INSANE VShojo Modded Minecraft Collab LIVE now!

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For For okay Um hi hello hello H hi how do you do Buckaroo how’s everybody hello I am here I didn’t think I hi H is that the lud tuber of the year and member of vtu organization vjo who is recently in the group cover of snow Holi on matara kan’s channel Idol you sound

Like a plant you sound like a Plant you’re like the person in the audience like wait there’s more wait back now oh no how’s the hangover really bad pain chatter yep y God damn it H oh thank you it took forever I don’t I don’t speak Japanese well to the ear so I don’t know how they made me sound

Okay hi snow holian was such a pretty such a pretty oh my golly I’m sure Ma’s already shown it a lot H you all did great I think Zen and Kuro together their voices I don’t know I want to hear more of that it was cool seeing it all put together

Hm eat carbs have something salty eat some fruit drink water and wipe away the bad hangover the only thing I have in there is a water and I forgot to drink water last night and today I just kept sleeping I went to go get coffee and I realized oh

No I woke up Tipsy and I just feel like I am I am nothing I have nothing I never want flavored sake ever again why would you flavor it sake is already perfect the way it is making it a synthetic fruit sort of flavor was

Easy eat a chug and it was gross in in bulk hi I did I did learn one thing though with being very drunk last night and that’s with Al Drive um he he’s just funny like there’s no like like just clearly funny alcohol for me makes everything uh it can be more

Fun I’m a I’m a more happy drunk and stuff and just like just consistently a hilarious person I’m embarrassed that I wasn’t already following H hi for those of you who were sleeping I was up till 4: I got I got convinced to go play lethal company with Ross and

Gewi and Al drive and fairy and two other uh H wait no no wait let me think Boon Boon and and and and and and and I’m looking in my brain hi Melody’s banana bread you take that back I had a lot of fun as well that

Mask is I didn’t know it would make you evil I didn’t know it would make you evil forgot to post that you’re live oh hell you’re right what are what are the others up to let me let me check in on them hi it’s a fun mask it’s

Spooky as well I love all the mods was it guwi or was it Ross’s that had the special dogs because man that made the game a million times better H most of vsj is evil anyway are we I don’t I mean if you say so

I oh anyone can join o o is everybody on already are Peeps on already oh my God twitch Twi TW I know I was watching Mouse play GTA for a while today wait where did my end CH go okay let’s go spy on henya hold on let me she

She must be over at the at the at the main base okay let’s go hit her up hi did I really forget to tweet did Heaven did hell still get redeemed and still got sent what are you saying dude the the mobs there’s so many there’s so many I cannot keep up

Retweet I’m live o will o TV Melody I’m so lucky this isn’t like a coding game cuz like I’m typing worse than usual today the projectm I will punch you I swear it prove that you’re live I will that was the laziest tweet I’ve done before saying I’m live

Ra let’s go let’s go hunt down the henya hi I could have sworn where’s my Minecraft thing I made where did I put it was that it that looks right extract I hope you can’t see what I have there we go good good good oh my golly I’m sorry I got to get

My [ __ ] together I’m sorry I’m like these jerks keep murdering murderize me it’s un accept Jesus so so so so so um one I we have the new mousy commission Tofu for the new vsj uh modded Minecraft I have all these colorful things behind wait let me move

Them in the way my big head’s in the way big head’s in the way oh oh nice put that right there nice and nice Perfecto Munda put me over here this is one of my favorite outfits I would say the crivas outfit also maybe I’m a boomer I just don’t

Understand the GTA role play so everyone is actually playing as if they’re in it look at all these colors I got for presents present world look look look look I’m I was I started working okay that doesn’t look very good but but I’ll show you what I already made I was practicing save

Image a show you there’s your extra window sound the rest of you can lose now that was a gift ho ho ho booah I was working on that last night baby oh yeah just getting getting my prowess together just really working I was testing testing I got it I got it I

Know what I’m doing I got it loot crates yep loot crates ho ho ho Merry Loot Crate okay um should we bring like so I don’t know where we’re actually doing all the crimbus stuff you know not even like holidays I don’t even know where we’re doing it cuz like

Shouldn’t we go to like a snow world or something either way this is the modded Minecraft and I should probably turn off um well no you can still hear it the holiday music feels very festive it’s getting me in the mood ignore it’s a holiday Jacko Lantern holiday Jacko

Pose everything is so pink and fun let us away oo look at the water come on come on come on let’s go ride my Steed ride come on come on come there we go oh there we go I need to adjust my height I’m still too big I’m still too Big Halloween Town M did I see I know I’m surprised it was there I don’t I don’t know what I expect I guess I expected to be thrown smack dab into like a snow world I wanted us to build a gingerbread house I got all these build examples gumdrops Galore bro gumdrops

Galore also there was a art kind of piece I wanted to make in Minecraft I’ll have to do it in Creative to get all the right items but I’m going to make it it’s going to take a little while and then when it’s done you’re going to say wow

Mel why did you waste your time on that you’re going to love it the ginger breast Ginger breast Ginger breast house you love it already on Cris we’ll be making a gingerbread house in Minecraft and drinking non-alcoholic eggnog and and and and being merry even if you don’t celebrate this

One particular holiday out of many I’m celebrating the seasonal times so happy seasonal times to all and to all a good night Ginger breast pretty pretty look at the clouds are like are like Min what is it Mentos no no no no stop it stop it no no stop it Colorful so bold Ginger breast sounds good yeah let’s get some of that this is some of the town that we destroyed I didn’t know all of it would be transferred over perhaps we were Hasty so this is where I don’t make that mistake again because I did

Before and I wonder if it would crash it what I did was click on this because I don’t know it had things on it and over here as well was mysterious and I should have known better cuz that has red and all that’s red too actually I think he gave me a guide

Okay a one sec one sec one sec standing on the normal pressure plate should fix it okay so here’s what happened let’s see what it does oh hold on hello M hello hello you’re so big oh my God thank you I’ve been working out yeah

A that’s so nice thank you a I did go too and I had a hard time to go back what tofu said is that you just have to walk over the normal pressure plate oh he said that oh I I I didn’t read it I’m going to test it to see if

It works yeah it did work it did work that that’s a tall one oh there you go there you go oh hell yeah Oh yeah click this one this one this one this red one okay yeah that one right there it’s it’s on wait what huh wait what did I got tinier wait where wait where where are you oh my God wait why I got tinier not you okay I’ll stand in front of you I’ll

Stand in front of you I’ll stand in front of you okay you press it out what the [Laughter] hell can you press it again am I tiny why oh my God you’re so tiny and collectible I want to put you on my shelf yes no come yes oh you’re so tired I

Want to chase you yes oh my God yes I would to put you in my shelf oh my God you’re like a little mouse oh wait where’d you go I lost her there you are you’re so cute this is so small oh there oh there you go now you’re getting bigger

Short normal normal normal normal I am two blocks high my brother is like five blocks high so big so maybe this is your brother this one this one taller one oh that’s a button wait what it affected me are you okay holy cow oh no you look like a kite

What it feels like someone step on me can I ride take flight here wecome to hang okay okay okay okay okay no maybe you just need a saddle that was the issue maybe maybe you just need a saddle for mine maybe your model’s just special and if it gets near

Anything why why am I that is so strange it is it is wait let me get on the a normal oh there you go oh [Laughter] I am vertically challenged thank you very much I’m working on it like I mean if anything you know when you’re this small you know there the the

The the houses are even are like Mansions oh my goodness you’re so tiny no I’m not you’re like a little don’t stop on me ooo I’ve noticed we destroy a lot of stuff yes yes yes we did yes we did we they put on here as well like reminding

Us the mistake we made it what let’s see stay off the lawn that looks normal this is on fire uh not on fire but it was and now it’s uh it’s very empty now so my my question is my so I what I thought what I thought

I guess I didn’t ask is I thought we’d get sent to like a snow world and and make like holiday stuff in instead I’m just seeing the consequences of our [Laughter] actions like the colors are Boulder the skies are made of Mentos everything’s great but also oh God her

Houses what have we done on you know what we might have you know we maybe we should have thought a little a little hard maybe ask some questions you know maybe it’s not as bad as it looks you know maybe if we uh let me let me let’s

Go see let’s look at your house uh you right it was it’s it’s uh oh I mean my warehouse was safe but the gig found the other head really wasn’t oh no oh uhoh yeah yeah everything looks oh wait where’s the how do how do I get

Downstairs uh I think St was around here yeah where are you I see your name I see your name oh my golly that’s hard to be in tiny my warehouse is fine though my warehouse is fine just uh my my house I built it I mean your Warehouse was Majestic and and

Fantastical I’d be sad if it was gone a thank you it’s still there my my kitchen in my living room was destroyed oh God look at Mouse’s house oh yeah yeah you know what you know what you when we sell it in like real estate we

Could just say that her house comes with like a huge backyard but the backyard is underneath so a huge cave we could fill it with water call it a uh pool really big pool community pool it’s a it’s a it’s a community pool because there’s all these houses around

It and we could all share it’s a community pool and we can charge people money a lot of Ms in there well we don’t we we we don’t put that in the ad okay yeah we we don’t tell them that we don’t tell them that there’s villains that come yeah there’s there’s there’s

Aie skeleton like that don’t tell yeah we that will take down the property value if they know that there’s Raiders and Undead people that we’re trying to make money here henel yeah it’s a real estate it’s real estate [Laughter] I feel I this the I like kind of being

Tiny I think I’ll like it you’re so tiny on my scre you’re like and every time run does dirt come up when I run okay I’ll stop you’re so small you’re so small just don’t like put out a mouse trap or anything I’m very clumsy okay okay I’ll eat cheese though

You won’t give me cheese and peanut butter oh God get out of here get out of here Roar this is the biggest carrot I’ve ever seen how did I get it oh I got a backpack you got his backpack I did oh my goodness I backpack how do I wear it

Oh you got to put go to E Go to e and then you put it yeah you put it under the the you click on the chest and it gives you a little backpack slot oh this one let’s see if it pops on oh god there are so many Mo Mobs in this

Like it stop doing that okay here you cowards yeah let’s go to sleep oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God is it this one no under e no I’m trying but that that one looks like a backpack but doesn’t let me wear

It h is it because you’re wearing a a a a fly Cape thing or maybe maybe wa here’s the broken cat your and click it and open it maybe oh my God you’re wearing it oh cute wait this is so cool you can do the

View thing to see the back of oh my goodness that’s so pretty oh it is it is that is pretty good good find y’all there’s another broken cat there’s so many broken cats they’re a little bit broken but they’re happy they’re happy they had a party last night yeah they had a super

Party last night oh here I’ll help sleep and Isn’t it nice to see a beautiful new day and seeing all of our enemies catch on fire in the sky and yeah they’re all they’re burning burn I know I’m jumping on the bed like so for you so

Cute I might be one little tiny bit taller when I go outside just a little too small yeah this one super small I’m a little mouse oh that’s cute send you a screenshot thank you so cute look that one looks so cute let me look let me look you’re super

Tiny let me see oh my God I’m way too tiny I’m too tiny it’s cute it’s cute it’s going to be a little taller oh my God I’m so excited I’m so excited I’m so excited are we going to do like a holiday type O

Ah I would love to yeah that’ll be fun perfect do you know how to use this one though this iron staff of building I was holding it when I started the game iron staff yeah this one the one I’m holding I think you have one too

No really yeah when I started the when I started the game it was completely empty slot Are You The Chosen One am I the chosen one all all wait my chest is you died lost it I died a lot you you lost your INF guide oh that explains a

Lot I do you remember when you died oh I got a lot of graves around here I’m a pro it’s cuz I accidentally had clicked on this I became Giant and I could not become small and then I waited to be murdered oh no oh no

You’re let me look death death where are my gra I don’t see any Graves than you for 50 GI thank you 50 gifted Subs oh I don’t know I don’t trust it why why you being so oh you so youred card got stolen exactly exactly tell me the name of the

Bank I’m not mad I’m just disappointed that you robbed them mom you sounds like a mom oh man if I’m a mom that means I can wear those cute like like waist high jeans yeah you can hold the jeans you want oh my God why aren’t there like

’90s anime mom like fan art of us where we’re in like kind of loose like crop hoodie tops and like cute mom jeans where are those oh [ __ ] thank you nowar though what now Mom fashion yeah what’s a young mom fashion in 2023 yeah in 20 it soon to be

Oh my God what is it what is it I hope the bell bottoms go away cuz I really don’t like those pants and they’re trendy right now bottom you s like a bell like like the bottom of the pants kind of flare out like a bell like

There’s a bell on the bottom oh that one’s called bell bottom bell bottoms those were big in the 60s oh I see it I see it same with parted hair down the middle like the the fashion right now is very 60s and I know this cuz I see photos of my mom from

This 60 and she has the exact same outfit oh really yes that’s wonderful that’s cute that’s cute yeah I’m like Mom you were ahead of the time by many decades she’s like don’t tell me that so fashionable it was she was so fashion it was so funny finding photos

Of her cuz she had braces too and she had like so much like like like just her mouth was gray and it looked just like mine when I had braces oh that’s cool that’s cool did you ever have braces some people didn’t have braces only some bra

Braces like uh like some things on your arm oh I guess there’s a a lot of different types of braces there’s a brace for if you like break a bone and you need it to like kind of go like like like heal but also braces is a thing

That you put on your teeth for stabilizing and straightening them no I haven’t wear it yet but I’m thinking getting one of getting teeth braces yeah yeah yeah can you be any cuter oh my you’re going to be drooling on stream like oh my God Doo

Yeah have you wear it before I had braces for maybe two two three years two three years that long I mean some of my teeth were just kind of weird I don’t know they weren’t all like I was missing a tooth and my teeth were just weird I don’t

Know I heard I heard it’s painful is that true braces I mean it be a little sore um and then also like after you get them I would recommend mushy food which yeah also also oh my God gum and like caramel like like really chewy things like fruit gushers no don’t chew on

Chewy things they get stuck in your teeth and then it’s like you got to oh it’s so messy oh that smells bad but yeah it’s not it’s not the worst thing it’s not the worst thing oh okay oh my CH you saying it takes two or three years oh I see I see

It you can also cosplay I see fake braces on like uh uh uh uh uh wish really you can glue them on And really fake yes I I think what it was maybe five eight years years ago no probably longer maybe 10 years ago braces were a trend in um it was Trend there was a trend for braces in in specifically like South Korea and it was like a a status thing

Where it’s like braces are expensive I have money look I have braces at 25 Get Wrecked but some people just bought the fake ones and glued them on to give that appearance of like ooh ly do o la la laces I got adult braces o la la I see I see

It I’m not sure in Japan braces ah Jesus Christ ah aot of people sorry are your ears okay uh hold on I I unplugged my earphones ah oh it’s okay it’s okay okay I can’t hear you I’m going to need a minute I think my earphones are kind

Of dying I need to find a backup one okay okay I’ll waiting I’ll be waiting oh my God this a it’s so loud I’ll be right back okay okay I didn’t know braces was a fashion that’s cool didn’t know about it it was a fashion trans years ago oh I see it nice

Nice not as common anymore oh okay okay I see I see it there’s so many many things I don’t know so many things I don’t know I have braids for 2 years in high school I thought about getting one recently but I heard it’s very painful so I was thinking about it

N I’m not sure it’s a common in Japan I’m not sure I’m not sure it’s not painful oh really okay okay okay hold on Cy I think it’s better now also used to be was a Painful like in Japan if you have a like a pointy K9s like people say oh you got y cute though like that but it’s it’s not like that in America I don’t know I don’t really know about it oh [ __ ] oh welcome back oh my God what what is it

Demon tooth what what what is it called in uh we call Yaya y it’s like a pointy K9 I know they’re so cute it is cute it is cute yep that is not a thing in America wait it’s that no no just just in just in uh Asia specifically

Japan oh I see it that’s not no no chat not Buck to it’s on the sides the on on like the Kines yeah yeah K9 [Applause] K9 the hell was That what the [ __ ] Zen why are you okay I almost peed myself and got kicked off the platform Zen oh my God don’t oh my God I almost I almost peeped and it’s completely Zen’s fault oh I heard I heard a gy scream was horrible Zen come back here come back

Here I missed the loud guitar honestly oh yeah Z just come and join us come and join us D also sorry about that my ear my earphones are defective I can’t find any earphones that’ll stay on my head my head’s too small for headphones oh D over over is it is it

Better now can you hear hear it oh yeah I put on some really bad earbuds from my backpack oh no but you got to get the new one though I can’t find uh ear like open ear uh o Open Air ear headphone things because my head’s so

Small small head actually growing up my head was a little bit big my my height was small but uh my head was pretty big so people sometimes call me D you know what that is I was going to say chibi doron the blue guy yeah blue guy he’s a

Short and he has a big head so people call me doron that is really funny and sad and you know what my mom also get called D because she was short and having a big head oh my God can you guys be chea Generations holy cow two

Generations of pink pink cat or blue cat yeah doron that’s so funny actually I was talking about doron an hour ago would you think that’s like Asia’s Peppa Pig oh I think so a lot of kids growing up with d so I think I think so I think so interesting

Yeah have you have you seen it before I watched some uh uh uh funny I got sent clips of it earlier him oh that’s wonderful that’s wonderful he’s a cutie sounds like a tongue twister oh it is I mean it sounds like it h i my dad also had a hard time to

Say doron as He this one ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh for the the W the winter time so do you think maybe you want to make an egloo or or or a gingerbread house or a seasonal type thing or what did you have in mind yeah I love I know the snowy Place

Really yeah this way this way it’s a little bit far so maybe I’ll get a little bigger then for running yeah maybe maybe okay let’s go for the this one there you go there you go I think it was near Sucka but okay I

Need to get food I can run better I have a I have a bed I just need to oh food oh you can get the F from here though oh the chicken didn’t destroy it thank goodness we didn’t destroy this yeah out of all the things if we destroyed the

Food production that’d be really sad here we go oh yeah oh yeah that’s some chicken oh yeah okay hold on let me put my stuff in here that I don’t need it for now where was the iron again the little iron production place oh hold on hold on

Let me show you take your time oh we didn’t destroy that one but MTH we didn’t destroy that one but I am uh any and M this might destroyed the a cow production place in the farm why did you kill why did you kill all the cows

Why I I mean the end of the Minecraft so we just killed everything they they could have lived without us life without us there’s shows about that all the people in here and in there I I should report you to the police but I’m just so busy you know

But wait isn’t your new outfit as a hint typ police or something uhoh nope yeah are you sure I I am a lwd Cadet I am a Cadet I am in Cadet uhuh I’m in training and I am enforcing all horny I’m I’m a horny enforcer nice

Nice yeah yeah part of the H the hentai Academy oh God oh God run run oh God the hintai academy yeah the hintai academy very you know you got you got to got to test well and end up in the hentai Academy oh my mom saw your new outfit and she really loved

It a my crimus I uh your your uh the recent one not not Christmas one but be the police one H me one yeah yeah yeah my mom l like oh so cute little so cute that’s so nice thank you to her oh man okay here’s the iron it’s my mom’s favorite

Model oh it is yeah she’s like now stay sweet like that and don’t do pervert things wait she she supports your Ving and stuff I mean if she didn’t that would be unfortunate uh no she knows everything I do oh your mom’s so sweet it it took a minute someone had called

Her at 2: or 4: in the morning to tell her and so in the morning yeah to to tell her that I did yoga and so that was little a little weird for for a week she got over it all right all right that’s really wonderful mom supporting you I know she

Got over it pretty quickly yeah oh really really hi hi hi hi hi Hello I can’t hear you oh Jesus Christ why hello hello I’m going to be honest I didn’t know you guys were down here we I was showing her where to get iron yeah we’re getting iron we just ran down here because I was scared why are you

Scared there’s a bunch of zombies up there oh yeah our our house that we destroyed everything we destroyed oh the consequences the consequences G to get some wood I can’t believe it you know that we did a bad thing and now we have to pay for it it’s

It’s the holidays that’s not fair where’s the Christmas miracle where’s my [Laughter] Miracle oh no I even destroyed a cow and the Stu vient how am I going to pay for that yeah that was pretty bad I I don’t know what to say what do I do you guys literally told

