INSANE! Tyrones Luck | TryOnesLuck: Minecraft – New World, CRAZY Server #22

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Hmm right okay it’s live now it’s an hour before we don’t we get home well yeah after so much fireworks I think it’s working okay right I’m gonna do this very difficult okay no it was actually just sitting on a chair that’s fun that wine and then is really some of these Put your gun down there this one not what you Blair okay that did the job [Applause] nice couple we don’t care go back into this stairs only I don’t know why just assert things don’t forget the rottens in aerospace matters that small around that’s obviously food in there now I

Know that one’s wrong okay I stand up here and do it to be a little bit neater anyway then yes morning Barry Barry says morning yep morning oops I’ll be over there eight stairs left I’ll come walk off the edge there we go now thing is with that so you not gonna walk

Away around the outside so that’s going to be annoying so let’s redesign this little bit so what we want to do take it down and push it back up no obviously we could just take it all along underneath instead have been the better idea in the

First place let’s see what I’m gonna do with that now that does matter where that goes because this one is going to do it as we take it completely underground yeah I could do that so just do like oops that no no then when I get to here it’s gonna be

Water so that’s going to be bit annoying now I’m not going to drop these I’m gonna do that sometime for often but then under I’ll have the okay yeah I’ve killed the end of dragon life must be probably what 40 times probably don’t really notice the things to do right so

I’m gonna redo this send them over at this level instead there’s some stuff there give it off Justin so I need to start at this end although next overdamped yeah I’m gonna probably why am i doing this cuz that goes down one goes down too so there’s the water that’s okay I

Can still do that to put them on the water alright alright let’s find out what happens so it’s not gonna be there it’s gonna be there yeah it was sure what’s going to happen to those so as it does tell them back up again okay is it

Probably toast keep it some of these about any characters it’s just gobble I’ve got loads of it perhaps I don’t know about it 36 die or jump through the other portal you have to go find it they’ll be up there somewhere they’ll be up them steps

There obvi dying is not the option you want let me say it one don’t look at me up you need to come a bit higher than that way not that way maybe up it’ll be up up there somewhere yeah we do records when we say it there were some kind of calm okay

My name is Foster yeah that water ran out mistake and you go back to bed okay four laughter four three two that works a little respect in again you know I thought your face isn’t it yeah that’s what I need to build a train

– oh yeah right time to go to some I and I think I’m gonna leave all stuff in there yeah well about that we’ll keep it down is there any difference is there any difference between at the opened and whiteness server no it’s actually the same server I think in the description

It’s got the tooth boat but they’re both actually the same thing it’s actually this server that we’re playing on but it’s actually whiteness though still just I haven’t actually done anything about it right and come up here oh hello seeing you you and your gold the gold booth yeah

But it does I just soaked down to get some food well eat some food all right let’s go up here the stuff away yeah – sticks don’t have that would go somewhere lots of bones well we’re just gonna turn them into foam if that way that’s not Arabs scream

You know it’s a good thing though the water don’t stairs get rid of that those arrows gonna get some more torches it’s food don’t use more torches more torches more torches can live out too many and my dear for food bad what did you do in the end hello that’s me hello

Chill up my god hat and boots yeah we we do than that are they are can see you don’t hear yeah some dragon breath which well I won’t really use that deputies enchanted yeah yeah that stuff’s all tuned to you kidding me on top yeah so enchant something out like a book yeah

At some point you going they’re out here next to the enchantment table function so yeah so it don’t enchanted that though enchanted without number one otherwise it would use I get thirty levels you’ve got thirty one levels yeah yeah just just just waste that’s being China

Just don’t push all the way right now trying to pick it then what you get I’m breaking three right so well what you got okay we’ll have a look in the junk drawer over here this is the junk junk chests have look in there you can have

Any of those to merge with it right so you want efficiency as much as you can keep going because it’s not very good efficiency there’s a better one than that that’s the one you want And then the other thing is you want mending so you want to get a book from ending oh you saw that out they won’t be fully locked out there will be levels that you kind of use so is it just like the fun it’ll probably be paper and we

Onwards yeah see when those those two together anyway or maybe put mending on one of them first and then merge them but there’s a there’s a thingy table Damon Hayden spacing yeah oh wow you know I heard that many takes of paper as well you don’t need to take out the carrots

It’s a wasted inventory space because this character thing down in his face you just take all the potatoes and then fill them in with them and don’t do that I could take all these potatoes but to me yes yes don’t you see I’ll replace your potatoes at some point where’s the whole

Field of them down here plenty I come in this slow way yeah I’ve got a silk touch ax I want a silk touch pick got one there yeah I’ve got – [ __ ] so what you want your mending this guy here he went down I’m waiting yeah he’s done unlock – you see 24mm look yeah I try not lock them right in yeah but it will probably a lot don’t drop it it’ll pick them up oh that ambulance was

There I didn’t take their books no oh you know I did Jenny I’m sorry you go any way to put it yeah yeah so you didn’t actually need all those carrots and stuff yeah yeah I’ve any takers to do it so I’m not on then let’s do it over here where they

Were when did ya delicious won’t take if you do if you do Intel use use the take a guy who’s over here yeah this one every as the cheapest taking guy please locked out yeah so someone’s been here just knocking everyone out so I’m gonna get them met

When we get me melons and sort enough sooo many I can’t open these chests anymore can you open any chest you can’t do anything right now no me neither yeah okay clap ey service dice that’s interesting well yeah servers a bit broken as in like yeah yeah that’s gone that won’t be coming

Back tonight that’s the plan it’s a night off okay maybe it’s time back don’t that goes that’s quite a lot right that’s interesting it’s never got a bit busy I think back now yeah just checking some server logs something broken we’ll certainly find out what it was so on the top

Someone was trying to join who’s not on the white list so maybe they got annoyed oh that’s okay everything’s logged I really need to get opium on that server yeah it looks right now really right it was to take your guy so yeah I

Was gonna say if if if you use in their farmers do try and unlock them before you leave don’t leave them in a locked state only and all these other people who come up here maybe that’s that should have a little sign like that but

No one would read it cuz I need wheat and there won’t be any wheat it’s gone again yeah it’s gone again we had this once before this definitely is a definitely on yeah it’s definitely gone yeah that’s true alright I’ll shut it down for a minute alright this time this time I’ll

Actually do something about it I think someone died by the way there yeah it’s it’s it said it’s James was slain by a zombie yeah there was definitely something happening just there right don’t do anything else yeah that’s right will you get your stuff back you’ll get

Your stuff back if you get back to where you died and pick it up yet nice pictures there now what’s a water hello we’ve had a couple of issues issues yeah issues server issues issues liked issues issues like TCP dump right now oh yeah are you being DDoS did I reckon I

Am yet yeah I can’t even SSH into it when it happens the last very it only happens for a very short at that time there carries on again works again it happened like a Eves ago like one evening okay like for like ten minutes then it stopped the yeah right now I

Can’t even SSH you it’s not no yeah I took the kicks off that explains why I was like to see where people on the server that’s odd that’s going I want you to finalize this the mini pine from yeah yeah I’ve got it got it got it got it

Got it got it got it TCP dump man so easy take someone’s UDP flooding it and your firewall drop it or is it gonna need a CL I don’t know I’ll give it a go yeah if it’s a single source or multiples just dust yeah just a single source somewhere in C dead

Not sure if you can know routes needle sources in that source or eschewed me to get know what seem to do that yeah it’s definitely one single source of sugar to just Mallory then I seem to recall the ASRs do some kind of funky reverse and all sizzle so it dropped inbound traffic

From them as well as outbound oh right yeah it was explained to me once yeah it’s going well I’ve got the IP but let me get on the VPN and what I’m streaming I don’t want to do that because it’s like it’s going to drop the stream and stuff so

Possibly no because the VPN should only redirect traffic for the specific subjects it’s a split oh yeah okay my favorite youtubers streaming I wonder what they’re up to Yeah the teeth the iptables rule didn’t seem to work right is the apk yeah but distinct lack of a USB port so I have to actually unplug my keyboard to plug in the EB key and then put the keyboard back into presenter only yeah

So where might I find it if you go sir you should hope that you assuming you’ve got the permissions to add an old route on the no root section no it just is no routes in place oh no they reside in oh yeah god I can’t remember if you are able sir

No route external IP just that’s just networking yeah I probably can’t I just make the software I don’t set the permissions yeah it says it does not appear that the settings on our network yes you needs to get someone else to drop it inbound anywhere up here I thought that

Would be a finding it she says anywhere I can find like to see if this is actually showing up anyway if you click on the arbor tab then that will show you if I was picking me up as an inbound attack yeah now I just found that and though it’s not he’s probably

So tiny anyway my poor little server yes it’s more than enough that it’s smashing your server but it’s too small to actually look like an attack yeah I mean my service 100 make anyway Suppose if I send an email from a work address not my person probably help Oh yeah right what is that an email from sue happens right well there’s a boring page to look at isn’t it she liked it so I go and I log into the hypixel or something for a minute something else to look at in other news I discovered that part of the

