Insane Texture Hack – Dominate Minecraft Now!

Video Information

Let’s find out looks like we’re alive I see people talking in the chat now okay just let me set up a few things hello everybody you just give me a second here you got changes the thumbnail because it just automatically picks a stupid thumbnail so just give me a sec mm-hmm

How’s everybody doing today I’m doing pretty good just a some lunch yummy a beef and cheese sandwich with some mustard on it pretty great fulfilling well I’m still setting stuff up goodness gracious hold on I’m sorry this is taking longer than I was expecting okay the thumbnail should be set now then

I talked to my mods and I’m not sure if any of them are gonna be able to come moderate so I’m going to have to turn on slow mode I’m so sorry I’m just going to turn it to 30 seconds okay I’m pretty sure you guys can handle that

Okay all right I believe everything is set to go yep all right thumbnails good audio levels and yep okay I can hear myself all right y’all ready for this Oh Bessie all right here we go dude this is pretty brutal oh I just fell in there crap I’m on an island

That’s not a good way to start off you crap all right well whatever here we go what’s the slowest slow mode can go I have no idea probably like 20 minutes or something I have no idea I don’t care I just said to 30 seconds I feel like

That’s probably fine if you don’t think those things as supermarkets yeah it’s like a conveyor belt kind of the only problem is since dirt textures are randomly positioned or randomly rotated they all go in different directions it’s like these two kind of look like a conveyor belt but they all go different

Directions I want to see something I want to see a texture that all goes in the same direction I feel like that’ll be extra trippy like that look at that whoa the wood does move it just doesn’t move on the top it moves on the sides like

That alright this all the water moves too I didn’t even realize oh okay well Island spawn sucks I’m gonna go over there that looks less like an island look at that crafting table all right well we’re off yeah hopefully that hopefully this doesn’t get anybody like motion sick or seizures or anything

If you’re prone to that you might not want to stay for too long cuz this could be it could be pretty damaging it’s the crafting tables are moving in my inventory – that’s so funny do it with nausea no thank you goodness this is bad enough as it is

So I I was gonna put the texture pack link in the description but it’s really easy to search for this is good stuff here it just search moving texture pack and you’ll definitely find it and I’ll make sure I have it in the description of the

Actual video when I find I have it all edited and ready to go but for now I just wanted to get the stream going and do the challenges so shipwreck kind of sucked I got curse of vanishing on my armor and then projectile protection whew yippee alright I’m gonna make real quick

The sugarcane oh man I like the stuff that’s kind of like not super good at what’s the word the texture that so this one doesn’t work I don’t even know what I’m trying to say right now the textures that don’t loop very well I think those are the

Most most fun to look at so like the grass and the sugarcane those are good ones there are a couple other ones that I saw too when I was I was testing the pack that were just looked so dump it’s great all right what was I doing I keep

Getting distracted all right that’s right I’m gonna get some stone boom and 311 viewers welcome everybody we’re just uh just starting the stream here gathering up some stone plan is to beat the game in one sitting see how it goes so far it’s not too bad I say that at

The beginning of like every challenge so something might just like totally get thrown off eventually but so far it doesn’t seem to be affecting me that bad but we’ll see we’ll see how it goes in the next hour oh crap okay wait I just made a wooden axe I meant to make

Up I meant to make a stone axe I was so confused I thought I did make a stone axe but it was actually a wooden axe I wasn’t very confusing for a second there all right we’re good we’re good that shipwreck gave me some starter food that’s nice

I’m gonna go explore this desert see if I can find a village to chill out in sugar cane is shaking I know it’s so funny looking I like the cactus to just spinning in a circle here the sand kind of looks like quicksand or something huh it’s so

Well I’m sprinting around I barely even noticed this moving because moving to so it’s like well underwater is super noticeable doesn’t find a mountain or ravine breath those would be super trippy I’m just trying to find a village real quick since I’m in this desert will lava pit I gotta keep note

Of that I can go to the nether right there that’s the nether portal I wish the mob textures moved to I feel like that would be hilarious chipwrecked over there I’ll go get it before you guys screech at me in the chat finally in one of these streams

Welcome to the stream so I usually try to stream on Saturdays the challenges and then I try to have the video edited and ready sometime during the week that’s kind of my schedule it’s not like set in stone or anything because uh Wow look at that

Iron oh gosh okay here we go this is what I was looking for see how the textures are all go the same direction that looks funny way more fun to look at them from the top angle where it’s all going in random directions turn off random block

Rotation I don’t know if that’s a is that thing then you have to have Optifine I don’t have Optifine install I don’t know if that’s actually not defined thing I might just be saying that yeah I’m pretty sure let’s see yeah pretty sure that’s an Optifine thing congas editing usually take well

So okay my last couple videos have been more difficult than others because I’ve been using a webcam and I’m not used to editing with a camera on the screen so it’s been it’s been really like challenging for me to figure out how to like make it interesting they ended up

Being more like highlight reels than my normal videos because my normal videos I like edit to the beat of music and they’re all cool and timed and quick but these ones since that we were talking I had to figure out how to like edit it but still keep the context of the words

We were saying to make sense because if I would just edit it like I usually do I would just be talking about random crap and nobody would even understand like the conversation oh look at that mending leather boots yay so so yeah my it’s been it’s been kind of a challenge to

Figure out like what what parts to leave in what parts to take out and it just automatically made them all longer too because I had to leave in so much more stuff so that the conversations made sense and especially with the blindfold one there’s just 28 hours of footage so

It’s hard to figure out what I wanted to keep but my usual videos are only about 3 to 4 hours of footage and they take about 3 to 4 hours to edit just because they’re easier to pick through and that’s kind of what I’ve learned how to

Edit so so yeah that’s that’s what’s been going on for editing also it’s getting dark already and I did not find a village a little bit spoopy also yeah I’m gonna put the mending ones on my boot or on my feet instead of the curse of managing so

That’s at least a little bit useful even though I don’t really need to keep repairing my leather boots I feel like eventually I’ll just upgrade to iron boots and then I won’t even use these mending oak there’s a pillager tower okay I need to get some sheep and

Make a bed real quick Oh with with all these textures moving it like makes me feel like I have low framerate when I’m running around but then when I’m fighting these sheep the sheep are moving at the right speed it’s just these moving blocks make it feel like I

Have low framerate especially these grass uh the grass so much grass what editing software do I use I use Vegas Pro 17 just need to find like a spot I can go make myself a little safety pit so that I can sleep real quick nothing’s chasing me here we’re going to

Go for it bedtime whoo there’s another chest on the shipwreck yeah I know I just didn’t feel like digging it out because it was getting nighttime I’ll go back I promise and we’ll go to that pillager tower too well speed run in there and get out before they can even shoot me

I do need to make a shovel though because that shipwreck was filled with a bunch of sand well I think they’re fun I just I just have fun making them oh no that’s about it and obviously uh that YouTube K Asha farmer if you know what I’m saying

But yeah I mean it’s cool to have people watching the videos but I’ve been making videos like at the last two years on this channel my craft videos are have been I’ve been making them for about six or seven months now yeah but I’ve been making videos for the past like eleven

Years it’s just kind of been part of my life forever [Applause] maybe they okay I’ve been making videos forever and it’s also my actual job I make videos for a living as well so basically video making is all I do with my life it’s pretty great honestly I’ve

Been I just love making videos so much it’s my favorite hobby and I get to do it for work and now I have a youtube channel that people actually watch that’s the craziest thing it’s so crazy I don’t even know ii don’t even know what to tell you man Nick Ulis okay

More stone I’m gonna make a furnace and then I’m gonna make a we’re gonna go back to that lava pool and we’re just gonna get the nether like straight up over with speed run today it’s only 18 minutes in and we’re already going to the nether that’s what I like to do how

Delayed is the chat I don’t know however delayed people’s streams are people could be watching the stream like two minutes behind do you think you’ll get one mil views on the video where your dad beat minecraft it’s all about the algorithm baby no idea because my blindfold video which I thought since

That’s like I’m pretty sure that’s a world first I don’t think anybody else has ever fully beat minecraft blindfolded that doesn’t even have a hundred thousand views yet and I thought for sure that would be like the one you know that’s gonna be like my big one nope

Still it’s been like three weeks now still hasn’t even got a hundred thousand views but my eating food eating every single food for Thanksgiving video has like five hundred thousand views and I was like whatever this video is just kind of dumb so I have no idea what

Videos are gonna do well or not it’s all about the algorithm destroy the floating sand happy now YouTube says the delay is 30 seconds that is just the the slow mode chat so you can only send a message every 30 seconds it’s not actually delayed 30

Seconds it’s just you can only send a message every 30 seconds that’s just to prevent spam or texture oh you’re right that could be hilarious to look at it yeah this will this will be a fun challenge I’m excited I mean even though it’s not like super

Hard it’s just like a fun thing it’s fun sometimes you just need to do a fun one you know not super hard just kind of a good meme good laugh good chuckle I gotta toss a bunch of this shipwrecked crap out of my inventory there’s so much I don’t need that

Chinese Nuggets into its then get rid of the rest boom don’t actually want the suspicious do all right make I’ll make an iron helmet yes that is one nether ready boy look at him what we’ll already animated textures look like well we I looked at water earlier

Here I’ll go show you some water it’s just conveyor belt water now see that it looks like it’s a flowing river even though it’s not alright we gotta go find that lava pit again and head over to the nether you’ve been here for ten seconds and your eyes are a screaming

For mercy yeah it’s pretty bad it’s pretty ugly I would definitely not play like this on a regular day lava all right it’s another portal time twenty minutes in we’re going to the nether alright alright alright actually first I need to get some well I have our much

Dirt I’m gonna get some dirt why uh-huh I like it it’s flexible I can do anything game-related I could do video games I could do board games I could do physical games I can do anything game related and nobody will be like oh that’s weird trail cold game that is making things

About games you know it just gives me flexibility in the types of videos I make because I don’t want to make minecraft videos for my whole life I’m just having a fun time doing it right now you know eventually I want to morph into something else maybe oh I don’t

