Minecraft: AppleGamer Mines with Herobrine & Friends | S3 Ep4Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining With Herobrine And His Friends | Minecraft From The Fog | S3 Ep4’, was uploaded by AppleGamer Amar on 2024-02-26 07:19:27. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Mining With Herobrine And His Friends | Minecraft From The Fog | S3 Ep 4 Mining Chapters…: Intro: 0:00 Warning…: 0:23 Playing With Functions But This Happened…: 0:34 Collection Woods: 2:26 Getting In The Cave: 2:49 Making Portal: 3:19 The Nether: 3:44 Got Back To Continue Mining: 4:27 Playing With The Function Again: 8:06 The… Read More

  • Join the Chaos on Volt SMP! Day 2 Live 🔥

    Join the Chaos on Volt SMP! Day 2 Live 🔥Video Information लाइ लाइ वी आर बैक वि अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम बता तेरी मुंडी ना अभी य उल्टी हो जाता है हो जाता है मेरी भी हो गई थी क्या नहीं हो रही य देख हेलो हेलो य ना कनेक्टेड टू बोकर आज हम लोग बनाएंगे आमर और तो मांग बता द लोकेशन क्या है किसको बोला गया य किसको बोला गया से बोल रहा हूं 11 11 और माइनस व मतलब वन वन प आना पागल उसी प थोड़ा अरे एक एक पे आजा चमार भाई मैं तो दो दो काम मल्टीटास्किंग कर रहा हूं मैं तो क्या एक… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trap Guide! 🕷️🔥 #shocking

    Ultimate Minecraft Trap Guide! 🕷️🔥 #shockingVideo Information for foreign foreign fore This video, titled ‘Minecraft Traps At Different Types🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Spider Gaming on 2024-01-10 04:30:06. It has garnered 5242 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft Traps At Different types 🤯 #minecraft #shorts Tags* minecraft shorts minecraft funny minecraft but youtube shorts tiktok vs reality shorts shorts youtube video Shorts realistic minecraft minecraft realistic Super Realistic Minecraft how to make youtube shorts Viral shorts youtube shorts monetization youtube shorts tutorial how to make money on youtube shorts 2023 YouTube shorts minecraft memes Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base Build!

    Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base Build!Video Information [संगीत] हे हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो ऑफ मा उम्मीद करते हैं कि आप सब लोग ठीक ही होंगे उम्मीद करते हैं कि आप सब लोग ने पिछली वीडियो देखी होगी नहीं देखी क्या अरे देख लो यार देखो ऊपर आई बटन पे आ रही होगी चलिए फिर हम लोग यह वीडियो स्टार्ट करते हैं बिना किसी देरी के हम ऐसे ही रास्ते से जा रहे थे तो ये लोग मिल गए हमको मेरे पीछे लगे थे भूख लगी होगी तो खिला दिए इतनी जल्दी ये लोग एक रीप्रोड्यूस भी कर दिए सब क्या… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO in Modern Mountain Home

    Insane Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO in Modern Mountain HomeVideo Information we’re in trouble a mutant spider is going to attack soon let’s build a secure Mountain House to survive my mountain house is going to be way cooler than yours we’ll see about that woodo I just need to come over here and use SL slash paste and boom now we have an empty area inside of the mountain that we can work with no way this build is going to be epic it’s complet completely empty plus the mun spider can go inside of it right now then I just have to cover this area up woodo… Read More


    🔥RAJ DESTROYS RANKS IN VALORANT LIVE🔥Video Information hello guys welcome to the stream let’s start a match again and let’s try to win and re gold match found okay it’s Lotus yes I’m pumped okay it’s a good team but we need a sentinel too I shouldn’t have to say this because you know the vibe but stay clear on my exper exps okay fight there yeah they don’t have smokees that’s nice are there only Us Alive I have this reloading I dropped Spike enemy spotted [Applause] cenade last player standing one eny remaining let’s I’ll take out their Sky it’s something I must… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Battle with @Philippem! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Build Battle with @Philippem! 😱Video Information Kön alle D auch D hört schon jer dich hört man im Video hallo mal ja hallo Test 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jetzt hallo Test 1 4 5 6 ma mal ungefähr so dann auch starten so ma Intro und willkommen Video und heute sind wir in Minecraft mit phip HI heute spielen wir he and Zek auf verschiedene Maps in dem Fall auf welche Map spielen wir heute oder jetzt gerade h ausgesucht kan ach jetzt kann ja jetzt kann ich Beginn wir erstmal mit den kleinen Spiel mal gostown okay dann… Read More

  • Unbelievable Parkour Skills in Minecraft Gojo Boys95 PRO

    Unbelievable Parkour Skills in Minecraft Gojo Boys95 PROVideo Information the world just pass me by pain pills nice Clow if I fall I think I’ll by ey touch me might us make me part of your design to guide us I feel fear for the very last [Music] time sleep while iose my eyes oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft PRO Parkour’, was uploaded by Gojo boys95 on 2024-03-26 23:12:08. It has garnered 1627 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft PRO proper minecraft, minecraft herobrine, minecraft animation, minecraft but, minecraft memes, minecraft entity 303, minecraft null, minecraft herobrine animation,… Read More

  • Axolot bending

    Axolot bendingA craked bendersmc copy with a lot of new moves, join now! >:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))>:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Read More