Me that it was going to be fun to destroy everything this is your idea you joined us you joined us if anything this is this is your fault Zen you you enabled us to be bad yeah so no literally you guys told me to destroy everything that’s not how I remember it

So oh yeah that’s not how I remembered what in the godamn what be your idea tell it to the judge okay we got all the good stuff let us speaking of which Z we are going on a mission a secret mission to to the to the the the Arctic

Sound very secretive for telling me no no it is we’re going to the Arctic Plains we’re going to the snow covered Tundra we’re going to find Santa and steal all of his Coca-Cola and for what reason kill Santa Claus oh yeah kill Santa Claus kill Santa Claus

Oh oh sorry did I take that here you go mud here is your mud Madam I got a monacle I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with this oh my God you look so smart will you teach me the world heck wait where did you get that that look so

Cool it is fancy yeah it is fancy I found it in a bag that I had in a bag I got Saka did I just destroy when I died did I just have a lot of free things I just a building yeah what does this do God dang

It oh yeah what does that do do you know staff of building staff of building I didn’t know how to use it I don’t know it just says staff of building staff of building placement range 9 blocks oh how do you use it build decorative gift oh I got

Maybe maybe they’ll give you again since you died and lost everything yeah yeah I’ll go right thank you for all the help also I died quickly when I joined and lost everything don’t die she lost every information and all the guide and everything the building stick and

Everything there you go holy [ __ ] I got the best item what you get what you get what you get what you get already hamburger hamburger burger oh that’s a nice Hamburger what is the oh wait hello no I will not share my hamburger zombie zombie jerk you won’t share your hamburger what But but so what is all that is new on here it’s pretty yeah it is pretty I wonder what mod we have I didn’t read a

Instruction oh wait they got a cute drawer that’s cute cute dra bench yeah they got cute drawer bench oh oh oh oh they got Cur teddy bear I need that axotal plushy plushies oh they got sofa they got C wait sofa yeah they got like couch sofa sofa sofa

Sofa wait you can [ __ ] make a car what car like a race car what the actual [ __ ] car what the heck it’s on page 94 oh my God oh my you’re so far away gorgeous Crystal oh my God wait wait wait oh my God wait uh

Okay I’m going to need some iron nuggets oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I know exactly how to do it okay oh my goodness we can do cooking okay uh uh wheat I need wheat does any have anyone have

Wheat we can make like a little city or town here no I’m good I’m good wait was 97 I need wheat wheat oh wait was it 97 Z 94 94 thank you make whe Chad I go punch grass oh yeah duh massive break red ne how the heck do

You guys have different stuff than I do what the heck I’m just cool yo I’m just I’m just I’m a rockar there we go red Sandstone tiles okay search for automobile card right how do you get to that page that you’re on I was I was looking at the page 94 but uh it it seems different PR well okay so I have the Prototype right here mine is different from yours for some reason wait really I wonder why wait I threw her where’d she go I only have 94 Pages wait how many pages do you have

Like all of them mine is like 188 94 I have 188 pages in total stone cutter I need a stone cutter ize I’ll be back okay okay oh screen resolution cut stone cutter stone cutter stone cutter yeah do you have a stone cutter in your house oh my goodness we got so

Many don’t know how to actually ah yeah oh there’s so many Furnitures okay so then the cars would probably be for you like page 188 I I can make the cars I just need a stone cutter oh okay okay I did I just got to find it oh we got C it give

It where are the Stone Cutters I’ll just make one also I finally got some alcoholic eggnog after so long really what’ you think good I can’t tell you where I got him where you got him did did did you like it yeah I was good at every end of the year

Oh I always get it at the end of the year a that’s wonderful I do as well I just got to find it it’s a tradition for me yeah nice tradition you got there I’m jealous Doo oh all right so what else is new aside from

Crafting um not not not too much is that a creeper with a Santa hat wait which one which one what are the magazines I don’t know I I was wondering about it there was like a magazine over there too there’s a Sant to Creeper down

Here I used them and I don’t know what they did wait it it disappeared he was he was down here I saw him yeah mine’s disappeared oh God oh maybe you can use more you can make more stuff got to make More oh I can’t Zombie h ah I see Perfection I see it a creeper with a s hat he’s a cute little dude n yeah that’s cute that’s cute need more more Stone I’m making the car guys you’re going to love Dad police Nai dad I want I want to wish you a merry

Christas I want to wish you a merry christas from the bottom of my Heart we got so many stuffit okay I just needed some wood okay and o co right click to unlock the COS take oh that’s for magazine okay you’re going to love the car I’m almost done right click unlock the Cosmetic oh okay a can holder click it unlocks

Something then I’m scared okay I don’t trust Z also we got mailx so what the [ __ ] did it unlock for me then I don’t know you tell me cosmetic wait press dot after to press dot after to equip dot you know there a period period oh my God yeah you won’t [ __ ] believe

This what look at me oh my God where did you freaking oh your scarf oh my God you look so fancy and your antenna wait I got I got myle get too my hair oh my God I got where where oh my God they’ll get you one they’ll get you one

Re show your tail oh my goodness I got a tail best mod pack ever you do have a tail your [Laughter] furry I’ll be fed to have a tail do I have to put on the tail yes you have to you must to there you go oh cute this is

Stupid you look fabulous you kidding me looking at my ass furry furry furry oh my God you guys are so cute F how did you unlock the Cosmetic oh it’s a magazine that you need to left click it and after that you press period button and then you can

Unlock it you can like a wear it Magazine style magazine I think I have to wait for them to give me all the stuff yeah it’s my own fault for dying so easily perfect Munda okay’s the stone I really do be like that this is so cute time for some Mike’s lemon Lade ma

Lemonade I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got a wheel look I’ve got a wheel okay wait do I need four wheels oh my God what you’re making a bicycle I’m making the the car a car yes crafting material stone cutter okay okay okay okay Mike’s Hard Lemonade Mike’s Hard Lemonade oh my God lemonade

Good stuff wait I wonder if we can dance guys I have a criis oh my goodness it’s a car I have brought you guys your own fancy car little little motorcycles there’s a freaking car what the [ __ ] a shopping cart wait where did I go wait how I made

Them wait you made them yeah that’s what I’ve been doing is making cars oh wait we can’t even ride them why not this is a double [Laughter] seater maybe we have to put a saddle on them I don’t know I’m going to go make a

Car now I’m going to make a car this is going to work don’t think we can actually physically write these as decorative then I I will make a car I’m going to do it I no no unacceptable I’m making cars yeah we got scoter oh we did not get scammed this is Fine how do I make these uh make what there’s like a pink armor and pink tools but I wonder how do I make those these mods are fantastic whoa what is this oh wao how do you do that it’s like a Dodge button how do you do that are the r

Key oh that is so cool yo we’re playing Dark Souls Dark Souls let’s go how do we go to third person again I don’t remember F6 or F5 F5x f5x one of them look out and yeah it’s the Dark Souls boss it’s the dogs who let the dogs out not run away there’s one of the B not the Dark Souls dogs wait it’s not s the hell the Dark Souls dogs are the worst I guess I’ve never played Dark Souls

Oh I I think I know what you’re talking about oh you’re going to understand when you play yeah I don’t know if I have the ability to play you got it you got it wait when you s tough but I think you could do it Yeah oh what he swinging everybody come here yeah watch this so cute how do you do that oh my God yes can you do these sick dance moves no what I’m pressing R and nothing’s happening that it’s so cool I got those Wicked moves oh I got it are are you just pressing

R oh it’s why why why it’s oh this is so cute yes guys I’m trying out for the Olympics do you think I have it in me you got it you totally got it thank you possibly possibly you got to keep practicing [Laughter]

I I I I love that this is a great mod it is it is this is so much fun very very impressed I’m excited I’m excited for a lot of stuff then what what do you want to make in this glorious got to ask them for more

Emotes yeah I want more I want more if we’re too greedy Santa Claus won’t be Cool okay here we are okay that’s wrong pretending to be dead guys come on we’re dead we’re dead if you press C you can you can literally dead the hell is wrong with this car wait you built a car I’m struggling to build what is wrong with this

Car one space over Mell oh okay what is what’s going on over here I can’t build this car right cars are impossible oh wait maybe because the I think the grass is haunted wait can you drive it I have no idea I don’t think grass can get haunted

Okay then I think it was Zen’s fault I’m sorry oh there you go no nothing it’s what nothing can we not drive it we can okay so in Minecraft you can game microphones now too oh [ __ ] really check check this out H this sounds different can’t wait can

You hear me yeah I guess I should get out of the VC or mute the VC also there there are go-karts in here that was in the other Minecraft I know there’s go-karts that you can move in I just don’t know how to make them oh maybe they have it audio jungle audio

Jungle oh there’s a proximity chat hold on how do I do it audio [Laughter] jungle okay let me see options skin customization you have to go to H okay the coma coma coma what What ah coma Oh um what happened to the spider look he’s stuck oh [Laughter] no guys you’re going to miss a spider he’s going to die in the sun oh never mind oh my God spiders hate cars they’re allergic spider speed okay do something do something comma group create a group no join a group comma

Oh if I click settings is it going to show personal stuff here let me mute myself and okay all right there we go there we go there we go okay hello so cool hello oh man she finished the car hello I can get inside oh wait it is actually decorative yeah

Oh can you guys hear me m said like I once she knew that rest in pepperoni Melody damn oh huh pepperoni pepperoni H Melanie pepperoni oh I hear you I hear pepperoni wait really okay okay okay okay hold on let me go go to the voice chat wait can you hear

Me hold am I Heard does not seem like it oh how why do you have like 10 mics connected I don’t oh Jesus God damn it son they can hear you I can’t hear them okay let me see I going to record why are you attacking me select speaker why are you attacking me

Why God damn it why are you me I I’m going to make I’m going to make my game invisible so you can’t see guys and God damn it okay um okay uh comma settings that should be right that looks right back hello um testing audio jungle

I don’t hear you guys oh that is sad H enable all press to enable all voices y h hm oh snap you came out of one thing but not the right place okay I know it works but let me find where it goes I will find it h your speaker what of my

Speaker no this is the right place H oh I have an idea maybe maybe I have Minecraft muted maybe that’s a thing yep yep I do had it muted the uh whole time yep that’s cuz why wouldn’t I you know what the [ __ ] did you say God damn it godamn

It God well I can hear you perfectly fine did you have it muted why did I have muted cuz sometimes sorry always when I play Minecraft I’m also listening to YouTube oh really yeah I get murdered a lot by by mobs because I don’t hear oh no so that’s why yep pretty pretty

That’s me that’s me our streamer shut up all right so what have we destroyed so far what about it we destroyed pretty much a lot of stuff I think happy y TI everybody and destroyed F so that’s going to be a problem yeah they’re going to get

Graduated real quick so we should we should throw a party the [ __ ] do you mean you destroyed it yeah we we killed everything in here it was pretty mean they all yelled and there’s only one Survivor and he will tell the Tale in court you did

This don’t know I we thought the end of the server so I enough killed everything guys I’m I’m I’m I I do you guys mind if I if I kill the witness you guys are absolutely so hey sorry buddy it I’ll let me make it easier for

You now you’re with us Melody now you’re with us I am an accomplice I have helped in your crimes witness oh no not it oh I’m the I’m the one that you that be charged with all the murder no way Oh Come Oh man I got in a bad crowd look at this

Oh oh man I’m going to juvenile hall I’m going to oh three of us are responsible for yeah the only evidences I didn’t do [ __ ] you’re a liar fix what the hell I I team if we can rewind our I’m going to eat my now buger bug you realize that they said we

Couldn’t rewind wait they said that yes but what if what if what if we threatened to destroy all of their buildings you guys if you are sure that you wanted to destroy everything you did say that and M said that we would fat chicken look at this fat chicken oh

C yes I I specifically told you guys yeah I think you did say that but uh Zen help us we made a bad choice well well if it is the consequences of my actions I hate actions no having to find a new spot it’s not fair and also everyone else’s fault but my

Own boy wait there’s a new fish really that’s a Zen fish wait I don’t think that’s a new fish is it a new fish maybe it’s just shinier oh no it’s a b it’s a bat batfish batfish where bat oh all the best pro hunting is that why

It says ass all over the map the assfish ass fish yeah it says ass all over it are we going fishing now I suddenly feel like playing a pro fishing game yeah you have fun fishing you have fun oh this is a v fishing is of fun

Listen to music no no fishing no and you know sit what what if I have no patience yeah no patience and then you know that’s it what if I want fish now and no patient you literally sit there and just wait for the fish to bite what do you do

Until you like while waiting nothing nothing listen to music beer or water or soda maybe eat some chips yeah you drink to you drink a beer and look at the water and hope for the giant fish to Happen it’s all about the quiet life okay ah wolf that’s a pig sometimes it’s I saved us [Laughter] don’t worry ladies I save the day I got to get you to play a fishing game just so you can see it like a fishing stimulator game oh I heard

Rushing simulate our fish good yeah I heard that one’s good it’s called like rushing fishing simulator or something like that that it’s so good and realistic we need one that’s like literally a pure simulator where you actually have to wait Oh or I could take henya and throw her into the lake with no does anybody remember where the heck our area was our area I remember I remember this way this way to go back this way this way wow Mel what did I say of course Melody said it yeah of course

Melody said it that’s a step Island more like Fire Island yeah oh no we’re in trouble why are we in trouble cuz we killed a pan farm animal I don’t even know what you’re saying right now I was innocently reading the bib and then I don’t even know no yeah

You guys have definitely going to get [ __ ] killed at least once no oh No house is all burned down what are we going to do at the new place we should open a hotel while we can we construct houses well I was going to do a new place so it’s fine oh okay that was my plan yeah we can do we can start over do

You guys remember like a few ago where mouse was so busy making cool things that she didn’t have a house and she was homeless I definitely do she lived off the land she lived off the land yeah one with with nature oh boy I need to fix that one too

Which one that one was there like a lava going On Jesus [ __ ] Christ we killed everybody that is really bad you guys literally went so ham we went ham we went ham did deserve better but this is what they got oh man I really want Cheetos right now that’s a good I want Sun CH Sun Chips are

Great I miss them a lot I wish they had Jaan they don’t have it sounded like a horrible Sky Beast coming to kill us oh that guy oh [ __ ] oh here it come I think Melody’s got this i got this come here come here come here come here come here let’s let

Melody get this yeah I got this yeah you got it Melody you got it this way this way no come get me I’ll take you out yeah come here no chase me you come to me eat me I ghost I’m sorry exactly Revenge I’m sorry P She said responsibly cuz you were responsible ah God dang it come back you stupid bird looks more like yeah yeah you got it you got it I killed the skyish I killed the skyish skyish SK skyish skyish still think it looks more like a stingray yeah Stingray it’s a fish skyish Stingray

Stingray I’m are you going to remove the whole thing from your house like these parts that are left I think we’re just going to have to choose a new area yeah moving I mean it’s winter we should go to a snow land a snowland yeah I

Mean yeah I [ __ ] here to like breakdown it’s going to take a while or a lot of dynamite huh it’s just better just to start a new area lead the way captain Oh Captain you want to go to snow area I do not know how to get to a snow

Area but I’m into it let’s go for it and let’s go let’s go oh okay well you know the way all right or maybe we oh zen zen you coming oh maybe they already went hi hello so this way this way please okay hey Melody you should drop down that hole which

Hole oh this one right here okay oh Jesus hey hey hey wait no I don’t want to go all the way wait we don’t want to go all the way down wait we don’t want to go all the way down wait no no no no wait wait no this is hell no

Jesus that’s not a whole M oh God dang it no that’s spooky that was down there wait did you just did you just block the away baby are you you’re you’re like a you’re a buy bully ass bully oh my God acceptable yeah a bul one day she’s

Going to describe for the truth henya no no no I’m genius I’m genius just that’s who I am I just be genius I mean it says on your shirt I guess yeah a shirt what do you mean I mean I mean if you wear any shirt that is

Associated with henya it it just has genius invisibly written on it yep every genius oh there it is there it is I don’t make the rules this this gate bath salt Deltas okay to the snow biome snow biome nobody a the [ __ ] Zen you jerk Zen why are you like

This what did you do she punched me in the head while I was kidding what she’s talking you’re full as [ __ ] come lad come lad ladder ladder ladder oh oh hi lol I love ygl you go Otter so many zes with arrows that sounds like a you guys Problem don’t want to go up there trust me it’s better not to go up there okie dokie okey yeah just give it a moment okay she’s made it an advancement intruder alert oh she’s the bait she’s set off the alarm I appreciate her sacrifice going

To be honest I don’t know what the [ __ ] she’s doing she she’s a she’s achieving oh she’s looking for a hole wait I think she just slept let’s go okay all right it should be safe up there now yay all right let’s do it monkey flip monkey flip monkey Flip monkey foot monkey foot I thought you said it was safe what the [ __ ] was that I’m just playing with my arrow that’s it that’s it really yeah oh he’s dead yeah it’s now it’s safe now so not much of snow but there’s a there’s a little snow over here what the

[ __ ] is that giant Tower looks like something I’d make yes perfect the snow is near lots of materials oh this is a great PL what this is a great location oh my God I’m freezing to death me too me too oh we need jackets holy [ __ ] oh

My this is freezing though yeah we we need jackets so let’s see what they give us coat okay they have cute coats but that is for sure purple raincoat oh my God it’s so cute they have a little chef outfit I don’t know if the raincoats

Though were good for oh I got to kill some kill some animals that’s what I got to do make a little purple raincoat oh animals are you around uhoh I lost everybody guys I’m going on a murder spree oo intruder alert how am I going to get up there without

Dying this is some fresh ass powder what a cool crunching sound I like it feels Real wait are you sure it wasn’t you h i I found it but been here but I knew someone was been here wait what the [ __ ] do you mean you found it but you haven’t been here you just said you were here yeah animals b

OO okay we’re going to need to make the animals [ __ ] that’s the only way I’m going to be able to kill them and still have animals what the [ __ ] oh nothing I’m just talking about science there’s a goat there’s a goat go go go die die die

I know I sort of broke into your house but die yeah it just works we’re real estate agents get out of the way oo ah but yeah my question is how do we make all the sheep and them have sex and then make more of them ow oh my God there’s another

One okay awkward we did kill everyone you know I am so sorry that is so awkward I’m so sorry sorry you died uh a bit good at this you that’s what you get yeah stop it are you are you spawning from somewhere the nerve are you having fun up there I’m having

Fun watching you guys fighting not helping well I have been helping I have been helping she said lying I’ll just put all this in the building I got I want to pick up all that stuff let me put some stuff in the building establishing the building and Then put the stone C just likey duck get it out of there that one looks Cute Let’s ignore That needle cool it’s my Oh you’re cute signal WAOW cool chicken is that a cow oh this ISS for Aid then we shall answer pict excuse o oh there’s Rings I’ve never seen that before you’ve never seen Laur of the Rings what is this little dude look at this little Twitter Bird cool oh my God I found a freaking I found a whole town I found a town I found a town a village yeah let’s go kill everyone let’s go kill everyone let’s go kill everyone of oh God you know The Hobbit could be a good start not too long death death hello I’ve come to rob you you were already here oh my ride it right now for gond ride for Rowan ride for the wind who is Rowan chat what do you give pigs to make them [ __ ] and the Red any vegetable so I can’t give them pork no they don’t eat pork I mean I’m just I I I’m just saying yeah I’m going to you just want to say you want to feed a pig pork uh no isn’t that literally cannibalism yes yeah R for ruin and the world’s ending

Death God I’m such a nerd oh God hello I’m sorry Zen is a Nerd wait today not my birthday but thank you happy birthday it’s not my birthday happy birthday not the happy birthday today you will have a happy birthday I feel like watching Lord of the Ring RS The Return of the King the very ending area where Rowan writes for

Gond I got to watch Lord of the r it’s so [ __ ] epic they do they have a series like a several movies yeah several movies yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I see I see it I watch there are six movies as well as the TV series and books have a TV series

Know and a happy good New Year and A is this wheet what wheat crops yes I will feed this wheat oh we might have to go really far away to find a new and stuff uhoh I think not hold that is true please tell me somebody has a bed there’s a bed I got I stole it I stole

It a snap let me go to sleep let me go to sleep um oh thank you only one of us has to do it yeah yeah yeah not bad oh it’s like a if one more people come in there’s people half of them have to sleep so if half people in the world