Know I have an idea it’s just nice and flexible and sounds good and also wasn’t taken it’s kind of taken sort of there’s a this board game channel called board game geeks and they do a series called game night where they play board games and it’s somewhat well-established

Within the board game community and it’s like a youtube series called game night it’s not like super popular it’s just kind of popular within the board game community and it’s super nerdy but if you’re into that that’s kind of a thing that’s the only other thing that’s the

Only other people called game night that I’m aware of how’s your day so far it’s going pretty good I’m pretty good I just ate lunch a minute ago Wow okay I need a Frick it’s kind of hard to tell where I need to put the form there we go look at that lava

The flowing lava texture is animated sideways for some reason and it’s it’s going so fast look at that what the heck hilarious all right all right all right I built this boy I know this isn’t the most efficient way to build the portal speedrunners are like mega fast at it

Nowadays but whatever this is safer I don’t want lava to flow anywhere that’s kind of my main thing why is that law but not filling in excuse me Oh didn’t actually wait build in that one that was weird dude look at how fast this lava is it’s so ridiculous I love

It all right go boom portal frame instructed now I just need to find a flint Barry gift Flint negative that I’ve gravel negative all right that’s gonna be the next adventure crap you sound like dream somebody said that before too I don’t feel like I sound like dream if you

I sound I don’t know I just don’t feel like I sound like dream my shovel is about to break this is so sad all right we got a I’m gonna make an iron shovel how does not instantly oh no man I’m a pro Naja of waiter I guess I don’t really get motion

Sick that easy the only well I was gonna say the only thing that made me motion sick was this one specific game in VR but that honestly wasn’t even that bad either it was like barely anything I just kind of had a slight headache afterwards where is some gravel that’s

Not all the way underwater there we go you came to my channel because you don’t like dream trip dream I don’t mind dream I mean he’s not like my favorite youtuber but he kind of the thing that makes him interesting is the amount of the fact that he makes his own

Data backs I feel like that’s kind of an interesting unique thing that a lot of creators don’t do I mean obviously obviously other creators do do that but he plays them and actually like shows you kind of what the gameplay would look like within those data packs too which

Is kind of an interesting aspect I just need one Flint please one Flint Hey time mellow Jones thank you for the dollar donation I appreciate it [Applause] first donation of the day everybody you’re the winner okay oh I already got a flat I didn’t even realize I sound like dream without the wheezing

Does that compliment I don’t even know that’s a that’s an interesting comparison suppose alright Flint steel time thirty minutes in going in the nether I’m actually gonna block all this off so I often accidentally walk into it oh by fast lava alright here we go the dirt portal all right we’re going in

All right nether fortress gods please be on my side while this sucks I’m in another ravine Camela Jones another donation thank you I appreciate it 2 dolla dolla bill y’all gosh that was kind of that’s gross I’m sorry for saying that ok ok this is kind of

Sketchy I don’t actually know I feel like I don’t know where the block is like how far away it is dislike dislike Wow look how fast that lava is this is the only texture pack that accurately portrays how fast a lava flows in the nether dude those guests are super annoying

Alright I got to get up there so I’m out in the open so I can actually see what’s going on in the nether right now boom we are in the open all right now their fortress show yourself you’re all I need right now go down there should I stay up here

Oh man he’s moving blocks every time I like stop and look at them I just like I want to laugh at them very funny looking please take this resource pack off for five minutes no that’s like the whole point of this video is to leave the resource pack on silly-billy i was just

Straight gunning for that cliff that would’ve been a problem how much does this affect frame rate I know it looks like it’s affecting frame rate but I don’t think it actually is okay maybe it is I’m only I’m not even getting 60 frames per second yeah it’s

Not it probably is a little bit actually doesn’t feel like it is because my monitors refresh rate is not high so that’s probably why I didn’t even notice but it feels like it is just because the animation Omegas are not 60 frames per second okay I’m gonna go down here I

Feel like this is the future all righty we’re down here to the open space of the nether almost stuff to go down further crap this so far I’m just saying do I have event beasts and so going to be enough look like it’s gonna be enough all right so we’re gonna do you

[Applause] all right time okay how do we do this I don’t want to get shot off by a ghast oh gosh it’s so hard to figure out where I need to place the block you you you I work Krauss I want to keep spiraling down boom victory Royale okay

Oh gosh I hate when I have to explore the nether for a long time to find a fortress I just like it when there’s another fortress like right by the portal that’s way better actually out okay I have a decent amount of food I’m just gonna say like I might need to go

Back and get more food before I come back in here [Applause] She dude my dad got such an easy another I don’t know if you guys saw that video yet but dang there was a portal literally like 50 blocks away from the portal or not a portal there is a fortress like 50 blocks away from the portal is

Ridiculous how come I never get that I always have to run around for like an hour before I find anything it’s stupid [Applause] donation I don’t know what is this it’s pretty bad it’s pretty bad thank you for the donation Jerry I appreciate it oh [Applause]

Man sorry if I’m like all quiet Ellison I mean whenever I go to the nether I’m in like hardcore focus mode trying to jump over these pits of lava and all that crap no fortress November true oh there’s a fortress excellent good timing everybody no fortress November we out here no fortress November

Ten days clean all right we’re going in dude okay that wasn’t too bad I was only in here for like 20 minutes that’s not too bad except I have to get over there now play Minecraft VR with nausea and this pack uh nay I do plan on

Doing beat minecraft in VR with only motion controls at some point though I probably won’t turn on nausea just cuz that’s like dude is that that’s the spawner right there easy easy fortress okay we have this I don’t need that hey caught the cold yesterday so

It’s been a bit hard but you made it better the stream Oh navy blue 25 you make my heart melt I hope you feel better soon man thank you for the $5 donation I hope the cold goes away soon it’s kind of going around nowadays so tis the

Season uh okay don’t shoot me right now I’m trying to get down there relax brother I gotta go to the other side of this frickin spawner cuz the site is not the site I want also I need to make it easy to get in and out of here cuz I’m gonna

Need to I’m gonna need to leave here too so I need to remember how to get out hold on blazes I need you to relax just for a second okay okay you know what here have an idea I have an idea I’m tilled down there bring it blazes please show

There we go look at that okay here’s full house I felt like I was about to fall there all right here’s the plan I’m gonna do this do this this chill okay we’ll figure out how to get out later for now man it’s stupidly difficult approaching

From the wrong side my goodness okay all right I doubt it chill gotta go underneath there we go okay okay okay okay we’re going in this guy just chillin up up here I think I heard a wither skeleton in here as well okay oh that’s okay that’s okay it’s okay that’s okay everybody

Relax it’s going fine everything’s fine ouch okay I got a rod okay we got that everything’s fine everybody relax I’m gonna die oh this is skeleton all right that’s fine that’s fine everybody just chill gosh relax calm down we just gotta run back there again that’s why you breadcrumb

When you go through the nether so you can run all the way back to where you dying the only problem is I know that I stopped bread crumbing for a little bit so I we’ll see how that goes yeah yeah Epson chat Hey see this the part that I don’t remember to keep

Going this way okay yeah yeah they sit there right there I seem to find where I went down I think that’s right here you know okay I’ve got most of that fortress blocked off now so that should be fine I just have to get back in there some of

My armor had curse of vanishing yeah but that’s fine there’s only like leather pants or something so not particularly useful are you so chill with this texture pack oh no man I know what to tell you I’ve already been playing with it for like 45 minutes so I’m just pretty much

Used to it now if you knew this tree welcome to the stream 45 minutes in where we found another fortress found the blaze spawner died and now I’m running back to get my stuff and hope that it doesn’t burn there’s the fortress just got to get back in again

Move sketchy little pathway here oh okay perfect do that we’re fine you guys are all freaking out that’s fine all right cool got everything back except though there’s my sword okay yeah yeah all right we’re good I don’t have very many netherrack left that’s a furnace

Okay put that there we gotta get this back to working order here it’s the wrong spot I kind of have this all in the wrong spot right now relax mr. blades they are all like right there where I need to die that’s great and then we break this boom

Please grinder is ready to go okay all right we’re back to rods 22 rotten flesh it’s staying here for quite some time looks like you’re constantly moving for I know this texture pack is ridiculous I kind of like it on this nether brick though it all flows that way

And it all flows this way it’s very funny now come back can you add a download link in the description I will win the streams over I forgot to add it before I started and I don’t feel like trying to find it right now but if you google

Search moving block texture pack or resource pack you’ll find it on google it’s like the first link put a hunt trippy shaders – so what do we have in the plans for now I mean right now I’m just killing blazes 5 blaze rods already I’ll need to get four more only four

More Wow we’re kind of cruising through these when my dad was killing the Frick when my dad was killing blazes the blazes were just not coming forward and they were not dropping blaze rods we were killing blazes for like three hours else it also didn’t help they died a

Couple times and lost all of the blaze rods but they were just they just did not want to come down here add it on like three hours to the stream all right we’ve already got Stephane this could be this could be my fastest one yet depending on how long it takes

Me to find a village the fact that I’m already almost done with the nether and I’ve only been streaming for 50 minutes that’s a little bit ridiculous I haven’t never gone this fast as far as I’m aware my fastest one was 2 hours and 45 minutes we’ll see how this goes just

Notice it’s 420 blaze it my dude only need to get one more I love your channel keep it up thanks man I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos I feel like this will be a pretty good video I’m excited to edit this one there it is the last rod already dude

That was so fast nine blaze rods already jeez jeez we’re out of here never have to go back to the nether again oh oh it’s gotta be careful of my super sketchy pathway here on my way out all right and we’re done just like that the

Nether is no more easy all right let’s not let that happen on the way back shall we I don’t need to be jumping in gigantic pools of lava that’s for sure dude the lava is so fast looking look at that this is pretty psychedelic looking true alright dirt hopefully my my bread

Crumbing skills are adequate so I was playing on bedrock version with a buddy of mine on C’s on xbox and I went PC so we’re playing bedrock version and I didn’t realize how different the dragon battle was I feel like it’s I mean its base it’s the same like mechanics but

