Insane VR Minecraft with Ctop – Ultimate Multiplayer Madness!

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See we’re both jerks oh oh oh you are that’s the ugliest that’s like literally the ugliest skin of every I’m a beautiful carrot are you is that what the C stands for is Carrie yes clearly Darrin is what it stands for why so hoarse behind you oh there are so many

Horses out here good gun okay let’s see if I can pet him hippo oh do horses eat wood no they eat carrots no horse oh right a horsey well he oh I was just yet I see tap let’s go man welcome to vibe craft yes it’s this game

That no one’s ever heard of no one has ever heard of no sneak up on this one and Oh Oh God gonna run me down buddy sunflowers I think it might have tamed this one he likes meat where are you I miss you here you actually tame them yeah baby one oh

Yes this is minecraft minecraft mod for virtual reality don’t play on the HTC vive is really one of the coolest VR experiences like I haven’t played Minecraft in years until I didn’t play videos on this but like it’s just really cool to look around the world in VR I

Have a I have a question yeah how do I get oh off the horse I have no idea just go horsey you to death you can’t punch your way I don’t know how to get ok here we go I got up somehow I’m not really

Sure how I did that um where is he this press may woolens hey guys I smashed the side buttons on here let’s do something is this what are we doing there are these Oh many horses and sheep this is nuts how do you oh look at these ones they’re

Brown where hey I’m hiding in the grass I see maybe we should get um when you’ll be sheep so we can get there whoa we need did you get any wood I have one piece of wood look at that one it’s a white horsey where for such as a skinny sheep

Hey there’s donkeys I like this one up on the mountaintop donkeys donkeys being his game that sound like a donkey ooh and you can write them I’m riding them backwards okay sure get off the donkey I got off the donkey we got some wood we need to

Get the basics we have fairness esse T’s right simple bareness infringement Oh this coal down there okay yeah I have a slow I have a texture pack on so things do look a bit different this is chicken chicken okay we got a chicken egg hey oh

Oh oh hey you can’t you can’t catch me blitz huh I don’t know how to throw what a chump makes what a chump you mean hey nope let’s just go get some what dude I mean I throw my egg at you like 2010 let’s do Minecraft Let’s Plays

Okay oh we need unregistered hypercam and the world’s worst microphone my first video ever on my my 500 part series on mine yep I know what I say ow there’s like a ton of trees this must be the roof for stirs up the mushroom forest yes okay I need to how did we

What are we doing I’m just gathering what dude basic ant craft you grab what I’m gonna make a I got a I got a thing yeah I don’t know you’re I know you’re just playing off blitzes been playing Minecraft longer than I’ve been alive

How do I throw an egg at you I don’t know just add some serious range – they’re gonna kill me so how do I enter you interacted with the benches by down on the right thumbstick like you’re placing a block on the my face we need to make you make a

Couple of these and I will take that out and oh good oh that’s a button what do I want a button for I made a bunch of sticks and that going for me I got some sticks will make swords and stuff yeah I got a sword now okay I’ll make a wooden

Pickaxe and then we can get some stone okay too many sticks dang it I’m gonna make a wooden sword you yeah yeah I can sword we need some shears oh I made a sword again cheese we need she is so we can get this no technical terms of course yeah I’ve got

A pickaxe and you can actually use the tools manually on blocks it’s just we’re at your arm sore wow that was slightly uncalled for I mean doesn’t mean it’s not true but still where’d you go there was that I’m in the Cape down below ground

Oh there you are okay see ya oh yeah we’re slow now cuz we’re hungry we need food that’s the chickens up top for horses horses yet I don’t think we can eat horses I just do bad see it manually blitz up it’s just it just takes a while

I mean it’s cool it’s very just the smack it that work with does it work with this the sword hate don’t you do it no I just I want you to live I did I did it or it I want to live hey okay okay chicken did you grab the chest thing the

Crafty people not I laugh it up there where is it or you put it down it’s very dark in here yeah that’s why it’s a cave let’s hold me blitz I’m scared you’re gonna have to figure that on you I I seriously have some range I have extend-o-arms like mr. fantastic