Sleeping we can go sleep oh yeah look at this where are you yeah I don’t know where are you here follow my voice that doesn’t help it helps a little bit This way this way this way this way it sounds like it’s this way yeah I can tell I can tell where coming Marco Marco Marco time to meet God time to meet God oh ah I just need one more cow to kill yes look can you not see this um

Al it’s a friendly mob what the little blue dude yeah I thought he was a Twitter bird is it is they help you carry stuff time to meet God I think you can Capt I think you can capture them capture them with a rope there’s another

Cow give him something M what should I give him like an emerald four we have to find a newa I I just need to find one more cow to kill may we can start the new world because we have to go pretty away for the new biome and

Everything it’s up to everybody though but that’ll be easier I think because we got new mod and stuff how long it would take for a new world I’m not sure it shouldn’t be that long I think I I don’t know I need another cow where are you at cow be do you have

A leash on that a leash yeah you can have it are you going to catch him yeah I’ll give him we can catch him I’ll give him an emerald to hold he’s so cute yeah he carries stuff oh what a helpful can he carry another animal I don’t think oh maybe like maybe

The leash and then you’re just the most helpful little guy aren’t you a yeah he’s helpful he’s helpful oh only item stack I see I see it okay you stay here I need a cow oh cow where are You oh henya is so Evil oh cow I have delicious food for you maybe there’s a sheepy chicken cow where are you sheepy sheepy have you seen a cow yes yes yes six yes yes purple wool I just need purple yes I can find red and blue makes purple yes ow where’d you guys go so

Beautiful that was a cow hey oh wait did I unlock you uhoh I I I freed the Beast guys I freed him I’m sorry you got a pet I wait guys up here’s Ally I accidentally freed him help get get him what did you do you you replaced this with a

B you replace this little guy with a B yeah this is now I have two weird we got two now I don’t know what to do for this love them forever yeah take care of them forever and ever and ever M you’re responsible but how do I like not hold the ropes uh

Uh uh that’s a good question yeah I mean you stuck them forever yeah that’s life being a pet or pet a pet owner in that’s ad yeah that’s got to take care of them and feed them and all this stuff you’re responsible now responsible that’s a lot of water okay that that’s the

Ocean I can’t tell was that sarcasm you little [ __ ] I don’t trust that laugh oh that’s the ocean Z you silly cyborg it took me a brief second there you little [ __ ] purple W oh I need wool I have wool yes yes I will make

Yes yes oh I must make this yes yes yes oh I need I need I need a thing ah B oh Lead B I need to get some wood yum yum Meow okay I got this [ __ ] man I got this yeah yeah I got this what’s up I got this okay oh man it’s going to be great yeah [ __ ] six seven eight oh come on oh cow where are you I only passed several of you God dang it cow

Cow cow I need more of you for hugs Dangerous so you have a hole and escape from there creature ow hey bud what are you what are you doing bud you’re a weird oh there’s a cow come on aloy proba not unless he can break right here hi friendship I have for you give me a hug little creature wait where’d

You go where’d you go where did he go where’d you go buddy friend little friend where where’ you there you are hi hello oh no how did that happen oh man that’s so unfortunate well you know might wait nine Dam damn it did you have a

Brother where you at buddy did you have a did you have a brother I’m just Curious don’t I need nine you only need eight oh my never mind your brother can live another night okay Oh [ __ ] I’m a sexy anywh who let’s go find the others oh I oh man yeah that’s how that’s how that’s that’s what greatness looks like people don’t giggle at me okay let’s go to the others it is perect I am pole what a glorious adventure to be had huh’s go where you

At I see your names better fitting music The Lord of the Rings theme music hi I got a jacket wait you got a jacket that’s the ring and a perfect match for your colid thank you I killed a lot of creatures to make it lot of murder happened oh such murder lot of

Murder Yeah there’s over there where huh there’s a huge butterfly over here huge butterfly can you can you see it right here right here oh [ __ ] sorry I’m going to need these later going to need these going to need these I’ll come in a second guys going to need

These for my evil doing Wings yeah there you go got all the stuff I need mushroom butterfly hi what a pretty how do I track them I know their names were I have all the items I need hello beautiful butterfly flying so high in the sky oh I was

Foolish my my my my hubris made me lose my friends how do I know where they’re at try they went North this is North no it’s not this is North I will hunt them down and a friendship like capacity pretty Stone acerin oh my Golly your ass is grasser um CA made the achievement of x marks a spot oo Zen found good [ __ ] we’re probably safe okay pretty blue no Jesus you almost pushed me to my death oh my God I don’t need an egg okay yay beautiful people going to be like oh my God Mel

Where did you get such a sexy Licious house and I’ll say well just just I’m just fabulous I don’t know what to tell you just cool as hell and that’s what happened I don’t know man why are you are you jealous what you’re jealous oh

No no no like I’m sure I’m sure you’d be just as fashion if you like yeah like no you know like your your place is nice too it absolutely just mine’s you know I don’t know man just I just I’m just lucky I guess I’m just really really trendy I don’t know

Man I don’t I don’t know no shut up you’re no you’re tall I swear oh my God just oh you oh you’re too much oh so kind but I mean if you if you say so who am I [ __ ] oh damn it those are my stuns God damn

It there were several of them damn it ah O mom the word purple lady’s back shut up you’re just jealous that I found a oh my God there’s so much can you stop trying to kill kill me you adorable creature oh my God it’s beautiful oh I’m going to have the drippiest house on the Block oh my God it’s

Gorgeous I’m in love I also don’t have a bed so if a m comes I’m truly fricked truly frecked Mo mob whatever they’re Called dude can you don’t go away stop it wow it’s Beau beautiful I wonder if I can make more of it cuz if so I can get out of here as Serene oh you can only find it you can’t like make your own really can you not make more of

It nope some block you can’t make oh man but I want to go see the girls why did I have to find the most beautiful gorgeous Stone in the world I lost my friends in doing so it sounds like they’re strangling chickens is that the sound of all the

The precious like material materials that I am harvesting sleep guys please I need daylight oh it is Day there’s so much there’s so many why okay wait so it’s not never ending okay okay all we have to do is just take all of the resources whatsoever and then we can go easy peasy lemon Steely little creature go Away hi what’s up what’ you say kill it I feel like if I it’s like Harry Potter and if I kill it then I’ll like get bad luck or something cuz it’s pretty cute and when you kill cute things I I don’t know I think it’s illegal I think there’s consequences to such

Actions I don’t like that it’s giggling at me though it’s kind of creepy either like help me or stop flying around like a bee consequences for one’s actions oh oh man I hope not I think that’s probably I think one more stack and then we’re good we can call

It we can call it from there hi one more stack I see yep one more stack indeedly okay let’s see if we got enough 64 64 644 okay H so rude disappearing can you believe me God I would never put up with such Shenanigans I’m so rude I’m so rude here I am getting the sick nastiest place and just being rude as hell no no no Oh I thought that was a thought I thought that was a lava it’s

Fine um okay so I assume they’re in this cool jungle land what do you think guys am I correct in that assumption my learn the sun is not lava is it cuz it might be I know it’s like a ball of gas but it looks like lava oh

Apples chicken is the best kind of hammer did you know that chicken is Hammer sometimes what the [ __ ] give me them apples these apples are broken that’s a seashell pretty lizard Sparrow should have a map by pressing m oh I see um H guys do you know where my friends

Are I was stupid and greedy was a greedy greedy little they’re looking for real no West West you say this way like over the water where are thou oh I could just write in J chat where you guys at I miss you I’m such a scrub somewhere over the rainbow that is

Not helpful at all Mel that’s East Melody where are you hi where are you I I I H which direction are you guys uh we’re at the we’re at the hold on You see the big Village near the a Snow Mountain big Village near a Snow Mountain yeah yeah we’re there we’re there I’ll head there right now okay okay okay you find anything interesting so many things me too J got a new weapon oh my

God I can’t wait to see I will not get distracted this time 100% focused zero distraction zero distraction zero stra to come in here then 1,000% not looking at anything not touching anything he did you go even I just didn’t go very far like you guys kept going I’m we kept

Going up to the north area so are you in a a West I’m uh um I don’t know but but I’m going the direction so so that okay we’ll be waiting we’ll be waiting okay I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going okay I’m going to send you the

A map but where we at right now oh chat should should I tell them that I don’t know how to read maps it’s fine I’ll figure it out what there’s snow and there’s a little village you got to you got it I got it yeah yeah you completely got it oh I see

A village right now next to the Snow Mountain I see a village right now ow oh that’s I don’t think she’s near us what do you mean I’m at the Village yeah I don’t I don’t see her I really don’t think she’s near us at all I’m at the

Village with the snow I’m at the I’m at the Village I think she’s going the complete opposite I’m just chilling you’re not the not the V right next to the snow chat Mel there are multiple [ __ ] uh Mel Mel wrong wrong way wrong Village here’s the map chat which way

Should I go okay do you know where’s your coordinate when you open when you press an M it tells you XYZ that yeah you know uh can you tell the number oh here you go um I can set temporary Waypoint can I teleport to

You wait you can wait let me see let me see I think probably not but let me let me just test nope okay I need like a teleporter thing I did on the map though which way should I go okay oh can you tell me the a

Coordinate oh yeah current location my X is 2208 2208 which is you in this way okay 2208 mhm and my my Y is 95 oh what about Z my Z is 843 843 okay should I go straight they’re all saying go up and a little left oh okay I know where you’re

At I know where you’re at should I go up it doesn’t show my map though it doesn’t show my map I’m going to trust chat they’re telling me to go north and a little left keep going north keep yeah I’m going to go north so well

You’re going to be like wow I’ve never seen anyone go north like that before we so North M like I I know I make it look easy I know your North Melody oh my God I know I have a bad feeling why are you like this Zen

See I think you’re near Village that we were in North core yeah Chad I’m going north Look At Me Go a Qui distance it’s a quiet distance that’s okay chat’s guiding me I will find the chat it’s on you guys there it’s on you guys chat if

If if you mess this up everyone’s going to die just so you know I’ll call you n if you call me South because everything is going south from what it looks like God damn It well this was where we started nice nice nice Cherry growth okay chat help me out here which I’m going to put here’s the map boom which way we go why are you laughing you went South are you [ __ ] with me this is North wait this is not going to go good

As she got It this really is not going to go good yeah yeah that direction she’s [ __ ] with us yeah I’m I’m yeah I’m I’m I got You wonder how do I use this tracker player I’m challenge mode like if people ever want like a pet or a kid like I’m I’m the the test to see how strong people are okay here’s where I’m at I’ll tell you where I’m at I’m at the place where we

Established our home and killed all those villagers also they’re alive now oh okay now he’s a car wait why I Chay in she really did go fast Zen jinxed it Zen was just being a hater and then you said everything that’s one way to kill a village it takes a village Define

Everything oh I need my axe [ __ ] wait you died no no it’s fine I’m it’s it’s cool it’s fine I’m at my bed I’m just killing I I can go I can go you you I I got totally fine I got this believe in me she was

Not fine no I am fine just my hands a little tired that’s all just that’s what I thought okay so I’m at the location you’re in and you went to nope no that’s just a misunderstanding um yeah I can see how you would think that it’s not what happened when you

Think about it actually oh you jerks in the W God dang it she to no I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t you don’t understand you don’t understand I didn’t it was God damn it I’m telling you I got a bad feeling you shouldn’t God damn I’ll kill you all

I’ll kill you all I swear it I’ll kill you all God damn it you here everything’s fine everything’s fine oh you God damn it it was not fine it is fine God damn it it’s fine it’s perfectly fine I’m just having a conver ation I’m there’s just like there’s just

So many people here and I just got to like make a present it’s like a part I’m not dying I’m not I’m not I’m winning is what I am there’s just a lot of people here and everyone wants to see me cuz I’m so popular cuz I’m so [ __ ] popular God damn

It go back in the car go back in the car God damn it I’m fine guys I’m entertaining it’s a party guys get the goat out of here oh [ __ ] why did you hit me with fire why did you hit me with fire why they’re hiding in the car they’re hiding in the

Car sounds like the opposite my car is on fire why I don’t think things are there’s more no it’s fine it’s fine I just don’t know why so many people live here they keep spawning because God damn it why did you build the car I need God damn it he’s still

Here yeah like five not four oh you jerk oh you jerk like eight times no no that wasn’t eight that was less than that are you sure yes yeah yeah that’s it was less it’s okay to say it was eight it wasn’t eight I think it’s rude that you think that it

Was eight when it wasn’t you’re also not allowed to ask people how many count to be fair why did you count wait you can see me I mean oh yeah yeah what I mean no I just looked at how many times you died on the you shouldn’t look at that that’s

Personal yeah but it kind of like Get tell her eyes I mean it’s for everybody to see I don’t I don’t need everyone to see that that’s see that’s private it’s like asking someone’s age or so like that’s you shouldn’t you you’re not allowed to ask that But it’s kind of like forcing us to look at it when you die got have more head that works I have so many heads to pick up so many heads nice oh you forgot your car yeah I just have so many items I need to throw

A lot of it away oh God let me see let me pick it up oh there you go I got it I got it oh is that all the items I I think so really I could have sworn I had more Items I think oh maybe I have some from yours hold on I got this one car you died out a lot Melody no I didn’t I think something might have disappeared nope also you’re right I think many things disappeared but at least my blue didn’t yes how can I help

You it’s okay what’s okay yeah it’s going to be fine what what it’s going to be fine yeah what what’s what’s what why is something bad happen no it’s all good it’s all good it’s okay Melody okay don’t worry where you guys at yeah where you guys at I’m

Ready okay okay so we might want to run from here okay okay cool cool cool there’s a lot of people tried to kill us here that is fair oh God you go right through it it’s not your fault why I mean yeah but Melody what you it’s not your fault yeah it’s not

Wait what did I do no Melody it’s not your fault Zen why do I feel okay this way this way if anything I was helping henya so so it’s going to be like okay is not your fault Zen I’m going to cry it’s not your fault God damn it son

Why are you w this ow do you have food hell yeah I got all the food nice I’m a food Goblin I got so much food nice I was on vacation and Zen’s being such a troll I’m not going to give her I got snacks on the road

Nothing nothing to share nothing to share mm huh keep going to H is what guys if you had to pick pick if you had to pick like you didn’t have a choice you had to pick which mob has the sexiest Sound I’m going to smack you for saying that what I said you didn’t have a choice it’s not my fault I didn’t do it it’s just a question I’m I can’t ask question might CH is gust why yeah why scary why did they have an answer instantly I mean that horn from earlier

Was pretty Good buil A Bow bike and make it for you oh thank you a boat oh God a boat build a goat we just need some wood for a boat I’ll get some wood wood here you go oh okay I got it okay this way this way this way

Okay okay we’re going to jump into the ocean oh and you can hop on this boat imagine if I would have hit a [Laughter] rock you got it you got it didn’t die who knows where I would have got sent okay oh this is

Nice yeah it is it is oo thank you for helping G thank you for ra thank you I hope you had a wonderful time who the [ __ ] is Xi G I think it’s pronounced Greg gra she sounds like she stinks stinky gig actually do you know what I smell right

Now water and I would like her to come into the voice PA and talk her [ __ ] right now do it do it I dare you not dare guys I smell Victory cuz we’re almost at $779,000 would not run it back no balls guys holy cow we’re almost at

$79,000 throw it back Gigi wait what let’s [ __ ] go throw it back like ice spice throw it back oh my golly oh my golly 7877 that’s a lot of sevens for Toys for Tots our communities are fantastic amazing outrageous amazing guys this is a big freaking deal

This is a big freaking deal thank you it is it is oh my God 50,000 on day one was already [ __ ] crazy enough I know I know so this is a huge village that we were talking about oh wait there’s a was Stone oh there’s a wa Stone over here

Holy cow activated wa Stone I activated it me too see you come talk your [ __ ] you freaking little [ __ ] language hen why did I hear a dinosaur Raptor wait is that hi oh my God don’t kill me oh my God don’t kill me oh my God don’t kill me wait

Wait wa he came all all along with us that’s cute this is beautiful I’m on fire I’m on fire fire I’m on fire I’m on fire that’s the wh she got I hate this didn’t even heard anyway [ __ ] stop it um um then you can’t but was killed by zenta using

Magic consequences of my action give me my head back nice nice didn’t even hurt anyway what the hell was that the hell was that aying ow how did you make that oh we found it we found it from the chest oh yeah Fong you stop doing that I was just

Feeding a cow I was just feeding a c it was a mistake to give her my Handler I I shouldn’t it was yours and you gave it to her yeah you gave her a license to Kill I did a dandelion for an emerald bro that’s like a holographic Charizard for

A stupid here you go Stone and I can make this one oh oh man getting these Dand lands was hard here you go buddy oh I need more what is that they got so many new stuff H frosted run a hanging pot oo but yeah I love this Village it’s so

Cool it’s a pretty chill Village not going to lie yeah it is it is mine okay I would love to say just a little bit more but I have to get going for a thing a I might be back a little bit thank you for hanging out good luck

With your thing going be you guys are still on I’ll be back in like maybe 2 hours SI okay okay okay we miss you and stuff you murderer yeah you murderer yeah all right adios you bye bye bye bye bye and before I go yeah uhoh uhoh

No I’m going to she I’m going I the freaking Gotti I’m going I’m going to tell my therapist about Zen be like I met this person oh my God you wouldn’t even believe I found another way point absolutely crazy but we love her well I mean if we didn’t I feel like

She would hunt us down and murder us horribly so it’s better to keep keep her on on our on her good side than her bad [Laughter] side yes Zen We Will Always Love You oo woo please don’t kill us oooo Al is following you around that’s

So cute yeah he kind of won’t leave me alone oh this is oh mous is here hi Hello Mouse confess your love to entrea so she doesn’t give us her [Laughter] wrath how do you get la ah oh no you captured him did you want him we can put him in a box oh I already have him you can have him you can have him

Oh oh he’s a beekeeper that’s so cool there’s so many people in here I I there a lot of people didn’t kill the Villager in here yeah see I’m telling you that wrath we got to like like I’m just saying she got a license to to

Kill yeah she had a power she got a power to kill and destroy everything mhm mhm a wizard a wizard can you put him in a jar don’t put him in a jar chat chat why be good pretty be good Chad pretty pretty pretty I wonder if I can do the PE PE

Player PE PE PE pee peee Dio little pee di H hello hello we uh we are so far away mhm right now we can go back to the other basement if you would love to yeah we have several way points here yeah but uh the thing is we didn’t

Touch a way we didn’t have a way point at our basement oh you’re right can we take one of the way points can we like like just chisel it off and take it yeah I think so I think so oh hell yeah I’m going to grab one we’re going

To have a way point in our town X8 43 X8 43 Z 347 o oh okay let me go find that Waypoint and this is a beautiful FL oh this one is a c oh I see I see it Freddy tree my Shrubbery okay maybe we can take one way

Point from here and take it to home so that’s what I’m going to do oh I was going to you can do that yeah that’s fine yeah that’s what I was going to do where are we guess if you want to I will do it I will do it wait where was

It this one looks nice I don’t want to take it there was a few though like I’m sure you can just take one one where’s few okay I’m going to take this one with me and we can go home okay we’re going to hit we’re going to back to uh H so

Because so because H new mods stuffs uh we have to new chunk area that hasn’t holded before does that make sense because we wanted to see new mod stuff we had to go new chunk area that hasn’t loaded before mhm MH okay thank thank you yeah I wanted to go see new mod

Stuff we had it to go new chunk new chunk what does that mean oh it’s like a area name so so this place nobody been here before that’s why they generated the new mod wanted to see that’s a chunk that’s a CH new mods mod stuff hold on we had to

Go to a new chunk oh I I meant say area but it says Ah a new area I mean new chunk of area a new area that hasn’t loaded before yeah thank you thank you thank you no problem I mean I I we talk super duper fast and your English is already

Almost better than mine no way no way your English is the best at you well I’m happy to help with like grammar specifically like like even in in six months oh my God it’s so impressive I a thank you I tried my best yeah hello hey

Hello hello we have we have voice chat but I figured you guys were still in Discord oh we we were I we were using the upim chat but uh we got Far Far Away apart so we were using Discord you can make you can make a voice chat in