The dragon like the fireball attack that he has is way different I didn’t even understand it so we died like six or seven times trying to kill the dragon just because I had no idea what I was doing because on Java audition it does that like the

Little pool of purpley stuff you know and you can just kind of dodge them but on bedrock addition hey like it hits you like 50 times a second it’s like a like freezes you or something and launches you up into the air I had no idea yeah that it was just

Like super laggy but it totally screwed us over okay where is my dirt I can’t believe already have nine blaze rods I had to like double check just now to make sure I actually had nine blaze rods those blazes were just dropping rods left and right where’s my dirt

Where’s my dirt I feel like I don’t need to be over here this is not the place I need to go dirt right here where’s my other dirt there’s my last dirt where does this dirt go am I supposed to go over here I don’t see any dirt over here There’s a ghast excuse me you need to not she’s in there now please I’m just trying to find my way home hey blacks believe I just miss that shot Okay dirt is over here I have to go down here okay here we go here we go this way yeah yeah this way okay right we should be by the portal now yep okay this is the exit for sure boom and that’s the nether done we’re done with

Another victory easy game do this game so easy yeah here okay okay okay rabbit I need food dang it okay I need to find a village I just broke that fed my respawn points on that island I have no idea how to get back here I’ll just make sure I don’t die

Should beat minecraft with one stick I know what that means you can’t actually beat minecraft with only a stick unless you use that seed that uh what’s-his-name found but I don’t I don’t like playing on set seeds because I feel like that’s cheating cuz then you already know where everything

Is look at all this food my goodness food Bonanza bonanza unknowns onion chicken I’m gonna need feathers actually so might as well kill these I’m here dude look at all this food ate mutton what a wonderful world you have diamonds it nope don’t need diamonds governship

For the week I’m iron only gang so I can’t use diamonds Sleepytime dude look at that grass ah so bad alright we gotta cook some food we got a lot of meat look at all that meat mmm yummy minecraft with the- fov i’ve already I do plan on beating Minecraft upside down I found somebody on the well that’s

Right I forgot I haven’t actually like officially advertised this or not yet but uh there is a game night subreddit now if you search game night YT you will run across the game night official subreddit so I’ll go check that out anyways but a guy posted a challenge a

Challenge on there I’ve already been playing on doing upside down I was originally planning on just physically turning my screen upside down but this guy posted a mod that lets you that renders the world upside down anyways and leaves your hotbar in the normal spot and your fists and Laurel spot but

Everything the whole world renders upside down without doing any field of view tricks so I might use that to do that when I do eventually do that challenge well so yeah if you if you have any super complicated challenges feel free to post it on the subreddit and explain yourself and maybe post

Screenshots along with it if you have any somewhat easy to understand challenges feel free to join the discord and you can post the challenge ideas there or you can leave a comment on my videos whatever you want to do yeah I forgot to I keep forgetting to link my a

Subreddit into my videos because it’s too new I even forget that it exists sometime be minecraft with on-screen keyboard interesting I might do that that’s it that’s kind of a fun idea my deep voice is strange what you mean did I do a deep voice I don’t remember I just do voices

Sometimes without even realizing that I’m doing it I might have done a deep voice this is my deep voice I only use iron when I play Minecraft welcome to Minecraft there’s a village welcome to Minecraft we’re in a desert currently running towards this village about to swim across this river this

River river easy game already found a village just hit an hour easy peasy alright uh bedtime get all this food this is my new house it’s got a chest in it it’s got a bed in it and I can pull up down some furnace double furnace boom boom

Ooh l was zone b-47 else on v47 welcome to the channel member club thank you for joining the channel I appreciate it and yeah I hope you enjoy your stay here at the game night channel membership club thank you alright let’s just cook up this food real quick over here throw all this

Extra crap in here boom BAM bippity bop I’ll throw this crafting table down somewhere and we’ll put it right here that’s good this okay Wow okay this this could this could turn into my fastest challenge yet potted cactus I did I didn’t even realize the potted cactus was gone

That’s so funny-looking try to be Minecraft without a water bucket brah I don’t think ever and I think about it that’s probably something that could actually be pretty challenging cuz I’ve pretty much used a bucket in every challenge look at this door oh yeah I pretty much use bucket without even

Thinking about it every single challenge Oh black they’re interesting and some lag oh and a desert temple dude this seat is pretty interesting be my craft but you run really fast I feel like people have already done that before didn’t dream do that we beat Minecraft but his speed

Increases or something I try to do things that people haven’t done before or at least if they’re not like uh obvious the people who don’t know for like it wasn’t a big deal you know san looks like quicksand I know that’s what I was saying earlier I’m glad you agree [Applause]

The smooth stone or the smooth stone the sandstone is actually animated it’s just not on the top for some reason let’s see if I dig on the side here oh I was wrong see this sandstone is so it’s just this booths and soon I guess but this

Sandstone is also just this one I didn’t make this pact I’m just using some dudes back so this isn’t my fault you can’t blame me it’s not my fault I’m sorry just gonna collect all this hay and turn it into bread and yeah keep Minecraft

For that bucket we don’t do that here I might need to do that eventually I’ll put that in my challenge list I guess that’s gonna be hard though I I love my book I always keep it in my hotbar oh there’s a smelter over there whatever blacksmith might have some goods for me

Same with that – there’s so much stuff for me to loot this is wonderful desert temple ya know I know well away free iron I’ll take it hey bud what do you got sharpness 3 420 diamonds it’s a little spendy but I might do it if I have excess diamonds

Later on they’re not diamonds excess emeralds all right we’re going in I don’t have any fish in my bucket this time so I’ll be able to be safe going down into this temple beat my craft and release 1.0 I’ve seen a couple people say that I should do that I feel like it

Wouldn’t be that bad the only difference is Dragon mechanics and you have to what’s the words you have to kill Enderman to get the pearls which is not even that hard I used to do that anyways because I didn’t realize you could trade so I think that wouldn’t be too bad

Multi shot respiration garbage so I feel like that wouldn’t be very difficult I mean I could do it if a lot of people want me to but if you want if you’re not already aware we do a vote in the discord every week for what the next

Challenge is gonna be so I’ll be put I posted I post like two or three all usually three I post three different challenge ideas and then people in the discord will vote on the next challenge and that is how this one got selected so

If you want to be a part of that and you want to vote on challenges dude free brewing stand this village is Opie anyways yeah if you want a vote on the next challenge be sure to join in the discord and you’ll be able to cast your

Vote for the next challenge in the future it’s a good time okay time to make a lot of right easy and then we’ll dump this in here as backup and then I need this it’s this this boom BAM we need to chop with villager hey buddy I’m good donate your

Life to the cause boom easy wow that was the easiest villager trap I’ve ever done good work buddy you’re my favorite easy kill the child no I will not kill a child all right sleepytime get out of my bed who do you think you are the discord link is in the description

Mister you don’t have to get mad at me but like I was explaining earlier the the subreddit is so new that I just forget it exists so I forgot to put the link in there sorry but the discord link is in the description you don’t have to whine at me geez

All right iron axe time to go chops actually it’s not time to go chop trees I forgot I have to trap a another villager first brilliant you see that well programmer strat right there I didn’t even think about that until just now boom easy wow that was so fast how

Come I’ve never thought of that before okay chop a villager time alright who’s next this is the guy right here it will give his life over to me to trade boom see that he was willing he was ready to go yes I will trade you for the rest of my

Life that’s what I said boom alright time to chop down trees is it possible for me to collab with dream I mean dream is a way bigger youtuber than I am and I don’t really have any contact with any youtubers yet at this point so I don’t know we’ll see also I

Don’t really want to be like the guy that reaches out to a youtuber like hey mr. big youtuber I really want to make a video with you that’s to me it feels like the same as somebody just like commenting asking for a shout-out you know the same kind of a

Deal so if he reaches out to me then totally but I don’t want to like since I’m like a tiny youtuber compared to him I don’t really want to just be like hey dream I really want to be in a youtube video with you you know same with like any other

Youtubers like I don’t want to just go up to CaptainSparklez and ask cuz I’m sure he gets asked stuff like that all the time and you probably just ignore is like 99% of people asking so unless some crazy happens we’ll have to see but for

Now just me me myself and I what I got to do I make content for you this is disgusting to look at true pretty much true it’s pretty disgusting that’s for sure especially when you look straight down like if you’re like up on a block and you just look at the ground ooh

Yucky black over 60 K is small compared to over 1 million yes I would definitely say that that is small compared to 1 million yeah I mean I’m definitely I would definitely say that I am a youtuber now but having 60 K which is crazy still to me basically fulfilling

My lifelong dream I’ve wanted to be a youtuber since I was like nine years old uh finally happened that’s pretty awesome thank you so much you guys it I I know every youtuber says thank you and so it kind of just you get numb to people saying thank you to you but it’s

Like it’s actually super ridiculous that I have people watching me right now there’s 321 people watching me right now that’s so weird it’s so weird video maker hey how’s it going I was literally just thinking about you today I don’t know why that’s a little bit weird I was thinking about

I haven’t seen you or theta or pug boy or any of the og viewers in a while so that’s cool hey welcome to the chat though under the stream already chopping down trees I’ve only been going for an hour and 13 minutes and I’m already trading with villagers I this could be

Game night personal record pace right now I’m avoiding oak trees I don’t know why I just want to chop down these acacia trees because they’re big thick juicy Keysha trees oh yeah Hannah hey I forgot this is gonna be mean I totally forgot about you but your foot you’re pretty oh gee

You’re pretty much OG as well that’s funny I’m glad you guys are here though you guys are a lot more quiet in a chat you have a door I just totally miss all your messages every time but it used to just be like it used to just be us three or

Four people talking remember that back in the day we had like 30 viewers it was just us three talking in the chat there’s honestly easier to like see who was watching it’s a little easier to manage as well but but this is this is cool too it’s pretty crazy to have 300