Over here alright we do find some I wrong oh I’m gonna shot it oh no we’re oh it’s a skeleton all middle I’m gonna hold the skeleton I can’t see it is have a clock oh I can’t see run escape okay get out of the hole geez man good okay

Oh where are we oh I’m lost okay wait here we go okay okay here is alright I’m coming my pressure I’m ridiculous Abby I’m gonna kill zombie belongings yeah that’s right I killed a zombie okay I see him oh so it’s my stuff is down

Here I need you to UM kill the skeleton please okay I’m gonna kill it Wow turning in this game makes you a little bit disoriented is it super dark locking yep so he’s down there he’s in this whole blitz and I felt down there almost over here up

Here he’s in there I can’t see nothing let’s go get him yeah skeleton I can’t he’s gonna kill me I literally do not see him hi the creeper Oh creeper right now yeah you should probably do that huh not a creeper oh it was a creeper behind you let’s be

Careful it’s not a good place to be power we’re all my stuff went it wouldn’t have D spawned already know but check out these moves Hey Oh skeleton oh no oh oh you all right oh there’s another one okay I do not wander this far into this cave like no creeper oh

You got blown up oh let me get your stuff okay oh free stuff free stuff free stuff here we go yes yes yes yes we’re still lighting it what under video settings oh wait I found my stuff I don’t I don’t see it brightness hey there we go stuck in the

Cave I just gotta dig my way out of here okay here we go like open a my hole oh yes Oh beautiful okay sees well we need a bed high but high your girlfriend’s over here on my which yeah I’m so slow what do you got

Yeah these things yeah you know ow ow I to bed you’re gonna thank you I have your stuff and my stuff so we’re good day now where is the chest or the back this way crafting to the crafting bench is over here by the witches oh it is oh god

There are so many zombies dude oh look the skeletons are shooting each other no then her she with you no he’s good one of them’s gonna die first maybe we can get a bow and arrows off but yeah I’ll get rekt noob got arrows we get this joke somebody’s dead oh so

Was I though oh you have arrows sticking out here oh he’s got a little head so I said thank you guys alright I will handle this nonsense posthaste I’m dead yes you have my stuff okay I’m on top of the trees yeah everything but I got everything on the

Right way yes do not look at the Enderman oh sorry you fooled him he’s very safe house about his little legs hey hey let’s go hey dig into a cliffside that might be a better idea okay haha spider does this run away Blitz let’s try may not fall

Into lava lava here hey nose I don’t know I’m running in the circles on stuff we got so many bugs follow me just for me okay where is he just keep me horsey whoops you distract them I’ll make a little Hut hole first the little house to our left up here I

Play up here to the left to left see a house well a little hole in the ground just kidding is not a hole in the ground what are you talking about I was pretending that it was a hole in the ground you fool all these even Ward is there

Okay I’ll just help I’ll distract them you dig I’m going in go ahead you stupid skeleton okay okay okay let’s amend let’s wall sit in well okay we’re good we’re good okay no back away from me a little bit this is terrifying hmm hey I can punch him zombies

As serious it feels like it’s 2010 okay we got two zombies in the skeleton right outside our door okay oh man I’m just like no no Cole I do have Cole I can have your head you you do too we’re like cowering in a little hole

There I got a box behind you if you have any wood I have one stone on me you got all my stuff if I had is like in the ceiling I’m too tall for this game hit but hey he’s him you can see through walls let’s go

What’s up check this out let there be light yes high five even though we can’t actually have five each yeah but you know Brayton in your face you got my little carrot face you got you got a let go I have a couple stone okay um yeah

Mate make a make a furnace and stuff I just make everything I don’t have enough wood to make anything we’re gonna have to go out there we let me knock out this stone just to take a little peek and I don’t have the pickaxe you don’t okay

There are three skeletons in a Zambia there’s three zombies in the skeleton you start punching them what’s up jerks jerk Nuggets give them give them the old death oh I am does it even look like I’m doing anything on your screen as I’m pressing down the ruler I’m like I think

I could like crawl under this hole can i no no you can’t understand I’m all my hands and knees and so I can make wow sounds coming up okay we’re good okay blitz I’m gonna make a break for it you’re gonna leave me in here alone oh

