Insane Win Streak in Bedwars! Watch Now!

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Has everyone Standing On Top of um on top of the um the leaderboard building I surprisingly enough I’ve noticed only one thing about those videos they do the best they do the absolute best I don’t know why yes like the videos where it’s like where it’s like

It takes the um where we ended the game you know we ended stream we’re on top of the thing uses that as a thumbnail that’s perfect it is perfect perfect does it is that’s probably one of the YouTube thumbnails that they um created oh like um when you’re uploading

A video it gives um Thum recommendations of pieces from the video yeah she actually really that’s you hello you talking about you’re clearly hallucinating you’re looking at the wrong person look for someone who’s VIP you don’t know these mov holy what makes them holy wait a second you don’t know these

Moves okay one of the that that name looked familiar hell cows but it it it that was of the try hards we were going to be fighting like last round that I like that name seems familiar oh two try hards left or are we going to get into a

Game someone’s like a gold there’s still the game was still waiting because there weren’t enough players don’t worry everyone here is a really low level and we should be able to Merk everybody here except for me die well since you’ve already seen through my disguise hi there I have not changed

Mine I know yes do you want to do bed defense this game sure right I wonder if fe’s going to do oh crap I bought the wrong thing oh well well I just bought you endstone save your iron too late should I just like not even go

Forting as he got plus plus I noticed that’s pretty cool nerd he spent his money on it I got it for free now 200 and something you still have a lot of days I have 140 days still4 it’s 104 days of summer vacation I still have 30 more days to go before

It turns to 104 yeah and then and then you will have that 100 you you’ll have enough to go through a full summer vacation only has wool we could take him you want to go after but I do kind of want to work on diamond upgrades before we anybody else

We’re not being rushed by they also they might they might build a fortress n leave them to their devices what are they going to do when they’re going to kill us what are they going to do make it to the diamond gem before oh well they’re going

To the diamond gem right now but what are they going to you make it here before me they they built a straight Bridge yes and now they’re going to run away I want these diamonds sorry what is my master CL okay this um this blue guy is really good at making up his

Mind how many diamonds are in there we have three they’re probably going to fire on me for two diamonds would they do that this really on probably yeah they would yes I just realized I haven’t bought tools we I think we get sharp now get sharp yeah yeah I just got that

Diamond so now we get Che I just realized the only that’s been so far is White yeah and they haven’t even gotten killed yet oh blue just fell they missed a three block jump fell is that a green guy green hasn’t gotone to Middle yet they don’t have a

Bridge or do they they do but yeah they they finally have a bridge to like the diamond gen that’s basically it is that you up there yeah is that you I’m a I’m here Green’s currently going for yellow one is heading towards the diamond gen I

Will see you back at base since I am there was a diamond on the ground and green picked it up so they wanted to pick it up and and leave that’s okay y do you think we’ll get rushed um by who good point Okay pink has a midbridge so does

Gray actually gray doesn’t have mid Bridge they’re just at middle somehow okay I’m not focus on diamond oh I think they ran from Pink’s Bridge that’s gone and yellow team’s dead finally wait no not finally their bed was broken by Aqua then Aqua got a final name ween got a

Final ending where the M I was about to say finally question mark nope I complete Three Bridges and then I failed fourth one damn there’s someone on pink teamate to be beamed by monkey L do that mean ah blue has upgraded to endstone took them long enough dear God all right

Soup I have a brilliant idea since I’ve connected basically all the emerald generators I’m going to get obsidian okay there is someone at Mid other than us this is very awkward oh no and they’re not going to come think gr are still fighting so um pink hasn’t probably roamed middle yet no oh

Dear change out my cross no I should just like disable my Crosshair it does not feel Right and just used the what does the default one look like I don’t remember one is an ax so I I guess I’ll be using the ax ah it it’s certainly bigger than the circle of Opp here does not feel correct actually they wanted to kill green and

Now they’re just going to run away actually valid no they’re down there how fall damage this guy’s really going to take the Amal generators and dip fine by me I guess like take two I’ll take the rest actually Blue’s going to their actually no they’re not Blue’s

Not going to their bed because blue do doesn’t have one it got destroyed that’s sad white team finally got killed Aqua got killed aqua’s bed got destroyed by white that was an explosion oh Green’s here they don’t have PR sharp do you think they’re going to jump

Me um where are you oh you’re down there no the yeah oh why is blue here Blue’s just behind me and then even kill me so now they’re going to that guy has a fire green okay I fell nice no one you soup you just jump green green didn’t green didn’t even

Attack blue blue just ran through them is there a reason why green keeps fireballing my my mid bridges that I worked so build I know but green didn’t even try to attack blue and blue just escaped unharmed this is a weird the emerald generator that’s okay now Green’s finally attacking what the heck

Confusion now Pit’s gone there’s four bets left please only like nine more seconds before we can get obsidian please aqua team is so GNA attack Me soup I’m going I might I might need to help soon okay is there a person down there I think they backed off I think they backed off all right obsidian time as a go okay operation big black block something operation big purple block purple yes we have Pro two already right we

Do and I don’t have armor yet but now I do okay gold pickaxe overpowered oh it’s not that overpowered let’s be honest here blue is chain armor they don’t have Pro but green also has chain armor so um but they do but they have PR so we’ll see who comes out on

Top in this epic PVP battle epic PVP battle they’re not fighting each other yet hoping chat can hear soup oh they’re finally attacking each other going I work on diamond upgrades to be honest if blue succeeded in breaking a piece of wool they might have gotten

Green’s bed but they wow that was I’m I’m sorry I expected more did they get knocked off in one hit um more like three consecutive d double hits there’s an invis is there yeah I see footsteps they going to us yeah aqua team we have obsidian though yes it’s

Aqua okay well now now we have beef with aqu they did set off for trap but they’re dead now and they’re fine they had magic milk they probably didn’t know that we had obsidian sometimes my eyesight is just really good for no reason you ever hear footsteps from an invis and you just

Like instantly start swinging to like the direction they come from that was the one short I made a pink team yeah I didn’t hear any footstep I just saw the particles probably because they were sprinting should we go oh after that Aqua guy or just that was my only kill this game so

Far actually aqua’s here they’re on the bridge they’re going to run away they just they just came up to the bridge and then ran away and now they’re on on the other side of the map sup I just Flawless uh blue team again now and the poor green and blue are

Still fight each other yeah but like blue sucks like actually actually not lying Flawless his teammate twice what about green I have not encountered green all I know is that they let this Fireball and they can’t hit for anything so I mean it’s a it’s a pretty even fight between those teams

Then I guess we have 17 diamonds already one more diamond we get we we can get prop four please do mining fatigue trap do we have one we have a we have a trap we have a trap Min te let’s get a second trap yes watch Aqua team jum me immediately