Issues you know how I said the spigot does villages differently where I was having issues with mine yeah I tried looking into I was reading up on how to stack villages so I was going to build a six village my plan was to do a six

Village pine farm but have it in you should be able to build it in slightly larger than a standard iron farm size oh yeah when I started looking into stacking villages it just wouldn’t stat earth wouldn’t stack the villages properly and I went looking online people like there you can’t build these

Stat village designs on the spirit service right it works differently yeah the way it works is in standard minecraft when you place a door and it’s in range of two villages the oldest village lets the door but in this figure it seems to be the nearest

Village gets the door alright so the way they stack these villages is do you build two villages exactly 64 blocks apart so you place a door and then before you place the goal on the opposite so you have a row of doors and then you have a real all’s opposite you

Place the first door go to the opposite side before you place that opposite door you place the girl 1 over then place the opposite door and then that means you then have one village for the bill you place first because that’s just over sixty four blocks away and

Then the second door you placed joins the first village then you go back to the other side break that first door plant three doors starting with the ramps out of line with the two villages the one in the middle and then the first door and that way you end up with three

Villages the other side and you zigzag across to build the villages up well when I was doing this I place my first door on the first side girl Chris a dead side place the building block over my second village had two villages to a Grand Place module opposite the

First door and it’s like nothing seems to have happened and then I realized that no what’s happened is my second village has just moved one block over so you’re still left the two separate villages right oh yeah big mess so that was quite annoying in other news my little MP has been

Sacked they were suspended but so I can’t see that they’d have I’d can’t see that the Tory party would just drop him unless there were seven cases to answer why he’s been suspended no details are out yet but he has the statement from the Conservative Party is

He is being suspended and the police have been informed so presumably it’s a little bit beyond the standards for serious allegations of misconduct which I assume is a little bit beyond who touched someone’s bottom and nature got nice gates this makes me well I shouldn’t laugh about it really but it’s

Sort of like you know it touched an a.m. that sexual assault no it isn’t well this is the thing I said smarter than nice right technically if all these things count as sexual assault then the first day I met my wife she sexually assaulted me because we were in a pub

She asked me if I was single and then she snot to me it’s like oh that’s it’s for assault now it’s ridiculous though innit some of these people you make a passing flirtatious comment at someone and they’re saying that sexual harassment that well how’s enrollment to find out

With someone else likes them because if you walk up to them and say something you’ll get accused of sexual harassment it’s going a bit far now yeah exactly you’ll be too scared to say hello to anyone – I mean by no means groping someone’s bum grabbing their tits gluing a Donald Trump

That’s when sexual harassment but a lot of ladies like someone touching bun which has happened on lights out when it’s unwanted just a swift turn around fo seems to do the job yeah although I did have to hold my wife back one night you’re in a club then

Someone pinched her ass and she was about to lamp him yeah I think some women can be quite feisty I know I could be yeah already used to be on lights out yeah bye my wife just go straight for it like no hope we’re gonna get kicked out

Stop nope just there and one right not in a way for him to make it elbow blokes no sauce when I find out I won’t back off quite literally I’ll vote them in the stomach they won’t leave me alone and it’s like nowadays oh no that’s a solo shuttle just send

The message on there what’s up It’s it’s not my fault upsell huh you’re getting hammered yeah my put it was ever gonna go again jack doan oh oh if you manage to get on yeah yeah about 2/3 about two and a half thousand packets a second which is that a lot well I don’t know

Really 100 big pause it’s not really that much Aidid six six thousand versus blending Racine’s at the network level so unless we’re talking sort of Giga packets per second yeah exactly but this is only 100 Meg and it does say length 6,000 so that’s what six bytes so to two

Thousand times so yeah it’s an oversized packet so the main thing and then port 0 flood afterwards people get a kit yeah that’s all that in this way but we have one side which is villages to breed come on villages you’re not breeding just kind of stood there looking each

Other like web so having loads of food we’ve got those applause we have Dylan on the case it’s a guess Justin would have gone home by now S or M s is in Alton Towers so am ia better off the best in it Family Channel right guys the service back but we’ve done a hell on for and if it does again we’re sort out we have we have waves Just no root the server yeah it was solve a problem we’ve done customers I’ve got a sound on yatin sound off on Oh James although absolutely Ripley attacking the m1 cross-server I don’t know was it for you three five five six six so they’re doing so the minecraft server core yeah

They were then yeah yeah they were yeah obviously annoyed someone loves you know it someone yeah but they get they then again that the server IP is in the description so you know it’s kind of like open for open for someone to go out we can just attack this and take take

The stream offline yeah great like I’m bothered how tall they are they’re going to be very tall definitely I was quite annoyed that I couldn’t do a multi stacked village thing yeah yeah look like there’s gonna be fun trying to figure that out and deal with it why do you get

Rid of the tree thing at your base whatever it was I walk they’re back on that land on the floor we have now brought the pumpkins no it’s just wood it was on that floor it was on the stable oh yeah yeah I have got two full

Steps of cocoa beans I don’t think I need that much brown stuff so I thought I’ll just get tech pull it down it’s not hard to adjust direct a bit of jungle wood and plant some cocoa that was just a single width path and I’ve left the wall in there

So what I did is I pulled that wall out I needed the smooth stone I’m so low on resources there really yeah I’ve used pretty much everything I had to build the ender ender I’ve got a lot of stone and [ __ ] and at the moment nothing particularly I mean I could have done

With some better resources to make the never have looked better but kind of did what I could bear I like the wood it makes it doesn’t it yeah it does the newsboy nice I like that you included to the one down to the bottom of

At the beach one yeah I need to decorate with different entrances yeah I hope they didn’t confuse her too much well I went outside to find the entrance again but obviously it’s been blocked up which is fine that I’ve worked out where it’s on so it’s all good if it was a sign

That would’ve helped but it’s look good anyway just under Strohm together excited got bored of waiting for that other guy who started its absolute finish it because they pump gas during the project yeah yeah yeah well it’s like anything it started so we’ll see how that works out the non-breaking 3 ok

A efficiency for an unbreaking 3 pick which one door pop mending on before I merge them or does it not matter doesn’t matter or you could put mending on after you’ve merged them what would that not take more levels I don’t know why I think it’d take more levels because it

Picks better anyway I don’t know it should only take the cost of levels for putting that work on to the pick afterwards it’s the merging of the pick that’s most expensive oh I see but would it cost more to merge one that’s got mending on it but then you got put

Meaning on it afterwards just do it yeah it’s it’s once you’ve got it because I’ve had like a pic with her in verse 14 things I come over and then when I put mending on there it’s still only taking two levels right what explain this so

Just probably two picks in to merge them and doing the work my round cost 10 don’t move around costs 40 while it cost different because of the adding of the enchantment to the other pick so it’s the cost of adding to the other pick so always try whatever you’re doing each

Way around yeah so you could simple touch on that one yeah that’s the one you’ve got given no that’s can save yourself some so you put this in touch on the unbreaking 3 1 don’t confuse might have the single touch button that’s right yeah this symptom anything you haven’t done in the

Area that’s right that’s fine that’s why ng yeah try putting mending on both of them and see what how much the lending costs yeah you can you do yeah that’s correct Hey right now put it on the other one there’ll be two right yeah but if you

Merge them for 10 what’s it gonna cost to put the vending easy way you’ve got enough levels to do it so merge them for 10 yeah and then put that one in there and if this cost more than 2 so what you got on that learn is that it’s up its up

Here on pay won’t help in efficiency for silt touch I’m breaking 3 amending mine’s called silky hash – oh you can name it there but it will cost you something I’m gonna name it just so I know which ones which responsible for Qing yeah exactly added up

It’s not such a society switches got efficiency fine yeah before that’s okay what about you swore did you got a sward yeah mice well it’s not great smite three looter – no you go get some books on that oh yeah then things sharpness I’m braking bleating amended I’ve gone mine you

Gonna put this ward I think you should call you small spheres it’s Ford I think they are comes Ward anyway aren’t they yeah yeah what did you say well we got on it shop can i push it up with some with spike no let me say no I

Got taters that I don’t want I’ve been prevailed productive tonight yet I’ll go start being more productive I guess I guess Dilbert Delbert where his name is replied there we go looks oh look looks like you are indeed look like you are indeed getting attacked by that IP I

Have now routed the IP so that should drop the traffic coming in at the ASRs you sent me a little picture I with him dropping off on the graph yeah he’s got grass for me yeah kensic thing it’s fabulous for graphs and sugar yeah yeah uh bits per

Second some as in big some don’t know to come looking out in the camera taking out how many numbers too many one with the G after yeah they go got whatsapp open yep can you put power on a sward no power is the equivalent of knock back no my hand