Hey he didn’t go after you yeah I miss you or make a door shirt yeah I thought you liked winning after you I’m cooking chickens I’ll go get some wood how do I eat oh you shove it in your face really Hey it’s very nice I need to go leave

Three hearts left oh I hear spiders oh no no we’re scuttling around huh oh god there is okay buddy it’s just you and me I’m gonna walk away I’m gonna make a pic throw an axe Oh a spy does that mean during the day no oh okay I do like that

You can like look around while you’re mining stuff so you can’t like look behind you that’s super useful you can’t do that in the base game there’s a creeper kind of hanging out up front of the house you know and I see that whose sunflower OH

Now it’ll be truly a home hi creeper no sheep you little stinker where’s more sheep oh I pushed him in the hole what an idiot here we go ah beautiful sunflower sheep dyin nerd there put some flowers outside of our house splits okay I got me stupid sheep ah ha ha ha

Adam and I got one piece of wool and no food from him really I made a bed I’m gonna place the bed down there little one yeah really cool that’s yeah like the scale just feels really fun like nice huh yeah awesome those sheep dropped meat am I crazy

Mutton yes no they’re not I got three pieces of oh just drop that 3 pieces of wool though so I can make my own bed cool good because I’m not sharing no cuddling going on here I guess that is kind of the next step isn’t it to get a

Bunch of food yeah I’m about to black out yeah okay making a little mine are you got you on your little mine mine our buds made with water sticks wood okay there we go nice a little bit okay hey yeah Greg iron nice oh well you can only sleep at night

Damn good doing your good job on the eye Ron okay I’m gonna make a little chesty chest if you don’t mind it’ll be just heck euler oh that was dumb I push make a door too that would be adorable oh my see we’re both jerks what’s that noise was that

Our house was that it blow up everything in our house that’s stupid creepy right when I was making the door the creeper decided whoa no I’m sorry at least I got lots of iron that I can make iron arm roast every most simply getting any of this at least I have all

My health back now right whoa and we have a bigger front door did any of the other stuff get broken I think the crafting table this I’m coming back now did you hear the explosion oh yeah oh yeah is a big ol hole walk from now good whoa look at

This bay window this is where I’m gonna put the breakfast nook oh my bed’s gone – oh your beds fine good good I don’t care about your bed oh yeah jerk okay this is there okay now I shall make an actual door hey welcome home buddy nothing happening smell funny and you

Like sulfur well because I farted I’m a Carrie that’s what carrot farts smell like oh we can’t open the chest because it’s got a thing about that’s so stupid man just like 2004 all over again 2004 right why can’t we open the thing because there’s a block above it

Because I’m stupid there you go I did it all by myself good job wish uh transferring items was easier door Oh beautiful door hey I got more chicken do I need it no I’m good on health because I died in a horrible explosion that was no way my fault and my bed’s

Gone – darn it Hey look what I found I’m pretty sure we get now what oh you and your eggs careful flicks I have eczema yeah yeah I don’t know how to throw them again you forgot oh yeah well and you wasted it you squandered it yes

Look at the ground and sadness you fool yeah I’m just reminding but we’re making it super nice in here well I just do these two more headspace man because my face was like almost in the ceiling no I don’t want to get rekt that sounds

Horrible you got in front of my face I have I have the one torch a singular light in our lives it goes right there down and down let’s not the bed down down bed down hey what is wrong with you what’s wrong with me yes okay don’t some flowers they

Would kill beautiful what do we need no what are we doing now oh good we beat the game yes we won we won minecraft there we go sorry vive Kraft and no way affiliated with Minecraft except for it’s just just a mod ‘minecraft and yeah you know what

I mean I don’t think you can kill them okay so there’s nothing out here we need to get some food going maybe a hole in a little bit of a little field of probably good if we go I found a swamp regretfully found a village and just

Steal their food that’s fine we should do we should do that okay let’s let’s get anger arm going okay well I say let’s do iron tools first and then we’ll try and get some food and we’ll venture out and try and it will be the ain’t like the invading barbarians at a

Village then we’ll enslave them yeah looks 2017 yeah slavery will make them work for us and we’ll make them pay for okay I got 14 of this junk in here whoo you got the achievement good job now you’ve hit my face on every level of your stool staircase if you only made