And then fail to kill me yes why did I even place that block of wool there when I know damn well I could have just made the jump yeah that’s it’s called insurance I like how it’s not even Emerald 2 yet and we’ve just kind of got everything

Are you excited for season five of Phineas and fer I actually have not SE watch that show in years yeah same actually if not you’re uncultured well I haven’t watched V since I was like 14 when we actually had cable TV so I mean where do where do you even where

Can you even watch it not the only I the only thing I remember is Disney XD which I don’t think exists anymore or maybe it I think it was I think it’s Disney plus it’s on right now we we’re not paying for cable anymore we have um we have um Amazon Fire

TV so we have and we have Disney plus too so maybe we can have it also we’re getting diagonal rushed by gray and they have TT but we have obsidian I you punch a green guy with wool I’m very sorry I just had to make him look really dumb gray just oh Gray’s

Dead they disconnected blue team’s just like a little can’t can’t believe that worked gray I I don’t know why gray jumped maybe they tried to hit me off but they also placed a TNT and then it fell into the void and then they disconnected and they were eliminated y

XD still exists it’s just Anam yes xdxd sorry it’s the first thing you have to hear when you join xdxd I I heard sorry hello hey you sound tired I was up all day playing with MVP plus plus nice I saw um hey soup yeah Aqua team’s dead

Cool green and blue are still fighting they have not killed each other yet so some dude was saying that he wasn’t hacking and the instant he said that it said a player was removed from your your game and then he instantly just was gone yeah but you I see those even when people

Don’t even get removed I think it’s just watch doog Being watchg yeah it’s because they remove it from the lobby and they don’t get the correct players I really think you need this but I bought it anyway okay that works speaking of cheaters uh I’m up against one right now

That’s level one and has a default skin on the average Hypixel cheater every time I log into a SkyWars what what is their username is it just random jumbles of letters yeah it is okay it’s probably um a stolen Al um stolen account from like an ALT shop and it cost like

$22.75 what the [ __ ] yeah this dude’s getting banned that’s so blatant laugh Jojo I just just realized something soup I can lock down this entire this entire mid with only one choke point you could just sit there at the Diamond G yeah how about I go sit

There at the Diamond G too just like aert Authority is it time yes for Green’s escaping they’re going to yellow and and there’s a mid Bridge just like stay right over there s stay right over there go coming over here I got to I got to eliminate them never mind they’re running

Away I have shoes I can just break through the wall sorry yeah there’s a green here too back couldn’t I think green tried to um blue tried to bypass me and probably towards towards green but they Fireball jumped and they missed by one block and it was really funny

Amazing I just realized that we casually dunked on everybody else in the entire server by by buying stuff by out by by monopolizing all the diamonds yes capitalism I have I have only one kill this game and that’s a final they might jump and hit oh no oh please here

Oh who blew up the wall no I block clutched okay they’re going to run past and they’re going to actually no no they’re not going around P the first time they murdered me no the travesty okay I’m buying I’m buying a KB stick now I’m at their base right now don’t worry about

Me I wasn’t going to cuz you have4 but this is true and they don’t have PR at all so I took one and a half parts of damage sure why not actually that was the only blue player because the other one got killed by Green sorry blue but I had to be done

Is that green Green’s coming to kill me H green grabbing EMS I’m just going to take these diamonds I Dro in the bridge and I thought why is green coming fight me it’s a bad idea oh they almost succeeded they didn’t even hit me from the okay

They just hit me off the edge just stashed so they bought diamond armor hey we ranom me in a straight line and I didn’t get hit straight forwards cool that makes sense I’m getting one V2 get one V2 no doesn’t even matter CU I’m the best hey good I’m going the wrong

Way just block it until they die just block it until they die where are they going to do about it that’s right nothing nothing they can’t do anything about it oh I don’t even need this bridge this guy is from this guy has he has a skin from Full Metal Alchemist and

He’s not even dying see he’s finally yo full metal broing where did their armor go he’s running he’s running away he’s running away why did why is it laging he’s Back okay I think this is just Cy I almost thought they we were going to buy another the sword smack how did you get that because I hit them I hit them off the edge the K EAS M with me hey so I said hey back oh that spawn Pro oh

Bye they walk off or something I hit them off and they went flying probably because they were holding w easy mind I’m gonna die actually I’m kind of low just like back up just back up just like actually back up it’s fine it’s fine I can like I can handle

Myself one golden apple and I’m fine e e’s asking if they could join where’s the other one I have 21 kills my frame my game feels weird when it drops below the monitor’s frame rate because it’s like um do you just like want feel right pickaxe I will fight you with a

Pickaxe wood pickaxe is the best weapon actually an iron pickaxe and my kill I’m sorry I I have eight kills right now I have like 10 are they trying to run you probably have more no no no how could you no hold on I need it I need ow iron inot ax

PVP I had to use my sword I’m sorry can if you want do you just want to start tearing apart the red defense for me hold on I have a fireball ow valid valid valid valid look out no no no I’ll do it myself rest peace he’s trying stop trying stop resisting

Arrest let me get some Bridge eggs yeah let me get some T why is this s this is some really Advanced abling to be honest he’s running I still get the Kill by the way if you do that is it what’s what’s the amount of

Time you you’d have to wait for there to the um for it to um not register as a kill few minutes few minutes so I could like um I could like kill kill someone in bedw wars and then like die in like two minutes later and it’ll be fine yeah

Or t yeah just like ow is this Cy bullying I have Bridge eggs I don’t know why I have Bridge eggs just in case for absolutely no reason fist fight fist fight fist fight fist fight fist fight no no this is my fight St smart okay sorry it’s an it’s

An equal battle a battle of wills one one’s named will and the other is named will to which will will win I have prop four diamond armor but you’re but you’re both still at full health did they did they did they get Pro four as well or maybe it’s

Just fists don’t deal damage fists do not deal damage at past a certain point like Pro Three diamond armor your fist is not going to do anything I I think their teammate’s just gone forever teamm you’re fighting you’re fighting a leaderboard player that’s a lot of damage that’s a lot of

Damage you will die you will die die die die die die yep dead so wondering why there’s a slab here or why the slab is on every map oh I just remembered I I need to break a bunch of blocks on the ground and to get an item for um from

One of the quests so I’m just going to start break blocks I like how they’re the Chad skin we just turn this into a tf2 ow no no teammate damn you get off the that should we just put him out of his misery yet why are you breaking blocks

Um isn’t there a quest to get a treasure map right breaking blocks I don’t remember which blocks I need to break go back in the pity corner like go back in I might it might be it might be sand but there’s no sand on this map there’s sand Stone but there’s

Not sand sand wait there is sand wait no there isn’t just attacking the boxing let’s go come on I remember I thought there was like breaking grass or sand on one of the maps honestly that person going to like buy a stone sword to fite me but it’s