Not back on the foot on that and if you’ve got a smite you can’t have not back notice is that smite you can’t have sharpness I is additional damage to the undead bane of arthropods is difficult ballads in spiders and sharpness is additional damage to everybody sharpness

Yeah I don’t negate the sharpness he leaves much bending friendly wasn’t like he was sending you lots of packets is it it’s at quite a lot then but I mean on the basis that it’s on 100 Meg switch and he was sending nearly 30 times as much as your server can handle

Lovely yeah I know it’s someone go to net internet friend What are you annoyed one of the Internet’s let’s face it a lot of them don’t really need much excuse to be annoyed but think about it this way I mean it’s obviously all from one IP so that’s that’s a given yeah they’re not not the greatest of Internet warriors are they no urn

Yeah what’s up she shot three a good thing or do we have a book for that don’t I can’t remember I don’t think you’ve got a good sharpness book there’s lots of books we don’t have good but sobbing I think a much bigger villager trading ball could

Be a thing yeah the the the description on the eye net num is ten gigabytes do I assuming that it’s probably on a 10 gig service at the 10 key server hitting 100 mix server bless it yeah shot miss for toasting nice what do you got in your

Sword that was for ya about you switch sharpness for looting three sweeping edge three in there I’m still tweaking edge Jason mobs yeah so that’s great fun in the ender ender I just swipe in and nine blocks worth of Enderman just fall out we die yeah once you’re in the end

You’re out of your own hand yeah don’t stand right up that I put the cents originally just had trapdoors there and it was too easy to get here now with you stand behind the fence posts you’re usually safe I’ve been killed a couple of times but you stand too far back you

Can’t really yes I also the times I’ve got hit I wasn’t really paying attention yeah I’ve just been hit yeah they are quite Larry those things you come Khloe moaning Lisa cut the line cord I’m good don’t my stuff I’m level of 30 so should really enchant something

Lovely yes Charlotte stuff yes we’re trying to look at your screen now I really should get my ten seventy back yes you should ha to learn it model can can can can one get voiced whitelisted fan nice one can no no thank you sorry it’s if I was to try and read your

Channel name backwards I’d have to beat myself out over there you’ve logged in right so have fun oh yeah let me grab some torches and food and stuff right sapling yeah for exactly if you fit in this is always good right if you fill in the questionnaire I mean

That other guy won’t because he’s a because of his channel name suppose just read his channel name backwards you know your work and help yourself if you fill in the application form on that Google Form thing if you’re approved to be in the white list I’ll contact you there we

Go it says it there I sleep you got to run my house I should still sorting something stuff out stop stop out right go down this way oh you get to here turn right there again oh you did it yesterday okay cool what I’ll them I’ll spend some time

Probably not tomorrow yeah silky with you yes okay sup YouTube by the way switch that that big underground room which was about 12 blocks wide and about a block sorry twelve chunks wide and about a chunk deep remember it look she wasn’t lightly tough enough yeah that’s

Toasties area yeah I believe so yeah yeah it was it was dark again down one end so I think it’s been made I told him the other day he’s gonna light it up because if it’s not lit it’s gonna get mobs down there and we’re gonna lose out

Elsewhere yeah that’s right yeah you’ve gotta like so in fact it’s dark again down this end again though you can see it’s dark down there from a model didn’t have any torches go get some more torches I can’t leave it dark leaving the darks bad yeah not even dark

Here look dark here yeah down down the community mine is well dug down it it’s above us it sounds like is in toasties hole I’ve got all the torches I’ve got four steps which isn’t a huge amount yeah all of this money and these lots of like sticks

We could have made their torches water with that I’ll just bring more torches oh yeah got five with half stacks because the idea is to bring not stakes and not planks don’t would just with one would you can make two planks no four points any planks to make one wood for

Blanks and from four banks comes eight sticks yeah so with one would you can make eight sticks which is 16 no more some can’t find where I am let’s wait to loop company before so it’s can’t find any it’s a matter of caucus I’ve got four stacks of torches I don’t even know

So I’m going to the bomb eleven to eleven wonderful 12 is it whether you yeah go that way go forwards no yes no yes yes yes they’re done there when you pop out let me know because there you go so much yeah right to the end

Yeah because you’ll get to it you’ll get to me in a minute I don’t want to know where you are because I can’t find the rest of that cave so when you pop out you’ll know when you pop out they are you popped out popped out you

Have no time I can’t see you know we don’t get no issue anymore are we right so is it here is this it so which way did you come from we didn’t ask me to remember that did you came from this way because the torture on the

Left so this this way we need to go there you didn’t come from there now you know you didn’t come from there no no no you come from here yeah you came from here so you need to come this way then I’m gonna have food now right now

Obviously right so by filling out the application filled out the application same here but it takes time for it to be accepted you are correct try what Tyrone’s like one like on stream equals one cookie what pardon for you yeah for every like on the stream if

Everyone likes the stream when we get to ten like someone gets added to the whitelist now I’m making things up now no you are yeah I need to make it I need to make promises out all the time what making things up here what are you doing

It’s not you running up what you want we go mining yeah yeah so we get to ten lights I let someone new on the server and that person will be whoever’s the next person on the list I’m making stuff up now because the next person on the

List will be from like three months ago oh yeah this was a dead end it’s a dead end because what I’m in the way of you is that’s why it’s not really attend into such of it there we go okay yeah like the stream but I mean who do

We pick to join then we need to have a server admin mod ops meeting expense that meeting yeah we can’t expect it well surely in the person who wants to be added will be taking us out for a meal yes as all boys do and the quality

Of food in the venue it takes we get simple all right bright bright saplings gonna take us out for a meal cheeky Nando’s we’re gonna go different way you are an easy you’re an easy ones please then you are cheap and toasty if you try to get

That many diamonds in that short amount of time your your team amount okay so no con we’re going different way will come out I’m not the thing of things where two boys and girls I’d like to go to Gaucho please don’t get out up atop I’d

Like to get a gaucho then you could then you can call me anomalous own right so must be that someone up the tree there I thought you I don’t you want it right this listeners stoke chicken armor armor armor anyway a bit mad oh no you just

Looked at this wallet all them promises are all right I’ll check out your application some part I need I need a PA to check out me applications I got up a loopy give me too now could get you 1017 no 1080i oh no dear no I’ve got any of

Those we’ll have the one where we going okay where are you you went underwater oh there yeah that’s where I’m going as well 20% 20% of what wait here’s okay he’s okay keep us in the upper snit oh those you haven’t got silk touch okay fill up anything treatment to the meeting All darkness who did I upset yeah I don’t know I don’t know he’s not gonna hear me talking to him Rosie is that captain no somewhat someone got annoyed and probably is not the white this year I’ve been here get on there but on waiting lists for last disappointment was a dead end

Come on Mary I won’t type it tasty tape or are you on discord as on discord right okay toast yet so that’s it today um yeah yeah I think she thinks you’re cheating cuz right so what is it so you get you get some points to start

Off with or graphically just how you can come back and go to another you get some get some points to start with and if you use up those points you can’t mind any more diamonds so that’s what you get it where’s the way out well like I mean so

You’re going down up up down what are these stairs perfect yeah I’ll hello hello welcome good evening hungry real life really yeah yeah it was like oh I didn’t feed you didn’t you say it wasn’t huge enough well you should have asked for more all right

And following you some more thing is the fact effect forgiven more dairies and loans that are given too much food it’s very good I tend right oh it’s like it can’t win yeah these awkward no what you want there what was for dinner beige beige and looked at my pie and it

Just like I just like got some beige I don’t in beige lovely big salad with oh yeah down here I think I’ve done all that though just don’t go down there again didn’t deal with that all right I guess I got someone floors need to pick it up

And get drink to go get you a drink no final offer Donna make sure I don’t die can’t I can’t I can’t you need them in what’s that Oh pop mops throwing something at me as usual Oh as usual I tell him earlier I didn’t want me I’ve got some dragon breath

Invite him in the chest in my face summer yeah I don’t need it okay so Barry asks what’s with it what was what wards for dinner so yeah we answered that and bright sapling right bright snapping thank you very much for a drink I’m gonna open the sheet you can

Add ice and water drink damn there we go he wants a technique Gaucho but any book didn’t fall out into heav’nly bright sapling oh hang on bright sapling Cranky’s de berry he hasn’t sung chicken pops and wedges well you have an answer should have like a perfect dinner for my

Kids I’d open the YouTube channel but my bet get killed in the middle of the desert so let’s let’s go thing is there’s a list there’s a list of people that want to get on there and I can’t let bright surprise get on first right

Where we go he’s like an account on just beat and then all they have to do [Laughter] running off and leaving well kind of Danny would you get two yeah get in Benny your YouTube is cringy don’t look well that’s that’s every reason to look now isn’t it Don’t you worry about that all right don’t you worry about that because the thing is right what I ran off all right I’m Denny Allah things about that is what you think my channel isn’t Kingi anyway right where are you 20 we’re going down here got any put we go