Him too high yeah okay I got to iron picks iron those over here oh I found some cool okay that’s getting dark dark and scary one two iron s words s s words sword yeah well sword get videos do you monetize maybe okay we can’t say sword

Guys remember it’s all s words nice words that sounds worse it sounds like you’re saying the other s word no I’m saying what has an iron S word I do iron oh you’re saying sward okay you spell it I thought you were saying sword I did I

Thought you’re saying like the S word no SS word is sort I know I get it now because you’re stupid stupid it is I’m a carrot look at me I’ve got a little bit of food I’m going into cave let’s can you slap me real quick thank

You we are set from like 50 to 52 shaky-shaky these 52 ow do you realize that’s that that video came out probably before half our viewers were even born yes shift it bad for you my IQ is bad girlfriends AIDS yeah yeah here water down here you want to go on an adventure

With I was just taking a leak and then oh well I miss Terry – do you have indigestion yes I forgot to bring his sward oh there’s this s word up in the cabinet there hey I’m too lazy I probably got it okay oh yeah I got it dad these

Staircases myth she smacking my face constantly into the wall I got a sword oh it ran out I’m sorry hold on here there I blocked the water okay should stop thank you it was a diet of water poisoning and let’s say it’s a diet of water poisoning

Hey I found a cave looks so stupid nicely I found the cave first your brownie you’re a brownie no a jabroni Alice II don’t know which ones worse okay uh there was cool down here I got iron I found it all by myself in this game iPhone whoa

Don’t listen to him he’s just gonna edit out me finding it oh wait okay got the cool hey you can look into the wall yeah but if you look at her do this blitz stick your face in the wall and then look at your monitor I can’t you can’t

Just do it you actually see this is cheating mode see people don’t see it but in our headsets guys we can’t see what’s on the monitor yeah it’s just it’s just black it turns the headset off when you do it you go into the wall but you guys can see everything yeah it’s

Great oh I found coal in the cave a poem about myself good supplier technically you did dig most the hole down here but yeah this may use my echolocation to find it like a bat hey that’s sonar which is slightly different but I don’t know in

What way so I’m not gonna say one uses sound the other uses sound I’m using my my s word did tried it is this why people think we’re so stupid yeah I mean video games really way lava expenses okay the rough I found some lava and a big size there’s so much coal

You’re missing there’s a little meat off this cool think of the children look cool what so they’re gonna get cold on Christmas if they don’t have coal to hell with the children hey my up controller died they had a problem hey are you for real yeah if you’re at a battery I will

Oh motor battery yeah you serious you smelling they’re not well is this enough for one video no really done anything so we ran around its y’all creeper let’s find let’s get our iron with her iron if you run around one-handed no I’m it’s turning on them off okay oh yeah I’ve

Got 14 iron how many do I have I have 24 whoa that’s not enough for full set I mean it’s not for some out oh is more here okay we have the iron tools I think there’s two more in the chest yep and here’s one – Oh easy Oh mother lode

Right here dude you found some irons just like ten more mispronounced I Ron Blitz guy Ron the I word that’s how Sarah pronounced it until like she was in middle school because their parents thought it was funny and never corrected her oh that’s awesome I’ve been teaching we’ve been teaching

Mini blitz that pop-tarts are our actually sprinkle waffles have I even say like poop tarts he loves sprinkles dad go waffle I went up here already okay it’s pretty cool oh right there yeah getting a little bit disoriented hey you got an idea I’m going down I’m

Gonna poke my head through the wall I’m cheap okay see if there’s anything interesting it’s so dumb oh you wanna dance Blanco Nino or Blanco oh no oh jeez I can’t blink Oh Nina he’d be ver de Nino green boy my right hand died again not

Cheese okay let me look through the wall and cheat a little bit but I can see you through the wall hi you’re headed right for your big lava pit this is fun going upstairs it’s really annoying I don’t like mine anymore so it’s fine oh wait

Oh oh that’s lava yeah we’re in a lava pit I think or I just had like a little pocket of lava what going on here what tarnation naked pit of lava I do declare I hate this now it feels good it’s known we need we can