People watching is six minutes oh gee yes Daniel magical you’re og now too yeah I’ve been on YouTube in a while video maker that’s alright that’s alright I’ve just been surviving without you it’s fine I do what I have to alright I have a lot of logs right now I could

Probably go back do I count as OG sushi I recognize you I don’t I don’t remember what the first stream you watched was and I know you’ve been here for quite a few of them though so I do recognize you on this chord there is a man called

Samuel happy man alone and lonely in the cute couple chat somebody go join him and give him something to do be a cute couple with him are you streaming on Twitch right now no I am NOT I haven’t streamed on Twitch yet I’ve just been streaming on YouTube because YouTube automatically uploads

The live stream to YouTube when you’re done and that’s pretty helpful for my videos so that I can have the whole stream linked in my in my youtube video description because a lot of people call me out saying that my videos are fake and then the video is

Just in the description so they just look like an idiot if they call a fake but if it’s on twitch I have to pull it off of twitch and download the whole length of the stream which is like a gigantic file and then re-upload it to

Youtube to put it on youtube but youtube just automatically puts it straight in there I don’t have blocks I don’t want to use my wood boom Dam but there we go where’s my house there’s already a fletching table here – man this village was like ready to go and I didn’t even

Realize he disconnect because people joined that’s funny he just wanted to be alone I need a big chest I have too much crap that I need to dump out we’ll just put it I hate this used to be able to this used to be a thing where you could just

Place the chest next to and it would automatically make another one but now it’s not a thing I don’t like it I want I want to be able to connect my chests right away okay motion do you hear me quickly sorting my junk out of my

Inventory I need my water bucket on each string all right beautiful turn this all into wood now sticks you boom look at all those sticks that’s a good amount of sticks oh yeah the bed please it’s my time to sleep do you play Minecraft normally yes I do

Play Minecraft normally this is a normal – tell me what’s wrong about this alright here we go excuse me what do you think you are changing your trade like that bucko I need you to not do that ever again is he really stuck like this now alright

Leave I no longer have need of you anymore betrayed my trust I need a new blank boy blank boy I me a blank boy go down here down nope down down one blank boy go in that hole that I already made that would be pretty handy look at that he’s like

Okay Cody I’ll go in the hole no stop crap I was wrong I was wrong stop stop in the name of the law boom okay that’s that’s a okay stop right there that’s good see there that’s not pickaxe nope stay there no stop mmm stop beautiful alright I wasn’t too bad

A fad was dicks alright we’re good we’re in locked and loaded I sent it from a four through ho during the dfrazier that’s right you were there the whole time there are only a few people who stuck around for the whole deep-fried stream that one was tough that one in the

Nausea stream those ones those ones were killing people they were not able to stick around the whole time but those who did you’ve been baptized in the depths of Minecraft challenges for sure the deepest most painful challenges if you can go and sit through the whole deep-fried stream and the

Whole nausea stream then you are a true gamer leveled up okay okay all right time to get more sticks is this dude ready to go yet he have not been the same since true you should dig two blocks okay done what is your next challenge I can take it Sixteen Emeril’s just found out we’re kind of watch for the rest of the evening dude good luck it’s pretty brutal I had to turn off the music like halfway through this halfway through the challenge just because I couldn’t handle it anymore it was literally like burning my brain I could not continue

Is it gonna level up for me alright everybody moment of truth leave Leave leave you waste my time leave get out leave you’ve wasted my time please leave go away this is mine this is mine you don’t get to have that anymore it’s mine imagine having the nerve to steal somebody’s emeralds and

Not even given pearls imagine that I can’t even imagine it I would never do something like that it’s too evil no chill you are you are dead chosen one fun still you are the one please please move forward stop standing still okay okay you can move now

Please East I just want you to move it’s fine we’ll do this the hard way all right all right here we go back to the drawing board I have 14 morals see if he will level up early for me this is on epilepsy friendly you’re right if you have epilepsy and you’re if

You are prone to epileptic seizures and this is triggering you you may need to leave this is probably not going to get any better I wish mob textures move to when I doubt when I first downloaded it I kind of expected it to expected them to move but

They just don’t so I’m kind of bummed about that but it is what it is back to chopping trees have any more iron just enough for one more axe boom let’s dump all this in there don’t need it that they’ll take bread with me I have a

Lot of bread all right time to chop more trees those are trading wanderings oh dear boy what we got it’s kind of good where are the trees over there all right so you have I’m flush in the chest yeah but I don’t think it’s enough to trade it might be

Enough for one emerald but I need to trade like I need a lot of emeralds remember remember how I need a lot of them that’s only gonna give me one of them this is Loki terrifying pretty spooky instead of chopping trees try chopping foreskin ma’am I need to keep

The wood I don’t want to chop off the wood if you know what I mean five people sitting in the voice chat muted what a woody I don’t even know I was gonna make a joke in I totally just couldn’t I’m sorry what an outgoing community we have

Created what a talkative fun outgoing community it’s still not even good even though I gave myself like extra time to come up with a joke it was still just not good we make an edit of VO from this yes I will this will be turned into an edited video sometime during it next

Week this ENSO move – I’m sure it does I didn’t make the texture pack so I don’t know but I’m sure it does it would be a little bit weird if it did not cuz everything else does I look at that look at the landscape from far away that’s pretty fun looking

How are you not spazzing out on the floor I know I am not prone to epileptic seizures that is how I am not spazzing out on the floor right now don’t you think that this challenge is too easy I never said it was a challenge I just

Said that I’m doing that that’s what I’m doing right now also it was voted on the discord voted on what thing for me to do next I posted this in there and it won so that’s what I’m doing but you’re right once you get used to the moving textures it’s really not that

Bad like I’m it’s basically just beating minecraft at this point there’s nothing there’s nothing that’s actually like affecting my gameplay right now sometimes it’s kind of hard to tell what block you’re looking at or how far away a block is because your brain just automatically thinks it’s like moving

Away from you but once you once you’re like calibrated to that it’s not that bad look at one block for 20 seconds then look around your room I do that once I sleep in a bed because it’s nighttime just give me like a bit did that iron guns reckon fools up there

Is my dad addicted to Minecraft or has he never gone back I I doubt he’s played it since then like I said in the stream I don’t know if you were there he doesn’t really play video games that often he plays Call of Duty like maybe a

Couple times a year sometimes he’ll buy the new college we play it for like a month and then doesn’t play video games for this year so I doubt he’s gone back to play Minecraft especially since he doesn’t like the graphics even though I showed him I showed him what high res

Texture pack + shaders can look like he still probably hasn’t played it but he definitely does appreciate it more I feel like he doesn’t just write it off as like a silly kids game because there’s actually depth and things to do in it ya know I don’t think he I don’t

Think he really realized to how much it took to accomplish things because I’m always beaten it in like a couple hours so he was probably like it’s not that bad but then when it took him 11 hours with me helping him probably probably made him understand a

Little bit more how do I get texturepack I’ll post the link in the description when the stream is over but if you just google minecraft moving blocks resource pack it’s probably gonna be the first link also if you join the discord if you look in the challenge

Vote section I posted the link there you can download it from there you got your dad addicted and then he mined diamond with a stone axe and then ragequit sounds about right it was that was definitely a a challenge for my dad to like it almost seemed like he wasn’t

Able to wrap his head around it I’m sure he figured it out towards the end but he always was mining blocks with the wrong thing still even after I told him you can’t harvest that without a pickaxe he would still just start mining it with a

Sword stuff like that it just kept it kept occurring it kept becoming a problem every time is interesting part of it was probably just because we were getting tired towards the end 11 hours straight is a long time for anything yeah are you stacking wood I’m I’m chopping

Down wood to turn into sticks to trade with villagers so that I get emeralds so that I can trade emeralds to a cleric so that I can get ender pearls so that I can go to the end so that I can fight the dragon that is why I am stacking

Wood you made your mom addicted in minecraft streams lagging for you sorry how do you get subscribers make good videos and have people watch them and if you keep making good videos and people keep watching them then they will probably subscribe that’s what happened to me what’s my real name my real name

Is Cody idea force your father I did not force him I asked him if he wanted to do that and he said that’ll probably be a funny video I’ll do it and I also only told him that I was gonna take like six to seven hours and

Then it took 11 but he really didn’t want to do a part two he was like we’re just gonna finish this so we did that’s how it happened tool for hitting grass your fists why do I have to iron swords I started going from that blacksmith’s chest do

You think I sound like a Cody alright works for me because I am a Cody what’s your real social security number oh yeah I’ll just tell you guys that’s no problem one two three four five six seven eight nine how you make videos you record footage

And then you edit it boom alright it’s stick making time oh I don’t have any more inventory space okay how where is my stick boy stick boy ye anybody fifty what’ll I do what I do why is it cost fifty I’m not gonna pay fifty why does it cost fifty look all

These other ones are discounted why is this up counted excuse me excuse me excuse me hello white why have you done this to me I’m so confused this has never happened to me did I do something this is an update they don’t know about what happened why

Is he why is he so expensive okay now he’s back see what was that about that was super weird that was so weird I didn’t like that that was not something I was into all right level up please boom easy game crap I will just do that that’s fine

Hopefully he’s back economy has changed great depression begins brick what do you edit with I edit with Vegas Pro 17 I said that earlier too he might not have been here to have string that I can trade with this guy he doesn’t want wheat I got a lot of wheat I have twelve

String this 1213 team sucks as part of the supply and demand part of the village pillage update but didn’t get bug fixed until later that’s a nice squish but when you buy the same thing from a villager a discount stuff it makes more expensive that has never happened to me before ah

Please do the 20 seconds thing hey the 20 seconds thing we want 20 seconds thing what what is the 20 seconds thing why do you stream and then upload the stream for proof that I do these videos because sometimes people think I’m faking videos trading faster than hunting internment yes it is I’m

Like rapid I’m I feel like I’ve been really on top of the chat today I’m just like complimenting myself right now but I I’m impressed because sometimes I just don’t even read the chat I don’t even acknowledge you guys but I feel like I’m like I’m doing good today I’m in a good

