Insane Volcano Megabase Tour in Hardcore Minecraft!

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Okay we are live let’s go ahead and send out the notification at notifications uh live now making the beacons really cool and there’s the link and um I already popped out the chat I already set it to live chat so we can just hop right in cool let’s go let’s go all right

Um okay so what we’re going to be doing today is making the beacons look good let’s do it what’s up Jitter how’s it going welcome to the stream what’s up scoot congrats on getting first what’s up name that I cannot pronounce how is everybody doing

Today oh I’m going to need to repair my thing I also don’t have my texture pack on for some reason interesting let’s go ahead and not have that what’s up Apple what’s up Carl how’s it going all right let’s go repair my pickaxe before we even start this

Honestly but we are going to be doing the beacon beams today and yeah should be dope um I think see we have one Beacon beam that comes out of like kind of a random place in the mountain I might just get rid of that one and uh because it’s it’s

A beacon Beam at my uh spider farm but it’s a beacon Beam at my spider farm but like I don’t use that very often so it’s probably fine should make it into a survival world I feel like you’re going to die doing this doing what building beacons I don’t really see how how

That’s particularly dangerous but you know it is what it is um if I die doing this that would be unfortunate but I would it would also just I don’t know I feel like that would be a weird way to die oh wait where’s my sword you know it

Would be nice I should really make an extra sword and put it at the actual XP farm so that like whenever I need one I can just grab it off the wall and then like put it back building volcano you’ve been working on it for like a month oh

Well I am going to switch once I hit 5,000 days I am going to switch the the world to survival um so yeah I okay so my stuff is over here the beacon that I’m talking about is on the other side of the mountain wow this looks so good at night time especially

This Beacon right here it kind of it comes out of this lava and like it’s not horrible but I do think think that there’s kind of that I could realistically get rid of it and it would be fine um I’m just going to sleep underwater because then I will not have

To deal with Mobs attacking me so all right anyways there we go sleepy time has been accomplished and oh hey mob I just said I wasn’t going to have to deal with you you’re making me a liar okay let me get my sword excuse me sir

Who even who just hit me okay I think it was that skeleton over there um I am just going to can I consolidate any of this oh see there we go all right cool let’s go when next Hypixel stream I don’t know whenever I feel like the next Hypixel stream should

Be which uh I don’t know when that will be just whenever I feel like doing one anyways all right let’s get our beacons looking nice but first let’s repair our tools let’s repair our tools that that’s that’s uh important my pickaxe yesterday people were telling me

To repair my pickaxe and now it’s like really low so we definitely need to do that and oh my goodness lag all right cool Dash have you heard of the new hoplight server I have heard of hoplight yeah hoplight seems pretty cool I’ve watched

Like a a video or two on it it seems cool um I don’t know if I’ll ever play on it but it does seem does seem interesting all right almost done almost done come on let’s go almost done one more swing there we go and I’ll repair my

Little spoon all right there we go and we’re out of here my everything is repaired well pretty much I mean my I didn’t repair my shovel all the way but I don’t really feel like I need my shovel to be repaired all the way so we’re

Chilling um I had to wait 30 minutes for the queue because so many people are on it really and I don’t have a rank to skip Q I should uh I should just apply for for YouTube rank on that server and then and then skip the queue that’d be pretty

Cool okay so I need a bunch of comparators do I have many of those I have a couple repeaters I don’t know how many comparators I I have I’m going to need like a lot in order to do this I’m going to need a lot of Pistons a lot of

Uh comparators a lot of Target blocks um a lot of redstone dust and and a bunch of glass as well the glass is pretty reasonably easy to get though I have 15 Target blocks okay I’m going to need more stuff than this so we’re going to go back to the base and craft

Up the remaining stuff that I need which is I need more Pistons I need more comparators I have plenty of daylight sensors I think I have enough of that and then I’m going to need a bunch more Target blocks um cuz we’re trying to build four of these

So um I don’t want to leave anything that I need here I don’t want to like go home and then realize I need something so we’ll take this as well and yeah that’s probably fine all right let’s head home we’ll get more glass while we’re there what is your

World seed I do not give it out I’m his favorite viewer for for real Das I’m going to try your thumbnail idea you gave me but I can’t till tomorrow cuz I’m not home okay fair enough good luck I hope it I hope that comes out

Well that was just yeah that was what I thought um usually I go through a couple iterations of thumbnails occasionally I’ll come up with one that’s like I know is going to be good but you know I’ve been recently the the one of the reasons that my next video is

Taking so long is because I’m I’m really trying to make it good and so today I spent a bunch of time rewriting the intro cuz I saw I saw this honestly really good video about like making intros and so I I rewrote my intro and I’m now re-editing it a bit

Um but you know it’s going to be worth it in the end I think because it will wind up being a really good video hopefully um okay so how do we craft a comparator uh we need Stone Redstone torches and nether quartz uh quartz okay we don’t have that so let’s

Go to the Nether and get that um do we have I forget how much red stone I have okay I have a lot of red stone that’s good um yeah okay I have a bunch of redstone so I also need to get seeds I need a yeah I’m going to need

Seeds so that I can get a bunch of Wheat and therefore make a bunch of Target blocks I think each Target block costs like I don’t know it I think it might be like four hay bales or something so what’s up Santa Claus oh my gosh Santa is here that’s

Crazy bro does not even do long-term me vids what are you talking about all right so um to build to BU so so today we’re going to be building the beacon things today we’re going to be building the beacon color changing system and we need a bunch of Target blocks for that so

This machine I don’t does it have bone meal it does okay so this machine if I go here and I just place that it will get me a bunch of Wheat and then we can use that to get a bunch of Target blocks and I have a PC for Christmas pry

Please no I like your shorts thumbs up thank you why Moss Farm I don’t know I just like moss Farms man North Pole oh oh you were asking Santa I don’t know I forgot I have short-term memory loss guys I forgot that Santa was in my chat and I was just

Thinking like I’m not getting you a PC who do you think I am I don’t have that kind of money can’t just give someone a PC and I was mad nice hook me up with some some what is that Jitter what are you talking about all right let me just grab uh

We’re going to do that we need more I was rude to kids who were being rude to the homies blown is like some fancy designer brand oh okay I feel like I’ve heard of it before so I guess that makes sense can I have a 4090 dang I wish Santa

Would give me a 4090 that’s crazy 4090 is dude 490s are ridiculously expensive it’s crazy like I’ve my my last PC budget was $1,000 around and I doubled the budget for for my the PC that I’m building right now and like somehow I like I still wasn’t able like I was

Just surprised that I was not able to get like a maxed out PC or because like 409s are so expensive how how are they $2,000 like how is that how is that possible $22,000 for one part of your computer that’s that’s so insane oops okay so Target block oh it’s okay I thought

It was four hay bales per and I was like holy that’s actually really expensive but it’s one per four Redstone Dust okay so I was like almost I like almost knew what the crafting recipe was but not exactly Target blocks there we go all right that’s that’s the rest um we

Now have oh wow perfect an exact exactly one stack that’s lovely what’s up monkey how’s it going what’s up Star Wars how is there $20,000 PCS that’s it’s a lot I don’t know yeah what do you even buy oh well I guess so those aren’t like consumer PCS though I don’t think I

Think for any consumer PC there aren’t really $20,000 PCS it’s like if you’re going for if you’re building you know a PC that like uh I feel like that’s that’s stuff with like thread Rippers and like people don’t people in in real life don’t have thread rippers you know you know I think

I want to set up a little system right next to here that will uh for the sake of composting because uh because composting is important and yeah honestly the main reason that I want to do it is because uh is because I want to be able to get

Rid of these get rid of these seeds I don’t have any more wood do I I need to go get wood okay hold on we have to go to my wood Farm the wood farm that totally doesn’t work very well but you know what it it is what it is or

Actually it’s the Moss farm that doesn’t work very well what’s up mister I don’t know what to put how’s it going okay I have some wood that’s good not that much but I have some there’s only three companies in the GPU business yeah did you ever killed a villager because he did your

Mom I do not think any villagers have done my mom so I haven’t had to kill them yet you know but are you doing the beacons I am doing the beacons we’re working on Gathering the materials for them because uh they are quite expensive so I’m gathering all the stuff

That I need to do them and then we are going to do them so we’re going to go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and a bam okay now let me grab this put it over here I just want to be able

To get rid of it I could also do like a lava pool but this seems like slightly more productive in terms of you know at least I get some seeds or at least I’ll get the occasional bone meal out of it oh wait I do need to keep you know a couple of

That um I would like I want to how much how much bone meal do I have in here oh I don’t have that much I’m going to have to I don’t even know actually if my if I have much bone meal do I have much bone meal left over

At the bone meal Farm I don’t know if I have many shulker boxes left we’ll see oh man I’m so excited dude the crafter is going to be so good cuz the crafter is going to be able to do like a million things you know and just generally make Minecraft life so much