Finally use your button yay this is just like a big lava pit do you find something okay I think this is the black stuff at the bottom of the world better they better rock yes okay wow it looks good because this texture pack my spider let’s date time though yeah I thought

They’re friendly the kind of are you told me if they a grow to you at nighttime oh you just leave our door wide open for another creeper come in and blow up in my face good job we need to get in Genting and good stuff that’s

Very far away I doubt we’ll ever do that gonna be perfectly honest with you I don’t know if we have the attention span for that any more years of doing this on YouTube has made us yeah that’s true if you watch this good job you win

Yep and you can point okay so how many how many irons does it take to make ya hat is like four made pants handfuls of us okay so much for pants off dance off and I got chests for us okay and one hat oh okay well I’ve got 10 more iron on me

Right now what a hat yeah I’ve got an iron on me so that should be fine cuz I think it’s five one two yeah I think it’s four five five five that’s right I got I got enough okay I like feeling like I helped oh I’m right my pen keeps dying uh pins

Resuscitate mouth to hand resuscitation [Laughter] close flick Oh pants O’Hare’s oh wait boot what aboot oh I remember I didn’t remember boots were in the game yes there are boots do you know the monkey from Dora the Explorer what are boots for each yeah I

Most got enough to make us boots Hey you don’t have a shirt on oh yeah now I do okay it looks significantly less like a carrot though really who woulda thunk apparently if you put metal armor on a carrot carrot you got my pants for me

Yeah quit your whining oh let’s bliss is the best tailor and all the all I’m on kind of blacksmith dude this is not tailoring it can’t I’ve heard of both ways I’m like my right hand keeps falling asleep because you don’t have any batteries on shirt on pants I did

That backwards what I did your guy oh no no ow okay I’m like three blocks away and I still somehow hate you so I’m just gonna put work very very pointy block and look at this a medium chicken oh I still haven’t eaten anything this whole game

You don’t need to okay you call me fat there’s lava down there you know that yeah that’s how I was died earlier I found it so what do you think did we did we make a good video maybe yeah you’re asking me I don’t know need to get we

Need to get diamonds somewhere we need to find a village and maybe a mineshaft yes I know honey somebody get saddles I think only he found thing in crafts Alice you only find them in like dungeons I don’t know oh don’t fall in god I really want to

Push you I’m not going down next frankly I’m gonna trust a red stone I found some red stone shut up I’m gonna push you in oh all right my right hand keeps going this I really don’t like staying this close to you doing nice to the lava I’m

Just gonna fall in Oh God almost feeling okay I’m out of here I gotta go to recharge my might my oh sorry oh my word I didn’t even do it it was great yeah but I gotta go recharge my right hand I think this little this’ll cover it for a video yeah

This’ll be good all right we’ll see you guys next time give us suggestions for what we should do in VR minecraft 5 5 5 craft

This video, titled ‘Virtual Reality Minecraft Mulitplayer! – Vivecraft Gameplay – VR HTC Vive’, was uploaded by Ctop on 2017-09-13 18:00:06. It has garnered 145039 views and 1575 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds.

Welcome to back to Vivecraft! In Vivecraft gameplay you can play in the world of Minecraft through the fun of virtual reality! I’m playing Vivecraft on the HTC Vive and exploring a brand new single player world. If you enjoy make sure you let me know by leaving a like and a comment!


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    Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the excitement as players navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes. From lush forests to icy tundras, each level offers a unique and exciting experience for players. Exploring the Biomes Players will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of biomes, each with its own set of obstacles and challenges. Whether jumping across tree branches in a jungle biome or dodging ice spikes in a snowy landscape, the Biome Parkour series promises non-stop action and excitement. Collaboration and Community Looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Transforming Mobile Home!