Down puts Tom points right we come back up right we come back up now we got myself let’s go back up that was rubbish all right stuff as you go where’s these stairs go they don’t go up that’s the problem right ok it’s ok hopefully Santa Claus

Is gonna bring me a phone stand so I don’t have to keep looking down at my screen what’s a channel sapling shotgun shotgun look at chat saplings channel [Laughter] it’s funny well go and look at saplings channel why not hang on go to channel that must be it’s nothing

Wrong with this look he stood it all going on I on what on earth is all this oh well I’m more interested we got 84 subscribers you’re going you put your Twitter on there is that you is that actually you is that you helmet it’s my fight on mute it is Oh

Captain’s here and I just put a block there right I’m standing still they’re a zombie villager I feel like fella could put another block down or a torch or something okay right right I’ve done that I’m not mistook to you anymore I’m gonna come back to my channel now so

I’ve to actually see if there’s a more chat going on cuz you probably going on no don’t go there don’t go there something like that for some of them uh nothing my phone’s dead shoot Tyrone that was a dead right what the what the darkness

Yeah we suck at caving we do let’s find our way out then let’s go oh yeah don’t stand there there’s one up there you know one up there look he’s happy to see you Lisa friends I’ve got friends too if you sort out sores better you’re right

Oh I don’t know about that last time I died I wasn’t oh this is okay though should we go down into the daytime oh oh like he’s Bodi mode were up there on torches everywhere I look tortured him on that right hand right wait I’ve not got full health and I have

I was creeped that zombie who’s the wall-e that put it on hardmode service they pop them how to get themselves dingoes wasn’t a DDoS wasn’t DDoS was it come on Yeah it’s a measly – yeah well welcome to the 1980s you know I remember yeah I do remember it so we should discuss this actually anyway might have used to have done things like that myself two people who were on modem connections so that’s how long ago that was so

They’d be on their dial-up I’d be on probably probably 10 megabit coax at the University and I’d do something similar and I’d be chat to someone or IRC and then I just like run something and they they disappear if I I see for some reason because I’ve made there it

Doesäôt vote him just to kick itself off the network why tosser with that I was a kid well the kids I was driving I am a kid yeah this is right Dexter a smile got great hair today yeah I don’t know something else like that that movie was watching as I’m married

To mummy boy I was watch that movie we watched him was it an inside-out if you’ve heard of it or seen it or whatever but yeah it’s about feelings and stuff it’s cartoonist animated 3d and I mean anyway so he was asking about the feelings that that was in this and I was

Like I can’t explain all that too much I do which one was it Oh No there was Islands so there’s islands and it was it was the like the playful island or something I don’t know where they called it it was it was it was the island of thoughts that this kid

Was having as a kid as a five-year-old that you know love bouncing around and having five-year-old fun you know and that Island died and what it fell into like this great big hole underneath it and this was like a little bit worried about that happening and stuff on this

One down here Oh kind of chest oh this is where I once died yeah this is where I mean pop not when people came oh you’re Daniel at least how many come get ya down there yeah I’m here remember this we didn’t explore all of it did

Wish there was some way that movie was great really funny yeah I watched I watched probably about two-thirds of it and then one little boy got a bit bored all mine look at that look we actually came looking for iron ore I did and I’ve actually found some at last I’m going

Down to gun down the wrong way yeah so yeah we do we don’t watch off this dead end we didn’t watch all of it end up turned off actually I did finish doing it that way once again yeah so that was it really so should we explain what I meant about the that

Island thing but depth Dexter was a little bit about it what was it was it falling into the sea and I said obviously why is it falling into that dark mists in the rest of it I was like I don’t know torches welcome to depression yeah well she was

11 you see that’s what happened to the character in the film turned 11 and she went to no song yeah that’s the most depressing aid the eye peas in the what in in the description but we want to write this around no one else to join at

The moment let’s and gold rubbish in the air if you wanna yeah nice day time come on let’s go party party shorty where’s the authority there’s a spider there’s another spider so it’s a comedy there’s a creeper creeper creeper there’s a Skellington dead skeleton is no creeper this game sometimes turns into like

Fallout here’s us that last night’s the nights before no been a night off when was that Thursday night when it so.when Wednesday night’s stream got demilitarized again both of the magic you’ll they might not fully not fully demonetised just orange or orange decided they didn’t like that you know

It’s it’s a it used to be just green and red yeah when I’m getting killed hang on yeah so that used to be just green and red so you to get either all advertisers or no advertisers now there’s orange in between which means some advertisers won’t want to advertise on yours on your

Video down where I’m stood and so last that last night’s but the other night’s video was orange third what about it no I don’t know if it’s swearing or what but obviously they can pick up on that that’s why say oh my gosh what Kathy

What else it could be I mean it can’t be the music oh my gosh yes my select are right now so was it that night when mr. switches lips something about digging underneath me I know something that was last night that was last night oh stop Denny

So concave in bit up together oh well oh yeah oh yeah oh the irony I really have that job hungry hungry mungry my excuse for this solicitousness I should look at the chat you know notion I with a chat should look like a chat you find it eat it do you find it

Easy yeah getting this do you find it easy to follow the chat now that you’ve got like a chat a chat stand yeah mines down there and I can’t really see it and you got your brightness up you’re not doing a pop see what it’s doing well don’t stand there

What are you standing you stand in like one o’clock half struck sounds very does it what should I wear different why okay I’ll come back from it you’ll go back come back I just saw grass thought it’s creeper right but it’s the way out now okay well you

You’re on the on the surface will you down right you on the surface right where my keys working in down down down down down down down down get away get away yeah away die you’ve got some see well done game – 3 – 7 – 3

– 4 3 3 4 – right first one again 3 – 3 – 7 Rockies you wandered off no there you are hello right so where we going back down the same pit it’s a long way down all right oh you mean over here where this spider wasn’t yeah there is what

What okay we go this way first of all I’m blue one bit oh I don’t need the cold you want the top we’re out again there goes my cold face yep-yep-yep yep-yep-yep yep-yep-yep got food to eat intended calling this off now sorry about that do you do now I

Think I know this but I don’t what not down there must be a way down there yeah yeah there is got it which way this way alright enough creeper did you see it was I in the way what you do know creeper was creeping jelly

Let me get this one Wow check us out then we good at this 7-iron bro my brain where it wasn’t no other way we’ve done it oh okay got it you got this I’m not shovel dead end suppose he’s bought a new graphics card so you can hide minecraft

What support FAQ 56 because someone’s got to part with Vega yeah don’t know go the other way yeah cuz Vega 56 isn’t a lot more than an hour X 550 RX 580 it’s like 40 quid more or something and when you’re already paying 300 quid about 250 quid

Away if it was easy spend the extra money come together away cuz we come back to the base we wanna work oh well better than here because I I found one and then I got dragged away from it yeah there’s math eleven people watching but five likes on the stream hmm yeah that’s

Because those eleven people I’m one of them Lupe’s one of them so that makes nine so that may really don’t write their own string I don’t I don’t like my own stream look at it it’s rubbish I do keep I think it’s lit that might be the one

You sign this thing a blip BAM look fun yeah let’s go down this way we job now let’s go this way this way that’s better my friends doing that poppy thing again I really only awesome my stream favorite how often did you check the whitelist at what point this what applications

Applications I do check them how do you can help you I’m a politician on I say you know I can’t tell you the exact precise amount of time how often well probably every day but as for actually allowing new people on server that is not that great we want to sort of might

Add one person well this is very little very like maybe once put I don’t know once per string or once put once per week I haven’t really thought about that and because I’m uselessly doing anything that’s not right in my face right I need to yeah you kept those don’t add one or

Don’t add one well you see thing is we don’t we don’t want the server to get like griefed gets more gold in it so oh and there’s a there’s a there’s a thing that’s going on running away so we don’t deserve to get grief so we don’t read

But lots of people at once so yeah I think once per week I reckon every Sunday I’d add a new person every Sunday something like that and give them a oh hang on hey I’ve got things to read and there’s people coming towards me people zombie people right and one person every hour

On person every hour yeah solutionizing alright I can’t join because because I play on an interstate Nintendo switch and ps4 I have a switch as well super mario odyssey is amazing also splatoon – I know right oh don’t have splatoon – house house you switch switch is that like which is awesome I

Always go right after before about buying one yeah is that like some kind of a inception though when you when you’re playing on it yeah it feels like that and does it does it let you actually have your name switch cuz like would that would that not be like having like always a

Difficulty they let me have my proper name as well who did that hahaha right come back quick yeah yeah you did have a lot help did you I’m here one of my mates has just been raving about Super Mario on it but I always sucked at Super

Mario I I couldn’t even get as far as like world one three let alone finishing Mario so I never bother playing any of the later one’s kind of course myself where we were yep – three hundred – three four if I’m still alive by the time you get