More convenient oh yeah see I don’t have anymore I think I think that I might have run out um and the Moss Farm doesn’t work so my Moss farm for some reason that I can’t actually remember doesn’t work so it therefore is not um so uh

So I can’t actually do anything to get more bone meal you build the beacon crap yet I just started streaming like 15 minutes ago so no I’m working on it what your thoughts on Minecraft left-handed mode disgusting if I was left-handed I’d probably find it quite useful but because I’m not left-handed

It’s pretty cringe wait do these guys have sufficient amounts of bone meal okay they do all right there we go build Beacon please I will just I’m I’m I need to get a bunch of Target blocks I’m just getting like a ton of Target blocks so that I can uh so that I

Will not have to deal with getting more soon imagine being left-handed for real yeah so I’m right now I’m just Gathering the resources for the beacons what is the machine you’re using it’s it’s a little uh uh Auto farming machine so it just constantly flicks on and off and Farms really

Fast from the campfire but um Moss Farm yeah for real I get coal from the campfire I actually don’t think that’s how that works I’m pretty sure charcoal is produced in fires coal I don’t think is produced in fires thank you I would think Santa would know this too because

Like you know they are Santa but magic oh okay fair enough nerd dang rude very rude hurting my feelings oh yeah this thing man I forget how fast this is it just requires a lot of bone meal but as long as you have a lot of bone meal

Which I don’t have but as long as you have bone meal it is a pretty good machine you know can get you a bunch of bunch of crops pretty fast you know someone really needs to it would be really cool I don’t know if it’s possible honestly but I’m just

Thinking that potentially it’s possible to make one where you plant like four or or maybe I don’t know how many blocks you can reach but like you know you plant like like right there 1 2 3 four five rows of Wheat and and you use an auto clicker and it is way

Faster I actually kind of want to design that now what are your thoughts on sv737 cool guy why do your weapons look like that uh cuz it’s a texture pack and I like the way that the texture pack Looks let’s go ahead and craft some hay bales let’s go ahead get this put those in there get these put those in there I need to wait hold on let’s grab just like a couple seeds um what I think would be neat to do is build a little chest and put it

Next to here and then I’ll leave seeds in there so if I want to if I need some stuff I just I have seeds already in there perfect and and I’ll also just put those in there okay what is going on uh we are currently getting resources to do a cool

Redstone Contraption let me fly back to my base um okay so we have Target blocks now uh we’re going to craft a few more where oh wait Redstone there we go nice amount of redstone reasonable H I love having a raid Farm it’s so so freaking helpful okay that’s not

Enough um is that enough no it’s not why do I keep underestimating so hard let me just um Bam Bam okay and now craft that back in the blocks um we don’t have much stuff right now we don’t have much redstone in our chest in our uh shulker

Boxes right now so we’ll put that in there and then put put this away um I’ll bring the wood with me honestly how far along is the volcano uh it’s decent it’s going it’s not like super far along but what’s the texture pack called if you do

Exclamation point pack in chat it’ll uh it’ll link you to a video that I talk about all the packs I have okay so I have Redstone now I just need comparators and and sticky pistons so while we’re here let’s make some sticky pistons I have daylight sensors actually

Let’s go ahead and just like load in the schematic Beacon dimming machine V2 materialist Blackstone I have uh Redstone Dust red stained glass I need 60 red stained glass for this oh because I have it okay so I need more glass black stained glass I need a bunch of sticky pistons Target

Blocks Redstone comparators glass repeaters carpet okay so I do need a bunch of glass and sticky pistons all right let’s get some glass I have a little bit of red glass in there but I’m going to need more than that do I have undyed glass anywhere I don’t see much I saw

18 do I need to go do I need to get more glass oh I see two stacks right there do I have any over here or do I need to smelt more I think I might need to smelt more ow oh I have some okay cool all right I’m going to need a

Shuler box to store a bunch of glass in um yeah that should be good you stacked you’re stacked on concrete and glass thank you um yeah I mean when you’re this far into the world though it’s kind of reasonable to have a lot of resources I’m very far into this world

You know I’m actually looking forward to I was kind of hoping I would have no glass and no sand reserved because then I would have an excuse to do what I’ve wanted to do for a while and I don’t actually have an idea for how to theme

It so I’m not saving it um for anything but what I want to build there is a sand duper out there I think the sand duper that I have gets like what is it like 32,000 sand per hour there’s a sand duper out there that gets almost 200,000

Per hour and I would love to build that like that’ be dope what is your skin my skin is a jacked pumpkin who died and made this kid mod I don’t know who are you talking about okay let’s uh die okay we have some red flowers that’s eight Stacks right there

Eight stacks of red glass I’m pretty sure is more than I need uh four five 6 7 8 there we go eight stacks of red glass bam 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 do I have uh black dye anywhere what happened to my

Ink sacks I have a lot of ink sacks I think water floor and fauna would ink saxs be in here perhaps oh you know what I realized that I can do that looks pretty cool um do I have okay so this is something I’m going to do on the

Mountain I I noticed this this morning cuz it’s honestly it kind of looks dopee um okay so this is this is something I found out I can do I can put these on the mountain right like this so it’s water logged and then put those there and then we have red

Vegetation on the mountain and it will look pretty cool I think so planning on doing that um around the mountain are you nearly finished no I’m taking my time oh oh no don’t don’t dry I don’t want that one to dry okay um so that’s that’s an idea that I

Had uh what was I getting I wanted black dye I didn’t see it anywhere else though uh could it be oh there it is I that should probably be in the water flora and fauna chest but it is what it is black stained glass and now I think

That’s all the glass that we’re going to need if I remember correctly configure material list oh I think it’s because it’s not placed if I do material list now nope okay cool I guess I have to go in here and uh Beacon dimming machine V2 materialist glass

Glass Redstone Dust I can use any block for that sticky pistons oh I need more sticky pistons I need a lot of comparators but I don’t have any uh I don’t have Quartz in this area oh I need a bit of orange stained glass which I

Have a little bit of but not enough of so we’re going to get like two stacks of it Dash averages like 1.5 builds a school year yeah I don’t know I think that might even be a little bit I think that might even be like a large uh might be an overestimate

Honestly but yes I do be building very slowly I take my time it’s not building really slowly it’s just that I like to take my time so that things will come out as well as I Envision them to come out I know that’s not the right chest

But I honestly don’t care because the whole point of this build is to build Auto sords so pretty soon pretty soon we’re going to have everything automatically get sorted and yeah is not near done um well the exterior is like not super far away from being done the

Exterior isn’t horribly far but the interior is pretty far from being done well the interior is not even started so the interior is pretty far from being done obviously um okay we’re going to grab that we need to make a bunch of Pistons um we’re going to Grab where’s my iron blocks there we go um put that away for now let’s just take one stack I’m going to throw some of this over here just for now because then I’ll have more room in my inventory to craft um Cobblestone 1 two 3 is it four stacks of

Cobblestone and then one and then three stacks of wood I think that’s how it goes bam ah I was so close to getting a whole stack that’s tragic but when are you heading over to the base to work again pretty soon soon pretty soon I’m just uh

Just need to gather a bit more materials and then I’ll and then I’ll be heading back 1 2 three 4 and we need iron now um what do I not have enough of wood oh I don’t have enough wood there we go um grab that grab that bam I said actually craft

Thank you very much um Bam Bam and we’ll make one more stack while we’re at it 1 2 3 4 I don’t want to let my magma blocks despawn over there and then how many more blocks do we need does that math add up it does

Yay math my math is mathing okay cool we have a bunch now perfect Dash is my favorite streamer thank you I appreciate that and then I have a lot of slime I can turn that into sticky pistons as needed okay so um we’re going to put that Back uh I don’t know why this is here I don’t know what I needed loads of stone slabs for okay but the next thing we need to do is get some quartz I have no loose quartz but I have lots of loots quarts just not here so I

Need to go grab some think we’re going to get uh four shulker boxes worth of just loose quartz so that I don’t have to go and get it more often whoa did you swear did I swear still oh you’re going to be waiting for a while Moby geez I haven’t even started editing

That and I have other videos that I’m getting to before then when you get to 5K days would you do a world tour I would do a world tour but I just don’t don’t feel like I don’t want to post a video of a world tour because I feel like that

Would just like clog up my channel I would do one like on stream if you want but and maybe I would make a short of it but I just feel like for some reason I feel like a world tour would just be like it it would just be like a video

That gets no views on my channel and then it like sits there you know like I don’t want to I don’t know how I would make a high like a good like a well edited and you know entertaining World Tour it would just be me showing off the base

So I’m back welcome back Santa Claus but I would I would consider doing it um okay we have lots and lots of quartz now so we can now make lots and lots of comparators comparators if you will I don’t know why saying comparator is really fun though so we have lots and we