Like not happening it’s not happening well they could buy one and oh they’re shopping are they getting a gap oh got a knock back stick is the Battle of stronger Wills all right Wilbur I’m just going to take three iron it’s my iron now you’re fighting you’re fighting an

Incredibly strong player I hope you realize this that your kb1 stick I’ve mastered it I’ve honed the skill I’ve honed the art I was born with it it’s never left my side you will not know you will know pain you you came out of the womb knocking your the doctor’s backwards really

Far I’m an American with a KB stick yeah baby I’m gonna write and watch at the same time hell yeah Batman I like KB stick try fight me the best weapon in the game shout something hey simply just joined yeah hi simply sorry if you’re if you’re watching my stream and I’m just

Bullying some Rando oh I wasn’t I just joined all right I found someone who likes comos as much as me and we both thought we were cheating all right see that guy that guy’s dead we both thought we were cheating cheating it is so funny I’m not here simply they’ve given up buying

Weapons and all all all they’ve been using is their fists now SS the iron sword does so much damage you know what I have a great idea yo soup I have a great idea one two three four I bought four Golems oh they’re trying to escape they didn’t deal any

Damage Spa prote so many Golems there’s so many Golems not even going to matter the Golems of the health bar too rest in peace get them yeah no my Golems I I should go back to basing more iron we have iron how long how long do

You think we can keep this up for I have like 35 kills um I have 11 do you want to start having turns if this guy doesn’t out hello I’m just like gracefully walking with them I have a KB stick and I I want this a bannable offense smack smack back it’s not

Working now it is oh yeah I’m done it’s a j yeah oh they’re gone yep yep yeah baby 35 kills you got the finals too I got so much XP from that I’m not even sad I got 852 that was XP that simple you want to get on you

Want to get in on the fun is this is gonna okay remember guys we’re playing Monopoly speed rounds okay Whoever has the most property wins just noticed we have a five win streak and doubles wi streak I have two o and then two win streak threes one and fours and

Then zero and solos but three overall are we planning to have a win streak like an actual win streak not really I just want to have fun yeah everyone’s leaving an idiot has joined an idiot has quit that’s their username yep extreme zombie dead Le auntie I just realized s you’re the EXA

Same from like multiple streams ago we still the same Y is that Freddy Fazbear Cur it’s finally J yes nailed It hey STP that game lasted like 28 minutes just so you’re aware wait am I on a different team no we’re nicked that can’t it did oh I was like what the hell what the he welcome to the Modern Age I have 140 days of Plus+ you think I’m not going to

Use its features welcome to the underground simply just has the confidence to just do everything speed Bridge yep not Nick and beat everybody yep wi it’s like no competition so the one V2 he’s got this yeah baby so we’re looking I’ll be right back you got a pickaxe right

Yeah we got this it’s all good bu they’re going to they’re just they’re going to definitely step one one block oh oh throw you yeah you don’t mind if I like take this guy out do you oh dear God I’m going for you I’m in the same

Hole listen listen I’m I’m just a body Shield I’m just a body Shield okay we’re just going to wait for them to jump okay go go I’m just we’re just a body Shield oh this is terrible hard are we supposed to get out it’s okay it’s okay they’re dumb

It’s okay they’re really dumb it’s okay they’re really dumb oh we have wait a minute I’m going to have to disconnect to reconnect aren’t I Blue’s coming quickly quickly one fell they both fell and so did I I’m come back there you go I’m coming back can you pick me a

Title what are you writing in the first place chat that was the running in it oh okay is that the title That’s what is that in the generator what is that am I good am I Dropping I one the dumb thing was that my teacher made me do this guy try to hit me off oh okay so oh no I just realized you can’t make that jump why are we briding so high blue they really want they fell another bed’s gun yeah I didn’t even get the final

Kill they smacked me well I didn’t smack back they just they smacked me and then they fell and died the really dumb thing was I can’t believe that strategy worked against Green Team like that was the that was the stupidest way of killing a team I’ve seen in like ages

The old man Challenge and we cannot Sprint dude they’re doing they’re doing like you you know really heavy they’re just a free combo yeah I’m going to slash CH you should all be carrying three stacks of gold do you think we can just easily win at yeah oh my God they have Fireballs

They’re stacked on fire fire balls that makes oh my God they bought iron swords all of them had iron swords yeah yeah um hey simply I’m buying a k stick okay I’m going to buy just a bunch of blocks you need blocks let me know yeah I’ll be

Fine I got two stacks just in case all it takes is one box in and I win and I have their bed right now lips are chapped I don’t think they can even Sprint you guys name anything yeah just it’s just it’s just J crap I just real Fireball they bought a

Bow oh B okay they Fireball me twice and they bowed me four times I could finally buy sharp it takes some mirror you see the yellow wool I had the block clutch door to live them Fireballs hit different they’re sprinting do you think they dropped everything or to

Run I mean one dead oh this is I feel so bad don’t and the game’s over ju just don’t that’s you guys suck okay I didn’t do anything in this game I got zero kills that’s the wrong chat I know it’s the wrong chat missed opportunity that’s going to be a runal

Meme for simply just missed opportunity I’m missed opportunity that’s happened three times in the past two days terrible terrible God if we get those people again we have to we have to block them with withed obsidian all right we just have to we have to troll them very hard we have to

Make it so their lives this that they just can’t do this challenge Yes actually I wonder if they’re doing the freaking weighted items challenge then that sucks cuz I’ve I’ve beaten that before and it absolutely reeks you have to have some serious KB resistance should we even do B defense huh I

Can the only matters against butd about it for the most part why does everyone use wool use endstone why are you using wool I bought a pickaxe for a reason you just assume that you that you need to buy a pickaxe a blues Bas Sun defended yeah

One quickly quickly quickly no they hit me off no pressure damn dude really fell into and that’s a bed that we don’t get you got to get blue BL don’t want me to kill yeah wait a second is that you coming back Think blue team is going to be nightmare to kill upside yeah that guy’s kind of I have I have L iron armor and the oh no yeah with no oh crap dude does not take damage thank you s you’re welcome do you want to get iron

Sure he just went to Green trying to get she want to one last guy yeah parkour and he’s lagging what the hell I call dibs I call Di no give me that give me that oh no it’s Harvey yeah that’s me it’s it’s tapel it’s

Harvey ow why the last team we have to kill I’m trying to kill yellow yellow’s at our base yeah coming over I was trying to jump down oh my God I had two emeralds on me and I really wanted to do something with my life but I Cann useless he froze mid a

Soup you are not useless you are great at defending base I I got killed immediately but thank you I didn’t even know there was a yellow up there behind me I just wanted to jump in down and smack yellow but yellow dealt a lot of enough back to

Make and I got hit off instead I need to go on the roof I’m on their roof simply no I have a pickaxe it’s mine no fall damage I like how I like how they forget that I was on the roof and I just come