Back here I picked up everything apart from that something I’m very wrong I just emptied eight yeah I now have no repeaters in my inventory and I’ve just put them all on the same block where they aren’t pop now go slop everything goes pop if you want to my

Coordinates have a look on my stream it shows to you on the stream what my coordinates are okay the two guys are talking about switch which cool besides just I just I just killed loopy by mistake and she was standing in front of me of course yeah it was your fault

For standing in front of me it wasn’t my fault for firing the arrow so it’s – what was it – are you gonna die you should put some food at least well I could just come back new stuff of caffeine that was useful it’s up to you

Jordi well I need to go get stuff cuz I’m gonna dump yeah it’d be worthwhile our surprise she died that quick there’s only one arrow but then I know it’s really quick yeah I didn’t I didn’t I don’t sure what happened yeah I don’t know if it’s scary

You did it but it was me it’s Kelly and then I died and I was like what what killed me what did I fall in or fall off yeah I take it get at least food and torches something my basement yeah that’s what you get just just food

My even useful complicating us up what could get rid of your pumpkin pie I had all sorts of Bashan get rid of the pumpkin pie where were we – 300 – 300 – 340 but that’s obviously underground of that yeah she’sa well to end a man having the

Party under skeleton OD arty shot hair you know yeah I thought I had someone James is over here oh yes all right well shall get rid of that that although I didn’t want to pick that up particularly if I spread that over to and then another one they picked up by

Cole now which is okay well I thought we forgot Cole we’re going to cut other stuff was it EBI me probably beyond me alright so a small cave to explore this way but we’ll wait for Lucas get back well at least you got food with you yeah

It’s posted the chords again good man yeah that’s cool all right you hold the base on the get some drink policy hey how does matter you’ll be right I’m just gonna get up on there yeah you’re very nervous with yeah look hey James should we go up and

Find her on the surface do you know the way down although you’ve piled down didn’t you where you are and you just underneath can’t get back up oh that’s why we can come find you shortly if you can hang out there that’d be great you coming down

I don’t know but I’m running away this is like stuff I can’t get down any further I won’t be long running right completely killed me I know I’m sorry I think that’s grounds for divorce no generally no there is grounds for divorce say I’m walking the wrong way

Freaking zombie told you we’re producing iron yeah I’m alcohol and I keep heading that way oh you’re underground ah yes well groovy mom Iran okay okay I’ll go this way I think yeah I’m hidden I’m heading toward you Not I’m going to find out where we were just now let’s meet caves around e-learning see you can you hey what’s up James Bob Jones boy yeah right hello hello I’m back I’m back right you want your stuff which one Bob food pics don’t have anymore

Oh that’s what you have when it anything else but everything come from everywhere mmm yeah doop it’s a stormtrooper I guess they wouldn’t have seen that because they wouldn’t see any gold yeah I’m a stormtrooper Yeah right no wait where were we – does anyone know let’s follow James seems like a good

Thing to do where did you dig down and find me that’s the question Kashiwa know where those coordinates well and then he would dig down deep Doug oh you know I didn’t I am so so this it here there’s a hold over there and sat in the in it and grass

Are you going back to the whole of what we just probably for fun is that where we are now oh okay oh wow three we just let’s go this way yeah thank you yeah what’s that that’s one of my creations okay thanks James right what were they

Again two to nine seven three four five wagon I shoot your ass when were down there they not and this is why you get monetized exactly but that’s not a swear word no no no it’s the the marital violence you started it you shot me first don’t worry no everywhere so let’s

Get down here Lane go you there you come it’s quite a good one yes oh hey Enderman okay yeah okay here we go here we go oh yeah this is it this is stuff I had to knock any of that get out of here let’s make like a tree yeah high in iron

Yeah to connect tomorrow talking to me yeah then I don’t really go okay okay I’ll be right no yeah I told evens gonna be a right I can’t so have no words you’ll be same as always yeah well yeah I said zombie-like oh oh so I got him

Back you come back again or so I come home now rage rage quit muster I’m gonna that’s it isn’t it yeah got my sword yeah it was his fault for not giving me back on arrow I did I didn’t think of that well you didn’t you come back again

You said you staying at home now it was junk they go up in you I’ll bring the old home as well that’s are trying to use a bow when you don’t have an arrow for it well thanks you’re not giving me about alright fancy not asking for one well

Should you shoot me in the first place oh you fancy don’t see that dinner tastes lovely I don’t joke in wow it’s not gonna write this up sushi oh we’re gonna be out when we says good it’s gonna be like my socks are like Where’s Wally what’s that noise

Wish I knew what those noises mean I want the wave noise again yes did you hear it oh well I’ve been down there not gonna go down there again oh yeah we’ve got all right yeah funny that yeah dude cuz I’ll make sure that you know dead end

Well you know you don’t know if your other half killing you in the first place so you lose your hours well yeah let’s give some fun never killed you know oh this must be where James come down that’s the B yeah yeah that’s where James came down

So I’m now down lower oh there we go that’s where I wanted to go up here down there that’s where I want to go that’s where we want to be that’s where all the cool kids are you can’t get up there too short kill the important ones you better not

Die you’ve got my stuff on you that’s true anything come on ID now just wait and see right I think it’s almost like to get down in there did you hear another right it goes everything yep creep it’s alright though just like bang he’s gone Yep it’s gone right so now you investigating a bit more or you could bring your stuff back jazz you want it now well I can’t do anything you’ve got all my stuff oh we gonna risk this iron and then kill that creep around the corner if I don’t die

Funny-looking iron oh yeah this iron that’s actually Carl we’re sorry I need all the coal too because I need to smell everything and then there’s iron here so it’s okay it’s only my block then it’s just this is cold over here then I want to go in

The corner so I’m gonna come back here soon it’s very still love do That’s a dead end don’t particularly dread stone but it let’s get it anyway calm just with inventories full have it over the air come powder stay hidden bury him not try and kill you you know it’s in one of them moves me shot me how do you say hiding there right

Okay sent by the way what’s 50% what you’re gonna give me shimmer some of the tapes I was junk that’s junk all right any more cage so I go into let’s go this one purse I find diamonds you connect with diamonds Rosie yeah you want the gold

I’ll get you the gold could just go to the gold farm and get about 50 times that but yeah I’ll get the lapis as well just like the clothes lapis not gonna go anywhere put it put it there get rid of my boat in my pic that’s about to go pop

That’s all right wrap torches in your right hand okay get rid of that well then I ran away what’s the were you there you up you did now on you okay so that looked like that was a circle now I don’t know which one I went down I went

Down here gonna work through dance well third obviously p.m. tonight what I’ve got you guys to talk about in that chat sorry about that this is a that’s the dead end right okay says where it was all noisy and we see what takes out yeah which one did I go

Down we’re not here and I’m doing that that’s the one that was dead end right so then I went down to the next one on the right which would be here nope that’s interesting that’s nothing it must be down here then yep there’s the I that bunch down there

On the ceiling wait some more of it yeah obviously there’s an I’m farm back in the base but like you know it’s not that big so it’s all good what hello get rid of your pick you sure right really touch there that seems to be done let’s go this way

Obviously it’s a dead end I think I do for now around here your hood vent drop into the lava area don’t get a torturer there’s one of them that’s nearly safe I can’t get up there in me so I absolutely hate lava always make it super duper safe before I start

Walking towards it like that super duper safe right I know iron somewhat gold for loopy do it alright pop down here let’s go to the right first more lava more gold it up don’t cross that bit though oh well upwards let’s take it out bye-bye come back to that in a minute

Oh of course that say that rebel to rebel you think it’s a creeper behind me here even more iron all right ask me when she do very so I won’t don’t worry so don’t dig up into lava as well yeah that would be bad yeah okay right let’s leave

Yeah I can hear you there then anyone know the way out Other than tumbling out if I could do those torches I’ve said spider oh I’m in this area this this area is quite big and open so you know where the ravine is uh toot – to Tony it’s right I think I’m nearly out actually what’s down there

Don’t but first of all fine it’s a spider right beyond me yep told you I looked at the spider and run away in accordance on the screen if you want hey I’m out anyway I’m all good I’m all good right so we’re head back now or what the beam daytime as well you’ve

Loopy your stuff back towards positive said yep that’s what we want on that first let’s go for positive Zed first and then we’ll go positive on the X though yeah there we go I can see it from their website you need to put the legs down then the keyboard start to

Clap again hasn’t done that for a couple of days alright let me just put a chair out so I can achieve who wants to walk what home what to the to the to the spawn location home type thingy 5050 5050 5050 pretty much yep as Lupe’s house rights are all good

But actually it you in your house looping Debbie larvae don’t break my lovely do not tunnel into my house hi honey I’m home and I break into your house give me another reason mother yes no I’m underneath it eddo eddo get in the front door and they’ve got a menace