Minecraft so that you guys can talk without proximity chat like in Minecraft oh like a group chat you can make a group chat hi yep I mean if there’s a thing Mouse would know yeah oh this one yeah yeah yeah there’s a way to make a group

Chat uh I don’t remember the control oh my God I have I didn’t I thought the server was going to be reset to all of our stuff we could have kept it all so I was thinking maybe it would be great if we started a new world if everybody

Agree yeah I agree I agree yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll tell him I’ll tell him I think it’s crazy cuz it’s like I have uh an elytra and I’m like oh I just want to fly M yeah so I’m going to go I’m going

To go to I’m going to go see if I can like oh I I don’t even know if I have I don’t even know if I have any I don’t have any like explo like you know fireworks Fly Away fireworks oh you can use my fireworks that I have come

Back where where where are they hold on hold on hold on I can’t hear you at the basement where in my basement oh in the you have in your basement yeah I think it’s a where was it somewhere in the chest there’s a lot okay okay I’ll I’ll I’ll

Look for it and then I’ll fly to you guys okay okay thank you thank you is it just me or is is the I feel like the train is going so slow a train train oh my my my little train track oh oh oh no it it was normal it did

Yeah did you see the iron staff of building uh so they had it um I blew up everything what Zen had one but what happened I mean I think they all like loaded in with cool items but I died instantly when I came came in so I didn’t have any

Items but wait don’t we have like Graves yeah but I feel like I I I loaded into lava Oh no you said you were drowned what no I I landed in the lava over by your house also maybe before I came in because you died because you drowned when I came to the world but maybe you lost your it before I joined yeah when you joined I’d already died like six Times I see it I see it oh oh I think the server is going to crash on me uhoh why oh no why okay what happened yeah like I completely froze uhoh uh what The okay let me try to go back h I wonder what runes do what like fire Rune and Arcane Rune oh I’m not really sure what it does I’m my oh my God chat look at this books oh it’s not working maybe it should work it’sing for me as well yeah I think

New chunk buing maybe maybe maybe maybe oh my god oh a lead I might restart okay okay okay I’m sorry why are you saying sorry I don’t know you were inconvenience I’m sorry I don’t know what the [ __ ] no sorry I’m sorry for being sorry Yeah uh all right let me restart I was so surprised once I get into the server the older thing we destroy was still there I know I thought we were like completely going to like have a new thing yeah now I’m kind of I’m kind of

Regretting what we did I know me too I thought we were going to land in like a snow world for snow Adventures yeah I I just thought that we were going to have a completely new server and now I’m like why did we do that we can start a new server we can

Start a new server we’re is yeah awesome I don’t know but if we ask we need to ask like now if we start a new server can I keep my items in my bag well that’s what I’m saying like we should talk call them now because if like we start like building

And doing stuff then oh yeah we should ask now yeah English hello hello hello hello hello we have questional mhm we we would like to start keep our [ __ ] okay we would like to start a new server we would like to start a new server because we were bad and destroyed

Everything because we distroyed every mhm yes we did we totally did thank you very much that was the politest so poite please and thank you please and thank you please fix all of the [ __ ] I did please thank you very much okay there nice nice nice [Laughter] nice you Merry Christmas thank you

Hello hello hello oh wait wait we we can let’s see if we can get a roll back world if we want Fuji okay wait can we keep our items in our bag yeah yeah yeah tell them to roll back the world roll back world not our

Items that we are holding baby roll back will be nice so we yeah it’ll be we will we would get our items back like we would get the new ones heck yeah roll back would be great get here oh wait Fuji who’s helping us yeah I think so I think so oh we’re

Doomed he’s going to troll us and everything’s crazy so we roll back or if he rolls us I will yell at him thank you I’m not afraid of him I don’t take [ __ ] from him you hear me FY swear God Rob please we and Panini’s f We’re awesome we did it we did it like so oh my God I can’t why do we do that because we we we thought we we we thought it was a good idea yay I thought it’s a good idea I thought we’re starting over so like

Yeah a new world better for the new stuff from start oh oh yeah because we have to go to the like far away for the new modded Area because we have been to a lot of places I mean I’m not down for either a totally new world or roll back like either one is finally I’m down for both I’m down for both mm new start Oo oh My chat is recommending me for for a new start I’m I’m totally down for a new world like I’m I’m okay with everything okay okay okay I’m just going to yell at New World New World New World New World New World New World New World y yeah we

Make the world’s going to be so new and area to like change our height and stuff okay server will be down for 10 minutes Wonder we can do that yeah we can do it okay hold on [ __ ] let’s be real the real Minecraft lovers are here

Yeah and Zen’s busy for a little bit Yeah the real Minecraft obsess PE people are here we’re the ones that want it we’re going to get it real insane people yes bro you guys don’t understand i’ I’ve also seen Mel on like really late but I seen on like forever and hen seen

Me on forever yeah we both see each other forever on Minecraft it’s pretty bad oh m i see you a lot of times playing no no you don’t no no that didn’t that did not happen no no I don’t think so I see you a lot I think maybe it was someone else Maybe building some wonderful house I’m just hanging I’m just I’m on my podcast I’m just hanging out I don’t I don’t know I was watching the old recipe I have and it’s there’s so many stuff oh recip did you like go on like a normal Server Like A a single player server and

Check out all the stuff oh I did I went to a single server though but all right I’m I’m want to what got shut down I think yeah yeah yeah he said it’s going to take 10 minutes okay okay okay 10 minutes what if I die you’re not going to die don’t worry

Okay you’ll be okay you’ll yeah we’re going to get new stuff it’s going to be great you’re going to love it really yay yeah did you guys see like some stuff or no I mean I I see some stuff I went to a creative world that I made it

For single world and I see some stuff isn’t it cute it is I have a little little jacket little rain jacket it’s purple but it’s gone what what what you say my jacket’s good yeah we’re don’t worry we’re going to get new stuff yeah we’re going to get new stuff don’t

Worry don’t worry okay would you guys like jackets or no cuz I know you guys are much more skilled than me now you can have your jacket you can have a jacket well I thought all all I got to do is kill some cows and stuff but I I could make a

Special item I was going to say I would make you guys some jackets wait oh they can make a special item yeah I got I got a special item from my magazine how do I commission yeah it’s my it’s my horns yeah that was so cute though when

You when you vlogged into the game you select your name and it has a special item just for you what I didn’t see that Chad look see the no I’m dumb I didn’t see it also thank you for requesting all these things oh I hope I see it when I log

In actually maybe I’ll write in there this little biome is so cute I’m excited yeah I’m I’m showing chat a creative world that I made too me too check it out Chad it’s so cute oh we have instance chests oh my God heny you’re going to love instance chests a instance chest so

If you go to like a village or something and you see that there’s a gold chest right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so basically the chest is full for everybody and when you take items it doesn’t take the items out of the chest for everyone only for

You so I don’t need to worry about other people and I can whatever I want but I want a ra you don’t have to worry about other people you could take everything for yourself that’s wonderful oh my perfect for look Goblin D like us yeah Goblin Goblin it’s the

Best it’s the best instant chests are the best it’s the best oh I’m excited wait let me see what you guys are looking at and then when you pick stuff up out of the chest you know you’ve been to the chest cuz the chest turn silver

So you don’t go to the them chest twice yeah it did it did gold to the silver it did yeah it’s so cool I’m excited excited I like excited any listen once you start playing modern Minecraft you’ll never be able to go back it’s already like so good because

We found a village and it was like five times bigger than the vanilla V oh yeah it nice yeah the modded Villages are so cool it is it looks so cool there’s a lot of people a lot of stuff they’re actually selling it’s so cool it’s really

Cool a lot of the things that like we had to do like make farms for certain stuff like you don’t really need to do them because they’re all there and like the modded stuff so oh so you don’t need to make them some some sometimes you don’t but you know there’s some stuff

That you don’t need to do but there’s still stuff that you need to do oh I see I see it oh excited are you guys in Creative right now yeah I am oh I was curious how you had ACC everybody oh I see I see I

See I didn’t know if I needed to keep it like closed while he did stuff closed O Holy crap they got so many and looks like you can do cooking as well in here really have electricity yes there is a create this has create mod yeah oh hen you’re gonna love the create

Mod holy crap you can make you can make machines that automate everything you you can make anything we can make a real train yeah a train yeah yeah yeah I want to make a theme park with rides yes yeah that’ll be cool that’ll be cool I’m excited I’m never going to

Sleep again me too I like sleeping sleep but it was nice oh my goodness there’s so many of them and there’s so many decorations we got chair we got drawers yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do we have I wonder if we have um let me check we got

Candle oh we have waist Stones yes yes we do we do I found Village fast travel we don’t have to worry about anything anymore yeah we can do a TP that’s the best here we are what is this oh my God there’s a bunch of glowing stuff should just scarf cosmetic

Select normal rainbow colored TI oh yeah oh the rainbow blocks yeah they’re shiny yeah you don’t know about those rainbow blocks I love them and there’s all the all the food that you can make it tomato food chicken with vegetables wait you got two r that is so cute have so much

Stuff it’s so great this is amazing now I have all my items oh my golly yeah oh my gol decorative gift what is this what what brown record player okay you got that’s right that’s right grab bag okay I need three iron stick what how do oh the glowing mushrooms are so

Cute my dog Friends dog friends oh cute little dogs a dog oh yeah I want to find um Miss see oh there’s so much cute stuff oh look at all the furniture There is it’s so cute though I love oh you’re right chat I can’t look at all this [ __ ] cuz I’m in Creative oh my

Golly egg we got to go back on our adventure to the Nether and stuff later yeah so many stuff to do everything all over again oh hourglass H hourglass Globe hourglass yeah there’s so much stuff table Yeah they are they are this is so nice how did I live life before

This s you you once you go modded you can’t go back man it’s like now I understand they’re just yeah also this server is no lag or roll back for me so it’s so good yeah oh look at the foxes they’re so Cute oh is there I think there is respect me chickens do my evil bidding chickens oh we have we have the traveler backpacks yes really backpack those are the best item I’m so happy me too so happy having a great time look if you if you put

Backpack you can see all the different types of backpacks you can make they’re so cute all the backpacks you can make like a yeah because okay so you can have normal backpacks but then you have other backpacks that have like special abilities like the creeper backpack you

Have like uh the dragon travel backpack uhh oh I see it wolf traveler backpack yeah like the Enderman Travelers backpack extends range distance by one block O and then the blaze traveler backpack which is my favorite one uh it’s immune to fall damage and small Fireballs sent by

Blaze oh that’s cool that’s cool eat the chicken eat the chicken there so many eat the chicken the Magma Cube traveler backpack that’s the one immunity to fire damage so if you fall into lava nothing happens to oh oh that’s a good one that’s a good you

Can like literally swim in it o I want to be a lot back oh really oh the globe is like it says fun fact if I remember correctly the globe is in a set texture if it’s the mod it should generate it should match the generator World which means if

We spawn a globe it’ll have like the map of our world on it really really wait that that’s so cute bro this Spa this uh Rod of building thing holy [ __ ] all right I’ll test it out now this crazy test it out right now point it to the floor a

Glob oh God oh God go can I dig to the other end of the world you want to dig to the other end of the world I think I already kind of did uhoh what’s all this gold stuff it’s beautiful whoa hanging prismite who there’s so many new blocks

That you’re going to that you’re going to find oh my golly so many new blocks to find so oh my God beautiful purple oh my God there’s so many beautiful colors oh my God chat chat chat look this will coat my Gumdrop holiday house

All of this all of this are you going to make a gumdrop Holiday House yes and if you look it I’m going to take a screenshot and show you this will be what I cover it in I scre oh [ __ ] I can sit down oh my God this is so Cute oh I in love oh food can I put down food cofy I can eat it I forgot what I was going to look at there’s just way too much stuff I know oh the animals are so cute panda mule mushroom Blom what’s my gum drop

House boom I put it in vsj general oh I guess that’s the wrong oh vsj craft General oh holy freak what the beautiful it just it just keeps going and going oh it’s beautiful what the [ __ ] what I I had a it’s called chorus fruit salad and

Oh I’m to say it for fun you guys will figure it out by yourself I know I know about the course what Melody you have to figure it out by is so fun what am I figuring out so beautiful you figured out you figured I don’t know what you mean all right Chad

Check it out [Laughter] oh it directly takes what the I I don’t isn’t that crazy what the are you both in hell are you hearing are you hearing the bells no yeah I do I do oh my God so if if you go into your inventory if you go into your inventory

M and you go to the compass and you CL type in chorus fruit salad in search items and eat it it takes you directly the end chorus fruit and I’m in front of like this weird oh holy crap the end has the beautiful too what the heck is this and Enderman

And Enderman this is so cool oh my God I haven’t played Leal company too much when I hear Belle I start looking for a little girl wearing a red dress I I Haven been playing too much or not enough not enough put a timer on this new I’m in

Love you commissioned the most gorgeous wonderful oh my golly oh my God I summoned the Ender Dragon no help I’m in creative mode wait eat again eat again you can eat a salad again and something will [Laughter] happen guys I beat Minecraft I beat it a

Speed that did it I’m so proud of you guys thank you thank you guys we beat Minecraft all the laughs all the tears it was all worth it all worth it all worth it just for this o oh we’re back holy crap thought there would be like a lava mer oo blue

Stone oh my God this is wild I already love this mod so much this so cool staff of building I Choose You the hell love this biome it’s so pretty oh the lethal company tournament is going to be on the 29th M yeah I’m excited we’re going to win so hard

N no we will win no one’s won as well as we have we’re going to win so Hard ah hey Fox don’t go in that hole or you’ll die this is so cool wow the waterers be everything’s beautiful I think it was a good choice to start over though mhm yeah I I agree I want to skip it I want to read it what are you

Reading oh when you’re in the game there’s like a bunch of text yeah oh oh they got sweater do we know the teams already Uh worms mine I think so I think all the teams have been formed already yeah I know who’s my team IR most party player of games cute orange hat oh I’m all about that yeah I think uh we had we had one team switch some stuff around so that’s cute we got sweaters

Cute chat we’re in ver want it’s beautiful sweater oh it’s lovely Al oh oh my goodness this is time I think it starts 6:30 around there but yeah that’s that’s on the 29th so there’s still some time oh my God does like never oh here we go there it is

I can create I player of games and destroy the player of games you are oh there’s so many pink stuff a pink candle oh yeah there’s a lot of p pink stuff they are they oh they got even King what the freak a sink counter W

Player oh this is so cute so with the sword you can make more of the item that you’re at or less yeah yeah with the with the STA more cow well I don’t think I don’t think the animals I just think like the blocks oh you’re right the the trees and the

Ground you can’t you can’t make the animals but but God mode you can’t play God now I want to play God God I am I am the god now it’s Christmas one block well wait a minute I’m not even a block paw I think I’m a little bit more

Than a block wait this one looks like a sailor it’s so cute oh I can show world she’s a cutie God dang it oh they got a hat a fancy hat let’s wear it hat horror hat I can be a chef cute let’s see what else we got I am so

Excited for this I am so excited for this me too me too Chad why did I do that oh no did you okay hold on celestium stuff yes we have all the good oh my God wait we have Star right that means we can make Star platinum armor and and stuff really what

Is that yes our Platinum go look at all the weapons they’re so good look the met allerum the sword is 12 attack damage W you can get you can get you can do a mythal sword the I think the metallium sword is the one that’s the the best one let me

Look start Plum sound like a JoJo yeah I know it it is AO reference is a doo reference oh my god oh it’s so cool what the hell is this it it is run fused gem pretty oo is iron Shak oh the mythal drill holy freak

Git oh this is GL oh doesn’t have fuel I need fuel the netherite S is what fruit would probably have that’s so cute this is so cool flaming sword how do you okay we need more kite more kite whoa what Chad I I needed to test it I

Needed to test it necessary necessary well what happened CH I kill horse you killed a horse yeah I want to test new weapon I Again the sound is so cool wait oh there we go not very sharp though are you ready hey it’s not working oh that is a terrible Pikachu oh you me a mimik cube oh it’s okay okay okay hard the see mimik mimik mimik mimik so many quartz I’ll deactivate it

How do I activate it wait do we have party hat we got a hook shot yeah we do oh upgrad yeah I’m just testing it because the the server is being restarted yeah we’re going to the new world I hope you packed like sandwiches and stuff going all the way to the new

World new world is ready let’s go load my [ __ ] tags it seems that some wait really oh my God oh my God jump jump in jump in oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I wonder if we all start at the

Same place I hope so I hope so well I don’t think we do oh yeah we do no it says it’s loading oh oh oh oh oh okay mine is loading to mine is loading oh I hear you in game Melody select normal push the top there you

Go the hell is this potted cornflour oo okay I got a pastel block bookshelf oo Get my style magazine 200 different I got my style magazine look look look oh look the tail your horn oh God oh my God Yes oh look like a oh how cute dragon skull um all right I’ll put I’ll put my I’ll put my scarf on too yeah we can wear it together oh yeah let’s rolling yeah yeah yeah style magazine wait where did I did I throw away my style

Magazine no no no no no press the period button oh oh you look so cute you oh thank you thank You oh my my we started a need plays what happened to my candle it disappeared wait you you holding it from my screen holding it yeah yeah oh it probably just bugged oh okay I wonder how do how do I use this am I holding it yeah you’re holding it

Right now mhm oh probably bug a oh yeah bug oh this look oh it doesn’t it’s not working for me I see we need to do something special oh oh there’s two Endermen over there careful uhoh where would okay so I’m going to ask hold on

H oh M you look cute a thank you we got all SC cute cute we are adorable we’re so adorable I love your he go it looks great than yeah on your head that’s what I said I’m never going to remember that are you sure your he Go’s not fine no no

No a a a a a this a spawn huh this a spawn we got to be careful okay okay okay okay question there’s monsters over there do we have that horrible fish monster that kills you Barnacle no I don’t think so oh God okay tofu said that he wants us to

Establish like an area like that’s a base and then he’s going to put down all the stuff for to like change our Heights where we want to M okay okay let’s find some this is spawn oh so we should clear this out and like make like a mini base here okay okay

Okay what do you require of me how can I help kill trees okay yeah kill trees and everything we’re asking for it if we can kill them in this area yeah we can H we can make them quickly um a Seaside Town huh don’t go too far cuz there’s a lot

Of like mobs oh uhoh uhoh in here they’re already here H we got to hurry maybe we should like dig in the ground yeah maybe like hi make an underground than cool candy hide until it’s time okay it doesn’t work there okay can do what the

Hell I wonder how do I use this candle how did you guys get under w Wait I could put on the wall where’ you guys go how did we get down there oh but we probably need like a flint and steel to turn it on yeah that’s true how did you get

Underground oh we it oh all right oh yeah we could read the guide yeah we have a guide oh I got uncommon hat a dragon head yeah I got a dragon SK bags wait what you got dragon head yeah yeah you should have like a sack that says

Uncommon hat bag if you right click it a hat will come out I got ey head I head I head I got I got a dragon head oh that’s cute that’s cute wait what does it look like how I look it looks like an ender dragon and there’s a fire around around

You what the whoa whoa what the that’s cool I look scary scary cool I got a huge eye your eye is perfect oh thank you thank you you need help oh I’m digging your way are you sure there you are hi there you go hi I look like a alligator dragon

Yay I’ll put some oh uh oh there you go we this just temporary until the sun goes up I don’t know building I I think this downstairs house has promise it’s kind of nice really Co being in in the Cozy ground di yeah we’re real estate agents and this is

Cozy why are you leaking fire oh the dragon oh that’s my hat oh it’s like dragon head I feel like the dude in d d oh Doro h oh yeah no your mic is on in game oh Boop wait uh mute no I got it Boop there you go

Soap yeah soap yeah we’re going to need it we’re streamers item oh yeah yeah yeah soap is good soap is good soap is good oh we got umbrella a don’t forget to craft yourself a reindeer oh that’s cute I’m going to make such a cool gingerbread house it’s going to be great

For fruit what is there’s a like a a frog umbrella I think that’s a perfect for fruit oh it’s cute yeah she’s going to love her Death Scythe holy moly this is so Cute oo oh this is so Cool okay let me think crouching you can chop down entire tree by crouching while chopping base of the tree was that any oh yeah yeah yeah it it everything comes down supposedly oh okay okay okay yeah with the axe oh that’s handy that’s handy okay got that yeah