Down from from the back end Des end to the Mortal plane remember guys team effort you’re not going to chase me Chase me come on Chase me Chase me wa yellow trust me he’s not dangerous just give him a fat hug I’m low chase me Chase me I’m low chase

Me pay attention I mean um should pay they should pay attention to you and not let’s go it’s okay we win we win easy dubs I only have three kills everyone else got four I got two kills two finals but you got one bed yeah that’s

True I think simply only got one bed yeah I got one bed I got NOS it wasn’t for got all the other ones do we want a fourth person to play no I don’t mind scrip what’s the worst that can happen what is the texture pack chat hitting with the hard questions do

32x yeah it is scope 32x you have to subscribe to YouTube channel or to download it’s the revamp though unsubscribe if you just don’t want I don’t even subscribe I just click the link and and like I wait a few seconds and it just moves me the next I

Have three different version of scope in my um text pack folder no problem chat all my texture packs are red why are they always red they’re all red why cuz I like the color red my skin is red okay actually yeah I have too many texture packs in my fold well that was

Close blood rent that that was a close call I opened up one my do wepper bottles it almost exploded Che big um my TCH pack folder is so it’s going to take a while till everything but so far it already says 4 gabes we are slaying

Today I think we should have one person I got one person with an axe one person with a pair of shears to be honest uh I shears I have shears just in case I mean someone Green’s bed’s kind of too you know no yeah they’re just going to place pool

Wait a second you can’t have the no fall damage they only have well quickly quick no press you do it you do it just get over with I don’t I don’t really have blocks damn I didn’t have blocks either I only have like 32 I have I have some I now

Have zero please break the nice take the final you guys want me my my bad easy one green guy I have an iron sword and he wow wow wow I got absolutely punked you got instantly hit off the edge yeah how the turns tabled okay well they they’re dead at anyway might

Fatigue wait a minute yo simply if you want to come to Mid there’s a blue guy like they have a mid Bridge easy W you got to get diamonds probably nah we’re fine nah just like walk over why was blue just at Green were they getting resources like walk

Over oh my God I’m taking all the knock back you’re not here anymore my job yeah they hit me once and I started flying that’s my job oh crap attack oh no no no I didn’t have any blocks block clutch rest in peace two bu 27 iron hey

That two gold could have been really useful you could have gotten um six arrows yes no bow to use them just start Hing I think we should Target righted after green after blue sorry L key red is an easy bed red is easy I mean like save the never [ __ ]

Mind bro oh my god well I I’ll meet you back over there I guess I don’t know oh my God I’ll like wait for you on the roof or something they have FR it’s it’s just a struggle I just realized they’re going to build up I I feel like um EAS took

The some of the emeralds at middle and probably got inis or something they bought fireballs go yes pay attention to scl and ignore me no okay I got one I was going to M it but okay my bad gang up on the last guy all four

Yeah where did they go hey look stack of iron mine now there’s iron iron all over the place that was my first kill this game I have five I have a final and that is it nothing more nothing less I have four normal kills because of blue team

If I get blue team I’ll have all the B maybe perfect game question mark just no because you you get a perfect game you’d have to have all the finals and all the beds yeah yeah true oh they have I Che their trap you could probably just get like

Game get off the edge start bullying I think that’s game no there’s only one guy left bully him bully him give me that final shoot I’m off the edge I’m respawning my accident might save our bed where are they there’s no one here they might have back to they’re definitely crouching they’re probably

Crouching can’t oh they’re in our they’re in our base you got them okay there’s going to triple hit me no go go like one hit go go go es buddy can’t escape from your p and he jumped off you got you should get this Yi they they had a sharp meanwhile I had

Three bravo bravo Master why are these why are these games becoming easier don’t jinx it yeah that’s true I did open that Doctor Pepper and near exploded on my face say what now um the boys want to play uh probably Call of Duty later this map again listen you can’t you cannot

Complain with these Maps Okay buying all the tools costs 40 iron I’m buying a respect amount of blocks cost I just wait for a stack a stack and six iron for fours cuz it’s enough for a stone sword tools ladders and a stack of blocks I don’t even bother with ladders to be

Honest I just really don’t see I know they I know they didn’t they negate fall damage I just can’t the timing down you just can’t place it yeah yeah I don’t have the right click CPS for that no I just time it well you can either like

Face the side of the block or just look down and pre I just looked down and pre oh well that’s Co you want oh my God that fireball who fireballed there’s a green whoever thre that fireball [ __ ] me up TR dear God I hate that green play God

They’re like simply dang it what happened I blocked by myself got him does blue live in Canada because there’s no snow here either all right so when when um simply when you’re done screwing around with red do we want to take off do you want

To take out green they only have a lay of wool on their bed I know but like running to get it it’s going to be a real big pain and I think they have a Min take trap and a block spam what did we killed each

Other I didn’t get the first hit sucks but Ed they’re placing down endstone oh no they’re oh okay all right well wowers I should be dead who is cross mapping me with a fireball um that’s like twice now what how do people get Triple hits no that guy hit me when I had

Invincibility frames what the [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying you’re just going to here of course all right simply we need ID why we have a desperate green prob okay we’ll take out here you know the um the beta Smurfs the rejects the failures unfortunately I cannot quite kill these people effectively oh dear

God easy mind do not engage engage that guy everybody else you can kill that guy’s noo just avoid like the plague fire actually hey simply how Clos you to their bed close I’m about to drop down give me one second like Drop right in there oh my God yeah I almost half heart

No wait maybe like an nice job soup I had like half a heart that’s what matters the the sweaty player block clch on the side I off the edge again that one by one ter final kill I swear that fireball was instrumental entire my heart is racing we need that was

Stressful why did I take the fall damage Hypixel fix your server we need to build a wall me a new modem dang it they’re running to Blue they’re running to Blue’s fire you the fireb he has a bow he has a bow H him with the bow B give

Me that final it’s not going to work no oh my God he shot me a green gun blew got the final mhm no fortunate but they’re dead which is what matters they are no longer threat hey um guys blue team is bow spamming probably how they got get M

Just get M and we’ll be okay I the honor ofing these morons actually going to buy an iron sword cuz I want to do my DPS out Dage for a second who pe ah I think there was a pear or maybe it was just NPC flying into the void when they

Die we need to go finish off that that red guy that red guy is really low he has iron sword so do I yeah Enchanted just be careful iron sword versus iron sword this guy just bought more fire SCS me over I guess that explains why

Um why um we didn’t have um yeah but this guy’s kind of dumb yeah he’s not I think um easy um easy was trying to put the bed sheet on the bed no G and now he’s dead cuz he’s stupid no we just get and then yo sharpness I’ll just keep the pressure

On I Hypixel I hate you uh what can I do with comfy pillow nothing does it have a description I’m pretty sure it’s just an item that you wait can do you give it to don’t you give it to the sh oh my God they fireing do they ra Okay who wants to