Mood I’m in a good time you are 17 old your voice is so bass bass my voice is bass all right we just gotta wait for this dude I don’t know what the twenty seconds like uh I’m so sorry 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 all right 20 seconds thing is done you guys happy who edits your videos I edit my videos 29 seconds I thought was only 20 seconds okay mister stick boy I’m

Gonna need you to let me show you sticks again please actually you know what I have an idea there was another fletching table here I’m gonna go find it and make another Fletcher as a backup Fletcher hey wow I found it in one try that’s how you know

I’m a pro minecrafter I can find fletching tables in one try all right actually wait a minute Hey I’ll take it oh all right and then we’ll just trap this boy hey bud up on in there please but no I stop right there stop right

There I need you to not go in there okay all right Excellent easy game dude so easy 34 emeralds okay nobody saw that all right here we go okay moment of truth number two all right we are on the way five pearls I have pearls boom BAM BAM boom BAM 53 53 53 imagine needing 53 sticks for one emerald rock

Okay all right we got chopped down more trees you really need to trap the villagers yes I don’t like running around trying to find them I’m an impatient man it’s all right it’s only been an hour and 45 minutes this if I can beat the game in under an hour from

Now kill the dragon in under an hour from now this will be my fastest one yet ouch real gamers run face first into cacti true if you’ve never run face first into a cactus you’re not a true gamer all right we’re gonna chop down the oak do the three-hour thing brah nah

Dude I ain’t about that life scientists have researched that you’ll never have to wait over five seconds for a game night response that’s what I’m saying man I feel like I’m on top of chat today sometimes I’m like really slow to read chat and I’m just not even

Paying attention to you guys but today I’m like chat is BAE it’s beiieving cool to say anymore I feel like that’s three years old now not really cool and hip I’m cooling hip I promise swag Yolo am i right if you saw someone rub their face on a cactus in real life

You would fear them yeah that’s what I’m saying you’re not a true gamer until you just run straight face-first into a cactus I’ve done it part of my bedtime ritual every time I go to bed I grab my cactus and I just shoved my face straight into it Bay is

Definitely 2016 never cool Bay is still cool keep saying why is so delayed can you have a facecam I could have a facecam but I don’t want to face cam right now because I want to be able to edit this video without a face cam on it

Because it does not require my face this challenge does not require a visual representation of my face beating it with my dad did require well technically yeah it did require a visual representation of my face because you guys needed to see me and my dad this

Time it’s just me you’ve seen my face already don’t need me to be here for this one just need my voice actually you don’t even need my voice I could have done this whole stream without even talking to you guys only teen girls still save a I’m a teen

Girl wait no I’m not forgot face camera adds a lot I don’t I don’t the problem is I like to edit the videos the way that I edit them without my face cam one of my face cams there and I’m talking over the video it’s a very different

Style of video and I prefer the style of video without my face cam in without talking plus it makes the streams a little bit more personal you know like you have to come to the stream if you want to if you want to talk to me you

Don’t get to hear my voice in the videos I wonder if there’s a way I can do a stream I’ll have to look into that where I can have a face cam but record footage without the face cam that seems like that’s probably possible cuz then I

Could do something like that but mainly I just don’t want to have the face cam over the footage while I’m editing it because I want to be able to edit these videos the way that I edit my videos without a face cam you know beat

Minecraft in VR I do plan on doing that I have a VR headset now and I do plan on beating Minecraft in VR I’m gonna take to edit the Minecraft blindfold video that took so long to edit let me tell ya there is 28 hours of footage to pick through and also just

Just making the sped up footage because I had to I had to speed up all 28 hours of footage and I shrunk it down to about a 30 minute long file something like that that on its own took 20 hours to render so just rendering that sped up

Version took 20 hours I let that go overnight so I didn’t have to deal with it but then sorting through all the footage afterwards just to find the best spots that took it probably another 20 hours on its own just editing speaking through the footage so it was definitely

A long process there was a lot of footage to edit through multiple days multiple days for sure easily oh he’s not it’s not gonna say it was hard because this is obviously not the hardest one I’ve done or very difficult at all for that matter I’m about to beat

It in the fastest time I’ve ever beat in the game so I’ll probably say it was trippy or it was weird or it was dizzy I’ll figure some some adjectives out to put in there stream with OBS recorded fraps you oh I don’t like perhaps what do you use to

Edit I’ve answered this question a couple times already it is Vegas Pro 17 Vegas Pro 17 why the stream has views I don’t know people like to watch my stream is that a problem sir I am so as far as somebody’s asking about a survival series I am thinking

About setting up a Survival Series in RL craft with a couple of my friends because I’ve had a couple people say that I should beat the game in RL Kraft but that’s obviously gonna take forever so I figured I might turn it into a series where I play with my friends but

Problem is all of my friends including myself don’t have very open schedules I have the most open schedule because I technically work for myself so I can schedule my own work whenever I need to but they go to college and they work so getting our schedules to line up is kind

Of a difficult task so we wouldn’t be able to do it on like a regular basis but we do plan on doing it eventually as a series and then maybe I’ll turn it into a full video once we’re at once we actually beat the game but it’ll end up

Being a series just good because it’ll take so long also these stupid villagers are taken forever I don’t want to do this I want to do this and I diversify my trade maybe if I do this I have that now okay now lower your price so

Did you rol craft a lot of people seem like they’re excited about in the channels and if we did do our craft the plan would be to basically kill the Ender Dragon and I know I’ve seen somebody else has already done that before and I’m sure many people have

Already done that before so it’s not like a crazy thing but it would be fun and that’s what we’re all about here at game night we’re about fun if you aren’t having fun then leave look at that boom BAM you brought down his trade price again what a guy what a

Dude what a stand-up man alright be my craft without trading done it before if you go watch my beating minecraft with hardcore darkness I didn’t know you could trade for pearls and so I killed Enderman the whole time and also a couple of my other older challenges I

Didn’t realize you could trade so technically done it already ha all right I need a four more pearls so I need to go chop down some more trees what as RL craft all craft is a mod pack that makes it very difficult to play the game I think it stands for like

Real life craft or something it’s definitely not like real life as there are dragons and gigantic monsters all over the place that make it very difficult for you to do anything but yeah the whole point is that it makes the game way harder basically and

There’s a lot of steps you have to take in order for you to be able to do anything you get a sound board so you can repeat answers to questions that you get asked every 15 minutes you know I could that or I could just not keep answering

The questions every 15 minutes and let them try to figure it out on their own eventually you guys will just if you’re staying in the chat for a while eventually you guys will just be able to answer for me and you can be like the orders Frodo

Told me to go and then the guy can feel bad about asking the question again and then yeah I’ll be good eat minecraft on the most reviewed computer in the world does that even mean what is the most reviewed computer in the world it’s like a Mac because

Most computers are not the same but he’s frequently asked questions when you can just use a sound board that is one thing that I do like about twitch is you can just have like a like a super customized description underneath your stream for frequently asked questions it’s kind of

Hard to set that up in YouTube because you can’t really make it pretty or anything it’s just like a block of text that’s kind of a bummer oh there goes my ax our craft market is very saturated still would watch if you did it oh thanks Hannah yeah I’m aware RL craft

Is very saturated it’s kind of I feel like it’s kind of less saturated now that’s part of the reason why I’m waiting to do it is for it to kind of die out a little bit because it was kind of like the cool hip thing that all the youtubers were doing

A few months ago but it’s starting to starting to dwindle it’s still kind of a thing which I feel like that makes it kind of a good time to get into it now well it’s still kind of a thing but not really no you know what I’m saying dog what app

– I used to stream this is stream Labs OBS what am i doing sticks I just opened my chest and forgot what I was doing that is not enough sticks I’m gonna needing another axe or two do I have any iron I don’t have any

Stone I don’t I have to go mining oh I have an iron pickaxe I’ll eat way better all right Mining time time to play minecraft where is that cave there is a cave like right next to this village I thought that’s not it where is hey there’s a shipwreck oh hey there’s a

Cave Wow oh that’s not cave why do you have stream lodge donations what do you mean you can donate to me I don’t have the I don’t have a PayPal setup or donations at the moment but you can still do super chat through youtube if you want beat the game what are you

Doing I am looting this shipwreck because I ran out of iron and I need to make a new axe boom look at all that iron see I know I’m doing relax relax y’all how are my eyes fully functional and ready to look this huts my eyes sorry

All right insert YouTube chat and a Minecraft chat absolutely not that’ll ruin my footage all right where is my house I need to make some higher on pickax and I are on pickax not a pickaxe what am i doing an axe axe but I should make another pickaxe I’m about to

Run out of iron pickax though we’ll have another extra one boom boom BAM bippity pow we gotta throw this random crap in here that I don’t need I need those what am i doing I don’t need that okay well it’s about to be nighttime standing still waiting for nighttime

Just so I can sleep in my bed why is the clay block not moving for some reasons smooth sandstone doesn’t move and I guess neither does terracotta so uh that’s I didn’t I didn’t make this texture pack so Jacob Tucker thank you for the two euro donation insert YouTube

Super chaps into super chats into minecraft chat no I appreciate the donation but I’m not going to do that I need this footage to be perfectly clean for this video I hope your posture is fine it’s moderately okay there we go how does this challenge harder than normal minecraft other than getting a

Head headache everyone small I never said it was a challenge I just said that this is what I’m doing I’m beating it with this texture pack never said it was a challenge never said it was hard never said it was difficult I’m just doing it

I need to run back to my trees I think they’re over here wait where are my trees are they over here there’s my trees where’s that cave asking about earlier don’t need it though got all the iron I need now all right I have 12 pearls so I only need four

More pearls so I only need what is that 16 more emeralds so I only need actually twelve more are molds I don’t need to chop down very many trees you will keep joining a stream of complaining people do that all the time that’s just like a normal thing people do join streams and

Complain oh whatever I’m used to it I wanted a desert temple and walk on a pressure plate it’ll give you diamonds oh wow I had no idea that that was a thing I’ll just go do that right now great idea I’ve been to the nether yet