Uh did you make are you making wood tools I made some wood tools I need more wood I want to make light is what I want to do but I just lost my cuz it’s too dark in here I lost my my crafting table oh it’s right here it’s right here

Where it’s dark right here on the ground oh there it is okay yeah oh I need more s okay oh sun’s coming up o we can get out of here nice Bangalore Bangalore don’t don’t don’t don’t mind this yet oh okay not there’s a chance of it exploding oh uhoh joy joy

What wonderful once you have it you can make some pretty cool stuff bangalow bar balum oh balum or oh Cool if any of you guys have any uh do you have any coal no or wood no do youy wood have wood oh yeah I have wood too I’ve got a I’ve got a furnace right here and and if you give me the wood then we’re in

Business there you go isn’t that good can it’s so easier so convenient it’s so easier it’s so convenient oh I love this you want to know what’s even more convenient what what is it what is it what is it your backpack has a crafting table in it what wait really

Yep I don’t need to car a crafting table anymore nope finally I didn’t know that was an option oh that’s so much better I love is that a normal item or did did did tofu invent it no no no it’s a it’s a mod it’s a mod item it’s a freaking genius

Genius yeah we’re you’ll you’ll see that like we have tons of like great things and then the more you use mods the lazier you’re going to get great oh no it’s great it’s amazing you know holy crap well I mean I I already can’t go back to the vanilla though I know this

Chopping tree is just so good I love it you see you see no you’re right the way it is you’ve spoiled us I’m make wooden I can’t wait to get the backpack I can’t wait got the backpack let me let me see how to make one again the standard

One the standard one is a gold ingot a four leather uh wait what we got to kill some cows cows yeah we need wait backpack tank oh we need glass and iron okay oh yeah okay oh yeah I see so the it needs tanks because some backpacks hold the

Backpack can hold water so you can have like a auto water water stuff M I think some also have like Auto feeder so you can just put food in it oh smart yeah see you can just put food in it and it feeds you but there’s also a way to put

Um there’s also a way to put in the tanks you put experience in it so it auto feeds you experience oh that sounds really really good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh also is this going to be our town or uh uh yeah this is like where

Spawn is so I think we should just destroy everything around here yeah yeah yeah yeah should I put some torches out as well uh yeah you can wait that squid is like purple colored that’s cute I saw it first no I saw it first oo oh this is already Fun yeah super Fun I like your I like what you’re wearing Melody that’s cool oh this old thing thank you so much you know I just like fashion is my my passion yeah very fashionable passion fashionable mhm fashion and passion wowow e theen oh Jesus oh there’s a seashell oh cute okay this jerk down here

Oh oh there’s a skeleton we need a bed oh man where what the he’s down down here oh idiot me dumb skeleton skele bangum or so wait what does bangum do oh it has a chance of exploding but it’s a it’s a good ore to make weapons out of

Chance of exploding you know the usual going to try it dying but we don’t have a bed yet oh this is respawn though oh wait no I need a better I don’t have a good one oh maybe we need a iron pick get rid of all the trees up in here

These trees are asking for I hate trees fre trees St kill the trees when you kill the trees will the yep okay never mind answered my own question mhm Who who who W what H what happened oh H something happened you were saying wo wo wo what’ you see you were saying wo wo wo is impressing how easy everything it is yeah I was just being impressed Monster Hunter I kill them done oh I can’t get these trees to

Die they keep respawning yeah like I feel like this area is like you can’t do it where spawn is oh yeah yeah fair enough fair enough we’ll clean up everything next to it oh I love this wand which one oh that one yeah nice the wand what are you doing with a

Wand I’m just killing things well killing tree killing plants killing plants with a wand oh the building one yeah I think as long as we have like a I think this is fine yeah yeah oh it’s going to oh my God huh wait is this an island hold up oh it is an

Island is that bad oh this one’s Island yeah it is it’s an island oh is is is is that bad I guess if we want to travel we have to go by boat there’s a there’s another Island nearby yeah there’s so many stuff we need waist

Stones yeah we’re going to make a lot of white stone yeah oh Melody if you crouch why you doing that like that yeah yeah and there you go yeah definitely need a waist Stone we we we’ll make waist Stones yeah we’ll make it we’ll make it oh God we’ll make them

We’ll make them we’ll make them don’t worry don’t worry o what are you eating I got a snack ooh sounds good you’re a snack ooo snack oh hell yeah yeah this is vjo Island the Island episode NE V show Island it’s not that far anyway like the

The land the other land yeah it’s not it’s not bad it’s not bad not too bad we could you know what we even could do we could like even take dirt and just like build across hell yeah that’s true that’s true mhm just tell me the direction I’ll do

It it’s getting dark again are you sure yes time when I said north you went sou that’s why I just said just point just point and I got this don’t worry we have a we have a map now so this should not happen again you would think that

However we already have a oh yeah I forgot today oh okay never mind you you you you trust me too much that that was you you’ve misplaced your trust that’s yeah we we already have a map and chat also helped me still uh I don’t know it’s fine it’s fine we’ll figure it

Out I’m just I’m just a little guy I don’t know this is way too easy this is so good I love it I love chopping those trees it’s so satisfying she loves it she loves it she loves it love it yes we need more torches around here

Yeah we do and I’ll make some cuz I’m helping I have to make some torches have that running still perfect can’t have enough can’t have too many never there’s no such thing as too many let’s go get some Stone that’s not the kind of stone I need okay that’s a stone not here

Okay what skeleton I’ll kill him thank you skeletons okay yes more torches no that there why is she so small cuz she’s just a little guy I don’t know what’s wrong you don’t want I’m just a little guy we’re short we’re short now you just vertically challenged thises has camping Vibes it does

MHM okay where should I put camp where where should I put torches just just everywhere everywhere everywhere yeah everywhere we still do camping stream let’s go we need marshmallows the night before Christmas and all through the house Not even iron Ms yes I was right I’m I’m mining my favorite thing hell yeah mining mining mining my own business am I right oh no no no no time to get to work I’m I’m putting torches I’m torching my favorite thing to do mining chopping down trees hey girl

Hey I heard you like torches I Love mining I’m a miner at heart I knew it super minor super minor Brothers minor brother does this have main Miner oh my God better oh my God hen you don’t know you don’t know H what is that there is a there is

An enchantment that you can use that basically uh when you mine one block if it’s one type of block like let’s say you find like a cluster of diamonds right yeah if you mine one Diamond it mines all the diamonds in the area SC yep oh that sounds really cool

Dreams do come true I really do want which one is that again what’s the name mining mining oh you need a tool for that one mhm oh well I’m getting salon for it we’re getting it D then there’s also there’s also a a a tool that it doesn’t do it’s not vein

Mining but it it’s powerful enough that when you mine one block it mines like six blocks around it oh that’s s really handy I love that I need that I need that we need to make we need um [ __ ] did I take wood I’m

Sorry I need to make W so we can make beds yeah we need sheep we need sheep oh we can make a wool oh can we make wool from spider stuff oh is that possible yeah yeah I’ve been able to in other mods I hope this one has it oh I need

Food what happens if we die your hamburger yeah oh that’s true that’s true I have hamburg oh that’s so you can make oh we we need to we need a plant all right I’m going to plant oh for food breaking grass I’m breaking glass grass anything oh

Jesus nothing yet I got one one seed two seeds I got want so [Laughter] far brothers are going to be so surprised when they see what we’ve done never talk to me or my drowned son again what I’m being hunted by a dad and his

Son all right I got like five seeds I got eight seeds we can start planting it’s time to plant time to farm what are we going to do we’re going to make the farm it has to be close to the water right Yeah Yeah Yeahs water water water me

Me here I guess yeah I think this is the perfect place okay we have to make ho ho ho oh yeah hole ho ho ho hey tinies ho ho ho what you call me oh ho ho wow ho ho ho Merry Christmas Merry crimas have you been a good girl

No excuse me you’ve been a bad bad girl what how that’s relative honestly that’s who who’s what what even is good you know the the don’t tell Santa please you’ve been a very bad girl no don’t tell Santa Sant GNA give you a spanking no Santa please

I wanted a portable a portable a portable microphone portable microphone I wanted a portable microphone so I could make obscene record never mind oh there was already a thing Melody wants to make henai audio no it’s just audio I just I just people people take shower shower

Streams and stuff and I’m like I want to take a bubble bath and record it and be like chat you’re at a spa and I’m a spa work person and then I wanted to do like a spa ASMR wholesome no I was trying to planting but it doesn’t work what

The oh my God don’t tell me there’s something else that we need to do uh oh oh there do you not have the seeds I don’t know we do have a seed though usually I saw this will work do you have the hole I have a I I did a hole I have

Peete dirt do you need Peete dirt do you need Pete dirt what’s the difference between normal dirt and Pete dirt I do not know is it the spawn no there not spawn protection because then we wouldn’t be able to break blocks here true yeah yeah true true

I need to right click with the hole yeah yeah yeah yeah hey Peter hey something what got to right click with the hole mhm hey no I don’t think so I don’t think so wait a minute the salt water are you kidding me just Sal water you’re [ __ ] me our water’s evil oh

Tofa says Pete Farmland is bugged what oh do we do God what do we do where can we Plant you telling me that this wheed won’t grow because ocean water oh we have to turn the dirt the pee dirt into dirt okay how do you do that oh that sucks so much in a crafting table oh all right can do so you basically have to

Take the dirt and and go to go to the crafting table put it in and then replace it put it back is there a button I can click to where I don’t have to keep clicking over and over to get all the dirt like I can just do one click oh he

Says he can move the spawn here you go here’s 64 oh we can move a spawn there you go oh thank you oh do you want to just move spawn yeah we can we can I don’t mind shift click oh thank you chot yeah where

Where do you want to go the Peete dirt a regular dirt oh God pain in the ass are we moving spawn because I’ll pick up all the Torches somewhere with no peep okay I’ll pick up p no PE please no peep no peep I’ll get all the Torches before we

Go oh I’ll I’ll help you I’ll help you thank you you take off the Torches before we go take all the Torches before we go I got one second two what’s wrong I think somebody’s hold on hold on one second okay okay so hya yeah torches are Tor torches are

Cool if you were an inanimate object what would you want to be o in Minecraft No if you were just an item what would you like to be a kettle a ketchup no Kettle oh a kettle okay that makes more sense ketchup what want to be a ketchup I’m not judging I’m just curious I’m I’m just curious why that was just real

Specific yeah I know Kettle makes sense what about you what about you I want to be ketchup oh man you want to be a ketchup little eaten little ketchup packet I mean you know at least I had a like a a grand purpose I made someone happy cuz they

Put me all over a hamburger maybe or french fries that’ll be that’ll be a short lifetime life is short and cruel and you know I don’t know well if you’re part of kettle you can live longer D you would you be like a fancy like like an ancient

Like earn Stone candle would you be or sorry Kettle or a a modern kind of British Kettle or I’ll be the modern Kettle that you can get from like a dollar store Kettle hell yeah wait why I I don’t know it it doesn’t suit me

F too fancy doesn’t suit me I think so I wanted to be a common Kettle a do a kettle that’s $1 as soon as you put it on the stove the fire is going to go through the bottom that’s that’s that’s my life no I’m sorry that’s so [Applause]

Sad well snap that’s that’s unfortunate well being C is not bad it’s not that bad bu you say I had a short life you can’t go on the stove more than once but you know you know KET up you’re going to get eaten and you’ll be dead soon you’ll be on

Fire well maybe it’s not that bad at least I brought joy and I’ll give everybody burn fire you yeah as well as well you might have to turn off their smoke alarm and then they have to try and reach it and they can’t and then they have to get like a

Broom and stuff and try knock it onto the ground and then maybe they Scuff the floor and why would you bring such Misery the fire D I want to bring disaster my goodness fire set it on fire fire you’re the fire starter ready for my lunch M what did

You have for your dinner oh yeah uh I’ll do that eventually oh no you haven’t eaten your dinner yet yeah I’ll I’ll do it I’ll get i’ll get on it mhm that’s a later Problem going to get all forget I take a nap after I finish my stream and ended up I’m waking up in like middle of the night and I skip my dinner it happens a lot we are such gremlins gremlins we are gremlins ginlin there I got lots of wood

Fantastic got all the wood got torches do you like H do you like pork like pork meat I mean I love pork but I don’t eat pork anymore it’s been Frick maybe 8 months really mhm oh nice nice I blame Japan well there’s a my dad my American Papa recommended to everybody who’s

Coming to Japan the people should eat katone if they’re not vegetarian or vegan yeah kone’s great gotta love the Kat I know but because of Japan Japanese Instagram I found out that micro pigs will one exist and two have their own Instagrams being cute little tiny pigs

And because it’s Japan they put them in little outfits and they take them on walks because of that I can’t eat pork anymore I loved pork but thanks a lot thanks a lot I feel too bad that’s Cute they don’t stay micro so pigs are cool they’re cool and delicious delicious Pig just like people but the bacon yeah know American crunchy bacon Melody it’s going to be hard for you to find a good crunchy bacon like in the US in Japan I mean no one nowhere can compete

With the awesomest that that is Canada and all Canadian Cuisine but I mean I think I’ll live you know I think I’ll be all right I think I have crunchy bacon the one thing that Japan really you like you do not have tacos oh yeah yeah neither does

Australia New Zealand you get there’s no Tacos No flout no enchilada no no all the lovely things I heard they have a tacle bell in Japan but never been there Min could be a little bit different Taco Bell I’m talking about real ass tacos not Taco

Bell what I love Taco Bell it’s like saying I want a real hamburger let’s go to Carl’s Jr no what what’s wrong with Junior it’s it is technically the food that it is the food that you are buying but it’s not like you’re not going to go home and L

And like sit in your bed go to sleep and you’re like wow that that was a taco you’re going to you’re going to go to freaking Taco Bell in Japan and be like wow my stomach hurts now there’s a difference but but I love T Bell not I’m

Not in Japan but I love the US Taco Bell so good yeah and you always feel awful after you always feel awful no it’s not then I don’t know what to tell you I don’t know do you use sauce I no I didn’t there you go yeah you mean the hot sauce mild

Sauce stuff like that people generally are uh masochistic like me where they like inflicting harm upon themselves and they eat something called fire sauce and when they do that their bodies are very mad yes oh no oh no I haven’t used a sauce yet but uh I

See a lot of people been using it I mean if you’re ever thinking like you know what it’s an off day I’m not going to stream I’m going to do my thing if on on that kind of off day if you’re like hm I’d like like to cry in the bathroom for

6 hours then you should try Taco Bell fire SAU Taco Bell we have those kind of like a super spicy Ramen Shop in Japan as well oh yeah never had it but I saw one of the Japanese YouTuber that I see he he ate it and he said the next morning he

Couldn’t get out of the bathroom his but hole was on fire oh my yep no that’s that’s yeah wait Mouse is gone we haven’t gone to a new place now we just have no torches we’re going to die wait protect Mouse protect Mouse okay yeah yeah we got to start building got to

Start nice nice nice okay okay we’re good we’re good okay okay we have to dig out ourself making a little making a little house make a little house make a little house a little house for us we’re making a house what a beautiful house we will

Make that’s a good house it’s a solid house good house there and and and what we can do is make a door I’ll make a door right now it’ll be Ador aable funny funny I I am funny I’m I’m I’m so funny people just don’t know because of how

Cringe I am oh thank you wait where did Mouse go wait Mouse she wait we got to save her master okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re fine we’re fine that was just don’t tell her that happened uh Wow oh wait maybe I can make a door hold on hold on I got it I got it I got it I got door in here you go got a door got three doors nice okay okay now we can use it we can use it going to put it right here

Here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice then I’ll put little stairs I’m going to make a whole situation oh yeah okay okay uh stairs you’re making stairs oh yeah I’m making stairs going to be a real dirt home do you know what a dirt home is specifically

Called no what is it what is it a sod house a s house yes that is the term term going to make the place a little more cozy yeah yeah let’s make it some Cozy home oh this is fun hell you little window window Maybe not maybe not to

The there’s a little more room nice nice I want my own room you know what I’m old enough I want my own room yeah Mom I don’t want to share with my siblings oh on my own room yeah I don’t think that’s fair perfect perfect oh

Bother is it still night oh it’s still night Yeah is that you building oh yeah yeah yeah no not me oh I what oh hi that’s not you I might destroy I might destroy a little bit but oh yeah yeah yeah I’m like wait the monsters can build houses now I don’t like that at all that’s upsetting

Okay and you can come through the door when you are ready thank you thank you mhm oh no oh yeah that looks good oo this is a nice house thank you thank you yeah this is a good one make it all pretty in different color Spruce it up very Co

Yeah this house was actually $2 million huh you can see the stars from here see but but we’re going to the spider will come down no uhoh no window no oh we have to find a sheep so we some of us can go sleep mhm but who hide in the whole

We should we should wait though we should wait till there’s more day outside yeah yeah I want to see if I see any sheeps on the map oh yeah that’s super helpful nope okay well we go on a on a lovely Journey you know yeah so far I see

Nothing just the mobs nice spider oh joy that sounds nice C zombie oh there’s two doggies on there well that’s nice yeah but no sheep God damn it there’s hura Haru yeah there’s hka on the map oh [ __ ] is she on right now I found I found deer so I was

Calling Hara oh I was going to say I thought she was like feeling I hope should get feel better soon I no oh [ __ ] look look look oh yeah we’re getting it’s oh we’re getting light look at that ooh it’s common nice we got some fancy

Window God you know what this place I’d say 10 million maybe 9 million what do you think what what what is this place worth this place is priceless though oh yeah 11 million then 11 7 11 million 11 million oh boy spider spider uh uh no thank [Laughter]

You I’m thank you I’m good hi welcome how you feeling so sorry oh no don’t be sorry look at our beautiful house we made to protect you a thank you so good I’m sorry I’m I’m just like really UPS somebody stole my Christmas presents that I got for my family and

I’m mad what what yeah I’m so mad how yeah they it’s a common thing henya people steal when people get Christmas presents to their house uh people steal mail a lot here oh it happens to me one time when was in America yeah someone cut open the box

From the side and took what’s inside yeah I’m so sorry to hear that they do it all the time it’s so [ __ ] annoying that’s okay it’ll be all right this is stuff can you get aound or something yeah I’m I’m I’m trying I’m trying yeah oh that’s a I’m so sorry to

Hear that yeah I’m sorry Mouse it’s yeah that’s freaked up not a Christmas present this is Christmas they’re grinched the [ __ ] Grinch Grinch come on this is Christmas [ __ ] Grinch I I like I don’t condone stealing at all but I I I hope that these Thief

People at least got it for like their kids and not just to resell it you know well I mean they they there’s stuff for it’s stuff for adults so oh oh wait what no no no no not adult what what is your family game not adult

Toys but I’m saying like it’s like stuff for like my mom and my dad and my sister and stuff like that it’s not like it’s not like toys or anything God damn it ah I’m sorry I misunder oh God let me die let me run away from

Here oh my goodness what the hell I that uh uh welcome back uh yeah welcome back ignore that you’re welcome chat shut up I hate me too um no I know uh so let’s go find a sheep or something oh new location what did yeah what did tofu say about the new location

Oh uh he said that just let me know where you guys are find the uh oh do you want to does he want us to go looking I think so so when he when we find a new location a good place to start he’s going to move to spawning

Point to there so we can spawn from there not here okay okay oh my God this is going to be okay cuz oh oh okay um maybe we’re on we could either go north or to the east or we could make a boat and just like go somewhere

Else so far I see some Forest in north east but we can make a boat I’m going to make some doors in case we quickly have to make a house so I’m just going to have that just ready okay how about we get on the boat and find some new

Land yeah yeah yeah we’re explorers land I want to find a some biome that I found it uh it was a like a forest was a a colored tree yeah let’s go yeah let’s go there did it are we boating we’re boating I think we’re boating should I follow you guys

Yeah or you can get on the bo I mean can it hold three people though a it’s two people exactly so I will make a boat follow me on the boat I will follow you did you kute I thought we had motor bols in this one