Camp and troll them I kind of want to do that honestly just bully them they they know you’re in there yeah okay good dang yeah they have they have Obby they have Obby I think we just I think we just max out our stuff and just troll

Them honestly like we have the whole other rest of the map there’s an inv is there yep is it operation Turtle time I saw them mining a pickaxe from back from coming back from middle wow they were at the they were at the front of the Defence Mid I also kind of want diamond for upgrades hey why would you look at that that’s what I’m work that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to farm mid yeah me and are going to Farid so so me and super work on diamonds you guys work on Mid we’ll

Live I wonder if I could try to get um emeralds from from the other green diamond G that they collected but that might mean I get S sniped blue how many diamonds do we have guys I have seven in my hand right now com back this a very precarious Bridge though

Um do you want a safety Bridge yes please there you go just watch out for the one block hole thank very much I’ll just patch that quick here can you take this for um for investment later sure two more diamonds if we have two yep go life for now I’m glad that I’m

Not going to go to the diamond gen that’s beside blue because or the two that are beside blue most because they have clear actually bridge to it yet so there there might be a lot of stuff in there but the pro that’s just um um highrisk Hy board yeah I’d rather prefer

The um the minimal risk yes should I go to green is that a valid option are we just going to get get camped there’s six more diamonds we need to get Pro to ASA yes there we go gifts there still Four Diamonds in the one in the one chest

Um I feel like our mid Bridge isn’t really all that safe so I’m just going to kind of expand it a little bit yeah I don’t I don’t want people falling in I’m to patch up something of the holes in the middle of the bridge here we

Go dude scared off sucessfully he had a he had like one heart left he of course of course he ran he’s a coward yes he won’t push through with his own will present I’m pretty sure simply has had more half a heart clutches in Sky who’s who’s invis and jumping right now probably

Simply look out from the side by the way do you think I should jump down and try and take that guy we finally built to that diamond gen so I guess was for the best that we didn’t go damn it oh my God please please don’t find me please don’t

Find me you’re you look pretty well camouflaged in there but I think there they know there’s something because they know they knew did you trigger Camp time I know [ __ ] I should have had a gold pickaxe you should have just used their did did their trap go off I did use a wo

I did use her no I had a milk bucket I had a magic milk bucket how the hell do they know I I maybe the magic bu ran out and then the Trap went off doesn’t that happen when the magic bu runs out um no actually huh I thought it did it’s a

Little wonky that way blue is at middle of blue yeah can you do you think you they’re gapping okay I’m running back yeah just just they’re going to chase me just um what’s your Genius plan oh they’re g hit me off never mind got them that

Works all right I’m going to go to the other Diamond gen I’m getting a knock back stick very important don’t worry simply has like a VIP seat to a theater and you can just watch from the sidelines we’re going to clutch you up real quick one’s at base one’s going to

Middle yeah are in one’s at Red there’s two base one’s camping the roof there’s two Golems on top of the going save it for a diamond pick I think one’s camping yeah they have they blocked out the they’re camping inside the thing okay that makes a lot of sense actually

So really the only decent person is dark I time yeah everyone else is kind of kind of Mid someone just fell yeah it was it was it was dark dark account so remember how you said that they were good at the game um yeah they’re they’re not no they just voided easyon was chasing them you voided Emerald I beg you pardon can you not do

That I beg you pardon gentlemen run your pockets right now hand them over run aside Pockets even worth a blue player at Red actually there’s two of them at Red although one’s running back yeah they are I think they’re going to take the um Diamond that’s beside us oh

No I’m just going to patch that bridge up a little bit get diamonds although this Bridges will complete doesn’t reach the Diamond G I’m going to have to use this one improvise improvise improvise I don’t need to oh some fire ball it o that would have been blue I have five

Diamonds I’m so going to get fired I like how they’re camping to get a better Angle now so they’re just going to follow where are they right now there’s a guy in a tower at Red ah just a singular guy Fireball spamming our Bridge

I wonder if it’s safe for me to to leave um I have an idea there’s one at Blue you guys could honestly rush them once he’s in this dark is in this dark is going inis dark account easy be careful he’s right next to you behind you behind you behind you

He’s not in the VC no he’s not in the VC it’s j yeah he’s dead actually you can fireball out fireball out he’s alive all right he’s going invis to you guys now no he’s back he’s going back I see I see a floating item at middle yeah he’s just grabbing

M’s I got only one yeah one’s at Red one’s at Green going towards you if you guys can get invis just make it past them you win cuz there’s only one guy in base the Golems have backb because it just didn’t for some reason that works what is your

Situation I’m at the diamond gen with nine diamonds I’m going to destroy their their this bridge I used all my fire bells for that soup just just come across this bridge I’m going to try and child proof a little bit yes be really careful make it furry

Proof it is precarious okay it is very precarious where is dark is going invis again I have nine diamonds where is he are those are only diamonds yes okay I also used my Fireballs so easy he’s getting chased down he’s getting bowed as well oh he’s dead no it’s j I picked up

All of his iron GG BR okay now we can’t lose I feel like we’ve seen this player before this name looks familiar please fudge off with your Fireballs please fudge off with your Fireballs or I will start using my Fireball and you will not like me when I start using my

Fireballs I used them my Fireballs but I’m getting More okay now we’re probably going to get inis rush we he got more Fireballs now so right now it’s a 2v4 yes they have mid control I know they do two are red simp where where is dark account at let me see he’s going mid right now they’re probably another in invisible oh

Jeez imagine they drinking he’s drinking pots he’s drinking pots he’s in viz he’s going in viz he’s going to you right now he’s at your Bridge he’s on your bridge right now oh he he’s going to you right now yeah he’s on the bed oh I literally see

Particles inside the base oh that’s going get off my teammate you coward that works one’s locked himself in the Bas he not even inside I keeping he’s probably just afking then we should get he pool yeah so as long as you just I mean if you want to wait it to

Bed bed break or you just rush them I don’t know think we don’t have like indas and stuff good idea honestly and they probably don’t have P3 oh they have control across they could they’ve been to two Diamond gens although yeah they could but in theory it’s not feasible for them right now

They’ve done like so I feel like they have Emerald gen like at their base as well no they don’t okay yeah they have yeah they 100% have they yeah they 100% have P3 the all the all the diamonds until P4 all these have been collected is going

To be risky how many are still at Red base I don’t see anyone um there’s one person our red base are they in the tower yeah they’re in oh they’re there yeah they’re kind of garbage though like no yeah the only factors they got are Fireballs then Fireball right back’s

Going mid again he’s might drink another pot he is yeah he’s drinking another pot all right I’m coming he’s rushing again with I’m coming back with soup and he fell down okay well us that fireball as a waste apparently yeah same thankfully I bought another one all right well now we