Yep I’m already about to head to the end why I have two iron swords I got one from a blacksmith’s chest so I just have to now okay that’s gonna trigger some people but uh it’s too late it’s the deed is done just gonna leave that log there I’m

Not even gonna go back for it it’s gone couldn’t you break bushes and get a few stick extra sticks along the way I could but I don’t care enough how did you I agree to play Minecraft for 11 hours I asked him and he said sure I explained it earlier in

More detail you can rewind in the stream I don’t remember how long ago but I explained it earlier I hope feel like explaining again your brain is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal dude thick brain that is a thick brain right there that dude’s got a really

Thick brain all right that should be plenty of sticks sixteen emeralds that’s all we need actually I’m gonna just keep getting more because I need to probably buy some arrows from one of these Fletcher’s if they will sell some this one’s awesome hey do you sell arrows

Doesn’t sell arrows maybe the other one does if they don’t I can buy flint and then go murder some chickens one two three four boom 16 perils ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it is time my blazer odds are not in my inventory alright ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

You’re about to witness the creation of 16-under ice boom easy three feathers that’s it’s not for me boys does this guy so eros negative all right well since we got the eyes and now we just need to get arrows I have four definitely need more than that I’m

Gonna go kill some chickens and dig some gravel that’s gonna be so fun dude wow I’m so excited about this part digging some gravel and killing some chickens dude most fun time ever all right chickens where you at 274 people watching in chat Oslo that’s probably because I have slow mode on

Also it’s not like that slow it’s still pretty active see if the other Fletcher sells their house I checked all three none of them have them rather unfortunate if I do say so myself ooh I was a nifty little parkour right there you can get arrows by Fletcher yes

I know I already checked all three of my Fletcher’s and none of them sold arrows okay I’m I’m well aware there’s chicken – chickens are spotted got him Oh baby chicken double baby chicken can they do they grow up faster if you like feed them seeds is that a thing I feel like

That’s a thing I’m gonna test it all right I got seeds come here see they’re doing the little green particle effect come here come on come on 1c seeds the seeds where they at voice is so calming glad I can be calming all right seeds this is actually do anything or do they

Just give particles for no reason feels like I’m bowing kneeling chickens right now come on I feel like it’s not doing anything come on how many feathers do I have seven what’s seven times four that’s like 28 right oh okay maybe it is working maybe it is working all right all right

Come here call me a call me nine seeds this will do it texture pack is making you sweaty hey Matt Hale welcome to the welcome to the stream sorry almost over I’m just about to go to the nether oh all right he’s done boom or the end I

Mean not the nether nether was like an hour ago what is this texture pack it’s moving that’s it all right gravel time yoo-hoo gravel I need you I just need like ten cuz I can go trade that villager for some Flint and he’ll just give me Flint

Wait yeah if I trade them ten gravel and an emerald he’ll just give me Flint so that’s perfect I just need some gravel to do that which I only have like five so complete minecraft but you stopped moving you died I did beat minecraft with W or the forward button held down

The whole time that’s kind of like the same thing so I never actually stopped moving except for when I was in inventory that’s cool there’s no gravel there’s no gravel I do not know Spanish I cannot speak any languages fluently other than English unfortunately I did learn German a

Little bit in high school but I’ve forgotten most of it by now well okay that water was tripping me out when I looked down it feels like I’m moving it feels like I’m in a flowing river right now oh man okay that’s the first time I felt

Like I was actually like being affected by the moving blocks Wow blocks in the inventory do actually move see it’s just the items don’t the blocks do though for sure why are people saying random numbers I don’t understand I don’t have a box in my hotbar right now I’m just going to run

Around this way No don’t kill my villagers actually I don’t need them anymore go ahead kill them I have already done my trading I’ll move please watch it nearby oh my gosh there’s so many easy all right zombies dude so many of them all right

That should be all of them let me sleep please boom a version of Minecraft latest version whatever that is 1.15 point 2 or something like that uh okay all right are you already already already already already yo mr. Fletcher all that Flint I get out of

Here all right yet we got ten Flint eleven feathers Oh actually eleven Flint and eleven feathers and eleven sticks boom oh you don’t do it diagonal all right forty-eight arrows it is time ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we are going to the end freakin all this

Food where’s my bed I guess I can just bring this bed oh there’s a creeper right outside that’s cool uh yeah all right I think we’re good I got all the stuff I need all right here we go see where we’re headed let’s go another clearing a little bit I

Have a bed right yep all right that way I’m actually going to bring a couple beds so I can kind of bed Crum 20 out of 20 meme by the fletcher’s boat I’ve already got a bow don’t eat another bow what do you think of the new combat update

I haven’t played around with it yet I mean unless you mean the current combat but the new combat pre-release I have not played around it yet so I’m not sure ok it was this way right I think it was this way I didn’t bring any wood with me

I’ll chop down a tree or two on the way always good to have wood with you why aren’t textures moving in your hand because items don’t move only blocks move so if I had blocks in my hand like these hay bales those hay bales move but I don’t have blocks on my

Hand so you don’t see them moving I’m going to chopped Regis so I have some food with me boom why have people still spamming numbers I don’t understand please please do not spam numbers it does not make it fun it makes it not fun that’s what it does but

Please do not get this on a VR machine you have a poor-man’s acid trip I mean I could do this in VR I don’t want to do this in VR though cuz that just doesn’t sound fun I like fun what’s your favorite Pokemon I don’t actually know anything about Pokemon

I’ve never played any Pokemon games this is probably gonna cause a reaction in chat but yeah I’ve never played any Pokemon games so I’ll just say Charizard because I don’t know anything about them other than Charizard is like a dragon one I think shoots fire that sounds cool

To me there’s a bee somebody said I’ll donate a hundred dollars if the chat counts well you guys have been counting for the past like 10 minutes and he hasn’t donated $100 so I don’t think it’s gonna happen so you can just stop it’s just obnoxious all right I’m gonna

Step on top of this tree I’m gonna chuck a pearl that way does that mean it passed it already oh hey there’s another village right there that’s cool I never get down with tools they are unnecessary to completing the game and they just take a long time

To find diamonds I don’t have any blocks I’m just gonna dig some dirt just so I have some blocks you know see that that’s a pro-gamer strat right there I had to get up this cliff and I also needed some blocks so I dug up a cliff

Boom now I’ve got 53 blocks also I’m gonna check another pearl this way okay so it’s like over here in this little hill take over they’re probably all right we’re going in on a test right here in this zone here see if we’ve got us a stronghold up in that hill bow and

Blew up I think that’s okay okay I’ve got extra alright let’s check right here still this way check right here still this way I’ll blow up let’s check right here I’m gonna guess it’s like right here Oh still this way a heck brick dude I’ll blow up all right so

It’s like it’s like right here throw one more yep that just went straight down this is the spot respawn point going in Floquet digging down is trippy where’s my pickaxe Wow digging down is pretty intense where’s my water bucket we’re good I just needed to hold it in

My inventory makes me feel safe we’re at two and a half hours I’m not gonna beat my record unless I can somehow kill the dragon in 15 minutes don’t think it’s going to happen [Applause] all right let’s see some bricks please any day you know need bricks on the

Screen stone bricks please there they are oh that’s frickin gosh okay get out of here we’re in all right oh I don’t have any torches that’s fine we’ll just put the bed here well you know what I don’t like that I’m gonna leave my spawn point up there

Actually until I find the portal room you have blocks my blocks all right some free loot I’m useless free loot I don’t need any of that stuff walk it off we’re going this way portal room you who the portal room come here pour it over room oh okay

Can’t go that way hey that whole section is totally useless it’s good to know we’ll just block this right on off the floor is broken just stick with it keep going this way wow that’s trippy also that’s useless let’s see what else we got here useless and useless cool

Alright this whole area is officially useless what’s in here Oh stairs useless voila useless I assume this is useless yes all right good this whole staircase useless monster where did I come from this way yes whoa where’s my entrance right here right there that’s the entrance

Ooh all right we gotta go this way now let’s go down this staircase I just need the portal room whoa don’t need that crap Royko what do we go out here portal room air are you not in here not up here let’s let him come on through run past him

Useless useless dang dang alright this whole section is also useless and I believe this is also useless yes well running back up the stairs whoa [Applause] this is useless yeah yep all right okay everything down here useless nothing up here that whole room is useless okay zombie in here hey bud Oh

Okay there’s nothing down there okay there’s nothing down here and these always just end there so that’s useless thank good this sucks every single pathway is useless they’re going here yet that’s a 4-2 room right there why should just be like right here okay good it’s not out of too silly for me

Whoa whoa whoa relax holy macaroni oh wow all right I came from this way I’m gonna go back in there oh hello there a new staircase Oh totally useless completely useless where did it come from this is not where it came from no the freakin skeleton shot this but no

This is a problem this is a problem this is a problem this is a problem all right we got to get to that village right now and sleep there right now our respawn point is not set repeat respawn point is not set all right ladies and gentlemen boys and

Girls this could be a major problem if I don’t get back to my stuff in time it’s gonna despawn which means all the eyes of ender are gone which means I need to go back to the nether back to that fortress kill more blazes get more eyes

That is not what I have planned for the night so what I’m gonna do right now dude why are there no beds why are there no beds why are there no beds why are there no beds why are there no beds give me a bed get out this is mine now move

Move get Oh get away from me I need to go put the spawn back up at the top yeah I’m working on it I had a bed up there but the frickin creeper blew it up and then the bed fell into the hole dude this is stupid this really sucks

You know I really hope my stuff doesn’t despawn also I don’t really know where I died at like that’sthat’s totally just an obscure spot okay all right all right all right everybody calm down everybody just relax oh thank you Matt Hale for the donation I didn’t even see it all

Right where’s my hole I swear if I just fall straight in my hole where’s the hole where’s the hole hello oh where are you dude my stuff’s gonna despawn my stuff’s gonna despawn I knew I should have set a spawn down in the dungeon there it is there’s the hole this is the