Can make a bunch of comparators all right um so we’re going to take some of our red stone we need red stone stone and uh and sticks I think I believe it’s just Stone red stone and a bunch of sticks let me find do we have any like

Partially used Stone shulker boxes I don’t want to just grab one of the fresh ones there we go all right here we go grab that um let’s actually go ahead and we’re going to leave this area because I need sticks and the place that I know that has

Sticks I don’t want to use this but one place that I know that I can get a bunch of sticks from is my bamboo Farm Dash why didn’t you do subtember I don’t know I didn’t know that existed can you friend me on Discord uh no oh I

Have so much I I do have bone meal yay who knew I didn’t um okay and then I’m going to need a bunch of I need a lot of torches and I want to get cuz I would like to get a whole bunch of of uh of

Comparators so we’re going to grab that and then let’s go ahead and sleep oops I said let’s sleep Santa I request more pay sorry gears I don’t I don’t uh friend any of my viewers what is a what is Discord yeah what is that

Um oh my quartz is still in there I was like why am I not able to craft this cuz I didn’t I don’t actually have Quartz in my inventory see this comparators are so expensive but you know what it is what it is okay uh do these guys still have much in

Them not a lot so let’s go ahead and grab a couple let’s just grab one per and we’ll put we’ll put one bone block or yeah bone block worth of bone meal into each of these chests sad sorry um and then wait hold on move over to here and Bam Bam

Bam I forgot I really should have made like a short or something talking about this invention talking about this uh this bamboo Farm cuz it’s so much better it is it is really like a pretty solid design so much better than the design than the other designs that at least

That I’ve seen I don’t know for sure there is always a chance that I just haven’t seen a really good bamboo Farm design but the one that I’ve seen when I looked when I looked for bamboo Farm designs had some flaws and I fix them and I should make a video or something

Talking about that hello I am here early for once let’s go what texture pack do you use uh if you do uh Slash or exclamation point pack in the chat it’ll give you a list um shiru here welcome in sheru hello I’m early for once let’s go not early but

You get the idea fair enough I do not play Roblox what’s up ABC boy all right let’s start that I don’t know exactly how many I’m going to need how many how much uh sticks do I need I’ll run it for a second and then we will

Uh we’re going to stop it I feel like that’s probably a lot of sticks oh I guess it’s not as many sticks as I had thought okay I guess we’re going to continue running this then cuz I I want to just because I have so much Redstone

Now I kind of feel like now is the time that I should just uh go all out craft lots of resources so that I don’t have to craft them for another for a while while you know if I do that then I will save myself some time later down the road you

Know when I have uh cuz I won’t have to craft things anymore all right I think I think now it’s now I can turn this off feel like that’s that’s a reasonable amount to turn it off at now I need to craft some torches torches torches comparators grab some more sticks craft

Some more sticks graft some more sticks craft some more sticks uh was one of these did one of these have have some Redstone in it no okay I’ll just use the Redstone in here I didn’t mean to place that one cool Dash is the most underrated Minecraft live

Streamer thank you I don’t know if I would agree with that but I I’d say I’m probably up there with some of the other underrated Minecraft live streamers okay we’re going to put that back and one two 3 one craft another stack of comparators and uh I don’t know how many more I’m

Going to get okay there we go that’s pretty lovely honestly we now have whole bunch of comparators and um put the stone back I now believe that we have everything we need to do this to to build our beacons so that is pretty epic I’m probably just going to lurk all stream fair

Enough fair enough you know people people be busy that’s okay all right um we’re going to put this back and then we’re going to put this into our quartz chest okay so we have we have Redstone we have Pistons we have glass we have um the building block we

Can use is literally we can just use like cobblestone how do you find diamonds without redstone I don’t know no torches and comparator and sticks what um okay I think I have everything now I think I now have everything that I need to go and build this thing but one

Thing that I’m going to do first is I have to take a pee so I’m going to go take a piss in one one second once I put these back all right I’m going to be right back guys oh my gosh it’s camman 1 what’s up

Cam man how’s it going all right guys behave for the Llama okay the llamas the Llama will be watching you honestly I’ll just wear my headphones the Llama will be watching you guys and it will he will make sure that you guys are all behaving I’ll be right back Okay I am back the Llama was going to fall over what is up all right so yeah keep it to English please in the chat um okay I’m back let’s go and get or let’s go and build these things oh my gosh what the freak do you think you’re doing in my

House all right now let’s go build these these uh Contraptions are kind of poggers so hopefully I can make them look good we shall see you know but alter Rock spammed dang on Fort um oh you know what I oh no I can’t do that never mind I was going to say

You know what I didn’t try I didn’t try putting fire on top of the thing but it would just the fire would stop burning after a bit so what’s up parrot how’s it going welcome to the stream welcome back okay I’m going to grab a couple stacks of building

Blocks all right and that’s good um we are now going to build our thing okay I do need one more thing which I my which is uh I want to have my little I need to have uh my spikes to to hide the top I can’t remember where the

Spikes are there we go drip Stone okay cool now we have everything all right yeah it is pretty it is pretty huge I did torture hoglins they deserved it all right let’s start with this one okay all right so we’re going to start building our Beacon dimming machine on this Beacon set right

Here so let’s do it I’m going to stop recording and start a new recording there we go what’s wrong with all the hoglands hins are so annoying man they deserved they deserved what they got they got what was coming to them bam bam oh wait there we

Go okay and then I just need to turn that to all there we go this is the machine that we’re going to be building but we’re going to build it way down low so that uh so that we don’t hear the sounds that the beacons

Make cuz that would be bad I don’t want to hear The Sounds or I don’t want to hear the sounds that the Pistons make I meant to say so let’s just line this guy up so that when I’m standing right here there’s our beacons oh actually these beacons are facing the other way

So we have to rotate this guy there we go so I designed this machine credit credit to gears for coming up with the idea for it but I then designed it um so now we’re just going to build this I ate your llama no what’s the

Machine for oh so the machine what it does is the beacons are kind of ugly in the sky so what it does is the beacons during the daytime are going to be orange and then during the night time they become black so that they blend in

With the sky um but what it does is it gradually dims the beacons so that over time they become less and less uh they become less visible over time so that’s what the machine is for and let’s just start moving this guy down a little ways

Um oh jeez I’m going to turn the rendering off okay I could build it here or I could go lower I kind of want to grab torches actually do I have them oh I do I have a few not a lot but I have a couple that’s

Good cuz I just want to light up my work area so that I don’t have mobs jumping on me from above and trying to comicazi me you know oops ow okay yo that’s actually pretty smart did you design it yourself I did it wasn’t super complicated it took

Me it took me a little bit to design it but okay this is plenty deep enough I think that if I were to build it I think I’ll Build It Up up here so that I don’t have to deal with the cave um let’s turn that back on and

Let’s just bring this guy to oh actually no I have to build it at the bottom of the world I just realized because um Beacon I believe I’m I actually didn’t check but I’m pretty sure that beacons like the the lights where uh the the way that the beacons change colors

Is dependent on how low to the how close to the base of the beacon you place the lighting or you place the glass so I think I do actually have to change that or I do have to build it down here which kind of sucks because it means that I’m

Going to have to um do a lot of digging which is not ideal cuz it takes forever to mine Blackstone but be careful true I will be don’t worry don’t worry I’ll be fine or maybe I won’t who knows all right so digging time I’ll get more torches in a minute

Cuz I like to light up my area how are you I’m good how are you Mr dgame yeah I mean cross your fingers maybe I will die I’ll put on my chest plate but I have literally there is nothing except for I think a Charged Creeper that can actually kill me when I

Have resist or that can kill me in like one hit you know so things that could kill me are generally uh things that could kill me in my world generally I have time to react to you know like if especially if I have my chest plate on

If I have my chest plate on um a creeper at like Point Blank Range doesn’t probably doesn’t even uh with resistance too probably does like half of my health it really um I’m pretty I’m pretty tanky is my point Dash are your classes becoming more enjoyable no my classes are still

Pretty miserable well no okay so my classes as a whole are good good it’s just one class Challenger thank you for asking it’s literally just one class that is like horrendously bad and it’s because my group is pretty bad for this one project um but I I say pretty bad

But that’s like an understatement my group is this is the worst group I’ve ever had for a for a group assignment by like a by like a mile too maybe I’m just lucky but I feel like I’ve had pretty bad groups before but this is a very bad

Group because every member of my group is not good um but yeah that one class is the only one that’s like really bad and so once I get through that I’ll be chilling you know I’ll be okay I just need to get through that one class that one class is rough and then

Everything else isn’t that bad oh no I just accidentally moved it dang it okay there we go is that back in place okay that’s good let’s move this out of my hot bar for now yay insta minable blocks I love that what’s the project about again it’s