Have Emerald Forge ourselves so Yi cash I’m going to use Emerald get a bridge egg back to this time in G dark’s grabbing more mid more gem or yeah more M yeah Su be ready for me to die in three I I will I will not be ready I am unprepared

Never mind I’m okay it’s like the saddest okay you’ve heard all day you guys should Fireball that guy over there he’s he’s going to Green and he’s slow bridging wait a second oh my God we yeah like it’s a lot it’s a long Fireball for T Bud like you

Your team is this Petty like you think we’re not going to Su down to your level tip for Tat bud sorry one camping with a fireball your diamond on the left Red’s Diamond wait over there oh they’re just hiding behind the bush are they just fireballing our other

Bridge they’re just sitting at the diamond gen with Fireballs so I take it they just Fireball my other Bridge we can see you by the way fella Feller what a darker count has diamond armor I’m buying a Golem we can see you over there good I’m going to get hit off if I

Just stand there forever just be really careful I just got an emerald let me know if they’re um going to you know I’m going to get jump potion oh they’re getting Obi I think more of it like I need more of it yeah they have that was a fireball oh dear that was

Kind of a light Fireball they have no semblance of timing for their Fireballs which is really good cuz if they did I’d be kind of screwed oh Fireball that was kind of good but not really JK JK L dark’s going in this dark’s going in this can you Fireball our midbridge

Right now just Fireball it he’s dring eing a gap I’m coming out there to Fireball I see the putting ladders he’s on the ridge right now he’s on the ridge right now there oh rest in peace see you in the ather well now probably wondering how how they

Know how they know uh ghostly Powers postmortem eyes in the sky there’s one person mid but like he’s kind of he’s like that he’s the AFK guy he’s the AFK guy they just um farming emeralds yeah they’re just driving emeralds now the one person diamond look

The one person at the left Diamond J is finally left but now they’re coming back but I’m going to destroy the bridge so they can’t come back have fun oh they didn’t fall I made sure okay that time they did fall I made sure I’m just going to get2 Gold thanks for the

32 gold you [ __ ] I’m just going to destroy this bridge how many diamonds do we have dark dark dark has invis but he’s just going you like oh they brid Al there you go he’s on your bridge right now mle I don’t have any fire one Diamond

Away from there’s ninas here never mind they’re just instant dead I love my Golems so much I love them they know how to sniff out anything sniff sniff they’re they are like they’re like a wolf but they just like they’re slow but beefy they can sniff out invis

Rather easily that’s how I just notice or I hear them people call hacks on me for like hearing an invisible guy I I bought I bought invis John thank God okay what you just going to win until a bed break y I don’t know screw them they want to fight like they’re

They’re going to play I’ll just watch the stream just reinvite me when when you’re done okay Ashley we kind we kind of need the spect yeah I’ll yeah I’ll I’ll tell you the go I’ll just ghost I’ll just watch a movie while I just like randomly spectates has a second monitor starts

Playing I do have a I have three monitors hold on starts watching like more you should you should stream um you have you have the monitors you you are that you have the average streamer setup yeah I strug go back to being a YouTuber again welcome guys another Minecraft Let’s

Play today we’re having we’re getting absolutely my parents hate me describing why I’m camping in bedwars so I just got told that we were bad um so yeah we’re going to just ruin these people’s lives I’ll watch some I’ll rewat breaking bed I guess hey do you want a bridge

Egg I want two diamonds okay well um I want life all the animes are just watch dark is going to your base I think he gave up when invis I think he’s just going there straight up they they’re just fed up with us oh they’re throwing more Bridge yeah he’s

Making he’s definitely going to drink another in this pot I’m buying a second Golem yeah he’s working in this spot oh you almost hit it directly oh you hit him directly nice nice I’m sorry for once I’m not in my life I’m not blind all right just okay be

Stiff they’re going after me exclusively they hate meally get your butter fingers off my teammate nice I didn’t H barely because I kept getting hit the guy didn’t doesn’t even hit a bow shot I hope you can reflect oh you reflect it twice he reflected two but I still got one on

Him yeah I’m buying a power one bow no one get mad I’m not mad I’m not he really coping this guy’s slippery at least you’re not camping your dumb Diamond gen I can’t really see where my arrows are going because the sun’s on the way I’m

Just staring at a giant I’m trying to remember if they had wood on their bed because I want to have my gaps in my inventory all right he’s going M he’s going invis again dark is going invis dear God and he fell off dear God um I

Like how this guy has the I think his hands are becoming sweaty and he can’t use his keyboard anymore I like how he has all the call losers but then he walks off the map like every average SkyWars player except they could respawn yeah but unlike third time buddy

Fell off it’s like insult injury though cuz I have it on recording actually it’s it’s live for the entire world three minutes and 20 seconds till bed destroyed okay I guess we’re going to dragons yep actually we need Dragon buff for that it should be an easy kill just

If you k kill dark account you kind of you just win the game one’s just AFK two doesn’t there’s two at middle right now and one has a bow so they might try to shoot at you yeah they’re going to shoot at you be careful he doesn’t he doesn’t

Really hit a bow shot yeah this guy’s aim is like it went went to the void he’s like a sky like player character man he perfectly shot through like a layer of you woke up wrong game oops can I buy diamond he’s camping with a fireball bu popup power I just got another

Em question what are the rotational items let’s see it’s the same thing Frost bed arrow and Mystic mirror and also the Mystic mirror prevents damage from play for 10 seconds up to three hits it’s disabled in sudden death though that actually might be useful I fought a player with it earlier in the

Game and yeah it was one of the games where you left and because you died and it was like oh oh well I’m I’m going to leave you to it I hope you win and then I got killed immediately go to that going en en again middle here he’s on

Your bridge right now which one oh you almost got him oh almost he’s on your base now oh he’s right next to you he’s right next to you he’s right next to you careful careful go back oh K Stick Dude you are like a good you are an NPC you are that brain

Dead well now there you only have um one miss a doesn’t really matter because did I did I pop did I pop it by accident yeah it popped oops my bad does it just automatically do that or did I right cck by accident that person has wood sword I can buy another

One I can almost get diamond armor I keep picking up arrows I like how they’re like disconnecting is rushing no EnV he’s just going what genius plan this time and he fell off wow I Wast a fireball me what the heck we should have just gave simply diamond armor and then like acted

Like his bodyguards yink for how much they Trash Talk they suck I’m getting a boat crap I just got my magic mirror well um you used all your purchases cuz there’s only he’s rushing again and he’s dead a what language what language speak I wonder how much xp I

Get from this it’s a player grinder what language did you just speak you guys should just make your way mid get Naomi or Pearl into Naomi that’s an easy F we don’t have enough for Pearl oh but all beds are G now all them all them are

At their base right now no more tower for you it’s only an iomi now should we get down from there yeah but they have a punch bow I don’t want to go in when they have a punch bow they’re going back you can make your way