Hole right here [Applause] all right spawn set we have to drop down here carefully [Applause] [Applause] this is why you always dig straight down two blocks wide so you can come back down with no problem all right we’re in where’d it go not this way I did not go this way okay

Here we go here we go respawn point set there guys I don’t know where I went oh I don’t know where I went I didn’t go down here this is totally this is totally not where it went oh it’s right here oh I got the eyes I

Saw the eyes that’s all I need I need to get out of here and go back to my little bed spot the eyes are safe Oh Oh you guys oh you guys oh oh you guys da I almost i that whole time I had to pee really bad and when I blew up

I legit was like that’s probably the closest I’ve ever been to peeing my pants in real life just thought I’d let you guys know oh my arrows okay I have them Wow all right here’s the plan what I’m gonna do right now where’s where’s all my stuff pickaxe

All right here’s what we’re gonna do I don’t have any torches or anything like that so I’m going to block this off I’m gonna block this off and this so that way this is kind of I’m actually gonna steal this torch I’m gonna put it in

Here this is going to be my little safety room all right I’m gonna make a chest actually no I’m not gonna make a chest I don’t need it safety this is my respawn point that’s the only thing that needs to not blow up I can I can run

Back and get my stuff easy peasy you guys saw it I just did it I can run back to get stuff this whole area is useless I need to go back in here ever again I’ve already marked it all off it’s totally useless what’s in here

Iron cool I like it I’ve already marked this off this is useless all right gosh Dude okay there we go this stupid half-block dude all right oh gosh I just need this portal room that’s all I need nothing in there already been in here wait oh yeah okay I know where I am now empty hallways empty hallways empty hallways have already

Been have already gone in here no yes wait is this the same thing yeah okay I’ve already been in here this is nothing all right so this is all useless good good to know upward staircase all right this is that thing that people usually run into okay

Useless all right good you know good to know you play some music no I need the background sound effects to be totally clean you’re clear so that I can edit all right I believe this is Oh Bessie Oh double baby zombies here alright we’re good more creepers boom okay that’s safe fish

Oh where’s the portal room dude I’ve been exploring this whole thing this is all empty what’s in here this is just this room that was just in okay so this whole section is useless useless ma’am oh he’s up here I was about to come up

Here to be safe and eat my food but that didn’t work did my dad try VR after the stream he did not he was we were way too tired both of us were just like exhausted after that stream I will show it to him eventually but we were just so

Tired we didn’t want to do that he just wanted to go to bed so did I honestly it was a lot of work alright we just got to deal with this creeper right now there problem solved alright okay I’m gonna need to deal with that but there’s also a creeper was the problem

Go to the ravine area I could just go straight across here you’re right it’s probably across here and I think about it watch it just be like right here dead end awesome whoa sketchy speedy lava dead-end who would have thought another dead end no way there can’t be more dead ends

Over here nothing awesome so that’s all dead end we got to go towards the switch and the creeper let’s let’s kill the creeper office which dude who’d she think she is oh she got me crap dude that’s not good all right we’re gonna chill in a corner while we wait for this

To wear off go back to the dripping lava and dig up good idea all right witch hunting time dead Oh those ways are all dead ends this is the only way I haven’t gone have I good on this way did I mark this off as a dead end already

Rick yeah dude what the heck where is this portal dead end dead end dead end or is this a dead end I’m Arkansas I blocked this off because of a creeper this actually a dead end yeah this just loops back around so that’s unnecessary already dead end already dead end yep

This is a dead end this is all useless this whole section down here is entirely useless through that door useless okay we’re back in the spawn maybe I need to go back this way useless useless oh alright so that’s all useless maybe I’m missing something over here cuz I I feel

Like I just kind of skimmed through this section you what’s up here this keeps going oh there’s a lot of mobs over there dude there’s so many freaking mobs in here what the where am I what did I just do here I just like walked into a staircase that I blocked off okay

So yeah we gotta go this way then it would have followed this okay so yeah I’ve already been down here did I actually explore it fully okay here’s something that I didn’t go in you know here we go everybody this is probably it it’s not there’s so many dead ends

So many dead ends go this way maybe I missed something over here oh yeah look at all these places I haven’t gone yet that’s a dead end this is pretty dead-end looking now this is nothing here stronghold just loops around into nothing so this is yeah this is just a dead end

Dang alright let’s go this way again dead end dude the heck there’s a lot of creepers up there we’re just gonna we’re just gonna leave that be that’s that thing that goes up we’ll go this way oh yeah this is I’ve already explored this pretty thoroughly that just loops around on itself

Dang dude what the heck I’m gonna sleep brightness is all the way up you’re still streaming I know this freaking stronghold dude brutal all right I’m gonna go back this way again this is that cave that I’ve already explored like fully right it’s over here

Did it go over here yeah this just leads to this which ends up being nothing the end of the ravine there was nothing there there was no stronghold there that’s for sure the stronghold like stops it’s just cave see look I’ll go back out here there’s a creeper look if

We go out here this is sketch see there’s no there’s no stronghold out here no stronghold see that just cave no stronghold and in here is nothing it’s not at the end of the ravine it’s in here there’s a staircase people are saying maybe it’s above this above that

Where that lava is – maybe I guess I can dig through that I don’t want to dig straight up on to it though I got to come at it from like an angle I’m pretty sure that’s just going to be lava though not not the portal room yeah

There’s definitely no portal room here okay already gone all these directions I’ve already gone down here I mean I have like dang this stronghold sucks just saying the stronghold sucks big time go back down here again I don’t even remember this area at all there you go over here dude if I haven’t

Gone over here yeah this is blocked off there’s some lava where’s my water bucket hey there’s some diamonds over there I’ll go back for the diamonds relax hold on a second I’m just trying to look for this portal room that’s like all I care about epic Wow it keeps going alright five

Diamonds that’s cool I’ll make a sword and a pickaxe oh here we go I feel this I feel this maybe not this also useless bra what the heck dude dude you you does anybody have any ideas our rooms that have the bridge thingy are usually five intersections may be

Used or hiding behind the walls there is no is there just like no portal room in here slash seed alright fine we’ll do slash seed if you guys can find the portal room in this for me I’ll be impressed while I wait I’m gonna make some diamond tools stick here my sanity

So much crap in my inventory diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword you I actually need that dirt I’d rather have dirt than die right there we go alright we’re going back through you haven’t done through the library yet I’m pretty sure libraries don’t have exits on the other sides of them I’m pretty

Sure libraries are always dead ends unless I’m wrong everybody’s saying library all right I’ll try to find the library again I don’t remember where it’s at where am i okay oh no no no dude what is up with these creepers blowing out my frickin beds holy crap

So AIDS wait well what is it really not gonna let me set my spawn point right now that’s not okay why is it not letting me set my spawn point okay respawn point set okay maybe it’s just because of having a my just because the bed is in the same spot

Okay going in the library I’m pretty sure is down in here alright or is it over here I don’t even remember I think it’s over here dude where’s my blocks alright library in here alright let’s see suits look at these ladders useless library chests actually I’m going to

Dump a bunch of crap in here though because I have so much useless garbage you don’t need doors don’t need doors alright there’s nothing in there go back down here I don’t remember what’s down here wow it’s really lit up down here that’s nice but it’s all useless garbage

Aren’t there like secret walls sometimes or something like I’ve heard about that before I don’t know what the spawn parameters for those are though I don’t know how it works yeah that’s all dead-end in there everybody spamming different coordinates how far away from that am i 531 so that’s this way this way

Interesting you’re not rest now there’s monsters nearby okay all right so it’s this way apparently we’re here not through here that’s a dead end so if I can go this direction all right 531 it’s over there how do you even get over there legitimately maybe the staircase isn’t actually dead end

I’ve totally thought it was well that’s good yeah this is a dead end so how the heck are you supposed to get over there via the stronghold I sleep yet how are these monsters nearby how they like down in here all right I’m just gonna dig straight over

There all right what am i coordinates 1 1 5 9 first 1 5 9 is over here 1 4 5 9 4 5 9 will keep going this way a little more it’s up and then this way so it’s like straight over here do these silverfish dude there it is

Look at that what’s up with that that is just that is messed up so where would that how would you officially find that if you were to actually go through the stronghold do you have to like I’m gonna go in there walk it off cuz that’s stupid you’ve really supposed to mind you’re

Just supposed to know oh yeah I’ll just mind straight through this like what is that the actual official method that’s pretty dumb alright whatever well thanks everybody actually what’s over here maybe there was an entrance that I totally skipped nope it’s all totally blocked off what a rude stronghold absolutely unkind absolutely

Unkind all right well thank you everybody I appreciate I appreciate the help I’ve never had a stronghold actually touch none of the portal rooms I found have ever actually been like through the wall before I’ve heard that that was like a thing that could happen but it’s never

Actually happened to me so I never fully thought it was a thing guess it is here we are it just happened alrighty ladies and gentlemen boys and girls were about to go into the ender portal into the N dimension we’re going in remembering some blocks got some

Arrows leave the iron got some bread we’re going in whoo Bessie what the heck is this spawn I didn’t bring enough blocks for this oh maybe I did barely enough blocks I’m gonna have to sprint jump to make that dude what is up with the seed that is messed

Up that is messed up alright if I could just like you know get up here that’d be great don’t shoot at me I’m still digging dragon relax alright we’re good work here but I’m gonna put these in my off hand so I can see what I’ve got left all right

Fully missed totally missed got it Oh totally missed oh dude he is shooting so many fireballs whatever all right let’s just shoot a different one man all right there you hit this one I might have already hit that one you used to stop shooting at me got it

I hit that got it I think I already got that one can I hit that one oh I didn’t hit that crap oh that’s a tall boy I have to pull her up that one with some water 429 viewers welcome everybody fighting the dragon it’s pretty great

You gotta hit this stupid tower no dude got it what a shot the end stone all flows the same direction that’s pretty nice does the obsidian move I didn’t even look totally does that’s fine alright how many we got left that dude that’s the only one all that Enderman it’s not