Making my beacons look nicer because my beacons are kind of ugly when they shine into the sky so I made a machine that uh Blends them in with the background depending on depending on the time of day they change colors to uh to blend in with the

Background what is this class if you don’t want me asking is it statistics or something no I like statistics it is my film class my film class it’s just like it feels like I’m in like it’s an intro class but it feels like it’s not at all

An intro class and like like there’s like a lot lot of work that we have to do and not that much time and then in addition to having a lot of work that we have to do I also just have a pretty bad group who doesn’t do their work or if

They do their work so I actually just today had a lot of experience with um one of my group members who she was the only group member of mine who actually who actually would respond to messages quickly so like thank you for that but

She oh my gosh she did such a bad job we had to write a script and I I was like we had to write like a script for our for our film that we’re making and I I sent her like an exact summary of like you know shot by or like play byplay

What needs to happen or what what we decided was going to happen and then she just needed to add dialogue and stuff to it and she somehow wound up just doing an entirely different story she like fully changed like everything about it I’m back are we done getting

Materials yeah we are we’re building the first one right now I should really consider getting a getting some bone meal and getting some Moss blocks and uh and doing it that way that would be a lot better damn creative differences it’s I don’t even think it’s creative

Differences I think it’s I think it’s like incompetence cuz like like I like I gave her very specific instructions of what to do and she she messed it up and um and then yeah I don’t know it’s it’s uh it’s kind of wild Dash is greater than Christopher

Nolan too many dumb people yeah I mean I’m sure she has things that she’s good at but those things like like writing a script I well I don’t know okay honestly her script isn’t terribly bad it’s just entirely different from what we agreed we were going to do like my group and I

She joined the our group late and so my group and I had already come up with something and then when she joined the group she had a bunch of ideas for what to for stuff to do and we shot them down because our teacher had specifically

Told us that her ideas lined up decently they were like almost the same as the ideas that we originally had but our teacher told us like you guys are going to be screwed if you don’t make your assignment easier like you need to simplify your story so that it’s so that

It’s just easier all around right and so we did that and then her her ideas were like kind of similar to what we originally had but then we simplified it and then like and then I like I’ve shot I shot down so many of her ideas because

I just kept telling her like this is too too complicated you’re just making like the story that you’re writing is not going to be like reasonably we’re not going to reasonably be able to tell it in like you know the amount of time that we have what are you talking about I’m

Talking about uh project and so yeah so when she when she just did her own thing it was like like it was not horribly written or anything but it’s just like entirely different from what we agreed on and it would be super hard to uh it

Would be super hard to like make it happen you know also like um in her version of it she had like a scene where she had like a violence type scene you know like there’s there was some like action some like violence in there and our teacher

Has specifically told us like many times like no violence so I I don’t know why she was like yes let’s do violence let’s do it guys I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know why she was why she decided that but she was just like yeah we’re doing

Violence whether you like it or not and um and so I was like no let’s let’s rewrite that because uh cuz the teacher told us not to not to have any violence in our film so you know probably shouldn’t do that and then like after I asked her to

Do that it took me like it took so much effort to it took so much effort for me to get her to to like make it at all decent and she finally has gotten it to be like kind of okay um but it’s it’s just so annoying

Cuz it’s so much of a hassle for me to like I like this is literally the exact thing that happened with my editor where my editor was just like not doing a good job and I was spending a lot of effort like asking like making them change

Stuff and um except for except I can’t I didn’t fire my editor but I also like I can’t fire this person from my group they’re in my group and I’m pretty sure that my professor wouldn’t care if I like ratted on them and was like hey my

Group sucks I think he would be like H I don’t care deal with it imagine if Infinity War if everyone talked it out instead of fighting that would be great I took a film class and I had to deal with people who were kind of bad at acting and had trouble keeping

The camera still see that’s uh so far I haven’t really experienced like bad acting my roommate’s going to be acting in in the thing cuz one of my group members one of my group members his like his thing that he told us like I can do

I can do this was getting us was getting actors for our film right and so he did he got actors for the film oh wait hold on I want to get more I want to get more torches he got actors for the film but then what happened was he didn’t uh what

He didn’t realize was the actors were Ava were only available on Sunday right and we required for the project to use uh like a real film camera you know like we’re required to use like a real camera and like a tripod and stuff and lighting equipment and what this dude

Didn’t realize was that so he texted us at like 5:15 yesterday and he’s like hey guys so my actors oh he can’t even be here on Sunday so like we would just be working with his friends without him which is annoying but it would be uh

He’s like hey guys my actors can only do Sunday so can we do that and then and I’m like and so I check and I was indeed correct that what I what I suspected was correct that uh the place that you that we rent like film equipment from is

Literally not open it’s not it it closed at 5: and he texted us at 5:15 so the one thing that that we asked him to do uh he didn’t he did it but he he wound up kind of not doing it because uh because you know his his actors fell through

So at least he tried to do something I guess but yeah pretty pretty bad group did you rent the IMAX camera for 20,000 a week oh yeah for sure I just realized I’ve been 50 seconds behind really I’m back what did I miss you missed me ranting about my classmates

And I’m not going to I’m not ranting about them again I’m not telling the whole story again but yeah I should be I think I’ll be done with this class like relatively soon and that will be a joyous occasion I will in fact sing Hallelujah Hallelujah you know because oh my gosh

This class is miserable the class is miserable my group is miserable it’s all bad nothing is going right for dash pump 4 right now in this class in real life a good amount of stuff is going fine but in this class specifically it’s pretty bad it’s pretty it’s pretty

Bad um check the moderator chat Dash ah why are you making me check moderator chat um up to your discretion Challenger I would say good morning what’s up how’s it going welcome to the stream do you have any bad teacher stories dude my teacher right now

Is is like my film teacher is so bad he he uh very frequently and consistently makes the class uncomfortable like makes members of the class just feel uncomfortable um apparently one of the dudes in our class was uh in like the editing room um cuz he’s editing a film

That we made in class and so with film um with film with film stuff you I guess the editors don’t usually stay in the room right oh my gosh I built this wrong it’s supposed to be one block higher okay cool all right that’s that’s just lovely I’m glad that I did

That okay let’s just make sure is that correct okay that’s correct oh wait no it’s not is it no there we go oh my gosh I suck okay there we go that’s the actual correct height jeez all right so so the editor isn’t supposed to be in

The room because uh because the thing that happens I guess sometimes in film is if you edit your own film that you like recorded and you spent like an hour getting this one shot you’ll be unwilling to like cut it from the film even if even if that shot isn’t pivotal

Like even if it doesn’t matter and could be cut for like time sake people won’t want to cut it because they you know they are like oh I but I spent a lot of time on this shot I don’t want to get rid of it and so the editor doesn’t sit

In the room or like doesn’t help with filming because so that they’re more able to like edit with like unbiased like they’re more of an unbiased editor so this kid was sitting in the editing room and the teacher like came up behind him and was and went yes I made out with

This girl yesterday at the bar and she just texted me back and that’s not that like bad but it’s certainly weird certainly a weird thing for a professor to say to a student um yeah genuinely think you’re better than everyone else in your film class cuz of your channel I’m not my channel

I’m better at editing than a lot of the people in my channel but I don’t actually know that much about like film and uh you know there’s I’ve actually learned a good amount from this class but it’s just like it’s just so much for for the amount or for the fact that it

Is a intro class an intro level course it is a lot it is like a humongous amount of work and uh and it’s bad I’m not that good at like I don’t know I I’m not great at like storytelling and stuff though I feel like one thing that I have actually

Wound up taking away from this class is like I kind of feel like I’ve gotten a bit better at like storytelling and whatnot and I actually am applying some of the stuff that I’m learning in this class to my videos like when I’m like that’s it’s this class is part of the

Reason that I’m doing so much re editing with the video that I’m working on right now because it’s like I cuz I kind of realized like it could be better and the storytelling could be better it’s like not good it’s not that good right now

So so like I am taking some stuff away from the class but it is just a a very re ridiculous amount of work that they’re asking for a intro course now this music is an actual hit nice I’m glad I’m glad you enjoy it yeah

But yeah I don’t know I I do sometimes think like if he if he like um if the professor okay so one thing one thing that the professor has said about like pretty much every one of my videos or of my of my films that we’ve like turned in

Has been he’s said something along the lines of like uh these are edited like a YouTube video and oh man I really want to just be like I really want to just be like you know they’re edited like a YouTube video because they like could be

A YouTube video and they would get more views than like every single one of your films combined you know but I don’t say that cuz I care about my grade too much but that’s what I think because I I really don’t think based on based on uh seeing this guy

His work in class I really don’t think he’s actually very good at film making like like as much as I don’t like him I think if he was a really good filmmaker I would at least like you know I would at least know that he’s a really good filmmaker I genuinely think he’s