But maybe in create we can make one maybe oh really yeah we could make we could make like motorized stuff and create I Think B nice got it don’t get lost don’t get lost understood let me just grab this craft cting table and then I will follow you and not get lost okay you got it you got it okay I I wish there was like a lead for boats okay we got

This you got it you got unless I hold an animal with the Le hold the lead lead the way hold on yeah okay okay there’s no lasso there’s a some mods have like a lasso where you can make a lasso and lasso a person oh my God that’s

Perfect yeah would you believe my parents lost me a lot were you a leash kid no that wasn’t a thing yet unfortunately oh I was a leash kid oh oh like the one that like a leash yeah I guess I didn’t really hear about it until later ah later on it’s a good

Idea I think so too I think so too it might be embarrassing but you only use it if it’s super necessary wait the what is style in the ocean do you see whoa cool let’s go away who what’s that good eye oh my oh look no there’s stuff down there

This must be a palace I see stuff under the water oh I think it’s a sea Temple oh you s you saw there’s no barle run run run run we can’t we can’t fight them now die it’s the people that shoot the thing oh God yeah we will

Die okay let me oh God we will definitely die holy [ __ ] out in the middle of yeah put put a put a put a marker on it Guardian shoots oh God we’re all going to die we we went to the vanilla one was Mousie and I went to

The vanilla one and we died so many times yeah we died a lot a lot we’re getting chased by big fishes I hopefully we’re going to find some land it just ocean keep going on oh my God maybe if we oh God there’s nothing at least the view is

Nice who surely if we keep going land will happen eventually or we can go if it’s too much we can go back and maybe we could go to like the left or the right oh yeah oh yeah okay which one would you like to go I see another thing what’s that

That what’s this okay it’s another thing what’s what’s another thing look it’s land oh there’s a land a small a tiny little land I found land and I Christen it Mel land Marvel at its beauty $10 million oh wait I see land over there maybe that oh that’s a tiny one too

That’s also Mill land that’s one of my bordering islands is that ice yeah no maybe oh just sand oh it’s desert yeah that’s that’s my desert ooh Waypoint thing oh way thing o should we and a snake a poisonous snake take it dig it careful for the snake

Uhoh oh no oh we still mining fatigue look there’s more land over there there’s land over there I found more oh my God we have mining fatigue for 2 minutes and 20 seconds come on break it guys there’s more land behind here oh really

Yes hold on let me take a way point this takes forever am I helping or making it worse no you’re not making it worse oh all right I found huge tracks of land okay maybe we should this one is impossible to break it okay wa wait for two minutes I’m

Going to go into the land ooh sea beat oh there is a land is that a it’s land come to the land oh that’s I think that’s another Island oh but there’s more land over there MH mhm we can go we can go okay M let’s go okay oh e wait got to

Take the was on oh oh maybe we have to wait for two minutes okay yeah let’s let’s wait a little bit yeah it’s just a minute now and I’ve got some beet seeds hell yeah how do you know if you have minor fatigue oh it says it you also you’re stinky oh

Poison oh I’m sorry we’re both stinky yeah we’re really stinky don’t build a castle on a swamp that’s not a swamp I should probably go pee though oh my God be be Okay okay almost there almost there oo there’s a big open area over there maybe we can go there after we mine this okay all right only 20 more seconds yep it’s almost There got seash so that’s cute what do you use a seashell for let’s see I see I see it it died oh there’s a there’s a there’s a mod in this thing where if you look in your inventory and let’s say you have like look at any

Block in your inventory do you have what do you have like dirt or something yeah I have go on hover over like the dirt and press U and it’ll show you everything you can make with the dirt oh oh I see it yeah so you can do that with every

Object object in the game Oh that’s oh that’s so good with the seashell you can put U on the seashell and you can make what is this bone meal bone meal from the seashell holy crap you can make a dirt stair you can make so many things dirt Sal stair what this is

Crazy oh ni nice all right let’s wait until melodies come back yeah yeah so now you can look at all the stuff uh that you can make with it wait this is so cool yeah this is very handy I love it oh I can’t wait to make a cute house

With a lot of decoration I’m excited for a cute house too I want a spooky house house I’m kidding I want to house a spooky house make a spooky house you can make a spooky spooky house so so okay we’re getting back on the boat we’re not going over to the

Island oh we’re going Island we got to be careful cuz now there’s monsters and crackers you got crackers mhm yeah nice crackers oh are you guys on the island no not yet not yet okay we are now we are now kind of looking around seeing what we’re working

With um oh lots of enemies cool cool cool yeah a lot of enemies a lot a lot of a lot of look over here that area look that way oo where they got I’m thinking where would it be if to build a a a nice place to build yeah uhoh Phantom uh-oh run

Uhoh zombies where will we run to don’t worry I got I got also I love the the skin like that being Michael Jackson that’s hilarious Michael Jackson mhm Michael Jackson oh wait this could be a nice place like further there I think yeah yeah yeah

Yeah let cool let’s cool okay let me get on the boat again okay comeo whoa wait what the heck do you see that how pretty yeah oo oh that those lights uhoh I got I got I got a don’t worry okay I have sword a [ __ ] o she kills them I’ll put down

A wow thank you oh there’s a Skelly up there spooky thank you I think this is a good place yeah I’m very curious about careful don’t look at the Enderman okay oh those are green mushrooms I think [ __ ] is hitting me W that looks pretty drown there’s a glowing mushroom

Oh there’s a drown somewhere yep he was where we came in oh zombie villager Neato nice this is a nice place we should stay here yeah we can we can and it’s not Peete yeah the good thing is it’s not Pete it’s just a regular dir we can kind

Of like we should like level this land a little bit too yeah yeah yeah yeah whoa look at the water just so pretty yeah it is this is a great spot good call all right let’s do it let’s do it so how flat we talking super flat flat flat got it I’m

On it oh I didn’t make a shovel oh I have a crafting table oh I [Laughter] don’t I think I left it don’t worry I got one right I got one right here make one yeah thank you here youle thank you thank you thank you where you at

Here where where is here oh hi TI okay I will put the stuff right here on the end oh God it’s a creeper with a Santa hat oh Christ creeper uh wait a minute let me think about something hold on uh we should all cuz the spawn area is going to be

Like we can’t like dig or do anything to it oh so spawn should be like here wait hold on and then we’ll flatten everything else oh he he’s behind you oh God oh God yeah I think around here is cool wow thank you for helping creepy

Thing I think here is fine sure yeah yeah I think here is fine let me message him okay thank you thank you finds out there’s a horrible monster that lives here Okay where did you put crafting table again right here on the on the oh God he ran us off okay wait here it is I’ll I’ll put it right over in the proper place bringing it over okay got that in here oh here you can grab it since you’re next to it oh

Jesus did you want to want me to take it okay I take you take it’s another creeper being creepy there’s so many oh God they are they are we have to put the Torches yeah we got to put a ton of torches down I’m I’m going to oh my God

Oh God go away oh God I have so many torches oh good oh R you I’m low on health oh no oh no um I have a hamburger I can oh God no I’m okay okay Sun’s cominging Up yes nice they got a lot of stuff around here this is nice

O oh thank you tofu T said you can use slash spawn to TP to spawn oh okay okay thank you thank you C do oh there go I did I did I did it oh oh this is cool this is cool what happened oh creeper oh my God we need to make foods

Quick I have I have egg seed okay let me use my ho maybe around here what the [ __ ] I have you hear that the the creeper I have be seeds where can I plant my seeds oh no I’m infecting the ground with Peete dirt you need Peete dirt no oh we got it

We got it we can plant in here here I have seeds do you have more dirt wait thank you thank you nice nice um oh I guess I need a hoe okay oh asparagus asparagus I got I got seeds I got seeds I got wheat I got all the stuff too hell

Yeah I need a hole yeah mine is mine yeah I’m making a hole I’ll make two here’s one hole here’s a hole everyone gets a hole ho ho ho I got a go bathroom cool we’ll see you soon the start of civilization yeah we need a Starbucks we can make a Starbucks hell

Yeah oh got this sparrowos chat what the hell wait who made that sound I heard it too maybe we’re hallucinating Humanity oh God zen zen Zen’s Zen why you always oing God damn it it’s oing nice look at her this is looking nice God damn it then she’s open you oing over

There God damn it she’s totally oing you think you know someone and there they are oing right it’s good enough for now I think oof o o o I can’t wait to get back to my mighty hammer and see how we’re doing what do you mean yeah what Mighty Hammer the mighty

Hammer that I have oh yeah yeah about that uhoh uh we started a new server [ __ ] do you mean about that yep about that what the [ __ ] did you just say we the we started a new server we had to yeah we thought it would uh you know like that

H aren’t you proud we’re explorers and I’m going to make a shitty Little House level in the land I’m back welcome back thank you mm hi hello hello did you miss us oh look at the butterfly I did oh butterfly oh there’s a cute butterfly it’s a really nice mod it’s a

Cute butterfly what’s up is that’s so much [ __ ] on me now Ena tell me they’re joking and that I still have my mighty Hammer we’re not joking oh my go really and then welcome back hi yeah no we’re not joking you don’t have [Laughter]

It but do you have it or you Jo I [ __ ] am going to scream Zen if you scream then you don’t get your own bedroom in my masterful home that I’m building us oh you’re building home nice yeah well I think we need to work on this

First I mean it’s a it’s a basic like it’s a it’s not a good home it’s time to level why don’t you work on getting some [ __ ] [ __ ] I have plenty of [ __ ] they’re just busy right now God [ __ ] damn it to work on making this a new

Home yeah we need a new home we got to impress the neighbors fair enough yeah come and join us come and join us let me make a tool that I Needed come and join us you won shining sh come and join us come and join us Like an angel thank you thank you no thank you for making all of my dreams come true thank you you’re welcome my pleasure are you it was my pleasure oh man I have the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen for okay honestly no this is better what what I’m scared what this is

Actually so much better I can’t tell you oh no oh R even are you Zen oh I see you where are you what are you doing I’m sorry I see what is it do you got a problem I love it wait that looks oh my God let me take a picture

Let me take a picture Zen you Zen if you had work done backflip why the long [Laughter] face super oh yeah and done dancing too I’m going to put the Wasone here we’ll put it here okay okay I’m going to turn on my oven thank you then this is what I got so what exactly are we building we making a l flat though touch touch touch the wa Stone so you guys have it h what is going on with your

Head this is my eye style this is what I got yeah freaking four eyes I got so many eyes oh I got Apple ooh guess you got to keep an eye on the prize as they would say you got to keep eye on it oh Melody don’t forget to touch your

Stone over there yeah yeah touch the don’t you mean touch grass tou grass oh my nice Nic I am drinking right now so pardon me if I get a little crazy or silly oh drinking drinking oh okay eggnog eggnog yay this is our home I’m going I’m going

To go I’m going to go find sheep so that we can have a bed yeah that is please yes please thank you that is my mission then God damn it I’m putting it it’s fine I was putting a door okay oh I thought you were putting

It back I’m sorry no you’re fine you’re fine I thought you were trolling me you’re fine what the [ __ ] holy freak there’s a drown yep next to my was a trident oh no that’s not good yeah it’s dangerous oh no I’ll try to get him careful careful he’s going to kill

Me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me oh no oh no hide he will kill us hide hide I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going oh my oh my oh my zen why did you make the house smaller there you go where are you at

Zen come into our beautiful spacious home hold on did you die I’m trying to kill this thing oh thank you what a beautiful home this is like this is custom this is some good [ __ ] my food Ready I’m killing it no worries we appreciate you Z was in p no never mind I’m dead I I can get it don’t worry well at least you touched the thing it’s dead yay thank you oh nice killing it nice I need to eat may we can make bread

A how do you take everything from that H from your grave punching it punch it in the head it should be right take not working oh here we go there you go it wasn’t working for me for a reason for some reason oh it feared your awesomeness

All right I have contributed my help to killing the monster you guys now have to build the entire building without my help what you guys got this thank you you br but no no you got to make it too what this [ __ ] zener I’ve already put in too much effort

Yeah what the [ __ ] Jenifer you only died once acting like you saved the world yeah Melody died like four times in the same building don’t tell her that yeah m a g jillion time what the f I didn’t that is true why would you say that I still don’t know the reason why

Because I’m stupid that’s what no you’re not stupid I’m not smartup no you don’t want to know who is stupid who’s stupid ZZ oh why ZZ R yeah because she’s not here with us that’s true oh God that’s pretty stupid if you ask me

Oh I can’t fight I’m going to die I like literally have two hearts go kill him there’s a burger in here yeah can I have it yeah Mouse where the heck are you I’m in the house cuz I’m going to die I have four Hearts I have two hearts

Oh my hearts are back oh thank you Z you didn’t have to I have just one more so well I I’m going to find food too as soon as it becomes daytime Mel you didn’t you didn’t use your style magazine for your hat or your tail yeah you need to use him my

Apies just making sure sure you were alive P don’t worry love Punch you put it on right so what exactly do we need we’re leveling the land right now this is going to be yeah this is going to be the like spawn area and like the the area where like you know mhm the welcome Area you know I don’t see be so good I don’t see a hat for me also I threw away my magazine again 80,000 press the period button H all right yeah $8,000 by the way 80,000 what do you mean yay y 80,000 oh wait for the charity

Really W oh my God oh my God that’s what I’m talking about [ __ ] yeah oh my God our chat’s so amazing our communities are amazing absolutely insane crazy Mad Lads thank you everybody we love you guys thank you so much I got a red bird house for my gift this is so great

That’s is it just me or the zombies tougher than usual in this modded pack yes I think because you hitting with your hand you’re hitting it with your hand got a hand her to to that you you gotta hand hand it to her there we go oh my God what am I

Thinking you were making a really terrible pun and I’m not going to accept it got a hand hand hand stop that too stop that right now no stop never ever ever ever oh hey another one oh Jesus oh God Melody where the [ __ ] did you get that giant head I don’t remember I’m

Almost dead oh God yeah I don’t remember M the magazine what what what about the magazine what what takes up almost an entire area hell yeah cuz I’m swaggy swaggy like that yeah I’m swagy yeah fair enough yeah I just can’t help how swag I am I don’t know I’m

Trying all right so where are we flattening it to oh this is going to be the the till here so all we got to get rid of all this cuz this kind of like I don’t know if you could see it’s kind of like an should probably make some stuff there’s

Another yeah if you can we kind of really need beds so I know I’m going to go find the the Sheep like that will be my goal as soon as it becomes light out are we putting our Minecraft beds next to each other put fingers together they get to hold hands lushes

Yeah m of course of course we are oh I’m going to die it’s for me a lot of food after this Zen are you a a hentai are you are you are you a lud Melody yes stop that rude I don’t need this Compass I’m be right

Back okay you’re going to go into the basement again if you ever say that again o really o is it dark and spooky oh no oo o yes there’s one door and there is bread and water and that’s it oh good I’m hungry fantastic thank you Fantastic Fantastic Mr Fox okay cool we

Got light I’m going to go get us some food or not food I’m going to go kill a sheep yeah go kill sheep going to make his family watch and then I’m going to kill his family you might want to kill the whole family because we’re going to need a lot

Of bed yeah I’m going to kill everything I’m going to be a menace everyone end up at the N up on the 900 p.m. news style it back and go back here no Melody what do you mean by I’m a hentai yeah you’re you’re a little prevert you’re you’re you want everyone

To hold hands and like whoa H holding hands and stuff oh man I’m just saying just [Applause] Saying I don’t think those are anywhere near the same mhm we can’t eat the mushrooms that is unfortunate okay one of us one of us why is this skeleton not burning up its Sun up cuz he’s doing his thing maybe maybe because he’s in the water when when they’re in the water

They don’t burn by the sun oh that makes sense oh there’s a wolf I can’t eat you huh can we eat the wolf that’s some bull [ __ ] [ __ ] dude yeah it’s like that in Vana as well boo crying and absolutely [ __ ] oh well that’s Nice it’s not nice actually at all oh that’s horrible thank you yay oh wait map boar okay bores where are sheep those are pig things this sheep yes right now to start flat yes where am I oh there I am yes right there yes yes hey don’t read too much into

This but can you do a biblically accurate Marge Simpson impression a biblically accurate going come and B the [ __ ] out of you I was dying Mousie Mousie thank you for reading I appreciate that I was dying behind you while you were eating I’m dying to see that smile thank you so

Much Mousie welcome thank you for raiding I hope things end up okay I know God dang it you just had some very very bad luck I’m sorry but thank you for raing henya I completely agree I am adorable tell me more oh yeah I agree and Zen is smelly

No that that makes sense interesting interesting okay tell me something oh I mean I mean not that that’s a very crazy story what the [ __ ] here’s one what else happened yeah what else happened okay that’s rude that’s none of your business yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] crazy yeah there’s a

Sheep I’m coming to get you now give me your lunch money what stinky Z thank you know a person turn out to be a bully wow [Laughter] she’s laughing out of pain I assure [Laughter] you my money what the hell most likely my money okay time for teling kill some more sheep my is so good that you can see my doing swallow

What all right we’re flattening yeah we’re flattening working D time for your daily dick flattening thank you Kevin thank you Kevin what the [ __ ] did you say nothing oh nothing um let’s kill some sheep I don’t know what you’re saying but you’re a delight sheep I’m coming something yeah death for

You I’m sorry sheep I’m making beds I’m sorry okay three and one there okay I need few more beds okay we got one can we eat this yeah oh we can ping on Minecraft bits together oh my yeah I want that I want that how crude

Mm I want to put our Minecraft bed together oh my God okay um where’s more sheepy sheep are you a sheep I can’t tell oh no that’s a hog oh the Sheep are that way yes you are I see a few F so a crazy story is I have two types

Of alcohol with me okay one is what is it what is it 35% alcohol called S’mores S’mores 35 Holy who that’s a party now it’s called bird dog bird dog bird dog bird dog how many percent is that yeah it’s pretty hard liquor 35 35 sh indeed a couple of shots and I’d be on my ass who what kind of taste they have a sweet or the other one is the eggnog one peppermint bark style oh the one you have yeah it’s like 20% it’s pretty good though 20% oh my my that’s

Strong 20% is actually not bad really 20 sounds like really a lot the ones that would probably knock you on your ass is like the 65 or 70% 65 isn’t that a isn’t that a one that you use when you get injured or something like that what do you

Mean like alcohol like you know cure your injur and stuff like that that’s more like pure alcohol [Laughter] really yeah so you you’ll be so pure well they actually do make 65% alcohol I’ve had some before what did you die oh no it’s actually way too strong for

Me to be honest couldn’t get into it I heard I heard some alcohol like it just literally tastes like mhm a birds good Lord pain pain oh no pain without love pain Can’t Get Enough 60 is like a lot yes holy crap but oh you’re looking at the

Conversion yeah that usually burns the [ __ ] out of your throat oh wait that’s a higher than tequila I think okay tequila how much of tequila oh oh tequila 40 but 35% or 45% is usually like where people usually kind of get knocked on your ass for after a

Couple of drinks yeah yeah that’s so so high well I’m a champion so I don’t need I that would never happen to me I don’t know just we are the my that’s right you don’t drink right Mel uh I mean I I did yesterday and I spent today hung over and I hate

It and and I regret what did you drink strawberry sock that doesn’t sound like a very Champion talk it was not a champion talk I don’t drink because I shouldn’t but you can have a little bit and I I have had sake actually you’ve had sakei oh nice yes I like sck

Too it was I believe it was like a strawberry flavor wait they got strawberry flavor that sound but that [ __ ] was super strong I think it was like 50% alcohol what 50 wo can someone sleep next to me can someone sleep with me we can make it daytime oh I I can get

Out you can go what no there’s beds in the Little House think you can go sleep it says for four people though you got you need two people to sleep sleep with me Zen yay yay thank you okay I’m going to go make two more BS nice well done outstanding Wonder Bar nice

Mhm wait what just happened what do you mean what do you mean you know what what never mind don’t worry about it okay drunk drunk drunk just going to probably pretend nothing happened drunk I get it you peed yourself I did too it’s fine I mean I have had a couple

Of shots already so like two Mike’s heart eliminates oh nice oo lemonator oh the one you was talking about earlier yeah so a couple of shots of the s’mores one shot or two shots of the peppermint bark eggnog and two of the Mike’s heart lemonade holy that’s a lot I’m so