Mad all right I’ll take it got it is that the last one that might be the last one I just hit them all with my bow I don’t think I’ve ever done that before let’s let them fly around see if his health heals if it doesn’t then we got

Them all Enderman need to relax chill dude you don’t need to walk straight up into my vision okay fly over on this side dragon I need to see if there’s any more towers come on come over here please come on it’s okay I’m not gonna shoot

You just come over here it’s so stubborn okay all right all right all right all right I think that’s all I think there’s no more towers left wow doing it with a diamond sword is pretty great and haven’t done this in a while I’ve always

Just used like an iron sword or my fists it’s pretty easy with a diamond sword all right well as everybody in chat doing I think we’re gonna be a low amount of deaths here oh he’s already flying back you want some more all right it’s going pretty good it’s going pretty good

Dude this freaking aim is off the charts dude look at all these hits oh oh All right all right I’ll just look at this while I wait yes I know I do more damage when I hit the dragon in the head but I obviously don’t need the extra damage he’s already almost dead I’ll probably be dead as soon as this little

This little spurt of Wacken is done oh yeah oh yeah he’s done whoo-hoo That is one dead dragon right there all right yes man that was so close with that first death in the stronghold that was so close my goodness if I wouldn’t have made it back that would have just added on another three hours to the stream

Because I would have had to go back and get everything again but we did it we made it back in time got our stuff the victory Royale all right well for watching I appreciate all of you who donated I appreciate all of you who stayed for the whole stream

It was a fun time wasn’t necessarily a super challenging challenge but it was fun it was definitely a fun time this video will be edited the whole stream will be posted as soon as I’m done as soon as I click the end stream button it’ll be uploaded you can watch the

Whole thing back if you want the video itself will be and edited and uploaded sometime this week if you have any challenge ideas feel free to join the discord server and post them in there or if you have some super complicated challenge ideas I will post the subreddit link in the description I

Forgot to post it in the description already but there is a subreddit too if you search game night YT on reddit you’ll find it but yeah anyways feel free to subscribe to see the edited video when it’s done and yeah that’s all for me I will talk to you guys later by

This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft with Moving Textures resource pack.’, was uploaded by GameNight on 2020-01-26 01:33:15. It has garnered 70172 views and 1970 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:53 or 11633 seconds.

This pack is trippin’ me out man. Join the Discord! Subreddit link: Resource Pack Download:

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  • Survival-Players

    Welcome to the real survival players!Are you tired of boring servers with economic systems that are more complicated than your tax return? Are you looking for a place where you can just enjoy pure survival, without cheats, mods or other bells and whistles? Then we have just the thing for you! Our small but nice Minecraft Java Survival Server offers you: 🌳 Real survival feeling: Everything is like in single player mode – only better because you are not alone! Experience the wild nature, build your dream house and discover the world in its purest form. 🎮 Experienced and active… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamer girl-approved?

    Looks like this Minecraft dog has mastered the art of playing fetch with a diamond sword instead of a stick! Read More

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

    Soundcraft: Cube Xuan's Location Quest! In Minecraft, sound can guide your way, Listen closely, don’t go astray. Cube Xuan’s animations, funny and bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting MC animations, second to none. Avoiding harm, keeping it safe, For all the young gamers, in every place. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For daily doses of joy, oh so sweet. Minecraft facts, shared in rhyme, Keeping the community, in perfect time. Read More

  • Ore Mining Showdown: Noobs vs Pros

    Ore Mining Showdown: Noobs vs Pros Rank 1 Ore Mining: carefully mines ore with precision Rank 999 Ore Mining: accidentally blows up entire mountain Who knew mining could be so explosive? #MinecraftFail 😂🔥 Read More

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More


    INSANE SKYBLOCK ADVENTURE - DAY 83 SEASON 7!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘prt 2 DAY 83 – SEASON 7!!!! SKYBLOCK SB737 PENGUIN.GG SERVER – MINECRAFT BEDROCK CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-04-02 12:06:56. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:10 or 6790 seconds. Happy Easter everyone! The lighthouse has a roof!! We need to get working on the mob farms – so lets do that today ===================================================================== Meanwhile in GOOSEVILLE Subs are coming in super quickly (thank you so much!) 500 sub challenge – Respawn the Dragon (and go to the ancient city for the 400!) I haven’t… Read More

  • Insane Pillars of Fortune Montage

    Insane Pillars of Fortune MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillars of Fortune montage. #clutch #minecraft #cubecraft’, was uploaded by JoyfulMage on 2024-04-03 01:18:04. It has garnered 630 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!

    Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REALM code! No Permission REQUIRED’, was uploaded by FG Dakota on 2024-05-31 06:52:05. It has garnered 901 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. vatar minecraft realm code, anime universe minecraft realm code, ultimate achievement world minecraft realm code 1.19, zombie apocalypse minecraft realm code 2023, rust minecraft realm code, minecraft rpg realm code, minecraft realm code 2023, minecraft realm code survival, minecraft realm code skygen, minecraft realm code smp, minecraft realm code 1.20, minecraft realm code xbox, minecraft realm code naruto, star wars minecraft realm code,… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP SERVERS TO JOIN NOW!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftgameplay #joinmysmp’, was uploaded by Flow on 2024-02-05 02:33:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!

    Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live With Viewers One Sub = Griddy’, was uploaded by JustNonSense69 on 2024-03-02 20:56:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftTexturePacks #animeaddon #hive #mcpe #minecraftbedrock #minecraft JustNonSense69FaultDownload … Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!

    Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ AND MIKEY BECOME BEDS AND ATTACK THE VILLAGE IN MINECRAFT ! Mikey and JJ BED VILLAGE.’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 19:51:36. It has garnered 17813 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. Read More

  • Claim: Sahil is an Impostor?! Pranking My Friend #minecraft

    Claim: Sahil is an Impostor?! Pranking My Friend #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Prank With My Friend #minecraft #viral #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by ITS NOT SAHIL on 2023-12-28 01:45:05. It has garnered 2521 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Shizo Power!

    Unleashing the Ultimate Shizo Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘Being the best’, was uploaded by Veouh on 2024-04-02 14:30:37. It has garnered 210 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. I also do NOT own this song featured in the video. All rights belong to it’s rightful owner/owner’s. No copyright infringement intended. I can also… Read More

  • Insane Chicken Theft – 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #anime

    Insane Chicken Theft - 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #animeVideo Information This video, titled ‘give my chicken Back! 😡 #anime #music #edit #song #memeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bubba bubbaphant Animation•984•years•17B views on 2024-05-16 12:04:05. It has garnered 539 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Thirty Numbers SMP

    Thirty Numbers SMPHello and welcome to ThirtyNumbersSMP in this server its survival and there is basically no rules (other than the ones in discord) also you can team with players pretty much whatever you desire there Read More

  • ViibeMC Network 1.20.4 Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to ViibeMC Adventure awaits in SMP and Skyblock! In SMP (Survival Multiplayer), team up with friends to conquer the wild landscapes, engage in PvP battles, and experience custom enchantments for added excitement. In Skyblock, start with a tiny island and expand it into a paradise. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity. IP: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!

    Minecraft Memes - Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!Just like the Warden, this meme is giving me the silent treatment because I can’t stop laughing at it! Read More

  • POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage

    POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage POV: My friend still won’t stop bragging about how I saved them in Minecraft by stopping time. I guess I’m just a time-stopping hero now. #humblebrag #minecrafthero Read More

  • Fireball War in Minecraft

    Fireball War in Minecraft Minecraft Fireball War: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe When it comes to epic battles and exciting adventures, Minecraft never fails to deliver. One of the most thrilling events in the Minecraft universe is the Fireball War, where players engage in intense combat using fireballs as their primary weapon. The Excitement of Bedwars Bedwars is a popular game mode in Minecraft that involves teams of players competing to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. The addition of fireballs to this already intense gameplay takes the excitement to a whole new level. Hypixel Bedwars: The Ultimate Challenge… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness – Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1

    EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness - Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Shipyard w/ Drydock Pt.1 (Minecraft beta 1.7.3)’, was uploaded by syncc on 2024-05-10 01:00:32. It has garnered 561 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:02 or 1562 seconds. Thank you for watching the first part of this mega project, I wish I could’ve gotten more done in this video but life has been hitting with some personal stuff going on. Have not had much time to play, and the footage was taking up a bunch of hard drive space so I figured you guys would probably enjoy a video regardless… Read More

  • Unleashing Light Power in Minecraft

    Unleashing Light Power in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Obtained the Power of LIGHT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArctixNation on 2024-03-16 20:55:08. It has garnered 12269 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I joined the Divine SMP, a Minecraft server where you can control different spirits and I want the strongest one, Light. Credits: @flxshed (Thumbnail) @JustBK_ (Overall Support) @Merffinn @MugmV2 (final fight) @Encade @Korwick @justgapple Thank you! Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This… Read More

  • EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTime

    EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пов: ивент дед мороз на FunTime #grief #anarchy #minecraft #рекомендации #прикол #мем #fypシ #funtime’, was uploaded by Meshikc on 2024-01-28 17:16:27. It has garnered 1567 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Chip Chip Chip Chip Oak Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip dubi dubi daba daba Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

    ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To X-Ray On Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by ChrisspyLegion on 2024-01-08 20:00:19. It has garnered 13423 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Whats going on my Legion🛡️ Welcome back to another video LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE ANIME AND GAMING CONTENT 🙂 The X-RAY Follow My Twitch 🙂 Donate Donate$ChrisspyLegion Donate Join my Discord #anime #animes #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftaddon #minecraftpocketedition #mcpeaddon #minecraftaddons Read More

  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

    Azen Gaming's EPIC Invisibility Prank - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friend – Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Azen Gaming on 2024-05-12 11:18:02. It has garnered 139777 views and 1273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:21 or 741 seconds. What kind of prank can we do with her next? @PepeSanTV @sheyyynplayz Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Morph Parody #azengaming #Invisibilityprank #pepesantv #sheyyynplayz #minecraftGHOST #Minecraftph #Minecraft #MineraftTagalog #MinecraftSMP #omocraft #roblox Read More