Not very good at what he does though which is kind of funny his like scripts and stuff especially are kind of whack like his his writing for his uh yeah his writing in this in these films is not very good it’s very very oddly written uh things

Sometimes where did I place that oh I placed that there describe your teachers films they’re so dude the so okay they’re just they’re just like weird like um He he’ll have like unfunny jokes in them and uh he’ll have unfunny jokes in them and he’ll have like weird things that the

Uh that like the students don’t don’t feel comfortable saying but he’ll he’ll make them anyway um I don’t know he’s a he’s a weird guy he is a weird guy I’m going to put that there and then I’m going to put Bam Bam Bam and then bam bam bam bam bam bam

Cool um thought you went to go eat oh I don’t even know I mean many things that professional film people do might be better captain in movies shows and music that’s fair knock knock who’s there yeah I don’t know I don’t know anime there’s I I don’t know maybe maybe this

Dude has made like successful films what do I know there’s always a chance that he’s that he is actually like a well-known filmmaker guy but he’s not a very good teacher at the very least I don’t know he said something really funny last class but it’s it’s not

Particularly appropriate so I don’t know if I can I don’t know if I can say it um yeah I don’t know it is definitely a class I look forward to going on rap my professor and giving him a a very very negative review so that all the other

Students uh can know to avoid him you know cuz it’s it’s definitely it’s definitely a class that’s worth worth avoiding you know it’s crazy too there’s um doxim right now no what is this Redstone Contraption it uh changes the color of Beacon beams to match the time of day

Um yep that’s that’s like the main that’s actually all it does it’s a it’s kind of a large machine for the small thing that it does but it will be cool it’ll be worth it in the end hopefully Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam boop boop boop boop boop

Boop next one am I at the top yet okay I’m not I’m almost there though almost almost done with one of them and then all I have to do all the All That Remains for me to do is hook up a daylight sensor to this machine so that it will actually change

Colors cuz right now the daylight sensor is not hooked up at all so you know we got to make that happen there we go okay that’s the thing that’s done can you sign my plushy of your rabbit totem if I ever see you in real life and you

Have your plushy with you I will sign your rabbit totem sure or your plushy of my rabbit totem sure just a question about how you make videos do you make the script while recording uh for the video or after you get all the footage I make the script

After I get all the footage I think as much what did I just do why did this just go off why did the Redstone just just actually why did the signal just activate what just happened do you guys see that there a freaking Breeze around here or something how did it go

Off am I tripping did that happen or am I hallucinating did anyone see that or am I crazy crazy I was crazy once they put me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats rats make me crazy see look at that that’s pretty cool all

Right okay where are you currently living like what country and what time is it I’m in the United States and it’s what like 8:42 how much pumpkins you get per second I don’t know I haven’t divided it to to every second apologies but I only know per

I only know how many you get per 10 minutes you can do the math though if you if you really want uh on that okay I’m going to go ahead and actually let’s put this sword into this shulker and let’s put that shulker away and all right now we just need to

Make a big tunnel that leads up to the or a big a big uh thing right here oh I don’t have carpet do I one thing that I did need was carpet and I do not have carpet does scaffolding oh does scaffolding let light through because

Actually it would be kind of helpful if I had scaffolding blocks to uh to do this with um otherwise I can just go 185 18531 98 bro has tunnel vision do I yeah it’s it’s 40 I probably do okay so I don’t know if that’s a pun

Or not though is it night time out I can’t tell because there’s a ceiling ow it is night time oh excuse me ow don’t don’t okay okay all right there we go okay first one is about to be done let’s just go to wherever the coordinates are which which is

1853 I’m going to just type it in chat again 1853 and then 9 and then it’s oh jeez that’s kind of an odd spot for it that is unfort okay so what we’re going to do instead of that because that’s a bad spot is we are going going to move where it is okay so here’s how we’re going to do

That um where would be a good spot that I could put the daylight sensor I think right uh right here is good if we had a spike right here it wouldn’t look too out of place yeah we’re in the same time zone nice very cool all right I need to go

Get wool I need to find sheep because I apparently don’t have or cuz I forgot to get uh carpets and carpets are kind of important oh there we go uh do I want to kill them I don’t even have dye do I hold on I need to I’m

Going to get out my shears because I need more than like you know I need a few pieces of stuff of yeah so I need a couple pieces of uh of carpet so I’m going to I’m GNA shove that in there I don’t really need that I don’t need levers

Either so we can put that away for now all right and now we have to go kill a couple squids dye this wool and dye this wool and then we’ll be good to go okay I have eight eight of that so can I find eight squids I don’t I should

Just get my I should just get my sword out so that I’ll get looting looting how much do you give me four give me another four and we’ll be good no just three all right come on now come on now buddy can I have that please there we go

Oh my gash there we go there we go there we go we have 12 carpet now and let’s put these two things away so that I have room in my inventory once again yay four squids uh whatever it’s for the greater good math yes math eight

Squib yeah I only had to kill three though right because yeah I only had to kill three so okay let’s go ahead and restart the recording okay so we want to do right here so what what’s going to happen then is we’re going to have a block here block

Here and then glass and then big spike like so and there we go so now I’m just going to dig straight down ah digging straight down is ever so slightly dangerous not super bad but uh whatever I’m not going to take the extra time to make this actually

Safe for me to go down because I’m not going to be go going down it very often um and I just have to go all the way to bedrock and then I have to dig my way over to the I have to dig over to the spot all right got to go now

I’ll be back see you later goodbye have a good have a good lurk be careful when digging straight down I think I’ll be okay honestly there’s no uh ancient cities near me so I feel like I’ll be fine I have I have resistance and I have

Two totems in my one in my hot bar one in my off hand I think I’ll be okay um if I fall into lava I’ll be fine for sure um the warden would be scary if I fell into ancient city but I generated these chunks early enough that I’m pretty confident

That there is no warden in them so we’re going to try and go to these coordinates um am I getting closer okay I am getting closer oh okay so we want to go that way BR violating the number one rule ah freak the number one rule

Dude the number one rule has been proven to not be that big of a deal I remember I watched a whole video that was somebody making they made a video where they did like hundreds of tests uh just to see how big of a deal it is to dig

Straight down and it’s really not a big deal was basically the the finding of the video was that it’s not a big deal to dig straight down okay um this is okay you know I Could I could probably reverse this and have the signal come into here that would probably be fine right yeah I think we’ll do that okay Okay so this spot here so we’re just going to dig over to here to our hole oh hey hey lava how’s it going I will actually close up this because um I don’t know cuz I want to I will close up this Dash didn’t you do do a debunk

Short on the warden I did like I don’t know about I don’t know about debunk but I’ve done shorts on like how to deal with the warden I feel like you can’t really debunk the warden but I know I think I I know what you mean you know

Okay so we’re going to have to extend this to way over there which is going to be a little annoying but it’s okay it’ll be worth it that’s what I meant word okay so we’re going to have the signal go into here and then go into here and and

Then uh Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam um I’m out of blocks but it’s fine Bam Bam Bam Bam okay now that’s going to go into here and we’re now going to destroy this so the beacon beams are now orange

Beautiful and now we are just going to want to take the signal from here and do do this and I think that this should work hopefully Oh wait um I actually am going to have to do what I did on the other side we’re going to have to mirror that which is okay that’s how I did it there where’s my black stone let me get some of that out there we

Go okay so we place so we have the signal go into here which will then power the signal is going to go into there which is then going to power uh all three sides the same Bam Bam Bam Bam so now we’re going to do a bam bam oh it’s become coming night

Time oh wait wait wait if I can get out of here quick enough I can watch it happen okay I think I just set up I think I just set up the machine successfully let’s see if I can watch it in action okay I want to get to like a good

Spot to watch it from though let’s see should be working oh it’s going can I dare use something I don’t know if I’ll do it but maybe I mean you can you can dare me it I don’t know if I’ll do it though oh that’s oh it’s kind of

Annoying that they don’t go they don’t work at the same time because of the because of the delay from all the comparators um I actually have no idea how I can fix that actually I know how I can fix that how much money is a good amount to you

Um that seems very relative um like to have or I don’t know like 50 bucks is a good amount but also if you are talking about like net worth you know 50 bucks isn’t really a good out there we go look at that it’s working I want to know how much to

Donate donate as much as you want you know like I appreciate any donation if you feel like I’m deserving of a lot of money give me a lot of money but if you you know if you want to buy yourself something nice you know save your money don’t donate to me

Whatever it’s it’s all good I’m just here to to have fun um can you make the totem into your Minecraft character I could I don’t want it to be like that though cuz then I’m just every other Minecraft hardcore YouTuber then I’m just like exactly the same as all the rest of