    Minecraft Madness: Transforming Mobile Home!Video Information This video, titled ‘creating a mobile home in Minecraft’, was uploaded by RetroGrade on 2024-05-24 13:16:39. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. I got inspired after watching some old school Top Gear. In this Minecraft Short, I created a Mobile Home. #creative #creation #ps5 #playstation #playstation5 #topgear #grandtour #thegrandtour #jeremyclarkson #jamesmay #richardhammond #minecraft #smallyoutubercommunity #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubeshorts X ytRETROgrade Instagram RetrogradeYT Thumbnail Maker PowerDirector Follow These Guys MythN3rd Trickaliz Mercy Shadow NerdHarder88 Rynogaming_dubs Ragebreak Gaming SlickRuzick shadow… Read More

  • Choose Your Minecraft Troll

    Choose Your Minecraft TrollVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 PICK A MINECRAFT TROLL LIVE!’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-03-16 00:26:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tiktok – zedarmc twitter- Business email: [email protected] Minecraft, But this challenge is the … Read More

  • 🔥 RAREST Minecraft Block Revealed?! 😱

    🔥 RAREST Minecraft Block Revealed?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is the Rarest Block In Minecraft 😱 #shorts #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Golden Gamerz on 2024-05-03 02:30:03. It has garnered 13085 views and 283 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Which is the Rarest Block In Minecraft 🤯 #shorts #viral #ytshortsminecraft minecraft but shorts camman18 minecraft facts minecraft mod minecraft rarest minecraft challenge minecraft 1.20 minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore minecraft how to minecraft speedrun minecraft seed camman18 minecraft minecraft funny minecraft update canman minecraft survival canman18 #minecraft 100 days minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft whats… Read More

  • Unlock Martin’s EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!

    Unlock Martin's EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Minecraft EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR on Channel 64 SMP’, was uploaded by martin_smartin on 2024-02-18 04:33:45. It has garnered 69 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:01 or 6301 seconds. Join me on Channel 64 SMP as I’m building my EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR live in #minecraft . This is all prep work for the next episode so if you like sneak peeks, you came to the right stream. Channel 64 is the home to great adventures and storytelling with friends. I hope you want to come along and take part in… Read More

  • INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!

    INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultra Hardcore – Ziua 650+ [LIVE]’, was uploaded by BlueSmen on 2024-02-18 13:23:39. It has garnered 2203 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:48 or 11628 seconds. 🎮 Gamivo : 💰 Use code BLUMC for 5% discount 🎁 Minecraft figures: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌐 You can find me here: 🌀 Animelist : 🔥 Playlist of the series: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📡 Do you want a Cheap Host? : 💳 Use code BLU25 for a 25% discount #BlueSmen #MinecraftHardcore #UltraHardcore Read More

  • "INSANE Hive custom servers LIVE with viewers!"

    <p>"INSANE Hive custom servers <em>LIVE</em> with viewers!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Custom servers *LIVE*! (With viewers)’, was uploaded by splu4ug on 2024-04-22 20:16:28. It has garnered 623 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:55 or 9355 seconds. Today I will be streaming Bedwars cs’s on the Hive minecraft bedrock edition featured server (we may do some other cs’s too like treasure wars and skywars)! Discord: @skylord Discord server: Xbox: @splu4ug @spluwg Hello and I am splu4ug, I am a Minecraft bedrock edition player that grinds the Hive (The Hive is a featured server on Minecraft bedrock edition, Unlike minecraft java… Read More

  • Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!

    Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombies Get Revenge #minecraft #funny #minecraftmemes #memes #funnyshorts #fight #fighting’, was uploaded by Abz on 2024-04-03 18:13:30. It has garnered 417 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #phonk Read More

  • 😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥

    😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric’, was uploaded by Minecraft TGK on 2024-05-03 10:30:19. It has garnered 983 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric Witness the transformation of your Minecraft world as you integrate these cutting-edge mods, each one designed to enhance the core experience in its own remarkable way. Embark on thrilling adventures, construct intricate builds, and delve into the depths of enchantment – the opportunities… Read More

  • Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!

    Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 Building Our New Mansion in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Play with me in Second Life on 2024-02-25 15:10:47. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Visit me at: [ No Copyright ] Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Snowing Background | Relax Music Meditation [ No Copyright ] Coffee House Jazz | Calm Jazz Music | Relaxing Music | Relax Music Meditation Please help: Please like and subscribe. Hit that RED button! Then ring a ding my little bell…. Read More

  • TurtleWorldSMP S2

    TurtleWorldSMP S2Create mod based server with a ton of other mods Enjoying Modded Minecraft together Open to all that wanna play with others to have a good ole time Read More

  • Torrent Network: Lifesteal MMORPG, Survival, Creative, Quests, Boss Fights

    Minecraft GANG Lifesteal Server Announcement Attention all Minecraft players! A new custom Lifesteal server has just launched. If you’re wondering what makes this server custom, let me tell you, everything is unique. From terrain to skills, advanced enchantments to boss fights, regenerating loot chests to custom structures. You can even start a team, betray your friends, and start a war! If this piques your interest, join us at on any version, Java or Bedrock. For more information, join our Discord at Read More

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness!

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness! “When you accidentally build a house in Minecraft that looks like Spongebob’s pineapple under the sea and now all the creepers are showing up thinking it’s a Krabby Patty stand.” Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Episode 11

    Sneaky Survival: Episode 11 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Challenge of Construction 🛠️ Izazov Gradnje: In this episode, our Minecraft adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress. Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition 🌲 Šumska Ekspedicija: Venturing deep into the forest in search of rare resources, our team explores the most efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Perils of the Dark Caves 🌌 Napast u Tamnim Pećinama: Delving into the dangers and rewards of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT MOMENTS with OnlyAfro - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #5’, was uploaded by OnlyAfro VODS on 2024-05-20 10:52:31. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:22:25 or 19345 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion – Epic Gameplay!

    Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion - Epic Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Geometry Dash + Minecraft!!! Come hang~’, was uploaded by girloffthecob on 2024-05-01 03:10:35. It has garnered 178 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:23 or 11183 seconds. Nothing wrong with the classics 😉 I HAVE A DONATION PAGE NOW (if streamlabs is working)! Absolutely not necessary but if you enjoy my streams and are able it would be so appreciated! #geometrydash #fireinthehole #rhythm #rhythmgames #music #hardcore #gaming Read More

  • 🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFun

    🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋’, was uploaded by Kunj Ujjwal on 2024-03-21 06:01:43. It has garnered 13874 views and 286 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. 🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋 In this video we’ll walk you through: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftskins #minecraftps4 #minecraftcreative #shorts #minecraftshaders #minecraftworld #minecraftmods #minecraftgamer #viral #minecraftanimation #minecraftyoutubers #minecraftfunny #kunjujjwal #shortsfeed #shortfeed ABOUT OUR CHANNEL Our channel is about Kunj… Read More

  • Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!

    Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Simple Tricks for Modern House Building easy Tutorial’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-06-06 03:00:28. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #house #starter #survival #house →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =) →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=) ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉👈 👉👈 👉👈 👉👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the freedom to build and create their… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

    Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #5 1000 – 1300 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-04-09 17:11:20. It has garnered 470 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:01 or 13201 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

    INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock #012 / German / 4K’, was uploaded by TaublerTV on 2024-06-01 15:45:49. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:45 or 1845 seconds. About the game ✒️✏️ Minecraft is a sandbox computer game that was originally developed by the Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson and the company he founded for this purpose, Mojang. Mojang and the game have been part of Microsoft since September 2014, which bought the company for 2.5 billion US dollars. Minecraft was first released on May 17, 2009 as an early access… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Watch till end 😱

    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!

    EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAC Season 4 – Two Sides – Episode 193’, was uploaded by Pretty Depressed Productions on 2024-03-22 20:30:01. It has garnered 5861 views and 629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ Social Media Links Discord Link – ​​✯Behind The Scenes✯ ​ Thumbnail Artists – Pluless DamienCandle Editor – SpookyPooky ✯People Who Were Here✯ Dylan (Dylan and Candy) KainaBunny (Circus Baby) Steele (Blank) HandfulJake (Red and Wilford) Keldo52 (Blue) Pluless (Yellow)… Read More

  • Skeletanarchy RLCraft

    Skeletanarchy RLCraftWelcome to Skeletanarchy Minecraft! Which includes RLCraft on, Better Minecraft 1.18.2 [Forge] on, and Vanilla Minecraft on The servers are all Anarchy, there are no rules. The players do whatever they want, whether it’s creating communities, building amazing structures, or bands of griefers destroying everything, or literally anything Read More