Mid now this is like the safest I still have my jumping invis by the way I’m going to get yeah this they’re all they’re all they’re all at their base right now they’re all at their base should we We out Golems do it Yeah yeah they’re all camping their base now do it do it I don’t have enough and let’s just go to Mid there’s like be very careful there’s nothing there’s like nobody here then there’s no Bridge honestly if you just invis go up their popup Tower and just wait for them to

Like walk through their bridge and just drop I was honestly thinking like we just like wait so I don’t think they’re going to buy compasses actually can you spec dark account’s going one is going diamonds yeah let’s just bow spam them I missed it doesn’t matter it’s bow spam

Yeah just hit them off the edge and be okay I feel like if we stand here and this person comes inis from their base we can get hit off ow that did absolutely no damage did they buy a punch well no it’s just power I hit them just Camp him

Ouch if if you’re running low AR just Camp him on the bridge I it’s fine I have 29 golden apples how close am I to any hold not very Close this person does not take damage that that’s for certain ouch they’re they’re they’re providing oh they’re throwing a fire B from from they’re stor Fireballs from middle Smack I don’t know what the point of that was they’re low oh they’re at 11 11 Health yeah I hit them with like five consecutive bow shots oh Fireball I keep getting Fireball oh they’re at six Health keep just keep up the fire keep up the fire fire trying to build the w

I have Fireballs ouch they’re trying to run this is just the most epic there a Golems run siren he’s going to you oh I have a knock back stick get out oh wow yeah he kind of doesn’t even know how to I didn’t even touch

Thing yeah this an easy kill nice out of my game that was two more two more I feel like they’re going back to their base or they made it back dark account made it back that was a distraction I like how they sacrificed their own teammates so they could

Live I have a bridge EG by the way I still have speed I also have that jump in invis dark’s going invis he’s on this bridge right now I’m specking he’s he’s up on the staircase he’s up on the staircase he’s up on the staircase shoot he’s right there

Oh easy kill easy kill easy kill get him get him yes now it’s only it’s only naom me it’s only I said bully them I didn’t say use anything morally correct it’s an insult you died in my KB stick it’s an insult all right Naomi’s at there he’s buying stuff right now

Let’s just leave him to his own devices what one man going to do against two overpowered see they only they only didn’t buy P4 I have I still have my invis jump I still have speed I still have three TNT I have he’s going to wait

For Tai and this is the guy that’s been AFK the whole game by the way just all right super if you want to go in yeah he’s he’s I think he gave up oh and he’s let’s go we win yep yeah oh I’m still third place really no my horse was so

Fast let’s go 341 Stars was it worth it 357 bed War experience 990 bed War XP I’m at Star 72 at 341 hey chicken is good I’m like halfway to 173 someone on yellow has an interesting username Griffin I mean yeah um jet Oh BR moment okay so yes that was the longest game that we’ve ever had to play with simply ever y although I mean like we didn’t expect them the end of this but then after that they kind of just crumbled you know they didn’t yeah oh my God they didn’t

Actually fully know how to like actually PVP they just just kind of folded they they shw themselves at a brick wall I mean are kind did a double wool thing sound they would do that yes green is on the way of course so are we fighting red or green I’ll take red then

Green you guys can handen right I can handle green got green or I got one of them go underneath their Bridge also Red’s taking all the EMS right now I’m going to go not can I NAB green bed one of them is here and they’re just going

Tip okay well please try and jump around this please try and jump around this what he killed me what the [ __ ] smack all right I made sure they were dead I have shears lucky except they’re in front of me nice okay thank you I thought they

Got hit off already but tried myself on acci how’s our base looking by the way oh they didn’t have free stuff no they I just took it all ah there was some stuff that they dropped that they were holding in their why thank you I like how they tried to

Castle that did not work out for them you can’t yellow might be castling though no yellow is for they’re doing much better added add it red team is kind of different they’re not I mean they’re not good is that they have numbers they they know how to stay on

Top of the bed oh crap yeah yeah they know how to they know how to I’m stuck in the I had the bed open but they walked in front of me you actually they didn’t or maybe I did but I was trying to mine the endstone I with an iron

Pick unfortunate honestly I’d rather just invis them and get over with in two seconds he tried the in well I yellow’s going to dodge me yellow’s going up they’re going to go up top Budd he has an insane Auto C me some of the most the emerald generator

There’s an emerald generator on top so maybe that’s what they were going for oh my God nope okay way here to our base yeah they’re they’re they they wed off off they they saw the Trap and panic these did not hear anymore I have a good idea they

Fell off the edge red is a easy blocking SP we just need to all rush red I think we’ll be okay they’re coming to kill me one’s going there never mind they’re running back and they fell off the edge really wants us dead why wa okay my sacrifice was worthy go go

Block him block him block him block him block okay you guys should be able to get that I’m going go get invis and deal with yellow that’s Fireball from yellow yep and they’re not going to stop until they get what they want oh man yeah the what is oh my

God I honestly want one’s going up to you get screwed yellow you bought sharp Pro you died to a guy in nonpr nonsharp Sword iron armor how does that make you feel okay that’s one guy that’s one guy dead okay and I’m buying a golden apple and

Milk and I’m just going to go do you guys yellow’s going dang it no I just lost my pots this guy is tanky bro damn he does not take knock back they have yeah they have they also have sharp too yeah I went to try and kill red but

I dealt all equal damage to them because they all kept coming at me at um like they went in and then went out bro we need to get diamonds I guess ra I’m an iron sword half a heart Warrior Baby oh my Health’s gone so is mine I am not doing good for wear I got a free Emerald yippe I’m going to have to take some fall damage to get back to base it’s way too much fall damage I’m just going to take some moderate amounts

And just try and dip we’re going to take our Diamond gen over you kidding me oh My E’s making their way towards yellow’s Diamond generator or one of them at least okay well um yellow has um sharpness you you brought we don’t have any diamond upgrades actually we’re poor I actually have Enis jump I have inv jum oh they have sharp no I said

That if you guys can buy me some time I’m just going to invis and jump on them do you think that they’ll notice me inis in going in VI no the fireball saved me whoever thre that thank you I deflected it oh dear Lord no Why Did I Get Knocked so far

That probably the KB uh why I had a gold pick did they have a KB stick they know I’m here do they have a KB stick for goodness sake go go go go can’t oh my mag smoke wore off at the exact moment too okay I’m going get Pro

Did any of them have a KB stick no they all okay well I then I I don’t know how I took so much knock back from them hitting me double hit the last hit didn’t deal as much KB is the first one do we just want to focus on diamonds and becoming

Strong we can these guys are as campy as every other game we played I think easy ran out of blocks o I like how as soon as I got into their bed defense and M the uh mining fatigue trap kicked in I was about to okay let me just block off all their