Them buy another plushy for you I don’t even I don’t even have one plushy that’d be really cool honestly so can I do this so if you put it into one side am I wait am I able to Do no because cuz the signal wouldn’t come out okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to I want to fix the timing of this so instead instead of going right into the middle or instead of going to this side we’re going to put it right in the

Middle right going into this one um which I think will then work hopefully are you the daddy of pumpkins sure do void villagers work in Bedrock I don’t think so I don’t think void trading is a thing in Bedrock Edition unfortunately but you know I’m not a th%

Sure about that they could be I’m not I’m not really an expert on Bedrock Minecraft um so yeah they they could be but what do I do about this how do I make it turn down this corner um what about the Llama plush to the

Totem I why do you not like my totem so much let me let me have my totem man I want to I like my totem oh you know what I can do here’s what I can do we have one two three and then we go bam

Bam I also I have a lot of comparators now I kind of don’t need to conserve them all that much but like it worst case scenario you know I can always just I can always just place two comparators back to back I don’t know why I was

Thinking about that like it’s like a difficult decision it kind of isn’t I could just have done two comparators I could just do freaking 100 comparators if I wanted to I’m just being cheap because and also it’s more efficient in terms of uh we’ll have less Delay from

The machine turning on or yeah there would be less delay when the machine turns on so this is 1 2 3 4 5 six so we want to make this one also six 1 2 three how do I do this three 3 4 uh five six is that going to work

Now I think I think it will yeah I think I think that should be fine and that’s six on both both sides right so they’ll they’ll then turn on at the same time 1 2 3 4 5 6 okay I think think that works and now both sides will

Turn on at the exact same time can you make a giant corn statue no why would I do that bathroom for real how do duels work duels are just random it’s just someone will randomly be chosen to win Um okay so oh is it night time I think it might be turning to night time so we can watch it again and see if I’ve done it decently oh no it doesn’t actually look like it’s turning tonight time does it no okay well we cover that up and now

We have let’s let’s just give this a look yeah the orange beacons are definitely the move look at that that’s that is definitely better looking than the white beacons I like the orange beacons cool cool cool oh my gosh I just have to do that several more times cool that’s awesome I

Love doing that several more times jeez that took so long man okay all right so we’re going to just jump down here and let’s go ahead and give these a second one we’re going to do a second one yay fun you know what I actually think I want to

Do let’s choose a spot while we’re up at the top we’ll choose a spot for our daylight sensor to go is this one okay there we go so that’s that’s our thing and then ideally we choose a spot somewhere in this direction if we choose a spot right from

Here I think we would have one two three oh jeez I forgot I can’t I can’t just like stand on the invisible blocks 1 two 3 four okay I guess I’ll just figure it out later one two three 4 yeah I think I think if we do from

This middle one we go out to a spot it would be good um so we’re going to want to Go I’m going to go down to I’m actually going to go kind of far away for this one I think just because I don’t know I don’t I don’t love any of these spots okay here we go here’s great grandma schiks Family secret what the heck schemi don’t don’t type

That yay more labor intensive work with no pay be careful Dash bom don’t rush I’m I’m not rushing I’m I’m fine I think I’ll be okay I don’t have Beacon effects anymore to be fair but I think I’ll be fine um I yeah I don’t know digging straight down is like a

Little dangerous but I have my elytra on in case I fall and I have a totem in my off hand in case I uh encounter a baddy you heard it first he’s not Russian haa I hate these blocks they’re so annoying they’re like in my way get out

Of here blocks I don’t want you here I’m not going to pick you up um does anyone know the appro what’s the Y level I I wish I knew the Y level that I should build that I should dig this tunnel on I feel like it’s like four blocks or five blocks

Above above the ground but I don’t I don’t or above Bedrock but I don’t know exactly what it is feel like it might be something like this y = 58 I’m going to trust you on this and if you lied to me I’m going to have the

Mods kill you so you better not be lying to me I think I should wind up I should get led directly to the beacons by digging like this right I should wind up at the beacons cuz I I yeah I I am like straight it’s like a straight line that I went

So I’m so poor in this stream dang rip mods kill him early dang that’s rough bro didn’t even get a chance to prove that they might be right love your vids thank you Easton why 56 is the layer where it’s just lava fun okay we’ll see where is my beacons I

Guess I went pretty far away from them so I probably just have a few more blocks to mine before I hit them oh yay insta minable blocks nice I love oh there we go okay cool um so now we just bring the beacon now we bring our schematic all the way

Down to here oh wait were they right no I no they weren’t right I had to go a couple blocks higher than that but they were like pretty close to being right I don’t know mods do we let them live what do you guys think chat do we let them live

Why can’t I place blocks here what is going on hello oh interesting I guess when I had it as like the mode nine it wasn’t letting me place blocks huh Let Him Live spare no mercy interesting what are you doing uh doing our Beacon thing doing the beacon thing that I was

Telling you guys about man I need I need some freaking Moss if I want to make this go faster this is such a slow process because of mining the Deep slate let’s go get some moss and some bone meal let’s go get some moss and some bone meal

Um also where is the hole that I dug is it over here it’s right here okay so let’s just go ahead and put our glass so we put Bam Bam Bam Bam we put a carpet over it we put this and then we put a big old Spike on top like

So like that and now it’s fairly well hidden but that’s our daylight sensor and so let’s see if I sleep that uh that uh other Beacon should change colors in a second there we go perfect all right cool if I don’t sleep it will change more fluidly but if I do sleep it

Doesn’t change as like quickly you know because it has delay and it changes all of a sudden rather than being gradual if I sleep but okay let’s go get some bone meal and some Moss blocks and do I have my hoe in here I do okay where is my shulker full of fireworks

Though is it in here or is it still sitting it’s not in here okay still sitting on the side of the mountain I guess or not on this side of the mountain over on on this side of the mountain oh it is I guess I never I

Never moved it uh oh I don’t have any bone meal see I was going to say I could go under there and get moss blocks but I don’t have the bone meal that I need so you know it’s not really doesn’t really help me um okay so I’m going to put that in

There I’m going to drop off my axe I don’t really need that for now I also don’t need slime blocks uh where’s my slime block chest put those away um I don’t need my furnaces either for now I’m going to put furnaces in there um I don’t need Hopper in my

Inventory let’s just do a little bit of inventory management because I really don’t have much room in my inventory for all this junk and so this so we should clean up my inventory the rest of the stuff is pretty useful stuff let’s just take a stack of that we

Have repeaters we have comparators we have sticky pistons um let’s just take some more Target blocks how many Target blocks did I need per thing I feel like I might not even have gotten enough Target blocks for this but we’ll see I don’t know it is what it is

Um okay let’s put these away these Joker boxes away and then these ones I can keep and then let’s put that back and now okay let’s go get some moss and bone meal guys remind me in a minute I have to change my I have to turn my uh

When I get back to this area I’m going to leave this area when I get back I need you guys to remind me to unpause my replay or to click resume recording I’m back welcome back what Mo mods what what are you doing I told you to ban tickle their

Toes and air strike their house the best comeback ever are you on break yet I am not I have my break starts on Wednesday um so I am looking forward to that no I wish I was on break dude it would be so nice I still have plenty of

Work to do until I get to break still have a few more days fortunately one of my class my one of my classes on Monday got cancelled which is dope um so I don’t have that and I probably won’t be able to stream though either way because I am going to

Be doing my film The the film project that I was complaining to you guys about um and that is that’s I think that’s worth a huge portion of my grade so I want to get a decent enough grade on it you know that it’s I would be pretty upset if if my

Whole G PPA gets uh brought down by a class that like I don’t even need to be in you know I don’t know did I tell you guys that I don’t need to be in that class and I should I could have dropped it and

It would have no impact on my on my school or on my uh like that class I’m taking it and it does not count for anything but I can’t drop it now cuz it’s too late but I I’m a little bit of a dingus and I didn’t drop it earlier

When I could have still cool build thank you all right let’s go ahead and grab this and let’s go back and I just need you guys to remind me in a minute to I need you guys to remind me to unpause my replay mod recording

So remind me just in a second I think I’m actually going to remember it seems like I don’t I would be kind of shocked if I forget in the next like 5 seconds while I go through this portal but I do do that sometimes so let’s not forget

Ready set let’s turn my thing back on there we go all right good oh my gosh what do you think you’re doing here oh at least you have Nautilus shells that’s kind of good I’m going to spare you because you have Nautilus shells that’s actually a useful that’s actually a useful trade I

Don’t need it because I have plenty of cuz I have a uh a drowned Farm but I’m going to spare that guy yeah that guy that guy can live we okay let’s go ahead and build up here and then I just need to dig out this area

Okay so unfortunately I have to dig a little bit more than is absolutely necessary um because you need air to place down the Moss so or no no no I have to dig I have to dig a little bit you know I can’t I can’t avoid all of it