Side to the front oh [ __ ] hi I’ve not been in here since she did all this into this [ __ ] man stand it I am done the walls denier yelling no worry are you doing here the difficult to put the fruit veggies hi which one then then well yeah what you would you

Want drunk old or anything oh yeah get some cold there you go somebody shot me yeah done some torches back – okay I think that’s a fair trade Thanks did you get much out my levels I’ve got 32 that’s nice for you it’s the quickest paid back up the steps

Thanks for coal that’s right did you I think I didn’t quite mean that much but yeah Oh sometime if you look on the map the bone right corner am i right in thinking that something what happened was she asked for something and when you over delivered for her she still criticized

Huh yeah that’s like that’s like life isn’t it that’s life it’s just what happened yeah it did happen it happened it happened it’s like in real life I have no comeback you’re asked something you over deliver on on what was requested yet it’s still not good enough

Thank you sure what you go is is thank you that’s far more than I expected brilliant brilliant yeah it sounds better than your chicken desizing no that’s fine what we should do when we’ve got enough iron to do it it’s make a hopper thingy or even we need to do them

Up we need to do the minecart thing don’t worry between our baby speakers then when I’m at my base if you wanted something I could just send it over but put a hopper in it or a or chest [ __ ] Jimmy Choo bag or something no there we

Should put rails between our bases so we can send each other stuff all of us to raise yours from here it’s not that one this week no it’s that one let me come up yeah that’s the one you are I think you’re over there there you are

Those yields as yours there look you’re not that far away yeah yeah but to have have them train tracks like between each one each of our bases you can put something on it and say I’m sending something over and then you can just send it back as informants

Like creepers yeah you could get excite it might want a cuddle creepers do want cuddles yeah they do love to they do need love too okay oh yeah thanks my arrow oh wait oh wait wasn’t like if you want sorry Rock of coal yes II doesn’t matter nice

Lot of that string okay uh neat Wow just lots of hoppers I mean it’s not even gonna be a thing oh we got 25 someone must have gave me some hoppers overnight maybe possibly yes definitely yeah that might have been done sounds like a ton of moving oh you guys are

Just talking still it’s so cool there’s not gonna be a lot of irons out of this situation I have to go make the other the iron farm does that isn’t a lot and I need load more a load of chests did I use it all up no good 22 left right so

Let’s make some hoppers and we can relate knowing through what people what people would write so let’s get these 25 does get really slap is what I’m waiting dooba dooba do okay I’ve got your chickens you stop making the rounds oh no no I will do tomorrow up tomorrow I

Expect after night he died got some iron yeah well I’ll do the pathway first what has me I’m doing good nice more iron how much I got the iron switch let me turn around I’m still here we have 21 21 watts tax no iron bars within the community on farm community

Island farmers at the new one I’ve not seen yet the one I’ve just been building please keep up people I did I don’t on the past of the build it so people can’t be bothered to do anything around it’s always me yeah I know I’m gonna come over another look

Is it bigger than your one my personal one yet all right so it should be good thing you’ve got a double village or the pair of double with each double floor fine farms that should rock enough villages to do to girl and simultaneously per village so it should be somewhat faster

Than my one and it’s working already is it yeah one of them’s already started kicking out golems the other one hasn’t yet enough chests on basis that by my calculations based off of the designs this should be knocking out two stacks an hour-ish nope you’re right this is

Zombie over here should I kill it Getting there it’s a sister thing over here it’s not a you thing what thing this blue oh yeah that was where I was trying to stack villages earlier okay blue line and then I had my other line was far opposite side so 64 blocks away

Yeah villages and then I was going to do the iron farm in the middle of the sack villages but oh yeah so this is this is gonna be this is gonna be the spawn chunk here isn’t it definite sorry what was that it’s gonna be the

Spawn shop there isn’t it this is in the storm trunk ionically press the button Oh crud Oh crud right that’s killed in your race-off don’t press ctrl V so this all in itself be come with me yeah it’s a bit this way isn’t it so we don’t keep

It stuck again this is if you trample this on like I can remember there we go yep f3v so this trunk come in here ask the trunk over there yeah about it way into this chunk yeah yeah and not quite to the end of this chunk is the main spawn area if

We go this way dude leave Leave leave Leave leave English your request is important to us this chunk is the last one of the spawn chunks oh yeah yeah so I’ve built this in a chunk effectively so hopefully they should all be okay it says charlie good what’s this thing all right

Yeah I can revise down those warnings of how far to not build doors for because this is using a regular thing rather than if I was using the stacking to stack and re stack if there’s any door to close it just matters the whole system up yeah my keyboard is play it up

My thumb you need any sound uh no sure there’s like a chest there that’s waiting for someone to take it away and there’s the other chair roof is a chest and if I could walk over to it then I might do it but it depends upon it before helps that

Chest please gosh yeah you just need someone for one thing up I wanted it that much can’t want it any more than that want to slightly more if you don’t want it enough it’ll be sad that’s as much as I can want it I can’t want it

Any more than that everything else is not there is doing things I wanted the rest of it entity spawn is there some on the floor yeah it’s a compact it up put it in the other Chester place [Applause] laughing uh I think that’s me all sand

It out yeah I got all the sand 321 – come on – two stacks are now did you say perhaps yeah once it’s all fully running it’s obviously very end at the moment on the fact it doesn’t have many villages oh we need more villages over there do we yeah

Because I only had a limited number of villages to seed it with so we’re waiting for the villagers to breed up so that you’ve got enough villages for it gets all speak right yeah yeah so the top farm last I saw any had six villages

In it so wait – then freed up further and the betting from I was up for about 10-12 inches and it needed to hit about 20 so they’ve got enough food up there I have been feeding them that’s right they don’t seem too keen on breeding all

That much up there I don’t know what you know what villages are like yeah they’re bit a bit picky aren’t they sometimes they just don’t want to well the issue is you need two villages to randomly decide at the same time that they want to breathe yeah yeah that was the thing

I set up the two villages it took ages to get the first few bread because none of them would do the heart thing and the other one would just ignore it and it’s like I’ve seriously come on you’re in a hole together you’re not getting anyone else the any other people probably not

Let’s just go out that and do that one so someone’s telling me that I should do on f4 because it’s it does a trunk reload it does it yeah you can do of4 the street can you do all therefore that the stream is lagging yeah how is that gonna stop the stream

Lagging I don’t know this is quite clever isn’t it cuz i sister i stream my data from my computer to a youtube like server and then from there it then goes to all of everyone else’s who watches it using using a CDN technology so how then lagging so clever there’s a fun car

Trail over here how it looks yes but the Minecraft looks pretty scruffy from here well that’s still not going to change anything changing the source material is another sort of stream out now if you see some people know more than me see you need to ask who knocked down the stables

He doesn’t know more than me he’s from Russia that’s why our Russian friend no it’s not my Russian friend loop he remembers my Russian friend I think I do um polish Pete yeah wasn’t actually from Russia roto I do know some weird people I wish I wish I still no

Powders Pete though I could get in touch with him it’s still around I think the last time I spoke to him is on Twitter so that was a DMV I’m on Twitter so that that’s that’s where that way yeah but I don’t think pressing alt f4

Is gonna make much difference I mean I can try it press f4 and it will refresh there you to choose restrain watching yeah we we all know it’s a f3 and I but um yeah the thing is um see thing is Oh F for that’s again that’s it’s kind of

Like it’s kind of like assuming that I’m running up oh yeah there’s that too but then that does have the same thing on other offerings you know I’ll just say it doesn’t read us yeah Oh I see a little stack right where it is my crafting table where did it go where does it go when I put it it’s over there Thanks hello 47 hoppers yeah Gordon let’s start building it one two three four five six a bunch of this

Some of that couple of those some of this you need all the chests in the world all the chests that’s trapped chests yeah I could do some trapped chests as well let’s do some wood and then some more chests trashed 14 will chess need more than that

Yeah 14 or 14 28 that’s repeat is that how it is item sorter item sorter I think that’s gonna be enough go this way I’ll make a start anyway which is what should you not do this way whenever I come out that Porter I never know which way Oh F for closes your reputation yeah yeah we know that depending on your frame system well yeah there we go right so we have items

Coming yeah so now we need to make a shoulda brought me [ __ ] should I put my shroud on the shuttle you take anything you want out there that stuff we are gonna need to build something let’s go put a chest up here don’t all this junk

Out of the way I’ll keep the arrows do miss this phone take you do those torches those that stick right to take this out just give me water there and do that and there probably So this long here Right that’s much love that story yeah so these guys up the top here haven’t actually done any breeding what’s wet I still got six of them I’m sure I’ve said them repeatedly they’re not too good to know though unless they’re not sound of carrots right correct you visualize what I’m gonna do

Yet I’m gonna do salt and fight some sort of it up a bit for the stuff from that thing not going to but think about when we do it under them another eight carrots right and filled it up I’m gonna build it up just go come up here this looks different