Jealous it sounds aming you drink a lot of alcohol today hen you can’t say that a lot a lot a lot I mean it is crimbus as fair but yeah I I don’t typically drink yeah I’m going to be honest yeah I tried the white claw the other day a the white

That [ __ ] is some [ __ ] [ __ ] I like white Claw I’m sorry I had to say it was it that bad it tastes though Bland what one day me and Zen are going to fight to the death and I’m going to lose you already know you’re going to lose most likely don’t agree with me there look we got we

Got we got two beds I’ll make two more it’ll be great nice nice outstanding white claw oh that’s something I never had it before Oh ain’t no laws when you’re drinking white claws kid it’s basically just watered down alcohol that’s about it think of it like carbonated it’s like

Lroy yeah pretty much carbonated water but it’s alcohol it sounds like they’re if it had a hint of alcohol and flavor not much flavor taste honestly it’s not very good unless they sponsor me then I [ __ ] love w what did you do no I respect it honestly okay let’s go find some more

Sheep actually why don’t I no I can’t sheare them I need iron I mean I can dig for iron yeah what level do you find iron oh CH what level was it did did does anybody remember wait I remember you do uh you sure look at me Melody

Yeah I’m going to tell you okay what is it zen What the [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah well [ __ ] you’re cyborg are you made of iron her heart is God damn it [ __ ] I got buns made of steel what more do you want o you got steel can we

Can we Barrel some just a a leg I’m going to put my food in the of Steel hold on bun bun bun the my buns are made of steel that means my ass but your butt made by Steel that sounds like a very ni soft butt butts

Butts butts butts butt buts butts butts butts the butts but butts butts butts ooh hold on Also henya yeah my community was wondering when are we going to play Halo together oh yeah I would love to I would love To oh then I need to ask you some question though when I launch a game they show me my email address how do I how do I not show that it only shows one time after you log in that’s it and she got off that menu afterwards so just hide all all

Right I already have a game so I’m ready anytime that you yeah you just need to hide that menu or do it off stream okay okay got it thank thank you oh so Zen helps you but not me I see no that’s fine yeah it’s not going to show up again after

That okay okay I’ll try I’ll try to do that I’ll try to do that okay sorry Melanie here I’m going to tell you come here really okay you can find the iron Godam Chad do you know where it’s located stylish to be honest [ __ ] I can’t no monkey flip chat no no oh I don’t accept that God damn did somebody say monkey flip no no one said monkey flip monkey flip I hate monkey flip there’s no flips epic monkey flip [ __ ] God damn

It I’m losing my mind good very good that’s the step to acceptance accepting what my ins dity Absolutely Chad please why monkey let’s go damn it monkey thank you chat so y 16 okay [ __ ] what’s the button to see the number damn it no that’s not right wait y 54 you said wait really did you say y16 did you what what what what a number for getting iron chat

Oh iron H wait what we’re we’re at the version 1.21 do we have any more extra food or are we going to die all right we’re going to die I got no food I mean oh yeah I guess I could have brought back food sorry and we don’t have an

Oven we have we have furnace okay thank you wait we do have an oven yeah I mean you mean furnace yeah we do have it we do have it don’t correct me you little [ __ ] a furnace you come here so I can hit you nope nope how about I hit you Chad they’re

Fighting it’s the Love tab wait the door trick doesn’t work in here no door trick yeah if you put the door under underwater you can do the breeze in there so you don’t need to go back to the surface I see interesting I didn’t know

That but it seems like I can’t use it in here it’s taking a long time for the wheat to grow yeah if we have a bone meal we can speed up H well I don’t have bone me everything sounds fine is everything fine right now oh oh I see oh that is

Unfortunate no I’m fine actually I feel good oh you feel good feel good okay cool cool cool yeah yeah imagine getting your ass beat by water how deep are you melt that’s crazy here I see what you trying to do I see what you trying to

Do yeah yeah I see it I see it I have a two I have a two where did my ax go St back I have an axe I have an axe too oh it seems like you don’t have an axe I do never mind yeah I think you have an axe

Actually I have three axe to be fair that’s kind of what we needed was to die anyway it’s fine the ingredients to make usable iron were Limestone Iron Stone Coke and air the coke is the fuel and the Iron Stone provides the iron oil now back to IR

Stone is first roasted in caling kils located next to the blast furnaces to remove impurities stuff wait what chat wait I don’t oh here let me help you cocon what is Coke oh oh there you go nice chat don’t literally right now you should be back at full health and food wow you’re so generous I assume you killed her yes she it sounds like Melody needs that help NOP I don’t I’m good I’m so good right now are you sure I’m fantastic I’m

Trying to get freaking iron so that you guys have good weapons and I can’t find any iron all yes I’m sure super duper sure oh God she trying to give me a heart attack Mel I told you to do it do what that sounded like how to do it

Literally all of this and I can’t find any freaking I’m just waiting on the food to big seral killer energy absolutely dig LL I am h i don’t kill people unless there is a Reason you dig deeper well There we go more iron G I feel really bad for Mouse oh wait I was supposed to make I wonder if they can give us more magazines for Christmas I mean oh yeah that be cute like Santa hat and stuff like that could steal it off of these

[ __ ] ow Mouse is a strong Mouse she’s got this do we have a furnace yeah we do we do nice nice oh welcome Raiders welcome welcome we have to play Minecraft thank you thank you welcome welcome I’m Making is that a Joel no it’s a last Christmas all right I think I am ready to start working oh yeah GMP here I actually wanted to ask Z mention playing Halo Halo something necessary supplies to start some Boomer games and that was one of them you can

Play Coop with Z so she can carry you to the end also Mouse will be fine thanks for asking I don’t think Halo is my bag thank you though he never played it before I’m excited oh you’re going to play it yeah I’m going to play first person

Shooter is then going to carry you I think so because I never play fair enough I am a Halo prop drol not surprised wait I am a Halo Pro after all I got the master chief Edition is that the one I should have it master Chief Collection yes oh yeah

That one yeah I have it I have it master chief Master Chief is he that one that had that sexy with the alien or robot or something oh he was wearing a helmet I think h i see green helmet say what did you say there’s like there’s like Master Chief

And he has like a sexy like you know like you know like no you sure no they did not ever I feel like no no not Mass Effect I thought yeah no master gief yeah I’m feeling like you may have read a hentai or something no Cortana is

An AI not a robit p yeah Cortana Cortana they did her name is Cortana the sexy blue AI yeah that’s what I’m talking about master chief was getting down and dirty with Cortana Cortana yeah I know what I’m talking about yeah yeah she knows what she talking about I talking about the Halo

TV series then we don’t talk about no the game the game the game the game oh they got TV series cool I’m talking about the game because made no that never happened in the game I think it did I I uh oh I fairly I literally have played all

The Halos chat which game am I talking about please help me proves in wrong and not as leite as me there’s a TV series oh no I’m talking about game I’m talking about game I’m talking about game Master Chief’s Halo not Mass Effect no please no really Cortana helped out John

With some mass effect as the sexy no TV series I think everyone’s mistaken I’m sure I’m serious not TV are you talking about a game gonna lose my [ __ ] mind right now I’m [ __ ] serious I’m [ __ ] serious are you talking about ha Yes master master chief had sex with Cortana the blue

AI melan I have literally played through all the Halos and through all through legendaries with the secret endings there was no master chief smashing [ __ ] alien Chiefs I [ __ ] saw it yo I [ __ ] I saw it I’m pretty sure you saw some some fanade or something no it

Was real rule 34 it was real it was [ __ ] real well Zen say she play all of them with a secret ending Zen is incorrect Zen is mistaken are you sure it’s that a fan bab yes it was real I saw it with my own

Eyes yeah it was real and it was H I can’t believe I’m being told I’m incorrect from incorrect correct and that’s okay that happens sometimes you know what in the actual F sometimes people just know things or you know and I just like that’s not your

Fault that’s not at all do you remember where did you see that nope cuz I don’t play the nerd games why would I remember nerd game that doesn’t [ __ ] help at all I know it’s unfortunate that you don’t know be helpful if you knew more about Melody you literally heard that

Probably from the [ __ ] TV series because that’s the only when the only time it happened I saw it in a trailer type I saw a clip of it it was all over the Internet they do that on on on on TV I saw it it was real with my own eyes

Yes that happened they spread the clip all over the Internet Melody TGI he took off his helmet and they made beautiful love okay help all yeah no that was the TV series oh it’s a TV one oh really well sounds like because Melody Master Chief never takes off his helmet

I know that’s why was so impactful that he only took it off in the TV series no oh maybe I’m wrong then never mind and the TV series is absolutely an Abomination you’re just jealous of the sweet sexual beautiful love that he made to this AI you just you you just can’t appreciate

Art you know I thought you said it was an alien it wasn’t I think well no it was I’m confused now he’s barely human oh so he’s not a human he the the a the [ __ ] he’s human but he’s just cyber he’s like an enhanced human oh I see it

I see it like Zen she’s enhanced enhanced that’s cool o my food is ready I got to go get it then we will we will pick this up another time I I don’t think that was TV I saw it on the internet Master Chief would be along the

Same strength but I would probably be a lot more stronger if we’re talking about power level A so you’re a top like if we’re if we’re going on complete power scaling my a short Z oh my food’s ready got go okay oh I’m excited to try the Master Chief Halo he Hey it’s a lot of fun you might actually like it a lot oh if it’s mostly because of the old engine for the first game and death animations when when did they release it when did they came from really funny as [ __ ] oh I see I see it

2001 2001 oh is it a PC game or console game PC and X box at the beginning oh I see it I see it a 200 one holy here let me give you one of the songs that plays all the time I’m sure you recognize it a

Welcome back Mousie I’m back sorry here I’m going to message you on Discord oh thank you thank you to get some stuff also welcome back Mouse thank you it’s are you it’s okay yeah I’m okay Z they stole my Present yeah I stole Christmas who stole your presents somebody stole Christmas presents I bought from my family off my off the porch yeah unbelievable though dude wait what yeah that’s why I got sad and I ended my stream por pirate is that what they’re called those [ __ ] what the [ __ ] those [ __ ]

Yeah yeah they’re they are really bad around Christmas time too I’m so sorry it’s okay it’ll be okay eat poop anything we can do to help no it’s okay I’m just going to going to destroy blocks it’s time to kill M I’m kiding I

I need I need to eat some bread I need to make bread yeah we’re trying to grow some weed but it it’s taking time it’s so Slow I wonder h i just Um hello welome you know I have an idea for you what’s up M for a quick Christmas present what what what’s the quick Christmas present I know it seems kind of like a silly thing but how about you commission some art commission art that’s a good idea of your family yeah yeah the mission art of your character and your parents in like an

Anime character thing oh my God then why are you so smart what the [ __ ] you’re like really sad they so smart what the heck I think that would be like really [ __ ] cute and you guys can hang that up to remember the year oh oh yeah that’s true Zen did you just save

Christmas I think Zen Saved Christmas she did it’s just an idea it’s a cute idea that’s a cute idea I think it’s wonderful IDE it’s it’s a quick one I know there’s artists who can get that done with within like 3 days must messaged the people oh that’s a really good

Idea yeah that would be a wonderful idea though yeah you think you’ll do that Mouse yeah I think I will I think they’ll like that that’s going to be really fun cute yeah it’ll be cute it’ll be cute oh man oh Mouse I wish I could hug you it’s

Okay I’ll be okay it’s just stuff I know but it’s know people suck balls and they can all eat wieners they really can’t in like a lot not good on yeah bad ones bad winners bad winers winers you wouldn’t give to your to no yeah yeah

Whoa yeah I mean just cuz it’s stuff doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt oh oh time to sleep yeah okay time to sleep time to sleep time to Sleep I told tofu to turn off the the Phantoms thank you oh thank you thank you they don’t have Phantoms anymore goodbye Phantoms yeah suck phant suckers I also have iron now and so I’m going to make shears and then I’m going to go sheare all the

Sheep yeah wait you found iron finally also that didn’t didn’t you say that if you find a thing you can get it from the whole area yeah a ve mining yeah I accidentally mined all of it and I yeah that was oh you got a lot of iron yeah a little

Bit oh oh look at the rainbow ouch okay so what’s everybody doing for Christmas by the way I’m streaming hell yeah I was supposed to have a dinner with my with my family but my family got fever so I think I’m I can’t go to their house I’m streaming streaming

Streaming and also I forgot to buy the Christmas present for them so it’s a good we should have got check on them though oh henya be sure to go check on them yeah it happen what about You then what are you doing for I’m going to sit alone in my house for the next two days drinking what the play Minecraft with us mhm yeah yeah and going to be streaming and chilling oh cool yep in Minecraft I’m going to get some eggnog too no alcohol we got to make sure mat tries It For the First Time good stuff right there wait I thought eggnog has alcohol you can get it without Al alcohol there’s not alcoholic eggnog yeah mhm I’m also going to mute myself while I eat my

Food what if we want to listen to you eat your fruit how about you actually eat your fruit so we can hear it give us the ASMR eating I mean I’m I’m eating rice and chicken I rice and chicken rice and R chicken I also have

Five pieces oh I don’t think we’d be able to each AI don’t think we would actually be able to hear you eat that I’m simulating the sound is what I’m doing here you go I put some iron really a crunchy meal yeah it’s more like here here’s the rice iron oh you found

Silver there silver oh found raw silver mhm also did you guys see the new music video from matara it’s so [ __ ] good did you like it it was glorious it was so good it was so [ __ ] cute it was really cute I loved it it made my heart

Happy we did such a good job yeah we did you did a great job organ who would have thought I looked really [ __ ] good in that outfit you looked so good yeah yeah I love everybody El in everybody’s outfit in that video we can’t help it that we looked so

Sexy from all of Melody chat we give support to what has happened to you hope you can keep spirits up for the holidays and remember the lesson from the Grinch if you still want to give gifts why not do a crafts project for your family hope that helps crafts project I mean that

Would take a while wouldn’t it what oh they’re saying for the holidays like craft project I don’t know if you can do that in time oh like make what the heck is a craft project make something for Christmas yeah pretty Stone I’m not well versed in your Minecraft words you say funny words pretty robot lady all right I’m going to go hunt down some more sheep yes more sheep more bed oh do we have a bed already we have two in the house words two in the house Magic Man H sorry pardon what

Point what what did I kill all the sheep of the area oh man that’s why yeah but that’s why I made shears I got to go travel I’m traveling I’m on a mission wish me luck is it a good Mission though it’s a mission to go find sheepies so we can make more

Stuff more beds there we go I can’t wait to go look around the old the moded biome and stuff I’m excited mhm oh this is this has spawn protection until this one until this block yeah oh I this one this yeah all this is spawn protection oh okay okay okay why

Is the furnace not working maybe you don’t have a funeral uh not funeral uh fuel oh there’s no fuel you can put if you don’t have wood you can put yeah yeah I put the ls in there yeah put the log in but it’s not

Working I think it has to be uh it has to be planked I think yeah plank plank like this oh no or normal wood huh oh what the did we break it what the how come is working I blame Melody hey I’m muted here oh hi welcome back I’m here I’m just eating

How weird it’s not working what the exactly we blame you I got to look for coal well that’s not [ __ ] good how are we going to eat I I’ll look for coal wait a minute then you don’t need to put the I just noticed you put weed in there you don’t need to

Burn you don’t need you don’t need to bake it for bread so to make bread you go into the crafting table and you put three wheat side you put one two three wheat in the middle yeah that’s why that’s why I was like wait to be fair you were also doing the

Same thing as me it took you a while to realize it so we both a little silly Yeah just a wee bit silly yeah just a little silly it’s a weird bit silly now I have bread nice you have something to eat Also Melody Halo is not for nerds that’s like what what are you saying I know that was like an hour ago almost but I just feel like I need to point that out I’m over here making beds for us and now I have enough already what the what what what is

Happening remember you said the the Halle is a nerd game yeah that one yeah nerd nerd game nerding it up with your of fighting words nerd n nerd n cow nerd push this up classes Nerge peanuts oh raw rabbit stew o candle I can’t go for some honey roasted peanuts actually that sounds [ __ ] fire I love that [ __ ] yeah e oh no I stole your bed so rud I actually just love eating some plain walnuts a walnut oh those are pretty good

Too I remember when I went to America I surprised people I [ __ ] love nuts sunflower seed all types of nuts oh yeah they eat sunflower seed yeah I surprised that about that one can’t get enough of nuts got to get those nuts yo nuts just got to fill those nuts in my mouth

All the types what the they’re just so calorically dense but I want it in my mouth every day I know that’s a toffee yeah like the honey roasted nuts got to fill them up in my mouth because they’re so good abely 100% couldn’t agree more what

The somebody St what the [ __ ] are you guys thinking what what is happening what are you thinking well what do you think what are you thinking what are you thinking nothing like what are you talking talking about the what are you talking about what what is even happening right now I’m so

Confused well I’m I’m just going to say I learned all this from you guys what yeah I don’t even [ __ ] what I’m just talking about [ __ ] nuts yeah we’re talking about nuts dude what the hell no no no I I I got all this kind of idea from

You you I don’t even I don’t even know what’s happening right now what I’m going to you just teaching me about the 50 sh great thingy on the other day you guys have a favorite type of nuts wait what the [ __ ] did you teach her MH no hold up what the [ __ ] did you talk to her about the 50 sheet of gr trick run that wait what’s thisy sa gr trick uh it’s it’s a the thing you you use a a tight rope or stuff like that wasn’t it I Tau her about autoerotic

Asphixiation did you do and I explained it poorly because I am me that’s not a good thing yes it’s very dangerous don’t do it oh my God what what the wait she knows about that well she does now she wasn’t getting it and then she’s like 50 Shades of Gro and I’m like

Yeah makes sense yeah F Shad of gr though I already saw that [ __ ] clip of you talking to her about the [ __ ] piercings on your tats on my what piering what wait you have you you have you have you have Bo the tatars or whatever the clamps or whatever oh no

There’s a difference there um no I don’t have nipple nipple piercings I can’t remember the [ __ ] clip they’re too sensitive for that I couldn’t that’d be that’d be so much but if they weren’t that friend who had them and they told me that it kills all the nerves oh it’s

Painful yeah it does yes well how about the people who get it and they’re like oh I’m so sensitive now o woo I don’t know but I had a friend that got that got her nipples pierced and she said that after that she had no feeling in her nipples really maybe did them

Wrong I don’t yeah I don’t know what I maybe everyone’s different I don’t know but wait how do you do it though how do you do it you have to go to the hospital or something no go to a piercing place piercing oh yeah you know how like you get your

Ear pierce you got to Claire’s and they pierce your nipples you got to go to a piercing place and they do all the stuff for you piercing place they pierce your ears but at other piercing places you can get your nipples pierced they also do other crazy too don’t talk about that

Your your HOA pierced your HOA yeah your HOA I will not stop haa you’re HOA haa haha is a very Stu very stupid slang for uh uh don’t you do it don’t you [ __ ] do it vagina mang mang don’t you [ __ ] do it I

S I found all the colors yes yes yes I found the color okay go I mean that’s really bad sling that people don’t really say but I guess you can say it welcome one and all to the henya corruption speedrun this is [ __ ] hilarious yeah if someone calls it their

Hoo-ha like like like ooh my hoo-ha run away cuz they’re probably crazy like it’s a weird way to say it should I run right now oh yeah actually probably yeah yeah no that’s yeah probably in Japanese in Japanese we we call it like not in the like a direct

Way but we call it op op why do you have the cutest ways of saying things it’s like you’re not directly saying it but it’s kind of like if people figured out you’re talking about that like that so so a pomon is like just a a madeup word a random word

That wouldn’t mean anything else yeah yeah yeah yeah like a like a PE PE like a p PE it’s a a cute way to say it right but uh it’s just like that those kind new on why am I doing this when I could have just I’m not drunk enough for this conversation

Yet why did I why did I just do a waypoint I’m so stupid Oh my god well get get it together Zen we’re having a pom pon pon time do yeah do yeah do better I I don’t know to tell you yeah yeah I’ll try and get to the level

Where we can talk about dicks and ass di dick and ass oh no oh wait oh no I’m cool never mind M I forgot I made a bed I’m okay boom pom p p P s okay create wait um create a way point unset I remember this is kind of like out of the blue but if I remember since we’re talking about piercings yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I remember somebody talking about somebody who got their butt cheeks pierced together it’s don’t know how the