Because you need an AIR block in order to place the Moss blocks which is kind of annoying but it is what it is it’s how they decided to implement it into the game so um so now I just need to clear out that that is clear so now I can

Bam um let me just dump some of this stuff down there I’m going to temporarily dump some stuff into here so that I can take a little bit of bone meal in my inventory and okay I wasn’t sure if it would work with moss blocks but it or with uh tough

Blocks I mean but it does so that’s good um oh it doesn’t work on that tragic bam okay beautiful insta mining potential there we go now I can insta mine things nice um and I just have to break that by hand and then now we just break all that okay

Perfect all right oh I kind of want my hoe thank you thank you what’s up Deon how’s it going are you tired not really no I’m I’m kind of chill right now I’m good I’m chilling um yeah no I’m good bam bam bam bam oh how I wish that it didn’t have to

Spawn I wish that that when I you know when I bone mailed stuff it wouldn’t spawn like a billion freaking bushes and stuff because it would be so much less annoying to to use Moss if it didn’t but I guess I guess it would be kind of maybe too op if if it

Didn’t have that annoying downside bam Bam Bam Bam ah I got stuck for a second do you rarely see me comment on your vids I rarely see most people comment on my videos because I get a lot of comments so I don’t typically see people I don’t typically see the same

Person comment on my videos a lot because you know I get a lot of comments and so I therefore just don’t see that many of them you know I don’t I can’t read all of them um so yeah the the one thing that I can see is

If any of you guys are verified I will probably see your comments because YouTube notifies me when I get like a verified comment but if you’re not verified I very well might not see your comments so just so you guys know get verified if you really want me to see every one of

Your comments eventually I’ll probably be big enough where you know where a verified comment doesn’t really mean much to me but right now I do get I do get notified when verified people comment on my videos and I read them um bam oh you know what that works actually

Really well why have I not been doing that I can just Spam if I just Spam alternate my mouse buttons it will break the it will break the little bushes and stuff but it will also will also get rid of it’ll also place down my Moss there we go that is more

Efficient perfect perfect perfect beautiful way to get rid of uh space how do I always play people who win five times in a row then lose all my points I don’t know man diamonds yeah diamonds POG I remember the remember the days when you were excited about diamonds

Isn’t it crazy that diamonds are like not really an exciting thing anymore I missed before you could find diamonds as treasure in like every single chest ever you know I feel like feel like shipwrecks are such like I like shipwrecks for Speed running but shipwrecks have such good loot considering

Um considering that shipwrecks are like not dangerous whatsoever shipwrecks have such good loot in them you know it’s kind of ridiculous feel like I feel like if uh like shouldn’t shouldn’t it be like a guardian monuments that have like good loot in them cuz they’re actually dangerous but Guardian monuments just

Have sponges and gold and then like meanwhile shipwrecks are over here you can swim in you swim into a shipwreck takes you 4 seconds and you can grab diamonds you know 5 seconds into the game I wish I could compost all of this I would get so much so much stuff oh

No a that’s a tragedy Dash what is the weirdest thing that you ate I pickles with ice cream off a dare I have not done anything that weird um what’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten I don’t know it’s a interesting question you oh I can insta mine them

Um something weird I’ve eaten ah I don’t know honestly what’s what are you talking about texture wise relish is pickle and pickle is good what oh yeah relish is pickles isn’t it I’m not a I’m not a pickle fan I do not like pickles I don’t know

Why they just don’t taste good in my opinion there we go there we go for real this time there we go we’re going to get two of these done today I’m going to keep streaming until I have two of them working um but that yeah that’s that’s I think all

We’re going to we’re not we’re not finishing all four unfortunately but you know we’ll we’ll get the other two done tomorrow hopefully ideally you never know but realistically I feel like we will’ll probably get the other two Beacon uh dimmers done tomorrow and then and then we’ll resume the

Regularly scheduled lava placing and breaking and stuff you know we’ll get back to the regularly scheduled content of placing lots of lava and then breaking lots of lava or not placing lava uh you know you know what I mean or maybe you don’t and if you don’t then shut

Up what are you trying to do oh my gosh I’ve explained this so many times I’m building a thing okay I’m building it it dims the beacons it’s beautiful oh oh wait no this this is like a weird thing here but I actually don’t need the space

I wasn’t here then be here you goober it’s not my fault you weren’t here um anyways let’s go ahead and Bam Bam to be fair I did not like put it in the title or anything so you know I kind of I can see why you wouldn’t know what’s going on but

Um okay I have that and that and that I just need all my Redstone stuff and things which is Target blocks that that okay cool we have we have the stuff with which we need need to build our thingy Mader thingy Mader thingy mooder okay uh we are going to need to

Get this guy to come over here because I cuz someone was wrong okay guys to someone for tomorrow needs to remember that we want to be standing on y – 53 or looking at y 54 Okay so someone has to remember that for tomorrow or else do you think you will finish the

Build today no man people are not patient my builds take a while cuz they’re huge you know not going to be done with the build for a hot minute ooh diamonds ah darn no more than one that’s crazy it was it was even a uh an unexposed diamonds and it was just one

That’s tragic tomorrow will come all right remember those numbers then remember those numbers for Me if you guys remember those numbers for me um I will add 100 points to your account say it again – 54 looking at Nega 54 or you can say feet at y 53 either one is fine or both whoever says it first we’ll get the

Points I’m not giving it to everyone who says it if multiple people say It all right I put it in Discord oh well that’s that’s one one way to do it honestly I didn’t really think about about that that method of doing it bro is too smart actually thinking things through that’s Crazy oh it must be becoming daytime right now because yeah the the signal is going down right now and I not not a huge fan of that you know Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay um so now right

Here let’s go ahead and set up this bad boy oh wait okay so what we’re going to want to set up here is okay okay I’m going to dip all right see you later sheru thanks for hanging out Bam Bam um so we need right here we’re going to need Redstone Dust comparator

Comparator comparator redstone dust and we need a freaking that and then we’re going to need Bam Bam Bam Bam now that’s going to be that’s going to power both sides and and how many is that that’s one 2 three four five six okay so then the other side should also be six

I think assuming that I’ve done it right 1 two three four oh this is actually only five we need to add an extra one because I want them to be synced so so I think we’ll just go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam um bam now it’s six 1 2 3 4 5 6 perfect render layers we’re going to go single layer and we’re going to set it down by one and then we’re going to now let’s build the rest of this machine see the first one took a minute to

Figure out the situation with the uh took a minute to figure out the situation with the comparators and stuff but now that we have that figured out I think this building is going to go much quicker and also the bottom row of uh the bottom once we get past the the

Bottom row of this I can kind of just repeatedly do the same thing over and over I probably don’t even need the schematic for it maybe I don’t know there’s a chance that I do but there we go cuz the next layer is just glass and

It’s a layer of orange stained glass in the middle like so there we go yo Dash can you donate me one pumpkin no no I cannot okay so we’re going to basically do like this and right right here we’re going to place that I believe yeah there we go every other

Then that’s going to be black and then we’re going to do the same thing on the other side grab some red stained glass you know put that like so put these like so grab myself some more Redstone Dust bam beautiful oh that’s a lovely Brown I love the brown lovely looking

Brown is that how it’s supposed to look I don’t remember it being Brown honestly I guess it I guess it does turn brown before it turns black or dark gray whatever color you want to call it um Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam black stained glass I think we’re going to want

Another oh you know what it is once we put in the other Orange it’s not really as much of a brown I kind of forgot about this but you know there’s a bam bam bam why are these not getting lit up yet um or getting moved yet

Uh shouldn’t the strength have gone up by now I feel like the time of night is like well past should be dark enough out that it’s going to go up but maybe I’m just impatient I don’t know maybe I’m just being impatient I should probably just

Wait wait a bit longer before I say anything is going on with my redstone whatever um your chat is slower than ours to let you know oh I I know well no the chat box on the screen is slower than you guys um but that’s honestly fine it’s not a big

Deal I can’t fix that so that’s why it’s not a big deal because I have no control over that oh it did work okay how many more of these all the way up to there Bam Bam Bam you know I could have saved myself a lot of pistons and just

Used slime blocks I could not tell you why I decided to just use tons and tons of pistons when I could have just used used like half as many with a few slime blocks or I could have used like you know a quarter as many honestly with a couple slime

Blocks but it’s kind of late now to to change that because it’s just like a design flaw that seems like a lot of work to fix Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and a little wamp W wamp wamp W wamp and wamp wamp wamp okay that side’s done um now you know as it approaches even midder of night it will increase I think unless we’re approaching daytime in which case it will stop increasing uh I don’t Know bam bam bam bam bam bam we’re almost done with our second thing and then hopefully I actually built them correctly cuz I don’t actually know for sure if I did ideally I did you know but you never know until you kind of look at it and see if you