No so switches done more to it since I last came through it nether portals looking good um never sorry I misspoke They need some work but we’ll get there yeah something like that James I think something like that just this just be able to it rounded kind of thing what did you I don’t have it oh yeah I do yeah I do Cheers twelve yeah I still don’t move it into my place

Right let’s take this level out that’s too low running back in there so if I use me Sam no no no no no no no no no skip that sort it out if I know what’s going on I’m going what’s that what just happened eh just give me a load of hoppers like

Don’t know I two lots I had 47 twice there as hoppers and it was actually anyway sort now yeah I’m kind of making this up as I go along so yeah might been a bit of lag a bit weird yeah just put that one there there that one for now

Portals are gonna be in the way maybe we should build it they wouldn’t be able to portal into it doesn’t really need to be this loud forget to put the shoulder portal into it somehow yeah you only have to even come back so you can feel

The yeah we’ve all got into the building somehow so we send this all over a bit people send this over yeah we’re kind of making this up as we go along anyway so you know in case like that can’t build and oh [ __ ] they’re built down there

There no need to go down one more what sound back to be honest but take that out there like that was it good to go yeah if we bring it up to like something like this that’s just the best just careful those box might fall down on you they will and we could

Bring me this round sorta like this bit by the right this isn’t taken into an account of how big the actual sort is gonna be because they do actually end up with like lava big so we’ve heard we’re gonna bring that famous two stairs it’s going to take a lot longer we could

Lower it no waters rose good nice to come out with code out for stairs anyway [Applause] I’ve got water coming in we’ve got water coming in over there we go justice always hope it didn’t drown you too much down there okay that’s all right now okay

Obviously we can put some stairs got up there yeah what we weren’t gonna need to do is yeah get stairs going up to the face because that’s where the stuff is going to come in I need to hop I need to pop it up and then yeah we’re gonna need to

Send it that way which is devious plan up with you I think we’re gonna have to come this way a lot more how far down does that go using shovel we quickly go to there all right let’s pop some of this because it’s gonna be big now that what I think

About what its gonna do that way it’s cool that ways come around see you again right doing doing okay no problem yeah that that’s good that’s gonna be worried enough it’s gonna be wide enough now that also gives us room to put some decent stairs in from the waste those

Bricks everything I just know so what we’ll do so I’ll come right right down here I think it needs to be for might need to be for high at you know three high top row little way I have to go in the back of it so which is going to be

Here one two three unless we build it out that way but further where we can’t see close to that no don’t like that letter you’re gonna hate me in a minute yeah you’re gonna hate me this more need to go over but it can’t ya because this wall we can move

The portal can’t wait we can move it it’s not going to how it yeah we’ll move the portal afterwards it’s it’s it’s just We’ll see for that we move this wall back whoops get back in now yeah but the whole thing like I like two blocks like good one so let’s move it three okay move it’s ready bring over this way I’m in the water again okay all right Chinese to the light as well

We put throw on it which would be that’s what safe okay shabu-shabu dark edges okay that’s better are they go to more those blocks I probably don’t get some more if we need some more come out right that we can sort out afterwards so Rose it’s their deck one two three

Four five six seven eight nine ten and many more we got twelve that flips burton’s I got it now fourteen fifteen sixteen we’ll worry about this end after and then can’t remember chess double chests that was that noise I was like you don’t hear it then No

Don’t think we can’t get this many different things but it’ll to be give us an idea of what’s going on right out do maybe torches I’ve got one torch mm I told you somewhere yeah that photo could probably do losing I don’t need them now but yeah what thank you

Thank you all right so I’m gonna put some torches down anyway now then I’m not gonna have enough to finish this so what I’ll have to do this probably started dissing although I need to have that hoppy thing going up we just put them this way into step four five six seven eight

My keyboard playing up it’s at ten okay one two it’s sample right then I need to put blocks come on silly keyboard No yes yes yes yes yes that one I’ve got enough I’ve got enough to go three too many that’s how you gonna need them we

Can get rid of these here for now I need to stop um I think now I already made about five of these I always forget how to do them it’s it’s that that one though after Cornett do it I might have to go and look at a picture

Donna fairies watcher Barry should be remembered because I talked him through him this works exactly it’s that one I need to put thee but that can’t be right copyright because I mean I need to put put torture said I no need to do that we’ve got to move that ball back

Yeah maybe I don’t know yeah I’m thinking I need these in fives right let’s do five there one more in there five there all that in like that doesn’t matter for now anyway it can wait three one two one two three four five that’s that so that would do that

Buried remember how to build it I know that like I’m pretty sure that torch there’s what does thing I need to do to that not a clue you know and all another why right now because if I put a block there that’s not going to work

All I know is what I can remember is that this as a comparator on it oh the torches go underneath I saw this at least it’s about an hour that she works which is easier said than done because I don’t remember For torch there still wrong power to rocky jumped into the left what’s going on goes up and join them up along the bottom that you have to put a yeah that’s how you do it that’s how you doing that’s it got it got it got it got it got it

Wash that away though need a block down underneath that one stop it all rushing in just just there no not there just a hop up there I hope can’t be here okay Okay so don’t know where that redstone torch went don’t really care that goes there looking us out again it’s don’t dust goes along there that one is a repeater as one of those it goes so there should be some save in there yep one two three four five it’s obviously

Taking it right through this is not blocking it off cause that’s wrong somewhere one sec one sec one sec there needs to be simple to us simply take them into that don’t like that’s tell you to go no just do it I’m going there okay that’s not gonna work there is it that’s

That’s the problem there is your problem yeah fell out that’s too low down oh yeah yeah you will yeah that’s it 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 people 5 that’s it right we’re never used sands oh just oh doctor silly we didn’t use something else but that’s

What you have to do that is the way it works so that’s the way to do it and the kind of means I need to go down underneath the hoppers which I’ve just destroyed one of them like that shovel shovel hope you don’t find sand and I’ll fully understand the captain’s bright

About the clouds it’s driving me potty this this build is exactly at cloud level and it’s so hard to see especially when I’m walking on grass but I suspect what I’ve done is when I’ve moved these villages into their holding baby I’ve made them high enough that they can detect the doors and

Create a village but not high enough that they detect themselves as being suitably in the village to breathe you know how the infinite venoth greeter relies on a villager being that the same level as the doors and the other villagers being a couple of blocks away

Oh yeah I think the mistake I’ve made is I’ve put them at the ground level of where I’ve built this whole thing and then my doors are up for level throw blocks from that so I lifted my villagers up a few blocks and CSS start breeding its villages the ground is

Going great guns now yeah the idea behind it is that your villages will the village should spawn a fine golem once every six minutes on average if things are going well but obviously they’re not spawning but they so what can happen is one of the

Risks of it is that you’ll reach a point where there’s an iron golem in your village and before it’s a disposed of the random tick time the Wolves try and spawn another golem and go oh I can’t do that but then you only have one column

At a time which is where you need a bigger village is once you have 20 villages you can then have two golems in the area at the same time oh yeah that’s why you want to breed up those that high number of villages because then you can

Have more more golems it’s amazing just that really bit faster yeah run along there I think oh yeah that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool well school is cool yeah don’t work for us depart to say that Donita do we’ll do something funky with the lighting as well

But I am going to go in a minute yeah so what’s going to happen is if you don’t get it which I didn’t always is whenever you kill stuff down at the mob spawner it’ll end up in that hopper so I need to get the stuff out of that hopper to go

Up into that hopper the top one and then depending on what it is we’ll get sorted into the relevant chests and we’ll put an item thanks really oh yeah that was good that one that was the best one yeah yeah so yeah so that’s that’s what’s going to happen so we need

To put something in each of the hoppers which you never get dropped by a mob otherwise it’ll break it so it could be something really quite random something that you have to craft I think is probably the best thing to use we’ve got thousands of arrows it could be arrows I

Mean we’ve got actually thousands of arrows probably you need to put them if you look at this hopper here if you look at that one the middle one and stack them five five five five like that so take that we take that sand out on two three four five one two three four

Five one two three four five one two three four five I mean we need 5 then 5 then 5 and 5 but the next one down Dixie don’t put it in the first one yeah one two three four five one two three four five in two thousand five and two

Three four five so there’s it’s not the top one it’s it’s the middle one that’s right yeah you got it you got it I put twenty four in that one that was a mistake – one two three back okay that’s probably one in there take it out

Anything the very last one doesn’t need doing the very end one nearest the wall doesn’t need doing so that one got four left now so I don’t cause if it’s a more in the Chester’s like it is not then I think we can probably go and get something somewhere but yeah he’s no

Need of Gators no others in there there might be down some down at the other end have a look okay and then they prove right status talks away see if anything’s going to spawn a minute does it all the drops were actually here they come okay that works quite well so you should