[ __ ] they did that that’s insane what the a butt cheeks who I’m not even kidding about that wait can you sit down with that oh yeah I don’t know how they did that but so yeah when it comes to piercings on your butt and piercings on wait was

It steo it was probing about steo it was probably steo yeah that sounds like something he would [ __ ] do when it comes to legality there’s certain pierc like like just because someone’s a piercer doesn’t mean they’re legally allowed to pierce everything and places where you are

Least likely to have like your your body rejecting a piercing where it’s like no you this piercing can’t live here infection infection ow um oh places on your body where piercings are more likely to um wait do you guys know about jackass yeah it’s it’s it’s bad it’s Boomer Boomer

Humor wait Henry you actually know about jackass well my my dad when he’s driving he say that a lot to other people so cute I love you no we have two different things here yeah there’s a show oh it’s a show yeah it’s an entire different show

Called jackass okay oh sorry Pap for exposing they do these stupid [ __ ] nobody else will do that is so funny it’s a show oh yeah oh that’s so funny let me see if I can find you a Clipper you can watch it on stream too it’s funny they use naughty M

They got I found sugar cane oo nice we can make papers yeah papers pap peers peepers oh we’re right next to a bio the bio Oh your dad sounds funny thank you thank you no problem yeah he say that a lot when he’s driving to some other people sounds sounds like my dad Pap exposed do do they do that I’m curious in in Japan what how as compared to like the states when it comes to

Driving not the best and and chasing after people and punching them and and cursing at them out the window do you see that much in Japan or just in the States oh in Japan totally I see it totally I see it big area like Tokyo Osaka mhm oh well

Oak do you think this is okay to play on the stream thank you I can play on stream what is it I put this one in general let me just ask Mouse Osaka I get because it’s basically Texas yeah Osaka is a really crazy place is that why they always they always dub

Like people who speak with the Osaka accent dialect they give him like a Southern accent I think Osaka yeah is that like where’s the conai region I think this is okay it’s not showing anything chat where’s the conai region I think this might be okay okay so stop the clip at the 50c

Mark 50 second yeah I mean if anything she can just watch it like on the side so they can just hear it but you can watch it okay okay I’ll watch it yeah started at that 50c Mark 50 second 5 5 Z okay oh my God it’s so [ __ ] good let

See Osaka is more like C than Texas I disagree I disagree okay it’s a beehive did he put a beehive in his ass it’s no they put a beehive on a string uh they tethered it to a pole and and they’re playing beehive te ball and they’re like smacking The Beehive to each

Other back and forth oh my goodness I think I blame jackass for Why YouTube exists yeah this what henya you know what this prank like it’s not well this isn’t a prank but what they’re doing right now that’s like one of the most test things they’ve done like they’ve

Done way worse than that mhm wait this one is not the worst no what’s that thing where where they like you put the thing and it sends like the balls out of like a like a baseball sometimes H have you ever been to the yeah hen have you ever been to a place

Where go to like a batting cage and they send the baseballs out of the machine and you hit it with a bat yeah yeah yeah I I have been I have been I oh so that’s pretty much the entire clip so you don’t have to watch anymore okay okay they’ve done they’ve

Done stuff where like they’ll stand in front of it like the basic general idea in the balls yeah with the machine yeah the ball The Baseballs at their balls I think like the worst one that they’ve done like one of the worst ones I saw

Was uh the one where I can’t remember I think he starts rubbing his ass on the grass though I wouldn’t go any farther there was one with like I think like where uh Johnny Knoxville like almost died yeah was like thrown out of like a rocket or some [ __ ] yeah I remember that

Wait where can I watch it can I watch it on YouTube definitely I think he got hit by a bull yeah yeah no but there was one no no no the people in in chat are like oh he almost got a lot of time there’s one where it’s

Like it seriously stopped them from like doing stunts like forever like he knew that he had to stop after he did this one cuz like he seriously almost died oh my God but he didn’t die right he didn’t die but like he got so critically injured that he the worst

Part is they all have to live with all this [ __ ] damage they did to their body oh no yeah like the guy named steo he like did a lot of like stuff that messed up his body like a lot and uh he I think like he set himself on fire and

Then he did something to his voice where it’s like he he doesn’t have like a normal voice anymore it’s so messed up from like damage yeah I saw on YouTube yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no that sounds horrible yep there we now they all like it’s true they all have

Like life altering like injuries like they all got got hurt to the point where it’s like it affects their life and it changed their life oh my goodness yeah it’s uh pretty scary this B1 is pretty insane to me too it it it’s insane but that’s nothing compared to

Like the stuff that they usually do I can watch on Netflix or YouTube YouTube probably would be good okay okay there we bread from barley what the heck well there’s all the barley I just planted go off wait a minute where where where is where where’ you find all this barley

You know just went out you know you we also have six remember that one episode which one I think it was Johnny they shoved a bunch of toy cars in their ass and went to emergency clinic oh my God yeah what yeah they took little Hot Wheel toys the doctor was so [ __ ]

Stumped and freaked out by this yeah he was like there’s a little car in there what the heck yeah joh was asking the dude like is this not normal and he’s the doctor was like yeah no this isn’t [ __ ] normal they in like Mexico oh my goodness can he did he remove

It uh yeah he remove it oh well you know he put it so the way they did it is like they put let’s just say he did it away that lubricants yeah they like he put the car in like a condom and then put drinking stuff

Yeah oh you don’t do that henya oh man that’s such a common American costume oh really really super drink horse we don’t [ __ ] talk about that that definitely Happ no we don’t go there yeah it’s a lot yeah oh never seen we are not going to [ __ ] go there they did some n

Fuing [ __ ] they do an x-ray and they show the in there I think I’ve already almost thrown up like two times stuff they’ve done funny I remember when I saw I was like so [ __ ] gross sometimes I was a kid when I saw that I was like

Huh this is crazy I think the worst one was the mountain of [ __ ] oh god oh no remember the one where he put I literally I think I was so close to throwing up do you remember the one where he put like meat in his underwear

And he like was swinging over like an alligator a a a lake full of alligators why did he do that my God I remember thats in his ass my gosh yep y yep he did what so I guess yeah who was the skateboarder one who was part of their

Crill uh wasn’t that Dam imagine if Tic Tac was around for them back then they would be billionaires all of them yeah like holy [ __ ] that was truly a time that’s insane yes yes it is via laam VI GMP here I also remember when they went to Japan for the jackass movie and

Did a series of snorting was confirmation and yeah I’m I’m getting information from my so I’ll tell you what happened going it’s not good oh uhoh oh okay so Bam Margera essentially got kicked off the latest Jackass movie because he broke his contracts oh no

Oh I see basically he’s just been on a cycle of self-destruction Yeah he’s been through a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] and I really hope he does get help yeah I hope so Too it’s just a lot of substance of abuse sadly yeah I hope he’ll be fine and he’s just had a hard life I think too overall just a lot of [ __ ] happened um sorry oh he has a song and he just had a very downward spiral a

Yeah Mouse check J chat oh okay all right whoa what the that is a lot of bread come to me come to me there’s so much barley what the heck this just like a field of barley you can take the bread out of that yeah you have to heat it up guys

It’s the opposite you actually have to put it in the oven in the furnace she literally said unlimited bread works I am a bakery come to my bakery I got that bread where are you uh I’ll share my my my thing uh share unlimited bread Works get that bread did that

Work yeah I’m she became a fate Grand Order character nice I’m on my way let me put my stuff put stuff down I’m on my Way oh this way okay okay I don’t think we’ll ever be hungry again ever people are telling me to do a cosplay outfit for jolta Oran dark from fate that’d be hot oh I’m on my way I am coming I see you honey I see you making little yeah I make some chest

Chest Chad is also telling me that jackass went to Japan which I remember now where they put giant balls of Wasabi up their noses what oh no oh my if you want to see their their Japan trip that’s actually they also did something stupider what probably a bit rude as well

Probably uhoh I think they got arrested chest look like Christmas presents hm I’d be surprised if they didn’t get arrested they ran around toan on the side streets running around inside stores dressed up as a panda oh god pushing into each other knocking [ __ ] over oh my that’s so I

Mean if that’s the least rude thing they did so probably like as bad as tick tickers oh my my also on that note I think I’m going to get off stream now that I think about it they were just as bad as ticktockers from nowadays oh damn ticktockers yeah ticktockers all they’re

Tick tocking also follow me on Tik Tok sorry because of that uh Tokyo Disney line is not allowed filming anymore fair enough it’s sad I know we we tried getting permission oh I hope you’ll get uh I don’t I don’t think we will cuz they’re kind of they’re very strict wait

What happened even if you have a disease no but like for streaming they they they don’t let you we tried already we’re going to do a Tokyo Disney thing uh but they don’t let you they Chas your rules like very recently I think it’s like in is that

Just for foreigners or in general in general in general you can’t like stream it nobody can yeah GE I wonder why uh crazy that c probably that crazy guy I wonder if it has to be do some [ __ ] it was me I’m sorry that’s probably

Why it was me I went there I took off my pants I ran around I’m really sorry yeah I know who you’re talking about yeah I knew it shut up okay I’m going to tell everybody bye uh I’m going to jump back on Minecraft offline though when

I’m done with food later I’m pop in but um yeah why uh thanks for hanging guys I’m gonna tell cha bye night night guys night bye bye my friends are awesome chat thank you for hanging tonight thank you so much thank thank you all it’s G this is I

Love this oh so happy our Town’s gonna be sick nasty um I think mousy raided us so she’s probably not streaming I feel so bad um who oh probably Zen we should probably raid Zen I think we raided uh henya before yes let us read Zen

Zen T di thank you mods for moderating thank you everyone for everything thank you for donating thank you for following thank you for being Zen isn’t streaming [ __ ] uh we’re actually reading um [ __ ] we’re actually who we’re raiding we’re actually raiding uh henya because henya is [ __ ]

Awesome and that’s just just how it is you know mat raid mat okay cuz that’s actually we were actually raing mat now that I think about it and I spelled it wrong uh and and that and that’s what we were G to do all along I’m going to cry oh Mel oh Mel

Thanks for hanging thanks shut up thanks for moding thank you for first I’m a f I’m what’s it when you’re work working at a restaurant and I’m a virgin or it’s my first it’s my first day there we go oh my stomach it’s my first

Day why did I think I’m a virgin is the equivalent of it’s my anyway thanks for hanging thank you I’m not I what you thanks for hanging L here thank you so much um it’s my first date uh yes have a good night thank you I’m going to get in

My bed I’m going to get snuggly wuggly I’m going to get back on Minecraft and it’s going to be delightful thank you all all all for being here thank you for moderating again thank you for donating again thank you so much we got all the way up to 80,000 human USD towards Toys

For Tots thank you for sending some love to children who wouldn’t typically get something nice over the holiday so thank you all ho ho ho have a lovely warm good evening goodbye everybody goodbye good night bye bye

This video, titled ‘VShojo Modded Minecraft Collab!’, was uploaded by Projekt Melody Twitch Archive on 2023-12-29 03:20:02. It has garnered 2084 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 06:19:42 or 22782 seconds.

Official Twitch VOD archive for Projekt Melody.

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    Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let's Play Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 2 – Diamonds Await! Exploring the Minecraft World In this exciting episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our adventurers dive deep into the world of Minecraft in version 1.20.1. Armed with a trusty seed of -1056946488598000456, they set out on a quest to uncover the precious diamonds hidden within the vast landscapes. Mod Madness Equipped with an array of mods including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, and more, our players enhance their gaming experience with features like improved graphics, new entities, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. The addition of Iris Shaders and Continuity adds… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft

    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More


    STEALING IRON in MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures: Day 1 – The Quest for Iron Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a thrilling day in the world of Minecraft! Our intrepid player, Contxt, is on a mission to find iron. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, the adventure begins. Setting Out As Contxt ventures into the vast, blocky landscape, the possibilities are endless. From towering mountains to lush forests, every corner holds the promise of discovery. The hunt for iron is on, and nothing will stand in the way! Challenges Await Exploring caves and tunnels, Contxt encounters a variety of challenges. From hostile… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft 1.20 Movie

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft 1.20 Movie Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft 1.20: An Epic Adventure Embark on an epic adventure in the desert of Minecraft 1.20! 🌵🐫 In this thrilling video, our brave player takes on the challenge of surviving in Hardcore mode, building an incredible base, an industrial farm, and even facing the fearsome Ender Dragon. Witness exciting battles and ingenious strategies to conquer this arid biome! Subscribe to the channel and don’t miss a single episode. Comment on your favorite part and get ready for #Minecraft #Survival #Hardcore #Adventure #EnderDragon. Press play and let the adventure begin! 🎮🔥 Beginning of the Adventure The… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – Twitter – Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

    Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiked Mountains Server Hub Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Rustic on 2024-05-27 10:31:02. It has garnered 408 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft server hub build in progress will have a video and download link up in next few days! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #gaming #games #gameplay Read More

  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

    EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by DANGER GAMES on 2024-02-25 01:19:49. It has garnered 504 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo techno gamerz anshu bisht notgamerfleet minecraft notgamerfleet minecraft anshu bisht technogamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft technogamerz #94 minecraft minecraft episode I.m bixu I.m bixu minecraft minecraft pe minecraft shorts shorts Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! Join our close-knit community with fantastic bases, a community capital city, a vibrant shopping district, games events, competitions, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft. Content creators are welcome to cover the server. Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, stealing, or unlawful killing Have fun and respect others Avoid creating lag machines Apply to Join: Please reply with: Age Discord ID IGN Gender Nationality Favorite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke 🙂 Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Quartz slabs for the trapper!

    Minecraft Memes - Quartz slabs for the trapper!Quartz bricks slabs? More like quartz bricks drabs, am I right? These memes are really paving the way for some prime building material humor. Read More

  • Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette

    Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a rhythmic stream. From TNT Russian Roulette to diamond digs, Every update, every twist, I’ll give you the gigs. With a wink and a nod, and a playful tone, I’ll bring you the facts in a style all my own. So subscribe today, join the fun and the hype, As we journey through Minecraft, in rhyme and type. Read More

  • Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When your dog is more powerful than a giant iron golem, you know you’ve been playing Minecraft too much! #SuperDogWins #FerrousWroughtnautFails 🐶💪🏼🤖 Read More

  • Debunking Minecraft’s 666 Seed Myth

    Debunking Minecraft's 666 Seed Myth Minecraft’s Scary Myths Unveiled Exploring the eerie and mysterious side of Minecraft, players have delved into the realm of scary myths that send shivers down their spines. From haunted seeds to chilling entities, the game is filled with spine-tingling secrets waiting to be uncovered. Testing Scary Minecraft Things That Are Actually Real! Players have embarked on a journey to test the validity of the scariest Minecraft seeds, unraveling the truth behind these spine-chilling tales. Through their exploration, they have encountered myths that seem to come to life within the game. Busting Minecraft Myths Content creators like Eyestreem, Proboiz Darkheroes,… Read More

  • Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!

    Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT TNT HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! TNT BASE vs TNT CASTLE in Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!’, was uploaded by Pip & Louie on 2024-05-24 11:00:26. It has garnered 8622 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:24 or 2964 seconds. GIANT TNT HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! TNT BASE vs TNT CASTLE in Minecraft NOOB vs PRO! Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t… Read More

  • Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and Zombie

    Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SCARY WHITE CARTOON CAT vs NOBB AND ZOMBIE’, was uploaded by Noob and Zombie on 2024-03-20 11:00:02. It has garnered 6394 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:17 or 497 seconds. Hello friends. In this video, a white cartoon cat finds out that a noob and zombie defeated his brother, and wants to take revenge. Taking the noob and the zombie by surprise, he will steal them into his lair. Noob will have to face the maniac. Can a noob survive? Read More

  • CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!

    CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘creeper vs player in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #mincraftchallenge’, was uploaded by Meetislive on 2024-05-10 02:11:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WE SURVIVED 100 DAYS ON A MYSTERIOUS MOUNTAIN (TRY HARD CHALLENGE) PART 3 Instagram … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail Pinehaven

    Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail PinehavenVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in Minecraft LIVE | Horse Edition #7’, was uploaded by Abigail Pinehaven on 2024-04-13 17:12:27. It has garnered 8502 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:01 or 7321 seconds. Abigail Pinehaven survives 100 days in Minecraft live! Join us every step of the way as we discover a new world, tame wild horses, build stables and create the equestrian dream. ⛏️Come visit my survival server – IP: Discord: 💰Want your very own model horse? Visit our shop! 100 Days LIVE playlist: 100 Days in Minecraft LIVE:… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Server – Join Our Elite Team Now 👾

    SECRET Minecraft Server - Join Our Elite Team Now 👾Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Whitelisted Server. (Members Only)’, was uploaded by Team View on 2024-04-09 04:13:40. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:03 or 10743 seconds. Game: Oaklands In this stream I play Minecraft, Only Members can Join. Who Can Join? Members ▶Roblox Team View CREW Shirt and Pants: Shirt: Pants: ▶Oaklands Game Link: ▶Subscribe to Typical Developers: ▶Join the Typical Developers Discord for more info: ▶ N8te’s Channel: ▶ Hoofer’s Channel: ▶ Theofficialbrick: My NEW Discord Server is OPEN to the… Read More

  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! – Follow Louie’s Channel! – Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Read More

  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

    HomiezClub SMP HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. Key Features: 3 years old Awesome people and builds Whitelisted server Java and Bedrock compatible Server Information: Whitelisted for exclusive experience No required mods, but recommended modpack available Reset end cities with major updates We strive to provide the best collaborative, chill vanilla survival experience! Java 1.20.6, Bedrock Allowed… Read More

  • Minesory!

    Minesory!Welcome to Minesory – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!Dive into the enchanting world of Minesory, where your imagination knows no bounds! Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an adventurous explorer, or a redstone engineer, Minesory offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience for players of all ages and skill levels.🌍 Why Minesory?At Minesory, we believe in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and fun environment for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Our dedicated staff team works tirelessly to ensure the server runs smoothly, and our community-driven approach means your feedback and ideas are always valued.Join Us Today!Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Join Minesory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” Read More

  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

    CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocky Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Meet Blocky Xuan: The Mastermind Behind Minecraft Shenanigans Blocky Xuan, the creative genius behind a myriad of Minecraft animations, brings humor and joy to players worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and a passion for spreading happiness, Blocky Xuan’s animations are a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. Discover Blocky… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling experience of surviving a whole night in a scary house in Minecraft. While this may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the excitement and challenge that Minecraft can offer. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing your limits and testing your survival skills in Minecraft, then you need to join a server that can provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind is a vibrant… Read More

  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

    BoraLo's Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3 BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi – Minecraft BoraLo MOD V3 Merhaba RSmoody ailesi! Bugün sizlere çoğu kişinin istediği BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketini sunuyoruz. Eğer bu küçük minnak YouTube kanalını büyütmek istiyorsanız ABONE OLUN!! MODU ALMAK İÇİN DİSCORDA GELİP ABONE OLUP BİLDİRİMLERİ AÇTIĞINIZA DAİR SS ATMALISINIZ. Discord : Reklam iletişim vs; [email protected] Key Features of BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketi Minecraft oyuncuları arasında oldukça popülerdir. Bu mod paketi, oyuna yeni özellikler ekler ve oyun deneyimini geliştirir. İşte bu mod paketinin bazı öne çıkan özellikleri: BoraLo Codeman Mod BoraLo Codeman modu, oyuna yeni bir soluk getirir. Yeni eşyalar,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💀 #minecraft #memes #tutorial #gaming #art #trollface #beauty #roblox #bedwars #funny #kayi’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-12 15:49:39. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender… Read More

  • Troy’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    Troy's Wild Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft!’, was uploaded by troydoesstuff on 2024-03-28 01:45:15. It has garnered 53 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:31 or 13771 seconds. Read More

  • Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shorts

    Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘parrot 🦜 viral hack in Minecraft 😯😯🔥🔥💯#shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Chimtu pu on 2024-01-12 11:58:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. parrot viral hack in Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraftminecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft but viral shorts … Read More

  • Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #Shorts

    Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spawn Herobrine who created a curved portal #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by Jerry Shorts on 2024-05-09 08:00:00. It has garnered 32428 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming Read More