Did let me have that back word ever since I woke up I’ve been watching this good use of your time honestly yeah honestly why do you think I’m going to die so much I’ve I’ve not died in 2 years so I feel like you saying like

Let’s hope you don’t die next stream is honestly like jinxing me more you’re like you’re like jinxing me you know oh boy I hope he doesn’t die all right let’s see I don’t know what time it is right now it does appear to be nighttime so

That’s good oh is it like raining or something oh it’s not it’s it’s raining that’s why oh that’s why it got stuck in like a brown color that’s interesting I didn’t really consider that but yeah it’s raining so it’s like stuck because rain is in my Minecraft rain is kind of

Weird and doesn’t like it doesn’t make it fully day or fully night it kind of just like makes it darker oh there we go now it’s like becoming night I think for real okay two out of the bunch done and look at that that like Blends in very nicely with the sky um

Who is your son oh did you read the name of my pickaxe Mitchell yeah Mitchell named that okay it’s becoming night time let’s see I want to watch them like actually turn off or actually dim fully there we go so I noticed one went off ear earlier than the

Others oh wait I actually have a theory about why that is that I’d like to check before I end the stream because I think I could probably fix that I think there’s actually one I think there’s one fewer uh this middle one no never mind I

Lied okay I think that was just a visual glitch then why it went off earlier I thought it was because this one didn’t have a comparator but oh actually I wonder does this one go off earlier because this Powers this which Powers this whereas this Powers this

Which then Powers this so it might be like one tick earlier or something I don’t know honestly I’m not sure I’m back had to get queso cheese dips dip and chips very cool I guess I can test that theory by it looks to me like they’re all going

Off at the same exact time can you guys tell to me it looks like they’re going off at the exact same time I think it’s fine guys I actually don’t have streamlabs tipping setup so just do use uh if you use super chat it’s it that is set up um

What are you making I just made and I have to make two more of them tomorrow but it’s a beacon dimming machine anyways though I do have to end the stream for tonight thank you guys for hanging out with me I will see yall uh I think tomorrow yeah I think

I’ll see you guys tomorrow bye everyone see you guys

This video, titled ‘Detailing the Volcano Megabase in Hardcore Minecraft!🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-11-19 02:52:59. It has garnered 959 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:51 or 7911 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. egg (10000): Gamble points for a free gifted membership. I will throw an egg and if it spawns a chicken, u get a membership! void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

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  • “SHOCKING! NEVER touch a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT 🔥” #shorts

    "SHOCKING! NEVER touch a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT 🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Never Hit a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #explore’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-05-16 12:49:56. It has garnered 10140 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts minecraft,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.20,minecraft animation,minecraft facts,minecraft update,beating minecraft,minecraft manhunt,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft tutorial,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft hitmen,minecraft survival,minecraft ai techno gamerz,fleet,gamer fleet,fleet smp,fleet smp anshu bisht,herobrine fleet smp,gamer fleet smp,gamer fleet minecraft,hindi horror gamer,gamer fleet and yes smarty pie,fleet smp memebers and their names,fleet real name,chapati gamer,fleet smp live,fleet… Read More

  • Unbelievable! AJIA-HYA 1.20 Seed Secrets 🤯 #minecrafttricks

    Unbelievable! AJIA-HYA 1.20 Seed Secrets 🤯 #minecrafttricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Greatest 1.20 Seeds🥹 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-05-10 15:00:16. It has garnered 11998 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Minecraft Greatest 1.20 Seeds🥹 X(twitter) TikTok minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing VR Cooking in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing VR Cooking in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘What if COOKING was in VR Minecraft?’, was uploaded by vinsketch on 2024-04-12 15:00:11. It has garnered 446 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. What IF cookingas In MineCraft VR? #minecraft help me get to 1000 subscribers Not all the mods have vr compatibility but are fun to explore even with the technical challenges you have any feedback It would really amazing ! #minecraft #vr #minecraftchallenge #cooking Read More

  • Unbelievable! Sonoyuncu Team Xray Reveals Titanium Xray Hack for 2024!

    Unbelievable! Sonoyuncu Team Xray Reveals Titanium Xray Hack for 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 Sonoyuncu Titanyum Tek Çalışan Xray 1.4.1 nisan ayı!!’, was uploaded by sonoyuncu team xray on 2024-04-03 20:41:17. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:59 or 119 seconds. The download link is fixed in the comments. 1 month trial is free. It will not work without turning on the bypass!! 🎌 Tags minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, sonoyuncu free cheat minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, titanium 1.4.1 cheat, titanium 1.4.1 xray, titanium 1.4.1 hack, survival titanium 1.4.1 cheat, survival titanium 1.4.1 xray, survival titanium 1.4.1 hack, minecraft endoyuncu hack, titanium reach,… Read More

  • EPIC Goku Skin Review in Minecraft!!

    EPIC Goku Skin Review in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Goku Skin | Review’, was uploaded by Minecraft Skins World on 2024-02-15 15:00:25. It has garnered 17 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:12 or 72 seconds. Minecraft – Goku Skin | Review Goku’s skin in Minecraft is an incredible and powerful representation of this legendary anime and manga hero. Inspired by the most famous Saiyan warrior in the Dragon Ball universe, this skin captures the unmistakable and charismatic essence of Goku, expertly adapted for the pixelated world of Minecraft. Generally, the skin features an athletic and muscular body,… Read More

  • Relic Craft SMP

    Relic Craft SMPWelcome to Relic Craft! The home of custom items. The possibilities you can do here are endless! You can; craft OP weapons, find the only god items in the game, fight and create wars. Read More

  • RigoloSMP Vanilla Just Opened! Whitelist Nice Community!

    Welcome to Rigolos MP Season 2! If you’re looking for a chill and vanilla Minecraft server, you’re in luck! Join us for Season 2 in version 1.20 and enjoy the friendly community. To join the adventure, simply click here and I’ll whitelist you on Discord. See you in the game! Read More

  • GorodPap

    GorodPapThe MintCraft server was created specifically for beginners who are just starting to explore the world of Minecraft. Here you will find everything you need for a comfortable game: survival mode, cases for obtaining unique items, the ability to create clans and participate in duels. Join our community and start your exciting Minecraft adventure today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pride of the Creeper: Celebrate LGBTQ+!

    Minecraft Memes - Pride of the Creeper: Celebrate LGBTQ+!That’s a lot of Minecraft players showing their support for Pride – looks like even creepers can be allies! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime

    Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime Welcome to my world, Block Xuan is the name, Where Minecraft adventures are never the same. I bring you news and updates, all in rhyme, Keeping it fun and engaging every time. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a touch of sheen. So come along and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. With funny animations and songs to share, I’ll keep you entertained, without a care. Just hit that subscribe button, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, every single day. So let’s dive into the world… Read More

  • Crafting hot messes in Minecraft

    Crafting hot messes in Minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft

    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More

  • Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2

    Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-12 22:30:03. It has garnered 6049 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:40 or 3940 seconds. Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft Jax really pissed off Pomni with his behavior today! Will Caine be able to help him and stop Pomni from punishing him? Credits:GLITCH / Gooseworx #digitalcircus #amazingdigitalcircus #pomni Read More

  • Becoming Wealthy in Minecraft

    Becoming Wealthy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I tried to get rich in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZBRYAN on 2024-01-05 23:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Who needs diamonds when you have truffles My twitch: No Minecraft mods are used in making … Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in Minecraft

    Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live’, was uploaded by Raju challenges Vlogs on 2024-05-29 03:49:47. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:28 or 4588 seconds. Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045. 🇪🇺 👾 🎮 🔥 **SPECIAL IP** 🔥 🔊Proximity voice chat: 💎For premium user that: Port: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 DISCORD:… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURPRISE IN MINECRAFT MOD LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODs LIVE PART 4’, was uploaded by codkillman 935 on 2024-01-15 19:02:32. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:31 or 1771 seconds. I Mostly Play (GTA V Online) (Minecraft) (CALL OF DUTY) And SomeTimes Other Games. Enjoy And Stay Tuned :-} You Can Follow Me On Twitter ( @codkillman_935 ) I Post Random Things Here You Can Follow Me On Instagram ( codkillman_935_yt ) ShitPost Here You Can Get Early Access On My Shity Music On BandLad ( @codkillman_935 ) #codkillman_935 Read More


    INSANE!! DRAVEN BUILDING A ZOO LIVE NOW 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-05-05 15:04:21. It has garnered 5107 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿 #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft This Live Stream is Sponsored By Microcenter And =================== Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture ================= Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture All things tech under one roof, at Kolkata heaven for Gamers and Creators alike…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek – TINY vs GIANT!!!

    Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek - TINY vs GIANT!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-11 22:32:54. It has garnered 765046 views and 23036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:56 or 7976 seconds. Today, Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty play TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft! Will Johnny win against his friends? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More