Diamond pets they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re dead you got I’m I’m going just take hold of one of their Diamond G I forgot how useful block hitting is for knockback resistance and just dealing crap tons of knockback then like it’s so super easy to counter later I got an

Idea I’m take all these all these diamonds Super one’s going to our base one’s going to our bed one’s going to our bed oh no it’s the same guy and they’re dead how many diamonds do you have have two we have three okay I have four we need one more question am I

Imortal now sh I’ll take the seven diamonds and I’m just going to get sharpness we have sharp oh uh yeah I’ll just yeah wait how many diamonds is that there was one in there oh give me one give me one I’m going to go collect the rest

Okay oh my God how did you notice me you know I hate these people when when did you in oops when did you in this like I that guy ran across the bridge I watched him run across the bridge I literally watch one’s on our

Base he’s on our base oh I know I crit them out we didn’t we don’t have a trap or did no we don’t yeah I’ll I’ll do a trap well you want to do money fatigue yeah I bought a sharpness one iron sword if they come to M they’re as good as

Dead sck this guy this guy has some kind of oh my God what do you mean what do you mean come on brid fight me Bridge fight me come on is this guy running back for Isic rest in PE that guy they have emeralds be careful why that generator is empty but this one isn’t so there’s three in this one so I’m going to run back pleas same Dingus go go go go out my face there we go we have three

More emeralds oh oh oh actually we have three we only have must have P2 they must have P2 as well we have P2 we both we all wait English oh there’s four diamonds generated I need who’s fireballing who’s fireballing green base yellow’s fireballing their base for some reason

I’m I’ve got invis and stuff like that again I’m going to so you use the three emeralds yep I’m GNA sit on top of the emerald generator thing I’m just going to yeah oh my God push me luck boys okay I’ll I’ll create a distraction oh you fell off d i

Miscalculated that jump I was one block short I figured I had enough damn it yeah I can just I can just go in yeah actually have a great idea we all going this that would be funny yes but no you all just go we just all go inis we all start wailing on

Them I’ll just break and I’ll just break their bed I have full a diamond that was a Fireball Fireball oh that guy I’m here already I can just you just took the kill because because you Fireball to bed I didn’t want him having burning alive that’s

Fair why I was there stabbing them I don’t care I wanted to make sure he was dead double dead triple dead quadruple dead understandable but then it would have killed me me too you would have killed your own teammate that’s banable that’s team G oh my [ __ ] God I of course

There a of course just a whole day why wouldn’t there be just a whole day the one bot Gap strike again yeah they claim their next victim don’t worry we have four more emeralds we can go again okay I’m I’m getting I’m trying to get Pro three I might have fireballed easy M

Diamond go here here here in the chest four four M four M that’s 15 that’s the same we had before it’s four emeralds not diamonds Emerald okay well they’re gone now I think they’re being spent don’t worry yellow is at the diamond no you cannot have these emeralds my friend Diamond get get

Us get off the edge please get using on it we’re trying our best going up on the second floor here go him go him great heaven I’m going to try it it’s not going to work no you’re just going to wait to run this dude’s going to wait to run if

Someone can go on the second floor in a night oh I I thought he was popping pots I got they they know you’re invis dude they know you’re invis J maybe They for some reason that took unnaturally long they have to be in disc PC as well that’s actually hilarious you know what’s what are they going to do oh oh get off the edge wa we get wait hold on about I might just knock one of

Them what’s that over there I have an IDE what is happening oh no damn it I feel like these are the same people that we fought last they’re just different that’s rude hey that’s rude get off the edge that’s rude get off the edge okay existing that’s rude get off the edge

Okay don’t do that that’s rude terrible terrible what a terrible dang it I could have block clutched get off the edge get off the edge I have to go after this game I just realize all right this game’s going to take forever come on shoot me I have four diamonds I have five

Diamonds again that’s rude dude get off the edge stop existing it destroys the bloodline of his family hey get off that’s off that’s rude did somebody say P4 Yep they’re going to keep rushing they’re going to just waste their material just build up I’ll be

Fine I’m going to try and get an end get off the edge get off the edge and that’s rude you get off the edge is this what a kill Farm looks like yep one’s just so we’re aware okay should should I be concerned oh I’m about to be back at

Base oh oops are you good simply no they finally got me they all decided to be smart and rush me together instead of running down stair there Fireball in my bridge no they have a bow H I wonder if the seven emeralds are still in here no way I’m out of blocks

Oh actually have an idea you get um you should just Spam their base with Fireballs then I’m going to go in with invis so they have to repair I was going to get a pearl so I could Pearl in wait yeah oh you can you can do that too I’m

That that gives me a brilliant idea hang on I’m going to go hit up green and actually never mind I have simply just just just wait for my signal Qui yeah have six of these I might need more but just Spam their base with fireballs and I’ll go in

And while they repair I’m break in what’s there to repair though it’s mostly endstone no they’ll just get distracted I assume come on Rush me buddy I’m going I’m going I’m they hit it back okay SP as much as you can spam as much as you can I am going to sit on top of my bridge no I distracted are you proud of got off the edge oh get off the edge get off the edge get

Off the edge get off the edge H back stick yeah it’s never let us down holy crap that’s more than I can fit in my entire inventory that’s six whole emeralds didn’t bother repairing there one week thankfully where is the last yellow guy dead dead damn 28 kills are you

Kidding me what they have their team oh they had like another two stacks of gold they had four stacks of gold in total and only 577 bedw Wars XP the humanity at all yeah oh no the humanity is the stream going to end you said you

Go yeah yeah I mean eight win streak I have a seven I have an eight and fours five and doubles four and threes and four and fours eight win streak and fours two win streak and thre zero in doubles and 15 in on in solos free stuff did my KDA go up

Oh my God it did the Paw wrapped up who wants me in lobby eight it’s up to a n sorry Lobby nine hey that’s where I am Myer really quick wonderful time of the I feel like this was the least tuned in stream ever not a whole L other people staring at

Us who is Becket James there really people just staring at us and who is spooky Weston who’s they’re in the same Guild bed War they have they both have slime slime gamer skins I I really canot care who they are they’re no they’re gone that’s the end of the

Stream why are you still here it’s kind of getting awkward now

This video, titled ‘Bedwars Stream 147’, was uploaded by Scarletlilith on 2023-12-28 16:26:13. It has garnered 38 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:16 or 6256 seconds.

Come in and enjoy some Bedwars :p

#minecraft #hypixel #bedwars

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

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  • Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure

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  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before!

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  • 100 Minecraft Builds Blitz

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  • Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft

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  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

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  • Bedwars Shenanigans

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

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  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

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  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

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  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

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  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

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  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

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  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

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  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

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  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

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  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

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  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

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  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

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  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

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  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

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  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

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  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

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  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

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  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

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  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

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  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

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  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

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  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

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  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More