Be getting some arrows down at that last dropper from this area cuz everything should be sent down there if you find some stuff no that was the first wave no do the top ones not working You don’t what’s that give me the iron back that’s the second lock there should be more keep still a no-show police and then Yeah that was a lot drop down actually that’s what it was it seemed to be much more coming down might because so many people on the server in there in the dark areas yeah so I’ll switch this back off again I need to be more hoppers to feel okay

We’re gonna change the way this works as well here to which well it won’t work around so put the torch back let’s take the torch race if it works again all that’s like II got so much lag maybe I oughta need to press o f 3 by 4 okay maybe it’s broken

To do put torches yeah you could put torches instead doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s in fact yeah they don’t all have to be even uh same I mean as long as 20 in each so yeah you could chuck torches in because they won’t get

Dropped although no no no get off my mom’s yeah 20 where 20 in each 5 5 3 loss of five thought pull us apart Yeah like that thought okay down to it down to it hey a free [ __ ] first blowing this up More than more than interesting Someone’s invisible yeah so that should be it now what you then do cool thank you we then do to come n to this first one for example so in that first spot you put what you want to happen to go in there so if you look in that hopper now

There’s one bone so what will happen is bones will appear in that chair once they come along with me then the next one if you do something else that gets dropped say rotten flesh and rotting flesh will come here in that one think you need to put one think you have for

Money I mean it won’t work right now because obviously if you don’t have the feed going in and if you if you put them in that in that top hopper it won’t work it says they have to come in from another hopper on it no yeah we do this

Away from drink drink drink so pretend let’s go yeah as it has well I guess who yeah put if I have worked with that top one you put put one in there and it’ll come through and end up in there this is fine for that one yeah

I just remember what does it go there’s one in there it’s two in there maybe it’s two maybe it’s two I don’t even remember getting my bones there’s no bones down there all right just do it with something else that’s doing something else so the next one along

I’ll put rotten flesh plating rotten flesh I’m very long session there’s anything in this chest I have got eleven automatically go now you can’t use anything this in can’t use it anything’s actually in the sorter in the first twenty things so anyway we’ve got rotten flesh right so I’ve pop rotten flesh in

Here twelve you see where they go it should end up it’s probably – they should end up in there yeah there they are that’s why anyway that’s about right no thing so the next one you put something else but it needs to be things that the

The mobs are going to drop so if you can think of things that the mobs drop like string string it’s a like collecting the strings you can trick trade it so you put I think it’s – you put in I think is – it can only be yeah bone bones

Definitely bones rotten flesh it can even be things that can stack as well so stuff with armor can’t go in because I’m a can’t stack that’s right yeah so it can’t be armor or any weapons boiler all the armor and weapons anything that’s left over will end up in

The end chest right near the world yeah so with my I have Timmy Chester – there might not be that many individual type different things but I know you know I know this spider eyes is well we’ll figure out what it is but it can’t be

Anything that is a non stackable yeah so both those those won’t work don’t have a Bose am i adding someone I don’t know yet he’s another arrow in there yes they are yes they are yeah I’ll be up a bit it’ll probably be that’s a good question gotcha so we

Destroyed this top village and rebuilt it in the hybrid that encourages these villages to maybe think about breathing I’ve seen so many beds of each other and that’s the ring I’ve trusted blockage in their lives anyway what was the potion James I didn’t I didn’t see a poster going anywhere

Don’t run it a loss wasn’t a freakin health potion something has come into the system because it is summon this one hasn’t got enough arrows in it anymore all right did you find it Obviously still only schools working in the boxing village they are two blocks below the door level in there oh nice guys remove that position that that one’s looking good thanks for trying each other or making any breathing movements let’s work have nothing that’s fine it’s like five torches that’s alright that’s alright

Everything that’s okay apart from the fact that you got your potion back didn’t you yeah okay cool well I’m good to go now I don’t know what time if it’s all the time gonna be on tomorrow night because we’re going out tomorrow so if you want to and you

Want to do anything like for me for this if you want to have a go and pop a roof on it build it quite up nice build yeah because me it’s got in and close the port or something you know if you’ve got the resources to do it

Okay copy on tomorrow okay no ways so I’ll count it anyway snap on and I’ll put signs on and stuff like that and but as I say I’m gonna be on when you’re gonna be on me getting them just because I might be on tomorrow night either on

Day yes cool so I’ll be on – Monday – so we’ll probably carry on with on Monday then that well if you get a roof done beforeI make it nice maybe have a door from this to this train track if you want to come down by train track as well

Bring a door in down here you can you can tunnel it in send it in so they pop out here and from the train track and arrive learning sort of arrows okay effects you helped upon that that is forcing and I’ll see everyone tomorrow but probably Monday Oh going at it

Catch you later chat yeah will do we’ve got out to fireworks tomorrow is gonna this is some banger racing all day and then fireworks again me it’s actually my stand about bangers yeah I love fireworks tonight with the kids I thought that’s why you might do a bit

Later on yeah it’s cool all right bye-bye everybody uh that’s done I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘TryOnesLuck – Minecraft Survival – The New World Begins – Come join our server #22’, was uploaded by Tyrones Luck on 2017-11-05 01:22:28. It has garnered 96 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:24 or 11064 seconds.

TryOnesLuck – Minecraft Survival – The New World Begins – Come join our server #22

Server Address : Minecraft Version : 1.12.1

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I (TryOnesLuck) and loupy_d will be streaming from this new world 2 or 3 times per week, other days we will be streaming from our main whitelisted world.

We are looking for more Minecraft players to join in on our survival world. If you think you have what it takes to join our server for mature players please come to our OPEN FOR ALL server and get to know us. If you are a fun player and we get along, then we can get you added to the whitelist server that I stream from most days.

The OPEN TO ALL Server details are :

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The server is open to anyone, we have some anti grief mods installed on the server, so dont bother coming along if all you want to do is grief the server. Lets all get along and get building stuff!! If you build something, why not put your name on a sign (on or next to it) so we all know who owns it. Build anywhere you like, but make sure you leave space between builds for growth.

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    GAMING TREND ALERT! Craziest Minecraft Edits Ever #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘ᴛʀᴇɴᴅ 📈 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-07-10 04:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime … Read More

  • EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker Maizen

    EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-10 17:00:37. It has garnered 82903 views and 535 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:15 or 3615 seconds. Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024

    INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘DJ Isaac B2B TNT – Tomorrowland Minecraft Edition 2024 (Weekend 1) FAN MADE’, was uploaded by The Game Boys Events on 2024-09-13 01:00:06. It has garnered 1642 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Follow TheGameBOYS: -Main Channel:… -Facebook: -Instagram: -Twitter: * This is not an official event * None of the real djs participate in the event, the event is only done for fun, we are not generating monetary income with it. *Esto no es un evento oficial* Ninguno de los djs reales… Read More

  • Duplexia

    DuplexiaThis is Duplexia, a small survival server, with some customized survival aspects. From custom enchantments, ranks, full on land customization, and custom world generation, we hope you find your home here with us. Duplexia gotten its start back in Oct, 14, 2018 as Atheran, and sadly has been down due to the owner not being be available for the server. We promise moving forward, no matter what, the server will stay online, and talk with the community on new or returning features. We’re a non pay to win server. We only accept donations, in the aspect that you will only… Read More

  • Amaterasu SMP Semi-Vanilla Cross-platform 1.21 Nations PVP

    Welcome to Amaterasu! We are a Vanilla SMP Nations/Factions Server with Java and Bedrock support. Come mine, build, grow, and lead a nation or join one. Whether you progress through peace or find yourself warring for world domination, Amaterasu welcomes you! We offer nations, which are countries you can join or start, allowing you to wage war on other nations. Interested in community and peace but still want to make your own nation? The “kingdom” option awaits you! War cannot be waged against kingdoms, and members are safe against involuntary PVP. Join our Discord server to begin your journey:… Read More

  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Always dying in Minecraft 😂

    Always dying in Minecraft 😂 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. Siempre pasa 💀 #minecraftproblems” Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on Minecraft

    Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mole people, Episode 26: Exploring the End’, was uploaded by Splash O’Pain on 2024-08-29 23:58:24. It has garnered 30 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:25 or 7645 seconds. We have one in-game day to find all the resources we might need before we dig ourselves down to Deepslate depth where we will stay. Forever. Is it possible to finish the game without ever seeing the sun again? Follow us to find out! I am doing this challenge together with: @CaptainCrumbs @ArtySun27 #minecraft #livestream #Minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

    Exploring All Secret Bases in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-08-30 00:03:49. It has garnered 567453 views and 9941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:28 or 2308 seconds. Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft My Editor 🎥 Offstagevitor 👨‍💻 Friends in video 💪 Doni 💛 Creccent 💜 Kiply 💗 if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀 Transcript Read More

  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

    "INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIND A MOB IN 10 SECONDS! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Pillager on 2024-07-07 19:21:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftshorts 360 #minecraft 666 #minecraft ost #minecraft war #minecraft zoo #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2024 #minecraft … Read More

  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More